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 London, June, 1862. 
 International Exhibition Commission 
 for 1862. 
 Honorary President. 
 His Excellency James Doxjglas, C.B., Govethor and Commander-in 
 Chief of Vancouver and British Columbia. 
 Executive Committee in Victoria. 
 Alfbed Waddington, Esq 
 Mb. Bdenabt. 
 De. Wood, R.N. 
 Me. Tbutch. 
 Major Fosteb. 
 Db. Tolmie. 
 Mb. Pidwell. 
 Rev. Db. Evans. 
 Mb. De Cosmos. 
 J. T. Pidwell, Esq. 
 Commissioners appointed in London. 
 Db. Lindlet, F.R.S. 
 Captain Matne, R.N. 
 A. J. Lanolet, Esq., M.L.C. 
 A lofty spar, several tons of coals, large sections of trees 
 and other bulky contibutions, arising from detention of 
 the vessel, have not arrived in time for exhibition, the 
 specimens exhibited were forwarded by steamship via 
 Panama. A sample of the Douglas Fir may be seen at 
 Kew Gardens where it forms a flag-staff 150ft. in height 
 —a section from one which was 309ft. in height is in the 
 British Columbian Court. 
 Pacific N. W. History Oept 
 Small Samples of Woods. 
 1 — White Pine {Pinua monticola) slab and plank from the mill of E. 
 Stamp and Co., Alberni. 
 2 — Oak (^Quercus garryana). See 69 to 63. 
 3 — A walking cane of the same. 
 4 — Douglas Pine {Abies Douglatit) slab, joist, and flooring from the 
 mill of E. Stamp and Co., Alberni. 
 6 — Yew ( Taxu» baccaia). 
 6— Siver Fir {Abies alba glauca). 
 7 — Spruce {Abies alba). 
 8 — Yellow Cypress {Thuja gigantea), 
 9— Ditto ditto a slab of. 
 10 — Ditto ditto * ox made of. 
 11 — Ditto ditto ., polished section of, in frame of yew— [see 
 also 18, 19]. 
 12— Red Cedar. See 20. 
 13 — Hemlock {Abies Canadensis). 
 14 — Maple {Acer macrophyllum). 
 15— Dogwood {Comtts alba) — [superior for gunpowder charcoal]. 
 17— Arbutus {Arbutus proceray 
 18 — Cones and seeds of Thuja gigantea. See 8 to U. 
 19— Bark and twigs of ditto. 
 20— Cones and seeds of Red Cedar, a tree abundant on the N. Pacific 
 coast — larger sections are exhibited by B. Columbia. 
 21— A case containing specimens from Frazer River and its tributaries. 
 A great variety of B. Columbian gold is exhibited by 
 tbat colony. 
 22— A case containing 4 samples of Wheat, 3 of Barley, 2 of Oats, 
 2 of Field Peas, and 1 of Timothy seed from farms in 
 the vicinity of Victoria. 
 23— A case containing 52 varieties of Kitchen Garden Seeds from the 
 garden of Mr. Henley, at Clover Point, on the coast, 
 two miles from Victoria. 
 Ship Building. 
 24— Model of a stem wheel steam boat for Frazer River. 
 25 — Model of a side wheel steam boat for ditto. 
 26 — Model of a centre board Schooner for coasting. 
 27— Whale oil. 28-Seal oil. 29— Dog-fish oil. 
 30 — Oolachan oil. 
 Articles made of Native Oak, to shew quality of Wood and 
 31, 32, 33— Three small kegs. 34, 35— A claret jug and cup. 
 36— Copper ore from the outcropping of a vein at Barclay Sound. 
 37^ 38 — Copper ore from Cowitchin district. 
 39— Copper ore from Queen Charlotte's Island. 
 40— Magnetic Iron ore from the north of Vancouver containing 70 
 per cent, of Iron and a little copper. 
 41— Coal from the Douglas seam at Nauaimo, 6ft. thick, dip 1ft. in 
 5ft., 60ft. from the surface. 
