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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m^thode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 CONF Ah €I|t OnVi p] •»•• , -* V MINUTES OF ▲ BIXETINO COMPOSXD OF THE CONFERENCE SPECIAL COMMITTEE AND LAY REPRESENTATIVES FROM THB QUARTERLY MEETINGS OF HELD IN THE CITY OF KINGSTON^ BY APPOINTMENT OF CONFERENCE, On Wednesday, the 18tli of October, 1854 TORONTO: PRINTED AT THE CHRISTIAN GUARDIAN OFFICE, BY THOMAS H. BENTLEY. 1854. /: a^'^. * * To the President and Members of the Conference of the Wedeyan Methodist Church in Canada, assem- bled at Belleville, June, 1854. REPORT OF LAY COMMITTEE ON MINISTERS' ALLOWANCES. It may be proper to state that this Committee origin- ated with a general meeting of the Lay friends of the Methodist Church in Canada East, called for the purpose of hearing the result of the discussions in the District Meeting of Wesleyan Ministers, respecting the consolida- tion of Methodism in Canada, by the union of the Canada East District with the Canada Conference. In the project of union there was scarcely a dissentient voice. All were agreed that it was both necessary and expedient; but, as the subject opened before the minds of many intelligent and tried friends of Methodism, and Methodist Ministers, it was perceived tliat, unless provid- ed for otherwise, apparent injustice would be done to the Ministers who had laboured for years past in this district, in consequence of the diminution in the scale of allowances being made possible, by the Canada Book of Discipline defining, to a certain extent, what shall be the income of Ministers. The Committee have no hesitation in declaring, that the icale of allowances as set forth in the Book of Discip- line, could not be acted upon in Lower Canada, without placing the ministry in a position of inferiority and po- verty which would inevitably be attended with injurious consequences, especially in that which relates to ministeri- al comfort and usefulness. It may be known that there ^ is a great difference in the cost of nearly all articles of con- sumption in Lower Canada, as compared with Upper Canada, and that at all times, whatever the existing rates in the latter section of the Province. On this ground alone, the enforcement of the existing Canadian regula- tions would not be just and proper in any part of Lower Canada, and more particularly in reference to the minis- terial members of this District, who having been accus- tomed to a scale of allowances only just sufficient to meet their wants, and enable them to keep out of debt, could not now be expected to deny themselves of ordinary com- forts, and ought not to be required to make unnecessary sacrifices for the attainment of ever so desirable an object. It is beUeved by this Committee that a reference to the allowances of the Methodist ministry in Upper Cana- da will not be deemed intrusive and improper, since we are likely, at so very early a period, to become one with the people of that part of our country. In conversation with lay friends from Upper Canada, it is evident that an increasing and spreading conviction exists there, that the income of Methodist Ministers is far below what, in jus- tice, it ought to be. Without expressing any opinion as to the past, it is surely inequitable to apply the same standard of payment for services rendered now, as that which prevailed in the country fifty or twenty-five years ago. In material wealth and general prosperity, Canada has advanced as much as any country, in the same time. The Methodist ministry has been, under God, a chief ele- ment, and producing cause of growth and greatness, and ought, to some extent, to share in the fruits of past con- tinued toil and zeal. But this is impossible, even if the full allowances are made up according to the present scale. It is insufficient. It does not place the Methodist minis- try on a footing of equality with an ordinary and respecta- ble mechanic. A change is required. This committee does not feel itself competent to decide in what way an improvement can be inti'oduced and oar- riedout; but, as l:iy men, they would appeal .to the lay- men of the Church in Upper Canada, that, wwen the pro- per time shall come, and an adjusted scheme of compensa- tion to Ministers be brought forward for consideration, it may receive their hearty support and concurrence. According to the tenor of the discussion at