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 United States and Canada, 
 WILLIAM C. HARRIS, Editor of "The American Angler." 
 Enterefl according to Act of CongrPRR in the year 188(5, by 
 in the office of the Librarian of Congress at Wasbiugtozu 
 To the 
 The yearly changes in the iMi laws df the States and Territories, and the ^■arill- 
 l)le oonditions, from kciihou to season, of tlio lishinn waters, create tlie necessity vt 
 an anniial rcvisicin and ri'issiit- of 'J"mk Anoi. Kits' (irioK )5o<ik. 
 In ihe jiresent edition (IHKd) nearly one fliousaiKl waters have been i.dded to those 
 described in bSM;!, niakint^ au atj^rejjdte of over oiKht thoUMaud desii^uated points 
 Avh(;re an^'linj,' can be in Airerii-an waters. 
 In reiieatii:(4 the urj^ent call upon the an^^lers of the country to aid me in systeni- 
 izinn and Simplify inj{ the popular uanicH of ttshes, I v oiild further Htate that any 
 one desirous of assisting; in this good work, upon applying to nie by letter or otlier- 
 wise, will be furiiislu-d fice of chart^e witli preservative i)owder, through the use 
 of which Hpeciiuen lish for ideiitiliention and elassitication can be forwarded Ijy 
 mail. In this connection please note the following. 
 The "herring" at Beaver Canon, Idaho (page 55), is the whitelisli, prol)al)Iy — C. 
 WiLLiAMsoNi. These tish art; gamy and rise with spirit to the artiticial tly. 
 The "bar lish " at Camden, A^k. (page 17), is the fresh water striped bass (KocfUS 
 ClIUVSOl'S. ) 
 The "trout" of Hills I,ake, A"k. (page 17), is the large-mouth black bass. There 
 are no luitive brook trout (.Salvelinu.s fontinalis) in Louisiana, Mississippi, Arkan- 
 sas or Florida. 
 For "gaspergou " (page 72) read gasi)ergou. This flsh belongs ti> the same family 
 as the bulValo lisli. 
 The "jack-salmon " iu North Carolina and Tennessee (pages l.jii, 1!S() and IHl) is 
 the pike-perch. "Jack " nieaus "pike" uiuety-uiue times out of a hundred iu the 
 The "rock" at Asliepoo, y. c;. (page 17f<), is the saltwater striped bass (Uolci's 
 The "warmouth " at Millet, S. C. (page 17',t), is not the strawberry bass as indi- 
 cated iu the text. It is the C. (lULi)srs, a lish of the perch family, and about on ii 
 ]iar Nvith the rock bass as to game ijualities. 
 The "red breast" at Salkehatchie, S. C. (nage 17'.t). is one of the "breams" so 
 called iu the South . 
 The "jackfisb " at Wiutield, Tenn. (page lH-2), is the pike (Esox LrciLs. ) 
 The "grayling" of Grand Lake, N. S. (page 'J')), is probably the laud-locked sal- 
 The "mascalonge " of Lake Meganlic, P. (). (page ;t7), is ^Jie lake trout. This lake 
 IH on the International Railway, not the Intercolonial, as stated in the text, 
 "North Pond " at Htark water, N. II. (page 11'.') is iu>t open t) the public, being 
 leased by the Percy Summer Club. 'Wm. C. Hark:-. 
 Nfav Y<puk. May 15, 18H(!. 
 me fiiiuily 
 III lollatiuf? the material for thla Qulde Book, 17,827 special communication*, and 
 2.')iNi pagOH of Thk Amkrican Anolkb aud other accredited authorities, have been 
 ri( eivcd, cxuuiiiH'd and in journaliHtic parlance, "boiled dowu." The result 1-4 
 before thi' reader in tlie form of iMo.') ccntrt' pointu from whence over 7,(XX) angling 
 waters are more or less accessible; of these the foUowint^ data are given: 
 Htli — AccoiiimodationH and charges at 
 hotels, also those of private l.ioarding 
 '.(th— The favorite grounds, when known, 
 (it local anglers. 
 loth— Cost of fjuides, boats and bait. 
 11th— Where saltwater existH, the best 
 tide to fish in. 
 12th— Cost of permits when required. 
 1st.— How they are roiiclied. 
 'ind— Distance from nearest point by 
 railroad, or other public tninsportation 
 ,'ird— The species of fish therein. 
 4th— The tishes that are most abund- 
 Tith— The best months for flshint,'. 
 (ith— Local baits used. 
 7th — Methods of local anglers. 
 In addition to the above I have given the quality of the fishing when authenti- 
 cated by my own experient-e or that of a responsible correspondent. In this 
 connection anglers should bear in mind that flsh are erratic in their humors; that 
 in the same water fishing may be good to-day and bad to-morrow; that wind, 
 weather, water and the feeding hours of iish are all essential factors in an angler'^s 
 success or failure. In waters of which I have no authentic information the reader 
 will find recorded, without comment, the names thereof, distance from station, 
 charges, species of flsh caught, etc. 
 The plan of comiulatiou which has been adopted, I believe to be the best form 
 for making tho Guide Book concise and of ready reference. It was a subject of 
 much thought and several methods were experimented upon, particularly that of 
 classification by waters, but the immense mass of material to be utilized and the 
 geographical range and area of the rivers and lakes, indicated that if this latter 
 form was used, the book would grow to the size of a ponderous encyclopedia) 
 rather than the pocket volume in which it now appears. 
 I have endeavored to make plain to the angling reader, resident in any section, 
 the poviilexity exi)erienced in the identification of a flsh imder its local name, vary- 
 ing in ditlereut localities. In a few instances I have been unable to do this and 
 have called for information from anglers familiar with the fishes and the waters 
 where peculiar names for the former are in use. This confusion exists more gen- 
 erally in the Southern States, particularly for the local names of the salt water flsh 
 ou the Atlantic coast belt from the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay to the southern 
 limil of the State of Georgia; also, for the fresh water flshes in the states of Vir- 
 uiuia, West Virginia, North Carolina, Georgia, Kentucky and -Tennessee. I urge 
 upon my brother anglers to assist me in simplifying the popular nomenclature 
 of the flshes of the country. 
 F(U' errors of omission I can only claim indulgence based on the scope, newness 
 and magnitude of the compilation. Doubtless many fruitful angling waters are 
 not named, owing to my ignorance of their existence, and to the impossibility of 
 covering the entire continent in the first issue of a work of this charactei', yet of 
 this I am assured, that nearly four thor.saud excellent fishing "grounds " are here- 
 in located, concerning which I have been entirely ignorant, despite an angling 
 experience of over a quarter of a century. 
 To those of our selfish brethren of the angle, if such there be, who are inclined 
 to grow surlily critical over the "giving away" of their favorite waters, I beg to 
 4>iote what old Walton's Pisc»#or said to Venator over two hundred years ago: 
 "Go your way presently; take my rod and do as I bid you, and I will sit down 
 aii'l mond my tacklint» till you return back." WM. C. HARRIS. 
 Explanatory Ill 
 Index to Abbifvieticnfl of Tltlen of Transportation Companies, with ad- 
 (ir<'HH(-H of General PasRengcr Af^cntH 244-249 
 Index t" Additional Finbing WatcPR, 188« IV-IX 
 1»S5 2(>'J-24:J 
 Suraniaiv of the FiRb Li.wr of the StatCH, Territories and of the Canadian 
 Provinces IX-XIII 
 Index to Advertisements 25U 
 FiRhing Waters of — 
 Alabama 15, 17 
 Arkansas XIV-XV, 17, 18 
 British Columbia 39 
 California XV, 18, 21 
 Colorado XVI, 39, 43 
 Connecticut 43, 47 
 Dakota, Territory 47, 50 
 IMHtrict of Columbia 60 
 Florida XVl-XVII, 5(», 53 
 Georgia XVII XIX, 53. 65 
 Idaho, Territory 65, 56 
 Indian, Territory XX, 66 
 Illinois XIX-XX, 6(1, 61 
 Indiana 61, 64 
 Iowa XX, 04, 69 
 Kansas XX-XXI, 69, 70 
 Kentucky XX-XXI, 70, 72 
 Louisiana XXI, 72 
 Maine XXI, 72, 78 
 Manitoba, Province of 21, 22 
 Maryland XXII, 7H, 81 
 Massachusetts 81, 90 
 Mexico 90 
 Michigan XXHI, 9<), lol 
 Minuesote XXIV, 101, 111 
 MiKHiHsippi XXV, 111, 112 
 Missouri XXVI-XXVII, 112. 114 
 Montana, Territorv 114, 116 
 Nebraska XXVIII, 116, 117 
 Nevada. XXVIII, 117 
 New Brunswick, Province of XXVFII-XXIX, 22, 24 
 New Hampshire XXIX-XXXII, 117, 120 
 New Jersey 120, 124 
 New Mexico XXXI 1, 125 
 New York XXXII. lir., 155 
 North Carolina XXXI 1 1, l.V., 156 
 Nova Scotia, Province of XXXIII-XXXIV, 2-4, 27 
 Ohio iriC). 161 
 Ontario, Province of XXXIV. 27, 36 
 Oregon XXXIV-XXX V, 1<;i , 164 
 PenuHvlvauia XXXV-XXXVI. 104, 17'i 
 Prince Edward Island XXXVI-XXXVII 
 Quebec. Province of XXXVII, 36. 39 
 Khodo Island XXXVIII, 177, 178 
 8outh Carolina 178, 180 
 Tennessee 180, 182 
 Texas XXXVIII, 182, 184 
 Utah, Territory 184, 185 
 Vermont XXXVIII, 185. 190 
 Virginia XXXIX, 190, 193 
 Washington Territory 193, 195 
 West Virginia XL-XLI, 195, 197 
 Wisconsin XLI-XLIII. 197, 207 
 Wyoming, Territory 207,208 
 Tlie alphabetical hf>a<liii(,'n of thi- text indicate the Rtations of trannportation com- 
 paiiioH, for iiistance: Ou jumo 48 will be found Lennox (C. M. k St. P.) and by refer- 
 ring to tbe " Index nf TriinHportiition CornpanicH " on pp. a44-24i), the initial Ictten* 
 •('. M. k St. P," will be found to dcHinuate tbe Chicago. Milwaukee A: St. Paul Uail- 
 wiiy, and that Mr. A. V. H. Carpenter, Milwaukee, WiH., Ih the (teneral PasHenger 
 Aj-ent of Haid railway, to whom all letters of Inquiry an to trainn, coHt of traoRporta- 
 tion etc., via hiH road, Hhould be addresHed. Uvor two hundred trannportation 
 cnnipaniea are dsHi^natod in thin manner. 
