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Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed et different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent Atre filmAs A des taux de reduction diffirents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour Atre reproduit en un seui clichA. il est f ilmi A psrtir de i'angle supArieur gauche, de gauche A droite, et de haut en bas. en prenant le nombre d'images nAcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mAthode. irrata to palure, n A n 32X 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. BULLETIN OF TIUS UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. ISTo. 44. CATALOGUE OF THE LEPIDOPTEROHS SUPERFAMILY NOCTUIDil FOUND IN BOREAL AMERICA. BT JOHN B. SMITH, 8c. D., FItOFBS80U OS KMXOMOLUOY US HUXUtlW COU.EUB. WASHINGTON: OOVBBNMENT PRINTINU OFFIOIS. 18U3. ADVERTISEMENT. Tliis work (Bnlletin No. 44) is one of a series of papers intended to innstratc the collections belonging to the United States, and consti- tuting the National Musenm, of which the Smithsttninn Institution was placed in charge by the act of Congress of i\ugust 10, 1840. The publications of the National Museum consist of two series — the Bulletin, of which this is No. 44, in continuous series, and the I'rocoed- ings, of which the sixteenth volume is now in press. A small edition of each pa])er in the Proceedings is distributed in pamphlet form to specialists in advance of the publication of the bound volume. The Bulletin of the Natioiml Museum, the publication of which was commenced in 1875, consists of elaborate papers based upon the col- lections of the Musenm, reports of expeditions, etc., while the Proceed- ings facilitate the prompt publication of freshly-acquired facts relating to biology, anthropology, and g;-ology, descriptions of restricted groups of animals ;ind plants, the discussion of parti<*ular questions relative to the synonymy of species, and the diaries of minor expeditions. Other papers, of more general popiUar interest, are printed in the Appendix to the Annual Report. Full lists of the publications of the Museum may be found in the current catalogues of tlie publications of the Smithsonian Institution. Papers intended for publication in the Proceedings and Bulletin of the National Museum nre referred to the Committee on Publications, composed as follows: T. H. Bean (chairman), A. Howard Clark, K. E. Earll, Otis T. Mason, Leonhard Stejncger, Frederick \V. True, and Lester F, Ward S. P. Langley, Seercfarit of the Smithaonian Inatiution, Washington, D.C, July .5, 1893, A CATALOGUE, BIBLIOGRAPHICAL AND SYNONYMICAL, OF TIIK SI'KciKf* OK MOTIIgi Of TlID m rOUXD IN BOREAL AMERICA. WITH CRITICAL NOTES, BV JOHN B. SMITH, Se. E>.. I'ro/essoi- o/ Lnlomologif in Itutycva CoUcqo. --•4ii»-*- WASHTNGTO!T ! GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFPIC::. 1893. PREFACE. The basis of good work in any science 3 » knowledge of what ha^ been done in the past. This proposition does not need argument for its support, and it follows, logically, that any work which facilitates the acquirement of this basic knowledge and brings together system- atically and critically the results theretofore obtained will also facilitate the advance of the science. The study of the North American Noc- tuidte has been seriously embarrassed by the difficulty in acquiring tliis foundation; not always because books were lacking, but often be- cause the knowledge was contained in so many without an index to guide the student. Since Mr. G rote's catalogue of 1874 no comprehen- sive bibliographical work on this family has been published, while the number of species has nearly doubled and the literature has increased enormously. This state of affairs results in the formation of card cata- logues or indices made by each student to facilitate his own work, and gradually he becomes familiar with the knowledge published by his prede- cessors. But this does not help others, and the same work is done over and over again by those engaged in the same fields of study. It has also been extremely difficult, even alter becoming familiar with the literature, to ascertain exactly what species were really before the older writers. Characters now regarded as essential were not even noted by them and descriptions which, with the few species at hand, were characteristic and {Minted became vague and indefinite when larger material brought us many and closely allied species. The greatest bugbear to American Lepidoptcrists has been the work of Francis Walker in the (catalogues of the British Museum. Mr. Grote after twenty years of study in the Noctuidae had failed to identify a large percentage of the spe<;ies, while even of the species described by (luenoe forty years ago, a number are still unidentified in American collections. For ten years I have been accumulating material for a monograph of the North American Noc- tuidie, and have examined about all the books obtainable in Philadel- phia, New York, Washington, and elsewhere, and have purchased papers on the subject whenever opportunity offered. 1 have hatl, dur- ing that time, unusual o])portunities for studying the material in the leading American collections, and some of the results obtained have been published in my various '« Contributions toward a monograph of the Nootuidffi of Tenii»ernte North America." 4-4 '^^ PREFACE. Some years ago it wa» conteinplnted by Dr. G. V. Riley and myself to iHMue a complete monograph of tliis family, giving all that could be learned of the early stages as well as the more strictly systematic work, and for several > ears a great deal of material was gathered. It is to Dr. liiley that I owe a very large part of the facilities for study in the scattered collections, and my sincere gratitude isdueto him for his many kindnesses of all descriptions. Pressureof more imperative dutiescom- IHilled Dr. Riley to abandon his part of the work, and I have gradually published such portions as were completed. With the knowledge to be obtained in American collections, the ne- cessity for studying the material contained in those of Enro]>e, and especially that in the British Museum, became constantly more obvious. In September, 1891, it became {Mssible for me to get away for a few weeks, and in the interest of the United States National Museum un- der instructions from the assistant secretary of the Smithsonian Insti- tute in charge of the Museum, I carefully studied parts of the collec- ti<ms contained in the museums at London, Paris, and Berlin, and visited also the Staudinger collection at Dresden. Tlie notes made by me during this trip are incorporiitcd in the follow* ing pages; but a brief statement of the character and condition of the collections examined may not be amiss. The Bi-itish Museum contains of American Noctuidte the material collected by Doubleday and worked over by Guende in 1852, and by Walker between IS;")*} and 1858; the material from all other sources worked over by Walker during the same period; the Zeller collection and the Grote collection, besides the miscellaneims accumulations from all sources, including a very interesting h»t collected by Lonl Walsing- ham. The Doubleday material is in large part provided with locality labels, but it als<» contains specimens purchased by him, the fatherland of which is more than doubtful. (iuent>e has in some instances written "New Yorck," where nothing * the insect nor in the record will author- ize it. It is in most cases easy t.o identify the specimens described by Guen<^e, though not all of them have labels in his handwriting, Walker had, in addition to the Donblcday material c^uitaining theGuen^e types, a lot of material colle»^ted in Nova Scotia and in the British Possessions in North America. Some of the Abbot material is also in the collec- tion. Mr. W. F. Kirby says (Can. Hnt., xx, 231),^' There are a number of spet'imens originally collected by Abbot in the British Museum and probably in other collections," and this is borne out by the fact that some of the specimens seen by me are evidently the originals of the figures contained in the magnitlcent c(»lle<;tion of A bbot's drawings in the Museum. Among them are such rarities as CoHsm bnsalis Wlk. {Inffuromorpha ftlossoni Hy. Edw.), and Avherdoa ferraria Wlk. ( Varina ornata Neum.), both of them only recently rediscovered and redescribed. The figures of species are exact copies of the specimens furnish- ing Walker's types, though the Museum record gives no clue to the source of the specimens. PRKPACE. 7 Miu'll of tbe material (1e8r,ril>ecl by Walker is in very |ioor couditiou, aud it required a very tliorougb kiiowled^*' ot the American laaiia U* identify the .species in all cases. Walker's metlnid, accordinip^ to butler ( Journ. liinn. So<;., Zoiil., Vol. xii, pp. 4(>2 and 432), and iNTSonal state ments to me, was rather i)eculiar. His habit was to pin into a Iwx, in series, as many specimens as it would conveniently hold, and then begin describing. At the end of the day's toil the Ik)x would be closed with- out indication of what had been accomplished, aud next morning work would be reconmienced from recollection of what bad been previously done. None of tbe s|)ecimens were labeled until the descriptions were in type, aud then, using a proof sheet, the printed names were (;ut out and pinned below the series of specimens, not on the insects themselves. Sometimes it happened thai there were more names than insects; in such case the label was pinned into the box and, occasionally, tbe record "type lost," was made. Thus, sometimes two of Walker's names may refer to tbe same s]>ecimen as well as to tbe same species, aud it is not always easy to ascertain when this is so. Judging from the fact that sometimes tbe descriptions do not in the least fit the specimens labeled, there is reason to believe that no great care in applying tbe names was exercised. Messrs. Grote and Robinson, and afterward Mr. Grote alone, have examined tbe Walker material and have identified many of tbe species. In 1887 Dr. Biley looked over tbe material carefully and secured colored figures of many of tbe species theretofore unrecognized. These figures and the notes accompanying them. Dr. Biley has kindly loaned me aud they have been of assistance to me in a number of instances. Mr. But- ler has, recently, in rearranging the collection, published tbe sy- nonymy of some others of tbe Walker 8]>ecie8. Mr. Grote seems never to have silent sufficient time at the work to get more than a few scatter- ing notes, and most of these seem to have been made without material for comparison and from recollection merely. Yet most of them are correct. Mr. Butler's knowledge of our fauna is altogether too slight to make bis notes conclusive in tbe case of obscure species. Critical or synonymical notes should never be made except upon careful study and comparis(m by a specrialist or one fiilly acquainted with the fauna concerned. Justi<;e to an author requires that his writings be studied before relegating bis species to tbe synonymy, and if neither time nor opportunity tor such study exists, it is simply adding confusion to ig- norance to make synonymical notes on superficial comparisons. Mr. Henry Kd wards has also on one or more occasions examined portions of the Museum collections, but seems never to have made any systematic study. He has informed me in conversation that be bad nofiCs on many of tbe Bombycids which he intended to put into shape for publication ; but bis untimely death prevented this. Tbe new arrangement of tbe noctuids in tbe British Museum is utterly at variance with accepted standards. Mr. Butlei''s generic associations 8 PREFACE. embrace specieH of Badena, Mameatra, Tteniocampa and otherft under oue term, while cIoMely allied Hpecie.s may be widely Heparated under different generic uames. Mr. Butler has not, to my knowledge, given any key to his classification, and criticism is therefore impossible. I wish simply to call attention to the fact that in this collection the arrangement of the species is on a unique basis, and that few of the generic ii8S4)ciations are pure, according to German, French, and Ameri- can definitions. Judged by these standards the arrangement is an ut- terly unscientific hotchpotch. In the course of this rearrangement, Mr. Butler has united the Orote and Zeller material with the old col- lection, forming one scries. The Walker types are ascertained and the printed label associated with the specimen is placed on the pin. If the Walker name has priority, a <'type^ disk is pinned next to it. If the name is a synonym, the " type " disk is put on the pin with the insect and with the printed label. In all cases where the type of a species is in the series a "type" disk next the si^ccimen calls atten- tion to it. This greatly facilitates the search for species, and my task was considerably lightened by my ability to compare the Guen^e, Walker, and Grote types side by side. Mr. Butler has published crit- ical and synonymical notes on the species so far as arranged, much the greater part of them in the "Entomologist," since my visit to the Museum. In the majority of instances the associations are correct; but much of the synonymy given was already known, and in that which is new there are some bad errors, caused by the failure to compare structural characters and relying only on an api)arent, superficial re- semblance. But many species were yet left unidentified with the other American material. In those parts of the collection not yet arranged, the work was more tedious and involved more labor. There was an advantage, however, in the fact that the arrangement was according to Walker's catalogues and it was thus easy to find the specimens, little as the association might be warranted. Mr. Butler in his rearrange- ment seems to have preserved, as far as possible, every original label that would indicate or aid in identifying a type and has additionally marked those specimens that he considers as such. I thus made my studies under exceptionally favorable circumstances. The Grote collection is really the basis of the nomenclature in Ameri- can collections generally, and a very great point was gained when I could identify the Guen^e and Walker names with the Grote names for the same species. In addition, I had with me a small series of speci- mens generally unnamed in collections, or of which I was doubtful, and these were carefully compared. A full set of my own monographic papers enabled me to verify the correctness of the identifications there made, and a series of notes and drawings aided me in other groups. In the Deltoids 1 liad drawings of nearly all the species as they are named in the National Museum, and these were carefully compared and the synonymy noted. I think I can claim a familiarity with a very large PREFACE. percentage of the American species, and I could thus readily determine ,in most instances whether or not I correctly knew the insects. As my time was limited, I did not study Aoronycta, which Dr. Riley ha<l already studied on a prior occasion, nor CatocalUj which Messrs. Grote and Henry Edwards had compared. Outside of these genera I found all save four or Ave of the Walker species, and was able to recognize nearly all of them. Of those n<»t found, Mr. Bntler has seen no trace as yet, and they may be "lost." Some few, * believe five s|)ecies, dcscril)ed by Mr. Walker, from the Saunders collection, now at Oxford, are yet un- known to roe, asl could not get to that city.* The species described from Dr. Bethune's collection I have previously ulentifled, and the ty|)es are now in the National Museum. In Vols, v and vi of the Canadian Naturalist and Geologist, Mr. Walker described a few species collected by Mr. D'Urban, and afterward donated to the Entomological Society of Ontario. These Mr. Grote has examined, and most of them were identified with other described species; the others were omitted from all of Mr. Grote's lists, and were ;;,,-j tten. To the kindnes^s of Mr. J. Alston Moffat, curator of the Society, I owe un opportunity of exam- ining these species, and have identified them in the following pages. I desire at this point to express my sincere thanks to Mr. Butler and to the entire Entomological Staff of the British Museum, for the ready courtesy and great kindness with which they gave all aid in their power to facilitate my work. A regretable attack of illness contined Mr. Butler to his home during most of my stay, else I might perhaps have suc- ceeded in finding a trat^e of the few yet unidentified species. I do not at all agree with Mr. Butler's ideas on Noctuid genera, yet this does not prevent a high appreciation of the work he has done, nor a feeling of sincere gratitude for the good natured readiness with which he gave nie all the assistance in his power. A knowledge of the collections now in the British ^Museum is the basis of our knowledge of the North American Noctuidse to-day. Some of the species described by Guunee are in the Jardin des Plantes in Paris, and this I also visited. The museum and the co11c(*tions there were a distinct disappointment. Not only is it cooi)ed up in numerous small rooms, packed in inconvenient places, but for yciirs past it seems to have had little or no attention, and there is apparently no ]»retence of arrangement. Yet with the kind assistance of M. Aug. Sall«3, 1 did succeed in getting at most of the species ntarked "M. N.," in the s^ <icies General. I was in hopes of being able to get track of the Abbot draw- ings, from which Guen<^e described a number of species; but I did not succeed in this. It was a matter of great regret to me that I did not spend the time devoted to Paris, in visiting M. Oberthiir at liennes; but I did not realize how little there was of importiince, at Paris, and how much there was at Beiines. The brief time at my disi)osal nmde it impossible to repair the error ami I went on to Berlin. * I have since, by the kind aosiHtuncu ut' Mr. \Vm, Scliaua, identillcd ilirc; ui llieiii. 10 PREFACE. Hero ugain I found a well-preserved and well-arranged collection, not particnlarly rich in North American species, but with many South American forms valuable for comparisons, generic and otherwise, and with a cimsiderable number of arctit; forms, including some of Dr. Staudinger's types. I owe thanks here to Dr. Karsch for his obliging courtesy in giving such assistance as 1 asked. In fact, the most pleasant and agreeable features of my trip were the hearty cooperation I met with everywhere aud the ready willingness to aid, by any means in their power, that distinguished call those having charge of the collections 1 desired to see. The trip to Dresden was a distinct disappointment. Dr. Staudinger was not iu town, and the Moeschler collection had not been acquired by him as I had been informed it had. Mr. E. Bang-Haas did all in his power by showing me such northern material as had been studied by Dr. Staudinger; but this was a poor substitute for what I had expected or had been led tt) expect. My leave of absem-e was then about ex- hausted and I returned to Anunica via Bremen. Ill preparing the notes made in the Euroi)ean collections I found that it would be necessary to refer to the greater part of the «lescribed species, and after consulting with Dr. Kiley, I concluded to prepare a catalogue embodying not only my notes on the types in foreign collec- tions, but also on those iu American collections. My aim is to give, as nearly as m.ay be, the present location of the type specimen of every noctuid species described from America since (Tueiiee wrote. This necessitates a reference to some of the American collections containing types. Of the individual collections, by far the most im- portant is that of Mr. B. Neumoegen, of New York city. Mr. Neum- oegen has succeeded in accumulating a very large amount of valuable material, mainly tVom the Western States, and this has been in large part named by Mr. Grote, Mr. Henry Edwards, and more recently by myself. He has the type> of 233 or about 13 per cent of our species j not always uniipie types, but specimens so marktul. Ni'xt in importance is the collection of the late Henry Edwards, also of New York city. Mr. Edwards rlescribed many species from his own collection and furnished specimens for a considerable number of the species described by Messrs. Grote and Hsirvey. A large part of the value of Mr. Edwards' collection is derived froni the fact that he pei- soually collected a very great portion of it, and that it is labeled with the exact l(>cality of capture and not merely with a State label. This collection has been acciuired for tlu^ American Museum of Natural History in New Y'^ork city, and will be, when iu place theie, a most viilnable one for the student. Tlie collection of Mr. Fred Tepper, of Brooklyn, now the property of the Agricultural College of Michigan is uext in rank, containing IU types, many of them described by Mr. Morrison, aud some of them duplicating the "types" in other collections. PREFACE. 11 The Strecker collection at Reading, Pa., contains aconsiderable num- ber of types; not only all that were described by Dr. Strecker himself but also some of those describe<l by Mr. Morrison and Dr. Behr. At some distance behind are the collections of Mr. E. L. Graef, of Brooklyn, N. Y ; Dr. Roland Tbaxter, of Cambridge, Mass. ; Dr. J. A. Lintner, of Albany, N. Y.; Dr. George D. Hulst, of Brooklyn, N. Y.; Mrs. C. H. Fernald, Amlierst, Mass., and the collections of Dr. Jauies Bailey and Mr. W. W. Hill, both of Albany, N. Y., deceased. I owe thanks in each case to the owners of the collections above named for courtesies extended to me and in some cases for lists of the types contained in the collections; all of which are incorporated in the following pages. Perhaps a few words concerning " types" may not be entirely out of place right here. Dr. Hagen holds that every specimen named by an author of a species described by himself, is a type. Mr. Morrison was yet more liberal and marked as " type" a number of specimens of spe- cies described by Mr. Grote, having presumably compared them with the actual type. Mr. Grote's practice seems to have been to mark all specimens before him when writing hisoriginal descrription, as "tyi)e," and I think Mr. Grote is right. It is the sum of the characters of the specimens before the describer that makes the species, and though neither may be the type of all the characters, yet all are types of the sjM'cies. There are thus instances where types of Mr. Grote's species are in two or more collections. This is more especially true of the spe- cies described in his earlier and most recent writings; the first, pre- sumably, because of the greater dependence for material ujwn individ- ual collections; the second alter the sale of his collection, wlu>n lie gave away most, if not all, the material received. In the case of my own species "types" are often even more widely distributed. 1 deem it a positive advantage to have types in several collections, but I would name nothing a type which came to hand after the original description was written. The Bailey collection is now in the Imnds of Dr. T. V. Bailey, son of Dr. James Baileiy, by whom the collection was iiuide. It has more types than I have noted; but my notes on the collection are scant and were made several years ago. The W. W. Hill collection is in the care of his family, and is for sale. It contains comparatively few unique tyj)es, but is valuable from the long sciies of specimens accurately labeled with the exact locality and usually also with the date of caj) tare — a very treasure to the stmlent. Dr. i^intner's collection is val- uable for much the same reason. From thesf collections Mr. Grote obtained muth of the material from which he des«iribed, and the returned specimen'' while iiot often marked -'type" 'Except in the early days, are yet typical in that they fornied part of the nmterial on which the species was based. Dr. Thaxter has collected extensively in Massachusetts and Maine 12 PREFACE. and to a less extent in Florida. These collections furnished tyi)es for many species described by Mr. Grote, and of which Dr. Thaxter has duplicates. His material is thus largely typical while not often marked " type." The collections made by Mrs. Fernald at Orono, Me., are in much the same case. She furnished the material lor a number of new species to Messrs. Grote and Morrison, but has few " tyi)e8." The Graef collection contains many rarities collected years ago, when Mr. Grote first began his studies, and contains also a share of the ma- terial collectetl by Morrison. A very great proportion of the si>ecies were determined by Mr. Grote, and the specimens often form part ol the material from which the descriptions were made. The Hulst collection, now in my charge at Kutgers College, is espec- ially ri(;h in Gatocala;, typifying Dr. Hulst's work in that genus, and it ctmtains types also in several other genera. Prof. F. H. Snow, of Lawrence, Kans., has types of a few species, but furnished the material for a considerable number of descriptions. His New Mexican material was sill named by Mr. Grote and is typical of three papers on New Mexican moths. Prof. George H. French, of Carbondale, Ills., has tyi)es of a few species described by himself and there are a few other types scattered in various collections. Mr. David Bruce has collected extensively in Colorado and his col- lections have furnished types of a considerable number of species, most of them described by myself. Most of these types are not in Mr. Brace's collection ; but I have so labeled some of the material returned to him, where it formed part of the original lot from which the descriptions were made. The determinations of my own species in that collection are nearly all made by comparison with the original types. Of Institutions containing noctuid types, the Agricultural College of Michigan contains the Tepper collection already mentioned. A few type specimens are in the Cornell (M)llection at Ithaca, N. Y. Kutgers College has the Hulst collection and types of some of my species. The Hy. Edwards collection is in the American Museum of Natural History. In the collection of the American Entomological Society of Philadel- phia are a number of types of the species described by Messrs. Grote and Robinson, and also of some described by Mr. Grote alone. In the Canadian Entomologist, iv, 101), Mr. Grote writes concerning the work by Mr. Robinson and himself: <<The collection on which th(5se and all our other joint entomological writings were based, is now in the posses- sion of the American Entomological Society." If that was true in 1872, it certainly is not so now, because but a very few of the speiMes are at present in that collection. Of these, a very small proportion only have a written label. Some have a little printed "type" label; but nothing to ih^iicat(^ of what it is the type. In at least two cases I found these "type" specimens under names with which they had no possible rela- tionship. Fortunately the excellent figures given in illustration of the PREFACE. 18 papers referred to, make it possible to ascertain the names of which the specimens are typical. But many species have disapiicared, leaving no trace; in whose liands they are at present I liave been unable to ascertain. Mr. Grote, in tlie third and fourth volnmes of the Transac- tions of the American Entomological Society, published a number oi descriptions referring to the types as in this same collection. Most ol these also have disappeared except in the Deltoids where nearly all are present, properly labeled. Here, however, museum pests have been at work and some of the specimens are in a very precarious condition. I have compared many s])ecimens to get a duplicate series as nearly as possible resembling the originals. This series wiii be deposited in the United States National Museum, when completed. But Mr. Grote's statement, above cited, was too broad. I think he must have intended to refer to the Noctuids only, for, certainly, many of the types in other families are in the American Museum of Natural History, New York city. In the museum of the Boston Society of Natural History is the Har- ris ooUection, containing a considerable number of specimens labeled by Harris himself. There are also a few of Mr. Morrison's types in the collection. At Cambridge, in the Museum of Comparative Zoiilogy, are most of the tyi)es of Dr. Packard's species described from Labratlor. These were originally in the Museum of the Peabody Academy, at Salem, where I first saw them, and they wore then in a sadly fragmentary condition, and (m the high road to complete doHtruction. Their trans- fer to Cambridge was a decidedly wise move, ajid when I last saw them there they looked much better and bid fair to last for some time to come. A carefully compared set of spt'ciniens is a desideratum. For his work on the North Americaii Lcpidoptera, Zeller derived a consid- able portion of his material from this collection, and most of his noctuid types are here. A few, Grote and Morrison types are also deposited here. The collections in the U. S. National Museuni are very rich in noctuidce, but have compiirativoly few types of the older authors. A small tiumber of the Walker types weie donated U} the museum by Dr. C. J. S. Bethune, at my request, in 1891. All of Dr. Uiley's species are represented in the collection, forming psn t of liis gift to the museum, and in that collection were also a few Morrison types. Morrison's types, it will be noted, are everywhere. The collection originally formed by myself was purchased by the nniseum, and contiiined types of a fe.v species described by myself, and of a number of species (les(Tibed and given me by Mr. Grote after the sale of his collection to the British Museum. In the Meske collection, now also in the mnsenm, there are a few types by Grote, Harvey ami Lintner, while it also contains nearly the same series of species to be found in the other Albany collections previously mentioned. The Bclfrage mat^ .al purcliasetl for the nuiseum 14 PREFACE. contains no types, but it contains a duplicate series of many of the Texan species descTibed by Messrs. Grote and Harvey, often under the exiict label in number and color mentioned in the characterization of the type. Of the species more recently described by myself, the musenm con- tains a large proportion of the types. It has been my effort to pla«,'e, so far as I could do so, the types of all my species in this museum, and to make it, for the future American students, as nearly typical and complete as possible. My various contributions toward a monograph of tlie noctuida; are based on this collection, and the collection is ar- ranged and named in accord with my published work, which it thus typifies. In the American noctuidic this collection is, in the quality of material, the length of series, the localities represented, and range ot variation shown, by far the best in the country or even in the world, for the British Museum series is very much poorer in specimens, though incomi)arably richer in types. With the above explanation, the references to the location of types made in the following pages will be easily understood. As already indicated, my systematic work necessitated the forma- tion of a card catalogue. Asa starting point I adopted Mr. Grote's bibliographical list of 1874, and transferred it to cards, adding subse- quent references from time to time so as to keep it up to date. Nat- urally enough I followed Mr. Grote's plan at first and noted neither the date of the publication nor the dates of flight, even when given. Localities were indicated only in the most gemnal terms. I soon found that I could not rely on the accuracy of Mr. Grote's references in all cases, and that there was no i)retence of completeness in the biblio- graphy. Occasionally only tiie name of the publfeation Jind page were given and neither volume nor year. 1 have therefore, in almost every case verified the references given, and where I have copied bibliography and synonymy without verification I have generally stated that fact. In spite of all care I can not hope to have escaped errors. Every ref- erence has been transcribed from original note to card and from card to numuscript, and fliuiUy transferred to type. This leaves a margin for error, and although I have in the great nnijority of cases verified the reference to original description from the manuscript, errors may have crept in and may have been overlooked. The omission of dates of publication in my original cards made it nec- essary to go over every reference to make the addititiou and here I found Dr. Hagen's "Bibliotheca" invaluable. Yet the dates given of some of the older works issued in parts can bo considered as approxi- mate merely. In most cases this is of little pratitical importance, and where it is, I have gotten as close to the truth as I could. Some of these works bear the date of the preface or title page while the body of the work may not have api)eared for some years afterward. Ililb- ner's Yerzeichniss is dated 1810 and contains references to the noo> PREFACE. 16 tuulie in the second hundred of the Ziitiji-ge which, according to Mr. Grote in Can. Bnt., xiii, 02, was published in 1823. Now, either the references were published from Ave to seven years before the descrip- tions and plates appeared or the Verzeichniss was not published until long after its date. In view of this fact and the fact that the entire first hundred of the Zutrapge is referred to, no earlier date than 1820 can be reasonably assumed for Iliibner's list. This makes it long sub- sequent to Ochsenheimer's Systema Glossatornm, also dated in 1810 and, I believe, actually published about that time. Yet I have cited 181(> as the date of the Verzeichniss in most cases where it confli<ts with no other reference. Usually the dates given by Dr. Hageii have been accepted as controlling. Ill citing references from society publications I have used the date given on the printed forms, even where 1 was well assured that the date was later, wherever this method would not involve the question of pri- ority. The noctuidre have been singularly fortunate in ottering a very few cases only in which there could be any serious doubt as to which name had priority. In 1874 and 187;">, when Messrs. Grote, Morrison, Harvey, and Strecker were publishing at about the same time, several species were twice described, with narrow nmrgins between the dates of publication; but these margins were at on<re fixetl and no confusion resulted. In a number of cases Mr. Grote has dui»licated descriptions in separate journals, eacli description purpcutiiig to be that of a "n. sp." Thus, descriptions in the Bull. Bkln. Knt. So**, are duplicated in the Canadian Entomologist, while descriptions in that journal are (lui»!i- cated in the Bull. Butt". Soc. Nat. Sci. As this duplication occurred mainly at about the <late Mr. Morrison was describing, I assume that it was intended to secure two chances of priority. In citing localities to show geo};iaphical distribution, a variety of difficulties arise. Few species are so evenly distributed as to occur in all parts of any large region, and yet, in giving the geographical range in a work of this cha* 'er it is practically impossible to give details even when ascertainable. Many of our States afford varieties of surface, of climate and of geological formation that support quite different sets of moths. To cite "New York," for instance, does not indicate that the species occurs all over that State. Many species are found on Long Island that are not found at Albany, while the Albany region affords many peculiar forms not thus far duplicated elsewhere in the Strtte. The Catskill and Adirondack regions each have forms peculiar to themselves, Mhile along the northern and western bound- aries of the State still ether forms occur. Most of the other States are in much the same case, and in some the nnitter is more serious. Texas has two quite distinct faunal regicms, <Hie of them giving the normal Atlantic forms, the other extending into New Mexico and Arizona, and giving quite a distinctive set of speeies. Colorado has a surprisingly varied fauna, as will appear in the following pages. Yet a citation by 16 PREFACE. Jl I States or by groups of States lias been the only one feasible. A species may occur in New York, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Vermont and Maine, and only in one or two localities in each ; yet the entire geo- graphical group will be cited. I have endeavored, however, to specify as much as possible in a work of this kind. By such expressions as << Canada to Texas to Colorado," it is intended to indicate that between these extremes the species has been recorded from most of the States. The term "Canada," as here used, includes the Provinces of Ontario and Quebec, other British possessions being cited as pubhshed or labeled. Finally, I have reason to believe that the "East Florida" of the British Museum list may mean Te&as or Georgia as often as what is now known as Florida. The sources for the localities given are the original descriptions, lists published by Lintner, Thaxter, Snow, Van Duzee, Hill, Mrs. Fernald, and others, in the entomological journals and elsewhere, a very t!om- plete list of species taken in Colorado by Mr. Bruce, the collections at Rutgers College, and in the National Museum, and the duplicate lists of species named by me for correspondents for several years past. The dates given are from the same sources, the National Museum collection being especially well labeled in the Californian and Texan series. My studies in the noctuids have been almost exclusively systematic, and the references nmde by me on the cards were such as would facili- tate my work in that direction. I have included all references to de- scriptions of early stages, hal)its, etc., found in the entomological and scientific journals or publications, but have not searched economic lit- erature. This latter has grown to such enormous proportions in recent years that it merits a separate index, and tiiere is so much repetition, so much <;ompilation, and so much duplication that to include the mat- ter here would have exteiuled the work unnecessarily. Mr. Henry Ed- wards in his catalogue of the described early stages of Lepidoptera, Bulletin No. 35 of the National Museum, has covered this ground fairly well, and I have not recognized the necessity of duplicating all his references. The only exceptions made are that I have cited Dr. Riley's Missouri reports, some of Dr. Lintner's reports, and the volumes of the Entomo- logical Commission ; the first ami se(!ond of these because they contain descriptions of new species, and in the case of Dr. Riley's reports, ex- cellent and characteristic figures: tlie latter because the treatment is scientificand monographic, containing exhaustive treatises on all phases of structure, habit, and development. Bulletin 35 of the U. S. National Museum should be, therefore, bound with the present work to complement and com])lete it. Our literature contains a large number of notes on species, giving no new or useful information and of men'ly locjil interest. Iteferences to these have been omitted. The object has been to give : (I) The place of origimil description; (2) complete redescriptions; (3; additions to PHEFACE. 17 the knowledge conncniing the species; (4) the changes made in generic location. Under this latter head I have not included references to sacli lists as adopt a dift'erent generic term for an entire genus, e. g., Mr. Grote uses Apatela and UeliophUa for Acronycta and Leucania) but I have not cited his lists for this change in term since it does not carry with it any suggestion of difference in structure. Where a species ap- pears in the catalogue in a genus different from the one last cited, the reference is usually to be credited as original here or in my list of the Lepidoptera of boreal America, published in 1891. In Synonyms the same rules are observed, because the literature of the synonym is often better or more accessible than that of the original species, and the final reference given is that which places the name as a synonym. Usually I have given a reference only to the first positive statement of the synonymy ; but where more than one observer have independently so referred a name, I have as a rule cited them all. Where no reference to the synonymy appears in the bibliography it is original here. Finally, while I have given the reference to the original descriptions of the genera, I have not given generic synonyms nor references to re- descriptions of a genus. The generic synonymy appears suflftciontly in the bibliographj' of the species, while redescriptions will be readily found under the same references. I have made no attempt to specify the " types" of genera, for opinion differs in many cases in which I have made no original study of the matter, and I do not care to adopt or reject con- clusions Avithout some verification. Usually Mr. rote has been fol- lowed except in his use of certain Hiibnerian genera, I do not think that under the utmost latitude the Tentamen should be considered au- thority for a generic term, while the Verzeichniss names so far as ap- plicable must bo used eventually. It follows ftom this that in some cases older generic terms may have to be substituted for those now in use; but I think such cases will not be great in number. With this somewhat lengthy explanation of the origin and purpose of the catalogue I submit it to the consideration of lupidopterists gen- erally. All the species contained in the National Museum collection are mar -ced with sin asterisk (•). I hope that those who have species not so marked, in duplicate, will send specimens to complete the collection for the ben- efit of students generally. The advantage of a central, complete col- lection accessible at all times, constantly cared for, the property for all scientific ends of students generally, can not be overestimated. John B. Smith. Rutgers Colleak, April 5, 1803, 6048— No. 44 2 • INDEX TO AUTHORS AND WORKS CITED. Only those works of an author cited in the catalogue are here noted. Works published in theProct^edings or Transactions of an Institute or Society are cited from the society's publication in most instances, and only rarely by the title of the memoir. Under the name of eaoh author is given a list of his books here cited. Names which have no such lists appended, represent authors that have published on American Noctuidee in periodical, society, or institute literature only. Periodical, society, and institute literature is indexed by the first word of the usual abbre- viation. Separate works are found only under the name of the author and are not independently indexed by their usual abbreviation. So far as it goes, Uagen's Bibliotheca Entomoloyica has furnished dates and titles; more recent works are in most cases given from my own notes. The dates given are of the beginning and end of works issued in parts, or those given on the title page of others. Periodical literature is not dated here, the date ot the volume or part cited being always given in the catalogue. sir.xs rsED. * Specimens are in the National Museum collertion. tName cited in error. II Name preoccupied. Amer. Ent. The American Entomologist : An i11n8trat«d magazine of popular and practical entomology. New fork. Am. Journ. Sci. Silliman's American Journhl of Arts and Sciences. Amer. Nat. The American Naturalist: An illustrated magazine of natural history. Philadelphia. Andr. Andrews, W. V. Angus, James. Ann. Ltc. Nat. Hist. N. Y. Annnls of the Lyceum of Natural History in New York. Published by the society. Ann. and Mao. Nat. Hist. Annals and Magazine of Natural History. London. Ann. See. Knt. Belg. Annales de la Soci€t6 Entomologique de Delgique. Bruxcllos. Published by the society. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. Annales de la Soci^t^ Entomologique de France. Paris. Pub- lished by the society. An 8P. dist. a distinct or good species: not a synonym. Bailky, t)T. James. Bat>8, J. Elwyn. 19 20 INDEX TO AUTHORS AND WOBKS CITED. Bdv. or BoiBD. Boisdaval, Jean Alphonse. lo. Hut. on Lif. Icoiim Ustoriquea dea Lipid opMres d'Earope, noureaux on pen connnii. Paris, 1832-1848. Fr. Emt. Madao., Lkp, Fanne entomologique de Madagascar, Bourbon et Maurice, partie dM L^pidopMrea. Paris, 1834. OSN. KT. IND. Mbth. Oenera et Index methodiviis europieonini Lepidoptororum, Paris, 1840' IND. MiTH. Enropieomm Lepidopterorum index niettiodicus. Paris, 1829. Bean, Thomas E. Bbacv. Paliaot de Beanvois, A. M. F. J. Iks. Atr. kt Am. losootes reciieillis en AMque et en Amt^rique dans les myanmes d'Oware, Saint-Domingne et dans les titats Unis pendant les aunOes 1781-1797. Paris, 180&-1821. Bkhr, Dr. Hermann. Behrbnb, James. Bbrun. Mao. Berliner Magazin. Brth. Bethune, Rer. C. J. 8. Bkut. BeatenniU]Ier, William. Bkr. See BoRKH. BORKH. Borkhauaen, Moriz Balthasar. Katubo. Buk. Schhbtt. NaturgeRchioiite der enropnelsrlien Schmetterlinge nacb systenia- tlscher Orrinung. Frankfurt, 1788-1794. Koctnw in Vol. IV, 1792. Brack, John P. Breiimb, H. H. Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc. Bulletin of the Brooklyn Entoiiutlogical Society. Pub- lished by the society, 1877-1884. Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci. Bulletin of the BulTalo Society of Natunil Si'ionco. Published by the society, Butfiilo, N. Y. Bull. Cal. Ac. Sci. Bulletin of the California Academy of Sciences. Published by the academy, Sun Francisco. Bull. 6eol. Surv. Bulletin of the United States Geological and Geographical Sur- vey of the Territories, Washington, D. C. Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 38. Bulletin of the United States National Museum, No. 38. Washington, 1890. Revision of Agrotis. Bunker, Robert. Butler, Arthur G. Canadian Journal, The. Published in Toronto. New series, Vol. xi, 1865 is the only volume cited. Can. Ent. The Canadian Entomologist. Published by the Entomological Society of Ontario at London, Ontario. Can. Nat. and Grol. The Canadian Naturalist and Geologist, Montreal. Caulfibld, F. B. C. B. Mus., Het. Catalogue of the Le^idoptera Heterocera in the British Museum, . 1856-1868. Forming Vols, ix to xxxvi of the Lepidoptera. Clem. Clemens, Braokenridge, Clurck, Carl Alexander. Iconics. Icones inseotoriim variornm cnm nominibus eorum trivialibus locisqne e C. Linniei syst. nat. allegatis. Holmioe, 1759-1764. COMSTOCK, John Henry. Cotton Insects. Keport upon Cotton Insects prepared under tlie direction of the Commis. sioner of Agriculture in pursuauce of an act of Congress approved June 19, 1878. Wasti. ington, D. C, 1879. COQUILLBTT, D. W. Corr.-Blatt. Correspondenzblatt, fiir Sammler von Insecten, insbesondore von Sohmetterliugeu. Regensbnrg, Manz. Cram. Cramer, Pieter. • Pap. Ex. Papillons exotiques des trois parties du monde, I'Asle, I'Afrique et l'Am6r!qiie, raasembMs et d^orits par Pierre Cramer. Dessin^ sur les originaux, grav^aetenlumint'is sons aa direction. Amsteldnm, Balde. 1775-1782, Vols. I-IV. INDEX TO AUTHORS AND WORKS CITED. 21 Croft, Heury H. Curt. Curtis John. App. to Ross. Nabr. 2nd Yot. Dmcrltition of the injects brought home by Comiiuuitler JawM Clark Koaa; serond voyage. Appt-ndix Nat. UUt., 1831. Dalm. Dulman, Johanu Wilhelm. D1.MMOCK, A. K., Anna Katukkine. DoDOK, G. M. Dru. Drnry, Drew. Illustb. lUuatratioDR of natural hiatory, wherein are exhibited upwards of two hundred and forty llgares of exotic insects according to their dittereut genera, etc. London, 1770-1782. Duncan, James. Dup. Dupoucbel, Philogcne Auguste Joseph. Cat. M<tTH. Catalogue M^thodique dps L^pil1opt^res d'Europe distribn£s en families, tribus et genres, aveo I'expos^ des caract^res, etc. I'aris, 1M4-18M. Dyak, Harrison G. Ei>w. Edwards, William H. Ent. Ambr. Entomologica Americana; organ of and published by the Brooklyn Entomological Society, 1885-1890, at Brooklyn, N. Y. Ent. Mo. Mao. The Entomologists' Monthly Magazine, London: Van Voorst. Ent. Nkws. Entoiuological News and Proceedings of the Entomological Section of the Academy of Natural Sciences. Published by the Amer. Ent. Soc., Philadel- phia. Entohologist. The Entomologist; an illustrated journal of general entomology, London. ESP. Esper, Eugen Johann Christoph. ScHMKTT. Die (Enropnischen) Schmetterlinge in Abbildnngen nach der Natnr mit Bescbrei- bnngen. Erhtngen, 1771-1794. Koctuids in Pt. IV, 1786. Suppl., 1805-1807. Fabr. Fabricius, Johauu Christian. SvsT. Knt. Systema Entomologiie sisteus Insectoram classes, ordines, genera, species, ad- Jectis synonymis, locis, descriptionibns, observationibus. Flensbnrgi et Lipsis, Korte, 1775. Gkn. Ins. Genera eorumque charactcrcs naturales secundum, nuiuerum, flguram, situm et proportionom omnium partium oris adjecta mantissa speciernm nuperdetectariuu. Chilonii, Bartsch, 1777. Spec. Ins. Species Insectorum exhibenteseorura dilferontiasspecitlcas, synonym* auctornm, Iocs natalia. metamorphosin, adjectis observationibus, descriptionibns. Hamburgii et Kil- onii, fiobn, 1781. Hant. Ins. Mantissa lusvctorum sisteus eorum species nuper detectas adjectis characteriboa genericis, diiferentiis speciticis, emendationibns, observationlbns. HaiUn, Proft, 1787. Ent. Syst. Entoraologia syfttemntioa emendata et aucta, secundum classes, ordines, genera, speuiits, adjectis synonymis, lucis, obfiervutiouibus, desoriptionibus. Hafniie, Froft 8, X. Ill, pars 1 et 2, 1793 and 1794. Faoer, D. B. Feld. Felder, C^eUn. Reisb deb Nov., Zool. Keisu der Oeaterreicliisciieu Fregatte Kovara nm die Erde in don Jahren 1867, 1858, 1859. ZoologiHclier Tlieil, zwoiter Biuul, 1864-1875. Fischer, Philip. Fitch, Dr. Asa. Rbpi'. Ins. N. Y. Keports on the noxious, bonofloial, and other insects of the State of New Yorlc. 13 i-eports, beginning 1855. Fourth Rept. Ent. Fourth Report of the United States Entomological Commission. U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, 1885. French, George H. Cat. Ills. Synopsis of the Catooalm of Illinois. From the curator's report in the 7th Ann. Kept, of the I'rlnripal to the Boanl of Trustees of the 80. Ills. Normal Univ., Carbondale, 111.. 1882 G. ANi» R., or Ort. and Rob. Gentry, Thomas A. Germ. Germar, Ernst Friedrioh. Grote (A. R.) and Robinson (C. T.) 22 INDEX TO AUTHORS AND W0BK8 CITED. Gbykr Carl. See Hilbiier for ZntrSge. Gmki.. Gmelin, Johann, Friedrich. Ed. Limr. Stbt. Nat. Syatem* N»tanB,&c., 0d xiil, anoU, refonnaU eura Jo*. Frid. Omelia, Upaia, 1788-1793. InMote ia Vol. I, pU. 4 and 5, 1789. Ok. G<ion6e, Aohille. E88AI, •« U cUMiflostion d« nocta^Udea. In A.nii. Soo. Ent. Fr. 1837-1839. NocT. IND. Mrh. Nootnanun Earop«aiiim index methodlcoa, ato. Ann. Soo. Ent. Fr. 1841, 236-250. Sp. Obi. Lbp., Noot. Species General dea LipidopUrea. Nootuelitea, Vols. i-ni. Paria, 1852, in the anitea k BufTon forming Vola. T-vn of tlie L^pidoptera. Sp. ODf. Lip., Dilt. As before. Deltoidea and Pyralitea. Paria, 1854. Forms Vol. viii, of the Lopidoptera. 8p. Gin. Lip., Pbal. As before. Uranidea, Plial6nitea T. i. and ii, Paris, 1857. Forms Vola. IZ and X of the aeries. GOXZB, Johann Angnst Kphraim. Bbitb. Entomologiaohe Beitr&ge sn des Tlittor Liun6 zwolften Ausgabe dea Natursyattims. Leipsig, 1777-1781. GOODELL, L. W. Goodhue, Charles H. GossK, Philip Henry. Cam.Kat. The Canadiuu Kiitura'.ijt, a scritw of ub»«rvation» oo the Natnral History of Lower Canada. London. 1840. Gut. Grote, AugaHtus Rudcliffe. Cbbok List Koot. or List Noot. Check List of the Xoctaidte of America north of Mexico. BufTalo, Roineulce tt Zesoh. Ft. I, 1875, pt n, 1876. Niw List. New Checlc List of North American Moths, 1882. Iix. EasAT. An Illustrated Essay on the NoctoidO) of North America, with " A Colony of Butterflies." London, 1882. KxviBBD List, 1802. Qv(:n. Gn6rin-Meneville, Fhllx Cdoitard. Icon. KfeONS Anim. Iconographle du rigne animal de G. Cnvier, etc. Paris, 1829-1838. GuNDLACH, Dr. Juan. COMT. Ent. Cdb. Contribuoion Entomologia Cubana. Havnnnah, 1880. Harr. Harris, Thaddeua William. Kept. Ins Mass. A report on the insects of Massachusetts iojurious to Tegetation. Cam- bridge, 1841-1842. Ent. Cobb. Entomological oorrespoudonco of Thaddeus William Harris, M. D. Edited by Samuel H. Scndder. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. Occasional paperH, 1869. Harr. Inj. Ins., Fmnt bd. A treatise on acme of the insects injurious to vegeta- tion. Edited by Charles L. Flint. New York, 1862. Harv. Harvey, Dr. Leon F. Haw. Haworth, Adrian Hardy. Lbp. Bbitt. Lepldoptera Brlttannloa, slstenidigestlonemnovamlnaectorumLopldopterorum quiB In Magna Britannia reperiuntur, etc. London, 1803-1812. Hex. Hiibner, Jacob. Samml. Ex. SoamTT., Sammlang exotisoher Schmetterllnge. Augsburg, 180A-1824. Bamml. Eub. SoaiiKTr. SanmlungenropiilsoherSohmetlerllnge. Augsburg, 1806-1824. Tbbzbiohniss. Verzelohniss bekannter Schmetterlinge. Augsburg, 1816. The noctnlde in the volume were not issued until after 1818. Zctbaboe. Zutraege aur Sammlnug exotisoher Schmetterlinge, bestehend In Bekundlgung elnzelner Fllegmuster neuer oder rarer nluht europiilscher Gattungen. Augsburg, 1818-1823, 1825-1882 (yon Carl Geyer) 1837 (von Carl Geyer). Hfh. Hufnagel. Bbblin. Mao. Berliner Magazln. Hoch. von Hoohenwarth, Sigmnnd. H. Sch. Herrich-Sohaeffer, Gottlieb August William. EOB. SoHifKTT, or Sormbtt Kub. Systematlsche Bearbeltung der Schmetterlinge von Europa, als Text, Hevtslon nnd Supplement su J. Hiibners Siimmlung europiilscher Sohmetterliuge. BegeuHburi;, Mass., 1848-1856. Noctoids, VoL n, 1815. INDEX TO AUTHORS AND WORKS CITED. 23 of Mexico. opteroruffl H. ScH. Herrich-Schaeflfer, Gottlieb August William— Continaed. ExoT. ScHiiiT, or Lbpid. Exot. Lepidopteroram exoticomm apeciea noTK ant minni cogniUs. Collection de nouvellet espdoes de Fapilionii exotiques. IUtiabon», 1850-1858. Nkuk Schmctt. Edb. Neu« Schmelterllnge an* Europa und den angrenMnden Ltadern. Kegunrtburg, 1856. Hri.sT, Oeorge D. lIi'MPH. ItRiT. Moths. British moths and their transformations. Arranged and il- luMtriited in a series of plates by Henry W. Noel Humphreys. London, 1857. Hv. Edw. Edwards, Henry. iNdKcr LiFB. Devoted to the economy and life habits of insects, eipecially in their relations to agriculture. Periodical bulletin of the Division of Entomology, United States Department of Agriculture. Washington, D. C. Jardinb Nat. Libr. The Naturalist's Library, by Sir William Jardlne. Edinburgh. Lepidoptera, 1835-1841. Johnston, James. Kbixicott, David. KiRBY, WiUiam. Vn. BOR. Amer. Fauna boreali-Amerioana, or the soSlogy of the northern parts of Britinh America, containing description* of the objectd of natural history collected on the late north- ern laud ex|ieditiona under command of Sir John Franklin. Part iv, The Insects, 18:17. KoRBELB, Albert. I R. Latreiile, Pierre Andrd. Gin. Crust, bt Ins. Genera crnstaceornm et insectorum aecuudem ordineni disposita, icon- ibus exomplisqiio plnrimus expiicata. Paris, 1800-1809. COMSID. G£n. DBS Crust, bt Ins. Oonsid^rations g^u^rales sur I'ordre natural des animaux oomposant les classes des Crust, us, des i 'achnides et des Insectes, aveo un tablt-au m^thodique de leurs genres dispoNcs en funiill. es. Paris, 1810. Led. Lederer, Julius. Kocr. Eur. Die Noctuinen Europas, mit Zr ziebuug^einiger bisher raelst dam gozShlten Arten des aaiatisohen Russlands, Kleinasiens, Syriens u. Labradors. Wien, 1857. Lbfb. Lefebure, Alexandre. Linn, or LinnI^. Linnd, Carl von. FN. SuBO. Fauna Sueoica sistens animalia Sneola regni. Qaadrnpedia, Aves, eto. Kditio altera aactior. Stockholmise, 1761. Stst. "Sat., Ed. X. Systema Naturae per rcgna tria naturae secnndnm classes, ordines gen era, species, cum characteribus, dilTerentiis, synonymus, loois, ed.decimareformata,' Hoi- miael, 1758; 11,1759. Stst. Nat., bd. XII. Systema naturae per rogua trin naturae Mccnndum classes, ordiues, genera, species, cum characteribus, difforentiis, synouymis, locis, ed. diiodecima reformata. Holmiae, I, 1766, H, 1767, III, 1768. Hub. L. it. MuHeum S. It. M. Ludovicae Ubricae Rcgiuae, etc., in quo anlmalia rariora, exotica, inprimis iuMoi'tactvonchilladescriJhunturrtdutorminantur, prodromi instareditum. Holmiae, 1764. Lint, or Lintn. Lintner, James Albert. Ent. Cont. Entomological contributions, I-IV, from the reports on the Kow York State Cabinet of Natural History. Albany, N. Y. I, Vol. xxili, 1872; II, Vol. xxiv, 1872; III, Vol. XXVI, 1874; IV, Vol. XXX, 1878. The paging cited is that of tlie separaftes ; I and IV are paged separately, II and III as in the reports. Lucas, Hippolyte. Mead, Theodore L. Meigen, Johann Wilhelm. Stst. Bbscbb. Schmbtt. Bub. Systematische Beschreibung der europiiischen Sclirauttor linge. Aacheu, 1827-1832. M£n. Mdnetri^s, E. SOHBBNK's Bbisbn. Scbreuk Reisen u. Forsohungon im Amurl.indo. Lepidoptera, Peters- burg, 1859. Meyer, Julius. MiNOT, Charlus Sedgwick. 24 INDEX TO AUTHORS AND WORKS CITED. MuESCHL. Moesnhler, Heuridi Huuiiu. Moffat, J. Alston. MoOKE, Frederick. Moult. Morrison, H. K. N. H. L. Noiuun bis lectiiui. Indicates that the nnmc is preoccupied. Nkum. Neiuuoegon, Bertliold. No. Am. Ent. The North American Entomologist. Buftalo, N. Y. Roinecko & Zesch, 1879-80. One volume only. Ocii8. Ocbsenhuimer, Ferdinand. .Sc'iiMErr. £UK. Die Schmetterlingu von Kurupa. £<eipzi£, 1807-1816. Tho syfltcmii gloHHa- toriim is iu Vol. iv, 1816. Oliv. Olivier, Antoine Guillaume. Enc. Meth. Encyfloi)6(lie m^tliodiqiiG, dictioiinaire dcs Insectos. Paris, 1789-1791 et 1825. Vol. vui. contuining tlie Xoctuids, lHU-1812. Pacific Coast Lkp. Pacific Coast Lepidoptora; a series of papers under this title published in +'ie Proc. Cal. Ac. Sci., bj' Henry Edwards A lew of tho later as separates only. Pack. Packard, Alpheus Spring. Guide. Guide to the Study of Insects. Uth edition. New York, Uenry Holt & Co., 1878. Papilio, organ of and published by the New York Entomological Club, 1881-1884. Pkarsall, Richard F. Pilate, G. R. Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Scienre of Philadelphia. Published by the Academy. Pkoc. Am. Phil. Soc. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, Phila- delphia. Published by the Society. Pkoc. Bost. Soc. N. H. Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History. Published by the Society at Byston, Mass. Pnoc. Cal. Ac. Sci. Proceedings of tho California Academy of Sciences, San Fran- cisco. Published by the Academy. Pkoc. Dav, Ac. Sui. Pncoedings of the Davenport Academy of Scieuces. Pub- lished by the Academy, Davenport, Iowa. I'uoc. Ent. Soc. Phil. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Philadelphia. Published by tlio Society, and succmnled by the Trans. \ni. Knt. Soc. Pkoc. U. S. Nat. Mrs. Proceedings of the United States National Museum, Wash- ington, D. C. Paoc. ZoOl. Soc. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. Published by the Society. Pk. Syn. a synonym of tlic preceding goitd species. PsvcilK. Organ of and ])ubli.slicd by tho Cam'uridge Entomological Club, Cam- bridge, Mass. Put. Ckam. Putinan-Cramer, .\. W. Kki'T. Cuii:i'' Eng. Anuiial report upon explorations and surveys in the dei>artnicnt of the Missouri by E. II. liulfner. First liieut. Kug., U. S. \., l»oiiig Appi-iulix RR. of the anuual report of tho Chief of Engineers for 1877. Washington, 1). C, 1878. Rkpt. Pkab. A.C, Sci. App. Annual report of the Peabody Academy of Science — Appendix. Salem, Mass. Published by the Academy. The Appendix contains the descriptive pajjcrs. Riluy, Charles Valentine. Uki'T. Ins. Mo. Annual report nn thn noxious, benoflciiil, and othor inserts of tlic Sialo of Missouri. 180D-187T. Ninti reports, .lellcrsiin (Jity, Mo. INUKX AND SiiiMT.T. TO .Nio. IkKiTS. (ionurul iiiiloK and siipplmn.Mil to tliu nine roportitou tliu insfM'tM of Missouri. Itullctin No. 0, U. S. Entonioloyical Conimiaiiion, 1881. Ii'on. Robinson. Coleuuin T. I'oiT. Voii liottenbiirg, S. A. NATi'itir. Nuturforsuliui' Noet., 1770, pn. 111-144. INDEX TO AUTHORS AND WORKS CITED. 25 toinccico & Rtcma gloRHa- 1-1791 et 1825. S. & A. Smith (Jaraos Edward) and Alil).,tt (.loliii). Ins. Ga. The Natural History o( tt > rarer Lopiilopti-rmis iiiHnrt ^ of Georjjla, collected from the obiorvntions of John Abbott, with the pluiit:^ oii which they feml. London, 1797. Sagua's Cuba. Ramoa de Li, Sairra. Ilisfcoria ti»ic;i, pi)liticii y iiutmal de la Isla do Cuba. Secuudiii parte: llistoria natural: Tom. vii. (/rii.slai'eo,s, Araguidcs c Iii- sectos. Paris, i56. Lepid., pp. 20J-313 by Lucas. Sank. Sanborn, F.G. Saunu. Saunders, William. FbijitIns. InsectMiiuuriouH to fruits. Pliiladolphia: Lippincutt & Co., 1883. Say, TLomas. Aheuican Knt., Leg. ed. The oompk'to writings of Thomas Say on the Entonioloff.' of Xortli America. Edited by John L. LeConto, New Yorlc, 1859. SCHKANK, Franz von Paula. FN. HoiCA. Fauna Boica. Nurenberg, 1798-1804, Vols, lu, in pts. 6. Smith, John K. List Lgp. Bob. Au. List of the Lepidcptora of Boreal America: Philadelphia, Amcican En- tomological Society, 1891. S.NKLI.KN, P. C. T. SouLE & Ei.iOT. Soule, Caroline G., and Kliot, Ida M. Sl'KYEK, Adolph Staud. Stauding««r,;0. Cat. Lbi*. Kur. Catalog der Lepldopteren des europiieiBohen Faunengcbiots, Dresden, 1871. ' Steph. Stopliens, James Francis. III. ItKiT. Ent., Haust. Illustrations of British Entomology, or a synopsis of indigenous in- sects, containing their generic and specilic doscriiiliims, with an ■•vcrouni of their metamor- phoisett, time of appearance, localities, foml and eco'iiiiij, as i'ui lui practicable, with colored figures (from Westwood) of the rarer and more intiiicstiii ; si; rics, Hanslollata ii. iii, 1K29. Stett. Ent. Zeit. Kntomologisclie Zeitung, berausgogcbini vou dcm Entoinolo- gisclien Verein zu Stettin. Stgh. Sec Staud. Stketch, Richard H. Zyu and Bomb. Illustrations of the /ygujiiidie and iloinbycidao of North America. San Francis'.'o, author, 1672-1873. Stuk. or Stuck. Strecker, Mcrinnnn Lbi'. RllOl'. et Hist. Lcpldoptcra, Khopaloccres ami Hutcnicercs, Iiidigenoiis and c\olir, with descriptions ami colored illustrations. Uoaitin.;, Pa., author. 1H7J-IS7H. Suii NOM. Under the name of, S. V. Schin'ormiillor, Ignaz. Sy8tciiiatisci:<!8 Verzoiciiuess dci- Sihincltciliiiyr der Winner (icgcnil, Wien, 1770. Tai'sch. Tauscher, A. M. Tei'I'ER, Fred. TiiAXiEK, Roland. TiiuNU. Thunberg, <!arl Peter. Mils. Nat. Ac. Ups. Diss. Museum naturalium Acadomiio IJpsalinnsis. Dissert., 1787-1788. Diss. Knt. Disscrtalio Untoniologica novas in.sictorum species sistcns. Upsalia^, 1781-1701. Ins. SUKC. Dissertatio Entoinologica sistuns liisccia Suecica. Upsaliu', 17H1-170.5. TiJDSCHR. vooR Ento-M. Tijilsclirift voor Entomologie nitgegevon duor do Nedur- lHudsche Eiitomologische Vorceuigiug. 's Uruvenhage. Th. 'ri'(>it8chke, Friodrich. StliUBTT. EliB. Die .Schmettorlingo von Europa, vol. v, 182.'). Lelpir.ig. A continuation of 0uli8->nheiinor'8 work i vol. v inuludos the Noctiiidai and is the only volume oiled here. TiiANS. Am. Ent. Soo. Vransiictions of the American Entomological Society. Pub- lished by the society. Philadelphia. Siiccei'ds th(< Proc. Knt. Soc, PhilatlelpUia. Thanh. Ent. Soc. Lonii. Tnumactions of tiie Entoimdogical Society of Lumloa. I'ublished by the society. Trans, Kanh. Ac. Sci. Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Soieuco. Topeka. Published by the Acailemy. 26 INDEX TO AUTHORS AND WORKS CITED. Trans. Nov. Sc. )N8t. Nat. Sci. Tninsactious of the Nova Scotia luBtitute of Natural SL-iences. Piiblisbed by the Institute. Vekh. k. k. zuol.-uot. Gks. Veiiiatidliingeu dor koeiiig.-kaisorlichen zooh>gi8ch- botanischcn Gesellschaft in Wien. Published by the society. Vienna. Vetknsk. Acad. Handl. Kongl. Vetenskaps Aca<leniiens Handlingar, Stockholm. Pablished by the Academy. Wallkng. See Wallgk. Wallgr. Wallengren, H. D. .1. Wkkks, Archibald C. Wkstw. Westwood, .lolin Obadiah. Westw. ED. Dru. Drury, illustrations, etc., q. v. Edited by J. 0. Westwood, London, 1837-1842. Wheeler's Rept. Surv. West 100 Mekid. Report upon geographical and geologi- cal explorations and surveys west of the 100th meridian, in charge of First Lieut. George M. Wheeler, Corps of Engineers, U. S Army, under the direction of Brig. Gen. A. A. Humphreys, Chief of Engineers, U. S. Army. Washington, D. C, 1875. Wien. Ent. Monatschr. Wiener Entomologische Monatschrift. Vienna. Not a society publication. Wlk. Walker, Francis. Wood, William. Index Knt. Index Entomologiciis, ora oompli'toillustrati'il ontalivini' of tho T.i'piiloptcro'.is in- sects ul' Groat Uritain, cunsiitting of IgOie flguros. Lonilun, 18;iJ'18:t9. Worth. Worthington, C. E. W. V. Wiener Verzoichuiss. See S. V. Zeli.. Zfller, Philipp Christ .)ph. Zetv. Zettcrstedt, .Johanu Wilhelm. Iks. Lap. Inseclu Luppoiiica deaoripta. Lipsiw, 1810. The Lupldoptera appeared iu 1839, li <l i CATALOGUE. Family TinATIltlD.E. OenuB TH7ATIRA OcIir. 1816. Ochs., Sohmett. Eur., iv, 77. T. aoripta Gosse.* 1840. Qosae, Canadian Naturalist, 249, Thyatira. 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., ix, 6, Gonophora. 1863. Grt., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., ir, 58, Gotiophora. 1873. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., i, 77, Habroayne. 1873. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., i, 129, Habrosyne. 1875. Speyer, Stett. Ent. Zeit., xxxvi, 108, Thyatira. 1881. Grt., Can. Ent., xui, 152, Hah-osyne. 1883. Thiixter, Papilio, iii, 10, Inr /a on raspViorry. abrasa Gn. 1852. Gu., Spec. Gen. Noct., 1, 12, pi. 3, f. 2, Thyatira. 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., ix, 6, pr. syn. 1863. Grt., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., ii, 58, pr. syn. deram \ Edw. 1873. Edw., Proc. Cal. Ac. Sci., v, 189, Thyatira. 1874. Grt., Bull. Bnft". Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 5, pr. syn. Habitat. — United States generally, northward to Alaska. Nortliern States in Jane; British Columbia, July and August. I refer this species to Thyatira beoause I have not been able to find any essential differences between it and batb. The tyi)e of maculation is quite distinct, but does not sufflcc for generic 8ei)aration. In the Edwards collection there is an Alaskan specimen, and in the Britiali Museum one from Hudson Hay Territory, wliit'h indicate a new species. They are much darker in color, aiul in the course of the t. a. Hue agree with dcrasa rather than with «t;//y><a. GonuB BUTHYATIRA Smith. 1891. Smith, List Lepidoptora 34. B, lorata Grt. 1881. Grt., Papilio, i, 75, Thyatira. 1882. Grt., III. Eksay, 48, pi. i, f. 2, Thynlira. 1891. Smith, List Lepldoptera, 34, Euthyatira IT 28 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Habitat. — Washington. The tyi)e is in Mr. Neumcegen's collection. In pioposinjjc the genus Euthyatirti for the two species here associate , I wish to express my con- viction that the American species heretofore referred to Thyatira are not at all congeneric with batis, the type of the genus. Tliere is a cer- tain similarity in the type of maculatiou, but none in wing form or in other details. E. pudens Gu.* 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct. i, 13, pi. iir, f. I, Thyatira. 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het., ix, 8, Thyatira. 1874. Strk., Lep. Rhop. et Het., 79, Thyatira. 1889. Dyar, Can. Ent. xxi, 209, larva. 1891. Smith, List Lepidoptera, 34, Euthyatira. anticoatiensia Grt. Habitat. — Pennsylvania, northward to Labrador; Anticosti; New- foundland; Canada in May; New York in July. The type of pudens is in the British Museum. I can not find that anticoatienais has been characterized except by name in IVfr. Grote's list of 1890. Genns PSEUDOTHYATIRA Grt. 1864. Grt., I'roc. Ent. Soc. Pliil., iii, oSJ, P. oymatophoroides On." 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen. Noct., i, 13, Thyatira. 1856. Wlk., C. B., Mus., Het., ix, 8, ? Thyatira. 1863. Grt., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., ii, 58, TAicinia. 1863. Grt., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., ii, 134, Laciiiia. 1863. Grt., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., ii, 337, Laoiiiia. 1864. Grt., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., in, 539, PHeudolhiiatira. 1875. Morr., Psyche, i, 41, I'aeudothiialira. 1881. Grt., Can. Ent. xiii, 152, Pseudolhyatira. 1883. Thaxtor, Papilio, iii, 10, larva on red oak. var. expulfcrix, Grt. 1863. Grt., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., n, 58, pi. ii, f. 6, Laclnla. 1863. Grt., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., ii, 134, hirva. 1863. Grt., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., ii, 337, an sp. dist. pr. 1864. Grt., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., ili, 539, an sp. dist. pr. 1882. Grt., Now List, 22, an \nr. pr. eymatophoroulea 9 Gn. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., i, 14, Thyatira. 1856. Wlk., C. B., Mus., Het., ix, 8, var. ft. 1863. (ht., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., ii, 68, =ejijHillrix. 1873. Hy. Edw., Proc. Cal. Ac. Sci., v, 189, Thyatira. Habitat. — West Virginia; ronnsylvania, northward to Nova Scotia; British Columbia; Colorado; Now Mexico; Canada, June and July; New York, May, July, August. The types are in the British Museum, both of the species and the variety. In the museum of tlie Boston Society of Natural History a specimeu iu the Harris collection is marked Noctua cinyiilata. CATALOGUE OF NOCTUID.E — SMITH. Oouus BOMBYCIA Hbn. 1816. Hiibner, Tviitamen. 29 I follow Mr. Grote iu the use of this Hiibneriau term, because Cyma- t&phora has been used iu the Geouietridse, and the term hiis become confusing. It is quite ceruaiu that our species are not congeneric; but all are very rare, and I have never had any material for study. B. improvisa Hy. Edw. 1873. Hy. Edw., Proc. Cal. Ac. 8ci., v, 189, Cymatophora. 1874. Grt., Cau. Ent., vi. 154, Jiombucia. 1875. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., in, 78, Bombycia. 1876. Grt., Stett. Ent. Zeit., xxxvii, 134, tSombycia. 1881. Grt., Papilio, i, 76, liomhyeia. Habitat. — Washington. The type is in the Edwards collection. B. semicircularis Grt. 1881. Grt., Papilio, i, 75, Bombycia. 1882. Grt., III. Essav, 48, pi. i, f. 1, Bombycia. Habitat. — Washington. The tyiJC is in the Neumoegen collection. B. tearlU Hy. Edw.» 1886. Hy. Edw., Ent. Amer., ii, 11, Gluphiaia. 1888, Hy. Edw., Ent. Amer.. iv, 63, Bombycia. 1891. Smith, List Lepidoptiua, 34, Bombycia. Habitat. — California, September and October, The type is in the Edwards collection. B. magnlfioa Strk. 1876. atrk., Pioc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., xxviii, 151, Cynatophora, 1891. Smith, List Lepidoptera, 34, Bombycia. Habitat.— Florida. Mr. Strecker probably has his own type. B. caudida Smith. 1890. Smith, Ent. .\mor., vi, 17S), Bombycia. Habitat.— Florida. The type is in Mrs. Slossoii's collection. B. oaniplaga Wlk. 1856. \Vlk., C. B. Mun., Hot., IX, 18, Cymaloithora. 1874. Git., Bnll. Buff. Son. Nat. Sci., ii, 5, Bombycia. Habitat.— Canada. The type is in the S:iund"i8 lollection at Oxford, England. A figure sent me by Mr. Schaua proves it to ha-^Edema tramrcrHuta Wlk.= tJUida gelida Ort. 9 1 30 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Genus LEPTINA, Gn. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen. Noct., i, 14. The types of all the species in this genus, with the exception of late- bricola, Grt., are in the British Museum. Latebricola type, is in the collection of the American Entomological Society, and is, as Mr. Grote suggests, the same as dormitans. On the other hand, australis is not, as I had supposed from specimens named by Mr. Grote, the same na ophthalmica, but probably a good species. Mr. Grote has mixed vari- etal forms of Guen^e's species with his own. As the matter stands now, after studying all the types, the species divide as follows: Shoulders and base of primaries concolorous dokmitans. Shoulders and base of primaries white. Median lines complete, even, white doublbdayi. T. p. line incomplete, reniform distinct ophthalmica. T. p. line wanting, reniform wanting Australia. L. dormitans Gn.* 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., I, 15, Leptina. 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Hot., ix, 10, Leptina. 18P3. Grt., Proc. Eut. Soc. Phil., u, 57, Leptina. latebricola Grt. * I860. Grt., Proc. Eut. Soc. Phil., u, 57, Leptina. 1881. Grt., Can. Ent., xiii, 152, Leptina. 1890. Grt., Revised Check List, 1, ? pr. syn. Habitat. — Canada; Maine; Rhode Island; New York; New Jersey; Wisconsin. L. doubledayi Gn.'* 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., i, 15, Leptina. 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mas., Het., ix, 10, Leptina. 1863. Grt., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., Ii, 58, Leptina. Habitat. — Maine; Massachusetts in June; New York; Pennsylvania. L. ophthalmica Gn.* 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., I, 15, pi. 3, f. 6, Leptina. 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Hot., ix, 10, Leptina. 1863. Grt., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., Ii, 57, Ijeplina. Habitat. Tew York in June; Massachusetts in June; Wisconsin. L. australis Git. * 1881. Grt., Can. Ent., xiii, 152, au vur., ophthalmica. 1882. Grt., New List, 22, au spec. dist. 1891. Smith, List Lepidoptera, 'M=ophthalmica. Habitat.— Texas, Alabama. F h DOKMITAN8. isconsiu. CATALOGUE OF NOCTUIDiE SMITH. 31 Family NOCTUID.E. GcnuH PANTHEA Hbu. 18l«. Hiihner, VerzcicLiuHs, 103. I use this term to replace AutMa, Platycerurn, and in part Charadra as used by Mr. (Irote. The species are structurally identical with the Eui'opean ccetiobita, and one species — acronyctoideH — has also practically the same type of markings. P. acronyctoides Wlk." 1861. VVlk., Can. Nat. aiidGeoL, vi., 'M, Audela. 1877. (irf., Can. Eut., i.\, 27, AuMa. 1878. (iit., Bull. G«M>I. Surv., iv, 169, Aiidda. 18'U. Siiiith, l^ist I.eitidoptora, JJl, I'unthca. cucomelana Morr. 1873. Morr., Froc. Ac. Nat. ^^ci. Phil., 1875, 428, I'anilna. 1878. Grt., iJuU. Gool. Saw., iv, 16J>, pr. syn. Habitat. — Canada; River Roukc in June; Maine; Massachusetts; New York; Wisconsin. Mr. Morris(m's type is in the Tepper collection; Mr. Walker's is in the collection of the Kutoinological Society of Ontario, yifZc' Grote. The references wore made by Mr. Orote after seeing both types. p. furcilla Pack. 18()4. Pack., Proc. Kut. Soc. I'liiL, MI, 371, riati/cerura. 1873. Stretch, Zyj;. •& 15mnl».. 23(», pi. 9, f. 15, PhttyctrHra. 1874. Lint., Ent., Cout., ni, 131 f. 7, larva. 1881. (Jrt., Hull. (Jcol. Surv., vi, 2.58. 277. PUiUjcvrura. 1883. Thaxter, Papilio, iii, 11, larva. 1891. Suiith, List Lcpidoptera, 34, I'anihru. Hahitat. — Canada; Eastern and I\riddle States; Minnesota; New liork in June. The type «)f tiiis species is in the .Museum nf ('omparativc Zoology at Cand»ridge. p. gigantea I'ronch. 1890. French, Can. Ent., xxii, 134, rintyvcnini. 1891. Smith, Lint Lcpi<1optcra, 31. I'inithca. IlAiUTAT.— Colorado, Texas. Prof. French has.his own type. 1 had seen specimeas in the Kd- wards collection, but had considered them local forms- of furvUUi. P. palata Grt. ' 1880. (iri., (an. Ent., xii, 258, Charadra. 1881. Grt., Papilio, i, 153, Charadra. 1891. Smith, Lint Lopi<lopt(>ra, 34, Vanthea, I lAHlT AT.— Colorado; Arizona. The type is in the Hritish Museum. Mr. Butler has it under Platy- oerura. 'S 32 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. . Genus DBMAS Steph. 1829. Stcpb., 111. Br. Ent., Haust., ii, 59. D. propinquilinea Grt.' 1873. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 293, Charadra. 1881. Gooilell, Papilio, i, 1.5, larva. 1885. Diiuiuock, A. K., Psyche, iv, 274, larva. flacicornin .Smith. 1884. Smith, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vii, 3, Pemas. Habitat. — Maine in July; Massiichusetts in June; lihode Island and New York in May and July; New Jersey in May. Mr. Grote'atype is in the British Museum, and is, as 1 have for some time suspected, my flavicornis, the type of which is with Mr. Graef. I liau seen propinquilinea, I believe, in Mr. Thaxter's collection, but the speci- mens were very mucli more sharply marked than the one which became iny type. My generic reference holds good. (ienus RAPHIA Hbn. 1816. Ilhn., Verzoicliniss, 212. R. abrupta Grt. * 1863. Grt.. Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., ii, 336, pi. 8, f. 3, Raphia. Habitat. — Canada, in June, to Texas ; Colorado. The tyiJe is in the British Museum. R. frater Grt.' 1863. Grt., Proc. Knt. Soc. Phil., ii, 435, pi. 9, f. 7, Raphia, 18H3. Thaxtcr, Papilio, m, 13, larva ou x)oplar. jwrmiiuta Wlk. 181)5. Wlk., C. B. Mu8.. Hot., xxxii, 606, SalUjena. 1868. G. an<l Ii., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, ii, 86, pr. syn. vav coloradeiiBis Put. Cram. * 1886. Cramer, Ent. Amer., ii, 142, Raphia. pallula Hy. Edw. 1886. Hy. Edw., Ent. Amer., li, 168, Raphia. 1891. Smith, List Lopidoptera, 34, pr. syn. Habitat. — Canada to Texas; Colorado; Northern Htates, and Canada in June and Jul}'. The (irrote and Walker types are in the British Museum. Mr. Cra- mer's type is in the Doll collection, and the type oi pallula is in the Edwards coUeiition. I have seen all the types and the above .synon- ymy is correct, I believe. The Raphia oni/cJiinu (in., was described as Upunda, referred to Raphia' by Walker and to Oleoceris by Grote. This has resulted in a duplication of the name in my list of Lepidoi)tera. Genus CHARADRA Wlk. im't. Wlk., C. B. Mus., llct., XXXII, 445. C. derideiiB Gu.' 1852. (in.. Spec. G<!ii., Noct., I, Xi, pi. 3, f. 8, IHphtcra. 1856. Wlk., C. B. .Mus., ll.-t., ix, 36, Diphtera, CATALOGUE OF NOCTUID.E — SMITH. 33 B iHlaiul and 1868. G. aiul K., Trans. Aui. Ent. Soc, ii, 86, Charadra. 1870. Sauiid., Can. Ent., ii, 145, larva. 1874. Lint., Ent. Cont., in, 157, f. 12, larva. 1883. Thaxfer, I'apilio, ni, 11, life hist. 1885. Dininiock, A. K., Psyche, iv, 274. on Betula. cirnilifera Wlk. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mns., H»»t., xi. 709, Acronyeta. 1868. G. and R., Trans. Am. Ent. .Soc, ii. 78, pr. syn. 1882. Grt., 111. Essay, 30, \n. syn. coiitigua Wlk. 18fi5. Wlk., C. B. Miis., Het., xxxii, 446, Charadra. I ■,!<. a. and K., Trans. Ain. Ent. Soc, ii, 86, pr. syn. Habitat. — Canada to Georgia, Florida and Texas; Colorado; New York iu May; Maine and Massachusetts in July; Canada in February. All the types are in the British Museunj, and have been already cor- rectly referred by Messrs. Grote and Kobiuson. C. dispulsa Morr.'' 1874. Morr., Proc. Bost. Soc, N. H., xvii, 213, Charadra. 1875. Harv., Bull. Bnff. Soc. Nat. Sci., in, 4, Charadra. Habitat. — Texas in March, May, June, August, October. 1 do not know where the type is to be found ; the species is well known. and Canada C. decora Morr. 1875. Morr., Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., 1875, 55, Charadra. Habitat.— California. I tlo not know this species, which must be a striking one from the description. Mr. Grote has for some reason omitted it from all his lists. Genus FERALIA Grt. 1874. Grt., Bull. Buft'. Soc Nat. Sci., il, 58. P. jocosa Gn.* 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., i, 37, Diphtera. 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Hot., ix, 56. lliphhra. 1874. (Jrt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sii., n, 5«, Feralia. 1875. Grt., Stett. Ent. Zeit., xxxvi, 10,">, Feralia. 1883. Grt., Can. Ent., xv, 28, Ftralia. failax tG. and n. 1868. (i. and R., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, ii. 77, .)foma. Habitat. — New Hamp.shire; New York: New Jersey in March. The type is in the British Museum. F. februaUB Grt. 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 60, Feralia. 1875. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc Nat. Sci., ii, 310, .Irthrochlora. 1875. Grt., Stett. Ent. Zeit., xxxvi, 197, .irthrochlora. Habitat.— California. Types are in the British Museum and iu the Edwards collection. 6048— No. 44 3 34 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. F. major Smith.* 1890. Smith, Ent. Amer., vi, 26, Fei-alia. Habitat. — New Hampshire; Plattsburg, New York, April and May; District of Columbia. Types are in the National Museum. Genus MOMOPHANA Grt. 1875. Grt,, Stett. Ent. Zeit., xxxvi, 19.'5. M. comstocki Grt. 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 59, Feralia. 1875. Grt., Stett. Ent. Zeit., xxxvi, 195, Momophana. Habitat. — New York in May; Canada. The type is with Prof. Comstock at Ithaca, N. Y. Genus MOMA Hbn. 1816. Him., Verzoichni8H, 203. M. fallax II. Sch.* 1853. H. Sch., Exot. Schmett., 80, f. 211, Moma. 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het., ix, 35, Diphtera. 1875. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat.' Sii., ii, 213, Diphtheta. 1881. Grt., Bull. Geol. Surv., vi, 277, Diphtheta. 1882. Smith, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, v, 43, Moma. Habitat. — Canada in July; New York, in July and August, to Dis- trict of Columbia; Tennessee; Illinois; Texas in March, April, July. I do not know where the type of this species can be found. Geuu8 ARSII(ONCHE Le«l. 1857. Lederer, Noct. Eur., 70. A. albovenosa Goozc.* 1781. Goeze. Ent. Beitr., in, 3, p. 251, Noctua. 1875. Morr., Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., 1875, 428, Arsilonche. 1876. Harv., Can. Ent., viii, 35, Arsilonche. 1880. Coi|uillett, Can. Ent., xii, 44, larva on Polygonum. 1883. Grt., Can. Ent., xv, 30, Arsilonche. 1887. Hy. Edw., Ent. Auier., in, 168, larva on Polygonum. ab. fumosum Morr. 1873. Morr., Bull. Buff. Hoc Nat. Sci., i, 275, Arsilonche. 1875. Morr,, Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci., Phil., 1875, 428, Arsilonche. var. henrici Grt. 1873. Grt., Bull. Buff'. Soc. Nat. Sci., i, 10, Lcuvania. 1873. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., i, 152, PI. i, f. 15, AMepharon. 1875. Thaxter, Psyche, i, 188, larva on grass. 1875. Morr., Proi-. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., 1875. 428, pr. syn. 1883. Grt., Can. Ent., xv, 30, Arsilonche, sp. rtist. pr. var. evanidum Grt. 1873. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci.. i, 10, f.eucania. 1873. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., i, 112, PI. i, f. 16, Ablepharon. 1875. Morr., Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., 187a, 428, pr. syn. CATALOGUE OF NOCTlIID.f: XMITII. 35 Habitat. — Canada in May and .Inno; Northern, Kastern, Middle, and Central States; Massachusetts in April; Kansas and California in January. Mr. Morrison's type is in th«^ Tepper collection. Mr. GroteV types I have not seen. They may be in the British Museum; but if so I over- looked them. The spei-ies has not been critically stu«lied, and the true relation of the forms is yet in doubt. The American form may yet prove distinct, though a very close ally to the Kuropean insect. I am not nearly so ready to believe in the identity of European and Ameri- can species as I once was. (ieims MEROLONCHE Cirf. 1882, Grt., 111. EsHuy, 50. In this genus and in the following, from which the present has been separated, I have few original notes. Dr. Riley has been accumulating material for several years past for a critical and revisional monograph of the species, and what little I have done is in his hands. Dr. Riley has made comparisons in the European museums, and I did not, there- fore, look over the species except as they canto accidentally under my notice. So, too, I have given the location of the types only where they are in American collections of which I had notes, or where I accident- ally noted the fact. The bibliography, however, is as nearly complete as iu most other genera. M. apinea Grt. 1876. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., in, 78, Apatcla. 1878. Hy. Edw., Pac. Coast Lep., No. 27, 3, Acronifcta; larva. 1882. Grt., 111. Essay, 50, Merolonche. 1883. Grt., Papilio, in, 112, Merolonche. Habitat. — California; Coh)rado. The type is iu the Edwards collection. M. lupini (Jrt." 1873. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., i, 70, .tpatvla. 1876. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., in, 7S, Jputcla. 1882. Grt., 111. Essay, 50, Merolouchc. 1883. Grt., Papilio, in, 112, Merolonche. 1 1 ABIT AT.— California. The type is in the Edwards collection. Genus ACRONYCTA Ochs. 1816. Ochs., Schiuott., iv, 62. A. oocidentalis G. &, M." 1866. G. &, R., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., vi, 16, Airont/cta. 1872. Saunil., Cau. Ent., iv, 49, larva. 1875. Speyer, Stett. Ent. Zeit., xxxvi, 108, Avrongcta. 1876. Git., Aun. Lye. Nat. Hist., N. Y., xi, 302, Jpalela. 1882. Packard, Papilio, if, 181, larva. 1883. Grt., Papilio, in, 67, Apatela. 36 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. 1883. Hy. Edw., Papilio, in, 132, larva. 1885. Diiiiinock, A. K., PHyche, iv, 274, larva. p$i t Gn. 1832. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., i, 43, Acronycta. 1856. Wlk., C. B. MuB., Het., i.\. 42, Acroniicta. 1866. G. & R., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., vi, 16, pr. syn. Habitat. — Canada to Virginia; Central States; Illinois in Angust. In the Harris collection are specimens of tins species marked sagit- taria Harr., and dated, respectively, April 25, May 25, and Jnne 1. It has been taken in Canada from May to Angnst, and in New York to September. A. morula (i. & K.~ 1868. G. & R., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, ii. 196, PI. in, f. 7">, Arronycta. 1878. Liutner, Ent. Cont., iv, 137, larva. 1883. Thaxter, P.ipilio, in, 13, larva. 1883. Grt., Papilio, iii, 67, ApaMu. npinigerat \Vlk. 185<i. Wlk., C. B. I^Iuh., Het., ix. 5.">, Aironycta. 1882. (Jrt., 111. Essay, 3!>, pr. syii. nlmi Harr. 1869. Harris, Ent. Corr., l>y Scmltler. 312, I'l. iii. f. 10, larva. 1891. Smith, List Lepidoptera, 35, pr. syn. Habitat. — Canada to Virginia, west to the ^lississippi Valley ; Wis- consin; Minnesota; Canada in June and July; New York in July. In the Harris collection the specimen marked tilmi is morula G. & R. It is labeled "Imago, June 11, 1850." A. lobelise Gn.* 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., i, 44, Acronycta. 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het.. ix, 54, Acronycta. 1881. Coqnillett, Papilio, i, 6, larva. 1883. Grt., Papilio, in, 68, Apntela. 1886. French, Can. Ent., xvni, 118, larva. Habitat. — Canada to Middle, Southern, and Central Stat«^s; Canada and New York .n June and July; Minnesota in August; Tcva-s in March and April ; New Jersey in June and August. A. hasta Gn. " 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., i, 45, Acronycta. 1&56. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., ix, 54, Acronycta. 1883. Grt., Papilio, in, 67, Ajyatela. Habitat. — Middle and Eastern States ; Canada in June; Delaware in March and May. A. telum Gn. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., i, 45, Acronycta. 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Hot., ix, 54, Acronycta. 1883. Grt., Bull. Geoi. Surv., vi, 571, Apatela. Habitat. — "Am. Sept." This species lias not been identihed in American coll ;ctions so far as I know. CATALOGUE OP NOCTIJID^ — SMITH. 87 A. furcifera <!n. ' ia")2. On., Spec. Gen., Noct.. i, 41, Acmnijctu. 18r)fi. Wlk., C. IJ. Mils., Het.. ix, 51, Anonycia. 18«3. Ort., Papilio. in. 68. Jpattla. llABiTAT.-^New York to Florida, to Illinois. A. thoracica (irt. 1880. Ort., No. Aiiier. Eiit., i, Jt4, Apahlii. 188S. Ort.. Papilio. ill, W, Apnlela. IIABITAT. — Coloiwlo; New M«>xicu. A. dentata firt.* 1875. Ort., Cnn. Ent., vii, 222, ApaUhi. Habitat. — Canada; Eastern ami Xortliern States; Adirondack Monntains in Jnly. A. griaea Wlk.* ia')6. AVlk., C. B. Mns., Het., ix, r>{\, Avronycta. 1873. Grt., Bull. BiifV. So(\ Nat. Sci., i, 78, Acronycta, 1875. Grt., Can. Ent., vii, 222, ApHttla. 1882. (irt.. 111. Essay, 30, Apahla. 1883. «.!(., Papilio, III, 68, Apatelu. 1883. Hy. Edw., Papilio, iii, 131, larva. pitdoraia Morr. 1875. Morr., Ann. Ly<'. Nat. Hist., X. V., xr, 03, Acronycta. 1875. (irt., Can. Ent., vii, 221, 222, pr. syn. 1880. Ort.. Can. Ent., xii, 188, pr, syu. Habitat. — Canada to Southern and Central States; Minnesota in July. Tlie typo of pitilorutn is in the Tepper collection. A. tritoua Hhn." 1818. Hlni., Zntra'go, 21, f. 107, 108, Trionii. 1816. Ilbn., Verzeichuiss, 201, Triona. 18.52. On., Spec. Gen., Noct., i, 12, Acroniictti. 18.5(;. Wlk., C. B. Mns., Het., ix, .53, Atroinivtn. 1875. Grt., Can. Ent., VII, 221, Jj«t<e/((. 1880. (irt.. Cnn. Ent., xii, 87, Apuklu. 1883. (irt., Papilio, hi, (58, Apatvla. Habitat. — Canada to Florida; Minnesota; Mississippi; Colorado; Portland, Oregon, in May. A. betulae Kile v." Ins so I'ar as 1884. Kiley, Bnll. Bkln. Ent. See, Vii, 2. l\g., Acroniicta Habitat. — New Jersey; District of Columbia. The types are in the National Museum. ! 38 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. A. innotata Gn." 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., i, 50, Acronycta. 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het., ix, 59, Acronycta. 1883. Grt., Papilio, in, lU, Apatela. grwfii Grt. 1863. Grt., rroe. Eut. Soc. PhiL, ii, 68, pL iii, f. 6, Diphthera. 1875. Morr., Can. Eut., vii, 79, pr. syn. Habitat. — Canada; Nortlieru and Eastern States; New York in August; Canada in July; Massaciiusetts in June. A. faloula Grt. 1877. Grt., Cau. Eiit., ix, 86, Apatela. 1881. Coquillett, Papilio, i, 6, larva. ' 1883. Grt., Papilio, iii, 68, Apatela. Habitat. — Hlinois. A. parallela Grt. 1877. Grt., L'au. Eut., ix, 53, Apatela 1883. Grt., Papilio, ni, 68, Apatela Habitat. — (Colorado; Texas. A. albanifa Grt. * 1874. Grt., Proc. Boat. Soc. N. H., xvi, 239, Apatela. 1883. Grt., Papilio, iii, 68, Apatda. ivalkiri Andrews. 1877. Andrews, Can. Eut., ix, 98, Acronycta. 1879. Graef, Bull. Bklii. Eut. Soc, i, 93, pr. svu. Habitat. — Canada; Northern, Eastern, Middle, and Central States; Mississippi; New Mexico; Minnesota in; Massachusetts in July. A. pauperoula Grt. * 1874. Grt., Proc. A.;. Nat. Sci. Phil., 1874, 197, Apatela. 1875. Harv., Bull. Buff. Sot!. Nut. Sci., ui, 4, Apatela, 1883. Grt., Papilio, in, 68, Apatela. Habitat. — Texas in March. A. vinnula Grt." 1864. Grt., Proc. llut. Soc. Phil., ii, 436, pi. ix, f. 2, MUrovalia. 1868. Grt., Trans. Am. Eut. Soc, ii, 118, Acronycta 1883. (irt., Papilio, iii, (>8, Apatela. Habitat. — Canada to Texas: New Ycnk in May and August; New Jersey in June. A. quadrata Grt." 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 154, Apatela. 1S83. (irt., Papilio, in, 114, Apatela. Habitat. — Kansas. w York in CATALOGUE OP NOCTUIDiE— SMITH. A. harveyana Grt.* 39 1875. Grt., Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., 1875, 418, Apatela. apinigerat Wlk. 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het., ix, 55, Aermycta, 1882. Grt., III. Essay, 39, pr. syu. Habitat. — New York in June; New Hampshire; Northern and I'^astern States. A. radoUffei Ilarv.' 1875. Harv., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 270, Apatela. 1878. Thaxter, Psyche, ii, 121, larva. 1883. Grt., Papilio, iii, 114, Apatela. Habitat. — Massachusetts in June; New Hampshire; New York; Adirondack mountains in August. A spiuigera Gn.* 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., i, 45, Avromjota. 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het., ix, 55. Avrotujrta. 1878. Thaxter, Psyche, ii, 121, Apatela. 1883. Grt., Bull. Geol. Surv., vi, 572, Apatela. 1885. Dinimock, A. K., Psyche, iv, 274, larva. Habitat. — "New York." Mr. Grote never positively identified this species. Walker's spinigera is cited to harveyana, while Mr. Grote says most of the specimens of HpinUjera in American collections are paUidivoma. Whether the larva? mentioned by Thaxter and Dimmock arc! of this species, or of palUdi- coma, or of some other yet unnamed species, is thus left uncertain. May, June, and August are dates given i'ltr Hpinigera. A. tota (irt. 1879. Ort., North Am. Ent., i, 12, Apatela. 1883. Ort., Papilio, lii, 69, Apatela. Habitat.— Texas. A. felina Grt. 1880. (Jrt., Bull. Geol. Surv., v, 208, Apatela. 1887. French, Can. E».t., xix, 48, life history. 1889. French, Can. Ent., xxi. .Sfi, .Iputela. Habitat. — Ci ifornia; Cot«>.a(lo, Glcnwood Springs in October. The types are in the Topper a?Hl Kdwarils <!olle«'-tions. A. lepuBouIina Gn.' 18.'i2. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct,. i, 46, AvniHyela. 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mns.. Het., ix, 55, Arronifrta. 1873. (Jrt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., i, 130, Apatela. 1874. Grt., Can Ent.. vi, 154, Apatela. 1875. Hy. E«l\v., Proc. Cal. Ac. ?oi.. mi, 23. larva. • 1888. Hy. EUw,. Ento, Amer., in, 18,j, Apatela. 40 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Habitat. — New York (?)toCaUforuia; Colonulo; Hudson's Bay Ter- ritory; Riley Co., Kansas, in June. Gnenee jjives no d( finite locality. Mr. Edwards considers the species confined to the Pacific (;oast. A. popuU Kiley.* 187^ Riloy, 2d Rcpt. Ins. Mo., 119, f. 87, 88, Acronijcta. 1872. (Jrt., TrniiH. Am. Eiit. Soc, iv, 28, = /cptwcii/tna. 1881. Riley, Index and Supplt. to Mo. RcptH.,-74, f lepuscuUna. 1881. Git., Papilio, i, 127 = iepunculina. 1888. Hy. Kdw., Eut. Aiiier., in, 18.5, an np. diat. v.-ir. sanota Hy. Edw. 1888. Hy. Edw., Euto. Ainer., iii, 185, pr. var. Habitat. — Missouri; New Hampshire; New Brunswick in August; New York in July ; Colorado. Dr. Riley's types are in the National Museum. The type of sancta is in the Edwards collection. Probably most of the references to lepusmlina in local lists should be to this species. A. vulpina Ort. 1883. Ort., Can. Eut., xv, 8, Apatela. 1883. Grt., Papilio, in, (58, Apatela. 1883. Thaxter, Papilio, ili, 15, larva. 1885. Dimmock, A. K., pHyclu;, iv, 274, larva. 1888. Grt., Can. Ent., xix, 20, ApaMn. Habitat. — Maine; Massachusetts; New York. A. amerioana Ilarr. " 1841. Harris, Rept. Ins. Mtisn., 317, Avronycta. imi Harris, Ins. Inj. Vcg., Flint cd., 430), f. 216-218, Acioitycla. 1874. Grt., IJiill. Bnff. Soc. Nat. Sci., n 154, Aputthi. 1881. Coquillett, Papilio, i, (i, Inrva. 1883. Grt., Papilio, in, 111, ApnUlu. 1885, Dinnnock, A. K., Psycho, iv, 274, food plants. flirri* t H &• A. 1707. Sui. & Abb., Ins. Ga., ii, 185, pi. }t3, larva. var. obsoura Hy. Kdw. • ISSC). lly. Edw., Ent. Anier.. ii, 16J», ApateUt,Y\\ viir. Habitat. — Canada to Cet)igia; west to Utah and Colorado; ('anada in June and July; New York also in September. The type of obsourn is in the E<lwards collecticm. A. daotylina (Jrt.* 1874. (Jrt., Prof. Host. Soc. N. I!., xvi, 239, Apiilela. 1875, Morr., Psycbn, i, 42, Apatela. 1883. (irt., Papilio, iii. 111, Apaltla. 1885. Dimmock, A. K., ' .iy«"''«'» '^'i ^74, larva. 18»2. Edw., and Elliott, Hnll. Am. Mas. Nat. Hist., v, 77. larva. Habitat. — Canada to District of Columbia; west to ('(dorado; Min- nesota; Massachusetts in June; Canada in July. i CATALOGUE OP NOCTUlDiE — SMITH. 41 I A. fcastuUferaS. & A.* 1797. S. & A., Ins. Ga., ii, 183, pi. 92, Phalwna. 1852. Gil., Spec. Uen., Noct., i, 47, Aa-onyrta. 1856. Wlk., V. H. Mu8., Hot., ix, 56, Acronycta. 1874. Liiitner, Eiit. Cont., in, 158. larva. Habitat. — New York to Georgia; Central States; Canada in June. A. insita Wlk. 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Hot., ix, 61, Acronycta. 1883. Grt., Papilio, in, 111, Apatela. Habitat. — (Canada; EaHtern and Middle States. A. acerioola (in. 1852, Gi\,, ;r.?5 . Gen., Noitt., i, 48, Acronycta. 1856. V, <f , i . . MnH., Het., i.x, 57. Acronycta. '«• . Id', ' , A: A. 1797. S. &, A., Ins., Ga., n, 184, pi. 93, Vhalona. 1852. Gil., .Spec. Gon.. Noct., i, 48, pr. syn. haittiiliferat larva, S. &. A. 1797. 8. & A., Ins. (Ja., ii, 183, pi. 92, larva. 1852. Gil., Spec. Gen., Noct.. I, 48, larva iictricola. 1874. Grt., Bull. Bnff. Soc. Nat. Sci., n, 154, Acronyc Habitat. — Georgia; Virginia. It is questionable whether the above synonymy can be considered settled; but it is a matter to be determined by the monograi>her of the genus and not by the catalogue maker. .; ImpreBsa Wlk.^ 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mus., it., 'V, fil, Acronycta. 1882. Grt., 111. Essay, if - l> ./»>««. 1887. Butler, Ell*. All «r., !'. '»' Acronycta, faariata Wlk. 1856. Wlk., C, B. Mu3., Het,, v i, Acronycta. 1882. Grt., 111. Essay, 39^- /*n(Hio«o. 1887. Butler, Eut. Amor., in, 35, =hH)>renHa, l)rHmo8a \ (Jit., in lists, 1875. Speyei, Stett. Eut., Zeit., xvxvi, KKt, Acronycta. 1881. Coquillett, rajtilio, i, 5(i, larva, 1883. Huuiid., Fruit Insects, 313. f, .3l.'5, larva. 1885. Dininiock. A. K., I'syclic, iv,274, larva. 1887. Butler, Eut. A' v., in, 3i}, = imjinmi. rcrrilliiii. & -t 1870. (J. & R,, Train. . - * nt. Sdc, in, 178, pi. ii; f. 82, .\cronycta. 1875. Morr,, Can. Eut., i . '(9 -.4. innnlata. 1875. Morr., Ann. Lye. iSat. Hist. N. V., xi, 9- — hrimoMa. 1875 Murr., Psyche, i, 42 ^ hrinnoita, JlABTi AT.— Canada to Florida, to Wi-sconsin, to Mississippi; Central Strtr,. vJuiada, May to August; New York, July and August; Miu- m*>ota in June; Gltnwood Springs, Colorado, in August. 42 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. The type of verrillii is in the collection of the American Entomologi- cal Society, and is the brumosa of the same collection, the latter labeled by Grote. The synonymy above given is after Butler. A. distans <>rt 1879. Grt., Can. Ent., xi, 38, Jpatela. Habitat.— Canada. A. rubricoma Gn.* 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct. i, 49, Jcronycta. 1856. Wlk., C. B. MuH., Het., ix, 57, an sp. dint., acericolal Habitat. — ('anada; Middle and Soutb^Mn States. A. luteicoma G. & ii. 1870. G. & R., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, in, 179, ]t]. ii. i, 83, Acronycta. 1883. Tb.axter, Papilio, in, 16, Amoiiycta. Habitat. — Canada; Northern and Middle States to Colorado; Min- nesota in June; Massachusetts in June; Portland, Oregon, in May. A. impleta Wlk.* 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mns., Het., ix, 57, Acronycta. avbochrea Grt. 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., n, 153, Acronycta. 1875. Git., Can. Ent., vn, 227, pi. i, f. 10, Apatslu' 1887. Butler, Ent. Anier., in, 36, pr. syn. Habitat. — Canada in July; Eastern, Middle and Central States; New York in May and June. A. perdita Grt.* 1874. Grt., Can. Ent., vi, 1.54, Aii'onycia. Habitat. — CsUifornia in June. A. affliota Grt.* 1864. Grt., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., n, 438, pi. ix, f. 4, Acronycta, 1870. Grt., TrauH. Am. Ent. Soc, in, 179, Acronycta. 1883. Tliaxter, Papilin, in, 17, larva. Habitat. — Middle, Southern and Central States; Massachusetts in June; Texas in March; Canada. A. uoctivaga Grt." 1864. Grt., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil 4.S7, pi. ix, f. 3, Acronycta. 1869. Bothune, Can. Ent., l, 71, Acronycta. 1883. Thaxtor. Papilio, in, 15, life bintory. lonyatWlk. 186(1 Wlk., C. B. MuH., Hot., ix, 60, Acronycta, 1868. G. & R., TrauB. Am. Ent. Hoc, n. 77, pr. syn. 1887. Butler, Ent. Amer., ill, 36, pr. Hyn. CATALOGUE OF NOCTUIDiE — SMITH. 43 tval States; achusetts in Habitat. — Canada to Soutlieru and Central States; Colorado; New Mexico; Canada, June to August; Massachusetts and New York, May and June; Portland, Oregon, April and May. Mr. Grotft's type is in tlie collection of the American Entomological Society. A. brumoBa On.* 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen.,Noct., i, 52, Acronycta. 1856. Wlk., C. U. Mii8., Het., ix, 59, Aeronyeta. longa Gn. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., i, 54, Acronycia. 1869. Bethiine, Can. Ent., i, 71, Acronycta. 1887. Butler, Ent. Anier., iii, 36, pr. syn. persuata Harv. 1875. Hai v.. Bull, Butt. Soe. Nat. Sci., ii, 271, Apatela. 1887 Butler, Ent. Amer., in, 36, pr. syn. Habitat. — Southern States; Colorado; New Mexico; Texas in March. Mr. Butler does not make the refereuce of longa to hrnmosa very posi- tively and does so without a comparison of types. A. superans Gn."" 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., i, r>3, Acronyeia. 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mu.s., Het., ix, 56, Acronycta. 1869. Bethune, Can. Ent., i, 85, Acronycta. 1875. Morr., Psyche, i, 42, Apatela. 1881. Coquillett, Papilio, i, 6, larva. 1883. Saunders, Fruit Insects, 166, f. 174, 175, larva. Habitat. — Canada; Eastern, Middle, and Central States; Canada and New York, June and July. A. oonnecta Grt.*" 1873. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., i, 79, Acronycta. Habitat.— Canada; Northern, Eastern, Middh», and Central States; Canada in August. A. funeralis Ti. A H. 1866. O. &, R., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., vi. 17, pi. iii, f. 8, Acronycta. 1870. G. & K., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. in, 179, Acronycta. 1874. Liutnor, Ent. Cent., in, 135, 1.^7, larva sub iioiii., americuna. 1875. Speycr, Stett. Ent. Zeit., xxxvi, 111, Acronycta. 1875. Grt., Check Uft, Noct., pi. f. 1, .Ipatela. 1883. Grt., Papilio, in, 111, .focluarca. amcricanat Harr. 1868. Harris, Ent. Corr., 313, pi. iii, f. 3, larva only. 1874. Lintner, Ent. Cont.. ni, 167, itr. syn. Habitat — Maine to Iowa; Kastern, MiddU', and ('entral States. A. ovata Grt.^ 1873. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci.. i, 80, pi. ii, f, 14, Acronycta. 1883. (Jrt., Papilio, in, 112, Lepitorenma. 44 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Habitat. — New York to Texas; Central States; Northern States in June; Texas in .Inly. The type is in the eollet^tion of tlie American Entomological Society. A. modica Wlk." 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mu8,, Het., ix, 56, AcroHijctu. 1887. Butler, Enl. Araer., in, 36, Acronycta. exiUa Grt. 1874. Grt., Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Pbil., 1874, 197, Acronycta 1883. Grt., Papilio, in, 112, LepHoreiima. 1887. Butler, Ent. Auier., in, 36. pv. syii. Habitat. — Massachusetts to Minnesota to Texas; Northern States in June. A. increta Morr. 1874. Morr., Proc. Bost. Soc. N. H., xvn, 131, Acronycta. 1883. Grt., Papilio, in, 112, Lepitoreitma. Habitat. — Middle States, New Mexico. The type is in the Tepper collection. A. hamamelis (in." 18.52. Gil., Spec. Gen., Noct., i, 52, Acronycta. 1856.. Wlk., C. H. Mu8., Het., ix, 59, Acronycta. 1877. Good., Can. Ent., ix,61, larva. 1883. Grt., Papilio, in, 112, Lcpitoreuma. 1887. Butler, Ent. Anier., in, 36, Acronycta. claresccnn Gn., nee Grt. 1852. (lU., Spec, (ien., Noct., i, 54, Acronycta. 1S.56. Wlk., C. B. MuH., Het., ix, iiO, Acronycta. J:Jo7. Butler, Ent. Ainer., in, 36, pr. syn. Habitat. — (Janada toTcxjis; Central States. Northern States, June and July; Texas, Marc^h, April, and .July. A. hassitata Grt.*^ 1882. Git., Bull. Gcol. Siirv., vi,575, Apatela. 1883. (ii't.. \\\\n\'w, \\\. \\2, Lcpitoreuma. Habitat. — Canada; New York to Texas; Central States. A. pruni Hair.' 186!). Harris, Eiit. Corr., by Scudder, 313, pi. iv, f. 13, larva. clarcHcvnaX (irt., in lists ct coll. 1875. Ifarv., Bull. Butt". Soc. Nat. Sci., in, 4, Apatela. 1887. Butler, Ent. Anier., in, 36, not clare,Hccnn Gu. Habitat. — Nova Scotia to Southern and Centrul States. The Harris specimens are in the collection of the Boston society, num bered 32. They are und«mbtedly what Mr. Grotehas named clorcucenfi in Anieri(;an collecti(ms, but which Mr. Butler shows is not Guenee's B])ecies. As Mr. Grote's determination is incorrect, the species is nameless and Dr. Harris's name becomes aA'ailable. CATALOGUE OF NOCTUIDiE — SMITH. 45 rtheru States 1) States, June A. retardata Wlk.* 1861. Wlk., Can. Nat. ami Geol., vi, 38, t MicrocoeUn. 1877. Grt., Can. Ent., ix, 26=dM«ecta. dissecta G. & K. 1870. G. & K., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, in, 178, pi. ii, f. 81, Acronycta. 1883. Grt., Papilio, in, 113, Lepitoreuma. Habitat. — Canada, Northern, Eastern, Middle, and Central States. Canada and Northern States, June and July. The type of dissecta is in the collection of the American Entomologi- cal Society. Mr. Grote himself stated the identity of dissecta with retardata, yet nevertheless continued to use the former term. The type of retardata is in the col ction of the Entomological Society of Ontario. A. sperata Grt." 1873. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., i, 81, pi. ii, f. 1, Acrotiycla. 1883. Grt., Papilio, in, 113, Arctomytcia. Habitat. — Eastern, Middle, and Central States, to Colorado; North- ern States, May to August ; Canada. The type is in the collection of the American Entomological Society. A. edolata Grt.* 1881. Grt., Papilio, i, 153, Apatela. 1882. Grt., 111. Essay, 49, pi. i, f. 4, Mastiphanea. Habitat.— Arizona; Colorado. A. extrlcata Grt. 1882. Grt., Bull. Gool. Surv., vi, 575, Apatela. 1883. Grt., Papilio, in, 113, Mastiphanev. Habitat.— Texas. A. pallidioomaGrt.* 1878. Grt., Bull. Geol. Surv., iv, 169, Apatela. Habitat.— Eastern, Middle, and Central States to Kansas; Canada in May, June, and August. A. zyliniformiB Gn." 1852. Ga., Spec. Gon., Noet., i, .^iG, Acronycta xylinoidet. 1852. (in.. Spec. Gen., Noct., in, 400, xi//ini/ocwi«. 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het., IX, 60, Acronycta. 1873. (Jrt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., i, 81, note 11, xylinoidn. 1873. Rih^y, 5tli Rept. Ins. Mo., 126, xylinoiden, larva. 1885. Dimmock, A. K., Psyche, iv, 274, Apatela. Habitat.— New York to Florida; Texas in July and August. A. lithospila Grt.* 1874. (irt., Proe. Boat. Soc. N. H.. xvi, 240, Aoromjota. 1883. Ily. K(l\v., Papilio, in, 132, larva. • Habitat.— Nortliern, Middle, and Central States; Massachusetts in June. 46 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. A. oblinita S. & A." 1797. S. & A., Ins. Oa., ii, 187, pi. 94, Phalana. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., i, 49, Acronycta. 1»>6. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het., ix, 58, Acronycta. 1871. Saund., Can. Ent., iii, 226, figd. 1871. Riley, Auier. Ent., ii, 311, f. 210, larva. 1871. Riley, 3d Rept., Ins. Mo., 70, f. 29, 30, all stages. 1874. Liutner, Ent. Cont., in, 159, larva. 1875. Gentry, Proc. Ac. Nat. Sei. Phil., 1875, 24, larva. 1878. Goodell, Can. Ent., x, 66, larva. 1882. Grt., Pnpilio, ii, 99, larva. 1883. Qrt., Pnpilio, in, 113, Eulonche. 1883. Sannd., Frnit Ins., 325, f. 337, nil stages. Habitat. — Nova Scotia to Florida; Central States, May to August; Northern States, May to August; Riley Co., Kansas, in May. This species has quite a large economic bibliography, which is partly given in Mr. Edwards's catalogue of early stages. A. lanoeolaria Grt.* 1875. Grt., Proc Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., 1875, 418, Apatela. 1882. Grt., 111. Essay, 50. pi. i, f. 7, Eulonche. 1883. Grt., Papilio, in, 113, Eulonche. Habitat. — Massachusetts in August. The type is in the British Museum. A. insolita Grt. 1873. Grt., Ball. Buff. Soc. Nat. .^ i., i, 82, Acronycta. 1883. Grt., Papilio, in, 113, Eulonche. Habitat.— Middle States. The type is in the British Museum. A. interrupta Gn. 18.52. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., i, 46, Acronycta. 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., ix, .W. Acronycta. 1873. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., i, 78, note 4, Acronycta. Habitat.— "Georgia; Am. Sept." This has not been identified in American collections ; it was described from a figure by Abbot, and Guen6e expresses himself as uncertain whether it really belongs to this genus. A. deolarata Wlk. 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., ix, 61, Acronycta. Habitat.— Canada. Described as a black species with white markings, and probably not an Acronycta at all. I did not see it in the British Museum. [Since the above note went to the printer, Mr. Schnns has sent ine a very good figure made from the type, which is at Oxford, which proves CATALOGUE OF NOCTUIDiE SMITH. 47 the species to be Mamestra adjuncta Bdv., the latter name taking pre- cedence.] A. simplex Wlk. 18&5. Wlk,, 0, n. MuH., Hot., xxxii, 618, .tcronyda. n ABIT AT. — Vancouver. To Mr. Butler's kindnest) 1 owe a rough sketch of this species which sliow.s a form totally niilike any known to nie. and looks rather like a pale Hadenid than an Aeronyc.ta. [It is Vylomigea crucialis.] A. saliclfl Hiirr. 1809, Harr., Ent. Cont., 9U, f. 44, larva only. IIabitat. — Massaj'liusotts. Described from the larva only. 1 have no note of seeing any speci- mens under this name in the Harris collection. Genus HARRISIMBMNA Grt. 1873. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 293. H. trislgnata Wlk.* 1856. Wlk., C. IJ. Mus., Het., ix, 29, drammophora. 1873. lilt.. Trans. Am. Knt. Soc, iv, 293, Han-iiimemna. , 188:^. Grt., III. Essay, 49, pi. i, f. 3, Harrmmemna. 1886. Gootlhno, Oaii. Ent., xviii, .58, larva on lilac. texguttata Harr. \ym. Harr., Ent. Corr., 174, f. 24, 25, Xolodonta. 1873. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 293, pr. syn. Habitat.— f'auada in July; New York; Pennsylvania; Massachu- setts in June; Texas. Walker's type is in the British Museum. Genus CERMA Hbn. 1816. Hbn., Verzeichniss, 207. C. oora Hbn.* 1818. Hbn., Zutrffigo, r, 14, ft". 59, 60, Cerma. 1816. Hbn., VerzcichnisB, 207, Cerma. 18.12. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., i, 31, Grammophora. 18.16. Wlk., O. B. Mus., Hot., ix, 29, Grammophoia. 1871. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sii., ii, 11, Lampiondola. 1880. Grt., Can. Ent., xii, 86, Cerma. 1882. Smith, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soo., v, 38, Hryophila. fata Gn. 1852. (Jn.,Spcf!. Gen., Noct., ii, 57, pi. 7, t'.S, Cliariplera, 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Hot., xi,535, Lamprostiola. im). Grt., Can. Ent., xii, 86, pr. syn. 1881. Grt., Bull. Gcol. Surv., vi, 670, pr. syu.t Habitat.— Canada; Maine to Georgia. The species was described from the Guerin collection by Guen^e, and I have not seen the type. 48 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. C. olivaoea Smith. * 1891. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, xviii, 103, Ccrma. Habitat. — Colorado, Glenwood Springs, September and October; Sierra Nevada, California. Types are iu the National Museum and in the Edwards collection. tienns FOLTORAMMATE Hbn. 1816. Hbu., YerzeichniHR, 203. P. hebraicum Hbn.* 1818. Hbn., Zntrsege, i, 10, if, 25, 26, Polygrammate. 1816. Hbn., VerzeichnisB, 203, Polygrammate. 1880. Grt., Can. Ent., xii, 85, Polygrammate. 1882. Smith, Bnll. Bkln. Ent. Soc, v, 30, Bryophila. hebrwa Gu. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., i, 31, pi. 3, f. 5, Grammophora. 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., ix, 29, pr. syn. Habitat. — Massachusetts, iu Julyj New Yorkj District of Columbia in August J Florida; Texas. Genus MICROCCBLIA Gn. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., i, 33. M. fragilis Gn.* 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., i, 34, MicrocceJia. 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., ix, 31, Microcalia. 1864. Grt., Proc. Eut. Soc. Phil., iii, 80, Microcwlia. 1875. Morr., Psyche, i, 42, Mk-roecelia. S2>ectan8 Wlk. 1861. Wlk., Can. Nat. ami Gcol., vi. 38, t Bryophila. 1877. Grt., Can. Ent.,ix, 27, pr. syn. Habitat. — Canada iu June and July; Northern, Middle, and Cen- tral States; Northern States in July and August. Guen^e's type is in the British Museum ; Walker's species is in the collection of the Entomological Soidety of Ontario, and was compared by Mr. Grote. M. diphteroides Gn.* 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., i, 34, pi. 3, f. 7, Microcalia. 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Hot., ix, 31, MicrocaiUa. 1864. Grt., Proc. Eut. Soc. Phil., in, 78, pi. 2, f. 2, Miciocirlia. 1868. G. & R., Trans. Am. Eut. Soc, ii, 195, pi. ?,, f. 69, MicrocwHa. var. obliterata (Jrt.* 1864. Grt., Proc Eut. Soc. Phil., in, 79, Microcalia. 1868. G. & R., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, ii, 195, pi. 3, f. 70, Microcalia. HABITAT. — Canada, iu June, to Virginia, west to Wisconsin, Mis- souri, Iowa; Kansas; New York; Massachusetts in June and July; Riley Co., Kansas, in April. Guen^e's type is in the British Museum, whore there is also a speci- men of Mr. Grote's species, without a "type" label. b of Columbia llle, and Cen- CATALOOUE OP NOCTUID^ — SMITH. Oenns BRTOPHILA Tr. 1825. Tr., Schmett. Enr., v, 57. 49 B. lepidula Ort.* 1874. Grt., 6tb Rept. Peab. Ac. Sci., 23, Jatpxdea. 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Soi., ii, pi. i, f. 3, Jaspidea. 1875. Grt., St6tt. Ent. Zeit., xxxvi, 196, Jaapidea. 1881. Grt., Bull. Geol. Surv., vi, 570, Bryophila. Habitat. — Canada in July and August; Maine to New Jersey ; Penn- sylvania; Minnesota; Missouri; Colorado; New York, June, July, and August; Delaware in July. The type is in the British Museum. B. cortioosa Gn. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., i, 30, Bryophila. 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het., ix, 27, Bryophila. 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 8, Jaapidea, ■ 1881. Grt., Bull. Geol. Surv., vi, 570, Bryophila. Habitat. — "Am. Sept." The type is with M. Oberthiir, and the species is as yet unidentified in our collections. B. viridata Harv. 1876. Harv., Can. Ent., viii, 35, Jaspidea. 1882. Grt., New List, 23, Bryophila. Habitat. — California. The type is in the Edwards collection. B. teratophora H. Sch.* 1853. H. Sch., Exot. Schmett., 80, f. 213, Bryophila. 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Ilet., ix, 27, Bryophila. 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 8, Ja$pidea. insvripta Wlk. 1»57. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het., xii, 808, Eraatria. 1868. G. and R., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, ii, 78, pr. syn. Habitat. — Canada tx) Texas; Illinois; Iowa, June to August. Walker's type is in the British Museum, and certainly agrees well with what we have as teratophora. The type of the latter I have not seen. B. nana Hbn. 1818. Hbn., ZutrsBge, i, 14, ff. 53, 54, Cryphia, 1816. Hbn., Verzeicbniss, 205, Cryphia. 1852. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het., ix, 26, Bryophila. 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 8, Jaapidea. Habitat.—" Georgia in Florida. " This species has not been identified in our collections. It does not look like a Bryophila and may not be North Americau at all. Yet on the other hand the species may turn up again when the Southern States are well collected over. 6048— No. i 60 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Genus CTATHI88A Grt. 1881. Grt., Bull. Geol. Surv., vi, 578. C. percara Morr. * 1874. Morr., Proo. Boat. Soc. N. H., xvii, 213, Bryophila. . 1875. Grt., Proo. Boat. Soc. N. H., xviii, 414 Bryophila. 1875. Grt., Bull. Buflf. Soo. Nat. Sci., ii, 308, Ja$pidea. 1881. Grt., Bull. Geol. Surv., vi, 576, Cyathista. Habitat. — Florida; Texas, March to May and September; Colo- rado. The type is probably at Cambridge; but I have uc memorandum of having seen it there. Genus CHTTONIX Grt. 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., u, 66. C. palliatrioula Gn." 1852. Gn., Speo. Gen., Noct., i, 26, Bryophila. 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., ix, 26, Bniophila. 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soo. Nat. Sci., ii, 66, Chytonix. 1877. Grt., Can. Ent., ix, 196, Chytonix. 1883. Grt., Proo. Am. Phil. Soc, xxi, 155, Bryophila. ia$pia Gn. 1852. Gn., Speo. Gen., Noct., i, 209, Apamea. 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., ix, 250, Jpuiiiea. 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soo. Nat. Sci., ii, 66, Chytonix. 1881. Grt., Papilio, i, 49, f pr. syn. 1882. Grt., New List, 23, pr. syn. Habitat. — Canada, May and June, to Virginia; Illinois; Minnesota; New York and Mast'aehusetts in July; North Carolina in August. Guen^e's types are jn the British Museum. In palliatricula the me- dian space is largely white, else I see no dili'crcuce. This is a variable feature in the species and is not sexual. C. sensilia Grt.* 1881. Grt., Papilio, l, 49, Chytonix. 1882. Grt., 111. Essay, 51, pi. i, f. 6, Chytonix. Habitat. — Massachusetts; New York; New Jersey. The type is in the British Museum. The white spot in the median streak is a variable character. I have a compared specimen exactly like the type except in that respect. A typical specimen is in Dr. Thaxter's collection. AOROTIS Anct. The species classed under the above generic term have been mono- graphically treated by me in Bulletin Ifo. 38 of the United States Na- tional Museum, Washington, 1890, and in accordance with this revision, the collections in the Museum are arranged. I have carefully com- pared all the types in the European Museums with the characteristics CATALOGUE OP NOCTUID-K — SMITH. 51 given for them, and have noted the disurepancies where such e:. Isted. It would be waste of space to cite this monograph for every species, and to the end of Carneades, the reference is understood even where not made. It is to be noted that I claim generic value for all the di- visions proposed by me, and the title Ayrotis Auct., is simply a con- venient heading for this note. Oenns RHTNCHAOROTIB 8mitb. 1890. Smith, Bull. U. S. Nat. Miis., No. 38, 13. R. gilvipeniiis Grt.* 1874 1874 1873 1875 1876 Grt., 6th Rept. Peab. Ac. Sci., App., 24, Agrotia. Grt., Can. Eut., vi, 71, Agrotia. Grt., Bull. Bnfi. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 301, Atjrotit. Morr., Proc. Bost. Soc. N. H., XVlii, 111 ^ohardiiiyl, Grt., Stett. Ent. Zeit., xxxvii, 135 = chardinyi. chardinyi t Morr. 1875. Morr., Proc. Bost, See. N. H., xviii, 117, Agrotia. 