tlie general meeting appointing this Committee, it does not appear that other tlian these two topics were committed to it for consideration. The views of the Committee are expressed generally in the foregoing remarks, but the following re- solution is respectfully submitted to the membei*s of the Canada Conference, and the Committee trusts it will meet "with a cordial concurrence. \ Resolved, — That, after due consideration of the facts set forth by a Lay Committee of Methodists in Lower Cana- da, in reference to the allowances for the support of the ministry, and in view of the contemplated incorporation ot the Eastern Canada District with this body, the Confer- ence is of opinion that the scale of income for that section of the country is rather under than over what is requisite for the comfort and respectability of the brethren labouring there, and that, therefore, no diminution ought to take ef- fect in consequence of the union, but that especially the children and servants' quarterages be continued in full as heretofore. As no financial change can be effected without the con- currence of the Quarterly Meetings, within the i ounds of the Canada Conference, this C/ommittee respeciiully re- commends the adoption of initiatory measures, for the pur- pose of bringing the whole subjec*; in due form before the lay officers of the Church throughout Canada ; and, fur- ther, being anxious to proceed with promptness in this im- portant matter, this Committee suggests the propriety of constituting, at the present Conference, a mixed Commit- tee of Ministers and Laymen from each section of the Pro- vince, to whom shall be confided the duty of reviewing the temporal economy of our Church, in so far as relatet -& r 6 to the support of tlie ministry and their families; that this mixed Jcint-Committeo shall report as early as possible to the Executive Committee of the Conference, who shall be instructed, if they deem it expedient, to lay the same be- fore the Quarterly Meeting of each Circuit; the vote of concurrence or non-concurrence to be reported to the next Conferenie. In conclusion, the Committee is fully persuaded that the ministerial brethren of the Canada Conference will re- ceive, with candour and kindness, this imperfect embodi- ment of the feeling and sentiment that prevailed in the meeting which deputed to them this duty and responsibil- ity. Having given to the subject a careful consideration, the Committee begs leave most respectfully to submit its views, with an humble prayer, that the Great Head of the Church may direct ail your counsels for his own glory, by the spread of scriptural holiness throughout the land. Signed in behalf of the Committee, J. Ferrier, Chairman, After various conversations the Conference ^^ Resolved, — That having received suggestions from the Canada East District Meeting, and also from a Meet- ing of certain Laymen of the Wesleyan Church in Canada East, in reference to the calling of a meeting in some cen- tral place during the coming year, in order to take into consideration the subject of a revision of the temporal economy of the Church, this Conference heartily concurs in that suggestion, and recommends that each Circuit in Western and Eastern Canada appoint a Lay Representa- tion, who, in connection with the Conference Special Com- mittee, shall form a Committee for that purpose. The Committee to meet in the City of Kingston in October next." MINUTES Of a Meeting composed of " The Conference Special Committee^^ and Lay Representatives from the Quarterly Meetings of the Wesleyan Methodist Church, Canada — held in the City of Kingston, by appointment of Conference^ on the l%th of October^ 1854. The President of the Conference opened the meeting by reading a portion[of Scripture, singing, and prayer. The Secretary of the Conference, at the instance of the President called over the names of the persons appointed to attend. The following were present, viz : — MEMBERS OF EXECUTIVB COMMITTEE. Rev. E. Wood, President of the Conference. ** I. B. Howard, Secretary. Dr. Green, Acting Co-Delegate. R. Jones, Chairman of the Toronto District. u (( u u M (t (( tt u u u u T. Bevitt, W. Ryerson, S. Rose, L. Warner, H. Wilkinson C. Vandusen, J. Douse, J. MlTSGROVE, W. McFadden, A. HURLBURT, K. Creighton, « a l( I( u u u u u u (i u ti Hamilton Brantford London Guelph London Owen Sound " Barrie " Cobourff " Belleville " Brockville '* Bvtown " s Rev. J. Carroll, ** Montreal