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Published by direction of Hon. S. F. TOLIMIE, (Minister of Agriculture, Ottawa, Ont.
rUINTini TO THli KlNiIS .MOST Ii.\Ci;LUi;NT .M.-\JKi?Tlf
Issued Kovrmber Ki, 1920
Studies in North American Cleorini.
]\\ .1. H. MrDl NNOKII. I'll. I).
Chiif. hiiisiiiii ,,f Si/sh iiiiitir Hiili>ii(iili)(iii.
In ill.' M;inii'> Mild M(I)iiiiiii)iisili I licck l.i-l I'.UTi llic -ji. iii.> l(cl<)iitriiif;iclii;ill.v iill imluilcil in the oin- uciiu-, ('laini ('iirti>: •^oiiif
attriiipt WM- iiiM'li' III ;iri;iiiui' tlii' >|H'cics arconiiiij: tii -imilarity of iiiaciilalidii
ami a inimlxT of firoi- in tin' >|)iritii' synonyiiiy wrrr corri'itcil, Imi. as no
larct'ul iii'k's ( 'la--iiication of JMiiopiaii ( Icomitiina ilS'.fJ.
Trans. Knt. Sor-. I.oml., pp. T);?-! Uli. and foilowi'd with Miiiior altrrations in
DvarV Li>t of Noitli .Vmcriiaii l.ipidopti ra i l!M»:.'i.
Hcri'iitly. inspirrd Ky 1 iciri''- tisiuiis of tlic jjcnitalia of tlir h iti-li iiii'inlMTs
of this sifoiip (dcnitalia of Hiiti>h (li'onii'tridac. I'.Uli. I liavr madr a study of
tlir male iicnital organs of piai-tirally all our North .\im'ri'"in spi'rii>. with a
view to ; -rcrtainini: how far thof organs i-ouiil lie used from llir >tandpoint of
cjas-if' ..tion. 'I'lii' rc-iilt has l„'i'ii -urpri>in!ilv satisfactory and ha- srrvid as
furthfr (•ouliiniation of an opinion to wliirh I nion .and mori' imliin' and wliicii
has l.ccii so al)ly cxpirssnl liy Mr. (1. T. Mithuni'-Makrr il'.tll. Tran-. lint.
Sor. I.ond.. |). :?1 fi. \iz.: that in llir malt' jiiiiitaiia wr havf a striirtural fiatnri-
whirli. while siilijcrt to iniiuini'ralilc sin.all diviT^naicts in the individual pecies involved i- predicated; on the other hand a -tril.'ii: divei-
jjeiice in the jienilalia of any i wo species leven when an apparent -eperticial
resell! Ill; iice exist si may lie as-acters found in the nemi.ilia 1 li.ive
extendeil my studies to other stnii'tural features, nolalily the pectinatiop- of the
antennae, the ven.ation. the fo\ea at the base of i;'-iinaries at d the tiair-peiicil
on the hind-tiliia of the male. The |)i-e.eiit paper is the re-ull of these studies.
'I'lie ^reate-l olijeclion to the whole uiiiupinii is that it i- frei|Ueiitly ha-ed on
charai'ters found in the male -ex onl.\ ; in the eye- e-ses, apart from vena-
tion no cliar;icters coniiiion to the male sex which can be ui thr Mnicliir;il t.:i!iiii'- :ini| ||m ir \:ilii, .uv ,|r-ir:il.|r.
' 1 1 Till' Villi lill;i'.
With irw ,Ar,|,li,„„ uhirl, ur,;\ ,„.| l.r ,|i..„-r,| ,.,l ill,- ,„■, „ ,,1 In.,,,,,,,! ,!„■
Mhl. Iliikt l,,-,.;,l,r:i,lv nut..,| with r,-.j.:n,\ In t hr ( mm.!,,,! ri.l,-... in ".„,tiI
that Ih.' |H-.l„iatiui„ may Ait-r rill,,.,- prnxiinallv .„■ ,li.. of thi< rratuiT in hi- ' --li.atiM |, ,i'„.
*-''■"". 'I''' 'li-''.' aii.l u,-,-u,,i,.- a i: I portion of ihr -,-1,.. „'| l„-i,'.i:
..Illy - ditly .•ioM.f to th.. cliMal .-M-l of thr -..nninit than to tli.. '.a,-,.,,!
luw.ani- Ml.' apex o| th.' aiil.Mina wlaic it i, muvU iiiof.. ,li-tinctlv .li-tal In 1
.•.jtain n„tMl,..r ..t also loun.l n, 111.. Lntopran .-,, /„ aii.l to which fnrtii.T will
"• In the alM.v..-m..ntioi,nl fofiii- .a-'h p..rtiiiatioii i< ,11,1 .|ik,.. .Ilia <• ( u. iicially with a cloiil.i.. row ..f cilia I ami t.i niinat.'cl l.v a -in..|,. faitlv
"■tout;: m the Mction of the antenna th.'rc i> a -mall l,ri no .li-tinct
..■rn,it:.l l.ristle: at times tli.. p..ctiiiatiotis are verv short is,,„.l,„l, „ ||i-, |,„,
as ;. rule this type i- well exempliiie.l l,y Mrricisni firiin n Mist.
(2) Th.. Tiliial IIair-I',.ncil.
.\ p..| of lonu hair- arisinjj from the l.ase of the l,im|-til,i,., in the males
.•liul |iei,<.,-al y coiKVale.l in a aroove situale.l on the inner si.h. of ,;,nie h ',e..n
use,l l.y Ilnlst, t.i a ;iieat..r ..xPait than 1- warrante.l. as a means of classih. ation
in cer am sr-ups lli.. hair-pemal appears to l,e a well-detincl .•l.ara. ter; in ..tliers*
imtahly so.n.. ot th ■ pn .itiv.. forms i, p„ss,.sses little classifi,.atorv value'
""" .V' '*' ■'''- ""■"".•.,„,„ .■xamine.l nine showe.j no trace of either hair-
['•■iwil or groove; h.' tenth >pe inien from I.ak.'laml. Fla. there was ., .„',.,||
iMit . istim ! i.lack. of short hair present comhim.,! with a f.aint croove
Ihe h,lh,,„ uro;.;, possesses a hair-pencil l„.t in lu:,nn iWU. which is i,mlo„l,te,llv
pr..,,eMy - iuoe,l her... the hair-pemal is only vc^ry occasionally to 1,,. foim.l.
•i The I-, ,.a.
Hulst foih.wiiiK M.'vri.k. mak.s the pn-seme or al.s,.nce of a fov.a of ..vneric
value: untortnn.nely he -eems to have it for maiit.'.l thai :, fovea .xisted
.11 many specM's where a careful examination of a series of specini..ns has fail,.,!
.0 r. veal a.iy tra.a. ot it to me. My fovea I un.lerstaml a .listin-.t .iicular or
semicircu ar .l..pres.s,on s,tuat...| on the un.h.rsi,le of tl... piimaii.- of the i„al.. on
tl..' .•.-t:.l -i.h. 01 vein 1 , It IS f...i,er..,lly thinly s,.ah.,l ami can 1... ...a.lilv s....,, as a
smal hyaline patch y lol.lmf; ,h,. -pecin.,.., to tl... li^ht : i, is son,..lim..s verv
lilKhly .l.'vclope.l (/;,„-,.W.//7V/ (In. .,/.,«„•„,■(;( IIlst.)aii.l..ause> th.,. ., -li-ht .lis
tortioi, o ,1... vein. I have not foim.l it in any position other than a^ stat,.!
aliov.. alt li.,uj.|i .M..yri,.k ass,.rts that it i- si,n„e.l ir. various s,.,.tions of the hasa
por ,01. ., th.. wins.. Car,. .ho,.|,l l.e tak..,i not t., mistak.. t'... ..nlarir,' i .;
P<" ot ...tlu.r veil. I or the .uhit,.- lor tl... fov.'a; in wo , >p,...imen wh.:
t s..alu,K ..ov..r,n« th..s.. veins ,s nihl,,.,! off ,he app..aran.. .f a fova is oft..
snuulat...| this ,s the ..aus.. of Hulst 's n,,„s in this conn..."
I inrli.. In :<-irv \Mlli M.Vlirk tliMl "lir ol tlir piniillnr .-I,:! ,:H-t .1 .-! :.-
, ,f , I,,, „ ,, .,, -tlirl;, ', ,M n lliMt II lain- lM-,'.',in. .|r\.h.p. .1 i, 111. .it in
.,ill nioiv n ■ I..II1- It u:i- .-i-.-nii I..-I. ■■I
I'l |)ii--i -- :<
.ii!ci:ililr :iiiiMiiiit "I \:ilii<' in '>n\ r!:i — ilii'at imi.
i,i/,,l llial I ill- vi-,ialinii in tlii- -n.i.;' i- uii-l:'.lili'
■ i.f till- iniiiiarii- alT ruiicim-.l ; llii- i- ml at
,,;, \ Ml' fill' tir-l llirri- l.i-iiirllr- liil ' '' -iilil-
1,1 I _,i. ! I il • n iiil" i-o!i«i'li ratiuh. hi 1 1 •
1 \ riial I'l'i.
I ! i ■,- \h: ;• ini-ally I
ii, -I iai a- Hi. hal I'V lir
all ~!ir|>li-iii'.l uli'ai I In ■■'.... pi i\
alili' ili-l ii;rr lii'Viinil air |i"iiii - , ,. II I
iniliviilual -pci-ii-. liiiw.'Vrr. llir vari:illiili l-. alh ; I. -.iiiMI-l- ■ ■ M ai.i
cmtilinl wil'i III'' iMi'|'li"ii 111 ."•.•a-inliai livak '\» ■ •:. ' uillin^ ""•"
.„„|cMMlv.lrtniil!:n,ii^. OiiriiMlH iva-n -. H -i , ii- lu -it. u I. v 1 ,i..p,a..
MNnnmniM- liav i-i-n uiiali!.' M .voiv.. a -ali-la.l ufv -x-H'i'i nt ria-Uirat
,•;„■ tlii- ■ i~ liia-au-r ihrv liavi- atl-lipl-.| In inyrr mM .„„■ .„• UVi. Ll.'Il.Ta
, ,„nnlH.r nl M"'''i- -' ^"■^'■'^'' Mip.Ttiiial Miriianty ul„rli a,t„al,y. ,1 .h-i-^
',|i,.l,f variatiiili- in vnalimi l- ivjanlnl i,. rniMniii-l i..n vull, ai irnnal ami
..,.nila! rhara.'lrl-. iiavr iliv.Tjr.l tmin rail, i.tliiT al a lallar l.nnli- prn.rl.
" In Xiirlli An.Tica wr iiavr 'olliillins: .\/. r>,;>rn all! n- aim- Mr tlir piT-nit .
,w,, vri'v 'jn-np-: lli.' tirM af.l n.url, tlir larL.-r pn -niPal.iy aUo th.'
„„„T ivn t ,.xl,ilnl~ai: ia,lin'l — '<- I 1 ir un i '- pnn arn-: ili.'oHiir
.mall -r < nMai;:- lhi~ viiii. Tli,. lii-t unHM' ~lH|^^- TH' •• vanalmn u, vmaUoii:
vrin 1(1 an'-i- I'pnn -Uv <-r\\ an. I i^ il will- .-^'.' I'y ■' ^•VAVvU ,|;.inin-^ t Im-
1.,,,,,, vrin mii-in :v inM IilvoiuI tiir ii..-cplinn .if vin 7. ihn- t;;nn.nii a .m-^
,i:UT.iw aiv:.!.'; tl.i- ■.■,•.,- v.nn. hi-wrv.-r, i- iai'kin: al -ini.-. liw ^niui- h:-
!'..«• n.piTM.nialiv.- in Kun.pi- ami lia- appan ntly .li'V.U.p. d , ..nn -n '■ "I Hir
,,l,|,.r Innn- with the full luiiMlifr of vrni-.
Thr-c.-,n.l ..iMli. wai-'i ivlain- vrir II i-. a alivalv nH'il, .■ impaiain fix
MU-ill- il <'i'iu^ I, nv.'vri'. t!ic -I'ui- variatiiiilv with i--ar.l I i Hi'' "rcj.w ami
■..naMnni'.-i- of vria 11 i!mi hi- p.rp'a-x-l .> i-' K ir >;.:■ ii> -y-fniati-t< lo inr
it w.ulil api.'ar thai w havr in ihi- ■^ri>:v.> th' nananuu- .-.;,Uvr~ ol a
,i,,,„„p:,lar fMUna. for,-,.:l -uHiwanl iln.'im, tin; ulanal .n thr imM
pninitiv,. fonix v.-in^ HI ami !l pn'iaMy ani~r livn Imni i!m r.-.\ ln.i '-^v-"^ '■
Im-owiIimI riin.lirions in tin- .• Mai I'r^io... vcn 11 -railually l-ramr ■■onna ,; uill,
111 thrn-talUiMlaml iinallv ■■i.tirMy (aiinriilmt. In Ivar ihi- rvolutioi. ui
inoM instaiKTs lia^ not pn.r ■.mI.mI l„.yoml tln' tam;r
,;,lifn,;u ui'h r,,ntarn,
-"|). "'""-
.orlarn, I'al.r.'. thus affonlim: furtlu'r lU'oof of an on'.inal ronnm.n on:^i:i lor Hi.;
who!., -n.uti. Th.' lad that anion- llic ivniainin- No-th Amcricaii -Ih';.";',''
thi- l-'-vim'.l fii'oup VM' tiii.l -rvcral spr-ir- whi.-h wluir .hit. Tin- only ^.i-ilitly
from oim another in the positiiai of M-in II. ^liow a wuh .liverm;liee in y.'
Mruetuir Avoiilil -eeni to imlie:ite thai ihi-e -.i.enr- .are i-ilate.i renuiaiit- ol a
lai-elv extinci fauna ami that ihey ivpn-ent Nariou- Maiii- m the evolut.oi.
of 11-veimal forms from rj-veine.l aneesiors. the intenne.liale ~lep- lieiusi- lost.
In speeies where Veins 10 ami 1 1 are stalk..! vein 1 1 -hows tiirlher a temleney
to ."ither touch or ana-lonio-e with vein \2 for a short ili-tane,. or el-e to lieeome
eo.meete.l with the ! venatioiml
variation in the North AimTiean r_'-veine,l -p.-eies eorresuomls elu-ely with that
liiv.'ii l.v Mevriek for the vai-iou- Kumpean -peeies i 1 raiis. >o!..
i,s'.i2. pp. iL'.-'.'-r-".!).
SdlihiiKiiiii (ill. :iii(l the liillnta uroup iirc ifiHid icprcsciitalivcs (if the piimi-
tivc l\|)c of vfiuitioii in wliicli 10 and 11 arc iiotli I'rci'; alicaily in lliis latter
Uroiip tlicrc is a markcil tt'iidciicy in tlic tVrrialc sex tor 11 to liccoinc cither
eoniiale or slijilitly stalkeil with 10; a t'lirtliei' developiiient is represented liy
limtilii lll.-l., ill which II is iiornially stalkeil in liotli scxo. Ciilifiiriiiiii-iii I ack.
and i>i>mliinar hiUin the separation of the veins. In iinilirosdiia lllin. the stalk of
10+ 11 in the males is very loiifi and reaches the hase of vein 7: the cross-
tiars conneclinu: 10 uith S and 12 with the stalk are closely approached: in the
only two female^ examined 1 I was entirelv ahsent, which may lie the normal con-
dition in this sex, showing a sliy:lill.\' advanced dejirei- in de\-elo|)mi'nl . The
inemliers of the K''nus M ihiiniliijilini Hist, also >liow the shiii't -lalkiim of x'ein-
10 ami II as well as the nsual anastomoses: in the hiiid-winiis, however, they
posse-s a \-ery intercstiiiii character in the presence of a dislim-t ninth \-eiii
hranchin^ from vein S near its a|)ex: this vein is constant in the male ^i^x li\it
somelimcs wanlinj; in the females, ajiain exemplifyiiiy; the teiideiic\' in the former
sex to retain ancestral characters loiiiier than do the feiiiale~: in a numlier of
males the anal vi'in sends a short apical hraiich to the inner marnin. \ ein il is
also found in the hilhiln ^iroup which in ilhcr slruclural character- has -iillicient
similarity to the Mi lininhiiilnii jii(Hi|) to warrant the assumption that lhe\' are
ile-ieiidaiil - of a common an<'e-lor.
With rc^artl to v<'iii S on the secondaries I tiiid thai in the majority of the
12-veined species an
merits a name: ;i species representinji thi' hinhest point of specialization reached
in till' uroup. at the same lime thai a superlicial resemlilance to a more ance-lr;il
form I- retaiiie(l. I.irliiii'ifiii Tears, is also 1 1-veiiieil and on the same evohilion-
arv plane as the pre\ious species.
Hcfiariliny; thf pliyloKciiy of tlic Cli'diiils 1 cimiiot :it the present time di)
more than oltVr in a tentative way ctTtain e liisions wliieli 1 iiave toniied.
I)ase(l on a comparative study of tlie various stnietiirai details mentioni'il in the
previous pajjes. In fjeneral the lendeney in the evohition of tiiis (jroiip seems to
have lieeii Towards sinipiitieation and re(hl(lion ot characters peculiar to tlie
male M'X ;done until in some of the later species we find only slinht ai)pareut
dilTerences lapart from jrenitaliai lietwceii the two sexes. The entire si'paratioe.
of vein- 10 and i 1 on the primaries and also the presence of vein "t on the second-
aries seems undoul)tedlv primitive. With respect to tlie antennae 1 would note
tliat in all tlie ll-veinell species the antennal pectination constantly an-cs |,(im
the apex of the scjiment. whil-t in the rj-veined forms it is variaMc: in mo>t
cases it spriiins from the Ka>c of the sejimenl liul oci-iMonal ca-c- have been
found where it i- apical: the former condition seem> the primitive ..iic. In tin-
connection 1 omit the irroup with r-laviform which appears to have
little connection with the other siroup- and prohaMy aro-e independently. 1 he
lack of fovea at the iiasc of prim.-irie- i- al-o primitive l>ut llii- --irui'ture mu-t
liave developed at a verv earlv period only to di>,-ippear aiiain in the receul
iorms. anil should therefore he used with caution. Tli.' pn-enc. -criaMi
alnlominal hair-peh<'il> ami peculiar lateral oriians in the eijihth ahdominal -ejiuient
of the males characterises a few primitive licner.a; the-c fi'ature- (lisap|>car very
>oon alonu, with xcin '.). ...
The North .\merican j;euer.i which retain the i;reale>l mimKcr ol prunilivi
characters are M,(iiiiiih>i>hiii HuUt -dwd (inU a new tienus created lor the
hUnlti -iroup; l>oih of these very evi- vein !• of secondaries ami ilie lateral .alxlominal oritan i which 1
shall discuss more fullv laleri; the antennal pectinations aUo ari-e in iich trom
the h:ise of the sejtmeiit . In f.f//» //"-'( veins lit and II of iirimarics are -till lice
in the males, whil>t in M,Uiiii>U>j>l:ient III. .\ tihial liair-peiicil is present in hoth jienera
hut much hetter deveh'ped in M i hi iioh>iihnt than \u (Idliimni . Vv an advaiu'e over n jumdoto in tliat veins
10 and II aiv short -stalked and 11 is joiiieil to 12; further the hair-peneil ot
n lunxliihi is onlv represented by occasional vesti^iial traces. In u<'i>";ili:| '''<"'"
and .Wc/N are widelv distinct nor can 1 see much resemblance between either ot
them and the precedinu ueiiera; the conneetinji links lif there ever were any)
were evideiitiv (Tiiiiinatcil ages asjo.
