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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mAthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART lANSI and ISO TEST CHART No. 2) 1.0 u 1.25 z m 1: m Jr 140 1.4 11= II 2.2 20 1.6 ^ /JPPUEDJVHGE __ ZST'.. 1653 East Main Street r-^ Rochester, New rork 14609 USA ■-= (716) 482 -0300 -Phone ^= (716) 288 - 5989 - Ta, "^ZL^^^'^TQ. i) Supplement to Catalogue -h 1894 CATALOGUE. ■ SCIENCE. Section i. — Architecture, Electricity, Knginccring and Mathe- matics. " 2. — Agriculture, Geology, Natural History and Hygiene. " 3. — Astronomy, Chemistry and Natural I'hilosophy. Note. — Books marked with an asterisk (*) are not allowed out of the room, unless with the written consent of the Chairman of the Committee or of the Committee itself. Section i,— Architecture, Electricity, Engineering and Mathematics. No. 258 253 247 250 262 264 251 Name of Hook. Author's N.-»me. Vol. Date. Car Builder's Dictionary Wellington i 1888 Carpenter ard Builder i 1893 Electricity, American Telegraphy Maver i 1892 Electricity, Dynamo Machinery. . . .Thompson i 1893 Electricity, Dynamo and Mot Building l^arkhurst i 1893 Electricity, Electrical Engineering Slingo and Brooker i 1 893 Electricity, Dictionary of Electrical Words, etc. Huston I 1892 SCIKNCE. No. Name of Hook. Author's Name. Vol 265 Klcctricity, Electricity in the Service of Man.. Wormcll 252 l''.lcctricity, Electric Li^ht I'Mttin^ AUsop 261 Electricity, Magnetism aiui Electricity. . Aii^fcll 267 Electricity, The Iiuciitioiis of Nikola 'I'csla... . Martin 270 I'-lectricity, DiinajjMetism Tytulall 24S House Ileatiiij,^ Ilo^aii 259 Mechanical J*-nj^inecr's I'ocket IJook ....Clark 254 Motlcrn Locomotive Con.struction Myer 255 Taintinj,', l''resco and Decorative Design . lioyce 256 Painting, Manual of Ornament Hoyce 257 Tainting, The Art of Lettering Boyce 249 Sheet Metal VVcjrker Crane 263 Sheet Metal Worker Mills 266 Stationary iMigine Driving Reynolds 268 Steam ICngine, Text Book of Jamieson 269 Steam Engine Design Whitham 271 Steam Engine, The Marks Date. 1890 1 892 i«93 1894 1 888 1892 i«93 1 892 1883 1884 1878 1 888 1H93 1 89 1 i«9.3 1888 1888 Section 2.— Agriculture, Geology, Natural History and Hygiene. 539 Anatomy, Human Morris i 1893 546 licaver, Canadian Martin i 1892 521 Birds, The Canary Barnesby i 1891 520 Botany, I'^lemcntary Aitken I 1 891 522 Botany, Illustrated Pratt I 1890 532 Digestion and Diet Roberts i 1891 538 Diphtheria, its Natural Llistory, Prevention.. . . Thornc i 1891 519 Dogs, in Health and Disease Mills i 1892 530 Eirst .Steps in Scientific Knowledge Bert I 1887 540 Health, i'apers on Kirk 1 1 1 892 545 Hearing and How to Keep it Burnett i 1879 523 Home and Earm P'avourites Stables i 1889 SCIKNCK. No. Name of Hook. Author's Name. Vo 524 Home Physician, The Practical . . . Lyman, etc. 526 Ilomd'opatliic, Medical and Surgical . Ku(l(If)ck 536 Injuries, Railway Viv^c 541 Massage, a Treatise Graham ♦533 Medical Dictionary Dunglison ♦525 Midwifery, the Science and Art