1890. Smith, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mas., No. 38, 14, Rhynvhagrottt. Habitat. — Anticosti; Labrador; Canada; Maine; Vermont in July ; Adirondack Mountains, New York, July and August. I have ( pared the type of gilvipennis in the British Museum with a good s< ^f the Siberian chardinyi, and And the two species dis- tinct. Ine points of diflference are numerous, and I have restored Mr. Grote's name. The reference to the synonymy was made by Mr. Mor- r son, accepted by Mr. Grote, and, without opportunity of comparing the Asiatic form, I followed these authors in my monograph. I have collected a considerable number of specimens of our American form and have examined many others without seeing any that agreed with Bois- iluval's species. A specimen marked ^^gilvipennis type" by Mr. Mor- rison, is in the National Museum. R. rufipectus Morr.* 1874. Morr., Proc. Bost. Soc. N. H., xvii, 165, Agrotia. 1876. Grt., Aun. Lye. Nat. Hist., N. Y., xf, S04, Agrotia. Habitat. — Northern and Eastern States; New York in August^ Lewis County in July; Colorado; Oregon; British Columbia; Los Angeles County, California, in October. I have seen no types. Mr, Morrison states that he received the specimen from Mr. Grote, and the Grote collection contains specimens agreeing with my identification of the species in the U. S. National Museum. R. brunneicolllB Grt.* 1864. Grt., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., iii, 524, PI. 5, f. 5, N'oclua. 1869. Grt., Trnns. Am. Ent. Soc, ii, 309, Agrotia. Habitat. — Canada, Northern, Eastern, and Middle States; west to Iowa, Nebraska, and Colorado; Albany, N. Y., June; Massachusetts in August; Canada, July to September; Vermont in September. 52 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATION/ L MUSEUM. The type is in the collection of the Americiin Entomological Society at Philadelphia, and specimens are in the British Musenni, both agree- ing with the specimens in the U. S. National Museujfu R minimidiB Grt.* 1879. Grt., No. Am. Ent., i, 45, Agrotis. Habitat. — Maine, Colorado. The type is in the British Museum and is like the species so named in the U. S. National Museum. R. anchocelioides On.* 1852. Gn., Sp. Gen., Noct., i, 384, Cerastia. im'l. Wlk., f. B. Mils., Het., x, i52, Ceranfis. 1874. Grt., Bull. Bnff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 26, Glaa. cupida Grt. 1864. Grt.. Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., iii, 525, pi. 5, f. 7, .Voc<«a. 1869. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, n, 309, Agrotia. 1874. Grt., Can. Ent., vi, 16, Cerastia. 1878. Grt., Can. Ent., x, 234, Agrotia. 1878. Lintn., Ent. Cont., iv, 124, Agrotia. 1889. Bntler, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1889, 383, Amathes. velata Wlk. 1865. Wlk.. C. B. Mus., Hot., xxxii, 710, Craphiphora. 188a. Bntler, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1889, '3S3 = cinnda , var. brunneipennis Grt. 1875. Grt., Can. Ent., vii, 187, Agrotia. 1878. Grt., Can. Ent., x, 234, an var. pr. f 1883. Grt., Proc. Am. Pbil. Soc, xxi, 155, Agrotia. Hauitat. — Canada, Northern, Eastern, Middle, and Central States; Iowa; Nebraska; Colorado; New Mexico; Canada in July and August; Massachusettii in Augu.?<-; Illiuois, New York, and District of Columbia in September. Mr. Grote has utterly mistaken Guenee's spei'ies. One of the types or specimens from which the description was made is in the British Museum. It i« a poor, somewi.. it rubbed specimen, but it is unques- tionably Mr. Gvote's cupida. The original type of cupida is in the col- lection of the American Entomological Society at Philadelphia and a duplicate " type " is in the British Museum. The type of Oraphiphora velata Walker is also referable to tlip same species, as Mr. Butler has stated. The type of brunneipennis is with Jlr. Thaxter and I have seen it in his collection. R. plaoida Grt.* 1876. Grt., Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist., N. Y., xi, 305, .Igvotia. 1878. Grt., Can. Ent., x, 235, Agrotia. 1889. Bntler, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1889, 'Af^ = cupida. Habitat. — M-iine; New York, Lewis County, in July; Nevada; Colorado, Glenwood Springs in August and September; Utah.; Ari- zona; New Mexico; Canada. CATALOGUE OP NOCTUIDJi SMITH. 63 es so named The type in tbe British Museum is like the species known to uie under this name, and is not the same as cupida. R. variata Grt.* 1876. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soo. Nat. Sci., iii, 83, Ti. 4, f. 12, Agroti$ 1883. Grt., Proc. Am. Phil. Soc, xxr, 15.5, Agrotis. 1889. Butler, Traus. Eut. Soc. liourt., 382=phyUitphora. varix Grt. 1876. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., iii, 83, an var. pr.f 1889. Butler, Traus. Ent. Soc. Loud.. 382 =ph!illoitliom. orhin Grt. 1876. Grt., Bull. Buif. Soc. i<-''.. Sci., in, 83, Agrotis. 1878. Grt., Bull. Geol. Surv., iv, 174, Agrotia. 1883. Grt., Proc. Am. Phil. Soc, xxi, 155 = f cu/^idftssinia. 1890. Smith, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mu8., No. 38, 24 = mpiAigsima. Habitat. — Colorado; Jifew Mexico; Nevada; Arizona; California; Vancouver; Glenwood Springs, Colorado, in September and October. Types of each of these names are in the British Museum. Mr. Grote's remarks on his orbis thoroughly nusled me, and I referreil the name to ciipidissima. As a matter of fact, the type of orbis is simply variata without the bluish scales, and one of the specimens labeled by Mr. Grote is typical variata. The specimens of variata in the collections U. S. National Museum are like tue type. R. alternata Grt.* 1864. Grt., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., iii, 526, PI. 5, f. 8, Xoctua. 1869. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, ii, 309, Agrolh. 1874. Grt., Can. Ent., vi, 15, Cemaiia. 1874. Grt., Can. E-it., vi, 214, Agrotia. 1878. Git., Can. Eut., x, 235, Agrotia. 1883. Grt., Proc Am. Phil. Soc, xxi, 155, Agrotia. 1889. Butler, Trr iis. Ent. Soc. I-ond., 'i»2—phiilloi>hora, riABiTAT. — Canatla, July to Septe*nber; Middle and Northern At- lantic States, west to the Mississippi; Colorado; Di8tri(;t of ('olumbia in June; New Yo'*k in July and Auyiist; Illinois in September. The ty]>e is in the collection of the Anu'ri<iin Entomological 8o<!icty, .and the species is well and correctly known to collectors generally. R. belfragei Smith." 1890. Smith, Bull. U. 8. Nat. Mus.. No. 38, 20, lihjnvhagrotia, IlAntTAT.— Texas, Marcl to June. 'ihe type is in collections U. S. National Museum, R trigona Smith" n. sp. ottpidiaaimn t Smith. 1800. Smith. Bull. U. i\. Nat. Mn«., No. 38, 24, Jihynrhngrotia. TT ABIT AT. — California: Oregon; Colorado; Arizona; Kansas; Britl.sli Columbia; Glenwood Springs, Colorado, in August. 1 T « i i 1 1 i . i 1 i '■■ : 1 ; ■■t \ 1 i 54 BULLETIN 44, L^NITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Mr. Grote Lad uamed cupidissima iu Mr. Neunioegeu's collectiou, a series of specimens wbich I assumed were correctly determined. In- terpreting Mr. Grote's descriptions by these specimens, I made orhis and Icetula synonyms of cupidissima in the monograph. The true eupi- dissima is very different from this species, and neither orhis nor Icctula agree at all with it. A new name for what I have erroneously charac- terized as Mr. Grote's species is therefore necessary, and I propose trigona, as above. The types of this species are the specimens named cupidissima by me in the collections U. S. National Museum. R. bimarginalis Grt. 1883. Grt., Ann. & Mag., N. H., 1883, 53, Agroti». 1883. Grt., Trans. Kans. Ac. Sci., vili, 54 (Reprint). HABiTi» T. — New Mexico. I have seen one of the specimens marked "type" by Mr. Grote, in the Neunioegen collection, and Prof. Snow also has a specimen iu his collection. R. vittifrons Grt. 1864. Grt., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., ni, 527, pi. 5, f. 8, Noctua. 1868. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, ii, 309, Agrotis. Habitat. — Colorado, Glenwood Springs in September. The type is iu the collection of the American Entomological Society. The specimen in the British Museum, laboled vitti/rons, iu Mr. Grote's handwriting, is incorrectly determined, and is formalis, R. inelegans Smith. 1890. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, xvii, 43, AgroU$. Habitat. — Sierra Nevada, California. The type is iu the collection of the late Mr. Henry Edwards. R. mirabillB Grt 1879. Grt., No. Am. Ent., i, 39, Agrotis. Habitat. — Colorado; Arizona; New Mexico. The type in the British Museum agrees with the sx)ecimens I have seen in American collections. R. oariBsima Hary. 1875. Harv., iu Groto, Chock List, 25, Agrotla, Habitat.— California. The male typo is in the British Museum, and had been heretofore un- known to me. It is broad-winged, somewhat like Orthodes, and quite unlike any other of the species of this genus. It has no very close allies, and is placed in the series here because the orbicular, so far us it is traceable, is complete. CATALOGUE OF NOCTUID^ — SMITH. 65 lens I have R. ezseitistigma Murr. 1874. MoiT., Proc. Host. Soc. N. H.,xvii,166, Affrotii. 1875. Grt., Can. Ent., vii, 26—aUernata. 1875. Grt., Can. Ent., vir, 101, ? an sp. dist. alteriia'n. 1875. Grt., Bull. BuflF. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 303, an8i>. .list. 1876. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci.,iii, 79, Jgrotis. ,1887. Smith, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., X, 450, Jgrotis. observabilis Grt. 1875. Grt., Can. Ent., vii, 144, Jffrotis. 1878. Grt., Bull. Geol. Surv., iv, 174, Agrotlg. 1887. Smith, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., x, 451, t pr. syn. Habitat. — California. Tbe type of Mr. Morrison's species is now in the Graef collection. Mr. Grote's type in the British Museum is, as I suspected, the same thing, the obnervabilis of the Neuinregen collection being correctly de- termined. The specimens labeled exscrtistigmn by Mr. Grote, now in . the British Museum, are reddish examples oiformalis. R. formalis Grt. * 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 61, Agrotij. 1878. Grt., Bull. Geol. Surv., iv, 174, AgroHa. 1887. Smith, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., x, 450, Jgrotis, var fticula Grt.* 1876. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., iii, 82, Jgrotis. 1878. Grt., Bull. Geol. Surv., iv, 174, Agrotis. 1887. Smith, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., x,451, Agrotia. iMularia Grt. 1876. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., iii, 82, Agrotia. 1890. Smith, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 38, 31— /orwfl/is var. emarginata Grt. 1876. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nut. Sci., in, 82, Agrotia. 1878. Grt., Bull. Geol. Surv., iv, 174, Agrotia. 1890. Smith, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 38, .S3, » =^for)Halia var. Habitat. — California, February, April to June, October, November j Vancouver; Portland, Oregon, in May and June; British Columbia. Types of each of the above species are in the British Muscun^ A large series of bred specimens in the collections of the National Mu- seum proves that the black-tipped collar is not a si)e(^ific character in this species, and that the black filling in the cell around the ordinary spots is a variable quantity. " The species named favula and formalin by me agree with the types. Imularis is a somewhat more evenly red brown foim offaoula, while emarginata is also the same species, but quite uniform in color, the ordinary spots faintly outlined by yellow scales. R. ooBtata Grt.* 1876. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., iii, 80, AgrotU. exaertiatigma t Grt. 1875. Grt., Can. Ent., vii, 20, Agrotia. 1887. Smith, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Miis., x, 451, err. typ. hinominaHa Smith. 1887. Smith, Proo. U. S. Nat. Mus., x, 461, AgroiU. 56 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. i|i Habitat. — California; Wasbington; Vancouver. The type of costata in the British Museum is a very poor specimen, without a head. The wings are, however, sufticjiently characteristic to make it certain that it is the species I have called binominalis, speci- mens of which are in the U. S. National Museum, the type in the Tep- per collection. R. laetula Grt. *' 1876. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., in, 83, Jgrotia. 1878. Grt., C.111. Eut., x, 23i=cupidi8sima. 1878. Grt., Bull. Geol. Surv., iv, 173, ? an sp. (list, cupidhslma, 1890. Smith, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mns., No. 38, 24 ^-cupidmima. diBtracta Smith. 1890. Smith, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 38, 36, Rhiinvhagrotis. obaervabilist Smith. 1887. Smith, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., x, 454, Jgi-otis. Habitat. — Washington ; Oregon ; California. The type of Icetula is in the British Museum and is the same as the form named distracta by me. R. dlBcoidalis Grt. 1876. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., in, 82, pi. 4, f. 9, Agroti$. Habitat. — Nevada; Portland, Oregon, in June. This species has been correctly placed by me, as appears by the type, in the British Museum. R. oupidlBsima Grt.* 1875. Grt,, Can. Ent., vir, 101, Agroiia. 1878. Grt., Can. Eut., x, 2.34, Agvotis. 1878. Grt., Hull. Geol. Surv., iv, 173, Agroiis. 1883. Grt., Proc. Am. Phil. Soc, xxi, 155, Agroiii. Habitat. — California, July and September. The type in the British Museum is nothing like the apociinons so named by Mr. Grote in Mr. Neumoegen's colle<'tion, and which I a(;- cepted as correct. The real species I had not seen before. In size it is like alternnta ami there is a distinct blackish costal i>atch in the s. t. space preceding s. t. line. In the character of the ordinary spots it is nearest to diacoidalis. I find four specimens of the specjies in the Na- tional Museum, which have been more recently added to the collection. R. orenulata Smith.* 1887. Smith, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., x, 451, Agrotis. Habitat. — California, June and July; Utah in June; Portland, Ore- gon, in May. Ty[»es of this s])ecies are in the U. S. National Museum, and in Mr. Neumoegen's collection. CATALOGUE OF NOCTUID.E — SMITH. 6T ) same as the 8 by the type, R. confusa Smith. 1887. Smith, Pioc. U. S. Nat. Mu8., x, 452, Ayioila. exseilistitjma t Grt. 1876. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soe. Nat. Sci., iii, 71), pi. 4, f. 8, Agroti$. 1887. Smith, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., x, 452, pr. syu. Habitat. — Washington. Types of this species are in the Tepper collection. Gouus ADELPHAOROTI3 Smith. 1890. Smith, Bull. U. S. Nat. Muh., No. 38, 38. A. Btellaris Grt. 1880. Grt., Can. Eiit., xii, 153, Agroth. Habitat. — Nevada; Wasliington. Types of this species are in the British Mnseum and also in Mr. Nenmoegen's collection. Mr.Grote usually marked "Tyi)e" all the speci- mens before him when describing a species, and tliese quite frequently belonged to more than one collection. It thus happens that the "type" may be in several collections as already indicated. A. indeterminata Wlk. 1865. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., xxxni, 750, Xylina. innotahilii Grt. 1874. Grt., Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., xxvi, 202, Ayrotla. 1880. Grt., Can. Ent., xii, 154, Agroth. tvaahingtoniensis Grt. 1881. Grt., Bull, U. S. Gcol. Surv., vi, 259, Agrotis. 1890. Smitli. liull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 38, 40, — innoiahiUi. Habitat. — California; Washington; Vancouver. Types of all these names are in the British Museum, and all are ref- erable to the same species. Mr. Grot« can not be blamed for not recog- nizing Waiker's species in its generic disguise; but his name must be restored, uevertheless. The type resembles innotabilis rather than washiuytoniensis. A. quarta Gi-t. 1S83. Grt., Bull. Geol. Surv., vi, 2r)8, Agrotla. Habitat.— Sauzalito, California. The type in the British Museum repiesents a species I hml not before seen. It has nothnig in connnon with haja except ifs ground color and lias the structural characters of tiio present genus, dilferiug obviously from all the species. A. prasina Fahr.* 1787. Fahr., Maut. Ins., ii, 109, Noctm. 1852. Gn., 8p. Gen., Noct., ii, 75, Aplevta. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Muh., Lop. Hct., xi, 5.50, Huroia. 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Hoc. Niit. Sci., ii, 103, J'JiirolB. 1875. Spcyer, Stott. Ent. Zoit., xxxvi, 13lt, Apltcta, 1875. Grt., Check List, Noct., Agrotis. hei-hnrea On. 1857. Gn., 8p. (ien., Noct., ii, 73, I'ohiplionis. 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc Nat. Sci., ii, 12, Aiooto. 58 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Habitat. — Canads\to Middle States, west to the Mississippi Valley; Iowa; Colorado; Gleuwood Sjuiuga in August; Eiuope; Northern States, June to September. The European synonymy and bibliography are not given. In the British Museum is a specimen marked Polyphcenis herbacea in what appears to be Guen^e's handwriting, and this agrees very well with his description. It is not the type. Guenee appears to have known prasina from North America, but a large bright-green specimen such as is sometimes met with might easily have misled him into considering this American form distinct. In the Cambridge Museum I have seen a specimen of prasina labeled herhaeea by Mr. Grote; it is unspread and might easily serve as type of Guende's description. The type is in collection <<Marchand"; but what has become of this I do not know. A. apposita Grt.* 1878. Grt., Bull. Geol. Surv., iv, 170, Agrotia. 1883. Grt., Papilio, iii, 78, A(jrotia. Habitat. — California; Vancouver; Colorado. The type in the British Museum agrees very well with the specimens I have had before me from American collections. Genus PLATAaROTIS Smith. ISOO. Smith, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 38, 43. P. speoiosa Hbn.* 1815. Hbn., Lcp. Eur., Noct., 491, Xoctua. 1816. Hbu., Vorzeichniss, 218, Euroia. 1852. Gu., Sp. Gon., Noct., ii, 80, Aplecia. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Hct.,xi, 553, Envois. 1866. Mocschl., Wion. Eut. Mouatschr,, viii, 196, AgroUB, 1883. Moeschl., Stutt. Eut. Zeit., XMV, 117, Agrotia. petquirita Morr. 1874. Moir., Proc. Bost. Soc. N. H., xvii, 136, Polia. 1880. Git., Bull. Bkln. Eut. Soc, in, 37, pr. oya. baileyana Grt. 1879. Grt., No. Am. Ent., I, 92, Affrotia. 1880. Grt., Can. Ent., xii, 185, pr. syu. 1880. Grt., Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, ill, 37, pr. syn. mixta Wlk. 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Hot., ix, 62, Acronycta. 1882. Grt., 111. Essay, 39, pr. syn. var. arotioa Zett. 1839. Zott., Ins. Lapl., 339. 1864. Wlk., Stott. Eut. Zeit., 180, pr. var. Habitat. — Adirondatik Mountains; White Mountain!*; Vermont; Canada; northern and mountainous Euroi)e. The bibliography of the variety arctica is from Staudinger, and the synonymy is well established. I have seen the Grote, Morrison, and Walker typos, and there is no doubt of their identity. The Walker CATALOGUE OF NOCTUID^ — SMITH. 59 le specimens type only is in the British Museum ; Mr. Grote's type is in the Dr. Bailey collection at Albany; Mr. Morrison's type is in the Graef col- lection. P. pressa Grt." 1874. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. 800., v, 90, Euroit. 1875. Grt., Check List, pL I, f. 7, Eurois. 1882. Grt., New List, 26, Agrotis. Habitat. — Canada in July; Massachusetts in June; New York in July and August. Northern, Eastern, Middle, and Central States. The type specimen in the British Museum is like the examples repre- senting this species in American collections. P. condita Gii.* 1852, Gn., 8p. Gen., Noct., 11, 78, pi. 8, f. 5, Aplecta. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mua., Het., xi, 556, Eurois. 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., 11, 12, Mamcsira. 1881, Grt., Can. Ent., xiir, 127, (transl. desc). 1891. Smith, Proc, U. S. Nat, Mus., xiv, 270, 1=trabali$. trabaVm Grt. 1877. Grt., Can. Eut., ix, 198, Agrotis. Habitat. — ^Massachusetts in June; Canada; Middle, Eastern, and Northern States. Guen^e's type, as I suspected, is like Mr. Grote's species, the type of the latter being with Dr. Thaxter, in whose collection I have seen it-. p. slnoera H.-Sch. 1851. H.-Sob., Eur, Schmatt., 11, 412, Agroti$. Habitat. — Labrador. p. imperita Hbn.* 1823, Hbn., Zutrroga, ff,, 447, 448, Ogygia. 1857. Wlk., C. B, Mu8., Het., x, 333, AgroHa. 1880. Grt., Can, But,, xii, 118, AgroHa. 1883. Moescbl., Stett, Ent. Zeit., xuv, 117, Agrotit. comparata Moescbl. 1862. Moescbl., Wicn. Ent. Monatacbr., vi, 131, p'.. I, f. 5, Agrotla. 1875. Grt., Check List, 6, pr. syn. 1883. Moescbl., Stett. Ent. Zeit., xi.iv, 117, pr. syn. aaxigena Murr. 1874. Morr., Proc. Bost. Soc, N. H,, xvii, 162, AgrotU. 1882. Grt., New List, 24, pr. syn. diavitinota Wlk. * 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Hot., ix, 27, Bryophila, 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. 800. Nat. Sci., 11, 6, Jaapidia. 1881. Grt., 111. Essay, 40, lAqrotia. ' 1891. Butler, Entomologist, xxiv, 238, pr. syn. Habitat. — H. B. Terr.; Labrador; mountains of Northern and Mid- dle States. 60 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. I Mr. Butler has correctly referred Walker's type. Mr. Moeschler agrees that bis species is Hiibner^s iinperita, and Mr. Morrison's type iu the Graef collection also refers to this same species. Genus BUERBTAOROTIS Smith. 1890. SmitL, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mu8., No. 38, 47. E. sigmoides Gu.* 1852. Gn., Sp. Gen., Noct., i, 325, Nocttta. 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mns., Het., x 400, Ora2)Mphora. 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soo. Nat. Sci., ii, 9, Agrotia. Habitat. — Canada; Northern, Eastern, Middle, and Central States, June to August. The specimens in the U. S. Nat. Mus. collection, and in American collections generally, agree with the type which is in the British Mu- seum. B. perattenta Grt.* 1874. Grt., Can. Ent., vi, 131, Jgroti». 1882. Grt., 111. Essay, 51, pi. i, f. 7, Jgrotia. Habitat. — Canada; Maine to Texas; west to the Mississippi Val- ley; New York and Massachusetts iu June, July, and August. A specimen labeled sigmoides var., by Gueu^e, is like Mr. Grote's type, both in the British Museum. B. attenta Grt.* 1874. Grt., Can. Ent., vi, 131, Jgrotia. Habitat. — Northern and eastern United States; Canada; Maine in July. The species is correctly named iu American collections. The type is in the British Museum. A specimen marked "type" by Mr. Morrison is in the National Museum. Genus ABAOROTIS Smith. 1890. Smith, Bull. U. S. Nat. M>i8., No. 38, 49. A. erratioa Smith.* 1890. Smith, Bull. U. 8. Nat. Mus., No. 38, 50, Abagrotis. Habitat. — Sierra Nevada, California, in September. Types of this species are in the collection U. S. National Museum, and in those of Messrs. Edwards and Neumoegen. CATALOGUE OF NOCTUID^ — SMITH. 61 GenuB SBMIOPHORA Steph. 1829. Steph., 111. Brit. Ent. Hauat., ii, 138. S. elimata On.* 1852. Gn., Sp. Gen., Noct., i, 333, Nootua. 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het., x, 400, Graphiphora. 1883. Grt., Bull. Geol. Surv., vi, 566, Jgrotit. dilucida Morr. 1875. Morr., Proc. Ac. Nat. Sei. Phil., xxvii, 55, Agrotit, 1878. Grt., Bull. Geol. Surv., iv, 170, Agrotig. 1879. Butler, Trann Ent. See. Lond., 1889, 385, pr. syn. var. badicollis Grt. 1873. Grt., Bull. Buff. See. Nat. Sci., i, 136, pi. 4, f. 18, Ammaconta. 1875. Grt., Can. Ent., vii, pi. i, f. 12, Agrotis. 1875. Morr., Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., xxvii, 55, Agrolia. 1890. Smith, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 38, 51, pr. syn. , var. janualis Grt.* 1878. Grt., Bull. Geol. Surv., iv, 169, AgrotU. 1891. Smith, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 38, 51, pr. syn. Habitat. — Maine to Georgia; Canada, July and August; New York, June to September; Washington, D. C, in September. The types of Mr. Grote's species are in the British Museum, and so is also elimata Gn. With tliem are specimens labeled dilucida by Mr. Grote, and these sire exactly like GuenC'e's species. Mr. Morrison labeled a number of specimens as " type" and I have seen several of them in collections. They incliule specimens like Guen^e's type and also like Mr. Grote's janualis, Mr. Morrison pointed out some of the char- acters differentiating his species from elimata; but these are not essen- tial. As the forms stand in the British Museum, they look like good species ; elimata rather more gray with the markings well defined and the apices of primaries distinct; badicollis much like it in wing form and markings, but still paler and with a contrasting pale collar ;j(mua{t8 rounder winged, apices m ire obtuse, markings almost obsolete. In the large series in the U. S. Na; 'onal Museum the diflfercnces seem to vanish ; but none of the specimens are like typical badicollis, which I never saw previously. Mr. Thaxter also has types of Mr. Grote's species. To dift'erentiate the various forms I have giveti varietal rank to Mr. Grote's names. Dr. Liutner also has a "type" of badicollis. S. opacifrons Grt.*' 1878. Grt., Bull. Geol. Surv., iv, 170, Agrotis. 1890. Smith, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 38, 97, Noctuo. Habitat. — New York and northward. The nmle type in the British Museum has pectinated antennae and tiie wing form of elimata. The specimens before me when writing the monograj)!! were females only, and I failed to recognize the true rela- tionship of the species. 62 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. S. tenebrlfera Wlk.* 1865. Wlk., C. B. Mii8., llet., xxxiii, 714, Hadcna. 1891. Suiitli, Cuu. Eut., xxiii, 120, Svmiophora. catherina Grt. 1874. Grt., Can. Ent., vi, 116, Mattita. 1875. Grt., Buff. Bull., i, 124, Matula. 1875. Grt., Can. Ent., vii, pi. i, f. 7, Matiita. 1880. Grt., Can. Ent., xii, 187, Agrotis. 1891. Smith, Can. Ent., xxiii, 120, pr. syn. manifettolahet Morr. 1874. Morr., Proc. Host. Soc. N. H., xvii, 166, Agrotis. 1880. Grt., Can. Ent., xii, 187, —catherina. Habitat.— Northern, Eastern, and Middle States; Canada; May. The type of Walker's species, from the Bethnue collection, is now in the collection of the National Museum. The speidmen of catherina in the British Museum does not seem to be the type; but is the species Mr. Grote has always so determined. Mr. Morrison's type is now in the Tepper collection, and agrees in all respects with Mr. Grote's speci- mens, and of course, therefore, as well with Walker's. I GeunH PACHNOBIA Gn. 1852. Gn., Sp. Gen., Noct., i, 341. P. monochromatea Morr. 1874. Morr., Proc. Boat. Soc. N. H., xvii, 165, Agrotia. Habitat. — Massachusetts, in June. A specimen labeled by Mr. Morrison, and probably a tyi)e, is in the collection Boston Society of Natural History. A specimen labeled "type" is in the Neumogen collection. p. manifesta Morr. 1875. Morr., Proc. Boat. Soc. N. II., xviii, 116, Agrotis. Habitat. — New Jersey; Long Island, New York. The types are in the Tepper and Neumogen collections. P. UttoraliB Pack.* 1868. Pack., Proc. Bost. Soc. N. H., xi, 36, Agrotis. 1871. Stgr., Cat. Lep. Eur., 114= Pao/ino6ia carncaf 1891. Smith, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 38, 205, Agrotis. Habitat. — Labrador, Caribou Island. The type of this species is in the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Cambridge. I failed to And the type at Salem, in the Peabody Mu- seum; but matters were there in great confusion. Since that time the insects have been transferred to Cambridge., and what remains of the type is found there. Staudinger's suggestion that it may be a fbrm of earnea is contradicted by the antenual characters; but the reference to jPachnobia is t^orrcct. It looks like pect'nata Grt., with the maculation scarcely traceable, and there is no difficulty in recognizing the species. A specimen marked " type" by Mr. Morrison is in the National Museunu JM. CATALOGUE OF NOCTUID.E — SMITH 63 ada; May. 9n, is uow in catherina in s the species [)e is now in jrote'a speci- ;)e, is in the men labeled |ve Zoology jabody Mu- ^at time the lains of the |>e a form of reference to Imaculation the species. il Museum, P. pectiuata Grt.*^ 1874. Grt., Proc. Ac. Nat. 8ci. Phil., 207, I'sendorlhoBia. 1876. Grt., Can. Eut., viii, 17, Vhoe^hora. 1876. Grt., Bull. Buflf. Soc. Nat. Sci., iii, 86, Choephora. 1882. Grt., New List, 31, Pseudoithoiiia. ftrruginoides Smith. 1890. Smith, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. :», .56, Pachnohia. Habitat. — Colorado, Hall Valley, August; Montana; Black Hills. I was quite surprised to lind that Mr. Grote's type in the British Museum was my species. The specimens originally labeled by me came from Dr. Hulst's collection. Afterwards I found in the Riley col- lection in the National Museum a specimen labeled by Mr. Morrison ^^ Pseudorthisia pectinata type." I therefore did not describe the spe- cies in 1887 with the other species named by me. Subsequently I com- pjired the specimen with the original description and concluded that it c<mld not well be intended to apply to this species and renamed it. The National Museum specimen is labeled by me as type, and a "type" is also in the Tepper collection. [A number of Colorado specimens seen recently make it certain that this is but a form of Uitoralis Pack. Pectinata may stand for the variety with distinct median lines.] p. haesitans Wile. 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mas., Hct., x, 329, Agrotia. Habitat. — Rocky Mountains. The type is a well preserved male, the antennse distinctly pectinated, the other characters as in Pachnohia, save that it has the aberrant, dull, ash-gray color of my cinerascens. It is not unlike this latter save in antennal characters. The median lines are single, t. p. line creuate, cell blackish between the ordinary spots. p. salicarum Wlk.* 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mus. Hct., xi, 717, Hydtacia. 1882. Grt., 111. Essay, 42, Pachiiobia. orilliana Grt. 1875. Grt., Can. Ent., vii, 154, P^chnobia. 1875. Grt., Can. Eut., vii, 227, pi. i, f. 8 = claviformia, 1882. Grt., 111. E88.ay, 42, pr. syu. clavifonnis Morr. 1874. Morr., Proc. Best. Soc. N. IF., xvii, 162, AtjroUn. 1875. Morr., Proc. Bost. Soc. N. H., xviii, 115, Ayrutia, 1880. Grt., Bull. Bkhi. Ent. Soc, iii, 36 — orilliaHa. 1882, Grt., 111. Essay, 42=; saZicanim. Habitat. — Massachusetts; Maine; White Mountains and North- ward; Canada; Hudson Bay Terr., A]f)ril and May. Walker's type is in the British Museum; but I could not find any specimens labeled by Mr. Grote. Mr. Morrison's type is in the Tepper collection, Agricultural College, Michigau. 64 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAI^ MUSEUM. P. okakenais Pack. 1867. Pack,, Proo. Boat. Soo. N. H., xi, 38, AgroUt, 1875. Morr., Pnyche, I, 42, Agrotit. Habitat.— Labrador; Mount Washington, July 10. The type is iu the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Cambridge. P. fiahU Ort.« 1878. Grt., Bull. Geol. Snr\r., iv., 175, Agrotia. Habitat. — Oldtown, Maine. The type is in the British Museum. I have correctly labeled a speci- men in the National Museum with this name. p. elevata Smith. 1891. Smith, Trans Am. £nt. Soc, xviii, 104, PachnoMa. Habitat. — Colorado. The type is in Mr. Neumoegen's collection. P. camea Thunb.* 1788. Thnnb., Mns. Nat. Ac. Ups., Diss., iv, p. 50, 72, f. 1. 1816. Hbn., Vcrzeichiiiss, 222, Diaraia. 1852. Ga., Sp. Gen., Noct., i, 342, Paohiiobia. 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mns., Het., x, 415, Pachnobia. 1860. Moeschl., Wien. Ent. Monatschr., iv, 163, Pachnobia. 1866. Moeschl., Wien. Ent. Monatschr., viii, 197, Pachnobia. 1868. Pack., Proc. Bost. Soc. N. H., xi, 39, Agrotis. 1875. Grt., Psyche, i, 77, 100, Agrotis. 1883. Grt., Proc. Am. Phil. Soc, xxi, 160, Pachnobia. ab. clnerea Stgr. 1861. Stgr., Stett. Ent. Zeit.. xxii, 360, Pachnobia. Habitat. — Labrador; Lapland; Circumpolar; Mount Washington, N.H. For the European synonymy and bibliography, Rtaudingcr should be con&ulted. 1 have not seen Thunberg's original work. In the British Museum collections Mr. Butler has confused three species under this name. p. oineraaoena Smith.* 1891. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, xviii, 103, Pachnobia. Habitat. — Alameda County, California, September and October. The types are in the collections of the U. S. National Museum. p. wockei Moeschl.* 1862. Moeschl., Wien. Ent. Monatschr., vi, 130, pi. i, f. 1, 2, AgroHs. 1883. Moeschl., Stett. Ent. Zcit., xi.iv, 117, AgroHs. soropulana, Morr. . 1874. Morr., Proc. Bost. Soc. N. H., xvil, 165, Agrotli. 1875. Morr., Psyche, i, 42, Agrotis. 1876. Grt., Psyche, i, n—caruca. CATALOGUE OP NOCTUID^ — SMITH. 65 1875. Morr., Psyche, i, 85, an sp. dist. 1875. Grt., Psyche, i, IQO—carnea. 1885. Smith, Ent. Amer., i, 14, pr. ayn. 1885. Smith, Stett. Ent. Zeit., XLVi, 223, pr. syn. Habitat.— Mount Washington, N. H.; Labrador. Mr. Moescliler's type has been in my hands and has been compared by me with Morrison's type from the Graef collection. The species is in the British Museum, mixci yrithcarnea. Genus SBTAOROTIS Smith. 1890. Smith, BoU. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 38, 59. 8. planifrons Smith. 1890. Smith, Tra.vv Am. Ent. Soc, xvii, 42, Jgroti$, Habitat. — Northwest British Columbia. The type is in Mr. Neumoegen's collection. 8. oongma Smith.* 1890. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, xvii, 43, JgrotU, Habitat.— Oregon. The type is in the National Museum collection. 8. vernilis Grt.* 1879. Grt., Can. Ent., xi, 57, Agroda. 1879. Grt., No. Am. Ent., i, 38, Jgrotis. 1890. Smith, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 38, 42, AMphagroth. Habitat. — Colorado, Gleuwood Springs in August and September} Nevada; Sierra Nevada, California. 8. infimatis Grt, 1880. Grt., No. Am. Ent., i, 93, Agrotia. 1890. Smith, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mtis., No. 38, 42, AdelphegroOH. Habitat. — California ; Washington. The types of both vernilis and infimatis are in the British Museum, and both are males. The specimens I had theretofore seen were all females, and my guess as to the character of the male antenna proved erroneous. Removed to Setagrotis, the characters pointed out by me still hold to separate the species. From the two forms described by mo they axe entirely distinct. t Genus AaROTI8 Ochs. 1816. Ochs., Schmett. Eur., iv, 66. A. badlnodis Grt.* 1874. Grt., Can. Ent., vi, 13, Agrotia. Habitat. — Maryland; New York; Canada; Middle, Eastern, and Northern United States in August and Si^ptember ; Texas in November. The type is in Dr. Lintner's collection, 6048— No. 44 5 66 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. A. vioIariB 6. & R. 1368. G. & R., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, i, 353, pi. 7, f. 59, AgrotU. Habitat. — Pennsylvania; Middle States. The specimen in the British Museum is not the type. The type is in the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Cambridge, and is marked New York, Mrs. Bridgham. There is also a speciineii in the collection of the American Entomological Society at Philadelphia, labeled by Mr. Grote; but not marked type. It is, however, likely that this specimen is the original of the figure illustrating the description. A. aunilenta Smith.* 1890. Smith, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 38, 215, Agrolia. Habitat. — Colorado, foot-hills near Denver, Platte Canon, 6,500 feet; Omaha, Nebraska, in June; Arizona. The types are in the National Museum collection. A. ypsilon Rott..* 1776. Rott., Naturf, xli, 141, Noctiia. 1816. HUb., Verzeichniss, 225, Exarnia. 1875. Speyer, Stett. Eut. Zeit., xxxvi, 135, Agroiia. 1883. Sauiid., Fruit Insects, 327, f. 338, Agrotis. Butler, Trans. Eut. See. Lond., 380, I'eridroma, aiiffitaa 8. V. S. v., p. 80, nomen Catalogi. Gn., Sp. Gen., Noct,, i, 268, Agrotis, 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Hot., x, 309, Agrotis. telifcra Harr. 1841. Harr., Rept. Ins. Mass., Agrotis. 1842. Harr., Inj. Ins., 323, Agrotis. 1864. Grt., Proc. Ent. Soc. Pliil., iii, 95, pr. syn. 1868, Riley, Rept. Ins. Mo., i, 28, 80, pi. i, f. 8-10, Agrotis. 1881. Riley, Index and Mo. Ropts., 55, pr. syii. idonea Cram. 1782. Cram., Exot., in, 150, 275, f. H, Phalwna. 1852. Gn., Sp. Gen., Noct., i, 269, pr. var. 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., 309, pr. syn. Habitat. — United States and Canada, June to October; Europe. This common and well-known species has a large European biblio- graphy, and has been frequently described in all its stages in economic publications. What has been above given will serve to authenticate the synonymy so far as necessary here. 1889. 1776. 1852. I A. genioulataG. & R.* 1868. G. & R., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, i, 349, pi. 7, f. 54, Agrotis. Habitat.— Northern, Eastern, and Middle States; Canada; Massa- chusetts in August; District of Columbia in Septembei. The specimen in the British Museum agr-^es with the determination usual in American collections, but it is not the type. Tho t po is in CATALOGUE OP NOCTUID^E — SMITH. 67 the collection of the American Entomological Society, labeled by Mr. Grote, but not marked "type." It seems to be the original of the figure cited above, and in view of Mr. Grote's statement, quoted in the preface hereto, must be considered " type." A. ingeuiculata Smith.' 1890. Smith, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mas., No. 38, 216, Agrotia. Habitat. — Colorado. The type is with Mr. J. Angelmau, Newark. An exact duplicate is in the Coll. U. 9. National Museum. A. boUil Grt. 1883. Grt., Bull. Geol. Surv., vi, 160, Agrotia. hilaris || Grt. 1880. Grt., Can. Ent., xii, 153, Agrotia. Habitat. — Texas. The type is in the British Museum, and is a very distinct species, which I had not before seen. A. dapsills Grt. 1883. Grt., Bull. Geol. Surv., vi, 582, Agrotia. Habitat. — Florida. The type is with Dr. Thaxter, in whose collection I have seen it. It is altogether impossible to locate it generically because of its imperfect condition. A. hero Morr. 1876. Morr., Proc. Boat. Sec. N. H., xviii, 238, Agroti$. 1880. Grt., Bull. Geol. Surv., vi, 160, Agrotia. Habitat. — Massachusetts. I have never seen this species and do not know where the type can be found. It is not likely that this name refers to a form distinct from any other here given j but I can not at present place it. A. nanalis Grt. 1881. Ort., Can. Ent., xiii, 131, Agrotia. Habitat.— Nevada. The type in the British Museum is evidently from Mr. Tepper. It is an imperfect female, with smooth front, no fore legs, and broad, frail wings. It is obscurely fuscous brown or bhick, ordinary spots fused as in hollemannif but faint. I never before saw it, and without a male can not give it a definite place. A. tenuicola Morr. 1874. Morr., Proc. Boat. Soc. N. H., xvir, 163, Agroth. Habitat.— New York. It is more than likely that this will turn out a form of Ifoctua conflua', but I have nothing answering nearly enough to it to make sure. I am utterly in tne dark as to the location of the type. 68 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. In both the Griief and Neumoegen collections there are specimens marked tenuescens Morr., tyi^e. These can not well have served as the types for the description of tenuicola, and are related to simplaria and incivis rather than confiua. I have adopted Mr. Morrison's name for the specimens so labeled. Genus PERIDROMA Hbn. 1816. Hbn., Verzeiclnii88, 227. P. occulta Linn.* 17r7. Linn., SyBt. Nat., iv, 514, Noctua. 1816. Hbn., VerzeichniHS, 218, Euroia. 1852. Gn., Sp. Gen., Noct., ii, 76, Aplecta. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het., xi, 551, Euroia. 1874. Grt., Can. Ent., vi, 13, 70, Eurois. 1876. Speyer, Stett. Ent. Zeit., xxxvi, 204, Jplocta. dooilia Grt. 1883. Grt., Bull. Geol. Surv., vi., 259, Agtotia. 1890. Smith, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 38, 143, = perexcellcnf. Habitat. — ^Northern and Eastern States j Canada; Colorado, Glen- wood Springs in October; British Columbia; Massachusetts in June; Canada, New York and Illinois in August. In the British Museum is a specimen marked docilis Grt. type, which is without any doubt a form of occulta. It is from Snow, Colo- rado, No. 894, and is entirely difl'erent from the specimen marked docilis in the Edwards collection. From the description and Mr. Grote's remarks on the species, I am persuaded that a form of perexcellens was really vhat Mr. Grote intended to describe and that Mr. Edwards's specimen represents the form to which the name should have been attached. The small specimen of occulta, similar in color, probably escaped notice among the other specimens and received the type label. It makes no practical difterenco which specimen is accepted as type, since in either case the name goes into the synonymy. P. prasfiza Morr. 1875. Morr., Proc. Best. Soc. N. H., xvui, 117, Agrolis. Habitat. — Eocky Mountains. The type is in the collection of Mr. Julius Meyer. P. aatiiota Morr.* 1874. Morr., Proc. Bost, Soo. N. H., xvii, 135, Kuroia. Habitat, — New York in July; New Hampshire and Northern States; Canada; Colorado. The type is in the National Museum. CATALOGUE OF NOCTUIDiE — SMITH. 69 p. grandipenuis Grt. 1883. Grt., Ann. and Mag. N. H., 1883, 51, Ayrolit. 1884. Grt., Trans. Kans. Ac. Sci., viii, 54 (Reprint). Habitat. — New Mexico. Types are in the Neumoegen and Snow collectiona, p. sauoia Hbn.* 1816. Hbn., Samml. Eur. Sclimett., Noct., 378, Noctaa. 1816. Hbn., Verzeif^ 188, 227, Pendoma. 1825. Tr., Sclimett., iiiur., v, 149, Agrotia. 1852. Gn., Sp. Gen., Noct., i, 271, Agrotia. 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mas., Hot., x, 311, Agrotia. 1873. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., i, 135, Agrotia. 1875. Speyor, Stctt. Ent. Zeit., xxxvi, 134, Agrotia. 1883. Saund., Fruit Insects, 106, flf. 100—103, Agrotia. inermia Harr. 1841. Harr., Kept. Ins. Mass., Agrotia. 1842. Hnrr.,Inj. Ins., 323, Agrotia. 1869. Rihy, Ist Kept. Ins. Mo., 72, pi. 1, ff. 1-4, Agrotia. 1873. Pack., Our Common Insocts, 199, f. 240, Agrotia. 1873. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., i, 135, pr. syn. 1876. Riley, 8tli Rept. Ins. Mo., 37, if. 24, 2.5, Agrotia. 1881. Riloy, Index and Sujipl. to Mo. Repts., .55, pr. syn. ortonii Pack. 1869. Pack., 1st Rept. Peab. Ac. Sci., 63, Agrotia. 1874. Morr., Proc. Bost. Soc. N. H., xvii, 210, pr. syn. var. margaritosa Haw. 1810. Haw., Lepid. Britt., 157, Noctua. 18.52. On., Sp. Gou., Noct., i, 271, pr. syn. 1875. Spoyer, Stett. Ent. Zeit., xxxvi, 134, var. pr. Habitat. — Nortli and Sonth Auieri<!a; Enroim; Asia. Canada, July and August; New York and Illinois, AugiiNt and September; District of Colniiibia, September and October; Califoniia in Ajnil and May. This species has a largo eeonoini(5 bibliography. In the British Mu- seum Mr. lintler has ])laced a lightly-marked si)e('imen of turris Grt., witli typical saueia and has publishe<l them as identical. They tliffer t^trncitnrally. A specimen labeled hurtnifi is in the Harris collection at lloston. P. rudens Ilarv.* 1874. Harv., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., n, 271, Agrotll. Habitat. — Texas iu December and May. P. pelluoidaliB Grt.* 1883. Grt., Bull. Geol. Surv., vi, 567, Agrotia, rudena Harv. 1875. Harv., Bull. Buff'. Soc. Nat. Sci., iii, 5, Agrotia. Habitat. — Texas in December an<l May; Ooloiado, Mnnitou in Juno. The types of both the above species are in the Hritish Museum, and are as ideutillud iu American collectious. 70 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. \,l P. incivisGn.* 1852. Gn., Sp. Gen,, Noct., i, 274, Agroth. 1856. Wlk., C. E. Mu8., Ilet., x, 330, Agrotia. 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii. 303, Agrotia. 1874. Morr., Proc. Bost. Soc, N. II., xvii, 164, Agrotia. 1880. French, Can. Ent,, xii, 14 (larva sub nom. hihricana). 1882. French, Can. Ent., xiv, 240, Agrotia. alahamw Grt. 1874. Grt., Bull. Buft". Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 159, Anicla. 1875. Grt,, Can. Ent., vii, 102, pr. syn. Habitat. — Mas.sachuse.tts in September; District of Columbia to Florida; Mississippi; Illinois; Texas, November, December, and June; California. The types of both incivls and alahnmw are in the British Museum, and both names refer to the sj)ecies known as incivin in our collections. I have not given the bibliography relating to infecta Ochs., and pracoxX Hbn., because I consider the synonymy doubtful. It is given in the Bull. TJ. S. Nat. Mus., No. 38, p. 72. P. tenuescens Smith. 1890. Smith, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 38, 73, reriAroma. HABITAT. — Nebraska. The types are in the Graef and Neumoegen collections, labeled bj' Mr. Morrison as types of the name, but not described. P. simplaria Morr." 1874. Morr., I'roc. Bost. Soc. N. II., xvii, 1(51, Agrotia aimpliciiia. 1875. Morr., I'roc. Bost. Soc N. H., xvil. 210, Agrolis aintptaria. 1875. Harv., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., in, 5, .tgrolia simpliiia. 1880. Grt., Bull. Ocol. Surv., vi, 108, Agrotis. I Habitat. — Texas, March, April, October, and Ncu'cinbcr. The type, sub nom. mnplicins is in tlie Museum of Comparative Zoiilogy at Cambri<lge. P. digna Morr.* i875. Morr., Proc. Bost. Soc. N. II., xviii, 115, Agrotia. tiigrorittata Grt. 1875. (Srt.. Bull. Buff. Soc. Nut. Sci., iii, 77, Agrolia. Habitat. — Texas, May and August. IMr. (Irote's type is in thv Uiitish Museum; thai of Mr. ]\Iorrison is in the Tepper collecti<»n. The tw<» are specilitally idenli(!al. Genus NOCTUA Linn. 17.'H, lilnn., Svslcniii. Niituric, N. Itaja Fal.r.* 1787. Fiibr., Maut. Ins., ii, 175, S'ocliin. 1791. Ollv., Euc. Mcth.. viii. .'(15. \„rliia. 1793. Fahr., F.iit. S.vst.. in, 2, 109, Xovluo. 1798. Oniel., cd. Linn. Sysf. Nat.. 2.^79, Noctmt. CATALOGUE OF NOCTUID.E — SMITH. 71 1816. Hbn., Verzeicliniss, 222, Jmathea. 1834. Hbn., Schmett. Eur., Noct., iv, i>l. 25, f. 119, Noctua. 1852. Gn., Sp. Gen., Noct., i, 335, Noctua. 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het., x, 396, GrapUphora. 1875. Spcyer, Stett. Ent. Zeit., xxxvi, 122, AgroHn. 1876. Grt., Bull. Bnflf. Soc. Nat. Sci., in, 80, Aaroiia. Habitat. — United States and Europe; Northern States, July, Au- gust, and September. N. normaniana Grt.* 1874. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, v, 89, Atjrotia. triangulum t Anct. 1852, Gn., Sp. Gen., Noct., i, 331, Xootua. 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., x, 390, Graphiphora. 1868. Beth., Can. Ent., i, 86, Graphiphora. 1874, Grt., Trans. Am, Ent, Soc,, v, 89, pr, syu, ohtusa Speyer, 1875. Speyer, Stett. Ent. Zeit., xxxvi, 124, 126, Agrotis,^ pr. syn, 1882. Grt., New List, 24, pr. syn. Habitat. — Northern, Middle, and Eastern States; Canada, July to September; New York, Illinois, Massachusetts, August and September; District of Columbia in September. Mr. Grote's type is in the British Museum, and is correctly identified in American collections. N. bicarnea Gn.* 1852. Gn., Sp. Gen., Noct., i, 329, Noctua. 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., x, 400, Graphiphora. 1889. Butler, Trans. Ent. Soc. Loud., 1889, 383, Amathea. plagiata Wlk. 1865. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., xxxii, 664, Mame»trn. 1882. Grt., HI. Essay, 44, pr. syn. 1889. Butl., Trails. Knt. Sot. Lon<l., 1S89, 383, pr. syn. Habitat. — United States cast of the Rocky Mountains; Colorado; British Columbia; Northern States, July to September. Mr. Grote's reference of plaffiata to bicarnea is correct. Both the types are in the British Museum. N. treatli (Jrt,* 1875, Grt,, Can. Ent., vii, 180, .Igrotin. Habitat. — ^rassachusctts. The specimen in tin' National Miisonni is like Mr. Grote's type in the British Museum, save that it is a much hirjAcr ami ilner example. N. oonchis Grt. 1879. Grt., No. Am. Ent., l, 13, AgrotU. 1880. Grt., Trans, Kans. At'. Sci., vii, 6(i, Agrolia, 1882, Grt., Ill, Essay, 51, pi, i, f. H, Agrolie. Habitat.— Colorado; New Mexico. The type is in tlie llritish Museum, and is well represented by the figure in the Illustrated Essay. -• \:i [■ '\ § ^i 72 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. N. c-nigrum Linn.* 1758. Linn., Syst. Nat., od. x, 516, Noctua. 1767. Linu., Syst. Nat., ed. xii, 852, Noctita. 1816. Hbn., Vorzeichniss, 223, Megasema. 1852. Gn., Sp. CSen., Noct., i, 328, Xocdta. 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het., x, 389, Grapkiphora. 1875. Speyer, Stett. Ent. Zeit., xxxvi, 126, Jgrotia. 1883. Edw., Papilio, iii, 133, AgroHs. Habitat. — North America and Europe; New York, June to Octo- ber; Illinois, August and September. The economic bibliofrraphy is large, and the species is frequently referred to in publicraions in such manner only as not to merit cita- tion here. N. hospitalis Grt. 1882. Grt., Can. Ent., xiv, 184, AgroHs. 1886. Grt., Can. Ent., xviii, 220— perconjlua. 1890. Smith. Bull. IT. S. Nat. Mas., No. 38, 83, an sp. dist. Habitat. — Northern New York. The type is in the collection of the late W. W. Hill, Albany, N. Y. N. jucunda Wlk.* 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., x, 399, Gvaphiphora. 1889. Butler, Trans. Ent. Sbc. Lond., 1889, 382, Amathes. conflua t Grt. 1874. Grt., 6th Rept. Feab. Ac. Sci., App., 25, Agrolia, 1874. Grt., Can. Ent., vi, 71, Agroiin. 1889. Butler, Trans. Ent. Soe. Lond., 1889, 382, pr. syn perconjlua Grt. 1876. Grt., Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. N. Y., xi, 304, Agrolia. var. esurialis Grt. 1881. Grt., Can. Ent., xiii, 131, Agrolis. Habitat. — Northern and Eastern States; (Janada and northward; Washington, August. The type otpereonflua is like the type otjucundn, and Mr. Grote's name sinks. Pbrconjina is undoubtedly the species Mr. (Irote has written of as conflua; b it the Si>^cimeu in (he British Museum, labeled conflua by Mr. Grote, is rnbifera. The type of CHuriolis, also in the Museum, is without doubt the same species, differing only in that the orbicular is imperfectly cU)sed superiorly, and tlie cell between the ordinary spots more prominent than usual. The specimen is from Washington, and is i)erhaps a good geographical nice. N. phyllophora Grt.* 1874. Grt., Bull. Buft'. Soe. Nat. Sci., ii, (il, Agrolh. 1889. BuUer, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1889, 382, Amathea. 1891. Butler, Entomologist, xxiv, 238 = «H/*j>(>»7>/ii/>'Crt. 1868. Beth., Can. Ent., i, 80, (Iraphiphora. vrieiiain Grt. 1878. Grt., Bull. Geol. Surv., iv, 1/2, Agrolia. CATALOGUE OP NOCTUIDiE — SMITH. 73 Habitat. — Northern, Middle, and Eastern States; Canada in July; Massachusetts and New York, June and July. Mr. Butler lias succeeded in mixing up several distinct species under this name. Subporphyrea, phyllophorn, alternata, and variata are all good species. On the other hand the type of eriensis is simply a some- what suffused form, in which the basal and costal spaces are mottled with yellow. N. rubifera Grt.* 1875. Grt., Can. Eiit., viii, 207, 227, pi. i, f. 14, Agrotia. rubi t Grt. 1875. Grt., Can. Ent., vii, 207, Agrotis. dahlU var. A, Gn. 1852. Gn., Sp. Gen., Noct., i, 332, Noctua. 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het.", x, 393, Graphiphora. Habitat. — Northern and Eastern States; Canada, in July; New York, in August. The type is in the British Museum, and is the species I have de- scribed in the monograph under this name. IT. oblata Morr.* 1875. Morr., Proc. Boat. Soc. N. H., xviii, 116, Agrotis. hnUaiia Harv. . 1878. Harv., Can. Ent., x, 55, Agroth. 1890. Sniitb, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mas., No. 38, 86, pr. syn. Habitat. — An ticosti; New York; Nevada; Sierra Nevada, California. A specimen of hilliann marked "type" is in the British Museum, and another so ntarked is in Mr. Hill's collection. They agree with each other .and also agree with specimens of the same species marked "o/>^«/rt tj'pe," by Mr. Morrison. A number of good specimens are in the National Museum, agreeing with Dr. Harvey's types. The original type of ohlata is in Dr. Strecker's collection. N. rosarla Grt." 1878. Grt., Bull. Gool. Surv., iv, 172, Agrotxa. Habitat. — California; British Columbia; Colorado, August. The type is in the British Museum. The male is very like the east- ern rubifera S , and specimens of this sex resemble each other much more than do the females. N. rava H. Sch.» 1850. H. Sell., Sclimett. Enr., vi, 59, Suppl. f., Agrotia. 1860. Moescbl., Wi«n. Ent. Monatschr., iv, 3G7, Agrotia. diaaona i Pack. 1867. Pack., Proc. Boat. Soc. N. 11., xi, 38, Agrotia. nmbrata Pack. 1867, Pack., Proc. Bost. Soc. N. H., xi, 37, Agrotia. Habitat. — Labrador: Nova Scotia. Dr. Ptu'kard's type is in the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cam- bridge. T! 74 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. N, fennica Tausch. * 1837. Eversm., Bull. Soc. Imp. Mosc, i, t. 13, 4, Noctua. 1852. Gn., Sp. Gen., Noct., i, 270, Agrotis. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het., x, 311, Agrotis. 1874. Grt., Can. Ent., vi, 1.55, Agrotis. intractata Wlk. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mns., Hot., xi, 884, Hadena. Habitat. — Northern New York, northward to Alaska; Canada in August; Massachusetts in September. Mr. Walker's type in the British Museum is a very fair specimen and readily recognizable as fennica. N. plecta Linn." 1761. Linn., Pu. Suec, 321, Xoctua. 1767. Linn., Syst. Nat., ert. xii, 2, 851, Noctua. 1816. Hbn., Verzeichnisa, 223, Ochropleura. 1852. Gn., Si>. Geu., Hot., i, 326, Noctua. 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., x, 406, Ochropleura. 1862. Grt., Pioc. Ent. Soc. Phil., i, 218, Chersotis. 1874. Morr., Psyche, i, 22, Agrotis. 1875. Spoyer, Stett. Ent. Zeit., xxxvi, 131, Agrotis. 1889. Butler, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 384, Ochropleura. 1890. Smith, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 38, 89, Noctua. HABITAT. — Csinada to Texas; Eastern United State.s; Europe; Canada, May to August; New York, June, July, to September. None of the European synonymy is given, and the bibliography re- lating to vicaria Wlk., is also omitted as unnecessary. N. coUaris G. & K.* 1868. G. & R., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, i, 318, j)!. 7, f. .53, Agrotis. Habitat. — New York, northward to Canada; New York in July; Massachusetts in August; New Hampshire in September. A specimen labeled by Mr. (Irote, and probably the type, though not so marked, is in the collection of the American Entomological Society. N. juncta Grt. 1878. Grt., Bull. Geol. Surv., iv, 171, Agrotis. HABITAT.— Nova Scotia. The male type is in the British Museum. It has all the structural characters of the present section, and is most nearly like collaris, yet distinct from anything I had before seen. N. haruspica Grt.* 1875. Grt., Bnll. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 212, Agrotis. 1875. Grt., Proc. Ac Nat. Sci. Phil., 424, Agrotis. 1876. Grt., Bull. (Jool. Surv., ii, 214, Agrotis. 1885. Smith, Ent. Anier., i, 13, Agrotis. 1889. Bntler, Trans, Ent, Soc. Lond., 382, Craphiphora. tinimaoulaW Morr. CATALOGUE OF NOCTUIDiE — SMITH. 76 1874. Morr., Proc. Bost. Soc. N. H., xvii, 166, Agrotia. 1875. Grt., Bull. Buflf. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 212, n. 1.. 1. grandia Si)eycr. 1875. Speyer, Stctt. Ent. Zoit., xxxvi, 122; var. augtir. 1876. Speyer, Stott. Ent. Zcit., xxxvn, 201; var. augur. 1884. Mwischl., Verb., k. k. Zool-Bot. Ges., 273; var. augur. 1885. Sniitb, Eut. Amer., i, 13, au sp. (list, augur, augurt Gn. 1852. Gn., Sp. Gen., Noct., i, 325, Noctua. 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mas., Het., x, .387, (irnphiphora. Habitat. — Northern and Eastern United States; Goloi ado; Utah; Montana; Canada, in July; New York, July and August. The type is in the British Museum, and is like specimens with the same name in American collections. N. Bierrae Harv.* 1876. Harv., Can. Ent., viii, 37, Agrotia. Habitat. — Sierra Nevada, California; Colorado, August. A specimen in the British Museum is marked '*tyiie," in Mr. Grote's handwriting. The species is in no doubt, and is well identified in the National Museum. N. Clemens Smith.* 1890. Smitb, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, xvii, 44, Agrotia. Habitat. — California, Placer County in June. Types of this species are in the National Museum and in Mr. Neu- moegen's collection. N. clandestlna TTarr.* 1862. Harris, Inj. Ins. (Flint ed.), 448. life hist., Noctua. 1869. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, ii, .30!), Agrotia. 1869. Saund., Can. Ent., ii, 35, Noctua. 1869. Riley, IstRept. Ins. Mo., 79, ])1. i, f. 13, Agrotia. 1873. Grt., Bn'l. Buff. Soc. Nat. S<i., i, 143, Novtua. 1875. Si>eyer, Stett. Ent. Zoit., xxxvi, 131,347, Agrotia. 1881. Riley, Index and Su])plt. to Mo. Ropts., 55, Agrotia. 1883. Saund., Fruit Insects, lOX, f. UWt, 107, Agrotia. 1889. Butler, Trans. Ent. Soc. Loud., 381, = Spalotia ravida. unicolor Wlk. 18.56. Wlk., C. B. MuH., llet., ix. 2.33, Mamestra. 1869. G. & R., Trans. Am. Knt. Soc, ii, 77, i>r, syn. 1877. Grt., Can. Ent., ix, 2H, pr. syn. nigricepa Wlk. 1865. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Ilet., xxxii. G59, Mameatra. 1891. Smith, Can. Ent., xxiii, 119, pr. syn. Habitat. — United States, e.xcept Southern States and Pacific coast; (Canada and Northern States in July and August. Harris's type is in the Boston Society <if Natural History, the type of nigricepH is in the National Museum from Dr. Bethune, the type of unicolor is in the liritish Museum. I have seen them all. 76 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. N. havUae Grt." 1880. Grt., Bull. Geol, Siirv., vi, 157, clandestina var. 1881. G»c., Papilio, i, 76, au sp. dist. 1881. Butler, Papilio, i, 169, an sp. dist. Habitat. — Southern California in June ; Colorado. The type is in the British Museum, and is like the National Museum material in this species. N. Bubporphyrea Wlk: 1858. Wlk., C. B. MuB., Het., XIV, 1658, Mythimna. 1882. Grt., 111. Essay, 41, 1 Jgrotis. 1891. Butler, Entomologist, xxiv, 238= J</r. plniUophora. Habitat. — Georgia. The female type in the British Museum represents a species I had not before seen. It is imperfect, lacking the abdomen ; but the front is smooth ; the foretibia; are spinose and the palpi are as in clandestina. It looks like a red alternata with all the maculatiou washed out, leav- ing only the slightly paler median lines. Mr. Butler has \i\acedphyl- lophora, alternata, varix, and variata under this name as representing one species, and in the Entomologist, xxiv, 238, says: "Walker's type is slightly faded and without abdomen, but is certainly typical A. phyl- lophora, which it will probably supersede." This was published while I was in England, but I did not see it until after my return, else I would have made more detailed comparisons. The specimen did not even sug- gest phyllophora to me, and it can not be that species ; first, because it has none of its characteristic markings, and second, because it is from Georgia, while phyllophora is decidedly a Northern insect, and has never, in my experience, been taken as far South as Washington, D. C, where ttiere have been good collectors at work. I believe the specimen to be one of those taken by Abbot, and a species which has not been since frmnd. Among the unpublished drawings by Abbot in the British Museum are a number of Noctuidixi that I never saw and that are cer- tainly undescribed. Such species as Yarina ornata Neum., described only a year or two ago, were figured and the habits noted by Abbot, and the specimens were afterw.ard named by Walker. No one has since collected Lepidoptera systematically on Abbot's old ground, and Avhen that is once done, I have no doubt that suhporphyrea Wlk. will be re- discovered. N. piacipeUiB Grt. 1878. Grt., Can. Ent., x, 233, AgroHs. Habitat. — Colorado; Nevada; Arizona. The type is in the British Museum, and is like the specimens so named by me. CATALOGUE OF NOCTUID^E — SMITH 77 Museum ics I had e front is indestina. out, leav- iced phyl- reseuting cer's type \ A. phyl- led while e I wouhl even sng- eeause it is from as never, where leii to be en since British are cer- escribed Abbot, las since d when 1 be re- named N. atrifrons (irt. * 1873. Grt., Bull. Huff. So.-. Nat. Sri., i, 07, Agrolia. 1883. Grt., Trans. Kuiih. Ac. Sci., viii, 17, Agroiis. Habitat. — Colorado; Arizona; New Mexico. The type is in the British Museum. N. tepperi Kuiith. 1887. Smith, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mue., x, 452, Agrolia. Habitat. — Montana. The type is in the Tepper collection. N. lubricans (iiu* 1852. Gn., Sp. Gen., Noct., i, 323, Xoctim. 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., x, 398, (imphiphora. 1864. Grt., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., iii, r>2o,=dnn(Ie8Hna. 1869. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, ii, 309; au sp. dist. aasociana Wlk. * • 1858. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., xv, 1683, Mameatra. illapaa Wlk. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., xi, 744, Graphiphora. var. beata Grt. * 1883. Grt., Ann. and Mag. N. H., 1883, 54, Agrotia. 1883. Grt., Trans. Kans. Acad. Sci., viii, 54, Agrotia. 1885. Smith, Can. Ent., xvii, 6, pr. syn. 1890. Smith, Btill. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 38, 96, pr. var. Habitat. — United States generally; Canada; Massachusetts, June to August; Texas, March, July; District of Columbia, May and Sep- tember; New Mexico in August; Colorado, August. The types of all save beata are in the British Museum. The type of beata was given me by Mr. Grote himself, years ago, and is now in the National Museum. All the names refer to the same species. N. vocalis Grt. 1879. Grt., Can. Ent., xi, 56, Agrotia. 1882. Grt., 111. Essay, 54, pi. ii, f. 15, Agrotia. inrenuafa Grt. 1883. Grt., Trans. Kans. Ac. Sci., viii, 48, Agrotia. Habitat. — Cohnado, August; Nevada; New Mexico. The type of vocalis is in the British Museum; that of inrenusta has been in my hands from au American collection; but I have no note as to its present location. N. pallidicoUiB Grt. 1880. Grt., Bull. Geol. Stirv., vi, 154, Agrotia. cinereoooUiaW Grt. 1876. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., iii, 79, pi. 4, f. 6, Agroiit. 1880. Grt., Bull. Ge(d. Surv., vi, 154, n. h. 1. Habitat. — California. The type is in the Henry Edwards collection. 78 BULliETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. N. pyrophiloideB Harv. * 1876. Harv., Can. Ent., viii, 37, Agrotia. 1890. Smith, Bull. U 8. Naf . Mub., No. 38, 213, ? Jyrotia. Habitat. — California. The type is in the Jleury Edwards (collection. A well-named speci- men, not the type, is in the Jiritish Museum. The present location of the species is tentative merely. UeuuH CHORIZAOROTIS .Smith. 1890. Smith, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mub., 38, 98. C. aiuciliarisGrt.'' 1872. Grt., Ball. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., i, 196, Agrotia. 1875. Grt., Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., 1875, 422, Agrotis. 1877. Grt., Bull. Geol. Surv., iii, 118, Agrotia. HABITAT. — Colorado, September; Texas in May; California; Utah in July. The type is in the British Museum. C. introferens Grt.* 1875. Grt., Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., 1875, 423, Agrotia. 1876. Harv., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., in, 74, pi. 3, f. 10, Agrotia. Habitat. — Colorado, August; Texas in May; Califoinia; Arizona. The type is in Mr. GraePs collection. C. soror Smith.* 1887. Smith, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., x, 453, Agrotia. Habitat. — Monta/ ;i; Texas, April and November. The type is in the National Museum. C. agrestis Grt. 1877. Grt., Bull. Geol. Surv., iii, 118, var. auxiliaria. mercenaria Grt. 1878. Grt., Bull. Geol. Surv., iv, 171, Agrotia. 1890. Smith, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 3«, 101, pr. syn. flexilia Morr., MSS. 1890. Smith, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 38, 101, pr. ayn. Habitat. — Kansas; Colorado, August to October; California; Ari zona; Texas, April and May; Nebraska; New Mexico. The types of Mr. Grote's names are in the British Museum collection, and both refer to the same species. A specimen of agrestis marked "type," is also in the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Cambridge. C. inconcinna Harv.* 1875. Harv., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., in, 5, Agrotis. Habitat. — Arizona; Texas in May; Colorado, September. The type is in the British Museum. CATALOG UE OP NOCTUIDiE — SMITH. 79 C. immixta Grt.* 1880. Ort., Bull. Gcol. Surv., vi, 251), Agrotia. Habitat.— Texas in May. The speeiineiiH uained immixta in the National Museum agree with the type in the Hritisli Museum ; those named immixta in the Neumoe- geu collection are balinitia. The species probably belongs to another genus. The preceding species, except the last, are closely related, but I think distinct. Tlie separation of the Ispecies in the Revision is in accord with the types, all of which I have now seen. The National Museum series is correctly arranged. C. baliuitis Ort.* 1873. Ort., Hull. Huff. Soc. Nat. Sci., i, 97, pi. 3, f. 4, Agrotia. 1890. Smith, Hull. IT. S. Nat. Mus., No. 38, 169 — mesaoria. Habitat. — Colorado ; British Columbia. I have utterly mistaken this species, as appears by the type in the British Museum. Mr. (Irote has always associated it with messoria and compared it with that species, so tliat I naturally sought an ally of messoria to wliith the description could be api)lied. Specimens fully agreeing with Mr. Grote's type have been labeled inconcinna by me in Mr. Neumocgeu's collection. C. terrealis 6rt. 1882. Grt., Trans. Kans. Ac. Sci., viii, 47, Agrotia. Habitat. — New Mexico. Types are with Prof. Snow and Mr. Neumoegen. Genus RHIZAaROTIS Smith. 1890. Smith, Hull. IT. S. Nat. Mus., No. 38, 103. R. abnormis Smith.* 1890. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, xvii, 41, Agrotia. Habitat. — Sierra Nevada, California. The types are in the National Museum and in the Henry Edwards collection. R. proclivis Smith. 1887. Smith, I'roc. U. S.Nat. Mus., x, 153, Aijrotis. Habitat. — Arizona. The types are in the Tepper and Neumoegen collections R. acclivis Morr. 1875. Morr., Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist., N. Y., xi, 93, Agrotia. opactt Harv. 1875. llarv., Hull. Buff. Soc. Nat. 8ei., in, 72, pi. 3, f. 1, AgrotU. 1890. Smith, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 38, 106, pr. syn. 80 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. ii I Habitat. — New Yoik(?); Arizona; Texas; Colorii'li in May. Dr. Harvey's type is in the British Museaia and proves the correct- ness of my reference. The type of Mr. Morrison's species is in the Tepper collection. R. albicoBta Smith.* 1887. Smith, Proc. U. S. Nat. Muw., x, 451, Agrotia. Habitat. — New Mexico; Arizona; Colorado, foothills. The types are with Mr. Neunioegeu and Mr. Graef. Others are in the National Museum. R. aplcalis Grt. 1880. Grt., Bull. Geol. Surv., vi, 153, Agrotis. Habitat. — Colorado; ^'ew Mexico. The species does not seem to be represented in the British Museum. The type is with Mr. Neumoegen. n. lageua (rrt.* 1875. Grt., Can. Ent., vii, 26, Agroiia. Habitat. — Arizona; Montana; Utah; Nevada; California; Colorado. The type is in the British Museum R. albaUs Grt." 1878. Grt., Bull. Gool. Surv., iv, 175, Agrotis. var. cloanthoides Git.* • 1880. Grt., Bull. (iool. Surv., vi, 153, Agrotis, 1890. Suiith, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. .38, 108, pr. syu. Habitat. — Nevada; Colorado. A speciuuMi marked albaUs type is in the British Museum, and another is in the Bailey collection. Tiie two are not alike. The specimen in the British Museum (!ollectiou has a very clear, bright, bluish white ground, while that in thei Bailey collection has a more sordid ap- pearance and is really a rather shabby specimen of cloanthoides, of which Mr. Graef has the type. T have recently received a Colorado specimen exactly like the tyi)e of albalis, and now consider it a. good variety at least. A similar specimen is in the National Museum, labeled by Mr. Grote. GtMiUH FELTIA Wlk. 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Hot., IX, 203. P. Olivia Morr. 1870. Morr., Proo. Bost. Soc. N. H., xvui, 238, Agrotis. Habitat.— Utah. The type is in the Tepper collection. era are lu CATALOGUE OF NOClt'ID.E — SMITH. 81 F. longidens Smith.* 1890. Smitli, Hull. U. S. Nat, Mum., No. :W. L'17, reltia. Habitat.— Liis Vegas, New Mexico. A type is with Mi\ Neumoegen; another in the National Museum. F. subguthica Ilaw.* 1810. Haw., Lop. Hritt., 221, Xortua. 1829. Sti-ph., 111. IJr. Ent.,, Ii, 12(5, pi. 22, f. :i, AtjrotiK. 1839. Wood, Index Ent., 3t!. pi. 9, f. U9, .Up-otis. 1856. Fiti-h, lstau(l2il Kept. lus. N. Y., 311, pi. 3, f. 1, Agrotia, 1873. Ort., Hull. BnlK Soc. Nat. Sci., i, 99, Agrotis. 1874. Lint., Ent. Cont., iii, 161, Agrotia. 1882. Riloy, I'apilio, ii, 41, Agroth. 1883. Sannd., Fruit lusocts, 328, f. 329, Agrofix. jacuUfera var., Gn. 1852. Gn., Sp. Gon., Noct., l, 262, pi. V, f. 4, Agrotis. 1856. Wlk., C. IJ. MuH., Hot., X, 327, Agrofin. 1861. Kiloy, Ist Hopt. Ins. Mo., 82, pi. i, f. 11, Agrotia. 1873. Git., Hull. IJuir. Soc. Nat. Sci., i, 99. pr.syn. 1881. Riloy, Index and Suppl. to Mo. Kojits,, 52, pr. syn. 1882. Uiloy, l'ai)ilio, ii, 14, Agrotin. (hirena Wlk. 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Hot., ix, 203, Fcttia. 1868. G. t&. R., Trans. ,Vni. Ent. Soc, ii, 77, jir. syn. 1869. Heth., Can. Ent., i, 86, pr. syn. 1889. Hutlor, Trans. Ent. Sou. Loud., 377. pr. syn. r(xdi(tla Harr. Mss. 1891. .Smith, List Lep. Mor. Am., 38, pr. syn. Hahitat. — United States and Canada. Northern States, July to Sei)ten»ber; Colorado, Aujiust. 1 have not seen Ilaworth's avoi k. The liguii given by Stephens is a very jioor one if it refers to our species; whivh I am very decidedly in- clined to doubt. F. jaculifcra (in.* 18,52. Gn., Sii. Gi>n., Noct., I, 262, Agrolix. 1869. IJiloy, 1st \U>\tt. Ins. ,Mo., S2, f. 29 /), Agrotis. 1873. <ht., Hull. Hull". Soc. Nat. Sci.. i, W—iiiiligolhica. 1881. Riley, Indt'X and Sujipl. to Mo. Ifepts., fi~t -Iricoaa, .iiiigolhico I Tack. 1869. l»aclv., (initio, 3(H), t'. 23S, liuht-iiiind li,!;iire. IS83. SaiMul.. Fruit Insods, 32S, l'. 32!l, riniit-liiin.l (i.uuiiK Irici.nii Lint. 1871. Lint,, Knt. Ciml,, iii. 1,59, .igroti^. 1875. llarv., hull. Hull'. Soe.Nat. Sei., ill, 5, Agrotia. 1882. KMloy, I'apilio, ii, 41, an var. atthgolhlcn. 1883. (irt,. Trans. Am. I'liil. Soe., xxi, 156, an sp, dist.? 1889. Hal lor. Trans. Eiil. Soe, Load,, :t77, pr. syn. Hahitat.— United States, east of Rocky Mountains; Colorado; Can- ada. Northern States, ,Iidy tt) SeptiMnher; Texas, Octobci'. 0018— No. 4-J (J 11 il h n : 82 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. P. berilis Ort. * 1873. Grt., Bull. Buflf. Soc Nat. Sci., i, 99, Af/rotia. 1874. Lint., Ent. Cont., in, 160, AfiroViH. 1882. Riley, Papilio, ii, i\=8uhgothica var. 1883. (irt., Proc. Am. Phil. Soc, xxi, 156, an sp. clist. jaculifera var. B., Gn. 1852. On., Sp. Gen., Noct., i, 262, Agrotis. 1873. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., i, 99, pr. syn. Habitat, — United States, east of Kocky Mountains; Canada; Brit- ish Columbia. Northern States, July to September. The three species last given arc represented in the British Museum by good .series, and the separation is in a<'cord with my identiticjjtions in the National Museum. The types of diu-ans Wlk., jacHlifera Gn., and herilis Grt., are in the Knglisli collection, that of raduHa Harris, is in the collection of the Boston Society of Natural History, and that of triooaa is in Dr. Lintner's collection. F.pectinicornia Smith.* 1890. Smith, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 38, 114, Fcltia. Habitat. — ^Texas, March and October. The types are in the IT. S. National Museum. F. evanidalis Grt. 1878. Grt., Bnll. Geol. Snrv., iv, 172, AijroVm. HABITAT.— California. The type in the British ]\ru.seum is a good species, which 1 had not before seen. The antenna' are shortly pectinated, nMU!h as in the pre- ceding, from which, however, it ditters by gnniter size and brighter colors, which are more nearly like unlH/ofhica than any other. F. circumdata Grt. 1883. Ort., Ann. & Mag. Nat. lliHt., 1883, 53, Agrotii. 1883. Ort., Tr.ans. KanH. Ac. Sci., viil, 54, Agroti$, Habitat.— Nev Mexico. I do not know where the type is at present. F. gladiaria Morr.* 1874. Morr., Prop. Bo.^t. Soc N, II., xvir, 162. Agrotin. 1875. Morr., Proc Acad. Nat. Sci. Pliil., |S7r., m, Agroiis. 1880. (Srt., Bull. Gool. Snrv., vi, lOlt, Agroth. worriHonimin Hih^y. 1874. Kilcy, Proc. Host. Soc N. II., xvil, 286, AgroliH. 1874. Morr., Proc. Bust. Soc N. II., xvii, 214, Agrolin. Habitat. — llnit(Hl States, <'ast of Jlocky Mountains; Northern States in Septend)er; in October. Mr. Moriison's type is in tlu' Tei>])er collection; that of Dr. Kiley is in the National Musenm. In the British Museum is a .s))etimen labeled ninrrixiniiinnt "1yp(^," in Mr. (hole's handwriting. It is correctly de- termined and came from Dr. Kiley. CATALOGUE OF NOCTUIDJE SMITH. 83 F. venerabiliB Wlk.* 1K56. Wlk.. ('. B. Mu8.. Ilct., x, 8l.'8. Afirolin. Hahitat. — (Jfiiiada; ruited States <>onerally; New York in Septem- ber; Texas in Xovrniber; California, aiul Colorado in Oetober. The tyi)e is in the British Mii.s«;uui. Messrs. (Uoto and Robinsou in 18(50 and Mr. r.utlrr in 188!) referred Affvotis incallida \y\k., an n synonym of the above. The type is a badly rubbed si)eeimen ; but it i.s undoubtedly Hadcun {/juperina) pdsscr Gn., and not an Agrotis at all. F. gravis Utt.' 1874. (irt., Bull. I?iiff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, m."), AuroUa. 1875. Grt.. <.'.tn. Kiit.. vii. 25, A<irotln. ropnlarin (irt. 187(1. Grt., Bull. Bull". Soc. \iit. Sci., ill. 81, Aijrotin. 1800. Smith, Bull. 1'. S. Nat. Mus., No. 38, lis, pr. syn. Habitat. — California. Ty])('s of Mr. Crotc's .species are in the Tiritish Museum and eontirm the above synonymy. F. vancouverensia (Jrt.* 1873. Cirt., ili.H Butr. Soc. Nat. Sci., i, 131, pi. \, f. 4, AgroHn. aijiVis (irt. 1888. Grt.. Gail. Eat., xx, 12H, AgroltH. horliiliiiKt ]\Iorr. 1875. Moir., Proc. A.'ad. Nat. Sci. Phil.. 1875, 130, AgrotiH. 18110. Smith, Bull. V. S. Nat. Mas., No. 3H, 118, pr. syu. svmii'1itr<il(i (irt. 1881. (irt. Can. Hut., xiii. 132, Ai/rotin. IHS'2. (irt.. 111. Essay, 52. ]il. i. f. !), Aijro(in. 1880. Butler, Trans. Knt. Soc. I.ond., 378, pr. syn. llAiui'AT. — A'aiicouvcr; California in .Innc; Colorado; Wiishinjjton; Dtah; Porthind, Oreoon, May and -Inne. The types of Mr. (hole's luincoui'cfcitsis and srniiclto'ota are in the Brilish Musenin. atul refer to the sjinu^ species. Mr. Morri.son's typo ha.s been examined by me, bill I hiivo no memorandum iis to its loca- tion. 1 think il is in lhe( 'ainbridyc^lnseum. Tlie typeof ^ff////.s' is with Mr. Fletcher and does n(»t lefer to a dislinct s|)ecies. .\ specinuMi of raiH'oKrcr'iisis nnirked ty|i«^ is also in the lly. I'klwards collection. F. feneipeuiiis Grt. ' 1870. (irt., Bull. liiiO'. Soc. S. i., iii. M, Aoiolin. clodidtiii (ill. IHHl. (irt., Papilio, i, 7(), AgroliH. 1S82. (irt.. 111. Essay, .52, ]i]. i. I', 10, Agrotia. 181)0. Smith, Bull. I'. S. Nat. Mus., X... 3S. 1 IS, =• rfOicoi/rrrriMi/i riABiTAT. — Witli rativoimrcusiN. Alameda County, California, in May iuul .June. Types ol' both nanu's are in the I'.ritish Museum. 1 hiid relerred dodiana lo rdiianirrrnisi.s on the luilli of specimens a{?reeiug with Mr, ill , ^ n 'i. ■' i it 84 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Grote's ftgure in the illustriited essay. This is utterly incorrect in color, and not at all a fair representation of the species, which does not differ from ceneipitinifi. 1 would not be very greatly surprised if rflw- cottrcrcnsis and (vnei2)cnnis should prove forms of one very variable species. F. volubilis Ilarv.* 1874. Harv., Bull, HuH', Sor. Nat. Sci., ii, 118, At/rotis, nHi/mom Morr. 1874. Morr., I>io(!. Ho8t. Soc. X. H., xvii, 1G3, Aijvnth. 18!)0. Smith, IJiill. U. S. Nut. Mus., No. 38, 121, pr. syn. Habitat. — United States and Canada; ]!?ortheru and Eastern States in June and Septendier; California in June ; Poitland, Oregon, May and June. These two Hi)ecies are ke)it separated in the British Museum, extreme forms only being represented. Neither of the spettimens seems to be atyi>e. I do not know where Dr. Harvey's ty|)e is. Types of ]Mr. Mor- rison's species are in the Teppta- and Neumoegeii collections. F. aunexa Tr." 182.J. Tr., Sclmiolt. Eur., v, 154, J(/nni». 1829. Sti'ph., III. Br. Eiit. llaust., il, 117, |il. 2'!, i. L', AijytiiK. 18.'.6. Wlk., V. B. Mum., li.^t., x, ItL'S, Aijyotiti. 18.")2. (in., Sp. (Jen., No(:t., i, 208, A(irolix. 1882. Ercncli. Can. Knt., xiv, 207, lil'o liiHtury. 1889. Buder. Tians. Ent. Sor. I.oml., 1880. 378, Ai/rolh, (hc(T)iiiix Wlk. IS.'Jti. Wlk., C. H. Mu^., lU'L, \, 333, Jurolin. 1889. Butler, 'I'raiiH. Knt. .Soc. l.iuul., IXSit, 37S, A;irolin. I1ABIT.\ r. — Massachusetts in September; New York, July and Au- gust; .south 11 nd west to Kloiidii; Texas, ]\1 arch and iJi'vembcrj Cali- fornia ill 0<^tober; South America. The type of Walker's siiecics is in the British jMuseiim. .Mr. Ibitler also cites (iHtrposittt Cn., No(!t., l, UTX, as a syiKtiiym, and ]M'ili;\ps t(»r- rectly so. I liaAC not sec;- a typical exam])lc, and :i> the s]>c»ic.s is d<'-- scribed from Sonlli Aniericii, dccincd it of insiillicient iiiiportanee to warrant much scii'cli. There is ;i considmable South and Central Ameru'.iin bi))liogi'ii[>h,\ lo this siH'cies which it is not necessary to give here. F. iiiaiefida (in. 1852. (in., S)). (;('U,, Ndct., I, '-'(17, AjiniliH. 18ntt. Wlk., V. B. Mus,. ll.'i., \, :i2.\ A.jroli'. 1875. Ilarv., Bull. Bull'. Sm Nat. Sci., iii, tj, AijriiiiH. IIahitat.-— Tiong Ishind, \«'wToik: New Jersey; south and west to (!uba and Calitornia; I'Morida in March; Te\n-;. NoNcmlu'r and J )ecember. The type is in the Jiritisli Museum himI |(i'o\esth. .sjteries correctly named in American colleetions. CATALOGIJK OF NOCTUID.E — SMITH. 85 (!«uus POROSAG-ROTIS SriiUli, 1890. Suiiili, I'.iiU. IJ. H. Nat. Ui\a., No. yS, 123. P. vetusta V.'lk. 185fi. Wile. C. 15. Mus,, Hct., IX, 78, Miilhvmna. \>^12. (Jrt., Ill, Kssay, H,^ — %nurwnulu. muroiiiilit (i. & R. 1868, G. &. R., Traus. Ahi. Eiit. Soo,, i, 352, AtjroHs. 1869. Beth., Can. Eiit., i, 8(5, Jgrotis. 187.5. Harv., IJiilI. ]5u(V. Soc. Nat. Sci., Jir, 73, pi. 3, f. 3. /Uiroila. Haiutat.— Canada; (Jnifod Stares, west to lolorailo, south to (Joorgia; New York, July and Au^i^ust; .Massaelui. setts, and ►September. Walker's type is without question this well-known species of Grote & Kohiiison. The type of the latter authors is in the, collection of tlie Aincrican Kntouiological Society labeled by Mr. GiotCj though not marked " type." P. catenula uiit.* 1879. Crt., No. Am. Eiit.. i, U, Aiji-otia. Habitat. — Cohtrado, (ilcuwood Spi-ings, (\'tober, Denver in June; Montana; New Mexico; California, in ()ctobt;r. The type is in the British .Museum. P. obesula .Smith. • 1887. Smith, Proc. TT. fi. Nat. Mus., x, 1,56, Aiji-otla, Hahitat. — IMontana; Colorado. The type is in the Naticmal Mu.seum. P. Battens Riiiith,* 1890. Smith, Tran.s, Am. Eiit. Sot., .wii. \'>, AijroUs, Habitat.— Northwest Uriff-'h '"olumbia; Colorado. The types are with Mr. Ntum-. gvii, and in tlie Coll. U. S. National -Museum. P. mtmallonis (irt.* 1873. Ort,, «iill, BiiiK So( . Nat. Sd., i, US, Aijrotia. l^lH. (.'It. Itiill. Geo). Hmv,, ;v, 17;>, A;irotia. rufiin'iiniii <:rfc. 187.0. Git., t'uii. Eiit,, VII. 8.3, AgrMa. 1*175. Grfc., Viui. Knt., vii, L'l'ti. i<r syii. IIahitat. — Moniana: ('o)orsMlo; No>\ York, in .\uffu<5t; Cnnndn. 'i'lie (ypc of nitipciiiiis l,s ii, (lie l»rilisli Museum. Miimilhtnis wna dcscriltcil from tlie Mcadc ccilectiou. f m 86 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. P. fusca Bdv. 1834. Bdv., Ic. Hist. de. Lepid., pi. 48, f. 4, Agiofia. 1864. MoPHclil., Wien. Eut. Mouatscbr., VI, 197, AgroHs. S sepfenlrionalis Moeschl. 1862. Moeschl., Wien. Eut. Monatsclir., iv, 133, pi. i, f. 3, Agrotla. 1870. Moeschl., Stett. Ent. Zeit., xxxi, 268, pr. syn. patula Wlk. 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mns., Het., X, 329, Agrotia. Habitat. — Labrador; Eocky Mountains. Walker's type is in the British Museum, tind agrees fully with speci- mens of septentrionalis sent me by Moeschler as typical, years ago. I have never before seen it from the Eocky Mountains, and there is a margin of possibility that larger material will develop x>oiuts of dif ference that not find now. p. tripars Wlk.» 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Hot., ix, 78, Mythimna, 1882. Grt., 111. Essay, 41, ? an Agrotia. worthingtotii Grt. 1880. Grt., No. Am. Ent., i, 91, Agrotia. Habitat. — New York; Indiana. The types of both names are in the British Museum. The species is a familiar one to me; but I had, following Mr. Morrison, doubtfully identifled it Avith Eucoptocncmis Jimbrmris Gn., than which it is nar- rower winged with almost the same maculation. Its association with tlie species of this genus is probably correct; but I have had no oppor- tunity to <x;iriine a male critically. I have a spccnmen compared with the type. The National Museniti specimens arc under the name Eucoj)- tocneims Jimbriaris, labeled by Mr. Morrison. P. rileyana Mori.* l^li. MoiT., Proc. Bost. Soc. N. 11., xvn, 1C6, Agrotia. 1875. Morr., Proc Acad. Nat. Set. I'liil., 58, Agrotis. Habitat.— New York; Illinois; Missouri; Kansas; New Mexico; (Colorado; Texas. A specimen marked "tyi)e" is in the British Museum; others are in the ]^Jational Miis«'um and in th<' Topper a n<l oilier <'(»ll('('ti«>iis,iin roler- ring to the same sjx'cics. Mr. Morrison was very liberal in marking types of this si)ecies. P. tezana Grt. 1863. Grt., Proc. Ent. Roc. Pliil., ii, 273, pi. vr, f. 2, Agrotia texanua, 1881. (irt., Papilio, i, 127, 153, f..-,vfl</<!/«m. 1883. Grt., Pii|.ilio, in, 7(i, an sp. dis(. 1H90. Siniili, Bnll. U. 8. Nat. Mus., No. 38, 154, Carneadoa. Habitat. — Texas. The ty]H%s, $ and 9, a***' i\i the i'ellection of the American "Entomo- logical {Society. In tW britisli Museum is a specimen labeled Uxanu by -4 CATALOGUE OP NOCTUID^ — SMITH. 87 Mr. Grote, wliich is not the s.ame species. The insect is from Tucson, Ariz., and is from Mr. Neumoegeu's collection. In that colle(5tion are other spei'imens also labeled tcxana and from them I drew the character for tlie species, in my revision. I liad not been able at that time to find the type in the Philadelphia collection; but a recent systematic search discovered the specimens under a misleading label. Indeed, but for the fact that one of the specimens was obviously the original of the figure above cited, tliej' could not have been identified with certainty at all. As it is, the t\q)e proves a Porosaffrotis instead of a Carmwles, aud the insect I des<;ribed in my revision lacks a name. The S antenna' are pectinated, secondaries wJiite in the male, only a little soiled in tlie female. The claviform is obvious. It is between rileyi and or^hojfoiiia, diflering obviously from either. The types have no locality labels, and 1 have no information as to who collected them. It is ])ossible that it may prove nu)re nearly related to my obcsula than I now belies e, when abundant material is at hand. P. orthogonia Morr.* 1876. Morr.. Proo. Bost. Soc. N. IL, xvm, 239, Afirotid. 11/V,,:tat. — Colorado; New Mexico; Nebraska; Arizona; Utah. I have not seen the tyi>e. P, daedalus Smith.* 1890. Smitli. Hull. U. S. Nat. Mhh., No. 38, 217, Porosagrotia. IlAniTAJ'. — Colorado. Types are in the National Museum. P. dollii <Ut. 1882. Grt., Can. Ent.. xiv, 21t;. A-iroiia. Hahitat. — Arizona. The types are with Mr. Neumoegen. P. milleii (lit.* 187.-). Crt., Hull. HiifT. Soc Nat. Sou. rii, 7S, |.l. I, f. 4, Ayrolla, IlAniTAT.— Siena Nevada, California. The type is in the Kdwanls collertuui. P. pluralis (tit.* 1878. Crl.. null. Ocol. Snw.. iv. 174, AivoU*. 1880. (lit., liiill. «ir.»i. Siirv.. VI, 144. Af/rolis. 18S1>. (ill., III. K,s,sa\ , 55. pi. 2. f. Hi, Ayrotu. IlAiur AT.— Nevada; Colorado. A specimen niiiiUed "type" is in the British Museum; .another, marked in tiic siinu' way, is in tlsc Biiilcy cMllf. on. M i 88 mJLLKTlN U, UNITKU STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Genus CARNEADES Grt. 1883. Grt., Can. Eat., XV, 4. C. Tvilsonii Grt.* 1873. Grt,, Bull. BnflF. Soc. Nat. Sci., i, 135, pi. 4, f. 3, Agroiis. 1871. (!rt., Hull. Hull'. 8oc. Nat. Sci., n, 02. igrotis. Hlitrialis (Jrt. 1871. Grt., Bull. Bull". Soc. Nat. Sci., ir, 02, A;irotis. 1882. (ht., 111. Essay, 51, pi. 2, f. 14, A;jroli.^. 1890. Snutli, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 38, 133, pr. syn. (ViiiiaUs H«rv. 1870. llarv., Can. Ent., viii, 30, Agroiis. Habitat. — Calilornia, August und September; Glenwood Springs, Coloiiulo, Septojuber. Types of each of the above iiaines are in the ]\rnseiim. Spe- cialis is simply a color variety of ivihonil, between which every inter- mediate form exists. The type of ccqualls i.s a rubbed and somewhat im])erfect specimen, witli the mar?:ings consequently less defined. The species is an excessively variable one. A "type" of wilsnnii is also to be found in the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge. C. lacunosa Grt.* 1878. Grt., Bull. Geol. Snrv., iv, 172, Agrotia. Habitat. — California. Mr. Grote says the type is in the collection of the r»nfTf'alo Society of Natural Hcience. A si)eciiiien labeled by j\Ir. Grote is in the British Museum. C. reciila TTarv.* 1876. Ilarv., Can. Ent., viii, 37, Agroiis. Habitat. — Oregon ; (^olorado. A type specimen is in tiie liritish Museum; others are in the Edwards collection. C. cicatricoaa (i. ami M* 1805. G. and K., Troc. Ent. Soc. I'Lil., iv, 492, i)l. 3, f. 4, Agroiis. Habitat. — Colorado. A s|)eeiinen named by Mr. Grote is in the Brilish Museum; (he type is in the collection of the .VuKM-iean Kntomological Socii'ty. C. neomexlcaua Sniilli.* 1890. Smith. Bull. V. S. Kut. Mus., No. 3S, 2IS, Cuninulca. JlABirAT. — IS^'W Mexico. Tyi)es are in the Nalitoial Museum and thecolleclions of ITeumoegen and llulst, Hie lader now a( K'ntgeis College. CATALOGUE OF NOCTUIDiE — SMITH. 89 C. quadridentata G. and K." 1865. G. and R., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., iv, 491, pi. 3, if. 2 and 3, Jgrotia. Habitat. — Colorado; Orcfjon, A specimen named by Mr. Grote is in the British Museum; the type is in the collection of the American Entomological Society, ;C. niveilinea Grt.« 1882. Grt., Can. Eut., xiv, 216, Agrotis. Hahitat. — Arizona; New Mexico; Colorado; Nebraska; Texas in October. Types are in the National Museum and in Mr. Neunioegeu's collection. C. insertans Smith. 1890. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, xvii, 45, Jgrotia. Hauitat. — Spencer's Bridge, British Columbia. The type is in Mr. Neumoegen's collection. C. brevipennis Smith.* 1887. Smith, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., x, 455, Agrotia. Habitat. — California; Nevada; Colorado in Se]itembcr. Types are in the National Museum collection and with Mr. Ncu- moegen. C. oblongostigma Smith.* 1887. Smith, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., x, 451, Agrotia. Habitat. — Montana; Black Hills; Colorado, Glenwood Springs, August. Type specimens are in the National Museum, and in the collections of Graef, Neumoegen, and Hulst. C. plagigera Morr.* 1874. Morr., Proc. Host. Soc. N. H., xvit, 1G3, Agrotia, 1875. Morr., Pioe. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., 1875, 57, Agrotia. Habitat. — Colorado, Glenwood Springs, August; Montana; Ne- vada; Kansas; Washington; Illinois; New York. Specimens, not types, are in the British Museum; the type is in the Tepper (iollection. C. olivaliB Grt.* 1879. Grt., No. Am. Ent., i, 43, Agrotia. Habitat.— Colorado ; Ut ah. The type is m the BriMsli Museum, and is like the si>ecinions so named in the Natioiuil collection. 90 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. if ^.i IH C. rldingsiana Grt.* 1875. Grt., Bull. BuflF. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 305, Jgrotis. Habitat. — Colorado, in May; Arizona; New Mexica. The type is in the British Museum. C. flavidens Smith.* 1887. Sinitli, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., x, 455, Agrotia. Habitat. — Colorado, July; Arizona; New Mexico in An^nst. Types are in the National Museum, and in the collections of Graef and Neumoegen. C. flavicollis Smith.* 1887. Smith, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., x, 456, Agroiis. Habitat. — Montana; Colorado; Arizona. The type is in the Tepper collection. C. bicoUaris Grt.* 1878. Grt., Bull. Geol. Surv., iv, 173, 174, Agrotis. 1883. Grt., Proc. Am. Phil. Soc, xxi, 155, Agrotia. Habitat. — California; Nevada; Arizona. The type is in the Edwards collection; I found no specimens in the British Museum. C. brocha Morr.* 1875. Morr., Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., 1875, 56, Agrotia. bochua Morr. . 1874. Morr., Proc. Bost. Soc. N. H., xvii, 163, Agrotia. Habitat. — Colorado, August to October; Nevada; Kansas; Ne- braska. This species is placed under Agrotis furcifera Wlk., in the British Museum collections, in my opinion erroneously. Mr. Walker has also described a specimen as Agrotis transversa, which is almost certainly the same as Morrison's species. There are, however, several forms from Central or South America that come very close, and as careful and critical study would be required to decide specific limitations, for which I had not the time, I prefer leaving the name as it is, simply calling attention to the probabilities, and to the necessity for further study. C. sponsa Smith.'' 1887. Smith, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mas., x, 457, Agrotia. Habitat. — Washington. The type is in the National Museum. C. cogitans Smith.* 1890. Smith, Trans. Am. Eiit. Soc, xvii, 46, Agrotia. Habitat.— California; Coloiado. Types are in the National collection and with Mr. Neumoegen. CATALOGUE OF NOCTUID.E — SMITU. C. hollemani Grt.* 91 1874. Grt., Can. Ent., vi, 156, Agrotia. Habitat. — California; Arizona; Colorado, Gleuwood Springs, Au- gust and September. The specimen in the British Museum agrees with my identifications of the species, but is not the type. I have not seen the latter. C atrlstrigata Smith. 1890. Smith, Ent. Amer., vi, 76, Jgrotia. 1890. Smith, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 38, l.">0, Carncadci. Habitat.— Northwest British Columbia. The type is with Mr. Neumoeg^n. C. biclavis Grt.* 1879. Grt., Bull. Geol. Surv., v, 206, Agrotis. 1882. Grt., 111. Essay, 53, pi. i, f. 12, Agrotia. Habitat. — Arizona. The type is in the British Museum. It is a very distinct, brightly marked form and is correctly located in my revision. C. perpolita Morr.* 1876. Morr., Proc. Bost. Soo. N. H., xviii, 237, Agrotia. 1878. Lint., Ent. Cont., iv, 123, Agrotis. Habitat. — New York in August, and northwardj Colorado, Gleu- wood Springs, August. The type is in the Tepper collection. C. fumalis Grt.* 1873. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soo. Nat. Sci., i, 98, Agrotia. 1878. Grt., Bull. Gool. Surv., iv, 174, Agrotia. perm Hilda Morr. 1874. Morr., Proo. Bost. Soc. N. H., xvir, 163, Agrotia. 1880. Grt., Bull. Surv., vi, 151, pr. syn. Habitat. — ^Northern, Eastern, and Middle States; District of Co- lumbia; Canada; Massachusetts in August. A specimen labeled permunda is iu the National Museum, from the Meske collection, and the British Museum specimen laheled fumalis by Mr. Grote, is the same. It is not the typo. C. perfuaca Grt. 1883. Grt., Papilio, iii, 77, Agrotia. Habitat. — California; Colorado; Arizona, The type is with Mr. Graef. ir IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) // ^ A. 1.0 I.I 11.25 1.4 IIIIIJ^ Hiotographic Sciences Corporation 33 WIST MAIN STRUT WnSTIR.N.Y. MSIO (716) •72-4S03 ^\ V 4 37 c\ \ i^.V 1 iV > 92 niTLLKTIN 44, tJNItED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. C. punotigera Wlk." 1865. Wlk., C. B. Mils., Het., xxxii, 661, Mamestra. 1891. Siiiitli, Proo. U. S. Nat. Mus., xiv, 273, Mameatra. pattoralis Grt. 1875. Grt., Can. Eiit., vii, 68, Agrotit. IlAiiiTAT. — Vancouver; Washin}? ton ; Nevada; Colorado; Arizona; New Mexico; Northwest British Columbia. The types of both names are in the British Museum, and refer to the same speuics. This species is variable; but both punctigeia and pas- toralin were applied to the same form of it. C. finiB Smith.* 1887. Smith, Pron. U. S. Nat. Mus., x, 457, JgrotU. Habitat.— Black Hills; Montana. The type is in the National Museum. C. velleripennis Grt.* 1874. Grt., Gth Ropt. Peab. Ac. Sti., App. 25, AgroUt. Habitat. — Canada; Eastern and Middle States, west to the Tlocky Mountains; Colorado; Massachusetts and Illinois, in August; New York, in September. C. atomarlB Smith.* 1890. Smith, Truiis. Am. Knt. Soc, xvii, 47, AgtoU$. Habitat. — California, in September; Colorado, Glenwood Springes, September. Types are in the National Museum and in the NeumoBgen collection. C. gagates Ort.* 1875. Grt., Can. Ent., vii, 68, Agroiis, 1880. Grt., Bull. U. S. Gool. Surv., VI, 162, Agrotia. Habitat. — Colorado, Glenwood Springs, August to October; Cali- , in Septeniber. type is in the British Museum. C. oitrioolor Ort* for 1880. (Jrt., Cnn. Eut., xii, 154, Agrotit. 1880. (irt., Hull. ()«M)1. Surv., vi, 1(U), Agiollt. imi. Grt., Clin. Ent., xv, 26, Carmitdti. Habitat.— ('olorado; Utah; Arizona; New Mexico. The type is in the British Museum. C. mlBturata Morr., MSS. 1890, Smith, Bull. U. S. Nut. Mun., No. 38, 156, CurneaHea. Habitat. — Colorado, (Henwood Springs, September. The types are in tlie Tepper and Neumiegen collections. CATALOGUE OF NOCTUID.l! — SMITH. C. moerens Grt. 1883, Grt., Can. Ent., xv, 4, Carneadea. 1883. Grt., Titpilio, in, 30, Cunieades. Habitat. — Arizona. The tyjKJ is in Mr. Neuinoegen's collection. C. dolls Grt. 1880. Grt., No. Am. Ent., I, 91, Agrotis. 1889. Butler, Tr.ins. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1889, 381,=rACTn hhivia. Habitat. — Colorado. The type is in the Graef collection. A specimen in the British Museum is somewhat more maculate; but sccnis to be the same. Mr. Butler refers it to Cliera birivia, Hbn., and I can not myself flud any obvious differences between them. Birivia is an alpine species, and I am not ready to believe, without the most critical comparison, that the two are identii-al, though superficially they seem alike. I have there- fore retained IVIr. (irote's name for the present. If Ohera has as type this species, it will have to rei>lsice Carncades. Mr. Grote's specimen has no locality. C. soandens Riloy.* 18fi9. Kiloy, Ut Kept. Ins. Mo., 76, j)!. i, f. 5, 7, AfjroHt. 1874. Uiloy, Otii Kept. Ins. Mo., 0, .IfftotiK. 1875. Grt., Bull. Bntf. Soo. Nat. Sci., ii, :V)(i,~mHrwHiila. 1875. llarv.. Bull, Buff. Soc, Nut. Sci., iii, 73, pi. 3, f. 4, uu sp. dist. 1881. Jiiloy, Iiul. )tt tSuppl. to Mo. Kuiitti., 75, A(jroli». 1881. <»rt., L'apilio, i, V27,:=mci*Horiaf 1882. Riley, Papilio, li, 43, an Hp. dist. 1883. Saund., Fruit luHecls, 107, f. 105, AyroliH. Habitat. — East of Kocky Mountains; ('olorado; Northern States in June. The type is in tlie National Museum. A correctly named specimen from the lirote coUection is in tite Britisli Museum, and I can not un- derstaiul how Mr. Grote ever saw any resemblance to either murwnula or meHsot'ia. C. detesta Smith. chorln t Hiiiitli. 18!H). Smith, Bull. U. S. Nat. M.m., No. 38, 158, Canivndca. H A BIT AT.— Cidorado. I have mistaken Dr. Harvey's species, as appears by the type In the British Museum, and I propose the name detesta for the species 1 have described in my revision under the term churis, C. remota Smith. 1890. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, xvii, 48, Atfrotta. Habitat. — Sierra Nevada, California; Colorado. The type is in the Edwards collection. 94 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. C. deteiM Wlk. * 1866. Wlk.,C. B. Mm., Het., ix, 212, f Charaaa. pityehroua Grt. 1873. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soo. N»t. Sci., i, 82, JgroH$. 1889. Beutenninller, Ent. Amer., V, 38, larva. penonata Morr. 1876. Morr., Proo. Boat. Soo. N. H., xviit, 238. 1880. Grt., Can. Ent., xii, 187, pr. syn. Habitat. — Nova Scotia; Canada; Northern, Eastern, Middle, and Central States; Colorado, Glen wood Springs, September; Iforthern States, July, August, and September. Walker's type in the British Museum is like an average pityekrouSf such as is also in the collection from the Grote material. The type of pergonata is in the Tepper collection, and is a small fully marked speci- men, such as is occasionally found throughout the range of the species. The type of pitychrous is with Dr. Lintner. C. infraota Morr. 1875. Morr., Proc. Boat. Soo. N. H., xviii, 115, AgrotU, HABITAT.— Colorado; Texas. The type is in the Tepper collection. O. luteola Smitb.* 1887. Smith, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., x, 457, AgroUa. Habitat. — Arizona. The type is in Mr. Neumoegen's collection. C. aerrioornia Smith. 1887. Smith, Proc. U. S. Nat. Man., x, 458, Jgrotti, Habitat.— Southern California. The type is in the Tepper collection. C. tetrioa Smith. 1887. Smith, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., x, 458, Jgrotta, Habitat.— Texas; Nevada. Types are in the Bailey collection. O. boatonienala Grt.* 1874. Ort., Proo. Ao. Nat. Soi. Phil., 1874, 203, AgroUa. 1876. Hanr., Bull. Buff. Soo. Nat. Soi., iii, 74, pi. 3, f. 7, AgroUa. Habitat.— Middle, Eastern, and Northern States; Canada; Massa- chu'ietts in September; New York in October. The type is in the British Museum. O. oasnia Grt.* 1879. Ort., No. Am. Ent., i, 44, Agrotia. muaeoaa Grt. 1888. Grt., Can. Ent., xv, 96, AgroHa. 1887. Smith. Proo. U. 8. Nat. Mus., x, 460, pr. ayn. CATALOGUE OP NOCTUID^— SMITH. 95 Habitat. — Colorado, Olenwood Springs, August to October; New Mexico. The type of eamis is in the British, that of muscosa in the U. S. Na- tional Museum. The two are of the same species. A type of casnu is also in the Neumoegen collection. C. mediallB Smith.* 1887. Smith, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., x, 459, JgrotU. Habitat. — Texas, October and November; Colorado. The types are in the National Museum. C. fenlseoa Hot v.* 1875. Hftrv., Bull. Dnff. Soc. Nat. Pci., iii, 74, pi. 3, f. 6, Agrotli, 1875. Grt., List Noctuidte, 25, Agrotit. Habitat.— California. The type is in the British Museum. C. eztranea Smith. 1887. Smith, Proo. U. S. Nat. Mua., x, 459, AgrotU. Habitat.— Montana. The type is in the Tcpper collection. C. trifaaoiata Smith. 1887. Smith, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mns., x, 460, Agrotit, Habitat. — Mount Hood, Oregon. The types are in the Tepper and Graef collections. C. bifaaoiata Smith.* 1887. Smith, Proo. U. S. Nat. Mus., X, 4G0, Agrotia, Habitat.— Arizona. The type is in the National Museum. C. oomoaa Morr. 1876. Morr., Proc. Post. Soo. N. H., xvxii, 238, Agrotla, Habitat.— Colonidn. The type is in the Tepper collection, A specimen labeled comoga by Mr. Groto, is in the British Museum, and is not like the type. It is nearer to my incallidaf from which it diflers obviously, and is probably nndescribed. C. aoulptilia Horv.* 1874. Hnr^., Bull. Bnff. Soo. Not. Sci., il, 271, Agrotit. 1875. Harv., Hull. Buff. Soo. Nat. Sci., iii, 73, pi. 3, f. 2, Agrottt. 1882. Grt., Now List Lepid., Ammavonia. 1887. Grt., Can. Kut., xix, 44, KMra. atylintformlH Smith. 1800. Smitli, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 38, 221, Canmdtt. 96 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Habitat. — Texas, in October; New Mexico. Dr. Harvey's type is in the British Museum, and is like the type of xylini/ormis in the National Museum. Dr. Harvey's figure is poor and does not suggest this species at all. Mr. Grote's reference of the spe- cies to Ammaeonia prevented all> chance of my recognizing it. It has nothing at all in common with the other species referred to that genus. C. measoxla Harr.* 1841. Harr., Sept. Ins. Mam., Agrotia. 1862. Harr., Inj. Idh., Flint ed., 444, Agrol^, 1886. Riloy, Ent. Anier., i, 176, Agrotis. Bpiasa Gn. 1852. On., Sp. Gen., Noot., 1,261, .^</ro(i«. , 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het.. x, 327, Agroti$. 1877. Ort., Can. Ent., ix, 28, pr. syn. 1880. Grt., Bull. Geol. Snrv., vi, 566, A<iroH». 1889. Hiitlrr, Trano. Ent. Soc. Lon<l., 379, pr. syn. lyoarum X Grt. 1874. Grt., Can. Ent., vi, 155, Agrotia. cochrani Riloy. 1868. Riloy, Prairio Farmer, Jnly, 1868, AgrotU. 1869. Riley, Ist. Rept. Inn. Mo., 75, Agrotia, 1874. Grt., Can. Ent., vi, 214, pr. syn. 1881. Riley, Index and Siipplt. to Mo. Ropts., 76, pr. ayn. 1881. Grt., Papilio, i, 126, pr. syn. 1882. Riloy, Papilio, ii, 41, Agrotia. 1883. Sauud., Fruit lusocts, 107, f. \M, Agrotia. repentta G. &, R. 1868. O. & R., Trans. Am. Ent. Soo., i, .S50, pi. 7, f. TA, Agrot{$, 1873. (5rt., Hull. Buff. Soc, Nat. Sti., i, 9(5, Agrotia. 1874. Off., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sri., u,5S — covhrani. 1881. Grt., Papilio, i, 126 -.mraaoria. 4;oii/rai'ia Morr. Mhh. 1890. Smith, Bull. IT. S. Nat. Muh., No. 38, 169, pr. Hyn. diapliciena Wlk. 1865. Wlk., (!. B. Muh., Hot., xxxii, 660, Maiufi^'- 1891. Smitli, ('an. Ent., xxiii, 119, pr. syn. reticeiia Wlk. 1865. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Hot., xxxii, 692, Agroti$. 1891. Smitli, Can. Ent., xxiii, 119, pr. nyu. ordinata Wlk. ISffii. Wlk., (!. B. Mu8., Hot., xxxii, 691, Agrotia. 1801. Smitli, Can. Ent., xxiii, 119, pr. syn. inextricala Wlk. 1865. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Hot., xxxii, 658, ^famcalra. 1891. Smith, Can. Ent., xxiii, 120, pr. syn. indireota Wlk. 1865. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., xxxif, 659, Mamealra. 1891. Smith, Can. Ent., xxili, 120, pr. syn. aeptentrionalia Wlk. 1865. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., xxxii, 060, Mamratra. 1891. Smith, Proo. U. 8. Nat. Mus., xiv, 272, Mumeatra. inducta Wlk. 1857. Wlk., 0. B. Mus., Het.. x. 236, Mameatro. CATALOGUE OF NOCTUID^ — SMITH. 97 Habitat. — United States and Canada. Canada, Juno, Jnly, and September; New York, Illinois, August and September; California, in September; Colorado, Glen wood Springs, August, September. Harris's type is in the Boston Society of Natural History, where I have seen it. Spiasa Gn., as dcterminod by Walker, is the same spe- cies; but the type is not in the British Museum. Walker found this species a veritable silver mine, seven hard shillings being its value to him, and as many of his types are in the Museum. Dr. Riley's type is in the National Museum. Mr. Morrison's is in the Tepper collection. The type of repentis is to be found in the colletttion of the American Entomological Society. Inducta was described from Venezuela, giving this si)ecie8 a very wide range. C. pleurltioa Grt.* 1875. Grt., Cheek List, 1875, 47, Afirolis. Habitat.— Canada; Maine; New Hampshire; northern Now York. The type is in the British Museum. C. drewseni 8tgr. 1857. StRr., Stott. Ent. Zeit., 1857, 302, AgtoU$. Habitat.— Greenland. The types, male and female, are in the Berlin Museum, and belong nearest to plenrUica in appearance. The wings are narrow, elongate in the specimen, and of a ratlier pale gray. I have seen something very like this from Colorado; but it is probably a ditforent species. C. ohoris Hiirv. 187(3. Harv., Can. Ent., viii, 37. Agrotin. 1890. Smith, Hull. U. S. Nut. Mus., No. 38, 158, Carneadea. Habitat. — Nevada. The type is in the British Muse-un. I had misidentified this species in my revision, and placed it next to »caiuUm. It looks like a mensoria with the lines almost obliterate and with white secondaries. The or- bicular is oval, black-ringed; the reiiiform iiiconiplcte. The median shade line is obscure. C. perturbata SiiiiMi.* 1890. Smith, Bull. U. S. Ntit. Mas., N«». 38, 222, t'avncades. Habitat. — Colorado. The type is in the Natiomii Museum. C. nibefaotalis Grt.* 1880. Grt., Bull. Geo!. Surv., vi, 154, AgroUt, Habitat.— Washington; Colorado. The type is in the British Museum. 0018— No. 44 7 «! ^'.\ 98 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. C. fimna Morr. 1876. Morr., Proo. Boat. Soc. K. H.^ xviii, 237, Agrotla. Habitat. — California. The type, a miserable specimen, is in the Pepper collection. C. bninneigera Grt.* 1876. Grt., BnlL BafF. Soc. Nat. Sci., in, 80, AgroHa. 1880. Ort., Bull. GeoL Surv., vi, 260, Agrotit. Habitat. — California in September; Washington; Vancouver; Colo- rado; Louisiana. The type is in the Edwards collection. Another, also marked " tyi)e," is in the British Museum. C. ooqjunota Smith. 1890. Smith, Bull. U. S. Nat. Miw., No. 38, 221, Carneailea. Habitat. — Las Vegas, New Mexico; Coloiado. The type is in Mr. NeunKBgcn's collection. C. Inoallida Smith. 1890. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, xvir, 50, AgroU$. Habitat. — Sierra Nevada, California. • The type is in the Edwards collection. C. lutulenta tSinith.* 1890. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, xvii, 50, Agrotls. Habitat. — Sierra Nevada, California; Tlacer County, in September; Colorado, Glenwood Springs, August to October. Types are in the National Museum; others in collection Edwnrd.s and Rutgers College. C. annulipes Smith.* 1890. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, xvn, 48, AgrotiB. Habitat.— Oregon. The type is in the National Museum. C. pAaUs Smith.* 1890. Smith, Bull. U. S, Nat. Mus., No. 38, 220, C0rncadc$. Habitat.— Colorado. The type is in the National Museum, O. Uneifrons Smith.* 1890. Smith, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 38, 219, Carncadet, Habitat.— Colorado. The type is in the National Museum, er; Colo- I "type," sptemher; Edwards CATALOGUE OF NOCTUID.E — SMITH. 99 C. teleboa 8111 ith. 1890. Smith, Bull. U. 8. Nat. Muh., No. 38, 219, ('ariteade$. Habitat. — Las Vegas, New Mexico; Colorado. The type is with Mr. Neumtfigeu. C. mnrdocki Smith.* 1890. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, xvii, 49, Agroti$. Habitat. — Utah, Fort Thornburgh; Northwest British Oolnmbia; Oregon; Glenwood Springs, Colorado, in September. A type is in the National Museum; another in Mr. \eum<egt'n'.s coll 3Ction. C. quiuquelinea Smith. 1890. Smith, Trann. Am. Eut. Soc, xvii, 49, Agrotii, Habitat. — Sierra Nevada, California. The type is in the Edwards collection. C. friabilis Grt.» 1875. Ort., Can. Ent., vii, 187, pi. i, f. 5, Aiiroth. Habitat. — New York; Maine; Canada in August; Colorado; Cali- fornia in «Tune and Angust. The type is in the British Museum. It is rather rubbed, and the re- semblance to 6<w/o«<Vm«/«, mentioned by Mr. Grote, is more evident than I supposed possible from my material. C. ftiscigera Grt.* 1874. Grt., Can. Ent., vi, 155, AgroH.a. Habitat. — California; Colorado, Ghmwood Springs in Sex>tember. The type is in the British Museum. C. orbioularis Smith. 1887. Smith, Proc. U. S. Nat.Mus., x, 4(50, Agrotli. Habitat.— Nevada. The type is in the Teppcr collection. C. miorouyz Grt. 1878. Grt., Bull. Geol. Siirv., iv, 171, Ai/rotis. Habitat.— California. The type is in the Britisli Museum. C. intrita Morr.* 1874. Morr., Proc. Bost. Soc. N. H., xvii, 164, Agroti$. 1875. Grt., Can. Ent., vii, 68, Agroti$. Habitat.— Vancouver; California; Arizona. Specimens named by Mr. Grote are in the British Museum. T have no notes as to the location of the typo. 100 BULLETIN 14, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. C. moUlB Wlk. 18r.«. Wlk., C. B. MuB., Hut. x, 331, Agrotis. fernaldi Morr. x875. Morr., Proc Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., 1875, 420, Jtjrotit, 1882. Grt., 111. Essay, 53, pi. i, f. 11, Jgrolis. Habitat. — Maiiio; St. Martins Falls, Albany Elver, Hudson Bay Torn tory ; Colorado. Walker's type is rather a small specimen; but is exactly like a specimen from the Grote collection, marked "type." Both are in the British Museum. I had previously seen the species in Mrs. FeritaUrs collection. I sin(!ercly regret being compelled to make this r»'tcrence. Mr. NeumoBgen also has a " type" of Mr. Morrison's species. 1 was nuich interested to find a specimen of this species in the 1892 cax)tures sent me by Mr. Bruce from Golorada. C. opipara Morr. 1874. Morr., Proc. Bost. Soc. N. H., xvii, 165, AgroH$. 1875. Morr., Psyche, i, 42, Agrotis. 1875. (Jrt., Psyche, i, 77, 9J» = iaiandica. 1875. Morr., Psyche, i, 85, an sp. dist., islandica. 187fi. (irfc., Stett. Ent. Zoit., xxxvi, 1.35 =i inlandica. 1885. Smith, Kiit. Amor., i, 15, an sp. dist., iitlaHdica. 1885. Smith, Stett. Ent. Zoit., xi,vi, 223, Agrotis, labrndoriensis Stgr. 1881. Stgr., Stett. Knt. Zoit., XLil, 419, Agrotis. 1883. Moeschl., Stett. Ent. Zeit., xi.iv, 117, Agrotis. 1885. Smith, Stett. Ent. Zeit.,, 223, pr. syn. iaiandica t Anct. 1876. Grt., Stett. Ent. Zoit., xxxvi, ia5, Agrotis. 1878. Pack., Bull. Geol. Siirv., iv, 555, pi. f. 10, Agrotii. 1883. Moeschl., Stett. Ent. Zoit., xuv, 117, Agrotis. 1885. Smith, Stott. Ent. Zoit.,, 22.3, pr. syn. HABITAT. — Mount Washington, New Hampshire; Labrador. The type, or a specimen so marked, is in the British Museum and agrees fully with specimens in American collections. In Staudinger's collection, at Dresden, I saw his types of ktbradoriensis, and they are undoubtedly the same as opipnra. They are as unqueMtioiiably dis tinct from the true islandica, the type of which I. had the chance of comparing with it. C. trlstioula Morr. 1875. Morr., Proc. Ao. Nat. Sci. Phil., 1875, 429, Jgrolii. Habitat.— Orono, Maine. 1 have seen only one specimen, typical, though not the tyi)e from Mrs. Fernald's collection. The type is with Mr. Ncumuigeii. C. munis Grt.* 1879. Grt., No. Am. Ent., i, 38, AgrotiB, aublatis Grt. 1880. Grt., No. Am. Ent., i, 91, Agrotis. 1890. Smith, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mas., No. 38, 184, pr. syn. CATALOGUE OF NOCTUIDiE — SMITH. 101 Habitat. — Colonulo, Glenwjjod SpviugH in October; Nevada; New Mexico. Ttie type otmuniti is in the British Museum; that of suhUitig is in the Hulst colletrtion. They undoubtedly refer to the same species. C. diuona Moesclil. 1860. MocRclil., Wicn. Eut. Monntnchr., iv, 365, pi. 9, f. 4, AgrotU. 1SW>. Kniitli, Ent. Amer., i, 14, Agrolis. 18S5. Mniith, 8tett. Kiit. Zeit., XLVI, 223, Aifrotia. rarat Pack. 1868. Park,, Proc. Host. Soc. N. H., XI, 38, Agiolh. imt. Smitb, Bull. U. S. Nat. Miis., No. 38, 184, pr. nyn. irABiTAT. — Labrador. Mr. Moeschler was goo<l enough to send me type specimens for study. In the Staudinger collection is quite a good series showing no sninll amount of variation. The tendency is all in the direction of opipara, from which it really differs only in lacking the black shades and lines. C. vetusta Wlk. ISa'j. \Vlk., C. B. Mns., Het., xxxii, 662, Mameaira. 1891. Smith, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mns., xiv, 274, Mameatra. telra Wlk. 1865. Wlk., C. B. MuH., Het., xxxiii, 768, Lepipolys. euroides Grt. 1874. Grt., Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. PLil., 1874, 202, Agroti$. pevpura Morr. 1874. Morr., Pr. Boat. Soc. N. H., xvil, 164, Agroiia. 1880. Grt., Bull. Geol. Surv., vi, 151 = einoidea. Habitat. — California; Washington; Vanc(mver. Types of the Walker and Grote species are in the British Museum. All the names refer to one form. C. alticola Smitb." 1890. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, xvii, 61, Agrotia. Habitat. — Sierra Nevada, California; Colorado. Types are in the National Museum and in the Edwards collection. infauBta Wlk.* 1865. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., xxxiir, 7i », Hadcna. rufula .Smith. 1887. Smith, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., x, 461, Agrotia. Habitat. — Vancouver; New Mexico, 7,000 feet, in July; Colorado, Hsdl Valley in August. The type of Walker's species is in the British Museum ; of my own, specimens are in the National Museum and with Prof. Snow. There is, unfortunately, no doubt that the names refer to the one species. C. basiflava Smith.* 1890. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, xvii, 52, Agrotta. Habitat. — Northwest British Columbia; South Park, Colorado. Types are in the National Museum and in the Neumoegen collection. 102 BIH.LKTIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. C. satiB Hiirr. 1876. Hiirv., Can. Ent., viii, 36, Jgrotia. I [ABIT AT. — California; Nevada; Montana. I liavo not found the type of thin 8p4'cies. It was described out of tlie KdwardM colicetion, and tlie specimenH there named are probably OS typical as can be asked. C. rena Smith.* 1890. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, xvii, 53, Jgrotia. Habitat. — Sierra Nevada, Placer County, in Sei)teniber, California. Types arc in the National Museum, and in the Edwards collection. C. insulaa Wlk.* 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., ix, 234, Mamettlra. 1873. Grt., Bull. Buflf. Soc. Nat. 8ci., ii, 15, Hadcna. 1883. Grt., 111. Essay, 43, Agrotis. 1880. Smith, Bull. U. S. Nat. Miis., No. 38, 206, Agroii$. insignata Wlk. 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., X, 330, Agrotia. 1889. Butler, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1889, 379, AgrotU. expaha Wlk. 186r. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., xxxii, 661, Mameatra. deelarata Wlk. 1865. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., xxxiii, 663, Mameatra. 1882. Grt., 111. Essay, 41!, Agrotia. 1883. Grt., l^oc. Am. Piiil. Soc, xxi, 156, Agrotia. 1885. Sauud., Can. Eut., xvil, 32, Agrotia. 1888. Butler, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1889, 379 = inaignata. tritiei t Gn. 1852. Gn., Sp. Gen., Noct., i, 228, Agrotia. , 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., x, 321, Agrotia. 1889. Butler, Trans. Ent. Soe. Lond., 1889, 379 = inaignata, decolor Morr. 1874. Morr., Proc, Bost. Soc. N. H., xvii, 162, Agrotia. 1875. Morr., Can. Ent., vii, 214, Agrotia. 1877. Morr., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., iii, 212, Agrotia. 1890. Smith, BnlL U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 38, 190=iiiaigHata. campeatria Grt. 1875. Grt., Can. Ent., ni, 118, pi. i, f. 6, Agrotia. 1875. Grt., Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., 1875, 423, Agrotia. 1875. Morr., Can. Ent., vii, 21i=decolor. 1875. Grt., Can. Ent., vii, 227=dcco7o>-. 1877. Grt., Bull. Geol. Surv., m, 118, Agrotia. 1878. Grt., Bull. Geol. Surv., iv, 175, Agrotia. 1889. Butler. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1889, 379— inaignata. var. vertioalls Grt.* 1880. Grt., Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, iii, 29, Agrotia. 1885. Smith, Can. Ent., xvii, 6=deelarata. Habitat. — Nova Scotia; Canada; northern United States from Atlantic to Pacific; Massachusetts in June; Canada in July; New York in August; California in September. CATALOGUE OF NOCTUIDiE — SMITH. 103 The tyjws of the Walker and Grote names are all in the British Museum and they refer to one speeieM only. Imtitlsa is a somewhat ev<>nly colorc<l form, with the cell but slightly contrasting; otherwise there is no ditlereuce. Decolor Morr., of which I have also seen the ty|)e, is the form in which there is considerable contrast between the light and dairk shades, while in type campe»tri» the color is even and the median lines become more marked. C. teiMlIata Ilarr.* 1845. Harr., Kept. Ina. Mass., Agrotia. 1860. Harr., luj. Ins., Flint, ed., 445, AtfiotUt. 1877. Grt., Bull. Geol. Snrv., Iir. 118, Agrotw. 1883. Sannd., Fruit Insects, 328, f Til ;, Agrotit. maizi Fitch. ia56. Fitch, 2d Rept. Ins. N. Y., 313, Jgrotia. imi. Fitch, 9th Rept. Ins. N. Y.. 23V-249, pi. 4, f. 2 anil 3, Agroti$. 1874. Grt., Can. Ent. vi, 118, r" nyn. 1878. Lint., Ent. Cont., iv, 122, pr. syn. nigricanat Riley. 1869. Riley, Ist Rept. Ins, Mo., 87, igyolia. atropurpurea Grt. 1877. Grt., Bull. Geol. Surv., m, 118, Ayrotii. 1890. Smith, Bull. U. 8. Nat. Mns., No. 38, 192, pr. Ryn. Habitat. — United States; Canada in June and July; New York; Illinois, August and September; Colorado, Glenwood Springs, August to Ot;tober. Harris's type is in the Boston Society of Natural History. The type of Mr. Grote's species is in the British Museum, and is merely a small teHxellata. It is a matter of the greatest surprise that Walker has not redescribcd the species. I think he considered it a form of tritici. C. albipennis Grt.* 1877. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., in, 118, Agroti$» 1880. Grt., Bull. Geol. Surv., vi, 175, Agrotia. 1883. Grt., Proc. Am. Phil. Soc, xxi, 156, Agrotia. 2 nigripennia Grt. 1880. Grt., Bull. Geol. Surv., vi, 159, Agrotia. 1882. Grt., New List, 25, pr. syn. Habitat. — ^Northern United States east of the Kooky Mountains; Colorado, Glenwood Springs in August; New Mexico; Canada; Massa- chusetts in September, New York in August. The type is in the British Museum. C. spectaada Smith. 1890. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, xvii, 54, dgroti$. Habitat.— California. The tyiie is with Mr. Neumcegeu. I ii 104 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. C. pallipeunlB 81111111.