 If the angler deHires to vinit, or acquire a knowledge of any particular water, and 
 doe8 not find it among tlie luadingf in the text iiuder the state captionn, by refer- 
 ring to the "Index to FiHhing Waters" on pages 209 to 243, he will see the page in- 
 dicated upon which the name, locality and fishing facilities of the water occur. 
 Owing to the largo number of correspondents (nearly 18,000) upon whom the 
 editor and compiler has been compelled to rely for much of the information con- 
 tained in the guide book, there, doubtless, occur many errors in the orthography 
 c>f the waters named herein. These, it has been found impracticable to entirely cor- 
 rect in the first edition, owing to the fact that over 2,000 of the waters named have 
 no place in the Gazetteers or on accredited maps. Such errors are aptly illustrated 
 by "Ephnores lake " or " EfTnor lake"; the first is found on page 136 as adjacent to 
 "Jessups Landing" station on the Adirondack railroad, and the second (J'^nor) at 
 Iladley station, page 138, on the same road. These two stations are but five miles 
 apart and Ephnorew 1. and Effnor 1. are dcmbtlcHs one and the same water. When 
 such inconsistencies occur, the angling reader will not be confused, as however va- 
 ried the spelling may be, the pronunciation is not affected. 
 Again; in numerous instances the terms lake, pond, stream, creek, run and brook 
 will be found interchangeable, but (•> prevent confusion we have given, at the risk 
 if repetition, the local nomenclature of the waters. 
 To avoid frequent use of the same terms we have employed the following : 
 Ahbrkviationk — B. b., black bass; br., brook; cr. creek; 1., lake; 1. m., large 
 mouth; m., mile; p., pond; p. d., per day; p. w., per w«ek; r., river; •. m., small 
 mouth; itr., atream; w., week. 
 [For (toucral Index to FinhiiiK Wuto.H (l)y Stutt-M) 8eo pji. 200-24;}.] 
 Acquia cr.. Va XXXIX Him 
 AtlHliiH 1., Win 
 Adiilr.H MlllM. P. 
 Ail<l)ir 1)., N. H. 
 AkiiiH lir.. N.H 
 Ali-Dvv r., <ia 
 AM.i'hr., N. H, 
 E. I.. 
 Alfurd'H Mill p.. N. C XXXllI 
 Allitimlm r.. (*u. 
 Ail(r(ili()ny r., Pii XXW 
 Alligator cr., Fla 
 " (Ja 
 1, MiHH 
 Altaniiilia r., (ia XVIII. XIX 
 Aiiniiian r.. t'oikw of, Cal X\' 
 AiiiiiioiioMUU 1'.. N . II XXXI 
 " "Little." N. H. XXXI 
 Aucillacr.. Oa XVIII 
 Auiiai>oliH DaHiii.N.H XXXIII 
 Atiti Poim.ii cr.. Va XXXIX 
 Apalarhicola r., Fla XVI 
 Ai>i)alaih«!e r., (Ja XVIII 
 "ArKyl.'."N.S XXXIV 
 ArkaiinaH r. Hoiith. Col XVI 
 Atlantic Ocean. Fla XVII 
 Atlantic Ocean, N. C XXXIII 
 Ajinier 1 ., Qnti XXXVII 
 XI.'II •• " P. K. I XXXVI 
 XXWl ••HiK P<M,1." W. Va XL 
 XXX Hi!,' Siiiid) r. Kv XXI 
 XXXI Hiiiyliaiii I.. .Mi'iii XXIV 
 XVIII Hir.lH Slioal. N. C XXXIII 
 XXXF Hluck 1)1-.. N. H XXXI 
 Hlack »)r.. Que XXXVII 
 XIX Hlack cr . La XXI 
 IllM.k Cn'ok 1.. (^uo XXX'.'II 
 Hlack 1.. N. V XXXII 
 Hla<k p., P. K. I XXXVII 
 Hlack r.. Ark XI V-XV 
 '• •• Fla XVI 
 '• " Mich XXIV 
 Hlack Hawk cr.. Ia XX 
 HlackHtouo r., K. I.... 
 " yue 
 Blucl.. Fla 
 •• " MiHx 
 Blue r,. "Little." Kan. 
 "Hlue KidKe." Ia 
 HIne HiJrin^H cr., Oa. . . 
 . .X.iXVIII 
 BabhoHic 1., N. H. 
 Hacbelorp.. Fla. 
 Ba^le V .br.. N. II XXIX 
 Baker r., N. U XXXI 
 Ballev'Hl.. Ill XX 
 Ballciiners cr., Md. XXII 
 Barber 1.. Ark XV 
 Barnard branch. Vt XXXVIII 
 Barns p.. N. H '. . . . XXXII 
 Battenkill r.. Vt XXXVIII 
 Battle cr.. Or XXXV 
 Bay Fortune, P. E. I XXXVII 
 Hay of Fundy, N. S XXXIH, XXXIV 
 BayofQuinte, Ont XXXIV 
 Bavnu De View. Ark XIV 
 Bcidlel.. Mich XXIII 
 B«an cr., Mich. 
 Bear cr , Mich. 
 1, Minn XXIV 
 " 1., Wi« XLII 
 " p. N. H XXXI 
 Beaver br., Que XXXVl' 
 Beaver cr., Or XXXV 
 • " Pa XXXVI 
 Beaver Dam. W . Va XL 
 1.. Win XLII 
 Bennett br., N. H XXX 
 Berry'H p., N.H XXXI 
 BeverlyV br.. N.H XXXI 
 Bibbin'Hl., Mich XXIV 
 Bidwellp.. Pa XXXV 
 Bitter, or r., Mo XXVI-XXVII 
 Bin 1., Ark XIV 
 Blue HpriugH 1.. Fla XVI-XVII 
 " Oa XVIII 
 Boat 1 . . Ont XXXIV 
 BoK br.. Mo XXI 
 HuH^y cr.. Fla XVt 
 B<>X«y Mwanip, Fla XVI 
 Hogue r , MiMH XXV 
 Bogiie Hound. N. C XXXIII 
 Hond'rt cr . , W. Va XL 
 Honny r., N. H XXVIII 
 Boring Mill p.. (ia XVIII 
 ^.ounda^^ Line\)., Me XXI 
 Hoy p . Que XXXVII 
 Brace I.. Mich XXIII 
 Bradford p., N. H XXIX. XXXI 
 Breeches 1.. Que XXXVII 
 Brier cr.. CJa XVIII 
 Hrighani p.. Ark XV 
 i Browu'a cr., Wi8 XLII 
 Br\ice cr.. Fla XVI 
 "Hrudnell,"P. E. I XXXVI 
 Brule r.. Wis XLI-XLII-XLIII 
 Hutbil.) cr., W. Va XL 
 Bullocks p., Oa XIX 
 Hulls run. Or XXXV 
 l!urt,'cn I., Ark XV 
 Burned Mill cr., Fla XVI 
 Burnett p., Fla XVI 
 111 XIX 
 Burro cr., Arizona XXVIII 
 Uuttecr., Or XXXV 
 Huttertteld 1., Mich XXIV 
 Butternut I.. Wis XLI 
 Cable 1.. Wis XLII 
 Cacapou r.. "Great.' W. Va..., XL 
 "Little." W. Va.... XLI 
 Cache r.. Ark XIV-XV 
 XIX Campbell I., Mich XXIV 
Cftnii'bonp . p. E. I xxxvr 
 •Ciiiiii) FlitH." (ia XVIII 
 ChiihI, Ik XX 
 ( aiif or . . (»a XVII-XVI 1 1 
 Caimoilio*' r., Cla XIX 
 C'Hi..! TrnvcrHf r., P. E. I XXXVI 
 CaiiiiKlma l)ay. Tex XXXVIII 
 "(ar(liKUii."P. E. I XXXVI 
 farilxiul.. Quo XXXVII 
 t'ari.r., MUb XXIII 
 Carroll Kfr., N. H XXXII 
 CaH.vl., WiH XLIII 
 CaHH.Mliiiau r., Pa XXXV-XXXVI 
 Catawliar., N. C XXXIIl 
 Cidarcr., Mo XXVII 
 " Va XXXIX 
 " 1., Out... XXXIV 
 •' r.. la XX 
 Cba.l.lo.kbr.. yuc XXXVII 
 I'hain 1.. Wih XLI-XLII 
 (LaiiiiawaiuHic cr., Va XXXIX 
 (liattaliu.Mhe r.. Fla XVI-XVII 
 Cluf Moutciir Iiil«t, La XXI 
 ( Win XLII 
 rlniiatiuti'ook 1., Me XXI 
 (Lerrjl.. Cia XIX 
 " p., N. H XXXII 
 Clutck 1., WiH XLII 
 Chickaboiuiiiy r., Va XXXIX 
 ('bipolar., Fla XVI-XVII 
 Cbippewa r., Wiw XLII 
 Cboikawbatcbeo r., Fla XVII 
 Cboeolay r., Mich XXIII 
