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Mapa. platas. charts, ate, may ba filmad at diffarant raductlon ratios. Thosa too iarga to ba antiraly ineludad in ona axposura ara filmad baglnning in tha uppar laft hand cornar, laft to right and top to bottom, as many framaa as raqulrad. Tha following diagrams illustrata tha mathod: Laa cartas, planchas. tablaaux. ate, pauvant Atre filmAs A das taux da rAduction diff Arants. Lorsqua la document ast trop grand pour Atre raproduit an un saul clichA, 11 ast fiimA A partir da I'angia supAriaur gaucha, da gaucha A droita, at da haut an bas, an pranant la nombra d'Imagas nAcassaira. Las diagrammas suivants illustrant la mAthoda. 1 2 3 32X 1 2 3 4 5 6 PuBUc Archives Canadd Aidtuves pubiiques CanadfX >£ 3'- ■it'.- •f i. ^' I- r*?^: i^-' •; ,-?M?^: a ( IS o :A. ^--^^r- II H. H. HJLLEB A G0.» Hardware, head Power'i IHit.— See p. S. 00 9 to es P. a .a 1-9 -s a • V o «s I a O X>*OR TUB PROVINCE OF NOVA SCOTIA, Dominion of Canada, irOR THE YEAR. OW OUR. XjOUD QC o 1882, Being t&e second after BIBSEZTILB or LEAP TEAR, and Ibe latter part of tbe 45tb and tbe lieglnnlng of the 4eth year of tbe Belgn of Her Bbjesty Queen Victoria. <•> J r E!8T.A.SX:iX8ZXSr> 1884. <»> See Index, Pages 225 and 229. m ■ * — ■ m v_^j 4J 'Published "by th,e ^Proprietors, MCALFINE &; BA.R,ISrES, HALIFAX, N. 8. SOLD BY A. & \y. MAOKINLAT, ia7 OranWlle Si; BU0KLE7 k ALLRN, 124 GranWlle St.; T. P. CONNOLLY, Corner OrAnville and George Sts.; WILLIAM QOSBIP, 103 GranviUe St. VOVA BOOTIA FBIRTIIO 00., Oomer QranTille and Baokrille Bti. ft O f I s m i t MAOfimiAl n p. nn Plunbers, steam and not water HIAuUURALU & UU. EiiirlB«en,Bra8g.ffo«Bder8,*o. American Boat NallSf 6alTani;'6d and Black, I t I belcher's farmer's [1882 WILUAI fiOBERTSOH, IMPORTER OF Ship Chandlery, Iron, Steel, Cordage, Canvas, XTets, Lines, T'wines, Ochres, Oils, Varnishes, Agricultural Implenieiits, HOWE'S SCALES, Tar, Pitch, Rosin, &c., &e. 205 & 207 LOWER WATER STREET, Bead of ICitoheirs Wharf, HALIFAX, N.S. ^ H S > @ 3 Wade A Bateliejr*« Biiaors aad Harbcn* Shcan are Mid Ivwt At H. H. FULLER A CO.'S, head of Power's Wharf. ! I I I § u & s e n I -: I 9 I 1882] ALMANACK. H. I FDILEII k CO. Hardware OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, WHOLESALE & MTAIL, J^T liowest Rateis. See our Advertisement at top of every page in the book. HEAD OF FAWER'S W3ABF, HALIFAX, N. S. 8 I 3 e 4 I I I At I*. WAIiSVa^ Citr ll«rdw»r« M«r«.-aee mIt. p«ce U. Noble & Hoare's Superior Tarnlshcsj BELUHER8 FARMERS [1882 f WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STATIONERS, Photo. Albums, Scrap Albums, Opera Glasses, Ladies' Companions, Writing Deslcs, Drawing CaMS, School Slatos, Card Cases, Ladies' Fans, Oluvo Boxes, Stereoscopes, Microscopes, Purses, Games, Chess, Playing: Cards, Bezeque, Dominoes, Blank Books, Memo books, Poclcet Books, Cbromos, Glllott's Pens, Mitcheil's Pens Writing and Copyingr Inks, Book Marks, Gold Pencils, Gold Pens, Bibles, Prayer Books, Church Ser\'loes, Diaries, Annuals, Almanacks,&c. for 1882. Boob! m every Depannieiit of Literatore. mm oi every (lescnDM Sole Agents for Hejrwood, Higglnbotham, Smith A Co.'s Pape ' llanglngs. BUCKLEY & ALLEN, 124 Granville St , Halifax, FASHIONABLE HAT DSFOT. 188S — ^VINTER GM30DS. — 188S. m. IMPOUTEB AND DEALER IN Hats, Caps, Fnrs, and Baffalo Robes, TrunkS) Yalises, Leather Hat Cases, Carpet Bags, &o. WeC(^|L,iSAILg mU BiiTAfiL. 82 UPPER WATER ST., HALIFAX, N. S sign of the Gilt Hat and Cap, Opposite Tobin*B VK^tarf. A SPLENDID STOCiToF LADIES' FURS, And Gentlemen*^ Fur and Heavy Cloth Oat^ of every description will be offered to intending purchasers at the lowest prices for cash. i!i^=- Please ffivo me a ealL JOHN H. PHILP, Opposite Tobin's Wharf. o o % i en 0) Q CO o Q KraM und Irou Wirei Urass and Irou Wood Sorewa* At II. H. PULLER & CO.'S, XgenU, , i O n i R e I I I n fQ a o .3 1882] ALBIANACK. A. STEPHEN $c SON, 101 aad 103 Bairinffton Street, Z% 36 &&d 38 Frinoe Street, HALIFAX, 3Sr. 8. HEST-CLASS PUEHITTOE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Wo are the Largest Manufacturera of PARLOR and CHAMBER FURNITURE, CHAIRS, BEDSTEADS, BEDDING, &c,, in the Province. At the Dominion Exhibition of 1881, we obtained a Diploma and Six First Prizes, for the snpe- riority of our work over all competitors. Orders by Mail carefully attended to. A. STEPHEN & SON, HALIFAX. At I*. WAIiSU S, City Haruwaro Store, opposite Post Office. Fliiliermeii's Ctoodi at yery lowest prlees for cash. 6 belcher's farmer's [1882 i i 1 I i 1 I J. FORTUNE & CO. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN BriM & Foreign Dry Goods, (^ Country Homespun, Socks and Mitts, Bought and Taken in Exchange. CHEAPEST PUCE TO BUY IN THE CITY. 89, 91 and 93 Oranville St. Halifax, N. 8. Oppoilta Touiff aco&'i Ohriftiaa ABiooiatiott. GEO. J. HARRIS, 13- Prince Street -^13 HALIFAX, N. S. HOIfSElSHIFFLUIBEB, MANUFACTURER AND IMPORTER OP Tl&wars, Zi&c a&d Shett Iron Work Always on hand, a general assortment of PLUMBERS' WARE. < S 2 fir 3 Suoveli} aud SpadcSf Fowder aud rase. n. H. FULLER A CO., head of PowerN WhAif. At r. WAIAU'S, City Mnrdware Store, Market Square. Eni«rton« 8teT«nii ft Co.'i Scythes «re the best made, li I 1. * t belchrk'h farm Kit's [1882 I. & F. BURPEE & CO. Book Street, St. John, N. B. Zmporttrt and Dtaleri in PIG. — Scotch, Londonderry. BAR.— Welsh Bolt, Best English Refined, Londonderry, American, Lowmoor, Swede, Norway. SHEET.— Galvanized, Russia, R. G., Black. STEEL THOS. FIRTH ft SON'S Extra Cast Steel. —For Axes, Tools, Drills, Taps and Dies, Punches and Shears, Cold Chisels, Ac. SPEAR & JACKSON'S Warranted Spring.— Sleigh Shoe, Tire, Toe-Calk, Car Springs, Round Machine for Shafts, Spindles, &c. TIH PLATES, INGOT TIN, BAR TIN. Copper Bolts and Ittghts, Sheet Zinc, Spelter and Pig Lead, Chains and Anchors, Ship Spikes, Clinch Rings, Oakum, T^r, Pitch, etc., etc., etc, Belte'ws, AxLTils, Vices, Horse Shoes, Horse Nails, Oval, Half Oval and Half Ronnd Iron, Springs and Axles, Sleigh-Shoe, Tire and Carriage Bolts, Iron Wire, Bessemer Steel Wire for Bailing Hay, BRIDGE RODS AND BOLTS, Square and Hexagon Nuta, RAILWAY SPIKES, CUT SPIKES AND NAILS, ALL SIZES. 0^" Information as to i=*rices, etc., given by mail at any time. Sporting Ptf-vrder and Sbot, finno, Ac. H. H. FULLER * C0.» head of Power's Wharf. s-a- 1882] ALMANACK. 9 ICn-GRANVILLE STREET-ICQ ■*'*' HALIFAX. ■**** SMITH BEOS, IMPORTERS OF British and Foreign Each Season our Stock is personally secected by one of the firm, and as it is r«plenished by nearly every Mail Boat, it will be found one of the most thoroughly assorted in the city.^ Special attention devoted to our stock of KID GLOVES, FAMILY MOURNING GOODS, ETC. Mantle Making and Millinery. Special Inducements offered to Wholesale Buyers and Country Customers. PRICES AS LOW AS ANY HOUSE Ifl THE TRADE. New Wholesale Warehouse, 25 Duke Street. 8 a f I At P. WA1«H*8, Clly Hardware Store. -8ec adv. page «l. l^ynamite, for sale by U. H. FULLER ft CO* 10 belcher's farmer's [1882 AUSTEH BROTHERS, Railway, Colliery, Steamship, AND MILL SUPPLIES. ti4 ^Mh St(r«e>t, eCtllfax, N. S. Valvoline Oils, "Wastes, Packings, Beltings, Hose, Eraery Wheels, Saws, Files, Babbit Metal, PumpvS, Scales, Shovels, Scoops,Wrought & Cast-iron Pipe, Fittings, Boiler Plate and Tubes, Portable Forges and Hand Blowers, Leflbl and Turbine Water Wheels, Mill Machinery of all kinds. The only Iionse in the city maldngr a specialty of tkis trade* SKND VOK €ATAIiO«IIES AND rKlCI». J. A. CHIPMAN & CO. FLOUR i GOMMiSSiON MERCHANTS. Take orders for shipment of Flour and Corn Meal from Mills in Upper Canada and the United States, for shipment to any available outport or Railway Station in the Maritime Provinces. ALSO, MANUFAOTURBRS OF Kiln Dried and Fresh Ground Corn Meal, and Moulie or Chopped Feed, A oelabrated article of diet for fattening cattle and horiea, and much used by exporters of beef cattle. They .." solicit consignments of all descriptions of Pro- duce of the farm or sea. J. A. CHIPMAN & CO. H Q W H w M I U » » Wn»«ghl muA Cat Spikes* Mwrtlae ana Kim liock»» H. H. FULLER & CO., Blasting and Sporting Powder. r tkis trade« iM, and much u (0 I o A IV 1882] ALMANACK. 11 Head of Fiokferd tc Black's Whaif, 51 UPPER WATER STREET. PICKFORD & BLACK, Ship Brokers AND IMIJP ^BAMD^ ^t IMPORTERS OF Wire Bope, Anchors, Chain Cables, Woodherry Cotton Duok, Faints, Oils, Fntty, Tar, Fitch, Bosin, Common and Beflned Iron, Spikes, etc., etc. NETS, LINES, 1^ WINES, Seine Netting, Corkwood, Ciitch, Fish Hooks, Vessels* Outfits* Complete. AGENTS FOR WOODBERRY COTTON MILLS, TARR & WONSON'S COPPER PAINT. ALSO— AGENTS FOR Inman Line of Steamers. 3 g I I O Q At r. VfAIAW^, city Httrdwnre Store, Cheap fvT Cash. Hay Cntters and Lawn Mowers» I 4 12 BELCHER S FARMER 8 [1882 GORDON & KEITH, rvBrnnjEs uAinirACTVBBBS, AND IMPORTKB8.0F IRON FURNITURE. The Largest, Cheapest and Best Stock in the City. 41 to 45 Barrington Street, - HALIFAX. IMPORT<^BS AND DBALERS IN Carpets, Floor Oil Cloths, Linoleum, COCOA HATTING, FURNITURE COVERINGS, And HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS of every description. 43 & 45 Barrington St., Ealifaz. JAMES M '. 'm & soir, 92, 94 and 96 Barrington St., CORNER 'DUKE STREET, (OLD POST OFFIOS.) - FEED&SEED Proprietors of ^ I H I (A S 9 Dlxon'a Axle Qrti^i.e, Carriage Holti, 4be, At H. H. FULLER & CO.'S, head of Power's Wharf, 1882] ALMANACK. 13 236-AR07LE STREET -236 ISIPOKTE& AND DEALSK IN Wall Paper! Wall Paper I -ALSO- PAINTS, OILS, PUHY , CLASS, &c. 236— ARGYLE, STREET— 236 P. S.— Also Painting and Glazing, Sec, &c. ** ^Ti6 not in mortals to command success, :fut ni do more, IHl BE SERVE 11.'^ J. H. HOLT, ARMY <& ISTAVY CLOTHING STORE, 152 UPPER WATER STREET, OI»I>OSITE BERMTJDA. AVHiiLliF, HA^LIFA^X. Every description of Coats, Pants, Vests and Overcoats made to order at the lowest possible prices, fit guaranteed, from English, American and Canadian Tweeds. English Diagonals a specialty. A stock of EEADY-MADE CLOTHING and GENTS' FUKNISHIN6 GOODS on hand. N. B. — All Custom Work at this establishment is cut by J. H. Holt, whose ability as a first-class cutter is generally known. TERMS 8TRICTLY CASH. S I I f \ 9 At F. WAIiSM% City lUrdwure Slurc, MHrket Sqaare. LondondenT) Scotch and English Bar Iron, H i n I Id < ! I i I 14 belchbk'h farmeu's [1883 164 GRANVILLE STREEP. M. K JEITITZITGS, Oenenl ImporterSof eyory deaoriptioa of BRITISH & CANADIAN MANUFACTURED Woollen and Cotton Goods. WBIiL ASSORTED STOCK OF BENis' mmsBiKB mm, miuhii clotbini}. . Sausage Maker. iEOR^E MmSHFiELi, MANUPACTOKER OP 3^ OF' KVERY DKSCK.lI»TION. dAJvrays on hand— Fresh and Oorned Fork, Sams, Bacon, Flokled and Smoked Tonernes, and a variety of Smoked and Oorned Meats. ORDERS SOLICITED. CALL AND EXAMINE. fimm^ ^m^WL% mwwm m %uQ)W^ N@>Tii<si. 214 Ars^le Street, Halifax, IT. S. o Tarr 4k Woubou'h Copper I'liiut, Mtch, Tar and KosiUt [1883 1- ■t>» IS, ED ods. m. 11 > • CA ^^B aker, i, las oaB , Bacon t7 ll tNE. ^^B .S. .. 1 At H. H. FULLER ft CO.'S, hend of Power's Wharf. 1882] ALMANACK. 15 W. M. HARRINGTON & CO. I»lI>ORTBRS AND DBAI^SRS IN" GflOri^RlKS WINES. BRANDIES, ALES, PORTER, Fruits, Spioos, Choose, Pickles, Sauces, Oils, Havana Cigars, &c. 243 Hollis and 48 Water Street, HALIFAX,lfl. S. elchan ham oJaiio aiio% 7 i^ualUx^ on kartd, which wiU he made uk m 4he %4et4 &i^iei^ 4o €ide^, @/ ^i4 ^^uaAan4eed. h^> At l». WALikH'ft. City Hardware Storc-SM adT. page U. I 8 i I 9 Hani's Clioppingr Axes, for sale by H. H. FULLER A CO. i I I o ! I I n < 16 BELCHERS FARMER S [1882 FURS ! FURS ! FURS ! aEXTEAAL ICEBCBAITT, Importer and Dealer in WEST INDIA PRODUCE, FISH. OILS, &c. -ALSO— Seal Skins and Furs for Exportation, purchased at Highest Cash Value. CSOITAIIT'S WSABF, SALIFAZ, IT. 3. N. B.— Parties consigning FURS to the Snbsciiber, may rely on receiving prompt and satisfactory returns by tlie following mail. P. 0. Address-D. CRONAN, Halifax. mmm tmm # m. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN t Inilia FrokBp Tsas, Tolaccos, BREADSTUFFS, PROVISIONS, ETC. ti« «?* tt andl if Uppen* Waters Stp^tt, a H en o i d a 0; w » Shoe Blackinst Files* Hasps, Tacks and Brads, Gold Miners' Supplies, nt H. H. FULLER & CO'S. S 1882] ALMANACK. 17 A. C. COGSWELL, D.D.S. Surgeon Dentist, 105 HOLLIS STREET, NEAB HALIFAX AND INTEBNATIONAL HOTELS, HALIFAX, N. S. ARTIFICIAL TEETH. Entire or Part Sets, Plain Gum, Single or Block Teeth, on Gold, Silver or Yulcanite. Teeth Filled with Oold, Amalsaxn or White Fillings, TEETH REMOVED with or without Candensecl Nitrons Oxide Gas, or Ether; safe and reliable agents having been administered in this office to over 3000 patients. Sets and Parts of Sets, on Vnlcanite, from $3 to $20. E.W. Mccarty, lUIOBTBR AND WHOLESALE Masonic Temple, 88 Germain St., ST.JOHN, N.B. 3 g H (ft p Pi o p At r. WAIiSH'ti* City Uiirdwpre Store, market i^laare. Cfriffln's Prime nnd Doable Refined SoytheSf 18 BBLOHERH FARMERS [1882 178 Granville, Corner Buckingham St, HALIFAX, N. 8. IMPORTERS OF British & Foreign Dry Goods, Wholesale and Retail. XTew Goods every Steamer, enenrlnff a fresh and attraotive seleotioa always. TxJl U2Ms'£rom the leading Oaaadiaa Xaanteetnrers. We keep a large stock of the inimitable OXFORD HOMESPUNS, Tweeds, Blaxikets, Yam, &o. Produced by the Oxford Manufacturing Co., the universal Prize Winners at Exhibitions all over the world. We make HOMESPUN, SOCKS, MITTS and YARN SPECIALTIES, and are prepared to take any quantity in exchange for goods or for cash. Our agents visit every section of the Province regularly, with a faithful representation of our stock, for the wholesale. In onr Eetail Department purchasers will find all the novelties as they come out, while the stock of Glothi, Tiiilon' Tnauniip, Bomeliold Goods and SUploi, generally, is, if possible, better value than ever. JOHIT SILVER ft CO. ^ Agrents Oxford Mannfaetnrlng Co. Wrap»iHg Puper* Nlac«y'8 Bltteklend* ■rarnltare Pollsli» <•€. At H. H. FULLER A OO.'S, head of Power's Wharf. 1882] ALMANACK. 19 155 Granville St, Halifax, N. & IMPORTERS OF BRITISH & FOREIGN DRY GOODS. Our Stock is personally selected twice annually, and we are always adding the latest novelties between seasons. SIFSBIOB BLACK SILHSi EXTRA VALUE. Family Mourning Goods EATERY VARIETY. Wedding Outfits. BEST FRENCH KID GLOVES. LADIES' A27D ICISSES' HOSZSBY, &o. Extensive Department Ladies' Underclothing. -o- 6®Mcitri*y ©irdltps (Sap^fwillljf S@l!©at©dl AND PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. i I I At I*. %VAliaU't», City Uardwiurv 8tor«, «>|{pu«lte Poitt om««. II. H. FULLER ft €0., General Hardware Dealers, 20 BliLCIIEUS FARMERS [1882 1 Nova Scotia Brewery. ALEX. KEITH & SON, (ssxj)LBr.xsxzsr> xxr isso.) Sffanufaoturori of I » Hi f n X, XX & XXX ALES AND PORTER, Importers and Bottlers of EngM Ale & Browsi Stout Importers and Wholesale Dealers in GOTCH ITimiSKir. P, ^VAL»U'S, €ily iltirdware Store, l8 the place to get Head of Power's Wharf, Halifax, N. 8. 1882] ALMANACK. 21 IMFUMIAIi . . Fire Insurance Company, 1 OLD BROAD STREET, LONDON. IITSTITXJTBX) 180a. FOR INSURANCE AGAIN ST LOSS OR DAMAGE BY FIRE. Subscribed £ Invested Capital^ £1,600,000. Iff. B. DAL7, Agent. HALIFAX, N. S. IliHks taken nt the Lowest Kates, and losses adjusted and paid without reference to England. Bub Agencies in all the principal towns in Nova Scotia. OmOE, lQ4s HOIiLIS STREET. CITY HARDWARE STORE. ESTABLISHED 1841. IRON, CUTLERY, CORDAGE, NETS, Lliieif, Twines ■tranilrani'H riiintH* RiniMlell, Spoiico ^ l'o.*f« OIIh, Noble A llonrN Variiihlies, Turpeiitiac, EukIIhIi iiimI xcIkIuu CilasH, <larKe Mock), Shoot Lon*!, Lonil l*ipo, Sliool, Zluc, au<l Pcrforutod Zino, >Vlr« Noltiiig and Wove Wlre» lllastlug and Spoi'tlns r^twder, Shot, And everythixis^ usually found in a First-class Hardware Store. "W^EEOLESALE AND KETAIL. P. inrAZaSiip MARKET iSQUARE, HALIFAX, N. S. I t I Table CHUery or Superior (ftunUty, Vet!, LlBMt Twines, Rop«, Hooki, Leadi, Corkwood, 22 deloher's farmer's [1882 W. G. ROSS & CO. Watchmakers and Jewellers, 169 Bollis Street, Balifax. At the above address, purohasers can always And a large and Taried stock from which to select, including riNi! «OIJ» AND SlliVKH WAT^EH, HINC:S OF AXL KINM, liADIKS* Ann «RNT1.I>NRN'B «!HAINii, I.4N'KBTII, IIMA« BLBYM, MIIIT8, KAR-DRMm, Ac, IS U4»LD AND »IL«EK { MOLW SII.YBK AND KLKCTICINI'LATI.U WAMKS. Sole Airentg for the Celebrated Brilliant Spectacles, nn- rlTaUed for their Utility, Durability and Brilliancy. ▲ Toll Line of the "WtXthtan. an& Blgin 'Watobei ftlways on htACL. Orders by mail promptly attended to. NOTK THK ADDRESS i W. C. ROSS & CO. 159 Holiia Street, Halifax, N. S. Opposite Weatem Union Telagrapli Offloe and Clnb Honse. HALIFAX MARBLE WORKS, fi & ?g @aeTli;iigt«ni St., fiCatlftx. UANDKAUTURBR OF MONUMENTS, in Marble, Polished Grey and Red Granite, and Freestone. Head Stones, Mural Tablets, Bantlsmal Fonts, etc., on Hand and Made to Order. OBIiBRS FROM THE COVNTRT BOZIOITED. riHtod tfrlkB and l»p4M»m» Carvlaa Kitlves, Ac. Ciitoh, etc., at H. H. FULLER k CO.% tub BonM. 186-JJ ALMANACK. 23 JOHN T. STEMSHORN, Watch i Cbronometor Makot AMD IMPORTER OF WATCHES, CLOCKS, SILVERWARE AND JEWELLERY. 141 IXollis Nti-eet, Miss LawBon's Old Stand, HALIFAX, N. S. WatolLti and J^ellery ropaircd lay firit-olasB workmon. Oi(' jrs.or Repairs sent^to nic from tho Country will receive my special attention. Sole Agent for the Celebrated BOSS SPECTACLES. Canadian Dye Works, T. I. WHZTli & CO., Prop's. Ladies' and Gentlemen's Apparel OLIAKSBS AMD STSD AT SBOKT HOIIOa. Damask Curtains, Table Covers and ^A^ool Mats Dyed all Colors. KID GLOVES AND OSTRICH FEATHERS GLEANED AND DYED. i I Works: 106 ICaitland Street, Office: 26 Barrington Street, HALIFAX, INT. S. g fir t At P. WA1«H*8, City Hardware Store.- 8«o a«lv. page ill. Cut Nails, Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty, yerj low, « H fa •0 I • 'a o I «! o *9 fa a t o tuo n 24 belcher's farmer's [1882 PRODUCE Commission Merchants^ 48 ARGTLE ST., HALIFAX. Country Market and Hotel, 40 to 46 Argyle St., Halifax. 0; Pi « Oil H Id tt » a: 8 SUvcr «Md «i«»ld IVlrc ricture Cord, lOTTf At U. H. FULLER & CO.'S, head of Power's Wharf. [1882 S« 2nts^ !otel, 1882] ALMANACK. 25 HALIFAXSTEAMGOFFEEISPIGEMILLS W. E SCHWAfiT2 i SOUS Invito your attention to their large and choice Stock of Green, Rolasted, Ground Jamafca Coffee, Java Coffee, Mocha Coffee, Schwartz's Coffee. ALSO PURE SPICES! PURE SPICESI PURE SPICES! AND NeAv Seasonte Teas. WE CALL PARTICULAR ATTENTION TO SCDWARTZ'S iJLLElE BMiNG POWDER ! The IJest in the Province. Guaranteed Pure, Wholesome and Nutritious. Ask your Grocer for it— if he has none in stock, tell him where to get it— Wholesale and Retail, at the Aed Comer, Barring^n 26 Buokiac^ham Sta., a&d 62 to 68 Bnuisviok St., Balifaz. At P. nAUtH'A, Cltjr Hwdware Sl«re.-8«e adv. page XI. o d e: r ? \ Imerloan Boat Nails, GalTAnlzed and Blacky I I i n 3 ! I n ri 26 BELCHER S FARMER S [1882 JOHN E BAMSmU'S Leather Store Will be found to contain a large aasoitment of LEATHER AND FINDINGS. Conaistiog of Sole and Upper Leather, French Fronts, English Uppers, English, American and Canadian Koans, French Calfskins, English Kips, Levant Goat, Patent Cow Hides, Kid Skins, Polished Cow, Machine Silk, Linen Thread, Lasts, Pegs, Nails, Hemp, &c., and everything required by Boot and Shoe Mannfaetnrers, who should not fail to call and examine this stock before purchasing elsewhere. 24 WATER STREET, Opposite Bennett's T¥harf> near the Police and Post Offioes> HALIFAX, N. S. 160 ABQTLE STREET, Proprietor : JOHN DAVIDSON. ALSO LUMBER, LATHS, HAT, OATS AND STRAW, AT North George, Gor. Bobie Streets, HALIFAX, N. s. JOHN DAVIDSOIT. DELANEY, HEFFERNAN & GO. Auotioneers & Commission ICerohants, 263 & 263 BARRINGTON ST., HALIFAX. Cash Adyances made on Prodace and Stock for Auction. Sales every day. Consignments Solicited. A large assortment Furniture and General Mer- chandize in Stocli. t« , M 9 1 9, H 6 M t Hone'* ritttrurua untl Couuter Scales arc sold At H. H. FULLER & CO.'S, head of Power's Wharf. iglish Uppers, skins, English ^olished Vow, mp, &c., and ho should not ewhere. Po»t OffioeS) 1882] ALMANACK. 27 Mim, I BOYD, London House, WHOLESALE. Market Square & Chipman's Hill, SAZxrr JOBN, n. b. IMPORTERS OF tlM may Dry (roods AND MANUFACTIJlteRS OF J SHIETS, WOQIUiS. &e. 8®" A Full Stock in all Departments, and New Goods constantly arriving by every Steamer. i fir I o M I At 1*. WALMH'S, C^lr llHrdware Store.— See ««lv. page »1. Noble & Hoare's Superior Varnishes, I i i '<■ i o If n < i I « I ft o o (9 28 belcher's farmer's [1882 Ne^v Storel Ne^v Goods! LONDON HOUSE, WM. MOODY ti CO. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN British, Canadian and American Always on hand, a complete Stock of Cloths, Tweeds, Shirts, Shawls, Mantles, Ulsters, Skirts, Dress Goods, Hosiery, Gloves. Cottons, FIanuel«, Blankets, Quilts, House Furnishings, White and Colored Cotton Warps, Country Homespun, Yarn, Sook^ and Mitts taken in payment for Goods. KEMESIBEll THE PIACE, mB SUCCESS ! SOUION EMIION, 1881. Special and c .ily Awards. Two Diplomaa of Honor to Vf. H. Johnson, for Pianos and OrKans. M Grand KnaDePlaso. Onlr Grand erer import* ed to HaHfax. Our Stnuk is such that it wonld take prizes aRuirift the world, botb in Pianos and OrKaus. . Embracing' tiver^'thinir from medium to the highest price manu- factured. Over 60 Gold and Silver Medals have been aw.arded to the ** Knabe " Piano all over the world. Now is the time to send for. a superior instrument. Ka-Nah-ba. PIANOS : " knabe;' WEBER, WHEELOGK DOMINION. Org^aas : BSLL and DOLCXNZOlsT. 123 Hollis street, Halifax. diUvaiilzied Wire Netting and Wove Wire, At H. H. FULLER A CO.'kS, Arenas. Shirts, Shawls, ittons, FliUHie]H, , Cotton Wai-ps. nnent for Goods. and c.ily Awards, loniasof Honor to i iHHBON, for Pianos ns. ind erer import* to Halifax. :)cic is such that it ike prizes atntinst 1, botb in Pianos ans. - Embraoini; Kfrtim medium eat price manu- Over 60 Gold r Medals have been tothe^Knabe" over the world, le time to send for^ r instrument. a-Nah-ba. 1882] ALMANACK. 29 89 & 93 Upper Water St., Halifax, DEALER IN t Staple and Fancy Dry Goods GUSTONI & READY-MADE CLOTHING, Wholesale and Retail. Onr TERNH brine STRMTTIiY CASH, we cnn recommead and Mil onr Cioods ns cheap as any Mouse In the City. STOCK REl»lLiB:NISHKr> E-VKRY BTEAMiBR. Oasli Paid for Bomespun and Tan. FOOT JACOB ST., BETWEEN COMMERCIAL & CRONAITS WHARVES. BEE ^MHi HIVE. II ^f IMPORTER OF CLOTHS, [Caasimeresjweeds, Ready-Made Clothing, Gents' Furnisliing Goods, Rubber Goats «ind Leggings. SUITS MADE TO ORDER IN THE MOST FASHIONABLE STYLES. ; As onr Terms are STKICTLY €!A«lK. we can ufTord to make up Cinrmeuts at very4ow prices. ttS yipp^rr W®t@rr» Q>Q>m@^ imo^h St.» HALIFAX, isr. 8. u M w o I f O At F. WAJLSH'S, City Hardware (More.- 8co adv. pace 9U Fiflhermen'fl Goods at jerj lowest pricos for cnsh, i i i n e I i Si I I f I « Pi I 30 BELCHERS FARMERS [1882 160 OraxiTille Street, Halifax, IT. S. WAITEB BAEEOH i CO. Tailors & Clothiers. Conatantly on hand, a very large stock of BLACK AND BLUE BROAD CLOTHS, DOESKINS, FANCY COATINGS, ETC. FJlICY twsebs In great variety, to suit all soasons, including Scotch Cheviots, West Fancies, &o., &o. BeaTorSy Moscows, Pilots, Naps and Whitneys, in Blacity Bine, Brown and Olive Shades. MW The above will be made to order on shortest notice, and at reasonable prices, or sold in lengths as may be required. ' CLOTHING. In our Beady-made Clothing Department will be found the largest and best stock of ICen's, Youths' and Boys' Clothing Ever oifered in the city — all of which has been carefully manufactured on the prcrai»es, and will be sold at a small advance for CASH. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. WALTER BARRON & CO. C a > H Htr" Id €Mt ai«cl UuiuinerB, Drill Mecl, l*oiiir«l«r und Vvxe* H. H. FULLER & CO., head of Power's Wharf. leviots, "West le largest and manufactured 1882] ALMANACK. 31 THE ROYAL FAMILY OF GREAT BRITAIN. The QUEEN— VICTORIA, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Ike, Queen, Defender of the J^'aith, Emprcfs of India. Her Majesty was born at Kensington Palace, May ^4, 1819; Succeeded to the thionc June 20, 1837, on the death of her uncle. King William IV.; was crowned June 28, 1838 ; and married, Februar}' 10, 1840, to his late Koyal Highness Brioce Albert. Il«r Majesty is the onl}' child of His late Royal Highness, Kdwtrd, Duke of Kent, son of Kiug George III. The children of Her Majesty are :— Her Royal Highness Victoria Adelaide Mary Louisa, Princess Royal of England and Prussia, born Nov 21, 1840, and married to His Royal Highness William, the Crown Prince of Germany, Jan 25, 1868, and has issue, three sons and four daughters. His Royal Highness Albert Edward, Prince of Wales, bom Nov 9, 1841: married March 10, 1863, Alexandra of Denmark, (Princess of Wales), born Dec 1, 1844, and has issue, Prince Albert Victor, born Jan 8, 1864; George Frederick Ernest Albert, born June 3, 1865; Louisa Victoria Alexandra Dagniar, born Feb 20,1867; Victoria Alexandra Olga Marj', born July 6, 1868; and Maude Charlotte Mary Victoria, born Nov 26, 1869. Her Royal Highness Alice Maud Mary, born April 25, 1843; married to H. R H. Prince Frederick Louis of Hesse, July 1, 1862, died Dec. 14, 1878 ; issue five daughtent and two sons. His Royal Highness Alfred Ernest Albert, Duke of Edinburgh, Earl of Kent, Earlof Ulster, &c., born Aug 6, 1844; married Jan. 23, 1874, to the Grand Duchess Marie Alexandrowna, daugiiter of the Emperor of Russia; has issue a son, born Oct 12, 1874, and three daughters. Her Roval Highness Helena Augusta Victoria, born May 25, 1846; married to His Royal Highness Prince Frederick Christian Charles Augustus of Schleswig-Holstein-Sondenburg-Augustenburg, July 5, 1866 ; issue two sons and two daughters. . Her Roj-al Highness Louisa Caroline Al'ibrta, born March 18, 1848 : [ married to the Marquis of Lome. His Royal Highness Arthur Patrick William Albert, bora May 1, 1850, married Princess Louise Margaret of Prussia, March 3, 1879. His Royal Highness Leopold George Duncan Albert, bora April 7, 1863. Her Royal Highness Beatrice Mart Victoria Feodore, born April 14, 1857. George Frederick William Charles, K.G., Duke of Cambridge, cousin to Her Majesty, born March 26, 1819. Augusta Wilhelmina Louisa, Duchess of Cambridge, niece of the Landgrave of Hesse and aunt to her Majesty, born July 25, 1797; married in 1818, the late Duke of Cam- bridge. AuciusTA Caroline Charix)ttk Elizabeth Mary Sophia Louis, daughter of the late Duke of Cambridge and cousin to her Majesty, bom July 19, 1822; married June 28, 1843, to Frederick, Grand Duke of Mccklenburg-Strelitz, and has issue a son. Mary Adklaide Wilhelmina Elizabeth, daughter of the late Duke of Cambridge and cousin to her Majesty, born Nov 27,1833; married Prince Teck, June 7, 1866, has issue two sons and two daughters. At V, vrAMAH*», VUy Hardware 8tore.-«ce adv. page 21. Emerson, Hterens & Co.'i Scytlioi are the best made* I I I I I a e I o u n 32 BELCHERS FARMER S [1882 ESSOIT & CO. Commission Merchants^ IMPORTERS, AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN AMERICAN & WEST INDIA PRODUCE, JEXead of Ceiitr«.l TVliarf, HALIFAX, N. S. Carpet Warehouse, 56 KING ST. , - ST. JOHN. N. B. Carpets, Oil Cloths, Linoleums, Curtain lEaterialid, and House Furnisliing Qoods. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO COUNTRY ORDERS. Samples sent on application. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. JAllS W. HliAI. Scythes, Sitntht, Haj Makes, Vorlu, At, H. H. FULLER * CO., head of Power's Wharf. 1882] ALMANACK. 33 DOMINION OF CANADA. Smat of Govbrnment— OTTAWA. Governor- General and Commander-in-Chief— (960,000) — His Excellency the Kt Hun Sir John Gborob Edward Hrnky Douglas Suthkrlamd Campukix, Marquifl of Lome, Knight of the Thistle, and Knight Grand Cross of St. Michael and St. George, &c. Seci'etary, Lt. Colonel De Winton. Comptroller, Hon Mr Moreton. Aide«-de-Camp, Hon Mr Harbourd, Scots Fusilier Guards. Extra Aides-ile- Camp, Lt.-Col. Hewitt Bernard, Lt.-Col. Fred. W. Cumberland, and Lt.-Col Duchesnay. DOMINION OF OANADA-FBIVT COUNCIIi. Rt Bon Sir John A. Macdonald, Premier, and Minister of the Interior— (16.000). IlonSir S. L. Tilley, Minister of Finance— [91 ,000). Sir Charles Tupper, c b., ikinister of Railways and CVmofo—f $7,000). Sir H. L. Langevin, Minister of Public Work»—(%l ,000). A. P. Caron, Minister of Militia— (%1 ,000). J. C. Aikins, Minister of Inland Revenue — ($7,000). J. H. Pope, Minister oj Agriculture— (%1 ,001^). John O'Connor, Postmaster-General— (9>1 ,000). Mackenzie Bowell, Minister of Customs~{%l ,000). J. C Pope, Minister of Maiine and FisJifries— {$7000). J. A. Mousscau, Secretary of State— C^l, 000). Sir Alex. Cambpell, Minister of Justice— {$7,000). A. W. McLelan, President of the Council— {$7,000). D. L. Macpherson, Speaker of the Senate, SENATE OF CANADA. Speaker Hon D. L. Macpherson. PROVINCE OF NOVA SCOTIA— 10 Members. Hon Thomas D. Archibald, •* Robert Barry Dickey, " John Bourinot, ♦♦ William Miller, " Alex McFarlane, Hon H. A. N. Kaulback, L. G. Power, R. P. Grant. " W. J. Almon, M. D. (< PROVINCE OF NEW BRUNSWICK.— 10 Members. Hon Amos Edwin Botaford, " William Hunter Odell, » David Wark, •' Joljn Fer^juson, '* Abner Rcid McClelan, Hon John Glasier, " James Dever, " W. Muirhead. " J. G. Lewiu. PROVINCE OF PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND.— 4 Members. Hon D. Montgomery, I Hon G. W. Howlan. " R. P. Havthorne, I At r. nALSMS, city lbird»v> r« Store, Hi»rli«t Squnre. Djnamite» for sale by U. H. FULLER A CO. :■-! 2 n 34 BELCHERS FARMER S [1882 PROVINCE OF QUEBEC— 24 Members. t( ffon Jacques Olivier Bureau ** Ctiarles Malhiot,. Louis Renaud, John Hamilton, Charles Cormier, David Edward Pricfl, Leandre Dumouchel, Louis Lacoste, Joseph F. Armand, William Henry Chaffers, Jean Baptiste GKtevremont, James Ferrier, Hon Thomas Ryan, " M. H. Cochrane, Jean Charles Chapais, Pierre Baillargeoa. •• E. Chinic. H. Paquet, H. Fabre. •« C.H. l\.zer, " P. Pellet ier, •• G. G. Stevens, " E. E. B. De Uoucherville. ti PROVINCE OF ONTARIO— 24 Memders. Hon John Hamilton, Benjamin Seymour. Walter Hamilton Dickson, James Shaw, David Reesor, Alexander Campbell, James Cox Aikins, James Rea Benson, Elijah Leonard, William McMaster,' John Simpson, It it <t u « .( ti l« It Hon James Skead, David I^wis McPherson, Billa Flint, George Wm Allan, F. Smith, R. Read, A. Vidal, R. W. Scott, II. B. Bull. J. Nortbwood. II It II It II It 11 II PROVINCE OF MANITOBA— 2 Members. Hon M. A. Girard, | Hon J. Sutherland. PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA— 3 Members. Hon W. J. Macdonald, I Hon. H. Nelson. " F. C. Cornwall. | Chaplain Rev John Johnston. Clerk of Parliaments, R. Lemoine. THE HOUSE OF COMMONS. Clerk— John George Bourinot ; Clerk Aisistant — J. P. Leprohon. geant-at-Arms—D. W- McDonnell. PROVINCE OF NOVA SCOTIA. Ser- AnnapoHs — \vard Longley, Antigonish — Angus Mc-Isaac. Cape lireton— William McDonald, W. McK McLeod, »i.d. Colcheater— //ora A. W. McLelan. Cumboiland— ^o« SirC. Tupper, K. C.M.«., C.B. Digby— J. C Wftde, Guysborough— A. Ogden, Halifax— M. H. Kicley, M. B. Daly, Hants— W. H. Allison, Inverness— Samuel McDonnell, q.c. Kings— Frederick W. Borden, M.u. Lunenburg— C. E. Kaulback, Queens- 8. T. R, Bill, Pictou— John McDougald, R. Doull, Richmond- Edujuud P. Flynn, Shelburne — Thomas Robertson, Victoria — D. AIcDunald, Yarmouth— Frank Killam. > a N H t H 2 r fl > 9 AmericttH Cittlvaulavd Bout Nallit, Boat Campiuwes Ac* H. H. FtLIiER A CO., filmtlnir and Sporting Powder. PROVINCE OF Albert— A. Rojfers, Carleton— George Irvine, Charlotte— AVll. (lillmoiir, Gloucester Bon T. W. Anglio, Kent— (1. A. Oironard, Kincs — J. Domville, Northumberland— J. B. Snowball, Queens- G. G Kifig, PROVINCE OF PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. Kinp's Co., A. C. McDonald, Dr Muttart. Prince Co., James Yeo. E. Hnckett. NEW BRUNSWICK. Rostigoiiche- G. HaddoW, St. John, city--//tm Sir S. L Tilley, St.John,citv and county— //o« Isaac Ihjrpee, 0. W. VVcldon, Sunbury— CliarhiH Burped, Victoria— Jolin Costigan, Westnioreland— //on A. J. Smith, York— J. Pickard. Queen's Co.. Jim J. C. Pope, F. de St. C. Breckcn. PROVINCE OF QUEBEC. Argeuteuil, Hoiv ,1. J. C. Abbott. Bagot, Joseph A. Mousseau. Beauce, P l)uibuc. Bcauharnoi8,M. Cuyley. Bellechasse, Guillaume Amyot. Berthier, E. O. Cuthbert. Bonaventure, Jlon P. C. Beauchesne Brome, Manron. Chambiy, P. B. Benoit. Champlain, Hypolite Montplaisir. Charlevoix, Simon Xavier Cimon. Chatcauguay, Edward Holton. Chicoutinii and Saguenay, £. Cimon.i Compton, Hon John H«nrv Pope. Dorcnester, Fortunat Rouleau. Drummond and Arthabaska, E. O Bourbcau. Gaspe, Hon P. Fortin. Hocnelaga, Alp Desjardins, Huntingdon, Julius Scriver. Iberville, Francois Bechard. Jacques Cartier, D. Girouard, Joliette, L. Arthur McConville. Kamouraska, J. Uamonr. Laurairie, A. Pinsonnoault. L'Assomption, Uilaire Uurteaa. Laval, Alderic Ouimet. Levis, Hon Dr. Blanchet. L'Islet, P. B. Casgrain. Lotbiniere, Dr. Rinfret. Maskinonge, F. Houde. Megantic, L. E. Olivier. Missisquoi, Hon G. B. Baker. Montcalm, Firman Diigas. Montmagny, A. C P. J^ndry Montmorency, M. Valin Montreal, Centre, M. P. Ryan Montreal East, C. J. Coursol Montreal. West, M. H. Gaiilt Napiervillo, Sixte DeCoupal Nicolet, F. X. O. Methot Ottawa County, Alonzo Wright Pontiac, J. Poupore Portneuf, M. Val^e Quebec, Centre, J. Malouin Quebec, East, lion W. Laurif>r Quebec, West, Hon Thos McGreevy Quebec Co., Hon Adolphe P. Caron Richelieu, L. H. Mtissue Richmond and Wolfe, W. B. Ives Rimouski, J. B. R. Fiset Rouville, G. A. Gigault St Hyacinthe, L. Tellier St Maurice, Dr. DeSaulniera. St John's, T. Bourassa, Shefford, HonL. S.Huntington Sherbrooke, E. T. Brooks Soulanges, Jacques P. Lanthier Stanstead, Charles C. Colby Temiscouata, Dr. Grandbois. Terrebonne, Hoti L. F. R. Masson Three Rivers, W. McDougall Two Mountain, J. B. DHOust Vaudreuil, J. B. A. Mongenais Yercheres, Hon Felix Geoffrion Yamaska, F. Yanasse Addington, J. McCrory Algoma, J. Dawson Bothwell, Hon David Mills Brant, North Riding, 6. F^leming Brant, South Riding, W. Patterson j Brockville, W. Fitzsimmons Bruce, North Riding, J. Gillies PROVINCE OF ONTARIO. Bruce, S. Riding, A. Shaw Cardwell, T. WTiite, Jr Carleton, John Rochester Cornwall Town, Dr. Bergin Dundas, G. S. Ross Durham, East Riding, Col Williams Durham, West Riding, /7onE. Blake (4 At P. VFAMAVfi, City lunlware Store, Market Sqvare. Hay Cititers and Lawo MowerS) 36 DBLOHIiKH FARMEIl U [1882 RlKiii, ICHHt HidiiiK, T. Arkill KiKin, West Uidliig, Geo E. Casey K88UX, J. C. PutterRon Froutenac, Geo. A. Kirkpatrick GlcngiuTy, J. Mcl^niinn Grenviile, S. KIdiiiK, J. P. Wiser iircy, VmsI Kiding, Ur Snroiile Grey, Nurtli Hidinff, B> J- I^ane Grey, South Hiding. G. Jackoon Hnldmiund, David Thoinpsun Haltun, y/un W. Macduugall Uaniilton (fity), !•'. E. Kilvort, T. UobertHoii HaRtiiiga, ICast Riding, John White IIaMting8,N.U.,//(»ti>iac«enKi('! Howell HastingH, W. Hiding, JanieH Itrowii Huron, K , Ifon u. J. ('artwright Huron, North Hiding, T. Farrow Huron, South Hiding, M. J, Cameron Kent, kufuit i^tcplionson, Kingston (city), A. Gunn Lanibton, l/tm Alex Mackenzie Lanark, North Hiding, D. Gnlbraith Lanark, S. Hiding, J. G. Haggart Leeds and Grenviile, North Hiding, Dr Ferguson Leeds, South Hiding, D. Ford Jones Lennox, £. Hooper Lincoln, C. J. Hykert London (city), Ihm J. Carling Middlesex, N. Hiding, T. Coughlin Middlesex, E. Hiding, D. McMillan Middlesex, W. Hiding, G. W. Hoss Monck, L. McCullum Muskoka, A. P. Cockbum Norfolk, North Hiding, J. Charlton Norfolk, South Hiding, W. Wallace Northumberland, i!). Hiding, Darius Crouter Northumberland, W.Hiding, Hon J. Co('kl>urn Niagara (town), J. D. Pluinb Ontario, N. Hiding, (i« Wheler Ontario, S. H., F. W. Glen Ottawa (city), Joseph M. Currier, JoHoph Vns>i6 Oxford, North Hiding, Jas. Suther- land Oxford, South Hiding, Col Skinner Peel. W. Elliott Perth, North Hiding, S. K. Hesson Perth, South Hiding. James Trow Puterboro', KuHt Hiding, J. Durnhani Peterboro', West Hiding, G. Uillyard Prescott, F. Houthier Prince Edward, J. M. Craig Henfrew, North Hiding, P.White, Jr Henfrew, 8. H., W. Hannerman Hiibsell, /Ion J. O'Connor Simcoe, N. H., Dalton McCarthy Simcoe, South Hiding, W. C. Little Stormont, O. Fulton Toronto Centre, K. Hay Toronto, East, T. Pratt Toronto, West, J. Heatv, Q. o. Victoria, N. H., J. H. Cameron, q.c. Victoria, S. Hiding, A. McQuade Waterloo, N. H., ll. Kraatx Waterloo, 8. Hiding, S. Merner Welland, C. W. Bunting WcIlington,"C. Riding, Dr Orton Wellington, N. R., G. A. Drew, q.c. Wellington, S R.. D. Guthrie, Wcntworth, Nortli Hiding, T. Bain Wentworth, 8. R., Joseph Rymal York, East Riding, A. Boultuee York, North Hiding, Dr. Strange York, West Hiding, N. C Wallace PROVINCE OF MANITOR i\. Lisgar, John C. Shultz Marquette, J. 0. Ryan Provencher, J. Dubuc Selkirk, Capt. Scott. PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. Cariboo, James Reid New Westminster, J. Cunningham. Van Couver, Arthur Bunster. Victoria, Rt Hon Sir John A. Mc- donald, k.c.b, AmorDeCosmos Yale, F. J. Barnard. PROVINCE OF NOVA SCOTIA. Seat op Government— HALIFAX. Lieutenant-Governor, {and Dep Governor for signing Miinnage Licenses,, ($9,000) — His Honor tne Honorable Adams Georgu Akciiibald, G.M.(i- Private Secretary, Lt.-Col. H. W. Clarke, N. S. M. > V fl » H c > i i I BroiMl Axes* Cbl««lii, ri»ne», lliMia Saws aaU Cireuliir S«ws, At II. H. FUKiLEB A C0.>8, bend of Powr>g IVharf. 1882] ALMANACK. 37 EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. Hon. Simon Hiiffh Holme»,M rr., Provim-ial Stcrttnry. ' John Sparrow Davirt Thompiton, AHornry Gtnernl. HnimiolCreelman, m.l.c, bm'rof PMic Works and Minet. Nollioniel Whitwortli White, N\ illmin UoUford Tntop,*. CharleH .lainen Townsliend, m.i'.p. Jamen Stanforth McIJonahl,*. II« ctor Franris MtDougali, M.r i>. John F. Staira, iM. v. p. tt «t tt ti tt it ti It tt tt LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. President. . . .Hon Robert Boak, Halifax. Hon .T(»hn McKlnnon - . Antlgonlnh, Samuel Crcclman, Mice, Com'' r of Works and Mines . Stcwiacke, Daniel McN. Parker, M . D Halifax, .lames Fraser Pictou, Charles Dickie, Ksq Cornwallla, K. R. Oakes, Vm\ I>»»fby. A. McN. Cuchraii, I'lHq Maitland. Thomas F. Morriaon I.ond(»n(lerry . .lames Uutler, Esq Halifax, Loraii E. Baker, Esq Yarmouth, Charles Houdrot, E^q Arichat, Charles M. Francheville Enq GuyBborough, John B. Dickie, Erq Truro. Dovid McCurdj, Ei-q lJaddefk,C.B. Hiram Black, Esq Amherst, James S. iMcDonald, Esq. Halifax, Hugh Cameron. Esq., M.i> Mabou, C. B. Samuel Locke, Esq Lockeport. W. H. Owen, Esq Lunenburjf. Geo. Whitman, Esq Annapolis, Ckrk, John C . Halliburton. Cliaplain, Rev George W. Hill, a.m. Gtntleman Usher of the Black Rod, Robert Romans. %• The Members of the Executive and Lef^islative Conncils are Justices of the Peaoo tluoughout the Province, so long as they belong to either braitch. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. 8j)enker. . . .IJnn E. T. Moselj. Annapolis County. . . . Hon W B. Troop, m.e. c, and Caleb W. Shafner. Antigonish •' .....ffon John 8. D. Thompson, m.e.c, Attorney Gen- eral, and Angus McGillivray. Cape Breton ,.,.Hon E. Tilton Mosely, and Hon Hector F. McDougall, M.K G. CoLCMESTER CouNTY . . William Blair »»nd William A. Patterson. ClTMBEULAND DiGBY guysborouoh Halivax Hants Inverness Kings lunknbueo Pictou it tt .Hon Chas. J. Townshcnd, m.e.c. E. Vickery. . . . .Benjamin Van Blarcom and Henry M. Robicbcau. ... .J. W. Hadley and A. N. McDonald. . . . .William D. Harrington, John Pugh, Eon, John F. Stairs, m. e. c. . .'. .Thos B. Smith and Nathaniel Spcnce. . . . .D. J. Campbell, m.d., and Alex. Campbell. . . . .W. C. Bill and Hon Jomes S. McDonald, m.e.c. . . . .Edward James and Charles A. Smith. i,..Hon 8. H. Holmes, bi.b.o., Provinctal Secretary, Alex. McKay and Adam C. Cell. I At I*. WAUiU'S, Cily UanlwHre Store, opposite ro»t Ofllce. Londonderry) Scotch and English Bar Iror» 38 BELCHERS FARMEU S [1882 QuRKMS County. . . . L. S. Ford and James C. Battling. Richmond '* ....Isidore LeHlanc and Alex. McCuish. Shemjuknk '* .... Hon N. W. White, m.k.c, and Nehemiah McGray. Victoria " .... WilJiam F. McCurdy and Jolm Morrison. Yarmouth " ....Albert Gayton aiufJoseph li. Kinney. Clerk, Henry C. D. Twining. Messenger, John Fitzgerald. PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT OFFICERS. Provincial Secretary's Office. Provincial Secretary, Hon S. II. Holmes, m.p.p. Deputy Sec'y, John Costley. Financial Clerk, Win K. Kcvnolds. Marrintje License Clerk, Edwin C. Fairbanks. Provincial Cashier, W. E. Brine. Clerk. Hugh Little. I Department of Public Works and Mines. Com.m-,sioner, Hon Samuel Crcel;nan, ji.l.c. Deputy Comm'r, John Kelly. Inspector of Mines, Edwin Giip.i, jr. Clerk, C. H. Carman. Deputy Gold Comm'rs. — Montaf/u ana Laiorencetown, John Kelly ; Sherbrooke, William L. Pye. Mines Board of Examiners — John Ru- therford, Halifax ; Henry S. Poolo, Stellartou ; William Hall, Spring Hill ; William Kontledgc, Sydney ; David McKean, Little Glaco Bay; Edwin Gilpin, Halifax, Inspector of Mines. Provincial Hospital for Insane. Visitors, the Governor, the Chief JuRtice, the Provincial Secretary, the President of the Legislative Council, the Speaker of the House of Assembly, and the heads or authorized representatives of nil christian churches in the Province. Medical Superintendent, Alexander P. Reid, M.D. Asat Physician, George A. Sinclair, m.d. Commissioners of Public Charities. The Commissioner of Public Works and Mines, the Mayor of Halifax, John Somcrs, M. D., William Dunbar, William Nesbit. Clerk, H. T. Murray. Crown Land Department. Commissioner of Crown Lands, The Attorney General. Chief Cleik, Jas H. Austen. Clerk, Matthias Cuppaidgc. Deputy Surveyors — An- napolis, Bernard Calricck; Antigonish, Hugh McDonald. Cape Breton, H. R, McKenzie, H. C. Burcliell, William Routlidge ; Colchester, R. L. Byers, William Faulkner, William G Ousley; Cumberland, Weiwood McNab, jr., A. Pugsley« and D. J. Taylor ; Digby, Anselin M. Co- mean; Guysboro', W. Hartshorne, C. T. Taylor D. W. Crockett; Halifax, W. A. Hendry, W. Anderson, C. R. Fairbanks, E. H. Keating, H. W. Andrews ami M. McL Lcgan, Angus Cruickshanks ; Hants, Jaa McKenzie; Inverness, James W. McKenzie, Wm. J. Mc- Keen; Kings, J. Leard, Honnigar Neily ; Pictou, James Holmes, F. W. McKenzie ; Queens, Samnel Smith, John H. HtIow, N. R. Freeman ; Richmond, John J. Robertson; Shetburne, James A. McKay; Victoria, Josiah Frseman ; Yarmouth, P. L. Hutfield. Bozi:d of Agriculture. President, David Matheson, Picton; Vice-President, Israel Longwortli; Secretary and Treasurer, Professor Lawson. The following are the gl > Hard' Bmm Wire, M t* 6 IJ. « , Muteher Haws, ilclss«rs amd Shears, At H. H. FULLER & CO.'S, head of Power's VFliarf. 1882] ALMANACK. 39 members: — Government Member, Hon Hector F. McDoufjall; District No. 1, Ha/I fax Count!/, Colonel J. Wimburn Laurie, Oakfield ; District No. 2, Kivijs, Annapolis, Diijby, W. E. Starratt, Paradise ; District No. 3, Lunenburg, Queens, Shelbume, Yarinouth,. Charles E. Brown, Yarmouth ; District No. 4, //ants, Colchester, Cvmberland, Israel Lonjjworth, Truro ; District No. 5, Pictou, Antiqonish, Gut/sboro', David Matheson, Pictou; District No. 6, Cape lireton, Richmond, Inverness, Victoria, 3o\m Ross, New Glasgow. Communications for the Board are to be addressed to " Professor Lawson, Dalhousio College, Halifax." Provincial Ijibrary. His Honor A. 6. Archibald, Hon S. H. Holmes, Hon Boht. Boak, Stophtn Tobin, William Gossip, Hon Dr. Almon, Rev G. W. Hill, Mr J. &. M.vcdonald, W. D. Harrington. Libarian, J. T. Bulmer. Provincial Railwaji Engineer, Martin Murphy. Chief Game Commissioner, Charles Sydney Harrington. Commissioner for examining, preserving and airanging, ancient records and documents, iUustralive of the History and progress of Hociety in the Province, Thos. B. Aikins, d.c.l. PROVINCE OF NEW BRUNSWICK. Seat op Governmknt— FREDERICTON. Liettt.-Governor—[$9,Q00)-mB Honor the Eon R. D. Wilmot Private Secretary, Henry Wilmot, Esq Prov. Aide-de-Camp, Captain A. F. Street EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. Hon R. Young, m.l.c., President of Council. Hon John James Fraser, M.P.P., Attxyrney General. Hon Wm Wedderbum m.pp., Prov. Secretary .and Beceiver General. Hon Michael Adams, m.p.p., Suireyor General, illon P. A. Landry, M. p. p.. Chief Corner Board of Works. Hon J. H. ICrawford, Solicitor Gineral. Hon. W. E. Perley, m.p.p., Hon D. L. iHanington, Jr., m.p.p., Hon Robert Marshall, m.p.p LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. President.... Hon Alex. McL. Seely. Ton William Hamilton Hon B. Bcveridge " Daniel Hanington " Owen Mclnerny " John Lewis ♦» William Lindsay " Robert Young » Wm M. Kelly " Thomas R. Jones ' ' " Archibald Harrison ** John Flewwelling Clerk, Geo Botsford. Clerk Assistant, J, H." Phair. Chaplain Rev Alexander. Usher of the Black Jiud, B. R. Jouett. ' LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. Speaker. ... .Hon R. B. Slevenson. iLHEiiT County Dr. Lewis, Gaius 8. Turner IJakleton County. . .John S. Leighton, George W. White t< James Ryan Robert Robinson •n nad Shears, '^M At ¥. yRfAtMU'l^ City Hardware llt«r«.-8ec mIv. pace 81. I f h Hunt's Choppingr Axes, for sale by H. H. FULLER & CO. 40 BBLCHER 8 FARMER 8 [1882 Gharlottk Co. Gloucester " . . . Kent " ... Kings " ... Madawaska " North'mbld " Queens " Kkstioouchr " St. John Cixy St. John " SUNBURT " Victohia " Westmori/d " • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • York (( .Geon^e F. Hill, Hon B. R. Stevenson, J. E. Lynott, Thomas Oottrell .P. J. Ryan, Francis McMaiius .Charles J. Sayre, Urbain Johnson. .Hon J. H. Crawford, Dr E. A. Vail, Finnemore E. Morton. • Levi Theriault .//on Michael Adams. Ernest Hutcheson, Thomas F. Giliispie, Allan A. Davidson .W. S. Butler, Francis Woods .Cunard Bnrbarie, Thomas Kenny .Hont. Wm Wedderburn, Robert Marshnll .David McLellan, William Elder, Edward Willis, Robert J. Ritchie . Hon. Wm E. Perley, James E. White • William B. Beveridge .Amasa E. Killam, Joseph L. Black, //on P. A. Lan- dry, Hon Daniel L. Hanington .Hon John J Eraser, A G Blai.', Fred P.Thompson, George J. Colter Clerk, George J. Rev. Joseph McLeod. Bliss. Clerk Assistant, John Richards. Sergeant-at-Arms, Harry Beckwith. Chaplain, PROVINCE OF PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. XiV «. Go»cmor,— (87,000)— His Honor Hon T. H. Haviland. Private Secretary, E. Haviland. EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. President— Hon W. W. Sullivan. Eon S. Prouse, " J. O. Araenanlt, " Jos. Wightman, " D.Gordon, Hon John Lefurpev, " Wm Campbefl, *' Donald Ferguson, " Neil McLeod. derk—W. C. DesBrisay. LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. President — Hon J. Baklerstr>n* Queen's County. — Charlottetotcn and Royalty — T. W. Dodd. First Dstrict — /T'"/. John Balderston. Semnd Districl—Hon R. Munn. Kino's County. — First District — Hon S. Bulger. Second District— Hon Joseph Wightman. Prince County. — First District — Hon R. B. Reid. Second District— Hon Alex. Laird. Clerk, John Ball. Usher of the Black Rod, Finley McNeill, Esq. HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY. Speaker, Hon J. A. McDonald. queen's county.. '■ Cliarhttetdimr-^o*^ "^e«l McLeod, G; W. DeBlbis. ivsV , ' : V First Z>is*rti!<^//o« D. Cameron, Wm CaJnpbell. ", Second District — D. Farquharson. D. McKay. Third District— U. Shaw, McDonald. ^ Fourth District— Jaa Nicholson, Duncan Crawford. "" AlaallU and Meiup Cttir<l«ce« iHicluMiaA'i Ttnnecl nad Mlack UuwkS) Gold Miners' Suppllt g, at H. H. FULLER & CO>S. 1882] /LMANACK. 41 T.INO'S COUNTY. Georffefoicn — Hon D. Gordon, L. J. We«taway. Fir$f District— Jas R. McLean, Langhlin AlcDonald. Second District — W. W. Sirflivan, H. Mclaaac. TJdrd District -J. E. McPonald, D. Ferguson. Fourth Distnct — lions Samuel I'rowse and Dr. Robertson. PRINCE COUNTY. First Distinct— P. Gavin, S. F. Perry. Second District— Hon John Yeo, Jainea W. Kichards. Third Distnct— J. Alex McDonald, J. O. Arsenault. Fourth District- A. K. C Holland, G. W. Bentley. Fifth District — Hon John Lefurgey, Angus McMillan. Chief Clerk— Arch McNeill; Asst. C/frJfc—F. W. Hughes ; Law Clerk- A. A. McLean ; Sergeant-at-Arms — D . McKenzie. PUBLIC OFFICERS. Provincial Secretary arul Treamrer — Hi • Donald Fergi'son ; Attotmey General— Hon W. W. Sullivan ; ^ Controller of CuttoiM — Jas. Currie, Esjj, • Commissioner of Crown and Public Lands — Hon Donald Ferguson ; Regis- trar of Deeds— ^. Conroy, Kaq; ; Commissioner of Public Works— Hon Wm [Campbell; Se&y. to Commissioner Public Worke, J. W. Monison, Esq.; iPostmaster — Hon A. A. McDonald ; Queen''s Printer— V. R. Bowers, lEsq; Suf,* of Eaucatien—D. Montgomery; Prothonotcry and Clerk of the \Cr(ywnr—D. Hodgson, Esq ; Judge of Prcoate — Hon Charles Young; Leg- \islative Librarian^ Dr L. C. Jenkins. id Hlaek UuvkS) . PROVINCE OF queb::o. Seat os- Government— QUEBEC CITY. Lieut. (fOve}>flor,— (10,000)— His Honor the Hon Ibeodore Robitaille. Aide-de-Camp, Capt H. C. Sheppard. EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. Ion J X Chapleau, Minister of Agriculture and Public Works^ {Premier.) " E. J. Flynn, Commissioner of Crown Lands. " J. G. Robertson, Trea$urer. " L. O. Loranger, Attorney General. " W. W. Lynch, Solicit.w Genei'ol. '^ J. J. Ross, Speaker LegisUitivfe Council. C/erifc, Felix Fortier. LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. Speaker . , . .Hon J. J . Ross. Jon Jean Louis Beaudry Alma, " James Ferrier Victoria, " Jcs E. Prudhomme Rigaud, " Peter E . Dostaler De Lanaudiere, I " Henry Starnes De Salaberry, '" W.H.Webb Wellington, '* P. Boucher ue La Bruere Rougemont, " P E. Roy Sorei, At P. WAIAir«, Cttir l|iir«lwAr« Store. -S«e mIv. pace fl. i H. H. FULLER & CO., General HArdwnre Dealers, ill,, h '^^1 42 BELCH KRS FARMERS [1882 Hon Thomas Wood Bedford, " J . G. Laviolotte. DeLorimier, " J. Hearn Stadacona, " Thomas Savage Gulf Division, " Elizee Dionnc Grand villc, " K. Kemillard .Dcla Durantayc, " Alexander C . de Lcry Lauzon, " J. Gaudet , Kennebec, " John EH Gingras The Laurentides " Louis Panet La Salle, " J. J. Ross Shawiniean, " J. B. Geo Proulx De La Valliere, " Louis Archambcault Repentigny, " Felix H. Lemaire Miilcs-Islcs, " George Bryson Inkerinan, *' C. De Buucherville, Montarville . Clerh. G. B. de Boucherville . Gentleman Usher of the Black Hod, S. S. Hatt. 8ergeant-at-Arma, T. E. Roy. LEGISLATIVE ASSilMBLY. Speaker. . . .Hon A. Turcotte. Argenteuil R. G. Meikle Bagot N. Blais Beauce J. Poirier Beaubamois. . . .0. Bergerin Bellechasse . . . .F. Boutin Berthier J. Robillard Bonaventure . . . J. I. Tarte Brome W. W. Lynch Chambly R- Prefontaine Champlain D. N. St Cyr Chateauguay . . .£. Laberge f,, , . ( O.Gauthler(Zt7La- Charlevolx.... j y^ygljg Chicoutimiand|p Bgjj„jgt Saguenay ) Compton W. Sawyer Deux Montagnes.C. P. Champagne Dorchester N. Audet Drummondand ( Artbabaska, \ Gaspe E. J. Flynn Hocnelaga L. Beauoien Huntingdon. ... Dr. Cameron Iberville L.Molleur Jacques Cartier. N. M. LeCavalier Joliette V. P. Lavallee, m.d. Kamouraska . . .C. A. E. Gagnon Laprairle L. B. A. Charlebois L'Assomption ..O. Pelletier Laval L. O. Lorftnger Levis E. T. Paquet L'Islet J. B. Dupuis Lotblniere Hon H. G. Joly Maskinonge E. Caron Megantic Hon G. Irvine W. J. Watts Missisquoi E. Pacicot Montcalm C. E. Houde Montmagny. . .L. N. Fortin Montmorency .C. Langclier Montreal, c. . .H. A. Nelson Montreal, e. . .L. 0. Taillon Montreal, w.. .J. McShane Napierville. . .L. D. Lafontaine, m.d. Nicolet C. E. Houde Ottawa Co. . . .L. Duhamel, m.d. Pontiac Hon L. R Church Portneuf Hon F. Langelier r\..^u^^ « ( H. F. UintreL dU Ma- Quebec, 0...J ,^„.„ Quebec, E J. Sheh> n Quebec, w. . . .A. H. Murphy Quebec Co. . . .Hon D. A. Ross Richelieu M. Matbieu liimouski ... .J. Parent. » Rouville S. Bertrand St Hyaciutho. .Hon H. Meroier St Jeaa Hon F. G. Marchand St Maurice. . . F. S. L. Desauluiers Shcffbrd J. L. Lafontaine Sherbrooke.. . .Hon J. G. Robertson Soular'jes W. Duckett Stanstead H. Lowell Temiscouata. ..G. H. Deschenes Terrebonne . /Ton J AChapleau, q.c. Trois Rivieres . //on A. Turcotte Vaudreuil . . . .E. Lalonde Vercheres H. La rose Yamaska J. S. C. WurteM Clerk, Louis Del. orme. Sergeant at Armt, G. Larocque. Bnilden* Uamliivaro of everjr detierMMloit e««Mliuitly on bHiwl, Head of Power's Wharf, Halifax, N. S. 1882] ALMANACK. 43 PROVINCE OF ONTARIO. Skat of Goveknmk.nt— TORONTO. Lientennnt- Governor, — (3H0,0()0)— His Honor the Hon J. B. Robinson. Private Secretary and A. D. C, Oapt Forsyth Grant. • EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. Hon O. Mowatt, Attorney Genernl " S. C. Wood, Commissioner of Agriculture and Secretary and Registrar. " C. F. Fraser, Commissioner of Public Works. " T. R, Pardee, Commissioner of Crown Lands. " A. Crooks, Minister of Education. " A. S. Hardy, Treasurer. Clerk, J. G. Scott. _ LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. Speaker, C. Addington H. M. Deroche, I Algoma R. A. Lyon, I Brant, n. R J. Young, 1 Brant, s. R Hon A. S. Hardy, I Brockville.. . . , . Hon C F. Fraser, EBruce, n . R Donald Sinclair, iBruce, s . R Hon R. M Wella, fCardwell 0. Robinson, eCarleton. . . . . .G- W. Monck, ICornwall W. Mack, iDufferin J. Barr, m.d., iDundas Andrew Broder, |Durham, k.r. ..John Rosevear, Purham, w.b.. .J. W. McLaughlin, Elgin, e.r J. Caacaden, filgin, w. B. . . .T. M. Navin, Susex, E. R.,. . . .Lewis Wigle, Sssex, N. R., . . . . S. White, ^rontenac D. D. Calvin, ilengarry D. McMastcr, Jrenville, 8.K. .F. J. French, Jrey, n.r D. Creighton, Jrey, k.r., A. W. Lauder, Jrey, s. u., J. H. Hunter, lias'tings, n. . . .G. H. Boulton., Tastings, k.r. .N. S. Appleby, lastings, w R. .A. Robertson, luron, s.R. . . .A. Bishop, luron, K . R. . . .T. Gibson, (uroK, w A.M. Ross, laldimand J. Baxter, [alton D. Robertson, [amilton city. .J. M. Gibson, Lent, K. R.,. r. .1). McCraney, Lent, w. R., . . .E. Robinson, >'ingston city.. J. H. Metcalfe, -.amoton, w. r. . Hon T . R . Pardee, p.ambton, E n.. .Peter Graham, [^anark, n.r.,.. .W. C. Caldwell, ^anark, s.R. . . .W. Lees. Clarke, m d. leeds, N.R, and Grenville, Leeds, s.R , Lennox Lincoln London city. . .. Monck Middlesex, e.r. , Middlesex, n.r. . Middlesex, w.r. Muskoka . .. Norfolk, N.R Norfolk, s.R. Northumberland K. R Northumberland W.R..., Ontario, n.r Ontario, s R. . . . Ottawa city Oxford, n.'r. .. Oxford, s.R Peel Perth, N.R , Perth, s.R Petetboro',\v. r Peterboro', k.r. Prescott Prince Edward. Renfrew, n.r. . . Renfrew, s.R. .. Russell Simcoe,'E r. .. Simcoe, w. r. . . Simcoe, s. R. . . Stormont Toronto, East. . Toronto, West.. .Victoria, n.r. . . Victoria, s. r. . I H. Merrick, ,W. Richardson, ,G. H. Hawley, ,S. Neelon, .W.C.Meredith, .R. Harcourt, .R. Tooley, J. Waters, J. Waterworth, J. C. Miller, J. B. Freeman, W. Morgan, ' I J. M.Ferres, ' j J. C. Field,. Thomas Paxton, J. Dry den, P. Baskerville, . Hon O. Mowatt, , Hon A . Crooks, . K. Chisholm, .D. D. Hay, .Thos Ballantyne, . W. Scott, .T. Blezard, . Dr. Harkin, .G. Striker, .M. Murray, .8. Bontield, .J. Morgan, .H.J Cook, .Thos Long, .W. J. Parkhill, .J. Kerr, .Hon A. Morris, .Robert Bell, .S. S. Peck, .ZfonS. C.Wood, At r, WAIiSM'S, City HurdWAro Store, Market S«iuir«. Net8» LlncS) Twines, Rope, Hooks* Leads, Corkwood, 44 brlghbk's fakmbk's [1882 Waterloo, n.r.. .M. Springer, Waterloo, s. R. . ..). Livingiitone, Welland D. Near, Wellington, s. R.J. Lawlor, Wellington, c.H. .C. Clarke. Wellington, n.k.R. McKiui, Wentworth, a R. .F. M. Carpenter, Went worth, N.R,. tJ. McMahon, York, B.R G. W. Kadgerow, York, w.u P.Patterson. York,N.K Dr Widdefield. Clerk, . T . Gillnior. Sergt-at-Arma, S. Glackmeyer. PROVINCE OF MANITOBA. Seat op Government— WINNIPEG. Lienfennnt Govertwr, — ($9,000) — His Honor the Hon J. E. Cauchon. Piivate Secretary, J. Cauchon, Jr. EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. Bon. J. Norqnay, Treasurer and Premier. " J. Royal, MinUfer of Pullic Works. " D. M. Walker, Attomet/ General " M. A. Girard, Provincial Secretary. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. St. Paul's..., St. Vital St. Clements Portage La Prairie.. .. . St. James .... St A drew8,N. St. Francois | Xavier, £.. ( St. Charles.. | St. Norbert, S., Bale St. Paul... St. Boniface, ( E. i Rockwood Westboume ... Dr. Curtis J. Bird, J. Lemay, T. Howard, K. AIcKenzie, £dwin Bourke, John Gunn, Pascal Breland, M. Lepine, and A. Murray . Hon P. Delorme, F. Chenier. Hon. Marc Amable Girard, .W. F. Luxton, ,C. P. Brown. Springfield St. Andrews, 8 . . St. Peters St. Agatha , I^ke Manitoba. . , St. Ann's , St. Norbert, N... High Bluff St. Francois Xa* ) vier, W J St. Boniface, W., Winnipeg and ) St. John's. . . . ] Poplar Point Kildonan. ... Headingly... . ,W. R. Dick, Hon. J. Norquay, Captain Howard, A. F. Martin, Angus McKay, C. Nolin, Joseph Lemay, Dr Cowan, Hon Joseph Royal Hon M. A. Girard, Hon R. A. Davis, T.E.Cornish, John Sutherland, J. Taylor, Clerkf T. Spence. PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. Seat op Government — VICTORIA. Lieut. -Gov.— 19/9,000) — His Honor the /Zan Albert Norton Richards. EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. Hon G. A. Walkem, Comtn'r of Landtand Works, Atiy. Genl, (^Premier.) •♦ T. B. Humphreys, Provincial Secretary " R. Beaven, MintsUr of Finance and Agriculture. Clerk, J. Y. Young SsKcepaaii and rota. Fry ram aad rreservlng Kettles* kxoN Richards. te Ciitch, etc., at 11. H. FULLER A CO/S. 1882] ALMANACK. 45 LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. Speaker. . . . F. W. Williams. Cariboo Hon G . A . B . Walkem, G. Cowan, J. Evans. Coinox John Ash. Cowichan W. Smithe. E. Pimbury. lilsquiiuault F. W. Williams, H Helgonen. Kootenay K. T. Grlbraith, C. Gallagher. Lillooet W. Brown. W. Saul. Nanaimo J. Abrams. New Westminister Dist.D. McGillivray, W. Harris. Do. do. City.E Brown. Victoria City R. Beaven, W. Wilson, J. Drummond, J. W. Williams. Do. District J. T. Mcllnrtyle, Hon T. B. Humphreys. Yale J. A. Maru, non. F. G. Vernon, P. Bennett. Clerk, J. R. Hett. THE NORTH WEST TERRITORIES. Skat of Government— BATTLEFORD. Lieut Governor— Uis Honor the lion David Laird, P.C., Battleford, N. W. T. EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. Mathew Ryan and Hugh Richardson, /Stipendiary Maffigtrates, HHembers of Council, (ex-officio). l.ieut Col .1. F. McLeod, c.m.g.'. Commissioner of Police, and Pascal Brillcnard, Members of Council specially apjHnnted ; Lt. Col. A. G. Irvine, Asst. Com. of Police; Amedee Forcfet, Chrh of Cotmcit and Secretary to Lieut Govenm,r. W. J. Scott, Regmrar. E. E. Richard. Sheriff. PROVINCE OF KEEWATIN. Lieutenant Governor— The Lieut Governor of Manitoba for the time being. Indian Agents^C&pt Allan McDonald, M. G. Dickieson. PROVINCE OF NEWFOUNDLAND. Goeemor— Sir Fitzhardinjro Maxse, K. C. M. G. Private Secretary — J. Morgan, Esq EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. Hon W. V. Whitewav, Premier, * E. D. Shea, " James J. Kogerson, " W. J. S. Donnelly, Hon Stephen Rendell, " John Rorke, " James Winter. f I 3 e I S f s i r At r. WALSH'8, City Hardware Store, Market S^aare. Sheet ZinC) Sheet Lend, Lead Pipe« etc. 4G nrcLCHKu's parmer'h [1882 LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. Hon Edward Morris, President. Hon John Winter, m.u. " Peter G. Tessier, " Edward White, " E. D. Shea, " W. J. S. Donnelly, Hon Robert Thorburn, " A. Harvev, " Thoiuaa talbot, " Stephen Kendell. HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY. Distnet of 8t John's, East—M.. J. O'Mara, Robert J. Kent and Robert John ParsonSj junr, Kaqiiires. DUtnct. of St John's, West — Lewla Tessier, Maurice Fenelon and Patrick G. Scott, Esquires. District of Conception Bay, 8ot0iern Division — Joseph I. Little and Patrick Nowlan, Esquires. District of Port-ae- Grave — Nathan Xornian, Esq. District of Carbonear — John Rorke, Esq. District of Bnif-de-Verds—Mfred Penny. Ej»q. District of Fe'rrylnnd and Daniel Joseph Green, Esquire. District of Placentia and St Mary's — Hon W. J. S. Donelly, James Collins and if ichael K. Dw.ver Esquires District of Harbor Grace — Charles Dawe, Esq, and Hon Ambrose Shea. District of Trinity — Hon W. V. Whiteway, James H. Watson and John Rendell, Esquires. District of Bonavista—FranctB Winton, George Skelton and James Saint, Esquires. District of Burin— Hon James J. Rogeraon and James Winter, Esquires, District of Forttme Bay — James O. Frazer, Esq. District ofBurgeo and La Poile — Alexander M. McKay, Esq. District of Tmllingate and Fogo — Alex J. W. McNeiliey, Stanley Carter and Richard P. Rice, Enquires. Acting Master in Chancei'y — Thomas J. Kough, Esq. Acting C/erfc— Hugh Carter, Esq. Usher of the Black Rod -W. F. Rennie, Esq. OFFICERS OF THE GOVERNMENT. Attrnmey General— Hon W. V. Wliiteway ; Soliritor General ; Colonial Secretai-y—Hon E D. Shea; Receiver General— Hon James J. Rogerson; FtMancmi iSecreto'f/— Francis Winton, Esq; Auditor General— Thomas Glen, Esq; Surveyor General— Hon W J. S. Donelly; Assistant Collector of Customs — James Haywood, Esq. SUPREME COURT. Chief Justice— Sir F. B. T. Carter^ Assistant Judges — Hon John Hay- ward and Hon Robert J. Pinaent ; Clerk of Court— 'Freacott Emerson, Esq; Sheriff— Hon Thomas Talbot. St. John's District Coukt— Jmc/^ps— D. W. l*rowse and J. G. Conro}', Esqrs; Clerk of the Peace — R. R. ' Lilley, Esq. Harboh Gr.vce Distuict Court— Jjw/r/e — T. R. Bennett, Esq. VERITAS INTERNATIONAL REGISTER OF SHIPPING. Snrvej/ors to the Bureau Veritas Intei'uaiional Reyister of Shipping, British I^orth America. — Walter G. Kay, 3 Lome Terrace, Halifax; T. H. Sime, St. John; William Symons, Quebec; Alexander Sirae, Yarmouth. as i I s ^ > o llorse Naila nad Monte Hhueit, ft'ttrrlen* UamBterH audlLBlves, inlev Cotter (0 e ^ In I** la In If lo At very lowest prices- H. H. FULLER & CO. 1882] ALMANACK. 47 J. E. UWLOB & GO. IMPORTERS AND OENPJRAL DEALERS IN n IRON, HARDWARE, Faints, Oils and Yarnish, Ship Stores, &c. FAIRBAHK8' HAY SCALE ON THE PREMISES Faimers and others can depend upon hflving Hay and Straw weighed by competent weighers at the charge uf 15 cents per load. Terms Strictly Cash. Get yonr Bisconnt. Cor. Portland & Water Sts., Dartmouth, N. S. WEATHER OUtDE. The following Table (the result of many yean*' actual observation) is ascribed to Dr. Hurschel. It is constructed upon a due consideration of the attraction of the Sun and Moon in their several positions respecting the Earth, and serves to show what kind of weather will most probably follow the entrance of the Moon into any of her quarters : — Moon. Time uf Chanife. In Summer. In Winter. J 0*1 If « Between midnight & 2 a. m. | 2 and 4 A.M. 4 " 6 " fl " 8 " « g « 10 •' I " 10 «• 12 '• At42 Noon, and t'^ 2 p. M. Between 2 and 4 r. m. «• 4 " 6 " 6 8 10 " 8 " "10 " " midnight. Fair. Cold with shower}. Rain. Wind and rain. Variable. Showery. Very raitiy. Variable. Fair. Fair if wind be N. W. Rainy if S. or 8. W. Ditto. Ditto. Fair. Hard Frost unless wind be 8. or W. Snow and stormy. Stormy and r. ".i/. Stonny. Rain if wind W. Snow if E. Cold and high wind. Snow or rain. Fair and mild. Fair. Frosty if wind N or N E. Snow if S or 8 W. Ditto. Ditto. Fair and frosty. The nearer midnight any of the Moon's changes occur, the finer will be the weather during the succeeding week ; the nearer noon any ot those changes happen, the more foul and wet will be the weather that will follow. S S n t t AC i*. WAli(»H'», VUj ll»rdware Store, Market Square. H. H. FULLER & €0., head of Power's Wharf, li 1'^ ■! f I i i n 1 3 !3 I 48 bulohbh'b farmeu's [1882 J- COE,3Sr:H3LITJS, 88 GRANVIIiLE BTRBET, HALIFAX. NOVA SOOTIA. ItCafiufaoturin^ Jeweller aad Silversmitli, And Importer (if Fine .Ie\vell<ry, Watches, French, Carriapro anil Marble Clocks, Sterlini; Hilver and Klectro-Plated Tableware, China, Parian and other Str.tuary, Speutacles, Field and Opera Glasses, Tbormoinetera, &u. MR. CORNELIUS would direct particular attention to the Larfre Stocic of Wolttaam Watohes, Spootaoles and Eye-Dlassos which ho has uunstantiy on hand. Special Induoemonta to Caali Buyers. The Uiuinfactnre of FINK JGWEIiLKBI « ipeciiilty at this Establishment. Also, Jewellery, Watclies, Plate, Ice., oarefullj' Repaired. fg® ©piicivlllB© Street, MaHlfa?^* M. S. The Cheaiiesfc First Class CLOTHING and FURNISHING SHOP IN THE CITY. ~ mimmm & mabshall, STATIONERS, Paper Rulers and Blank Book Manufacturers. DBALKRS IN Charts, Navigation Books, Nautical Instruments, &c. n. H. BEQKmiU, k&mt d Goinission MM, OXFORD BLOOK, 116 and 118 Upper Water Street, Halifax. i^* Consignments of Apples and Country Produce Solicited. Prompt Betuma Made. a M 3 I •^; Ivory llandled Table CaUery« aad fancy roeket Cntlery* Ha Yd all sizes best AmerioAU Rubber 1882] ALMANACK. 49 BELCHER'S ALMANACIC Calunlntod for Halifax, Lat. 44° 3t)' 20" N., nn<l Long. 63° 3C' 40" W. from Greenwich, — and for ordinary purposes will serve, with Boflic'ieiU acciirncy, for all parts of the Province, in- ^liKlint; the Island of Capu Breton. SIGNS OF THE PLANETS, ETC. (v) Thf. Sun, 6 (»• © 'I'lie Karth, O New Moon, * O Full Moon, J) First Quarter, Q^ Last Quarter, ^ Mercury, 9 Venus, %, Mars, 5/ Jupiter, 1j Saturn, ^ Hersclu)! or Uranus. SIGNS OF THE ZODIAC. Sprinj; Sutumor 1 «V' Aries, head, 2 y Taurus, neck, 3 n Gemini, arms, 4 22 Cancer, breast, .') S\, Leo, heart, G H)J Virgo, bowels, Autumn signs. Winter signs. 7 dS: Libra, reins, 8 tT\, Scorpio, sc( rets, 9 / Sagittarius, thi. 10 1^ CaprieornuH, kn. l\ Za Aquarius, legs, 12 X Pisces, feet. CHRONOLOGICAL CYCLES FOR THE YEAR. Golden Number 2 Epaet II Dominical Letter A Roman Indiction 10 Solar (./Vole 1 .') | Julian Period 6595 The year 5643 of the Jewish Era commences on September 14, 1882. Ramadan (month of abstiucnce observed by the Turks) commences on July 17, 1'882. The year 1300 of the Mohammedan Era commences on Nov. 12, 1882. EMBER DAYS. ' 1. Wed., Frld. and Sat. after first Sunday in Lent — March 1, 3, 4. I 2. Wt'diicsday, Friday and Saturday after Pentecost — May 31, June 2, 3. i 3. Wednesday, Frir'.ay and Saturday after 14th Sept.— Sept. 20, 22, 23. 4. Wednesday, Friday aod Saturday after 13th Dec— Dec. 20, 22, 23. ROGATION DAYS.— May 15, 16, 17. MOVABLE SeptuagCHima Sunday Feb. 5 Sexagcsima Sunday 12 Quinquafiesima — Shrove Sun. ]9 Asii vVednesday '. 22 Quadrag. — 1st Sun. in Lent. 26 I'alm Sunday April 2 Good Fridav. 7 FEASTS. Easteu Sunday April 9 Rogation Sunday Ma^' 14 Ascension Dav— Holy Thurs. 18 Pentecost— Whit Sunday... 28 Trinity Sunday . . , June 4 Corpus Christ! 8 First Sunday in Advent Dec. 3 Other Feasts, Anniversaries, &c., will be found in Calendar pages. s ^ o Pi o § o 01 P, WALSH, City Hnrdn'arc Store* Sec adv. yaso '^1. TfiinMn, a powerful ex^lonfjr, at ff. II. TVthtU Ss CO.% p ftO BK[.CHKRH FAUMKKS [1882 I M ^ BEGINNING OF THE SEASONS. n. Sim enters V^ (Winter bei^ini) December 21, lii8l, Mt U A. Siiii enters T (S|>riii>,' iieKiii»; Mnrch 20, 188:2, Ht I A. Hiiii enters So (Summer begins^ June 21, 18^2, uf H M. H»n enters =01 (Autumn hv^his) 8cptenir)er T2, ]S82, At M. Suu enters V^ (Winter begins) l^ecumber 21, 1882, at fr A. MORNING AND EVENING PLANETS— 18»2. ^ Mekcurv. — January 20tb Mercnry pets 5b. 2t?ni. A., nuil wilT bo iin Kveniu);; Star until tbo 18tb Fubruury. Ki^e» on the 1st Mitroii sibout r)6 minutes before the Sun, amt continnes » Mornriifi; Star nutil tbo middle of April. Scli* on ttio 1 2th May an hoar aftev Rirnset. Tlien an Evening; Star until about the )7th Juno. From .lalv 12 until the fir»t week in Aupfuflt a Moniin); StAr. After that an lt\e\\- iun Star from the l)eginnin^ of September until alM)nt the mi(idle of October, and from the end of Oct')ber until tlM) be<{innin;i; vi Devember n Morning Star. Mercury will bo in conjunction with tlio Sun Jan- uary 6, February 22, May 2, June 28, August 14, October 22, and December 17. 9 VivNUS.—Oii the Isvt January Venus rises BO miuntort before sunrise ; will be n Morning' Star UHtil about the lOtn ; in conjunction with the Sun on the 20th February ; an Kvenin;; Star Irom the bc^innini; of April until about tite 2()th of Novonii)er, and again in conjunction with the Suu Ueceuvl)er 6 — when there will be u transit of Venus across the Sun's disc. On the Ist Noveuvber it will beat brilliancy, — and sets li hour after sunset. % Maus. — Until about the end of October M»r» coMtitmes an Evening)' Star, and will be in conjunction with the Sun on the lOtIv J)eceml)er. Sets after miduisht from Janujiry until 24th May, and between sunset and midnight from the latter date until the beginning of December. Durrui; Jauuary, February and March Mars will l)e above the horizon from 3 to 7.^ hours after ittidniglit. IJ. JirpiTEH — will be an Evening; Star until alH)Ut Iho niiiklle of May; in conjunction with the Sun on the 30th; a Morninir Star after 16th June until 17th December; then an Evening Star the romaind(5r of the month. From the l>eginning of the year to 1st April Jupiter sets between 4 aud 8 hours before sunrise. Ij Satcrit. — January 1st Saturn rises Oh. 47n>. A., .souths 7h. 31 m., and sets ou the 2nd at 2h. 1 5m. M. Continues un Evening Star until about 2nth April, and will be in conjunction with the Sun May 6. It rises an hour before sunrise on the 1st June, and will be a Morning Star until 14th November —when it rises 4h. 41 m. A., souths lib. 47m., sets at sunrise, and will again be an Evening Star. From the Isc October to the 30th November Saturn will bo above the horizon ihronghout each night. ECLIPSES IN 1882. In the year 1882 there will be two Eclipses, lx)th of the Sun. I.— A Total Eclipse of the Sun, May 17, 1882, invisinlo at Halifax. Begins on the Earth, May 17, 01;. 38m. M., Mean Time at Halifax, in Longitude 14° 35' E. of Greenwich, and Latitude 4° 6' N. Wade ft Batcher's Mazors aud Barber Shears, m f 1 o\ VI 1 m 01 isl m m »l Head of Powcr'K ^Vlinif, Hnllfax, N. 8. ISH-J] ai.mana(;k'. :>! (Vtiti')l lu'iijiso hesiiiH Ih. .39in. M., ; ill l.oiiititudo .so 7' W., and Latitude lu*^ .M9' N. Colli imI EclipM' nt Noon, Mh. 27' M., I ill l.onjtitdo C.'l'^' 46' K., ami Latitude 38" 48' N. CViitral KclinsP oiidM rdi. 4iii. M., in I,ony[itiul.' l.'iso 50' K , and Latitude Ufto ;»(!' N Kiids on tlic Kiirlli (ill. 6ni. M., ill Loii-itndc l'.'0« :..'{' K , and Lntitudo }\)° ]' N. II — An AnimlMi' iMlipso of the Sun, Novoiiilior 10, 1882, invis*iblo at llnlilax. Hc^iiis (111 llio Karlli. Nov. 10, 4li. 8m., A., Moan Time at Halifax, ill LnnL;iini!t) 1 H" 1.5' K. of Greenwich, aud Latitude 2° .'18' N. Ct'iitral Kclipso U'i'Iiih, .'»li. 14iu. A., ill Lon-jitndo l2;io 18' K , and Latitude \° 3."l' S. ('♦ iiliiil K('ii))Ke at. Noon, 7li. 12ni. A., ill L()n<-itiide 17.1° .33' \V., and Latitude 29° 36' S, ' Central Kclipso oikIh, Dh. Im. A., ill Lonmitndo 10:)° 49' VV., and Latitude 21° 15' 8. i Kiids on tlio Kartli, lOii. Tui. A., in'Loiijriludo 123° .")3' W., and Latitude i; 6' S. A Transit of VENUS across the SUN'S disc, December 6, 1882. EXPLANATORY. j Aphelion — tliat pwrt of a plunet's orbit farth <l from the Sun. , J\'n'hclion — that part of a planet's orbit nearest the Sun. A'W/rt//<j«— angular distance of a planet from the Sun, as seen from the Kartli. ' PiHumhra — a partial shadow resulting from the diminished li^ht of ; the sun to tho earth or uicou, during a solar or lunar eclipse, appearing as jiartial. Ik-dinnihrn — tho distance of a heavenly body from the equinoctial line. EdijUic — tiio plane of the earth's orbit nearest the sun. C Apogee — greatest distance from the earth. a Perigee — least distance from the earth. j D Quadrature. j* Opposition. cJ Conjunction. | Q Ascending node. ^ Descending node. The letters M. A., m. a., denote morniny and ajlernoon,' h. m. s., hours, tninntes and seconds. N. north, E. east, ° Degrees, S. south, W. west, ' Minutes of Arc. " Seconds of Arc. Tiie Sun's Declination and Equation uf Time are given for Noon ; tho Moon's Declination for Midnight — Mean Time at Greenwich. Ph;VSK8 op thk Moon. — Tlie T its inserted after the Phase-s, at the top of the left hand page of each month, when the Moou changes BELOW the horizon. For thk length op the i>ay. — Add 12 hours to the time of the Sun's setting, and from the sum subtract the time of rising. For the lrngth op the nioht. — Subtract the time of Sun's setting tVoiu 12 liours, and to the remainder add the time of rising next morning. The Tides will be found in Calendar pages, and in Tide liable, page 78. o o g: I I i Are i»0l<l luiy at r. WALSH'4» VUy Hurdivaro titore. Enquiries for Prices will recelye every attention] I I H IS o o oi o H h Si i I a ts o « e I » § « 52 BErnflBRS FABMEll S [1882 ») » Cotton Manufactures Awarded the ONLY MEDAIj given at tha Centennial Exhibi- tion for Canadian Yarns. And the QOIiD M£:DAIj for Cotton Goods at the Dominion Exhibition at Montreal; and First Frizes at Toronto- Hamilton and liondon Exhibitions of 1880. COTTON YARNS, Nos. 8 to lO. WHITE, BLUE, ORANGE AND GREEK. Matlo of good American Cotton, with great care, corroctty numbered, and warranted lull length and weight. COTTOH CAEPET WABP, Made of No, 10 Yarn, Twisted, WHiTE. RED, GREEN, BLUE, BROWK & QRAMGE, ALL FAST COLORS. Each 5 lb. bundle contains 10,000 yards in lewgtl>, am! will make a iengf/b of carpet in proportion to the number of ends in width. GREY COTTONS In various widths and quali^es. Fancy Wove SMrtin^s, In Checks and Stripes, v/armnted to wear better tlian any I trij ^1 Ml m m Oj ^\ c;f ••J| Ml ul p\ m m Vil similar go(xts in the market. AciisA aA<l Iroa Wiris BniM> tuMt Uwm W«ru(l (iercw»« H. H. JBlJLtER & CO., Ticad oT Power's Wliaif. anial Hxhibi- 18<SJl ALMANACK. 53 PARKS' I Bill KNirme cotton In all numbers and colors, put up in 2 oz. balls, 2 lbs. in each box. Made from the finest loiig stajjled eotton, selected especially fo4* the purpoee. TIms Knitting Cotton is v^^ry carefully spun, and will be found to be evenly made and eorrectly numbered. Piirticalar €aro is takeu to have the dyeing and bleatjhing peffoetly done, and FULL WEIGHT IN EVERY BALL. Especial attention ig directed to our FAST SCARLET. COTTOH mmSQ TAEITS, Suitable for Manufacturers of Hosiery. Better than any other made, and so acknowledged by all who have used thom. xhese goods are supplied to all the iirst-claes manufaetiirers in the Dominion. i: |^p° Our gQods are sold by us to the Wholesale Trade oul^ from whom country n^erchauts cau always obtain them • by a-sking especially for them, Nex7 BruxLS'Tricli Cotton Mills, ST. JOHN,N. B. o o > W fliiiit'» Cliopplngr Axes, for Mle by H. H. FULLER & CO. i • i ;1 1 li i » I < ! u i-.r c M ■♦■» U o (J •vl O W * H 54 JANITAKY begins oi» SUNDAY. [1882 I>. R. M. !d. Q souths. % souths. If, sooths. O Full Moon, 4 6 44 M. - <[ Lust Quarter,! 12 11 33 M. 3 11 14 M. 11 18 A. 8 S A. 9 New Moon, 19 2t A. 10 11 24 M. 10 40 A. 7 n.T A. 5 First Quarter,! 26 3 30 M. 17 11 85 M. 10 5 A. 7 8 A. C Apo. 7 d. (C Per. 20 d. 24 11 45 M. 9 32 A. 6 4) A. SUN MOON Bi«<es. Sets. deeliii. [Slow of f South, f clock. Bhes. Souths. Sets. North. I * "''^ 1 su. 7 42 4 26 22 59 3 53 2 34 10 8 4 451 22 I n ^ M. 7 42 4 27 2a 54 4 21 3 27 10 59 5 42 '21 50 n 3 Tn. 7 42 4 28 22 48 4 49 4 26 11 49 6 31 20 36 So 4 w. 7 42 4 29 22 42 5 16 5 25 uioru 7 14 18 26 S 5 Th. 7 42 4 30 29. 35 5 43 6 25 38 7 51 15 29 SI. 6 F. 7 42 4 31 22 28 6 9 7 24 1 ?^v 8 23 11 56 9. 7 Sa. 7 41 4 32 22 21 6 35 8 24 2 7 8 51 7 56 SI. 8 SU. 7 41 4 33 22 13 7 1 9 24 2 50 9 16 N3 39 ^ 9 M. 7 41 4 34 22 4 7 26 10 22 3 30 9 37 SO 45 »K 10 Tu. 7 41 4 35 21 55 7 50 11 21 4 12 10 3 5 11 =& li W. 7 40 4 36 21 46 8 14 morn 4 ■ 4 10 27 9 28 =0: 12 Th. 7 40 4 38 21 36 8 37 26 5 38 10 .W 13 28 :2s 13 F. 7 39 4 39 21 26 9 1 26 6 24 n 22 16 57 »n, 14 Sa. 7 39 4 40 21 16 9 22 2 30 7 14 11 58 19 43 a 15 SU. 7 38 4 41 21 5 9 43 3 35 8 7 A. 40 21 29 / 16 M. 7 38 4 42 20 53 10 4 4 40 9 5 1 30 22 J 17 Ta. 7 37 4 44 20 42 10 24 5 37 10 4 2 31 21 6 VJ 18 W. 7 36 4 45 20 3a 10 43 6 29 11 6 3 43 18 44 V? 19 Th. 7 36 4 46 20 17 U 2 7 13 A. 5 4 57 15 3 20 F. 7 35 'i 48 20 4 11 19 7 52 1 4 6 16 10 22 21 Sa. 7 34 4 49 19 51 11 37 8 26 2 7 34 S5 4 X 22 SU. 7 33 4 50 19 37 11 53 8 56 2 54 8 51 NO 27 X 23 M. 7 53 4 52 19 23 12 8 9 28 3 47 10 5 5 49 T 24 Tn. 7 32 4 53 19 9 12 23 9 57 4 37 U 17 10 43 V 25 W. 7 81 4 55 18 54 12 37 10 30 5 29 mom 14 56 H 26 Th. 7 30 4 56 18 39 12 50 11-^7 6 21 28 18 15 « 27 F. 7 29 4 58 18 24 13 2 n 47 7 13 1 36 20 32 K 28 Sa. 7 28 4 59 18 8 13 14 A. 32 8 4 2 39 21 45 n 29 SU. 7 27 5 17 52 13 24 1 22 8 5.'i 3 36 21 52 n 30 M. 7 26 5 1 17 36 13 34 2 18 9 46 4 28 20 56 55 31 Tn. 7 25 5 3 17 19 13 43 3 16 10 34 5 14 19 3 2S Commence the New Year by patronizing SMITH'S Drug Store. January. — Nwa Scotian Agriculture has entered upon an entirely new phase. Oar Ajrriculturists are, in many districts, zealously seeldiig after 8c!errtiflc methods of culture, Introducing labour saving machinery, and imjirovitigf their live st<.^ck. The advantages resulting from all this are such as to arrest tiio attention of cultivators even in tiittmost backwaid districis, and wo may soon hope to see our I'rovince take a Arst rank among Agricultural Cuuntiies An impetus has l>eeu given to ottfctie raising by the recently established systeia of liv« cattle exportation to Europe, and the Dead Meat Trade. An market thus picsents itself, and our Agriculturists may enter upon eattte raising witho»fc fear of over-produe- as o >\ © o M © K€OrCH DTIJ IVOUKS, 285 BarrlRgton Street, Halifax, N. S., Kefeu (loors Forth of Jacob Street, Sign of tlie Golden Thistle. MMveto ami Riuidcs* l*«wder niail Vutit, LER&CO. [1882 th». If. sooths. A. 8 a A. A. 7 n5 A. A. 7 8 A. A. 6 41 A. N • North. 1 1 J"°« 5 22 1 n 2 ai 50 n 1 20 3G So 4 18 2(> 25 1 15 29 a .3 11 56 SI 1 7 5R a 6 N3 39 n. 7 SO 45 "K 3 5 11 z!^ 1 9 28 zds. 3 13 28 ^h 2 16 57 «l 8 19 43 "I 21 29 t 22 t 1 21 6 ^ 3 IS 44 vj 7 15 3 /VM. 6 10 22 ( S5 .4 X 1 NO 27 K 5 5 49 T 7 10 43 T 1 14 56 8 3 18 15 « S 20 32 H 3 21 45 n ^ 2t 52 n 3 20 56 95 1 19 3 25 \ Drug Store. rely new phttse. B'errtiflc methods tlieir live stock. no attontion of liopo to see our ipetus has l)eeu vttle exportation s piosents itself, of over-protluc- IS., serea <)oor8 tie. © M o M t> o % e; en & O, Hi Mi ! 'i i : BleiiMiorn's Clioppiiif? Axes for sale by H. K. FULLER & CO. H (0 U < e o «a o (9 (3 * (0 o e CO o o Wiiitt'i.] JANUAUY 31 Dnys. 55 SOLE, UPPER LEATHER, Slios Flnllngrs, &o. ClIJiiA.!* KOR, CASH, AT 106 Upper Water St., Halifax. Q A 2 3 4 5 ■B 7 A 9 10 II 12 13 U A 16 17 18 19 20 21 A 23 24 25 26 27 28 A 30 31 %(iets 7li. 23in iu Per B, 1786. M, Hun. af. Xnms. Circ'n 1st leg. session, St. John, 16(L 9 i'» y High tides. West Indies disc, 1492 1J. Kouths 71i. 55m. A. Kpiphany. ^ Sup. 6 © Ij stationary. 1st Sunday after Epiphany. Independence of Mexico, 1825. 11 stationary. * Ijsonths 6h. 55m. A. Financial meeting at Halifax, 1834 Low tides. Sir Chaa. Bagot.Gov.-Geu Length of the day, 9h. Om. [1842 Capt. Cook killed, 1779. 2nd Snn. af . Epiph. ^ sets 2h.23m.M ^ greatest Hel. Lat. S Insets Ih. 16m. M. [Germany, 1871. 9 (5 (T King of Prua. pro. Enip. of H. tides. Copernicus astron. b, 1472. i} 6(L l8t English Parliament, 1265. Australia colonized, 1788. 3rd Sunday after Epiphany, lioyal Exchange est., 1 .')70. Charles Jas. Fox born, 1749. [.54m. A. Conv. St. Paul. 1? D© Sset8 5h. h 6 € X6 €. Low tides. Sabbath Schools began, 1784. Telegraphs first used by Eng., 1796. 4th Sunday after Epiphany. [1879. % 6 €. J'f Prest. McMahon, re.sgd., 14h.20ni. Length of the night High Water, mean time, at at 'A a 2 O a III 4 46 6 57 8 12 5 56 8 7 9 22 6 51 9 2 10 17 7 39 9 50 11 5 8 19 10 30 11 45 8 55 11 6 A. 21 9 29 11 40 55 10 6 A. 17 1 32 10 35 46 2 1 11 6 1 17 2 32 11 39 1 50 3 5 A. 17 2 28 3 43 1 1 3 12 4 27 1 52 4 3 5 18 3 1 5 12 6 27 4 21 6 32 7 47 5 36 7 47 9 9 6 38 8 49 10 4 7 31 9 42 10 57 8 18 10 29 11 44 9 4 11 15 morn 9 50 morn 30 10 36 1 1 16 11 18 47 2 2 morn 1 29 2 44 3 2 14 3 29 49 3 4 15 1 44 3 55 5 10 2 51 5 2, 6 17 4 19 6 30 7 45 5 39 7 50 9 5 is . _M 4 27 5 37 6 32 7 8 8 9 9 20 36 10 47 10 16 10 47 11 20 II 58 A. 42 33 42 2 17 6 19 12 59 8 45 9 39 If) 17 10 59 11 44 morn 30 1 25 2 32 4 5 20 Everything in the DruK and Toilet Line at SMITH'S Drug Store tion. To do this successfully and profltubly it is necessary to start with jfood calves. These sliould be raised from carefully -^elected cows of {jood size, and healthy, and crossed bj' thoiouuh-bred bulls ; either Hereford or Devoiis may be used, but the Short Horn Diirhnms are preferred before all others, chiefly because Ihey reach a KTCit 81Z0 in a short periDU. If there is an Agricultural Society in your district the best way is to join it, and obtain thf use of its thorou»li-hred s ock ; if not you can purchase a youn!4' bull from an established breeder at a reasonable price. \l your solodtion is delayed till the sprin;? months you will have to pay a hi^^her price and have a more restricted choice. CrapeH and Telrets Vleansed, Dred and DroKsed at the 8C0TCII 1>VE WOBKS, 286 Harrington Street, Sign of the Golden Thistle. ? 5 o ,» I e « s 3 % H « At the C'ity Hardwnrc Store, Market Sqmiirc. \\ Gold Millers' SiippHcs, nt II. H. FULLER & CO'S. >> i'i I iA ;i! !• h<\ M. '/I' ;i' ! 50 FKIIRIIAKY begins on WEDNKSDAY. [1882 D. II. M. Id. 9 souths. % sonti s. ^ souths. O Full Moon, 3 1 44 M. - a Lnst Qimrtor, 11 4 19 M. 3 11 58 M. 8 ."iO A. 11 58 M. # New Moon.t 17 10 ;)5 A. 10 ( ') A. 8 25 A. 6 A. j) First Quarter, 24 5 17 A. 17 13 A. 8 1 A, 13 A. ([ Apo. 4 (1. ([ Per. 17 d. ! >4 19 A. 7 40 A. 19 A. SUN MOON Rises. Sets. declin. South. Slow of clock. Rises. Souths. **"*• 1 Nortli. Place 1 \v. 7 23 5 5 17 2 13 51 4 16 11 21 5 51 16 21 £5 2 Th. 7 22 5 6 16 45 13 58 5 16 morn 6 26 12 59 ^. 3 F. 7 21 5 8 16 27 14 5 6 16 Q 5 6 52 9 8 % 4 Sa. 7 19 5 9 16 9 14 10 7 15 47 7 18 4 56 "K 5 SU. 7 18 6 11 15 51 14 15 8 13 1 30 7 45 No 34 "JJ 6 M. 7 17 5 12 15 33 14 19 9 12 2 10 8 8 S3 49 £2: 7 Tu. 7 16 5 13 15 14 14 22 10 13 2 52 8 32 8 7 £\. 8 W. 7 14 5 15 14 55 14 25 11 15 3 35 8 58 12 8 =23 9 Th. 7 13 ^ 16 14 36 14 26 morn 4 20 9 25 15 43 "\, 10 F. 7 11 5 18 14 16 14 27 18 5 7 •9 56 18 39 "1. 11 Sa. 7 10 5 19 13 57 14 27 1 20 5 57 10 34 20 45 / 12 SU. 7 9 5 20 13 37 14 26 2 21 6 60 11 19 21 45 / 18 M. 7 7 5 22 13 17 14 25 3 20 7 58 A 16 21 SO / 14 Tu. 7 6 5 23 12 56 14 23 4 14 8 46 1 18 19 51 V? 15 W. 7 4 5 25 12 36 14 20 5 2 9 46 2 30 16 52 n 16 Th. 7 3 5 26 12 15 14 17 5 43 10 44 3 45 12 42 17 F. 7 1 5 27 11 54 14 12 6 18 11 40 5 2 7 39 18 Sa. 7 5 29 11 33 14 7 6 52 A. 36 6 20 S2 7 K 19 SU. 6 58 5 30 11 12 14 2 7 25 1 32 7 39 N3 27 K 20 M. 6 56 5 32 10 50 13 55 7 57 2 26 8 55 8 43 T 21 Tu. 6 55 5 33 10 28 13 48 8 30 3 20 10 10 13 20 T 22 W. 6 53 5 34 10 7 13 41 9 5 4 13 11 21 17 4 « 23 Th. 6 51 5 36 9 45 13 33 9 46 5 7 morn 19 44 H 24 F 6 50 5 87 9 22 13 24 10 30 6 28 21 17 n 25 Sa. 6 48 5 38 9 13 14 11 20 6 52 1 30 21 42 n 26 SU. 6 46 5 40 8 38 13 4 A. 14 7 43 2 24 21 2 gz 27 M. 6 45 5 41 8 15 12 53 I 11 8 32 3 12 19 2"^ 25 28 Tu. 6 43 5 42 7 63 12 42 2 10' 9 19 3 53 16 57 9S SMITH'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS-TRY THEM. FBBauA&T.- The subject which, above all others, requires the attention of the farmer during the month of February, is the feedin;^, watering, grooming, and general care-taking of his stock. Feed well at this season, not over-much, but judiciously. Calves ai\d young stoclc will not thrive on dry hay alone ; thoy require the hay to be cut and mixed with meil, crushed grain or mill stuff of some sort. All animals at this season should have roots, especially youn^' stock. If fed entirely on dry feed their first stomach will h? so distended that they will lose all shape, and never afterwards be presentable in the exhibition ring. More L serious results than this follow, for, when spring time come-i, the animals will be sure to scour, gwt thi<i, and possibly die. Ignorant farmors wonder wiiy so mmy anim lis die. Intelligent farmers arc as apt to wondor why so many live. Let u.s enquire briefly Into the rationale, of feeding. All the food of animals consists of LkitieB and QentH wUhing tholr IFlnter Cloaks, Sacques, and Overcoats r«new«d, will please leave them earJy at the SCOTCH DIE WOUKS. Sportlns P^wiler tunH Shot, idinu^ kc. S g I g > n pi o •t o 7) & CO'S. ►AY. [1882 nhs. 11 souths. A. 11 .58 M, A. fi A. A. 13 A. A. 19 A. >N I (leolin. I NortJ). 