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QU 1.— N( except b; purpoHo, given thi in Que be give the proposer Oandidat MemborH 2.— Th EVesiden act m Tr subHcript wlio shal elected ai office for :^.— Th Office bej tirs' Mon date — b*^\ the quori Club pay CONSTITUTION or THK QUEBEC CURLING CLUB. 1 . — No jjorHoii shall be admittod a monibor of the Club, except by ballot at a General Meeting, called for that purpose, of which at least throe dayH' notice shall bo >ifivon through the l*ost Office, to each Member actually in Quebec or within 1(» miles thereof; such Notice to give the name of each candidate and the names of his proposer and seconder. To secure the admission of any Candidate it shall be necessary that four-fifths of the MomberB present at the ballot shall vote in his favtn-. 2. — The Office Bearers of the Club shall consist ot a President, Vice-President, and Secretary who shall also act as Treasurer and who shall be exempt from annual subscription, and four members making in all seven, who shall form the Committee of Management and be elected at the Annual General Meeting, continuing in t)ffice for one year but may be re-elected. H. — The Annual General Meeting for tlic olc('tii)ii of Office bearers and other purposes shall be held on the tirs' Monday of April in each year, from and after this date — b*^ven to form 'a quorum which jnimbor shall U- the quorum at all meetings. 4. — Each member shall upon his julmission into the Club pay an Entrance fee of Five Dollars, besides an —a— — 8 — Htintial Huh.srri|>ti'i!i of Ton Dollas .. payuMo on the Ut <\ay of Docoinhor in oacli year. Thono |mymoiii.t to tl»rm a i\nu\ for drtrayin^' th'.« i-xponMOM of tho (!|ul» wuiU'.r tlio •linution of tho (?«)miriithH5 of Mai\a^rmont, and m» momhcr who Mhall Ihj in urrcai-s to Jm) uUowod U> play till ho has ))ai(l tht«in up. O.—Any Ile^Mihir >foml)or not in arrowrH, removing' fVom (^iiohec or hvirj^ iinahlc from ill-htt. 'ih or othorwJHo to tako part in tho noble (Jamo, may bo elocted an fionorary Memlw^r at any (tenoral Mooting of tho CAnh wilhout payment of *ho annual Hulwcription, and should any Huch Honorary M< m her afterwards doniro ' resume his plaee in the ('!ub ht shall he entitled to do so without lh'3 payment of any neN*' entrance foe. This Uule shall have a .retroactive ett'eet. 6. — Any Member not in arrears may rcsitrn upon his giving due notiee in writing to the Secretary, but shall bo oli^nble for re-election in tho usual way without renewed payment of entrance foe, and any member ir. arrears for more than twelve months may be expelled by a vote of a majority at any General Meeting. 7.— Tuesday and Friday of each week shall be Club days, and the Game shall on those days commence at one o'clock. No individual, not a Member of the Club, shall be allowo<l to join in tne Game to the exclusion of any member present and desirous of playing, but when there is not a sufficient number of members present to make up a gam*.), then one or more strangers may be admitted. 8. — No person whether a Member or not shall on Club (iays bo admitted during the Course of a Game, nor shall any player be permitted to retire from » Game without consent of tho skips. • t sll tut 111 OH of on at ox (lii as "■Ul mt 5 — :'.-- -The Sori'otaiy >lmll iiiviiriiiM}- ivc-oixl the first (lanic pliiycd in eacli season, and i1 shall al«o bo hi- duty to record any (iamv. played, of which particular^ •ihall he handed to him by either of the skips. U). — it shall likewise be Mie duty of the Secretary to have on the iiink each Club day a Copy of the Rules of the Eoyal Caledonian Club, and of the ConBtitution and liy-Laws of this Club. 11. — The Members of the Club shall dine together ouch year, on tlio 2(lth January, being the anniversary- of the foundation of the Club in 1821, and each Member on giving duo notice shall have the right of entertaining at such dinner one, two, or three Guests, at his own expense. Members in Quebec, and not attending thi' dinner, shall pay their proportion of the expense thoroot hut not of the Wine. 12.