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Las imagds suivantes ont M raproduites avec le plus grand soin, compte tenu de la condition at de la nettetA de I'exemplaire f llmA, et en conformity avec las conditions du contrat de filmage. The last recorded frame on each microfiche shall contain the symbol — ► (meaning CONTINUED"), or the symbol V (meaning "END"), whichever applies. 'Jn f!es symboles suivants apparattra sur la der- nlAre image de cheque microfiche, selon le cas: le symbols — ► signlfie "A SUIVRE", le symbols y signlfie "FIN". The original copy was borrowed from, and filmed with, the Itind consent of the following institution: Library of the Public Archives of Canada Maps or plates too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning ir. the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: L'exemplaire film* fut reproduit grAce A la gAnArositA de rAtablissement prAteur suivant : La bibliothAque des Archives publiques du Canada Les cartes ou les planches trop grandes pour Atre reproduites en un seul clichA sont fiimAes d partir de Tangle supArieure gauche, de gauche d droite et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images nAcessaire. Le diagramme suivant illustre la m6thode : 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 8 6 89- ..-y; A, -.A L.-H. FILT^AU. GENEALOGY OF THE FAMILY iKiiilfDeill DiT MSUIJIIIERS. ^i/ ^: — rvQC- V y / / A. BuRKAU & Fr^res, 9 O'Connor STRBkt. 1894. '^ / / / -y rRKAi' iK: I'RfeRKs, () O'Connor Sirrki-. l89<. CS • • • • e • • • •• •/ lO^lt^ . * !> . '< . ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H^p "' <»_ P^ /"ilP^ T \ r MRS. I. N. DESLATRIIvRS (ii6e Catli. Mullen) i«93 im > 1^ Ottawa, December aist, 1893. To Mr. I,-N. Deslauriers. Dear Friend, Some year.s Jigo, I undertook to write the genealogy of my family, and, apart from its usofulnoss, experienced much pleasure in becoming acquainted with the names of those who procodod mo in this life. It occnrretl to me that a similar work, concerning your family, would have for yourself and othejs concerned a like interest. 1 therefore decided to compile it. Part of the genealogical notes 1 have gathered, are a reprodiKtioh of all that ha.s been published in the Diction- naire GenMogiquc. by ]VIon.>ignor Tanguay concerning your family; the jest, is the le.ssiit of my own researches and work. To these notes, I have added everything that appear- ed to me of interest, viz: translated copies of all cer- tificates of baptism, marriage and interment of yonr ancestors, from generation to generation down to yourself, in cases whore it has been possible to procure them; also, such other documents as would recall to the memory of your family many pleasing events, and your own popular- ity among your numerous friends. 1 I T have thought thiit some illustrntionH would i.dd raoro iijtcreHt to theno pages >inlaurieit>, photo, by Jurvis, in IBtKJ. 3. The compilorV, ])holo. by Toploy, in 1891. 4. A group of a pan of your family, photo, by the com- piler, in 1892. 5. Your hoHpitablo home, No. 426, Be.sserer street, photo, by the compiler, in 1893. 6. A shooting Bceno, photo by the compiler, in 1891. 7. A group of the Champion Shooting Team of the St. Hubert Gun Club, phot(\ by Topicy, in 1893. By the last two it is nhown that, like your ancestor Augnstin — who wa^ a boUlier—, j'ou have known how to handle a gun i-Uilfully, of which, no better evidence could be produced than ''The Moil" trophy, and the 100 ducks aid 6t snipe hanging jimund our shooting sliunty. Your faithful " il/ary-^nn ", a.s you and your friendw cidl your gun, hflR Jichievcd many other feats which it i.-* supcrfluouh to mention, enough having been said to ehow your ability. In the Appbndioks, you will find : A. An Address pretiented to you and Mrs. Deslauriers, by your friends on the occasion of your Silver- Wedding, or 2.5th anniversary of your marriage, 188;^ B. An Address presented to you by the Members of No. 1 Company, (lovornor General s Foot Guards, on your promotion to the post of Colour-Sergeant of that Company, 1884. C. A letter written to you by Capt. A. H. Todd, on your retirement from No. 1 Company, G: G: P: G :, 1887. D. An Addrefts presented to you by Officers and Men of No. 1 Company, G : G : F: G :, 1887. K. Some <'<>iTOetj)oii(l(>nfo willi icforeiico to the Mulloii family. P. A short goiiealogy of the samo. (t. a Mtuiomont of your tnvvoU, aceordiug to your own diary. H. A fow faetH re^ipeelin^'; the St. ilubort (inn Club, of which, you aro a pioiniiiont mornbcr. I. The compiler's lust word : one of sorrow. Now, before I'losjnpf, 1 have an a^rveonblo duly lo t'ulHl : it is to dedicate to you and your worthv wife in particular these few pugOii, to the interest of which you have both largely cohi.ribulO'.t ; also, to your sons, daugh- terh and .st>ii.s-in-law, as a token of isincere friomlship and hfart-folt graliludc fur the many kinduesvts shown me, and in rcnjctnlrarjco oj" tjic happy moments we have spent lo;j;ethor, which, I will ever rcincmbor amongst (ho hup}»ie-t ones of my life Yours very sincerely, L. il. FILTKAU. LOUIS-HONORE FILTEAU. Born at St. Nicholas, County of Levis, Province of Quebec, 2*7 June, lr44; tson ofBonjamin Filleau, farmer, by the late Marcclline Martine.ui. Educjiteil at the Semi- nary of Quebec. Civil StM'vico clei-k, in ihe Bojiartment of Public Works, from March 1870 to Oct. 1879; and from that date, in the Department of Railways and Canals. I \ \ f :1 Ill I. o 9 30 u . w r^ SHOOTING SHANTY. SixletMi feel by tliij-teen rsitiiatoiJ on tho north fc-horo of'tlio river Ottawa, on the rMgo between that river and tho marsh, about two miles below the village of L'Ange- ^rardien, county of OttAWa — I.N. DoslaurierH, A-W. Throop, clerk, Pont Office Def>artment ; E.-G. Dalton, clerk, Department of Indian Atfairs ; J.-E.-W. Currier, clerk, Department of Railways and Canals. ! EXPLAJ*ATIONS. 1. The signs : •]-, -^ and'J^^'vfh'\ch accompany the name of a place or of a church, aftlT are afterwards seen after letters: b, ?/i and i, rcpresent'tfio name of thi* locality or • of tho church where the CQr'tifM'Sxies of baptism, marriage and interment, have been racbrded and, by thih, the frequent repetition of the same name is avoided. 2. Letter- 6, m and t, 1*tand for : baptism or baptized^ marriage or married, interment or interred. 3. The roraan figure, before or after a name, indicates the degree of filiation. ? ^ :p_a.jRT I. O B N ]:D A J. C) a Y OF TIIK' FAMILY NOKMANOEAU dit DESLAURIEHS. ■i.% ..i.? .t «f "^ /o _lL 1 GENEALOGY OP THE FAMILY NORMANDEAU ait DESLAURIERS. Marriage, 1694 (-S Jany.), Charlesbourg @. 1.— NOKMANDEAT (l),.t. 1725, to Marie-Angeliquo Doniers ; i * 3 Augt. 1143. — Pierre^ h @ 2- June 1697; m * 14 Augt. 1719, 1o Marguerite Rancour. —Fran(;ois, b @ 3 Dec. 1699 ; i @ 21 Fcby. 1703.— 3/aWc- Fran^oiae, b @ 27 Dec. 1702; i @ 25 Feby. 1703 --J/an>- Madeleine, b @ 12 and i @ 25 Apl. 1704.— C7/«r/es, b @ 6 June 1106,— Marie-Madeleine., b * 25 Mcb. 1709; m* 18 May 1728, to Louis Dion. (l). His contract of marriage has been unsuccessfully scar, ^hed for, in the Minutes of the Notaries : Genaple, Chamhalon, Duprat and ( '.. Rogir. in the Prothonotary's office, Quebec. (2) She married, 23 May 17 12, Abel Sagoi dil Laforge, at v^>el>f'' : and, 12 June 1718, Jacques Parent, also at Quebec. ! i ( i ' I \ 12 Marrio^'o, 1719 (U Auj^Mist), Quebec *. II.-NORMANDKAU, Pion-o, [son of Aui,Mistin I. b 22 Jniu: 1G97, ut ChnrlosbouiT,' @ ; i, Uancoiir, Mni-^non'to, [dau^ 2:^ Augt. 1751, .1,o Picno Lo Puron — iVari«- AnydHqve, b * 24 June arni i * .'] Sopf, \Tl''i, - (hdUaunw- Joseph.h'^ 11 Sept. 1728; !i @ 8 Nov. 1751, fu Marie- Josepli Thibault. — Louise, 1^ *• 17 Apl. and i @ 15 July \TiiO,~ Marie- A line, b -^ 16 Sepi. 17:U; i * 9 May 1733.-- G'nilhmme, b =!= 23 De<'. \VlL~^Lom>i-Pierre., b * 15 May 1734; m* 1 Mdi. 1756, to Cecilo iUy-^aWw.-- Marie-Made- leine b*12 Oct. 1735; in -K 2 Foby. 1756, to Fraii<;ois Gallet.— Jrtf^Mes, b * 16 F(;by. 17.57 ; m "^ 23 Aui^n. 1762, to Catherine Tinon. — Fran'^'oisChrysostome^ b * 3 July and i * 25 AuiCt. 1739. — Auffuatin-Antoine, b * 28 Augt. and i @ 9 Sept. 1741. — Athanase, b , m (under the narae Nor- luandin) 24 Nov. 1771, lo Marie-Charlotte Caquerel, at Bou<}herville. Marriage, 1731 (4 June), Quebec *. H.—NORMANDEAU, Aug., r«'>n of Augu.stin I. b 1694 ; i * 3 Augt. 1743. 18 l** BiNET, Mnrio-Fi-se-Jos., [fhui^lilor of Jus.. Fijin vols £1. Heo Taii:,'ii«y. h 1700. JfarieFratu,()iM«, b * 28 Mav M2'2.- -Anttin, b* 12 and i * 26 Oct. 172.1. Mariingo, 1725 (5 So))t.) * 2"^ DlMBRs, Mai'io-Ang^lique, [daughter ot Jean II. Sec TnnKuay. b 1701 ; i * 16 Jany. lT8b' Avyastin, b * 6 J„Iy 1726 ; i * 21 Apl. \T11. Atnrit' Avof/r.'ique, \> * ]4 May 1728" ;r^ * 24 Nov. 1748, 1<> li<>y~CItarIc8Aug^>sfin. b *'V5 OeL 1780; ru * 22 Oct. 17r»:i. tf) >!r.'i<-L.,nmo Laba-^iic ; i * 4 Apl. nil.