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Thoae too ierge to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, aa mar^y framee aa required. The following diagrama illustrate the method: Lee cartea. planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre filmte A dee taux da rMuction diffirants. Lorsque le document eat trop grard pour dtre reproduit en i-n seui clichA, il est fiimi d partir de Tangle supArieur gauche, de gauche k droite, et de haut en baa. an pranant le nombre d'imagea nteaaaaira. Lea diagrammes suivants illustrent la m^thode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 I FORMS AND EITUAL OF THE ROYAL ARCH ORDER, TO BE OBSEIIVED IN r>FllVATE LOOaES or Cl)e COiangc ^ssoctalion OF BRITISH NORTH AMERICA. COBOURG: MtinTID rOK THE ASSOCIATION, AT " THE COBOnCTRd STAR" OIFICI. 1846. E T N H A ir 1 ir 1 The Th« IIOYAL ARCH PURPLE. Bnles and Regnlations of the Lodge Room. %A^>^i/->'erson who has not the annual pass word for the current ; year he shall also require the entrance pass word of the Royal Arch, and be satisfied that the brother seeking admittance has received the Royal Arch degree. — He shall answer to, and assist the inside Tyler when re- quired. The inside Tyler shall answer to, and assist ti;o outside Tyler when required. He shall examine all parts )f the Lodge Room and report to the Master tiiat the business of the Lodge may be proceeded with in safety. He shall not allow any brother to leave the Lodge Room without a pass word (communicBted by the Deputy Master) emanating from the Master. m Vbe conduct and appearance of the Brethren. IT The mysteries and solemnity of this degree require that th. utmost respect, order and decorum be observed by all the Sren^o brother shall be admitted into the Lodge Room in a slovenly, or unbecoming dress, nor w.lhout a ish apperta nin- .0 the on'er. Every brother shall keep fn his pFace and%hal not leave it on any pretence what- ivwkhout express directions from the Master, through the m-ope office?, to do so. No brother shall laugh, or in. duVTin anv kind of levity, nor meddle in any manner wnh the form of Initiation, unless specially ordered by the Mastel- through the proper officer to do so, under pam of immediate expulsion from the Lodge Room. OFENXNG or THE X.03>GE. ^ The Brethren being in their places, and all strictly f^^'^^ Master shall ascertain if all present are Royal A'o^ Pur. n en en and shall give Lis charge to the Tylers and breth. fen The Chaplain shall then rtad the following portion of scripture : — Now we command you, brethren, in the name of our LordJesus Christ, that ye withdraw yourselves from every brother that walketh disorder- ly and not after the tradition which he received of us. For yourselves know how ye ou^ht to follow us, tor we have behaved not ourselves disor- derly amons; you, neither did we eat any*^ man s bread for nought; but wroujdit with labour and travail night and day, that we might not be charge- able to any of you. — 2 Th., c. 3, v^ 6^8. T The Brethren shall then form the double arch, the elbow* touching—And the Master shall read the following prayer: Gracious and Almighty God ; Thou who didst raise a wall of waters around thy servants the children of Israel, on their right hand and on their left, and who didst save them from the power of Pharoah, and the perils of the Red Sea. By whose Divine permission in after times our liberties have been secured, and our Most Holy Religion preserved, con- tinue unto us thy Almighty favour : May thy Heavenly love be the arch of our protection ; and the increase of thy Spirit amongst us the special mark of our seal and covenant with thee. These, with all other needful blessings, we humbly hi g through the mediation of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. — Amen. H The Master shall then say, I now declare this Royal Arch Purple Lodge open in due form strictly prohibiting any language or conduct that may tend to disturb the harmony of the Brethren. ^ The Brethren shall then resume their seats, and the businew of the Lodge shall be proceeded with in it« appointed order. RITUAL OF INTRODUCTION. H The preparation of the candidate is to take place in a room udfoining the Lodge Room, and being properly prepared, the candidate is to be conducted between two brethren ap. pointed for the purpose to the Lodge Room door, and on his approach, the Tyler is to make the formal announcement, which will be responded to, and the proper challenge given. The inside Tyler, making the proper inquiries, and receiving satisfactory answers, shall announce to the Master, that two Brethren, with a worthy friend, seek admission. Hie Master shall then direct them to be admitted. ir The candidate being introduced, the Receiver shall give him . . . (p.) if The Receiver shall then say.: Whatfeelest thouf Answer. — . . . (p-) , , , . ., [The meaning is here to be explained.] IT The candidate being ordered to kneel on his right knee and repeat tlte Lord's prayer. , ee • If The Chaplain shall then read the followmg portions of Scrip. " Moreover, thou shall make