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AM) Demi Fathers: Oil the 21st of June, this yoar (LSOl), occurs tho Tercentenary of the holv death, at the age of 23 years ami 'i months, of tlu^ angehc youth, St. Aloysius Gonzaga. This youn.,' Saint, both as a lioly Religious of ti:e Society of Jesus, an.l (hiring all his l.oyhoo.1 liefore he cntercfl the Novitiate, was a iiuxlel of sanctity and wisdom; the many miraculous cures soon after his death, obtained through his intercession, and his canonization, lustify to this. Therefore he has been named the Patron of young Students, an.l held up as a model for imitation and as the Patron Saint of all young persons, especially on account of his angelic chastity, by the Sovereign Pontiffs and all Pastors and Directors of youth, for the last three hundred years. Hence our present Holy Father, Pope L(>o XHI, has gladly acceded to the petitions made to him, to sanction ;ind encourage in a special maniiei- this year, the celebration of the young Saint's Tercentenary Feast, by holy Pilgrimages of those who can go to his Shrine in Roiik; where his body lies, and by devotional visits to churches at home, throughout Christendom, during the Novena before his Feast, and the Triduuui including the day of his Feast, and by enrolling theii- names in an Album to be placed on his tomb, containing the names of child- ren and their Parents who wish to consecrate their Little Oxes under the Patronage of St. Aloysius. The Holy Father in his Apostolic Brief dated January l.st, 1891, grants a Plenary Indulgence to all the I Faithful who on any day of tlu; said Tridmni; of the Feast will i-eceive Holy Communion after having made Sacramental Confession, and wlio will have visited the Chuivh and prayed therein according to the intentions of the Pope, at least on five days of the Xovena, or on all three of the days of the Triduum. Other partial » Indulgences (without reiiuiring communion as a condition) are granted to those who perform the pilgrimage, or get their names enrolled in the Album, or assist at the Novena or the Triduum. But the Plenary Indul- gence re(|uires the usual conditions of Confession and Communion, as well as the visits to pray in the Church for the intentions of the Pope. All these Idulgences are applicable to the Souls in Purgatory. You have already seen, in the Catholic Newspapers, the text of the Holy Father's Letter. It is to call your attention to the same, and to express my entire consent and authorization that said Triduum and Novena and Solemn Cele1)ration of the Feast of St. Aloysius, with the Indulgences announced, be held in our Diocese wherever the Missionary Rectors find it conv<^nient (jr practicable to have them. To train up the Li'lTLE OXES of their Hocks in christian doctrine and piety is an object dear to the heart of every good Pastor, and the Chi(;f Pastor of the Christian Fold, the Pope, sets the example and encourages the other Pastors to "feed the lambs." The great "(Jood Shepherd," Christ, says : "Whatever you