 42— Coal from the Newcastle scam at Nanaimo. 6ft. thick, dip 1ft. in 
 48 — Cement stone. 
 44 — Granite (only found in detached boulders). 
 46 — Limestone. 
 46 — Sand-stone (good for building). 
 47 — Water rounded pebbles of coal from the Douglas seam 
 48 to 61 — Jaspar. 
 52 — Slate, much used by Indians for carving dishes, pipes, figures, 
 &c. &c. 
 53— -Stems of the weed, Hemp nettle (Urtica cannabinaj. 
 64 — Leaves of ditto. 
 55, 56 — Indian made hemp from ditto. 
 67 — A net— the string and net made by Indians from ditto. 
 68 — Rope from the nettle hemp. 
 59— Labrador or Jame's Tea, (the leaves of Ledum Latifolium), used 
 as a beverage and for smoking — it possesses narcotic 
 60— Bark of the Yellow Cypress. 
 61 — Rope made of ditto. 
 62 — Mantle made of ditto. 
 63 — Indian hats. 
 64 — Ditto baskets. 
 65 — Indian mats. 
 66 — Ditto Whaling Harpoon. 
 67— Distended seal-skin buoy attached by rope to the harpoon when 
 used in whale killing. 
 68— Halibut and other Indian fish hooks. 
 69— Antlers of the Wapiti Deer. 
 70— A stuffed Buck. 

 71 — Indian carved Slate. 
 72 — A case of Vancouver Birds. 
 73 — A Bunch of Barlr^r raised from one grain. 
 74 — Bunch of Timothj grass 5ft. Sin. in height. 
 75 — Kelp, partly prepared by Indians for rope making. 
 76 — A very peculiar Rock Crab, presented by O. Nias, Esq., Victoria. 
 77 — Cypress cones and twigs. 
 78— White pine ditto. 
 79 — Bricks of Victoria clay. 
 80 — A case containing a sample of wool. 
 81 — Masks worn by the natives at their festivals. 
 82 — Salt from the saline spring at Nanaimo. 
 83 — A map shewing the various routes. 
 84 — A map of Vancouver and B. Columbia. (The most correct map 
 of Vancouver and southern part of B. Columbia, drawn 
 by E. J. Powell, Hydrographic Office, Admiralty, is 
 exhibited in the B. Columbian department. 
 84a — A design for a building in Yates Street, by Messrs. Wright and 
 Sanders, Architects, Victoria. 
 85 — Portrait of His Excellency, Gov. James Douglas, C.B. 
 86— Portrait of W. A. G. Young, R.N., Acting Colonial Secretary. 
 87 — Enlarged and untouched portrait of a lady. 
 88, 89 — Portraits of Indians. 
 90 — Panoramic View of Victoria from Hospital Point. 
 91 — Shops in Victoria. 
 92— A Suburban Residence of the most popular description— cost, 
 about £400. 
 93 — Portraits and Views on patent leather. [On this material they 
 are finished in a few minutes after exposure to the 
 94 — A Fire-engine House. 
 95 — The Town Prison. 
 96— Hudson Bay Company's Old Warehouses [now removed]. 
 97, 98, 99— Frames containing nine faithful water colour sketches of 
 Victoria and its vicinity. 
 100— A frame containing preserved wild flowers and fern leaves from 
 Fernwood (about three miles from V^ictoria;. 
 101— Beef. 102— Pork. 103— Venison. 104— Concentrated Soup. 
 105— Sardines. 106 — ^Anchovies. 
 107— Apples. 108— Cherries. 1 09— Peas. 1 10— Cranberries. 
 1 1 1 — Cranberry Jam. 
 112— Carrots. 113— Peas. 114— Turnips. 1 1 6— Tomatoes, 
 i 16— Mushrooms. 1 1 7— Red Cabbage. 1 1 8— French 
 Beans. 119— White Beans. 120— Gherkins. 
 121— Pickles. 
 M2— Smoked Salmon. 123— Halibut. 
 Is an Island situate off the north-west coast of North America, 
 between 48© and 51o N. Lat,, and 123° and 129o W. Long. 