the Tabernacle with ten curtains of fine twined Unen, and blue, and purple, and scarlet, and thou shalt make loops of blue upon the edge of one curtain, from the selvedge in the cou- pling, and thou shalt make a hang- ing for the door of the tent, of blue, of purple, and of scarlet, and of fine- twined Unen." — Ex. 26. c. "Lord, I crj^ unto thee: make haste unto me, give ear unto my voice, when I cry unto thee let my prayer be set forth before thee as incense ; and the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice. Set a watch, O Lord, before my mouth; keep the door of my Ups. Inchne not my heart to any evil thing, to practise wicked works with men that work iniquity ; and let me not eat of their dainties. I^et the righteous smite me, it shall be a kindness : and let him reprove me, it shall be an ex- cellent oil, which shall not break my head : for yet my prayer also shall be in their calamities. When their judges are ov«3rthrown in stony places, they shall hear my words for they are sweet. Our bones are scat- tered at the grave's mouth, as when one cutteth and cleaveth wood upon the earth. But mine eyes are unto thee, O God the Lord ; in thee is my trust, leave not my soul destitute. — Keep me from the snares which they have laid for me, and the gins of the workers of iniquity. Let the wicked fall into their own nets, whilst that I withal escape." — Ps, s % Th« candidate i. now to be led three ^i™^^." J^'' S"*^^ bearing his scrip and staff,— gets ... (7 sh which ar» expllined to hirn.-he is then led to the M. H. w h.ch ha. vine ascended, the number of steps are explained to h.m, till he comes to the R. with thre<^ solemn steps. Tne last ons coming into the centre of the R. (dry) where he shall re- main t'ill further orders. [The Chaplain then reads.] <* And it came to pass when the people were removed from their tents, to pass over Jordan, and the Priests bearino^ the ark of the covenant be- fore the people, and as they that bare the ark were come unto Jordan, and the feet of the Priests that bare the ark, were dipped in the brim of the water ; that the waters which came down from above stood, and rose up, upon a heap : and the people passed over, right against Jericho. And the Priests that bare the ark of the co- venant of the Lord, stood firm on dry ground, in the midst of Jordan. — Jos. 3. ch. 5 The candidate shall then take out of ths R. with both his hands :--.The Chaplain reading as follows :— " And it came to pass when all the people were ckan passed over Jor- dan, and the Lord spake unto Joshua, saying, take you ttvelve men out of the People ; out of every tribe a man, and command you them saying ; take you hence out of the midst of Jordan, out of the place where the Priests feet stood firm, twelve stones, and ye shall carry them over with you, and leave them in the lodging place, where you shall lodge for the night. That this may be a sign among you, and these stones shall be a memorial unto the children of Israel for ever. — Jos. ch. 4. ^ Th© candidate shall then be conducted before the Master, whire, kn<»eling, he shall receive the obligation. 'I OBLIGATION OF THF, Hoyal OVvcl) fJurplc iWavk. /, A. B., do Solemnly and Sincerely Promise and Swear, in the presence of Almighty God, and this Worshipful Lodge, erected to God, and dedicated to Joshua, that I icill always conceal the whole and every part of the Secrets of a Hoxxl Arch Purple Marksman ; that I will not If rite them, Print, Stamp, Stain^ Cut, Hew, Carve or Engrave them, or any part of them, on any sub- itance whatever, nor cause them to he donr, so D I 10 rimr then may hccomc Legible or TntcUigihlc, &^-^Ja^^f/'ora?/,-^^or .^-^^ to a Brother of Hrict trial and due examination. J^'^J''™'' 7wear that I will never Marry a Roman Cath- oU or Papist, (knowi^^g her to he such ;) nor Educate, lor suffer to he Educated my CMdrcn in that Faith, if in my power to prevent it. I do ZtlJv^^^^^^^^^ th^'^i^'^if^ answer all regular %inl and obey all regular Summonses, if in ^TvoZ I do SoleiZdy Promise to keep the Secrets of a Royal Arch Purpleman, given tome T^^urh (except they may he contrary to the Law 7^LLd!) thai I will not Wrong or Injure am, Royal Arch Purpleman, or know hint to he moused or rnjurcd, without giving him timely uoiiccJhercof and preventing it, ifm my power. T do Solemnly Promise that I^^^^ll^otjcnowa Royal Arch Purpleman to he m iVant, Flard^ .jZ or Distress (ichich has not been brought m^iliimhylm own misconduct ) without ren- 7eZg him inch rcasonedAc Relief and Assistance as may be in my power, without injury to myself Zd family, r do further Promise, If- ^c^ll not unlawfully hare any carnal knoicledge oj a t^l^^lVfe, Sister' Danghtci' or Mothei, knowing them to he such. I do Solemnly Pro^ vu.c, that I will not Jmtiate, nor he present at the 'SaiUahon of any Candidate to i^^J'^S^fyj alios XL \ncn Piirploian, except there bj pre- ,rnt at least Five Memhers of the Royal Arc Fnriyle Order, nor will I fnitiate, nor be present at the Initiation of any Caudidat^e into the Diirniih of the said Order, without his first ha^ 4yin