—Anfoine, h ■<'• W Mck 17;ii:.- J/j(/>r, b >!• 7 Jany. ITS4. —Mnrir-Louite, b * 2;j Sept. I73fi ; m '-^ 2C\MfA: 1754, to Joseph Filleau, joiner, Quebec, suti of Jeap-,»iij,tiHto Filteau ;in.| f)f Mario- Frnngoiso Lt-roy, of Boaumonl.-Aer/-e, b * 2U Jnnc 1731) ; ni * 18 Apl. 17(i:{. to Maiie-G'hnilotto .Aluilloux.- Francois'- Joseph^ b =i= .'> Aj.l. 1741 i ni 7 .lany. J7 Juno 1723; i Marie-Anne-Marguerife, b (o, 19 Nov 1T4G; 1'^ m to Jcan- BapliHto S^vin ; 2^ m 25 Angt. 1788, to Charle.s Croi^e- tiero, at St. CAiihben.—Luuu-iVicolas, h @ 29 Fcby. and i * 11 Sept. mS-^Oeneviere, h * 11 July and i * 10 Oct. 14 \U9.—Joiifph, h @ 17 Oft, 1750; i @ 22 Fehy. 1751.— Marie- Louitti, I) @ 27 Augt. 1762; i @ 20 May 176t).— Marie-Anyelique, h (a^ 18 Foby. 1754.- /li. \TM. Louit, l> * :» Se|.t. 1754. Aut/HHfln, U * 22 Aus Mtiii^ueiiit! Voctllf. — Maii>' Louitt>\ li * 15 Apl. \H>(). — .Unrt/iin'if>;. I. * 27 May I7'i2 — ^/jW/W/(. 1» * I Miiicli 17(14. -/'I'm', l»... Ml 1!> Nov. 171»H, loTlioiu.-ottui. roux, at St-Jouii-Das(!liaillons. Marriage, 1756 (l March), Quoboc *. Ill -NORMANDKAU, L^.-Pione, [hom ofPiono II. b 1734; joinor. (toshslin, C^ciio, [daughter of F'iorre III. See Tanguay. I) 1724; widow of Jacquow Pepie ; i * 12 June 17<}4. J/rtW«-C(/fi/e, b * 20 June and i * 23 July 1757. — Mai'ie^ b * 18 .Sept. 1758; i * 12 May MfiO.-Mari^.Aimf^Ursufn, b* 14 Augt. and i * 4 Oct. 1760. Marriage, 1762 (23 Augu,-l), (Quebec *. HI.— NOUMANDEAU, Jacc^ues, [won of Pierre 11. b 1737. TiNON. Marie-Oalherine, [daughter oCObarleH II. See Tanguay. b 1734. Marie-Agathe, b 1763 ; I * 21 March 1764. Marriage, 1768 (18 April), Quebec *. III.— NORMANDEAU, Pierre, drt Desiauriyrs, [son oi' Augustin II. b 1739. Id MAiiiiiOUX, Marie-Chnrlotte, [(iaiighlor of Benjamin III. See Tunguay. b 1141. Pierre^ b * 17 Jany. and i * 23 March 1764. Marriage, 1766 (7 Jany.), Montreal. in — NORMANDKAU. Pr8.-Jos., dit J)eHlaurior: , [fton of AuguHtin II. b 17-41. DEsAuaKLs, Marie- Anne, [daughter of Gilbert III. See Tanguay. b 1745. Marriage, 1771 (24 Nov.), Bouoherville. III.— NORMANDIOAU, Athanase, [eon of Pierre U. b (married under the name Normandin). Caquerel, Marle-Charh)ttc, [diuightor of Jc:ai-Nic-oliif^ i. Sec TanguJiy. b 1750. NOKMANDEAU, Joseph. U married to Paquet, Catherine ; 2' married, 1791 (25 Oct.) Quebec, to Renauh, Marie-Louise, widow of Franyois Alaire. Marriage, 1781 (24 April), Quebec. IV.— NOKMANDEAU, Et., dit Deslauriors, [son of Chs.-Aug. III. b 1758. VocET.LK, dil Belhumeur, Marguerite, [daughter of Jean I. See Tanguay. 17 Marriage, 1783 (^ Poby.). Charlosbourg @. IV.— NORMANDEAU, Thomas, liiL Deslauriors, laborer, [son of Louis III. and, in 1802, farmer; b @ 7 Sept. 1756; i Hupfi, Marie, [daughter of Nicohis [V. See Tanguay. b @ 1 Thomas, born and b @ 14 Jany. 1701 ; m — Louis, born and b @ 4 March 1802; m (Sj 11 April 1826, to Mar- guerite Pepin, daui;hter of .1 jseph Pepin (sexton, at Char- lewbourg) and of .Marguerite Falardeau, of Cliarlesbourg ; i 2 Oct. 1872, Sl-Joan-Baptfste church, Quebec. — Jacques, born and b @ 19 Feby. i805; m to Julie Plcau dit Julien (no children were torn of this marriage, so Mr. Isidore De^^laariert* V[, their nephew, wayrt). -Marie, b Marriage, 1798 (19 Nov.), Si-Jean-Deachaillons. IV.— NORMANDEAU, Pierre [son of Chs.-Augustin III, b EoiRODX (and Rot), Therose, [daughter of Joseph III. See Tanguay. Marriage, (■ •) v.— NORMANDEAU, Thomas, dit Deslaurier.s, [son of Thomas IV. b 1791 B mm 18 Marriage, 1826 (H April), Charloi-bouig @. V.—NOEMANUEAU (1), Loiiin, dit Deslauriery, laborer, [son of Thomas IV. b@1802; i 2 Oct. 1872, St-Joan-Baptisto *, Quebec. Pepin (2), Marguerite, [daughter of Jo8ej)h. born © 15 and b @ 1(5 Oct. 1808. Marie-Henriette, b 21 and i 23 iNov. 182b', Notre-Dame -J-, Quebec— ZoMw. born 27, b f 28 Nov. 1827; i ••- 22 Sej.t. \d>2.%.—Marie-AiUluide, born 6, b -|- 7 Apl. 1820 ; 1' m f 12 Jany. 1847, to William Martin ; 2** m f 28 Sept. 1852, to Edouard Cotd (interred at Montreal) ; i 29 Jany. 18G5, St-Colomba of ^WXnvy .— Marie-Caroline^ born 6, b -]- 7 May 1831 ; m -j- 28 Augt. 1849, to Victor Houle, carpenter; i -\ 9 Jany. 1853.— i^ertiiTMiwci, born 10, b f 11 Feby. 1833; m -j- 4 July 1854, to Julie, daughter under age of Luc Matte and of late Constance Proulx, of St-Pierre les- Becquets ; i * 5 July 1881.— /sirfore, born 27, b -|- 28 Apl. 1835 ; m 19 Jany. 1858, St-Colomba of Sillery, to Catharine, daughter of the late Michael Mullen (buried before 1842, at Beragh, county of Tyrone, Ireland), and of Bridget Heflernan (See her certificate of burial, 1855). — Leon- Louis^ born 20, b f 2 1 Sept. and i f 9 Oct. 1837.- Joseph^ b i f 4 Augt. 1839, 7 months old. — Jacques-Honor^^ born and b f 18 June 1840; 1" m 20 Augt. 1866, Notre-Dame, Montreal, to Hortense Facette, daughter of Olivier Facotte, farmer, and of Houorine Mondoux, of the pariuh of (i) For the first 5 or 6 years after his marriage, he resided inSt-Roch of Quebec, and afterwards, in ihc village " Gueiiette" where, in 1832, he built a house which was the third one built in that village. (2) Dit Lachance. Antoine Pepin dit Lachance, first ancestor of this family in Canada, and son of .Vndre Pepin and of Jeanne De Bour- ville, was a native of Havre-de-Cirace in Normandy, now town of Havre {Siine-Infiriciae), France. He was jircsent when Pierre Filteau and Gillette Savard, — first ancestors in this country, of Mr. Louis-Honors; Filteau, the compiler of this genealogy — , entered into their contract of marriage, in Quebec, on II Jany. 1O66. Was buried 23 Jany. 1703, in the parish of Ste-Famiilc, Island of Orleans, near Quebec. wm 19 St-!yfartin ; 29 m 3 Jany. 1889, Notre-Dame church, Ottawa, to Alphonsine, ciaiightei' of Raphael Hurtubiso and of Josephine Rattier, of Ottawa. — Louise, b (cortiticate of baptism cannot be found at Notre-Dame church, Quebec); m * 2() Jany. 1864, to Patient Cote, (died in July 1892, being 53 years and one month old) joiner, son of Francois Cote and of Angele Gingras ; i * 25 Apl. 1878, aged 35 ycai'.s. — Marie-Celine, b -]- 3 May 1844 ; m * 15 Dec. 1866, to Joseph Cote, son of Louis Cotd and of Euphrosine Dore. Mr. Joseph Cote, is bottler by trade, and lives at No. 32, StGabriel street, Quebec, (1893). Marriage, ( ) V.--NORMANDEAU, Jacques b 1805, Charlesbourg, i Pleau, dit Julien, Julie, b No children were born of this marriage. [son of Thomas IV. Marriage, 1854 (4 July), Notre-Dame @, Quebec. VI.— NORMANDEAU, Ferdinand, dit Deslauriers, [son of Louis V, born 10, b @ 11 Feby. 1H33 ; i 5 July 1881, St-Jean- Baptiste church. Quebec— He was Landing Waiter, Custom-IIouse, Quebec. — No children were born of his marriage. Matte, Julie, [daughter of Luc. b 20 Marriage, 1858 (10 Jany.) St-C()Ioinb:i of Sillory. VI.— NORMANDKAU, Isidore (1), [son of Loui> V. born 27, h 1^8 A[)l. IS.i.'). H;h no oontrat't i>l nuirriii^o. Was emplojoti in the iJ^'purirnotit of i'ii!)iic, Woiks from May 1859, up to tlio division of this i)('|/:irtment oil 1st Got. 187!), ami fioni that (iato, in tlio Dept. <>f Railway's and Canals, as (Miiot Mos^engisr. tlv signs : /. N. dit Deslaiiriers. lollc-r N being for Noiiiiandeau. MuLLiNB, Calliarino, [daughter of Micliael. b 13 Jany. lH,'>:j, St. .Mary's church, iJoi-agli, Co. Tyrone, archdiocese of Ai'niagh, Irchmd. Margaret- Alice, born 27, b 28 Dec. 1858, St-Patricic's church *, (iuebtc; died 10, i * 11 July 18iJ4. — Mary- Adelaide, born 11, b * 12 July IH'H!; m 23 A])l. 1884, St-Joseph's church @, Ottawa, lo Adoljthc-Alfrod Dion, now electrician, son of Jean-Olirysoslonio Dion and of Josephine Carapeau, of Otl.-ivva ; residence No. 430, Bei^serer street, Ottawa, 1S!)3. Louis Ferdinand, born 19, b * 20Apl. 1862; m 5 July 1892, Si-Patrick's church, Toronto, Lo Mary-Theresa O'Donneil (at that time in Toronto, with her mother, on a visit to an aunt — mother's sister — , Kev. Sistoi- Si-Basii, House of Pi-ovidenco), daughter of hito James ODoiir. ell aiid (jf Catharine Baker, of Quebec— /,f*i(/(>?-e, born 21, b * 27 Mch. l8(J-4; m 17 .Sej>t. 1889, Notie-Datne church -|-. Ottawti, to Cathaiine Dono- van, daughter of late John Donovan and of Bridget McNulty, of Ottawa. Bridget McNully, died at 3 o clock P. M., Tuesday, 9 May 1893; intermciit at 2.30 P. M., Thursday — Ascension day--, 11 May, at St Bridget's church, Ottawa. Pall-bearei-s : I. N. Deslauriors, Sr., Edward Devlin, Sr., P. Bask, rville, cx-.M. P. P., John J. McGovcrn, Martin Carroll and ^I'hos. Ro.Kborough. — Marie Catherine, born and b 14 Oct. 1865, St-Hilaire, (the (i) Dit Deslauriers. OS W ^4 H W < o a: o CO .Mi G >- ■/. < ^^ H- MmtHiim 2t family was then on its way to Ottawa, tho now iseat of Pailiameiit), m @ 10 Sept. 1859, to Fltionne Leblanc» niorchant, Hon of Etienno Loblnnc, merchant, and of Melina ParudiH, of Ottawa; residence No. 195, Augusta street, 1893 (2).