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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mithode. 1 2 3 4 5 6 iJ_- Ji3v I IHM I W II — r t fl T^ MT J_ Victoria Nursery and Seed Establishment: PBJCl LIST FO'l '18?8, OF AGRICULTURE, GARDEN AND FLOWER SEEDS, HORTICULTURAL REQUISITES, &c. FOR SALE BY P. T. JOHNSTON & CO., • SUCCESSORS TO MITCHELL & JOHNSTON, NURSERYMEN, SEEDSMEN AND FLORISTS, Victoria, British Columbia. NURSERY— Cadeoro Bay Road. SEED STORE— Occidental Building, Fort Street. VICTOEIA: ALEX. B08E, BOOK AND JOB PRINTEB, FORT BTREKT, 1878. Victoria Nursery and Seed Establishment. LIST FOE 18T8, OF AGRICULTURAL, GARDEN AND FLOWER SEEDS, HORTICULTURAL REQUISITES, &c. FOR SALE BY P. T. JOHNSTON & CO., SUCCESSORS TO MITCHELL & JOHNSTON, NURSERYMEN, SEEDSMEN AND FLORISTS, Victoria, British Columbia- NURSERY— Cadbouo Bay Road. SEED STORE— Occidental Building, Fort Street. VICTORIA: ALEX. ROSE. BOOK AND JOB PRINTER, FORT STREET. 1878. ;'■■ <, ^-. In presenting to the Public the following List of Seeds, &c. we may remark that the name of our firm has been changed for various reasons to P. T. John- ston <fe Co., but the business is carried on by the same parties, under the same management and in the same business premises as the old firm of Mitchkll & Johnston, and in future as in the past we hope to merit the confidence of our Patrons by sending out only Seeds true to name and of the best growing quality. The prices we quote for seed are the lowest at which we can supply good, reliable seeds, leaving ourselves a fair profit. By getting out old, ruisty seeds from England round Cape Horn. a«d selling them regardless whether they grew or not, we could doubtless sell at a fraction of the price we charge, but we mistake the growers of the Province very much if they would not rather pay a little more and be sure what they obtained was the genuine article, and would be sure to grow. Any Seeds or Horticultural Requisites not on the following list, can always be procured by giving timely notice. For prices and description of Nursery Stock, see our Priced Catalogue issued last October, which will be forwarded post free on application. P. T. JOHNSTO.V k CO. S'lceessors to MITCHELL JOHNSTON, Victoria, B. V,., January, 1878. €il.TJILOGUE. GARDEIT SEEDS. Por oz. ARTICHOKE- Green Globe, ^0 50 ASPARAGUS— CONOVEU'S giant; ' 25 BEANfi— Broftd Wiudsor ■ • • ■ per 5 lbs. $1 00 DwAEF Fhench — Nej^ro Long Pod, 1 00 White FlaRcolet, ,, 1 00 Early China 100 Scarlet Runners, Eclipse Runners, White Dutch Case Knife BEET— Cattell's Long Blood Red, 25 Early Bassano, Turnip-Rooted, 25 BORECOLE or KALE-Cottnger's Kale, 37% Dwarf Curled Borecole, 37% Green Curled Scotch Kale, 37% r.ROCO LI— Grange's Early Wh te, 50 Walcheren, 50 Dilcock's Rride, 50 Knight's Protecting, ... 