of Lusk 531 Medical Year Hook (}f Treatment 4 iSyo 527 Natural History, Popular Kingsley 528 Natm-al History, Pojnilar Kingsley 529 Natural History, Object Lessons Ricks 534 Painful Menstruation Champary 547 Pigeon Keeper, Practical Wright 543 Salient Points in the Science of the l^arth .... Dawson 548 Scenery of Scotland Geikie 535 Sterility in Woman Kdis 537 The Manufacture of Liquors and Preserves.. . . Brevans 544 The Sea, Physical Geography of Maury Date. 1 892 1890 1 89 1 1890 1893 1 892 1893 1 890 1890 1890 .891 1890 »«^93 1887 1890 t893 1861 Section 3 Astronomy, Chemistry, Natural Philosophy. 677 Astronomy, The Story of the Heavens . . . Ball 678 Astronomy, Starland Ball 679 Astronomy, The P2xpansc of the Heavens .... Proctor 680 Astronomy, 1 he Orbs Around Us .... Proctor 681 Astronomy, Myths and Marvels of ... . Proctor 682 Astronomy, Our Place among Infinities . Proctor 687 Other Worlds than Ours Proctor 683 Chemistry, Agricultural Johnston 684 C'ic nistry. Common Life Johnston 685 Physical Sciences Somerville 686 The Natural Laws of Husbandry Blyth 1891 1 89 1 1889 1 886 1 89 1 1890 1 891 i8S5 1856 1863 6 HISTORY. HISTORY. No. Name of Hook. Author'* Nnnic Vol. Dnie. 1272 A Half Century of Conflict I'arkman 1 1S92 1273 A Half Century of Conilict I'arkman I 1H92 I29« Freemasonry. History of Graham i 1H92 1301 History, a I'ootnolc to .Stevenson 1 1 S92 1274 La .S;ille and the Discovery of the Great \\\,.X I'arkman 1 1H02 1300 .Scotland ;in<l the Scots 1 1 889 1295 Vik-in^' .A^'e, The 1>» C'liailh. i 1889 1296 Vikin- A[,H-, The DnChailhi i 1S89 Nations Series ,279 Assyria I^^'^'"^'" • '^'-^' 1280 lVz;i"tinc Empire <^)'i^=i" ' \^9^ 1281 Chahlea Ra-o/m 1 1886 1282 Hritiiin ^^'^'"'^' ' ''^9^ 1276 France Masson 1 1S89 1283 Greece Harrison i 1893 1 284 Germany Harin-- Gould 1 1892 1285 Holland •'^^'^^^''^ • ''"^93 1275 Ireland Lawless i 1889 ,299 Japan ^Ii"-ray i 1894 1286 Jews , Morrison i 1890 1287 Phoenicia Rawlinscjn i 1891 1297 Poland ^'^^"'■'''" ' '^^3 1288 Portu^^U Stephens 1 1891 12S9 Russia ^I">-fill ' i^^o 1290 .Spain "=^1- ■ '^^«6 1291 Sicily Freeman 1 1892 1292 Switzerland Stead 1 1890 1293 The Goths Bradley 1 1888 1294 The Hansa Towns Zimmerman I 1891 1277 Turkey Lane-1'ool i 1889 127S Tuscan Republic L»"*"<y 1 ^§93 nio<;uAi'iiv. BIOGRAPHY. No. Nam-' of Hook. Aulhoi's Nana'. Vol. I »ale. i;4i .Xdolphus Fletcher : 1.S90 1742 Ciicsar Konlcr l lSy2 1747 1 lalc, Nath;m I.()ssiii|{ I 1SS6 1773 I lavcr^'al, F. K Ilavcr^Ml i 1S90 1751 Ilou;^'hton, Ford Kcid _• 1.S91 174.S, " Stonewall" His Wife i 1S92 1770 Jefferson, Joseph Jefferson I 1S93 1771 Jones, l»aul " ^^9^ 1749 Life of a British .Soldier Fau^'hnan i i S.S4 1774 Lincoln, .Abraham Morse 2 1.S93 1740 Mackenzie, /Me-vander R<'^^ ' ''^92 1750 I'ainc, Thomas Conway 2 1X92 1743 Pericles Abbott I 1.S92 1763 Queen Flizabeth Heesly 1 1.S92 1744 .Sidney Vox Hoiirne i 1 891 1828 Stanley Dean Prothero 1 1894 1829 Stanley Dean Pre. hero i 1894 1745 Theodoric Hod<,d<in i 1891 1772 Tookv J. L llaton I 1892 1746 Wyclif Sergeant l i 893 English Men of Letters. 