 Length, 275 miles— Breadth, 25 to 75 miles, 
 Superficial area, about 13,000 square miles. 
 Harbours numerous — that of Esquimalt the most important, and is 
 a magnificent one in all respects — no good harbour for 800 miles south 
 of Vancouver. 
 MOUNTAINS, a chain near the coast and covered with pine forests 
 through its whole length, highest about 2000 feet. 
 Interior, varied with fertile plains, lakes and streams (generally 
 small), grass or fern covered plains, rocky ground, and park-like oak- 
 Rivers — none navigable, but deep arms of the sea indent the coast, 
 these vary from 50 to 120 miles in length, and are from 1 to 6 miles 
 wide. Roads to the interior have been commenced this year. 
 Proximate population — 
 White Males 5000 
 White Females 700 
 Coloured People 500 
 Indians 10,000 to 15,000 
 The Aborigines are submissive, peaceable and useful — they fish, trap, 
 carry, boat and work for the Whites, when so inclined. They are 
 divided into small tribes jealous of each other, and their villages are 
 on the coast, fish and potatoes being their staple food. 
 Soil — rich in places but generally light, the latter is productive 
 of fair crops. 
 CLIMATE — very similar to that of England, a little warmer in 
 the summer, and a little wetter in the M'inter — much less fog — exceed- 
 ingly salubrious — usual length of winter, from two to three months, 
 snow seldom remains a week. Thermometer rarely above 80° in sum- 
 mer — the nights are always cool — 5 degrees .above zero has been 
 known, but the mercury seldom falls below 15 degrees above zero 
 during the five or ten cold days of winter. On the whole, the climate 
 is more salubrious, invigorating and agreeable than that of England. 
 DISEASES — None peculiar to the country —epidemics, seldom and 
 mild — small-pox has been confined to Indians; 
 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS— all such cereals, fruits, vcge- 
 tables and roots as thrive in England. Wheat sown in October, 
 I > 
 V '' 
 ( 2 ) 
 February and March yields 36 bushels to the acre, average weight 
 64 lbs. Barley, Oats and Peas sown in February and March — Barley, 
 56 bush., weight, 54 lbs. — Oats, 50 bush., weight, 40 lbs. Harvest in 
 July and August. Potatoes very superior — have been known to yield 
 600 bush., and Oats, 72 bush, an acre. A Fruit Orchard matures in 
 three years. Turnips of 50 lbs., Cabbages of 60 lbs., Pumpkins of 
 160 lbs weight, and other vegetables proportionally large are produced ; 
 Tomatoes, Melons, Cucumbers and Maize come to perfection in the 
 open air. 
 MINERALS — interior but slightly explored — found, gold, silver 
 with arsenic, rich copper and iron ore, coal abundant near the surface, 
 excellent sand stone, plumbago, lime stone, marble white and black in 
 blocks of any size, cement stone and roofing folate. 'J'he coal of Na- 
 naimo is similar to Newcastle. Extensively used for steam, hous<^ and 
 gas purposes ; it is the best found on that coast, and its deposit is 
 considered inexhaustible. The coal seams of Nanaimo are the only 
 ones worked, and they rudely. A little sand stone and lime stone are 
 used for local buildings. Copper Mining Companies are being formed. 
 Magnetic Iron ore containing 60 to 70 per cent, of metal, with a small 
 quantity of copper is abundant, and near water, coal and wood — it is 
 not worked. All iron is imported from England and the States. No 
 iron has been found on the North Pacific coast but in Vancouver. 
 Three or four feet of soil around Victoria covers clay suitable for 
 bricks, below this are beds of white Lnd blue clay equal to any in 
 England, 20 to 60 feet thick, suitable for the finest crockery ; the brick 
 clay only is worked, from want of capital and skilled labour. 
 TREES — Douglas, pine, spruce and white pine, silver fir, oak of 
 three kinds, maple, yellow cypress, willow, hemlock, crab, dogwood, 
 poplar, alder, yew, juniper, arbutus, cedar, &c. The Douglas pine is 
 very superior for masts, and the cypress for boats, cabinet and joinery 
 work, close in grain, light and elastic. 