50 Snow's Winter White, 50 White Sprouting 50 BRUSSELS SPROUTS— Flue Imported, 50 CABBAGE— Early York 25 Early Entield Market, 25 Early Wakefield, new, very choice 50 Winningstadt, own raising, fine, 37% Drumhead, Late American, choice, 50 ,, Robinson's Champion 25 Large Schweiufurth, American 50 Late Flat Dutch 25 Blood Red, for pickling, 37% Savoy Drumhead — English, 37% , , American, 50 CARROT-Early Shorthorn 25 Early Horn, ... 25 Half Long 25 Long Rod Surrey, ... 25 White Belgian, Altri'.igham Yellow Belgian, Per lb 25 25 25 25 50 50 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 6 00 C OG () 00 t! 0(1 6 01' C GO 3 00 3 00 6 00 4 00 6 00 3 00 6 00 Archives of Br.'i.'; Columbia '^' '^il.LY n ■■■. •> ';i,-»,R| 2 2 4 4 4 6 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 50 50 50 2 00 i CAULTFLOWER-Farly London. ^'' '"'■ P" '»>. "alcijei-fii, 75 10 0(1 Iw.'y Krfiirt. trup.......". ^^ « 00 Thorburn '8 Nonpareil '^^ -^ ^^ t^-KLLRl - Cole's Crystal White. ^ ^^ CHIC011Y-I,a,.ge Kooted ^0 fijOO COllN-Kftrly Sugar, 25 2 00 Early Canada, " ' '^""^ " ^^^- ^^ "" 2r, CRESS-Fino Curled,...'..". " ^^ 25 A nstralian, grows again' after being 'cut ^^^ ^ ^'^ Water ^ ^' 25 2 00 CUCU.MHER, -Early 'cluster ^^ Long Green, 371^ 4 00 Hlio-t Prickly (English) ^^'^ 4 00 ; Lor.g Ridge, (En-lish). ^^'^ 4 00 English Prize varieties, 5 sorts ^^ '' °0 EGG PLANT-Long Purple' ^'' '''^^ ^ ''' ENDIV'';-Greei. Curled ' 75 ^OBLI\A^'I--D^.^r{ Green,... '...[["[ ^0 6 00 LEEK— Largo American ^0 j LETTUCE- White Cabbage! .'.'.' .'..'.'.' ^^ " ^° Tennisball, very hardy, ' "^^^ 4 00 Paris White Cos, .' '^'^Va 4 00 Bath Cos, hardiJ«t sort ^^^ 4 00 MELON- Water-Ice Creai .'.'.'..' .'.,'.' ^!^ ^ '^" Strawberry ^'2 ^"0 „ Citron, for preserving, fj ^ °^ Musfc-CuntelopP ^5 3 00 MUSTARD-WhiteS::^:^^^'^'^"-^^''-^^^ '''' ' "" NASTURTIUM-For Picklino ^^J/ 1 OO ONION- Yellow Danver.s, . . . !' 25 3 00 Large Red .' , 25 3 50 Silverskin, 25 3 50 Large Giant Rocca, . . ^7/« 4 00 White Portugal, '^'^'A 5 00 PARSLEY-Extra Curled 37'» 4 00 PARSNIP.. ' 25 3 00 PEAs-ExtraEariy-uttie'Gen.;::'. :::::::: -s'lbs;-'!'.;;, '' ' ^ f. Alpha ^'^ „ Sangster's No. 1 • -> ,, 2r, Daniel O'Rourke, " " ''^" Second Crop-Laxton's supreme, ' ^^ McLean's Prolific, . "' " " ^^ " 1. Air J , , " >> 25 Wonderful,. , '• .1 , 25 5 PEAS-Thira Ci-o- 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 3 00 3 00 I'er oz. Per lb. -Veitch's Pcrfoction per 5 lbs., $1 25 ti Cli inipiou of Englniul, ,, ,, S5 ,, Kiiif^'of Marrows, ,, „ 25 SuKiir, EdiblR Poas „ „ 85 PEPPKR or CAPSICUlI-LoiiK Cayi.nue, 75 Small Pied Cherry, 75 PUMPKIN— Large Cheoso, . ., 9.5 3 oO Mammoth, 50 RADISH— Sfiuk4 Olive Shaped, 121^ Turnip _ 12i/ Loiif.^ (Short' Top) 12J/^ Wood's Early Fiamo, Viy^ Black Spanish 25 Chinese Winter, 25 RHUliAllB— Linnaeus ..............'. 50 SALSIFY or OYSTER PLANT 37^^ SEAKALE 50 SPINACII-Round, 25 I'lif^lily, 25 SQUASH— Boston Marrow, 25 Hubbard 25 Largo Valparaiso, 25 Summer Crookneek,) Ornamental), 37 J^ Yokohama, (Turban Shaped), 37^^ Mammoth Chili 50 SUN FLOWER, 25 TOMAtO-Large Smooth Rod : 37J.^ Red Cherry, 37 Largo Yellow, 371^ TOBACCO— Virginia 1 Oo"^* Connecticut Seedleaf , 1 00 TURNIP— Early Flat White Dutch, . . 