LatiiiiiiNis IIIsl. is probably best placed in the Mci.-< tiroup although
evidentlv not direcllv derived from ailifoniinria: tlie Kcnilalia are rather
widelv (iilfereiit. a tibial hair-pencil is present and the antennal p . tiiiatioiis
arisi-'ipicallv: in the three spcimrMis ( 1 d', 2 ? 'si examined vein 1 I was stalked on
I-', th. ,-.,„„..,I,on WUI, 10 l„,„c lost. I)r„nn„,>s HI,,,. ^lio„r>n,n Tr.. C.,,,,,!,,.
'';;' •>•.•. l^'Mta,,,..,,, .typ... n.l,o,an„ S,.|,i,r., i. „.„ n,.,-,.,.,,,,.,! .„, ,|,is .„„,i-
rnt ,t i> i,ri„„tiv<. tl.M.i the ,,n.,-,.,li„n. .,,,„,,,,. j, ,„„,,,,„„ ., ,,„,,|, r
,.. ,Ms,.. ,,! tu. ,MMt...,nal |u.,.liM.Mtions .„■,•„,,>• ,-, larj;.. po,Mi..„ „r s,..,,,,.,",;
lit towMHls ,|„. M,HX -I tl„. Mnt.„„M .M.v ,„.„•,. ,li>ti».-t V .listal than ,„•„;.•
... v..„a.>„,, ,s ,:„l„.r a.lva,.....!, vin 11 l„.i„, .I,,,.., alwavs Hi, n L „
" ::'r";' '";"• ^.''^vr- '••"'■v..,-. .. f,.,-,,, i..>. >|,....i.ii...,i ,i„„ ,„/„,,„,,„, „,..
hi T^' ', ' 'r"-''"'";i' '^^r'■>■ n"«'ly . V,.! ..1 andinti,..,„Ml,.sat
.■a>t 11 ,> 1. ..srnt n„ a l.Miii stalk u,th 10: tl„. I'aia arrti,. i.,n,rtnn,lis S..,M
'~''''- I'al.r.i .s v.T.y ..l„ alii,-,! to on,' \o,-,|, Auu-nL sp,.,... i„ a i
>I ..<• s. al houd. stran,u,.|y ..lou^l, ,1„. Ia.-I< of tov.a ..,.,„. ,o h.-.v.' 1 „ nv,-
liKikcij by iMiropcMii svst(',iiati-ts.
po>Ml.lx max lia%.; m,.i„. n.„„,tr rvlalio.iship to(7*w„. ;,. l,otl, .l,„w .,
™ ''''■;■;"'?'"""■ ."■""■'■" 'v"' ',""'"' ^ "'■ -■'■""'i'"-i.'s than ,io ti... oti,<;
^i..up>. I h,. lonsi,nc„ iii tlir ,i,a!..s. ..xtci„lii,^ hcvon,! tlic mto,,,!;,,-!,.- i.
imvrv,.,-. ..,,!....■ ,vnun.s,.,.„t ol' .\l, hn,„ln,,l,>a. a,„l ti... s-nHTal tvpr of iivinta'lia'
a, otl"," rl ■■ t"""' ^^<"!l' i"''i-'>r -"•'. alfit.ity to ,l,i;'.,.„„: tl,aM to
:ni,\ (.thr,. 11,,. palp, ;„y „„.cl, lo„u,.,- ,1,;,,, i„ ,|„. p,,.vioiis .nnips. tl,.. f.,v..a
IS ..„o,M,o,.sly ,|..v,.lop..,l l,„l tl„. v.aiatio,, i< lai,-ly p,i„,i,iv,.. 10 a„.| II iM.i,,^
slioit-stalkcd. with a cross-iiar Iron, tiic stalk to vein li'
I hv u..,M.s Hclropis (typ... rr,,,„.rNlnn.n U,|,.,„ly ,„on. 1,1.1, |v -,p,.,.ializ,Ml
than any ot tl,.. |m.c.Ml,„. n,.a,.,.a ; tl,.. laM-i.-uh,,.. ' a>,t..„„a.' Iiav
W. .•Inp..,l ,,, al p,-..l,ah,l,ty tr.,.,, ,1,.. .|o,.l,ly l,ip..,.„„at.. for,,, ul,i,.l, was pn-
siippos... to 1... tl,.. a„.-..>to,- ot Clr„nr. tl„. ,.o,„pa,at ivlv si,„p|,. i.,.„i,aiia with
";.' •'■niatun. o„ ,1,.. ,.la>p,.,s a„.l will, tl„. loss of ,1„. iinalho' i~ ,-l,ar;,'.t..,lti''
lll^^.'^il^tlH. ,„o,.,. I„.l,lv sp,.,.iali/.,.,l .p,.,.i,.. an.l ,|o,.< ,„„ .-..p,-...,.,,, a piiniitiv,. ..o„-
.,l.,,, •'''''''':';''^',■''''('.''.^'' '^ '"^>- !"■ •'••' ''.vp... has ,l,.v..lop..,l
a n« .o,,s,,h.,-al.!y .hll,.,-..,,, „„.> t,-o,„ ,!,■ oth,., ll>-v,.in...l «,.„..,.. a>„l is Lot
; ,i.; ;'"• '^'"•'^ "• l"'"'-'-''!^ ■'»■'■ <|Mit.. .■Iiafa.-t..risti,.: th,. aiitnina.. aiv also
pectinate to the api.x.
genital,, wl,„.|, ,„ay 1... „s,.,i t., ..hissity tl,,. „„„„.,.o„s sp,.,.i,.s is rnu.-h u,
,^ ,. / '" ' , "■ "''*i""'"' ^''"l "'-■ v.'i.alion is „„ifo,.,„. Th,. .•los,.lv alii,.,'!
« n a '/,,■„/,„„ Ms.. ,,yp.., ran,,., Hist., an,l II,,n>„ has a fiv,. ,.uiv..,l
m'^Hl mV ,";''"h '"'.T^'" " !"r";.="='' K-'-'-n'lly a short l.ili.l,,,-,,,.,! m,..„s:
• .Hi. on 1o th.s th,. .ov,.a ,s la,.km, a,„l a s, „„,. hair-p..,,.-!! is pn.s,.nt in all hut
m sp,..,..s ij.u;,n,l„n a Dyar. .„ that th.. ni-o,.p app,.a.s a v..rv natural on,..
' ''•"• ' ''"'i^'I'l': '" arriv,. at any satisla.'tory ,...n,lusion n.;;anliiij. its o.-jj,!,,-
'.'-Mn,.,.t,n. i.nks w,lh th.. p,-in,i,iv,. fon„s s,.,.„, ,., I„. „,isM„u. The s..,.,.,,,, allli
tliir, groups ,.on,a,„th,. niajo.-ily of th,. sp,.,-!... wlih^h llulst has i,„.h„|,.,| „n.|,.,.
-V/,, „,v»„,: ,„ all a tovj.a is p,.,.s,.n, ami ^.......-ally a l,aii-p,.,„.il is la-^kiim. The
SKMip) i.iohahly aris,n(i I,-,,,,, ( h.oia-lik,. an,.,.sto,.s. has a lonji t,.fium,.n with
ong. Marrow valv,.s. attael,,.,! o„ly to its extr..,,,.. has..; tl... ,..,^,a is thi.k,.,..,!
'• ".l'"';al portion proj..etin^.yfr,... an.l arn„..l with s,.v,.ral spin,.s ami tl„. a ..a-
^ IS IS lonK ami narrow. 1 1„. s,..,,,,,! uroup. for wl,i,.|, the f.rm (;h „., lllst.
l.roa.l.'i xaKe-atta,hm,.nt: th.. armatuiv .'..nsists of :,„ Mpi,.al spi„„,[ .,r,..,
situated on tlic ventral >iil.' of the valve: tlie penis i- -iiort anil ilumky. I am
iineertain as to the origin. 'I'lie toiirth (inmii eoiiM^ts merely ot iimiiiiiiKinu
and a few close allies and represents u more hijjhly specialized tyiie than the
preeedinu siroup. Tiie fovea is viMy ureatly .levelope.l and the ani.imal
ju'ctinations are distinctiv slu.rter; in the genitalia the tejiumen is verv narrow
and attached to the valves at it- l.ase l.y lient rods: there i- no armature. It
has seeminjily arisen from an ancestral form very -imilar to the ance-tor ot
luiliiltix. HI I 1
.J(//,((//o-(( n.n. (.uV/i'i/'./''"" Illsl. preocc.i itype, ,inlini,ti' W . may be
recofrni/ed hv the ciliate iii:.le antennae. In North .Vmerica it only nic'.udestln'
type -pecies'hut the Kuropean jiitui-tubiriii Him. certainly -liould 1m' a:-ociated
with it: the genitalia are practically idenlii-al. 'i'l.e ocnus i- rather hi<:hly
specialized ;nid po-sil,|y separated from the ani-e-tor^ o!f,7. nn ai a comparat ivrly
earlv pi'liod. .... • i ,• n
I have made no attempt to detinitely deline or iuuit this ^ronp m the lollow-
iii" cla-sitication: more extended studies of the whole f. '<')///< ',•■//«« are neces-ary
JM'Tore thi-is iiossiMe, Several lneeni. accnrdinii to genitalia,
to have more adinities with the Klhii-iii yroup than wilh the present oi;e.
The historv of the r;cneric terms employed i- lairly -imple. Tor tho-e who
accept Ilulmer's Tentamen the moMotypical sienus C i/iiinlniilinra lilm. il.>M.)i
(tvpe. rnhonirlii SchilT.I has pri.irily over all other-. In the \ erztachni- . ivJti.
p'UKi) lluhner \lscil the term Dniomtlis in the same sel-e ■A-diiiialKphnra ot the
Tenlamen: the tvpe of thi- ;ienu- was apparently lirst desiiinated as r„lmn,ii,i_
hy llulst (IS'.M). Trail-. \n\. lail. Soc. Will. XW'. Treil-chke ;n ISl',
(Schliielt. Kiir. VI ('.I. ISTi created the t;enus lin.iniiiti for the whole liloup. a
name yenerallv in use at the present time hy most continental ;■ •lior-: the
fy|)e oi IlKiiniiii' wa- tiisi spei-ified liy Duponcliel in 1S2".> illi-i. Nat. I.ep. I'r.
VII i2i. lli:i' -A- niliiinind: later type citations liy West wood' InUI), < iuenee and
llulst are invalid. The three terms ( ■iimnloiihoni lllm.. Diiinan lis lUm. and
lioiiniiiit l"r. are therefore identical: acceplinji' Sherhorn and Iroul's dates lor
the issue of the Verzeiclmiss a^ I'orrect it would seem that l',«aniiiii \~ antedated
l.v Dnioroiiis and must fall into the synonymy: it i- a matter of opinion as to
the emiiloymeiit of lluimer's terms: person \y speakinii. as i do not reco^:nlze
the Teiitamen. I should ein|)lov Diiidcmtis.
Ill IS'J.') Curtis (Brit. I'.vA. II. SS) created the -inns Chum with type dcsiji-
nated as oirtirni Schiff.: in iN-'li he erected Mn.< A. c. 111. -.WA' with type
/■( jHuidiilii Linn. , .■ ■ i •
Besides Dnim-oiiis llulmer erecled i;lher i:ene:a m the \ erzeichniss
which have Im'cii lar^elv lanploved in thi- ''roili). S,l„los, ma MSL'.'). \ erz. .•_".!'.• i
with tvpe specifieil liv'lluUt in I.V.Mi iTr.iii-. Am. Knt. Soc, Will, H.iH as
n-ioliiini Vill. i)liii>nis,niit Schilf. has lieen misapplied in our North .\inerican
list-: the type is a 12-veined -pecie- with vein- in and 1 1 live and wilh the
pectination- of o" antennae ari-imj. fnun liasc of se<;ment : it is apparent 1' ipiile
primitive. />,,7c/»/Muo lllm. I ISl'il. \erz., ;;iiii wilh type luihirni i- a.-oiml
represented in North .\merica. The tvp.e i- 1 •.'-veined, without lovci. III and
II heiiifi on short stalk, 11 ana-tomosiufi wilh I -' the anlemial peclm.ations
arise from liase of scfiinenl .
Si'K.riKs Nm 1:\a.\iim:i).
H,„in„i,i lanunriii Strecker. ISlMt. I.ep. Hho|). llet. Suppl. II, U.. ''alif.
Ciliiiiildiiliord il( iinuiKiriit (irole. I,ss:i, Can. ImiI. .W , Si, ,\riz.
CiliiKiliiiiliiini s, i„iniliiriii (irote. ISSJ, Can. i;iit. W. \2\. Ariz.
C(//»i<(/(i////()m (;//m'(W,'(( (liote, ISSICCan, Mill, -W, lit, -Vriz.
(•]l„i'il,ti>hny,!)i!il!ii(»i-atur. III., for tl,,- . '" "^^^^^^^^ "'>' ""'■'!' "'••'"ks ,„ |)p. v.,,,. Marn... of
- -'- '.i<' '•..■.;;;::;:,,;;:;!:':: ,;;;t.^'"7
Miili- :mt('ii!i:i«' Iiipt'ctinatc
M:ilc aiitciiii;i<' ciliiitc
Male aiitciinac clavifinni
l^riniaiics t wclvf-vcituMl
PriiiKirii's clcvi'ii-vtiiiiMl
Vein !> on scroinlarics piisciit in o' ; ni) fovea: pcctiiiatioii^ al Ikim' ot
Vein ".» on sccondaTics aliscnt in cT : fovea generally pn-eiit
Lateral atuloniinal or^an in ni.ilc al)M>nt (■irphnnh ■■<
Lateral aliiloniinal or^an in male presiMit .■ ■ ,
Vein II of primaries normally free; noalxlominal iiair-tuft. .(iali iiiiin
N'ein 11 of i)riinaries joineii to \'.: liair-luft pre-ent on :{r.l alulommal
sesim.'nt .' \l.l,ninln,ilna
Froliosei:- absent Adhiiloulii { Ai Ihtihxl, .-<. preocc.i
|'rol)oseis present
Veins 10 and 1 1 normally free; fovea present
Veins 10 and 1 1 stalked: 1 1 joined to I'J ■
.\ntennae ..f male doiiliiy liipeelinale . (Iis
Vein 12 eomnM'ted witli stalk of 10 and 11 l'ni{ol„mni m
Fovea presciil in mali'
Fovea absent in male
Fovea lariie; antennal pectination -liort ; tefinmen lonji. narrou .
[ill IIK llll
Fovea no.mal: antennal ju'etination lon»:
TeKnmen lon-i: v.alves attached at base only Sli,„ri)isent or not joined to 12: ant<>iinal pectmations moderate
I : ") )
1. MELANOl.OPHlA ' t. Plat. \, fl^.. 1).
Mulst, l.s'.ltl. Tiaii-. Am. Kut. St N. Am. l.rpid.. :>2(>.
l':llpi lIU.IdMK-. >llllH)tll"C:l|.v|. Upllirilrl, o'.l j'lilll r-.illir.-il. <\|»l-.'l: loimu.- ilcA-,'ll>|ll'il;
friiTit > iilli: ih.uMX liiiix— i-:ilril: aMI"iiii.i.' Iiipiclinnl : iii ' Willi -iiii|ili- :ipic;il -irtiiiii. each HUli -iiihI" liTiiiiiial hri-lli' iiTuI ,iii-iiiu Iniin l>.i~i' "f >'-umriit : riluitf iii . : al> Imni-ii
ill mail' -i\ Willi l.iM'.il nut- ni li;iir ari-inn iVimi iM'in-atli M't;iii!iit I II ami a iiinlinviiilfal
liuiiiji of -piiH- nil aiih lii.r tii.iruiii iif >aiMi- >.(;iifiii : mi i arli -nl tin- Mil ah'.iiii.iti.'l -c(;-
iiiriit ,111 uitfaii i- pn'Miit i; iiM-tiiii!; of loiiu--ialUi- I oviil.ippm- liattlf.'otv -rali- ar -iii^ Hom ji
belli rllitilloll- in! ami piotrct'-l out War. llv 1>V ariA-nim i.l liro i I flat -imI— wliirli an-- hoth
from th"ri„l ami from ili • po-n-rior miijiiii of ili- 7il, --m. iii: 1. lui'i'ii lli.-e two -omaii-
mriliov. iilialK ari.-i.- a iiifl of fralliuv -ral.-; luii.l-nl.i.i iii 'w^lli ■!< ils" liair-liiicil, I ri-
iiuri.- willioiM fovr.i at l>a-e in tiolli >"\'-; l.'-\ •iii-l. Ml an I 11 -liort-.talkcil. II Inqiivlitly, (.Willi l-.'lor a ni-aliror l.-ir ili-Lim ■, HI i; n- lally I'oi ■ti:l with '1. lormaii;
loiii; ii.irniw .h-mI. : liiml « iim- Willi Viili s approMm.ile to 7 lor liall Imii;i1i oI i-- 1. v in ^1 pir-
sriil a- ,1 >linrt ap:. Ill l.raiicli Horn s. i I Willi an or,-a-ioii il -Imil loik ju-l
l)c-forr ap'A. .') |in-! iil liiil iiuil- weak.
'riii> m'ini< possos, > ill till' ,' si'X a iiiimlifr (if peculiar -tnictiiial lV.itiiif.i
iiar.ily imt with atiaiii in tli«' wlmlc liruup: tbr hair pencils arisiiiu fnini Lateral
pockets tormeil i)V tlie Unl >c!eriles are quite uniiiiie. Tlii' hiterai
orjiaiis ill the Mil aixiominal segment ill. 1. li-i. Sa i are ciintiiie.l to iIih -eniis
and llie I'lillowins; one: tliis peiailiar strui'ture is well eonccaleil liy the l.i.ily
scalinji and verv easily overlookeil: its use is iioi clear to me. Tile l>ristle-tiitt
of the :{rd alidomiiia! seument is found freiiucntly in tiie male se\ thr'.uiirliout
the j-roup hut I have heeii unalile to make any particular use
of it; it is ;it times ditficult to see as the lin-iles ;ire of the same colour a- and
scarci'lv thicker than the hair-like >c.ales which occur op the alidonieii. The
varialiiiii in venation is jienerally coiitined to vein 11 and its liroail v.ith a tendency for the lateral edye- to lie
produced into jioints; the aedoeayus is lonu. narrow, sharply pointed apically.