 Cbtiptaiik r., Md XXII 
 C'lackaiuaH r., t)r XXXV 
 Clam r.. Win XLI 
 Clark br.,N. H XXXI 
 Clavpoolfip., Ill XIX 
 Clearer., Arizona XXVIII 
 •' " Or XXXV 
 " 1., Ark XIV 
 " " Minn XXIV-XXV 
 " " MisB XXV 
 Clearance (or Clarence) etr., 
 Clifton p., N. C XXXIIl 
 Coaler., Ind. Ter XX 
 Cole p., N. H XXXI 
 Colcsbr.. Mich XXIII 
 tolliersl., Ga XVIII 
 ( ollinH' p., Pa XXXVI 
 ( olorado r . , " Little, " N . M . . . . XXXII 
 Conipans p., Fla XVI 
 ConeMiHl.,N. Y XXXII 
 Conue(;tieut r.,N.H .XXX-XXXI 
 Connocoocheaqne r . , Md XXII 
 Contention p., N. H XXX 
 Contocook r.. N. H. . . .XXIX-XXX-XXXI 
 CoreSound, N. C XXXIIl 
 Comiter., La XXI 
 Cornell 1., Wis XLI 
 CoHterer. err.. Mo XXVI-XXVII 
 Cranberry 1., Mich XXIV 
 Crany Hillp., N. H XXXI 
 C-awford 1., Fla XVI-XVII 
 Crooked 1 .. Mich XXIII- XXIV 
 Crystal 1.. Minn XXV 
 CryPtall., N. H XXIX-XXX 
 Ciiiiibcrlaud r., Kv XXI 
 Current r., M( XXVI-XXVII 
 Cut Offer., MiHH XXV 
 " Cut Off." near ClarkBvlUe, Mo. XXVI 
 Dano 1 . , Ha XVI 
 Dannd r , Pa XXXV 
 Dead r., Mitb XXIII 
 Deeper., Md XXII 
 " " Or XXXV 
 Deer or.. MIhh XXV 
 Deunia p., la XX 
 DijufHl.. Ark XV 
 Des Moint'H r., Minn XXV 
 Dovirn 1., Mich XXIII-XXI V 
 Dewey 1. Mith ... XXIV 
 DindeynaMh r.. N. B XXVIII 
 Dividing IT.. Va XXXIX 
 Doherty r., Or XXX \ 
 Double LakeH or Lake Htanley, 
 Ha XVI 
 Doughlassl., Qa XVIII 
 Dnkesp., «a XIX 
 Dunkr., P. E. I XXXVI 
 ••Duukard WaterH," W. Va XL 
 Dry er. and 1.. Oa XVIII 
 Dymer's er., Va XXXIX 
 Eagle er., Or XXXV 
 Eagle 1., Minn XXV 
 '• " Mo XXVII 
 Eaglep., N. H XXXI 
 Eatitl., P. E.I XXXVII 
 EaHt P.N. H XXX 
 Eau Claire r., Wis XLII 
 Eehol., N. H XXX 
 Eell., N. S XXXIV 
 Eighteen Mile er., Win XLII 
 Elk r. and 1., Win XLII 
 Elk Lick run. Pa XXXVI 
 Ellsworth p, N. H XXIX-XXXI 
 Embarrass r., Ill XIX 
 Emily 1.. Win XLI 
 Emmet 1., Mo XXVI 
 Enmore, r., P. E. I XXXVII 
 Evans 1., Mieh XXIV 
 Farewell 1.. Mich XXIV 
 Fish er., W. Va XL 
 " •' Wis XLII 
 Fishl., Mich XXIII 
 Fish p.. Me XXI 
 Fishing er., N. C XXXIIl 
 Flanil.iau r., North Fork, Wis. . XLI 
 Flanders br. N. H XXX 
 Flint r., Fla XVI 
 Flint r., Ga XVII-XVIII 
 Forest p., N. H XXXI 
 Fort George Inlet, Fla XVII 
 Fortune bay, P. E.I XXXVI 
 Foster br., N. H XXX 
 Fourl., Minn XXIV 
 Fowlerr., N. H XXIX 
 Foxl.. Mich XXIV 
 Fox r. Mo XXVI 
 Fundy, Bay of, N. 8 XXXUI-XXXIV 
 Gaines er., Ind. Ter XX 
 Galer.,N. H XXIX 
 Gambol 1., Ark XV 
 George's p., N. H XXX 
 German 1., Minn XXV 
 Oildonl., Fla XVI 
 OilliiiKhami)., N. H..., XXIX 
 Ooowe or., Oa XVIII 
 " 1., MiKH XXV 
 " p., N. H XXIX 
 Ooqiiacl., Mich XXIII 
 Oordon cr., Or XXXV 
 Gould'H 1),, N. H XXX-XXXI 
 Grafton 1)., N. H XXX 
 Orai'd Bay, Ga XIX 
 " 1., N. B XXIX 
 " " N. a XXXIV 
 Granite 1.. WIh XLI | 
 Gratiot I - , Mic'i 
 Groatl.. Vt '..XXXVIII ' 
 " p., N. H xxr : I 
 " VViscomi. p, Va XXXIX ; 
 Green Bav, Miib XXIV , 
 " 1.. Tex XXXVIII 
 Grcpnniooro j)., Ga XVIII 
 Gr.'tJKp., N. 11 XXIX 
 Griffin's p., Ga XVIII i 
 GriHliam 1., Fla XVII j 
 Guadalupe r., Tex XXX\^II 1 
 Gulf of St. Lawrence, P. E. I . . . XXXVI I 
 Gull 1.. Micb XXIII-XXIV 
 Gum Slue L, Fla XVI 
 Gun 1. and r., Mich XXIII 
 Halifax r., Fla XVII 
 Hallbr., N. H . XXXI 
 Hanover or.. Fla XVII 
 Harpern 1., Wi.s XLIII 
 Harrell'H Mill p., Ga XVIII 
 Harris p., R. I XXXVIII 
 Harrisville p., N. H XXX 
 Hay 1., Mich XXIV 
 " cr., W'iH XLII 
 Hazensp., N. H XXXII i 
 Henril., Pa XXXVI 
 Heronl., Minn XXIV 
 HickPH 1., Win XLIII 
 Highland 1, N. H XXX 
 HillHburo r, P. E. I ... XXXIX 
 Holebp., Me XXI 
 HohnanH cr., Va XXXIX 
 Horn 1., Miss XXV 
 HurKCsbool., "Big," Ark 
 • Little," Ark 
 Horseshoe p., N. H 
 •Hot Hole," N. H 
 HugbeH r., North and South 
 Forks, W. Va XL-XLI 
 Hull Swamp cr.,N. C XXXIII 
 Humboldt r. Nev XXVIII 
 Hunters 1., N. B XXjX 
 Huron r., Mich XXIV 
 Hurricaiu' 1., Ark XIV 
 Indian Bayou, La XXI 
 Indian cr., C». XIX 
 Indian p., Me XXI 
 Indian r . P. E. I XXXVI 
 Irishcr.. Va XXXIX 
 IrodO(iuoit Bay, N. Y XXXII 
 Isaac 1., Out XXXIV 
 Island 1.. Mich XXIII 
 Itchtncknee r. , Fla XVI 
 Jack cr., Minn XXIV 
 iTackpon p., Fla XVI 
 James 1., Wis XLIII 
 Jeflferaon 1 . , Minn XXV 
 Jerry 1., Miss XXV 
 "Jetties, "South and North, Fla. XVII 
 Joachim, or Squashing, cr.. Mo. XXVII 
 Jones bayou, Tex XXXVIII 
 Jones 1., Pa XXXV-XXXVI 
 Jones p., N. C XXXIII 
 Johnson's i. N. B XXIX 
 Jump r.. Wis XLIII 
 Kalamazoo 1., Mich XXIII 
 Kalamazoo r., Mich XXIV 
 Kansas 1. Minn XXV 
 Keizer 1., Pa XXXVI 
 Kelly br., N. H XXXII 
 Kimball Hill p., N. H XXXII 
 Kiiuheefoiiee cr., Ga XVII 
 Kings 1., Mo XX VI-XX\7I 
 King.sp., Va XXXIX 
 Rinney 1 , Miss XXV 
 Kiokee cr.. Ga XVIII 
 Knox br. , N. H XXX 
 Labette or., Kan XX 
 Lake Breeches, Que XXXVII 
 " Ontario, N.Y XXXII 
 Superior, Wis XLI-XLIII 
 Lambs cr., Wis. 
 Lancaster r., N. B. . . . 
 Lanes 1., Mich 
 L'Angeville r., Ark . . . 
 Langley br., N. H 
 Laurelhill r., Pa 
 Ijtvica, Tex XXXVIII 
 Left Hand cr. Col... 
 Lepreaux r., N. B 
 " "Little," 
 Lily 1., Minn 
 Limal , Mo 
 Lime 1., Wis 
 N. B. 
 ... XXVIII 
 Little Ba^ . Va XXXIX 
 " 1, Ark XIV 
 " " Que XXXVII 
 " p'ds{.3), N. H XXXI 
 " r., Fla XVI 
 " " Ga XVIII 
 " " Mo xx^^-xxvII 
 " " N. H XXIX-XXXI 
 " Rapid.s, Mich XXIV 
 " Sandy r.. Or XXXV 
 " Thompson, Col XVI 
 Logan cr.. Mo XXVI 
 Longer., N. C XXXIII 
 Minn XXV 
 " p.. N. H XXIX-XXX-XXXI 
 Longridgep., Pa XXXV 
 Loon 1.. Minn XXV 
 " p., N. H XXX-XXXI 
 Lost 1., Tex XXXVIII 
 "Lott5"br., P. E. I XXXVII 
 Louise 1., Que XXXVII 
 Lower Bay, New York. N. Y. . . . XXXIl 
 Lumberr., N. XXXIII 
 Lunetl.. N. S XXXIV 
 Lvou).. Micb XXIII 
 INIadawaskal. .md r.. Me XXI 
 Maiden 1., Ark XT* 
 Mailer., W. Va XT. 