—Joseph-He7iry, born and b f 9 Sept. 1867 ; lithogriipher ; liven in Des Moines, [own, United-States, 18\)S.—E(Iouard, born 29, b -]- 30 May 1869; in 1893, employed by Mr. T. MoCuUougli, on Wood Lawn Ranch, Pincber Ci-euk, N. W. T., Alberta, — Franch- Patrick, born 10, b f 12 Mch. 1871 ; up lo Dee. 1892, dork in the Dcpt. of Eailway.s and t/anals, Ottawa; in 1893, in the Interco- lonial Railway Wost orn Freight and Passenger Agency Office, Toronto.— /wi,i-//«c(!or, born 30, b f 31 Dec. 1872 ; in 1893, cabinet-maker, Ottawa. (2) Mr. Leblanc's children are: l" Maria-Melina-Ida, born 15, b f 22 Tune 1890; 2° Maria-Florence-Irone, born 11 Oct. 1891, b t--. i •'«) 22 Dec. 1893: 3' Joscph-Etienne-Isidore, Ijorn 29 June, b @ 2 T'lly 1893. The s[ions!-(lin.i,' to the Ordinance. ALEXANDRE DOUCET, Priest (2). (i) The compiler has not been in a |)osition to ascertain for himself, whether the two named have siii;nccl or not. (2) Doucet, Alexandre, horn in Paris, son of [acques Doucet and of Marie Pinet ; ordained 5 March 1689, at the Hotel-Dieu of Qiiel)cc ; iv/ri' of Charlesbourg, in 1690. Went to l'ort-l\oyal in 1698, and died there 26 March 1700, in the 44 year of his age. Baptism, 1696 (21 Dec.), Beauport. R A N CO U R, Marguerite. On the twenty-first day of December, one thousand 8ix hundred and ninety-six, wo, the undersigned, curS of Bciuipoi'l, baptized Marfjuerite, born the precetlin^ day, daiigliter of J<)>cpli Kaiicoui' (1) and nt' Mnric Parent bin vvij'c, of iho said paris^b. (^od-fatbei- : Koi>crt Drouai'd,son of Joan Drouard, of (i^iiebcc; i^'od-motiier : Marguerite (xagnon, wife of Vital Carron (2), of the said Quebec, undersigned. KoBEKT Drouard. •M .A RQl) ER rr K < r A (}NON. i:. BOULLARD, driest (3). (1) Ship-carpent'jc, in 1706. (2) Merchant. (3) Boullard, Etiemie, priest, born al Chateau-du-Soir in Maine (France), arrived 21 July 1682. Was ajjpointed (V/rt* of Beauport 3 Nov. 1684, and l;c|it t!iat title until N'oveni'ier 1719. His successor was Mr. Royet. A|ipointed canon and tliei>li)j;al in 1 700; ofiticial and lurJ of Quebec, in 1724; died al the Ilotel-I)ieu of (Quebec, 28 Sept. 1733, in the 75 year of his age ; buried in the cathedral of Quebec. BapiiBm, 1697 (22 June), Charlesbourg. ^ORMANDEAU, Pierre. On monday, the t\vent3'-8eeond of June, one thousand BJx hundred and ninety seven, we, the undersigned, ctir^ of St-Charles of Charlesbourg, baptized in the church of this parish Pierre., born the preceding day, son of Augustin Normando and of Marie-Madeleine Sasseville, his wife. The god-father was : Pierre Conillo, inhabitant of Bourg-royal, in this parish, and the god-mother : Catherine Gruyselin, wife of Nicolas Buto, who declared themselves unable to sign, after having been requested to do so, according to the Ordinance. ALEXANDRE DOUCET, Priest. ill! {&■ '*j 80 Baptism, 1709 (25 March), N.-D., Quebec. NORMANDEAU, dit DKSLAURIEES, Marie-Machleim. On the twonty-fifih March 1709, wo, the underisigncd, cwr^ of Quebek, baptized Marie- Madeleine^ born the prece- ding day, daughter of'i\ugustin Normandeau, dit Deslau- riers, and of Mario-Madeleine Sasj-eville his wife. The god-fatlior was : Sieiir Paul Dupuy, local judge of the Provostbhip of Quebek, and the god-mother: Madame Charlotte-Elisabeth Dugne (1) wife of Sieur Jean Petit, treasurer of the Marine, in this country, in the name and for the Rev. Mother Marie-Madeleine Gloria, Superioress of the Hotel-Dieu, of this city, who signed after having been requested to do so. Dupuy. Charlotte E. Dugu6. POCQUET, Priest (2). (i) Daughter of Captain Dugue de Br.isbriant, first Seignior of the seigniory of Mille-Isles, who came to this country with the regiment Carignan-Salieres, in summer 1665. (2) Pocquet, Pierre, priest, arrived in 1691 ; died in Qviebec, 16 April 1 7 1 1 , in the 44 year of his age ; buried in the cathedral of Quebec. Marriage, 1719 (14 August), N. D., Quebec. NORMANDEAU, Pierre. RENCOURT, Marguerite. On the fourteenth of August, one thousand seven hun- dred and nineteen, after the publication of the three banns of marriage, between Pierre JVormandeav, son of the late Augufitin Normandeau and of Marie-Madeleine Sasseville, his father and mother, of this parish, on the one part; and Marguerite Hencourt^ daughter of the late Joseph Ren- 81 tonrl and of tho lute Mario Parent, her father and mother, also of this parish, on the othor part ; no impediment to their raiirriage having been discovered, we, the under- si/j;ne(l, cur^ and Official of Quebec, aflcr having received their mutual consent of marriage, gave them the nuptial benediction according lo the manner proscribed by the Holy Church, in the pi-esenco of the undei'signed relatives and witnesses. The hu-iband and spouse declared thom- Belvos unable to sign after having been requested to do so. Jacques Parent, step-father of the husband; lie ne Sasse- ville, uncle of the husband ; Louis Jobin, Jacques Parent, Marie-Madeline Sasseviile, Marie-Fran^oiso Davaut (1), Andre Corbin, declared themselves unable to sign, as also Claude Rencourt. Rancourt. Duval. THIBOULT, Priest (2). GUILLIMIN. (i) Second wife of Joseph Rencourt. (2) Thil)oult, Thomas, arrived 16 Augt. 1710; appointed curi oi Quebec, in 1 716. Was also superior nf the Qucliec Seminary, and died at the Hotel-Dieu of Quebec, 12 April 1724, in the 43 year of his age. Marriage, 1721 (4 June), Quebec. NORMANDEAU dit DESLAURIERS, Augustin. BINET, Marie- Fr an foise Joseph. On the fourth June, one thousand seven hundred and twenty -one, after tho publication of the three banns of marriage, between Aiigustin Normandeaii. son of Augustin Normandeau dit Deslauriers and of Marie-Magdeleine Sasseviile, his father and mother, of this parish, on the one part ; and Marie-^ran^oise Joseph Binety daughter of ■!• ^A*- tol9W*f w J*^— " «» 32 Joseph-Frangois Binet and of Frangoise Vachon, hor father and mother, of the parish of Beauport, being pi-Cf^ent, on the other p:ii-t; and no impediment to their marriage having been difscovored, we, the under>igned, «t*re and OtHeial of Quebec, received their mntual consent, married them and gave tl»om the nuptial benediction according to the manner prescribed by the Holy Church, in the pret^ence of relatives and witnesses undersigned. The husband, spouse, Jacques Parent, Marie-Magd. Sasse- ville, Nicolas Binet, Pierre Normandeau, Augustin Lafon- taine, declared themselves unable to sign, after having been roquested to do so, according to the Ordinance. DiLAROCHE. J. C. LuREUx. TIllBOULT, Priest. Louis Chevalier. Baptism, 1722 (2 Nov.), N.-D., Quebec. NORMANDEAU, Louis. On the second November, one thousand seven hun- dred and twenty-two, we, the undersigned, cure and Official of Quebec, baptized Louis, born the preceding day, of the marriage of Pierre Normandeau and of Marguerite Eancourt, his wil*e. The god-father was: Louis Courval, merchant, of this city, and the god-mother: Mies Cathe- rine Moni (1), undersigned. Courval. Moni. THIBOULT, J'riest. (l) De Mosny. See Tanguay : Dtcf. Gin. • Baptism, 1728 (19 June), Charlesbourg. B^DARD, Marie-Anne. On the nineteenth of June, in the year one thousand seven hundred and twenty-three, we, the undersigned, citr*/ of Charlesbourg, bapUzod Marie Anne, born this day, daughter of Jacques Bedaid and of Marie-Anne Doyon his wife, inhabitants of this parish. The god-father was: Jacques Parent, and the god-mother: Marie-Ang61ique Renault, wife of Thomas Doyon, who declared themselves unable to sign, after having been requested to do so, according to the Ordinance. Le BOUL anger, Priest (1). (l) Le Boulanger de Saint- Pierre, Pierre- KenJ, born at the Cap de la Madelaine, ia 1679, son of Pierre Le Boulanger and of Marie-Renee God- frey de Tonnancour ; ordained at Quebec 6 Nov. 1701, and immediately appointed atr^' of Charlesbourg which he ministered up to his death which occurred 24 June 1747. He was 68 years old. His remains were deposi- ted in the church of Charlesbourg. Marriage, 1746 (14 Feby.), Charlesbourg. NORMAN DB ATI, Louis. B^DARD, Marie-Anne. On the fourteenth of February, one thousand seven hundred and fortj'^-six, after the public ition of the three banns of marriage made at the prones of the parochial masses of this parish, and of that of Quebec, between Louis Normandean, son of Pierre Normandeau and of Mar- guerite Rancour, his father and mother, of the parish of Quebec, on the one part ; and Marie-Anne Bedard, daugh- ter of Jacques Bedard and of Marie-Anne Doyon, her father and mother, of thi^ parish, on the other part; and no impediment to the said marriage having been disoover- c 34 ed, we, vicaire of Charlesbourg, married thorn according to the manner proHcribed by our Mother the Holy Church, in the presence of Pierre Normandcau, father of the husband; Charles Kancour, his maternal uncle; JacqueB Parent, his grand-father; Etionne Eancour, iiis first- cousin; and Jacques Bedard, father of the spouse; Ber- nard Bedard, her paternal uncle; Pierre Doyon, maternal uncle; Germain Villiard, Jean Choveau, Jean Cotton, friends who, with the husband, signed with the exception of those who declared them.selves with the spouse, unable to sign after having been requested to do so, according to the Ordinance. C. Eancour. Etibnne Rancour. L. NOBMANDEAU. GeRMAIN ViLLIABD. MARii-ANGiiLiQUE Demers. Marie-Louise Villiard. Charlotte Delorierp. Jean Goulette, Jean Chbveau. Jea« Cotton. Pierre Normandeau. MORISSbiATJ, Vicaire (1), (I) Morisseaux-Bois-Morel, /-m;:?../.