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" ». - - -n . iSdvol. ?* m . - - ^ airol. ""IV - - - , , ' 4tb vol HISTORT OF SCOTLANIi, (l>y John lSkrothei«,yj#2 vols. a 1ft No wm^ Ist vol. i^VlMvoI. - T<;riiii|iation of the lain Ferga8ony;,L. L. D. F. R. Iflvol. ▼ol. - - - 4ui vol. TUB ii^UGIOUS MONITOR; OR, SCOTS PRESBY- liaaAN MAGAZINE. ^, : N6.i», . . * I*orl807. *« », - • . « 1808. •♦81, - - * • 1809. w » . ^ . •1810. '* n, - . » « 1811. *»,. i -*'5W->''»s?ftr»SS ■ .. . ..^ ::j£:^j>:^-*rf:f -::£'»t;kr^. H-cf-^ I (ft) THE BRITISH REFORMERS-in 18 Yolt. No. 24, WtokUfftoBiiney, oompiited in l«t vol. *' 85, Tindal, Frith and Bares, do. 86, Edward 6tb, Parr, Balnaves, 87, Latimer, 88, Hooper, 89, Bradford, 90^ Ridley, and Pbilpot, 81, Cranmer, Rogers, Careless, 88, Knox, 88, Beoon, 84, Jewell, 80, Fox, Bale, and Coverdale, THE METHODIST MAGAZINE. *.* «6, 37, 38, 89, 40. 48, 48, 44, JEWISH EXPOSITOR. 8d vol. 8d vol. 4th vol. 5th vol. 6th vol. 7th vol. 8th vol. 9th vol. 10th vol. 11th vol. 18th vol. For 1880. " 1881. For 1816. " 1817. «< 1818. •« 1819. " 1880. " 1881. " 1888. 45, Memoirs of a Life passed in Pennsylvania. 46, A Trbatise Concerolnfr Religious AflTection, by Jonathan Edwards, A. M. 47, The Life of the Rev. Thomas Soott, by John Scott, A.M. 48, Sermons on various and important Subjects, by ThoniRs Bell. 49, Memoirs of th% late Rev. James Garie, compiled V » 'by William Gardiner. M>, A Defence of some important Doctrines of the J%^ Gospel : by several eminent Ministers. 51, '^The Christian's Defence agarnst the Fears of Death, with seasonable directions how to prepare ourselves to die well : by Charles Drelihcourt. 58, A View of Society in Europe: by G^ Stuart,L.|:i.D. ^ Sermons on Evangelical and Practical Subjects : by the late Rev. William Crud«»n, A. M. THE CHRISTIAN MAGAZINE ; OR, EVANGELICAL REPOSITORY— in 2 vols. ; 54,7 - - • let vol. 65,5 '• - -^ 2d vol. 56^ The Westminster Assembly's Shorter Catefchism. . ' explained by way of Question^ and Answer : by the Rev. 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Balfour, D.D. 67, Two Years residence in the Illinoia country : by John Woods. 68, The Christian's consolations against the fears of dealh, with seasonable directions how to prepare ourselves to die well : by Charles Drelincourt. 69, Dissertations on the Prophecies : by Thomas Newton, ' D.D. 70, Institutes of Theology, or a concise system of Di- vinity : by Alexander Ranken, D. D. 71, An Excursion through the United States and Canada, during the Years 1823, 23: by an Englishman. IT.^LY, and its INHABITANTS, in 1816 & 17 : by James Aug. Galifie, of Genoa : in 2 vols. 72, - - - 1st vol. 73, - - - 2d vol. 74, A Practical Exposition on Psalm CXXX. : by John Owen, D. D. 76, A search of Truth on the scienre of the Human Mind : by Frederick Beasley, D. D. 76, Memoirs of Private Christians : by John Brown. 