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Dawson, 2, Place d'Armes. / w J'* i 'i < V r t fn Tf ^A V , TO THE MEMBERS OF THK CHURCH OF ENGLAND, IN THE DIOCESE OF MONTREAL, THIS ITEEBLE ATTEMPT TO PROMOTE THE GLORY OF GOD, AND THE GOOD OF SOULS, IS AFFECTIONATELY INSCRIBE: BY THE EDITOR. Festival of St Peter. 1853. a \ 3n4 I V i I V Before partaking of the Holy Commu- nion, you should humble yourself before Almighty God on account of those manifold transgressions of which you have been guilty in His sight. To effect this the more thoroughly, you must enter into a strict and searching examination of your life and cor' - versation, and whereinsoever you shall dis- cover that you have offended in thought, word, or deed, there bewail heartily your sin, and endeavour, in a spirit of deep and earnest faith, to turn unto God with full purpose of amendment. To this end, the following devotional exercises may be of use. CflntojE?(an at ^ini. TT7H0 will give water to my head, or tears ^ T to mine eyes, that I may, day and night, bewail my sins and ingratitude against Thee, God, my Creator ? Many things there are which terrrify men's consciences, and bring them to the true sense of their sins, but nothing is so available thereunto, as the contemplation of the greatness of Thy goodness, and the mul- titude of Thy benefits. That, therefore, O Lord, my poor wretched soul may the bet- ter see and consider in what estate it stands, I will recount Thy manifold blessings, and the number of my sins, that thereby, also, I may more clearly understand who Thou art, and what I am, how gracious a God Thou hast been to me, and how rebellious a sinner I have been to thee. There was a time, O Lord, as thy Divine Majesty best knoweth, when I was not, and Thou tookest me out of the dust of the i «artli, and gavest me a being ; creating in me a soul after Thine own similitude, and madest it capable of Thy glory. Thou didst create my body, with all the members and senses thereof; and my soul, with all the powers and faculties thereof. And as Thou didst create me, so Thou didst preserve me in my mother's womb, that I might come safe into this world, and receive the mark and badge of all Thine, even the Sacrament of Baptism, whereby I was cleansed from the guilt of original sin. Amongst a mul- titude of unbelievers, dispersed over the face of the earth. Thou wouldest have me in the the number of the faithful, even of those to whom so happy a lot hath fallen to be Thine, regenerated with the water of bap- tism : from which time I was taken to be Thine, tM that happy contract was made between us, that thou shouldst be my Lord, and I thy servant ; Thou my Father, and I Thy son- Further, O Lord, Thou didst 8 > ( descend from heaven to earth for my sake seeking me in all the ways, wherein I had lost myself. With Thy humanity Thou didst ennoble my nature, and by Thy bonds didst deliver me from bondage. Thou didst challenge me from the power of the devil by delivering Thyself into the hands of sin- ners, and didst destroy sin, by taking upon Thee the form of a sinner. With what reverence shall I speak of that other blessed Sacrament, which Thou also, O Lord, hast instituted and ordained for a remedy of all the miseries which have befallen me, and the many sins I have committed since my baptism, and for a salve and cure for all my spiritual diseases, even the Sacrament of Thy most precious Body and Blood ! And as Thou hast bestowed upon me all these divine and heavenly blessings: so likewise, in plentiful manner, hast Thou heaped upon me temporal favours. Thou hast from my birth to this hour, preserved. I 9 T sake, I had Thou bonds L didst devil, >f sin- upon what essed hast fall and my rail Qent )od ! all so hou bou ^edj nourished, clothed, and fed me, in most abundant manner, giving to me the use of all Thy creatures for my sustentation. Nay, what couldest Thou have done more for me, than Thou hast done ? Or what couldest Thou have given me more, than Thou hast bestowed upon me, either of blessings of this world, or of the world to come ? Now, having received all these mercies and favours from Thee, how have I on my part behaved myself in thankfulness to Thee for them ? Have I returned due praise un- to Thy Majesty for them, or carried myself and ordered my life, like to one that might any way deserve them ? O Lord, I confess that I have not ; for such hath been the malice of my heart, that instead of show- ing myself conformable to Thy will, I daily add bin to sin, and iniquity to inquity, heap- ing up wrath for myself against the day of wrath. How can I, without tears, remem- ber how often Thou mightest justly have i!i hi 5 1 10 slain me, and yet, notwithstanding my sins, which call for vengeance, no evil hath hap- pened unto me. How many souls burn in hell fire, which have sinned far less than I, and yet I remain alive ! What had become of me, if Thou hadst taken me away with those at the same time ! How strict had my judg- ment been, if Thy justice had laid hold on me, laden with so many sins ! Who then, Lord, hath bound the hands of Thy justice, who hath deprecated for me, when I lay thus lulled to sleep in the security of my sins ? What hath pleased Thee in me, that Thou shouldst deal more mercifully with me, than with those,, who in the midst of their days, in the heat of their youth, are taken away from amongst us? My sins cried out against me, and Thou stoppedst Thine ears ; my offences daily increased against Thee, yet Thy mercy daily abounded towards me. I sinned. Thou didst expect me : I fled from Thee, and Thou followedst me : I was weary 1 € ii I I sms, hap- rn in [, and ne of those )nme, Lord, !, who ' thus sins? Thou 5, than • days, away d out ) ears ; Thee, ds me. dfrom weary 11 in offending Thee, and Thou not weary in expecting me. And in the midst of all my sins, I ever received many good inspirations and goodly reproofs from Thy Holy Spirit, which checked me in the dissolute course of my life. How often hast thou called me with the voice of love ! How often hast Thou terrified me with threats and fears, laying before me the peril of death, and the rigour of Thy divine justice! How often hast Thou followed me with Thy Word preached, invited me with Thy bles- sings, chastened me with Thy scourges, com- passing me about that I could by no means flee from Thee ! And lastly, which is not the least of Thy mercies, with what patience hast Thou waited for my serious