Hepresentatives of this ^eniis occur in practically every portion of North
.\merica: the >pecies prove ti he mon .iiinierous than was suspected and while
they jiossess a ^reat siiperfic resemlilance lo e.ach other m.ay he re.adiiv -epar-
atei'l on ^eiiilalic character-- ImihiUi \Mk. is a Tacilic Coast species raniiinu
from Southern .Maska to ( 'ali.irnia where il is apparently routined to the higher
altitudes of the Sierras: in the mote southern Hocky .Mountain region it is
replaced liy n iilnilis McI). In the I'iast there are two disiinci species which
have heretofore liecn confused under the mime finitidarln (In.; typical ciiiiiuliinii
i- seeminslv the rarer spe( ies and inor<' restricted in its distrihiition: it octairs
in I-lastern '( Mitario. (^iiehec and the Maritime Irovinces extendiufi; southward to
l-eiiiisylvania and New .lersey; sifiiiiilnriii Wik. {(jiflumi Wlk.t is found iiiore
commlinly in the same territory hut has spread we-lward as far as Manitoba.
lowti and Illinois: more extended collecting; will he necess rv to detinitely deliiie
the western and southern limits of hoih species. In the (iulf States another
species occurs for which I use at present the name iiKjn rfirtariii Wlk.. this nair.e
liavmy, lieeii based on Kast Moriila material collecteil liy Douhieday,
■n.c cailv -taji.'s ol iii<.>t of tlir .-p.Tifs aiv miknnwn : 1 )r. D.VMr lia- i.iiMi-li.d
tl„. lilV-l.isK.rv of imitnin ( I'.tit:.. IVyrlir. X 1 1 . .-.N) aiul Sinitl, larva
„f «•<-/»/./.-/■/ (I'.nO. N.-w .I.Tsry Sta. Hep. r.lUi ni, .piucr. pine. He. 1 hr laiva.'
aiT prol.athv all (•(.nifrnms f.^u-rs whicli woiil.l raili.r tcii.l m rontinn llif idea
tliat tlif jicini> i- a piiriiiiivi cuic.
Melanolophia canadaria < Iikih'i < 1 lati I. Iiii tli-
T,nhrn.<„,:n„nl,:,n,(:urui;: \s:u . >]>. C'VU. I-.'p. i l.^tlo; l-a<-kanl ISTlj.
Muii 1 hal. r.S. ■_'»."> 'iiiiihmr. Iloilaii.i. I'.'Oo. Molii Uook. .lU. II.
\l IV ti'' 7*Smitli. r.iJK. New .Icim v Sta. Ucp. .■)n4 i/i/nu i : oix riliur.
'u>l':5. ktuil.- I..I). C.inp- VII. -JM. PI. <1.X.\. Nn. If.C.S,*
OtMTlliur's l.cautifullv .xr.-ut.Ml tijiUic of lli.' ty|.r -p.ciiiuii Icav.'s no
,l.,uhl as to tlu. appli.-atin,, of the .;al,>r; tl... sp..ri..- 1~ Im;M rrm^„l....l l-v ,ts
,„,if.,r,u iiiav roloi- vvitlioiit aiiv of the> rlKiia.-I.iiZf tlic
(ulinwiuK spl.cii.s. I,. t!u. d" si.M.ita'ia tl..' annatuiv iharp.-i ..1 tlic valv,- i-
,„-M,-ti.'allv svnnn.' .•oiisistiiisj of a -t..ut .urvf.l >p..H; aii.l a iuu.iIht ..t
sniall.T spine's a.i-in>: fi-mi tli.' ap.'X ..f a tl.i.'k.ii.'.l .• lol.l on tli.' sa..Mihl>
Sniitli r.' tlu' larva as f.M.iiiiK on tainara.-k. sprn.-.'. pine li.;nil...k aii.l
Mlinai hut, as far as 1 know, tlu' early -taii.'s ar.' in.t m lil.ratur.'.
Melanolophia signataria Walk.T. dlat.' I, ti^s. :\. s: Hat.. VII. li-. 'Ik
liomwm .,„nnU,nn Walk.'r. IS.iO. Cat. ■•'I'-, »''■'•, '^'••",,^'"^-^.-"^.^'- •!!■'"■ ,,
lio,unnu-! ;.,„■„„■„, \Valk..r. (at. Up. I .1. Hnt- Mus \.\ . isi ; arms
\- \[.-I)nnnoiiSili. \W>. Cont. Nat. Hist. I.cp. N. .Vm.. Ill (l),.}i», H.
lio„n,i,n-'. ,,„hil.. 4l'.> (/"/'^»".
Til.' speiMcs has pMicrallv .■onsi.l.av.l to li.. a form ..f ,:n,wlnrni \nU
thv male jiet.italia show it tohe a il I s,...(i..s. Tlie har|.es a.v a~vmmetrieal.
that on 'he rifiht ham! si.le l.emji similar t.. ,;t,ui,hin,r. o.i th.' l.'lt si.l.' how.;v.T
the s:„. iilus has I.eeome pr.Hlu.'.Ml int.. a lonji five arm, spin..! on the un.lersi.le;
tl... l....«tl. ..f the arm is appar.a.tly varial.l.v th.; two f.j:..r..s ji.ven ''^>. •>;'''; ^'
sh<.wi-.« the .■xfnt of this variation. >upeihe.a ly th.' sp..- .s i> .. t t..
separate from nuHuloru, as th.' tw,. a.v pra.L.allv , ... n.a.nhti.m;
g,-m.rallv sp.akinK si<,>u,l<,n„ ..o..,s,.l..ral.l.. ..r„-ow..
th.ii.'s whieh aiv la.' in th.' p.vvi.,..s sp.'.'ies .Vs r.'^ tl... no,,..v,
tl... nann. ,j'rtarm is .l.M.l.t ....•.■.•.•tly'.l as 1 haw ..xa.n......! tl..' type
in th.. D' .-olleetion, at (;; tl... type ot .-,livc-Kr<'fii sulTiisitin on hoih wiii)js. I'spccially in fresh males, an ' ixirlitn).
Ml liuiiiliiiihiii riiiiniliind var. ■■^iiIk/i ii< riciiln I)v;ir, l!t((4 Iroe I' S Nat Mus
XXVII. !tl().
Ml liiniiliii>lii(i riiiiiiiliiriii Dyar, l!M)."). Psyche .XII, ."),S iliirrii).
]Jiliiniili>pliiii iwiliilii Marnes »V- McDimnouKh. l'.U4, ('out. Nat. Hist Pep N
.\m. II (.')i. 211.
Ilulst erroneously determineider-
ahly tinncil wi'li purple. Inland records of the species include P'riesl Hiver,
Idaho, am! Hossland. M.C.
Melanolophia centralis .Mcnunnoujjh. (piati' I. fisr. 4: Plate Nil. (1.;. 7i.
.!/( /(/.(ii|i -I'liiiil " ill ;" willi ^iiii|il ■ a|)"\, p-i'i iiijImhi- liiiii; aiid ;riiiii;
ll-i.lll h.l-r kI' >r)r|llrlll ; :ll> |nlil"ll 111 'UMliOill ll:llr-|) 'IiimI - li:ll Hlli lli^ 1,-tl imI iiI-jmII 111' Ihr
lililldl — ■UMll'tll :l~ 111 MllillI'lhlllhlT. clll-! T 111' liri ll ■- (111 :>r I I) 'lllllill.ll -•';; II' III 111 ' i illVi'llt rally I
liiml liliia ill ■ ., il'i (II- u-.tliiiiil liair-ii ■iii\l. l'riiiiii-i s w^! in il I'm- a. C.'-v "ii" I, 111 aiil 11
ill ■ I'vci' .'iMiii ilic rcll, ill ■ nciicr.ily ^li(a-|-stalk('il, 10 ii-iially aiia^liiiiKisiiin willi '.I l.i Idini
aiMilr: liiii'l uiiiu:- « :lli s ,i|i|iriixiiiiatc 1(1 7 Inr hall I'-iiclli ol I'll, !l pre-- in a- -Imit
liraiicli lit' s ."i ali^i lit.
The presence of vein U on secondaries and of the lateral ;ilidominal oruan
shows iindoulitedly a close relationship lietween this <;euu- .ii;d Mi liiiiuldiiln
a relationship which i< sulwt.antialed liy the male y:eiutali;i. The shape and moile
of attaclinieiit of the \alves and tcfiunien in d'liliihiiii are similar to those of
Mddiioliiphiii. the sacculus has lieen somewhat reduced and the liarpe consists
of a rounded raised patch of spines situated i;i a similar position to that of
Mrliniiiliiiiliia species: the jinatlios is liroad, rounded and scol>i|iate: the aeiloea-
Kus is armed either with a luindle of spines or wi,h a siiijile stout cornulus.
Members of this jieiius only occur in the South Western States anil prolialily
extend down iiiti) .Mexico. Nothimi is known of the early st;iu:es liul it is not
improlialile that the larvae will he found to feed on conifers.
Galenara lallata Hulst. (Plato I. fiti. 7).
Wn.s /,//«.«. Hul-t. lSl..H.ifi. ,li>tinrtions Lav l,....n aln;a.l.v nu .mI
in ti,. ••C.M.tril.uti....^.- Tin. K-nitalia arr hraviiy .•l„ti.,i/...l; th.. ^pni... ot tl,.-
harpc niiiiifrniis ami tlic (•i)iiuitii> vny >t()ut.
Galenara glaucaria (in.ssl...rk. dMaf II. Wn- \: V\-Mr VII, tiii. Kt).
Chnm-! fil.nintnn Cru-^U-ik. VM2. .lour. N.V. Knt. S.,c. X\. 2'.U.
Til.- MU-ci.'s is v.TV Minilar to tl..' pivcniii.c onr in nianilation; it is ratlirr
smaller in Im' an.l th.' ^rronn.; -•olor of tl.r has a h tint waning
i /,/^m,;,..yon.!tlu.t p.lin.a,valso.nlMyy.ntnmo^^^
,,.„t Ti... yvnitalia are stronjily .•l>.tn.i/-.l than n. .,//'<^' an.l th.. >p.n. 1
ar 'of th.. harp., is sif-iat.-l .•los..r to th.. ap..x .>t tl'" valv... <.l.n,n,nn ha. a>
;-" .mly l....n f.n.n.l in th.. vi.inity of th.. Santa Catahna Mt... .\n/ona.
Galenara lixaria c.r.ii.. ! Tlat.. II. (isi- :<»■
lin„rn,l. 1 I- M''- '"^•
This .,„.,.i,.< i. .liMinjiuish..,! fr.mi th.- tw.. pr.... .linsr .ml- l-y th.. outwanl
an«l, h> thi; n:...lian ^ha.l' ..f an.l hy .1... nsual la..k oi ;' '-JM ';;;;;; /-
,h, hin.l tibia ..r th.. n>al... In th.. ^..f.taha th.. annatur.. .,t ' '" :;;'";, ^:
.,falm....hofspin..san.ln..t..rasi,>.U.^tout,.ornutus. ';;'''' '"'^''''o ,•. .1
spn.a.l : ...1 .• sp,.!.- ..f th.. ......urnn- thn.u.^hout .V../...n,, an.l N.'W M..\i...i.
:•,. CARPHOIOES <;. n n..v.
T\p.., .', W'l '/(■/( '■" lilliilld IIuUi
,„r, ^ImmI, 'nl.l..nlH.,llu.M-|,.,H.n. lV,„,,,n..unhom lov,.. IJ-v,-,,,. .1, LI ...I H ..,!,.,
r,,...,,i-hn,i-i.ilU.|: ,,„-T„nl..n.. v:'iM'i|>P-.iii... «..i.iin-.
V..rv a .h.rivativ.. Inm> <;ahn„n,. iM-inji. ralhrr ..,,,,■.■ h.u
sp,.,.iali.;..l in....r,ain.lir....t;„n>. Th.- ...nUaha ^h.-w p.Mnt^,.t -;'; ;! '>
,,■'„,,„„,.„ M„.l .U,/.n.,/o/-/w,-, th.. valv.-annatnn. iM.M.l... "";,,"';, ,|
.pin..~ .,f th.. f..rn...r . r..tainin,^ th.. th...k..n..,l sa....ulu> nn h t- 1
1 n n.h .,f of th.. latl.T j£ Th.. un..u> ha^ ..n.l..rf.on.. ....Han, .ih-
I: ; Is 1,.';;:; r...L...,i .. si..ran.i ~ii.h.iy ^.1^ a, i,. ap..x '';''';;,.;;,;;;;:-
h,. r..taii....l th.. .■hara..t..risti.. shap.. ..I th.. prrv....^ si..n..ra. th.. .....1... ..iiu^ w
,ath..r .■hiH.kv an.l i:- arm..- with a w..ak l.un.h -t ....rtiuti.
(If .„.. two sp....i,.^ in..ln.h..l in th.' !i..nus In,.: .- -h.-w^ a -li^ht -talkin^r .4
v..ins 10 an.l 11 whilst in iiicon.-'iiicit'inii th(.y ar.. tr.'...
Carphoides Hneata llul-i
iI'lMtc II. ti;:- -'
,■ ,, ... i,n-ciit known. ImvumiI tlif
Ca^ph«idesinconspicua^h,IVu•M..^^M.■l)mm„u.l,. - lb... I. ii.- ^'.
'• 'T,;:T'rmr;;;i-,-^..r;- * '■ ■"""'■"
cxtciKls into Mi'xiio.
4. ^■1^'E\1I^ n. ""v.
(Typf, r/«/(i//(i iii>iuiinii Miilst.
.,,.,:";E:--;;;;;::^;"i:n:S::=t-'iB,S;::r'"- '—
■l-l... ^.■nh.lia .Low a '•''-'■ ;i'''''V:. 1 im ..n-l of tl.c t.-^unu... is
r;-min.roMrof(,Wr,-..-v,: in a.l.lit ion a pcnci
l);isc of cacli valve.
Vinemina opacaria llul>t. .Mat.- 1. ti.. H. I'l. Vll. fi.. IT*.
i;.lnn„o,,„n,n„ Hul.t, ISSl. Hull. '^•"-'V';"'-,::" XXlif'^:^:.
VU„m o,m;,nn Hul,....i.. is ..ont„,...l, likj. tl... ,.n......lin« ..n... to ,1... south-
w..s„'m Stat.-.s lK..v..n.l tl... Ho.'ky M.mnta.n .I.V..1...
,-,. MF.Riciscv ihiist. .riat.. IX. ti^. 1; I'l^'"' >^». 'i''^. *-'•
ll.iiM. ISlMi, irans. An.. Knt. »» • •\-^' " ■
Dv:;,. I'.tO-i, List. N. .^i"- '-''l""'- •^-•- , , , ,.
„..,|,.l litl. >li«l.v .liVHlMl t„t. ..„ „ ■i..l...vav ■;".,;, ,,1.. ', tn.ii. t.'.^..- ^.I'"\"'
4,h'm.; :.M...n. r ; h.lon,,; -'' 'I ; ' ^' I ! ,^, ,! '; ", ,,,u. (..v.. i.. ' IJ-vr.nnl. _1<> m,,,!
vr;;',.'^:iv!;;:v:^;. u;:^;;;:::!';:;;,^.: '-■..!=' r^^ ^' -> ^'■'"' ^•-- ^ '— -•" - "^""■
(„■(<. Hist, an.l piritidnriii
-n... two ,.....i..s in..iu.i...i ,n ;'■- ^^:;;>- .;:;;;;-, ;;::„. ■n':ai',.ai
,V^NI..n.,a>...s,u,..r.....ayn. -^
.iHails, ..s, !i..n.tal a. as to .. ' • ....i.^Uv: tl... 1..........." is
,„ ,1,, cf ....ntalia t ,.■ un.-... ':";V,;;^,- ;':;,,, i,i,nsi.U.r:.hiy hasally;
,l;::;i:o:is'i:i:;i.^:^:;::':!":"ti:^n;!;:.;;:ao.^^ .'- -='>•"-- "^^'"
vilvr* i- .roa.l, tlirv tl..-ins..|v<- an- r.-itli.r -l.nrt. ruivr.l in«ar.h..i.l arm. .1 wit!.
'th'" ro-i inaruiii; ill.' a.'.I.M'ami- is l.-nii. narrow ami unarm.'.!.
N.,i - .- known of ili.' .'arly -taii.- ot any ..I' tli.' -|i.'.'i.'-.
Mericisc perpictaria i5arm'- \ M.Duimouuli. i'lai.' II. lit:, lb.
(■I,,.n, ,„ rtmm Itarn.'- .V M.Dunnouuli. I'.Ur,. Cont. Nat. IliM. l-.-p., N. .\m.
Ill (|).:5:{. IM. 11. tit:. 11."
Til.' SI '-i.'s i- at pr.'M^nt only knoxMi troin tlh' typ.' loi-aiity. I'^.'. Ari/.,
wli.'ri' it a| 'ar- fairly ali'.iM.iaMl .
Mercisca ftracea IImIm. 1 lai. 11. 1.-. l; Flat.' \ ill. ti-. lb.
Mr,;r,sr,i fm" >• Hul>t. iNUIl, rran-. .\iu. I'.nt. S...'. .Will. :'.:.r..
Tl. tvi i.H'alitv of 111. -P<'ri''- >~ <;i'nw...Ml Spriniis Colo.: h.'M.l.'S
.„„..„- tr Ms l.M'aloV lin.'lu.lini: . typ. - th.r.. i- .a -mt:!.' ■ |), i.-s i- cl
iliv rar.'.
.i I' RVPIt ROMI.\ H.M. iiov. ;Piat.' 1\. tii:. :'.: Plat.' .\l, tij:-. 1 . -''.
'I'yp.', Alci^ lifli' n'ii''ii I'.'ars.i
- ■ l,a,-l-i il.i:.. VrM, 11 uf i.ninr.n,- i- .•.tl,.T
A., .llli'i l',rllll:lli.>ll- .:f ■ ;ilil"MllMi- -liolti'l- tli:ili Ml l,ilt
st:ilki' will. lt» Mr I
.••iniil '' ■" '■■•illy
,,t t|„ v.> ' i- lich.niirn, r.'ar-.. laiks v.'iii II .•.instantly, it liavniK
I, wall !■' 111.' Mili.'.islal v.'in, as not.'.l •■ Mi.' intro.lm'tion. woul'l
„' .. i- ,i„.,.,.f..r.. li.'.i.ara.'l.Tiz.Mlas v.'in 11 + 12. r»„/»,<,n,/.» Hiiist,
will. a u. .-.^int "f tl..' similarity of ^.'..ilalia is in.^lu.lcl li.'r.^. as
.'r,- .h |«.mt. i.ut. v.'in 11 sl,..rl-slalk.'.l ..n Id in tli.' typi.-a lorm; an .Vri/.oi.a
;., :,!,„'.„•.. u^.aurc'inii.'xa.'tly with /-.•/,. m,n.Mnv.'nali..n. In tins .'as.-, tlu'r.-
;:. .,, ,^,.^,,r„r ,l.s..«.'.. ..f v.'in 11 .'an s.^ar.^.'ly I-' .•..nsi.l.'r.'.l ■ iK'^-nr
.vni' ilia an' .put.' similar to' of Mmr.-n,. tl..' jinatho- Ih.w.'V.t
,nv „t an ill. valv.'-armatnr.' i mii.'li li.^avi.r.
. *fom5a confifturara HuUt. > I'iat.' II. fins. .".. .i; Plat,' VII. li^: . '.•. I'.D.
.„ vi^nfuiHrnlo Hulst, IS'.IS. (an. Km. .XX.X. 1"."''>.