 la. XVII 
 lo. XXVII 
 .. XXXIIl 
 . . . XLIII 
 .. XXIII 
 , . . XXXVI 
 . . XXXII 
 .. XXXII 
 . . XXXIX 
 . . , XVIII 
 . . XXXII 
 , .. XXIII 
 , . . XXXV 
 . . .XXXVIII 
 :Maiaiii«c' r., Mu XXVII 
 Miuv'., 1., N. S XXXIV 
 JlarvH 1., Minn XXV 
 .■\r:isc(,iiiii r. an.l I.. N II XXX'.iiiii 1., N. II XXIX 
 MiiHtaKoiiclic r.. (,)uc XXXVII'i Diiv, Tex XXXVIII 
 .McK.'iiiiv 1.. MiH.s XXV 
 McKoiizif r.. Or XXXV 
 McK.ii/.ic 1., Wis XLIII 
 McMillan cr., (ia XVIII )... N. O XXXTII 
 Mi-ddiiiiik r., Mf X\ 
 Mirniminco r., :Micli XXIV 
 Ml I liiiuw r.. N. H XXIX-XXX— XXXI 
 .AhtrKan r.. N. S XXXIV 
 Mi.Mh! Island ci.. W. Va XLI 
 .MiiMlo r., Wis XLIII 
 Mi.lnillr,!'. E. I XXXVII 
 .Milfnid Haven. Viv XXXIX 
 :\Iill i!'.. Cal XV 
 • Kiui XX 
 •' Mo XXVH 
 •• Or XXXV 
 Mill 1.. Ark X\ 
 Millr.. P. E.I XXXVI 
 MilltTl., Ela XVII 
 Mills cr., Ela XVI 
 •Milvalc." P. E. I XXXVI 
 Miniinc^jasli, " Little " and 
 Hit;," P. E. I XXXVII 
 Mintcn 1., Miss XXV 
 Miriiiiaclii r.. N. B XXVIII 
 Mississipjii 1.. Ont XXXIV 
 Mississiiijii r., Ia XX 
 .. Mo XXVI-XXVil 
 IMissoiiri r., Mo XXVI-XXVII 
 ?t[i.nocacy r.. !Md XXII 
 M(ini)iinah(dii r., Itiubt and Left 
 Eork. Wc.-t Va XL 
 "Montague." P. E. I XXXVI 
 Moon 1.. Miss XXV 
 Mdorp II,, 111 XIX 
 iMonsc 1., N. S XXXIV 
 pliiosc r., Ml- XXI 
 piiioso Ear cr.. Wis XLII 
 Miinllr., P. E. I XXXVII 
 ! Morris p., N. (' XXXIII 
 |Mo.-s cr., Mo XXVI 
 Mossv p., Fla XVII 
 |!Mci!int!iiii lir., (^uo XXXVII 
 pit. I'lca'^atit cr., Ela XVII 
 [Mud 1.. Mich XXIII 
 "Wis XLIII 
 plud 11, N. H XXX 
 pi d r., N. H XXIX 
 [Muddy cr., Md XXII 
 [Mulhcrryr., Ga XIX 
 [Mullet Si)riu(,'s, Fla XVI 
 |Mus(iiiashr., N. P XXVIII 
 ■iinakanon r. andl., Wis XLII 
 a|.K'iticr., Ont XXXIV 
 iitiifra+jel , P. E. I XXXVII 
 <n \ idad, Tex , XXXVIII 
 Ndsonbr., N. Y XX" II 
 'feoslid r., Kan XX 
 sViiscr.,N. XXXIII 
 ^ewr., "Big,"N. B XXVIII 
 "Little," N.B XXIX 
 H. . . . 
 1'. i;. 
 Newfound 1.. N 
 "Now GlaHnow, 
 Npwpori; r., N. (\ 
 New Kc. ('.voir, 11 
 Nowtoi^l., .VrU 
 New York Lower Bav, N 
 New Zealand r., N. il... 
 . XX> v I 
 . . x\x::i 
 North 1., P. E. I XXXVII 
 No .b p.. N. II XXX 
 North r.. t^iio XXXVII 
 • Va XXXIX 
 N rth r.oj.r/v r., Ind. Ter XX 
 North Shore, P. E. I XXXVII 
 Noteha\Miv cr., (Ja XVIII 
 Nottawal.'. Mich XXHI 
 Oak cr.. Arizona XXVIII 
 Oakafernochee Swamp, Ga X\II 
 Ocean p., (la XIX 
 Ocheeseo 1.. Ela XVI-XVH 
 Ocklochnee r., (Ja XVIII 
 " Bit,' and Little, Oa XIX 
 Oconee r.. Oa XVIII 
 Okabinacr., Minn XXIV 
 Okotilco, (ia XIX 
 i)ketin(ikee Swamp, Oa XVIII 
 Ontario 1., N. Y XXXII 
 Ouachita r., Ark XIV-XV 
 Ottaiiiiueche r.. Vt XXXVIII 
 Otter 1., Mich .'XUI 
 " " Vt XXX/III 
 " cr., "Bit?" and "Little. "Wis XLI' 
 Overflow cr.. Ark XIV 
 Ox l)r., Wis XLII 
 Pablo cr., K; XVII 
 Pardy 1., Mich XXIII 
 Pat.'r p., Fla XVI 
 Peacock 1.. Fl«, XVI 
 Peanhitank r. Va XXXIX 
 Pekin 1.. Ill XX 
 Peniequasset r., N. II XXIX 
 Penacook 1., N. H XXIX-XXXI 
 Perrius r., Va XXXIX 
 Phillips br.. N. H XXXI 
 Phinhallowavcr., (la XVIII 
 Picker 1., Ark XIV 
 "Picketts" The, Ark XV 
 Pierre .laciiiies, "Little" and 
 "iiii,',"P. E. I XXXVII 
 Pike 1, Wis XLI XLII 
 Piker., Ont XXXIV 
 Pilj^'rim r., INIich XXI It 
 Pinecr., Wis XLII 
 Pinel., Mich XXI H 
 Piuel., Wis XEill 
 Piscola or., Oa XVIII XIX 
 Pittman 1., Miss X.'CV 
 Pleasant :>., N. H XXX-XXXI 
 Pocolo«an Btr., N. B XXIX 
 Pond Hole. N. H XXX 
 Fotatoel., Mich XXIV 
 Potomac r., Va XXXI .X 
 " WestVa XL-XLl 
 " Eastern Branch, Md XXII 
 " North Branch, Md. XXII 
 " North B., West Va. XL 
 " Sonth Br., W. Va.. XL-XLI 
 Pridhanr.s 1., Texas XXXVIII 
 Prairie Hlout^h. Mo XXVII 
 Priucess Bay, N. Y XXXII 
 " Piibno.o " N. S XXXIV 
 Quantico cr. Va XXXIX 
 KaiHcn r. MicL XXIII 
 Ked Bank .r. Pa XXXVI 
 Redwood cr. La _ XXI 
 Bct'l 1. Win XLII 
 Repnl)li<-HU r. Kau XX 
 Kcd River "Littlo " Ark XFV-XV 
 Ricebr., N. Y XXXII 
 " 1. Wis XLII-XLIII 
 River p. Fla XVI 
 " Margo, N. H XXXIV 
 Roanoke r. N. XXXIII 
 •'Roariii«Braiuh" Vt XXXVIII 
 Robin Hollow 1). R. I XXXVIII 
 Rocky Uo\iud p. N. H XXXI 
 Rock cr. Iiul. Tor XX 
 RoKsr.s I. Mo XXVI 
 RoKue r. Or XXXV 
 Root r. Mich XXIV 
 "Rowiu the Bow" N. S XXXIV 
 Round I . (Jeo XVIII 
 " I.Mich XXIV 
 " 1. WlH XLII 
 Rim br. N. H XXXI 
 RuHHcl cr. Kan XX 
 St . Clair r. Mich XXIV 
 St. Croix 1. N. B XXIX Win XLIII 
 St. FrauciHl. Ark XV 
 r. Ark XIV-XV 
 r. "1%, "Mo XXVI 
 r. "Little, "Mo XXVI 
 "St. FranciH," Quo XXXVII 
 St. James 1. .Miuu XXV 
 St. Johns r. Fla XVII 
 8t. Joweph r. Mich XXIII 
 St. Lawrence r. N. Y XXXI I 
 St. Marv'H 1. Mich XXIII 
 r. Fill XVI 
 r. ••Little. 'Fla XVI 
 St. Peter'ri Bar, P. E. I XXX VII 
 Harbor P. E. I , XXXVII 
 St. Regis r. N. Y XXXiI 
 St. Rose 1. Minn XXIV 
 St. Vraiu r. " North," Col XVI 
 r. "South," Col XVI 
 Salmon r. N. S XXXIV 
 r. Ont XXXIV 
 r. Que XXXVII 
 Hole." N. S XXXIV 
 Trout r. Mich XXIII 
 Saudi. Mich XXIV 
 •• p.or 1. Pa XXXV-XXXVl 
 ' L \Vi- XLII 
 " I. Mich XXIII 
 Sandwich p. N. H XXIX 
 Sandy r. Or XXXV 
 •' Bottom 1. Mich XXIII 
 " Run, tieo XVIII 
 SauJuanr.N. M XXXII 
 Sanipiillf^ r Ark XIV 
 Santc Fee r. Fla XVI 
 Siiiiliini r. Or XXXV 
 Saruia Biw, Mich XXIV 
 Satilla r. •Bin," «eo XVIII 
 r. "Little, " (ieo XVIII 
 School p.N.H XXX 
 Schovelands cr. Arizona XXVTII 
 Scott'Hp. R. I XXXNIII 
 Sentatty r. Fla XVII 
 Seven Mile Bav, P. E. I XXXVI 
 Several. MIhh". XXV 
 Seymour I . Que XXXVII 
 Shallow 1. WiH . XLI 
 Shell 1. WiH XLIII 
 Sheep.scotr. Mo XXI 
 Shenandoah r. Va XXXIX 
 r. " North Fork." Va. XL 
 Sherman cr. Fla XVII 
 Siblevl. Kan XX 
 Silver cr and 1 . Mich XXIII-XXIV 
 " cr. WiH XLIII 
 Simon's p. N. H XXXI 
 Si.ssiboo r. N. S XXXIV 
 Smaller. W. Va XL 
 Smith's p. N. H XXX 
 r. N. H XXIX 
 Snyl. Ont XXXIV 
 So. Anna r. Va XXXIX 
 South r. Va XXXIX 
 Spectacle p.N.H XXXI 
 Spirit 1. Wis XLIII 
 Spriuj,- br. Mich XXIV 
 " cr. Ark XIV 
 " cr. Oco XVIII 
 " cr. Tex XXXVIII 
 " 1. ril X\ 
 " r. Kau XX 
 "Springs," near Bainbrid^jo Goo. XVIII 
 Sprucol. N. B XXIX 
 Squaiul. N. H XXIX 
 8(piashiui^ or Joachim cr. Mo. XXVII 
 Stacy br. Que XXXVII 
 Stanley 1. or Doul)lo lakc.-iFla.. XXI 
 St^iteu Island Souu.l, N. Y XXXH ■ 
 Stewart p. N. C XXXllI 
 Stilbvell cr. W. Va XL 
 Stinsonp. N. H XXXI 
 1. (mt XXXIV 
 Stony 1. Mich XXIV 
 Sturgeon r. -Mich XXIII 
 Sugar cr. Ill XIX 
 "Sugar Dritts," N. B XXIX 
 Summit 1. Minn XXIV 
 Sunapee I. N. H XXX-XXXl 
 Superior). Wis XLl-XLIII. 