 There are but two or three saw-mills in the colony ; to clear the 
 land, bonfires are made of the magnificent Douglas pine, and the 
 principal use for the cypress is to burn the Indian dead. Great Britain 
 annually imports some 20,000,000 cubic feet of pine from Canada. A 
 small specimen of the Douglas pine may be seen at Kew Gardens, it 
 forms a flagstaff" 150 feet high ; 175 to 200 feet is a common height. 
 The French Government engineer at Cherbourg, M. Serres, says this 
 wood is superior for its almost complete absence of knots, its resistance 
 is nearly equal to, and its weight a little less than the best in use, and 
( 3 ) 
 awing to its great size there is some gain in weight and much 
 saving of material an J cost. 
 Raspberries, strawberries, gooseberries, elder, myrtle, hawthorn 
 and roses are indigenous — also several varieties of agreeable berries 
 and flowering shurbs not generally known in the United Kingdom. 
 FISH — whales, porpoise, dogfish, salmon, salmon-trout, mountain- 
 trout, sturgeon, halibut, cod, smelt, haddock, lamprey, herring, rock- 
 cod, carp, mullet, oolacban, clams, cockles, muscles, periwinkles* 
 whelks, limpets, cray-fish, crab, prawns, shrimps, oysters. 
 OILS — The Indians extract hundreds of gallons of oil annually from 
 the whale, porpoise and dogfish. They master the whale with a harpoon 
 attached to a distended sealskin. The quantity of salmon is most enor- 
 mous ; the cod and halibut are abundant ; the herring during its season 
 can be scooped into boats with rakes. The oolachan is a fish very similar 
 to smelt, it comes in myriads, is excellent food either fresh or preserved, 
 a gentle heat extracts an oil abundantly, which is far more palatable 
 and possesses all the medicinal properties of cod-liver oil ; the Indian 
 use it as butter, and could not live without it, its collection and use 
 are entirely confined to the natives, arising from its virtues being 
 unknown to the civilized world. Since the discovery of gold, curing 
 of fish for export has been neglected. Italiim fishermen supply the 
 daily wants of the Victoria market. 
 GAME — elk, deer, grouse, snipe, ducks, cranes, partridges, pigeons, 
 swans, geese, and a variety of wild fowl. 
 There is a great variety of the feathered tribe, from eagles to 
 humming-birds, beautiful plumage but little song. Bees have been 
 intioduced and they thrive well. 
 PRINCIPAL TOWN— Victoria (not incorporated), it is the largest 
 town north of San Francisco ; popiilatiou, 4000 to 5000, or about 
 four-fifths of the entire population of the colony. Four years ago it 
 was a trading post of the Hudson Bay Company, and contained about 
 250 people. 
 It would be difficult to over-estimate the service which the presence 
 of VLvv Mjosty's vesse'j has rendered in fostering this now prosperou'^ 
 town ; the Admiral's advice has been most valuable to the local 
 government, and the officers have been distinguished for their courtesy 
 and abilities. Judicious employment of the vessels has surveyed the 
 neighbouring waters, prevented serious outbreaks of the natives, and 
 established a perfect moral supremacy of the whites over them ; at the 
 close of 1858 and during 1859, when the greatest gloom prevailed in Vic- 
 ( 4 ) 
 toria, hope was buoyed up by their presence, and supplying the wants 
 of their numerous crews sustained a great number of its tradesmen. 
 COST OF LIVING— at Hotels, 30s. to 50s. a-week; self-found 
 and occupying a room or a shanty, 12s. a-week. 
 PROVISIONS — cheaper on the average than in England. Such 
 dinners as are given in Paris for 5 francs may be bad in Victoria for 
 48. 2d. ; the ordinary eating houses give soup, fish, a cut from the 
 joint, vegetables, bread, and pudding or pie, for 2s. 
 Wholesale prices in February, 1862 — Flour, £2 for 200 lbs ; 
 Brown Sugar, 5d. to 9d. ; Co£Pee, Is. 2d; Bacon, 8d. ; Beans, 4d. ; 
 Potatoes, Id. to l|d. ; Onions, 2id. per lb. 