20 21 21 19 16 12 7 S2 45 45 SO 51 52 42 39 7 N3 27 8 43 13 17 19 21 21 21 19 16 20 4 44 17 42 2 as 57 THEM. Place 16 21 12 69 9 8 4 56 No 34 S3 49 8 7 12 8 15 43 18 39 SI "I / / / *%v K K T 8 8 n n gs gz 2Z attention of the r, grooming, and . over-niucli, but hay alone ; they nil! stufCof some youn;,' stOL'k. If d that they will tion rinar. More 3 animals will be er why 30 nimy my live. Let lis iiiials consists of H o g > » in o o H and Overcoats ¥E WOUKS. Firili'8 Octagron and Square Cast 8tecl, at H. H . Fuller A Co.'»* Winter.] FEBKITAHY 28 Days. 57 o rt Q Macbioe Ml, HacMoe Needles, LA8T8. PC08, NAILS, ELASTIC, SHOE THREAD, &c. For sale at Lowest Market Kates, at 106 I pper Water St., Halifax. High Water,raean tiine,at a. . 2 ,• n «S S 5 . s 1 2 4 A 6 7 8 9 U) 11 A 13 14 15 16 17 18 A 20 ■21 22 23 24 25 A 27 28 ilst Presitleutjiil Elec, IJ. S., 1789. Purif. B.V. Marv. 'j,stiiti<)iiarv. High tifies. Tiir' ended, 1878 5 iii^ Fill ion, inv. steainb'tH,^., 17<)5 |S( pt,nage.><iina Sunday. I^/D©. ^ j,'r. elong. K. 9 Aphelion. IChas'. Dickens born, 1812. kjPcr. Po|e PiuHlXdied, 1878. I ijset.^ 1 111. 47ni A. iLenpth of tlie dav lOli 7m. I Low tideH. DeVVitt Clinton d , 1828 ;SexaL;esinia Sunday. § stationary. Insurrection at Vienna, 1848. iSt. Valentine. -J, sets 4h. 11 in. M. Lenytli of tiie ni<_'lit I3h. 38in. Piiilip Melanoton l)orn, 1497. Very higli tides. ^setsOh. 2Cym. M. 9d'C ^dC $fgr- Hel. Lafc. N. Quinquagenirua — Slirove Sunday. 9sup.c5© ^eo XIII el. Pope, 1878. Trinid:id taken by Enpflisli, ,797. Wedne.sday. ^Inf.<5(?) h 6 €. 216 C ^^'' '/osfiua Heynolds d., 1 792. St. Matthia.s, Ap. Low tides. E. de La Tour ap. Gov. Acadia, 1651 Quad rages — 1st S. in Lent. % 6 (L Rev.Dr. McKinnon,Bp.Arichat,1852 Great Plague of Loudon, 1665 6 41 8 52 7 26 9 37 8 6 10 17 ' 8 ;>7 10 48 9 10 11 21 9 39 11 50 10 10 A. 2} 10 40 51 11 10 1 21 11 41 1 52 A. 21 2 32 1 8 3 19 2 13 4 .'U 3 40 6 5i 5 5 7 16 6 20 8 31 7 13 9 24 8 2 10 13 8 4« 10 57 9 28 11 39 10 11 morn 10 54 22 11 36 1 5 morn 1 47 20 2 31 1 10 3 21 2 16 4 26 3 44 5 55' 10 7 10 52 11 32 A. 3 36 1 5 I 36 2 6 2 3 36 7 3 47 4 34 5 39 7 6 8 31 9 46 10 39 11 28 morn 12 54 37 20 2 46 36 41 10 <' a 06 — CO •§3 cc 6' 22 7 7 7 47 8 18 8 51 9 20 9 51 10 21 10 51 11 2'^ A 2 49 1 54 3 21 4 46 6 I 6 54 7 43 8 27 9 9 9 52 10 35 11 17 morn 1 11 1 56 3 25 Use SMITH'S Glycerine Lotion and Chilblain Ointment. several compounds having distinct properties, and it is to the relative proportion.s of these that different food uiaterials owe their differences in feediiiir value. Hay, besides woody matter which is nearly unless, contains starch, sufrar, g'um, oil ; these are non-nitrofji'nous, and maintain me warmtii of the nody and produce fat. It also contains albuminous bodio.s. which are nitrofjfnonx ; these repair waste and afford material _for the i^rowth of flesh. Not only hay, but also yrrain, straw, roots, vesretables, all contain both of these classes (A substances, viz : the fat-formers aid fiesh-forniers ; if we wish to produce fat on an animal we feed indiun corn or some otner foiKl rich in fat-formers ; if tlie object is to produce flesh, on the other hand, we feed <jut8 or whciit rich in flesh-formers. For jnilli, the best of a'l food is Kreon j^russ, or, in winter time, liay, well ma<le from young grasB, supplemented by suocnient roots such as mangels. There In i>o kind of gooilK made that cannot he Cleansetl o'* Dyed to look eqnal to new, Jkt the Scotch Dye WorkR, 286 Barrlngtoii Street. ?: M > n » 3 f § At P. VI Afiii«ll't$, «'lt> llnriiwoi'C tiitor<-. Amerionn Bont Nails, Gftlvanized and Black, H. H. Fuller & Co. r>8 MAIICH be^'iiKs on WEDNESDAY. [1882 D. II. O Full Moon, 4 8 ([ Last Quaitcr.lf 12 5 # New Moon, 19 8 ]) First Quarter,! 20 9 ^ Apo.3 d. ([ Per. 1 8 d g Ap().30 d. 24 M. D. 2.') A. — 14 A. 3 3 M. 10 19 M. od 17 9 souths, 24 A. 28 A. 32 A. 47 A. % souths. "21 souths. 1 7 20 A. 7 2 A. , 6 46 A. 1 G 30 A. 4 27 A. 4 4 A. 3 42 A. 3 19 A. 3j« SUN RiRC«. SotB. dcclin. Soiitli. Slow of clock. MOON Rinen. Souths. Sots. us N I S I n a' 1 W, 2 Th. 3 F. 4 Sa. 5 SU. 6 M. w / Tu. 8 W. 9 'Ph. 10 F. 11 Sa. 12 SU. 13 M. U Tu. 15 V7. 16 Th. 17 F. 18 Sa. 19 SU. 20 M. 21 Tu. 22 W. 23 Th. 24 F. 2.") Sa. 2^ SU. 27 M. 28 Tu. 29 W. 30 Th. 31 F. 6 41 G 40 6 .S8 6 36 6 34 6 32 31 29 Ofi 6 e G G :ja 6 23 6 22 G 2(1 6 18 6 16 U 12 10 9 m t .5 3 1 5 44 .') 45 3 46 5 48 5 49 5 50 5 52 5 53 5 54 5 56 5 3 59 5 57 56 54 52 50 6 G G 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 12 6- 13 6 15 6 16 6 17 6 18 57 58 59 I 2 3 5 6 m 8 10 n 7 30 7 1 6 4* 6 21 5 58 5 35 5 II 4 48 4 25 4 I 5 48 5 46 20 21 22 3 38 3 14 2 50 2 27 2 3 I 39 1 16 52 28 SO 5 No 18 42 1 6 I 29 1 53 2 16 2 40 3 3 3 27 3 50 4 13 12 12 12 11 11 II II 10 30 18 5 52 38 24 10 55 10 39 10 24 10 9 9 9 9 8 52 35 18 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 9 8 7 6 6 5 / 8 10 morn II 8 44 8 27 9 51 33 15 57 39 21 2 5 44 5 25 5 4 4 4 7 49 30 12 1 2 2 3 4 4 5 8 5 3o 13 48 19 10 3 10 46 11 29 morn 10 52 27 .-7 24 51 14 34 18 4 5 51 G 24 6 59 7 39 8 24 9 14 10 11 A. 1 2 o 7 2 3 1 1 59 3 58 3 53 4 45 5 38 6 34 7 31 8 28 9 24 15 20 11 14 6 38 7 3 29 36 19 8 3 9 20 35 / 8 8 9 II A. 1 2 A. 9 1 3 1 58 2 54 3 49 4 44 5 36 6 26 7 15 8 8 44 9 26 10 8 3 52 5 9 6 27 7 42 dt-cliii. "173^48 10 7 «■) 3 N145 S2 38 6 56 8 57 10 9 11 14 morn 15 50 27 59 27 53 11 14 17 20 21 'Jl 20 17 14 9 S4 No 6 II 15 1 41 45 I 19 27 21 58 25 53 41 )0 16 15 27 18 37 20 38 21 26 21 19 17 14 11 7 5 43 28 31 3 N2 51 Place "IT SI "I "I t t X K T « n n n 25 22 SI SI SI J. GODFREY SMITH, Druggist, 147 Hollis Street. March.— This is the month of preparation for the actual culture of the soil, which may be still frozen hard and covered with snow. One secret of successful farming is to be alwaj's ready for favorable weather. What preparations are now to be made? As soon as manure can he carted out on the frozen fields, let It be done. In bad weather see to the repair of implements. Calculate what seeds and artifl.;ial mmurcj will be required, and send your orders at once to reliable houses. If you wait till the time comes for plantinjjf and sowinir.^-ou may be disappointed in obtiiiiintr whpt yon want. In order to raise eaviy plants for the ve jetable garden and ftower beds, a hot bed should be started this montli. (.See Instructions SCOTCH DYE WORKS, 286 Rsrrington Street, Halifax, N. S., seven doors North of Jnvob Street, Sign of the Golden Th^tle. o H «•:! >} O o i: 01 > •■3 M 7i w o ?? o Vi W'viiU&Sii mill €nt «ii»liivi> jfloni^c aud ttlm Locks, fl. Fuller & Co. Y. [1882 iths. "^ S01UI18. A. A, A. A. 4 27 A. 4 4 A. 3 42 A. 3 ll» A. IN I (Ifclill, I ni 13 10 (i Nl S2 6 11 14 17 20 21 21 20 17 14 9 Sj No 6 11 15 18 20 21 21 10 17 14 11 7 N2 48 3 45 :]» 5(> 1 41 45 1 19 27 21 5t< 25 53 41 )0 16 15 27 37 38 2« 5 43 28 31 3 51 SI SI "I "I "I t t K K T 8 H n n n 25 2B SI SI SI street. lire of the soil, •01 f)f successful rations hto now fields, let it be what seeds and roli.ible houses, be disappciiiited r the vefetable See Instructions S., seven doorg tie. O O 'A >} O o o o o CO V M > w bd &! M o ?f o Vi OCkH, Atticrioaii tlnbber mid Icnthor t?oltln(r at U» H. Fuller A Co.V. l^i^rvM.-^ MAJtCH 31 DuvH. hl'UIMt. J 59 Levant Goat, Levant Seal, Roane, V ■ f •. W*f A 11 A. 1 9> Morocco, Hid, Skivers, English Fitted Upperj, High Water, mean time, at Cfi h 1 r 1 5 FOU hALK AT sti e 1 FORDHAMS LEATHER STOFE, 106 Upper Water Street, Halifax. i -a EC ■•.1 1 Kt. David. Knihei- l)n\ . $^r. llel. ft ii 7 22 8 37 4 52 2 Wkliard Cobden died, 1865. |Lat. S. 6 18 8 29 9 44 6 59 3 Kinlior Day. 7 ft 9 16 10 31 6 46 4 IIi>rl> tides. Kmbor Yiny. 7 44 9 55 11 10 7 25 A 2iid Sun. ill Lent. ^setH lll).32tn. A. 8 1ft 10 26 11 41 7 56 6 JjHtnfionarv. ^<P© 8 45 10 56 A, 11 8 26 m 4 Hank of Kiitfland kiih. payment, 1797 9 12 11 23 28 8 53 8 William III died, 1702. 9 40 11 51 1 6 9 21 9 William Coldjett born, 1762. 10 12 A. 23 1 38 9 53 10 JjKots lOh. Cm. A. 10 43 54 2 9 10 24 11 Income Tax ini[)O80d, 1842. 11 15 I 26 2 41 10 56 A 3rd Sunday in Lent. Low tide.<<. 11 54 3 5 3 20 11 8ft 13 l^r Arthur married, 1879. [b. 1844. A. 43 2 54 4 9 A. 24 14 ^in^ Humbert I, King of Italy, 1 47 3 58 5 13 1 28 :r, (leu. Jackson born, 1707. 3 14 ft 2S 6 40 2 ftS 16 I'r. Imjierial of France born, 18.')6. 4 46 6 57 8 12 4 27 17, St. Patkick. ^ d ([ prison 5b. 5 58 8 9 9 24 5 39 13 Loiipihof tboday llli.56m. [Kioi.M. 6 53 9 4 10 19 6 34 Al 4tli bun. in Lent.' 9 d C H'ub tides. 7 40 9 51 11 6 7 21 20 © enters f, Spring commences. 8 23 10 34 11 49 8 4 L>I 9 jireatest elonp.W. [born, 1797 9 5 11 16 morn 8 46 22 h 6 (L Kniperor Wm. of Germany 9 47 11 58 31 9 28 2;i 11 6 (L Madrid taken, 1808. 10 29 morn 1 13 10 10 24 5 Aphelion. 'J,.set.s 2h. 22m. M. 11 10 40 1 55 10 51 25 Annunciation— Lady Day. 11 54 1 21 2 86 11 35 A 5tb Sun. in Lent. '% 6 (i L. tides. morn 2 5 3 20 morn 27 Vera Cruz caitnred, 1847. 44 2 55 4 10 25 28 N. S. As. vot(M .£47,(00 for St. Peter's 1 44 3 55 5 10 1 25 29 Planet Vesta disc, 1807. | Canal, 18.54 3 3 5 14 6 29 2 44 .'10 i Ponce with Uus«ia si^rned at Paris, 4 31 6 42 7 57 4 12 31 1 ^greatest Hel. Lat. N. fl85G. ft C8 7 49 9 4 5 19 Patronize SMITH'S DRUG STORE, 147 HoUis Street. in former years' Almanacks.) If hay should become scarce, do not allow your cattle to suffer, but jrive them aoiue middlinjrs or bran with the cut fodder. Cattle allowed to "git down " at this season will take half the summer to recover. The experience of many of our stock raisers last year showed the necessity of careful attention to cattle durinK the sprinjf months. This is the time when inacct parasites are developed, and watchfulness is needful to prevent stock be'nfi: ruined. When lice appear on cattle, wash the spots with a wealt solution of carbolic acid, or, what is better, use 'vbolic soap. Even washing with common soap and water will prove effective if done in time. LaAlea, if yonr DresseH, QlOTes, Feathers or Lace 81i«w1b are soiled or faded, take or send them to the Scotch Dye Works, Uflllfax. Prices reasonable. 3 Cl g J" I o o At P. WALSH 8, rUeap for CmIi. ;T^'!|f!t I*i8lierinen^8 Goods at loTrest prices for cash» : ,1 H: r;: i iii , i !! li. « \ & •0 « I 60 APKIL begins on SATUlll^AY. [1882 O Full Moon.t ([ Liisr Quarter, ^ New Muon, j) First Quarter,! C Per. 15 d. 3 11 17 25 H 1 2 5 2 M 33 16 24 A. M. A. 42 M. ([ Apo. 27 fl. D.i 9 souths, 8 10 17 24 43 A. 48 A. 53 A. 1 A. % souths. 6 9 A. 6 56 A. 5 42 A. 5 30 A. '^ jHOUths. ..— ^ ■ ■■■ III I 2 48 A. 2 26 A. 2 5 A, 1 44 A. J 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 OSS SUN Rises. S«ts. declln. North. .Slow of clock. MOON Rises. Souths. I Sets declln. South. Place Sa. su. M. Tu. W. Th. F. Srt. SU. M. Tu. W. Th. F. Sa. SU. M. Tu. W. Th. F. Sa. SU. M. Tu. VV. Th. F. Sa. SU. 5 44 5 43 5 41 5 39 5 37 5 35 5 34 5 32 5 30 5 28 5 26 5 25 5 23 5 21 5 19 5 18 5 16 5 14 5 13 5 11 5 9 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 6 23 6 25 8 6 5 3 2 59 57 56 6 26 6 27 6 28 5 29 6 31 6 32 6 33 3 34 6 36 6 37 6 38 39 40 42 43 44 45 6 47 6 48 6 49 6 50 51 53 54 6 55 6 56 57 59 4 36 4 59 5 22 5 45 6 8 6 31 6 53 7 16 7 38 8 8 22 8 44 9 6 9 28 9 49 10 11 10 32 10 53 11 14 11 34 11 55 12 15 12 35 12 55 13 14 13 3+ 13 53 .4 12 14 31 14 49 3 54 3 35 3 17 2 59 2 42 2 24 2 7 50 33 17 44 29 SO 13 Fa.*t. 15 29 43 66 1 9 1 22 1 34 1 46 4 58 5 58 6 59 8 9 10 11 11 1 3 5 4 59 morn 50 1 32 2 10 2 42 3 17 3 47 10 50 11 32 morn 17 4 18 4 53 5 30 6 13 57 8 18 28 37 46 54 3 55 8 5! 9 52 10 5.5 11 51 A. 51 1 49 2 48 3 47 4 48 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 2 50 41 34 29 25 20 15 8 2 54 10 47 11 42 A. 37 33 30 1 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 8 9 2& 17 8 54 39 23 5 46 28 18! 42 6 35 3 37 15 4 58 8 10 12 A. 20 1 30 2 47 4 1 5 16 6 31 7 44 8 53 9 54 10 55 11 43 nionij 24 .53 1 27' .551 21 44! 9| 1 29 5 48 9 57 13 44 16> 57 19 25 20 55 21 19 20 32 18 32 15 24 U 20 6 31 SI 17 N4 3 9 9 13 40 17 18 19 49 21 6 21 10 20 7 18 7 15 21 11 5S 8 9 N4 1 SO 15 4 34 8 46 -A. "I / / H H 8 n n Z5 £5 SI SI SI A sure and safe medicine- SMITH'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS. April.— This is the month whon the cultivation of the soil actually bo','ins ; the operations of plouarhinK, harrowinu;, roUiuff, plantinn', cultivatinjr, have now to be attended to as the season advances and as the weather may permit. The theory of cultivation of the soil may well claim more than a passing reticution from the intelligent farmer. All soils consist of a mixture of clay and sand, the clay holds water, the sand allows it to filter throuyfh. When the cl,«y is in excess we have a clayey soil, whon sand is in excess we have a s^ndy soil, and when both are equal wo have a loam, which is best of oil for general purposes. Thore ere other sub- stances, which fomi but a very small proportion of the soil, but aru essential for its fertility. The principal ones are (1) phoaphorio acid, (2) potash, and (8) ammonia. They are removed in greater or loss quantity by every crop, and when they are taken out, the soil, whether clayey, sandy or loamy, becomes i .'•rties wishfnK to leave or send goods to the SCOTCH DYE WORKS, will I be careful to the Sign, and addresu 285 Barrington Street. M 5' H M ft >\ >l *i\ H m i ml UalYnitlcod Wire Netllns avul Wove Wire, at tUe City HurdM^arc Store. r cnshy uths. I A. A. A. A. [1882 1/ hontlis. 2 48 A. 2 26 A. 2 5 A. 1 44 A. )N .3. declin. South. 1 Place 18 1 29 ^X. 42 5 48 ^ 6 9 57 =!^ 35 13 44 ^iz 3 IG- 57 % 37 19 25 K 15 20 55 t 4 21 19 t 58 20 3'i V? 18 3-2 Vt 8 15 24 20 U 20 za 30 6 31 K 47 Si 17 X 1 N4 3 K 16 9 9 cyj 31 13 40 T 44 17 18 H 53 19 49 H 54 21 6 n 55 21 10 n 43 20 7 Zo jrti 18 7 95 24 15 21 a 53 11 5S a 27 8 9 SI 55 N4 1 "K 21 SO 15 '^ 44 4 34 -A. 9 1 8 46 :£b :OU3 PILIiS. tually bo-fins ; the r, have novy to be mit. The theory jtiectlon from the id, the clay holds excess we have a len both are equal re are other sub- ; aru essential for I potash, and (3) every crop, tind loamy, becouies IV. WOBKS, will III Street. S M d s § » IT" > H m ^\ w '^ ml lurd^varc Store. !i i i ; \Wi ■ .' M 18 ':^'il '1' !l i 1 ' : ) iiiii'iir' '' "■■ ' '■1 !'l!ii"!i ' ■ ! At H. It. rtLtlR & CO.'S, lieftd ot Power's Wharf, Spring'.] APRIL 30 Days. 61 o| BUY YOUR IMll m SHOE FIHSINSS ^1 AT FORDHAM'S, 100 Upper Water Street, Halifax. 1 A 3 4 f) (> 7 8 A lu 11 12 13 14 15 A 17 18 19 2<t 21 22 A 24 2.') 26 27 28 20 A Great freshet in Pictoii Co., 1854. Palm Suii. % D© ^ rises 5h. 6m. M. Higli tides. Napier died, 1617. Olivci Goldsmith died, 1774. Treaty of Fountainbleau, 1814. I'aphiiel boru, 1483. Good Friday. Wordsworth b., 1770. 9.set»7h.29m. A. Ij sets 8h. 29m. A. Kastkr Sunday. ^ reriheliou. Easter Mouday. 2/ sets 9h 45m. A. Easter Tuesday. Low tides. Gold first distov. in Australia, 1851. ^ ijreatest Hel. Lat. S. 1 enpth of the day 13h. 18m. Mutiny at Spithead, 1797. 1st S. af. Eas. — Low Sunday. ^ 6 (L Hi^jh tides. -J, sets Ih. 29m. M. 96(L k6(L Dr. Ahernetiiy died, 1831. Odessa bombarded, 1854. Thos. Haynes Bay ley died, 1830. 2ud Sunday af Easter. 8t. Geouoe. %6<L <^^om- N^ S- Tel. Co. ap., 1851. St Marlv, Evan. Low tides. 9 in ^ Cromwell born, 1590. Halifax City Marl<ct finished, 18.54. Cor. Stone Salem Ch. laid, Hx., 1846, Lenjrtli of the night 9h. 59m. 3rd Sunday after Easter. 6 3U 7 8 7 42 8 12 8 42 9 13 9 46 10 21 10 57 11 39 A. 31 1 37 2 58 4 23 5 31 6 25 7 15 7 58 8 42 ss; 10 8 ! 10 49! 8 41 9 19 9 53 10 23 10 .53 11 24 11 57 A. 32 1 8 1 50 2 42 3 48 5 9 6 34 7 42 8 36 26 10 9 10 .53 11 36 morn 19 9 56 10 34 11 8 11 38 A. 8 39 1 12 1 47 '> 23 i -i I 3 3 5 6 5 57 3 24 7 49 8 37 9 51 10 41 11 24 2 4 5 6 11 311 morn ; «>0 1 1 13 2 17 3 37 4 44 5 40 ! 1 1 2 3 4 42 31 24 28 5 48 6 55 7 51 morn \ 81 51 1 34 2 15 2 57 3 46 4 39 1 ^ 43 7 3 8 10 9 6 A good Spring Medicine— Smith's Sarsaparillian Blood Tonic. ) HighWater,raean time, at V : .. 1 03 'A S = 5 1 .Sr" 1^ 4a M f^i M W 6 11 6 49 7 23 7 53 8 23 8 54 9 27 10 2 10 38 11 20 A. 12 I 18 39 4 12 6 56 7 39 8 23 9 6 9 49 10 30 11 12 morn 1 54 1 58 3 18 4 25 5 21 birien. To keep up fertility tlioy must be restored. In stuble manure we restore all three to the soil. The lirst inaj' be ro.stored in the form of bone dust or super- phosphate of lime ; these are special juanures for turnips and grains, which take up u large quantity of phosphoric acid. The second inj^redient of the soil, potash, often existH in iiu insoluble form, and is 8«t free by processes of cultivation, liming, I and exposure to the action of the atmospliere ; it may be ndded in the form of plant ashes or kainit, a potash-soda mineral imported from Oermaiij'. The third substance, Ammonia, is abstracted from the rjin water by the soil, and may be added in form of tannery waste, guano, gas water, blood, wool, hair and feathers. By keepini^f these facts in view, the farmer will be better able to judge what kinds of manure to employ on his fields for the various crops. Potatoes specially require large quantities of potash for the tuber, and lime for the tops, all green crops SCOTCH DTE WORKS, No. 285 Barrington K(r«i>t, near the corner of JMCob Street, Sign of the tiolden Thistle. t o o I » s Pi P. VfAlABt Cltjr niArflrfBWil Storv, See adv. page 91. /;' ■l|i Ml I h ■ ■ 1 1 ,1 !: i' . 1 1 1 M.> ' '• jpalrbnnk^^ nnd HoT»'e*s Counter mid Plalforin iScnlep, 24 24 58 6 "I Til J. GODFREY SMITH require ammonia, and all giuiny photiplioric acid, which exists aa a phosi)hate of magnesia, &c., in barley and wheat. May.— With the (reneral improvement in our Agriculture, it is hoped thnt a taste for rural ornamentation will ^row. Every rami house should have its Flower Garden, the care of which may bo relegated to one or more of the female membera of the family, now that cbeese factories and cattle fecdin<,' have relieved them of the labor of butter making. One of the speediest ways of ornamenting a country house is to plant and train around the doors and windows such rapid growinf? creepers as Morning Olory, E(;hinouyst)s, Eccremocarpus, Honeysuckle, Nasturtiums, Prairie and Ayrshire Roses, Clematis, Indian Potato, Duchman's Pipe, Grape Vines, Virginian Creeper. The plants must suitable for a Farm Flower SCOTCH DTE iVOBKH, 88S B«rr)tngton Street, Halifax. N. 8., sereik doors North of Jacob Street, Sign of the Golden Thistle. Dlxon'g Axle Grease, Carriage Bolts, 4le., Iform Scaler, [1882 souths. ^ souths. 13 A. 1 A. 49 A. 37 A. 1 17 A. 56 A. 35 A. 14 A. VIOON Sets. (lecliii. South. riaco 3 3e 4 4 37 15 I 5) 7 55 9 1 10 10 11 22 A 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 11 11 r> 40 16 5 18 47 20 34 21 15 20 43 18 53 16 12 7 6 17 44 3;5 46 58 11 23 33 40 41 34 16 56 2!< 56 S2 44 N2 26 7 12 16 18 30 7 1 57 moiii 21 47 20 42 21 15 20 36 18 oA 16 13 9 5 SI 21 7 24 22 7 S3 10 11 35 4 34 II 7 11 15 17 20 24 24 58 6 K K r T 8 « n n 55 a ^^ "I (DPBEY SMITH xists as a phosphate of Iture, it is hoped that house should ha\'o its ) or more of the female tie feedinjf have relieved it ways of ornaineutiny: and windows such rapid inoearpus, Honeysuckle, Ian Potato, Duchman's itable for a Fann Flower rax, K. 8., seteil doors en Thistle. Is, 4iet, 1..I A 15 16 17 18 19 20 A 22 23 24 25 26 27 A 129 30 31 SCO^ At II. U. FULLKK & CO.'S, Jieuil of Poivor's Wharf. Spring ] MAY 31 Days. 03 o 1 4 5 () A 8 9 10 11 1:' I. -3 A 15 16 17 18 19 20 A 22 23 24 25 26 27 A 129 30 31 A FIRST RATE ASSORTMENT OF Elastic-Side Uppers and Freneli Call's kins, For Spring ami Summer P.oots, at FORDIIAM'S Lcntlier& Shoe Findiiif? Store, lOO UPPER WATER ST. si) i'liillip and St. .fames, ^iii^"^ ^© :iisiets8h.44in. A Hiyh tides, \} 6^ Kank "f K'lg- estab., 1694. ^Aphelion. 9^2/ b<^© SeriiiyapjUam taken, 1799. 4tli Sunday af. Piaster. ^ I'eriheliou. Li'ngtli (jf tlie niglit 9li. 35m. I Anne Buleyne beheaded, 1536. Low Tides. I Di.scovGiy of Amcrita, 1492. j Karl of Strafford beheaued, 1641. I 96V. Ho^aiioii Sniidav. ^sets 8li. 33m. A.; ) Pub. H. li. nieetin;;-, Ilfx., 185: j (■ Bocratiim Davs. '? (^ (L j ) ©Old. H. tides. 1^ 6 ([ ^ sr. Hel. A.scen.Day. g (^C ^ 6 <L [-'at. N.i '^sctsOli. i4m. M. I Sir G. Cavtier died, 1873. ' I Sun. af. Ascension. 9f*cts9h. I7ra. A. ^ stationary. % 6 (L j Paris burned, 1871. 'Queen Victoria l)orn, 1819. L. tides. First R.C. Priesisset. in Canada, 1615 Length of the day 15h. 2m. Calvin died, 1564. Pentecost — Whit Sunday. N S.R.R. de"e{,'ates sent tfi Can., 1851 9 Perihelion. IJ.6^ EmlHT I)av. High Water, mean time, at CO ^ a m S s = ^ . a 20 3 40 13 8 48 9 25 10 10 11 •A. 1 2 3 5 6 6 7 8 9 9 4 45 32 25 30 41 5S 2 1 53 42 24 8 50 10 32 11 9' 11 53 morn 40 31 32 41 43 38 24 8 37 9 52 9 14 10 29 9 51 11 6 10 24 11 39 10 59 A. 14 11 36 51 A. 15 1 30 56 2 11 1 43 2 58 2 36 3 51 3 41 4 56 4 52 6 7 6 7 7 22 7 13 8 28 8 12 9 27 i 9 4 10 19 : 9 53 11 8 10 35 11 50 11 19 moru morn 34 1 1 16 43 1 58 1 20 2 35 2 4 3 19 2 51 4 6 3 42 4 57 4 43 5 58 5 52 7 7 6 54- 8 9 7 49 9 4 8 35 9 50 it CO 6 7' 6 44 7 21 7 54 8 29 9 6 9 45 10 26 11 13 A. 6 1 11 2 22 3 37 4 43 5 42 6 34 7 23 8 5 8 49 9 31 10 13 10 50 11 34 morn 21 1 12 2 13 3 22 4 24 5 19 6 I A delightful Perfume-SMITH'S BOUQUET LAVENDER. M Q \ ' O 91 » > 9f <» m I Garden are perennials that last overwinter and grow up in spring:, but the more •endtT "bedding plants " are more profuse and eoiitinuoii.s in bloon^" The folIowinj< lists have been supplied by Mr. Powor, of the City Public; Ganiens, Halifax, as a lituide to (Hir revkilt^rs :— General Bedding (oid Border Plants: Ajrerutum (dwarf blue), Onphea plalycentra, Pyretbrum aureum. Do flore-pleno alda, Pentstamon [(variatioH). Oalcenlaria ainplexioaulis. Double Geraniums: Glori de Nanoy, Sapj)ier jpiinipior, Robert Pier and Victor Lemoirie (all of which are scarlet), Madaiuo Lemome a'ld Rudolph Abel (both of which are pink). The best sinj^le searlets are J Dr. Koi.h, .Jean Sisely, Dr. Lindley and Sp-arkler. Rose colored sorts: Aurora and [Oom, Pink eoliired: Blue Pell, (^leen of Roies, Christine. Whites: White Per- |fei;tion, Madune Vaui^han. Tricolors Mr."». Pollock, Edwina Fitzpatrick, J>ady [SCOTCH UYE WORKS, 285 narriiigton Khoct, near McMitrray's Dry Goods Ntore, a few doorK north of .Tni-ol Street. a & id Al the City Uar<|»»ic 8lurc» MHrl&et Sq.U'^rc. > * Haylnir Tools of every description, at H. H. FULLER & CO.'H,{ 64 JUNE begins on THURSDAY. [l88-i I). II. O Full Moon.l 1 4 C I^ast Quarter,! 8 % Now Moon, 15 2 3) First Quarter, 23 1 (^ Per. 7 d. C Apo. M. 19 .'if) 19 47 21 d D. A. — A. 3 A. 10 A. 17 24 9 souths. % WMUllS. 1 .51 A. 2 A. 2 9 A 2 17 A. 4 20 A. 4 9 A. 3 .57 A. 3 45 A. ^ HOUtlia. 11 45 M. 11 24 M. n 4 M, 10 4J M. ei 0) 1 Th. 2! F. 3 i Sa. SUN Rises. Sets. decliii. Noitli. KftHt of loci MOON Rises. Soi;th8. Sets. 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 SU. M. Tu. W. Til. F. Sa. SU. M. Tu. W. Th. F. Sa. SU. M. Tu. W. Th. F. Sa. SU. M. Tu. W. Th. F. 22 ■11 21 21 20 20 19 19 19 19 19 18 18 18 18 IS 18 18 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 21 21 22 22 17 3; 22 V ,.' 2 1 7 J4 , .^2 X it 2 i. 7 S5 2ii ao . 9 7 5 i>- . 59 7 36 22 •- TT 1 7 37 22 40 1 i>0 7 38 22 46 1 27 7 38 22 52 I 16 7 39 22 57 - 1 4 7 40 23 1 52 7 40 23 6 40 7 41 23 10 28 7 41 23 13 16 7 42 23 16 F. 3 7 42 23 19 S. 9 7 42 23 21 22 7 43 23 23 35 7 43 23 25 48 7 44 23 26 1 1 7 44 23 26 1 14 7 44 23 27 1 27 7 44 23 26 1 40 7 44 23 26 1 53 7 44 23 25 2 6 7 44 23 23 2 19 7 44 23 22 2 31 7 45 23 19 2 44 7 45 23 17 2 56 7 45 23 14 3 8 7 44 23 10 3 20 I 8 9 10 10 n II 45 4(* 29 14 48 20 50 morn rs morn 20 1 o 2 3 4 5 5 7 .8 9 10 11 A. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 51 22; 3 '' 44 ; 31 i 26 ■ 23 23 i 26 I 29 I 27 '' 25! 24! 22 i 22 23 27 i 30 j 29 i 22 i 1 2 3 •* 4 5 () 7 8 9 10 11 II A. 1 2 3 3 4 5 6 6 7 8 9 10 10 11 12 9 6 52 43 34 26 17 II 5 55 47 38 27 11 55 37 19 43 28 16 8 2 59 57 3 54 4 45 5 45 6 49 7 58 9 12 10 24 n 36 A. 48 1 59 3 8 4 19 5 26 6 29 7 24 8 11 8 53 9 28 9 53 10 23 10 49 li 14 11 38 morn u 4 33 1 5 1 46 2 32 3 29 <lecliii. I Smith I 21 19 34 16 13 8 56 16 4!) S3 54 Nl 13 6 10 »4 18 20 21 15 55 57 8 15 12 20 59 19 39 17 14 23 21 10 46 6 48 N2 37 SI 39 5 53 9 57 13 40 16 .53 19 21 20 21 20 52 13 16 rince t H » n n n a SI SI "I The "Gladstone Exterminator," for Cockroaches, at SMITH'S. Callum, Goliah, Lass O'Gowrie, Bonnie Dundee, Burning Bush, Italia Unita. Bronzes: Mrs. John Lee, Beauty of Cilderdiile, Percy Leonard, President Lincohi. Golden : Crystal Palace Gem. Verbenas: Sir William Yountj, Centennial Seedlinjf, Harris' Seedling, Mrs. Woodroofe, Venosa, Snow-fl.ike. Fuchsias, all varieties. Gaillurdia piota nana. The selection of Poliags and Variagnted leaosd plantu, succulents for borderings, &c., recommended by Mr. Power is as follows :— Irisene Lindeni and Herbert!, Mesembryanthemnrn cordifolium variejifatuin (a very lonir name for a very small plant), Konitfa maritnna variegati, Gaaauia splendeus Viirie'jata, Alternanthera paronychioiues, Sempervivnms and Rchoverias, Golden Thyme, Poa trivialis var:ejri>ta (small striped urns'!), Lobelia c irdinalis, Ainaranthiis Hendrei, Centaurev candidiseima and Glementsii. For blue colors the Lobelias have*latterly 'ot proved so effective in the Public Gardens as Viola Blue Perfection SCOTCH DTE WORKS, Hign of the flolden Thistle, trhnre yon ran get your soiled and fndcd garments made to look like new. Tiirr A Wonsott'w Copper Puluf, l*ltcM, Tar ttiut i:os:a. DLLER & €()/», j r. [1882 «HUll8 ^ BOUtllS. }0 A. 11 45 M. 9 A. n 24 M. )7 A. U 4 M. 13 A. 10 4J M. OON . . (lecHn. ='^^*'- South Place 3 54| 21 lOj -J- 4 45 21 t 5 45 19 34 ^ 6 49 16 56 i ^ 7 58 13 10 i At* vtw 9 12 8 49 1 10 24 S3 54 1 K H 36 Nl 13 K .V. 48 6 15 T I 59 10 55 cyj 3 8 '4 57 8 4 19 18 8 8 5 26 20 15 n 6 29 21 12 n 7 24 20 59 n 8 11 19 39 gs 8 53 17 23 22 9 28 14 21 SI 9 53 10 46 SI 10 23 6 48 SI 10 49 N2 37 ^ li 14 SI 39 H 11 38 5 53 ^ morn 9 57 ^s. u 4 13 40 ^^ 33 16 53 "I 1 5 19 21 m. 1 46 20 52 / 2 32 21 13 / 3 29 20 16 ^ les. at SMITH'S. ', Bush, Italia Unita. ; rd, PresiJent Linooln. :, Contennial Seedlin;?, : uehsias, all varieties. ! '.agnted leavad plant«, \ is as follows :— Irisene | .rlepatuin (a very lonjr ' ;*, Gnzania splendcus id Rchcerias, Golden : irdiiiaiis, Ainaranthus lie colors the Lobelias s Viola Blue Perfection , whure yon ran get k like new. r tintt Uos2n» .c 1 2 3 A 5 G 7 8 9 10 A 12 13 14 15 16 17 A 19 20 !1 JO 23 U A 26 !7 28 >9 W lood( Ifond of Powor't? Wharf, Ilallfrtx, N. 8. HJ'I HI lUSO. 1 MMKR.J JUNK ;J0 I).i,ys. G.') 2 .') A f) 7 8 9 10 A 12 13 14 i5 16 17 Ha |19 20 !I )0 CASH CUSTOM a;R!=3 Will fiiiil it to'ii- HdviiiiUii*' to look over FOKOII AM'rt STOCK OK Loatha? & SI199 Findings. Cheapest a'ld bi;st iissortinetit o( floods in touii. 10ft UPPER WATEU ST., - HALIFAX. ^ jureatpst oioii}^. E. Hiuli tides. Ember Day. Foniaii Hkirmish at Lim- Ember Day. (eridiio, Cutiada, 1866. Trinity Snuday. ^.set.s 9li. 24in A. ^n(2) Telej;raph com. in (Miina, iri rhi'.H i\h. 7m. M. ' fl87l. 6 persons drowned near Acadia Col., Corpus Christi. Low tidos. [1852 Gr. fire at St. John's N«d.. 1846. 2?in?5 1st Snn. af. Trinity. St. Barnabas. Great Quebec fire, 50 lives lost, 1846. 116 (L S stationary. High tides. Berlin Congress, 1878. ^ d C -^sets llh. 2m. A. Mnsical notation instituted, 1503. 2nd Sunday after Trinity. ? d C [Aplielion. ^p,v. Hel, Lat. N. Acces. Qu. Vic, 1837. % 6 (L S Set. Ilfx., 1749. (v)ent. 55, sum. com. Matthew Henry died, 1714. Low tides. 9*'®**'^'^ 45m. A. St. John Bapt. — Midsummer Day. 3rd Sun. af. Trinity. [posed, 1879. Ishmail Pasha, Khedive of Egypt, de- Losa of brig Sutledge of Pictou, with ^iiif.(^© [30 lives, 1846. St. Peter, Ap. Henry Clay d., 1852. Sir S. Balcer dia. source Nile, 1865. IIi;.'h Water, mean tliiu>,at en •■A ."a 7 7 7 49 8 29 9 8 9 52 10 37 11 24 A. 18 1 15 2 IG 3 27 4 31 5 39 6 36 7 27 8 11 8 55 9 35 10 13 10 .50 11 26 morn 7 48 1 36 2 30 3 38 4 42 5 45 6 37 w — li *. o 9 18 10 10 40 11 19 A. 3 48 I 2 3 4 6 6 7 35 29 26 27 38 42 50 Ob ■ '^ •^ . a id 33 II 15 8 47 9 58 10 22 11 6 11 46 morn 24 1 1 II A. 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 55 34 18 .*5 50 44 41 42 53 57 5 2 10 .53 11 37 morn 21 1 1 37 18 59 47 41 49 6 53 7 56 8 48 I 2 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 10 39 16 52 33 14 2 56 4 8 11 3 A a ,'S CO a '"-,2 -w M ft 48 7 30 8 10! 8 49 9 33 I 10 18 11 5 11 59 A. 56 1 57 3 8 4 12 5 20 6 17 7 8 7 52 8 36 9 16 9 54 10 31 11 7 11 48 morn 29 1 17 2 11 3 19 4 23 5 26 6 18 Go to SMITH'S DRUG STORE, 147 Hollia Street. I \,m\ Admiration. Subtropical Plains for Riowiiig as 3inj;1e specimens or in {jroups suitablo for large Rurdens and ornamental grounds) : Wigandia Camcasana and liiipei'iiiiiH. Soianum robnstuin and mar(;inatum, Melianthus major, Rieinus jiijantea, R. Duchess of Edinburj,'h, R. Bourboneii^s and R. sanguiiiea, Pliormiuiu leiiax (New Zealand Flax), Arundo Donax varie^'ata Bouconia japonica, Cannabis lativa (Hemp). Chilian Beet, Zea varie;>':ita (striped maize), Cannas Imperator, |riuolor, Rond.illeri, Annei and jfigantea. .TiTNB.— All seed crops not .vet committed to the soil should be put in without lelay. After the first day of .June it is not too early to sow any kind of seed juitablo for our cliiQ tte. The drill crop^ put in dunn^f April and May will now lequire atte:itlon, first in the way of hand hoeinsj, where this has to be done, and econdly by the use of tlie horse hoe or cultivator. But there are still some crops Boods of every description Cleamied or Dycil at tlie 8C0TC1I I>¥£ WOBKgl, Sign of the Golden Tliititie. 4t r. WAI/^n S, €lty H)ir4trnre Slure, llayliiK Tools of (<i'<>ry drscrtiitloii «t II. II. FULLER & C'O.'N,! lilll t I I I .'.t ^M M 1)0 .I'JLV l)f,LMii8 on SATlJliDAY. i>. II. O Full Moon, 1 I ([ Loxt Quarter,^ 7 T) % New 15 2 S First Qiirtiter.lT :i') « Full M()(»n,l .'JO 9 ^ Per.3 d. ^ Apo. 19 .1. ([ I'or. .'Ud l.'M [1 88 J ^ HOtltllS. 10 Ui M. 9 .*).') ^[. 9 .'U M. 9 l.'l M. 8 rn M. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II \2 I 13 il4 { 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 ©is SUN Rl8oa. Setn. Sa. SU. M. Tu. W. Th. F. Sa. SU. M. Tu. VV. Th. F. Sa. SU. M. Tu. W. Th F. Sa. SU. M. Tu. W. Th. F. Sa. SU. M. 23 23 24 2.') 25 26 27 27 28 29 30 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 j 49 44 44 44 44 43 43 43 42 42 41 41 40 40 39 38 38 37 36 35 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 24 23 deRllii. .North. 23 Slow of clock. MOON RiiiCB. Soiitliiii. Sett) (loci In. Soulh. rincu 23 22 22 22 22 22 2-2 22 22 22 21 21 21 21 21 2 21 20 20 20 20^ 20 19 19 19 19 18 IS 18 18 6 2 57 52 47 41 35 28 21 U 6 57 49 40 31 21 11 50 39 27 15 3 51 38 25 II 58 43 29 U 3 31 3 43 3 54 4 5 15 25 35 45 54 3 5 11 5 19 5 26 5 33 5 40 5 46 51 I 47 22 54 10 22 10 57 11 29 morn 3 42 1 28 morn 55 1 52 2 47 3 40 4 31 5 6 7 8 8 23 15 7 54 56 1 4 8 6 10 6 12 G 14 6 15 6 15 6 15 6 14 6 12 6 10 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 19 13 13 15 15 14 14 13 12 11 A. 11 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 7 12 12 14 14 8 57 41 20 55 9 48 10 40 11 32 A. 21 I 6 1 51 2 34 3 15 3 57 4 38 5 22 8 56 7 48 8 43 9 40 10 39 11 37 morn 34 4 32 5 43 C 57 8 12 9 26 10 36 11 49 Al 1 2 11 3 18 20 17 7 6 51 29 59 28 6 6 8 53 9 IS 9 42 10 6 10 35 1! 4 11 40 morn 22 14 15 21 33 48 18 0[ VJ 14 35 10 15 5 19 SO 8 N5 9 47 13 59 17 21 19 44 21 21 8 •20 9 18 12 15 26 12 2 8 II N4 4 SO 10 4 24 8 29 12 17 15 38 18 22 20 15 21 6 20 44 19 4 16 7 12 5 7 16 ♦VV AM MIV X H r « 8 « n n 23 So SI a a :£^ .A- "I t t t vy flM. VW Keep Cool by using loe Cold Soda Water, at Smith's Drug Store! to be planted or sown. Put out cabbinyea and cauliflowois, but only in soil that li:iJ been well worked and well enriched. The Haltiaa, or turnip flea, is the ure it enonnf of the cdbbagre ; all eflforts at hh destruction have failed, add the only effective wii of wadnj,' war with huu ia to tre it him jfenerously by aowinjr. between tha cabb il;£ rowfl, common white nuistard, the young seedling plants of which tiro far m^i. palatable to the flea than cabbage. Tomatoes may also bo set out 1 iter in tlio nion i li.l Giound cherries do best when they come up from seed in tlie soil, which they wi 1 do for years, Fiiiish plantini.; evorythin;,' now in field and srarlcn, sut^h as India:'! corn, bush and pole beani*, eacu;ribe<3, aqutishos, turnips. Toud ^r pUiiits vnivy ik be put out in the flower beds. Do not touch strawberry plants Ijy weeding' SCOTCH DYE WORKS, 285 Barrington Street, Halifax, If 8., seven doorsl North of Jacob Street, Sign of the Golden Thistle. ' Shoe Blaekiiigt Fllvn, KaHps, Tueki^ anil llrailiif FULLER & CO/Sj AY. [1B8J % »0'\t\))i.\ll HOlltllS. :\ .10 A. 10 1C» M. .•1 18 A. 9 .^.') M. ;j A. '.) .'U M. 2 55 A. » i;» M. a 43 A. 8 ftl M. MOON ». u„i« declln. ^''*''- S..uth. rinco II 4 32 18 ^ .') 5 43 14 35 'i 6 57 10 15 AM 7 8 12 5 19 K 9 26 SO 8 K J 10 36 N5 T 3 11 49 9 47 T 5 Al I 13 59 H 7 2 11 17 21 « 3 18 19 44 « 4 4 20 21 n 8 5 17 21 8 n 6 7 •20 9 Zo 2 6 51 18 12 £5 I 7 29 15 26 SI G 7 59 12 2 SI 1 8 28 8 11 a 4 8 53 N4 4 ^ 5 9 18 SO 10 ^ 7 9 42 4 24 u\. 8 10 6 8 29 z!h 2 10 35 12 17 :Q: 8 11 4 15 38 "I 6 11 40 18 22 ^ 8 morn 20 15 / 3 22 21 6 / 1 14 20 44 / 9 2 15 19 4 ^ 7 3 21 16 7 vj n 4 33 1-2 5 VWV 4 5 48 7 16 /Ml Smith's Drug Storel 9, bat only in soil that li:is| lipfloa, is the urrett enoniyf and tho only ofl?active wjif .'iny, bijtween tlu cabb il; ts of which aru far inoi set out l.vtor in the nion i.'i.l the soil, which tlioy \\\ l i trarlcit, suuh as india;'! Tender plants m;;y !i; ny pliinta Ijy weeding' ifax, N 8., seven doorsj ten Thistle. Anil llrailHt P: ' : 1 li 1 1 1 i' ' IH \: 11 1 1; ii ; . i ! 1 ^". ■ ■ i' ■■i i ■ ii Head of PowerV. WItarf, Hnlifax, N. S. Smniiu-r ] JULY ;3l I»;.vs. o O T A 3 4 5 6 7 8 A 10 11 12 13 14 15 A 17 18 19 120 21 1 22 A 124 25 26 27 28 |29 A i3i FRENCH FR9HTS AND CALFSKIHS. SOIiK AND UPPKR LKATHKK, Shoo Fiiiclingrs, Morocco, Goat unci Seal, Machine T-wist, &o., AT LOWEST MARKET RATES. AETHUR FORDHAM, 106 Upper Water Street, Halifax. Hig)i Water, mean time, at X. •a a a- . o § X ■ z^ { < . B H. tides, Tobaco taken bv Br., 1803. 4th Sun. af. Trinity. Visit.'C. V. Mary ) Apopee. Eugene Sue died, 1857. J rises 2]i. 38m.^M. Algiers taken by tlie Frencli, 1830. Tienirth of the day 15h. 17ni. r.ow tides, li. \i. Sheridan d., 1816. 1200 houses burnt at Montreal, 1852. .5th Sunday af. Trinitv. ^ stationary. h 6 (L ^ greatest Hel. Lafc. S. Ij rises Ih lin. M. 116<L 1^- Choate died, 1 859. "^ 6(L Bradley, astix)n., d., 1762. Baroness de Stael died, 1827. Swithun, Bp. Hitili tides. 6th Sunday after Trinity. Cawn pore "retaken by llavelook,1857. 9 c5 C J^eau Stanley died, 1881. % 6 (L Quebec captured, 1629. 5 gr. elong.W. $< rises 3h. 10m. M. Elon J. Howe,R R.del.,ret. Hx ,1851 Halifax Water Co., projected, 1844. 7th Sunday af. Trinitv. Low tides. Bolivar born, 1783. St. James, Ap. ^sets 9h, 20m. A. R. Fulton born, 1765. -^ c$ ^. The Air Gun invented, 1656. Tea first used in England. 1666. 5 in^ lilt Newspaper in Eug., 1 588. ath Sun af. Trin. ? (^ ^. II. tides. Adm. Byng. des. Fr. fleet, 1718. 7 26 9 37 10 52 8 10 10 21 11 36 8 56 11 7 a: 22 9 40 11 51 1 6 10 27 A. 38 1 53 11 13 1 24 2 39 A. 2 2 13 3 28 54 3 5 4 20 1 49 4 5 15 2 53 5 4 6 19 4 8 6 19 7 34 5 21 7 32 8 47 6 25 8 36 9 51 7 17 9 28 !0 43 8 1 to 12 11 27 8 40 10 51 moDi 9 16 11 27 6 9 51 morn 42 10 25 2 1 17 10 57 36 I 51 11 31 1 8 2 23 morn 1 42 2 57 6 2 17 3 32 1 47 2 58 4 13 1 35 3 46 5 1 2 38 4 49 6 4 3 56 6 7 7 22 5 10 7 21 8 36 6 15 8 26 9 41 7 7 9 18 10 33 7 56 10 7 11 22 : 3 1-5 .o , ■♦■ 7 7 7 51 8 37 9 21 10 8 10 54 11 43 A. 35 1 30 2 34 3 49 5 2 6 6 4 8 8 9 10 6 58 42 21 57 32 6 10 38 11 12 11 47 morn 28 16 19 37 51 56 48 37 SMITH'S DIARRHCEA CORDIAIi, for Cramps, Dysentery, &o. Ilioeing, and do not now hoe around raspberry canes, otherwise the fruit will not Ifor'n. Look out for gooseberry and curnxnt; cateri>i liars, and dust the bushes Iwhile the mornin!.' dow is on them with powdered hellebore or litnc. Cf,]ery may ■be planted out at the end of the month. If there are still t\ny "farmers" in the ■Province who are not members of an Ajjrioultural Sot;ioty, or if no such Sooioly ' ■exists in their district, t.hun tlio duty devolves iipon tbcnu this month of joinini^ ■ Til f^O'.'iety or orjriinizin^r a new one. Tbore can be iu> jrenenkl pro'^ross anionit' our i {fanners without co-operation, for the obtiiinini; of Ruitabia thonmgh-brod uniBials ' |of the very hii;he3t cla-st, ia beyt.nd '..he rc.ich of individnala. ; July.— Not'.vithatandinar what has been said in -Iinio, indicating.' that ng the last ' month of seed-time, yet Tnrnip sowins,' mny still he done. Some even prei^r to ! jadios anrt OfintH nopd not rip sroodR for CU'.inKlnf7 or Pvplnp, If Kent to the SCOTCH DYK WOliKS, Sign of th« Golden Thistle. c o > o > a & o H fit d o Ml i At lh»? CHy Hur<lwjirc St»i*<', .llarkct Sqiiiirr, ifouso Biilldinfr nftrawarc, at H. II. FULLER <& CO.'S, j y il ii ■ i ' 1 ■' '. ■all i 1 \i Will 08 AU(iUST begins oil TUlvSDAY. [1882 (£ Lrift Qiini'tCT, 9 New Mo{;ii, 5 First Qnartcr, ([ Apo. IG <J. I>. H. M. r> 11 59 A. i.3 4 r»tt A. iii 8 41 A. 28 r» 5 A. C P«r 29 (I D 9 souths. % «OHtllS. % souths. 3 2 40 A. 2 38 A. 8 42 M. 10 2 41 A. 2 2G A. 8 20 M, 47 2 42 A. 2 15 A. 7 .-iS M. 24 2 43 A, 8 4 A, 7 35 M. SON • MOON RU es. ^^"- North Slow of clock. Bi«ieH. Soutlis. Sots. . i-ioUlil. ' iMSK* 1 Tu. dl 7 2i 17 59 6 4 8 26 1 SO 7 7 S2 K 2 W. lis 7 20 17 44 6 Q 8 58 2 24 8 22 N3 18 X 3 Th, i'RS i;> 17 28 5 56 9 30 3 17 9 36 8 21 cy> 4 F. .')4 18 17 13 5 50 10 5 4 1« to 50 12 48 T 5 8a. 55 16 16 56 5 45 10 44 5 3 A. 1 16 27 H 6 SU. 56 15 16 40 5 38 11 £7 5 57 1 10 19 5 H 7 M. 57 14 16 23 5 32 mora 6 51 2 15 20 38 U 8 Tu. %\i 13 16 6 5 24 15 7 44 3 13 21 3 U 9 W. 5 11 15 49 5 16 1 9 8 37 4 5 20 22 (Z5 10 Th. 3 I 10 15 32 5 8 2 7 9 28 4 50 18 43 ^ U F. 5 2 8 15 14 4 59 3 8 10 (7 5 26 16 12 25 12 Sa. .5 3 6 14 56 4 49 4 6 11 3 6 1 13 1 SI. 13 SU. 5 4 5 14 38 4 39 5 6 11 48 6 30 9 20 9- 14 M. 5 5 4 14 19 4 28 6 5 A. 31 6 57 5 19 "S 15 Th. a 6 2 14 1 4 17 7 4 1 13 1 22 Nl 8 ttjj 16 W. 5 8 1 13 42 4 5 8 4 1 54 7 48 S3 4 ■nv 17 Th. 5 9 6 59 13 23 3 H2 9 3 2 36 8 11 7 10 :£: 18 F. 5 10 6 57 13 3 3 39 10 2 3 19 8 37 11 1 -n. 19 Sa. .-i U 6 56 12 44 3 26 11 1 4 4 9 7 14 28 ^. 20 SU. 5 IL 6 54 12 24 S 12 A. 4 50 3 40 17 20 "l, 21 M. 5 13 6 53 12 4 9. 53 1 5 39 10 18 19 29 n\, 22 Tu. S ir< 6 5i| n 44 2 4.1 1 59 6 31 U 6 20 42 / 23 W. 5 16 6 49 11 24 2 28 2 52 i 25 11 54 20 m / 24 Th. 5 17 6 48 11 3 2 12 3 43 8 21 raorii 19 45 V? 25 F. 5 18 6 46 10 43 1 56 4 32 9 20 57 17 25 n 26 Sa. 5 19 6 44 10 22 1 39 5 11 10 16 2 8 13 h6 27 SU. 5 20 6 42 10 1 1 22 5 48 11 13 3 21 9 28 28 M. .■i 21 6 41 9 40 I 5 « 22 morn ; 4 38 S4 2i X 29 Tu. it 23 6 39 9 18 47 6 55 9 5 56 Nl 2 X 30 W. 5 24 () 87 8 57 29 7 29 1 4 7 12 6 20 r 31 Th. 5 25 6 35 8 &5 S.IO 8 4 1 59 8 29 11 9 T Use SMITH'S FURNITURE POLISH. sow their Swedes this laonth, and the loft Turnips for immediate feedinj? need not nocessariiy be s;)wn till th« end of July. Tl>e ground Hhould have under^jone a thoroiijjh pulverization. Lia:ht sandy soil is the best for'furnips. They stait best: iifter ti<e KrouiiJ is warn;, but the hulb-j bwcll most ra]»idl.y during tlm cool dewcy nii^hts of Autumn. The soil cannot he worked too deep cr made too flno foV Turnips. Town manures are valued for this crop ; aud crushed bones h.ivc been applied with the bait effects, either when covered in the drills in llie niautier of onlinary du»"/, <>r whon sown by machine aionjf with the seeds, so as to ho in immediate contact with the lai.tor. Guano has been lirifely used of late years. Superphosphate U »ery efficacious. One puiiit ol Turr.ip cuiture tUat is oflei ncj>lected in Nova Scotia, althoujfh weli understood elsewhere, is thi>t tlie secil Ostrich Ft>atk«r<) ('loausvid or Pyed Any Color or Sliado, and beaHtifKliv €«rle((. Hi the SCOTCH 1»'K WORKS, 28S BarriKfftoH KUeet. LLER & CO.'S, AY. [1882 , (iontiis . % souths. 2 38 A. 8 42 M. i 2« A. 8 20 M, 2 15 A. 7 •r»s M. 2 4 A, 7 35 M. MOON Sots. J lliM-.lilU ; .ioUUl. ria«e 7 7 S2 lc~i 8 22 N3 18 X 1 ■ 9 3fi 8 21 T 1 10 50 12 48 T A. 1 16 27 H 1 10 19 5 « 2 15; 20 38 n 3 13 21 3 n 4 5 20 22 <To 4 SO 18 43 gB .»> 26 16 12 ^ e 1 13 1 SI 6 30 9 20 SL 6 57 5 19 ne 7 22 Nl 8 ^ 7 48 S3 4 xco 8 11 7 10 tsL 8 37 11 1 :£s ^ 9 7 14 28 "l ) 40 17 20 »n. 10 18 19 29 m. U 6 20 42 / It 54 20 .W / morn 19 45 V? 57 17 25 vj ► 2 8 13 56 ) 3 21 9 28 1 4 38 S4 21 X ) 5 56 Nl I X t 7 12 6 20 r J 8 29 U 9 T OLISH. aediate feedinjr need tiot »oulii have underKoue ii 'urtiips. They stait best \^ during tha cool dewey ep or made too fine for rushed bones h.ivc been 10 drillH in the manner of he seeds, so as to be in ricely used of late years. ip culture tUut isi afle.i swhere, ia thiit the sead UmAvi, and b«KHtifilly lure Poli«b. <ftr.« 1 ■ 1 III: ! i, 1 K s o 18i ID A 21 22 20 '24 25 26 A 28 29 30 31 sliuul drill f be eJ on u(| tion r wefttl not ll the will Oool Head of Power's Wharf, Halifax, N. S. Suninier.] AUGUST 31 Days. 69 SHEEPSKINS, ROANS & LININGS, All colors and prices, nt the very lowest rates. Caif, £id and Porpoise Laoe, &o. ARTHUR FORDHAM'S, 106 Upper Water Street, Halifax. High Water,mean time, at 2 3 .»'2 .3.3 2 =a- cc 8 9 10 11 12 A U 15 16 17 18 ly A 21 22 23 24 25 2G A 28 29 30 31 Slavery abol. in Br doininiona, 1834. ; 9 (J ^ Sir K. Arkwrijjht d. 1792.: '5^ I'erihelioii. Bk.olEnp.fnd., 1732| 'peiiiiy-pcet set up iii Enjj., IfiSl. 'Cholera broke out in Halifax, 1834. !9th Sun. af Trinity. ^ 6 (L I-«w I Cromwell died,- 1658. [tidea. {I.eiigtii uf the day 14h. 15m. \11-6<L John Dryden born, 1631. 'Daguerre d. 1851. JsetsSh. 43m. A. |p:!arthquake iu Scotland, 1786. I Tliames Tunnel com., 1841. [H. lides. 1 10th S. af. Tr. ^ 6^ ^ gr «■ Lt. N. j^Sup. c^© Printing' invented, 1437 iBonaparteboru, 1769. I 9 in ^ 21 rises Oh. 22m. M. \%6<L 9 6<L '^fiets 8h. 18m. A. ' 1? lid) J^auiel Webster died, 1 852. Royal George sunk off Spithead,1782 lltli Sunday after Trinity. Low tides. Jj rises lOh. 24ni. A. VVarreu Hastinfjjs died, 1818. Sir \Vm. Wallace executed, 1305. St. Bartholomew. Faraday, philos., died, 1867. Dr. Adam Clarke died, 1832. 12th Sunday after Trinity. \i 6^ Hi^h tides BriH;bam Yuunj; died, 1877. Peace with China, 1842. Henrv V. died. 1422. 1 8 40 10 51 A. 6 9 25 11 36 51 10 11 A. 22 1 37 10 55 1 6 2 21 11 40 1 51 3 6 A. 28 2 39 3 54 1 21 3 32 4 47 2 24 4 35 5 50 3 46 5 57 7 12 5 7 7 18 8 33 6 15 8 26 9 41 7 5 9 IB 10 31 7 46 9 57 11 12 8 20 10 31 11 4G 8 55 11 6 morn 9 24 n 35 21 9 56 morn 50 10 28 6 1 22 10 57 39 1 54 11 28 1 8 2 23 morn 1 39 2 54 8 2 19 3 34 53 3 4 4 19 1 53 4 4 5 19 3 15 5 26 6 41 4 40 6 51 8 6 5 53 8 4 9 19 6 45 8 56 10 11 7 34 9 45 11 8 19 10 30 11 45 9 3 11 14 A. 29 rfl-S _Q0_ 8 21 9 (> 9 52 10 36 11 21 9 o A. 1 2 5 3 27 4 48 5 56 6 46 7 27 8 1 B 36 9 5 37 9 9 10 10 38 11 II 9 49 morn 34 84 \ .'>6 i 21 j 34 6 26 I 7 1.^! 8 8 44 Use SMITH'S MEXICAN TOOTH WASH. should be put vn the moment the soil is pre]>ared. If the earth of the prepnred drill gets dried up iu the sun lieforo the seed \» coinndtted to it, how can the latter be expected to germinate, lloeinsf and weedin;;- of all drill crops sliould be c.irried on actively this month mid comi>ler,ed before Jwyin^' time. Jioi/lng in the opera- tion before wlUch uM others may t;ive way. The secret of yooitl hay malcirwr is flue wefttber, and the secret of the wcaW>er i>j to keep in nund tli»t at tliis soaaon wo do not b&ve many hot clear days in succession If tlia day is clear and the temperature hi(,''h, do nut be tem{>ted to inow too much ; wuit till the ruin is cleaiiiify away and the air boi;iiVJ to cool. Tlien do your nvowinij early in the weuk, so that your hay will not have to lie over Sun('ii\ v.ashinyiii tdo rain or hle-icbins^' in tl>e sun. ArorsT.— After the hay i.s j^^ot in, the fanner will be ahro to dovote much of his Goods of every ()c«f rl]tti«n aro Cleansed tind Byod by .i new itreecss at tiie SCOTCH l>Vi: WORKS, 286 Barriiigton Slrefrt. 'm Isr*] At r. n.ii*^iri»^ oppoHiic i'u.>si i»£Uct.v TiiiplateSf Slieet Iiov, Cannda PlateH, Tin, &c. i;i if^ ♦J o & 6 u O at Pi i I O o ■8 o H 70 SEPTEMBKK btsgins on FRIDAY. [1882 ([_ Lnst Qnai'tor, ^ New AIooii, J) First Quarter, If O Full Moon, CApo. 12 d. 1). n. H. M. 4 9 12 M 12 8 45 M, 3 20 9 14 M.ilO 27 50 M.'l7 (T Per. 26(1. |24 ? sou hs.l 2 43 A. 2 44 A. 2 44 A. 2 44 A. % goutlis. 1 48 A. I 37 A. 1 27 A. I 1() A. !^ soutlis. 7 2 M. G 38 M, G 14 M. 5 41) M. ht ■r '-i p^ >.i' « .- •^ l-H I-I r* sux MOON llisi's. Sots. decliii. .North. Fast oT Uisei*. Soutlis. SetM. (lecliii. Niirtli. F. Sa. SU. M. Til. W. Th. V. I .'i 26 ."> 27 I 5 28 I .5 30 i 5 31 i 5 32 I «) Sa. I lOiSU. ill! M. i 19! Til. I 13j W. i 14 I Th. ! 15! F. I fG Sa. 17 SU. I 18 1 M. 19 j Til. 1 20 ! W. I 21 I Til. 1 22 F. I 23 Sa. ! 24 jsu. 25 I M. j 5 34 I 5 35 I 5 37 5 3S 5 39 5 40 a 41 5 42 5 ;5 26 27 28 29 Tu. W. Th. F. i 30 1 Sa. 46 47 48 50 51 52 53 54 56 57 58 59 3J| 32, 30 2Si 20 1 241 23| 211 I9l 17i 151 Ill K!, 8! ^1 ''I 581 5Gi 8 14 7 52 7 30 8 45 23 I 38 15 53 4 30 4 7 3 44 3 21 58 35 1 ' 1 48 5 55 5 53 5 51 5 40 5 '•' 5 4o 5 43 5 41 5 39 1 25 I 1 38 N.I 5 S. 8 31 54 1 18 1 41 2 5 2 28 2 51 8 8 42 27 9 26 46 10 14 1 5 11 6 1 25 morn I 45 3 2 5 51 2 25 2 I 2 46 3 3 7 3 59 3 27 4 57 3 48 5 55 4 9 6 55 4 30 7 53 4 51 8 5? ! 5 12 9 52 1 5 33 10 51 5 54 n 49 6 16 A. 49 i 6 37 1 36 G 58 2 21 7 19 3 4 7 40 3 41 8 4 15 8 21 4 49 8 42 5 22 9 2 5 57 9 2i 6 35 9 42 7 18 10 1 8 7 54 49 45 40 34 25 15 2 47 30 12 53 36 18 1 47 34 25 17 11 5 1 56 51 46 41 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 10 11 11 A. 1 2 o 3 4 5 6 8 8 9 10 11 morn 37 1 34 2 31 I y 10 A. ! 1 : •> 44 50 4' Gl »)■ 2 47' 3 39 = i 15 18 20 20 20 18 16 13 10 6 13 6 48 i 24 i .^9 I 42 44 13 20 o 51 G 17 6 43 10 45 N2 13 SI 57 6 3 9 57 8 17 9 1 I 9 45 !lO 4fi ill 49; ! morn j I 58 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 6 : 7 11 27 43 17 8 33 9 44 13 16 18 20 20 20 18 15' II 6 SI 28 27 45 13 40 V 14 IS 2*2 39 25 I'iacc n n 35 ?5 SI SI . '1): !| "J? t t N3 35; 9 l! 13 29 17 19 21 ! K T T « H 8 Keep your Teeth White by SMITH'S Preservative Dentifrice. attention +o feediii;f iiiid jjroornina: his cattlo for tne fall Exhibition. Systeniati'.' careful feeding will niake a wonderfnl improvement upon animals at this sea8f)n, esp.'ei.'.iUy if they arc in g'ood pasture. Our fiirmers .are now wurkiny: into a mixed husbandry, so thsit cattle may not feed on hay all winter and pasture in the sanunor, but feed in winter on straw niid roots and coirne Krnin, and in summer partially or whol.,.' on ^;reen fnddiT in-door.?. This is the only M-ay to enrich a farm, or to attain to anythinj,' like iiiah farminp. We therefore recommend our readers to note at this season how con\onient H id to have a !io!d of tares or f;rec!i oatK or barley or iiulian c.)rn or rape, orany othe." sfreeii eatable thing for the wittlc to si-row or fatten upon when the jia.stures are ali bu-.-nt \\\\. After har-.-i!.;- there wi!! he work in the pardon, and es;ie'jialiy in the orchard. Look after the rijieniiit;' of fruit, destroy cu'.erpi;hirs, if any still remain ; pick the earlj' August ap^iic?, ami SCOTCH 1>YK WORKS, 2So Barrlnartoii Slr»>nt, lliillfax. N. K., sevoiijiloors North ol Jjicob Street, Sign of the Golden Thistle. i*. n.VlifiJH, «:ily tSuiilnarc Storts ia Ihr pJarr tu g«t if Till, &c. >AY. [1882 souths. 2/ souths. 48 A. 7 2 M. 37 A. G :iS M. 27 A. 6 14 M, 1(> A. 5 49 M. MOON' Sel:- (lec3l)ii. Xi>rt)i. 1 9 44 15 Hi « ilO 50 18 lai « :A. 4' 20 G' n i I 6! 20 48; n 2 a; 20 24 I 95 Ed ?o SI SI 2 47 18 .')9j 3 39! IG 42 4 ?j 13 44 4 341 10 13 5 l' .5 27 6 20 N2 13 5 .51 ! SI 57 G 17 6 43 7 10 j 7 45 I 8 17 9 1 9 45 10 46 6 3 9 57 13 28 16 27 18 45 20 13 20 40 20 V II 49' 18 14 morni 15' TS 58 2 11 II 22 6 39 3 27! SI 25 I 4 43 N3 55 T 6 9 1 T 7 17 13 20 « 8 33 17 H 9 44; 19 21 t t V5 K 8 Place r-vative Dentifrice. Exhibition. Systeniatii.' aninialH at this season, w workijij into a mixed ter and pasture in tiie jrraiti, and in summer he (iniy way to enrich a oreforu rocomniend our a !ic!d of tares or {j^recii table thin^ for she cattle ip. After hnyui!4" there liOolc after the riiienin^' arly Au^just apples, arul hiv. N. K., (ievou (doors m Thistiu. plarr lu gftt .a ill ' III el a 26 28 29 i. 30 The At H. ff. ftll.ttn & ro.^, fif nd of P«wf r^s Wrinrf. BCMM ALTUM lER.l MN.J SKPTEMBKli 30 Diivs. 71 BUT YOUR GOODS FROM iFORDHAM, Uo will do the 8(]i»;)re thlnjf by yoii, and ■ ij^vn you the worlli of your iiioiiey. LEATHER STORE, 100 Upper Wftter Si., Halifax. High Water, inenntiin .•j M , a. . .«i ro ^.5 :S''<J 'A ii 5 3 i.-t K 1 a 1 2 A 4 & () 7 8 1) A n 12 13 14 15 16 A 18 19 20 21 22 2.3 A ■2'y 26 27 28 29 30 ;Ca«iiiie, iVle., tiikfeii, 1814. | iLondiOii Imriit, V66«>. ! 13th Sniidav ufter Trinitv. h 6 €. :W. Uoydd'iit Hx., njur. 102, 1854. i.. X6<1 A'akiv taken 180U. Itklea. gin t5 9 '•etK 7li. 52m. A. IiKlcpeiidt'iite of Brazil, 1822. Ij strttioiiary. [uiid-day, 1844. The moon and a brjghtstav vjsihleat 14th Siitiday after Trinity. [1851. ]g[ (5(v). MtMiiomhle ivfjatta at Ux., Hi)jrh tides, gsets fih 54ni. A. William Pitc died, IBOC. ^ 6<L %6C l f'ets 7li. 5m. A. (jCM-niau army evac. Fiance, 1873 9 d (C !? Aplielion. :l5tli Sunday afrev Trinity. First Kng. book (Bible) j.Vinted, 1471 9 Aphelion. 11 rises lOh. 28m. A. ]a>w tides. (v) enters :£:, Antnmn 11 Q(^ l<om» il6th Snnday after Trinity. IVilic Ocean di.«covered, 1513. : 9 tfreatest elon;: E. iHij^li tides. Ij rises 8l». 3m. A. ! g {.neatest elonjr. E. iSt. .Michael— iVlif-diaelmas Dftv. \h6(L 9 48 10 32 11 15 A. 1 1 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 53 58 20 4'j ."4 4-! 24 56 26 5G 25 55 26 58 37 A. 1 -2 3 4 5 6 8 8 9 10 10 U n &9 43 26 12 4 9 .33 59 5 55 35 7 37 I 36 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 10 11 11 14 ' 58 ' 41 27 19 24 48 14 20 10 50 22 52 morn 6 morn 22 51 i Ember Day. 'St. Matthew. Ember Day. Knd)er Dav. morn 23 1 2 4 r-, I 27 43 16 2. 24 12 55 41 24 1 1 2 3 4 G 7 8 9 10 10 II 37 9j 48 34 1 38 I 54 I 27 I 38 35 i 23 6, 52' 35^ 21 52 24 3 3 49 I 53 1 9i 42' 53 ! .50 ! 10 38 n 21 1 A. 7 1 50 i Ms o s 9 29 10 i.'i 10 .% .■32 34 39 .3 29 6 25 7 5 37 7 8 37 9 6 9 36 10 7 10 39 11 18 morn 4 1 8 2 24 .3 57 5 8 6 5 6 53 11 A. I 3 4 5 7 8 7 36 8 22 9 5 J. GODPREy SMITH, Druggist, 147 HoUis Street. Q o O o w o O 9 I I .sond them into nwrkut. When tho rains fome, beds of stvawberriea may be made j up. Sue tiiat tlio tfrouiid is well drained and cm ichod uith old nmnure. Mush- rooms now appear in the horse pastures. 'l'h« calvJui; of eows for the season will I now be over. All thoroujth-bred calves should he at once registered in the Official Stock lle-rister of the Board of Agriculture. For ^rade stock the farmer should I keep a book for utter reference. Sbptkmbkr. September is Exhiliition month, if Exhibition Committees made [their arrangements in time, the date of each Exhibition would bo duly foretold in [its proper place in the d;\ily c»leiidar oi this Almanack. Our Provincial Exhibition lis iield once in two years, ilurinj; the last week of Scptomijer or first of October, [and District Exhibitions are held in the ftlternute years, when there is no Provincial [ Exhibition. Those Exhiliilions afford to the fanner the opportunity of seeinjf what I improvements in implemtots and cultivation are bein^ introduced ; what progress The LIiiingK of Kea<1y-nia<1e Clothing are not DveO at the SCOTCH DYE >V01tKS, Sign of the (johlen Thistle. Tabic Cutlery of superior qnalily. n. H. FCMKR k CO., fjenernl HardwAre Dealers^ >, ! 72 OCrrolJER begius on SUNDAY [1882 ^ Lnst Qiiarter.lT Q New Moon.TI 5 First Qnnrtcr, O Foil Mooii.H (C Apo. 9 (i. » rt « Q a^ I> H M 3 10 3 A. 12 1 47 M. 19 7 40 A 26 10 l» M. 8 UN 1). 3 10 17 24 9 HOIlths. 2 44 2 43 2 40 2 35 A. A. A. A. % flOUthH.I^ HOUtllS. 1 4 5ft 4a 37 A. A. A. A. 5 17 M. 4 50 M. 4 i'3 M. 3>:56 M. Uiaes. J Sets I 2 3 4 5 fi 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 IG 17 18 U) 20 21 22 23 24 2:") 26 27 28 29 30 31 6 G M. 'J'w. W. |G Th. 6 F. Ig Su. ; 6 su. M. Tu. \V. Th. F. Sa. SU, M. Tu, W. Th. F. Sa. hU. M. Tu. VV. Th. F. Sa. SU. M. Tu. 2 3 4 .') 7 8 9 6 10 6 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 22 6 23 6 24 G 26 6 27 G 29 6 30 6 31 6 33 6 34 6 35 € 37 6 38 6 39 6 41 5 38 5 36 5 34 5 32 5 30 5 28 5 27 5 25 5 23 5 21 5 19 5 '.8 5 IG 5 14 5 12 5 11 5 9 5 7 6 4| 2' 1 59 58 56 54 53 51 50 49 47 d«clin. I SoiiUi. I ' 3 15 3 38; 4 Ij 4 241 4 48 5 \\\ 5 341 ■5 57 6 201 G 42 7 5 7 2^ 7 5<), 8 13 8 35 8 57 i 9 19 9 41' 10 3 10 24 10 46 1 11 7; 11 281 11 49 12 10 12 30 12 51 13 n 13 31 13 51 14 10 Fiist of CliHjk. To 21 10 40 10 58 11 17 II 35 11 52 12 9 12 2(> 12 42 12 58 13 13 13 28 13 43 lo 56 14 10 14 22 14 35 14 46 14 57 15 7 15 17 15 26 15 35 15 42 15 50 15 56 16 2 MOOX lliscs. I BoutliB. I Setii 8 59 9 55 10 55 11 54 morn 59 1 53 16 16 IG 16 6 11 14 16 50 .50 48 4G 4G 44 3 4 5 f» 7 8 44 9 43 10 40 11 31 A. 19 1 I 1 38 2 13 4 2 45 3 18 3 51 4 27 5 8 5 54 6 4G 7 42 8 4> 9 46 3 29 10 51 4 JS ill 51 5 19 lA G 10 I G 59 I 7 44 8 29 9 11 9 53 10 34 11 16 A. 45 1 32 2 21 3 13 4 6 4 59 5 53 46 39 32 25 6 7 8 9 tlticlin. \oitli. 20 29 20 24 19 15 17 10 14 22 11 7 14 3 3C ! N3 1 2 3 66 SO 55 43 24 4 291 10 19 11 15 morn 14 1 12 2 10 3 7 4 I 4 20 4 46 5 14 5 44 6 19 6 59 7 46 8 41 9 39 10 45 11 .54 moi'ii I 5 19 32 47 3 20 8 3!) 9 36 10 •■'2 11 20 2 3 4 6 7 5 2 8 58 12 35 15 42 18 10 19 49 20 30 20 7 18 40 16 8 12 39 8 22 S3 29 N140 6 47 H 31 15 29 18 23 20 4 20 27 19 39 17 50 Place n a SI SI in. "I K K T T « n n 25 SMITH'S DRUG STORE, 147 HolUs Street. ia 1)ein>,' m;ide in the iuiprovomeiit of stock ; what new u<iriicultural plants and vepetables are cominpf into uso, and they also enable him to sell stock and seed trrain or whatever he has to sell, and to buy stock or seed, or exchange with friends ; ! but they also enable him to show that he can do soniethintf better than any of hi^ i neighbors, and they give him the opportunity to give his family a treat, and such a one as to interest them in the .agricultural profession. The ingathering of fruits I as they ripen, and before they suffer fronj the fall frosts or protracted rains, which sometimes come at this season, will fully occupy the farmer's time. Perpetual \ watchfulness is more profitable than even hard labour in harvesting operations, | and the wise farmer will daily examine his crops, and note their progress. I OcTOBKR.— Tlie harvesting cf toot crops is one that requires groat attentioti, I Kid OIoTes and ORtrich Feathers Cleansed every day at the SCOTCH DTE ' WOItKS, 285 Barrington Street, near the corner of Jacob Street. Plated Forks and Spooiu« Currlnis Kiilvcs, Ac* ire DeaterS) lY. [1882 snuth i, y. soutlis. 4 A . 5 17 M. 1 55 A . 4 .50 M. 4(1 A . 4 23 M. .37 A. 1 ;^,;b6 M. lOON 1 ««*- S;:: r'-« 10 51 20 r-a n 11 51120 24 n A. 4.1 19 15 9Z 1 24 17 10 SB 2 4 U 22 a 2 291 11 SI 3 5 7 14 a 3 3C N3 12 n 3 56 SO 55 m 4 20 5 2 iJl: 4 40 8 58 :2b I 5 14 12 35 ^ ■ 5 44 15 42 in. 6 19 18 10 "I 6 59 19 49 / 7 46 20 30 s 8 41 20 7 t 9 39 18 40 ^'5 10 45 16 8 V? ; 11 54 12 39 WW moni 8 22 c» 1 5 S3 29 K 2 19 N140 X 3 32 6 47 T 4 47 11 31 T 6 3 15 29 « 7 20 18 23 « 8 30 20 4 n 9 36 20 27 n 10 -^2 19 39 gz 11 20 17 50 25 s Street. <fncultural plants aiul to sell stock and seed exchange with frientls ; better than any of his mily a treat, and such le insjatherinsr of fruits jrotfacted rains, which ner's time. Perpetual harvestlnfr operations, iheir projjreaa. Ojuires g^oat attention, at the SCOTCH DTE of Jacob Street. lives, Ac.> ,."^.. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 1.1 Ui|2i us Ui B2 |Z2 m 11-25 1 1.4 ||.6 III llll^^ IIIII^S « 6" ► /w ^ ^^ J> PhotDgraphic Sdences Corporation 33 WEST MAIN STRUT wnSTIR.N.Y. U5M (716) t72-4S03 4R> ^/^ A^^- C V.4? ^ <" if nU Head of Power's Wharf, UaUfax, N. 8. Autumn.] OCTOBER 31 Day3. 73 « o Heavy English Kip Bntts, English Sole Leather* Heavy Sole Leather, And all the reqaisites for Winter Boots, mmi lim sto&e, 106 Upper Water Street, Halifax. High Water,meau time, at « *• &« "'^'i 00 ^1 m n Anna St. John andPo 3 s OS A 2 3 4 5 6 7 A 9 10 11 12 13 14 A 10 17 18 19 20 21 A 23 24 25 26 27 28 A 30 31 17th Sunday after Triuity. First Railway in United States, 1833. y. 6 (L Low tides. First Indus. Exhib. at Halifax, 1854. Peace of Pavi», 1814. 5 greatest Hel. Lat. S. Great fire at Miramichi, N. B., 1825. f8th Sunday after Trinity. [1846. Kiue Strawberries near Guysboro' Pilgrim's Progress first pnb., 1678. ^ stationary. 9 ^I'catest Hel. Lat. S. High tides. Lord Lyndhurst d, 1863. t iu ?5 Wm. Penn bom, 1644. 19th Sunday after Triuity. ^ 6€ 15attle of Leipsic, 1813. Sebastopol bombarded, 1854. 8t Lol(e, Evau. 9<^@^^ **h* ^^i^* -^* 3]L stationary. Low tides. I^rd Palmerston born, 1784. Length of the day lOh. 3.^m. 20th Sun. af Trinity. |g Inf. 6 © Irish rebellion and massacre, 1641. Penn arrived in America, \682. St. Crispin. J^ in ^ [1859. High tides. Wreck et Royal Charter, h6([. b souths Ih. 8m. M. St Simon and St. Jude. 2l8t Sunday after Trinity. 116 (Z ? Perilielion. All Hallow's Eve. ^ stationaiy. 10 8 10 50 11 37 A. 28 1 31 2 50 4 14 5 21 6 13 6 53 7 26 7 57 8 27 8 57 9 29 10 1 10 37 11 16 morn 5 1 6 2 24 3 49 5 I 5 59 6 47 7 32 8 18 9 4 9 48 10 30 A 19 1 I 1 48 2 39 3 32 5 1 6 25 7 32 8 24 9 4 9 37 10 8 10 38 11 8 11 40 morn 12 I 2 48 27 16 3 18 4 6 7 32 12 S 10 8 58 9 43 10 29 11 15 11 59 A. 41 1 34 2 16 3 3 3 54 4 57 6 16 7 40 8 47 9 89 10 19 10 52 11 23 11 53 morn 23 55 1 27 2 3 2 42 3 31 4 33 1 5 50 7 15 a 27 1 9 24 10 13 10 58 11 44 A. 30 1 14 1 56 9 49 10 31 11 18 A. 1 2 3 5 9 12 31 55 2 3 54 6 34 7 38 8 38 10 42 7 7 8 3 9 9 10 18 10 57 11 46 morn 48 2 5 30 42 40 28 13 59 8 55 9 29 10 II Qet your Freaoriptions Dispenced at SMITH'S DruK Store. and, as the culture of thorn ia extending throughout the Province, we would impress upon ail who have not had long experience the necessity of attending to tlie jioiiits noted below :— To taKe up and store roots successfully is a simple art when properly understood, but the frequent destruction of roots in the cellar shows that it Is notiftlways understood or carried out. Potatoes should be dug in dry weather, and allowed to dry completely on the surface before being put togt ther ill heaps or in the cellar ; the best way is to put them on a barn floor and exclude the lii(ht, otherwise they will become green and acquire a bitter taste and poisonous qualities. Mangels, tuniips and carrots should be- topped and the fine rout fibres cut off. Before stoiing they should, in like manner, be exposed to dry air that the wounds may heal over ; it put at once into the cellar, the wounded tissues will SCOTCH VTE W0BK8, 285 Barrlngton Street, Halifax, K. S., aeTen doors ITorth of Jacob Streot, Sign of the Golden Thlatle. I u 5 f s a (» .» M o g o I At P. WAMSVH, City C rdware Store.- See ndv. pi^e 71. 4 UTorse SIroes &iitf Hone Jthttut at H. H. tVttEHSii C0,% f 11' '■; ^ ^ii-^V 1 1 1 l!'^ :iii 11;.!^ 74 NOVEMBER begins an WED-NESDAY. [1882 ]>. H. M. ID. 9" souths J % 80«h». ^ somhs. C Last Qunrter.t 2 2 44 A. - i^ New Moon.t 10 7 6 A. ^ 3 2 20 A. 26 A. 3 15 M. ]) First Quarter J 18 4 27 M. 16 2 8 A, 19 A. \ 2 46 M. O Full Moon, ?4 » 48 A 17 I 38 A. r2 A. 2 16 M. (C Apo. 6 d. C Per. 22 tU |,24|> 1 » A. ^ Q 6 A. ^ 1 45 M, . ^1 SUN MOOV RiMB. 1 seta. ^g(>„ti,. ^ clock. Bkes. [ Southi. [««*•• tat i^"^-" I W. 6 42 4 46 14 30 16 18 10 46 4 52 11 58 15 11 Hr 2 Th. 6 43 4 44 14 49 16 19 11 44 5 40 A. 37 11 56 «. 3 F. 6 45 4 43 15 7 16 19 luoru 6 25 • 6 9 15 ^. 4 Sa. 6 46 4 41 15 26 16 18 43 r » 1 3S 4 17 "E 5 SU. 6 47 4 40 15 44 16 17 I 41 7 50 1 .W NoiO "R. (> M. 6 49 4 39 16 2 16 14 2 39 8 3( 2 23 ^56 :£k 7 Tu. 6 50 4 38 16 20 16 U 3 57 9 13 2 49 7 .55 «^ 8 w. 6 51 4 36 16 38 16 7 4 3S 9 56 3 14 11 38 :& U Th. 6 53 4 35 16 55 16 2 5 38 la 42 3 46 14 .55 m. 10 F. 6 55 4 34 17 12 15 56 6 »7 n 28 4 19 17 35 n II Sa. 6 56 4 32 17 29 15 49 7 37 A. 17 4 .57 19 2» / 12 SU. 6 56 4 31 17 45 15 42 8 34 I 9 5 44 20 23 / I.i M. 6 5d 4 30 18 1 15 33 9 27 2 2 6 33 20 1'6 f U Tu. 7 4 29 18 17 15 24 lO 18 2 .56 7 34 19 » H 15 W. 7 2 4 28 18 .32 15 14 11 3 49 »38 16 46 r 10 Th. 7 3 4 27 1»47 15 3 11 39 4 42 9 45 13 32 c» 17 F. 7 4 4 ?6 19 2 14 51 A. 14 &33 10 52 9 31 sa IS Sa. 7 5 4 25 19 17 14 39 45 6 24 moru S4 55 K I'J SU. 7 7 4 24 19 31 14 25 1 16 7 16 3 NO K 20 M. 7 8 4 23 l9 44 T4 11 I 48 8 8 1 16 4 .59 V til Tu. 7 9 4 23 19 58 13 56 2 21 9 I 2 28 9 45 V 22 VV. 7 U 4 22 20 tl 13 41 2 58 9 56 3 41 13 56 K 2.J Th. 7 12 4 21 20 23 13 24 3 41 lO 54 4 54 17 16 H 21 F. 7 13 4 21 •'20 36 13 7 4 39 11 52 6 7 19 29 U 25 Sa. 7 15 4 20 20 48 12 49 5 24 mom 7 14 20 26 n i'G SU. 7 16 4 19 20 59 12 30 6 24 50 8 16 20 8 n 27 M. 7 17 4 19 21 10 )2 11 7 25 1 47 9 10 18 41 ss 23 Tu. 7 18 4 18 21 21 11 .50 8 28 2 40 9 55 16 17 22 2;) W. 7 19 4 18 21 31 11 29 9 30 3 31 10 34 13 It R. .JO Th. 7 21 4 17 21 41 11 8 10 34 4 18 11 6 9 34 SI Ohest and Iiuns Proteotors at SMITH'S DRUG STORE. li igln to fermout, and a lar^e portion of the roots will be rotted hy contact. If faotMnuch as these aie kept clfmdiy In view, no farmer need lose m» roots. Of course the cellar must be ker|)t well aired, cool and dt jr, and frost carefully excluded. NoTBunER.— The prevFous intonth will have been ocou]:rfed pretty well in securing tlie root croi)S. Now the whole strenjith of the farm should be thrown into fall plousfhititf. This is a moat important operation, whether we view it as a means of p;'eparin;{ the soil f<»r tbo future crop, or as a convenience to enable tl>e farmer to have spring time for proper spring work, llic addition of manure to a soil is not V lOUgh, the pulverization, mixture, freezing, thawiitg and rain-washing of the soil are the processes by which its fertility is to be secured. Let us illustrate this :— ijone, an insoluble tribasic phosphate, receives the rain-water which contains c irbonic acid gas ; this changes a portion of the boire into carbonate of lime, and All orderg received at the OlBce at the Worka; no nenon Mthorlzei! to receive or collect goods in the Citjr for the SCOTtR DIE W0BK8. Bllver niul Ciol«l Wire rlctnre cord, at tttHA CO.% LSDAY. [1882 • sovthi t. yi SOBths. 1 > 26 A . 3 15 M. > 19 A . : 2 4« M. ) r2 A . 2 16 M. i 6 A . t 1 4» M. MOOV 1 h-ttati-'-' 11 &8 15 11 St i A. a7 n 5« SI 1 • & 9 15 St i \ 39 4 17 m 1 M Naio nn 2 23 S3 5« :£^ 2 49 7 55 ^£k 3 14 11 39 £a . 3 46 14 55 m. ; 4 19 17 35 m. 4 57 19 2» / S44 20 23 i 6 33 20 16 t 7 34 t9 3 ^ »38 16 46 r 9 4& 13 32 c» ID&2 9 31 za moru 84 55 K 3 NO X 1 16 4 59 cy> 2 28 9 45 cy. 3 41 13 56 K 4 54 17 16 H 6 7 19 29 n 7 14 20 26 n 8 16 20 8 n 9 ro 18 41 Q 9 55 16 17 SB 10 34 13 It a n 6 9 34 St ; iRUO STORE. ! 1 rotted by contact. If !ed lose m» roots. Of ■ost carefuDy excluded. pretty well in securing Id \» throvm into fall e view it OS a raeaiia of ) enable tl>e fanner to manure to a soil {3 not aln-woehing of the soil it us illnstotte this:— water which contains »rbonate of lime, and lenon tnthorlzeit to ■ DIE W0BK8. Uitu a 4-> IN ■B <» o IC >. |1C 1 A 2 A 3 |L 4 I A 2 6 r 7 5 8 1; 9 1 10 ^ n 1 A 2 13 < 14 I 15 I • 16 < 17 S 118 A 120 21 22 1 23 124 1 25 A 127 28 29 30 Head of Power's Wkarf, Halifax, N. 8. Liitunin.] NOVEMBER 30 Pays. 75 GRAIN AND WAX LEATHER, MACHINE THREAD, Neeihs, Nails, Lasts, Pegs, &e. AT FORDHAM'S LEATHER STORE. 106 Upper Water Street, Halifax. High Water, mean time, at OQ M US. hi 00 " 1 2 3 4 |A 6 m / 8 9 11 In A 13 14 15 16 17 lis A 120 21 22 23 24 1 25 A 127 28 29 30 All Saints' Day. 9^'' £'• brilliancy. All souls. L. tidefl. ^metn 6h. 16ro. A. Len|{:thuf the day lull. Lr>ndon Missionary !So. formed, 1704. 22nd Sunday after Trinity. Riots in Montreal, 1837. g f?re.itest elong. W. Ij souths Oh 17in. M. f Hel. Lat. N. Fr. of Wales 6. 1841. 1} 6 d SJgr. © tclipsed. High tides. %6(L 23r(l Sunday after Trinity. 9 6€ J. r. Curran died, 1817. Length of the night 14h. 35m. 9stationary prises 5h. 31m. M. Switzerland independence, 1307. Low tides. Wolsey died, 1530. 24th Sunday after Trinity. Suez Canal opened, 1869. Victor Emanuel occupied Rome, 1870 Lord Clive died, 1774. 1; rises 4h. 3m. A., souths lib. 9m. h6(i Hi^h tides. Tobacco first brought to Engl'd, 1496. 25th Sunday after Trinity ^(i C Lord Littleton died, 1779. Kars taken, 1855. Horace Greeley died. 1872. 11862. St. Andrew. Sheridan finowlcs d., 11 15 1 26 2 41 A. 3 2 14 3 29 58 3 9 4 24 2 3 4 14 5 29 3 20 5 31 6 46 4 31 6 42 7 57 5 29 7 40 8 55 6 15 8 26 9 41 6 54 9 5 10 20 7 27 9 38 10 53 8 1 10 12 11 27 8 33 10 44 11 59 9 8 11 19 morn 9 45 11 56 34 10 23 morn 1 11 11 5 34 1 49 11 55 1 16 2 31 morn 2 6 3 21 52 3 3 4 18 2 4 11 5 26 3 18 6 29 6 44 4 28 6 39 7 54 5 31 7 42 8 57 6 25 8 36 9 51 7 16 9 27 10 42 8 2 10 13 11 28 8 49 11 A. 15 9 32 11 43 58 10 14 A. 25 1 40 10 55 1 6 2 21 10 56 11 44 A. 39 I 44 3 4 5 1 12 10 5 56 6 35 7 8 7 42 8 14 8 49 9 26 10 4 10 46 11 .36 morn 33 1 41 2 59 4 9 3 6 6 7 12 6 57 43 8 30 ►9 13 9 55 10 36 SMITH'S PECTORAL COUGH DROPS, 147 Hollis Street. the rest into bi-basio phosphate «hich gradually dissolves and becotnes available to the p]aut. If the rain water drains away over the hard surface, or if the s^l lies sfjalced in stagnant w.ater, and there is no possajj^ of rain throujfh it, this change cannot take place. When lime is added to the soil it quiclcly acts on the organic matter, but the lime must be dtffnsed completely throughout the soil, otherwise it beuomes inert before it has had an opportunit}' of doing its work by being brought into actual contact with soil-particles. The clay of th<^ soil is a silicate of alumni ; with linio, if the particles be brought together in presence of water, a double I silicate of lime and alumina is formed. If soda be brought into contact with this, I tlie lime gives way and a double silicate of soda and alumina is formed. If potash be added, the siida gives way, and we have now a double silicate of potash and alun)ina ; and lastly, potash will yield to ammonia, and thus ammonf- will be SCOTCH DYE WOBKH, 885 Barrlnffton Street, Halifax, V. 8., Mren doors Korth of Jiicob Street, Sign of the Goldea Thlstlo. i'« WA|.SIl*s, City Harairanl Store.— See adv. page 91. ii^i;; 1^ ! :;■:.'* li' 1 1 1 . ' ''! M-;,i ' ii ! ' ' ' ■ ■'!■: Mi: : L.:ir.i '„.-r* •Ufa !■■ ETerythIng In tbe Hardware Hne, at H. H. FULLER A CO.'SJ 76 DE(;EMBER bftgins on FRIDAY. [1»82 (C Lo8t Qnnrter, % New Moon, ]) First Quarter, O Full Moon,«r ([.Apo.Sd. ([Per.lSd. C Apo.31 d. D. 2 10 17 24 n. 10 11 11 M. 42 M. 24 M. 25 A. 27 M. D. 3 10 17 24 9 aouths. 11 A. 11 27 M. 10 46 M. 10 12 M. % souths. 11 11 11 11 58 53 48 43 M. M. M. M. y, Bonthfl. 1 5 M. 34 M. 11 58 A. II 26 A. 1 • SUN MOON Ri8M. Sets. deolin. South. Fast of clock. Bisee. South..|8etB.l5-«||: Place 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 IS 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 F. Sa. SU. M. Tu. W. Th. F. Sa. SU. M. Tu. W. Til. F. Sa. SU. M. Tu. W. Th. F. Sa. SU. M. Tu. Tu. F. Sa. SU. 7 22 4 17 7 23 4 16 7 24 4 16 7 25 4 16 7 26 4 16 7 27 4 15 7 28 4 15 7 29 4 15 7 30 4 Id 7 31 4 15 7 32 4 15 7 33 4 15 7 34 4 15 7 34 4 15 7 35 4 16 7 36 4 16 7 37 4 16 7 37 4 16 7 38 4 17 7 38 4 17 7 39 4 18 7 39 4 18 7 40 4 19 7 40 4 19 7 41 4 20 7 41 4 21 7 41 4 22 7 42 4 23 7 42 4 23 7 42 4 24 7 42 4 25 21 50 21 59 22 8 22 16 22 24 22 31 22 38 22 45 22 51 10 45 10 22 9 59 9 35 9 10 8 44 8 18 7 52 7 25 22 56 6 58 23 1 6 30 23 6 6 2 23 10 5 34 23 14 5 5 23 17 4 36 23 20 4 7 23 22 S 37 23 24 3 8 23 25 2 38 23 26 2 8 23 27 1 38 23 27 1 8 23 26 38 23 25 F. 9 23 24 S. 20 23 22 50 23 19 1 20 23 16 1 49 23 13 2 18 23 9 »47 23 5 a 16 n 31 mom 29 1 27 2 28 8 27 4 26 5 26 6 25 7 21 8 13 8 59 9 41 10 17 10 49 11 19 U 51 A. 23 57 1 35 2 19 3 10 4 5 6 7 6 8 11 14 8 15 9 17 10 17 11 U mora 5 3 5 46 6 28 7 9 7 51 8 36 9 22 10 10 11 1 n 52 A. 49 1 44 2 38 3 31 4 22 5 IS 6 3 6 55 7 48 8 42 9 38 10 35 11 32 morn 27 1 19 2 9 2 55 a 40 4 22 & 4 11 37 A. 1 27 51 18 46 18 54 37 27 25 6 29 7 35 8 45 9 55 5 11 morn 15 1 27 2 39| 3 49 4 57 6 6 58 7 46 8 27 9 4 9 3S[ 10 3 to 2P 10 54 5 38 N133 S2 35 6 37 10 26 13 52 16 46 18 57 20 13 20 27j 19 32| 17 30 14 27 10 34 6 5 Si 14 NS40; 8 24' 12 40 16 13 18 48 20 13 20 25 19 26 17 25 14 33 11 5 7 13 N3 7 81 I 5 6 "I K K T T V H U U 22 92 SI SI a J. QODFRBY SMITH, DiapeBsing Oieaaist, 147 HoUis Street. oolliictecl ttom tbe atr and ratn> and ttocome fix«} in the aoitsaaa to be available for plant (irrawth. DiKXMBBB.— Undiar each mon;tb we bate endeavored to Indicate mattera that moat urgently reauire the attention of the {armer.. Last, but not least, we call bis atten^oo to hU position as tbe member nf a live Atrricultaral Societir, tn which, by example and pr^c^pt, he nxao^ make bis personal influence wbieijr felt, and thereby condjuce to the prosperity and: advancement of by far the most important industrial Intoxest of the Province. Ther<vare now upwards of e^arhty Affrtctltural Sodetiei in this Province^ with a membership otmore than flv»thou.sand farmers. These Societies are organic under tbe Central Board of Agriculture, and each Society is entitled to draw from tho Provincial Treasury, (throaeh the Board), an I ■ ■ ■ ' ' ■ ■ I I ■ ip ^^.— .^— — — — — — — ^— — . —-'-■- " ■■ ■ ■ - QooAa aent by Hall or Expreis ahoald be aAdresaed: L. FOBRGRTEB, 8C0TCH DTj3 W0BK8, 886 Barrtngtan St., Styii af th* fioldton Thlstla. Vowtf'a riitiroim »iMt C'ewilev tCMlea are wild FULLER k CO.'S DAY. [l»82 \> sooths. 1 1 il 1 58 M. b3 M. 48 M. 43 M. % souths. 1 5 M. 34 M. U 58 A. II 26 A. MOON Sets. I deolin. North. Place I 11 37 b 38 n 7 A. 1 N132 «K ) 27 82 35 '^ ) 51 6 37 :£b 1 1 18 10 26 s& \ I 46 13 52 "I, 2 2 18 16 46 »n. ) 8 54 18 57 wi. 1 a 37 20 13 / I 4 27 20 27 / ) & 25 19 32 yi t 6 29 17 30 ys ) 7 35 14 27 8 45 10 34 ::; \ 9 55 6 5 K } 11 5 SI 14 X ( moru NS40 V S 15 8 24' V ) I 27 12 40 V 2 39 16 13 ^ 3 49 18 48 H 4 57 20 13 n 6 20 25 n 6 58 19 26 So 7 46 17 25 22 8 27 14 83 SI 9 4 II 5 SI 9 35 7 13 SL 10 3 N3 7 nK to 28 SI I «R >0 54 5 6 d2> 147 HoUis Street. it sa as to be available i tndtcato matters that j ut not least, we call , aral SoctetT-, in which, I eiioe wbleijr felt, and \ r the most important I __of eJ5arhtyAffr!c'.iltnral ! ve thousand farmers, i tjfriculture. and each | rough the Board), an | L. FOBREHTGK, ' • Clolil<»B Thbtle. re nui4 tf ■ r^f A. ^» .m* Head of Pow«r*t Wharf, HAllfaxt N. S. ACrtVMK. WI.NTBR. 3 PECIiMIiER 31 Days, 77 c o % o •0 Watrrphoot Compositiom, Masom'h AND MARTlN''rt KfiNCKINO, HaRNEM OoMPosmoN, Pkruem Oloha, ANn CiRAOR Francois, at 106 Upper Water St., Halifax. High Water, mean time, Kt III ^i1 5^ ♦J 00 1 2 A 4 R 6 7 8 9 A 11 12 13 14 15 16 A 18 19 20 21 22 23 A 25 26 27 28 29 80 A AleNUndAr, Einp. RiMsia dkd, 1825. Ijow tiri«8. iHt Sunday In Advent, ^in ^ Thos. CarVle *>orn, 1 795. j 161 1 . 9 (5 !& Anthored Eng. Bihle Inmied, TrHwit 9 across ©'s diflc. 9 !"'♦ 6 © 9 in O iHt K. K. in Germany, 18:i5 Ch.ol Ln Cumpanin, Santtago, burnt, $f (5 9 9 (J C 12000 llveslost, 18«3. 2d S. Adv. 9 (J ([ ^ (J © H. tides. .Tndg« Norman F. Uiiiackfl(/.,at Hfx., Edwin Forrest died. 1872. [184«. X Aphelion. Lord ElleDboron^n died F-enian riots in Cork, 1868. [1818. ^6% Va© Ipnblished, 178fl. Counties in Nova Scotia defined and 8rd S. Adv. ^sup (5© L. tider, ^ S*© Aholition kA ffli\wy in U.S. Fort Nia^ra taken, 1813. 11S67. Ember Day. 21! rises 4li. .5™. A. St. Thoma*. b <5 C ©enters IJ, Ember Day. ![ Winter com. Ember Day. X6(L 4th Sunday in Advent. High tides. Chsistmas Dat. St. Stephen, Mar. 9 "tatioiiary. St. John, Evan. Innocents' Day. ^''^tionaTy. I? rises Ih 35m. A., sonfhs 8h. 86m. Steamer Caroline bamt. 1837. Sunday af. Christmas. © in Perlfifee. 11 39 I 50 3 5 A. 23 2 34 3 49 1 15 3 26 4 41 2 11 4 22 5 37 3 23 5 54 6 49 4 28 39 7 54 5 27 7 38 8 53 6 1« 8 27 9 42 6 57 9 6 10 23 7 38 9 49 It 4 8 14 10 25 11 40 8 53 11 4 morn 9 32 11 43 19 10 12 morn 56 10 .59 23 1 88 11 44 1 10 2 25 morn 1 65 3 10 37 2 48 4 3 1 35 3 46 5 1 2 42 4 53 « 8 3 56 6 7 7 22 5 7 7 18 8 S3 6 10 8 21 9 36 7 4 9 15 10 30 7 54 10 b 11 20 8 37 10 48 A % 9 17 11 28 43 9' 59 A. 10 1 25 10 35 46 2 1 11 12 1 23 2 38 11 49 2 3 15 11 20 A. 4 56 52 4 9 8 67 6 3S 7 19 7 5.') 8 34 9 13 9 53 10 40 11 25 morn 1ft 10 23 37 48 51 « 2 3 4 5 6 46 7 35 8 18 8 5S 9 40 10 16 10 53 11 30 ! Chriatmas Oards and Faney Oooda at SMITH'S Drug Store. annual f^rant in Aid to promote Its operations. The special pnrpose of a Society i;< to improvfi the live stoclc of Ha district, which is accomplished by «btaininv and tceeplng (or the use of members, superior male animals, such «s bulls, rams and boars. Societies may also intcoduce seeds of new varieties of frrain, iroets, and also Improved implements, and sell them to aiembera at cost And charges. ExIiibitlonK are iMtdliy some Societies or1>y the Societies of a County combinin^f. Ilia whole of tho^CrHsieties bf the Province meet on the second Monday of Uecenfber, each in it« respective district, when the meuibere receive the Direotora'' Report, and select <ot8co9» for tho e«8iiin)f year. Full information an to the method of ©rganizinj? Sociu^As iniij' be obtained on application to tbo Member of 4;he Boaid for the t>i8t.rtet, (sec Board of Ajn'ieufture in an<»1Ai'3r part of the Alman'acu), or to the Secretary. Pi-ofussor Liwson, Dalhou.sie CoUe;;;e, Halifax. SCOIt'O DTK ^rOBKS, 485 Bsrrlnfrton Kiro^t, Hiilifaic, N.8.,«eTen doors Vorth «f Jacob Street, 8!«a «f tte Cloldea Thistle. s O ti s S a 3 I \ Ji r^ ITiXStt'Sli. «4ly Hardware Siorr.-Scc adv. iMigc «k Hunt's Chopping Axes, for salo by H. H. FULLER A CO. . j 1, t 3 n I s Vi^vle, Jones' Anchorage, .add 1 88 rVrichat Harbour, ' ..add 21 Auict Sound, Avon River, Blind Hay, Beaver Harbour, TIDE TABLE. | The time of High Water at. the undermentioned places will be found by ' adding to or tiubtructing A'om the time of High Watvr at Halifax— a« followfi : : H M ff M Mud Inland, . .add 1 IH Noel Bav, . .add 4 52 Negro Harbour . .add 2:i North MinimegRsh, ..nub 4 l!) Port George, . .add 3 28 PaHi^aniaquoddy, ..add 3 41 I'ope Harbour, . .sub 9 j Plarontia, . .add I 20 I Prospect Harbour, . .sub I Port Medway, . .add 1 j Petit Passag'c, . .add 2 52 Pubuico Harbour, . .add 1 30 Port Mouton, . .add 5 Port Ebert, . .add 20 Pugwash Harbour, . .add 2 41 Port Hood, ..add 1 11 Quaco Bay, . .add 3 46 Bagged Isiland Harbour, . .add 10 Kicnibucto Kivcr, . .sub 4 10 Richmond Harlwur, ..sub 1 40 Stoddart Cove, ..add 1 9 Sandy Cove, K. . .add 2 44 Sandy Cove, W. . .add 2 58 Shut-in Island, . .sub 2 St. Mary's River, . .add 11 Ship Harbour, . .add 5 Spicer Cove, . .add 3 46 Siieet Harbour, . .add 17 St. Andrew, . .add 3 1 Seal Cove, . .add 3 5 Shelbume, . .add 15 Spencer Islr.nd, . .add 3 53 Scotsman's Bay, Block I „ ,,i « *« Rock Point, J..acld3 40 St. Ann's Bay, St. Peter's Bay, Seal Inland, Sydnev Harbor, C. B. add on ^"£J;™'' """'-«'" |..«.<l 144 .add 2 Tracadie Harbour, . .sub .add 5 Trinity Bay, Newfld, . .sub .add 1 Vin Bay, . .sub 2 .add 8 80 West Bay, . .add 4 .add 3 29 Westport, . .add 2 add 11 Whitehaven, . .add .sub 6 West Quoddy Head, . .add 3 .add 3 16 Welchpool, Campobellals. .add 3 .add 111 Watering Cove, Sheet \ ,add 31 Harbour, | .add 20 Wallace Harbour, . .add 2 41 .add 2 17 Yarmouth Harbour, . .add 2 20 . .add 2 41 . .atld 4 41 . .subtract 3 . .sub Bedequo Bay, Gieen's Wf. .add 2 26 Bay Verte, ..add 1 11 Boiighton Harbour, . .add 46 Boston Light, U. S. . .add 3 22 Chester Harbour, . .sub 5 Chozctcook, Perpisawick, j ... « ,(. and Musquodoboit Inlets j *"" " ^^ ' • • ■ ~ .add 4 6 .sub 9 .sub 19 .sub 1 10 . .add 38 . .add 1 9 . .add 88 . .add 26 . .add 11 . .add e 51 . .add 1 11 . .add 2 56 . .add 2 20 . .add 3 11 ..sub 4 49 . .add 41 . .add 4 . .add 1 26 . .add 31 ..add 3 12 . .add 4 41 .tsub 9 . .add 3 32 . .add 2 15 . .sub 4 . .add 1 41 Cumberland Basin, Country Harbour, Cape Sable Island, N. side Cape Sable Island, S. side Cape Sable, Clarke Harbour, Clam Point, Chctlcamp. (Jape North, Cardigan Bay, Cape Bear, Charlottetown, Cape George, Digby Gut, Egmont Bay, East Point, Folly Point, GutofCanso, Guysboro' Harbour, (iloucester, U. S. Horton Bluff, Island Harbour, Isle Haute, Jcbogue River, Jcdore IIar1)our, Jourimain I, Liscomb Harboar, LaHavc, Lunenburg. Liverpool Bajf , L'£tang Haroour, Lcpreau Bay, Louisburg Harbor, C. B. Martin River, Machias, Seal Island, Mul)ou River, Magdalen Islands, Mun adieu Bay, Merigomish Harbour, .add .add .add 1 .add 1 45 11 13 11 49 27 4 15 54 11 2:; 32 .add 17 BST'The column of the moon's southing gives thetimeof hiph water at Pargboio', CovnwiUlis, Uorton, UantHport, Windsor, Newport, Trnro, &.c. Solid raat M«el ttatnmcni, Di^ll St«>rl« Puwdcr aii«l Fnze, F ULLER & CO. [1882 loeH will be found by t IlaUt'ax— AS folio wti : Oold MIncrft' Sniiplicfi, at H. H. FULLER ft (0*8. ish, UP, ir, >ur. larbour, our, . .add . .add . .add . .wul) . .add ..add . .Huh . .add . .»ub . .add . .add . .add . .add . .add ..add . .add . .add . .add ..sub ..sub . .add . .add . .add H. M. 1 \H 4 52 2a 4 ]'.) 3 28 3 41 9 2(j 1 02 1 30 6 20 2 41 1 U 3 4B 10 410 140 1 9 2 44 2 58 .sub 2 .add 11 , Black j ..add ..add . .add . .add . .add . .add .add 5 3 46 17 3 1 3 6 15 3 53 .add 3 40 . .add 45 . .add Oil: . .add 1 13 . .add 1 11 I . .add 1 44 | . .8ub 49 j . .sub 27 . .sub 2 4 ' . .add 4 15 . .add 2 64 ..add Oil . .add 3 2'-} . .add 3 32 . .add 17 . .add 2 41 . .add 2 20 zh water at Parsboro', Icr and Fnzc, C. B. ich-gut ) ir. wild, ead, pobella Is Sheet I I*, )ur. 1882] ALMANACK. 79 M. S. BROWN & CO. Eatablished A. D. 1840. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ewellers ® Sihersmiths 128 GRANVILLE STREET, HALIFAX. OXJH Is kept fully stocked with newest styles in Gold and Silver Jewellery, Watches. sterling Silver and Eleotro-Plated Goods, Fine China, French Olooka and Novelties, Suitable for Wedding^ Birthday and Holiday Presents. JEWELLERY MADE AND REPAIRED. ENsmiNS, fiOFTSE-rim mm ud die stamping Done on the premlaea by inperlor workmen. OTJIi WHOlESALli BEFAEIME![T Will be fonnd the most complete in the Province, and in addition to goods Bold at Retail, we keep all the leading articles in WATCH MATERIALS, Fine Gold and Rolled Plate Jewellery. Select lines in Ordi- nary and Fine Pocket and T)*ble Cutlery, Jet and Other Black Jewellery, Jewellers' Findings. AGKNTS KOR, THK NEW HAVEN CLOCK CO., of New Haven, Conn. ROGERS, SMITH ft CO., (Manufacturers of the Celebrated Bogers Bros'. Spoons and Porks, and Finest Quality of Electro-Plated Hollow Ware,) of West Meriden, Conn., and Hamilton, Ontario. U, B. — The Hhjhest PHcen f/itu'n for Old Silvei* in Cash or Exchange. s ■ C IHIs i H \ R fir Ifli U inn ^ V g B 1 B M ^^b' ? Sp 1 ||: s if % v||s. cv Gmt'' % m: I m At V, ^VALSH 8, City Unrdwaro More.— See a«lT. page »1, u¥ i J-iM II. H. FULLKB A C0.» General HnrdwAre Dealers, ! m I I n •0 I I S I f 3 o M e % o A 4 i 80 BELCHERS FARMEliS [1882 C. EOBSOl^ & CO. 135 Granville Street, Halifax, SELLING AGENTS FOR THE eOSSAHER WATERPROOFS OF THE GENUINE QUALITY. Ladies' Circulars, - - $3.00 to $5.00 *' Newports, - $4.50 to $6.00 Gentlemen's Coats and Ulsters, $10 to $12 Weight 12 to IG ozs., perfectly waterproof, and can be carried in the pocket. SEND FOB ILLUSTRATED CIRCULAR AND PRICE LIST. II BLACK SILKS, II FacK^j^ ^M\mt> B^lalm imdl ^%Iq>^^^ SSIks^ FOR BRIDAL AND EVENING DRESSES. MANTLES, CLOAKS, SHAWLS. French Merinos and Cashmeres in Black and Fashionable Shades. Lace Goods, Biblons, Silk Ties, &o. ifir In stock and mads to order. C. R03S0N & CO. m yil ie a» »mmiIi«s Hur Kiiic««, P«Tb«^ 4w; rare Dealers, Head of Power's Wharf, Halifax, N. S. rD PRICK LIST. [1882 I 1882] ALMANACK. 81 DEPARTMENT OF LAW AND JUSTICE. SUPREME COURT OP CANADA. Cfiipf Justice— {$8,000)^Sir William Johnston Ritcliie. Jiidifes — ($7,000 each) — Hon Samuel Henry Stront;, //on Telosphore Fournier, lion VV^illiam A. Htnry, Hon H. E. Taschereau, Hon J. W. Gwyiine. liegintrar and Reportrr — ($2,600) — Robert Cassels, Jr. Tills Court and tlie Exchequer Court were orj^auized under the pro- visions of 38 Vic., cap. U. The Supreme Court has holh ori«;innl and appellate jurisdiction — Oritfinul, ns to (1) habeas corpus in criniinal and extradition fasos; (2) judicial opinions to the Crown ; (3) private bills and petitions therefor referred by the Senate or House of Commons; and (4) civd suits in which the validity of a Dominion or Provincial Act is questioned. Appellate, in appeals (1) from the Exchequer >w;^urt; (2) from the Provincial Courts; (3) in habeas corpus cases; and (A) in election cases. THE EXCHEQUER COURT OF CANADA. The Exchequer Court has original jurisdiction (1) in revenue rase.s, (2) in civil suits when the Crown for the Dominion is plaintiff, (3) controversies between tht Dominion and the Province, or between two Provinces, The Judges and officers are the same as in the Supreme Court. SUPREME COURT OP NOVA SCOTIA. HAVING LAW AND EQUITY JURISDICTION THROUGHOUT THE PROVINCE. Chikf Justice, ($5,000), Hon. James McDonald. Equity Judge, ($5,000), and Judf/e of the Supreme Court, Hon John W. Ritchie. Assistant Judges, ($4,000) Hon William Fredk. DesBarres, Hon Hugh McDonald, Hon Henry W. Smith, Hon Alexander James and Hon Robert L. Weatherbe. The Judjxe in Equity sits to attend to Equity business evtry Monday and Wednesday, when business requires, in the New Court House, at 11 o'clock A. M. Attorney GetimU, f $1,800). Hon J S D. Thompson. Masteus — Htdifux, Henry C. D. Twfning, Hugh Hartshorne, Wm Howe, Wm Twinini;, Beiijamin G. Gray, Wm F. MacCoy, L. W. DesBarres, E. 0. Crawley, J. Harvey Frith, J. Parsons, Jas H," Thorne; Pidou, Edward Roach, Jas Fogo ; VarmoiUh, Thomas D, Chipman, Jus Murray; /SAe/ft'irnc, Thomas Johnson ; fiajrin^ton, Gabriel Robertson; Hunts, David Frieze, Win H. Blanchard; Kings, Geortre A. Bhnchard, Stephen H. Moore, James R. Prescott ; Lun^nhm-fih, James Dowling; Annapolis, Thomas William Chesley, Tiniotliy D". Ruggles, Jas Gray, ftdward C. Cowling, Albert Morse, Geoi^o Woodbury. J M. Owen; Queens, Robert Roberts, J, N. S, Marshall, Geo. T, Moore ; Aniigonish, Henry P, Hill; Colchester, James F, Blanchard; Inverness, Samuel McDonnell; l''gl>ff, William B Stownrt. Re/mters, Benjamin Russell, John .M. Geldert. Crier of Suprtme Court, John Murphy. Librarian, Georpe A, Alli.-on, A< I*. nAli«ll'ft, iittj Hlir«lwtir« titwr«i MnrkH Kiqiinrv. Cut !lail8, Paints* Oils, (illasii) Putty, Tery low. ) I, '::!'■ ^i I n 1 I e I o o o I & I M (8 «0 o a, i 82 BELGHGRS FARMERS [1882 '7;)ffloers and Terms of the Supreme Court. COUNTIRS. Shsiuffs. Annapolis " Bridj^etown Antigoiiish Cape Breton. Odlchester . . . Cumberland . Digby •' Cliii*. Guysboro'. . . Halifax* P. Bounett. H. p.Hiu! John FerguBsou. L. J. Crowe. B. McLean. W. H. Taylor. Hants Inverness. . . Kings Lunenburg . . Pictou Queens Richmond . . . W. F. DesBarres. Joseph Bell. Edward Curry. Hugh McDonald. Stephen Belcher. Stephen Finck. Wra H. Han-is. J . N. Freeman. J. F. Fuller. G. W. McLean. Shelburne " Harrington Victoria Duvid Dunlop. Pkothonoxa- RIE8. Yarmouth " Avgyle. W. K. Dudman. R.J. Uniocke. J.C.McKinnon,M.i> C. £. Leonard. George Reading. E. B. Blenkhorn. W. B. Stewai-t. E. Carritt, m.d. J. F. L. Parsons. Isaac Carver. Jno A. McDonnell Henry Lovett. W. J. Dauphinee. David Matheson. Jno. Edgar. D. O'C. Madden. Wra. J. Bell. iaylor. ' ^unt gton. Tkrhs of suprumk cuur< 3rd Tuns, of Jirtie. Ist Tubs, of October. 1st. Tues. of June. 2nd Tues. of October. Ist Tuns, of June. 1st Tues. of October. 1st Tues. of June. Ist Tues. of October. 3rd Tues. of June. i!n»l Tues. of October. 