1775 Addison Courthopc i 1884 1776 Hacon Church i 1 892 1777 Bentley Jcbb I 1891 1778 Hunyan Froutle i 1885 1779 Burke Morlcy 1 1893 1780 Burns Shairp i 1887 1781 Byron "S'lchol i 1888 1827 Carlyle Nichol i 1893 1782 Chaucer Ward i 1889 1783 Coleridge Traill i 1881 1784 Cowper -"^mith i 1887 8 BIOGRAPHY. No Name of Hook. Author's Name. Vol. Dale. 1785 Defoe ^^-t"' '^/f iH6DcQuinccy ^M ! S 17H7 Dickens ^^J^^^ ' '«;^^ 178S Dmlen Sa.ntsbury . 1.89 o T-'i r , . . .Dobson I 1889 17.S0 I'lclclmt; ^ ' ^ ,,., , , Monson I 1887 1790 (jibboii ' r \ 1 ,,;»-h I^kick I 1883 1791 Gokbmith ^ ... .(lossc I 1889 1792 Gray 179^ Hawthorne -»" ^ ^^■^ ir .. ..Huxley I 1886 1794 Hume ^ , 1 ., ... .Stephen I 18JS8 1795 Johnson I „ ; T^ . . .Colvni 1 1888 1 790 Keats ,797 Lamb, Charles ^i"^^^'' ' '^93 '^' , , ,. Colvin I 1889 1798 Landot , ,Q«8 ,1 bowler I 1888 1799 Locke , [, ,T 1 .Morson i 1888 i8oD Macaulay . ,T-if M Pattison I 1888 1801 Milton „ ,, ... .Stephen i 1888 1802 Pope / 1803 Scott ^^""7 ' 'f9 1804 Shelley ^^y'"">^^'^ ' '"Jf o CI •!„. ...Oliphant i 1883 1805 Shcndan ' ^ ,806 Sir Philip Sydney Symond. i .888 i8o7Southey 1^°-^- ' 'f/ ,.1, ^ ' Church I 1883 1 808 bpencer „ ^! Iraill I 1886 1 809 Sterne ^ „ c -r, Stephen I i8>S9 1810 Swift ^., , Tro oi)e i 1892 181 1 Thackeray ^' 1 ^_, \v 1 .,..^.-fi-, Myers i 1885 1812 W ordswoi tn •' English Men of Action. ny ... .Wilson I 1890 17:;^ Clive r 1 r'o,^tn;n Besant i 1890 I7;4 Cook, Captain „ ^ T^ • . Ru.ssell I 1892 i8;o Dampier '^ / ,4 nral<L Corbett . 1890 17L' Gordon, General ^"tler i 1890 BIOGKAl'HV. jsfo. Name of Book. I 758 Hastings, Warren I-V'^" ■ 1813 Havclock, Sir I Iciiry Forbes i 1814 Henry V <^-h"''^'^ ' 1 8 1 5 Lawrence, Lord Temple 1 1816 Livingstone Hughes i 1817 Monk Corbctt i Morris i 1818 Montrose 1819 Moore. Sir John Maurice 1 1760 Napier, Sir Charles duller 1 1 820 retcrborough Stcbbing 1 1821 Rodney llannay 1 1822 Simon do Montfort I'rothero I 1823 Strafford '^ ''=^'" • 1824 Warwick, the King-Maker Oman i 1767 Wellington Hooper I Author's Name. \'ol. Date. 1889 I 89 1 1889 189I I 892 1H93 I 892 I 89 I 1890 I 892 I 890 189I 1892 1890 1892 English Statesmen. 1769 Cardinal "olscy Creighton 1826 Chatham Morley 1756 Edward ! , l^'^^^^ll 1759 Henry H ^^^'C'-^" 1825 I lenry VH Gairdner 1761 Oliver Cromwell Harrison 1762 Peel Thursfield 1764 Pitt Rosebery 1765 Walpolc Morley 1766 William the Conqueror Freeman 1768 William HI 'I's'^'^l 1 89 1 1892 1891 i«93 1 890 i«93 1892 i'S93 1 89 1 1892 1892 10 TRAVKLS. TRAVELS. No. Name of Hook. Author's Name. Vol. Date. 22^0 A Flying Trip Around the World Bisland i 1891 ..79 A TratTip Across the Continent Lumm.s 1 1892 2280 Afloat and Ashore on the Mediterranean ... . ^ Meriweather i 1 892 ■ ; ■. Taylor i 1 893 2''75 Arabia. \ yy^ -,-.60 .