repentance. What then, O Lord, shall I render back to Thee for all that Thou hast done unto me ? In that Thou hast created me, I owe Thee all that I am created, in that Thou liast preserved me, and thus long expected 12 my return to Thee, I owe Thee life and all that I am. But in that Thou hast regene- rated, sanctified, and redeemed me, and left those excellent pledges for my salvation, I know not what to render unto Thee. For if the lives of all men and angels were in my power, and that I could offer them unto Thee for a sacrifice of praise and thanks : yet were it nothing, being compared to the least of all thy spiritual blessings bestowed on me. Who therefore, will give a fountain of tears to mine eyes, that I may lament my great ingratitude for all these Thy manifold blessings heaped upon me? Help me Thou, O Lord, and give me grace, that I may heartily confess, and grievously bewail my henious offences and transgressions against Thee, that Thou mayest be recon- ciled to me, and in Thy abundant mercies show Thy pity upon me. I am Thy crea- ture, Lord, made after Thine own image 18 md all egene- nd left tion, I . For ere in n unto lanks : to the stowed :ain of !nt my mifold p me that I bewail 3ssions recon- lercies J crea- image nnd likeness : acknowledge Thy workman- ship, for it is Thine own. In taking away the soil and filth, wherewith it is defiled and stained, Thou shalt soon perceive it to be Thine own handy-work. Art not Thou a Father of mercies, which have neither number, end, nor measure? Although I have shaken off the duty and obedience of a child towards Thee, yet cast Thou not off the love of a Father towards me, I beseech Thee. Although I have done many things, whereby Thou mightest justly condemn me, yet Thou hast not lost the means, whereby Thou mayest mercifully save me. If Thou forsake me, to whom shall I flee, who is there to help me beside Thyself ? Acknow- ledge, Lord, a straying sheep : behold I come to Thee all wounded, Thou canst heal me : blind. Thou canst enlighten me : full of leprosy. Thou canst cleanse me : spirit- ually dead, yet Thou canst revive me. lliy mercy is greater than my sin : Thy 14 clemency, more than my wickedness : and Thou canst remit, more than I can commit. Do not then, Lord, put me back from thee : look not so much upon my sins, as upon Thine infinite mercies, who livest and reign - est, world without end,. Amen. Then proceed to repeat the flfty-firH Psalrrij with the Prayers following, PSALM LI. HAVE mercy upon me, God, after thy great goodness : according to the multitude of thy mercies do away mine offences. Wash me throughly from my wicked- ness : and cleanse me from my sin. For I acknowledge my faults : and my sin is ever before me. Against Thee only have I sinned, and done this evil in Thy sight: that Thou mightest be justified in Thy saying, and clear when Thou art judged. 15 i : and ommit. 1 thee : 5 upon reign - iy-firH , after to the f mine vicked- nd my id, and t Thou ig, and Behold, I was shapen in wickedness ; and in sin hath my mother conceived me. But lo, Thou requirest truth in the inward parts ; and shalt make me to under- stand wisdom secretly. Thou shalt purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean : Thou shalt wash me, and I shall be v/hiter than snow. Thou shalt make me hear of joy and gladness : that the bones which Thou hast broken may rejoice. Turn Thy face away from my sins : and put out all my misdeeds. Make me a clean heart, O God : and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from Thy presence : and take not Thy holy Spirit from me. O give me the comfort of Thy help again : and stablish me with thy free spirit. Then shall I teach Thy ways unto the wicked : and sinners shall be converted unto Thee* w t 16 Deliver me from guiltiness, O God, Thou that art the God of my health : and my tongue shall sing of Thy righteousness. Thou slialt open my lips, Lord : and my mouth shall shew Thy praise. For thou desirest no sacrijBce, else would I give it Thee : but thou delightest not in burnt oiierings. The sacrifice of God is a troubled spirit : a broken and contrite heart, God, shalt Thou not despise. O be favourable and gracious unto Sion : build Thou the walls of Jerusalem. Then shalt Thou be pleased with the sacrifice of righteousness, with the burnt oflferings and oblations : then shall they offer young bullocks upon Thine altar. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son : and to the Holy Ghost ; As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be : world without end. Amen. 11 Lord, have mercy upon me, Christ have mercy upon me, Lord, have mercy upon me, OUR Father, wliich art in heaven. Hallow- ed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be dono in earth. As it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses. As we forgive them thrit trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation ; But deliver us from evil : For Thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen. Lord, I beseech Thee mercifully -hear my prayers, and spare me who confess my sins unto Thee ; That I, whose conscience by sin is accused, by Thy merciful pardon may be absolved ; through Christ our Lord. Amen. OMost mighty God, and merciful Father, Who hast compassion upon all men, and hatest nothing that Thou hast made ; Who wouldest not the death a2 T 18 lie should rather turn from his sin and he saved ; Mercifully forgive me my trespasses ; receive and comfort me, grieved an^I ->vearied mth the burden of my sins. Thy property is always to have mercy ; to Thee only it appertaineth to forgive sins. Spare mcy therefoi'e, good Lord, spare me, whom Thou hast redeemed; enter not into judgment with Thy servant, but so turn Thine anger from me, who meekly acknowledge my vileness, and truly repent me of my faults, and so make haste to help me in this worldt that I may ever live with Thee in the world to come : though Jesus Christ our Lord^ Amen. niURN Thou me, good Lord, and so X shall I be turned. Be'favourable.OLord, be favourable to Thy servant, who turneth to Thee in weeping, fasting, and praying. For Thou art a merciful God, full of com- passion, long-suffering, and of great piety* Thou sparest when we deserve punishment^ i and be Bspasses; . '>vearied property J only it ►are mey )m Thou idgment le anger dge my y fctults, Is worldr le world ir Lord, and so OLord, turnetli praying, of coin- it piety., shment, if I 19 and in Thy wrath