District. " J. ToMKiNs. " Stanstead *• B. Si.KJiiT, A.M. " Quebec ** G. R. 8anuekson, Book Siewanl. J. Spencer, Editor of the **Cliri8tiaTi Guardian" J. Gem LEY, 8u|)erin't of Toronto Ea^t Circuit. J. Borland, *• West " J. Elliott, ** Hamilton " J. Scott, Mimico. S. S. Nelles, A.m., Principal of Vict. College. S. D. Rice, Governor *' W. Jeffers, Superintendent Montreal Centre. It u u tt (( u u u u * LAY REPRESENTATIVBS. Toronto JSast—^. Alcorn. u West—R. Woodsworth. Yonge Street— 3. Wilson. Humber — W. Tyrrell. Brampton — R. Gardner. Oshawa—3, Hodgson. Nelson — J. Applebee. Milton — L. Wilson. Hamilton — T. Bickle. Glanford — R. Green. Orimshy — J. Bridgeman. Thorold — J. Blackburne. Welland — J. Hagar. Brantford — J. H. Moore. Mount Pleasant — W. Nelles. St, George — J. Bonliara. Normch — W. Merrill. London — W. McBride. Owens Sound — G. Snider. Barrie — D. Morrow. Bradford— T, Driffil. }f ! Neiomarket—T, Hadwin. Jlolland Landinff^ll. Shuttloworth. Cohourg — Dr. Beatty. Port //ope--\V. P«'ter8 Newcaitle — \i. A. Mussoy. Cartwrifjht—J. Hiuco. Peter 1)0 roufj/h — Dr. Lavoll. Metcalf—J, McNeily. Belleville — J. Booth'. Cnnsccon — 0. Roblin. Piclon— John P. Roblin. Sidney — L. A. Crovvter. Brighton — S. Youug. Kingston — W. Denn. Nopanee — O. H. Deilor. Milton — M. Apelstive. Bath — J. Garbutt. Waterloo — P. McKinnin. Gananoque—H, Vanstone. Farmersville — D. Booth. Newhurgh — M. Neville. IJinchinbrook — M. Clow, Brockville—J.KWhoYw, PrescottS. Hurlburt. Maitland — J. Stevenson. Perth — J. Deacon. Matilda — J. B rouse. Cornwall — H. Bred in. Aylmer — R. Kinney. Bichmond—J. E. Fenton. St. Andrews — E. S. Orr. Osgoode — M. Curry. Huntley — W. Cuthburt. Montreal^Johii Mathewson. St. Johns — Mr. Hibbard. Russeltown — J. Priest. Huntingdon^ Summerville. 10 Melbourne — C. French. iiherhrooke — G. McCurdy. Stanstead — M. Dixon, ; S/icfford—T). French. jDurham — C. Abbott.j John Mathewson, Esq. of Montreal, was appointed as joint Secretary of the meeting, with the Secretary of Conference. In order to place the objects of the meeting fully before the members, the President called upon the Clerical Secretary to read the memorial from the official members in Montreal, to the Conference, and the resolu- tion of the Confertnoe founded thereon : also, to read from the Book of Discipline the scale of Ministers' allowances— which was followed by lengthened discussions. The fol- lowing resolutions was then proposed by Dr. Beatty, and seconded by T. Bickle, Esq. That the Chairman of each District be requested to nominate a Delegate who shall compose a Committee to draft a scale of allowances for Ministers, and report the same tomorrow morning at half-past eight o'clock. ^he following persons were so appointed, viz : Toronto — James Hodgson. Hamilton — T. Bickle. Brantford — J. H. Moore. London — Wm. McBiide. Chatham — R. Woodsworth. Guelph — J. Wilson. Owen Sound — Sheriff Snider. Barrie — D. Morrow. Cohourg — Dr. Beatty n» 11 •*» Belleville — J. Booth. Kingston — Dr. Booth. Brockville — Jacob Brouse. By town — J. E. Fen ton. Montreal — John Mathewson. §Me6cc— Charles French. Stanstead — ^M. Dixon. to the Thursday Morning, Oct. 19th, 1854. Meeting opened by singing and prayer — ^Minutes read. The following report from the Committee appointed to« draft a scale of allowances, was read. 1 ^ MINISTERS' ALLLOWANCES. " The Committee with great readiness agreed upon the following scale of allowance, to be recommended to the meeting for adoption. I. That Art. 1st of Second Section of Discipline be altered so that £25 shall be read £35, and that Art 2nd remain as at present, viz : £25. II. That a Preacher's Salary after he is received into full connextion and ordained, shall be £45 per annum while he remains single. III. That each child shall be allowed £7 10s per annum, until the age of 18 — unless otherwise provided for. IV. That in case of the death of a Preacher's wife, instead of the provision for payment of Board for children, &c. — that no difference shall be made in the Salary — pro- ! vided that such Preacher has a family to provide for. V. That a fund be established for equalizing the sup- '. port of Preachers' children upon the principle adopted by | the English Conference. \ 12 m fi VI. That the sums provided in articles 4, 6, 6, Y, 8 and 9 of Section Second be increased twenty-five per cent per annum. VII. Your Committee recommends, which is all they feel can be done at present, that the