 Susquehanna r. Pa XXXVIs 
 Suwannee r. Fla XVI-XVlIj 
 S I wanoucliee cr. (4eo XIXJ 
 Sunrtower r. .Miss XXVl 
 Swamp br. N. H XXXII 
 Swashing cr. ^lo XXVIl 
 Sweet Water, (ieo XVIllI 
 "Little," tJco XVIIll 
 Tarlt.m p. N. H XXXlj 
 Tatuuis cr. Oeo XVIllI 
 Tavlor cr. Geo XlXl 
 Teii Mile cr. Wis XI.I 
 Tevin 1. Minn XXV! 
 '•Third Haven," Md XXIlB 
 Thciuas cr. Fla XVll 
 1. Wis 
 Thompsons Mill p. P. K, I XXXV! 
 Three lakes, Mich XXIVI 
 Tiff-ny cr. Wis XMl 
 Tiger cr. tieo XIS 
 Tiger .Slough, la 
 TipertailL Fla 
 Ti^'crt's Valley r. \V. Va 
 TiL'Uif-b r. "Bit:," and "Little 
 P.E. I 
 Todd p. N. H 
 . XXIX 
 .... XLl 
 Tonir. N. H 
 . XXXI 
 Tfiiiioka r. Fla 
 Tdins cr. Geo 
 Tdwn cr. W. Va 
 Fori?," Va. XL 
 Triiut br. Wis 
 cr. Arizona 
 " 1. X. Y 
 " 1. Que 
 " p. Me . 
 " Run, Md 
 Turn-a-lnni r. Or 
 Turkey, Bif,' aud Little, N. H. 
 . XXXV 
 . XXIX 
 Turtlep. N. H 
 " 1. Wis 
 Tnskctl. audr. N. S 
 Twinl. Wis 
 I'liicn r. Midi 
 , XXIV 
 I'pperl. N. B 
 •• Turtlel.Wis 
 Viilkv r. W. Va 
 V< rdp r. \ri7(ini» 
 VtrniillidU 1. Wis 
 Wal.anbr. Ill 
 Wnmiula 1. jM<i . 
 .. . .... XXIX 
 " p.N.H 
 Wall 1. Mioh 
 WuUace lir. N. H 
 . XXXI 
 cr. M... XXVII 
 . XXXI 
 Wf-bstcrl. N. H 
 Lkt;.s Fla. . XXI 
 VVellH r. Vt 
 \ XXXI 
 1 XXIV 
 1 . . XIX 
 1 . . XXIV 
 1 .... XLl-XLlII 
 |H . 
 1 . . XXV 
 H ' 
 ■ XXVI 
 ■ (io...... XVlll 
 ■ XVIU 
 H XI, I 
 ^1 XI. 
 ^1 XXI 
 H. XI 
 West r . Md XXII 
 West Barnard. Tex XXXVIII 
 West Ford r. W. Va XL 
 West Prong Bay de C'barles, Mo. XXVII 
 Wetsteiu 1. Ark XV 
 Wheatley r. P. E XXXVI 
 Whites 1. Fla XVI 
 Whitel. Ont XXXIV 
 r. Ark XIV-XV 
 " Fisli 1, Wis XLII 
 " Oak Bavrn. Miss XXV 
 " Water r. Mo XXVI 
 Wild Horse cr. lud . Ter XX 
 Willamette r. Or XXXV 
 Willis cr. Pa XXXV 
 Willowl. Minn XXV 
 Winder Str. N. B XXVIII 
 Winnepesankee 1. N. H XXX-XXXI 
 Winslowbr. N. H..' XXXI 
 Winter r. P. E. I XXXVI 
 Wisconsin r. Wis XLII 
 Withlacoocbee r. Geo XIX 
 Wolf cr. la XX 
 " 1. Minn XXV 
 " p. Pa XXXV 
 Woodl. Wis XLI-XLIII 
 Wright p. N. H XXIX 
 MillH, P. E. I XXXVI 
 Wycondal. Mo XXVII 
 Yazoo Pass, Miss XXV 
 Yellow r. Fla XVI 
 " r. Geo XVIU 
 Youghiogbeney r. "Big" and 
 "Little," Md XXII 
 Y^ougbiogbeney r. Pa XXXV 
 Y'uba r. Middle Forks, Cal XV 
 [Revised to May 1, 1886.] 
 [The provisions of the fluh lawH of the iliffcront Statcw, Territories, aucl of the 
 Dominion of Canada prohibit, under heavj- penalties, thu killing of Halnion, tront, 
 black-bass, and other recognized game fish by any other nietht)d than by hook and 
 line. In states where exceptione to this general law obtiiiuH, a note is made of 
 the fact under the proper caption. The open seasons a.s given in the annexed sched- 
 ule refer exclusively to hook and line fishing, which in the State of New York is 
 defined as "a lino held in the hand," and as "lay-out" or "set lines" are prohibited 
 by statute in many of the states, a strict construction of the definition of hook and 
 line fishing is indicated by the New York law]. 
 Alabama.— The ftsh laws of this state apply only to the Tennessee river in 
 which it is unlawful to use nets or poison. 
 Arkansas. —No protecting fish laws have been enacted in this state. 
 British Columbia, Province of— See Ontario and Quebec, the game and fish 
 laws of which were extended to British Columbia By order of the Governor in 
 Council on Sept. 15, 1879. 
 California.-- -The open season for all varieties of trout is from April 1st to Nov. 
 1st; salmon are protected only in the month tf September. " It Hhall not be law- 
 ful for any person to buy or sell or otter or exp^ise for sale within this state, any 
 kind of trout (except brook trout), less than eight inches in length. Every per- 
 son who in the State of <'nlifornia at any time, t.iles or catches any trout except 
 with hook and line, is guilty of a misdeni'^auor." 
 Colorado.— It is not lawful to kill troui "on any mop fish" with hook and 
 line except in the months of July, .\ugust, Septciuber, and October; fishing is pro- 
 hibited within '2('0 yards of "any flshway or artificial or natural obstruction in all 
 tiie waters of the state, 
 Connecticut.— The open seatons are:— Trout from .\pril 1 to July!; black-bass 
 can be caught in the running waters of the state in any montli df the year. There 
 IS no close season fur niascalonge, pike and pickerel. The waters jirotccted by 
 snecial enactments are numerous and as tliore has never l)een an olticial list of 
 tliem collated, it is ditficult to cull from the general laws an authentic schedule. 
 The following list however, will doubtless serve the purposes of the resident or 
 visiting angler; Hockanum river in East Hartford is protected from December 1 to 
 .\pril 1; Salmon river in Middlesex County can only be fished from tlio 1st of April 
 to Juno 15 ; fishing|is prohibited in Pat tagoneiettl.ake, in East Lyme, between Novem- 
 ber 1 and March 15, unless by consent of the owner; black bass cannot bo caught 
 in West Hill pond in New Hartford and Barkhamsted, between April ;ti) and June 10; 
 winter fishing (from November 15, to April 1), is prohibited in Marsh lake, in the 
 t'lwus of Bristol and Plymouth until March 2S, 18H(i. and tho same is entirely pro- 
 hibited in Lake Wononstopomoc at Lakeville, between November 15 and June 15; 
 black bass less than ti inches in size if caught in Waramaug Lake in Litchfiebl 
 County must be returned to the water immediately: fish must not bo taken by any 
 means from Cherry pond .in the towns of .\von and Canton, except during July 
 and August, and then only by hook and line, Tyler pond in tho town of Oosheii 
 must not be fished except from June 1 to January I; fishing is i)rohibited in 
 Stratton or Beaver Dam brooks, in the town of Simsbury, until April 1, 1886; tho 
 t'pen season for Taunton lake, in the town of Newtown is from July 1 to Febini- 
 ary 1. Fishing in Lake Washenco prohibited for live years from June 1, 1885. in all 
 places north and west of the railroad w hieh crosses it. Halo or excbango or ofifericg 
 (load brook trout less than 6 inches long prohiViited. Fishing in Kenosha Lakb in 
 I'anbury prohibited between November 15, and April 15, until IHSH. Fisliing in 
 Birce's pond jirohibited until January 1, 1888. Fiiihiug iu Orcutsvillo Boaervoir 
 prohibited between November 1 and April 1. 
 Dakota. — I'iHliiriK wifli honk atKl lino is i)f>rTiiitto(l from May 1 to Fobrnary 1. 
 In the Missouri hikI Ucil riverH, tiwhing it aUowt'd at au.vtiiiic. 
 Delaware.— No rostrirtionH on hook and line flahinK> fxcoi)t for hlack baHH, 
 whi'ih is iir()iiil)iti'il until IHH'.i; no flMhiu^; allowuil in .SUakc-pcart^ and Do CourHcy 
 pondH, used as stiito i)r(H)a(4ation pondH. 
 District of Columbia. 
 land and Vir^^inia. 
 -No roHtrictions on hook and line flshinK. See Mary- 
 Florida.— No rewtrictionH on hook and line flnhinK. 
 Oeorgfla.— No restricrtionH on hook and lino flHhing. A cloflo time exists from 
 sunrise on Saturday to sunriso on Monday, during which fishing of every kind is 
 jirohihitt'd lu rivers freciueuted liy shad. , 
 Idaho.— No restrictions on hook and line fishing. 
