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L'exemplaire fiimi fut repro^^uit grice A la gAnAroaiti da: IMedical Library IMcGill University IVIontreal Lea imagea auhrantee ont At* reproduitea avec le plua grand aoin, compta tenu de la condition et de la nettet* de l'exemplaire filmA, et en conformity avec lea conditiona du contrat ii^ filmage. Original coplea in printed paper covera are filmed beginning with the front cover and ending on the laat page with a printed or illuatrated imprea- sion, or the back cover when appropriate. All other original copiea are filmed beginning on the firat page with a printed or illuatrated imprea- aion, and ending on the laat page with a printed or illuatrated impreaaion. Lea exemplairea originaux dont la couverture en papier eat imprimie aont filmia en commenpant par ie premier plat et en terminant aoit par la derniAre page qui comporte une empreinte d'impreaaion ou d'illuatration, soit par le second plat, salon le caa. 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Lorsque le document est trop grand pour Atre reproduit en un aeul clichA, ii eat film* A partir de I'angle aupArieur gauche, de gauche A droite, et de haut en baa, en prenant le nombre d'imagea nAceaaaire. Lea diagrammes suivanta illuatrent la mAthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 ^ I i. CANCEROUS TUMOUR ARISING FROM THE SUDORIPAROUS GLANDS. SiP^ /BY a f: martin, m.d. ^Reprinted from the Montreal Medical Journal, Felrruary, 1894.) '"'"MMMteia CANCEROUS TUMOUR ARISING FROM THE SUDORIPAROUS GLANDS.' By C. F. Martin, M.D. The patient from whom the above growth was removed was a contractor, 45 years of age, having a history of previous good health, with the exception of occasional attacks of dyspepsia. No history of syphilis, nor was there any family history of cancer or other tumour. . Early in 1890, the patient observed, for the first time, a small lump in the left groin, in size equal to a bean, perfectly painless, which he attributed to a blow received in this region some months previously. The growth was regarded as some affection of the sebaceous glands, and no treatment other than the application of iodine was adopted for over a year, there being no appreciable altera- tion in the character of the tumour during that time. Towards the end of 1892 it gradually increased in size, and was now for the first time painful, the patient at times suffering intensely. The vskin too showed signs of irritation and became adherent to the growth. This condition became progressively worse and removal was recommended and performed Novem- ber, 1893, by Dr. Roddick, who forthwith sent the tumour to the McGill Pathological Laboratory. - On examination the growth was found irregularly spherical in shape, IJ inches in diameter. On section it i^ffered con- siderable resistance to the knife, while on the cut surface were seen numerous rmall points from which a greyish turbid fluid escaped. This fluid examined under the microscope presented masses of irregularly rounded or oval cells, slightly larger than pus cells, and many undergoing fatty and granular degenera- tion. Stained sections of the tumour cut so as to include the adherent * Shown before the Montreal Medico-Oliirurgical Society, Nov. 17th, 1893. ii skin, showed the epidermis to be only slightly affected, there being bv^ a slight proliferation of the epithelium, while beneath it was increased fibrous tissue, a condition of chronic inflamma- tion. Beneath this, in the subcutaneous tissue, was seen the tumour proper, presenting the usual appearance of a simple carcinoma, masses of large irregular cells amid extensive areas of fibrous tissue, in an alveolar arrangement. ^ On closer inspection of the parts, it was found that the growth took its origin fiom the epithelial lining of the sudori- parous glands, in whose ducts could be seen the various stages of proliferation of cells, while in the neighboring regions were the appearances of an alveolar cancer. The sebaceous glands presented no abnormal appearance, nor was there any evidence to point to the origin of the tumour, other than that suggested. Although many cases of adenoma of the sweat glands are said to have been falsely regarded as carcinomatous, there is, however, in the present instance so typical an appearance of an alveolar carcinoma that such an error is quite impossible and the tumour cannot be regarded other than as a cancer arising from the sudoriparous glands. 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