\ Year's Ilousckecpin-in South Africa. Barker i 1886 ""' , , ^, . , iv„,.,Hni-r> Duncan i 1891 2261 A Social Departuie ^ ,, , , y-., Taylor i 1S93 2276 Central Asia ^ .272 My Arctic Journal I'-^O' ' ^^^93 ^Je^ My Three Years in Manipur Gnmwood i 1892 — ^ Taylor i 1893 2277 |ai)an , / ,,_^ i ,^ M 1 fUo " k'nrk-pt" Adams I lb/9 0-767 On Hoard tlie kockci "" ■ • c^^tl.,,,,1 ....Sinclair I 1^91 2240 Scenes m Scotland ,. .... laylor 1 1^93 2278 Siain \ ^ 2265 Station Lifc in New Zealand • • 1 arke. . 891 2^64 The Armenian Campaij^ni W .Ukuus i 1878 .^-^ The Rise of our East African Empire, Lu-ard i 1S93 r/-4 The Rise of our hlast African hLmpire, Eu-ard i 1893 ;;66 Ten Years Diggin- in Egypt Petne . 1892 7.6S The of ll.M.S. "Calliope" Evans i .890 7.67 The Skipper in the Arctic Seas. . . .Clutterbuck . . S6o "" ^ .,, . „i\ „„.,;(-., Ford 1 1893 227 I 1 ropical .Amci ica ^^ ^ ^ ,0^. 2269 Yankee Girls in ZuluT.and Sheldon i 1891 •t^<J.vir»*?- MISCELLANEOUS, • 11 MISCELLANEOUS. No. Name of Hook. Author's Name. Vol. Date. 2848 Anglo-Israel Poole i 1891 . 'o Capital Marx i 1 894 '49 Co-operative Savings Dexton i 1889 2861 Essays, The Imagination Macdonald i 1883 2862 Essays, Quarterly Lytton i 1 875 2886 Evolution and Christianity York i 1883 2875 If Christ Came to Chicago Stead 1 1894 2876 If Christ Came to Chicago Stead i 1894 2867 Irish Idylls Barlow I 1893 2871 Jail Journal Mitchell i 1890 2893 John Bull & Co Max O'Rell i 1894 1872 Labor and the Popular Welfare Mallock i 1893 2858 Man and the State Andrews i 1892 2860 Medical Mission Lowe i 1887 2859 My Lady's Dressing Room Ayer i 1892 2868 National Life and Character Pearson i 1893 2885 Orthodoxy and Heresy Hall i 1883 2863 Pamphlets and Sketches Sprague i 1875 2873 Sacerdotal Celibacy Lea i 1 884 2869 Seventy Years of Irish Life Le Fanu i 1894 2892 Social Evolution Kidd i 1894 2866 Socialism, from Genesis to Revelation. Sprague i 1893 2887 Supernatural Religion 2 1879 2888 The Bible and the Working Classes. . .Wallace i 1883 2890 The Four Witnesses De Costa i 1894 2879 The Letters of Junius I 1890 2891 The Natural Law of Money Brough i 1894 2864 The Parnell Movement O'Connor i 1889 2874 The Threshold of Manhood Daw.son i 1891 2870 The United States Smith i 1893 2889 Well Begun Parker i 1894 12 No. 2877 2878 2865 2851 2S52 2853 2854 2855 2856 2884 2857 2882 2883 POKTKY. Badminton Library of Sports. , Author's Name. Vol. Date. Name ol booK. I 1894 liig Game hhootm- ^ ^ Big Game Shooting ^ ^' Coursing and 1' alconry '/- 1 'I" *- II 00*-) iMshing, Salmon and 1 rout ••••••• ^ Fishhig, I'ikc and other Coarse i ^^«9 . . . I ' "9-? ^^'"^f -. I 1S92 Mountainccrmg ^ ^ Hiding rolo ••■ ^ ^' ; Skating and Curlnig II 094 ^^^■i'"™";-' I .891 '^■^'^•^•^ . . 1S94 ^'^^^'^^"•- .. , 1894 Yachting POETRY. ,17 Kii)linu 1 1894 ,114 Ballads and Verses ^^ - -^^ -11; How Once Telt ^"-^ , .' , u .r.rn I-vtton I 1S73 1112 Schiller and IloiacL - ■^ . , , . . .Borthwick 1 1^75 -.116 Scottish .Song .„ ■^ . XT H" , ... .l>ytton I I/58 1113 The New 1 imon ^ ■^ .,-, II f r--, ....Borthwick 1 18OO 3117 1 b.e Harp of C anaaii FICTION. 115 FICTION. ALEXANDER, MRS. 5861 Found Wanting. ALGER, H. 5823 iMfUiU Fowler. ALLAN, G. 5893 Blood Royal. 5829 In all Shades. 