thinkest upon mercy. Spare me, Good Lord, spare me, and let not Thine heritage be brought to confusion. Hear me, O Lord, for Thy mercy is great, and after the multitude of Thy mercies look upon me; through the merits and mediation of Thy blessed Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Almighty Lord God, gTeat in Thy power, and terrible in Thy judgements. Who madest the heaven, the earth, the sea, and all things in them, by Thy Word, Whose power cannot be resisted, and Whose mercy is over all Thy works ; all things are under Thy power and rule, both in heaven and earth. Thou showest mercy on whom Thou wilt, art pitiful to whom Thou pleasest, and wouldest not the death of a sinner, neither delightest in the destruction of aiy. O God, rich in mercy, Who out of Thy great love to mankind, even when wo were Thine enemies, didst send Thine only 20 i\ m mIIi .i! Son into the world, that every one that believeth on Him should not perish, but have everlasting life, have mercy upon me, have mercy upon me* Holy Father, I have sinned against heaven and before The6, and am no more worthy to be called Thy son. I have turned fi ^m Thee, and have broken all Thy commandments* I have not walked aright, but have gone after mine own lusts, choosing those ways, which Thou hast forbidden me to tread in. Neither, O Lord, have I feared Thine anger, but have been in all things disobedient unto Thee? and have hardened my heart against Thee* I have hated instruction, and cast Thy sayings behind me. Truth has found no place in me, and my hands have been the workers of much wickedness. I have spoken vainly, idly, and wickedly. I have brought forth deceit, and meditated the way of Tmtruth. I have provoked Thy wrath against ine, by accustoming myself 21 ne that Lsh, but 3on me, , I have le^, and hy son. broken ve not 3r mine h Thou Ither, O ut have > Thee, ;t Thee. St Thy und no een the I have I have ed the sd Thy myself to do the work of the flesh, and rejecting the good motions of the Spirit. Woe unto me, that I have committed these wicked acts against Thee, so loving, so good, so gracious a God, to the utter destruction of my soul, without Thy mercy in Christ Jesus. In remembrance, and confidence whereof, O Lord, I come to Thee, and humbly entreat Thee, that Thou wouldst not reject a contrite, humble, miserable, and repentant sinner, who at this time earnestly calleth upon Thy name. Return a little, Lord, and be entreated for my manifold sins. Let my humble p ^ayers, sighs, and groans, come into Thy presence, and according to Thy promises, receive me again into Thy favour: For, O Father, I am one of those, whom Thy only Son redeemed with His most precious blood. Lord, my soul doth loathe my life, by reason of my manifold sins, and I humble myself under Thy mighty I ! il ' M J 22 Thou showest mercy, and in time of trouble Thou dost forgive offences : and behold, O Lord, I confess my sins : beseeching Thee for Thy goodness, to do unto me, according to Thy wonted mercy. I am confounded and ashamed to lift up mine eyes unto Thee, because my sins have prevented my prayers, and have ascended up to Thee, before them' Yet wherefore should I die in my sins, seeing it is not Thy pleasure that any smner should die, but turn unto Thee and live ? For Thou art good and gi-acious, and savest those who are altogether unworthy, out of the abundance of Thy mercy in' Christ Jesus. For although Thine anger against sinners is insufferable, and who may abide it ? yet thy mercy towards offenders is unsearchable, and who can find out the depth thereof, or describe it ? Our fathers in their troubles cried unto Thee, and Thou didst deliver them : they put their trust in Thee, and were not confounded. A,,^ 23 though they, by their offenceB, had justly provoked Thine anger, yet, upon their humiliation, Thou didst remember Thy covenant, and ease them of their aflElictions. O Lord, be merciful also unto me, for I am miserable and wretched. Heal my soul for I have sinned against Thee. My soul is disquieted within me . how long, Lord, will it be, ere Thou look upon me, and deliver me ? Lighten mine ^yes, for I have too long slept in death, and my sins too long have had dominion over me. Return, O Lord, at the last, and be gracious unto me ; deliver my soul, and have merey upon me: and all my bones shall i^ay. Lord, who is like unto Thee 3 Hear my humble petitions, O merciful Jatker, for the sake of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. THE Lord bless me, and keep me : the Lord lift up the light of His countenance aiY\/^n vYMrk a-nA re\\Ti^ ma riAQPA. TliHW ancl lOr evermore. Amen. i : i 24 fflfmttoiMf ietatt xetmias tl)e ^ais Communton. A S many as desire to be partakers of the -^ ioly Sacrament of the Body and Blood of Christ (as of necessity every one must be, that intendeth to receive benefit by Him) ought, before the taking of it, to prepare his soul, and fit it for the due receiving of It, and not come to it carelessly, without due examination of himself, and respective consideration of the excellency and worth thereof And therefore, before the time of communicating, we ought to spend some hours or days (the more ihe better) in meditating upon the great and unspeakable love and mercy of God towards us miserable smners, in ordaining so powerful a means to purge and cleanse us, and bring us to Him : in believing all His promises made to us in Christ Jesus ; in applying them to ourselves ; ^ in performing works of charity ; I — ^^d^x^.xig m v,iiui tjsiaie our souls do 25 stand; in calling to mind our sins, and confessing them to God; in giieving and repenting for them, and that in all humility and godly sorrow; in returning with the prodigal; smiting our breasts with the publican ; weeping with Mary Magdalene ; begging mercy with the thief on the cross ; and lastly, in promising to God, to lead a better life for the time to come. Thus if we do, no doubt but we shall be welcome guests to this feast, as being of that number for whom it was prepared. For by how much the more we come prepared to take this Sacrament so much the greater shall be the grace, which we shall receive by it. There are four duties required in every communicant. First, faith to believe that Jesus Christ did and suffered all things which are written of Ilim in the Holy Scriptures, for the redemption of mankind. Secondly, repentance, by which a man Hi i.nii • * ESjl ill V) 26 confessing his sins to God, with