-, born i8 July 1722 ; onlaincd 18 Sept 1745 ; appointed, in 1746, v>'C''-<^ "t Charlesbourg. Died at Champiain, i March 1776, in the 56 year of his age. Burial, 1754 (15 Juno) N.-D., Quebec. SASSBVILLE, Marie Madeleine. On the fifteenth of June, one thousand seven hundred and fifty-four, was interred in the cemetery of this parish Marie-Madeleine Sasseville, widow of Jacques Parent, dit D6but; she departed this life the preceding day, after 86 receiving the sMcrumenls, being about eighty-five yearg old (1). There were present: Jean Vall6o, Guillaurae Taphorin and others. C H. YOUVILLE DUFROST, Priest, vicaire. (i) Was only 76 years old. .l'Vn!v-n^°"'''^"/S'"'°'*' 9^^':^'i-^^^'^>-'^-^^^^'f'^ai,te, wassoh of Francois M^nZ ' n^°- ^^f'^rT ^''^'''''^ ^°""^^««« °f the General hospitaUf •r?,f \^^''''*''V"!.''.^r^ ^"^''' ^752, and appointed .«;V of Point Levis with the charge of St-Henri also, from 1766 to 1774. Vicar-GeneriMn iiJige '"'^ '^ Boucherviile. 6 March 1790, luhe ^Jear of Burial, 1756 (13 Jany.), N.-D., Quebec. KANCOUR, Marguerite. On the thirteenth of January, one thousand seven hundred and fiffy-six, wa« interred Marguerite Rancour wife of Pierre Normandeau, dit Desiauriers, who departed this life the preceding day, in the sixty -fourth year of her age (1), after receiving the sacraments. There were present: Jean Vallee and several others. VIZIBN, Vicaire(2). (1) Was but 59 years and 23 days old. (2) Vizien, Philippe-Joseph, arrived in July 1754; was appointed z;,.a.r. of Quebec, and Wof Ste-AnJe de BelLeTb 7C7^ Left for France, in November 1799. '^^"pic, in 1757. Baptism, 1766 (7 Sept.), Charlesbourg. NORMANDBAU, PaulThoinas. On the seventh of September, one thousand seven hundred and fifty-six, we, vicair* of Charlesbourg, baptized % 36 Paul-Thomas, born this day, son of Louis Normandefiu and of Marie-Anno Bedard hiw wife, of thi8 parish. The god- father was: Paul Bedard, third-cousin of the child; and the god-mother : Marie-Catherino Penisson who, with the father being present and Francois Laurend, declared themselves unable to sign, after having been i'oquo.->ted to do 80, according to the Ordinance, with the exception of the father undersigned with us. L. NORMANDEAU. F. BOREL, Priest (1). (l) Borel, Francois, born at Avranchcs (l*i-ancc), 12 June 1727, suii of Simon Borel and of Marie Colli \ ; ordained 20 Sept. 1755. In 1756, ho was missionary of NotreDauie-dc-Foye and curJ of the same [larish, in 1760. Died there 5 Feby. 1792, being 64 years and 7 months old. Marriage, 1788 (IV Feby ), Charlesbourg. NORMANDEAU, Thomas. HUPE, Marie. In the year one thousand seven hundred and eighty- three, on the sevenleenth of February, after the public- ation of the three banns of marriage made on three conse- cutive 8undii3'8 at the prones of the parochial masses, between Thomas Normandeau, son of Louis Normandeau and of late Marie-Anne Beda»- 1, his father and mother, of this parish, on the one part; and Marie Ilupe', daughter of late Nicolas Hupd and of Madeleine Tibault, her father and mother, also of this parish, on the other part; no civil or canonical impediment to the said marriage having been discovered, we, the undersigned, missionary of Charles- bourg, gave them the nuptial benediction according to the manner prescribed by our Mother the Holy Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church, in the presence of Louis Normandeau, Charles Bedard, Jean-Baptiste Hupe, 3*r Thomas Bodard, Louis, Jacquen and Joan Simard, all relauves and friends who declared th^mHelves unable to sign after having boon requo«tca to do so, according to the Ordinance. ® F. BOREL. Baptism, 1791 (14 Jany.), CharIe«bourg. DEL01i]EIi, Thomas. On the fourteenth of January, one thousand seven hnndre. an,I ninety-one, wc, (ho undersigned, c^*r^ bap- ti^od Thomas, born this day, of the legitimate marriage of rhomas Delorier and of Mario Hupe. The god-father ^va«: Thomas Bedard, and the god-mother: Marie Huard Who with the father being present, declared themselves unable to sign, after having been requested to do so according to the law. ' BEROME, Priest (1). I Baptism, 1802 (4 March), Charlesbourg. NORMANDE A U, Zoms. On the fourth of March, one thousand eight hundred and two, we, tho undersigned, priest, baptized Louis, born this day, of tho legitimate marriage of Thomas Delorier farmer, of this parish, and of Marie Hup^. God-father' -.—.'TT. 38 Louis Hup6; godmother: Adelaide B6dard. The father alone doclarod himself uiiublo to Hign, after having boon requested to do so. ADtLA'iDB B^DARD. L0UI8 Huppi. F.-I. RANVOYZfi, Priest (1). (i) Ranvoyz^, Francis- Ignace, born at Quebec, 7 Sept. 1772, son of Francois Ranvoyz^ and of V^n^rande Pellerin ; ordained 13 Augt ; 1793, vicaire of Quebec ; 1801, curi of St-Anibroise ; 1805, of Ste-Anne de Beaupre ; retired in 1837 ; died 17 jany. 1843. Interred at Ste-Anne de Beaupr^. Baptism, 1805 (19 Feby), Charlesbourg. DEIjORXER, Jacquet. On the nineteenth of February, one thousand eight hundred and five, we, the undersigned, curd baptized Jacques^ born this day, of the legitimate marriage of Thomas D^lorier, laborer, and of Mario Hiipd, of this parish. The god-father : Jacques Galarnoau, and the god- mother: Mario- Angelique Boaumont, vsrith the father being present, declared themselves unable to sign, after having been requested to do so, according to the Ordinance. DEROMB, Prit.i. Baptism, 1808 (16 October), Charlesbourg. PEPIN, Marie-Marguerite. On the sixteenth of October, one thousand eight hun- dred and eight, we, the undersigned, priest, baptized Marie-Marguerite, born the preceding day, of the legitimate marriage of Joseph Pepin, shoe-maker, and of Marguerite 31> Pjihirdo'iu, (). thin parish. fi()icl)cc ; 1807, luri of Clialtau-Riclu'r ; 1S08, of Charlcsbourg, where he died 16 Jany. 1823, in the 41 year of his age. Manin^o, 1826 (U April), Charlosbourg. NOIiMANDKAU, (lit DKSLAUlilERS, Louia. PKPIN, Marguerite. On the eleventh of April, one thousand eight hundred and iwenty-six, after the publication of the throe banns of marriage made at the pronon of the pai'ochial maHses of Cliarlosbourg and of Quebec, as shown by the certificate of Rev. Signay (1), cure, between Louis Normandeaii, dit Be- loriers^ domiciled in Quebec, the son of age of Thomas Norraandeau dit Deloriers, laborer, and of Marie Hup6, on the one part ; and Marguerite Pepin, daughter under ago (2) of Joseph Pepin, laborer, and of Marguerite Falardeau, her father and mother, of this parish, on the other part ; no impediment to the said marriage having been discover- ed, and considering the consent of the parents, we, the undersigned, cur^^ received their mutual consent, and gave them the nuptial benediction according to the practice and rites of our Mother the Holy Catholic Church, in the presence of Thomas Normandeuu dit Deloriers, father of ,-r*«»aJU.A-i»« 40 the husband; Thomas and Jacques Normandeau, brothers of the husband ; Josoj)h Pepin, father of the spouse, who, as also the husband and spouse, dei lared themselves unable to sign. Ant. BEDARD, Priest (3). (1) Thirteenth bishop of Quebec ; consecrated 20 May 1827. (2) From I Jany. 1783, the full age is 21 years; it was 25 before that date. (22, Geo : III, Cap : I). (3) Bedard, Antoiue, born in Quebec, lo Augt. 1771, son of Charles Bedard and of Marie-Josephte Jobin ; ordained 21 March 1795 ; 1796, professor of philosophy at the Quebec Seminary ; 1800, missionary at Richibouctou ; 1804, curJoi Ste-Anne de Beaupre ; 1805, of St-Ambroise ; 1817, of St-Thomas; iSiS, of St-Ambroise ; 1822, of Charlesbourg where he died 9 May 1837, in the 60 yeui of his age. Baptism, 1835 (28 April), N.-D., Quebec. NORMANDEAU, dit LESLAURIERS, Mdore (1). On the twenty-eight of April, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-five, we, the undersigned, priest, vicairfi of Quebec, baptized Isidore, born the preceding day, of the legitimate marriage of Louis Normandeau, dit Des- lauriers, carpenter, and of Marguerite Pepin, dit Lachauoe, of this city. God-father: Isidore Routier ; god-mother: Josephte Pepin, dit Lachance, who, as also the father, did not know how to sign. J.