IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) Y / // A O ''" '**'V^ C/j fA . 1.0 I.I 142 11^ 1.8 1.25 1.4 1.6 ^ 6" — ► v] A 7. '<5, 'c^ % ^/ >«^ Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 <" c?.
*• t^^^squs.
12 X
24 X
28 X
32 X
: qu'il
le cet
It de vue
Th« copy filmed h«r« hat b—n raproductd ttianka
to tha ganaroaity of:
Manuscript Division,
National Archives of Canada
Tha imagaa appaaring hara ara tha baat quality
poMibIa conaidaring tha condition and lagibiiity
of tha original copy and in kaaping with tha
filming contract apocif icationa.
L'axampiaira film* fut raproduit grflca A la
g4n*rositA da:
Division des manuscrits,
Archives nationales du CanaJu
Laa imagaa suhrantaa ont 4tt raproduitat avac la
plua grand aoin. compta tanu da la condition at
da la nattat* da l'axampiaira film*, at •»
ronformit* avac laa conditiona du contrat da
Original coplaa ir. printad papar eovara ara fltmad
baginning with tha front covar and anding on
tha laat pago with a printad or illuatnitad impraa*
aion. or tha back coyar whan appropriate. All
othar original copiaa ara filmad baginning on tho
firat pago with a printad or iltuatratad impraa-
aion, and anding on tha laat paga with a printad
or illuatratad Impraaaion.
Laa axamplairaa originaux dont la couvartura tn
papiar aat Imprimia tont filmte an eommanfant
par la pramiar plat at an tarminant soit par la
damlAra paga qui comporta una amprainta
dimpraaaion ou d'iliuatration, aoit par la sacond
plat, aalon la em: Toua laa autraa axamplairaa
originaux aont fiimAs an commandant par la
pramlAra paga qui comporta una ampraint«
dimpraaaion ou d'illuatration at an tarminant par
la darhlAra paga qui comporta una talla
Tha laat recorded frame on eech microfiche
shall contain the aymbd -^^ (meaning "CON«
TINUED"!. or the aymbol ▼ (meaning "END"),
whichever appliae.
Un dea symbolae suivanta apparaTtra tur la
darniire image de cheque microfiche, talon le
cas: la tymbola — *• signlfie "A SUIVRE". le
aymbole ▼ signifie "FIN".
Mapa, platae. charta. etc., may be filmed at
different reduction retioa. Those too large to be
entirely included in one exposure are filmed
beginning in the upper left hend comer, left to
right and top to bottom, aa many frames aa
required. The following diagrama illustrate the
Lea cartaa. planchea. tableaux, etc.. peuvant Atre
fllmte A des taux de reduction dif fArents.
Lorsque le document est trop grand pour Atra
raproduit en un seul clichA, il est filmA A psrtir
de I'angle supArieur gauche, de gauche A droitb,
et de haut en baa. en prenant le nombre
d'imagea nAcessaire. Laa diagrammes sulvants
illustrent la mAthode.
12 3
32 X
Deparlment Order, JVb. 10.
Post Office Depautment,
Qt'Kiitx', November, 1852.
1. On and after the receipt of this Order, Postnia.ster.s are advi.sed that all Supi.lein.Mits ,.,■
Extras of Newspapers, published in Canada, may pass hy tiie Post without additional charge
The Regulation, therefore, Xo. 114, page 3(1, in the Hook of Instructions, must l)e altered.'
To enable a Supplement or Extra of a Newspaper to pass fr.r „f Postage as al.f.v... fhc
following etmiutions must he observed : —
It must be fohled within the Newspaper of which it is the Sup].Ieinent, be of tlu: same date,
and not larger than a ha/f sheet of the original Newsi.aper. It uaist contain such matter only
as would have appeared (had there been sufficient si)ace) in the Ne« itself, and it will be
liable to Po,stage if it is siuiply a Placard or one Advertisement of (Joods, e*' c.
2. Permission has be... given to the - Journal of E.Iucation." published at Toronto, u,
pas.s through the Post, free of Postage.
:{. The attention of Postmasters is called to Articles 207 and 208. in the Hook of Instruc-
tions— the stamping of Letters at some Offices beiuK- very indistinct.
1. Repeated complaints ,u-e received from lOiUiland of the manner in which Letters ar..
rate.l in Canada for places in Great Britain, c^c. The Regelatiou No. (il, in Book of Instructions
should be most rigidly observed.
5. Postmasters are reminded that, b- the Post Offi... Laws, auv Postma.ster who shall
neglect to render Ins acc.unts tor one after the time ,,reseribe