- -The preceding regulations shall be considered as permanent rnlos and not changeable, but by the con- <-urrence of two-thirds of all the members present at a meeting exjiros.-ly convened for that purpose. THOMAS BRODIE, Secretary. JAMES DEAN, President. Quebec, 31st December, 18«>8. H — RULES OF THE GAME. 1 . The length of the Eink played shall be forty-two yards. The Tcea shall bo put down thirty-eight yards apart. In a continued strait line with the Tees, and four yards distant from each, a circle, eighteen inches in diameter, shall bo drawn on the left hand side of said line (looking in the direction to be played) and its edge just touching it. Within this circle, whether standing on the ice, or on any rest, support, or abutment whatsoever, permitted by the Eules, each player, when playing his stone, shall place his right foot, and his left foot on the left hand side of the central line. (Tne circle to be on the opposite side of the line if the player be left handed.) When a hack or hatch in the ice is used, it must be behind the circle above described, and not of greater length than fourteen inches measuring from the central line. A circle of seven feet radius, to be described from each Tee as a centre, and no stone to count which is wholly without this circle. The Hog-score to be distant from each Tee one-sixth part of the length of the whole Eink played. Every stone to be a Hog, which does not clear a square placed upon this score ; but no stone to be considered a Hog, which has struck another stone lying over the Hog- score. A line shall be drawn on the ice at right angles to the Eink, half-way betwixt the Tees, which shall be called " The Middle line." In no case shall the Eink played be less than thirty-two yards. So soon as the Eink is marked off, and before beginning to play the Terms of the match or game must be distinc- — 9 — tly stated and fixed by the Skips, if they have not boon previously arranged. These terms may either be, that the parties shall play for a specified timef or a game of a certain number of shots. Though the terms have been previously fixed, they should here be repeated. 2. Every Eink to be composed of four players a side, each with two stones, unless otherwise mutually agreed upon. Before commencing the game, oach Skip shall state to his opposing Skip the rotation in which his men are to play, and the rotation so fixed, is not to be changed during the game. Bach pair of players shall play one stone alternately with his opponent, till he has played both. 3. The two Skips opposing each other shall settle b}- lot or any other way they may agree upon, which party shall lead, after which, the winning party of the last end shall do so. 4. Each party, before beginning to play, and during the course of each end, to be arranged along the sides of the Eink, any where betwixt the middle line and the Tee, which their skip may direct ; but no party, except when sweeping according to rule, shall go upon the middle of the Eink, nor cross it under any pretence whatever. The Skips alone lo stand at or about the Tee, as their turn requires. 5. If a player plays out of turn, the stone so played may be stopped in its progress and returned to the playei-. If the mistake shall not be discovered till the stone is again at rest, the opposite party shall have the option to add one to their score, and the game proceed in its original rotation, or to declare the end null and void. 6. The sweeping departmeiil shall bo under the exclu- sive direction and control of the Skips. The player's th< pa] alv bQ so ro6 pui be she she dei res the at 1 be dec oou ma i-ea tha ace ato at ] to] ten by wh tha — 11 — party shall bo allowed to sweep when the stone has passed the middle lino, and till it reaches the Tee ; the adverse party when it has passed the Tee. The swooping to be always to a side, or across the Rink ; and no sweepings to be moved forwards, and loft in front of a running stone, HO as to stop or obstruct its course. 