Quarterly Boards do make a liberal, yea, generous allowance for all the expenses of the Preachers' Families, such as Board, Fuel, Servants, Physicians' Bills, House Kent, Horse Keeping, &c., so that our Preachers may be placed at least on a par with those of all other denominations, and relieved from the harassing cases of providing for their families in pecuniary matters, which so often sadly interfere with ministerial duties, and lessen ministerial influence. Signed on behalf of the Committee. John H. Moore, Chairman, John Beaty, Secretarj/J'* The Report was then taken up and discussed seriatim, A lengthened discussion on each item was maintained, when it was. Moved by J. Deacon, Esq., of Perth, and Seconded by Sheriff Snider, of Owen Sound, and passed unanimously. That the Report which has been read and discussed, be adopted. ik: 13 5 it cr d MIXED COMMITTEES Moved by James Hodgson, — Seconded by Richard Woods WORTH, Hesolvedf^That as a principle, it is just and expedient that all our Connexional Funds, raised wholly or princi- pally by the exertions of ministers and others, and the con- tributions of our people at large, should be managed by mixed Committees composed of equal numbers of Minis- ters and laymen, conjointly : so that they, who by personal services or pecuniary benevolence have contributed to their accumulation, may have a fair and equitable share in their management and distribution. Moved by J. Deacon, Esq. — Seconded by J. H. Moore, Esq. Resolved^ — That in acccordance with the above principle this meeting respectfully requests the Conference to place the (/ontingent Fund, the Chapel Relief Fund, and the College Fund, under the direction of mixed Committees. by ly. be CONTINGENT FUND. Resolved^ — That half of the Contingent Fund Com- mittee which is to be composed of Laymen, shall be annually chosen from the districts most contiguous to the place where the Conference shall be ireh^-op-^ne-layjaMm from -igacfr district oi sufficrent leisure-and informatien ildia^ttLajii-b^ iadueed-to iittead the ensuing Oonfefoncg, the selection of such layman to be made by the Recording Stewards and Representatives of each District, at the ordi- nary district meeting in May, (at the close of the financial business to be transacted at that meeting) from and out of the members nominated by the respective quarterly boards of such district at their fouth Quarterly Meetings. 14 Moved by Jacob Brouse, Esq., — Seconded by M. Dixon, Esq. Resoved — That this Committee shall appoint from among themselves two Treasurers, and a Secretary, and that one of the Treasurers shall in future be a lay member of the Church. Moved by J. H. Moore Esq. — Seconded by J. Hodgson, Esq. : Resolved^ — That the said Committee shall meet at the close of each Conference, or as soon as the stations of the Preachers shall be finally settled, and a portion to each District its fair and necessary share of the gross sum which they may see fit to set apart out of the estimated income for the ensuing year, reserving as much as they may con- sider sufficient to meet the extraordinaries — for the payment of ordinary deficiencies of the Circuit. At the same meeting they shall complete the settlement of the extraordinaries of the previous year, including travelling expenses, afflictions, and miscellaneous expenses of various kinds connected with the executive department of the general work. Moved by Dr. Lavell, of Peterborough — Seconded by C. French, Esq., of Melbourne : 4 Resolved — That the Financial District Meeting, held in the month of September in each year, shall apportion the amount of money which the Contingent Fund Committee shall have apportioned to each District, and in doing so, they shall consider the probable expenditure of each circuit asking assistance from the Contingent Fund, and having 15 fully investigated the claims of each circuit, shall equitably and impartially apportion the said amount amongst such of the Circuits as they may judge right and expedient. Moved by John Wilson, Esq. — Seconded by James Applebee, Esq, Resolved^ — That any Circuit which in the past year has J received assistance from the Contingent Fund may or may ^' not obtain aid the next year, as the Financial District ( Meeting may see fit, even though the said circuit may or i may not have been considered in the Contingent Fund Committee assembled at the Conference. I Moved by John Booth, Esq. — Seconded by T. Bickle, Esq. 