2ii(l Tues. of June. Last Tues. of Oct'br. Last Tues. of Mnv. Ist Tues. of October. 4thTues. of April. IstTues. ofNov'r. 2nd Tues. ofDec'r. Last Tues. of Mny. Tu. bef. last Tu. Sep. 3rd Tues. of June. 4th Tues. of October. 1st Tnes. of June. 2nd T ties, of October. U.Oct. Thur. af. 2d Tu. Jue. 2nd Tues. of June. Ut Tues. of October. 4th Tues. of June. IstTues. OfNov'r. Last Tues. of Sept'r. 3rd Tues. of June. 2nd Tues. of June. 4th Tues. of October. 4th Tues. of June. Tu. bef. last Tu. Sep. "At Halifax there are three Sittings and one Term of the Court.— The Sittings being held for Trial of Oaufes, November, h'ebiuary and April; the Febru.ti-y Sittiiijj is held for the purpose only of disposing of Causes not reached on the Docket for the November Si i ting; and the Term for Arj^ument of Apnea s, &c., begins on the oecond Tuesday of Deceinber, and extends until the first Tuesday of April. By an act of last Sesbion the Supreme oourt is always open, and provitiioii has been made empowering the Judges to hold a Term dining \acation to dispose of arrears. i OJJttT OP DIVORCE AjPID MA.TBIMONIAI1 CAUSES, i Ju(t;/e Ordinary, the Jtidtre in Equity, with appeal to the Snprenie Court Keg strar, Jainea H. Thorite. VICE-ADMIRALTY and PR.ZE JURISDICTION COURT. Vice- Admiral, the Governor-General. JxtdgCy (f600) Hon. Jaraes McDonitUI, Chief Justice. Advocate General, • __-Si;it. John D. Mi'Leod ; GuijHhorough, Stewart Cuinplietl ; Rec.-Gen. of Droits C. B. Hamilton. Registrar, Lewis W. DesBarres. Marshal, Joseph Bell. Advocates and Proctors, the Barristers and Attornies of the Supreme Court. Interpreter and Translator, F. C. Sumichrast. Bank of Deposits, The Bank of British North America. AniericAK Ctnlvanlsea Bout Mail*, li4Nit €*aipMMefl« 4te» Terms or SUPREMK CuURa 3rcl Tuns. ofJiilie. IstTues, of October. 1st Tues. of June. 2nd Tuea. of October. 1st Tu«8. of June. 1st Tues. of October. Lst Tiies. of June. 1st Tues, of October. Jrd Tues. of June. 5n.| Tues. of October. End Tues. of June. Jast Tues. of Oct'br. iast Tues. of May. st Tues. of October, th Tues. of April. St Tues. of Nov'r. nd Tues. of Dec'r. -ast Tues. of May. 'u. bef. last Tu. Sep. rd Tues. of June, th Tues. of October. Bt Tnes. of June, nd Tues. of October. ' ' 'hur. af. 2d Tu. Jue. ' lid Tues. of June, ^'t Tues. of October, th Tues. of June. tTues. ofNoT'r. ast Tues. ofSept'r. ■d Tues. of June. Id Tues. of June, h Tues. of October, h Tues. of June. u. bef. last Tu. Sep. ouit.— The Sittings piil; the Februjny not readied on the int of Apnea a, &c., tlie flrst Tuesday of >pen, and provision \acation to dispose LL CAUSES, i to the Supreme it ft. It. rttLtIR & co.^s, head of Ponrer'g fTlinrf* 18«2] ALMANACK. 83 o O >. I o o o Ft O n u CO 09 o o cs O to a 1^ ^ V SP S2, i-^n^cso i es S h wes * 00 , 1^ S .K a « HO -id ? s 3 u > i f I I At P. WAUH'S, City Hnrdwarc 8ti»rc, Mnrket fiiqnurc. <<Hoyt>i9'/ leather and « Boston Co.'8'' Rnbbcr Belting, i tq in;! I s 84 belcher's farm Eli's [1882 Barristers and Attorniea resident in Nova Sbotia. NAMES. Admitted lianisters. Admitted Attor.iieit. 15 April, 1817 Residence. S. F. Fiiirhanks, Qc , 15 April, 1818 Halifax. , George T. Soloinou, lU April, IS21 19 April, 1810 Lunenburg. | Georjre R. Grassie, 13 April, 1825 13 April, 824 Annapolis, Py. Huuli Hartslioriie, dcl.. 24 July, 1827 24 July, 1827 Halifax. James A. Deniiidon 23 Oft. 1827 24 Oct. 1826 Dighy. Edward H, Harrington, 28 Oft. 1828 23 Oct. 1827 Halifax. Stephen 11. Moore, qc, 27 Jun. 1829 2 J Jan. 1828 Kentville. John 0. Halliltuiton, 28Julv, 1829 22julv, 1828 Halifax. William H. Keating, 3 Nov. 1829 28 Oct'. 1828 Do. R. Dds Henry Pryor, dcl., qc 25 Jan. 1831 25 Jan. 1831 Halifax. Thomas B. Aikins, UCL. 3 May, 1831 4 Mav, 1830 Do. Nepean Cbike, 30 Oct. 1832 I Nov. 1831 Halifax. A. M. Unirtoke, Dcr., 29 Oct. 1833 29 Oct. 1833 England. j Hon. R. B. Dickey qc, 21 Jan. 1834 22 Jan. 1833 Amherst. '< Daniel Owen, 29 April, 1834 30 April, 1833 Lunenhurg I Henry A. Grantham, qc. 4 Nov. 1834 29 Oct. 1833 Yarmouth. John D. Kinnear, 2(>July, 1836 25 July, 1835 Amherst. 1 John McGregor, I Nov. 1836 3 Nov. 1835! Halifax. ! Ehenezer F. Munro, 16 Jan. 1837 14 Jan. 1836; Truro. : William C. Whidden, 31 Oct. 1837 1 Nov. 1836 Shclhurne, ' j David Matheson, 31 Oct. 1837 1 Nov. 1836 Pictou.Proth'y Peter Lvnch, qc, 31 Of-t. 1837 1 Nov. 1836 Halifax. Henry P. Hill, 16 Jan. 1838 18 Jan. 1837 Antigonish,Sh James Fogo, qc, 1 May, 1838 2 May, 1837 Pictou. Hon 8. L. Shannon, QC, 16 Jan. 1839 16 Jan. 1839 Hal i fax. Henry C. D. Twining, 30 April, 1839 31 May, 1838 Do. James Rohert Frescott, 30 April, 1839 30 April, 1839 Kentville. Edward A. Pyke, 23 July, 1839 24 July, 1838 Cornwallis. William Howe, qc, 23 July, 1839 23 July, 1839 Halifax, UegPr John C. Wade, qc, 24 July, 184128julv, 1840 Dighv. James Murray, 26 July, 1842 27 April, 1841 Yarmouth. Alfred F. Halihurton, 18 April, 1843 19 April, 1842 Baddock. John D. McNutt, 7 Mar, 1844 29 April, 1842 Truro. T. D. Ruggles, QC, 7 May, 1844 18 April, 1843 Bridgetown. P. C. Hill, DCL., 7 May, 1844 7 May, 1844 Halifax. James Hall Thome, 23 July, 1844 23 July, 1844 Halifax. Hon A. McFarlane, QC, 3 Dec. 1844 5 Dec. 1843 Wallace. Charles James Stewart, 6 Mav, 1845 7 May, 1844 Amherst. Edward P. Nutting, 6 May, 1845 7 May, 1844 [Truro. William R. Cutler, 22 July, 1845 23 July, 1844 Arichat. John McKinlay, 22 July, 1845 23 July, 1844Pictou. j Richard Sands, Jr., 20 April, 1847 20 April, 1857 Granville. Francis S. Beamish, 26 July, 1847 28 July, 1846 Halifax. I James Thomson, qc. 24 July, 1848 26 July, 1846 Halifax. | William Twining, 3 Dec. 1849 4 Dec. 1848 Halifax. i Isaac J. Wylde, 22 July, 18.')0 23 July, 18491 Do. ! William H. Blanchard, 2 Dec. 1850 3 Dec. 1849 Windsor. M H. Richer, qc. . 2 Dec. 1850 3 Dec. 1849 Halifax. William B. Chandler, 21 July, 1851 26 July, 1836 Arichat. Benjamin G. Gray, 22 Dec. 1851 22 Dec. 18511 Do. Broad Axes» CIiImIs, riancs, HmiA taws end Cire«lnr laws. ' "li-itM Qbbcr Belting*, ova Sbotia. At U. H. FULLtlR & CO.^S, head of l^oirei^s Wharf. 1882] ALMANACK. 85 J44 Amherst. NAMES. Admitted Banisters. Dan McDonald, Qc. J. N. S. Marshall, QC. l\ S. Hamilton, Lewis W. Dcsliarres, Geor{,'e A. McKenzie, liohf. G. Halihurton, qc. Thomas J. Wallace, O.S. Weeks, Wm. M. Fullerton, qc. Hon HAN Kaulhack,QC Brenton \l. Collins, Fitzgerald Cochran, George Campbell, James J. Kerr, Henry Oldri^ht, J. Norman Ritchie, qc, i James Dennison, i A. J. White, ! Thos W. Chcsley, j John T. Smith, I Rohie Uniacke, i Jas. W. K. Johnston, i N. W. White, qc, ! N. LeG. McKay, qc, ! Hon. Wm Miller, qc, Stephen L. Purves, Henry W. Johnston, Edward D. Tremain, John W. Ouseley, Thomas C. Hill, Saml. MacDonnell, qc. Israel Longworth, William H. Hill, Samuel H. Gray, William F. McCoy, Malachy 15. Daly, Frederick W. Bent, Brenton H. Eaton, Samuel G. Rigby, Q.c. W D. Sutherlatld, John Y. Payzant, Robert Motton, William H. Owen, James G. Foster, Simon H. Holmes, 1 John M. Viets, J. nines H. Hearn, Murray Dodd, qc . Robert N. Henry, Robie S. Morse, James A. Fraser, Hon. J. S.D.Thompson 19 April, 2n July, 29 Nov. 18 April, 19 April, 25 Julv, 28 Nov, 4 Dec. 16 April, 1 D c. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. 30 Nov. 30 Nov. 10 May, 10 May, 10 May, 10 May, 2 Aug. 29 Dec. 29 Dec. 31 Dec. 31 May, 2 Aug. 21 Nov. 18 Julv, 23 July, 23 Julv, 21 April, 3 Dec. 10 Aug. 11 Dec. 30 April, 10 May, 28 July, 11 Oct. 13 Oct. 7 Dec. 7 Dec. 31 Dec. 23 March 7 April, 10 April, 25 April, 2 May, 2 a I ay, 2 May, 2 May, 14 July, 25 July, Admitted Attoriiies. 1852 1852 18.52 1853 1853 1853 1853 1854 1855 I85t> 1856 ISIiO 1856 1856 1857 1857 1858 1858 1858 1858 1858 1859 1859 1859 1860 1860 1860 1861 1861 1861 1862 1862 1863 1863 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1865 1865 1865 1865 1865 1865 1865 1865 1865 1865 11 2 21 April, 21 Julv, 22 Dec. 19 April, 22 Dec. 25 July, 28 Nov, 28 Nov. 25 Julv, 3 Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. i^ec, Dec. 30 Nov. I Dec. 11 May, 11 May, May, Aug, 4 Jan. 4 Jan. 4 Jan. 31 May, 23 July, 21 Nov. 31 May, 31 May, 25 July, 8 April, 8 Dee. 1 2 May, II Dec. 29 April, 10 May, 24 Julv, 11 Oct. 8 0?t. 7 Dec. 7 Dec. 7 Dee. 23 Mar. 10 May, 9 Aug. 1 May, 2 May, 2 May, 2 May, 2 May, 9 Aug. 25 Julv, Residence. 1851 1851 1851 1852 1851 1 833 1853 18.53 1856 1855 1855 1855 1855 1855 1856 1857 1356 1857 1857 1857 18.5« 185?» 1859 1859 1 860 1859 1860 1860 I860 1 860 1860 1861 1862 1862 1863 1864 1 863 1864 1863 1664 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1865 1865 1865 1865 1864 1865 Antigonish Liverpool. Halifax. Do. Pictou. Ottawa. Halifax. 1)(». Amherst. I^iunenburg. P^ngland. Halifax. Truro. Amherst. Halifax. Do. Digby. Sydney, C.B. Bridgetown. Amherst. Halifax. Halifax. Shelburne. Sydney, C B. M Arichat N.Sydney, C.B Halifax. Port Hood Windsor. Sydney, C.B. I'ort Hood. Truro. Halifax. (\nnapolis. Halifax. Do. Amherst. Halifax. Halifax. Do. Do. Do. Bridge water. Halifax. Pictou. Digby. N.Sydney,C.B Do. Antigonish. Amherst. New Glasgow. Halifax. s d o I ! /, '1', Cirofiliur tmwR, At P. WALSH'S, €ity Uitrdwurc Sterr, OppofllCe l*oM Office tt. n. FtlitGtt A CO., A^rents tor i I .4 j • 86 BELCH Ell's farmer's [1882 ^H NAMES. Admitted Bari'iaiors. Admitted Attori)iea. Iloflidotice. Hi Albert Moree, 3 Aug. 1865 10 May, 1864 Bridgetown, ■ ] Douglas B. VVoodworth, 24 Oct. 1863 24 Oct. 1865; Ken tville. \ ■ 1 ' Charles J. Townshend, 8 May, 1866 8 Muy, 1866 Amherst. ^H _• Thomas Ritchie, 8 May, 1866 8 May, 1866 Halifax. ■ 1 John 1). McLeod, 6 Dec. 1866 6 Dec. 1866 Picton. Hon Lawrence G. Power, 7 Dec. 1866 7 Dec. 1866! Halifax. ^H . J ,? Frederick J. Trernain, 22 Oct. 1867 22 Oct. 1867 Halifax. i ^^1 1 ' £ Sandford H. Pelton, 22 Oct. 1867 22 Oct. 1867 Yarmouth. Joseph J. Moore, llb., 22 Oct. 1867 22 Oct. 1867 Kentville. ^^H . > if W. Ill^Ii8 Moffatt, 22 Oct 1867 22 Oct. ll!«67 Amherst. p James Foley, 7 Dec. 1867 22 Oct. 1867 Halifax. 1 Edwin D. king, 7 Dec. 1867 7 Dec. 1867 Do. 1 & Charles Taylor, 18 May, 1868 18 Mav, 1868 Halifax. 1 «• George H. Elliott, '18 May, 1868 18 Mjiy, 1868 Pictou. 1 ■ Edm. J. Cogswell, llb. 27 July, 1868 27 July, 1868 Kentville. \ ^ C Beyerley Bullock, E. Tilton aloseley, 1 Aug. 1868 8 Aug. 1868 Halifax. w 26 Aug. 1868 26 Aug. 1868 Sydney, CB. 1 Manin J. Griffin, 26 Aug. 1868 26 Aug. 1868 Toronto. Harris H. Bligh, 2 Nov, 1868 2 Nov. 1^:68 Antigonish. Fred. A. Lawrence, 27 April, 1869 27 April, 1869 Truro. Charles E RatchTord, 2 Aug. 1669 2 Aug. 1869 Amherst. i Aubrey Blanchard, 2 Aug. 1869 2 Aug. 1869 Windsor. ; George T. Moore, 12 Aug. 1869 12 Aug. 1869 Liverpool. t H John M. Jones, 30 Oct. 1869 30 Oct. 1869 Halifax. Jas. W. Bingay, 30 Oct. 1869 30 Oct. 1869 Yarmouth. Jacob M. Owen, 30 Oct. 1869 30 Oct. 1869 Annapolis. Thos. E. Corning, 30 Oct. 1869 30 Oct 1869 Yannouth. a John P. Chipman, 30 Oct. 1869 30 Oct. 1869 Kentville. K Jason M. Mack, 31 Oct. 1869 31 Oct. 1869 Liverpool. ji Chas. E. DeWolf, 19 July 1870 19 July, 1870 Windsor. 1 George W. Ritchie, 19 Jul V, 1870 19 July. 1870 Halifax. j ^1 Thos. C. Shreve, 19 July, 1870 19 Julv, 1870 l^igby. 1 Leander S. Morse, 19 July, 1870 19 July, 1870 Bridgetown. M Stephen B. Murray, 30 Dec. 1870 30 Dec. 1870 Yarmouth. % Wni. Robert Foster, 31 Dec. 1870 31 Doc. 1870 Halifax. o Jphn Ervin, Jr., 31 Dec. 1870 31 Dec. 1870 Do. i;!' Robert N. Davis 31 Dec. 1870 31 Dec. 1870 Do. o ■ct i Thomas B. Flint, b Dec. 1871 5 Dec. 1871 Yarmouth. Charles S. Harrington, 9 Dec. 1871 16 Oct. 1871 Halifax. Angus Mclsaac, 6 Dec. 1871 6 Dec. 1871 Antigonish. a Wallace Graham, 6 Dec, 18/1 9 Dec. 1871 Halifax. n Geo. H. King, 9 Dec. 1871 9 Dec. 18-1 Windspr. ] ri ^ Alex H. McGilliyray, 9 Dec. 1871 9 Dec. 1871 Giiy9l)oro'. Nicholas H. Meagher, 31 Jan. 1872 31 Jan. 1872 Halifax. Charles J. McDonald, 17 Julv, 1872 17 July, 1872 Halifax. J. H. Frith. 6 Feb. 1872 6 Feb. 1871 Do. J. Johnston Hunt, 31 Dec. 1872 31 Dec. 1872 Flalifax. Barclay Webster, 17 July, 1872 17 July, 1872 Kentville. «^^H John H. McDonald, 17 July, 1872 17 July, 1872 Shelburne. John J. McKinnon, Jr., 17 July, 1872 17 July, 1872 Antigonish. Colin N- Campbell, 17 July, 1872 17 July, 1872 Baddeck. , Rufus A. Tremaiu, 17 Julv, 1872 17 July, • 1872 Guysboro*. 1 Hara Brass Wire, 1« to n V. « , Kiit«ker Sawn, SciMon niul Shc«r», /of Eiuersony Steveus & Co.'m J>iuperior Anterlciin IA«y tlies. [1882 S64 Bridfjfetown, 365 Kentville. ^66 Atnhcrat. 366 Httlifax. 366.Pi{'ton. $661 Halifax. 367 Halifax. ?67 J67 »fi7 )67 J67 <68 )68 )68 $68 )68 $68 =68 i69 !69 $69 169 169 69 69 69 69 69 70 Yarmouth. Kentviilc. Amiierat. Halifax. Do. Halifax. Fictou. Kentville. Halifax. Sydney, C.B. Toronto. Anti^oniali. Truro. Amherst. Windsor. Liverpool. Halifax. Yarmouth. Annapolis. Yaniiouth. Kent%'illc. Liverpool. Windsor. Halifax. Dij;!)}'. Bridgetown. Yarmouth. Halifax. Do. Do. Yarmouth. Halifax. Antigonish. Halifax. Windspr. Guyahoro'. 2 Halifax. Halifax. Do. HalifRx. Kentvilio. Shelhurne. Anti^ronish. Baddeck. Guysboro*. W I 1882] ALMANACK. 87 NAMES. Benjamin Kns.sel, Hobcrt Scdpfwick, Byron A. Weston, John M. Gcldert, Duncan C. Fraser, Norman J. Layton, John M. Chisholm, Harry T. Hardiuj^, Uu},'h MeD. Henry, Samuel A. Chcslcy, Herbert Bonriiiot,* 1)onald Gillies, John G. Pykc, Gfeo. Bin^ray, Danl. M. Owen, Seymour E. Gourley, James J. Stewart, K. Sydney Crawley, Fletcher B. Wade, Gcorye A. Ross, Edwin RufrjTles, John B. Mills, John T. Bulmer, Joseph P. Coslin, J. A. Gillies, J. W. Lon<-iey, b.a. Chas D. McDonald, J. G. Hennisrar Parker, J. Medlev Townshend, William 'T. Pipes, Geortrc K.'" Smith, William B. McSweonv, Charles R. Smith, W Fi. Roscoc, G. T. Bohaker, Jiimes D Ross, John W. Wallaoe, Ales C. Patterson Frank C. Blanchard, Arclid. J. Sinclair, William L. Barss, Jonathan Parsons, Geo. H. Fieldinjr, Sainl. D. McLennan, J. J. McCahe, John McGillivray, Rol)ert G. Mupro, Hu<>h McKenzie, W. Med ford Christie, Frederick Peters, Charles H Tupper, Jas J. Ritchie, Jr., ll.b. Admitted ItarriAters. 4 Dec. 1 Mav, 19 JulV, 19 July, 26 July, 22 July, 4 Dec. 4 Dee. 8 Jan. 3 Dec. 3 Dec. 20 Julv, 23 Ju!v, 23 July, 3 Aug. 24 July, 24 July, 4 Jany, 20 Julv, 20 Julv, 20 Julv, 20 July, 21 July, 22 July, 24 Aug., 10 Sep., 6 Nov., 11 Dec. 16 Dec. 16 Dec. 29 Dec. 30 Dec. 10 Jan. 19 Mav, 19 April, 13 Dec. 13 Dec. (3 Dec. '.3 Dee. 13 Dec. 13 Dec. 13 Dec. 14 Dec. 13 Dec. 21 Dec. 14 Jan. 2 Aug. 13 Aug. 13 Autr. 9 Nov. 15 Dec. 15 Dec." 872 873 873 873 873 Admitted Attorn ies. 873 22 873, 4 873 874 873 873 874 874 874 874 874 874 875 875 875 875 875 875 875 875 875 875 875 875 875 875 875 876 876 876 S76 876 876 876 876 876 877 876 876 876 877 877 877 877 877 877 4 8 3 3 20 23 23 3 24 24 4 20 20 20 20 21 22 24 10 6 II 16 16 29 .30 10 19 19 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 14 13 21 14 2 13 13 9 15 877,15 Dec. May, July, July, July, July, Dec. Die. Jan. Dec. De<'. July, July, July, Auj.', July, July, Jail, July, July, July, July, July, July, Aug, Sept, Nov, Dec, Dec, Dec. Dec. Dec. Jany, May, April, Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Jan. Aug. Aug. Aug. Nov. Dec. Dec. Residence. 872 Halifax. 873 Do. 873 Do. 873 Do. 873 1 New Glasgow. 873 Truro. 873 Halifax, 873 Vlaitland. 874 Halifax. 87? Do. 873 Sydney. 874 Fort Hood. 874 Liverpool. 874 Yarmouth. 874 Lunenburg. 874 Truro. 874 Halifax. 874 Wolfville. 875 Bridgcwater. 875 Lunenburg. 875 Bridgetown. 875 Annapolis. 875 Ha'ifax. 875 Do. 875 Sydney, C.B, 875 Halifax. 875 Pictou. 875 Bridjici vn 875 Amherst. 875 Amherst. 875 Halifax. 875 Do. 876 Amherst. 876 Kentville. 876 Middleion. 876 Do. 876 Wolfville. 876 Truro. 876 Shelhurne. 876 Halifax. 876 l">o. 876 Do. 876 Do. 876 Truro. 876 Do. 877 New Glasgow. 877 Dijibv. 877 Truro. 877 Windsor. 877 P. E. Island. 877 Halifrtx. 877, Do, 4t I*. WAMHil, Ciiy Hiuriltriire Sfurv.— See ndv. pag« »1. NetSt Lines, Twines, Rope, Hooks, Lends, Corkwood, s :j|:i ,t 1 •s I I I 9 > ii n <4 88 DBLOHini'a FARMEIl's [1882 NAMES. James M. Oxioy, AnsjHs S. McGillivray, Gourde Johnson, Stepliun Kand, William Curry, John A. Maclionald, Henry W. C Boak, BloMrers Archibald, Artliur R. Dickoy, Aluxanik'r Mucdonald, Kohcrt L. Borden, , Francis H. Bell, b.a. Williim B Ko8s, James McG. Stewart, J. Millen Hnbinson, b.a John T. Ross, Walters DouH, b.a. Frdoriek P. Outram, William A. Dicksoa, David A. Ilcarn, Frederick Mosley, Charles E. Tanner, David J. Keiinelly, Wm. Aidison Mills, Ji.s. Win. Kd. Darby, Daniel McNeil Jas. No'de Shannon, Cc'iii Chishoirn, Howard Clarke, Wilso.i W. McLellan, Fenwick W Johnston, Geo. llitchie, John L McDousall, Albert J. S. Copp, P Cartcrei Hill, Jr., John MtMi<rer, Colin F Melsaac, Z. A. Lash, F. H. Gis borne, John H. Sinclair, Albert Peters, H. Perey Scott, M A. William Minet do Blois W. E. McLellan. i.l b. Thos. Francis O'Brien, Fred. P. Bligh, Willi im E Marshall, John Cbisholm, John S. Maynard, Charles Hudson Smith, Mt'Iaim U. LeNoir, James Norbert Lyons, B^ The Barristers and Admitted Barristers. 15 Dec. 1.5 Dec. 15 Dec. 18 Dec. 19 Dec. 19 Dec. 12 June 19 June •i7 July, 29 July, 5 A.\xyr. 8 Au^. 2U Au);. 20 Aug. 21 Nov. 23 Nov. 30 Nov. 10 Dec. 12 Dec. 12 Doc. 16 Dec. 28 Dec. iO Dec. 10 Dec. lU Dec. l.'i Dec. 13 Dec. 13 Dec. 13 Dec. 13 Dec. 13 Dec. 1.5 Dec. 17 Dec. 16 Feb. 5 Mav, 17 May, 12 June, 24 June, 24 June, 31 Juue, 2 Nov. 16 Dec. 16 DiC. 21 Uec. 28 Dec. 13 Jan. 20 Jan. 28 Feb. Admitted Attornies. 1877 1877 1877 1877 1877 1877 1878 1878 1873 1878 1878 1878 1878 1878 1878 1878 1878 1878 1878 1878 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 Residence. 1.5 Dec. 15 Dec. I ft Dec. 18" Dec. 19 Dec. 19 Dec. 1878 12 June 1878 19 Juno 27 Julv, 29 July, ft Anyf. 8 Au^f. 20 Au}^, 20 Au},'. 21 Nov. 23 Nov. .30 N*v. 10 Dec. 12 Dec. 12 Dec. Dec. 23 Dec. 10 Dec. 10 Dec. 10 Dec. 13 Dec. 13 Dec. 13 Dec. 13 Dec. 13 Dec. 13 Dec. 15 Dec. 17 Dec. 16 Feb. 5 .VI ay, IT May, 12 June, 24 June, 24 June, 31 June, 2 Nov. 1880 16 Dec. 1880 .6 Dec. 1880 21 Dec. 1880 28 Dec. 1881 13 Jan. 1881 20 Jan. 1881 28 Feb. 24 April. 1881 24 April, 1881 14 Julv, 1881 14 Julv, 1881 UJnl'v, 1881 14 July. 1881 19 July, 18M.19Jury, 1881 1877 Halifax. 18771 Parrsborro'. 1877 1 Halifax. l877|Kentville. 1877 Windsor. 1877 Baddeck. 1878! Halifax. 1 878 j North Sydney. 1878 Amherst. Halifax. Kemviilc. Halifax. Do. Pictou. Halifax. Do. Do. Do. Pictou. Arichat. Halifax. Pictou. Cape Brston. N. Sydney. Yarmouth. Port Hood. Halifax. Sydney, C. R. Halifax. Do. Do. Do. Port Hood. Amherst. Halifax. Do. Anti|i( Ottawa. Do. N'w Glasgow. Halifax. Windsor. Anmtpelia. Pictou. Do. Do. Lnnenburn;. Anti^onish. Windsor. Halitax. Do. De. 1878 1878 1878 1878 1878 1878 1878 1878 1878 1878 1878 1878 1878 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 18S0 1880 1880 1880 1880 .880 1880 1881 1881 1881 Attornies also hold commissions as Notaries Public. AiHiailla MMl MMUi^ €«r4lag«« llii«li«aa»'s '1 iMi»ed iimd isriioli MKM»hA« rilRii i \ , Corkwood, Ciitcli, et4>.. At H. II. FULLER A CO.'S. s Notaries Public. 1882] ALMANACK. 89 Oourts of Prolsato and Xteffistrars of DeedJ. COtlNTlKS. Annapolis Antigotiis)! .... I CnjKS Breton.. . Colchester I Cuinberlftml I'nrrBborough. . niaby Guysboro' '" St. Mary's Halifox JUDOKR OF PROBATF. E. C. Cowling. \. McIntoMi. M.I), L. E. Trenioin. E. F. Mnnro. J. D. Kinneiir. Rroistrarh of Probatis. C. M. Forbes. R. J. Forriftnll. Joseph A. Gillies. 0. Cnmnhcll. W. M. FiiUerton. Hants, West . . , Inverness . . . . Kings Lunenburg , ... Chester ...... Pictou Queens Richmond .... Shelburne .... •T. A. Dennison. E. Cnvritt, M.». .Tobn McDaniel. Hon. 8. L. Shan- non, Q. C. C. E. DeWolfe. E. D. Tremnin. Stephen H.Moore. G. T. Solomon. Chnrles Hudd. •Inmes Ed Hnrt. Wm.D.R. Cameron Wm. Howe. Rroirtrarr of Ukkds. James Fogo. .T. N. 8. Marshall, W. K. Cutler. Fiobt. O. Irwin. " Barrington .Tosiali Coffin. Victoria li. G. Campbell. Yarmouth James Murray. Allan Haley. Donald McDonald. Henry Lovett. Wm. A. Gaetz. Jno.HamiUnn Lane, Nathaniel Freeman D. O'C. Madden. Cornelius White. F. W. Homer, Alexander Cameron. H. A. Grantham. John McCormack. C. N. Harrington. John Gillirs. James K. Blnir. James E. Purdy. A. T. Cliirke, M.D, Cbas McC. Campbell Wm. Moir. W. D 1. Cameron William H. Keating. David Hamilton. John A. McDonnell Saml. Chipman. Henrv Bailjy. Oeo.E.DeWitt.MD Jno. Ferguson. N. Freeman. Thomas T. Jean. Cornelius White. Den. do. R.A. Bruce F. W. Homer. A. Taylor. Jr. Miss A. Murray. NOVA SCOTIA BARRISTERS* SOCIETY. Hmorary Memhers, the Chief Justice and Jiif)};es of the Supreme Conrf. President, Hon. J. S. D. Thompson, Q. C; Vice-Presidmt, S. G. R'ffhy, Q. C. ; Treamrer, Hon. S. L. Shannon, Q. C. ; Council, The Presiflenr, Vice-President nnd Tronsiirer, J. Norninn Ritchie, Esq., Q. C; William F. McCoy, Fsq, Q C; Wnllnco Graham, Esq.. Robt. Sedgewick, Esq , H. MiD. Henry, Esq. Secretary, W. R. Foster, Esq. CommisBionera Residing Without the Province, and Appointed to do Acts Without the Province, Under Sec. 54, Ch. 96, R. S. IN THE UNITED KINGDOM. England. Alfred Heales. 45 Carter's Lane, Doctors' Commons. .London Eustace Anderson, 17 Ironmongers Lane •' Edward Webb " Tbos. Sanford Rnlph. 9 Thropmorton Street " William Annand " Kichard Thomas Andrew Smith, No. 1 Calverly, Mount Tunbridgo Wells " Alex. Gilhspie, jr " Seaion F. Tavlor. 5 Gravf Inn Square , " Wnv D. Tr.8hfield, [.IJHnk Buildings " Joiin A. Mat cbom A usten, TreaiKlo " Wm. Law Gane. B4J liishopfrate street within " ;-Ienry F. Pollock. 4 Great Winchester St " M \ CO H o At V, %«»AJiiIl'l»» iMr laartiwVMw (Mkmhv -*** Mtv, vatto W. H. H. FULLER & CO., hca<1 of Power's Wharf 90 Benn « 1 J H - • s « 4 Dh;i.ClIERS PAUMI0U8 [1882 John TIandn. 6 Queen Victoria St Loiiilori Frederick I'urish " Ittidlev Wni. Hercsford, Leatlitey, IronAelds '* Thos. '\Vm. Bi«ch(iff, 4 Greiit . indies «r St " Hubert Thomas I^ttev, 16 Devonshire Square, Bishop- gate Streot •' Qeo. Thos. llaigh (Jverpool Scotland. Alex. Patteri'oiJ Piirve« Edinburgh Hugh jHmes Rollo, 14 Young St *' Wni. Alex. McLaren, Writer to the Signet " Chas. Kssun tilaxgow IN THE DOMINfON OF CANADA. QuKnEC. Philip 8. Ro8!». 182 St. .Tames St Montreal Hon. Levi Buggies Church *' •Tohn I'opham " Matthew H. Kscott... " Fred. Sivles Lymnn '• Arch \Vm. Stevenson *' A Vila Roui'bonnifre, 83 Rue St., Jacques " James Naitniiih Greensliield " J. Aylwin Creighton '* P.C. Beachesne, N. P Carleton, P.Q. Htinrv James Morgan Ottawa R. J. Meaksteed *' New Brcnhwick. Alfred TT. Demille St.John.N.B. X.Herbert Voil " George M. Burbridge " John Kerr " Augustus P. Rolph •' 1 Saml. Gay Morse Hopewell, Albert Co ! Princk Edward Island. j Thomas Kelly Summorside | INDIA. I Lietit. Genl. Donald M. Stewatt Bengal Major vienl. Michael A. 8. Biddulph *' UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Arthur J. McLeod Boston Jhs B. Bell Edwd J. .lames Stiliman B. Allen Joseph B. Braman Frank Seatiiun Alfred l>. Foster Joseph 4.. Hurris Sumuel Jenuison " Fred I'. Kaiibinks New York W. E Scovill. bO I'.roadwfly " Graeme M. NVilsoii , Baj' City, Michigan .losi'tjii ■!. R. Plant Washington Philip A. Hoyne ChicHgu It it i( <i II it ltoll<ler«* Uaruwnre or tyvry iteacriptlon cuiintaitll}' on liiini!. fl m\&.m "mili'mr r©r'« Wharf , Hopewell, Albert Co TInplateSf Sheet Iron, Canada Platesy Grain Tin, etc. 1882J ALMANACK. 91 Oommisaioneri BealdinB in the Frovinoo of Nova Scotia to do Aots Without the Province. For thr Province of Qukiiro. N. H. Meanlicr Halifax Thomas Ritchie •' Foil TIIK PkOVIXCK of NkW BhtNSWICK. J M.ChlshoIni Halifax 0!iarl«s R. Smith Amhen<t For thk State of Masmachi'bktts. Byron A. WeHton TIalifox Form of Affidavit to de annexed to any account or claim rendered by a creiHtor to an executor or adminittrator. A. B. of———, makcth oath and saith, that the foregoing paper writing doth contain a true and correct account of his demand against the estate of , deceased, and that all the credits to which the deceased was honestly and justly entitled, so far as deponent believes, have been given on said account; and that the balance of is justly and truly owing to deponent Sworn before me at , this day of , A. D., 18 — . A. B. OOEOXTBBS. County of Annapolis— Gilbert F, Difmnrs, Steph Crosscnp, Isaac B. Bonnett, Jno Woodhurry, m.d., Geo T. Bingny, m.d., Zcbcdiah Crosscnp, Saml McCormack, Robt J. Ellison, m.d., Jno Bohaker, Isniic Dunn, Obadiah Parker, Samuel C. Rope, Weston A Fowler, Henry F. Burns, Snmnel Primrose, ji.d., Charles W. Parker, John Churiton, Leander R. Morse. County of Anttgonish — Wlllinni H. Macdonald, m.d.. Arch McGillivray, Edmund Corbctt, Alex Mcintosh, m.d., Keil Sutherland, M.D., J. C.McKinnon, m.d. County of Capb Breton — Lanchlan Robertson, Jns Greig, Dan McLarty, Ronnld McDonald, Michncl A. McDonald, k.d. County of Colciiester — ^Jno B. Dickie, W. E. MoRoberts, M.D., Elisha Roach, m.d., Charles Bent, m.d., J. L. Peppard, m.d., George Fulton, David H. Muir, m.d., Jas Kerr, m.d., Isaac D. Ctoke. County of Digby — Robt Stephens, m.d., Lemuel Morehotisc, Charles Everett, Charles E. Pnyson, Henry C. Sabcan, Hnbcrt Sydn, M.p., Archibald Maxwell, m.d., C. H. Denton. John H. Harris, m.d., VViliiatn A. Ellison, M d. Clare — Anselm M. Comeau, m.d., Henry C. Sabcan. ' . O » ► I e Ml I I H p. taiitly on htintf. At I*. WAMirS. City Hardware tUnrv,- M«o ndv. putfc 21. 8h««t Zlao, Slifot I>a4t LfiAd Pl|>e« e1e« .4 I J s i t » A ^ <0 U2 UKLCHICUS FAIIMKUH CoirKTY or CuMBKRCANit — CHiM V7nH, Jh« T. ShIict, H. a. niiviMun ( Pan »lHtro' ), TiioH NV. Jitektiou, R. j. Scott, Uol>t Mitchell, M.n., Ilonj 8. ScninMit, 8. IlownH, m.i>., Hilnit I'lirdy, M.i>., J. Wm. Oovc, M.D., iTuhn C. Philllpii, m.ii., C. Allan Bliick, m.d. ConwTY OF (liJVsnoRo* — (wii^iioroHffh Diitriet. — Edw I. Cwnninj;- ham, J. B. HntiU'y, Patrick MoDoitald, m.d. St. Marff'$ Uittiiii — Jiio ('uiiimini^r, Alux Fulctfiiei*, M.o., James CarapbclJ, M.u. CouNTT OF Halifax — Wra Pcarsoo, m.d., Wm II. Wwks, m.d., Alfrod Cruuchur, m.d., Aiuh'cw Cowie, M.n., C. K. I)urnal>y, Kdward Furivll, H.D., Joliii 8. Urinu, Tliomaa K. Cliaso, m.u., Aruhiluiiil Lawson, M.n., I'^lwnrd Jennings, m.u., Tliouias U. Alinon, m.o., John SoiiifM, M.U., Juliii Linglcy. County of Hants — .Tno A. Jonkins, F. N. Burgess, m.d., C. J. GoHt<i|), M.D., >S|iiiiiiu| M. Weeks, &i.d., Arnold.SaniorT, M.n. EiUitern Dininct. — ^aiuL D. Brown, m.d, A. W. Thonipsun, M.u. CiorNTY of Invernbba — James G. McKcen, Dun McLean, Win. Grant, Jno Met ntoah, m.d., Dun Campbell, m.d., Donald Cliisholm, m.d. County of Kinos — Holmes Masters, m.d., James S. Miller, m.d., George Hamilton, Harris O. McLatchey, m.d., Henry Lovett, William H. VVest, Hunrie Shaw, m.d., Jas F. Palmer, James N. Fitch, m.d., Wm Y. Fultarton, m.d., Daniel B. Barker. W. B. Webster, m.d., W. S. Woodworth, m.d. County of LuNGNSuno — Nelson Chesley, Daniel Dimoek, Charles Gra^, M.D., William A. C. Randall, m.d., W'illiain V. Andrews, M. B. Dtidhrisay, Joseph Stevermftn, m.d., Chas Atkins, m.d., Henry S. Jost, Wm H. Owen, Herbert Smith, m.d., Jas S Calder, James E. Dauphine. Cheater — Charles Lordly, George Ross, Henry Alders. County or Piciou — Dark! Matheson, Wm H. Harris, Lewis Johnston, m.d., John McKay, Wm Fraser, m.d., James R. Collie, M.D., Samnel K. Foster , George Murray, m.d., James Mitchell^ John Smith, M.D., Jolm F. McDonald, m.d.', Donald McGillivray, m.d., Murdoch Sutlierland, m.d. County of Queen's — Jas Forbes, m.d., Jas Collie, Jot B. Harlow, Colin Canipbeli, M. J. Drew, jr. County of Richmond — Edmund P. Flynn, Maurice Kavanagh, Wm Brymcr, Hy C, Fixott, m.d., D. Grouchy. County of Shelburne— Wm J. Bell, Rol^ert W. Freeman, H. L. | Kelly. M.D., Samuel W Burns, m.d., James D. Densmore, m.d., Uarilctt ; F. ObwH. BatrtwjtoH—J. K. Wilson, m.d., J. J. Bchrage, m.d. ' County of VieTOBiA— Jno McLell«n, 8. O. A. McKcen, m.d. I John L. Bcthutie, m.d \ County of Ya«moutii — Yannoutk — James C. Farish, m.d., Natl Hilton, G. J. Fwrish, m.»., Thomas D. Chipman. Arffi/lf — Matthew Jeifrey, Forrann Hatfield, Wm Barton, m.d., James M. Lent, Wm.*H. Buut.M.D., Thos Kirliy, M.D ; ik»Hr4>|uiHi« ttiui Vot»^ Vry rMiMauid rrcscrvliij; ILvHlu ■-Aik At T«rj lowest piieet— H. H. FULLER M CO. 1882] ALMANACK. 93 T. SHiicr, H. A. ott, Uubt Mitchvll, nly, M.D., J. Win. M.o. — Edw I. Cunning;- 'nrif'$ bintrhi — Jnu M.u. m II. Wec'IcH, M.D., . I)urriiil>y, Kdwiird 0, M.U., ArchitmlU Alinon, u.o., John lurj^csfl, M.D., C. J. I tori, M.l>. EauUrH M.o. )im McLean, Win. laid Cliisliolm, m.d. los S. Miller, if.D., ry Lovett, William :ies N. Fitch, m.d., Webster, m.d., W. [el Dimoek, Charles j ^. Andrews, M. B. I D., Henry S. Jost, | allies K. Dauphine. I. I H. Harris, Lewis James R. Collie, nes Mitchell, John McGillivray, m.d., 10, Jofl B. Harlow, aurice Kavanagli, I, !' T, Freeman^ H.L. lore, M.D., Uartlctt '■ irage, m.d. '■ A. McKeen, m.d. I Fnvlsh, M.i»., Nat ! Arqtfle — Matthew M.Lcnt, WmrH. I 3 w H 9 a i SK IMiliAb i^=ll| i f III! H % "o *•. • s s J< T. ^ S ^ a o <a Co a o i> ce u S u I si 5 ;£ S ^ § - ? 3 >J an . e £> 1 1 • I a •U ,'rf3 :5? cillil^ £" ^3 i-si .11: — as 2 O H •a a i.s§ .||l| .la I I s ><i|i il At IS WAliSirft, City Maraware §tore. Market fHinare* AiivilM, Bellows, and Sinitlis' Tools* for sale loW) K tM n ::||l 2 I o •8 i a I 94 bblcher's farmer's [1882 MUITZOZFAL OOX72TOXLLOBS. County of Annapolis. District No 1, Beniah Spinney; No 2, Geo Roaoli ; No. 3, J. S. Leonard; No 4, Alfred Vidito; No. 5, VVni H. Younfr ; No. 6, Geo Kennedy; No 7, Jas H. Tlioine; No 8, Jas P. Roop ; No 9, William Milliner; No 10, A. W. Corbitt luid J. H. Healev ; No 11, Stephen E. IJent; No 12, B. H Parker; No 13, Wm Charteau ; No 14, Cliaa H. Ford ; No 15, Joa Biu-kler. County of Antigonish. District No 1, Arisrtijj, Huffli R. McAdam ; No 2, Capo George, Donnld McEachren ; No 3, Monistown, Dongald Vlncdonald ; No 4, Aniiufkinixh, Angus McIshmc and Iluyh McLelinn ; No 5, Locliaber, Genrjic Sinclair; No 6, South River, Arctn'bald McPhee ; No. 7, St. Andrews, Allan Macdonnell ; No 8, Tnicadio, Edward Delorey ; No 9, Harbor hu Bouchc, John Corbett ; No 10, Pomquet, Gcorye H. Ii-idli ; No U, St. Joseph's, John Macdonald. County of Cape Breton. District No 1, Sjdney (Disr. North), J. II. Boatty; No 2, Ball's Creek, J. B. Jackson ; No 3, Mira, E. T. Moscley ; No 4 Sydney Mines, J II. Christie; No 5, Mtiinadieu, D. McDoiigal! ; No 6, Louishurgh, Pairifk O'Toole ; No 7, Gabnrus, S. A. Grant; No 8, South bide East Bay, Donaid McLean ; No 9, Boisdale, Stephen McNuil ; No 10, Bonlnr- dario, A. W. McLean; No 11, Liniran, David McKeen ; No 12, Cow Bay, A. E Bown ; No 13, Big Pond. M. E. Gillies; No 14, Grand Narrows, H. F. McDoiigall ; No 15, Cat>done, Alex McDonald; No 16, Trout Brook, William Biirkc; No 17, Grand Mira, Duncan Gillis ; No. 18, Sydney (South Di&trici), Wm Buchanan; No 19, North Side iila^t Bay, D. J. Mclsaac. County of Colchester. District No 2, Clifton. James N. Crowe; No 3, Brnokficld, John L. Hamilton; No 4, Lower Stewiackc, W. H. Guild; No 5, Middle Stcwiacke, E Tapper, Jr; No G, Upper Slewiacke. James E. Dickie, R. T. Logan; No 7, Salmon River, J. M. Pitblado; No 8, Kemptown, Alex McKay; No 9, Earltown, Wm Ross; No 10, Waugh's River, David Nelson ; No 11, Tatr.magonche, Jolin Miller, James Clarke; No 12, New Annan, Geo W Nelson; No 13, North River, Thomas J. G. Nelson; No. 14, Lower Onslow, T. B. Chisholm; No 15, Upper Londonderry, James Flemining; No 16, Middle Londonderry, Joseph 11. Morrison, J. G. Blaikie; No 17, Lower Londonderry, A. S. I). Fulton ; No 18, Economy, T. F. McKenzie; No 19, Five Islands, Jas Adams. County of Cumberland. District No 1, Amherst, J. R. Pipes, Joshua Blick, Martin Chapman; No 2, Westchester, Martin C. Ilalliday; No 3. Goose River, Stepheti Oxley, Samui'l Moon ; No 4, Oxford, I. J. Hingley, R. L. Black ; No 5, Maccaii, Jeptha Harrison ; No 6, Spring Hill, A. G. Purily ; No 7, Pugwash, J. A. Elliott. A. Wilson; No 8, Wallavc, John Mclnnis, J. L. McKim ; No. 9, Wentworth, Hugh D. Chisholm ; No 10, Advocate, A. McLellan ; Noll, Parrsboro', Jesse W. Fuligton, T. J. Carroll; No 12. Port Greville, Charles Smith; No 13, Victoria, Ephraim Howard. Ilorfic N»iU luiil llurat' iitauc»» Farrlvri)' llAniuiers and Hulve*, '■imimKai sale Iow» [1882 oil ; No. 3, J. S. injr ; No. 6, Geo ; No 9, William No 11, Stephen n ; No 14, Chas 2, Cnpe George, [iicdonalH ; No 4, No 5, Locliaber, ^hce ; No. 7, St. ud Delorey ; No quel, George H. ty; No 2, Ball's 4 Sydney Mines, [) 6, Lotiishiir^li, South side East 1 ; No 10, Boular- m ; No 12, Cow i; No 14, Gnuid McDonald ; No Duncan Gillis ; 19, North Side Brook field, John ; No 5, Middle ames E. Dickie, Jo 8, Kemptown, Waujrh's River, imes Clarke ; No , Thomas J. G. No 15, Upper oiiderrv, Joseph erry. A. S. D. 'ive Islands, Jas fartin Chapman; Kiver, Stephen L. Black; No Purdy ; No 7, )hn McInTiis, J. !J(» 10, Advocate T. J. Carroll ; phraiin Howard. and Hulv<-»» tj n, n. tVLltli k CO., Iieail of D'ower'^B VlUrf. 1882] ALMANACK. 95 County of Digby. District No 1, llil^hor<;h, Willfam R. Rice: No 2, Harnesvrl'e, Wni II. HaincH ; No 3, Diifby, John HoMswonh, .James A. Miiiihrs; No 4, Sandy Cove, Jones H Morehouse; No."!, Frecpori, H R. HniHCs, No 6, Wcstport, George B. Potter; No 7, St Mary's Buy, John Kinney; No 8, Wcymouih, George H. Dunbar; No r3. Turn ton, .las McKay ; No 15, Rossxvay, Chaa II. Denton ; No. 16, Smhh'a Cove, Chas Winchester. District of Clare. District No 9, Beliveao Cove, Peter L. Godet ; No 10, Clare, Jolin B. Beliveau, .Maximim Comeau; No II, Moniagon, Heniamin Roliicheau. Josopb A. Robicheau ; No 12, Salmon Rtver, Nithulas Deveau ; No 14, N«w Tuskct, Foreman Hatfield, i County of Ouysboro. District No 1, Goysboro, William Hartshorno, James A. Tory; No 2, Intervale. William Tory ; No 3, Manchester, RIcharl W. ('on- iiiuttham ; No. 4, Mellbrd, Thomns May ; No. 5, Crow HarlH)r, Jolin ,J. Ehler; No 6. Canso, Asa Cohoon ; No 7, Country Harbor, Wm Gunn; No 1), While Head, Jamea H. Feltuiate ; N» 14, S.-iimon River, Thomas O'Neill; No \b, Isaac's Harbor, Ira L. Giffin ; No 16, New Harbor, John J. Sangsiir; No 17, Tracadie, Thoiiias Fitzgerakl ; No 19, Larry's Riier, Charles W. Lundy. District of St. Mary's. District No 8, Shcrbrooke, James A. Fraser, Daniel Ilattic ; No 9, Marie J»scph, James Hem low ; No 10, Glcneig, John A. Kirk; No 12, Indiavi Harbor, Daniel W. Crockett; No 13, lalcdoiiia, Altxandcr Hattic; No 18, Goshen, Alexander Sinclair. County of Halifax. District No 7, Herring Cov«, John Hays ; No 8, Portugneso Cove, James Fit zgeraM ; No 9 Sambro, John ToH<ih ; No 10, Upper Prospect, \V. P. Clirisdan ; No 11, Indian Harlwr, James E. Sliatlord ; No 12, French Village, Alvan Huhlcv ; No 13, Soryfield, Geo Umlnh ; No 14, N. W. Arm, or Halifax. B.' W. Chlpman ; No 15, Bedford (4-Mile House). K. E. Burgess; N« 16. Hammonds Plains, Norman Hays, Jr., No 17, Bedford, Joseph Hninilton ; N» 18, OakHel<i, Col Laurie; No 19, Milford, G. H Madill; No 20, Meagher's Grant, Danl Diilnian No 21, Middle Mn*qnortolM>it, John I). Tupper; No 22, Upper Miii««juo<loboit. Adam Dean ; No 23, Lower Prospect, Edmund Ryan ; No 24. Moser's River, Solonioti Fancy; No 25. Sheet Harbor, David W. ArchibiM ; No 26, Spry Bav, George A Leslie ; No 27, Head of Jeddore, Wm Guild ; Ne 28, Cliezzetcook, John Lapierre; No 29, Lawreneetown, Jan Crook; No 30, Preston, James L Griffin; No 31. Ctdo Harbor, Johu G. Bisgett ; No 32, Hubbard's Core, John E. ShatfonI ; N©. 33, Eastern Passage, Joseph Uimelman ; No 34, West Quoddy, Thomas O'Lenry; No 35, Little River, DonaJd Archibald; No 36, Musqnodoboit Har- bour, Geo Rowlings. County of Hants (West) District No 1, Windsor, Robert Bacon ; No 2, St. Croix, George H. DcWoIt", David Hunter; No 3, Newport South, Thomas W. Cochnm, J. Albert VauL'han ; No 4, Newport North, Elias T. Dimock, Anthony Sanford, Wm. Knowles ; No 5, Falmouth, George Akins ; No 6, Kempt, > I V I 1 1' t 'i -^t At I*. YrLl»n*%, VHy Hardware Mtorc, Mark«t Sqnnre. I^airbauks' and Howe's Counter and Platform Scales* i i ( , 1 , I H \ I 96 BKLCIIEH 8 FARMER 8 [1882 John G. Burgess, Samuel Caldwell; No 12, Falmouth Forks, Jumes Ilaution ; No IG, Ilatitsport, Jameii VV. Lawrence. District of East .^ants. District No 5, l^awdon Church, John W. Bond; No 8. Sonth Rawdon and Uniacke, John Mcrjenrn ; No 9, Noel, James W. Ettenger nnd Thomas Hunter; No 10, Nine Mile River, Alex. G. McPhee and Jas A, Thompson; No 11, Maitiand, A. Frame, R. B. Katon, Adams McDouffall ; No 13, Shul)cnacadie, G. W. Walker and J. J. Black- burn ; No 14, Walton, Capt. J). II. Morris. County of Inverness. District No 1, G. C. Lawrence; No 2, D. McDonnell; No^.3, J. Mcintosh ; No 4, Aw McEachen ; No 5, Lewis McKeen and J. McNeil ; No 6, A. Kennedy ; No 7. J McLeod ; No 8, A. McLennan ; No 9, D. McFnrlane ; No 10, Donald Ethridge ; No 11, Severin Au'Coiu; No 12, Donald McDonald and Ntil McAulay ; No 1.3, Huyh McLennan ; No 14, Neil McMillan; No 1.5, Angus McCormick; No. 16, Donald McDonald; No 17, John McKeen. County of Kings. District No 1, Elijah West, David M. Dickie; No 2, Charles P. Eaton ; No. 3, J. Miner Roscoo ; No 4, J. Melbourne Marchant; No 5, David Berteaux ; No 6, James Lyon.««, B. U. Calkin; No 7, Jehiel Davison ; No 8, John W. ; No 9, John B. North ; No 10, James Patterson ; No 11, Michael Lonergaii ; No 12, Thomas 11. Harris; No 13, Andrew F. Chipman ; No. 14, Dutiiel B. Parksr. County of Lunenburg:. j District No 1, Lunenburg, John Danpiiine, James Brown; No 2, Ritceys Cove, James N. Wentzel; No 3 Blockhouse, Lewis Knaut, John Ernst; No 4, Upper La Have, James E Dauphiiie ; No 5, New Germany, Caleb Langille; No 8, Petite Riviere, John D. S perry ; No 9, Bridyewater, Thomas K. Cragg, James A. Curll ; No 13, Conqurall, Philip Cross. District of Chester. District No 6, Chester, Robert Smith and James E. Whitford • No 7, New Ross, Geo H. Windrow; No 11, Mill Cove, Geo Shatford ; No 12, Biandford, Peter Boutillier; No 14, West Shore and Basin, James W. Langille. County of Fictou. District No 1, Fishers Grant and Pietou Island, John Ferguson; No 2, Carril)oo, I)onald Fraser ; No 3, Cape John and Toney Kiv«r, John McRac; No 4, River John, James li. Collie, md.; No 5, W. B. River John, Alexander J. McKay , No 6, Dalhonsie Mtn., John K. McDonald; No 7, Hardwood Hill, William Stevenson; No 8, West River and Green Hill, Hugh S. Fraser; No 9, Mt Thorn, Saml Archibald; No 10, Gairloch and Mill Brook, Robt Maxwell; No 11 New Lairg, John R, McDonald ; No 12, Albion Mines, Colin R. Fraser; No 13, New Glasgow and Churchville, Angus McMillan ; No. 14, Little Harbour, Robert McNeill; No 15, McLellan's Mountain, Donald McGillivray, m.d.; No 16, E. B. East Rivtr, James McDonald; No 17, W. B. E. R. SieIlartou& Hopewell, John McDonald and Robt Willis; No 18, Middle River. Donald McLeod; No ig.Baillie's Brook, William Smith; No 20, Barney's River, Robert Bannermnn ; No 21, Merigomish, John D. Fraser; No 22, Garden of Eden, Roderick Ivory Haudled Table CatU'ry, nud tunoy l*o«kct Cutlery, '•M«Mi tform Scales* outh Forks, Jumes kct Cutler J, III variety, at H. H. FMLEU & CO.'S. 1882] ALMANACK. 97 iMcDoiigall ; No 23, Westville, John McDougald ; No 24, Wentworth (Grant, David J. Meikle. County of Queens. District No 1, Archibald J. Campbell ; No 2, Albert M. Hemeon ; iNo 9, William Doggett ; No 4, Solomon Stewart ; No 5, John H. jllnrlow; No 6, J. Vincent Dexter; No 7, Joseph Chandler; No 8. |Eli>ha Dolliver; No 9, John H. Fraeer; No 10, Henry 6. Frame ; No 111, Stephen C Tupper; No 12, George C. Middlemass; No 13, Lewis iMinard County of Bichmond. District No 1, Arichat, Charles J. Fuller; No 2, Petit de Grat, [Joseph R. Thomson ; No 3, Descouss, William LeVisconte; No 4, R. Inhabitants, Edward Proctor; No 5, West Bay, William Calder; No 6, R, Bourgeoise, M. J. T. McNeil ; No 7, St. Peters, Murdock McRae ; No 8, Hay Cove, John McDonald; No 9, Grand River, John Murchi- son; Nolo, Lardoise, WmBrymer; Noll, West Arichat, Wm Le- Blanc ; No 12, Loch Lomond, Wm Chisholm ; No. 13, Framboise, Nor- I man McAskill. County of Shelburne. District No 1, North East Harbor, Amos Hagar and Jos McKaj; I No 2, Gunning Cove, Joseph Walters ; No 3, Shelburne, E. J. Mur- phy, James D. Goodick ; No 4, Ohto, James Bower; No I Jordan, liobert W. Freeman ; No. 6, Lockeport, Churchill Locke and Jacob Locke J No. 7, Lewis Head, Alexander Harlow, William Horkins. District of Barrington. District No .5, Shag Harbour, H. Chute, Theo Nickerson ; No 6, Cape Sable Island, W. B Smith, E. Crowell ; No 7, Barrington, J. B. Lawrence, H, Nickerson ; No 8, Port La Tour, Wm A. Snow, S. M. Snow. County of Victoria. District No i, Washabuckt, John Scott McNeill; No 2, Middle River, Donald McQuarric ; No 3 Baddcck, John Lemuel Bethune, M.D., Philip McRae; No 4, South Gut, Duncan McDonald, m.p. ; No 5, ^>n}J;!'''htown, John McDonald ; No 6, Boulardarie, John A. Eraser. Colin Munro; No 7. Intjonish, Thomas Curtis, Jr; No 8, Cape North, Murdoch G. McLcod, Jr ; No 9, Bay St Lawrence, Rupert George Zwicker ; No 10, N. S. Little Narrows, John Matheaon Miller ; No 11, North Shore, Angus Buchanan; No 12, Kelly's Cove, Charles Lnuchlin Campbell; No 13, North River, Donald John McLeod ; No 14, S. S. Little Narrows, Angus Mclver. County of Yarmouth. District No 1, Edwin S. Crosby; No 2, John A. Hatfield; No 3, James E. Allen ; No 4, Alfred Perry ; No 5, Robt R. Rose ; No. G, William Corning ; No 7, James Burrill ; No 8, G. G. Sanderson ; No 9, Freeman Dennis; No 10; J.J. Lovitt ; No 11, Nathan B. Lewis; No 12, A. M. Hattield; No 13, Ansel Bobbins. District of Argyle. District No ."j, Plymouth, Jeremiaii H. Porter; No 6, Tusket, Jas A. Hatfield; No 6, Eel Lake, John B. Porter; No 7, Argyle, O. W. Slncomb ; No 8, Pubnico, Maturin D'Entrcmont : No 9, Kemptville, Lemuel Hamilton. 3 At r. iVAijgH'S, City Hardware Store.— See adv. page 91. 5 m ¥\ m i\ nnyhisr Tools of overf descriilf ion at lowest pric€9. 98 BELCHERS FARMERS eommisslosiers for grivinsr relief to XasolinDnt Delators aa& for talslnff AfB^d&vits to hold to Bail. ' ConxTY OP Annapolis — Geo R. Grassie, I. W. Rtiggles, Jjiincs Gvav, William Y. Foster, Clias M. Forlxjs, John Milla, John Meet, Robert Mills, Edward Baiteau, T. W. Chesley, Tlios C. VVheel»«k, Albert Bcult), L. S. Muree, VVilliain Rcnrdon, liicbardMon Harris, A. W. Covljett, Harris Von Blarcuin, Richard J. Uniaeke, J G. II. I'arker, William Chipman, iSanuiel MaeCormack, Alltert Morse, Samuel H. Gray, Edwin Ruygles, John. B. Willis, Timothy C. Boliaker, William Carletoii, James VVbeuliM-k. Co. OF Antigonisuk — William R. Cunningham, William J. Beck, Richard J. JTorristail, Thomas M. Kinjf, Edward Corbett, Alexander Mclnnis, Archibald A. McGillivrayy John C. MeKinnon, m.». Co. m^ Capk Breton — C. E. Leonard, Henry Davenport, John A. ISfooro, L. Robertson, John McLean, John Fergusson, Jul\n Forbes, ChasJ. Clark, Joiseph McVarish, Bl()wc^^ Archihaid, Colin Chisholm, L. E. Tiemain, Frederick MosL-ley, Martin J. Fhoran. Co. op CoLCHESTiiR — James F. Blanchard, Jas. Id Blair, WjlHam McKim, Wm A. Fulmore, John King, Geo Reading, Eliakiui Tupjnr, jr., B. F. Fcarson, Jobn Millar, Alexjuidcr C. Patterson> Norman J. Laytoiu - Co. OF Cumberland— C G. Donkin, William H. Rogers, Donald McKay, Cyrus Bent, J. Z. Bliss, Wm Oxley, Amos I'urdy, VV. Y. King, Arthur Davidson, An>:u.- McLcod, Tlioni|.soii J. C pji, Col ig- wood I'ugsloy, Anj:us McGiilivrny, Williain vSntith, J« lin iV>. Towns hend William J Moli'ait, Charles R fcimiih, Altxandtr M, Wills, J. William Cove, MD, Mai han B. Morris, William M FulietlDn, Arthur R. J)ickey, Harding Cartir, Wiliiam Moifatt, Joseph Jones, John Hewson, Wm. Grtenfield, Edward B. Blenhoin, Gilbert Seaman, Alex S. 'J'ownsheiid, C. E, Rutebtoni, Richard L. Black. Co. OF DiGBY— Chas Budd, Edward M. Marshall, Basil A. Robiehau, William B. Stewart, 15. H. Rufigles, Edward Hogan, W H. Taylor, John V. i'urdy, Charles H. Denton, Jolm Huhlsworlh, Franiis Hutchinson, Charles Canipbeli, CaUin Haymoi'd, John A Eussell. Clare — Louis (^. Bourque, Bonaveniure Kobicheau, A. M. Comeau, A. A. Coinean. Co. OF GuYSBOKo' — William G Scott, John Mahoney, Jas B. Hadley, Wm Harr, Christopher Jost, F. C. Cullen, Edward I. Cunningham, James E. ilarr, 8oh)iuoii Cahoon, John McMillan, James A. Tory, VVilliain Harishoriie, Thomas Condon. St. AJuri/'s Disl — Alex N. McDonald, W. D. R. Cameron, Daniel Hattie, James A. Eraser, Allan McQuarrie. Co. OP Halifax — Henry C. D. Twining, William Evens, Joseph Kaye, Charles M. Nutting, Benjamin G. Gray, Napean Clarke, William Twining, Charles IXvlor, Wailace Graham, William F. McCoy, John D. Tupper, John H. Anderson, Isaac J. Wylde, Alexander btephen, Joiin Erwin, jr, Georyo A. Allison, Wiiliain R. Fosiler, J. W. Longley, Lewis W. DesBarres, William Mnnro, J. Harvey Frith, Byron A. Weston, Thomas Rite'iie, John M. Chisholni, Charles 11. Tupper, Robert iSedgewiek, Charles Sydney Harrinuton, John T. Bulmer, James M. Oxley, Walter S. Doull, Ge()rge H. Fielding, Hurrtivore or vv«i-y 4l«8eripliofi nt r. nAMH'8, opi>. rm%% vlllce. At H. H. FULLER & CO.'S, head of Power's Wharf. [1883 ■882] ALMANACK. 99 iieilerick P. Outram, Jonathan Parsons, William Condon, Peter R. blaikc, J. W. Kelly Johnston, Edwin D. King, William Hny. John [rentier, Albert Peters, Fenwick W. Johnston, James M. Oxley, Thos O'Brien, Geo Ritchie. Co. OF Hants — John O. King, Jas Poyntz, Isaac Carver, M. H. }oudj?c, George H. King, J. W. Ouseley, H. Percy Scott. Eastern District. — David Frieze. Co. OF Inverness — Lauchlnn McDougall, Angus McDonald IVilliam Grant, William McPherson, Duncan Campbell, m.d., Donald IcDonald, Angus Grant, A. A. Taylor, James T. Lawrence, John [McKay, John Mcintosh, m.d., D. F. McLean. Co. OF Kings — Richard Starr, William Crane, Benjamin H. Calkin, Winckvvorth Chipman, Wm Eaton, Geo Hamilton, Geo F. Robinson, Geo Dodge, Levi W. Eaton, Joseph Benjamin Daviscn, John H. Dennison, Edward A. Pyke, John Hamilton, E. Sidney Crawley, John P. Chipman, Wentworth E. Roscoe, John W. Wallace, George Munro, Barclay Webster. Co. OP Lunenburg — Daniel Dimock, James Dowling, James D. ScHg, Benjamin Dauphinee, liCwis Smith, William J. Dauphine, Wm. H. Owen, Daniel M. Owen. Chester — Charles Lordly. Co. OP PiCTOU — Hon James Eraser, Robert Murray, James Primrose, Robert DouU, Henry R. Narraway, Donald Robertson, Rodk McKenzic, David Matheson, Geo W. Underwood, John Gollan, Hugh J. Cameron, David Marshall, John D. McDonald, A. M. Eraser, Richard Tanner, Robert Willis, James Roy, Charles E. Tanner, John McGilivray. • Co. OF Queens — John Edgar, James Collie, Wm. Ford, Matt Drew, jr., William Anderson, Patrick Flynn, Thomas M. Dunphy. Co. OF Richmond — William Crichton, John R. Smith, Daniel O'C. Madden, John Freehil, John Matheson, E. P. Flynn, John H. Rhindress, David Grouchy, Angus McNeil, George H. Bissett, John Morrison, Peter Grouchy, William R. Cutler, David A. Hearn. Co. op Shelburne — fJosiah Coffin, Robert Carrie, J. C. Smith, Wm J. Bell, R. G. Irwin, Jacob Locke, George A. Cox, Frank C. Bianchard, Thos W. Wilson, Bartlett G. Covill, J. J. E. DeMolitor. Barrinijton — Josiah Snow, Gabriel Robertson, John B. Lawrence, Jno K. Knowles. ■{ Co. OF Victoria — Joseph Hart, Donald Morrison, Wm Jones, Donald McLean, Alex Taylor, jr., D. McDonald, John Burke, John L. Bethune, m.d., Lachlan G. Campbell, Alex McDonald. Co. OP Yarmouth — J. W. H.Rowley, Thomas B. Flint, Nathan Hilton, Thos B. Crosby, Geoi'ge Bingay, J. W. E. Darby. Argyk — John Bourque, Enos Gardner, Jas M. Lent. JTTSTZOSS OF THE FSACS. [The members of the Municipal Councils exercise tlie functions of Justices of the Peace, with the exception of Judicial Acts.) County op Annapolis — Peter Delancey, David C. Landers, Edwd. Eaton, lianicl NichoUs, John Mills, Thomas C. Wheelock, Miner o ? S i 9f y Si. i f:... n »i». ■»•»« •fiioc. Ikts oiu uiid reliable House established over 40 years. Lubrlcnting Oils, vizi Ollre, Lord, West Tlrgiiiia, &c. W ' t I I » 100 BELCHERS FARM Ell 8 [18SJ rli'i Tupper, John F. Bath, Robert Parker, Robert Mills 2d, Andreail Bomikci-, Arthur Dodge, Joel Banks, Jorden Messenj^r, Benainli Spinney, Ambrose Bent, Hon William C. Whitman Martini Gates, Charles Spurr, Avard Longley, James Wheelock, James E,j Potter, Joseph W. Kobbins, Andrew H. Hams, Richardson HamsJ Willijun Crossoiip Ij-t, William Weathorspoon, Willinm Y. FosteiJ Jacob Chute, James Foster, Dimock Gates, James W. Spurr, Israeli McNair, Heury Parsons, William J. Crosscup, Manly White, Charlosl M. Forbes, I'uglis I'hinney, Isaac D. Vroom, WiJIiam Dai-pie, jr.l Stephen B. HciinijrTar, James Roy, John Gates, Murray Elliott, JosI Elliott, BenJHiniii Fellows, Wm B. Troop, Wm Shaffner, Benjamiiil Shaffner, Harris Foster, Georpc Troop, G. Murdoch, Snmuel DnnielsJ William Rciorden, Jacob Neily, Major Stronach, Walter WeltoiiJ Jno Stoddart, Bernard Calnek, Samuel McCormick. John Ryder,! Charles AVliitman, Jno Rice, Wni Wright, Wm Carlton, Georgel Ditmars, Dowe 1). Potter, Thomas A. Margeson, William V. Jones,! John G. Bakom, William H. Ray, Dow J. Morse, Samuel Pickup, Job Wade, Edward Bartcaux, George Hai-dwick, David McLellaii, William McLaughlau, Thonms Banks, Willinm Miller, Jacob Slocuni, George Neily, Francis Miller, William H. Balcora, Joel Slocinn, Elias Phinney, Stephen Beals, Gilford Delap, John B. Troop, Wm Shaw, Israel' Letteny, Stephen E. Bent, Elias Beals, Edmona Bent, Obadiah M. Taylor) Norman B. Spinney, Shippy Spuir, Fowler Bums, William Chipman Jr., Edward Bachnian, \^illiam J. H. Bal- 1 com, Wallace Phir.ney, Benj. L Winchester, Arthur Harris, John ' Prince, Jno W. VViiitiuan, Siins Porter, Chas H. Ford, Jno Anthony, John S Morse, Arihiir W ||j}an'i.s, Jas Lonylev, Phiiilav Saunder.--, Timothy R. Brooks, Jno Morgan, Benj Goldsmith, Thus Delap, Edwd Milherry, Jas E. Oakcs, Chas A. Elliott, Harris VanBliin»m, Robert Bent, Wm V. Vroom, Wcllinju'ton Farnsworih, J, All>ert Beckwiili, Edgar II. Porter, Edmund Clark, Jt>col> Lontr, Ezekiel Ciosscn|), J. Avard Morse, Benjamin Hanly Parker, Ciiarles E. Tr. op, James Horsefall, John A. Morse, John M. Harris, James V. Gava/.a, E. Stanley Prentice Edward C. Bishop, James H. Whitman, Frederick Leavitt, A. B. Stronach, Charles Jacques, Jos. N. North, Christopher Anderson, Charles Brinton, jr., Benjamin Starra»t, Morton Forsyth, John Lockctt, Frederick Harris, Solomon Cliute, Phineas L. Chesley, David Wade, Samuel S. Bottart, James h.. Thorne. Charles Ditmars. Samuel A. Westlake, F. Miles Chipman, Josliua Buckler, Theodore Mar.sliall, Henry M. Phinney, G«'orge E. Chesley, Isaiah Dodue, John F. Keagh, Joseph Bent, Samuel N Jackson, Albert Marshall, Christian Grimm, John Boliak«r, Benjamin Fearn, John Harris, Edwin G. Dodge, ; James H. Metcalf, KichanI Sandford, Jolui G. Morrison, Ambrose L. i Ranks, W. H. Kistern, Jolinsion W. Oakes, Charles Jacques, John i Troop. ! CouNxr Hon John or Antigokish — Dongald Cameron, Alex McDonald McKinnon, Robert McDonald, Archibald McGillivray, Angus Mclsaac, John McDonald, (Pomkei Forks,) Neil McKenna, Alexander Mclnnes, George H. Irish, Alexander Cameron, Andrew Chisholm, Arch A. McGillivray, W. J. B»»ck, Elisha M. Randall, Alexander Mcintosh, jf.ix, Colin Ross, Jno MeGillivray, Arch Kraser, Michael Crispo, Timothy Crispo, Joseph MacDona d, (Meadow Green), John McDonald, (Ohio). Jatnes G. Ross, Colin Chisholm, William Gerrior, John Chisholm, Elisha William Ilandall, Roderick Chisholm, A. Mk 8tttck er B(eC«>«, I<lue« hii4 Twtju«8» always uu lkau<t« t Virginia, &c. n B. 11, 1 ULLKR & OO.'S, hend of Power's Whnit. 1882] AFiMAXACK. 101 Allan Cninoron, Rodk McDennld, John Fraser, Filwnrd Corbett, Henry VVt4il), Moses Bomeis, Michnel Petitpns, John Ohi*<)iolnfj, (North liivcr), William R. Ciinninffham. Hnjifh McAdnni. Angns Mclnnis, MMrtin McDonirt'I, David Condon, C-linr!cs Cnmoron, Alex MrNnnpliton, Don MvD'Tnnld, (Sonrh River), John McOillivrav, {n. Setih'flieni), Norman McDruinld, Hnirh MeLclIan, John C. MeD(tn»hl, Alexnn<h'r M. ('nnninsrhnm, T/aHilan Oameron, AUnn Smith, Ak'X McOillivrav. John A McGillivray, Archi'inM McPhoe, Liicien Doirrw), Dotuild M<'Millan, Jos McDonald, Andrew McFarlanc, WilMam Chixholm, (Caledonin), John McMiilnn, Donald Ohisholm, David McNair, AnL'sis Mclsaae, (Caledonia). William Chisholm, (St. Andrews,) Anirns McCrillivrny, J mvs M. HsHl, Al»\\ Chisholm, Wm McDo'nnht, Hicli J. Foiris'all, Anpns McDon<j:a'll, Ansrns McDonald, Jo*in B. Bonin, Don McDonald, (Kno\dart). John VV. Scars. Alex Chisholm. (Lower S Riv- r). James Keay, A'cx Manson, Thomas M. King, AngnB Boyd, Lachlan Mclsaao. Robert Stewart, William J. Svmonds, Dv)iiaid M<'Gillivray, (S>. River), Anirus McGiIlfvrav, (Knoydart), Jolm D. McGillivray, (Ohio), Duncan Frascr, (Ohio), Martin Brophy, (Hollowell Grant), Roderick Chisholm, Georsre A. Sinclair, 'Lochahcr), Alex MoPhersoii, (Ohio), Angns McDonald, (Jame.s* River), Dnucan Oiisholm, (St, Andr.-w's), Donald Gillis, (LochaUer), Clan-nee N. Harrinyton, John Mt'Gillivrny. (H«llo;vel! Grant). Daniel R. Boyd. William J. Wehh. (Harhonr an Ronche), Anyiis D. Mi'Giliivray, (MeiTi^iown), Colin H. .VIcKinnon (North Grant), John McKebijh, jr, (Affon), Anijns McDoniral!, (Harl)our au 15onche), Dini-I Chisholm, ('rracadi'), Jolm Floyd, Rod McGillivray, Alex McKinnon, Johi MeliL-an, Jwhu McDonald, Honry Boyle, D. McDonald, Plaride Deloicy. CooNTY OP Cape Brktow — George G. G. Hill, Hon John Bourinot, Arnold H'.lmes, William Armstrontr, William Butler, Lanchlan liohertsoM, Benoni Shc|theid, Anthony Martell, George Riirhy, Donald H(MS8, lion Thomas D. Aixihiliald, Donahl G'llis, Donald Mi\c- awlay, Caleb Huntinpton. Thoman Moore, Alexancer Kenna, Dongald McDontrall, Law Kav.^naidi, A'ex McLean, John Richardson, Henry V. Bown, l*atri«'k Cadijfan, Ja-nes- Mathexon. John L. Inj^rahani, Mnrdoch MfDonald, Donald .vicLean, Simon Nicholson, Anj^us Gillis, Wiiham W. Bown.OowLrS McKay, Dnncan McKenzie, Richard Lafliu, Tliomas Scott, J T. McKinnon, ("Jlement H. Harrinyton, Benoni Gontlireao, F. JP Arohhold, Donald Mi Douirall John A Moore, Eflm Outram, Stephen McNeil, An;.;iis Anvler-<on, Ron McDonald, Ron McMillan, Wm McDonald, Fras Lewis. Alexander Moore. Alexander G Hamilton, John Lnrway, Hnnh McGiliivrav, Alex McDonald, Wm Rout^edge, John Edwards, Patk Collins, Marshall Bourinot, John VooL'ht, Chas J Clarke, Norman McDonald, Michael Slattery, Walter Young, Henry Mitchell, James Hitchens, Dun McLarty, Johti Belcher Moore, Wm. IC Moore, Robert Martin, Allan McLean, James Gillis, Ronald McDonald. Michael MeLellan,D()n M'-Doui.'all, Allen McAdam, L:\urencH Holland, Cornelius Hickey, Ewen Roliertson, John SathM*- land, Thomas P. Jones, David McKeen, Alex C. Ross. Noil McNeill, Jolm McLean, Henry LeCrass, John T. MotFatt, Blowers Archi!u\ld, Donald McNeill. Patrick Nevill, Patk O'TooIe, Israel Slattery, H'-ctov F. McDoiisrall, \inu McLoHah, Jon Ross, John McGrci»or, Geo F. M Forbes, Hi'diard H. Hmwn. James McNeil, Charles Mnt^^a!), Francis QuJnan, Roderick Meljetin.^n, Anyas Camplioll, Neil McDonald, m Sit St m -lij n AX Jiv WAI<MU'S, €Hy lauml^vait; Store, Alaik<>t Sgiinre. H. H. FULLER & CO., Agents for o & Pit ■1: tMFJill 102 BELCHER a FARMER S [1882 Angus McDonald, Joseph McVnrish, Thomas Fortune, Alexander McAulay. Frederick N. Gisborne, Samuel J. Brookman. Miirdocli McCodrum, Lawrence Laffin, Malcolm Ferguson, Hector McDonald, Michael McNeill, James Sullivan, Jno Grant, Michael McNeill, Geurgo McKay, Michael McGillivray, Alexander McKay, George Scott, James Gillies, Rodk McNeill, Ronald Gillis, Henrv Lawlor, Joseph MePherson, Hugh McPhee, Andrew Nesbit, John McDonald, Duncan McEachern, Roderick McLean, Duncan Gillis, Wm McK McLeod, m.d., Michael A. McDonald, m d., Willif: tj H. Morley, Charles P. Moffatt. John H. McLeod, Angus McDonald, Ronald McDonald, James C. McDonald, Allan McDonald, Lawrence Connell, Murdoch McGregor, John McNeill, Stephen McDonald, John J. Campbell, Jno A. H. Rhindrcss, Murdoch Matheson, Alexander McDonald, Angus McDonald, Philip McDougall, Duncan M. Gillis, Reuben Gouthro, Donald Mormon, M. J. Phoran, John McRury, John MoMillan; William Burko, John McKinnon, N. H. Dobson. John J. McDonald, G"'irj»e B. In^raham, Alex McKenzie, John B. Jackson, W. Buchatian, vieorge M. Htnder- son, Jno McDonald, Alex. McKenzie, Joseph McNitill. Angus McNeill, Colin F. Cameron, Norman Morrison. ; County of Colchbstek — Fras R, Parker, Robt Fletcher. Eliakim Tupper 4th, Hon Samuel Creolman, John King, Samuel Wiiugh, William McKim, Wm Faulkner, John Smith, George Reading, John Irvine, John McKay, J. D. Putnam, Hugh Dunlap, Samuel Rettie, James N. Crowe, John Yuill, Richd Slade, Alex Ellis, James Flemming, John M. Campbell, Joseph Fulton, James Crowe 7th, James McKay, Hugh Gunn, James A. Stevens, Robert Nelson, Ezra Layton, James K Blair, Robt. J. Pollock, William Gregor, Hugh Dickson, Daniel McLaughlin, John McGcorge, Robert J. Pollock, William Gregor, Hugh Dickson, Daniel McLaughlin, John McGeorge, Robert L. Byers, Thomas B. Chisholm, John B. Dickie, William Ross, Robert Lewis, Alexander McLeod, George Johnston, James J. Hamilton, David Ramsay, Robsrt G. Rutherford, Robert Murray, Isaac Fulton, John Ryan, J. D. McCart, Robert C. Fulton, Isaac Fiemming, James R. Henderson, William Fulton, George C. Taylor, James M. Creelman, Kenneth Mcljcan, Harris Fulmore, Daniel McKenzie, James F. Blanchard, E. Tupper, jr, Saml G. W. Archibald, Philip Fulmore, James MaxweK, James E. Dickie, Abm N. Tupper, David McG. Johnston, Isaac Barnhill, Robert Putnam, John Wier, Eben Fales, Alexander B. Fletcher, Joseph C. Crowe, Thomas W. Crowe, R. N. B. McLellan, John A. P. McLelan, William Blackwood, John Clark, Hugh Munroe, John T. B. Henderson, Silas E. Black, Edward Hyslop, Donald M. Sutherland, Jotham Blair, George N. McLellan, Daniel Geddens, Charles Longhead, Robert Forbes, George Fulton, John McKay, James Norrio David C. Slack, S. G. A. Morrison, Pat Hill, Harris Harrington, L. J. Crowe, McKay, Levi Davidson, Thomas ,7. G. Nelson, Jam«<( Clark, John Miller, Win Blair, John Porteous, John Li<rhtl)0(iy, Elienezer IJeattie, James Kent, Robert Dill, William Lynch, John C. Archibald, Walter B Hingley, Robert Grant, Ames Fountain, Andrew Y. Corhett, Robert Forman, Andrew K. Moore, John A. Mc.Curly, Thos Malconi, Lucius Dickson, Wm M. Hiltz, Alex A. McKimmie, C. W. Johnston, George Campbell, C. B. Archibald, Amos McCnIiy, J. B. Eraser, Fred Meagher, James Miller, James Graham, Gilbert Sutherland, William McKenzie, James McCurdy, Alex. McKay, William Creighton, James Tlio largest anA most varied Stuck of CilaKH 1» lli^ I*ruvlttr4>« Robfirtsoii's Superior Mill nnd C'irculnr Haws. A. Cux, Ilimm H. Entoti, Jolin Dickie, B. F. Ppmisoti, Joseph H. Morrison, Charles N. Cnmmiiiir«, Geortre Marahnll, Gcorfjc M Bates, Rohliison Thompson, Andrew O'B. Johnson. Frederick A. Lnwrencc, Henry C Uphafn. Isaac I). Cook, John B. Fleminj;, Wm Deynrmond, Georire F. Crowe. W. A. Fulmer, Leonard G. Crowe, E. J8. Baird, Robert Stevenson. County op Cumberland — Amos S. Blenkhorn, Henry Harrison, Den Mncnnmara, Wi'.h'am Pipes, J. K. Elderkin, George Knowlton, Diivid Purdy, Charles G. Donkin, James Fnl'erton, Mosis Lowp, Hance Hunter, David Lawrence, Noiman McLeod, William Buker, Uohert McElman, Robert W. Salter, Martin CImnman, Syrus Bt-nt, Peter McFarlane, Wm F. Ciitten, Cvrus Black, Doiiulas PuJrsley, Wm Stewiirt. Alfred Black. William B. Brnndayo, John Braep, Robert Ward, Francis F. Hatfield, Nathaniel P. Hiipes, David Fullerton, Jno Davison, Michael K. Puysley, Aaron Rockwell, Levi Borden, William Waugh, Diivid Ross, Lemncl Biy;ney, Enoch Ii)ml>r<e, Edwin Johnston, Charles Ward, Donald McKenzie, Thomas McKay, Jno Biirelow, Ephraim Howard, James Z, Bliss, David McElman, Thomas Lusby, Arch Dickey, Charles Creed, m. d., Chas Lawrence, Thos R. Black, Thomas Roiich, J. Hiram Black, Rufiis Black, Patrick, Baird, William MofFatt, Samuel Bai d, John Atkinson, John Hewson. Wm McNab, Wm. Scott, Frel A Donkin, Luther Baker, W. D. Main, Bcnj. Doufjlas, Don McKay, Jas S. Hickman, Alex M. Wills, VVm Smith, Embree Wood, Robt Christie, Thomas Kirkpatrick, Amos Thomson, Zchud Mackay, Charles H. Bent, Law Hanmin, Angus McGillivray, Joseph Harritt, Wm Greenfield, Charles T. Oultoii, Alexander Dewar, Archibald Robertson, Matthew A. Logan, Samuel O'Donnell, Joshua Black, Angus McLend, William Oxlcy, Charles Smith, Caleb Lewis, Geo Hill, C. Edwin Atkinson, Charles Hatfield, Jesse W. Fullerton, W. Y. King, John W. Boyd, Joshua Dewis, D. Dickinson, Henry Davis, Albert D. Chapman, William Black, A. A. Stevens, R. Mitchell. Stephen Oxiey, Rufus S. Purdy, Daniel Y. Holmes, George Scott, Gilbert Atkinson, John Sutherland, George Chapman, James Tait, Wm. J Fales, William B. Huestis, Isaac Brown, Isaac Purdy, Edward Betts, B. S. Seaman, Peter McDonald, Jas. McCabe, John K. Morris, David Mitchell, Peter McLean, Judah Borden, Charles Fisher, Rufus Ripley. Thos Lowther, Jas G. H Brown, Jas A. Elliott, Saml E. Freeman, A. G. Purdy, Amos Purdy, Robert Donkin, I. J. Hingley, Richard Lowerison, Rufus Woods, Harding Carter, Thomas Rolston, J. M. Atkinson, Thompson J. Copp, George King, James K. Noiles, Job H. Seaman, Nelson Fillimore, H. McArihur, John W. Smith, Gilbeii Seaman, Hezckiah King, JeSoO Montross, Richard L. Black, John W. Schurman, George W. Forrest, George W. Gilroy, Robt Barclay, Sandford H. Purdy, Henry A. Johnston, William Hall, Robert Drummond, Bernard S. Peers, James E. Gilland, James R. Morris, Samuel W. Salter, Hugh Chisholui, Alfred E, Melanson, Jas R. Mclt^sh, Sampson Moore, jr., Chas S. D. Chflpman, Wm R. Henderson, Robert McKim, David Stewart, Wut E. Blenkhorn, Thos J. Seamans, D. R. McLellan, Edmund H. Neville. CouNTV OF Dioni' — District of Diybi/ — Edwd M. Marshnll, Benj. H. Rugales, Lauchlan McKay, Sterns J' nes, Willinra F. Ma'shall, George B. Potter, John V. Purdy, Wm F i otter, Edwd Haines, Jesse Harris, Isaiah Thurber, Benj VanBlarcoi. , John W. Powell, Samuel U Kept ut r. W4^LSII S, City Haruware Store, opposite Fo»t Ofllce. 1 , ''it . ). h 1 I>'iti1lii, n powrrfiil exploitive, at H. H. FULLER ft C'O.'S, 10[ iiKrcuKii's paumkr's [1882 T. IV'iU'oii, Kdwnni Potter, VVillinni Lout, Aloxamlcr I). Moyt, .inhu i S. McNeil. Altiicr M<irsi% Ihtael Dunn, Willirtin Deiiior), Cluiilcs I)tif.4ioii, William Fliinkinson, TIms Osinirer, liiclianl 8 in(1cri<on, llnltt K. Tim|»iiny, John VVi-lcIt, Cliurlcs R. Evureit, Oeortro A. Piu"<lv. ; Frft"cit Unichiiison, Diivid Cowmt, Jnmvfi, K. Deltip, John Smi'l), John M. Sinitit, Etlwnid Hovriin, E. R. ()uk«'s, Danlfl Morton, Win ^V' timer, Edwiiid Kvciett, U. S. Fitxrandolph, Collins Johnson, Kliiilxini E. Tiipiicr, Joseph W. Denton, Sti'plien Westeott, F. W. Riiirtiles, E|»hriiiin Biieoii, W. Nieh«^ll, W. H. Dnhl/rcn, Edmnnd Biirnliiim, Jn'» llnrlow, Lovckin Hilt-m, Jio Ilood, Jno Fl Hunt, Wm H lines, Cuiis R. Mi-Doiiald, Jno HohUworili, Jolm B. L»tt' nv, Wm B. D.ikin, Nmh.iniel Westeott, J mien A. Iliiyhes. Whitfi Id Outhouse, Alphcus M irshiill Asa Portrr, N. E. B'ltler, Churlos M'-C Cn'nphell, AltiMliiiin Lent. J irm'g Collins, Jos 1). I'ayson, John Miillan, Wtilhice Denton, J 'hn Dimklev, John A, Uii>scll, John A. Clinton, JameH E. (lilleliind, J. Eilt: ir Jones, M i>., Alirahnin Knuiov, John Crowley, Jas Bini:ay. Ilenry Bliikesl-e Waison Santiders. tJintrict of Clure — Jas Siiian, Bonavennire Rol)iohean, Felix Doveaii, Niehol is Devan, Ren- hen Perry, Anuel Bliiin, John P. Tiii'')0<l*aii, H^nry Goldfinch, Win. M ill n MiiMirln Roliiehcaii, Aiiselm VI. Cnmean, Luke Donoi'tfc, Tj«Miis Q. Boiinpie, Geor./e Gerinnn, H. C. Siibean, W H. Tcdtord, W. H. Sihean, Fr.tncis X. Vanrour, Oliver Soueil, William Darbinon, A A. Coineau. County op Gcvsboro' — Guyxhorough Dint, Hon Roi)t M Culler, Jas B. Ilaiiley, Win II irr, Wm Moir, John Mihoncy, Wm G. Scott, John A. Stevi, Jol'' Elder, Thomas Kealinj^, Jessie Anderson, John J^miesun, Jos W. iladley, Juathan Hartley, Jos David, Don Gann, Colin I'hisholm. J A. Tory, William Hirts'horne, George Scott, J. B. Simpson, Styles Hart. Christopher Jost, Alfred W. Hart, Jas E. Hart, David Scranton, James H Feitmate, Thos O'Neil, Thos t'. Cook, Wm Tory, Wm Wehlier, James S. Nicker^on, VVm. H. Wylde, Samuel Aikens, Ricliard Bruce, Valentine McDonald, James Fiiz/eral I, Jas I'lirceli, Herbert R. Cunninsrhim, Gi'or>;'' B. Hadley, James Ferirnson, ,lno Matthews, Spencer H. Giffin, Thos F MiUvard, Don ild Kennedv, HiU'h MfNeil, Jami'9 R. Atwater, Thos Condon, Ale-\ Feru'iison, Sol Cohoon, Cliarles Tavioi', John W. Peart, Charles M. Francheville, Henrv M. Josf, Win L. Peart Aliraham Cox, John McMillan, Jas H. Carr, Jno Cliisliol'n, Tlios Hadiev, Dnid Keunody, Duiitdd Chisholm, ArcTi Chis'iwltn, Wm S. M^Kenzie. Jno F. Taylor, ."srephen Me.Millaii, William Wri<;ht. Jdin Kennedy, Kinsman Sweet, David FTiiiNon, Win G. Scott, jr., Stephen McMiiliin, Peter Sineliir, Donald S Fer-/n<*on, Charles W. Liindv, Joiin W Cimninliliam, Francis Marshall, VViliiain G. Si'iipsoi), Klias Conk, James FL Buokiev, John McGuire, Wdliam S. VV»1nJo. Pairiok C. C.llen J. D. Co'ioon,' J. J. Saniisier, .John McG CiinniHi^ham, James W. You-j;, William G. Fladley. St. Mnrifs District — Daiil Hattie, John Flaitie, Alex Ciimminirer, Samuel G. .VIcKieii, Alex Fisher, Amrna Cameron, Jo'm Stowart. jr, Alex Sinclair, Divid R., G.-,) M. J E liott, A. K. White, Charles %<Iiitosh, Jk MeLi-an, ilohn Ciimmini_''''r, Domild McDonald, James II. M'Doii.ild, Alexander N. McDonald, John MeDaniel, Donald Keimelv, WiMim L Pre, Jesse Cnmninrer, Alx Fisher, James .MeCuiclie.n, Wdliam Pride. J din Rn.le, Aim Ride, Al-x Mitelid], Timma^ Smith, J'ime> llenilaw, J.>liii A. Kirk, Jo-^eph Rude, Roherr Kennedy, Donald Sinclair, Alex Sutherland. Jolin Crnik.shaiiks, DanI MM«v«ti<i«wit » >V1il««; l/vvHi «Mftt 1*e ImhI Hi tmv q/unntHT* Hond of Power's Whnrf, Hnltrnx, N. S. 1882] ALMANACK. 105 VV. Crockett, Rohirt Rtioil, Jnlui A. St-wnrr, Dnniel Hattio, (itMirL'e VV. MiutHtiill, AlcxiiiKltT Aiulirson, VVilliant Mt Kii'Ji, Jimx'H L. ILtliie, Klishu Hrtwiioir, (ylunlfs D. NirlioU, Jn«» McNal>, Jiio Biilliintyiit', DiiiitMii ('Hmiroii, jr, All iii MiQunnit', Win L. Painter, l{<il)t liavis, Wni H. HL'inl.)w, \V. D. 11 Caincion, Jwhii Kcuiiidv, Daniel A Cameron. CorvTT OF IIaluax— James Thon»snn, Ciistos, Philip Lot»on, iJolin Tlioiiuts, Francis Miinio, David Atiiiand, (Mms llainiltoii, James Cronrlicr, Alox Steplicn, Matthew Guild, Wtn II TidnMrsli, An-lilliald McPliec, James L. iinttiii. Uol»f Fox, Jnliii (icililcs, David AicliiltnM, Adam Dfan<\ Kpliraiin Burgess, Wm K Biino, Saml R. (^tldwtll, Kdm Uvan, Georiic Gai ri>oii, David Th(imi)<'oii, DonnM McLaren, Francis LnvtoPi Willinni ICvans, Jos Kn.vo, Uoliert Unmans, William Liindcl'i, Jiihii Cannicliail. Henry Shtllimf, John Naiifft», Jolin A. Bc'il, Nat Rnsscll, Jno Stairs. Wm J. CoK'man, Wm AekhurKt, Jolm Lin)>Ie\, William Conipton, John K. Shatloid, Georire Sliils Gcorjrc Dauphiney, James K. Shaiford, Francis VVchher, Geo .1. Richardson, Wes^li'V Hayes, P. ('arfarct Hill, Win F. Kiiitiht, Ezcixicl Sihlev, Isaac Hopkins, John WomMl, Kdvvnrd Johnson, Joseph Murphy, ChMmhcrs Blakcncy, Benjamin (>. Wilso>, John Hays, Dtvjd A. Nicholson, Andw Gray, Daniel Cronan, Thos E, Kenny, William Har?, Thomas Wiilsh, John Doull. Matthew H. Richcy, BtMijamin W. Snlur, Patrick Wiil>h, Gcoi-L'e J. Lon!«^rd, Geor>;e G. Dn>tan, N. P. Christian, Jas Fra«er, William Dntihai, James Croncher, Wtlling'on Kent, James Kent, Gforirn S. Ditkie, Gcoriic Thomson, Jmncs Gardner, jr., William H 11, John II Ainlcrson, Tiiomas Mahar, Edwiird Bowcr.s, Williiiin Munn», Donald Arcliihsil I, Tlicodore Conrod, M^lconi Mclnnis, J. W. Laurie, James B.itler, J' hn Silver, Robert Boak W. P. West, I). Farrvll, J. B. Dnftiis, John Arss, G. A. Leslie, J. M. Forrest, J. C. Boss, J. A Shiers, Is .jic M. Curdy, Hiiirh W. Blackailar, John D Tapper, Thomas Walsli, Willinm Taylor, John Flinn, John Davison, VVilliain Ksson, Joseph Hamilion, Edward Smith, John HiniiiiH, J Jm S. Bryson, Peter Boss, John M Iniilis, J. din Kline, Andre* Diillin, James Laidlaw, Jumes W. Turner, Georue J. Troop, Frar.cis C. Ellioir, R W FraMi-, Pik Hiiulei., ThosDurncy, Dnl H. Pitts, Tii(»s A. Parker, Saml Hu chinson, John K. McCnrd\, Wm II ('ammioiicr, Jiis K' rr, John Kirker, Smil Balcom,jr, Malcolm M Failanc. D.ivid Ari-ihali. Geor<:e W M I'Ml, .John Lii-dsav, Al x Miicii 11, Jo'in Y. Pay/.anf, Hyacinth H. Full r, Jolni Tcrnan, m d., Jimes \i Grah on, Nonnai Camoi.oll, Benj onin Thoni-on, Norman Hayes, jr,Jrt ohF M.irrvatt. John Thoma-', jr, William Veitli, Douylus M. Siorv. John Fr iser. John James, VV. 1). Harriniiion, Robert Motion, M. J. Power, D. J Smith, John G. Biaset . James F rqnliarson, Snniucl A. White, W. Henrv Hrtii, Roliert Ta\l'r, Siininl Burris, llenrv Cruik»hanks. F D. Corixt , William J. Lewis, Eduar Hill, Clia.ies J W\ide. John P. Flecker, Eito. B.ker, Davj.l Hunter, Win Roehe, jr, Wdliain B. Christian, Gc»>r}^.- H. MadiU, Peter Jack, Edw MorrsoM, John Datfus, D mi 1 Siil ivaii, David McPherson, W. C Mcnlcy, (\ J. Clok-on, Cliarle- Fader, Al 'xa kI r Forsih, Junes H S 11. r , Ricliard T. Boone, Junes J. O'Brien, Andr w B If'ont <ine, SaMMii 1 J. Maswii, Wd! am C. \lo", Th^n s G. I'oW' r Gi oix'c Wisw. 11 li;irtli> loin VV Wash, Daneai G^an . 1) vid Elli^, William G 'tf. James Cov.'v, Wesl.y Crooks, MiMiaid P Kic auNnn, Cliarles II. Whiinian, John Gil»*»ns, G.ory- H. lliiMey, William W Gaston, q o d » e I 8 8 B 9 I li ^■?;it h ,fti,/ S'^ ,At •*. WAliSU'tH OMy HnntwiiiH; mam Mwrttvt iNliiurv. Everytlibiir in the Hardware line* .1 .'' 106 DklLClIKRS FARMKKS [1882 Williiitii 'V. Kent, John LePiert', Archibnltl Stewart, John Sprott Stewart, Wiilti;!" M^Curdy, ('linrlort Sprott, JHmvH Morentli, Amirew Mitcliell, Wtilter S uiliurt, G*^or;;e JiuiiieHun, M.i>., Siuniiul 'riiompson, John Mi'Donald, Geo A. Niotorlh, Imiuc (inetK, jr., John F. Mi'Kenzie, Win Hav, Ttiomns Connors, John I). Miu-kintosh, John Parker, VVm H. P»»llistor, Geory' Uowliu),"", Siunucl White, sonior, Martin Walsli, Henry N. Paint, Uonjaniin A. Smith, Dt-nnis DoLou^^hry, Andrew Tulloi'h, James O'Learr, John A. S:nchiir, James G. Foster, John Barron, Walter Mnc'nrlano, U. N. Beckwith, Itoltert Baxter, Robert Adiinyton, M.l>., W S. Symonds, J. Frascr Tornince, John W. Barton, Jeremiah J. Donahoo, AI)rMhnm W. Hurt, William Mnrray, Pelvr HoLfan, James Dempster, William Perry, John Barron, John Symonds, Wm H*y, GL'orj,'e Burris, Peter W. Maskell, and the Mayor and Alder- men ol Halifax for the city only CouvTV OF IlANTrt — Western A's/nrf— Arehihftid Smith, Josejdj Rickards, William Chanilters, James Cochran, John Bnryoss, Jaines Greno, Robert Allison, Bonnet Smith, Michiel B. Salter, I»aiah Dimock, Shubael B. Parker, Thomas Sandford, James M. Ilisij^ins, Ji'hn M. Maeomber, Bt'iijamin Masters, James Reynolds, Benjamin DeW. Frasor, m u., Willi un Boiniett, Shnbael Dimock, Deriiiison Harvie, Ja nes Hoss, Harris Martin, James F. Cochran, James Di-nnisoii, Thoinas A. Smith, Charles J Wilkins, Edward Dimock, Monson H. Goml^je, Walt«r Hunter, John Jenkins, Giiortre DuVVolf, John Sm t'l, J. B. Norih, Wi liam Davison, Pharus Constaniine, Georsio Armstrong;, Wihiam Mnrphy, Wm Fish, Handley Srarratt, Siml Mnint'ord, Andro.v Shaw, Thomas Aikins, I'](Uvin Mnmtb-d, Wm B. Sliaw, Willi;im Caiiavan, Nathan Wilcox, John Carmichael, Wm Bockman, John Siirliii;;, Jami!s, Dtvi I Scott, William Curry, A frod rhoma^ William Harvie, Ciiarles E. Yonn:r, William Baiiey, William M'lviy, Williain Insfrim, Tiios Armsironj;, Ezekiel N. Misters, WilliMin H. Mosln-r, Htmry Canovan, John 'Pay' •• Daniel Mo^hor, Cliailes T Cocliran, John A. Vani;han, William ^. Salrcr, Elias Payzant. Snnn.'l Murphy, John Calder, Joh;» Moshcr, Allen Haloy, J. Albert Vau;,'ban. S.imncl Swei-t, Mark Curry, John Lynch, John* A. Hat vie, Ai'tliony S. Sandford, John W. Sanystor, William Mosher, Noah Mosher, James Gass, William L. Chittick, Jas A. Thompson, Eiias 3. Dimock, Watson Dill, William O'Brien John Koitli. Kaxtcni Disfn'vl — Francis Parker, David Fric/e, Jno S. Bren- iian, Jas Witiirnv, Win McDon;;all, Geo Smith, Geo l)ensmore, Benj Blois, Wm C. Casey, Josiali distance, Wm Lawrence, Evan Urquhart, Jas McKenzic, Wm E'.ter. Kobi Fanikner, Hiijrh McLearn, Andrew Kirk|iarrick, James Eiiis, William Wardrop, Ge )ru« Ainslie, John McLearn, Win Blake. A B Smith, Daiil Kbrs, H. H. Blois, John Sim, Jo 111 T. Sott, JoUti Urquhart, W n H. Witbrow, Geo P Thompson, Jamas Simp-ion, William H imiltnn, Alex Hill, Michl Terhunc, Daniel Thompson, 'Tbomis Woolaver, Tiiomas Hunter, Nelson Wier, Ja(!ob Heniiiirar, W n Hu iter, Ansrus Ruse, D ivid R. Crowe, Archd Fram'c, Alireil Putnam, Gcor^jje Froize, Alex Hiltz, John McKeiizie, Georye Smith, Wm Bienn m, John Feiiton, An Irew i'ear.SDn, Cbas H. Snide, Duncan McLean, m.d., Jno Graham, Jno Putnam, Osmond O'Brien, Will Currie, Wm Stephens, Ja'iies A. Gass, John MeCnlloch, Lockhart Liwriiife, Al'X Roy, Henry L Ycoiiins, H^iiry Canovan, Daniel 'Teriiime, Amlrexx McDonald, R. B. Eaton, Jas A. Thompson, James I Gass, Ad.un- McDou„nv1I. I^ndeliy Speucc A €o,*b Boiled und u«w Linseed Oil always ou hand, At If. It. tttttn & rO.^S, flt toirrnf fiicfH, 1882] ALMANACK. lo; novan, Dmiiel mpsion, James Iwnys oil bauili CorNTT OF IsVERSEfS— JrllM M<L«(»«I, .!< Iin iM«l(|i?i, J itnt'j* G. McKten, Hn(:li CHtnolKll, Mtilrulm M(I)«inii]il I.iitM Idin MrPiMi^nl I«i «c Mi'LcH, Haniiiui ( ampt)cll, AiiyiiH Hnitop, MuIihIiti MrKnv. AlexaiiiUr Cliihholm, Julin McDuihU), Don M< Dotmlil, I'liimM McLcllrtti, Koilk MiNoll, Ani:u.s M< E:iflit rii, Jolm (i ( ii \v(li», Ji o Chishdlm, Joliti Wri^lit, Kii^d McMillnn, Hcl il I)iiic\, J ])iiii(»iii Ciiiijcroii, Diild Mcliitobli, Wm McQinnric, I'ank I)t>«lii 7;, An-liilmlil ; Md'liai!, J. Heatoii, Malcolm iMcLtuii, lln^h ('nnicion, .11 i>., llnuli i M<I)(>nii](i, VVilliiini (irHiit, Duimld McDokiiIiI, DudiiM MrDoimM, I Jno McDonald, JiKi McKacliem, Don McDonnM. I.ancidin Kcrnidv, ; Jncoh 8 Unit, A McDonnM, Jotn Mcli it ^li, I'cltr .*»invih, Jr., Iliiirli I (lilliejt, Willi in Dnnlar. McI enniin, r<l< r I'ltiit. (icoiyr C '. Liiwrciicc, jr, Dnn McDonnell, Don ( liir>liolni, Doniild Mi Militin, ' yMi'Mun'cr McEnchran, Holtert McDoniinM, Alexander McKmlicn, Ni'il McDoiihIiI. Ja'-ul) Honh, Jolm ('nnicron. Mt rdocli Miitili)>oii, ' Duiican Cainplnll, m. d., Murdoili A. Ho»s, Finlay Mcnton, Donald A. I Mcliclliin, Alt'X Camidu'll, Neil (lillies, An^ns MeCotniit k, lii'iih I MeDHiiald, Jo'in MeDuauall, 'I'lionms linike, Jolm Mrlv Han, A len \ McDohiild. Arch, Uoylc, Ainins Henton, Janies ('oiuh, Donald McLean, i jr, I'tr Grant, Jno MeDonuld, Anpiis Mi I'liail. Jos \\ hiie, Neil Mc ; Miilan, Wm Meriicrson, Allen McMillan, Neil McKay, Fiirquliar ' McRac, Did McLeod, Aii;:iis Grant, Alex McDonald, Aich MeDoll^tl]|, \ Allan ^tcDoiiald, Alex McDonnld, Jumos Hoss, Donald McKadyen, I Domild Smyth, John Mclsanc. Leo An'Coin, John McKeeii, Neil : McMillan, Hu;;h Cameron, Miiidoeh Maiheson Ron Gamplx 11 'Ihos I 'romkiiiM, Dtin V. McLean, Wm M. Clonyh, Aiiyiis McDomild, j Chrir'tophcr Smyth, A. C. Thomsv »,, A. K. McLirii, m d., Doinihl Chisholin, Jl.p., Joseiih A. Iii;:ralia»n, Alexander Mcl^eod, Jidiii I Murray, sr, Anj^us (iillies, A. H. SuMierland, James Me Donald, Neil McAuley, Alexander McQueen, Mali-cdm (7amcron, Neil McLean, I An^us McMillan, Jidiii McMa>>ter, Waller Lawrence, Dai lei lien- iiessy, Murdoch McKinnon, Allan Mcintosh, HeciO' McLean, Ilccior } Melvenzic, Jolm H Mnrphy, A. A Taylor, Allan McDnnnld, Donjinld McDonald, Alexander McDonald, John MeKav, John V. Toinkin>, Jas Doyle, VV: D. Smith, Mailiew Doyle, John McDonnld, llnry A. Koihes, Jas T. Lawrence, Joseph Gomiie, Donald McMaster, John L. McLean, ' Jno G. McQiiarri«', I'cier Mcintosh, Anirns Kennedy, Jcdin McDonmll. I). 1). McLelliin, John >Ie.\Ji, Anixn^i McLiuchlaii, Alex McLellan, John A. (ii'lis, Donald F. M. Dnnnell. Jairi'- J. Munroe, Doimld K. McKay, Ntil McKinnon, Josicph B. McDuu^all. County Oi*- Kings — Samuel Chipmun, Richard Starr, Al-xander Patterson, Fairfield Smith, Edw P. Hordcn, Aic'i VV Iker. Jidm O. Piiieo, Jame> Eaton, Amos Sh ffield, Ehenezer Biirl>>*, ll'chani W, Kid-ton, Jami.'s Griffin, Irad Bo ij:i'niii. Rinsed Cnldwell, Levi W. Katon, Jic'd) Loekhan, WinckworHi Chipman. Ahiahi\m Ncwcom'i, Zeliuion Neilv, Svd'iev Widion, Willi im A. Tiipoer, Dtvid llninl-, Jno W. Rttsco, Jidm' W. B. nien, B tj H. Calkin, Jolin N. B.)>\les Jtdin Kiikitairick, Wm W. Patterson, Win H L*on-, TIih A Wilson, Levi C. Woodrt'orih James Bli;.'h. Ilirani B >rdrn, Cyrus Johioton, Willium Davidson, Win J. Wallace, Aiijn«tine A. Pineo, Geor;:e F Rohinsoti, William Crane, James Liirl.jr, Jolm Poi ler, Josliha Reid, Joh M. Poker, Edwin Parker, Geor^'e Kinsman, Henry Lovett, Jas E. Rockwell Enoch A. Foivlh, I»aac Hiniilto-i, GeorL'C W. Fi-hcr, John H. Clark-, Jieoh M. Riisco, John A. Chipman, Leonard Fiieh, i H f f ? I 1 !1' ■ f V , V ■■■ 'IV At r. WAIi0ii'8, city HiirUware »torc.--3»«« adv. vaj&e 91. '* Brnndram^s ^^ White and Colored Fiiintsy f9|| 108 BELCHKBS FARMKR S [1882 Jiio li. Miner, Benj Foster, Geo Dodge, Geo Masters, Jno W. Barss, Chas Dickie, B. Wuodworili, Jno P. Lyons, Benj P. Weaver, Edwd C. George Harvey, Geo N. Fuller, Obed Biiijaiuin, David B. Newcoinb, Henry Wliiie. Jno E Ells, George Hamilton, Andrew Dwiyht Dewolt, \ Richard D. West, William Bowles, Henry Pinco, Ansel T. Baker, Jos B. Davidson, Elisha SchoHeld, Leonard llsley, Jno Lamont, jr, Wm C. BUI, Handley C. SliafFncr, Abram G. Masters, Eliakim T'lppcr, John S. Newcomb, Honry L. Baker, Wm N. Newcomb, Amos Baxter, Jos . R. Hea, v.c.u., Martin L. Cleveland, Georj^c C. Pineo, Edward M. j Margeson, Moses Brown, James Martin, James Doyle, John Tobin, i Edw Redmond, James P. Cunningham, Saml S. Rol»inson, William A. | Porter, Geo L. Jess, Wm H. Woodword, Wm S. West, Jas E. Rand, I Leander Rand, Edw R. Bishop, Gideon Power, Oliver Woodworth, | Tlios H. Chute, Jer Bligh, Leander Eaton, D. Harris Newcomb, J. i Leander Wickwire, Thos Tuzo, Jos StHnatt, David E. Ross, Win II. | Skinner, Charles K. Nortimp, Edwin Harris, James S. Witter, Jno N. Coleman, D. liupert Eaton, Juo W. Mar«eson, L DeV. Chipman, D. | D. Davidson, Obadiah Nowcomb, Jno S. Belcher, James T. Manning, i Jno S. Woodwortii, William Smiih, J. W. Taylor, William J. i Wallace, Edw Harris, Amos Black, Thos Ci-aig, Justus W. Warner, ' A. Stanley Fisher, Geor;,fe Munro, William lilen, W. H. Bent, James ! Patterson, John Faulkner, William H. Condon, Edward M. Jorden, ■ Perez M. Brickens, Jonathan Rand, Fred Brown, Charles Taylor, | Elias S. Graves, John Foster, John S. Welton, George E. Cox, i J. W. Bigelow, Michl Lonergan, Obadiah H. Newcomb, Jehiel Davidson, ! J. L. Gutridge, Gideon E. Reid, John W. Hamilton, Jas S. Morse, Jas ! Rand, Enoch Parker, Benjamin Kinsman, John Loomer, Ebenezer Cox, i Noble J. Lyons, Henry Shaw, James A. Cux, Charles Lamont, Henry Bill, Leonard Rockwell, Duncan D. C. Reid, R. W. Starr, R. M. Rand, Jos T. Jackson, Wallace Graves, J. Lovctt Bisliop, Gnstavus E. Bishop, Albert D. Nicholls, Edward M. Bcckwith, Henry E. Jetterson, diaries Illsley, Manning Chute, Isaiah S. Pineo, Albert Webster, Jolm Best, Francis Lyons, Frederick \V. Chipman, Samuel Baker, John A. Hall, Charles E. Ea:on, John W. Fulterton, Reul)en F. Heid, AHred Whitman, Natlianiel P. Spurr, John Redden, Arthur McN Patterson, Stephen Taylor, T. R, Hams, Douglas Bent, l*airick Burns, J. Melbourne Marchant, l*hilip Brown, Ezekiel C. Banks, Tlieo G. Mack, John Stronir, J. B. Bowser, Geo B. Vauglian, Chas L Newcotnb, W. J. Burgess, Reuben Farnhara, Enoch GritHn, Edwnrd Eaton, Nathan West, Edwd McLatchy, Alex G. Mor>e, J(»shua Beard.-ley, Jolin L. Newionil), Joshua Chase, Geo W. McMalion, Isaac B.Jackson. Rupert D. G. Harris. County op Lunenbuug — District of Lunenhurg-rSan} Zwicker, Carles L. H. Church, Henry Bailley, George W. Kaulback, Wt V. Andrews, Morton Wheelock, Lemuel M. Drew, Nicholas Wolff, Benj W. C. Manning, Thos K. Cragg, James D. Selig, Lewis Knaut, Edward Morgan, William S. Drew^, •). Joseph Rudolf, Geo Barss, Edwd Teel, Joseph Whitford, Nelson Chesley, J. M. Hoyt, Joseph Baker, Simon Risser, William Turner, Rob*. Lindsay, James Starratt, Robt Dawson, John Smith, Joseph W. Lockhart, Lewis Anderson, Jas Lantz, Hetiry Alders, J. James Kock, Adam Feindel, Leonard Hebb, Reuben McFarlane, Saml Ramey, Jas Faulkner, Hny Kcdy, Robt West, Enos Teel, Adam E. Durland, William J. Dauphiney, Henry Porter, James Grinton, Joseph Rilsey, James H. Wentzel, Edward Langille, «o to r. IVALSH'S tor BiiUacra* Hardn'uro. For sale by H. H. FULLllH & CO., head of Power's Wharf. V (A iB < < H H O N n h O P, A s n « .4 CO o 3 •3 a » (0 <M i a h O u n (t o <» o A u 1882] ALMANACK. 109 Natlmniel S|rum, Wm Remby, Josiah W. Rudolf, James Wynock, Joseph T. Barss, Jumcs M. Metzlcr, Av.ird Foster, Levi Langille, William Himelman, Caleb Langille, Eli Raiiiey, Beiij Dauphincy, Wm Faulkner, Jacob Pickles, D. B. Himmelman, Richard J. Jenkins, Danl Duncan, James H. liiltz, Stephen Fink, John Burn, Thomas T. Kecflcr, Joseph H. Wade, John 8. McKcan, John Bailley, Abraham Zink, John Levi Oxner, Joseph R. Wyman, John F. Uiltz, Henry E. Cook, Natt Wentzell, Albert Pearl, Stephen Langille, James Thompson, Jas McFarland, Gideon Langille, Joseph B. Worthylake, John Lat^uillc. Christian Vogler, Jobn Dauphinee, Lewis Smith, James McKeen, John Tial, James Fisher, Edward Strum, Isaac Mader, Alex Trctheway, Obadiah Spinney, E. J. Manning, William Selig, Joseph Young, iSathaniel Hebb, James Langille, James W. Langille, J. P, Armstrong, J. D. Sporry, Obadiah Spinney, cjamuel Smith, Wm S. Holden, Wm S. Drew, jr., Wm Llewellyn, Nicholas Oxner, Amos llubley, William Cross, Augustus Rhyuard, J. W. Nelson, Thomas Curil, Eli Hopps, Patrick McGuire, James E- Hunt, Edward Smith, James Keddy, Joseph Rudolph, jr, James Brown, James Hirtie, Albert Smith, Henry Wilson, Andrew Rodenhiser, James A. Curll, G. A. Corbin, Emanuel Hebb, Robert Wile, Isaac Hirtie, Benjamin Snyder, Elkanah Lohnes, Joseph Roland. David Lanfz. John Gaul, James J. Norwood, G. Henry Windrow, Cyprian Godard, Alfred Z wicker, W J. Fuller, Robt. Hunter. District of Chester — George Ross, Geo Richardson, George K. Mills, Charles Lordley, Robert Smith, Casper Oxner, R. D. Clarke, Charles E. Churih, David Publicover, Hiram Hennigar, Silas Corkum, George Redden, James E. Whitford, William Vaughan, George E. DeWitt, m. i> , Chas Smith, David Evans, Levi Oxner,- Jos Coolen, Henry Alders, G. H. Windrow, Jas. H. Hillz, James W. Langille. County of Pictou — Hon Jas Eraser, Robert Murray, Jno McKay, Geo McLeod, Dun McDonald, William Fniser, Adam McKenzie, Jas, Angus Sutherland, John Grant, William Langill, James Grant, Robert Copeland, William Smith, Alexander McKay, c.R., Alexander Cameron, Roderick McKenzie, Alexander McKay, w.k., John Crerar, Robert Doull, Henry R. Narraway, Donald McDonald, C.J., George McKay, John Holmes, C.J., Andrew Hunter, John F. McDonald, Basil Bell, John H. Lane, William Ross, John Ross, James Fitzpatrick, Alexander Chisholm, Donald Eraser, James Wentv.orth, Duncan RolHJrtson, Thomas Horn, James Holmes, John A. Dawson, James W. Carmichael, Alexander McHardy, John Dawson, John Mitchell, David Marshall, John McPhee, George W. Underwood, Robert Eraser, Andw Campbell, David Patterson, Alexander Grant, Alexander Thompson, Hector McLean, Dun McKay, James McRae, Richard Tanner, Danl McDonald, John R. Noonan, Don McKay, Alexander McKay, Alexander McDonald, m.r., Thomas Fraser, Jas Hudson, John McDonald, (Angus' son) John McDonald, (John's son), Don McLean, Wm McGillvray, Chas McKinnon Chas McDougall, Wm Cameron, Charles Mcl-ellan, G. Campbell, J. ilislop, R. P. Gran't, K. Ross, A. Fraser, Donald McDonald, f.o., James Fraser, Maurice Power, William Biownrigg, Alexander McLeod, Don Ross, John Gumming, James Gumming, Don D. McDonald, Robt McNeil, Allan McPhee, Donald Sutherland, Malcom McDonald, Michael C. Olding, William S. Fraser, Angus McMillan, Jno Falconer, Wm McLaren, A. J. Patterson, Jno Yorston, Thos Kennedy, Daniel O i W ?» B •a o 3 o o m \^. Tlic flHOttt uMwrtnicHt lu the City kep't there. t^nqnhies for iMces will receive erefy aif^niloff. A 1 « a o o n A (0 •a (S •5 a o to O e e « OQ s no BBLCHKIl'a FARMEit's [1882 Sutherland, Alex Mitheson, Jas D, McGrepjor, James Kkchen, John Henry, David Tattrie, Samuel ArchilmW, Jolin Gollan, John McLcod, Gcoriif Lawrie, Finlay Canieron, Thonms Gmnt, Robl McNan>;liton, D.inid Munro, Kol)crt MrLean, Jolm Miller, James P. McKennan, C. l)\vvcr, Wm Canipltell, Pcier Brown, Duncan Wier, Georjje Smith, .Jno Fniser, Dav Hu;i<;in, liolit Bannerman, Jas Mirrhell,VVni 0. Uldinj;, John D. Eraser, K. Mi-Lclian, John Oliver, James Stalker, Geo. J Mamilton, John Jolnison, John iVIcDonaid, Wm. living, Kobi-rt Dewar, Geo MrConnell, Alex. McGillivray, John R. Davics, Kenneth Cameron, Samuel A. Foster, (Dal), John McKenzie, Jas Ross, Hol)t S. McUnrdy, Jno Fraser, Robt Campbell, Alex Siithciand, A. M. Fraser, Jno Denoon, Chas McKmnon, Alex N. Guim, Rol)t Campbell^ Norman Gunn, Jno D. Cameron, Dav Conners, Francis MeKenzie. Jno D. Mc- Donald, Neil Fraser, Jas Keith, Richard Fraser, David Cnlton, William McLean, David J. Meikle, Roderick McDougall, Jumes Fraser, James Roy, jr., John T. Oliver, Daniel McLean, Roi<eri Simpson, David Ferguson, Allan A. Ferguson, A. Gordon, David Fullcrion, Daniel McDonald, Angus McDonald, (Charles VVilson, William Ross, John Priiigle, James Little, John MeKenzie, Murdoch MeKenzie, William Mcintosh, Alexander J. McKay, G'or.;c Sutherland, Daivid McKay, Alexander McKay, Airgns Davics, Colin Fraser, Hugh Fraser, Robt MeLeod, Angus '''•Queen, Peter CamplK-ll. Archibald McKay, John Murray, John MniiiO, Keiineih MeKenzie, Jolm (iioener, Samuel Fraser, Thomas McDonald, Hugh Gray Angus McDonald, George Campbell, James Grant, Diincnn Mi Intosh, Jusiah Edgar Jones, m.d., Jolm McDougall, Malco'ii Fraser, E\a\\ Cameron, Alex McPherson, D^n'l McLeod, James Willis, George Campbell, Coiin Fraser, Malcolm Ro.