5894 Michaels Crag. 5895 The Scallywag. BALLANTYNE, R. M. 5883 The Walrus Hunters. BARR, A. E. 5856 A Singer of the Sea. 5849 The Preacher's Daughter. BARRIE, J. M. 5854 A Tillyloss Scandal. 5887 Auld Light Idylls. 5850 A Window in Thrums. 5885 My Lady Nicotine. 5725 The Little Minister. 5886 Two of Them. 5851 When a Man's Single. BESANT, W. 5910 All Sorts and Conditions of Men. i;862 The Rebel Queen. 14 591 1 Pcrlycross. FICTION. BLACKMORK, R. D. BURNETT, F. II. 5724 Giovanni and the Other. CAINE, HALL. 5901 The Manxman. CARRICK, S. D. 5810 The Laird of Logan. CHARLKSWORTH, L. 5837 Oliver of the Mill. CHURCH, A. J. 6600 The Burning of Rome. CLOWES, W. L. 5903 The Captain of the May Rose. COMPTON, H. 5805 European Military Adventure.s. CRAWFORD, F. MARION. 3712 A Cigarette Maker's Romance. 5713 A Roman Singer. 5714 A Tale of the Lonely Parish. 5753 Don Orsino. 5754 Greifenstein. 5755 Khalcd, a Tale of Arabia. 5715 Marzio's Crucifix. 5799 The Children of the King. 5716 With the Immortals. 5756 Zoroaster. FICTION. CROCKETT, S. R. 5908 The Raiders. 5900 The SticUet Minister. DAWSON, VV. J. 5847 Edward Strahan. DOUGALL, L. 6595 Bc<jgars All. (2 copies.) 6599 Beggars All. DOUGLASS, A. M. 5832 Guilty or Not Guilty. DOYLE A. CONAN. 5922 Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. 5023 Memoirs of Sherlock Plolmes. 5916 Micah Clarke. 5917 My Friend, the Murderer. 5918 Raffles Haw. 5919 The Firm of Girdlestone. 58 II The Refugees. 5920 The Sign of the Four. 5921 The White Company. DU CHAH.LU, PAUL. 6596 Stories of the Gorilla Country. DUNCAN, S. S. 5809 The Simple Adventures of a Memsahib. FENN, G. M. 5884 Real Gold. FORBES, A. 6601 Barracks and Bivouacs. 15 ]() 5iS25 l*"clIo\v Travellers. FicrioN. FULLl'lR, K. GARISON, J. 5834 L(Jokiiig I'orward. GOriJ), B. 5.S2S Mchalah, GRAND, S. 5800 The Heavenly Twins. GRl-T'.N, E. K. 5^'72 5676 5678 5679 5680 5681 5rxS2 5683 5684 568s 5686 5-^55 5^j87 5688 5689 5690 5 '^91 A Pair of Pickles, liarbaia's Brothers. Dare Lorimer's Heritage. Dorotliy's Vocation. IJrifled .Ashore. I^'alconcr of P'alconhurst. Her 1 lushand's 1 loine. In the Wars of the Roses. Joint Guardians. Lenore Annandale. Marcus Stratford's Chari^e. Oliver Langton's Ward. The Doctor's Dozen. The Head of the House. The Lord of Dy never. The Lost Treasure. Tiie Mistress of Ludgate. The Stronger Will. Two luithusiasts. Winning the Victory. W>hula. FICTION. 17 GUNTKR. A. C. 5889 A Morida Knchantmciit. 5888 A I'rincess of Paris. 5890 IJuron Moiitcz. 5S91 iSIiss Dividends. 5853 Miss Nobody of Nowhere. 5S53 Tliat Frenchman. 5893 The King's Stockbroker. GRIFFITH, G. 5907 S>rcn f)f the .Skies. 5906 The Angel of the Revohition. HARDY, T. 5822 A Pair of Blue Eyes. ^ HARRIS, . J- c. 6602 Uncle Remus. HART, B. 5913 Colonel Starbattlcs. 5912 Sus)-. HAYWARD, S. w 5796 Andrew Lorimer. 5777 Barbara Home. 5778 Caroline. 5779 Diana's Defender. 5780 Ethel Gray. 5781 John Hazel's Vengeance. 5782 Left to the World. 5783 Maud Luton. 5797 One in a Thousand. 5798 Robert the Rover. IS IkTION. 