a purpose to lead a new life, is reconciled to Him. Thirdly, reverend behaviour, that in all humility, we make ourselves fit guests for such a feast. Fourthly, meditation and attention, that we, during the time of the administration of the Sacrament, attend no earthly thoughts, but w^hoUy fix our souls upon our Saviour Christ, and meditate on nothing but this great and high benefit, and thereby be inflamed with a hearty love, and thankful mind to God, not only for His infinite love, in suffering so great things for us, but also for instituting this blessed Sacrament, to remain to the end of the world, as a sure pledge of His continuanco among us, and perpetual care over us. After we have communicated, and are refreshed, we ought also to be thankful to God, for so great a benefit, (thankfulness being not the least duty of this service ; the Sacrament itself, bein^ called Eucharistia, 27 3urpose ) Him. in all ests for )n and 5 of the tend no ir souls itate on benefit, •ty love, >nly for t tilings blessed of the inuance us. and are akful to kfulness Lce ; the haristia. which is Thanksgiving,) and to strive to imitate Him as well in life as death: to live purely and not to defile our souls again, being purged and cleansed by the powerful operation of this blessed Sacrament : that so by examination, meditation, thanksgiving, faith, and constant resolution of amend- ment ; w^e may worthily receive Christ into our souls, and be made members of His mystical body. a sljort metfitatiau htlovt il)t Cnmmnuinn. WHAT ami, Lord, that I should be so bold as to come near to Thee ? What am I, that I should attempt to receive this so great and high mystery ? What is man by nature but a vessel of corruption, unapt to any good, prepense and most ready to any evil ? What is man, but a creature, of all other most wretched ; blind in judgment, inconstant in his actions, unclean in his desires, and though small in desert, yet 28 mi proud ai I great in his own conceit ? Thou seest, Lord, what I am. But Thou, O Lord, art great, good, wise, eternal, omni- potent in strength, w^onderful in wisdom, deep in Thy counsels, terrible in Thy judgments, and absolutely perfect in all Thy works. How then dare I, that am so base and unclean a creature, approach to the feast of so great a God, and a Lord of so great a majesty ? Behold, the heavens are not clean in Thy sight, and the pillars of heaven shake and ti-emble at Thy nod. Saint John the Baptist (who was sanctified in his mothers' womb) professed himself not worthy to unloose the latchets of Thy shoes. Saint Peter cried out to Thee, to depart from him a sinful man ; how then can I, the chief of all sinners, but tremble at Thy presence? Lord, I fear that (being thus wretched and unfit) I shall not be admitted to this feast, but rather be rt5 pelicd, 29 ncorm even the garment of a sanctified soul. Fot my whole life hath been so wretchedly and lewdly spent, and my days have been so wickedly wasted, that I hourly seem to renew Thy passion* Many a time have I (with Judas) sold Thee, for a small sum of pleasure or profit, and now in coming to receive Thee unworthily, what do I else, but with him, betray Thee with a kiss ? How then shall I dare to receive Thee, in so desperate estate? How canst Thou abide or dwell in so loathsome a dung^.on, wherein there is no part, room, or corner clean ? Lord, I acknowledge mine unwor- thiness, and yet withal Thy mercies are not hid from me: and by them, I am encouraged to come with confidence unto Thee, for by how much the unworthier I '3ome unto Thee, by so much the more will Thy mercy be glorified, if Thou do not reject me. Lord, Thou art not wont to put • ^ T V ^-v+ ^^ ^«ll n*^'^ ilnam Rpf forward winners uaoK, uut tv v^cvii «Uivi. ^^i-^^^- 30 1 \, i i H to i^elpentance. Wherefore, Lord, aniinatecl by Thy calling and invitation, I come unto Thee, overburdened with the weight of my sins, hoping to find ease and rehef of Thee. Thy custom (while Thou wert upon earth) was to receive sinners and to eat with them ; and thy delight was to be with the sons of men ; if Thou, Lord, be still pleased with such guests, behold one here at this time, of that kind, a notorious sinner. I Verily believe, that thou tookest more pleasure in the tears of the sinful w oman, than in the great feast of the proud Pharisee, and for a few tears of her's didst forgive many sins unto her. Behold, Lord, new matter offered for Thy great mercy to work upon* Here lieth a sinner, who hath many more sins than she, but fewer tears by many : who, though he hath more grievously offended, yet doth more carelessly bewail his offences than she did. She was neither iU^ flvcf rn.Y fTiA Iflftf wlmm Thou (\\(\9>i in VAA'C: i.i.LaiJ ijivi V15-.- -" — —^ •■ - 31 Thy mercy receive to favoui*. Lord, let me aL o be one of the subjects of this Thy mercy, and although I have not tears sufiicient to wash Thy feet, yet Thou hast shed drops of blood, more than sufficient, to cleanse my sins. I read, Lord, In the Gospel, that all that were diseased, flocked to Thee ; and, by that virtue, which came out of Thee, were healed, and I verily persuaded myself, that Thy nature is not changed : for in Thee is, and will be, to the end of the world, health and remedy for all griefs : and Thou art readier to make us whole, than we are to ask health of Thee. I know, Lord, that this SacramentT(which I so earnestly long after) is not only meat for those that are in health, but physic also for the sick ; and doth not only refresh the righteous, but cleanseth those that are sinners also. If I be weak, by it I shall be strengthened ; if in health, by it I shall be preserved ; and if dead in sin, by it I shall \\\ If^ 32 be I'evived. I humbly, therefore, entreat Thee, Father, that (as David did admit Mephibosheth to his table for his father's sake : so) Thou wouldest suffer me to be partaker of Thy heavenly table, for Thy Son's sake. Who with so gi'eat labour and sorrow did regenerate us, by His Death on the Cross, and liveth and reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit, for ever and ever. Amen. Then say the following Hymn for the Holy Sacrament : ^PEAK tongue, the Body broken, I^ Giv'n to be the spirit's food ; And the Word Alnaighty spoken Which hath turned the wine to blood, Of the King the awful token, And celestial brotherhood. Born for us, and for us given, Of a virgin undefil'd, Scattering wide the seeds of Heav*n, Sojourned He in this world's wild ; And on that remember'd even, Hii appointed course fulfilVd. 