-«8, Alexander G. MeDoiiald, Jolin Cameron, William F, MeKenzie, Fred VV. Fraser, Andrew Hogg, Angus Murray, Daniel W. McDonald, Aul'Us McDonald, u.u., Aiux W. McBean, James Mcintosh, James McKay. j County of Quicens — Rich Carder, Eldred Cohoor>, Sylvanus | Morton, Israel Hendry, George S. Parker, Chas Allison, jr., Enoch Steudman, Jno U. Mulliall, Edwd McLeod, Saml T. N. Sellon, Stephen : C. Tupper, Jno R. Hall. Edw P Freeman, Jos H. Cook, Jabez F. j Park, Bart F. Fnpper, Joseph Chandler, Asa Morine, Nath TupiKjr, | Lewis A. Sponagle, Stew F Gardener, Simetm F. Hunt, George A. i Fisher, William Hendry, Ridiard Ktiowles, Donald Campbell, Hugh j Houston, Joseph Innes, Wm Cowie, Joseph M. Freeman, Patk Flynn, | Joshua N. Freeman, Richard H. Telfer, Jno Lacey, Milton Douglass, j Jno McGinty, jr., Hnry W. Hocker, Spencer Cohoon, Chas E. Morton, i Jos Ford, Wm H. Fi-eeman, Stpn Smith, P. Armstrong, Jos B. Harlow, | Lewis Minard, Theo Ford, Uriah Johnston, A. M. Hemeori, Gee W. 1 Harss, Martin McNutt, Vinc«mt Dexter, I. Newton Mack, James Croft, James Purdy, Caleb Cole, Gilbert S. Alack, Thos. M. Dunphy, Simeon F. Brown, jno Bagly, jr., Wm We,uzell, Jno Edgar, Jno H. Dnnlap, Nathan Ellis, Johi; Paysani, senr., Robert Robertson, Nelson McLeod, Chas Cnshing, Jno W. Cobb, Jabez Coop, David SheritF, Jas E. Daley, Jas Carder. Thos Day, Joseph B. Freeman, Alden Waterman, Jacot* Watormar., Elisha P. Christopher, John Fitzgerald, William Reed, Chas Crtinoron, Jason M. Mack, Edward H. Freeman, George L. Wolf, William A. Kenney, Geo T. Moore, Lewis Robertson, Edward McPherson, Eilward H. Freeman, Ira P. Freeman, Stewart Hunt, Benjamin L Telfair, John Hardy. Zebiilon Mnr»'ay, Henry A. Moiiznr, 188 4i Be3i o Free McL m a C( Oliv ^ ! Rol) 1 qett( ^ Jeff H. 1 Ang And H. 1 M Don (4 1 R. S M i Kin* 4d Albt (4 1 Rob t: 1 R. f (i j Geoi ft 1 Geoi & , Cha A McC % 1 Mou H « I Fell' >> i Wm fl Johi e Len( •s 1 Johi S i Lau ri S C •a i T. 1 a Her! •H Dm Irwi l Fret ! Mui a |H. ! Cro s Sno ; Hid '■ Chii 8 i Wil 1 Sar: at 1 ini Hot Q Isau « a C I Am Cai f Mc Mc Roj Nublc's tiutl uoiire'ii i;«a«h« cnrriimie nu<l M«»««e YnraUliMf !i*:i H. H. FULLER & €0., ^icad of Power's Wharf 4i o u H |!^ o I* « ft O a a a (3 ■a Pi (t d cS M •8 o M h o CO o (A « » 1882] ALMANACK. Ill Bejiah B. McPherson, Robf. H. Curry, Jas H. Nickerson, ]")avid Frcenmn, Newton G. Minartl, Cluis A. Fostor, Simeon Cohoon, Zenas McLeod. County op Richmond — Jolin Morrison, John Mitheson, Anthy Oliver, Ken MeLeod, Chas Bondrot, Edward Ganion, E.* P. Flynn, Robert McKcnzic, Robert Hill, William Brymcr, 'Patrick Maubour qette, Maurice J. Kavanagh, Kenneth Morrison, Simon Landry, JefF Bondrot, John Fraliill, Danie! O'C. Madden, Peter Bosdet, John II. llindress, Amie Martell, Jas Smith, Dt'vid Gruchy,Wm LeVesconte, An<^us McLeod, Henry C. Fixot, m.i>., Donald N. Shaw, Jas Johnston, Andw Belfontalne, .Tno McDonald, Louis Bondrot, Wm Urquhart, Geo H. Bissctt, Hyacinth Martell, William G. Ballam, Hector Murchison, Donald McKay, Isidore LeBianc, Henry Hichard, Arch Johnston, John R. Smith, jr., Andrew McDonald, Angus McNei., James Hearn, (Jharles King, Max Forrest, David McNamara, jr, Peter Gruchy, John Keefe, Albert B. Ho^er, Angus Mj-Kinnon, Neil Stewart, Joseph Matheson, Robert G Proctor, James Phelan, Sebastian Vigneau, jr., D. McRae, II. G. Morrison, Wm Chisholm, Hector McKinnon, Walter Murray, George M. Jean, Ilemi Benoit, Charles Lenoir, Angus McNeil, George Clough, Joseph Bissett, Sylvester Boudrot, Edward Proctor, Charles Grant, Alexander Mcintosh, Murdoch McKae, Alexander McCuish, Alex T. Matheson. Simon P. LeBianc, Jno Morrison, Emile Moucbet, David Walker, William R. Morrison, Allan J. McNeill, Felix Marmand. James Lt'Blanc, Malcolm J. T. McNeil. Jno McNeill, Wm Malcolm, John D. Matheson, Edward LeBianc, .Michael McNeil, John F. McLeod James L. Gcrrior, Roderick Fe'gusson, Alfred E. Lenoir, Farqohar McPherson, Wallace I'rciilieut, Dougald R. Boyle, John P. Gruchy, Michael Doyle, Frederick E. Carr, Peter W. Gruchy, Laughlan Cameron, William Dorion, Patrick White. County of Shei.burne — Robert Curiie, William J. Bell, William T. Kelly, David Eiscnhauer, John M. Dall, Joseph Walters, William Ilerkins, John G. W. Dall, John Purney, Hugh McAlpine, William Dunlop, jr., Jacob Locke, Austin Locke, James Bower, liobert G. Irwin, John A. McGowans, George Cox, Elisha W. Perry, Robert W. Freeman, John Bowers, Henry S. Sutherland, Joh.i Matthews, Thos Muir, E'lward Capstick, Simeon Harding, Jame.<i McAlpine, Robert H. Boleman, Reuben Harlow, Amos Ilairar, Abram C. Ross, Eleazar Crowell, J*.Im W. Shand, James t. SA'aino, James H. King, James Snow, sr., John Nickerson, James L. Swaine, Jno Deliloliter, Jumes E. Kieiiardson. Barrimjton District — Josiah Coffin, Josiah Snow, Henry Chute, Thomas B. Covill, Thomas L. Banks, Thomas W. Wilson, William B. Smith, Hemeon Kenny, Vincent Nickerson, Daniel Sargent, A. C. Avard Doane, William A. Snow, Martin Thomas, Thos W. Watson, John B. Lawrence, David G. Daley, Francis W. Homer, Williatn H. Coffin, John ^ Cunningham, John O. Crowell, Isaac Raines, Joseph Watt, Alfred K. Smith, James L. McKay. County of Victohia — Charles J. Campbell, Alexander Munro, Angus Bjchaniian, John W. Burke, Alex McKay, Lewis Bown, Alex Cameron, Jno McLeod, Jno McDonald, John S. McNeil, John G. McKinnon, Don McLean, Jno McLennan, Chas Campbell, Malcom McLean, Lanchlan McDonald, Don Morrison, Rupt G. Zwicker, Jesseo Roper, Wm McLean, Kenneth McKenzie, Edwd McLeod, Murdoch I 3 S I •1 ! i I :t:tti Ciitt iilwnys be Kot nt F. WAI^Htt'^, 4'lly Hnrdwurc 8tore» I L I m %i ^i W^A M 9 i •0 H n <5 oT ■ d O I o •a e SnbinnriRe BInstliigr ApparatiiH, nt N. H. FULLEV & CO.'S, 112 BELCHKRS FAUMEK8 [1882 McKenzie, Ken McDonald, A. McAulny, Neil McAskill, John McLeod, Neil Murrisun, Kenneth UiiehiinnHii, Luther McLeod, John McKinnon, Duncan Morrison, A. B. Morrison, Aiiyns ('mneron, A J. Mnclver, Georjj;e Iiijj^rahiim, John McUae, Hrctor McXeil, Alexander McDonald, Lituchlan McFadynn, Angus Mclvor, iinodt-rick McKae, Samuel C. Crtnj|ibell, l)onal(i McLean, Donald McQuarry, John A Fraser, Don Mcllae, Alexanders. McDonald, Henry Foyle, Donald Gillis, J. C. Boyd, Edward P. McNeil, Duncan McAskill, Murdoch Mi-Kc!izie, Don McKay, Philip Frascr, Doii;dd J. Mcllae, Himh McAskill, Malcolm M.'Lo>)d, Duncan McKae, Donald McLean, Jno Morrison, Pryor Hull, Charles H:irt, David McCurdy, Chas McDonald, Chas L. (Campbell, Peter McLeod, Donald McKetizie Charles M.-Uac, Leonard McLeod, Colin Miinro, Duncan Kerr, Donald Walker, Robert I). Campl)ell, Joseidi Hcdan, Ronald McDonald, Donald McLcoil, Duncan McLeod, Angus M<-DoMald, John Munro, Nathan Nunn, James McKinnon, Alcx'r McDonald, D F. McRae, Allan M«'Millan, Aniens M<Kenzie, Duncan McDonald, J EL Cahonn. Daniel Livingston, P^r S. McLean, Philip McDonald Tliomns S. Maclean, Lauchlan G C mipbcll, John A. McDonad, Donald J. McLeod, Donald vIcDonald, John Campbell, Mich'l McLean, Donald McLean, Alexander McDonald, John T. Bethune, m.d., Horatio H. Haliburton, John VV. Campbell, Neil W. McKenzie, Duncan McLennan. r'ocNTY OF Yarmooth — Toimship of Yarmouth : I^eonard Weston, Benjamin Rogers, Thomas D. ('hipman, Nathan Hilton, Witiium Bnrrill, Robt Brown, Ansel Robliins, Nelson Corning, Nathan Crosby, Benj P. Crosby, Geo Crt)sby, John Raynard, (ieo S. Brown, Samuel Flint, Jacob Hatfield, Nathan Moses, Chas Tedford. Chas Sieel, Sanil Crosby, Rich T. Crosby, Jo'iu Randall, John A. HtftHeld, Steph Patten, J. VV'entworth Moody., Alden Ellis, Charles E Brown, Win Haley, Jcb Linders, Freeman Dennis, SamI M. Ryerson, Nathaji Lewis, Wm V. Brown, Chandler Robbins, Sml Hamilton, Byron I'. Ladd, Geo H. Jenuins, Thos B. Crosby, Thos M. Lewis, R.'beit K. Rose, Nathaniel W. W. Hogur, Charles Calian, jr., VV. H. Moody, Wm D. Lovitt. Georyie R. Doty, William Law, Nathaniel Churchilli Amos Hilton, Ira Porter, Daniel McLaughlin, Joseph R. Kinney, Ansley Porter, David Crosby, Nathan B Lewis, William S. Porter, William Burrill, jr., Ezekiel E. Rini:, John Murphy, Samuel J. Hatfi Id, George* R. Smitii. James l»urkee. James J. Lovitt, James Cr'»s'»y, Hrirris H. Crosby, James F. S.'ott, Wiilia n H. (\)ok, Abrain Tliurston, Francis G. Cook, Elwaril S. Wil.iams, Frank Killam, J. W. H. Rowley, E K. Archibald. Baruaru E. t<o.:ers, Jackson Richer. Rolwit S. Eakins, James M. Lent, Matthew D'Entrcmont, John Bonrque, Michael Surette, Obed W. Sloconib, Cyril Babine, Jeremiah D'Entremont, Stillmati Larkin, Enos Gardner, Jas Doticett, Simeon Gardner, Gervais D'Entremont, 4f*eter Surette, Jacob Flint, Kdw vS. Perry, Ansclm O. Porter, Hilairc V. Porter, Dennis Surette, Caleb Spitiney,J. Harvey McLarreti, Albert Gay ton, Lemuel Haniilton, John Goodwin, jr., James Aniero, L'-nn V. AmiTD. JoS S. .Blauvelr, John Carlaiid, Jeremiah Murphy. M'ilford fSims, J. Inurain Brandii William H. (iavdl, David L. Poru-r, J. B. LeB^anc, Aiiram S. Lent, N. Travis, Ceasar D'Ui ett, Jas A. Hutlielil, Forman Hatfield, Phiip Hilton, (sim in D'Entiemont, Ctssar Douceite. OiHtrict of Aril 1)1 e Je^cry, Peter S." W. D'Entremont, Sims, Louis B. > ca ?i o CO » a en ? Si > Si M iA 3» Or 3 Yon >rill li« lUWHyit khidly treMC«<l» Mit4l mih>« mtintVMMium«*mrr t« yfm. HrjMl of Powei»« Wharf, HjiHfax, N. S. 1882] ALMANACK. 113 DOMINION OFFICERS. o u o «1 (A i o o « n o w 13 « o « -8 a rt 9) o PIITAITOIAL DEPARTMEITT-ITOVA SOCTIA* BRANCH. Includss Audit Office, Assistant T?eceivor General's Office, and Savings* Bank. Apditor's Officb. — Auditor, Sydenham Howe. Arrnuvfnvf, Robert Stntlier. Cle.rl; J. P. l>illon ASTSTAN'T T^RPPTVHR OKXF,nAT/s npFICK. — As.liN'nvf Rccrtrer General, J. R. Wallace. Accountant, Lewis Parker. Messenger, Micb Austin. Savings' Bank.-'-.1/«w«0"'»*, J. ^- Wallnoe Acrnuntanf, A C. Johnstone. Teller, J. H. BalfOin. Clerk, ,). 11. Tiihyow. AOKNCIES op DOM Acadinn Mines*, Goorjrc Romans. Amherst , T. L. Rhiikhorn. Antiqnnish, Misx M. I'). FL-iiry. Aiivnpo'is, A. S Rn;:tfles. Arirhnt, I*. Ciiivhv., Alex Cameron. Barriii(jtoii, F. W. Ilotner. Bridf/ewnfer, TlioniR"* Whitford. Dhjhif, Hotsford Veils. Gnijshoro, Chrisfojiher Jost. Keiitville, John Re<iii( n. Liverpool, Uobie Sterns. , iNioN Savings' Rank. Lvnenhurq, Mrs. A M. Rudolph Maitland, L. R. Ci chraii. Parrslinrn, A. S. T« wnshend. Poj'/ //flof/, E D. Treinnin. Pictou, Alex. McPhnil. Sheihroohe, 'I'hos Ciim|ibi'll. SlieJburne, VV. W. At wood. Sfidney, J. McVarish. Truro, John F. Crow. lFf//»;*o«//j, r. 1). Jones. lFn/rf.wr, Kd.O'Rrien. Yarmouth, A. J. Hood. Immigration Office — Ajent, Edwin Clay, Halifax. Insprotor op Steamers for Nova Scotia and New Rruns- wiCK — VV. M. Smith, St. John, N. R. • Arbitrators — James Cowan, Isidore Hurteau, William Compton, William Taylor. Port op Halifax — Tnsp'^ihq Phi/st'cinn. {%\ .000) W. N. Wiekwire, M. D. Assistant Phi/sirlari, ($400) James Pitts. M.D. Port Warden. Capt David Hunter. fJarbonr Master, Capt Edw (VRrien. Shipping Master, Asahel R. Rlijxh. Port of Pictou — Hnrhnnr Commissiqners. Hor». Robert P. Grant, James F). McGregor. Thus Fcaser. Pilofaqe Author it jf. Hon. Unhort f. Grant. James D. Mc<TreL'«>r, Alexander J. Patterson, Captriin Daniel McH'onald. Hnrhour i\/aster, John Gntin. Port op Sydney — Port Phi/slrian, A. D. MeGillivray, M. D. Harbour Master, Arthur H. Rourinot. Shipping Master, Robert K. Injrraliam. Pq?!T Warden at Port 11 vvke.sbinv, Daniel llennc^sy. " •' at Port Miil;:rave; GeMr}:o R. Hadley. «iory t« ytmy il4 f • >f ArUMI'*^ OMf' ll»iNlw«>ikt-> -MtHMS-ime MiVt. %ma» M. c S > n W I e § a 1 IM In Am iM wM H. II. FULLER & CO., liend of Powell's Wlinrf, I* ■' i t, Ht n n I m o § 4» OB O o OB O I n u lU bklcher's farmer's [1882 INLAND BEVENUE DEPARTMENT. 4( it Note or Bill for Singly. Over $25 $0 01 25 to $50 f>Oto 100 :m to 200 200 to 300 300 to 400 400 to 500, 500 to 600 , And so on. 02 03 Oft 0!) 12 15 18 Duplicate, each part. $0 01 01 02 04 06 08 10 12 Triplicate, each part. $0 01 01 01 02 03 04 05 06 Inspector for Nova Scotia, Gkorge Esson, Esq. Halifax — Collector, A. McLeod. Deputi/ Collector, H. N. Grant. Excisemen, F. G. Wainwriyht, John P2ad, jr.j P. Hagarty, D. Carrol, H. D. Munro, II. S. K. Ncal. PiCTOo — Collector, Win Jack. Excise Ofiicer, Georgo J. Campbell. North Sydney — Collector, M. A. McDonald. Yarmouth — Collector, T. V. B. Bingay, Esq. Excise Duties. Beer, brewed in whole or in part from any other substance than malt 8 cts per gnl Cigars, of all kinds 40 cts per lb Malt 1 ct per lb Spirits, Manufactured from Raw or Un-malted Grain*. . . .$1.00 '• " Malted Barley, no Excise or Cus- toms Duty having been paid. . 1.02 . *♦ "Molasses, Syrup or Sugar (in bond) 103 Petroleum Free " Inspectors' fees— Packages over 20 gals 10 cts per pckge " " *' under20gals ictpergal Spirits, proof '. $1.00 per gal Tobacco and Snuff 20 cts per lb Common Canada Twist, called tohnc blmc en tor guette, madn frum tobacco the growth of Canada 4 cts per lb Vinegar .. . 4 cts per gal Me by iated Spirits, proof. 15 cts per gal Iiicenscs. Bonded Manufactures annually, $50 - Brewers ... '. 50 Distillers or Rectifiers 250 Compounding 50 Maltsters— 4 class, 5')0 to 1000 centals malt per month, SO • 3 1000 to 1500 100 2 I500to2000 150 1 2000 and upwaid 200 Tobacco Manufacturers 76 Bonding Warehouse 40 Stamp Duties. Bill Stamps are of the denominations of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 cents, and $1, $2, and $3. They are to be aflBxed to Bills of Exchange, Drafts apd Promissory Notes, viz : — O S CO o o o H o M 0) > > H it VoH trill tilWMj'ii llii«l nt P. WAL4H'A Hnrdfvnre Store* Have all sizes best Ainerioaii Rubber Beliingr* 1882] ALMANACK. 115 i u 9 g (A s n V u ■H •0 (S « 4! (0 e « •8 The person affixidg the stumps is required, in all cases, to cancel tlibnj by writing: or stamping thereon the date, wliich nmst correspond with the date of tlie instrument to which they are affixed. 'WBiaSTS AlTD lASASVRSS. ( INSPECTORS. Holifax, R. M. King: P. Tompkins, Assistant. Sydney, L. E. Trpmaine. Pictou, J. McKa}'; Alex McKay, Assistant. Yarmouth, Charles Allisun. DOMINION MEASURES OF CAFACITY. Bushel, half bushel, peck, gallon, may be of (1) Bronze or Brass Oast; (2) Hammered Sheet lirass or (>opper, slrenuthen d bv rims of similar metal, and upright straps; (3) Sheet Iron, when of sufficient strength to retain the form of the measure under ordinary usuage, either with wood or iron bottoms; (4) Wood, of any suitable quality, witli iron or hardwood rim. When of Wood, the edge to be sufficiently thick to receive the brand. Gallon, half gallon, quart, pmt, halt pint, gill, half gdl, may be made of (1) Bronze or Brass, cast; (2) Hammered Siieet Brass or Copper, with suitable rim of similar metal; (3) Hard Pewter; (4) Stout tin plate of approved thickness. No measure of capacity of which the sides or bottom are indented, battered, or knocked out ol the regular form, will be admitted t'^ verifica- tion, nor any whose bottoms are not sufficiently strong to carry the contents without changing their form. Fees, to be Collected for Measures of Capacity. DOMINION MEASURES. Denomination. Bushel i Bushel Peck Gallon i Gallon Quart Pint i Pint Gill iG'll Set fron» Bushel lo Peck.. . . Set from Gallon to i Gill. Material. (a o *» on u o 9i s ^S- & . c %0 aJ ri o o V a> s .C ^ c4 K^ pa cc CC CB P- Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. 30 30 540,.... 10 25 25 15 .... 7 20 20 15.... 5 15 10 10 15 5 10 10 10 10' 5 10 10 5; 10.... 5 5 5 5.... 5 5 5 5.... 5 5 5 5 . . . . 5 ft 5 5 . . . . 75: 75 50;....| 20 40 40 30 40 A 4*4inipl«-tv M4>ck of Mipcrlor forket iiuil 'I'able ('iiti4>ry. •JIt 4i n 'id o xS XI lit o AuMMlcan riio|n,lM-- AxeSf best ina1((tr8« 16 HDICUHKS FaUHERS [1882 Fees to be charged for Vc>TifIeation of Weiffhtt-BridKes, Platform Scales, Weighing MachiucH, Balances and Stselyards. Balances with eaual nrms^ To wniffh 5 11)9. and unrte^yn fncli pan ^ SO To w('i).vh fi'oni 5 Ihs up to 60 facli 50 To wci^h from S(» lbs up to 100, uadi i)au 7ft To wcijih from 1 lbs upwards 1 Oi) Stoclvards with divided arm; To w. inh 5110 lbs and niider. .$0 50 500 to I.O'Mi lbs .,. 75 1.000 to 2,000 !l)s 1 00 2 0(K)lbs and upward* 1 60; Wi'iffiibrid^rcHor PlatFwni Scalt's: To wiif^h not more than 25i'lbs -Vc •• •• bOOIbs 75(! To weiKl" 2,000 lbs & under. «l 00 " 2,(ii'0 to 4.(!("4b9 1 50 " 4,000 to O.OOlMbs. 2 00 And for each Additional ton-. 50 It «t T'> lio verified 1 at tb« Inspector's Oliici'. If verified elsewhere cost of curtaj^o of weights used for verificathon to be charged extra. And in addition to these rates tbo co-*t of ■Ciirtiujj the weights used lor vrciflcatlon. LINEAL MEASURES. Material. — Tbese measures may be made of any suitable hard metal, or 01 strai .'ht jfrained wood. NV lien of wood the ends must be protected bv metal tips, well secured The chains of iron or steel with solid joints. Tbe Ribands may be of steel or of metal wire woven with other fibre. Fices to be charged for Verifioation of Lineal Measure. Of Metal. Of Wood. 10 feet , 6 " 5 " .3 " or j'ard i vavd 2 feet 1 foot i foot 25 cts. 25 25 8 8 2 2 2 20 cts. 20 20 6 6 2 2 8 Chain or Riband lOOfeet 81 60 50 66 33 00 00 75 \ FORMS OP DOMINIOX WEIGHTS. Avoirdupois Weights. From 80 lbs. down to one pound, cylindrical, with knob« The«anie, with rmfr. Kectangrdar block with ring or handle east solid. Truncated square pyramid From 5 lbs. down to one half drain. Any of the above forms; also flat difcs in nests. Grain Weinhts. From l.O'^O grains down to ten grains. Cylindrical with a small rising stem and Unob Six grains and under. Rent platinum or aluminium wire so bent as to repp'sviit the nnni'ier of grains, or decimal parts of a grain In every case I Iw dctiominatitm of the weisht when <>f suflicient size, uni t J>e cast. eB;;riive(l or stamped on them in bold legible numeral.^, of •6120 duly proportioned to the size of the weight- b H n H hi H t* H > t-" H (A ?> H •m > HI n % i» ^\ »j IS *^\ A tuH a«M»rliuetti of JI^mim) ITMtkter** nnj^klcn. At II. H. FULLER & CO.'S, henil of Power's Whnrf. [1882 Platform 'ardR. .»n 30 . 50 . 75 . 1 n:» (nspector's jwherc cost used for ;d extra. se r.ites tho lits used for hard metal, >e protected solid joints. r fibre. 3asure. Of Wood. 20 cts. 20 20 6 5 C n H H It* ^ I m«; also flat small rising so bent as to uflicieiit size, numerals, of f H (/I P n H Id w US i *3 h g 8 itf s if I s a e 14 1882] ALMANACK. 117 A 60 lb. weight for the bushel of wheat of some form sufFciently distinct from the form herein debvribcd to prevent the one being niiutaken fur the other. Troy Weights From 500 ounces down to one ounce. Trtncated cone with l^nob. From 6 ounces down to .001 o.inco. flat fijuare p'utes. Tlie denoniinaliun to ije engraved on tlie topof the knob of each weight, in as large numerals as the size of the weight will admit: and al^o uu the face ot the smaller weights. Fees to be Collected for Verification of Weights. DOMINION W i: Hi 11 T 8 . AvoiHDurois Wkigiit. • Veriiication Fees. Deuomiuation. % ^d i 2 1 pa A o cts. cts. cts. 60 lbs. 25 25 30 50 " 20 20 25 80 " 20 20 25 20 " 20 20 25 10 " 10 10 15 5 " 5 5 10 ♦ a '' 5 5 iO 2 " 5 a 10 1 '« 5 5 10 8 oz. 5) 5 4 " 3 5 •c 2 " 5 5 0) 1 " 5 & s 8 drams. 4 " 5)[ 5 -3 1 " 5 5 4 *' ft) Set as above from 50 lb. down to 1 lb $0.75 iO.75 $1.20 Do do from 8 oz. to J dram. . $0.30 Set of grain weights, frojn 1,000 grs grain. to .01 of a doAvn in authorized series S0.90 Tkoy Wkight. Verificntion Fees. Denomination. Bronjse only. cts. 500 oz. 50 3(.'» " ^ 40 2<i0 " r 36 100 " 30 50 ** 20 30 " 20 20 " 20 10 '• 20 5 " 15 3 *^ 10 9, " 10 1 " 10 .5 10 3 10 a 10 .1 10 .05 10 oa 10 .02 10 .01 10 .006 10 .ooa 10 .00-^ JO .001 10 Set as above from 50O oz. to 1 oz. .. . . . Szbi) do. from ..') oa down l» .00!.. S1.50 3 U > M 1 o o B s I •5*111 l!iU At P.. "WAiAn.'^, I'ltjr Harilwiirc 8C<ire, Nurike* teCLunrr. A L 1^' m ,1'!.::,. ■1 '%' Firih'M Oottigruii ttud Hqiiaro Cast Steel, 118 BELCHEFiS FAKMlillS [1882 If upon a beoond or any RtihHequent verifiontion the Weights, Mensiurea nn-l Weighing Machines submitted are found to be correct within the tolerated error, one-fourth of tlie fees hereby impossd shall be remitted upon the production of f«atisfactory evidence of the former veiitication. The following extracts from the Weights and Measures Act of 1879 will give valuable infoi-ination : In contracts for the sale and delivpry of any of the undermentioned articles, the huithel shall be determined by weighing, unless a bushel by measure be specially agreed upon— the weight equivalent to a bushel being as follows : — Wheat, sixty pounds, Indian Corn, Afty six pounds, Uye, fifty-six pounds, Peas, sixty pounds, liarley, forty eight pounds, Malt, thirty six pounds. Oats, thiity-four jtounds. Timothy seed, forty-eight pounds, lillcl<wh^• it, forty eight pounds, Khix seetl, fifty pounds, lieinp seed, forty four pounds. Blue grHHs seed, fourteen pounds. Castor beans, forty pounds, Potatoes, turnips, carrots, parsr'.ps, beets and onions, sixty pounds. Heans, sixty pounds. Clover seed, sixty pounds, In using a Dominion Measure of capacity the same shall not be heaped, but either shall be stricken with a round stick or roller straight and of the same diameter from entl to end. or if the articles sold cannot from its size or shape be conveniently stricken, shall be filled in all parts as nearly to the level of the brim as the size and shape of the article will admit. Kvery contract, bargain, sale or dealing made or had in the Dominion of Canada for any work, goods, wares or merchandise, or other thing which has been or is to be done, sold, delivered, carried or agreed for by weight or measure, shall be deemed to be made and had according to one of the Dominion weights or measures ascertainetl by this Act, or to some multiple or part thereof, and if not so made or had shall be void, except only when made acuonling to the metric system ; and all tolls and duties charged or collected nccording to weight or measure, shall be oharged and collected according to one of the Dominion VVeights or Measures ascertained by this Act, or to some multiple or part iihereof. No local or customary measureu in the use of the heaped measure shall be lawful. Any person who sells by any denomination of weight or measure other than one of the Dominion weights and measures or some multiple or part thereof, shall be liable to a fine, not exceeding twenty dollars for every such sale. Every weight, except when the small size of the weight renders it impracticable, shall have the denomination of such weight stamped or engraved on the top or side thereof in legible figures and letters. Every measure of capacity shall have the denomination thereof stamped or en- graved on the outside of such measure in legible figures and letters. Every beam, steelyard or weighing machine shall have marked upon some essential part of it the maximum weight which it is constructed ♦^^o weigh, and also on the weights or poises used with it their actual weight when truly adjusted, in parts or multiples of the avoirdupois pound. A weiijht or measure not in conformity with this section shall not be stamped with such stamp of verification under this Act, as is h>5rein mentioned. Every trader, manufacturer, carrier, public weigher, ganger, measurer, surveyor or other 'j)erson, who uses, for any purpose of buying, selling or charging for the carriage of any goods, wares, merchandise or thing. 3 t ca H < « > d i M « » CO O » o H H 0) ralul Urushett, Horse ttra«heis Shoe Brudbvs, Stove UruKhes, o u u $0 fi § CI s •^ H u •ti « u d 9 S «■ > •*• n •8 , e Mil At It, H. TVthtn & CO.^S, fiend of Power's W'haU. Q U P u V Q U V il >> il) < M M * a 9 5 (0 o .0 N •a IS , a 1882] ALMA N AUK. IIU or of meanuring nny IhI))], gooilt. mnteiiiiU or other tliini;, fur ^lie pur- poie of cliurgiiig for or HMcertttiiiiiig tli« piice to Ite [niirl, or tliH fli.tiL.t' to be inatle therefor, M>y weight or inei«i«uie, or wiighiM^ ntiit-hiitf w iic i liHH not been duly iiiM|ifvtit(l und Htiini|it!il Hvuvrdiit^ Ui tiiiM Aut. ttiiili \>i- guilty of Hii olfeiioe HisMiii4t tliiH Act; luid hIimII, on t'tuiviviiun. iikiu .> I)vniilty of not more tluin Htty iiur U-^n tliaii five dollHitt i>>r cmcIi mu <' oft'encH ; »nd every Hnvli uiiHtani|)i:d wcij^ltt, weigimiii iitMuiniitt «>i nii.tNu<> so usud, found in hid iiouseHtiion, Hltall, on ht-ing diMcovntrii hy ii.< inH])ector, or Inn HttsiHlHUt. bu furrt'itt'd ami IuiHimuIi otik^ud ami hiokc by bin), without Huit or other autlioiity tlian t .is Act: Except that tl<e ntitnufautuier of or dualir in wti^litB nit>us)uits •> weighing nitichineM who iiax in his pottMeH.Hion tor Hatu any wt-i^hl nienuiiie or weighing machine, fhall not bu buimd lo Iwivo the hihih- inK])evted and stanipeii accoriling to tiiis Act, mj long au the namii k Uixin in bis inantifautory or waielioutie ; but no Hiicit wd^lii, nlcit^lllt' or weighing nnicidne ehali be ieniove<l truiri bu |.>uniiiicr«. sulit or lalii'ii into Ubo for trade witliout having been in^iivcteit and t>tiimj>< d : Any tiuder not being a nianufhctuier of oi iIchRm- in woi^btu, niea8i;rc> or weigliing intichinea, liaving in Uia )iusML-8.-<ion any un8tani)ied weigbiN measuiOH or weigbing-niachineu, Kliall bu liable to a [lenaliy ot twenty- five dollars for the hist otfence, uinl foi each .stibheqiient offence to a penalty of fifty dolhirs ; nnd the inspectoi or his aHsihtant shall forihwitli seize such weights, measures or weighing-machines which shall be forfeited. If any |)erson forges or counterfeits any stamp »i«f d for the stamping imder this Act, of any measure, weii^ht, bitliinue or \v(:ij>hin^-ni.iciiim . or used before the cuinmencement or this Act tor the »tiiuipnig oi any measure, weight, balance or weigliin^-ntacliine iinder any en>i<:iiiient repealed by tkis Act, or wilfully inci eases or iiiinitiishes >iny wci^^ht or measHie so stitmped. or in any way alteis or tampers wi*^h any balanct or weif^'lung niaciiiiMi wliich has been so stamped, so as to cause it lo weii^k unjustly, be shall be liable to a penalty of forty duihi.s for the first offence, and for each subswquent offence he shall incur a penalty ot I one bundled dolhirs and two months iinjnisonineiit : I Aay person who knowingly usus, sells, ntteis, disposes of, or exposes for Bale, any measure, weight, balance or weighing-machine, with such forged or counterfeit stamp tiiereon, or any weight, measure, balaiice oi i weighing-machine so inci eased, diminioheii, falsitied or taiiipeu'd with. shall be liable to a penalty fur the Hist offence not exceediag littj ; dollars, nnd for each subsequent otfence one hundred dollars. I Any pet'f'on, uot bci|^ ii nmnufncturer or dealer in weigiits, measures I and weighing machines, who refuses to produce fur inspection whtu re quired to do so by any inspector or inspector's assistant appointed iindei tins Act, nil weights, measures and weighing machines in his pussessioii and used for any purpose of trade, or — Any manufncburer of or dealer in weights, measures or weijj:hing- machines, who refuses to permit the inspectivn. when required in the manner herein provided, of any weights, measures »r woighing-niachinex about to be removed from his premises to be used for purposes of trade, or who permits any such weights, measures or weighing macldnes to be so removed without hiiving been first inspected and stamiied as herein required, — shall, on conviction, forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding twenty dollars for the first, and forty dtdlars far th« secoad or an^ subsequent offence. All forfeitures and penalties imposed by this Act, or by any regulation made under its authority, shall be recoverable, with coats, before any civil court of competent jurisdiction, or before any Justice of tlie Peac*^ .■i O CD to 'r ' i and i^vrnbc^lng iirnshM, at r. vriili>lH'(».-8e« auT. page 91. AiuerlcAti mid Dullish Hnfot) l<ii8C» Li'' - •.•'■<i £ I s O I iliO DKTiCIIEKH FAUMEHH [1882 foi^tlio (linhiiot, ooutity or plnce in whioli the ofTmiue wan oomniitted, if Hiicli foifeituiR ov peiiiiity tloes not exueed Mty (lullam, Hnd bvfore uny two Hiiuli juHtioeH, or any muKittrMte iiHvinK, l>y law, tho power of two Hucli JuHtiueii, if it exceeds Afty dollars, upon proof by uonfeHsion, or by tliu utitli of one crrdiblo witness, —Hnd nmy, if not t'oith with paid, be U>vied by execution of distress Hntl sale of the goods and chattels of the olfundcr, by warinnt, under tiiu hand and sepl of such iiistice, justices or nia^'istnite— by whom also any imprisonment to wiiioh tho offender is liable may be awarded ; and to all such oasos the Act passed in the Hosiiion iieid in the thirty-second anil thirty thinl years of ner iMujesty's rei^n. and intituli'd "^1/t Act respietinif the dutieit of Justices of the I'eace out of Sesaionn in relation to Hummary convictions and orders," shall apply, subject to the provisions of this Act : One half of any ])nnalty so recovered shall belong to the party suing for tiie same, not being an inspector, or an inspector's assistant, and the other lialf, or (if the party suing is an otHcer acting in pursuance of this Act) the whole penalty shall belong to Her Majesty for the uses of the Dominion : Every such suit shall be instituted in the name of the inspector acting in pursuance of this Act, who shall account for the penalty to the Department of Inland lievenue : Any person aggrieved by the use of any weight or measure, or weigh' ing machine, which has not been duly inspectc<l and stamped accordiag to this Act, or which may 1)6 found light, deficient or otherwise unjust, may recover treble damages and costs. No action or prosecution shall be brought against any person for any forfeiture or penalty imposed by this Act, unless the tame is commenced within three months after the offence is committed. OAS IITSPSOTIOIT. Under Act 36° Victorift, Cap. 48, 1873, provision is made for the Inspection of Gas, which in Nova Scotia is to bo of the illuminating power of sixteen candles. Apparatus for testing and analysing the Gas supplied to IIalitii.N, has been fitted up in Hcsslciri's Building, II(dli3 Street. Inspectors — Halifax, Archibald Miller; Pictou, James Hepburn. INSPECTION OF 7ISB ANB OILS. iNsrKCToiis — County of Uti'ifiix, I'^dniund Ryan ; Yurmmith, Bobert Krown; Guysbwouyh, Wni G. Seott,Jr. ; 67. Mnry't Bay, Henry Redmond; Richmond, Alauricc .1. Kavanagh; Isle Madame, E E Umett; Colchester, I. II. Flemniing; Annapolis, Israel Lotting; Victoria, J. A. Matheson; Inver- ness, A. IJ. Skinner; Cope. Breton, Geory^a Scott; Antif/onish, W. J. Webb; Lunenburg, George Anderson ; Shelburne^ Daniel McKenzie. Fees for Inspection, Act 37 Viotoria, Chap. 45, 1874. For each tierce of Salmon, salmon-trout or sea-trout, fifeent cents. For each half tierce of salmon, salmon-trout or sea trout, ten cents. For each barrel of salmon, salmon-trout or sea-irout, fifteen cents. For each half-barrel of salmon, salmon-trout or sea-trout, ten cents. For each barrel of mackerel, ten cents. For each iialf-barrel of mackerel, five centa. For each barrel of herring, five cents. For each half-barrel of herring, three cents. Ckopving Axectf Sblnsllne Halclietof IiiitlilMg llatcli«t«* o ;i882 «• 1 lA 1 •ft For For ^ For For ^* For W For 9 For 2 1 polloc M ' For Post ($1,20 Cunni Joseph Muhcn Willia A. C. Carrie Edw. Roht. Mulca «r [1882 riiitted, if »t)fore any 'er of twu •ion, or by li i>ai(l, b« tela of ihfl jiiHtioesor | )tfeiulei- is sed in the Mujestv'n ices of the d ordtra" larty suing it, and the nee of this ises of the ! inHpeotor alty to the , or weigh • I Accordiag ise unjust, on for any jominenced nde for the luminating ilysin^; the Building, tou, JameB mthy Bobert y Kednumd ; Jolcheater, 1. eson; Inver- V. J. Webb; 1874. cents, cents. ;entH. 3 cents. it B. H. njlLER * Ce.'S, head off Power'* Wharf. n For «Nh barrel of shad, ten cents. For each half-barrel ol shad, seven cents. For each barrel of whiteAsh, ten cents. For ea«h half-barrel of whiteflith, seven cents. For each barrel of pickled codfldi, hake, haddock or catfish, five cents. For each halt-barrel ditto, thrtte cents. For each barrel of dry-sakcd codfish, hake, haddock, catfish, ling or pollock, five cents. For each half-barrel ditto, three cents. For -each barrel ot bass, ten cents. For each half-barrel base, seven cents. For each barrel o< cod tongurs, cod sounds, hallibut or eels, tan c«nt8. For each half-barrel ditto, seven cents. For each barrel smoked herring, ten cents. For each box smoked herrinfi;, one cent. For each half box ditto, halt cent. For each qutirler box ditto, quarter cent. For inspecting, gauging and branding each puncheon of oil, twenty ets. For inspecting, gauging and branding each hogshead of oil, fifteen cents. For inspecting, {tauging and branding each tierce of oil, twenty cents. For inspecting, gauging and branding each barrel of oil, ItHeen cents. The foregoing rales shall bd reckoned exclusive of salt, pickle, cooper- age, storage and labor employed hi washing., rmsing, cleaning, nailing, screwing or re-packing ana pivkling any fish. For branding or marking Newfoundland tish which have been insi)«cted in Newfoundland, two cents per barrel For inspecting empfty packages, one cent. POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT, CANADA. NOVA SCOTIA POSTAL DIVISION. Post Office Inspector, ($2,200) Charlci J. Macdonald. Asat. P. O." Inspector, ($1,100) J. D. Story. Clerks, Inspector's Office, T Soathall, DouglaH Stewart, Ttiomas E. Davison, S. J. R. Sircom. Resident Office Keeper and Messenger, R. R. McMillan. Bailway Mail Servioo* Clerks, E. A. Bent, Alfred Brown, Frank P. Bent, J. McN. Gabriel, R. Davison, J. W. H. Cam«ron, J. McNeill, W. Crowly, S. Hall, G. A^ Hawkesworih, J. D. Rosa, John Campball. Halifax Feat Office. Post Mnuhr, ($2,400) H. W. Blackadar. Assistant Postmaster ^ ($1,200) F. \». Tremaine. Clerks, Thos. W. De Wolfe, Arthur H. Cunningham, Wra. H. Chamberlain, T. G. Creighton, T. W. Casey, Joseph O'Brien, John O'Toole, W. V. Smith, David O'Brien, Patk. Mulcahy, C. D. Fraser, C. M. R. Lownds, L. W. Travis, F. J. Power, William Parker, Edward Delanev, Cbrfs. Woods, Jas. A. Mansfiald, A. C. Crowe, W. H. Walker. Newspaper Smier, John Wood. Letter Carriers, S. Saunders, (Snperintendcnt); J. Fitz^nild, John Wilson, Edw. Carroll, 11. G. Laurilliard, J. Mahar, J. O'Mallev, P. Mullaney, Roht. Myers, Neil Brodie, John A. Grant. Box Collectors, J. J. Muicahy, John Hosterman. Messenger, D. Silverthorne. - ,1 i otaeta* or iiirpeHor ifaalRy, at P. WAIiSII'S C^ty Hard^iYnrc More. Ror8« S&oes and Horse Kailv^ ,4 ■ I ■ ^^m 3 c« e u A 122 BELCHERS ¥AR}SEa& [l»82 HTMLS, Jforthem-^(By Tntercoloii&l Kafl''/ajv> Counties of Cumberland and Colches- ter, and £a»t«m Hants ; an-^ nfaueet m HalH'ox along the line of Inter- colonial Railway ... Truro, Amherst. Aeadki nttnct, Sb»- benaeadie und Bedford.. . , Musquodoboit, via Shubonaeadie,. . . Eastern — (By Pictou Draneh.) Counties of Pietotv Antisoniahr and GuysboTo'; and lakma o* Carpe Breton • Pictou (town) and New Glasgow. .r. Eastern Short— (hj Coacft.) Musquodoboit Harbor, Tangier, Sheet Harbor, Marie Joseph, &c ... CLOSE, Daily, Sandays es. Semi-dany Suh. e:i. AR]!<£, Western— i^y W. Ijr A. Railway.) CouHties of Yarmouth, Digby Ann*- potia, and Kings, and Western Hants EHersliouse, Newport &tcik>n, Wind- H04-,Hant8port,WoUyiUe & Kentvi'Ue Western Shore— (Bj Consh.) Counties of Lunenburg, Queens, and Shelburne, awl settlements at head of N. W, Arm and l^t. Margaret's Bay (Co. of Halifax). Netv Brunnvick. Ontario, (^tcbeCf Mamtoba, and Britnii Columbia. Magdalfn Islands via Pictou. ......... P. E. Island via P.ctoti and Ch'town. via Shcdiae.-. .. NetfffoKndland — By Allan Line of Steamers. . . .. . By Cromweil Line of Steamers. . Si. Pierrt tt Miqwelom. Bermuda, W. Indies, ^ British Gviana By Cunard Packet direct By Shlos of War Via the (Jnited States The United States — Via St. John, N. B. Mexico, Central America, and Atlantit Coast of South America, via tfvivi York..." Paeijic Coast of South America, China, Japan, India, Australia, New Zeat- and, via Sar, Francisco Dtiily, Sundays ex. Semi-daily, ^m. ex. Mon.,Wed.,Fri, Dd fly, SuiiAty» ex. Semi-daily, Sun. ex. Dafly, Sun^B ex. Semi-daily, Sun. ex. DaHy, Sundays ex. Weekiy imtil navign- tio.i doses. Mor. We. Th. and Sa. Bion. and Thai, Fortni^hily. Tbi-ee times p. month Every altemateMon day after arrtvn) of Enff^ish maiK Monthly. As opportunity offers Dally, Sundays ex. Daily, Sundays eat. Daily, Sundaj's ex. Daily, Sundays ex. S4iiiy, SniMRnys ex;^ Send-dailyrSm). es Tues., TbHf 8., Sat. Men., Wed., Fri. Daily, Sundays ex. Sean-daily, Svin. ex. Tnes., Thuvs.^ Sat, l>»9y, Sundays ex. Se»i-dally. Sum. ex. Dai}y,Sui>d^y8ex. Daily, Sundays ea. Daily^ Sundays ex. Weekly Hirtfl close of navij^ation, Mon.Wed. Thur. 8s, Wed. and Sat. FortBTghtly. Three times p. nonth Fortnightly.days na- cevtaln. Monthly. Unt-eirtain. Days uncertain. Daily, Sundays ex Days uncertain. Days UMcertafn. O M V) ►i CO »> b» 5 » A large Bt«ck •£ very RveM ^vnlltjr Hnud Siiw» caM be ffuiiHA TIiun~ But. mcertain. 1*9 \< is. n R O t Pi S to For sale by H. H. FULLER ft CO., head of Power^s Wlturf. 1882] ALMANACK. 123 MAILS. Cheat Britain and Ireland — Via RiraouBki, by Canadian Packet. ViaNew York , Brifieh Colonies and Foreign Countriee by way of England— Via Runoufiki, by Canadian packet. . . Via New York CLOSE. Friday. Mondays and Sat. See Great Britain & Ireland above. ARRIVE. Weekly, day imcert. Ibree tiipeB a week. See Great Britaia Ireland aboTe. Letters intended for Repi8tr<ition must be posted half an hour pre- vious to the cloKing of (he Mail by which they are to be for<varded, and both the Posta^:e and the Registration Fee must be rr<epaid. . Regis- tration closes finally ai 7. 30 p.m. Money Orders issued and p?td from 10 a.m., to 4 p.m. 8TRBBT LBTTBR BOXES. The lowvtion of the Street Letter Boxes is as follows : — Corner o, Allan and Windsor Streets, Foot of Salter and Lower Water Streets Corner of Morris and Pleasant Streets, Foot of Green and Pleasar.t Streets, Corner of l^outh Park and Victoria Road, Foot of Birmingham and Morris StreetD, Corner Spring Garden Road and South Park Street, Corner of Pleasant Street and Spring Garden Road, Corner of Sack- ville and Baii-ington Streets, Corner of Argyle and Buckingham Streets, Foot of Cogswell and Brunswick Streets, Corner of Cosswell and North Park Street, Corner of Cunard and Moren Street, Comer of Gottingen and Cornwallis Streets, Corner of Gottingen and North Streets, Corner of Gerrish and Brunswick Streets, Foot of Arts Lane and Upper Water Street, Foot of Cornwallis and Upper Water Streets, Foot of Jacob Stieet, North Street Railway Station. HALIFAX LBTTBR CARRIER^' DBLIVBRY. The Delivery of Letters br Carriers is as follows : in the business portions of the' city. Threa deliveries daily, Sundays excepted, com- menci.ig at 8 a.m., 13 noon, and 4 p.m.; in the northern portion of the city, beyond Gerrish (north), and in western portion beyond North Park, Two deliveries daily, Sundays excepted, commencing at 8 a. m., and 4 p. m ; in the south-west portion of the city. Two deliveries daily, Sundays excepted, commencinf at 8 a.m., 12.30 p.m., and 4.15 p.m.; and in the Northern, Southern, and Western Suburbs, and Richmond, One delivery daily, Sundays excepted, commeacing at 8 a.m. Letters for these deliveries will be received at the General Office up to within 15 minutes of ths commencement of each delivery. Letters ai ^ Papers should be addressed to Street and Number at which to be delivered. ChHuge of Residence should be promptly notified to the Postmaster in writing. The public are requested to adopt the house door letter-boxe^, the use of which will result in greatiy increased rapidity in the delivery of letters. No person need call at the office for letters, for all may have mail matter left at their residences regularly, without risk or charge. HALIFAX SUBURBS AND DARTMOUTH. Mails sent to Dutch Village daily, closing nt 6 o'clock a.m. To the I 1 j! I T I il ¥l kt I** WAlitU'ft. ^'Hy Nar4waM Store.— See a«v. page SI, House Baildingr Hardware at lowest rates, m t5 m I I I 1 I l^: Wi ' w ' 1 ' '^'* 1 ' ''^ « t ^ w o ^;'-^ 1 ■ v\ i ffk a' 124 BELCHER S FARMER S [1882 Three Mile House on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, and daily to the Four Mile House, at 6.30 a.m. Mails sent to Dartmouth three times per day at 6.35 a.m., 12 noon, and 4.50 pm. The rate of postage on letters to Richmond, Dutch Villajje, Three Mile House and Dartmouth is one cent per ^ oz. Pre-paymenf by stamp compulsory. COUNTRY POST OFFICES. The following is a list of the principal regular Post Offices, in III ova 8cotla, viz. : Boularderie Bm^liton Bruljjetovm Rrklyewnter Post Offices, Post Masters Acadia Mines K. M. Solomon, Advocate Harbor Nathan B. Morris. Amherst^ AmoR Purdy. Annapolis A. "W. Corbitt. Antigonishe H. P. Hill. Arickat Wm. 6. Ballam. Athol F. A. Donkin. Avonport Stat'n, J. B. Newcomb. Aylesjord T. R. Harris. liibmeck Robt. Elmsley. BarringtoH R. H. Crowell. Bear River W. S, V. T. Hardwick. Beaver River Cor,Mr8. L. Kaymond. Bermck E. C. Fostar. Big Bras 'dor, Jno. A. Fraser. Alex. Munro. J. R. Atwater. Enoch Dodpe, jr. Joseph Whitford. Brooktield, (Col) Jaoies Graham, I Caledonia Comer George Middlemas, Canning J. W. Borden. Canso James Tate. Cape George Robt. McDonald. Cape Sable /</a»(/. Isaac Kinney. Chester Mise Vict. Cljurch. Christmas Mnnd^J&mM McDougaB. Clementsport James P. Roop. Clffde Rtver Geo ThonMon. Cow Bay, Rodk. McKenaie. Cross Ims, Co HarKinBTDAti Sweet. John E. Leadley. George P. Burton. John McOoul. Hugh McDonald. W. A. Fulmer, J. Johnson. Hugh Mcintosh. H. F. Donaldson. J. McLeHu. Andre wK. Grraham. D. F. Layton. J. Ji. Brine. M. Frame. V« v«« .a«t«Oa \, J)artmmitb Dighy Durham I'^ast Bay I'eonomf Ellorshouse FJmadale ICniield Knglisbtown Mve Mnnds roily Viiloae Fi'tnck Vitlajfe Gay's River Post Offices. Post Masters. Glenelg Olengarrv Sta'a Goldenville Goose River Granville Ferry Grand Pre. Grand Narrows Great Village Greenville Sta'n Guysborougu HanUport Har. ou Bouehe Hebron Hopewell Isaac's Harbor Kentvitle Kemietcooh Kingsport Kingston Station LaiereneetowH Linqan Little Bras d' Or Matth^ ./ Archibald. Robt Sutherland. Neil McQuarrie. G. B Hurter. Sr. Hugh M. Irving. J. vV Borden. S. MoNeil. Robert Dill. J. S. Forshner. £. J. Cunningham. Wm. Davison. Fdward Corbetl Charles Cahan. John Gunn. Alex McMillan, Jr. W. M Carruthers I. S. Sand ford. Geo. Wm. Martin. A. C. VanRuskirk. John W. James. RonaM McDonald. John H. Christie. Little Glace Jky Johu J. McDonald. Liverpool Lockepoit Long Island Iioutsburg Lower Argyle Lunenburg Mabou Macean MahoneBav Alex. Cowie Ross Hammond. Jfts.W.EMridge. Miss W. Kennedy. J. F. McLarren. Lower L^ArdoiseJot^. Matht^son. Lower Stetoiacte Frs H. Holdsworth. Mrs. A. M. Rudolf II. McOonald. Robert D. Roaeh. H. ^chnare. il/atV^rK/,(Jfants)AIexr Roy. Margaree Fo» ks, Jas. F. LawreiKe. Afargaree Hnrb^i'CoWn Gillfs. MargaretviUt T. A. Marge^on. Melrose James Stewart. Middhton Jolm Gullivan. Mill Village H. H. Mack. Miltony (Queens) Edwd. Kenapton. Miimdk Gilbert Seaman. Mount Uaiacke Richard McLearu. at H > H H S \ 3 % Q u I 3 a > I H % I at 3 CO Mill iaws» Mill Saw lll«s» A«v es, [1882 f8, and daily n., 12 noon, llape, Three paymenf by Offices, in ' Masters. ./ Archibald, utherlaiul. [cQuarrie. Barter, Sr. M. Irving. Borden, ^eil. Dill. r>r8hner. Dnnningham. )aTison. d Corbett s Cahan. >uiin. le.Millan, Jr. Carruthers anciford. ^m. Martin. i^anRuskirk. V. James. I McDonald. I. Christie. ■ McDonald. [!?owie !ammond. . EMndge. r. Kennedy. ^'IcLarren. [ath^sf>n. Holdsworth. . M. Rudalf Oouald. D. Hoaeh. mare. Roy. . Lawrence. 3itlt3. ^Targeson. Stewart, liillivan. Mack. . Kemptou. t Seaman, d McLearu. H. n. FULLER & CO., head «f Power's WliAi'f« o IS 5 < a m o m I « c A I at « « 1882] ALMANACK. 125 IVtST Olil>1«!M. 1VJ8T &lASTli3n«. Mvitnnoiio'l 3fl<L Robt. Kaulhacic ** UfJipcr^.l.S. Stewart. W. New Annan, Wellington IMair. NewCampbelltonChae. L. Caaapbell A^««7 <ila»(f(m Wnu FTaser. JV^ew flose John Pratt. N-tnifKnit tTa«. F. Coobran. Neryxrrt Lfindiruf.L W. Aitison. *' Stataon ' J- L. Sweet. Ti^rffe Sydviey Wui. Forltes. A'^oe/ Ormand 0''Brie». G. K. Bail. Hem y S. Smifli. John W. Jenks. Wm. F. Moree. Edmuni McFhail. Jonathan Hartley. Jas. G. McKeea. Port Uawkeshwy^ Colle Beaten. Poi^t Hood A. C. Thomson. Pwt ifedivay Freeman Coboon. Poit Mulgrtwe Mrs. U. Trites. Poit SVttliatm Albert Chase. " " Station, Fred. E. ForsyA. Pugwash, ^ Levi Borden. S»>er Bomr^goiae, (5e« H. BisseH:. North W. Ann Oxford Parrsboro Paradftse Lane PtcUm Pirate Hartxjr Po«'t Hmthign River J(3in. River PhiUp Sandy Cove Sheet Hai4)or Shelburne ■Sherbt^ooke John D. Gould. Mrs. Grace Philips. Jno H. Moreliouse. W. Flail, l^has. a KeMej'. Jas. H. McDonald, Post Offices. Post Mabteus. SliininiicasBridg John Brantler. Shubenacndie Andrw KiTlxpatrick S/M-inff ITUl .1fi?ie6Natlian Boss. S^^nar(?^p«,(^«<),D. Chisholm. St. Mary's Bay Edw. Everett. " Rodk. G. Morrison. H. McKenzie. Alex Matheson. Mii»9 H. F. Rigljy. Win Hay. Robert Parvis. Placide Delorv. Wm. McCulIy. J M. Lent. Francis Cox. B. S. Seaman. J. P. Pmeo. John McCullougli. John Lingley. James McDonald. Wm. Munro. *' " Station,Wm- S. Graham. Wontworth Sta'nJ. H. Livingstone. Weatpoist Benj. H. Ruggles. WestvUle Duncan Balfour. WeymoiiKh C. D. Jones. ■" Bridge Geoi^e J. Hoyt. W hpcoeomaffh^ Mrs. G. McDoiiald. Wimot, E- Cumminger. Wtn^or^ Peter S. Burnliara. Wolfville, George V. Rand. YarmoHtlL, A,. J. Hood. ■St. Peters Stdiarton Sydney Si/dney Mine* Tangier Tatamafjouchie Tracadie Truro Tmltet Upp Stemacke Wallace Waiervitte Walton Waveriy West Bay " River MoneT" Order Offioea. Tlie Halifax Post Office, and the Offices in tlie above list nnailted in ttalicfi, are Money Order Offices, and are authorieed to issue Orders payable at any Money Order Offi«e in the Dominion of CaQada, New- foundlandf the United Kingdom or British India. Minor Jiost Oflloea. In addmon to the ahove, there are npwards of eight hundred minor Post Offices, and Way or Sub-Post Offices in tU« different Counties of the Pix»vtnee. Fostas'e Stamptj Fo«t Cards, ete-. issued by the Canadian 1^. O. Department. The stamps issued hy tiie Canadian Post Office Department, are of the following denoniinat4o««, vtr-. : postage stamps, i c, 1 c, 2 c, 3 c , 6 c, 10 c., 12| c. and 15 c. ; registered letter stamps, 2 c. and 5 c. Post Cards are issued at one cent each, and may be sent to any address in Canada or United States. Post Bands are for sale at the rate of SI .25 j>er hundred. Post cards are also issued at two cents eiUi'i for transmission to the United Kingdom, Newfoundland, St. Pierre et Miquelon, and certain foreign eonntriee. i g n 9 JLA r. WjUJHMU iMr Bardware gtorc, Owttotte fU OAc«. American Boat NaiJg^ Galvanlzad and Blaek, 126 bblohbr's farmer'r [1882 B&tea of Fottafte and Besistrat^on Fees to other portions of the British Empire and to Foreign Coumtries. COUNTEIES. I. Austria^ including Hungary Belgium Cyprus Denmark, including Iceland & Faroe Islands. Ecuaa;.-.-. . Egypt France ana Algeria Germany Gibraltar Great Britain and Ireland Greece and Ionian Islands Italy Japan Malta Netherlands Norway Portugal and Islands of M&deiia and Asores. . Russia and Grand Duchy of Finland St. Hierre et Miquelon Spain Sweden SwiUarland. Turkey ^European and Asiatic) Venesuela II. Aden (Arabia) Argentin* Confederation Brazil Peru Ceylon, via San Francisco, or via Bngland. . . . Houg Kong (including Amoy, Canton, Foo- Chow, Hankow, Ningpow and Swatow,) via San Franoisoo Mauritius and its Dependencies Straits SetUemente of Singapore, Penang and Malacca in.— MISCELLANEOUS. Aspinwall, via New York Aiistralia, South and West, via Siw Frsuolsco. New South Wales, via San Francisco. ...... ) Queensland and Victoria, via San Fiancisoo. ) New Zealand, via S. F Tasmania, via S. F Bermuda, via New York Bermuda, via Haliihx Cape of Good Hope Chill, via New York ladia (British) V\ji Islands, via San Francisco Java Monte Video Mexico, via New York Newibundland ^ Koz. cts. >• 5 >-10 10 7 16 16 7 5 5 10 xo IS 7 10 5 10 each, cts. 2 2 2 2 SM SjS !3 2oz. cts. 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 3 2 c* 9 « 3 S><i3 a- 85 A O 2j)z^ cts. CO 9 00 1 2 Ip 4oz 3 3 4 3 1 1 3 2 3 3 2 1 2 lp4oa a o I 15 15 R 5 7 6 5 5 6 5 2 Kvcrytblug to Ite found la a llivt-claas llurdware Mnite^ s > M M d I H > (0 3 •4 I n « Id § 1882 *i » h w (0 H It < Panam « Sandn r- Sierra f. St. Pie I United Bahnn Cuba, n Freticl Jamai( t c it Hayti \ Porto h St. Jol dire< St. Jo vial H Trlnid » t« >> 1 Guiani Leewa i rat, § Nethei ( ( Other H 1 *1 10 cts. n a To H Lette n letter « On M as L h all ca Re % if noi deHv< (A becot s be se 8 S ^ Ne be 8( rate( [1882 Ii 1 oz. Ssr • 1 1 $ M 1 1 $ CO § cffe. 5 6 19 IS 6 5 7 6 5 fi 6 5 2 > ••I I O o a; Hi « n g h M h O « i At H. H. FULIiER & CO '8, Bead of Power^i* WhAif. 1882] ALM.\NACK. COUNTRIES. Panama, via New York Sandwich Isliinds, via San Francisco. Sierra Leone St. Pierre tt Miquelon United States I P3 e cts. 10 8 10 6 3 127 tal Cards. or each wspaper under a.gj 1 § §«3 g 1 fik n o OS each, "cts. 2oz. cts. 2oz. c»». cts. 2 3 "8 5 5 10 10 ft 10 7 We-t Indies. Bahamas, via New York. Cuba, via New York " viaHaliftx Fretich posseBsious, by all routes Jamaica, via New York direct mail. " viaHalifax Hayti and San Domingo, via N. Y. direct mail " " viaHalifex | 10 Porto Rico, via New York i 5 " ViaHalifax ^...1 10 St. John, St. Thomas and St. Croix, (Danish) direct mail, via New York 5 St. John, St. Thomas and St. Croix, (Danish) via Halifax or via New York and Havanft.. . Trinidad via New York " ViaHalifax ] 10 Guiana— British, French & Dutch via N. York 10 " " viaHaliflftx. 10 Leeward Islands (Antigua, Dominica, Monser- rat, Nevis, St. Kitts, Tortola) via New York. do. ViaHalifax 10 Netherlands do. via Halifax 10 Other places in West Indies, via New York. . . 15 " « via Halifax 10 10 10 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 2 1 • Ip 4oa Ip 4* 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 4 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 3 3 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 Ii 5 5 5 5 6 B 5 5 5 10 5 * The postage on each paeket of samples addressed to the United States is 10 cts., limit of weight 8 oi. Bates of Postage within the Dominion. LETTERS. To places within the Dominion of Canada, 3 cents per half oz. each. Letters paid less than one rate will not be forwarded. Other short paid letters will be taxed with double the amount of the deficient postage. On letters posted at an Office to be delivered from it, commonly known as Local or "drop letters,'* the rate will be i cent per i oz.; to he in all cases prepaid by Postage Stamps affixed to such letter when posted. Re-directed Letters will be forwarded without any additional charge if not taken from the office or if handed hack at the moment of their deUvery, but if taken from the office and subsequently re-postcd they become subject to a new rate of postage, in default of which they will be sent to the Dead Letter Office, Ottawa. NEWSPAPEBS AND FBRIODI0AL8. Newspapers and periodicals printed and published in Canadn may be sent by Post from the Office of publication or news agency at the rate of 1 cent per lb., to regular suhscr.bers or news agents in Catiada. H b r 5 a H I •I n o o Af r; WAUHrv^ mr m m tw u r e %t»w¥i—isim mtr; ii«B« *f. II. w SnhmarliiA Blnstingr Apparatus, at H. H. FULLER & CO.'S, 128 belcher's farmer's [1882 .Transient Newspapers and Periodicals addressed to places in Canada, will be sent at tho rate of one cent per 4 ounces, which must bo prepaid by postage stamp. Newspauers and Periodicals wfcij<;hing less than one olincc n ay be posted singly, prepaid by postage stamp, one half ct. each. MISCBI.LANEOnS MAIL MATTER. Periodicals, Books, Pamphlets, and occasional Publications, Books and Newspaper Manuscript, Circulars, Prices Current, Hand Bills, Maps, Prints, Drawings, ISngravings, Music, Packages of Seeds, Cuttings, Hoots, Scions, Grafts, Botani<;aI Specimens, etc., and patterns or sample* of merchandise. To any place inr Canada, 1 cent per 4 3z. each packet. Books, Circu- lars, Music, etc., mast be put u|) open at both ends. Prepayment of Matter of the above description is in all cases com- pulsory. PARCELS. To any place within the Dominion 6 cents per 4 ozs., which must be prepaid. Parcels must not exceed 5 lbs in weighs, excepting those addressed to British Columbia or Manitoba, tho weight of which is limited to 2 lbs. 3 oz. RBOISTRATIOK FEB. To places within the Dominion, 2 cents each letter or post card, and 5 cents each parcel or packet of sample. Information in regard to the rules governing registered correspon- dence, etc., may be bad at any Post Office. List 1. On Books and Printed Matter generally. Newspapers excepted, the rate of oostagc is Ic. per 2 oz. ; and on Commercial Papers, Legal and other Documents, &c., .5c. for the tirst 2 oz., and Ic. for each addi- tional 2 oz. or fraction thereof. On Samples and Patterns the postage is 2c. for the Brst 2 oz. and Ic. for every additional weight of 2 oz. or fraction thereon. Ijist 2. On Books and Printed Matter generally, the postage is 2c. per 2 oz. ; and on Commercial Papers the postage is 5c. for the first 2 oz., and 2c. for every additional weight of 2 oz. On Samples and Patterns I the postage is 2c. per 2 oz. or fraction thereof. Iilst 3. The limit of weight of Books, Printed Matter, Commercial P'\pcrs, Documents &c., as well as for Newspapers, is 4 lbs. 6 oz. avoirdupois, and the limit of size 24 inches in lengtn by 12 inches in breadth or depth. The limit of weight for Samples and Patterns is 8i oz., and the limit of size 8 inches in length, 4 inches in breadth, and 2 inchec in depth. These apply to all Postal Union destinations. The limit of weight, however, for Book Packets, &c., to the United Kinsrdom is 5 lbs. Matter exceeding the limit of weight cannot be forwarded. It will be observed that all classes of matter can be registered to the United States and all Countries named in Lists I. and IL Letters containing gold or silver money, (excepting such addrci^sed to the United States) jewels, or precious articles, or anything liable to ^ootls |Hir«UHsied »n tue v«ry bent termt muA »»M at tite loweat rati'K • • 1882] ?> 9 2 Caston ^ ►9 place b 01 New M be sent S rate ot s n land, tl H Furt t Coloni( '< inland ; papers, ! sion of 8 &c., mj 5 s H n < On on » H tf^ ft H < M § t a 1 No 8 S A h than $ I 9 s ( (A g H e s No £20 st| a 9 ^ <• «r 1 9! 2 u e No S 1 than d » ii tfi p ^ P9 if rt ^ S No 9 a £10 st g CA P4 W ■8 B •2 > No 1 h $50. < Ful li Mone • \ Head 6f Poiver'8 Wharf, Halifax, N. 8. oz. and Ic. ;ered to the 2S i U « »4 n <! R » M h n e u n ■a ^ 1882] ALMANACK. 129 Customs duties, will not be forwarded, registfred or unregistered, to any place beyond the limits of the Dominion of Cnnada. Newspapers and periodicals printed and published in Canada may be sent by |K)st from the ofHce of publication or news apency, at the rate of 1 cent per lb. to regular subsciibers or news agents in Newtound- land, the United Kingdom, or the United States. Further information in regard to the rates of postage to British Colonies and foreign countries, via England, or the United States, inland and foreign mail connections, the rules govcrniHi^ letters, news- papers, books, periodicals, samples and parcel post, and the transmis- sion of post cards, ships letters, dead letters, frunking and free matter, &c., may be obtained at any Post Office. Coinmission on Money Orders. On orders payable in Nova Scotin, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, or British Columbia : Not exceeding S4 2 cents. Over «4 " " $10 5 " " 10 " " 20 10 " " 20 " " 40 20 " " 40 " " fiO 30 " " 60 " " 80 40 " " 80 " " 100 SO " No single order, payable in the Dominion, can be granted for more than f 100. On Orders payable in Newfoundland : Not exceeding .£5 stg 25 cents. Overi:5stg. " IP" 50 " " 10 " " 15 " 75 " " 15 " " 20 " 80 No single order on Newfoundland can be granted for more than £20 stg. On orders payable in the United Kingdom : Not exceeding £2. 10s. stg 20 cents. Over £2.lORtg. " 5 " 40 " " 5 " " 7.10 " 60 " " 7.10" " 10 ^ " 80 " No single order on the United Kingdom can be granted foi* more than £10 stg. On orders payable in British India: Not exceeding £2 stg 30 cents. Over £2 stg. " 5 " 60 " " 5 '^ " 7 " 90 " " 7 " " 10 " $1,20 " No single order on .^ritish India can be granted for more than £10 stg. On Orders payable in the United States : Not exceeiling $10 10 cents. Over $10 " " 20 20 " ' 20 " '* 30 30 " " 30 '« " 40 40 " " 40 •' " 50 M " No single order on the United States can be granted for more than $50. ♦ Full information in regard to Money Orders may be obtained at any Monev Order Post Office. w ^v $1: ill Mr m: IvwMl rati'M, At F. HAIiSM'S, ttty Hanlware More. See n«iv. pnffv n. Noble ft Hoare'i Saperior Vamishefi, 130 belcher's farmer's [1882 RAZLWA7S, STAai OOAOBSS AXm STSAliSIUI. The Interrolonial Railway connects Halifax, N. S., with St John, N. B. ; and by Moncton and Point Levi with the Grand Trunk Railway to Montreal, and ihe whole Rtiilway system of Canada; and by n branch line front Truro to Pictou, with the Gulf of St. Lawrence Chief Superintendent, 1). .Pottingcr, Moncton, N. B. Has Stations as follows :•— NOVA 8COTIA. Halifax .... Four Mile House. 4 Hedford .... 8 Rocky Lake .... 11 Windsor Junction 13 ^Vellington .... 21 Grand Lake .... 23 Dakfield 25 Rntield .... 28 Elmsdalc .... 30 Milford 35 Shubeiiactidie . . 39 Stewirtcke .... 44 Pollvboir ... 48 Brooktield . . 53 Johnston .... 57 Truro .... 61 Isli>ronish .... 69 Debert .... 73 Londoiidiirry .... 78 FolleJL'b Lrt'ke. ... 86 Won r worth .... 90 Greenville ... 96 Thomson .... 103 Oxford ... 107 River Philip ... MO Suit SiMinjrs . . . 1 14 '«!>ri»n:;hill .... 121 Athol 12 'iaooiin .... 130 ... 13.T Aih'iorjt 138 NEW BRDN8WICK. Dorchester . . . . 159 Memramcook . . . . 167 Moadow Brook.. . 174 Pains'ic Junction 17Q Humphrey . . . . 185 Moncton .... 187 Boindrtrv Cieek. . 197 Saiis()(iry .... 200 Pollet River .... 205 Petitcodiac . . . . 210 Anajjance . . . . 216 Penobsquis . . . . 226 Pl.imwesee;y .... 229 Sussex 232 Apohaqui .... 237 Norton .... 243 Klootufleld . . . . 249 Pas-ekoag . . . . 250 Hampton . . . . 254 Mauwi^wauk 259 QuisiiiMusis .... 264 Kofhesay .... 267 Rivfrside .... 269 T«»rrvbiirn .... 270 Brookville .... 2/2 Moosef)ath .... 273 St John 276 Aulac Sackville Trnro Vfilley • Union Riversdale 144 147 MONCTON TO POINT LBVI. Moncton .... 1S7 B«^riy'8 Mills .... 195 Canaan .... 2(/U Coal Branch 215 VVelford 224 Ferris 235 Forest 244 Barnaby River. . . 255 Chatham Junction 259 Miraraichi .... 265 Bea^'er Brook .. 275 Bartibojjue .... 286 Red Pine 296 Bat hurst .... 309 Petite Roche .... 321 Belieduno .... 329 Jrtcquet River 338 Nev/ Mill.« .... 347 ('llililo ... 3.5.'? D.illi usie 363 Campi>ellton .... 372 Metapediac .... 385 Mill Stream .... 395 AssametquMjiI an.. 405 Causa pscal . . . 420 Amqui 433 Cedar Hall ... 441 Savabec .... 448 Tartiaifue ... 4.58 St. Octave ... 468 St. Flavie ... 477 St. Luce ... 485 Riraoaski ... 495 Bic . . . 506 St. Frtbien . ... 515 St Sitnon ... .525 Trois Pistoles ... .534 Isle Verto .. 544 S\ Ar»ene ... 552 Cui'ouna . . 555 Reviere Du Lo up 561 Point Levi, . . . 68b STATIONS ON THE PICTOU BBANCH, 61 1 West River 65iGlen{rarry 70 Hopewell 74 Stellarton 82 1 New Ghsp^jw . . 89, Pictou Liindin^ 96 101 BY OBAND TBnNK. Montreal 858 104 112 H (I a s > n a H 0) i a H % » It H 0) > H t Pictou (boat) 113 u < M < H H >> > u » u *> a s h & CD +i M tit B 2 *t tn ." V h •B M fl « o n : 10 XmdmMvriT' fMvn irf VYin<3r'4iBwi'tpMwa ^skk bv rerrPrnw, [1882 St John, nd Truuk nada; nnd Lawrence citations as oction 259 . . 265 i . 275 j . . 286 I . . 296 I . . 309 I .. 321 ! )k er n •gl es . 858 w . . . lin;r . . 104 . 112 . 113 . 329 . 338 . 347 . 353 . 363 . 372 . 385 . 395 an.. 405 . . . 420 . 433 . 44i . 448 . 458 . 468 . 477 . 485 . 495 . 506 i , 515 . 525 . 534 544 . 552 555 Loup 561 ... 6bb j 3 TRUNK. At H. If. tVhttn k CO.^S, Ag^nfS. <«niHM*i s 1882] ALMANACK. 131 The Intercolonial Bailwav connectn at Pictou, (during the navigable season) with Prince Edward Island Stcnm Navigation Co.'s steamers for Charlottetown, Georgetown, Snmmorsideand Shcdiac ; Also, at St. John, by rail nnd steamers, with all parts of the Upper Provinces and the United States. Bdutei conneoting with Intercolonial Bailway. The trains of the Intercolonial Railway connect at Shubenflcadie tri- weekly with conveyance toMiddicnnd UpperMiisqn*Hlol)oi{;nt Brookfieid daily with conveyance to Upper Stewiacke ; at Truro semi-weekly, with conveyance to Earltown, and tri-weekly with conveyance to Onslow ; at River DeBert daily, with coach to Folly Village and tri-weekly to Mass Town ; at Londonderry Station daily, with coaches to Acadia Iron Mines and Great Villlige, and ui?nce to Economy and Five Islands ; at Wentworth Station daily, with coaches to Tatamagouche ; at Greenville Station daily, with coach to Wallace; at Thomson's Station daily, with coach to Pugwash; Spring Hill Junction daily, with train to Parrsboro', and there tri-weekly with coach to Advocate Harbor; at Maccan daily with coach to Kiver Hebert and Lower Cove; at Amherst tri-weekly with coach to Goosa River. 1~he trains of the Pictou branch connect at West River Station tri- weekly, with conveyances to West River, Durham and i'lctou. SFBINQ HIIiL AND FABBSBOBOUGH BAIIiWAY. Connects at Spring Hill Junction with trains of the Intercolonial Railway. Manager, J. A. Killam. Has stations at — Spring Hill Junction . . Spring Hill Mines 5 Mountain Jioad 8 Etter Road 10 Muccan 13 Southampton 16 West Brook 19 Halfway Lake 22 Lakeland 28 Parrshorough 32 HALIFAX AND CAPE BBETON BAILWAY. Connects at New Glasgow with trains of the Intercolonial Railway. Manager, F. D. Laurie. Has stations at — New Glasgow Glcnfallocli 5i Merigomislic 9| French River ISi Piedmont 18 Avondale 22 Barney's River 23 i Marshy Hope 27 James' River 31 i South River 46 Taylor's Road 48 Pomquet 51 Heatherton 53i Afton 57 Tra«Hdie 61 Ginoirs 62i L'ttlo Tracadie 65i Harbor au Bouche • 69| Cape Porcupine 73| Strait of Canso 78| Brieriy Brook 35i Antigjiiishe 41 Boutea connecting with Halifax and Cape Breton Bailway. Mail Coaches run from Antigonistie to Sherbrooke, daily ; through tickets issued at the Railway Depot, Halifax. This route is in direct communication with the Gold Diggings at Sherbrooke, Goldenville and other districts. Connections are made at Melrose tri-weekly with Coaches to Country ( I |v/^1 3* T«IT 5t«W. At V. WAK8VS, t'ltjr Haraware Stort*.- See adv. page 91. i I Iff t^lnhermev's Goods at rvry lowest prioas for oash* 132 belcher's farmer's [1882 Hacbor, Iiaacs Harbor, Quysboro' and Port Mulgrave, and Bemi-weekly with TajTH* Coaches tu Glenelg and Caledonia. The coai'h for Guysboro leaves Antigonishe daily on arrival of the mail from New Glasgow, and connects with coaches running daily between Quysboro' and Cape Canso. Lindsay & Co.'s Mail Coaches leave Port Hawkesbury daily, on arrival of Mail from Port Mul;;rave for 8t Peter's and Sydney. Through tickets can be had at Halifax. Connections are made at Port Hawkesbury daily witH coaches to Port Hastings, Port Hood and Mabou, and daily also for Whycoco- magh and Uuddeck, running tri-wcekly between Mabou, Margaree Forks, and Eastefn Harbor, and semi-weekly between Mabou, and W hycocomagh. Connections are also made daily at Grandance with conveyance to Grandique Ferry and Ariehat ; at River Inhabitants' Bridge, daily with conveyance to West Bay ; at East Bay, daily, with conveyance to North Sydney and Sydney Mines; and at Sydney with coaches daily to Little Glace Bay, Cuw B.iy, Lingan and Louisburg. Coaches run tri-weekly between Sydney Mines, Little Bras D'Or, Big Bras D'Or, New Camp- helltown, Englishtown, Haddeck; and semi-weekly between Big Bras D'Or, Boularderie, and Baddeck. WINDSOR AND ANNAPOLIS BAI WAY. Incorporated under Imperial and Provincial Charters. Connects at Windsor Junction with the Intercolonial Railway from Halifax, and runs through the Counties of Hants, Kings and Annapolis, to the town of Annapolis Royal, thence connecting with a line of steamers to St. John, N.B. during the summer months, and a daily lino of mail coaches to Digby and Yarmouth. The principal offices of the Company are at 6 and 6, Westminster Chambers, Victoria Sti-eet, Jjondon. General Manager, P. Innis, Kentville, Nova Scotia. Agent at Halifax, C. R. Bart'y, 126 HolHs Street. Has stations at-^ Four Mile House. 4 Mount Denson... . Bedford .... 9 Hantsport .... Rocky Lake .... 12 Avonport .... Windsor Junction 14 ^forton Landing.. 17 o^rand Prd .... 27 Wolfville 34 Port Williams.... 37 Kentville .... Beaver Bank .... Mount Uniacke.. Stillwater .... Ellershouse .... Newport .... Three Mile Plains Windsor .... Falmouth * .... 61 64 40, Cold brook 43 46 48 Cambridge Waterville Berwick SlAylesford 53 Morden Road. .58 Kingston Wilmot Middleton Lawrencctown 66 Paradise 71 Bridgetown . 76iTupperville 78l Round Hill .... 80 1 Annapolis .... 83 St. Str... • tea 88 90 93 98 102 108 111 116 120 124 130 190 At Annapolis a steamer connects with the Windsor and AnnajMlis Railway for Digby and St. John, N. B., and thence by rail or steamer to all parts of New Brunswick, the United States and Upper Provinces. Routes oonneotins with the Windsor and Annapolis Bailway. The trains of the W. and A. Railway Company make connections at Newport Station daily with coach to Newport ; at Windsor, semi- weekly, with coach to Chester ; at Port Williams Station going West 1882 and I ning; at La 1 Coi i 1 Liver '. follow fi i Leave I day ii Co u )ort 1 cave 1 . ■ . s N«Me bat the very best qiuUity of iSo«<iB kept [1882 ai-wcekly ral of the ing daily daily, on Sydney. oaches to Whycoco- Margaree bou, and oyance to luily with I o' North Y to Little tri- weekly !w Camp- Big Bras Connects ilifax, and > the town [lers to St. ) of mail estminster P. Innis, 26 Hollis d. n 88 90 93 98 102 I OS .... Ill .... 116 120 .... 124 .... 130 Str... 190 AnnajMlis }r steamer Provinces. Bailway. mnections bor, seroi- >ing West 1 S I" s > s 5 3 a en i > t w 4 3 ft i H. H. PtJLLCR A CO., head of PoneHt Wharf. 1882] AI.MANAOK. 133 and Kentvillo goin); East daily with coaches to Cornwallis and Can- ning ; at Kentville, semi-weekly, with coaches to New Koss and Chester ; at Lawrencetown and Aylesford, weekly, with conches to Bridgewatcr. Coaches (currying H. M. Mails) run daily between Annapolis and Liverpool. Leave Annapolis a'. 3 p. m., and arrive at Liverpool on fullowiiig day in time to connect with Stages to Hnlifax and Shelhurne. Leave Liverpool at 2 p. m., and arrive at Annapolis on the following day in time to connect with train for Halifax. Coach Ks, carrying H. M. mails, leave Annapolis for Clements- t>ort and Digby, daily, on arrival of train from Halifax. Returning, cave Digby on arrival of mail from Yarmouth. Connections are made at I >eep Urook daily with conveyances to and from Hillsbnrgh and Bear Kiver ; and at Digby daily wiili coaches to and from Sandy Cove, Freeport, and Westport, Briar Island. WBSTBRN COUNTIES BAILWAY. Connects at Digby with steamers to Annapolis and St. John, and runs through the Counties of Digby and Yarmnuth, to the town of Yarmoutii. General Superintendent, J. Brig nell. Has stations at— Digby Jordan Down. , Bloomfield North Range . Plympton Port Gilbert . Weymouth Belliveau 4 j Church Point 9 Little Brook , 11 14 16 22 Saulniervilie Meteghan Hectnnooga Norwood 26 Lake Jessie 30 Biasil Lake 32 Green Cove 34 Ohio 37 Hebron 46 1 Yarmouth 49' 51 54 67 60 62 67 WSSTBRN BHOBB ROUTE. Halifax to Yarmouth. BnAiR'fl Coaches carrying H. M. mails, leave Halifax daily at 6.30 o'clock, A. M., for Head of St. Margaret's Bay, Chester, Mahone Bay, Bridgowater, &c. Returning, leave Bridgewater daily at (> a. m. Co'.inecttons are made daily at Mahone Bay and Bridgewater, going and returning with conches to and from Lunenburg, and daily at head of St. Margaret's Bay with a coach to French Village. Coaches, carrying H. M. mails, leave Bridgewater for Mills Village, Liverpool, Shelhurne, &c , daily at 6. a. ra. Returning, leave Shell)nrne dailv at 6 a. m. Connections arc made daily at Liverpool with coaches to and from Milton and Port Medway ; and at Head Sable River daily with a coach to and from LocKeport Coaches, (carrying H. M. Mails), leave Shelhurne for Barrin;;ton, Tusket, Yarmouth, &c., daily at 6 a. m., arriving at Yarmouth in time to connect with the stage for *igby. Returning, leaves Yarmouth, daily, at 7 a. m. Connections are made tri-weekly at Clyde River and Barrington with conveyances to various shore settlements. Head St Margaret's Bay.. 21 McLean's 11 Chester (45) 13 Mahone Bay (65) ., 20 Bridgewater 9 Mill Village 18 Liverpool (101) 9 Port Mouton 10 Port Jolly 5 Sable River 10 Jordan River 8 Shelhurne (141) 7 Barrington 20 Yarmouth 44 206 i " I At F, WAMH'S, City Hnrdware BC»re, Markot iikanrv. tlinersotit Stevens k Co.'fi Scythes nre the liest niiiddt tl 134 dklcuer's parmkh'h [1882 BASTIDRN 9HORB ROUTB. Halifiiz to Marie Joseph- Aiiciiiuald'h Stape (cnrr)'ing II. M. Mails) leaves Ilalitnx for Mas' quocloboit Harbour, Jeddore, Ship Hurbour, Tanuicr, Sheet Hnrl)Our, Salmon Kiver and Muric Joxuph, every Monaaif, Wedneaduy and Friday inoniing at 6 o'clock ; returning the intervening days. Innis', Porter's Luke. . . . 1G| Ormon'rt, Chezetcook Ud 2 Mu(N|ao(lol>oit liar l)oiir . . 10 Webber's, Lakevillo .... 11^ Ship Harbour 8 Tangier (66) 8 Sheet Harbour 18 Salmon Kiver 12 Mariu Joitepli 27 iia STBAMEBS. Gruat Britain. — Royal Mail Stcamor» of the Allan Line leave Halifax for Queenstown every alternate Tuesday at 12 noon ; and leave Liverpool via Queenstown for Halifax every alternate Tuesday. These steamers call at St. .John's Newfoundland, l)oth on the homeward and outward trips. S. Canard & Co., Agents. The pnckets of the Allan Lino which carry the weekly mails iHJtween the Upper Provinces and the United Kingdom, touch at Halifax during the winter months. Bermuda aud West Indies. — Royal Mail Steamers Alpha, and Beta (Cunard Line) leave Halifax for Bermuda and Jumaica every fourth Monday ; connect at Jamaica with steameru for all parts of the West Indies, and for Pt"^aina and South America. S. Cunard & Co., Agents. Halifax and Boston. — Mail steamers run weekly between Port- land, Boston and Halifax during the summer months.' J. 1\ Phalen, Agent. New York, Halifax and St. John's, Newfoundland. — Steamers of the Cromwell Line make three trips per month between New York, Halifax and Newfoundland, carrying Her MHJesiy's and the United States Mails. Wood & Co , Agents. St. Pibrrb kt Miquklon. — The mail steamer George Shaltuck runs fortnightly between Halifax and St. Pierre ct Miquelon, calling at North Sydney, leaving Halifax every alternate Monday, except during the months of January, February, March and April, when she awaits the arrival of the English Mails. F. D. Corbett & Co., Agent. Maodalkn Islands. — The steamer Scud, carrying H. M. Mails, rnns weekly between Pictou and the Magdalen Islands, via Georgetown, P. E. I., leaving Pictou every Monday. On every fourth Monday the steamer's trip is extended beyond the Magdalen Islands lo Gaspc Basin or Perc^ and back. Western Shore. — The mall steamer Edgar AS^uart,run8 weekly from Halifax to Annapolis, around the western shore, touching at Lunenburg, Liverpool, Shelburne, Yarmouth and Digby, going and returning. Con- nects at Yarmonth with mail steamers for St. John and Boston. F. W. Fishwick, Proprietor. Yarmouth, St. John, N. B., and Bo.hton, U. S. — The mail steamer Dominion makes weekly trips between St. John, N. B., and A spleaaid Sloek of fishermen's Supplies can be Ml ways had U. H. FULLEK ik €0., liead of fow^r's Wharf. [1882 1882] ALMANACK. 135 I a SI a I « Boslon, calling at Yarmouth and Westport, t^oing and returniniyr. The steamer Edt^ir Stuart conoerti at Yarmouth with the Dominion. M. K. Clements & Co., Yarmouth, Agents. AmiAPOLiB, DiODT AND St. JoHif, N. R— Mail Steamers in con- nection with the Windsor and Annapnliti Unilway, run tri-weekly in summer and semi-weekly in winter, betweeu Annapolis, Digby, and St. John. AvNAPOLis AND BonTON — Th« sttamer " Hunter" leaves An- napolis (or Boston on Mundnyn, after arrival of trnin from llaliiax, and returns I'roui Boston on Thur^iluys. J. S. Wliitman, A|;eat. Annapolis. Eastkrn Siiorb. — TIm* mail steamer .1/. A. Starr rnns weekly from Halifax to Chariot tetown, ciiliing at Canso, Aricltat, Port Hawkosbury, Port Mulgrave, Port nnstincH. and Bayfield, (for Antiponish). Leaves Halifax on Tuesdays, and P. E. 1. oii Thursdays. F. W. Fishwick, Proprietor. Port MuroRAVu and East Bat.— The steamer •' CIvde," car- rying H. M. MailH, leaves Port Mnljfruvo for East Bay, daily, on ar- rivHlol mail trains from New Glaxeow, And returns from East Bay in time to roaHect with morn in^ train for New Glaspow. Port Molorate, Wkst Bay and Sydney. — The steamer *' Neptune," canyin* H. II. Mnils, leaves Svdn»y for Port Mulgrave, via the Bras D'Or Lnkts and St. Peter's Canal, on Mondays asd WednHgdays, and return* on Tuesdays sad Thursdays. On Tliumday rtfierneoT, the steamer makes a trip from Little Bat* D'Or to Wwt IJay, conneotiiiar there with Rtajre to Port Hnwkeebury, and returns the following morning. Black Bros. & Co., Agents. Port Mulgravr, Arichat, Canso and Port Hood — The steamer " Goliah," carryinc H. M. Mails, leaves Port Malgrave for Canso, via A'riehat, on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, after arrival of mail train from New Glasirow, and returns from Canso, via Arichat, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, in time to connect wiih morning trains for New Glasirow. On Tuesday morning, the steamer leaves Port Mnlgrave for Port Hood, and returns the same day. Lawson, Harrington & Co., Agenis. Pictod and Port Hood. — The steamer Scud, rnns weekly between Pictou and Port Hood, leaving Piciou on Fridays after arrival of last train from Halifax. during summer between Pictou and Charlottetown. A(;ent, Halifax. CUSTOMS DEPARTMENT. Princr Edward Island. — Mail steamers ply four times a week J. C. Mackintosh, Inspector Jbr Nova Scotia, J. J. Kerr, Esq., Amherst, N. S. Amherst — Collector, Dr. N. Tupper. Appraiser, C. E. Ratchford ; Out PortB— Sub-Collectors, Pug wash, J. H. Black ; Wallace, W. McNab ; Joggins, J. Moftatt ; Tidnish, J. C. brundage ; Northport, J. M. Burns. Annapolis — Collector, Augustus Fullerton. Out Ports — Sub-Col- lectors, Clemcntsport, G. F. Ditmars; Thome's Cove, E. H. Porter. m Kt Vi WAhmnSt Ctir H«r«twiir« store.— See sUt. IMse HI. Dynamite, for sale by U. Ti. FULLER & CO. I; I m 136 BELCHER S FAHMER S [188 Antigonish — Collecfor, H. McPhie. Out Ports — Sub-Collectors, Bayfield or Little River, E. G. Randall ; Harl>our au Bouche, E. Corbett. Arichat — Collector, John M. Flynn. Out Ports — Sub-Collectors, St. Peter's, Donald Urqiihart; Port Richmond, A. McDonald ; Klver Burgeois, William S. Boyd ; L'Ardoise, w . Brymer. Baddbck — Collector, Alex. Cameron. Out-Ports — Sub- Collectors, Groat Bras d'Or, Donald Campbell ; St. Ann's, D. McAuley ; Aspey Bay, David McDonald ; Ingoiiish, Jiimes Shea. Barrinoton — Collector, D. Sargent. Out Part — Sub- Collector, Port LaTour, J. Swain. Bridgetown — Collector, S. S. Rugglea. Out Port — Sub- Collector, Port Williams, W. Graves. CoRNWALLis — Collector, E. Rand. Out Port.-, — SiibCdUctors, Canada Creek, C. V. Rawding; French Cross, H. V. B. Farnsworth; Harbourville, H. Morris ; Horton, E. DeWolf ; Port Williams, G. S. Lockwood ; Kentville, B. H. Dodge. DiGBY — Collector, B. Vie*i. Out Ports— Sab- Collectors, Dear Ricer, ' D.J. Morse; Sandy Cove, C. Gidney; Wcstport, B. H Rugglcs; Freeport, J. Thurhef. GuYSBORO — Collector, James A. Torey. Out Ports — Sub- Collectors, Port Mulgrave, David Murray ; Isaacs' Harbour, Joseph D. Griffin ; St. Mary's River, A. P. McKenzie ; Cape Canso, J. Jeffrey ; Liscomb, James Homlow ; Preventioe Station, Whitehead. i Halifax — Collector, Hon W. Ross. Registrar of Shipping, H B. Paulln. Port Survefjor, Joseph Austin. Chief Clerk; Wm H. Flill. Cashier, Samuel Noble. Long Room Clerks, James G. Mon'is, W. A. , Garrison, W. E. Fowler. Chief Warehouse Clerk, Jno Eckerslcy. Clerks, Conrad W. Tnpper, O. Pryor, Wm. N. Cronan. Clei-k to Registrar of Shipping, C. M. Almon. Clerks to Port Surveyor, J. F. Richardson, Jns O'Brien. Appraiser, Jno F. Mimcey. Assistant Ditto, D. Blackwood, Charles uomans, J. S. Bessonett. Assistant to Ditto, James DeConrcey. Statistics, Chief Clei-k, Edward Withers. Clerks, Thomas Caldwell, Edwd Ingl is. Guaqeis and Proof Officers, Samuql K. Caldwell, R. Letson. Messenger to (tuagers, Hugh Hamilton Land- ing Waiters, James Kerr, G. A. V. Paw, Thos I'. Jost, J. M. GcMert, John Art;,. Weighers, Stephen White, Nelson Conrod. Lockers, Donald Ffttser, Wellwood Reynolds, Albert Caldwell, Greo G. Gray, Nortnan McDona.d, James F. Burnham, John Steele, Matt J. McCurdy, Wm Pitts, jr, R. Brown, Robert Hodges, W. H. Bashford, W. A. Chipman, Alex Eraser, Jno Murray, J L. Barton, E. Barnstcad, John Gmil. Tide Surveijor, Alexander Kelly. Tide Waiters, Wm E. Shanks, Pe'er S. Mason, Wallaco Buchanan, W. H Tiider, Richard Baktr, William Berry, H. G. Ormon, Alex Robertson, R. Carleion, John R. Power. Boatmtn, Wm Nunn, Jno Bnazley, Wm Power, P. Howe. Office Messenger, Wm Blackman. Out Ports — Sub- Collectors, Sheet Harbour, Maicojm McFarlane. Preventive Officers, Edgar Hil', Ship Harb)ur; W. C Henley, Spry Bay ; J. Gibbons, Hubbards Cove; G. Ruwlings, Musqnodoboit Harbour. LiVBRFOoi, — Collector, J. H. Dunlap. LooKF' RT — Collector, Geo. Stalker. LosDosDHjiRY —Collector, Robert Dill. Out- Ports -^Sub Collectors, Five Islands, A. A. Corbett. s a w g n > O a o t* o pi «n M Si » O » CI * S ► » VI e a! I Nnlls HMl »pllL«H CMt from Iron vf llt« ht»i ^Mnllly, can alwaya [1882 'ollectors, Corbett. Ktors, St. 1; River Collectors, ; Aspey '.tor. Port Collector, 'dlectors, ns worth ; ns, G. S. lar Rf 7er, Rugglcs; Collectors, Griflin ; Liscomb, 1.^ f/7 H B. H. Flill. is, W. 'A. iilckerslcy. Clerk 'fo yor, J. F. 'ant Ditto, to Ditto, . Clerks, >amu^l H. a Land- '.. GoMert, •8, Donald , Norman irdy, Win Chipman, )ltll GlKll. , Shanki^, I'd Bilker, , John R. P. Howe. }rs, Sheet Hil', Ship Cove; G. Collectors, II alwayM a Ui d n > i< o o t< £4 SO M d *< o id d g a 3 i e o s ! 5 § e s % o o « e n n 13 o u ft a a o H. II. FULLER & CO., Blasting and Sporting Powder. 1882] ALMANACK. 137 LuNKNBURO — Collector, Edw Dowlinp, Out Ports — Sub- Collectors, Mahonc Bay, C. I). Muder; Chester, Wna H. Butler; LaHave, B. Rynard ; Bridpewatcr, . Maro'.hetsville — Collector, D. W. Landers. Out Port — Sub- Col- lector, Port George, G. B. Reed. Parrsboro' — Collector, A 8. Townshciid. Out Ports — Sub-Col- lectors, Advocate Harbour, C. Ward ; Rateliford's River, F. F. Hatfield ; Apple River, John Ward. PiCTOU — Collector, Daniel McDonald. Out Ports — Sub-Collectors, Tatamagoi he, J. O. G. Campbell ; Merigomish, R. Murray ; New Glasgow, J. F. McDonald ; River John, J. R. Henry. Port Hawkesbdry — Collector, M. McDonald. Port Hood— Collector, E. D. Tremain. Out Porl—Sub-Collector, Margaree, J. Ross. Port Medway — Collector, J. J Letson. SuEHBDRNB — Collector, W. W. Atwood. Out Port — Sub-Collector, Jordan River, M. D. McKenzie. Sydney — Collector, C. E. Leonard. Out Ports — Sub- Collectors, Lin- gan. Rich J^affin ; Louisburg, L. Kavanagh ; Main-a-dieu, G. Hihgy ; Little Glace Bay, C. H. Rigby ; Cow Bay, W. W. Bown ; Caledonia, David McKcen ; South Bar, Patrick Muilins. North Sydney — Collector, Alex Hamilton. Out Port — Sub-Col- lector, Little Bras d'Or, Murdoch McDonald. Port os* Tkuro — Collector, John F. Crow ; Clerk, S. B. Bent. Weymouth — Collector, S. Jones. Out Ports — Sub- Collectors, Acadic, A. Boumcuf; Belleveau's Co e, J. V. Stuart; Port Gilbert, R. Sanderson ; Meteghan, B. A. Robichcau. WiNUSOR — Collector,!!. O'Brien. Out Ports — iS'M6-Co//edor«,Cheverie, T. A. Malcom: Hantsport, Wm Davidson; Walton, A. McN Parker; Maitland, A. Roy. Yarmouth — Collector, H. A. Hood ; Landing Surveyor and Clerk, W. McGill ; Appyaiser, W. L. Cumpbell. Out Ports— Sub-Collectors, Beaver River, R. Perry; Pubuico, P. S. D'Entreraoni; Tuskct, James M. Lent. CUSTOMS TARIFF. Corrected to 8«ptemb«r 1881— by W. A. Garrison, H. H. Cnstoms, Halifax. 4,— Resolved, That it is expedient to provide that tlie value of all Bottles, Flasks, Jars, Demyohns, Carboys, Casks, Hogsheads, Pipes, Barrels and all other Vessels or Packaffes manufactured of Tin, Iron, Lead, Zinc, Glass or any other material, an:l capable of holding Liquid; Crates, Barrels and other Pack- ag<« coataining tilnss, China, Crockery or Earthenware, and all Packages in which goods are commonly placed tbr home consumption, including Cases in which Bot- tled Spirits, Wi»''-.8 or Malt Liquors are contained, and every Package, being the first receptP ie or covering, enclooing goods for purpose of sale, shall in nil cases, not othttrwi«e providefl for, in which thev contain goo<1s subject to an ad valorem duty, or a speciiie and ad valorem duty be taken and held to be a part of the fair market value of such goods for duty, and shall be charged with the same rat« of ad valorem duty as is to be levied and collected on the goods tliey contain, and when they contain goods subject to specific duty only, such Pnokoges shall be charged with a duty of Custijms of twenty per cent, ad valorem, to be computed upon their original cost or value; and a1> or any of the ubove Packages td > o 2 le I > (D I I K« foand at l*« WAiJ»lli», C'lt> liara^nre litore, oppoaiie Po»t ufflce. HaJ|r Cutters and Lawn Mdwers, ■^ . I 138 BELCHERS FARMERS [1882 (lesccibed as capable of holdjai; Liquids when containing goods exempt fk-om duty under this Act, shall be chafged with a duty of twenty per cent, ad va/oretn ; but all Pncliages not lieidnbefoi-e specified, and not herein specially charged with or declared liable t« duty under regiilatlotis, and being the usual and ordinary Packages in which goods are packed for exportation only, according to the general usuage and custom of trade, shall be free of duty. T. O ▲ Add— Acetic and Vinegar, 12 cents per Imp. gal Acid— Siuphuric j cent per lb. " Muriatic and Nitri«. . . ad val. 20 " Oxalic Free •' Sulphuric and Nitric in a com- bined state ... 