57«9 57«4 57«5 5791 5790 5792 5793 5794 5786 5787 5788 5795 5871 5698 5699 5700 5701 5702 5703 5863 5819 5705 5704 5860 5706 The The The The The The The The Tlic The The Wik lilacU Aiijfcl. Hl.-ick I'Mag. Colonel's Daughter. Kiery Cross, (jolclen Reef. Idol's Kye. Rebel Privateer. Star of the South. Stolen Will. Three Red Men. Woman in Red. 1 and Wonderful. HKNTY. G. A. A Jacobite lilxilc. lieric the Briton. Condemned as a Nihilist. I'^ij^ditin^r the .Saracens. Held I'^ast for England. In Greek Waters. Redskin and Cowboy. Rujub the Juggler. St. Bartholomew's Eve. The Dash for Khartoum. The Ivill of Sebastopol. Through the Sikh War. Under Drake's Flag. HOCKING, S. K. 5902 One in Charity. IIOLLEY, M. E. 5717 Josiah Allen's Wife. 5718 My Way%vard Pardner. 5719 Samantha. 5816 Samantha at the World's Fair. 5719 .Samaritha Among the Brethren. FICTION. HOLTZMKYKR, G. 5830 A Proud Dishonor. HUMK. r. \V. 5877 The Mystery of a Hansom Cab. IRON, J. 6603 The Story of an African Farm. JARVIS, S. 5846 Dr. Perdue. 5814 Geoffrey Ilampstead. Kli'IJXG. R. 5723 Life's Handicap. 5898 Many Inventions. 5757 Mine Own People. 5760 The Light that Failed. 5758 The Naulahka. 5761 The Phantom Rickshaw. 5759 The Story of the Gadsbys. KING, CAPTAIN CHARLES. 5742 A War Time Wooing. KINGSLEY, C. 5721 Madam How and Lady Why. 5720 Water Babies. 19 LYTTON, LORD. 5775 Falkland. 5776 The Student. 20 5744 5745 5746 5747 5«5« 574« 574'; 5^'94 575" 5750 5696 5695 575^ I K rioN. MAC DONALD. GKORGK. \t the Hiick of the North. David M>*iiii)rood. Donal (inifit Ikuithor and Snow Malcdlin Mar\' Marsloii. '.'aul la!)er .Sur^'con. I'hantastcs, The F'»rtcnt. Kobcrt I-'alconcr. Ronald lianiicnuaii's I')oyhood. Sir (iibbic. St. (ic()ri,fc and Si. Michael. The Maniuis of Los- ie. 'I'hc Scabo.ncl Parish. Thomas Wini^fold, (urate. Warlock of (ilcnwarlock. \Vci-4hed and Wanting'. What's .Mine's Mine. MATHERS. lii:i.i:N H. 5762 5763 5764 5 7''' 5 5766 57f>7 576S 5773 57''^9 5771 577:2 5773 5774 Cherry Ripe. Coinin' Thro' the Rye. ICyre's Accjuittal. I-'oinid Out. lledri. My Lady Green Sleeve. My Jo John. Sam's Sweetheart. Story of a Sin. The h'ashion of this World. The Mystery of No I3- T'other Dear Charmer. WrosteUa'-^ Weird. 58:5 Rhoda Flcmin*^. FKTION. mi:kki)Itii.g. NO NA vIK 21 5827 A Mitlnijyht Wedding'. 5.S26 Heart and C loss. 5X43 Jccms I .;iyc. 5544 Jccms kaye. 5545 Jccms Kayc. 6597 The Hoys' Own Sea Stories. 5.S38 Zaiioiii. 5806 ) Madaj^ascar. 5840 Idalia. OldVKK, 1'. OUIDA. OXLKY, J. M. 5867 Archie of Artiiabasca. 5808 Here Lloyd's Moyhood. 5879 Diamond Rock. 5813 h'ergus McTavish. 5880 U.> Amon^ the Ice Floes. I'lvCK, G. W, 5831 Wit and Humor. TOOL, M. L 5872 Dally. 1»YLE, H. cR-iA Within the Canes. '- ~ 22 FICTION. RKII), MAYNE. 5707 Gwcn Wynn. 5708 The Child Wife. 5709 The Death .Shot. 5710 The I'^'ee Lances. 571 1 The VVd'^ of "RITA." • ^ 5841 ■ The My-stcry of a Turkish Bath. ROCHE, J. J. P 5807 The Story of the FiHbusters. 5726 5727 5728 5729 5730 5731 5732 5733 5741 5734 5735 5736 5737 5738 5739 5740 RUSSELL, W. CLARK. .\n Ocean Tragedy. A Sailor's Sweetlieart. A Sea Queen. A Strant^e Voyage. .