'jf Resolved — ^That no deficiencies brought from any circuii be allowed at the final meeting of the Contingent Fund Committee, unless the circuit has raised during each quarter the average sum of two shillings and six pence currency per member, as required by the long established I rule, of each member paying one penny sterling a week, / and a shilling per quarter. Moved by Dr. Beaty — Seconded by H. A. Massey, Esq. Resolved — That no applications for grants to Circuits / or special claims be entertainted by the Contingent Fund I Committee or the Financial District Meeting, unless they / have passed the Quarterly Meeting and have been signed by the Circuit or Recording Stew ard. y 16 SUPERNUMERARIES Moved by the Rev. S. D. Rice, and Seconded by the Rev. S. Rose, I That when the claims upon the Superannuated Preacher's/ Fund for any year, shall b<3 more than the income of suchj year, each claimant shall receive a per centage in proportion to his claimi to the full amount of the current income. LAY ATTENDANCE AT DISTRICT MEETINGS. Moved by W. McBridb, Esq. — Seconded by James Hodgson, Esq. Rosolvedy — That it is very desirous and expedient that as many lay membere from each circuit — one of whom shall be Recording Steward — be authorized to attend the May District Meetings, and take part therein during the transaction of Financial business — as there may be Preachers travelling on the same circuit. DIVISION OF CIRCUITS. Moved by R. Woodsworth, Esq, — Seconded by D. Morrow, Esq. Resolved^ — That no circuits supporting their own Preachers shall be divided till such divisions have been approved of by their respective Quarterly Meetings, and their approval signified in writing by the Recording Steward, or otherwise by a two-thirds vote of the May District Meeting at the time when the Lay Representa- tives are present. 17 EDUCATION AND SUPPORT OF CANDIDATES FOR THE MINISTRY. Moved by J. Mathewson, Esq.— Seconded by J. H. Moore, Esq. Hesolvedy — That we are of opinion that provision should > be made for the Education, at Victoria College, free of ex- pense for Board and Tuition, of young men intended for the Ministry who may be recommended by the Quarterly and District Meetings — and that a Fund tor this purpose be created and sustained by annual collections and donations. COMMITTEE IN CONNECTION WITH THE BOARD OF VICTORIA COLLEGE. Moved by D. Morrow, Esq., of Barrie,— Seconded by J. Deacon, Esq., of Perth. Resolved^ — That in view of the important and widely ^ •xtended Educational Interests with which the Wesleyan I Methodist Church in Canada is identified, this meeting is I of opinion that a Committee of Lay Members of the •. Church from different parts of the Province should anually / be named by the President and Executive Committee of \ the Conference — such Committee when 'appointed to co- \ operate with the Board of Victoria College, and in all ^ other suitable ways to further the interests of Education, in connexion with the College and other Educational Institutions of the Church. PETITION FOR AID TO VICTORIA COLLEGE. Moved by J. Deacon, Esq.— Seconded.by J. A.'Moorb Esq. : — 18 Hesolvedy — ^That the President do name a Committee of five to draft a memorial to the Parliament for aid to Victoria College, that Committee to Report at the opening session to-morrow morning. The following were named by the President, viz : — S. D. Rice, J. Deacon, G. R. Sanderson, Dr. Beatty, and S. S. Nelles. REVISAL AND ALTERATION OF DISCIPLINE. Moved by J. H Moore, Esq., — Seconded by J. Mathewson, Esq, — Resolved^ — That this Committee recommends that the Conference appoint a Select Committee to revise the present Book of Discipline, so as to provide for the rent- ing of Pews in our Churches, and otherwise to adapt it to the wants and requirements of Canadian Methodism. Resolved^ — ^That this Meeting recommend the Confer- ference to alter the first clause of answer first of the 5th section of the Discipline, and that every Circuit be requir- ed to furnish the house or houses of their married Preachers : and that, in order to enable Circuits to do this, an appro- priation shall be made out of the amount reserved of the Contingent Fund for Extraordinaries, of such sura as the Contingent Fund Committee may think expedient. Moved by Rev. R. Jones — Seconded by T. Bickle Esq. :— . Resolved, — That Art. 2, sec. v. under the head of Tem- poral Economy, be erased from the Discipline. *\ S< 19 COMMITTEE