20 Carbov"' and Derau(>hn.<< contain'g Acids, Vinegar or other liqiids, shall be subject to the same rate of dut^as empty 30 Advertising Pamphlets, Catalogues, Almanacs & Fashion Pamphlets. . 81.00 ner 100 Acetate of Lime 20 Agricultural Implements, including mow- er and reaper kuives, not otherwise provided for 25 Agaric Dye Stuff. Free Agates, unmanufactured Free Ale, Beer and Porter, imiorted in bottles, 6 quart and 12 pint bottles to be held to contain one Imperial gallon 18 cent8 per Imp. gal. Ale, Beer and Porter, imported in casks or otherwise than in bottles. . 10 cents per Imp, gal Alcohol $1.32^ per Imp. gal. Alkanet Root Free Alls 30 Aloes Free Amber, manufactured 20 Almonds 20 Alum T.'e( Aluminum tree Ambergris Free Ammonia, crude Fre* Aniline Dyes Free Aniline Oil, crude . Free Aniline Salts Free Animals, living, of all kinds, not else- where specined 20 AnimalB broughtintoCanadatempor- arily and for a period not exceeding three months, for the purpose of exhibition or competition for prizes offered by any Agricultural or other Association, but a bond shall be first given, in accordance with re- S Illations to be prescribed by the I inister of Customs, with the con- dition that the fitll duty to which such animals would otherwise be liable, shnll be paid in case of their sale in Canada, or if not re- exported within the time specified in such bond Free Animals for the improrement of Stock, viz : Horse, Cattle, Sheep and Swine, under regulations to be made by the Treasury P. Board, o. and approved by the Governor in Coimcif. . . ., - Free Annato, liquid or solid, Annato Seed Free Anchors Fife Antimony Free Anvils 30 Apparel, ^^earing and other personal and household effects, not mer- chandise, of British subjects dying abroad, but domiciled in Canada. . Fre« Argol, dust, Argols, crude Free Army and Navy and Canadian Mili- tia, for tlie use of^ viz : Arms, Clothing, Musical Instru- ments for Bands, Military Stores and Munitions of War Free Arseniate of Aniline Free Articles for the use of the ftovenior- General — Free Articles fbr the useof Foreign Consuls Gene al Free Articles imported by and for the use of the Dominion Government, or any of the Departments thereof, and for the Senate and House of Com<r>on8 Free Artificial Flowei-n and Faathers 20 Arsenic Free Atlases 15 Arrowroot 20 Ashes, Pot, Pearl and Soda Frea Asphaltura, Mineral 10 Awnings and Tents 25 Axes of aU kinds..*. 30 Bagatelle Table* or Boards with ouea and balls 30 Bags, Paper 25 Bags, Papel' (if printed) 30 Bay Rum. . . .$1.90 per Imp. gal. and ad. vol 30 Babbitt Metal 10 Baking Powders 20 Bamboo Reeds, not further manufac- tured than cut into suitable lengths for walking sticks or c >nea, or for ■ticks for umbrellas, parasols or sunshades Free Bamboos, unmanufactured Free Barrels, of Canadian manufhoture, exported fliled with domestic pet- roleum and returned empty, under •uch regulations as the Minister of Customs may prescribe Free Barley 15 cents per bushel. Barilla Free Barytefi, unmanulkctured Fne Baskets of Willow an 1 Bamboo 25 Beans 15 cents per bushel. n I o 09 t> *i a § a a a I B cn i I ii e n h h M PATntC Otis, Clafe'a nmM P«C«t; «r imf^rntr ttmHtOsr', [1882 from duty ilorem ; but urged witli (i ordinary the general p, o. Board, i-no'r in Prep 9 Seed Free Fr»^e Free ..... 80 •ersonal it mer- H dying ,iiada. . Fre» . . . Free n Mili- Inistru- tr Stores Free Free vemor- .. — Free ConHula Free the use lent, or thereof, [ouse of Free >rs 20 Free 16 20 Fre* 10 25 30 rith cue* 35 26 30 eal. and 30 10 20 lanufao- ! length* 8, or tior asols or Free Free ifhotiire, stic pet- y, under nister of Free r bushel.' , Free Fr.e )oo 26 : bushel. H At H. U. FULL£B & ^0.% head of Power's Wbarf. (0 < 8 n i h A e p. c. Beanm, VanillB aud Nux Nomica Free Bells, for Cliuvches Free lielladona Leaves Free Br;' es of all kinds 25 Bei rles for Dyohig, oi used for eom- posing dyes Free Billiard Tables, without pockets, four feet six inches by nine feet or under each ^22.60 and adval 15 Billiard Tables, oyer four feet six inches by nine feet each !»25 and ad vol 15 Billiard Tables, with pockets, Are feet six inches by eleven feet or under each 936ana ad val 16 Billiard Tables, oyer five feet six inches by elevea feet, each $40 and ad val 16 Each table to include twelve cues, one sett of four balls, with markers, cloths and cases, but no pool balls. Bitter;:, containing Spirits 11.90 per Imp. gal Bird Gages of all kinds 30 Bismuth Hetallc .* Free Bolting Cloths' Free Blacking (Shoe) Shoe Polish and Shoe- makers Ink 26 Black Lead 20 Bath Bricks 20 Biscuit (no^sweetened) 20 Bladders 20 Blue 20 Braadstuffs, grain and flour, and meal of all kinds, when damaged by water in transit, twenty per cent ad valorem upon the appraised value, such Appraised value to be ascertained ns provided by Sec- tions 44, 46, and 46 of the Act 40 Victoria Chapter 10, intituled, "An Act to amena and cohsolidate the Acts respecting the Customs. Bronze Powder 20 Bones, crude and not manufactured, burned, calc'd, gr'nd or steamed. .Frei Bone Dust and Bone Axh for manu- facture of Phosphates of Fertilizers, Free Borax Free Botany, specimens of. Free Britannia Metal, in pigs and bars 10 per cent ad valortm Britannia Metal, manufkctures of not plated 26 per cent ad valortm Bristles Free Brimstone, in roll or flour (crude). . .Free Brim-moulds, for gold beaters Free Bromine Free Broom, Corn Free Buchii leaves Free Bullion, gold and silver Free Burgundy Pitch Free Burr-stones in blocks, rough or un- manufiuitured. and not bound up into millBtonea Free BookK, printed. Periodicals snu Pam- phlets not elsewhere specified, net p. c. being Foreign reprints of British Copyright Worka,nor Blank Ac- count Books, nor Copy-Books, nor Books to be written or drawn upon, nor Bibles, Prayer Books, Psalm and Hymn Books 16 British Copyright Works, reprints of 15 p. c. and in addition thereto. 13^ Bibles, Prayer Books, Psalm and Hymn Books 6 Blank-books, viz : Acpount books, copy books, or books to be drawn or written upon 30 Printed, Lith^raphed or Copper or Steel Plate Bill Heads, Cheques, Receipts, Drafts, Posters, Cards, Commercial Blank Forms, Labels of every description, Advertising Pictures, or Pictorial Show Cai-ds or Bills and other printed matter not elsewheie specified 30 Book-binders' Tools and Implements, including Ruling Macihines and Binders' Cloth, Cutting, Perforating and Paging Machines, Shears, Pres- ses and Ruling Pens 16 Books, Educational, and imported by and for the use of schools for the deaf and dumb, exclusively Free Bonn^^s and Hats trimmed 25 Beads and Bead Ornaments 20 Boot and Shoe Making Machines ... 25 Bracelets, Braids, made of Hair 20 Boxes, (I adies work and glove) 25 Boxes, (Fancy,) 26 Bran 20 Brass, Manuftietures of, not elsewhere specified 30 Blue-black, (Colors) Free Brooms and Brushes 26 Buckwheat .10 cents per bush. Buckwheat, meal or flour, i ct. per lb. Brass, old and serap, Ban, Bolts, Sheets, Wira, round or flat. Tub- ing, Seamless drawn, Fancy, Plah). 10 Butter 4 cts. per lb. Bronze Ornaments 20 Brick for building 20 Buttons and Button Moulds 25 Bent Glass, for manufacture of Show Cases, if not manuf. in Canada. . . . Free Cans or packages mode of tin or other material, containing fish of any kinds, admitted free of duty under any existing law or treat\ , not ex- ceeding one quart in contents, one cent and a-half on each can or package ; and when exceeding one quart, an additional duty ot one cent and a-half for each additional quart or fractional pait thereot. Cards, Chri(^tmas and New Years, Chromo!4 or embossed, and all others not being business, or ad- vertising or Playing Cards 25 HI i I o H I \ f Have iftlWHys been m*de h, >"lfiiiltS', nt r. WAlAOfi. Loiidoii(Ierry« Heolch and Eiig-llsh Bar Iror, , I :>'l .11 V. C, C«iTlnjres of Tritve11frfl,«iHl Cuvrlages liidoii witli UKMcliaiulise, and not to includo clicii« troop«, nor Ha"k«ra under resTttlitUms to b<? )»reRcrlbe(l l»y tlie Mliiistor of Citi*,oms Free Clotlihvj, (loiiatioii of, ft>r charitable piirposeti Fre<^ Ca'tinots of C«ln.% Medak, and all other colleclions of Antiquities . .-Fi-ce Casts, as titodols f«r the use of Schools of DeplsK Free Canvna for inaniifiicture of Floor Oil Cloth, not less than fbrty-fiv* iTirhes widft, and not pressed nor calendered Fre« Oaoutchoue. tinmaiiufaotured Free Cat-gut, Strings or Gut Cord for Musictil Instruments , Fr«e Cat-ffut, or Whip-gut, nnmanufiict'd, Free Carriaaea, Wftfrons, Hallway Cars and Carriages, Sleighs, Wheelbarrows and other like articles 30 Cartridges and Cartridge aj&ea of all kinds and materiols 30 Cane Juice Syrups |«t. per lb- and ad val 30 Canvas for Ships use 5 " not elsewhere mentioned. ... 20 Carpets, not elsewhere speciflef] 20 Caps, Cloth (see Woollen -lothing) 10 centf_per lb. and ad val 25 Carriage Tops, Frames, Bodies and Wheels 30 Cement, law or in stone from the quai ry, per ton of thirteen eubie feet $1.00 per ton. Cement, hydraulic or water lime, ground, iiteluding barrel. .40 cents per barrel Ceinent, burnt and ungroundi.7i«:s. per 100 lbs Cement, Portl?*"' or Rouian 20 ** In bulk or in bags.. .9 cents per bushel Cheese 3 cents per lb- Chicory, raw or green. . 3 cts. per lb. Chicory, or other Root or Vegetable used as a substitute for Cofibe, kiln dried, roasted or ground 4 cts. per lb - China and Porcelain Ware. 25 Cheese vats 25 Chalk and CliffStone, uninaiuifact'd. Free Chalk, prepared 20 Chamomile Flowers ..Free Church Vestments 20 Chaff Cutters and parts thereof (Agri- cultural Iinplements) 25 Oiunis 25 Cider 20 Cigars and Cigarettes . . .60 ceuta per lb. and ad *a! 20 CiauMaou, ground 25 •* ungraund 20 Cinchona Bark Free CitronH and Rinds of, in brine, Ibr candying Free P. o. CnrWIeels 25 CaseA, ornana«ntal 25 Clays, ?n tlie nafnral state Five Chronometer Clock* 35 Coal, Anthracite per 2,000 lbs,. .. .50 cents per toi«. Coal, Bituininoui^, per 2,090 lbs. . .60 cents per ton. Coke. per2,0(t0 lbs. .50 oetits per ton- Cordials §!.<» per Imp. gal. Goncentmted Cane Juice, Molasses and Bet^ Root Juice, and Concrete, I cent per lb. and ad val 30 Corn, Indian 7i »."! ts per busliel. Corn Huskers (see Agi>ultural Im- plements) 25 Cream of Tartar in crystals Free Combs, for dress and toilet of all kinds 25 Cotton seed Cake and Meal Free Cotton, manufacturers of, vlf. : ftrey or unbleached, and bleached Sheeting Drills, Diicks, Cotton or Canton Flannels, not stained, paint- ed or printed .... 1 cent per square yard and ad val 15 Do. Denims, Drillings, Bedticking, Ginghams. Plaids, Cottonor Canton Flannels, Ducks and Drills, dyed or colored,Checke<l and Striped Shirt- ings, Cottonades, Pantaloon Stuffs, Moleskins, and goods of liKe des- cription 2 cents per square yard and ad val 15 Do. All Cotton, Wadding, Batting, Baits and Warps, Carpet Warps, Knitting Yarn, Hosiery Yam, or other Cotton Yarns under No. 40, not bleached, dyed or colored. . . .2 cents per lb. and ad val Do. And if bleached, dyed or color- ed 3 cents per lb. and ad val. Do. Cotton Warp on beams. .1 cent per yard and ad val 15 Do. Cotton Seamless Bags. .2 cents per lb. and ad val 15 Do. Cotton Shirts and Drawers, woven or made on f):arae«, and on all Cotton Hosieiy 30 Do. Cotton Sew'g Thread on spools, 20 Do. Cotton in hanks 12^ >Do. Clotliing, or of which Cotton is tlie component part of chief value. Including Corsets 30 Do . Cotton Duck or Canvas of Hemp or Flax, and Sail Twine to be used for boats' and shlps^ saSHs 5 Do. White or dyed Jeans, Coutelles Cambrics. Sibicias, Casbaua and Printed Calicoes 20 Cultivators and pai-ts thei«of 25 Coal Facing 20 Coloring 20 Condensed Milk, 1 eent per lb. and ad val 35 Cotton Candle Wick 20 Cotton Netting for Boota, Shoes and Gloves 10 15 15 M !*• tvALSH'ti, City Hiirdwitre Mtfre, jon emu get o u (A H Vi n i A U 9 Pi n o s e tf e A a. « s «* n M II « to a e a i 188: Cottoi wh« win fict fict Cottoi j whe ! quii j COtt( I prin priu prill iiiic) and jacoi and cord prim liant tains or la of cc jacor cordi Vete« bind! pet b leno. kindi Caoutc Coffee, Coffee, addit Coffee, tion per Coffee, duty Collars papei Copper rods, ing.ii Wire Sean Cordag a Marl ships Copper mam wher Compo Compai Chroin( Chrom Chlorid Crucibl Coffin : Cornell u Cochin Cocoa I Coooa Coin, G State Coir an ColcotJ [1882 P.O. 25 2.", Five 35 ......50 b6,..<!0 per toll, np. gal. Lolosees }iicrete, biislNil. ral Im- 30 of all 25 • Free 25 .Free lieachert >tton or 1, paint- r square Iticking, p Canton dved or idShlrt- iStiiffg, iKe des* r square Batting, Warps, ram, or ■ No- 40, fed. . . .2 or color- I ad ral. . . 1 ceut .2 cento 15 15 15 15 IS 15 g R CD n > •< A f id S > a drawers, , and on 30 n spools, 20 ..r.... i2i Qottoii is ef value, of Hemp > be used Doutelles )aus and 30 lb. and hoes and 20 25 20 20 35 20 10 U2 < H O n At U. H. FULLER & CO.'S, head •! Power's ^harf. 1882J ALMANACK. 141 P. 0. Cottons over thirty-six inches wide, when imported by roanufcturers of window fthudes for use in theilr fictories, exclnsively forthe mnuu- fiicturo of oiled window ae.ides. . 16 Cotton, all nmunfaotures of, not else- where speciileil — held to embrace : quilts aud sheets (white or colored), cotton (Uaper, window holland, prints, printed shirtiiigs, furniture prints, cietonnu, plain prints, printed nottoi), casliinofe, cotton huckaback, cotton damask in pieces and cloths, towels, book muslin, Jaconet, checked jaconet, Bisho]>'s and Victoria lawns, tarlatans, hair, cords, crinoline and all kinds of prnited muslins, leno, pique, bril- liante, cotton handkerohieis, cur- tains-known as Swiss, Nottingham or lace, &c., mublin Ince, all kindb of cotton scarfs and ties, rolled jaconets, glove flnished cambrics, corduroy, cotton velvets and vel- veteens, cotton tapes, ferrets, stay- bindings, bt'cd lace, boot web, car- pet binding, blind tassels, whidow leno. cotton t^'ing, braids, aud all kinds of laces 20 Caoutchouc, manufactures of 25 Coffee, green 2 cents per lb. Coffee, green, if from the U. S., au additional duty of 10 p. c Coffee, roasted or ground, and imita- tion of and substitutea for . . .3 cts. per lb Coffee, if fVom the U. S., an additional duty of 10 p. c Collars, cufik and shirt fronts of paper. linen or cotton 30 Copper, old and scrap, in pigs, in bai's, rods, bolts, ingots, sheets & sheath- ing.not plaui-^hed or coated ; Copper Wire, round or flat, and Copper Seamless Drawn Tubing 10 Cordage, for thips purposes 10 " all other inchuling Manilla Marlin, wheie not imported for ships' use 20 Copper Rivets and Burrs, and on all manufactures of copper not else- where specified 30 Composition Spikes and Nails 20 Compasses, ships' 20 Chromos 20 Chromo Cards 25 Chloride of Lime Free Crucibles 20 Coffin Trimmings of Metal 30 Cornelian, unmanufactured Free " when manufactured 20 Cochineal Eree Cocoa Bean and Nibs Free Coiioa M tting 25 Coin, Gold and Silver, except United State^t Silver Free Coir and Coir Yam » Free Colcothar, dry or Oxide of Iron ■ . . .Free p. 0. Collodion 20 Conium Circuta, or Hemlock, Seed and Leaf. Free Cotton Waste and Cotton Wool Free Coi k Woo<l or Cork Bark, unmanu- factured Free Coik Wotxl or Cork Bark, monutac'd 20 Colors, dry, viz.. Blue Black, Blanc Fixe, Chinese Blue, Prussian Blue, and Raw Umber. In Pulp, viz: Carmine, Cologne, Marjarca and Rose LaKes, Scarlet and Marone, Satin and fine-washed White, and Ultramarine Blue Free Coutille Free Clocks, and parts of 35 Coal Tar and Coal Pitch 10 Cocoa xN uts «1 .00 per 100. Cocoa Nuts, when imported tnnn the place of growth by vessel direct U- a Canadian port. . . .50 cts. per 100. Cocoa Paste and Chocolate, not k weet- ened 20 Cocoa Paste and othei preparations of Cocoa containing sugar . . . . 1 ct. per lb. and ad val . . 25 Chocolate, sweetened. . . . 1 ct. per lb. and ad val 25 Caps, Percussion. 20 Candles, Tallow 2 cents per lb. " ParafineWax..5ct8. perlb. " all other 25 Cornmeal 40 cents per bbl. Curry Combs and Curry Cards 30 Crapes', of all kinds 20 Cutlery, includes table, packet and office cutlery, scissors and shears, including sheep-shears ; butcher's knives and steels ; shoe, hunting, glaziers' and farmers' s knives, knives for horticultural piuposes: horse-clippers ; razors ; surjjieal aud dental instruments, and other articles for similar purposes as the above 20 D. Dolls (wax and rag) 20 Dolls (rubber) 25 Drain-tile and Drain Pipes.and Sewer Pipes, glazed or unglszed 20 Diamonds, unset, black for borers, dust or bort Free Drauron's Blood Free Duck for belting and hose Free DyeingorTanningArticlesinacrude state, used in dyeing or tanning, not elsewhere specified Free DruKs, iK>t elsewhere specified 20 Drugs, In a crude state, used injlye- Ing or tanning .' . .Free £. Earthenware and Stoneware, Brown orColoured, and Rockingham Ware 25 Earthenware, White Granite or Iron Stoneware, aud " C C," or Cream Colored Ware 30 K«( Sheet Lead, Mieet ZInr, aad rcrruruteil Ziac. o 09 f » e B or I Hunt's Chopiiiair Axeti, Cor sale by H. M. FULLHIt A iM. 1 S o i t p. c. Essences, viz : of Apple, Pear, Pine Apple, Raspberry, Strawberry, Vanilla, and other Fruits. . .$1.90 per Imp. ffal. and ad val 20 Essential Oils fur manuf. purposes... 20 Excelsior for upholsterers use 20 Eggs Free Embossed Books for the Blind Free Embroideries not elsewhere specifl )d 20 Emery Froe Emery Wheels 25 Emery Puper 2^ Enamelled Cotton, Muslin or Duck, not stamped, painted or printed, and not elsewhere specifled 20 Eartli, Fuller's ( 20 Earth Closets S5 Engravings and Prints 20 Entomology, specimens of Free Esparto or Spanish Oraus, and other grasses and pulp of, for the manu- facture of paper Free Extracts of Logwood Free Electro-plated Ware Is held to envor all articles electro-plat d with gold, silver or nickle, not including ar- ticles generally known as jewellery to be worn on the person . . . Ergot SO .Free Fancy Goods, viz : Alabaster, Spar, Bronze, Terra Gotta or Composition Ornaments ; articles embroidered with geld, silver, or otiier metals ; Manufactures of Bone, Shell, Horn and Ivory ; Coral, manufactured ; Fir* Screens ; Gold and Silver Cloth ; Ivory or Bone Dice ; Pearl, Composition and MaauQoctures of. 20 Fans, advertising SO " all others 25 Felt, adhesive, for sheathing vessels. Free Felt, woollen, for boots and shoes, when imported by the manufac- turers for use in their factories . . 16 Felt for glove linings, and endless felt for paper makers, when im- ported by the manufacturers for use in thoir factories 10 Felt, others not elsewhere specified . . 20 Flbrilla Free Fibre, Mexican Free Fibre, vegetable, for manuN^cturing purposes Free Firo Arms, muskets, rifles, pistols and shot-guns 20 Fire Clay Free Fire Works 20 Fire-r jof Faint, dry.. J of a cent per lb Files »0 Fish Oil, and Fish of all kinds, the produce of the fisheries of the United States (oxcept fish of the inland lakes and of the rivers falling into them, and fish pre- served in oil) Free p. c. Fish preserved in oil 30 Fish, salted, smoked or fresh, except fish free of duty, as provided by the Trdaty of Washington . . 1 ct. pr lb. Fish Bait Free Fish Hooks, Nets and Seines, and Liaes and Twines for the use of the fisheries, but not to include sport- ing fishing tackle, or hooks with flies, or trolling spoons Free Fish, preserved, except from United States .. ...' 20 FiBhing Rods 30 Flag Stones, dressed, per ton 1.50 Flour of Rice 2 cents per lb. Flour of Rye 60 cents per bbl. Flour of Sago 2 cents per lb. Flour of Wheat. . . . TiO cents per bbl. Feathers, Ostrich and Vulture, un- dressed 16 Feathers, Ostrioh & Vulture, dressed 25 " not elsewhere specified .... 20 Fire-brick or Tiles, for lining stoves and furnaces 20 Flax, fibre, scutched . .Icont per lb. " hackled . .2 cents per lb. Flax, tow of, scutched or green . . . .^ cent |)er lb Flax, manufactures of, not elsewhere specified 20 Flax Seed 10 cents per bushel Fruit, dried. Apples 2 cts. per lb. Fruit, dried. Currants, Dates. Figs, Plums, Prunes, Raisins, and all other not elsewhere specified .... 25 Fruits, green, Apples . . 40 cts. per bbl. Fruits, green. Blackberries, Goose- berries, Raspberrios and Straw- berries 2 cents per quart Fruits, green. Cherries and Currants, 1 cent per ^uart ; Fruits, green, Cranberries, Plums and Quinces . .30 e's. per bushel Fruits, green. Grapes . .2 cts. per lb. " Lemons and Oranges. 20 Fruits, groen. Peaches 40 cents per bushel Fruits in air-tight cans, including cans, if sweetened. . . .3 cts. per lb. Fruits in air-tight cans, including cans, if not sweet'd . .2 cts. per lb. Fruits preserved in brandy or other spirits fl.M per Imp. gal. Fur Skins, dressed IS Fur Caps, Capes, Coatn, Cloaks, Hats, Muffs, Tippets, and other manu- factures of 25 Fur Skins of all kinds, not dressed in any manner Free Furniture, House, Cabinet or Ofllce, finished or in parts, including Hair and Spring Matrasses, Show Cases, Caskets and Coffins of any ma- terial 86 Farina 2 cts. per lb. Peed 20 Food, infiihts'" (not mlik)' ." '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. '. 20 Fuse 2o .At Use eity HiuMTmire Stere (I*. WAUIHS)* Ikere Is kept « o (J 4 u t) U H [1882 V. c. .... 30 ixcept by the prlb. Free s, and of the sport- Is with Free United .... 20 .... 80 ....1.60 per lb. er bbl. per lb. er bbl. re, un- 16 Ireiised 35 led.... 20 stoves 20 per lb. per lb. lewhere 20 bushel per lb. M. Figs, and all i3d . . . . 26 per bbl. , Ooose- Straw- er quart umnta, Plums r bushel I. per lb. Dranges. 20 .40 cents ncludint; 8. per lb. ncludin; I. per lb. or other Linp, gal. 16 ks, Hats, )r manu- 26 Iressedin Free or Office, ding Hair ow Cases, any ma- 86 bs. per lb. 20 20 2u 8 kepi doid miners^ Snpplits, at H. H. FtLLEft & C0^»« Flhits nnd Ground Flint Stones — Free, Gum, all other not sweet«ne«l 2U Foliae Digitalis Free Forks, hay, manure and potato 8U Foasils ^ Free G. Oalatens, 2 cents pe" square yard ad vul , 16 Geliitino 20 Gonnau and Nickel Hilvcr, manufac- tures of, not pluted 26 Ginger Alo 20 Gla«8, and nmnufuwtures of, viz : Carboys and Dcmijohiit;, Vressed or Moulded, and cut Gloss, liottlcs and Decantovs, Flasks and Phials of every dtiM^ription, Telegraph and Lightning Rod Insulators, Mm and Glass Balls 30 Gas-lii^ht and Lamp Khades, Lumps and Lamp Chiiuneys, Side Lights and Head Lights, Globes for Lun' terns, Lamps and iiu.S'lights 30 Ornamental, t igured and Enamelled $ituit;od Glairs; iStained, Tinted, Painted and Vitrified Glass, and Stitined Glass Windows ; Fiuur- ed, Enamuielled and Obscured WhiteGlase 30 Silvered plate !i6 Comuton and Colorless Window Glass, imitulion Porcelain shades and Colored Glaus, not Figured, Painted, Enaninielled or En- graved 20 On all other glass and nianufoc- tures of Glfiw, not herein other- wise provided for 20 Gloves and mitts, of coMon, leather, silk, woolen or any other material 25 Gas, Coal Oil or Keroseue Fixtures, or parts thereof 30 Gu» coke, when used in Canadian manufactures only Free Glycerine 20 Glue 20 Gold and Silver Leaf 25 Gold Beaters' Brim-mouids Free Grains, viz : [ Indian Corn . .Ti cents per l;urt>el. Oats 10 cents per bushel. I Pens 10 cents per bushd. ! Rice 1 cent per lb, I Rye 10 cents per bushel. i VVheat 15 cents per bushel. Grass and Tuscan, (Plaits) Free Gravels Free Grease and Scraps, for manufacture of Soap only Free Grease, Axle 20 Grass, Manilla and Sea Grass Free Grindstones *2 per ton Gunib, Arabic, Amber, Australian, British, Copal, Daninr, Mastic, Sandarac, Sneilac, Tragacttnth. . . .Free Gum Shellac, bleached and drawn . . 20 Gum, Chewing, sweetened 1 cent per lb. and adval 35 GentvMi Koot.. ,. Free Ginseng Root Free Guano and other aniniul and vegitta- ble manures Free ttunny Cloth and Gunny Bags 2U Gutta Purcha, uiai^ufactures of 25 Gut and Worm Gat, manat'actuicd or unmanufactured for Whij), and ottier Cord Free Gutta Percha, Crude , Free Gypsum, Crude (itiulphate of Lime). .Free Gun and Pistol Caps 20 Gunpowder and other o.xplosives.viz; Gun, RiHe, and Sporting Powder, in kegs, half keg« or (quarter kegs, Mid other similar }>ackages, 5 cts. per lb, ; Cannon and Musket Pow- der, in kegs ard barrels, 4 cents per !b. ; Canister Powder, ui pound and half-pound tins, 1.5 cent« per lb. ; BlastiuK and Mining Powder, .S cents per lb Gi.ant Powder, Dualin, Dynamite and other explosives, in which nitro-giycerine is a constittient part, 5 coDte per Ih. and advuL. . 28* Nitro-glycerine, 10 cents per lb. and ad val 20 Provided that a drawback of one and a half cents per pound may be allowed and paid on all blast- ing jtowder actually used by •luL.'veri in the Prtwince of British CoUuiibui, during the three years nex'- after the first day of April, 1880. Glucose or Grape Sngar to be classed and rated for duty as sugar, accord- ing to giade by Dutch standard. . Gluecose Syrup 4 cent lb. and adval 35 Golbeat«rs' hkins Free Glengarry or Scotch Caps 25 -H. Hair, Cnrled 20 Hone V, bees's in the comb, or other- wise 3 cents jier lb. Hops cents per lb. Hair, manufactures of, not elsewhere specified 20 Hair, Angola, Buffalo, BisonjCamel's, Goat, Hog, Horse, Human, cleaned or uncleaned, but not curled or otherwise manufactured Free Hemlock Bark > Free Hemp, undressed Free Hides, raw, whether dry-salted or pickled Free Hoofs, horn and homtips Free Hyoscyamus or Henbane Leaf Free Hay and Straw 20 Hats, Silk, Felt, Straw, 'Jhip & Grass 25 Hatter's Plush of Silk or Cotton.... 10 Hoes 30 Horn strips, when to be used in making corsets Free Horse Slu)e8 and Hc-se Shoe Nails. . 30 ill 1 ("H A full i^wpiMy of 1.4>a«l Pipe, aud Conposltton Ciii» Pipe. Oiiffln's Prime aiid DonMe Refined Seytheo, .1.1 i i U4 BCLCHBRS FARMERS [188-^ r. c. Hosiery of Oitton »nd Silk 39 Hosiery of Wool — 7i oenta per lb. and ad val 20 Hemp Rags, for manufacture of paper only Free Hatters' Furs not en the skin Free Z. .Free 17i 10 174 19 Ice India Rubber Boots and shoes and all manufactures of Rubber 26 India Rnbber, unmanufactured ....Ft Indian mp, crude druir. • .Fti Indigo Frf .. Inl<, writing 26 Ink, other Irris, orris root Free Ivory and Ivory Nuts, unmanufac'd..Free Iron and manufactures of Iron, vis : Pig «2 per ton. Old and Scrap < . .92 yter ton. In Slabs, Blooms, Loops or Billets, puddled or not, and Muck and Puddled Bars or Billets 10 Boiler Plate 12i In Bars, rolled or hammered, in- cluding Flats round and squared ; Nail and ttpike Rods, and all other iren not elsewhere provided for . . Rolled, round, Wire Rods in cJoils, under h:ilf an inch in diameter . . Iron Rails or Railway Bars for Rail- ways or Tiamways 15 Railway Fish-plates, Frogs, Frog- points, Chairs and Finger Ban Tin Plates Band and Hoop, Sheet, smoothed or polished, coated or galvanized, and common or black. No. 17 gauge, or thinner 12^ do. under 17 gauge 17i Canada Plates 12i Iron and Steel Wire and Galvanized 15 Stoves and other castings 25 Gas, Water and Soil Pipes of Cast Iron Car Wheels or Axles of Iron or Steel Rolled Beams, Channels and Angle, and T Iron, steel or iron and steel. Iron Bridge and Structural iron work, malleable iron eastings and iron safes, and doors for safes and vaults 26 Mill Iron and mill cranks, and on Wrou:;htfor;{ing8 for Mills, and Lo- comotives or parts thereof, weigh- ing 25 lbs. or more 20 Locomotive Engines, and on Hta- t onary fire or other steam Engines or Boilers, and other machinery composed wholly or in part of iron 25 Locomotive Tires of Steel or Besse- mer Steel in the rough 10 Bedsteads and other iron furniture and ornamental iron work, and wire work 25 Hardware, viz : Builders, cabinet 26 25 12i ». c. mak's, upholsterers, carr'ge mak's saddleni and undertakcrs.including coffin trimmings of metal. Bolts, Washers and Rivets of iron and steal, Tacks, Brads and Sprigs, Hungorlan and Clout Nails, Iron Wire Na> is, called /'otnte«d« Paris 30 Screws of iron, steel, brass or other moti^l, not otherwise provided for SO Tinned, glazed orEnammelledhol- lowarc m c"t or wrought iron 26 Iror 1 St -el Screws, jommonlv cai . ^o(^ icrews 86 Chtiin Cab 8»i, nine-sixteenth of an 'r> ,fi !>) - rAnet'Sr, whether shackled > I h"«'h ' M, or not 6 'i !Mi C»v '^ , under nine-sixteenth Hi HP inch . 20 Nails and dpi: es, wrought and pressed, whether galvanized or not } ct. per lb. and ad va2 . . 10 Nails aud Spikes, cut. . 4 ct. per lb and ad val 10 Nuts (Iron or Steel). .1 et. per lb. and ad val 10 Iron Masts for ships, or parts thereof Free Iron Tubing (wrought) over two inches in diameter not threaded or coupled 15 Iron Tubing, two inches in diame- ter, or under, threaded or coupled or not ; 25 Iron Tubing over two inches in diameter, threaded or coupled 26 Jet manufactures of 20 Jalap Root Free Jewellery, and other ruanufactures of gold and silver 20 Junk, old Free Jute, manufactures of 20 Jute, unman ufactwred Free Jams and Jellies . . 1 ct. lb. and ouZ val 36 Kelp Free Kyrelite Free Knitting Machines . : 26 Knife Blades or Knife Blanks, in the rough, unhandled, for use by Electro-platers 10 li. Lac, dye, crude, seed, button, stick and shell Free Laces, braids, fringes and other trim- mings 20 Lava, unmanufactured Free " manufactures of 20 Lakes, scarlet and marone, in pulp. .Free T.AmpbIa«k 20 Lard, tried or rendered . . 2 cts. per lb. " untried Ijcts. perlb. Lead, bars and blocks and sheets. .00 cents per hundred pounds Lead pipe and shot 26 Wry C«lon« iff emry dcmerlpMWB* will li« ffawiMl 'li'jll At a. H. FVLhER k C0.>8, bend of Power's Wharfs [l88-i d. .Free .Frcti . 25 n the by e 10 stick ...Free •trim- ... 20 , ..Free ... 20 ulp..Free 20 )erlb. ler lb. t8..eo ... 26 r, <: 40 cents ncA elt>e- ftteper ll» .oun*«r .^ tanned, but 6 10 Iiea<J, old, pig' »nd wfH pei' one hundred pov \j(iM\, iuaf)uf»ctuy«« o where Bijef'iflod . . Loiirl, red nd f/\\i\£, dry Leather Board Leather, boot and ahoi cent i)er pair Leather, k..orocco akii; roil"'- undi ase')'.hor, sole, tanned, btii-rovnr' or undressed 10 Leatiier, sole and l)elting, and all up- per leather, int-ludinK kid, lan\u, sheep, buck, antelope and calf, tanned or dres^jd, but not waxf-d or glazed 16 Leather, sole and belting, and all upper, dressed, waxed oi glazed. . 20 Leather, japanned, patent or en- amelled 20 Leather and Skins, tanned, not else- where specified 20 Leather, all other nianufactui^es not elsewhere specified 26 Leather Boots and Shoes and other manufactures of leather, including gloves and mits and i^ieathcr belt- ing 25 Leeches Free Lemons and Kinds of, in brine, for candying ¥nt Lime, Acetate of 20 Linio 20 Lime and Lemon Juice 20 Linen 20 Linen Thread 20 Linen Duck, Canvas, Diapers, or other manufactures of Iilax, not elsewhere specified 20 Linen Clothing 80 Linoleum SO Liquorice root, paste extract of, for manufacturing puqioses 20 Stick extract or confection, 1 cent lb. and adval 20 Litharge Free Lithographic Stones, not engraved . . 20 Litiuius and all Lichens, prepared and not prepared Free Locomotives and Railway Passenger Baggage and Freight Cars, being the property of railway companies in the United States, running upon any line of road crossing the fron- tier, so long as Canadian Locomo- tives and Cars are admitted under similar circumstances in the United States, under regulations to be prescribed by the Minister of Customs Free Locks of all kinds .....SO Logs and Round Timber, unmanOfac- tured, not elsewhere provided for.Free Lumber, Plank and Boards, sawn of boxw'd cherry, chestnut, hickory, mahogany, oak, pitch-pine, rose- wood sandalwood, walnut, Span- p. c. ish celar a 1 whi'e wow', not Bhiped, ]'V.ineu or otherwise nianu- fact'u'ed Free Lumly<jr and Timber not els'' here epecHied 20 M. Magnesia 20 ilatt" and Mattin/ of Jute, grass, not eU .11. re provided^or 20 Aait^t\oi wax ^ 20 Machinery not elsewhere speoifleu.. 26 Machine-^Jard, Olothinj; t5 Marble, finished, and on all manu- factures c4 Marble not elsewhere spectfled 30 Mnrble in blocks from the quurr.v, in the rough or sawn on two sides only ana !!<>♦. specially shapen, con- taining fifteen cubic feet or over. . 10 Marble Blocks and Slabs sawn on more than two sides 90 Marble Slabs sawn on not more than two sides 15 Mader and Munjeet or Indian Mad- der, ground or prepared, and all extracts of Free Malt.. 16 cts. per bushel, upon en- try for warehouse, subject to Excise regulations Malt extract of, for medicinal pur- poses 25 Macaroni and Vemiicelli 20 Manure, animal and vegetable Free Maps and Charts 20 Melodo, concentrated Melado con- centrated Cane Juice, concentrated Molasses, concentrated Beet Root Juice and Concrete. .8-8 ct per lb. and ad val 30 Meats, fresh, or salted, on actual weight as received in Canada, (ex- cept Bacon, Hams, Shoulders and Sides) 1 ot. per lb Shoulders, Sides, Bacon aad Hams fresh, salted, dried or smoked . . 2 cts. per lb All other Dried or Smoked Meats, or meats preserved in any other way than salted or pickled, not otherwise s|)ecified..2 cts. per lb. Medicines Proprietary, commonly ealled Patent Medicines, or any medicine or preparation of which the recipe is kept secret, or the ingredients whereof are kept secret reeommendtd by advertsement, bille or label for the relief of any disorder or ailment, in liquid form SO Medicines, Patent, other 25 Menageries, Horses, Cattle, Carriages and Harnesses of, under regnla- tions to be prescribed bj' the Ministers of Customs Free Mercury 10 Metel, and manufactures of, not else- where provided for 30 Medals of Gold, Silver or Copper Free 9 t AC P. WALBB'B, Cltjr Httrdware STore, Oppeslfe PMt OOlco. H. R. FLXLEB A CO.y Gmieril Icrdwar* Jfe^hrtf 1 I I 8 o I s I 146 BBL0HBB8 FARMER » [1882 p. c. Meertohaura, crude ov raw . . Free ilceiiichauin, manufactures of 20 Mici 20 Micti Waste 20 Mineral and Aerated Waters 20 Mineral and Bituminous substances, nut elsewhere provkled fur 20 iIilllnerj',noteUiewhere provided for 20 Milk fuoil, nwniUactured by Henri Nestle, Dr. Oit>autran4 others, aiiel all other similar preparations 8D Molasses, U used for rennlng, clarify- inif or rectifying purposes, or for the manufacture of ^ugur when imported direct from the country u( (>^r<>wth 25 Molasses for the sanio puroose as tib(^vc, and not importea dirvct from the country of growth and production 80 Molasaet), when not so used, and inv ported direct from the country of t^rowtb and production , , 15 And when not imported direct from the coiintty of growth and production 2* Morphine 20 Models of Invention and otb«r Im- provoment« in the Arts, but no article or articles shall be deemed a model or improvement which can be fitted for use ,Free Moss, Iceland iSi otiMr Mosses, crude. Free Muss, 8uaweed audi all other vej;e- tiiblo substances used for beds or matrasses, ii> their natural state or only cleaned . . Free Musiual Instruments of all kinds^ not else wbere specified ., ^.., 26 Munjeut Free Mustoi-d Seed, ground 26 " " urtground , . . . ...... 15 BT. Ne^vspapors, and quarterly, monthly Mimi.munthlyMagaiunes,unboundlFre« Nickle Free Napkin liiogsy not (Mated 2D " plated 30 Nuts of all kinds, except Cocoa Nut. 20 Nut Gall* Free O. i Oats 10 of«. per bushei Oatmeal ^ ct. per lb. Oak i^ric and extract — . ... .Free Oakum Free Ochres, dry, ground or imgr«undr waslied or unwashed lO Oil Paintings 20 Oil Cake. . Freer Oil Cloth for floors, table covers, win- dow blinds and scenery, in the piece, cut or shaped, oiled, <ni- araelled, stamped, painted or print- ed , 30 Oils, Linseed or Flax Seed, raw or boiled 25 V. 0. Coal and Ksrosene, dtatilled, puri- fied or refined. Naphtha, benzole, Petroleunv Products of Fetrol«um, Coal, Shale and Lignite, not else- where specified,? 1-5 uts. per 1 gak. Carbolic or Heavy 013 used in the manufaeturc of wood for >)ulUMng» and roilniad ties 10 , Cod Uver, MeiUcated, Lard, Neats- fuDt, Olive or Salid, Sesatne Bead, and S))erm ...... 20 ; Whale in casks on shipboard,, and in the eenditloA to which it was first landed Frc« Castor 20 Vegetable, not elsewhere specified. 20 Fish Oil, the produce of the fisher- ies of the United States Free Cocoa Nut and Palm in their imto- ral state. . .. . Free Volatile or Essential for nuinufaii- turlng purposes .... 20 Lubricating ot all kinds 2& Not elsewhere tpecified ,. 20 Opium, Drug 20 Opium, prepared for smoking 95- p«v lb. [Organs, Cabinet, vizi— On Rccd Orgajis having not more : than two sets of reeds 91U eatb i andodt'af — 15 Over two sets and not over fowr. . $15 and ad val 15 ; Over four and not over six.. $20 ; each and ari vaJ 1& I Over six set{>..$;i0 each and ad val 15 Ores' of Metal of all kinds Free Ornaments for IndkM' heoii-drestes, hatSy bonnets, belts, dress ciaspS) &C., t<) be rated according to the material or cc4Ui)onent part ot chief valu«. Osiers , Free Oysters in cans, fresh from countries ' other than tke United States 20 Fresh in can froui United States. .Free Shelled in buik from U. S Free P. Faekages— For rate of- doty or, &c., see resolution No. I Pails and Tin» containing Lanl .... 25' Paintings, Drawings, Engravings and Prints 20 Paints and Colors not elsewhere specified 20 Paris green, dry 10 Paper Hangings and Wall Paper 80 Paper of all kinds not elsewhere spe- cified 20 Faints and Colors ground in (^1 or ••vny other liquid 2& Paints, White Lead in pulp.uotmlxed with oil & Pdjper, nMinufacturee oi, including Envelopes, not elsewhere speclflecL 35 Paper Wiudow Shades, and for lining tmiiJia. 80 H ^ 01 n w i i t* f ^ 3 i M II u A n s t tf A a « a 2 / *) e e M « « e « 3 Wade A Bwiclicr'» Jttaxor» aiMi Barbeirft* Shears are seM lew* tttf [1882 P.O. , pnri- inM>le, >)«uin, t elH' in tb* lUUng» .... 10 N«ats- B««d, 20 -dr and it was Free 20 euiitod. 20 ) flsher* Fr«e t i>afeU' Fre« . . 20 '....,.. 2& 20 20 $5- p«v lb. ot more |!lu eavb ,, 16 r fowr.. 15 »ix..$2l> 1& d ad val 15 Free -dreeMS, IS cla»p»k y to the pairt ot ,FF«e iouiitries lea 20 Statea . . FVee Free r OH, kC,f anl.. .. 25 r\ng» and 20 elsewhere ......... 20 10 ?aper 80 here spo- » in <^1 or 25 ooimixed & including specified. S& for lining 80 mitA l<nv» 3 M a: « .25 r o a Head of Power'N Wkarf, Halifax, N. S. p. c. Paper, Sand, Olasa and Emery 20 Union, collar cloth Paper in sheets n^ Nhancd 10 Paper, Miihoard, not straw 10 Paiwr rnlod 25 Cafenrteretl 22J Collars, CnfTb and Shirt Fronts. ... SO Piinior Macho, manufactures of ... . 25 Palm Leaf, unmanufactured Free " manufactured 20 Palm Nut Cal<o and Meal Free Peas, .S|)!it 20 I'aintlnRH, in Oil or Water Colors, by artists of well-ltnown merit, or co))ie8 of the old mastem by such art ists Free Pearl, Mother of, unniiUHifactiired. . Free " " manufactured .... 20 Perfumery, Includiuj Toilet Prepa- rations, Hair Oil.s, Tooth and<>tiicr I'owders and Wnshes, Pomatums, Pafites and other Perfumed Prepa- rations UH«d for hair, mouth or skin »0 Persi8 or Extracts of archill and cud- ',ear Free Pencils, Lead, in wood or otherwise. 25 PhiloMuphical InstrumentHand Appa- ratus, including; Olobes and pic- torial illustrations of insecto, etc., when imported by and for the use of collei{CM and schools, scientific and literary societies Free PhoAphor bronzo, in blocks, bars, sheets und wire 10 Phosphorus Free Picklob and Sauces 20 Pipe OrKuns, and sets or parts of 8 jts of Reeds for Cabhiet Organs . . 25 Pitch (Pine) Free Pipe Clay, prepared 20 Picture Fnunes 86 Pianofortes, viz : All squrre pianofortes, whether round conored or not, not over seven octaves . . 8:^5 each and ad val 15 All other squaie pianofortes.. 930 each and ad vol 15 Upri,(;ht pianofortes. .930 each and ad val 15 Concert, serai-concert or parlor grand pianofortes,. .960 each and ad val 15 Pianofortes, partsof 26 Pins and Hooks and Fyes 20 Pipes, briar root and all other. 20 Plumbago .' 10 " manufactures of 20 PlayingCards 30 Plaster of Paris, not gn-ound nor cal- cined ' Free Plants, via :- Fruit, Shade, Lawn, and Ornamental Trees, Shrubs aud Plants 20 Plated Ware «nd Gilt Ware of all kinds, including cutlery plated, wholly or in part 80 Plates engraved on Wood and on Steel or other metal 20 p. c. Ploughs 25 Plaster of Paris or Gypsum, orrouNd, not Cdlcined..lO c. per hundred lbs. Plaster of Paris, calcined or manu- factured 15 cts. |)or 100 lbs. Porcelain Lamp Shades 25 Pomades, French or flower <Klor, preserved in fat or oil for the pur- 8ose of conserving the odors of owers which do not bear the heat of distillation, when imported in tins not less than ten pounds each. 15 Potash, muriate and bichromate of crude Free Poultry and Game of all kinds 20 Printing Presses of ail kinds 10 Precipitate of Copper, crude Froe Prepared Vcg'staoles, not elsewhere S|)ecifled 20 Pumice Stone, ground or powdered . . 20 Pumice and Pumice Stone Free Putty 25 Plaits, Straw, Tuscan and Grass Free I Quick Silver , . . . . 10 Quills 20 I Quinine, Sulphate of 20 Quercitrion, or extract of Oak Bark. Free B. Kngs of cotton, linen. Jute and hemp, paper waste or clippings, and waste of any kind fit only for manufac- ture of paper Free Rakes and Hake Teeth 80 Rattans, unmanufactured Free " manufactured 20 Reeds for Organs 25 " unmanufactured Free Rennet, raw or prepared Free Rhubarb Root Free Ribbons of all kinds and materials . . SO Rice 1 ct. per lb Rice and Sago Flour — 2 cts. per lb Kosin Free Roofing Felt 20 Roots, medicinal, viz.. Aconite, Cal- umba, Ipecacuauha, Sarsaparilla. Squills, Teraxacum, Valerian Free Rye 10 cts. per bush. B. Safes of Iron 25 Saffron and Safflower, and extract of Free Saffron Cake Free Sago 20 Sago and Rice Flour — 2 cts. per lb Sails, ready-made, for boats, ships, awnings and tents 25 Sal Ammonia Free Sal Soda Free Salt ^except Salt imported from the United Kingdom or any British possession, or imparted for the use of the Sea or Gulf Fisheries, which shall be free of duty,) in bulk 8 cts. per 100 lbs. I 8 t I ? I I i-m At P« WAMVt, City Hardwave 8toi*v.- 8ec adv. pace 81. Cut Niiilii, PAtnU, Olli» iilasM, Putty, yerjr low, '} ill r. (1. Stklt ill hin(s, barrels »nd other pack- aiien 12 cte. nor lOd Iba. Salt imported from the UnltaU KiiiR- (Iota or any BritlMh po6aeaaion, or iinuorteil for the uiie of the H«a or Oulf Fisherioii Free Sattiietro 20 Sana Free Sausage Caainipi 30 Sawa of alt kinds SO ioalea, Ualuucesandweighinff Beams 80 Scythes 30 Seeds, viz :— Flowers, Oarden, Field and other Seeds, for agricultural purpos.B, when in bulk or in large parcels 16 Seeds in small (mpers or piiruels.. .. M& Othar, not ulsewhere specified .... 20 Seiiiiu in Leaves Free Settlei-s' effects vis. ;— W^arintr Ap- parel, Houseoold Furniture, Pro* fessianal Books, Implements and Tools of Trade, occupatiuu or employment, which the settler has had In actual use for at least six months before removal to Canada, not to include niauhinerv or live stock, or other articles im|>orted for use in any nianufacturinx ea- ts bllshment or for sale. Provided that any duti»ble article entered as Settlers'a Effects' shall not be sold or otherwiiie disposed of with- out iwyment of du(y until after two years actual use in Canada provided also tlint under rtJimla- tions to be made by the Minister of Customs, live stock, when iin-> ported into Manitoba ortho North- west Territory by intending set- tlers, shall be free until otherwlee ordered by the Oo\'n'r in Coimcil. . Free Semaphore Wire,, aud Fenelns Wire.. 25 Sewiu^r Machines, whole or heads,, or Erts of headaof sawing ma^hbiea, each and ad val 20 Sewi n^ Machines, })arts of 25 Shawls, of all kinds and aateriab except silk ^ 25 Sheet Music ^........€ ctsper Vb* Shells, manufactured . 30 SheathiuK Nails 20 Ships and other Vesatfs, built in any foreign country-, whether stean or aailinff Vessels, on application for Canadian Register,, on the fair market value of the hull, riggingik luacbinery all appliances......... 10 Shingles. 20 Shoe ink.... .v. 26 Shovels an;l spades. ^... 30 Silex or Otystalized Quartz ....... .Kree Silk Cords and Talsels. ....80 Silk Velvets, and aU.manufacturqs ot Silk, or ol wluch Silk ia the com^ poueat part of ohief valuo, not elsewhere apexiificd, (except Cihurch Vestments)..... 30 r. c. Silk in the gum or spun, not more advanced than singles, tram and thrown orpraneiiic, ana raw spui^ Silk not colored 15 Silk Laces 80 Silk, Sewing, and Silk tVist 26 Raw or as reeled from the Cocoon, not being doubled, twistod, or ad- vanced In manufacture in any way Silk Cocooi.8 and Silk WaaU Free Silver Coin, United States 20 Silver Leaf 25 Silver, roolad, and Oermaii and Nicklo Silver, In shoets 10 Silicate of Soda Free Skates of all kinds 30 Skins, undressed, drle<l, salted or pickled Kree Slates, HooAnK Slate, black or blue, 80 ots. per square ; red grenn or other colors . ,t\ per squaro. Slates of all kinds, and maiiufooturoa of, not otherwise specified 26 Slate Mantels 30 Slates for Writing and for Schools.. 26 Snuff. ..26 cts. i)er lb. and ad raL. . 12| Soap, common, brown and yellow, not pnrf limed 1^ ct. por lb. Soap, oastile and white. .2 ets. per lb. Saddlera, Silver, Soft, and Soap Stock 20 Soap, perfumed or Toilet 30 Soda Ash Free Soda, Caustic Free Soda, Nitre of, or CuUlo Nitre Free Spectacles and Kyo Ulassea of all kinds 2D Spelter in blocks or pigs 10 Spices of all kinds, except Nutmegs and Mace, ground 2S Maces and Nutinegt 25 Spirits and Strong Water8,not having been sweetened or mixed with any article^ so that th» dejfree of strength cannot be ascertained \iy Syko's Uytlrometer, ior every Im< periwl gallon of the strength of proof, and. for everv greater or less quantity than a gallou, viz «:— Oeueva Oin, Rum, Whiskey and unenum(»utod ortfdes of like kinds $1..32i per I. gaL Brandy 9U46 perl. gal. Old Tom Otn....<l.S2^.pey KgaK sweetened and mixed, sot that tha strength ununot bo usuertainod a» otores^d,^ viz. ;— Runv^hrub, Cor> dials, Schiedam Schnapps, Tafia«> Bittsrs and unenwncfated articles of like kinds, tlOO p^ I. gal. Spirits not etoewbero specified moo per L g»>. imported into Cainada, mixed with any ingredient oringredients, and althou^ therel»y coming un- der the denomination of Propria tary Modiciuesv Tinctures, Estsen^ «es. Extracts or any otbex denomi- KraM mid Iron Wlce* Btam awl Ir«n W«i»«l ScccMra^ 1881 nail CKll 1 bull< 4> lied. 1 subj Imp 0] gplritf Xt 1 in b g luor <l Spirttf ♦9 inb( *> welu eaci S ti m. S ' Spoiler Starch 4? ^ orP S i Inif ( Statloi ^ •pec* <:ll C ts and H peni tS anti Stan 9 torlu ^ then n Penf M Pare M fnd! S Quil M «nd «* SUt t Wat «0* Tap( 1 Pen a •teelc Sto. 1 colic fish of J 1 that Can .S 1 kers A Tool fl inR 1 C«ti Car & ofti Roll 8 and Oil 1 i j of I « 1 spec ti Stereo c>am (9 men Ste»eo &iT* *i Stone, Stoi M^;< n>er l.Sc 1 Storw, i 81 P . Sprinji ow, [1882 T. C. 3t more km and kw apuii- .15 20 26 Cocoon, , ur Hd> »ny w»y '» Froe 20 25 ftU Mid 10 Free 30 Jted or F*ee or blue, Teon or 0. lacturoe 25 30 uhools.. 26 1 ral... 12 J yellow, . por lb. i. per lb. id Soap 20 ao Free Free •e Free of all 20 10 lutmegs 25 thftvinft vithany rree of tilled by ery Im« ngtb of r or lew key and of like kri. gaL IT I. gal. ' IsKftU ihat the ilnod a» lb, Cor- ), Tafiar articlns I. gaL hi r L g»I. mixed edLieots, ling un- , £stien^ denomi- W«k H t e •It c & I 4) 'i & (0 •8 a it H. fl. FULLER « CO.'A, lra«4 «( Powei^s WliAtf, r.c nation, in«1u(nng«lixlN an4 fitrid vKlMctx, niid wiiw pre|WT!itieiii) in liullc-(tr hottl* nut «lsewhere tt|ie<4- lied, HluvlUm, tieverthel«HN, deemed *' Spirits or Stroiitf VVateni, imA ■ubjat-t to duty HH«Mok. .1(1.90 per luip. ((al .' Splrite, [MtrfiMtiod, k CcAokkc Water in bottlei) or tiMikM iiitt weit|4iing more than four ounces each 40 Sp'.ritH, yurftmiudf AOoKjifito Water, in bottles, MMsks or other paukaxes weiiflinj; fDora than four onnces each, IL90 per Imp. gal, and ad i4K 30 Sponges "20 8l«reli,lneluding Farinu .Corn 8tai^;h, or Roar, iind all iireparations hav- hiL' the quolitiesof Stapch, S c. p. Ht Stationery of all kinds not elsewnere anecitled, viz : Penho'dors and I'en- vU Cases o( all kinds, Paper BTinders and Fasteners (metal), I'encil Shar- peners, Mucilage, Pirper Weights and Clips, Copying Pencils, Ink- fltands (except elcotro-plated). No- torial Seals, Ph'ilosophical ana Ma- thomutiual Instruments, Drawing Pens, Tape Measures, Ink Powder, Parchment, Chalks und Crayons. India and China Inik, Quills and Quill and Steel Pens, Ivory Knives «nd Folders. Wafers and Stamps, Slate Pencila, Juvenile and all Water Colors lor Artista, Pink Tape, Pastilles, Qldbes, Rulers, Pen Trays, Key Rings and Cihains '20 tteel and Manufacturem of, vie : Sto 1 in ingots, ban, i^Meta and coils (and railway barsor rails, and flsh plates) free until the first day of January, 1882. On and after that^a*e... 10 Carpenters', Coopers', Cabinet Ma- kers', and all other Medianics' Tools «f every description, includ- ing Mower and Keaiter Knives an4 C«tter liars... - 80 Car Wheefts and AxAes of Stoel or of Iron and Steel 25 Rolled Beams, Chamiels and Angle and T Steel, cr Iron cr Steel.. t .. 15 On a3l «anufaetupes of Meel, amd of Iron and Steel, not 'elsewhere speciiVed 20 Stereotypes and Electrotypes for commeroial blanks and advertise- monis ........:.... 20 SteveOtypes and Electroty pesof Stan- dard 'Books. ... .. 19 Stone, viz: rough Freestone, Sand Stone and all building «tone,'exoept XKrtjle trota the quarry, not 'ham- mered -or chiselled, |1 per ton of IS cubic feet StoTw, Water, Lime or Cement Stone, 81 per ton. Springs (Steel) 30 »'. c. Stone for bnllding and dreised Free- etone, except Marble, and on all nianufaotures wf Btone or Oniiilto. 20 Straw 20 Steel, imported for use In .the maiiu- facturo of Skates Free StigurH and SyrupH, viz ; SiiHur alMive number 14, T>utt1i Standard in oulor, 1 ot. per fl>. and n* val SB Snifar equal to nundwr 9, and n<*t aliove number 11, Dutch Standrrd, J «f 1 ct. |ior lb. and ad val 30 Sugar below No. 0, Dutch Standard, k ct. per lb. and ad val 30 Provided thut the ad valorem duty shall be levied and collected on sugar and melado when imported direct from Hie country of gi-owtti and production, upcm the 1S>r market value thereof, includlitff export duty er oHier goremmeni tax, at the ulace of purc'hase, with- out any aadHion M<tT Phe cost of hogsheads «r other fx^ckages, or other charges and exitcnses prior to shipment, anything contained in section 34 of the Act 40 Victoria, chapter iO, to Ifho contrary not- withstanding the said section nevertheless remaining in force as to regulations to bo made under it, in cases where the sugar or melado is not imported direct from the country of growth or produc- tion. Sagar Candy, 1»rown and wMte, and Confectfmiery. . .1-eent per lb. and ad val 8S Syrups, Cane Juice, Reflned Syrup, fiugac-house Syrap, SjTup of Sugar, Syrup of Molasses or Soi>rhum ... 9 ot 1 ct. per lb. and ad val 30 Syrup of Oluflose. .} et. per H>. and ■ad vat ., 85 Sulphur, in roll or flour free Suma» 20 Sunday Scliool and Devotional Cards 25 Surgical and Dental Iirstruments 20 Supier Phospbate of Ume — . '20 Tamarinds 25 T< 'low 1 ct. per lb. Tsu pico, white and black Free Taiit ers' Bark fVee Tar, Pine Free Terra-.Iaj)onica. Free Tea-BlacK . .2 cts. per lb. and ad val. 10 and 10 per ct udditionul when im- ported f rem <9)e U. fl. Tea, Green . .8 cts. \>er lb. and ad val. 10 and 10 per ct. atklitional when im- ported from Hhe U. 8, Teasels Frte Telephones,telegraphic Instruments, Electric and Galvanic Battcrieti, and Apparatus for Electric Lights 25 At r. WAJAB «, Cttj' mmrtkwme Store* ^poftte rost OAee. i- :' > I 1 ' I lit I l-i i I n B I 9 I *'Hoyt>g» Leather and *« Boston Co.»8>^ Rwbber Belting, 150 belcher's farmer's [1882 I p. c. Tin, in be. , blocks or pigs, plates and sheets 10 Tinware, Stamped & Japanned Ware, and on all manufactures of Tin not elsewhere specified 26 Tin Plates 10 Tobacco Pipes 20 Tobacco manufactured and Snuff. . 25 0. per lb. and ad val 12^ Tobacco, unmanufactured for Excise purpows, under conditions of Act SI Vie., Cap. 61 Free Tortoise and othec Shells, unmanu- factured Free Toys, to be rated acc<.>rdiD|; to the material or component part of chief value r Travellers' Boffguge, under regula- tions to be prescribed by the Minister of Customs Free Treenails Free Trees, Forrest, when imported into the Province o Manitoba or the North-west Territory, for plantini;. Free Trunks, Satchel^, Valises and Carpet Ba«8 30 Turmeric Free Turpentine, raw or crude Free Turpentine, Spirits of 20 Turtles Free Twines, of all kinks, not otherwise specified 26 Tyi)e for Printiuff 20 TypaMeUl 10 U. Umbrellas, Parasols and Sunshade§ of all kinds and matericls 26 V. Valentines 26 Varnish, black and bright, for sfiips' use Free Varnish not elsewhere specified. .20 cts per Imp. gal. and ad val 20 Vegetables, vis : Potatoes 10 cts. per bush. Tomatoes 30 cts. per bush. Tomatoee in cans. . .2 cexiit per lb. All other, including sweet potatoes 20 Veneers of Wood, Ivory, &c., sawn only Free Velveteens and Cotton Velvets 20 Vinegar 12 cts. per Imp. gal. Vitriol, Blue Free Vises 30 W. Washers, Bolts, &:e., of Iron or Steel. 80 Walnuts 20 Wax, Kecs, Pamffine and other. ... 20 Wa.v, inanufcictures of , not elsewhere specified 20 Watches and Watch Cases 25 Watch Actions or Movements 20 Wheat 15 cts. per bush. Whips 25 i Whiting or Whit«niug Free 28 " 31 29 " 84 80 " 37 31 " 40 32 " 43 83 " 4« 84 " 49 85 " 62 8tt " 66 87 " 68 88 " 01 80 " 64 P. c. Whalebone, unmanufactured Free Whalebone, manufactures ot 20 Willow for Basket Makers Free Willow Baskets 25 Willow Furniture 35 Wire Cloth of Brass or Copper 20 Wire Rigging for ships and vessels.. Free Wire Work (Iron) 25 Wines of all kipds, except Sparkling Wines, including Ginger, Orange, Lemon, Strawterry, Rasptterry, Elder and Currant Wines, contain- ing twenty-six per cent or less of spirits of the sti-ength of proof, by Syke's Hydrometer, imported itf wood or in bottles, (six quart and twelve pint bottles to be held to contain an Imperitd gallon) 26 cts. per I. gal. and ad val 80 Cont'g 27 p 0, 28 c. per I gal iiadval 30 - - i. ti gQ " " 80 U <t 3Q " " 80 " " 80 " " 80 '• " SO " " 80 " " 30 " " 80 '« " 30 " " 80 " 40 " 67 " " 80 Wines, Champagne and all other Sparkling Wines in bottles, con- taining each not more than one quart and more than one pint, $8 per doz. ^nd ad val 30 Wines, Champagne, and all other Sparkling Wines, in bottles, con- taining one half pint each or less, 76 cents per doz. bottles and ad val 80 Wines. Sparkling, in bottles, con- taining each not more than a ^nnt and more than one half pint, $1.50 per doz. and ad val 30 Wmes, Sparkling, bottles containing more than one quart each, sliall pay in addition to three dollars per dozen bottles, at the rate of one dollar and fifty cents per Im- periab gallon on the quantity in excess of one quart per bottle, the quarts and pints in esch case being old wine measure, ^.50 per I. gal. and ad val 30 But any Liquors imported under the name of Wine, and containing more than forty per cent of spirit.'^ of the strength of proof by Syke's Hydrometer, shall be rated for duty OS unenumeratedSp'ts, 81.00 p. I.tfl. Wool, class one, viz : Leicester, Cots- wold, Lincolnshire, South Down Combing Wools, or Wools known as Lustre Wools, and other lik« Combing Wools such as are grown in Canada, 3 cents per lb. MtttveU and HftnA ^t* r«»«viter Anil f wie. 4* OQ o o s (A g M a h O A m la « 8 « Coin, b p Thefol P4 col ? int Fish, fi & Animal n HI >4 < £ S I [1882 30 30 At H. U. FULLER & OO.'S, head of Power's fVliarf. 1882] ALMANACK. 151 P. c. Wool, unmanufacturei, Hair of the Alpaca, Ooat and other like ani- mals, not elsewhere specified Free Woollen Ra}{s Free Wool : id Woollens, viz: Manu'ac- tures composed whollj' or in part of Wool, Worsted, the Hair of the Alpava, Goat, or other like animals, viz: Blankets and Flannels of every description, Cloths, Doe- skins, Cassimcrs, Tweeds, Coatings, OTercoating9,Felt cloth of every de- scription, not elsewhere specified, Horse Collar Cloth, Yam, Knittinff Yarn, Fingering Yarn, Worsted Yarn under number 30 ; Knitted Goods, via: Shirts, Drawers and Hosiery of every description, 7} cts. per lb. and ad val 20 Clothing, jleady-made, and Wear- ing Apparel of every description, including Cloth Gaps and Horse Clothing shaped, composed wholly or in part of wool, worsted, the hair of the Alpaca goat or other Mke animals, made up or manufac- tured wholly or in part by tailor, seamstress or manufacturer, except knit goods, 10 cts. per lb. and ad val 25 All manufactures composed wholly or in part of wool, worsted, the hair of the Alpaca goat or other like animals, not hereing otherwise pro- vided for 20 • Two ply and three ply ingrain car- pets, of which the warp is composed wholly of cotton or other material than wool, worsted, the hair of the Alpaca goat or other like Animals, 5 cts. per square yard and ad val. . 20 p. 0. Treble ingrain, three ply and two ply carpets composed wholly of wool, 10 cts. per square yard, and ad val *. 20 Wood, and Manufactures of Wooden Ware, viz: Pails, Tubs, Churns, Brooms, Brushes, and other Manu- factures of Wood not elsewhere mentioned 25 Hubs, Spokes, Felloes, and parts of Wheels (rough, hewn or sawn only) 15 Lumber and Timber not elsewhere specified 20 Winceys, plain of all widths, when material is not over one-fourth wool, checked, striped or fancy, not over twenty -five inches wide... 20 Checked, striped or fancy dress wincles, over twenty-five in. wide, and not over thirty inches, when material is not more than one- fourth wool 2 cts. per square yard and 15 per cent.; but all checked, striped or fancy Winceys over thirty inches wide, shall be subject to duty as woolen goods, when the material is partly wool. Writing Desks 25 Y. Yeast 20 Yellow Metal, in bolts, bars, and for sheathing Free Z. Zinc, dry white 6 Zinc, seamless drawn tubing 10 Zinc, Manufrctures of, not elsewhere Specified 26 All goods not enumerated in this Act or any other Act as charged with any duty of Customs, and not declared free of duty by this Act, shall be charged with a duty of twenty per lent. ad valoi-em, when imported into Canada, or taken out of warehouse foV consumption therein. The following articles are prohibited under a penalty of 200 dollars and forfeiture of Packages in which same may be found, viz. : Books, Printed Papers, Paintings, Drawings, Prints, Photographs or representa- tions of any kind of a treasonable or seditious, or of an immonil o^ indecent character. Forei^jn reprints of British Copywright Works, Copywrighted in Canada and of Canadian Copywright Works. Coin, base or counterfeit. The following articles being the natural products, or the manufactures of the colony of Newfoiindland, are exempted from Customs duty when imported into Canada, viz : — Fish, fresh, dried, salted cr smoked. Fish-oil and all products of flsh. Seal-oil Aniuiaiq of all kinds. EXPORT DUTIES. Shingle bolts, per cord of 128 clibic feet $1 00 Spruce logs, per M feet 1 00 Pine logs per M'leet 100 At I*. WAL8ir»« Ctlir Hardware 8t«>ri>, Market ^qnare. 3 S t O » o e f I ti (X m ..■■i' ■ y i * H. H. FULLER & CO., Agrents for !l' 3 o e Si cS o i t a, d E- 152 BELCHKUS FARMKRS [1882 MARINE & FISHERIES DEPARTMENT. Nova Sootia niiANCH— H W Jdhnstnn, Agent. Henry Dolbj', Ac- countant. D iM Browne, R N, fnspector of Light Iloimea. Board of Rxaminrrs for Gkantimo Cbrtificatbb to Masters AND Matks,- (!apt P A Scott, R N, Chairman. Halifax Boaiil^ (Japt G A McKenzie, Capt David Hunter. Cleik, E. A. Tallach. Overseers of Fisheries in Nova Scotia. Inspector y W H Rogers, Amherst. Annapolis Co, W T. Carty. Antigonish Co, John McDonald. Cape Breton Co. York Barrington, Francis Quinan. Colchester Co, Henry Blair, H Gass. N J PoUocIc, J W Davidson. Cumberland Co. N B Blair, James King. Digby Co, James H Morehouse. Guysburo'' Co, James A Tory, Allan McQuarrie. Halifax Co, Wm Ander8on,'JoIin Fitzgerald. Hants Co, Peter S hurnham, TimB O' Hrien. Inverness Co, Peter Coaiiy, D F Mcl.«an. King's Co. J E Starr. Lunenburg Co, Geo Rodden. Henrj' 8 Jost. Pictou Co, Duncan G McDonald, Chas Henry, A C Pritchard. 'Queen's Co, SamI T N Sellon. Richmond Co, Duncan Oameron, James Marraeau. Shelburne Co, Wm John McGill. Victoria Co, Donald McRae, Jr, J. W. Bur||e. Yat'mouth Co, Enos Gardner. LZGET BOTTSaS. On the Coasts of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick: ' Georgk's Island, west side of Island, Halifax Harbor, lat 44° 38' 30" N.. Ion 63° 33' 20" W., two fixed white catoptiic lights, vertical, 20 feet apart, 50 and 30 feet high, drab square building, 21 feet high. Li^^hts show seaward on the S.,and into harbor on N. sit^e; on W. side the upper light only can be seen. Vessels going into Halifax Harbor, passing Meagher's Beach, will keep the light on starboard bow. The light is for the purpose of guiding vessels in and out of the Harbor, throup(h the channel west of the Island. Lighted 1876. These lights open to westward of Meagher's Beach, clear the westward of Thrum Cap Shoal. EAST FROM HALIFAX. Mbaghrr Beach, Sherbrook Tower, east side of entmnce to Halifax harbor, lut 44= 36' N., Ion 6'i° 31' 50" VV., fixed white catoptric light, vis- ible 12 miles, 58 feet high, building white, with red roof, granite, height 48 feet. Lighted 1815. When Sambro hght bears VV. 8. W., this light should not be brought to the westward of north, which clears the Thrum Cap Shoul. A fog bell here, strikes 7 times in each miuute. Dkvil's Island, on south point of Island, at th<i eastern entrance to Halifax harbor, two fixed white catoptric lights, horlzontallv, K. J N., and VV. J S., 175 yards apart, visible H miles, the light E. 69 feet high, W. light 52 feet, both buildings Avhite, octagonal, wood, height K. 53 feet, lighted 1877, W. 45 feet, lighted 1852, l^t 44° 34' 50" N., Ion 63° 27' 15" VV. The eastern light opens to the soutuward of western, clears to southward of the Tiirum (^ap Shoal. Pilots are stationed here. Eoo IsfAND, centre of Island, lat 44"' 39' 60" N., Ion 62° 51' 32" W., catoptric liglu, alternate red and white,, revolving every minute, visible 15 miles, 80 feet !i>gh, octagonal building, black and white vertical stripes ou seaward side, height 45 feet. Visible around horizon. Liga.ed 1865. 3 s H in id M fi|M»r«inac Pow4l«r and HhwC, VniiA, Ac. o w* < H » 14 M *> « 'I > u' (S o a o b & n n a 9 U *> (0 n a 8 « s a a « n in En 1882 Poi Ion 62 I tower i 1877. i Sii* 62° 29 White mark. 44° 48 2 mini balls t< Lisc white ( feet hij Wki 35", in IIOL , N., loi i apart, Lighte ! Couj N., lor 51 feet Coast I Harbui Tori G«iyab( light, I Harboi .'(tripes, iVet. to Thr Whitel 61° 9'^ } water i I is a w; I from b I This li ordfc- t is obsc all oth Whiu Win 45° 12' second high, the ecli Can; 00° 55' 36 feet high, 00 foot, light-h Bell Bi Emersoiiy Stevens & Co/s Snperior American Seythes. [188 1882] ALMANACK. 153 BNT. (Iby, Ac- I^ASTERS rrf, ('apt d. Cope jry Blair, ir, James A Tory, Hants Co, i* McLean. ,. Pictou Co. SamI Shelburne '. Bur^e. 14° 38' 30" ;al, 20 feet ij;hts show mper light Msagher's tie purpose west of the Meagher's to Halifax ; lipht, vis- !, height 48 ight should riirum Cap entrance to ;. I N., and t high, AV. K. 53 feet. 63° 27' 15" , clears to 51' 32" W. lute, visible tical stripes 1.1, ed 1805. a HI ^ > cl H H CR j H M *> 4 iH >> 9 > h (3 o 4> O O fa £ a ♦» n Ml a fa «> (0 09 2 <p< -a a (A e Pope's Hakbouk, on west point of Harbour Island, lat 44° 47' 40" N., Ion 62° 38' 50" W., fixed red liftht, catoptric, visible 9 mile?, 45 feet high, tower white, square, wood, with dwelling attached, heigiit 37 feet. Lighted 1877. Shket Rock, at the entrance to Sheet Harbor, lat 44° 49' 55 N., long 62° 29' 40" VV , revolving . red light every 4) gecmids, visible ten miles. White, square, wood, with dwelling attached. 75 feet above high water mark. nKAVKi IsLANO, iS. E. pirt of East Beaver, or Willi^mi Island, lat ' 44° 48' 10" N., Ion 62° 20' 30" VV., white citoptric light, revolving every 2 minutes, visible 12 miles, 70 feet high, white building with two black balls to seaward, S. S. W., 35 feet high. Lighted 1846. On dwelling. LiscoMB, on island, lat 44° 99' 20" N"., Ion 61° 57' 60" NV., red and white catoptric light, altcrnnting every two minutes, visible 15 miles, 64 feet high, white square wooden building, height 28 feet. Lighted 1872. Wedge Island, mouth of St. Mary'.< liiver, lat 45° 0' 35", long 61° 62' 35", in cour^ie of erection. Holy Point, west side o( entrance to Isaac's Harbour, lat 45° 10' 15" N., Ion 01° 39' \V., t«vo (ixed white catoptric lights vertically, 20 feet apart, visible 9 miles, 80 feet high, square white building, 20 feet high. Lighted 1874. Country Habboui:, on Green I-sland, Guvaboro' Coimtv, lat 45° 6' 15" N., Ion 61° 32' 30" W., iixed white catoptric liirht visible 14 to 16 miles, 51 feet high, white square wooden building, heiglit 23 feet. Lighted 1873. Coast light, and to guide vessels frequenting Country and Fisherman's Harbors. ToRBAY, on eastern point of B^rry head, VV. side of entrance to Bav, Guysboro' County, lat 45' 11' 37" N., Ion 61° 18' 35" W., fixed catoptric light, red to seaward, white northward into Bay, and towards Molasses Marbor, visible 10 miles, square wooden building, white with vertical red (itripes. top of lantern painted black. Lighted 1876. Height of lantern 51 iVet. tower 36 feet. Three Top Island, on the south east point of Three Top Island, Whitehaven, Guysborough County, Nova Scotia, lat. 45° 12' 40" N., long 61° 9' 46" W. The light is fixed white catoptric, elevated 48 feet above high watermark, and in cltar weather should be seen 11 miles. The building is a w;)0«len one p tinted white, and consists of a square tower 32 feet high from base of building to vane on lantern, with keeper's dwelling attached, 'fhis light is for the purpose ot guiding vesselr< into VVhitehaven, and in order to point out tlie dangers on the northern side of the Wc'^tern Passage is obscured when bearing; to the eastward ot N, E. by E. It is visible from all other points of approach except when intercepted by the high land of Whitehead Island. Whitehead Island, S. W. extremity of island, Guysboro' Countj-. lat 45° 12' N., Ion 61° 8' 15" W,, white catoptric light, revolving every 20 seconds, visible 11 miles, 55 feet high, pyramidal wooden building. 35 feet high, octagonal lantern. Lighted 1854. Light not totally obsiuired during the eclipses; 10 seconds duration ot flash, and 10 seconds ecHp^e. Canso Cape, north part of Cranberrv Island, lat 45° 10' 50" N., Ion 60° 55' 30" W., two fixed white catoptric lights in one tower, vertically, 36 feet apart, upper visible 15, lower iHuiles 75 and 40 feet respectively, high, octagonal wooden building, horizontally striped red an! white, lieight 00 feot. Lighted 1815. A steam fog whistle, about 100 yards south of the light-house, in thick weather sounds a blast of 8 seconds in each minute. Bell Buoy at the Grimes Hock, off Cape Uanao. O o o 3 g O 8r U I 8* » g I s -.t-S. At A WAMII'S, Wly ll«r«l«ttre %%orv, -Sec adv. iwjst' «l. NetSf LInost Twines, Rope, Hooks, Leads, Corkwood, $'. ■1 M i • I ■': i i if I 154 bblcher's farmer's [1882 Canso IIaubor, on Hart or Cutler Island, lat 41° 21' N., Ion 60" 58' 30" W., tixed red catoptric light, visible 12 miles, 41 feet high, white square wooden building, height 28 feet. Lighted 1872. GuYSBORo' Hakror, W. side of entrance, near Peart Point, Ghedabncto Bay, lat 45° 22' 50" N., Ion 61° 29' 10" W., fixed white catoptric light, visible 8 miles, 30 feet high, white square wooden building, height 20 feet. Lighted 1864. Sand Point, or Eddy Point, south entrance, lat 43° 31' 30" N., Ion 61° 14' 40" VV., two fixed white catoptric tights, horizontal, 24 feet apart, viuiUle 8 miles, each 2[t feet high, white square wooden buildiMg, with a | black diamond. Lighted 1851. Lights in windows at each end of building. I Point Tuppei!, Ship Harbor or Port Hawke-^bury, lat 4S° 36' 40" N., i ; Ion 61° 22' \V., fixed red catoptric light, visible 7 mdes, 44 feet high, white j I square building, height 24 feet. Lighted 1870. In consequence of the in- ! I tervention of the land on the south side, can only be seen three miles in j that direction. Crkighton's Head, on the north extremity, lat 45° 3C' 40" N., Ion | 61° 6' VV., white catoptric light, revolving every 40 seconds, visible 10 miles, 29 feet high, square white wooden building, height 20 feet. Lighted 1^74. VoT guiding vessels into Little or West^ Arichat. Throe buoys i placed to mark the dangers of the liarbor. Jeuseyman Island, Arichat Harbor, lat 45° 30' .^0" N., Ion 61° 3' W., fixed red catop ric light, visible 1 1 miles, 39 feet liiirh, white square wooden buil ling, lieight 28 feet. Lighted 1872. This light is for the purpose of guiding vessels through Cnd Passage, in and out of Arichat Harbour. There i.s also a Kange Beacon on the S. E. Point of Jersej'inan's Island, that marks Hautfond Shoal, off the entrance to Arichat Harbor. When the beacon and spire of the Roman Oathuiic Chapel in Arichat are in range, it leads over the west part of the shoal in 10 feet of water. Vessels b und into Arichat, C B., should pass to the west of the shoal, or bring the beacon in range of the cupola on the Convent, which stands 130 yards east of the K. C. Church, which will lead in clear of the shoal. Only those well acquainted sliould pass to the eastward of the shoal, or bring the beacon to bear to the N. of N. E. An Iron Can Buoy painted red has been placed about one cable's length S. W. of the shoal in six fathoms of water The buoy will be placed on or about the Ist Ma>^in each year, and taken up about the lOlh December. Abich\t, Marache Point, south entrance to Madame Island, lat 45° 29' N., Ion 61° r 50" NV., fixed white catoptric light, visible 8 mileM, 34 feet high, square white wooden building, height 25 feet. Lighted 1851. Pktitoeorat, on Big Arr^w Rock, south-east of Madamu Island, lat 44° 29' 25" N., Ion 60° 57' 50' W., fixed red ca optric light, visible Hi mi!es. 38 feet high, white square tower with dwelling attached, height 31 feet. Lighted 1877. Grrbn Island, summit of Island, lat 45° 28' 50" N., Ion 60° 53' 40" W., red and 'vj^'jle catoptric light, revolving alternately every 45 seconds, visible '' i. iriies, 70 leet higb, white square wooden building, height 31 feet. LighiaJ l8Po. Lght, centre of keeper's dwelling. Visible around horizon. Capii: La RoNDid;, wes*: side of entrance to St. Peter's Bay. lat 45° 34' 45" N., Ion •;n° ,'3' Vv ,, .'ix ,d %iiue catoptric I'fht, visible 14 miles, 92 feet high, V Ui'i tftja irn woi»uin ouil''ing, with 'l./elling attached, height 28 feet. Lighted i« i. fov ,i\\n;4 vi-siicls into it. Peter's Bay. OuKTiQ ■: T"' ..Ni>, on south point, lit 45° 36' 40" N., Ion 60° 57' 15" 188 W., woot Fori Sa W Build Heig JW. Gu N.. It brillii squar Lot lat 45 16 mi dwell] Ma N., loi woodc SCA 15" W mill II ti 70 fee eastwa than 1 render Fli catopt white horisoi LlN 10' high guidi LoM Ion 60< buildi 1832. Syd 40' square Poll lat 46' miles. 1874. Bna 30" N square Cap Peter'i light, 1 20 feet N vrror,,'Mt ki^M< '^nt fe'^vfRvs, nurtise iin<l Kf«i LovkM', »0(1» [1882 58' 30" square idabncto ic liRht, ; 20 feet. N., Ion et apart, , with a t)uilding. 40" N., gh, white >f the ill- miles in ' N.. Ion risible 10 IJghted 08 buoys 1° 3' W., re wooden urpo!<e of Harbour. ' 8 Island, i When the range, it ! els b und : bring the j rards east •nly those bring the I has been I of water ind taken lat 45° 29' a*, 34 feet 51. [stand, lat visible 10 height 31 3' 40" W., ) seconds, height 31 lie around 45° 34' 45" es, 9i feet {ht 28 feet. JOo 67' 15" 8r Ciitch, etc., at H. H. FtLL£R & CO.'S. i u o liM'l n 1882] ALMANACK. 165 W., fixed red catoptric light, visible 9 miles, 78 feet high, white square wooden building, with dwelii ig attached, height 28 l»ei. Liglited 1874. For guiding vessels through Lennox Passage. Saint Esprit Island, south end, lat 46° 37' 30" N., long 60° 29' 26" W., one revolving while CHtoiitric light, flash at intervnls of 30 seconds. Building white, with two red oands, square, wood, with dwelling nllached. Height of building 55 feet, of light 78 feet. Bad Neiglibor bhoal, S. W. I W. I^ mile from this light is not more than 12 feet below water^ GuioN Island, about 230 yards from west end of I«land, lat 45° 46' 10" N., Ion 60° 6' 20'' W., red revolving light, catoptric, attains its greatest brillianc}' eVety 30 seconds, visible 12 miles, 74 feet hitih, tower AVhite, squhre, with dwelling attached, height 5-1 teet. Lighted 1877. LouisBtJRG, north side of entrance to harbor, 120 yards inshore of point, lat 45'= 54' 30" N., Ion 69° 57' 15" W., fixed white catoptric light, visible 10 miles, 85 feet high, building white, with a black vertical stripe on dwelling, height 36 feet. Lighted 1842. Mainadieu, on south side of west point of Scatterie Island, lat 46°0'30" N., Ion 59° 47' 30" VV., fixed red catoptric light, 00 feet high, white square wooden building, height 40 feet. Lighted 1871. ScATTEUiE, north-east pt)int on Trap Rock, lat 46° 2' 15" N., Ion 59° 40' 15" W., white catoptric revolving light, visible a minute, eclipsed half a minute, visible 15 miles, 90 feet high, white octagonal building, height 70 feet. Lighted 1839. The light should never be brought to bear to eastward of N N E, or to southward of S S W, nor approached nearer than 1^ mile. Visible half minute, eclipsed one minute. A boat is here to render asfistance. Flint Island, on island, lat 46° 11' N., Ion 59° 46' 56" W., white catoptric light, revolving ever}' 16 seconds, visible 12 miles, 65 feet high, white octagonal building, height 43 foet. Lighted 1856. Visible around horison. LiNGAN Head, north side of entrance to Bridgeport Harbor, lat 46° 14' 10" N., Ion 62° 2' 40" W., fixed red catoptric light. Visible 10 miles, 50 feet high, white square wooden building, height 20 feet. Lighted 1874. For guiding vessels into Bridgeport harbor. Low Point Flat Point, east side ot Spanish Bay, lat 46° 16' 30" N., Ion 60° 7' 30" W., fixed white catoptric M^hu visible 14 miles, 70 feet high, building octagonal, red and white vertical stripes, height 81 feet. Lighted 1832. Sydney Bar, on West end ot South Bar, lat 46° 12' 40" N., Ion 60° 12' 40" W., fixed red catoptric light, visible 10 miles, 30 feet high, white square wooden building, height 20 leet. Lighted 1872. Point Aconi, on high cape, north side of entrance to Little Bras d'Or, lat 46° 20' 30" N., Ion 60° 17' 10" W., l^ed red catoptric light, visible 11 miles. 91 feet high, square white wooden%\iiHing, height 20 feet. Lighted 1874. For guiding vessels into Little Bras d'Or. Bnack Rock Point, south side of entrance to Big Bras d'Or, lat 46° 18' 30" N, Ion 60° 23' 30" VV., fixea white catoptric light, 45 feet high, white square building, height 23 feet. Lighted 1868. Cape George, S side of Bras d'Or T.ake, west side of entrance to St. Peter's Inlet, lat 45° 4-1' 28" N., Ion 60° 48' 20" W., fixed white catoptric light, visible 12 miles, 50 feet high, white sqnare v/oodgn building, height 20 feet. Lighted 1876. To guide vessels through St. Peter's Inlet. I Al P. WAIjSH'S, City Hurdware Store, Chcafi for Cn»h. 1!. H. FtLLCR A CO., head of Power^s Wharf. I* ■? 'I •0 I 1 •0 3 S ■S 3 3 156 belcher's farmer's [1882 McKenzir'8 Point, N. side of Bras d'Or Lake, Port Bevis, lat 46° 7' 15" N., Ion 60° 39' W., fix Grand Nabrowb, on Uniacke Point, N. nide of channel, Barm Straits, lat 45° 58' N , Ion 60° 48' W*, lixed white catoptric iiglit, visible 10 miles, 29 feet*high, white square wooden buiidin^;, height 20 fuet. Uglited 1874. For guiding vessels through Barra Straits, and navigating the Little and Great Bras d'Or Lalies. KiDSTON IsiiAND, on N^. E> Point, at entrance to Baddeck harbor, N. side of Bras d'Oi Uke, hit 45° 5' 68" N., Ion 60° 44' 20" W*., iixed red catop- trict light, visible 7 miles, 31 fwet high, square wooden building white, lighted 1875. ..about 2 miles 9. W. of »„.. ^v. .„,--. ., . — „ - , fixed white catoptric light visible 11 miles, 05 feet high, square white wooden tower. Lighted 1874. For guiding vessels through Bras d'Or Lake. BihD IsLA^TJ, Ciboux I»land, 1-3 mile from N. end lat 48° 23' 1 " N., Ion 60° 22' 30" W., red catoptric light, revolving every minute, visible 18 miles, 77 teet high, white octagonal building, height 33 feet. Lighted i8U3. St. Ann's Harbor, on north point of Beach, lat 46° 17' 30" N. Ion 60° 32' 15" W., lixed white catoptric liglit, visible, 8 miles, 24 leei hi^h, white building, height 30 feet. Lighted 1871. The light exhibited to find en> trance through on a dark niglit. Ingonish, on island, lat 46"^ 41' 20" N. , Ion 60*' 20' W., fixed white light, dioptric, 5ih order, visible 20 miles, 237 feet high, white square buildmg, height 40 feat. Lighted .1871. Cape North, on Money PoMit. one mile S. E. from Cape North, lat 47° 2' 10" N., Ion 60° 23' 30"' VV, red and v.hite catoptric liiriit revolving every 45 seconds, visible 15 mile-s. 74 feet high, square white wooden bui ding, height 2(i feet. Lighted 1876. Coast light makes a cjmplete revolution every 1^. minute. 10" W 149 feet Cheticamp, near south of Island, lat 46° 30' 30" N.. Ion 61° 3' nli *e catoptric light, revolving every 45 seconds, visible 20 miles, high, while square wooden building, height 24 leet. Lighted 187;}. St. PAUt-'s Island, on rock off N K point ol island, lat 47° 13' 50" N. Ion 60° 8' 20" W, fixed white light, diontric, third order, visible 20 miles, 140 feet high, white octagonal builuiiig. height 40 feet. J,.'ghtt;d 1339. Obscured between N by E j and E N E. St. Paul's Island. S \V W. point of island, lat 47° 11' 20^' ^N, Ion 60° 9' 40" minute, visible 20 , white dioptric light, third order, revolving every miles, 140 feet high, white octagonai building, 40 feet high. iJghied IS^ll. O'Tscured wh.en bi-aring from S S E to W ^ N\ A i'oii whistle on the south St !•. of the iejind, S VV of Atlantic Cove, about half a mile from the Humane Establisbmeft, sounds once for five seconds in each minute during thick weather and storms. Margakkk, summit or middle of Sea Wolf island, lat 46° 21' 30" N, Ion 61° 15' 30" W, fixed white iatoptr=c light, visible 21 miles. 298 feet high, square white building. Lighted I6bi. To vessels in dangerous proximity to the island the light may become obscured by the abrupt cliffs on the sides of the island. Port Hood, S E side of entrance to harbor, lat 46° N, Ion 61° 3V 40" W, fixed catoptric light, red N, white S, visible 10 miles, 65 feet high Lighted 1854. Square white building. Iron Can Buoys have been placed at the following Shoals .-—Port Ho«d Harbor, C. B., Portsniouth Point, Spithead, Smith Spit, Dean Shoal, aim one at Judiqufe Shoai. Juclique Shoal and Dean Shoal Buoys are paiuted m IHKMi** Axle <iire«i»«, Curiiage Bolts, 4l«. H § M 9i m % tip »d o *% H CO 9 > d M d d > (A s d u •as n i i u *» CO .0 e u u 9 a < < H H f6 n ft n a o : i^, lull liigh, ■( $ arotind tfl i M 1 MUL ■3 Count} visible e e Lighte placed n and re( m 9 Puc; -d trie lig J wiiite 1 left on Che 20" N. miles, : 1872. TiiiplateB, Sheet trmM CaMi4a Plates, Graiii lUn, «ic. ort Ho«d iioal, aino i e paiuted 1882] ALMANACK. 157 At I*. fVAUM'H, €My anriiwiire 8toi*«, Jllnrket Square. red, the other three ore painted tilack. These Buoys will be placed on or about tlie Ut of May in each year, an^ taken up about ihe 10th November. North Casso, north entrance, west sitle, 120 yards InHhore, lat 45° 41' 40'* N, Ion 61° 29' 10^' W, fixed white catopiric Ii{(l.t, visible 18 miles. 110 feet high, white square wooflen Iniildinc, heigiit JJg^feet. Lighted 1842. 'lliere in good annhorage under the light when the wind is off shore. Lun- tern on dwell'ig, Hakbokau Bouche, on S W shore of harbor, lat 45° 41' 0' N, Ion 61° 31" 15 W fixed white catoptric light, visible !> miles, af5 ft high, white t^qiiare wooden building, 32 feet high, 473 yards S \V | S, from front light, one fixed red catoptric light, ]07 feet high. Kaiige lighta to lead through dredged channel over the bar. PoMQBET IsLAWD, north east end of island in St. George's Bav, lat 46° 39' 40" N, Ion 61° 44' 30" W, fixed red catoptric light, visible 9' miles, 50 ! feet l.igh, square white building, lieight 23 feet Lighted 1868. Obscured [ on easterly bearings. Cape St. George, north side of Cupe, lat 45'= 52' 30" N, Inn 61° 54' 40" W, white catoptric lijiht revolving every half minute, visible 25 miles, 350 feet high, white square building, height 39 feet. Lighted 186 L PiCTOU Island, somih-east point, lat 45" 49' 10" N, Ion 62° 30' W, fixed white ciitoptric light, visible 12 miles, 52 teet high, square white building. Lighted 1853. Pk^tou Harbor, south point of entrance, lat 45° 41' 30" N, Ion 62° 39' 30" VV, fixed catopiic lights vertical, 2a tef't apart, upper white, lower red, visible 11 miles, lantern 65 feet high, huiidinj^' ortiigonal, striped red and white vertically, height 55 feet Lijihted 18:J4. Ligtited when navigation is open. A small red liuht isswen IihIow lantern. LJy keeping light W S W vessels clear the east reefs off I'ictou Lsland. in tower of new Custom House a fixed white light, in range w^ith liidils at the entranx:e to harbor, leads through the channel up to the bar. Cakibou Island north-east part of Island, lat 4o'-" 46' N, low 62° 42' 20" \V, white catopric lighu rff\-oiving every minute, visifcle 10 miles, 35 feet high, white square buildirg, height 20 feet. Lighted 3868. Amkt Island, centre of island, NorrhHml)eriand Straits, lat 45° 50' 15" N, lor. 63° 10' 10" VV, fixed whit- catoptric light, visible 10 miles, 44 feet high, white square wooden building, lieight 26 feet. Lighted 1868. Visible around horizon. Mullin Point, nortf; side < f entrance m Wallace Harbor, Cumberland County, lat 45° 49' 45" N, Ion 63° 25' 15" W, fixed white catoptric light, visible 11 miles, 39 f»et high, white square wooden buildmg, height 25 feet. Lighted 1876. For guiding vessels in and out of harhor. Cask buoye pre placed to mark the dangers on entering the harbor, black to be left on port and red on starboard when emcring. PuowASH. in harbor, lat 45° 52' 30" N". Ion 63° 40' 20" W, fixed catop trie light, red seaward, white towards harbor, visible 8 miles, 48 feet high, white square bniiding, height 44 feet l^iglited 1871. Black buoys to be left on port hand, and red on starboard when •ntering the harbor. ■WEST PROM HALIFAX. Chebucto Heap, west side of entrance fo Halifax Harbor, lat 44° 30' 20" N.. Ion 63° 30' 50" ^., white light, revolving every minute, visible )8 miles, 132 feet high, white square wOoden building, height 2*? feet. Lighted 1872. An Automatic Signal Buoy, placed in lat 44° 31\ 42" N., Ion 63° 3 I ^>>:Jr- MM ■;(.-■*,: ^\ Mr ■ ill ;# III Sheet Zluc, Sheet Lead, Lend Plpe« etc. f h- I * 9 O •0 o « n a o » s 158 BELCHERS PABMERS [1882 29' 28" W.. in 21 fatliora« of water, N. K. J E , 1 T-8 miles from Chebucto Head, Houndaa ten inch whistle. From the liiinv Chebucto Head bearA S. \V. ^ W., mngnelic, 1 7-8 mile. Sandwich Point N. by W., 4 miles. Passing; to the westward at the buoy at the distance of half a cable and stet'ring a N. | W. cour&c magnetic, will lead up tlie Harbor to tiie eastward of the Neverfdil Slioal, and at a distance of two cables to the w«'«tward of Meagher's Beach llyht hoUsc. A similar buov in lat. 44* 28' 25" X., lonjf 68' 22' 10" W., in 36 fathoms, from this buov Sambro Island li};ht VVl-3, N 8 1-3 mil*>fl. Devil's iHland light N 7-8," W 7 1-3 miles, and tlie inner signal buoy N. W. 1-2 N. 6 miles, SAMBno, middle of Island, lat 44" 26' 10" N., Ion 630 33' 30' W. fixed white catoptric light, visible 20 or 21 miles, 115 feet aigh, building white, octagonal, 60 feet high. Lighted 1758. A stealn fog wiiistle, erected on MOUth side of Island, and elevated 00 feet above high water in thick weather, fogs and snow storms, sound* each minute a blast often seconds' dnrationi Guns formerly in use, discontinued. A Spar Buo}' has been plactd off the S. W. Breaker, Sambro, and on» on the Pollock, and another on the Whippey Shoal, near Sambro. Betty'8 Island, on Brig Point, near Prospect, lat 44® 26' 22" N., Ion 63° 45' 54" W., revolving red catoptric li«ht, greatest brilliancy every two minutes, 75 feet hi^^h, visible 14 niilfs, building white, with two horizontal red bands, square, wood, height 54 feet, dwelling attachedi Lighted 1875. Coast light. Peggy Point, east side of entrance to St. Margaret's Bav, lat 44° 2D' " N,, long63°56' \V., llxed red catopric light, 65 feet hlKh, building white, square, 28 feet high. Lighted 1868. Lantern on dwellingi MARGAti.