25 Early American Rod Tqp, 25 Early White Stone, 25 Robertson's Golden Ball, for late use 25 VEGETABLE MARROW-Choice English 373^ NoTK.— .Vll the above can also be had in 25 cent packets. A liberal discount to those in the trade, and to buyers of large quantities. Per oz. -1 00 00 00 50 50 00 00 50 00 00 00 00 50 50 HERB SEEDS. Etc. -Vngelica, Burnet Borage. Balm. Lemon, Catnip Chervil, Carraway, for sowing, . 100 1 00 lOo 1 GO 100 26 6 HERB SEEDS, Exc-Coviftiulfr, Dill Fennel, Fenugreek, Hyssop Laventler, . . Liquorice, Pot Miirigold, Pot Mivrjonini, Rosemary, Rue, Sage, Scurvy Grass, Sorrol, Summer Savory Swoet Biisil, Sweet Marjoram 'I hyme, Tansy, Winter Savory, Wormwood, Or in 12% and 25 cents packets. Per 07.. 25 50 50 1 Oi) 1 00 75 2 IM) 50 1 00 75 1 (0 75 1 00 50 76 75 75 00 75 00 1 Seeds for the Farm. Per lb. Per 100 lbs. BROOM CORN, «« 25 market price BUCKWHEAT ^ "^"'^^* P'"^^" CLOVER - Common Red ^^^ English Perennial or Cowgrass, ^^ Alsike , ^5 Alfalfa, ^'/^ White Dutch, ""^ ^ Yellow or Trefoil, ^^^ GRASSES -Perennial Rye, • ^'''Vs Italian Rye ^''« Kentucky Blue, ^^ Orchard or Cocksfoot, ^^ Redtop, American, 37% Hungarian ^"^ Mesqait, very productive, 37% Swoet Scented Vernal, '^''^ Meadow Fescue, '" Meadow Foxtail, '^ $30 00 40 00 40 00 30 00 GO 00 30 00 30 00 30 00 40 00 40 (10 30 00 20 00 30 oO 60 00 60 00 GO 00 -JlFJll \ Per lb, GRASSES— Timothy Lftwn (iriiHs CO LTNSKKD, 2"> LUC'EUNE-Iniportcd Frenc! 50 MAXr.OLn WURTZEL— Long Red, 1 00 1 GO Ppv 100 lbs. market price 15 40 75 76 Yi'llow Globo White Sugar Reet, 1 00 MILLKi', 25 FIELD PEAS, sorts— RAPE- 25 RYK— SAINFOIN— oxwllcnt for 'V- ^'rouiul. (milled) 37% SORGHUM— or Chinese Sugar Cane 1 00 TARES or VET ■f'ES-if procurable TURNIPS— Early White Stono 1 50 White Pomeranian Globe, 1 00 Purple Top Yellow Aberdeen, 1 00 Fosterton's Hybrid 1 00 SWEDKS— King of Swedes, 1 00 Sharpe's West Norfolk, 1 00 Cnrtt-r's London, 1 00 Waitc's Shamrock, 1 00 SEED OATS, Wheat, Rarley, and other Grain, procured to order for Net Cash N. B. r.uyprs of 25 lbs. will bo charged at 100 lb. rates. 20 market price 30 market price. 1 00 75 76 75 76 75 76 76 Flower Seeds. Aeroclinium Album, everlasting, ,, Roseum, " Ammobiiim Alatum, " Alyssum, Sweet, Antirrhinum, Snapdragon, choice mixed. Aspernla Azurea setosa. Aster, German, mixed qnilled. Aster, China, mixed. Calendula Pongei, new double white. Candy tuft, purple. ,, whitf. Canterbury Bells, mixed. Catananche CaUMilea. Carnation, mixed. Clarkia Pulchella, Collinsia bicolor. Convolvulus major. ,, minor. Coreopsis Grandiflora. 8 Dianthus Sinensis. Erysimum Peroffski.inum. • Flos Adonis. Foxglove, purple anil white. Gaillurdia Picta. Gilia eapitata. Godetia insignis. Heartsease, fine mixed. Helichrysum composituui, everlasting. Hollyhock, double, mixed. Larkspur, dwarf German, mixed. • ' Liuum grandiflorum coceineum . Malope grandiflora. Marigold, lemon African. „ dwarf brown French Marvel of Peru, fine mixed. Mignonette. Nasturtium, tall, mixed. ■ ,, dwarf, mixed. ,, Tom