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The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes ou les planches trop grandes pour dtre reproduites en un seul clichd sont filmdes d partir de Tangle supdrieure gauche, de gauche d droite et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images ndcessaire. Le diagramme suivant illustre la m^thode : 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 I I (/■'/■()/;/ Ihr Canrttlki)) Xatnrali- veailer will liiid somio account of tlio ciuious ami iiiterestiiiu' animals to which the iiapor relates, wifli figures ol" characteristic cxaiiiples, in ^'ol. IV, i.^w series, of this Journal, pa-o 41:] ; aii.l that several species found in the Gulf of St. Lawrence liavc been catalo-ued ];y Trincipiil Pawson, in the same Journal, W.]. A', page ]SS (f s.q. The fallowing tables give, however, the only approach to a complete view of the species and their disfribution liitlicrto attempted. Many of the deeper samples were small quantities of mud brought up iu sounding, bj Capt. Orlebar, I{.X., „f the Coast .Survey, and by him kindly presented to ])i-. Dawson. The specimens iVom Labrador were obtained from material dredged^ by the oillcers of the Geological Survey; those from Prince Edward Ishmd, were from a specimen sccur(!d by ('. llc.bb, Esq.; and those from the P>ank of Newfoundland, were obtained I'rom the late Sheriff Dickson, of Kingston. The somewhat extensive series from Gaspe Bay was obtained during a dredging expedition iu tiie summer of LSCD, The mud Avas sampled when brought up by the dredgv, and reserved f.ir • ■xamination, the depth being uscertaincd as carefully as ]>ossible. Several wvy rich and interc-Jing samples are also from the (► fathoms. It thins oft' both in numbers and size as we go into sh.Jlowcr water, and decreases much in size, though not >ll M» peiveptibly in nuiiiljcrs as tlie water tKr]'ciis lo liH) failidins and ln'Iow. There is ii reiiKirkablo iibsciiec ol' .Miliiiis in ilio cstuarino parts ol' (lie Gull", wliicli .strongly contracts willi tlicir alniudaiice in Caspr Uay, and also on the Atlantic (-(^ast of Ndva Scotia, and south. One specimen of a curious sandy form ol' Ciirnu,-[ilra li.iiacea was ol)taineJ at a depth of 18 fathoms at (laspc. IJiloculina riiigans scarcely occurs above 30 fathoms. At [Murray Bay, which is only about GO miles below the ])oint where, at least, tlic surface of the St. Lawrence becomes perma- nently I'rcsh, the roraminifera become very scarce and poor. Polystomella striatopunctata is the most coiumkhi, but it has become very small. Nonionina Labradurica, Lituula CanaiiLUsis and Trochammina inflata also occur, but all natch reihicod in si/e and scarce relatively to tlic amount ol' material examined. () passing from the Gulf to the cast of Newlbundland. or to th( south of Cape Breton, a change from the Gulf Fauna is imme- diately detected. Polystomelhi striatopunctata, tliere so cnm- mon, becomes rare. Xonionina Labradorica to a great extent ceases to appear, and Uvigerina pygnuca and Ca.-sidulini(l:o become more frequent. The arenaceous Ilippocropina, (Fig. 2,)- and ].ituoI;c (Fi-s. 1 and 3) are most plentiful at depths less than 20 fathoms. Lituola scorpiurus (Fig. 4) goes down to the greatest depths in Gaspd JJuy, and is yet abundant at 10 fathoms, while the immense Bhabdoplcura abyssorum (Fig. G) only appears at about 20 i'athoms, and continues from that point increasing in nuuibers and size to the depth of 50 fathoms, which is the greatest de])th in Gaspe Bay, where alone it lias been found. The distribution of these Foraminiicri would tend, with other ficts, to show that these organisms, together with most other marine animals of low organization, do not depend, to any -^reat extent, on the depth or intensity of daylight, ])ut ahnost entirely on the hmprnitnvc of the water, as Dr. Carpenter maintains in liis account of his recent deep-sea dredging, so that they would not give very satisfactory evidence of the conditions of deposit ol' I'ostj.lioccnc or other beds, unless other facts were at di.-posal to show the depth, when the Forauunil'era would give valuable -a assistance with regard to the climatic conditions at that depth. V * The (iirurcs refer to the numbers of the wood-cut^. The (jiialily of iMjttnm Ims however, imich to do witli (ho -ciienil j'iid,^ ol' thi; FornniiiiiU'ni, :i.s witli other aniiii.ils. For, ...^ shown nhove. eahu w;;lcr, widi a boUoiu oomiio.scd oi' lino sand and .scdiiueiit, is particularly iavorahlo to tins arenaceous forms, 1houL,di, (>\vu uiuL'r tlRve conditions, they do nut thrive in the very cold, deep water ( such as that below KM) lathonis) in the open (III!!'. A strong- current at once causes all saudy forms to tiisa[)pear, uio:-tly, uo doubt, trom want of the line materials necessary ilu' their sliells, and brings in a ]arii,'o preponderance: o Trnneatulinas, Lagenidie, &c. The arenaceous ibrms, with th(; exception of tr.o.-c which are tubular, const itute a m ries parallel to the calcareous forms, and the mendjcrs of which graduate into one another. It seems nnt improbable that the individuals of tho same species may assunn; cither appearance. It does nut appear, liowever, that the same individual can present both ibrms at successive periods. On the I'lher hand, the samly ibrms may really constitute a distinct iirouj> paralkd to llu' others, irketches of some interesting forms ' arepiven which do not appear to )jo precisely similar to descri))cd species. TJicse liavc been kindly examined by ])r. i'arkcr, oi" J.ondon, who re-ards the Lituoho represented in iigs. 1 and ?> a.s new species, to whicli lie as.'^igns the names />. /iitdms and L. (■■i:cr( ])!/(■', naming the species 'J'.Vi;i,i; i.—,Siq>p-'Liniii'rii« I ^^ ~U* lA Z vT*- "/- ^ -J 2 o «r r. * •ci, 'c i *c' i *c I. * ; 'CL....! cc 6 .Si ?5 i "2 S tc, ^ V 50 J 'pilsu'j ' •n,\o_-) 8,33^03; ) "ji,' _^).\ii.ir) apuva;) '.Q4Q I 3piilM;)j[(0 '.(e{J 9dsu;) I suioqit',.! oE 'imy uoj[ adB-^T _puu^pK'aj{ ilii|s 'laq '._>(lsi!ij ■;iiuoi[)i!,.I oc OJ SI I •suioqiL-.^ Zi OJ 91 I '■^"'-'a 9JSE0 at et X ■ ♦ • • » K U) (/I u K a J te •siuoi|)E_.i 9' •.\V.-l .;clsEr) ■suioi[tKj£ Si oj oi 'Xl'U pdsB'j ■suioincij Z 'iii.iv isa,-,>.in4oj«j '.)dsL';) I :::::::.:: : ■:::••• •suioipE.j 06 'imiaj'f ""; ; ; ; ; ; : : : ; ; • ; /i adu.-) ')5ii;i);-) i[)ncs .yo :::::::• ::::::::::," •piiE[si p.'K.v\p;,f 33iiu,j I :::::::;; £u :;;::■. 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LiLuola linden., p. n,, o Jlippocropina indivisa, P. l^i„. ^ hiU.ola cassis, p. v\g. 4. lAinohi s, i, :!, 4 and 7 aro drawn to a scale half that oC the oUm- iicnn'.'