,,f,i,i'ii ■^<'';"." '•"■'•'■!^'''.' "■",•"
1. \Vm Han .•i-utain.'.l an .\ri/...iia sp,..^im.'ii i.l.'.itih.'.l as tins sp..,i..s ,.y 111.'
l-it,. I V (;n -^iH'.'k aft.'r a .•..mparison with tli.' lyix' -pi'i'iimn m tli.' l:.'rs
roil.Vtion. his sp...^im.'n ami tl,.' majority of tli.' .\ri/.M.a sp...^im.'ns ,n tli.'
s,'uu.. .-..ll.-'t all sh..w.'.l ..n .'xaminati.m a t.ita la.;k ..f v.'U. ; tlir,'.' -< ~ ' ' "
nnns uml.'r th.' sani.' nam.'. how.'V.'r. p.,,l v.'m 11 short y stalk.'.l ... It
a.i.lon..h.s.. ..xaminati.m sl...vv...l slifiht p.iints .,f .hstin.'t.on ... .'olonr a...! ma.' I, -
i.m as w.'ll as in tl..' a^ -.'..italia. Dr. .V. I'.-t.Tson has l.t'on k.n.l^h to
■xamin,. tl... tvp.. sp.'.'im.'n a...l f..rwanl ..,<• a sk.'t.^h <.f th.' ^■•■''='»>."'' ^^>'l': ' :;';;;;y,^
that v.'i.. 11 is pr,.s..nt in th.' tyt..". typi.^al ,■<»W,/*n■.-^^th.'r.• Or.', is th.' '-J-Y' '
form iFlat.' \1!. fis- !'>• o.-i'Mrrini; in South ( ol.ini.l.i ami au;:ii; tl..' .\n/.ina-
N(.w Mcxi.'.i hor.lcr.
rmii — i
i\ iiiDVi t I I'l' a
„,.. ,,, ,i„„ ,,,„v.. , ... uunr .uMr.,,. 1 r '••,:•',„„,„.,.;,, ,,,,,,..,1 with
..„v.T...l with lon.^ -pin... wl,.t-t n. typu.i ''' .! .iV^u,, n,.. M,.i..-
,„„.,,, .,,1... ,-oMMi ..,i.-,.h.. -'«;,•'•'■ ':;';;;,^'' "^,1 '.,,, v.\nu.u^:
,v,m..,I/../m,/., i- a -,MTnn..n u, 1. ■ '^ ' ^V;"'" ',.,,,„ ^.i/.. an-l to.-l,i- Cn..
illai.. II. tii:^-. ll''"' VIl.tifi. ;'.'
t UtawM.
Panipheromia lichenaria 1 . i all
.,V,W.-/ n;n l..a.-all, 19.1.1. Uull, Kn-klvn in-.. .\.-.-S,.i.. I 'S.-i:^.
■n,r -p.ri.-. -..rni- wiar-|.iva.l and roinin..n
ill Aiizuna and N.w Mt\i<".
7. MERISMA.-n.n-v. Pla... IX.ii..^: IMa.. XI. ti.. H
(Type. -Wc/.^ .s/»../i"/..i llul-..i
DitTiT- iluMI I
fact tll;lt >' ill 11.
1_', .,|>.ir,.tiin!:n;:iin iH'Mi- ap-x "t"
.ilic.ii- ■'.■ ill'
l:l" .Ml. I 111''
!--:;l^:-;;;;;:;::;^::;'::^u':;';--;:.--- -— -
i„,,,,l„.l,a>alpo,-.iun..l 11 l... w,.;,. U la a '- ;^ ; ! -'.^ ,.„„,,,,. v.'.ia.iun Mrnrisn, anil /',.n-;,/n -'.n/i'.'.!. m.> m , .
Merism-.' spododea Ili.Ui. .lia.r II. fi^- 7: 1 l^'"' ^ '1- ''•'^- '"•
U,.. s,.,l,.,,... IIul-,. IS..;, Tian. .V.n. Knt. S.,.-. XXIU. :U.: Dya,'. UK... In,...
Kni.Sn,-. Wa-h. V, 22.i.
• 1 ,1 ill,, fm-tlic'-. iKiint iif ili'vclopnii'nt nl
,1,, .»,,„,,<,,, 5r....i.. |''''/■'';''•■''';^",, ,:,,;' ... v=:„.k.i ...
-;!j,';:\,;'S:s;";;:™.l;';''';i.f ; ;^-;l.
■n,,. spiTii's is lliit laiv m th.'M.Uth \\.-trin Ma..-.
S. PROTOBOARMIA -.11 niv. 1 iat. X, liii. H-
('\'\\n\ lidiiniiiii imrcdiiiiii (ill.)
P,i,„ ,,„„, Miirii.iy ,„ ii.'oj-';"« ^'■{' l:>;:;;:.,;,'u;;;;-,;,""'^i;::vMn;i ■hi;;i:«, wi.i;
lit..-, h- 1 w nil i-'. •'•
,,. Ill I I liilf til'- li-"K'l' "I '-ll . , .1 , ,,
Tl.r L.liU palpi. tlH- iM-'ir <..vrM :UhI Hm. vinMU.-i -m t, . ,/r li •
.K tl tl. VI.' -p.Ti.-. i.,„r./,.,i.- <;n„ 1- llu- M,l,. M"'>''- i';;li"l''l. =".'1
:;m^;i ' iSiv 1 .'V -li.iw .nu-l n-..,al.lM.,.'.' to th' .U, /-M-./.'/./n,, .ypi' l.ut
111 tiK Uli.ii'Mi <" ...,„.,i,,, I ill,. \.,lvi~ i:i- v.MlH t'lt'i np ti. I'll- :i >"al
;;;:r:;;/: ':: p!:nt.i:':r "liiiuiv :; .tinit • '-.. „.i..: ,.,.. ..m,,,...
ly l.itii'
Protoboarmia porcelaria ( iu. ,..•, . I L.n III. i... •-'. 1 Iml \ 11 tiu '■.'•
' """^:;'■^::^ur•^l:r•^^v^sM:;:t,l:^t:,"^;;;;:l;s;•■^^^
4-„V llui-i. I.V.i.V K„i_Ni'u^. \l. \-2. in.,. -,,■. ,M. ; Ol'Milm.'. I'.M.t.
|"t l.ip. < "iiip. \ II. 27 1. V v.
CI,,,,;, ,.o,nl„rn, UmH,,'^ .^ Mrl )un.n,u.l,. I'.U.V C...,. Nal. Ih-I. l.-'p. \. A.n.
yi ..„, ,'lS;.S\vM!k..,-. l>uo, .:„. l...p. IIH. n-u. Mu. XXI. :>... HuK,.
|,s'.l.'>. Knt. N.'w-. \1. tl. ,._
/W»n„ /;/<-,/" Walk.'.-. IStllKCat. I.ip. Hr,. Unl. Mu-. XXI...... I.nk.nil.
ISTC. Mull. I lial. I .>. l.>t>.
l/,.,,v „„„.v/„..,/ llul-l. I.sli.s. Can. Kilt. XXX, I'.i.!.
r/',„„ ,»m..^..~.. Hain.'-^- M.l)u.,nnM,l>. UMr..(ui,l. Xal, lli-i. l.-p. N..\mi.11I
(Hi, Is.").
Ti,.. -iM'.i.'^ i' wiilr-^pica.!. .'xtrnilii '. in /rnm rna-t t.. roa>I anil
.,1.„„; ... \ hnti. Maliuani a> tar a- Moriila. -Ilu' Mumtvpiral tun., is
; . ^„ tii S l,.'.-M StaU's uitl, Uh'n,, Wlk. .in.i ,n,usi„s„ llulM,,-
.: 1 ! , It >..,.. pal.T lof.n. tlH' ua,,,- n.ln;,„rn, Wlk. tna.v - u~.,l. la.-kani
m .' .l.i> sp.''i.'> with ,uMn..,nn III,,,. ,„ 1„~ ,„'mo.,-,,p!.. h.^.^tiiv "I Ih;
"luion ,11. V. li.. -.U l.'i... appaf.'>..!y;,, ,n,n, a -p.--- .t ;-.■-■
Dvar. fuUuwiits Kai'kanl. li~i- H tn.ta Ka-lo, K.( . a~ ,n„l„n.,„u, .I.Ml i . „. .
(•(IlltllSl'll till
r;s. Nat. Mil-. XX\ II. U(»
■■ '-ri; ■ i'tr .M-ilrM-ril,;'.! l.v (;,..'. vr from ,.„.' ol Alii.of- unpuUi-iii'il ilraw,pu>
..r..,..iiMuon/wrw.M.i.u,;-,„n /'W'-'- ^v'r'' '""■'" v'r'",',^m;;miiH
„„•,. i.owrv.'f tliat tin- i- til- roir-.t 1ooil-,,la„l a- ..: .\ ' o, - "^"'' -" I '^
v,.,-v tn'-.u.'ntlv tli.' larva' a,.! a.lult- an- .non.'o,-.v a-'..iat,.l. M wn',,.- . with ova laiil K.v . V <-aptun-il ui Mainr. in .luiv u.a- I li.'.t i. > o , u:
la va,. on hati-liin.. in t,'n -lay- ivfu-,! all too.l plan,- oIIit,,! thi'iii aini 1 ■ i In ■!.
'.I. CKEOR.V Cui'li-. 1 .air IX. t".
llr X. ti'.i. li'
Cutis l,S'.'.-> 111. Hi-ii. Kilt. II..NS. (>i-,li'>iyp('.'""'./r'u.-','li,ll.i
Sti'pii.'us. is:il. 111. Urit. Knt. llau-t. UK K^" /""'"'"•
W alien. l.V.M. Nov. /ool. I, 4:U.
Il,ll-I IS'.Mi. Trail-. .\,„. Kiil.Sor. XXlll.;i.)t) /»/,/;,»,'.
.|h,jl\ :lll'l
1! ;-..ilTr.;l!!v irr.... !(l !!•(".,,!(',
,ii;ili' III 7 i'lir iiiilv a >li"il-l ilistaiiri' at lia-i'
711411 ■-';.
T\u< smrri.- t.iin w;.> t(.t;.ll.v niisMppli.Ml \,y Curui-r. PMckanl ami .M,tnrv wl.u m l.d > \nU-v ho<,n>na.
I us. it Uvrv \n A V.TV icslri.l.a >.M>r tnr ll.os.^ sp., ir. wlll.-l. pusM-s 111 the
f^ant..nnM.'.l.r>i.l.'s tl... noniiMl Mpi.Mll.v-ph..r,l prctiiiMl mn, ;. shim 1 pr.-l.i.Mduii
at llic'acli s.-};iii(iit ; it,! n„rtarni S.iull. Miul tiic I wn N"iHi
\u\i-v'H"A\\ ^Urr\v< siihhnuirin (h<\K mi
The v.Mialiun is .,.iit.- piiiiiitivc. l(t mihI 11 Immmi: si''i'<'':'ll.v tn;..; M.yri.U
(|S'>-> Ti-iii- i;i.t. S.M-. l-..ti.l. p. i:5tti HM-onls uiily (w. cases out ..t tliirl v-llir.'.'
sp,.i.i';i..i,> of runhnn, ..xatniur.l in whirl, 11 ai.aMoinoM.l with V2: th.-,. may
have iMMMi . •- a m'X which 1 liavc ha.l n.. oppoituiuly ot cxammmt:. I lie
male s..nitaiia .lillci- markdly from tho-c of the M,l„n.4.,,,hn, ^"" .■^/"■''■'■;;."
^iroup- the un, u- i> .haWM out to a h.nti nailow p.m.t. the l.asai po.tlo li luo.i 1-
eiii,,.'; th.' t.^iinuii i- .'iamoiul->hape,l lalluT than ic'laiuiular: the
vaives'aie hioa-l. ciiiv...! iiiwanl ai-icaily with the sacculus lormiiiu a s roiijily
ehitiiiiz.Ml fol.l l-eiieath which avix's a short -pin.' an.l a -..irat,.! plat.. ..I .•Inlm
to form th.' iiarpc; lh.> a.-.loiaiiu- i- -iMirt ami .hunUy.
Cleora sublunaria ( '.n.n.'e. d late II. Iii;- l-'-
Hnun,nu s„l,luunn„ ( oi.auV, '.Ku . Sp.'c. (;..>. Thai. 1 21S; Pa.'kanl ISTti.
M.iii 1 hal IS. tl:.; llul>t . ls'.>.'.. Km . N.'ws, \ I . II . u //.-/./. i ;< >hei-
,|,„,;,..|:i. Kt. i.ep, Comp. VI1.27:;, 11. Cl.XVIll.ti^. Itijl.:
Ho„r,fn„lnn,si,.r„na W.-ilk.T. ISt.O.Cat. l..'p. Ilet. Unl. .\lu^ \ .\ 1 . .. 1 , : ' ."■;■"''•'i. Thai. r.S. IH.". i./v. '/'M: I'.ain.- .V McDii usih. H'll,
(■.)iit. Nat. Ili>t. l-cp. N. .\ni. 11 '.'n. -Ml.
Iloitinna nlrol i ii, .irni llillst. ISSS, I'lnl. .Viiier. 111. 21 I.
Clnua ,n,atnn,i Un.a.lw.'ll. HKlT.Caii. Knt. XWIX, \Si\.
The sp.-.-i.> i^ .liMim-llv laiv; it i- ivport.'.l fr.mi New .lia-s.;y h>cal-
iii,.~ an.lpi.ihalMv ...• thr.iu^l t th.' N.^w Kn^ian. an.l Norlh.'rn
Vtlantic Slate.-, ■ext.n.linsi w.-twar.l iiit.i l.nnsyivania ami Kentmky. .\-
„„ii,l...l .,ut l,v (!u.'n.'.> .■.4y alii.^.l to lh.> Kunipeaii nnchnn:
SchilV. l.ut thViv are .•••rtain -mall .lifleivn.-.- in ih.' '' ^.■nitalia whi.'li warrant
>p.i'itic s.'paraiion.
Cleora manitoba ( o'l-li.ik. il'i.ii.^ 11. iiii- im.
.SV/„/„.s,/m. mmnlnh„(:v,,«\,vrk. lUII, Can. Knt. Xl.lll, •-'-'.-.; l^-lli";.'^: ^';.""",
n..ui:h. I'.tr.'. Cont. Nat. Hist. l,.p. N. Mn. 1 i I'. '■'•■>■ 1 h \\ 1. tin. I.
\- far a< I km>w. th.' <|.i'.i,.> ha- .mlv .-.■iptinv.l in iUv typ.' lo.'alily
Winnip.- Man. Theiv i> .■..iisi.l.a'ahl.' variati.m in th.' .•,,lonr .>lth.' m.'.liai
ar..;,: in -om.' -p.^aimai- it f.,rm- a l.r.ia.l pal.' Kami a.-r.i- I he wm-: m ..IIi.t
it i- II. It Ih.' u.ii.aal purplish uroiiml .'.ilour.
II). Ni'-.O.M.CIS liiai. n.iv. ij'' IX, li^c. '.I;' X . fij:. 1'.
i'l'ypi'. IliKiniiiii ciilifdi 111(11 III 1 a.'k.i
p,|,„, I,.,,,i,.. upiiinir,!: Ir -n I,, ^iij^l.ilv lull.. I .,I..a ,!,:,-.■ ..f (ulpi; iI..mmx -mn,„l
.,.:,l,.;i ui>l„.,i, .li-tnl- p:.^-n,„ ,„P-: .1.1 ; .ho„i h:.ii -p,.,„-,N .., '->;;;■-",:-
,„ ■ l„|„.,.(l„;.l,. Will. Minplr Ml'A. |..;M ",:, I Inn- iol.t, Mll-Hm llnm l.:l>|. o] ^;;t^;:';,',^|..;^;".'J 'J |
,„... ....,,.„. ,,|- ,1 l,;,>,.. I'lllll:illrs III ' uitli h.vra. l_'-v.iii,.,l, 10 :.M.I II - ,ilKi>l, 1
:;i;.;'-i;.ii„.-iiiir«itl, r.> l.,r .h-t.m.v ,M,.n..imJ Willi I. t„ luni, narmu .in-.l.; - n.bri.- -Inm«ly .■ ,1 <.' wiHi N ^'l•l-^.^. '
m 7 Ini li:ilf 111.' h'lmili ..i .-ill
\ .,lrc' ix.iiit.' ' out til.' .listiin'tion- \„^^^■v,■u tl.i< ^.'n.i- Mii.l tlir K.iruiM.n.
,^.,. r; : ms s 1,. ti... on,i>. of ,1,,. ......nnal .............0... .l- ...nn.l
n • f v,.i,w III •111.1 II aii.l 111.' Ml.s.Mi.'f 0I M liliial li:ur-|"' _
^"'''i;;^ . ■ r ' xu 'ill.",!..- vana,...,. in v-nation .■.;kmM...1 ni 10 l.;.-,.
;:: £ '::;:::;;--:r;: -;:;:;:';;ra>:^^^^^^^^
rt •. 'lo fon,: a Hal.': th.' a,.,lo, a.,, is ,-a,h,.,- ..l,..r. a.i.l ,un,.l,...l w„l, a
>in(ilc sti-olifi lii'iil spine.
Neoalcis californiaria I a.Uar.i. il'lat.' 11. li;;. '"i.
i;,,.s,„//|-..r/,/.-n-, llnist/rran^. .\in. Knt. >...■• X\ II. •''•'^. .
//,,., ,„,./n7„/.,^/,n. I'a.'kar.l. lS_7t Pro.'. ,<-■>"-■ N^"- "'-'• ^^'- ■••^•
i,|. IsTtl. M..n. I' r.S. U,.!.. \! t.^, J^.
.\/r/.s/-«n/.'.^ry-(,-./ llnlst . -l-ran-. .\in. lait. >.'.■. Will. -'I-'-
•n„. M..M-i..s is roni.non al.-nu llu' Pa.-ili.' < '.-aM . an.l .|mt.; varial.l.' in .M,l,.m-
„„; ;:.,'.,1- 111. nm. ,■ lonn- of ,...lor variali.m an; w.^ll li.niv.l in 1 a.^Uaul s
I ion
Notliiiifi is kii.iwn ..r 111.' lilV lii-io'v ol lli.' -p.'.-i.'
II. Ll.TR.MXnS ii.'ii. nov. tlial.' 1\. liii. lii.
('I'vp.'. .\/i ('•-' /"''/" '""-^ l!ul-i.)
Mli,.,|l.. .VM.,/,/^..iiir.Tin.inlliMllli..anl,.nnalp.;.'linan..ii^a.. IS,. I
.„„... a tibial liaii-p.'.i.'il i~ pn-aii ni tlu' ' .-x an.l van 1 I -I p imi-
; .' '.■ ,n a It V >lalk...l .m 12. ll.- I.asal port ,01, ..1 I I, showing ill.' .■..iin..,'l i..n
wi 1. . . I IV n.l, ...iniinat..:, ■ni.av i~ aUo a linsll.' .alt •"' 'I";-' -1;
,1 l„ni Ml s,.,.,i„.„l. Tl,.' m-i,r:i:ia show u.^uaal Miinlanlv to .' ol M.>-^.
;t ini'auav ollli.. valv... liouvv.T Ik. l.'.;,, nio.l.l,... t.i ';v-">";^l-n;s._anMn.
„.|un. uilli liilun-al.' ap.'X, alla.-luMl 1,. ill.' .•Iiil
airou ro.l-iiki
in.ius ni.'inlir.'in.' anil not
,,,„„.,.nn.. im'. aJ Vl',;: a^'lora^iu: i^ li-avily ani,.'.l api-'aUv will, liook-^
'n;;'\','u> v.'ry .'Vi.l.'nliy ivpn-.-nts a IuuIht tvp.' ol -p.'.'.ali/al ion .'S.^U.^.l
fiiiiii a Ncoal.'inc-iik.' I.iriii.
lltralcis latipennis lluM. M ,air 111. ti'.i. 1: l'.^'"' VI 1. ti'^- 1-'-
Mn.lnl,i„iiHis ilul-1, LSIIC. Tian^. Am. I'ail.Soc \ \ 1 1 1 . :'• H''-
{■■rw >p.'.'iin.'n> an' kn..wi, ol lln^ -p.ri.'s; tli,' lyp.' wa^ .'apliuv.l al I'la
Wa-hiimton an.l sin.-.' tli.'i. il l>a~ I-'H tak.'ii al va.ion- l.H'alih.'^ .m Nan,'.