^T's Bay, or Green Island, Lunenburg County, lat 44° 23' N., Ion 64° 2' 45" \V., red and white catroptric light, revolving alternately every half minute, building white, square, wood, 28 feet high, with dwel- ling attached. Coast light. Chester, E. Ironbound Island, a little to the eastward of centre of ielawl, in Mahone Bay, , t 44° 26' lU" N., Ion 64^ 4' ."30" W., fixed white dioM'iie light, visible lb 1 lies, 150 feet high, white oblong tower on dwi^kiing, 46 feet high, wo d, lantern. Lighted 1871. iSeeu frdm all points of approach. The lantern alone is visible, building hidden by trees. 3io»«K)N's Nose, Mahone liny, kt 44° 25' N., Ion 64« 13' 46" W., red S^tni «atoptrio light, visible 11 miles, 68 feet high, building while, squ&re, wuiid, 29 feet high. Lighted 1872. C»os8 LiHuAND, east point Lunenburg Bay, lat 44° 18' 45" N., Ion 64° 10' W., 2 wnite catoptric lights vertical, 45 feet apart, upper irterniit- tent revolvuu^ every minute, and visible 14 miles, 100 feet high, lower fixed, visible- > miles, and 65 feet hiKh, building red, octagonal base, b«igbt 53 fees, i^ighted 1U32. Pilots resort here, and vessels may take refuge in caw^ f*" necessity. lTj)per bright 45 seoonds, dark 15 seoouds. A fog trumpet --^f been erected here. Battebt Poiupt, Lunenbnrg, lat 44° 21' 45" N., Ion 64° 17' 30^' W., fixed wbM» catofiitric light, visible 11 miles, 50 feet high, white, square tower on dwelling, height 24 feet. Lighted 1864. This harbor is easy of acceiw, buoys ai- placed in the bay and entrance to the harbor on SowI|<CQ liock, Haddiuck Ibhoal, Battery Point Shoal, and Head Shoal. In approaching the Li rbor from sen ward, ti buoy on Sculpin Kook, painted red and blaetc, in hori7x>ntH. stripes, may be left on either h.^nd, giving it a berth of tw* cables' len^h. Thr> other buoys are painted black anil must he left on the port hand goi>' u. Iron can buoys in summer, spar buoya in winter. Tarr A Wonson's Copper r&iut, rit< rar a*4i it«Miu^ 1882; Wgf River, volvin square • i 1 LaF catopt wood MoH lat 44« 8 mile 1868. u e » « Mkf Ion 64 high, 1 Like « chann< B corner seawai o i u £h tn to H n u i « M Ai very ]4»w«Mt priceM-H. H. FCJLLEB & 00. 1882] ALMANACK. 159 Wbst Ihonbound Inland, near Oitpe LnHnve, mouth of LaHave River, lat 44° 13' 45" N., Ion (M° 16' 20" W., wlii-e Citoptrio light, re- volving every 30 seconds, ^visible 13 miles, 72 feet liigli, building white, square, height 29 feet. Near edge of cliff, 40 teet liigh. Lighted 1865. Ion 64° 21' W., fixed red building white, square, LaHavr, on Fort Point, lat 44° 17' 20" N., catoptric light, visible 8 miles, 48 feet high, wood height 35 feet. Lighted 1876. Moshrr's Island, on island, west side of entrance to LaHave Hver, lat 44° 14' 15" N., Ion 64° 18' 50" \V,, fixed re.l catoptric light, visible 8 miles, 65 feet high, buildiag white, aquare, height 26 feet. Lighted 1868. MkdwayHead, Port Medway, west side of entntnce, lat 44° 6' 10" N. Ion 64° 32* 15" W., fixed wliite catoptric light, visible 10 miles, 44 feet high, building white, square, with black square senwurd, height 23 feet. Like a dwelling house. Lighted 18.51. Spat* l'>iu>yc are ]>lKced in the channel to Port Medway havbor, on the breaking ledg'js. Nautilus Hock, corner ground and edge of flats off Bang's Point. In passing in from seaward the red buoys must be left on the starboard, and the black buoys on the port hand. Coffin Island, south point, Liverpool Bay, Jat 44° 2' N.. Ion 64° 37' 30" \V., white catoptric light, revolving every two minutes, light 30 seconds, dark 90 seconds, visible 16 miles, 65 feet high, building octa- gonal, horizontal stripes, red and white, eight in number, height 50 feet. Lighted 1812. Brooklyn Pier, on end of Breakwater, Liverpool, lat 44° 2' 4.5" N., Ion 64° 41' 15" W., fixed light, white seaward, green towards harbor, visible 10 miles. A lantein exhibited from end of pier. Fort Point, Liverpool Bay, south entrance, lat 44° 2' 30" N., Ion 64° 42' 20" W., fixed red catoi»tric light, visible 7 miles, 30 fe»^t high, build ing white, square, height 17 feet. Left on port sidu when entering the harbor. Lighted 1855. Port Mouton, north-east point ot Spectacle Island, Queen's County, lat 43° 55' N., Ion 64° 48' W., tixid red catoptr.c light, visible 11 miles, 47 feet high square wooden building, height 20 feet. For guiding vessels into harbor. Lighted 1873. LiTTLB Hope, nearly on centre of island, lat 43° 48' ^0" N., Ion 64° 47' 16" W., red catoptric light, revolving every minute, visible 12 miles, 40 feet high, square white building, height 26 feet. Lighted 1865. Centre of keeper's dwelling. Visible around horizon. Shingle Point, east side of Port Herbert Harbor lat 43° 48' 40" N., Ion 64° 55' 30" W., fijcedred catoptric light, visible 10 miles, M tett high white square wooden building, height, 29 feet. Lighted 1872. Carter's Island, Ra<Jtged Island Harbor, lat 43° 42' 15" N., Ion 65° 5' 30" W., lixed red light, visible 41 miles, 66 feet high, wliite square wooden building, height 29 feet. Lighted 1872 . Ragged Island, Gull Rock, lat 43° 39' '5" N., Ion 65° 5' 50" W., fixed white catoptric ligiit, visible U) miles, 56 fuet high, white square building, height 31 feet. Lighted 18S3. Sand Point, at east side of entrance to Shelburne Harbor lat 43° 41' 15" N., Ion 65° 19' W., fixed red catoptric ligltt. visible 11 miles, 67 feet high, white square wooden building, height 20 feet. To beiebuilt on the opposite side of the harbor. At r. >¥AL»II A, <Hy llHrdwiirc §t«re.— Se« aiTv. pnye tl. i ' It ti Anvilii* Bellowfly nnil Hmiths' Tools, for sale I0W9 f . : 1 Shki.bitrmk HARnoK.-~A red Iron (Jan Buoy Iih8 been placed in 4^ fathoms, on went side of Middle Hook Shoal ; a red Cm Buov off extreme of Spit, in four fathoms, and a bldck Spar Buov on east end of Adamant Shoal. thorns est'irn Bull Rock, a Spar Buov pointed black h«s been plHced in 10 fn water S. S. VV. J W., about' 160 yards from the Bull Kock, off W Head, ShelburnB Count}-. Capk HosrwAY, near south-east point of MncNuit's Island, Sholburne harbor, lat 43° 37' 15" N., Ion 6.i° 15' 45" \V., 2 white catoptric liKlit-s vertical, 21 yards a}>art, upper li^lit visible 18 niiliis, and 120 feet hi(i:h, lower 05 feet and visible 10 miles, outapconal building:;, vortical black and white stripes, height 77 feet. IJghtcd 1788, rep lired 1818. A black Can Buo}' S. 8. Bi. from the Jig I{ocks, in 9 fathoms water. Nk(;ko Island, on north side, lat 41° 30' 54" N., Ion 05° 20' 68" W., red and white catoptric light, revolving every minute, visit'le 12 miles, 48 feet high, white pquare wooden building, height 29 feet. Lighted i872. For guiding vessels in and outof Cl3'de River or Negro Harbor. uaccaro, on west side of ontranco to Harrington Harbor, Int 43° 26' 54" N., Ion 65° 28' 12" VV., fixad red cntop(ric light viable 10 miles, 49 feet high, white square building, with black bill seaward, height 35 feet. Lighted 1850. A Spar Buoy to the south of lJ;.ntam. Bakkinoton E. Bay Lightship, lat 43° 31' 5" N., Ion 65° 34' 25" W., flxed white light, hull and spars pxinted red, with word " Barrington" in white letters on both sides. Height 30 feet above deck. Mooted in 6 fithoms at low water. Wessea' Lodge bearing S. W. by W. J W., distant 3-8 mile, Baccaro Light bearing S. S. E. I E., distar t 6 and 3-16 miles, and Bantam Hocks, bearing S. E. bv E. 7-8 E., d stant 6^ miles. To guide vessels into Barriiiuton East Bit}', and through Birriiigton Passage. Lighted 1875. A red Can Buoy on Ang e Rock. Cape &• able, on Cape, lat 43° 23' 19" N., Ion. 65° -37' 11" W., white catoptric revolving light, bright Ifj seconds, dark 25 seconds, visible 12 miles, 53 feet high, white octagonal building, 50 f.;et hig!^ Lighted 18(11. A steam fog whistle on Cape, elevated about 40 feet above higij water, sounds in thick weather, fogs and sno fitornis, a blast oi ten seconds' duration each minute, with an interval of 50 reeonds between each blast. HitAZiL Rock, red and black buoy, horizontal stripes, moored in 15 fathoms water, S. S. E., half a mile trum Rucks. Stoddart Island, on N. W. point of island, let 43° 28' 30" N., Ion 65° 43' 10" W., fixed red catoptric light, visible 9 miles. 22 feet lii^h, white small 8qu»re tower. To guide vessels into the anchorage of btoddart Harbor and Shag Harbor Sound. BoN Portage Island, on south point, lat 43° 27' 16" N., Ion 65° 44' 10" VV., red catoptric light, revolving every minute, visible 12 miles, 46 feet high, white square wooden building, height 28 leet. Lighted 1^74. For guiding vessels into Barrington West Bay and Shug Harbor. PuBxico Harbor, Beach Point, east side of entrance, 120 yards from low water m^rk, lat 43° 35' 4o" N., Ion 65° 46' 54" VV., fixed white catoptric light, visible 8 miles, 28 feet high, square white building, height 20 (eet. Lighted 1854. Open westward of ht. John's Island, bearing N. E. by N., clears the ledge; in making harbor from any otiier direction, the light must be brought to the northward of E. N. E., befo.a it can be steered lor to avoid shoal spot off St. Ann's Point. Spar buoys mark the channel. Black left on port hand, red on starboard in' approaching the harbor. A bell buoy has been placed near Johu's Ledge. ftiiQO Klaeklngt Flics, liAiip»« ¥MCk« unii Brnds, O a H H 1882 i Vka r«laii( *» VV. ' CO ' red an i bulwe 1 ! clear 1 HOtllh u fixed E feet b two d e foie, \ • other f) buildi i base t i Arc fi 89' 30 H 115fe s' 28 fee 1 Tus h Ion 65 I apart, 23 fee S n Light! 4* Se/ (1 1 0' 52' i hig^, Rock s» the I .1^ large 'd nearl e of 5 SI i blast s AS o about a «> Ya N,lo o 45 se( s octag s 4> 1839. secon ID Bu entra ■ red CI 1 house n purpf betwt 2 a wood t run fi Yarn Tr (0 west> *r* -a ft? Ca ^ red n ! 17 m 1868. Dy H. II. FULLER & CO., homX of Pow«r*8 Hlinrf. I'ka^k'h, on the finuth point of PenKo'H Iitltind. one of the 1'u»ket I«1hii(W, Yannoulh Counfv, Novn 8<'oiin, lat. 4a°37' S6" N. lonj? (Jfi° 1' 40" W. The mail) or sea li^l't >^ill he revolving catiiptric, flhowinf; alternately red and white, each color vi^ible for 16 wecondw, with intervals of 45 seconns l)ulween the tlaRliCH. It is eiev»t(d fiO (cet above high water murk, and in cJpHr woittlier should be 8<>en 12 niiluH from all points of approach from the HoulhAvard, and uIao thron^h the Schooner and Kllenwood I'uas^a^^es. A fixed red catoptric light will also bo oliown from a window In the tower, 16 feet below the main light. It !)« intended to mark the channel between the two (lanfrers known as the Old Man and Old Woman Rocks, and is, there- foie, visible between the bearings W by N i N, and N W by N, and in no other directions It should be visible 4 miles. The tower is a wooden building, painted white, and consists of a square tower 42 feet high from base tQ vane on lantern, with a keeper's dwelling attached. Aroyt^r, on south point of Whitehead Island, Yarmouih County, lat. 43'^ 89' 80" N., Ion (iH° 62' 4" W., fixed led catoptric li,fht, visible 12 miles. 115 feet high, building white, square, wood, with dwelling attached, height 28 feet. Lighted 1874. For guiding vessels into Argyle liaibor. TiTSKBT KiVRH, Big Fish Island, south-west point, lat 43° 42' 10" N., Ion 66° 57' 16" W., 2 fixed white catoptric lights, horizon tnl, 8 yards apart, visible 12 miles, 60 feet high, white square wooden building, height 28 feet. Visible seaward; in windows each end uf a dwelling house. Lighted 1864. Seal Ihlanp, south point, 1-8 mile inland, lat 43° 23' 84" X., Ion 66° 0' 52" W., fixed white light, dioptric, 2nd order, visible 18 milev, 08 £eet higV , white octagoral building, height 60 feet. Lighted 1830. The Blonde Kock lies S. by W. 8 1-3 mile from light house. Between this Ilock and the Island there are some dargers, the ground is rocky throughout, and large vessels ought not to attempt parsing between theiu. A fog whistle near light house, during fogs and snow storms, sounds in each minute a blast of 5 second's duration, and after an interval of 5 seconds gives another blast of five seconds, with an interval of 45 seconds. A Spar Buoy, painted black, has been placed in 12^ fathoms water, south about oalf a mile from the Blonde Rock, off Seal Island. Yahmouth ok Capk FoRcnu, east cape, south point, lat 43° 47' 28" N, ion 66° 9' 21" W., white catoptric lignt, revolving every minute and 45 second^ — light H minute, dark i mmute, visible 18 miles,'ll7 feet high, octagonal tower, vertical stripes, red and white, heiuht 59 tbet. Lighted 1839. Fog whistle on west side, sounds in fogs and snow storms 10 seconds in every minute. Bunkkk's Isijvnd, on en<l of reef, off S. W. point of Island, east »ide of entrance to Yarmouth Harbor, lat 43° 48' 30" N., Ion 66° 8' 45" ^^, fixed red catoptric light, visible 10 miles, 27 feet high, the lantern on a dwelling house, built on a wooden pier. Lighted 1874. A red beacon light for the Eurpose of guiding vessels into the harbor. Visible from the south-ward ctween the bearings of N.' K. by N. | E. It can also be seen on Stan wood'3 Beach, when bearing from S i E to S. E. i E., but cannot be run for on there benrings, the on!j' entrance to the harbor being through Yarmouth Sound and round East Cape. Trinity Leogk, an Iron Bell Buoy, painted red, has been moored to the westward of Trinity Ledge, off Cape St. Alary. Capk St. Mary, east side o( Bay. lat 44° 5' 20" N., Ion 68° 12' 40" W. red and white catoptric light, revolving altenialely every 30 seconds, visible 17 miles, 1U3 feet high, octagonal white building, height 43 feet. Lighted 1868. ■y At >'. fVAUMi 8, €tir liardwiire 8t«re, Miirkc* Square. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I 1.25 bi|28 12.5 ^ Uii 12.2 £?itt *-■ 2.0 0%fe <^ RiotDgrdphic Sciences Corporation 23 WIST MAIN STRUT WIBSTIR.N.Y. 14SM (716) •73-4503 ^^ ^\ '^fC^ ? ..<i'. • *^:^ Fairbankit' and Howe's Counter and Platform l^ales, m 162 £i lchbr's farmer's [1882 Wni9»lac iMPcr, Nlxcy^s KiiKSkleMil, #«rMifar« r»iisb, ac. Mrtkghan Rivkr, at entrance end of Breakwater, lat 44<=* 13' 43" N' Ion 66° 8' 12" W., fixed ^reeii catoptric light, vieibie mile*, 33 feet high, building vertical, red Ptripes on seaward Hide, 21 fret high, lantern painted black. Livhted 1875. ueacon fur guiding vesaela into river. Mu8t be left on starboard band and pasned close aboard. Tide leaves breakwater one hour before low water. Church Point, east side of St. Mary's Bay, Digb}' County, lat 44° 19' 55" N , Ion 66° T 35" W., fixed red catoptric liuht. visible 10 miles, 36 teet high, B(^uare white wooden building, height 20 feet. Lighted 1874. For guidmg agamst dangers in vicinity of Church Point. SissiBOO. south side of entrance to river, lat 44° 26' 80" N., Ion 65° 1' 15" W., fixfd white dioptric light, visible 8 miles, 36 feet high, white wooden building, pj'ramidal, height 83 fset. Lighted 1870. Westport Peter's Island, entrance to (jrand Passage, lat 44° 15' 30" N., lon.66° 20' 20" W., 2 fixed white catoptric lights, horizontal, 24 feet apart visible 10 miles, each 40 feet high, square while building, height 15 feet. TJghted 1850. Visible from the northward between the bearings of S. by W. and S. S> W., and from the southward between the bearings of N. £.. by E.. and N. N. W. ^ W. Bell Buoy painted red, north side of N. W. r^dge. Brier Island, notth- west Point, lat 44° 14' 57" N-, Ion 66° 23' 30" V., fixed white catoptric light, visible 13 miles, 92 feet hi>.'h, white octagonal building, height 55 feet. Lighted 1809. A steam fog whistle on N. W. of Brier Island, south side of light house, sounds daring *hick and foggy weather and snow ttorms as follows :— Blast of four seconds, interval four seconds, blast of tour seconds, interval of foar seconds, blast of fuiir seconds, interval ot forty secofi<fe-^making sixty seconds. The Bell Buoy baa been replaced on the North-West Ledge. Boar's Heai>, 17 yards from edge of cliff, lat 44« 24' 16" N., Ion 66° ly W., red and white catoptric light, revolving alternately every minute, visible 14 miles, 70 feet Jiigh, white square building. Lighted 1864. On south entrance to Petit Passage. Point Prim, south point of entrance to Annapolis Basin, lat 44° 41' 34" N., Ion 65° 47' 20" W., fixed white catoptric light, visible 13 miluR, '76 feet high, sonate tower, vertical red and white stripes, height 22 feet. Lighted 1817. Fog whistle on Prim Point sounds in snow storms and in thiok or foggy weather 8 seconds in each minute, making an interval of 62 seconds between each blast. * MaRi^hall Cove or Port Williams, south shore, lat 44° 56' 52" N., Ion 65° 16' W., 2 fixed white catoptric lights, vertical, 2(* feet apart, upper 6(i feet high, visible 10 miles, White square building, heiKlit22 feet. Lighted 1859. Lantern on top of dwelling; lower light in bow window, visible from WTS. W. round N. to £. N. E. Maroaretvillb, on extremity of point, south shore, lat 45° 2' 17" N., Ion 65° 4' W., two fixed red catoptric li^iits, 30 and 27 feet high, visible 8 miles, square building, horizontal white and black stripes, height 22 feet. Lighted 1859. Visible from W. S. W. round N. to £. N. E. Black Rock, south shore, lat 45° 10' 10" N., Ion 64° 46' W., fixed white catoptric light, visible 12 miles, 45 (eet high, square white building, he.^lit 85 re t. Lighted 1848. 44ght on top of dwelling, visible from all points of approach. A fog whiSfle on the extreme point of Cape d'Or, on the opposite side of the channel from Black Rock, sounds during thick weather, fogs and snow storms, twice in each minute, each blast being of six seconds duration, with intervals of 24 seconds between. The whistle will probably be heard in calm weather, or with the wind, at a distance of fi I [1882 I \' 43" N' \ feet Ingh, ' rn painted i Mu«t be '. reakwater ' at 44° 19' i miles, 36 1874. For on 65° 1' igli, white 4° 15' 80" al, 24 feet ! height 15 jearinga of >earingA of ) side of N. 53' 30" v., octagonal eonN. W. : and foKgy iterval four ist of fi>ar Bell Buoy Ion 68° ly rv minute, 1864. Oa 41'34"N., tw, '^Q feet 1 Lighted in thiok or |2 seconds 56' 62" N., part, upper et. Lighted uw, visible 2' 17" N., visible 8 {ht22 feet. W., fixed V building, )le from all )e d'Or, on uring thick ist being of 'he whistle distance of In Tarlety, at H. H. FULLER A CO.^. i e o O t2 $ I n « t A t I 9 s B CO • § J » (0 8 1 j n i ■8 1882] ALMANACK. 163 20 miles, and in stormy weather, or against the wind, from 5 to 8 miles, according to the state of the atmosphere. HouTON, on bluff, west side of Avon River, lat 45° 6' 15" N., Ion 64° 13' 30" W.. fixed white catoptric light, visible 20 miles, 92 feet high, white square building, height 20 feet. Lighted 1851. Light in window. Walton Harbor, Rasin of Minas, Hants Countv, lat 45° 14' N., Ion 64° 0' 45" W., fixed red catoptric light, visible 10 miles, 60 feet high, square white wooden building, height 20 feet. Lighted 1873. For guiding vessels into Walton harbor. • BunNTCOAT, Basin of Minas, north-west extremity of head, sonth shore, lat 4&° 18' 4(»" N., Ion 63° 48' 30" W., fixed white catoptric light, visible 13 mile!), 75 fuet high, sqnare white building, height 35 feet. On dwelling visible from all points of approach. Lighted 1859. Cafr i>'Or. a steam whistle has been erected at Cape d'Or, Cumber- land County. Pakrsroro', or Partridge Island, west side of river, lat 45° 23' N., Ion 64° 19' W., fixed white catoptric light, visible 9 miles, 37 feet high, white sqnare boilding, height 32 feet. Lighted 1852. Lantern on dwelling. SrsNCEK Point, on north shore, Cobequid Bay, lat 45° 23' 30" N., Ion 63° 37' W., fixed white catoptiic light, visible 6 miles, 35 feet high, window in building 20 feet high. Lighted 1863. Apptjc RiVRR, on Cape Capston or Hetty Point, north entrance, lat 45° >' 20" ST., Inn 64° 51' 30" W., fixed white catoptric light, visible 12 miles. 28 64 feet high, building white, oblong, with tower, height 45 feet. 1870. Rebuilt about 83 yards S &K. from old one. Lighted NBW BBnN8\7I0K.-BA.Y OF FUNDY. HiixsRORO* Wharf, Petitcodiac River, lat 46° 55' 15" N, Ion 64° 37* 45'* W, fixed white catoptriclight, visiblH 5 miles, 14 feet high, structure open frame, height 22 feet. Lighted 1875. To guide vessels going up the river and to the coal and plaster wharves. Grindstomb, west part of island, lat 45° 43' 13" N, Ion 64° 37' 25" W, fixed white catoptric light, visible 12 miles, 60 feet high, octagonal white tower. Lighted 1854. Visible from N E bv E, round bv N to E by S, or 315°. Cape Enrage light house, S W by W ^ W, altout 10 miles. . Cape Ekraor, pitch of Cape, lat 45° 35* 34" N, Ion 54° 46' 55" W, fixed white dioptric light, 4th order, visible 15 miles, 120 feet high, square whim buildiof', neight 23 fi et. Lighted 1840. Visible between the Wrings of N W round by S to N E. A steam tog whistle, 150 feet N E from the light house, sounds during thick weather 4 seconds in each minute. Will probably be heard in calm weather 10 miles, and in stormy weather from 3 to 6 miles. QuAOO, small rock off head, lat 45° 19' 90" N, Ion 65° 31* 55" W, white catoptric light, revolving every 20 seconds, visible 15 miles, 58 feet high, octagonal building, horiaontally strined red and while, height 46 feet. Lighted 1835. A fog bell in a framed tower on the light house block strikes ever/ 12 seconds during thick and foggy weather and snow otorins. Under favorable circumstances it shuu'd ba heard two or three miles, and in etorinr weather, or against the wind, about a mile. Cape Spenckr, pitch of Cupe, Ut 45° 12' 30" N, Ion 65 54 W, red an d whitd catoptric light, alternating every 45 seconds, visittje 20 miles, 2t)7 feet high, white square building, with tower, height 35 feet. Lighted 1873. i fir I all* «ae. » r. W4l.air«, tflH^aM* rMt •«ee.— iic« ii«v. pnge «i. llayluir Tools of orerf densrii^tlOM at lowest prfees. m I h « tUW% I I Si i e n as I n 164 bklgher's farmer's [1882 ViMbl« hetweeu die benriiirs from E S K rcmnd by S to \V N \V, Part- rid^e Inland liK>>t bearing liy compass N W b}' VV | W norilterlj', distant 6i mil«9. Pautkiimje Isr.AND, St. JoUii harbor, lat 45<» IV 20" N. Ion 66" 3' 20" W, Kxcd white catoptric litflit, visible 20 miles, 119 feet hicli, buildinc red and white in vertical stripes, height 40 feet. Lighted 1791. In ni^gy wvatkcr* pteam whistle sounds fi»r li) seconds ever} minute. A bell liuoy near £ side of Partridge Island Reef. St. John Harbouh, Isf 46'=' 15' 10" N, lon<J6'» 3' 40" W, wkUe dioptric light, 4th order, visible 10 miles, 35 feet high, building vertical red and white stripes, kelght 15 feet. Lighted 1828. W, fixed red towards White, square, wood, Musquash Lioht, 45° 8' 36" N, lon^ 66° 14' 30 senwnrd, white towards harbor, visible 10 miles, dwelling attached, catoptric. Lephkav, on Point, lat 45® 3' 40" N, Ion 66° 27' 83 W, 2 fixed whife catoptric lights, vertical, 27 (eet apart, visible 15 miles, upper liuht 81, lower 53 fcet high. oclAgonal building, striped horisoirtaUv red and white, height 31 feet. Lighted 183«1. Visible between the bearings of W N W aroiind by 8 t9 E b}' N. Fog whistle during fogs and snow storias sounds twice eacii ni.nute, first giving a blust of 5 second:** duration, with an in- terval of 5 seconds, then a blast of 5 seconds duration, with an interval of 45 seconds to complete the minute. Spkuck Point, Si Croix River, Charlotte County, lat 45® 10' N, Ion 67^ ir W, fixed white catoptric light, 32 feet high, white squareHNuilding, height 28 feet. Lighted 1S76. The course from Spmce Pomt to ballast ground is K by S } S, distance 2 miles From Spruce Point to Mark Point W N \V, distance 2 miiea. A vessel after leaving Doucet Island, to clear the rce^ should ^teer N until the Siuruce Point light bears X W by W, and thence take a W N W course^ Mahk Point, St Croix River, Cliarlorte County; lat 46° 10' 10" N, Ion 67^ 12' 30" \V, fixed white caoptric light, 82 f<)et high.sqjuare white building, height 28 feet. Lighted 1876. MiDjic Blupp, Passauiaquoddr Bay. Ckailotte County, lat 45** 6' 53" N, lon66*'54' 30" W, fised white catoptric light, visible 15 miles, 130 feet higli, building white, square, wood, height 29 feet, lantern brown. Lighted 1376. A biir extends R I? E from li^ ht house, and vessels require to keep off a distance of 2ffO yards to clear it at low water. Drrut's Hkah, on Wside of Beaver Harbour, Charlotte County, lat 45® 3' 46" N, Ion 66«44' W, fixed white catoptric Ifght, visible 10 niile^ 45 feet high, white sqnsre wooden building, height 36 feet. Lighted IVn. Seen at all points between eastern and western heads of harbor. Pka Point, lat 45^ 2* 20" N, long 6«° 48' 40" W, east side of entrance to LeEtAiig ILarlior, fixed ureei) light, visible 10 miles, visible from east round by south to north. White square wood building, dwdiiRg attached. Bliss Island, W end of IMand, S side of western entrance to Bliss Hnr- bor, Lt 45<' 1' 15" N, Ion 66^ 51' W, fixed red catoptric light, visibll 12 miles, 45 feet high, white square wooden building, height 80 feet Lighted 1871 LATIT& Pabs'agr, on Mascrttin Poiwe, in lat. 46<> 2' 20"' N, long 66* 63' 30" W. A fog trumpet has been erected on Ma!>i5atin Point, south entrance to Lutite PuHKage, uuunds blasts of 7 seconds, with an intervale of 30 seconds between each. Campurku^o Island, N point of Head lJari>or, lat 44° 57' 40" N, Ion i 6I}° 54' 10" W, fixed white catoptric light, visible 15 miles, 64 fe t high. F. W ALaMl'A* r-ity UtutAwmte iii(»re» to Ike piiice t« ««« t Ga: white 66 fe( Btripei snow Fixed secont Sai revolv of half lution, height l8t, 18 Sar fixed nal bu ««, At H. H. FULLER A CO.'S, bead of PoTrer'« Wharf. [1882 ^ P«rt- , diatmnt [o 3' 20" diiiK red >ell liuoy ) dioptric red and H IP H H d a H H S4 [ towards re, wood, :ed white iiuht 81, nd white, W N W nH sounds ith an in- | Aterral of 10' N, Ion iiniilding, to ballast [ark Point |d, to clear »y W, and 0' 10", N, lare white 450 6' 63" miles, 130 rn brown, els require ounty, lat e 10 railed, Lighted harbor. I )f eni^rance from east attached. Bli«« Har- viMbl« 12 t Lighted 66» 58' 30" entrance to 30 seconds 40" N, too fe t high, H S F > to C0 « e n « a o 1882] ALMANACK. 165 white octagonal tower with red croso, height 34 feet. Lighted 1829. This light enables vessels to enter Head Harbor at all times. It is also a guide to vessels entering the main channel, to West Isles, Moose Island, and the inner Bay of Passamaquoddy . * Port St. Andkkws, N point of entrance, lat 45° 4* 10" N, Ion 67° 2' 60" W, fixed while catoptric lijjht, 42 feet liitjh, visible 10 miles, white octagonal building, height 22 feet. Lighted 1833. Visible l)etween the bearings of N W by N,and S E by S. A fug trumpet to be erected at head of harbor. PonT St. ANnnKW's, on sand reef at E entrance, lat 45" 8' 45" N, Ion 67° 0' 50" W, tixed white catoptric light, visible 10 miles. 40 leet high, structure white, -quaro, wood, oz a framed pier, height 10* feet. Lighted 1876 To guide to all ports in inner bav, an«i to vefse's going up the River St . Oroix from Little Passage or XVest Quoddy. There is only a depth of 4fbet of water on the ?^ W extension ol the reef towarvls main land. South West Woi.f Island, en S E point of the island, lat 44° 56' 30" N, Ion 66° 44' 10" W, white catoptric light, revolving every Ij minnte, visible 17 to 20 miles, 111 feet high, building white, Kqiiarti, wood, height ?& feet Lighted 1871. Lantern on dwelling ; visible from all points of approach . SwAi.iiOW Tail, N E part ot Grand Manan, )at 44° 45' 52" N, Ion 64° 44' W, fixed white catoptric light, visible 17 miles, 148 feet high, white octagonal woodeii building, heiglil 5U (eet. Lighted 1860. Visible between the bearings of S W round by S to N W. A steam fog whistle on extreme N W head of Grand Mana'n, 80 feet above high water, sounds in thick weather, fogs and snow storms, 3 blasts ot 4 seconds' duration in each n>inute, with an inter^'al of 16 seconds belwetm each blast. A spindle beacon, painted red, placed in 1876 on Old Proprietor Ledge, on the S £ of Grand M^nan Island, in lat 44° 33' 10" X, Ion 66° 40' W, has a cage ele- vated 31 feet above high water mark, and in clear weather should be seen from a distance from 8 or l^roiles. Machias Sbal Island, on island, lat 44° 30' 7" N, Ion 67° 6' 13" W, 2 fixed wtiite lijghts, W by N 4 N, and E by S J S, 57 yards apart, one ligiit catoptric, the other dioptric of 2nd order, visible 16 miles, h 68 feet. W 54 feet high, buildings white, each 36 feet high. Lighted 1832. A fog whistle sounds in thick weather, fogs and snow storms, 5 seconds in each half minute * Ganni'T Rock, on rock, lat 40° 0* 38" N, Ion 66° 47* W, fixed and flash . white light, dioptric, 4th order, a flash every 4) seconds, visible 12 miles, ! 66 feet high, octagonal tower, height 41 leet, vertical black und white i stripes. Lighted 1831. A gun is fired to answer signals during fogs and ; snow storms. Dangerous rocks extend 4 nriles eastward ot the light nouse. ' Fixed light 45 seconds, eclipse 6^ seconds, fiash 4^ seconds, eclipse 5^ seconds— making GO seconds. SABIjEI I8I1AND. t SAB1.B Island, west end, lat 43°57' N., Km 60° 8' W., whie catoptric revolving liglit, revolves in three minutes, showing three flashes at intervals of half a minute, then a cessation of light during I| minute in each re'volu- lution, visible 18 miles, 123 feet high, white octagonal wooden building', height 96 feet. laghted 1873. Steam fog wbLstle discontinued frotu J uly Ist, 1878. Sable Ist^np, 1 J mile from east end. lat 4-^68' 30" N., Ion 59° 46' W., fixed white dioptric light, 2nd order, visible 18 miles. 128 feet high, octago- nal bnikling, w hits and brown alternately, height 86 feet. Lighted 1873. I o S 1 1 T«Ue Cmllery vf »H»«rt«r 4|«ailt) • » 1I«A 12 'Wfl'i''' fi Dualin, a p»weif ul exploaive, at N. H. FULLER k C0.'8, 166 belcher's farmer's [1882 ECCLESIASTICAL I EPARTMENT. OH7BOH or SNGIiAND IN NOVA SOOTIA. Catiikdral Staff.— The Right. Rev. Hibbert Binney, d d., Lord Bishop of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island, and Dean of Halifax. The venerable Canon Kd win Gilpin, dd., Archdeacon of Xova Scotia; Rev Canon John Dart, i> c L, Windsor ; Rev Canon Thomas Maynard, dd , Windsor; Rev Canon George Townshend, A m., Amherst. Halifax, St. Luke's (Cathedral Church), Rev J. Abbott, St. Paul's, RevG. W. Hill, D o L.,and Rev H. L. Almoii, b. D. St George's, ; St. Mark's, Rev H. J. Winterbouriie, A n ; Bishop's Chapel, liev J. Padfleld, A.M.r^an-isonCliaplains, Rev A.J.Townend, A b., and Rev RiddHll Mcrrtson; Rev. J. D. U. Brown, (Diocesan Sec); Rev G. E. W. Morris, A M. (retired). Annoptilit, Rev H. Deblois, (retired). Rev J. J. Ritchie, am. Aylesfvrd, Rav R. Avery. Amherst, Rev Canon Townshend, A m.. Rural Dean. Allfum Mines, Rev D. C. Moote. AnHgo- nish, Rev L. W. Hill, (retired). Rev A. C. McUonald. Arichat, C. li , Rev lul ward Ansel], A.M. Biidgetoxon, Rev L. M. Wilkins, Alt. Blnndford, Rev John Manning Beaver llarbow, Rev R. Smith. Bridgewater, Rey W. E. Gelling. ComwaUis, Rev F. J. Axford. ClemetUs, Rev W. Godfrey, A B. Chester, lUv. W. R. Butler, A b. Dartmouth^ Rev J. L. Bell. Digbtf, Rev John Ambrose, a »i. Eastern Passage. (Dartmouth), Rev W. E. Currie. Di^u Neck, ; /'a/ifcin*/, Rev. G. Mayuard. Falmouth, Rev W. E. Wilson. Glace Bay, Rev C. Croucher, A m., Rural Dean. Granville, Rev G. P. Greaiorex. Harrietfsfield, ; Hubbard's Cove, Rev. H. Stamer. Kentvitle, Rev J. O. Riiggles, a m. Liverpool, Rev E. E. B. Nichols, v. d. L uisburg, Rev C. W. McCuily. Londonderry, Rev V. E. Harris, A n. Ijunenburg, Rev Henry L. Owen, A b., Rural Dean, Rev F. Skinner. Maitlund, Rev A. D. Jamieson, a.b. Mahane Bay, Rev w H. Snyder, A m., and Rev W. D. Sutherland. Manchester, Rev H. Hamilton, A b.. Rural Dean. Melford, — -_— . Newport, Rev H. How, A. B. New DubUn, Rev Abraham Jordan. New Ross, Rev. W. H. Groaer, A. M. Parrsboro\ Rev Charles Bow4han, d d., and Rev G. i>. Harris. Pictou, Rev J. Edgecombe. Petite Jieviere, Rev J. Shaw Smith, AB. Port Medwnv, Rev H. W At water. Pugwash and Wallace, RevR F. Brine, ab. RavHwn, Rev W. J. Ancient Rosette, Rev J. Partridge. River John, Rer J. L. Downing. Seaforth, Rev J. A. Richey . Ship Harbour, Rev Robert Jamieson. Rural Dean, and Rev. F. Ogle. St. Margaret's Bay, Revs* P. Brown. Stewiaeke, Rev J. C. Cox. SackoiUe, Rev W. 'Ellis. Sher brooke. Rev R. Johnston, SpringhiU, Rev E. H. Ball. Sydney, C. £L Rev Richard J. Uniacke, d »., and Rev David Smith. Sydney Mines, Rev G. Metzler, A n. Shelbume, Rev Thos H. White, d d.. Rural Dean, and Rev J. Patkinson. Tangier, Rev D. A. McLeod. Truro, Rev Joseph Forsythe and Etev J. A. Kaulback, A m. , Tusket, Rev H. Stems. Windsor, Canon Mavnard, d d., Kural Dean. C^non J. Dart, i> c l., C. E. Willets, ma, and W. E. Wilson, A m. Wilmot, Rev G. B. Dodwell, A m. Weymouth, Eev P. J. Filluel, A. b.. Rural Dean. Torbay, Rev. Mr. Arnold. Yarmouth, Revs J. T. Moody, a m., and R. Shreve, a m. Travelling Missionary, C. B , Rev Simon Gibbons. PuufOE Edward Island — The Venble J. H. Read, d.d.. Archdeacon of P. E. I. Charlottetown, St. Peter's, Rev G. W. Hodgson, A m., and Rev. R Bambrick. St. Paul's, Rev D. Fitzgerald, Rev Alfred Osborne, Rev L. C. Jenkins, nc l., (retired). Georgetown, Itev. Mr. Hind. Cascumpeque, Rev H. Dyer. Crapaud, Rev T. Johnston. Milton, Venble Dr. Reed. Port jjill^ St. Eleanor's, Rev Theo. Richey. New London, Rev. T. B. Reagh. King's College 'Windsor. riated VsriM and 8»90«s» Carinas Ikutvtn, Ac. Foiuided, A.D. 1787. Chartered by Kiag George III. a.d. 1802. Patron, T< Scotit Cha« [1882 J9ea4 off Fower'8 Ifhutt, Halifax, N. S. , Lord tlalifax Scotia; rd, DD, Paul's, pi Chapel, H., and Rev 6. retired), V Canon AnHgo- JB, Kev andford, «er, Rey Godfrey, h. B«11. ^\' W. K. 'atniouth, m1 Dean. JMard^s pool. Rev donderry, B., Rural hane Bay, r, Rev U. I, Rev H. V. W. H. lev G. 1^. iw Smith, RevR F. pe. Biver hour, Rev ref'« ^ay, lis. 8her 7.£L Rev M, Rev G. and Rev 1 Forsythe or, Canon lets, M A , Weymouth, Yarmouth, arjf, C. B , Tchdeacon A M., and tiorne. Rev $cumpeque, eed. Port <.w London, 2. Patron, n. I 01 1 ^ n 1882] ALMANACK. 167 His Graee tbt Archbiabep of Canterbury. Boarp or QotK^ntms, ' 1977-t8.— llie Right Rev Hibbert Binney, d.d., Lord Bishop of Nova Scotia, Tisitoranu President of the Board of Governors. Hon Mr Justice Wilkins, nci^. Life Goi*o.mor) Venbl Arebdeacos Gilpin, D d., Jobn C. Halliburton, Kso.. Tiios. 11. Akins, Kaq , D c u, J< A. Shaw. Ksq , Geo 0. \ WigginN. 1*^', Uev GeoW. Hodgson, m a., Hon Wm i» Almon. M n., ' Henry Proyor, i>. c. t.., Andrew J. Cowie, ¥j6^^ M. D., Hon C •)• Towim- hend, hc l., Rev Canon Brig»tocIc, M A., It, G. Gray, Esq, Tren$urtr; > Chds H. CarnMn, E8(}., Secretaiy. Facvvty .—Preiident of the CoUtge. \ Profettor of Divinity, Englith Literature avd A/ornI I'hUotophy, Rev Canon Dart, D c L. ; Viee-Preikfent, Pro/ettor of Clama, Logic, and Rhetoric, Rev NV. K. Wilson; m a^; Projeuorof Chemistry Geology and Joining. J. VV. ^^ncer, D. Sc. m. a., Pb. i>., r. &.a.; Profertor of Mathematice, rfakyral Philoeophy and Engineerina, W. B. Builer, Esq., ». k. ; Proftvtor of Modern iyfn</t<a9ef<, A.DcFourmentin; Ctirofor, Prof. Spencer. ScHOLAKSMirs — Tbe William Cogswell Scholarship, Jt24stg. peraonum, oi>en to candidates (or Holy Orders, under tbe direction of tbe Trustees ; Divinity Scholarships paid by tbe Society for the S. P. G., open to Stu- , dent» for Holy Orders, actually requiring assistance, and suoject to the , control of the Biehop of the Dioeese, 10 in number, each j£30otg. per annum; the Dr Binney Exhibition, £IQ stg. per annum, open to Students in indigent chrcnrostances and of exemplary conduct; MeCawley Hebrew Prize, ^S)stg. ; the Bishop's Pri«e, £5, in Books; Dr. Ahnon's Welsford Testimonial; Akin '» Historical Prize; General Williams' Prizes, three ot 960eaeh; Stephenson Scholarships, three in number: also Payzant- War- burton prize ot f 20 for the best essay on any good subject — to be chosen by the President—in English Literature, to be competed tor during the present Academical year. Inoorporated Alumni of King's College. President, Thos Trenaman, Esq, M D.; Vice-President, W. C. Silver, Eso., Committee, Cliarles VV. Payzant, Ksq, m a.. Rev. John Abbott, Hon 8. L. Shannon, Ed. P. Archbold, C. R. Carman, Rev J. T> Brown, Wm D. Sutherland, Esq; Treasurer, Hon S. L. Shannon, n c i# ; Secretary, Mr Carman. The Halifax Braneb of the Colonial and Continental Chureh Society. Patron, Her Most Gracions Mejesty the Qaeen. Vice-Patrons, His Grraee the Archbishop of Canterbury, His Grace the Archbishop of York, His Grace tbe Archbishop of Annagb. The Right Rev tbe Lora Bishop of Nova Scotia, Chairman of Committee. Diocesan Synod of Nova Sootia. Consists of three bouses — (1>, The Ksbop; (2), tbe Clergr, who are duly licensed; (3), the Laity by their representatives. Clerical Secretary, Rev. R. Wainw right. Lay Secretary, K. J. Wilson, E^q. Board of Voreign Missions. Appohited by tbe Synod. Chairman ex-ojffieio, The Bight Bererend the Lord Bishop. Treasurer, Wm Gossip, Esq. secretary, B«v D. C Moors. Church Endowment S'nnd. Chairmtn, Henrr Prvor, ?>cu; Viee-Chamnan, William Gcssip, Treasurer, J. T. Wylde; ISecretarif, Wm C. Silver; Wm Hare, C Bullock, J. R. l>eWoIf, EHq, m d., T. A. Biiown. Churoh of Bngland Institute. To encourage kindly intercourse among Churchmen, and to diffuse a knout' ledge of the Church's work. Patron, The Lord Bishop of Nova Scotia. President, Rev Chancellor Hill. Vice-Presidenti, T&os. Brown, Chas Stubbing. Treasurer, Thos Brown. Hon Secretary, W. M. Brown. 1 i At r. WAIMr»> aijr ■ardwMre atMNvHIce adir. page n. ■ t f 9: 1 1 \Vi I ,-1 I 'I I t T I ErerythlBf in tke Hardware llney 168 BELCHERS FARMER 8 [1882 OLBBar OF THB BOMAN OATHOLIO 0HU90H. Diooesa of Halifax. His Grace the Most Rev Miohabu Hannam, d.d. , Archbishop of Halifax. St. Mar3''s Cathedral, Halifax, Very Rev Monsignor Power, Rev Edward F. M'lrphy, Kev G. Kllis. 8t. Patrick's Church, Rev. Canon Carmoily, Rev Canon Mclsaac, Rev S Bitfgs. St. Joseph's Church, Rev Peter Danaher. Chaplain to Mount St. Vincent Convent, Rev Canon McTnaac. Chaplain to the Military, Rev Canon Carmody. Chexzeteock, Rev Canon Maaden. Dat'lmduth, Rev Canon Woods. Proepect, . KentviUe, Rev P. M. Holden. Eatttrn Harbours, Rev Chas Underwood. Ctere, Rev J. M. Gay. Yarmouth. Rev P. W. firoM'ne. Tvatket Wedge, Rev .1, Manning. Pubnico, Rev W. McLeod. Bedford, Rev Canon Walahe. Bhtibenacadte, Rev David C. O'Connor. Parrthoro\ Rev H. Malone. Liverpool, Rev T. Butler. Windior, Rev Thos Daly. Minudie, Rev J. Scott. EeUn-ooke, liev C. Bernard. WeymoiUh, Rev William J. Mihan. Digbv and 8t. Croix, Rev M. DriscoU. -Meteghan, Rev J. Daly. Cheater am Sherbrooke, Rev £. F. McCarthy. Bermuda, Rev Dr Walsh. Chaplain to the Military- Rev J. Twoomey. Londonderry. Rev W. Hamilton. Annapolis, Rev T. Grace. AmherU, Rev P. Donnelly. Salmon River, Rev E. d'Hommee. St. Mary's College, Orafton Street, Halifax. Under tlie patronage of His Grace the Archbishop of Halifax. St. Mary's College. President and Professor of Moral Philosoi)hy, Rev Richard Keams. Professor of English Literature, senior classes in Greek and Latm, Mathematics and Natural Philosophy, J. B. Currie, b. a., of London University. Professor of Junior Classes, Mr Wm Kearns. Orphan Aaylum, 32 Barrington Street. Superioress, Sister Mary Vincent. There are about 60 orphans under the care of the Sisters of Charity. The Institution is dependent for support on the voluntary contributions of the charitable. Society of St. Vinoent de Paul. Officers of the General Council, Spiritual Director, Rev E. F. Murphy. President, M. B. Daly. Vice-Prest, Thomas Durney, J. P. Treas, Wm Chitiholm. Sec'y, Wm C/ompton. Assistant Secy. J. Dillon. There are nearly 60 members attached to the three Conferences of St. Mary's, St. Patrick's and St. Joseph's. Meetings held weekly and all relief givenin kind after a careful inquiry and personal visitation to each destitute family <• ▲eademy of the Sacred Heart, Spring Oarden Boad, for Boarders and day Scholars. The Community^ nitmbers dO, of whom 13 conduct classes each day in various branches. Young LaiMes admitted ftom 5 years, ihe French and German Unguages taught by natives of both countries as well as all the branches of an English education. Music and other accomplishments taught by the ladies of the Convent, and, by the most eminent teachers in the city. Dtocese ' of Ariohat. Bigh<^-lL\ght Rev. John Cameron, d D.,.re8iding at Antigonish. The Diocese of Arichat comprises ihe Island of Cape Breton, and three Eastern Counties of Nova Scotia proper. Established Sept. 21, 1844. NovA Scotia. — AntigonUhe, Rev Hugh Oillis. Pictou, Revd Roderick McDonald. lAsmore, Rev A. McGlllvray. Arisaig, Rev John Shaw. Cape Geo^e, Rev J. Eraser. West Rker, Ohio, Rev Ron McGillivray. I I O n t A O s t g s I n 8 I o MWer •»«! «4d<l Wire rictare Cer«, At H. H. FVIXEB A CO.'S, at lowest prices. 1882] ALMANACK. 169 Bt. Andrew's, Rev J. V. McDonnell. Pomquette, Revs Wm. dhisholni und Fiiilay thiaholm. Pomquette Forks, Rev J. J. Chisholm. Tracadie, Rev F. Hransard. Harbour Boueh4, Rev Herbert Gerroir. Guyaboroughf Rev Michael Toinkins. Cape Catuo, Rev. J. Richard Port mvlgrave^ Rev. Geo. McAuley. . Cape Breton.— iln'c^, Rev J. Qninnan, pp. IMHe Arichat, Rev W. I. Talbot D'EtcoHtte, Rev Joseph Quinan, d d. L'ArdoUe^ Rev M. Ethier. Red Islands, Rev John McDougall. River Bourgeois, Rev C. P. Martell. East Bav, Rev Neil McLeod, v.o. Grand Narrows, Rev M. McKenzie. Bay St. Lawrence, Rev. J. McNeil. Boisdale, Rev Alex. McGillivrav, Cape North, Ingonimh, attended from Bay St Lawrence. Noi'th Sydney, Rev Daniel Mcintosh. Little Bras d" Or, Rev M. Mcl'her- son. South Sydney, Rev James Quinan. Afainro-Dieu. Rev D. McKinnon. Creianish, Rev D. Cameron. Judigue, Rev Archibald Chisholm. Port . Hooa, Rev Colin Chisholm. Broad Cove, Rev Donald Chisholm. Mifr- garee. Rev M. I^ffin. Lheticanw, Rev Peter Fisset. Glace Bay, Rev [)r Chisholm. Mabou, Rev K. J. Macdonald. Cow Bav, Rev D. McDonald. lonn. Grand Narrows, Rev R. Grant. Gknadale, Rev. D. Mclsaac. Friar'' s Head, County Inverness, C. B., liev. Wm LeBIanc. Beligioua and Literary Institutions. College amd Seminart or St. Francis Xavibr. —Established in the townof Antiffonish. Rector, Rev. Dr. Cameron. Professors. Rev Dr. N. McNeil. A. BlcDonald, Esq., Professor of Mathematics ; J. D. Cope- land; Professot of Chemistry; A. Chisholm, Assistant Professor of Matne> matics. The Trappist Monks, at Tracadie, have a flonrishing establishment. The Monks are principally natives of Belgium. Here also, there is a Con* vent of the Sisters or Charity, all natives of the place, and generally of French and Scotch origin. The Sisters of the Congregation of Notre Dame, of Montreal, have a grand and flourishing acad^y for female education of the highest order in the town of Arichat. Besides, there are throughout the diocepe many academies, and superior and common schools, piurtly supported by government, and partly by contributions of the people. FBSSBBYTEBIAN CHUBCH IN CANADA. Synod of the Maritime Frovinoes. Pribbyteuy of Sydney — Mira and Sydney, Rev Hugh McLeod, d d. Rev Alex Farqubarson. Rev J. Murray. Sydney Mines, Rev Matthew Wil- son. Rev Donald McMillan. St. Ann's and North Shore, Rev Abraham Mcintosh. Soularderie, Rev David Drummond. Cape North, Rev Peter Clarke. Gabarw and Framboise, Rev Donald Sutherland. Loch Lomond, Rev Gavin Sinclair. Grand River, Rev G. Lawson Gordon. Glace Bay, Rev J. A. Forbes. Presbytery of Yxotorla and Richmond— Whyoocomagh, R«t Murdoch Stewart. Port Bastings and River Denis, Rev Wm G. Forbes. Baddech and Forks, Hey Kenneth McKenzie. Lake AinsUe, Rev Alex Grant. West Bay, Rev Don MacDougall. Middie River, Rev AlexMcRae. StraiOi. Lome, RevMalcom Campbell Presbytery <w Pictou— iVew Glasgow, Revd George Walker. Barney's River and Blue Motmiains, Rev D. B. Blair. Salem Chwreh, Green Hill, Rev V\ illiam Stuart. Scotsbum, Rev Alexander Stirling. irqpei0el(,Rev AlexMeLean, A.M. Antigonish, Rev P. Goodfellow. Btel- larton. Rev Thomas Cumming. James' Chwch, New Glasgow, Rev E. A. McCurdy. SpringviUe, Rev A. McL. Sinclair. Lochaber and Union hH^ At r. WAUVSt dlr HaiNlwitfe St«re.-««« a4y. p«se 91. 8 H. H. FULLER A CO., A^entt lor Centre, Rev J. P. Forbes. Olenelq. etc.. Rev Robert Cummlnff. Prince St. Chitreh, Pictou, Rev W. Donald. United Church, New GUisgoio, Rev Kphraim Scott. i/ert^oiRMA, Rev Daniel Mc'iregor. Knox Church, PiC' tou. Rev. James 3. Carruthers. IMtle Ilarhomr, Rev Robert Ijaird. Weit Jiiver, Rev A. W. McLeod. Prksbytert op Wallacb— i^ew Annan and Wentworth, Revs James Watson, Andrew Grav. Goose River, Rev W. 8. Darragh. River John, Itev H B. McKay. Tatnmagouche, Rev Thomas Sedgewick. SminqhiU, l.'uv. C. O. Glass. Wallace, Rev. 8. Boyd. ^mAersI, Rev F. W. Archi- bald. EarUmen, Rev £. Gillies. PitSBBYTERT OF Trvro — Otulou), Revds John I. Baxter, J. H. Chase, A.M. Truro, Rev William McCuIloch, p.d. Riverdde, Rev A. Cameron. tV<. Pautt, Trwv, Rev John McMillan, b d. Upper Londonderry. Rev James Sinclair. Stewia^ske, Rev Edward Grant. Middle Stetoiacke, Rev Edwin Smith. Truro Wett, Rev A. Burrows. Lower London- den'v, Rev James McLeon. Acadia Mines, Rev John A. Logan. Econo- my, Rev Alex F. Thomson. Upper Stetoiacke, Rev J. C. Meek. Clifton, Rev J D McGillivray. Coldstream, Rev W. T. Bruce, m.d. Presbytert of Haufax — Musquodoboit, Rev Robt Sed^^wick. Agent of the Church, Rev P. G. McGregor, d d. Fort Massey, IMtfax, Rev I.'. F. Uums,DD. iTa/t/oar, Prof. A. Poltok.DD. Hatifax, Prof A. McKnight, ii.D. Halifax, Prof J. Currie. St. Matthews, Halifax, Rev. Roliert Laing. Dartmouth, Rev P. M Morrison, Newport. Rev Ebenezer BIcNah. Rich- mond, Rev A. L. Wyllie. St Andrew^ s, Halifax, Rev Thomas Duncan. Chalmers Church, Halifax, Rev C. B. Pitblado. Poplar Grove, Halifax. Uev Allan Simpson. St. John's, Halifax, Rev John Forrest. Ktnt- ville. Rev J. B. Logan, A m. MUford, Rev A. B. Dickie. Maitland, l^v T. Chalmers Jack. Miuquomitoit Harbour, (>c.. Rev Jamos Uos borough. Wai-wick, Bermuda, Rev Walter Thorburn, Kev John Wallace. CornwalUs, Rev Archibald McDougall. Little River, Mwtqitodobmt, Rev Duncan McKinnon. Kennetcook, Rev Adam Gunn. Shu6enacad>e, Rev M. G. Henr}'. Btdford, Rev G. Christie. Efmsdale, Rev Jacob Lavton. Sheet Barbour, Rev Richmond Logan. Hamilton, Bermuda, Rev James A. McKeen. Windsor, Rev Archibald Gonn. Kenyat and Walton, Rev T. H. Murray. Phfsbytery of Lunekburo akd Yarmouth— Irunen&wr^, Revs William Duff, Ebenezer D. Miliar. Mahove BaVi Rev D. S. Fraser. Yar- mouth, ReV William Robertson. Bridgewaier, Rev John Canidron. New ZHi6/tn.'Rev A. Brown. Carlelon and Chebpjjtte, Rev J. K. ReMristo. La- Have Rev Isaac Simpson. ClyaeandBamngton, Rev J. A. McLean. Shel- bUme, Rev D. F. Creelman. • Pbksbytkry of St. Joav.—Fredericton, Revs John Brooke, d I). Rev A. J. Mowatt. Londonderry and Campbell Sett., Rev Andrew Donald. St. John's Church, St. John, Rev Janies Bennett, v v. Springfield and EnqlUh /8e/tf«7nent, Rev Lewis Jack. Bocabec ana Waweig, Rev William Mitten. Cakin Church, St John, Rev David Madise, d.d. St. Stephens, St John, Rev Dpnald McRae. St. Andrew's Church, St. John, Rev William Mitchell. Chwmart, Rev SamuelJohnson. Sussex, Rev James Gray, a. m. Buctouche amd Cocagne, Rev Jno D. Murray. Moncton Rev Joseph Hogg. Carkton, St. John, Rev J. C Burgess, A. b. Richmond, Rev KennetL McKay. Prince WiUiam, Rev Wm. Ross. Woodstock, Rev. J. McG. McKay. JTtncanJtne, Rev J. A. F. Sutherland. St. Jnmes, UevJ. M. Sutherland^ Hammond River, Rev D. R. Crockett. HopeweU, Rev C. W. BrydM. St. Andrews, Rev''Wm. McCullagh. St. Stephen, Rev Mr. LoVe. Presbytery of Miramichi. — River Carlo, Rev Thomas Nicholson. Bathurst, Rev S. Houston. Chatham, Rev J. A. F. McBain. BhdeviUe and Derby, Rev Thomas G. Johnstone. Dalhousie, Rev Alex Russell. ■•we** Platform Mid Coimler l«»l«» an avid 1882 ^ w ig ATfto 1 ^/ocl- River, W.A 1 Pii e Patter 6 Alurra Munn •: RevN St.Pe Frame 8. C. Murrt Si R^v W Geo. I John B PR H PevL M Owe, S Fo n Annai «» Rev J Thom i Ge 1 P.M. s b g Tn yi logy,l Currie g Pollot a 1 ] 8 Re 3 H Lane, !| Sponi 1 ence « Smitl 7 rence n McMi b Roge 1 son •Elia St A 1 A.V) Buck Ang\ 2 T ? son, < 1 C. Bi Twe( Shep Harl) Bob«rtiion'g Siiperfor Mill and Clrenlar Saws. [1882 Pfinee 1<no, Rov ch, Pic- 1. Weft ra James er John, •ninqhill, ^. Archi- I. Ohas*, Cameron. n-y. Rev ttunaekty London-' EeonO' CU/ton, I. Agent Rev a. F. cKni^ht, srt Lain^. lb. Bicn- Duncan. Halifax. t. Ktni- Mattland, inos U()8 VVaUace. boit, Rev Jth'e, Rev I La>ton. Jam«8 A. lev T. H. rff, Revs BF. Ynr- on. J>rew i8to. La- lan. /SAe/- • )ke, D T>. IT Donald. 0/fe&2 and William Stephtn$, T William 7'- A. M. »h Hogg. Kenneth J. McG. iev J. M. lev C. W. Rev Mr. richolson. BlackviUe Russell. i I I I i g g I 1882] ALlfANAOK. 171 Neio Carlisle, Rev Wm Murray. Campbtlltovm, Rev J. C. Herdman. Black River, Rev John Robertson. Richihucto, Rev M. Mackenzie. AoM River, Rev John Boyd. J\^ew Richmond, Rev P. Lindsav. Newcattle, Rev W. Aiken. Douylastoton, Rev Jas. Murray. Redbank, Rev Jno McCarter. PnEsnYiKKY OP Prince Edward Island— i3e<feau«, Rev Robert S. Patternon, A. M. Covehead, Rev. James Allan. CharMtetoum, Rev Isaac Murray, d. d. Gem-getoum, Rev John McKinnon. Valtevfield, Rev Alex. Munro. iftun Church, CharlotteUnen. Rev J. M. McLeoa. 8ummer$idt, Rev Neil MuKay. 5^ James, CharloUetoum. Rev Kenneth McLennan. <S<. Pe«ef«, Rev W. Scott. Momt Stewart and IVest 8t. Peters, Rev W. R. Frame. Bajf Fwtune, tfc. Rev Jobn G. Cameron. £ast St. Peters, Rev 8. 0. Qun.<. irra^iitfer, Rev Wm. Gran*, West Point, Campbelttoion, tfc, Rmv Charles Fraser. Alberton and Tignish, Rev Arthur F. Carr, A. m. Murray Harbour, Rev Ernest S. Bayne. Cavendish and New Glasgmo, R'-v W. P. Archibald. Bep'ast.Kov A. S. Stewart. Princetown, Rev Geo. McMilhn Ntw London, Rev Wm. A. Mason. StrathalbjfH, Bev John McLeod. Pbeubytebyof Newfoundland— S<. John's, Rev Moses Harvey, Pev L. G. McNeill, a m. Harbor Grace,- Rev Alexander Ross. Beits' Cove, Rev W. S. Wliittier. FoBKioir MisfltuNARiKS— Rev John W. McKenzie, Rfate; Rev Joseph Annand, Aneityum; Rev. H. A. Robertson, Eromanga, New Hebrides; Rev John Morton, /Savanna Grande; Rev K. J- Grant, San Fernando; Rev Thomns Christie, Couva; Rev John W. McT^eod. Port of Spain, Trinidad. General Treasurer, Rev P. G. McGregor, D.D., Halifax. CU^'k, Rev P. M. Morrison, Daitmouth. Oollege of the Presbyterian Church. Theological Department at Halifax — Prof, of Systematic Theo- logy, Rev Alex Mc Knight, d.d. Prof, of Hebrew and Exegesis, Rev John Currie. Prof, of Church History and Pastoral Theology, Rev Allan Pollok, D.D. METHODIST OHUBOH OF CANADA. Those marked thus (*) are Supernumeraries. Nova Scotia Oonfiorenoe. Rev John Lathem, President ; Rev Jabez A. Rogers, Secretary. Halifax District. — Halifax (North), Ralph Brecken, a.m., Wm. G. Lane, Wm. H. Evans, * Edmund Hotterell. *R. A. Temple, *John L. Sponngle. Ha/t/axC^ou^ ), John J. Teasdale, *John S. Addy. Confer- ence OJiee. — Stephen F. Huestis, Chairman, Rook Steward, T Watson Smith, Editor. Dartmouth, H. P. Doane, *Tbomas. Angwin. Law- rencetown, Jno Wier. Wimsor, John M. Pike, 'M. Richey, D D^ 'Jno McMurray, •Roland Morton. Hanisport, Wm. Rvan. Horton, lliomas Rogers, A »i,0. M. Tyler. *Geo. Johnson, (a). KentviUe, Robert Was son Newport, F. H. VV. Pickles, Fin. Sec. Avondale, R. cArthni. •Elias Brettl* . Burlington and Walton, G. O. Huestis. Sambro, and St Margaret's Bay, Gr«o Johnson (b.) Bermuda, {Hamilton and Somerset). A. W. Nicholson, Chaplain to Wesleyans in Annv and Navy, • F. A, Buckley, A b. Bermuda, (St. George'' s and Bauey's Bay), Joseph G. Angwin, Ohaplain to Wesleyans in Annv; J. W. Prestwood, A b. ' TnUKO District-^ TVttro, Simeon B.Dunn. Onslow, Patk. H. Robin- son, * R. 0*^8. Johnson. Acadia JMin^s, Bern. Hills, A. a. Pictou, Wm. C. Blown, Chairman. Steltarton, Isaac E. Thurlow. River John, James Tweedy. MaitUind. Thomas D. Hart, Fin. Secy. Shtdtenacadie, J. W. Shepherdson. Middle Musquodoboit, J. Hiram Davis. Musquodoboit Harbour, George F. Day. Sheet Harbor, J. L. Lawson, A. B. !!> ^-^ At r. WAMII'S. Oltjr ||«r4w»re atoreb-a«e MiT. pMse 91. T4iibii«ntlng Oils* vlit Olive, Lard, West Virginia, Ac, Hii i'"^ i ii 1 m 172 bblohbr's farmeu's [1882 CuMBKKLAMD DiHTRiOT— ^m/ieri(, Jabes A. Kogera, Sec*}' of Confer- enre, (ChKinnan), •Robert Tweedie. Warren, Win PurvU. Napunn ^f S/inutHe, J. K. Borden. Wallace, John A. Monhnr. Putpmsh, bben ¥. E.t^land. JRtVer PhiNp, Arttiur D. Morion, a m.. Fin. Secy Oxford, R. R. UriinyMte. Wenticorth, A. V. Weldon, 'R. Bird. Parr$bwo', WilHum Alirorn, *J. B. Hcmmeon. Southnmpton, Frederick H. Wright, A B. Athol, John Craig. Advocate I/arbor, Charles W. Swallow, A. h. OuYsuono' AMD C. B. District— Gvytboro, Paul Preatwood, *Jflmea Buckley. Canto, John W. Howie. Mancheiter, Joseph llatt>, Fin. Sen/ Sydney, Joa 8. Coffin, Chairman. Sydney (North), Jmm B . Gile4. 0!i.- barva, Jas Scott. Port Hawherimry, George W. I'uttla. Port Hood, W. A. Outerbridge. Ingonitli, O. W. 'Whitman. Amrapoub District— ^nnoBoAf, Ezra B. Moore. Oranvitte Ferry, James Strothard Bridgetown, David W. Johnson, a.u. *J. F. Bent. M%d- mfldmrg, Caleb Parker. Digbp, William Ainley. Weifmoutk, Geo. F. Johnson, A. B. Diyby Neck ana Weatpori, Jamna Sharpe. f^iVKRi>ooL DiSTKicT--Z.Jv«rpoo/ and Milton, Cranswick Jost, A m , Cktirman, *C. Lockhart. Caledonia, Robert WiUiamn. I^t Moutm, John G. Bigney. MiU Village^. Mayhew Fisher. Petite Riviere, .'no Johnson. Lunenburg, Alex. o. Tuttle,'/^tn. Secy. Ritcey'a Cove, David B. Soott. New Oermany, John Grce. Bridgewater, David Hiokey. Yakmouth District.— rar»ioii<A, (South) Wm. H. Heart/., Fin. Sery. Yarmouth (North), John Lathern, ijhatrman, *Ingrain Sutcliffu. Arcadia, Bvron C. Bonlen, A. b. Hebron, I. M. Mellish. Barrington, Jiinies R. Hart. Port La Tour, Arthur Hockin. North Ea$t Harbor, Jonathan C. Ogden. SheHuma, R. B. Mack. Lochport, Wm. Brown. MOiuat AUiaoxL WealeyMi College, SeokviUe, 17.B. Faculty or Arts— James R. Inch, ix, v.. President and Professor of Mental Philosophy and Logic. Rev C. Stewart, o d.. Professor of Moral Philosophy ana Christian Evidences. Alfred D. Smitn, a m., Professor of Classics. Rev John Burwash, A m., Professor of Chemistry and Experi- mental Physics. Richard C Weldon, a m.^h d., Professor of Mathematks and Political Science. Rev Charles H. Paisley, u a., Professor of New Testament Greek and Exegesis. Faculty of Theology— Jame^ R. Inch, lld., President (Ex officio.) Prufessor of Logic and ffiblical Literature. Rev C. Stewart, i> d., Dean. Professor of Old Testament Exegesis, and Systematic Theology. Rev J. Burwash. M A., Professor of Homiietios. Rev. C. H. Paisley, am.. Pro- fessor of Kew Testament Greek. A. D. Smith, m a. , Professor of Greek. Motmt AUiaon Aoedemy. Male Branch— Faculty, Rev C. H. Paisley, m a., (Principal), Lat'n and French. Tiiompson T. Davis, b a., Matlieniatics. John A. Smith, R A., Commercial and English Department. Professor William Jost, De> parimont of Music Mr. and Mrs. james Blllmore, Steward and Stewardess. Female Branch — ^Principal, Rev D. Kennedy, std. Matron, MrsD. Kennedy. Chief Preceptress, Miss E. Wilson. Boai'd of Instruction, Rev. I). Kennedy, l l d., Languages, Logic, etc. Miss Wilson, Natural Sciences and Mathematic.s. Miss Hannah Johnson, mla., English De- partment Miss Reid, Drawing, Painting, etc. Miss M. E. Pickard, m LA., Music. Miss Miriam Fullerton, Stewardess. , Alumni Society IConnt Alliaon College and Academy. J. B. Snowball, Esq., M. P., President; Rev. W. H. Heartz, W. F. GeurKe, Esq., Geo. Johnson, Esq., Vice-Presidents; J. Fred Allison, Sec- Trftitsurer; J. L. Black, Mr p., and Rev. J. Burwash, ma, Members \>f board of Qovfemors. ; . «alir*iaiM Wire NdfUttk akd W««e Wire, Si > S 5 \tt, Sie, [188i of Confer- ^appnn rf I, bb«n V. hrd, R. R. William Athol, i1, *Janiea Fin. Secy e*. O't- Ilood, W. 7/;e Ferry, >nt. J/ta< ph Oaetz, CasRidy. n DHiiiel. , Geo. F. [)8t, A M , t Moutun, Iviere, .Ino >r«, David rtz, /^rn. Sutcliffe. arrinf/ton, tt Harbor, BrowQ. B. rofeMor of r of Moral rofesHor of d Ex per i- ithematics »r of New b( officio.) D., Deao. . Rev J. ^M., I'ro- Greek. il), Lat'n A. Smith, Jost, De> tewardess. >n, MmD. tion, Rev. I, Natnral iglisli De- ictcard, m smy. tz, VV. F. son, Sec- 3inbera *of 9 I I At H. H. FULLER * C0«'8, head of Power'! Whftrf. 1882 J ALMANACK. 173 Alumnrt Aasoc^atioa Mount Alllaon L*diea' Aoademy. Mm. K. F. (lutten, President: Mis* Jane Humphrey, m l a, Miss I* M. Stewart and Mii>8 8. 1). Pickard, yice-I>residentB; Miss A. S. Inch, ml a, Secretary and Treasurer. Haliflax Young Men*a Wealeyan Institute. Prerident, H. II. Bell. Vice PreRidents, M. H. Hichev, jr., J. Me- Innis. Secretary, Jas A Knight. A!»ii>tant Secretary, I^. tiarriji. Tr h- suror. M. U Morrow. Comoiiiteo, II. Temple, S. E. Whiston, J. Sutclitl'ti, W. II. Johnson. BAPTIST OONVDNTION OF THB PBOVIirOBa. MABITIKB Pretident, Theodore H. Rsnd, D. o. L., Fredericton, N. B. ; Vice Preai- tkntt, Arthur Simpson, Fsq., Cavendish, P.E I., J. W. Barss,. Esq., Wolf- villo, N. H. Secretary, Rev E. M. Keirstead, b.a., Windsor, N. S. Aut. Secretary. Rev. G. O. Gates, A. M., Moncton, N. B. Trtaturer, C. W. Sanders, Ksq , Yurrnouth, N. S. Asnstant Treasurer^ Asa T. Morse, E^tq., Lawrencetown, X. S. The next annual meeting; of this Convention, which embraces the Churches of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and P. E. IMand, will be Iield at F^ein^ter Street ('hurch, St John, N. B., on the lirst Saturday after the ISiliof Anguat,188l. . AoadiA OoU«K0. WoUVllle. OoVEiiNOits->Rev A. W. Sawyer, d d., President of the College, fx officio. Rev Geo. Armstrong, p. u., Rev E. M. Saunders, A m.. Rev 8. W. CeBloie, d. D., Rev I. F. Bill, d. d.. Rev E. HicksotL a m., Mark Curry, Esq.. T. H. Rand, n.ou., B II. F^ton, A. M., D. R. Eaton, Esq.. Avard Lengley, Esq., m r., J. R. Calhoun, Esq., mp.p., A. F. Randolph, Esq., C. F.C;iinch, Esq , Rev S. B. Kempton, a m., Hon O. McN Parker, si i> , J. H. Harding, Esq., Rev J. W. Manning, a b., Rev T. A. HigKina, A m., Sterttary, Rev S. W. DeBkus, n.D. Treasurer, X. Y. Chipman, Esq. Dkpabtmkiit ok Arts Faculty— Rev A. W. Sayr^er, v d., and Pro- fessmr af Moral Philos^hy and Evidences of Christtanit}'. Rev J. M. Orampt,. d d., Professor Emeritus. D. F. Higgine, a m., PiwRbssot of Mathematics. R. V. Jones, A M., Professor of the Greek and Latin Languages. J. JF. Tufts, am.. Professor of History. ——— — ^ iro- fessor of Natural Sclcnoe. J. G. Schurman, a.m., D. Sc, Professor of Mental Philosophy, English Liteiature, and Political Economy. TiiEoixmioAL Department — Rev E. A. Crawley, d d.. Principal and Professor of New Testament Interpretation and Church Polity. Rev. A. W. Sawyer, D D., Professor of Evidences of Christianity. Rev O. M. WeltoB, A.M., PH D., Professor o< Hebrew and Christian Theology. Aasooiated Ahimni of Aoadi* Gollege. President, J. F. L. Parsons, b.a.; Vice President, W. M. McVicar, A M.; Secretary- Treasurer, Wm. L. Barss, a.b.; Directors, J. W. I^ngley, a.m.. Rev. £. Hiekson, a.m., Albert Coldwell, a.m., Rev J. W. Manning, a.b., E. D. King, A.M., B. H. Eaton, A.M., T. H. Rand,D.O.L. Horton Academy. A. W. Armstrong, b. a., Principal and Teacher of Greek and Engl'nh. Prof J. F. Tufts, A. M., Latin and History. Albert Coldwell, A. m., Mai lie- maties. Acadia Seminary. Miss Mary E. Graves, Principal; Mrs. A. W. Armstrong, French and German Miss Carrie Whidden, English and Latin. Miss Augusta J. Dodire, Music. Miss Eliza Harding, Painting and Drawing. Miss Harding, Matron. At I*. WAWH'Sf City Hardware Store.— See mAv, yase SI* M '■ ^ yj m I i< V* ** Brandram'e '' White aad Colored Paint§, li^: 174 belcher's farmer's [1882 Board of Foreign MiBsions. Hon A. McL Seely, Revds J. M. Cramp, d. u., W. P. Everett, a.m., D. A. Steele, a.m., G. 0. Gates, a.m., G. E. Day, m.d., W. A. Corey, I. E. Bill, ».!>., £. W. Kelly. A. A., J. E. Hopper, a.m., E. Hickson, a.m., .1. H. Harding, Esq., A. W.'Marstera, Esq., John March, Esq., C. E. Clinch, Esq. Board of Home Missions. A. C. Robbin8,E8q., Kevds G. E» Day, md., A. Cohoon, a.m., W. A. G. Randall, m.d., James Crosby, Ei>q., Key H. N. Parrv, Pearl D. Kinnev, Ksq., Arthur Simpson, Esq., John March, Esq., A. S. Murray, E«>q., C W. Sanders, Esq., Rev. J. A. Grordon, Rev A. ti. Lavers, Rev John Clarke, W R. Doty, Esq. Ministerial Eduoation Board. Rerds. Isaiah Wallace, a.m„ D. G. McDonald, J. J. Bostwick, Esq., Rev 8. B. Kempton, a.m., J. W. Barss, Esq., James McDonald, Esq., mpp, C. F. Eaton, Esq*, Revds A. W. Sawyer, D d., S. W. DeBlois, d.d. Board of Management of Ministerial Belief and Aid Vnnd. Revds. E. Hickson, A,M., John A. Gordon, D. A. Steele, a.m., E. M. Saunders, a. m., J. W. Manning, A.B., -Stephen Selden, Esq,, Hon. D. McN. Parker, m.d., J. F. L. Parsons* Esq., Rev J. F. Avery. MINISTEBS OF BAPTIST CHUROHSS IN NOVA SCOTIA. Central Association. Xeittville, Rev. Geo. Armstrong, d. d. HaUfax, Revds. J. F. Avery, J. W. Manning, A b., E. M. Saunders, am., John Miller, K. R. Pbilp, A b., and D.G.Shaw. ^a^toM, Rev. J. Bancroft Bwwink^ Rev J. C. Bleak- ney. Rev D. O. Parker. Cambridge^ Rbv J. E. Bleakenev. Neio Geitnam, Rev M. W. Brown, A b. 8t. Margaret's Bay, Rev A. W. Barsik Wbyf- ville. Revs. J. M. Cramp, d d., E. A. Crawlcry, d.d., S. W. DeBlois, d d., A. W. Sawyer, D d., D. M. Welton, A m., ph d., Isainh Wallace, am.. Canning, Itevd David Freeman, am. MahoM Ban, Rev. L. U. Gates.' i>re«5por«, RevA. T. Dykeman. Conarrf, Rev«. S. B. Kempton, A. m., Svdney Welton, a.b. Wind»or, Rev E. M. Kierslead, b. a. ffammend'B Pkam, Rev Wallace Lucas. Bridgewater, Rev Stephen March. Kempt, Rev Daniel McLeod. Lona Point, Rev D. Pineo. KingUon, AyUtford, Rev E. O. Read and Rev. F. Beattie. Upper Ayle$ford, Rev. J. L. Read. Bill, own. Rev Walter J. SwaiBeld. Ken^, Rev Geo A. Weathers. Dart- mouth, 'Rey'E. J. Grant. Hantsport, Rev Edward Whitman. Ga^raux^ Rerr John Williams. CA«s<er, Rev J W. Weeks. The Central Association comprises the churches in Kings, Hants, Lu- nenburg and Halifax counties. The next session is to be held at Chester on the Saturday Allowing the 20th of June, 1882. 'Western Assooiatlon. Parher'a 0>»«, Rev H. Achilles. Nictattx. Rev W. A. J. Blakeney. Lower GramoUk, Rev J. D. Skinner. Port Medway, Rev R. H. Bishop. Helyron, Rev A. Cohoon, A. M. Yarmouth, Revds G. K. Day, M. d., C. Goodspeed, a.m., John Clark, J. A. Gordon. North BrookfieM, Rev G. A. Cleveland. Lake George, Rev A. Cogswell. Lockeport, Kev J. A. Durkee, A.M Mtlton, Revds J.I. DeWblf, a.m., P. F. MuiTay. Liverpool, Hev. S. McC. Black, A. m. Paradise, Rev J. T. Eaton, melburne. Rev G. H. Goiidy. AnnoDolis, Rev T. A. Hiegins, A. m. Melvern Square, Kevds W. Bagged Idande, Rev J. F. McKenne. Saulmerville, Rev M. Normandy. Chmewts, Rev J. M. Parker. St. Mary's Bay, Rev W. L. Parker. Ch'e- goggin, Rev H. N. Parry. Middleton, Revaa R. D. Porter, J. H. Rob- SoUd cast Meet Hammers, Prill jMeel, Powtfcr and Fuae, For tale by H. H. FULLER & C0.> head of Power's Wharf. 1882] ALMANACK. 175 bins. Bnrrington, Rev W. H. Richan. Ohw, Rev John Rowc. Port Medwny, Rev A. N. RoBcoe. Digby, Rev .1. H. Saunders. Spnngfitlfl, Rev H. B. Sl^■fne^. DeeHield. Rev J A. Stubbert. Beaver River, Uev G. B. Titus. Bridgetown, Revs N. Vidito, W. H. Warren. A. m. The Western Association, comprising the counties of Yarmcuth, Digby, Shelburne and Annapolis, meets thia year at Milton, Queens Co., on the third Saturday of June, 1882. Eastern fAssooiation. Amhertt, Revs D. A. Steele. A. M., G. F. Miles. Truro, Revs J. J. Arm- strong, John E. Goucher, D. W. C. Dimock, a. m. Coiv Bey, Rev J. C. Spurr, A. D. Isaac's Harbor, Rev A. Freeman, A. b.. 6reat Village, Revda M. P. Freeman, a. b., T. B. Luyton. St. Mary's, Rev. 'H. Eagles. Athol, Rev David McKeen. Nm'th Sydney. Rev. J. W. Bancroft, A. B. Onstdto, Rev 0. H. MarteSI, A.n. Pugwash, Revds H. Bool, Edwin Clay, M D. River Jlebert, Rev I. R. Skinne- , .. b. Sydney, Revs F. A. Kidson, F. O. Weeks. J^ower Economy, Rev Samuel Thompson. Rev T. B. Layton. Up-j^er Stewiacke, Rev Obed Chute Tracadie, Rov A. W. Johnson. Antigonish, Rev L. M. Weeks. Parrsboro, Rev VV. J. Stewart. The 'Eastern Association, comprising the counties of Colchester, Cum- berland, Guysborough, Pictou, Sydney and Cape Breton, meet at Fngwash on the second Saturday in July, 1882. SYNOD OF THE KIRK OF SOOTIiAND IN PICTOU COUNTY, N. S. PhESBTTERY OP VwTOV. —Pictou, Rev Robert Biirnet, A. m. Salt Springs, Rev J. Fitspatrick. Roger's fHH, rfe., Rev J. W. Fraser, A. m. Earltown Rev D. McKeuzie. River John, Rev Robert McCunn. Pbesbttery ov Egekton. — Neto Glasgow, Rev George Murray, a. m. SteUarton and Wettvitle, Rev C. Dunn. East River, Rev Wm. McMillan, A.M. ffopewell Rev P. Melville, am., b. d. Barney's River, Rev A. J. McKrohan. McLellari's Mountain, Rev W. Stewart. Gairloch, Rev. Neil firodie. Prikce Edward Island, Rev John Goodwill. Since the Union, consummated June tSth, 1875, the minority of the late Synod of the Maritime Provinces in connection with the Church of Scotland, continue to co-operate with the United Church in the Educational, Foreign Mission, and Wiaows' & Orphans' Schemes. FBEB BAPTIST CONFERENCE. Tarmouih Counfy— Rev Wm. M. Knollin, Yarmouth : Rev 0. Cann, Chegoggin; Rev J. F. Smith, Beaver River; Rev S. K. West, Rockinham; Rev David Oram, Brooklyn ; Rev Wm. Miller, Central Argyle; Kev Wm. Freeman, Plymouth! Shelburne County— Revs A. Swim and' P. Brown, Bear Point: Rev T. O. DeWitt, Cape Sable Island i Revs T F Sidden, Edwin Crowell, W. Downey, J. I. Potier and VV. Weston, Barrington. Queens County— Hw S. N. Royal, Caledonia. Kings County — Hbv F. Babcock, fanning. Hants County, Rev Geo. E. Sturges, M. D., Waiton; Rev B. Minard, Lewiston, * Maine, U S. Licentiates.— Messrs. Kdwih Crowell, A. B., J. L. Smith and Geo. Lowden, Lewiston, Me. United States. BRITISH METHODIST EPISCOPAL. Rt Rev R. R. Disnev, Bishop, Chatham, Ontario. Halifax, Rev M C Br«>oks. Livei'pool, Rev W. .J. A. Johnson, Secretaiy of Conference. SheUntrne, Rev. George W. Smith. GHythnroi-gh, Rev. Charles Hamilton. St. Thomas, Danish W. I., Rev E. Mel. Harper. r. WAUB'S, Mtjr HaNlwiurd itof«.-4«e mIv. pa«e »1. Fnqiilries for Prices will reoelre eTerjr AttontioRf ■'-J I ii 176 BELCHERS FARMER S [1882 CONGBEGATIONAIi UNION OF NOVA SCOTIA AND NB'W BRUNSWICK. Sheffield, TV. B., Rev Joseph Barker; St. John, N. B., Rev A. Blan chard ; Yarmouth, Rev Alex McGregor; ^ebogue. Rev James Shipperlny ; Liverpool, Rev §. Sykes; Canning, Rev Enoch Btirker; Noel ana Saetm, Rev J. w. Cox; Economy, Rev E. Rose ; Manchester, Rev Jacob Whit- man; Margaree, C.^ Rev NVm Peacock. OFFiCEits, — Chairman, Rev. A. Mc]^re(;or, Yarmoutli, N. S. Secretary, Rev Jospph Barker, Sheffield, N. B. Miasionai-y Secretary, Rev. A. Mc- Gregor, Yarmouth, N. S. Treasurer. James Wobdrow, Esq., St. John, N. B. Ankual Mkp.ting. July 9(h, 1882. at Sheffield, N. B. Rev. A. Mc- Gregor also Missionary Secretajy for 1881-82. TH^ LUTHERAN CHUBOH. Rev Charles E. Cossman, Lunenburg; Rev J. H. Hnnton, Bridgewater ; Bav D. Luther lioth, Lunenburg f Kev J. A. Scheffer, Mahone'Bay. AFRICAN BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. Halifax, Rev H. H. Johnnon ; Beech Bill, Rev Alex Bailey ; Pre$t<m, Rev Geo Carvery, Rev Geo R. Neal ; ComujnHis, Rev John Smith ; Mts- sionary, Rev N. Gray ton. This Asaooiation itaeets the first Saturday in September of each year. MEDICAL BEGISTEE. -rity of the Medical Board, in ted Statutes of Nova Sootia, Published under and by the >■ aecordanoe with Ohap. 24 of the Fourth Series, 1873. Provincial Medical Board. -. .. Edward J«nnings, Pretident; Dr R S Black, Treasurer; Dr Edwad Fanell, Registrar; Dr W N McDonald, Dr Edwd Jennings, appointed for life by Provincial Govern- ment. Hon Dr Parker, Dr W N Wiokwire, Di* John Somen, Dr John F Blaek, appointed for three ytara by Medical Society of N S Medical Examiners.— Dr R S Black, Dr Edward Jennings, Dr A P Reid, Dr D NoN Parker, Dr T K Almen. Matriculation Examiners.— Rev Principal Ross, Rev Ed F Murphy. Almon Hon W J, M D, Qla^gow, 1838, Halifax dty Addlington, Robert. M D, Edin, M tt C S E, 1857. Saokville, HaUfax Aitken, Ohas 0, M O, HarvMrd, Mass, Lunenburj{ Atkinson, M C. Halifax Med Ool, 1881, House Surgeon Prov k City Ho* Almon, Thos K, MD, Coll Phy & Sur, N Y, Long Island Coll, 1866, Hx Andrews, A K, Halifa?. Med Coil, 1879, Morden Road, Kings Oo Andrews, C F, M D, Vlarvard, 1868, Caledonia, Queens Allen, D 0, M D, Jeft' Med Coll, Phil, 1875, Amherst, Cumberland Alhn, Jas O, M D, Coll Phy & Surg, N Y, 1880, Lookeport, Sbelburne Baraaby, Johr« At, M D, Harvard. 1863, Bridgetown, Annapolis Co Bell, George W, M D, Coll Phy & Surg,.N Y, 1869, Paradise, Annapolis Bond, Joseph B, Member Medical Soo of Philadelphia, 1829, Yarmouth Black, Rufjs S, M D, Edin, li B C S E, 1836, Halifax dty Brown, D, M D, Uni of fenn, 1848, Maitland, Hants Bingay, George Thos, M D, Uni of N Y, M R C S, Eug. 1849, Annapolis Barton, V^m J, M D, Coll Phy & Surg, N Y, 1868. Pubnioo, Yarmouth Bingay, John M, M D, Harvard, M>u8, 1863, Tusket, Yarmouth Btvmm, ftnatlia, mm lUriiMf Vmki, S9, o I h I I « n IS H i I I I s. « a AND I Annapolis Hrraouth H. n. FULLER ft €0., head of Power's Wkarf. 1882] ALMANACK. 177 Burns, S W, M D, Rellevue Hos Med Coll, N Y. 1864, Shelburne Bam, Alex D W, M D, Edin, 1864, (V^olfville, Kings Bissett, Henry E, M D, Coll Phy & S, N. Y, 1865, Port Hawkesbury Burgess, F N, M D, Harvard, Nlttss, 1865, Clieverie, Hants Black, C A, M D, Uni of Penn, 1867, Amherst, Cumberland Black, J B, M D, Uni of Penn, 1866, Windsor, Hants Burgess, Geo O, U D, Coll Phy & Sur, N Y. 1866, Somerset, Kings Buckley George E, M D, Jeff Med Coll, Phil, 1867, Guysboro' Bell, George, M D, Harvard, Mass. 1868, Barrington, Shelburne Black, John F, M D, Coll Phy. & Sur, N. Y, 1868, Halifax city Borden, Fredk W, M D, Harvard, Mass, 1868, Canning, Kings Bent, Wni H, M D, Harvard, Mass, 186J), Argyle, Yarmouth Barnaby, Gideon, M D, Harvard, Mass, 1872, Petite Biviere, Lunenburg Burns, T M. M D, Bellevue Hosp M C. N Y, 1864, Lockeport, Shelburne Bowles, E P, M D, Coll Phy & Sur, N Y, 1874, Wolfville, Kings '^flloom, Parker N, M D, Uni of N Y, 1875, Aylesford, Kings ilent, Chas, M D, Uni of Penn, 1847, Truro, Colchester Bethune, John T, M D, Halifax Med Coll, 1875, Baddeok, Victoria Best, Fred'k, M D, Uni of Penn, 1876, Barlington, Hants Beckwith, J K, registered under section 37 of Med Act, 1867, Lockeport Campbell, Duncan, M D, Harvard, Muss, 1869, Port Hood, Inverness Carrit, Thos W, Uni of Penn, ]855, Amherst, Cumberland Collie, James B, M D, Harvard, Mass, 1869, River John, Pictou Clarke, Augustus F, M D, Harvard. Aloss, 1869, Parrshoro*, Cumberland Cameron, William, M D, Coll Phy & Sur, N Y. 1872, Halifax city Chase, Thomas C, M D, Uni of N Y, 1873, St. Margarets Bay, Halifax (:!HUipbell, Donald, M D, Dalhousie Coll, 1874, Halifax city Chisholm, Donald, M D, Dalhousie Coll, 1874, Judique, Inverness Cox, Robinson, M D, Dalhousie Coll, 1875, Upper Stewiacke, Colchester •Campbell, John G, M D, Uni of Penn, 1876, Goose River, Cumberland Ciarke, J J, registered under sec 37, Medical Act, 1876, Barrington Cunningham, N F, M D, Bellevue Hosp M C, N Y, 1877, Dartmouth Chisholm, Mdoch, M D. MoGill Coll, Mont, 1877, Loch Lomond, Kichd Clay, Henry P, M D, Uni of N Y, 1879, Kings Co Carrit, Edwd, L R C S, Edin, 1827, Guysboro* Creed, Chir, M R C S, London, 1838, Pugwash, Cumberland Crane, Cliaudler, M D, Uni of Penn, 185(), Halifax city Clarke, Wm G, M D, Harvard. Mass, 1852, Kentville, Kings Clay, Edwin, M D. Uni of N Y, 1855, Halifax city Campbell, C Fits Hy, M D, Uni of Penn, Phil. 1869, residence not knowiu Cowie, A J, M D, Uni of Penn, M R C S L, 1860, Halifax city Cameron, Hugh, M D, Uni of Penn, 1861, Mabou, luveiness Croucher. Albert E, M D. Coll Phy & S, N Y, 1863, Bridgewater, Lunbg Campbell, James, M D, Harvard, Mass, 1864, Sherbrooke, Guysboro' Creed, Edwin, M D, Hygea Thera Coll, 1865, Upi>er Newport, Hants Carey, Robert H, H D, Harvard, Mass, 1866, Lunenburg Calder, Jab S, M D, Harvard, Mass, 1866, Bridgewater, Lunenburg Creelman, F G, M D, Coll Phy & Sur, 1867. Maitland, Hants Cove, John W, M D, Uni of Penn. 1867, Spring Hill, Cumberland Chipman, Henry, M I), Harvard, Mass, 1868, Horton, Kings Coleman, J Adw, M D, Harvard, Mass, 1868, Granville Ferry, Annapolis DeWolf, James R, M D, Edin, L R O S E, 1841, Halifax Denison, J N, M D, Uni of Penn, 1850, Biooklyn, Hants Davis, Joseph D, M D, Horn Cloll, Phil, 1859. Yarmouth Dodge, Stephen. M D. Coll Pliy k Sur, N Y, 1859, Halifax DeBlois, Louis G, M D, Coll Phy & S, N Y, 1801, Bridgetown, Annapolis Denison, Joseph, M D, Bellpvue Hosp Med (.oil, 18G4, Bridgetown Dodd, Marcus, M D, Coll Phy & S, N Y, 1866, Bridgeport, C B Doneham, B Eugene, M D, Harvard, Mass, 1808, Freeport, Digby . ft'-Vi 1 ■-H t I i! At r. WAUai'A, <^lty HHrdware Store, Market 8q««re» DuallBf a powerful explosiye, at H. H. FULlER k CO.'S> \ M z s M H 178 BELCHERS FARMER 8 [1882 Dakin, Robert A, M D, Harvard, Mass, 1869, Pugwasb, Oumberland DeWitt, George E, M £>, Harvard, Mass, 1872, Onester, Lunenburg DesBrisay, Thomas L, M D, Bowdoin Coll, Maine, 1876, Bridgewa^r Densniore, Jas. D, M D, Hx Med Coll, 1877, North Euat Hbr, Shelburne Drew, Geo Elkanah, M D, Uni N Y, 1881, Petite Riviere, Lunenburg Ellison, R J, M D, Uni of Penn, 185i6, Bear River, Annapolis Eust&oe, Roht, L F P S, Glas, L C S, Ont, 1866, Cape Canso, Guysboro' Ellison, H A, M D, Uni of N Y, 1877, Weymouth, Digby Parish, Greggs J, M R C S, Lond, 1834, Yarmouth Fraser, Benj D, M D, Hesse, LRUS, Edin, 1831, Windsor, Hants Faiish, James C, M D, Uni of Penn, 1837, Yarmouth Fixott, Hy C, M D. Glasgow, M R S, Lond, 1841, Ariohat, Richmond Forbes, James G, M D, Uni of N Y, 1842, Liverpool, Queens Parish, Henry O, M D, Uni of Penn, M R C S, London, 1849, Liverpool Fitch, Simon, M D, Edin, 1841, Halifax city Fixott, Henry James, M D, Harvard, Mass, 1866, St. Peter's, Riohmoad French, W K, M D, Uni of N Y, 1857, Cape Sable Island Fraser, WilUam, M D, M R C S, Eng, 1863, New Glasgow, Pictou Farrell, Edwd, M D. Coll Phy & Sur, N Y, 1864, Halifax city Fraser, Thomas R, M D, Eclectic M«d Coll, Ohio, 1864, Halifax city Falconer, A F, M D, Harvard, Mass, 1865, Sherbrooke, Guysboro' Fitch, J N, M D, Coll Phy & S, N Y, 1867, Lakeville, Kings Fuller, Hew man J, Rellevue Hopp Med Coll, 1868, Grand Pre, Kings Fraser, D A, M D, Uni of Penn, 1870, Halifax city Freeman, Chas M, M D, McGill, 1871, Cape Sable Island FdUerton, Wm Y, M D, Bellevue Hosp Med Coll, 1872, Port Williams Fox, Chas James, M D, Uni of Penn, 1876, Pubnico, Yarmouth Fritz, Emdon, M D, Bell Hosp Med Coll, N Y, 1880, Digby Gilpin, Bernard J, M D, Uni of Penn, M U C S. Lond, 1834, Halfx city Geddes, T O, Licentiate of Nova Scotia, 1858, Yarmouth Gray, Charles, M D, Uni of Penn, 1858, Mahone Bay, Lauenburg Gossip, Charles J, M D, 1859, Windsor, Hants Graham, John McK, M D, Jeff Med Coll, 1872, residence not known Gunn, Robt, M D. Bellevue Hosp Med Coll, 1874, Strathlorn, Inverness Gaudet, Fiddle, M D, Victoria Col, Montreal, 1880, Meteghan, Digby Co Hooper, John C, M D, Coll Phy k S, 1864, Rawdon, Hants Harris, Jn H, M D, Bell Hosp Med Coll, 1866, Beaver River, Yarmouth Harris, James W, M D, Harvard, Mass, 1868, residence not known Harding, Fred W, M D, McGill, Montreal, Middleton, Annapolis Harley, Benj V, registered under sec. 37 Medical Act, 1872, Ynrmouth Hewson, O W, M D, Uni of Penn, 1872, River Hebert, Cumberland Hiltz, C W, M D, Dalhousie College, 1873, Chester, Lunenburg Howard, Stephen, M D, Uni of Penn, Phil, 1866, Oxford, Cumberland Harel, Victor, M D, Victoria Coll, Monti, 1880, Arichat, Richmond Co Jennings, Edward, M D, Coll Phy & S, 1843, Halifax city Johnstone, Lewis, M D, L R C S, Edin, 1858, Block House Mines, B Jones, J Edgar, M D, Harvard, Mass, 1858, Digby, N S .Tacobs, J J, M D, Harvard, Mass, 1861, Lunenburg Jamieson, George, M D, Harvard, Mass, 1866, Tangier, Halifax Johnston, Daniel M, Halifax Med Coll, 1878, Sydney, C B Kirby, Thomas, Licentiate of Med Board, 1867, Tusket, Yarmouth Kirkwood, Henry, M D, Jeff Med Coll, 1859, Pictou Kelly.^dgar K, M D, Coll Phy & 8, N Y, 1865, Yarmouth Kempton, Zenas M, M D, Dartmouth, N H, 1866, Wallace, Cumberland Kennedy, Evan, M D, Uni of Boston, 1876, residence nut known Kelly, H L, M D, Uni of N Y, 1853, Yarmouth Lawson, Archd. M D, M R S, Eng, 1866, Halifax city Linton, D M, M D, Hx Med Coll, 1876. Westville, Pictou L'Esperanoe, J G S, M D, Uni of Laval, Q, 1877, Arichat, Richmond Amoricnm ftalraiitsed Boat atallst Bimt Compaiwes, Ae« tf 188 Lind Lani Man Milh Mito Mito Mor( Mori Muri Mori Mun Mors Mori Muir Mars Maxi Morr Mtini Marg Milsc Mina Midd MiUr Mille Mack Mille Moor McK( McLii Mcln McLf Mad Macq McF« MeR( McG McG] McK Mac McG McD( Mcln McKi McKi McD< McD< McP McD( McK McD< Moln McLe McM McD( MoKi McLe McDd McLa MuLe A ft I Htad of Power's Wharf, Halifax, 5. S. 1882] ALUANAGE. m* 179 Lindsay. A W H, M D, Dalhousie Coll, 1876. M B C M, Edin, 1877, Hx Lanigan, John A, M D, Uni N Y, 1877, Halifax city Mainters, Holmes, &r D, Jeff Med Coll, 1840, Berwick, Kings Miller, J 8, M D, Berkshire Med Coll, 1855, Cornwallis, Kings Mitchell, Robert, M D, L R O S. Edin, 1858, Amtierst, Cumberland Mitobell, W M, M D, JefF Me<I Coll, Phil, 1859, New Glasgow, Pictou Meren, Arthur, M D, Edin, 1860, Halifax city Morse, Leander R, M D, Harvard, Mass, 1868, Lawrencetown, Annapolis Murray, George, M D, Uni of l*enn, 1860, New Glasgow, Pictou Morse, Clinton, J, M D, Edinburgh. 1862, Amherst Munro, C H, M D, Harvard, Mass, 1863, West River, Picton Morse, John Allen, M D, "Harvard Mass, 1864, Ohio, Yarmouth Morse, C H, M D, Harvard, Mass, 1864, Weymouth, Digby Muir, David H, M D, Coll Phy & S, N Y, 18r.7, Truro, Colchester Marshall, Fred R. Coll Phy & S, N Y. 1868, Halifax city Maxwell, Arch, M D, Jeff Med Coll, Phil. 1868, Bear River, Digby Morris, Charles, M P, Harvard, Muss, 18^:8. Mid Muaquoilolioit, Halifax Munro, Kennedy, Bi i>. Harvard. Mass, 18K8, Advocate Har, Cumberld Margeson, C J, M D, Harvard, Mass, 1869, Hantsport, Hants Milsom, Thos, M D, Harvard, Mass, 1870, Dartmouth, Halifax Minard, Levi, M D, Eel Med Coll, Cum. O, 1869, Burlington, Hants Middlemas, F, M D, Harvaid, Mass, 1873, Hnrwick, Kings MiUr, William 9, M D, L RCP&S, Edin, 1874, Truro, Colchester Miller, Samuel Nelson, M D, Uui of N Y, 1875, Middleton, Annapolis Mack, J Newton, M D, Bell Hosp Med Coll, 1874, residence not known Miller, C J, M D, Harvard, Mass, 1875, New Glasgow, Pictou Moore, Wm B, M D, Halifax Med Coll, 1879, Kentville, Kings McKean, S G A, M D, Harvard, Muss, 1849, Victoria, C B McLatchy, Harris O, M D, Jeff Med Coll Phil, 1854, Wolfville, Eingi Mcintosh, Alex, M D, Uni of Peun, Phil, 1858, AntiKonish McLartyt Duncan, M D, Glasgow, 1860, Sydney Mines, C B MacLeKU, Duncan^ M D, Harvard, .Vlass, 1860, Shubenaoadie, Hants Macdonald, W H, MD, Harvard, Mass, 1862, Antigonish McFatridge, Robert. M D, Harvard, Mass, 1862, Halifax city MeRobert, \jr C, Licentiate Med Board N S. 1862, Truro, Colchester McGillivray, Alex, M D, Boll Hosp Med Coll, N Y^ 1863^ Sydney, C B McGregor, Murdoch, M D, Harvard, Mhsr, 1863. LaHave, Lunenburg UcKenzie, George J, M D, Jeff Med Coll, Phil, 1864, Pictou Maclean, David, M D, Uni of Pena, Phil, 1864, Wallace, Cumberland McGillvray, D^jd, M D, M RC P & S, Glnsgow, 1864, Vale Coly, Pictou McDonald, J B, M D. Harvard, Mass, 1865, residence not known Mcintosh, Jn, MD, Jeff Med Coll, Phil, 1866, Whycooomagh, Inverness McKay, Daniel G, M D, Bell Hosp Med Coll, 1866, Little Gluce Bav,CB McKay, J H, M D, Coll Phy & S, N Y, M R C S & P, Edin, 1868, Truro McDonald, J F, M D, Harvard, Mass, 1868, Hopewell, Pictou MoDougall, John C, M D, Coll Phy & S, N Y, 1869, Oxford, Cnmberld McPherson, Hugh, M D, Uni of Penn, Phil, 1869, North Sydney, C B McDonald, J W, M D, L R t? S, Edin, 1869, Londonderrjr McKinnon, John E, M D, Harvard, Mass, 1870, Antigonish McDonald, P A. M D, Harvard, Mass, 1871, Port Mulgrave, Guysboro* Mcintosh, Daniel, M D, Harvard, Mass, 1871, Pugwash, Cumberland McLean, A K, M D, Beilevue Hosp Med Coll, 1872, Mnrgaree, C B McMillan, Finlay, M D, DHlhousie Coll, 1872, Pictou Co McDonald, D, registered under sec. 37, Act of 1872, Tatamageuche, Col MoKay, Wm, M D, Bell Hosp Med Col, N Y, 1873, Little Glace Bay, CB McLeod, Wm MoK, M D, Bell Hosp Mad Coll, N-Y, 1875, Sydney, C B McDonald, Michael A, M D, Coll Phy & S, N Y, 1876, Sydney, B McLeod, Malcolm, M D, Bell Hosp Med Coll, N Y, 1875, Sydney, B MoLennan, Angus, M D, Uni Penn, Phi}, 1873, Margaree, Inverness s 4 ■ At r. WAMB**, CMjr Mantware IM«N« llarlMt S««aw* H. H. FtLtEE ft COm ImaA of Power's Wharf. ii: ■ I I 180 bISKgher's farmer's [1832 McMillan. John, M D, MoOill Coll, 1S57, Piotou McKeen, Kobe Artli Haliburton, Bell Hosp Med OoU, 1880, Cow Bay, CB Mackenzie, W D, M D, Uni Penn, Phil, 1877, Parrshoiougb, Cumborld McDonald, Allen, M D, Bellevue Hosp Med Coll. 1880, Louisburg, B Norrie, William, M D, Harvard. MtuH, 1867, Earltown, Colchester Outhet, George E, M D, Jeff Med Coll, Phil, 1845, Aylesford, Kingi Oakes, George B, M D, Harvard, Mass, 1864, Digby OakM, Milledge. M D. Harvard, Mass, 1866, Sydney, C B Oulton, Chaa liufus, M R C R, Lond, 1848. Five Islands, Coloheater Page, B Gardner, M K C S, Lend, 1834, Halifax city Parker, Hon D MoN, M D. L K C S, Bdin, 1845, Halifax city Payzant, Elins N, M D, Jeff Med Coll, 1855, Wolf ville. Kings Page, jL C, M D, Harvard, Mass, 1856, ruro. Colchester Philips, John C, Licentiate Med Board, N S, 1856. River Philip, Cam Pearson, Wm, I^icentiate Med Board, N 8, 1856, Upper Musqao<l«boit Peppard, John li, M D, Harvard, Mass, 1865, Great Village, Colohett«r Patten, A D, M D, Uni of Michigan, 1868, Yarmouth Primrose, Hval, retfistered nnder sec. 37, Act of 1872, Lawrenoetown, An Pickles, Geo A. M D. Bell Hosp Med Coll, N Y, 1873, Mahone Bay, Lun Perriu, Albert M, M D, Uni of N Y, 1876, Yarmouth Rugghs, Henry D, M D, Coll Phy & S, N Y, 1831, Weymouth, Digby Randall, Wm A C, M D, Harvard, Mass, 1852, Yarmouth Reid. Alex P, M D, Mo(MU, L K C S, Edin, 18-58, Dartmouth, Halifax Roche, Elisha, M D, Uni of Penn, Phil, 1860, Tatamagouch, Colchester Read, Herbert U, M D, McGill, L RC8, Edin, 1861, Halifax city Rigby, Chas D, M D, Coll Pby & S, N Y, 1861, Halifax city Robei't, Cassimer, M D, Dalhousie Coll, 1875, Ariohat, Richmond Robinson, Aug, M D, Uni of Penn, MRCS&LSA, Lond. 1863, Antiap Ryan, P M, M D, (oil Phy & S, N Y, 1877, Miteghan, Digby Ripley, Rufus, M D. Uui of N Y, 1879, Amherst, N S Steverman, Joseph, M D, Coll Phy & 8, N Y, 1863, Lunenburg Stephen) Robert, M D, Will Uni of En. 0, 18^)8 Digby Scbrage, John, M D, Harvard, Mass, 1843, Barrington, Shelburae Shaw, Henry, M D, Coll Phy & S, N Y. 1852, Kentville, Kings Slayter, W B, M D, L R C P &M R C S, Bng, L M, Dablina860, Halfx Sttirgis. Geo C, M D, Eel Med Coll, PUl, 1862, Walton. Hants Sanford, Arnold, M D, Harvard, Mass, 1864, Burlington, Hants Somers, John, M D, Bellevue Hosp Med Coll, M Y, 1866, Halifax city Street, J C, M D, Harvard, Mass, 1853, Bridge water. Lunenburg Smith, Robt B, M D. Jeff Med Coll, Fliil, 1867, U Stewij^oke, Colofaoster Sutherland, Neil, M D, Harvard, Mass, 1868. Antigonish Saunders, D Oliver, M D, Harvard, Mass, 1869, Getson's Cove Sutherland, Munro, M D, Harvard, Mass, 1871, Westville, Pietou Sinclair, Geo L, M D, Coll Phy & S, 1872, Dartmouth, Halifax Syda, H, registered under sec. 37- Act of 1872, Digby SommervlUe, A McL, M D, Harvard, Mass, 1873, Caledonia, Queens Stewart, John M B, C M, Edin, 1871, Pietou Smith. J Ross, M D, Uni of Penn, 1877, Great Village, Colchester Stuart. Alex, M D, C P & S, N Y, 1865, Meagheu's Grant, Halifax Ternan, John, M D, Olas, M R C S, Ire, 1839. Halifax city Tupper, Nathan, M D, Uni of Penn, Phil, 1854, Amherst, Cumberland Thomas, Walter, M D, Eol Cull, Phil, 1860, Upper Stewiacke, Colchester Townshend, A S, M D, Uni of Penn, Phil, 1862, Parrsboro', Cumberland Trenaraan, Thos, M D, Coll Pity & S, N Y, 1869. Halifax city Thompson, Arthur Wellealv, M D, Uni of N Y, 1880, Shabenaeadie. Hx Trueroan, Jas £, M D, C M, McGill, 1881, Macean Station, Cumberland Veu bles^ Jas, M D, Harvard, Mass, 1867, Halifax city Wihon, IsrmlK, M D, Jeff Me<) Coll, Phil, 1834, Barrington, Sbelbnme Woodbury, Jonathan, M D, Jeff Med Coll, 1850, Middleten, Annapolis Ur^Mi^Jatm»t «hlMl«* JPImmm* Hsflid Miws iumI Urwilur lawi* \ fS B r. [1832 Bay, OB mberld rS.OB ter Ling! iBter , Cum Mlebfoit olobester bown, An wy, Lua Digby lalifax >lohester ity >nd ;3, Anbap me 160, Half X ax city ■IS Jolofaosfcer stou (. lueenB »Bter if ax mberland Oolobeator umberland aoadie, Hx amberland SbellMirne jmapolia Hare all aites best Ameriean Rabber Belting* 1882] ALMANACK. 