77, Dissertations Introductory to the studying of the A- pocalypse : by Alexander Pollock, L. L. D. 78, Private Thoughts upon Religion, and a Christian Life : by William Bevendge, D. D. 79, A Treatise upon the Authenticity of the Scriptures, and the Truth of the Christian Religion : by Jacob Bryant, Esq. 80, Sermons on interesting subjects : by Claudius Bu- chanan, D. D. 81, A History of the Lives of the Protestant Reformers in Scotland : by the rev. James Scott. TRANSLATION of the Letters of Hindoo R^jah : by Eliz- abeth Hamilton : in 2 vols. 82, - . - 1st vol. 83, - - « 2d vol. 84, Dissertations on, the Foedeiai Transactions between God and his Church : by John Muirhead. (4) No. 80. The danger of retting on inadequate viewi of chrli- tianity : by Patrick Faloonor» Baq. 86, do. do* do* do. LECTCJRES on the History of Jotepli : by 'George Law- son, D. p, in 2 voli. 87» - - lit vol* 88, - - - 2d vol. DISCOURSES on Select Passages of Scripture : by the late John Love, D. D. in 2 vols* 89, - - 1st vol* 90, - • . 2d vol. 91, Discourses on the whole Book of Esther t by George Lawson, D. D. . 92, A Practical Discourse concerning Death : by Wil- liam Sherlock, D. D. 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Ten Sermons oathe Millenium : by George Taylor. 140, Med^^tioiMi and; qoMBynplatlone : by the late rev. 141, The Diaya of Queen MairyK oc. Annals of her Reign. , 14^ Meinoiaa jOf the |4fe tm4 -. "Charaoterof the late rev. Corneliiia Winter: by WjU|ia«>Jay. 148, The IJniveiMlJ^i^vigAtor mid modern Tourist. 144, l^wtion.T^ota. <•) 14A, The Bnfrtrtalner. 146, EMayt addreMed to the Jewi : by Greville Ewiiig. 147, The Youth's Magasine for 1810. 14^, On the Nature, Power, Deceit and Prevalenoe of Indwellinir 8in In Bolioveret by John Owen, D.D. 149, Practical diecouraot on Regeneration : by P. Dod- dridge, D.D. 100, Cheap Repository. IS], The Evidences of the christian religion : by Joseph Addison. 103, The nfflloted man's companion : by the rev. John lYilllson. 103, The nature and obligations of personal and fiimily religion : by Daniel Dewar, L. L. D. 104, The Practice of Piety. too, The Saints everlasting rest : by Richard Baxter. 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M. 171, - - Ist vol. 172» - . . 2d vol. 173, The ieleet remains of the rav. John Brown. 174, Evidences of the truth of the christian religion : by rev. Alexander Keith. 170, Discburses on the Parable of the Sower: by Sam- ' uel Stenneit, D,D. 176, The Life of Lord Byron: by John Gait, Esq. 177, The Young christian's Guide : by Charliea Buck. (t) 178, Henry and Aoatto : A moral Tale : by the rev. Bri- an Hill, ^.M. 179, Narratives oCtbe £xtraor4lo«ry work of tlie Spirit of God at^^aniberlang i by Jamee Bobe, and otliert. 180, A comprehensive Hietory ^f I9o0tlnnd. 181, The inarrow of modern divinity] by Ed'dFieher,.4.3f. 182, Dutton on Juetifloation. 183, Jenke on the rigbteoueueef ofChrletlanlty. 184, The Seasons: by James Thompson. 180, Journal and writings of Miss Fanny Woodbury. 186, A Practical view ot the prevailing religious system of proressed christians: by William Wilberfbroe, Esq. M. 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A. 204, -< . - Is voL 205, - - - 2d vol. 206, Narrative of the Cumberlang Revival. 207, The Evidences of the Christian Religion : by Jo- seph Addison, Esq. 208, Evidences of cbrlstionity : byThomas Chalmers, i>.J!>. SERMONS TO YOUNG WOMEN : in 2 vols. : by James Fordyce, D. D. 200, ... - 1st vol 210, . - - - 2d vol. 211, Goreges! WqrHs. ; . 