I~..U.('. iDuni'Mii. D.'iiarlnn' li.'i\. W .'liin'^l..n 1.
I'i, l'SKl'l)()I5().\RMl.\ liin. n..v. . I lal.' 1\. li^i ' : I kit.' .\. lin- :!'■
I'l'sp.'. ('iliii(ll(>l)liiii'ii iiliihiiisiii Id lllill.)
,.,.l„j.,.., Iv ,. Im,u frnni; -Imliilv „>M'.l, n,ni;l,-M'Ml.'.l l"'l.m ; h.Muu, ;irv,ln,M-.l;
;;;;:!;, ;:-;:;:i:;S;;»;;::;r;;ri;;s:'^;;:!;;i';::tc;;.i-v;;.,.:^;5;:s^
I al ria-lon
'MaM^-' '■'»^i*3?*af?«r,?^'^''/;' !F" -T-
rcllird nallKill ..I' r.icli -.cunirnt 111 ini l-~.Tt i,,M ,.f' ; III . -lllilllly ciIliI.I jlilnllli'M
-Miuotli uitlicin hriMli- v,-i,ti:illv: liiii.l iilii:i (if ' iHliiT aitlioiil or Willi ,i -Imil lKiii-l'i'ii''il
,1 Irl^- I'lilllalK- 111 ■ «illliiilt fov,./. rj-vcilli-1. 10 Mil. I II ..II l.ill« shilk. t !.■ -lillk iiimM..-
iii.Min: uilli 1-' jiiM M lorkiiiii .il v.'iii-. 10 ii.iniiilly I'rv l.iit .,r,Msi,.ii:illy ;in.iMimi.l
witli'.lii.iorin .iri'; in , 1 1 lir |ii.'iii l> .il.-:Mii : v.-.ii.hiiir- « ii li s .i|.|.i-..\iMmi ■• I.. , iMl li.r
lc>« ttiiili li.iir til!' li'imlli ..f ■■■11
The nciio> Ivpitics ;i iiuiiT piiiiiilivc lnnii than Driiucn, lis Illm. illoiininii
Tr 1 ilic ditfcivu'cc- iiiclu.liiiM: tlir lai-k i.!' a tuvra and tlir liic-fiirc u< vnii 11
,111 a Inim: stalk Willi Id in the / >.n. In the jienitalia llu^ nni-ii-i- rather sIk.ii
.•m.l pointed; (in each side .if it the apex of the lenunieii i> drawn out into two
thin arms, terininatin-i in lon^i spines which curve over and eslend lieyond the I ip
of the un(ais; the tetiiiineii i> hroadlv oval in -hape. narrowed at
li'i-e the valvi s in -hape and attachment are much as in (linm. the sacciiln-- i~
armed with a few weak spine- and there i- a I. road spi„ed area ceiilrall.v; the
a<'doeauns taper- liraduallv to a point and i- armed with two pal.lie- nl weak
>pine-.' The i;iiropeaii iHuiclmahs Scop. : ,nNs,,rhina Falir.) niu-l he mcludcd
ill the uen'i-.
Pseudoboarmia umbrosaria llulmer. Plate 111, U'.
(■i„„al„i,l,„ni Nmhrns,,,;, lliilmer. lS!lti-l.>lf.. Samml. Kxol . Schnietl. \ : Tack-
ar.l l>7ti, Mon. 1 hal. r.S. i:'.".l. 1 1, \i . ii-. •_';! p,i,i,„n.
S,lnlos,„n, ,uulnos„,n,,„ HuUt. 1 SttCi, Tran-. Am. Kiit.So,'. Will. ;i:!..; i car-all.
lUtHi. (an. I'.nt. XX.W 111. 17^. ^..v.,, .,
Cl,,...,,n.hros„.,a ( irosslieck. I!tl7. \M\. Am. .Mu-. Nat. ll|-t. \ \ N M I ■ '■>:
Marne- .V .Mi Diinnoip^h. ^.•l^. <'oni. Nat. Ili-i. l.ep. N. .\m. 1\
/;„„,.„,„ -lif-Ui'-'-Cuenee. Spec. Cen. riiai. 1.251 I'i. V. ti^. 10", Ih.Ut . IM.o.
I nt New- \1 I--', oi.eithur. I'.ti:?, l-.i, l-ep, < onip. \ II, ■-'- I,
SJnIn.,,,,.: nHni,l,„<„rnn„ y,:,vuv-\ M.d )nnn. i^l-h , llUL', Cinl. Nal. Ili-I. hep.
N. Am. I it, I'.', 1 i. Nlll. lilt- I''-'
The -pecie- ha- heen Irei |Uent iv confa-e.l with innnhin,! (In. 'UHlirahirnn
whieh ■iccoimi- for a of ,'rro:ieoii- eorlhern ami ue-ieiii record-: it _i-
,1„„|„„,1 if i, ,„.ciii- north of liie -..Ulheri. p:irl ol Ne« \ork Male. (,uei..v
-eparate.l qiun.hann from i,i„l„;,.un,. on llie pre-eiice ,il termiiril dark -liade- on
the uir' ■'•-i.le hut I hi- tealutv appear- varial.le.heiui: lienerall.x ui the
...^ ; ,,fien wanlimi in the ■■■-; Florida -iiei-imen- -eem to -how con.-taiilly
a liliial nair-t'eiicll in the " -ex ami it i-' when more and heller pre-erve.i
iiiatrrial can he examined thai the -onl'iern ra.'c may he ihllereni laled Irom
the more norlhi'rlv one and l.oth name- emp|ii\.'d.
The life hi-lorv 1- unknown ex.-ept for i luenee'- -hort ,-liar;jclen/.al ion ot
III,, larva, ha-e.l p'-.-uim hly on an dr.iwimj. hv .\l.l...l; ll..' Larva i-
.-ai.l to fei'd on o.ak.
i;;. (J'.KN.V ll.iNi. I lai.' \i. In:, 'i •
(;!,„„ Ilul-i, I>'m; Ti;n:-. \m. hiii. >..c. Will. :;.-.>. (hilioiype. c,.,//-.//-'. m-
III. n. , , ,
Muin.u, W.anen. VM\\. Nov. /ool. \ I . ."i."i.".. ( in hoi \ pe. .,,/ ■ „./tinctl\ iK-tiM .1'' I 111 " , .■ . ,,,,„, . ininii^-il'lf.
„ „„,x; ,h,. ,.-unH;n .s ''';''^''1^\''^'' ;'■;''■' ;'^' V h.. ^alv.■ l.v a ...,-,.,1 Land
Tiu- M>'''-"'> /".'■"'" >^^'" ^''■''•'''' . ' ,, ,1 i,nwrv,-,- ,|.Tia.M|lv a,y,.i.-ai.
of j,..„ilaHa i~ r^ tin. -a.r.;, .lav ■•' ,'".„„,„.,, via S nf '.Ur
-" .na,.u!au;.n l.u- ^'-;;,';;:; ,,;'!.;',,•' ,•;,,,,■,■ u, In.h .p,..a
Glena cognataria llul.iur. 1 laic HI. tiu. 1
i|„l„rr !<•'-. /ulr lAMl. Sri. inrll. 111. ;ll, till-. •■.I'.l.-V.O.*
. 1 »„„,»;,- r-f/""'"'"' Hul.l.l. ■-•>./.i'y- I I. \l. ti-. 11.'
l-MT, UuH. .\ni. Ml.-. Nat. I -i- ^^^^ ' '^^^ , ,,,,,-. ,,„,.,. ,v.,-,,
l-:,,!. New-. \ 1. '•-'. ,. , ^ Will Mli IVinii-iV M'l>ilii-
•"" n.usih. l'.Mr..(nnt.Na..lli-i.l.'P. N,,\>u.lll ... 1-v..
>■,//./...-.»., -I ,«»,■/(•<./"/■ Mill-'. 1>'"'- ■'"'■
,; -.'.\in'. i; It. >'" ■ XMll. ;i.Vi; Hani..- .V
NlH)un,,owM..nM..r,,,,.^Na,-.lHM.^I..i;.N ,^-ll/,y;^^
,„,,.„,,,, „„,„,,7/,„„, Sttvrk.T. l.Vni. I.rp. Uh:.p. ll.K >..
M.l)„nnuuf.l,, lUlC, (■....,. Nat. lii^'l-'l'^.-;
,,/,„„ ,n„.,t.llarn, ( In-sl-.M-k. I'.MT, I'.u 1. Am. Mu-- V. ^
,S, Inliisi mil I USUI' III |)\al'. I
111. Ill ;'-. 1.-
Ui-i. WWII. >.•'.!.
Kic), ri-ic. l-'.al. S.i... Wa-li. \l. -'•
,i,_,.,.„.- ,., lu. u.,...rallv ai-inla,l.,l tlu-ouj.ho,., tiM. rntnv .\tlanlir
( iia-l SlaU"
iKirtlicrii I'lii'ii.
Ill iiiacillall'ni llaTr ■■Hi- t'> l» IIH.' "' " ' .
(ilena cribrataria CiKiirr. I lai^ HI. l>'-i ''
'/■, ,i\,,;>.-ni rnlinilni 'H ' iurr.rr.
1 N.-. ,
■ '," I 1- ■' i-)i' I 'i \ 1 tin i;'." ill. i>''"- "'ill
^,„-. Will. :'..-.
H,'|). r.S. I'.iit. (''i" ■
Choni rnhrann ll.ll-l. \^W<- Tvav.-. -Vm. lail
A .11.,. -p..,.a.- au,l aPl-.,.,,,,n,.a,,, ,la.Atla,,-;.;riiaM^
<;,„.,„v. tvp.. ,.aiii.. fn.n, ',;:--- ':''',''-,--;,:;' j;!;.,!: v;; ;„, ,..,, ..i,,..),
liir Xrw i-aiiiiaiai Slat.-. 1 nr url.i.a:!.. -'•■••^ ■•• .
allicil tu /■iKjiiiihinii.
In liis iii(.n()>ira|>l> I'^'-kanl (iiiolcs 'luciu'c n'tiardiii^ tlic larva, sfatiiifi
tliat it feeds on |)()|)lar. Imt later (I.e. Sll i sjives the f 1 |)laiit as sprui'e;
(lueiiee's data were pn)lial)ly not relialtle.
Glena quinquelinearia I'aekard. i ri;ite 111. tiy;. .">).
Cnniatonliorn nuiiunnUmnfi.) Fiiekard. 1S74. tiiii Hep. Peal.. .\eaelween tiiis species and the
preeedins: ones, the yenitalia are of exactly th.' same type. Tli.' species is not
rare in S.I".. .Vri/.ona and proliahly extends into Mexico: m pni Druce >eeiiis
closely allied.
Glena rusticaria Barnes iV McDunnoti^ii. d lati> III. fiii. Oi.
CUoni rNsticnrin B.arnes ^ McDuniiouiih. I'.Mii. Cont. Nat. Hist. I.ep. N..\m.
Ill C^. 214. 11. XXIX. tin. '•••*
Tile speci.'s is only known from Clenwood Spns, Colorado; llie close rela-
tioiisliip to iiiiiriciinn i- lirouulit out hy the jiciiitalia.
Glena f--.rfuraria Hulst. (Plaie III. tiji. 10: 1 laie Ml. Iiji. i:5i.
Hoaniiiii I'lirfiininn Hulst, ISN.S, Knt, .\mel. 111. 214.
Clnira (lirfumriii Hulst, ISdti. Trans, ,\in, I'liil . Soc. XXlll. ;'.•)<.
Ftiifiiranu can scarcely he consideivd to l;e (luile a typical of the
jreiius, a'ltliousih the uenitalia show a marked resemblance to tiiosc ot iiKjncnrui-
in iiiaculation it nither apiiroaches p, .r • • tl... s n.rtural t.'atnns ,.o,nt to . .uoiv
Eu'i l-"t notlMuji i> i.
14. STENOPORPIA SI. 11. ii.>v.
iTy]).'. Clciini iiikIIiiIii H- »V M<1''
s„„„.,. „. ^^ ., ..m ;"'T-n.;«,v;:o: ■;;;:r;::j.i>,::' '^r ';,;:;;;: ":;;,;:t ^:i;'';;' „.:':;,;;
.,|,:„1..M-,.,H-:.; 'I'''''*=''''''''''''''':V\^'''|\ , l': /l thV^^^.^^^ omIv. lM.m« l..n«. n,
,,:,s.-, th(.v.,lv,.sanMmmnvy!,., ■!.> '^^t^^ i,^, ^, „„„ ,„„,„,,,
;;ri;;';r;:;En,:;;;:;i;™'''fi..S"ni:'.;™lu;;i;:i^'' ■ -■ ... ^ - '- » - ■
tlicir early stan..s.
Stenoporpiadissonaria HuUt. I'lat,. IV. fi'.. 4: I'iat,. VIU. «... s..
.Uo.v ,/,,n,» IluUt. iS'.Ml. Trails. \m. Knt. S.,.-. \.\I11. :n.-..
(•„,on;:i:;, in ;;::. Ba.;;.' cil......,..: ,h.. sp....i..s l,..l..n,s ,„ . .r..,.,. wth ./.-
i,iiissl,..,.U. -Flat,. IV. ii.. 5: IMaf VII, ti.. 14-.
S,/»/..M,». „m,^/omoM„-m (ir.,>~l...,.k. ii.OS. .lour. N.V. K..t. >"- ^VI. 21.,
Tl„. sn..,.i..s is a,.,.ar..nllv ii.>t ran. in .\n/,.na , .1- lu^avv hla.-k =;-'■'■;'';"';;;;■
„,. „,;,7„.,.',i„; „,1 t'p. lin..^ ..f Pri.nari..^ tuwar.l tl,.. .nn,.r .nar.m a.i-l .1... luU
sjr.y iir.)\iii.l .'..lnur ar.' chara.-t.'n-tif.
Stenoporpia polyferammariu i',i..kanl. IMat, 1\ . lis:. '••'■
, ■,,„.,/„,,/„;,■. ,,.,U,„nun„.,na l^a.^kanl. isT-l. M.'i.. 1 I'^l. T.S. -1:5'.. Pl.Xl.tii:
an. Knt, WXMll, 17'.», .
Cint. Nai. HiM. l.-.p, N- Am.
,<,liih>s,iNit iioli/iinimiNurni 1 .'ar-all. I'.tOh. ( an, 1.
Clnnri mnHnniorni Ban...s iV Mi'Duimouu i, l.'l-
i i4), 1«.». 11. Vlll. lii;. f..* iM,-. r/,/,1
,.„,., i„ „u. N..W i:n.ian.i a,:,i .vtianu,. sta,..~. ^'iM-7':;;> •,;:;.:;;;;:'',,r'a;;:i
wi,l..-pr..a.l a^ a sin^l.. s|„.,.iiin.n ua. .■ 1^- ' >-:„;^,,;,' ,;"■„:,,, I al
..,,.„n.Mmslv tiiiiir...! a< ,mm;»/,„n„ t., vvln..| ,t \' \'^''{ ' ' '' vJ„„i.,t...l
(Is til., tvp.' as with. nit.
Stenoporpia dionaria Haru.s >V: M,.l)uiiii..usili. ' I'l;
Vliorii (lionann BariK's iV: M.^Dunnousili, I'.Ufs. Cmu.
IV (2). lol'. Fl. \X. ti)i. t. i.ip. N- -^lli
I know, till- "Illy (•xi-iiiisi: OIKS oi till- .-piiK-. n
liy tlic fiyiuii'.
Stenoporpia pulchella (;n.--l..(k. illatr IV, li-. lOi,
:',;•;;:■; I;;':,;,;;;;;;,;;',';; ';;:.',■; ;:'„.i.i;ni';,n-. ,.„i, - ■ - ^ .■ .<■■.,
mcMilirr- III' till' irriiu-,
Stenoporpia anelluUi Uanu- >^ MrDumioiml,. -Hair IV, li-. :!>.
valient diftVi-rnr.- of Mrucluiv ol tli.-r orsiaii-.
Stenoporpia vernata W-avw- \ M.Dmnn.uiih.
<■, W. Ua^H-^ MH)unnou.l. 1.1T_ <;ouK Xat. Hi-. I,.,. X. Am. Ill
,li,2i;i, 11. \NV. li'^. ■">. II- ^^'^l- '"-• -
Tl,,' tyii.' -p.'i-iiiii'n- :nv i1h' only on.- known to nir.
Stenoporpia excelsaria St ivck.r. i liatc VUI. ti-. I',
/i,,,,,-,-,/., ..rn/.^-,,-.- S.i- Tkrr. l.V,.-.i, I..',.. l!ho,.. H.-. SuiM.I. 11. 1".
Sin,... ,h.. ,1. .-n..! ^ .>.'■ -P-- ^;;z. ;':::'r;:;l::;;':;:v::::.:v::M:s;:i'
Stat... ......aMonal -p....nn..n- -.;"M1n . h.l^ '' •' "1 ,,,,.,,,,,1.1.. li..iv;
li-:„:::i;,,';:;t:;:r:;,::™:::::n:!r:;::,;''T.;™.. .., .,.-.-.
,■!,,:,. K, ihoM' .il' til.' pr.......lni!i -|...|.ii.-.
Stenoporpia albescens llnUt. Hat.. IV, %. 7: 1 Mat,. VIll. li.. 2>.
^,/„/„.,,.„ „//„..■, „x Unl-l, l>^i'i. Tran-. .\n.. Knt- S,.,.. Will. :!^-.
\'„.,.onv..rlslatnl. H.C. 1' l,..|onu- i" ti,.. ./.,/M■^, <,..,mp.
Stenoporpia purpuraria iiarn,- .v NhDunno.i^l,. llat,. IV. li^. D.
.W„/„. ,„rn.rana \^.nu■^ ^ M..l)n.,nou.l,, UM;!. Con., Nat. lli-t. l...p,
N. ,\m, 11 ':i'. I-".'. II. ^ "■ ''*^. •'■
Mcxi<'aii iH'i-l lined Druci
,,„, IV.tiii. X. I'lMi.VUl.tiir. I'-''.
Stenoporpia dejecta Hul-t. 1 lai-
W,..,/,.W.IIuM.lsU.i,-Vm-.AM,, Knt.So... XXlll.H.:..
tn^al >.
Stenoporpia satistacta i^nnt a
linn Crt. MUDS. (V.M. Knl. .'•«i.
1.-,. ViTRlNKM'A ■■.■n. i.nv. Matr \1. Hji. S'-
iTyiii-. Iliii,ipn,.ino dl'.'
, II I,. I ■'.,, I klliili-llWr. -Hli'i'lll- 11"!'' "'"""',''■
,u.rii<.ii-, llii' upiirriMic li— li.iiMi." . i,,„.,,„|v
1„, M.rn,„l:Uh- V,.niNal, , ,1 b,, i n.
