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WW Ww (Bounod's ©ratorio ^i^ > *?S*'. .^?S s^ ^- ^ iih'ii tisii , /.iiiiito, PiT-n n fie proPogue . . . (a) The Creatir)!!. An instruincntal introduction, dcscriptixc of Chaos. (/O Creation of Man. His Temptation and Fall. A Divine Mediator necessary. (c) Promise of the Redeemer. Annunciation of the Mystcr>' of the Incarnation to the IIol\- Virfiin. . . . PART I I I "CALVARY." I Recitatives. Condemnation and sentence of Jesu.-., Insults and outrages. Answer of Jesus. An instrumental march, representing the brutality of the pagan i force dragging Jesus to execution. II. illK CRCCIFIXION. Recitatives. Jesus arrives at the summit of Calvary. He is stretched upon the Cross: — His hands and feet are pierced b\- n.iils. The crowd insults and blasj)hcmes Him. Chorus. — Mocking In . j Priests. Chorus. — Prayer of Jesus : "Pardon their sin, M\' l-'athcr." IH. MARY AT THE FOOT OF THF CROSS. Recitatives. Jesus says to His Mother, concerning St. John, "Woman, behold thy son ! " and to St. John, concerning the \'irgin Mary, " Behold thy Mother ! " IV. THE TWO THH<:VE.S. Recitatives. Taunts of the impenitent thief. Huinilitv and resignation of the penitent thief. Jesus promises iiim Paradise as the recompense of his faith. Choral. — " Lord Jesus, Thou to all bringest light and .salvation." V. THK DKATII OF JKSIIS. Recitntive. Ihc (laikiicss. Organ ,,/r;;/^._'Jhc last afjonics of Jesus. 1 1 is cirath.— riie cartluitiakc. ReciMives and Organ. VI. TlIK CKNTURION. Recitath'e. Tlie Cciitmion confesses the Divinity of Jesus. Choral. -\\-\^ Church. Apostrophe to Death, conquered b>' the death of Jesus. Adoration of the Cross. PART "FROM Tin-: RKSURRECTION TO TIIIC ASCENSION." I. Mystic Chorus. The Doctrine of the Resurrection. Trumpets above: Chorus and Organ. Christ is raised. Solr^ for horn and orchestra during the trumpet-calls from above. Choir and organ combined with the continuous trumpet-calls. 11. TIIK HOLY WOMEN AT THE SEPULCHRE. Recitative.— Organ alone.—Recitative. Conversation of the Holy Women on their way. Recitative. An Angel appears to them : he announces to them the resurrection of Jesus. III. JESUS APPEARING TO THE HOLY WOMEN. Organ alone. The Holy Women, filled with both agitation and joy, set out again on their wa)-, according to the command of the Ange'. to announce to the Disciples, who have taken refuge in Galilee, the Resurrection of Jesus. IV. THE SANHEDRIM. Recitative. Meanwhile, they that guarded the sepulchre, coming to themselves, find the tomb einpt)-. They run in haste to the Sanhedrim (Council of the Synagogue). Chorus— {LWx^^ is risen again. " Now behold ye the guard, this your sleep-vanquished guard ! "— " For ages on your head shall contempt be outpoured." V. THE HOLY WOMEN BEFORE THE APOSTLES. Recitatives. The Holy Women hasten to announce that thcv have seen Jesus. Tr/^.— Incredulity of the Apostles. Chorus - " Jilesscd are they that believe." Soprano Solo and Chorus. ~— , . .*<.■« . VI, JKSUS APPKARING TO THE Al'OSTI.KS. THE ASCENSION. Rt'iitativi's. (Eit^duh (Kcurrcnce of the t/jjical inclody). Jesus j^ivcs the Apostles their mission. The orchestra takes up aijain the harmonic progression which accompanied the words of tlic An^^cl to the ilcjly Women at the sei)ulchre. In the presence of the Apostles, Jesus ascends into heaven. Finale. Unfold ye portals by celestial and terrestrial choirs. , . , F^ART THE PENTECOST I. bl iss. An instrumental prelude, descriptive of the dawn of this age of Chorus — Lovely appear. Soprano solo, celebrating the blessings of peace. Repetition of the Chorus — Lovely appear. II. THE DESCENT OE THE llOLV GHOST. Recitative. The Ap(jstles, ii prayer, are awaiting, in the upper romi chamber, the fulfilment of the Divine promise.s. Organ alone. The prayer of the Apostles. Recitative. Suddenly a sound as of a tempest fills the jjlace where they are assembled. Tongues like as of fire descend upon the Apostles. Recitatives. A voice from Heaven proclaims to the Apostles that the)' ma;- r.j\v t; > forth to the conquest of the world. \\'.. HYMN OE THE APO.STLES. Final Coda. Glorification of the Most Holy Trinity throughout all ages. TIH<: END. The audience are requested to join us in singing "God Save the Oueen."