33 Meelcly to the law complying, He had finish'd its commands, And to them at supper lying, Gave Himself, with Hia own hands, A memorial of His dying, Hence to be unto all lands. 'Tis His "Word to our receiving Makes the bread His flesh to be, And the wine, our sins relieving, Blood, that flow'd upon the tree ; Though not seeing, yet believing. Take we the great mystery. To our smitten Rock thus fleeing, Drink we the new covenant ; Which to ancient types agreeing, To the latest time is sent : Still believing, though not seeing. Take we this dread Sacrament Kow all might and adoration To th' All-Holy Trinity : Honour, worship, and salvation, And Immortal glory be : Co-sternal three, in station, And in power co-equal three. B < « 34 Lord, have mercy upon me. Christ, have mercy upon me. Lord, have mercy upon me. OUR Father, which art in heaven, HaL owed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth. As it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses. As we for- give them that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation; But deliver us from evil : For Thine is the kingdom, The power, and the glory. For ever and ever. Amen. Blessed Saviour, I poor unworthy sinner, have a great desire and earnest longing to come to Thy table, but con- sidering my many and grievous sins, tremble and fear to approach unto it. For when I consider Thy words to Thy Disciples, " Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of Man, and drink His blood, ye have no life in you :" and on the other side, the ne. n me, ne. aven, HaL '' kingdom , As it is in laily bread. As we for- , us. And 3ut deliver Q kingdom, • ever and unworthy md earnest I, but con- 3V0US sins, h unto it. ^ds to Thy [lesh of the >d, ye have er side, the 35 words of the Apostle, "Whosoever shall eat this bread, and drink this cup of the Lord unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord ;" I am in such a strait, that I know not what to do : for gladly would I receive this Sacrament," being desirous to live ; but fearful I am to take it unworthily, trembling at Thy commina- tion. I come therefore to Thee, the foun- tain of mercy, hoping that Thou wilt wash me. I come to Thee, the good Samaritan, hoping that Thou wilt cleanse my wounds. I open my grief, and discover my iniquities to thee. I look upon my sins, great and grievous, and thereupon tremble ; yet be- holding Thy mercies, great and plentiful, I am therewith again refreshed. Remem- ber, Lord, how many drops of sweat and blood Thou didst shed ! How many pains and sorrows Thou didst sustain to expiate my sins! I entreat Thee, therefore, by them_, to purge and purify me, that I may *v^ 36 worthily be incorporated into Thy body, which is Thy Church, and may worthily also receive this Blessed Sacrament, that so, together with Thy whole Church, I may give Thee praise everlastingly. Amen. Merciful Lord Jesus, I confess myself to be a most grievous and wretched sin- ner,not worthy to approach to Thy presence, altogether unfit and unmeet to receive Thee under the roof of my soul, in respect of the stains and pollutions thereof; and that it is not decked and fitted with such good graces, as Thy Majesty and presence requireth, and therefore am afraid to come near unto Thee. Yet, Lord, considering Thy comfortable saying, that Thou dost not desire the death of a sinner, but that he should turn unto Thee and live ; and Thy blessed invitation, how lovingly, with the arms of Thy mercy stretched out. Thou hast called all, that are heavily oppressed with the burden of their sins, to come to 37 ly body, worthily b, that so, 1, I may men. iS myself ched sin- presence, receive 1 respect iof; and ith such presence to come sidering dost not that he ,nd Thy i^ith the b, Thou )pressed -ome to Thee for comfort and ease ; and lastly, Thy usual practice, in pitying and relieving those which were cast down with the thought of their misdeeds; as the Thief upon the cross, Mary Magdalene, the woman taken in adultery, the Publican, Peter, and Paul, (all of them grievous sinners.) I am comforted and emboldened to com>3 unto Thee, assuredly trusting, that Thou Avilt of Thy goodness supply my defects, and make me a worthy receiver of the high mystery and benefit of Thy blessed Sacra- ment, whereof of myself I am altogether unworthy. Stretch out Thy right hand, O loving Jesu, to me Thy poor servant, and give out of Thy rich store house of mercy what I want ; that thereby I may be made a living tempk^> to Thee, and an acceptable habitation for Thine honour to abide in : and gi^ant, that being cleansed by Thy mercy and goodness, I may, by Thy grace and power persevere in all godliness of 38 * . conversation to the end of my days, and attain to that blessed place, where Thou reignest, with the Father and the Holy Ghost, world without end. Amen. fCRE grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and -L the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Ghost, be with us all evermore. Amen. msbatiaag to f)c um at n)t time of the ceUi)tHtian of Cijelnrw ^acrameiU. W/ien the sermon is over, while the ofer- tory sentences are beincj read, and the Beacm or other fit person is collecting the Alms, say : Ty HO am 1, Lord, that I should be able »» to offer so willingly after this sort? For all things come of Thee, and of Thine own have we given Thee. During the pause following the prayer for the Church Militant ; in which prayer you must join heart and soul, since by thus --.-.V ...72^ c^^ar cjve jor your neighbour, you 39 ays, and re Thou le Holy • rist, and ip of the Amen. tit. he offer- Deacon^ ? AlmSy be able •t? For ne own "prayer prayer yy thus cr, you become, by God's grace, more fit to partake of the mystery of love shewn forth in the death of our Lord, and in the Holy Sacra- ment — remain humbly upon your knees, and^ avoiding anything ivhich can possibly dis- tract your attention, occiipy yourself with these devotions, Eternal Father, Who so lovedst the world as to give Thine only begotten Son for our redemption ; what shall I render unto Thee for this Thy gift, and for all Thy love? Behold Thine only begotten Son Himself, than Whom nothing is dearer to Thee, or more precious to us. O with how many sighs and with what earnest wishes was He desired by all nations ! till at length He was sent by Thee, and took upon Him the form of a servant, and, clothed in the mortal garment of our flesh, shrouded the majesty of the God-head, and came forth of the Virgin's womb into the world, and, beins^ made obedient to 40 1= Thee, even unto death, redeemed us from eternal death. Behold, Lord, I desire to call to mind this work of Thy immeasurable love, to Thy glory, and in memory of Thy Son. Do Thou, Lord, I pray Thee, possess and govern my heart by Thy grace, that I may perform this act, piously, religiously, and becomingly, so that this my service may be well pleasing to Thee, and profitable to my soul. Amen. If there he time use some, or all of the fol- lowing devotions : — A Lord, what great things hast Thou ^ done, and what didst Thou suffer, out of the power of Thy boundless love towards me ! But what return have I made ? or what return shall I make ? I 9n art at Cnntrttfott. T Am sorry, Loid, from the bottom" of -L my heart, that I have ever nflTpn^n^ ti,.