\ Voyage to the Cape. In the Middle Watch. Jack's Courtship. Jennie I Iarlcn\e. John Iloldsworth, Chief Mate. Little Loo. My Danish .Sweetheart. On tlie I'Wk'sle Head. Round the (lalley h'ire. The Golden I lope. The Fl\-ing Dutchman. The h'ro/.en Pirate. SCOTT, G. F. 5905 Elton Hazlewood. 5904 Soul's Oucbl. FICTION. SERGEANT, A. 5839 Sir Anthony's Secret. SMITH, ALBERT. 5899 Christopher Tadpole. STABLES GORDON. 5869 As We Sweep Through the Deep. 5874 Just Like Jacic. 5870 Westward with Columbus. STANLEY, H. M. 5868 My Dark Companions. STEVENSON, R. L. 5842 Black Arrow. 5896 Catriona. 5722 The Wrecker. STUART, E. 5833 Kestell of Greystone. SWAN, ANNIE. 5848 A Batchelor in Search of a Wife. 5865 Adam Hepburn's Vow. 5876 Climbing the Hill. 5857 Homespun. 5875 Into the Haven. 5873 Jack's Year of Trial. 5864 Thankful Rest. 5817 The Guinea Stamp. 5866 Warner's Chase. 23 THE DUCHESS. 5821 Marvel. 24 659S 5.SI. 5804 5914 5915 FICTION. THOMAS, CIIAL'NXEY. The Crystal Button. T RE A NOR, S. Heroes of the Goodwin Sands. TRKIAVAXV. !•:. J. Adventure of a Younger Son. TWA IX, MARK. The American Claiinant. Tom .Sawver Abroad. ulmi-:r, G. 5836 A Race for Millioi'is. 5S97 5801 5802 5909 5«03 VKRNI-:, JUl.l'-S. The Castle of the Carpathians. WALLACE. LEW The Prince of India (2 V'ols.) The Prince of India. WARD, II. Marcella. WATSON, W. Adventure of a Blockade Runner. Y0XG1<:. C. M. The Dove in the Eagle's Xest. ZOLA, EMILE. 5820 5850 The Downfall. FRENCH WORKS. 25 771 I 7712 7713 7714 7715 7716 7717 7718 7719 7720 7721 7722 7723 7724 7725 7726 7728 .7729 7730 7731 7712 7733 7734 7688 7689 7690 7691 7692 7693 7694 7695 7696 7697 7698 FRENCH WORKS. Lcs Borgia Albert Hlatiquct ^a Femmc Bandit. (4 Vols.) Jules Boulabcrt ^a I'cmmc Bandit Jules Boulabert La I'Y-mme Bandit Jules lioulabcrt .a Fcmme Bandit Jules lk)ulabert iras d'Acicr Alfred de Brehat .es Chasseurs de Tigrcs Alfred do Brehat .es Chauffeurs Indiens Alfred dc Brehat .es Maitresses du Diable Alfred de Brehat x\s Natchez. (2 Vols.) Chateaubriant .es Natchez Chateaubriant .cs Martyrs. (2 Vols.) Chateaubriant .cs Martyrs Chateaubriant .cs Ncz-Tcrces l-'mile Chevalier .a Tete- Plate Kmile Chevalier can Mornas Jules Claretic .a Voleuse d'Knfant Henri Conscience ^e Lion de Flandrc. (2 Vols.) Henri Conscience e Lion de Flandre Henri Conscience jnc lureur Judiciaire Henri Conscience ,es Draines I""lamand Henri Conscience .es Iknicaniers I'aul Dui)lessis x\s Ltapcs d'un Volontairc Paul Duplessis .a Goutte de Sang ALaurice Drack xs Deux Diane. (3 Vols.) Alexandre Dumas .es Deux Diane Alexandre Dumas .cs Deux Diane Alexandre Dumas .es Louves de Machecoul. (3 Vols.). Alexandre I^umas .es Louves de ^Llchecoul Alexandre Dumas .es Louves de Machecoul .Alexandre Dumas .es Deux Rcines. (2 Vols.) .Alexandre Dumas .es Deux Reincs Alexandre Dumas Le Batard dc ^Lauleon. (3 Vols.) . .Alexandre Dumas Le Batard dc Mauleon Alexandre Dumas Le l^atard dc Mauleon Alexandre Dumas '2(\ FRKNCII WORKS. 