,. \i'ij,iiir.rii i- M'i'y '""-
^^,,,,,,^,,.,,,,,,,,a,lH.valv..~an.a.ia,-lH.. t H M n . ^^^^^^
,,„„„l,.,la|.l.•all,van.lIH.-M.^M-a^;l^ ' 'M
-|,i„ an.a. ami a MU^lr ^;";".;';;';:;-,„,„,, ,,, ;,ll vrrv Mnular m ^inulalia ; , a^
Vitrinella pampinaria ( nmr.
liaarnnii imii, pi I'linn Cucurr, !>■
,... ,^_,^,,_
l^T,^;:;^^:oi 'h:^:ii.H.K'.i.'i'-<, :,\"HiVxxxx
li„an,.iaroll.rU, NV='11<''--- If'-''' ^s ■,•> T,, 1 n '.., . Uvil . .Mu-. XXVI
I'hihahiiUrilX .•xt..tuiin!: Im.n
.^j;:::zZu:uZ. r...,. ... K,on..a ..,. t....^ ^•;.- •::;•;:" -^i;:;
tmur' Ihut tit lull 111-.. h>.o.> I.MS Mppan.ntiy n-v,,- l..n wo>k..,l ou,. I. » a
very jjciK'ial IVnlcr.
Vitrinella atristriftaria Bani.s \- M.nunn.miil..
,.,„..„ „/,-./,wnv„ Ua,n..> ^ M.-l)unn.,u^>, lUKM •..„,. Na,. UiM. l-.p- N- A-
11 Ci). i:$tt. Plate VU, tins. 1. .1.
„„„.. ,l..ul,t in M>y,! as to wh-tluT tlu^ n.ay n-'t ••),:,;;| ";=;''>;
in till' (Ntninc -o\itli. 1 H" tM>'.
'I'licn' i-
to lie a racr of jiniiipiintnu. oc..rly^. Tl,..
'"■•r ';• •:.:;io:;ort . . i ava!c.i.i.. >!..,.> si„i.. aiiT..n.n-..s n, ,1...
sn.-lr .ll- p.'<-i.'s .s ..nly known Iron. I ah. . :,; '' ' , .l,-,, i.^lv ti.o ^an,,. l.ut
Vitrinella ocularia Ha..,.- .V M.l)u.,no,.d.. illat.' \ . fi^. l.''-
, u V- M,l)MnMon"l. r.tlT. Coni. Nat. Hi-t. l-.p. N- Ai>'-
111 i »i. ;'l.'), 1 lat.' \\N . t.ii. HI.
Ociihiri,, n.av !..• .liMiiinui>h."l
,„us liy th.' la.'k of a liaii--pcncil oii tin- a
Uy fi-oin tl.c otlii r nii'inln'i-s ol ll.f
iiin.l-til.ia. 'ri.'' licnitaiia an' so
^:i;;ua.''^..';ho:::f';;;;.;i-;'- 'I'a. i. i^ i.npossii.!- wi.i...... ......-.■
t('i-ial loi'
,1,., , pi'n.'s "sl^'.ly .■.■.■.....i>..-l 1-y its pal.' STr-y ..........l ..ol.,...- a..,l .-...•.aUlot,
IC. ANACAMPTODES ufi"- ""V. il'lai.' IX. tiii- •'>»•
iTypc. /ii""'"'" liiiiiiiirid Cii..)
„l,„,„..„.,n. ..... ""■''v"'':'v';;,;;;;"':,i; ^;'; ,v ;,„i «.Mu..-,,uy w..i. r„,-:i i.:...-i..'..^. . »i'l' '•' :' '"'"»' '>■"■'■"" ■"■''"'"'
(rnilTillly tllf uiicu> 1
( luriii
hi a Miiii>l«' ~li"'"' I'"""
Anacamptodes hirvaria ( lu. ....
liomwni l,trni,;„ <\nrn\-[': '^J-.^l";''- '
I'ialf V, lisi. ^'■
■„.„ ii,,,!. l\. 'Ji:. nl...t !..!.■. r.ti:{. Ki.
„,/(// /(I ' iiiiiK'. ,',' , I v\ill ti., 1(U-' *
, jKII ll III I.
^.,, ,„.„,„„„,,„ „,.1M. ISW. T.a..^. A.", l-'- ^"'•- ^^"'- ''*
pa.-ka,-i..,...fu..,..i....w,.. i'-'';;■::;;;';;.;,:;l^;r;;!;:rh:^S.■il:l^^
.,v,.r, n„ Mat- \1. .1>'' true ^l.'-'M-. ^;'" . ,,.. , v 1 a.-kara' not. M. .•■ i:!^--
.U.MTii.lK.i. is a.a\vn .i|> In-in ...tlat.l lull ._n.« . 1 ,,,„,,,,^,, .i,,,,,,,;-
,„4prnl,.,sl,,..v,ly ....«.■ I "..lM...n.l.'-'-'- ,,i,„,,,,ati.M. taking plarc in ll..'
,„.„j ,t,i. I, ..n-u.- ^-■■t'>,.i;:;:;;f :; r: .w ,a into n.w vo,.k ....i
Ivanl into Manitoba ana p''^'^^' ^ '^V ta ia . N;ii- '^l"-
■tru.-tui'.-a«.v.. ^vithth.■s.■n.■.■i.•«M■"'i'''•''•
Anacamptodes emasculata Dya,-. -Phu. V. ,i.. U: Hat- VIH. ti.. ...
Siuiiosiiiii, I ..V var. ---'"' ''va.-. Hm., In..,
st,a.,J.^.ftl.-.-italiaita,.v..sw,,..-vn M
... till'
;. ...
, riatc V. tiji. 10 1.
Anacamptodes fragilaria . u.
, , ,, ,. r,.t \! 1 r>4- l^uii'.- iV; M''1''"""J"-
" '■■■"?;/;r;^rS^;S.;rN'-u,'/'n;... v,,., „. ....
Tlir -ln'cii- i- riiiiiiiKiii :iliil vviili— |>ri'.nl I liniilcliciiil -iiiilliiTli < :ilil'((riii;i ;
llir iirnil:ili:i lire t\|>ic:il ut' I lie m'liu-.
Anacamptodes d"fectaria ('.uinn', IMaic N III. li-j. '.li.
liniiniiiii ilifdiiiiii ( iurli''i'. iN.'iT. S|)cr. f',f\\. Ili:il. I\. '.'IT: ( »l mtI liiir. I'.»|:>.
lit. \.i-]>. I uiiii). \ II, 271.
rl.nni ilifiriiinii M.iriH- iV McDmiiHiiiiil]. I'.M I. Cuiii. N.ii. Ili-t. I.cp. N. Am.
II i.')i. •.Ml; McDmiiK.imh, I'.MT. in ( in.-h.ik. Hull. .\in. .Mu~. N:tl.
Mi-l. .\,\.\Vll.'.t; > hi inn.
Hiiiiinnii iilhiiii iiiirni \V:ilkrr. jSCU. (mI. I.ip. Ilcl I'.ril. .\lil~. .\ \ I . ii tS.
.\ >in I'l' luniiiinit (In. 'I'ln- rva tVcil- on oak .'iml >li(i\\> llir lateral
pnitiilicranif~ of liic 2nil .ilMloniin il scsiinriit wliidi appear lo lie rliarartcri>tic
ot' tlii- yrnu^.
Anacamptodes ephyraria Wa'kcr. > I late \'. tiu. I. I iati \III, W'z. IDl
linnnii:!! I ph'iinrni Walker. I>lil). (': l.ep. \l< . . Hril. Mil-. X X I . -iW: Marne-
tV- .MeDiinnouiili. l".t| k (dnt. Nat. IliM. l.ep. N. .\ni. II i.'>i. 211.
lin,ini,iii ,.ri,nss,iii2. <'at. l.ep. Ilet. Urit. .Mu-. XX\1. Ki.'iT.
Hniiniiiii U{ii:iriii Sanmler-. l.sTl. < '.an. I'!nl. \ 1. iVJ lumn.
CI,,, III hil.i iiiiiiii I'.MIU. Can. Knl. Xl.l. 11!».
I'ackard eon-itlereil tlli- -|)erie- lo lie a >inail form of liimnni from wlliell
liowever il i- ipiile ili-linct in liolli maciilation anil i^eiiilal orjian^; 1 earr-ail has
clearly pointer out llie ili-tin<'tiv( feature- of tlie markins:> in lii- ilcM-riptioii
(if liiii iiiiiiir ill the ^cnilali.a the free end of the .-aeeiilu- i- -liort. >traiiiht ami
pointed, a ft ature only found olher\vi>e in jiliiiiiiisiirin 1 aek: in the other memliers
of the ^emi- ihe free ;irm i- loiiii and curved. Saunder-' larval description under
tiirniiiii ( 111. -houiil iloulitless he traiislVrreil t<) ihi- -pecie-. K itliiiiiiiin \< common
throiiiihoul the Kastern State-, extemrmti northward to I'anada .and we-tuard
throimh Ontario into Mai.itolia.
.\nacampt()des huniaria (oiin'i. llate \ . tii:. 2 .
Iliiiiiiiiiii liiniini'ii < lliei ee. lS,")7. Spec. (ieli. 1 iial. 1 .X . 2lli.
('iiiiiiihiiiliihii liiiiiiiiiiii 1 ackard. ISTti. .Mon. I hal. I'.S. l;!.'i 'jinrlnii. m i Jiii.<.
S, liil,,si mil liiniiitiniiii Ilul.-t. l.S'.lll. Tr.aii-. .\in. Mnt. Soc .X X 1 1 1 . o'l'i; Haine- »V
.McDiinnouiih. I'.H I. < onl . N;il. lli-l. l.ep. N. Am. II .') .211): Cros--
heck. i'.tlT. liull. .\m. Mu-. X.ii. lli-i. X X X\ 1 1 . 'Mi.
IliiiiiiNiii mlninii ' illel ee. l.v'ir. Spec. Il-li. llial. 1 .X . 2l'i; Olierlhur. I'.ti:!,
Kt. l.en. Comp. Ml. 271. 11. (l.XN 111. \\v.. ItWI.'
linaiiinii ml n, rill III Walker, I.Mllt. Cat. l.ep. llel. I'.ril. Mu-. XXI. :; I'.t.
Ii,,iiiiiil,i ill, III, lull! Walker. l.Mid. Cat. l.ep. Ilet. r>iit. Mu-. .XXI. :!'.t7.
Thi- -iiecie- wa- eonfu-ed uilh -everal other- liy both lackard and Hul-t
which render- the localities liiven in lackard's nioiiont. (;ro--lieck records it
from Morida atid it pro>- '-iV rxtcnd- westward lhroui;h \\iv valley reiiinn.
It is very similar in maciilation to the followinsi si)ecies hut consideraliK' smaller in
si/e; the ral her e\eii piiipli-h-iirev ftroiind colour separates it from other mem hers
of the "elius.
AnacamptiHles vellivoliita Hull IMmh \ ti- 11
M.Dui .lull. I'.tm. :tl. M«u. I'lml. I .> H. M.ti^- •"■■'•'■
lluUt'- ty|H- i>\ ihi- »|i«ii'- wa- a p
all- tKiUl 1-lnll'la vvilll .Alclldrcl
hn.wn ar-a- .ulwl. a- iu innin,.->l.s S,kr.; M.,r.l.r,M -|»;.u,h„-. a- .A.mplilM.l h>
. ,,u,l„.rwt..wl..>„.„: Im ,l„.,.n-n, 1 ina. ,l,.m a- l..-l,.nu U
\..w Knl.lan.l S.a-.- anW ,n .!,.■ -pnnu ol I'.M'.. I ,ap|u,v.l -v val - M-rm.-u-
Ilva l.l.tainr.r.lH. larva wa. l..v,l „. -It pupa lul.rn,almu. I Ur U,\\n..-
inu .l—criplinu .il' thr Ma'ji- wa- i nilir... TiiIht.'!.- .-innll. !..iinili :'.inii.
:i:;ri.!;;nt::;,7:;;:tv;'r;;;:f;;;:i::::i:f' v,;-;-^ --
«,il, tiMc- ..1 lub' |,,i,ni!ii.liiMl |,il,.ivl,~ ii.iniii". 1-l.i.U. I..i.i:ili ■iMiii..
,■/„„. /// :.- lil'..i' t ■.,!,. Ill' ..I
1,,„|\ i...|,|~ I''-'ir.
i.n.wii. l:, tiMi.i;.- iii...l.>M^ 'I'v-I..!. 1: iH.i'kn.i:- ,.~ m l"-v...u- -■..«■■
■a Mlli-r ill,.;. ..Iiv.
l,.n!;ili ^iiiiii
.,„,, I. Sirikiiml> .litT-r "It in ..|.pMr.i
|-l„-,,«,,; 1, . Iv ..liv.-l.r..u.i uilli I'll- s.ll.." Il:i"il''.
I, .nun. I IiiimI il.iil- 11'"- "I ''"' 111 ■'■'■litii: -' i-'
n 1 |i i.-iil>li .■..I..I1I-.I.
II, .J I ic l-lii..\Mi. Ml. 111. I ■ I s^iili .vlU". ,i|.;
^S,.'' - ..'':,!' ;i:.k:''Xi,i '!;■■;' i:'::::r,i;.:i,.;;.,v;i iu..i •y^^ 1-- - ■i." i-'-'- —
11 pn.inii,,.. 'irk. MMlal .1 iM-rnlMlHimlrall-vrl- l> :i.l.." iIm1...-i.i L" 'M'
„;■,',.,! Ii'i' . ..ili'i nil. ..•!.- Miiall. l.,ii..:ili-Mt-:liMii,.,,
r,„Ml lM:l.ll, l'.n>,.. -p.-.'
Anacamptodes pluniosaria I arkanl. 1 kiir \ tm. *>'■■
(■,l,n„tni,hnra plumn.arn, I ai-kanl. ISTt. tilli l!.'P. Lai.. Ara.l. Sri. :.l; nl.
Mcin. I'hal. r S. l;il. 1 lat.. X 1 , titi. 1..
Ti.i, -pirir. ua. ,in,n.-i-u-ly i>la.-.U a- a -v..,uvm ..I- h'rrnr,,, liy Ilul-t;
l,.w spiTimnis of thi. trur i,hn.ns„n., a.v kmiwn. ,. wa. un;.mally '''■-'■'- '-'l
from mat,.rial from Alahama ami 1 liav. -nn turtli-r .p.-.amvns Iron, Ha-I.m.-.
Fla. in iIh' l?arii(> t 'olli'i-timi.
ic-^f^ai^^'^?.: iWr^wm;^^" Xiss
Anacamptodes cypressaria (;rn-.-.lMM k.
Sdi'liisi iiiti ciiiirosiiiin ( ;rii-~liiik. I'.MT. Mull. Am. Mii>. Nat. Hi«i. .\.\.\\1I.
('ill)!-) ssiirlil. ti) jllili£i' liy till' ilc>(Ti|)ti(iii. imwl lie very r\i>calitifs oiitsidf (it tlii- >t.itc. Tlicic i~ ccjii-iilir.iMf \ariati(iii,
iis poiutcil Dill l)y ( lni>>licck. ill the di ptli of the liiduiul iMilcnir ami the fxtciit
(if tlic -iilittTiniiia! nii-l)i<)Wii t uiidiT III I •rill- His. -hiiuld I'f dropped; laik.ird ~Iati- i Mon. 1:57)
that, arcordiiiK tu ( 'iUiiii't. the -prcii- i~ .\u-tralian.
Anacamptodes jacunibaria Dyar. 1 1 lati \ . iii;. II; 1 laif \ 111. ti<£. .')!.
Si liiliisi mil jiiiiniihiinii Dyar, I'.KIN. I'roc. lliit. .< ic. Wa-li. .\ . 'iti.
.\ rare spcrio. known only from a few spiciiiicns from Soiithrrn ('.•ililoriiia,
Thr tiliial hair-pi'iiiil of the o^.as |)oiiifcd out liy Dr. D\ar. is aliscnt. althou^ih
the (iroovc is |)lainly visililc; the type of jicnitalia is cssi niially of tin'
pri'sciit nclius. Supcrlirally the species resemliles ijtiiiiijiiiliiiiiinii Tack.
Anacamptodes dataria (Irote. il'late \ . liy;. :?; 1 late \ 11. tin. I*^'-
(' iliiiii'iiiihorn iliiliiriii (irote. l.SS'i. ('an. Mnt. .\1\. Iii?.
(iinrn iliiliirni ilulst. IS'.ttl. Trails. \n\. Kiit. Soe. .\ .\ 1 1 1 . :i.')7.
Differs from the followiiifi -pecie- in the mucli moi irre)iiilar (Mnirse of the
postiiiedian line and prominent cliseal ringlet. Not rari' in .\ri/oiia.
Anacamptodes obliquaria (irotc . i Plate \ . lij:. "n.
(' iliiiiiiiijihin'ii iililliii^iinii (Irote. ISSo, ('an. Miit. .\\ . 124.
Alrl.-< iihliiiiianii Ilulst, Isilii. Trans. .\m. Kiit. Soe. .Will. ot.").
Ci/iiiiiliijiliiini nifiin'ii (Irote. ISSH. (an. lait. W . 12."); Barnes tV McDuiinou^li.
I'.tlii. ('out. Nat. Hist. I.ep. N. Am. Ill r.\K I'l. .Mil, lis-. I."., If..*
The general macula t ion of the species is rather ilissiinilar to that ol tlir major-
ity of the species includeil under tlii.- generic head; the ticnitalia liowver are
of till' well known type. The species is (piite coiiimon in .\rizoiia and presumalilv
will lie f lUlid in the neisihlioui inii states.
.\nacamptodes clivinaria (uunee.
/>'m<(/»/(/'( (■/'/■///<(/ /(J (iuem'e, I.S.-)7, Spec. Cell. Thai. I.\, ■-'l.'); Olierthiir, IIUH,
|.; I.e'i. ( 'oinn. Vll. 271; H-une-. .V McDimnouiih. 1",II7, ('out.
N;it. Hist. Lep. N.' Am. Ill i4i. 241, 1 late \\V. tiii. 7.*
The type of this species appears to lie lo~t ; the -pecies titiured in the ■'( 'oii-
triluitioiis" from San Heruardiiio Co.. Calif, may hold the ii.ame for the present
,, ■„ .,..,■,.,- ■,- u.ll with tlic niiuiliMl .l.-.ri|.li..ii ;i- ;.l.> lliiiii: I Iimv.; -r..|.. No
i!vu>mK.ti..n ol .1,.. ^.nilMliM hn- Im..,, „...!.■ Sut In.,,, tl„. ii.„. ;.:,l h„„1:„-...v ut
iMM.illutK.n will, ,:hln,,„u,; ^\^v uni.Tli,.T -.•.i,,- t:,:-l\ -aW.
Anacumpnidfs sanrtissima H.ini— .v MrDiiiiinMi.^h.
(/,,„„ .,n„hssn„., MariM-.V M.lhii.i.uiml.. I'.MT. f.,nt. N;,i lli-t. I..I.. N. Am.
ill i |.. IW. IM;,tr \\\ . til:. '•: i l:i'' W^. '"n •'
A CMlif.iniiMl, -piri,- uliirli ,- .mix,, I.. ,„.■ licin li,.- lv|»- l„al.'i
Anacamptodes profanata Uam. - .V Mr|),ii,i,ou!ili.
(■/,,„.,,n,.,U, \\MUV~.\ Mrl)u„„oUllh. I'.n7..ii,i-a,ia nuioi, w-m uI th. .-nl ,.,.„ tal
.livi.l... It .lilY...- tl,.. prrn.:U.,« ^piTir- i„ tl,r ,iull.rlMow„.r.^io,n„i-r„l„u,
and till' ninii' iiTf^ulai' p(»lt,:rilian lii'.<'.