-B. GRENIER, Priest, vicaire (2). (1) Commonly called /oAn. In 1847, young Deslauriers, then 12 years old, entered the service of one Mr. W. F. Wood, lumber merchant (now in London, Eng.), whose residence was on the Cap Rouge Road, between Mount Hermon Cemetery and the (governors' residence or Spencer-Wood. On entering Mr. Wood's service, which he left lo years afterwards in the fall of 1857, young Deslauriers was required l)y him to answer to the name oi John instead of Isidore. This is the reason why Mr. Deslauriers was, from that time, iietler known under the former than under the latter name. — In 1852, Mr. Deslauriers, having nothing to do while Mr. Wood was in England, spent the winter in Bytown (now Ottawa), in the service of Mr. Joseph Aumond, lumber merchant. (2) Grenier, yari/«i5J--^£«y«w?'«, born at Quebec, 30 Sept. 1808; son of Benjamin Grenier and of Genevieve (Jiroux ; ordained 23 Oct. 183 1 ; vicaire at Riviere-Ouelle ; 1832, at Quebec; 1836, iv/rt' of Ste-Claire ; 1841, of Cacouna; 1850, of St-Henri ofLauzon. 41 Burial, 1853 (9 Jany.), Notre-Damo, Quebec. DESLAUEIERS, Caroline. On the ninth January, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-three, we, the undersigned, priest, interred in St-Louis cemetery, Caroline Deslorier, wife of Victor Houle, carpenter ; she departed '.his life the day before yesterday, in this parish, aged twenty-two years. There were present: Ferdinand Drouin and Francois Nadeau, who did not know how to sign. L. GILL, Priest (1). (i) Gill, LSaitdre, born at St-Fran(,^ois du Lac, 22 Augt. 1823, son of Joseph Gill and of Marie-Louise Lottinville ; ordained at Quebec 28 Feby. 1849 ; vicaire at Baie Saint- Paul ; 1850, at Quebec ; 1853, curi at (irande-Baie (Saguenay) ; 1856, director of the Laval-University boarding- school ; 1857, (uri 2X Petite- Riviere ; 1859, at Grondines. I ; J Marriage, 1854 (4 July), Notre-Dame, Quebec. NORMANDEAU, dit DESLAURIERS, Ferdinand. MATTE, Julie. On the fourth July, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-four ; considering the publication of the three banns of marriage made at the prones of the parochial masses of Quebec, and of St-Piorre-los-Becquets, between Ferdinand Normandeau dit Deslauriers, the son under uge of Louis Normandeau dit Deslauriors and of Marguerite Pepin, of this parish, on the one part; and Julie Matte, daughter under age of Luc Matte and of the late Constance Pioulx, domiciled in this parish, on the other part; considering also, that the said s|)0U9e had obtained the 'jonsent of her father living at St-Pierre-lei^-Becquets, we, the UTidersigiied, priest, mcaire of Quebec, received their mutual comment of marriage, and gave them the nuptial benediction in the 42 presence of Louis Normandeau dit Deslauriers, father of the husband, and of Luc Matte, father of the spouse, who, with the said spouse, did not know how to sign. The husband undersigned. Ferdinand Deslauriers. a. F. E. DROhKT, Priest. Burial, 1855 (23 Dec), Sl-Coioinba ofSiUc.y. HBFFERNAN, Bridget. On the twenty-third day of December, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-five, we, the undersigned priest, interred in the cemetery of this parish, the body of Bridget Hefernan, widow of the late Michael MuUins ; she departed this life on the twentieth instant, aged forty-nine years. The witnesses to the interment were Joseph Can- tillion and Wm. Power. P. H. HARKIN, P. P. (1). (i) ITarkin, Pekr-Hcnry, born it Nov. i8io, :il Mayhcrafelt, county Toronto Cathedral ; 1850, at the Archbishoji's Residence, (,)aebec ; 185,5, cwS of .St-Colomba of .Sillery. Marriage, 1858 (19 Jany.). St-Oolomba of Sillery. NORMANDKAU, dit DESLAURlI':iR3, Isidore. MULL INS. Catharine. On the nineteenth of Janu?''y, one thousand ei-^ht hundred and fifty-eight, after the publication of one buun of marriage at the prone of our paiochiiil muss, between hidore Normandeau, dit Desloriers, of the paiish of Quebec, 43 carter, the son of age of Louis Normandeau and of Mar- garet Pepin, of the parish of Quebec, on the one part ; and Catharine Mullins, of tl)i8 parish, daughter of age of the late Michael Mullins and of the late Bridgitt Heffernan, of this parish, on the other part ; a dispensation of the other two banns having been granted by His Lordship C.-R Baillargeon, Administrator of the Diocese, and no impediment to their marriage having been disco- vored, we, the undersigned, parish priest, received their mutual consent of marriage, and gave them the nuptial benediction, in the presence of Louis Normandeau, father of the husband, and of James Colvin, friend of the spouse, undersigned alone. Jamiss Colvin. P. H. HARKIN, P. P. Marriage, 1863 (9 Juno), St-Colomba of Sillery. CONVILLE, John. MULLINS, Margaret. This is to certify that John Con vi lie and Margaret Mullins, were united by me in holy matrimony, at St- Colomba of Sillery, on the ninth day of June, in the year of Our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, in presence of John Sutcliff and Alice Mullins. P. H. HAHKIN. Marriage, 1864 (26 Jany.), St-Jean-Bte., Quebec. COT^, Patient. DESLAURIERS, Louise. On the twenty-sixth January, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four, considering the dispensation of two banns of marriage granted on the twonty-first of this 44 month, by His Lordship ChnrloR-FrrtnQois Baillarfreon, Bishop of Tlou, Admiiiistratoi' of the Arciidioceso of Quebec, and considering the publication of the third bann made at the prone of this branch church (succursale) St-Jean-Bapiiste of Quebec, between Patient Gotd^ joiner, the son of age of FraTiv'ois Cole, miner, and of AngeleGin- gi'as, of this parish (desserte), on the one part ; and Louise Desloriers, daughter under age of Louis Desloriers, joiner, and of Marguerite Pepin, of this parish {desserte), on tlio other part; no impediment to the said marriage liaving been discovered, and with the consent of the father and mother of the spouse, we, the undersigned, priest, pro- pastor (desservant) , received tiieir mutual consent of if' maniago, and gave them the nuptial benedittion, in the !■; presence of Francois Cote, father of the husband, and of |i| Louis Desloriers, father of the spouse, who, declared them- ji; selves unable to sign. The husband and spouse under- m! signed. lit Louise Dksi.auriers. ill Patient Gbrk, i |, ■: '1 :;i Ant. RACINE, Priest (1). (i) First Bishop of Sherbrooke. Bom at St-Amhroise, 26jany. 1822 died at Sherbrooke, 17 fidy 1S93. Burial, 1885 (29 Jany.), St-Colomb;i of Sillery. DES LA URl K R3, Adelaide . On the tweniy-ninth January, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five, we, the undnrsignod, priest, interred in the cemetery of this parish, the body of Adelaide Des^auriers, legitimate wife of Bdouard Cote, her second husband, of this parish; shedepartel this life the 45 da3' before 3 ostcrday, ng-ed thirty-six yeurn. There were present: (Jiiarles Kacine and Malhias Kacine, who did not know how to sign. P. H. HARK IN, Priest. Baptism. 1865 (M October), St-Hii:iire*. DESLAUEIEES, Marie-Catherine (1). On the fourteenth of October, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five, we, the underf-igned, cur^.^ baptized hfarie-Catherine^ born this day, of the legitimate marriage of Isidore Doslauriers and of Catherine Mullen, of Quebec. God-father : Thomas Valiquot (2), god-mother : Catherine Bhmchette, undersigned. The father being absent (3). Catherine Blanchet. Thos. Valiqubt. Is. I^'OLY, Curd, (4). (i) Born on the morning of 14 Oct., at St-Hilaire Station, on the Grand Trunk Railway, County of Kouville, Province of Quebec. On the 13 October, about 10 o'clock P. M., Mr. Deslauriers went for the Dr Larose, whose residence was at a considerable distance on the other side of the Richelieu rivor. There was, near the railway bridge, a bad canoe which !Mr. Ue.ilauriers took to cross the river after putting a stone at the stern in order to keep the bow above the water. When the doctor arrived, he refused to cross the river in such a canoe, and went for a belter one which lie found at a short distance. (2) Thos. Valiquct, -Station-Agent ; Catharine Klanchet, his wife. (3) The family was then moving from Quebec to Ottawa, the new seat of Parliament. Mr. Ocslauriers could not be present at the baptism, having in charge two car loads of furniture which he was obliged to follow. His wife, mother (Marguerite Pepin) and children: Adelaide, Louis, Isidore and Marie-Catherine, the newly-born, left for Ottawa where Mr. Deslauriers had prepared a house to receive them, after having spen t a fortnight at St-Hilaiie Station. (4) Soly, Fran^ois-Xavier-Isate, born 29 Jany. 1832, at Sainte-Marie de Manoir, son of Pierre Soly and of Theotiste Benjamin ; ordained at .St-Hyacinthe 17 May 1S56 ; vicaire at Sorel ; 1858, at the bishop's palace of St-Hyacinthe ; i860, cur^ of St-llilaire ; 1866, ui St-Jean-Baptiste ; 1868, of La Presentation ; 1893, (retired) Seminary of St-Hyacinthe. lii ;i ; ■ I . ! 