 Illinois —No restrictions on liook and line lisliing. 
 Indiana.— No restrictions on hook and line fishing. 
 Indian Territory.— No fish laws are in force. 
 Iowa. — " It i.s unlasvful to catch or kill any bass or wall-eyed pike between April 
 1 and June 1 ; or any salmon or trout between November 1 and February 1." 
 Kansas. — No restrictions on hook and line fishing 
 Kentucky.— No restrictions on hook and line fishing. 
 Louisiana. — No restrictions on hook and line fishing. 
 Maine —Hot)k and line or artificial flies cannot bo used within 100 yards of any 
 flsliway, dam or mill-race. The op<'n seasons are as follows; Salmon from July 
 IT) to .Sei)t. 1"); laiid-lo<ked saliTion, trout and togue (lake trout), Maj 1 to Oct. 1; 
 (the open stuison closes for tlie thice I'lst named fish on September lotli in St. Croix 
 River and its tributaries, and in all the waters of Kennebec County): black bass and 
 white perch can be caught from July 1 to April 1. CitiztMis of the state can catch 
 (fur home consumption t)nly) laud-locked salmon, trout and toguii during the 
 months of Fehy., March and April. Angling with any device except a single baited 
 hook or with artificial flies is prohibited umler a i)emilty of j^lO to J30 for each of- 
 fence and 11.00 for each lish caught. Sea or land-locked salmon under 'J in. or 
 trout less than 5 in. must be returned to the water, and no person is permitted to 
 catch, kill or have in possession for tlio purpose of transjiortation more than .50 lbs. 
 lu all of land-locked salmon or trout or togue, and if transported the fish must Ite 
 accompanied by the owner of them. Fishing is prohibited until Feby. 10, 1888 in 
 Rounds Urook and in Deep Brook, both of wliiidi are situated in Yi rk County: fish- 
 ing for trotit and land-locked sahuon in Misery and Saccatieu or Socatian Rivers, 
 which Gii'ipty into Moosehead Lake, is not allowed between Sept. 15 and May 1. The 
 following waters are prohibited from being fished for iJ years from Feby. IS), 188.5; 
 Pickerel pond, (Jhadboru pond and Berry pond in Limerick. Fishing it; not allowecl 
 for six years from February 'Jl, l8Hr>, in the tributaries of Wilson i)ond in Andros- 
 coggin t;oiuity; for five years from February 21, 1885, in Taylors pond and its cnit- 
 lets as far down as Willis' lower mill dam; for 10 years from February 21, 1885 in 
 Canaan pond and ponds immediately connected therewith located in Waldo and 
 Knox Counties. Winter fishing (November 1 to May 1) is prohibited in Allen pond 
 in Androscoggin County, also in tiarland Village pond, Cro well's brook, Holt's Mill 
 pond iti Penobscot Covmty, the dose season for the two last named extending to 
 May 15. "No person shall take, catch, kill, fish for, or destroy, any trout or land- 
 locked salmon in the Rangeley Stream, between the mouth of the Kennebago 
 Stream and the head of the island at the eddy, so called, in said Rangeley .Stream, 
 from the 1st day of July to the 1st day of May; nor in that portion ol said stream 
 from the head of said island to the Rangeley Dam, at any time; nor in the South 
 Bog Stream, which empties into Rangeley Lake, above the dead-water at the mouth 
 of said stream, from the Istday of July to the 1st day of May; nor in the Bemi.s 
 Stream, which empties into Mooselncmaguutic Lake, above the blue water, so 
 called, at the mouth of said stream, from the 1st day of July to the 1st day of May; 
 nor in theCupsuptic Stream which empties into Cupsuptic Lake, between the foot 
 of the first falls towards its motith and its source, from the Ist day of July to th<^ 
 1st day of May; nor iu the Kennebago Stream, between the foot of the first falls to 
 Febriiary 1. 
 bliicli 1)a8H, 
 Do CoiirHoy 
 Seo Mary- 
 existH from 
 very kind is 
 )etwepn April 
 ary 1." 
 yarrtfl of any 
 111 from July 
 , 1 to ()<'t. 1; 
 til ill St. Croix 
 lite can cati'b 
 1! (luring the 
 t*iiit;lo baited 
 [) for each of- 
 ider y in. or 
 liennittcd to 
 ,ro than M Ihw. 
 tinh must be 
 10, 1H88 in 
 County: flrih- 
 •iitian Kivcrw. 
 ilMayl. The 
 L'by. 1'.), 1885; 
 liK not allowed 
 d in Audrofl- 
 and itrt out- 
 .•y '21, 1885 in 
 in Waldo and 
 n Allen pond 
 'k. HolfH Mill 
 extending to 
 •rout or land- 
 lie Kenuobago 
 jeley Stream, 
 t said stream 
 in the South 
 at the UKUith 
 in the Bemin 
 line water, fio 
 tday of May; 
 Rcen the foot 
 ,f July to tho 
 lie llrHt falls to- 
 ward itH month and th« upper falls at the outlet of Kennebago I^ke, from the Ist 
 day of September to the iHt day of May." 
 Manitoba, Province of.— Whiteflsh: Open Heasons from 1 Nov. to 20 ()<t. 
 Specified trout, 1 Jan. to 1 Oct. 
 Maryland. — The open HcasoiiH arc: For trout from April Ist to Aupust 15. Black 
 ba-.'< can be caujjht during any moTith except May. The open reason for brook 
 trout cnd.s in Garrett County on August 1. No rentrictionH on flshii!}^ for black bass 
 with hook and line. 
 Massachusetts. — The open seasons arc: Salmon, from May 1st lo August]; 
 biciik trout, lak»^ trout, and land-locked salmon. Ai)ril 1 to September 1; black bass 
 fi.'iii .Inly 1 to December 1; smelt from Jm.e 1 to March 15. Trout cannot be biUeu 
 iroiii tlic following waters without permission from the land owners under penaiticH 
 111]) oscd by statute; Thestream at Kast Head, ti>win of Carver ami Plymouth, .md 
 tr.'Ui Avery Urook or its tributaric.-', in the towjis of ClareTiiont and Heath. Black 
 I'l^-; <'annot be cauj?bt in the waters -if Lake Cocliituate in Middlesex County under 
 a I cualty of $5 to $50 for each offense. Fish of any kind cannot >>e taken from the 
 1 iiiids sui)plyiug the City of Worcester with water, except by permission of the city 
 Kichigfan.— The open seasons are: Tront from May 1 to September 1; griyling, 
 ,h,iic 1 to November 1. Fishing' the fo)k)\\iii(r named waters is prohibited from 
 iicc( uilxn- 1 to April I: Devil's Lake, liound Lake, both in Lanawee Ciumty; Whit- 
 mor • Lake in Wastenaw County, and Brace Lakt.' in Calhoun County, In .lanuary, 
 February aui! March, tishinn is prohibited in the inland lakes of Oceana County, in 
 Nii\i luber, Diteniber, January, February, March and April, lishinj; is not allowed 
 in l{<'cds and Fish Lakes in the lownshii) of (irand llapids, Kent County. Fishing 
 with hook and lint! is periiiitted frdin lay 1 to November 1 in the lakes of JefTersou 
 t(>wnship and in Diamoinl Lake and in Stone Lake, all in CassConnty, and any lake 
 in Wcstervelt township, Berieii County: no close season for black bass. Trout and 
 grayling less than (J inches mui't not be caught. 
 Minnesota.— The open seasoiiH are: Trout from April 1 toOctober 1; uo restric- 
 tions mi any other fish by hook and line fishing. 
 Mississippi. — No restrictions on hook and line fishing. 
 Missonri. — No restrictions on hook and line fishing. 
 Montana, Territory of.— No dose season for hook and line fishing. 
 Nebraska. — No close season for hook and line fishing. 
 Nevada. — Nodose season for ho(jk and line fishing. 
 New Brunswick, Province of.— Fish may be caught (with the artificial fly 
 only) during the following months: Salmon from March 1 to September 1; salmon 
 under 3 lbs. must be returned to the water; brook and lake trout (lunge) be- 
 tween Jan. 1st and Sept. 30. 
 New Hampshire.— The open season for land-locked salmon, lake and brook 
 tidut, extends from April 30 to September 30; fishing is permitted for lake trout 
 \Mtli a single hook and line during January, February and March. Pike-perch and 
 white perch can be caught from July 1 to May 1; hlack bass from June 15 to May 1; 
 iiiascalonge, pike, pickerel, and "grayling" from June ItoAprill. "Young salmon 
 known as parr, sniolts or grilse " when caught must be returned to the water. Fish- 
 iiit,' is nrohibited within 400 yards of any flshway, and brook trout less than 4 in. 
 and striped bass less than 15 in. in length must not be caught. Fishing is jirohib- 
 itcd in the Pemigewissit river in the vicinity of the State Hatching House in Holder- 
 New Jersey.— The open seasons are: Trout, lake and brook, from Mar.h 1 to 
 ...1... 1. i.iack bass from May 30 to November 1. Black bass cannot be caught 
 Octol.erl; .„ 
 less than 7 in. in length 
 New Mexico, Territory of— The statute recites: "It is unlawful to take, kil' 
 nr have in^eKsion rou the i tTiirosK of sai.f any trout taken in any of the jiuli' 
 lie waters of this territory during December, January, Februnry. March or April in 
 L'l'e are no other rc-t/ictions )n hi ok and line fishing. 
 any year 
XI 1 
 Hew York. —The open seasons are: Olack basH(«mall mouthed I.Oflwepo basfl (large 
 mniithod), mill iiiaHca'ioii^'e from June 1 to Jan. 1 : the opt'ii season for black bass of 
 botli varietitiH coiiinieucert July 1 audeuils Jan. 1 iut'.ie \vat»isof Lake Maboiiac, and 
 in those ot ('oluiul)ia Co.. in the watiTs of Schroon lake, rivor and Paradox lake in 
 the counties of Kssex and Warren, and in tlio waters of Friends lake in Warren Co., 
 In li. (S(!or(^e, and in Braiit lake in Warren Co. the Heason for black baws opens on 
 July '.<), and cuds Jan. 1, Black bass and inascalouge can be caught in the following 
 waters bet. May '20 and Jan. 1: 8t. Lawrence, Clyde, 8euecaaud Oswego rivers, Lakes 
 Erie, Ontario, ConcsuB and Iti Niat^ra r. above Niagara Falls on the American side. 