* 1887. Smith, Proc, U. S. Nat. Mns.. x. 461, Agrotis. Habitat. — Colorado, Glenwood Sprinjjs, 8«ptPinher and October; Nortliwest British Columbia. The tyites are in the x^ationaj Musenm. and iu the collections of Graef and Tepi)er. C. basaliB (^Irt.* 1879. Grt., No. Amer. Ent., 1, 38, Afirotia. Habit AT.—Colorado. The type is in the British Museum. C. solitaria Smith. 1885. Smith, Stett, Ent. Zeit., xi-vi, '2'2'A, Agrolls. 1887. Smith, Proc. U. S. Nat. Miis., x, 4«'J, Agrolia. Habitat. — Labradoi-. The type is in the Moeschler collection. The .specimen was sent me ticketed " t conjiua var." C nostra Smitli.* 1890. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent, Soc, xvii, 55, Agrotia. Habitat. — Sierra Nevada, California. Types are in tlie National Museum; other' in the Edwards and Neu- moegen collections. C. ocbrogaster Gn.* 1852. Gn., Spec. G«n., Noct., i, 327, i\<)c<Ho. im). VVIk.. C. 11. Mns., Het., x, 408, Ochrophura. 1880. Grt., null. Geo). Surv., vi, .W6, AgrotM. Waia Wlk. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., xi, 742, Ayrotis. 1876. Grt., Can. Ent., viii, 29, IJadcna. 1877. Grt., Can. Ent., ix, 29— f/arfciia miffusca. 1890. Smith, Proc. IT. 8. Nat. Mns., xiii, 415, Xi/lopliasla, inaignata || Wlk. 1856. Wlk., C. «. Mns., Het.. x, 353, Agrolis. im\. Wlk.,C. H. Mils.. Hot.. XI, 742, n. h. 1. cinerromnculota Morr. 1874. Morr., Proc. Host. 8w. N. H., xvii, 164, Agrolis. 1875. Grt., Can. Ent., vii, 226, Agrotia. 1875. Grt., Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci., 1875,423, Agrotia. 1890. Sniitli. Unll. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 38, 1C6, pr. syn. giihiris Grt. 1875. Grt., Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci., 1875, 424, Agroth. 1890. Smitli. Hull. U. S. Nat. Mns., No. 38, 196, pr. syn. 9 turria (Jrt. 1875. (Jrt., Can. Eni., vii, 226, Agroth. 1880. Git., Bull. Geol. Surv., vi, m2,=gn1ttrit. CATALOGUE OF NOCTUID.E — SMITH. 105 Habitat. — Canada in An^^ist; Northern and Eastern States; Michi- gan; Missouri; Colorado; Manitou in June; New York in Julj% ^Ir. Grote has curiously mistaken Walker's species in referring it to Haihna tiuffimca Morr. It does bear a casual resemblance to Mr. Mor- rison's species; but the generic characters should have ])revented the association. However, Mr. Morrison does furnish an exact synonym, for illata is almost precisely like cinereomaculata, the type of which I have seen. The types of Mr. Grote's species are in the British Museum. Guen^'e's tyj)e is in the Oberthiir collection at Rennes. Mr. Butler has placed a somewhat faintly marked specimen, labeled turris by Mr. Grote, under saucia, and has published them as identical. C Idahoensis Grt.* 1878. Grt., Bull, Geol. Surv., iv, 171, AgrotU. Habitat. — Idaho; Colorado; Nevada. The type is in the British jNInseum. C. furtivuB Siiiitb.* 1800. Smith, Trans. Am. Eiit. Soc, xvii, 56, Ayvoilfi. Habitat. — California; Colorado, Glenwood Springs, August to October. Types are in the National Museum and in Mr. Neunuegen's collection. It is more than likely that my species will prove a somewhat marked form of idahoensift, connected with the type by numerous intergrades; but I am not ready to make this reference positively at present. C. westermauiii Stgr. 1857. Stgr., Stctt. Ent. Zeit., 1857, 303, Agrotia. Habitat. — Labrador; Greenland. The types are in tlie Berliner Museum. They indicate a somewhat variable species, tending toward the oheliscoiUcs type; but all agreeing with the essential characters given in the "Kevision." C. obeliscoides Gn.* 1852. Gn., Spec. Gon., Noct., i, 2U3, Agroth. lS.-,6. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., IFt't., x, 331, AgroUs. tH78. Grnof, Bull. Bk'n. Ent. Soc, i, % = oheUitca. obdmn \ Wlk. 1856. Wlk., C. H. Mns., Hot., x. 323, AgroHt. HvxatiliH Grt. 1873. Grt., Bnll. Bnlf. Son. Nat. Sci., i, 100, Aijvolln. 1875. Grt., Bull. Huff. 8»>c. Nat. Sci., ii, 203, pr. syn. 1875. Grt., Can. Eat., vii, 102, ]»r. syn. Habitat.— East of the Bocky Mountains, north of Georgia; New Mexico; South Park, Colorado, in September; New York and Massa- chusetts in August. Guent^e's type is in the British Museum. It is probable that two species are confused under this name; it needs further material to de- cide Anally. 106 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. C. perexoellens Ort.* 1880. Grt., Bull. Geol. Surv., vi, 156, Agrotia. excellens || Grt. 1875. Grt., TraiiB. Am. Ent. Soc, V, IW, Afirotia. 1880. Grt., Bull. Geol. Siirv., vi, ir.6, n. b. 1. infelix Smith. 1890. Smith, Trans. Am. Eut. Soc, xvii, 57, Agrotis. Habitat. — Colorado, (Jlenwood Spriuj^.s in September; California, September and October ; Oregon ; Vancouver. Mr. Grote's type in the British Museum is exactly like my types in Mr. Neuma'geu's collecti<m and in the National Museum. I am not at all satisfied that there is not a good species such as I luive placed in the 4-dentata series in the "Revision;" but Mr. Grote's type is unquestion- ably like my infelix and my name sinks. The species is au excessively variable one, and its exact limits are scarcely dellued as yet. C. islandica Stgr. 1857. StffT., Stett. Ent. Zeit., 1857, 232, Agrotia. HABITAT.— Iceland. A good series of this species is in Staudinger's collection, and both sexes are also represented in the museum at Berlin. Like the surround- ing species, this is extremely variable, resembling both ohcliscoides and tessellata. The maculation is perhaps more like the latter; but tlie color contrasts are sharper, and the species as a whole is brighter. I can not understand why Staudinger considered his lahradoriensia a variety. He has now associated it in the collection witli dissona, which it resembles much more nearly. In the Grote collection in the British Museum is a specimen of opipara labeled islandica by Mr. Grote, and also a California species labeled in the same way. The latter is really much more nearly correct. ^ C. oolata Grt. 1881. Grt., Can. Eut., xiii, 131, Agrotia. Habitat. — Mount Hood, Oregon; Sierra Nevada, California. The type in the British Museum is a 9 without fore legs; but evi- dently belongs here. The median lines are almost obsolete. C. lewisi Grt. 1873. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., i, 137, pi. 4, f. 10, I'leonvctopoda. 1875. Harv., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sri., ii, 272, Agrotia. 1875. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., il, 303, Agrotia. Habitat.— Colorado. The type is in the British Museum. It is not so near teHsellata as the description indicates; but it is very near co^ifa— so near indeed that except for the giound color there is little ditt'erence. It will prob- ably result eventually that the two are identical. Since my return from England, Mr. Bruce has sent me this species for idontidcation. CATALOGUE OP NOCTUID^ — SMITH. 107 C. divergens Wlk.* 1856. Wlk., C. B, Mus., Het., x, 327, Agroti$. veraipellis Grt. l«7ri. (Jrt., Vauu Ent., vii, 172, pi. i, f. 9, Af/rotit. 187». (Jrt., Bull. Geol. Snrv., v, 206, AgrotU. IS89. Butler, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1889, :i80, pr. syn. Habitat. — Northern States to Colorado; California in June; Canada in June; Maine and Massachusetts in July. The types are in the Bi itish Museum, and Mr. Butler was quite cor- rect in the synonymy given. • C. redimicula Morr.* 1874. Morr., Troc. Boat. Soc. N. 11., xvii, 1»>5, Agrolia. 1875. Morr., Proc. Ac. Nat. iSci. Pliil., 187.5, 57, Aijrotw. 1879. Strck., Ropt. Chief Eiij?., 1878-'79, v, 1861, Agrotift. Habitat. — Northern States east of the Rocky Mountains; Canada; Colorado, Glen wood Springs, Au^ist to Oct«ber; New York in June, .Tuly, August, and September; Massachusetts in August. The type is in the Tepper collection. C. Btrlgilis Grt. 1876. Grt., Bull, Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., m, 81, Agrotis. Habitat. — Vancouver. The type is in tli<3 British Museum, and is a species I had not before seen. It is a very heavily built insect, like redimicula in general habi- tus, the whitish included spaces of median lines prominent. C. fusimacula Smith. Habitat. — New Mexico. The type is in the Kutgers College collection. C. atrifera Grt. 1878. Grt., Bull. Geol. Surv., iv, 173, Agrotia. 1880. Grt., Bull. <Jool. Surv., vi, 2<W, AurotiH. Habitat. — Sierra Nevada, California; Colorado, Glcnwood Springs in September; Maine. The type is in the British Museum. C. tesselloideB Grt.* 1880. Grt., Bull. Geol. Surv., vi., 56<J, Agroiin. Habitat. — California: Arizona; Montana; Colorado. The type is in the British Museum. C. sUena Grt." 1875. Grt., Can. Ent., vii, 67, Agrotis. Habitat. — California; Arizona; Nevada; Colorado. The type is in the British Museum. Ii III 108 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. C. perlentans Wlk. 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mils., Het., x, 352, Agrotia. Habitat. — "New York." I have not been able to And this species in the British Museum, nor lias Mr. Butler been abh"; to trace it. Messrs. (Irote and Kobinson saw it, and to them it suggested a rubbed tritici. It is quite likely to be either tessellata or insulsa, and is almost certainly a species known to us under another name. Here ends the agrotid series. I have omitted Agrotia vetusta Wlk., of which the type is lost, and which can not possibly be made out from the description. The latter will be found in my "Revision" if anyone cares to try to identify it. Genus RICHIA Grt. 1887. Grt., Can. Ent., xix, 44. Mr. Grote separates this from Ammaconia, I can not say at present how correctly, since I have no European material for comparison. If the characters given by Mr. Grote hold, the genus is probably good. They will not hold for sculpt His, certainly, for I redescribed that in Agrotis, to which it belongs. Ammaconia is by Lederer, Noct. Eur., 1857, 1)7, R. chortalis liar v.* IST-l. Harv., Bnll. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 272, AgroUa. 1875. Harv., Bull. Buff. Soi-. Nat. Sci., iii, 5, 74, pi, 3, f. 9, Ammaconia. 1879. Grt., Bull. Geol, Surv,, v, 207, AgroUa. 1887. Grt,, Can, Ent., xix, 44, JUvhin. Tar. aratriz Harv, 1875, Harv,, Bull, Buff. Soc. Nat, Sci., iii, 74, pi. 3, f. 8, Ammaconia. 1879. Grt., Bull. Gool. Surv., v, 207, Agroih. 1887, Grt., Can, Ent,, xix, 44, liichia, an «lim, var. pr. Habitat. — Texas, in November; Arizona; Colorado, Glen wood Springs, Septeml)er and October; New Jlexico. Types of both forms are in the British Museum. The exact relation of the two forms to each other is not yet known. They aie not geo- graphic races, nor seasonal varieties. R. paren talis Grt.* 1879. Grt., No, Am, Ent., i, 44, Agrolia. 1881, Grt,, TrauH, Kans. Ac. Sci., vii, 66, Agrolis. 1882, Grt,, 111, Essay, 53, pi. i, f, 13, Ammaconin. 1857, Grl,, Can, Ent,, xix, 44, liichia, et var. decipicn$, 1889, Butler, Tiaus, Ent, Soc. Loml., 1889, 383. var. decipienB Grt. 1879. Grt., No. Am. Ent,, i, 45, Agrotia. 1882. Grt,, New List, 26, Ammaconia. 1887. (Srt.. Can. Ent., xix, 44, liichia. 1889, Butler, Trans, Ent, Soc, L<unl., 1889, .383, an var. oiprta. Habitat. — Colorado, Glouwood Springs, September and October; Now Mexico. CATALOGUK OF NOCTUID.K — SMITH. 109 Types ofsperies and variety are in the Hiitisli Mnseinn. Mr. Butler sngfjests that these are tin' same av tlie I'^uropean Af/rotin ciiprea and claims to have typical cuprca fiomAVashingtgn. It would take a great deal of comparison to convince me of tlie correctness of this reference. R. dlstichoides Grt. 1883. Grt., Trans. Xaus. Ac. Sci., viii, 48, Amtnaconia. Habitat. — New Mexico. The type is with Prof. Snow. Genus ANYTUS Grt. 1873. Grt., Bull. Bui!". Soc. Nat. Sci., i, Ul A. privatuB Wlk.* 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Hot., xi, 521, PoUa. 1889. Butler, Trims. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1889, 384, Aiiytus. sculpt Hs Grt. 1873. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nut. Sci., i. 111, pi. 3, 1". 1, .\yUna. 1873. Grt., Bnll. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., i, 14.5, Aiiytiiii. 1880. Grt., Xo. Am. Knt., i, 93, Atjroth. 1889. Butler, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1889, 384, pr. syn. var. planus Grt. 1882. Grt., Can. Ent., xiv, 183, Aniitnn, Habitat. — Canada in August; Eastern and JMIddle Stutes; Colo- rado; New York and New Hampshire, Angust and ScptcMihcr. Types of j)n>a/M.v and sculpfux are in tlie British Mu.^cnui, and Mr. Butler is correct in uniting tl:eni. The lype (»f iilonux is in the ilill collection. Mr. Butler thinks this is nuuli nearer to Plianctra, an Antiid, than to the Noctuida'. I do not i<n<»w rhumtra: hut 1 have no serious doultt as to the correctness of the present location of .1 ni/tiis. Genus EUCOPTOCNEMIS (>rt. 1874. Grt., Bull. Bnff. S..c. Nat. Sci., ii, 13. E. fimbriaris Gn. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., i, 172. IldiophohuH. 1856. Wlk., C. B Mus., llct., ix. 208, lldhphnhnH. 1874. Morr., Proc. Bost. Soc. N. II., xvii, 131, I'leniievloiwiJa. 1874. Grt., Bnll. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., Ii, 13, f:iiroploc)i(miii, ohia Wlk. 1858. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Hct., xv, 1707, (Intfihiphora. 18H9. Butler, Trans. Kiit. Soc. Lond., l«8!t, 384, pr. syn. Habitat. — North America; Massachusetts. The tyi)es are in the British Museum, and represent a species I had never seen. I wonder whether Mr. Morrison really had this speci»'sbe- f(ue him when he wrote in 1874'? I have ;<een si>e(iniens of AtjrotlH irorthingtimi labeled ,/i»M&rmW« in Mr. Morrison's Innulwriting in tlie National Museum and elsewhere, and the description given tits well to what I have seen of that species. Unfortuiiutely the wiug form which 110 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. might decide is not given. lu color and maculation worthingtoni and Jimhriaris agree wonderfully well, and both have lengthily pectinated antennae. But Jimhriaris has oddly short, broad wings, while theothers are normal for Poromgrotis. Walker's species has the ''locality nn- known." GonuH AOROTIPHILA Grt. 1875. Grt., Anu. Lye. Nat., N. Y., xi, 107. A. alaskas Grt.* 1876. Grt., BhII. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ni, 84", pi. 4, f. 1, Af/rolis. 1890. Smith, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 38, 54, Jyioliplnla. Habitat. — Alaska. The type is in the British Museum. A. ataudlngeri Moeschl.* 1862. Moeschl., Wien. Eut. Monatschr., vi, 132, pi. i, f. t, .1groti$, 1891. Smith, List Lepidoptern, 40, Agrotiphila. 1891. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, xviii, 133, .lijrotijiliild. monlana Morr. 1875. Morr., Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist., N. Y., xi, 95, Agvoth. 1875. Grt., Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist., N. V., xi, 107, Agrotiphila. 1875. Grt., List Noetuidaj, 17, AgroUiihiUi. • 1S91. Smith, List Lcpidoptera, 40 ^slamUngeri. 1891. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc., xviii, 133= «<o»«dtM(/eri". detiacta Wlk. Habitat. — Labrador; White Mountains; Montana; Colorado V2,i)00 feet, July 22 to August 12. The type of detracta is in the British Museum; that of »tmulitujeri I have seen by the courtesy of Mr. Moeschler, and there are specimens named by Moeschler in the Berlin Museum. Mr. Morrison's type is in the Tepper collection. These all refer to one species, no specimens from Colorado being in any collection. I have been unable to And any «le- scription for detravta^Yk., and it may bo that the name will prove the earliest if it is at all published. A. Colorado Smith.* t 1891. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, xviii, 133, Agrotiphila. Hattat.— South Park, Colorado. Types are in the National Museum and in the Neumcegen colle(!tion. A. rigida Smith. 1891. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, xviii, 133, Agrotiphila. HABITAT. — South Park, Colorado. The type is in Mr. I^ •>uma?gen's collection. This genus connects Agrofis witii Annrta, and emphasizes also the Heliothine tendencies o{ PoroangrotiH and Varncadcs, CATALOGUE OF NOCTUID.E — SMITH. Ill \{ferl I iiiieiis is ill from ly dc!- e the utioii. lo the GeiiiiB PSAPHIDIA Wlk. 1865. Wlk, C. B. Mus., Het., xxxii, 447. Under the title Bicopinw, the geJiera Dicojtis, Eutolype, and Copi- panolis are monographi<!alIy treated by mo ia tlio Proceedings of the U. S. Kational Museum for 1892, Vol. xv, pp. 52-63. All the species are fully described there, and special reference to this paper is not made except where necessary to authenticate a species or give author- ity for a change. The generic term Pmphidia Wlk., must, under the rules, replace Dicopis, though not nearly so appropriate and certainly not as well described. p. grotel Morr.* 1874. Morr., Bull. Bnflf. Soc. Nat. Sci., i, 274, Valeria. 1882. Smith, Bull. Bkln. Eut. Soc, v, 44, t au Valvria. 1883. Grt., Proc. Am. Pliil. Soc, xxi, 146, 168, Ci>i>iralerla. 1892. Smith, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., xv, 54, Dicopis. Habitat. — Canada, Eastern, Middle, and Central States; April and May. The type is in the British Museum. p. resumens Wlk.* 18&5. Wlk., C. B. Mus., llet., xxxii, 448, Pnophidia. riridt'KccHfi Wlk. 1865. Wlk., C. B. Mus., II»!t., xxxii, 001, Cymalophora. 186«. Grt. & Rob., Traus. Aiu. Eut. Soc, ii, 86, Hndena. 1882. Grt., HI. Essay, 10, Dkopis. 1892. Smith, Proc U. S. Nat. Mus., xv, 5.^, 1 = mutaU8. r laliH Grt. 1874. til., 6tli Rept. Peab.AcSci., Api».23, I)icopi>t. 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc Nat. Sci., ii, 77, pl.i, f. 1, Dkopia. 1875. Grt., Stc'tt. Ent. Zoit., xxxvi, 194, Dicoph. Habitat. — J^ew York to Florida and Texas; ilissouri in A]uil; Texas in March ; Massachusetts in April and May. All the types are in the British Museum and refer to one species only. P. resumena was described as "near Charadra,-^ and the latter as a Bombycid. A specimen of this same sjiecies idso bears the name NotO' denta gemina. In the Berliner Museum is a specimen labeled Acronycta initiaUs, without any name of author. P. electilis Miu-r. 1875. Morr., Proc Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., xviii, ll-l, IHiopii. Habitat.— reunsylvania. I do not know this species and have nijt seen the typo. D. thaxterianuB Grt. 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nnt.Scl., ii, 196, Dkopif. 1881. Grt., Papilio, i, 48, Dkopiit. Habitat. — Massachusetts in April; Texas. The types are with Dr. Thaxter, ami represent a very pretty species. i M II i 112 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Genua BUTOLTPB Grt. 1874. Grt., Proc. Ac. Nut. Sci,, Phil., xxvi, 198. E. bombyciformis Smith.* 1892. Smith, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., xv, 58, Eutolype. Habitat. — Massachusetts to Missouri, in March. The type is iu the U. S. National Museum. It is the species usually labeled JJicopis electiliH iu collections. E. depilis Git.* ' 1881. Grt., Papilii), i, 48, Dicopia. 18J)2. Smith, Proi;. U. S. Nat. Miis., xv, 58, Eutolype. Habitat. — New York to Ohio; Texas, in March. The Texan specimen before Mr. C rote is now in the National Museum. The Ohio specimen, upon which the species is really based, is in Mr. Neumuigen's collection. E. rolandiGit.* 1874. Grt., Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., xxvx, 198, Eutolype. venuilis Morr. 1874. Morr., Proc. IJost. Soc. Nat. Hist., xvii, 133, Copipaiiolis. 1875. Grt., Can. Ent., vii, 17, pr. syu. 1875. Grt., liull. Butt". Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 210, pr. syii. Habitat. — Massachusetts in April; Missouri iu April and May; Texas in February and Marrh. The type is iu the Uritisii Museum. E. damalia Grt. 1880. Grt., Mull. U. S. Gcol. Siirv., v, 208, Dicopia. 1881. (Srt., Papilio, 1^49, Divopin. 1892. Smith, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., xv, 60, Eutolype. Habitat. — California. The type is in the Edwards collection. Genus COPIPANOLIS Grt. 1874. Grt., (itii Kept. Pcab. Ac. Sci., App., 25. C. boiealis Smith. 1892. Smith, Proc. II. S. Nat. Miis., xv, 61, Copipaiiolis. Habitat. — St. Anthony's Park, Minnesota, iu April. The typo is in the collection of Mr. U. Schoenborn, of Washington, 1). 0. C. oubiliB Grt. 1874. Grt., 6th Ropt. Peab. Ac. Sci., App., 25, Copipanolin. 1871. Grt., Ball. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 77, pi. i, f. G, Copipanollt. 1875. Grt., Stett. Eut. Zoit., xxxvi, 197, Copipaiiolia. CATALOGUE OP NOCTUIDiE SMITH. 113 usually [usenui. ill Mr. d Miiy; liugton, Habitat. — Michigan, Marcli ; Massachusetts, March, April, May. The type is in the British Museum. It agrees with the figure and description and is fully distinct from the Texan form usually named cubilis in collections. C. fasciata Smith.* 1892. Siiiilb, Proo. U. S. Nat. Mus., xv, 61, CopipanolU. Habitat. — Missouri in April: Texas in January and February. Types are i ii the National Museum. This is the species usually named cubilis in collections. C. stigma Smith. 1890. Smith, Eiit. Amer., Vl, 220, Cojnpanolia. Habitat. — Florida. The type is in Mrs. Slosson's collection. Goiiiis BARATHRA Hbn. 1816. Hbn., Verzeicliuiss. 218. A description of this genus and of the species referable to it, will bo found in the Proc. IJ. S. Nat. Mus., xii, 457. Copimamestra Grt.. has the same type as Barathra Hbn., and goes into the synonymy, B. occidenta Grt. 1C33. Grt., Ann. and Mai?. Nat. Hist., 1883, 53, Copimamcstra. 1883. Grt., Trans. Kaus. Ac. Sci., viii, 55, CopimameHtra. 1889. Smith, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mas., xii, 458, Barathra. Habitat. — New Mexico. Types are with Prof. Snow and Mr. Neuma;geu. B. outialia Smith." 1887. Smith, Proo. U. S. Nat. Mas., x, 470, Copimamestra. 1889. Smith, I'loo. U. S. Nat. Mas., xii, 458, Barathra. Habitat. — Kittery Point, Maine; Franconia, New Hampshire. The type is with Dr. Thaxter. Genus ADMBTOVIS Grt. 1873. Grt., Bull. Buflf. Soc. Nat. Sti., i, 133. A. oxymorus Grt. 1873. Grt., Bnll. Buff. Soc. Nat. Soi., i, 133, pi. iv, f. 5, Jdmetovta. Habitat. — Sierra Nevq<da, California; Colorado. The type is in the Edwards collection. What Mr. Grote describes p,a the male js quite a dift'erent species which I have described as Mamestra prodmi/qnniit. The ri^ht oi AdmetQO is p^ generic rank is jiecidedly (pu'stionable. 0048— No. U-rrr-^ =1111 I ! 114 KULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM r.unuH MAMBSTRA Oclis. 1816. Oths., 8<liiin}tt. Kur., iv, 70. A monograpliic revision of the species of tliis genus will hv found in the l»roe. r. S. Nut. Mus., xiv, 107-li7<», IM. viii— xi, l.s«Jl. Tliis \ni\m- contains descriptions of all the species, Init is not referred to in the bibliography save when nec«'ssary to establish synonymy or generic reference. Where not otherwise stated, my ideutiticatious are correct. M. discaUs (iit * 1877. Grt., Hull. (Jcol. Kmv., iii, 707, ,V«/h ('«/»•«. Habitat. — Colorado, Glenwood Springs, September and October^ California; New Mexi<!o. The type is in the British Musenm. M. rogenhoferi Mii>sch1. 1870. Mcpschl., Stett. Phit. Zeit., xxxi. 2(5!>, Mamvstra. 1 1 auitat. — Labrador. The tyi)e is in the M<Bschlci' collection. M. uimbosa (in.* 18i)2. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., ii, 77, Aphcta. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mas., Het., xi. S.w, EiiroU. 1873. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., i. 102, Mumixlra. 1875. Sjieyer, Stett. Ent. Zeit., xxxvi, 142, 310, Mtimvittm. Habitat, — Cainula; Northern, Eastern, and Middle States, June, July, and August; Colorado; Columbia. The type is in the British iNfuscum. M. imbrifeva (in.* 1852. Gn., Spec, (ien., NiK^t., ii, 7<). Aiilceta. 1857. AVlk., C. B. Mus., Hot., XI, 555, l':in-oh. 1873. Grt., Bull. Buff. Hoc Nat. Sci., i, 102, MameHtra. 1875. Spcyer, Stott. Kiit. Zeit., xxxvi. 144, Mamcnlra. Habitat. — Canada: Northern. Eastern, and Middle States in July; ('Olorado. The type is in the British Museum. M. purpurissata Grt.* 1864. (irt., Proc. Ent. Soc. Thil., iii, 82, pi. i, f. 5, KuioiB. 1873. Grt., Bull. Buff. Sc.c. Nat. Sci., i, 102, MamcKtm. var. juucimacula Suiilii.* 1882. Sniitli, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soe., v,67, Jladem. 1891. Smith, Proc. U. S. Nat. Muh.. xiv, 2(M), an var. pr. Habitat. — Northern, Eastern, and Middle States: Utah; Colorad«»; July to September. Mr. Grote's tyi)c is in the British Museum; mine is in the National Museum. A series of specimens r<M^eivcd from Colorado, coll(?cted by Bruce, are all of the variety, indicating a geographical race at least. June, n-Twiy; |ora(l«»; liitional ted by least. CATALOGUK OF NOCTriD.K — 8MHII. 115 M. inaolens (trt." 1874. Ort., Bnll. Buff. Nat. S<i., ii, 65, THitHthwcia. 1881. (irt.. Ciiii. i:ut.. XIII, 130, MnmeHtra. i arietiit Grt. 1879. (Jrt., Bull. (Jeol. Surv., v, 207, Mamenlra. 1881. Grt.. Can. Eiit., xiii, 130, pr. »yn. eariua, Morr. 1874. Morr., Proo. B<mt. Soc. N. H., xvii, l.W, To-uiitcampa. 1891. Siiiitli, Proc. U. S. Xat. Muh., xiv. 207, pr. syii. Hahitat. — California: August and October. Mr. (xrote's ty|)es are in the British Museum. Mr. Morrlsou's is in the Tepper Collection. M. leuoogramma Grt.* 1873. (Jrt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. S.i., i, 140, Dmnlhada. 1874. Grt., Bull. Bnff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, «4, IHanthwda. 1881. (irt., Ciiii. Eiit., XIII, 130, MamcHha. Habitat. — California; April, August, 0<?tol)er. Tlie, types are in the Kdwards collection and in the British Museum. Sitecimens exactly like them are iu the National Museum. M. lepidula Smith. * 1887. Smith, Proc. U. S. Nut. Mus., x, 463, Mumeslra. Habitat. — ^Texas. The type is in the National Museum; a duplicate is iu the Edwards collection. M. determinata Smith.* 1891. Smith, Proc. U. S. Niit. Muh., xiv, 209, Manmtra. Habitat. — Colorado, foothills. The type is iu the National Museum. M. meditata Grt.* 1873. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Xat. Sci., i, 104, THHiilhwria. 1881. Grt., Ciui. Eut., xiii, 130, M»mentr<i. Habitat. — Canada to Virginia, west to tlie Missis.sippi ; .May, June, August, and September; Kansas, August. The type is in the British Museum. M. lustraUs Grt.* 187.5. (;rt.. Can. Eut., vn. 223, Dianthacia. 1881. (^rt.. Can. Eut., xui, 127, Mamettra. Habitat.— Canada to Virginia; west 'to Wisconsin and. Colorado; Adirondacks in July. Tlie type is iu the Hritish Miir cum. ! 116 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. M. detraota Wlk.* 1857. Wlk„ C. B. MuH., Het., xi, 733, Hadena. riaviplena Grt. 1873. Grt., Bull. Buff. Sue. Nut. Sci.. i, 194, Mamestra. 1881. Grt., Can. Eiit., xiii, 128, pr. syn. Habitat. — Canada, south to Virginia, to Wisconsin, and New Mexico; Canada, in July; Massachusetts and New Jersey, in June. Walker's type is in the British Museum ; Mr. Grote's specimen is in the Lintuor collection. M. gnata Grt.* 1882. Grt., Can. Ent., xiv, 170, Mamettra. Habitat. — Arizona; New Mexico. The type is in Mr. Neumuigen's collection, M. dlBtinota Ilbu.* 1810. Hbn., S.'vmnil. Ex. Schmett., i, pi. 194, Achatia. 1816. Hhn., Verzeichniss, 219, .tstrapetis. 1852. Gil., Spec. Gen., Noct., ii, 91, Hadena. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mils., Het., xi, 583, Hadena. 1808. G. &. K., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc., ii, 197, pi. : . 72, Hadena. 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 156, Mamentra. vitia French. 1879. FreiK^h, Can. Ent., xi, 76, Dicopia. 1879. Grt., No. Am. Ent., i, 16, pr. syn. Habitat. — Canada to Texas; Illinois and Central States to central Colorado; Delaware in April. M. orotchil Grt. 1880. Grt., Bnll. Bkln. Ent. Soc, iii, 29, Mameatra. var. fuBCuIeuta Smith.* 1891. Smith, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mas., xiv, 213, Mameatra. Habitat. — Colorado ; Oregon ; California, in June. The type of the species is in the British Museum. The type of the variety is in the National Museum. M. farnhami Grt.* 1873. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., i, 103, pi. 3, f. 2, Mameatra. Habitat. — Colorado, Glenwood Springs, in August. A specimen marked " type" is in the British Museum ; another marked in the same way is in the Edwards collection. M. liquida Grt.* 1881. Grt., Papllio, i, 58, Mameatra. Habitat. — Washington; Oregon, May and June; Colorado. The type is in the British Museum. CATALOOUE OF NOCTUID.*: — SMITH. 117 I New le. 1 i» ill entral >f the [irked I M. capiularla Gn.* 1852. On., Sp. Oen., Noct., ii, 22, pi. 8, f. 3, Dianthacia. 1857. Wlk., C. U. Mns., Ilet., xi, 5a~i, JHunthitcia. 1881. Ort., Cau. Eut., xiii, 128, Mameatra. propuUa Wlk. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het., xi, 529, Raphia. 1868. O. & R., Trans. Am. £nt. 8oo., ii, 78, pr. syn. Habitat. — Middle States; Maryland; Florida; Colorado; Kansas, in June. The types of both the Guen^e and Walker species are in the British Mnseiim and were correctly referred by Mr. Grotc. Mr. Walker's de- .scriptiou has absolutely no applicability to this insect, whi(;h led me to <loiil)t the correctness of the synonymy. The specimen in the National Museum is correctly identified. M. vltlula Ort. 1882. Grt., Trans. Kans. Acud. Set., viii, 48, Mameitra. Habitat. — New Mexico. The type is with Mr. Neuinoegen. M. prodeniformis Smith.* 1887. Smith, Proc. U. S. Nat. Miis., ix, 464, Manmtta. Habitat. — Southwest Arizona; New Mexico. A type is in the National Museum; another with Mr. Neuincpf^on. M. atlantica Grt.* 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 12, Mamestra. 1875. Grt., Check List, Noct., 7, Mameatra. 1881. Grt., Can. Eut., xiii, 128, ^—diaaimilis. 1889. Butler, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lund., 385=rIi8simiZi8. w-latinum X Gn. 1852. Gn., Sp. Gen., Noct., ii, 105, Iladena. 1874. Grt.. Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 12, pr. syn. discolor Speyer. 1875. Spoyer, Stett. Ent. Zeit., xxxvi, 142, Mameatra diaaimilia var. 1881. Grt., Can. Ent., xiii, 128, pr. var. 1882. Grt., New List, 26, pr. syn. Habitat. — Canada; Atlantic States to Virginia, vest to Wisconsin; June, .ruly, and August. Mr. Grote's type is in the British Museum, placed under dmimilis by Mr. Butler. It will require an agreement in sexual structure to vnu- vince me of the identity of the American with the European species. M. radix Wlk.* 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mns., Ilet., x, 332, Agrotia. 1890. Smith, Bull. U. S. Nat.Mus., No. 38, 210, Aijrotit. dimmorki Grt. 1875. Grt., Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., 1875, 420, Mameatra. 1891. Smith, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., xrv, 269, Mameatra. 1891. Butler, Rintoniolofrist, xxiv, 240, pr. syn. deaperata Smith. 1891. Smith. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mns.. xiv, 221, Mameatra. 51' r 1 18 IJULLKTIN II, IJXlrHD STATES NATIONAf. MUSEUM. Habitat. — Nova Scotia; IIii(ls(»!r.s Buy territory; Maim'; Now Jlanipshire; Colorado; Sierra Nevada., (Jalitbriiia. The types of the (irote and Walker species are in the British Museum, and are the same as my denpemta. Mr. Butler's reference was not made until October 1891, after my revision was published. I had had the species as dimmocki, and had so named it in the National Museum and elsewhere. Mr. Grote's description, misled me and induced me to coi- rect a supposed misidentification. The type is somewhat rubbed; but the M of the s. t. line is distinct, not wanting, as stated by Mr. Grote. M. canadensis Smith. 1887. Smith, Proc-. U. S. Nat. Miis., x, 4(J4. Mamvalra. Habitat. — New Brunswick. The type is with Mr. Thaxter. M. nevadae Ort. l«7fi. (Irt., Hull. Kiiir. Soc. Nat. Sci., iii, 81, Manmtra. 1889. Hiitler, Trims. Ent. Soc. Loud., 1889, iiHr>,=:tliahmhia. Habitat. — Sierra Nevada, California. This seems a j;<iod species, almost mill way between subjuncta and ntlantica. I had not seen it before, the specimen in the Edwards col- lection being erroneously named. M. subjmicta (>. ami R. 1808. O. & R., Trans. Am. Ent. .Soc, ii, li»8, jd. H. f. 71, Hailem. 1869. Riley, Ist R»!|)t. Ins. Mo.. 81, pi. i, f. 14-17, Utuleua. 1873. Git., Hull. null'. .Soc Nat. S«i., 1.282, MnnuMra. 1871. Grt., Hull. Hurt'. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 12, Maiiirslnt. 1875. Spey**!', Stett. Ent. Zcit., x.xxvi, 1H8, Mame»tra. Habitat. — Canada; Nortliern, Kastern, and Middle States; Ohio; Minnesota; Colorado; Nebraska; New Mexico, June to September; Oregon, May and .lune. A specimen, not the tyi>e, is in the British Museum. M. grandis Hdv. ' 1810. H«lv., Oen.ct Iml. Mcth.. 120, No. !>")(>. Ihulvm. 1811. (in.,Noct. Iml. Mctli., 214, //«(/«■»((. 1852. (In., Spec. Gen., Noct., ii, 105, pi. viii, f. 10, llaikna. 18.')7. Wlk., ('. H.Mus.. Ilct., XI, 578, Ifadena. 18.57. Led., Noct.Eui., !I0, Mamiilia. 1883. Thaxter, I'ttpilio, iii, 17, MomiHtra. Uhvva Wlk. 18.5«. Wlk., C. H. Mus.. Met., IX. I7», .\ nlophaiiin. 1882. Grt., Ill.Kssay, 14, pr. syn. HArriAT. — Greenland; Lapland: Canada; M.iine to Pennsylvania; west to Illiiuns, Wisconsin; Minnesota and Colorado, May, June, and October. fiATAF^OGUR OF NOCTUID.E — SMTTII. 119 The arctics loralitios are from Walker, type is in the Kritish >[useuni, and is wiiat we know as {/randis. M invalida Smith.* 1801. Smitli, I'roc.IJ.S.Xitt.Mua., MV, 225, .Vainrstra. Hauitat. — CohH-ado; Califoi'ia — Sierra Nevada, Phicer Cojinty in June; Torthmd, Orejifoii, IMay and .Inn>'. Types are in the National jNIusenm and in the Edwards eollection. ul M. trifolii K'ott.* 177(1. Uoit., Xiitiiif., IX, I 1, Xocliiii. 1X7."). SiM'jrr, Sti'tt. Kilt. Zcit., xxxvi, I'M. Mdinalra. clifiiopodii Fiibr. 1787. Falir., Jlaiit. Ins., ii, liO, Xorliia. 17!tS. Giiicl., «'(l. Linii.Syst Nat., 2512, Xorlna. 175tS. Falir., Kilt. Syst., Ill, 2, 08, .V()c(((f/. 1811. Oliv., Eiic.Motli., VIII, H(W, Xovlim. ISU). 111(11., W'rzeielnii.sH, 21!», lUiifardJin. 18,'»2. (ill., Siioc. Goii., Ncict., II, !I7, Iladnia. IH'u. Wlk.. ('.15. Mils., Ilet.. XI, 570, Iliidcna. 1881. Frciii'li, Can. Kut., xiii,-2;i larvii. 1881. C(K|iiillett, I'aitilio. i, 7, MtiiinHlra. alhil'iina Wlk. 18.57. Wlk., C. M. Mns., Il.t.. xii. 75S, /ladeiia. iSl'.'i. (at., Mnll. 1511(1. Soc. Nat. Sci., i, 104, .VniinHtra. 1875. 8i>>'yer, Stett. Knt. /cit., \xxvi, 202. pr. syu. 1881. (ill., (an. Knt., xiii. 128, pr. syn. (lliiHVAtrnria Wlk. 18()0. Wlk., ("an. Nat. anil (ii'oj., v, 2.55, .ipiinna. 1877. (tit.. Can. Knt., ix. 28. jir. syii. nmjor Spcyor. 1875. .SpcytT, 8t(tt. Knt. Zcit.. xxwi, I:t8. |ir. vur. xXXl. (irt., Can. Knt.. xiii, 128. pr. var. vjir. oiei/iinirn (irt. 1881. (ivt., Can. Knt., xiii. 2;<0, Mnmrxlrd. 18ill. Sinitli, I'roc. F. S. Nat. Mas., xiv, 227. pr. var. IIAIUTAT. — l']iiroi)e iind Xorth America; May. .Iiine. .\n.!insl, and September. Th«^ lypes ot'albifiisd iind orniouim are in the British Museum; that of !ihiiirnv((fi(i is in tlic collet'tion of the Kut. Soe. of Ontiirio. I have omitted itxirmorosa as a Viiriety, because it does not aiii'ce with any of our forms, and may indeed be s]»ecilicaliy distinct. Air. NeuiiMeycn also iiiis a " ty|)e " of oirffonico. M. u-scripta Sinitli.* 1891. .Sinitli, I'ror. F, S. Nat. .Mils.. \i\ , 228, MuiiKnim. Haritat. — Sierra X(^vada, (/alilbrnia; (Ndorado. Types are in the Natioini! Museum and in the lidwards lolleetion. 120 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. M. rosea Ifarv. 1874. Harv., Bull. Bnff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 119, Mamexlra. Habitat. — Canada; Northern and Eastern States; Colorado, Ore- gon, New York, and Massachusetts, in May and June. The type is in the British Museum. M. congermana Morr.* • 1874. Morr., Can. Ent., vi, lOfi, Hadetia. 1878. Git., Bull. Geo], Surv., iv, 187, Mamesfra. 1880. Grt., Bull. Bklii. Eut. Soc, iii, 39, Mamestra. HABITAT. — Northern, Eastern, and Middle States; Colorado; May 12-26, in New York. The type is in the Tepper collection. M. rubefacta Morr.* 1874. Morr., Can. Ent., Vl, 249, Cvramica. 1880. Grt., Can. p]nt., xii, 185,=JlArt mt's/ra rin(femialis. 1881. Grt., Can. Ent., xiii, ^2S,=M. viudemialis. Habitat. — Canada; Eastern, Northern, and Middle States; May and June. Mr. Grote's reference of this species to vindemialis Gn., is incorrect. The type of Guen^e's species is in the British Museniri, and is said to be from Florida, while I have never seen Mr. Morrison's species from south of Pennsylvania. I have referred vindi'mialw to Trtniocampa, where notes on it should be sought. I do not know where Mr. Morri- son's type can be found. M. picti '. Harr. * 1847. Harr., Kept, Ins. Mass.. 329, Mamisira, 1862. Harr., Inj. Ins., Flint eil., 4.')2. ff. 223, 221, Mameiira. 1870. Riley, 2(1 Kept. Ins. Mo., 112, f. 82, Mamistm. 1872. lint., Ent. Cent., iii, 137, Mamestra. 1882. Grt., Papilio, ii, 99, Mamcs' .. exHSta Gn. 1852. Gn., 8)100. Gen., Nort., i, 344, f'lramica, 185fi. Wlk., C. B. Mns., Hot., x, 417, Ceramica. 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff'. Soc. Nut. Sci., ii, 22, pr. syn. contraria Wilt. 1856. Wlk., C. B. MuH., Hot., ix, 78, Mulhimtia. 1868. G. & R., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, it, 77, pr. syn. 1882. Grt., ill. Essay, 41, pr. syn. Habitat. — Canada to Virginia; west to Nebraska; Wisconsin; Colo- rado; Canada in June; New York and New Jersey, June, Anynst, and September. Types of the Walker ami (hience names are in the British Museum and have been correctly referred to Harris's species. A type of cxmtu is also to be found in the Jardin des Plantes at Paris. CATALOGUE OF NOCTUID.E SMITH. 121 M. cristlfera Wlk.* 1858. Wlk., C. K. Mus., Het., xv, 1654, Acronycta. 1882. Git., Ill, Essiiy, 38, an Hailenidf 1889. Hutler, Trans. Eiit. Soc. Lond., 1889, 385, Mamesira. liibens Grt. 1875. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, v, 113, Afamestra. 1875. Grt., Proc. Ac. Nat. Sei. Phil., 425, Mamvstra. 1875. Morr., Proc. BoHt. Soc. N. H., xviii, 118, Mamestra. 1881. Grt., Can. Ent., xiii, 127, MamcHtra. • 1889. Butler, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1889, 385, pr. syn. »•»/«/« II Morr. 1875. Morr., Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., 62, Mamenlra. 1875. Grt., Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., 425, pr. syn. 1881. Grt., Can. Ent., xiii, 127, pr. syn. hrassicwt Grt. 1873. Grt., Bn.i. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., i, 103, Vamcutra. 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 12, Afamcstra. 1875. Morr., Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., 62, pr. syn. 1875. Grt., Stett. Ent. Zeit., xxxvi, 341, pr. syn. Habitat. — Hudson's Bay Territory; Canada; Maine to Pennsylva- nia, west to Colorado; Oregon, May and Jnne. The types of the AValker and Grote species are in the British Museum and are the same. M. assimllis Morr.* 1874. Morr., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 119, Mamesira. 1881. Goodi'll, Papilio, i, 15, larva. var. pulveruleuta Smith. 1887. Smith, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., x, 4G8, Mammha. HABITAT. — Canada; Northern and Eastern States; Northern New York in July; Massachusetts in June and July. The type is iu the Tepper collection; Mrs. Fcrnald has the type ol the variety. M. latex Gn.» Colo. L and Iseum ;usta 18.")2. Gn., Sp. Gen., Noot., ii, 78, AiAevta. 1S.".7. Wlk., C. B. Mns., Het., xi, .5.-.(l, A'loois. 1873. (irt.. Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci.,i, 103. Mamestra, (IvminHtt Wlk. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., xi, 728, Apamai. 1868. (i. & K., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, ii, 78, pr. syn. 1882. Grt., 111. Essay, 44, pr. syn. Habitat. — Canada; Northern, Eastern, and Middle States. May, June, July. The types of both names are in Ihe British Museum and have been correctly applied to the same species. >i II i II 122 BULLETIN 44, I'NITKn STATKS NATIONAL MrSKUM. M. passa Mor.-. 1874. Morr., I'loc. Host. Sor;. N. H., xvii. i:^!t. Mamentm. 1875. «it., Can. Ent., vii. 102, ? pnisiliH. f I ABiTA' \ — ( 'alit'ornia. TIip type is iu the Tepper collection, and it is the only spoci.iicn thus r.'.r known to me. M. adjuncta lU\v.* 1841. ]U\v., in On., No«!t. Iml. Metli., 243, Mhclia. 1K">2. (in., SptM". (ion., Noct., i, 199, Mummlra. 185(5. Wlk., C. H. Mas., Het., ix, 234, MumiHtia. 1873. (Jrt., Bnll. Bntt". Soc. Nut. Sci., i, 108, Hmlena. 1874. (Jrt.. Bnll. Bntt'. S«c. Nat. Sci., ii, 309, MameHtra. 1874. Lint., Kut. Cont., Ill, Kil; larva on Solida<io. 1877. (i<io«lcll, Can. Kiit., ix. (JO; larva on I'tcria aqiiiUiiyi. li 14. Boan, Can. Ent., xvi,()8; hirvu on Wigelia rosea. Habitat. — ('Unada; Northern, Eastern, and Middle States, west to Illinois, Missouri, Minnesota. May, June, Aufiust, and OcIoImm-. Types are in the British Museum, and in the Oberthiir collections. M. variolata •Smitli.'' 1887. Smith, Proc. U. S. Nut. Mns., x, 1(57, Mnnwxtia. Habitat. — Washington. Types are in the National Museum and in Mr. ( Jraef's (collection. M. glaciata Crt. 1882. Ort., Can. Ent., xiv, 170, Mniuvalra. Habitat. — Arizona ; Colorado. The type is with Mr. Neunifegen. M. minorata Sniitli,* 1887. Smith, Proc U. S. Nat. Mns.. x, 4(57, Muiimira. Habitat.— California: (Johuado. The type is in the Kdwards collection. M. defessa (irt.* 1880. (irt., Can. Ent., xii, 88. Maimntra. Habitat. — t^alifornia — May 2l'. The type is in the British Mus(>um. M. chartaria ( i rt. 1873. (irt., Bnll. Bnff.Soc. Nat. Sci., i, 138, i.l.l, ('.12, M,me»ira, Habitat. — California; Washington; ('ohuado; .Iiine. A typ(> is iu the Uritish Museum; another in the Canihridge c(dlec- tiou. CATALOGUE OF NOCTUID.E SMITH. 123 »lle<'- M. repentiua Morr. 1875. Morr., Proc. Host. Soc. N. H,, xviii, IIH, Mameatra. 1891. Siiiitb, Proc. U. S.Niit.MiiB., xiv, 242. Mamestra. Habitat. — West Ifobokei!, New Jersey. The t,yi)e is in Mr. Meyer's collection. 1 have in my Revision of the spe<*ies doubted the American habitat of the species, but have had no opportunity of contirming' my doubts. M. brachiolum Harr. 187fi. Harv., Can. Eiit., viii, fi, Mamcstra. HAifiTAT. — Texas ; Arizona. The type is in the Jiritish Museum. M. beanii Grt. 1877. Ort., Can. Ent., ix, 87, Mamintm. 1879. (irt., No. Am. Ent., i, 12, Mnmvnlra. Hauitat. — Illinois; Texas; Colorado. Tlie type is in the British Museum. The species is correctly placed in my Jtevision; but the type is a inn<'h larger specimen than any 1 had seen. M. legltima (irt.* 1864. Grt., Proc. Ent. Soo. Phil., iii, 82, pi. 2, f.4.. ApatHra. 1874. Grt., Pioc. Host. Soc. N. H., xvi, 241, XramrHlra. 1892. Edw. & Elliott, Hnll. Am. Miih. N. H., i\ , 77, larva. Habitat. — Canada; Northern, Eastern, Middle, and Central States; June, July, August, September; Oregon, Tortland in May. The type should be, but is not, itJ the collection of the Amer. Ent. Soc. Dr. Riley has writtt^n the life history of this species and has flgureil it in his reports as U. S. Entomologist. N. lilacina Harr.* 1874. ITarv., Bull. Uuft. Soc. Xat. 'ci., ii. 119, ,\f»meBtra. iUuhrfticta > IT. 1874. M ri ,*ioe. Host. Soc. N. II., xvil, 141, Minmslra. 1874. (Jrt., Hull. Hurt". Soc Nat. Sci., ii, 211, ],v. nyn. 1875. Grt., Can. Ent., vii, .'>«, pr. syn. 1879. Grt., Can. Ent., xi, 12H, pr. var. Habitat. — Canada; Northern. Kastt'rn, Middle, and Central States in July; Colorado; New Mexico. The type of the species is in the l^ritish Museum. Mr. .Morrison's type is in the Tepi>er collection, and another, also marked " type," is iu the British Museum. M. nigOBa Morr.* 1875. Morr., Proc. Boat. Soc. Nat. Hist., xviii, 119, .Va»H«/ra. Habitat.— Maine. 124 BULLETIN 44, TJNITKD STATKS NATIONAL MIISKUM. M. noverca (irt.* 1878. Grfc., Can. Eut., x, 236, Mamentra. Habitat. — California: Colorado, Gleiiwood Springs in August; Ari- zona; Nebraska. The type is in the British Musenm. M. goodelli Grt.» 1875. Grt., Can. Eut., vii, 223, Mamintra. Habitat.— Canada; Northern, Eastern and Middle Slates j west to Nebraska; May, June, Jnly, August. Mr. Grote's type is in the British Museum. M. quadrata Suiith.* 1891. Smith, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., xiv, 248, Mamestra. Habitat. — Placer County, California; June and July. The types are in the National Museum. M. obscura Smith.* 1891. Smith, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mns., x, 4G8, Mamestra. Habitat. — Wisconsin ; ? Arizona. The type is in the Tapper collection. M. ectypa Morr.* 187.5. Morr., Proc. Best. Soc. N. H., xviii, 118, Afamestra. bella Grt. 1883. Grt., Papilio, in, 30, Mamestra. 1891. Smith, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., xiv, 249, pr. syn. Habitat. — New Jersey; West Virginia. Mr. Morrison's type is in the Meyer collection; that of Mr. Grote's si)ecie8 with Mr. Neumoegen. M. renigera Steph.* 1829. Steph., 111. Brit. Ent., Ilanst., ii, 16, Clwna. 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het., x, 262 = herhimaciila. 1869. Kilcy, Ist K«spt. Ins. Mo., 86, f. 31, Mamvstra. 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 16, Hadnta. 1874. Grt., Can. Ent., vi, 132, Mamestra. 1881. Kilcy, Index and Supplt. to Mo. Kcpts., 56, Mamestra. 1883. Edw., Papilio, iii, 133; larva. herhimacula Gn. 1852. C!n., Spec. Gen., Noct., l, 223, Celwna. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het., X, 262, Vehvna. 1874 Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 16, pr. syn. infecta Wlk. 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Hot., x, 263, Cehvna. Habitat. — Canada, south to Georgia and Mississippi, west to Ne- braska; Colorado; May, June, July, August, Sei)tember, CATALOGUE OF NOCTUID^ — SMITH. 125 I rote's to Ne- The types of infecta and herbimacula are both in the British Musenni. Walker's type is quite a respectable specimen and should not have been doubtful. M. Btricta Wlk.» 1865. Wlk,, C. B. Mu8., Het., Suppl., iir, 728, Hadennf 1889. Butler, Trans. Ent. Soc. Load., 1889, 386=6V?rtHa egcns. ferrea Grt. 1875. Grt., Can. Ent., vii, 25, Mamestra. 1881. Grt,, Can. Ent., xiii, 130, Mamestra. 1889. Butler, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1889, 386, pr. syn. var, cinnabarina Grt.* 1874. Grt., Proc. Host. Soc. Nat. Hist., xvi, 241, Mamcalra. Habitat. — California; Oregon; Washington; Vancouver, Septem- ber, October. The types of the above names are in the British Museum. Mr. Butler has referred them all as synonyms of Gelwna egens; but egens is not a Mamestra, unfortunately; it is an Hadena allied in wing form to some of the smaller European forms. I have a specimen like Walker's type of egens from Colorado. M. spiculosa Grt. 1883. Grt,, Can. Ent., xvi, 28, Mameatra. Habitat. — Arizona. The type is in Mr. Neumoegen's collection. M. circumciucta 8iuith. 1891. Smith, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mu»., xiv, 253, Mamestra. Habitat. — Sierra Nevada, California. The type is in the Edwards collection. M. oUvacea Morr.* 1874, Morr,, Proc. Boat. Soc, N. H., xvii, 143, Mamestra. 1875. Grt., Can. Ent., vir, 27, Mamestra. 1877. Grt., Bull. Gcol. Surv., m, 797, Mameslra. 1887. Smith, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., x, 405, Mamestra. comis Grt. 1877. Grt,, Bull, Geol. Surv., iii, 85, Mameslra. 1891. Smitii, Pioc. U. 8, Nut. Mus,, xiv, 254, pr, syn. var. obscurior Suiitli. 1887. Smith, Proc. U. .S. Nat. Mus., X, 465, Mameslra. Habitat. — Athuitic to Pucitic tlirough northern and middle United States; Colorado; July, August, September. I do not know wliere the type of olUmcea is. The type of comis is in the Edwards collection; that of obscurior is with Mrs. Feruald.^ M, rectilinea Smith.* 1887, Smith, Proc, U. S, Nat. Mus., X, 4f)5, Mamestra. Habitat. — New York; Colora«lo; California; Oregon; Vancouver, TUe types ^iie iu the Jfatjoiuil Museum, 126 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. M. vau-media Sinitli. 1887. Smith, Proc. U. S. Nut. Mm., x, 4WJ. Mamenlra. Habitat. — Coloindo. The type is with Mr. J. Doll. M. incurva Siiiitli. 1887. Smith, Vtw. V. S. Nat. Miis., x, 4W?. Mmntxira. Hahitat. — Colorado; Arizoiui; Now iMexico. The type is in Mr. Keuin(Kgeii's collection. M. 4-Uneata Grt.' 1873. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., i, 140, pi. 4, f. l.'i, Mamexfra. Habitat. — Arizona; California, February, Mareh, April, June. Au- gust, October. Types are in the British Museum and in the Edwards collection. M. marinltincta Harv." 187.'}. Harv., Bull. Buff. Sof. Nat. Sci., ii, 278, Mamentra. 1877. Harv., Bull, Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., in, 6, Mamestra. Habitat. — Texas, October, November. The tyi»e is in the British Museum and is the same species received by the National Museum from Belfrage under that name. M. laudabilis Gu.* 18.52. Gn., Spec, (ieii., Noct., u, 30, pi. 8, f. 4, Hecutera. 1857. VVlk., C. B. Mu8.. Hot., XI, 511, Hemtern. 1874. Grt., Proc. Boat. Soc. N. H., xv, 241, Alameslra. 1875. Grt., (!an. Ent., vn, 27, Mamestm. indicuns Wlk. 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., x, 359, Hapalia. 1868. G. & R., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, ii, 78, pr. syn. stnfikollis VVallgr. 1860. Wailgr., Wien. Ent. Monatschr., iv. 170, Hciatcra. 1801. Smith. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., xiv, 274, Mimeslra. var. illaudabilis (Jrt.* 1875. Grt., ('an. Ent., vii, 27, Mumealra. 1881. Grt., Can. Ent.. xni, 129, Momentra. Habitat. — New Jersey ; southward and westward to Florida, Texas, and Colorado; California, April, August, September; Colorado in August. , Types of the Ouenee, Grote, and Walker species are in the British Museum. I think there can be no reasonable doubt that WallengrenV species is the same. M. alboguttata Grt.* 1877. (irt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., iii, 85, Mameslia. Habitat. — New Mexico; Oregon; California. The type is in the British Museum. CATALOGUE OF NOCTUID.E — SMITH. 127 M. cuneata Urt.* 1«73. <irt., Hull. Hnff. Sue Xiit. Sci., I, 1S!I, pi. 4, f. 9, Mamentra. 1S74. (Jrt.. Can. Knt., vt, l.'»«, .Vamcittni. ITahitat. — Calit'ornia; Washington; Oregou, May autl June; Van «!OUvei'; New York. Tlie type is in the Biitisli Museum. M. sutrina Urt. 1881. Git., Papilio, i, .5, Mame»tra. Habitat. — (Joloiado. The type is in the Bdtisli MusiMun. This spedos was unknown to im; when T wrote my revision of Mamentra. It resembles histralix more than it does cnnenla; but the male antennse are 8imi>Ie. In its position next to cuneata its resemblance to lustralin will serve to differ- entiate it. M. lorea Gn.* 1852. (!n., S])«c. Gon., Noct., i, 126, HijArmia. 1887. Wlk., C. H. Mu8., Het., ix, 761, Iljidtwria. 1874. Grt.. Hull. Huff. Soc. Nat. Hci., ir, 13, Mamcslra, 1879. (Jrt., Can. Knt., Xi, 28, ? (iraphiphora. liynta Wlk. 1860. Wlk., Can. Nat. & (ieol., v, 2.5S, Hydiwcia. 1877. Git., Can. Ent., ix, 28, pr. syn. doih/ci Grt. 1875. Grt., Can. Knt., vii, 90, Mameslia. 1891. Smitli, Proc. IT. S. Nat. Mua., xiv, 262, pr. .'*>'n. Habitat. — Canada; Eastern, Middle, and Central States to Nc braska, Colorado: June, July, August, September. The type of lorea is in the British Museum. I have seen the tj^ie of (lodgei in the Tepper collection. The type of ligata is in the collection of the Entom( ►logical Society of Ontario. ' M. quadrauniilata Morr. * 1875. iMorr.. Pro.-. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., 1875, 430, Miimmfra. Habitat. — Nebraska; Texas; Colorado. The type is in the Tepper collection. A correctly determined speci- men is in the British Museum. M. erecta Wlk.* 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het.. x, 2(U, Cehniii. 1891. Hiitlcr, Entomologist, xxiv, 2il, Heratcia. eonntipula Wlk. 1857. Wlk., C. H. Mns., H.-t., ix, 743, f I'niniv. 1891. Hutlor, Entomologist, xxiv, 241, pr. syn, iiincj-n (irt. 1874. Grt., Bull. Biift". Soc, Nut. Sci., ii, 123, I'viigrapJia, 128 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. 1JS74. Morr., Proc. Boat. Soc. N. H., xvii, 214, Mamestra. 1875. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ir, 309, Mamestra. l«»l. Smitli, Proc. U. S. Nat. Muh., xiv, 263, pr. Hyn. Habitat. — Texas; <'East Florida," March, April. Tlie types of all the naincs are in the British Museum. The locality "East Florida," is rather dubious, for 1 have not known of any save Texan species heretofore. M. longiclava Smith. 1891. Smitli, Proc. U. S. Nat. Miis., xiv, 265, Mamestra. Habitat. — Coh)rado. The type is with Mr. Neuincegen. M. anguina Grt.* 1881. Grt., Can. Eiit., xiii, 129, Mamestra. Habitat. — Maine; New Jersey; Illinois; Nebraska; Colorado. The type is in the British Museum. M. vicina Grt.* 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 156, Mamestra. 1877. Grt., Can. Ent,, ix, 197, Mamestra. telifiera Morr. 1874. Morr., Proc. Bost. Soc. N. H., xvii, 21.5, Mamestra. 1877. Grt., Can. Ent., ix, 197, ?pr. syn. 1881. Grt., Can. Ent., xiii, 129, pr. syu. actttipennis Grt. 1882. Grt., Can, Ent., xii, 214, Mamestra. 1883. Grt., Can. Ent., xiir, 129, Mamestra. 1891. Smith, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mub., xiv, 267, pr. syu Habitat. — Maine to Texas, to California; June to October. The types of vicina and acutipennis are in the British Museum ; that of teligera is in the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Cambridge. The type of acutipennis is somewhat more than usually powdery; but else I find no difference from vicina. The specimen is badly set, giving the wings a peculiarly pointed appearance, which apparently sug- gested Mr. Grote's name. M. peusilis Grt.*" 1874. Grt., Proc. Acad. Nat Sci. Phil., 1874, 199, Dianthacla. 1874. Grt., Can. Ent., vi, 215, Diatithwvia. 1881. Grt., Can. Ent., vui, 128, Mamestra, Habitat. — Texas; Colorado; California; Washington; Vancouver, August, September, October, November. M. ferrealis Grt. 1883. Grt., Can. Ent., xv, 29, Mamestra. Habitat. — Montana. I have no idea where the type of this species eoulij be found, and have not recognized it as yet. CATALOGUE OF NOCTUID.E — SMITH. 120 ocality ly save 0. M. impolita Morr. 1874. Morr., Proc. IJost. Soc. N. H., xvii, 140. Mamcslra. Habitat. — Quebec, Canada. The species is unkuowii to ine. It came from Prof. F. X. Belangcr, Uuiversit^ Laval, and he may have the type. M. subdita Mifachl. 1860. Mci'schl., Wicn. Ent. Monatschr., iv, 363, pi. !), f. 7, Dianthtecia. 186-1. Mci'scbl., Wien. Ent. Monatscbr., viii, 197, pi. 5, f. 15, Diatithaiia. 1881. Grt., Cau. Ent., xiii, 130, Mamestia. Habitat — Labrador. I have seen the type. It is not really typical Mamentm; but I have no satisfactory plaee for it at present and leave it where it will be most naturally sought for. Genus 8C0TOORAMMA i^uiith. 1887. Smith, Proc. U. S. Nat. Miis., x, 469. A revision of the species of this genus, with descriptions of each, will be found in the Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., xii, 461, 1880. S. submarina Git.* um; that mbridge. lory ; but , giving utly sug- lucouver, aud have 1883. Git., Can. Ent., xv, 4, Anarfa. 1887. Smith, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., x, 469, Scotogramma, Habitat. — Arizona; Montana; Oregon. The type is with Mr. Neumoegen. 8. phoca Moesohl. 1864. Moeschl., Wien. Ent. Monatschr., viii, 197, pi. .5, f. 15, Dinnlhoccia. 1881. Grt., Can. Ent., xiii, 130, Mameatra. 1887. Smith, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., x, 469, Seotogramma. promiiha Morr. 1875. Morr., Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist., N. Y., xi, 97, Mumtstra, 1875. Grt., Can. Ent., vii, 22, Anarta, 1876. Grt., Stett.Ent. Zeit., xxxvn, ia5. Anuria. 1881. Grt. Can. Ent.. xiii, 127, Anarta. 1882. Smith, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, v, 68, Manmlrn. 1889. Smith, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., xii, 463, pr. syu. Habitat. — Labrador; Colorado in July and August. Mr. Morrison's type is in the Tepper collection. Mr. Moeschlcr had the kindness to send me a typical specimen some years ago, which en- abled me to make the comparisons resulting in the above synonymy. Material is very scant in most of the species of this genus. 8. perpleza Smith." 1887. Smith, Proc. U.S.Nat. Mus., x, 469, Utotogramma. Habitat.— Colorado. The type is in the Tepper collection. 6048— No. U I 130 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM, 8. inconcinna Smith.* 1887. Smith, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mils, X, 469, Sto/(>(/ramma. Habitat.— Colorado. The type is in the National Museum. 8. mnbroMi Smith.* 1887. Smith, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mns., x, 470, Scotoyramma. Habitat. — Arizona; Colorado. Types are in the National Museum. 8. BtretchU Hy. E«lw. 1887. Hy. Edw., Can. Ent., xix, 146, Scotoyramma. 1889. Smith, Proi-. U. S, Nat. Mns., xii, 464, Scotogramma, Habitat. — Colorado Desert, The type is in the Edwards collection. Genus ULOLONCHB Smitli. 1887. Smith, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mns., x, 471. A monographic treatmeut of the species will be found in the Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1889, Vol. xii, 465. This paper is cited only to authenti- cate synonymy or generic reference. U. niveiguttata Grt. 1873. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., i, 140, pi. 4, f. 16, Mamestia. 1887. ■''. ^th, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mns., x, 471, Vlolouche. Habitat. — .. -ia; Arizona. The types are in the JOi.dsh Museum and in the Edwards collection. T7. fasciata Smith." 1887. Smith, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., x, 471, Uloloiiche. Habitat. — New "\i» xioo. The type is in tlie iNational Museum. U. disticha Morr.» 1874. Moir.. Proc. Boat. N. H., xvii, 217, Caradrina. 187.5. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 310, Orthosia. 1880. Grt., Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, in, 37, Orthosia. 1891. Smith, List liOpidopterii, 42, riotoiwhe. Habitat. — Colorado in June; Texas. The type is in the Museum at Cambridge; another specimen, also marked " type," is in the British Museum. The species has distinctly hairy eyes and is as little an Orthosia as it is a Caradrina. U. modesta Morr.* 1874. Morr., Proc. Best. Soc. N. H., xvii, 114, Dianthacia. 1879. Ort., Co^. Ent., xi, 27, GrapUphora. ^ CATALOGUE OF NOCTUID.T: — SMITH. 131 1881. Grt., Cuii. Kilt., xiii, 126. Taniocampa. 1887. .Smith, Troc. IJ. .S. \at. Muh., x, 471, LMoHchr. Habitat. — Canada; New England, Middle, and Central States, May, June, and July. 1 have seen no .specimens marked " type." U. orbiculata Suiith.* 1891. Smith, Froc. U. S. Nat. Mus., xiv, 266, .)famcstra. Habitat.— Colorado. The type is in the National Museum. Genus HADENA Scbrniik. 1804. Schrank, Fauna Boica, ii, 2, 158. This genus will probably stand subdivision into several genera. Two rather well-marked ^rouijs, or subgenera, Xylophasia and Luperina, have been monographed by me in the Proe. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 1890, Vol. XIII, pp. 407-447, and this paper is not cited .save when necessary to authenticate a change. It is likely that, eventually, both of these sub- divisions will take generic rank, and the term IJadena will probably be lestricted to one of them. The species not included in the above revi. * . are for the present plaeed into a section Hadena merely to separate them. As uSual, unless otherwise stated, my identification of the species was correct. ^ LUPERINA Bclv. 1829. B<lv., Index Methoditns. Ii. niveiveuosa Grt.* 1879. Grt., Bull. Gcol. Surv., v, 206. Agrolh. 1890. Smith, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., xiii, 410, Luperina. Habitat. — Montana; Colorjido. The type is with Mr. Graef, and a considerable number of specimens indicate quite a variable species. Curiously enough I have never seen a male. L. stipata Morr.* 1875. Morr., Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., 1875, 64, Hadena. Habitat. — Illinois; Massachusetts; Maine; Minnesota; Wisconsin; Colorado. The type is in the Tepper collection. L. passer Gn.* 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., i, 195, Mamcstra. 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het., ix, 231, Mamcstra. 1879. Grt., Can. Ent., xi, 179, Hadena. 1882. Grt., New List, 27, Luceria. ittcalUda Wlk. 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., x, 330, Agrollt. mmmt 132 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. 1869. G. A K., Trans. Am. Ent. Hoc, ii, 78 = J]r/ro<i« renerahilis. 1889, Butler, Trans. Eat. Soc. Lonrt., 1889, »77 = Atirolia veiierabilit. loculata Morr. 1874. Morr., Bull. Buff. Soc. N. IL, ii, 110, Luceria. 1879. Grfc., Can. Ent., xi, 179, pr. syn. viralis Grt. 1880. Grt., Bull. Geol. Surv., vi, 260, Jgrolia. 1890. Smith, Bull. U. S, Nat. Mue., No. 38, 207, AgroHa. var. oonspioua Morr. 1874. Morr., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 110, Lvcnia, Habitat. — Canada, June and .Tuly; MaHsachusett.s, June and July; Connecti<'ut; New York, July, August, and September; Illinois, Octo- ber; Colorado; Oregon. The types of paniier, incallida, and viralis are in the British Museum; those of loculata and eonspicua are in the Tepper collection ; a .specimen of loculata also marked *' type" is in the British Museum. Mr. Walker's type is a ba<lly rubbed specimen, undoubtedly the same i\»pax8er. I can not understand how both Mr. Orote and Mr. Butler could see any re- semblance to renerabiUn, and at all events the structural characters should have i)revented the reference. Mr. Orote's type of viralix is a badly faded and discolored s])ccimen, also without doubt the same as passer. In the Cambridge Museum is a specimen of this same species marked ^^Eadcna destructor Peck," in Mr. GroteHs handwriting. L. bnrgessi Morr. 1874. Morr., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 109, Luceria. 1875. Grt., Check List, Noct.. Hadenn, 1880. (Jrt., Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, iii, 86, Hudena, - 1882. Git., New List, 27, Luceria. , dtBcors Grt. 1881. Grt.,Trnns. Kuns. Ac. Sci., vii, 65. Hadena. 1890. Smith, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., xni, 412, pr. syn. Habitat.— Massachusetts; Arizona; Nebraska. The type of Mr, Morrison's species is in Mr. Topper's collection. L. longula Grt.* 1879. Grt., Bull. Geol. Snvv., v, 204, Hadena. Habitat. — New Mexico; Colorado; Nevada; Kansas; Washington. Mr. Grotc's type is in the British Museum. ^XTLOPHABIA Steith. 182t). Steph., III. Br. Ent., Haust., ii, 174. X. remisaa Hbn." 1812. Itbn.. Sauiuil. Eirr. Stinnett., Noct., 423, Koclita. 1816. Hhn., Vcrzi'ichuiss, 219, Jiilraputig, 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., i, 208, an vur. gemimi, hidiwiHs Wlk. 1856. Wlk., C. B. MuB,, Het., ix, 178, XylophaHa. CATALOGUE OP NOCTUID^ — SMITH. 133 kgton. ■^ 1882. Grt., 111. Essay, 44, pr. syii. 1889. Butler, Tiiiiis. Ent. Soo. Lcnul., 1889, 38fi, pr. syn. IIAUITAT. — Middle and Eastern States; North Carolina New York in June. Walker's type is iu the British Museum, and is this species of HUb- ner's. X. separans Grt. 1880. Grt., Unll. IT. S. Geol. Surv., vi, 260, Hadena. 1890. Siuith, I'roc. U. S. Nut. Mus., xiii, 425 =d«c/a. Habitat. — New York in Juno and July; Wisconsin. The type is in the British Museum. I And I had entirely mistaken this species. It has nothing to do at all with ducta nor with the (levi.Htatrix group, in fact, but belongs with the vulttioHa series. It is a very close ally in maculation to remissa, or yet nearer to the European {/emina, but much darker and with all the pale markings wanting. The W- mark in the s. t. line is distinct, the orbicular oblique, and there is a broad dash between the ordinary lines. 1 can not at present remem- ber where I obtained the specimens marked HcparaiiH, which led to my errou«^ou8 reference. X. Buffusca Morr.* 1875. Morr., Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., 1875, 61, Iladctia, 1877. Grt., Can. Ent., ix, 29= .iytrtia iUala. illata t Grt. 1876. Grt., Can. Ent., viii, 29, Hadena. 1877. Grt., Can. Ent., ix, 29, Hadetia. Habitat. — (Uinada to Texas; Colorado, August; New York, May, June, July, Septembp •; Massachusetts in Augiist. Ml. (J rote !uis rct'errtMl this species, the tyi>e of which is iu the Tep- per collcf'tion, to Hint" Wlk.; but that species is really an Agrotid, as described by Mr. Walkev, and is the cinerettmaculata form of turrin. There is a vague sort of resoml'lanco between the species, but an examination of the generic charact;.rs should have prevented the reference. X. apamiformlB Gn.* ia"2. Gp., Spr>..'. Gnn,, Noct., i, VM. XnhphuHia. 18.56. Wlk.,C. H. MiiH., Hot., i>;. 176, Xylophashi. 1878. Grt., Hnll. Huff. 8oo. Nut. Sei., i, lOi), //«■.'.,(«. conienia Wlk. 1857. Wlk., C. n. MuH., Hot,, xi, 754, Hadena. 18({8. O, & K., Trans. Am. Ent. Sor,, ii, 78, pr. «yn. FTabitat. — Caiuula, June and August; New York, June, July, and August; New Jersey; Penimyivania; Illinois; Colora<lo; District of Columbia, in June. Both the Gueu6e and the Walker types are in the British Museum. 134 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. X. vultuosa (itt. * 1875. Git., Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. run., 1875, 420, Hadena. Habitat. — Canada; Northern, Eastern, Middle, and Central States; New York in May and June; Massachusetts in August. The type is in the British Museum. X. exomata Moeschl. 1864. Moeschl., Wien. Eut. Monatschr., iv, 364, pi. 9, f.5, Hadena. 1867. Puck., Proc. Boat. Soc. N. H., xi, 39, Hadena. Habitat. — Labrador; Colorado, Glen wood Springs, August. I have seen a typical specimen from Mr. Moeschler. In the British Museum there are two specimens erroneously named ; but one from the Grote collection is correctly determined. H. morna Strk.* 1879. Strk., Rept. Chief Eng., 1878-79, v. v, p. 1861, Hadena. 1890. Smith, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mu8., xiii, 422, Xijlophaaia. Habitat. — "Rio Blarico"; Colorado. The type is in Mr. Strecker's collection. I have identified this species in Mr. Bruce'8 material, and find its best position here. X. hulstii Git.* 1880. Grt., No. Am.Ent., i, 93, Hadena. Habitat.— Colorado. The type is in the Graef collection, taken the species in small numbers. Mr. Bruce has, during 1891, X. finitimaOn.* 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen.,Noct., I, 206, Apamea. 1856. Wlk., C. B.Miis., Het., ix, 250, Apamea. 1875. Spoyor, Stett. Ent. Zeit., xxxvi, 150, imi var. haBiUnea, 1878. Graef, Bull. Bkln. Ent. See., i, 9, an var. baailinea. 1882. Grt., New List, 1882, 27," Hadena. Habitat. — Canada; Northern, Middle, and Eastern States in May and June; Colorado; Oregon, May. The type is in the British Museum. X. lateritla Fiu.* 1767. Hdu, Berlin. Mag., in, 306, Mctua. 1776. Rott., Natiirf., ix, 127, Nootua. 1816. Hbii., VerzeichniBs, 243, Septit. 1852. On., 8peo.«lon .Noct., i, 137, AyJotthntla. 1866. Wlk., C. B. i Lm., Het., IX, 170, Xylophaaia, 1874. Grt., C tn. £ut., vi, 215, Hadena. molochina Hbn. 1812. H'jn., Samml. Ex. Schmett. Noct., 74, NoHaU. CATALOGUE OB^ NOCTUIDiE — SMITH. 135 tates; British Diu tbe find its ,g 1891, in May 1816. Hliii., Verzeichniss, 243, pr. syn. oblivioM Wlk. 1858. Wlk., C. B. Mils., Het., xv, 1683, Mamestra. 1891. Smith, Proo. U. S. Nat. Mus., xiv, Mamestra. Habitat. — Europe; United States; Canada in July; New Yorli, July and August; Colorado, October. Walker's type is in the British Museum, and is what we know as lateritia. On the other hand, both insignata and dubitans Wlk., do not agree with lateritia, but are exactly the same as Mr. Grote's sputatrix. Insignata has been referred to both species at different times by Mr. Grote. X. cogitata Smith.* 1890. Smith, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., xiii, 421, Xylophaaia. hiBignaia \\ Wlk. 1860. Wlk., Can. Nat. ami Geo!., v, 254, Apamea. Habitat. — Sierra Nevada, California; Colorado, Manitou in Juno and September; Canada, in Jiily; New Hanipshire. Tyi)e8 are in the National Museum, at Kntgers College and in tlie Neumrogen collection. The type of Walker's insignata described in the Can. Nat. and Geol., I owe to the courtesy of Mr. Moftat, curator for the Entomological Society of Ontario. It is a very poor specimen, but undoubtedly the species described by me. Fortunately Walker had preoccupied the name in 1857 for a closely allied species. X. dubitans Wlk." 1856. Wlk,, C. B. Mn8., Ilet., ix, 232, Mamestra. 1873. Grt., Bull. Buflf. Soc. Nat. Sci., i, 108, Hadena. 1874. Grt., Can. Eut., vi, 215=: /a /eri/ia. 1875. Speyer, Stott. Ent. Zeit., xxxvi, 146, an var. latcrillA,. inngnata Wlk. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Hot., xi, 729, Apamea. 1868. G. &. R., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, ii, lii^Jatetitia. 1873. Grt., Bnll. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., i, 108=I«<(3)j/ta. 1873. Grt., Hull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., i, 190, n. b. 1. npnialrix Grt. 1873. Grt.. Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., i, 190, Hadim xpntator. 1875. Grt., Check List Noct., 9, Hadeiia apHlntrix. Habitat. — Canada; Eastern, Northern, Central, and Middle States, July, August, September. The types of all the names are in the British Museum, and the typo of dubitans is undoubtedly the same as sputatrix and not like lateritia. The question of whether this insignata should be considered u nomen bis lectum need not be decided under the circumstances. 3t. plutonia Grt. 1883. Grt., Cnu. Ent., XV, 9, Uatlena. Habitat. — Maine; Wisconsin. The type is in Dr. Thaxter's collection. The plutonia of the British Museum collection is an Agrotis pastoralia. ! i 136 BULLETIN 14, UNITKD STATES NATIONAL Ml'SEUM. Z. alticola Sinitli. 1890. Grt., Proc. IT. S. Nat. Mus., xiii, 423, Xylophasia. Habitat. — Gibson Mountains, Colorado, 12,5(»0 feet. The type is in the National Museum. X. ducta Git.» 1878. Grt., Bull. Geol. Surv., iv, 176, Hadena. Habitat, — Maine; Canada; New York; Washington. The type is in the British Museum, and is the species I know as such. Dr. Bethune sent me a specimen marked iusuha by Walker; but the type of instilsa is Carneadea campestria. X. impulsa Gu.* 1852. ec. Gon., Noct., i, 194, Mamestra. 18r)«. \M b.B. Mu8., Het., ix,231,.V«m<'8/irt. 1873. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., i, KW, Hmlctia. var. mixta Grt. 1880. Grt., Bull. Geol. Surv., vi, 264, Hadciia. Habitat. — Canada in July and August. Eastern and Middle States June and July; Texas. Mr. Grote's types are in the British Museum. The variety mlrto has the reniform somewhat pale marked, and the specimen is a little rubbed so as to show a yellowish ground. Else it does not differ from the type form. X. devastatrix Krace.* 1819. Brace, Am. Journ. Sci., i, 154, I'haUvna. 1856. Fitch, Ropt. Ins., N. Y.,315,pl.3, f.2, ./<7ro««. 1862. Harris, Iiij. Ins., Flint ed., 445, //(/)o/(V*. 1869. Riley. Ist Kept. lus. Mo., 83, Agrolix. 1873. (Jrt.,FJ«ll. Buff. fSoc, Nat. Sci., 1,108, //nrfcHffl. 1875. Spe.ver,Stott.Ent.Zeit., XXXVI, 147, lladvna, 1878. Gri., Hull. <i!eol. Surv., IV, 178, Hndmu. 1881. Riley, Index and Supplt, to Mo. liopts., .~>0, Hudcna. 1883. Saund., Fruit Insects, 329, f. 341, :U2, Hadeiia. ubjcvta var. X <<n. 1852. Gu., Spec, (ieu., Noct., 1, 194, Mamcstra. 1875. Speyer, Stett, Ent. Zeit., XXXVI, 147, Ifadeiia, oidhiaria Wlk. 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Hot., ix, 232, .Uamistva. 18(>8. (i. and R., Trans. Atu. Ent. Soc, ii, 77, pr. syn. 1882. (Jrt., 111. Essay, 43, pr. syn. fiou tenia Wlk. 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Met., ix, 233, Mtimcalia. 1882. (Jrt., Ill.E88ay,4.%pr.syn, inaiKhallHtin Westw. 1857. Humph., British Moths, t, 122, Ajp'olis. 1858. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., xiv, 1698 = wnlcnta. Habitat. — United States and Cansula, June to Soi>teinl)er. Walker's types are in the British Museum and have been correctly referred by Mr. Orote. The reference to marahaUana is after Walker. CATALOGUE OF NOCTUID.*: — SMITH. 137 I such, it the States •ta has ubbed etype >ctly llker. The economic literature of tlie species is large, and is given in great part by Mr. Edwards in his catalogue of early stages. X. ezuUs Lef.'- 1836. Lef., Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr., v, 393, pi, 10, f. 2, ffarfrwa. ,1852. On., Spec. (Jen., Noct., i, 185, Crymodea. 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mns., Het., ix, 220, Ciymodes. yelata Lef. 1836. Lef., Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr., v, 393, pi. 10, f. 3. Hadena. 1852. On., Spec, ilen., Noct., i, 185, Crymodea. 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mas., Het., ix, 220, Crymodea. grwvlandica Zett. 1839. Zett., Ins. Lapp., 939, Hadeita. 1845. H. Sch., Schmett. Enr., ii. 274, 284, pi. 31, PoUa. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., r, 185, Crymodtft. 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mum., Het., ix, 219, Crymodea. marmorafa Zett. 1839. Zett., Ins. Lapp.. 937, Hadena. 1845. H. Sch., Schmett. Enr., ii, pi. 451, Polia. 1856, Wlk,, C. B, Mns., Het,, ix, 220^,= poll, diffiua Geyer. 1837. Geyer, Zutr. Hbn. Snmnil. Ex., 9, ff., 821, 822, Exarnt$. 1871. Stand.. Cat. Lcp.. lOO = ejeuUa. 1881. Grt., Can. Ent., xm, 91,—exuVia. gelida Gn. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct,, r, 186, pi, iv, f. 7, Crymodea. 1856, Wlk,, C, B. Mus,, Het., ix, 221, Crymodea. l)oli Gn. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., i, 187, Crymodea. 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Hot., ix, 220, Crymodea. horea Gn. 18ij2. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., i, 186, Crymodea. Habitat. — Labrador; Greenland; Iceland. The synonymy is from Staudinger in great part, and his catalogue should be «!onsulted for references to European literature, in the Jar- din des Plantes at Paris is a long series of specimens separated out by (iuende and containing types of his names. They all refer to one species. X. aommeri Lef. 1836. Lef., Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr., iii, 391, pi. 10, f. 1, Hadena. 1852. (Jn., Spec. (Jen., Noct., i, 187, Crymodea. 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mns., Het., ix, 220, Crymodea. Habitat. — Labrador; Greenland; Icehnid. Mr. Mieschler kindly sent me a specimen for study years ago, and I have seen none since. X. arotioa Bdv." 1840. Bdv., Gen. at Ind. Meth., 120, Hadena. 1845. II. 8ch., Stiiniett. Knr., Ii, 272, pi. 31, f. l.')5, I'oUa. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., I, 103, Mamealru. 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mns., Het., ix, 'J:>5, Mamealra. 1869. Minot, Can. Ent., li, 28, Mamealra. ■ I \ i 138 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. 1870. Saiind., Can. Ent., il, 75, Mame»tra. 1874. Grt., Bnli. Bnff. Soc. Xat. Sci., ii, 14, Hadeva. amputatrix Fitch. 1856. Fitoh, 3d Kept. Ins. N. Y., 425, Badina. 1869. Kiley, 1st Rept. Ins. Mo., 87, Hadena. 1873. Grt., BulL Buflf. Soc. Nat. Sci., i, 108, pr. syn. arnica t Harr. 1862. Harr., Iivj. Ins., Flint ed., 450, f. 222, Hadena. 1873. Grt., Proc. Bost. Soc. N. H., xvi, 241, pr. syn. Habitat. — (Jnited States east of the Rocky Mouutains; New Mexico; Colorado, June to September. X. alblna Grt. 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., n, 157, Hadena. 1881. Grt., Bull. U. S. Geol. Surv., vi, 263, an var. castanea. HABITAT.— California. The "tyi^e" is in the British Museum; but I am not sure it is a fair representative of the species Mr. Grote meant to desi'ribe. It seems to be really a form of caatanea, as Mr. (xrote suggested ; but the specimen in the Tepper collections, also marked "type" by Mr. Grote, is more nearly allied to arctica, and is a good species as shown in my Revision. I prefer still to consider the form described by me as the species in- tended by Mr. Grote, the more so as I could not by comparison of the sexual characters of the British Museum "type" decide the question positively. X. pluviosa Wlk. 1865. Wlk., C. B. MuH., Hot., xxxiir, 725, Eurois. oaatanea Grt. 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 156, Hadena. cymosa Grt. 1881. Grt., Papilio, i, 34, Hadena. 1881. Grt., Papilio, i, 59 — ca»^awca. 1881. Grt., Bull. Geol. Surv., vi, 263=ca9tanea. Habitat. — California in April and May; Washington; Vancouver. The types of all the names are in the British Museum. Mr. Walker's pluviosa is exactly like caxtanea. Another " type" of caatanea is in the Tepper collection. X. oooidens Grt.* 1878. Grt., Bull. U.S. Geol. Surv., iv, 177, Hadena. Habitat. — Nevada; Colorado, August; Sierra Nevada, California. The type is in the British Museum. X. perpenBa Grt. 1883. Grt., Can. Ent., xiii, 229, Hadena. Habitat. — Arizona; New Mexico. The type is in Mr. Neumcegen's collection. CATALOGUE OP NOCTUID^ — SMITH. X.cifcullifonni8 Grt. 139 1875. Grt., Cbcclt List Noct., 24, Hadena. Habitat. — California. The type is iu the Britisli Museum. X. verbascoides Gn.* 1852. Gu., Spec. Gen., Noct., i, Ul, Xylophasia. 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mns., Het., ix, 177, Xjilophasia. 1873. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., i, 109, Hadena. . Habitat. — ^Middle, Eastern, and Central States, June and July. The type is in the British Museum. X. nlgrior Smith. 1890. Smith, Proc.U. S.Nat. Mns., xni, 437, Xylophaala. Habitat.— Maim'. The tyi)e is with Dr. Thaxter. X. cariosa Gn.* 1852. On., Spec. Gen., Noct., i, 144, Xylophania. 1856. Wlk,. U.B.MiiH.. Hot., ix, 178, Xnlophania. 1873. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., i, 109, Hadena. 1874. Grt., Can. Ent., vi, 15, Hadena. idonea Grt. 1882. Grt., Can. Ent., xiv, 18, Hadena. 1890. Smith, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mns., xiii. 438, XyhpJiastn. Habitat. — Maine to Texas; Wisconsin; Arizona; Northern States, .lune and July. The types of both names are in the British Museum, and are un- doubtedly the same species, much to my surprise. The cariosa type is a dark form of what T have always labeled with the same name; but the cariosa of the Grote collection is what I have supposed was idonea, I am the more surprised at this as my original knowledge of Gueude's species was based upoi specimens labeled by Mr. Grote. I had sup- posed idonea to be the western representative of cariosa. I liiul now that there are jirobably two species covering the same range. Mr. Grote seems to have realized the same fact; but in separating them he unfortunately selected as type exactly the same form described by Guenee. The matter needs further study. I had no males of 'Hdonea^^ before me when I wrote, and therefore can not be sure that the charac- ters given by mo authorize a new specific name. X. vulgaHs G. & R.* 18C0. 0. & K., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phila., vi, 19, pi. 3, f. 2, Xyh^7ic::.-r.. 1873. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., i, 110, Hadena. 1874. Grt., 6th Kept. Ponb. Ac. Sci., 32,= A'j/Hwa tocia. * Habit A'l'. — Middle and Eastern States; District of Columbia, May, June, and July. A specimen marked •' type," by Mr. Grote, is in the British Museum. Ill 140 BULLETIN 44, UNITKD STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. X. cristata (<rt. 1878. Art., Bull. Oeol. Snrv., iv. 17fi, Itadcna. Habitat. — Buffalo, New York. The type is iu the British Museum. It is a vulgaris of larjje size and with a reddish-yellow suffusion. It may be a {^ood species, but is more probably au aberration. It will need a large material from the locality to decide. X. antennata Smith.* 1890. Smith, Prnc. U. S. Nat. Mus., xui, 439, Xylophasta. IlAiHTAT. — California. The type is in the National Museum. X, relecina Mnrr. 1874. Morr., Piofi. Bost. Soc. N. H., xvii. 216, lladena. 1882. Hit., Now List, 27. Liictria. Habitat. — Texas; Glen wood Springs, Colorado, in October. The type is in the .'"^nseum of Comparative Zoiilogy at Cambridge. X. clnefacta Grt. 1881. Grt., Papilio. i. 77, HuAena. Habitat. — Washington; California; Colorado. The types are in the British Museuni and in the Edwards collection. X. centralis Smith.* 1890. Smith, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., xiii, 441, Xylophaaia. Habitat. — Sierra Nevada, California. Types are in the National Museum and in the Edwards collection. X. auranticolor Grt. 1873. Grt., Bull. Buflf. Soc. Nat. Sci., i, 109, ffadcna. Habitat. — Coh>rado; New Mexico; Washington, July 10, 8,000 feet; Oregoft, May and June; Arizona; Nebraska, in August. A speciinon, not marked " type," is in the British Museum. X. liguioolor Gn. 18.52. Gn., Spec. Gon., Noct., i, 140, Xplophasia. 185(5. VVlk., C. B. Mns., Hot., ix, 176, Ayloi>h<i8ia. 1873. Grt., Bull. Butt'. Soc. Nat, Sci., i, 109, Hmhua. 187."). Spcyor, Stott. Ent. Zoit., xxxvi, 149, Ifadina. 1879. Strk., Ropt. C'liiot Eug., 1878-79, V, 1861, Uadena, var. quaesita Grt. 1876. Grt., Can. Eut., viir, 26, Hadcnr. 1877. (irt.. Can. Ent., ix, 197, pr. hju. Habitat. — Canada; Northern, Eastern, T.Iiddlc, and Western States; Arizona; Colorado; Northern and Middle States, June, July, August. The types of both species and variety are iu the British Museum. CATALOGUE OF NOCTUID^ — SMITU. 141 X. geniaUs Grt.* 1874. Grt., Bull. Bi-.flF. Soc. Xat. Sci., ii, 66, fladena. Habitat. — California. The type is iu the British Museum. X. inordinata Moit.* 1875. Morr., Proc. Ac Nnt. Sci. Phil., 1875, 63, Hadena. var. montana Smith. 1890. Smith, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., xiii, 444, Xylophasia. Habitat. — Massachusetts, in June; Maine; Colorado. Mr. Morrison's type is in the Tepper collection, and is from the east; my type is in the Xutional Museum, and is from Colorado. X. semilunata Grt." 1881. Grt., Papilio, i, 58. Hadena. Habitat. — Washington ; Colorado. The type is in the British Museum. $ HADENA Schrank. The groupings are only approximate, and the senuencc of species is very defective. H. evelina French. » 1888. French, Can. Ent., x.v, 71, Hadena. Habitat. — California, Truckee, Shasta County, Sierra Nevada, in September; Glen wood Springs, Colorado, October. The typ^ is with Prof. French, who has kindly sent me a duplicate. H. bridghami G,& R.* 1866. G. & R., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., vi, 17, pi. 3, f. 1, Mameatra. 1873. Grt., Bull. Buff. Nat. Sci., i, 108, Hadena. Habitat. — Eastern States; Massachusetts, in July. A specimen labeled by Mr. Grote, but apparently not the type, is in the British Museum. I have no idea whore the type is; but as the species is so very distiuct and generally known, it is not a matter of serious importance. H. transfrous Neum. 1883. Neum., Papilio, in, 13{». Hndena. Habitat. — British Columbia. The type is in Mr. Neunui^gen's collection. H. vlolacea Grt. 1881. Grt., Bull. Geol. Surv., vi, 261, Hadena. Habitat. — California, Shasta County, Sierra Nevada; Colorado, in October. The types are iu the British Museum and in the Edwards collection. 142 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. : B. leucoBcelis Grt.* 1874. Grt., 6th Rept. Peab. Ac. Soi., 26, Polia. 1875. Grt., Check List Noct., 9, Hadena. fibulata Morr. 1874. Morr., Bull. BuflF. Soo. Nat. Sci., ii, 112, Dryohota. 1875. Morr., Can. Ent., vii, 216, Hadena. 1875. Grt., Check List Noct., 9, pr. syn. 1880. Grt., Bull. Geol. Surv., vi, 265, pr. syn. Habitat. — Canada; Maine; Ma8sachusett.s, in July; IJortliern New York, in August; Wisconsin; Coiorado. Mr. (irote's type is in the British Museum. I have seen Mr. Mor- rison's type in some collection, and it is this species. H. claudens Wlk.* 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mns., Het., xi, 753, Hadena. hillii Grt. 1876. Grt., Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. N. Y., xi, 305, Hadena. HABITAT. — New Foundland; Northern and Eastern States; Lewis County, New York, July. Walker's type is in the British Museum, in which is also a specimen of Mr. Grote's species. The two names refer to the same form; Mr. Grote's type is in the Hill collection. H. aduiza (irt. 1880. Grt., Can. Ent., xii, 243, Hadena. HABITAT. — Nevada. Types are in the British Museum and in the Tepper collection. H. pavise Behr.* 1874. Bchr, in Strk. Lep. Bhop. et Het., 94, Ta'niocampa. 1881. Grt., Bull. GjoI. Surv., vi, 266=curvata. Habitat.— California. Types are in Dr. Strecker's collection. In the British Museum are two specimens received from Mr. Hy. Edwards and labeled by him Dryohota paviw Behr. They look like an evenly colored curvata, Avith- out contrasts of color. I believe the species to be a good one, and have named it inconspicua in the National Museum and in Mr. Edwards's collection. The name has not been sanctioned by description; but it api)ears in my List of Lepidoptera, No. 2034, H. blnotataWlk.v 18ft5. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het., xxxii, 663, Mameflm, 1882. Grt., 111. Essay, 43, Hadena. ourvata Grt. 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. NaJ . Sci., ii, 157, Hadena, 1882. Grt., 111. Essay, 43, pr. syu. deterta Wlk. txtevaa Wlk. 1865. Wlk., C. B. Mas., H<>t., !^J?xiii, 728, Hadena. CATALOGUE OP NOCTUID^ — SMITH. 143 Habitat. — California; Washington; Vancouver. The types of all these names are in the British Museum, and all refor to the same species. I can find no description of detersa Wlk., and it is possible that this is a lapsus calami for extersa. H. genetriz Grt. 1878. Grt., Can. Eut., x, 237, Hadena. Habitat. — Nevada; Colorado. The type is in the British Museum, and resembles a powdery hinotata with all the maculation obscure. H. charaota Grt.* 1880. Git., Can. Eut., xii, 243, Hadena. 1881. Grt., Bull. Geol. Sarv., ti, 261, Hadena. Habitat. — Nevada; Arizona. The type is in the British Museum; another typical specimen is in the Tepper collection, whence the type was received. H. fumosa Grt.* 1879. Grt., Bull. Geol. Surv., v, 205, Hadena. Habitat. — Colorado; Washington. The type is in the British Museum. I have a specimen compared with it. H. indireota Grt.* • 1875. Grt., Can. Ent., vii, 28, Hadena. Habitat. — Colorado; California; Utah; Washington; Vancouver; British Columbia. The type is in the British Museum. H. diveata Grt.* 1874. Grt.; Can. Ent., vi, 215, Hadena. 1875. Grt., Can. Ent., vii, 28, Hadena. Habitat. — Colorado; California; Washington; Vancouver, August. The type is in the British Museum. H. tuae> t-rt. 1878. Grt., Bull. Geol. Surv., iv, 177, Hadena. Habitat.— California. The type is in the British Museum. It is a somewhat peculiar, broad- winged species, with prominent tuftings, and has a vague resemblance to Euplexia. The hind angles of the primaries are retracted, the mar- gins of secondaries even. H. tonaa Grt. 1880. Grt., Can. Ent., xii, 214, Hadena. Habitat.— Nevada. The type is in the British Museum. It is a small, frail species, of the size of modiola, of which it is an ally. It is much more powdery and more ashen gray. 144 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. H. semicana Wlk. 18C5. AVlk., C. B. Mu8., Het., xxxn, 675, Miana. latireptana Wlk. 1865. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het., xxxiii, 791, f Eraatria. modiola Grt. 1879. Grt., Bull. Geol. Surv., v, 204, Hadena. Habitat. — ^Wisconsin; "North America"; Colora4lo. The types of the Walker and Grote names are in the British Mu- seum, and all refer to the same species. Mr, Grote first compared his specits to modlea and afterward placed it next to fractilinea, of which 1 placed it as a variety in my list. It resembles exactly that species with all the red taken out. I have separated it here tentatively and for convenience in giving the synonymy. H. fractilinea Grt.* 1874. Grt., Can. Knt., vi, 15, Hadena. 1-ulviraga Morr. 1874. Morr., Proc. Host. Soc. N. H., xvii, 144, Hadena, Habitat. — Canada, in August; New York, in August; Illinois; Ver- mont; Wisconsin; Nebraska; Colorada; New Mexico. Mr. Morrison's type is in the Tepper collect''»n. Mr. Grote's type I have not seen. It does not seem to be in t' ritish Museum, but I may have overlooked it. I have, however, s lumber of specimens named by JVIr. Grote, and there is no doubt that Mr. Morrison's species is the same. H. misera Grt.* 1881. Grt., Bull. Geol. Surv., vi, 582. Hadena. HABITAT. — Illinois; New York, in August; Wisconsin. The type is with Mr. Neumoegen. H. egens Wlk. 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het., x, 263, Celcena. 1882. Grt., 111. Essay, 45, Celtena. 1889. Butler, I'rans. Eut. Soc. Loud., 386= Mameatra ferrea. Habitat. — Hudson Bay Territory; Colorado. Mr. Butler is in error in referring this species to Mamestra stricta Wlk., ^^ ferrea Grt. It is not a Mamestra at all, but a Hadena, and the type, though a poor specimen and badly rubbed, is like an insect I have had from Colorado, collected by Bruce. It is a good s])ecies. H. minusoula Morr. 1874. Morr.. Proc. Boat. Soc. N. H., xvii, 147, Orthosia. 1875. Grt., Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., 1875, 425, Parastichtit. 1875. Grt., Can. Ent., vii, pi. i. f. 3, Parastichlia. 1875. Morr , Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., 1875, 431, Hadena. Habitat. — Canada, in September; Massachusetts, in August and September; Maine; New Hampshire. The type is in the Tepper collection. CATALOGUE OF NOCTUID.E — SMITH. 145 H. marina Ort. 1871. Gi-t., Bull. Huff. Sou. Nat. Sci., ii, 07, Hiulena. II AUIT AT.— California. The tyj>e is iu the Museum. It is a smaller, Jianowcr winged form, but with all the niaculatiou miu'h as in misdoUks, H. miseloides Gn.'' 18.52. Gn., Si». Gon., N(nt., ii, 8!>, Ifadena, lS.-)3. IT. f^ih., Kx. Schuutt., 212, Hodeiia. 1«.')7. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Met., xi, 582, Ihukna. Habitat. — United States, east of the Rocky Mountains; ^N'ewTork, iu July; District of Columbia, in August; Texas, May and September. The type is in the British Museum. H. chlorostigma llarv. 1876. Harv., Can. Ent., viii, 53, i7adena. Habitat. — Texas, May 22; Illinois. The type is in the r>ritisli Museum. It is yet smaller than marina, the reniforin green; orbicular small and round; the liues white marked. R. smaragdina Neum. 1883. Ncuui., rapilio, iii, 140, Hadcna. Habitat. — Southwest Arizona. The type is iu the Neunnegeii collection. H. mactata Gn.* 1852. On., Si»oc. Gen., Noct., i, 207, AiMtnca. 18.56. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., ix, 2,">(), AiMmca, 1874. Grt., Trims. Am. Ent. Soc, v, 91, Hadcna. Habitat. — ( 'anada, July, August, and September; ITorthern, East- ern, and Middle States, same dates; Colorado. The type is in the British Museum. H. tiubulenta Ilhn.* 1820. llbn., ZutiiiKc pi. 15, iV. 67, 68, Phoxphila. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Hit., xni, 1018, AmpJiipyra. 1873. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., i, 180, Hadcna. 1888. Beutenmiiller, Can. Ent., xx, 136, larva. 1892. Edw. and Elliott, Bull. Am. Mus., N. H., iv, 77, larval habits. arcuata Wlk. ia57. Wlk., C. B. Mas., Hot., xi, 718, Xyhn)hasia. Habitat. — New York, southward; Delaware iu May; Georgia; Flor- ida; Middle States, August and September. COiS— No. U 10 ^ 146 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. IS il Walkur's type in the Britisli Museum is an unusually large spcciuieu of Hiibner's species. H. modica Gn.* 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., i, 207, Apamea. l«5fi. Wlk., C. B. Mns., Het., ix, 250, Apamea. 1874. Grt., Bull. Buif. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 15, Hadcna. subcedcng V. Ik. 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het., x, 264, C'-Jama. 1868. G. &. R., Traus. Am. Eut. Soc, ii, 78, pr! syn. 1889. Bntlor, Traus. Eut. Soc. Lond., 1880, 386, pr. syn. Habitat. — Canada; Eastern, Middle, and Central States, July to September; Colorado. Gueuee's type is probably in tlie OberthUr collection. Walker's is of course, in the British Museum. H. hauBta Grt. 1882. Grt., Can. Eut., xiv, 217, Hadena. Habitat. — Kittery Point, Maine; Northern New York; New Mexico. The type is in Dr. Thaxter's collection. H. cylindrioa Grt. ' 1880. Grt., Can. Eut., xii, 214, Hadena. H A BiTAT. — Nevada. The type is in the British Museum. It is a fragile thing, with slight body aiul large wings. Mr. Butler has i)laced it under Bryophila. It is more like Mr. Grote's Hadenella. H. patina Harv.* 1875. Harv., Bull. Bnflf. Son. Nat. Sci., iii, 7, Hadena. Habitat. — Texas, March and April; District of Columbia, August aud September. The type, is in the British Musenin, and is like the specimens from the Belfnige collection in the National IMuseum. H. diver Bioolor Morr." 1874. Morr., Proc. Bout. Soc. N. II., x\'ii, IH2, liemas. 1875. Grt., Proc. Ao. Nat. Sci. Phil., 187."), 41!t, Hadena. 1876. Grt., Stott, Eit. Zoit., xxxvii, i;i6, lUuhna, 1880. Grt., Bull. Bkln. Eut. So.., ui, 37, Un'hna. Habitat. — Massachusetts, August ami September; New York; New Hampshire. The type is in tlio Teppei' colleiitioa ; another specimen iu the British Museum is also marked " type." 1880. Grt., Bull. Bklu. Eut H. tortilla Grt. Sou., Ill, 46, Uadtn9, CATALOGUE OF NOCTUID.C — 3MITII. 147 HAniTAT.— Wasliington. Tlie type is in tlie Tepper collection. H. oluyselectra Grt.* 15W0. Grt., Can. Ent., xii, 244, Hadena. Habitat. — Colorado. The type is in the Neiuncpgen collection. Genus HILLIA Git. 1883. Grt., I'roc. Am. Phil. Soc, \xi, 168. H. craBis U. Scli.* IRI.'). H. Rch., Sclimett. Eur., ii, 361, Noct., pi. 28, f. 139, Xoctutt. 1883. Moeschl., Stett. Eut. Zoit., xi.iv, 117, Orthoaia. 1891. Butler, Eutomologist,, xxiv, 241, lAnonwgyna. erdmani Moeschl. 1874. Moeschl., Stott. Ent. Zcit.. xxxv, 158, Agrotia. 1883. Moosehl., Stett. Ent. Zeit., XMV, 117, pr. syu. semixigna Wlk. 1857. Wlk., 0. h. Mu8., Het., xi, 748, f (Mhotia. 1891. Butler. Entoniolonist, xxiv, 241, t pr. syn. aenesceiis Grt. 1878. Grt., Can. Eut., x, 235, Hadciia. 1883. Grt., Proc Am. Phil. Soc, xxi, 168, //' iia. 1891. Butler, Entomologist, iv, 211=^ semiaigna. vigilatiH Grt. 1878. Grt., Bull. Geol. Surv., IV, 176, Hadena. 1883. Grt., Proc. Am. Phil. Soc., xxi, 168, HUUa. TlABiTAT. — Coh>railo; Lewis Connty, New York, in Septomber; Ornuo, Maine; Ontario; Labrador; Lapland; Sweden. I have seen the types of vifiHans, senesceuH, and senmiffna in the IJritish Musenm. Mr. IJiitler refers Hcmmgna Wlk., to Henescem; but ill my notes I have referred it to Hfiilans, I think more correctly. The specimens of crasin in the museum left me in doubt as to the synonymy; but this doubt was removed by the specimens in the nniseum at Berlin. Mr. Moeschler long ago s« nt me .. specimen of his erdmani, labeled =vra8i8. We have hera a deci'l <lly variable species, the gray form being scncncenn Grt., and the cm, ,.* of the Berlin iVInseu.ii. The reddish form is rujUanHirYt.fWWiX erdmani Moes<'hl., with HcmiHuina './Ik., soine- wha*^^ intermediate but nearer to vifiilans. In muculation the median lin»'8vary in distinctness and the ordinary spots in the amount of bla<'k surrounding tliem. The species is not common, and I (liiiik 1 have seen nearly all the specimens in the American collections. H. algens Grt.* 1875. Grt.. Pun. Ent., x, 236, Hadciia. 1S83. Grt., Proc. Am. Phil. Soc, xxi, 168, IliUia. Habitat.— Maine; northern Now York; Colorado. 148 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Tlie type Is in the British Miisenni. It is a poor speeimen suid Mr. Butler makes it a Calathusasina, placing it next to Charadra, H. disciiiigra Wlk. ISnO. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., llet., ix, 27, /iriiophila. 1X74. Grt., Bull. BuflF. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 8, JaHpidra. 1882. Grt., 111. Essay, 40, f Valeria. Habitat.— Hudson Bay Territory. The type in the British Museum is a poor, crushed female, closely allied to algcns, but much darker basally. It is not intpossible that it may prove a suffused form of Mr. Grote's species, but it will need more material than I have seen to decide. Mr. Butler places it in Divopis, evidently without reference to the essential characters of that jjeuus. Geuim TRACHEA llbn. 18IG. Hbii., Virzeiclmis8,219. T. delicata Grt.* 1874. Grt., Trans. Am. Eut. Soc, v, 92, Ihidena, 1890. Grt., Revised Cbeck List, 20, Trachea. inln-na Grt. 1875. Grt., Cheek List, Noct., 24, Ifadvna. 1876. Grt., Can. Ent., viii, 180, pr. syn. 1890. Grt., Revised Cheek List, 20, pr. var. HABITAT.— Canada; Northern, Eastern, ^liddlo, and Central States. Tilt tyi)e8 are in the British Museum. Geuiis PSBUDANARTA Hy. Edw. 1875. Proe. Cul. Ac. Sei., vi, 133, A revision of the species of this ji'cnus will be found in the Ent(>m()lo}>'- ica Americana, V, 175, to which reference should be made for spccilic characters. P. flava Grt." 1874. Grt.. Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. v, !M. Hodnia. 1878. Grt., Bull. (Jeol. Surv., n , 17!<. Vxnulunnrta. rroira Hy. Edw. 1875. Hy. Edw., Proc Cal. Ac, Nat. Sci., w, 133, I'seudanarla. l!<80. Grt., Bull. (ieol. Snrv., vi. 2(i5, i»r. vur. 1881. Grt., Can. Ent., xii, 215, |»r. var. 1889. Smith, Eut. Amer., v, 178, ])r. syn. Habitat.— British Columbia; Oregon; Nevada; Colorado, AujOfust and September; Arizona. Mr. Grote's type is in the British Museum; Mr. Edwards's species is in his own collection. P. singula Grt.* 1880. Grt.. Can. Ent., Xil. 215, I'teiidanarla. Habitat. — Texas, in Ot'tober; Arizona; Cohnado in August, The type is in the British Museum. CATALOGUE OF NOCTUID.E — SMITH. 149 k'cics is P. flavidens Grt.* 1879. (irt., I'.iiU. (Jcol. Siirv., v, 205, Pseudanartn. ITaiutat, — Coloiiulo in September; New Mexico. The type is in the liritisli IVrusenni. . auiea (.irt. 1879. (Jr(., I$iill. (Jeol. Surv., v, 205, I'st'iuhniarta. 18H2. (irf., Can. Eiit., xiv, 11), I'avmlanurta. IXSi). Siiiilli, Kilt. Aiiior., V, 177, Pneudanarta. Habitat. — Southern Texas. The type is in the IJritish Musenni ami is a Hi'liotlnd, I tliink. Tt most resembles 3/c//f7('y//r/«, ami has the anterior tibia armed with a claw. I eouhl not deci«le positively from the specimen where it best belonged and leave the species in the present genus until more material is at hand. It was unknown to me in 1S89. P. falcata Xeiira. 1883. Xcimi., riipilio, ni, IH, Pnvudtiiiarta. 1889. iSmitli. Eiit. Auu^r., v, 17(5, Pmiuhuioiia. Haiiitat. — Ariziuia, Fort lluachuca. The type is in the Xeunuegeu collection. I have had a recent chance to examine it, aiul tind it a Heliothid, probably best relerred to Ptieu- dauthavUt. The material is too scant for positive reference and I leave it h<.'re with the probabilities im ilea led. 1816. Hltii., V.i/ci.linis> lol. A revision of the species of this genus will lie found in I^ntomologica Americana, 1880, v, 145. The separation of tlie species there accords with the types so far as 1 have seen them, except where otherwise mentioned. O. festivoides On.* 1852. Gil., Spec. Gen., Nott., i, 220, Cdmia. 185(i. Wlk., C. M. MiiH., lift., x, 2(51, Ccloiia. 1881. (irt.. Hull. (icol. 8niv., v, 261, (>/«f/i«. vaiia Wlk. 1857. Wlk., C. 15. MiiH., Ifet., xii, 808, IJaslrla. t'('^>/i (I /(■<'« (irt. M.SS. 1891. Hiillor, Eiitoiiiolojjist, xxiv, 241, \n\ »,vu. Haiiitat. — Canada to Florida to Texas, west to Nebraska; Texas in March, A])ril, and August; New York in May. All the types are in the British Museum. Mr. Grote's name was never publislicd, and would not have been cited here, but for Mr. liut- ler^u note. tJrmttria varia is a well doll ned specimen of this si)ecics. 150 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MLSEUM. O. chalcedonia Hbu.* 1815. Hbn., Eur, Schmett., Noct., 404, Oligia. 1816. Treit., SeLmett. Eur., i, 74, Brygphila. 1852. Gu., Spec. Gen., Noct., i, 221, Celaita. 1856. WIk.,C. B. Mus., Het., x, 262, CelcBna. ■1891. Butler, Entomologist, xxiv, 240, Mamestra. DJuctoWlk. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het., xii, 730, Miana. 1882. Grt., 111. Essay, 44, pr. syn. 1891. Butler, Entomologist, xxiv, 240, pr. syn. irretoluta Wlk. 1&57. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., xii, 7.31, ? Celana. 1882. Grt., 111. Essay, 45. pr. syn. 1891. Butler, Entomologist, xxiv, ^40, pr. syn. arna Gn. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., I, 222, Celana. 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., x, 262, Cdmua. 1875. Harv., Bull. Buflf. Soc. Nat. Sci., in, 7, niigia, 1889. Smith, Ent. Amer., v, 148, pr. syn. tracia Grt. 1874. Grt., Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., 1874, 204, pr. var. 1875. Harv., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., iii, 7, pr. syn. 1881. Grt., Bull. Geol. Snrv., vi, 261, an var. pr. 1889. Smith, Ent. Amer., v, 148, pr. syn. 1891. Butler, Entomologist, xxiv, 240, pr. syn. Habitat. — Canada in June; New York in June; Maryland ; Florida, Texas, March, Aiiril, and August; Colorado; New Mexico; Alabama in November. The Walker and Grote types are in the British Museum; Guen^e's type is from the Doubleday material and should be there .iho^ but I did not see it. I can not quite see why Mr. Butler refers chalcedonia to Mamestra andfestivoideH to Oligia. The two are surely closely enough related to be congeneric. O. versicolor Gi't.* 1874. Grt., Proc. Ac. Nat. S. i. |>hil., 1874, 201, Oligia. 1875. Grt., Can Ent., vii, pi. i, f. 11, Oligia. HABITAT. — Ontario in June; northern New York. The species is in the British Museum, but apparently not the type specimen. Mr. Van Du/ee has sent me the species Irom Buffalo. O. ezesa Gn." 1852. Gn., Spec. Gun,, Noct., i, 222, Celana. 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Hot., X, 262, Celcma. 1881. Grt., Bull. Geol. Surv., vi, 265, Oligia. floi-idiatM Wlk. 1865. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., xxxiii, 730. Hmlena. 1891. Butler, Entomohtgist, xxiv, 241, pr. syn. HABITAT.— Florida in March. The types are in the British Museum, and Mr. Butlcr^s reference is correct. CATALOGUE OF NOCTUID^ — SMITU. 151 O. fuBcimacula Grt.* 1881. Grt,, Bull. Geol. Surv.,vi, 262, 265, Oliyia. Habitat. — Florida; Teias. A " type" is in the British Museum ; another in the Tepper collection. O. grata Hbn.* 1819. Hbn., ZutrtBge, 16, f. 71, 72, Elaphria. 1816. Hbu., Verzeichniss, 230, Elaphria. 1856. Wlk., C. B. MuH., Het,, x, 293, Caradrina. 1874. Grt., Bull. Biiif. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 22, Caradrina, i-aHliH MoiT. 1874. Morr., Proo. Boat. Soc. N. H., xvii, 1.58, Hadena. 1875. Grt., Can.Ent., vii, 58, pr. syn. 1875. Grt., Bull. Biilf. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 211, pr. syn. 1880. Grt., Can. Ent., xii, 86, pr. syn. 1881. Grt., Bull. Geol. Snrv., vi, 265, pr. syn. Habitat. — Maryland to Kansas to Florida to Texas, March to Sep- tember in every month. Types of Mr. Morrison's species are in the Tepper collection, and in the museum at Cambridge. The species is a common one locally in the Southern States. O. nucioolora Gn.* 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., i, 24, pi. 4, f. 9, Monodca. 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Hot., X, 284, Monorfcs. unmgnata Wlk. 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het., ix, 189, Laphngma. 1891. Butler, Entomologist, xxiv, 241, Laphyijtna. paginata Morr. 1875. Morr., Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., xxvii, 64, Hadena, 1881. Grt., Bull. Geol. Surv., vr, 265, OUgia. clara Harv. 1878. Hnrv., Can. Eat., x, 57, Caradrina. Habitat. — Florida; Texas. Mr. Morrison's type is in the Tcppor colleiition; the otliers are in the British Muse\im. Mr. Grote sujjfgested very doubtfully that Guen<^e might have intended to describe paginata; but figure and description pointed to IHatysentaatrloiliata so decidedly that I feltjustitled in mak- ing the refeieace in my recent list. Mr. Butler suggested that paginata might be nnisignata Wlk., if the former was correctly named in the Mu- seum. Harvey's type of clara is a dull, dark specimen, but unques- tionably the same species. Genus PBRIOBA Gn. 1862. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noot., i, 225. The species of this gentis must be studied in connection with material ft'om the West Indian fauna before a stable nomenclature can be at- tained. There are either several species resembling each other very closely or there are some that are widely distributed and somewhat variable. i 152 nULLKTIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUil. P. xanthioides On.* 1852, On., Spec. Oeu., Noct., i, 227, Vivigea. 1856. Wlk., C. K. Mus., Hot., X, 271, 1'engm. ab. eniza (irt.* 187.'). (Jit., Hull. Hiift'. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, ItlO, I'er'tgea. 1882. (Jrt.,Now List, 28, pr. var. 1890. (iit., Keviseil Che«k List, 19, ah. pr. 1892. Hcut., Hull. Am. Mum. N. If., iv, (59, larva. IlAmtAT. — ('anada; N(»\v roik, soiitliward to FloiiMa; NortluM-n States ill March, June, and August; Texas in March, A|»ril, A^ugust. Guen<?e'.s type is in the British Museum. Mr. (irote, 111. Essay, 45, refers/*. wofcfM* Wlk., C. B. M., Hct., x, 277, as a synonym to this species, but 1 think incorrectly so. Walker's type is from the West Indies and differs quite evidently from our specimens. It may prove a geographical race eventually, but the material is not yet at hand to decide this positiv(?ly. The typ(^ of mlvn is also in the British Museum, and without a large anumnt of matt^rial certainly looks like a distim-t speci(i8. p. icole (irt. 1875. Cjlrt., Proc. Host. Soc N. H., X Viii, III, Virlgca. HABITAT. — Florida. The type is in the British Museum. P. vecors Ou.* 1852. Gil., Spec, Gen., Noct., i, 272, Pvfiffea. 1856. Wlk,, C. n.Mns., Het., \, 272, I'engea. remtHsa Wlk. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mns., Het., xi, 729, A^)ai)tca. 1882. Grt., 111. Essay, 45=Jnx«. liixa (>rt. 1875. Grt., Bull. Bntt". Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 200, Penfiea. Habitat. — New York in .lunc and August; Massachusetts in July; southward to Florida and Texas; Colorado; District of Columbia in August. The types of all the names are in the British ^luseum, and all refer to the same species. Mr. (irote's suggestion that Walker's name be abandoned because already used in an allied genus is settled by Guenee's taking it. Vecors had not been identified heretofore. P. epopea Cram.* 1782. Cram., Pap. Exot., in, 144, pi. 272, G, & H., Noctua. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., I tct., i, 259, Atfrotia, 1856, Wlk., G. B. Mus., Hot., x, 338, f igrotia. 1883, Grt,, Can, Ent,, xv, 3, I'erlnm. itifelix Gn, 1852. Gn,, Spec, G«,ii., Noct,, t, 229, Virlqea. 1856, Wlk,, C, B, Mus.. Het., x, 271, Viritjea. 1883, Grt., (;an. Ent., xv, 3, pr. sj n. palpalia Wlk. CATALOGUE OF NOCTUir.E SMITH. 153 1850. Wlk., C.B.Mns., Hot., ix, 240, Condica. 1882. (irf., HI. Essay, 43, =uiJeUx. conj'ederata (»rt. 1874, Grt., Mull. Buff. Soc. Nat. .<!ci,, ii, 143, nuilena. 1882. (Jrt., Ill.Esaay, 43, =infelix. Habitat. — Gulf States, extending northwanl alonj; the coast, occa- sionally to Maine. New York in October; District of ('olumbia in Sep- tember. The types of all save Oramer's species are in the Hritish Museum. There are more names which I am certain refer to this same form ; but I have given above all from our own literature. Herrich-Schajffer and (fundlach both use Guenee's name in their works. P. claufacta Wlk." 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mas., Het.,xi, 760, i Xylina. commoda Wlk. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mns., Het., xi, 760, Xyliiia. fahrefucta Morr. 1874. Morr., Proc, Bust. Soc. N. II., xvii, Mfi, Si'fiet'm. 1875. Harv., Bull. Buff, Soc. Nat. Sci., iii, 7, J'niym. Habitat. — Massaciuisetts in September; New York, west to the Central States, south to Florida and Texas; Texas in Xovemb;'r and December; District of Columbia in October. The types are in the British IVruseum. Claufucta is a rubbed speci- men, but of the normfil type. Commoda is a more obscure form in which the white is almost eliminated. It is quite probable that Walker has still further described the species from South America, but I had no time to study the matter, and the relief of our own literature from unidentified names was my chief object. C. punotifera Wlk. 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mns., Het., x, 263, Cdana. aemij'uvca Wlk. 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Hot., x, 732, Celwna. Habitat. — "United States;" St. Domit.go. Walker's types are in the British Museum. That oTpuneti/cra is one of Doubleday's specimens without h)cality and may have cone from Florida. The other specimens are under the ot\mv name, one from the "West Indies," the oth.r from Jamaica. • Walker gives it from St. Domingo. The ivjse" uas the wing form of albolabes, but it is much smaller. It is like fabrefacta in color ; the ordinary spots are well marked and the reniform is spotted with white. p. faUa Grt. 1889. Grt. Cau. Eut., xii. 215, Peiigea. HABITAT.— Havilah, California. The type is in the British Museum, bluuce to Mameatra Uucofframma, Tl insect has a curious rescm- 154 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. P. albolabes Grt. 1880. Grt., Can. Eiit.., xii, 216, I'erujea. Habitat. — Preacott, Arizona; Colorado in August; Now Mexico. The type is in the British Museum. p. loouloia Grt. 1881. Grt., Papilio, i, 154, Perigea. Habitat. — Tucson, Arizona; New Mexico. Types are with Mr. Neuincegeu and in the British Museum. P. faaclata Hy. Edw. 1886. Hy. E<lw., Ent. Anier., ii, 169, Perigea. Habitat. — Colorado Desert. The types are in Mr. Edwards's collection. P. perpleza Grt.* This species is not sanctioned by description so far as T cnn find. Tt is a common western form and has been quite generally distributed by Mr. Grotc, the name appearing in his check list. p. pulverulenta Smith.* 1891. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, xviii, 105, Perigea. Habitat. — Colorado, Glenwood Springs in August. Types are in the National Museum and with Mr. Neumopgca. p. dUecta Hy. Edw. 1884. Hy. Edw., Papilio, iv, 123, Perigea. Habitat. — Arizona. . ^ The type is with Mr. Neumopgen, who says it is an Ulolonche, p. contiuens Hy. Edw. 1884. Hy. Edw., Paitilio, iv, 122, Perigea. Habitat. — Arizona. The type is in Mr. Neumoegen's collection. p. niveirena Harr. 1876. Harv., Can. Ent., vm. 53, Perigea. HaiJitat. — Vancouver. A type is in the British Museum; another in the Edwards collection. P. benigna Hy. Edw. 1884. Hy. Edw., Papilio, iv, 122, Peiigea. Habitat. — Arizon a. The type is with Mr. Neumoegcn, and seems to be a rubbed specimen of SadetM chryaeleotra. CATALOGUE OP NOCTUID^E — SMITH. 155 p. mersa Morr. 1875. Morr.. Pror. Bost. Soc. N. H., xviii, 120, Segettl. Habitat.— California. The type is iu the Strecker collection. P. prosdma Morr. 1875. Morr., Proc. Boat. Soc. N. H., xvni, 240, Segetla. Habitat. — Texas. Genus DIPTBRTOIA Sto]ili. 1829. Stepb., 111. Brit. Ent., Huust., ii, 1C7. D. acabriuBcula Liiiii.* 1758. Linn., Syst. Nat., ed. x, 516, Nocttia. 1759. Clorck, Icones, t. 1, f. 8, Xoctua. 1871. Stgr., Cat. Lop. Eur., 103, Dipterygla. pinaslri Linn. 1761. Linn., Fn. Suec, 315, 1188, Noctna. 1767. Linn., Syst. Nat., ed. xii, ii, 851, Noctua. 1787. Fabr., Mant. Ins., it, 171, Noctaa. 1789. Gnielin, in Linn., Syst. Nat., ed. xiii, v, 2569, JVbcfuo. 1810. Hbn., Eur. Schmett., iv, pi. 51, f. 246, Noctua. 1816. Hbu., Yerzeichniss, 244, Calliergis. 1829. Stepb., 111. Br. Ent., Haust., n, 168, Dipieiygia. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., i, 146, Dipterygia. 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Hot., x, 180, Dipterygia. 1862. Grt., Proc. Ent. Soc. PliiJ., i, 218, Dipterygia. 1871. Stgr., Cat. Lep. Eur.. 103, pr. syn. Habitat. — Canada; Northern, Eastern, and Central TJnitod States, June to September; Colorado; Tv^xas in Maich. This is one of the species common to Enrope and eastern North America, and has a much larger European bibliography, which it is not necessary to give here. It seems to have been seldom referred to iu such way as to merit citation in our country. Genus HTPPA Dnp. 1844. Dup., Cat.Meth.,iv, 23L 1852. 1856. 1870. 1873. 1876. 1857. 1868. 1857. 1868. 1875. 1875. 1876. H. zylinoideBGn.* Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., ii, 106, pi. 8, f. 11, Tfadcna, Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Hot., XI, 584, Uadena. Saund., Can. Ent., ii, 33, fliMfcHO— Urva. Grt., JuU. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., i, 110, Ihjppa. Grt., Stett. Ent. Zelt., xxxvii, 137, Hyppa. rectilinea t Wlk. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Hot., XI, 579, Hudena. Q. &R., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, ii, 78, pr. syn. contraria Wlk. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., xi, 627, Xylim. G. & K., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, ii, 78, pr. syn. ancovisconenaie Morr. Morr., Can. Ent., vii, 188, Uadena, Grt., List Noctuida;, 20, pr. syn. Grt., Stett. Ent. Zeit., xxxvii, 137, pr. syn. 156 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. ITabitat. — Canada to Virginia, west t<) the Central States; New Ilampsliirc in Aug:ust; ("anada, Jnly and Anjjnst; New York, May, June, Aiiffiist, September; Illinois, August and Sei>teniber. The types of xylinoules and contraria are in the British Museum and are corn^etly referred. Mr. Morrison's type I have not seen, but have seen specimens named by him, and Mr. Grote's referenee is undoubtedly correct. ■. G<>nti.s VALERIA (iorni. 182L (Jeriii., Maf?. Eiit., IV. ]).? 1829. Steph., lU. Brit. Ent., Hanst., iir, 22. V. opiua Grt. 1878. Grt., Bull. Geol. Surv., iv, 178, Driiohola. 1883. Grt., Proc. Am. Phil. .Soc, xxi. 1 KJ, lulnla. Habitat. — (California in Octoher. The type is in the British Museum. Mr. (Jniof also lias one of the specimens from which the description was made. Valeria is credited to Germar in literature, and the date given in the nomentilator is 1821. I have been unable to And that Germar uses the term at all, and on api>\"ijig to Mr. Kirby, he informs me that he can find no earlier use of the term than that cited from Stephens. I give the citation from Germar as I find it ; but it is incorrect. Gcmis CALOPHASIA Steph. 1829. Steph., HI. Br. Ent., Haiist., ii, 61. C. strigata Smith.* 1891. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, xviii, 107, f'a/ojy/irtsfti. Habitat. — Colorado. The type is in tlie National Museum. Genus HOMOHADENA Grt. 1873. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., i, 180. A monographic revision of the species will be found in the Proceed- ings of the United States National Museum for 1890, vol. xiii, 399-405, in which all the species are fully described. H. incomitata Harv.* 187."). Harv., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., iii, G, Ifomohadcna, 1875. Harv., Can. Ent., vii, 136, Uomohadeita, Habitat. — Texas in May. The type is in the British Museum. H. inconstaua Grt. 1883. Grt., Can. Ent.. xv, 28, Homohadena. Habitat. — Arizona. The type is iu Mr. Neumcegen's collection. CATALOGUE OF NOCTUID^ — SMITH. 157 H. figurata Harv.* 1875. Harv., Can. Eiit., vii, 117, Homohodoia. Habitat. — Nevada j California; Colorado, Olcnwood Springs in Sep- tember. The type is in the British Museum an«l seems to In-! a pood species, distinct from retrovtrsa, which it resend>les from the dcsciij,)tion. H. chorda Grt. 1880. Grt., Can. Ent,, xii, 256, Homohadcna. Haihtat. — Colorado; Sierra Nevada, California. The type is in the British Museum. H. epipascbia Grt. 1882. Grt.,Proc. Kaus. Ac. Sci., vui, 19, Uumoluitlcna. Habitat. — Kansas; New Mexico. The tyi)e is with Mr. Neumflpgc.. H. vulu3rea Grt. 1883. Grt.,Ciui. Ent., xv, 29, Homohadtna. IlABiTAi'. — Arizona. The type is in Mr. Neunnegen's collection. H. deserta Htiiith. 1890. Smith, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mim., xiii, 102, Ilumoliadcna. Habitat. — Colorado Desert. The type is in the Edwards <-ollection. H. induta Harv.* 1871. llarv., Bull. BnflF. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 271, Uomohadena. l.'»7r>. Morr., Can. Ent., Vii., 91 —relronrsa. 1875. IFarv., Caa. Ent., vii, 118, Homohadnin. 1875. Harv., Bnll. Butf. Hov. Nat. 8ci., iii, G, an .sp. diat. Habitat. — Texas, in April and May. The ty])e is in the Britisli Museum. H. retro versa Mi>rr.* 1871. MoiT., Proc. Post. Soc. N. II., XVII, 157, llomoluulena. 1875. Harv., Bull. BiiH'. Soc. Nat. Sci., in, (i-^knjiptt. 1890. Sniitli, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mns., xiii, 103, au sp. dist. 1 1 ABiTAT. — Missouri. The type is in the Tepper collection. A duplicate is in the National Museum, named by Morrison, but s<*arcely like the type and much more like kappn. It is ]»ossible that the type will jnove au aberrant Imjtpa, as suggested by Dr. Harvey. H. infixa Wlk.* 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mns., Hct., ix, 178, Xiilophania. 181K). Smith, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mns., xiir, 1 15, an Uniiiohadciiaf kappa Grt. 1874. Grt., Truns. Am. Ent. Soc, v, 92, Uomohadcna. 158 BULLETIN 4<, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. ' Habitat. — Missouri; Iowa; Kansas; Texas; Florida, in October. The types are in the British Museum. From Walker's description I suspected that his species would be referable to this genus, but it would not have been possible to identify it without seeing the tyi)e. H. badistriga Grt.* 1872. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 20, Hadcna. 1873. Grt., Bull. Buft". Soc. Nat. Sci., i, 181, Homohadcna. 1875. Grt., Check List Noctiiidoi, pi. i, f. 5, Honiohadena, 1878. Lint., Ent. Contr., iv, 93, Homohadena. Habitat. — Canada and New York, in July; Maine to Texas; west to Kansas; Colorado. The tyi)e is in the collection of the American Eutomolcgical Society. Genua ADITA Grt. 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nut. Sci., ii, 63. A. cUonanthi S. & A.* 1797. S. & A., Ins. Ga., ii, 195, pi. 98, Phala-na. 