Thumb, scarlet choice. Nemophila Insignis. Maculata Grandi."ora. Petunia, fine, mixed. Phlox Drummondi, fine, mixed. Poppy, Carnation. Portulaca, fine, mixed. Ehodanthe Maculata, everlasting. - Salpiglossis, dwarf, mixed. . . ' ' • Saponaria Calabrica. Silene Pendula. Stock, ten weeks mixed. ,, Brompton ,, Tagetes signata pumila. Tropoeolum Canai-icnse. Verbena hybrida. Viola odoriita • AVhitlavia grandiflora. Wallflower, German, mixed. Zinnia elegans, double, extra fine. Ornamental Grasses, several sorts . The above to be had in packets, 12'^^; cs and 25 es. each, or,f 1 and U 1<T loz. Miscellaneous Seeds. CANARY SEEr for P.irds, $0 25 cents per lb ■ HEMP ,, 2'^ MILLET ,, 25 EAl*E 25 ,. I ! msm 9 . SIIA'ER SAND, 05 cents per lb. CELEllY SF':ED for suup, 1 00 CARRAWAY SEED for flavouring, 50 SEEDS of iiativ,' Conifers, and other trees in variety market nrice. Roots, Plants, Etc. ARTICHOKES— Jerusalem per 1^'- 8 cpnfs CAMBAGE PLANTS— Early aiui Late per 100, 37'a ceuta CAULIFLOWER PLANTS, ... per 100, 7octs to $1 GARLIC, pel' lb. market price MUSHROOM SPAWN, Per l^nck. 50 cents market pri?e market price lOTATOES-Early Rose Rivers' Royal Aslileaf, early, Snowllako, earliest and best, Early Vermont, new kind, highly recommended, . . Compton's Surprise, new, late sort, Brownell's Beauty, new, medium early, SHALLOTS TOP ONIONS, 25 cents per lb 37% " )Z, lb Horticultural Implements, Etc. SPADES— Strong English, good makers, each American, long and D handled DIGGING FORKS— English, 4 and 5 prong, Canadian, long and D handled, MANURE FORKS— Canadian, long and D handled, • HAY FORKS— Canadian, 2 and 3 prong HAY RAKES— ,, Wooden, IRON GARDEN RAKES— English 4 to 12 teeth STEEL, ,, ,. Canadian, 10 and 12 teeth, POTATO HOOKS SCYTHES ■ ■■ SNATHS, DKAW HOES DUTCH HOES— English, 5, 6 and 7 inches 50c handled 75c. VERGE KNIVES, ,, LEBUTT'S HAND SEED DRILLS, single ,, double, IRON HANDLIGHT FRAMES, unglazed, , , glazed and painted, • $2 to $2 50 1 50 12 25 to 2 50 2 50 2 50 $1 to 1 25 75 50cts. to 1 00 $1 to 1 25 1 00 1 60 1 GO 1 00 . r)2, and 75c. 87 Vi and I tjo 2 •)!) 5 vi t 7 .">) ! 50 3 00 ] j 10 GARDEN SHEARS, 9 mch... 3 ^g Imv P^JJfx^v^T'*' ^'""""° '^^"'''' ^"^'^^y i"e^-o"i^'euaeci; .' .' $2 to 2 50 BOW PRUNING SCISSORS, 4 iucb, ... 1 ,,,, PROPACU IING SCISSORS. . ,- GRAPE SCISSORS, , mZfVKlfvrTT-''' '"^' "^ "^'^'"'^ "'^"^^"^' -- • • • • ^^ »« ^ ^' PRU^,I.^G KNI\ LS-Sftjiior's in variety 1 f., 1 -. , BUDDING , ltol.v. AVERUNCATORS-for pr.uiiug tree^ high up,' ^ '^! on PRUNING SAWS, , m . t "- GARDEN REELS,. 1 oO to 1 /o WEED FORKS, ^ !.".' GARDEN TROWELS, ^I* SYDNEY, SEED SOWERS, ^r ,,'- WATERING POTS- Euglish make. . . ! '. . '. ''?' " l 'r, blKINcrE.^ -Ren's patent, highly reco.uineu.le J « ^j «"ialler, "" TIIERMOMErERS-Maximumregistcriiig, box wood,.'. .' 'Z '. ■.'. 5 00 Minimum „ „ 3 ^^^ " M metiil, 1 5o Ordinary Spirit, j y,, BRACKETS, carved wood, different styles, .. . '" r,A„ .^ , .