7. If in swooping or otherwise, a running stone be mar- rod by any of the party to which it belongs, it shall bo put off the ico : if by any of the adverse party, it shall be placed where the Skip of the party to which it belongs shall direct. If marred by any other means, the player shall replay his stone. Should any played stone be acci- dentally displaced, before the last stone is played and at rest, by any of tho party who are then lying the shot, thoy shall forfeit the end ; if by any of the losing party at that end, who have the stone yet to play, they nhall be prevented from playing that stone, and have one shot deducted from their score. The number of shots to be counted at said end by tho winners, to be decided by a majority of the players, the offender not having a vote. 8. Every player to come provided with a besom, to be ready to play when his turn comes, and not to take more than a reasonable time to play his stone. Should he accidentally play a wj-ong stone, any of the players may stop it while running ; but if not stopped till it is again at rest, it shall be replaced by the one which he ought to have played. 9. No measuring of shots allowable previous to the termination of the end. Disputed shots to be determined by the Skips ; or, if they disagree, by the Umpire, or, when there is no Umpire, by some neutral person mutu- ally chosen bv them, whose decision shnll ho fijml \u measurements to be taken from the centre of the Tee, to that part of the stone which is nearest to it. No stone — 13 — nhall bo conHidered within or unthovt a cii'cle, imli-Hh it clear it ; and every Htono shall be bold m reni'm^ on n line, which dooK not comj^letely oieur it; — in every cRhe. thi8 iH to be determined by y)Iaoin^' n s<juaro on the ioo. at that part of the circle or line in dispute. 10. Each Skip shall have the exclusive re^uUili(»n and direction of the game ibr his party, and ma\ play in what part of it he pleaw^H; but having chosen his place at the heginning, he must retain it till the end of the game. The players may give their advice, but cannot con >rol their director ; nor are they ujjon any pretext to address themselves to the person about to play. Kach Skip, when his own turn to play comes, shall ruime one of his party to take charge tor him. Kvcry jilayer to follow Implicitly the direction g'ven him. If any player siiall improperly speak to, taunt, or interru|>l another, while in the act of delivering his Blone, one shot shall be adde<l to the score of the party so interru|>ted, and the end proceed as before. 11. If, from any change of weatlier after a game has been begun, or from any other reasonable cause whatso ever, one party shall denire to shorten the Rink, or to change to another one, and, if the two Skips cannot af/ree upon it, the Umpire for the occasion shall be called, and he shall after seeing one end played, determine whether the Eink shall be shortened, and how much, or whether it shall be changed, and his determinaiiim shall be final and binding on all parties. Should there be no Umpire appointed ibr the occasion, or should he be otherwise engaged, the two Skips may call in any Curler uncon- nected with the disputing parties, whose services can his powers shall be equally extensive as the Umpire aforesaid. I lUH .'irui flie tioi — 15 — 12. KvoryHtonc touching tho tiouixln of the Hii»k bolbrw luwning the Too shall bo immodiutoly taken ott" tho Ive, .ind any Htono it may aceidontally dieplaco aftor touching the Boai*d8 Hhall bo roplacftd uh nearly in tho samr |K>«i, tion aM poHsiblo. — 16 — (•0\ A(JT TO liNCOlil'OllATK TlIK QUEBEC CUKLING CLUB. rtrt. :iJ, Chup. .7J. i WIIRKRAS tho poi-Motm horoiiuinor imincil, tire uhho- (iutoU for t.lio purpoMO of prornotiitg uiul pnu'tisiii^ the S*'otti8h Nutionul <Jumo of (Jurliii^', by tho nariu) of "Thk (iuEBKC CirRLrNO (/Lun," which UHt^ocititiun has oxi.sted witli tho ^ai<l objoet in (^uoIk'c .siii'o tho your one thou- oi^hl huii(inMi and f wonty-oiio, and wlioroas tho said horoi»uiftor namod jjotsohm havo prayed to ho incor- porated by tho name of ''The Quebec Cubijno Club," and it in oxpodionl to ^-ranl thi^ir prayer; T)ioroforo lloi* .Vrajosty, by and ^vitll the advice and conwont of the Lo- i:;isiatiiro of (Quebec, enacl.