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Les diagrammes sulvants lllustrant la m^thoda. 1 2 1 3 1 2 3 4 S 6 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART (ANSI and ISO TES^ CHART No. 2) I.I 1^ ■ 50 ^ u 13.2 4.0 M 2.0 ms£ 1.8 ^ APPLIED IIVHGE Inc SSr^ 1653 East Main Street =%;= ??,'^!'f^'*'"' ^«'" Y°'''< H609 USA :.=a (716) 482 - OJOO - Phone =- (716) 288- 5989 -Fox ^^f^a| V. M. c. HY-LAVVS 1,105. OF I ROYAL AReANUM. Orjfanized nth May, 1HS2. I REGULAR MEETINGS. First and Third flondays, ST. AXUKKW'S Hai^L, Alkxandka Ak( adi:. r?j IIAMII.TON: -A. Mcl'liiTsmi, I'liiitiT,,^ Kfl> cca Stifit. KHiciL4DiS^S'S53SfiSS5i^5tv!JiDl5S5 3idS2iiSS'SSo?SS5£i5 V. M. C. 1,105. BY = LAWS or — I ROYAL ARGANUM Organized iith May, 1882. REGULAR MEETINGS, First and Third flondays, ST. Andkkw's Hall, Alexandra Arcade. HAMILTON : A. McPherson, Printer, 3 Rebecca Street. 1894. C BY-LAWS. ARTICLE I. NAME. Sec. I. This Council shall be called and known as Kanawha Council, No. 68 1, R. A. ARTICLE II. MEETINGS. Sec. I . The regular meetings of this Coun- cil shall be held on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month. Sec. 2. The hour of meeting shall be 8 o'clock P. M. Sec. 3. Special meetings shall be called by the Regent upon the written request of seven members in good standing, always naming purposes of said meeting, and on!y such business shall be transacted as stated on the calls. ARTICLE III. fees, dues and benefits. //. Sec. I. The admission fee for membership mSb^ shall be^l^oO; also the fees for the Subor- ' dinate and Supervising Med , .1 Examiners, Benefit Certificate, and also an advance assessment and the dues for the current quarter. • HAMILTON PUBLIC LIBRARY Skc. 2. The annual dues shall be S3.00 payable quarterly in advance. Sec. 3. Sick benefits shall be the niininium amount as provided by the Subordinate Louncil Constitution, and paj'able in accord- ance \'/ith provisions thereof S^C. 4. Twenty-five dollars shall be paid to the Collector for a Loan Fund. On the day of the expiration of a call for an assess- ment the Collector shall pay from this fund such assessment for each member Avho has" not paid the same, and shall immediately send to such member a bill for the assess- ment and t\\^enty-fiv^e cents additional for the use of the fund. The amounts received for the use of the fund shall be added to the u^j ^""^' ^ member failini^ to reimburse the Loan Fund and pay the fee for the use of the same before the expiration of twenty days from the date of the next call, shall not be entitled to the use of said fund again unless so ordered by the Council. Provided, hoivever, that the Collector shall not pay such assessment for a member who has, previously to said day, notified him in writmg either that he wishes to be suspended upon such assessm(brit, or that he does not wish to have tlie same paid for him from said fimd. Hri: j ^ jh m r J f) I f r 5 ARTICLE IV. COMMITTEES. Sec. I. All auclitin<,^ and financial com- mittees must make their final report in vritin^r, and all such reports engrossed iv full on the Minute liook of the Council. Sec. 2. Other committees' final reports may be in writin*; or otheruase as accepted. ARTICLE V. BONDr. The Secretary shall give a bond of $ 50 Collector " " ^qo Treasurer " " ^qo Sec. 2. The Treasurer shall deposit all moneys received by him in a Canadian chartered bank in the name of Kanawha Council ; and said moneys shall be drawn out only, by cheque signed by the Regent and Treasurer. ABTICLEVI. RULES OK ORDER. RULE I.— THE CHAIK. ,°^^- ^' "^^le Regent, wliiie presiding, shall state every question coming before the Council and immediately before putting it to vote shall \ ask, Is the Council ready for the question?" ^hould no member wish to speak, he shall rise to take the question, and after he has risen no mem- ber shall spoak upon it unless by consent of the -Kegent. He shall pronounce the votes and decisions of the Council on all subjects. His decisions on questions of order shall be without clefmte, unless, entertaining doubts on the point he myite it, and he shall have the privilege of speaking on such questions from the chair. When Ins decision shall be appealed from, the question shall be put thus : '• Will the Council sustain the chair m Us decision?" \ KULE II. — DPJBATE. Sec. 1. Every member when he speaks or offers a motion shall be standing, and after giving the sign of duty, respectfully address the chairf and when he has finished he shall resume his seat. While speaking he shall confine himself to the quest'on under debate, avoiding all personalities and indecorous language. Sec. 2. Should two oi- more members rise to speak at the same time, the chair shall decide which shall have the floor. Sec. 3. No member shall interrupt another in his remarks while debating any subject before the Council, unless to call him to order for words spoken. Sec. 4. If a member, while speaking, shall be called to order at the request of the chair, he shall cease SDeakimr. and tako hi« et.Qf nnfii <-i,^ ^i.: , of order has been determined, when, if permitted he may again proceed. ' HA \ 9" f' f Sec. 5. No member shall speak more than once ?o stT r, iTT''^^" ""'^^ "^^ ^^^^ "^^"^bers wishing to speak shall have an opportunity to do so not- more than twice without permission of the chair. RULE III. Sec. 1 When any communication, petition or memorial is presented, before it is read oi anv vote taken on it, a brief statement of Us 'contents shall be .nade by the introducer or the cha^r and after it has been read a brief notice of the pun ort shall be entered on the journal by the Secre^tar!^^ upr-sLn^^^^^^ ty t«k^^ anf Tt fi.o*^^" ^i.A^y member may call for a division of the question when the sense of it will admit ,J^^r:r' ^^^?u^ question is before the Council no motion shall be received unless : To close. The pievious question. To lay on the table. To postpone indefinitely. To postpone to a certain time. To refer or to amend. And such motions shall have the precedence in the _ . After any question, except one forinilpf- nite postponement, has been decided, any memter who voted m the majority may, at the^S?^ or HAIVIILTON PUBLIC LIBRARY \ 8 Seor'^'''^'"" meeting-, move for a reconsidera- Sec. 6— The previous question can be called for by two members if seconded by a majort v and belw e •"''''?/""'" '■ " ShalfthemaSstlon oe now put .'' Jf earned, the effect shall be fn ^r'oS-'" ""'"'^ '\^ ^^^«?^^* «^'^" proceed toTai^^ the question on the original motion, and the amendments in the order they are arraAg^d Sec. 7. When three members rise in favor of interested m the result, or has been excused by the Councd, or is otherwise incapacitated. Sec. 9. No brother shall leave the room while a vote IS bemg taken on a question, nor shlll any brother leave after a motion is made to close uSS the same has been disposed of. ^^^' iOi.A^l^^i^ther rules of order f or the govern- sTaU be thp ^'"""^' '^"?- "^^ ^^'^^^ Pr-^ded, snail be the common parliameneary law as laid down by Gushing in his Manual. ARTICLE VII. AMENDMENTS AND ALTERATIONS TO THESE BY-LAWS Sec. 1. These By-Laws may be altered or amended h-om time to time, as prescribed by ITZ oth^ei^fsl"^' ^^ Subordinate Constitution^ HAMflTOjV pnnnp ( iRp/^py \ »■ 1