^ 41 Who hast so greatly loved me. God, be merciful to me a sinner. T Believe in Thee with a lively faith, O J- Eternal Truth ! because Thou art Thyself God and man, my Lord and Saviour. Lord, I believe— help Thou mine unbelief. ^11 atct at ilopc. A Lord God of Hosts ! blessed is the v/ man that hopeth in Thee. Hope then in God, Omy soul, the Fountain of all good, the Author of all grace : draw near to Him' with boldness, for He is good and gracious, and of great mercy unto all them that call upon Him. In Thee, Lord, is my trust : let me not be disappointed of my hope ! 9[n afct of ILobj. A Most loving Saviour, Christ Jesua! V/ how great was the power of Thy love, which drew Thee from the bosom of Thy m^^ 42 J t k1 il Father, into this valley of tears, to take imon Thee our flesh, and undergo endless miseries and wrongs, yea, even the cross and death, and that for us, miserable sin- ners, and for our salvation. O wondrous love ! Thou mightest have condemned us, and Thou didst prefer to save us : we were guilty, ard thou the Innocent, didst under- take the punishment that Thou mightest free the guilty. Out of love then it was, that Thou camest to us, and tookest flesh ; and at lenoih, when about to leave this world and return to the Father, didst bequeath us this Sacrament as a pledge of thy love ; that in a way most new and wondrous, Thou mightest ever abide with us, whose delight is to be with the sons of men. Lord, how worthy art Thou to be loved. Who doest so great things for the love of us. " I will love Thee," therefore, ** Lord, my strength. The Lord is my 43 to take endless he cross able sin- i^ondrous uned us, we were 5t under- mightest lat Thou , and at ^orld and ueath us hy love; wondrous, is, whose nen. ou to be ;s for the therefore, )rd is my I strong root and my defence, and my Saviour." God, Who art love ! He that dwel- leth in love dwelleth in Thee. I desire to receive Thee in this Sacrament, that J may be united with Thee more closely in the bond of love. Who shall separate me from the love of Christ my Saviour ? O may nothing avail to this, nor life, nor death nor any accident, nor any creature ! uind then say over the folloioina j^ortion of the 116 th Psalm. WHAT reward shall I give unto the Lord : for all the benefits that He hath done unto me ? 1 will receive the cup of salvation : and call upon the name of the Lord. I will pay my vows now in the presence of all His people : right dear in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints. Behold, Lord, how that I am thy servant : I am Thy servant, and the son of !il 44 Tliine handmaid ; Thou hast broken my bonds in sunder. I will ofFer to Thee the sacrifice of thanks- giving : and will call upon the name of the Lord. I will pay my vows unto the Lord, in the sight of all His people : in the courts of the Lord's house, even in the midst of thee, Jerusalem. Praise the Lord. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son : and to the Holy Ghost ; As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be : world without end. Amen. During the longer Exhortation, " Dearly beloved in the Lord," you cannot do better than think of the preparation you yourself have made for the Holy Sacrament, and pray God to accept it, in spite of the imper- fections of which you now become more se7isible as you drew nearer to His blessed Altar. Then listen attentively and sub- missively to the shorter Exhortation, " Ye 45 3ken my rf thanks- name of Lord, in b courts of st of thee, the Son : now, and Amen. , "Dearly 1^ do better u yourself ment, and the imper- ome more His blessed and sub- ition, "Ye that do truly and earnestly," <fec. During the confession, humble yourself in spirit to the dust, and after the Absolution, give thanks to God for His mercy in Christ Jesus. During the " Comfortable Words," dis- pose your mind into a frame of deep and heartfelt gratitude to God for the redemption of sinners by the death and passion of His Son, our Lord. When the Priest says, "Lift up your hearts," remember that earthly cares and thoughts should be laid aside, and the mind lifted up to high and heavenly things, especially since you answer to the Priesfs admonition, " We lift them up to the Lord," lest you be convicted of falsehood, in that while entangled with the things of the world, you profess one thing with the lips, and purpose another in the heart. When there is a Proper Preface, form in your mind an image of the subject of the i 46 Festival ; for instance, our Blessed Lord in the manger at Bethlehem ; rising glorious from the dead ; going up into heaven, &c. In the Hymn following the introductory words, " Therefore with Angels," &c., join in heart with the AngeU, who are always praising God, During the Prayer, " We do not pre- sume," &c., which the Priest offers up humbly on his knees, consider to how im- mense a privilege ,you are about to be admitted, and humble yourself accordingly. Here will be a short pause while the Priest is preparing to consecrate : at which time you may say the following prayer :— THE Lord send thee help from the Sanc- tuary, and strengthen thee out of Zion : remember all thy offerings, and accept thy burnt sacrifice. While the Priest is preparing to communi- cate, use this prayer. OMost merciful Father, remember, ] beseech thee, that most holy sacrifice I Lord in glorious en, &c, wductory &c., join "6 always . not pre- offers up , ) how irn- out to be 'ordingly, while the : at which rayer : — I the Sane- ut of Zion : aceept thy communi- eineniucr, x Dly sacrifice 47 which