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Ths !ast racordsd frams on aach microfichs shsll contain ths symbol — ^> ( moaning "CON- TINUED"), or ths symbol V (moaning "END"), whichavsr appiiss. Maps, platss, charts, stc, may bs filmsd at diffsrsnt rsduction ratios. Thoss too Isrgs to bs sntirsiy inciudsd in ons sxposurs ars filmsd bsginning in ths uppsr Isft hand cornsr, Isft to right and top to bottom, aa many framss as rsquirsd. Ths following diagrams illustrats ths msthod: L'sxsmpiairs film* fut rsproduit grics k la gAnirositA da: New Brunswick IMuseum Saint John Lss imagss auivantss ont 4t* rsproduitss avse Is plus grand soin, compts tsnu ds la condition at ds la nsttst* ds i'sxsmpiaira film*, at sn conformity avsc lss conditions du contrat ds filmaga. Las sxsmplsirsi} originaux dont la couvsrturs sn papisr sat imprimis sont fiimte sn commsn^ant par is prsmisr plat at an tarminant soit par la dsrnlArs pags qui comports uns smprsints d'Imprsssion ou d'illustration, soit par Is sscond plat, Aslon is CSS. Tous lss autrss sxsmplafrss originaux sont filmto sn commsnqant par la prsmiArs pags qui comports uns smprsints d'Imprsssion ou d'illustration at sn tsrminant par la dsrnlArs pags qui comports uns tslls smprsints. Un dss symboiss suivanta apparattra sur la darnlAra imags ds chsqus microfichs. ssion Is caa: Is symbols — »• signifis "A SUIVRE". Is symbols ▼ signifis "FIN". Lss cartas, planchss. tabis.<AtSi #a ffkleli the Svhscrllier r< KUNDRED ACRES of Arahl With SfiTENTT ACRES of iNrchard, and the privilege of < ttie Farm. M^rds Soil, Fences, &e. Thi eoaifiMrtable Fam Cottage anil JKtmtm JBtLJtk JHL W THE FARM IN THE ^\%t& ilier redlded, eomprtefiie ON 12 r Arable and Meadow L.ANI>, E8 of Pastnrage, a tbrlTlng ^ge of eattlng Fuel for vne on !;• There is on the nrenilses, a ige and ftarden, with extensive g— tfjirt aMe Fann Cetiage wmI ■««% flUMiiiS, mil MachlMi Kiafa7 aMi Ice-Haase i Ae €hi §mwmr9 to tr arJteif ^ n Wmter ne lAtHftttiMi Is wen calcalated for an extens §Kt tte cnltlTatimi of Root and Grain crops. nmOfiRICTON, and tbe fiicility of sendli StoMHer, readers It a lilgliiy advantageoos opfH Ci^irisi of skill and enteriirlse. ArrM^^menl Slock and Inplements on the Farm, both of whi «Jfoo,-A small COTTAOE on the iSI. .JSn 9lr«derlcton, with fkwe or ten Acres of Ground laboring nan vfHk moderate means. ScTcral small allotments of unlnifiroTed Imw the Town, will likewise be let «|»on adTanta elearlni^ and cnltlTatIng the same. Farther particulars can be obtained by app1 , personally, or by letter. ^° Satlsihcti TTT T T A tinlWWiriij April IS, iMa. ige Hm4 «iirile«, with emtensiTe ichliiery 9 c^mteifaikg of a wp«" i^shtaig Mill, Chair Cutter, and » an enLcelleat Raat Hoase, _erv I a SanMaer aad Whrter e Chara eoaaeeteil with the ' an extenslTe I>alry, and the soil well adapted &ln crops. The proximity to the markets of of sending^ Produce to SAOT JOHN bv l^eous opportanlty for InTestment to an Mgn^ rai^pements will be made in reference to 4he >oth of which are of a rery superior description. le St. *MMat0lD9 Mood, about one mile from of Ground, partially improved, suitable for a # roved £