 Horses — Native Scrubs, small and hardy, £10 to £30 — Superior 
 American, £30 to £100. 
 Oxen, £20 to £30 a yoke. Cows, £6 to £8. Sheep, 16s. to 20s. 
 Hoffs on foot, 2^d. to 4d. per lb. 
 WAGES — Mechanics, 12s. to 20s. a-day ; Labourers, £10 per 
 month ; FemaleDomestics (much wanted) £4 to £6 per month and found. 
 Advertisements for 1800 men to work on new roads, are in the 
 Victoria papers of April 1862. 
 RENT — from £l to £10 per month, for shanties of two rooms to 
 cottages of 6 or 8 rooms, with detached kitchens and gardens. 
 RENT OF SHOPS — from £3 to £30 a month, according to 
 quality, size and location. 
 GOVERNMENT PRICE OF LAND is 4s. 2d. per acre payable 
 in three yearly instalments. If not surveyed it can be pre-empted and 
 paid for on its survey — 244 pre-emptions recorded up to March 1862. 
 VEGEl ABLE MARKET— good— not sufficient produced at present 
 to supply it, much imported. 
 Agriculture is in a very backward condition from want of settlers ; 
 the floating population is large, but it is composed of foreigners who 
 return with their earnings to thei" own countries. Cattle, sheep, 
 butter, flour, barley, oats, hay, eggs, fruit, poultry, and almost every- 
 thing eaten, drank, worn or used is imported. 
 CHURCHES -Church-of- England, Wesleyan Methodist, Catholic, 
 Congregational, Presbyterian, Hebrew — all self-supporting. 
 SCHOOLS — excellent, numerous — charges very moderate, some all 
 but free ; from elementary to highest branches taught. 
 In Victoria there are Gas Works, an Iron Foundry, Machine shops, 
 . .iO i iafc'g 'M .■^wM»*'>°-» 
C 5 ) 
 a public library and reading room, two newspapers, two fire com- 
 panies, a St. Andrew's society, a Freemasons' lodge, a horticultural 
 society, a philharmonic society, a gymnasium, billiard rooms, bowling 
 alley, a jockey club, theatre, and a rifle corps is being formed. 
 VICTORIA IS A FREE PORT— Vessels of 16 ft. displacement 
 can enter its harbour, those of greater, discharge at Esquimault. Im- 
 ports in tv;elve months, ending July 3 1st, 1861, were £463,935. 
 Entered, in six months ending June 30, 1861, 550 vessels, tonnage 
 53,443, crews 3,523. 
 Cleared 609 vessels, tonnage 57,398, crews 3,725. 
 Gold export in 1861, about £500,000 — this was the product of 
 British Columbia — very little gold has been obtained on Vancouver. 
 Other exports than to British Columbia, coal, timber, dried fish, furs 
 and assorted merchandise, probably £75,000 to £100,000. 
 Imports in nine months ending Sept. 30, 1361, £293,502, of which 
 £53,285 were from England. About five-eighths of the imports would 
 be provisions, &c., most advantageously supplied by the neighbo. mg 
 continent until raised on the island. 
 Imports during March 1862, were £52,350. 
 Revenue derived from sale of public lands, a tax on real estate, 
 licenses to trade, harbour dues, supreme court and police, &c. — 
 revenue in 1861, £25,291 ; expenditure, £22,912. 
 A reciprocity treaty with the United States would be a great benefit 
 to the people of Vancouver and the continent — the island gives all she 
 has to offer, and asks for some return from her populous neighbour. 
 A line of economically worked auxiliary screw steam vessels, of 
 about 500 tons, to ply between San Francisco and Victoria, likely to 
 be well supported and subsidized by the colonial government. 