7699 Lcs Mohicans (Ic raris. (4 Vols.). .. Alexandre Dumas 7700 Lcs Mohicans dc Paris Alexandre Dumas 7701 Lcs Mcjhicans dc Paris Alcxanchx- Dumas 7702 Lcs Moiiicans de Paris Alexandre Dumas 7703 Salvator. (5 Vols.) Alexandre Dumas 7704 Salvator Alexandre Dumas 7705 Salvator Alexandre Dumas 7706 Salvator Alexandre Dumas 7707 .Salvator .Alexandre Dumas 770S La Terrcur Prussicnnc. (2 \\)ls.;. . .Alexandre Dumas 7709 La Terrcur Prussicnnc .Alexandre Dumas 7710 Le Fils du I-'orcat .Alexandre Dumas 7735 V'oyai^es ct ( 'liasscs Jules Gerard 7736 Lcs Dannies de I'lnde Jules Mcry 77?i7 L'n .Maria,<;e sous la Terrcur JuiL,u'.Mie tic .Mirecourt y7^S Confessions (\\\\\ Hohcmc Xavicr de Montcpin 7677 Lcs P'illcs de Hronzc. ('5 \'ols.;. . . .Xavicr de Montcpin 7S7.S Lcs ImIIcs dc lironzc Xavicr dc Montcpin 7679 Lcs l-'illcs dc l^ronze. . . Xavicr de Montcpin 7680 Lcs p'illcs de Bronze Xa\ier dc Montcpin 7681 Lcs P'iljcs dc Bronze Xavicr dc Montei)in 7682 Son .Altessc L'.Amour. f6 Vols.). . . Xavier de Montcpin 7683 Son .Altessc L' Amour Xavicr dc Montcpin 7684 Son .Altessc L'.Amour Xavicr de .Montcpin 7685 Son .Mtesse L'.Amour Xavicr dc Montcpin 7686 Son Altessc L'.Amour .Xa\icr dc Alontepin 7687 Son L'Amour Xavicr de Montepia 7757 L'nc I'amillc I'arisicimc. (2 Vols.) Xavier dc Montcpin 77S>^ Lne 1^'amille Parisienne Xavier de Montcpin 7739 Le Coupeur dc Tctes. (4 Vols.) Louis Xoir 7740 Le Coujjcur de Tctes Louis Xoir 774 1 1 ,e Coupeur de Tctes Louis Xoir 7742 Lc Coupeur dc Tctes Louis Xoir 7743 Le Corsair Xoir Louis Xoir 7744 Le ALutre de Forges .• George Ohnct FRENCH WORKS. 27 7745 Le Scrment des Homines Rouges. (2 Vols.).* Ponson du Terrail 7746 Lc Serment des Homines Roiijj^es.. . I'onson du Terrail 7747 La Jeunessc du Roi I leiiri. (3 Vols.) Pousoii du Terrail 774<S La Jeunessc du Roi Henri I'ouson du Terrail 7749 La Jeutiesse du Roi Henri Ponson du Terrail 7750 Le Seduction de Savine Leopold Staplcaux 7751 Les Dramcs Inconnus. ("4 Vols.) Frederic Soulie 7752 Les Drames Incoinius I-'rcderic Soulie 7753 Les Dramcs Inconnus FrOderic Soulie 7754 Les Drames Inconnus Frederic Soulie 7755 Vingt-Mille-Lieues sous les Mers. (2 Vols.; Jules Verne 7756 Vingt-Mille-Lieues sous les Mens Jules Verne 28 KKl'ERENCE. REFERENCE. NOT ALLOWED OUT OF THE READINtJ ROOM. No. Name of 15ook. Author's Name. Vol. Date. 8065 liible Cyclop;L-di.'i Fauset i 1891 8067 Index PericdicHls of the World. . ..Stead 3 1 891-1893 8066 Ontario's Game and ImsIi Report i 1892 OFFICERS. JJrcsibcut : L. J. Searcieant, Esq. 13icc-JJ'csiiicnts : Herbert Wallis, Ks(j. VVm. McWood, Es(). F. L. VVanklvn, Ks(,). John Tavlor, Esq^ John Fiz/ei.l. J. Carmiciiael. J. Ward. T. Burn. J. Nichols. J. Watt. Committee: J. GOI.LAN. C. J. Wh.liams. F. II. WlIJKiOOSE. John Pitt. D, Ander.son. J. Wat.son. QThitirman : John Millington. 'AErustcfs : The President of the Grand Trunk Railway, the Board ok Directors and Mechanical Superintendent, citorking TTrustccs : Andrew Patterson. Joseph Walton. Jluiiitors : John Laing. H. U. I^ wles. .Sfrrctjini-'Trrciisirer : Andrew Stark. 3iCibrjiriim : F. E. Wyer.