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 63, Adita. 1875. Morr., Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. N. Y., xi, 95, Adita. 1883. Grt., Proc. Am. Phil. Soc, xxi, 155, 168, Adila. HABITAT. — Georgia; New York; Canada, in August; Platte Caiion, Colorado. Genus ONCOCNBMIS Led. 1857. Lederer, Noct. Eur., 94. A monographic revision of the species of this genus will be found in the Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, xvi, 321-349, 1889, which should be con- sulted for siieciflc characters. O. hayesi Grt.* 1873. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., i, 106, pi. 3, f. 13, Onvocnemis. Habitat. — Colorado, July, August, Septcniberj Nevada County, California, September; British Columbia. The type is in the British Museum. O. dayi Grt.* 1873. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sii., i, 105, pi. 3, f. 8, Onconiemis. 1877. Grt., Bull. Geid. Surv., in, 116, Oncoviiemin. Habitat.— Colorado, 10,000 feet, August and September. The type is in the British Museum. O. mirificalis Grt.* 1879. Grt., Bull. Geol. Snrv., v, 207, Oncocnemia. Habitat. — Nevada ; California, Nevada County, in Sei)tcmber. The tyx)e is in the Edwards colluutiou. CATALOGUE OP NOCTUID^ — SMITU. O. fasoiatus Smith.* 159 1888. Smith, Insect Life, i, 18, Oncocnemis. IlAB'TAT. — Southwest Colorado, August L'Oj Nevada County, Cali- toruisi, SPi»tenibei. The tyx)e is iu the National Museum. O. tenulfascia Smith.* 1888. Smith, Insect Life, i, 18, Oncocnemis, Habitat. — Colorado, August and September. ' The tyi)e is in the Tepper collection ; others in the National Museum. O. atiifasoiata Murr.* 1875. Morr., Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Pliil., 1875, 431, Metahadcna. 1878. Grt., Can. Ent., x, 234, Homohadem. 1880. Grt., Bull. Bkln. T.nt. Soc, ui, 38, Homohadena. 1889. Smith, Traus. Am. Eut. Soc, xvi, 329, Oncocnemis. Habitat. — Maine; New York, Adirondack Mountain.s. A type is in the TepiJer collection; another is iu the British Museum. O. termlnalls Smith.* 1888. Smith, Insect Life, i, 19, Oncocnemis. Habitat. — Colorado, Denver and Boulder, in August. The type is in the Tei)i)er collection ; another siiccinien is in the Na tional Museum. O. levlB Grt.* 1880. Grt., Can. Ent., xii, 254, OncocnemiB. Habitat. — Arizona; Colorado, Golden City and Denver, in August, Glenwood Springs in September. Types are in the British Museum, and in the U. S. Natiounl Museum; the latter originally given me by Mr. Grote himself. Still another is with Mr. Neumu*geu, O. simplsx Smith. 1888. Smith, Insect Life, i, 20, Ontociicmia. Habitat.— Ashley Valley, Utah. The type is in the Edwards collection. O. augustuB Hiirv.* 1875. Hiirv., Bull. Bnff. Soc. Nat. Sci., iii, 73, pi. 3, f. .'">, OniocncmU. 1877. (iit., Bull. Geo!. Sui-v., iii, 176, Oncocncmw. Habitat. — Texas in October; Colorado in August. The type is in the British Museum. O. Iricolor Smith.* 1888. Smith, Insect Life, i, 19, Oncocnemis. Habitat. — Colorado; Denver in August and Sej)tomber. Tyjies are in the National Museum and in the Tepper collecliou. IGO BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. O. sauudersiana Grt.* 1876. Grt., Can. Eat., viii, 29, Oncocnenm. 1889. Siiutli, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, xvi, 337, OncocnvmlB. Hauitat. — Texas in October; Illinois; Missouri in July; Canada. The type is in the British Museum. This is a most curiously di.s tributed species, occurring iu isolated specimens only. O. behrensi Grt. 1874. Grt., RiilLtBiiff. Soc.Nat. Sci., ii, 65, Onoorncmit, 1877. Grt., Biill.(Je<>l.Snrv., in, 116, Oiwocnviuia. Hauitat. — California in February, The type is in the liritish Museum. O. pernotata Grt. 1883. Grt., Can. Ent., xv, 25, Oncocnemia. Hauitat.- Arizona. The type is iu the Neumoegen collection. O. gleimyi Grt.* 1873. Grt., null. Rnff. Soc. Nat. Sei., I, 111, pi. 4, f. 17, Onroonmh. Habitat. — (Johnado, July; Denver in September and October. The type is in the British Museum. O. homogeua Grt. 1871. Grt., BiiU.Gool.Surv., in, 8(t0, ()ncoctiemi$. Habitat. — Colorado in August. The type is in the British Museum. O. extremis SiKiitli. 1890. Sinilli, Ent. Anier., vi, 30, Oncorneiiiia. Habitat. — Northwest British ('olnmbia. The type is with Mr. Xeumu^gen. O. occata Grt.* 1874. Grt., TrauH. Am. Ent. Soc, v. III, Chophnna. 1875. Grt.. Bull. Burt'. Soc. Nat. Sci., ui, 9, 1(», jil. ii, f. fi, Clroiihuna. 1876. Grt., Bull. Bull'. Soc. Nat., Sci., in, 87, (hniiniimix. 1876. Grt., Stctt. Knt. Zoit,, XXXVli, 136, ()iiroviivmin. Habitat.— Texas, February and March; C'alilornia, Axnil and May; Colorado in August. The type is iu the British Museum. O. meadiaua Morr. 1875. Morr,, Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. I'bil,, 1875, 60. OnrocHcmla. 1877. Grt,, Bull. (icol. Surv., in, 117, Oinvcutmit. Habitat.— Arizona. The type is iu th»' Tei)pcr collection. CATALOGUE OF NOCTUID.E — SMITH. 161 O.fortiB Grt.* 1880. Grt, Can. Ent., xii, 2.57, HomohwUnn. 1889. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, xvr, 340, Oncocnemis. picina Grt. 1880. Grt., Can. Ent., xii, 257, Homohadena. 1890. Smitli, Proc. U. S. N;\t. Mas., xiii, 401, Homohadena, vorax Uehrens. 1884. Behrons, Papilio, iv, 24, AgrotU (larva only). 1884. Smitli, Papilio, iv, 114, PoUa (desc. imajjo). 1889. Smitli, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, xvi, 340, pr. syn. Habitat. — Nevada ; Californi a. The type of picina is in the British Museum; that of/ortis is in the Tepper collection, and that o{ vorax I have had from Dr. Behrens f)r description. They all refer to one species only, slightly variable m ground color and in the relative distinctness of the puncMform mark- ings. I did not know^>«c'i/ia when I wrote, but suspected tiie synonymy from the descriptions. O. chandleri Grt.* 1873. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soo. Nat. Sci., i, 107, pi. 3, f. 9, Oncocnemia. 1875. Grt., Bnll. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., iii, 87, Onrovnemis. 1877. Grt., Bull. Geol. Surv., iii, 17, Oncociicmin. HAniTAT. — Colorado, in July, August, and September; Nevada, The type is in the British IVIuseum; a specimen marked "type" by Mr. Morrison is in the National Museum. O. riparia Morr. * 1875. Morr., Can. Ent., vii, 213, an var. chandleri. 1876. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., in. H'i, = chundlcri. 1876. Grt., Stctt. Ent. Zcit., xxxvii, 117, ^^vhundlmi. 1877. Grt., Bull. Gcol. Surv., iii, 117, chaiidliri. 1879. Tepper, Bull. Bl<ln. Ent. Soc, i, 31, locality and iiahits. 1880. (!rt., Can. Ent., xu, 25li, =rh(iiidleri. 1881. Grt., Papilio, i, 31, an sp. disk.? 1889. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, xvi, 343, dint, clniract. Habitat. — Long Island, Bulfalo, New York; Isle of Slioals, Massa- chusetts, in .Inly. A "typc^" is ill the Teppt>r (collection ; another in the British Museum from the Urote material. O. oolorada Smith.* 1892. Smitli, Ent. News, iv, 100, jil. vi, il«. 5, (hirncnemiK. Habitat.— (J antral and western Colorado, July, August, and Octo- ber, The type is iit the National iMnseum, CO IS -No. W 11 \i ! 162 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. O. major Grt.* 18«0, Grt., Papilici, i, 3:^, nnroi'nnnin. 1889. Smith, Trans. Am. Eiit. Soc, xvi, 811, OnrocHcmia. aqunlis Grt. 1881. (»rt., Paitilio, i, 33, Onencnemis. 1889. Smith, Trans. Am. Eut. Soc, xvi, 315, Onrovnvmis. luirvicollin (irt. 1883. (Jrt., Can. Enl., w, 10, Oncociiemin. 1889. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, xvi, 314, pr. syn. Habitat. — Arizona; Colonulo, Salida iii.Inly; California. Types of major are in liie Ncunm'<>en coiJjM'tion and in tlic Britisli IMuseuni. The types of eiiriiicoUia are in the Nati(»nal Museum ami in tiie Neiim<e};en ami (Iraef eollei^tions and have l)een already re- ferred to mojor by me. Tlie type of aqualis is in the Hritish Mnseiim, and is also the same as major; it is smaller, and the dashes in the s. t. space are not interrupted; but this is a variable (jharacter, and in the type of major in the Museum, they are bsirely to be termed interrupted. The British Museum types both of major and aqualis are females. O. oblita Grt. 1877. Grt., Hull. Gcol. Snrv., iii, 117, Onvoenemia. H AIUTAT.— Nevada. The typo is in the British Museum. It ajurees well with the descrip- tion, but does not seem to be an Oncocuemis; at least I can not make out a claw to the fore tibia. I have seen the species without recognizing it. Mr. Grote states positively "I'or*^ tibial with a short daw,'' and a« it is possible that the type specimen has become defective, 1 can not at present dispute the reference. O. cibalis Grt.* 1880. Grt., Can. Ent., xii. 211, Oiicocinmis, II AIUTAT. — Colorado in October. The type is with Mr. Graef. O. gracillima Grt.* 1881. Grt., Can. Ent.. xiii, L'31, Oiironicmis. 1 1 ABiTAT.— Ariz<»na. The typo is with Mr. Neumo'geu. O. atriooUaris llarv.* 1871. ir:w-v., Hull. Hntr. Soc. Nat. Soi.,!!, 273, lloniohdHona. 187."), itlorr., (.Jan. Ent.. \ii. 91, Citp'ihmleiui, 187ri. Grt., Mull. niitV. Soc. Nat. Sci,, iii, 73, Onroi'nvmia, 1877. (Jrt.. IIuU.CkmiI. Snrv,. in, 117. Oiioviiemin. 1881. Grt., i'apilio, 1,31. (hicocin'iiih. IIAHITAT. — Texas in March and May; Arizona; Colorado in Auyust. I liave not seen the type, nor have I been able to tlud whore it is. CATALOGUE OF NOC.'TUID.E »M1TU 163 O. griseicollis Grt. 1882. Grt., Can. Eat., xiv, 19, Oncocnemit. Habitat. — Arizona. The tyi)e is with Mr. NeuiiHugen. O. aterrima Grt. 1879. Grt., Can. Ent., xi, 199, Onrocnemia. 1SH9. Sinifcli, TiMiis. Am. Ent. Soc, XVI, 321, an fr<liolhid. Habitat. — (Julitoruia. Types are ia the Edwards collection and in the British Museum. The Edwanls si)eciuien I had seen when I wrote in 18.St>, and tlie Mu- seum specimen simi)ly confirms my opinion. The anterior tibiui are as in MeUdeptria, shortened, with a single stout claw. The wings are broad, trigonate, the head small, eyes ovate. I leave it here until a new study of the Heliothid series brings it into a more natural relationship. Genus APOROPHVLA (in. 1841. Gn., lud. Meth., Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr., x, 246. A. yosemitae Grt. 1873. Grt., null. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., i, 113, Ur>, pi. iii, f. 3, CuvHllia. 1875. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 309, Jpo)oi>h!)]a. 1875. Sptiyer, Stett. Ent. Zeit., xxxvi, 349, Apoyoiiliyla. ^ Habitat. — Yosemite, California, October 12. The type is in the J<]d wards collection. GeuuH MACRONOCTUA (irt. an not at .J 1874. (Jrt., t'th Kept. IViib. Ac. Sci., ,'i7. M. onuBta Cirt. 1874. (Jrt., 6th Ropt. Pcah, Ac. Sci., 27, Macvoiiovfiia. Habitat. — Maine, in September; New York; New Jersey; Illinois; lowa. 1 do n«)t know where the type of this species is to bo found at pres- ent. I did not SCO it in the lUitisli Museum. (i(Mius LATH03EA Grt. 1881. Grt., null, ( Snrv., vi, 270. L. ptiUata (irt. 1881. Grt., Bull. Gcol. Surv., vi, 270, Lalhoma pulla. 1800. Grt., Uevisod List Noct.. II, /-. piillala. Haihtat.— Oregon ; Cohmido. The type is in the Hritish Museum. It is a robust, xylinoid form with retracted head and short tongue, and hiistheiippcaranceof Sooto- vhrostn. The markings are strigatc as in the CucuUiid series and it ia a rather near ally of my I'lerotini, I think. It seems a little out of pla<!e hero; but until tin* material vnu t)e critically studied it had better be lelt as it is. Mr. Uruce has rect^ntly siMit me a specimen from Colo- rado, which agrees fairly well with the type, 164 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Genua HADENELLA Grt. 1883. Grt., Fiipilio, iii, 123. H. pergeatilis Grt.* 1883. Grt., Papilio, iii, 12.3, Hadenella. 1883. Grt., Proc. Am. Phil. Soc, xxi, 156, 169, Hadenella. 1883. Grt., Can. Ent., xv, 122, Hadenella. Habitat. — Washington; Colorado; Wyoming. Types are in the NeumtBgen collection. Genus TRICHOPOLIA Grt. 1883. Grt., I'apilio, in, 76. T. dentatella Grt. 1883. Grt., Papilio, iii, 76, Trichopolia. Habitat. — Arizona. The type is Avith Mr. NeumoBgen. T. ptilodonta Gzt. 1883. Grt., Papilio, in, 77, Trichopolia. Habitat. — Arizona. The type is Avith Mr. NemncBgon. Genus DRYOBOTA Lofl. 1857. Loilerer, Noct. Kur., 100. None of the species heretofore described under this generic ierni belong to it. The small tpecies recently described by myself are bet- ter placed in Cleoceris, as I find by examining the European forms. 31r. (f rote's species, antedated by Walker, can not remain here; but as I have no more convenient place for it just now, no change is made. D. illooata Wlk.* 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., llet., xi, 758, Hadena. Btinmnta Grt. 1875. Grt., List NoctuidaB, 23, Dryohota. 1877. Grt., Can. Ent., ix, 199, Dryohota. 1891. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, xviii, 108, 1 Dryohofa. Habitat. — Canada; Eastern, Middle, and Central States; Colorado; Massachusetts in September; New York. August and September. Tlie types are in the British Museum and refer to one si)ecie8 only. Walker's species was described from " locality unknowu." GenuH PACHYPOLIA Grt. 1874. Grt., 6th Kept. Poab. Ac. Sci., 27. P. atriooruls Grt. 1874. Grt., 6th Kept. P«ab. Ac. Bel., 27, PachypolUh 1875. Grt., Lifit Nuctuidin, pi. f. 8, Pachypolia. Habitat.— Illiuois, in October. CATALOGUE OF NOCTUID^E — SMITH. 165 |)lorado; M". 38 only. The type in the British Mnseuai has pointed wings, color and type of macula tion as in occulta, but with lengthily pectinated male anten- njB. I do not remember having seen the species previously. Genua POLIA Ochs. 1816, Ochs., Schmott. Eur., iv, 73. Two quite distinct types are referred to this genus in our American material. Whether they can remain associated is questionable, but need not be decided here. P. aedon Grt. 1880. Grt., Can. Ent., xii, 154, I'oUa. Habitat. — Colorado, in August; Nevada; Washington. A type is in the British Museum; another with Mr. Neumoegen. P. theodori Grt.* 1878. Grt., Can. Eut., x, 235, Apntvla. 1880. Grt., Can. Ent., xii, 219, Polia. 1882. Grt., 111. Essay, 55, pi., ii, f. 17. rolia, var. epichysiB Grt. 1880. Grt., Can. Ent., xii, 219, Polia. 1882. Grt., 111. Essay, 55, pi., ii, f. 1«, Polia. Haiiitat. — Colorado, August and September; New Mexico, Cali- fornia. Both types are in the British Museum. I have seen considerable material of both forms and have no doubt of their relationship. Mr. Hy. Edwards first suggested it to me sonre years ago. P. olorina (Jrt. 1876. Grt., Bull. HutV. Hov. Nat. Hci., in, 84, Hudina. II Auit AT.— California ; ('olorado. The type is in the British Museum; anotiier specimen, also marked "type," is in the Edwards collection. The species is allied to Polia theodori and varies in. the direction of sntt'nsion with black. P. diveisillneata Grt.* 1877. Grt., Bull. Gcol. Siirv., in, 119, Hadeita. illvpitla (Sit. 1879. Grt., Can. Knt., xi, 95, Polia. 188H. Grt., Froc. Am. IMiil. 8«>c., xxi, 150, Polia. Hahitat.— New Mexico; Nevada; Colorado; Manitou in July. Tiie type of (Uvcrnilineata is a badly patched specimen covered with mildew, in the Cambridge collection. The type of illepida is in the British Museum; others, labeled by Mr. Crote, but not marked type, are in the National Museum. The two names refer to the same species. i ! I* ^ i 166 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. P. confragosa Morr. * 1874. Morr., Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., xvir, 138, PoUa. Habitat. — Quebec, Canada; Wisconsin. The type is with Prof. F. K. Behmf^er, and must be a strongly marked insect, from the description. The National Mu.seuin specimens are from the Meske collection and may not be well named. P. speclosa Morr. -t. 1874. Morr., Proc. Bost. Soc. N. H., xvii, 187, 1'olia. Habitat. — CamViridge, Mass., July 17. The type is in the Graef collection. P. pallifera (Srt. 1877. Grt.,Can.Ent.,ix,88, Folia. 1883. Grfc., Proc. Aiu. PLil. Soc, XXT, 1.56, PoUa. Habitat. — Illinois. The type is in the British Museum and is a species I had not before seen. p. pulverulenta Smith.* 1891. Smith, Tra is. Am. Ent. Soc, xviii, IWJ, PoUa. Habitat. — Colorado in Septi'inhcr. The type is in the National Museuni. The species is unlike any in the British Museum and does not agree with the description of the others. P. contacta \\\U..* 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mils., Hot., ix, r.8, Acrotiyvta. 1882. Grt., 111. Essay, 39, I'olia. anpi'ia MoiT. 1874. Morr., I'ror. Bost. Soc N. H., xvii. 131, .Itronycta, 1880. Grt., Can. Kiit.. xii, 18ti, /'«/..<. 1880. Grt., Bull. Bklii. Ent. Soc, iii, 37, PoUa. diffunilis Hiirv. 1878. Harv., Can. Ent., x, 5(5, I'olia. 1880. Grt., Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, III, 37, anpei'a. 1880. Grt., Can. Ent., xii, 1H(3,=(/«/)(rfl. 1882. Grt., 111. Essay, ^d,^-coiitacla. Habitat. — iludson's Bay Territory; Adirondack Mountains, New York, in August. Types of contacta and difftmliH are in the British Museum, though I did not see the contacta. Mr. Grot«> apparently did see it, and as he had the typo of Harvey's species his reference can be taken as coriect. The type of anpera is in the Tepper collection, and is the same as tllffn- silis type. •4 mmmtt^vtWMmmt^m.^ CATALOGUE OF NOCTUID.E — SMITH. 167 )eciineits P. medialis Ort. 1876. Grt., Aim. Lye. Nat. Hist., N. Y., xr, 306, Polia. Habitat. — Canada; Schenectady, New York, in September. The type is in the British Museum. It is a broad-winged form ; looks ]\ke Agroiis trahaUs and has the structural characters of Dryobota stig- mata. The male autenuu) are pectinated. P. acutissima Grt. 1875. Grt., Chock List Noct., 23, pi., f. 9, PachypoUa. 1881. Grt., Hull. Gcol. Siirv., vi, 267, 1'olia. Habitat. — ('anada, Montreal; Nova Scotia. The typo is in the British Museum. It resembles medialis, hnt is nuich larger and a broatler winged form. Goiiiis FISHIA Grt. 1877. Grt., Can. Eiit., ix, 21. F. entbea (<rt. 1877. Git., Can. Ent., ix, 21, Fishia. Habitat. — Oldtown, Maine. The tyi)e is in th«^ British INIuseum and is a species T had not before seen. It has the appearance of Iladena erefina French, and in structure is an Hadena with brush-like nuile antennio. G<niis ACTINOTIA Tllm. 181(!. Hlin., Vorzi'icliniss, 214. A. ramoBula (\\\.* 18,"2. Gn., Spec. G.m., Noct., ii. 111, i)l. !», f. 1, Cloantlia. I«.".7. Wllv., C. W. Mus.. lift., XI, «1((, Aiuhmis. 1873. Grt.. Hull. I$ii1t'. Nat. Sci., i, Ki, pi. ii, f. Itl. rioantha. llAniTAT.— Canada; Northern, Eastern, Middle, and Central States, May, June, August, and September. A. stewrarti Grt. 1875. Ort., Can. Ent., vii, 28, Artitiotia. Habit AT.— Cal i lorn ia. The type is in the British Museum, a duplicate thereof in the Edwards collection. Genus LUSSA (Jrt. 1883. Grt., (Jan. lint., xv, 127. L. nigroguttata Grt. 1883. Ort., Can. Ent., xv, 127, Liism, Habitat. — Florida. Tlie type is in the Neumo'geii collection, l^rrs. Slosson has taken this species at Charlotte Harbor, it looks like a West Indian species and uijiy be previously described from that locality. r ii !i S 1G8 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Genus LAPHTOMA Gii. 1852. Gu., Spec, Gen., N«.(:t., i, 156. L. frugiperda 8. & A.* 1797. S. & A., Ins. Ga., ii, 191, pi. 96, I'halnua. 1832. Goyer, Zutrasge, 22, No. 342, ff. 683, 684, Trigonophora. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., i, 159, Laphytima. 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mas., Het., ix, 189, Laphggma. 1882. Kiley, Papiliu, ii, 43, Luphygma. 1885. Uilcy, 4th Hept. U. S. Ent. Conun., 353, pi. 62, f. 2, Laphygma. m Iter a Gn. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., i, 157, Laphyfiiiin. 1868. II. ScL., Oorr. Blatt, 1868, 115, i... syn. ngtiifirn Wlk. ' 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mils., Het., ix, 193, I'rodmia. plagiata Wlk. 1856. Wlic., C. B. Mu8., Het., ix, 194, Prodenia. aiitiimnalis Kiley. 1871. Riley, 3d R.ipt. Ins. Mo., 109, ff. 44-49, Prodenia. 1871. Riley, Am. Ent., ii, 363, ff. 221,223, Prodenia. 1873. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 22, =fruyiperda. 1876. Riley, 8tli Kept. Ina. Mo., 48, ff". 26, 27, Prodenia. 1881. Grt., Cau. Ent., xiii, 91, ^frugiperda. var. fiilvosa Riloy. 1876. Riley, 8tli Kept. Ins. Mo., 49, Prodenia. var. obscura Riley. 1876. Riley, 8th Kept. lus. Mo., 49, Prodenia. Habitat. — Caiiatla, south to Florida and Texas, west to Missouri, Nebraska, Kansas; Jamaica; Brazil; August, September and October. The economic bibliogTa])hy of this insect is large, and oidy a mere outline is here given to accredit the species and varieties. The types of maira and of Walker's sjieiMes are in the British Mu- seum. Dr. Riley's types are in the National Museum. It. flavimaculata llarv.* 1876. Harv., Can. Ent,, viii, 54, Caradrina. 1876. Grt., Can. Ent., viii, \m,-^L. frugiperda. 1890. Grt., Revised Check List, 23, an sp. dist. Habitat. — California, March, April, August to November; Colorado. The type is in the British Museum. A hue series of specimens in the National Museum, many of them bred, long since led me to the (joiK'lusion that the 8i»ecies was a good one, but better reterred to Luphygma than to Caradrina. It. inflexa Moir. 1875. Morr.. Proc. Av. Nat. Sci. Phil., 1875, 65, Laphygma, Habitat.— Florida. The typt^ is in the Topper <',ollection. To the kindness of Prof, ('ook I owe an opportunity of studying the type. It is, like so many of Morrison's types, a poor specimen, and will probably be found referable to Lmsa Grt., and a not distant relative of L. nigroguttata. CATALOGUE OF NOCTUIDiE — SMITH. 169 >.euuB PRODENIA Gn. 1852. Gu., Spec. Geii., Noct., i, 159. P. eridania C'rum.* 1782. Cram., Pap. Exot., iv, 133, pi. 358, f. E aud F, Phalana, 1816. Hbu., Verzeichuiss, 244, Callieryis. 1852. Gu., Spec. Gon., Noct., i, 148, Xylomiges. 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het., ix, 182, ? Xylomigea. Phytolacca S. & A. 1797. S. & A., Ins. Ga.. ii, 193, pi. 97, Phalana. 18.52. Gn., Si»»!c. Gon., Noct., i, 148, pr. var. 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mas., Hct., ix, 183, pr. syu. 1873. Grt., Ball. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., n, 28, Xylomiges. 1879. Grt., Can. Ent., xi, 215, Fiodenia. deriipta Morr. 1875. MoiT., Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., 1875, 62, Actinotia. 1879. Grt., Can. Ent., xi, 205, ^=i)hylolaccw. 1880. Grt., Can. Ent., xii, 1S6,= Phytolacca;, nigrofaaciata Hulst. 1881. Hiilst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, iii, 77, Leitcania. 1881. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, iv, 7, pi. i, f. 9, Leucania. 1891. Smith, List Lcpi«loptera, 45, p; . syn. Habitat. — (ieorgia; Florida; Texas in September; Central and South America. A distinctly marked yet strongly variable species. The names above given apply to our own fauna only; the iu.sect has been further rede- scribed by Walker as XyUna inquieta, Prodema strigifera, and Leucania externa, and by Mr. Butler as Frodenia ignoMlis. The types of these latter are in the British Museum. Mr. Hulst's type is now at Rutgers, and Mr. Morrison's is with Mr. Graef. I think there are yet more names, but as they are based on other than boreal American sx}ecimeus, they are not noted here. P. commelinae S. & A.* 1797. S. & A., Ins. Ga., ii, 189, pi. 95, Vhalwna. 1816. Hbu., Verzeichuiss, 217, Trigonophora, 18.5-'. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., i, 162, I'rodenia. 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., ix, 193, Prodenia. Habitat. — Massachusetts; Distri(!tof Columbia, August to October, southward; Texas in December; Illinois, August and September. Hiibner and Herrich Scha?itter both refer this as the same as andro- (jena Cramer, while Gueuce ref«'rs to them as distinct species. The matter is not an imi)ortant one for present settlement. Gundlach in his Contributions describes also the early stages. p. ornithogalli Gn.* 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., i, lt}3, Prodenia. 1856. Wlk., C. H. Mua., Het., ix, 193, Prodvnia. 1882. Kiicy, Papilio, ii, 43, Prodvnia. liiieatella Uttiv. 1874. Har\r., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 27.5, Prodenia, 1881. French, Can. Ent., xiii, 21, larva. ■11 H f 170 BULLETIN 4i, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. 1882. Riley, Papilio, ii, 43, f pr. syn. commeUnwt Riley. 1869. Riley, Ist Rept. Ins. Mo., 87, Prodenin. 1871. Riloy, 3(1 Rept. Ins. Mo., 113, f. 48ft, Prodcnia. 1871. Riloy, Amer. Ent., ii, 62, f. 41, Prodenia. 187.5. Ort., Check List Noct., 11, pr. syn. 1881. Riley, Supplt. and Index to Mo. Repts., '>(i, pr. syn. Habitat. — Ma.ssacliu.sett8 in July; New York, soutliwanl to Florida, west to Minnesota; Nebraska; California in April, September, ami October; Texas in April and October. Dr. Harvey's type is in the British Museum, ami is like specimens of Guenee's species, apparently typical, thou<?h not the types. p. eudiopta Cin.'^ 1852. On., Spec. Gen., Noct., i, \M, Prodenia. 18)56. Wlk., 0. B. Mns., Ilet., ix, lit3, Prodenia. flarimedia Harv. 1874. ilarv., Bnll. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., u, 274, Prodenia. 1882. Riley, I'apilio, ii, Vii,=zoniithoyalli. commeUnwt Riley. 1871. Riley, 3d Rept. Ins. Mo., 113, f. iHc, Prodenia. 1881. Riley, Supplt. and Index to Mo. Hepts., 56, pr. syn. Habitat. — INfassachusetts in September; New York to Florida; Texas in April; Missouri; Nebraska; California; District of Columbia in August. The ty\Mi of Jlav media is in the British Museum and is like specimens of eudiopta, tyiucal tliough not types of (luenee's species. P. praefica (Jrt." 187.">. Ort., Can. Ent., vii, 44, Prodenia. Habitat. — California in .lune. The type is in the British Museum. (ienusDARGIDA Wlk. 185G. Wlk., C. B. Mns., Hct., ix, 201. D. prociuctus (jrt.* 1873. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., i, 138, pi, iv, f. 6, Eupsephopa'ctes. Habitat. — California, March, June, August, September, October; (^olorado in October; Portland, Oregon, April, May. The type is in the British Museum. In the Berliner Museum I saw speciniens of Ikirgida ynimmivora Wlk., tluit very strongly resemble our spe(!ies ami agree perfectly in generic characters. Mr. Grote's generic term Eupscphopwetcs must sink. Genus CONSERVULA Grt. 1875. Grt., Check List Noct., 11. C. anodonta Gn.* 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., ii, 63, pi. vii, f. 8, Phlogophora. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mns., Ilet., xi, 541, Phloijophora. 1875. Grt., Check List Noct., 11, Comerrula. CATALOGUE OF NOCTUID^. — SMITH. 171 )eciincii8 Habitat. — Canada; Maine; Vermont, in July and August; uortliern New York in July. The type is in the Britisli Museum. Genns TRIGONOPHORA Hbn. 1816. Hbn., Verzeicliiiiss, 217. T. periculosa Gii. * 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., ii, 65, Phloijophora. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het.. xi, 542, Phloi/opliora. 1874. Grt., Hull. Huff. 8oc. Nat. Sci., ii, 17, Tiijoiiophora. var. V-bruuneum Git.* 1875. Grt., Check List Nott., 23, Trigonophora. 1882. (irt., New List, 29, an var. pr. Habitat. — Newtouiidland ; Canada in .July and August; nortlioru, eastern, and i-entrvl United States, July to Septeiubeu^ ('olonulo; liritish Columbia. The types, both of the species and variety, are in the British Museum. Genus BROTOLOMIA Led. 1857. Li'derer, Noct. Eur., 115. B. iris Gn.* 1852. Gn., Spec. Gon., Noct., ii, (U, Phhujophora. 1857. Wlk., C. H. Mus., Het., \i. 512. I'hhiiiophora. 1878. Grt., Hull. Hurt". Soc. Nat. Sci., i, 110. lUotolom'ta. Habitat. — Canada; Northern, Middle, ami Central States, June an<l July. The type is in the British Musi-um. Our species is probably as dis- tinct gonerically from the European form as aie any others in this series, and if tlie other genera hold, a new genus, Mtsolomia milii, innst be used for iris. Genus EUPLEXIA Stc)>li. 1829. Stepli., HI. Kiit. Knt., Haust., ill, 3. E. luclpara Liun.* 1758. Linn., Syst. Nat., c«l. x, 518, Xoctiia. 1761. Linn., Fn. Suec, 1201, Nuctiia. 1767. Linn., Syst. Nat., ed. xii, ii, 857, Xoctna. 1781. Fabr., Spec. Ins., ir, 238, Xovtiui. 17t>3. Fabr., Ent. Syst./iii, 2, 99, Xocliia. 1816. Hbn., Verzeicliniss, 217, Triiiniiophitra, 1829. Stepli., HI. Brit. Ent., Hanst., ill, 1, Euplvxla, 1851. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., n, 68, KupUxia. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., xi, 543, liuphxia. 1875. Speyer, Stett. Ent. Zoit., xxxvi, 153, Kiiplexia. 1874. Morr., Psyche, i, 22, f organs. 1883. Hy. Edw., Papilio, iii, 133, larva. 1889. Dyar, Can. Ent., xxr, 137, life history. Habitat. — United States generally, May to August; Europe. I 172 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. For the European bibliography Staudiiigor and other isimilar works Rhould be consulted. In America the species has been but rarely re- ferred to. Genns NBPHBLODES Gd. 1852. Gn., Spec. Geu.,Noct., i, 129. N. minlana Gn.* 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., i, 130, Xephehdea. 1856. Wlk., C.B.Mus., Het., ix, 163, Xephchdes. 1878. Frcneb, in 7th Rept. Ins. Ills., J»9, 220, larva. 1818, French, Can. Ent., x, 61, larva. 1880. Riley, Amer. Ent., in, 205, larva. 1881. Riley, Amer. Nat., xv, .'»75, 577, larva. 1883. Lint., Ist Rept. State Ent., N. Y., 99, ff. 24, 2.5, life history. expanaa Wlk. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mns., Het., xi, 399, Graphiphom. 1865. Wlk., C. B.Mns., Het., xxxv, 1957, pr. syn. 1868. G. and R., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, ii, 78, pr. syn. aohria Wlk. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., xi, 744, Graphiphora. var. violans Gn. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., i, 130, Nephelodes. 1856. Wlk., C.B.Mus., Het., ix, 163, Nephelodea. 1882. Grt., New List, 29, pr. var. Hubdolena Wlk. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., x, 40.''., Graphiphora. Habitat. — Canada; United States generally; Eastern States in Au- gust and September; Colorado, August to October. The types of all the names are in the British Museum. O. expansa Wll{., I did not find ; but as Walker has himself referred it as a synonym, he may have removed ♦he label — or what is possible, I over- looked the si)ecimen, though 1 found all the others referable here. (}. sobria is from Bogota, while subdolens is from " locality unknown." Genus TRICHOLITA Grt. 1875. Grt., Bull. Huft'. Soc. Nat. Sci., u, 211, 215. T. signata Wlk,* 1860. Wlk., Can. Nat. and Geol., v, 253, Nephelodea. 1877. Grt., Can. Ent., ix, 28, TrivhoUta. semiapei-ta Morr. 1874. Morr., Can. Ent., vi, 105, Hydrwcia. 1874. Morr., Proc. Bost. Soc. N, H,, xvii, 150, Perigrapha. 1875, Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 211, 2ir., Trieholita. 1875. Grt., Stett. Ent. Zeit., xxxvi, 341, TrichoUta. 1877. Grt., Can. Ent., ix, 28, pr. syn. Habitat. — Canada; New York and Illinois in July and August; Massachusetts in August; Northern, Eastern, Middle, and Central States ; New Mexico. Mr. Morrison's type is in the Tepper collection. The Walker type is in the collection of the Entomological Society of Ontario, and has been CATALOGUE OF NO'JTUIDiE SMITH. 173 examined by Mr. Grote, who is responsible for its reference to unni- aperta. I can not quite understand why Mr. Grote, after positively making it a synonym, should still continue to list semiai)erta without any reference to signata. T. fistula Ilarv.* 1878. Harv., Can. Kiit., x, 5B, Tricholila. Habitat. — California; Ari/>(»na; Colorado in September. The type is in the British Museum. In the Neunuefjen (collection Mr. Grote has labeh'd specimens «)f this same species T. completa Grt., type; but I have not foun<l any description of a species under that name. I included the name in my list on the faith of this label, but it must be omitted hereafter. T. inconspicua Grt. 1883. Grt., Can. Ent., xv, 129, Tricholila. Habitat. — Arizona. The type is with Mr. Neumregen. Gnnns HBLOTROPHA T.crl. 1857. licclerer, Noct. Eur., 118. A. reniformis Git.* 1874. Grt... Can. Ent., vi, 14, Lupnltm. 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Soi., ii, 18, Hrlolropha. 1876. Speyer, Stett. Eut. Zeit., x\xvi, 202, fan vnr. fihroaa. var. atra Grt. 1874. Grt., Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., 1874, 2()0, jtr. var. 1875. Grt., Proc. Ao. Nat. Sei. Pliil., 1875, 419, sp. (list. pr. 1882. Grt., New List, 29, pr. var. Habi vt. — Canada; Northern, Middle, and Central States; July to September. Tiie type of reniformis is in the collection at Cambridge; that o^atra I have not seen, nor do I know where it is. Genus HTDRCECIA Gn. 1837. Gu., EsHai sur la vUhh. Noct., 237. 1852. Gn., Sp. G<^n., Noct., i, 125. The species here placed under this genus have been transferred to OorU/aa, to Apamea, 'Amlngixinto Rydraciaby Mi\ Grote, as his ideas of types and other matters changed. These changes are not all noted here. In using Hydnecia now I follow European precedent. It is quite likely that some of the species do not belong here. H. lunata Smith.* 1891. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Sof., xviti, 110, Apamea. 1891. Smith, List Lepidojitera, 45, Hydrwvia. Habitat. — California, Alameda in June, Mount Shasta district. Types are in the National Museum and in the Edwards collection. 1 \ i| i i! . i ->■ ■ 174 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. H. u-album Gn.* 1852. Gn.. Spop. Gon., Noct.., i, 34.5, i'cmmica. l«.-)6. Wlk. . n. Mns., TFot., \, 41S, C. r-allnim. 1871. (ht., Hull. Huff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 22, f '. w-alhim, 1891. Smith, I'roc. U. S. Nat. Mum., xiv, 2M, Mnmeitra. purituripcnuis Grt. 1874. fJrt., Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., 1874, 2()(), -Omwrn. haliola Morr. 1874. Morr., Pioc. Host. Soc. N. H., xvii, 14H. Orlhosia. 1875. Grt., ("an. Ent., vii, ti><, = jiiirpinipninh. 1875. Grt., Bull. Hntl'. Soc. Nat. Sci., n, 30!t, = inirpmipinniH. Habitat. — Massuclmsotts, May, June, August; New York; rilinois; Minnesota. Giieut'«'.'s type is in the British Museum. ^lessrs. Morrison iind Grotc (lesiaibed at nearly the same time, both lioni uiateiial collected by Mr. Thaxtcr, who probably has both types. H. velata Wlk.* 1865. Wlk., C. B. Mns., llct., xxxii, 671, Apamea. 1891. Smith, Can. Ent., xxiii, 121, Apamva. Hcra G. & R. 1868. G. & K., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, i, o4.5, pi. 7, f. .55, llijdmcia. 1871. Grt., Hull. ButV. Soc. Nat. Sci., ir, 18, Hjidravin. 1874. (irt., Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., 1874, 206, Apainva. 18K2. Grt., Can. Ent., xiv, 170, Hvlotrophtt, 1884. Bean, Can. Ent., xvi, 67, larva on AneiiioHi: 1891. Smith, Can. Ent., xxiii, 121, pr. syn. IT AiUTAT. — C!ana<la : IVIaine to J'cnnsyh ania; west to INIissouri ; Fowa, June, July, and Aiif>ust. Walker's type is in the National Museum. I do not know wliere Grote and Kobinsou's type is at present.! H. juvenilis (irt." 1881. Grt., Bull.Gool.Snrv., Vi, 267. (torhina. 1881. (irt.. Trans. Kans. Ac. Sci., vii, 68, (loityna. Habitat. — Colorado; Kansas. The type is in the liritish Museum. H. nictitaiiB Linn.*' 1761. Linn.,Pn. Sncc,, 1215. Nortiia. 1767. Linn., Sy».t. Nat., oil, xii. XM, Xocliia, 17!t2. Hkh.. Kur. Sdimctt., IV, KiH, Sorlini. ISK). OcliH., ScIimcH. I'.ur., n, 75, Apaiiiea, IH16. llliti.. N'cr/.cichniNS, 2;(2, Si(hii(lin. 1852. (in., Spec, (ion., Noct., i, 126, Ihiibuicta. ; :' t From this point to Xjiloni'njes, my rot'crcncos to (latcs and lociilitics arc lc8« coni- ])lctc, owinj>- to tlio Tact that tlic sot of fialh^v jirools llrst corrcclcil hy mc wero hmt im route or mislaid at the prii \n-ollicc. I threw away the note Hlips after I hiiil enterc4l thum ou tho galley jtroolH, and was not ablu to duplicate thuiii aitcrward. ■j I. CATALOGUE OF NOCTUID.E S^MITH. 175 .; niinois; risoii iiiid 1 collected iii'i; lowii, w wliere less coin- WIM'O losf, lltcl' I llllll 1856. Wlk., C. H.Mtis., Het., ix, ir,!t, Ihiilraria. 1874. Grt., Proe. Ao. Nat. Sti. I'liil., 1«7I, L'Ofi, iiximm. 1882. Riu'klm-, Eni. Mo. Ma-,'., win, lit.'), larva. amrricana .S]>pycr. 187"). .Spoycr. Stott. Eiit. Zeit., xxxvi, l.")!', an var. pr. var. erythrostigma Haw. 1829. Haw., liCii. Jhitt., 2:U, .Ifuiiiwa. 1874. (Jrt., I'roc. Ac. Nat. «.i. I'liil., 1874, 206. var. luceuB Frovcr. 184.5. Frt'yer, Neu<^ Hoitr., v, 1 11!, Apomia. 18.')2. Gil.. Spec. (Sell., Noel., I, I2t!, (ir. var. Apamm htsca llarr. MSS. IKitl. Sinitli, List Lopi<iiti>tcra, l.">, pr. syii. llAUlTAT. — Novii Scotia; lludson's ]>iiy 'rerritorx ; rnitcd States genciiilly, .Inly and Auj>nst . Kiirope. 'V\w Apamea hinm ;s in tlie Ilarri.s collection in the I'.oston Society of Natural History. Mi tob )tibli >tant dilTi J peicei) ence between European and American examples of tliis species; yet Speyer tliouglit there was enougli to authorize a variety amciicaiia, which was never heard of alter its descrii)tion. H. erepta (irt. 1881. Grt., Kiill. Gt'ol. Siirv., vi, L'(i7, c.nvlijna. Haiutat. — Douf^las County, Kansas. The type is in the British IVIiiseum. H. immaiiis V,\\.*' 18.52. (ill., SptM'. (icii., N.H't., I, 12S, llii<li<nia. 18.5(). Wlk., C. H, Miis., 11. f., IX, 1()2, Hj/dnrcia. 1874. Grt., Hull. Mutt". Soc. Nat. Sci.. ii. IS, tlnrliina. 1882. Dodgo, Can. Eiit.. xiv, WA, larva <.n Hops. 188r.. T,hit., 2d IJoiit. Iuh. N. Y., 41, larva. ohlitiiia Harv. 1871). Harv., Can. viil, fy'A, (loftinid. 1881, Grt., Mull. (iocd. Siirv., vi, 2t)S. (iorl;iiin. \f<M. Smith, null. 4, Div. Hnt. V. S. Hcpt. AkI.. IiS, iir. syn. IIAIUTAT. — Northern United States. Atlantic to I'acilic: Xcw VoiU in .\u}^ust; \Vashinj;ton; t!olorado; Illinois in Aiiunsl and Scpii'niber. (lueiu'e's type is in the Ibitisli Mnscnni; wIumm also there arc speci- mens of Dhliijiia Harvey, ayreciiij;' witli the type in the Mdwards col- lection. There is no reasonable doiilil of their identity. H. Btrameiitosa Gn. 1H52. Gn. Spec. Goii., Nort., I, 12!t, pl.t!, I", 2, llijilriina. :isr.d, Wlk., C. H, Mils., Ih't., IX, 1112, Uiiilmrix. 1874, Grt., Hull. Hull', Soc. Nat. St-i., ii, 18, (Inrhinn. Haiutat.— Middle and <'eiitral States; New V(nlc; Illinois. The type is in tlie Ibitish Museiun. 1: I 176 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. H. inquaesita G. &. R.* 1868. G. «fc R., Trails. Aiiut. Eiit. Soc, i, 31), Gortyna. IHT.^. (irfc., Bull. lJu«'. Soc. Nat. Sei., i, 110, Ihjdravin. 1874. Grt.. Hull. Hiilf. Soc. Nat. Sci., II, 18, Hijdrwvia. 1874. Grt., Proc. Ar. Nat. Sci. I'liil., 1874, 20fi, Apamea. 1882. Grt., New LiHt, 2!», Gorlyiiaqiionita vrv. t.vpo. 1882. Grt.. (an. Eiit., xiv, 170, Apainva. Habitat. — Is'ow York; Kliode Islaiid; E)iKt<'rii, Middle, and reiitrnl States; Nv,\v Haiiii)sliire in September. A specimen labeled by Mr. (irote is in tlu' liritisli Museum. 1 have not seen the type, and do not know wliere it is. H. cerina (irt. " 1874. Grt., Vvov. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil.. 1871, 200, Corhjna. 1882. Grt., lU. Essay, 5{», pi. u, f. 25, (lortyna. IlAmTAT. — Kansas ; Maine. The tyi)e is in the BritivSh Museum. H. rigida (irfc.* 1877. Grt., Can. Ent., ix, 87, Gorlyiut. 1881. Grt., Hull. Geol. Siirv., vi, 2(>!t, iiovtym. 1882. Grt., Paiiilio, ii, pi. 1, f. 3 and 3rt, Gorlyna. IS82. (;rt.. 111. K8,say, .58, pi. ii, I". 21, Goytyiio. Maiutat. — New York; Massachusetts: Illinois; IMaiiiein Ce| ' i ber. The type is in the Jiritish Museum. H. impecuniosa Grt. 1881. Git., Hull. Gcol. Siirv., vi, 2(»7, (iorliina. 1882. (irt.. Can. Eiit., Xiv, 184, Goihina. Hahitat. — Massachusetts; New Y<«k. The type is in the British Museum. H. cataphracta (irt.* 18fi . Grt., Pr.:.', E .t. Soc Phil., in, 81, i)l. 2, f. 3, Gortyna. 187i. Grt., Hull. ii,>ir. S.>c. Nat. Si-i., i. 111, 142, Ujntrmia. 18M. Grt., Hu;i. (Joo'. Sill v., vi, 2(i!l, Gorljinn. IX! 1. Dvav, '.' 111. Ent., x.XHi, 1,57, larva. IJaiutat. — Cai.'ui.^ in '3e])tend)er; Massachusetts; northern New York in October; ('oloratio. The tyi>e should be in the collection of the American Entomolo^iical Society, but 1 have not found it. A specimen in the Uritish Museum, labeled by Mr. (Irote, agrees with the identilication general in iVmeri can collections. LcucoHti<jma will be cited uiuler rutila. H. purpurifascia (i. &. ]{. * 1808. G. \ M., Trans. Am. Ent. Sop., i, 311, ]>]. 7, I', CA, Gortyna. 1873. Grt., Hull. HiilV, Soc. Na(. Sci., i, 110. Hyilnnia. 1874. Grt., Hull. Hull'. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, lit, Grhria. 1874. Grt., Can. Eiil., vi, 21(1, Gorlyiiu. 1881. Grt., Hull. Gcol. Siirv., vi, 26'J, Gortyna. CATALOGUE OF NO( TUID.E -SMITH. 177 Habitat. — Maine and Massachusetts in September and October; New York, Auj;fusfc and September; Illinois; Colorado. A specimen in the c'ollection of the American Kntomological Society, labeled by Mr. Grote, is probably the type, though not so marked. H. rutila(in." 1852. fill., Spec. Gi'ii., Noct., i, IJ'.i, jd. vi, f. i, (lorlyna. mS. Wlk., O. n. Mils., Ilct., IX. 157, (iorti/na. 187;?. Grt., Hull. Hiitt'. Soc. Nat, Sci. i, 111, Ilydracia. \m\. Grt., IJiill. (iiol. Siirv., vi, 2fi«, (iortyna. IciicoHlifinHi II Harris. 18H2. Harris, Ins. InJ. to Vrfj., 140, (iortunu. 18<)3. Grt., I'roe. Eiit. Koc. I'hil., ii, V.i2, pr. syu. 18H5. (Jrt., Froc. Ent. Soc. Phil., iv, ;i25, == cataphracta. 1873. (ill., Mull. Huff. Soc. Nat. Sci., i, 111, = rMt»i«i. 1881. Grt., Hull. Gcol. Siirv., vi, 2()8,f = /lairisii. IlAHiTAT. — Maine; Massa«!husett8; New York; Illinois; Colorado. The Eastern States in September. The type is in the British Museum. It differs from the harriHti in the same collecti«ni by the more even s. t. line. H. harrisU (irt. 1881. Grt., Hull. (lool. Surv., vi, 2t)8, 27«, (iortyna. Habitat. — Massacjhusetts ; Maine in September. The type is in the British Museum. H. Bpeciosissima <i. Jk. K. 1868. (i. & H., TriiiiH. Am. Eiit. Soc, i, 342, i>l. vii, f. .52, (iortyna. 1873. (;rt., Hull. Huff. Soc. Nat. Sci., i. 111, Ilydrwria. 1881. Grt., Hull. (iool. Surv., vi, 2(«», (iortyna. llAHiTAT. — Ithode Island; Massachusetts in September; northern New York. I have not seen the type of this species and have no idea where it can be. H. marginideiiB Gn.* 1852. Gn., Spec. G«mi., Noct., i, 123, (lurlynii. 18.5(>. Wlk., ('. H. MiiH., Hot., IX, 157, (iortyna. 1873. Grt., Hull. Huff. Soc. Nat. Sci., i, 111, Ilydracia. 1881. Grt., Hull. Gcol. Surv., vi, 2f>!», (iortyna. IIahitat. — Northern, Eastern, ami MiddU^ States; Illinois. The type is in the British Museum, and is the species I have been naming limpida in collections, iiu^ludiu);^ that of the National Museum. The type o( lmpid((. also in tiic British Museum, is very dark, almost black ; but with exactly the same marking as in marginidens. I have no doubt the two will prove varieties, as this kin<l of variation is not un- ccmimmi in Oorti/tta. At all events all my liiujiida labels should be changed to read mat'dinidcnH, as i have changed them in the National Museum (J0|8_No. 11 12 u t Is 178 BULLETIN 14, UNITP^D STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. H. limpida (in. 1852. Gu., Spec. Gen., Noot., i, 124, (lortynn. \>^m. Wlk., (J. 15. Mns., llet., ix, ini, Corhjiia. 1873. «rt., Hull. HuH". Soc. Nat. Sci., i, 110, IhidrovU,. 1881. Grt., Bull. Geol. Surv.. vi, L'ttO, (lorlinni. Haiutat. — New York; EasUuii ;ni(l iVIiddUs Stales; JMiissachusofts ill September. Tlie type is in the Britisli ]\Iuseuiii, and lias hocti sixjkeii of under marghiUhns. H. cerussata ('<i\. 18(54. Gr(., Proc. Knt. S«o. Pliil., ii, 431, jtl. ix, f. 1, (lorhpin. 1873. Gri., l?ull. liiitl'. Hoc. Nat. Sci., i. 110. Utiilroriii. 1874. (Jrt., Hnll. Unff. Soc Nat. Sci.. ii, \H, ^^^limpidti. 187:"!. Grt., Bull. Bull. Sdc Nat. Sci., ii. 2l(i, an sp. (list. 1881. (irt., Bull, (icol, Snrv., vi, 'itW, (forh/nu. Habitat. — Penn.sylvaiiia; New York: Massaclnisetts in September. Tlie type should be in the collection of the American lOnloinoloji'lcal Society; but 1 have not found it there. It is nndonbtedly a near rela- tive ul'limititla; l)ut seems distinct and at all events needs critical study before delinite eonclusi«nis can be reached. H. appasioiiata llarv. 187(5. llarv., Can, ICnt., \ m, l.Vi, llnrh/na. Habitat. — London, (Janada. The type of this very distinct species is in tlie liiitish Museum. H. uitela <in.* 18.52. (in., Si>cc, (icii., \()ct.. i, 124, (inriiinu. 18.5(5. Wlk., C. B. Mils., Ilcl., IX, t.")S, (.orfiiua. 18(5!). I'ark., Guide to Srndy Insfcth, 310, f. 211, liDrtijnu. 18(551. K'ilcy, 1st Kcpl. liis. Mo., i»2. larva. 1870. Kilcv, Aincr. Knl., i, 22, 1'. U, larva. 1872. Lc BaioM, 3(1 Ix'cpt. Ins. Ill, 141. 1. I and 2. larva. 1873. (irt., Bull. Bull. Soc. Nat. Sci., i, ill, Ihjdrovw. 1875. I'ltck., ittli Ann. Kl')iI. (icol. Snrv., 71!t, pi. (55, I', (i, '.ortyita, 187t;. h'ilcy.Stli h'cpt. Ins. Mo.. 37, larva. 1878. Krciu'li, 7tli «cpt. Iii' Ills., 221, larva. 1880. Kilcy, Amor. Knt., in, 201, t'. 107, (lorlii'ni. 1883. SMMiid.. Kriiit Itisci IN, 334, C. 317. 3ls, hinn. 1883. (isixun, I ail. Knt., x\ . 171, larval lialiitH. 1884. Lint., 1st Ue))t. Now York State Ent., 110, 1'. 2ti, larva. Mir. iiebriB Gil. ' 1852. (in.. Spec. Gon.. Noct., i, 124, (Sorlynn. IK'.d. Wlk., (". B. Mils., Hot., IX, ia7, (lortyna. l«78. «Jrael', Bull. Bkln. Knt. Soc., v. 7, pr. \ar. 1881. kilcy, l'!ii)iIio, i, 1(17, lial.its and \ ar. 18K1. I»ilc>, Index ;ind Sujiplt. Ii. .Mo. licptM., .5ti. |»r. >yn. Haiutat. — CantuUi to iJeorjria. w(-st to the .KocUy Mountains; East- ern StatMM in Hcpteinbcr. CATALOGUE OF NOCTUID.E SMITH. 179 Types of both I'ornis arc in the British Museuiii. 1 have f^iveii an mmsually hirue, y<'t tar t'nni) coinph'tc, (•cunoiuic bibliograpliy, because 1 happened to have the refV-reiues coiiveiiient. H. necopina (irt.' 187t). (irt., C;iu. Kiit., viii, !'">, Gorljina. II A B IT AT. — New York . The type is in the British ^Inseiiiu and is like niteln save that it huiks the white, transverse line. H. seriata (irt. 1880. (irt., No. Amer. V.wt., r. 04, Cortijna. 18K1. Grt, Mull. (Jo(r). Suiv., VI. '2(ii), Cortinia. Hahitat. — (.'oh)rad<). The type is in the Graef colhM'tioii. Gemis GORTYNA Orhs. 1^1'i. Ochs., iSchinett. Kiir., iv. X2. G. aauzalitcB Grt. 1875. (ivt., I^iill. Jidil'. «<)C'. Nat. Sci,, n, :.'ItJ. Otliria. 1875. Grt., htett. Knt. Zcit., xx.wi, :5I2, Ochria. 1881. Grt., liull. Gfol. Siirv., vi. 'M), (khria. purpurifafiia X Grt. 1S71. Grt., Hull. Hill)'. 8«f. Nat. Sci., ii, ML', Ochria. 187.".. Grt., IJull. r.iitl'. Soc. Nat, .S<i., ii. L'lti. pr. syn. llABiTAT. — Calitbinia. The type is in the British Museum, and I conhss I can not see the slightest •iiHerence between it and the type ofhtrriKii. Tiiere may be a I'lypcal niodilici.tion ; but i couUl not see it, nor eouhl T examine closely enough to nmk*' sure it was not there. There is also a specimen ol' Arzanut obiiiii'ni.t, marked 0. snuz(dita\ in Mr. (Irote's wiitiny; but this is uiuhnibtedly due to some accidental transposition of labels. O. buffaloenslH <irt. 1877. (irt , Can. Kill., i,\. HS, Ovinia. 1881. <irl., Hull, Gciil. ,Snrv., \ i, 'Jtiil. n,iin<t. Haiutat. — IbiH'alo, New York. Tlh' type is in the Mritish Mu.senm and has all (In^ fascics ,»(' an Hy- (huriti. I could not examine the <lypeal struduie suthcieiit Id make out any nuxlilieations if such exist. (ieniiH ACHATODBS (Mi 1852. iiu., Sjn'i. (icii., ^nci,. I, i;i:J. A. zoie llarrin. ' 1841. HnrriH, Iiik, Inj. U> Vo«., 1st ctl.. ;U}t, Uortntti:. \m2. Ttttrrif., tin, hij, ti. Vi-^,, l''llnt ml., lail. lil. 7, f, tt, tiarlym*. IBM. Grt,, Pioo, Knt. *oc, J'liil,, im, RJO, Acihaiodw,. t 180 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. 1883. Hy. Edw., Papilio in. 1.S4, Achatodea. nandix (jn. 1K52. Gil., Spec, (ieu., Noct. i, 1,32, pi. 6, f. 4, Achafodeii. ISnG. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Ilet.., ix, 166, JchalodvH. IWX). H. Sch., Corr. Blatt, 1863, 73, Achalodix. 1864. Grt., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., in, ,540, pr. Hyii. Habitat. — Canada; Northern, Middle, Central, and Southern States; Colorado; Northern and Eastern States in July and August. Ciuenee's type is in the British Museum and is correctly referred to our common species. (ientiH EUTHISANOTIA Him. 1823. Hbii,, Zntr.i'ge, in, 30. E. timais Cram." 1782. Cram., Lop. Kxoi., in, 148, pi. 27.5, /.', I'lialona. 1823. Hbu., Zutni^f^e, in, 39, No. 295, f. 589-590. Futhisnnolia. 1816. Hlin., Verzt'ichiusH, 211, Xattlhopimtix. 1852. Gi)., Sj(e<r. (Jeu., Noct., l, 116, (ihtttuln. VXm. Wlk., C. B. MuH., Hct.. IX, 142, Euihwnnolia. 1868. H. Sch., Corr. Blatt, 1868, Ins. Cuba, 8. l-.mthisanotia. 1886. (iniidlach, Cont. Ent. Cub., :W3, EuthiHwit^iH. regnafrix Grt. 1863. Grt., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., ii, 399, pi. ii, f. 4, J'hiloiln-ftaa. 1863. Grt., Proc. Eiit. Soc. Phil., n, 441, ])r. syii. Habitat. — Florida; ^Vtlautic ooast, ocjcasional to New York. GouiisNOROPSISliii. 1852. (Ju., Spec. Gen., Noi t., I. 117 N. hleroglyphica (nun. 1779. Cram., Pap. Exot., ii, pi. 147, f. ]>. I'liuhrmi.. 18t6. Wlk., V. B. MuH., Het., ix, 115. Eii.<ilin>hi». feativu Fabr. 1781. Fabr., Siicc. Ins., ii, 19t, Homhi/x. 1787. Fabr., Mant. In.s., ii, 127, 157, /{mmhiij . 1792. Fabr., Ent. Syst., in, 1, 463, Hommij-. 1793. GmeL, ctl. xni, Linn.. SyMt. Xat^. i, 5, 2125. Homlnjt. 1808. Oliv., Enc. M.-tli.. v, 85, liomhtm. 1856. Wlk., C, H. Mus., Met., ix, 145 m. 8yn. ch'tfiniH llbii. 1810. Him., Siimml. Ex. Schmett,, i, Lcji. i\ . No. t. t. 1 -I. Ihphthera. 1816. llbn., N'tTzciclmiHS, 203, lui;ihii)lii<i. 18,56. Wlk., C. H. Mus., llct., IX, 11"), pr. Hyii. /antHOH(i Gn. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Norl., i, 117. XoropHiH. 1856. Wlk., C. H. M)iH., llct., i.\, 145, pr. syn. Habitat. — Texas ; Florida. This is a decidedly aberrant creatufc for our fauna and an intru«iv from a Soiitiiern cliin*'. It hns been bred in Texas, however, and muMt, I piesnme, be iidded. The synonymy and bibliography is after Walker. CATALOOUE OP NOCTITID^ — SMITH. 181 Genns BELLURA Wlk. 18&5. Wlk., C. B. M.18., Het., xxxii, 465.. Our good friend Walker still influences our catalogues. Belluravt'a» described about 200 pages before Arzama in the same volume, and as the types of BeUura and Arzama are the same species, the former will have to be used, even though it was placed in the Bombycidai and was said to be related to Datana. B.gortynides Wlk." 1865. Wlk., C. B. Mus., llet., xxxn, 465, liellura. (ItiiHu Wlk. 1865. Wlk., C. B. Mas., Het. xxxn, 645, Jraoma. 1«». H. .Sch., Coir. Blatt, 1868, Ent. Onl>., 16, Arzama. 1868. (J. & K., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, i, ?.40, Arzama. 1886. (Jumllacli, C(.nt. Ent. Cub., 325, Arzama. ruliiifva Grt. 1872 ({rt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 294, Arzama. mflanopytja ({rt. 1K81. (Jrt., I'apilid, i, 148, Arzama. 1881. Conistock, Papilio, i, 148, larva in lily. Habitat. — Canada, southward to Florida; west to the Mississippi States. The ty])es of Walker's species are in the British Museum, which also contains specimens of Mr. Grotc's species not marked type. Where the original tyi>es are I <!sin not say. Pr«>f. Cumistock may have that of Wi-kmopytju. Wailker's speiiies are exactly alike save as to «legree of imperfection, and 1 can not make anything ditt'erent out of rM^Mi/icrt. Tilt! characters given by Mr. Grot<' for mi'lanopiff/a are very feeble and are evanescent in character, .. fact \vhi<h he has realized to the extent of citing it a variety iu his revised list of 1890. B. diffusa • irt. 1M7H. (irt.. Bull. (icol. Snrv., n, 179, Irzama. Hajutat. — Canada; Maine. I have not seen the type of this species. B. obliqua Wlk.' 186.-). Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., xxxii, 428, l':<lvma. 1882. (irt.. 111. Essay, 42, —Sphiilit ohUiiuuia. obliqiialii (!. «.V K. 1868. (J. A v., TranH, Am. Knt. ."^oc, i, iiSit, \^\. tl, ('. 47. Arziima. 187S. (irt., Bull. G.ol. Surv., iv, I7it, Sphulu. 1H78. \Vorth., Can. Ent . x, l.^i. larva. 1W3. (irt., I'roc. Am. i'liil. So.-., xxi, 157, .s^/in/n. 1.SS3. Ktllicott, (Jan. Ent., >\ , 171, larval hahit. 188;i. Uil.'.v. ('»n. Ent.. XV, 176, lav\al '.labit. 1888. BnLmc ( i/i Hut., .\.\, ll'.l, lifo history. I88it. K.lli.-..ri . an. Ent.. xxi, ;«», larva. 18SH. IU-o1mh<. I an. Ent., xxi. 7H, larval liahits. t' 1«l 182 BULLETIN II, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1889. JoliUHton, Can. Ent., xxi, 79, lar%-ul li::bits. 188!). MoH'at, Can. Ent., xxi, {K», larva. 1889. ]{ontenniii('llcr. Can. Ent., xxi, IHO, larva. Habitat. — Cauada in July; south to Florida, west to tlie iMississi))pi Valley; ('olomdo; Massaehusetts m June; New Jersey in October, May and June. Walker's type is in the British Musemn. Mr. (Irote's is in the Col- lection American Entomological So<'iety. They are identical, as Mr. Grote has already state<l. (ienurt NONAGRIA Ochs. 181l>. Ochs., Sflnn.^tt. Eur., iv, 82. N. permagiia (<rt. 1883. (Jrt., I'apilio, in, 73, yonaffria. Habitat. — Indian River, Florida. The type is in Mr. I^eumu'gen's collection. N. laeta Morr. 1875. Morr., Proc. Host. Soc. X. H., xviii, 120, Xoiiaffria. 1882. Grt., Papilio, ii, 95, Xoiiufiria. Habitat. — Hoboken, New Jersey, I have not seen the type of this species and do not know where it is. I am distinctly suspicious of species of about that date, said to have been taken at Hoboken, New Jersey. There were one or two collectors at that place who distributed extra limital species without locality labels, asserting that tliey were fnun that region. Most of them wer«! soon detected ; but I believe it will be found that Mr. Morrison has de- scribed at least two of them. N. subflava <!rt.* 1882. Ort., Papilio, ir, 95, Xonagria. 1882. Grt., liuU. Gool. Surv., vi, 583, Xomuji-ia. Habitat. — Illinois; Massachusetts; Maine. I have not seen the tyi)e, which nuiy be with Dr. Thaxter. N. oblonga (-Tt. 1882. Grt., Papilio, ii, 9(5, Xonayria. Habitat. — Kittery Point, Maine, The type is probably with l)r, Thaxter. N. subcarnea Kollicott.* 1883. Kellicott, ("an. Ent., xv, 175, Xonanria. 1884. Kellii'ott. Hull. lUdu. Ent. .Soc, vii, 8(i, Xonagria. 1881. K«lli(M)tt, Can. Ent., xvi. 170, Xotiaf/ria. 1885. Kellicott, Hull.. Hull'. Soi-, Nat. Sci., v, 10, Xonai/ria. Habitat.— liulliilo. New Y(nk, The types are with Dr. Kiilicott. CATALOGUE OF NOf'TFTD.I^ SMITH. 183 N. inquinata (in. 18.52. (ill.. Spec. rion.,N()C*., I, 101, Sonagria. 185K. Wlk., (". U. Mils., ll.t., i.\, 12S, Xotinijrid. 1882. (irt., l'ai)ilio, ii, iU, SvtKujrUi. Habitat.— New Yo»k. This species should be in the IJritish Museum, butT f;iile<l to lin<l it. Ill view of the fact tliat botli of tlie other species are leferabh' to Se)it<t, rallier than X<mfi(frin, it is not unlikely that (Juence had before iiiiii something very like S.drfectn iirt. The small size — L'l nun., would favor this view; but it will need mox'e material tlian I have at command at present to decide this. (iomiN SZiNTA Stepli. 182'J. Stepli. , 111. l$r. Eiit. Ilaust., iii, 27!t. S. defecta (irf.' 1874. Git., (ith Hopt. I'l'iili. Ac. Sci., 2!>, Sciila. 1874. Git., null, liiiir. Hov. Nat. Sci. ii. pi. i, C. 4, S,)il,i. Habitat. — Massachu.setts; New York; ^laryland; Eastern, Middle, and Central States. The tyi>e is-in the Museum. I believe this may be fouiul to be the XornKfria iuquinata of Guenee. S. oiiervata (in. 18r>2. Gil., .Spec. Gon., Noct., l, 10.">, Xoiiaf/ria. IHiit). \Vlk., C. ]{. .Mns., Hot., i.\, 128, Xoiiuijria. 1882. Grt., Tapilio, ii, i»5, Nouatjria. foiUenn (ill. 1852. (in., .Spec. Gen.. Xoct., 1, 105, Xonagria. 18.56. Wlk.. ('. n. Mns., Hot., IX, 128. XoiKujriii. 1882. (irt., I'aiiilio. ii, 9.5, Nonagria. Habitat. — Florida. The types are in the Aluseum and are sexes of the same species. They are not congeneric with Nonagria typluv; but api)ear to be (congeneric with *S'e«^f defcrta. Tlu^ body is quite robust, tiu'. eyes are nalasd, front smooth, without tubercle, and the male antenna' sim- ple. In c(dor tlie specimens are blackish, with little or no ornamenta- tion. I never saw the like of tluMii before. \ (iciMis rOTA (irt. \W1. (lit.. Can. Hilt.. xi\-, 174. P. ai mata ( J it. " 1882. Grt., Can. Knt., xiv, 175.1 ISI, l'i,l,i. I88S. (irt., I'loc. Am. I'liil. .S.c., \\i, l(;!t, tola. Haihta'I'. — Arizona. F. minoiata (irt.* 1882. Grt.. Can. Knt., xn , 181, lota. 188:?. Grt., Troc. Ant. I'liil. Soc, wi, IClt. loin. Habitat. — Aii/.ona. Both of the above species are described oiil of Mr. Nenmo'geii's col- 184 BULLETIN 14, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. lection, and Mr. Grote gave me types of each, which are now in the National Museum. Tlie genus has little, in common with those with which it is associated; but I leave it where Mr. (i rote put it until critical study develops a better place for it. GvDU8 PLATTSENTA Gi t. 1874. Grt., 6tli Kept. Peab. \v. Sci., 28. P. videns (>ii.* 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., i, 78, Leueaniu. 1882. Grt., 111. Essay, 42, = atriviliuiu. indiyeiin Wlk. ' 1857. Wlk., C. h. Mus., Hot., xi, 712, t Notiagria. 1882. Grt., 111. Essay, 42, pr. syii. nwakei Speyer. 1875. Speyer, Stett. Ent. Zeit., xxxvi, lift, Ctivmlrina. 1882. Grt., New List, 30,? pr. syii. atritiUiala Grt. 1874. Grt., (ith Kept. Peab. A<'. Sei., 28, Plulymnia. 1874. Grt., Hull. Huff. Soe. Xat. Kci., ii, pi. i, f. 2, I'UtiyHfHla. Habitat. — Massachusetts in June and .Inly, t«> Floriila, west to the Mi.ssissippi Valley; Colorado; Illinois in August; District of Columbia iu July, August, and September. Gueiu'e's type is in the British Museum, and is unquestionably the same as Mr. (rrote's species. Walker's type I did not see, but Mr. Grote did, and is positive in referring it to atricUiata. 1 made a re- grettable error in identifying Monoden uueicolora Gn., with this species. P. anguBtiorata (irt.* 1882. Grt., Hull. Geol. Surv., vi, .5M, I'latfiHtnUt. Hahitat. — Colorado. Mr. Grote gave me a specimen marked type, which is now in the National Museum. Genus TAPIN08T0LA Led. 1857. Le.ler<'r, Noet. Kur., 123. T. variana Morr. 1875. Morr., Proe. Ae. Nat. Sei. Pliil., 1875, 432, TapinoHtola. Habitat. — Detroit, Michigan. The type shtmld be, and probably is, in the Museum of Ctmiparative Zoology at Cambridge; but 1 did not see it there. T. orientalis (irt. 1882. (Jrt., Hull. (ieol. Surv., vi, .583, Tapinoalola. Haiutat. — Kittery Point, Maine; Uutt'alo, New York. I have seen the type specimens in Dr. Thaxter's collection, and hsive identitied the specii's Ironi Rutl'alo, New York. Dr. Thaxter thought it pi'obably a variety of ouriana. Mr. Neumtegeu also has a "tyi)e." CATALOGUE OP NOCTUID(E — SMITH. 185 Oeniis OMMATOSTOLA Grt. 1873. Ort., Bull. Buft". Soc. Nut. iS<i., ii, 112. 0. lintneti, Grt.* 1873. Grt., Bull. Buff. So*-. Nut. .S«i.. ii, 112, Ommatoalola. Habitat. — New York ; Auglcsea, New Jerisey. Types are iu Dr. Lintner's collection anil in tlu^ British Miiseuni. GeuuH LEUCAinA OcIih. 1816. Ochs., SchnHtt. Eur., iv, 81. Ii. pallenB Linu. " 1761. Linn., Fauna Siiec, 117.5, Noclna. 1767. Linn., Syst. Nat., ed. xii, ii, 838, Xoctita. 1759. Clk., Icoues, t. 4, f. 6, Phalwna. 1781. Fabr., Spec. Iu»., ii, 214, Noctua. 1787. Fabr., Maut. Ins., ii, 139, Noctua. 1816. Hbn., Yerzeichuiss, 241, Leucania. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., i, 92, Leucania. 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het., ix, 91, Leucania. 1875. Speyer, Stett. Ent. Zeit., xxxvi, 112, Leucania. Habitat. — Canada; United States jjenerally, except Southern States, June to September. The bibliography of older and European authors is incomplete and reference should be had to Staudinger and Walker for other citatiiuis. In American literature I have found nothing worthy of remark. I have seen this species, or something very closely allied to it, from Cali- fornia. Ii. oxygale firt." 1881. Grt., Can. Ent., xiii, 14, HeUophila. Habitat. — Colorado. The type is in the British Museum. I have a .««pe<!iineu carefully compared with it. Another specimen, also mark<Hl type, is in tht^ Tep- per collection. L. preegracilis (irt. 1877. Grt., Bull. Gw.l. Surv., in, 119, Ilcliophila. Habitat, — Idaho, July 0; Colorado; New Mexico. I have not .seen the type of this species, and do not know certainly where it is. In the Cambridge collection is a specimen marked Helto- phila grncilliniatyite; but I find no su<*h .spe<'ies described. Is it pos- sible that Mr. Grote's description was intended for this insect! It is uot unlikely, for the description applies fairly well. Mr. Thaxter has marked it '•'• bicolorata^'' and the two are very nearly related if not identical. L. bicolorata Grt. 1881. Grt., Papilio, i, 154, HeUophila. Habitat. — Tucson, Arizona; Colorado; New Mexii^o. Tile type is with Mr. NeuuKcgen, and is, as alrejidy suggested, a close ally of the preceding. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) <:\W^ ^ ^o 1.0 I.I ?" IS Ilia m 1-25 1.4 1.6 = ^= = ^ — 6" ► Hiotographic Sciences Corporation 33 WIST MAIN STRUT WIBSTIR, N.Y. MSaO (716) S73-4S03 m *§V* :<\^ ^\ ^ W ,<if !kr I 1 186 BULLETIN 4}, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. L. patrioia <ir(. 1880. Ort., Bull. Bklii. Ent. Smc., lit, 4», Heliophilti. Habitat. — Coloradt>; Las Vegas, N«w Mexico. The type is in the Tepper coUectioii. Mr. Meeskti ('4>11e(!te<l it in some nuiii1>ers at Las VegaH, New Mexico. It d(M'H not lor>k Iik«<t JA^ueanm at fli'Ht sight, from its slender form and the ch^^ar whit<e nunlian striiH^ L. pertraota Morr. 1875. Morr., Pror. Bost. S<)«. N. H., xvni, 120, Heliophila Habitat. — Pennsylvania. The type is in Mr. Strecker^s colltMstion. L. rubripennia G. &, R.* 1870. O. & R., TrauH. Am. Eat. Hoc, in, 17«, pi. 2, f. 77, Leucania. Habitat. — Texas in August. A specimen marked '' Type'* is in tlie British Museiua. L. rufoBtriga I'nck. 18fi6. Pack., Proc. Host. Sih;. N. H., \x, »*», LrHcania. Habitat. — ('aribou Island; Labrador. The type is probably in the Cambridge collection. I have no note of seeing it while at Balem; but the material was then in such a con- IVised shape thai it was easy to overlook specimens. L. aibiUnea Hbii." 1810. Hhii., Saminl. Ex. ScliiiMitt., 25, ff., :W7, XtH. 1810. Him., VorwMC'hniHs, 241, Leucania. IKiii. rill., Spoc. (}*>n., Noot., I, 89, Lettcania. 1850. Wlk., C. 11. MiiH., Hot., IX, }«», Leumnia. 1877. Rilt^v, Oth Ki^tt. lim. Mo.. 50, t'., 14, 15, nil NtiigoH. 1880. (Irt., Can. Kiit., xii, 110, Leucania. diffum Wlk. 1850. Wlk., C. \\. Mua., Het., ix, 04, l^umnia. 1882. Ort., HI. EsHiiy, 42, pr. Hyii. moderata Wlk. 185«J. Wlk., 0. B. Miw., Het., ix, 114, LeueaHia. harveyi Ort. 1873. (Irt., Bull. Bntf. Sue. Nat. 8oi., i, 0, pi. I, f. 14, Leucania. 1870. Harv., Bull. BiiO'. Hoc. Nat. Hci., in, 8, Leucania. 1880. Ort., Can. Ent., xil, 110, an ap. dint, f Habitat. — Nova Scotia; Canada, in August; United State's east of the Rocky Mountains; Northern and Middle States in August; Texas in March and April; Colorado; New Mexico. The types of diffum., moderata, and lutrveffi are all in the British Mu- seum, and all refer to alhiUnetty or what Guoiu^e has identified as such — correctly, I think. The economic bibliography is large. CATALOGUE OF Nm^TUID.f: — SMITH. L. Ugata Urt.* 187 1875. Ort., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc., v, 115, Heliophila. 1879. Strk., Kept. Chief Eng., 1878-'79, v, ]>. 1862, LenraHia. Habitat. — Texas in March to November; Colorado, July 31; Florida in March. The type is in the British MuHeiim. L. dia Ort.* 1879. Ort., Can. Ent., Xl, 29, HeUopkila. 1882. Ort., III. Ksaay, 56, pi. ii, f. 19, Heliophila. Habitat. — Cnlifomia. The type is in the Bailey collection. L. extindta Gn. 1852. Gn., Spee. Gen., Noct., 1, 79, Leucania. 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het., I.Y, 94, Lcncania. IMIa Gn. 1852. On., Spec. Gen., Noct., i, 81, Leucania. 1856. Wlk., C. K. Mns., Hct., ix, 95, Leiuania. 1891. Smith, List Lopitloptbrn, 46, \tr. syn. Hcirpieola Gn. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gcu., Noet., i, 84, Leucania. 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mns., Het., ix, il6, UiuiUHia. 1891. Smith, List Lepiiloptern, 46, pr. nyn. amifgdnlina Hnrv. 1878. Harv., Can. Ent., x, 57, Heliophila. Habitat. — Maine to Texas; Florida. All the types are in the British Musenni and without any question refer to one species only. Insueta, on the other hand, is a distinct species. L. multllinea Wlk.* 1856. Wlk., V. B. Mum., Het., ix, 97, r.enrania. 1875. Grt., rr<M-. Ai-. Nut. S*i.. 1875, 419,= .v.niiMoirfM. lapidaria Grt. 1875. Grt., Proc. Ac Nnt. Sri. I'hil., 1875, 419, Heliophila. Habitat. — Canada; New York in ,h\\y and August. Both types ore in the British Musenni and r«>rer to the same species. Mr. Grote referred multilinen as a sjMionym of eommohleH on the faith of a specimen determined by Walker in a ('anadian collection; but Walker's determinations, even of his own species, are absolutely un- trustworthy. L. phragmatidioola On." 1852. On., Spec. Gen., Niict., I, 89, /.cHcanm. 1856. Wlk., C. B. MuH., Het., IX, 97, Leucania, var tezana Morr. 1874. Morr., Proc. Bout. Hoc. N. H., xvil, 211, Heliophila. Habitat. — Canada in August, to Texas; United States east of the H'Kjky Mountains; Cohirado; New Mexico; Texas, Man'h, April, tluly, September, October; New York in .luiie to September. 188 BULLETIN 4^, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. The type of the species is in the British Miiseum aud I have a care- AiUy conipared speitimeD. I have not seen Mr. Morrison's variety, which luay be another species, probably represented in the National Museum. L. junoioola On." 1852. On., Spec. Oen., N<M;t., i, 8.3, Leucania. 1866. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Hot., ix, 96, Leucania. atyuta Ort. 1874. Ort., Bnll. Buff. Soc. Nat. Soi., ii, l!i»,. Heliopkila. 1875. Harv., Bull. Buff. Site. Nat. 8ci., in, 8, Heliophila. Habitat. — Alabama; Texas in March. Mr. Grote's type is in the British Museum, where there is also a specimen named juncicoUif apparently determined by Guen^e. Gueni^e credits the species to Boisduval, but describes it himself for the first time. The specimen agrees well with the description and may, I think, be fairly considered as representative ofjuncicola which, then, is the same as adjuta. L. farota Ort. 1881. Ort., Can. Ent., xiii, 15, Heliophila. Habitat. — California. The tyi>e is in the British Museum. I have a compared si>eviiuen almost exactly like it. L. inauetaOn.* 1852. On., Spec. 0«n., Noct., i, 81, Leueania. 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., ix, U5, LeHvauia. 1877. Ort., Can. Ent., ix, 28, =°= oommoMeo. aduMea Ort. 1874. Ort., Bull. Buff. Sor. Nat. Sni., ii, 150, Heliophila. Habitat. — Nova Scotia; Canada in July; New York, Juno to Au- gust; (yolortulo. Both the types are in the British Museum and refer to the same si)ecies. InsueUi is a somewhat darker form ; but not otherwise different. Mr. Grote's reference to eommoidea was based on determinations made by Walker, and that was a very unsiife basis. 1 have specimens com- pared with the tyiies. L. oommoidea (in.* 1852. On., ii\we. Oon., Noct., I, 86, LeueaHia 1856. Wlk., C. B. MuH., H«t., ix, 06, Leueania. 1875. 8|ie,v<!r, Stett. Ent. Zoit., xxxvi, 113, Leueania. Habitat. — NovaBcotia; Canada; NewYork, June to August; Wis- consin; Minnesota; Illinois; Colorado; New Mexico; Florida in March. The type is in the British Museum and is the species so named in American collections. 1110 to Au- CATALOGUE OF NOCTUIDiE — 8MITH. 189 L. flabili* art. 1881. Ort., C'au. Ent., xiii, 15, Heliophita. Habitat. — Long iHiaud, New York. Types »re in the Tepi)er collection and in the BritiHh Museum. The species was described from material taken by Mr. Tepper. L. rimoMi (Srt.* 1882. Ort., Can. Ent., xiv, 216, HeUophUa. Habitat. — Kittery Point, Maine. The type is with Dr. Thaxtev. L. unipunota Ila^v.* 1810. Haw., Lep. Britt., n, 177, NiKiiMa. 1829. Steph., 111. Brit. Ent., Hunst., in, 80, Noclna. 1862. Flint, in Harris, Ii^j. Ihh., 027, f. 274, 275, 276, /^nmittia. 1864. Grt., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., in, 540, LiHcania. 1870. Riley. 2<l Kept. Ins.' Mo., 37, IT. 11, 14-16, !^Hvania. 1871. Kiley, Anicr. Ent., l, 21.'), AT. 152-154, Lemuniu. 1876. Riley, 8th Rt^pt. Ins. Mo., 22, 184, 215, J^umHta. 1883. Riley, 3il Rept. U. 8. Ent. Coinni., 89-156, lAiHcania. extrauea Gn. 1852. Gu., Spec. Gen., Noct., i, 77, LeucaMia. 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., ix, 93, f^Hcania. Habitat. — Canada to Florida and Texas, west to the B<M;ky Moun- tains; Colorado; New Mexico; throughout the season. For the full bibliogra]>hy of this insect to 1881, reference should be hod to the Third Keport of the U. 8. Entomological Commission, where more than eight pages of titles are given. Were the bibliogra]>liy since that time collected with equal completeness it would All eight pages more. L. Bubpuuotata liurv. ' 1875. Harv., Bnll. Bufl'. Soo. Nat. Sci., iii, 8, HeliopkUa. Habitat. — Texas in March. The type is in the British Museum. I have a specimen carefiilly compared with it. L. pUipalpia (irt. 1875. Grt., Proc. Bo8t. f*o.. N. H., xviii, '15, llvliophiln. Habitat.— Apalachifola, Kh)rida. 1 have seen the type in Dr. ThaxterV collection. It is a iieculiar and very distinct species, which I have not had since. L. paeudargyria Gn.' 1852. Gn., 8pec. Gen., Noct., I, 74, I^eueania. 1856. Wlk., V. B. Mus., Hot., ix, 77, M^lhimHa. 1874. Caullield, Can. Ent., vi, 132, Leucaiiin, larvn. 1875. H|)«yer, Htett. Eut. Zeit., XXX vi, 113, LtucaHia. 1881. Fn>nch, Can. Eut., xni, 24, larva. 190 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. mr obuata Gu. 1852. Gil., S|)e<;. Gcu., N<H;t., i, 74, Lcuianiu. 1856. VVlk., C. H. MiiH., Hct,., ix, 77, Muthimit,,. 1882. Grt., III. Essny, 40, t pr. syii. callida Grt. 1882. Grt., Now List, 30, in note, var. i»r. Habitat. — Canada in July aud AngiiHt to Texas; east of Itocky Mountains; Colorado; New Jersey in April and June; New York, May to August. Guen^e's types are in the British Museum. Ohmta is undoubtecilly thti red form otpseudargyriay and just exaetly what Mr. Grote named calluht. L. ebriosa Gn. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., No«t., i, 74, pi. 3 f. 1, Lmcaniu. 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mns., Hot., ix, 70, Myihimna. 1882. Grt., 111. Essay, 40, Myihimna. Habitat.— "Am. Sept." A curious species to be an American insect.. The eyes are hairy, antennte serrate and bristled, "brush-like," the wings short, resembling Scopelomma, color carmine red. If from America at all, it is probably from Florida, of Doubleday's material. Genns ZOSTEROPODA <Jrt. 1874. (irt., Bull. Buff. Nat. Sci., ii, 67. Z. hirtipes Grt.* 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 68, Zoaleropoda. 1875. Grt., Can. Ent., vii, 25, Zoster opoda. 1882. Grt., 111. Essay, 56, pi. 2, f. 20, Zoatcropoda. Habitat. — California, March, April, Ji»ly, aud September. A type is in the Edwards collection. Another is in the British Museum. Gunus UFEUS Grt. 1873. (Jrt., Bull. Buff. Hoc. Nut. Sci., i, 101. n. Sagittarius Grt. 1883. Grt., Papilio, iii, 31, V/mn. 1883. Grt., Proc. Am. Phil. Soc, xxi, 170, Ufvu». Habitat.— California. The type is in the Neumo'gen collection. U. pUoatUB (irt.* 1873. Grt., Bull. Buff. So»!. Nat. Sci., i, 102, I'/cus. 1873. Grt., Proc. Bust. Soc. Nat. Hist., xvi, 241, Vfem. 1883. Grt., Proc. Am. Phil. Soc, xxi, 170, Uftus. Habitat. — Canada; Pennsylvania; Colorado; (Jaliforniu. The typo should be in the collection of the American Entomological Society, but I have not found it there. U. unioolor Grt.' 1878. Grt., Bull. Oeol. Surv., iv, 17ft, V/eiis. 1883. Grt., Proc. Am. Phil. Soc, xxi, itO, Vfcna, Habitat.— Illinois} Cohuiido. The typQ i« in the Brittiih MuBeum» CATOLOGUE OF NOCTUID.E — SMITH. 191 n. satyiioas Grt.' 1873. Grt., null. Hiilf. Soc. Nnt. Sci., i, 101, pi. 3, f. 4, Ufcua. 1883. Grt., Proc. Am. Phil. Soo., xxi, 170, Vfeiu. Habitat. — Canada in .luly; New York; Peuusylvania; Illinois, Feb- ruary. The tyi)e is in Dr. Lintner's collection. GonuM PTBROSCIA Morr. 1874. Morr,, Pro* . Boat. Soc. N. H., xvii, 155. P. atrata Morr. 1874. Morr., Proc. Host. Soc. N. H., xvii, 156, Ptero8oia. Habitat. — Mount Wasliington, N. H., July 5 and 7. The type is in the Britisli Museuui from the Grote collection. It is a roughly clothed, dull, smoky -brown species, vrith broad wings and simple male anteniui;. The only obvious mlirking is a dentat«, pale, exterior transverse line. 1 had not seen it before. Genus SCOLBCOCAMPA Gu. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gvu., Noct., i, , 131. 8. libuma Geyer.* 1823. Geyer, Zutni^gc, 482, ft". 963. IHU, ClytU: 1858. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Hot., xiv, 1364, 1'HvadopMa. 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci.. ii, 20, ScolecommiM. 1875. Grt., Proc. Bost. Soc. N. H., xviii, 41.5, Scolecocampa. 1881. Grt., Cau. Eut., xiii, 91, Scohvommpa. 1883. Hy. Edw., Papilio, iii, 134, larva. %Hi Gu. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., i, 131, pi. 6, f. 3. Scolecocampa. 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het., ix, HMJ, Scolecovr.mpa. 1874. Grt., Bull. Buft". Soc. Nat. S«i.. ii, 20, pr. syn. Habitat. — Canada to Florida; east of the Kocky Mountains; East- ern and Northern States, in July. The larva lives in decaying chestnut and oak stumps, and the iange given embraces only such iiortions of it as atlbrd the ftMid plants, (iiience's types are at the Jardin dcs plantes and in tlie Hoisduval collec tiou with M. Oberthiir. 1 did not sec the sitecimen in the Paris Museum. GcuuM BUCALTPTERA Morr. 1875. Morr., Ann. Lye. Nat. Hint., N. Y., xi, 104, B. bipunota Morr.* 1875. Morr., Ann. Lye Nat. Hist., N. Y., xt, 104, EHoal^pterO* 1878. Grt., Bull. Gool. Surv., iv, 179, Soolecocampai '880. Grt., Bull. Bkln. Eut, Sue, ui, .S8, Scolecocampa, 1882. Smith, Bull. Bklu. Eut. Sue, v, 6, EiioalypUra. 1883. Smith, Cau. Eut., x v, 230, Eucalyptvia. Habit AT.— Massachusetts to Florida, along ths coast. The type is in the Topper ooUection. 192 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. B. obaoura Ort. 1883. Ort., (/'au. Knt., xv, 7, Scolecoeampa. 1890. Ort., KeviHed Check LiHt, 22, Emcaltfptera. Habitat. — ArizMna. The type is in the NeuiiuBgen collection. OuiiuH D0R70DB8 Ou. 18S7. On., Spec. Oen., Phnl., II, 233. D. biatiiaUs Oeyer.* 1823. Geyor, Zutrwge, 388, «. 775, 776, Agriphila. 1878. Ort., Bull. Geol. Snrv., iv, 179, Dotj/odea. 1881. Ort., Can. Kut., xiii, 91, Dorj/odeg. aoutnria H-8ch. 1856. H-Sch., L«|i. Ex., Siippl., 74, f. 447, Ligia. 1&57. On., Spec. Ocu., Phal., ii, 233, pi. 17, f. 6, Vovjiodet. 1858. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het., xvi, 73, U>. HoittaliH. 1860. CIiMii., Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., 1860, 251, DorifotU^H. 1878. Ort., Bull. Oeol. Surv., iv, 179, pr. Hyu. diviga Wlk. 1863. Wlk., C. B. MuH., Ilct., xxvii, 187, Thermma. promptella Wlk. 1863. Wlk., C. B. Mum., Hct., xxvii, 196, Tunza. Habitat. — Eastern, Middle, and Western States; Fhirida; Maine and Massachusetts, in August; Kansas in September. The Walker types are in the British Museum, and were described as Granibids, while Ouenee considered the species Geometrid. D. spadaria On. 1857. On., Spue, (ten., Phal., ii, 234, Itorifodea. 1862. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het., xxiv, 1148, Doryodea. Habitat. — Florida. I have not seen the tyiie; nor have I made any effort to identify the species. OeuuB PHIPROBOPUS Ort. 1872. Ort., TranH. Am. Eiit. Soo., iv, 90. P. oalUtrlohoides Ort." 1872. Ort., TranH. Am. Eut. Soc, iv, 90, Pkyprotopiu. 1873. Ort., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Scl., i, 170, Sudariophora. 1874. Ort., Btill. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., it, 2!), Sudariophora. 1876. Ort., Can. Eat., viii, 205, Phipromptis. acHtali»\ Wlk. 1858. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het., xvi, 73, Itorgodw. 1872. Ort., TrauH. Am. Eut. Soc., iv, 91, pr. syn. na»Htaria Zell. 1872. Zell., Verb. k. k. Zool.-bot. Ooa., 1872, 490, t. 2, f. 11, SndaHophora, 1873. Ort., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sol., i, 170, pr. Hyn. Habitat.— New York to Texas, in May. Mr. Grote's type is in the British Museum, and so, probably, is Zel- ler's, though I did not see the latter. Mr. Grote was quite correct in citing Walker's o^'utalis to this species. CATALOGUE OP NOCTlIIDiK — SMITH. Genus AMOLITA Grt. 1874. Grt., Bull. Butf. .Soc. Nat. 8ci., ii, 158. 193 A. fessa <irt.* 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 158, AmoUta. Habitat. — Maasachusettn, in July, to Tcxsis; Colorado; District of Columbia, in June; Florida, in March. The type is in the British Museum. Gen 118 CILLA Grt. 1880. Grt., Nu. Am. Knt., i, 100. C. distema Grt.* 1880. Grt., No. Ar" Ent., i, 100, Cilia. Habitat.— Texas, May to August. The typo is in the British Museum. Gouiis BALSA Wlk. IS^O. Wlk., Can. Nat. and Ueol., V, 250. B. malana Fitcli.* 1856. Fitch, Ist ami 2d Kept. Ins. N. Y., 214, pi. in, f. 5, Braohtftmnia. 1872. Zell., Verh. k. k., Zoiil.-hot. Ges.. xxii, 4r>4, Nolo. 1873. Grt., Bull. Huff. ISoc. Nat. Sci., i, IfJ!), \olophana. 1883. 8aund., Fruit Inttocts, 101, f. 98, larva. 1883. Grt., Proc. Am. Phil. 8oo., xxi, im, Kolophana. obliqui/era Wlk. 1860. Wlk., Can. Nat. nnjl Gt'ol., v, 251, liaha. 1877. Grt., Can. Ent., ix, 29, pr. syn. Habitat. — Canada, in July, to Georgia; Wisconsin; Central States; New York, in June to August. Mr. Grote in Can. Ent., ix, 29, cites Baha obluftiifera Wlk., as a synonym of this species after an examination of the type in the coIUm;- tion of the Entomological Society of Ontario. Mr. Walker ha.s thus given us three generic names forthis genus — Balsa, Oargaza,a\id CuUna, all of which antedate Nolophana Grote. B. triquetrana Fitch. 1856. Fitch, Ist and 2d Kopt. Ins. N. Y., 244, lirachytmnla, 1872. Zoll., Verh. k. k. Zoiil-bot. Ges., xxii, 457, Xola. 1873. Grt., Bull. Buff. 8oc. Nat. Sci., i, 169, Nohphaua. Pabitat.— Middle States. B. tritttigella Wlk.* >865. Wlk., C. B. Mns., Het., XXXV, 1734, Gor(/«wa. zelliri Grt. 1873. Grt., Bull. Buft". Hoc. Nat. Sci., l, 169, Asiayra. 1883. Grt., Proc. Am. IMiil. Soc, xxi, 159, Nolophana. malana t Zell. 1872. Zell., Verh. k. k. Zool.-bot. (ies., xxii, 451, .Vof<i, J873. Grt-. Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., i, I6d,=^tclleii. ^8— No. U-rr-^lli 194 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Habitat. — Ma88achu(>iett8 in April and May; New York, in Jnne and August, to Texas. Walker's type is in the British Museum. In the Grote collection are three specimens labeled zelleri by Mr.Grote, not tyi>es, wliicli agree with the type of trutrigella. The locality of the latter is *<■ uDkuown." B. Ubeonla Urt. 1880. Grt., Can. Knt., xu, 217, Xolophana. Habitat. — New York to Texas. The type is in the British Museum. QeiiuH CATABBNA Wlk. 1865. Wlk., C. B. Mna., Het., xxxii, 631. O.lineoUta Wlk.* 1865. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., xxxii, 631, ('atab»Ha. mtHcellns Grt. 1873. Grt., Bull. Bnff. 8oc. Nat. 8ci., i, 181, Adipiiophane$. 1880. Coqiiillett, No. Aincr. Eiit., I, 52, Inrva. Habitat. — Canada in May and July; New York in May and July, to California in May and July. Both the types are in the British Museum, and refer to the same species. Walker's species was given as '' locality unknown." C. terminellns Grt. 1883. Grt., Can. Ent., xv, 132, AdipMphane$. Habitat. — Texas. The type is with Mr. Neumcegen. Carvanca triseeta Wlk., which is interpolated here in my List of Lepi- doptera, is CrambtM interminelliu Wlk. Both the types are in the Brit- ish Museum. Belonging here, and probably a species of Xolophana, is Cutina albo- puncteUa Wlk., C. B. Mus., xxxv, 1735, 1866, described as a Pyralid. The species is the generic type, and the description a« applied to the specimen is a wonderful production. While I feel quite certain that the specimen is a Nolophana or BaUa, I would not dare tp ifisk a gues^ at the species at present. Genns CRAMBODBS Gq. 1852. Gn., Spec. Geu., Xoct., ii, 152, C. taUdiibrmis Gu,* 1852. On., Spec. Gen., Noct., il, 162, pi. 7, f. 12, Cramhodet^ 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mne., Het., xi, 661, Crambodes. 1879. Coquillett, No. Amer. Ent., i, 5, larva. Hy. Edw., Papilio, iii, 135, laryi^, oonfugent Wlk. Wlk., C. B. Mua., Het., ix, 119, Canranea. 1883. 1856. 18W. Wlk., C. 9. Mn«., H«t., XKXW, 762, pr. syn, CATALOr.UE f)P NOCTIJID.IC — SMITH. lUa Habitat. — Canada in May, Jane, and Jnly; Northern, Kastern, Middle, and Ontral StateH May to 'luly; C(»loiado. The tyiies are in the British MuHeum. Walker has himself referred his species t<i the synonymy. His Carranca trm'cta, C. B. Mus.. Hot., IX, 110, is (Jramhun intermineUuH^ also described by him. GeniiH FOTBLLA <iit. 1882. Grt., Can. Eiit., xiv, 181. F. notalis (irt. 1882. Ort., nan. Knt., xiv, 181, Foklla, Habitat. — Arizona. The type is in Mr. Keumfegen's collection. (ionuH CARADRINA Orhs. 1816. Oclm., Schmett. Kiir., iv, 80. C. tarda Gn. 18.'»2. Gn., SjK'r. Gt-n., Noi^t., i, 213, Caradrina. 1856. Wlk.. ('. n. Mus., Het., X, 292, ((mtdmia. 187.5. MoiT., I'roc. Host. Soi-. N. H., .win, 121, i'arath-ina. Habitat. — "North America;" West Virginia. Gnenee's species was describe*! from Boisdiival's collection, and the type is now with M. Oberthiir, at Rennt-iS. The specinuMi identified by Mr. Morrison is in the Meyer collection, where I have probably Keen it withont noting. I can not say, of course, whether the identification is correct. C. mlrandaGrt.* 187.3. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc Nat. Sci., i, 11, 169, Ciuadnna. 187.5. Spoyer, Stctt. Knt. Zoit., xxxvi, 114, 1'ui-ailrim. Habitat. — Middle and Central States June to August; Colorado; Utah in June; California in July. I have not seen the type. The specimens in the British Museum, though from the Grote collection, have no type label. C. meralis Morr. 1873. Morr., Can. Ent., vii, 215, Catndnna. bllunata Grt. 1877. Grt., Can. Kut., ix, 19J>. Caradriiia. 1880. Grt., Bull. Hkln. Ent. So<\, in, 39, pr. syn. 1880. Grt., Can. Ent., xii, 187, pr. syn. Habitat. — Northern and Eastern States; Maine; Massachusetts) New Mexico. The type of meralis is in the Tepper collection; that of hilunuta i£| with Dr. Thaxter. C. derosa Morr. 1875. Morr., Proe. Bowt. Soc. N. H., xvui, 121, Caradrina, Habitat. — New .Fersey. The type is iu the Tepper colletition. I have not rocogn|;5ed it among the material taken by the ^ew Jersey cojleetora. 196 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. C. moltifera Wlk.* 1856. Wlk., C. B. MiiH., Met., x, 293, Caradnuo. 1869. Beth., Can. Eiit., i, m, Caradriua. fidiemlaria Morr. 1874. Morr., Proc. Boat. Soc. N. H., xvu, 14.5, Srgclia. 1876. Grt., Con. Ent., viii, lf»,-=cubiculari8. 1878. Lintner, Ent. Cont., iv, 89, Caradrina dist. cubicutaris, 1882. Ort., 111. Enmiy, 46, pr. Hyn. Habitat. — Nova Scotia; Canada in July and August; Mninc; New York, August, September; New Jersey; District of Columbia; Illinois; Minnesota. Walker's type is in the British Museum and is our common form. Mr. Morrison's type I have not seen, nor do I know where it is. Dr. Lintner, in 1878, writes as though from a positive idcMitifl<-ation of Morrison's species, and I have no doubt the reference is correct. C. Bubaqulla Harv. 1878. Harv., C«n. Ent., x, 57, Caradrina. Habitat.— Texas. The type is in the British Museutn. C conviva Harv." 1874. Harv., Can. Ent., vin, 6, Caradriua, Habitat. — Texas in November. The type is in the British Museum. C. fragosa Grti. 1883. Grt., Papilio, iii, 76, Caradrina. Habitat. — Arizona. The type is in Mr. Neumcegen's collection. C. eztimia Wlk. 1865. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het., xxxii, 687, Caradrina. civica Grt. 1883. Grt., Papilio, in, 74, Caradrina. Habitat. — Colorado; California; Vancouver; Oregon. Walker's type is in the British Museum and Mr. Grote's is in the NeumoBgen collection. They are specifically identical. • Genus ABIPHIPYRA Oehs. 1816. Ochs., Schmott. Eur., iv, 70. I follow Staudinger and the continental entomologists generally in using Amphipyra instead of Pyrophila Hbn., Verzeichniss, 208. Though bearing date the same year, 1816, Hilbner's book was not published until 1818 at least, and as both are catalogue names the earliest nnist Btau4. The Teut^wen, of covu'se, is not Q0Tisi4ered iu this argumeut. CATALOGUE OF NOCTUID.K — SMITH. 1J)7 A. tragopogliiis Linn.* 1761. Linn., Fn. Sii««-., 1189, Xoitiia. 1767. Linn., Synt. Nut., •>(!. xii, 855, Xoclua, 1781. F»br., Sii«c. InH., ii, 273, Noclua. 1787. Faltr.. Mant. Lih., ii, 177, Noctua. 1793. Fubr., Ent. Syst., in, 2, 112, Xoclma. 1793. Omel., ed. xiii, Linn. Syat. Nat., v, 2573, Xoctua, 1800. Hbn.. Eur. Schmctt., iv, t, 8. f. 40, Xoctua. 1816. Hbn., Verzeicbuiss, 209, Scotopkila. 1825. Tt., Scbmett. Eur., v, 277, Amphipyra. 18.52. On., Spcir. Gen., Noct., il, 415, Amphipyra. 1858. Wlk., C. B. MuB., Hot., xiii, 1017, Jmphipura, 1870. Beth., Can. Ent., ii, 73, Amphipyra. 1874. Grt., Bull. Buft'. Soc. Nut. Sci., ii, 22, Pyrophila. 1875. Spcyer, Htett. Ent. Zeit., xxxvi, 168, Amphipyra. repre»sH8 Grt. 1871. Grt., Can. Ent., in, 1!>2, Aaroiig. 1871. Saunil., Can. Ent., in, 193, Inrva. 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., if, 22, pr. syn. Habitat. — Canada to PeuiiRylvania, west to t' e Mi>*si88ipi)i ; July and AuguHt. A. glabella Morr." 1874. Morr., Proc. Bost. Soc. K. H., xvii, 153, Puroph^la. 1878. Grt., Bull. Geol. Surv., iv, 180, Pyrophila. Habitat. — Penusylvania; Illinois; Arizoua; Ne]>ra.ska; Calilbnii:i; Colorado. I do not know where the type is to be found at present. A. triquetra Grt. 18a3. Grt., Papilio, iii, 78, Pyrophila. Habitat. — Arizona. The type is with Mr. Neunio'gm. A. pyramldoidea Gn.* IR'52. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., ii, 413, Amphipyra. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Hit., xiii, 1018, Amphipyra. 1864. Git.,Proc.Ent.Soc. Phil., 111,86, .^m^</H>i;ra. 1871. Riley, .Sd Kept. Ins. Mo., 72, f. 31, 32, laivu. 1871. Riley, Am. Ent., ii, 26, f. 23, Amphipyra. 1874. Saund., Can. Ent., vi, 27, larva. J874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 22, Pyrnphiln. 1875. Speyer, Stett. Ent. Zeit., xxxvi, 168, Amphipyra. 1875. Saund., Can. Ent., vii, 14, Amphipyra. 1875. Thaxter, Psyche, i, 106,- Pyrophila. 1875. Riley, Psyche, i, 152, Amphipyra. var.inoruata Grt. 1864. Grt., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., in, 86, Amphipyra. 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 22, pr. var. ab. oonsperaa Riley. 1871. Riley, 3d Rept. Ins. Mo., 75, Amphipyra. 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 22, ab. pr. 1881. Biley, Ind. and Supplt. to Mo. Repts., 57, pr. var. 198 BULLETIN 44, TTNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEtTM. Hahitat. — United States east of the Kocky Mountains; Colorado; IlritiHli Columbia, July to October. Typical specimens are in the British Museum. I have not seen the type of Mr. Grote's variety; that described by Prof. Riley is in the National Museum. Genus ANORTHODBS Smith. 1891. Siuitb, Trans. Am. £nt. Sue, xvili, 114. A. prima Smith.* 189L Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, XVIII, 115, .'lNoi-/Ao(f68. Habitat. —Florida, May; District of Columbia, May and September; Ohio. The type is in the National Museum. I have an uneasy suspicion that this may prove to be Caradrina tarda Gn. The description ap- plies fairly well, as I have recently found, but the species is certainly no Caradrina. Oenns ORTHODBS Gn. 1852. Gn.,Si»ec.Gen.,Noct.,i,371. A monographic revision of the species is in the Proc. TJ. S. Nat. Mus., XII, 469. The synonymy given by me there has been moditied by an examination of the types in the British Museum. O. creuulata Butler.* 1890. Butler, Ann. & Ma^. Nat. Hist., 6 ser., vi, 97, Dyschoriata. infirma var., (>n. 1852. (!n., Si». (Jen. , Noct,, i, 375, (hthodea. 1856. Wlk., V. B. Mus., Hot., x, 44«, (Mho(le$. 1874. Morr., Can. Knt., vi, 2.52, (hlhodaii. 1875. Harv., Bull. Butt". Soc. Nat. 8ci., in, 9, (Mhodes. HABITAT. — Canada in June; New England and Middle States in July and August; Mis.souri; Toxasin March, April, and May; Colorado. ^fr. Butler was perfectly right in separating our North American species. Guentie described his type from Brazil, and as var. A, men- tions a specimen from New York. This is like what is in all American collections, as lujirma; but is specifically distinct from the Brazilian Hpecimens. Mr. Butler's type is in the British Museum. If Lederer's description of his genus Dysehorittta is entitled to any weight at all, it is impossible that (trennlata can be referred to it. Mr. Butler has allo'ived himself to be misled by a certain habital resem- blance. O. oynioa (in.* 18B2. On., Spec. Gen., Noct., i, 375, (hthodea. 185({. Wlk., C. B. Mns., Ilet., x. 443, (hlhudea, 1874. Morr., Can. Ent., vi, 252, Orthodex, eandenn (in. 1862. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., i, 370, (hlhoiM. CATALOGUE OF NOCTUID.E — 8MITH. 199 ISTifi. Wlk., C. K. Mum., Hot., \, 444, f an xp. ilint. prwo. 1874. Morr., (Jan. Eiit., vi, 252, pr. ttyii. tevttt VVlk. 1865. Wlk., C. B. MuH., Hot., xxxiii, 714, Orthoria. Habitat.— Northern and Central United States, May to Julyj Canaila in June and July; Nova Scotia; Colorado. The types are all in the British Museum, and refer to the same spe- cies. Curiously enough Walker, while referring both nimia and candens Gn., as probable synonyms of cynica^ redescribed a very obvious speci- men of cynica as OrthoHia fecta. O. vecors Gn.* 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., i, 376, Otthodcs. enerds Gn. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gon., Noct., m, 420, Orthode*. 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Hot., x, 444, f = pt/tticrt. 1874. MoiT., Can. Ent., M, 253, Vieudorthoden. 1889. 8iuith, Proc. U. S. Nat. Muh., xii, 471, Orthodet. nimia Gn. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., i, 376, Orthodes. Wlk., C. B. Mi!8., Hct., X, 443, an var. cynical. Morr., Can. Ent., vi, 252, =:cj/n ica. Smith, Proc. I J. S. Nat. Mus., xii, Vl\,^= cynica. totjata Wlk. Wlk., C. B. Mhh., Het., xxxu, 672, Apamea. relata Wlk. Wlk., Can. Nat. ami Gcol., v, 256,? Celana. prodettim Wlk. 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mhh., Het., x, 453, f Ct-rastia (friHeociuota Harv. Harv., Bull. Biift'. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 120, Orthodet. MoiT., Can. Ent., vi, 253, pr. vur. Smitli, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mas., xii, 472, ihthodet. nileiiB Grt. Grt., Papilio, lit, 31, Orthodes. 1889. Smith, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Muh., xii, 472, pr. syn. Habitat. — District of Columbia in August; northward to Nova Scotia, west to the Mississippi Valley; Wisconsin; Canada and Massa- chusetts in July. The type of nitem is in Mr. Neumwgen's collection, that o{ grtHeocincta I have not seen; all the others save relata are in the British Museum. Velata is in the Coll. Ent. Soc. of Ontario. The si)ecios is a variable one, but recognizable b> the characters pointed out by me. Oriseoeincta is in the National Museum from the Meske collection, and is an aber- ration rather than a variety. The form nitenH is simply a somewhat smaller and smoother type of the same thing. Queu^e changed his name veoora to enerris in the index, because he had already employed vecom for % Perigea. His substituted name has been used heretofore, but I do not think the species are (;h)sely enough related to make the change necessary. Both of Walker's species in the British Museum 1856. 1874. 1889. 1865. 1860. 1873. 1874. 1889. 1883. 200 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. are typical specimens of vecors. Velata, the type of which was kindly sent mo by Mr. Moffat, is a badly rubbed specimen, more like nitens in appearance. O. virgula Qrt. 1883. Gi-t., PapiHo, ni, 76, 'Taniocampa. 1889. Smith, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., xii, 473, Orthodei. Habitat. — Arizona; Colorado. The type is in Mr. Neumoegen's collection. O. irrorata Smith.* . 1887. Smith, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mhs., x, 478, Oithodet. Habitat. — Washington; British Columbia. Types are in the Graef, Neuraoegen, and Edwards colfecfions. O. puerilia Grt.« 1874. Grt., Bull. Bnif. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 64, Mamestta. 1879. Grt., Cau. Ent., xi, 26, Graph iphora. 1881. Grt., Cnu. Eut.. xiii, 126, Twniocampa. 1889. Smith, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., xii, 474, Orlhodea. Habitat. — California. The type is in the British Museum. A specimen marked "type," by Mr. Morrison, is in the National Museum. O. agrotiformlB Grt. 1881. Grt., Can. Ent., xiii, 14, Graphiphora, 1889. Smitli, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., xii, 489, Taniocampa. Habitat.— Colorado. The types, two females, are in the British Museum, and are best re- ferred to Ortliodes until tlie male is known. Tlie species seems a good one. Genus HIMBLLA Grt. 1874. Grt., Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., 1874, 200. 1889. Smith, Proc. U. S. Nat. Miis., xii, 407. H. oontrahena Wlk." 18G0. Wlk., Can. Nat. and Geol., v, 255, f Celwna. ihceata Morr. 1875. Morr., i'roc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., 1875, .f)i>, MumiHira. 1880. Grt., ('an. Ent., xil, 186, Graphiphora. 1881. Grt., Can. Ent., xiii, 126, Tanwcampa. 1889. Smith, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mns., xil, 468, Himella. contraheug Grt. 1878. Grt., Bull. U. 8. Gool. Surv., iv, 180, Graphiphora. 1881. Grt., Can. Ent., xii, 180, ayn. thecala. Habitat. — Nova Scotia; Canada in July; Maine; New Hampshire in July; northern New York; Nebraska; Colorado; New Mexico. In describing Graphiphora contrahenH n. sp., Mr. Grote refers to the fact that he had seen a specimen labeled contrahena by Walker; but he seems not to have known that it had been described, and this would CATALOGUE OF NOCTUID^. — SMITH. 201 also account for his referrinj; the name iis a synonym of Morrison's species. To the courtesy of Mr. Moffat I owe an opportunity of ex- amining Walker's type from the collection of the Entomological Society of Ontario, and I find it the same as Mr. Grote's species, the type of which is in the British Museum, and also like Mr. Morrison's species, the type of which is in the Tepper collection. H. intraotata Morr.* 1874. Morr., Proc. Boat. Soc, N. H., x\'ii, 160, Twniocampa. 1889. Sniitli, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., xii, 468, Himtlla. fidelh Grt. 1874. Grt., Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., 1874, 201, Uimella. 1879. Grt., Can. Kilt., xi,27, Graphiphora. 1889. Smith, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., xii, 468, pr. syn. Habitat. — New York; Massachusetts; Missouri; Illinois. Mr. Morrison's type is in the Tepper collection. Mr. Grote's is in the British Museum. The two are alike. GeuiiB CROCIORAPHA (irt. 187.">. Grt., Can. Eut., vii, 57. 1889. Smith, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mas., xii, 4C9. C. normani Grt.* 1874. Grt., Can. Knt., vi, 115, Perigrapha. 1874. Morr., Can. Ent., vi, 251, Taniorampa. 1875. Grt., Can. Ent., vii, 57, Crovh/rapha. 1875. Grt., Can. Ent.. vii, 227, pi. i, f. 13, Crocigraplia. Habitat. — Canada, in May and June; Northern and Eastern States; New York, in May and June. I have not seen tlie type of this species. The British Museum speci- men Irom the Grote collection is like the specimens in the Natiimal Museum. Genus TJBNIOCAMPA Gn. 1839. Gn., Essai, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr., viii, 477. A monographic revision of the species of tiiis genus can be found in the Proc. U. S. Nat Mus., xii, 474. T. furfurata Grt.* 1874. Grt., Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., xxvi, 201. Hinulla. 1879. Grt., Can. Ent., xi, 27, (Irapliiiihoia. 1882. Grt., New List, 31, TonUxnmpa. Haiutat. — New Y(uk; Illinois; Arizona; Colorado; California, in October; British (Vdumbia. The type is in the British Museum. T. peredia Grt.* 1883. Grt., Papilio, lit, 32, To'niocumiKt. Habitat. — Maine, in August; northern New York; Vermont. The types are in the collection of Dr. Tlia.\ter and Mr. Neumwgon. ' ^^r 202 BULLETIN 44, UNITEli «TATK8 NATIONAL MUSEUM. T. perbrunnea (irt.* 1879. Urt., Can. Ent., xi, 28, Graphiphora, 1882. Grt., New Lint, 31, Tivwiocumpa. H ABITAT.— California. Tbe typo is in the British Museum. T, imiformis Smitli.* 1887. Smith, Proc. U. S. Nat. Muh., x, 472, Twniocampa. Habitat.— Arizona. Types arc in the National Museum and in the Graef collection. T. palilia Hurv." 1875. Ilarv., Hull. Buff. Sof. Nat. Scl., ii, 273, Dianthwcia. 1889. Siititb, I'roc. U. 8. Nat. Miis., xii, 458, Twniooampa. Habitat. — Texas in November. Tlie type is in the British Museum. T. trifaacia Smith.* 1891. Smith, frans. Am. Ent. Soe., xviii, 118, Tofiiocampa. Habitat.— Colorado. The type is in the National Museum. T. oarminata Smith.* 1890. Smith, Ent. Amer., vi, 121, Twniommpa. Habitat.— ('olorado. The type is in the National Museum. T. Columbia Smith.* 1887. Smith, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mns., x, 472, Twiiiociimpa. Habitat. — Northwest British Columbia. The types are in the National Museum and Neum<rgcn collection. T. oulea du." 18.')2. On., Spec. Gen., N«ct., i, 404, Mesogona. 18^5. Wlk., C. I«. MnH., lift., x, 474, MvnoyoHtt. 1874. Ort., Bull. Buff. Sot;. Nat. Sci., ii, 24, Mylhlmna. mo<lifica Murr. 1874. Mitrr., Proc. Bo8t. Soc. N. H., xvii, ir>0, Tuiiiocampa. ooMsopila Ort. 1881. (Jrt., Papiliu, I, 154, Twiiiommpa. 1889. Smith, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., xii, 480, =niorf;^rrt. Habitat. — Massachusetts; New Y<nk; New Jersey j District of Columbia, in May; Floridaj Illinois; Arizona. (hienee's type is in the British Muhcuui; Mr. Morrison's is in the Tepper collection, and Mr. Grote's is with Mr. Ncumtejfeu. I have seen them all, and they refer to the same species. Mr. (1 rote's species is an iuf^oustant color variety, while modijica is exactly like oulca. CATALOGUE OF NOCTUID^ — SMITH. 203 T. rufnla (irt.* 1874. Grt., Bull. Butl. Sue. Nat. Hist., Ii, ii-t, DiuHthmia. 1879. Grt., Clin. Ent., xi, 26, Tnniocamfa. 1881. Grt., Can. Ent., xiii, 126, Tivniommpa. Habitat. — California, July to October; Colorado. The type is in the British Museum. T. perforata Grt. 1883. Grt., Papilio, in, 73, TieHiocampa. Habitat. — Arizona. The types are in Mr. 3S"eum(Bgeu's collection. T. oviduoa Gn.* 1852. Gu., Spec. Gen., Xuct., i, 357, Twuiocainpa. 18.">6. Wlk., C. B. Mns., Het., x, 429, Tn-iiiocampa. capatUa Grt. 1874. Grt., Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., xxvi, 201, Tuniorampa. 1889. Smith, Proc. II. S. Nat. Mus., xir, 481, pr. syu. • orobia Hurv. 1876. Harv., Can. Ent., viii, l.")4, Mamestm. 1881. Grt., Can. Ent., xiii, 126, Tteniocampa. 1889. Smith, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mn«., xii, 4S9, raniocampa. 1891. Smith, TrauM. Am. Ent. Hoc, xviii, UK, pr. Hyn. Habitat. — Canada; Atlantic States to Florida, west to the Rocky Mountains; Northern and Eastern States, May to July. I have compared the types of these species in the British Museum and have no doubt of their identity. In the Natioual Museum is a duplicate of Harvey'n type, from the Meske collection. T. utahensis Sniitli.* 1887. Smith, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mrs., x, 473, Toniovampa. Habitat.— Utah. Tiie tyi)e is in the National Museum. T. ourtioa Smith.* 1890. Smith, Ent. An»cr.. vi, 122, Tnniorampa, H TAT. — Sierra Nevada, California. Types are in the National Museum and in the Edwards collection. T. inoinota Morr. * 1871. Morr., Proc. BoHt. So<'. N. II., xvii, 133, 136, .\f<tmiHti'a. , 1874. Grt., Bnlf. Soi-. Nat. Sci., ii, 21.5, MnnieHlni. 1881. Grt., Cau. Ent., xiii, 126, Taiiiocampa. Habitat. — Massachusetts; Hlinois; Colorado. The type is in the National Museum. T. auff'T- '"itli. 1887. Smith, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mum., >.. .. i. THniorampo, Habitat. — Colorado ; Arizona. The type is iu the Oraef collection. 204 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. T. obtusa Smith. 1887. Smith, Proo. U. S. Nat. Mus., x, 474, Twniovampa. Habitat — Arizona. The type is in Mr. Graef s collection. T. peotiuata Smith.* 1887. Smith, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mns., x, 475, Taniocampa. 1891. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, xviii, 118, Tamiocampa. Habitat. — California. The original type, a somewhat broken specimen, is in the Edwards collection. A Ane series of good typical specimens is in the National Museum. T. annulimacula Smith.* 1891. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Sue, xviii, 117, Twnhcampa, Habitat. — Texas in February. The types are in the National Museum. T. addenda Smith. 1890. Smitli, Ent. Amer., vi, 122, Tainiocampa. Habitat. — California. The type is with Mr. Neum(Pgen. T. termiuata Smith. 1887. Smith, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mas., x. 475, Twiiiocampa. Habitat. — Southern California. The type is in the Tepper collection. T. BubfuBoula Grt. 1873. Grt., Proc. Bost. Soc. N. 11., xvi, 244, Avaria. 1874. Grt., Bnll. Bnff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, pi. i, f. 7, inarta. 1887. Smitli, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mns., x, 474, Taniocainpa. Habitat. — Oregon ; Montana. The type is in the British Museum. T. arthrolita Har7. 1874. ITarv., Bnll. Bnff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 275, Graphiphora. 1889. Smith, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mns., xii, 48G, Tceniocampa. Habitat. — California in November. The type is in the British Museum. It is a large broad-winged form with pointed apices of primaries, and has hardly the habitus of a TcBniocampa, somewhat resembli- j Mr. Morrison's vegeta. The eyes are hairy, the autenme strongly ciliate. CATALOGUE OF NOCTUID^E — SMITH. 205 T. vindemlalis Gn. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., i, 344, Ceramica. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het., x, 417, Ceramica. 1875. Grt , Proc. Ac. Nat. Sei. Phil., xxvii, 418, 3fame8tra. Habitat.— East Florida. The type is in the British Musenm and is not at all the species so named in the American collections by Mr. Grote. It has hairy eyes and has a resemblance to Homoglcea carnosa in color and in a certain false cppearance of transparency in the wings. I had not previously seen the species and rather suspect a West Indian origin for the speci- men. It is a female and its reference here may not be final. T. pacifica Harv.* 1874. Harv., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., il, 120, Graphijyhora. 1875. Grt., Can. Ent., vir, i5,^incerta. 1887. Smitli, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., x, 476, an sp. dist. Habitat. — Colorado; California, January, February, and March. The type is in the British Museum and is distinct from alia as de- scribed by me. T. alia On.* 18,52. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., i, 352, Twiiiocampa. 18.")6. Wlk., 0. B. Mus., Het., x, 429, Taniovampa. 1875. Speyer, Stett. Ent. Zcit., xxxvi, 118, Twniocampa. 1887. Smith, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., x, 476, Tamiocampa. 1891. Dyar, Can. Ent., xxiii, 158, larva. incertat Grt., in lists. 1875. Speyer, Stett. Ent. Zoit., xxxvi, 116, T(eniocampa. 1885. Dimmock, Psycho, iv, 27.% Twniocampa. 1887. Smith, Proc. U. S. ' t. Mus., x, 476, pr. syn. instalnlis Fitch. 1866. Fitch, 3d Report, Trans. N. Y. State Agl. Soc, xvi, 343, Orthodet. 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 23,=^ iiicerta. 1889. Smith, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., xii, 487,=iaHa. insciens Wlk. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., xi, 746, Orthotia. yar. hibisci Gn. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., i, 355, Twuiocampa. confluens Morr. 1874. Morr., Proc. Bost. Soc. N. H., xvii, 159, Twniocampa. 1880. Grt., Can. Ent., xii, 187,=:»nce»/a. 1889. Smith, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., xii. 487,= -alia. 1891. Smith, List Lepidoptcra, 48, -=fc«fti«c». Habitat. — Canada to Georgia, west to the Mississippi States, April to June. The types of alia and insciem are in the British Museum and are identical. Fitch's type I saw before the collection was dispersed; but I do not know who has it at present. Hibisci is based on a drawing which I have not een, but the description of which accords perfectly witU oon^uens^ the type of which is in the Tepper collection, 206 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. T. rubreioens Wlk.* 1865. Wlk., G. B. Mas., Het., xxxii, 671, Apamea. 1891. Hinitb, Can. Eiit., xxiii, 121, TwHiovampa. venata Smith. 1890. Smith, Eut. Amer., vi, 123, Twniocampa. 1891. Smith, Can. Ent., xxiil, 121, pr. syn. Habitat. — Canada; New Hampshire; northern New York. The types of both species are now in the National Museum. RuhrcH- ceiM was described from Dr. Bethune's collection, and to his courteis^- the Museum owes the type. T. subterminata Smith.* 1887. Smith, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., x, 476, Temiocampa. Habitat. — Maine. New Hampshire; New York, April and May. Types are in the National Museum and in the Tex)per and Fernald collections. T. garmani Gf t. 1879. Grt., Can. Ent., xi, 28, Tantocampa. Habitat.— Illinois; Iowa. The type is in the British Museum. T. prasses Grt. 1879. Grt., Bull. Geol. Surv., v, 202, Verigrapha. 1889. Sniifli, I'r«»c. IT. S. Nat. Mus., xil, 488, Twniocampa. Habitat. — California. The type is in the British Museum. T. styraoia Gn. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., i, 357, Tasniocampa. 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mns., Het., x, 430, Twniocampa. Habitat.— Georgia. The species is based (m one of Abbot's figures, which I have not seen, and 1 have not, thus far, been able to apply the description. T. revicta Morr. 1875. Morr., Proc. Bost. Soc. N. H., xviii, 241, Twiiiooampa. Habitat. — Illinois. I have not been able to identify this species and do not know where the type can be found at present. T. plaualis Grt. 1883. Grt., Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist., 1883, 53, Agroth. 1883. Grt., Trans. Kans. Ac. Sci., viii, 54, Agrotis — reprint. 1880. Smith, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., 38, 213, Twniocampid. Habitat. — New Mexico. The type is with Prof. Snow. I have seen it and find it a somewhat Aberrant form resembling acme agrotida and described as sucb; but II CATALOGUE OF NOCTUIDiE — SMITH. 207 RuhrcH- courtesy FeniaUl \ritli hairy eyos and unarmed legs. Tlie present generic reference can nut be considered final until cunfirmed by an examination of new ma- terial. T. vegeta Morr. 1875. Morr., Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci., xxvii, 432, Twntocampa. Habitat. — Texas. The type is in the Tepper collection. A correctly named specimen is also in the British Museum, from the Orote collection. The species is not a Tieniocampa and prubably belongs to the fasciatse; but in de- fault of sufficient study to place it certainly, I leave it here for the present. Mr. Slingerland has called my attention to the fact that the Cissusa npadix of Cramer, heretofore referred as a synonym of Dras- Uria erechtea, is a distinct sp(^cies. On examination I find this to be the fact, and it is more than likely that it will prove the same as the above species. Material for study is lacking, therefore the reference can not be positively made. ve not where jwhat }but Genus STRETCHIA Ily. Kilw. 1874. Hy. Eclw., Proc. Cal. Ac. .Sei., v, 291. The species of this genus are treated and monographically described under Periyraplia in the Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., xii, 490. The Euro- p can species of Perigrapha have a very strong resemblance habitally to the sijecies of Stretchia, which has induced the reference of our spe- cies to the European genus despite recognized differences in structure. The occurrence of a structurally typical Perigrapha in our own fauna renders a return to another generic term necessary, and Stretchia some what antedates Acerra (Grt., Bull. Bufl^. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 162). This law of priority plays odd tricks occas icmally and here necessitates the , use of a term originally referred to the Uorabycidaj and irrecognizably described as against another correctly placed and well described. S. normalis Grt. 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 162, Acerra. 1875. Grt., Check List Noctuida', pL f. 4, Acerra. 1879. Grt., Can. Eut., xi, 27, (iraphiphora. 1881. Grt., Can. Eut., xili, 133, Perigrapha. ^ABiTAT. — California. The type is in the British Museum, S. inferior Smith.' 1887. Smith, Prpc U. S. Nat. Mus., x, 477, Perigrapha. Haiiit AT— California. Thp types are in the National Museiyn and ip the pdwapls qolleo- 208 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STAl'ES NATIONAL MUSEUM. 8. plusiiforniia Hy. Edw.* 1874. Hy. Edw., Proc. Cal. Ac. Sci., v, 267, StreUhia. 1882, Grt., New List, 31, Perigrapha. 1883. Ort., Proc. Am. Phil. Soc, xxi, 171, Perigrapha. Habitat. — Nevada; Colorado. The type is in the Edwards collection. S.mnricinaGi-t.* 1875. Grt., Bnll. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., in, 85, Acerra. 1879. Grt., Can. Eut., xi, 27, Graphtphwa. 1881. Grt., Can. Eut., xiii, 133, Perigrapha. Habitat. — Oregon. The type is in the Edwards collection. 8. behrensiana Grt. 1875. Grt., Can. Ent., vii, 71, Graphiphora. 1881. Grt., Can. Ent., xiii, 133, Perigrapha. 1889. Smith, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mas., xii, 4'JS, Prru/rapha. 1891. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, xviii, 120, SIritchia. Habitat. — California. The type is in the British Museum. The specimens I havo identified as this species are correct, but represent a distinct varietal foini, too- inconstant to deserve a name. 8. variabilis Smith.* 1891. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, xviii, 119, Slretchia. Habitat. — Colorado, Jidy. The types are in the National Museum and in the Neumcegen col- lections. 8. pulchella Harv. 1876. Harv., Can. Ent., viir, 54, Graphiphora. 1889. Smith, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., xii, 494, Perigrapha. Habitat. — California. The type is in the Edward's collection. 8. erythroUta Grt.* 1879. Grt., Can. Ent., xt, 208, Graphi2)hora. 1881. Grt., Can. Ent., xiii, 133, Peiigrapha. Habitat. — California. A type is in the National Museum ; another in the British Museum. 8. transparens Grt.* 1881. Grt., Bnll. Geol. Surv., vi, 583, Perigrapha. 1883. Grt., Proc. Am. Phil. Sbc, xxi, 171, Perigruphq. H ABIT AT.-— Washin gton . Tbe type 13 iu the ^^tional Museum fVom my coU^ctioQ, ]s k / iseuin. CATALOWUE OF NOCTUID.K — 8MITIL 201) GeuiiB PERIORAPHA Lederer. 1857. Ledercr, Noct. Eur., 136. P. prima 8uiith. 1891. Smith, Trans. Am. Eat. Soc, xviii, 119, Perigrapha. Habitat. — Sierra Nevada, California. The type is in the Edwards collection. Genus PBRiaONICA Smith. 1890. Smitli, Ent. Amer., vi, 123. P. angulata Smith.* 1890. Smith, Ent. Amer., vi, 124, Perigonica. 1891. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, xvm, 118, Perigoniea. Habitat. — Sierra Nevada, California, in June and December. Types are in the Edwards collection and in the Natioital Museum. » P. fulminaus Smith.* 1890. Smith, Ent. Amer., vi, 124, Perigoniea. 1891. Sniitli, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, xviii, 118, Perigoniea. Habitat. — Colorado. Types are in the National Museum and in the Rutgers College col- lection. Genus TRICHOCLEA Grt. 1883. Grt., Papilio, in, 30. 1889. Smitli, Proc. U. S. Nat. Miis., xii, 459. T. edwardsii Smith." 1887. Smith, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., x, 478, Trichoeha. 1889. Smith, Proc II. S. Nat. Mus., xii, 460, Trichoclea. Habitat.— California. The type is in the Edwards collection ; exact duplicates are in the National Museum. T. decepta Grt.* 1883. Grt., Papilio, in, 30, Trichoclea. 1889. Smith, Proc U. S. Nat. Mus., xii, 460, Trichoclea. Habitat. — Arizonn. The types are in the National Museum and in Mr. Neumcegen's col- lection. T. antica Smith.* 1891. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, xviii, 116, Trichoclea. Habitat. — Los Angeles County, California, April 10. The types are in the National Museum. T. postica Smith.* 1891 Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, xvm, 115, Trichoclea. Habitat. — Colorado. The types are in the National Museum and with Mr, Neumoegen* 6048— No. U U / 210 BULLKTIN 44, UNITED 8TATE8 NATIONAL MUSEUM. Gciiiis TRICB0C08MIA (ir(. 1883. Grt., Van. Eiit., xv, 6. T. inomata Urt.* 1883. Grt., Can. Ent., xv, 6, Trichoco»mia. Habitat. — A rizoim. Types are in the NeuiiKBgcii cullcctioii and in the National Museum. Genus TRXCHORTBOSIA Grt. 188.3. Grt., Papilio, in, 31. T. parallela Grt. 1883. Grt., Papilio, in, 31, Trichoithotia. 1883. Grt., Tfuna. Kans. Ac. Sci., vni, 50, IVichorthotia. 1883. Grt., Proo. Am. Phil. Soc, xxi, 160, Trichorthosia. Habitat. — New Mexico. Types are in the NeniiKPgen collection. CcniiH BfBTALBPSIS Grt. 1875. Grt., Check List Noct., 25. M. oomuta Grt. 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 68, Pachnobia. 1875. Grt., Can. Ent., vii, 155, Pachnobia. 1875. Grt., Check List Noct., 25, MetulepsiH. 1876. Grt., Stett. Ent. Zeit., xxxvii, 136, MetaUpsit. 1883. Grt., Can. Ent., xv, 129, Metalepsis. 1883. Grt., Proc. Am. Phil. Soc, xxi, 160, Metalepsii. Habitat. — California. The type specimen in the British Museum represents a form I ha<l not seen. It looks like a small brown Pachnobia with fused ordinary spots. The autennsei are pectinated, front apparently smooth, eyo8 with hairy lashes, tibite unarmed. More recently I have had this species for determination from two sources and from Western localities other than California. Genus FSBI7DOOL2IA Grt. J876. Grt., Con. Ent., viii, 18. P. blanda Grt.* 1875. Grt., Bnll. Bnff. Soo. Nat. Sci., m, 86, Vhoephora, 1876. Grt., Can. Ent., viii, 18, Paeudoglcea. twdata Grt, 1876. Grt., Can. Ent., viii, 18, Pgeudoglcca, decepta Grt. 1881. Grt., Bull. Geol. Surv., vi, 271, Pseiidoglaa. Habitat. — Colorado; Texas in October and November; California in September; Washington; Vancouver. The types of all the above are in the British Museum, and are one species only. It is not rare, and varies more than the difi'erences be- tween the three species. CATALOGUE OK NOCTUID-*". — SMITH. 211 [useniii. in I had fidiuary fU, eyos )m two ifornia Ire one les be- Geniis PSEUOORTHOBIA Grt. * 1874. Git., Dull. Uuft*. 8uc. Nat. Sci., ii, 161. P. variabilia Grt.* 187t. Grt., null. Uuff. Sou. Nat. Sci., ii, 161, I'tendortkoria. 1874. <{rt., I'roL-. Ac. Nut. Sci. Phil., 1874, 207, P»r.Kdi>rU.o»ia. 1875. Grt., (;aii. Va\1., vii, 45, Paeudorlhoata. 1875. <irt., Hull. Hutt*. Soc. Nut. Sci., iii, 86, i'hoepkora. 187l>. Grt., Ciui. Kut., viii, 18, I'teudorthosia. 1883. Grt., rroc. Am. I'hil. Ho<-., xxi, 160, PMndorlhotia. Habitat. — California, September and October; Colorado. I have not seen the type, nor do I know where it is. The species is quite common in some parts of California and is well known. P. pec- tinata, the tyi>e of which is in the British Museum, is a Pachnobia, which I had redescribed as fcrrmfmoides. A specimen labeled "type" by Mr. Morrison is in the National Museum. GenuH CHOBPHORA G. &, R. 1868. G. & R., Trails. Am. Pint. Sue, li, 199. C. fungonim G. & R.* 1868. O. & R., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, ii, 200, pi. iii, 74, Choephora, 1875. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sii., in, 86, Pseudorlhoaia. 1876. (Srt., Can. Ent., viii, 17, Chovphora. 1H76. Grt. .Stett. Ent. Zeit., xxxvii, 136, Paeudorthoria. 1S83. Grt., I'roc. Am. Phil. Soc, xxi, 160, Choephora. Habitat. — Eastern, Middle, and Central States. The type is in the collection of the American Entomological Society. iieimH MBSOaONA Bdv. 1840. Bdv., Gen. et lud. Moth., 144. M. ozalina Hbn. 1823. Hbn., Samnil. Eur. Schmett.. iv, 219, Noctua. 1852. (in.. Spec. Gen., Noct., i, 40.5, Mveogona. intexta Harv. 1875. Harv., Can. Ent., vu, 136, Ipimorpha. 1882. Grt., New List, 32, t pr. syu. Habitat. — Sharon Springs, New York. The type is in the British Museum. Mr. Grote suggests that it Is a European example, and ho may bo correct; at all events it is exactly like ordinary specimens oioxalina. But, on the other hand, Mr. von Meske, who sent Dr. Harvey the specimen, was a very careful collector, and labeled the insect Sharon Springs, a favorite collecting ground. The Mesogona culea of M, Gueuee is s^ Twniooamj^a^ and will b^ found under that genus. 212 BULLETIN 41, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. GciiUH ZOTHECA (irt. 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 68. Z. tranquila Grt." 1874. Grt., Bull. BuflF. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 69, Zotheca. 1891. Dyar, Can. Ent., xxiii, 205, life liistory. samhuci Behr. 1874. Behr, in Strk. Lep. Rhop. ot Het., 94, Cosmta. 1885. Behr, B'lll. Cal. Ac. Sci., iii, 61, Euperia, rar. viridula Grt. 1878. Grt., Bull. Geol. Surv., iv, 180, pr. var. Habitat. — California. Mr. Grote's types are in the British Museum, where there are also two specimens, one of each form, marked " Gosmia samhuci Belir, don. O. 8. 8, '78." The O. S., refers to Baron von Osten Sackeu, who prob- ably obtained either specimens or name from Dr. Behr himself. Mr. Strecker has also named this namhuci for collectors. II Genus CALTMNIA Hbn. 1816. Hbu., Verzeichuiss, 236. C. orlna Gn.