 Were the Royal Mail Steam Packet Company's boats connected 
 with a line of north Pacific boats, it would tend much to increase the 
 business of merchants at home with the colony. 
 ng men beginning life with a small capital may feel as sure of 
 attaining independence in this colony as at home they are certain to 
 have a hard struggle merely *' to make both ends meet." It must be 
 evident that either in coal, copper or iron mining, in farming, fish 
 curing, lumbering, the manufacture of crockery, brewing, or in other 
 branches of industry, Vancouver offers an almost certain reward. Its 
 climate is unsurpassed for invigorating qualities, it possesses a highly 
 productive soil, and what some may deem considerations, it has 
( 6 ) 
 most picturesque scenery, and the lakes, streams and woods abound in 
 sport for the angler or shot. The explorer may ramble without dread 
 of wild beasts, nor is he annoyed by mosquetoes, those pests of most 
 new countries. 
 The Indians can be and are, with a little management, used as 
 labourers at comparatively low wages — that they are ingenious may be 
 seen by their works on exhibition. As the colony is at present too 
 poor to pay the passages of labourers from home (a thing it w^ould 
 gladly do if able), the natives will occupy their place in a measure. 
 Other sources of probably great profits not yet examined, the collection 
 of turpentine which exudes freely from the Douglas pine — obtaining 
 of sait from numerous strongly impregnated saline springs. Hops grow 
 luxuriantly, but they are not cultivated, all those consumed are im- 
 ported from California. Manufacture of iodine from unlimited quan- 
 tities of kelp on the coast. The manufacture of hemp from the abun- 
 dant hemp nettle, its quality is superior to Russian. There is no 
 tannery, the leather is all imported and the hides exported — as is also 
 the wool, for there is no loom although the consumption of blankets is 
 Cost of reaching Victoria by steam from Southampton or Liver- 
 pool, 45/., 75/. and 100/. — length of passage, 4 5 days. By ordinary 
 sailing vessel, 26 guineas ; length of passage, about 1 50 days. 
 Columbian Emigration Society, for assisting the emigration of in- 
 dustrious women — apply, by letter, to the Rev. John Garrett, or to 
 W. C. Sargeaunt, Esq., 54, Charing Cross. 
 Its comparative shortness is the principal advantage of the Panama 
 route ; as gold mining in the richest districts is only carried on from 
 June to October, the emigrant should endeavour to arrive during the 
 spring or early summer. — Firsi class clipper ships are likely to make 
 the passage in 100 days. 
 Superficial area about 200,000 square miles, 500 miles long and 
 400 miles wide (that of England and Wales is 58,320 square miles). 
 Johnstone Strait, separating on the south west this colony from 
 Vancouver, resembles a fine river studded with islands which are 
 covered with trees. 
 Interior — extremely mountainous, but there are hundreds of thou- 
 sands of acres suitable for agriculture and grazing — vast forests — 
 numerous lakes, rapid streams and swamps. 
( 7 ) 
 Soil — On the prairies, a rich sandy loam. Price of land, 4s. 2d. an 
 acre, payable when surveyed. , 
 In 1861 the population of Whites was about 6000. 
 Estimated population during the summer of 1862 — 
 Whites— 20,000 men, 500 women. 
 Chinamen— 4000 to 10,000. 
 Indians— 10,000 to 15,000. 
 There are about 50,000 Chinese in California, who expend about 
 £2,800,000 per annum in that country — its labouring population are 
 endeavouring to expel them. The miners of Columbia have been 
 mostly foreigners who naturally prefer their own country, therefore do 
 not settle, and this colony has been nearly depopulated every winter, 
 minus the large amounts of gold obtained by them every summer. 
 Another great cause for this migration is the scarcity of women — 
 nothing appears to settle a man so quickly as a wife, and in this 
 country she is not to be had. 
 CLIMATE— very salubrious, of various character owing to diflfe-' 
 rencc in altitude, latitude, and surroundio^^^eculiarities — raining is 
 carried on in Cariboo from June to October; when tunneling com- 
 mences, it may be pursued through the winter ; on the lower Frazer 
 many places have been worked all through the winter months at 
 intervals ; at Beaver Lake, in Cariboo, last January, mercury it. ther- 
 mometers congealed whilst exposed to the setting sun. 