Thy beloved Son offered to Thee dur- ing His whole life, at the Last Supper, and on the Cross, for me, and all for whom He vouchsafed to die. Look upon the face of Christ Thy most dearly beloved Son, in Whom Thou art well pleased, and by that eternal love where- with Thou so lovedst us, by the infinite merits of the same Thy Only-begotten, by His Incarnation, Advent, Nativity, Circum- cision, Tears, Labours, Passion, and Death ; by the infinite Love wherewith He did, said, and suffered so much for me ; Remember and have mercy upon the whole Church, and its rulers, upon all Christian princes, and all estates of men, whether serving God in His ministry, in special works of piety, or in the world, who have the greatest power whether to promote, or to hinder, Thy Glory and the good of souls. WA 48 Also upon my parents, brethren, bene- factors, and friends, upon those who have especially commended themselves to me, or who have aggrieved me, whom I have aggrieved, offended, neglected to help, and whom Thou desirest that I should lead m the wav of salvation. On all these have mercy, Thou Father ofmercies,even as Thouknowestand wiliest, granting themThygrace perfectly topkase acknowledge, fear, love, and glorrfy Thee ^ith the same Thy beloved Son and the Holy Ghost, now, and ever, and for endless ages. Amen. , While you are waiting to come up to the altar, say cm or all of the following Collects, as time will allow : r\ God, Who in this wonderful Sacrament U hast left us a perpetual memorial of Thy passion; grant us, we beseech Thee so reverently to receive the sacred mysteries of thy 13ocly ana j^iouu , vx.«. .. ^ - . 49 en, bene- ivho have is to me, m I have help, and id lead in LOU Father md wiliest, y to please, orify Thee, Q, and the for endless le up to the \ng Collects^ , Sacrament lorial of Thy h Thee, so ed mysteries WA TTiav 77 -w • ^ always sensible of the fruit of Thy Redemp- tion ; Who with the Father, and the Holy Ghost, livest and reignest one God, world without end. Amen. OHoly , crucified Jesus,I humhlybeg, bythat sacred shedding of Thy most precious Blood, give unto Thy servant to shed plente- ous tears from a broken heart and contrite, spirit, when I approach Thine altar, to partake of this heavenly Sacrament, which Thou, Lord God, didst institute, and command to be received, in commemoration of Thine infinite love in dying for us, and to repair our manifold infirmities, and daily failings. Grant me, blessed Lord, not only to receive this Sacrament in the outward elements, but in the virtue and power thereof; not bread and wine alone, but the Body and Blood of my Saviour, Jesus, to the remission of all my sins, and all other the benefits of His death and passion for me. Amen. b2 60 While kneelir^ at the altar humble your- self deeply before Almighty God, and say, T ORD I am not worthy that Thou Jj shouldest come under my roof." _ When the Priest comes to you mth the ^a*en,Ae.i/Z-y,-" The Body of our Lord Jesus Christ, which was given for thee preserved thy body and soul ^^to everlastmg Jife » Upon which, as soon as he Aas sa d so far, do you answer softly, yet h^artdy, " Amen." rp •■ Wh^n the Priest goes on to say, iaKe and eat this," receive the sacrament reverently from his hands, and say in your heart, r\ My God, Thou art holy : my soul Uthou art blessed. When the Chalice is brought to you, th£se J m hi. tmd "The Blood of our wvrds w'M be saia, 0-"'= Lord Jesus Christ; which was shed for thee, preserve thy body and soul unto everlas^ • „ Wia^^—im^nediately upon which words, ^. .^M.„ „^t heartily, " Amen." When le your- d say, ,t Thou with the our Lord :or thee, 'erlasting has said heartilyj y, " Take reverently hearty I my soul yoUj these lod of our 3d for thee, ,0 everlast- lich wordSy When N. « 61 you have received the cup of salvation, say in your heart, LET my sins be washed avay in Thy 1 Blood, Lord. As you return from the altar to your place, repeat these words of the Hymn of the Blessed Virgin. MY soul dotu magnify the Lord, for He hath filled the hungry with good . things." Then kneel down reverently, and do not rise till the Priest begins, " Gloiy be to God on high," &c. In the interval between your communion and the Lord^s jyrayer, if you hive time, use the following devotions. BEHOLD, O Lord, I have Thee now. Who hast all things : I possess Thee, Who possessest all things, and canst do all things ; take off then my heart, my God, from all other things beside Thee, for in them there is nothing but vanity, and vexation .'Jll 1^1 52 of spirit -, may my heart be fixed on Thee alone may my rest be in Theo, for m Thee aione, m.xy j sovereign is mv treasure, m inee is ihb & truth, and true happiness, and a happy ''" efmy soul, O Lord, feel the sweetness of Thy presence. May it taste how gracious Thou art, Lord, that it may be satia^d ^ith Thy love, and seek nothing but Thee wherein to rejoice, for Thou art the py o n,y heart, and my God, and my portion foi 'Ihou art the Physician of my soul. Who hast healed our sickness with thy stripes X l;it sick soul whom Thou earnest Lmheaventoheal; heal my soul, there- fore, Lord, for I have sinned against '"'^Thou art the good Shepherd, Who hast laid down Thy life for Thy sheep Behold I am that sheep which -^.\««*' ^"-Lyf' Thou deignest to feed mc with Thy Body 53 riiee rhee reign appy itness icious tiated Thee |oy of on for , Who stripes, camtist , there- against 10 hast Behold, mi yet ly Body and Blood ; take me now, Lord, upon Thy shoulders. What wilt Thou deny me, Who hast given me Thyself? Be Thou my Shepherd, and I shall lack nothing m the green pastures wherein Thou feedest me, until I am brought to the pastures of eternal life. true Light, Which enlightenest every man that cometh into the world, enhghteu mine eyes, that I sleep not in death. b Fire continually bm-ning, and never faUing ! behold, how tepid and cold I am ; and inflame my reins and my heart, that they may be on fire with the love of Thee, lor thou camest to send fire on the earth, and what wilt Thou, except that it be kindled? . . King of Heaven and earth, rich in pitv ! behold me poor and wretched ; Thou knowest what I most require ; Thou alone art able to enrich and assist me ; help me, God, and, out of the treasure of Thy,good' Tiess, succour my needy soul. 54 my Lord and my God I behold I am Thy servant ; give me understanding and excite my affection, that I may know and do Thy will. Thou art the Lamb of God, the