46 Marriage, 1866 (20 August), N.-D., Montreal. NORMANDEAU uit DESLAUKIEliS, Mmorl FACP]TTE, Uorteme. On the twentieth of August, one thousand eight hundred an3 sixty-six, after the publication of the three banns of marriage without impediment or opposition, we, the undersigned priest, and authorized to that etfect, have received the mutual consent of //owor^ Legault (1) dit Dea- lauriers, confectioner, domiciled in this parish, the son of age of Louis Legault dit Deslauriers and of Marguerite Pepin, of the parish of Ste-Foye, diocese of Quebec, on the one part; sxnd of ffortense Fachette (2), also domiciled in this parish, daughter of age of Olivier Fachette, farmer, and of Honorine Mondoux, of the parish of St-Martin, on the other part ; and gave them the nuptial benediction according to the law and rites of the Holy Church, in the presence of George Groves, Magloire Michaud, under- signed, and of Stanislas Papineau who, as also the spouse, declared themselves unable to sign. The husband under- signed. H. Delorier. Magloire Michaud. Geo. Groves. A. GIBAND, F. S. S. (3). (i) Legault, is a mistake. (2) Fachette, is a mistake. (3) Giband, Antoitte, born in 1824 at Puy, France; ordained 2 June 1849; arrived in Canada 29 Sept. 1855; priest of the seminary of Saint-Sulpice, Montreal. ^ ■t^ w 47 Maningo, 1869 (11 May), Notre-Dame, Ottawa. BKSSKliKR, Louis. MULLINS, Alice. May U.— Louis Besserer, son of ago of Ls.-Th6odoro Bosseroi- and Margaret Cameron, of N.-D., Ottawa; and Alice Mullins, daugliter of ago of Michael Mullins and Bridget Hay burn (lletrernan), of N.-D. (of St-Colomha of Sillery.) fPlEltUE EatTEY. Isidore Deslauriers. D. DANDURAND, V. 0. Burial, 1872 (2 Oct.), St-Jean-Baptisto, Queboc. NORMANDKAU, dit DESLAURIEES, Louis. On the second of October, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two, we, the undersigned, priest,^ interred in Notre-Dame of Belmont cemetery, the body of Louis Nor- mandeau, dit Deslauriers, in his lifetime carpenter, legiti- mate husband of Marguerite Pepin ; ho departed this life, in this parish (desserte), the day before yesterday in the seventy-fourth year of his age (1). There were present : Mathias Bolduc and Jean Genois, who did not known how to sign, after having been requested to do so, this first having been read. Ath. Lb page, Priest (2). (i) Was but 69 years and 7 months old. (2) Lepage, Athanase, born 7 Sept. 1836, at St-Francois, Island of Orleans, son of Louis Lepage and of Marie-Josephte Vallee ; ordained at C^uebec, 22 May 1864 ; vicaire at Stc-Claire ; 1865, at St-Jean-Port-Toli and at Notre-Daine of (Quebec ; 1866, at St-[can-Baptiste, Quebec: 1868 chaplain of the Quebec gaol. * ('i . 1 I; 48 Burial, 1878 (25 April), St-JoanBto., Quebec. DHSIiAURIERS, Louise. On the twenty-fifth April, one thousand eight hun- dred and BGVonty-eight, wo, the undersigned, priest, interred in Notre-Darae of Belmont cemetery, the bod}- of Louise Deslanriers^ wife of Patient Cotd, joiner ; i?ho depart- ed thi8 life on the twenty-second instant, aged thirty six yearw. Damage Piset, Georges Desroches and others undersigned, this tirst having been read. Damase Fiset. Geoiiqes Desroches. EuGiNE Duval. BliNONi Gauvin. L. Z. LAMBERT, Priest. Burial, 1878 (26 May), St. Ann, Ottawa. MULLINS, Alice. On the twenty-six May, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight, Alice Mullins, wife of Louis Besserer, departed this life on the 24th instant, aged 35 years. Her body was interred in the cemetery of this parish. Witnesses. \ Isidore Deslauriers. Peter Connolly. L. JOUVKNT, V.'G. X y, « 7. X X « ." S j l:ii i) ! , li! I ! T. !/■ It li ■ ", ■ t .. < - - \ y. c c •/ a, '-> c ". v. ■i. U! - ■X C 'A v. c Appkndicks. K iJ c a. o S .- Hi V. a I yf ii I I 61 Appendix A. Address presented to Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Deslauriors, by their friends on the occasion of their Silvor- Wcdding, or 25th anniversary of their marriage. Taken from an Ottawa newspaper. 1883 •' SILVER-WEDDING. " " Presentation to Mr. arxd Mrs. I. N. Deslaurlers. " Last evening (19 Jany.), a large nu:nber of friends and acquaintances met at the residence of Mr, John Dos- lauriers, of the Department of Eailways and Canals, and presented that gentleman and his amiable better half with the following address, which was elaborately illuminated and engro.^sed. The occasion was the anniversary of the bilver-wedding of that gentleman and lady. "To Mr. and Mas. I. N. Drslauriers, " A few of your numerous friends deem it a pleasing duty to otter j^oii, on this Iho twenty- tifth anniversary of your marriage, their congratulations and heart-felt wi.shea for your future happiness and that of }our family. " On numerous occasion*!^ we have enjoyed ourselves under your roof and partaken of your unbounded hospi- tality, and in order to perpetuate the remembrance of this joyful anniversary, we beg of you the acceptance of the accompanying slight token ol* esteem. Ill ii:i: 52 "We pray that Divine Providence may grant you many more happy years, and we trust that some of us will be spared to celebrate your Golden-Wedding. " (Signed) P. McCaffrey, A. Laurin, C. Dion, P. Eivet, A. Charron, H. Thorbahn, A. Thornton, I. Gagnon, J. Oote, J.-Eugene Dion, H. Laflamne, P. Eochon, L.-D. Dion, J.-E. Methot, A. Bureau, A.-A. Dion, E. Richard, A. Berthiaume, J. Goodall, A.-B. Dion, N. Bureau, A. D'Aoust, J. Rattey, W. Kennedy, F. Gingras, 0. Foret, J. Lackey, J. Smith, J.-B.-A. Pigeon, F. Desloges, H. Des- lauriers, L.-N. Fortier, F.-X. Myrand, S. Iliff. " The gift accompanying the address, was an elegant silver ice pitcher and tray suitably inscribed. " Mr. Dealauriers, although taken by surprise, made an appropriate reply, and a pleasant evening was subse- quently spent." This address was dated 19 Jany, 1883, and on each side, in the illuminated border, were the figures 25, with ' the following quotations from the Scriptures, written on scrolls : " What God hath joined^ let no man put asunder. Thy children shall be like olive plants around thy table." And at the top, the years 1858-1883. The inscription on the pitcher reads as follows : k " Presented to Mr. and Mrs. Dbslauriers by their friends, on the 25th anniversary of their wedding, Jan. 19th 1883." 58 Appknuix B. Addrksb presented to Mr. I. N. Doslauriers by the Mem- bern of No. 1 Company, Grovernor General's Foot Guards, on his promotion to the post of Colour- iSergeant of that Company. 1884 " To Colour-Sergeant Deslatariers, " " A " Company, Gov : Gen : Ft : Guards. "Wo, the undersigned, Members of "A" Compamtf, Gov : Gen : Ft : Guards, take the opportunity, on your promotion to the post of Colour-Sergeant of the Company, to express to you our united sentiments of admiration and appreciation for the soldier-like and afPable manner in which you have from first to last discharged your duties in the Company, not only as Senior Non-Conn : Officer in the ranks, but as a Member of the Company ever since its formation, in 1872. " It is specially when in Camp that your excellent qualities of order, economy and good management have so largely contributed to our enjoyment when under canvas, and have so justly earned for you the title of " The Father of the Company.' " As a farther expression of our appreciation of your long and valuable services, we ask you to accept of the accompanying gift which we present with the hope that you may long be spared to discharge the duties of Colour- Sergeant to No. 1 Coy : Gov : Gen : Ft : Guards. " (Signed) A. Hamlyn Todd, Captain ; H. H. Gray, Lieut. ; Geo, R. White, Lieut. ; Charles F. Winter, Sergt. ; IMunket B. Taylor, C(yrp. ; Edward Taylor, Thos. W. ss^-^j:/^'!^. w^f^^f^aisn's 54 Fuller, K. Creighton, L. Uu Pleseis, M. Sargent, F. W. Strong, Jo.soi)h Pliinkett, Reg. M. Galhvoy, R. E. Watts, H. P. Brumoll, C. M. Wiggins, H. F. McNaughton, J. A. D. Holbrook, P. M. Cote, J. H. Lynch, A. E. Nash, H. T. Dennis, Herbert G. Todd, J. W. Hawley, F. A. Gordon, J. Mullin, Chs. D. Fripp, E. G. Smith." This address was beautifully illuminated by Mr. Alf. C6t«5, after a military design (drums, flags, rifles, centry- box, soldier, beaver, &c.,) made by Mr. J. Aube. The gift presented was a silver water pitcher artisti- cally inscribed as follows : " Presented to Colour-Sergt. J. N. Dfslauriers, by the Officers, NonCom : OflScers and Men of " A " Company, Gov : Gen : Foot Guards, Eideau Camp, 2'7th June, 1884." APPENDIX C. Letter written by Capt. A. H. Todd to Mr. I. N. Doslau- riers on his retirement from No. 1 Company, Governor General's Foot Guards. 