212, View of tho Covenant of Grace : by Thomas Boston. (( 829, 228» 813, Niabet's Ezpotitlon of Pater. 814» Th* Holf War: hf John Banysn. 810^ An example ofplaln CalaohlaiDf opoD the Aaaem- Mv'a Shorter Cfftteeblani t bj tho rev. John Wllllaon. 810, Solitude ; or the taflaence of retirenent on the mind and the heart t by I. G. Zlmmeroian. 817, Saaramental IHeditationa tad Advloet proper Tor Oommuoicanta : by the rev. 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The GcapOl Myatery of Sanctiflcation : by Mr. William Marahalt.^ A Brief Escpoaition of the lat and 8d Epiatlee Ge- neral, of roter : by Alexander Niabetf 290, Memolra of ihe fate Mra. Siiaiiii HNptiugton : by ' Bai^ttiiifivB.'>Wi8nerr'' 240, An alarm to Unoonvertod Sinnera : by Joaeph Al- ^ <\.^vi-;leUie.'^'''^'^^'^'^-^<''.-'^":l';'' •:...^'. '.■ 841, Sarmona on PabHo Ocoaaiona : by Wm. POley, D.D. 248, The Improvemeibt oV tfaO^Miild s by I. Watta, D. P. 849» H9I9 to Zion'a Travellera : by Robert Hall. ^44> iSome Remarkable Paaaagea in the life of the Hon. Col. Jamea Gardiner : by Fl Doddridge, ]|, p. 239, 294, 295, 296: (•) (40, The Rule and BxeroiMf of Holy Living : by Jere- my Taylor, D. D. 846, A uemonetratloD of the Bzleteaoe of Uod, Dedaoed fVom the J£Bowled|re of Nature. 847, Golde to Domeetlo Happlneee. 848; Browa'e Devout Breathlaga. 849, illazliiiejDrllaiiiaa.PradMoe. 850, Lift of Andrew MeWllle. 851, Life of the Rev. John Newioo. 868, American Mleelone in the hirman Bmplre. 808, Aneodotee IlloetratWe of the Shorter Catechlim. 804, Lettere on Faith t by Jamet Ooro. 800, Heory'e (M.) Pleaeantneee of a Relig loue Life. 806, ReligtoueFellowihlp. 807, Addreea on Bible and Mlaalonary Sooletiee : by J. Ritchie. 208, Doddridge on Regeneration .-^Eisay by Dr. Ward- law 800, Letfie*a Short arid Eaiy Method with the Delttt. 260, The Power of Religion : by Robert McLaorln. 261^ Adam*e Private Thooghta. 868, PoUooli'e Persecuted Family. 263, Sacred History : by Wood : 1 vol. 864, Seven Tracts of Scriptural Subjects. 860, Selection of Hymns for Public Worship. 266, Example of Catechlelng t by the rev. John WlllUob. 267, Little Henry: by Bfre. 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M, Sabbath School Monthly Visitor. ^ 283, 284, (10) SAGRBD BIOGRAPHY : in 2 vols. 291, - - - Istvol. 292, - - - 2dvol> 290, The PleaiontneM of a Religioai Life opened and Craved; by jliitth«w Henry. eBalmof Oilead: byJobaWUUMn, A.M. 295, The Rise and Fragress of Religion in the Soul : by Philip Doddridge, D. D. The SPIRIT of the BRITISH ESSAYISTS : in 6 vols. 296, ... Istvol. 297, 296, 299, 300, 301, 2d vol. 3d vol. 4th vol. 5th vol. 6th vol. The Iliftory of Napoleon Buonaparte : in 2 vols. 302, - . • 1st vol. 303, . . - 2d vol. 394, The Life of Bruce, the African Traveller : by Major F. B. Head. An account of the Natives of the TONGA ISLANDS : by John Martin, M. D. : in 2 vols. 305, - - . Ist vol. 306, . - . 2d vol. ILLUSTRATIONS of the History of Great Britain : in 2 vols. 307, - - - 1st vol. 306, . ' - 2d vol. HISTORY of the Rebellion in Scotland in 1745 and 1746 ; in 2 vols. 309, ... 1st vol. 310, . . - 2d vol. The BIRMAN JSMPIRE : in 2 vols. 311, . - - 1st vol. 312, . - - 3d vol. 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