17. IIILSTINA l)>ar.
|)y,i' i'.m:! Vy>n-. Knt.S-.r. Wa-l, \. ITS. <>,tl,.,t.vpr. //■ l.,l,,n„l„ Dya...
:;;i;;r;.|v:: ;:';;;"• ^v:x:.^ ■■ ^ -n: >o. .h ,■ u • .„.. :,.„.. «..
'"""TlH''u..nrn. nam- Ihd. ' , ,.„ ..Mipinv,.! in plar.. ul th,- pn^MTup,..,!
\,II,„I„.U. Ilulst. uwin« lu a V. .i.-'iH it. tli- nntiina! ,-l,aiaH..,-,/ano>, 1 1, ,f
il,,. v.natinn of tl,.. two typ- p..-i,.^, it, wl,i-h tif ton^>.- i> larki,.«. 1 hav.. ,n.;hnh,l ..v-ral o l,-.>,
i„ whi-h a tons:,- is pn-nt, ot, a--o,i>il of th- ol,v,o„- Mnitlaftty ol !^'»"="».
•n,, „„..„. i, v,.rv l.foad ami tn.n-at- ap.-ally an-l th- afmatut- ot ...■ .-(.tiMM^ of Au\,\v ^piiM- of varial.l- h^njitl, pnM-lmi: mwaf.l li-o.n th.-
,„i,hn.. Of ap-x of -o-la. In th- lyp- ^P-i'- th- palp, app-ar >ath-r -hort.T
thai, in th- olh-i' i,,-i,,li-i- ol I h- ii-nu-.
Hulstlna formosata ilnl-t. i'lai- \ 1. tiu. s; I'lai- Mil. t-^- <•''.
lU„.or. Will. ;'..".T
I'.MIT. Tf,,,-. .\in. laii >o-. WMII. ;>1''>
lluisliiKi Idlnniilii Dyar. I '.«•:'>. I i"-. lait. Si
( l,(i»-ii--k.
\Va~h. V, ITN.
T.rlnnala wa~ pnm.anlv .-pafat-- mo,,,/-,//—././ on 1 h- i:,o„i..l that a
,,n.l,o.-i> was ,l,M.nt in th- fonn.T an.l |,i— ni ." th- latt-r, aiKT ;"y^7''>;^ ';'"
;,f,l„.tvp-ofth-latt.Tamlof>p..-in„„^inth-Ua,-i,--( „ll,.-t ,oi, tak-„ l.v Ui u< -
at th- ^ati- tin,- as ih- I x p.'. 1 am uiiaM.' to a^t— thai a !..t;ji>.- t^ pr— n1 !i,
fiinnosiila. 'I'll- sp-ci-s is known ffoin w-st-rn ( ulotatlo and I tali.
K£it^!ia«.l0Vu r.iKSl!:^
Ilulstimi wrifthtiarla llul-t. riaii \ I, tiii. 1 1.
]{„i,n,n, I innihlliirHi \\h\'\. \SSS. V.u\. .\\nvv. \\\.-2\rK
S, Inlns. ,ua ,;n,hlior,n 1 lulM , iN'.Mi. -rni..>. Am. I'int . Sur. Will. •?....: ( ■ru--lMTk.
P.H-i. .Idiir. N.V. i:iil. S very rl.,-(. in ^.•i.italic >tr irtu.v \u i,,n„n.-<„l„
|„„ i„ inaciilMti.Mi n,n.Hs,,ic,w. VW ,lihcrrnc..s havHw.'!. ,liMai~M.,l
li\ ( 'iiii~>li('<'k.
Hulstina inconspicua iiuM. .Tlair VI. tiii. 2; I'latr Vll. ii-. 1 1.
Chlur.whishs nnn„s,,„n„ lluUt. IMMl. TraiK. A.n. Kill. ><";. >^^'"- -';;'•
S,rid„s,'w„ „„u„.v,,„mr (;rns>l.cck. lUTi. .lour. ^.^ . Kilt x.c. _\.\. -'•'.
(■l,nm,„lholn,h„ni Winuv. \ Mcl)£li. i'.tif,. Cunt. Nat. Ilwl. l-n'- >• A'"-
III r.u. 1st.
Th.- -ilicnt tVaturo of the .-pciMfs. Ix.tli in niacul.ition and Mnn'turr. have l..'<'n drall with l.y ( ;r(.s>l.r,'k. Thv species I- conmu-n in southern
( 'aiit'ornia.
Hulstina exhumata Switt.
Chiini irlniiiHihi Suett. I'.Ms. l.e|.idnpti'ri-t . 11, S"-'.
The M,eei<- i^ Uliknnun to me l.Ut iia- t>een asso.'iale.l with the two preee.linsi
specie- hy the author; it i~ prol.ahiy correctly piace.l. It i- nxonied In.m
southern ( alitornia.
IS i>tkr()t.m:a iiui>i.
llnUt. is'.Mi, -['ran-. Am. I'.nt. Soc. X .\ 1 1 1 . :!!!•. .Orthotype, /". n„n,s„ \\U.)
|,,,|,., |,n,..-.l. ,Mu|..nn^'""-l''.'l'l^ l".^""-l "■'""■ o.u;il,-.:,l,.,l;m„uu,.,l,vel„|„.,l; MaOn-
„ . , • ,„,.,t„rl.' Mil. MIMA. |..ri,n:,li..ii- Innnn.i.l :aiMii)i no,i, apes ,,l -cummhI . in
„; I, , , :,.v- ll-^.HM■,|, II ,■.„„., .IcMl «al. 10 ula.l, u.-,HTallv l„na>. ,y m,:,^ ..„,..-,.- w„ I, a.
.',|„„„ „,,,,„» :„.„l,.; ,„, -..r,„„lan,.~ v,iM s .pi". .Ma.a. .■ m 7 l..r IcU ,1.- Imiill, nl ,-,11
■|'|„. „,.„,,-. ua- e.aa-|e,| l.\ llul-l on llie Mren^tll of the peclmale anlelinae
loun.l in The -,a; tin- ,'h.aracl.a-. howrv. r. i- only an eNtr.ane ,|evel(,pmenl ol
,|„. nnneclimi -cale-. !o,nal in n,.any '-, «hich ad a~ a protectpm to li,e jall.a
.,,,,1 ,,„',.„-,a,nnl ol' the niarke.l Mmil.arily nl' lienilalia -e^eral -peeie- .are here
inrlu.l.M win.h onlv -la.u thi- Mrrah' lorm ol ant.ama. 1 he i;enn- api""ii~ I"
l„. ;, well .lelincl ..n.'. coniprisinii a lew -peci.- to the I a.alic ( oaM ,aml
pnilKililv clo-i'r to //i(/N///-'Miian lo ,in.\ cither (icnu-.
•n„, „,.„il,,i,;, are,|uil'''h-linnive; ihennrn- i- -liori . narrou .ami lermmaie--
hlunllv 'lie iin.alho- i~ narrow l.ut «ell-,levelope,| ; ihe valvae are verv liniai
with an apical armalure of -pine- .ari-imi from a hmail chilmou- iilale, in -everal
in, lance- ,nino.,i aiel n, ,rr,„i,l,: ' thi- aimatnre lieitiu: a-ymmet rfal : the Iraii-
stilla 1- l.roa.lly ,|evehipe,| luit the oppn-iiii: arm- .lo no- unite; the ae.lneajiu- i-
-haiih r with weak lairnuti. . i • i , i I m,m,l,/.-^, 1 eat-, am I e/,/,^/.^r„^, U. .V .M c I ). .•aiiuol lie inclu.le.l
|i„,.,. .,., ,1,,,,. ,!;.!!■,.,• ;,, i,M>w,riani ilei.ail-; tlie.\' will he (reali'il ol later in Ihe paper.
Pterotaoa cariosa llul-t. 1 late \ I. lin. KH.
/•h,nl,„„ ,,un,s„ Ilul-t. IS'.Mi, Tran-. Am. I'inl. Soc. Will. :!!'.).
'Till' ~|)ccii-- i> vir>- lini(
kiKiwii: ;i|);irl fiinii tlif uiii(|iir type in tin' IJutilcr
( 'ii|l('|ii- ( 'ollri'tidli I'rolii
<(iila >pi'iii
i;-, ( 'alit'.. thrrc is a ]
is a liaii' ill the Uariic- < '(iMlllll:l
( (1., ( 'alit'. Tiif aiiiiatmc
il' the valvi's i< asyiiiiiM'I Ileal
lilt' -piiH- cm I
hi' li^ht -iilc aii-iiiii troiii tlii' apical p<
ii'timi '.
I'hruUna ln„n,l„n,i Kani.- .V Mel )uiiiHiiiirli. I'.ilti ■ I )(t. i. ( 'oni . Nat. lii-i.l..-p.
\. Am. Ill (11. -27. n. 11. tiii. 1.*
Tiic -viicmvinv as ~\ijrt;t-i(d in llif t'doi notr i Con nil ml inn-. 111. 27' provrs
I'oncct. tlu- -pcc'ii- occur- in llic inoiMiIainou> ilistiici- of sonlliciii ( aliloinia.
Pterotaea serrataria I'.aiiu- »v Mcl)iinn
Krim: the I.eM mean- of -epartilim: the '-of ,,; ,,:,>;nU,r,a troin the very -miliar
one- of jKiii-i Uti-,11 I 111. ,1
The earlv hir\.il -lace- -how a niarked ilillereme Ml maciilalioii to llio-e ol
our olhiT North .\merieaii iieiiera i;i- far , a- i- known 1 ami may afloril uoo.i
,|,W- to ll riiiin aial eoll-eel rela t ion-ll ip ol i I n ■ uellU-.
Ectropis crepuscularia Schiifermuller. ' 1 late 111. liu. 7i.
I'h„hi,n,i n> l>us,„l,uia Schiffeniiuller. 17711, Sy-1. \ el/. Wieli. KM.
I arknri! I.s7(l. .Mun. I hal. r,S. I'-'.S. 1 1. .\ 1 . tiu. I'l.*
■:rlr„i„sr„iHis,-uhin,i llul-l, \S'Mk Trans. Am. Klit. Soc. .Will, :!.")N; llollaml.
I'.Mi;!. Moth ilook. :!H. 1 late WAX. liii. '.l*: Uarne- \- M.l )unmmL'li.
lurj, l>vclie, .\.\. 17 ihirnn.
11" .i;
r.phn.sni nnnhnina i\uv\.i-v. IV.T. >Vv. (\ru. 1 lial. I X . -itlli; llul-t. IV.I.",.
Km. N(u>. \ 1. 11.
Ii,„i,mni sifiNiin'n Walk. 'I-. ISC.O. Cat. l.cp. lid. I?iil. Mu-. .\ .\ 1 . ilHl.
T, phii.sni spalinsnna Walkrr. l.SC.O. ( 'at . I.rp- '■"'■ '"'I'"- ^'"~- ^^'- '"■'■
T'plinisHi nilnitiirni Walkrr, iMiO. Cat. I.cp. II. t. Hiit. Mil-. .\ \ 1 . »li;!.
li,.„nni„ , 111111111,1 Walker, isdil. ( mI. ].c|>. H'l- I'-nt. .Mu-. .\ .\ 1 . ISS: Dlihaii.
ISC.l. Can. Nat. iV: Ccul. \ I. H'.l las ciiiikiihiw U.iiik- i\: McI )ni!MiiHi;li,
lllltl. Cont. Nat. Hi-t. i.rp. \. \\\\. Ill ill. :{!'. lt>., ahr,i.r,ina Walker. ISIiO. Cat. I.ep. Hel. Urit. Mil-. \XI. tn:!; llill-t,
|s'.l.->. Knt. New-. \ I. 11.
/{,„;,///»( r//n.v„,,,( Walker. INCO. Cat. l.ep. llet. Urii. Mil-. XXL 1>'-': Il. i:iil. N.U-. \'l. 72: Uariies .V Mel )uiiiiout£li. P.mi. Coiit. Nat.
Hist. l.ep. N. .\ni. ill n. »1.
liDiiritnii fi iiiiihhinii lliil-l. INSS. hint. .Viiier. II1.'_M.">.
Ti j}hi-osi„ fiuiiiilunn Miliol. ISC.'.I. I' Nat. Ili-t. XIll.M.
I have treated ,.lir North .\llielieail speeies as i.lel.tieal with th- Kuioiieall
,,nc- if it he iieeessarv to keep it .lisliiict. tile llilliie ,H;-iih,iin„ r,\\. Wdul.l apply.
Superfieiallv ..ur North .\iiierieaii form eamiot he separale.l tioiii Kuropeaii
-p..ciliieiis of n;i,nsnilnni, althoufili hiolosicallv it seems I" possess certam
• lisiinetivefeatuivsif Tutf- remarks on tiie siil.j.^et i IS-IS, rraiis. Knt. >o<'.
Loii.l 17 I are l.ased on fa<'t-. Tiitt claims that nij>ii>^,-nU,n,i is .h'hnitely -iiiji C-
hroo,le.l whereas Uislnrlnln. the other closely aiiieil Kiiroi)ean species. Is doillile-
hro.ide.l: for tin- reason i p. Ui lie seems to consider the Nearctic loriii to he
ivferahle to hiyh-rtiihi rather than to n; piisnihina. There is no doiil.t that the
North Vmeriean species i- doiiMe or even I riple-hrooded. aecordinii to lo.-ality.
and it would al-o -eeiii that the more northern -peciniens are darker jirey than
-oiithern spe.imeii-. 'I'll.- matter is one that will re.,iiire caretiil study ot the
form- of a -innle hicalitv h.'fore decisi.,n is po-sil.l.'. The tieiiitalia appear to
-how no characters on which a distiii.Mion niitihl he l.a.sed
The species is -uliject to eoiisiderahle variation: the dark-handed lorin lias
received the name ahnixnna Wlk; it is rather rare in tlie K;ist m a series
from southern .\la-ka nearly half the -p, () .\KTH.VIA R.\ 11 n.
I Tvpe, '!'( iihiii.^^iii (iiitiiiiiKi Wlk.)
.\,ll,nlo,,l,nt llul-l. unr Urauer. 1 S7:i ■ IS'.HI. Trail-. \m. Knt. Soc. XXlll. ;r>S.
inirs fU-„-l,.-t„,,,cl, -.wMc.l.ol . cliMlc; I I ill,,., m ■ uilli li.M-, •• 1 in„:,n, -
ulll, f„v,.:, Ml h,,s,.i,. -cnlv; ll-v,.„„.|. II al,-.M,l. Ill IV ■■•H. :,l ti,„r- -lltliUy .l,:,-n,„i„sM,«
uiih 1.'; - r,,iiJ,in.- '.Ill, ^ .,i,i,r,.\ini ,!•■ I ■ 7 l.>r I, ,11 'I, ' I us; "' '"H
The neiin- appear- lo he a n I one althniisih Iliilst- ciiaracti^ri/al ion of th.'
? as possi-sin- ,a fovea was an error. It is the only 1 1-veiiieil >ienii- wit h tascicu-
l;„e antennae. Th,' lieniialia are .|nit,> ,li-tiiict. the uncus hemn reduced to a
short kiioh, a fiiiatho- lackinn'. ami the valves very hroad apically with the
cos|;i proje.'tillj: iievolid liie vahuia. t )ni\ a -nuiic Nrani ic .-pirie- is
hut the I'liiropeali iiiiiirl iiliinn milst also \h- phice.l Ina-e a- the (ivnitalia are
almost idelilical with \\[it-v I'i (iiiliriirni.
Aethalura anticaria Wnlk.r. < IMmIc \ I. liy:. •">'•
' ISir., Men. r.S. »■_':•.. I'Im... \1. t.^. IJ- UMnn- m,h1 MM) n-
M.MijilK I'.MT, Nal. lliM. I..p, N. Am. Ill ' . I ImI-' \ .\ 1 1 1 •
T,,,l,rns,!^th^,ia,u, Walk-r, lS.K..(Mt. l...p. H.,. l^n.. Mu-. WI. K-l; HuIm.
|,s!t."i. I'.lit. Ntws. \ I. 41*. vvTii
' H,-.s Dvnr, I'.HIl. l-r-M-. T.S. Nat. Mu~. \\\ll. Ml; Km n.r^ aiul
I.rp. N. .\i.i.'lll 111. •-'».■). Plat.. Wlll.ii^s. 11.-
■ri„. -prri,- i^ iMH.UMoi, ill tJM' imi-tlHTii Stat,- and rMriul^ in ( ffnn,
,.„a>t to ,-',aM: tlw Mnoki.T torin Inm. Hiiti~li Inlutnl.ia witl, ,.nl,afi.c.i ,li-al
dot lia> ifccivcd tlic naini'/i*///,'/" H. ^ Mi'l>- ,, i ,■ i ,
The larva ha^ uu^ \n-vu drMTihrdiit will piovr to I,.. a I.-.mI.., on
liircii iiki' it- n,ai- j-jiropran frialion. ,,mictiiiiiiiii.
,.x..h.drd n-.m. >on,.. of thr . ' and winrh. ^^^ I''' I' ;;'';' >,
.,lli,,,l ,„ ,1,,. ( 'Irorhls, ,lo not MTin to I:.' . •>' ■ '■;|;|;,;
1,,. .,„,„|, ,.,^ will, -lalU ,.f s^'.i. 1 iHMi, Miv.ilr sli.irtly Im'Ihiv :ir ^. ' t' n" 'ili.u .i|h\ ,,i
mX:;.; -,;:„■.:;:,:; ,~.i.'rM,iv i„.v • :„.^y,i --..., ';^ ■;-,-' ;:Mir::;'^" "
u,...,r l> .■: > •:■ ,n hirii- u,tli s :,|.;.i-,,\iiii if I , . lor liilly I, ,11 tli- ^•aiili, "I ' H
TIh' u.^nil- app,.ar> t,, !.,■ a hinhlv -p,wiali/,Mi ,,n,', iiavinu ,l,.\vl,.p,,l prol.aliiy
fnm. s„n>.. Al.Ms-iik,. form; th,. ar,..!.' is appaivnily a ,.onManl l.'at.i.v, 1 .<■ vena-
tion also iM.inn ,-on>tant in all -v^'nmrn^ ..xanun.Ml; th,- at.t.-nna pr.'lmation-.
f,.„n. the l.a>,'. th,' la.'k of a fova in m-x,.> tojr,th.'r with th, :.,.sen,v ol an>
i)r,)lios,-i> ar,' si,),)d (•haia,'l,'r>. ... .
Th,' m.iiitalia are uni-iile; th,' vaiv.'s aiv nnarin,',! ami th,' Iranst.lia toim>
,,„,..„,1., ,i,|,.. ,, .|,.,„1
Oyar has ain-adv point, ,1 ,ait that th,' t,'rm .\.lhnln.l preo,',ii|)ied; sime
ll.ihUnn must he applieil in an,ither sens,' I pr,.p,ise th,' ahov,' t,rm.
Aethaloida packardaria lluUt. iIMmIc \ I. fin. i; ri.itc \]]. Us. II).
Ifi lilt iiiiihilii jiiiri.iinldriii Iliil-i, ISSN. lint, .\iiicr. III. 217.
Srllilos, mil liirhri/iiiii.yii HuUt. ISilS. (■;iii. I'.iii. .\ .\ .\ . IIM: Pcai-ili. I'.tld. (an
Si lliliisi iiiii liniiinpfi nnili s liul-t. P.MII. .lour. N.\'. lint. Soc. \'III. ■_'!!).
riic s|)( i-ic< is niil rare in sdiitlicin ( 'alifonii.-i and niii-l cMcml noitiiw.aid
at least as tar ;is (hcuiiii a- the l\|>i' iif hiniinnti miili .< was taken in state
21. \EPTER()T.\E.\ ^en. n.iv. < Plate .\i. tij.. .->,.