181 Weeks, S M, M D, CoW Phy & 8, N Y. 185:). Newport, Hanta Wiokwiie, W N, M D, Edin, 1864. Hrflif«x city Witbera, Kussell, M D, Coll Phy & S, N Y, 1865, Annapolia Walah, ThoB, M D. Uellevue Heap Med Coll, N Y, 1866, Halifax city Woodill, Alfred, M D, Coll Phy & 8, N Y, 1866, Halifax city Webater, Henry B, M D, Coll Phy & B, N Y, 1872, Kentville, Kiiiga Weir, James, M D, Harvard, Mtiss, 1872, Upper Kennetoook, Hanta Woodwortb, W S, M D, Harvard, Mass, 1873, Upper Canard, Kinga M'ilson, H D, M D, Uni of Peon, 1878, Barrington, Shelborne Weeks, Wni H, M D, Coll Pby & S, N Y, 1859. Dartmouth, HaUfax Webster, J K L, M D, Yarmouth z The followini; clauses or the Medical Act (Chap. 98, Revised Statutes, 4Ui Series,) are here publii>hed for the iufurmalion of the profession and the public: 8. Subject to the exceptions hereinafter made, no person shall practice pyhsic, aur^ei'V or midwifery' in Nova Scutia, unless im name shall be registered in tne Book of Registry of the 'Provincial Medical Board, i-nd unless he shall have received from such Board a license to practice. 16. Any person entitled to be registered under this chapter, but who shall neglect or omit to be 8«> registered, shall not be entitled to any of the rif>ht8 or privileges conferred by the provisions of this chapter, b7 long as such neglect or omission shall continue. 17. No person, otherwise fully qualified under this chapter, shall be refused registration or a license to practise on account of his adopting or refusing to tidopt the practice of any particular theory of medicine or surg- ery'. In case of such retu.aal by the Itnard, the party aggrieved shall have the right to appeal lo the Governor in Council, who, upon due cause shown, shall issue an order to the Board to register the name of such person and to grant him a license to practice, 21. Every person who shall be registered under the provisions of this chapter, shall be enilled according to hia qualification or qu ficationa to practise Medicine, Surgery, and Midwifery, or either or any ot ihem, as the case may be, in Nova Scotia, and to demand and recover in any court of law reasonable charges lar professional aid, advice and visits, and the cost of any ipedicine or other medical or surgical appliances rendered or sup- plied b> him to his patients. ^. No person shall be entitled to recover any charge in any court of law for any medical or surgical aivice or for attendance, or for the per- formance of any operation, or for any medicine which he shall have both prescribed and 'supplied, unless he shall pruve upon the trial that he is reg- istered uDiier this chapter. 24. No person shall be appointed as medical officer, physician or sur- geon in any branch of the public service, or in an^ hospital or other char- itable instiltution, unless be shall be registered under the, provisions of this chapter. 25. No oert.ficatfl'fequired by any Act now in force, or that may here- after be passed, from any physician or surgeon, or medical practitioner shall be valid, unless the person signing the same shall be registered under this chapter. 26. If any person not registered or licensed under the provisions of this chapter, or not being actually employed as a physician or surgeon in Her MHjeaty^s naval or military service, practises Physic, Surgery or Midwifery for him, gain, or hope of reward, he shall thereby fi>rfeit a sum of twenty dollars for each day on which he«o practises. 27. Any sum tbrfeited under the next preceding section shall be recov- erable with costs,. and may be sued for and recovered in the same manner as a private debt, by the Provincial Medical Board or any luem her thereof ; and being secoveMd, shall beloiAg. to the Board for the use thereof under 8 tf ^1 ■ m I jl S ' I 1 AA^r. WAUUrtt Cttr JlatdwaK (Storey •»»«Mte rMt,#aec. American Chopping Ates* best niakert. u4 I 182 BELCH BR 8 FAKMGil 8 [1882 this chapter. Provider! that, where tho infoniiation leadini; to«uch recov- ery shall have been given bv any I)cr^on unconnected with the mediciil profession, such person shall bt entitled to receive one-half of the sum so recovered. 28, Upon the trial of such cause, the burden of proof as to fhe lioansa or right of the defendant to praotixe Physio, Surgery or Midwifery in Nova Scoiia shall lie upon the defendant. EDWARD FARRELL, Registrar. Begiatar of qualified Midwives in the City of Halifax. (Only these are allowed by law to practice midwifery in the City of Halifltz.) Mrs BIy he, Edinburgh and Aberdeen, 1846, 21 Co^nwell Street. Mrs Magee, Edinburgh, 1863, Poor's Asylum widwife. Mrs Adams, Dublin, 1846, 47 George Street. Mrs McGregnr, Edinburgh, 1876. 6)i Grultingen Street. Mrs Mason, Provincial Medical Board, 1878, Creightun Street. Mrs iJttle, do do do 185 Uuttingen Streeti Mrs Burgess, do do do ' ' Mrs Kvan, do do do Mn llarris, do do do Mrs Graden, do do do 121 Coniwallm Street. Queen Street. 21 Bilby Street. Richmond. Ohemiata and Druggist*. The following named are dulv registeied under the provisions of the Pharmacy Act of 1876: Officers:— a. A. 'rKy\or,Preaideut. W> H.Webb, Vice- PrespJent, S. B. Sutcliffe, Tr'ecuurer. J. H. Angwin, Secreturtf, — — - JteyUtrar. Thomas A. Brown. . . .Halifax. Stewart Burns Sydney. Adam ..Bell New Glasgow. D. Berteaux Somerset. Charles E. Borden. . . .Canning. Averv F. Buckley. . . .Halifax. J. K.' Bent Halifax. W. S. topeland North Sydney. John Chaloner. .... . .Digby. * John D Copcland. . . .Antigonishe. A. B. Cuaninghnm.. . .Annapolis. J. Howard Cavanagh . New Glasgow. George Carew do. Chas. i**. Cochrane. ...K^ntville. Thomas Durney Halifax. Martin F. Eagar do. Alex. Forsyth do. Fred W. Eraser Pictou. Robert P. Eraser. ..... do. Roderick Eraser. Westville. James R. Gordon Halifax, John D. Gauld River John. George Irwin Halifax. Edward F. Lugrin. ... do. Roberts Mastersi. ...Kentville. A. J. McCallun ..... .Digby. Kenneth J. McKenaie . Pictou. John McAnley. ..... ..Lunenburg^. Alex. C. McDonald. . . .Halifax. •loseph Margeson Haliftix. John McCalliim. ...... d->. Richard A. Nifbet. ... du* ICdwin L. Nash. ...... Lunenburg. vvm. H. O'Dell...... Truro. Wm. F. Ormoud Vale Colliery. Bifihop 11. Porter Bridgewater. Thoiiius M, Power Halifax. H. A. Parr Yarmouth. William W. Reese Truro. Alfred Kouneerft II. . . . . .Ludenburg. (yharles C Richards . . . Yarmouth. George V. Rand Woffville. William H. Simson.. .Half<ax. E. B. SutDfiff. do. J, God trey Anrith..... do J. A. Shaw Wind!«ar. Frank C. Simson Halifax. William H. Stevens. ..Diirtmouth> Henry A. Tavlor Halifax- John McD. Tavlor. . . do. Chas. T. 6. Taylor. .. .Bridgewater. John J. rhlmsn. .... .Newport. John W. Webb Window. W. H. Webb. Halifax^ . A. A. Woodill. do. "t* !«-!") Joseph H. West. do. Thomas Ward Windsor. ^AS. H. ANOWIIT, RegtMtrar. M 4 I I I Wire, M t« ft V. «<, Balckeff Umw, At H. H. FULLER A CO.'S, Iieid of Power's Wharf. s 1882] ALMANAOK. 183 EDUCATIONAL DEPARTMENT. DAIiHOUSIB OOLLBGU AND UNIVERSITY, HALIFAX. Board op Govkrnors— Hon Sir Wm Young, Ll. D , Knight, late Chief Justice of Nova Scotia, Chairman. Hon Sir Chas Tup|)er, K.o.M o , O.B., M.D., M.P., Hon J. W. Kltchie, Judge of Supreme Court of NoviC Scotia. Hon S. L. Shannon, q.c, JiKU'e'of Pionate. Very Rev Geo M. Grant, ».»., Principal au.d Vice-Chancellor, Queen 8 Uiiiventity, Kingston, Ont, James F. Avery, Eho., m.u , William J. Stairs, Ksq. Rev John McMiiliin, ma., u d., Kev John Forrest, Hon Alfred G Jones, Esq, John S. MHt-iean, Esq, Peter Jack, Esq, John Doull, Esq, His Worsiiip the Mayor of Halifax m officio, Robt Setlgcwick, Esq., B A., President Ahimni Association, ^ officio. George Thomson, Esq, Treasurer. William M. Doull, Esq, Secretary Faodlty op Arts — Very Rev Principal Ross, t>.d., Profestor of Ethics and Political Economy. Rev William Lyall, ll.d., Professor of Logic and Metaphysics and Interim Professor of Rhetoric. Charles Mac- dohald, M.A., Professor of Mftthemaiics. John Johnson, m.a.. Pro- fessor of Classics. George Lawson, PH.D., ll.d.. p. i.e.. Professor of Chemistry and Mineralogy. James Gorilon McGre^ror, M A., ,f.r. 8.E., " George Munro" Professor of Physics. Rev John Forrest, " George Munro" Professor of History. Professor Liechti, M. A, Tutor in Modem Langnaijes. Facultv of Scienck — The Professors of the Faculty of Arta, with James Liechti, m. v.. Professor of Modern Languages. Rev. David Honeyman, d.c.l., k.s.a., Professor of (ieology and Palceontology. Tbrms. — The Winter Session for 1881-82 commences on Monday, Oc^ 34, 1881, and ends on April 26,1882. The Summer Session commences on Monday, May 1, 1881, and closes Jane 30, 1881. Incorporated Alumni. — Robert Sedcrewick, b \., President. A. H. McKay, ba.,, Vice-President. F. H. Bell, b. a., Secretary. W.ti. 'Rom, Treasurer. Hngh McKcnzie, m.a., J. G. MacGregdr, M.A.,, J. M. CarmichacI, b. a., J. A. Sedgcwick, b. a., A. P. Silver, Executive Committee, (with Officers). HALIFAX MEDIOAIi COLLEGB, HALIFAX. « (Incorporated by Act of Parliament.) Faculty of Medicine — R. S. Black, m.d., l.r.c.s., Edin., Emeritus Professor of Obstetrics and President of the Faculty. Alex P. Reid, m.d., l.r.c.s., Edin. l.c.p., and a., Canada, Professors of thj Principles and Practice oj Medicine, and Clinical Medicine. W. B. Slayter, m.d., M.R.c 8.L., F.O.8., Lond.. L.R.c:P. £ng.. Professor of Obstetrics and the diseases of Women and Children. Edward Farrell, m.d., Professor of the Principles and Practice of Surgeru and Clinical Surgery. John F. Black, M.D., Professor of Materia Medica, Therapeutics, and Cli- nical Surgery. John Somers, iA.x>., Professor of Physiology. (jeorge I L. Sinclair, m.d.. New York, m.d., Univ. Halifax, Professor of Ana- tomy. D A. Campbell, m. d., cm., H. McD. Henry, ll.b.. Pro- f«Mws of MediccU Junsprudence. E. Jennings, md., Clinical Lecturer (^ Deriuaiiol^gy. B. G. Page, m.d., m.r.c. s., Lond., Lecturer on Botany. T. R. AlmoQ, M.D., Clinical Lecturer on Diseases of Children. Mr W. H. Wadilell, Instructor in Practical Chemistry. A. W. H. Lindsay, M.D., M B , Edin., Instructor in Microscopy. C. E. Puttner, Ph. m.. At 1% WAlMTfl, City Hardware ittore.- §ce mIv. p«se 91. I M '11 rm ; m I'.m m 1^ Firth's Oetatron and Sqnare Cast Steel, 184 belcher's farmer's [1882 Tnatntctor in Practical *Phamac.y. Dr Campbell, and Dr. Lindsny, Deiuonstratora of Anatomy. Dr. A. P. Hcid, Lkan and TreoMurer. Dr. J. F. Black, Regittrar. O. P. Skell/, Janitor. [The particnlara of other Colleges and Kdueational Institntioni will he round in connection with the Denominational mattent with which the Institutions are connected.] PUBLIC 80HOOL8. CoDiroiL OF Public Instruction — The Members of the Execu- tive Council. SUPBHIVTBNOBNT OT EDUCATION — Duvld AllisOH, Esq, LL.D. Clerk, Geo W. T. Irving. ExAMiNBRB FOR THB Provimcb, to examine and license Teachers — LaiHjuage, Bev Geo B. Dodwell, m.a.; School Munagement, Tetiching, ^c, Uov' Principal Ross, d. D.; AlcUhematica, D. F. Higgins, a.m.; aiatory and Geography, Rev Thos J. Daly. Normal and Modbl SciiooLg, Truro — Principal and Profeawr of Didactics and Chemistry, John B. Calkin, m.a. Frank H. Eaton, m.a., Prof^iwr of Mathematics and Physica ; John B. Hall, Pn. D., Professor of I .ngttage and History ; Miss Otiie A. Smith, Instructor in Drawing and Calisthenics. Model School. — Academic Department, W. D. Dimock, b.a. ; Grade IX., James Little; Grade VIII., Miss M. A. Hamilton; Grade VII., Miss Janet Archibald ; Gratfe V I., Miss Ellen Dii-kie ; Grade V., Miss Bessie Webster; Grade IV., Miss Agnes Hamilton; Grade III.« Miss Bessie Archibald ; Grade II , Miss Mary J. McLcod ; Grade J.., Miss Mary Russell. Willow Street Branch — Grades IV. ^ v., Miss H. Church ; Grades I., U. ^'III., Miss M. Newcombe. School Diatriots, Inapectora and Commisaionera. Dibtriot No. 1 — The City mnd County of Halifax.— Hinkle Condon, Iiispector, Hiuifax. City of Halifax — James J. Bromncr, (Chairman,) M. J. Power, (Vice-Chairman,) Alexander Forsyth, John Pugh.M p.p., A. H. Crowe, William Taylor, L. Houlett, Thomas Clay, Thomas Trenaman, m.d.. W. G. Wiswell, Robert Sedgwick, John Somcrs, m.d. Supervimr, Benjamin Curren, d.o.l. Secretary, R. J. Wilson. Office., High School Building, head of Sackvi lie Street. Western district Halifax Co — Revs John Woods, P. L. Madden, P. Danahar, Philip Brown; and Dominic Farrell, Jno E. Shatfbrd, Geo J. Longard, James W. Turner, JaS Thompson, Charles Whitman. Rural District Halifax Co— Revs Robert SedgAvick, D. McKinnon ; and Ezckiel Sybley, David Archibald, Charles N. Fuller, Charles N. Sprott, David Archibald, 16th, J. D. Tapper, J. Taylor, George H. Madill, Geo. McLeod, Wm McICeen. East District Halifax Co — Revs Robert Jamicson, James Ros- borough, Charles Underwood, Richmond Smith ; and Henry LesKe, William Hall, A. M. Barton, WHliam Anderson, W. H. TW^ marsh, Alex Leslie, Jos Martin, John Kirker, David ArchibaUf, Malcolm McFarlane, John McKenjsio, William Henley, Andrew Gas* ton, John C^ Ross, James H. Whitman, William O'Leary, William Anderson ar d Rev. Richmond Logan. MttMllia Mul Mitmp C*rd«ge, KaeluiMikM*! TiMtecd Bud Muek'H*«lis, [1882 LindRAy, er. Dr. ioni will fhich tbo e Execa- iq, LL.D. Teachers Tettchiug, \B, A. M.; Profetitor tou, M.A., ProftMor Drawing )Ck, B.A. [amilton 1 Dickie: {amilton ; McLcod es IV. i imbe. Condon, J. Power, I. Crowe, lan, H.D.. tupervi^br, gli School Madden, Shatford, Whitman. cKinnon ; harles N. jeorge U. imes Ros- ry LcsKe, , H. TW^ Archibale, Irew Gas- Witlian lek'llvoks. At H. H. FULLER ft CO.'S, head of Power's Wharf. 1882] ALMANACK. 185 3 District No. 2 — The Connties of Liinenlturf^ and Queens. — Tlios. 11. Patillo, A. M., Inspector, Lunenbarg. Dhtrict of Lunenburg — Revs Henry L. Owen, Chas Cossmann, D. L. Roth, D. Stiles Fraser, K. D. Miller, Wm. Dnff, J. A. Schaffor, L. B Gates ; and R. Lindsay, Matthew Ernst, James Zwickor, Lewis Anderson, Edw Mor|;^an, Morton Whcolock, John Morash, Henry Schnare, Samuel Risser, Gideon Lanfrillo, George Eiscnhauer. District of New DuUin — Hovs W. E. Gelling, A. Jordon, Stephen Marsh, — Grant, Wm Brown ; and L. W. Drew, T. K. Cragg, Thos T. Kccflcr, Robt Dawson, Martin Sperry, Jns McKcan, Geo Baker. Dintrict of CA«?s^er— Revds J. W. Weeks, W. H. Groser ; and Geo Richardson, Edward Heckman, John Church, E. P. Butler, J. Duncan, Jos Bestanson, Geo E. DeWitt, m.d., J. Windrow, Esq. District of South Queens — Revd Messrs J. Forsyim, Black, Sykes, DoWolf, H. Murray, C. Jost ; and Hugh Houston, James Forbes, Don Campbell, Jno R. Hall, Enoch Steadman, Eldred Gaboon, Geo S. Parker, J. N. Mack, H. G. Farish, Thomas Kempton, Simeon Cahoon. District of North Queens — Rev. Mr. CleaTeland ; and Zebnion G. Murray, Stephen Smith, Benj L. Telfer, Roboit Brvden, Edw P. Freeman, Jonn Lacey, A. J. . Ledbetter, Uriah Johnson, Frans Kempton, J. B. Harlow. District No. 3 — The Counties of Shelburne and Ynrmouth. — A. C. A. Doane, Inspector, Barrington. District of Shdhume — Revs T. H. White, d. d., George Goudy, J. A. McLean ; and W. T. Kelley, R. G. Irvin, J. G. Allen, Joseph Walters, N. W. White, Robert Freeman. District of Barrington — ^Revds J. I. Porter, W. H. Richan ; and flabriel Robertson, J. B. Lawrence, Henry Chute, Theodore Nick- tnon, T. W. Wilson, Arthur Doane, Frank Homer, James Snow, Wm B. Smith, J. K. Wilson, m.d., George Wilson, Bartiett Covill. District of rannoutA— Charles E. Brown, Nathan Hilton, John W. Moody, Chas W. Clements, Stephen N- Allen. George Crosby, Amos Hilton^ Jr, W. H. Moody, R. B. Brown, Harris H. Crosby, James Cain. District ofArgyle — Rev J. Manning; Enoa Gaitlner, Michael Surette, David D'E'ntremont, Nathaniel Travis, James A. Hatfield, P. L. Hatfield, James M. Lent. Anselm O. Potier, James Nickerson, Melford Sims, Edward S. Perry. District No. 4 — The CiuntJes of Digby and Annapolis. — Leander 6. Morse, A. M., Inspector, Bridgetown. Diiitrict of Digby— -TeLevda P. J. Fillenl, J. H. Saunders, M. J. Driseoll, J. C. Morse; and Stephen Marshall, Wm F. Potter, Wm H. Taylor, Jno S. McNeile. Calvm Raymond, R. S. FitzRandolph, C. D. Jones, A. D. Hoyt, G. H. Dunbar, B. H. Rugglos. District of C/orc— Rev'd James Daly, V. G., Rev John M. Gay ; J. G. Nowlan, Esq , Jean P. Thibandcau, Esq., Anselme M. Comoau, Esq., James Stuart, Esq., Ange Blin, Esq., Messrs. C. Mande Mclancon, Timothy Sullivan, Pien-el Belliveau, Aug F. Comean, Pierre C. God«Jt. Annapolis Eatt — Revs L. M. Wilkins, W. H. Warren, and J. T. Eaton ; and Miner Tupper, Harding H. Morse, Jonathan Woodbury, M. D., William Miller, B. H. Porker, A. M. Gidney, Beniah Spin- ney, Beriah Daniels, Wra H* Bnlcom, Lewis G. DeBlois, m. d., R. B. Durling, Edward Marshall, James P. Foster, Edward H. Pbinney, H. B. Maeoe. i I ▲t ■*• WAIAH'ti* «My H«niMriir« Store.— Bee imIv. pa«e 91., AnMriemi aad Enf lUfe Siifet/ Fnm^ 186 buloiikr's farmer's [1882 I Annapolis VTMt— Rers H. D. DeBloit, T. A. Hifffft"" ; and Peter Bonnctt, Robt Mills, WliitmaiT Armstrong, Wm V. Jones, Isniuh Dclap, C. M. Forbes, Wm Dargie, John L. Rice, John D. Potter, Hubert Troup, A. B. CunninghHU, Samuel McCormiclc. District No. S— The Comities of Kings and Hants. — Colin W. Hoscoe, Inspector, Upper Canard. Kings Co— L. I)eV. Chipman, Holmes E. Marstors, m.d , John N. Bowles, Jno Foster, Amos Black, George W. Fisher, Wm Eaton, E. A. Moren, D. Rupert Eaton, Adolphus Bishop, Leonard N. Ilslev, Abr Ellis, Chas J. Tobin, Wm Magee, I.ieonara Fitch, Andrew Borden, Michael Lonergan, Arnold 8. Burbidge, James Lyons, J. M. Roscoe, Rufiis Burgess, Johnston Patterson, Russell Caldwell, Irad Bomamin, Jamas T. Manning, Stanley Eaton, A. Stanley Fisher, B. H. Calkin, A. McN. Patterson, Thoa. Harris, Geo. Burgess District of East Hants — Revd Jacob McLellan ; and Isaac O'Brien, Wm Hamilton, Wm Casey, Jno McLearn, Hugh McLearn, D. McLean, K.D., Jas McKenzie, George W. Smith, H. H. Blois^ DiUrict of West Hants — Rerds Thos Maynard, m.a., J. Bancroft, John McMurray, T. J. Daly ; and M. H. Goudge, Charles Mumford, Hiram Smith, Aodw Shaw, Shubael Dimock, George DeWolf, Thos Atkins. DiSTBiOT No. 6 — The Counties of Antigonish and Guysborough. — Roderick McDonald, Inspector, Guysboru. Antigonith Co—Revs Hugh Gillis, Dr Chisholm, Wm Chisholm, Wm B. McLeod, Ronald McGUlivray, Hubert Gerrior, J. F. Forbei, James Fraser, John J. Chisholm, Alexander Chisholm, d.d., and Alexander Mcintosh, m.d., Archibald McGillivrav, Wm Chisholm, Thos M. King, Norman McDonald, Angus Smith, Wm J. Beck, John C. McKinnon, m.d., Augus McGlllivrny, John D. Copeland. District of Cru^fsborough — Revds H. H. Hamilton, James Bucklev, M. Tompkins, Michael Laffin ; and Chris Jost, John Mahoney, £. J. Canningnam, Wm Mo(r, H. R. Cunningham, Thoi Gondoti, Abraham N. Whitman, Donald Gunn, James Purcell. District of St. Mari^s--ReydB Henvy Eagle*, Richard Johnson, Kobt Gumming ; and Neil Gunn, Alex Cummingar, Allan McQuarrie, John A. McDonald, Alexander Sinclair, Dr. Campbell, Wm D. R. Came- ron, John McDai^iel, Alex. Anderson and Dr. Falconer. District No. 7 — The Counties of Cape Breton and Richmond. — Malcolm J. T. Macneil, Inspector, River Bourgeois, C» B. Cape Breton Co — Very Rev Neil McLeod, Revdd Jas Quinan, Dr McLeod, Joseph Chisholm, John Quinan, Alexander Farqnharson, A. A. McGillivray, C. Croucher, John Mu.^ray, Miclmel McKenzie, Donald Sutherland^ M. A. McPherson, D. J. Mcintosh, Gavin Sin- clair, David Smith, G. S. Metzler, S. F. Kendall, D. McKinnon, D. McMillan ; and C. H. Harrington, Lanchlln Bobertscm, E. T. Moso- ley, Joseph MeVarish and Donald McDdugall. Richmond Co — Revs John MeDougall, P.. M. M. Young, Charles P. Marte)), James M. (^liiian, J. E. Ethier, Joseph Quinan, D. D., D. McDongall, G. L. Gordon ; and Wm Crichton, E. P. Flynn, David Gruchy, John Freehill, Peter Bosdet, Wm LeVesconte, Simon Terrio, Rdivard Gagnon, Joseph Matheson, Remi Benoit, William R. Cutler, D. A. Hearn, and Duncan Cameron. UmVIMwiC HiwMwiir* or evcrr 4l«aci4p«l4M» eonstRBtiy oa kaiMl« 9> B t Dist D, Gram Camp Lcod, Laucl] Millar Chish( Chishi main, rence. FiV A. M( and I Soymo Luther Donate Dibtr Dim M.P., J, worth, Parker D. Mo Dis Carrut ^Leod, Dis Moore W.J. DiSTRl Cc A4 At H. H. FULLER * €0.% head of Powei^i IVhtrf. [1882 nd Peter I, Isninh . Putter, oliu W. John N. n Eaton, nard N. .Andrew >a, J. M. ^ell, Irad | r Fisher, ;e88 O'Brien, McLean, Bancroft, Slumford, olf, Th08 jrough. — ChUholm, . Forbei, p.D., and Chisholm, eck, John I. Buckley, ley, E. J. Abraham Mon, Kobt rrie, John B. Came- hmoud. — uinan, Dr poubarson, McKenite, Tavin Sin- innon, D. T. Mosfr Charles P. D. D., 1>. mn, DavW [ on Terrio, K. Cutler, iH hftttd* !<f 1882] ALMANACK. 187 DiSTBiOT No. 8— The Conntiei of InvemcM dUid Victoria.— John Y. Gnun, InHpector, Broiul Cove, OtAl. District of North /Hi'^niMa— Rovds M. Stcwnrt, Pctor Fisotf, Alex Grant, Donnid Chisholm, P. LrBlfliic, Pcncoclt ; nnd Sum Campbell (Chnirman), Thos Eibridgo, Jno G. CrowdiH, noiiald Mc Ticod, Laiichlin McDougall, Malctom MuKav, Donald McTiCllan, Laucblan McDonald, Farquhar McUae, Hugh Gillis, Donald Mc- MillAH, L. J. Hart and Joseph Robs. Diatriet of Sottth Invemtnt — Revds Kenneth J. McDonald, Colin Chisholm (Chairman), Donald Mclsaac, An-hihald McKenzio, An-h Chisholm, D. Cameron ; and Hn};h Cameron, m. d., E. D. Tre- main, Duncan Campbell, m.d., John Mcintosh, m.d., Geo C. Law* rence, Donald Gillis. Victoria Co — Rers A. Mcintosh, Peter Clark, Roderick Grant, A. McNeill, David Drummond, Alex McRhc, Simeon Gihhons; and Alex Cameron, Peter McLean, Alex Taylor, Don McLean, Seymour Foyle, Don McLean, Angus J. Mclver, Kenneth McKenzie, Luther McLeod, Donald McLean, Donald McRae, John McLennan, Donald Morrison, Alex Jones, A. Munro, John L. Bethune, m. d. DiBTRiDT No. 9 — The County of Picton and that parf of the Connty ^i Colchester not included in No. 10. — David H. Smith. A. M., Inspector, Trnro. Diatriet of South ColcheBfer—JUv J. I. Baxter, W. E. McRobert, K.p., J. B. t)ickie, Geo Reading, Saml Rettie, Jno King, Israel Long- worth, Robert G. Rutherford, E. Tupper, junr., Robert Gammell, F. R. Parker, Thos Chisholm, Cyrus Eaton, A. C. Page, m.d., Jacob Harvey, D. MoO Johnson, Jame3 N. Crow, John Yuill. District of North Pt'cfOH— Revs H. B. McKay. R. McCunn, James Carmthen, R Btirnet, W. Donald, — Edgcnmlie; and John D. Mc- ^Leod, Jamea McLean, Jos A. Gordon, Saml Archibald, Donald Eraser. District of South PtctoM— Revs D. B. Blair, W. Stewart, D. C. MoQre : and T7. Fraser, Alex Grant, Adam C. Bell, D. D. McDonald., W. J. McKenzie, D. C. Fraser, James Holmes. District, No. 10 — The County of Cumberland and that part of the County of Colchester comprised by the District of Sterling and the Townships of Economy and Londonderry. — Wm. D. McKenzie, Inspector, Parrsboro. District of West Colchester. — Revs Robt Graint, Jas McLean, James Sinclair, Maynard V,. Freeman ; and W. A. Fulmer, J. L, Peppard, M. ]).^ Josiah C. Crowe, Isaac Flemming, S. Jenks, A. Y. Corbett. District of Stirling. — Rev Thomas Sedgewick, Robert L. Byers, E. D. Roach, x.d., ^as Bannyman, W. M. Blackwood, John Clarke, John McKay. District of Cumberland — Revs G. Townshend, D. A., Steele; and Gilbert Seaman, (Jharles Lawrence, Cyrus Bent, R. McLean, J. C. Brundage, Abran^ A. Stevens, John Bragg, John Baker, J. W. Morris, J. W. Scliurman. District of Pamhoro' — Revs A. W. McLeod, Charles Bowman, D.D. ; and T. D. Dickson, E. Vickery, W. Y. King, Thos Kirkpatrick, Charles Smith, Jesse Fullerton, John Gillespie, John Henning. At r. WA1JWI% CMjr ll*r«twiir« M«»re.— 8«« mIt. page ti« Horse Shoes and Horse Vails, h i II fl»'i ! 11 n ?*■: i U'\' 1 -I: If 188 'belcher's farmer's [1882 COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT. BANKS. HALIFAX BANKING COMPANY. [Established 1826.] Capital 5500,000 paid up. W. M. Harrington, (Prest), Robie Uniacke, (V. P.) Frederick D. Corbet, Thomas Bayne, I-. .). Morton. Cashier, W. L. Pilcaithly. Accountant, J. A. Russell. Teller, W. Greenwood. Discount Clerk,' J. J. P. JopMn. Ledf^er Keeper, G. A. Thomson. Clerks, S. H. Black, 6 J. Dustan, jr. Messenger, P. Smitli. J^^ck/*,— Parrsboro', A. S. Townsend; Truro, J. G- Taj" lor. Discount days -Daily, except Saturday. BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA. [Established 1882.] Capital $1,000,000. Directors, John S. Maclean, (Prest), John Doull, (Vicc-Prest.) Daniel | Oonan, J. J. Bremner, S. A. White. Cashier, Thomas Fyshe. Account- ' ant, E. H. Taylor. Tellers, J. H Lombard, T. B Kinsman. Clerks, D. C Chalmers, H. A. Fleuiminp;, W. Thomson, las. Yeoman, D Forgan, W. Stavart, A. M. K. Doull, W. A. Smith, Cavter Troop, H. A. EdmiHson. Messengers, George Anderson, John" Anderson. Agents — Pictou, Howard Primrose; Yarmouth, James Murray; New Glasgow, James W. Carmichacl; Sydney, C. B., Hon Thos D. Archibald; JTen^triUe, L. DeV. Chipman; Bridgetoton, T. D. Buggies; Digby, J. H. Churchill: Annapolig, T. S. Whitman; DC. Chaliaers Amherst, John M. Hav; St. John, N. B., J. M. Robinson. Woodstock, N. B., J. B. Forgan; ^ftwcaMle, N. B., B. F, R. Morrison ; Moncton, N. B., G. Sanderson. Discount days — every veek day except Saturday. BANK OF BRITISH NORTH AMERICA. [Established 1886.] Capital, .£1,000,000 Sterling. Head Office, London. Sec'y, R. W. Bradford. Head Office in the Colonics, Great St James Street, . MoDtroal. General Manager, R. B. Grindley. Inspector, J. S. Caraoron. * Halifax BitANCH-r-Manager, A. E. Ellis. Accountant, J. Cholditch. Teller, F. Brown field. Clerks, T. S. Hill, W. M. Dustan. Jkleasenger, P. Pophara. Discount, daily. UNION BANK OF HALIFAX. [Established 1866] Capital £260,000. Directors, Jas A. Moren, (Prest), Jno Gibson, Edir Smith, George R. Anderson, Wra. J. Stairs, Hon Robt Boak, M. P. Black. Cashier, W. Sawers Stirling. Accountant, H. Y. Clarke. Teller, E. H. Reeves. Clerks, E. L. Thorne, C. N. 8. Sirickiaiid. Messenger, R. K. Saunders Agents— London, London and Westminster Barik; iuon^reo/, LaBanquedu Peuple; Hew York, National Bank of Commerce; Boston, Merchants' National Bank,; Annapolis. A. Shearer, Agent. Discount days — every week day. MERCHANTS' BANK OF HALIFAX. [Established 1864.] Capital, $1,000,000. Directors— 'Thos E. Kenny, (Prest), Michaf-I Dw\'er, (Vice-Presdt), Jas Btttler, Thos A. Ritchie, Allison Sihlth, J. Normah Ritchie. Cashier, George McLean. Accountant, D. H. Duncan. Telleni, J. T. P. Knight, W. F. Mitchell. Clerks, J. W. Young, C. E. Harris, G. H. Mackensie, D. Fletcher, W. Hutrhes, J. F. Lewis, G. Hawkins. Messenger. James Ander- son. Agents, --.4n«i,9o»i«A, T. M. King; Bridgewater, Andrew Gow; H S 8aw0«IM»a« aad VvCa* Vry Faua mmI rraaervlBs KisttUM^ h II Si fi» 4] ^ !S t S u s 19 n 9 J« B CJ n > tl J.( cou M. De\ exc( s D M.D., A ceo audi D Doul Wats excep Th daily Clerkd Austii For sale bj H. II. FULLER & CO. ] ). Corbet, !Countant, P. Joplin. jstan, jp. Truro, J. t.) Daniel ■ AwJount- 'i Clerks, D. [) Forgatt, E^miason. w, Howard larmichacl ; Chipman; w/m, T. S. , N.B.,3. % B., B. F. Bvery week u n o > « s t 01 3 1886.] ffice in the ger, R. K. [ Cholditch. isseuger, P- 1 George R. a»hicr, W. Clerks, Agents— duPeuple; s' National eek day. ^ » S8< 1864.] ice-Preadt), . Cashier, P. Knight, ;kenEie, D. niei> Ander- drew Gow; » e 1882] ALMANACK. 189 Char C. W Burchell, , — , .. .^ , , , , j., Ilawkesbury, Peter Puint, jr. Discount da^'s — every week day except Saturday. PEOPLE'S BANK OF HALIFAX. .[Established 1864.] Capital, $600,000 paid up. Directors, George H. Starr, (Prest), R. W. Fraser, (V. P.), William J. Coleman, A. W. West, Thomas A. Brown. Cashier, Peter rlvck. Ac- countant, R. T. Braine. Teller, Henry J.Parker. Clerks, R. A. Woodill, M. H. Rich<»v. jr Messenger, G. li. Wiswell. Agents — WolfiHUe, A DeW. Barss: iMckeport, Austin Locke. Discount days — every week day except Saturday. BANK OF YARMOUTH. [Estabiished 1864.] Capital, S400,006. Directors, L. E. Baker, (Prest), C. E Brown, (V. P ) Hugh Cnnn, John Lovitt> J. W. Moodv. Cashier, Thomas W. Johns. Accountant, U. G. Farish. TeUer, Wni E. Perry. Clerk, F. E. Dunham. COMMERCIAL BANK OF WINDSOR. [Established 1866.] Capital $500,000. Directors, Godfrey P. Payzant, (Prest), Wm Dimock, Benim D. Fraser, M.D., E. W. Dimock, Andrew P. Shnnd. Cashier, Walter Lawson. Accountants. I^wis T. Dimock, Charles W. Payzant. and A. Blanchard. Solicitors, W. H. EXCHANGE BANK OF YARMOUTH. [Established 1869.] Capital, $400,000. Directors, A. C. Robbins, (Prest), G. .B Doane, (V. P.) Aaron Goudey, A. F. Stoneman, W. D. Lovitt, L. Caun, J. H. Killam. Cashier, Alex S. Murray. Teller, T. V. B. Biagay, jr. Glerk, Eben McGregor. [Established 1874.] Paid up $-400,000. PICTOU BANK. CapiUl $500,000. Directors, Hon R. P. Grant, (Prest.), J. R. Noonan, (V. P ), Robert Doull, Isaac A. Grant, James Kitchen. Donald Fraser. Munager, Thomas Watson. Cashier. John McKeen. Clerk, W. D. Mevnell. BANK OF MONTREAL. Capital, $12,000,000. Reserve $5,500,000. Head Office, Montreal. President, C. F. Smithers. General Manager, W. J. Buchanan. Halifax Branch— Manager, F. Gundry. Branches at St. John, N. B., Quebec, Toronto, Hamilton, London, Ottawa, Kingston, Cornwall, Brockville, Perth, Belleville, Port Hope, Lindsay, Peterborough, Sarnia, Stratford, St Mary's, Biantford, Guelph, Godrich, Picton, Almonte, Newcastle, N. B., Moiicton, N. B., Chatham, N. n., St. John, N. B., London, G. B., New York, U. S. The hours of business at the above Banks are from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., except on Saturdays, when they close at 1 p.m. DOMINION SAVINGS' BANK. This Bank is kept in the New Provincial Building. Hours of attendance, daily from 10 to 3 o'clock, except on Saturdays. Cashier, Jno II. Wallace. Clerks, A. C. Johnston, J. Litiigow, J. H. Ualcom. Messenger, Michael Austm. Closes at 1 o'clock on Suturday. , I -i I: e^tUM, At t*. WAUIH*»» euy HMrdwnrc Hloro, Market g«««re. SnbmariHe Blasting Apparatus, at H. H^ FULLER A CO.'S, m ii I rl ll 190 BELCHER S FARMER 8 [1882 iijrsvBAxros ooicpaxtsss axtd Aasirozas. MARINE. Nova Scotia Marine Insurance Association. — Hon A; G. Jones, (Prest), John 8. McLean, (V. P.) Directors, John Doull. J. F. Kennj', James J. Bremner, Geo. R. Hart, F. W. Russell. Sec*y, John Strachaii, 54 Bedford Row. Mkrchants' Marine Insurance Company — Capital, $200,000. DJrec- tros, J. S. Belcher, (Prest), John Duifus, George Mitchell, Daniel Cronan, Wm Esson, Wni J. Lewis. Anditois, Peter Ross, Thos Abbott Sec'v, Chas W. Wright, 60 Bedford Row. Atlantic Mariwe Association — Directors, W. H. Ilart, (Prest), J. T. Wood, Thos E. Kennv, G. R. Anderson, F. G. Parker, Wiley Smith, Robt Morrow, (V. P.). "Sec'y, P. W. Cr. ip;hton. Ocean Marine Insurance Association — Directors, Aug. W. West, (Presdt), J. p. Mott. (V. P.,) Wm. Lawaon, George J. Troop, Adam Burns, Levi Hart. Sec'y, B. W. Salter. CiiKBUCTO NIarine INSURANCE ASSOCIATION. — George McKeneie,' (Prest.), John Pugli, Robert Taylor, Joseph Seeton, M. Carney, Robert Pickfbrd, James S. Cochran. Sec'y, J. Tremaine Twining. Office, Bed- ford Row. Halifax Marine Insurance Association. — Allison Smith, (Prest), James Butler, (V. P.), H. H. Fuller, Wm. Robertson, W. A. Black, R. "J. Seeton. Secy., E. C. Twining. CoBEQUib Marine Insurance Company, Truro— Directors, Charles Blanchard, (Prest), Jas Crowe, J. F. Blanchard, Nelson Murphy, Capt Chas Cox, Jacob Frieze, John Yuiil. Auditors, A. M. Cochran, Geo. Campbell. Sec'y and Treas., Jas K. Blair. Avon Marine Insurance Company, Windsob — ^Directors, William Dimook, (Prest, ) B. Smith, C. B. Bowman, George W. Churchill. Sec'y and Treasurer, D. P. Allison. Auditors, E. W. Dimock, G. P. Payzant. Windsor Marine Insurance Company, Windsor — Directors, G. P. Payzant, (Prest), Jno Stirling, Edwd O'Brien, Captain Thoma» Aylward. Sec'y and Treas., W. H. Blanchard. Auditor, B. Smith, William Dimock. Shipownkrs Marine Insurance Company of Windsor— ( Limited- Directors, E. W. Dimock, (Prest ), Sbubael Dimock, (V. P.), Bennett Smith, John B. North, M^ P. P., John A. Harvie, George Mounce, Mark Curry. Sec'v, Allen Haley. PiCTOu itoME Marine Insurance Association — Directors, Roderick McKenzie, (Chsiirman,) Robtrt P. Fraser, Howard Primrose, James Yora- ton, Richard Tanner. Broker, Hon Robt P. Grant. PicTou Mutual Marine Insurance Association — Directors, Alex J. Patterson, ( President,) Isaac A. Grant, Robert Hockin, John A. Dawson, David H. Purvis. A. C McDonald, Broker. St. LawrenceMarine Insurance Association of Pictou — Directors, John R. Noonan, R. S. Dawson, James Stalker, G. J. Hamilton, George Elliott. Broker, Robt Doull. Halifax Agent, W. S. Salter, 5 Prince St. Maritime Marine Insurance Association of Pictou — Directors, C. Primrose, (President), John Yorston, J. A. Gordon, Fred W. Fraser, Wm. Campbell. Dominion Marine Insurance Association, River John— Directors, James Kitchen, (Prest,) John Henry, John McKenzie, Wm. Redmand, Chas McLennan. Mroker, Arch McKenzie. Atlantic Insurance Company, Yarmouth— Directors, GeoB. Doane, (Prest), John K. Rverson, Bowman Corning, Hugh Cann, John H. Kiilam, Geo H. Levitt, B. Hilton. Sec'y, Jno Kiilam. Acadia Insurance Company, Yarmouth— Directorti, Nathan Moses, (Prest), Wm Burrill, jr., Benj Murphy, A. Goudey, Samuel J. Hatfield, Z. Goudy, Joseph Burrell. Sec'y, T. V. B. ]}ingay. Horse HmUb mu* ll«rM illtMW* F«rrl«f«' ll»MiM|en AttU Kalvet* 6 s H 3 OB — .•I' CO.'S, Head off Power's Wharff, Halifax, If. 8. [1882 5. Jones, Kenny, Urachan, 0. Direc- Cronan, t. Sec'y, Prest), J. y Smith, W. West, im Burns, IcKeneie,' y, Robert ace, Bed- 1, (Prest.), ick, R. '3. 8, Charles Capt Chas Campbell. 8, William Sec'y and sant. tors, O. P. i Aylwavd. n uimock. (Limited— ,), Bennett ince, Mark 8, Roderick ames Yors- nrs, Alex J. V. Daw8on, —Directors, »n, George \ Prince St. -Directors, W. Fraser, —Directors, Redmaud, so 13. Doane. H. Kiilam, ithan Moses, Hatfield, Z. of s Kalv^a* J 88-2] ALMANACK. 191 CoMUKKOiAL Ihsuranck Compamt, Yawhouth — Directors, A. C Robbins, < Prest), W. K. Dudman, L. Cann, Andw Lovitt, Jonth Ilorton, N. (vliurehill, T. M. Lewis. Sec'y, G. G. Sanderson. Makine Isbuuakck Compaky, Ya'imouth — Directors, J. W. Moody, (Prest), Saml M. Ryerson, Dennis Horton, L. K. Baiter, George U. Guest, A. F. Stoneman. John Murphy. Sec'y, S. B. Murray. Pacific Imhukangk Compa-ny, Yakmouth— Diiiiciors, Thos Kiilam, (Prest), John Lovitt, N. D Lewis, VV. H. Moody, \V. D. Lovitt, ¥. Dennis, W. A. Cann. 8e<»«tary, W. A. Chase. OniKNTAL Insukanck Company, Yakmouth — Directors, Wm. Law, (Prest), Jacob Bingay, James J. Lovitt, J. B Lovitt, Uenry Lewis, Abram M. Hatfield, Robert EUenwood. Secretary, Job Haifield. Maitland Mauine Insuhance Co— President, Nelson Murphy. Direc- tors, Chas Cox, Alex A. McDougall, Alfred Putnnm, Archibald McCallum, Isaac Douglas, Jas K- Hlair. Auditors, A. M. Cochran, Osmond O'Brien, Sec'y and Treas., H. T. Harding. l^EW GlasooVv Marine Insurance Amooiation— (Incorporated.) Directors, J. \V. Carmichael, (Presdt), Jumes D. McGregor, John R. Smith. Angus Chishulm, .lames Fraser, (Downie), David Patterson, J. H. McGregor. Sec'y, G. W Underwood. Western Asburancb CoMPANY.^Head Office, Toronto. Capital, §800,000. J. Scott Mitchell, Aficnf, cor Prince Street and Bedford Row. PhOVlDBKCK, WahHINOTON, MaKINB INSURANCE COMPANY OF Pko- vii>ENCE, RiiouK Isi.ANi>. — U. St Georgc Twining, General Agent, 60 Bedtord Row. Bi<ni8ii America Marine Assurance Company o" Touonto.— Asmis, $1,200,000. William S. Suiter, Agent, 5 Prince Sneet., FIRE. Halifax Fire Imsurancr Company— Authorized Capital, $400,000. Directors, Jno Gibson, (Prest), John P. Mott, (V. P.,) Ceo Ksson, Daniel Cronau, Robie Uniacke, John L. Burry. Sec'y, Ricbd Tremain, 60 Bedtbid Row. Acadia Fire Insurance Company — Capital $400,000. Directors, Hon Robt Boak, (Pntst), Jas A. Moren, Hon A. G. Jones. Wm J. Coleman, £dwd Smith, Gto Mitfliell. Sec'y, Jno H. Harvey, Bedlwrd Roav.. Royal C.":'<adian Fire ani> Marine Insurance Company. — Local Boanl of Directors, J. B. Duffus (Chairman), T. E. Kenny, A. W. West, W. J. Lewis, Wm. Esson, W. M. Harrington, and Bedford Row. J. Scott Mitchell, Agent. Lancashire Fire and Like Insurance Company.- Sicclair, Agent, 106 Hollis Street. Imperial Fire Ins. Comp'y of London — Capital Agent, M. B. Daly, Hollis Street. Ph<enix Fire Ins. Cojip'y ok London— Agent, James S. Macdonald & Incorporated 1819. L. Lowell & Co., Co., 186 Hollis St Mtjxa Insurance Comp'y of Hartford, Conn.- Charter Perpetual. Asssts $7,000,000. Agents, W. Hollis street. SovKUEioN Firr Insurance Comp'y, Toronto — Isaac J. Wvlde, Agt. London and Lancashire Fire Insurance Co. — Capital j^l, 500,000. Agent C. J. Spike, Corner Uollts and Sackville Sts. Bkitish Ameuica Fire Assurance Company.— Assets $1,200,000. — Agent, A. G Edwards, 6 Prince Street. Hartford Fire Insuicvnce Company or Hartford, Conn. — Assets 9MM,020.— Agents, W. L. Lowell & Co. NORTHBRN FlKK IN8. CoMP'Y OF LONDON AND ABERDEEN — Capital, £8,000,000 8tg. Agent, J. F. Kenny, Hollis St LtvKRPooii AND London and Globk Imsu C. J. Wylde, 70 Bedford Row. At r. WAIiMI'8, Cltj mirdwiurc Store, Market 8«u«re. Office, corner Prince Street -Capt George T. £1,600,000. stg. Insurance Company — Agent, I Honse Baildingr Hardware at lowest rates. ! ■; i > it ': ■it . I- 'I II 192 BELCHKUS FAKMEKS [1882 j COMBIEKCIAL UmON ASSURANOB COMPANY, OP COKKHILL, LOKDON. Capital, £2,000,(K)0. B. W. and W< S. Salter, Agents at Halifax, 6 Prince : Street. I Quebec Fire Insurance Company.— F. D. Corbott & Co., agents for Nova t^cotia. I Western Assurance Company of Toronto. — Hon J. McMurrich, (Prest). J. J. Kenny, Managing Director. James Boomer, 8ec'v. J Pringle, General Agent, d. M. Greer, Agent (or N. S., 191 Hoilid ^reet. FiiiK Insurance Asscciation ok London, G. B. — G. M. Greer, Agent, 1»1 Hollis St Norwich Union Insurance Company — Agent, C. J. P. Clarkson, 22 Pi i nee Street. FIKB Airo IiIFlB. North Briti-jh and Mercantile Fire and Life Ins. Comp'y — Capital, £2,(K)U,000 stg. A^ent, W. L. Lowell & Co., Hollis St. Queen Fire and Life Ins. Comp'y of Liverpool, G. B. — Capital, £2,000,000 stg. Agent, Stephen Tobin: OHice. Queen Building, Hollis Street. Royal Fire and Life Ins. Cojip'y oti" Liverpool, G. B.^— Capital, £2,000.000 stg. Ageiitp, Farquliar, Forrest $c Co., Hollis street. Guardian Fip.£ and Life Ins. Comp'y oc' London— Capital Jb20, 000, 00(1 stg. Agent, M. B. Almon, Hollis Street. FIRE AND MARINE. Canada Fire and Marine Insurance Company.— Head officf, Hamilton, Ont. (;a|)ital SI, 000,000. General Agent for Nova Scotia, Capt C. J. P. Clarkson, 22 Prince St. UOMINION FlKK AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY. — Head Offi'"^, Hamilton. Otit. Authorized capital, SI, 000,000. Agent, Capt C J. . . Clarkson, 22 Prince Straot. IjIFB. Canada Life AssurancbCompany— (Hamilton, Ontario.) Capital, Sl.000,000. Agent, A lick Ramsay, Fsq, U5 Hollis Street, Genera' Agent for Maritime Proviitces. Confederation Life Association of Canada. — ^Augustus Alli- son, Manager, No. 5 Prince Street. Standard Life Ass. Comp'y — Annual Revenue, £813,000. Secretary and Agent for Nova Scotia, Alfred Sliort, Hollis Street. Star Life Ass. Soc'y of London- -Capital, £100,000 -stg. Life Association of Scotland — Accumulated Fund, £1,191,582 stg. See'y, Jno H. Harvey, Bedford Row. Connecticut Mutual Life Ass. Comp'y op Hartford, Conn. — Organized 1846. Charter perpetual.. Assets, $23,000,000. Local Agents for Halifax, W. L. Lowell & Co., 16$ Hollis Street. The Equitable Ltfk Ass. Soc'y qf the United States — Agents for Nova Scotia and Prince Edward IsIShd, A. C. Edwards, Hollis St. Metropolitan Life Ins. Comp'y of New York— Thomas A. Temple, St John, N.B , General Dominion Agent. Agent at Halifax, £. D. Meynell, 215 Hollis Street. London and Lancashire Life Assurance Coj^pany, of London, England. — Greorae M. Greer, General Agent, 191 Hollis Street. .^TNA Life' Disurance Company— Agei^t, C. F. Reynolds, Hollis St. LIFB AND AOOIDBNT. CiTizKNS Insurance C'^. or Canada — ^Fire, Life, Guarantkb and Accident — McSweeney & Fielding, Agents, 191 Hollis Street. IV4MT HMuUed TaMe Cntlwnrt mmI Wmmej r««kel: Cwtlnry, a H. H. VCLI/Bft ft em, lieiril 'MVoi^rf^ Whaif. [1882 London. , 5 Prince agents for cMurrich, iec'y. J lid Street, sr, Agent, Clarkson, CoMf'v — —Capital, ig, Ho His -—Capital, bo,ooo,ooo md office, va Scotia, ead offi'"^, ^t C* J. • ) Capital, ora* Agent istus Alli- Secretary §1,582 stg. [>, Conn. — )cal Agents BS — Agents His St. A. Temple, D. Meynell, IF London, 3, Hollis St. AVTKB AND :. wtiery* H i bO 1«82] >" n. ALKANAOK. "iv't 193 Son iUirruAX. Lire aitd AcGibltM»r TNsvRAKinii CoMp't of MohtrIcal. Ti, K. Jenkina, Agents office in Queen BuiUiof , H<6llis Streeit. The Travrllers' Life and Accident Ins. Comp't of HAimroim, Conn. — Qco^nii Agents tvr llfova Scotia and Priude Edward loland; W. L. Lowell, & Co. Agent tor Halifax and Dartmouth, 0. J. P. Clarkson, 14 Prince Street. . Accident Insurance Compact or' Canada. — Capital $160,000, Local Board of Directors, W^ J. Stairs, T. E.Kenn}', Adam Burns. Agetit, Geo. M. Oreef, 191 Hollis Street, Halifax. CiTtSBNs* Accident Imscrance CohpamIt of Canada. — General A^rt, W. S. Salter, 5 Prince Street, Halifax, N. S. aUABANTlDB. Canada Gcarantee Company, Montreal. — Sir A. T. Gait, (Prest). Directors, ThomM £. Kenny, William J. Stairs, Adam Burns. Solicitors, Messrs. Macdonaid & lUgby. General Agent, M. B. Almon^ 166 Hollis Street. London Guarantee ahd Accident Compant, London— Ageat, A. C. Edwards. Hollis Street. tfBBCAXrKL]l_001^A»XI8, Chamber of Commbbcb, Halifax.— Executive Committee, John Doull, (Prest), Hon Robert Boak, W. C. Silver, (V. P's), J. S. Belcher, Peter Jack, Jno S. McLean, Bobt Piekford, J as Butler, J. T. Wood, M. Dwver, W. H. Hart, E. G. Stayner, T. E. Kenny, W. M. Doull, C. F. De- Wolfe. Charles M. Creed, Sec'y. The Nova Scotia Scoau Refinery (Limited), capital $600,000. Directors, Thos. A. Ritchie, Prendemt ; Hon. R. Boak, Hoii. Jas. Butler, E. P. Archbold, Michael Dwyer. Matwigtr^ Oscar W. Donner. Office, corner Hollis and Uuke Streets, Pll/)T C0MMI88IONERA FOR the CtTY AND COUNTY OP HALIFAX.— John Pugh, Cltaiitann; Daniel Cronan, Capt. G. A. McKeneie, J. Taylor Wood, Jo»^h Seelon, Lewis Anderson, David Hunter, F. D. Corq^tt, i8ee*v and Treat. List of Piia)T8 for the Port of Halifax, N. S., 1877.— No. 1, John Fleming, Ketcli Harbor ; No. 2, Thomas Holland, Duncan's (Jove ; No. 3. James Holland, Duncan's Cove ; No 4, William Baker, Halifiix ; No. 6, Biertiard Gallagtier, Haiifiuc ; No. 6, Daniel Martin, Kdtch Harbor ) No. 7, Josenii Rhino, Herring Cove ; No. 8, Patrick Hayes, Herrine Cove ; No. 0, Hugli Monroe, Herring Cove ; No. 10, Jeremiah Holland, Duncan's Cove; No. 11, Edward Bayers, Ketch Harbor; No. 12, James Hanrahan, Ferguson's Cove; No. 13, William Beasley, Ferguson's Cove; No. 14, John Haves, Herring Cove; No. 17, Charles Glasebrook, Ferguson's Cove; No. 18, Richard Neill, Ferguson's Cove. The Western Union Teleoraph Compantt— Proprietors and Lessees of all the Telegraph Lines in the United States and the Maritime Provinces, from Port Hood to 'San Franciflco, and connecting via Atlantic Cable and Northern line with all the Telegraphs in the world. Capital, $46,000,000. Head Office, 146 Broadway, New York. Prest., W. Orton. Vice-Presdts., A. B. Cornell, Au? Schelf, N. Green, H. Durkee. Sec'y, A. R. Brewer. Treas., R. H. Rochester. Auditor, J. B. VanEvery. General Engineer, Marshal Lefi^rts. Stipt'd Eastern Division, J. C Hinchman. Electrician, G. B. Prescott. The Nova Scotia lines connect with those of New Brunswick at Sackville, and those of Newfoundland at North Sydn^, C. I). Nova Scotia District.- -Superintendent, R. T. Clinch, St. John. Manager, A. E. Hoyt. Clerks, F. C- Bell, John Hogan, Robt Kelly, R. W. Frasvr, '4 {■i 'V p4! At r. WAtMi't» Ulgr ■•rtlwww M«r«<— Im Mhr. !••• 91* 9 Hrllr niUiUI ft e<K,;AgiMto fM* 1 ■nai 194 bblobwr'i vabmer's [1882 S' T. Bfockiatoahv W. lU Prtllji, J; S< HmcknoB. OpeiMonir S. H. Snifli, 1 f.' • u /■ D. Bailiey, Cbi»b^Im.i t Amhwratk ' Annapons, Antigonishy ATpodfte, Aylesford, Arichat, Atholfi . Baddeck, BarringtOD, Berwick, Bridgeport, Bridjptown, y Bridgewater^ BfLT River, Canning, Canap, Chester, Cheyenne Weill, C. B. Q. M^Dowad, HiM Sterna, Miaa ■ .-y.i r,:.uii:/ ■ f ■ ^f^fi'i '■>"•■' xit< liunoBbuvy, mebeit^ I'lihU i ilfaboiiallanrv Dartmouth, Margaret's Bay, £ast RirerPtctou Macoan, KMt R 8h«el Bbr Marie JoMph, Elmsdale, (Great Village, Guysbetro', Glace Bay, Halifax, ,„,„, Hantsport;^ "^ ^ ' Hilhburgb^ Iron MiiVM. iMa^^t Harbor, Jeddore, Kentville,. Lawrencetown, Melreae; lit. Uoiackv, MiOdletoo, Mabou, Movqqpdoboit North Sydney, N. Glwgow, Pictou, I i^ictou Laqding, Plaister Cove, Port^Haivkeab«ry, WMtviHe^, Port Hood, Whitehead, Maekintosfc, Miu Shclbome, ShubenacacUef Sherbrook, IHiipHarbor, 8t Peter'*, Steliartalir 8tfewiack«^< Sydney, ' ,nf.-: Tatamagoache, Tnngier, Truro, Tor B»5V Walkiee, Wttverley, Weymouth, Pt.Mularave, Pogwasn, BiOOJadno* River John, Wilmot, Windsor, Windsor Junction, Wolfville, SaekviUe^ N. B., Ywiuoath, Lingan, Lirerpool, Coniitnr Harbour. 14«(^l^|IinH Cross Roads, IXMskeport, Cow Bay, Londonderry, And ftll Railway Stationa iii Protiace. CnuMKRCiAL TftATRbUEK'B AsaociATiON.—PrerfdeHt, A. K. MeKin- lay; VicewPreeMlente, J. R Diavidsori, Wm. Doull, H. H. Fuller, Aram Burns, W. H. Webb, Robt. Taylor and T. E. Kenny: Directors, W. H. Troopt W, If Stewart, J. W. Aijiiaon, T. A. Coasman, J. A. Morrison and T. C> Allev; TreaB4rer, Wm Robertsoa; Secretary, James Fraser. KOVA SOOTIA PSRWAMBNT BksIJ^T BU1I.J)>IK0 SOCUtTY AMI* SAVIKGS' Fund— Trustees. W. J. Almon, m.d., 8. Selden, %>bie Uitiacke. Directors, Jno P. MjDtt, (Preeideat), W. M. Harrington, (Y. Preaident), Jas A. Mor?n, Hon D, Mctf . Parker, fidwwd Smith. Audtton, J. T. Wylde, W. H.Hart HanlBers, the IJni^B Bank of HaUfax. Surveyor, Dnncan Grant. Seay, and Treas., John W. Burton. Office, HoUis Street Ha|.ipax aw Dartmautk Stbamboat Company — Prist., Hon Dr Parker, Directony Doniinick Farreil, John Stairs, Agent and Manager, Geo A. McKenzie. <!H^pueTD,SiAiaNB Railwat, DART»iouTH~-I>irector», John P. Mott (Pre* ); Jas W. Turner. Sec'y and Treas., C. J. Wylde. Sapt., E. Weston. Offi«e, 70 Bedford R»w. NoRTR Stdkey Marine Railway CoMFAinr-^ireetors, Jamet B. Ouffvis, (PreetX Hon T. Dv^Archibald, Wm. J. Lewis, m.p., Thos E. Kennv, Jno P. Mott. Sec'y and Treas, H. N. Paint. Pictou Marine Railway Comp'y — ^Prest, Jae Primroae. Directors, J. Crerar, J. A. Dawson, Roderick McKenaie. Ageotand Sec'y, H. Primrose. Lessees, AJci/dl & Toretom The Starr Manupaot^riko Company — CajMtal •800,000. Works at Dartmouth. Directors, Thomas A. Ritchie, (Prest), W J Stairs (V.P.), Alliaoa Smith, G- A. 8, Crichtoo, Geo R. Anderson, Francis Parker, J. C. ll^ckintosh. Sec'y, J. T. Wylde. Manager, John Forbes. Office, 7t{ Bedford Rmw. Halifax Gas Light CompanYiHI Capital $330,000.) Prest., T. A. Ritciiie. Directors, Geo Esson, Sr., Martin P. Black, Geo K. Anderson, Hon. Robert Boak, Edward Smith. Manhger, Robt. Baxter. Sec'y, T. M. Braine. Clerks, Fletcher A. Heonigar, J. A. Ritchie, James Buist. j4Hi<^fn(0 CitAL Mmuici A«BociATiOM«<-Ag«pti B. B. Barahili. Manager, Robert RadpM*^ Joggine, Cuanberiaad Go. HarilirMre ft •Y«ryt«Mcrt9iaMi.att V*'WiM<AM*S» raat «mc«. Emerson, Sterens ft Co/s Snperlor An«riean Stythes. '1 1^1 t^m [1882 H. Smith, [idi, Mfu le, tcadMf ik, rbor, ^oacbe, r nth, le, iad, rjunction, le, th, E. McKin- ler, A ('am M, W. H. ■rimn and r. f Savikos' Directors, i), Jas A. y^ylde, W. can Orant. I., Hon Dr Manager, \m P. Blott S»pt., E. Jamei B. Y^ Kenny, Irectom, J. . Primrose. Works at ilr» (V.P.), irker, J. C< Office, 7'^ -est., T. A. rson, Hon. 'v, T. M. ttist. Manager, Mt Olllce. 1882] ALMANACK. 195 Nkw York and Aoaoia Company.— Agent, William Bennet, Haican, Cumberland Co. Si>KiNO Hill Mining Compant— Manager, Wm. Hall, Spring Hil), Cumberland Co. Vale Coal, Ihon and MANiTFAcrcRtNO Co. — SirHngh Allan, (Fres.) Agent, J6flepli B. Moore, New Glasgow. Manager, John Greener, Vale Colliery, Pfetou Co. Halifax Coal Compant, (Limited) —Agents, 8. Canard & Co., Hali- fax. Manager. James Hudson, Stellarton, Pictou Co. Intrncolonial Coal Mining CoMPANt— Agent, Bobert Simpson, Westvilie, Piorou'Co. Acadia Coal Company— Agent, H. S. Poole, Stellarton, Pictou Co. Nova Scutia Coal Compant— Agent, W. W. White, Westvilk-, Pic»ou Co. Ggwkie Colliery — Agents, Archibald ft Co., North Sydney, C4 B. Manager, Charfes Archibald. Cow Bay, C. B. Block House Coal Mining Company— Agent, R. Belloni, Cow BAy, Capo Breton. Caledonia Coal and Railway Company. — Agent, David MacKeen, Caledonia Mines, Cape Breton. Clyde Coal Miming Compant— Bfaai^g^, John Sutherland, Port Caledonia, Cape Breton. General Mining Association. — (Srdnev CoIlierv.)^Manager, Richd H. Brown, Sydney Mjnes, C. B. Agents, Cunard & Morrow, Halifax. General Mining Association— (Lingan Colliery.)— Manager, Donald Lynk, Lingan, Cape B^'ton. Glace Bay Coal Mining Company— ^Manager, Ktslaif Mitchell, Little Glace Bay^ C. 1*.^ Agent, E. P. Anshbold, Halifiix. Inteknational Coal and Railway Company.— Manager, Prcscott Joimston, Bridgeport. Agents, Dodd & OUlies, Sydtie;^^ Cape Bfclod: SuuTii Head Coal Company — ^Manager, James Baird^ CotffBay, C.B. Toronto Coal OoMPANVr-£- Ceasells, Seoretaryf Tcinmto. iNVERNKssk QOAL, tsoM AND RAILWAY, CoNPANY^-Ag^nt, AMander Wright, Moncton, N. B. • j ij' . New Camp^w^lton Coluery— rAgent, Jphn ttcp^bard, mw C«mp- b^flTtott, Cfipe Br6tota. ^ ' Victoria Coal Mining CompaIty— Agenla, A. & W. Smith & Co. The STi«r<tL' Company op Canada— (LfiMi^).-^Capital,-b^O,000. Chainnanof Directors, C. W. SieMMrta,- F.R.S. London. Sec'y, E. F Tremayne. Fumace$, Roding MUl, Fmmdry and Btttl WorkaM London- derry. N. 8.— M&n&^er, J. Jamme: Treasarer, Wm. Dudgeon; Analyst, Henvy Louis. Agents atHalifax^ F D. Oorbeit tf Co. Dominion Copper Paint CftMPA»Y-T-Work8 at Dartmouth, C. J.Wylde, SfMfrQtary and Treasurer, 70 Bedford ^w. . , Acadia Powder CoMPANt-r©lw:K)Jt8, ^ojin P. Wott, (Preat), L. J. Mortop, R. Unjacke, Edward Shiifh. Siii[>^«ntehdent, B. C- Wilson,. C J. WyMe, See*-etilt^,70B»d<iiifaH6W. " ■ :'■ ' Pictou Gas CoMPANT^DiriwJtort. C. E. Davids, (Pipfei), A. J. Pattei^sou, Rodlc. McK«nztiB, Jatttes Tontbn, Robert P. FraMr. Secretary, FlMderick McLennan. Avon Bridge Company — Directors, B. DeW. Fraser, (Prest), G. C. Wiggins, Samuel G. Blaok, £. W. Dimodi, W. H. BlaUcbard. Seo'y and Treaa., G. P. Payzant. Mkkchantu* Exchange and Rkading ^ooMr-No. 158 HoIIis Street. Chas M. Creed, Proprietor and Superintendent. Dartmouth Ropework Company- Works ai^d Office, North Dart* mouth ; Proprietors, Wm Stftirs, Sob, JltMoVrow. Marine Kailm'AY, Yarmouth. — Dii^ectors, James B. Kinney, (Pres.); J. K Ryewt.n, Hugh K. Cftnn, Bowman Coniibg. Sec'y, R. 8. i*>ikins. Western Counties Railway Co. — Directors, Geo. B. Donne, (Pries), I I ! «H«)ri'f»" LmilMr and •'Btston C«.'t" Babber Beltingr. il 196 BELOHBR'S FArtMER'S [1882 8. M. Ryerton, Frank Killan, B. P. Ladd, N. W. Bletben, Hugh Caon, W. H. Moodj. Secy, J. W. Bingay. Oas Compamy, Yarmoutit— Cai^tal $80,000> Directors, Samuel Killam, (Pres), Nathan Moses, Hugh Cann, B. P. Ladd, N. VV. Blethen, A. Goudey, A. F. Stoneman. Secy, B. S. Bakins. LivBKPOoi. Mabink Railway CSompamy— (Incorporated Av D. 1S56.) Directors, Thomas Bees, (President,) John D. McLeam, (Vica President,) Andrew Oowie, JoBe|>h Innia^ John H. Mulhall. Treasurer and Superin- tendent, Thomas Day. Secretary, J. N. Freeman. : BRCriHi Amekicam Hat CoMrAKY-~(Truro.)->DireGton, W. H. Tre- maia (Pres.)i Cyrus Eaton, and A. C. Schurman. Sec'y and Trees., C. A. Kent. Tbvro FuBmTDRB MAKWAOTunwo Co.— Directors. W. H. Tremain g^res.), Wm Fulton, G. J. Grant, L. B. McElbinney and W. E. McRobert, . D., Manager. Sec'y, W- P. McBobert HouvTAiM Cemetbky Co., Yahmovth.— Directors, N. Mose», (Prea.), Jafaiea B. Kinney, Geo S. Brown, L. £. Baker, F. Dennis, Jas 0. Farish. Secretary, G. J. Farrish. WOLitXiatOV OF SXe»TAL8 Mad«0tAe Ship SttjflT at Citadel Hill, when Vetteia are ae«n Jiom the - « ,. ' i . ■' . Cikulel or reported from an Outpost. For 1 j^nara itigged vessel, 2 balls close up, one on the ootcr halliard jiad pne on the inner halliard. " 2 Do, I baU. hoisted on the onter halliard and one doee op on the inner halliard ; onter ball dropped. '* S IN). 1 balb ^oae up, one on the ostar and one on the Miner ■'^- ■■ ''.'IMlkMi'"'' • ■••"«^. . . , ,. .^ „, . " 4 Doi 9%ttQii lepnrated, and one qlose nfV on the inner halliard. ' " 6Jlh, * t^aotr 6f atiy coldnr on the ooteT hallikftl, and one bi^ll cJQieiij) irvMdtB ,, " 6t^b, a peh'aht^ndiir a ball close np on the.pilj(9!C.h(^||.iard, fud a ball a^ tho inner halliard dose up.^ ■/ .1 ,'\ ' ," 7 tH). a ponant over a bidl doee up on the o«(er halliard, and a 1 baU^losdJip on the inner haJliard./ "^ t Do, a penant under t#o balls doee np on the outer halliards I > ' ' with « ball close np on the inner halliard. " 9 Do, a penant between two bAlls tjk/tt vp on the onter halliaTd wich a ball dbse np on the tniser hcilliard. For 10 Do, " , l»il The above : a^coordingto^tho gwirf«r> the vesad Ant appears in. : Whan SaHiilg Ve^fdf^ i^ri} irc^niwl JinN^-jim :«H*tpoiit, the foilowin}r signab are made oh the lowetyM^> lioiw i^s^d eydnsivelfr for sailing ttttifdlf as Mijliii>at»^ir;!■;:' '■/.■;.'.• ''^^■M^^kyl^:0^%^^^M-- • ■;''l^:it^qiMnm0i^^Vk»A;m^ 'Ofe<e a^ the eater, thed^erat t^e inner halliard, cl08o!:n p. ^ ; : Aidhip, ahttrge ball atihe.^d.ctf M,^iiiidiM^ inner bailiaijd.-:,.:. .•.■•:,;, ;.. .■•':/ ::K*^'i^^^^ • ' ' '^ ' ^ V' X Btirqae, a iiirg^ j(b flt^^^^^ dropped at inner halliard. . ' ' „'. V",'.'" .''.•■•', ' . ,' ' i . ' - - ABriff, iiamall one aftbe «^..Qjt tfie yard>ai»d a largio one at tite inner halliajn.' 1 a ball eNMe np on the tntser nailiarG. 1, a fti^ o| any coloaf doib up on the ontet hf^l^rd* Wifh a cl^se.up ob w inni^ halHara.' ,'.,',''.';' ,. >ve balls, ftb., are hoisted on thit. i^t ii^ #esl y<M drtin. 5 10 I H o o g Cf) H O 4 g i vt s I e t d o c o u (S « 1881 A do, a A T* Th Ve^ hallit A "7 largo denoi A ward, /ie Gr W W Gr Re Wl of sa Wl color A m centr Ml centr Tf Do Ai A quart A AH A A A A A A A A Ftect A of-W A A A A Mfl iMmI( «f M«|a» %»•• aM VwImm* Alwaya** iMHidt At lli H. FTLIiBR * 0O.'S,«lieid off P<»#ei^8 Whmt. MtaitfMM s ^ 1882J AliMANAdC 197 ▲ Brifpuitiiie, • crotw ek»M tp at the onter halthurd. Two otr mont do, R cross half hoisted. A fopAail fldiooner, « eroii ^tMe «p at the i«iii«r MUard Two or more scliooners, « cross {oner, h«If hoisted. The apper y«rd of tCie Ship SlaJfis osoiil Mloly to desig^*^ Sleplfn VeiNie^CJllos'i ' ' „:' 'Two lurgeiHilts tlose up, one at the ootet and tlie other «t th* tnnet* halliard, E mi W* astaavMHr repmted i« tiwt(|Bttter; . A small ball at the onter, and a liMTgo one At t^io inner halliard, a very small or regular «p#$(ing SteauMT. A Ifi^gA hi^l ft tjbn ontier, and * «imU one at tli» loner kaliliaMl, a larco or ooeffi going $teamer, Lf^ntcrns aro.liotsied ^t night tode^pte i^ atfeamer repQrtod. . .4.^.<w4«4(fB.I<ifEl)l» Wriiontal, tbe 9ei4 iigat <• the fiaatwar^ denotes a dti^roeir Sast feported. ,v i A Green and wkfte light. borixoKtal, the greeii light to tlt« Weat- wacd^ deMtoa A, $(e«mer West reported. /ie(^ UgDt Above ai«(e, 12 feet apart, mail from Bngland. GrrMnlight above white, 12 feet apart, mail for England. ITA^e lk[iht iUmiv^ re^, 1^ feet f^l^rC, i^ewfoandland miiil. Wttttenghi above ^rreen, 12 feet apart, Bermuda mail (rraei^ light aibovo!r^, 12 faeti^rt, English A£an-of-War. tied, greeri and white, 12 feet apart,, neiitrajl Man-OiT-War. ,. , Whei^f, ^lea^ier is aighted the tcAtte %ht,is,|al(en down, ..ii .lt<*a^A / ^.l^omj^affe ind*»i!^d the sfime as opy ^eiici^ef yard* i^io thei «mi of sailmg iesiels. When the deaeription of veisd in aecertajvied, the following descriptive colors will ht hoisted at the mastbiac^ «n4 the inner baH token dowa : A Union Jack — ^a Flag Ship. oli*BefWaHBter4k'6«eiUber, a whiOfryeaaiit with • ilas hadlin cM centre, oeer the Union Jfldc. lfan-of-WM.«iihlle.gteaimr^ »wMte!pm«at:wlthi«'Miiff ball tolhe^ centre oiukr the Union Jnck.^ , >-;■.■ Troop SMb. fhiM.m|n9n( ^ WMOCWisea., ; .„ , Dominion bine Ensign, nnaersti^mer penaiit, Diominion .gimboAt^ . A red flag piereed white, Bo]r|il>faii Packet from Engi^iHl.l 9ort- A blue and red tonr quarters, wi^ whUtA-Ml ||R uppeK ^||A^ nightly quarter, mail for i^i^gUmdf..^ i . •, ^ :,-,t.:.i', ,•■ f,!^ ■jlutH ') J, } line... A bhio flaR-white centre, from England. I Wflfltlr linA. ''^ AH)hie and white four qu^rt«rs,i6Jf England. { ^^^Py ""«! j y A white fl^g; pien*^ bUie, Newfoun4la^ nifil. A white Hag, pieroed ,red^ Bermuda ma^^ .^ri ,.. A hlne penant — a Ship. ft- ;;;tt{i sHiiv/ ,n A blue and white sonant — aBarqae. ,« ^fihl}i}iiYi A red penant — a Brig. A red and white penant— a Brigantine. ,• t tr.,., A white penant — a Sloop or Schooner. A blue and white flag horicontailT divided — a Foreign or Neutral Fleet. •• •; ■*•'•'■■■' « •■;■ ' ' ,' A white and blue flag vertieKIiy 'df^ded— a Foreign or KeUtrill Man- of-War. : A Mfie flag— -a. Foreign Or Neutral Merchantman. ' ' ' A red flafr— an Enemy's Merchantnwinj i >:f • t^ ,^'inn A red, whiteand blue flag, red next the fliii«t^l}ncihV» -Fleet. ' ipmi • ...J I » ■ i 1^ !?';< . i .'I /l» p. >WjM«a1l» fi# mtuHtw Je iiMtef '«M-it«i'Si|iMste. H* H. FUULIB *€0»» keai of n»ir»Fi Wkmfl IS ■ I I, J- ! i K ft, I s 198 BBLUHWll FABXER S [1882 A blaia, w|iHe and rw) Sag— bln« n«xt the mMt oadwr BlMmer't iig- nal, a French Man-of- War. . American flag (Stan and Strip«a)< andor SleaoMr'a si|i^l| AnMrioin Mnn-of-War. l^Ipw fl^^abov^e deKriDtire^^ „ „ . ;. When an Bnglisn Packet arrires daring tne niRht, a red mnQgoIar fl«^ wiU ]>>« ke|>t fljin^ ft U^o mfiit head fron^ 7 ti^ 9. pVcJimHjf^ ^ |A. MvrohMitB^ V>tTM« •l^aala-Pmrt of Baltflkk. ' ^<«^- • ■' MUD, ■■ ''■■••■■ ^'^ J. T. Twining, red and white bur|;«e, red uppermost. " OroMiMn liine, Wewid A Co, Afirenis, red burp^, white C in oen«Ml Quebnc and Qulf Ports S. S. Co, .F. D. Corbett & Co, 'A(t«nui, red, white, red, red uppermost^ witfti hIne.p«i1Mndiettl'iir bar in the (^h^^. Imnaa Line, a red fla^, witttt eemer, with * UaPk diamond in cMttta. James Batler & Co, red flag, white border, centre whit^ star. John S. Mbljeitn, Md, vHitte and red flag, red npipermbst. ' >^y)/' T. A. S. DeWolf & Son. red and white flag, tod «pperme«t, With a VM- and white ball in centre, the red half on the white, and tiM white halfonthered. * !' ", ' J. S. Cochran A Co, red and white ilag, striped hori2ontalt|'^ wttll a blae star in flie eenW«. ^ J. M. Watson k Co, red, white ind< Mae fla^, divided diagonally, ted uppermost, with red star on the wHit^. ''; Lawson. Harrington 4Cb, red«nd yellow fla^[*trlpod horhsbittitllt. Daniel CtattM, a^Hdfl», red; iliffaiie, led; whiw peMwit, p e rj^ h Ofeutay stripes. '' '"" " *'■'"'' John CroiilHk.iameiii J>. Oreaan» with teed pendant above;) ml! n»ti^' The Boslmii Col 8. S. Ge^ a md flag pierced with a white triao^ apex next the mttst. * DMiinfd* Lindb red flay, with diamond and hlne ball in centre of wMie. White Cross Line, red flag with white St. Golcwne's ero^. l^neken Mdi wliil«aAdUna, ^h>t#0' white koriaontil bhrR Wm Stairs, Son & MorroW, tirliite flftW, eg|tr#i'm>rs4nhre. James A. Moren^#hJtoflhg, bordered -ted>.'^ R. 1. Ha*i, white flag, centw kredilWinar ^^"^^ **7 Albfo ft Soris, white fl«i;, iNj^ered bm. ' " ' A. O. Jones. & Co, whi^ flag, centre 9^ red star, bcwdered red top and bottom. , i'. ■^' ; , F. W. Fishwick, white flag, centra iPMWt, Esson & Co, white flag, i«d border; red Mltltesf) cross in centre. T. & E. DeWolf, white flag, red' hoMUt, And blue lettei^ De W. E. W. Morrison, white flap, with blue star. ' / , ^ Anchor Line, while do, with red an<*br. ' wf **«}» '*» m h OIUBEN. Oarvill Line, green flag, white C In, cenire, . ,, S. Canard & Co, a blue flag, centre a white star. Levi Hart^ a blue, whis» and red dieekereil flog. N. L. & J. T. West, a blue burgee, centre a white star. George P. Mitchell ft Son, a bluf «nd white bui^gce, bltie uppermost. J. Northnp & Sons, a blue flag, 9^ George'»cra#s. Bremner ft HarVf hHie bni^geecvoesed white. -•!;■">■ 1XA1 ^^vi~ juvj mammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm - ipppsf ^iMrl(B4.mitil^ er «Uaas°t«^ mit »rmitm«» IM kt TInpUtttf MMet Iroft, CtaadA Platei> drain Tin, etc. 1882] AI<MANAOK. 199 John Taylor & Co, « blue and white pendant, over a blue flag croMed dktgonally. J. JBVPlMlao, a Moe, n^-liite, bine and white do, blao next tho maat. Allan Lino, a blue and whhe red flag, and red pendant above. R. Boak& Son, blue flair, froesed white diagonally. Piekford 4 Black, a bloe flag, while diamond, wkh P. & B. in red letters hithe diamond' Baldwin, bfao Hag with white border and white B Custom House, a blue flag. Union Jack in the upper corner, a crown in ' the centre, whh a while C H below tt Royal Halifax Yacht Club, Entiffn, the Blue Ensign ef H. M. Fleet, Me of which was granted to tho Ctnb by an AdmiraHy t¥armnt, dated 14th April, 1802. Club Burffee, blue with the Provincial Arms in the Upper corner ; Commit^ore, red swaMow tail burgee with gold crown in centre; Vice Commodore, white swallow tailed burgee with scarlet crown in centre ; Rtar Cimtmdore, blue swallow tailctl bur^eo with gold crown in centre. Salutfa — Commodore, 11 guns ; Vice Commodore, 9 guns ; Rear Contmodore, 7 guna. IHATSOVTAL, BBUaZOTTS, VMiUVTOLETSfT, AUD OTBBB sooxarxsMS. St. Obokos's SooiXtt.— /VettWent, W. C. Silver. Vic»-Pre$i, W. H. Pdlistcr. l<i Aitt. Vice^Preat, Dr. T. Tvenaman. »nd Do , Thomas Olay. Treat., E. J. Lordly. Aaat. Treas, C. J. Spike. iftc'jf, B. T. Murray. Asst. Sec'y, Alex Adams. Chaplaint, Kevs IVIesara. W. BcU« 0. Troop, Winterbourne and Townend. Phyneians, Drs W. J. Almon and T. Trenaman. Marshal, L. J. Bland. Aa^. Aiarskal, W. A. Purcell. Organist, 8. Porter. Com. of Management, B. J. Wibon^ Thomas Often . Wm. Lowe, Thomas Clay, C. H. Ben- netti Com.^ CbariUf, B. Theakston, C. S. Drake, 8. Boreharo, G;WiUon> ¥. Smitbers, W. Davies. Sick Visiting CommiUee, T. I«mbert, A. Hutchinson, Thos Burton, J. J. Hamilton, Geo. Guy, Jelin Thoniton. Mmtenger, John Anson. Ghabitablb Ibish ^cibty (Establislied!l786.) — Preaidtmt, T. E. Kenny ; Viee-Preitident, Dr. Farrell ; Ut Aast. Vice-President, Aid. Connolly ;. 2d Asst. V. P., M. Carney ; Trea»irer, John M. Inglis ; Secretary, James J. O'Brien ; Aast. Sec'y, Patk M. Duggan ; Marshal, J(^n Morrisoey ; Messenger, William Power. Com. of Charity — Messrs Jaa. Finlay, M. J. Power, Jas. Fortune, Geo. Fultz, and John M. Sullivan. Investigation — Messrs. Thbs. O'Malley, M. Condon, M. Kavanagh and Thos. Power. Audit and Finance— 'Menra. M. Carop- helU J. M. Inglis, Jif., and Jno. Ead, Jr. NoRtH Bbitish Society CInstituted March 26, 1768). — President, Rev. Prof. PoUok, d.d. Vice-Prest, A. McLeod. Senr. Asst. V. P., R^erick Mocdonald. Junr. Asst. V. P., W. M. Cameron, m.d." Treasurer, George Mitchell. Secretary, J. B. Johnston. Asst. Secretary, Jas Yoomans. Chaplains, Revs. Thomas Duncan, and R. Laing. Com. of Charity, J. P. Muir, Duncan Grant, Angus McLcod, J. Scott Mitchell, and Alex Stephen. Marshal, James S. MacKay. Meaaengerand Piper, .John Patterson. HiQHLANO SociBTY OF NoVA ScoTiA. — Clnstltutcd 31 st May, 1838, by virtue of a commission from the Highland Society of London) '■:' \>\ !!■ Ill IH^ ViiiaiAliail'a ClUr HiUf*wmtmMtoW,^mf9*Mt» tfmt •Wee. Sheet ZlnOf Sheet Leadr liiad Pl|»ei» ete. rrti r H lp 1 '■^ ' 1 l. i 1 I I s I 200 DBrX'H Ill's farmrr's [1882 CAie/; Hoq, Wm. IUm. Praidtnl^J. IL Johnston. Vice-PrMt, Hngli Murray. Direclort, Jamea CrdwforU, D Rcid. jSec'v, Lydiarr) MackintoMb. Trmu, Ana^iu McLeod. Chaplaiit, Rev. Jiugn Mct<eod, D.D. Piper$, John MuKoozie, John Pattertion. Halifax Club. — CommkUe, R. Uniack«< (Chairinui), J. F. Kentiv, H. H. VMlUr, L. J. Morioo. Joha T. Wylde, F. I). Oorhett, W. Twinintr, M. Dwrer, John Duffua, W. H. CreiKhtoo, Wm. Ekson, A. M. McKinlnj. O. A. Maokensk, Geo. R. Andenoo, W. U. HUl. S^'^1 H. W. Johntlon. Nova Scotia Instituti of Natural Soibncb. — Patrmi Hii Honor tifae I^ieiit. Oovomor. Presidettt, John Soroers, m j>. Vit^ PtmdtmtK, R, Morrow, Dr. L«w»on, i.l.d. Treantrtr, W. C. Silver. SecretartM, Rev. D. Honoyman, d.o.l., and J. T. Mellbb, m.a. dmncil — J. B. Oilpin, m.d., W. Oosstp^r. Hon. L. G. Power, J. M. Jones^ T.L..a., A. Allison, A. McKay, W. 8. Stirlinj;, M, Mnrphy, o.b. Uifioif FiKv Prot1coti6n Compant.— Reirular meetin](0, third Tnosday ot each month, at the Company's Hall, Barrington Street. Capt, J. E. M Taylor. Vioe-Capt, K. J. Dolphin. Treat, T. J. Hamilton. Sec'jf, A. H. Hall. . Fin. Sec'y, Georfje Hilton. Keeper of Halt, T. McAlpine. No. I Division — Ut Lintt, John Roue. 2nd Z^m:k(, J. W, SiCrivQn. %rd Ueut, Wat. Scott No. 2 DiviaioB.— 1^ Lieut, E. Kearney. 2nd Lieut, Geo Rioe. Srd Lieut, Hugh Johns. Fkuit Growers' Association and International Show SooiSTY of Nova Scotia. — Patron, His Honor, the Hon. A. G. ArchibaM, lisat Governor. Pretident, Robert W. St«m ftcs* Presidents, A. H. Johnson, Kings ; J. Otis King, Haiits ; Avaard Longley, m. p., Annapolis ; Gkorge A. S. CrichtORi Salitax ; Colin Campbell, Digby ; Caarles E. Brown, Tarfnouth ; M. K Desbrisav, Lanenbarg ; Mmes Spurr, Queens. Hmornru Vice-Preaidenta, Rebt Grant Haabarton, q.c, m.a., f.s.a., Ottawa ; Rtohd. Sterr, Comwal- lis. Corresponding Seeretary, D. Henry Starr, Halifax. Raoordinf See. tmd Treat, A. H. Johnson. Awlitors, A. H. Johiison and Georse W. Wallace. Council— For Halifax, Hon P. C. Hill, Col J. W. Lanrie, Herbert Harris and Proieisolr Lawson. For HaM: Oeor«e Wiggins, W. H. Allison, M.P., H. V. B. Farnsworth and charleB Bacdn. For Kings, C. F. Eaton, Edwin Chase, Isaac Shaw, Lewmder Rand, 1 John G.' Byme, J. Ben^min, C. R. H. Starr, J. W* Hamilton, W. Sutton and J. B. Bowser. For Annapolis, H. H. Morse, C. B. Whitman, Delancy Harris, R. Fitz Randolph, B. Starratt and R. Marshall. Standing Committees, On Fruits, R. W. Starr^ Cluurman, C. C. Hamilton, Avard Longley, Chas. E. Brown and A. H. Johnson. On Publirations, Prof Hig^sns, Chairman, A. Longlev, R. W. Starr; and J W. Wallace. Nova Scotia Yacht SquadAon.— (Established 1875->Statian, Halifax.) Commodore, His Excellency the Marquis of Lome, Grtivertior General of Cannda. Vice-Commodore, Lt. C. R. Carter. ReoT'Com- modore, P. S. Wesi. Honorarif Treasurer, W. Hodiey. Secretttrj, Ai C. Edwards Com. df Management, J. E Rutler, J. W. Stairs, A G. Jones, W. H. Brooktield, H. Sr. G. Twining. Sailing Committee, dipt Wall, U.A., A. La\v:ion, m.d., J. Eraser, J. W. Stairs, W. S. Salter. Measurers, J. E. Butler, G. H. Luke. Nova Scotia Poultry Association — President, AndrewDowns. Vice-Presidents, Protetisor Lawson, C. W. Anderson. Secretcay, R. J. Wilson. Treasurer, F. C Stevens^ Executive Committee, Messrs. J. 3 t i I t I II li I BnundniRs's Wklle liMMI cms M hMl !■ ■JT [1882 I, Hqffll Lydiard ictiBOd, Keiihv, •tt, W. B««on, M. HUl. m, Hii Fife*- Silver. b, M.A. J. M. Iiy, o.B. 9, third Street. , T. J. eeperof ind ohns. Show A. O. I7c#. Avard ; Colin isbriMV, Is, Rebt !omw«l- wording (3eorffe J. W. i/'hariM Leaiider J. W, Morse, tttt and airman, Dhnson. . Starr; Station, overhor tr-Com- tarj, Ai \,k G. », CApt Salter. Downs. ^ R. J. ssra. J. At verj lowest prlces-H. U. FULLER A CO. 1882] ALMANACK. 201 S. Belcher, C. Koiler, W. H. Oibinn, M. H. Kichey, jr., T. Qondgo, J. Naylor, R. T. Murray and J. DeWolf. Nova Scotia Biblb Sooiktt — Pmident, Hon S. L. Shannon ; Vic0-FrtMid»nt8, WiUium Fryor, Hon Sir William Young. Trect' iurer, 8. H. Black.* SecreUtrif, Jamea Fanjubar. Agent, Jolm Toland. A large committee of gcntMmen ot various religiuutt denominations is appointed annually. Its oltject is " to encourage a wider circula- tion of the Holy Scriptures without note or comment." It was instituted on tho 24th November, 1813. Total isttuea of the Society, 84,700,000 copies of the Scriptures, Income of the Nova Scotia So« cietv, lust year, 83,532.75. IIalivax Ladius' Bible Association — P^f^-t Mrs Liddell. Vice Prest. Misi Wells ; Sec'y, Miss F. Pryor ; Treas., Miss 0. I^wson. This Society collects funds for the purpose of circulating the Scriptures among the poor and destitute. When a balance re- mains in the Treasurer's hands at the close of the year, the amount is given to the Nova Scotia Society. British American Book and Tract Socikty — Prest,, T. A. Brown. Treas., Geo. H. Starr. Secretary and Superintendent of Col' portnfje, A. N. Archibald. These office-bearers with a Board of Directors composed of olcrg\-moii and laymen of various denominations, nre elected annually. The Society was incorporated in 1872. Its expeniiitures in twelve years amounted to al)out $310,000. It received in donations over $45,000; and it circulated publications to the value of over $285,000. About •fS.S.OOO have been spent in Colportnge, — and 125 years of !nbo|ir were devoted to tMs object. Religious Books, Tracts, Maga- zines, Sabbath School Papers, Libraries at halt price, &c., are specialties of the Society's Depository. !1^VANQBLICAL ALLIANCE. — President, Hon S. L. Shannon ;. Sec'y, Q^y. Bobert Murray. The i^vnngelical Alliance is a Socletpr intended tO! promote united aiy.iiQQ among ohristians of diflerent denominations in ' 89 Tar as the V aiie agrecu. , YpDNo MbnV Christian Association. — President, Jol^n S. Maplean. Vice Presidents, M. M. Lindsay, Ldw Lloyd, H(»n P, C Hill, Dr. Woqdbniry, George Cunningham, Treasurer, S. H.lilack. >Set'y, Henry Tho&kst'on. The Halifax Young Men's Christian Association wa# oigai^jj^ in Dece,^bor, 1853. , Its obj^t is the improvement oi^ i^9 " spii|:itunl, moini,, mental ana sqeial condition o^ the young inen ot thjs City of HaliiTax." It owns a handsome building which has cost ,over ($37,000. It has a large Library and a spacious and wejl s,ip)^liea Reading Room : also Committee Rooms, Class Rooins, Parl,9ri Lecfiire Hall and Dining Rpom.— Any person of good moral character may become a meniber, but no one can serve on committee or he an offif^r of the Association ytritbout being a member in good standing of some Evangelical Church. YiOUNO Woman's Christian Association— Pres/d«j«, Mrs W. S, Sterling Jkeasurer, Mrs £. G. Smith. Secretaries, Misses Sterling and Morrow. This Society aims at promoting the welfare of young women in the City» by means of a night school, libraries, &fC., &c. Convention of '"Hb T. M. C. Associations in the Maritime Provinces. — Meets atmually. Its last meeting was hold at Moncton, N. B., August, 1 881, "when the following officers wore chosen for the ensuing vear : — President, II. Thane Miller^ Cincinmitti, Ohio ; Vice- Presidents, W. B. McNutt, Halifax ; T. W. Hales, Charlottetown ; L. m^ AtV^msUUIfi iftt^ rnKMrnm^mtmlt^ MAi«&«»«%imro. AiiTlls, BellowSy and Smiths' Tools, for sale Ioit, ■! ,'( ■ U ' fi f ! v'f ■ 202 BELCHERS FARMER S [1882 B. Botsford, m.d., St. John ; Jas. McAllister, Moncton ; C. S. Chap* man, Amherst. Secretaries, J. A. Gauld, St, John ; J. N. ShanaoQ, Halifax ; G. F. Dawson, Campbellton. Sabbath School Asbooiation. — This Society is intended to bring together once a year representatives of all the Sabbath Schools throughbQt the Maritime Provinces, in order to discuss the most approved methods of prosecuting their work. Preaidetit, A. McQueen. Secretary, S. Waddell, HaHfax, N. S. Halifax Infants' Home— The object of this Home is to receive and care for destitute infiints. Its afllttirs are managed by a Com- mittee of ladies. The annual expenditure amounts to about 93000. The number of infants in the Home at anyone time is about forty* two. When the children are about two years old they are given out to be adopted by families in the country. Over seventy have been thus provided fo. within the past four years. Miss Nordbcck, Treas., Studley. Mrs 15. M. Saunders, Sec'i/., Carlton Street. Asylum for thb Blind — William MurdobJj, Esq., who died in London in 1867, left h^ WiU £5000 N. S. Currency towards endowirig an Asylum for the Bhnd. This led to other gifts and the erection of a building at a cost of jE3000, — capable of accommodating forty Dupits. The Institution is really a school. John S. Maclean, Prest.; b. D. Meynell, Secretary and Treasurer ; M. H. Richey, Corresponding Secretary/ ; M. Bowman, Recnrdina Secretary; C. T. Fraser, Super- intendent; Miss McKenzie, Teacher; T. Blair, Stevoard; Mrs. T. Blair, Matron. Dbaf and Dumb Institution — (Gottingen Street.) This Institu- tion has been in operation for twentv-one years. It is supported partly by grants from the Governments ot the Maritime Provinces, and partly by voluntary contributions— most of the pupils ticing too poor to pay for their board and education. The pupils range in age from flVe yeiR'S up to twenty-five. Those v^ho have the full behefit of an education here are able to express themselveii with daency. Patron, His Honor the Lieut.-Govemor of Nova Scotia. Chairman, Hon D. McN Parker, M.D. Sec'y, Rev John Forrest. Principal, Albert Woodbridge. AJatiim, Mrs Vinecove. Physicians, Hon D. McK. Parker, m.d., Ih'.MoiSfQ. 2)e/*fts^ Dl- Alfred Cogswell. \ '■ ■ HoMB ^OR THB A4i^b-- Tbis JJlace i^ Intendeld to afford a c6n;ifbft- able retreiat to respectable woiriett of advanecid years whose ngiektisof livelihood are very limited. Fifty dollars a year paid by the inmate or by a fViend secure^ all the comforts of a hOtne. The ' InstituHbn owes its exi$tence to the tlidu^htful liberality of the hxk WSll^ib |aur- dock, Esq. President, Mrs W. S. Stii'Iing. Secretary, Misg ^brill^l. jTreas, Miss A. NordlKJck. 'Vf' ',/' / PnoTBSTANT Orphans* HAaKB — f^rotestant orphans^ ^b years o\^, anir* '!j)wards, are admitted to this Ihstitntion. It enjoys considerable endc.vmehts. Comfbrta15)e homes in the Mmntry ai*e' st^ught oat rd secured fbr boys and girls as they grow up. Secretary, lirs R. Piekfond. Treasurer, Mrs J. H. Liddell. Physician, Dr Lawsoii. i:'ROTB8TANT INDUSTRIAL ScHOOL. — lut^ded to toRoh and train for sorao useful occupation boys niio tttiglit otherwise be loft to grow up as "roughs" and criminals. It is under the management of a committee of gentlemen and ladies. Treasurer, W* S. Stirling, Se-* cretary, E. D. MoyuelL StuffeWiDr. Slaytor. Superintaident, Jibaee Hart. , . i . tfi BlHttdili»4l|iiNioe AC».V4l«MMl4UMl «MW liliMwK>1»alwjiy« »u hand. ■ 188 4 1 rt IflBt •o tion I the J.! 1 1 then onh b^o 7\rei i» ] Gov Hor <« T..«- •4 t Jam i for 7 t ■ aim phy 1 < 1: Ami Con Strc 4* ' Thfl * pub 1 crac 1 anir oft! a Pre 4* Mrs Vici fJnr 1 The 4> sen No» 8 S A Tqv { Hill aMd p ti-ai i 1 1 Th« Ayl Jah Hal Re» [1882 8. Chap. ShannoQ, tended to i Schools the inosC McQueen. to receive B Corn- tit $30bO. ant fortv- given oiit lave been k, Treaa., ) died in endowing e erection ing forty m, PresL; '•eaponding ir, Super- Mrs. T. is Institu- nd partly ind partly opr to pay ftVe yeal-8 education {is Qonor N ^drker, . Matroa, ir.Moi^o. 1 cbqifoi-t- ngielttispf inmate or nsHtiuibn i^ib Mur- fears p^d, niderable toot . rd Piekfbnl. ind train t to grow lent of a Jg. Ae-* ^it, Aboer I (A o By H. H. f UlfifIR ft COb, head of l>otrer'g IV'harf* 1882] ALMANACK. 203 HaItvax VisiTfNO DiBt>Eir8ART.-^MedicaI aid is afforded by this Insti^titioh to hundreds of poor patients. Those who need such atten- tion are visited by Physicians at tlieir honres. Those who can cotne to the t>ispen8ary at the proper hour are duly attended to there. Treat, J. F. Kenny. Se^ij, W. B. Wiswel). Halifax Associatiok for iMPitoViKO thb Condition of tAfe Poor— The aira of the Associlition is to aid the poor by ^ving them employment whenever it is possible to do so, ahd securing that only th') deserving poor shall be aided. Every case is investigated before aid is given. Preat., Jho I>oull« Vice Prist., W. H. Ne«K trtus., W.S.Stirling. Nova Scoria Health 8ociBTT.^-*-Pf'Mrrfr»«, His Honor Lrenf. Governor Arrhtbald. Vice-Presidents, Sir W. Young, Sir E. Kennv, Hon. A. a. Joiies. General Sec'y, J. W. Mftrddhald, Ic. lb. Treas., James Farquhar. This Society is formed to promote voluntary efforts for preventing tb9 outbreak and ppread of infections diseases. It aims also at the diffusion of . sanitary knowledge bearing on the physical and moral welfare of the people. Nova Scotia Socikty fob thk Prbvkntion of Cruelty to Animals. — President, M. H. liichey, m.p. Chairman Executive Committee, P. C. Hill, Esq. <Seer«r(try, John Nnylor, 134 Hollis Street. Annual subscription $1, life members 820, children 25 cents. The object of the Society is to prevent cruelty to animals, to educate public opinion on the subject, to punish the perpetrators of wanton cruelty, and riifluse a knowledge of the best methods of treating animals. Conductors on the railways are authorized to act as agents of the Society. Laqiks Auxiliary Socikty.— Pre»/cfoni, Mrs P. C. Hill. Vice- President, Mrs Judge Ilitchie. Treasurer, Mrs J. F. Kenny. Secrelary, Mrs Dashwood. Nova Scotia Historical SociBfTY.— P»wsirf(?n<, Rev. Dr. Hill. yic!^rPreaide»i,.X>ic, Allison. Recording Secretary, Sydenham Howe. CorresfHtndinff Stcrctary, J. T. B'lhiier. Treasurer, Jas. S. Macdonald. Tbc object ot this Soci^y is the collection and publication of manu- scripts, pamphlots, books, &c., that are of historical interest, relating to Nora Scotia or the neighbouring Provinces. St. Paul's Alms IIousa fov In^ustiiy for Girls. — (No< 100 Tqw^r Ro|td-r-Es|ab\i4hed 1967), Cuipjmittee ;j Chairman, Rev. Dr. Hill. Secretary, W. N. Shaffer. Girls w]i0;ar»desutnte, or nearly so» and in. dangerous prpociniiity to vice, urpj pioyided with a hpme, and trained ^ become dume»tic, servants. SCASOSTZO. OBA^D LODGS OF THB MOST ATSOIEIST AKD HONOR- ABLE FBATHBiriTT OF FBKB AND ACOJDFTED MASONS OF NOVA SCOTIA. GMnd Master, William Taylor, h. a., Halifax; Depun 0. Master, Theodore A. Cdssitiann, Halihtx ; Senidr Q. Warden, T. R. Harris, Aylesford: Junior G. Warden, L. F. Darling, Halifax; frranrf Treasurer, JahiM Dtempster, Halifax; Grand Secretary, Benjamin Curren, d.c.l., HaliiVik ; <9rand Lecturer, J. E. Bennett, Halifax ; Grand Chaplains, Rev Geotf^ Townshend, m. a., Oahon and Rum! Dean, Amherst; B IIP :"..!; l{ Hi ti:.. 1 Al r. WAft»ll% <'ny Mai'ihvtit^ Stvl^.-'aeo iMV. iage XI. Fairbiinkft' And Howe's Caanter and PlAtform Scales, I" I '■'^ 204 BELCHERS FARMERS [1882 W9WS ^mmmm Rov. D. C. Moore, Stellarton ; Rev. H. D. cleBIoi», d. a., Anaapplis ; 9ev. C. Bowman, d.d., Parrsboro'; Rev. Richard Avery, m.a., Ayles- ford; Rev. C. Churchward, Mahone Ba^'; Rev. S. Gibbons, Bad- deok, C. B. } Rev. J. D, U. Browne^ Halifax i Rev. Goo. B. Dodwell, M.A., Wilmot; A'cnior Grand DeacnUf K. J. McKenzie, Pictou; Junior Grand Deacon, Wy H. Tow^sbend^ Parrsboro ; Cr, Sujst. of W^rka, I Jamitti Martin, Halifax ; G. D. of Cereimniea, W. £. Stacfatt, Para- d'se; Cr. Sword Beartr, W. V. Murray, Halifax; Grand Orffaniat, Sanauel Porter, HaUwx; Grand PHrauivant, B. H. Lasdia, Hali- fax.; (?ran(j /StoUKl^7/'s, John Daley, Digby ; P. McDougnll, Halifax. B. N. Davis, Halifax ; J. R. Greene, Stellarton ; J. £. H^miltpn^ H«- litox ; J, McGUlivray, New Glasgow ; Tyler, John A(. Taylo*, Halitkx. ^— •••— ^ DI8TBIOT DfiFUTlT QB^JSTD MAST1I&8. William Williams .Halifk^. J. H. Wyman i .Ui^ . .; . :>^i . . . Yarmonth. Aabr^Blanchard ..;......... ■;'.... Windsor. John McGilli vray ^ .Hew Gla8{p;ow laeut-Col. C. Crewe-Read Sydney, G. B. SUBORDINATE IiODGBS. St. Ant>rrw's, No 1, Hali&x (Established 1768), Meets on the first Tuesday of easjh month. Worshipful Master, Samuel Porter; Secretary, Jas B. '^ormaclc. St John's, No 2\ Halifax (Established 1780). Meets on the first Monday of each month. Worshipful Master, Duncan Robertson; Secretary, L A. Barn a by. ViRdiK, No 3, Haliftx (Established 1782). M«ets on the fourth Monday of each month. Worshipful Master, John Hicks ; Secretary, Conrad W. Tupper. Unity, No 4, Lunenl)urjE: (Established 1822). Meets on the first Tuesday df each month. Worahipful Master, D. M. Owen ; Secretary, il. H. Sokmi-'n. ALnioi^, No 5, New Qtasgow (EstabKsheid 1838). Meets on the first Ttte^a."^ of each month. Worshipfiil I^gttir, R. A. Watker; Sec- retary, Robert Grant. RoTAL SOflSflX, No 6, Halifkx (EstaMlshed 1841). Meets on the ftrst Thursday of ear a monlftj. Worshipful Master, D. McDongall; fiiecretary, J. M. Mtirtiford. ' St. Ani»^rbw'>s, No 7, Sydney^ C. B. (Establi^ed 1844). Mefets oti the third Tuosdny of each month. WorshipfVil Master, A. McLeod ; Secretary, D. Matheson,..- Acacia, No 8, Amherst ^j|g}§tf^blished 1845). Meets on the first Monday of each month. WoKhipful Matter, A. B. Etter; Secretary, R. W. ClijpipV), ZfiTLANb, No. 9, TLtverpool (Established 1847). Meets on the fourth Thursday of each month. Worshipful Master, A, C. Parker ; Secretary, A. L West. BimNS, No i.a, UalUva (Established 1848). Meet« on the first Wednesday of each months Worshipful Master, A. Waddetl; Secrt- tary, J. R. Bennett. Naw Cai^bdonia, No 11 , Pictoa (Established 1849). Meets on the second Tuesday of each month, also ^urjth Tuesday from Aptil to September. . W* MtMter, K« Jf. McKenzie ; ,^eo'y, Q. E. Jobaaton fl«^,|r, irjU.U|r« tor imtMen* llr.»*ivi|t«. mmmm 3 lies, [1882 aapplis ; , AylM- iB, Bad- )odweli, ; Junior Wprks, t, Para- Trqanigt, g/ Haat- Halifax. Haliikx. tit Ttrieliy, at H. VU FULLBR A Ca^'S. D. 8 on the Porter ; the flfst •bertsoD ; foorth Bcretary, the first ecreiary, 8 on the ier; Sec- ts on the Don(|;all ; Me^taon IkleLeod; the first ecretary, 1 on the Parker ; the first i; Secri- its on the Aptil to (ton 1882] ALMANACK. 205 HtRAM, No 12, Yarmoath (Established 1848). ' Meets on the first Monday of each month. Wor8hipfulMa8ter,T.