* 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., il, 10, Coamia, 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het., x, 489, Coamia. 1873. Grt., Can. Ent., v, 205, Coamia. 1873. Saund., Can. Ent., v, 206, Coamia. 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 24, Calymnia. var. calami Harv. 1876. Harv., Can. Ent., viii, .54, Cah/mnia. » Habitat. — Canada, in July, to Texas; Colorado; California; Massa- chusetts, July and August; Texas, May and June. Specimens apparently determined by Guence are in the British Museum, where also Dr. Harvey's type is. The latter is the p-iler forui, and bears much the same relation to orina that Zotheca viriiUfera does to tranquila. Genus IPIMORPHA Hbu. 1816. Hbu., VerzeicliuisB, 238. I. pleonectuaa Grt.* 1873. Grt., BuU.Buff. Soc.Nat. Sci., i, 191, Jpimorpha. cBquilinea Smith. 1882. Smith, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, V, 67, Cahimuia. 1891. Smith, List Lepiduptera, 49, itr. s,vu. Habitat. — Colorado; Utah; New York in rluly and August; Massa- chusetts in August; New Jersey. The type is in Dr. liiutner's collection. ■• Z. Bubvexa (irt. 1876. Grt., Can. Ent., viii, 189, Iplmotpha. 1882. Grt., N«'\v List, 32, f i>r. var. Habitat.— Texas; Colorado. CATALOGUE OF NOCTtJID.E — SMITH. 213 I have not seen the type and do not know where it is. Mr. Grote has suggested that it may be the southern form of the preceding, but ]ater lists it as a good species. I am not in a position to decide the matter and leave it as Mr. Grote did. are also hr, don. Iio i>rob- »lf. Mr. Massa- British form, ra does Genus TRILEX7CA Grt. 1883. Grt., Proc. Am. Phil. Soo.^ xxi. 1C6. T. buzea Grt. 1882. Grt., Can.Ent., xiii, 230, Schinia. 1882. Grt., Papilio, ii, 64, pi. i, f. 4, Schinia. 1883. Grt., Proc. Am. Phil. Soc, xxr, 166, Trilenca. Habitat. — Southwestern Texas. The type is in Mr. Neumoegen's collection. T. dentalis Smith. 1891. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, xviii, 123, Tnleuca. Habitat.— Southern Texas. The type is in Mr. Neumoegen's collection. T. gulnare Strk. 1878. Strk., Proc. Dav. Ac. Sci., ii, 274, pi. ix, f. 1, Schinia. 1883. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, x, 252, .'■fchinia. 1883. Grt., Proc. Am. I'hil. Soc, xxi, 153. Trilenca. Habitat. — Penn?.vlvania; rUinois. The type is with Mr. Strecker. I have seen one other specimen. It may not be congeneric with the others referred here, but it is nearer right than with Schinia. Strictly, rectifaseia is the type of Trileuca, because btixeo, was placed in Xanthodea on p. 153, and is only incidentally referred to Trileuoa on p. 1G6; but rectifaseia is unAtethmia, and the genus, as based on that species, of course, a synonym. Mr. Grote did not see proof of this paper in the Proc. Am. Phil. Soc, which is full of typographical and other errors, else he would have seen the contradic- tion, and it is in accordance with " the usual comity aud practice " that I retain the name with huxm as type. Massa- Genns ATETHMIA Hbn. 1816. Hbn., Vorzeiclmiss, 238. A. subusta Hl>n.* 1818. Hbn., ZutriBge, ii, 205, 206, Atethmia. 1816. Hbn., Verzoiehniss, 238, Atethmia. 1852. Gn., Spei'. Oon., Noct., il, 13, Atethmia. 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het., X, 4JK), Atethmia. Habitat. — Florida; Texas; Central and South America Mr. Druce says, in the Uiol. Cent. Am., Het. 290, that Anthophiln erecta Wlk., Poaphila congeata Wlk., and Lnphygma trilineata Wlk., are all the same as aubusta Hbn., and ho is probably right. j >; ^ 214 BULLETIN U, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSKUM. A. inusta Gn. * 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., ii, 12, Jtethmia. 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mns., Het., x, 491, Atethmia. Habitat. — Texas; Florida. Both tlie above species are South Aineriean and are scarcely dis- tinct. I have received them for identiflcatioii on several occasions and have seen them in collections both from Texas and Florida. I have no references to the South American literature, and in our own the species have not been heretofore referred to. A. rectifaacia Oi-t.* 1874. Git., Proc. Bost. Soc, N. H., xvi, 242, Sihinia. 1883. Smith, TranH. Am. Eut. Soc, x, 247, Svlilnia. 1883. Grt., Proc. Am. Phil. Soc, xxi, Ififi, Trileiica. Habitat. — New Jersey; Pennsylvania; Alabama; Illinois. Specimens from the Grote collection, apparently not types, are in the British Museum. The species is larger than, but fully congeneric with, the preceding. A. canescens Behr. 1885. Behr, BuH. Cal. Ac. Sei., in, 61, Atethmia. Habitat. — California. It is almost certain that under this name Dr. Behr redescribes Calymnia orina Gn., and its variety calami Harv. I have not seen Oaliforni.'in specimens, however, and therefore cite the species as described. GenuH CEA Grt. 1883. Grt., Piipilio, iii, 78. C. immaculata Grt. 1883. Grt., Papilio, in, 78, Cm. 1883. Grt., Proc Am. Phil. Soc, xxi, 171, Cea. Habitat.— Arizona. The type is in Mr. Neunni^gen's collection. GeuiiH COSMIA Oohs. 1816. OdiH., Schmett. Eiir., iv, 84. C. paleacea Esp." 1788. Espor, SchmetteiiiiiKo, pi. 122, f. 50!, Xoctiia. 1857. Lederer, Sehnit'tt. Eiir., 143, t 'omnia, dhcolor Wlk. 1859. Wlk., ('. B. Mu8., Het., xv, 1658, Miithimua. 1882. Grt., 111. Eissay, 41,--=iii/«mrt^fl. infiimata Grt. 1874. (Jrt., Bull. Buff. Soc Nat. Sol., n, 1(K), Oi-thonta. 1877. (irt., Can. Eiit,, ix, 22, Cosmia. 1883. Grt., I'roe. Am. Phil. Soc, xxi, 160, f pr. pyn. Habitat.— United States generally; Canada and Northern and ]*!astern States in Augnst and September. CATALOGUE OF NOC'IUID.E — SMITH. 215 lely dis- ioiLs aiul huve no > species i, are in igeneric ascribes ot seen icies as and The types of infumata and discolor are in the Uritisb Musenm and are tlie same species; nor can I find theuj dillereut from the European forms under the same name. C. perophoroides 8trk. 1876. Strk., Pioc. Ac. Kat. Sei. Phil., xxviii, 152, Conmia. Habitat. — Florida. The type is in the Strecker collection. I do not know the species. GenuB CLEOCERIS Bdv. 1829. Bdv., Index Mfth., 93. C. onychiua Gn. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., il, 48, Epiinda. ia57. Wlk., C. IJ. Mu8., Hot., xi, 528, liaphia. 1874. Git., Bull. Butt'. Soc. N.-it. .Sci., ii, 25, Cleoceria. Habitat. — North America. The type is probably with M. Oberthiir, and I have not seen it. The species h<is not been identified in American coUecrtions. C. elda Fipuch.* 1887. French, Can. Eiit., xix, 5, Ifomnhudcna. 1*1(1. Smith, Tmns. Am. Ent. f^oc, xviii, 108, Dryohota. Habitat. — California, Sierra Nevada, September. Trof. French has his type and has kindly sent me a compared speci- men. C. reotifasoia Smith.* 1891. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc., xviii, 109, Dryohota. Habitat. — Sierra Nevada, California. Types are in the National Museum and in the Edwards collection. C. ourvlfasoia Smith." 1891. Sn\itli, Trous. Am. Ent. Soc, xvili, 109, Dryohota. Habitat. — California, Sierra Nevada, and Placer County, in Sep- tember. Types are in the National Museum and in the Edwards collection. The last three species are referiH'd to Cleoecrin after comparing nm- terinl in the British iNfuseum. I do not consider the genus ai all well placed in the series; but until the necessary critical studies are nmde, (changes are tentative at best, and no harm is done in leaving it here for the present. Genns ANCHOCBLIS Gn. 1839. Gn., Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr., 483. A. digitalis (irt.* 1882. Grt.. Biill.GeoI.Snrv., vi,58'{, .tuchocvlh. Habitat. — Maine; New Hampshire; New York; Hlinois. The type is with Mr. Neunuegen. 21G BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Genus PYRRHIA Hbii. 1816. IlUbner, Verzoicliniss, 262. P. umbra Huf'n.' 1767. Hnfnagel, Berliner Mag., in, 294, Nociiia. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., ii, 178, HcUoHm. 1883. Smith, Trans Am. Eut. Soc, x, 223, Clitnirlea. exprimena t Grt. 1868. G. & R., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, in, 180, 1 pr. syn. 1873. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., i, 124, Chariclea. 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 35, pi. in, f. 5, Pyrrhia. 1874. Lint., Ent. Cont., Ill, 163, larva, C/iaric/t'rt. 1875. Spoyer, Stett. Ent. Zoit., xxxvi, 156, 350, 1'l/rrhia. 1878. Graef, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, i, 10, pr. syn. 1881. Grt., Bull. Geol. Sarv., vi, 561, Pyrrhia. 1883. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, X,1J23, pr. syn. 1891. Butlor, Entomologist, XXIV, 292, pr. syn. var. ezpriraens Wlk.* 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mu8.,Het., xr, 687, HeUotlns. 1891. Butler, En; omologist, xxiv, 292, Pyrrhia. angulata Grt. 1874. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, v, 93, Pyrrhia. 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, pi. in, f. 6, Pyrrhia. 1876. Spoyer, Stett. Ent. Zoit., xxxvn, 203, an sp. dist. 1881. Coquillett, Papilio, i, 8, larva. 1882. Grt , Bull. Geol. Surv., vi, 564, Pyrrhia. 1883. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, x, 223, Chariclea, et pr. syn. 1883. Hy. Etlw., Papilio, in, 135, larva. 1886. Grt., Can. Ent., xvin, 231, an sp. (list. 1891. Butler, Entomologist, xxiv, 292,— cj-^wiinens. Habitat. — Canada in June and July; Eastern and Central United States, June to August; Colorado. Walker's type is in the British Museum, and so is the type of angu- lata Grt. Mr. Butler has already shown that Mr. Grote did not cor- rectly identify Walker's species, and redescribed it as angulata. In tlio Museum at Berlin are specimens from Brazil marked cilisca Gn., (Noct. II, 179), which I think will fall in with this species. The place assigned the genus here expresses my conviction that the genus is Ortliosiid rather than Heliothid, though it may find closer allies on future study. P. stilla Grt. 1880. Grt., No. Am. Ent., i, 45, Pyrrhia. 1881. Grt, Trans. Kans. Ac Sci., vn, (>8, Pyrrhia. 1882. Grt., Bull. (Jeol. Surv., vi, 564, Pyrrhia. Habitat. — Colorado; New Mexico; Western States. The type is with Prof. Snow. CATALOGUE OF XOCTUID,!: — SMITH. 217 angu- lot cor- a. In \a Gn., place »nus is ies OD Genus PARASTICHTIS Ilbn. 1816. Hbu., Vtrzoichniss, 212. P. discivaria Wlk.* 1856. Wlk., C. B. ]\riis., Hot., ix, 27, BryopMla. . 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 8, JaxphJca 1882. Grt., 111. Essay, 40, 1'araslUhtia. geniilia Grt. 1874. Grt.. Bull. Buff". Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 143, Taniosea. 1875. Morr., Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., 1875, 4.32, Dyschoriata. 1875. Grt., Can. Ent., vii, 226, pi. i, f. 1, Paraslichtis. 1882. Grt,, 111. Essay, 40, pr. syu. var. perbellis Grt.* 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 144, Twiiiosea. 1875. Grt., Can. Eut., vii, 226, pi. i, f. 2, Vara»tichtiH. 1875. Morr., Proc. Ac. Nut. Sci. Phil., 1875, 432, Dnichorkta. Habitat. — Hudson's Bay Territory; Canada in Jnne and July; Nortlievn, Eastern, Middle, and Central States, June and July and August. Types of all the names are in the British Museum, aiul refer to the same species. Dyachmsia Led., is the genus to whicli this species should be referred if Hiibner's name does not apply. Mr. Grote has himself referred perbellis as a variety. Genus ORTHOSIA Odis. 1816. Ochs., Schnictt. Eur., iv, 79. O. purpurea Grt.* 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 125, Orlhoala. var. crispa Flarv. 1875. Harv., Bull. Butt'. Soc. Nat. Sci., n, 276, Orlhosia. 1881. Butler, Papilio, i, 169, Ortlioxia. Habitat. — California, October and November. The types are in the British Museum. €rispa is a paler form, but differs in nothing else. There is a very large series of specimens in the National Museum that makes the relationship between these two forms clear. O. deoipiens Grt. 1881. Grt., Bull. Geol. f ar- vi, -69, Orlhoaia. Habitat. — Northern Indiana in June. The type is in the British Museum. O. ralla G. & R.« 1868. G. «fc R., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, i, 346, pi. vil, f. 49, XantW 1874. Morr., Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., 1871, 66,=./V»TM<;inoWc». 1875. Morr., Can. Ent., vil, 7H,~(h'th.Jh-niiiinoi(U8. 1875. Liutncr, Can. Ent., vii, 78, an bona species. Habitat. — Kastern and Mid(Ue States. Specimens from the Grote coHection are in the British Museum; but there is none marked typo. I have no knowledge where the original specimens are at present 218 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. O. bicolorago Gn.* 1852. Gn,, Spec. Gen., Noct., i, 397, Xauthia. 1874. (irt., Hull. Huff. Soc. Nat. Sci. ir, 124, var. /<■»•»•«;/( hou?c». 187.'>. MoiT., Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci., 1875, 6(5, =./«•»•«(/ iHoiJfs. spurcata Wlk. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Hot., xi, 749, Xanfltia. 1868. G. & K., Trims. Am. Ent. Soc, iii, 78, pr. syii. vtir ferruginoldes Gn. 18.52. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., i, 398, Xanthia fcniitjinea, var. 1868. Bethune, Can. Ent., i, 47 (49), Xanthia. 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 124, Orllmia. 1875. Morr., Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., 1875, 66, Xaiilliia. 1875. Speyer, Stett. Ent. Zeit., xxxvi, 119, (h-thoma. bicolorago t Wlk. 1856. Wlk., C. n. Mus., Net., x, 4ftl, Xanlhia. 1868. (i. & K., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iii, 78, pr. syn. Habitat. — Canada to reim.sylvania, west to the Mississippi Valley, August to November. The types are all in the British Museum and refer to one species only. It is ratlier curious that ferruginoides should so long have stood for the species with bicolorago as the variety, while the opposite must be the status. Bicolorago iire(ie([cs f err ugino ides by one pa^e and was described as a species; while fcrruginttides was placed as a variety of the European /6r»'M//iHefl. O. euroa G. & R.» 187.3. G. & R., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 431, XantJda. puta II G. & R. 1868. G. &. R., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, i, .347. pi. 7, f. 50, Xanthia. 1873. G. & R., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 431, n. b. 1. Habitat. — Canada in July and September, to Pennsylvania, to the Mississippi Valley; Colorado. I have not seen the type. Specimens named by Mr. Grote are in the British Museum. O. inops Grt.* 1881. Grt., Bull. Geol. Snrv., vi, 270, OrthoHta. HABITAT. — Kittery Point, Maine, in Sejttember. The type is in the British Mnseum ; duplicates are in Dr. Thaxter's collection. O. hamifera Grt. 1888. Grt., Can. Ent., xx, 130, Orthonia. Habitat.— California. I have not seen the type. It is probably in Mr. Grote's possession, or it may be with Mr. Jas. Behrens in Sau Francisco. It is said to be ueox purpurea, but larger. CATALOGUE OF NOCTUID^ — SMITH. 210 the the ters lion, be O. aurantiago Gn.* ' 1852. Gn., Spec. Geiu, Xoct., r, 394, pi. 7, f. 1, Xanthia. 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mils , Het., x, 464, Xantbia. 1880. Grt., Can. Eiit., xii, IBJ, Ortluma. Hlilerata Grt. 1874. Git., Proc. Ac. "Sat. Sci. Phil., l«74, 211, Pyrrhia. 1880. Grt., Can. Ent., xn, 186, pr. syu. differta Morr. 1875. M(irr., Pioc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., 1875, 67, Orthoaia. 1880. Grt., Can. Ent., xii, 186, pr. syn. niiuohensii French. 1879. French, Can. Eut., xi, 77, HeUothia. 1879. Grt., North Ain. Ent., i, 16 = illitentta. Hauitat. — New York to Florida; Illinois; Missouri; Massachusetts in August; Wisconsin. The types of aurantiago and illiterata are in the British Museum. The type of differta is in the Tepper collection, while Prof. French has his own typical specimen. O. americana Morr. 1875. Morr., Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., 1875, 434, Orllioiia. Habitat. — New York. The type is iu the Tepper collection. O. poBticata Harv. 1875. Harv., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ui, 8, Orthoaia. Habitat. — Texas in November. The type is iu the British Museum. O. citima Grt. 1883. Grt., Papilio, iii, 74, Orthoaia. Habitat. — Arizona. The type is in the Neumcegen collection. O. conradi Grt.* 1879. Grt., Bull. Ocol. Surv., v, 203, Orthoaia. Habitat. — Pennsylvania; New York; Middle and flastcrn States. The type is in the British Museum. O. helva Ort.* 1875. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 310, Orthoaia. 1875. Grt., Can. Ent., vii, 84, Orthoaia. Habitat. — Canada to Pennsylvania, August and September; west to the Mississippi Valley; Colorado. The type is in the British Museum. This seems to be the species referred to by Mr. Grote as cirvHlaris, in the Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., II, 124. 220 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. • O, lutoaa Aiulrcws.* 1877. Aiulrcws, Can. Ent., ix, 99, Oithosia. 1878. Graef, Bull. Bkln. Eut. Soc, i, 93, Orthosia. Habitat. — Middle, Eastern, and Central States; Vermont; New York in June; New Jersey. The type is with Mr. Akhurst, of Brooklyn. O. immaculata Morr. I87.'j. Morr., Proc. Ao. Nat. Sci. Phil., 1875, 433, Orthosia. Habitat. — Nevada. The species was described from the coliecflon of the Museum of Com- parative Zoology at Cambridge, where the type now is. O. belangeri Marr. 1874. Morr., Proc. Boat. Soc. N. H., xvir, 149, Orthosia. Habitat. — Canada. The type is in the Tepper collecticn. O. chloropha Hbn. 1806. Hbn., Samml. Ex. Sclimett., i, 16, f. 73, 74, Xestia. 1816. flbn., Ver/cicliniss, 233, Xentia. 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mus., H<!t., x, 470, Xeslia. 1874. Grt., Bull. Bull'. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, -JTy, Xanlhia. 1874. Grt., Bull. Bull'. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 125, Orthosia. 1880. Grt., Can. Ent., xii, 86, Orthonia. Habitat. — Georgia; Florida. This species has not yet been identified in American collections. Genus HOMOGLiBA Morr. 1875. Morr,, Proc. Host. Soc. N. H., xviii, 240. H. hircina Morr.* 1875. Morr., Proc. Bost. Soc. N. H., xviii, 240, Homoglaa. 1878. Grt., Bull. Geol. Surv., iv, 181, nomoglwa. 1880. Grt., Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, in, 39, Honmjlaa. Habitat. — Northern United States, east of the Eocky Mountains; Illinois. The type is in the Neumoegen collection. A named specimen in the British Museum from the Grote collection is like my identification of the species and like the tyjie. H. carnoaa Grt.* 1877. Grt., Can. Ent., ix, 21 et 70, Glaa. 1878. Grt., Bull. Geol. Surv., iv, 181, Homoglaa. Habitat. — Maine; New York; Massachusetts. The type is in the British Museum. The species is recorded Arom Long Island, but I do not remember having seen it in local collections. New fCom- ms. mtains; \\ in the itiou of Id ftova sUons. CATALOGUE OF NOCTUID.E — SMITH. Genus QhJEA. Hbn. 1806. HUbner, Tontamen. 221 In using the term Glasa and crediting it to Hiibner, I follow Mr. Grote. I am not sure that our species of 6'tea are entirely congeneric with the European species referred to Cerastis or Orrhodia and therefore prefer to use a distinctive terra. As a matter of course, if our species do prove generically distinct, HUbner's name can not hold ; but until a critical study settles these matters it will be safer to use a familiar term. G. anchoceloides has been listed under Bhynchagrotis and will be found replacing ctipida Grt. In Can. Ent., xii, 155, Mr. Grote hds listed the species and divided them into named sections, which ho afterwards used as genera. O. viatica Grt.* 1874. Grt., 6th Kept. Peab. Ac. Sci., 29, Orthoaia. 1874. Grt., Bull. Biiflf. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 125, Glaia. 1878. Grt., Bull. Geol. Surv., iv, 181, Cerastis. 1880. Grt., Can. Ent., Xil, 155, Glcea. Habitat. — Massachusetts in October; New York; Alabama; Middle and Southern States; Texas in November. The type is in the British Museum. It is perhaps the largest of our species, but has nearly the markings of dccUva, which is referred to Umglwa, G. Inulta Grt.* 1874. Grt., 6th Kept. Peab. Ac. Sci., 30, Orthosia. 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. N ,t. Sci., ii, 125, pi. 1, f. 9, Glcea. 1878. Grt., Bull. Geol. Surv., iv, 181, Veraslis. 1880. Grt., Can. Ent., xii, 155, Glaa. Habitat. — Canada to Virginia, west to Illinoi.s; Iowa, September and October. The type is in the British Museum. It is perhai>s our most common species. Q. olivata Ilnrv. 1874. Harv., Bull. BufiF. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 120, Glcea. 1878. Grt., Bull. Geol. Surv., iv, 181, Ceruitii. 1880. Grt., Can. Eut., xii, 155, Glcea. Habitat. — California in September. The type is in the British Museum. O. signata French.* 1879. French, Can, Ent., xi, 76, Orthosia. anchoeeloideat Grt. 1679. Grt., No. Am. Eut., I, 16, Glaia. Habitat.— Middle and Central States; New York; Illinois; District of Columbia in April. Prof. French has his own type and has kindly sent me a duplicate. Guen<?e's description would be distinctly applicable were the generic reference correct. 222 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEMM. O. sericea Mori'.* 1874. Morr., Proo. BoHt. Soo. N. H., xvii, 151, Glaa. 1878. Grt., Bull. Geol. Surv., iv, 181, ^-^ renustula. 1880. Grt., Bull. Bkln. Eut. Soc, ill, 37, — venuHtiila. 1890. Grt., Revised List Noct., 27, note 16, an sp. (list. Habitat. — Massachusetts in October; Illinois; Middle and Central States, September and October; Wisconsin; District of Columbia. I have not seen the type and have no knowledge of its present where- abouts. Mr. Grote, after referring his species venuatula as a synonym of that described by Mr. Morrison, now claims it distinct. As I have not had an opportunity of comparing types, I accept Mr. Grote's latest reference until further study decides the matter. Genus BPiaLiBA Grt. 1878. Grt., Bull. Geol. Surv., iv, 181. B. pastUlicans Morr.* 1874. Morr., Proc. Best. Soc. Nat. Hist., xvii, 151, Glaa. 1878. Grt., Bull. Geol. Surv., iv, 181, Epiglim. HABITAT. — New Hampshire in September; Massachusetts in Octo- ber; New York in September; District of Cdlumbia in October. I have not seen the type, nor do I know where it is at present B. tremula Harv.* 1874. Harv,, Bull. Buflf. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 27(i, (ihva, 1878. Grt., Bull. Geol. Surv., iv, 181, Ejnglaa. HABITAT. — Texas in November. The type is in the British Museum. E. venustula Grt. 1875. Grt., Can. Ent., vii, 84, Glcea. 1878. Grt., Bull. Geol. Surv., iv, 181, Epiglwa. 1890. Grt., Revised List Noct., 27, note 16, Epiylaia. Habitat. — ^Maryland. The type is in Dr. Lintner's collection. B. apiata Grt.* 1874. Grt., 6th Rept. Peab. Ac. Sci., 30, Orthosia. 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 125, pi. i, f. 8, Glwa. 1878. Grt., Bull. Geol. Surv., iv, 181, Epiglwa. Habitat. — Massachusetts in October; New York in Sei>tomber; Illinois; Middle and Central States. The type is in the British Museum. B. deolivaGrt.* 1874. 6tb Rept. Peab. Ac. Sci., 30, Orthosia. 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 125, Glcea, J.878. Grt., Bull. Geol. Surv., iv, 181, Epighm, CATALOGUE OF NOCTUID.E — SMITH. 223 ber dehta Ort. 1877. Grt.. I'syclie, ii, 80, Gln-a. 1878. Grt., Bull. Gcol. .'<iiiv., iv, 181, JCj>iglaa. 1890. Grt., Kevised List Noct., 27, pr. var. Habitat. — Canada in September and October; Eastern, Middle, and Central State.**;<'hu.setts in Septenilier; District of Culuiubia in October. The type ot'decJiva is in the British Museum. Of deleta Mr. Thaxter has typical specimens, and these are not different from the usual forms of decliva. GeiiU8 ORRHODIA Hbn. 1816. Hbn., Ver/oichniss, 231. O. callfornica Hmith.* 1891. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, xviii, 113, Orrhodia. Habitat. — Sierra Nevada, California. The type is in the National Museum. This seems more nearly con- generic with the European species. Genus XANTHIA Oclis. 1816. Oclis., ScLniett. Kur., iv, 83. Z. flavago Fabr. * 1787. Fabr., Mant. Ins., 160, Xoctiia. 1857. Wlk., C. n. Mus., Het., xi, 71.5, Gortyna. tngata Ksp. 1788. Esper, Stinnett. Eur., pi. 124, f. 1, Noctun. 1876. Speyer, Stett. Ent. Zeit., X-XXVI, 204, Xanihia. silago Hbn. 1800. Hbn., Samml. Eur. Stinnett., Noct., 191, Xoctua. 1816. Hbm, Verzoiehuiss, 231, CUria. 1852. Gu., Spec. Gen., Noct., i, 394, Xanthia. 1856. \yik., C. B. Mus., Het., X, 461, Xunlhia. Habitat. — Canada; Northern and Eastern States; Northern New Yorli, September. I foUow Staudinger in the synonymy. Standinger, Walker, and Guenee should be consulted for European bibliography. The insect seems to have been very little referred to in our own literature. Z. puta G. & R. 1868. G. & R., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, i, .347, pi. 7, f. 50, Xanthia. Habitat. — Northern and Eastern States; New York. I have not seen the type aiul do not know its present whereabouts. Genus JODIA Him. 1816. Hbn., Verzeidiniss, 234, J. rufago Hbi).* 1818. Hbn., Zutraege, 15, ff. 61, 62, Jodia. 1816. Hbn., VerzeicbnisH, 234, Jodia. 1852. (in., Spec. Gen., Noct., i, 392, Xanthia. 1856, Wlk., C. 13. Mus,, Het., x, 46^1, Xanthiq, 224 MULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAr. MUSEUM. 1874. Ort., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sri., ii, '25, Aanthia. 1880. Grt., Can. Eiit., xii, 86, Jodia. honeata Wlk. 1859. Wlk., C. B. MuH., Het., xiv, 1711, Cirrccdia. Habitat. — Canada to Florida, west to Texas; Massachusetts and New Jersey in April; Texas in March, February, and May. Walker's type is in the BritLsli Museum and is the same as the Jodiu rtifugo of that collection. Gcnnn CIRRCBDIA On. 1852. Gn., Spec, (ion., Noct., I, 401. C. pampiua (in.* 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., i, 402, pi. 7, f. 2, Cirrcrdla. 185(5. Wlk., C. B. MiiH., Hi>t., x, 472, Cinadia. 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 24, Alillmia. 1874. Morr., Can. Ent., vi, 259, Cina-dki. 1875. Grt., Can. Ent., vii, 206, £iiciryudi,t. 1883. Grt., Proc. Am. Phil. Soc, xxi, 160, Eucirrndla. Habitat. — Nova Scotia, southward to Virginia, west to the Rocky Mountains, August to October. GuenC'e's type is in the British Museum. I can not see the slightest basis for Mr. Grote's genus in his description of it. Genus SCOLIOPTERYX (iorm. 1812. Germ., GIosh. ProdromuSi 14. S. libatrix Linn.* 1758. Linn., Syst. Nat., ed. x, .507, Bomhtjx. 1767. liinn., Syst. Nat., oil. xii, 831, Homhyx, 178L Falir., Spec. Ins., ii, 224, Xoctm. 1793. Fabr., Ent. Syst., in, '^ «1, Xooliia. * 1816. Hbn., Vcr/.oicLniss, 24S, ' ■ ■>« 1825. Treitscbke, Sclimett. Eur., v, i, .. , ^"^ve. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., li, 405, (lonophra. 1858. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., xm, 1010, Siolioiiteryx. 1874. Lintner, Ent. Cont., in, 164, larva. 1875. Speyor, Stett. Ent. Zoit., xxxvi, 167, Scoliupleriix. 1879. Andrews, Psyche, ii, 272, ScoUopl'Tiix, liirva. 1881. Co(iuillett, Papilio, i, ,56, larva. Habitat. — Nova Scotia; Hudson Bay Territoiy; south to Texas, west to California; New Mexico, >i;iy to November. Most of the European bibliography is omitted, llefcreuce should be made to Staudiuger, Walker, and Guen(^*e. Genus SCOPELOSOMA Curtis. 1838. Curtis, British Insects, xiv, 635. A revision of the species of this genus is in Entomologica Americana for 1890, volume vi, p. l-KJ. An examination of the types of all the species in the British Museum and elsewhere shows that the identiti- cations made and <;haracters given are correct. Only one change iu name is necessitated. All tlie species appear in the autumn and winter as imagos, reappearing in early spring. CATALOGUE OP NOCTUID.T: — SMITH. 225 lexas, lid be Icana tlie btiti- re in inter 8. indirecta Wlk.* 1857. Wlk., Cat. Brit. Mils., Het., X, 468, Xanlhia. yruvfinna (irt. 1874. (Jrt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci,, ii, 69, Scopelimoma. 1882. Grt., Bull. (Jeol. Hurv., vi, 583, SmpeloHoma. Habitat. — District of Columbia and northward. The Grote and Wal'ier types are both in tlie British Mu.senni, and I rejjret that I can not find any difierences between them. Walker's species is from "locality unknown." 8. moffatiana Grt.* 1882. Grt., Bull. iUw]. iSnrv., vi, 583, Scopehsoma. grmjiunaX (irt. 1882. Grt., 111. Essay, 65, pi. 3, f. 38, Scnpelomma. 1882. Grt., Bull. Gool. Surv., vi, .jS3. pr. syu. 1888. Pearsall, Knt. Ainer., iv, 59, larva. Habitat. — District of Columbia and northward. This spe<!ies does not seem to be in the British Museum. The type is with Mr. Jfcumcegeu. 8. pettiti Grt.* 1875. Grt., Cau. Pint., vii, 188, Scopilosoma. 1877 (Jrt., Can. Ent., ix, 213, Sco2)eloKoma. Habitat. — Canada; "^^ York; Iowa. Tlie type is in the British Museum. 8. ceromatica Grt.* 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 70, Scopelosoma. 1874. (irt., Bull. Bull". Soc. Nat. Sti., ii, 125, Xanlhia. Habitat. — Xew Jersey; New York; New Hampshire; IMaine; C/anada. The type is the British Museum. 8. trlstigmata Grt.* 1877. Grt., Can. Ent., ix, 156, Scopelosoma. 1884. Thaxtt-r, Can. Ent., xvi, 33, life history. Habitat. — District of Columbia, northward. The type is in the British Museum. S. walkeri Grt." 1864. Grt., Proc. Eut. Soc. Phil., ii, 439, pi. 9, f. 5, nichagramma 1873. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., I, 192, Scopelosoma. 1874. Grt., Bnll. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., II, 71, an var. sidus. 1875. Grt., List NoctuidiB, 14, an sp. dist. 1882. Grt., New List, 32, an var. xidtia. 1884. Thaxter, Cau. Ent., xvi, 31, an sp. dist. — life history. Habitat. — Texas; Iowa; New York; Maine; Canada. I did not see this species in the British Museum. I do not know where the type is. 6048— No. 44 15 226 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. 8. aiduB Gn.* 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., i, 386, Scopelosoma, 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het., x, 4r.4, EupHilia. 1873. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., i, 191, Scopelosoma. 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 71, Scopelosoma. viniilenta Grt. 1864. Grt., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., u, 440, pi. 9, f. 6, Dichagramma. 1873. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., i, 191, pr. syn. 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 70, an sp. dist. 1882. Grt., New List, 32, an var. sidus. 1884. Tbaxter, Can. Ent., xvi,32, life history. Habitat. — Texas; New York, and northward. Guen^e's type is in the British Museum and is like Mr. Grote's vin- ulenta. S. morrisoni Grt." 1874. Grt., Bnll. Bnff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 70, Scopelosoma. 1884. Thaxter, Can. Eut., xvi, 30, life history. HABITAT. — New York; Massachusetts, northward to Canada. The type is in the British Museum. 8. devia Grt.» 1874. Grt., Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil.. 1874, 209, Scopelosoma. 1881. Thaxier, Can. Ent., xvi, 33, life history. Habitat. — New York and northward. T!iis tyi)e is in the British Museum. Genus LITHOLOMIA Grt. 1875. Grt., Can. Ent., vir, 206. L. napcc Morr.* 1874. Morr., Proc. Post. Soc. N. H., xvii, 152, Scopelosoma. 1875. Grt., Can. Ent., vii, 206, 207, pi. i, f. 4, Lifhohmia. Habitat. — Canada in May; Massachusetts; New York; Northern and Eastern States; Colorado; California in September. 1 have not seen the type, nor do I know where it is at prest nt. L. dunbari Harv. 1876. Harv., Can. Ent., VIII, 52, Harfena. Habitat. — Vancouver. The type is in the Edwards collection and is fully confjereric with and closely al'^ed to nap(v Morr. It is scarcely likely that the two will l)rove to be identical, but tlie differences are reducible to small varia- tions in markings and are in no sense generic. I have hai'dled a \evy large number of specimens of napw, without finding a dunhari among them. Genus XYLINA OcIin. 18)6. ()<lis., Sclnnott. Eur., iv, 85. I use this name in preference to Lithophane because both are cata- logue names and Xylina has priority. The Verzeichniss was not pub lished until 1818 at least. All the species so far as known to me ap- petir in autumn, hibernate, and reappear in early spring. t^y CATALOGUE OF NOCTUIDJE — SMITH. Z. dispoBita Morr.* 227 I fli ^ ' 1874. Morr., Bull. Buflf. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 116, Lithophane. Habitat. — Canada; Massachusetts; New York in April and May. I have not seen the type and do not know where it is. Z. hemina Grt. 1879. Grt., Bull. Geol. Surv., v, 202, Liihophane. Habitat. — Northern and Eastern States; New York in September. The type is in the British Museum. Z. signosa Wlk.* 1857. Wlk., C..B. Mus., Het., xi, 627, Xylina. petulca Grt. 1874. Grt., 6th Kept. Peab. Ac. Sci., 31, Lithophane. 1891. Butler, Entomologist, xxiv, 242, pr. eyii. Habitat. — Canada; Northeastern United States. The types are both in the British Museum and refer to the same species. Mr. Grote has misidentiiied Walker's species, the niynosa Grote remaining unnamed. Z. gausapata Grt. 1883. Grt., Papilio, lit, 77, Liihophane, H ABiTAT.—Californiiv. The type should be in Mr. Neumn^gen's collection. Z. ferrealis Grt.* 1874. Grt., 6th Kept. Peab. Ac. Sci., 32, Lithophane. Habitat,— ^ew York; Maine; Canada. The type is in tiie British Museum. A long series of specimens in Dr. Thaxtev's collection some years ago led nie to believe in a ratlier close relation between ferrealis and siffnosc {pctu'.va). 1 have not studied them since. Z. innominata iH>m iiov.* sifjnosa I Grt. 1874. Grt., 6th Ri-pt. Peab. Ac. Sci., 33. lithophane. Habitat. — Nortlieastern United States; Canada; Colorado. The new name is intended to apply to tluit spe<'ies identitied and labeled as signosa by Mr. Grote and has no type spe«;inien. Z. bethunelG. & R.* 1868. G. & R., Traiw. Am. Knt. Soc, i 3'.!, pi. 7, f. DC, Xylina. 1869. Hethuuo, Can. Kut., i, 86, Xylin'U 1874. (}rt.,6th Ropt. Ptuib. Ac. Sci., 33, t.ilhophiine. Habitat. — Canada; Northernj Eastern, un«l Middle Stute.s. 1 do not know where the type of this spec ies is at i)re.seiit. 228 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. X. oriunda (>rt.* 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Niit. Sci., ii, 160, LUhophane. Habitat. — Canada; Wiscon.sin. I have not seen the type and do not know where it is. X. semiusta Grt. * 1874. Grt., 6th Kept. Peal). Ao. Sti., 34, Lilhopliane. Habitat. — Canada; New York; Vermont; Maine. A type is in the British Museum; another in the Tepi)er collection. X. contenta Grt. 1880. Grt., Can. Ent., xii, 216, LUhophane. Habitat.— California. The type is in the British Museum. X. fagiiia Mnrr.* 1874. Morr., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 115, LUhophane. 1887. Grt., Cfui. Eut., xix, 51, LUhoyhane. Habitat. — Massachusetts; New York. The type is in the Tepper collection. X. oregonensis Harr. 187C. Harv., Can. Eut., vm, .55, LUhophane. H/IBITAT. — Oregon; California; Colorado. The type is in the Hy. Edwards collection. X. georgiiGrt." 1875. Grt., Can. Ent., vii, 188, LUhophane, 1887. Grt., Can. Ent., xix, 55, LUhophane. Habitat. — Camida; Maine; New York; Northern and Eastern States; Colorado. The type is in the British Mjxseum. X. anteniiata Wlk.* 1858. Wlk., C. B. Mhh., Het., xiv, 17;«, X\j}hui. 1883. Saund., Fruit Insects, 138, f. 138, LUhophane. cinevea Riley. 1871. Kiloy, 3(1 Kept. Ins. Mo., 135, f. 57, .\jilina. 1874. (irt., eth Kept. IValt. Ac. Hci., 34, lAlhophanc. 1879. Grt., Bull. Gcol. Snrv., v, 201, pr. 1881. Riley, Index and 8ui>i)U. to Mo. Repts., 74, LUhophane. 1882. Riley, Pap'lio, ii, 43, 101, an sp. dist. f 1882. Fernald, Pajtilio, ii, 63, pr. syn. 18{»1. Butler, Entonioloj^isl, xxiv, 242, pr. syn. Habitat. — Canada to District of Columbia; west to Nebraska. Walker's type is in the HritiNli Museum and Dr. Riley's specimens are in the National Mu.seum. The sp m*'. ;-has an economic biblio^raph.N not incluued here. • CATALOGUE OF NOCTUID.E — SMITH. 229 tion. em • MIS X. latlcinerea Grt.* 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 27, Lithopbane. 1882. Riley, Papilio, ii, 102, an var. nntviinata. 1883. Hy. Edw., Papilio, ui, 135, larva. 1891. Butler, Entomologist, xxiv, 212, — a«<t/iHa<a. 1 1 AiUTAT. — With antennata. The type is iu the British Museum. X. grotei Riley.* 1882. Riley, Papilio, II, 102, an var. antennata. 1887. Grote, Cau. Ent., xix, 54, Lithophane. cineroaa, \\ Grt. 1879. Grt., Bull. Geol. Surv., v, 202, Lithophane. 1882. Riley, Papilio, ii, 102, momen bin lectum. Habitat. — With antennata. Mr. Grote's type is in the British Miisoum. Dr. Riley's name has the same type. I keep the names antennata, laticinerea, and grotei as representing distinct species, pending a critical study of the genus. It is not at all impossible that distinctive characters can be found which need not be "imagiued," as Mr. Butler suggests they would be. X. uulmoda Lint." 1878. Lint., Ent. Cont., iv, 96, XiiUna. Habitat. — Canada; New York in October; Vermont; Northern and ICastern States. Tiie type is in the Hill collection. X. tepida Grt.* 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ir, 27, Lithophane. Habitat. — Massachusetts; New York; Northern and Eastern States. A type is in the British .Museum; another iu the Tepper collection. X. baileyi Grt.* 1877. Grt., Can Eut., ix, 8G, Lithophane. Habitat.— N«»w York. TUe type is iu the British Museum. X. querqueia Grt.* 1874. Grt., 6th Rept. r(^ab. Ac. Sci., y4. Lithophane. 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nut. Sci., ii, j)!. i, f. r,, Lithophant. 1882. Grt., 111. ErtHay, 57, pi. 2, 1'. 21, Lithophane. Habitat.— Missouri; New York. The type is iu the British Musciiiu. X. viridipallens Grt. 1877. Grt., Can. Ent., ix, '215, Lithopham: 1878. Gri Bull. (ieol. Surv., iv, 180, Lilhni>hant. 1882. Grt., 111. EMHuy, 57, pi. 2, f. 22, Lilhophaite. Habitat. — Massachusetts; New York. A type is iu the British Museuui ; another is in Dr. Thaxter's collection. 230 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Z. lepida liint.* 1878. Lint., Ent. Cont., iv, 9!5, A'liUna. 1878. Grt., Bull. Geol. Surv., iv, 181, Lithophane. Habitat. — Canada; Maine; New York. The type is in the Hill collection. X. thaxteri Grt.* 1874. 1875. 1876. 1878. 1882. 1891. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., u, 196, Lithophant, Grt., Liat Noctuidse, pi. f. 3, Lithophane. Spoyer, Stett. Ent. Zeit., 1876, 203, au var. lambda. Lint., Ent. Gout., iv, 127, an var. lambda. Grt., Proc. Am. Phil. Soc, xxi, 160, ? an var. conformt$, Butler, Entomologist, xxiv, 2G3,= lambda, Habitat. — Canada; Maine; Massachusetts; New York. The type is in the T^i'itish Museum. There is very good authority for making this a syi; j ' af at least a variety of lambda; but I do not feel ready to admit u entity without a more critical study that has yet been made. X. pexata Grt." 1874. Grt., Btli Kept. Peab. Ac. Sci., 35, Lithophane. 1878. Graef, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, i, 10,=iw</ma. 1883. Grt., Proc. Am. Phil. Soc, xxi, 160, l^^ingiica. var. washingtonia Grt. 1883. Grt., Papilio, iii, 74, Lithophane. Habitat. — Canada; Nortaeru, Eastern, and Middle States; Wash- ington. The type of the species is in the British Museum ; that of the variety is with Mr. Neumoegen. X. capaz G. & R.* 1868. G. & R., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, i, 355, pi. 7, f. 57, Xylina. 1873. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc Nat. Sci., i, 145, Anytue. 1878. Grt., Bull. Geol. Surv., iv, 180, Lithophane. Habitat. — Canada; Northern, Eastern and Middle States; Colo- rado. A specimen marked type, by Mr. Grote, is in the British Museum. The species is certainly not a Xylina, but seems to be congeneric with Polia acutimima. As the latter is not a Polia, nothing would be gained in accuracy by getting capax into that genus at present. X. carbonaria Harv.* 1876. Harv., Can. Ent., viii, 55, Lithophane. Habitat. — Oregon; California; Colorado. The type is in the Hy. Edwards collection. This also muat be re- moved from Xylina, the species all'ordiug a quite remarkable ati'uctural character. >^l CATALOGUE OF NOCTUID^ — SMITH. 231 Z. patefacta Wlk. 1858. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., xiv, 1733, Xylina. Habitat. — (Jaiiadsi. The type is at Oxford, iu the Saunders collection.t v^ rity [do baii ish- ety )lo- ini. ith led e- tul GoiiuM mrSTALEA On. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., II, 122. N. Indiana Grt. 1884. Grt., P.apilio, iv, 7, Nyatalea. 1891. .Siiiitli, List Lepiiloptcra, 50, an Bomlycia f Hahitat. — Indian River, Florida. The type is in Mr. Neumtegen's collection. I have seen it and be- lieve it a Bombycia, but have not had an opportunity of studying the specimen. It is (certainly not a Nystalea, of which I saw several species in the Berliner Museum. GCUI18 MORRISONIA Grt. 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. S«c. Nat. Sci., ii, 53. The genera Morrisonia and Xylomiges have been monograph ically treated by me in the Proc. U. S. National Museum for 1892, vol. xv, pp. 04-86. All the species are there described ; but speciflc reference to this paper is here made only when necessary to accredit a species or authouticate a generic change. M. mucens Hbn.* 1816. Hbn., Verzeieliniss, 243, Septis. 1825. Hbn., Zutni'jje, iii, 25, f. 415, 416, Septii. 1852. Gu., Spec, Gnu., Noct., i, 142, Xylophasia. 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., ix, 177, Xylophasia. 1861. H.Scb., Corr. Blatt, ii, 74, Xylomiges. 1873. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., i, 110, Hudena. 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 28, Xylomiyea. 1879. (Jrt., Gun. Ent., xi, 206, Mamestra. 1880. Grt., Can. Ent., xii, 117, Mamestra. 1892. Suiitb, Proc. U. S. Nut. Mus., xv, 79, Afonisonia. spoUata Wlk. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het., xi, 759, XnHna. Habitat. — Middle, Southern, and Central States; Texas, March 10 to April 'i; Missouri, IMarch 25 to April 19. The tyi)e of spoliata is in the liritish Museum and is this common Southern species. The locality given was "East Florida." M. rileyaua Smith.* 1890. Smith, Ent. Amer., vi, 212, Morrisonia. Habitat. — Missouri iu April; Texas in March. The type is iu the National Museum. t Mr. Schttus has sent me a figure which prnves the species a gootl uue, allied tu innominata m., (sittnosal Urt.)> I have u itpecimeu IVuw Canada. 232 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. M. blsulca Grt.» 1881. Grt., Can. V.ut, xiii, 2:50, MamcMra. 1891. Smith, List liCpidoptera, 50, Monisonia. IIabitat.— Arizona. Types are iu the Neumoegen collection and in the British Musenm. M. sectiUsGn.* lBr>2. Gn., Spoc. Gen., Noct., i, 141, Xylophasia. 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het., IX, 177, A'i//«jj/i«»ia. 1873. Grt., BuU. Butt'. Soc. Nat. Sci., i, 109, Hadena. 1891. Butler, EntomologiHt, xxiv, 264, = jMucen«. evicta Grt. 1873. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., i, 84, pi. ii, f. 18, Cloaniha. 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 16, Ariitiotia. 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat, Sci., ii, .53, Moriimnia. var. vomerina Grt." 1873. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., i, 84, pi. ii, f. 17, Cloaniha. 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 16, AcUnotiu. 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 53, Morrinoiiia. 1879. Grt., Can. Ent., xi, 207, an var. pr. t 1890. Grt., Revised Check List, 24, pr. var. Habitat. — Middle and Central States; Canada, New York, and New Jersey, iu April and May; Illinois, April and October. All the types are in the British Museum. Mr. Butler has erroneously referred aectilia to mvcens. The type is a poor specimen of the normal form of evicta. It would have been utterly impossible to recognize this species from the description alone. M. peracuta Morr.* 1874. Morr., Bull. Buff. P'^c. Nat. S*-' , ii, 114, Morrimnia. Habitat. — California or Texas. Types are in the National Museum and in the Tepper collection. My notes indicate that there is another s])c<'imen marked 'type" in 1 1 <• British Museum. All are without definite locality. M. iufidellB Grt. 1879. Grt., Can. Ent., xi, 206, Morrisonia. Habitat. — Michigan. The type is in the British Museum, and seems 1.. agreeing fairly well with the descrii)tion. M. oonfusa 11 bu.* 1816. Hl)n., Verzelchnlss, 243, Audimis, 1823. Hbn., Zutni'gf, iii, 495, 496, Auchmh. 1852. iin., Spoc. Gen., Noct., i, 142, Xylophasia. imi. Wlk., (J. B. MuH., Het., IX, 178, Xiflophmiia. 1873. Grt., Hull. Huff. Soc. Nut. Sci., i, 110, Uathiia. 1874. Urt., Bull. Buff. Hoc. Nat. Sci., ii, 12, JUamvulra. 1880. Urt., Cuu. Eut., xii, 118, Mamestra. CATALOGUE OP NOCTUIDiE SMITH. 233 enin. 1892. Smith, Proc. U. S. Nat. Miis., xv, Ki, Afonixoiiia. infntviiioHa Wlk. 1857. Wlk., V. H. Miis., Het., xi, G27, A'i//i»»a. multifaria Wlk. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Miis., Het., xi, 628, XjiUna. Habitat. — Canada to Texas to California. United States {gener- ally; Eastern States in April and May. Walker's types are in the British Museum, and are more or less im- perfect specimens of this common species.t and nisly rmal i this My ^ Genus XTLOMIOES Gn. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen.,Noct., i, 147. X. hiemalis Grt.' 1874. Grt., Bull. Bull". Soc. Nat. Scl., ii, 71, Xylomigea. califortiica Bohr. 1874. Behr, in Strk. Lep. Rliop. et Het., 94, Dryohota. 1876. Grt., Can. Eut., viii, 26, pr. syu. 1878. Grt., Bull. U. S. Geol. Surv., iv, 178, Xylomigea. 1879. Grt., Can. Ent., xi, 29, pr. syn Habitat. — California in January. The type is in the British Museum. X. peritalis Smith. 1892. Smith, Proc. TJ. S. Nat. Mus., xv, 68, Xylomtget. Habitat. — Colorado; Oregon. The type is in the Neumojgen Collection. X. simplex Wlk.* 1865. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., xxxii, 618, Acronycta. , cruviaJin liar v. 1875. Hiu'v., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 277, XyJomigea. Habitat. — Vancouver; California; Colorado in May and October; I'ortland, Oregon, April an«i May. The types of both nanu'S are in the British Museum. I failed to see the type of simplex' in the British Museuiu, as it was not ranged among tlie trne noctuids of Mr. Butler's first study. Afterward, Mr. Butli'r very kindly sent me a figure of the species which made it certain that it was no Acronycta, but was Uw sketchy to make out itositiveiy. Yi't later Mr. Butler stumbled on Xylohtiyes cruvialiH Harv., and recognized in it Walker's Acronycta simplex. X. curialisGrt.* 1873. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sol., i, 143, Xylomigei. Habitat. — California in March. The type is in the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Cambridge. t See note on p. 174. ■SI 234 nULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MITSEITM. X. dolosa f.'rt.* 1880. fJrf.., ('im. Kiit.. Xil, 88, XijlimiijeH. I r A iMTAT. — .M jiiiie ; Pluttsbniffh, New York ; White Mts., New Hamp- sliirc; Colonulo. The type is in the British Museum. X. rubrica Harv.* 1878. Iliirv., Can. Eiit., x, 58, draphiphoia, 188'.'. (Jrt., New Clifck List, 31, Xylomiijes. 1887. Siiiitli, Proc. U. S. Nat. Miis., x, 4(52, Mamcstra. 18i)2. Siiiitli, Proc. IJ. S. Nat. Muh., xv, 72, Xj/iomiges. llAiUTAT. — California in May; Oregon in May. The type is in the British Museum. X. perlubens Ort.* 1881. f!rt.. Can. Ent., xiii, 1H2, Xylomiyvs. 1892. iSniitli, I'loc. U. S. Nat. Mus., xv, 71, Xi/lomigea. subapicaUH Smith. 1887. Sniitli, I'loc. U. S. Nat. Miis., x, 462, ,)fam<Mtra. ' 181)2. Smith, I'loc IT. S. Nut. Mus., xv, 13, Xylomii/es. IlAiiiTAT. — Coloiado; Washington; California in Juno; Porthmd, Oregon, April antl May. Mr. Grote's typ(^ is in the British Museum and la like my nuhapicaUs, the type of which is in the National Museum. I suspeeted the i»lentity of the two, but could not make Mr. Grote's description lit sufticiently well to risk the identitieatiou. X. ochracea Uilcy.* 1892. Uiley, Froc. U. S. Nat. Mas., xv, 74, Xylomiget. Haiutat. — Calif()rnia, October, November. The types are in the LI. S. National Museum. X. patallB Cirt.* 1873. C.rt., Bull. Hnff. Soc. Nat. Sii., i, 144, pi. iv, f. 11, Xylomiget. jMchcri (irt. 1888. (lit.. Can. Ent., XX, 130, XylomhjeH. 1891. Smith, Lepidopti-ra, JjO, pr. syii. Uauitat. — Vancouver; California in April, May, June, aird No- vember. The type of patalis is in the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Cambridge; of Jlctcheri I \\ii\G not seen; but there is a specimen under this name received from Mr. Fletcher as typical, in the National Museum, which is not in the least ditt'erent from typical patalis. X. tabulata (Ut. 1878. (lit., Bnll. U. S. Geol, Surv., iv, 181, Xylomiyea. 1892. Smith, I'roc. U. 8. Nat. Mas., xv, 7(», f Xylomigia. Habitat. — New York. The types are in the British Museum and in the Hill c<dlection. Both are fenudes and look like a Mametitm allied to anyuina. It will re(piire a male to decide the generic location. i CATALOGUE OF NOCTUID.K — SMITH. 235 (4t>inis LITHOMIA ilbn. 181(i. Hltii., V(^i/.<-i(liniNM, 2U. It. germana Moir.* 1874. Morr., Pull. IJnff. S<>c. Nat. Soi., ii, 1!)2, Calocnmpa. 1874. (iit., IJull. Hiift". Soc. Nut. Sci., il, lUS, Lilhomia. 1878. (Jriuf, Hull. Kklii, Kiit. Hoc, i, 10, ^soUdaijiuiH. 1883. Grt., Piof. Am. I'liil. Soi'., xix, KiO, =^»olida(jim$. HolidaginiH i Wlk. 1857. Wlk,, C. H. MiiH., Hot., xi, 618, 7.-.!t, Lithomia. 187' . Grt., Bull. Hiifl". Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 27, Vnlommpa. Habitat. — Hudson lisiy Territory; Korthern uiid Ea.sterii States; New York, September. I have not seen the ty])e, nor do I know where it is at j)resent. It may be tlnit the Ameri«5an is the same as the Eiin>i»ean species; but I am not sutticiently convinced of it to make tl»e leferonce. GciiiiH PLBROMA Smith. 1891. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, xviii, 113. P. obliquata Smith.* 1891. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, xviii, 114, Pleroma. Hahitat. — Cohirado; Sierra Nevada, California. The type is in th«' Natioiml Museum; duplicates are iu the Edwards and Neumo'gen collections. P. conserta Grt. 1881. Grt., Papilio, i, 58, Valeria. Habitat. — Washington. The type is in the British Museum. It is an ally of my species, but more suffused with blackish than any specimen I have seen. The type of maculation is identical and the relatioushix) is close. No- Bcimen itional Both iiupiiro ■ Genus CALOCAMPA Steph. 1829. Steph., 111. Brit. Ent., Haust., ii, 174. C. nupera Lint." 1874. Lint., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat, Sci., ii, 188, Calocnmpa. 1874. Morr,, Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, IW, Calucampa. 1878. Thaxter, Psyche, ii, 122, larva. vilusta t Wlk. 1857. Wlk., C, B. Mu8., Hot,, xi, 019, Calocampa. 1874. Grt., 6th Kept. Peab. Ac. ^vi., 22, Calocampa, 1874. Lint., Bull. Butt'. Soc. Nat, Sci,, ii, 180, pr. syn. Habitat. — Hudson Bay territory, southward to District of Colniii bia, west tt) Nebraska, April, May, Septeinber, October, The type is iu Dr. Liutner's coUectiou. 236 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. C. cineritia Grt.* 1874. Grt., Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. riiil., 1874, 210, Calocampa. 1882. Grt., Illustrated Essay, 58, pi. 2, p. 23, Calocampa. var. thoraoica Put. Cram. 1886. Putman-C rawer, Eiit. Anicr., ii, 142, var. pr. Habitat. — Canada; New Hampshire; New York, April and May; west to Colorado; Portland, Oregon, April and May. The type of the species is in the British Museum; that of the va- riety is now in Mr. Doll's collection, I believe. C. brucei Smith.* 1892. Smith, Ent. News, in, 252, pi. x, Calocampa. Habitat. — Colorado, front ranj^e of Rocky Mountains. The types are in the National Museum and in the Eutgers College collection. C. curvimacula Morr.* 1874. Morr., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sei., ii, 191, Calocampa. 1878. Thaxter, Psyche, ii, 122, larva. Habitat. — Canada; Northern and Eastern States; New York, May and Sei)tember; Portland, Oregon, in April. I have not seen the type and do not know where it is at jjreseut. Genus CLEOPHANA Bdv. 1832. Bdv., Chen. d'Europo, 151. C. eu^epis Grt. 1875. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., iii, 86, Clcophana. 1876. Grt., Stett. Eut. Zeit., xxxvii, 136, CJeophana. 1883. Grt., Proc. Am. Phil. Soc, xxi, 161, Cleophana. Habitat. — Oregon ; California. The type is in the Hy. Edwards colletttion. C. antipoda Strck.* 1875. Strck., Lep. Rhop. et Het., 129, Cuvnllia, 1880. Grt., Can. Ent., xu, 217, Cleophana. Habitat. — Colorado; Arizona. The type is in the Stre(!ker collection. Genus CUCULLIA Solirank. 1802. 8chrauk, Fauna Uoica, ii, 157. A nionograpliic revi.sion of this genus will be found in the Proceedings U. S. National Museum t'ov 1892, vol. xv, pp. .'52-51, where all the si)e('ie8 are fully discussed. Reference to this paper is made only where neces- sary to accredit a species or authenticate a <'liange. C. convezipennis G. & 11.* 1868. Grt. & Roh., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, ii, 201, pi. iii, f. 76, Cucullia. 1869. Hcthune, Can. Ent., i, 8(5, CiiciiUia. 1874. Liutuer, Ent. Cont., in, 138,170, Cucullia. and May; of the va- s College ork, Msiy 38eut. jedings iieces- CATALOGUE OP NOCTUIDi« — SMITH. 237 Habitat. — Canada ; New York in July and August, to Pennxyl- vania; Ohio; Delaware in August. I have not seen the type; but the species is unmistakable. C. montanae Grt.* 1882. Grt., Can. Ent., xiv, 175, CuculUa. Habitat. — Colorado in June; Montana. The type is in the Neunicegen collection. C. Bimllaris Smith.* 1892. Smith, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mub., xv, 40, CuculUa. Habitat. — Colorado, 6,500 feet; Denver in Juno. The type is in the National Museum. C. obscurior Smith.* 1892. Smith, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mas., xv, 40, Cuvullia. Habitat. — Colorado. The type is in the National Museum. C. aateroides Gn.* 18.52. Gn. Spec. Gen.,Noct., ii, 133, CuculUa. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mas., Het., xi, 656, CucuUia. 1874. Lintnev, Ent. Cont., in, 139, 169, CucuUia. 1875. Speyer, Stett. Ent. Zeit., xxxvi, 154, CucuUia. Habitat. — Canada to Virginia to Nebraska. New York in May, June, July, and August; New Jersey in May; Washington, D. C, in August; Nebraska in May. A type is in the British Museum. C. postera Gn.* 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., ii, 133, CucuUia. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mas., Het., xi, 656, CucuUia. 1874. Lintner, Ent. Contr., in, 169, CuculUa. Habitat. — New Hampshire, July; Now York, July; New Jersey. The type is in the British Museum. The distribution is probably coincident with that of asteroides. C. florea Gn.* 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., ii, 133. CucuUia. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mils., Hot., xi, 656, CuculUa. 1874. Lintner, Knt. Cent., iii, 169, CucuUia. Habitat. — With postera and at same dates. The type is in the British Museum. C. leetifica I^int.* 1875. Lintner, in Grote's Ch(M'k lAat Noct., 24. CuculUa, 1878. Lintner, Ent. Cont., iv, 98, CuculUa. 238 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. cita Grt. 1883. (Irt., Pa]>ilio, in, 75, CucnlUa. 1892. Smith, Troc. U. S. Nat. Miis., xv, 44, pr. syn. hartmanni FrciU'li 1888. French, Can. Ent., xx, 69, CiiriiUin. 1892. Smith, I'roc. U. S. Nat. Mns., xv, 44, pr. syn. Habitat. — Arizona; Texas in April. Dr. Lintner's types are in tlie National Museum and in his own col- lection ; the type of cita is in the ]S"eiimoegen collection, while that of hartmanni is with Prof. French. C. speyerl Lint.* 1874. Lintner, Ent. Oont., ni, 168, figs. 13 and 14, Cucullia. Habitat. — Canada to Fonnsylvania; west to Nebraska; New York, June and August; Nebraska in May. Types are in Dr. Lintner's collection. C. dorsalis Sniith. * 1892. Smith, Proc. U. S. Kat. Mns., xv, 46, CinulHa. Habitat. — Coh)rado, Denver in June, Gleuwood Springs in Septem- ber. The type is in the National Museum. C. biatriga Smith.* 1892. Smith, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mas., xv, 47, Ciicidlia. Habit AT.— Colorad o. Types are in the Neumoegen collection and in the N^tionjil Museum. C. intermedia Speyer. * 1870. Speyer, Stett. Knt. Zeit., xxxi, 4()0, Cucullia. 1872. Lintner, Ent. Cont., i, 81, 85, pi. viii, figs. 5, 7, Cucullia. 1874. Lintner, Euu. Cont., in, 170, Cucullia. 1875. Speyer, Siott. Ent. Zeit., xxxvi, 1.55, Cucullia. 1878. Liutner, Ent. Cont., iv, 125, Cucullia. umhraticat Gn. 1852. Gn., Spee. Gen., Noct., il, 147, Cucullia. 1870. Speyer, Stett. Ent. Zeit., xxxi, 400, pr. syn. Habitat. — Canada to Virginia; Central States; New York in May, July, and August; Delaware in August. I have not seen the type. C. Cinderella Smith.* 1802. Smith, Prop. 11. S. Nat. Mns., xv, 48, Cucullia. Habitat. — Colorado, Glenwood Springs in September. The type is in the National Museum. C. serraticornis Lint.* 1874. Lintner, Ent. Cont., in, 174, Cucullia. 1875. Lintner, in Grote's Check List Noct., p]., fig. 10, Cucullio. I own col- ic that of ew York, I Septeiii- Museum. CATALOGUE OP NOCTtTIDiE — SMITH. 239 1883. Grt., Proc. Am. Phil. Hoc, xxi, 1(!1, Ciiainia. malricaria Hehr. 1874. B»hr, in Strk., L<>p. Hhop. et H.-t., ftl, CiinilUa. 1875. firt., Bull. Hurt". 8oc. Nat. Sti., ii, '21H, pr. 8yn. II ABITAT.— California. The type is iu Dr. Lintner's collection. C. Bolidaginis Bnlir. 1874. Behr, in Strk. Lep. Rliop. et Het.,94, CuciiUia. 1892. 8niitli, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., xv, 51, CucuUia. Uabit AT, —California. I haA'e not seen tbe type and have not been able to identify the species satisfactorily. GenuH BUTELIA Hbn. 1816. Hbu., Verzcicbnisa, 259. E. pulcherrima Grt. 1865. Grt., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., iv, 326, mpogenua. 1882. Grt., Can. Ent., xiv, 183, Icipofieniis. 1883. Grt., Proc. Am. Phil. Soc, xxi, 161, liipogenua. dentifera Wlk, 1865. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., xxxiii, 818, Eutelia. Habitat. — New York ; New Jersey. The types are in tbe British Museum, and refer to the same species. Both names were published in 1865, but I think Mr. (Jrote's name antedates the other somewhat. At all events it is the most meritoriou.s. Mr. NeumoBgen also has "type" specimens. Genus MARASMALUS Grt. 1872. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 89. M. inficitaWlk.* in May, 1865. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Hot., xxxiii, 818, Entdia. histrio Grt. 1872. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 297, Marnsmalus, Habitat. — Canada to Texas; west to Nebraska; Colorado, June and July; Kansas in July. Both types are in the British IVfuseum and refer to the same species. This time Mr. Walker has the clear priority. M. ventilator Grt.» 1872. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 89, Marasmalut. 1879. Grt., Can. Ent., xi, 179, Marasmalut. 1883. Grt., Proc Am. Phil. Soc, xxi, 162, Marsamalua. Habitat. — With the preceding, June and July. The type is in the British Museum. This is the larger and brighter of the two species. 240 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Genus INOURA On. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., I>oct., ii, 309. I. deollnata Grt.* 1879. Grt., Can. Ent., xi, 2o8, Ingiira. Habitat. — California in Aujafiist; Ooloiado. The type is in ilie British Museum. I. deliceata Gn.* 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., li, 311, Ingnra. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het., xii, 857, Ingura. Habitat. — Canada to Alabama, to Illinois; Missonri; Massachu- setts in July. The species is described after a drawing by Abbott, which I have not seen. I think there is little doubt of the correctness of the identi- fication which Mr. Orote has made in American collections. I. abroBtoloides Gn.* 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., ii, 311, Ingiira. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., xii, 875, Iiigura. producta Wlk. 1855. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., v, 1031, Edema. 1874. Grt.. bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sol., ii, 29, ? var. declinafa. 1875. Gr*.., Bull. Buff. Soc Nat. Bci., ii, 311, t pr. syn. Habitat. — With the preceding, but more rare. July. I have not seen Guende's type, which ir- with Mr. Oberthiir. Will- ker's type is in tlie British Museum afid is the si>ecies Mr. Grote ha.s — 1 think correctly — identified a:^ abrostoloides. I. fuacescens Wlk.* 1855. Wlk., C. B. Mus., H^t., v, 1031, AV/rz/m. 1868. (i. & R., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, ii, 73, Inijtim. ahrontil'a Wlk. jse**. Wlk., C. I!. Mus., Hi,t., XXXV, 1741, .' SubtUc. prwpUnta (at. 1875. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 311, Ingnra. Habitat. — Texas in April and May; Mississippi; New Mexico. All the types are in the British Museum. Mr. Grote's tyjtc is of tiie IJelfnige maierial, and exact duplicates from the same collector are in the National Museum. Mr. Nwiuno'gen has also a "type" of Mr. Grote's sjjecies. Walker's abroatella was described as a Crambit. I. flabella Grt. 1879. (Jrt., Can. Ent., xi, 208, In-jiiru. Habitat. — Kansas. The type is in the British Museum. , ssachu- I liavo jdeiiti- Wiil- has — >f the. aro Mr. CATALOGUK OP NOCTUID.E — SMITH. I. oculatrlx Gu.* 241 1852. (ill., Sp«;c. Gen., Xoct., ii, SIH, l^aura. IS.")7. Wlk., 0. B. MiiH., Het., xii, «7.">, Tiifiiira. IH»3. (irt., Proc. Am. Phil. Soc, xxi. H52, fiif/nra. Haiutat. — Eastern, middle, and central States; Canada; New York in July. The species was described froui the Saunders colle<'tion aiul the type is probably at Oxford. I think there is no doubt of the correctness of the identification made by ^Ir. Grote. I. pygmaea llbn 1«18. Hbn., ZutrliKe, 21, ff. 109,110, I'dcles. 1880. <;it., Can. Knt., xii, 87, Ingnra. Hahita I'.— Georgia. This species is not yet identified in onr collections so far as I know. I have not tried to compare the fi|i>ure caicfully. I. cristatrix (iu. 1852. On., Spec. Gen., Noct., ii, 313, InijHm. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mus.,IIet., xii, 87."), livjura. Habitat. — America ? Guen6e describes his species as from the Coll. Cie des Indies .and 8U{;gests that it may be I'^ast Indian. IJut he makes the same sngges- tion also as to o('ulatri.v and it does not mean min*h pos'f ve knowledge. 1 have not tried seriously to recogniz»* the species. Gnins ANOMIS ll)>n. 1816. Hlni., Vor/.cicliniss, 210. A. erosa llhn.* 1818. ni>n., ZiitrilKf, Ht, ff. 287, 288. Jiumis. 181(5. Hbn., ^'er/,('ichnis8, 24!t, .tnoiiiiii. 1852. (lU., Spec. Grn., Noct., U, 395, Cnxmoithlln. 1880. (Jrt., Can. Knt., xii, 116, Anonw. 1882. Kiley, Kept. Knt. Dcpt. A«I., 1881-'82, 167, pi. 8, f. 1, .Uumin. \mr\ Kiloy, Ith Kept. l'. S. Knt Conini.,315. pi. ii,"»r. 1,'i, 3, .liioniis. . Habitat. — Massachusetts, in August; District of Columbia and southward; Kansas in Septentber. Full life histories of this species can be foiu 1 in the two reports by Dr. Kiley, where all stages are accei>tably fi}.,ared. By the <late.; i^iven it is evident tliat eith«'r the Verzeichniss was not published until 181.S, or the names to be given were anticipated in that publicatiou, A. ezaota lllni.* 1810. Hbn., Siinil. Kx. S<hni*tt., ii, pi, 411. .Iiiomit, 1816. Hbu., Vei'/.i-it^linisH, 249, Anomia. 18.52. Gn., Spec. (Jen.. Ndct., Ii, 39t», Atiiimin. 1857. Wlk., V. B. MuN., Het., Xin, 989, AnomlH. 1868. H. 8(li.. CoiT. Bldtt 18tJ8, Cubii, p. 16, Anmlt, 1885. \li\vy, IHi Kept. Ij^it. (Jonmi., 350, Anomin. 6048— No. U 1({ !( 242 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. IlAniTAT. — Southern United States.? Dr. Riley questions Mr. Grote's identification of this species, and calls our Ameri(;an form texaua. He is probably correct in this; but as I have not studied the question, I give the bibliography necessary to put the student on the track. A. tczana Riley.* ISSa. Riley, 4th Ropt. Ent. Comiu., 350, app. 120, i)l. ii, ff. 4, 5, and 6, Anonm. Habitat. — Texas; Southern United States. Dr. Kiley proposes this name to replace exacra Grt., not Hiibner. The figure given is excellent, and leaves no doubt as to the species intended. The types are in the Xational Museum. A. luridula Gn.» 18."2. Cn., Spec. Gen., Xoot., ii, 401, Anomia. 18.57. Wlk., C. R. Miis., Hot., Xiii, !)88, Aniimiif. 18(!H. H-S.h., CoiT. niiitt, 1868, t'ul.a, Ifi, Aninnis. 1883. GiUKlliich, Cout. Knt. Cub., 321, Anonm. 1892. IJutler, Entomologist, XXV, 12, Anomis. drrogata Wlk. 1857. AVlk., C. B. Mas., Hot., xiir, 0(10, Anomis. 1892. Bntler, Entomologist, xxv, 13, i>v. syn. HABITAT. — Gulf States; West Indies; Venezuela. Luridnla Gn., and derof/ata Wlk., based on tyi)ical specimens in the British Museun ,, are one spe<'ies. There is not even the varietal ditterence between them that Mr. Butler seelns to saspc(;t, unless very slight difference in maculation makes a variety. Under that defini- tion almost every specimen wouhl be a variety, so I can not quite un- derstand what Mr. Butler's remaik (1. c, p. 13^ was intended to mean. A. coiiducta Wlk.* 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mns., Ilct., xin,'J!)0, J/iomis. 1892. Butler, Entomologist, xx.v, 13, /hioniis, —i7n<«. lumlia Ilnrv. 1870. llnrv.. Can. Ent., viii, G, Alt'iin. 1892. Butlur, Entomologist, xxv, 13, pr. syn. Habitat.— Texas. The types are in the British ISFusoum. The species is much more common in Central and South America, and ]>robably only occasional in The Southern United States. Imt. Buller would see in this the trui^ Aletia argiUacta of Hiibner. and so cites it in the Entomologist, /. c. Hupra. I do not follow Mr. Butler's rel'erences to iUita Gn., beciiuse 1 believe that to be another species. One of the types is in the -Tardin <les plantes in Paris, while none is in the BritishMuseum. I did not directly compare the specimens, but Guenee's species looked diflerent. X do know that the synonymy above is correct as far as it goes. CATALOGUE OF NOCTUID.T-: — SMITH. 243 Genus ALEXIA Tlhii. 1816. Hbn., VcrzeicluiiNs, 239. A. argillacea Hbn.* 1820. Hbn., Ziitraego, ff. 399, 400, Alclia. 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mils., Het., ix, 79, Muthimva. 1873. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. .Sci., i, 122, 170, .llclia. 1879. Coinstock, Cotton Insects, i, 284, pi. 1, Ahtia. 1880. Grt., C'-n. Ent., xii, 117, Aletia. 1892. Butler. ) .itouiologist, xxv, 13, Aletia. xyUiia, Say. 1828. Say, Soutboru Agriculturist, i, 203, Xocfita. 1859, Say, American Ent., Lee. od., i, 370, Xoctna. 1864. Grt., Proc. Eut. Soc. Phil., iii, 541, Aiiomi8. 1873, Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Ni>t. Sci., i, 170, pr. syu. 1880. Grt., Can. Ent., xit, 117, pr. syn. 1881. Kilcy, Papilio, i, 107, an sp. dist. 1885, Kiley, 4th Kept. Ent. Connn., pp. 1-344, pi., Aletia. graiuUpiincta (>n. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., ir, 400, Anomin. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., Xiii, 989, Anomis. 1868. Betliuno, Can. Ent., i, 87, Anomix. 1874, Grt,, Bull. Butt". Soc. Nat. Sci., ir, 24, pr. syn. bipunctiva Gn. 1852. Gn., Sjiec. (jen., Noct., ii, 100, Anomis. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., Mil, 980, Anomis. 1864. Grt., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., iii, 't\l,=^jriilina. 1873. Grt., Bull. Biiff. Soc. Nat. Sci,, i, 170, pr. syn. Habitat: Canada occasional, south to Cential Soutlicrn and Gulf States; Central and South Aniericii. I have seen none of the types. Jiipioi 'nk« was (los(!iibed fioni a fijjfure by Abbot and has no type; graiiidpidicfti was <h'S(;rihed from specimens in the Saunders & Guenee collectimis. Tlio types are, tlierc- fore, probably one of them at Oxford, the otiiers at Uennes with M. Oberthiir. The bibliofi'iaphy given is a mere outline. I:i Comstot k*s Cotton Report of 1870 and in the 4th Kept, of the United States En tomological Commission a full bibliography covering several i)ages is given. publications all possible information <',om!erning the species will be found. Con(.'erniiig the synonymy adopttid, a few w(trds may be necessary. Prof. Comstock iU'cepted Mr. Grote's dictum on authority, while suggesting that it was not beyond doubt. J)r. Riley does not accept Mr. Grote's identification at all, and goes at sonu^ length into the reasons for declining to do so. llnfortuiiately, with a large nuiterial at command, he yet failed to liiid a species to which* he was willing to apply Ililbner's Ugure positively. Mr. liutler says, "1 can not admit this identill<!ation of arffillacen,''^ referring to its union with .niflina Say. Ho refers to arf/illavcoy illKa Gn., coudnvUi \Vlk., ami honi'm llarv. Jlostia and comiuvta are synonymous from my own exannniition of the types. 0( illita I am not lieitaiii; iuit I feel v«>ry firmly con- vinued that Hllbuur did not have this form before him to bo figured, 244 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Some four or Ave years ago 1 examined, at Dr. Riley's request, a very large series of Anomids, largely South American, in comparison with a number of type specimens from the I'aris collections and with the descriptions of all the species. The material was larger than any I have seen elsewhere or since, and after the most careful comparisons 1 then «!oncluded that Hiibuer c(mld have had no other than Say's xylina before him as original to his figure. There are (iertain specific char- acters that are seen in xiflina and iii no other species, and these char- acters are given by Hiibner. The figure is bad and the color is bad ; but neither are worse than a hundred others whi<!h are a(;cepted un- 4|uestioned, and the specific features given are those of .rifUiia and of no other species. The very great majiu'ity of early tigures are no more accurate than is Hilbner's arffiUaeen^ but where there are not closely related species the matter is immaterial. In this instance 1 believe 3Ir. (irote most clearly in the right. Ocnus PTERiBTHOLIX C.rt. 1873. Grt., Trans. Am. Eiit. Soc, iv, 298. P. buUulaOit.* 1873. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 2!»9, PternthoJix. 18H3. Grt., Proc. Am. Phil. Sot;., xxi, 1«3, rti-ni'tlntlix. Hahitat. — Alabama and Southern States; Texas in October to l)e- (!ember. The specinum in the British >[us('um does not seem to be the type; butis from the Grote <Mtllecfion and is the same as the specimens so named in the Natioiuil Museum. Mr. liutler says, xxv, 11, that this is the same genus as lierrem Wlk., Het xvi, 214. I did not see the specimens and am not ready to accept the reference. Gi'nns AMYNA Gn. 1852. Gn., .SjM'c. Gen., N«»ot., i, 106. A. orbica Morr.* 1874. Morr., Proc. Host. Soc. N. 11.. xvii, L'lti, Scrictia. iecta (Jrt. 187<i. Grt., Can. Ent., viii, 1!»(), Chyloijiza. 1878. (3rt.. Can. Ent.. x. '2Xi. rhi/tornza. 1891. Smith, LiHt lie|ii<loptrra, ."il, \)r. syn. Hahitat. — Texas; Kansas in October. Somewhere 1 have seen Mr. Morrison's type, which is the same species as Mr. ^rrote's type of tirta in the Uritish Musenm. It is quite likely that Mr. Morriscm's name must eventually sink in favor of one of the Guenee or VV'alker names In the Mritish and other l^hiropean muse- ums are a number of Central and South American sjn'cies, very closely allied, which much re8end)Ie our own insect. In I'lict there were so many names and so little diflerence in the specimens that I felt unwill- ing to identify the Texan form with any of them. JIattia is another |lj;onene s^non^iu, ■ CATALOOrE OF NOf'TUID^.- -SMITH. 245 (iointN LITOPROSOPUS <irt. 18(iy. (jirt., TiiuiM. Am. Kiit. Soc. ii, 309. L. futilisd. & 11." 1808. O. & R., Trans. Am. Eiit. Soc, ii, 202, pi. iii. f. 7.S, /).i/o2«. 18(){(. (Jrt., Traus. Am. Ent. Scic, li. HOtt, LitoproHoptiH. 1881. (Jrt., Hull. (ii»!<)l. Siiiv., VI, 271, f.itoproMopiix. 18815. (irt., Proc. Am. I'hil. 8oc.. xxi, 163, LiloproHopns. I J AiiiT AT. — Florida ; Geoifjia. 1 have not seeu the tyi»e, nor do I know wliere it is. L. confiigens Wlk. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mns., Htit., xn, 856, Diiops. 1869. Grt., TraiiH, Am. Eiit. Sot-., ii, SOJ>, l.itoproHopiia. Hakitat. — West Indies; Central and Sonth America. The type is in the Britisli Museum. I liave seen no specimens from our fauna, nor do I find any record of such. I fcdlow Mr. (Irote in list- ing it, without a knowledj^e of wliy he did so. He also lists hutunj Poey, but this is explained by him and tlie species is not claimed from fauna. Genns DIASTEMA On. 1852. (ill., Si>cc. (icn.. Noit., n, 317. D. tigris (Jlii. 1852. fill., Spoc. (ion., Xoct,., ii, 317, IHaslvma. 1857. Wlk., f. H. Mils., Hit., xn, 87J), l)\nHlem<%. 1892. Hiitlur, Kiitiimologist, xxv, 11, Sipinln. Ihieala Wlk. 1857. Wlk., C. H. MiiH., lift., xii, 800, Mphla. 18!)2. Hntlcr, EntomolojfiHt, xxv, 11, pr. syii. Hahitat. — Florida. Both types are in the Britisli Museum, and Mr. Butler is correct in uniting them. lie thinks //</>•/« not t'ongeiicric witli hidntcmu ritufOiWuX therefore adopts Walker's generic mime, 3Iy ideas of genera do not always agree with Mr. Butler's, and I jireter therefore to retain due uee's genus until 1 can make comparisons myself. CicmiH OGDOCONTA ISiitlei'. 1891, Hiillfr, Ann. >i Mii^. Nat. IliNt.. 1891, 102. O. cinereola (in.* 18.52, On,, Spe<'. (<«mi,, Noft., ii, 31(5, pi. 15, f. 1, I'luioiha, 1853. H. .S<-li., hepitl. Kxot., (18, f. 215, I'lavodtn. 18.5(;. II, Sell,, Sclimott, Knr,, Indox. TrIrHilla. 1857. Wlk., C.H. MiiH,, Met,, xil, 878, I'Uivwkn. 1871. (ill.. Can. Knt., vi, 16, TvlrMilla. 1880. ('o(|iiillott. No. Aiiier. Ent., i, .52, larva. 1891. Kiitlor, Ann. ami Ma^, Nat, Mist,, 1891, l((2, (UjiUmmta, iilomavin Wlk. 1865. Wlk., C. H. Mils., lUt., xxxii, 675, Minna. 1882. (.Jrt,, 111. Essay, 14, pr, syii. HAuriAT. — Canada to Texas to Minnesota; Nebraska. Canada in 246 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. June; New York, June, July, August; Illinois, August and Septem- ber; Texas in Aju'll; Delaware in June. The types are in the British Museum. Mr. Butler's characters for the genus seem good. 2favia Harvey, belongs to Stibadium, O. carneola Smith. 1891. Smith, Trnns. Am. Ent. Soc. xvui, 110, TehsiUa, 1891. Smith, List Lcpidoptera, 51, Ogdoconta. Habitat. — Las V^ega% New Mexico. The type is iu the Neumaigeii collection. Gonus iBEHRENSIA Grt. 1875. Grt., Can. Ent., vii, 70. B. oonchiformis Grt. 1875. Grt., Can. Ent., vii, 71, Behrenaia. 1875. Grt., List NoctuidiB, pi,, f. 6, Behrensia. 1883. Grt., Proc. Am. Phil. Soc, xxi, 164, Behrenaia. Habitat. — California; Portland, Oregon, April and May. The type is in the British Museum. The species is one I had never seen before and is one of the most beautiful of our noctuids. 1 have since seen several specimens, all taken at light, and all of them in such poor condition that the brilliancy of the species could not be appre- ciated. GciiUH ABROSTOLA OcliH. 1816. Ochs., Schmett. Eur., iv, 88. A. ovaliB Gn. 18.^2. Gn., Spec. Gen , Noct., ii, 322, Ahroatola. 1857. Wlk., C. «. Mns., Hot., xii,883, Ahrontola. Habitat. — Canada in August; New York; New Jersey; Pcnn.syl- vania; Massachusetts in June and August. The type is in the British Museum. A. urentis Gn.* 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., ii, 322, pi. 11, f. 11, AhroahU. 1837. Wlk., C. B. MuH., Het., xii, 883, Ahroatola. 1875. Spoyer, Stett. Ent. Zeit., xxxvi, 159, Ahroatola. Habitat. — Nova Scotia, southward to District of Columbia; Middle and Central States, July and Augnst. The type is in the British Museum. Genus DBVA Wlk. 1857. Wlk., C. B. M.S., Hot., xii, 9C3. D. purpurigera Wlk.* 1858. Wlk.,C. B. MuH., Ilet., xiv, 1791, Dcva. 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci.. ii, 30, PUtaia. ' 1881. Grt., Papilio, i, 35, hem. Habitat. — Canada; New York; Cohiradoj New Mexico; Eastern and Northern States, June, July, August. The type is iu the Kritish Museum. . • OAtALOGUE OF NOCTUIDiE — SMITlt. 247 Jeptein- ;er8 for , I never 1 have u sxich api)ie- niusyl- Middle astern D. palligera Grt. 188J. Git., I'apilio, I, 35, Dvm. II Ami' AT, — Sierra Nevada, Oalilornia; Western (!)olorado. Types are in the Edwards Collection and in the British Museum. D. morigera Hy. Edw. 1887. Hy. Etlw., Euto. Amor., ir, 169, Deca. Habitat. — South Park, Colorado. The type is in the Edwards Collection. Genus PLUSIA Ochs. 1816. Oclis., Schuiett. Eur., iv, 89. ' Mr. Grote in his lists writes Plusia Fabricius, and in 1874 qnoted Lederer as authority for this use. Lederer, however, says Plusia Tieitschke; but says also Plusia Fabricius, for a section of the genus in- cluding those not referable to Abrostola; Staudinger writes Plusia Och- senheiinei', and this accords with what I have found in my seai-ches auiong the ancients. In none of the Fabrician works is Koctua subdi- vided, though probably in the Systeina Glossatoruni this was done. It luay be that Lederer derives his authority froui this unpublished work; but as the matter Ptands Ochsenheimer must be credited with the genus. P. a^rea Hbu.* 1810. Tlbn., Scbmett. Eur., iv, pi. 56, f. 27, Koctua. 1811. Oliv., Euc. Metli., Viir, 318, Noctiia. 181G. Hbn., Verzeielniiss, 250, Agiapha. 1827. Dup., Hist. Nat. Lop. Fr., vii, 17, pi. 133, f. 4, Noctua. 1829. Bdv., ludox Metb., 159, Plima. 1832. Meigon, Syst. Beschr. Scbmett. Eur., iii, 250, pi. 121, f. 5, Plusia. 1852. Gn., Spec. Geu., Noct., ii, 333, I'liifiia. ■ 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., xii, 890, I'liisia. Habitat. — Nova Scotia, south to Florida and Texas; United States eastof the Rocky mountains; New Mexico; Colorado; Canada in June and August; New York in June, August, and September; Massachu- setts in July; District of Columbia in August. This species was described as Euiopean, which accounts for the char- acter of the bibliography. Gueni e first jjointed out that it was an American. Curiously enough thei'o has been no reference recpiiring citation in American works. p. aercideB Grt.* 1864. Grt., Proc. Ent. Soc. Pbil., ni, 83, ct 511, pi. 2, f. 5, ritma, 1874. Liutuer, Ent. Cout., vi, 164, larva. Iu76. Tbaxter, I'sycbe, r, 188, larva. Habitat. — Canada to Texas, to Colorado. Dates as in wixa. The type is in the British Mu.'eiim. y 248 BULJ.ETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. P. ballucai (j«'yer.* 18;». (Se.vor, Ziitriip', ff. «81, 682, Dyachrysia. 1852. Gil.. Spec. Gen., Noct., ii, XU, Phmia. 18.-.7. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het., xii, 901, I'hma. 1873. Saiind., Can. Eiit., v, 11, larva. 1874. Liiitner, Hut. C'oiit., iii, 16:^, larva. 1881. Grt., L'aii. Ent., xiii, 91, I'lnsia. Habitat. — Nova Scotia; Canada in Jnne and Jaly; KortLcrn, East (M n and Middle States in July and August. P. metallicaGrt* 1875. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 311, Pliisia. bractea i Grt. 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 72, Plusia. IHl'y. Grt., Can. Eut., vii, 4B, Pluaia. 1875. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sri., ii, 311, jtr. syn. Habitat. — California, Mendocino in Juue. The type is in the British Museum. P. arizona French. 1889. French, Can. Ent., xxi, 161, Phiftia. II AuiTAT.— Arizona. The type is in Prof. French's collection. If it is as close an ally of /*. hoirardi I'klw., as Prof. French suggests, it is not a I'lttsia at all, I tut a liasilotleH. I have not seen it. P. contexta Grt.* 1873. Grt., Bull. Bnff.Soc. Xnt. Sci., i, 193, 7'7«8»o. 1875. Speyer, Stett. Ent. Zii , xxxvi, 161, Plunia, 1883. Thaxter, Papilio, iii, 18, larva on grasH. Habitat. — Maine; New York; Eastern and Middle States, June, July, August. A type is in the British Museum; another iu J>r. Lint ner's collection. P. putnami Grt.* 1873. Grt., Bnll. Bnff. Soc. Nat. Sci., i, 146 et. 192, pi. 4, f. 2, Phma. 1875. Si)c'ycr, Stett. Ent. Zeit., xxxvi, 162, Phmii. Habitat. — Northern, Eastern, and Middle States; Canada; Juin' and July; Colorado; Virginia; Portland, Oregon, May and June. The type is iu the British Museum. P. venuBta Wlk. 1865. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het., xxxiii, 836, Pluaia. Htv'mtella Grt. 1873. Grt., Bull Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., i, 194, Plnma. Habitat. — Canada; Maine; New York; District of Columbia. The typo of Walker's species is in the British Museum, as is also a specimen of Htriatella — not the tyi)e— from the Grote collection. The two refei' to the same species. .\ 11 CATALOGUE OF NOCTUID^ — SMITH. 240 East lly of Lt all, lino, iiiit TllIK 1 1 H> a The p. formosa firt.* 1865. fJrt., I'loc. Eiit. Soc. Phil., iv, 323, htplina. 1875. Morr., Ann. Lye. Nut. HiHt. N. Y., xi, 98, Pliuia. Habitat. — Maine; Massachusetts iu July; New York; New Jersey. 1 have not seen the type. Mr. Grote inciitioiis incidentally in the Can. Ent., xxi, 124, that lie returned it to Mr. Treat after description. What became of it afterward, 1 can not say. The si)ecies is well known, however, though rare, and can not be mistaken. p. thyatiroides Gn.* m'i2. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., ii, 337, i»I. 11, f. 8. Plutia. 18.".7. Wlk., C. B. Mm., Het., xii, 905, I'lima. Habitat. — New York, August and September; Canada; Northern, (*entral, and Middle States. The type is in the British Museum. P.mappaG. &R.* 1868. G. & R., Trans. Am. Ent. S<»c., ii, 204, Pluaia. 1869. Bethnu«s Can. Ent., i, 87, Pluaia. Habitat. — Canada in July and August; Northern States; Mount Washington. 1 have not seen the type, nor do I know where it is. P. bimaculata .Stepli." 1832. Steph., 111. Brit. Ent., HanHt., in, 104, riuaia. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., xii,90r>, Pluaia. n-brevia Gn. 1852. Gn., Spoc. Gen., N<»ct., il, 341, Pluaia. 18.57. Wlk., C. B. Mns., Het., xii, 905, f pr. syn. 1874. Grt., Bnll. Butt'. Soc. Nut. Sci., ii, 30,' ({r. syn. 1874. Grt., Can. Ent., vi, 72, pr. syn. profva Criini. 1782. (rum.. Tap. Ex., iv, 244, pi. 400, f. M, Noctu^. 18.'>7. Wlk., C. B. Mns., Het., xii, 905, ? pr. syi:. Habitat. — Canada in July and August, to Middle States; New York ; New Jersey. The type of Guem'-e's species is in the British Museum. The refer- ence to Cramer's species may or may not be correct. 1 have not ex- amined the nmtter myself, and simply give the Walkev citation. Ot course Cramer's name would have priority did it apply to our species. I.biloba Stoph.* 1832. 8toph., 111. Brit. Ent., Haust., iii, 104, Pluaia. 1852. Gn., >iH'v. (Jen., Noct., II, 341, pi. 11, f. 10, Pluaia. 1857. Wlk., (J. B. Mug., Het., xu, 906, Pluaia. 1882. Fnnili, I'apilio, ii, 113, life history. Habitat. — Massachusetts to FUirida, west through the Mississippi States; Texas; Colorado in September; California in April; New York in June and July. I!' P 250 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. P. verruca Fabr.* 1794. Fabr., Eut. Syst., iii, 2, 81, Noilua. 1811. Oliv., Eucyc, Meth., viii, 315, Noctna. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., ii, 342, Plusia. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mas., Het., xii, 906, Pluna. omega Hbn. 1820. Hbn., ZutrjBge, 29, f. 373, 374, Argyrogramma. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., u, 342, pr. syu. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het., xir, 906, pr. syn. 00. Cram. 1782. Cram., Pap. Exot., IV, 45, pi. 311, f. E, not F., Mctua. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., u, 342, pr. syn. 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het., xii, 906, ? pr. syn. omicron Hbn. 1816. Hbn., Verzeichniss, 251, Autographa. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., xir, 906. pr. syn. queBtionis Tr. 1835. Tr., Schmett. Eur., Supplt., 132, Plugia. 1840. Bdv., Gen. et Ind.Meth., 158, Plu»ia. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., ii, 342, pr. syn. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., xii, 906, pr. syn. Habitat. — ^NewYorkto Florida, Texas, Central and South America; Massachusetts in August; New Jersey in May; Texas in November; Kansas. The synonymy above is that given by Guen^e and after him by Walker. The latter questions oo Cramer,' as the same, but Gueni'^e seems to consider that Cramer had two species under tliat name, and cites figure E only to this form. Walker makes this the omicron of Hiibner, nee Linnajus. p. rogationis Gn.* 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., ii, 344, Pluaia, 1857. Wlk., C. B.Mus., Het., xii,906, Plusia. hamifera Wlk. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mas., Het., xii, 917, Pluaia. dyaiis Grt. 1875. Grt., Can. Ent., vii, 202, Plusta. Habitat. — New York to Texas; Colorado; South America. In the British Museum are types of hamifera and dyaun, and these are unquestionably alike. There are also specimens of dyaiis nuder pre- cationis Wlk.; but there are no specimens of rofjationis under the label. In the Berliner Museum, however, is a series of South American speci- mens marked rogationis Gn., and among them is a specimen i'rom Boll, Texas, exactly like dyaus. Guenee mentions his species as from divers collections, not rare, and gives " Am. Sept." as one of the localities. His comparative description applies perfectly, and though T have not seen absolute types, I make no doubt the Berlin specimens are correctly named and that dyaus Grt., is the same si)ecies. Hamifera is recorded from Brazil and Venezuela, covering thus the localities given by Guenee. CATALOGUE OF NOCTUID.E SMITH. 251 p. culta Tiiiit. 1885. Lintnor, 2iwl Kopt. Ins. N«!\v York, !it, I'liisia. 1891. Smith, List Lopidoptcra, 52,=laiiclavia. Habitat. — New York. The type is iu Dr. Liiitner's collection. I was in error in referring this siiecies to latidavia Morrison iu the Check list. p. precationis Gn.» 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., ii, 344, Plima. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het., xii, 907, Fluaia. 1869. Pack., Guide to Study of Insects, 312, larva. 1882. Coquillett, Can. Ent., xiv, 60, larva. Habitat. — Canada; United States east of the Rocky Mountains. May to October. The type is in the British Museum, where there are three speciies mixed under this name. The description of the larva <;ited by Mr. Edwards in his catalogue of early stages applies to nimplex. P. egena Gn. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., ii, 328, riuaia. 1883. Grt., Can. Ent., xv, 26, Plimia. Habitat.— Indian Eiver, Florida. The species is described from Brazil. I have not seen the typo. P. labrosa Grt. 1874. Grt., Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Pliil., 1874, 207, Plusia. Habit at.— California hi August. The type is in the British Museum. p. flagellum ^V^k. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mns., Het., xii, 909, Plusia. monodon, Grt. 1875. Grt., Can. Ent., vii, 202, Phtmu Habitat.— Hudson Bay Territory, Cape Breton; "Xorth America." The types are in the British Museum iuul refer to the suiac .species. P. pseudogamma Grt. 1875. Grt., Can. Ent., vii, 203, Phma. Habitat. — Cape Breton. The type is in the British Museum. P. gamma Lina. 1761. Linn., Fauna Suec, 1171, Nootita. 1767. Liun., Syst. Nat., od. xii, 2, 843, Noctua. 1781. Fabr., Spec. Insect., ii, 227, Xoctua. 1787. Fabr., Mant. Ins., ii, 162, Noctua. 1793. Fabr., Ent. Syst., in, 2, 79, Noctua. 1811. Oliv., Encycl. Meth., viu, 313, Noctua. 252 BULLETIN 44, UMTKD STATKS NATIONAL MI'SKUM. 1H16. HItn., Ver/.eichiiMN, 251, .lutotiraplut. 1823. Tr., »<rhniutt. Eur., v, 185, I'limiii. 1837. Kirby, Fii. Bor. Aiiier., iv, :W7, flunia. 1852. On., Spec. Ueu., Noct., il. 348, /'/(ixta. I&'i7. VVlk., C. B. MiiH., llct.. XII, M), I'luHia. 1874. Strk., Lep. Rhop. et H«t., 94, I'lmin. 1874. Ort., Clin. Ent., vi, 16, I'lim-i. 1875. Hp«'yer, .Stett. Ent. Zeit., xxxvi, 1(J4. Plitsia. 1881. Both., Can. Ent., xiii, 1«2, I'liiHia. Habitat. — HiuIsou'h Bay Territory; Canada; California. This species is omitted from Mr. Grote's list of 1<SJ)1, and from my own as well. I believed that the northern type was pHeiulogumma and the westej'ii, cali/orniva. I am not certain now that .such is not the case; but as I have not had an opportunity of comparing; types I give tiie species a place pending further study. P. ou Gn.* 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., ii, 348, Plunia. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Hct., xii, 907, I'luHia. 1874. Morr.. Proc. Bost. 8oc. N. H., xvii, 219, Plusia. var. califomica Spey.* 1875. Speyer, .Stett. Ent. Zeit., xxxvi, 1(54. PUmia yamma var. 1886. Hy. Edw., Ento. Anier., ii, 170, Plmia. var. rusBea Hy. Edw. 1886. Hy. Edw., Euto. Anier., ii, 170, var. pn^c. Habitat. — New York; Mi.ssouri; Nebraska; Florida; Texas March, May, and November; California, March, April, and August; Colo- rado in September; Oregon, Ajjril, May, and .lune. (luen^e's type is in the British Museum and the specimens from the Grote collection are like it. Califomica Speyer is a slight variety of OM, and notof ()ramw/a, as Speyer thought. The California localities for (famma are probably based on this species. J)r, Strccker states very positively that his California examples are gamma. Mr. Edwards's variety is scarcely worthy a name. P. fratella Ort. 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 161, Plmia. 1875. Morr., Proc. Bo»t. Soc. N. H., 1875, 219, = P. on. Habitat.— Texas. The type is in the British Museum. As already stated, Mr. Grote had correctly identified oh. and Mr. Morrison's reference of Jratella is, therefore, incorrect. P. pedalis Ort. ^m^ 1875. Grt., Can. Ent., vn,204, Plusia. Habitat.— Kansas. The type is in the British Mu.seuin. imy and the 1 •cb, i>lo- the rot for ery 8'8 )t0 CATALOGUE OF NOCTUID.E — SMITH. P. braMiote Riloy. 253 1870. Riley, 2d Rept. Ins. Mo., 110, f. 81, Pinna. 1871. Beth., Kt'pt. Knt. 8oc. Out., 1871, 51, f. 93, I'liiiia. 1871. Pack., in Hayden'H »Mi Rept. (ieol. Surv., 7.51',/. », b, o. 1873. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Xat. Sci., i, 147, ~ni. 1875. Hpeyer, Stett. Kiir. Zeit., XXXVI, 165, :i50, Plimia. 1880. Kiley, Amor. Ent.. i.i, 2<)0, Plnnia. 1881. Riley, Index and .SiippU., fit Mo. Kepts., 77, sp. dist. 1881. Kiley, Pnpilio, i, 10(5, Pliina. 1881. Ort.) Piii.ilio, i. 127, - ni. 1881. Butler, Papilio, i, 170, =u-niirvum. 1882. Ril<-y, Ptipilio, ii, 43. np. 1883. Riley, Rept. U. S. Dept. Ajjl., 1883, 119, pi. i «t XI, life hist. 1886. Grt., Can. Ent.. xviii, 232, = «i. ni } Grt. 1873. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc, Xat. Sci., i, 147, PUtsia. 1880. Lintner, in Colvin's 7th R('i)t. Surv. Adir., 390, Phma. echinocyHtiH Behr. 1874. Behr, in Strk. Lepidopt., 94, Phtsia. Habitat. — United States generally ; Canada. Thronghont tlie sea- son. Dr. Riley's types are in the National Museum. I have not com- pared the European and American species and give the above as the present status of the literature. Mr. Butler's reference to H-mtreum Gn., is wild. In the Berliner Museum there is a specimen labeled cchinocystis Behr, received from Boll, Texas. I am inclined to believe the labeling authentic, and the very brief des(!ription is n(it contradictory in any way. It has been referred, doubtfully, to jKixipha'a; but this does not agree with what little is said. The eco- nomic bibliography is large. P. ozy gramma Geyer.* r»30. Geyer. Zutrii'ge, f. 769, 770, Auhupapha. 1852. (in., Spec. (Jen., Noct., ii, :i")3, Plimia. 1857. VVlk., ('. B. .Mua., Het.. xii, 90H, Pliisin. Habitat. — Missouri; Georgia; Southern States; Texas. P. Bcapularis Hy. £dw. 1882. Hy. Edw., Pajdlio, ii, 127, Phma. Habitat. — Washington. Types are in tho Edwards and Xeum<egen collections, P. lenzi French. 1889. French, Can. Ent., xxi, 161, Plnsia. Habitat. — Siskiyou, California. I have not seen this spetiies. I believe Prof. French has the type. The species is nominally credited to Dr. Behr, MSS.; but the descrip- tion is by French, and he must be credited with the species, since he, not Dr. Behr, characterized it, 254 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. P. u-aureum Gn.* 1852. Gn. Spec. Gon., Noct., ii, 354, Plnsia. 1860. Mooschl., Willi. Eut. Moiiatsehr., IV, 371, Plusla, 1881. IJutkr, Pa])ilio, i, 170, I'lusin. inlerrogationin var. tfrwiilandica Stgr. 1857. Sfgr., .Stett. Eiit. Zeit.., xxviir, 306, Pluaia. 1860. MdCHchl., Wien. Eut. MDiiatsohr., iv, 371, pr. syn. Habitat. — Labrador; Greenland; Canada in September; Adiron- dack 3I()mitain8 in .Tul.y. I have seen no types. The species is credited to "Boisduval in Mus.," but was first described by Guen6e. The types are probably witli M. Oberthiir. P. mortuorum Gn.* 18.52. Gn., Spoc. Gon., Noct., II, 353, Plusia. 1K.-.7. Wlk., C. B. Mus., llct., xii, 910, Plusia. rrABiTAT. — Canada; Ninthorii and Eastern States; New York and New Jersey, July and August. The type is in the British Museum. P. octo-scripta Grt.* 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 72, Plusia. 1874. Grt., Cau. Ent., VI, 72 iS-signala), ITahitat. — Anticosti; Canada in September: Maine; Yermont; Mas- sachusetts in September; Xew York; Wisconsin. 1 have seen no type. I can not Hnd that Sanborn ever described this si)ecies, and therefore credit it to Mr. Giote, who did so. p. falcigeia Kirliy. IS.-'J. Kirliy, Fn. Bor. Amor., iv, .108, I'lusia. 1857. Wllv., C. B. Mus., ll(!t.,xn, 908, Plima. 1881. Beth., Can. Ent., xui, 463, Pliisiu. rectaiifiuln Kirliy. 1837. Kirliy, Fn. Bor. Auier., iv, 306, Pliit^ia. 18.57. Wllv., C. B. MuH., Hot., xiJ, 908, ? pr. syn. 1881. Both., Can. Ent,, xii. 162, PliiHia. ITahitat. — Ilud.son Bay Teiritory; Nova vScotia; Canada. The above synonymy is after Walker, and may or may not be correct. Dr. Bethune writes ./W/('//(?r/f while Walker has it/alcijfcm. I have not seen the original description and am not sure which is correct. Mr. Grote, however, also writes yW/c/V/t'/v/, and he has, perhaps, comjiared th(M)riyinal work. The si)ecimens in tlie British Museum hlbeh^(l/fl^ vUjera by VValkei- are mccinii Hy. Edw., and do not aecord well with the description copied by Dr. Bethune. It is, however, quite likely tbat the species belongs here. P. vacciiiii Hy. Edw.* lS8fl. Hy. E<lw., Ento. Amor., ii, 170, Phmia. Habitat. — Mt. Washington, N. H.; New York, Adirondack Moun- tains; Kova Scotia. .'Al CATALOGUE OF NOCTUIDiE SMITH. 255 The type is with Dr. Thaxter, who pointjed out tlie species to me in the National Musenin, wliere it stood in the Meslce roUection as octo- ncripta. It much resenihUvs that si>ecics. As already stated, this is the falciffcra of Walker, and possibly that of Kirby as well; but there is sufttcient doubt in the matter to i)revent their union here. p. selecta VVlk.* 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mtis., Ilet., xii, 912, I'ltma. riri(lm(fnaia Git. 1874. Git., Bull. ]$ulf. Soc. Nat. Sci., n, 73 (rmdisigma). 1873. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., iii. 5, riuaia. 1875. Grt., Can. Ent., vii, 205, I'lusia. Habitat. — Hudson Bay Territoiy; Canada in August; Adirondack Mountains, New York; Denver, Colorado. The types are in the British Museum, and refer to the same species. P. angulidens Smith.* 1891. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, xviii, 111, Pluaia. Habitat. — South Park, Colorado. Types are in tiio National Museum, the Neumoegen collection, and in the liutgers College collection. P. celsa Hy. Edw. 1881. Hy. Edw., Papilio, i, 101, Plnsia. IlAiM TAT.— Oregon. Tlie type is in the Neumwgeii (jollection. p. epigaea Grt.* 1874. Grt., Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci., Pliil., 1874, 208, fhmn. Habitat. — New York in July; Massa«;husetts in July; (yolorado. The type is in the British Museum. P. Burena Grt. 1882. Grt., Bull. Geol. Surv., vi, .585, Plusia. Habitat.— Orono, Maine. Tlie type is in Mrs. FernaUl's collection. p. basigera Wlk.* 1805. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Hot., xxxiir, Rifi, fhisln. Intivlavin Morr. 1875. Morr., Aim. Lyo. Nut. Hist., N. Y., xi, 98, I'liisfa. Habitat.— New York; New Jersey in October; Florida. >Viilkcr's type is in the British Museum, Irom " Nortli America." Mr. Morrison's type is in the Tcppcr collection; the two arc ideiiticiil. I have nnfortiiiiately referred l)i'. Lintiici*s cnlta to laticlavio, with which it has little in common. F 256 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. P. ampla Wlk.* 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het., xii, 910, ritisia. Habitat. — Hudson Bay Territory; Gauada; Kortliern and Eastern States, July and August. The type is in the British Museum. • P. simplex Gii." 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., ii, 346, Fhmia. ISJ)?. Wlk., C. B. MuH., Het., xii, 907, VUiHta, 1877. Ort., Bull. Geol. Surv., iii, 119, I'hmn. 1881. Coquillett, Cau, Eut., xiii, 21 — larva sub nom. prviationiB. 1882. Coquillett, Can. Eut., xiv, Ifi, larva. HABITAT. — Hudson Bay Territory ; Canada; United States east of the Rocky ISIoun tains, througiiout the season; Colorado, 12,000 feet; New Mexico. The type is in the British Museum. P. pasiphseia (■it.* 1873. Grt., Bull. Butt'. Soc. Nat. Sci., i, 14(>, pi. iv, f. 1, PlMia. Habitat. — California in October. The type is in the British Museum. Mr. Giote has cited, with a query, P. eehinocyntin Behr, to this species. The description of Dr. Behr's species tells nothing; but 1 have given under brmsivw my rea- sons for citing it there. P. diasema n<lv. 1829. Bdv.,Eur. Lep., Intl. Metli.. 93, Phima, 1852. (lU., Spec. Gen., Noct., il, H55, PluHin, 18i57. Wlk., C. B. MuB., Uet.,xii, 9«'J, Phma. 18.57. Stand., Stett. Ent. /eit., 18.57, 30.5, /Vtixm. Habitat. — Labrador; Lapland; Colorado. The type is juobably with M. Oberthiir, at Rcnnes. Mr. Grote has always written diusemM Dalman; but I have not been al>le to ascertain why. I still followed Mr. Grote in my list, but make the change here because 1 can not trace the species otiierwise. P. pariliB Hbn. 1800. Hbn., Schmett. Eur., Noct., in, 422, Noctua. 1816. Hbn., VerzeichnlHS, 251, Autorfrai>ha. 1829. Bdv., lud. Meth., 159, Pluaia. 1852. On., Spec. Gen., Noct., il,355, PImin. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., xii, JM)3, Phma. I860. Mooschl., Wien. Ent. Monatichr., iv, 371, Plnnia, qiiadHplaija Wlk. 18.57. Wlk., C. B. MuH., Hot., xii, 911, Phma. Habitat. —Fraw Island, Arctic North America; Labrador; Lapland. Walker's type is in the British Mnscum, and is the parlliH of the Grote, Mceschler, and other collections. Walker cites Cramer's figure of i^halana iota (Ex. ii, 106, pi. 105, Hg. C.) to his species, suggesting that CATALOGUE OF NOCTUID^ — SMITH. 257 ud Eastern it did not represent the Linntean species. Iota, by the bye, is recorded as American by Kirby; but probably erroneously. So also tnya Hbn. is made Canadian by Walker. It is a matter of some interest perhaps to ascertain what these authors had before them; but the names need not be repeated here to cumber the list. p. sackeni Grt. 1877. Grt., Can. Ent., ix, 135, Plusia. 1878. Grt., Bull. Geol. Surv., in, 801, Plusia. Habitat.— Colorado. The type Ip in the British Museum. p. snowi Hy. Edw.* 1884. Hy. Edw., Papilio, iv, 44, Plusia. Habitat. — New Mexico; Colorado, South Part. The type is in Prof. Snow's collection. p. accurata Hy. Edw. 1882. Hy. Edw., Papilio, ii, 127, Plusia. Habitat. — ^Washington. Mr. NeumoBgen has the type. It is probably not a Tlusia at all. p. alterna Strk. 1885. Strk., Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., xxxvii, 178, Pluaia. Habitat. — Colorado. The type is in the Strecker collection. p. corruBca Strk. 1885. Strk., Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., xxxvil, 178, Plusia. Habitat.— Colonido. The type is in the Strecker collection. I do not know this or the l)receding species, and the proper placing it is impossible from the description. P. omiorou Linn. 1823. AfzeliuB, Life of LinnuMiH, Phalnna, 1816. Hbn., VerzeiclmiHs, 251, Autotimpha. 1826. Afzulius, Life of LiiiUiDUH, IUmIiii (tniiiH.), 117, Phalccna. 1857. Wlk., C. B. MuH., llet., xii, {m,i -^verruca. 1874. Grt., Proc. Ac. Nut. Sci. Phil., 1871, '20H,1z^ simplex. Habitat.— North Amt^rii-a [ '. New York.) It is perhaps questionable whelher this si»ecies can ever be identi- fied with certainty. This, liowever, is a question for a future monog- rapher of the genus and not for the catalogue maker. p. indigna Wlk. 1857. Wlk., C. n. Mns., Hot., xii, 909, Plusia. Habitat.— "Georgia." The type is in the iiritish Museum. It is a small species, not in the 0018— No. 44 17 r 258 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Grote collection, and which I had never before seen. It has a pecu- liarly elongate, narrow, silver -margined spot, extending to the t. p. line at the sinus. It seems really more southern in type. The specimen is without locality, bought in the Milne collection, and is quite as likely to be Australian as American. Genus CALOPLU8IA Smith. 1884. Smith, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vu. C8. C. altioola Wlk.* 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Hot., xii. 912, Flmia. 1874, Pack., Kept. Gcol. Surv., 1874, 5M, =hochenuartM. 1875. Morr., Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist., N. Y., xi, d9,=^huchmwartM, ignea CJrt. 1863. Grt., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., ii, 274, Pluaia. 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 31, pr. syn. 1874. Pack., Kept. Geol. Surv., 1874, 554, pr. syn. 1875. Morr., Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist., N. Y., xi, 99, pr. syn. Habitat. — Rocky Mountains; Pike's Peak; Colorado. The type of altioola is probably in the British Museum. I have no type mark to the name in my notes, and cannot now remember whether the 8]>ecimens seen were not from the Grote collection. The type of ignea. should be in the colle(!tion of the American Entomological Society; but 1 have v.^t been able to find it there. C. hocben'wartlii ]|ucheuw.* 1785. Hochonw., Act. Soc. Borol., vi, 337, pi. 7, f, 2, PhalwHa, 1780. Esp., Kill-. Sehniett., iv, pi. 179, f. 3, XovIiki. 1811. Oliv., Euo. Mctli., VIII, 'dU,=dnivr{feni'. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gou., Noct., ii, 'doQy—diiertjens. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Hot., xu, 90i,-^dipeineiifi. 1800. Mooschl., Wiou. Ent. Mouatschr., iv, 370, Pliisia. 1874. Pack., Kept, Geol. Siuv., 1874, 545, 554, 1'lnnia. 1875, Morr,, Ann. Lye, Nat. Hist. N. Y., xi, 99, riusia. difergenH Fabr, 1787. Fabr., Mant. Ins., ii, 102, Novtiia, 1793. Fabr., Ent. Syst., in, 2, HO, Xoctua. 1811. Oliv., Eue. Moth., viii, 314, Xoctua. 1810. Hbii., Verzoicliniss, 250, Syvgrapha, 1823. Troit.. Schmott. Eur., v, 194, Pliisia. 1852. (in,, Spec. Gen,, Noct., ii, 355, Pliisia. 1867, Wlk., C, B. Mns., Hot., xii, 904, Plunia. 1871. Stand., Cat. Lop. Eur., 127, pr. syn. 1874. Pack., Kept. Gcol. Surv., 1871, 554, pr. syn. Habitat.— Labrador; White Mountains; Colorado, South Park, Hall Valley, in August. I biive not given all the European bibliogniphy. It is possible that llilbner's term Synfiniplia nwy suiMTsedo Caloplusia; but I can not now compaie the Verzeichniss to ascertain the type of the genus. It ditt'ers I'roni Vliisia in the narn)W, ovate eyes, tlie spinoso tibial, and anarti- form habitus. CATALOGUE OP NOCTUID^ — SMITH. C. devergeoB Hbn.* 1800. Hbn., Schmett. Eur., Noct., 500, 501, Nootua, 1816. Hbn., Verzeichniss, 250, Syngrapha. 1823. Tieit., Schmett. Eur., v, 197, Pluaia. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., ii, 356, IHuaia. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het., xii, 903, Pluaia, Habitat. — Colorado; Labrador. 259 GenuB LBPIPOLTS Gn. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., u, 173. L. perscripta Gn. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., ii, 174, pi. vii f. 10, Lepipolys, 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mn8., Hct., xi, 677, Lepipolifs. 1873. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. S 'i., i, 147, Lepipolys. Habitat. — Massachusetts; Florida; Texas; Colorado; California, in May. The type is in the British Museum. The species is well marked and easily recognizable. Genus CALPB Tr. 1825. Tr., Schmett. Eur., v, 2, 168. C. cauadeusis Beth.* 1865. Bethnne, Proc. Eut. Soc. Phil., iv, 213, Calpe. 1868. Bethune, Can. Ent., i, 71, dalpe. 1875. Speyer, Stott. Ent. Zeit., xxxvr, 166, 350, Valpe, 1878. Thaxt., Psyche, u, 123, larva. 1880. Coquillett, Can. Ent., xii, 44, larva. piirpurascens Wlk. 1865. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., xxxiii, 842, I'hmoilonta. 1868. G. &, R., Trans. Aia. Ent. Soc, ir, 87, pr. nyu. 1868. Bethune, Can. Ent., i, 71, pr. syn. sohria Wlk. 1865. Wlk., C. B. Mns., Het., xxxiii, 846, Ormia. 1868. G. & R., Trans. Aui. Ent. Soc, ii, 87, per syn. Habitat. — Cana<la; New York, in August and Septomber; New Jerstiy; Massachusetts in July; New Hainpsliiro in September. Walker's types are in the British Museum. Dr. Bethuuo's type is probably in his own collection. Genus OONODONTA Hbn. 1816. Hllbuer, YerKelchniss, 263. O. unioa Neum. 1891. Nenin., Can. Eut., xxiii, 125, OonodoHla. Habitat.— Indian liiver, Florida. Types are in the ^eumwgen and Palm collections, 260 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. I J Genus PLUSZODONTA 6n. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen.,Noct., ii, 359. P. compresBipalpis Gn.* 1852, Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., ii, 359, pi. 12, f. 2, Pltisiodonta. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Hct., xil, 938, Plusiodonta. insignig Wlk. 1865. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het., xxxiir, 842, t Pluaiodonta. Habitat. — Canada to Georgia, to Texas; east of the Eocky Moun- tains, June, July, September. The types are in the British Museum. It is one of the mysteries how Walker, with Guen^e's type and flgure before him, could rename so prominent a species. Genus HYPSOROPHA Hbn. 1816. Hbn., Verzeichniss, 219. H. monilis Fabr.* 1781. Fabr., Spec. Ins., ii, 219, Noctua. 1787. Fabr., Mant. Ins., ii, 147, Noctua. 1793. Fabr., Ent. Syst., lu, 2, 46, Noctua. 1811. Oliv., Encycl. Meth., viii, 281, Noctua. 1816. Hbn., Verzeichniss, 249, Hi/psoropha. 1818. Hbn., Zutraegp f. 23 and ?.i, Hypsoropha. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., xii;, 994, Hypnoropha. 1880. Grt., Can. Ent., xii, 85, Hypsoropha. Habitat. — Southern States; Avest to Eaufsas. Missouri in June. H. hcrmoB Hbn. 1818. Hbn., Zutraege, 10, ff. 27, 28, JSypmropha. 1816. Hbn., Verzeichniss, 249, Hypsoropha horma, 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct,, ir, 403, Monogona. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mas., Het., xin, 995, Tiauspa. 1880. Grt., Can. Ent. xii, 85, Hypsoropha. HABITAT. — New York to Texas; Central states. District of Col- umbia in August. Genus HEMICERAS Gn. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., ii, 379. H. cadmia Gn. • 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., ii, 383, pi. 13 f. 2, Hemiccrat. i857. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Ilei;., xni, 970, Hemiceraa. obliquilinea Wlk, 1862. Wlk,, C. B. Mus., Het., xxvi, 1695, Comidava. Habitat.— Middle and Southern States. Walker's type is in the British Museum, while that of M. Guen<5e is at Rennes with M. Oberthilr. Walker's species was described as a gcometrid, ft-om Venezuela, CATALOGUE OF NOCTUIDiE—SMITH. 261 Genus CIRRHOPHANUS Grt. 1872. Grt., Can. Ent., iv, 187. C. triangulifer Grt.* 1872. Grt., Can. Ent., iv, 187, Cirrhophanus. 1875. Grt., Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil,, 1875, 421, fig., Cirrhopnanu$. 1882. Grt., 111. Essay, 60, pi. 3 f. 26, Chariclea. 1882. Grt., Can. Ent., xiv, 183, Cirrhophanus. 1883. Riley, Anier. Naturalist, xvii, 788, fig., Cirrhophanus. 1883. Grt., Can. Ent., XV, 76, Cirrhophanus. pretiosa Morr. 1875. Morr., Proc. Boat. Soc. N. H., xviir, 122, Chariclea. 1875. Grt., Check List Noctuidce, 12, pr. syn. 1882. Grt., 111. Essay, 60, pr. syn. Habitat. — ^Middle and Central States to Kansas. The original type specimen is in the National Museum from the Riley collection. Mr. Morrison's type I have not seen. C. dupllcatuB Smith.* 1891. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, xvui, 112, rirrhophanus. Habitat. — Platte Canon, Colorado, 6,500 feet. The type is in the !N^ational Museum. Genus BASILODES Gn. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., ii, 358. B. pepita Gn.* 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., n, 358, pi. 12 f. 1, Basilodes. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het., xii, 936, Basilodes. 1883. Grt., Can. Ent., xv, 73, Basilodcs. Habitat. — Virginia to Florida, to Colorado. The type is with M. Oberthtir at Rennes. B. chrysopis Grt." 1881. Grt., Papilio, i, 154, Basilodea. Habitat. — Arizona; Colorado; New Mexico. The tyi)e is with Mr. Neumojgon. B. territans Hy. Edw.* 1884. Hy. Edw., Papilio, iv, 45, BasHodes. Habitat. — Arizona. The type is with Mr. Neumcegen. B. howardi Hy. Edw.* 1877. Hy. Edw., Pacific Coast, Lep., 25, p. 1, Plusia. 1884. Hy. Edw., Papilio, iv, 45, Basilodes. Habitat. — Arizona. The type is in the Edwards collection. 262 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. "B. mirabilis Neam. 1884. Nenm., Papilio, rv, 94, BaaUodes. Habitat. — Southwestern Arizona. The type is in the Nenmoegen collection. Oenns 8TIRIA Ort. 1874. Grt., BuU. Buflf. Soc. Nat, Sri., ii, 73. S. rugifronsGrt.* . 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ir, 73, Stiria. 1882. Grt., Can. Ent., xiv, 76, Stiria. 188.3. Grt. Can. Ent., xv, 74, Stiria. Habitat. — Kansas; Colorado, Denver in Juno. The tyi)e is in the British Museum. 8. Bulphurea Nenm. 1882. Neum., Papilio, ii, 135, Stiria. Habitat. — Arizona. The type is in Mr. Neuiucegen's collection. S. nanata Neum. 1884. Neum., Fapilio, iv. 93, Stiria. Habitat. — New Mexico. . The type is with Mr. Neunicpgen. Gcuus STIBADIUM Grt. 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., II, 74. 8. spumosum Grt.* 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., il, 74, Stibadiim. 1882. Grt., Can. Ent., xiv, 76, Stibadiiim. 1883. Grt., Can. Ent., xv, 74, Stibadiiim. Habitat. — Xew York to Kansas; Illinois; Colorado in August; Ne- braska in August. The type is in the British Museum. 8. aureolum Hy. Edw.' 1882. Hy. Edw., Papilio, ii, 126, Stibadium. Habitat. — Arizona. The types are in the Neumcegen and Edwards collections. 8. ouriosum Neum. 1883. Nouni., Papilio, in, 141, Stibadium. Habitat. — Arizona. Types are in the Neumuegen collection. CATALOGUE OF NOCTlIIDiE — SMITH. 2G3 S. navium Har\ 1875. Harv., Bnll. Bnff. Soc, Nat. Sci., iii, 10, Telesilla navia. 1883. Grt., Can. Ent., xv, 131, Telesiila. 1891. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, xviir. 111, Stibadium. Habitat. — Texas in May. The type is in the British Museum, and is like the specimens I have seen so named. The type shows, distinctly enough, all the structural characters of the present genus, and only the superficial habitus of Telesilla. Genus PLAGIGMIMICUS Grt. 1873. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., I, 182. The relation of the three preceding to the present genus can not be considered as settled. In the Bull. Bklu. Ent. Soc, v, 30, I had united them all as Basilodes, which is perhaps too radical a procedure. As new species have been and will be added, the relations will become more clear. Some of the species of Plmia will find a place here 1 think, and perhaps some other species elsewhere referred at present. P. pitychromus (iit.* 1873. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., i, 182. PlafliomimicuB. 1882. Grt., Can. Ent.,xiv, 75, 182, PlagiomiminiH. 1882. Grt., Papilio, ii, 183, PlaniomimicuH. 1883. Grt., Proc. Am. Phil. Soc, xxi, 172. PlnijiomhniciiB. media Morr. 1875. Morr., Proc. Boat. Soc. N. H., xvm, 123, Schinia. 1880. Grt., Can. Ent., xir, 185, pr. syn. Habitat. — New York in August; Middle, Southern, and Central States; Colorado; Nebraska; Texas in August. Grote's type is iji the British Museum. Mr. Morrison's sijecimen I have not seen. P. triplagiatus Smith.* 1890. Smith, Ento. Amor., vi, 139. Plaiiiomiminix. Habitat. — ^Las Vegas, Xew Mexico, 7,000 feet, August. Types are in the Neumo'gen collcition and in the Rutgers College (Hulst) collection. P. tepperi Morr.* 1875. Morr., Proc Ac \at. Sci. Phil.. 187."), 08, Svhhiia. 1875. Morr., Proc. BoHt. Soc N. 11.. xviir. 121. Poknta. 1880. Grt., Bull. Hklu. Ent. Soc. iii. 38, Plniiiomiminm. 1882. Grt., Can. Ent., xiv, 75, Plaji'tomimiciiH. 1882. Grt., Papilio, ii, 185, Plagiomimicus. 1883. Grt., Proc Am. Phil. Soc, xxi. 172, Plagiomimicut. rich'i Grt. 1886. Grt., Can. Ent., xviii, !K>, Plnijiomim!<iii>. 1891. Smith, last Ijopidoptera, 53, pr. h\ii. Habitat. — Texas, in March; Colorado in August. Mr. Morrison's types are in the Tepper and Neuimrgon colleotions; Mr. Grote's is in the British Museum. I am, at least in great part, 264 BULLETIN 44^ UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. responsible for Mr. Grote's synonym, by insisting, correctly enougb, that Mr. Morrison's type in the Tepper collection had unarmed fore tibisB as described. Many specimens examined since, prove that this was a defect in the type and not characteristic of the species. p. expalliduB Grt.* 1882. Grt., Papilio, ii, 185, Plagiomimieug. Habitat. — Montana; Colorado, Platte Canon in Angnst. Types are in the National Museum and in the Neumwgen collection. p. viridifera Grt. 1882. Grt., Can. Ent., xiv, 217, Zotheca. 1891. Smith, List Lepidoptera, 53, Flagiomimicus. Habitat. — Ari zon a. The type is in Mr. Neumoegen's collection. The species has a curi- ous color resemblance to the species of Zotheca; but in head and feet structures the reference here is justified. Genns FALA Grt. 1875. Grt. Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., 1875, 425. P. ptycophora Grt.* 1875. Grt., Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., 1875, 426, Fala, 1882. Grt., 111. Essay, 64, pi. 3, f. 36, Fala. 1883. Grt., Can. Ent., XV, 74, Fala. Habitat. — California. The type is in the British Museum. It is a curious mottled species, with heavy body and primaries, in which the costa is depressed an«l the apices are distinct. A specimen in the National Museum had long puzzled me as to its location, as I could not make it function sat Isfactorily with Mr. Grote's descriptions. Genns ACOPA Harv. 1874. Harv., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 273. A. carina Harv.* 1874. Harv.*, Ball. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 279, Acojm. 1878. Grt., Can. Ent., x, 67, Acopa. 1883. Grt., Can. Ent., xv, 77, Acopa. Habitat. — Texas, in October. The type is in the British Museum. A. perpallida Grt. 1878. Grt., Can. Ent., x, 68, Acopa. Habitat. — Kan sas. The type is in the British Museum. A. inoana ITy. Edw. 1882. Hy. Edw., Papilio, n, 128, Acopa.. Habitat. — Arizona. The type is in Mr. Neumajgen's collection. W«w>«W«*...*r»«„*rt. CATALOGUE OF NOCTUID^ — SMITH. A. pacifica Hy. £dw. 188 1. Ily. Edw., Papilio, iv, 46, Acopa. Habitat. — Arizona. Tho type ia said to be in the Neunicegen colloction. Gonns NEnMCEOBNIA Grt. 1882. Grt., Papilio, ii, 132. K. poetica Grt. 1882. Grt., Papilio, it, 132, 184, Neur.mgetiia. Habitat. — Arizona; Oregon. The tyiie is in the Ifeiioioegen collection. 265 Genus ANTAPLAGA Grt. 1877. Grt., Can. Ent., i\, 71. A. dimidiata Grt.* 1877. Grt., Can. Ent., rx, 71, Antaplaga. 1882. Grt., Can. Eut., xiv, 74, Antaplaga. 1882. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, x, 217, Antaplaga Habitat. — Colorado. The type is in the British Museum. With this genus begins that series treated by me ten years ago in vol. X, of the Transactions of the American EntoniMlogical Society under the title, " Synopsis of the North American Heliothinae." This was my first monographic paper, and somewhat crude. It has proved itself accurate enough as to tacts, but somewhat too radical in some of its conclusions. Larger material has modified my views as to the stand- ing of some species, and I have made some changes of sequence. As a whole, however, I have retained the results of that work, adding largely to the bibliography. A. sexseriata Grt. 1881. Grt., Papilio, 1, 176, Grotella. 1882. Grt., 111. Essay, 61, pi. 3, f. 29, Grotella. 1882. Smith, Trans. Am. Eut. Soc, x, 217, Antaplaga. Habitat. — Arizona. The types are in the British Museum and in the Neumcegen collec- tion. A. biundulata Zell. 1872. Zell., Verh. k. k. zoiil. hot. Ges., 1872, 502, pi. in, f. 14, Sedenia biundiilalU. 1891. Smith, Tnms. Am. Eut. Soc, xvui, 120, Antaplaga. Habitat.— Texas. There are specimens of this species, probably named by Zeller him- self, in the Berliner Museum, agreeing with the specimens upon which my note was based. Like it, they came from Boll, Texas, and were placed among the NoctuidsQ. 266 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. A. oomposita Hy. Edw. 1884, Hy. Edw., Papilio, iv, 44, Eulithotia. 1891. 8mith, List Lepidoptera, 53, Anlaplaga. Habitat. — Arizona. The type is with Mr. NeumflPgen. A. thoraoica Hy. Edw. 1884. Hy. Edw., Papilio, iv, 44, Kulithosia. 1891. Smith, laHt Lepidoptera, 53, Antaplaga, ■ Habitat. — Arizona. The type is with Mr. Neumoegen. The two last-named species were made types of a new Lithosiid genus by Mr. Edwards, who allowed a certain false habitus to deceive him. The frontal and tibial structure is characteristic of the present genus. Genus OROTELLA Harv. 1874. Harv., Bull. Buff. Sec. Nat. Sci., n, 278. O. aeptempunotata Harr.* 1874. Harv., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 278, GrotcUa. 1882. