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Tiffany, Thoa. Brown, Robert McElroy, Samnel Kerr, S.I G.S Brian Carpenter, H. H. Hil s, Joseph S. Clement, Milton Davis, • Wil Wil ^Mex. Carpenter, John Mills, II J. Winer, Fre Ttixo are freeholders of flie said Townsli members to serre in the Provincial Pa perty held by them ^vithin the said Dif Public fleeting of such portion of the of Hamilton and township of Barton, o porters of the late administration, for t! cient organization : And whereas, I hi the said requisition ; now, therefore, I d ing to be held at the COVRT-HQV8E2, Saturday^ 0tli : L\ iijD 527 n of Hamilton and township of BartoHf and all others Her Jfiajesty^s suhjectg^ / toisc conceit: prard Cartwright Thomas^ ct, hare received a requisition^ sig^ned by 1, on, nent, tl S. Brega, R. G. Beasely, S. B. Freeman, G. Sunley, William Macklem/^ William Kirkendal], Frederic Lampman, II II I II ■II r Daniel Hoose, Joseph Rymal, Michael Hess, Stephen Blackstone, William Rymal, William Youngr H. Smith, d Township, hariti^ a ri^ht to rote for incial Parjiament, in respect of the pro- said District, requesting me to call a n of the inhabitants of tlie said town Barton, as may ji^e the friends and sup- lion, for the purpose of adopting an effi* reas, I have determined to comply with eforc, I do hereby appoint the said meet- -UQ1J8E], on Saturday^ 9th. 3 6t £3 o'clock at noon, of which all perg ifi&tico. And ivhereas, the gaid ineetiug couforniity with the provisions of the ac toria, cap. "7, intituledy^* An act to prov holding^ of public meetings in this Prov ration of the public peace thereat," and sons who may attend the same, will then the said act, of all which premises all i in Her Hajesty's name most strictly chi peril, to take especial notice, and to go Witness my hand at Hamilton, in the of March, 1844. E.CARTWB h*n NOTE.— As the above proposed meeting is the first mc('tin<r tliaiihas h tor the calling and orderly holding of Public Meetings, by a particular pori deem it right to state that I call the same for the purpose of placin^^ it uiid< licrTing tlie peace of this neighbourhood 5 and I reiterate the caution given enforce tlie law strictly upon all those persons who may be found iiiteirupt E. CART WRIGHT PRINTED AT TIT:: JOUKNAL AM) Itb Marcli inst^ h all persons arc hereby required to take I meeting hath been so called by me in of the act of Parliament of the 7th Vic- 3t to provide for the calling and orderly this l?rovince, and for the better preser- reat," and the said meeting, and all per- \vill therefore be >vithin the protection of niscs all manner of persons are hereby trictly charged and commanded, at their md to govern themselves accordingly. on, in the District of Gore, this fifth day RTWRIGHT THOMAS, ic('tin<( thati has been called in this District, under the regulation of the act y u particular portion of the inhabitants, and for a purely party purpose, 1 3 of placiii<^ it under the protection provided by such act, and of thereby pre- the caution given in the foregoing notice, declaring it to be my intention to )c found iiitetrupting the proceedings of such meeting. aHT THOMAS, Sheriff. i.'i^ roURNAL AND EXPKESS OFFICE