>- EMPTY FLOWER BASKETS-all shapes and sizes; ! ! ' .' .' ! .' ' ' 25c' to ■> 50 EPERGNES-in variety, " ^l\^ ^ f^ SPECIMEN GLASSES-in variety, per pair, ..." " ' 75"^. to 1 oo HYACINTH GLASSES-Tye's pattern, plain, each * -htjx " >» ft hgured, each, 75f. to 1 0^ CROCUS ^ '^^ >• i» 25 GLASS SHAEZS-Bizes from G^^ to U inches in diameter, .... 1 25 to 3 01) ETRUSCAN HYACINTH VASES-vunou.. patterns, per pair 1 75 GLASS " " *"^^^'^' " i> II 1 'in S?n '''' '"'-''''^^ POTS-various patterns, each 75o. to 2 00 MAJOLICA , ,!. «^'^" CHINA ;; " 0?^"^'" WOODEN EXPANDING POT COVERS-varions'. aSc'^tr J" MAWS TERRA COTTA LABELS, sorts per dozen, 25c" to -".O ZINC LABELS, per dozen ^oc. to oO WIRE HANGING BASKETS -English galvanized'. '. ". '. '. . '. ". '. ". ' '. 7r,c. to 1 50 " •• California, painted green 50c. to 1 Oft VERBENA riNS-Galvanized. 2 doz. L2% cts. ; per gross. .... 5" MOSS— dyed green, in bundles, each. ... 28 MANUALS FOR MANY-KitchenGard.ning.Flo-ver' Garden- ing, Fruit Gardening, Florists' Flowers, two for 37*c each as GARDEN MANUALS-Comprising all the above, in cloth, ... 70 11 CO FTAG Ella' CALEND.VE— by Sir Joseph Paxton, new edi- tion 25 GALVANIZED CROQUET FENCING— in 50-yard lengths, per length, 15 fiO in yard lengths, per yard 40 BOUQUET.S of Everlasting; Flowers and (brasses, own raising, . 1 00 ,, of colored Grasses in various styles 37%c. to 1 00 FEATHER GRASS in bunches of Orange, Green, Crimson, etc. per hunch, 37 ^^c; per half-dozen. 1 50 EAPHIA— for tying, per lb * 1 ^O FERN CASES— 30 inches in length, each 25 00 Bronze Tables for ditto, each 15 00 „ 20 inches in length '^0 00 Bronze Tables for ditto, each 14 00 FERN PANS -Rustic and Etruscan, each 1 50 to 3 50 GARDEN GLOVES— Men's, common, per pair 60 „ ,, ., finer, ,, 75 „ „ Ladies' 50 WOLFF'S INDELIBLE GARDEN PENCILS-each liV, MAGIC BOUQUET HOLDERS-Gilt, each 2 GO WICKER „ „ 25 CARD „ „ 12J^ BOUQUET PAPERS HH WEDGEWOOD SUSPENDERS— Very choice, each 8 50 DINNER CARDS— French, comic and ornamental, per set of 8 75 FLOWER BROOCHES 50c. to 75 BUTTON HOLE TUBES— each 12% BRASS HYACINTH SUPPORTS— each 25 MASTIC L'HOMME LE lORT-New French cold grafting wf ^, in tins, each 25c., 50c , $1, $2 and $3 GARDENERS' FRIEND— A manure highly recommended for plants in pots or in the open ground, in tins, each 37% GARDENERS' INSECTICIDE— For destroying insects on plants or trees, in jars, each 50c. fo $1 FLOWER t'OTS- Common, 2 and i% inch, per dozen, 75 cento 3 inch, ,, $1 00 4 ,, , 1 25 each 12% 2 00 2 for 37%, (i ,, 2 50 each 25 7 ,. „ 3 25 2 for 02% 8 „ 400 2 for 87% Very large, each, 7i> FLOWER POT SAUCERi-'-, different sizes, perdoz. . $1 00, 1 50, 2 00, 2 50 PROPAGATIN(; GLASSES, 75c., 1 25, 2 00 WREATHS OF IMMORTELLES— Yellow-each. .. 75c. to 2 00 White, 1 00 to 2 00 12 IMPERISHABLE METAL CHAPLEIS— for Tombstones, in 8 patterns, warranted to stuud exposuic to any weather, . . 1 00 to 3 00 SUSPENDING HEAD BASKETS 1 50 TERRA COTTA : DOING Tli.ES -in several patterns, 9 inches wide, per yard, 50 Orders strictly attended to. Goods packed and delivered on board steamers, free of charge.