I'l'ype. I'll niliiiii iililin'snilii 15. A' McD.i
r.ilpi ^liipil. |inriiTt, il>crliiialc'. |>i'riiii:ilinii~ .-ni^iim I'rniii li.i>i- III -r)r|i,,'iil Miul nut IcnniriMli'il liy :i >in(;li' liri-lh'.
in , wjili MTV sliiiii |i"i'inaliun>: Lanl lilihi ni ' uiilimii liair-|)''tnal. I'rijnjiii-.. witliiiiii
lllVc;l. I l-\clncil. II all.-cni. lii-lnUM -licit! .llClrlr |lll-r|i|. \riii- 7 III afisiim iVnin it- :ipr\:
scciitiil:iiii-s with Vfiii ^ .ipptnviin:!!!' to 7 I'cif li.ilf Irnmli iif ci'll
The <>eiilis will imaitde the two siiccics. nn nmniilii Tears. ; til iililirisriiln
i< iV Mel)., placed orininallv in I'li lulm n oi. .leeount of the pectinate nature of the
? antennae: they ditTer iiowever from the characterization of this nenus in
several features; the pectinations of the d' antennae arise from the base of the
seunien? anil lack the terminal brittle; the palpi .ire (piite short : the ventition.
while 11-veined, shows ,i distinct short areole with the radial \ein- .irisinsi from
its apex. The fienitalia arc slifilitly reininiscent of .I/mvc/.m-k. the v.alvula is.
however. Iiroadest at the apex and the aeiloeaiiiis \-ery chunky.
Nepterotaea obliviscata 1 rne- iV .McDunnoutih.
I'liioliiiii iililirisi.dii Barnes <•: McDunnoufih. IIIIS. ('out. Xal. Ili-t. I.ep. N.
.Vin. I\ (2i. l.")2. Mate .\.\I. fiir. 21.*
The spi-cies has recently lieen taken i|tiile comnioidx' in the vicinitx of the
type locality, larailise .Vii/oiia.
Nepterotaea memoriata Tearsall. ^ Fl.ite \I. iisi. :{i.
I'll riiliiiii nil iiiiiriiilti I ear-all. MMIti. Hull. Brooklyn In-t. .\rt-. Sci. I iSi, 217:
Barnes iV; .Mcl)iinnou;ih, MUs. Coni. Xiii. Hist. I.ep. X. .\m. I \' i2i.
1 late \\I. tifi. IS.*
.\ls(i a southern .\rizona -pccies which of recent years has appeared in some
numliers in m.ateriai fvoin I .'ir.adise, .Vri/ona.
2:!. (il.ENOIDESudi, nov.
I Type. 7'(7*///'(i. ... .riiiiiinii Iliilst.i
l';il|ii >liiirt. Iiii-liv: I'fotit -tnuiilli; .■inlciiii.'ii' hipcrtitiMti' in ' witli -itnpic :ipi'\. pc<'liii:il iotis
:iii-inii ttdiii .'ip'-y of s'dtni'iit; in , -lightly ■^crr.'itc: liiml lihi.i in ■ uitli mi liair-pi'tii'il.
I'litnaiic- with i|i-titii-t I'nvc.i in Imtli -i\c-- I l-vcini'ii. II i- .iiiiiilrnt with 10.
'I'he species was included liy llulst in his jicniis (ilinii but the ,' of the type
.species. Vinjniitiirtii. is without toM-a in the v sc.\. .\side from thi.- feature and
the general superficial dissiinilaritN of the two species, the nenitaliti sho«- little
.similarity of siructure. In h .niiiuiiii there is no armature of the \alvcs but a
ftirca is present at the base on each side, thickly covered with short blunt spines;
the aedoeatius shows ;i row of teeth aloiij.! its outer niartiin.
Glenoides texanaria llul-t. . IMmIc VI. tin. li; I' Vlll. fi-. 1'.
V, ,,/„■„>/„ /,.r,(m/-/" IIulM. isss. i:nt. Am. T. Hi. -JltK
r;//.,- /,.,-m,r», Hulst. is'.Mi. Tr.>M~. .\n,. KuI.S.m-. \\11I..;..N: < ..o.-lMrk. I'.ll.,
liull. .\iu. Mu.. NmI. UiM. X.X.WlI.U'.t.
Known unlv tn.n> Klnn.lM Mn.l Trxa-. TIh. ~,M.-i.- look- ratlur likr a .linnn-
ntiv m.'nil.c.- of ;!.,■ urnu. .\ m-o/m/./-/. > l>ut Uh' ^.■nitalia arr I I.Mnn-l to
waiiani llii> rctVrcni-c
I'lATi: 1.
1. Malr y,-llit..!iM i.r \t,Un,.,!„i,l,„: n„,l„l„ Wlk.
I''ifl>l I.s ,,„„„-,„,.,., i„t \\.\ M,I).
:(. •• M,lin,nl„iihi,i s„i„nl,i,„i U Ik.
i. ■' Milaiiiilii/.luii nnlriilis M.-lV
5. •' MthliiiiUijiliiii inij'i riiiUiriil \\\k.
(i. ** .\h liinnlnjihia riti,n>liHHi i'i]\,
7. "' lliili iiiiiii liilliii-i 1 1 1-1 ,
S. " Ml lllliiiliijlhlll .^iilliill'li HI WWs.
S;l. \lMl.
.'. ■• C.;,/,/..,,./. .- /,,...-'.. \\U
;l. •' (:<}!> hiini h.nir, ii ( lit.
4. •• \hr„,s,„ ,iin,,„ lll-t.
.">, " r,iiiliil,i riillml ruhjiilunihl Ill-I.
ti. ■• I'liril/ilii rii'iiKi ninlKl'inlhl lii!-^iihi Mil).
7. " .l/,,,,v»,./ ,^/.„.^,,/,,/ lIKl.
5. " l;i,„i,l„,„nn„ l,rl,.,.„r,.i I'rMI-.
10. " a, ,1111 nnnulahd ^\rn^A\
11. •• M,ri.,.,,: ,„.'i„,l,u-,„ 1(. ,V Mi'D.
I'i. " rV, ..r.i .,„(,/./„, I, ■,.! (III.
I'l All II
I'l.M'i; III
M:,lr p.
riii^li.'i III
llmU;. I„l, ,„„„,. Ill-I.
ri,l,,l„fii,„,,,i i,,,,,,l,in.i (In.
s,„.l„l„„i,iin„ „,i.l.n,.„r.„ 111,11
;:.i,.i ,.„ii„>l-uni !ll)li,
tit tut 'j'lttiifili !it^t ilittf |';irk.
itt Ktl ii-thitlttiritl ( U\.
Irttjti^^ ffi Itusftiltir,,! liiir.
:l,i„i t,,iir,.;:,ni I',. ,v .\lcl).
titttt, ttishtt,,;,, H. .V .Mrl).
;:,,„i htf/.tftttttt III
lit itii Itt .rtiltf >\\f\] .; iii
I'l.Mi; IV.
■■ i;i'lil':ill:
■^■' /"■'7"'
SU „„/,.„,,„
SI, ,:.i,.,n,.,
SI. ,..,,„„ ,„,
SI, l,,,ju„l„,
S!, „„i.„r,„„
SI, „„,„,,■;„.
SI, ,..,j.„,-,,„
I i,.,,'i,.i,„,-:„ I! ,v \lrl).
I ,t„.,„ti„i I!. .V- .\|,|).
• ,l,„ll„l,l H. .V \Ir|).
I ,h..,„„n,,i lll-r.
I ,n, ,1.1, 11111,^,1,', I ( ;rii-~li.
ih '„,'l,i 14. ,V \\,\).
I ,ill„.,;„s illM.
/..;../., Ill-t.
; l„,l,l,li;i, '■.,11 „i I';iiK,
l.',','l„i:,i Cn.-h,
n.\i"i; IV
I'l.Aii; v.
1. MmI.' tKiiil
:ili;i of Aiiii'iriiiilwlis r, lllralaln 111,-1.
Aiiiiciiiiiiiliiili ■■< I 'iii.'iiriii (Jii.
AumitniiiUttlis iliiliiriii ( !r1 .
Aliiirdllljilnilis iiihlnill-iil \\ Ik.
AiKUiiiiijiUiili.-i iilili iiiiirid (lr(.
Aniiifiiiiiiliiilis iihiiiiii-iiiim \':nk.
Anociiitiiilinlc iiiifiriirilis lllsl.
AtKimihpliiciis liiriiirid (in.
AiiiiiiiiniiUiiUs , iiiiLsiiiliiln Dviir.
AiiiiriiiKiil'i'lis fnnjihiriii Cirdssli.
AiKiciiiiiiiliiili ■•: jiiiiiiiihiii-iii \)\:\r.
Aiiiiniiitiiliiili -^ iliUiiiiriii { ill.
V Uriiiilhi lunniiiniriti ( In.
Vilriiirlh: „,ld,irlu-iii Ci-cis-li.
yUn^nll.i .niilimi II >V Mel).
lcu>al vit'w '
,.. :, ,1,., ,,r II >,!.-!, „■! .r.ujl.lrirn, 1 1 l-l ,
ll„!shi,., ,„r,,,.si„ru„ II l-l.
.V, ,,/,,■.•/.;. II ,7. .,<.»■-•'.'" r'" ^"' "■
ll,llsll,ul lnni,.r-.'ll" IM-I.
I't.niln,.! snralr-'" IV .V M''l>.
I'!, rnt,i,ii innns.i Ill-t.
I'l, ,, ,1,1, II rn//i.-/.l"'l (MO--ll.
/'/, ,'.''M' i,„l"rU .
I'l.Aii; \i
I'l.A'ii: VII.
Ihilsliiiii iitmi,.l. 5
M,l(iiiiili)i)hi(i siiii,iilnn.t Wlk.,
I'll mjihnntii 111 liiln iiiinii l'i':ii>.
Mvlll'lllli'lllilil I III pi I full"
Mirisii^ii hiiihIikIiii Iliilsl. •■
I'liiliiliiiiiniiiii iiiiiriliiriii imhi'iliiri'i Wlk,.
McliuwhpliiK iiiilnilis .Mrl).. - il'ar:uvi"-i
.\filtlliiiliiiihiii niiiliilii W Ik.. '
I'liriiiiliiniiiiiii iii"ji'.l"i'"l" /"'■■"''" ^'i'"- ■ ■
Citliiiiirn ijliiiinn >•: (;ni»l>., "
Ailhiiliiiilii iiiiHiiiiliiiiii Millet. .-''
Iltrillris lull pi inns llul-t, •'
aUlir jii.f'niiiiii llul-t, •
SliiiDporpiii iiinisliiiiiiisiiiiii Cm— I).. _■
I'liliililiil lii'iriillilii Sui'lt.
fiVcrm jii xiilii Swrtt,
\'iiieiiiiiiii iipitimi" llul>l. j^
.l/»i<-iim;i('"''- 'liil'iii'i t'i'l-.
rum iih I mil IK iiiuUipinilii \\n\-\. :.?'
.S;,,l Dirii... Calil.
( )ll:i\va, (';lll.
l':inicliM', .\ii/
S:ili Ucliito, 'r<\:i-
Wliili' Mts.. An/
()tl;i«:l, (':iM.
(llcliwno.l Spt;.-., (
Wi-lliinrtmi, It.C.
i SmiiIm < ':ilaliii:i M
Hciliiit£ti>n. .\ii/..
S;iii Dies;", ' 'iilil.
DiiiK 111. H.«'.
I>al(Mi-llrc. .\riz.
I'aliiivrlcc, .\riz.
S.iii Ucriiarcliirn N
I'almcilci'. ,\ii/.
r;iiiili>f. .\n/.
Ki'ilirititiiii, Ariz.
Wliilr Ml-.. .\nz
t-. .\iiz.
li- . .\ii/.
.>}; \ii.
I'l.vTi: viii.
(ill nni'lix U .riiiiiinn IIiiUl, ;■''
Sti nojiDijnil itlhrstins Ilulst,
.\iiiiiiiiiiiiliiili.i I iiinsiiilntii l)y:
Sli /iDpiir 1)111 iinlxiiriii Stkr..
Arninimiitoili .■< jiii-nttiiinrni I)y
II kIsIiiiii (iiniiDsiilir lliil-t. "
Ai'iiranipltKlts /irriir'nili.-^ ilil
Sti iiojinriiiii itissntmriii lliilst.
.\iiiiiiiiiiiitiiili s ilifii-liiiiii (In..
All hiiiiiiiliili ■■< i>liiiriitiii Wlk.
Miril-isril ijiiliiil llul^l. ■' I'l
SliiKijuiriiiii ill ji till lliilsi, ■
Kc'iivlllf. '\'i\ iCiill. H:inii-.i.
\\illiiii;loll. MC.
Wi'lliimlnii. M.C. iCdII, H.irnrsi
S:ili l)ii'(;n, ( ':ilil'.
Ijircka, lt;ili
Venice, ri;i.
I'ictli:i. CoIm. .Cull. H:ini. >,.
Hriiwnsvillc. Tix.
Mcach l,akc, (^nc.
CnliilMild iCiill. IV-lllll'Si.
■rnifkcc. Calir. i('(.ll. Harncsl.
iM.\ii; VIII.
I'l.ATi: IX.
1 . ( 'c'uIimI -I'jim
■> •»
\. A|>ir:fiMlf s 4 phiffarln Wik.
Cltnilris lnl,i»f,i,-s Mist.
I'st uth,fniitnt/iii nt>'l>rif
IMATi: x.
iM.Aii: \i.
1. VctKltir,
it I'liri'winu of I'liiitiihi 1-1)1,1111 iDnfiijiiriiln III>|.
I'linijihi nniiiii hil.iiiniiii W'lw.
Ml nsiiiii .^iHiiliiiliti 1 1 1^1 .
\i, tn'tsvii fjritnn Ills! .
.\i jih inlitiii nil iii.niiiln I'culv,
rmc :i!hI liiinlwini:- of (lltim , i,iii,iit,iiiii Ilhri.
I\rtifipis ri' ji'ist'll'li 'I >rU\i)' .
" I ilnriilla fMititpi ml, ' (In,
lure Wiliii "f .\,ll,„l,„.l,i i„i,h,,,l,l,i,l Ill>t,
Ailfidli'lihiii WUt
A.tli:ihini l/.7>.
:iI1m.>ccti> //M
'lllmft nunn \\ Ik.
.\iiac;iiii|iln.|c> Mil)
:iii;i>tiiiiio-,iii:i (iiii.^sli.
rinclluLi /.' A- M' l>
Mlltir.lli:i 11//. .
.iniiiitiiii KliKiil
;ilii-lris;:ii 1:1 /( .I' .1/(7*
,it,ii',n,,nn,i lll-l
JiiHinmn '\'f . .
r.-iliriiniiaiiii I'licl:.
('.'iiiailMriM '/"
iMlin-a lllsf
(■;,r|iliiihli> Mil)
(•rllllali> Mrl).
rim itii'i't \\ Ik
Clccr.i Cf/r/.
rlivinaiia tin
c'lmiialaria IHm
nilhrli, Wlk
ililinrala ///.-/.
cicpiisiailaria Si hijf
rrihrataii.i '/''.
CviiialiiplMira lllm
rvpro.-aiia dnis.ili
clalaiia '>/7.
clcli'claria '/".
Di'llipliriia lllih.
(jcjcla lll-l.
(IrimiMiai'ia '>'//.
(lionalia /( X Mr I).
ili>satia M7/,'...
I )r>.
j, niiililiinii I list
Jiliina Wlk
riiriMn>ala lll-'l
Iraililaria (init.tlr
hiiiiiliili iiliii III Zill
fflllllllllll'iil < iti-
fiiliuiiiaria ///
filinala /(. A' l/r/>
fiimiiliiiiii Miliiil
■ If"---
(laliiiaia. .Ui7>
/.I'l iilamaiia (ims.-li
■js CliiiM ///..r
:i| ( U.7^
:17 iiiiiijihiiriii ( in. .
:!7 tiiacca llhl.
(iriM-aria '.'//.
hiilliiillli iniili.< IIUl.
IliiUtiiia Di/iir
Iniiiiaria '/".
'.1. II
,ll.i>i,l,ii,i Wlk
iiiiilal.i 117/.-
■ >-
itripcliVrtalla U7/.'. .
iiii-urispicua ///v'.
iriiiMi-piriialla /.'. .V' Mrl)
iiicln-alaiia 11 //.
i„l,.ninii W Ik
in.yiirui 1 )\ ai'
iiiliTpiiiiiiala /.'. A- Mrl)
mil rlillii .\l|.-l.
nihmhiii.i Wlk .
ihhiiiiit tin
ilihilliinii W Ik.
jariiinliaria />'/"i
■ V'l
'inrl.rilliiiisii lll-t
lallala ///.-/
laiiiiaria >'//. i .
lar^ aria tin
lul nil ^1 nil III I ; M i\ . .
I.ilipiaiiii- ///-/.
• >■>
Iirliciiatia I'liii-
■ >;[
lincata ///>'
IKalla till.
Iiiriiliilil lll-t
/^n/( ,^/((.^/( lIUl .
IM.alUlitlta tiiit.'.sli.
lilrl.iMiM-ar|i.i Sin tl
• >~
Mclalioliipllla lllsl
liC'llioMala I'lm-
Mclirl>.-.a ///-/
Mcii>riia Mrl)
iiiitinan.i tin
Miiniiiii Wall'
iniiiiriiliir IIUl.
Nr(,alci> Mil)
Nipli Tiilira Mrl)
Il('V\rnlnl)i Sirrit
TlillTilMlia /( A- Mrl>
nnhll'i niriil Sv\fl t
iil>lii|iiaria '■//
,,l,l,vi>rala /(. .V- Mrl)
nil iihiiinii ( in.
uiailaria 1! X Mrl)
oparana III-'
packanlaiia ///.•■/.
panipiiiai'ia tin .
■ >1"
I'ar.iplii roiiiia Mrl)
■ i~
lull iiliii III D'l'rlian
pi'r(£ra('ili^ lllsl
pripiclaiia li \- .\!rl>
pf\ata Sirill
pluni!»aria l*iirl:. .
....'.'.'.'.'.'.'.. It
p(il>(ji'aiiiiMaiLa /'niX
■ »■»
1 1
■J I
■J I
;iri:i '/
H A- Mrl)
Ml l>
piilinciiuiria (Irl
|>iiipiiraiiii I! A" Mi l>
(|iiiii>iiiia li. iV' .Mrl>
silisfaita li A- Mrl)
Si-licliiM'iiia IHiK.
-I'lMiralaria (iri.
scnalaiia /(. A- Mrl).
.■^iiiniii'iii W Ik
.-illiiataria H'/A-
uihiirnrnriihi Dyar
lia '.'
. Uilv.
ti iliiitiilii Dyar.
tiAaiiaria IIUl.
Iriiiisl'i.nirin Wlk
hiiiniUinii IV iV- M''l
I llraliis Mrl)
\liiit>riisaiia //'"(.
,i,iiiiti!liirhi Sikr..
v.-lhvdlata ///.-/
v.Tiiala />'. A- Mrl).
\ iiiriMiiia Mrl).
Viliitirlla .U./>
xMJclitiaria llhl.. .
■J I
'* 1