Lamb without spot, who takest away the sins of the world ; take away from me, I beseech Thee, whatever hurteth me, and displeaseth Thee ; and give me what Thou knowest to be pleasing to Thee, and profitable to me. Thou art the portion of mine inheritance and of my cup ; Thou art He, Who shall maintain my lot. may the burning power of Thy love absorb my soul, that I may die to the world for the love of Thee, who hast vouchsafed to die upon the Cross for the love of me, my God, and my all. Amen. I Humbly thank Thee, O most merciful Saviour, that Thou hast so plentifully refreshed my fainting soul, with the Holy „«^orv,oTit nf Thv precious Body and Kja>\j 66 am and and amb ns of eech isetli jst to me. tance shall ' love world isafed f me, erciful .tifully ) Holy yr and Blood. I earnestly entreat Thee further, that whatsoever is in me vicious, or con- trary to Thy blessed wUl, may by virtue of this blessed Sacrament, be roofed out of me, that my soul may become a fit habita- tion for Thy Holy Spirit. Let it be to me the absolution of my sins, the confirmation of my faith, an increase of all Thy graces in me, the viands of this my pilgrimage, the only delight of my soul, peace and joy in tribulation ; health and strength in affliction and temptation. Let it be a light and guide to my actions, and my comfort m the day.of my dissolution. Let the palate of my soul be so changed thereby that it may relish nothing besides Thee. Grant also, thay I may hunger and thirst after this bread of life and cup of salvation ; and that I may with a pure mind, and chaste affection, receive it often, that thereby my soul and body may be preserved to lite everlasting. To thee be all praise, power, -. 1 _•„! «^«r oTi/l fnr fiver. Amen. ana aomiuiuu, ^iv/^v «--- -^- - 56 ,1'' * '.PI <"* '' fi I'M'' I i, If I Yield Thee hearty 'and unfeigned thanks, merciful Lord, that of Thy own mere goodness, and without any merit of mine. Thou hast so plentifully at this time satisfied me with the extraordinary food of my soul, Thy blessed Body and Blood. Lord, I heartily repent me of my many sins past, and am heartily sorry, when I consider how unprofitably and wickedly I have spent my life hitherto: I desire O Lord, to amend what is amiss in me : be Thou aiding, I beseech Thee, to me, that I may not only duly bewail and lament for that which is past, but take hee(^ to my ways, for the time to come. And to this end, Lord, do thou strengthen me with Thy spiritual aid, for without Thy help, and the direction of the Holy Spirit, I shall not be able to do any good thing, or perform that which is pleasing to Thee, Who hast at this time so lovingly vouchsafed to come to me. And because, through my infirmity, 51 feigned lyown lerit of s time bod of Blood, many y^hen I 3dly I dre O e : be that I at for ;o my ^0 this i with f), and ill not rform ► hast come •mity, I cannot follow Thee as I would, be pleased to assist me with Thy power, and draw me after Thee : let my soul be so strengthened by virtue of this Sacrament, that it may esteem nothing pleasing or delightful in comparison of Thee : that it may lust after no transitory thing, nor be disquieted with any worldly cross, but by Thy assisting grace, I may overcome all the difficulties of ■ this life, and bless Thee for ever in the life to come. Amen. Blessed Lord Jesus, who of Thy un- speakable love hast condescended to mv infirmity, and vouchsafed in these mysteries to come unto me, and hast made me par- taker of Thy precious Body ind Blood ; I humbly entreat Thee, of Thy infinite good- ness, not to look back upon my sinful life past, but to give me grace to obey Thy commandments, and not to return again to my former sins and iniquities. Grant that this Holy Sacrament may be to mo 58 ■ it m life and salvation, and not turn to my greater punishment and condemnation* Grant that it may cleanse my soul from sin, and strengthen me against all tempta- tions to come. Grant that it may be so wholesome and nourishing to me, that I may walk in the strength thereof all the days of my life : and at last be brought by Thy merits to that place of glory, where Thou dost reign together with the Father and the Blessed Spirit, one God, for ever. Amen. Then say over the following portion ^f the 103rd Psalm, PRAISE the Lord, O my soul : and all that is within me praise His holy name. Praise the Lord, my soul : and forget not all His benefits. Who forgiveth all thy sin : and healeth all thine infirmities. Whosaveth thy life from destruction : and crowneth thee with mercy and loving kind- 1 59 ' ness ; Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things. Glory be to the Father, anf^ to the Son : and to the Holy Ghost ; As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be ; world without end. Amen. After the whole service is over^ remain on your knees, till you use the following prayers : — r\ Most merciful Lord, Who hast not dis- " dainedthatwe, miserable sinners should even in this House stand in Thy sight to glorify and confess Thee; pardon me the faults of which I have been guilty even in this very time of prayer, whether through busy thoughts, or wanderings of mind after vain desires, that the enemy boast not against me, seeing that not even at the very time of thanksgiving, confession, and communion, have I been duly watchful against sin. Woe is me wretched, who am so negli- 60 gent in the praise of my God. Lo ! my Lord suffered most bitterly for me during the Avhole night, and had no rest, and cannot I watch with Him one hour ? Help me, O Lord my God, that I may be able to sing praises to Thee with under- standing, and ever render Thee pleasing service, Who livest and reignest for ever. Amen. f\ ^^J y® works of the Lord, bless ye the V/ Lord. Bless the Lord, my soul and all that is within me bless His Holy name. O that I may embrace Thee with the affection of all the Angels and Saints, and give thanks to Thee, and let every thing that hath breath ^praise Thee, Lord, Amen. - 61 SPIRIT OF CHRIST, SANCTIFY ME I BODY OF CHRIST, SAVE ME I BLOOD OF CHRIST, PURGE AND PURIFY ME! WATER FROM THE SIDE OF CHRIST, CLEANSE ME ! PASSION OF CHRIST, COMFORT ME ! O GOOD JESUS ! HEAR ME I HIDE ME WITHIN THY WO UNDS ! FROM THE MALICIOUS ENEMY DEFEND ME! IN THE HOUR OF DEATH CALL ME ! AND BID ME COME TO THEE ! THAT WITH THY SAINTS I MAY PRAISE THEE FOR EVER AND EVER. AMEN. THE grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Ghost, be with us all evermore. Amen.