1887 " Ottawa, Yth May, 188t. «' Dear John, " It is with the greatest regret that I have to acknow- ledge your letter of yesterday, stating that you are com- pelled to resisrn from No. 1 Company, in which you have so faithfully served since its organization— owing to your time being fully occupied with other rafitters. There is no person in the Companj- whose loss 1 could feel as much as yours, because you have always set such a good example 65 to the men in the conscientious manner in which you have discharged your duties, and the hearty and active interest you have ever shewn in the Company's welfare. For these and other reasons, I feel very loath to part with you, but, I suppose, we must submit to the inevitable as I see by your letter, that you are bent on going. " Wouldn't you like to retire on a Staff Sergeantship that would keep you in the Kegiment without anything to do ? If so, let me know. Jot down on a piece of paper your military record— & few facts—, and let me have it. ** Yours faithfully, " (Signed) A. HA. YN TODD. '' ColourStrgt., J. DssiiAURIIBS, NolCoy.'G; Q : F 'O : ) APPENDIX 13. Address presented to Mr. I. N. Deslauriers by Officers and Men of No. 1 Company, Governor General's Foot Guards, on his retirement. 1887 " Ottawa, June 13th, 188t. " Colour-Sbrobant, " John Dbslauribrs, " The Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers and Men of No, t Company^ Governor GenercU's Foot Grtards, cannot I 1 i • 56 permit you to rotiro from the Company without convey- ing to you their warm appreciation of the many sterling qualities which have endeared you to all who have had the good fortune to be brought into contact with you. " Connected with the active Militia of Canada for over a quarter of a century— haviny^ enlisted under the Honour- able Joseph Cauchon, in 1S61, and served subsequently in the Civil Service Eegiroent. in Colonel White's Company, and finally, in No. 1 Company of the Governor General's Foot Guards, since the organization of the corps — , you have ever been the most attentive at drill and most efQ- cient as a marksman. ',* To you, is due much of the prestige which is attach- ed to our Company — always Number One while Colour- Sergeant Doslauriers was with it. F'irst in everything to promote the interests of the Eegiment and of the Comp- any, your wise counsel and good example will be long remembered and treasured, and the memory of the good old days when '■' Father John " ruled the camp mess will remain green for ever in the minds of those who served with you. " It is with profound regret that we see you leave us, but we hope and trust that the evening of your life mi=y be blessed with every good gift that can bo bestowed from above upon one who has been so long a faithful soldier. " (Signed) A. Hamlyn Todd, Captain; P. N. Thomp son, 1st Lieut. ; Charles P. Winter, 2nd Lieut. ; H. N. P. Chesley, Col. Sgt. ; A. T. Phillips, Sergt. ; Prank D. Adams, Sergt.', J. H. C. McQuilkin, Cpl. ; F. H. Cunningham, Cpl. ; H. P. Brumell, Cpl. ; R. B. Watts, H. J. Scott, F. A. Gordon, Cpl. ; Beverley Bogert, C. M. Badgley, E. L. Brittain, P. Darley Bentley, Jas. Buchanan, Herbert S. Campbell, J. H. Dunlop, J, H. Fairweather, John M. French, C. Downing Fripp, Thos. W. Fuller, K. Geramell, E. W. Gilbert, Ivau S. C. Gooding, 0. W. Gunn, F. E. S- r W Grout J. A. D. Holbrook, Arthur J. Horan, J. A. Jackson, R. A. Lewis, J. H. Lynch, J. A. Lynch, Wm. McFarlane, R A. McLelland, H. P. McNaughton, J. Mullin, J H Murray, R. L. Paley, Christopher C. Koger«, James Seager, W. Stewart, J. D. Taylor, C. H. Thorburn, S. J. Will- oughby. AF^PKNDIX E. Correspondence with reference to the Mullen family. " Department of Railways and CanaLs. •' Ottawa, IVth May, 1893. '7o the Ho^nan Catholic Pariah Priest, '* Beraffh, ** Co. o/1'yrone, " Reverend Sir, " ^^'^^**^- "I am working at the genealogy of the family of the ^te Michael Mullins or Mullen and his wife Bridget Heffernar,. The former died in Beragh, and was interred there; his wife, emigrated with her child,-et.-5 daughters and 1 son— to Canada, about 1842. " What I would like to have, is a copy of every certi- tcate of baptism and burial of every child of Michael Mullen and of Bridget Heffernan, recorded in the registers of your parish church, Beragh, from about year 1825 to 1842 ; also, copy of certificate of burial of Michael Mullen previous to the last mentioned year. ' "You w take all the time required to furnish mo with the information. 1 I I *' You will pleano nend mo your account, and I shall pay you in the manner you will indicate to me. " You will confer a great favour on me, in taking my demand into consideration. •' I have the honour to be, '* Eeverend Sir, " Your obedient servant, L. H. FILTEAU. " Department of Railways and Canals. " Ottawa, 6th July 1893. " To Rev. James Smith, '* Beragh, " Diocese of Armagh^ ' ' Ireland. " Reverend Sir, "On the nth May last, I wrote a letter, copy of which is enclosed, addressed to the Roman Catholic parish priest, Beragh, Co. of Tyrone, Ireland. " As I have not yet received a reply, I fear my letter was not delivered for want of proper address. " To-day, I am writing to you hoping I will be moro euocesgful. 69 " Will you bo kind enough to toll me if I m-iy enter- am any hope of getting what is askod for by my letter of 17th Muy last. " I remain, " Eeverend Sir, " Your obedient servant, " L. H. FILTEAU. " Department of Hailwaya and Canals. '• Ottawa, 13th Sept., 1893. " 7W His Grace Most Rev. Michael Logue, Archbishoj) and Lord Primate of all Ireland, Armagh y it \M ^ " Ireland. " My Lord, "On the 17th May and 6th July last, I wrote (copies of letters enclosed) to the parish priest of Beragh, askin- h.m to furnish mo with copies of certificates of baptism and burial of the children of Michael Mullen and of Brid- get Hefferuan, his wife, from the year 1825 to 1842, but I have not yet received a reply to any of my letters' for want, 1 presume, of sufficient address. *« It is very important for me to get these certificates, and Your Lordship would confer a great favour in help- ing me to secure them. " I have the honour to be, " My Lord, ^* Your most obedient and humble servant, "L. H. FILTKAU. I ' I In reply to the above lottors, the following wa» received. Beragh, Co. Tyrone (Ireland), Not ember, 3rd, 1893. " To Mr. L. H. Filteau, '* Dept. of Railwayi and Canals, " Ottawa, ^' Canada. '* DiAR Sir, " The baptismal register of this parish goes back only to the year 1832, and even after that year, I believe it was kept badly. I could find therefore only two entries —from which I give extracts— of the baptism of Michael Mullen's children. " As you said in your letter I could take my own time to find out the information required, I concluded the case was not urgent, and I did not hurry. I was on that account more than surprised and amazed that you should write to my superior in reference to the matter. " I enclose on another sheet some information 1 got about the family. " I will send certificate of death of Michael Mullen, if it can be found. '• With regard to fee for trouble and which you so kindly spoke of, I am making repairs and improvements to my churches at present, and, if you send a subscription for that charitable object, it will be very acceptable. " Yours very truly, " Jas. SMYTH, P. P. '< Catherine, daughter of Michael Mullen and Bridget Hoffernari, was baptized 13th Januarj-, 1833, the sponsors being : James Kerr and Jane Mullen. k 1 hJ^ ^^*«^«"' Gallagher, ex-school teacher, and now (189H), Specifica- tion Clerk, ill the Supervifsor of (Jiiller'8 Oillco, (inobec ; died 23, i 25 March, 1892, St-Patrick's church, Quebec— Nancy, born about 1831 ; ni to Henry SLacey (protes- taiit), Quebec. She lives (ISito), at Xo. 107, BcBserer street, Ottawa. Her husband, wa.s Station Agent, at War- wick, on the Grand Trunk liaiiway, when he died ; was buried in the proteatant ceineter}', at Levis. — Catharine, ba})tized 13 Jany. 1833, (she thinkH, b}^ Eev. McAIeer), St-Mary's church, Beragh ; na -|- 19 Jany. 1858, to Isidore, son of Louis Norraandeau dit Dcslauriers, of the parish of Quebec. — Margaret, baptized 25 Augi., 183-1, St-Marj 's church, Beragh ; ni '|- 9 June, 18U3, to Jolm Convillo (see certificate) ; lives on a farm (1893) at St-liomuald, Co. of Levis, Province of Quebec. — Michael, born about 183ti ; m 3 July, 1860, St-Patrick's church, Quebec, to Ellen, daughter of Thomas Mui]>hy and of Mai-y Collins, of Quebec. — Alice, born about i338 ; in 11 May, 18(J9, Notre- Dame ohurcli, Ottawa, to Louis, son of Louis-Theodore Bessercr and Margaret Cameron, of Ottawa ; died 24, i 26 May, 1878 (see certiticate), St- Ann's church, Ottawa. Louis Besserer died 19, buried 21 Sept., 1892, in Beech- wood Cemetery. Marriage, I860 (3 July) St-Patrick *, Quebec. IIL— MULLEN, Michael, [son of Michael II. born about 1836 ; lives at No. t, Des Anges street, Quebec, 1893. Murphy, Ellen, [daughter of Thomas, born on or about 29 Sept., 1842, a-eland. Her parents have lived at Glin, Co. Limerick, and at Frankford, King's Co., Ireland. Michael- Joseph, born 27, b * 29 May, 1861 ; m 5 Feby., 1884, St-Patrickfj church, Montreal, to Mary-Ann, daugh- i K 61 ter of Daniel Maher and of Mary Booney.