FOR MAKING ESTIMATES. Moved by Rey. R. Jones — Seconded by T. Bickle , Esq. :— Resolved^ — That the Committee of Estimates appointed by a Quarterly Meeting, shall Report to the Quarterly Meeting so appointing. t LIBRARY FUND. Moved by J. Deacon, Esq. — Seconded by D. Morrow, Esq. :— Resolved, — That in the opinion of this Meeting it is highly desirable that a Library Fund, designed to aid young preachers in procuring necessary Books for their vocation, be established with as little delay as possible, and that a Committee of the following gentlemen, viz : — Messrs. T. Bickle, H. H. Watkins, J. Hodgson, R. Woods- worth, and J. R. Armstrong, be appointed, ifor the pur- pose of drafting Resolutions for the establishment of the fund, the manner in which means to that end shall be obtained, and the extf it to which Preachers on probation shall receive aid therefrom, said Committee to Report to the next Conference assembling in London in 1855. MISSIONARY SOCIETY. Moved by James Hodgson, Esq. — Seconded by R. WooDsw^ORTu, Esq. : — Resolved, — 1st. That a General Committee shall be appointed by the Conference, to whom shall be intrusted (in the intervals of the annual assemblies of that body) the I 20 Buporintendence of the collection and disbursement of all moneys raised for the Missions of the Canada Conference, and also the General Management of thoseMissions. 2nd. This Committee shall consist of the President and Secretary of the Conference, Co-Delegate, Superintendent of Missions, for the time being, eight other mmisters, and an equal number of laymen, membei's of the Methodist Cliurch, of whom one-third shall be selected from the Circuits generally : the rest shall be resident in or near Toronto, who shall meet in Toronto once a Quarter, and oftener if necessary ; of which meetings due notice shall be given at least one week before such meeting shall com- mence ; and for the information of those members living at a distance, this notice shall be inserted in the Chris- tian Guardian, 3d. That the Treasurer and Secretary of every District Auxiliary, who may be in Toronto occasionally, shall be entitled to meet and vote with the Committee. 4th. That the Toronto or Central members of the Cen- tral Committee shall consist of nine Methodist Ministers stationed for the time being in or near Toronto ; and of nine gentlemen, lay members of the MethodivSt Church, of whom as many as there are Ministere in Toronto (mem- bers of this Committe ') shall be nominated by the re- spective Quarterly meetings from which the ministers are selected : the other members of this Committee shall con- sist of eighteen ministers, viz : the Superintendent of Missions, the Co-Delegate and the Chairmen of the Dis- tricts, and eighteen Laymen, to be nominated by their respective District Meetings. \ •i 1 21 5th. That ono-third of the Laymen shall ^o out an- nually by rotation, but those retiring shall be eligible for re-election. This rotation during the first three years, shall be effected by ballot of the Committee, after which it shall proceed in regular course. •( Cth. That two Treasurers shall be elected from among themselves, one of whom shall be a Layman ; the Super- intendent of Missions be Corresponding Secretary, and the Secretary to the Board shall be elected by the General Committee. CHAPEL RELIEF FUND. Moved by R. Woodswortii, Esq.— Seconded by Jas HoDosoN, Esq. : — Resolved, — That this Committee recommends to the Conference that the Constitution of the Chapel Relief Fund should be revised and assimilated as far as practicable to such matured plan of administration now under con- sideration in England, and shall be finally approved by the British Conference. PRINTING OF MINUTES. Moved by R. Woodsworth, Esq. — Seconded by Jas. Hodgson, Esq. : — Resolved^ — That One Thousand Copies of the Minutes of this Convention be printed for the use and information of the vaiious Circuits throughout the entire work. 22 THANKS TO SUB-COMMITTE. Hesolvedy — That the thanks of this Meeting are due to the Sub-Committee appointed to prepare Resolutions to submit to the meeting relative to the matters to be brought before it. THANKS TO KINGSTON FRIENDS. JResolvedy — ^That the thanks of this Meeting be present- ed to the kind friends in Kingston for the hospitable man- ner in which they have entertained the members of this Meeting during its Session. I. B. HOWARD, ) c . • JOHN MATTHEWSON, f ^^cretartea. i < It r 1- x.