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Les diagrammes suivants illuatrent la m^thode. 12 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 ELECTORAL DIVISION of BURLING ION, comprehending ihe North and !fouth Ridin|B;s of the County of Weut%vorth, and the City of | Hamilton, To fTii: | Is herebj given to the Ele That in obedience to her Maiesty'g writ to me direc'tcd, an September, now current, I require the >rehending id the City of VI: 1 to the Electors of the said [ require the presence of the said Electors IT m NIRK Ljins; within the block bounded bv V<»i*k ^IcNab, Hf erric and The T WENTY^THIRD day of the said mont At eleven o'clock in the forenoon, for the pnrpose of electin Councilor this Province ; and that in case a Poll be deuianded and allowed i Monday, the third day of the month of October, now next ensuing, in eaeli Electoral Division of Burlingtc Id (he Township of BEVERLY iu the said north rid in the said north riding, in tlie township of FLAMJ the VALLEY WARD of the town of DII^DA8 in the s of the said town of DIJNDAS, in the MOUNTAIN W CANAL WARD of the said In the township of SALTFLEET in the said south riding, ii riding, in the township of GLANFORD in the said south i south riding, in the tor/nship of ANCASTER in the said sou Citv of Hamilton, in Saint GEORGE'S Ward of the said Ci( thc%aid Citv of Hamilton, in Saint LAWRENCE'S Ware PATRICK'S Ward of the said Of aU which every person is hereby required to take Given under my hand in th^ $aid City of Hamiiton, this sixth day of the mouth of 8epi sixty-four. xxzw XZ€»0 mm 9 ab, Hf erric and James Streets, in the said City of Hamilton, le said month of SEPTEMBER, now ourrent, )se of electing a person, to represent them in the Legislative ed and allowed in the manner by law prescribed, such Poll will be opened on ensuing, in each of the Townships and Wards together comprising the said lion of Burlington, that is to say, il north riding, in m townsliip of FLAMBORO' EAST I of FLAMBORO' WEST In (he said nortli riding, In AS in the said north riding, In the FOUNDRY WARD IJVTAIN WARD of the said tonn of DllNDAS, in the )f the said town of DIINDAS, ►uth riding, in the township of BINBROOK in the said south said south riding, in the township of BARTON in the said 1 the said south riding, in Saint MARY'S Ward of the said t the said Citj^ of Hamilton, in Saint ANDREW'S Ward of NCE'S Ward of the saiu City of Hamilton and in Saint d of the said City of Hamilton. squired io take notice and to govern hivuself accordingly, the month of September, in the year of onr Lord one thousand eight hundred and p Itetuming Officer.