- Mary Jane, born 19, b * 21 June, 1863. -Afargaret-Alice, born 9, b * 11 June, l>^()5.-~Bllen-Maria, born 21, b * 23 Feby., 1868, —ThomaB-mnry, born 7, b 8 May, 1870, StCoIomba of ^xW^vy.-BvidgoA, born 5, b * (5 Feby. m^.-Francis^JaimB, born 29, b * 31 May, m^.-WUHam-Mark. born 7, b * 13 Oct., \%n%.—MaryStdla, born 29 May, b * 1 Juno, 1884 Marriage, 1884 (5 Feby.), St-Patrick, Montreal. ly.-MULLblN, Michaol-Jasepli, [son of Michael III. b 18(il. Lives, at i^o. 7, Des Angos street, Quebec 1893. ' Maiikr, Mary-Ann, [daughter of Daniel. b St-Patrick's church, Quebec. A son, born 11 Feby., 1885 ; received private baptism, and only lived a few hours. Appknoix o. Statement of Mr. 1. N. Doslauriers' travoln, according to his own diary. 1. In 1871, Mr. I.-N. Doslauriers, in company with the Hon. H. L, Langevin, minister of Public Works, Mr. J. W. Tilley, private secretary, and the late Mr. A. Achintrc, French writer, visited Utah Territory, Cali- fornia, British Columbia and their principal cities, not- 68 ably : Salt Lake City, the place of residence of Brigham Young, chief of the polygamiHt s^ecl of MonnonB, San Francisco and Victoi ia. They left Ottawa, on 28th July, and arrived home again, on 8th October, being absent 2 months* and 10 days. 2. On Thuri^day, 27th May, 1875, Mr. I.-N. Dcslau- riery, in (.'ompany with the Hon. Alexaiuler Ma':kenzie, Prime-minister and minister of Public Works, and Mrs. Mackenzie, left Oilawu for Quebec whence tliey sailed t'>r Europe, on the 29th, per steamer 'Moravian''. They vittited : Ireland, England, Scotland (Mr. Mackenzie's native country), and, with their piincipal cities. They left, Liverpool for home on stciimor " Prussian " ; arrived in Quebec, on Monday, 80th August, and the next day, they were in Ottawa, after 3 months' absence. This journey, was unexpected on the part of Mr. Deslauriers : it was only at the jiressing request of Mr. and Mry. Mackenzie, and while on the boat between Mon- treal t)nd Quebec, that he decided to undertake it. 3. In the summer 1882, Mr. I.-N. Deslauriers, in company with Mr. James Goodwin, contractor, of Ottawa, visited : Ireland, England and France. They sailed for Europe per steamer ''Parisian'' returning by the same steamer. Mr. Leslau/iers, has not kept a diary of this trip which lasted 1 month. 4. On 4th June, 1883, Mr. L-N. Deslauriers, with the Hon. SirCharlcH Tupper, minister ofEailways and Canals, left Ottawa for Montreal and Quebec, leaving the latter city on 14th, by rail, for Halifax whence they sailed per steamer " Caspian ", on 18th June, for Europe. They visited : Ireland, England, France and their principal cities. "While in London, Sir Charles Tupper, received a cablegram from Mr. James Goodwin, of Ottawa, aski..g 69 him to allow Mr. Dodauriers to meet him at Queonstown, Ireland. Tho permission wm granted, and Mr. Doslan- riers, in company with Mr. Goodwin, vinited Paris a third time. Both sailed from Liverpool for home, on 20th Sept- ember, per Hteamer " Parisian ". Mr. Goodwin, who had visited P^uropo for tho benefit of his health, died in Montreal, on 30th September, and Mr. Deslaurier.s arrived In Ottawa, with the body, on Ist October, after having been absent 4 months. 6. On 2'7ih September, 1885, Mr. I.-N. Deslauriers, with Sir Charles Tupper, visited British Columbia and returned to Ottawa, on 18th October. 6. In 1893, and in company with the Honourable George E. Foster, minister of Finance; R. A. Angers minitster of Agriculture ; and Philippe Landry, Senator'; Mr. Deslauriers visited the Columbian World's Fair at Chicago, Winnipeg, Vancouver, San Francisco, Salt Lake ^'ity, &c., &c. They left Ottawa, on 3rd October, and returned on 15th Xovembor, after having been absent 1 month and 12 days, 7. Apart from these comparatively long journeys Mr. Deslauriers, has accompanied princes of the Roya! Family on their visits to this country: the Prince of Wales, in July, 1860, and Prince Alfred, in 1861 ; has crof^sed this continent several times, from Halifax to Van- couver, in private car, with the ministers of the Crown or other parties. 70 APPENDIX ti Sr-Hiabert Gun OKib of Ottawa. Founded 22 February, 1884, by Jeaii-Charlcs Tacbe, Bsq., Clerk, in the Department of Public Workn, with Messrs. I.-N. De^slauriers and P. Trudeau an first memborB, this Club is in a flourishing condition, and has a good record. Some of the best marksmen that can be found in the Dominion, among others : Messrs. P. Trudeau, R. g a new violin. ,o the li«t, already long, that is found t T^O THE MEMORY OF E7IENNE.JEAN L'EVANG^LISTE LEBLANC. Mr. Leblaiic. was born in Ottawa on 2ft nn,j k .• j at 9.aO P.M., „„ Thu,..a-., U ly^JdZml^^ .■e».den.e, No ,95, A„s„.,„. „„.e„t, „,„,,.,„;„d,„ ' »' .^ ea„ve.. a„,l fnends, aftor two day,- iline», only Hs body w„» la,d out at hi, fathe,-, re^idonce, !tfr. Ktio"„e Loblanc, No. 232, St-Patiick .sli-ect, ■'^iierine The funeral service tool< place, on Monday 18 at iNotre-Dame ohtiroh imi.iat ., i... ^ ' « "I'licn, amuist a large concourne of people. 72 The oflloiating piicMt wnw MotiHiirnor J. O, Roiilliior, iisHiHt- ed hy Iho CanotiH (r. Bouillon and L. N. Cani|)Oiiu, of the ArchbiHhop's Residence. The attending physician was : Dr. Pierre St-Jean. The pall-boarerH were : MensrH. Hector Richard, Nelson Renaud, Octave Leveille, A. Jiilien, Joseph Couiilard, V. Faulkner, James Little and (Joorge W'rd. Undertaker : Mr. Kdmond tJauthici". Place of burial : Notre-Dame Cemetery, on the M(»n- treal-Road. We loved him in life, let us not forget him in death. (St. Amurosk.) R. I. P. This Memorial, is respectfully dedicated to Mrs. Leblanc in particular, and to the families of Messis. I.-N, Deslauriers and sons, E. Leblanc and A. A. Dion, as an expression of deep sorrow and a token of heart-felt sym- pathy, on the part oi' the author, in iheir sad biMeave- ment. Since the above is written, the little girl of the late Mr. Leblanc, Maria Florence-Irene, born 11 October, 18!) 1, and who was ill for a couple of weeks, died (at 2.30 P. M.) and was buried on the afternoon of Friday, 22 December, 1893. 73 KAMILY OK MR. A. A. IDION 80N-IN-LAW OF Mr. I. N. Dehlaubiers. Marriage, 1884 (23 April) St-Joseph *, Ottawa. Dion, A d^lphe- Alfred (1), born 14 June 1858 ; b St-Joan-Baptisto, Quebec. Dbhlaurierh, Mary-Adelaide^ Kjrii 11, b 12 July 1860. Joseph-Alfred-Hector, born 2, b * 8 Foby. 1885, by Rev. A Paillier, 0. M. I. -Joneph- Stephen- Alphonse, bom 24 b * 26 Dec. 1886, by Rev. A. Paillier, 0. M. L-Sidney. Xom.,born 30 March 1889, North Sydney, Cape- Breton, ^•. •' ^ '^* residence, by Rev. D. J. Mcintosh, parish priest, St.Joseph'8 church {^).-Florence.Irene, bo)-n 12 August 1891, Moncton, N. B. ; b by Rev IE A Meahan, St-Bernard's church, Moncton (;3). trie l^gln^&SSrS!^ "^' ^'^^'"^'^" ''' ^'^^ ^''-^'- E'«- (2) At that time, Mr. Dion was enijiloyed l>y the Demrtniont „f Kailways and Canals on the construction oi the Cape^reton flaih" ^ colonial ^\^''^ '""^', >?• ^'°" was employed as electrician on the Inter- colonial Railway, and Moncton was his place of residence. '-i— I'-^-r-^ — 17a ^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) /q ^ %*% 1.0 1.1 11.25 UilM 125 i'i i u _2.2 u» 120 ^il U. 11.6 U4 y M . -ir^«^\:':c-'- 11 '/ ■ : rna7=Rs,j;_ w GENEALOGY OB* Mr. I. N. Dbslauriers vi. Married, 1694, Charlesbourg, I.— NORMANDEAU, dit DksLAUBIEHS, AnffU8tin. SA88EVILLJ!, Marie-Madeleine. Married, 1719, N.-D., Quebec. II.— NoRMANDEAU, dit Dbslauriers, Pierre. Eancour, Marguerite. Married, 1746, Charlesbourg. IIJ.-NORMANDEAU, dit DbsLACRIERS, Louis. B^dard, Marie-Anne. Married, 1788, Charlo?bourg. IV.-NoRMANDEAU, dit De8Laubier8, T/iomae. Huppi, ^arie. Married, 1826. Charlesbourg. v.— Normandeau, dit Dmh.wHiRRs, Louie. Pepin, Marguerite. Married, 1858, StColomba of Sillery. Vf.— NoRMANDEAU, dit De-slaurieiis, Isidore. Mui.LiNs, Catharine. ::r'x:^i;LJ/aK:^..;: .:ij:a-:::s: 1^ I L^ — iiiii i iiiii ■ ! »iiiiiiii iiin mM i rrMi iitiMm i ir . 7t Remarks In tlio Dictionnaire QmMogique by Mgr. Tanauay Vol. I p^i^„ 454^ Augustin Normandeau and hia wife >Iaru>Mado!oineSasscviIle, aro mentioned aa havinM>,Ksor the same name Pierre, vu.; " A-.rr., baptiz- / i