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, x, 218, GroteUa. Habitat. — Texas, in August and October; Colorado. The type is in the British Museum. O. dis Grt.» 1883. Grt., Ann. and Mag. N. H., 1883, 55, GroteUa. 1883. Grt., Trans. Kans. Ac. Sci., viii, .55, GroteUa. Habitat. — New Mexico ; Arizona. The types are with Mr. Neumoegen and in the National Museum. Genus PIPPONA Harv. 1875. Harv., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., iii, 9. P. bimatris Harv.* 1875. Harv., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., iii, 10, Pippona. 1882. Grt., Can. Ent., xiv, 75, Pippona. 1882. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, x, 216, Pippona, Habitat. — Texas, in October. ■The type is in the British Museum. Genus BESSULA Grt. .1881. Grt., Papilio, i, 176, E. liuca Grt. 1881. Grt., Papilio, i, 176, Besmila. 1882. Grt., Can. Ent., xiv, 74, Bessula. 1882. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, x, 218, Besmila. Habitat. — New Mexico; Colorado. The type is in the British Museum. It is an easily recognized form, much like Pippona in outline, which I had not before seen. CATALOGUE OF NOCTUIDJE — SMITH. 267 Geiins OZTCNBMI8 Ort. 1882. Grt., Can. Ent. xiv, 182. O. advena Grt. 1882. Grt., Can. Ent., xiv, 182, OxifcnemU. 1882. Grt., Proc. Am. Phil. Soc, xxi, 165, 175. Oxycnmii. Habitat. — Ari zona . The type is in the Neumopgen collection. GennsNTCTBROPRJBTA Smith. 1882. Smith, Bull. Bklii. Ent. Soc, iv, 45. N. luna Morr. * 1875. Morr., Proc. Boat. Soc. N. H., xviii, 122, Curnllia. 1891. Smitli, List Lcpirtoptorn, Tt3, \firleroph<vta. magdalena Halst. 1882. Hulflt, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, iv, 45, Kiicterophata. 1891. Smith, List Lopidoptera, 53, pr. syn. notatella Grt. 1882. Grt., Can. Ent., xiv, 75, Epinyctm. 1883. Grt., Proc. Am. Phil. Soc, xxi, 161, -magdalena. Habitat. — ^Dakota; Wyoming; Black Hills; Montana; Colorado, Denver in June. Mr. Morrison's type is, I believe, in the Strecker collection. Mr. Hulst's is in the Rutgers College collection, while Mr. Grote described from the Neumoegen collection. Genus COPABLEPHARON Harv. 1878. Harv., Can. Ent., x, 56. C. abBidum Harv.* 1874. Harv., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., il, 275, Ablrpharon. 1876. Harv., Can. Ent .iir, 3.5, Ars'tlonche. 1878. Harv., Can. Pint., x, .56, Copahhpharon. grandia Strk. 1875. Strk., Lep. Rhop. et Hot., 129, Aedo]>hron. 1879. Grt., Can. Ent., xi, 29, pr. syn. Habitat. — California in July ; Oregon; Colorado; Montana. Dr. Harvey's type is in the Edwar«ls collection. That of grandis is T>robably in the Strecker collection. C aubflavidens Grt.* 1882. Grt., Can. Ent., xiv, 169, Copahlepharon, Habitat. — ^Montana. The type is with Mr. Neumoegen. C. longlpenne Gtt, 1882. Grt., Can. Ent. xiv, 169, Copahlepharon, Habitat. — Montana. The type is with Mr. Neumoegen. li 1% 268 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. C album Harv.* 1876. Harv., Can. Ent., viij '>, Arsilonche. 1882. Grt., Can. Ent., xiv, 169, Copablepharon. Habitat. — Oregon; Colorado; Montana. The t^i^e is in the Edwards collection. Genns AEDOPHRON Led. 1857. Lederer, Noct. Euiop., 180. A. pallens Tepper. 1882. Tepper, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, x, 215, Aedophron. Habitat. — Southern California. The type is in the Tepper collection. Genus THYRBION Smith. 1891. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, xviii, 121. T. snovri Grt. 1875. Grt., Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci., Phil., 1875, 422, Aedophron. 1870. Grt., Stett. Ent. Zeit., xxxvii, 137, Aedophron. 1882. Grt., 111. Essay, 65, pi. iii, f.37, Aedophroti. 0*92. Smith, Trans. Am.Ent. Soc, x, 216, ? Aedophron, 1891. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, xviii, 121, Thyreion. Habitat. — Kansas. A specimen ( ? the type) is in the British Museum and agrees genet- ically with the following species : T. rosea Smith. 1891. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, xviii, 121, Thyreion, Habitat. — South Park, Colorado. The type is with Mr. Neumoegeii. Genus CHLORIDEA Westw. 1841. Westw., in Jardine, N. H. Libr., xxxvii, 198. I use this generic term instead of uniting the two species with ffeli- othis, because, though very closely allied, they can be separated and an overloading of the genus prevented. The only apparent difference is in the wing form, their proportion to the body, and in the pattern of maculation. C. vlresoens Fabr.* 1781. Fabr., Spec. Ins., ii, 217, Noctua. 1787. Fabr., Mant. Ins., ii, 141, Noctua. 1793. Fabr., Ent. Syst., iir, 2, 30, ^octtto— larva. 1811. Oliv.: Enc. Meth., viii, 269, Noctua. 1841. Westw., in Jardino N. H. Libr., 37, 109, pi. 24, f. 3, Chloridea. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., li, 175, Anpil 1857. Wlk., C. B.Mus., Het., xi, 678, <'hlo, dca. 18(58. H. Sch., Corr. Blatt, Cuba, p. 10, Chloridea, 1880. Uiley, Am. Ent., iii, 7, larva. ^^■eaa£igaiKi.BKai»«afea8a>» CATALOGUE OP NOCTUIDJE — SMITH. 269 1885. Gundlach, Cont.Ent. Ciil)., 310, AspUa. 1885. Eiley, 4tli Kept. Ent. Cumia., 351, pi. i.xii, I, Agpila. rhexia S. <& A. 1792. S. & A., Ins. Ga., ir, 199, pi. 100, Fhalwna. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., ii, 175, Aapila. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het., xi, 696, Chloridea. 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 33, Chloridea. 1882. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, x, 2:J0, Cliloridea. 1885. Gundlach, Cont. Ent. Cub., 310, pr. syn. 1885. Kiley, 4th Kept. Ent. Comm., 351, pr. syn. spectaiida Strk. 1875. Strk., Lep. Rhop. et Het., 122, HdiotJda. 1879, Grt., Can. Ent., xi, 29, pr. syn. Habitat. — Canada in October ; Midd'e, Southern, and Central States west to Colorado; Kansas in Angiusi ; California in September and October. Gundlach makes it rhexia $ , rir.^sccns 2 , while Eiley unites the two on the study of long series of mutorial. I have no doubt they are correct, though Guen^e points out what seem to him good characters and gives the Fabrician 8i)ecies a South American habitat only. C. Bubflexa Gn. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., ii, 175, Anpila. 1857, Wlk., C. B. Mus., Jlet., xi, 678, Chloridea. 1882. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, x, 200, Anpila. Habitat. — North America. The type is jirobably with M. Oberthiir at Rennes. I am not aware that the species has been identified in American collections and 1 have seen nothing quite agreeing with the description. GeuuM HELIOCHEILUS Grt. 1865. Grt., Proc. Ent. vSoc. Phil., iv, 328. H. paradoxus (irt. * 18G5. Grt., Proc Ent. Soc. Phil., iv, 329, pi. iii, f. 4 and 6, Ileliocheilut. 1873. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc Nat. Sci., i, 123, Heliovluilua. 1882. Smith, Trans. Am. Eut. Soc, x, 220, lldiotlm. Habitat. — Southern and Cctitral States; Texas, in Marcli ; ( 'olorado. I have not seen the type, which should be in the I'liiladclpliia collec- tion. H. albideutina Wlk. 1865. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het., xxxii, G80, /VnV/m. 1890. Butler, Entomologist, XXIV, 265,=J»»</iacuj inflata. Habitat. — Florida. The tyi)e is in the British Museum. Compared with paradoxm, it is darker througliout, the nuxrkings more obvious, s. t. space blackish, with the t. p. line white, denticulate in one specimen only. Anterior tibia with one inner an«l one outer spine or claw. A curious form, ap- parently distinct from the South American species, The foregoing is ;iv I 'i, t ' 'I f 270 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. my note on the species. Since then I have received Mr. Butler's notes ill which he makes the species equal A. inflata Wallengren, Wien. Ent. Monatschr., 1860, iv, 172, from Honolulu, and suggests that paradoxus may be only a paler form. Mr. Butler may be right in his reference, but the species seemed to me distinct, though near allies. Under the circumstances I prefer to hold both species as above, foi" the present. Genus HELIOTHIS Ocbs. 1816. Ochs., Schmett. ¥a\t., iv, 91. H. armlger Hbii." 1810. Hbn., Samml. Eiir. Schiin'tt., Noct., 370, Nuctua. 1816. Ochs., Schmett. Eur., n , 91, Hdiothis. 1852. On., Spec. Gen., Noit.. ii, 181, HeliothiH. 1857. Wlk., C. H. Mus.. \h'X., xi, 684, Hellothis. 1868. H. Sch., Con-. Blatt, 1868, Cuba, j.. 10, Meliothia. 1875. Speyer, Stett. I'.ut. Zeit., xxxvi, 1,58, JfiUothin. 1882. Smith, TrauH. Am. Eut. Soc, x, 220, HeUothw. 1885. Hiley, 4th Kept. Eut. Comm., 355-384, pi. in and iv, Ueliothit. timhrosus Grt. 1863. Grt., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., i, 219, Htliothi». 1863. Grt., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., i, 347, pr. syn. Habitat. — (.'anada; United States generally, throughout the season. The bibliography given is .scant,because in the lourtli Report of the U. S. Ent, Comni., there is a very complete list of tlie lit<'ratnn> to 1883. Since that time tho, species has heeii again and again treated in eco- nomic publications, in most cases without adding anything tliat is new. The Annual Reports of tlie Tnited .States Department of Agriculture since 1885 should be consulted. l*\)r the purposes of this catalogue no more references are needed. H. phlogopliagus (i. and R." 1868. G. &■ K., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, i, I8(t, Heliothii. 1873. Grt., Bull. Butt" Soc. Nat. hvi., ', 121, Heliothii. 1881. Coquillctt, Pap lio I, !-)6, larv.i. 1882. Smith, Tranw. ini. Ent. Src, x. .^21, ^ dipxactuat. 1891. Butler, llntouioloftist. \y:'\r, 262, l' an (.p. (list. dipHUceoua. var. iuterjaceub Grt. 1880. Grt., Bull. Bklu. Eut. Sue, lu, M, l/eliothiii. 1881. Grt., Papilio, i, 1.'.8, pr. syn. var. luteitinotua (<rt. 1875. Grt., Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., 1875, 426, IMiothit. 1882. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, x, 221, - marilinia. Habitat. — Central, Western, and Southern States; Texas in April; Nebraska; Colorado, August to October ; New Mexico; British ('olum- bia; Utah; California, in June. Mr. Grote's types are in the British Museum, where a good series of specimens enabled me to make careful comparisons with the European (lipMCi'ous and its varieties. Quite unexptH'tedly 1 fouml that the American form, tlumgh a "representative" one, was quite distinct from the European, and that Mr. Urote's names must be restored, M. CATALOGUE Oi^ NOCTUIDiE — SMITH, 271 tier's notes W^ien. Ent paradoxus reference, Under the le present. hi$. H. scutosus Fabr. 1787. Fabr., Mant. Insect., ii, 142, Noctua. 1793. Fabr., Ent. Syat., Ml, 2, 23, Xoctita. 1811. Oliv., Eiic. Metb., viii, 271, Noctua. 1825. Treite., Schmett. Eur., v, 224, HeUothis. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., ii, 182. HeUothis. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mns., Het., xi, 681, HeUothis. 1882. Smith, Tians. Am. Ent. Soc, x, 222, HeUothis. nuchaUi Grt. 1878. Grt., Can. Ent., x, 68, HeUothis. 1878. Grt., Can. Ent., x, 232, HeUothis. 1882. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, x, 222, pr. syn. Habitat. — Kansas; Colorado; Montana, in May. Mr. Grote's type is in the British Musenm. After careful comparisou 1 have no doubt of its identity with the European sx>Gcies. H. suavis lly. Edw. * 1884. Hy. Edw., Papilio, iv, 45, HeUothis. Habitat. — New Mexico ; Colorado, South Park, The type is with Prof. Snow . the season, rtofthe (J. re to 1883. ed in eco- at is new. griculture taiogue no ■s in April; h ('oluin- series of European that the distinct n>red, (ieuuB DERRIMA Wlk. 1857. Wlk., C. H. Mns., Het., xii, 770. D. henrietta Grt. * 1864. Grt., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., iii, 3, pi. ii, f. 1, I'hilonma. 186K. (tit.. Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, ii, ll!l, Oeirimu. 1882. Smitli, Traiw. Am. Eut. Soc, \, 236. Ih-nima. 1883. Grt., Proc. Am. Phil. Sen., .\.\i, Kii., -stelluta. ab. stellata Wlk. 1857. Wlk., ('. H. Mils.. Met., xa, 770, Veirima. 1868. Grt., Triins. Am. Eut. Soc, ii, 11!», Derrima. 1882. Sniitli, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. x, 236, f pr. syn. Habitat. — Massachusetts; New V'ork .southward j west to the Mis sissippi States. Mr. (Irote's type 1 have not seen; but there can be no question as to his species. Si>eciniens of it labeled by Mr. (Jrote are in the British Muscimi, wiiere also VValiicr's type is. The latter is only a somewhat suft'used aberration of the normal form and siiould be cited as such. The white lunules betwecMi disk and outer baud of jirimaries are nu>re marked than usual and the secondaries have a rosy tlush, else there is no ditterence tliat is ai)parent to n>e. GcnuB CHAMACLEA (irt. 1883. Grt., Can. Ent., \v, 70. C. peruana (irt. 1881. Grt., Papilio, i, 155. Charieleu. 1882. Grt.. Can. Ent.. xiv, 1M3. choiiitia. 1882. Grt., III. Essay, 60, pi. 3, I'. 27, Churicka. ' •f, . j: I- Is 272 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. 1882. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. x, 222, not a Charidcc. 1883. Grt., Can. P^ut., xv, 76, Chnmarha. 1883. Grt., Proc. Am. Phil. Soc, xxi, 172, Chamaclea, Habitat. — Arizona. The types are in the Neuina^gen collection. Genus ALARIA Wcstw. 1841. Westw., iu Jardino Nat. Lil)r., xxxvii, 200. A. gaurae S. & A.* 1797. S. & A., Insocta Ga.. ii. 197, pi. 99, Phahrna. 1841. Westw., in Jardine Nat. l-ibv., xxxvii, 20(), pi. 24, f. 4, Alaria. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gon., Noct., ii, 170. Ultodo/ihom. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mns., llet., xi, 675, Alaria. 1882. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, x, 224, Alaria. matutina Hbn. 1823. Hbn., Zntrasge, 270, ft". 557, .558, Porphyriiiia. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., ii, 170, pr. syn. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mns., Hot., xi, (i75, pr. syn. Habitat.— Southern and Southwestern States; Colorado. i A. florida Gn,* 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., ir. 171. pi. ii. 1". 7, Rhodophora. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mas., Het., xi, 1)75, Alaria. t8fl5. Grt., Proc Ent. Soc, Phil., iii, 4, Alaria. 18(59. Saui.d., Can. Enr., ii, 6, larva 18()9. Croft, Can. Ent., ii, 36, habits of larva and imago. 1879. Saund., Can. Ent., in, 76, life history. 1879. Kfllicott, No. Anier. Ent., i, 30, habirs. 1881. Smith, Bull. Bklii. Ent. Soc, iv, 28, habits. 1882. Putman Cramer, Papillo, ii, .14, habits. Habitat. — Canada; United Stiitt^s, east of the Roclcy Mountains; Utah, July. The type is probably with M. Obevtliiir, at Reunes. This species is iu the Harris collection under the name CentrK rosea. A. citronellus G. & Ii.* 1870. G. & R., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, ui, 180, pi. ii, f. 79, ndiothia. 1875. Grt., Clieck T-iHt, ^Uut., 19, note 25, Oj-iy/-..-t. 1882. Grt., Can. Ent., xrv. 1T2, Uelioihix. 1882. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, X, 221 Maria. 1882. Grt., New List, 35, Oj-.v?u». Habitat. — Texas ; Colorado, T have uot soon the type, nor do 1 Icnow w here it is to be found. Genus RHODOSBA V,xt. 1883. Grt., Can. Kut., xv, 5. iOO. R. Julia (irt.* 1883. Grt., Can. Ent., xv, 5, Rhmhixm. 1883. Grt., I'roc kw. Phil. Soc,, Kir., llhodosea. Habitat. — ^'e\v Mexico; Arizona. ifei 2UM. CA.TAIOGUE OF NOCTUIDiE SMITH. 273 I aria. O. Mountains; species is )and. A type is in tite Xiitiontil Mnsenm from my collection. Mr. Grote gave it ine ycuis ajsfo. Other specimens, also market! " type," are in Mr. Jseumoigeu's collection. GfMHis RHODODIPSA Grt. 1877. Git., Bull. Gcol. 8urv., Ill, 797. R. volupia Fitch.' 18u8. Fitch, I2iib. Ropt., Truna. N. Y. Stato Agl. Soc, for 1857, 900-908, Alaria. 1877. Grt., Bull. Gtol. Smv., in, 797, llhododipsa. 1880. Grt,, Bull, Bldn. Ent. Soc, m, 47, lihododipsa. 1883. Grt., 111. EsHiiy. 62, pi. lit, f. 33, llhododipsa. 1882. Sniitli, Triins. Am. Ent. Soc, x, 230, Alaria. 1883. Grt., Proo. Am. I'hil. .Soc, xxi, 174, Tihododipsa. Habit AT,,— Colorado ; Texas. Fitch's type I saw m 188L», witli Dr. A. E. Foote, in Philadelphia. It was in verj' poor condition, yet recoginzable. What has become of it since and whether or not it still has an existence, I do not know. The species is, however, well known and correctly named in collections. R. miniaiia Grt. 1881. Grt., TapilJo, T, 175, Jlhododiisa. 1882. Grt., Papilio, ii, ill, y\. r, If. 1 and 2, Rhodndipna. 1882. Smith, Trans. Am. Eut. Soc, x, 2,51, llhododipsa. Habitat. — Xew ^^lexico. The type is with Prof. Snow, at Lawrence, Kunsas, Gorus TlilOCNEMrS Grt. 7.881. Grt., J'apilio, i, 77. T. aaporim Grt.* 1881. Grt., Papilio, i, 77, Trior iiemis. Habitat. — Colorado: Washinylon ; California. Types are iu the E<lwards and JSe;iina;gen collections. GtmiiS PSEUDACONTIA Smith. 1882. Smith, Irans. Am. Ent. Soc, X, 21G. P. crustatia Moit. Wfk- Morr., Proc. Ac Nat, Sci. Phil., 1875, 70, Acoulia. fMB. Smith, Tiiins. Am, Ent. Soc, x, 217, PsendaeonUa. FlABiTAT. — Nebr.'iska; (\)loiado. The types are in the Tepper collection. Tlie spi-ciriicn so labeled in the British Museum is un.>*prea<l and, I tiiink, erroneously determined, Gonus HELIODORA Noum. 1891. NtMim., Can. Ent.. xxiii, 125, H. magnitica TSoum. mik Nonm., Can. Ent , xxiii, l.S, IfcHodora. H.MUTAT. — Uonst(m, Texas. Tlie type is witli Mr. N(Mim(i};(^n. UO-tH— No. 44 '.8 274 BUI.l-KTIN 14, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. (ieuiis SCHINIA llbu. 18J(;. Ilbn., Vcrzoiclmiss, 'J81. I use this term here in the same broad sense in which I used it in njy lievisiou of tb<i Heliotliiuie, 'I nun*. Am. Ent. Soc., x, 225. It is quite likely that the large number of additional species constantly turning up may require its sulxUvision and the use of some of the generic terms discarded by me. Tlie line of divisi<m may perhaps be that indicated in the Kevisionj but a Ix'tter may be found on renewed study. The genera included nnder the above term are: Tamila, Gn., Spec. Gen., Xoct., ii, 17(1. Anthoecia, Bdv., Ind. Meth., 102. Iiygranthdeeia, G. and R., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc., iv, 433. Euleucyiytera, Grt., Proc. Ent. Soc. riiil., IV, 329. Tricopis, Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat., Sei., ii, 76. Oria, Hbn., Verzeichniss, 238. Porrima, Grt., Bull. Geol. Surv., in, 798. Besides these, Mr. Grote has, on the characters pointed out by me, used the terms Trichosellm and CUmidia in his Kevised Check List of 1891. Some of these names may come into use later: but of tliese Lygntnthoecia has perhaps the weakest of all claims to consideration. Of the species treated in the abov e revision, the tibial armature and wing maculation are there figured; but no reference to these figuruo is here made. S. chrysellus (Jrt.* 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., n, 76, Trkopis. 188!). Sniitb, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, x, 227, Srhinia. llAiUTAT. — Texas, March, May to October; Coloradoj New Mexiet*. The tyi)o is in the British Museum. S. velaris Grt.* 1879. Grt., Can. Ent., xi, 197, Tamila. 1883. Smith, Trans. Am. I'hit. Soc, x, 229, Schinia. ochvei/ama Smitli. 1883. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, xvin, 126, Schinia. IlAiJiTAT. — California, July and August. Mr. Grote's type is in the British IMiiseum; my -v^)es are in the Na- tional Museum. I was quite suriuised to fiiui X*r. Grote's tyjte the same as my species. It means that ilie specimens I have seen so named in American eoileetions are erronetuisly determined and that my description and figures in the I'evisinii api)ly to some other, perluips undcscribed, species. 1 can not remember from what collection 1 liad my specimens of velaris. S. bulBtia Topper. 1883. Tc)»per, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, x, 228. Schinia. HAliiTAT.—Texas; Colorado. The tvi)e is in tluj Tepper <;ollectiou. |[ ft • = CATALOGUE OF NOCTUID.E — SMITH. 275 S. aleunis Haiv.» 1875. Harv., Can. Kut., vii, 117, Tricopig. 1875. Harv., Bull. IJiift". Soc. Nat. Sci., iii, 10, pi. ii, f. 5, Tricopis. 1883. Smith, Trans. Aui. Knt. Soc, x, 228, Schinia. Habitat. — Texas in May and October. The type is in the liritish Museum. S. cumatilis Grt.* 1865. Grt., Proc. Eiit. Soc. Phil., iv, :«0, pi. ii, f. 6, Euleucypiera. WiX. Grt., Bull. Butf. Soo. Nat. Sei., n. 220, Kiihitvyptira. 1K77. (irt., Bull. (ieol. Surv., iii, 798, Eiihiinjpteru. 1879. Grt., Cau. Eot., Xi, 207, Eulencyptera. 1883. Smith, 'fraiiH. Am. Eut. Soc, x, 228, Schinia. Htdmulu Strk. 1879. Strk., Kept. Chief Eng., 1878-79, p. 1862, pi. ii, f. 5. Heliothis. 1879. Grt., Can. Ent., xr, 207, pr. syu. Habitat. — Colorado, Platte Cafiou in August; New Mexico. Mr. Grote's type is in the colle(;tion of the American Entomological Society. Mr. Strecker has his own ty]>e. S. teuuesceuB Grt. 1883. Grt., Cau. Kut., xv, 128, Lytjtuuthacia. Habitat. — Arizona. The type is in the Neum(Bgen collection. S. biundvilata Smith. 1891. Smith, Traus. Atu. Kut. Soc, xv'iu, 129, Sehinia. Habitat. — Cent ral Colorado. The type is in Mr. Neuiiuegen's collection. S. sexplagiata Smith.* 1891. Smith, Trans, Aui. Eut. Soc. xviii. 121, Schinia, Habitat. — Foothills near Denver, <V)lorudo. The tyj>e is in tlie National Museum. S. trifascia Him. * 1818. Hbu., Zutrag<s i, 17, fV. 33, 34, Schinia. 1871. (Jrt., Troc Host. Soc N. H.. xvii, 212, Srhinia. 1880. <^trt., Cau. Knt., xil, HI, Srhinia. 1883. Smith, Trans. Aui. Kut. Soc, x, 228, Schinia, linen ta V>'\k. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mils.. II<'t., xii, 830, tnlhuphila. 1891 HutitT, Entomologist, xxiv, 292, pr. <iyu. Habitat. — Unitt>d States east of the Rooky Aroiintains; Denver, Coh.rado. I did not sre Walker's type aiwil :£ive the above synonymy mm Mr. Hutler's authority. The name wjij. uot on my list and I overlooked the specimen. i 276 B.ULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. S. gracilenta Hbn. 1818. Hbn., Zntriige, i, 8, ff. 5, 6, Schinia. 1816. Hbn., VerzeicbniBS, 282, Schinia. 1880. Grt., Can. Ent., xii, 84, Schinia. 1883. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, x, 228, Schinia. oleagina Morr. 1875. Morr., Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., 1875,67, Schinia, 1875. Grt., Can. Ent., vii, 222, pr. syn. impcmpicua Strk. 1876. Strk., Lop. Rhop. et Het., 122, Heliothi$. 1879. Grt., Can. Ent., xi, 29, pr. syn. Habitat.— Southern States; Texas. Mr. Morrison's type was described from the Graef collection as a vari- ety of gracilenta and Mr. Grote made it a synonym. Mr. Streeker's type is in his own collection. 8. simplex Smith.* 1891. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, xviii, 129, Schinia. Habitat. — Colorado, foothills, July. The tyi)e8 are in the National Museum. S. arefacta Hy. Edir. 1884. Hy. Edw., Papilio, iv, 123. Tamila. Habitat. — Florida. The type is in the Neumoegen collection. Q. nnimacula Smith." 1891. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, xviir, 126, Schinia. Habitat.— Colorado. Types are in Mr. Neuraoegen's collection and in the National Mu- seum. 8. obliqua Smith.* 1882. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, x, 229, Schinia. Habitat. — Arizon a. Types are in the National Museum and in the Neumcegcn collection, 8. bifascia Hbn. 1818 Hbn., Zutraege, i, 14, ff. 55, 56, Schinia. 1816. Hbn., Verzeichniss, 281, Schinia., 1880. Grt., Can. Ent., xn, 85, Schinia. 1883. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, X, 229, Schinia. Habitat. — Georgia; Arizona; Colorado. 8. nundiua Dru.* 1770. Drury, IllnBtr., i, 36, pi. 18, f. 5, Xoctua. 1837. Drury, Illustr., ed. Westw., i, 34, pi. 18, f. 5, Acontia, 1852. On., Spec Gen., Noct., ii, 176, Tamila. 1867. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het., xii, 697, Tamila. CATALOGUE OP NOCTUID^ — SMITH. 277 1864. 6rt., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., iii, 4, Tamila. 1873. Grt. Bull. BuflF. Soc. Nat. Sci., i, 121, Heliothis. 1875. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., u, 220, Tamila. 1883. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, x, 229, Svhima. nigrirena Haw. 1810. Haw., Lep., Britt.,266, Noctua. 1829. Steph., HI. Br. Ent., Haust., iii, 114. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., ii, 176, pr. syn. Habitat. — Middle, Southern, and Central States; New Jersey in July. S. parmeliana Hy. Edw. 1882. Hy. Edw., Papilio, ii, 14, Lyranthmcia. 1883. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, x, 248, Lygratithcccia. 1891. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, xviii, Lygranthacia. Habitat. — Maryland. The unique type is in Mr. Schoenborn's collection. It has a remark able resemblance to nundina, with a totally diftcreut ground color. S. acutilinea Grt.* 1378. Grt., Can. Ent., x, 232, Lygranthoscia. 1882. Grt., 111. Essay, 63, pi. iii, f. 34, Lygrniithwcia. 1883. Smith, Trans. Am., Ent. Soc, x, 229, = separata, separata Grt. 1879. Grt., Can. Ent., xi, 198, Lygratdhavia. 1883. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, x, 229, Schiiiia. Habitat. — Colorado, Glenwood Springs in August; Nevada; Mon tana; Utah. Both the types are in the British Museum. After renewed examina- tion and a comparison of other material, I still consider them identical. Aciitilinia is darker and has the margins of the lines more emphasized; but this fades gradually into the separata form. I was in error in using this latter name for the .si)ecies, since acutilinea was earlier described. I was also in error in making balba and walsinghami synonymous with this species. S. balba Grt. 1881. Grt., Papilio, i, 150, Lygrnntharia. 1883. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, x, 229, = separata. Habitat. — Arizona. The type is with Mr. Neumoegen; other specimens in the British Museum. S. coercita Grt. 1881. Grt., Papilio, i, 156, Lygranthwcia. 1883. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, x, 248, Lygranthada. Habitat. — Arizona. The type is said to be with Mr. Xeumoegcn; other specimens are in the British Museum. Comparing coercita and halha, they are closely allied, the former having a wider median space and both ordinary spots evident, while the latter has the rouiform only, marked. The «! 1 H I 278 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. species of Schinia are much more uiimerous and closely allied than I suspected in 1882, and the two preceding are fairly marked and both distinct from separata, as species go here. 8. walsinghami Hy. Edw. 1881. Hy. Edw., Papilio, i, 20, Lygranthmcia. 1883. Smith, Trans. Am. Eitt. Soc, x. 229, ScUinia separata. Habitat. — Oregon. A type specimen is in the Edwards collection, while a very fine series is in the British Museum. A study of the latter shows that the species is perfectly distinct from separata and that my reference in 1882 was hasty and based on insufficient material. The specimen in Mr. Edwaids's collection really gives no adequate idea of the species. 8. brucei Smith.* 1891. Wmith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, xviii, 125, Schinia. Habitat. — Colorado, South Park, and Denver. Types are in the ^National Museum and in the Rutgers College collection. 8. lynx Gn.* 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., ir, 18.5, Anthnma. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., xii, 694, Anthwcia. 1864. Grt., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., n, 343, pi. vi, f. 6, Anthada. 1873. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., i, 120, Heliothis. 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 34, Melieleptria. 1875. Grt., Check List Noctuida;, 18, Lygranthwcia, 1883. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, x, 230, Schinia. Habitat. — ^Massachusetts to Florida, west to the Mississippi; Ala bama in September. The type is in the British Museum. 8. roseitincta Harv.* 1875. Harv., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 278, Ljigranihnda. 1883. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, x, 248, J.jitiianthttcia. 1891. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, xviii, 121, Lyyranthwcia. 1891. Smith, List Lepidoptera, 54, Schinia. craUata Hy. Edw. 1884. Hy. Edw., Papilio, iv, 124, Meliclcpfria. 1891. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, xviii, 124, pr. syn. Habitat. — Texas, April and June; (.'olorado. Dr. Harvey's type is in the British Museum, while typical specimens of Mr. Edwards' species are in his collectiou. They are alike si^ecifi- cally, as I have already stated. 8. saturata Grt.* 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff, Soc. Nat. Sci., ir, 74, lyqi-anlhac'ia. 1883. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, x, 230, Srhinia, rnhiffinom Strk. 1876. Strk.. Le\t. Rhop. et Het., 122, IMiothiH, 1883. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, x, 230, pr. syn. '»■ ! ^i'-^'^^~i'.i'vjiiin^m9 M. CATALOGIJH OF \0« TIMD-K — SMrTIf. 279 Hied than I d and both t very fine W8 that t he eference in pecimen in ;he species. jrs College lippij Ala- spedmeiis ke specifl- HAniTAT. — MrtssiM'hus«'tts; Texas; Kansas; Southern California; (leorgia in October; Florida. Mr. Grote's type shouhl be in the collection of the American Ento- molo}?icaI Society, but I have not found it there. Mr. Strecker's type is in his own <'ollection. In the British Museum are specimens labeled l»y Mr. Grotc which are the same as the species described by me lu the " Revision." S. diffusa Smith.'' 1891. Smith, Trans. Am. tint. Soc. xviii, 125, Schinia. Habitat. — South Park, Colorado. The types are in the Xational Mnseum. S. sordida Smith.* 1883. Smith, Trans. Am. Knt. Soc. x. 2:50. Schinia. Habitat. — Selma, Ahibama ; Texas. Tlie type is in the National Museum. 8. tertia Grt.* 1874. Grt., Proo. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., 1874, 212, Tamila. 1875 Grt.. Hull. Biiir. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 220, Tamila. 1875. Haw., linll. Butt'. Soc. Nat. Sci., in, 10, Tamila. 1882. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, x, 231. Schinia. Habitat. — Texas, May, September, and October. The type is in the liritisli Mnseum. S. albafascia Smith.* 1883. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, x, 231, Schinia. Habitat. — Utah, Fort Thornburgli; South Tark, Colorado, August. The type is in the IJ. S. National Museum. S. regia Strlc.* 1876. Strlf., Lep. Rhop. et Hct., 121, Hcliothin. 1883. Smith, Tr.ana. Am. Knt. Soc. x. 231. Schinia. Habitat. — Kansas; Texas; Colorado. The type is with IVIr. Strec^ker. S. sanguinea (icycr. 1832. Gcyer, Zutr;i'Kc, iv, 9, tT. 013, fiM. Oria. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct.. it. 1()7, Oria. 18.57. Wile., C. B. Mns., Hot., xi, 672, Oria. 1865. Grt., Proc Ent. Soc. Phil., in. 4, Oria. 1877. Grt., Bull. Gcol. Surv.. iii, 798, Purrima. 1883. Smitli, Tran.s. Am. Ent. Soc, x, 232, Schinia. carmosina Neum. 1883. Nenm., Papilio, iii, 142, Schinia. 1891. Sinitli, Eist Ecpid., .54, pr. syn. Habitat. — Southern States; Florida; Texas. Mr. NeumiPgen's ty])e is in his own collection, ^fr. Neumo^j^en called attention to the fact tliat two forms were confused under the % IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) &^ ^/ .:*' :• ^M% ^ ^ 1.0 I.I 1.25 i lis 110 WE Hiotpgraphic Sciences Corporation ^>^ 23 WIST MAIN STRUT WnSTIR.N.Y. MSIO (716) •72-4S03 .v^ :• n<^^ ^ ^o ^ 280 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. term mnguinea and described the smaller and most intensely colored form as carmosina. (Jnfortunately that is exactly the form figured by Geyer, and Mr. Strecker had previously recognized that fact and de- scribed as gloriosa the larger, paler form. 8. gloriosa Strk.* 1876. Strk., Lep. Bhop. ot Het., 132, Heliothis. 1883. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Sue, xviii, 249, HeliothU, ManguiHeat Neum. 1883. Neum., Papilio, iii, 142, Sohinia. Habitat.— Texas. The type is with Mr. Strecker. 8. oupea Grt. 1875. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soo., v, 113, HeliofhU. 1875. Grt., Ball. Bnff. Soc. Nat. Sci., n, 311, pi. iii, f. 4, HellothlB, 1883. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, x, 232, Sckinia. 1883. Grt., Proo. Am. Phil. Soc, xxi, 166, Iftliothia. 1890. Grt., Revised Check List, 36, TriohoselluB. orotckii Hy. Edw, 1876. Hy. Edw., Proo. Gal. Ac Sci., vi, 135, Heliothit. 1883. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, x, 232, pr. syn. Habitat. — ^Texas, May; Colorado; Oregon; Washington; Oalifornia. The types, both of oupea and crotchii are in the British Museum. 8. jaguarina Gn.* 1852. Gn., Spec Gen.,Noct., ii, 184, pi. 9, f. 11, Anthtecla. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Muh., Hot., XI, 694, Anthaeia. 1864. Grt., Proc Ent. Soc. Phil., lii, 528, AnthKoia. 1873. Grt., Bull. Biift'. Soc. Nat. Sci., i, 120, HeHothi$. 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 126, Melicleptria. 1877. Uhler, Bull. Gool. Surv., in, 769, Anlhwcia. 1883. Smith, Tr^is. Am. Eut. Soc, x, 232. Sohinia. Habitat. — Georgia; Nebraska in August; Colorado; Kansas; Texas. The typo is with M. Oberthiir, at llennes. 8. arolfera Gn.* 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noot., ii, 184, Antho'cia areigera. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gon., Noct., ill, 399, Anthcecia arcifera. 1857. Wlk., C. H. Muh., Het., xi, 694, Anthfrcia. 1863. Grt., Proc Ent. Soc Pliil., ii, 340, pi. vi, f. 3, Jnthada. 187:}. Grt., Bull. Bnflf. Soc Nut. Sci., i, 119, Heliothii. 1874. ^rt., Hnll. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sil., ii, 34, Mvlicleptria. 1883. Smith, Trans. Am. Eut. Soc, x, 232, Svlnnia. tpragiiei Grt. 1863. Grt., Proc Ent. Soc Phil., ii, 340, pi. vt, ff. 4, 5, Anthceda. 1873. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc Nat. Sci., i, 120, Ihliothit. 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc Nat. Sci., ii, 34, MelidrpMa. 1875. Morr., Proc Bost. Soc N. II., xviii, 123, pr. syn. 1883. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, x, 232, SohiHia. ' Habitat. — Eastern and Middle States, August and September; New Mexico; Texas; Kansas. CATALOGUE OP NOCTUIDiE — SMITH. 281 Guenee's type is the Oberthiir collection. I have not been able to locate Mr. Grote's type. Mr. Grote described from a number of 8i)eci- uiens from various collections. The two namf 3 seem to refer to the sexes and not to distinct varieties. 8. petulans Hy. Edw, 1884. Hy. Edw., Papilio, iv, 123, Anthaoia. Habitat.— Florida. The type is in Mr. Neumoegen's collection. 8. ■pinonae On.* 1852. On., Spec. Gon., Noct., il, 182, pi. ix, f. 10, HelioMt, 1837. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het., xi, 687, Heliothia. 1873. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., i, 118, Heliothia. 1883. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, x, 233, Sohinia. 1890. Grt., Revised Check List, 34, Eupannohie. hirtella G. & S. 1866. G. & R., Proo. Ent. 800. Phil., vi, 19, pi. in, f. 3, Antheeeta. 1868. G. & R., Trans. Ant. Ent. Soc., in, 180, pr. syn. 1870. Grt., Truns. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 432, pr. syn. Habitat. — Canada; Eastern, Middle, and Central States. Gueueo's type came from the Coll. Feisthamcl — where that is at pres- ent, I can not say. The whereabouts of the Grote & Robinson type is also unknown to me. It is one of the species that should be in the collection of the American Entomological Society. S. oreuilinea Smith. 1801. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, xvin, 120, Schinia. Habitat. — Southern Texas. The types are in the Neuma'gen collecition. 8. lupatuB Grt. 1875. Grt., Can. Ent., vn, 224, IlcUothia. 188:i. Smith, 'J'ranM. Am. Ent. iSoc, x, 2;W, Schinia. 1883. Grt., Can. Ent., xv, 128, Hvliothit. Habitat. — Texas. The typo of this sitecies is in the Britiali Museum. The forctibini hav«' one inner and one outer cliiAV or spine. Wing form of Schinia. Looks like an Aletiu at (list sight, with a small black orbicular, and a black, white-lined reniform. 1 am not at all sure tliat I had this sx)ccies before me in 1883, and at all events have not had it since. 8. paokardii Grt.* 1864. Grt., Pror. Ent. Soc Phil., ni, 628, pi. vi, f. 2, Anthcoota. 1873. Grt., Hull. Buff. Hoc Nat. Hcl., i, 120, lleliotkit. 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc Nat. Sci., Il, :il, Melicleptria. 1877. Grt., Bull. Geol. Surv., lu, 708, Ltfranthwcia, 1883. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soo., x, 234, Hokittia. 282 BirLLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MITHEUM. nutrtua Grt. 1864. Grt., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., in, 528, pi. vi, f. 1, Aiitk(ecia. 1873. Grt., Bull. Biitf. 8<>c. Nut. Sci., i, 120, neUothtH. 1874. Grt., Bull. Biift*. Soc. Nut. Sci., ii, 34, Meliehplria. 1877. Grt., Ball. Geol. Siirv., in, 7SW, 1 \n: Hyii. 1883. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Hoc., .\, 231, Schinia. HohilM Grt. 1864. (Jrt,, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., iii, .'529, pi. vi, f. 3, iMthneia. 1873. Grt., Bull. Butt'. Soc. Nat. Sci., i, 120, lleliothu. 1874. Grt., Bull. BaiT. Soc. Nut. Sci., ii, 34, f imclcardxi, vur. 1883. Smith, Traus. Am. Ent. Soc, x, 2:il, SvMnia. Habitat. — ^Texas, Arizona, Colorado. The types are all Id the collection of the American Entonioloffical Society. The differences between them consist in the relative distinct- ness of the maculation, the discal and basal black spot of secondaries disappearing entirely in mortua. In retaining the term paekardii for this species instead of mortua, which has priority by half a page, 1 feel sure that I am in accord with Mr. Grote's wishes on the subject. 8. blouaplda Smith. 1891. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, xviii, 127, SoKinia, Habitat. — Southern Texas. The type is with Mr. Neumipgen. 8. thoreaui G. & R.* 1868. G. <& K.,Truns. Am. Ent. Soc, in, 181, pi. it, f. 80, iHthacla. 1870. G. & R., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc.,iv,i'i2,LygranthmiH. 1873. Grt., Bull. Buft". Soc. Nat. Sei., i, 115, Lyijranihoecia. 1874. (Jrt., Bull. Buff. Soc Nat. Sci., n, 33, Lygranlhwcia. 1883. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, X', 2:i4, Svhtnia. Habitat. — Texas; Alabama; Kansas; Indiana. I have not seen the type, nor do I know where it is. 8. marglnata Hnw.* 1810. Haw., Lop. Britt., 374, CrambuK. 1834. St<!ph.,lll. Brit. Ent., HauNt., iv, 26. PyialU. 1836. Wood, Ind. Ent., pi. 54. f. 68, I'yraliit. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Delt., 128. Jnthtioia. 1857. Wpstw. & Humph., Brit. Moths, ii, m-W2, Pyralit. 1863. Grt., Proc Ent. Soc Phil., n, 33», Anthocin. 1870. G. &, K., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 432, Ltfuranlhiroia. rivnloita On. 1853. Gu., Spt>o. G(>n., Noct., li, 18'!, pi. ix, (. 12, Anlhwcia. 1854. Gn., Spec. (Jen., Delt., 128, »)r. syn. 1857. Wlk.,C. B. Mus., Het., xi, 6!)4, Anthacia, 1863. (Jrt., Proc. Eut. Soc Vh\\.,n,3S{), Antkwvia. 1883. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. x, 234, .SVAinia. divergma Wlk. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., xn, 836, Mhrophnga. 1868. (t. A, R., Trans. Am. Eht. Hoc, ii. 78, pr. syn. WMlrat'la Wlk. 1867. Wlk.,(\ B. MuH., Het., xn, 8.W, Afiirophtiiia, CATALOGUE OP NOCTUn).^: — SMITH. 283 niolojjical e di8tinct- condaries iardii tor ige, 1 feel JCt. 1868. O. & R., Trans. Am. Eut. Soc, ii, 79, pr. Hyn. detignata Wlk. 1866. Wlk.,C. B. Mu8.,Het., XXXIII, 958, EncMia. 1868. G. &, R., Trana. Am. Ent. 8oc., il, 87, pr. Hyn. Habitat. — Middle, 8outhern, and central States, July and Angnst. A typit'al specimen of GuenC'e's spcricH and all of Walker's types are in the British Museum. I did not see that of M. divergen»; but the others are as referred by Messrs. Grote and B<tl)inson and I have no doubt this is also correctly placed in the synonymy. 8. digitaUa Smith.' 1891. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc.,xviii, 128, Schinia, Habitat. — ])allas, Texas. The type is in the National Mnseum. 8. oonatriota Hy. Edw. 1882. Hy. Edw., Papilio, li, 128, Lygranthana. 1883. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, x, 235, Schinia. Habitat. — North Carolina. The type is in Mr. Neumoegen's collec^tion. 8. tuberottlum Him. 1823. Hhn., ZutriiK«% ni, 517, 518, Melicleptria. 1852. Gn., Spec. G«u., Nort., li, 1K5, Anthnciu. 1857. Wlk., C. B. MU8,, Het., xi, «93, Anthrciii. 1863. Grt., Proe. Ent. Sor. Phil., ii, 343, Anthwrta. 1864. Grt., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., Ill, m\, MvUchplna. 1873. Grt., Bull. Bulf. Hoc. Nnt. Sci., i, 119, Heliothit. 1883. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, x, 247, .tiillmoia. dorgiluiea Wlk. 1857. Wlk., C. B. MiiH., Hct., XI, 695, Anth<i:<ia. Habitat. — Pennsylvania; (ieorgia; Florida. The type of dornihitea is the same as the tuherculum of the Grote collection, which I believe to be corio(^tly identified. The fore tibiie have one inner and twoonter claws. In appearance the species resem- bles lyn,r; but the median and s. t. lines are more ragged, median space narrower, ordinary spots not distinct ; black border of secondaries broad. Walker's species is from ''lo«'ality iinkiif'.vn." 8. brevia (i:t.* 184U. (irt., Proc. Am. Knt. Soc, in, 5:«), pi. vi. 1'. 4, Anthwcia, 1873. (irt., Bull. BiiH'. Soc Nat. Sci., i, 119, IMiolhiM. 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc Nat. Soi., ii, 34, Meliolepiria. 1883. Smith, Trans. Am. Eut. Soc, x, 235, Schinia. var. atrltes Grt.* 1864. Grt., Proc. Am. Ent. Soc, iii, rt'.M), pi. vi, f.f), Aulhwcia. 1873. Grt., Bull. Buff'. Soc Nat. Sci., i, 119, lliHothlx. 1883. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, x, 2:^. Srhiniii. Habitat. — Colorado; New Mexico; Illinois and Massachusetts in September; New York; Iowa. 284 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. The types should be in Philadelphia in tlie Cull. American Ent. Soc., but I have not been able to find them there. 8. aepteDtrlonalis Wlk. 1858. Wlk., C. B. Mas., Hot.,xv, 1744, Omia. Habitat. — Illinois. This seems a good species, the type of which is in the British Museum. There are two inner and three outer claws to the fore tibia. Secondaries black; primaries very dark ; terminal space a little lighter; median space with a little yellow intermixed; median lines nai'iow, white. 8. ooncinna Smith. 1891. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, xviii, 128, Schinla, Habitat.— Southern Texas. The type is in the Neumwgen collection. 8. errans Smith.* 1883. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, x, 235, Schinia. Habitat. — Arizon a. The type is in the National Museum. 8. inolara Strk. 1876. Strk., Lop. Rbop. et Hot., 122, Hcliothig. 1883. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, X, 235, Schinia, Habitat.— Texas. The type is with Mr. Strecker. 8. meskeana Grt.* 1875. Grt., Can. Ent., vii, 234, Lygranthwda. 1881. Grt., Papilio, i, IblJ.ygranthacia. 1883. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, x, 235, Sihinla, faatidiosa Strk. 1876. Strk., Lep. Khop. et Ilet., 121, JIvUotM$. 1876. Grt., Can. Ent., viii, 26, pr. syn. rvfimedia Grt. 1883. Grt., Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, in, 31, Ltjuranthaoia, 1883. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, x, 235, pr. syn. Habitat.— Texas; Florida. The types of Mr. Grote's species are in the British Museum, and a specimen of rw^wjcrfm, also marked "♦ype" by Mr. Grote, is in the Hulst collection. The only observable difference between them is that rujlmedia has a little more black on the secondaries. Mr. Streoker's type is in his own collection. 8. limbalia Grt. 1875. Grt., Proo. Ac Nat. Sci. Phil., 1875, 421, Lnnranthada. 1883. Smith, Trans. Am. Eut. Soc, x, 247, Lygraulhtecia. Habitat.— Kansas. :uM. in Ent. Soc., the British he fore tibia, ittle lighter; lues narrow. CATALOGUE Or NOCTUIDiE — SMITH. 285 cum, and a is in the iciii is that Strecker's The type is in the British Mnseum and is a species I had not before seen. The tibial armature can not bo made out as the le^s are curled under in the specimen. It resembles arcifera^ but is smaller and with- out median linos. 8. ultima Strk.* 1876. Strk., Lep. Rhop. et Het., 122, HcUothtt 1881. Grt., Papilio, l, 157, Lygranthwcia. 1883. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, x, 236, ScAinto. Habitat.— Texas. The type is in the Strecker collection. O. soissa Grt.* 1876. Grt., Proc. Bosr. Soo. N. H,, xvui, 451, Ljiffranthacia. 1883. Smith, Trans. Am. Knt. Soc, x, '252, Svhiuia. 1890. Grt., Revised Check List, 36, Cauidia. Habitat. — Florida. The type is in the British Museum. It looks more like liTrl\clrptria than the specimen retained by Mr. Thaxter. Mr. Grote's jrenus is bused, apparently, on the characters I }H)inted out, but if the sx^*^<^i^<^ is re- moved from Sohinia, it must go to rtseudotamila, 8. siren Strk. 1876. Strk., Lep. Rhop. et ITet., 122, HeUothitt. 1883. Smith, Trans. Am. Eat. Sue, x, 248, HdiothU, Habitat. — Texas. The type is with Mr. Streckor. The tibial armature is as in ultima. 8. nubila Strk. 1876. Strk., Lop. Rhop. et ITet., 122, ffeUothU. 1883. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, x, 248, Ueliothia. Habitat. — Texas. The type is with Mr. Streckcr. The tibial arnmturo is as in ultima. 8. lanul Strk. 1877. Strck., Lep. Rhop. et Hot., 132, Ifeliothin. 1883. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Hoc, x, 210, lhUotlii$. Habitat. — Texas. The type is with Mr. Streckcr. The anterior tibiic have an inner and four outer claws, and the species is thus related to teriia. By a regretable oversight the three last-named species were omitted fr -n my list of Lepidoptera. The accident happened because in my Kevision they were among the unknown specie^, and, afttM* seeing the types and annotating my copy, I failed to enter them in the list of species where they belonged. 286 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. <ieiiiiN DASYSPOUDBA iSiiiith. 1883. Smith, Trans. Am. Kiit. Soc., x, 213, D. lucens Murr.* 1873. Morr., Proo. A«. Nut. Sci. I'hil., IKT.n, (19, Heliothia. 1882. Ort., Can. Ent., xiv, 175, Tamila. 1883. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, x, 214, l)aitg»poHdea, var. luxuriOMi Grt. 1882. Grt., Can. Ent., xiv, 175, Tamila. 1883. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Hoc, x, 214, pr. syn. IfABiTAT. — Nebraska; Moiitiiiia; C(»I<>nulo; New Mexico. I have nut 8e€n Mr. MorriHon's type, uor do I know where it it) at preHent. The tyi>e of the variety is with Mr. Neuiuujgeu. D. meadii (irt.* 1873. Grt., Bull. Buflf. S(>c. Nut. Sci., i, 121, pi. 3, f. 5, Heliothit. 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soi;. Nut. Soi., ii, Xi, «t 22<), Tamila. 187». Htrk., R«pt. Cliiuf Eng., 187«-7{». p. WVJ, Heliothin. 1883. Smith, TruuH. Am. Ent. Soc, x. 214, Daii}i»puHdea. Habitat.— Mod taua; ('olonido in 'Inly; Ulauk Hills. The tyi>e is in the British .Mnsuiini. G«nuH PSBUDANTHCXJCIA Smith. 1883. Smith, TrauH. Am. Kiit. Soc, x, 213. P. tumida Grt.* 1880. Grt., Bull. Hkln. Ent. So*-., iii, :W, LyifrnHlhwda. 1882. Grt., Can. Ent., xiv, 18<S, Tamilii. 1888. Smith, Trnns. Am. Ent. Soc, x, 213, I'wHdaHthaeia, Habitat.— Colorado. Mr. (irote had specimens ftowx his own (;ollection and from those of TepiN'r and Neumoetgen ; but neither in the British Museum uor in the Tepper collection is there a "type." Gonus 8TYLOPODA Smith. 1801. Smith, TrauH. Am. Ent. Soc, xviii, 131. 8. oephalloa Smith.* 1801. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, xviii, 131, SUjlopoda, Habitat.— California. The type is iu the National Museum. Genus 8TMPISTZ8 Hbn. 1816. Hiibner, Verzt^iohnisH, 257. 8. propriua Hy. Edw. 1881. Hy. Edw., Papilio, i, 19, Eurot. 1883. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, x, 213, Sympiitla. Habitat.— Siskiyou County, California. The type is iu the Edwards collection. CATALOGUE OF NOCTUIDiB — 8MITH. (liciiiitt P8BUPOTAMZLA Minith. 1883. Smith, Timis. Am. Knt. Soc, x, 238. P. vauella (Srt.* 1877. Grt., Can.Ent., xi, 197, Tumila. 1883. Hmith, TraiiH. .\m. Ent. Sot;., x, 239, I'aewlotamilo. I [AUiTAT. — Nevada; Galitoniia. The type in in the British Museum. P. perminuta Hy. Edw. 1881. Hy. Edw., Pupilio, i, 21, .Vdideptria. 1883. Smith, Tn. s. Am. Ent. Soi-., x, 2.S9, I'neHilolamila. Habitat. — Sierra Nevada, Calitoriiia. The types are in the Kdwanls collection. 287 <i<'iiU8 MBLAPORPHTRIA Ort. 1874. (Jit., KiiU. Hiifl". Soc. Nat. Sti., ii, 75. M. immortua(irt.* 1874. Ort., Bull. Butt". So.-. Nat. S«i., ii, 75, '220, Melaporithgria. 188;^. Smith, Traii«. Am. VHit. Soc. x. 1,'37, Mvlaimvph^ria. Habitat. — Massachusetts and New York in .June; Colorado. The type is in Dr. Liutn«?r's collection at Albany. M. prorupta (jrt. 1873. Off., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 2})4, Hdiothit. 1^73. (Jrt., Bull Buff. Soc. Nat. S<i., i, 118, Heliothis. 1883. Smith, TranH. Am. Eut. Soc, x, 238, Mtlaporpkyria. vt'HHHta Hy. E«lw. 1875. Hy. Edw., Proc Cal. Ac Sci., vi, 133, Mdivlcptria. 1878. Grt., Bull. Gool. Surv., v, 18;^, pr. syn. Habitat. — California ; Oregon. The types should be in the American Ent. Society's collection; but I have not seen them there. M. belladonna Hy. Edw. 1081. Hy. Edw., PajMlio, i, 20, Melicleptria. 1883. Smith, TrauH. .\m. Ent. Soc, x, 238, Metaporphyria. 18JK). Grt., Revised C'lu^ck List, 34, Dyaorneniis. HnniTAT. — Utah. The types are in the Edwards and NeuuKHgen collections. M. oregona Hy. Edw.* 1875. Hy. Edw., Proc. Cal. Ac. Sci., vi, 135, Melicleptria. 1883. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, x, 138, =ononu 1891. Butler, EntoniologiHt, xxiv, 293, an sp. dist. Habitat. — Colorado; Nevada; Oregon. Mr. Butler is quite correct in sei)arating Mr. Edwards's species ftom ononis f but he is in error in charging Mr. Grote with the combination. 288 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. The blunder was mine, based on insufficient material. I am mnch lean ready nowadays to believe in the specific identity of European and American species. Oregona is near to and reprosuuts ononiHj as phlo- goph(igu8 representH dipsaceowt. So, also, Mr. liutler seems not to know that I am respcmsible for uniting AdonUea with Ifeh'oteptrt'a, a union which I still consider perfectly proper. Oenns MBLIOLBPTRIA Hbn. 1816. Uiibner, Verzeichniss, 262. M. oelerls Grt. 1873. Grt., Ball. Bnff. Soc. Nat. Soi., i, 148, Melichptrta, 1882. Grt., Now List, 36, Eitrot. 1882. Grt., Can. Ent., xiv, 171, Melicleplria. 1883. Smith, TrAns. Am. Eut. Soc, x, 244, Melicleptria, Habitat. — Southern California. The type is in the Edwards collection. M. pnlchripennia Grt.* 1874. Grt., Proc. Host. Soc. N. H., xvi, 241, MeUvteptrta. 1875. Grt., Knll. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci,, ii, 220,.JrfoMi«eo. 1882. Grt., III. Essay, 62, pi. iil, f. 31, JdoiiUea. 1883. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, x, 244, ilelioleptria. languida Hy. Edw. 1881. Hy. Edw., Papilio, i, 20, pr. var. 1883. Smith, Trans, Am. Ent. Soc, x, 244, pr. syn. Habitat. — California: Colorado. I have not seen the type. The British Museum specimens seem not to be such; but are the species commonly so known in American collec- tions. M. grasfiana Topper. 1883. Topper, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, x, 2-15, Melicleptria, Habitat. — Southern California. The type is in the Tepper collection. M. vlllOBa Grt.* 1864. Grt., Proc Ent. Soc Phil., m, 531, pi. vi, f. 6, MelicltpMa. 1868. G. R., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, ni, 181, Anthada. 1883. Smith, Trans. Am. Eut. Soc, x, 244, Melicleptria. pauxilluB Grt. 1873. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc Nat. Sci., i, 118, pi. in, f. 6, HeliotMi. 1883. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, x, 244, pr. syn. var. perBimilis Grt. 1873. Grt., Bull. Baff. Soc Nat. Sci., i, 117, pi. iii, f. 11, HeliothtJ. 1883. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, x, 244, pr. syn. HABITAT. — Colorado; California. The type of villoaa should be in the collection of the American Entomological Society; but I have not found it there. The type of pauxillus is in the Tepper collection; a ty])e of peraimilis is in the Brit- ish Museum, and another specimen, also marked ^' typp," is in the T^ppef collection. CATALOGUE OP NOCTUID^f: — SMITH. 289 M. honesU Urt. 1881. Grt., Papilio. i, T7, MtUclepMa. 1883. Smith, Trans. Am. Knt. Snc, x, 245, McUehptria. Habitat.— Mount Hood, Oregon. The tyiie is in the Neuinuegen collection. M. raeu Grt.' 1873. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., i, 117, pi. in, f. 10, HeliolhtB. 1883. SmitL, Trans. Am. Knt. Sue., x, 245, MeHvUittria. californicHt Grt. 1873. Grt., Hull. Butt'. S<»c. Nut. Sci., i, 14», HrUothio. 1883. Suiitli, Trims. Am. Eut. Sttc., x, 245, pr. s.vii. Habitat. — Colorado; California. Ty])e8 of both names are in the Tepper collection, and a si)ecinicii of cali/ornicug, also marked '^ type," is in tlie British Museum. M. vaooinlse Hy. Edw. 1875. Hy. Edw., Proc. Cal. Ac. Sci., vi, 1.S4, Melkleptria. 1883. Smith, TrauH. Am. Knt. Sm;., x, 251, MelicUpiria. Habitat. — Sierra Nevada, California. The type is in the Etlwards collection. M. septentrionalis Hy. Edw.* 1884. Hy. Edw., Papilio, iv, 45, Melicleptria. Habitat. — Hudson Bay Territory. The types are in the Neumcegen collection. Mr. Neunuegen thinks this is the same as ononis Fab. He may be right; I have not compared them. Genus BBLIOLONCHB Grt. 1873. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soe. Nat. Sci., i, 115. H. modioella Grt.* 1873. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., i, 116, pi. iii, f. 12, Ucliohnche. 1875. (Jrt., Bull. Butt'. Soc. Nat. Sci., II, 220, HelioloHvhe. 1883. Smith, Trans. Am. Eut. Soc, x, 242, Heliolonche. Habitat. — Galitbrnia, in June; Colorado. The type is in the British Museum. GcnuH HELIOSBA Grt. 1875. Grt., Bull. Butt'. Hw. Nat. S.i., ii, 220. H. pictipeunis (irt. 1875. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nut. Sci., ii, 220, fhlhsea. 1882. Grt., 111. Essay, H2, pi. in, f. 32, Heliotta. 1883. Smith, Trans. Am. Eut. Soc, x, 2:«l, Helionm. 1883. Grt., Pro«-. Am. Phil. Soc, xxi, 172, Helio»ea. Habitat.— California. The type is in the British Museum; it has no legs, no head, and only two wings. Whether it was in that condition when the figure was made I can not say, of course. 0048— No. U 19 I I 290 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Gonna HBLZOPBAXrA Grt. 1875. Grt., Bnll. Baff. Boo. Nat. Sci., Ii, 320. B. mitte Grt. 1873. Grt., Bnll. BnfT. Soc. Nnt. Sri., i, 116, pi. in, f. 7, MeUelqtttla. 1875. Grt., Bnll. Bnff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 220, Heliophana. 1883. Smith, Trans. Am. £nt. Soc, X, 240, Heliophana. obliquota Smitb. 1891. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, xviii, 131, Heliophana. Habitat. — ^Texas; Mississippi. Mr. Grote's type is in the British Mnscnni; my type is with Mr. NeuiiKBgen. Tlie two are hut foriiis of one species, as I rather sus- pected when describing obliquata. B. amarylUa Smith.* 1891. Smith, Truns. Am. Ent. Soc, xvjii, 130, Heliophana. Habitat. — Ciilifornia. The type is in the National Mu.seum. B. bina Gn. 18.52. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., ii, 186, Aufhefoia. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Muj., Het., xi, 695, Attthacia. 1863. Grt., Proc. Eut. Soc. Phil., ii, 334 Antharia. 1873. Grt., Bnll. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., i, 119, HeliothU. 1874. Grt., Bnll. Bnft'. Soc Nut. Sci., ii, VA, MelicUpMa. 1875. Grt., Bull. Bull'. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, ;.i20, HeUoiihaua. 1883. Smith, Trans. Am. Eut. Soc, x, 240, Heliophana. Habitat. — Nebraska; New York in June. The type, which I have not seen, is with M. Oberthiir, at Bennes. Gcnns XANTBOTBRIX Hy. Edw. 1878. Hy. Edw., Proc. Cal. Ac. Sci., Pac Coast Lep., No. 29. Z. ranunculi Hy. Edw.* 1878. Hy. Edw., Proc. Cal. Ac Sci., Pac. Coast Lep., No. 29, July 1, 1878. 1883. Smith, Trans. Am. Eut. Soc, x, 241, Xanthothrix. HABITAT.— California. The type is in the Edwards collection. I have the paiier in which it is described only as a separate and believe, indeed, that it has not been published in any other way. Z. neumoBgeni Hy. Edw.* 1881. Hy. Edw., Papilio, i, 101. Jauthothrix.- 1882. Grt., Piipilio, ii, 122, Euedtcardeia. 1883. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, x, 241, Xanthothrix. 1883. Grt., Proc Am. Phil. Soc, xxi, 1&5, Euedwurdaia. HABITAT.— California. Types are in the Edwards and Neumoagen collections. CATALOGUE OP NOCTITID.f: — SMITH. 201 (•oniiH AZENUS '^•rt. 1873. (irt. Bull. Buff. 8o«'. Nat. 8ci., i, 152. A. anralis (irt.* 1873. firt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., i, 152, pi. iv, f. 8, Jxenu$, 1883. iSmith, Trans. Aui. Kiit. Koc, x, 242, Ixihuh. var. oohraoeua Hy. Edw. 1875. Hy. Edw., Proc. Cal. Ac. Sci., vi, 13H, pr. var. var. amplua Hy. Edw. 1875. Hy. Edw., Proc. Cal. Ac. Sci., vi, 136, pr. var. Habitat. — Colorado; Californi». Mr. Grote's type is in the British Museum ; types of the varieties are ill the Ed\»'ard8 collection. It is questionable wV^^ther these names can be retained, as a good Heries from any locality tiiio^vs all the forms, with all intermediate variations. (ieuus HBLIACA H. HcL. 1853. U. Sih., Schiuett. Eur., ii, 370. H. diminutiva Grt.' 1873. Grt., Bull. Huff. Soc. Nut. Sci., i, 148, Heliothi$. 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., Ii,;il, MfHcle2}tria. 1883. Smith, Traus. Am. Ent. Soc, x, 245, Heliaca. Habitat.— California; Nevada; Colorado, South Park. Typos are in the Teppur collection and in the British Museum. H. fasoiata Hy. Edw. 1875. Hy. Edw., Proc. Cal. Ac. Sci., vi, 134, Melideptria. 188:3. Smith, TrauH. Am. Eut. Soc, x, 24ri, Heliaca. Habitat.— Plover Co., Colorado. The type is in the Edwards collection. H. dubitans Tejiper. 1883. Tepper, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, x, 246, Heliaca, Habitat. — Nevada. The type is in the Tepper collection. H. nezilis Morr.* 1875. Morr., Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., 1S75, 102, Kuhivopit. 1880. Grt., Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, in, 38, ..leluhphia. 1883. Smith, TraoH. Am. Ent. Soc, x, 246, JJeliava. elaborata Hy. Edw. 1881. Hy. Edw., Papilio, i, 21, Militleptria. 1883. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, x, 246, pr. syn. * Habitat. — Colorado; California in June. Mr. M»)rri8on'8 type is in tlie Tepper collection ; Mr. Edwards's type is in his own collection. 292 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. GeiiuH ANARTA Oclm. 1816. Ocb > , Schmett. Eur., iv, 90. A. acadiensia Keth." 1869. Beth., Trans. Nov. Sc. Inst. Nat. Sci., ii, 84, figure, Jnarta. 1869. Beth., Can. Ent., ii, 61, Anarta. Habitat. — ^Nova Scotia. The type is with Dr. Bothune. The Hpecies hns been referred with more or less doubt to myrtilli Linn., and it may be that species. I am by no means satisfied that such is the case, however, and prefer to re- tain Dr. Bethune's name until careful comparisons can be nmde. 1788. 1816. 1852. 1857. 1860. A. cordigera Thimb.* Thunb., Mns. Nat. Ac. Uim. Diss., pt. vi, 72, f. 4, Xoctua, Hbn., Verzeiciiniss, 220, Anarta. On., Spec. Gen., N«ict., n, 194, Anarta. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., xi, 702, Anarta. Moeschl., Wien. Ent. Moiiatsclir., iv, 307, Anarta. iiiteola O. &, R. 1865. O. & R., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., iv, 493, pi. in, ft'. 5 and 6, Anarto. 1869. Beth., Can. Ent., i, 87, Anarta. 1873. Strk., Lep. Rhop. et. Het., 40, pr. syn. 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 31, pr. syn. HABITAT. — Canada; Labrador; Colorado. The type of Grote and Robinson's species should be in the collection of the American Entomological Society, and Mr. Strecker speaks of seeing it there in 1873. I have not found it from 1882, when I made my first notes on the collection, to 1891, when I again went over all the arranged material and found some few species previously overlooked. A. melaleuoa Thuub.'' 1791. Thnnb., Ins. Siiec, pars ii, 42, Xoctua. 1816. Hbn., Samnil. Eur. Sclimett., ii, pi. 415, Sympistia. 1852. On., Spec. Gen., Noct., li, 193, Anarta. 18f /. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Hot., xi, «JH>, Anarta. 1860. Mceschl., Wien. Ent. Moniitschr., iv, 367, Anarta, 1874, Grt., Proc. Bost. Soc. N. H., xvi, 214, Anarta. hieycla Pack. 1867. Pack., Proc. Bost. Soc. N. H., XI, 41, Anarta. 1871. Stgr., Cut. Lep. Eur., 128, pr. syn. 1874. Grt., Proc. Bost. Soc. N. II., XM, 244, pr. syn. Habitat. — Labrador. Dr. Packard's typo is in the collection of the Mns. Comp. Zoology at Cambridge. Mr. Morrison has labelled a specimen now in the National Museum as a " type," of hicyela. A. melanopa Thunb,* 1791. Thunb., Diss. Ent., ii, 42, f. 12, .Voc<Mtt. 1829. Bilv., Ind. Meth., 161, Anarta. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Nuct., ii, 190, Anarta, CATALOGUE OF NOCTl'lDiK — SMITH. 293 1857. Wlk., C. R. Mii»., llet, xt, 697, Anarta. 1879. Ort., Hull. U. .S. Nat. Mus., xv, M), Anarfa. 1875. Mori-., Psyrbe, i, 44, Anarta. nigroluuata Pack. 1867. Pack., Proc. Host. Soc. N. H., XI, 40, Anuria. 1871. Stjjr., Cat. Lep. Eur., 128, pr. syn. 1874. Grt., Proc. Host. Soc. N. H., xvi, 244, pr. syn. Habitat. — Labrador in July; Mt. Washington, New Hnmpsbire; South Park, Colorado; Rocky Mts., 13,000 feet; Arctic America. Dr. Packard's type is at Cambridge, in the Museum of Comparative Zoiilogy. A. quadrllunata Grt.* 1874. Grt., Proc. Host. Soc. N. H., xvi, 211, Anarta. Habitat.— ('olorado. The type is in the British Mut^euni. A. sohcBuherri Zett. * 1840. Zett., Ins. Lapp., 9.*>0, Aniirta. 1861. Stgr., Stott. Eut. Zcit., 1861, 373, Annrta. Irncocf/cla Stgr. 1857. Stgr., Stctt. Eut. Zcit., 18.57. 296. Annrtn. \HIS0. Moesehl., Wieu. Eut. Mouatscli., iv, 367, ]>1. ix, f. 6, Sympiatia. 1861. Stgr., Stett. Eut. Zeit., 1861, 373, pr. syu. Habitat. — Labrador; Greenland; Lapland. The Staudinger type is in his own (collection. Perhaps it may be well to state that in my citations in this genus, in which so numy species are circumpolar, I have not attempted to refer to well established European synonymy, nor to give references to all works in which the European insects are treated. I have tried only to credit the species and to give reference to the works more usually accessible to American students, following Staudinger in the bibliography. A. rlohardsoni Curt.* 1834. Curt., App. to Ross, Narr. 2nd Voy., 72, pi. A, f. 11, Hatlena, 1857. Wlk., C. H. Mu8., Hot., xi, 706, Anarta. 1867. Pack., Proc. Host. Soc. N. IL, xi, 39, Anarta. ahjula Lcf. 18.%. Lef., Ann. Soc. Kut. Fr., v, 395, pi. x, f. 5, Anarta, 1852. Gn., Spec. Geu., Nocfc., ii, 192, Anarta. 1857. Wlk., C. H. Mus,, Het., xi, 699, Anarta. IStiO. Moesehl., Wieu. Kut. Mouatstli., iv, 367, Anarta, 1871. Stgr., Cat. Lep. Eur., 128, pr. syu. Heptentrionii Wlk. 1857. Wlk., C. H. Mus., Het., xi,700, Anarta. 1891. Butler, Entomologist, xxiv, 293, pr. syn. Habitat.— I abrador in August; Be)mlse Bay; La])1and; Polaris Bay. Walker's type is in the British iMusciim, and is the same as the richarthonii of the (irote and other collections. 294 BULI.ETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. A. Mcedens Wlk. 1857. Wlk., C. B, Mns., Hot., xii, 913, Hima. Habitat. — Hudson's Bay territory. The type is in the British Museum. It is a yellow winded Anarta in ]ioor condition, and seems difi'erent from anything else in the collec- tion. On the primaries the narrow, irregular, dentate, white s. t. line is followed by dark sxK)ts,and on the secondaries the outer black band is not defined. A. impingens Wlk.* 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mns., Het., xi, 700, Anarta. nivaria Grt. 1875. Grt., Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. N. Y., xi, 107, Anarla. 1880. Grt., Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, iii, 38, = carta. curta Morr. 1875. Morr., Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. N. Y., xi, 96, Mameatra. 1880. Grt., Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc., in, 38, Anarta. 1880. Grt., Can. Ent., xii, 186. =nivaria. 1881. Grt., Can. Ent., xm, 126, Anarta. perpnra Morr. 1875. Morr., Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci,, Phil., 187.5, 66, Orthosia, 1880. Grt., Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc., in, 38, = carta. 1880. Grt., Can. Ent., xii, 186, = wit-ana. Habitat.— Colorado in July; "Rocky Mts." Walker's type is in the British Museum; Mr. Groto's type I have not seen; Morrison's types are both in the Tepper collecti«m. The locality, New York, given by Mr. Morrison for O. perpura, is certainly an error. Mr. Butler, from the specimens before him, suggests (Entomol- ogist, XXIV, 293) that impingens is near to nivaria, but from my knowl- edge of other specimens I made the reference positively before Mr. Butler's note appeared. A. membranosa Morr. 1875. Morr., Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. N. Y., xi, 101, Anarta. Habitat.— White Mts., New Hampshire. Mr. M(urison's type is probably in the Museum of the Boston Society of Natural History; but I have nc memorandum of having seen it there. A. lapponioa Thnnb. 1702. Thunb., Diss. Ent., ii, 42, f. 10, Nootaa. 1861. Stgr., Stett. Ent. Zcit., 1861, 381, Anarta. amhsa Lefb. 18.38. Lefb., Ann. Soc. Eiit. Fr., V, 397, pi. x, f. 6, Anarta. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gon., Noct., ii, 192, Anarta. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mu8.,*Hot., xi,6»8, Anarta. 1860. Moesehl., Wion. Ent. Monatschr., iv, 367, Anarta. 1861. Mtgr., Slett. Ent. /eit., 1861, ?I81, pr. syu. Habitat.— Greiiuland; Labrador. CATALOGUE OF NOCTUID^E — SMITH. 295 A. kelloggi Hy. Edw. 1875. Hy. Edw., Proc. Cal. Ac. Sci., vi, 133, Anaita. Habitat. — ^Tuolumne Co., California. The type is in the Edwards collection. A. setterstedtU Stgr.* 1857. Stgr., Stett. Eut. Zeit., 1857, 294, Anarta. 1860. H. Sch., Neue Sohmett. Eur., f. 166, .Inarta. 1874. Moeschl., Stett. Ent. Zeit., 1874, 317, Anarta. Habitat. — Labrador; Lapland. The type is with Dr. Staudinger. A quieta Hbn. 1805. Hbn., Sohmett. Eur., Noct., 485, yociun. 1852, Gn., Spec. Geu., Noct., ii, 193, pi. vn, I'. 11, Anarta. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het., xi, 701, Anarta. 1861. Stgr., Stott. Eut. Zeit., 1861, 378, Anarta. conalricta Wlk. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Hef., xi, 701, Anarta. 1891. Butler, Eutomologist, xxiv, 293, pr. syn. rigida Wlk. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Hot., xi, 701, Anarta. 1891. Butler, Entomologint, xxiv, 293, pr. syn. Habitat. — Arctic coast of America. Lat. 07A-G8. Walker's types are in the British Museum and Mr. liutler's references to quieta agree with my own notes. A. funebriB Ilbn. 1804. Hbn., Schmctt. Eur., Noct., pi. !>2, f. 433, Xoctna. 1825. Tr., Schmett. Eur., v, 2CJ, Anarta. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., ii, 191, Anarta. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het., xi, 698, Anarta. 1860. Moeschl., Wien. Ent. Monat8clir., iv, 370, Si/mphtta. 1 1 ABIT AT.— Labrador. It is perhaps a little questionable whether Moeschler's sx)ecimens are really the European species. 1 have not seen tliem. A. mimula Grt. 1883. Grt., Truu8. Kims. Ac. >Sci., viii, 48, Mametitra. Habitat. — New Mexico. The type is with Prof. Snow, to whose courtesy I owe the chance to examine the species and to make the above generic reference. A. mimuli Behr. 1885. Behr, Bull. Gal. Ao. Sci., 1885, 62, Anarta. ' Habitat.— California. 1 presume Dr. Behr has his type. I have not tried to identify the species. 296 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Genus ANNAPHILA Grt. 1873. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., i, 149. A. diva Grt.* 1873. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., i, 150, pi. iv, f. 14, Annapkila. Habitat. — Galiftirnia. The type is in the British Museum. A. casta Hy. Edw. 1890. Hy. Edw., Euto. Amer., iv, 114, Junaphila. HABITAT.— Oregon. The type is in the British Museum. A. superba Hy. Edw. 1875. Hy. Edw., Proc. Cal. Ac. Sci., vi, 139, Annaphila, 1882. Grt., 111. Essay, 60, pi. ill, f. 28, 4nnAjtAi7a. Habitat.— Calif rnia. The type is in the E<lwards collection ; good specimens are also in the British Museum collection. A. divinuIaGrt. 1878. Grt., Bull. Geol. Surv., iv, 183, Aiiuaphila, Habitat.— California. The type is in the British Museum. A. gertnana Hy. Edw. 1875. Hy. Edw., Proc. Cnl. Ac. Sci., vi, 138, Amiajthila. Habitat.— California. The type is in the P^dwards collection. Mr. Edwards suggested that this miglit be a variety of amicula {decia), but though it resembles that species closely it seems to be distinct. A. deoia Grt.* 1875. Grt., Can. Knt., vii, 47, Annaphila. amieula Hy. Edw. 1875. Hy. Edw., Proc. Cal. Ac. Sci., vi, 137, Annaphila. 1878. Grt., Bull.Geul. Surv., iv, lS3,Annaphila. Habitat.— California. Mr. Grote's type is in the British Museum ; that of Mr. Edwards is in his own collection. A. depiota Grt. 1873. art., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nut. Sci., i, 150, pi. iv, f. 13, Annaphila. Habitat.— California. Types are in the British Museum and in the Edwards collectiou. CATALOGUE OP NOCTUIDiE — SMITH. 207 A. Mdioia Hy. Edw. 1881. Hy. Edw., Papilio, i, 23, Annapkila. arvalit Hy. Edw. 1875. Hy. Edw., Proo. Cal. Ac. Sci., vii, 136, Annaphila, 1881. Hy. Edw., Papilio, i, 23, nomen hi$ hctum. Habitat. — Sierra Nevada, California. Types are in the Edwards collection, and there is also a specimen marked ''type'' in the British Mnsenm. A. Uthoaina Hy. Edw. 1875. Hy. Edw., Proc. Cal. Ac. Sci., vi, 137, AnnaphUa. Habitat.— California. The type is in the Edwards collection. This collection by the bye contains type specimens of nearly all the species as Mr. Edwards fnr- nished most of the material from which Mr. Grote described. A. mora Harv. 1875, Harv., Bull. Buff. Soo. Nat. Sci., ii, 277, JMM<y>/»«a. Habitat.— Californi.,. The type is in the British Museum. A. immerens Harv. 1875. Harv., Can. Ent., vii, 160, Annaphila Habitat.— California. The type is in the British Museum. A. daniatioa Ort.* 1873. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soo. Nat. Sci., i, 1.">1, pi, iv, f. 7, Annaphila. Habitat. — Nevada ; California. The type is in the British Museum. A. pustulata Hy. Edw. 18«1 Hy. Edw., Papilio, i, 23, Annaphua. Habitat. — Arizona. The typo is in the Edwards collection. A. domiua Hy. Ktlw. 1875. Hy. Edw., Proo. Col. Ac. Sci., vi, i;W, Annaphila. . Habitat.— California. The type is in the Edwards collection. A. aurantiaoa Hy. Edw.* 1881. Hy. Edw., Papilio, i, 23, Annaphila. Habitat.— California. The tyi>e is in the Edwards collection. It is not an Annaphila, but a Heliothid, for which I have not found the best place as yet. There are several small forms in collections ns yet undesoribed. i ! 298 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Genus TRICHOTARACHB Grt. 1875. Grt., Can. Ent., vii, 48. T. aBiiiiiilia Grt. 1875. Grt., Can. Ent., vii, 48, Driehotaraehe. 1883. Grt., Proo. Am. Phil. Soc., xxi, 166, Tiichotaracke. Habitat.— California. The type is in the British Museam. Genus ACONTIA Ochs. 1816. Ocbs., Sohmett. Eur., iv, 91. A. flavipennia Grt 1873. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., i, 153, Tarache. Habitat. — Oregon; California; Sierra Nevada. The type is in the Edwards collection. A. aprioa Hbn.* 1803. Hbn., Scbmett. Eur.,Noct., f. SUfXoctua. 1816. Hbn., Verzcichniss, 261, Tarache. 1829. Stepb., 111. Brit. Ent., Haust., in, 113, Acontia. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., ii, 219, Aooniia. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het., xii, 785, Acontia. 1868. H. Scb., Corr.-Blatt, 1868, Cuba, p. 10, Acontia. 1874. Morr., Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., xvii, 212, Tarache. 1885. Gundlach, Cont. Ent. Cuba., 312, Acontia. var. biplaga Gn.* 1852. Gn., Spec. Geu.,Noct., II, 218, Acontia. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., xii, 785, Acontia. 1868. G. & R., Tians. Am. Ent. Soc, ii, 78, pr. var. 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 36, pr. var. HABITAT. — Southern States; Texas; Colorado; Missouri in October. What seems to be a typical specimen, labeled by Guenee, is in the British Museum. Mr. Butler, in the Entomologist, xxv, 63, 1892, cites Acontia unocula Freyer, neuere Beitraege, vi, tab. 534, f. 3, as an additional synonym, perhaps correctly. He also, incorrectly, makes biplaga the female of aprioa. Both sexes of both forms are found. A. abdominalia Grt. 1877. Grt., Can. Ent., ix, 157, Tarache. HABITAT. — Texas, March, May, and September; Kansas in May. A type is in the British Museum, from the Grote collection; another, from the Meske collection, is in the National Museum. A. espoUta Grt. 1882. Grt., Papilio, ii, 131, Tarache. Habitat. — Arizona. The type is in the Neumoegen collection. CATALOOUE OP NOCTUID^ — SMITH. 299 A. lanceolata Grt. 1879. Grt., Can. Eiit., xi, 198, Tarache. Habitat.— Texas. The type is in the British Muscnin. A. anguatipenniB Grt.* i875. Grt., Proc. Ac, Nat. Sci. Phil,, 1875,426, Tarache. Habitat. — Texas in May; Colorado in August; California; New Mexico. The type is in the British Museum. A. sutrlz Grt. 1880. Grt., Can, Ent,, XII, 154, JaracAe. Habitat. — Colorado; Nevada; New Mexico. A type is in the British Museum. A, tenuicola Morr.* 1874. Morr,, Proc. Bost. Soc. N. H,, xvii, 218, Tarache. Habitat. — Texas in April. Types are in the Cambridge collection and with Mr. Neumoegen. The species closely approaches some forms of candcfacta^ but lacks all yellow markings. A erastroidea Go.* 1852, Gn,, Spec. Gen.,Noct,, ii, 218, Acontia. 1857. W:k., C. B, Mns., ITct,, xii, 784, Acontia. 1868, C, &, E., Trans, .n. Ent, Soc, ii, 78, Tarache. 1881. Coqnillett, Papilio, i, 8, larva. 1883. Coquillett, Papilio, III, 84, larva. Habitat. — Canada: Eastern and Middle States, June and Aagust. The type is in the British Museum ; others are in the Guenee collec- tion with M. Oberthiir. A. oandefaota Hbn.* 1823, Hbn,, Zutrnegc, ill, ff, 587, 588, Tarache. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., ii, 216, Acontia. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het,, xii, 784, Acontia. 1880, Grt., Can. Ent,, xii, 118, Tarache. 1883, Coquillett, Papilio, in, 84, larva. minuta Haw, 1810. Haw,, Lep, Britt., 265, Phytometra. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het,, xii, 784, pr, syn. dehilia Wlk. 1857. Wlk., C. B, Mas., Het., xii, 786, Acontia. 1868. G. &. R„ Trans, Am, Ent, Soc, ii, 78, pr. syn. Habitat. — United States east of the Kocky Mountains; Colorado; Canada, May, June, and September; Kansas in July; Texas in April and August. Walker's type is in the British Museum and is the normal form of \l: i; 300 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. our common species. In citing minuta Haw., in the synonymy, I follow Walker without veriflcatioii and merely to suggest inquiry. If the reference prove correct, Uiibner's name must be superseded. A. arizonse Hy. Edw.* 1878. Hy. Edw., Pacific Coftst Lep., No. 29, 7, ThuljHKharcs, 1880. Grt., Can. Ent., xii, 58, Tkalpovlnirea. 1882. Grt., New List, 37, Tarache. Habitat. — Arizona; California. T!ie types are in the Edwards collection. A. sedata Hy. Edw. 1881. Ey. Edw., Pajiilio, i, 23, Taiacliv. Habitat. — Arizona. The type is in the Edwards collection. A. elegantula Marv.* 1876. llarv.. Can. Ent., viii, 55, Thalinti-haivj. im). (Jrt., Can. Ent., xii, ,58, Thulpoilmrvi). 1882. Grt., New List, 37, Janu/ie. Bcmiopaca Grt. 1878. Grt., Bull. Geol. Surv., iv, 182, Tamclie. 1882. Grt., New List, 37, pr. syn. gemUiivealis Hulst. 188(5. Hulst, Trans. Am. Ent. So<'., xiii, 157, Oinbnna, Habitat. — Arizona; Nevada; Montana in June; Colorado. Dr. Harvey's type is in the Edwards collection; Mr. Grote's type is in the British Museum, while Dr. Hulst's type is now in the Rutgers College collection. A. binocula Grt.* 1875. Grt., Can. Ent., vil, 224, Tarache. virginalia Grt. 1881. Grt., Can. Ent., xni, 15, pr. var. 1881. Grt., Papilio, i, 155, f pr. var. Habitat. — Arizona; Texas in May; Kansas in July. Types of both species are in the British Mu.seum. A oretata G. «&R.* 1868. G. & II., Trann. Am. Ent. Soc, iii, 181, pi. ii, p. 78, Taracht. Habitat. — Texas in August; Colorado. The type is in the collection of the American Entomological Society. A. laotipennis Harv.* 1875. Harv., Bnll. Bnft'. Hoc. Nat. Sci., iii, 10, pi. n, f. 3, Tarache, 1875. Harv., Can. Ent., vii, 135, Taraihe, Habitat.— Texas, April to Juno. The typo is in the British Museum. CATAL(»OUE OF NOCTUID^ — SMITH. 801 A. delecta Wlk.* 1857. Wlk., C. B. M118., Het., xii, 799, JconUa. 1868. G. & R., Trans. Amer. Ent. 80c., 11, 78, Tarache. 1874. Morr., Proc. Host. Soc. N. H., xvii, 212, Tarache. 1888. Weeks, Ent. Amer., iv, 46, larva. 1892. Beut., Bull. Am. Mas. N. U., iv, 68, lurva. metallicn Grt. 186.5. Grt., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., iV, 327, pi. 11, f. 7, Acontia. 1868. G. & R., Trans. Am. Eat. Soc, 11, 78, pr. syn. Habitat.— I^^ew Jersey, southward to Florida and Texas (in May). Walker's type is in the British Museum ; that of Mr. Grote's is in the Collection of the American Kntomologi<'al Society. This species is readily known by its large size and color resemblance to Eudryaa. A. terminimaculata Grt.* 1873. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sei., i, 153, Taradie. 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., 11, 162, Tarache. Habitat.— New York; Massachusetts; Hlinois in August. The type is with Dr. Liutner. A. ardoris Hbn. 1823. Hbn., Zutrii>ge zur Snmml. Ex. Schmett., iii, 34, f. 551, 552, Tarache. 18.52. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., 11, 219, Acontia. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mus., H« t., xii, 758, Aconlia. 1880. Grt., Can. Ent., xii, 118, Tarache, ? an American. Habitat.—" Georgia." ! lu the Museum at Paris is a specimen from South America, identi- tted by Guenc^e. The species has the maculation of eandefacta, but is darker in color and narrower winged. I do not remember any similar specimens in American collections. Genus CHAMTRIS Gn. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., 11, 225. C. cerintha Tr.* 1825. Tr., Sclimett. Enr., v, 240, Acontia. 1829. Bdv., Ind. Meth., 165, Acontia. 1845. H. Sch., Schmett. Eur., 11, pi. 86, C. 416. Aconlia. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., 11, 225, ChamiiriK. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mns., Hot., xn, 803, Chamnris. 1874. Lint., Ent. Cont., iii, 163, ChamyriK. 1881. Co«juillett, Papilio, i, .56, larva on a[>ple. 1892. Edw. &. Elliott, Bull. Am. Mns. N. H. , iv, 78, larva. Habitat.— Canada; Eastern, Middle, Southern, and Central States; New York in May and July; Canada in June; Massachusetts in June and July; Kansas in May. Erroneously described by Treitschke as a European species. , mi I 'I Ml :r ; lii! ji' 302 BULLETIN 44, UNITED 8TATE8 NATIONAL 1IU8EUM. GoniiR AZBITIA Grt. 1882. Grt., Papilio, ii, 186. A. Implora Ort. 1882. Grt., Papilio, ii, 186, Jzmia. 1883. (Jrt.. Proc. Am. Phil. Soc, xxi, 166. 175, Jzenia. 18iK). Grt., Kilt. Aiiier., VI, 162, Jzeuia. Habitat. — Arizona. A. edentata Grt. 1883. Grt., Can. Ent., xv, 2.5, Jzenia. 1890. CJrt., Ent., Aint;r., vi, 162, Jzenia. Habitat. — Arizona. Tyijes of both the above species are in tlie Neumcegen collection. GeiniN ESCARIA Grt. 1882. Grt., Papilio, ii, 186. E, olauda Grt.* 1882. Grt., Papilio, ii, 186, ICscaria. 1890. Grt., Ent. Aiuer., vi, 163, Escaria. Habitat. — Arizona. Types are in the Neunioegen collection and in the National Museum. Genus FRUVA Grt. 1877. Grt., Can. Ent., ix, 69. F. fasciatella Grt.* 187.5. Grt., Can. Ent., vii, 225, Spraynda. 1879. Grt., Can, Ent., XI, 234, Fruea. ohsoleta Grt. 1877. Grt., Can. Ent., ix, 69, Fruva. 1879. Grt., Can. Ent., Xi, 235, Fmva. Habitat. — Illinois; Texas; Iowa. The types of both names are in the British ]\[useum, and both refer to one species. It is merely a question of completeness of maculatiou and not much difference at that. F. acerba Hy. Edw. 1881. Hy. Edw., Papilio, i, 24, Fruva. Habitat.— California. The type is in the Edwards collection. F. modesta Hy. Edw. 1884. Hy. Edw., Papilio, IV, 124, Frttva. H ABIT AT. — Virginia City, Nevada. The type is in the Edwards collection. F. apicella Grt.* 1872. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iv,21, Emmelia. 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 37, Kroli/la. 1879. Grt., Can. Eut,, xi, 237, S^rc^uiia. CATALOGUE OP NOCTUID-fi — SMITH. 303 1882. Ort., New List, 38, Fruva. 9 triincateUa Zell. 1873. Zell, Verb. k. k. zo51. bot. Qes., xxiii, 3, t. 3, f. 1, AgrophUa. 1874. Grt., Ball. Bnff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 199, pr. syn. g 9 aecepta Hy. Edw. 1881. Hy. Edw., Papilio, i, 24, Frura. 1882. Grt., New List, 38, pr. syn. Habitat. — Sonthern States; Texas. The Grote type is in the collection of the American Eiit^imological Society; Mr. Edwards's types are in his collection; the Zvller type is in the Cambridge collection. F. panmla Wlk. 18G5. Wlk., C. B. Mas., Het., xxxiii, 779, Xanihode$. georgica Grt. 1881. Grt., Cnii. Ent., xiii, 232, Fruva. Habitat. — Arizona. Both the tyi^es are in the British Mnseum, and nntinestionably refer to the same species. Walker's species is from "locality unknown." P. deleta Hy. Edw. 1884. Hy. Edw., Papilio, iv, 124, Fruva. Habitat. — Virginia City, Nevada; Hudson's Bsiy Territory, Types are in the Edwards and Neumwgen collections. Genus XANTHOFTBRA Gn. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., ii. 240. X. nigrofimbria Gn.* 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., ii, 241, pi. 10, f. 12, Xanlho2}tcra. 1857. Wlk., V. B. Mas., Het., xii, 819, Xanlhoptera. 1879. Grt., Can. Eut., xi, 235; Xanthoptera. Habitat. — New York to Texas; Central States; Missouri and Texas in August; District of Columbia in June. The type is probably with M. Oberthur at Benncs. X. clausula Grt. 1882. Grt., Piipilio, II, 186, Xanthoptera. H ABIT AT.— Arizona. ■ The type is in the NeunwBgen collection, X. semiflava Gn.* 1852. Gn,, Spec. Gen., Noct., Ii, 241, Xanthoptera. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mas., Het.,xii, 818, Xanthoptera. 1875. Grt., Bull. Buflf. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 221, Prothymia. 1879. Grt., Can. Ent., xi, 235, Xanthoptera. Habitat. — Southern States; Texas. The type is probably at Bennes with M. Oberthiir; a specimen, apparently labeled by Guen6e, is in the British Museum. 304 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. X •uboitrinalis Hiilst. 188ft. HnlHt, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, Xiii, 157, OrobifHO, 1891. Smith, List Lepidoptera, 56, Xanthoptera. Habitat. — Arizona. The tyi)e i» in the Rutgers College collection. From snperflcial characters the species belongs here. 1 have not tried to compare it Mrith described forms; but it is none of those represented in the British Museum. OentiH SPRAOUfilA Grt. 1875. Urt., Check Littt Noitiii«lH*,25. 8. onagrua Gii.* 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., ii, 205, pi. x, f. 2, Agrophila. ia->7. Wlk., C. U. Mu8., Het., xii, 774, Agrophila. 1858. II. Sch. Lep. Ex., f. 209, Agrophila. 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 37, an var. Uo; ErotyXa. 1879. Grt., Can. Ent., xi, 232, an spec. dint. Habitat. — Southern States; Florida; Texas. The type is in the Boisduval collection, now with M. ' Rennes. In the British Museum there is a specimen appa. by Guenee, but not the type, our collections. jerthiir, at itly named It is like the s]jecies labeled onagrm in 8. leo Gu.« 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., ii, 205, Agrophila. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het., xii, 773, Agrophila. 1879. Grt., Can. Ent., xi, 231, Spragueia. HABITAT. — With the preceding. The type is also from the Boisduval collection now with M. Oberthtlr. In the British Museum there is a specimen apparently labeled by Guen^e^ and this is undoubtedly a variety of the preceding. Mr. Grote cites HerrichScheeffer's figure of onagrm in error to this species; but I am not sure if he is correct. At all events further study is required to settle the matter. S. magnifica Grt. •1882. Grt., Papilio, ii, 183, Spragueia. HABITAT. — Arizona. The type is in Mr. >feum(Bgen's collection. 8. plumbifimbriata Grt.* 1877. Grt., Can. Ent., ix, 68, Spragueia. 1879. Grt., Can. Ent., xi, 233, Spragueia. Habitat. — Texas in April, May, and July, The type is in the British Museum. CATALOGUE OF NOCTUID^E — SMITH. o05 8. obatra Morr. 1876. Morr., Troo. I»o«t. 8oc. N. 11., xviii, 124, Tarache. 1880. Grt., Cau. Ent., xii, 186, Spragnria. Dabitat. — Soiitliern States; Ii<»iiisiiiiia. The type is iu the Tepper collection. 8. danw On.* 1852. On., Spec. Gon., Noct., ii, 205, Jgrophiln. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., xii, 773, Jgrophila. 1868. H. Sch., Corn Hlatt, 1868, Cuba, 11, EiMmlia. 1879. Ort., Can. Ent., xi, 23.3, Sprnfiueia. 1885. Gnndlach, Cont. Eut. Cub., 313, Emmelia. tri/ariana Wlk. 1865. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., xxxiii, 777, Agrojfhila. IlAiiiTAT.— Soutbern State.s; Florida; Texas; Cuba, Guenee's tyi)e is with M. ObertbUr. Walker's type is in the BritiMh Mnsenm and is like the specimens named dama in the Grote collection. I believe Mr. Grote's identification to be correct, and therefore cite Mr. Walker's species in the synonymy; it is from "locality unknown." 8. transmutata Wlk. 1865, Wlk., C. B. Mns., Het., xxxiii, 776, Jgrophila. pardalig Grt. 1881. Grt., Papilio, i, 50, Spragueia. Habitat.— Florida; St. Domingo. Both the Grote and Walker types are in the British Museum, and they undoubtedly refer to the same species. 8. fimeralis Grt.* 1881. Grt., Papilio, i, 158, Spragueia. 1882. Grt., III. Essay, 61, pi. 3, f. 30, Spragueia. Habitat. — Arizona. Tyi>e8 are in the British Museum and iu the ^National Museum. S. sordidaGit.* 1882. Grt., Can. Ent., xiv, 217, 'Spragueia. Habitat.— Texas. The type, given me by Mr. Grote, is now iu the National Museum. 8. guttata Grt.* 1875. Grt., Can. Ent., vii, 224, Spragueia. 1879. Grt., Cau. Ent., xi, 234, Spragueia. Habitat.— Texas. The type is in the British Museum. 6048— No. 44 — ^20 I Ulil I I 30G BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. 8. tortrioina Zell.* 1872. Zell., Ver. k. k. Zool. bot. Gus., xxii, 461, pi. ii, f. 5, Agrophila. 1879. Grt., L'uii. Ent., xi, 233, Spragueia. inorata Urt. 1882. Grt., Papilio, ii, 183, Spragueia. 1891. Smitli, List Lepid., 56, pr. syn. Habitat. — Texas in March and May ; Kansas in July. Zeiler's type is in the Museum at Cambridge; Mr. Grote's type is in the Neuinoegen collection. The two are the same, specifically. By »n unfortunate oversight the synonymy in my list is reversed and tortri- citia stands as a synonym of inorata instead of vice versa, Oeuns BXYRA Ort. 1875. Grt., Check List Noct., 26. E. semiorocea Gn." 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., ii, 241, Xattthoptefa. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Hft., xii,818, Xanthoptera. 1874. Riley, Can. Ent., vi, 208, figs. ; life liistory. 1874. Riley, Trans. St. L. Ac. Sei., in, 236, fig. ; life hist. 1879. Grt., Can. Ent., xi, 236, Exyra. Habitat. — Middle, Central? and Southern States. Tlie name has no type, since Guen^c described from a figure by Abbot, and had no autoptic acquaintance with the insect. There is no reasonable doubt however of the identification. B. ridingaii Riley.* 1874. Riley, Trans. St. Louis Ac. Sci., iii, 240, Xanthoptera. 1879. Ort. Can. Ent., xi, 236, Exgra. nigroeapnt Morr. 1874. Morr., Proc. Bost. Soc. N. H., xvi;, 153, Xanlhoptera. 1875. Grt., Can. Ent., vii, 17, pr. syn. 1875. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 211, pr. syn. Habitat. — Central and Southern States; Texas. Dr. Eiley's type is in the National Museum. I do not know where Mr. Morrison's type now is. B. fax Grt. 1873. Grt., Trans, Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 295, Xanthoptera. 1879. Grt., Can. Ent., xi, 236, Kiyra. Habitat. — Southern States; Delaware in Sei»tenibor. I do not know where the type is at present. B. rolandlana Grt.* 1877. Grt., Psyche, ii, 38, Exyra. 1877. Thuxter, l'»yche, ii, 39, larva. 1882. Grt., 111. Essay, 64, pi. 3, f.35, Exyra. Habitat. — Massachusetts, May and June; Eastern, Middle, and Central States. The type is iu the British Museum. cuow where CATALOGUE OV NOCTUID^. — SMITH. 307 Genns PROTHTMIA Hbn. 1816. Hbn., VerzoiihuiHS, 282. 1890. Grt., Ent. Anier., VI, 163. P. rhodarialis vVlk.* 1859. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het., xix, 860, Herminia. 1865. Wlk., C. B. Mas., Het., xxxiv, 1204, Atarimatha. coccineifascia Grt. 1873. Grt., Trans. Am. Knt. So*-., iv, 294, pi. i, f. 89, Xanthoptera. 1874. Morr., Proc. Boat. Soo. N. H., xvii, 154, Prothymia. 1879. Grt., Can. Ent., xi, 236, Prothymia. 1883. Grt., Proc. Am. Phil. Soc, xx|, 167, ProHmia. Habitat. — Mas»achui«etts to Texas; Florida in March: Texas, May to August. Both the types are in the British Museum nud reter to oue species only. Walker's specimens are from " locality unknown." p. semipurpurea Wlk.* 1865. Wlk., C. B. Mas., Het., xxxiii, 803, Anihophila, confluhalia Wlk. 1865. Wlk., C. B. Mutt., Het., xxxiv, 1206, Marimalha. roHttlba Grt. 1873. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent Soc, iv, 295, pi. I, f. 88, Xauthoplera. 1874. Morr., Proc. Boat. Soc. Nat. Hist., xvii, 154, Prothymia. 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 22, Prothymia. 1879. Grt., Can. Ent., xi, 238, Prothymia. Habitat. — Massacluisptts in May, to Texas in June and July; Cen- tral States. The types are ill in the British Museum, and sill refer to one species. Mr. Walker's material in all from " locality unknown." P. plaua Grt. 1882. Grt., Papllio, ii, 184, Prothymia. Habitat. — Arizona. The type is in the Neumo'gen collection. p. orgyias Grt.* 1875. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, v, 116, Prothymia. 1875. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 311, Prothymia, 1879. Grt., Can. Knt., xi, 23(), Prothymia. nnholirn<ea, Harv. 1875. Harv., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. 8oi., Ill, 11, Prothymia. 1879. Grt., Can. Knt., xi, 236, pr. syn. Habitat. — Texas in March, Mjiy, July, and September. Both tiie types are in the British Museum and refer to one species only. 308 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Genus MBTATHORASA Mooru. 1881. Mooro, Proc, ZooL Soc, 374. M. argentilinea Wlk. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mns., Het., xii, 863, Calhpistria. 1882. Grt., New List, 38, Tlernchia. 1882. Grt., Papilio, ii, 122, Euherriohia. 1881. LMitler, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1891, 72, Metathorata. Habitat. — Middle, Southern, and Ceutri'l States, The type is in the British Museum. M. monetifera On.* 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., ii, 295, pi. xiv, f. 4, Erioput. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mns., Het., xii, 863, Callopistria. 1882. Grt., New List, 38, Herrichia. 1882. Grt., Papilio, ii, 122, Euherriehia. 1890. Grt., Ent. Amer., vi, 163, Euherriohia. 1891. Butler, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1891, 73, Metathorasa. Habitat. — Nova Scotia; Canada; Northern, Eastern, and Southern States; New York in June and July; New Jersey; Florida. The species was described from the Saunders collection, and the type is probably at Oxford. Genus EUHBRRICHXA Grt. 1882. Grt., Papilio, ii, 122. 1890. Grt., Ent. Aiuer., vi, 163. E. moUisaima Gn.* 1852. On., Spec. Gon.. Noct., ii, 291, Eriopua. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Hot., xii, 863, Callopivtria. 1882. Grt., Now List, 38, flvnichia. 1882. Grt., Piipilio, il, 122, Euherriehia. 1891. Butler, Ann, Mag. Nat. Hiftt., 1891, 73, HnphKlophut. ruhivunila Wlk. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mns., Hot., xii, 808, Ermtria. 1868. G. & U., Trans. Am. Knt. Soc, ii, 79, pr. syn. Habitat. — Canada to Florida; Colorado, J' .lo and Auffust. The types of both names are in the British Museum and have boon correctly united by Messrs. Grote and Robinson. B. granitosa Gn.* 1852. Gn., Spcp. Gen., Noct., ii, 295, Erio)tHs. IX.^?. Wlk., (J. H. Mns., Het., xii, 863, CaUopislrin. 1875. Grt., Proc. Bost. Hoc. N. H., xviii, 415, EriopuB. 1882. Grt., Now List, 38, Herrivhia. 1882. Grt., Papilio, ii, 122, Euherriehia. Habitat. — Southern States; Florida. The type is in tlie Boisduval collection with M. Oborthilr. B. oervina Hy. Eilw, 1890. Ily. Edw., Ent. Amor., vi, 114, Hmivhia. Habitat. — Mount Slia.sta district, Calif >rnia; Colorado. I Southern >n, and the St. lave been CATALOGUE OF NOCTUID.K SMITH. Genus CALLOPISTRIA Hbn. 1816. llbii., Verzoiclini88, 216. 309 C. florldensis Gn. 1852. Gn., Spec. G«n,, Noct., ii, 192, Eriopus. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mu9., Het., xii, 8ti2, CallopUlria. 1882. Grt., Papilio, ii, 122, Euheriichia. 1891. Butler, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1891, 75, CuUopiairia. Habitat. — Florida. The type is iu the British Museum. C. strena Grt. In Knt. Amer., vi, 1C4, 1890, Mr. Grote speaks of this species as "described," but without saying where. I have been unable to find any description or any reference ii. the Record or Yahresbericht. Yet I may have overlooked it, and cite the species with the explanation and no references. The types are with Mr. Neunuegen. Genus LITHACODJA Hbn. 1816. Hbn., Verzeichniss, 205. L. beUicula Hbn.* 1818. Hbn., Zntraejje zur Snniml, Ex. Scbmott., 18, f. 85, 86, Lithacodla. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., xi, 583, Hadena. 1880. Grt., Can. Ent., xn, 86, Lithacodia. semichalcea Wlk. 1865. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het., xxxm, 797, HjidnVta. 1892. Butler, Entomologist, xxv, 65, pr. svn. Habitat. — Nova Scotia to Florida and Texas; Central States, June to August; Colorado. Walker's type is in the British Museum and is the well-known Hiib- nerian species. Gonus ERA8TRIA Ocba. 1816. Ochs., Scbiiutt. Eur., iv, 92. Emtrotxa Hbn., bears date the same year, but was certainly not published until 1818 at least. Mr. (Irote gives an enumeration of some of the species, Ent. Amer., vi, 164, 181)0. B. malaoa Grt. 1873. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 2!)6, L'lustria. 1881. Grt., Papilio, i, 11, EmhoHa. Habitat. — Pennsylvania. The type is in the British Museum. It has no head, no legs, and only half a thorax. It seems a good species, however, which I had not before seen. B. albidula Gn.* 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., N^«t., ii, 230, Kraxhia. 1867. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Uut., Xli, 807, EratM; , 310 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MLSKUM. 1874. Grt, Bull. Buff. Hoc. Nat. Sci., ii, 37, Emtrotia. iutractabilia Wlk. 1860. Wlk., Can. Nat. and Ueol., v, 252, Xouagria. 1877. Grt., Can. Ent., ix, 28, pr. eyn. Habitat. — Middle i ad Central States, June and July. Guenee's type should be in the British Museum, but I did not see it there. Walker's type is in the collection of the Entoinologi(>al Society of Ontario and was examined by Mr. Grote, who gives the above refer- ence. B. secta Grt. 1879. Grt., Can. Ent., xi, 199, Eiistrotia. 1880. Grt., Can. Ent., xii, 50, Eiistrotia. . Habitat. — Massachusetts. The type is with Dr. Thaxter. B. flaviguttata Grt. 1882. Grt., Can. Ent., xiv, 187, Eiistrotia. Habitat. — Texas. Deicribed by Mr. Grote from his own collection. The type is with Mr. Neumcegen. B. oonoinnimaoula Gn.* 1852. Gu., Spec. Gen., Noct., ii, 238, pi. x, f. 10, Leptoaia. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het., xii,816, Leptoaia. 1874. Grt., Bnll. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 36, Thalpocharca. 1882. Grt., New List, 37, Eiistrotia. var. parvimaoula Grt. 1880. Grt., North Anier. Eot., i, 66, Eiistrotia. Habitat. — Canada to Texas; west to the Rocky Mountains; Texas in March; Canada and New York, May, June, and July. The types are in the British Museum. B. ■ynoohites <i. & R.* 1868. G. & K., Tr;iiiH. Am. Wnt. Soc, i, 357, Eraslria. 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 37, Eiistrotia. Habitat. — Cana<la in June, tt» Texas; Centrjil States, May to Au- gust. A specimen labeled Hynochltitt (ht., ty[>e, is in the British Museum. In the same collection is also a specimen of the same s])ecies labeled Erantria virMaia Wlk., but 1 can not find any description of such a species. B. olivula Gil. 1862. Gu.. Spec. Gen., Noct., il. 231, pi. x, f 8. lUuikia. 1867. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het., Xli, 811, Itaidia. 1890. Grt., Ent. Anier., vi, 164, Eiistrotia. Habitat.—** North Amerii-a." The type is in M. Oberthilr's collection. I am not aware that this 8i)ecies has been ideutitied in American collections. It is a very dis CATALOGUE OF NOCTUIDJE — SMITH. 311 tinctly lUiurked form from tlie figure, and there should be no difficulty in recognizing it. Mr. Grote suggests that thi.s may i)OSsibly be syn- ochititf, but this can scarcely be so from the figure. B. miuta 6. & R." Ib68, O. & R., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, i, 3i38, Erattria. 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc.Nat.Sci., ii, 37, EusUotia. Habitat. — Eastern-, Middle, ami Central States; Missouri in May; Texas in August. The type is in the collection of the American Entomological Society. E. muscosula Gn.* 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., n, 230, Erattria. 1857. Wlk., C.B.Mus., Het., xii, 807, Erantna. 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. 8oe. Nivt. Sci., ii, 37, Eimtrotia. 1875. Speyer, Stett. Eut. Zeit., xxxvi, 159, Evaairia. Habitat. — Eastern, Middle, and Central States; Canada and New York, June and July; District of Columbia, June and August. The type is in the British Museum. B. retis Grt. 1879. Grt., Can. Ent., xi, 198, Euatrotia. Habitat. — Pennsylvania. The type is in the British Museum and is rather closely related to caduca. B. distincta Grt. 1882. Grt., Papilio, ii, 184, Emtrofm. Habitat. — Arizona. The type is with Mr. Neunui'gen. B. caduca Grt. 1876. Grt., Can. Ent., viii, 207, EusUotia. Habitat. — Canada; New Vork; Now Jerscj lu July. The type is in the British M'lseur.. B. propera (irt. 1882. Grt., Papilio, ii, 132 et 184, Eunlrotia. Habitat. — Arizona. The type is in the Neumwgen collection. B. apicosa Haw.* 1812. Haworth, Lep. Britt., 261, Phytometra. 1829. Stpph., 111. Brit. Ent., Haust., in, 119, Eraxtda. 1835. Wood, Index Ent., 74, pi. 17, f. 464, Eraiilri<i. 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii. 199, EuHtrutla. nigritula Gn. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., ii, 229, pi. x, f. 7, Erantila, 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Hut., xii, 807, Erantna. !■ ■ilii i; 312 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. 1868. H. Sch., Corr.-Blatt, 1868, Cuba, 12, Eraslria. 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 37, pr. syn. 1885. Guiidlach, Cont. Ent. Cub., 315, Erantria. uuduUfera Wlk. 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mti8., Het., ix, 2.58, Miana. 1868. O. & R., Trans. Am. Eut. Soc, ii, 78, = niyritula. 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., li, 37, pr. syn. Habitat. — Cauada to Florida; Cuba; Central States, June to Sep- tember. The Walker and Guen^e types are in the British Museum and are one species as referred by Mr. Grote. E. carneola Gn.* 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., ii, 228, Kranlrhi. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., XII, 807, KrmUix. 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff, Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 37, ICiistrotia. 1881. Coquillett, Papilio, i, 7, larva. 1882. Coquillett, Papilio, ii, 57, life Listory. biplaga Wlk. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., xii, 809, Kraiitria. 1858. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., xiv, 1761, pr. syn. Habitat. — Canada; United States east of the Kocky Mountains, May to September. The types are in the British Museum. B. dividua Grt. 1880. Grt., North Am. Ent., i, 46, Enstrolia. Habitat. — Texas. The type is in the British Museum. B. aeria Grt.* 1881. Grt., Pai>llio, i, 11, EuaUolia. Habitat. — Wisconsin; Alabama. The type is in the British Museum. B. inoludens Wlk.* 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Hot., xii, 813, Uydrelia, ' norma Morr. 1875. Morr., Can. Ent., vii, 216, Hadeaa. 1880. Grt., Can. Ent., vii, 186, = mariw. penita Morr. 1875. Morr., Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., 1875, 71, LUhttcodta, 1880. Grt., Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, in, 39, = norma. 1880. Grt., Can. Ent., xii, 186, — marias. marim Grt. 1877. Grt., Can. Eat., ix, 67, Eustrotia. 1880. Grt., Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, iii, 39, = norma. Habitat. — Nova Scotia; Canada; Eastern and Middle States. The Walker ai J Grote types are in the British Museum; the typo of penita la in the Tepper collection ; that of norma I have not seen. Mr. UM. CATALOGUE OF NOCTUIDiE — SMITH. 313 line to Sep- uiu and are itaius, May s. I typo of m. Mr. Grote persistontly used his name for this species, thouf^h both of Mr. Morrison's names antedate ic by two years. The Walker name will l)robably have enough i>riority to secure recognition. Eustrotia obaurata Morr., and Erastria pustulata are both = Argy- rophyes nigro/asciata Zell. The other species erroneously described as Erastria will be found elsewhere referred to. Oenns THALPOCHARES Led. 1853. Led., Verb. k. k. zool. bot. Ues., 1853. 1857. Lederer, Noct. EnropaH, 181. T. eetberia (irt. 1879. Grt., No. Amer. Ent., i, 47, Thalpothitres. 1880. Grt., Cau. Eut., xii, 59, Thalpovhans. il ABIT AT. — Florida. Mr. G rote's type is in the British Museum. T. flammicincta Wlk.* 18a5. Wlk., C.B.Mns., Het., xxxiii, 801, Anthophila. patula Morr. 1875. Morr., Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., 187.5, 69, Tarachc, 1880. Grt., Bull. Bklu. Ent. Soc, in, 38, Thalpochana. 1880. Grt., Can. Ent., xii, 57, Thalpocharea. patruelia Grt. 1876. Grt., Can. Eut., viii, 27, Tarache. 1880. Grt., Bull. Bklu. Ent. Soc, in, 38, pr. syn. 1880. Grt., Can. Ent., xii, 57, Thalpocharea. 1892. Butler, Entomologist, xxv, 189, Eumeatleta. Habitat. — ^Texas, October and November; San Domingo. Mr. Morrison's type is in the Tepper collection ; Mr. Grote's is in the British Museum. Mr. Butler has made this species the type of a new genus, Eumeatleta; with what justice, I am not prepared to say. The fact that I do not use the genus here indicates only that it was pub- lished so late that the addition referring to it was made in proof. I did not see the type of AnthophUa flammicincta at the British Museum ; but the species is so well marked that I have no hesitation in accepting Mr. Butler's determination. He suggests that the species may be Deltoid 1 T. carmelita Morr.* 1875. Morr.. Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., 1875, 434, Thalpocharea. Habitat. — Texas; Mississippi; California. The type is in the Tepper collection. T. mundula Zell.* 1872. Zell., Verb. k. k. zoijl. bot.Ges., xxii, 460, pi. 2, f. 4, Thalpocharea. Habitat. — Texas, May and June. The type is in the Museum at Cambridge. It is a curious species, strongly resembling Pleonectyptera in appearance and in maculation. 314 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. T. orba Grt. 1877. Grt., Can. Ent., ix, 68, Tkalpochare$. Habitat. — Alabama. The type is in the British Mnseara. T. fortunata Grt. 1882. Grt., Can. Ent., xiv, 171, Thalpochare$. Habitat. — Arizona. The type in in the Neumcegen collection. T. perita Grt. 1882. Grt., Can. Ent., xiv, 171, Thalpochare$. Habitat. — Arizona. A type is in the British Museum; another with Mr. Xeumcegon. Genns QALOX7LA Gn. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., ii, 239. O. hepara Gn.* 1&52. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., ii, 239, pi. x, f. 11, Galgula. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., xii, 817, Galgula. externa Wlk. 1865. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het,, xxxill, 985, Eitcima. vnr. partita Gn.* 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., ii, 239, Galgula. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., in, 399, Galgula gubpartita. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., xii, 817, Galgula partita. resca Morr. 1875. Morr., Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist., N. Y., xi, 103 Tchailla. 1876. Grt., Can. Ent., viii, 26. pr. syn. 1876. Grt., Stett. Ent. Zeit., xxxvii, 137, pr. syn. Habitat. — Canada, in September. United States: New York, July and August; Massachusetts, in November; Texas, in March; California, in November. The type of hepara is with M. Oberthiir; that of Huhpartita and ex- terna are in the British Museum, while that of vesca is in the Tepper collection. Guen^e originally used the term partita, but under his own rules changed it to subpartita in the index. Genus TRIPUDIA Grt. 1877. Grt., Can. Ent., ix, 70. T. flavofasoiata Grt. 1877. Grt., Can. Ent., ix,70, Tripudia. versntua Hy. Edw. 1881. Hy. Edw., Papilio, i, 116, Oribates. 1882. Grt., Bull. Geol. Surv., vi, 668, pr. syn. 1882. Grt., Can. Ent., xiv, 33, pr. syn. Habitat. — Alabama; Texas; New Mexico; Colorado. Mr. Grote's type is in the British Museum ; that of vermtm is in the Neumcegen collection. UM. CATALOGUE OP NOCTUID.i: — SMITH. 315 loegon. Tork, July )a1ifornia, a and ex- le Tepper f bis own s in the T. qnadrlfera ZeII.« 1874. Zcll., Verli. k.-k. /oiil. bttt. Gm., xxiv, lA. xii, f. 2, EruHtria. 1877. Oit., Can. Knt., ix, 79, Tripiidia. Habitat. — Mexico; Texas; Missouri. I liave not seen the type, nor do I know where it is at present. I liave Zeller's paper only in the separate form, in which the description is on p. 3. T. opipara Hy. Edw.* 1881. Hy. Edw., Papilio, i, 117, Gyros. 1882. Grt., Now List, 37, Tripudia. Hakitat. — Texas in May. The type is in Mr. Graef 's collection. T. limbata Hy. Edw.* 1881. Hy. Edw., rapilio, i, 22, Orihaiea. 1882. Grt., New List, 37, TripmUu. Habitat. — Mazatlan, Mexico; Texas. The type is in the Edwards colle<;tion. T. baaicinerea Grt. 1882. Grt., Bull. Geol. Surv., vi, 563, Tnpudia. Habitat. — Arizona. The type is in the Neuuio^gen collection. T. lixiva Grt. 1882. Grt., Can. Ent., xiv, 173, IVipudia. Habitat. — Arizona. The type is in the Neuinopgen collection. Genus QTROS Hy. Edw. 1881. Hy. Edw., Papilio, i, 117. O. muirii Hy. Edw. 1881. Hy. Edw., rapilio. i, 22, Oribatea; id., 117, Gyros, Habit AT.— Cal it'ornia. Tlie type is in the Edwards collection. Lepidomyg irrenoHa Gn., ii, 2(>2, pi. x, f. 1, is usnally ]>laccd here, bnt is certainly not North American. The type is in the British Museum. M. Guenee gave New York as the locality; but nothing on the speci- men itself nor in the record indicates where it really came from ; it has the Doubleday label and that is all. The insect itself is very peculiar; it has a thick truncated tuft of hair at the base of primaries; the palpi like rieonectyptera and altogether it has the look of a tropical species. 1 do not believe for an instant that it came from New York, and prefer to drop it from our lists as not of our fauna, until the contrary is proved by new specimens. I 316 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Genus MBTOPONIA Dup. 1&I4. Dnp.,Ciit. Lcp. MiUi. Eur. M. obtusa IL Scli.* 1853. H. Sell., Ex. Sclumt.t., (5H, f. 210, Mitoponia. 1875. Harv., Bull. Butt'. Sou. Nat. Sci., iii, 11, Metoponla. obtusiila Zell. 1873. Zell., Verh. k.-k. zool.-bot. Ges., xxiii, 204, pi. ill, f. 2, Metoponia. 1874. Grt., Bull, Buff. Soc. Nut. Sci., ii, UCJ, pr. syu. Habitat. — Middle suul Central States; Texas in April. Zeller'stypei.sin the Mu.seuui of Comparative Zo<>loj>y at Cambridge. M. perflava Hurv.* 1875. Hiirv., Bull. Buff. Hoc. Nat. Sti., iii, 11, Metoponia. Habitat. — Texas in April. The type is in the British Museum. M. macula Smith. 1891. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc., xviii, 132, Metoponia. Habitat. — Las Vegas, New Mexico. Types are in the Neunuegen and Hulst Collections. Genus H7BL23A Falir. 1793. Fabr., Ent. Syst., in, 2, 127. H. puera Cram.* 1779. Cram., Pap, Ex., ii, 10, pi. 103, f. D. E., I'lialwna. 1811. Oliv., Euc. Moth., viii, 282, Nocliia. 1852, Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., ii, 390, Ujihhva. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mus., llet., xil, 979, Ifylilmt. 1868. H. Sch., Corr.-Blatt, 1868, Cuba, p. 23, Hyhlcca. 1885. Gunrtlach, Cout. Ent. Cub., 339, llutttoa. saga Fabr. 1787. Fabr., Maut. Insect., ii, 137, Xoctna. 1793. Fabr,, Ent, Syst., iii, 2, 128, UtiMaa. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., ii, 390, i>r. syu. mirificum Strk. 1876. Strk., Lep. Rhop. et Hot., 122, J'.niijma. 1881. Grt., Can. Ent., xiii, 16, pr. syn. 1883. Grt., Proc. Am, Phil. Soc., xxi, 169, jir. syn. Habitat. — Texas; Florida; West Indies. Guen^e also cites Wocttia unxia Hbn., and ff. apricans Bdv., as synon- ymous with the above species. It seems to be a common form in more tropical regions and only occasional in our own fauna. Genus DRASTBRIA Hbn. 1816. HUbner, Verzeiehniss, 280. D. erechtea Cram." 1782. Cram., Pap. Ex. iii, 149, pi. 275, f, E,, Phalecna. 1816. Hbn,, Verzeiehniss, 281, Draateria. 1852. On., Speo. Gen., Noct., ui, 289, Drastttia. ;uM. CATALOGUE OF NOCTUIDiE — SMITH. 317 fetoponia. Cainbiiil<;e. as synon- n iu luorc 1858. Wlk., C. B. Mns., Het., xiv, 1456, Dm»teria. 1869. Saiind., Can. Knt., i, 4, lurva. 1875. Saund., Cau. Ent., vii, 116, larva. 1875. Ily. Edw., Proc. Cal. Ac. Sci., vii, 23, ogg. 1882. Pack., Papilio, ii, 147, Drattejia. 1884. French, Papilio, iv, 149, life history. 1885. Kiley, 4th Kept. U. S. Ent. Comni., i-,2, pi. 62, f. 5. r.ll stages. sobria Wlk. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het., xii, 8a5, Microphyna. 1«68. G. & R., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, ii, 79, Drdntnia. 1874. Grt., Bull. Buflf. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 389, pr. syn. narrata Wlk. 1858. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het., xiv, 1474, VoaphUa. 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 38, pr. syn. patibilU Wlk. 1858. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., xiv, 1471, Poaphila. agricola 6. & R. 1868. G. & R., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, i, 189, pi. iv, f. 34, Drastcria, 1874. Grt., Bull. Buft'. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 38, pr. syn. $ miiiidiila G. & R. 1868. G. & R., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, i, 191, pi. iv, f. 3."), Drantcria. 1873. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc Nat. Sci., i, 155, Drasteria. 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 38, pr. syn. ' Habitat. — Eastern United States to Colorado; New Mexico; British Columbia; Canada. Found at almost all times from April to October. D. craasiuBCula Haw.* 1810. Haw., Lep. Britt., 259, Phytometra. 1829. Stepb., 111. Brit. Ent., Haust., iii, 126,^ OphiiiBa. 1833. Wood, Index Ent., pi. 17, f. 436, Ophiitm. 1858. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Hot., xiv, 1456,= ercvhtrn. 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 199,-^r(T(/i/ca. erivhto Gn. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gcn.,Noct., iii, 290, DraaUrin. 1858. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., xiv, 1457, Ih-asleria. 1873. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., i, 154; an var. ervrhka. var. ochrea Grt. 1873. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., I, 155, au var. erevhtea. var. distincta Ncum. 1883. Neum., Papilio, iii, 143, Viastcria. Habitat.— With the preceding. The synonomy given above is the result of a very clever study of the genus by Mr. M. V. Slingerland, who demonstrated that the two species were usually confused in colh'ctions, and identilied all the names with the proper species. Walker's tyjtes are in the British ^luseum, and all his specimens are, I believe, of the erechtca form. P. amplissima Wlk., which had also been referred here is really Paralldia biHtriaris; on the other hand Poaphila patihilis Wlk., undoubtedly belongs here. Pha- Iwna spadix Cram., has been referred by Mr. Crote as the feiimle of crechtea, and Walker made the figure the type and only species of his genus Cissusa, without ever having seen an cxam]>le. Mr. 81ingerland called my attention to the fact that the tigure could scarcely be meant I lij III ' i: 318 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. for erevhiea. An examination of Cramer's work proved that lie was corre<*t, and that the figure referred to the form named T(vniovampa retfeUt by Mr. Morrison. A very closely allied form has been described in SynedoUla by Mr. Orote, and it is not improbable that Mr. Edwards' genus may have to give phice to Walker's CisHma. Mr. Slingerland's work has not yet appeared at date of writing, hence could not be specifically referred to. D. oaBmlea Ort. 1873. Grr., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci„ 155, Drasteria. aqnamavina Feld. 1874. Feld., Reise der Nov., ZooL, ii, pt. 2, pi. 117, f. 10, EmUdia. 1875. Felcl., loc. cit., adi\em\a, ^^phimbeola Grt. Habitat. — California. Mr. Grote's typo is in the British Museum. Felder's plates bear dat*! in 1873, but were not issued until late in 1874. He makes a curious error in referring his species to the synonoiny, using the name plumbcola Grt., and correctly referring to the description of cwndea. Genns CSNURGIAWlk. 1858. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het., xiv, 1491. C. convalesoeiis Gn.* 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., in, 289, Drmtena, 1858. Wlk., C. B. Mns., Het., xiv, 1456, DrmU-ria. 1869. H. Sch., Corr. Blatt, 1869, (Jubii, 26, Draatvria. 1873. Grt., Bull. Pnff. Soc. Nat. Sci., i, 154, Ihmtcria. 1875. Grt., Can. Eu " 49. Litonea. 1885. Giindlaib,Cont. *.. .. 350, Drasteria. mcon Wlk. 1858. Wlk., C. B. Miifl., Het., xiv, 1492, Catumjia. purgata Wlk. 1858. Wlk., C. B. Mns., Het., xiv, 1491, Ca-nurgia. Habitat. — Canada to Floiida; Central States. Walker's types are in the British Museum. Gueiito had several specimens before him when he described; but whether the British Museum specimens were of the types I cannot And. Ti v. Walker's genus has priority over Litosea. C. adversa Grt.* 1875. Grt., Can. Ent. vii, 49, Litosea. Habitat. — California. The type is in the British Museum. Genus HYPOCALA Gn. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., ui, 73. H. hlUii Lint.* 1878. Lint., Ent. Cont., iv, 103, Hypocala. Habitat. — New York, October; Texas, Sejjtember; Florida in June. The type is in the Hill collection ; a second si)eciuien, before the at thor when he wrote, is iu the National Museum. CATALOGUE OF NOCTUID.fl — SMITH. 319 UoniiH BUCLIDIA 0«hH. 1816. OcliH., Schmett. Eiir., iv, OG. B. ouspidea Hhii. 1818. Hltn., ZntrjBge, i, 16, flf. 69-70, Dra»teiia. 1816. Hbn., Ver/eichuifts, 280, Dranteria. 1852. Gn., .^jiec. Ocii., Noct., in, 292, Euclidia. 18.57, Wlk., C. B. Mils., H«t., xiv, 1460, KucVidia. 1873. Grt., Bull. Burt". Hoc. Nat. S<i., i, 154. Euclidia. 1880. Grt., Can. Ent., xii, 86, EucUdia. Habitat. — Canada; Northern, Eastern, Middle, and Central State.^, May to An gust. B. interoalarls Grt. 1882. Grt., Bull. Oeol. Surv., vi, .563, EucUdia. Habitat. — New Mexico. I have seen the type, which was described from Prof. Snow's colloi'- tion, in the British Mnsenm. B. annexa Hy. Etlw. 1890. Hy. Etlw., Ent(». Amor., vi, 115, Euclidia. Habitat. — Rouge River, Oregon. The types are in the British Museum. Genus QRAMMODES Gn. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., iii, 275. O. smitbii Gn. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., in, 266, pi. xxn, f. 4, Ophiuaa. 18.58. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., xiv, 1420, Ophiuaa. 1882. Grt., New liist, 39, (irammode». Habitat. — Southern States. a. similis B«lv. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., ni, 267, Ophium. 1858. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het.. xiv, 1420, Ophiusa. 1882. Grt., New List, 39, Grammodea. var apicalis Bdv. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., ni, 267, pr. var. Habitat. — Georgia; Southern States. O. conaobrina Gn. ia52. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., ni, 268, Ophiiiaa. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., xiv, 1420, Ophiusa. 1882. Grt., New List, 39, Gramnwdea. Habitat. — Southern States. The types of all these species are with M. Oberthiir. The Ophntsa Himilis Wlk., — whether of Boisduval I cannot say — is rather a Poaphila find is new to me. No specimens of it were in the Grote collection. I do not know the type of GrammodeH and can not say whether the American species are correctly referred. Gueneo considered neither of them referable to his genus. 320 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUII. Genus PANULA Gn. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Het., in, 59. P. inconstans Gn.* 1852. Gn., Spec. Gon., Noct., iii,- 50, pL xiii, f. 9. Pantila. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., xiii, 1144, Panula. Habitat. — Southern States; Texm. A type is in the British Museum. Guenee describes it from " Coll. div.," and had a number of specimens, showing quite a range of varia- tion, before him. P. remigipila 6n. