IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I Mi 2.0 1^ 1^ 13. IL25 II 1.4 M. 116 Photographic ^Sciences vjuipurduuii 23 WEST MAIN STREET WELSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 k A < ji hat in obediciM^ to HER MAJESTY'S WRIT to iile dire vUr of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and 8i!lly^ne il reauire tne preseiive mi m*^ aa^^ m^^-^^^^'^ "t.^-t'^'"^ — SiTURDAV the T weaiy-nlBlh f^ kM to Jim? directed, and be«rinf date the t'ctith day of June In life cl sijit^-bhe (1861.) ^^ a mt4tiM-t^ilUtms hf fVKtP'MARKET, in the said North J* . ^ Ihe •f ilnne iBStanji. of Electing 'a Derton to represent them in the,LEGI(^ lihat in obedien_/ '■5A "!-/•■ |.^ •f ectihg a perion . to represent them in the LEGI \jfm aad Mvaiel