 No black or striped bass can be caught in any waters of the state of less than half ( ^i) 
 a pound in weight or less than eight(8)iuche8 in length, measuring from the end 
 of snout to cud of caudal flu. It is prohibited to cat<'h or kill or attempt to catch or kill 
 any bullheads or other fish in the waters of LakeOcorpe orin tha watersof any ofthe 
 inlets or creeks emi)tying into said lake, between April 1 and July 1 in any year. Pick- 
 erel cannot bo (taught in L. George bet. Feb. L5 and June Li. The open season for 
 brook (speckled) ;ind land-locked salnnm is from May 1 to Sept. 1, except in 
 counties of (Queens and Suffolk (L.I. ), where they can be caught from .fpril I to Sept. 
 1. Lake (salmon ) trout can Le caught only from March 1 to Oct.l, and in L. George 
 in additional m onth of April. The trout above named, including the California trout, 
 cannot be caught of less length than fix inches, in any of the waters of the state. 
 Fish mustnotbe wilfully disturbed while on their spawning beds in the public waters 
 of the state, except in L. Ontario; and spawn or milt must not bo taken from the tish 
 in any waters, not iirivate. California trout may be tak«"u from Sept. 1 to May 15. 
 Vorth Carolina. — The open season for brook trout is from December 31 to Oc- 
 tober 15th in the counties westof the Hlue Uidge Mountains, and from January 1 to 
 October 1 in the waters of New or Watauga rivers and their triljutaries in Wautauga 
 County, and the New river and North Fork of same and their tributaries in Ashe 
 County. The above restriction as to legal seasoii does not apply to the counties of 
 Henderson, YaTicey, Transylvania, Bunconie and Macon. No restriction as to hook 
 and Uuv lishiug for other flsh than the brook trout. 
 If ova Scotia, Province of. — The legal season (for surface fly-fishiug only with 
 rod au(l line) for salmon is from Febrtiary 1 to September lath. All varietie.' of 
 trout can be caught from January 1 to October 1. 
 Ohio. — "Brook trout, salmon, land-locked salmon or California salmon" (we 
 quiiti' tlu! text of the law), can l)e legally caught from March 15 to September 15. 
 No restrictions on hook and line tishing for other tt^^h. 
 Ontario, Province of. — The open seasons are: Salmon trout and 
 from Noveiiiber :t() to November 1; pickerel (dore or wall-eyed pike) 15 May to 15 
 Ajiril; ba.-^.s iind mascalouge, 15 June to 15 April. 
 Oregron.— Minintain or brook trout can be legally caught from April 1 to Novem- 
 ber 1; salmon must not be taken from the Columbia river and tributaries, by any 
 MKANS WUATEVER, during the months of March, August and September, nor during 
 the weekly close time (from P. M. on Saturday to A. M. on Sunday), with 
 net, seine or trap at any time whatever, in any stream of water or inlet of the sea 
 or river of the State. Fishing is not permitted within fiOO feet below (-r '2(Ht feet 
 above. Fishing for "redflsh" or lake trout is permitted from January 1 to August lo. 
 Pennsylvania. — "Sea salmon "and speckle 1 trout" can be legally caught from 
 April 15 to July I. i; lake (salmon) trout from Jantiary 1 to October 1; "black, 
 green bass, yellow bass, willow basu, rock bass. Lake Erie or grass bass, jiike, \>tc\s.- 
 erel or wall-eyed jiike, comujonly known as the ' Suscjuehauna salmon,' " can be 
 caught from June 1 to January 1. [This law does not apply to the waters of Lake 
 Krie, except in the ponds or peninsula forming the north and east shores of the 
 harbor of Erie. Trout, either brook or California mountain trout, cannot be 
 caught less than five (5) inches in length, and the same luw applies to bass o( any 
 species under six (6) inches in length. 
 Prince Edward Island, Province of.— The open season for trout Is from 
 De. ember 1 to October 1; for salmon from January 1 to September 1. 
 Queboc, ProViUOe of. — The open seasons are: Brook (speckled) or river trout 
 from Jauuary 1 to October 1; salmon trout (lake trout or lunge), or "winniniah" 
 (land-locked salmon), from December 1 to October 15; pickerel (dore or wall-eyed 
 pike), 15 May to 15 April: black bass and mascalouge, 15 June to 15 April. Salmon, 
 net tishing, "l May to 31st July. Salmon, angling, 1 May to 15Augiist. 
 basB (lar(?e 
 ack 1)8 Hrt of 
 khoiiac, liiid 
 (lox lak'i in 
 Varieu « o., 
 ■18 opens on 
 le following 
 iverH, Lakes 
 orican Hide. 
 ni the end 
 catch or kill 
 of any of the 
 year. Pick- 
 II HeaHon for 
 1, except in 
 iril 1 to Sept. 
 in L. George 
 fomia trout, 
 jf the state, 
 lublic wattTrt 
 from the flsh 
 to May 15. 
 ber 31 to Oc- 
 January 1 to 
 in Wautanga 
 ries in Asho 
 counties of 
 lU an to hook 
 ng only with 
 1 varietieu of 
 Halmou" (we 
 ptuniber 15. 
 |\d whitpfl.-th 
 ■) May to 15 
 1 to Novom- 
 iriCH, BY ANY 
 ', nor during 
 iinday), with 
 let of tlu' hen 
 )\v or '2(Ht fcf^t 
 |to August 10. 
 'black bans, 
 Ih, pike, pick- 
 |i()ii,' " caube 
 ters of l^ako 
 fiorert of the 
 cannot be 
 bawH of any 
 lout Is from 
 Bhode Islaud. The open seaHons 'ire: Hlack basH can be taken (except in tlie 
 wutcis of Siieach pond, town of Cuinberliiud), from July l."> to March 1; trout from 
 Miinb 1 to August 16; pickerel June 1 to April 1. 
 South Carolina.— No restrictions on hook and line fishing, except that a 
 Hl.tiiiil clone Heason from June ir> to .\ug. 15 is in force for B ack river in Williama- 
 bdij,' county. 
 Tennesse**— No restrictions on hook and line lishiug. 
 Xexas. — No restrictions on hook and line fishing. 
 Utah, Territory of.— Trout may be taken with hook and line between Juno 15 
 and March 15. 
 Vermont.— Trout, land-locked salmon, trout or "longe" (the latter is the h>cal 
 iiiinie for Halmou or lake trout), can be legally taken with hook and line between 
 May 1 and September 1; the black bass open season is from June 15 to February 1, 
 .iiiii basa \mder ten (10) inches must be returned to the water. Wall-eyed pike (pike 
 perch), pike and pickerel can be caught only from June l.'> tt) February 1. 
 Virginia.— There are no fish laws in force (May 1, ISSC) in this State. 
 Washinerto|}, Territory of.— No restrictions on salmon fishing with hook and 
 line except during the months of March and August, and dtiring the weekly 
 tunc between (5 r. M. on Saturday to f) A. M. on Monday in the months of April, 
 May, June and July. This applies solely to the Columbia river and its tributaries, 
 ami is a strict eonstrnction of the law as i)rinted. The open season for "salmon, 
 .-•aliiion trout, 'bull trotit' or trout" in any of the streams in the county of Walla 
 Walla (except the Columbia and Snake rivers), is from April 1 to November 1, 
 winch is the open season for mountain or brook trout in all the other waters of the 
 West Vlrjflnla.— The open seasons are: For jack or white salmon (probably 
 ].ike-]ierch), Jiine 15 to May 1; for brook trout or land-locked salmon from January 
 1 to Scjitember 1. 
 Wisconsin.— The open seasons are; For brook trout from Ai)ril 15 to August l."!, 
 except in the counties of Ashland, Bayfield and Douglas, where trout can be ca: t:iit 
 from .\i)ril ' to September l.'i; for black bar^s and wall-eyed pike (pike-perch), fioui 
 May 1 to February 1. Lake trout (commonly known as Mackinaw trout), under J^ 
 lb. must be returned to the water. 
 Wyoming, Territory of. — "It shall not be lawful for any person or person.^ to 
 kill or take any fish from the juiblic waters of this territory in any mannk>i what- 
 soKVF.u between the first day of November and the first day of June. — Session lawa 
 of 1S.S4, chap. 45, sec. U. 
 ■ r. 
 S ? 
 1' I 
 river trout 
 lor wall-eyed 
 Vil. Salmon, 
 (Seo alio i)an<'8 17— IH.) 
 AiiiiRKViATioNs— 1). 1)., l)la<k IttiKH; l)r., brook; cr., creek; 1., lake; 1. in., larpe 
 iiKiiitli; 111., mile; i>., jioikI; p. d.. day; ii. w., pur week; r., river; h. m., Hiiiall 
 iiiniUli; Htr., Htrcani; w., week. 
 i I 
 Alicia (M. 1'.)— Cache r. lit 111.; IJluik r.; UiUMeKlioe 1.; Hi^'l.; and Little 1.; 7 in. 
 HiH and HorHCFlioe lake are IkhI; IJulValo, b. b., perch aiidcatfiwh; red woririH and 
 eiawlish aH baits. Hd*! j^ood ami reasonable; bait plenty. TIhUjuk said to bo 
 vir.v line. 
 Arkadelphla (AI. P )— Ouaehita r. 'i ni.; trout. Htriiied and b. b., perch, etc. 
 IlasH most nunieroiiK; niinnowH and worms as baits. May to Sept. best. Hotel 
 f 'J ji. <1.; nuideB not needed; boats and bait nominal price. 
 Auvergne (B ."w U.)— Picker 1. and 1. 1 ',' m.; Newton 1. 2 m,; HorflCflhoe 1. 