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., in, 60, Panula. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het., xiii, 1144, Panula. Habitat. — East Florida. The type is in the British Museum. It is rather a curious species, of the uniform Teeniocampa red-brown ; but with the typical Synedoid median lines pale marked. It strongly resembles some of the species of Synedoida. Twniocampa vegeta Morr., must be compared with this species, and here also Cissma spadix must be referred to as probably congeneric. Genus CISSUSA Wlk. 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., ix, 153. C. spadiz Oram. 1780. Cram., Pap. Exot., iii, 149, pi. 275, f. F, Phalana. 185B. Wlk., 0. B. Mils., Hot., ix, 153, Ct««H««. 1873 Grt., Bull. BntV. Soc. Nat. Sci., I, l"t5,— 1>. ere.htea. vegeta Morr. 1875. Morr., Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., 1875, 432, Taniocampa. Habitat. — Texas; Southwestern United States. 1 have already spoken of this species, which has been long over- looked, and which I'.as been almost certainly described at least twice more than I have indicated. Cissnsa was described from Cramer's picture of the species; but may have to replace Synedoida, Genus STNBDOIDA Hy. Edw. 1878. Hy. Edw., Proc. Cal. Ac. Sci., Pacific Coast Lop., No. 29, 9. The above paper was published as a separate only. The species of this genus are ill associated, and there are too many of them. Mr. Ed- Avards had himself intended to unite some of tlio forms, as larger ma- terial proved them identical. 8. cervina Hy. Edw. 1882. Hy. Edw ., Pupllio, ii, 129, Syiiedoida. Habitat.— Arizona. The type is in the Noumoegen collection. I. CATALOGUE OF NOCTUID^ — SMITH. 321 )m "Coll. of varia- 8 species, Synedoid le species with this probably Kiff over- ast twi<;e Cramer's I. pedes of Mr. Ed rger ma S. inepta Hy. Edw.» 1881. Hy. Edw., Papilio, i, 27, Syncdoida. morboaa Hy. Edw. 1881. Hy. Edw., Papilio, i, 27, Synedoida. Habitat.— Colorado. Types of both forms are in the Neunuegen collection. Mr. Edwards has admitted the identity of the two for some time. S. biformata Hy. Edw.* 1878. Hy. Edw., Pacific Coast Lep., No. 29, 9, Synedoida. Habitat. — California. The types are in the Edwards coUcction. S. scnipulosa Hy. Edw. 1878. Hy.Edw., Pacific Coast Lep., No. 29, 9, Synedoida. Habitat. — California; Colonido. The types are in the Edwards and N^eiimtegen colloctions. 8. insperata Grt. 1882. Grt., Can. Euv., xiv, 176, Synedoida. Habitat. — Arizona. This tyi)e is in the Xeumoigen collection, * S. mucronata Grt. 1883. Git., Can. Ent., xv, 121, Synedoida. Habitat. — Arizona. The type is with Mr. Neumoegen. 8. aegrotata Ily. Edw. 1884. Hy. Edw., Papilio, iv, 47^ Synmoida. Habitat. — Arizon a . The types are with Mr. Nouni(egen. Mr. Neumcegon thinks it is the female of Melipotis pcrlata Edw. 8. valenB Hy. Edw.» 1881. Hy. Edw., Papilic*, i, 119, Synedoida. Habitat. — Utah; Colorado in September, Tas. ype is with Mr. Neumaigen. 8. aabulosa Hy. Edw. 1881. Hy. Edw., Papilio, i, 26, Synedoida. 1882. Grt., III. Essay, 66, pi. iv, f., 39, Synedoida, Habitat.— Colorado. The types are in the Neumaigen collection. 6048— No. 44 21 !i:: I illii I 11 322 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATEfi NATIONAL MUSEUM. GeniiB LITOCALA Harv. 1875. Harv., Bull. Bnff. Soc. Nat.Sci.,lli,3. L. sezsignata Harv.* 187.'^. Harv., Bull. BuflF. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 280, Lita. 1875. Harv., Bull. Buff. Soe. Nat. Sci., in, 3, LUocala. var deserta Hy. Edw. 1881. Hy. Edw., I'aj.ilit), i, 25, pr. var. TiAiuTAT. — Nevada; Colorado; Arizona; New Mexico; California in June. Tbe type of Dr. Harvey's species is in the British Museum; that of deserta is in the Edwards t;ollection. iHi ii I Genus SYNEDA On. 1852. Gn., Spec.Geu., Noct., iii,71. With this genus begins a series of forms similar in appearance and habitus, and leading to Catocala. There are numerous species described, and very few collections have more than a fair percentage of them. In some of the genera the range of variation is very great, and it is very probable that there will be a very large reduction in the number qf si)ecie8 when they are once well known. In many cases the sexes are extremely dissimilar and have been described as separate species. 8. athabasoa Neum. 1883. NcuiH., Papilio, iir, 143, Syncda, Habitat. — British Columbia. This type is in Mr. Neumtpgen's collection. S. hudsonica G. & R. 18P!j. G. & K., Trite. Ent. Soc. IMiil., iv, 4!»4, pi. iii, f. 7 and 8, Syneda. 1869. Betliune, Cau. Eut., i, 87, .V,i/»«/a. 1878. (iraet; Bull. Bkln. Eut. Soc, 1,54, LeiivanUis. 1883. Grt., Can. Eiit., xv, .">, Sytu-da. Habitat. — Hudson Bay Territory; Canada; Montana. I have not seen the type, nor do 1 know where it is to be found at present. B. graphioa Hhn.* 1818. Him., Zutra'K«% i, 8, f. 11, 12, Dmsleiia. 1862. Oou.,Spt'c. Gen., Noet.,iii, 71, Sjneda. 1857. Wlk., C.B.MuH., Het.,.\iii, 11(12, .Si/neria. 1865. (J. & K., Proc. Ent. Soo. Phil., iv, 49.5, Syneda. 1878. (Jraof. Bull. Bklu. Ent. Soe., i,54, LeiwaHitia. 1880. Grt., Can. Ent.. \il,m,Syn('dn. vapHvola Wlk. 1858. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het., xiv, 1461, KuoUdia, 1882. Grt., New List, 39, Syneda. var. media M(u-r. J75. Morr., Proe. Bo»t. Soo. N. i.., xviii, 125, jir. var. Habitat. — Now York; New Jersey, in May; southwui'i to Flo- iib; 2UM. California in leum; that of pearance and ies described, age of theia. iat, and it in 1 the number es the sexes ite species. 'yneda. be found at U> Flo' i.b; CATALOGUE OF NOCTUID.E — SMITH. 323 Walker's species is in the British Museum; Mr. Morrison's tyi)e is in the Meyof collection. Walker's type is quite tiie tyi)ical form of what is ktiown in our collections as graphica. S. divergens Behr.* 1870. Behr, TranH. Am. Ent. Soc, in, 27, Sytieda. Habitat. — California ; Colorado. The type is probably with Dr. Behr. S. petrloola Wlk. 1858. Wlk., C. B. Miis., Het., xiv, 1462, EiicMia. 1882. Grt., New List, 39, Sj/neda. Habitat. — Rocky Mountains. The type is in the British Museum. It is a small specit .i near advm- hrata Behr, and is not in the (irote collection. It seems a y;ood 8i)ecies, and is, at all events, new to me. S. alien! Grt.* 1877. Grt., Cau. Ent., ix, 215, Sjineda. 1878. Grt., Bull. Geol. Surv., iv, 183, Syiieda. mxea Hy. Edw. 1881. Hy. Edw., Papilio, i, 26, Sjineda adumhrata var. 1882. Grt., New List, 39, pr. syn. Habitat. — Canada, in June and July; Maine; Nevadn; Colorado. Mr. Grote's type is in the British Museum; the type of naxca is in the Edwards c«»llection. S. adumbrata Bclir.* 1870. Behr, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iii, 27, Syneda, 1875. Grt., Can. Eut., vii, 70, Syneda. 1><78. Graef, Bull. Bklu. Ent. .Soc, i, 54, LciiranUis.. 1 ■ »niTAT. — California, in July; Nevada; Washington; Arizoiui; Colo- •;• i.'- ! ;ah, in June. 1 • ,»\.' not seen the type, which is probably in Dr. Bchi's own col- IjiCiH •. S. occulta \\y. Edw. 1881. Hy. Edw., Piipilio, i, 118, Syneda. Habitat.— Texas. The type; is with Mr. Neumo'gen. 8. aepoBlta Hy. Edw.* 1881. Hy. Edw., Piipilio, i, 25, Syneda. I \ ABIT AT.— Colorado ; 1 Ttah. Tl'B ty})e is in the Xeummgen collection. 8. looia Behr.* 1870. Behr, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, in, 27, Sifncda. 1878. Uttivt, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, i, 51, l.vuc»nil\». Habitat. — (;alifornia In .Inly; Arizona; Colorado in AugURt, I have not seen the type, whi(;h is probably witii Dr. Behr. ! '^ 324 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. 8. ochraoea Behr. 1870. Behr, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iii, 25, Syneda. 1878. Oraef, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, i, 54, Leucanitia. Habitat.— California. I have not seen the type. It is probably with Dr. Bohr. 8. mlrlfica Hy. Edw. 1878. Hy. Edw., Pacific Coast Lep., No. 29, 8, Syneda. HABITAT.— Nevada. The type is in the Edwards collection. 8. tejonica Behr. 1870. Behr, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iii, 26, Syneda. 1878. Graef, Bnll. I'kln. Ent. Soc, i, 54, Leucanitis. Habitat. — Califorii dorado. The type is probably \ .Or. Behr. I have not seen it. 8. nubicola Behr. 1870. Behr, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iii, 25, Syneda. 1878. Graef, Bull. Bkla. Ent. Soc, i, 54, Leucanitis. HABITAT.— California. Dr. Behr has the type, I believe. A. maoulosa Behr. 1876. Behr, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iii, 26, Syneda. 1878, Graef, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, i, 54, LeucanitU, HABITAT.— California. The type is probably in Dr. Behr's collection. 8. hastingsU Hy. Edw. 1878. Hy. Edw., Pacific CoaHt Lep., No. 29, 8, Syneda. var. perpallida Hy. Edw. 1881. Hy. Edw., Papilio, i, 25, Syneda. Habitat. — Oregon; California. The types are in the Edwards collection. 8. faoeta Hy. Edw. 1881. Hy. Edw., Papilio, i, 119, Syneda. Habitat.— Florida. The type is in the EdwC^rds collection. 8. howlandii Grt.* 1864. Grt., Proc Ent. Soc. Phil., iii, 533, pi. 6, f. 7, Syneda, 1873. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc Nat. Sci., i, 154, Syneda. 1878. Graef, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, i, 54, Leiicanitir. ttretchii Behr. 1870. Behr, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, in, 27, Syneda, 1875. Grt., Can. Ent., vii, 70, pr. syii. BABITAT. — California; Arizona; Colorado in September; Nevada. fJM. CATALOGUE OP NOCTUID^ — SMITH. 325 The type of Mr. Grote's species should be in the colleotioii of the American Entomological Society; but I have not found it there, S. perplexa Hy. Ed\r, 1884. Hy. Edw., PapUio, iv, 47, Syneda. Habitat. — Arizona. The type is in the Neumoegen collection. S. ingeniculata Morr.* 1875. Morr., Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil,, 1875, 435, Syneda. 1878. Graef, Bull. Bkln. Eut. Soc, i, 54, Lemanitia. Habitat. — Texas. The type is in the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Cambridge and resembles graphica in a general way, but with less contrast of color and shade. S. edwardsii Kehr.* 1870. Behr, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iii, 28, Syneda. 1878. Graof, Bull. Bklu. Eut. Soc, i, 54, Leuoaniti$. Habitat. — California. The type is probably in Dr. Behr's hands. Nevada. Genus CIRRHOBOLINA Grt. 1875. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, v, 117. C. deduota Morr.* 1874. Morr., Proc. Boat. Soc. N. H., xvn, 220, Syneda. 1878. Graef, Bull. Bkln. Eut. Soc, i, 54, Leucanitis. 1880. Grt., Bull. Bklu. Ent. Soc, iii, 38, Cinhobolina. 9 pavitensia Morr. 1874. Morr., Proc. Bost. Soc. N. H., xvil, 221, Syneda. 1875. Grt., Traus. Am. Eut. Soc, v, 117,. pr. syn. Habitat. — Texas in April, May, June, July, August. The types are in the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Cambridge nnd have been correctly referred as sexes of the same species. A duplicate type of pavitensis is in the Tepper collection. C. mesdoana Behr.* 1870. Behr, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iir, 27, Syneda. 1882. Grt., New List, 3'J, CirrhoboUna. incandeavena (>rt. 1875. Grt., Traus. Am. Eut. Soc, v, 117, Cirrhoholinn, 1878. Graef, Bull. Bklu. Ent. Soc, i, 54, iin var. dvdiieta. 1880. Grt., Bull. Bklu. Ent. Soc, in, 38, au var. deduata. 1882. Grt., New List, 39, pr. syn. var. vulpina Hy. Edw. 1882. Hy. Edw., Papilio, ii, 14, pr. var. Habitat.— New Mexico; Arizona; Colorado; Texas in August and November. I III 326 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. I have seen none of the typt^s. Thsit of Mr. Edwards' variety is in the Neuuuegen coUectiun. Dr. Bohr's specimen is probably in his o>vii collection. C. perfecta Hy. Edw. 1884. Hy. Edw., Papilio, iv, 46, Syneda. 1891. Siiiith, List Lepidoptera, 58, Cirrhobolina. Habitat. — Arizona. The type is in the Nennioegen collection. C. tetrioa Hy. Edw. 1878. Hy. Edw., Pivciflc Coa«t, Lep., No. 29, 10, Chrhoholina. Habitat. — California. Types are in the Edwards and Behr collections. * Genua MBLIPOTIS Hbn. 1816. Hiibuer, Verzeichiiiss, 2G0. M. fasoiolaris Hon.* 1823. Hbn., Zntrrogo, in, 15, ff. 443, 444, Avdia. ia52. Gn., Spe •. Gen., Noct., ui, 69, Holiua. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mns., Het., xiii, 1147, BoHna. 1878. Graef, BnU. Bkln. Ent. Hoc, i, 54, LvucaHUlt, 1880. Grt., Can. Ent., xii, 118, Melipotin. 1888. Mofiscbl., Ent., Amor., iii, 198, IMhia, ftiHoiciilaris Gn. — in part. 18.">2. On., Spec. Gen., Noet., in, 63, liolina, 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mna., Hot., xiii, 1147, i>r. syn. 1874. Morr., Proc. Bost, 8oc. N. ii., xvii, 220, jir. syn. 1888. Moesfhl., Hnto. Amor., in, 198, =^ fa»ciularis in part. 5 cuHeariH Gn. 1857. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., ni, 70, BoUna. 1888. Moeschl., Eiito. Amor., in, 198, jtr. ayn. 1888. Butler, Ento. Amor., iv, 13, pr. syn. Habitat.— West Indies;? Gnlf States. Mr. Moes(!hler's i)aper, above cited, should be referred to for the rather involved synonymy of the species, grounded in a very curious error made by Gueni^'e. It is at least questionable whether the true faHciolariH occurs with us. Mr. Moeschler thought it did not, and I have not seen any such specimens as he sent me, from our territory. M. nigresoeus G. & R.* 1866. G. & R., Proc. Ent. Soc. Pliil., vi, 20, pi. in, f. 4, Avdia. 1874. Morr., Proc. Bost. Soc. N. H., xvii, 220,— faatiohiris. 1875. Hurv., Bnll. Bnft'. Soc. Nut. Sci., in, 12, liolina, un sp. dist. 1878. Graef, Bnll. Bkln. Ent. Soc, i, 54, Leiicaiiitis. 1878. Grt., Bnll. Gcol. Snrv,, iv, 184, an sp. iMHt. J'ugviolarii. - 1883. Grt., Can. Ent., xv, 5, Melipotii. i ochreipenniH Haw . 1875. Harv., Bnll. Butt'. Soc. Nat. Sci., in, 12, lioHua. 1875. Urt., Trans. Am. Eut. Soc, v, 117, Bolina, IM. CATALOGUE OP NOCTUin.E — SMITH. 327 'siriety is hi in his uwii to for the ry curious the true lot, and I I'ritory. 1878. firacf, Hull. Uklii. Ent. f<oc., i, 4, jir. var. 1878. Grt., Bnll. (Jt-ol. Siirv., iv, l«l,::^<Jnrco. 1888. Git.,Cuu. Ent;, xx, i:«),-= <J piec. 1888. Mocschl., Eut. Auier., iii, 197, BoUua. fanciculariit Gn. — purtiiu. 18.52. Gn., Spec. Gen.,Noct., in, 63, lioUiia. 1888'. Moeschl., Eut. Amer., in, 197, pr. Hjn. Habitat. — Texas in April, May, and November; Colorado; Dela- ware in June. The Grote and Robinson type 1 have not seen ; but have seen speci- mens named by Mr. Grote. Dr. Harvey's type is in the British Museum from the Grote collection. There is no reasonable doubt that Dr. Harvey described only the normal male form. M. hadeuiformiB Bohr. 1870. Behr, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iii, 25, Syneda. 1875. Grt., Check List, Noct., 40, MeUpotis. 1878. Graef, BuH. Bklu. Ent. Sue, i, 54, Leucanitit, Habitat. — California. The type is probably with Dr. Behr. M. pallesceuB G. &. R.* 1866. G. & R., Proc. Eut. Soc. Phil., vi, 21, pi. 3, f. 5, AeAla. 1875. Harv., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., iii, 13, Bolina. 1876. Grote, List Noctui«la>, 40, Melipotis. 1878. Graef, Bull. Bklu. Ent. Soc, i, 54, Lencanitis. Habitat. — Texas in Ajiril and June; Colorado in August. I have not seen the type; but there an», specimens labeled by Mr. Grote in the British Museum. M. perlaeta Hy. Edw. 1882. Hy. Edw., Papilio, n, 14, MvJipotia. Habitat. — Ari/:ona. The type is in the Neumcfgen collection. See Synedoida cegrotata for a note on this species. M. linibolaris Geyer.* 1825. Gcyer, Zutra'ge, iv, ff. 689, 690, AeiUa. 1852. Gu., Spec. Gen., Nott., iii, 71, Syiuda. 1857. Wlk., C. B. MuH., Hot., xiii, 1168, Sfineda. 1864. G. & R., Proc. Ent. Soc. I'hil., iv, 494, Syneda. 1878. Graef, Bull. Bklu. Eut. Soc, i, 54, l.eiuunilia, 1881. Grt., Can. Eut., xiii, 91, MvlipotiB, jirniidinnn Haw. ' 1810. Haw., Lep. Britt., 264, Phylomelra. 1829. Steph., 111. Brit. Ent., Haust., iii, 126, Note, f Ophiuia. 1858. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Hct., xiv, 1442, GiammodiH. 1878. Butler, Proc. ZoiJl. Soc. Loud., 1878, 487, pr. syu. Habitat. — New Hampshire; Massachusetts; New York in July, to Florida; Wisuonsiu. hi! 328 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. M. teuella Hy. Edv. 1881 Hy. Eclw., Papilio, i, 26, Melipotis. Habitat, — Texas. The type is in the Neuinoegen collection. M. BtyglaliB Grt. 1878. Grt., Bnll. Geol. Surv., rv, 184, MelipotU. 1883. Urt., Can. Ent., xv, 5, Melipotia. Habitat. — Illinois; Texas. The British Museum specimen is not the type, the location of which I do not know. M. versabilis Harv. 1877. Harv., Can. Ent., ix, 94, Melipotia \a.T. jucunda. 1880. Grt., Can. Ent., xii, 8G, var. jucunda. 1883. Grt., Can. Ent., xv, 6, an sp. dist. Habitat. — Texas. The type I have not seen, nor can I say where it is at present. M. jucunda Hbn.* 1818. Hbn., Zutraege, i, 17 ft. 81, 82, Melipotia. 1816. Hbn., Verzeichniss, 280, Melipotia. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het., xiii, 1145, JioUna. 1870. Behr, Trans. Am. Eut. Soc, iii, 25, Bolina. 1875. Harv., Bull. Butt'. 8oc. Nat. Sci., ii, 280, Bolina. 1875. Harv., Bull. Buff". Soc. Nat. Sci., in, 13, Uolina. 1878. Graef, Bull. Bklu. Eut. Soc, i, U, LeuvanitU. 1880. Grt., Can. Eut., xii, 86, Melipotis. dnia Gn. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gon., Noct., iii, 62, liolina. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het., xiii, 1145, pr. syn. agrotipennia Harv. 1875. Harv,, Bull. Butt". Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 280, Bolina. Habitat. — New York to Texas and Florida; (jolorado in Jun<'; Texas in July and September. Dr. Harvey's type is in the British Museum. Agrotipennis is a very dark form of jucunda. The characters pointed out by Dr. Harvey prove evanescent on examination of a good series. M. sinualis Harv.* 1877. Harv., Can. Ent., ix, 94, Melipotia. Habitat. — Texas in May and September. The type is in the British Museum. Genus HTPOORAMMA Ga. * 1852. Gn., Spec. Gcu., Noct., in, 34. H. andromedee Gn. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., in, 84, Hypogramma. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., xin, 1095, Ugpogramma. Hasitat. — Georgia. lUM. CATALOGUE OP NOCTUIDiE — SMITH. 329 The species was described from a design by Abbot and has no type. So far as I am aware it has not been ideutitied. Its recognition will be possible from the life history. ion of which esent. J in Jun«'; is is a very -rvey prove Genus MAOUSA Wlk. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het., xi, 7C2. M. divaricata Grt.* 187v Grt., Sixth Rept. Peab. Ac. Sci., 37, Stictoptera. 1875. darv., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 281, Slivtoptera. Habitat. — Wisconsin; New York; Florida; Texas in December. The type is in the British Museum. The species belongs to Magusa rather than Stictoptera, and is very close to the Magusa dissidens Feld. and Bog., if not indeed the same. The latter species is in the Berliner Museum, in which I had a chance to compare typical Stictoptera. Moeschler has described a very closely allied species from the West Indies as a Laphygma. Genus CATOCALA Schrank. 1802. Schrank, Fauna Boica, ii, 2, 158. In this genus I have made no original studies and no comparisons. The 8i)ecie8 have been great favorites with collectors, and much has been written concerning their habits and variations. Mr. Grote and Mr. Hy. Edwards have devoted special attention to the genus; and, lastly, Dr. Hulst has given a monographic revision in the Bulletin of the Brooklyn Entomological Society, vii, pp. 15-56, 1884, in which the species are separated on structural peculiarities. This revision is fol- lowed here in essentials, and must be consulted in any study of the genus. The departures from the order given in the publication cited are all such as Dr. Hulst has himself suggested in the check list of Lepidoptera edited by me. I have not kept up my references as curv- fully in this genus as in some others, but I do not think I have omitted anything really important. A great many mere notes of captures and of habits are not referred to, though interesting in themselves and val- uable to the student of geographical distribution. I did not examine the British Museum series, and therefore am not to be considered as indorsing the correctness of any synonymy given. My notes concern- ing the location of type specimens are meager, but there are few genera in which the literature is so good and the reference to actual types so seldom necessary. Most of the Hulst types are in the Rutgers Colh'ge collection. Mr. Grote and Mr. Edwards have both examined the British Museum collectiou, and their references are probably accurate. J I i 330 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. $ EUPARTHENOS (Jrt. 1876. Grt., Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. N. Y., xi, 301. C. nubilis Hbu.* 1816. Hbn., Samnil. Ex. Schmett., ii, pi. 428, f. 3, Parthenoi, 1816. Hbn., Verzeichniss, 278, Parthe»08, 18.52, Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., ui, 80, Parthenos. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mns., Het., xiii, 1179, Parthenos. 1869. Betbune, Can. Ent., i, 88, Parthenos. 1876. Grt., Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist., N. Y., xi, 301, Eitparthenoi. 1877. Andrews, Can. Ent., ix, 20, Catocalirrhus. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bklu. Ent. Soc, vii, 30, 33, Catovalirihm. Habitat. — Canada in July; United States east of the Rocky Mountains; Colorado; Massachusetts in June; New York in July. $ CATOCALA Sehrank. C. elonympha Hbn.* 1818. Hbn., Zutra'ge, i, 11, f. 29, 30, Ephesia. 1816. Hbn., Verzeichniss, 280, Allotria. 1852. Gn., Spee. Gen., Noct., ill, 37, pi. 15, f. 11, Allotria, 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., xiii, 1216, Allotria. 1880. Grt., Can. Ent., xii, 85, Allotria. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc., vii, 24, 29, 33, Catoeala. arnica t Wlk. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., xiii, 1207, Catoeala. 1868. G. & R., Trans. Am. Em;. Soc, n, 79, pr. syn. HABITAT.— Canada; Middle and Southern States; District of Colum- bia in August. C. messaliua Gn.* 18.52. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., iii, 107, Catoeala. 18.57. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., xiii, 1209, Catoeala. 1872. Grt., Trans. An>. Ent. Soc, iv, 19, Catoeala. 1876. Harv., Can. Ent., viii, 7, ? a helfragiana. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vii, 30, 34, Catoeala. hdfragiatia Harv. 1874. Harv., Bull. Butf. Soc Nat. Set., ii, 28, Catoeala. 1876. Harv., Can. Ent., viii, 7, Catoeala. 1880. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, iii, 6, pr. syn. 1882. Grt., New List, 41, AiidrewMa. 1884, Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vii, 30, 34, pr, syn. joeasta Strk, 1875. Strk,, Lep. RLop, et Het,, 107, Catoeala. 1876. Harv,, Can, Ent., viii, 7, pr. syn. Habitat. — Kansas to Texas in May. Dr. Hulst states, ftom information, that Guende's type is no longer in existence. Dr. Harvey's type is in the British Museum; Dr. Strecker's in his own collection. C, amioa Hbn.* 1818, Hbn., Zutra'jre, i, 14, f. 27, 28, Ephesia. 1816, Hbn., Verzeichniss, 279, Corisce. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mua., Het., xiii, 1208, Catoeala. EUM. CATALOGUE OP NOCTUID^ — SMITH. 331 the Eocky in July. t of Colum- • longer in Strecker's 1872. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent Soc, iv, 18, sub iioin. androphila. 1881. Coqiiillctt, Pupilio, I, 7, larva. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bklii. Ent. Soc, vii, 29, 34, Catocala. androphila On. 1852. Gn,, Spec. Gen., Noct., in, 106, Catocala. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., xiii, 1208, pr. syn. var. lineella Grt.* 1872. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 18, Catocala. 1880. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, in, 6, pr. syn. 1882. Grt.^ Papilio, ii, 9, pr. var. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vii, 34, pr. sj-n. 1892. Butler, Entomologist, xxv, 214, pr. syu. var. neriua Hy. Ed. 1880. Hy. Edw., Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, ui, 61, pr. var. 1882. Grt., Papilio, li, 9, Catocala. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vii, 34, Catocala. Habitat.— Massachusetts in July and August; New York to Texas in June; Illinois; Central States. The types of nerma are in the Neunicegen and Edwards collections. C. gracilis Edw.* 1864. Edw. (W. H.), Proc Ent. Soc Phil., ii, 511, Catocala. 1877. Grt., Can. Ent., ix, 169, Catocala. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vii, 31, 35, Catocala. Bimilis t Grt. 1872. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 9, 17, Catocala. 1877. Grt., Can. Ent., ix, 170, pr. syu. var. Bordida Grt. 1877. Grt., Can. Ent., ix, 170, pr. var. 1882. Grt., Papilio, ii, 9, Catocala. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bklu. Ent. Soc, vii, 35, Catocala. HABITAT.— Canada in August; New York in July; Middle and Southern States. C. minuta Edw.* 1864. Edw. (W. H.), Proc. Ent. Soc. Pliil., ii, 512, Catocala. 1872. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 17, Catocala. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc. vii, 37, Catocala. var. parvula Edw. 1864. Edw, (W. H.), Proc Ent. Soc. Phil., ii, 512, C. /,,cij, 1872. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 17, pr. syn. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vii, 35, pr. var. var. mbllitula Hulst. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vii, 35, pr. var. Habitat.— Eastern and Middle States. Dr. Hulst's type is in the Rutgers College collection. C. Olivia Hy. Edw. 1880. Hy. Edw., Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, ii, 95, Catocala. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bklu. Ent. Soc, vii, 29, 35, Catocala. Habitat.— Texas. The type is in the Neumcegen collection. 332 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. m C. grynea Cram.* 1782. Cram., Pap. Ex., iir, 29, pi. 208, f. H., Pkalwna, 1811. Oliv., Enc. Meth., viii, 291, Noitua ijrinea. 1816. Hbn., Yerzeichniss, 278, Ephenia. 1857. Wlk., C. B. MuB., Het., xiii, 120.-., Culocala. 1881. Ort., Can. Ent., xiii, 35, alM>rrati(>n. 1881. Koibele, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, iv, 22, larva. 1884. Bean, Can. Ent., xvi, 67, larva. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soo., vii, 35, Catocala. polygama Gn. neo. Grt. 1852. G!i., Spec. Gen., Noct., in, 105, pi. 16, f. 2. Catocala. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het., xin, 1207, Catocala. 1884. Hulst, Buil Bkln. Ent. Soc, vii, 36, pr. syn. nuptula Wlk. 1857. Wlk., C. 3. Mu8., Het., Xlil, 1205, Catocala. 1838. G. A. R., Trana, Am. Eut. i?oc,, n, 79, pr. syn. var. alabama Grt. 1875. Grt., Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., 1875, 427, Catocala. 1880. Hulst, Buil. Bkln. Eut. Soc, in, 6, pr. var. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vii, 36, pr. var. ab. constans Hulst. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, Vli, 37, abcrr. pr. Habitat. — Atlautic and Central States; Massachusetts in July and August. C. prseolara Q. & R.* 1866. O. & R., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., vi, 25, pi. iv, f. 4, Catocala. 1872. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 17, Catocala 1880. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Eut. Soc, iii, 7, var. gri nea. 1884. Hnlst, Bull. Bklu. Ent. Soc, vii, 36, an sp. (list. HABITAT. — Canada ni August; New York in July; Eastern States July and August. C. xnioronympha Gn.* 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., in, 102, Catocala. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., xiii, 1204, Catocala. 1872. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 15, Catocala. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vii, 29, Catocala. fratercula G. & R. 1866. G. & R., Proc. Eut. Soc. Phil., vi, 24, pi. iv, f. 3, Catocala. 1872. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 17, Catocala. 1873. Strk., Lop. Rhop. et Het., 37, pi. v, f. 8, Catocala. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Eut. Soc, vn, 37, pr. syn. 1891. Grt., Can. Ent., xxiii, 281, Catocala. atarah Strk. 1874. Strk., Lep. Rhop. et Ilet., 97, pi. xi, f. 10 and 11, Catocala. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vii, 36, pr. syn. var. jacquenetta Hy. f^dw. 1880. Hy. Edw., Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, ni, 60, pr. var. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vii, 36, pr. var. var. timandra Hy. Edw. 1880. Hy. Edw., Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, in, 60, Catocala. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Eut. Soc, vii, 37, pr. var. UM. CATALOGUE OP NOCTUID^ SMITH. 333 in July and «ru States yar. hero Hy. Edw. 1884. Hy. Edw., Papilio, iv, 125, pr. var. 1884. HuUt, Ball. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vii, 37, pr. var. var. gisela Meyer. 1880. Meyor, Ball. Bkln. Ent. Soo., ii, 96, Catocala. 1884. Halst. Ball. Bkln. Eat. Soc. vii, 37, pr. var. Habitat. — Canada and Massachusetts in August; Rhode Island; New York; Georgia; Florida; Texas in June; Illinois; Arizona; Col- orado; California. The type of fratercula is in the oollection of the American Entomo- logical Society; that of atarrah is with Mr. Strecker; those of jac- quetietta are in the Lintner and Edwards collections; that of timandra is with Mr. Neumcegen; that of hero is in the Edwards collection, and, flnully, that of gisela m in the Meyer collection. C. aimUia Edw.* 1864. Edw. (W. H.), Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., ii, 511, Catoeala. 1872. Grt., Trans. Am. Enfc Soc, iv, 17,:=^ gracilis (err.) 1872. Grt., Can. Ent., ix, 169, Catocala. 1881. Grt., Papilio, i, 159, Catocala. 1884. Grt,, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc. , vii, 29, 37, Catocala. amasia t S. & A. 1797. S. &. A., Ins. Ga., ii, 179, pi. 90, lower figure, Phalana. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen.,Noct.. in, 103, Catocala. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vii, 37, pr. syn. formula G. & R. 1866. G. & R., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil , vi, 27, pi. iv, f. 5, Catocala. 1872. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 16, Catocala. 1882. Grt., New List, 40, pr. syn. var. aholah 8trk. 1874. Strk., Lep. Rhop. et Het., 96, pi. xi, f. 8, Catocala, 1880. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, in, 6, an var. formula. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. J]nt.Soc., vii, 37, pr. var. var. Isabella Hy. Edw. 1880. Hy. Edw., Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, in, 60, va,r. formula. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vii, 37, pr. var. Habitat. — Rhode Island; New York in August, to Texas in May and June. C. chelidonla Grt. 1881. Grt., Papilio, i, 159, Catocala. 1882. Grt., 111. Essay, 67, pi. iv, f. 42, Catoeala. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vn, 29, 37, Catocala. Habitat. — Arizona. The type is in the Neumcegen collection. C. amasia S. <& A.* 1797. S. & A., Ins. Ga., ii, 178, pi. 90, (upper figure), Phaleena. 1811. Oliv., Enc. Meth., vin, 291, Noctua. 1841. Westw., in Jardine Nat. Libr., xxxvii, 205, pi. 26, f. 3, Catocala. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gon., Noct., in, 103, Catocala. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mas., Het., xui, 1204, Catocala. 334 BULLETIN 44, TTNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. 1884. Hnlst, Riill. Bkln Kiit. Soc, vii, 37, Catocala. I'ordilia Hv. Edw. 1880. Ily. Eilw., Hull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vin, 59, Catocala, 1884. Hnlst, Bull. Bklu. Ent. Soc, vn, 37, pv. syu. vat. vlrens French. 1886. French, C'iin. Ent., xviii, 162, pr. var. Habitat. — New York; Illinois; Georgia; Texas. Types of Cordelia are iu the Bailey and Edwards collections. The type of virens is with Prof. French. C. sancta Hnlst. 1884. Hnlst, Bull. Bklu. Ent. Soc, vn,38, Catocala. amagia J Grt. 1872. Ort., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 16, Catocala. 1874. Strk., Lep. Rhop. et Het., 77, pi. ix, f. 12, Catocala. 1884. HnlHt, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vii. 38, pr. syn. Habitat. — Eastern to Southern States. C. connubialis Gn. 1852. Gn., Spec Gen., Noct., m, 105, Catocala. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mns., Het., xiii, 1207, Catocala. 1872. Grt., Trans. .\ni. Ent. Soc, iv, 16, Catocala. 1884. Hnlst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vii, 38,= sancta. Habitat. — Georgia. Dr. I lulst < ites this species, as well as amasia f Grt., to :ancta, perhnps not justly. There is really no evidence that Guenee intended the amasiaty iiinl, indeed, Dr. Hulst says the description does not fit. It should not therefore be cited ixa a synonym to nancta, which it must otherwise replace. Guenee's species based on Abbot's figures have been univowsally accepted, and if the figures are still in existence there is no reason why positive knowledge should not be yet obtainable. C. dulciola (irt. 1881. Grt., I'apilio, i, .5, Catocala. 1884. Hnlst, Bull. Hkln. Ent. Soc, vii, 2;>, 38, Catocala Hai'iTAT. — Ohio, June 1; Illinois. The type is in the Edwards collection. C. orataegi Siinnil.*' 1876. Sr.uni'i., Ciin. Ent., viii, 73, Catocala. 18X0. Hnlst, Bull. Mkln. F.nt. Soc, ni, 1,- pohjgama var. 1884. Hnlst, Bull. Bklu. Ent. Hoc, vii, 20,38, sp. diat. var. pretiosa lint. 1876. Lint.. Can. Ent., viii, 121, Catocala. 1878. Lint., Ent. Cont., iv, 100, Catocala. 1880. Hnlst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, m, 7, fiohigama var. 1884. Hnlst. Bull. Bkln. Ent. S.»c. vn, 38, pr. syn. Hahitat. — Caiuida; New Vork, in July; Northern and Eastern States. Dr. Lintner's typo is in his own collection. iEUM. CATALOGUE OF NOCTUIDiE SMITH. 335 ms. The type net a, perhaps inteiuk'd tlio s not fit. It jich it iiiiist figures have steiice there uiuable. (I Eastern C. blandula Hiilflt.* 1884. Hiilst, Bull. Bklii. Eiit. Soc, vii, 38, Calocala. pohjgama X Grt. 1872 Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 1.^, Catocala. 1869. Keed, Can. Ent., n, 30, larva. 1876. Saund., (.'an. Ent., vni, 72, larva. 1878. Lint., Ent. font., iv, 101, CtUocula. 1884. Hnlst, Bull. I'/kln. Ent. Soc, Vii, 3!», pr. syn. Habitat. — Nortbern, Eastern, and Middle States; Canada, in July and August. C. mira Grt.* 1876. Grt., Can. Ent., viii, 230, Calocala. 1880. Hnlst, Bnll. Bkln. Ent. Soc., in, 7, an var. poiygama. 1K82. Grt., 111. Essay, 70, pi. 4, f. 43, Calocala. r«4. Hnlst, Bnll. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vii, 2{t, .39, sp. di«t. Habitat. — Southern States; Florida; Kansas. C. abbreviatella Grt.* 1872. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 14, Catocala. 1877. Grt., Can. Ent., ix, 169, Catocala. 1880. Hnlst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, ur. 7,= iiiiptidU, 1882. Git., 111. Essay, 66, pi. iv, f. 40, Catocala. 1884. An^ns. I'apilio, iv, 37, Catocala. 1884. Hnlst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vii, 39, Catocala. var. -vtrbitneyi Dodge. 1874. Dodge, Can. Ent., vi, V2'y, Catocala. 1880. Hnlst, Bnll. Bkln. Ent. Soc, Hi, 7, ahhrevxatella var. 1884. Aij.irns, I'apilio, iv, 37, an sp. dist. 1884. Hnlst, Hull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vii, 39, i»r. var. Habitat. — Illinois ; Iowa ; Minnesota ; Kansas : Nebra.ska ; Utab ; Texas. C. nuptialis \Vlk.» 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mns., Hot., in, 120«», Catocala. 18f2. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 14, Catocala. 187.">. (ht.. Bull. Buff. Soc \at. Sci., ii, 222. Catocala. 1884. Angus, I'apilio, iv, 37, Catocala. 1884. Halst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vii, 30, .39, Calocala. tiojrrha Strk. 1874. Strk., Lep. Hliop. et Het., 97, pi. xi, f. 12, Cat<r ,:la. 187.'). (Jrt., Bnll, Buft'. Soc. Nat. Sci.. ii, 222, jir. syn. Habitat. — Illinois in August; Nebraska to Texas; Colorado. C. cUntonilGrt." 186."i. Grt., Proc. Ent. Soc I'liil,, m, 89, j.). iii. f. 4, Catocala. 1872. Grc, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iv.l'.i, Catocala, 1873. Strk , Lcj). Kliop. ot Hot., 3.">, pi, y, f. 6, Catocala. 1884. Hnlst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vil, 30, 39, Calocala. var. helene I'ilatc 1882. I'ilate, I'apilio, II, 31, pr. var. 18R1. Hnlst, Bull. Bkln. Knt,Soc,vif.39. pr.syn. Habitat.— Canada, Middle and Central States, in July; Texas, in April and May; Florida. 336 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. C. frederici Grt.» 1872. Qrt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 14, Catocala. 1877. Grt., Can. Ent., ix, 168, Catocala. 1882. Grt., 111. Essay, 71, pi. iv, f. 44, Catocala. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vii, 31, 40, ratocdla. Habitat. — Texas; New Mexico j Colorado. C.illecta Wlk.* 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mns., Het., xiii, 1205, Catocala. 1872. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iv,13, Catocala. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, \ii, 40, Catocala. magdalena Strk. 1874. Strk., Lop. Rhop, et Het., 93, pi. xi, f. 9, Catocala- 1874. Grt., Can. Ent., vi, 199, pr.syn. 1875. Grt., Bull. Bufl\ Soc. Nat. Scl., ii, 222, pr. syn. Habitat. — lUiuois; Nebraska; Texas. C. amestris Strk. 1874. Strk., Lop. Rhop. et Het., 96, pi. xi, f. 6, Catocala. 1875. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc Nat. Sci., II, 222,=. anna. 1881. Grt., Papilio, i, 161,= anna. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vil, 40, Catocala. anna Grt. 1874. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, v, 96, Catocala, 1875. p'ltrk., Lcp. Rhop. et Het., 10.">, pr. syn. 1877. Grt. Call Ent., ix, 168, Catocala. 1880. Hulst, Bu 11. Bkln. Ent. Soc, in, 8, pr. syn. 1881. Hulst, i'apilio, i, 215, i)r. syn. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vii, 40, pr. syn. var. MreBtcottii Grt. 1878. Grt., Can. Ent., x, 195, Catocala. 1882. Grt., Papilio, ii, 9, Catocala. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vii, 40, pr. syn. Habitat. — Wisconsin; Illinois; Nebraska; ToxaS. C. couBors S. & A. ' 1797. S. & A., Ins. Ga., ii, 177, pi. 89, Phalwna. 1811. Oliv., Enc. Meth., viii, 290, Noctua. 1841. Duncan, in Jardine's Nat. Libr., xxxii, 206, Catoodllh 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., Ill, 99, Catocala. 18.57. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., Xlli 1204, Catocala. 1872. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 11, Catocala. 1874. Strk., Lop. Rhop. et Hot., 75, pi. ix, f. 10, Catocala. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vii, 40, Catocala. Habitat. — Pennsylvania, southward; Mississippi; Texas. C. andromaohe Hy. Edw. 1885. Hy. Edw., Ent. Anier., i, 50, Catocala. Habitat.— California. The types are in the Neumoegen and Edwards collections. CATALOGUE OF NOCTUID^ — SMITH. 337 C. delilah Strk.* 1874. Strk., Lep. Rhop. et Hot., 96, pi. xi, f. 7, Catocala. 1875. Grt., Bull. Bnff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 222,= adoptira. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vn, 31, 41, Catocala, adoptiva Grt. 1874. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, v, 96, Catocala, 1875. Strk., Lep. Rhop. et Het., 105, pr. syn. 1880, Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, iii, 10, pr. syn, 1881. Grt., Papilio, i, 161, an noni. prior. 1881. Hulst, Papilio, i, 215, pr. syn. var. desdemona Hy. Edw. 1882. Edw., Papilio, ii, 15, Catocala. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vii, 41, pr. var. var. calphurnia Hy. Edw, 1880. Hy. Edw., Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, \u, 59, Catocala. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vii, 41, pr. var. Habitat. — Illinois; Nebraska; Kansas; Arizona; Texas, in May. Dr. Streckcr's type is in his own collection; the type of drsficmnna is in the Neuuia'gen collection; that of calphurnia is iu the liailcy col- lection. C. cerogama Gn.* 18.52. Gn., Spor. Gon., Noct., iii, 96, Catocala. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mus.. Het., xiii, 1202 , Catocala. 1872. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 9, Catocala. 1873. Strk., Lep. Rhop. et Het., 23, pi. in, f. 10, Catocala. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Biiln. Ent. Soc, vii, 30, 41, Catocala. aiirella Fischer. 1885. Fischer, Can. Ent., xvii, 133, Catocala. eliza Fischer. 1885. Fischer, Can. Ent., xvii, 134, Catocala. var. bunker! Grt. 1876. Grt., Can. Ent., viii, 230, var. pr. 18H0. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, m, 10, pr. var. 1882. Grt., Papilio, ii, 9, Catocala. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vii, 41, i)r. syn. Habitat. — Canada; Eastern, Middle, and Central States; Maryland, rluly to September. C. verrillian* Grt.* 1875. Grt., Can. Ent., vii, 185, Catocala. 1875. Grt., Bull. Biiil". Soc. Nat. Sci., Iii, 12,217, Catocala. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vii, 30,41, Catocala. Ophelia Hy. Edw. 1880. Hy. Edw., Bull. Hkln. Ent. Soc, ii, 95, pr. var. 1880. Hy. Edw., Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, ni, 58, Catocala, 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vii, 41, pr. syn. var. violenta Hy. Edw. 1880. Hy. Edw,, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, ni, 58, Catocala. 1883. Grt., Trans. Kans. Ac. Sci,, vni, 50, Catocala. ' 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vii, 41, pr. syn. var. votiva Hulst. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent, Soc, vn, 41, pr. var. 6048— No. 44 22 338 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSKUM. TlABiTAT. — Colorado in October; Texas, April, May, and June; Xew Mexico; Arizona; California. Types of ophelia and violenta are in Mr. Neunja'gen'.s collection, and in the Edwards collection is another type of violenta C. ultronla Ilbn.* 1818. Him., Ziitrage, ii, 26, f. 347,348, Eundia. 1816. Hbn., Verzeirhniss, 277, Einielis. 1852. (in., Spec. Gon., Noct., iir, 8«», Catocala. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mns., Het., xiii, 1197, CulocaJn. 186!). Pack., Guide to Study Ins., 317, pi. viii, f. 4, Catocala. 1872. Grt., Tr.ins. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 6, Catocala. 1874. Strk., Lep. Rbop. et Het., 75, pi. ix, f. 7, Cato'"la, 1874. Saund., Can. Ent., vi, 147, Catocala. 1880. Saund., Can. Ent., xu, 4, Catocala. 1883. Saund., Fruit FnMects, 177, f. 188, 18!», Catocala. 1884. Hul8t, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vii, 30, 42, Catocala. 1884., Can. Ent., xvi, 67, Catocala. v!ir. celia Hy. Edw.* 1880. Hy. Edw., Bnll. Bkln. Ent. Sor,., in, 58, pr. var. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln, Ent. Soc, vii, 42, pr. var. var. mopsa Hy. Edw. 1880. Hy. Edw., Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, in, .58, pr. var. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vii, 43, pr. var. var. adrlana Hy. Edw. 1880. Hy. Edw., Bull. Bklu. Ent. Soc, ni. 57, pr. var. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Sbc, vii, 43, pr. var. var. herodias Strk. 1876. Strk., Lep. Khop. et Het., 121, Catocala. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Mkln. Ent. Soc, vii, 42, i>r. var. IlABiTAT. — Canada to Florida, and Texas, was' to the great plains. Jnly and August. A type of celia is with Mr. NeuuKi'gen. Types of oelia, mopsa, and adriana are in the Edwards collection. C. ooooinata Grt.* 1872. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 6, Catocala. 1873. Strk., Lop. Khop. et H<'t., 21, pi. 3, f. 9, Catocala. 1881. Coquillctt, I'apilio, i, .56, Catocala. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vii, 30, 42, Catocala. Circe Strk. 1876. Strk., Lep. Rhop. et Het., 121, pr. var. 1880. Hy. Edw., Bull. Hkln. Ent. Soc, iii, .57, an sp dist. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. So<'., vil, 42, pr. syii. var. sinuosa (irt. 1879. Grt., Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, i, 77, Catocala. 1879. Grt., C^in. Ent., xi, 15, {-atocnla. , 1880. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. iiov., iii, 11, pr. var. 1882. (ivt., Papilio, ii, 8, pr. var. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Mkln, Knt. Soc, vii, 42, pr. var. Habitat.— Canada to Florida, to Texas; Illinois; Central States; Canada and New York, July to Sei)t('inl)er. Iiuie; New Bctioii, iiiid at plains. mopsa, and CATALOGUE OF NOCTUID^E — SMITH. 339 C. Ula Cram." 1779. Crnm., Lep. Ex.. i, 53, pi. 33, f. B. C, Phalmna. 1810. Oliv., Euc. Meth., viii, 286, Noctua. 1816. Hbn., Verzoichuiss, 277, Eunetis. 1852. Gn., Spec. Geu., Noct., iir, 91, Catoeala. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Hot., xiii, 1199. Catoeala. 1872. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 8, Catoeala. 1875. Caulfleld, Can. Ent., vii, 208, larva. » 1882. Koebele, Bull. Bklii. Ent. Soc, v, 22, larva. 1883. Worthington, Papilio, iii, 40, Catoeala. 1884. French, Can. Ent., xvi, 12, life history. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vii, 30, 42, Catoeala. vsir. uxor Gn.* 18.")2. Gn., Spec. Geu., Noct., iii, 92, Catoeala. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., xiii, 1199, Catoeala. 1872. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 8, Tpr. var. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vii, 42, pr. var. nvibrosa Worth. 1883. Worthington, Papilio, iii, 40, pr. var. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vii, 42, pr. syn. confusa Worth. 1883. Worthington, Papilio, iii, 40, pr. var. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vil, 42, pr. syn. deeorata Worth. 1883. Worthington, Papilio, iii, 10, pr. var. 1884. Hulst, liull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vii, 42, pr. syn. ohsoleta Worth. 1883. Worthington, Papilio, iii, 40, pr. var. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vii, 42, pr. syn. dupUeata Worth. 1883. Worthington, Papilio, in, 40, i)r. var. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vii, 42, pr. syn. eonspiciia Worth. 1883. Wortliington, Papilio, iii, 40, pr. var. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vii, 42, i)r. syn. var. zoe Behr. 1870. Behr, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, in, 24, Catoeala. 1875. Hy. Edw., Proc. Cal. Ac Sci., vi, 214, Calorula. 1880. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, m, 10, pr. var. 1684, Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Knt. Soc, vii, 43, pr. var. var. OBOulata Hulst. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bklu. Ent. Soc, vii, 43, pr. var. Habitat. — Canada; United States generally. Canada and Eastern States, July to September. C. aholibah Strk. « ill States; 1874. Strk., Lep. Rhoi>. et Het., 72, pi. ix, f. 5, Catoeala, 1875. Hy. Edw., Proc Cal. Ac. Sci., vi, 213, Catoeala. 1884. Htilst, Hull. Bkln. Ent. Hoc, vii, 31, 43, Catoeala. Habitat. — California; Wushingtouj Oregon; Colorado in August; New Mexico. ill 1. Ji I ill !lill 340 BULLETIN 44, UNITKD STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. C. marmorata Edw.* 1864. Edw. (W. H.), Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., ii, 508, Catocala. 1872. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 7, CatocaUt. 1874. Strk., Lep. Rhop. et Hot., 73, pi. ix, f. 6, Catocala. 1875. Hy. Edw., Proc. Cal. Ac. Sci., vi, 212, Catocala. 1877. Angns, Can. Ent., ix, 239, Catocala. 1884. Hulst, Ball. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vii, 43, 30, Catocala. 1887. Angus, Ent. Amer., iii, 3, Catocala. Habitat. — New York; Ohio; Kentucky; California. Found in isolated specimens throughout the United States. C. parta Gn.* 1852. Cn., Spec. Gen., Noct., iii, 84, pi. xvi, f. 1, Catocala. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Hot., xiii, 1193, Catocala. 1872. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 6, Catocala. 1874. Strk., Lep. Rbop. et Het., 38, pi. v, f. 10, Catocala. 1883. Hy. Edw., Papilio, in, 24, larva. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vn, 30, 4.3, Catocala. amatrix t Wlk. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Hot., xiii, 1195, Catocala. 1872. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 6, pr. syn. var. perplexa Strk. 1874. Strk., Lep. Rhop. et Het., 38, pi. v, f. 11, Catocala. 1880. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, iii, 10, pr. var. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vii, 43, pr. syn. var. petxilans Hulst. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc. vn, 43, pr. var. Habitat. — Eastern and Nortliern United States, July to October; Camida, July to September; Hudson's Bay territory; Colorado. C. unijuga Wlk.* 1A''.7. Wlk., C. B. MuR., Hot., xm, 1194, Catocala. 1872. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, .5, Cntocala. 1874. Strk., Lop. Rhop. ot Hot., .37, pi. v, f. 9, Cilorala. 1880. Hy. Edw., Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, in, 55, iaforala. 1881. Kellicott, Can. Ent., xiii, 38, larva on Poiiuhm. 1883. Bunker, Can. Ent., XV, 100, larva on lyniow. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vii, 44, Cotocnla. junotiira t Grt. 1872. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, .5, Catocala. 1877. Grt., Can. Ent., ix, 168, Catocala. 1880. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, iii, 10, pr. syn. • 1880. Hy. Edw., Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, iii, 50, var. unijuga. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vii, 44, pr. syn. Incilla Worth. 1883. Worthington, Papilio, ill, 39, Catocala, 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vii, 44, pr. syn. var. meskei Grt. 1873. Grt., Can. Ent., vi, 161, 233, Catocala. 1874. Strk., Lep. Rhop. et Hot., 70, pr. syn. 1877. Grt., Can. Ent.. ix, 168, Catocala. 1880. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Eut. Soc, in, 10, pr. var. &f. CATALOGUE OP NOCTUID^ — SMITH. 841 s. October j ado. 1880. Edw., Bull. Bkln. Eut. Soc, iii, 55, Vatocala. 1883. Bun', Can. Eut., xv, 100, hirvii. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bklu. Eut. Soc, vir, 44, pr. vor. var. beauiaua Grt. 1878. Grt., Can. Ent., x, 195, Catocala. 1880. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, in, 11, var. brineii. 1880. Hy. Edw., Bull. Bklu. Eut. Soc, in, 5.5, uu sp. dist. 1882. Grt., 111. Essay, 67, pi. iv, f. 42, Calovata. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Eut. Soc, vii. 44, pr. var. Habitat. — New York to Illinois to Iludsou's Bay teriitoryj North- ern aud Eastern States, July to September; Colorado. C. pura Hulst.* 1880. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, ii,96, Catocala. (1881. Grt., Papilio, i, 103, = seniirelicia. 1881. Grt., Trans. Kans. Ac Sci., vii, 09, == aemireliota. 1881. Hulst, Papilio, i, 163, an sp. dist. 1883. Grt., Cau. Ent., xv, 11, = aanirelicta. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vii, 30, 44, sp. dist. Habitat. — Kansas; Colorado in October; New Mexico. The type is in the Hulst collection. C. Btretcbii Behr. 1870. Behr, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, in, 24, Catocala. 1875. Hy. Edw., Proc. Cal. Ac. Sci., vi, 212, Catocala. 1877. Strk., Lep. Rhop. et Het., ISO, Catocala. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bklu. Eut. Soc, vii, 30, 44, Catocala. var. portia Hy. Edw. 1880. Hy. Edw., Bull. Bklu. Eut. Soc, n, 9i,Catocala. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Eut. Soc, vii, 45, pr. var. var. auguBta Hy. Edw. 1875. Hy.Edw.,ProcCal.AcSci., VI, 184, Catocala, 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vn, 45, pr. var. var. hippolyta Hy. Edw. 1875. Hy. Edw., Proc Cal. Ac. Sci., vi, 211, Catocala. 1874. Hy. Edw., in Strk. Rhop. et Het., 99, Catocala. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln- Eut. Soc, vn, 45, pr. var. Jessica Hy. Edw. 1877. Hy.Edw., Pacific Coast Lep. No, 25, Catocala. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Eut. Soc, vn, 45, pr.syu. Habitat. — California; Arizona; Nevada; Colorado. Mr. Edwards's 'jypes are, I believe, all in his own coUectioiu C. rosalini'- Hy. Edw. 1880. Hy Edw., Bull. Bkln. lint, soc, in, 55, Catocala. 18^4. Hulst, Bull. Bklu. Eut. Soc, vn, 31, 45, Catocala. Habitat. — Colorado; Kansas. Types are in the Bailey aud Edwards collections. C. fbUBtina Strk.* 1873. Strk., Lep. Het., 2A, pi. in, t'. 8, Catocala, 1874. Grt., Proo. Bust. Soc. N. U.,, 243, Catocala, 342 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. 1875. Hy.Edw., Proc. Cal. Ac. Soi., VI, 210, Vatocala. 1884. Hulst, Hull. IJklii. Eiit. Soc, vii, 31, 45, Galooala. perdila Hy. Edw. 1874. Hy. Edw., iu Strk. Lep. Kbop. et Het., 10(), Vatocala. 1877. Stik., Lep. Rbop. et Het., 129, Catocala. 1880. Hulst, Bull. Bkla. Eat. Soc, iii, 10, pr, var. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vii, 45, pr. syn. zillah Strk. 1877. Strk,, Lep. Rhop. et Het,, 129, pr, var. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Eut. Soc, vii, 45, pr. sya. vai-. verecunda Hulst.* 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vii, 45, pr. var. var. allusa Hulst. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bklu. Ent. Soc, vii, 45, Catocala. 1891. Hulst, iu Smith's List Lep., 59, pr. var. Habitat. — Michigau; Nevada; Montana; Colorado in October; Washington; California; Ariiiona; New Mexico; Utah. The types are in each case in the collections of the describers, except that the type of allusa is with Mr. Graef. C, mariana Hy. Edw.* 1874. Hy. Edw., in Strk., Lep., Rhop. et Het., 99, Catocala, 1875. Hy. Edw., Proc. Cal. Ac Sci., vi, 210, Catocala. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln, Ent. Soc, vii,31,45, Catocala. var. francisca Hy. Edw. 1880. Hy. Edw., Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, in, 57, pr. var. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vii, 4.>, pr. var. Habitat. — California; Colorado in October. The types are in tb" Edwards collection; a type of the variety also with Mr. NeuuKjegen. C. briseis Edw.* 1864. Edw. (W. H.), Proc. Ent. Soc, Phil., ii, 508, Catocala, 1872. Grt., Trans. Am, Ent. Soc, iv, 5, Catocala. 1873. Strk., Lop. Rhop. et Het., 20, pi. 3, f. 7, Catocala. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vii, 30, 45, Catocala, partat Wlk. 1857. Wlk.,C. B. Mus., Het.,xiii, 1193, Catocala. 1872. Ort, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 5, pr. syu. var. groteiana Bailey.* 1879. Bailey, North Anier. Ent., i, 21, Catocala. 1880. Hulst, Bull. Bklu. Ent. Soc, iii, 11, pr. var, 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vil, 46, pr. var. var. Bemirelicta Grt. 1874. Grt., 6th Rept. Peab. Ac. Sci., 35, Catocala. 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, pi. 1, f. 11, Catocala, 1876. J trk., Lep. Rhop. et Hot., 121, pr. syu. • 1880. Hulst, Bull. Bklu. Ent. Soc, in, 11, pr. var. 1881. Grt., Papilio, i, 163, an sp. dist, 1881, Hulst, Papilio, i, 218, pr. var. 1884, Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vii, 46, pr. var. Habitat. — Canada; Northern, Eastern, and Middle States, July to September; Colorado in October; New Mexico. QM. CATALOGUE OF NOCTUID.T: — SMITH. 543 in October; bers, except variety also «s, July to A specinicii of hrisch labeled by >rr. W. 11. Edwards is in tlie col- lection of tlie American Kntouioloy:ical Society; bnt I am not certain that it is tlie type. The type of grotemna is in the Bailey collection. C. hermia Hy. Edw.* 1880. Hy.E(lw.,null. Bklii. Ent. Soc, ii, 93. Catocala. 1884. Hiil«t, Bull. Hkln. Eut. Soc, vii, 31, 4U, Catocala. Habitat. — Coloratlo ; New Mexico. The type is in the Edwards collection. C. electUis Wlk.* 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mns., Hefc., xiii, 1209, Catocala. 1881. Butler, Paiiillo, i, 171, Catocala. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bklu. Ent. Soc, vix, 31, 46, Catocala. var. californica Edw.* 1864. Eilw. (VV. H.), Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil.,ii, 509, Catocala, 1872. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 5, Catocala. 1874. Strk., Lep. Khop. et Het., 98, pi. 11, f. 13, Catocala. 1875. Hy. Eilw., Proc. Cal. Ac. Sci., VI, 211, Catocala. 1880. Hy. Edw., Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, in, 55, Catocala. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vii, 40, pr. var. var Cleopatra Hy. Edw. 1874. Hy. Edw., in Strk. Lep. Rhop. ct Het., 99, Catocala, 1875. Hy. Edw., Proc Cal. Ac. Sci., vi, 209, Catocala. 1880. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, Hi, 11, pr. var. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Eut. Soc, vii, 46, pr. var. vnr. Irene Behr. 1870. Bohr, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iii, 24, Catocala. 1875. Hy. Edw., Proc. Cal. Ac. Sci., vi, 211, Cetocala. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Eut. Soc, vii, 46, pr. var. virgilia, Hy. Edw. 1880. Hy. Edw., Bull. Bklu. Ent. Soc, in,56, vai ircBfc 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc. vii, 46, pr. syn. var. volumnia Hy. Edw. 1880. Hy. Edw., Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, iii, 56, var. Irene. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Eut. Soc, vii, 46, pr. var. var Valeria Hy. Edw. 1880. Hy. Edw., Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, iii, .56, var. irene. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vii, 46, pr. syn. Habitat. — Cjilifornia; Mexico; Colorado; Arizona; Nevada. Walker's type is probably in the British Mnseiim. The type of W. TI. Edwards's species is in the collection of the Americirn Entomological Society. The types of the described varieties are in Mr. Hy. Edwards s collection; t ,pes of vinjilia and Valeria also with Mr. Neumu^gen. C. luciana Hy. Edw. 1874. Hy. Edw., in Strk., Lop., Rhop. et Hot., 99,, Catocala. 1875. Hy. Edw., Proc Cal. Ac. Sci., vi, 211, Catocala. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Eut. Soc, vii, 31, 47, Catocala. nehrankm Dodge. 1875. Dudgti, Cuu. Eut., vii, 2, Catocala. 344 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. 1880. Hy. Edw., Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, iii, 54, pr. syn. \nT Bomnus Dodge. 188L Dodge, Can. Ent., xii, 40, var. nehrnHka: 1884. Hulst, Bull, Bkln. Ent. Soc, vii, 4«, pr. var. Habitat.— Colorado; Kansas; Nebraska. The type of luciuna is the Edwards collection. C. concumbens Wlk.* 18.57. Wlk., C. B. Mns., Het., xiii, 1198, Caiocala. 1863. Sauud., Proo. Ent. Soc. Phil., m, 29, larva. 1872. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Son., iv, 7, Catocala. 1873. Strk., Lep. Rhop. et Het., 38, pi. 5, f. 12, Catocala. 1875. Strk., Lep. Rhop. et Het., 106, Catocala. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vii, 31, 47, Catocala. var. diana Hy. Edw. 1880. Hy. Edw., Bull. Bkln. Eut. Soc, iii, .57, pr. var. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vii, 47, pr. vat. aberr. hillii Grt. 1883. Grt., Papilio, iii, 43, an abcrr. pr. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. So<!., vii, 47, aberr. pr. HABITAT. — Canada; Northern, Eastern, and iViiddle States, Angust and September. The type of diana is in the Allen collection, that of hillii is in the Hill collection. C. cara Gn.* 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., iii, 87, Catocala. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het.. xiii, 1196, Catocala. 1872. Grt., Trans. Am. Eut. Soc, iv, 7, Catocala. 1875. Strk., Lep. Rhop. et Het., 98, pi. xi, f. li,Catocala. 1880. KoBbele, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, in, 22, larva. 1882. French, Papilio, ii, 167, life history. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vii, 31, 47, Catocala. yar. carissima Hulst.* 1880. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, ii, 97, pr. var. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc vii, 47, pr. var. aylvia Hy. Edw. 1880. Hy. Edw., Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, in, 57, pr. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vii, 47,— ca»i««im«. Habitat. — Canada to Florida; Southern and Central States, Texas, Northern and Central States, August to October. The type of cormtMui is in the Hulst collection; that oi' sylvia is \u the Edwards collection. C. amatriz Hbn.** 1810. Hbn., Samml. Ex. Schniett., ii, Nott. f. 427, Lamproaia. 1816. Hbn., Verzeicliniss, 277, Lamproaia. 18.5i?. Gn., Spec Gen., Noct., in, 86, Catocala, 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., xiii, 1195, Catocala. 1872. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 7, Catocala. 1875. Strk., Lep. Rhop. et Hot., 98, pi. xi, f. 15, 16, Catocala. 1881. Kellicott, Papilio, i, 142, liirva. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bklu. Ent. Soc, vii, 31, 47, Catocala. IM. CATALOGUE OP NOCTUIDiE — SMITH. 345 ea, August in the Uill es, Texas, ylvia is in , 1884,^ French, Papilio, iv, 8, lifo liiHtory. ifeleda Wlk. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het., xiii, 1197, Catocala. 1868. G. & R., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, ii, 79, pr. syn. 1872. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 7, pr. syn. porta t Wlk. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., xiii, 1193, Catocala. 1868. G, & K., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, ii, 79, pr. syn. editha Edw. 1874. Edw. (W. H.), Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, v, 112, Catocala. 1876. Mead, in Wheeler's Kept. Siirv. West 100 Merid., v, 790, Catocala. 1880. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soe., in, 12, pr. syn. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bklu. Ent. Soc, vii, 47, pr. syn. var. nuruB Wlk. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., xiii, 1197, Catocala. 1868. G. & R., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, ii, 79, pr. syn. 1872. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 7,. pr. syn. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vii, 48, pr. Habitat. — Nova Scotia to Texas, to Florida; Arizona; Colorado in August; Northern range, August to October. C. junctura Wlk.» 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., xiii, 1196, Catocala. 1872. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 5, Catocala. 1880. Hy. Edw., Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, iii, 56, an var. unijttga. 1882. Grt., Can. Ent., xiv, 47, Catocala. 1883. Grt., Can. Ent., xv, 12, Catocala. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vii, 31, 48, Catocala. , wahhii Edw. 1864. Edw. (W. H.), Proc Ent. Soc Phil., ii, 509, Catocala. 1873. Grt., Can. Ent., v, 163, 233, Calacola. 1880. Hy. Edw., Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, in, 55, Catocala. 1881. Grt., Papilio, i, 163, Catocala. 1881. Hulst, Papilio, i, 218, Catocala. 1882. Grt., Can. Ent., xiv, 47, pr. syn. 1883. Grt., Can. Ent., xv, 12, pr. syn. 1884. Strk., Papilio, IV, 74, Catocala. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soe., vii, 18, pr. syn. 1886. French, Can. Ent., xviii, 161, an var. dist. var. arizonae Grt. 1873. Grt., Can. Ent., v, 163, 233, Catocala. 1880. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, in, 12, ^walshU. 1881. Grt., Can. Ent., xin, 232, an sp. dist. 1883. Grt., Can. Ent., xv, 12, an sp. dist. 1884. Strk., Papilio, iv, 74, Catocala. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bklu. Ent. Soc, vii, 48, pr. var. var. aspasai Strk. 1874. Strk., Lep. Rhop. et Het., 94, Catocala. 187' Grt., Can. Ent., vi, 199, = arizonw. 1883. Grt., Can. Ent., xv, 12, pr. syn. 1884. Strk., Papilio, iv, 74, Catocala. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Sop., vii, 48, pr. var. var. oassaiidra Hy. Edw. 1875. Hy. Edw., Proc Cal. Ac. Sci., vi, 214, Catocala, mi III 346 BULLETIN 44, UNITKD STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. imx lly. Eihv., Hull. Bklii. Ent Soo., in, 50, Catovala. 1884. llnUt, Itiill. Hklii. Eut. Hoc, vii, 48, pr. vur. aara Fn-iii'li. 1883. Fnnich, Can. Eiit., xv, 163, Catoeala. 1881. Hul8t, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vii, 48, —caBsandra, Habitat. — Texas to California; Colorado; Utah; N«w Mexico. The type of junctura is in the British Miiseiiiii; that of icahhii is, I believe, destroyed; that o( arizonce is in the collection of the American Entomological Society; that of aspasia is in the Strecker collection, that of Cassandra is in the Edwards collection, while tliat of sara is, I believe, with Prof. French. This species has made as much bad blood as almost any other Amer- ican noctuid, and even now the synonomy above given will probably be questioned by some. C. babayaga Strck. 1884. Strk., Papilio, iv, 73, Catoeala. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vii, 48, Catoeala. arizonw X Grt. 1881. Grt., Can. Ent., xiii, 232, Catoeala. 1883. Grt., Can. Ent., xv, 12, Catoeala. 1884. Strk., Pai>ilio, iv, 73, pr. syn. HABITAT. — Arizona. The type is with Dr. Strecker. C. reUcta Wlk.* 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het., xiii, 1192, Catoeala. 1872. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 4, Catoeala. 1873. Strk., Lep. Rhop. et Het., 19, pi. in, f. 5 and 6, Catoccla, 1875. Grt., Can. Ent., vii, 186, Catoeala. 187fl Grt., Can. Ent., viii, 231, Catoeala. 187(. Grt., Ann. Lye Nat. Hist. N. Y., xi, 301, Catoeala. 18F4. Hulst, Bnll. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vn, 31, 48, Catoeala. 1S86. French, Can. Eut., viii, 162, Catoeala. 1888. Clark, Can. Ent., xx, 17, life history. fraxini\ Gn. 1852. Gn., Spec Gen., Noct., iii, 83, Catoeala. 1872, Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 4, pr. syn. var pbrynia Hy. Edw. 1880. Hy. Edw., Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, iii, 54, pr. var. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vir, 48, pr. syn. var bianca Hy. Edw. 1880. Hy. Edw., Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, in, 54, pr. var. 1884. Hulst, Bull, Bkln. Ent. Soc, vii, 48, pr. syn. HABITAT. — Nova Scotia to New York; Middle States July to Oc tober; Oregon; Colorado. Types of the varieties are in the Hill and Edwards collections. :UM. CATALOGUE OP NOCTUID.E — SMITH. 347 Mexico. icahhii is, I le American r collection, of sara is, 1 other Amer- probably be Illy to Oc actions. C. elda Kolirciia. 1887. BohreuH, Can.Ent., xix, 19J», Caluvala. H ABITAT. — Oregon. The type is in 3)r. Behrens's colle<!tion, and a cluplicate is in the American Museum of Jfataral History. Tlu* locality, Oregon, for rclicta is perhaps due to a misnamed sx>ecimcn of this species. C. tristls Edw.* 1864. Edw. (W. H.), Proc.Ent.Soc.Pbil., i! 511, Cafocala. 1872. Ort., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iv,i,Catorala. 1873. Strk., Lep. Rhop. et Hot., 17, pi. iii, f. 1, Catocala. 1874. Hnlst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vii, 31, 4l>, Catocala. Habitat. — Canada, Northern, Eastern, Middle, and Central States, August. C. epione Dru.* 1773. Drury, lUustr., 1, 46, pi. 23, f. 2, Koctua. 1779. CraiH., Pap. Ex., ii, 9, pi. 102, f. E. F., Noctua. 1781. Fabr., Spec. Ins., n, 222, Noctua. 1787. Fabr., Maut. Ins., ii, 151, Noctua. 1788. Gmel., ed. Liun. Syst. Nat., v, 2538, Noctua. 1794. Fabr., Eut. Sy8t.,.iii, 2, 58, Nocitta. 1811. Oliv., Enc Mcth., 288, pi. Lxxxv, f, 6, Noctua. 1816. Hbn., Yerzeichuiss, 276, Mormonia. 1840. Westw., ed. Dru. Illustr., i, 44, pi. xxiii, f. 2, Catocala. 1862. On., Spec. Gen., Noct., iii, 93, Catocala. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., xiu, 1200, Catocala. 1872. Grt., Trans. Ain. Ent. Soc, iv, 2, Catocala. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vii, 31, 49, Catocala. Habitat. — Canada, Northern, Eastern, Middle, and Central States, July. $ CATABAPTA Hnlst. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Eut. Soc, vii, 21. C. antinympha Hbn.* 1816. Hbn., Verzeicbniss, 278, Kphcbia. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mus.. Het. , xiii, 1203, Catocala. 1872. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 13, Catocala. 1873. Strlt., Lep. Rhop. et Het., 36, pi. v, f. 7, Catocala. 1884. Hnlst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vii, 32, 49, Caiaba^ta. paranymphat Drury. 1773. Drury, Illustr., i, pi. 23, f. 6, Phalwna. 1816. Hbn., Yerzeichniss, 278, pr. syn. affinia Westw. 1840. Westw., ed. Drury, Illustr., i, 44, pi. 23, f. 6, Catocala. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., xiii, 1203, pr. syn. vielanympha Gn. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., iii, 98, Catocala. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., xiii, 1203, pr. syn. HABITAT. — Canada to Maryland; west to the Mississiijpi Valley, July and August. II' Hi lillilll I i : ! 348 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. C. Serena E«lw.* 1864. Edw. (W. H.), Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., ii, 510, Catocala. 1872. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 13, Catocala. 1873. Strk., Lep. Ehop. «t. Het., 23, pi. iii, f. 11, Catocala. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vii, 32, 49, Catabapta. Habitat. — Canada; northern and eastern United States — eastern Siberia. July. C. badia G. <& B.* 1868. G. & R., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phila., vir, 22, pi. iv, f. 1, Catocala. 1872. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 12, Caiomla. 1876. Andrews, Can. Ent., viii, 198, Catocala. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vii, 32, 49, Catabapta. 1887. Hulst, Ento. Amer., iii, 27, Catocala. var. coelebs Grt.* 1874. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, v, 96, Catocala. 1878. Grt., Can. Ent., x, 233, Catocala. 1880. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, in, 9, pv. var. 1880. Hy. Edw., Bull. Bkln. Eut. Soc, in, 59, an sp. dist. 1883. Grt., Can. Ent. xv, 23, pr. var. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vii, 50, pr. var. var. phcebe Hy. Edw. 1884. Hy. Edw., Papilio, iv, 125, pr. var. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vn, 50, pr. var. HABITAT. — Canada; Northern, Eastern, and Middle States, August. The type of phcebe is in the Edwards Collection. C. mulietcula Gn.* 1852. Gn., Spec Gen., Noct., in, 97, Catocala. 1857. Wlk., C. B, Mas., Het., xni, 1203, Catocala. 1872. Grt., Trans. Am. Eut. Soc, iv, 12, Catocala. 1874. Strk., Lep. Rhop. et. Het., 74, pi. ix, f. 9, Catocala. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vii, 32, 50, Catabapta. var. peramans Hulst. 1884. Hulst., Bull. Bkln. Eiit. Soc, vn, 50, pr. var. Habitat. — Eastern and central United States. C. habilis Grt.* 1872. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Sor., iv, 11, Catocala. 1880. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vni, 32, 50, Catabapta. 1886. Kellicott, Ent. Auier., iij 46, larva. var. basalis Grt. 1876. Grt., Can. Ent., viii, 230, pr. var. 1880. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Eut. Soc, vn, 50, pr. syn. 1882. Grt., Papilio, n, 9, pr. var. Habitat. — Canada; Eastern, Middle, and Central States, August to October. C. iunubens Gn.* 1852. Gn., Spec Ocn., Noct., ni, 98, Catocala, 1^57. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., xni, 1203, Catocala. 1872. Qrt., Tr^^us. Am. Eut. Soc, IV, 8, Catocala. Bv-.' EUM. ates — eastern cala. ttes, August. !8, August CATALOGUE OF NOOTUIDiE — SMITH. 349 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vn, 50, Calahapta. 1888. French, Can. Ent., xx, 170, larva. var. hinda French. 1881. French, Papilio, i, 111, pr. var. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vii, 50, pr. syn. var. flavidalis Grt. * 1874. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, v, 95, pr. var, 1881. Grt., Papilio, i, 163, pr. var. 1882. Grt., Papilio, n, 9, pr. var. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, viii, 50, pr. var. var. Bcintillans G. & H.* 1866. G. & R., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., vi, 28. pi. iv, f. 6, Catocala. 1872. Grt., Trans Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 8, pr. var. 1882. Grt., Papilio, ii, 8, pr. var. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vil, 50, pr. var. Habitat. — Canada, in September and August; Eastern, Middle, and Central United States; Illinois, in June; Wisconsin. C. paleogama Gn. * 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., in, 97, Catocala. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., xiii, 1202, Catocala. 1865. Grt., Proc. Eat Soc. Phil., in, 87 et 5U, pi. H, f. 2, Catocala. 1872. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 10, 11, (alovitla. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vii, 32, 51, Catabapta. annida Fager. 1882. Fager, Can. Ent., xiv, 120, pr. var. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vii, 51, pr. syn. var. phalanga Grt.* 1865. Grt., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., iii, 86, pi. in, f. I, Catocala, 1872. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 11, pr. vai. 1880. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, m, 9, aljerr. pr. 1882. Grt., Papilio, ii, 9, pr. var. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vii, 51, pr. var. HABITAT. — Eastern, Middle, and Ceutriil States, July and August. C neogama S. & A.* 1797. S. & A., Ins. 6a., n, 175, pi. 88, VhaUrna. 1811. Oliv., Enc. Moth., viii, 290, Jsoctua. 1840. Duncan, in .Jarfliue Nat. Libr., 37, 202, pi. 26, ff. 1-2, Catocala, 1872. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Son., iv, 9, Catocala. 1873. Strk., Lep. Rhop. «t Hot., 35, pi. 5, ff. 4,5, Catocala. 1881. Grt., Piipilio, i, 103, Catocala. 1882. Grt., Papilio, n, 8, Catocala. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Hkln. Ent. Soc, vii, 32, 51, Catahapta, var. oommu'ilB Grt. 1872. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 9, Catocala. 1875. Grt., Bull. Hkln. Ent. Soc, ii, 221, Catocala, 1882. Grt., Papilio, ii, 8, Catocala. 1884. Hnlst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vii, 52, pr. syn, 1887. Grt., Can. Ent., xix, 113, an sp. dist. neogama t Gn. 1852. On., Spec. Gen., Noct., in, 96, Catocala. 350 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het., xiii, 1202, Catocala. 1872. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, IV, 9, = communt*. 1887. Grt., Can.Ent., XIX, 113, =commM«M, var. snoviana Grt. 1876. Grt., List NoctuidiB, 41, Catocala. 1880. Hulst, Bull Bkln. Ent. Soc, in, 10, an var. ilia. 1881. Grt., Papilio, 1, 8, an sp. dist. ilia. 1882. Grt., Papilio, ii, 7, pr. var, 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vii, 51, pr. var.f Habitat. — United States east of the Rocky Mountains; Kansas; Arizona. Eastern range in July and August. The type of snoviana is, in the Edwards collection. C. Bubnata Grt.* 1865. Grt., Proc Ent. Soc. Phil., in, 326, pi. iv, f. 5, Catocala. 1872. Grt., Trans. Am. Eat. Soc, iv, 9, Catocala. 1873. Strk., Lep. Khop. et Het., 34, KM, pi. v, f. 3, Catocala. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vii, 32, 51, Catahnpta. Habitat. — Eastern and central United States. New York in August. C. piatrlz Grt.* 1865. Grt., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., Ill, 88, 532, pl.iii, f.3, Catocala, 1872. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 10, Catocala. 1874. Strk., Lep. Rhop. et. Het., 74, pi. ix, f.8, Catocala. 1884. Hulat, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vii, 32, 52. Calabnj)ta. var. dionyza Hy. Edw. 1884. Hy. Edw., Papilio, iv, 124, pr. var. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, VK, .52 pr. var. Habitat. — United States east tf the KocUy Mountains; Arizona; Texas in July. Northern range August aiul September. The type of dionyza is with Mr. Neuuui'gen. C. nebulosa Edw.* 1864. Edw. (W. H.), Proc. Ent. Soc. Phi!., ii, 510, Catocala. 1872. Grt., Trans. Am. Knt. Soc, iv, 11, Catocala. 1874. Strk., Lop. Rhop. et Hot., 75, pi. ix, f. 11, Citlnzala. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, Vli, 32, 52, Catabapta. jionderom G. & R. 1866. G.&. R., Vrw. Ent. Soc Phil., vi, 2.% pi. iv, f.2, Catocala. 1874. Strk., Lep. Khop. ct Het., 75, pr. syn. Habitat.— Middle and Central States. C. Judith Strk.» 1874. Rtrk., Loi>. Rhop. ct Hot., 95, pi. xi, f. 5, Catocala. 1884. Hulst, Hull. Bkln. Knt. Soc, vii, 52, Catocala. levcUei (irt. 1874. (5rt., Trims. ;\iu. Knt. Soc, v, 95, Catocala. 1875. Strk., Lo|». Riiop. et lift., 105, iir. Syn. 1880. Hulst, Mull. Hklu. Knt. Soc, ill, 8, 12, pr. syn. 1881. Grt., Pai»ilio, i, 160, Catoatla. UM. is; Kansas; \y York in \; Arizona; CATALOGUE OF NOCTUID.E — SMITU. 351 1881. Hiikt, Papilio, i, 218, pr. syn. var. miranda Hy. £dw. 1881. Hy. Ertw., Papilio, i, 118, Catocala. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vii, ,52, pr. var. Habitat. — Eastern, Middle and Central States. Tlie type of miranda is in the Edwards collection. C. robinsonii Grt.* 1872. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 20, Catocala. 1874. Strk., Lop. Rhop. ot Hot., 71, pi. ix, f. I, Catocala. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vii, 32, 52, Catabapt<t. var. c jrvata French. 1881. French, Papilio, 1, 218, pr. var. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vii, 52, pr. syn. Habitat. — Eastern, Middle and Central States; New York;IlliTiois; Mississippi. C. dejecta Strk. 1880. Strk., Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, ii, 97, CalocaJa. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vii, 32, 52, Catahapta. Habitat.— Eastern, Middle arul Central States. C. retecta Grt.* 1872. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 4, Catocala. 1874. Strk., Lep. Khop. et Hot., 71, pi. ix, f. 2, Catocala. 1881. Kollicott, Papilio, i, 141, larva suh notn. flebilia. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vii, 32, .58, Calabapta. 1886. KfUicott, Ent. Amer., ii, 46, larva. var. flebilis Grt. 1872. Grt., Trans. Am, Ent. Soc, iv, 4, Catocala. 1874. Strk., Lep. Khop. et Hot., 71, pi. ix, f. 3 & 4, ( atocala. 1876. Grt., Can.Ent., vin,229, CV(^ocfl?a. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Eut. Soc, vit, 53, pr. syn. 1891. (^.rt., Can. Ent., xxiii, 281, Catocala. Habitat. — Canada; Northern, Eastern, Middle, and Central States. August and Sei)tember. C. luctuoaa Hulst. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Eut, Soc, vir, 32, r,'A, Catahapta, Habitat.— Middle and Western States. C. vidua S. <fe A." 1797. 8. & A., Ins.Ga.,!!, 181, pi. 91, I'hnUtna. 1811. Oliv., Enc Meth., vin, 288, Noclua. 1872. (irt,, Trans. Am, Ent. Soc, iv, 3, Catocala. 1884. Hulst, Bull, Bkln. Ent, Soc vii, 53, Catahapta. dcHperata Gn, 1852, Gn,, Spec Gon,, Noot. iir, 95, Catocala. 18.''.7. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., xiii, 1201, Catocala. 1872. Grt., Truns. Am, Ent. Hoc, iv, 3, f pr. syn. 1873. Strk.. Lep. Khop. et Hit., 33. jil. v. 1'. 2, Catocala. 1880. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Eut. Hoc, iii, 12, pr. syn. 352 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. J8S2. Grt., New List, 65, Catocala. 1884. Hnlst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vii, .53, pr. syn. 1888. French, Can. Ent., xx, 28, Catocala. Habitat.— Canada to Florida; Central States. August and Sep- tember. C. maestosa Hulst." 1884. Hnlst, Bnll. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vn, 32, 53, Catobapta. vidua et viduata t 6n. 1852. 6n., Spec. Gen., Noct., iii, 94 et 400, Catocala. 1872. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 3, Catocala. 1873. Strk., Lep. Rhop. et Het., 17, pi. in, 2, Catocala, 1880. Hnlst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, iii, 12, Catocala. 1882. Grt., New List, 65, Catocala. 1884. Hnlst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vn, 53, pr. syn. gueneci Grt. 1887. Grt., Can. Ent. xix, 115, Catocala. Habitat. — Pennsylvania, southward; Central States. C. lacrymosa Gn.* 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., in, 93, Catocala. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., xiir, 1199, l^vidita. 1872. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 9, Catocala. 1873. Strk., Lep. Rhop. et Het., 18, pi. in, f. 3, Catocala. 1884. Hulst, Bull. 7:'£ln. Ent. Soc, vii, 32, 51, Catabapta. var. ulalume Strk. 1877. Strk., Lep. Rhop. et Het., 132, Cafocala. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vii, bi-, pr. syn. var. evelina French. 1881. French, Papilio, i, 110, pr. var. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vii, 54, pr. var. emilia Hy. Edw. 1881. Hy. Edw., Papilio, i, 117, pr. viir. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vn, 54,=et'eIiBa. var. zelica French. 1881. French, Papilio, i. 111, pr. var. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vii, .54, pr. var. var. paulina Hy. Edw. 1880. Hy. Edw., Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, ni, 51, pr. var. 1884. Hulst, Hull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vii, 54, i>r. var. Habitat. — New York to Texas; Ohio; Illinois; Southern States. C. sappho Strk.* 1874. Strk., Lop. Rhop. et Het., 95, pi. xi, f. 4, Catocala. 1880. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, iii, 13, Catocala. 1881. French, Papilio, i, 57, Catocala. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vn, 32, 54, Catabapta. 1886. French, Can. Ent., xvin, 162, Catocala. Habitat. — Illinois; Texas; Central and Southern States, C. agrlppina Strk.* 1874. Strk., T-ep. Rhop. et Het., 95, pi. xr, f. 1,3, Catocala, 1884. Hulst, Bnll. Bklu. Ent. Soc, vn, 32, 55, Catabapta. lEUM. CATALOGUE OF NOCTUID^ — SMITH. 353 ust and Sep- States. var. subviridis Harv. 1877. Harv,, Can. Ent,, ix, 193, Catocala. 1880. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Envi. Soc, iii, 13.. pr. var. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vii, 55, pr. var. Habitat.— Middle and Southern States to Texas j Texas in July. C. insolabilis Gn.* 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., iir, 94, Catocala. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., xiii, 1200, Catocala. 1872. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 3, Catocala. 1873. Strk.. Lep. Rhop. et Het., 33, pi. v, f. 1, Catocala. 1875. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat, Sci., iir, 187, pi. v, f. 3, Catocala. 1880. Fiilsc, Bnh Mkln. Ent. Soc, iii, 13, Catocala. 1884. Angus, Papilio, IV, 35, Ca«oca?a. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vn, 32, 55, Catabapta. Habitat.— Canada in Junej Middle, Central, and Southern States, August and September. C. angusi Grt. * 1876. Grt., Can. Ent., viii, 229, Catocala. 1877. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., iii, 188, pi. 5, f. 1 and 2, Catocala. 1880. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, in, 13, an var. inHolabilis. 1884. Angus, Papilio, iv, 3.5, an sp. dist. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vii, 32, 55, an sp. disfc. var. lucetta Hy. Edw. 1882. Hy. Edw., in French, Cat. His., 4, pr. var. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Eut. Soc, vii, 55, pr. syn. Habitat.— Middle, Central, and Southern States. The type of angusi is in the American Museum of Natural History, from the Angus Collection. C. obscura Strk.* 187.3. Strk., Lep. Rhop. (it Hot., 19, pi. in, f. 1, f;«<om?a. 1884. Angus, Papilio, iv,37, C'o^owj/o. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vii, 32, 55, Calabttpta. 1886. Kellicott, Ent. Amor., ii, 46, larva. aimulatUis Grt. 1874. Grt., Trans. Ani. Ent. Soc, v, 95, Catocala. 1875. Htrk., Lep. lihop. ct Hot., 106, pr. nyii. 1876. Grt., Can. Ent., viir, 229, an sp. dist. 1882. Grt., Papilio, ii, 8, an var. jtr. 1884. Angus, Papilio, iv, 37, pr. syn. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc'., vii, 5.5, pr. syn. var. residua Grt. 1874. Grt., Proc Boat. Soc. N. H., xvi, 242, Catocala. 1875. Strk., Lep. Rh<»p. ot Het., KKi, an var. inaolabUiH. 1877. Grt., Bull. Hufl'. Soc. Nat. Sci., iii, pi. 5, f. 4, Catocala. 1877. Harv., Can. Ent., IX, 194, Catocala. 1880. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, in, 13, an var. iiiaolabilit, 1884. Angus, Papilio, iv, 35, an sp. dist. 1884. Hulst, Bull. Bkln. Knt. Soc, vn, 55, pr. var. 6048 -No. 44 23 i : i 354 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Habitat.— Canada to Middle and Central States in August; Col- orado. The type of residua is in the American Museum of Natural History from the Angus Collection. Catocala adultera Hinzo, recorded by Motschulsky in his Etudes, 1857, p. 47, as from California, has been omitted for want of proper authentication. It is likely that one of the common Pacific slope species resembling adultera somewhat, was mistaken for it. Genus OPHIOBRBS Bdv. 1834. Bdv., Fn. Ent. Madag., Lep., 99. O. materna Linn.* 1767. Linn., Syst. Nat., ed. xii, 2, p. 840, Noctua, 1773. Dniry, Illustr., ir, 24, pi. 13, f. 4, Noctua. 1779. Cram., Pap. Exot., ir, 118, pi. 174, f. B, Phalwiia. 1781. Fabr., Spec. Ins., ii, 212, Xoctua. 1782. Cram., Pap. Exot., in, 137, pi. 267, f. E, Vhahrna. 1787. P'abr., Mant. Ins., ii, 137, Noctua. 1788. Gniel., ed. liinn., Syst. Nat., v, p. 2.533, Noctua. 1793. Fabr., Ent. Syst., iii, 2, 16, Noctua, 1811. Ollv., Eno. Metb., viii, 259, Noctua, 1816. Hbn., Verzeicbniss, 264, Rhytia. 1834. Bdv., Fn. Ent. Madag., 100, Ophideres. 1841. Duncan, in Jardine, Nat. Libr., xxxii, 201, pi. 35, f. 2, Trij)hccna, 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., ii', 113, Ophideres. 1856. Lucas, in Sagra's Cuba, 307, Ophideres. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., xiii, 1222, Ophideres, 1868. H. Sch., Corr. Blatt, 1868, Cuba, 23, Ophideres. 1875. Grt., Proc. Bost. Soo. N. H., xviii, 416, Ophideret. 1885, Gundlach, Cont. Ent. Cub., 340, Ophideres. hyhrida Fabr, 1775. Fabr,, Syst. Ent., 593, Noctua. 1781. Fabr., Spec. Ins., ii, 212, pr. syn. oalaminea Cram. 1779. Cram., Pap. Exot., ii, 95, pi. 74, f. J, Phalaina. 1781. Fabr., Spec. Ins., ii, 212, pr. syn. Habitat. — ^Florida, southward, A tropical insect in habitus and form. The literature as a South p.nd Central American insect is not given, Genus STRBNOLOMA Grt. 1880. Grt., No. Amor. Ent., I, 97, S, lunilinea Grt.* 1873. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., i, 127, SpiMoma. 1880. Grt., No. Amer. Ent., i, 97, Strenoloma, 1882. Grt., 111. Essay, 71, pi. iv, f. 45, Strenoloma. Habitat. — Pennsylvania; Virginia; Kansas; Illinois; Mississippi; district of Columbia in August. The type is in the British I^Iiiscuiq, EUM. August; (:/ol- tural History 1 his Etudes, mt of proper Pacific slope t. CATALOGUE OP NOCTUID/E -.SMITH. 355 ij)h(cna. as a South Vlississippi } Gcuu8 TOXOCAMPA Gu. 1841. Gn., Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr., x, 75. T. victoria Grt.,* 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 163, Toxocampa. 1880. Grt., Bnll. Bkln. Ent. Soc, in, 48, Toxocampa. Habitat.— Victoria; IlfewYork; Colorado in August; New Mexico. The type is in the British Museum. Genus HOMOPHOBERIA Morr. 1875. Morr., Proc. Bost. Soc. N. H., xviii, 125. H. cristata Morr. 1875. Morr., Proc. Bost. Soc. N. H., xviii, 125, Homophoberia. Habitat. — Hoboken, New Jersey. The species was described from the Sachs collection, and seems to be one of those unfortunate Hoboken forms that have not turned up again since their original description. I have no idea where the type is at present. Genus PHOBERIA Hbn. 1816. Hbn., Verzeichniss, 267. P. atomaris Hbn.* 1818. Hbn,, .Outrage, i, 16, ff. 75, 76, Phoberia. 1816. Hbn., Verzeichniss, 268, Phoberia. 1858. Wlk.,C. B. Mus., Het., xiv, 1421, ? Ophiusa. 1880. Grt., Can. Ent., xii, 86, Poaphila. orthosioidcs Gn. 18.52. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., in, 296, pi. 23, f. 1, Ly^sla. 18.58. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., xiv, 1421, pr. syn. 1880, Grt., Can. Ent., xii, 86, pr. syu. foriif/eiis Wlk. 1858. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., xiv, 1474, Poaphila. intjenua Wlk. 1858. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Hot., xiv, 1472, Poaphila. Habitat.— Eastern, Middle, Central, and Southern States; Massa- chusetts and New York in April and May; Texas in March. Types of the Guem'^e and Walker species are in the British Museum, and are all more or less distinctly marked specimens of our common species. P. iudiscreta Hy, Edw. 1886. Hy. Edw., Ent. Amor., u, 170, Phoberia. Habitat,— Kern County, California. The type is in the Edwards collection. There may be some doubt of the correctness of the generic reference. Genus CELIPTERA Gn. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., in, 308. C. fruBtulum Gn. * 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct,, iii. 308, (Miptna. 1858. Wlk., C. B. Mus., flet., .\iv, 1487, CvUplara, 356 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Mm diaoisaa Wlk, 1865. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het., xxxiir, 1009, Remigia. 1868. G. & R., Traus. Am. Ent. Soc, ii, 88, = L. elongatut. elongatua Grt. 1865. Grt., Proo. Ent. Soc. Phil., iii, 85, pi. 2, f. 6, lAtomitua. 1874. Grt., Bull. Bnflf. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 39, pr. syn. Habitat. — Canada; Eastern, Middle, Central, and Southern States; District of Columbia in August; Delaware in July. Guenc^e's type is with M. Oberthiir. The type of discissa is in the British Museum. Mr. Grote's type I have not seen. C. bucetum Grt. 1883. Grt., Trans. Kans. Ac. Sci., viii, 50, Celiptcra, Habitat. — New Mexico. The type is with Prof. Snow. Genus FAOITANA Wlk. 1865. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het., xxxii, 645. P. Uttera Gn.* 1852. Gn., Spec. Con., Noct., i, 71, Leucania, 1856. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., i>:, 77, Mylhimna. 1882. Git., III., 'EsBuy, 41, Psexdolimacodes, luddata Wlk. 1865. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., het., j;x\ii, 645, Fayitana. niveicoatatiia Grt. 1874. Grt., Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., 1874, 212, PseudoUmacodea. 1875. Grt., Stett. Ent. Zoit., xxxvr, 199, Paeudolimacodea. 1882. Grt., 111. Essay, 41, pr. syn. HABITAT. — New York; Massachusetts in July; Florida; Illinois. The Guen^e and Walker types are in the British Museum. Mr. Grote's type I have not seen; but have seon a number of .s])(H'iineiis named by him. Walker's species was desii^ibed without locality and in such a way as to be not readily rciiogiii/.ablo. As FagUana has only the one species, it niust be used in preference to Mr. Grote's generic term, under the rules. On the location of the genus I express no opinion. Guence considers it Leucaniid. Mr. Grote places it in its present position on characters that seem valid to him. Genus PHURYS Gn. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., in, 303. The genera in this series need revision. The ditterences between CcUptera, Phurys, and some species of PoaphiUi are «lifticult to make out; but I have in most cases left matteis as they were, since any changes here coidd be only tentative and liable to further change on critical study. There are, also, a number of Verzeichniss genera that have not been applied, and which will probably have to be used to replace one or more of the terms adopted here. They are all indicated in the synonymy. The specific unions are all correct I believe. M. CATALOGUE OF NOCTT^ID.E SMITH. 357 ern States; sa iis iu the llinois. iiiM. Mr. sperimens ality and I has only 8 generic cpress no it in its between to inalio dnce any lange on era used to ndicated P. vinculum wn.* 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., iii, 304, PInmja. 1858. Wlk.. C. B. Mu8., Het., xiv, 1479, Phurya. Habitat. — Georgia; Florida; Southern States. The type is with M. Oberthiir. P. herbarum Gn. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., iii, 303, Poaphila. 1858. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het., xiv, 1471, Poaphila. hifasviata Bates. 1886. Bates, Can. Eut., xviii, 94, Celiptera. 1888. Bates, Can. Ent., xx, 100, = rificn?Mni. Habitat. — Southern States. The type is with M. Oberthiir. In the British Museum are spe<*i mens of both the above species, apparently named by (Jiu«'nee and agreeing with his description. They are closely allied ; but in vinculum the orbicular is present and the snbterminal dotted line is distinct. The vinculum of the Grote collection and of American collections gen- erally is the herbarum of Guen^e according to these specimens, and I have accordingly cited hi/asciata Bates to this species. Mr. Bates re- ferred his 8i)ecies to vinculum on my authority, and what I knew as vinculum was what Mr. Grote had so named. P. ovalis Grt. 1883. Grt., Papilio, in, 75, Pliunja. , Habitat. — Arizona. The type is with Mr. Neumcegen. P. lima Gn.* 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., iir, 305, Phurya. 1858. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., xiv, 1479, Plnirya. obveraa Wlk. 1858. Wlk., C. B. Mns., Het., xiv, 1473, Poaphila. diaaociana Wlk. 1858. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., xiv, 1477, Poaphila. Habitat. — Southern States; New York. Guenees type is with M. Oberthiir. The specimens in the Grote collection agree with those so named in the British Museum, apparently by Guen(5e. The Walker types are both in the Museum and are like the Grote specimens o( lima: dissocians wuh described without locality. P. bistrigata Hbn. 1818. Hbn., Zutraege, i, 21, f. Ill, 112, PHchoHea. 1816. Hbn., Verzeicbniss, 338, OrthoUtht. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gon., Noct., in, 303. Poaphila. 1858. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., xiv, 1471, Poaphila, 1880. Grt., Can. Eut., xii, 87, Poaphila, 1882. Grt., New List, 41, Phurj/a. Habitat. — Georgia^ 358 BULLETIN 14, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEl'M. I I I am not aware that this species has been positively identified in American collections. I have not seen it myself. P. perspicua Wlk.* 1858. Wlk., C. B. Mils., Het., xiv, 1477, Poiiphila. ijlaiiH firt. 1875. Grt., Proc. Bost. Soc. N. H., xviii, 416, I'hurys. Habitat. — Florida. The types are in the British Mnsenm, and refer to one species only. Perspictia was described from locality unknown ; but the specimen is probably from Doubleday's Florida material. Genus POAPHILA On. 1852. Gu., SiMic.Geii., Noct., iii, 299. P. quadrifilaris Ilbn.* 1823. Ilbn., ZiitnpRe, iii, 37, f. 5(39, 570, Agnomonia. 1852. Gil., Spec. Geii., Noct., ill, 300, I'oaphila. 18.%. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het., xiv, 1469, I'oaphila. 1880. Grt., Can. Eiit., xii, 118, Poaphila. Habitat. — New York in May and June, southward to Florida; Massachusetts in June. P. deleta Gn.* 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., lii, 300, Poaphila. 1858. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het., xiv, 1469, Poaphila. ohaolela Grt. 1876. Grt., Check List, Noct., 42, Poaphila 4-JiUma var. 1882. Grt., New List, 41, sp. dist. Habitat. — Southern States. Types of Guenee's species are in both the London and Paris Museums, and are like the type of obsolcta in the liritish JVIuseuni. Mr. Grote based his name obsoleta on what he identilled as Guenee's var. «, of P. quadrifilaris, and misidentliied deleta. The deleta of the Grote col- lection is the contempta Bdv., as identified by Guenee. It is probable that this error is repeated in all the American collections deriving their determinations through Mr. Grote. P. contempta Bdv. 18!52. Bdv., in Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., in, 302, Poaphila. 1858. Wlk., C. B. Miis., Het., xiv, 1470, Poaphila. Habitat. — Georgia; Florida; Southern States. The type is with Mr. Oberthiir. As already stated, this is the deleta of the Grote collection. P. sylvarum Gn,* 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., in, 300, pi. xxiii, f. 2, Poaphila. 1858. Wlk., C. B. Mils., Het., xiv, 1469, Poaphila. Habitat. — Southern States. The types were from the Boisduval collection and are probably with CATALOGUE OF NOCTUIDiE — SMITH. 359 ntiiied lit i'ios only, lecimeii is Florida; ^fuseums, dr. Groto, fl, of r. irrote col- probablo ing their ;lie deleta ibly with M. Oberthiir. A specimen, apparently determined by Guenee, is in the British Museum, and this agrees with the specimens so named in the Grote collection. P. erasa Gn. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gctx., Noct., lit, 301, I'oaphiln. 1858. Wlk., C. H. Mu8., Hot., xiv, 1470, I'oaphita. Habitat.— Sonthern States. Tyi)ical specimens, named by Guence, are in the British Museum and in the Jardin des Plantes, and with these the erasa of the Grote col- lection agrees ; but the herbieola of the same collectio:a is also eraaa, and not the herbieola Bdv. P. herbieola lidv.* 1852. Gn., Spec. Gon., Noct., in, 301, I'oaphila. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mils., Het., xiv, 1417, Poaphita. Habitat. — Southern States. The type is probably in the Oberthiir collection. In the Jardin des Plantes at Paris is a specimen named herbieola by Gueneo, which is very like erasa in habitus and maculation and seems to differ only in the much paler ground color. It is much paler than the herbieola of the Grote collection; but it is not at all unlikely that intermediate sjiecimens will be found and that herbieola is a washed-out erasa, P. flavistriaria H1>n. 1823. Hbn., Zntrxge, in, f. 555, 556, Crochiplwra. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., in, 303, Voaphila. 1858. Wlk., C. B. Mns., Het., xiv, 1470, Poaphila. 1880. Grt., Can. Ent., xii, 118, Poaphila. Habitat. — Southern States. p. pacalis AVlk. 1858. Wlk., C. B. Mu8.. TTct., xiv, 1475, Poaphila. irrorata Grt. 1878. Grt., Bull. Geol. .Surv., iv, 185, Poaphila. Habitat. — Florida. The types are both in the British Museum, and are undoubtedly the same, specifically. p. placata Grt. 1878. Grt., Bull. Geol. Surv., iv, 184, Poaphila. Habitat. — Georgiji. I have not seen the type, nor do I know where it is. P. perplesa Bdv. 1852. Bdv., in Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., in, 302, Poaphila. 18.58. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., xiv, 1470, Poaphila. . Habitat. — Georgia. A type specimen is in the Paris Museum. It is a Phurys, allied to herbarum, with the t. a. line and subterminal spots wanting. I am not certain that I have seen just this form in American collections. 360 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. P. revoluta Wlk. 1858. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het., xiv, 1472, 1835, Poaphila. Habitat.— United States. The tyi>e is not in tbe British Museum, or at all events I tailed to find it. The label is there; but no specimen. It is probably at Oxford, in the Saunders collection. P. turbata Wlk. 1858. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het., xiv, 1834, Poaphila. Habitat.— East Florid.**. The type in the British Museum is a poor, faded specimen of a Perigea. There is a powdered reniform and a i)unctiform white t. p. line. It looks familiar enough, yet I felt afraid to identify it with any of the species in the Museum Collection, and am not posi- tive that it can ever be certainly identified. Genus PARALLE.!iIA Hbn. 1816. Hbu., VerzelchniBS, 269. P. bistriaris Hbn.* 1818. Hbn., Zutrmge, 1, 15, f. 63, 64, Parallelia. 1816. Hbn., Verzeichniss, 269, Parallelia. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., in, 268, Ophiusa. 18.58, Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., xiv, 1420, Ophiusa. 1870. Saund., Can. Ent., ii, 130, larva. 1880. Grt., Can. Ent., xii, 86, Parallelia. 1883. Hy. Ertw., Papilio, in, 136, larva. ampUsaima Wlk. 1858. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., xiv, 1473, Poaphila. 1868. G. & K., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, ii, 79, pr. syn. Habitat. — Nova Scotia to Florida, west to Colorado; Canada, June and July; New York, June to August; New Jersey, May and June; District of Columbia in May; Kansas in May. The W alker type is in the British Museum. Ni Gcnns AQNOMONIA Hbn. 1823. Hbn., Zutraege, iii, 10. A. anilis Dru.* 1797. Drnry, Illnstr., ii, 21, pi. 12, f. 3, Noclua. 1816. Hbn., Verzeichniss, 252, Argyroatrotis. 1852. Gn., Si)ec. Gen., Noct., iii, 273, Agnomoiiia. 1858. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., xiv, 1437, Jgnomouia. sesquistriaris Hbn. 1823. Hbn., Zutrajge, in, 10, f. 419, 420, Jgnomonia. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., in, 273, pr. syn. Habitat. — Middle and Southern states; Texas, April to June; Mis- souri in August. CATAT-OGUE OF NOCTUID.E — SMITU. 3G1 tailed to it Oxford, men of a iinetiforni identify not posi- da, June id June 3 Qe; Mis- Genus PALINDIA Gn. 1852. On., Spec. Gen., Noct., ii, 274. P. domlnicata Gn. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., ii, 276, pi. xi, f. 1, Palindia. 1857. Wlk., C. B. MuB., Hot., xii, 846 PiiliniUa. 1879. Grfc., No. Anier. Ent., i, 13, ralindia. Habitat. — Texjis ; South America. I do not know where the type is at present. Gonns SIAVANA Wlk. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het., xiii, 1009, 8. repauda Wlk.* 1858. Wlk., C. B. Miis., Het., xiii, 1009, Siamna. auripeiinis Git. 1873. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., r, 126, TIaririja. Habitat. — Southern States; Kentucky; Florida. The Walker type is in the British Museum. The Grote type I have not seen, the specimen in the British Museum not beiny such. Mr. Grote for some reason never listed this Walker species, thoujjh Florida is given as the locality and the description is not entirely inapplicable. Geuus PANAPODA Gn. 1852. On., Spec. Gen., Noct., ni, 324. P. rufimargo Ilbn. • 1818. Hbn., Zutriige, I, 13, ff. 45, 46, Phohetia. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., iii, 324, PanupoAa. 18.58. Wlk., C. B. MuH., Hot., xiv, 1517, Paiiupoda. 1878. Grt., Bull. Geol. Surv., iv, 184, Panapoda. 1880. Grt., C 1. Eut., xii, 85, Panapoda. 1892. Bent., wull. Am. Mua. N. H., iv. 69, larva. rubricosta Gn. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., iii, 324, Panapoda. 1858. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het., xiv, 1517, Panapoda. 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 41, pr. syn. 1876. Grt., Check List Noct., 42, pr. syn. 1878. Grt., Bull. Geol. Surv., iv, 184, pr. syn. 1880. Grt., Can. Ent., xii, 85, pr. syu. cressonii Grt. 1863. Grt., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., i, 346, pi. nr, f. 4. Panapoda. 1865. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., xxxiii, 1021,1 pr. syu. 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 44, pr. syn. 4878. Grt., Bull. Geol. Surv., iv, 184, pr. syu. 1880. Grt., Can. Ent., xii, 85, pr. syn. var. carneicosta Gn.* 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., in, 325, Panapoda. 1858. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., xiv, 1517, Panapoda. . 1891. Smith, List Lopid., 61, pr. var. 1892. Beut., Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., iv, 68, larva. adaga Wlk. 1865. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., xxxiii, 987, Poaphila. i ml 4; •' f .1' 362 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. 1808. G. & R., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, ir, 88, earneicoata. comhinata Wlk. 1858. Wlk., C; B. Mus., II. xiv, 1436, OjMitsa. var. roseicoBta (in. 1852. Gu., Spec. Gen., Noct., iil, 325, Panapoda. 1858. Wlk., C. B. Mus., llet., XIV, 1517, raiiapoila. 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci,, ii, 44, pr. syn. 1878. Git., Bull. Geol. Sur\ ., iv, 184, pr. syu. 1880. Git., Can. Ent., xii, 85, pr. syu. 1882. Git., New List, 41, pr. var. 1889. Soulo & Eliot, Psyche, v, 259, larva. Habitat. — Middle, Southern, and Central Stntos, .Tune to August; Texas, in March, April, and August. The type of rubricosta is probably with M. Oberthiir. I ha\'c not .seen it. The type of cressoni I have not seen, nor do I know of its present whereabouts. The type of carneicosta is in the Jardin des Plantes, where I have seen it. It is the form in which the ordinary spots are black and distinct. The Walker types are in the British Museum nnd are both referable here. Roseicosta Gn., was described after a drawing by Abbot, and Gueuee himself suspected its identity with ruhricostu. 1 have not seen this figure, but do not doubt that the species belou ^s here. Genus PLEONECTYPTERA Grt. 1872. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 23. P. pyralis Ilbn.* 1818. Hbn., Zutriige, r, 23, f. 127, 128, Hcmcroplania. 1872. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 23, Phoned ypicra, 1880. Grt., Can. Ent., xu, 87, Plcoiiectyptera. irrcvta Wlk. 18C5. Wlk., C. B. Mus., llct., xxxiv, 993, Poaphila. floccalis Zell. 1872. Zell., Vcrh. k.k. zofil. bot. Ges., xxii, 476, t. r, ('. 10, Coplocnenua. 1891. Smith, List Lepidoptora, (il, pr. syu. Habitat. — Middle, Southern and Central States; Te\as. The type of i*'>'ecfrt is in the Museum. Pymlis Hbn., is the form with a rusty nuiculation on a bright yellow gnmnd. Tiie type of floeealiH is in the Museum at Cambridge, where I have compared it with wovmwl pyralis. Mr. Grote's genus has priority by two or throe months, but the characteri/atiou fails to call attention to the interesting leg structure figured by Zcller. P. geometralis Grt.* 1872. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 21, Plvoiwchiptem. Habitat. — Alabanm; Southern States; Florida in March. The type is in the American Entomological So(uety'scoliection. The species is exactly like piiralis in maculation, but the bright yellow is replaced by a uniform rusty brown. ! ( even in the type a yel! sutt'usion is perceptible, and I am couMuced that we have to do with forms of one species oidy. SI. to August} ve not .seen its present 58 Plantes, y spots are useuni and ' a drawing ritbricost'.i. es belou^;s lenua. )n., is tlic le tyi)e of ed it with e months, esting leg tion. The yellow is yellowish o do with CATALOG TE OF NOCTUIDiE — SMITH. P. habitaUs Wlk. 3G3 1859. Wlk., C. B. Mils., Hot., xvi, 39, Hypena. phalwnalia Grt. 1872. Grt., Trans. Am. Eat. Soc, iv, 24, PlcoHectyptera. II ABIT AT. — Alabama; Southern States. Walker's type is in the British Museum; that of the Grote speeiea is in the collection of the American Entomological Society. 1 have u si)eciiiien which has been compared with both types and agrees well with each of them. F(U' a change, Mr. Grote's type is much the poorest and least recognizable. P. historialis Grt. 1882. Grt., Can. Ent., xiv, 188, rieonvalir tera. IlAiiiTAT. — Arizona. The type is in the Neumoegen collection. P. Immaciualis Harv.* 187.5. Harv., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Scl., iii, 13, Pleontctijptcra. Habitat. — Texas, in March, April, and July. The type is in the British Museum. P. obliqualiB Hy. Edw.* 1886. Hy. Edvr., Ent. Amer., ii, 171, Pleonectypicra. Habitat. — Texas. The type is in the Edwards collection. P. incusalis (trt. 1881. Grt., Can. Ent., xiii, 133, Bomolovha, Habitat. — Coh)rado ; Arizona. Types are in the British Museum and in the Edwards collection. I have St ; both, aiu'' have a carefully compared specimen. I can not understand the reference to Bomolovha, with which the species has nothing in ci/mmou. P. Bubflavidalis Grt. 1881. Grt., Papilio, i, 160, Megachyta. Habitat. — Arizona. Tlie type is with Mr. Xeumrogen and is undoubtedly a Pleonccfyptera, Genus REMiaiA (in. 18.52. Gil., Spec. Gen., Noct., iii, 313. R. latipes Gu. * 18,52. Gn., Spec. Gen, Noct., Ill, 314, KemtVfrt. 1858. Wlk., C. B. MuH., Het., xiv, 1494, licmigia. 18(i!t. Botliuue, Can. Ent,, i, 88, Hemiyia. 18G9. H. Sch., Corr. Blatt, 1869, Cuba, 28, /fmir/ia. 1885. ({nndlach, Cont. Ent. Cub., 3,54, llemigia. npaniJat Bdv. 1834. Bdv., En. Ent. Mmlag., 107, 12, pi. xiii, f. 3, Ophliiia. i-i Is llll 364 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. 1852. Gn. Spec. Gen., Noct., in, 314, pr. syn. punvtiilaris t Bdv. 1840. Bdv., Ind. Metb., 107, Ophiuaa. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., Ill, 314, pr.syn. pcrlaia Wlk. 1858. Wlk., C. B. Mii8., Het., xiv, 1480, 1'hurys. indi'.nlata Harv. 1875. Harv., Bull. Butt, Soc. Nat. Sci., ii,2m, livmhjia. 1875. Harv,, Bull. Buflf. Soc. Nat. Sci., in, 12, ? \n: var. iexaita Morr. 1874. Morr., Proe. Best., Soc. N. H., xvii, 219, ? pr. var. 1875. Harv., Bull. Buft'. So<-. Nat. Sci., ni, 12, pr. syn. 1875. Morr., Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., 1875, 71, an sp. (list. d'lHgvi'cranH Wlk. 1858. Wlk., C. 15. Mu.s., Het., xiv, 1495, Jiemigia. var. niarcida Gn.' 1852. (jii.. Spec. (Urn., Noct., ill, 317, Rcmiijia. 1858. Wlk., C. n. Mus., Hot., .\iv, 1495, Rcmlyia. hixaMijlnii Harv. 1875. Harv., Bull. UufF. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 2m, ltem\(jia. ITabitat. — Labi'iulor to Floi-ida, to Texas; cust of the T^ocky Moun- tains; Texas ill ]Vlai(!li, September, October, November: l-'lorida in August and Mareli; Delaware in May. Atypical specimen of latipcs is in the British Museum and is very nearly like the type of indcntata Harv., which is in the same collection. The type of Fhiirys perlata is a better marked specimen of the same speci<''s, and the type of dissctHrans is the pale, almost immaculate form. The type nf licxdHfylns Harvey is in the British Museum, and is exactly like the type, of inardda in the Jardin des Plantes. it is a larger form of the ordinary species, f believe. The species, according to Guenee, is widely distiibuted ou both sides of thee(piator. Genus TRAMA Harv. 1875. Harv., Bu.1. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ill, 13. T. detr.'Lfc.MB Wlk." 1858. Wlk., C. B. '.Ins., Het., .<iv, 1('34, 1'oaphiJa. arroHfi Harv, 1875. Harv,, Bull. Bulf. Soc. Nat. Sci , in 13, Trama. ri ABIT AT. — Southern States; Florrda in March; Texas in June and August; Mississippi. The types are in the British Museum. The Walker type is a poor, worn example, but there is no doubt of its identity with Dr. Harvey's 8i)ecie8. T. hiiiua Goyor." 1837. Geyer, ZutriPgo, v, 41, ff. 971, 972, Acolaaia. 1852, Gn., Spec. Gon., Noct., iii, 21(J, Jtoiilis. 18.58. Wlk., C. B. MuH., Het . Xiv, 1339, Ikmlis. 1881. Grt., Can. Ent., xiii, 92, AcoUma. 1882. Grt., Now List, 41, 'IVama. Habitat. — Georgia; Texas; Florida in Marnh. I. (•Icy Moun- I'Moiidii ill 111(1 is very collection. P tile same II late ioriii. is exactly arj>('r toriii A> Gueiie«^, I June and is a ]>(>()r, Harvey's CATALOGUE OF NOCTUID.i: — !^MITH. 36') T. griseipennis Gii. 1882. Grt., Can. Eat., xiv, 183, Trama. HABraAT. — Arizona. The type is with Mr. Neuinoegen. Genus EUTOREUMA Grfc. 1872. Grt., Trans. Am.Enfc. Soc, iv,21. E. tenuis Grt. * 1872. Grt., Trans. Am.Ent. Soc, iv, 22, Eutoreuma. Habitat. — District of Columbia, in June and August; Alabama; Southern States; Texas, in August. <? and 9 specimens, labelled "type," are in the collection of the -American Eutoinological Society, and a "type" is also in the British Museum. G«mu8 ISOaONA Gn. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., \o( 1., iir, 322. I. natatrix Gn. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., iii, 323, fsnfionn. 1858. Wlk., C. B. Mns., Het., xiv, 151G, Isoyoiia. Habitat. — North America. The type is probably with M. Oberthlir. So far as T am awaro this sjM'cies has not been identified in American collections. I have made no effort to ap])ly the descriijtion, which seems to indicate an easily recognizable form. Genus CAPNODES (in. 1852. Gn., Si>.r. (ien., Noct., in, liTl. C. californica Hchr. 1870. Behr, Trans. Am. Ent. iiw., in, 23, Cupiiudva. Habi'IAT. — California. r have not seen this species, and have not at present any idea what it can bo. Gen ANTIC ARSIA llltii 181(i. 111.11., Ver/i'irhnisH, 310. A. gemmatilis llltn. * 1818. ITbn., Zntra'so, i, 2(i, I'. 1.".;!, \r>l, Aiilicaraia. 181H. llliii., Vor/eichiiiNH, 310, .liiticarni(i. 1852. Gn., H\wv. (Jeii., Nod., lit, 3.">, ThvrmcxM. 1858. Wlk., C. B. MuH., Ilct., .\iv, l.'.lid, Thcnnr.sin. 1879. Grt., Can. Knf.. xi. 170, .iiitirarni ((—varieties. 1880. Grt,, No. .Vincr. lint., i, 10.3, varietifs, .ItilimrHia, 1880. Grt., Can. Kiit , xir, 8(5, Antiitirsia. Habitat. — Wisconsin; Te.vas, in 0(;tober; Central and Southern States. A good series of s[)ecimons is in the Ihitisli .Museum. . -u, 30G BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Gonus ANTIBLEMMA llhii. 1816. Hbn.,Veizeicbiiiis.s, 311. A. inezacta Wlk.* 1865. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het., xxxni, 1038, Thcrmesia. eanalia Grt. 1874. Grt., Bull. Bkla. Ent. Soc, ii, 76, Antiblemma. * 1878. Grt., Bull. Geol. Surv., iv, 185, Antiblemma. IlAHiTAT. — New York: Middle, Central, {ind Southern States. The types are both in the British Mnseiim. A. giittula Hy. Edw. 1882. Hy. Edw., Papilio, ll, 129, Aniihlemma. Habitat. — (leorgia. Tlie type is iu the Edwards collection. 't I !i ';. .( Gen (IB AGASSIZIA Bohr. 1870. Belir, TraiiB. Am. Ent. .Soc, in, 23. A. urbicola jiclir. 1R70. Bohr, Tnnis. Am. Ent. Soc, iii, 23, .iynnsizia. Habitat. — California, 1 have seen no anthenticniUy named specimen of tin's i^pecies. l\Ir. Edwiii'ds told Mie, some years ago, that Dr. IJehrhad desciibed a speci«'s of Jfoinopyratis under the above name, but lie Mas unwilling to make any positive statements iu tbe matter. GenuH EREBUS Liitr. 1810. Latr., Consid. gon. des Ins, ct t'rnst., 305. E. odora I/um.* 17.")8. Linn., Syft. Nat., etl. \, 505, liomhiix. 1764. Linn., Mnw. I>nd. Ulr,, 'i71, AHacuH, 1764. Clk.. Iconcs, t. 50, f. I, I'hahrna. 17<i7, Linn., Syst. Nat., <>(!, xii, ii, Hll. Attnrns. 1770. Drury, Illnsh-., i, pi. ill, f. 1, Pluihrno. 1770. Cram., Tap. Exot., ii, lit, t. 160, 1'. A. />'. riiiihiHa. 1781. Fahr., Spoc. Iiih... Ii, 310. Xoctitn. 1787. Fahr . Miint. Ins., ii, i;{5, Xootiia. 1788. (init'l., cd. xiii, Linn. Syst. Nat 2528, Noctmi. 1791. lalir., Ent. .Syst., ni, 2, 10, Noitii,i. 1805. 15(>iiiiv., Ins. Afr. and .\ni., pi, XMii. f. I. SDihin. 1811. Oliv., Kncy.'l. Mcth., vni, 252, j.l Kl. 1. 2, Kirhna. 1816. Hhn., Sinnnil. Ex. Sfliinott., ii, pi. 410, (Himiva. 1816, lllni., \'('r/,fiiliiUKs, 27:5, (Uohiiuh. 1837. Wotw., cd. Dm., i, 6, pi. iir, f. 1. F.rvhtiH. 18,"»2 Gn., Spo«-. Gon.. Noct., in, 167, I'Webim. l,s.~)6, 1 iiciiH, in 8aj>Ta's Cnba, It(>H, Ktyhiin. 18,^H. Wlk., C. B. .Mns., ll(;(., \l\ . iL'Oll, /wv/,ir,^. 1860. II. Sell., (."orr. Bhitt, ISOO, Cnlta, W. i:,rhu3. 1860. B.'thnn«, Oa:i. Ent., i. S8, /•><■/»(»»». 1870, liclir, rnms, Ani. Knt. Sn... in, i.';'.. Ijchnii. 'I JM. States. species. l^Tr. IIkmI a species ling to mulie CATALOGUE OF ;V0<:T1-ID.F, — SiilTII. 367 1885. (Jundlarl), (..'ont. Kut. Cub., 3t)7, Krehua. 1S87. F«M-naM, Fiit. Anier., iii, 78, larva. nfjarkia Cram. 1779. Ciam., Pap. Ex., ii, ir,, t. 170, t'. J, B, Phalwna. 1788. (itnel., eil. Linn. SjHt. N;\f., '2529, ]ir. syu. Habitat. — Caiuula to ^'Idtidsi; Colorado; Califoniia; usually in iso lateil vSi)ecinH,'ns, and late in fall in ihe Xortbeni States. Gei,us THYSANIA Duliii. 1824. Daliniin, KumkI. Veteusk. Aciid. HiUHlliiit,':iv, 1821, '107. T. zenobia (liim.* 1770. Ciiim., Lep. Exot., ii. 27, pi, 115, ff. J. B., Bomhix. 1781. I'.iitr,, Spec. Iuh,, ti, 209, Xoetiia. ■ 17«2. Drury lUuHtr., ni, 39, f. 1,2, Bombix. 1787. Fabi., Mnnt. Ins., ii. 135, Xnctua. 1788. (iniol., ed. Xiu, Linn. .Syst. Nat., 2520, Xocliia. 17fl4. Fabr., Ent. Syst.. iii, 2, 8, Xovlna. 1811. (iliv., Eur. Moth., viii, 2;>1, pi. 84, f. 1, Xorhia. 1810. llbn., Yerzti('lini.s.<, 273, -'■'///•Hirt 1849. Wcstw., ed. Dm., iii, 53, i.l. 39, ff. 1, 2, i:rchus. 1852. Gn., \<pcv.. Gen., Nort., lu. lti:>. TlijiKdiiid. 1850. T.ncas, in Safrra's C'lib'i, 308, 'riii/mtiid . 1858. Wlk., C. Ii. Mn8., Ile(., xiv, 1287, Th/isnnia. 18(19. H. S.-h., Corr. Blatt, 1869, Cnljii, 30, Thusmia. 1885. Gnndhu'h, Coiit. Eiit. Cub., .3«(), Tlnjsdiiin. Hahitat. — Florida,' Southern States; occas onal north ward; Col- orado. Lciis spcciilaris Hbr,., Is hardly u Xorth American s|)ccies. It may have been occasionally fonud on onr slutres or within onr boniMlaries; lint I do not believe it u native entitled to be listed as a ineiuberoi'our fauna. OonuH ZALE Tlbn. 1£1C». Hbn., Verzoi( hniss, 275. Z. horrida Flbu.* 1818, T[bn.. 7.ntr.orro, 7, 11. IV. 31, 32, /ale. IXI1; llbn., Vcr.'.vicliuis-. 275. Xal,'. ma* Wlk., C, H.Mu,s., Hot,, XIV, 1157, ! Ihuslcria. liW. Grt., Can. Knt., xn, 85, Zaie. vahicaiithntd t ^Vlk. 18,^7. Wlk., C.l?. Mus., Ib't., .Kill, 1051, Ifumnplira. 18155. Ilotb., Cnn. .Ituirnal, X, 251, Hovwphrn.. 181)8, G. \. !{., Tvans. Am. Fnt. Soc, m, 79, pr. nyn. 1880. Grt., Can. F.iit., xn, 85, jir.syii. IfABiTAT. — Northern States, Ma\ and June; Texas, March and An gust; United States east of the Plains. Tlie N]^«'ciineu orc«/)/*7f////(rr^rr ^ahcled by "V\ alkei' is si. ill in the Brit ish Miisciuu colh't tioii and is as above relcrrcd, 368 BULLETIN 41, UNITED STATES NATIONAL JIUitEUM. Gonus PH2BOCYMA Tlbn. 1816. Ilbn., Verzeichiiiss, 275. P. lunifera Hbn. 1818. Hbn., Zntrrcgfi, 19, f. 97 98, Phaocijma. 1816. Hbn., Verzeichniss, 275, rhccocyma. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., in, 3, pi. 15, f. 9, rhwocyma. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mns., Het., xiii, 1015, riiwocyma. 1865. Bethiiiip, Ciiuadiiin Journal, x, 210, Phaocyma, 1878. Grt., Bull. Geo!. Surv., iv, 185. I'heocyma. 1880. Grt., Can. Ent., xii, 87, riteocyma. lineosa Wlk. 1857. Wlk., C. B. MuH., Het., xirr, 1056, Uomoptera. 1865. Bethune, Canadian Journal, x, 25!t, Jlonwptira. Habitat. — New York to Texas, to Illinois; Mifldlc, Central, and Southern States; Colorada;; Texas in August. Walker's tj'pe is in the British Museum, aiul is the species identitie'l, correctly 1 think, as lunifera by Mr. Grote. P. umbrina Grt. 1883. Grt., Can. Ent., xv, 3, Plicocyma. 