 Agricultural products are similar to those of Vancouver, and com- 
 mand a higher price than in any other country, arising from the 
 paucity of farmers and the high price of freight, duties, &c. 
 Prices, at a good farm, 60 miles from Cariboo, in summer of 1861 — 
 Vegetables, 4d. ; Hay, 4d. ; Barley and Oats, Is. 2d. per lb. — in Ca- 
 riboo, Vegetables, Is. ; Barley, Is. 8d. ; Hay, Is. ; Oats, 2s. ; Butter, 6s.; 
 Beef, Is. 8d. ; Flour and Bacon, 2s. lid. per lb. The nearer to Vic- 
 toria, the cheaper to live. 
 Port of entry — New Westminster, 80 miles from Victoria and 15 
 miles from the mouth of Frazer River — population, 300 to 500 — it 
 contains the custom-house, a bonded warehouse, the mint, treasury, 
 and a pretty episcopal church ; three or four miles higher up the 
 river there is a village, which is the head quarters of a company of 
 Koyal Engineers under Lieut.-Gov. Col. R. C. Moody, R.E. 
 A Simple Fact — Gold Digging in this country " a lottery without 
 blanks and the prizes are indeed splendid." Five men in two months 
( 8 ) 
 obtained 20,000/. One claim yielded 1,700 oz. (about 5,430/.) in 
 three days. The average yield of gold to each miner was, last year, 
 10/. a-week, this far exceeds that of any other gold-minin<; population. 
 Extent of the gold fields unknown. It should require but little 
 consideration to cause any one to believe that want is absent in 
 these colonies, where labour is so handsomely remunerated, and the 
 demand for it is almost unlimited, neither does it seem reasonable to 
 doubt, that with industry and ordinary prudence, a young man may 
 render himself comparatively independent in a few years. 
 During the past year there were two routes to Cariboo, both from 
 New Westminster, distance about 500 miles, and the cost was £8 to 
 £10. This season there will be two others, each of them apparently 
 preferable to those used hitherto. One of the new roads commences 
 at the Bentinck Arm and its length to Alexandria is estimated to be 
 232 miles — 54 river navigation and 178 land travel. On the Bellacola 
 River, which empties into this Arm, a town called Bellacola is forming 
 rapidly. A Miner walked on snow shoes from Cariboo to this Settle- 
 ment in 1 1 days during last February. 
 The other new road leads from the Bute Inlet, it is stated to be nearly 
 20 miles shorter than that from the Arm, and has only 158 miles of 
 land carriage. The distance of Bute Inlet from Victoria is about 222 
 miles whilst the Bentinck Arm is some 500 miles. A few months will 
 decide which of these routes is the better one. Indians were packing 
 100 lbs. each at 4d. per lb from the Bentinck Arm to Alexandria, and 
 the whole freight from Victoria to that town was reckoned at 5d. per 
 lb., this will materially lessen the cost of living in Cariboo. 
 The government and people of this colony have shown extraordinary 
 energy in forming roads to its interior. 
 Cost of living in the richest mines — 8s. to 12s. a day (if cooking for 
 yourself.) Restaurant keepers charge from 4s. 2d. to 8s. 4d. a meal. 
 WAGES in them, 20s. to 40s. a day. In peculiar cases double or 
 treble these amounts may be paid — most men prefer working for them- 
 selves — no other qualifications are necessary for a miner than ability 
 to work and live on coarse food — no want of appetite likely. 
 Capital — safely and most profitably employed, 12 per cent, per annum 
 regarded as is 3 per cent, in England (small but secure). 
 For further information, see " Cariboo," published by Darton & Co., 
 58, Holborn Hill ; " Handbook to B, C. and Vancouver Island," by 
 F. Algar, II, Clement's Lane, Lombard Street, E.C. ; and especially 
 " The Gold Fields of British Columbia," by the Correspondent of The 
 Times^ Rixon & Arnold, 29, Poultry ; his letters in its issues of Sept. 
 20, 1861, and 5th and 6th Feb. 1862 ; and the Blue Book for British 
 Columbia, part 4. 
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