> as 1'oIIovvh : 1. Pemborton Paternon, James Dean. Archibald Ni- toll, William Crawford, Donald Cameron Thomson, George ThonipHOn, John Cook Thomson, William Barbour, Wil- liam Kao. James (iibb IJoss, William Brodie, George v'casoy, James K. Oliver, Thomas Laid law, Robert Bro- tlic, Charles Harry Eldridi;-o Ti Intone, Thomas Jirodie. John Henry Clint, James McCorkell, William Wallace IScott, Alexander Brodio, James Chulmer-, Alexander Fraser, James Adam, Alexander Pi'ow, Arthur Hum})hrey Murphy, Nicholas Coulthurst, Henry Glass, Thomas H . — 18 — C^'^ 7^^ 'I!* rw-jt-i..^ --19 — Grant and the Honorable George Irvine, and such other porHons as are now or «hall hereafter become members of the said association, shall bo and are hereb}^ declared to be a body politic and corporate in deed and in name, by the name of "The Quebec Curling Club," and shall by the samo name from time to time and at all times hereafter be able and capable to purchase, acquire, hold, possess and enjoy, and to have, take and receive to them and their successors, to and for the actual use of the said Corporation for the purposes for wliat they are incorporated, any real and immovable property si tuate in the City of Quebec on its vicinity, and the same to sell, alienate and dispose of whensoever the said Cor- poration may deem it proper so to do ;— and the consti- tution, rules and regulations now in force touching the admission and expulsion of members, and the manage- ment and conduct generally of the affairs and concerns of the said association, in so far as they are not incon- sistent with the laws of this Province shall be the consti- tution, rules and regulations of the said Corporation ; provided always that the said Corporation may fron) time to time alter, repeal and change such constitution, rules and regulations, in the manner provided by tht- constitution, rules and regulations of the said Corpo- ration. 2. All property and effects now owned by, or held in trust for, the said association are hereby \'csted in the said Corporation and shall be applied solely to purix>ses of the said Corporation. 3. No member of the Corporation shall be liable lot- any of the debts thereof beyond a sum which shall be equal to the amount of the original entrance fee, and the annual subscription which may remain unpaid b^ sucn member ; and any member of the Corporation not bei] be ^ fori the dob 21 being in urroar may retire therefrom, und .nhull leune to be such member on giving notice to that etl'ect in such form as may be required by the By-hiws thereof, and thereafter shall be wholly free from liabilit}- for any debt or engagement of the club. '©"to' 4. This Act shall be deemed a Public Act. M E M 13 Ti] K S OF THE QUEBEC CURLING CLUB FROM ITS FOl .\DATIOX IX 1H21. WITl/ DATKS OF A DMISSION. Andrew Patei-son, liobcrt PatersoHj A. Weir, Wni. Fin lay, A. Moir, Wni. Pemberton, M. McKenzie, Wm. Phillips, L. T. 3Iacp|jerson, J. C. Mactavish, Jame.s (f. Heath, George Pemberton, j Thomas Cringan Janies Ilarknoss, D.I) (leorge l?oss Peter Burnet Captain Barralier William Patton William AValker © Xi B 26 January 1821 Fox Maulo (Earl of Dalhousie).... Abm. Cringan Thomas Weir Andrew H. Youn<r. Henry Pe m berton . Allan Gilmour John P. Anderson . . . (( n n u a u u K « (« a (( a (t « <( (( u a (( n « 26 November 19 December 18 January u 1821 1822 1823 a « 20 December 31 March 13 January 3 December 1824 1825 1826 1827 i( {[ ii (( 29 January 1830 li John I)y«U' ^(^ Doceiubor James iK'iiholiii AVm. K. MH'onI '" .lanu's Burns Uoiiry Sharplos '^O .laiuiary JaiiK's J?