1883. Grt., Can. Ent., xv, 123, Ypaia. ITabitat. — Arizona. The type is in the i!i^euinopgen collection. P. termina Git. 18?3. Grt., Can. Ent., xv, 129, Phiocyma. IFabttat. — Arizona. The type is in the Neunuegen collection. 1770. 1782. 1830. 1852. isr.T. 18t)5. 1877. 1882, 177:!, I8;i(». 1852. 18.57. 18C5. 1877, 1878. 1829. Genus HOMOPTERA Hdv. 1829. Bdv., Icon. K.yii. Aniiii. H. liiuata Dru.* Dniry, Illnstr., i, 40, pi. 20, f. .'!, Xoclna. Cram., Tap. Ex., iv., 38, pi. 308, f. ('., Vhalinma. WoHtw., ed. Dm., i, 37, pi. 20, f. :!, Evrhnx. Gn., Sjier. (lcii.,N<>(^t., Ill, 12, llnmopttra. Wlk., C. B. MiiH., Ilct., XIII, 10,53. //(»»..(/>».rfi. lU'tliime. Canadian Joiinial, x, 2."i2. H<tffi>i>lcra, Itcaii, (Jan. I'^iit,, ix, J7I, T2X, rnlima. I'roncb, ('an. Ent., xi\, l:!l, lii'o liiMt. var. edusa Din.* Drnry, lUustr., ii, pi. 24, f. 4, Xonlna, WoHtw, (m1. Drury, II, 46, 1)1.24, f. 4, Krvlnis. (■n., fi|iec. ficn., Noct., in, II, Ifouiitptcra. Wlk., (;. I!. MtiH., Hit., Mil, U)."4, n.iimiplera. Botluino, Caua(iian Journal, x, ii, Uomoptera, Bnan, Can. Ent., ix, 174. 22M, llomopUra. Lint., Ent.tiont.. iv, lOH, jn. syn. putri'KrctiH (tuer. Guer., lion. Kcyiio Auiiii., jd. S9, llomoptcra. I'M. CATALOGUE OF NOCTUID.E — SMITH. 369 [Central, an«l L'S identitic'l, 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., iii, 14,= erf«8rt, larva, aaiindfrnii Hetli. 1864. Both., Proc. Ent. Soc, Phil., iv, 21.5, Ifomopiera. 186.5. Beth., C' Joiiriiiil, x, 2.">7, Ifomoptera. 1877. Bean, Can. Ent., ix, 171, pr. syn. 1878. Lint., Ent.Cont., iv, 109,? pr.syn. viridana Wlk. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mna., Hct., xiii, 1064, Homoplcra, qnadriplaiiiata Wlk. invohila Wlk. 18.57. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Hct., xiil, 1055, Tlomopiera. 1H65. Bcthnne, (Janiuliun .lonrnal, x, 'Jij'i, Ifomopiera. Habitat. — Canada, May, June, and September; Texa.s to California, May and June; August to November in nortliern and eastern range; Texas in Mareli,May, and October; United States generally. The Walker types are all in the British Museum and all refer to the edusa form, riridam representing the darker specimens. Walker cites to viridans, H. viridus Gn., iii, 13, described from South America, and refers both with a <piestion to hmata Cram. I have not seen (luenee's type, and therefore cite Walker's name only in the synonyms. I can not tind any description of If. quadriplagiata, but there may be such. H. nigricans Beth. 1864. Bethune, Proc. Ent. Soc., Phil., iv, 214, Ilomoptera. 1865. Bethnne, Canadian .Tonrnal, x, 2.52, Homoptem. Habitat. — Canada, August; Middle and Northern States. The type is probably with Dr. Bethune. H. rosae Behr. 1870. Grt., TranH. Am. Ent. Soc, iii, 28, Honit era. Habitat. — C-ilifoniia. I have not seen tlie type. H. rubi* 1881. Hy. Eflw., Papilio, r, 28, Homoptera. Habitat. — ( 'alifornia; Arizona. Types are in the Edwards c<»ll('< lion. H. mineiea (in.* 18n2. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., iii, 15, pi. IS, 1. (!, TTomoptera, 1857, Wlk,, C, B, Mns,, Hct,, xm, 10.51, lloni<ii>ti-r(i. 1J»65. Bethnne, Canadian .Jouinal, x, 251, Hoinnptfra. ohliqiin'; Wlk. 18.57. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Hi-t., xiii, 1054, UomopUr,,. 1H«H. (Irt, iV- K<t))., Trans, Am. Ent, Soc , it, 7i>, pi. syn. Habitat.— Canada; Xorth America m M**y and .Juno; Middle, Con tral. and Southern States. I have n(*t swn the type whir»i > in the Oberthiir collection ; but the (igure is unmistakable. The ^|«^ imen named minerea in tUo British tM)4S— No. 44 a4 ili i!" Ml I ! 1 1 ;|| ! ■^I i 370 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Museum is a small form of lunata. with much bhie powdering^. A speci- men simihir to it from Dr. Bailey, Center, N. Y., is iu the Grote col- lectiou, without specific uame. H. calycanthata S. & A.* 1797. S. & A., Ins. Ga., ir, 207, pi. 104, Phalaema. 1816. Hbn., Verzeicliniss, 27.5, Phwocijma. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., iii, l.'j, Homoptera. Habitat. — Canada in May; Massachusetts in May and June; Illi- nois in August; New York and southward to Florida aud Texas; Portland, Oregon, April find May ; Colorado. H. cingulifera AVlk.* 1857. Wlk., C. B. MuB., llet., xiii, 1056, Homoptera. in tenia Wlk. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het., xiii, 1070, Homoptera. woodii Grt. 1877. Grt., Can. Eut., ix, 88, Homoptera. Habitat. — Massachusetts in July; New York to Florida: Central States; Wisconsin. The types of all the names are in the British Museum, and all refer to this one, very distinct species. H. salicis Behr. 1872. Behr, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc., iii, 28, Homoptera. p Habitat. — California. The type is probably with Dr. Behr. I do not know the species. H. albofasciata Both. 1865. Bethune, Canadian Journal, x, 256, Homoptera, Habitat. — Canada in May and June. The type is probably with Dr. Bethune. H. edusiua Hiirv.* 1875. Harv., Bull. Buft". Soc. Nat. Sci., in, 14, Homoptera. atritincia Harv. 1875. Harv., Bull. Buflf. Soc. Nat. Sci., m, 14, Homoptera. 1878. Grt., Bull. Geol. Surv., iv, 185, =? proc. Habitat. — Texas, February, March, and May. The tyj)es are in the British Museum, and refer to one species with- out much doubt, lam not so wsure that the differences between then> are sexual; but believe that males and females of both forms occur, B. galbauata Morr. 1875. M<»rr., Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci., Phil., 1875, 435, Homoptera, Habitat. — Nebraska. I have no information concerning the type of this species. LJM. g. A spei'i- 10 Grote col- rl June; Tlli- aud Texas; ida: Central and all refer e species. species witli- itweeti them pms o(!cur. |a. CATAI-OGUK OF NOf'Tl'Tn.T: — SMITH. 371 H. uniformis Morr. 1875. Morr., Can. Ent., vii, 148, llomopUra. Hauitat. — Georjujia. The type is in the Tepper collection. H. cinerea Arorr. 1875. Morr., Can. Ent., vii, 148, Homoptera, Habitat. — Massachnsetts. I have no information as to the type of tliis 8i)0cic3. H. penna Morr. 1875. Morr., Troi-. Host. Soc. N, If., xviii, 241, Homoptera. 1878. (ht.. Hull. Geol. Snrv., IV, 18,->, Phcoii/nid. ITaiutat. — Illinois; Middle and Central States. I have not .seen the type. H. unilineata Grt.* 1876. Grt., Can. Ent., viii, 108, Homoptera. 1883. (Jrt., Can. Ent., xv, 123, Homoptcrn. TlABiTAT. — Canada; Eastern, Middle and Central States, May; Dis- trict of Colnmbia in April. The type is in the British Museum. H. obliqua Gn.* 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., iii, 16, pi. xv, f. 7, Homoptera. Habitat. — Middle, Eastern and Central States, May and .Tune. The type is probably with M. Oberthiir. The British Museum spec- imen is a rubbed lunata, and does not agree with (ruenee's figure. In tlie Grote collection there sire specimens which are, I believe, correctly determined. H. duplicata Hctli.* l^,5(i. Bethnno, Canadian Jonrnal, x, 257, Homoptera. Habitat. — Cana<la; Northern and Middle States; ^Vt^shington in September. The type is probably with Dr. Bethune. H. benesignata Ilarv. 1875. Harv., Bnll. HiifV. 8oc, Nat. Sci., in, II, Ifomoptcra, Habitat. — Canada. The tyi)e is in the British Museum. H. declarauB Wlk. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Miis., Het., xiii, 1057, Homoptera, Habitat.—" East Florida." The type in the British Museum looks very much like a Ph. luni/era, with very pale ground color, distinct dark basal space, and black reni- r ! 372 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MU^^EUM. form. The two exterior lines are close together, distiiut, the interven- ing space Uistinctly yellow. Tt is not In the Grote collection an<l seems a good 8i)ecifcs. Genus CAMPOMETRA Gn. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., iii, 25. C. amella Gn. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., iii, 25, pi. 18, f. 8, Campovielra. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mas., Hot., xiii, 1084, Campometra. Habitat. — Georgia. The type is with M. Oberthiir. I am not aAvare that this spe«'ies has been identified in American collections. The figure represents a very familiar-looking form; bnt I have not tried to apply it. In the Nenmifigen collection Mr. Grote has suggested its identity with Eaho- Una stylobata, and perhaps that is correct. Genus EUBOLINA Ilarv. 1875. Harv., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 281. B. impartialis Ilarv. 1875. Harv., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 281, Euholina. Habitat. — Texas in July. The type is in the British Museum. 1 have a compared si)ecimen. E. integerrima Wlk.* 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mns., Hot., xiii, 1057, ITomoptcra. stylobata Harv. 1876. Harv., Can. Ent., vm, 155, Homoptcra. 1882. Grt., New List, 42, Euholina. Habitat. — Texas in May and June; East Florida ; Colorado. Both types are in the British Museum, and refer without doubt tu one species only. E. mima Harv.* 1876. Harv., Can. Ent., vm, 155, ITomoptcra. 1882. Grt., Now List, 42, EuhoUna. Habitat. — Texas; Colorado; Arizona. The type is in the British Museum. E. meskei Hy. Edw.* 1882. Hy. Edw., Tapilio, ii, 128, Eubolina. 1 1 ABIT AT. — Texas. The type, from the Meske collection, is in the U. S. National Museum. Genus YPSIA Gn. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., iii, 16. "Y. undularis Dra.* 1770. Drury, Illustr., i, pi. ix, f. 4, Noctua. 1816. Him., Verzeichniss, 275, Anthrnda. 1853. On., Spec. Gen., Noct., ill, 18, Ypaici, SEUM. ;, tlie intorvon collection and at this species re represents a iply it. In tlie tity with IJuho- ed specimen. olorado. ibout doubt t«* ional Museum. CATALOGUE OV NOCTriDi". — SMITH. 373 IX.-.7. \Vlk..C. n. Miis., ir.t.. XIII. 107«, J>«(. var. Eeruginosa Gii." lATj'J. (in., Spt!(". (it'll.. Noit., III. 17, ]f\. xviii, f. 7, Vjmia. 1>S."»7. \Vlk.,(J. IJ. Mils., Met., xili, 1071. l>«i«(. lS(r>. Hfthiino, Ciiiiiiilian .Journal, x,2."»y. Viisiu. IHIH. (Jrt., Bull. Geol. Surv., iv, 18"), Ypxia. 1HH;{. Grt., Pfipilio, in, TA, pr. syu. phnipennis Wlk. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mus., lift., xiii, 1C5."), llomoplvra. var. umbrlpennis Grt.* 1877. (Jrt., Can. Ent., Viii, 10t», llomoplera. llAiUTAT. — Canada and Northern States, INFay, June, and August, to Florida; Colorado. The Walker types are in tlie British Museum. A type of (cnit/iitosa is in the Jardin des Plantes, agreeing with the identification in Ameri- can collections. Genus PSEUD ANTHRACIA Git. 1874. Grt., IJuU. Bull'. .Soi'. Nat. .^ci., ii, 40. P. coracias Gu.* 18.52. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., iii, 19, Anthracin. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Hot., xiii, 107o,^-^>i<ju<fmmHlaria. 1874. Grt., Bull. ButV. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 4ti, I'mmltinthracia. nqiiamiHitlarix, Uru. 1770. Drury, Illustr., i, 18, pi, ix, f. 3, Xoctiia. 18.57. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Hot., xiii, 1075, Aitllirucia. 18(55. Betliune, Cana<lian J4)urnal, x, 248, Antliracia. 1874. Grt., Bull. ButV. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 4G, t pr. syii. Habitat. — Canada to Florida; Central States; New Mexico; Tc^xas in Martih and December. The above is the synonymy given by Mr. (Jrote, who seems to doubt the correctness of Walker's reference. I have made no attempt to get at the truth myself, and give the bibliography as I find it. 1 have not seen (ruen(''e's type. The .'ninammiilaris of the British Museum coUci;- tiou (Walker) is Ypsia nndularis. P. cornix 6n. 18.52. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., iii, 19, pi. xv, f. 8, Anthvuda. 1857. Wlk.,C. B. Mus., Het., xiii, 107.5, Anllinitid. 1865. Betliune, Canadian .Tourual x, 249, Anthravki. Habitat. — North America. The species was described from the Boisdiival collecti(m, and the type is i)robably with M. Oberthiir. Genus SELENIS (in. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., iii, 3G1. S. monotropa Grt.* 187(5. Grt., Ciin. Eut., viii, 207, -SV/e«i». Hat.itat. — Texas. The type is in the British Museum. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) // W <? 1.0 I.I J& 1.25 II u ^ < 6" - ► ^ / ■^ >, Hiotographic Sciences Corporation 23 WIST MAIN STRUT WIBSTH.N.Y. 14SS0 (716) S72-4S03 iV 4 L17 \^ A' 6^ f/- •*b'- 374 HULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. (ioniiH TRIAS Gn. 1862. Gn., Spoo. Gen., Noct., m, 21. Y. oUentia Grt.' 1882. Grt., Can. Ent., xiv, 236, Triat. Habitat. — Arizoua. Types are iu the Keumoegeii collection and in the National Maseuui. T. voluoris Grt. 1883. Grt., Can. Ent., xv, 3, Yriaa. Habitat. — Arizona. The type is with Mr. Neumcegen. 7. repentis Gru." 1881. Grt., Papilio, i, 165, Homopyralis. 1882. Grt., Can. Ent., xiv, 234, Yria$. Habitat. — Arizona. The type is with Mr. Neuniregen. T. crudeUs Ort.» 1882. Grt., Can. Ent., xiv, 237, Yrias. Habitat. — Arizona; Texas, in Marcli: California. A type is with Mr. Neiunuigen; anotluT in the National Museum. Genus HOMOPYRALIS Grt. 1874. Grt., Proc. Ac. .Nat. S<i. I'liil., 213. H. diBcaliB Grt.* 1876. Grt., Can. Ent., viii, 206, IlomopuraUii. Habitat. — Canada; Northern, Middle and Central States; New Mexico; June to August in New York. The type is iu the British Museum. H. oontraota Wlk.* 1860. Wlk., Can. Nat. and Geo!., v, 258, Homoptera. 1865. Botliuno, Canadian Journal, x, 25K, Homoplira. 1877. Grt., Can. Ent., ix, 28,— Homopyralis tavlus. Konata Wlk. 1865. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Hot., xxxiir, 878, IlomopUra. tactuH Grt. 1874. Grt., Proc. Ac Nat. Scl. Pliil., 1874, 21.3, ItomopyralU. 1877. Grt., Can. Ent, ix, 28, |)r. nyn. Habitat. — Canada to Floriihi, to Texas; nortliern range in June and Jnly; l>i8trict of Columbia in August; Delaware in Jum\ The types of zonata and tactm are in tlie British Museum, and these are undoubtedly alike, specifically. Mr. Groto refers votitracta \Mm- tlvely to tactm, but ctmtinues to tise his own specific name. The typo of contracta is iu the collection of the Entomological Society of On- tario. (EUM. oDal Masenni. ill Museum. States; New in June and ni, and these ntracta \Mm- e. Tlie type eiety of On- CATALOUlfE OF NOCTUID.F. SMITH. H. tantUluanrt.* 375 1874. Grt., Proc. Ac, Nat. Sci. Phil., 1874, 214, Uomopyralit. Habitat. — New York to Texas; Central States; Florida in Mareli; Texas, March to 'luly, and October. The type is in the British Museum. H. miserulata Grt. 1882. Grt., Can. Ent., xiv, 185, Homopyralii. 1883. Grt., Can. Ent., xv, 123, Homopyralis. Habitat. — New Mexico. The type is in tlie Neumoegen collection. . Genua MATIORAMMA Grt. 1872. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. 8t>c., iv, 23. M. pulverilinea Grt. 1872. Grt., TrauH. Am. Ent. Sue, iv, 22, Maligramma. Habitat. — Southern States; Texas in March, April, June, and Sep- tember. A type is in the British Museum; another in the collection of the American Entomological Society. M. pulveroaa Wlk. 1865. \V1k., C. B. MuB., Het., xxxiii, 994, Poaphila. hvna Uarv. Habitat. — Texas in March, May, and July. Both the types are in the British Museum ; but I have not succeeded in finding a description of M. Uena. I presume such exists, for the species is correctly known in American collections; but I have not seen it. M. nibrosuffuaa Grt. 1882. Grt., Can. Ent., xiv, 172, Matiyramma. 1883. Grt., Can. Ent., xv, 123, MaHgramma. Habitat. — Arizona. The type is in the Neuuio'gen collection. Genim AROILLOPHORA Grt. 1873. Grt., Bull. Kufi'. Sue. Nat. Sui., i, 124. A. Auoilla Grt. 1873. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., i, 124, Argilloiihora. Habitat. — Alabama. The type is in the British Museum. It is an odd species, which I had never before seen. 376 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Genus HTAMIA Wlk. 1858. Wlk., C. B. Mua., Het., xvi, 73. H. perditalis Wlk.* 1858. Wlk., C. B. Mns., Het., xvi, 234, Byama. temilineata Wlk. 18G5. Wlk., C. B. Mue., Het., xxxiii, 1102, Legna. umbrifatda, Grt. 1878. Grt., Trans. Ani. Ent. Soc, iv, 301, Spargaloma. Habitat. — Massachusetts in July; Middle States to Texas; New Mexico; District of Columbia in August; Texas in May and June. The types are all in the British Museum. It is possible that Hyamia may have another type, npt congeneric with perditalis. In that case . Legna must be used, as the type and only species is aemilineata. Spar- galoma Ort., is antedated in any case. H. perditalis is from '* locality unknown,'' but is evidently this species. B. seacpunotata Grt. * 1873. Ort., Trans. Am. Eut. Goc, iv, 300, pi. i, f. 90, Spargaloma. Habitat. — Massachusetts in July; Middle States to Texas; New Mexico. The type is in the British Museum. H. ponotipennia Grt. 1883. Grt., Cuu. Ent., xv, 122, Spargaloma. Habitat.— Arizona. The type is in the Neunupgen collection. Genus HEXBRIS Grt. • 1875. Grt., Can. Ent., vii, 17G. H. enhydrla Grt. 1875. Grt., Can. Ent., vii, 176, HexerU. Habitat.— Florida. A very distinct form, the type of which is in the British Museum. I had not seen it previously. Genus STLBCTRA Hbu. 181G. Hbn., VerzuichnmH, 341. 8. eryoata Cram. 1782. Cram., Pap. Exot., in, 170, pi. 287, f. />, /v', I'halwna. 1782. Cram., Pap. Exot., IV, 157, pi. 370, f. A'., I'lidliVHa. 1802. Latr., Gen. Crust, et Ins., iv, 228, IlermiHta. 1816. Hlin., VvrKeichniss, 342, Syleclrn miruHdalia. 1852. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., iii, 340, 7'efa/ufera. 1858. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., xiv, 1542, 'JWaUwera. 1864. Grt., Proo. Ent. Soc. Phil., ii, 441, Sgholra. mirandalU Hbn. 1816. Hbu., Verseichniss, 342, SyUetra. Habitat.— New York; Florida; Oulf States, southward. A peculiar tropical form which has lost its way, apparently. rM. 'exas; New d Juue. [lat Hyamia n that case . ata. Spar- ax "locality exas; New Museuiu. CATALOOUE OF NOCTUID.E — SMITFi. 377 Hiibner, in the VcrxeichiiiHs, cite8 crycata Gram., as a synonym to tnirandaliH — Salia cgregia imrandalU — without explanation or reference to any description of his species. GeniiH PANORAPTA Hbn. 1816. Hbu., VerKuichiiiHH, :^3. P. deooralis Hbu.* 1818. Hbii,, ZntriiKe, i, 18. ff. 93, 94, 1'angrapia. 1816. Hbn., Verxoichuiss, 343, Vangrapta. 1872. (Jrt., Trans, Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 91, Pangrapta, geometroidca Gn. 1852. Gn., 8pec. Gen., Nuct., iii, 371, Marmorinia. 1858. Wlk., C. H. Mu8., Het., xiv, 1598, Mnrmoi-inia, epionoidea Gn. 18.52. Gn., Spec. Gen., Noct., iii, 371, Afarmorinia. 1858. Wlk., C. B. Mns., Het., xiv, 1.597, Mnmorlnia. 1874. Grt., Bnll. Unff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 47 pr. Myn. ehgunlaliB Fitcli. 1856. Fitch, Ist and 2nd Rept. Ins. N. Y., .S27. pi. i, f.2, rTypena. 1872. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 92, pr. syn. 1880. Grt., Can. Knt., xii, 87, pr. eyn. recvitans Wlk. 1866. Wlk., C. W. Mu8., xxxv, 1970, ThyridoHpila. Haiutat. — Nova Scotia to Florida; Texas; Central States: Now York, June to Aiigust; District of Columbia, in Au«; Ciuent^e's type of ppionoideB is in the Jardin des Phnitcs, where I did not And it. The type of geometroides is in the Boisdu val collertion, now with M. Oberthiir. Walker's type is in the British Museum, where I have examined it. Fitch's type I have seen, but do not know where it is at present. A careful comparison of Guence's descriptions with a long series of sp(;cimens leaves no reasonable doubt that this sx)ecie8 is intended. Genns PBAL2IN08T0LA Grt. 1873. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, i v, 302. P. larentioidea Grt. * 1873. Grt., Trans. An>. Ent., Soc, iv, 302, 1'halnnoHhla. var. oitima Grt. 1873. Grt., 'J'rans. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 303, 1'hahuoHtola. 1882. Grt., New List, 12, pr. var. Habitat. — Middle, Ceiitriil, and Hontheni States; New York, in flune and August; District of Columbia, in June; Missouri, in August. The type is in the British Museum. GeniiH P8BUDAOL088A Grt. 1874. Grt., Bnll.Bnir.SocNiit.Sci.,u,47. P. lubrioaliB G«>yfr. ' iai2. Goyer, Zutrilge, iv, 19, ff. 665, 60<i, Epizeuxit. 1854. On., 8pec(J.<n.,I)«'lt. , llvVut. 18)9. Wlk., C.B. Mns., Het '\\,\y&, Kpizeuxii. V 378 BULLETIN 44, UNITKD STATKS NATIONAL MUSEUM. 1874. Grt., Hull. KiifT. So<;. Nat. Sci., ii, 47, 1'Heuiiatjhsaa. 1881. (irt. Cuu. Ent., xiil, 01, EpizeHxlo. 1880. Coquillett, Can. Ent., xii. 44, liirva. pkaalia Gn. 1854. On., Spec. Gen., D«lt., 76, Helta. 1859. Wlk., C. B.MuB., Het., xvi, 133, Kpizeuii$. 1873. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Snc, iv, 308, Heliii. 1874. Grt., Bull. Buft'. Soo. Nat. Sci., ii, 47, pr. ayn. 1883. Grt., Can. Ent., xiii, 91, pr. syn. lurrectalit Wlk. 1859, Wlk., C. B. MiiH., Het., xvi, 241, Uleptina. 1877. Grt., Can. Ent., ix, 29, pr. syn. vur. oooidentalia Smith. 1884. Smith, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vii, 5, pr. var. Habitat. — United States, generally; ('annda, in .Tuly; New York, June, July, August; Illinois, August, September; Texas, May to >)uly, October; Colorado in October; Kansas in August; Nova Scotia. (iuen<''e himself suggested the identity of his pha'nHn with Inhricalh; but, as Cieyer recorded his species from Java, he kept his ownspecitic term. Some other of Geyer's " Java" species are American, and I be- lieve Mr. Grote was corre(!t in making Guence's suggestion a positive reference. The tyi)e of surrectal in is in the British Museum and is cor- rectly referred by Mr. Grote. My types are in the ^National Museum and in the Edwards collection. p. denticulalis Harr,* 1875. Harv., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 2Ki, PscmlngUma. Habitat.— Middle, Eastern, and Central States; District of Colum- bia, July and August. The type is in the British Meuseum. P. acobialis Grt.* 1880. Grt., No. Amer. Ent., i, 9.5, Peetidaglossa. Habitat. — Eastern, Middle, and Central States; Kew York, June and July. The type is in the British Museum. P. rotundalis Wlk.« 186j. Wlk., C. B. MuH., Hot., xxxiv, 1144, llonnlga. horeaUt Smith. 1884. Smith, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Snc, vii, n, Jlelin. Habitat. — Canada to Maryland to lllintiis; Eastern, Middle, Central, and Southern States; District of Columbia in August. The Walker type is in the British Museum and is the same as my borealtHy the type of which is in the National Museum. I have retained Mr. Grote's generic term for the preceding species, and use Epizeuxin instead of Helia for those following, pending the ro- visioual study of this series, when the types can be fixed. CATALOaUE OP NOCTUID.E — SMITH. 379 GoniiR BPIZBUXIS Him. 1816. Hbn., Vurzeiuhiiim, 348. B. mnula Hbn.* cw York, y to.luly, otiii. Uihrivaliii; VII Apecitic and I be- a positive iiul is «'or- 1 Miiseuiii of Coliiiii- )rk, June , Central, ue as my species, ig the ro- 1815. Hbn., Kx. Snhniett., Ill, 1, G. »., hVmdoUna, 1816. Hbii., VerzeivbiiiiM, :il6, KpizeuxiH. 1854. Gil., Spec. Geii., Delt., 78, UvUa wmulaHa. 1859. Wlk., C. B. Mils., Het., xvi, 134, Kpheuxit. 1873. Grt., Trans. Am. Eut. Soc., iv, 307, Kpizfuxi$. moUifera Wlk, 1858. Wlk., C. It. MnH., Hot,, XV, 1765, Mmophijiia. 1868, G. & U., TruUH. Aui, Ent, Hoc, ii, 79, Kpizeiitla. 1874. Grt., Unll. Hnft*. Sue. Nut, Sci., II, 47, pr, Hyu. hvrmiu'widtii Wlk. 1860. Wlk,, Ciui. Nut. und Geol., v, 2.'>9, Homophm. 1865. Uctliune, Cunntliun Journul, x, 258, Homoplera. 1877. Grt., Cun. Ent., ix, 1*8, Epizeuxh. effimalia Wlk, 1860. Wlk., Cuu, Nat, und Gcol., v, 2(U, HormUa. 1877. Grt., Can. Ent., ix, 29, pr. syn. voHcha Wlk. 1860. Wlk., Can. Nat. and Geol., v, 265, HormUa. 1877. Grt., Can. Ent., ix, 29, pr. syn. Habitat. — Canada, New York, and Nortliern States, July to Sep- tember; South and West to Texas iu March, April, and July; New Mexico; Colorado in September. The type of moUifera is in the British Museum and is correctly re- ferred. Mr. Grote has placed Hormisa abnorptalis to this same foz-ni ; but this is an error: it is really Litognatha nuhUifa»cia. The types of effuHalin and coneisa are in the collection of the Kntoinolopcal Society of Ontario, and these have been positivt'ly referred to wniula hy Mr. Grote. The type of herminioides , from the same collection, was re- ferred to Epizeuxin by Mr. Grote. If this generic reference is correct, the description will apply to aimitla rather than americalw^ and 1 have so referred the species. E. americalis, Gn.* 1854, Gn., Spec, Gen., Delt., 78, pi, 6, f. 5, UeUn. 1859, Wlk., C. B. Mus,, Het., xvi, 134, Kpizviixh. 1873, (Sn., Trana. Am, Ent, Soc, iv, 307, Kphiuxi$, 1883, Kiley, Can. Ent., xv, 171, larva, scriplipeHiiiH Wlk. 1868. Wlk., C. B. Mua., Het., xv, 1765, Microphfita. 1868. G. & R., Trans. Am. Eut. Soc, ii, 79, pr. syn. 1873. Grt., Trans. Am, Ent, Soc, iv, 307, pr. syn. Habitat.— Canada and New York, July to September; to Texas. July ! d November; east of the Kocky Mountains; New Mexico. Guen^e's type is probably with M. Obcrthiir. The type of HcripH- penniH i» in the British Museum, where there is also a specimen bearing the name pulv&ro»a iu Walker's handwriting. 380 BULLETIN 44, UNITKD STATES NATIONAL MU8EUM. GeiiiiH BCEOACBTTA Ort. 1873. Grt., Trans. Am. Eiit. Hoc, iv, 306. M. UturaliB Hbn.* 1818. Hbn., Zntra>Ke, l. 9, f. 19, 20, Epizenxit. 1816. llbu., VurzcichiiisH, 840, Jipizeuxit. 1854. On., Spec. Gen., Delt., 79, mtia. 1859. Wlk., C. B. MnH., Ilet., XVI, 134, Epizemii: 1872. Zollnr, Verb. k. k. zool. bot. Ges., xxii, 473, Znnclognatha. 1873. Grt., TrnuH. Aiu. Ent. Soc, IV, 306, Megachyla. Habitat. — Canada to Florida and Texas; Central States; New York and Delaware in June; District Columbia in August. M. theraUsWlk." 18m. Wlk., C. B. Mas., Het., XIX, 855, Herminia. dercptrivaliH Zell. 1872. ZnlliT, Verb. k. k. zoiiL bot. Ges., xxii, 473, Zanctoffnatha. vat. gypsalii Git. 1880. Grt., Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, iii, 65, Megachyta. Habitat. — Nova Scotia to North Carolina, to Ohio. Walker's type is in the British Museum, and is the deeeptricalin of the (i4*ote collection and of Zellcr. The type of gypmlis, also in the Museum, is a partly suffused form, scarcely worthy of a varietal name. M. inconspioualis Grt. 1883. Grt., Can. Ent., xv, 30, Migavhijta. Habitat. — New York. The type is in the Hill collection. ' I III GeniiH HORMISA Wlk. 1859. Wlk., C. B. MuH., Het., xvi, 71. H. absorptaliaWlk.* 1859. Wlk.. C. B. Mils., Het., xvi, 74, UormUa. nnhili/dHeio Grt. 1873. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., i, 85, pi. 2, f. 2, 3, lUognafha. Habitat. — Canada to Virginia; Central States; New York, in July. Both ty])es are in the British Museum. Mr. Grote refers obHorptaliH to Epizntxia wmula, and at first sight this api)ears correct, from the rubbed condition of the specimen; but more careful comparisons show that the species named by Mr. Grote nubiHfa»cia is represented. The present species is fairly to be considered the type of Hormisa, and must replace TAtognatha, which has the same type. A tyiie of nubiU/ascia is also in Dr. Lintuer's collection. B. litophora Grt. 1873. Grt., Bull. BnfT. Soc. Nat. Sci.,i, 86, LUognalha. Habitat.— Middle and Central States. The tyi)es are in the British Museum and in Dr. Lintner's collection. New OATALOaUE OP NOCTUID.E — SMITH. 881 B. Unearia firt. 1883. Grt., Can. Ent., xv, 121, fAlognatha. Habitat. — Arizona. The type is in the NouiiKOgen collection. Genns BBRMZNIA Lntr. 1802. Latr., Gen. Cruitt. et Ins., in, 418, et iv, 2281 I use the term Herminia in preference to ChytoUia Grt., becnnse T can not And any sufficient differences between them. The genera need revision. H. morbidalla Gn.* XKA. Gn., Spoc. Gcr. Dolt., .'W, pi. 6, f. 3, Hrrmiuia. lKi9. Wlk., C. B. Mu.^., Hot., xvi, 103, HermiHia. 1K72. (irt., Trans. Am. Ent. Hoc, IV, 06, Iferminin. 1873. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 300, Ch^tolila. 1873. Grt., Bull. BiifT. Soc. Nat. Sci., i, 30, Vhylolila. 1880. Coqnillott, Can. Knt, xii, 44, larva. liABiTAT. — Nova Scotia; southward to Virginia; Central States; Canada and New York in June and July. Tlie types are probably with M. Oberthiir. H. petrealis Grt.* 1880. Grt., Can. Ent., xii, 210, Ckytolila. Habitat. — Middle and Central States; Canada. The type is in the British Museum. Genns PITTOLITl «rh 1873. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., i, 33. F.pedipilaUsGn.* 18.^4. Gn., Spec. Gen., Delt., 57, Herminia. 1850. Wlk., C. B. Mils., Hot., xvi, 57, Herminia. W72. Grt., Trans. Am. Knt. Soc, iv, 00, Herminia. 1873. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., i, 30, l'il;ioUta. Habitat. — Middle and Central States; Virginia; New York in June; Mi.ssouri in June; District of Columbia in August; Delaware in Msiy. The type is probably with M. Oberthiir. In the British MusiMim are specimens of this species and of morhulaliit, apparently named by Guenee. r.pnuH ZANCLOONATHA Lod. 1857. Lcderor, Noct. Kurop., 211. Z. leovlgaUGrt.* 1872. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 05, Herminia. 1873. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., i, 30, Zanclognatha. 1878. Grt., Ball. Geol. Surr., iv, 186, Zanclognalha. Habitat. — Canada to Soathern States; Central States; Canada ftnd New York in July, 382 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. \ I : Types are in the collection of the American Entomological Society and in the British Museam. This spocie;* is the cruralisof the British collection ; but not of Gnende's description, which I believe has been correctly interpreted by Mr. Grote. Z. obMleta Smith. * 1884. Smith, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Boo., vii, 6, Xanclogiuitka, Habitat. — Vermont in Angnst. The type is in the National Museum. Z. oohreipenois (irt.* 1872. Ort., Trann. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 96, Hermitiia. 1873. Ort., Bull. Kiiir. Soo. Nat. Soi., i, 39, Zanclogifntha. HABITAT. — Canada to Yirginia; Central States; Gan.ada and New York in July; Delaware and District of Columbia in August. The type is in the collection of the American Entomological Society. Z. oruralis 6n.* 18.54. Gn., Spec. Gen., Delt., 58, Iferminia. 18.59. Wlk., C. B. Mn8., Hot., XVI, 103, Hcrmhia. 1872. Ort., TrnnB. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 97, Herminia. 1873. Rrt., Bali. Biiflf. Sue. Nat. Sci., i. 39. Zanvlognalha. jacchuBalU Wlk. 1859. Wlk., C. B. Mns., Hot., xvi, 104, fferminia. Habitat. — Nova Scotia to Virginia; Central States; New Mexico; New York and Illinois in July and Aigust; District of Columbia in August. The type of cruralis is probably with Mr. Oberthiir. The Walker type is in the British Museum and is the cruralis of Guence, but not of Walker. The latter is Iccvigata Grt. Z. maroidilinea Grt.* 1872. Grt., TranH. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 93 et ?m, ffermMo. 1873. Grt., Bnll. Buff. Soc. Nat. Soi., i, 39, Zanchgnnthn. Habitat. — New York to Alabama; Central States; Adirondack Mountains, July and September; Delaware in July. The type is in the collection of the American Entomological Society. The Z. ochreipennis and marcidilinea of the British Museum are the same species. There is more difference between the types. Z. obsourlpennis Grt. 1872. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 98 and 309, Herminia. 1873. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., i, 39, Zanclognathet. Habitat. — ^New York to Alabama. The types are in the collection of the American Entomological Society and the British Museum. It is more than likely that this will prove a dark form of ochreipennis. The species need revision, and as the typos are mostly in Philadelphia the work will not be difflcalti CATALOGUE OF NOCTUID.E — SMITH. 383 Society BritiHli aa been md New Society. Mexico; umbia in Walker but not irondack Society, are the 1 Society prove a he types Z. protumnuaalls Wlk.* 1859. Wlk., C. It. MiiH., !fet., xvi, 104, llerminia. minmalit Grt. 1878. Grt., Dull. Gool. Snrv., iv, 180, Zanclognalha. 1891. Smith, List Lepid., 63, pr. nyn. Habitat. — Canada; Middle and Central States; District of Colum- bia in August The types are both in the Britii«h Museum and are alike. I have a carefully compared specimen. GeniiB CLBPTOMITA Grt. 187S. Gi-t., Trnns. Am. Knt. Soc, iv, SOL C. atiilineella Grt. 1873. Ort., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 301, Cleptomita. Habitat.— Texas. I have somewhere seen a specimen of this species marked tyi>e; but I have no memorandum concerning it and can not now recollect the circumstances. A specimen is in the collection of the American Ento- mological So<;iety, and this may be the type of my recollection, though not now so marked. Genus PALLACHIRA Grt. 1877. Grt., Can. Ent., ix, 197. P. bivittata Grt.» 1877. Grt., Can. Ent., ix, 198, Pallachira. Habitat. — Canada; Northern, Middle, and Central States; occa- sional. The type is with Dr. Thaxter. Genus PHILOMBTRA Grt. 1872. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 99. P. goasaUs Wile.* 1859. Wlk., C. B. MuH., Het., xvi, 134, EpizeHxia. 1859. Wlk.jC.B.Mua., Het., xix,87«, EpUeuxis. metonalia Wlk. 1859. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., xvi, 236, Herminia. • longilabriB Grt. 1872. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 99, 309, Philomelra. 1873. Grt., Bull. Buft". Soc. Nut. Sci., l, 40, Philomelra. Habitat. — Nova Scotia; Hudson's Bay Territory to Virginia; Cen- tral States; June, July, and August. Walker's types are in the British Museum and agree with each other and with the Grote type in the collection of the Ameri<'an Entomolog- ical Society. The latter type has just body enough remaining to hold the wings together. Head, feet, and everything else are gone. Under goasalis Walker has also a specimen of Ucrminia petrealh Grt., which he did not recognize as distinct. 384 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. E P. enmeluMdla Wlk.* 1850. 1872. 1873. 1891. Wlk., C. B. Mils., Ilet., xvi, 105, Uerminia. »erraticorni$ Ort. Grt., TraiiB. Am. Ent. doc, iv, 08, 300, PhUomctra. Grt., Bull. Buff. Roc. Nat. 8ci., i, 40, PMlometra, Smith, List Lepid., 63, pr. Hyn. Habitat. — Canada and New York, in July, to Yirj^inia; Central States. The type of eumelusalia is in the British Museum, thixt of aerraticornig is in the collection of the American Entonioloj^ical Sn<;iety. The latter consists of wings only, with a piece of thora.v to hold them together. Genun 8ALIA Ilhii. 1816. Hbn., VorzflicliiiisB, 330. 8. interptinota Grt.* 1872. Ort., Trans. Am. Ent. Sou., iv, 93, Madopa. 1873. Grt., Trnns. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 309, Valobochita. 1873. Grt., Bnll. Unff. Soc. Nat. Sci., i, 170, Calobochila. 1875. Grt., Bnll. Buft'. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 223, Salia. 1880. Grt., Can. Ent., xii, 220, Salia. galigna Zell. 1872. Zell., Verb. k. k. zool. bot. Ges., xxii, 462, CalobocMUt, 1873. Grt., Bnll. Bnff. Soc. Nat. Sci., i^ 170, pr. syn. Habitat. — Massachusetts to Florida and Texas. I have not seen the type. 8. rufa Grt.* 1883. Ort., Can. Ent., xv, 31, Salia. Habitat. — Arizona. The types are in the National Museum and in the Kenmopgon collec- tion. Genus RIVULA Gn. 1854. On., Spec. Gen., Dclt., 47. R. proplnqualia Gn.* 1854. On., Spec. Gen., Dclt., 49, Ilivula. 1859. Wlk., C. H. MuB., Het., xv, 93, JliniJa. 187ti. Spoycr, Stett. Ent. Zeit., xxxvi, 169, Ilivula. Habitat. — Nova Scotia to Texas; Central States. Canada in June; New York, June and July; District of Columbia in August. The type is in the British Museum. R. tripla Grt. Habitat. — Arizona: New Mexico. The type is in the Neumcegen collection and is not a Rivula, proba- bly not even a Deltoid. Tlie neuration is normally noctuidous, not aberrant as in Rivula, but otiierwise I have had no opportunity of trying to ascertain its true position. 1 have found no descrii)tion of the species and perhaps this is a mere collection name which should not be criticised* ; Central '•aticorniM 'he latter gether. ;on collec- , in June; a, proba- ' lous, not I tuuity of I ton of the Lould not CATALOGUR OP NOCTUID^ — SMITH. 885 Genus PALTBI8 Hbn. 1816. Hbn., y«ri!oichniw, 342. P. angnlidla Hbn.* 170A. Hbn., Schmett. Ear., Pyr., f. 107, ryraU$, 1816. Hbn., VerzeicluiiM, 342, PaKAi*. 1825. Tr., Sobmett. Eur., v, 36, Uypena. 1852. H. Sch., Eur. Scbuiett., vi, 382, Heiminta, 1864. Gn., Spec. Gen., Delt., 95, Clamyma. 1869. Wlk., C. B. Mns., Het., xvi, 152, PalthiB. 1872. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. 8oc., iv, 107, Clanifmo. 1873. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 309, I'aHhii. araointkH$aliii Wlk. 1859. Wlk., C. B. MuB., Hot., xvi, 157, Mardara. Habitat. — Canada, in June, to Texas; Central States; "^'^w York, June to August; Missouri, May and June; District of Columbia in May. Walker's type is in the British Museum and is this rx)nini<)ri species. No locality was given and both generic and specific dv criptions are such that recognition was out of question. P. asopialls Gu.* 1864. ('11., Spec. Gen.. Delt., 96, Clanyma. 1869. Wlk., C. B. Mas., Het., xvi, 152, PaltM$. 1872. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 108, Ctonyma. 1873. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 309, PalthU, Habitat. — With the preceding. The type is probably with M. Oberthiir. Genua HBTBROORAMMA Gn. 1854. Gn., Spec. Gen., Delt., 9L H. pyramnaalia Wlk.* 1859. Wlk., C. B. Mas., Het., xvi, 106, Herminia. gjfatalia Wlk. 1859. Wlk., C. B. Mas., Het., xix, 856, Herminia. rurigena Grt. 1873. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 305, Phalatnophana. 1884. Smith, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc. vii, 6, Heterogvamma. Habitat. — Canada, in June; New York, in May; Middle, Central and Southern States; Missouri and District of Columbia, in August. All the types are in the British Museum and were directly compared. H. palllgera Smith.* 1884. Smith, Ball. Bkln. Ent. Soc, vii, 6, Heterogramma, Habitat.— California; Florida. The types are in the National Museum and Edwards collection. It is perhaps possible that the Floridian form is not the same as that from California; but the differences have seemed unimportant firom the ma- terial at command. CJ4a-No. 44 26 ill in If,! 386 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. OentiH PSBTTDOROTIA Harv. 1875. Harv., Bull. iJiitf. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 283. P. venuta Harv." 187.'). Harv., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., ii, 284, Vgeudorgyia. Habitat. — Texas, in May. The type is in the Britisli Museum. A series of specimens in the National Museum from tlie Belfrage eollection, evidently loriu x)ait of the lot from which Dr. Harvey's type was received. P. rusBula Grt. 188.3. Grt., Papilio, iii, 75, Paeudorgyia. Habitat. — Arizona. The tyx)e is in the Neunuegen collection. Genua SISTRHTPENA Grt. 1873. Grt., Can. Ent., v, 227. S. oroiferalis Wlk.* 18.59. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het., xvi, 235, t Honnim. 1859. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Hot., xix, 876, f Epheuxi$. piipiUaris Grt. 1873. (irt., Can. Ent., v, 227, Sisjirhypena. Habitat. — Texas; Southern States. Both the types are iu the British Museum and have been directly compared. Genus CAPXS Grt. 1882. Grt., Can. Ent., XIV, 20, 119. C. ourvata Grt.* 1882. Grt., Can. Eut., xiv, 20 H 119, Ciiim. 1882. Smith, Can. Ent., xiv, 100, Capis. 1882. (Srt., Papilii), II, 185, Coph. 1883. (Jrt., Can. Ent., xv, 6, Capit. Habitat. — Canada, in Julyj Maine to New York ; Northern and Mid- dle States. Types are in the British Museum ami in the U. S. National Museum. GcnuH RBNIA Gn. 1864. Gn., Spec. Gon., l)elt.,01. R. dlsooloralls Gn.* 1854. Gn., Spec. Gen., Delt., 82, Itenh. fuUadaliB Wlk. 1S59. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., xvi, 38, Hiipenn. 1872. Grt., TranH. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 25, 100, pr. syn fieneraliB Wlk. 1859. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het., xvi, 29, Hiipena. thraxaUn Wlk. 1859. Wlk., C. B. MuH., Ilet., xvi, KHt, llvnnhita, 1891. Sniitb, List Lcpidopt., 03, pr. ,syu, JM. mens in the loiiu pait of been directly CATALOGUE OP NOCTUID^. — SMITH. 387 icrnandMid- juul MUHCUUI. Habitat. — Canada to Virginia; Central States; New York and Del- aware, in July; District of Cohmdna, in August. (Juen^e's types are probably with IVf. Oberthiir. The Walker typos are in the British Museum. They agree with each otlier and with the specimens identified by Mr. Orote as disvoloralis. Walker did not really recognize Guen^e's genus and described a number of species belonging to it under Hermiuia and Hypcna. Curiously enough, nearly all of Walker's Deltoids can be recognized from the description. 1 tried to recognize the species before I exi)ected to have the chance to study them autoptically, and in every ca«e my identification proved coriect. Under /flWactfl7»«, Walker's first specimen from which the description was drawn is discoloralis, while the others are brevirogtralis. R. salusalisWlk.* 1859. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het., xvi, 107, Herminia. hrevirostralin Grt. 1872. Grt., TrnuH. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 25, Reiiia. 1873. Grt., Trans. .\m. Eut. Soc, iv, 309, pi. i, ff.; 91, 92, Ucnia. Habitat. — Eastern, Middle, and Central States; Alabama; Colo- rado. Walker's type is in the British Museum. Types of the Grote species are in the collection of the American Entomological Society and also in the British Museum. I could thus compare the types of both species. R alutalls Grt. 1872. Grt., Trnns. Am. Ent. 8oc., iv, 99, Ilctiia. 1873. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 309, lleuia. Habitat.— Middle States. I have not seen the type. It was probal)1y in the collection at Phil- adelphia, and has been destroye*!. The specimens in the Mritisli Mu- seum from the Grote collection agree with n«y identification of the species. R. sobriallB Wlk. 1859. Wlk., C. B. Mns., Het., xvi, 228, Ififpena. reatrirlnliB Grt. 1872. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Sor., iv, 2fi, pi. i, f. 94, Renin. Habitat. — Nova St-otia to A'^irginia; ('entral States. Walker's type is in the British Museum. Types of Grote's species are in the collection of the American Entomological Society and in the British Museum. R. larvalis Grt.* 1872. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 20, llenia. 1873. (»rt.. Trans, aiii. Ent. Soc, iv. 303. llenia. Habitat. — New York in August, to Texas; Delaware in May; Cen tral States; Florida in March. 388 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Types are in the collection American Entomological Society and in the British Museum. This seems to me only a larger and paler form of reatrictalis. The palpal characters pointed out by Mr. Grote are evanescent, I believe; but it will require further study to state this positively. R oUtosaliB Wlk.« 1859. Wlk., C. B. Mns., Het., xvi, 108, Herminia. centralia Grt. 1872. Grt., Traus. Am. Ent. Soi ., iv, 27, Benia. Habitat. — Nova Scotia to West Virginia; Central States; New York in August; District of Columbia in August. Walker's type is in the British Museum. Types of the Grote species are in the collection of the American Entomological Society and in the British Museum. From a specimen named by Walker in the D'Urban collection, Mr. Grote referred this name to Bleptina caradrinalia (Can. Ent., IX, 29). It is probable that this is only a small, dark form of 8obrialis {reatrictalia). R. flavipunotalis Goyer.* 1832. Geyer, Zutrsoge, iv, 25, f. 701, 702, Aniiblemma. 1859. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., xix, 859, t Hermittia. 1881. Grt., Can. Ent., xiii, 91, Eenia. phaleroBalia Wlk. 1859. Wlk., C. B. Mns., Het., xvr, 107, Herminia. heliuaaJiB Wlk. 1859. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het., xvi, 108, Herminia. puBioraUa Grt. 1872. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 27, Uenia. 1873. Grt., Trnns. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, ^(ii, = helfragcU belfragei Grt. 1872. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 27, Kenia. 1873. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 304, pi. i, f.9!5, lienia. 1883. Grt., Can. Ent., xiii, 91, pr. syn. Habitat. — Canada to Texas; Alabama; New Mexico; Now York in July and August; Texas, May and June; Colorado in August and September. Geyer's species was described from Java; but reiiresents our common form. Types of the Grote and Walker species are in the British Museum, nnd a type of belfragei is also in the collection of the American Ento- mological Society. R. faotioaalls Wlk.* 1859. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het., xvi, 37, Hypena. plenilinealit Grt. 1872. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 99, lienia. Habitat. — Canada in August; Middle States; Colorado in and September. Walker's type is in the British Museum, while Mr. Grote's is in the collection of the American Entomological Society. It is likely that alutalia will come to this species as a variety. CATALOGUE OF NOCTUIDiE — SMITH. 389 ty and in laler form Grote are state this btes; New ote species and in the B D'Diban talis (Can. rk form of m York in ugust and ur common 1 Museum, ican Euto- in August 8 is in tlie likely that Genus TBTANOLITA Grt. 1873. Grt., Traus. Am. Eut. Soc, iv, 305. T. mynesalis Wlk.* 1859. Wlk., C. B. Mas., Hot., xix, 860, Bleptina. lixalia Grt. 1873. Grt., Traus. Am. Eut. Soc, iv, 306, Tetanolita. Habitat. — ^Middle, Central and Southern States; Illinois in July; Texas in March, May, and October. Walker's type is in the British Museum and is like the lixalis of the Grote collection. The type of the latter I have not seen. It was prob- ably at Philadelphia, as were most of the species described by Mr. Grote in the two papers in the fourth volumne of the <' Transactions." GenuB BLEPTINA Gn. 1854. Gu., Spec. Geii., Delt., 66. B. oaradrinalis Gn.* 1854. On., Spec. Gen., Delt., 67, Bleptina. 1859. Wlk., C. B. Mas., Het., xvi, 120, Bleptina. 1872. Grt., Trans. Am. Eut. Soc, iv, 93, Bleptina. 1878. Grt., Bull. Geol. Surv., iii, 799, Bleptina. clonia»ali8 Wlk. 1859. Wlk., C.B.Mus., Het., xvi, 105, Herminia, 1877. Grt., Can. Ent., ix, 29, pr. syu. Habitat. — Canada to Texas to Colorado; New Mexico; northern range in July; Texas in April, May, and June; Kansas in June; Dela- ware in June; Colorado in June. Guen6e'8 type is probably with M. Oberthiir. Walker's type is in the British Museum. B. inferior Grt.* 1872. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 94, Bleptina. Habitat. — New York to Alabama; Central States; Texas in May, August, and October. The type is in the collection of the American Entomological Society. Genus HYPBNULA Grt. 1876. Grt., Can. Eut., viii, 27. H. oaouminaUs Wlk.* 1859. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., xvi, 37, Uypena. 1891. Smith, List Lopid., 63, Uispcmtla. hiferalia Wlk. 1859. Wlk., C. B. Mua., Het., xvi, 237, //erminio. opacalit Grt. 1876. Grt., Can. Eut., viii, 27, Hyponiila. Habitat. — Scmthern States; Texas, May and August. All the types are in the British Museum, and refer to one species only. I) 390 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATER NATIONAL MUSEUM. GoiiiiH LOMAITALTES Grt. 1873. (Jrt., Bull. Hiifl'. Soc. Nivt. Sci., i, 13. L. eductalisWlk.* 1859. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het., xvi, 3G, Hypena. laiUilus Grt. 1873. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., i, 14, pi. 1, ff. 12, 13, Lotnanalfet. Habitat. — Nova Scotia to Pennsylvania; Minnesota; New York in May. Hoth the types are in the British Museum, and refer to one spe(;ics only. GenuB BOMOLOCHA Hbn. 1816. Hbn., Vorzeichniss, 343. B.baltimorallsGu.* 1854. Gn., Spec. Gen., Delt., 34, Hypena. 1859. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het., xvi, 31, Hypena. 1870. Rob., Ann. Lyo. Nat. Hist., N. Y., ix, 310, Hypena. 1872. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 102, Hypena. 1873. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 309, Jiomolocha. 1873. Grt., Can. Ent., v, 226, Bomolocha. 1882. Pack., Papilio, ii, 181, larva. benignalia Wlk. I«i9. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het., xvi, 32, Hypena. 1870. Rob., Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist., N. Y., ix, 310, pr. Ryn. 1873. Grt., Can. Ent., v, 220, pr. syn. lacinioga Zell. 1872. Zell., Verb. k. k. zoiiL-bot. Ges., xxii, 464, pi. ii, f. 8, Hypena. 1873. Grt., Can. Ent., v, 226, pr. syn. Habitat. — Nova Scotia to Middle and Central States; Canada and New York in June; District of Columbia in Angust. (luenee's type is probably with M. Ob<!rthiir. The Walker and Zeilor tyjies are in the British Museum. BcnignaUH is the paler form of the species ; ladniosa is the darker, more typical form. B. souteUaris Grt.* 1873. Grt., Can. Ent., V, 225, Bomolocha. Habitat. — British Columbia; Middle and Northern States; New York in August. The type is in the British Museum. I have a carefully compared figure of the specimen. H. manaUs Wlk.* 1859. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., xvi, 33, Hypena. 1870. Hob., Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist., N. Y., ix, 311, Hypena. 1872. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 103, Hypena. 1873. Grt., Trans. Aiu. Ent. Soc, iv, 30:*, Itomolocha. Habitat.— Canada; Northern and Middle States; Minnesota; Dis- trict of Columbia in June. Tlie type is iu the British Museum. CATALOGUE OF NOCTFIDiE — SMITH. 391 )ue species B. bijugalis Wlk.* 1859. Wlk., C. H. Mns., Het., xvi, 82, Ifypeua. 1870. Rob., Ann. Lye. Nat. IIJHt., N. Y., ix, 311, Hypeua. 1872. Ort., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, IV, 103, Hypeua. 1873. Ort., Trans. Am. Ent. .Soc, iv, 309, pi. i, f, 93, Bomohmha. 1873. Grt., Can. Knt., v, 22fi, Ihmolocha. paUialh Zell. 1872. Zell., Verb. k. k. zoJil. bot. Ges., xxii, 4G6, pi. Ii, f. 9, Hijpena. 1873. Grt, Can. Ent., v, 226, pr. »yu. fevialia Grt. 1881. Grt., Can. Ent., xiii, 133, Bomo/ovha. Habitat. — ('aiiada to Florida, to the Rocky Mountains; Can- ada and New York in June; Texas in July. The Walker and Grote types are in the British Mnsenni. FecialiH is based on a washed out, faded specimen, which thus looks ditl'crent. B. abalinealiB Wlk.* 1859. Wlk., C. B. Mu8., Het.. xvi, 31, ffypena. 1872. Grt., TranH. Am. Knt. Soc, iv, 102, Uypena. 1873. Grt., Can. Eut., v, 226, liomolocha. 1891. Dyar, Can. Eut., xxili, 157, larva. Habitat. — Canada; Eastern, Middle, and Central States; June, July, and August. The typo is in the British Museum. B. annulalis Grt. 1876. Grt., Check List Noct., 45, Bomolocha. Habitat. — Texas. The type in the British Museum represents a species I had not before seen. B. achatinaUs Zoll.* 1872. ZoU., Vcrh. k. k. zoiil, bot. (ies., xxii, 468, i»l. ii, f. 7, ffiipcna. 1873. (irt., (.'an. Ent., v, '1'2G, ^^mmhj'uvtuUa. Habitat. — Middle States to Texas; Delaware in June. The type i" •'•' the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Cambridge. ZcUer suspect e<l that he migiit be rcdcscribing Clucncc's .species, and Mr. Grote at once discovered that it was what he had identitied as such, and referred Zeller's name to the synonymy. Later he restored the name, and has continued to use it as well as matlefavtalis without further explanation. There seems to be some confusion of labels in the Grote collection, for the same species is named both toreuta and achatinalis. B. madefaotalia Gu. 18r,4. On., Spec. Gen., Delt., 35, Hypena. 1869. Wlk., C. B. MiiN., Het., xv, 33, llypena. • 1872. dirt., Trans Am. Ent. So«!., iv, 103, Uypena, " 1873. Grt., Can. Eut., v, 226, Bomolocha. Habitat.— Middle and Southern States. 392 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Described from a figure by Abbot. I am not certain that this spe- cies, as distinct firam the forms of aehatinalia, has been identified in our eolioctions. B. IcUeaMdis Wlk. • 1859. Wlk., C. B. Mas., Het., xiz, 839, t Hypena^ eitala Ort. 1872. Grt., TrauB Am. £nt. Soc, iv, 101, Hypena. 1^6. Grt., Check List Noct., 45, Bomolouka. trituberalit Zell. 1872. Zell., Verb. k. k. zool. bot. Qes., xxii, 469, pi. ii, f. 6, Hypena, 1882. Grt., New List, 44, pr. Byn. Habitat. — Southern States; Texas; Illinois in August. The Grote and Walker types are in the British Museum. The Zeller type is at Cambridge, and all refer to one species. B. mitograpba Qrt. 1873. Grt., Trans. Am. Eat. Soc., iv, 296, Eraatria. 1881. Ort., Papilio, i, 11, Eu$trotia. Habitat. — ^Alabama. The type is in the British Museum. It is only half a 8})ecimen, both wings of one side missing; but it shovrs plainly a Hypena near citata^ unlike anything 1 had before seen. B. toreuta Grt.* 1872. Ort., TraoB. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 24, Hypena. 1873. Ort., Ball. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sol., i, 38, Euhypena. internalia || Rob. 1870. Rob., Ann. Lyo. Nat. Hist. N. Y., ix, 311, Hypena. 1892. Ort., Trans. Am. Eut. Soc, iv, 24, pr. syn. albitignalia Zell. 1872. Zell., Verb. k. k. zotil. bot. Ges., xxii, 463, Hypena. 1876. Grt., Check List Noct., 45, pr. syn. Habitat. — Middle States to Texas, July. Mr. Grote's type is in the collection of the American Entomological Society. The Zeller type is at Cambridge. B. Bordidula Grt.* 1872. Ort., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 103, Hypena. Habitat. — Pennsylvania; Texas. I have not seen the type. The specimens in the Grote collection in the British Museum are from Bclfrage, Texas. It is likely that the typical example was in the collection of the American Entomological Society. B. umbralia Smith.* 1884. Smith, Bull. Bklti. Ent. Soc, vii, 4, Bor.. 'ocha, ' Habitat. — Florida. The type is in the National Museum. CATALOGUE OP NOCTUIDiE — SMITH. 393 t this spe- mtified iu ta. im. The men, both iar citatttf nological ection in that the ological B. oaduoalis Wlk.* 1859. Wlk., ri. B. Mils., Het., xvi, 36, Hyptna. profecta Grt. 1872. Ort., TraoB. Am. Ent. Soc., rv, 104, fffpena. 1873. Grt., BdU. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., i, 30, Maerkypena. Habitat. — Canada, Northern, Eastern, and Middle States. Mr. Walker's type is in the British Museum. Where the Grote type is at present, I do not know. The specimens of pro/eeta from the Grote collection are iike the Walker species. B. deoeptalis Wlk.* 1859. Wlk., C. B. MaB.,<Het., XVI, 30, Hypena. 1872. Grt., Trans. Am. Eut. Soc, iv, 104, Hypena. 1874. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soo. Nat. Sci., u, 51, Macrkypena. Habitat. — Canada to Virginia} Central States; New York in July. The type is in the British Museum. The specimens so named iu the Grote collection are like the type. B. damnosalia Wlk.* 1859. Wlk., C. B. Mns., Het., xvi, 28, Hypena, perangulalia Harv. 1875. Harv., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., n, 283, Bomolooha. Habitat. — Canada to Middle and Central States; New York in July. Walker's type is in the British Museum and is like the perangulalis of the Grote collection and of American collections generally. Other specimens associated with the type by Walker are deceptalis. As a matter of fact, I believe that the tw' lames refer to forms of one species only. B. ediotalia Wlk.* 1859. Wlk., C. B. Mua., Het., xvi, 28, Hypena. telUfera Grt. 1873. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., i, 87, pi. ii, f. 7, Meghypena. Habitat. — Canada; New York iu July; Northern and Eastern States. Walker's type is in the British Museum; the Grote type is in the National Museum from the Meske collection. Specimens of velU/era from the Grote collection made actual comparison possible. B. lentiglnoaa Grt. * 1873. Grt., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., i, 87, Meghypena. Habitat.— New York; Northern States. The type is with Dr. Lintner. I believe that this is merely a form of the preceding. 394 BULLETIN 44, UNITED HTATE8 NATIONAL MUSEUM. GcniiH HYPBNA Hrlirank. 1802. SL-hraiik, Fsiiiiiu Itoica, ii, 2, 163. H. humull Harr.* 1835. ITiirria, Cat. Ins. MnsH., 74, CrambHt. 1811. H»rriH, R«tpt. Ins. MasH., 34.5, HypcHa. 185."). Fitch, Trims. N. Y. St.'vlw Ajjl. 8of., xv, .n35, pi. i, f. 1. ITupcna. IKH]. Fitcli, Ist unit 2d Rnpt. Ins. N. Y., 328, ]•!. i, f. 1, Ififimna. 1862. Harris, Injnriuus Ius<;ets, Flint ««1„ 477, f. 237, Hj/iieHa. 1872. Urt., Truns. Am. Eut. So<>., iv, 101, llypeiia. 1878. Lint., Ent. Cout., iv, 128, Hypena. eranidaliH Rob. 18';0. Rob., Ann. Lyo. Nat. Hist., N. Y., ix, 311, Hypena. 1872. tirt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 101, Hypena. 1872. Ort., Can. Ent., iv. 111, Hypena. 1873. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Sot., iv, 309, pi. i, f. 87, Hypena, 1878. Lint., Eut. Cont., iv, 128, pr. syu. ffermuHalh Wlk. 1859. Wlk., C. B. Mns., Hot., \vi, 35, Hypena. 1874. Urt., linll. Rutf. 8nc. Nat. Sci., ii, 52, pr. syn. var. olivaoea (Jrt. * 1873. Ort., Can. Ent., v, 226, Hypena. 1882. Grt., New List, 44, pr. var. var. albopunctata Teppor. 1881. Tepper, Bull. Bkln. Ent. Soc, iv, 2, pi. i, f. 5, Hypena. 1891. Smith, List Lepiil., 64, pr. var. Habitat. — Canada; Northern and central United States, sontli to Alabama, west to Washington; Colorado in September, October; British Columbia, May to July, September, October; Delaware in August; Kansas in April. A specimen labeled humuH is in the Harris collection at the Boston Society of Natural History, and is presumably a type. The t;j'pe of evanidalis I have not seen. That of germanalis is in the British Mu- seum and is normal humuli. In the same collection is the ty])e of olivacea, which scarcely deserves a varietal name. The type of albo- punctata is in the Tepper collection, an«l is a very dark, almost black, form from Washington. But for a very large series from widely diver- gent localities I would have considered this Pacific coast form specifi- cally distinct. A series from British Columbia recently received places the relationship beyond reasonable doubt. H. oalifomioa Bohr.* 1870. Bohr, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iii, 23, Hypena. Habitat. — (California; British Columbia. Typical specimens are in the Edwards collection. B. deoorata Smith.* 1884. Smith, Bnll. Bkln. Ent. Soc, VII, 4, Ifypcna. Habitat. — California; Vancouver. Types are in the National Museum and in the Edwards collection. CATALOGUE OP NOCTUID.f:— 8MITH. 395 na. I, south to October; ilaware in ;Iie BoRton lie t;jpe of ritisli Mu- le tyi)e of >e of albo- ost black, ely diver- 'in specift- ^ed places ection. R. aoabra Fabr.* 1794. Fubr., Eut. Syst., Suppl., iv, 448, Hghlaa. 1854. On., Spec. Gen., Delt., 40, Hgpena. 1869. Wlk., C. B. Mas., Het., xvi, 34, Hitpena. 1872. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soo., iv, 102, Hupena. 1873. Lint., C;tn. Ent., v, 81, Hjtpena. 1873. Grt, BpU. Bnff. 8wc. Nat. Sci., i, 38, 1'latkypena. 1880. Riluy, Amer. Eut., iii, 8, HjfptHo. 1880. Coquillett, Can. Ent., xii, 43, larva. 1881. Coquillett, Can. Eut., xiii, 137, larva. ertctalit Gn. 1854. Gn., Spec. Gen., Delt., 40. Hypena. 1869. Wlk., C. B. MuH., Het., 35, f an var. pr. 1872. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc., iv. 102, Hypena, 1873. Lint., Can. Ent., v, 81,= 9 prec. palpalia Haw. 1812. Huw.,Lep. Britt.,361,CVamftM«. 1829. Stepb., U. Brtt. Eut., Hanst., iv, 12, ffypena. 1854. Gn., Spec. Gen., Delt., 40, pr. syn. 1858. Wlk., C. B. Mns., Het., xvi, 34, pr. syn. era»aaiu» Haw. 1812. Haw., Lep. Britt., 336, CraiNfriM. 1854. Gn., Spec. Gen., Delt., 40, ^=erectaU8, 1859. Wlk.,C.B.Mus.,Het.,xvi,35,=«r(>c<aUf. obe$aU» Stepb. 1829. Stepb., 111. Brit. Ent., Hanst., iv, 11, Hypena. 1859. Wlk., C. B. Mas., Het., xvi, 35,=rereetalu. $ubrufalia Grt. 1872. Grt., Trans. Am. Eut. Soc., iv, 102, var. erectalU. Habitat. — ^Nova Scotia to Texas; east of the Rocky Monntniiis, June to October. I have seen none of the types. The references to Hauorth and Stephens are from Walker and have not been verified by me. Of the other American species referred to Hypena by Walker, ff. rvfinalis is Crambm ahtrwtelltis Wlk., and H. cacaliH is Scoparia cen- Uiriella. The comparisons for the specific determination of these in- sects were kindly made for me by Mr. Warren, after I had pointed out the specimens to him. GeuuB OABBRASA Wlk. 1865. Wlk., C. B. Mus., Het., xxxiv, 1197. O. ambisualis Wlk. • 1865. Wlk., C. B. Mas., Het., xxxtv, 1198,, Gaberasa. bifidalia Grt. 1872. Grt., Trans. Am. Eut. Soc, iv, 105, Tortiicodet. 1878. Grt., Bull. Geol. Surv., vi, 564. EHlintn0ria. 9 indMtalia Grt. 1872. Gri., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 106, Tcrtriiodet, 1873. Grt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, iv, 308, Heterogramma. 1878. Lintner, Eut. Contrib., iv, 110, pr. nyn. HABITAT. — Canada to Texas; Nevv York May to August. 396 BULLETIN 44, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. The type of the Walker species is in the British Musenm. Both the Grote types are in the collection of the American Entomological Hociety. I ose Walker's generic term in pref(6rence to Tortricodeti, used in my list of Lepidoptera, because the South American species seen by me resemble our species less than the generic description would indicate. Genns DBRCBTIS Grt. 1878. Ort., BdU. Geol. Surv., iv, 180. D. vltrea Ort. * 1878. Grt., Bull. Geol. Snrr., iv, 187, Dercetit. Habitat.— New York in July; Middle States. D. pygnuea Grt. * 1878. Grt., Ball. Geol. Siirr., iv, 187, Dercetit. HABITAT. — Texas, July; Florida. Types of both of the species are in the British Museum. Family BREPHID^. Genus BRBPHOS Ochs. 1816. Ocbs., Schmett. Ear., iv, 96. B. infejM McBschl.* 1862. MflBBoU., Wion. Ent. Monatsobr., vi, 134, pi. 1, f. 4, Brcphoi, 1865. Wlk.,C. B.Mas., Het., xxxiii, 806, BrephoH. 1867. G. &. B., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc., i, 189, Archiearia. 1875. Speyer, Stett. Ent. Zeit., xxxvi, 171. Jh-ephot. 1878. Lint., Ent. Cont., IV, 227, 229, Jirephoa. 1885. Dimmock, A. K., Psyche, iv, 273, Brephoa. 1886. Snellen, Tijdschr. voor Entom., xxix, 137, Brcphot, partheniaat Wlk. 1857. Wlk., C. B. Mns., Het., xvii, 841, Archiearia. 1860. Moeschl., Wien. Ent. Monatschr., iv, 371, Brephot. 1862. MoBsehl., Wien. Ent. Monatschr., vi, 134, pr. syn. hamadryaa Harr. 1869. Harr., Ent. Corr., by Scudder, 174, pi. 1, f. 4, Brephot. 1867. Grt. &, Bob., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, i, 189, pr. syn. Habitat. — Labrador to New York in April; Caniida in May. Grote & Robinson's synonymic reference of Harris's species was made before the name was actually published. B. melanls Bdv. 1868. Bdv., Lep. Cal., Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg., xii, 88, Brepho$. Habitat. — California. B. oalifomious Bdv. 1868. Bdv., Lcp. Cal., Ann. Soc. Ent. Bolg., xii, 88, Brrphot, Habitat. — California. I am not aware that the above species described- by Boisduval have [. Both the mological trtricodes, m species Bscription CATALOGUE OP KOCTUID^ — SMITH. 897 ever been definitely recognized or referred. It ought not to be difficult to ascertain what was intended when the material is at hand. Oenns LBUCOBRBPHOS Ort. U74. Ort., Ball. Buff. 800. Nat. 80L, U, S3. L. brepholdeB Wlk. 1867. Wlk.^ C. B. Mna.. Het., xi. 703, Anarta. 1864. Ort., ProG. Ent. Soo. Phil., ni, 74, Anarta. 1867. O. &, R., Trans. Am. Ent. Soo., i, 188, ArnhieariM. 1874. Ort., Ball. Baff. Soo. Nat. Soi., 11, 53, Lewobrepkot, 1883. Ort., Can. Eat., XT, 65, LeiteoltrephM. retolmta Zell. 1863. Zell., Stett. Ent. Zeit., xxiv, 136, pi. 11, f. 1, Arehiearit, 1867. O. & B., Trans. Am. Ent Soo., i, 188, pr. syn. 1874. Ort, Ball. Baff. Soo. Nat. Soi., 11, 63, pr. syn. koyiOrt. 1880. Ort., Ball. Bkln. Ent. Soo., in, 30, Melxclepiria. 1883. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soo., x, 251, MtUcleplria. 1883. Ort., Can. Ent., xv, 55, pr. syn. Habitat. — ^Alaska; Hudson's Bay Territory; Wisconsin. I have seen none of the typeS; and give the synonymy as I find it. It. mlddendorfi M^n. 1869. M^n., in Sohrenk's Reise, 66, pi. 5, f. 9, Amphidaaia. 1883. Moesohl., Stett. Ent. Zeit., XLiv, 117, Brephoa. HABITAT. — ^Labrador. I have seen specimens called middendorfi by MoBSchler, but have not seen Siberian specimens to compare with them. y. ^as made al have GENERAL INDEX. [The otijeet hM Tnwii Ut nttv (o every name nned in thn bod.v of the worlc. Family term* are in Capitam; generic namea begin with a Capital in all casvH, while aprcioii, varietieH, and alierra- tionK am at waya in lower-cane tyim. Synnnynia are in italie; and thiNie iif genera bngin with a ('apilal. Spevtflr and varietal nam<>8 ura' indexed a* onenaatlievocour. (ivnerir ternMaren'fcrretltothepage where the llat of apeelea Iwgina, or, if a aynunyni, to the page containing the leading Hjieciea.] Pag* AbagTotii 60 abalinealia 391 abbreviatella 33S abdominalia 2»S lUffeeta IIMJ Ablephanm 34 abnormia 7B abrtua 27 abrotUtta 240 Abmatola 246 altrostoloidea 240 abrnpta 32 abxidum 267 abaorptalis 380 abtruaellua 395 ' Rcadienxia t 292 ■ooepta 303 acclivis 79 accurata 257 acerba 302 accricola 41 aeerit 40,41 Aeerra 207 aobatinalia 391 Achatmiea 179 AeoUuia 364 Acontia 298 Acopa 264 Acronycta 36 acronyctoidea 31 Aftinotia 167 aeutoii* 192 aeutaria 192 acutilinea 277 aeutipennis 128 acutiaaima 167 addenda 204 AdelphagrotlH S7 Adiptophant* 194 Adite 158 •d,inncta 47,122 adjuta 188 Admetovia 113 142 Page. adanttt 188 Adonitrit '-'88 adoptitia 337 adriana ».'W aduUera 334 ndiimbrata 32:1 advena 267 adversa 318 Aedia 320 aedon _. . . . 165 Aedophron 208 Kgrotata 321 n;mnla 879 ipneipennia 83 Jinigm» 316 (tqwalia 88 a'qnilinea 212 »rea 247 Kria 312 icroidca 247 lemginoiui 373 lethnria 3i3 nfinit 347 afflicta 42 Agarinta 307 AtinoBizia :il>n OflTiK* H3 Agiionionia 30'.» Agrapha 247 agrcHtiR 78 agrxcola 317 Agiiphila 192 agrippina 3."(2 Agrophila 304 agrotifonniA 200 agrotipenni-K 3'J8 agrotiphila 110 AOROTIS 60 Agrotia 65 aholah ;«3 aholil)ah .' 330 alabaiua 332 alabama 70 Alaria ^ 272 alaakiD 110 400 GENERAL INDEX. Page. albnfaRcIa 279 albalU 80 albanifa 38 albicosta 80 albidentina 260 HlbidnlA 300 aWi/uM 110 albilinea 1R6 albiua 138 albipemiln 103 albiiiiffnalis 302 albofaHciata 370 albognttata 126 alb<)labt>8 154 albopiinctata 304 allHipiinctclta 104 allNiveiiosa 34 albnm 268 Aletia 243 aleiicis 275 algeiis 147 algida 203 alia 205 allcni 323 Altotria 330 alliiRa 342 alterca 257 alternata 53 alticola, Xyloplmaia 136 altioola, Calopliiaia 258 alticnla, Carneatles 101 alutallH 387 amnrylliB 200 aiiiRsia 323 om(i»io 333, 334 Amalhet 71,72 amatrix 340 nniat rix 344 umbigiialig 305 aniella 372 anioricaliH, EpizeiixiH 370 amcrieana, A crotii/eta 43 nmrricana, Acronycta 40 amerifana, 175 amcricaiiH, Orthoala 210 nmcstrlB . 336 arnica 330 nmiea 138 »mieula 206 amma 204 Ainmacoiiia 108 Aniolita 103 Amphulairit ^07 Anipliipyra 100 nmpla 2i>8 amplU*itna 817, 360 atnplua 201 amputatrix 138 amygdalina 187 Ainynn 244 Anarta 202 AnchocelU 215 nnolio e'.l3ld(!s 52 anehoeeloidu 221 aneoeiicon*niit 165 Page. Andreictia 330 aiidrogena 180 andromache ' 336 andromed as 328 androphila 331 angnlalis 385 angalata 200 angulata 216 angnlidens 255 auguina 12H angiiai 353 angnatiorata 184 angustipeiinii* 200 Aniela 70 anilis 300 anna 330 Aniiaphila 200 aniiexa. Felt ia 84 annexa, Euclidia 310 annida 340 annul iliH 301 annulimaci'la 204 annulipea 08 anodouta 170 Anomia 241 Anomogyna 147 Anorthodea 198 Antaplaga 265 ant«nnata, Xylina 228 antennata, XyliipliaHia 140 anteponta 84 Anthaecia 274 Anthracia 372 Antiblttmraa 306 ontica 20:) Aiitiunrsia 365 anticoitiensis 28 antiiiy nipha 347 antipoda 236 Anytiis 100 Apamftt 173 apnmil'ormia i;i3 Apatfla 35 apiata 222 apirnliH, Gramniodra 310 apiraliH, KbyncliagrotlH 80 iipi(M:llii 302 npicoHa 31 1 Aplecta 57, 58, 50, 68 ApnrDpIiyla lOJI appuRJonata 178 npiiositii ."iS aprifa :il'M aprieani '. ;itH aqualii 162 aquamnrina 318 aradnthnsaliii 38.'( aratrix 108 Arehitarit 31)0 orclfera 280 areigera 280 ar<;tica, IMatagrnt ia 58 arotica, Xylopliaaia 137 Aretomi/scit 45 aroiiata 145 GENERAL INDEX. 401 PftRe. , 330 lt» 336 328 331 385 a09 2I« , 2.15 12H 353 184 29!> 70 300 330 290 84 319 349 301 204 «8 170 241 147 198 265 228 140 84 274 372 3fl<J 20;) 3a> 28 347 236 109 173 133 35 222 319 80 , 302 311 57, 58, 59, 68 i6;» 178 58 2W 31H 102 318 38.-. 108 , 3110 , 2811 280 58 137 45 145 Pago. ardnriH 301 arefnctn 276 argeiitilinen 308 argilhu^ea 243 Argiliophora 375 Argyrnqramma 250 A rgyrottrotii itOO an ' 115 ariaiuiia 248 arizontp, Acontin 300 arizonie, Catocalit 845 arizonoe 346 amiata 183 arniiger • 270 arna 15(i arroia 364 ArHiloiiche 34 Arthrochlora 33 anhrnlita 204 arval in 29 1 arvalU 297 Arzama 181 Arityra 193 aRopialU 385 aspaaia .345 Mpera 160 Atpila 208 asaiinilis, HamcRtra 121 assimilis, Tricliolita 298 aiioeiant 77 anteroideB 2;;7 Agtrapelig i:!2 aatricta «8 atarah 332 ateirima 103 At«!tlimla... 213 at Imliasca 322 atlantiRa 117 atomaria 245 .'toinnrifi, CarneadoH 92 atomariH, Phobprla — . 365 fttia 173 atrata 191 atrieiliata 184 atricoUnris 102 atrirornia 164 ^tritHHciata 159 atriCera 107 atrlfrons 77 atrilineella 3S3 atrlstigata 01 atriteit 283 atritintta 370 alropurpurea 103 attenta 00 AwhmUi 232 Auchmii 107 Audela 31 augur 75 auguata 341 auguatua 159 anrantiacp 297 anrantlago 219 aurantloolor 140 aurea 148 6048— If 0. U 26 Page. aurelia 337 anreoliim 202 auripennvB 361 aunilenta 66 aiiHtraliH 30 Autographa 2.'i0 autinniiHlia 168 auxiliaris 78 AxeniiR 201 Azciiia 302 B. bahayaga 346 badia 348 badicollis 61 nadinodis 65 badistriga \M baileyana 58 baileyi 229 bi^ia 70 balba 277 baliiiitis 79 baliola 174 balluca 248 Balsa 193 baltimnralia 390 Bnnkia 310 Baratlira 113 basaliH, Carnoados 104 baaaliH, Catocala 348 liAHicineroa 315 !«iHiHava 101 banigera 255 }>aiiilii>ea 134 iiusilodoa 201 batis 27 boaniana 341 bcanii 123 beata .,. 77 160 Behri'nsirt 246 bebronsiaim 208 bi-lnngeri 220 bdfragei, Itetiia 388 belfragoi, Rhynchagrotis ,53 be{fragxai\a, Calucaln 330 bella 124 bi'Undonna 287 bellii iibi .300 I llolluta 181 I Jiendii 304 ' bniiRsigimta 371 i licnigna 164 henigiiolit 390 i Berrcua 244 ' Beasiila 206 , btthinicl 227 ■ betuta* 87 blanna 340 i bicariira 71 I blolavls ". 91 I bicollarU 90 bieoloragn 218 I blcoloragtt BIB ! blcoloruta 188 402 GENERAL INDEX. ^^ !] Pago. bicnopida l'b2 biet/ea 2!)2 iiil'-iHcia 276 Itltnaciatn 95 hifafeiata 357 biferalU IWlt bifidaliii 3»5 bifoniiata 321 bijiigalig 301 biloba 24» bilunafn ]»5 biiDBCiilnta 249 biraarginalis '. 54 bimatris 20(i biiia 290 binociila 300 biuominaliii 55 binotatii 142 biiilaga 298 biplaija 312 bipiiiiota 191 bipiitictina 243 birivia 93 bistrialiR 102 biHtriaris 3i)0 bistriita 238 biHtriKata •. 357 biaiilca 232 biundulalit 205 biiiniliilata, Aiitn)iln::;i 203 biundiilata, Schiiiiii 275 blvittata 383 blanda 210 blaniliila 335 ISleptina 389 boehtm 90 Bolina 320 bollli 67 boiiibyoiforniix .*. 112 Boiiibyoia 29 Bomolocha 390 borea 137 borvaliH iia borealit 378 boHtoiiioiigiK 1)4 bracliioluin 123 Jtraehiittriiia 193 braetea 248 brasiicm 121 braHHicce 253 brephoiiteH 397 ])rt'|ili()H 390 brcvliH'iiiiiH H9 brevirontmlis 387 bri'vin 283 biltl(tbaiiil 141 bi'lHeis 342 brocba 90 Brotoloinln 171 brurei, CaliK'ainpa 236 bnicel, St'biiiia 278 bntmoia 41 bi'iiiiiuMa 43 briiiiueioulliH 51 bruuuuiyWA U8 Page. bmnnoipoiiniA 52 Bryophilu 49 buretiim 356 bufi'ali>eiiHiM 179 biiUula 24i biiiik<!ri 337 biirgeHHl 132 l*i)X(ja 213 C. •'ariimiiialis 389 cailinia 260 ciuliica 311 rniliicalia 393 roecalU. 395 ciPiiiH 94 (,'HMUirgia 318 ciRnilca 818 caiaiiii 212 t'alaniiiica 354 ealiCornii-a, Calocala 343 calirurnica, (^apiiodt^s 365 ciilHomiea, II,v|)ciia 394 valitb-nina, Orrhniiia 223 oalifoniica, IMiiMiii 252 cHllfornira, Dryoliota 233 califomicxu, Melicleptria 289 calijomieus, hiephos 396 callida 190 Callieryis 155 Cnllicrgu 169 Callopistria 309 Calobochila 384 C'alo.:nnipa 235 Caloplmsia 156 CalopliiHia 258 Calpt! 259 ('nlpliiiriiia 337 calycaiitbata 370 calyeantliata 367 Culyiniiia 212 camjietlrit 102 Caiiipomotra 372 caiiaileiiHiM, Maiiirstra 118 cniiadeuHJH, Ciilpc 259 caiialis 386 cauiltil'acta 21)9 r.antlenii 198 ca iiilida 29 caiiesi'ciis 214 Canidia 274, 285 caiiiphi;;a 20 oapnx 230 CuplB 380 CapiHxIOH 365 capsella 203 capHiiliirix 117 eaptirola 32-^ cara 344 Caradrliin 195 larailriiialls 380 carboiiaria 230 carina 204 oarltwa 139 uariHMima, Ubyuvhatfrodit ,.,. Hi GENERAL INDEX. 403 Page. 52 49 356 179 244 337 132 213 889 260 311 393 395 94 . 318 318 212 354 343 365 394 . 223 . 252 . 233 289 . 396 . 190 . 155 160 .. 309 .. 384 .. 235 156 .. 258 .. 250 .. 337 .. 370 .. 367 .. 212 . . 102 .. 372 .. 118 .. 259 . . 366 . . 2ne .. 108 29 ,.. 214 .274, 285 29 . . . 21(0 . . . 388 ... 305 . . . 203 ... 117 . . . 32^* . . . 344 . . . lOf) . . . 381) . . . 'JIIO . . . iax ... i;m l>4 Page. cariMimn, Catwnln 344 rarnielita 313 oarminnta 202 tannotina 279 oanioa 64 Cameadet 88 cameicostn 361 cariiefllii, EnMtria 312 oarneola, Ogiloconta 246 carnoaa 220 Carvanfa 194 caftsnndra 345 castft 296 ea»tanea 138 Cntnbapta 347 Catn\ieiia 1 94 CRtniilirncta 176 cateniila 85 eatberina 62 C'atocnia 329 Catoealirrhut 330 Coa 214 Celcena 144 celoiis 288 celia 338 Cnliptera 355 cclsa 255 ceutrnliH 140 eentraliii ;!88 veiitiirittlla 305 c«phnlica 286 eephaliea 140 Oeramiea 120 Crrastis 221 cerina 170 ceriiitlm 301 Cerma 47 corognma 337 cnroinatica 225 ceriiaaata 178 cerviiia, Synodoidji 320 cprvina, Kiilierricliia 308 clialctxloiiia 150 Chamaclea 271 ClinniyriH 301 <'liaii(llpii 101 cliuracta 143 Charailra 32 ehardinyi 51 Charirloa 210 Chanpiera 47 cliartaria 122 cliclliloiiln 33,1 «htnopotiii lift Cln'ra 93 Chersotis 74 chionniillii 158 CliUirldf a 268 oli1nr(>plia 220 cliloroatlgina 145 rlioi'da 1 57 CliiH'pliora 211 rliorln 07 churiii 03 C'huriEagrutia 78 Page. chortalia 108 chrysolectra 147 chryst'lluH 274 clirysopia 261 Chytolita 381 Chytonix 50 Cliytoryza 244 cibalis 162 vicatricoAa 88 cilisca 216 Cilia 193 cinduntlla 238 clnvtacta 140 cineraRC«iia 64 cineroa, Xyliiia 228 oinerea, Hoiiio|itira 371 L'increa, I'ai'liiioliiii 04 einert .collit 77 cinereomaciihila 133, 104 ciiierrnla 245 cineroaa 229 cineritia 236 chigulata 28 I'ingiiliffra 370 cinis 327 einnabarina 125 nree 338 eireiUari$ 219 eirenlifera 33 circiiincinrta 125 circiiniilntn 82 Ciirlioboliiia 325 C!t'rlio|iliiiiiiiM 261 Cirniilia 224 Cissiisa 320 eita 238 citata 392 citiina, PIialH'tmsliiIa 377 citln'a, Ortliii.Hiii 219 atria 223 cilrioolor 92 citrouellns 272 civica 196 olnndustiiia 75 Claiijima 385 clam 151 rlaron-eiit 44 clniidH 302 cliiiidrnH It? clanl'iirt.a 153 rlausiila 303 rlarifonnin ' 63 da vi plena 116 rlcnicns 75 ( 'IimhcHh 215 clcdiiatia 343 CU'opliaiia 236 Clenphniia 160 Cleptiniiita 383 .■1I.«iiIIh ■ 874 c'jiiitonii 335 clitoHHlia 388 Cloaiillia 167 rloaiit liiiidi'N 8«) cluiliaita 6U 404 GENERAL INDEX. I rage. cloniMalh 380 Clytie 191 c-nigrum 72 coccinata 338 eoeeineifaicia 307 eoehrani 96 ccelebs 348 coercita 277 cogitans 90 cogltata 135 colata 106 collaria 7* coloratlenais 32 Colorado, Agrotophila 110 Colorado, Oncocnemis 161 Columbia 202 eombinata 362 Comidava 200 eoniM 125 commelinn 169 eommelinee 170 ecmmoda 153 commoides 188 commnnia 349 comoaa 95 comparata 59 eompltta 173 composlta 266 comi.jeaaipalpis 260 comatocki 34 concliifonnia 246 oonchia 71 conclnna 284 concinnimaciiln 810 eoneita 379 ooncumbena 344 Condiea 153 condita 69 condncta 242 eonfederata 153 eonfinitali* 307 confligous 245 eonjlua 72 eonjiuent 205 eonformil 230 eonfraela 96 confragOBA 168 confusa, MorriHonia 232 confusa, Rbynclingmtis 57 eot\futa, Catorala 339 congermana 120 eongeata 213 congriia 65 eonjugtm 194 con,jnncta 98 connectii 43 connnbiaUa 334 conradi 210 coniterta 235 Conaervnla 170 oonaobrina 319 toniopita 202 conaora 336 conaporaa 107 conapiuiia 132 Pagp. eonipieua 330 conatana 332 eon$tipata 127 constricta 283 eonitrieta M5 contacta 166 coutempta 358 contcnta 228 eontetita, Iladeiia 133 eontenta, Mamettra 136 conlexta 218 eontigua 33 continens 154 contracta 374 eontraela 282 oontraliens 200 eontraria, Xylina 155 eontraria, Mythimna 120 conTale8cen8 • 318 convexipeunia 230 con viva 196 Copablepliaron 267 Oopihadena 162 Oopimamettra 113 CopipanoliH 112 CopivaUria Ill Coptoenemia 362 coraciaa 373 Cordelia 324 cordigera 202 Coritce 330 cornix 373 comuta 210 corniaca 257 corticoB.':! 49 Cosmia 214 Cotmophila 241 coBtata 55 CrainbodPB 104 Orambuf ^ 394 craaia 147 craiiaivt 305 craasiuBciila 317 croticgi 334 cronilinea 281 crenulata, Kliynclinf^rotiB 56 Rreniilata, Orl Iiodi-s 108 ereMonti 361 cretnta ,...*.... 300 crispa 217 criatata, Hnninplmlieria 3!>5 oriatata, X,yl>i|iliii»in 140 criBtatrix 241 cristifera 121 croeea 148 Crochiphora 350 Crocigraplin 201 crotohil 116 erotcMi 280 enteialit 233 crudelia 374 crnnillB 383 cniBtarin 273 Cvymoilei 137 Cryphia 40 GENERAL INDEX. 405 330 332 127 283 2B5 166 358 228 133 136 218 33 154 . 374 282 200 155 120 318 . 230 106 267 162 113 112 111 . 362 . 373 324 292 . 330 . 373 . 210 . 257 40 214 241 55 104 .. 394 .. 147 .. 395 .. 317 .. 334 .. 281 56 .. 108 .. 361 .. 300 .. 217 . . 355 .. 140 241 .. 121 148 .. 359 201 116 280 .. 233 .. 374 .. 382 .. 273 ... 137 ... 40 Page. etihieularft 106 oubilis 112 Cat'iillia 236 ciicullilbniiU 130 culea 202 ciilt« 251 eumntillH 275 luuearii 326 cinicntn 127 oii|>08 280 eupida 52 ciipidisHinm 56 eupidithima 53 cuprra 108, 100 ciirialis, Baratlira 113 curinltSiXyloiiiiscH 233 cnriusutn 202 etirla 294 curtica 203 eurvata 142 ciirvata, Cnf ooala 351 eurvata, Capis 386 ettrvieollit 162 curvifasula 215 ciirviniacnla 236 cugpulea 319 Cutiiia 194 C.vatliiHHa 50 cy liiidrica 146 Cymatophora 29 oymatophiiroiiU'S 28 eymo»a 138 cyiiica 198 D. dactylina 40 ila'dulus 87 dahlii 72,73 dama 305 dninalis 112 damiKmiilis 393 daniatioa 207 dapHtlis 67 170 DaHysiioudca 286 day! 158 debiU$ 290 decia 2f!« decopta 20l> deeepta i'l deceptalls 393 dtetplriealit 380 deetrneni 84 decipieuB, Orllioniii 217 diH'Ipiens, RItlila . : 108 dcclarans 371 declarata 46 dtelarata 102 declinatA 240 ducllva 222 deeolor 102 decora 33 decoralia 377 deoorata 894 itwnla , 380 Page. dodncta 325 defecta 183 di'fesHa 122 dejecta 361 delecta 301 deleta, Fnivn 303 deleta, Poapliila 858 dtUta 223 delicata 148 delilah 337 deliiieata 240 Deraas 32 deini8§a 121 denta 181 dent alia 213 deiitata 37 dor.tatella 164 denliuiiIiiliB 378 dentifera 239 depicta 296 depilis 112 dera»a 27 Dercells 396 deridens 32 durugala 242 deroga 195 Derrinia 271 denipta Iil9 degdemoiia 337 dosorta, Uomoliadona 157 deserta, LUucala 322 detignata 283 degperata, Mamettra 117 detptrata, Catoeala 351 deitructor 132 dctemiliiata 115 detorsa 94 deteria 142 deteBta 03 detract a 116 detracta 110 detralicim 364 Deva 246 devaHtatrix 136 devei'si'iis 250 devia 226 dia 187 diaiui 344 Dial :■ itna 115 JHania 64 diaHt'iiui 250 DiaHti'iiia 245 Uiehiujiamma 225 Dico/. in Ill itiffevta 210 difiwi iJl dllt'uNH, iUdliira 181 dittiiHii, Scliiiiia 279 diftna 186 diffunlU 166 diKitnliB, Aui'Iioueliti 215 digllalU, Sihlnia 283 digiia 70 dllecta 154 dilucida 01 406 GENERAL INDEX. Page. dimidiatn 265 (liniiniitiva 291 dimmoeki 117 dionyza 350 Diphtera 32,33 dipbteroidea 48 dipiaceou* 270 Dipterygia 155 dia 206 discalig, MameHtrn 114 diHcalig, Homopyrnlia 374 diaciuigra 148 diteiua 356 diseitincta 59 discivaria 217 diacoidalia 56 dUeolor, Uamettra 117 discolor, Mythimna 214 dixcoloralia 383 diseori 132 duplicieni 06 dispoaita 227 dianulaa 33 disaecta 45 diateverant 304 diasidena 329 dUnmilU 117 dUsociant 357 diaaona 101,106 ditiona 73 diatana 42 d!at«ma 193 diaticlia 130 diatlclioldes 109 diHtinrta, ICraatriii 311 diatiiicta, Drasteria 317 diatiucta, Manicatra 116 dUtfocta 56 diva 296 divaricata 320 divurgoiia, Canieadca 107 divergeiiH, Sy iieda 323 divergent, I'Uisia 258 divergen,s, ilicrophyta 282 diveraicolor 146 diverailineata 165 diveata 143 divldua 312 divinulu 296 diviia 192 dotilit 68 dodgfii 127 dolis 93 doUii 87 doloHa 234 doinina 297 dumiiiirata 361 dorniltHiia 30 doraalia 238 ■oriilutea 283 i)oryodc8 192 doubledayi ^ 30 Vraateria 316 drewariii 97 DryoboU 104 Pagfl. dnbitan*, Xylnplinain 135 dubitnna, lU'liaca 291 dueens 81 dncta 130 ducta 133 dulciola 334 duubai'i 226 dnplicata 371 duplirata 339 duplicatiia 261 Dyachrynia 248 dyau* 230 Dyopt 245 Dyacboriat a 217 DyacboriAta 198 Dysocnemin 287 E. earina 115 ebrioaa lOO echinocyitiii 253 ectypa 124 Edema isi edeiitata 302 odictal is 393 editha 345 edulata 45 edactalia joo eduaa 308 eduaina 370 edwardsli, Triclioolea 200 odwardaii, Syneda 3Jj effiitalis 379 egoua 2i51 ugeiia 144 egeni 125 elaborata 20I Elaphria 151 clda, Clooci^-is 215 elda, Catocula 347 electilia, Dinnpia 1 1 1 electilia, Catocaln 343 elegant 18O elegantalit 377 elegant Ilia 300 elevata 64 vlimata 61 eliza 337 elongatus 356 nbtnympba 330 emartfinata 55 emelia 352 Emmelia 302 oiiervata 183 eixtrvis 109 eiiby di'ia 376 oiiixa 152 ontlien 167 Ephetia 330 oplcliysla 165 opign>a 255 Kpiglu-a 222 Epinyetiii 267 epiituo 847 epioHoidet 877 aENERAL INDEX. 407 Pago, 135 201 81 130 133 334 224 371 330 261 248 230 245 217 108 287 115 100 253 124 ISl 302 303 345 45 M) 308 370 200 :tJ5 370 251 144 125 L'Ul 151 215 347 HI 343 180 377 300 84 61 337 350 330 55 352 302 183 100 376 152 167 330 105 255 222 207 347 377 I'rtgP. o|ii|iHf«'liin iriT Kpi/.ciixls 379 ciKip<>« 152 JCpunda 215 erasa 350 EniHtriiv 300 enihtniitlt-s 200 erdmatii 147 Kiebiis 366 ereclitea 316 iTC^tii 127 erec a 213 erectalu I>05 eri'irta 175 triclito 317 fritluniH 100 eiiVtui« 72 Xrioput 308 oroaa 241 Erotyla 302 I'lTaiis 284 evratica tlO erycata 376 erytliiolita 208 orytlii'<)Hti);ina 175 Esiaria 302 eHiirialis "2 Kii oolina 372 Kucalyptera 101 F.ueirrivdia 224 Kiidulin 310 Kucoiitociii'iiiiM 100 eiiAiopta 170 ICuetlwariUia 200 Kueretagriitis 60 Kuijlyphia 180 Eiilicrrkliia 308 Hiihypena 302 eulci>l8 230 Kvlnieyptera 274 Kidintneria 305 KuUthuyia 20(1 Eulonelie . . 46 eiiiui'liiHallH 384 KiiUK'Htleta 313 A'uKiei* 338,330 Kxipatitiehin 281 Kiipai'tliciKm 330 thiperia 212 £uphemia» 224 Kiiplexia 171 Uupeeplioptvetei 170 Eupnlia 220 ourua 218 enrtiides 101 Euioit 58, 59, «« Euros 280 Euttiotia 300 Eiit«"lia 230 EiitliiHaniitia 180 Eutliyatini 27 Eutoly po 112 Eiitorouiiia 365 Eutrifoiiin 201 evttuiavUs 82 Vajio. evanidalit 301 « vaiiiiliim 34 i ovolina, Hadi-iiii 141 pvcliiia, Catocalu 352 evicta 232 exacta 241 eiaXtata 278 ExarnU 137 exeellenii ■.. 106 Rxcsa 150 exili* 44 I'xornatu 134 I'xpallidiiB 204 expania 172 uxpolita 298 expriiiieiiH 216 expvlsa 102 expult ri X 28 exBertiHti<:iiia 55 extertUtiyma 55, 57 externa, Leiieitiiia 169 externa, Eudidia 314 extersa 142 extiniia 100 extint'ta 187 pxtiaiiea 05 extranea 189 cxtri'iiii.s 100 cxtricala 45 exiiliit 137 exuiita 120 F. fabre/aeta . . faoeta liictioHalis.. faciila t'aginn Fagitana... Kiila talciita fnlei/era fiilcitr«'ra . . . I'iiU'iila fnUacialiii . . lallax fallttx falsa I'ari-ta larnliami I'aHciata, I'erigi'a I'aHi'iata, Ilvliiioa t'asciata, ('i)iii|iaiioliH I'asciata, Uliilonclio fimeiata famiatflla tam'iatiiH fascieularis 320, faaciolariH fantidioia l'a*tuota ' t'aiiHtiiin I'aiina i'ux 153 324 388 55 228 336 204 140 254 254 38 386 34 33 153 1S8 110 154 201 113 130 41 302 150 327 ;i20 284 180 341 08 306 408 OENEBAL INDEX. Page. febrnalid 33 /eeialU 381 felina 39 Feltia 80 fuiiiseca 96 fennica 74 FBraliu 33 /entahli 100 /er.ea 125,144 ferivali8, IhlaineHtia 128 ferrualU, X.vliiia 227 furrii);in<ii()ci< 218 ferni'jinoide* 63 feaaa 193 fata 47 ftstiva 180 Icstlvoiaes 149 fibrona 173 fibvlata 142 fidelis 201 ftdicularia 196 tlguruta 157 flinbriariii 86, 109 fluia 92 iinitima 134 Fi8hia 167 flahii 64 itatiila 173 flabella 240 flultilis 189 tiagelluin 251 tlniiniiiciucta 313 flava 148 Havago 223 rtavicollis '. CO flavicornU 32 Havidulis 349 tlaviilvns, I'liciulaiiarta 149 llavitleiiH, Cariu>a<le8 90 flavigiittata 310 llaviniaculata 168 flavimedia 170 flavippiinin 298 flavlpiiiictalia 388 flavist riaris 359 flavofaticiata 314 flebilia 351 Jleteheri 234 Jlexilit 78 Jloccalis 302 florea 237 floiida 272 horiclcnsis 309 floHdiana ISO fodient 183 loriuallM 65 forniosa 249 foriiiiila 333 forrigeni 356 fortis 101 fortiiuat|i 314 ToU 183 rotiiUa 195 fk-actiliuea 144 ftagilia 48 Page. fragosa 196 fraiiciaca 342 Iratella 252 frater 32 fratereula 332 fraxini 846 frederioi 336 friablU* 99 fmgiperda 168 frustulum 355 FruvB 302 fulminans 209 f nivosa 168 fumalis 91 f amoaa 143 fumosum 34 fiinebris 295 faneralis, Acrooynta 43 f uneralis, Spragurea 305 fungorum 211 furcifera, Agrotis 90 furciiora, Acronycta 37 farcilla, Platycerura 31 furcilla, Argillophora 375 furfurata 201 fartivuB 105 fuaca 86 fuscesceoa 240 f uscigera 99 fusculenta 116 fuaciinacula 151 fuHiniacula 107 fiitiUB 245 G. Gaberasa 895 gagatea 92 galbaiiata 370 Galgula 314 gamma 251 Oargaza 193 garmani 206 gausapata 227 gelala 137 gelidtt 29 gelida 137 gemina, Notodunta Ill gemina, Hadena 132 gemmatiliH 365 generalU 386 genetrix 143 genialis 141 geuiculata 66 genfilit 217 geometralia 362 geometroidei 377 georgii 228 geurgica 303 germaua, Aniiiipliila 296 germaun. Lithumia 235 germaoaliH 39V gigaut4-n 31 gilvipviinlH 51 gisela 333 glabella 187 GENERAL INDEX. 409 Page. 196 342 252 32 332 846 336 99 168 355 302 209 168 01 143 34 295 43 305 211 90 37 31 375 201 105 86 240 09 116 151 107 245 895 02 370 314 251 103 206 227 137 20 137 111 132 365 386 143 141 06 217 362 377 228 303 296 235 39V 31 61 333 107 Page. glaolaU 122 giadiaria 82 (iliea 221 giant 358 glaucovaria 119 gloiinyi 160 flluphUia 20 Klorioita 280 aiottula 180 giiata 116 goaatilis 383 (joiDKlonta 259 Oonophora 27 Oonoptera 224 gomlelli 124 Oortyna 173 Gortyna 179 gurtyuidea 181 grata 151 graciienta 276 gracillima 162 grouillitna 185 graciUa 331 grfrfiana 225 graeflana 288 graefli 38 grammivora 170 Graniniodea 310 Orammopkora 47,48 graudipennis 60 grandipunria 243 grandirena 327 grandis 118 grandit, Agrotis 75 grandit, Aedophron 267 gruuitosa 308 gi'upliica 32t! Oraphiphora 201-208 gravis 83 grinea 332 griHeu 37 grigeicollis 163 griHeipciiiiis 365 grueocineta 199 grcenlandiea, Hadena 137 granlandiea, Plusia 254 grotei, Valeria ill grutci, Xyliua 229 groteiana 342 ti rutella 266 gryuea 332 giienoi 352 giilnria 104 giilnnre 213 guttata 305 giittnla 866 gycuali* 385 gypsallu 380 Ciyroa 315 H. habilia 348 hahitaliH 863 Habrotyne 27 Uadeua 131 Page. Hadenella 164 j liadeDifomiiH 327 i liiraitana 83 bwsitata 44 hamadryai 306 bamamelia 44 bamifera 218 hami/era 250 Hapalia 126 Haploolophua 308 barrlsii 177 HarriHimemna 47 hartmaniii 238 baruspica 74 Harveya 361 faarreyana 30 harvejfi 186 bast* 86 bastingsii 324 baatulifera 41 kattuliferu 41 batney 245 hanata 146 havilie 76 hayesi 158 hebreta 48 bebraicnm 48 Heeatera 126 belene 335 Saia 378 Heliaca 201 HeIioch«ilu8 260 Heliodora 273 Helioloncbe 280 Heliupbana 200 Heliophila 185 Heliophobtu 109 Helioaea 289 Heliothis 270 helitualU 388 Helotropba 173 belva 219 Hemeroplanit 362 Uemiceraa 260 beuiina 227 benrici 34 benrietta 271 hepara 314 herbaeea 67 horbarum 357 berbicola 359 herbimaeula 124 horilia 82 benuia 343 Henuiuia 381 henninioide* 379 bero, AgTotia 67 bero, Catocala 333 berodiaa 838 Berriekia 308 Heterogramma' 385 ktccattylut 364 Hexeris 376 bibiitci 205 hienialis 833 410 GENERAL INDEX. Iiii>rii<;1yp1iira 180 liilnris 67 i Hilliu 147 j hilliana 73 IilUii, Hyiioi iilii 318 | liillii, Catncalii Mi I hillii 142 j IliiiK-lIa 200 i liimlu 34» I liiiinn 364 \ hipiHilyta 341 i liirciim 220 h irtella 281 liirtip«H 190 liiHturialiH 363 hittrio 239 liouhenwni'thi 258 liuUeniaiii 91 lioiiiii)j;i^iin 160 IIonioKlH-a 220 Hoiiiiiliadcnn , 166 Hoiiio]iliubori» 355 Hoiiiopt«rn 368 IIoinojiyraliH 374 liontiKtu 289 honetta 224 HorniiHU 380 UormUa 378 hnrniiiH 260 liorriila 367 hurtiilana 83 Ii(>N)iitnliH 72 I 7io»(io 242 I liowanii 261 I lin wliiiidi 324 | lioyi 397 j liiKlsoiiica 322 hulHtin, Scliiiiia 274 hiilHtii, Hntk'im 134 humull 394 Hysmia 370 Hybliea 316 Hyblaa 395 hybrida 354 Hydrelia UU9, 1112 Hydra'cia 173 Hy penn ;ia4 Hyponnla 389 Uypoi'.ala 31H UypograiiiiiiiV 328 Hyppa 155 Hypsoroplia 260 I. ia»pU 50 icoli^ 152 IdeeimaliA 392 idaliii'imm 105 Idiadoloia 370 idmua, .if/roti* 60 idonea, Iladena 139 ■ igrua 258 i ignvbilit 169 '' Jlattia 244 ilU 339 i rage. illnbefacta 123 <Uapta 77 illata, AffroH* 104 iUattt, Hadena 133 illandabilis 126 niecto 336 illepida 165 iUinoiieniU 219 illiU 242 ittiterata 219 illocata 164 irabrifera 114 immaciilalis 3<i:i imniaciilatu, Cea 214 immaciilata, OrthoHia 220 iinmanig , 175 immereua 297 iminix ta 79 immortuB 287 impartialii) 372 impecuiilosa 170 iniperitA 59 imperapivna 270 impinfjeoB 294 impleta 42 implora 302 inipolita 129 iinpreRHa 41 improvisa 29 impiilHa 136 incallida 98 ineallida 131 iucana 264 incandescent 325 incerta 205 incincta 203 inci vis 70 ifldara 284 incIudouH 312 iiicoinitata 156 iiivunciniia, Chorlzagrolis 78 inconciinin, Scotograinina 130 iuvoiispii'iiu 173 incoHSj^ieua 142 iii('oii8|)i<:iiHlis 380 iiiuonstaiiR, HiniiobadnDa 156 iiicoimtaiia, I'aiiiila 32U iiicruta 44 iiicurva 126 inciiMnUs 363 liidentata 304 indeteriiiiiiata 57 Indiana 231 indieans 126 indujens 184 indi^ua ^ 257 indiructa, Uadeiiu 143 indin-cta, Scopetuauina 225 indiiecta 9«l itidiacriita 355 indivitalin 395 indocilit 132 indticta 96 induta 157 inelegniia 54 GENERAL INDEX. 411 77 104 13a VM 336 165 21U 242 21U 164 114 3<I3 214 220 175 207 79 287 372 170 5» . 270 294 42 . 302 129 41 2» 136 98 131 204 . 325 . 205 . 203 70 . 284 . 312 . 156 78 . 130 . 173 . 142 . 380 . 156 . 320 44 . 120 . 363 . 364 57 ,. 231 126 184 . 2r>7 .. 143 .. 225 (Ml . . 355 . . 395 .. 132 96 .. 157 54 Page. ineiite 321 inermi* W inexacta 366 inextricata >• infans 896 iofauHta 101 iiyfetta, Agroti$ 70 ii^eeta, CeUena 124 infelix, I'erigea 152 ir\feKx, Carneadei 106 inferior, Strotchia 207 inferior, Bleptina 389 infloita 239 inflrtelis 232 inflmatiH 65 inflnna 198 inilxa 167 infiata 269 inflexa 168 Infyacta 94 ityfruetuota 233 infvmata 214 inKenionlntn, Syneda 325 ingeniculnlii. Agrotis 67 ingtnua 355 Ingnra 240 initialit Ill innexa 127 innominata 227 innotatn 38 \nnotabili» 57 innnbenx 348 inops 218 inorata 306 inordiniita 141 InomatA, Aiiipiiipyrn 197 inomatn, Trichocoiiiilia 210 inqusesita 176 inquitta 169 inquinata 183 imeienl 205 interipta 49 inaertan s 89 intignata, Ayrotig 102, 104 ituignata, Apamea 135 intignit 260 inaita 41 insolabilia 353 inaolenH 115 insolita 46 inaperata 321 imtabUUi 205 insaeU 188 intularU 55 inanlaa 102 intuUa 136 integerriina 372 intenta 370 iutercalaris 319 interjaceua 270 Intormudia 238 interna 148 inttmalit 392 int«rpunota 384 interraptA M rage. intfxia all intriu'tatii 201 intractala 74 intrafliiliili* 310 intritii 90 intrulViviiH 78 iniilta 221 iuuata 214 ill valiJii 119 inveniitta 77 involula 360 lud ia 223 IpiniorpliH 212 ireno 343 iricolor 150 iria 171 irreeta 362 irrenoxa 315 irreioliita 150 irrorata 200 irrorata 350 isabella 333 Ulandica ]00 iHlandioa 106 Isogoiia 365 J. jaechutalit 382 .iacquoiivtta 332 jaciilifera st jaculi/era 81,82 jagiiarina 280 JaniialiH 61 Jatpidea 40 jemea 341 jooasta 330 Jochearea 43 Jocoga 33 jiii'uiiila, Nnctiia 72 Juounda, Idi'lipoi is 328 .Indilli 350 Julia 272 junoicola igg jiiDciniaciila 114 juuvta 74 junct lira 345 iuncttira 340 juvenilis 174 K. kappa 1 57 kelloggi 295 L. laiieriilii 194 labradorienxia 100 labrosa 251 Lacinia 28 laeinioiia 390 lacrymoHn 352 iartippiinia - 300 luciinoaa 88 Itena 375 lietji 182 lajtittca 237 412 GENERAL INDEX. Page. la'tiil* 56 {<«!«{«« 300 l»!vi({«ta 381 lagcna 80 lambda 230 Lampronia 344 Lamproitieta 47 lanueularia 40 lanceolnta 299 languMa 288 lanul 285 Lapliygina 168 lapidaria 187 lapponica 294 larentioldes 377 larvaliH 387 lattbricola 30 lateritia 134 latex 121 Latliosea 163 laticinerea 229 Uitielavia 255 latipea 363 latireptana 144 lauilabilis 126 logitinia 123 Legna 376 leiitiginosa 393 lenzl 253 leo 304 lepiila 230 IiepiduinyH 315 lepiiliilu, Bryopliila 49 lepidula, Maiue^tra lis I.epipolyD 259 Lepitoreuma 43, 44 Leptiua .; ) Ltptosia o- lepii8culiiia 39,40 Letls 387 LeucBoia 185 Leueanitis 322 Leucubrephua 397 leucocyela 293 leuougraiiima 115 leueomrlana 31 leucogrelia 142 leueoBtiyina 177 levettei 350 levja 159 lewigi 106 libatriz 224 libera 118 liburna 191 ligata 187 ligata 127 ligni 191 ligiiicolor 140 lUacina 123 lima 357 limbalis 284 limbata 315 Umbolaris 327 limpida 177,178 lincaria 381 Page. lineata, Anthophila 275 lineata, Xipiila 245 lineaUlla 169 lliivella 3S1 lineifroug 98 liueolata 104 lineoia 8M Jintto 187 lintiicri 186 liqiiida 116 Litliacodia 300 Litlioloniia 220 Litlioniia 236 Lithophane 226 lithoaina 297 litboHpila 45 Litocala 322 lAtognatha 880 Lltomitus 850 litophora 380 Litoproaopua 246 Litosea 318 littera 350 littoralis 02,03 lituralia 380 lixaliB 389 lixlva 316 lobelin ,10 loeulata 132 localoaa 1 54 liOmaualtea 390 longa 43,42 loiigiclava 128 longiduna 81 longilabrii &^ lougipeune 267 lougula 132 'or***™ .....■...,.,,.,,. 27 i«. 127 lubent 121 lubriciilia 377 In liricana 77 luceuH, DaayHpuiidea 280 luceiis, Hydnecia 176 Lu'-cria 131 lucctta 353 liuiJiim 356 luciana 343 luiU' 340 liM'ii.ara 171 luctuuaa 351 luna 267 lunata, Honinptera 368 lunatn. Hydra-cia 17» lunifern 368 luiiilinea 354 liipatua 281 Luperina 131 lupiiii 35 luridala 242 Ivtea 176 Luasa 167 luatralia 116 luteicouia 42 luteitiuctua 370 GENERAL INDEX. 413 275 245 IW m 08 . am . 187 . 186 . 116 300 220 . 235 226 . 207 45 . 322 380 356 380 . 245 . 318 356 . 62,63 380 .. 380 ,. 315 36 ,. 132 154 390 .. 43,42 128 81 .. i^ .. 267 .. 132 27 .. 127 121 .. 377 77 .. 286 176 .. 131 .. 353 .. 356 .. 343 .. 340 .. 171 .. 351 ..". 267 ... 368 ... 17» ... 868 ... 354 ... 281 ... 131 35 ... 242 ... 175 ... 167 ... 115 42 ... 870 P«(Ce. lnt«oU 04 luttola 202 lotoM 220 Intnlentii 88 laxa 266 lu*» 152 laxuiiosa 286 lyea rum 96 Lygranthauia 274 lynx 278 LyMia 355 M. fMura 168 Uaerhypena 393 Macronoctiia 163 miictat* 145 iiincula 316 inacnloiia 324 madefactalis 391 Madopa 384 maSittoRa .152 magdalena 336 magdalena 267 magniflca. Bombycia 29 magniflca, Hcliodora 273 magniflca, Spragiieia 304 Magusa 329 maizi i""* miKJor, Fernlia « mivjor, Oncociipniis 162 major 119 malaoa 309 malana 193 maleflda 84 Mameatra 114 manalis 390 manifetta 63 mani/tttolabeB 62 mappa - 249 Maraninalns 239 marcida . . 364 marcid'.linea 382 Mardara 385 margaritosa 69 marginnta 282 marginidenH 177 marite 312 mariana 342 Marimatha 307 marina 145 inarinitincta 120 maritima 270 niannorata 340 marmorata 137 inarmorosa 119 Marmorinia 377 m^irthallana I,t6 llaitiphanei 45 materna 354 Matigrnmma 375 matriearia 239 Matuta 62 matxitina 272 meadiana 160 meadii 286 media, 8y nnda 822 m«dta, dchinia 263 roedialla, (,'arnead<<a 06 mediaUa, I'olia 167 meditata ...... , 115 Megachyta 380 Megotema 72 Mfghypena 393 melalenoa 202 melanU 306 melanopa 202 mtlanopyga 181 mtlanyinpha 347 Melaporphyria 287 Meiicleptria 288 Mclipotix 326 mellitula 3:il membraiioaa 204 mera 297 roeraliH 195 mere»naria 78 Merolonche 35 meraa 155 roeskeana 284 m«skei, Catocala 340 meskei, Enbolina 372 metkei 184 Meaogona 211 Muogona 202 Mesolomia 171 meaaalina 330 meRBoria 00 Metahadeiia 150 MetalepHix 210 roetallica 248 metatliea 301 Metathoraaa 308 metonalit 383 Metoponia 316 mexicana 325 Miana 150 Microctelia 48 micronymplin 332 microny x 99 MicrophyM 379 Mierophysa 282 middciulorfl 397 miller! 87 mima 372 mimalloDis 85 mimula 295 mimuli 205 minerca 360 miniana 273 miniana 172 minimalis, Rliym-liii»;i'iil ih 52 minimaliH, Zanclo,miathH 383 minorata, Fota 183 minorata, Mameatra 122 mmuBciila 144 mlnata 331 minuto 290 mira ;!;i5" mirabilla, Rbyuclmgrutis 54 414 GENERAL INDEX. Page. mirabilin, Basilodpn 262 miramla, Cnradriim 195 mirajii. a, Catocnia 351 mirandali* 376 niirifica .'.. 324 miriBcalis 158 mirijieum 316 mincellus 194 MinHia 122 misoloides 146 misera 144 luiHurulata 375 minttirata 92 initis 290 luitugraitlia 392 mixta 136 mixtii 58 iiiobUis 152 moderata 186 iiKiilcsta, UloIoiicliH 130 inndesta, Fruva 302 mu<l!(;n, Acroiivcla 44 inodicn, Haileiiii 146 iiiodicella 289 modifiea 202 modiola 144 mtt'rens 93 niofl'ntiana 225 iniiUifera 370 mollis 100 molUHHima 308 m nUtchina 134 Stoma 34 Momo;>linim 34 monetiforn 308 moiiiliH 260 nionni'lirixiiatim 62 Mnnodes 151 vinnodon 25i monotru]iii 373 montana 110 montaiia 141 montanir 237 iiiopHa 338 liiorbidall« 381 iiiorlioHM 321 inoii^t'ra 247 Miirtitunitt 347 iiionia 134 morrifoiii 226 MorriHoiiin 231 morritoniaiw 82 mnrttia 282 iiinrtiioriini 254 morula 36 iiuicona 231 miicronnta 821 miill«rc\ila 348 multiforn 100 nwltifaria 233 iiiiiltilhiOH IS7 iMiiudiila 313 intiti(ft((a 317 muuis 100 tnuroenvia 8& Pago. mvralit Ill murdocki 99 m iririna 208 miueota 94 muscoHiila 311 musta 311 mynesalis 38» njyrrha 335 myrtiUi 202 N. nana 49 nanaliB 67 nanata 262 iiapee 220 narrata 317 na»utaria 192 I natatrix 365 1 navia 263 I . naviiim 263 j nebraskce ' 343 I nebi'is 178 I nebulosa 350 i necopina 179 I neogama 349 I neogama 349 I neomexioana 88 j Xephelodcs 172 I nerisRa 331 j neumccgoiii 290 Noumoegeiiia 265 nevadto 118 nexilis 291 nl 253 nictitans 174 nlgrosvens 328 uigrk'anH 369 nigriennt 103 nigrieepi 75 iiigriur 130 nigrivenni* 103 nigrirena 277 nigritvla 311 nigrocaput 306 nigrodmbria 303 ninruj'aseiata 160 nigrogiitt^ita 167 nigrohinaia 203 nigromttata 70 iiimboHa 114 niinia 100 \ipi»ta 245 nltola 178 tiitent 199 nivaria 204 nivricottahm 350 nivelgut lata 130 niveilinca . . . iilveirena — nivelvonoRii . nobili* Nmitiia Nixn'Uiii-n . . noutivaga ... AToto 89 164 131 282 70 81 42 183 GENERAL INDEX. 415 Ill 90 208 94 311 311 38» 335 . 292 40 07 262 220 317 . 192 SWi 263 263 . 343 178 . 350 179 . 340 . 340 88 . 172 . 331 . 200 . 265 118 . 201 . 253 . 174 . 326 . 360 . 103 75 . 130 103 . 277 . 311 . 306 . 303 . 160 . 107 . 203 70 . 114 . 100 . 245 .. 178 . 190 204 . . 350 .. 130 80 154 .. 131 . 282 70 31 42 .. m Page. Kolophana 193 Xonngrla 182 norma. 312 iiornialis 207 noniiuiil 201 nomifliiiiiiiii 71 Noro|)Hi8 180 nostra 104 notalia 195 nutatella 267 yotodonta 47 iioverca 124 nubila 285 niiliicola 324 nnbilifaieia 380 nuchalin 271 iiiioicolora 151 uundina 276 uupvra 235 niiptialiH 335 nnptiila 332 nurus 345 NyctwropliiPla 267 Kystalea 231 O. obntra 305 obavrata 313 obelitca 105 oI)el{Hcoide8 105 obeaiila 85, 87 obfgali* 305 oblata 73 obliiiita 46 obliqua, Si'lii iilii 276 obliqiia, Hoiuii|ili>rn 371 obliqua, Bell mil I8I obliqua, Jloiiiojiteia 3«9 obliiiua, Ili/drneiia 175 obliqualis 303 obliqiiiita 235 obliquata,II<iliira jgi obli'/vata, Udi'tphana 2OO obliquifera 193 [ obUqxiilinea 200 I oblita 162 obliterata 48 oblouga 182 oblongogtiinua 80 oblivioia 135 obsrura, Arroiivrtn 40 obscura, Mnniuittra 124 obscura, Lnpliys"' 168 «.. ,r,ura, Kui'iilyiu^ 102 obncura, Catotalii 353 obBcuripcuniR 382 obgoiirior, MaiiirKlrH ]25 obscurlor OuouliU 2.37 obterr.ottU 55,66 obaoleta 382 ohioMa. Fruva 302 ohtoMa. CatOymla 339 obmileta. I'uapltila 3,v ubf iiHa, Thcii io('aiii|iu 204 vbtuau, Mutujiuuia uiu P»g<!. obtuta 71 obtutttla 316 obusta 100 obteria 357 obvia 109 occata ]60 occiileiiB 138 ocrideuta H3 occiden talis, AtTOiiycta 35 occidontaliH, l'«eailH!;lii.sKa 378 occulta, PeridroiUH 08 occulta, Syneda 323 ochracea. Xyloiiiigfs 234 ochracea, Syni'ilu 324 ochraceus 291 ochrea 317 ocbreifascia 274 ocbrei|>ennis. Mi'lipotiH 326 ochreiponniH, /aiicld^iiiillia 382 Oehria 179 ochrogasti^r 104 Oehroplevra 74 octo-Hcripta 254 octo-Higiinta 254 oculatrix 241 odora 306 Ogdnconta 245 Ogygia 59 olialienHig 04 oleagina 270 Oligia 149 olivacea, Ceriiia 48 olivacea, Miirncstra 125 olivaooa, Hy pumv 394 oli valla 8U olivnta 221 olivin, ("atocala 331 Olivia, Koltin go oli villa 310 olorinn ms omega 250 Oiiiia 284 oinicrou 257 nmicron 2oO Oiuinatostolii i8,r, onagrim 304 Oncoi'iiemiM ]58 oiionin , 287 oniiBta 103 onychina 32,215 00 £r,o opaca 79 opacalit 389 opni-it'roiis 01 Ophelia 337 OpbidiTeR 354 0})hiuta .ilT, :n9, 3(K) opiitbalmirii 30 opl»« , 156 oiiiparn. Cniiii'ncli'H 100, 106 opipara, Ti'ipiiiliit 315 Ura'Mia 250 nrba 914 tirlilca 244 orbicularis gg 416 GENERAL INDEX. Page. orbfonlats 131 orbit 53 oroiferalia 386 ordinaria 136 ordinata 86 Oregon* 287 oregoneimiR 228 oregonioa IIB orgyim 307 Oria 274 Orihate* 316 orientalis 184 ritltana 63 orina 212 orinnda 228 ornithogalli 169 orohia 203 Orrbodia 221,223 Orthodes 108 OHholilha 357 OrtboBia 217 orthotoideti 355 ortonii 60 osoulata 330 Ototema 366 ou 252 oralis, Iiignra 246 ovalis, rhury8 357 ovata 43 ovidiica 203 oxallna 211 Osycnemin 267 oxygale 185 oxygramm A 233 Oxylot 272 oxymoruB 113 P. pacalia 359 Pacbnobia 62 Pachypolin 164 pacitica, Tiniidcanipa 205 paciflca, Aniipa 265 packardli 281 Pteetet 241 paginata 151 palata 31 paleacea 214 paleogama 349 paliliB 202 Pallndia 361 Pallaohira 383 pallens, ^dophron 268 pallenR, Loucnnia 185 palleaoens 327 paUialii 891 palliatriviila 60 palUdicollls 77 pallidicoroa 30, 45 pallifera 166 paliigera, Hetorogramma 386 palligera, IH-va 247 palllpenniR 104 palluta 82 foljfaUi, Oondica ISli P«g«. palpalit, CrambvM 395 Palthis 385 Pangrapta 377 Panopoda 361 Fanthea 81 Fannla 320 psradoxna 269 parallela, Acronyctn 38 paraUela, Trichorl liosia 210 Parallelia 360 paranympha 347 PamsUclitis 217 pardalis 305 parentalis 108 parilis 25« parmoliana 277 parta 340 porta 342, 345 parthenias 3!<6 Parthenos aiO partita 314 parvimacula 310 parviiln, Fruva 303 parviiln, Catocala 331 pasipbo) ia 256 passa 122 passer )31 pastirioans ...'. 222 pantorilU, Agrntig 92 pMtoralin, Htnia 388 patalfi 234 patefacta 231 patibilis 317 patina 146 patricia 186 patniAi* 313 patula, Thalpoeharet 313 patula, Agrotit 86 panlina 352 pauporvulii 38 pauxiliu* 288 paviiB 142 pavitensi$ 325 pectinatn, Tieiiiocanipa 204 pectinntii, Pacbnobia 63 pectinala 211 pectin if'Dmis 82 podnlis, (JHrnendcg 98 pediiliK, I'ltisia 252 pedipllnlis 881 pelliii'idnlis 69 penitn 312 penna 871 peusilis 128 pentilii 122 pepitn 261 perucutH 232 pernmnns 848 perangtilalin 303 pernttunta 60 pe:. bpllls :il7 per' »■■ "^1 202 pero^ra 60 p$reon/ltui 73 perdita 4* GENERAL INDEX. 417 Page. 305 . 385 . 377 361 81 320 . 269 38 . 210 . 300 347 217 . 305 108 . 25« 277 340 342, 345 . 31)6 . 330 314 . 310 .. 303 .. 331 .. 256 .. 122 .. 131 .. 232 02 .. 388 .. 234 .. 231 .. 317 .. 146 .. 186 .. 313 .. 313 86 .. 352 38 .. 288 ... 142 .. 325 .. 204 63 ... 2U 82 08 ... 252 ... 381 60 ... 312 ... 871 . . . 128 . . . 122 . . . 261 ... 232 ... 848 . .. 303 60 . . . 1^17 ... 202 . . 60 ... 72 • • - 4* Page. peidita 342 penlitalis 376 peretlia 201 perexvollens 106 perfecta 326 perflara 316 perforata 203 perfimca 01 pergentills 164 pericuIoHa 171 Feridroma 68 Perigea 161 Perigoiilca 200 Pcrigrapha 209 Perigrapha 207 perita 814 peritalis 233 perlteta 321,327 perlata 364 perlentans 108 p: rlubens 234 ~'"i!iiai;na 182 "luta 287 .. >\unda 91 ; ! .imana 271 pernotata 160 perophoroides 216 perpallida, Acopa 264 porpallida, Syneda 324 perpenfia 138 perpleza, Scotogranima 120 jtcrpleza, Syneda 324, 325 pcrplvxa, Perigea 154 perplexa, Catocala 340 perplexa, PoaphiU 359 perpolita 01 perptira, Agrotit 101 perpura, Orth'^tia 294 ptrquitita 58 porscrlpta. 259 persimilis — — 288 32 , 04 358 ,. 43 18 97 381 323 225 281 penonaia. F ,' >>i(v perionati' .^ 'r '•'« pcr^'plcjiv .... ■ pernia$a . pcrtraotA pertiirbata petrealis petricola pettiti petulans, Schlnia petnlanK, Catooula 340 petulca 227 pexata 230 phctalin 378 Plueocyj" 388 phaliTii. ;li-. 383 Phaleir. or ^•VA ■ 385 Phalii'nosv 377 pbalnngb 349 phaUroiali* 388 Phcooy ina 368 Philoehryn 180 PhUometra 383 PhOomma 871 tf04S— No. 44 27 Page. PhiprompnR 102 pMogophagiiR 270 Phlogophora 170,171 Pboberia 356 phoca 120 plioBbe 348 Photphila 145 phrogmatidicola 187 phryiiiA 346 Pliiirys 3{,6 phyllophora 72 Phyproiopun 102 phytolaeccK 160 Phytometra .111,317 piatrix 360 pieina 161 picta 120 pictiponniH 280 pilipalpis 189 pinaitri 155 Pippuna 266 piacipellis 76 pitycliroiniis 263 pityehrou* 04 Pityolita 381 placata 350 placida 52 Plaeodes 245 plagiata 71 plagiata 188 pla^rigera 80 Plngiomimtciis ! 263 plana 307 plaiialiH 206 planifrnns 65 plnnuH 100 Platagrot is 58 Plathypena 395 Platyeerura 31 Platy soiita 184 pleota 74 plenilmraHg 388 plenipennit 373 PUoneciopoda 106, 100 plconoctusa 212 Pleonectyptera 362 Pluroma 235 plonritlca 07 plicatus 100 j>lumbeola 318 pliinibiflmliriata 304 pliiraliH 87 PluRla 247 plu»iifi>rmiH 208 PliiHiodnnta 260 plntnnia 135 pluTioRa 138 Poaplilla 368 poctica 265 Polenta 263 poli •• 137 Polla 108 polffgama 832, 3S5 Polygrammate 48 Polyphanit 67 418 GENERAL INDEX. m Fage. ponderoBa 350 populi 40 Pomsagrotin , 85 PorpKyrinia 272 Porrima 274 portia 341 poatera 237 poatica, Trichoclea 20» poat,icata, Ortlioaia 219 preBclara 332 proeeox 70 pru^ttca 170 prteflxa 68 prtegracilia 185 prmpilata 240 praesea 206 praalna 57 precationia 251 preaaa .' .. 59 pretioaa ^1 preHoia 1. prima, AnortlimiGs s prima, Perigrnplia ^U9 privatua 109 procinctua 170 proclivia 79 Prodenla 169 prodeniformia in prodtvnt 199 producta 240 profeeta 303 promuUa i"i promptella 192 propera 311 propinqnalia 38 1 propinquilinea 32 propriua 286 prupulsa 117 prorupta 287 protea 210 Frotliymia 307 protumnuaalia ; 383 proxima 156 pniiii 44 Psnphldia Ill Faeadacontla 273 FxeudagloRaa 377 FHeiidnnarta 148 Faeudanthcecla 286 Faeudantbraoia 373 paeudargy ria 189 paeudogamma 251 Faeudoglwa 210 Pieudolimueodet 856 Pimdophia 191 Faeudorgy ia 886 Faeudorthoaia 211 Faeudotamila 287 Pttudo rthod«$ 199 Faendotliy atira 28 pii 36 Fterutliollx 244 Pteroaoia 191 Ptiehodtt 867 ptilmlont* 164 ptyoophon 4.. 264 Page. pndena 28 pudorata 37 paera ■ 316 puerilia 200 pnlofaella 208 pulcherrima 239 pulchrlpennia 288 pulla 163 pallata 163 pulverilinria 375 pulveroaa 375 pvlveroia 379 pulrerulentfl, Mr nieatr.i 121 pulverulciita, I'erigea 154 pulverulcuta, Fulia 166 pnnctifera 153 pnnctigera .. 92 pnnctipennia 376 punetularx* 864 pupiUarii 886 piira 841 purgata 818 purparaacena 259 pnrparea 217 purpurifaina 179 purpurifaacia -■. . 176 piirpnrigera 246 purpvripenni$ 174 purpiirlsaatn 114 poHtnlnta 297 pui tulata 313 puta 218 pnta 22:1 pulreiceni ?68 putnaini 248 pygiiiR'a, Ini;tir;i 241 pygmiBa, l)«>n'eti« 396 pyralis 362 pyramidoidea 197 py ramiiaalia 385 l^prophila 106 pyroplilloidea 78 Pyrrliia 216 Q. ; qiiadrata, Acronycta 38 quadrata, Mameatra 124 qnadraunulata 127 quadridimtata 89 qnadrifera 315 quadrifllaria 358 qnadri-lincnta 126 quadrilnnata 29!) qnadrl]ilaga 256 quadriplagiata 369 qiiKNita 140 quamita 176 quarta B7 qiierqnera 220 quettionU 250 quieta 295 quinquelinea W K. radcllff^t 89 rmdiata 81 GENERAL INDEX. 419 Titgn. 28 . 37 . 316 200 208 23» 288 103 103 . 375 . 375 . 379 . 121 . IM 160 . 153 92 376 304 886 . 341 . 318 259 217 179 176 246 . 174 114 . 297 . 313 . 218 . 22:1 . ?68 248 . 241 . 396 . 362 . 197 . 385 196 78 . 216 38 . 124 . 127 89 . 315 . 358 . 12« . 29!) 256 . 369 140 176 . B7 . 229 350 . 296 •9 SB Page. radix 117 ralla 217 raniosiiln 107 ranunculi 290 Rapliia 32 rcuiUt ISl rava 73 rava 101 rectangula 254 rectifascia, Atethinia 214 rectifascia, Clcoferis 215 rectilinea 125 reelilinea 155 i-etula 88 reeutan* 377 rediinicula 107 regia 279 regnatrix 180 relecina 140 nslioto 346 Kemigia 363 remiglpila 320 remiasa 132 remiua 152 remota 93 rena 102 Renia 380 reniformig 173 renigera 124 repanda 361 repanda 303 repentina 123 repentifi 374 rtpentit 96 repreiiu* 197 residua 353 resoluta 397 restrictalis : 387 reauniens Ill retardata 45 retecta 351 retieeni 90 retis 311 retroversu 157 revicte 206 revoluta 360 rhexia 269 Rhiangrotis 79 rbodarinlis 307 RhmloiUpsa 273 Shodophora 272 Rhodonea 2T2 Rliyncliagrotiit 51 Rhytia 364 riuhaidgoui 293 riehi 263 Richia 108 riding«iana 90 ridingsll 306 rigida, Agrotiphila 110 rigida, Hydnuciu 176 rigida 295 rileyaua, Foruaagrotis 80 riley ana, Morrisuuia 231 rlmoM 189 Tage. riparin 161 Ripogenut 239 Rivula 384 rivuloaa 282 robinsonii 361 rogationis 250 rogenhoferi 114 rolandi 112 rolandiana 306 rosiB 369 roialba 307 rosalinda 341 ro8arla 73 rosea, Thyreion 268 rosea. Mamestra 120 roiea, Centra 272 roseicosta 302 roseitincta 278 rotundalis 378 rubefacta 120 rubefactalia 97 rubi 78 rabi 369 rubieunda 30H rubifera 73 rubxginoiia 278 rnbrescens 206 rubrica 234 rubricoiiia 42 rubrieotta 301 Tubripenuis 186 rubrosufltisa 375 radens 69 nifa 384 rufago 223 ruflinarKo 361 rufimedia 284 ruflnaliR 396 ruflpectus 61 rufipcnnin 86 rui'oHtriga 186 ruf ula 203 n</uto, Agrotit 101 r^fttU^, MameUra 121 rugifrona 262 rugosa 123 rurigena 385 ruasua 262 Tuaaula 386 rutila 177 S. aabiiloaa 321 aaclveui 257 »oj70 316 aagittarlua 100 Salla 384 Halicarum 63 aalicla, Acroiiyt'la 47 aalicia, HoiiiopturK 370 aalioia, Anuaplillu 297 Saligena 32 taligna 384 aaluaaliB 887 aambuoi 313 420 GENERAL INDEX. Page. Hancta, Acronycta 4U Haiicta, Catocala 334 »andix * . 180 ' sanguinea 279 mnfftiiiiea 280 aaporis 273 sappho 352 $ara 346 satieus 85 aatU 102 saturuta 278 aatyriciis 190 saucia 69 aaunderHiaua 160 Baundenil 360 ■anzalitui 170 laxea 323 taxigtua 59 acabra 885 acabriusciila 155 8can<1oii8 93 Bcapularia 253 ScJiiulft 274 Bcliienlicrrl 293 aciutiUaiis 349 teirpieota 187 Bciasa 286 neiwa 361 acubiallH 378 Bcolecoonmpa 191 Sc<>lii>pt«ry X 224 Si'opnriil 395 StrupuIOHOiiiu 224 Scotofrrainnia 129 Heutophila 197 scripta 27 scriptlpoiinia 379 teropuUtna 64 arrupnloBB ' 821 Bculptilis 95 itulplus 109 BRiitellarin .". 390 scutosus 271 Becttt 310 aecmlcim 294 aeotiliH 232 aedata 800 Stiitnia 265 S«getia 163 Bflecta 255 select a 346 .SelciiU 873 netiiiaperta 172 Huniicaiia 144 *emiehalcm 309 BouiiuirculuriB 29 lemielarata 83 Beinicrocua 304 MonilHava 303 ttmifurea 163 temilineata 376 Bumiliiuata 141 itminiveali* 300 Mtniopaca 800 Svuilupkura U Pn<:c. Retnipun>uroa 307 semireliuta 342 temitigna 147 aemi luta 228 tenteetu 147 sengUis SO Senta 183 separans 133 separata 277 aepoMita 323 aeptempunctata 266 Beptentrionalis, Schinia 284 8eptentTionaU8,_ Melicleptria 280 teptentrionalU, Mamettra S6 Mfptentrionit, Agrotis 86 teptentrioni* Anarta 203 SepH* 231 •era 174 serosa 348 serlcea 222 serrata 170 HerraticorniB, CncuUia 238 serraticornia, Philometra 384 serricorniB 94 tesquistriari* 360 Setagrotis 65 lexatUU 105 lexguttata 47 aexplagiata 276 aexpunctata 376 sexseriata 266 sexeignata 822 Slavana 361 SideridU 174 sidus , 226 Bierra) 75 Higiuoides 60 slguata, Trlcholita 172 signata, Gltea 221 Hgn\fera 1C8 aiguosa 227 lignoia 227 »Uago 223 Bilens 107 BimilariB 237 «tmt<t« 331 aimili*, Granimodea 310 Bimilia, Catooola 333 Biinplaria 70 simplex, Acronyota 47 simplex, OncovnemiH 150 simplex, Xylomigcs 233 simplex, Flusia 256 simplex, Schinia 276 tiiapXieia 70 simpliciu* 70 sim uhxtUii 353 sinuera 50 singula 118 sinualis 328 sinuosa 338 siren 285 Sisyrhypoiia 888 smaragdiua 145 amitbii 810 GENERAL INDEX. 421 307 342 147 2-28 147 50 183 133 277 323 266 384 280 96 86 203 231 174 348 222 179 238 384 04 360 63 105 47 . 276 376 . 26& 322 361 174 226 75 60 172 221 . 1C8 . 227 . 227 . 223 107 . 237 . 331 319 . 333 70 47 . 150 . 233 . 256 . 276 70 70 . 353 69 . 118 328 . 338 . 285 . 388 . 146 . 810 Fa|i». ■noviana 350 BDOwi, PIubU 257 snowj, Thyreion 268 ti^riaf Oraphiphora 172 $obna, Ortetia 250 $obria, Mierophyia 317 ■obrialig 887 aocia 823 toeia 130 mteort 318 solidaginis 230 tolidaginU 235 Holitoria 104 •oniDieri 187 sonmna 344 «ordlda, Schlnia 270 aordida, ~>nii(aeia 805 aordidu, Catocala 331 aordlduU 392 aoror 78 apadaria 102 apadix 207,320 Spargahma 376 $peeieUu 88 apeoioaa, Platagrotis 58 apeciosa, Polia 160 apecioBisaima 177 apectanda '■ 103 tpeetanda 269 tpectaitt 48 apecularis 367 aperata 46 apeyeri , 238 Sphida 181 Bpiculoaii 125 iSpiloIonia 354 apiiiea 35 apinigera 39 $pinigera 36, 39 spinosiB 2B1 tpiua 96 tpoliata 231 spoiiaa 90 tpraguH 280 Spragiii-ia 304 Bpumoaiini 262 tpureata 218 nputator 135 sputatrix 135 iquammularit 373 Btaudingeri no 8t«llari8 67 atollata 271 Stewarti 167 Btibadiuni 262 Sticfoptera 320 Htignia 113 ttigmata 164 ttigmoia 84 stilla 216 Btipata 131 Stiria 262 atramentoaa 175 atrena 800 Strenoloma 364 Page. Stretcliia 207 atretohii, Scotogramma 130 atntchii, Catooala 341 ttretehit 324 HriaUUa 248 atricta 128 ttrieta 144 Btrigata 156 itrigieoUU 126 itrig\fera 160 Btrlgilia 107 Btygialia 328 atylobata 372 Stylopoda 286 atyracis 206 auavis 271 tutopieaii* 234 aobaqnila li J anbcarnea 182 »ubeeden» 146 Bubcitriualia 304 snbdita 120 iubdoletit 172 Nubflava 182 anbflavidaliB 363 aubflavidena 267 aubfleza 280 aubfuBOula 204 Bubgotbioa 81 tiAgothica 81 Bul^ancU 118 $ublati* 100 Hubiuarina 120 Bubnata 350 tvboehrta 42 aubolivacea 307 $ubpartita 314 aubporphyrea 76 aubpunctata 180 Subrita 240 »ubi^al<$ 395 Bubtermioata 206 anbusta 213 aub vexa .' 212 BubviridiB 353 Sttdariopho.'-a 192 BueU 289 siiftusa 203 tufusa 66 BiiffuBca, Hadena 105 ButtuBca, Xylophasia 133 tulmula 275 Bulpbiirua 262 Huperans 43 Buperba 296 aurena 255 nurrectalit 378 antri ua 127 BUtrli , 209 Sylectra 376 aylvacam 358 tylvia 344 Sympiatia 286 Synoda 322 Synodoida 82U 422 GENERAL INDEX. Syngrapha 258 HynocliitOH 310 Symia 867 T. tabulata 234 taclu* 374 taedata 210 TsBiiiocanipa 201 talidkfnrniis 194 Tamila 274 tantillna 875 Tapiuostola 184 Tarache 298 tarda 195 tearlil 29 teeta 190,244 tcjonica 824 teleboa 09 TeUritta 245 teli/era 06 leligera 128 telum 36 t«nebrifera 62 teDella 328 tenuesceiis, Peridroma 70 tenuescens, Scliiiiia 275 teiinicola, Agrolis 67 tenuicola, Acoutia 299 t«nuifa8cia 159 tenuis 365 tepida 220 tepperi, Koctua 77 tepperi, Plngioniimicus 203 Tetanulita 389 tetra 101 tetrica, Cariiontlc 94 tetrica, Cirrhobolina 326 teratopbora 49 Teratoeera 376 termina 368 termiiiulis 159 terminuta 204 temiinellus 194 terminiiDnciiliita 301 teiTealis 79 territans 261 tortla 279 teasellata 103 tosselloidea 107 texana, Porosagrotis 86 tesana, Leucania 187 toxaua, Anomis 242 texana, Jiemigia $64 thaUunna 118 Tbalpocbares 313 thaxterianus Ill tbaxteri 230 theeata 200 theodori 165 tberalis 380 Themutia 365 Thtrmma 102 thoracica, Aoronycta 37 thoraoioft, Calocampa 236 tboracica, Antaplaga I'tiU thoroani 282 thraxatit 386 Xhyatlra 27 Thyatibid^ 27 thyatiroidfjs 249 ThyreioD 268 Thyridotpila 377 Thysania 367 Tiautpa 260 tlgris 245 timais 180 timandra 332 togata, Apamea 199 togata, Xanthia 223 tonaa 143 torenta 392 tortilia 146 tortricina 306 Tortrieodet 395 tota 39 Toxocampa 355 trabalU 59 Trachea 148 tracta 150 tr'-oropogiiiis 197 Tr „.a 364 transfroiis .• 141 transmntata 305 transparens 208 tranquila 212 trausverAa 90 trausversata 29 treatii 71 treiiinla 222 Tn<BiM 37 triaiiguli I'er 261 triangulum 71 Trlchoclea 200 TrichocoHinia 210 Tricbolita 172 Tricbopolla 161 TricIiorHumia 210 TriehotelUis 274, 280 Tricbotaraohe 208 Trieopii 274 tricosa 81 tr\fariana 305 trifascia 202 tiifasciata, Schliiia 275 trUnsciatt, Caniendes 06 trlfolli 119 1: igon a 63 Xrigonophora 171 Trileuca 213 trilineata 213 Xriocueniis 273 triparii 86 tripla 884 triplagiatuB 263 Tripudla 314 trlqiietra 197 triquetrana 193 trUecta 194,195 triaiguata 47 GENERAL INDEX. 423 P«2P. . L'tHJ . 282 StW 27 27 249 208 . 377 367 2(S0 245 180 . 332 . 199 . 223 . 143 . 392 146 . 306 . 395 39 . 355 S9 148 . 150 . 197 . 364 141 . 305 . 208 . 212 00 29 71 . 222 3" . 261 71 . 209 . 210 . 172 . 161 210 274,280 . 208 . 274 81 . 305 . 202 . 275 05 . 119 53 . 171 . 213 . 213 . 273 86 .. 384 . 263 . 314 ,. 107 103 194,195 47 Page. trIMicnIa 100 tristigmata 225 trisUR 347 trlstrigeUa 193 triKei 102 tritona 37 trituber<ai» 392 truneateUa 303 tubercalum 283 tniuida 286 Tunza 192 tiirbata 360 turbalenta 145 turria 104 tasa 143 typhe 183 U. n-anrenm 254 n-atbam 174 u-brevi$ a... 249 Ufeus 190 nlalume 362 tttmi »6 triolonohe 130 nltima 285 nltroiila 338 umbra 216 lunbraliB 392 nmbrata 73 umhratiea 238 umbrifateia 376 nmbrina 368 nmbripennU 373 umbrosa 130 vmbrota 339 umhromt 270 undularis 372 vndul\fera 312 unica 230 unicolor 190 unieolor 75 nniformis, Teniocampa 202 uniformis, Homoptera 371 unijuga 340 nnillneata 371 unimacula 276 unimacula 74 unimoda 229 nnipunota 189 unitignata 151 unoeuia 298 unxia 316 urbioola 366 nrentia 246 u-Bcripta 119 utaheneis 203 uxor 339 V. yacoinia 289 vaccinii 254 v-album 174 valena 32J Valeria 166 Page. Valeria 343 vancnnrereugis 83 vanella 287 vapularit 83 varia 149 variabilis, Pseudorthosia 211 variabilis, Stretcbia 208 variaoa 184 variata 63 variolata 122 varix r»3 vaii-media 126 v-brunneum 171 vet'ors, Perigea 152 vocors, Urthodes 199 vegota 207 vegeta .*. 318,320 velarls 274 velata 174 velata, Celcena 190 velata, Uraphiphora 52 velleripeunis -. 92 velli/era 393 venala 206 venerabilis 83 ventilator 239 vennsta 248 venutta 287 vennstnla 222 verbascoides 139 vereonnda 342 vemalis ■. . 112 vernilia ,. . 65 verrilliaua 337 verrtlUi 41 verruca 250 versabilU 328 versicolor 150 versipellis 107 veniita 386 vergutu* 314 verticalis 102 vegea . . 314 vetiuta, Agrotis 108 vetusta, Carneades loi vetusta, PorosagTotis 85 vetutta 235 viatica 221 vioina 128 victoria 355 videos 184 vidua 351 vigilani 147 viUosa 288 vineta 150 vinculum 357 vindeminlis 205 vindemialis 120 viunula 38 vinuUnta ...,. 226 violacea 141 violans 172 violaris 66 vifdenta 337 viralit 133 424 GENERAL INDEX. Pnge. Tirani 824 Tirenceni iS68 virgiKa 843 ▼irginkUs 300 Tirgnlk 200 tiridmn* BOB TiridaU 40 wiridata 310 ^ridetcttu Ill Tiridifan 204 Tiridipallenii 220 viriditigwita 255 TlriduU 212 Tlridas 388 TiMs 110 ▼Itre« 386 Tittifrons « 54 vittuU 117 TOoalU 77 ▼olabiUa 84 yolacris 374 TolamnU 343 ▼olapis 273 vomerioa 232 torax 101 Totiva 337 Tulgaria 130,140 valnerea 157 mUnifiea..: 181 vnlpina, Acronycta 40 vnlpina, Cirrhobolina 325 vnltuoaa 134 tulvivaga 144 W. te-album 174 walked 225 viaUhii 345 walsinghami 278 washingtonia 230 iMthingtonisniii 67 Page, wcstcottii SM weatermanni 106 whitneyi 886 wilaonii 88 v-lotinum 117 wookai 64 iBOodii 870 viorthingUmi 86 X. Xanthia 233 Xanthodet 803 XanthoptutU 180 Xanthoptera 303 Xanthothriz 200 Xeitia 220 xylina 243 xylina 220 xyliniformia 46 icy{tnoMl«« 45 Xylomiges 233 T. yosemitee 163 Ypsia 372 ypsilon 66 Yriaa 374 Z. Zaie 3S7 Zanolognatha 381 sen 178 zelUri 183 aeUioa 352 aenobia 367 cetteratedtii 205 zUlah 342 zoe 338 zonata 374 Zosteropoda 180 Zotheoa 212 Page. .. 8M • 105 .. 385 88 . m 64 . 370 86 223 303 180 303 2M 220 243 226 45 45 233 163 372 66 374 367 381 170 193 352 367 295 342 339 374 190 212