£. Corning; Secretary, T. B. Grdsby. A«Ai>iA, No 13, FngWBsh (Established 1853) Meet« on the first Wednesday of each month. Worshipful Master, D. Mcintosh; SeO'Vy. D. Macaulay. ^ AoADiA, No 14, flalifiix (Estal^lished 1852). ]IIe''tson theHcond Monday of each nrjnth. Worshipfbl Master, O. M. Hill; Secretary, U. H. tiUgh. Atholb, No 15, Halifax (Estdblished 1852)4 Meets on the ibnrth Wednesday of each month. Worshipful Mastw, A. B. Wilmot ; Secre- tary, W. Wilttams. Krith, No. 16, Hillsbnrgh, CBstablished 1851 ), Meets on the first Monday of each month. Worshipful Master, C. H. Purcfy j Secretary, Qeorgc I^icholl. Kbith, No 17, ^aJifax (Established 18^*^,). Meets on the second Thursday of each month. Worshipful Mlaster, J. W. Crawford; Secretary, J. A. Smith. Union, No 18, Halifax (Established 1855). Meets on the third Monday of each month. Worahipful Master, C. F. Biddle ; Secretary, James Jackr.on. lioTAi. Albert, No 19, Sydney, C. B. CEstablished ld57}. Me^ts on the third Monday of each month. Worshipful Master, J. N. Arm- strong ; Secretary, Geo F. M. Forbes. St GEOKOs'ft, No 20, Wolfville (Established 1859). Meets on the second Friday of each month. Worshipful Master, A. S. Murray ; Secretasry, A. K. Barss Keith, No 2S, Stellar ton (Established I860). Meets on the second Wednesday of each month. Worshipful Master, J. R. Green ; Sec'y, J. Frtfser. GONOORO, No. 24, Barrington. Meets on the second Monday .of each month. Worshipful Master, B. F. Covill ; Secretary, T. W. Covert. Wbstpout, No 25, Westport (Established 1861). Meets on the fhi3t Tuesday of each month. Worshipfnl Master, M. D. Peters ; Sec'y, E. C. Bowers. Wklbford, No 26, Winfltor (Established 1861). Meets on the second Wednesday of each month. Worshipful Master, A. S. San- ford ; Secretary, H. W. Dimork. Scotia, No 28, Canning, Kings County (Established 1861). M^ts on the first Wednesday of each month. Worshipful Master, P. Bro\, !i ; Secretary, H. A. Borden. Pkinob of Wales, No 29, Milton, Queens County (Established 18*81). Meets the second Tuesday of each month. Worshipf\il Master, J. P. Freeman ; Secretary, William Ford, jr. Albert, No 30, Shelbcrne ( Established 1 862 ). Meets on the second Wednesday of each month. Worshipful Master, J. Bower ; Secretary, J. Bobbins. SooTiA, No 31, Yarmouth (Established 1863). Meets on the seeond Tuesday of each month. Worshipful Master, G. S. Taylcu*; Secretary, T. B. Flint. El Dorado, No »2, Wine Harbour CEstablishcd 1863). Meets on th J first and third Thursdays of each montii. Worshipfnl Mosteir, W. May ; Secretary, H. McCutoheon. Annapolis Ro^tal, No 33, Annapolis. (Established 1883), Tkc IMSI wMMHneiM In tHe Vltjr kept tkcrck i ' ■;'i i I H Hayinif 1>M>l8 of otferjr fegOiiptiim ftt IowchI 4>iice(i) M h ■ i m 206 belcher's farmer's [1882 Meets on the firiit *Wedne8dAy of eadh month. Wol'shipfni Mafater, A. Kobiiison; Secretary, Avgusttts Fullerion. Qubbn's, No 34. Sherbrooke (Established 1864). Meets evcfy TuesdAj. WoMhipful Master, R. MoLeod; SeeHetary, W. D. K. Cameron. &^Mark'8, No 35, Baddeck, C. B. (Established 1865.) Meet! on tie fiirst and thi^d Tharadaysof each month. Worahipfal Master, D. McDonald ; Seiiretary, J. A. McDonald. Thistle, No 36, Cow Bay, C. B. (Established 18(15). Meets on tto first SatordAy of eaeH month. Won^bipfur Master, J. Baird ; SecDetary, Saittiiel A.' Spenrar. > ^ CoBEQUiD, No 37, Trnro (Established 1866). Meets on the seet>nd Monday <ff each month. Worshipfal Master, A. W. Gray; Secretary, J. L. Sutherland. - 1; LoDOK OF St Mark, No 38, Halifax. (Established 1866.) Meets on the second i^day of each month. Worshipful Master, J. W. Lonffley i Secfetairy, R. B. Wilqh. Acacia, No 39, Bridgewatcr. (Established 1866.) Meets the Mtond Tuesday tt each month. Worshipful Master, J. H. Wade; Secretary, R. A. Logan. RoTHSAT, No 41, Bridgetown (Established 1866). Meets the first Thdfsday of eabh month. Worshipful Master, R. C. Starra^t; Sec'y, B, Sttarratt. EoRBKA, No 42, Sheet Harbour. (Established 1867.) Meets on the first and third Wodnesiiays of each month. Worshipful Muster, W. Batledge ; Secretary, T. A. Baker. Tburo, No 43, Truro. (Established 1867.) Meets on the first Tuesday of each Month. Worshipful Master, W. E. Logan ; Secretary, S. B. Kent. PoTNTZ, No 44, Hantsport. (Establibhed 1867). Meets on the first TJiurtday of each month. Worshipful Master, K. Whitman ; Sec'y, W. A. Porter. Tybiav/ YoniH, No 46, Little Glace Bay (Established 1867.) Meete every Txteadf^y. Worshipful Master, W^ Campbell ; Secretary, D. McAulay. SoLOMOir, No 4^ Fort Hawkesbury, C. B. (Established 1'868.) IVfects on the eecond and fourth Tuesdays of each month. Worshipfal Master, A. Bain; Secretary, A. Mcintosh. PHibADELPiiiA, No 47, Burrington (Established 1868). Meets secopd Friday of ^ch i^onth. Worshipful Master, W. B. Hopkins , Secretary, Rev. W. Downey. Widow's Son, No 48, River Philip, Cumberland Co.tnty (Estab- lished 1868). Meets on t)w first and third Mondays of each month. Worshipful Master, W. W. Colbarn; Secretary, R.L. Black. Wbstbrit Star, No 50, Westvillo (Establisheu 1868). Meets on the second «nd f oiirth Tuesdays of ea'>1i month. Worshif^ut Mastef, A. W. McLeod; Secretar)', J. Reid. Eabtbrw Star, No 51, Dartmonth (EstabHshed 1868). Meets on the second Tuesday of each month. Worshipful Master, A. McKay, Secretary, C. H. Gladwin. HARMoiTIr', No. 52, Aylesford, (Established 1869). Meets the first Monday of efush month. Womhipful Master, H. J. Chute; Sec'y, N. Margeson; HtRAW^ No. 53, Goldenvill«; (Kstablished 1869). Meets on the Noble's «Ml^li«a3-#'» IMni«II« €iirtrl«g« aimI Mewstf V(i#ni».*ics, At H. H. FULLER k CO.'S, head of Power's Wharf. 1882] ALMANACK. 207 first and third Wednesdays. Worshipful Master, M. Cameron ; Sec'y, A. Sinclair. Kino SoijOmon, No 54, Digby, (Established 1870). Meets on the first Tuetiday of each month. Worshipflil Muster, J. F. Saaddefs ; Secretary, R. C. Cann. Morten, No. 55, Cow Bay, C. B., (Established 1870). Meeta on the first Monday of each month. WorshipfUI Master, A. Belloiii ; Secretary, J W. FitzpatriHc. Habmony, No. 56, North East Harbour, (Established 1870).. Meets on the first Monday of each month. Worshipful Master, G. H. Brunt ; Secretary, E. P. Greenwood. Tbmplb, No 57, Fort Mulgravc, CEstablished 1869). Meets on the first and third Mondays of each month. Worshipful Master, J. Fraser; Secretary. A. H. McDonald. Kentvillb, No. 58, Kentville, (Established 1870). Meeits on thef second Monday of each month. Worshipful Master, W. H. Chip- man, Secretary, H. A. Prat. CiiARKB, No. 61, Chester, (Established 1871). Meets Oft the second Thursday df each month. Worsbiphil Master, W. Smith ; Secretary, D. E\iins Taylor, No. 62, Lockeport, (Established 1872). Meets fourth Tuesday of every month. Worshipful Master, W. Johnstone ; Sec'y, J. E. Richardson. Corinthian, No 63, Great Village, (Established 1872). Meets on second Thursday of each month. Worshipful Master, D. F. Layton ; Sect'y, Rev T. B. Layton. Richmond No. 64, Arichat, C. B. (Established 1872); Meets on first and tl'.ird Fridays in each month. Worshipful Master, W. R.; Cutler; Secretary, P.GrUchv. SiRtiOM, No 66, Whycocc'rDagh, C. B. (Establiiihed 187S.J Mtetson' the first Thursday of each month. >\orshipfki Master, Li *j. fiMn;t Secretary, J. Mci^hait. MiNAS, No. 67, Parrsborough, CKstablished 1872.> Meeti on the - third Monday of each month. Worshipful Master, J. Baloomf;Sec'y.^ D. A. Smith. CtJRitBV, No 68, HopeWeil. (Established I«78d Meets on the first and third Mondays of each month. Wpnhipflil Maater^' A; Gifarit; .6«feretanr,-*H. CJray. Charity, No. 69, Mahone Bay. (EstaMished 1874^.) M^tson the Itfkthl Tuesday «t ettch month. Worshipful Muster, J. W. Mills; Secretary, J. Ham. ; i ;, rl ■ Laurii^; N6. 7D, Spritig Hilh (E&tablisMd 1«T9/) Mieti oh the second Wednesday of each month. W: Master, C. B. Hdwson ;| 8efci-etary,ll. H. Oooper. ■ ' ' \ Gr an VI LLK, No. 71, New Caledonia. (Estebliihed 1675.) Meets' on the second Tuesday of each mooth. WorshipfUI Master, W. E. Armstrong ; Secretary, J. K. Winchester. EABTBfcN LiOHT, No. 72, Guysborough. (Established 1875.) Meets every Thursday. Wotshipful Master, i. 8. Hutoheson ; Secretary, R. A. Tremaino. loNio, No. 73, Lftwrancetown< (Established ,1876.) Meets on the first Monday of each month. W. Master, T. R. lUsley ; Secretary, J. W. Tomlinson. , North Star, No. 74, Acadia Mines, Londonderry. (B8tabH6hed Vii» «l«riiy« IM kMI lift r. W AUMia ■MMmirv tttMrc. ! I! ' 1 i ili I DuAlIn, a powerful explosive, at U. H. FULLER & CO.'S, U M 208 belcher's farmer's [1882 1875.) MMta. on the firat Thanday of each month. Worshipful MhSter, J. D. Cook ; Secretary, T. E. Atkins. WiMBURir, No. 75, Oxford, Cumberland. (Established 1877). Worshipful Master, J. Bobh ; S^retary, I. J. Hingley. Meets on the second and fourth Fridays of each month. • Wallaob, No 76, Wallace. (Estahlished 1880). Woruhipful Master, J. D. Monro; Secretary, J. T. Chambers. Meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month. ;. ,1 ■ ;/' Tree and Aocepted Moapna of England. RoTAi. Standard, No. 398, (EstahJistied 1782.) M<>ets on the 2nd Tuesday of eanh month. Worshipful Master, James £. Jaiaieson ; Sec'y., E. A. Knox. OBAND BOYAIi ABOH CHAFTEB OF NOVA SCOTIA. M. E. Comp. JiHnes Qossip, Grand Hij^h Priest ; R. K. Comp. C. Crewe- Read, Grand King ; li. E Comp. J. R. Cowen, Grand Scribe ; R. K. Cen>p. W. A. llcsson, Grand Treasurer; R. E. Comp. Geo. T. Smithers, Grand Secretary; Companiooiii, Rerrb. Kichafd Avfrv, H. D. DeBlols^ D. C. Moore, R. E., Grand Chnplains; Win. V. Murray, K. £. Grand CaptniA of the Host ; Simon \V. Crabl>o, R. E. Grand Pfin. Sojourner ; Jnrhn R. Davies, Grand R. A. C ; Moneit Mnnroe, V. B., Grand 3rd V. ; Aubrey Blanchard, V. E., Grand 2nd V. ; Livther R. Archibald, V. B., Grand Ist V.; Miner T. Foiter, V. E., Grand Stewiird; Theo. A. Cossman, V. E., Grand Orjranist ; W. Walter Rickards, V. E., Grand Standard Bearer ; James Martin, V. fi.^ Grand Punnivant; John M. Taylor. V. £. Grand Tyler. f ,'f8isiuti ; '■' Subordinate Chapteva. ROTAt UiriojT, No. 1, llalifax, N. S.-^as. Martin, High Priest; .U.lKulhQnand,fiect'y. . St. Andrew's Chapter. No. 2, Halifax, N. S-^W. V. Murray, HigihBriait; W. Williams, Sec'y. ^ , Mi»MU>GtLXt:t»n, No."3, Windsor, N. S^Aubrey BlandiaM, :Bigh Priest; H. W. Dimock, Secretary. i ■ KBiTii CHAfTiMt, Noi 4, Tnkto, N. S— John YuilK High Priest; J. Xh/Sitl\«rlaiR^ Secretary. Eureka Ciiapter, No. 5, Annapolis, N. S. — Rev B. Avery, High Priest; A. L-HiirdWiok, Sethretary.. ' 'SosAyoNOT. Gha^txk, No. 6, Livetpotrf, N; 8*-hJ. N. S. Marshdl, High Priest; J. L. Hemmeon, Secretary. Umov CHAPtcn, Nb: 7, Yivrmbiiii, N. $— F. M Bailey, High Prieat; T, B.Flint, 8e*retity. f St. John's Chapter, No. 8, Pictou, N. S-^ohn R. Davies, High Prict^t; Fred W. Fniaer, Secreterjr^ Shamkok OUajptrr, No. 9, St. John'4, iNewfoundland^W. S. Canning, High Pnest; Adam Jo^nitdn, Socrlbtary. PRtircB or rWAusy No. 1 0, Sydney, Cv B>rrM<itTay Dodd, High Priest; A. Gi. MclAiuii. Secretary; • ■■'■■' --i^ . ■ ■ -'^ fe'cTw ••*: 'i ;:• ■; ;v r :;■;■- ■. Alb ANDRix Chapter, No. 11, Chariot tetown, P. Ei I.->-Ge6. W. Wakfftkd^ High j'tiitit; D. %-ptQi jmfmr^y. Order op Hioh PRiE8THooi>^0r*nd Council, of 39'aiiia Si!6fia, M.-E:, James 6o«iip, Presidenci; E. (E., G^. ^T. Smithera, Ueooviltii'. t I i I r Yoa will hmm/twmtmMimmr trMiletf, «ft««aliMHHUie aatiafactory to y»H« I S o o M 188: Anc: Jamt Thcc Geo H and K V Lapri V Prior T and Pales Prfor Fxida 'Pi Knig] Pi J. Tr "1. O Brit M. T\ J. A. .R.W CaM) town, SiMn Chap Gran( E F N S P o S< B V E % I H«ii4 of Power's HVluirffr HalifAx^ Hi S. 1882] ALMANACK. 209 Ancient and Aqeeuted Bootillsh Bits, andier 8u|»eine Genncil, 33ra DegxeQv DoviiQion of Canada. Kbmth Chaptkr & F. Rote Croix 18?, Halifaaa^U. W. Sov., James Gossip, 18<=> ; Prelate, (Treas.). W. Henry Hart, 1S°; 1st G^n., Thco. A. Cossnian. 18<=>; 2nd Gen., Edwd. Goth«m, 18° ; Ilecc»der, Geo T. Smitbers, IS*?; Past M. W. Sov., J. Norman Ritchie, 180. •u/- ■ . " ^ KienGHTB TBMPIiAIt. - Vh6 Oreat ^io^ of oinsdi H. R. H. The Prince of Wales, k.o., &c., &c., &c, MoatEmiifLent and Supreme Grand Master. '/' ., Very Higl? arid Eminent Sir Kt'ColorieTW. J.B. JfacX^i^ Bl^opre, Laprairie, Quebec, Grand Cross ot the Temple, (jreai ^t,w. Very Eminent Sir Kt Benjamin Ourren, D.d.L., Hinlifajt, Provincial Prior for Nova Scotia. The Nova Scotia Preceptory and Priory of t\B United Religions and Military Orders of the Temple, and 6f. St. John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhbdes and Malta, worlqng under the authority of the iQreat PrTory of Canad^, mieots at Fre<^ttiasbns' Ekll, Halifax, on t^o first Fijday in each month. ' pRBcprroRY. — Sir Knight M, T. Foster, Eminent Preceptor; Sir Knight J.' Tr«ipy, Treasurer; Sir Knight Jas Dempster, Registrar. PRiORT.--Sir Knight M; T. Foster, Eminent Prior; Sir Knight J. Tracy, Treasurer ; Sir Knight Jas Dempster,' C&ancellof. zxro^pa^pauT d&DmL of odd f&llo^ts. OiyiC^Rf ^V W. GRAM1> liODGB OV THE LoWER PrOVINCBS OF BRitiiit'it NoiiTii AiiiBRiCA, I. O. O. F. — John Richards, Fredericton, M. W. Q. M. ; Tbos. W. Tambult. Vale C<)llieryi R. W. D. G. M. j J. A. Gbnrile, Sumraerside, R. W. G. W.; J. C. P. Frazee, Halifiix, R. W. G. Scc'y^ H. A Taylor, Halifi.*, R. W. 6. TreagJjDancan CatotobcH, New Glasgow, W.' G. C. ; Tlieo. L. ChapJMjMt Ohariotte- town, W. G. M. : F. W. Masters, St. John, W. G. G.; George H. Sitttraonds, Flvderlcton, W. G. H. j 0; €. Carlton, jr., SoorFs, W. G. Chap.; Anilre Gushing, St. Johrij^ and John Pringle, Pictoir, R. W. Grand Representatives to Sovereign Grand Lodge I. O. O. F. ra01f'4..'.8ttl>6rdin*te "Lo&gwiS'lSXMm^ J% ,Q Eaatbrn Star, No. 2, PIctou. Meets on Wednesday. Fdllbr, No. a, Albion Mines. Meets on Friday. Norton, I^o. 6, New Glasgow. Meets on Monday. St. LamTreScb, No. 9, Charlottetown, P. E. I. Meets on Monday. Pioneer, No. 9, St. John, N. B. Meets on Friday. Orient, No. 10, Halifax. Moots on Monday, at 183 Hollls St. Scotia, No. 11, Westville. Meets on Thursday. Beacon, No. 12, St. John, N. B.: Meets on Tuesday, Victoria, No. 18, Fi-edericton, N. B. Meets on Wednesday. Eureka, No. 15, Spring Hill. Meets on Tuesday. :Wsftfe4UM^tAR,29o.l ft, Annapolis. Meets on Wednesday. MOORB^ lio. 17> Vale ColHcrv. Meets on Tuesday. ;flN!«ii[^#t]f; 18, Hatifax. Meets on Thursday, at 1 19 Hollis St. Peerlsss, No. 19, Portland, St. John, N.B. 'Meets on Wednesday, •ry to yoH« ▲i«l» WAiMKtt* Cltp ««rdwiir« Htoffv*^ Soe adv. v«ce«U '.I nil ll I wi ^^ EreExtlilBi; in tlM H«r«lwftre II nt. i I 210 BELCHERS FARMER S [1882 .7 EvAtrosuinB^ No. SO, Kcntville. Meett. on Wednctd nr. Gdidino Star, No. 21, Granville. Meets on Thursday. PrixCb Bdwaro, No. 22, Summerside. .Meets on Thursday. , Mrsvio Tib, No. 29, Oxford, Ciirobcrhind. Meets on Monuay. .tdMizPAH, No. 24, Apndirt Mines, Col. Meets on Monday. CaviXAL Ways, No. 25, Fugwash. Meets on Tuesday Frincb Albkrt, No. 26, Moncion, N. B. Meets on Wednesday. WiLDEY, No. 27, QhoflotteKyifn, 1^. E. L Mpets on Friday. Calkdonia, No. -28, Hppewell. M^cts qq Wednesday. Sii:x>A^i>No. 29, 8t. John, N. B. Meets on Monday. tJMOK, No. 30, Springvllle. Meets on WednesdHy. Qufuxwi, No. 3^1, Wolfville. M««t8 on Thursday. CoLViLLB, No. 32, Souris, P. £. I. Me^ts on ^nday. ValleV, No., ^3, Sussex, N. B. Meets on Tuesday. Hblpiko HAKb, i^o. 34, River Jdhn. Meets on Monday. ' Ivv, No. 3S, Amheiyt. Mei^ on Monday. LoRNB, T^p. 3fe,T!(;orioniy. St. Anduew's, No. 37, St. John-, N. B. Meets on ^odpesj^. Pbs^q u ID, No. 3{^, Windsor. Meets on M9iiaa)^'. Axki-ON, No. 39, Sheffield Mills. Meets on'lMtonday, Amitt, Nq. 40, Halifax. Meets on Wednesd4.y,at Hi Gotling^n St.' CARMitQN, No. 41, Woodstock, N. B. Meets on Tue^dUy. 4noaiopmei»tBp Stuart,, No. 10, Pi«t(Mi. . Milicbtb, No. 11, St. John, N. B. Halifax, No. 13, Halifllx. — -;— . Post La JoiSrNp. 13, Charlottatowa, P Membershrp 2318; ^Revenue, Sl3,044.64. cation will bo neld in Mono.ton, N. B., seepnd Wenhiefday in August, 1 882. District Deputies — James R. Macdonald, Halifax ; ^obn Pn.ifrle, Piotou; Thoa W. Turnbulj, Vale Colliery; Thos R. Callbcck, Qhar- lottetowf), P. ^ I. ; J. A. Gourlie, Suranrarside, P. £. I. ; N. A- Cliit, Frederi<(ton,;N. B. ; J^f Qiiristie, x. d., ^t'.John., V. B. ; J. W. Ha. inilton, Annapolis; A. S. M<;Intosh„ O^ocd; Thos. G;lendenuj|j9^% Moncton ; W. H, We^therspoon, Gr^nivi}}? Farry ; B. D. Higdns, Colcl^tor ; Wm* C MvKio, isioQfis, P. £. I ; John Tltonipson, Si^s* se^N^B. .•n 1- Nexl AnnnaTuonimnni- L 0. 0. 7. ICAXrOBZS^a UmTT i!aZBNSL7 600ZBT7. Halifax District. ' Grand Master, Geo Taylor ; t)eputy Gran4 Master, ^. Saunders ; Correspoadjijig Secretary, Aaron Sini'^eld; Audittrs^ T. Prancis and Thos Lambert ; Treasurer, George Worth. Ijist of X-odges. Prince op Walbs, meets Wednesday evening, at Odd Fellows' Hall, Argyle Street, Halifax. ' Earl or Dutfbrik> meets every Monday at Orange Hall, Need- ham Stree^ Halifax. Flowbb or THH Dat, meets every Thursday, at St. Cteorge's, Bermuda. Priitcbss TiOViss, meets every Monday, at LougUioMAte Jftll, Tritro, N. lil. ' iv ; K«tt> Hill mkmmi» »mi nt V* Wii<iM'a« mssm Doujfl Bear I Priiict Carlei Sinini Caver ^ Tantn Point Star ,.i, At H. H. FUIiLBR M 00.% at lowest piiow. .< 1882] ALMANACK. 211 ORDER OK .ZJiSBQHt OT VUaMAXOlLY. Bvudntss OMo0rB of Jjinhixdnm Orantte. W. M. Blair, Master, Troro, N. S. ; W. femborton Pfl^ej S«;*T., FonthiH, Orrt. ; Executive Gomiirittee, Jtaae Tmli, Oshawa ; R. Uth Mordie, Kippon. Frorlnoial Qrftnge of Nova iSootia. W. E/^tarratt, Master, P^adise; A.. McQueen, Seo'y, !*oint de Bute; Auditors, J. C. Black, Triifp; J. f • J«cI^son/ Cornwallis. Yoik, SI, DougliM, M. B. Colchester, 30, Truro. Hftrtts, 46, Stanley. Kings, 49, (SAefflsM Mttla. DiTision Oranges. Annapolis, 40, Furadise. vJ73(m GamTibrland. 52. Point de Bute. '"I Albert, S4, Ballslniry, N. B, d^li'cj'i^cliiiatea. Chebucto, 359, Truro. Cobefiuid, 497> Central Onslow. KtkbBuy, 628,^ Salmon RIv., Truro. Un>t«i,mCliftoii,a'rjiPp., Valley, 608, Middle Stewiacke. B«s«ybr, «l^Sotlt}> Itawdon. ' Upper Newptett 010, UMMt Vowptxt^ mM'C :.' Doserhi, wo, st«nl<i>'. AT0(iy682; WMdw>r. FkMMerj 68Si Upper VtB/wtac Aifrlcola, 636. UPPer K«nfi(^«oo)c. Evangdine, oST.Graiid Pre, Harm!M6y, m, SbfOOMfi m]»; l^Vufmers^ Betrsat, 60$. SmU Qon. Central, 60|4, GentveviUet Beaconsfleld, ^, iCioidbroQk Statlph. Antunm, 697. No^l. Sonermt, «•» Somerset. Mayflower, 700, Shubenacadie. Niotaux, 708, Middleten. Melvern Bquitre, 704, Melvem Square. Nertb Kingston, 706, Kingsten Station. Paradise W«^t, 706, Paradise. Tretnbnt, 707, TTemoni. Round Hin, 708, ttound Hill. Ciarsnce, 700, Bridgetown^ Mtnas, 712, B;«mpt Shore. Lome, 7J7, Cross Roads, U. S'ke Prescott, Vl8, Chlpmans Comars. Avondale, 788, Newport. Qroen VaUeg% 7S7, Aylesford. NewAlbepy, 739, New Albany. Torbrook, 740, Nlctaux Falls. Revere, 748, L.ftlvtir, Musquodoboit. Qlcngarr)', 750, OlettHMrj^. Uiii(^ Centrs, 75|,iI/niQn Centre. Riverside. 752. Durham. Rose Half, 763, Saltsprings, P'vtou. liouise, 7S6, SmingYutsi Bunl, 766, JiiUf ilt. Fletou Go. Attop, 767, j!^ew llinas. Scbtsbum, 750, itardwood BUI. Hodgsoii, m, KodMH. ' WeliTord, 768, Wekfoid. Loujmrille. 768, |'Qrbes« CdclHWier. Bayyiew, 764; Tatf^oliwouche. Aurora, 760^ Macoan iMatien. Fort Lawrenqe, 771, Fort Lawrence. La Plant^, 776, A<nl^ent. •^ctdry, 778, Truemenville. AhjiMe, 784, OstfoW. RiWPhUip, ?te, River Philip. Canard, TOO, I^o^ver dflani. LoRB.Star. 8ft4, W»)Ji»ce Bfty. Annan, 806i ^est New Annan. Loganville, 808, LDRahville. Qi|(hlai)d, 809, Earltown. BiuDside, 810. Back Meadows. Pictou. Mbnntifiln Rose^ 811, Fall's, Colchester. Scotia, 814, Bsetch Hiir. Rising Sun, 815, Pugwash. Sunoy Side, 825, Tbomso^ Station. Forest, 8^8, New Germany. Caledonia, 820, (^iledOnia, Queens. B^mpd, 8S0, Ket H»t, Queens. NEW BRUNSWICK. -/.■ in • DouKlass, 220, Douglass. Bear Island, 411, Bear JslatiJ. Prince William, 449, Prince William Carleion, 455. Sinimonds, 500. CaverhilLftOO. Tantremde, 768, Sackville. Point de ^jfte, 772, Mount Whatley. North River, 822, Petticodlac. Olive Branch, 8.S1, Salisbnry. Union, 832, Salem, A. C. Baltimore Valle.v, 833, Rosevale. Evetilns: Star, 834, Bridiredale. Farmer's Heme, 835, Forest Glen. Moniinjy Star, 837, Steeves Mountain. Farmer's Adventure, 838, N. Riv., Salisb. Albert Elgin, 839, Eljpn. Star of ^^, 880, Hopewell. As all iJfkots are elected at t;he end of the year, it wUl be sufficient for those who do n^know the name of Secretary to address Secretary of Oraatie' «&i\ . .Pv O. CtrefuUy (pving name and number of Orange and address. BpH A eMMplala Karfc •; «wiwidk»jr rockot Mid liiMe iliNiry. 11 i I Lnbrl«»tlHf Olliv tits Wife, Ii«ril« Went HSrfliilii, Ac. 212 BBLcium's varmbr's [1882 S0M8 o# TBainniMio«.-^TlM first DHMm wm M^gfanbed iit Tar- moadi, Nov. 17, 1847. The Grmtd Divbiofl wm otig^Hniud kpr\\2i, 184S. . Therfti arc now : oim Mundrad mm! atsty-aeren SabonliiuiM 'Divisions (167) with ahoat ten thoasand menibera, — iwonty^re Bafidi of Hope with 8200 mMnbera; «nd eiirhl ScptioriK of Cadets with 260 members: Grand VTotthg /'n^nVircA, Joha % BilUer, Hajllax ; Gjwtd Scn'be, Re? tt. A. TAqipIo, ^A\\hx.' ! AgenU e^*ia^ Lectuteru of Gr»n4. Division, Thomas ffAtehfngii ariff RobitutOii Thompion. Qit'artc^/ sesiiioii or 0. 1). held in diffmrcnt pfurta of Cke Trovinco iu Janunry, April aud July. TIm aanaal sewion is held each Aatirain ia Halifaot Unitro Tbmpikakcb Order (formeny British Tempkrs). — Grand Lodge of Noiva Soptia orfpaniMdln 1863. Has now about 56 Lodges containing about 2000 mcmbera; JuYQR^la Lodces 4 with 200 mem- liera; President, John H. Taylor, Gays River Road, Halifax Co., Secretary, Adam Carson, Pictou. The next Aanual Session is to be held it Gay's Biver Boad, Hidi- fax Co., on the first Wednesday of July, I882,eoinii)etidog at 7 p.m. I. 0. or GoojD TrmHaIis ok iax WoBu>,r^The firs|:I,<odfl:e organ- iKcd at Economy, OoJ«hestsr Coanty^ Jaiy 4, I8M. Grand Lodge of Nova Seeitia fottii«il,¥eibni<]ry 5th. 1867; there are now 96 SuhordinaW Lodges wi^tb 4900 members ; 10 Juvenile Temples with 450 members; G. W. a/T., R»v4 Heivy OeBlois, Annapolis. N. S.- ^. (Tr^., Bevd W. G. Lano, Halifax, N; S; The next Annwri Mebting win be heM at Y«vmdufch beglii^jing th<i flfft Tuesday liiOcjIiib^, 1882; L 0. OF Good Tbkp];.ars, LcvAL. — Grand tiadgs of! !i)YoTail(wtia re-or g a w ine d Nov. ftl, 1876>^ about 60 SabDrdiUflte Lodges, and about three thousniM md<hl>ers ; 10 JiiVendle Temples with 900' tnembers : Cr. HT. C. r., I*. J. CWsholm, Tri^ro; G. W. S., t J. Hiligley. Oxford, Oumberjinid; GmI. Sup*, of Juvenile Templars, M. .0. S^b, Gon- queral Bank, Lnnenburg C». Next An^iial Seipeion Will be lidd at Amherst first Tuesdiiy Sv\y, 1881. Thb Blu« Ribbov Clubs within (he paatfoot- ydars hav« been organised in nearJy every County <yf tlie Province. The enrolled mem- bership iA^creosed with rpntRrkabto rapidity, espeeially in the Counties of Yarmouth, l^gliy, AnBapoUa, Colchester, Cumberland, Pictou, Cape Breton and Halifax. Ti.« i^fgregate inembership in the Avtaikin of 1878 WAS estfnuttt'd at 20.000. After that date ionlie of the Clubs cease^l ih active work; soiQe ^ied; others wei-e changed into Societies of other names ; and the menkberobip iwiw ia the Province is not near.ljr:in large us in 1878. At this date (Autumn of 1881) the enrolled nietniiership of the various Temperance oigaaiwtionf ia Nova Scotia is (approxi- mately) as fojilowa: — Suns of Temperance, Cadets and Bands Hope. . . . 12<000 United Temperance Order, (British Templars) .... 2,200 I. 0. G. Templars, (of tlio World) 4.900 LOG. Templars, (Loyal) 3.5f») . Roman Catholiq T. A Societies ■•••• 3,500 Protestant Church Temperance SociCltes ...... .. 2,00fL \, Kefonn. or Blue Ribbon Cliibs .'.';?:';'.. . .t0,fliP " Women's Temperance Ui|i6ns. « . . .'-i'lit A u ri « . . . 8,4lp ' <>:".'i;-i)j Toiali'j *. .■ifkv'i'^i. k--^^^w^ii.<i'<w«'..( .. .'.41,lfift'' <".-'■ . ji3flfc»# a s iStMu »4-«sf< i 8 I 15 i ! i * ! i 3 I let FB ..•!j M. Grn Gra Mill Gra ' turet J Hod 3 rt- i 1 Jnil At U. H. FULLER A OO.'S, beml of Power's lii. 1882] ALMANAOK. 213 oitAiraa. FBOVINOZAXi OBAZfD liOYAIi OBANOB LODaD OF NOVA SOOTIA. Grand Offiobrr fok 1881. — Grand Master, 'Rer. Kdwih Ctky, M. D., Haliinx; Deputy Grand Master, Angus Gunn, Earl tow n ; Grand Chaplain, K^r W. O. Liine< Musqiimloboit ; Junior Deputy Grand Masttr, AnROt McPfaerMn, Thomvun ; Grand Treaaurerf Jan. Miller, j.p., Shabonncadic ; Grand Secretaty, W. A. Gftrriaon, Hallf'MX ;' Grand Dii^ector of Ceremonies, W. M. Dimock, Windsor ; Grand Lec- turer, Stewart Oopcland, Truro; Deputy Grand Secretary, W. C. Hodgson, Halifax. OOVtmA, ko. "ij^'fii") United Statbs Consul Gknbral. — Halifax, Hon Mortimer M. Jackson ; Clerk to Consulate General, Jaa W. Cttldwoll.,Consu/s — ricton, Edniond Johnson ; WintHor, D. K. Hobart. Vice-Consuls — Halifax, J. F. Phelan; t^tctoii, Jno. R. Moonan ; Windsor, P. S. Burnliam. Consular Agents — Annapolis, J. M. Owen ; Arichaf , J. G. McKeen ; B«rrington, G. Robertson ; Bridgjjwatcr, W. H. Owon ; Cape Cnnsd, Thomas C. Cook; Cow Bay, C. Archibald; DigKy, Wm B. Stewart; GlqoeBav, D. McKeen ; Linganand Sydney, C B., F. E. Leaver; Liverpool, J. N. S. Marshall ; North Sydney, Wm Purvis ; Shelbnme, N. W. White ; Yarmouth, James M. Merrill; Cdrnwallis, Ebcneser Rand; Kempt, Henry H. Grant; Parrsboro', Beni, 1). King; Walton, A. McN. Parker CoNSCLATK OF Si'AiN, — A. M. JDezcfl, K.C.I.C., Conmd, Halifax;, S. H. Longard, Secretary, Hulirnx<; W. Pwves, Vice-Const^, Sydney.; Consufqr Agents, J. M. Owen, Amwpolis ; C. H. Rig^y, Little Glare; Bav f Robie Si Sterns, Liverpool ; Datffel Owen, Laneiiharg; Howard; Primrose, Pictou ; John W MoodV, YaricMtft^ '' ^ ' is ,' i , MBTiiBiitANDS Consul.—- Dr. Wickwh-e. Fifce-Con«f>/,d[a8 G. Foster.* VicB-CowsuL of Fkancb.— G. E. Franyklyh, Hilifaj^jj^Hon John, BotirinQt, Sydney, C. B. ' ^' '. PdkTuoOBSB Consul. — ThosAW)Ott. BRAZiLiAN ViCB-CoNHUL — Michael Tobin. NoRWAir AND Sweden Vicb-Conscl.— E. D* Tucker. Austrian Con«ul- — O. B. Franrklyn. Danish Consul. — Stephen Tobin. > Bbloian CoNSUL.-^Chrisfian Rorine. > Gbrman C<»isul. — C. A. CrcJghton. ITALIAN Consul. — W. H. Hart. Uruouat yie£-CoNSUi,.-"H W- C Boak. . ,'■ «> :f; "; 'm '5 ,Vv* ""t!'^'. X;L9i:Xir Ad9NT3. Hn^lfax— S.^Gnnidrd & Co. Pictoa-riPrinvrose "B^^s. Yarmouth —J. W. Moody. Sydney, C. B.— '■ — Archibhid; Liverpool, John Campbell, snb-agent. Arichat, C. B.— W. E. Ctitler. Plaister Cove, C. B.-— Jain^s G- McKeen. Port Hood, C C. J^iwrence. Amigonifth-rs-Wm J. Beck. Anuapolis— Jacob M. Owen. Wolfville — JpsefA ji- H%y. Gfiysborotigh'-Uufas A. Tremain. '-^ f A« ir. Wmjm'B»*mar M«ir4w«re Move* atarlM* Avutv*. i '<Bniii#rtoHi'8>' WMte aii< Goivred Palnti, i 'I if* ■J m-^ 214 BBLOHBIt's farmer's [1882 MILITIA. Cdmmtmthi' in ^tr/, H la Ex«^leiMsy the Itt Jfm Oie Oovernor-Q«n«nl. MXiiX^ikfir oisT. vo. e. pbovinoa of nova sootia. ■ M .(t Dtotvlot fttoff. For flie Proviiloaof Nova Sootta ind Mand of Cape Breton. Dqmhf Adj't. Om. ComfMrnKng the DUtrtct, U.'Col. J. B. Taylor. Brigtutt Mtrfor,Ji K. MaoShnne. Jnqtr. of ArlUttr^'for tht Maritime Provhiee$, appointed from tiane to time trom the dunnery School. Store keeper <f Parwasfer, Major deorge Guy. CATalry. Kbhtvillr Troop op Cavalbv. Crtpt, J. W. Rvan Lievt, U. S. Mfastcrs Comet, J. H. B. Witter ArtlUenr. FIELD BATTERY. Hauvax, {Halifax.) Cttpt,J»n K. Uraham, m. lif i[/teuto, Henry FlunTera W. liulah ittdUeut W.HATriP ^itrg. T. B, Aliiffwi»,iM. p OARRISON ARTILLERY IJeut to/, T. Mowbray, Cwta, J. £. Curreo, w. A. Garrison. O. W.C. OWnd, O. W. Ronne, J. H. Balcom. Int Lieut, il. J Harrin. 2ndLieutt, L.J. Bland, jr, A. R. Cofcswell, C. E. McKenzio J. D. Story, C. A. Robson. Paym'r, C. A. Creighton Adj, Lancelot J. Uland.c^ Qr Afait,\. \V Brockley Burg, Arthur Moren Aut Surg. J. Kerguson Black, M. p. 2irD **^llAi:<ijrAX" Bbtoadb .Mfalifax. Lieut Col, O Major, John A. Boak Pn^, EdwavdJ.Urdly Adj, A. Mulvena, c. (2uorif<fa<,B. A.Tavlor Surg, A H Woodill, N.u A$at Surg, 3 Soiuers, m.d No 1 BaTTBRT. (Herring Cove.) Coot, D. Johnson 9fid jtMMt, T. Johnson Vo 2BATTPBT, (HeUi/aa.) Ca/rt, p. Stairs ,, J«/Z,f>ii<.,H. i'.Ohiy 2nd Lieut, p. R. Sircom ]»6 3 llATTMnTj (Auh- Onpt W. L. Brown, keklMitt, B; J. Uorham 3iM(X<«e#<|T. Davison SfO 4' BATTEBY, (Dartm TMUth^) lit tM, t. V. ibhnstdne ^nd lA, 11. If. Crelgiiton No ftBAwmtt, CPurtMt GfMKi.) CapL WmjA. PtsriBsll, m. 2fK/ lAeut, 0* A. Thomson No 6 BATonraiY, 6'<v<<, VV.JL Lookaw 1st Lieut, J. HIminelinan LT}!tBWfi%BO ^i¥ibBttt.' Cttpt, J. II. BroMrn 2nd /yt'eu^, B. Morasb Hahovb 3at baitt^kt, Cf»p*. Edwatd James \8t Lieut, 8. Bonrgoyne McPh«MHitfi>Mf Z/te«0, Ch«8 Aawrews Dioby Battbry. Cni>t, J. Da!y Ut Lieut, R. C. Podge 2mf/4MU,E. Biden PlOTOUlM^TTBBY OABBI- SOlf ASTILLBRY. Capt, Joseph A. Gordon 1s< Lieut, J. R. D^vies %nd Lteut, F. W. Fraser, LiTBRPdOL BATT'Y, O; a. Lieut, Saml. N. Fieeman Yarmouth Batt'y.O. A. Lieut, T. R. Jolly liBfiutiPar. aSRD "TakHALnrAX Vo- LUMTKBB BATfir OF . RiK^.|(8»" (Hatffwf.) Lt Col, if D.9lialntQsh Maiois, Wra Blo&erron, T.;. Watsh, C<wt». J. Blilsoni, T. JC'fcgBtt, W. nifflfop, J.'Forttine, II. Necbler, A.'w* iyWnDnisnMita LieuttfJ. HalliwaU, i. ^ Crane. 88 MacKHy Jno Meatther, I. T. Twining. H S. Silver W. G Jones. 2wiLt8, W..I. Butler, J. Bentnick, Jidin Stone, C. H. Tuppr. C. E. Davidson. P(ti Adi *aum, S. S. Kitdien dj, J. Mi- Maiinfioird, e. ria«» ' avtiakc^^une' tN-mk«a»- iMN) '•ekeftH^' '1»ta¥e< Miteikvs. For tato 1^ H. U' VULLSB A CO. [1882 l«n«nil. )OTlK. I. jr. n time to rKRY. Podge Iden V OABVI- KRY. . Qordon D«vie« ^ Frtner, r't, Gi A. Fieeman T'v.G. A. Hy l^tVAXVo- rfwoF Iidlntosh (oKerron, S'' J', f .' . ifriMMn r, g- Rutler, p. lUD. tdieH Inford, c. I 1882] ALMANACK. 215 QM/ir JW<f«<,J. O. Corbin Surg. W. M Cameron AtU Surg, D A Cf mpbell OCtr Bat'x. ** PMiiomito LOVtKk VuHfLIKRfl (//a/(/a«)." Z^'fKl Co/. J. J. BreMaer Affifiiri, C< J> MHcdonald John R Murray M«, U«ibt F. VVatt, m. iCdward H. ReeTCS, Mi- George W II art, Jtihn l)enc«, W. M. Huropbrer, C. £. PMtlner, A. F. Salter, B. A. Wefiton, Lieut$, W. E. Weet, A. B. Mitchell, Jiio Howard W. F. DeB. Bremner, R. H. Huinplirey J no. Menger R. W. Rutherford. Geo. Piers 2nd Lieuts, A.Mackinlay (!. H. Macklnlay A. M. K. Doull E. G. Kennv, A. W. Spike, G. L. StnirR. H. L. Chipmnn, J. A. Ureiniier. Paf^, Gen Mclioan, m. Adj, A. ¥.. Curreo, c. Quar.Muit, Neal Sura, W. B. Slay ter, m.i>. I ii. 0.,T.Trerainan,M.n 6Sth The Kihob Covntvx I BaT'N ok iN-rAKTBY, I > (Kentvllte.) \ Lt Col, L. DeV Chipman i Mnj&r$, Wm H. Befcher, I llenrv W. Lvdianl Ptmn, thiflea F. F^ton ; Ad^, ioy\« K. 9taw I Quar Mn$t, P M Brecken I Surff, Henric iShaw Ag»t Surg, F. W. Borden Vo 1 Co, (KtntviUe.) Capt, Brenton H. Dadge Z.tet^, Barclay NV abater 2nd Lt, Jno B Chipman No 2 Co, {Can^.) Capt, R W. BeirkirHb JAM, W. F. Harria No 8 GO, {KtUwiUe.) Capt, John Redden JAtut, Williain Roy 9iii<JUc«/, W.H.Linglay iro4 0o, (BtUtomn.) Capt, Rdward IMaadmafi Lieut, Harding Rockwell 2nd Lieut, Ward Eaton No Go, (BiUttmn.) Ofpt, Caleb R. Bill Lieut, K. W. RuMoe 9mlLi€nt, Rop«ri Bligh >ro0Co, (Ommifg.) Capt, C. E. Borden Lienf, KlijaU Borden M^f Go, (Ajlaif/brd.) Capt^ Tliomae R. Harris Litut. George F. Smith 2nd Lieut, Oeorgt Weat Mo $ Go, {AyUtford.) Capt, \Vu\R. L. Koeler Lieutt, Wallire Welton Flo) d £. Ross. No Co. Co/K, D> fi. RniB Litut, Cfaas. Cplman. Wtw '♦ifa' Rbot OF Awir A- poLis Co. Bat'n ok 1n- FAKTRY." {Paradise.) Af-Oi, W,E. Slanatt Mmara, DeLancy Harri« Jiihii Satmderii. P(Mi»,T. H.Millar A(H, O, MArshali Qu/(fifaa«,\VH Bishop ^WBiJ^Vli^ Priinroea Aut Bury, A)ex Alaxwell No 1 Go, (Pworf/w.) Cr>]D^, Leonard Elliott 2ml Lt, C. B. Cornwall No 2 Co, (Paradise.) CWpt;Edward Morse Lieut., G. W. Cbarlton 2nd Lieut, J. A. Morse No 3 Co, ( Orjnvi'lle.) Capt, David Wade Lieut, C. Willat 2ndLkut, C R. H. 8tmr,2tid JAtut, W. h. Wado VoiCo,(l*ml Lomi.) dipt, John Charlton Litut. Josettli H. Oavaa 2n(/l<, Osbeit Marfeball No SCO, {H«undHiU4y Capt, Cbarlaa Whitanaa i4e«<, W. B. Bailey 2nd Litut, J. Ritchie KoSCo, (VaUioMsie.) Capt, Joshua P. Hut kler Lieut, Joseph Buckler 2nd Lt, A Ion so Cleaves No 7 Co, {Star Rivtr.) Copt, Jas D. Michol Lieut, J. N. Kelly " No 8 Co, (Btar River.) Ctfpt. John W. Turnbull Lieut, Ubed Bitiller 2ndJAeut, Jno Woodman No 9 Go, ( Cttmentt/port.) Car', Wallace Harris Lkut,J. W. Harriav 2itd Lieut, W. Harria 72»»on 2nd AHMAvoftta Bat^K, {Wilmot.) Lieut Col, n. U. Parker Major, Shippy Spuir Paym, HenrH'' B. olag^a Adj, C. H. $hafher, e. Qaar Moat, M. Chipman Srtrg, J . WoQdbury i4s<jSu/'^,SaiAI.N.Kfl]ltr No 1 Go, (Afefoem Square) Copt, Chiirl(ts Jacqiu-8 Li^t, Ambrose Podge 2wi Lieut, iohtt, Hawkins No 2 Go, {Port dcott^e.) Capt, George Roach Litut, Beriah Baker No 3 Co, {Margarctville) Capt, John G. Bowlby Lieut, I^vi Gates No 4 Co, {Middieton.) Capt, Obad'h M. TaHor Lieui, J. Slocnm Parker find liuit,^ Guilford Morae i! I I I I i \ aB<l Ser«MMaic *t r* WAUMTftv-Sce ««▼. *••« tl. Enqniiittt loir Pvkies Vill redeye mwtf attention. 1 1 216 belcher's Farmer's [1862 No 5 Co, (Farmingtan.) Capt, II. M. Pbinndjr ImmC, J. L.Phinney JifoQCo,(Nktaux.) Capt, Jofhn M. Morse, ii«Mi<. Albert GMt«8 2n(;Z><, Hmnttiodd Foster 75th ^'LuirwfBUBO" Bat. OF Ikfahtry, (SV^toii £tW. CM. a E. Kaal- (Mch, Payrn, ^teplifln Fink Quar Mat>, C. Burns Sur<7,'Chairles Aflcens .<lu( ^tif jTi J* dt Jacobs ko 1 Co, [tMunbwg] Capt, James W, JCih* 2nd Lt'etrf, W. Rotnkey No 2 Co, [£Mtten^fg[] Capt, Tliomaa Curl! Liettt, A. Smith 2nd Lievt, C. Daaphihe No 3 Co, [Lunenburg] Cnpt, Gto A. Rof>s Lieut, G«N> A; Parker 2nd Lt, J. W. Young:. ^7o 4 Co, infakone Bay} Cnpt^Jakn ^. Ham Lieut, Alex .{Lody 9iu/ Z><, H. gtanlay Lane ^p5Co, tiAforlfiM At«er] Capt, Jacob Langillo £»>«f, Etkai^ali Kedy 2nd Lt, John Ezra Ernst No 6 Co, [New RokJ Capt, G. IJ. WindDw Lieui, Tbomas Hatchers 78th "COLOHJCSTSn AHV HANTB AifD PiCTOU" Battalion of Hiqh- I.ANDBRS, [ZVuro] Lieut Col, W. M. Blair Major, G. H. Suthei>land Payw G- H. Koss Adj, G. A. Lavton. QiuwMm, Gii. Johnson, Surg, AlsK C. Paga ^•rt 5t<r9, D. M'Lekn - NolCO, [ZViMw] Capt, II. T. I»«wrenea Limtj £. A, Ooafc toil A S. 0. ChaiklMi^ No2 0o, [OMtowj C<v*<, OMitpce Pa«ne i/j«u<, P«ter Hall 2n«r Z.^, Tiioa; McKay. Nq 4 Co, iattubenaeatHe] Capt, I^iio L' fiacnhill Lieut, JohipEv Fitch 2iudlt, t. ^. Holdsworik VQSOQilWmdsor} Capt, Joaeph BnrKesa Lieui, JoMiua B« DiiMth 2ik7 'Li, C. H. DimOck, £r<m/Sitr^i9id« W Vniaer, No 6 CO, iMUf ir0o»] Co/)^ Ro<lk '4'Kensio Lie*U, J. S. ontherlHnd 2nd UeutyW. y.WXMy No 7 Co, [JMbmK thoim"] C<ipt, Wm autherlT.d />!«((<. Wm Maxwell ind LietU, Jiimea Fraser * No 8 Co, [Ifiw Lairg} Capt. Angus M'Leod Lieut, U. Sutherland 2nd Lt, Thongs McLeod PROVISIONAli BATTA- LIOJ^B OF iNFANXBYi CCMBlSliLAVI) fAotii^Ah B*.T'N OF IlfVANtaT, N. S. [Amktkt] Major, M. B. Harriflott Adjt, J. A. mack, e. Papm. G. E. Cliurch Quar M<u,W. MotTaft iSuri^,, \V. D; MaekeAsie. No 1 Co, [Amherst] Capt. ft. c. Allen Litfd^ Martin Bhkik 2ncIi.te«K, Howard Black No 2; Co, [River Philip] Crtpt, R. L. Black Lieut, Wm 0' Philipa JasCBIaA indlAuti^ & B.]>onkia NOS Co,r Maecon owd JUtxr C«7i<, J. Harrison />»efi<, B. Christie 2nd Lieut, H Ho«g. No4 OOi [JfocccM ilibiMU.] Capt, H C. Mills Lieut, i. Lodge 9ii</£{ea<H.SliIt8 No 5 Co, [Oetford.] CapUVt OxlOy JJeut, A. Oolbum Ssfid Z4eut, J. Pace ' yiOT(«lA PSOtlS^IOWAI. Bat. Inf. "AttoYLi. HaOHLAllDBUa" Major, W, Binfchaoi, ?. c. Pf'tm, A. Bourinot AdJ, H. A Foyle Quar Mas, j. McDonald Swff, A. D. McGiltivra}', M.D. ■ ta:! Aii No 1 Oo, tBei«(fee»] Cff/X, H. Cain Lieut, 'Dnnald MoRae 2}K;i<,H.H.HaliburtQD NO20O, [Middle Piviir} Capt, Charles Mcllae Lieut, John Caoipbell, 2fid Lieut, D. UcQuarrie No 3 Co, [ Qrtmd Narrow*] Capt,30hn S. McNiel Lieut, H. McNlel 2nd Lieut, John McNeil No 4 CO, [Baddeck] Cnpl, D. F. McRae Litut, C. S. Cameron No 9 Go, [Sydney, C. B. C(^ Cbaa W. Hilt lAt^t, Ubgh MoLeod aMiJLiMf, £. J. MoUoy msm Ax«a, HfcWmiMM WMtkal^ Uitlll»« H« B. FITLftMt ft' CO., head of Power's Whaif. 1882] ALMilNAOJC 217 COBPOBATION-CitT OF HALIFAX. Mtvipty G«orge Fnuer, Esq. Aldermen and Juatioea of the Peace for the CitT- Ward No 1, JatiMS C. Mackintosh, Robt. Sedgewick. Wm. F. MacCoy. 21, Alex G. Hesslein, Thomas Spelman, Thos Trenaman, m.d. 3, Thomas P. ConQoUj, Robert Motton, B. A. Smith. 4, F. O'Connor, George McLelian, P. J. O'MuUin. 6, James R. Graham, Lawrence Houlett^ William Woodill. 6, Douglas H. Story, William Nisbet, David MoPherson. Recorder, J. Norman Ritchie, Q.c. Treamtrer, Edward G. W. Greenwood. Avditor, John A. Bell. ' City CiferJb.'niomasRhind. Aanstant Clerka, Henry Tcenaman, William J. Nisbet. City Inspector of AMtessment, John L. Barry. City Medical Cfj^cer, Arthur Moren, m.d. Cl^k of Licefwe, William J. Morris. Board qf Health, Mayor and Aldermen. Thomas Rhind. Weighert of Fiour. W. B. Cofswell, {8vpervi$or), John Arthur, James Meacher, Kobt WoodiUj Rch'd D^Arcy, John F. Shaffer, Jos B Scrirens. Measurera <f Salt and Grain— Jotin Adams, (Supermor), Ambrose Keating, William BIyth, James Mitchell, William Hood, James McDaniel, D. J. Smitb. MeasHren «f CW— David Barry, {Bvpervitor), Frederick Clark, Patrick Fahie, William Smith, William Skerry, William Craig, William Bilby, Owen Donahoe, Thomas Isles. John Meagher. ^Swn;eyor«^X.«m6er— William Holland, William P. Crockett, Michael Walsh. ttupectortof Paintert^ TTorit^— Maurice Dowaie, Thomas J. Walsh. J. £. M. Taylor. Intpectors ofMaaon IVbrib— John T. Edwards, Henry A. Wright Governor Citu Priton, William Murray; Matron, Mrs. Wm/ Bfurmy ; Mettenger, Jonn MuUdownev; Under-keqtere, Michael Gleason, Michael Lynan, D. E. Keating. Wtighert of Ha/y, John Forrest, John Danphiney, M. Keating, T. Doyle, Matthew Morrison. Keeper of (Temeterv, James Button. Keeper of City Burning, Patrick Kehoe. Fe»toe PtetMra— William Hurley, Wm. B. Long. Oommittees of Gity Counoil. PuiNciiooovnfs— Aldermen Mackintosh, (Chairman), Motton, Trenaman, O'Connor, Houlett and Storv. Cem«<ery^Aldermen Nisbet ( CAotrman), McLelian, Graham, Hesslein, Motton and Mackintosh. C^y Pri». — Alaermec Trenaman, ( C%atniMm),0'Connor, Woodill, Story, Sedgewick and Smith. Lowe and Privilege -Aldermen Motton, ( Chaimum), MacCoy, Trenaman, BfcLellan, Houlett and Nisbet. iSanttory—Aldermen Story ( Chairman), Sedgewick, Hesslein, Smitb, McLelian and Houlett. 7tWer<— Aldermen Conno11y( CAairman) Mcintosh, Spelman, O'Connor, Woodill and McPherson. Hachtand Trucks —AldertMn Spelman ( Chairman), Sedgewick, Connolly, O'Mullin, Graham and McPherson. JSaISs and TdKEes— Aldermen Hesslein, {Chairman), BfacCoy, Smith, O'Mullin, Houlett and McPherson. " ' ■V Of a«v«rter ««aUiy» m% r. WAMM'ft cni' HaHlware itore. 10 Griffln^M Piimje and m^nlrle BeHned Htytkes, I' If* ii ■ \:i r)| s n 218 BELOqSlR's farmer's [1882 Ztren.fe«— AMermeB Story (Chairman), HaeCoy, Spelman, Woodill, Smith and O'MnUin. (HI Lamp$—AldetfMn WoodUl (Chairman J, Mackintosh, Spelman, b^mith, O'MuUin and Nisbet. Ward No 1/Edwd Gorham, Joseph S- Beloherand George Rent. 2, Brooks Chipmi^n, David Kint' and Daniel Bird. 3, J. Murphy, Tffds. O. Allan, W. H. Neal. 4, R. Tbeakstou, Arthur Monaghan and Edward Crenne. 6, (lj*<ft«ric#)— Jas MoCaffer}', Wm Conrod and W. G.Wiswell. {9iiiddiatrict}—Vl.3. Harris, Jas Monaghan and Jas Crawford. 6, W. J. Yietb, Daniel SnlUvanand .lobn P. Longard- , ^oard of Oommiaaioiiers of City Works. For the Management of the Water Wwi*. Streets, internal Health, and City Property — Aldermen Mackintosh, Spelman, Con»» -lly, O'Connor, Graham, MePner8on('C%/?*rfniait). Engineer, ]C. R; Keaung; Foreman of WorJu, John P. Muif ; Clerk of Work$, J. B. Johnston. Board of Oommiasioziers for Point Pleasant Park. SirWm Yoang; Hon. Judge Ritchie, Wm J. Stairs. John DouH, His Worship the Mayor, Aldetmen Hesslein, O'Connor, ii«:dgewick, Smith, Woodill and Nisbet. Commisaioners of Haliflaz Common and Public Qarden»- Aldermen MacCoy, Trenaman, Motton, McLellan, Graham and Nisbei CChah^man)', Messrs. John Melnnes^ Peter Hogaa, William Taylor and M. Jf. Power ( Fice-C7tain»a«). Poliee Court. Stipendiary Magistrate, Henry Pryor, D.c.ii. Police Lommittee — Aidermen Motton, (Chairman), Trenaman, MacCoy, McLellan, Story and Graham. Marshal, or High Constable, Garret Cotter. Deputy Marshal, Jas Mc- Donald. vl«jt. i>e/'M<!y, John O' Sullivan. Pdice Sergeants, licwis Hntt (Detective), Joseph Franeis, Nich Meagher,, Nicholas Pawer, Bartholomew Dillon, Charles Niokcrson, Wm Adams. Policemen, David Redmond, Lewis Hefler, G. I!i axton, .lohn Baker. John Keefe, Thos Kline^ Thos Condon, Reuben Shavr, John Whalen, Matthew Sullivan, John Meagher, Wm Brewitt, Joseph McNalley, Maurice Connolly^j Caleb Nickei*8on, James Nickerson, Henry Ingles, John J. Nickerson, Gabriel Edmonds, Michael Keating, George Wilson, Allen McDonald, William Collins, Chas Robson, J. T. McAlpiud, Jas Brady, Angus' Eraser, Danl Mackintosh. The City Civil Coiirt, firesided Over by the Stipendiary Magistrate, (having jurisdictioYi of sums up to $80), is held in uie City Court House, Market Square, on the second and fourth Wednesdav of every month. ■ ' The City. Criminal Court meets on the frst and third Wednesday of each montb, and is also presided over by the Stipendiary Magistrate, havings jurisdiction in all statutable ofiiences, except treason, hoimcide, burglary and arson. Clerk of the above Courts, the Cily Clerk or Assistant Clerk.- The Police Office is opan every week day, f'oni 10 to 3 o'clock, (except on Saturday, when it closes at 1 p.m.) The administration of Police and a>f executive powers of the corporation is vested in the Stipendiary Magistrate. Citizeaa' Free I«ibi>i^7. toung, Kt., late Ci;ief J Open fl'oni 12 to 6 P.M., Saturday from 6.; (The gift of trbn Sir Wm Young, K:t.j late Ci;ief Justice of Nova Scotia.)' •le Hall, Argyle Street. ' ~ - - to 8 30 P.M fAbi'pry— Aldermen Connolly ( Chairman), Sedge^ick, Heal lein, d'Mullin, Houlett and McPherson. m < fc4iS a A larse Stock of v^fv |»«a| liw^itY W«ii<« "^tirK ciui. Im r««ii4. At II. H. FULLER ft CO.'S, head of Power's WbArf. t lew* [1882 In, Woodill, h Spelnian, lent. Jren^e. G.Wiswell. [as Crawford, rsrd- Health, and I O'Connor, foreman of »rk. » DoaH, His "ck, Smith, ardeQs-. and Nisbel Taylor and m, MacCoy, >a/, Jas Mc- ;h Meagher,, AdnmH. Baker, John n, Matthew ;eConnoIJy^j Nickerson, McDonald, igup Fraser, Magistrate, )urt House, lonth.- day of each tte, havingi I, burglary It Clerk.. ck, (except lice and art liagistrate. m H 91 tr« Scotia.)' from 6.30 I 1882] ALMANACK. 219 FIRE DEPARTMENT. Chatmum, John Ead ; Beerttary, R. L. SutlifTe. Fire Wakds.— No. I, James Finlay, Kichard Abbott, Patk Gough. 2, Simon Cammings, John Roue, G. J. Fluck. 8, Thomas Spellman, James Brophy. R. L. Sutliffb. 4, Aid. O'Connor, James Hickev, Thomas Spike. 5, Thomas E. Everett, John Ean, John DeGrnuchey. 6, J. B. LongarJ, J. E. M. Taylor, Chaa Neal. Com. of Finance and Audit-^A.\d. O'Connor, Thomas Eveirett, J. P. Longard. CWmmiffM of Management at /Vrea.— Jas. Finlay, Thos. Doyle, llios. Spelman, Jas. Hkkey, John Ead, J. E. M. Taylor. Committee in charge of Engivea^ JZeeb, ^. — No 1 Steam Engine, John Roue, and R. L. SutliflFe; No i Steam Engine, J DeGronchy, and T. Evterftt ; Na 3 Steam Engine, ii. Abbott and Aid. O'Connor ; No 6 Hand Engine, Charles Nbal: No 6 Hand Ennne, Thomas Dovkii, J. Brophy; No 1 Hose Reel, G. J. Fluek; No 2 Hose Reel, Thos. D. Smke; No 4 Hose Keel, Chas Neal; No 6 Hose Reel, T. Doyle, J. Brophy; No 7 Hose Reel, B. Abbot. Committee in Charge of Plugt. Tanki — Ward 1, James Finlay; Ward 2, Thos. Doyle; Ward 3, Thos. Spellman; Ward 4. Thos. 1). Spike; Ward 5, J. DeGrouchy ; Ward 6, Chaa Neal. In charge (of Sook LtuUere, J. P. Locgard, John Boue. Volunteer Xaxine Oompany. Copt, R. Shepherd. Sec'v, Thos. Whales. Fm Setl'jf, Thos Brophy. 7V«a«, M. J. Griffin. Marehal, John Walsh. Union Axe Company* Id Lieut, Wm Zong. Sefy, Walter Graham. Treat, C(wt, T. Hurley. Wm fracey. TOWN OF DARTMOUTH. Warden.— John Y. Payzant. CouMCiLLORa.— FTa^ 1. B. A. Weston, Dr. A. C. CogSHrell; Ward 2, Henry Watt, John A. Markle; Ward 8, Benj RusseU, J. U. P. Fracee. btanding Oommitteea* Streets.— Councillors Watt, Weston, Russell. PxjBuc PRorERTY.— Councillors Watt, Weston, BusmU. FCMAMCB.- Councillors Weston, Markle, Frazee. AuDrriMO.— Councillors Weston, Markle, Frazee. TEMDERa— Councillors Werton, Markle, FraseS. Schools.— Counelllors Rur.«ll, Frazee, Walt. LiOBMass — tionneillors Cotrswell, Watt, Frazee. Police.— The Warden, The Recorder, Councillors Russell, Markle, CogRwell. OvKR8BBi:fl ov Poor.— Councillors Markle, Watt, Cogswell. Stiprnuiary Magistrate akd Recorder.— Jas G. I'oster, J. P Town Clerk and '^^kasVuer and Clerk of License.— Allred Elliott. Town AssKSBOR.—Jamos K. Ormon. Assessors.— VFafd 1, Alex. Llcy; Ward 2, E.M. Walker; FTardS, Frank Hyde. FiuK Warto.— Councillor Watt, W E. Whebby, J. T. Walker. Ff UR CoNSTABf^s.- Jas £!. Lawlor, W. H. Isnor, John S. Elliott, George Pawley, T. Waugh. Health Wardens and HEALTHOFncBBS.— N.F.Cunningham, ii.d., R. N. Leahan, J. McLellan. At r. VfAiMtFfkt Cltr BartivMe •llT. P«C« *!• ! [ I i"9> ''Hi iS'L . _ Hayingr Tools of OTery description at lowest prices, U \i'- \'Am 1; I'' I* ?' 220 BELCHERS FARMER S [1882 CORPOEITION-TOWN OF TUUBO. Mayoh.— C. B. Archibald, Esq. Councillors.— H^ard 1, Ricbard Craig, George A. Tjayton; Ward 2. Cyrus Eaton, Dr. C Bent ; Ward 3, Jas W. Johnson, T. G. McMuilan. Recordkr AND Stipendiary Maoistratb.— F. A. Laurence. Town Clerk and Treasitrer.— Silaa R. Tupper. Fire Wards.— JTarrf 1, John F Crowe. D. T. Hanson; Ward 2, W. H. Tremaine, Gardiner Clish; Ward 3, D. J. Thomas, Allan Loughead. Hralth Wardrns and Insi'ectors. — Ward 1, W, B. Alley, William Sutherland^ Ward 2, Jas A. Hamilton, Dr. W. S. Muir; Ward 3, Edmund Sullivan, James McLean. Town Assessor. > James A. Hamilton. Ward Assrsbors. — Wardl^ J. L.Sutherland; TTortf 2, James Birrell ; Ward 3, Graham Murray. FiKE Constables. — O. C Cummings, A. H. Smith, William Fl. Reck, Jas H. Croacup, J. F. Faulknei, George Gunn, Duncan McDonald, James Longhead, Geoi^e Christie, Jas N. Page, Hector Bruce, Ross Archibald. SurEKINTENDEMT OF STREETS. — GtiOI^ Yuill. E iiNEEK OF Water-works, Alex. L. Archibald. Committees. Public Accounts and Finance.— Councillors Eaton, Bent, Layton. Tenders.- Councillors McMullan, Craig, Bent. Schools. — Councillors Bent, Johnson, Layton. Lic;enses.— Councillors Layton, McMullan, Craig. Roads, Streets and Public Pbopkrty.— Councillors Johnson, Eaton, LavtoB. Police.— The Mayor, Recorder, Conocillors Craig, Johnson, Rent. Water Works.— Councillors Layton, Eaton, McMullan, The Mayor. COBPOEATION-TOWN OF PICTOU. Majl'OK — John D. McLeod, q.c. Councillors — Ward 1, C. Dwver, W. J. Lorrain; Ward 3, Robert Campbell, James J. Faulin; WaraZ^ Frederick W. Fraser^ Malcoin Mor- rison. Town Clerk, Trbasvjrkr and (7lrrk of License.— G. H. Elliott. Stipendiary MAoia7.'RATE.— Daniel Hockin. MUNICIPAUTT OF WINDSOR. Warden. — Edwd W. IMmock. Councillors. — Ward 1, A. P. Shand, Dr Allan Haiey: Wa^'d 9. Chas Wilcox, John W. Webb; WardZ, William Curry, Sbubael Dimock. Stipendiauy Maoistkatk.— W. M. Christie. Town Clkkk. — Frederick Dimook. MUNICIPALKTT OF N£W GLASGOW. Wardkn — James D. McGregor. Councillors — Wardl, Joseph C, Grabam, Peter Campbell : Waied%, George A. Douglas, J. C. Ueid; Wardi, David S. Eraser, Jnhn Cummings Recorder and Stipendiary Magistuatjs— John McKay J. P. Town Clerk, Tbeasukkr and Clerk of License. -r-A. M. Fruser, J.P. Municipal Coust — Jet-mc: Fir^t and Tbird Tuesday of each mliith. Recorder and Stlpendar}', John McKay, J.P.; Clerk of Court. A. M. Fraseir. H W > M u f M I H s C\ P\ c\ o E.T. O B.N A Paftt Maui Ltetii H 2ltft ton;' Clarl of^ I EnfC CftTI 1 Col B.l H. Ind H. Mo Ufl A. Pe W G P n c 1 I r!iMlU fkiw«, MUl tew riles« «c« ft I- ' n; Ward 2. cMuIJan. ice. Ward 2, W. mghead. ey, William »nie>BiiTeJI; * I "> H. Beck, I M nald, James rchibald. i Laj'ton. I^l ^ «on, Eaton, Bent. Mayor. ,2. Kobert 'coin Mor- Elliott n *. % Cbag nmings 'er,jr.p. ni6tith. Vniavr. ts At If. H. FULLEtC ft CO.% h«ad of Power's Wharf. 1882] ALMANACK. 221 STAFF OF THE ARMY IN NOTA SCOTIA. Commander H. M. Farces, His Excellency Geaeral Sir Patrick L. MncDougall, k.o.m.«. A/ist Mil Sec, Lt-Col. FiteRoy-Wm. Freemaiitle, Coldstteam Gaardn. Aides-de-Camp, Capt C. Barker, R. E. ; Lt P. T. Miles, 18 Hussarti. Brifjade Major, Major'John Bongiicy, 62nd Foot. Town Major, Major R. Nat^le, h p, late Royal Canadian Rifles. Garrimn Instructor, Cnpt F. C. Mllner, Rl. Irish Regt. QffUxr C«mv«ndin(f Rot/al Jrtili«nf, Col A. W. Drayson. Commanding Roifal Engineers, Col C. S. Akers. District Commismry Generalt Asst Comm Gen F. Short Commissary Genera/, (Ordiiance) Asst Comm Gen R. NichoUs. Prin Medical Officer, Dep'y Surgeon Genl J. S. Furlong, m.d. Chaplains, Rev A. J. Townend, a.A., and Rev. R. Morrison, M.A. CoMMrasARiAT AND Travsport Staff — A^St Commissary Genl, E. T. Christie ; Deputy Asst. Commissary General, A. W. Collard. Ordnance Storii Department.— ifi'cn/or Ordnance Store Officer, R. Nicholls ; Dy, Asst. Csm. Genl, J. L. Wheeler. Army Pat Department. — Stqff" Paymaster, Maj«r J. R. GooM ; Paymaster, M. C. Gahan. Medical Department. — Surgeon Majors, H. C. Herbert, m.d., S. Maunsell, W. S. Oliver, m.d., G. B. Sanders; Surgeon, G. D. Bourke; Lieui ofOrd, G. Towers, A. H. Corps. Royal Artillbrt — (17th and 18th Batteries 9th Brigade, No. 2 Battery lOth Brierade)— Co/, A. W. Drayson ; Bt. Lt.-Col 5. Haagh- ton; Sfajors, W. J. Tatham, A.E.England; Capts, J. WaW, G. J. Plaiyfair, F. M. Bannister; Lieuts, J. O. Hodgson, J. de W. Lardner- Clarkc, W. J. Oliver, D. G. Prinsep ; Major J. Norton Taylor, Inspr. of Warlike Stores. Roy At. ENoiNEBR8~(l8t Com.) Col C. S. Akers, Commdg Royal Engineers; Major, F. B. Maingny; Capt. IL K, JeU ; Lieuts, C. C. Carter, A. E. Wrottesley, L. C. Jackson, H. E. Tyler. T. B. Shai^r. Isc Battalion Princess of Wales's Own (Yorkshire Regiment.) — Lt. (7o/. C. Hereford, Coradg ; J/oiws, A. M Handlev; W. Bennett, T. B. Emmerson, J. Jameison ; Capls , W. G. W. McClintock, Depot ; H. J. Oharrington, J. 0. C. Moller, J. H. Eden, R. Phayre.^taff in India; F. B. Brigge; Lieuts, C. J. Spottiswoode, /futr. of Mim^ri/. H. Bowies, Depot, G. H. F. Mathison, J. A. Fearou, Adjt., C. S. Molonv^ J. Davics,'G. C. S. Handcack, W. A. Cha&ncy, A. de $. Hadow, A. G. Cartwright, J. X. Coteswortli, E. C. ^. SI. Kennedy, A. K. S. Scarle, M. H. Orr, H. O. D. Hickman, M. L; Ferrnr, O. Pearson, W. L. Mercer, A. T. H. Nennham; PaymaaUr, VL F. G. Webster; Qfr. Mr., J. Hedingham. Scarlet. — facinin grass greeu. 1st Battalion Royal Munster Fasiliers — Lt'Col,.M' Hall, Coilimdg; Majors, W. H. Abbott, A. C. Maurice, W. G. Norcott, H. S. G. Miles, Garr. Instr., Aldershbt ; J. H. Barnard, C. M. G., Staff in India ; Capts, D. G. Johnston, Depot ; H. Hare, G. Allen, J. G. Cook, E. P.Browne, F. H. England, G. H. Lane ; Lieuts., E. S. Evans, P. S. Draitt, Adit., H. H. Spitta, F. H. Penny, Instr. of Musketry, W. J. J. Kirkpatrick, C. A. K. Hall, Depot; H. E. Belfield, G. B. Walker, G. 0. N. Bryan, G. N. Monro, S. T. Banning, P. 8. ftaoleai Prob. India Slaff Corps ; R. E. Whitehead,, W. F. G. Ourtler, H. T. Keiiny, G. H. "torner ; Paym, Capt. H. C. Dawaon, Army Pay Dej^i Qr. Mr., T. Boynton. Scarlet— facings blue. *•*» *^ .iNi ifii At 1^ WAJUMIra* Cllf ■•»! wur* SI*TCi, ^S99t*^f^ i 1 I PalrbankB' and Howe's Covntcr and Platform 8oalea» It 222 BBLOHBRS FARMER 8 [1882 THE KAYT. i Comtnaitder-i»-€!kitf.<jf the North American and Wtit India Station, His Excellency Vice Admiral Sir Francis Leopold McClintock, Kt., f.r.b. Flag lAeuttnant, Edward B. Tan Kougbnet. Stcrtiary, Qaorge 0. Marcon. H. M. Nftvsl T«rd, Halifax. Npnai and VtctuaVing Btoreke^ptr and Aceo/vmtant, A. Yinnl ; Chi^ Admiralty C/erJb, Charles Stubbing; Enoineerofthe Ynrd^ Vf. A. Harvey; Fortman of ShipwrigkU C Acting), J. Gibson; Boattwain of the Yard, Thos C. Lidbury; Foreman of Works, A. H. W. Goold. H. M. Shipa on the North Amerioa and Weat India Station. The Tonnage and JBoree Power given are the weight in Tone and the Indicated Horee Pomer of the Engine*. Contest, 4. 8. Comporite Gunboat. 465 tons. 510 H. P. lieut and Com, Fredk A. Moysey : 8%ib-LieM$, Henry B.Wroughton, Percy J. Elliott; 8urg, Ralph W. Brereton; Aait. Paym. in chaise, John P. McP. King. Dido, 12 8. Corvette. 1180 tons. 2420 H. P. Cnpt, Compton E. Domville; JJeute, Fredk Maitland, Henry A. OglOt John A. Ashworth; Nov. Lieut, Chaa. Hevward ; Chap <tnd IVav Inet. Rer. Alex Nicolls, b.a. ; Staff Surg, Thos H. Atkinson^ Pagm, Clarence Ajlen. Datvu), 14. 8. CorvetU. 1860 tons- 2270 H. P. Captain, Wm. R. Ken e^; Lieute, George F. King Hall, Wm. H. Somerset, Charles A. F. Waters; Nav Lieut, William J. N. Baird; Chtqt and Ncm In$L Keir David Nevin, b.a.; Staff Surgeon, Bradley Gregory; Pagm. James H. Wwlis. Famtomb, 4. 8* Con^peeite Gun Slixp, 940 tons. 070 H. P. Com- mander, Wollaston C> Karuake; Lieute, Iloaston Stewart, William Ainger, Sidney Hughes; Skiff Surg^ Edward T. Uoyd; Poym, Cecil P. Walker FiRBBRAMO,, 4. 8. Componte Gm-BoaU 456 tons. 460 H. P. LieM and OoMf Jas J. L. Sisaon ; Sub-Ideut, Wm. H. F. Taylor, John Martin ; Swg, Fredk A. Trevan; Aett Paym in charge, Charles Roxworthy. FiAMiNoo, 3> 8. Compotite Gun Vessel. 780 tons. 750 H. P. Com- mander, Reginald N. Castance; lAeuts, Arthur H. Loring, Henry J. Keane, T. P. Walker; Surgeon, Jno Hunter, m.b.; Paym. F. K. G. Wright. FoBHamtt, 4. 8. CmposUe Gun-Boat. 455 Tons. 480 H. P. Lieut. and Com, — — — ; 8ub-Lieuts, Charles A. BttcklMid, Hugh B. Barton; Surg, James A. Vas^y; Asst. Paym. in charge, Rnssell Osborne. Gbiffom, 8. 8. Composite Gun Vessel. 780 tons. 790 H. P. Cont- mandp', John Ingles; X>teu<«^H&rry D. Law, Fredk G- McKinstry, Charles B. BC^diMiald; St^Surg.W. Galloway, m.d.; Ptu/m, Jno W. Seccombe. KoR'TRAMFTON, 12. thuible S. Iron Armour-pCatm Ship. 7320 tons. 6070 H. P. Coplajn, Edmund C Drummond; Commander, William H. Fawkes; Ziflttte, Edmund 8. Poe, Daniel McN. Ridde), Henr}' Leah, Charles H. 8. Prehrman, George Le O. Egerton, Jas P. Montgomery; Staff Com, James Cole; Capt Mar Art, Samuel H. B. Northcote; lAtut Mar^ Henry C Ea^es; Chap, Beni. C. Pidcock; Fleet Surg, Adam B. Messer, m d.; Paym, Richard K. A. Richards. PHOunx. 6. Oomposite 8. Sloop. 1130 tons. 1130 H. P. Com, Hubert H. Qrenfell; Lieuts, Edward N. Price, Thos W. Woodhead, Edwd J. Hill; Staff Surg, Alex B. Trousdell, m.d; Paym, James Cox. Tenedos, 12. 5. Corvette. 1760 tons. 2030 H. P. Captain, Clias. G. Fane; Lieuts, Eustace Rooke, Charles A. Forlong Charles B. P. Hnme, Tkoqiras J. Oswell; /iTav Lieut, Charles H. S. Dougia^; Chan and Nav Itut, Rev. John If. Clairkson, M.A.; Staff Surg, John Shields; Paym, Matthew B. Grandy. Ubobnt, 8. 2801 tons. Ce^, Wm. S. Brown ; Com, Orford Churchill : Lieuts, HelsoB Bjing, Wm. F. Cariiake; Nav Lieut, Edmund Nsnkivell; Lieut JWf Chaa D. Fowler; Chaplain, Rev. Isaac D. Lewis, b.a.; Stttff Surg, Wm. D. liMMc; Paym, Algernon Yockney. M i CO n I 3 la IM fawid Im a InMMUMa ■iur4wMr« SUwa* ■■IVAMi^k^a^ llt». Station, pnl; Chief >■' Harvev ; "^ard, Thos IStotion. ImJieated , ^eut and J. £»ioit; King. >mpton £. iabwortb; oils, B.A. ; Wm. R. riea A. F. P. Com- nAinger, alJEer. P. Zte« I Martin; P. 0»»» fenrjr j. Wright. • Liemt *ugh B borne. •. CW. Charles «combe. 20 tons, liam H. ' Leah, fomery; ; Ueut dam B. Com, FAwd '•as. G. Hume, «»/«*<, attliew rchilit civell; ; Staf I' tt n i 8 I a I I la rariety, ftt H. H. FULLER ft CO.'S. 1882] ALMANAGK. 223 Wa Stairs, Son & Uoirow, MERCHANT AND IMPORTERS OF Cordage, Canvas, Chain Cables, Anchors, AND SHIP CHANDLERY, Bar and Bolt Iron, Copper Bars, Muntz Metal Bars, and Sheathings, Nets, Lines, Twines, and Fishing Implements, WHITE LEAD, PAINTS I LINSEED OIL George Street and Bedford Row, HALIFAX, N. 8. DARTMOUTH ROPE WORK GO. POST OFFICE ADDRESS : D. R. W. CO., HALIFAX, N. S. j li MANUFACTURERS OF Uaaagm, M F. lUm, ANB BEO&SE lim. 1 ft 1 1 ij BBO' At r. 1VAUH*B, Cttjr Hardware Store— 8ee aav. pac« M. ArtIIr, Bellowsy and Sinltlit' Tool«» for sale Iow» 1 * 224 BELCHERS FARMERS [1882 THE CHEAPEST DRY GOODS HOUSE, Cornex^ of Jacob Street, McMURRAY^cCO.'S Dry Goods i Millinery Stores. A full Assort'crent of ^Irst-CIass Fashionable Goods ill the following departments : mmmmimmmmamm Dress Goods, Black ftCol'dSUks, Velvets and Satins, Mourning Goods, Rainproof Grapes, SPECIALTIES: Mantle*, Costa 'tee, Conets and Underwear. Mintle Cloths, j'kter Coatings, Canadian & Scotch Tweeds & Suitings, Flannels & Serges. THE CHIftPST 8RY fiOOOt HOUSE, 273-BARRINaTON STREET-375 Laces & Ribbons, Gloves & Hosiery, Trimmings, Fancy Goods, Novelties. Wllinery and Straw Goods, Flowvi-^, Featken, ■itiinwa' Goanterpanes, TrimmiugH, Patterns, Hats, Ae., Ae. Blankets, Qniits, Sheetings, HoiBehold Linen, Cottcms, &c., &G. CENTS' FTTRlTZSHtlT^ dOOBS. Orders Solicited and proiuptlv Attended to. AGENTS FOR THE BAZAB PAHERIIS. THE CHEAPEST DUY GOODS STORE, > o H o & R B m o HP o Advert Attorn Acadia ' Army ' Audito Bavris Baptie Bible I Book ; Biitisl I Gov : Let- Baulks Giii>e Chfttr Chris Caleii Chen Coun ; Cour Cler Cler 1 M M "a o I Co. Col I Coi Co ' Co Co Cu Di Dt Dt Di Goods pmrekmeil on Cke 7«ry beat frmm ami soMMrt Ike Ummt rntc«. ow. By H. H. FULLER & CO., head of Power's Wliorf. [1882 res. ods Scotch Dtitings, Jerges. K iiigs, inen, ss. o 9 RE, •tnites. o o o 9 e M w o hi •0 Si iisriDE^:. Page AdTertlfleme ntfl 2-30, 32, 48, 52, 53, 79, 80,223-262 Attornies and Ban'iriter.x 84 Acadia College, WoltVille. 173 Aluinni 173 Army 221 Auditors Office 113 Barristers and Attcrnies 84 Society 89 Baptist Convention N. S. and N. B. 173 Bible Society : 201 Book and Tract Society 201 British Columbia, Province of: Lt. fiovernor, Executive Council and Le^iHlntive Ats^embly 44 Banks— Halifax Banking Co 188 Bank of Nova Scotia 188 British North America 188 Union Bank of Hall tax 188 Merchants' Bank 188 People's Bank of Halifax. . . 189 Bank of Yarmouth 189 Corn Bank of Windsor 189 Exchange Bank of Yarin'uthl89 or Pictou 189 Of Montreal 189 Dominion Savings' Bank 113,189 Ciipe Breton Railway 131 Chamber of Commerce, Halifax , , . , 193 Christian Association 201 Calendar Pages . .■. ..M-77 Chemists and Druggist* ^82 County Courts, Sittings of 83 Clerks 83 Courts — Supreme, of Canada 81 Exchequer of Canafl? 81 gqpreme of KTova Scotia.. . . 81 Marriage and Divorce 82 Vice Admiralty 82 County 83 Clerks of Municipal Councus (P3 Clergy— Baptist 174 Church of England 166 Congi-egational It6 Lutheran 176 Metliodist Church of Canada. 171 Presbyterian Church in Ca- nnJa 169 Bomaii Catholic 168 Co oners 91 Commi'slonerB for Belief of Insolvent Debtors 98 Commissiinera out of Province 89 Commercial Departfhent 188 Consuls, &c 213 Corporation, City of Halifax 219 Cui»to»i8 Departrnf^nt 135 Dj»lhou?ie College and University. . .183 Dartmouth, Town of. 219 Deeds, Registrai-s of 89 Dominion of Canada— Gov. General. 33 Privy Council. 3S Senate 33 S.ofConmJons 34 Page Diocesan Synod 1^7 Dominion OfllcerH, 113 Eclipses 60 EccleHiiistlcal Department 166 Educational Department : Council of Public Instruction. . .184 Normal and Model Schools 184 School Districts, Inspectors, and Commissioners 184-187 Explanatory 51 Fwrmlng 64-77 Fire Dep.nrtment 218 Fire Insurance Companitfs 191 Gas Inspection 120 HalifVix, City of. 217 Inland Keven»u) D-partment 114 Insolvent Debtors, Com. for Giving llelieft» 98 Inspection of Fifh and Oils 120 Insurance Companies and Agencies. 190 Intercolonial Railway 130 Judges — Supreme Court of CanaOa . 81 N. Scotia. 81 County Courts, Nova Scotia P3 Probate 89 Justices of the Peace 99-112 Kewatiii, Province of. 45 King's College, Windsor 166 Alumni of 167 Law and Justice, Department «i.... 81 Life Insurance CompianieB.. 192 Light Houses 152 Lloyd s Agents '. '. . . .213 Lutheran M iuisters 176 Manitoba, Province of: Lt. Governor, Executive and Legislative Couu^ oils, and Legislative Assembly,.. . . 44 Marine and Fisheries Department. . 102 Marine Insurance Companies IM Masonic 203 Medical College, H»Jifax 183 Medical Register ,/ 176 Methodist Church of Canada 171 Militia Department 214 Mercantile Companies 193 Merchants' Private Signals 198 Movable Feast«, &c 49 Municipal tounoillors , National and Benevolent Societies Navy, The New Brunswick, Province of: Lieut. Governor, Executive and Legisla- Uve Councils, and Legislative As- sembly 39 Newfoun<liai»d, Province of: Lieut. Governor, Executive and Legisla- tive Councils, Assembly, etc 4{t New Glasgow, Municipality of. ....22t Ntu-th-West Teriitories 45 Nova Scotia, Province of: Lieut.- Goveinor, Executive & Legislative Councils, & Legislative Assembly 36 Odd Fellows, ... 209 Manchester Unity . . . .210 At P. WAUSM'S, €ily Jlaritw»re Store.— See h«Iv. |HMIS« ^U ■■> i' H. H. FULLER A CO., head of iPower'g Wharf, I :" 226 belcher's farmer's [1882 Ptwra Orange Lodge, Onnd 213 Oreneera of Fisheries 102 Ontario, Province of: Lteut.-OoT., Exeoative Council and Legislative Assembly 43 Patrons of Husbandry, Order of. . . .211 Pilot Commissioners nnd Pilots 1113 Planets, Morning anil Evening 00 Parrsboro' Railway 131 Pictou, Corporation of. ... . 220 Post Office Department: Nova Scotia Postal Division. . . .121 Arrival and Departure of Mails atHalimx 122 Country Post Offices 124 Principal Rates of Postaxe 127 Forei(rn Rates of Postage, Ice. . 126 Money Order Branch 129 Presbyterian College, HalUkx 171 Presbyterian Ministers 160 Probate, Judges 89 ** Registrars 89 Prince Edwnrd Island, Province of: Lieut. -Governor, Executive and Legislative Councils, and Legisla- tive Assembly 40 Prothonotaries 82 Quebec, Province ofi Lieut.-Oover- nor, Executive and Legislative Councils, i& Legislative Assembly. 41 Railways, Coaches and Staamers. . . .130 Page Receiver Qenerml's Office 113 Registrars of Probate 80 Registrars of Deeds 80 Roman Catholic Clergy 168 Roval Family of Qreat Britain 31 Reliflious a:id Benevolent Societies. . 100 Saviiigs* Bank 113 St Mary's College. Halifbx 108 St. Francis Xavier's (y'oUege, Antigo- nlsh T..160 Signals, at Citadel Hill 196 Sheriffli 82 Steamers 134 Spring Hill and Parrsboro' Railway. 131 Supreme Court, Sittings of. 82 Tariif, The 7 137 Telegraph Companies and Offices.. . .193 Tide Table 78 Temperance Directory 212 Truro, Corporation of. 220 Vice Admiralty Court 82 Wardens of Municipalities 03 Weather Guide 47 Western Counties Railway 133 Windsor and Annapolis Railway 132 Windsor, Municipality of. 220 Weights and Measures, Forms of, etc 114 Wesleyan College, Saokville 172 Aca<r my, •• 172 Zodiac, Signs o.. 49 THOS. P. CONNOLLY, WHOLESALE AND BBTAIL Bookseller @ Stationer, Comer Oeorge and Oranville Sts., HALIFAX, N. S. Constantly in Stock, the best and cheapest variety of Room Paper, Paper Blinds. ALSO ROYAL AND MARITIME READERS. Blank and Pocket Books, Commercial and Family Stationery, Wrapping Paper and Paper Bags, and everything usually kept in a ftrst-clasa Stationery Store. m^* Letterpress and Copper-Plate Printingry Book-Bind- ingr and Die Printing done on the premises. THOS, i»- ooisriToiiijTr- c i IiOBdoBtferrjr Ir«m off every ijLeaerkjfUmm ««■ l»e yrcliiMed very loWf Tfnplatesy Sheet Iron, Cnnada Plates, Orain Tin, ete* er, of ds. ipping Hnd- y low. i I s »f o n »: I 3 8 t g 1 i I 1882] ALMANACK. 227 BRASS FOUNDERS AND COPPER SMITHS. H P O MACOONALD ft GO. BALZFAZ, IT. S. Steal aii lot Water Il&gi&eers, Cast and Wsoufflit Iron Fipo with Fitti&ga, B&ffinoeis' Supplies and ICachiniry. MANUPACTURBR8 OP ALL KINDS )(^U: ENGINEERS', FI.UMBEB8' & STEAM FITTEBJS' BEMS mom,- And the Heavier Classes of fiHASS AI?Z> COPFEft WORS. . — ALSO — ■'''.'■ \. ■ • Vessels' Fastenings and Fittings. PUBLIC BUILDINGS, RESIDENCE^, AND FAOTOEIBS SUPPLIED WITH nmu mum abb mm^ wmi With all Moderu IraprovemeBts, fitted by Engineers thoroughly acquainted with our climate. — , — i — 1 aOXiS AGENTS FOR THB SALE ANB APFUCATIOBT OF WARREN'S FELT ROOFING . And ROOFING MATERIALS, in andfpr the FroTince of Noya Scotia. 162 to 172, also 306 BARRINGTON ST. m ► m H rt ft M CI O o <• 9f eft f I i H I PLUMBERS AND STEAM FITTERS. 1 1 1 1 asui At r. WAlAll'S, Cltjr Hariltt'are 8tore.MSee ady. page 81. ••Hojt's'^ Uaftlier nod •* Boston Co.'t" Rubber BolUiif» I •i 3 mi' I 228 BBLCHBRS FARMER H [1882 METHODIST BOOK ROOM, 141 Oranville Street, Hftlifa«i DEPOSITORY FOR RELIGIOUS AND GENERAL LITERATURE, PMktt and F«i«iN| tibbe* Fra5%r Books, Ohnroh SerrioeBi Hymn Books, dco. $^ Library Books, Periodicals, and other Sabbath School Requisites a Specialty. SCHOOL BOOKS AND STATIONERY ■WHOljESA.l4lf AJNT> RETAIL,. Agents for I. K. FUNK & CO.'S Cheap Publications. HUressi S. F. BVESTIS, HI Bra&TiUe Street, Balilax, N. S. V mmmmmmamtmmmmmmmmasmmimmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmmmmmmm^smmmmmmam^Hmmmmm^^mmm SPRING, AXLE ANDEDGE TOOL WORKS. WILUAU CAUFEELI, (J^AJTR Sc iroWX.SIl.) MANUFAOTUKER OF Carriage & Car Springs, AZLES, EDaS TOOLS, fto. Repairs done with neatness and despatch. All goods made from best materials and workmanship guaranteed. ITear IToztk Wliarf, Smyth St., Saiat Jolin, IT. S. S I fip \ « o I I I t O n I IfQue but tJhe very beat qoalltjr Qf Cio«4li Umg^ At II. H. FULLER * CO.'S, head of Power's Wh«rff. o M ! I m I e n i 8 1882] ALMANACK. 229 INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS. p«ire Autt«n BitM., Railway, Colliery, and MIU Buppllai, fto 10 Barron. Walter k Co., Tallon and ClotWe** M fiamatead's Leather and Finding ■tore 26 Beck with, R. N.. Auctioneer and Connulealon Merchant 48 Bell, A. M., Hardware, left side left hand pagea. Bishop, Wm., Halifax Marble Works 22 Boreham, E., Boot, Shoes, Ac., left side right hand pages. Brennan, W. C, The Brltlxh Shoe Store 281 Briand, A., Staple and Fancy Dry Goods 29 Brown, M. S. & Co., Jewellery, Electro Plate, etc .70 Buckley A Allan, Statlunerv, etc ... . 4 Burpee, L F. A Co., St. John, Iron, Steel,Au 8 Campbell, Wm., St. John, Edge Tools, Springs, &c ,228 Canada Paper Co., Paper Makers and Stationers, Montreal 248 Chipnmn, J. A. A Co., Flour and Commisalnn Merchant 10 Cogswell, A. C, Dentist, Artificial Teeth, Ac 17 Connolly, T. P., Books A Stfttionery.226 Connolly, John, Books A Statlonery.240 Cooke, C. J., Fancy Goods 848 Cornelius, J., Jewellery, Ac 48 Creighton A Marshall, Stationery, Paper Rulers, Blank Books 48 Creighton, C. A., Commission, Ship and Insurance Agent 841 Crease A Hopgood, Groceries, Vege- tables, Provisions,* Ac 249 Cronan John, Groceries, Provisions. 230 Cronan, Daniel, W. I. Produce, Fish Oils, Fun 16 Cunard, 8. A Co., House, Steam and Oae Coal 862 Davidson, John, Flour A Feed Store. 26 Daniel A Boyd, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Clothing, Ac 27 Daly, M. B., Imperial Insurance Co. 21 Dempster, James, Planing Mill and Sash Factory 244 DeWolf, T. A. S. A Son, Ship Bro- kers and Commission Merchants. 230 Egan, Thomas J., Ounmaker and Taxidermist 234 Esson A Co., Commission Merobi>nte 82 Everett, T. E. A Co, Hats, Caps, Fura.240 Fordham, Arthur, Leather, Ac. . .55, 57, 69, 61, 68, 66, 67, 60, 71, 73, 75, 77 Page Forttme, J., British and Foreign Dry Goods, Millinery, Ac 6 Fuller, a.»*k Co., Uanlware. ... 8 do. do. top of pages. Gates Organ A Piano Co 286 Gordon A Keith, Furniture, Carpets, Oilcloth, etc 18 Gossip, Wm., Books and 8tationery.237 Harrington, W. M. A Co., Orooeriee, Wines, etc 16 Harris, George J., House and Ship Plumber 6 Henderson A fotts, Nova Scotia Paint Works, right side left hand pages. Hegan, James W., St. John, Carpet Warehouse 88 Hirshfleld, Geo., Sausages 14 Holt, J. H., Army and Navy Cloth- irigStore 18 Jennings, M. E., Woollen Hall 14 Johnson, W. H., Pianos and Organs. 88 Jones, G. W., Commission and Man- ufacturers' Agent, Paper, Ac.. 288 Keith, Alex. A Son, Brewf ly 20 15 Laurilllard, H. O., Merchant Tailor. . Lawlor, J. £., Groceries, Hardware, etc 47 Lobster Fertiliser 236 Longard Bros., Steam A Hot Water Engineers 288 Lowell, W. L. A Co., Bankers, Bro- kers, Insurance Agents 242 Lumber Mills, Mosquodoboit 286 Macdonald A Co., Brass Founders.. 227 Mackinlay, A. A W., Publishem, Boolcsellers and Stationers 888 do. Fancy Stationery 233 McCarthy, R. W., St John, Drug- gist 17 McLearn's Express A Feed Store. . 18 McMurray A Co., Dry Goods. 224 Mahon Bros., Drj- Goods 250 Moody, Wm. A Co., British, Cana- dian and American Dry Goods. . 28 Moir, Son A Co., Millers, Bakers and Confectioners 281 Monaglian, A., Dry Goods, etc 840 Morse, John E., TeajMerchant 286 Morton, C. C, Books A Stationery.. 241 Mumford Bros., Produce Commission Merchants 24 Muiinls, James K., Clothier 20 Murray, I. S., Commiaiion MerohaBt.860 Newcomb, George C, Parlour and Dining Room Suits 240 Patterson, John, Boiler Maker.... 249 t1 At P. WAUH'Sy City ■ardware Store, Market i««Ar«. H. H. FULLER ft CO., kgenU for I M o i I 3 2 2 230 BBLOHfiRS FARMERS [1882 Wee Parks, Wm.' & Son,' Cottdn, Yams, Warp, etc 52 Do. do. Oroy Cottoiis Warps, etc 53 Pbifp, John H., Hats, Gaps, Furs . . 4 Pickford & Slaok, Ship Chandlery.. 11 Dv>. ririit side right handpages. Robertson, William, Hardware .... 2 Robson, C. & Co., Dry Goods 80 Roche, David, Wall Paper, Paints, etc 13 Ross, W. O. & Co., Watchmakers ii Jewellers 22 Ryan, J. W., Clothings and Furnish- injfs.... 48 Schwartz, H. A., Stove Store 23d Schwartz, W. H. & Sons, Coffee, Spices, Teas, etc 26 Scotch Dye Works, Halifax, N. S.. calendar pages. Silver, John, Dry Goods, Oxford Homespuns', etc IS Silver, W. & C, Gai-pets, Clothing;, Dry Goods 243 Smith Bros., Dry Goods, Millinery, Gloves, etc Smith, J. Godfrey, Chemist, etc., " o^endar pagres. Smith, B. A., Dry Goods. 261 Page StnitK, G. M". & Co., Dry Goods, Silks, Hosiery, etc 19 Stairs, John, iron and Hardware, Scales, etc 7 Stairs, W., Son ii Morrow, Hardware 223 Stephen, A. & Son, Furniture, Wuodenwaro, etc. 5 Stenishorn, John T., Silverware, Jewdloi-y, etc 23 Sullivan, D., Brewery 247 Synionds, W. S. & Co., Iron Foundry and Machine Works 247 Theakston & Angwin, Hardware. . ..245 Thomson, Cathcurt, Tea and Com- mi:'i»ion 234 Tborne, W. H. * Co., St. John. Hardware and Mill Supplies 238 Tobin, Johii & Co., W. I. Produce, Tens, etc 16 Wallace, Robert, Sewinjf Machines, Jawellery, etc 237 Walsh, P., British & Foreiffn Hard- ware, etc 21 Do. bottom of pages. Wesieyan Book Room 228 White, T, H. & Co., Canadian Dye Works... 23 Wootlill, A. A. Chemist 251 Woolrich, T. v., Drj' Goods, etc. . . .246 THOMAS A. S. DeWOLF & SON, Ship Srokdrs, Comnussion Mercliazits. Insoranees Effected! Freights Collected I Charters Obtained I AGENTS FOR ANCHOR LINE OF STEAMERS FBOM IiONDON TO HALIFAX. N. S. Sailing Fortnightly. Carrying pHSScngers and Freight for all parts. Freight taketa at Halifax for London and Continental Ports. AGENTS FOR MAMMOTH VINEGAR WORKS, STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND. A&ENTS FOK SALE OF DRAIN PIPE & FIRE BRICKS. CAineiit, Plaster, Lime, Salt, Pif Iron, Shingrles, AL^WAYS KEPT IN STOCK. HALIFAX, N. S. T. A. S. De WdLF & SON. iSS BSit SSSSkk •rMIMit «rH% dlatla iia«t rntlyi 9t ftvtferl**' ^mrtilyi 19 245 ats. parts, ba. ;80K. 1 flT S 1 ! EmersoDf StereBS ft Co/g Superior American Scythes. 1882] ALMANACK. 231 Millers, Bakers I Confectioners, MannfMtarers of »U deaorlptloiM of BREAD, OA-KE, BISCUIT, COHFECnOIEKT, Fruit Syrups, &e., &c. ARGYLE, DUKE AND GRAFTON STREETS. Offloe and Salesroom : t2i» mO) mdi tSS fttrgjfto SttrMt. HALIFAX, N. S. Tin liiiTiee 1 ® The Best and Cheapest w _!( s^dO^iiniisBf mm IIT TO"W3iT. W. C. BBENNAN, 162 Qra&Tille Street, Balifaz. i I d f 1 Al r. WAI<IH*tt, city ■ardwMv Sior«.-l«e adv* p«c« *!• House Bnil'tlingr Hardware at lowest rates. If;'. I S; I; 11 I I 1 232 belcher's farmer's ri882 4. # W« ii4€Eili^4¥, Uh\m, Iflobto S Ussrs. Bronze Medal awnrded for Geographicnl' Apparatus, Paris Exposition, 18()7. First Prize awarded at Nova Scotia Exhibition, 1868, for Eduoational Books and Apparatas, Superiority of Blank Books, and Superiority ot Printing and Binding. • v. *iS <^ 'in ''•,:"' ■«■•'.'•-.. V HAVE IN STOCK : OF ALL KIN4)S, INCLUDING READERS. Writltlg Papers, Ineladl^ip iWlscapy Letter aii# Note. BLANK BOOKS II GBHAI YJkMl^h OUB OWN MANUFACTUBE. Bristol and Card Boards, Envelopes, Memo. Books, Pocket Books, Purses, Ijak Starids, t)ixon Lead Pencils, School Slates, Perff)rated Caixl Board. Mathematical Instruments, School Maps, Gold and Silver Paper, School Globes, Atlases, &c.,&c Together with a large and extensive assortment of WHICH THET orreir at i.<»w kathi. GRANVILLE STREET, HALIFAX, N. 8. d w H 8 H s I! I "5 o I N«lls ami apUtent «nrt tr»M Iro« vt the htmt q«iilliy, ena nlwnys H. H. FULLER * CO., kMd of Pon«r>s Wkarf. I an, s a I s S.P a S '5 •t i 8. ilways I •I I 1882] ALMANACK. 233 n A. & W. MACKINLAY, h:a.lifax, n. s. Agents for LIGHTBOWN, ASPINALL ^ CO., Room Paper Manufaoiurers, Manuhesteb, England. McLOUGHLlN BROS., Toy Books and Valentines. ESTIilRBllOOK'S STEEL PENS. CARTER'S INKS AND MUCILAGE DENNISON MANUFACTURING CO. BROOKLYN RUP.BKR WORKS. COCHRANE'S INKS. LYONS PARCHMENT PAPERS. CHICOPEia ENVEI-OPE 60. We are prepared to fill orders for goods of t]i« aboye manufacturers at short notiee. ' < GEO. W. JONES, Conn a&M&uiaites' 3 o i 8> Printing and Wrapping Paper, Pftper BagSi News Inks, Roller Composition, Piiils, Tubs, Matches, Bcnshes, Wash Boards, Twine, &c., iu Stock at Lowest Rates to the Jobbing Trade. NAPANEE BRUSH COMPANY. — ALSO — Steam-User^' Insurance Society of Canada, dto. OVnOSS, 14 SAOSTXIAS ST., SAZ.XFAZ. f! He ftound M IT. HA14II'» €IUr ||fMr4iviur« lil«r«. Ihw. HmC ^ttee. mi' Lnbrloatinir Oils, tIs: OllTe, Lard, West Tirglnis* Ac. 234 BELCHERS FARM SB S [1882 GATHCART THOMSON, I I 5 I I — AND Commission Merchant. TEAS A SPECIALTY. Agent for ANCHOR TOBACCO Manufactory. FIRST PRIZE XT DOHINION EXHIBITION, 1881. III UPPER WATER ST., HALIFAX. Wm^WAB 9* M Lower Water Street, HALIFAI anirs, xufles, revolvers, &o. • ALL PRICES AND QUALITIES. Best Enffltsh and Canadlsn Ganpowder, Cartridges, Caps, Cases, Wads, Shot, &e. Foot SackTiUe Street, near Halifax Hotel. The Above goods being imported direct, can be sold at the VERY LOWEST PRICES. «IJIirS OW HIKB AT MKAgONABLE RATCa. Repairing eaeeonted on the premises. No conneotlon with any other firm in the City. AOENT FOR E. REMINGTON A SON, NEW YORK. li H H^l 1 II m BLACK AI ID BRIGHT fi B^^H 3 I > A aploMttii Sleek off riaheraien's 8«ppll«* ean he always haa :^j..r* *.p.>V 4 , ^t\\ M •n^r \ 1 », 4'i 1' ■' SMJ ^ I li • Rfv ^' i ' ^ 1 ' I. Ftrth'i OctAgi>ii and Bquare Ca«(t StecAy 236 BEUiHBRB FAIUIERS [1882 A *il ni ' l id ■ II H ii it ry^ i in iiiii s § o OB o n H 188: !fttev St» e > a I s<» o n u I s I IS m W: Whic Also 71 on th possil --ray H HALPAX, Ni S. ,^ , , .......i.i-.i A)^^.^.■»,^■■^«■...M....^, .1 H i' , ij.i I ' M ' i < I . " ..m i ««t o n 8 I: Of HnrdWMre •! «^r|r a«iciitpll»ii •» r. WAIMTS* #»». ihMt vAee. very st Nitew Ain Oiitios all (>t)« PaiJi6» sheet c WA HAI Dmwii; AM «iO] Pensai Ink a»i m^ and Go Inks; : PttI "•%,% 1 [1882 ^^^^js& H H § M o CO n H e At H. 11. FULLER & CO/8, head of Power'w IVIiarf. 3 1882] ALMANACK. 237 ROBERT WALUOE, 1Q4 - Uppei* IPr^ter ^t.-lQ-^ r HAUi4X,K. S. WATliES^ CtMS, MD iEWELLERY. ALSO AtoT *'0K THE CELE^l^ATED Which liafit&iB year wrried aS all FI»ST FlilZiES itt Toronw, Mon- treal, JHas^tonaRd Halifax. Also Agrent forlilie^AttpBICAN WAI'ii;>> Sewint Ma^bine. All im0Mm M^ WM and Pans lomiu ■ '"'■' . ■■■'■■ ' ■ " • '"• ' ■•*. . ■" on the premises by tlftstoost competWt workiiJeii, uSofl the shortest possible nodee. .. '\ • *' ^' 'lOE BOOK ANI^ very sttperioe ill Iweiy jwwjt. '«i»y V«llWso, jmsoo^k; totheir variety of excel- \mfe, bejemapkftfelylowia in^i iSend;1^ Boon ^toite'^-^m *^'?r^J*~t**'#^«'^1S** ^ide, any length. ^ 8h ?OT i2? «>**«P**»ft wWfchB ;*T^e^^ Tra«W Papor* per M-^HWH««H»M t^ ilrt^WiiiSQi' & KeWto^^^ Ql«c«fS fikefehinjr f ibtn Nature • BrawSnir Studies. ^ • AIiltlJJllk-<-Photoe9^|»b, Autograph aiid ^tircm, ; «OI.0»*>AIIWii>&'*r^^'^««f|®^W PalDt^etoWInk. bold Shells; Gold Pens aijdfeiMjtt eami Gold Bapti. Ako-^MA, m^timCof^r &oih», Silver Ink and ^Us. i MV^Iiii^lfMttr of' every ttadf mOlodtag Aowtliit and^UMno, Books : Exercise idCooyJKxdtsi Antofaie'sFr^tich ItflC; SfeWhwW, C3urter'*:Walkd«n's And owa Inks ; Benk andCo&ftxdtsj Antofaie'sFr^tich ItflC; S6>|Jte«i»', Curter'il^Vidkden'sW Ore's iks; Pen*. v ' PMlNf|N« AN S» IHMlK-lltl »JW»r«.^-Copper.Pl»fe at)d Lettei^P^ Print- ing, aw\ %ok-Binding, cai^efiilly attendtfiEl to. WjJ*I^*l«jBl»«ll«;r;?^ JWSf^ of i«l«ted SeMcnaWe Wall Papei»-«er «**■•••>»«*» I t s 0, I Amerleaa and Euirlisli Hsdeiy FnM» 238 belcher's fabMjir's [1882 W-'H-THiRNEaca 8Ta JOH Hf Ni Bi *• it< — AO«a»a.ii* fo I)X|1PF JB^Oil ll^QOi. 1^ d cr H g H O I o d o H I cfl I I 0e [1882 r ^Ics. mmmmtm d ir H H to H I a o o *i H s i^iiiiriiiii"iiiTi ;j J I I cf I" I i I At H. H. FIJtLEB A €0.% ImmI of Power's Wkarf. ['■IL 'll lHi . f "J II . I I I I I I II B I !!■ I . wr 18^21 AI.MANACX. 239 maumm TI4 ami W JW **'''* Ar liii i»ii»>t i m nrn mna m s WH0|.^*|.B4in^ *dblL AX liOiWiaT RATES. s ^ 1.' • a 204 |i!i^,#|l^. St.. SaUfttx. OnlGM in 0eit^ioi«8 fepiftH&liO» of <kpp^r^ l4¥l» Zitic, Sheet Iron and Tin 'Wotk,p«>iJij»Uy and pBrpQti»% attended to. Id" mil |ii"'i iiii iiiM'irfrnyi'iiillrij:)! Iiiiriiri' hi i ' iifvn'iHiU'Miia.ii/i ii I i|M* I I i s S s Ml iH* Hone l^ho«s and Horse Nails, »!?!?■ 240 belcher's farmer s [1882 FRANZ* AlfTI ►tfT* cirirB THAT TOOK FiSlST PBIZE AT fHE DOMINION EXHIBITION Held At jElftlifax ; that wi)l knit Hjiy garment, aiid ktikt 2%0iQO ttitcbes per init|«M>, the ' same etiteh tm U knit by hand. II knita all kinds of yarn intoplkin, fHibed or fancy itltofaer; it fiirrowfl and "widens, tightens or loos- ens at mli: Yu\x emu teach ^(rrf^-lrOna the Book of InstVuoii&hs. The Moefaine with- hek* ifT*m These «i^ VM m*«afactQ- irerft Be4tioed Gash JBtoBM »milteek8or It Je tifhen as, Mlpent for the BhUNf* Hael The Uenera$ T.L IMM % T£JLT&, GAlifer i^^t>"- ]B^tJ^i#&i|^E TOyO^l^KDER. iB#SS tm.ii& y 'iiff1W'i''i'f t^ti^lif^ri^fi'W 111' 'II ii"i| I jliiii I m Tier iiivsee»iaitf Mi^. varldl ltt«Mc'«rfi)Ma'|H «iie lPnfvNMM»» o ? o o 1X3 o en % o 3 .a o o ? o o tn o > o 3 For sale by H. H. FULLER & CO., head dt PAw«r'» Wharf. 1882] mmmmm "1 " .T ' ' ALMANACK. t 241 Oeatfal Comsussion, SHIP I INfllRANCE AGENT^ Ck)n(dgiUB«iitv|i(tt GoodalForwarded. Sales and ParoliasiBS of IIS^ GAROOKSIa Specialty. CHARTERS PROCU RED. QindGAIMI <iH»8l$lfit« Sti^ Sdlila^. ■^■* Siqil)Serlp^<iiil8 f^ ft^ jBufflish and Ainert<Miii OpiWfiating of yoo^ji|»» jL^fcer'ao;^ Kote ftiper, Etiv^lop^ : BlaiA 3Bp^8, Menic^ and-Paei'^ok% Slates, Fens, i^iicala,*^ BiU^ Chni^l^ jfM^jM^ PitAT^I! and Ilymn Books. *l***!<»*-lpMpii«-*l*-i.-i^ Is kept «i r. WAMII'« «l«jr |iiir«lw«r« iit<iir<!, OpiMMltc r»M 0fllce. i I f s, I it SubmarlNe Blmtln^ ApparAtm, At H. H. FULLER A CO.% I 242 r bbLohbr's fabiihr's [1882 W. L LOWELL & CO. 166 Sbll£i flimt» Solifta, bou&Mt and «oflu. AGBKTS FOR s H I 1 I Lowes imid in OF£OIIIH»lt WjUl ftccept itiska; in eithei of ;fei»«s6^ WelK|cripwn Coiipiiii« ijpoft the modt 1^^ ^■^'l ■J . SSSfSS co.% [1882 !0. PIft #0« y;-. /•■ ipftniea; 1 . ■ ■ . miwr i H i Q i s s I \. Head of Power's WIiarr» HAllfax, N. 8. s 1 I r 1 1882] ALMANACK. 343 CARPETS, FLOOR CLOTHS, HOUSE FUpiSHlNG GOODS; Largesi Taiiatjr to aafeofe fM>m in Maritime Provinces. OF OUB OWK IPINUFAOTUKE. ^ Sound ftnd J^li^U^. iPriees lower than ever. A large and g^mplete ^t<<^k, direil^ fyoni the Manui'actuiers. Wtm M 11 to 17 iGKflorgemi w^ HfOiflax. #-*• HMM^a 4-i*i I e \irhol«iw]e kiiaJMsa IM«l«f Wet^ of fto^3@i)e#&ijr Ofls^ 9^ Goods, 1l<H^et 4nd^ /^^ . 1, ConibiSj BFokjhul^SiW^b^ 11. 11, » > iii . i. i ii .-f «->j 118 K i l iii.l^il'li.l. Iirj iiil ll i j ji.r,>inuim i » i ] i }it i ni )i<ii |. |i ! ii i i [i« ii » ii,i i iii. j i - it'|>^ WiUMN;:CHr'WP«lv^^ AM adv. Mg« SU I •,..v- / H. U. FULLER & €0., Agrcnf 8 for n I % I 4^ i »3 244 bblcher'8 farmeu's [1682 1 • ^e MANUFACTURERS' ^F FRAMES, t . v\- ■■ AND Emnr pssokipti^n of I. ■ ■;,-'•>?■■. mSin I, II ii 'jui i n wi^iiXfe mmmMmif 188 H Q 9 as 8 to I I T I H S e I > P. m i s "C p BlttuUelilt lil^uco di €«<% li*iliMliiw<l KuiMr,ftlait««il Ml always »«[ littnd. Bobcrtson^g Superior Mill and Circular Saws* [1682 1882] ALMANACK. 245 tor Jft/t^ liai^^ . 1 ' iV ' '. ' " I ■!' ■'■ ''' " ,. if. , XietO^Bl^ AKP iSOlAI^^ IN ■t> ■.^;.- a^iitE^C^ osT. e. »», A fufi Uii€S ^sp6ft»tfx selected fo^ Hay €tttt4^ rWkfl, |eytfc(M, Stakes taxA Snaths, Boes, djim^ c*i5tfeiJ9^ ANJE>^ trooi. das. Vliifetta^^ and I % »<i-?'' ■^rri- ;'; ' .j> l»w^ ,;i 'm |i > .-- i^eijmi^tm^it^iMi^ wlitb 63^ liltfn^eitK to Galli Parohas^rg. & AHGWIN. iSEfii&SSBBSSiiiiaBiB wKi i I 9 twnliand. At i>. WAIiAtf 'ti Cttf IfoMwure Stiirc.-a«« Mv. wmt 91. ^?:^/J^!^. -tm W MU \ ^^ . J - mm Ik |H ■ H| B^^ 1 . H m f ^ H i H Head oCPower's Wharf, Halifax, N. 8. i I I s 8 I i 1882] ALMANACK. 247 W. a SYMOHDS & CO. Engineeis & Boiler Makers, PROPRIETORS DARTMOUTH IRON FOUNDRY AND MACHINE WORKS. Ofice, 18 § 20 Duke St, Halifax, N. S. MANUFACTURERS OF i STSAIC EXraiNES and BOILE&S, Ooal aud Gold Mining Machinery, STOVES, RANGES, FRAME GRATES AND HOLLOW-WARE. Awardied FIRST PKIZE AND DIPLOMA for assortment of Ales at Dominion Exhibition, Halifax, 1881. DANIEL SULLIVAN, MANUFACTURER OF Diamond Ale & Brown Stout JONES' eeswEBY, Opposite H. M. Dockyard, s i > I f I At P. WAIiSa'S, iAty lUrdware Storc» M»rkflt Sqnairc. ETerytliing in the Hardwara line, I I « It I I f I i 1 « I I 248 BELCHERS FARMERS [1882 (XjIXid:XTS]D.) F^por Makers AND WHOLESALE OFFICE AND WAREHOtrSESr 374, 376 oad 378 Saint Paul Street, MONTREAL, F. 0. AND ITe. 11 Fwst St. W., Tiijraaxtd, -C^. :3 » WORKS: Windsor MillSj Sherbrooke Milk AlwAyis in Stoclcy a full assortment of EVERY BESGRIPTION OF PAPER. SaR<; 'e:i vA Quotanons on application. 5 s o > o H 2 3 I 3 CA 8 , I, 9; «rr I I I, « « At M . f ^4 Jl i). t^tty Hardware Htore, yoit can get At H. H. FULLER & CO.'S, at lowest prices. - 1 1^ « 8 B eet. \IK\Y I 10 I I I s t I I I I « n. 1882J ALAIANACK. 249 6£0. G. NEWCOMB, MANUFACTURER AMD DEALER IN Parlor & Dining Room Suits, Bedroom Setts, ICattrasses, &c. VENETIAN BLMDS AND SHIPS' WHEELS MADE A SPECIALIY. i^- CABPST8 MADE AKD ?UT DOWN AT HHOfiT NOtlCE. -^ Corner Suke and Barrington Sts., Halifax. JOHi PATTERSON, ** A t* jiAndfacturbu of For IClkrixie and Land Fnrposes. ^ IRON SHIPS REFfillfffED. SMp Tanks, Girders, Smoke Pipes, and all kinds of Sheet Iron Work, neatly and promptly executed. 490 TXf Fito WATSB ST., SAZJFAZ. BEASE & HOPGOOD, wholbbalb and retail dealbrs in SrocerieSp Te^tafa, Frovisiois, Sic. OATS, BRAN AND FEED ALWAYS ON HAND. 208 ARGYLE STREET. HALIFAX, N. S. M CI o I H I ^ aiicei Iioad, ftkMt Zl»c, »»<i l*erCi»r«t«4l Blui', i i n 1 n e I I i I I 1 o « Brandram'g " White and Colored Faints, ^ 250 BELCHERS FARMERS [1882 I. S. imUlAT & GO. WliolesaleGrocers, AND COMMISSION MEBCHAHTS, 81 Upper Water Screet, Halifax, XT. S. HEAD OF COMMERCIAL WHARF. Goods sold at very low fl,gure8 to prompt custOinerM, SEND FOR SAMPLES AND QUOTATIONS. "ma HOIT BB05. Importers of Staple and Fancy DRY aOODSp 97 to 101 Bemngtm. St., Salifttx. « One Blook South Grand Parade." ONE OF TBS U&6EST mAlL EOU»S III IBS im. ALSO, A. VTJJJL. LllPTK OB" BLACK 6l colored SILKS, MILLINEHY AND MANTLES. o o o 5 I » m I f t I f 9 80 e ae » o H *4 I (I a a 09 e A <a tttj a I ia I s o •8 « 3 tt I, Jit Ui« Clly ItorvlWMre »«*r« (r* WAIMLS), there M k^ 4a 0) 5 o It For »ftf« 1»y H. H. FtJltElV A CO. i [I I s. U ipf ? 3 s a o o r a ^s, s o 2 H s 1 * .s ] 1 1882] ALMANACK. 251 33 to 37 QEOfiGE ST., HALIFAX, WHOLESALE CANADTA:^r, AMERICAN AND BRITISH STAFLE AND FANC7 aOODS, Clothing, Fancy Soaps, Millinery, &c. aS" Goods sold at lowest quotations to prompt paying cnstomers. JOS" Orders by ]Hat or through onr travelers carefully attended to. WJIOLESAXE OTHINCE, 35 TO 37 GEOROE STREET. "THE BLOOD IS THE UPE" A SURE CURE ^®Ee TME P@IUL@WCIItl@ StSSASSS: Exhausted Vital Energy, I^errousness, Despondency, Self-Abuse, Spermatjorrbcea, Loss of Mantitjod, La-nguor, Lameness, Weakness or Pain in the Back or Loins, lioss of Nervous Powrer and General Tone of the Uystem, WsaJtueBs from Loss of Vital Fluid, In- voluntary Vital Losses at night daring dreams, Weakness of the Organs wMi <i«iroient or feable powers, &c., &o. SET^ Tbe ab«7e ah be peramaently cured by the use of the @]Huiipimi NefTe Voaie or Egryptian Cordial. CHEMIST, 112 Upper Water Street, Halifax, N. 8, SOLE AVKNT FOK THK CANADAS. US' Pamphlets sent free to any address on receipt of 3 cent stamp. o o 3 I U s 9 H n % a I r s '■'- '"■' -^ A tall iiwp|»ly of Lead Pipe, ami Compositiott CSas l*lp«. 252 BELCHEUS FARMERS ALMANACK. ee 00 BO a s, a E en « o V B 1 P4 o cfi B s o 1-3 [1882 ^ HcMrBRAT * CO., Dry 6o«di A Htlllndry, SIB * 176 tterrlsffM St.-Paffe M4, Ji HOUSE, STCAM AMD GAS COAL. Albion Coal, FOB STEAM AND GAS FUBPOSES. For Prices and Terms apply to Agrents to the Halifax Co.y Limited. SYDITEY COAL, FOB HOUSE AND STEAM PimPOSBS. LINGAN COAL, FOB HOUSE AND GAS PUBPOSES. For Fiiees and Terms apply to CUNARD & MORROW AfiEUS TS GENEIAL MMMG A^ON/mON, LIMITED. All the hhm% Coals «!« tooweH-kiown toreqnire any pnfflngr. They have all been tested and f«ond tsatiaf 4ctory. N^LEFA)?, I<^. S. 4 m m B as tr I i 3 a* 4D » .a I I I* '8 •| JOHN STAIRS, Iron and Hardware W Hollis Street, Halifax.-i4«e lie And 194 lg><M. * B I 9 ? r a .a i « i»i V •K I