(>(lir<:r Thoma> llai)iill<»n D^ January (toor^^o (illU'spic Ambvw II. Mrdill John Vuuni!,' ji. JI. (Jainh'.or Jaiaes(Jill«' «• February Wm. Wallar. .Ir Colin Bruco "!<> Docombor John (tadin Adam Ihirns James Dean 25 November Alex. J). Bell -<> Deeember John (xilmonr Lieut.-Col. Hay (Coldstream Gds.). 30 November T. II. Murray.' David (iilmonr Captain Bathurst (Coldstream).... 15 January J. M. Millar 4 Deeember R F.Coles i^ Alox. Gilles|.ie '• Deeember F.AV. Gates 3 January Gcor<,'e ^L Fardey 10 Henry Burstall 30 December Pe m. Paterson Robert Cassels 1*^ January John Blackwood H January Lieut. R. L. Boss (03rd Highland's) Lieut, .las. Shuter do . 23 " Jamo« Dean . Jv ^ December u i( 1835 is:jc (( (( 183(> 1838 u a 1839 LSaO i> 18W • * 1«42 1843 (( 1844 1845 n 1845 a 18411 1847 U 1847 1 C'>*.> n n i( 18a:) (( isao (( (( ]sar> 1838 a a 1839 1839 a 1810 (> (( 1«42 1843 <( 1844 18 U5 1845 18411 1847 u it 184T — 25 — IJoIhtI Ilnn.iMoM..... 4 |),,e,„h„ J'lincaii Palioii ,, i;''^;;''" '-^"^•" ''•''•' -Z 2G J:u,unry .: :^"\'^'""'- 19 FeWnun AiKlivw Th(.i)is()ii .,,, V i' Kuward Jo.u's ^n v *^i "■ y . I hoiii -on Ili'iii'v Dean ' .,,, t A. .1. Maxhaiii AV. Jicmiiiii'- .>- i:< I lioiK'i't Xcill ,^ -^ I . K. J'oilras James Xieoil ,< I*. McXauirlit(.i) *' ' jf, AitImI. Nk'oil '"'"' o^ u T). JJamsav - r A. U. McLimont ^, -^ CiuirioH Bro/lie -ir n i ,, „„ 1'^ lA'cemhor (r.orgo 1"lionij)son u Jiobort (rait a Wiiliani Cravvlbi'd a John C. Tliomsoii '[ ., A. B. C'harlebois •>,, ^ , J. t. lunibull ^i Janios Dean (4lh) <, Jaiuo8 Ilaniillon '^ .la..u.,S. Cnnvll.rU .'.■.'.■.■.'.■:.•.•;.■ ,j j,„„,,,,. J. 11. Michaiid I'j i W. AV. 8e()tt "..^*l!!!!..l!!! u P.J. CliarJtoii ,.. 11. li. (xothinirH if P ,^ Jobi) L. (flbl) r- ,. ••■'■■■■ t«iii I " • 1848 u 184!) J 849 1X50 ' 1850 1851 IM5I 1.S54 1854 185G t. (( (4 (i 1857 (( 18.57 u u ii n 1858 it u u 1 859 it a 1859 — 2«-- Win. If. KeiT 7 IVbniarv .InmcN 'rfviiuiiii H Will. hiii'iK.iir ;{0 Novi'imIkt A. ti. .lack'soii ('. McKi'iizir 4* Hon. A. T. (iah 1«; DtMrinl.ii- W'illijuii Hrodic 27 <KM)l'^t) W'USl'V i. Jaiiios (i. Scott Baron A. KuikonlKr.;- U January .lainoN (jiihl) u Paul rA-pper U Fc.|„.,iai'v A. Ci'ockott Janics JJissotI j. '^- 'i""-*-*'Jiu 2i Xovemher .loscjili Wliite -ji) .i .1. U. Clint ^r. II, (lotliin^s u J. K. Oliver W. R(»^ors 24 DecomLor T. JJaino u .lanic'M Doan (l-Jrd) u Cl.arlfs Pelors 14 Fol.runry Jaiiios Oas.sols u A. 8. Myran<l 12 Ootobcr if. II. 8iinard ;. ( '. Poston a Wm. Itac « AVm. Colo " C. F. Smith .'' 28 '• F. W. (rray « B. S. Prior 2 Novembe:- A. Ilarvoy n JamcM Douglas 7 .December James Patton n \m) 185!) « 1H5!) ii 1 s<;o « (( (( 1801 ii 1861 « (( (( u « 18b'l li 18U1 « 1859 1 xy) iHi")}) •^"'••n«(.s /i|,,|, ;n .. "^''1 ^'"- V;-'^-'^--3;: -'• 'fnunnn- jl., *^"'. llonio .. '"^ 'P r . ,, I. '• '^ K Tiiwi Is * ^""^ .•'-OS ^'';;:;;:; :::: j; "?•""- '««^ ^■JloCovkoil ^^^ ^^^J^'iMni (\)o|. 1>X .. 7' rr .. '' . a I It ,. *'^oiuOei' I>i/;<^' '^- ^'•«mj)l,cl|.. ., ^'- ^i'UDi//,,,, V • ^""/''- i'>oo,o,.o; ^^ '^- ^'V)u/ti,,„.s,, ^^^^ •^ONOnjj f^ 7 .'■■ ., *. " •^'*''" ^^. (V)„k ^^<^< / i- ' • u Jioju-v (;i„ss .. ^'^^' '''""^N\Mn,„. [ <'iiMoi.... ''• -'Wlcvu... •'• ^^'^ ifonrv.. ::a .. ^' \\ John fC;-; ■' •'•'.:■"■•"••>• j««« " ..., ''^"'i'c'i' 1868 n — 28 — — 29 — —so — — SI — ) // 'J2 — QUKIiKO (I I,- 1{ LI NO \ Ist JANUARY, 1869. L IJ B f \. M:asj.:i;. '•'';irl ..I'Dalhousie. Jas. K.xl^re,.. <'ol. GaJJwcy, U. E. •James Dean, Jr. I'. I'iik'ivsoii. •iiiH. Dean. i)- C. Thoinsdii. James (i. Kuij.s. A. N.'aWJ. ^V. Crawford. J. ('. Tliomson. W. W. 8c()tt. John L. Giljl). U'm. R'uhuiir. W'm. Jirodie. G'eorge A'easev. James Eisstt. I', iioii.-.-eaii. J- ii. CJint. James E. Oliver. James Gibb. Charles Po.stou W. Eae. Alex. f>aser. Jacques BJais. ^Villiam Ifome. <^'i^.-s. H. E. TiLstone Robert Brodie. 'i'iiomas Brodie. J- C'Jialnu'r.*. J"as. McC^orkell. \Vn\. Cook. A. Brodie. Alex. Frew. J- W. Cook. N. Conlthurst. .TosepJi U. Laird. J- V. Gregory. Ifenry Glass. James Adam. G. Hiiot. K. Alleyii. J- W. Henry. John Hossack 1^ Laidlaw.