 2 ' 111.: (Ill li(! r. 4 m.; White r. (5 m. Horseshoe 1. and ("acho r. best; tront, 1). b., 
 pickerel, speckled perch, ))ike, bream, catfish, buffalo, and other varieties; tront, 
 E( rch, and biilValo, most numerous. April to June, September and October 
 est. Hotels f 2 p. d.; boats and bait at reasonable rates; fishing good. 
 Bald Knob (>r. P.)— Hurricane 1. 8 m.; Clear 1. fl m.; Little Ked r. 6 m.; Over- 
 flow cr. 1 'i 111.; Clear 1. best; trout, b. b., perch, etc. Butlalo, catfish, and perch, 
 most numerous; minnows as bait; Spring and Fall season best. Private accommo- 
 dations only. 
 Batesville (M. P.)— White r. at Ptation; Spring or. 2 m., about eriual; b. b., 
 irout and perch; bass and trout most numerous; minnows as bait. March best for 
 trolliiii,'. and .June, M.ay, and Fall mouths for general fishing. Good hotelH at %2 
 p. d.; guides not needed. 
 Colt(M. P.)— Sangiiiil? r., St. Francis r., and a number of small lakes In the 
 vicinity. St. Francis r. best. Fishing said to be very good; perch; buffalo, etc.; 
 most numerous. 
 Coming' (M. P.)— Horseshoe 1. near station; Black r. 2 m.; some lakes in the 
 vii iuity; b. b., pike, and perch: trout most numerous, worms and minnows as 
 bait; Spring and fall months best. Hotel $2 p. d., guides and boats reasonable. 
 Fishing very good, also plenty of game in season. 
 Cotton Plant (B & B.)— Bayou De View 2 m.; Cache r. It'^ m., and other waters 
 8 ill . ; all eiiiiiiUy (rood; trout, speckled jierch, strawberry bass, buffalo, pike perch, 
 etc.; fust t\M> iiio^t numerous; May to Sei)teniber best, llottds $1.50 p. d.; boats 
 and bait free; liHliing excellent, said to be the best in the state. 
 Donaldson (M. P.)— Auachita r. 1 m.; trout, catfish, jierch, etc.; catfish and 
 ealmun, (pike pei-ch) most numerous; May and June be.>^t. Hotel reasonable. 
 Orays (B. k B.) Cache r. and White r.; last best; b. b., perch. trout, and Buffalo; 
 last two nsost plentiliil; April. May, September, and October, bet^t. Hotels $2 to 
 |2..'J0 p. d. ; boats and bait at reasonable cost. Good fishing reported. 
 Haynes{M.P.)— L'Angreville and St. Francis r., either 12 m.; b. b., catfish, 
 buiV:ilo, and drum; buffalo most numerous; usual baits used; no regular hotels 
 but private boarding houses. 
 Hot Spring's (M. P.)— Ouachita r. .'> m.; b. b., and salmon, (pike perch), b. b. 
 aiost numerous; minnows as bait; April, May, and June l.ei-t. Hotels $2 to $4 
 p. d. Boats and bait reasonable. 
 (Seo papeH 17—18. 
 Hoxle (^I- I'l— i'ikIk' i>ii<l lUock r. H ui. oach; lnHt iihiiii<1 lnnt; (alllHli, b. h. and 
 Tirrrli; b. 1). ami riilti>li nii't^t iiniiicroiiH; iiiiiinowH hikI trolling li.iitH UHt'd; Suni- 
 nUT llldlltLH 1m .-t. lliitcl .; J..";() Ij. d. 
 Ji\dBonia(M- 1'.)— r.ittlr Red r. '3 m.; liarbcr 1. Ifini.; liMliiii« ^'ond c8i>ocially 
 ill liiii'lxr i.; b. Ii.. wliib* iicr li, ti'niit, ciittiHli, t'tc; all plriititiil', iiiiniitiWH axbait; 
 May. iliiiic, iiiul .Inly bent. Hotel f 1 \i. d.; ({iiidcH and bait at nunniiul in-ii-cH. 
 Xensetti^I- 1'.)— Littk- Red r. at Btatioii; trout, iicicli, and dnini: trout and 
 |iii. Ii iiM'.-t iiunuroUH; crawllnL und uiiuuoWH aH bait; April and May bent; boatH 
 I and liiiit at nominal i>rii'fH. 
 Knobel iM. 1')— Hluck r. Caclio r. Maiden 1. and Mill 1. from '2 to ;J ni. from sta- 
 hi'iii; .'Mill 1. best; b. b., eroiijiic and jiiko; b. b. and crojiiiie niont jdcntiful; 
 liiiiiniouH UH bait: S|)rin({ and Tail nionthfl bent. Hotel i'i \>. d.: boatH and bait 
 Ireahonablo; ^ood huntinn in this vicinity. 
 Ualvem Jiiiiction (M. P.)— Ouachita r. I'gni.; b. b., jack jiikc, jierch, cat- 
 Ififli etc.; e(iually iilentifiil; minnows an bait; April, May, ami .Juno bent; boatt) 
 land Imil at mudcrale priceH. Hotel f'2. .lO p. d. 
 Newark (M- I'.)— Wliite r. 3 ni. Bi|,', Dye, and Mud rH.; ftrHt and lant named host; 
 111. li., iMTih, catflwh, drum; all abundant; crawtiBh anil uruliH an bait; Ai)ril, May 
 Hid Juno bent. lIutelH $;j p. d. 
 Newport (M- I')— ^Vhito r. at stiitiou; lUack r. .'i'^ ni.; Durgen an<l (iambol 1. 
 '_. iu.;la>t nametl be.>^t; h. b., eroppie, and Htripcd basH (frenli water); croppie 
 iiid Htripcd baHH moNt abundant; crawllnh and minnowH an l>ait. Hotel cliargeH 
 iiKMleratc; boatH and bait obtainable; Spring months best; fluhinn waid to be very 
 od; that for b. b. being best in Ajiril and May, the other flnhing is good until 
 Olypliant (^I- 1'.)- Wet.Mtein 1. 2'a ni. Hrif^ham p. 2 m. White r. '2'i m; tirHt 
 [innied licHt; trout. ]icrcli, catlish, and 1). b. ; perch nioHt numerous; wormn and 
 ^ninnnwK as bait: April iind May best; no hoteln, but board can bo obtaiiieil at farm 
 UKcf ; Imat."* and bait at umall cost. Fishing very {.n>o(l but accommodatioUH only 
 Parnily (M. 1*. ) i^t. Trancis r. and lakes 8 m.; b, b., )i(.'rcli. catflfh etc.: tirst 
 nuniiil nioht numerouw; ait. baits uned, minnows also in trolliu(.?; spring and tall 
 months best; guides and boats reasonable; no hotelH but acconimodatiouH at farm 
 [louses. This is reported as a good lishing point. 
 Riverside {R- ^' B.) Cache r. near station ; White r. 8 m,: DoutH 1. 1>,' ni. and 
 >th>i' filters Hm.: lirst best; trout, butl'alo, perch, jack (pike) and b. b.; April, 
 |Hay best: hottds?';5 and $3,50p. w.; boatn, bait and guides at moderate priceH. FiHbing 
 frury good at low wati'r. 
 Tupelo (H. i'^: B.) Cache r. 8 m.; White r. 8 m ; last best: biiflalo, fresh water 
 jruiu, trout, b. b. and perch; summer months beet; hotel j;f p. w.; boats and bait 
 ioilcrate, Fishing very good, 
 Vanndale (M- 1*) St. Francis r. it 1. accessible; best Ashing in the lake; b. b., 
 irli. ri;ilnio!i. (i)ike perch) and otlier varieties; perch most niimerous; minnows 
 kiid woiius as l)aii; Aug., Sejit., and Oct. best; hotels $'2 p. d .; boats obtainable. 
 ri-!iiufi is said to bo very fine at this place. 
 WeldoniH. vt B.jCachcr. .^in.; White r. 7m.; 'The I'icketts " and Big and 
 Littir liorsesiioe 1,. I iNj 3 ni.; Big Horseshoe 1. and Cache r. best ; trout, perch, b. b. 
 biUi-pcrch and buftalo; perch and trout most abundant; May to July best; no 
 [lotels; boats free; tishing very good. 
 (See i>agC8 18-21. ) 
 AnnnKvi.\Ti(>NS— b. b., black bass; br., brook; cr., creek; 1., lake; 1. m., large 
 outh; m., mile; ])., i)ond; p. d., per day; p. w., per week; r., river; e. m., small 
 iuuth; str., stream; w., week. 
 Cisco (So. Pac.) Middle Forks Yuba r. and forks of the American river; several 
 Jaricties of trout; hotels :*'2 11. d. 
 Ksaldsburg' (^. F. it N. P.) Mill cr. 2'^ m.; and anuraber of other creeks from 
 ltd l."> ni.: all about e(iual; trout and salmon; tirst named most ntimerous; worms 
 Inti Hies as bail; April, May and June best; hotels $1.50 p. d.; guides and boats 
 jcap. Write to C. 1). Carter, staiion agent. 
 (Sco pttucrt ;<'.t-4U.) 
 AiinnKViATfoNH— 1). It., 1)lu( k 1i.ihm; br., brook; cr., creek; 1., lako; 1. ni.. lar^ft 
 iiKiiitli: 111, mil*-: )).. ]Miii(l; p it., |mt duy; p. w , {icr week; r , river; h, ni., Hiiiall 
 mouth; Htr,, ntreain; w., \^e«ik. 
 Lyons (D. W. \- P.) -No. St. Vrain and So. St. Vniin in vieinity. Little Tbompson, 
 4. III.: liel't llitnil rr, !*> iii,; tU'Ht bertt; mountain trmit iirineipiilly; .Inly to (October 
 boNt; liutelH if-i tiiliip, w,; ({iiidoH not needed; biiit plenty; tinliiiif; very ^ood. 
 Pouche (I>. .V: H. O.)— So. ArkunHaw r.; trout prineiiially; liotelH $'i j). d. AIho 
 (,'ood HliootiiiKuroundH in the vieinity, 
 (See puneH 60-03,) 
 AunuKviATioNH — b. b,, black \mn»; br,, brook; cr., creek; 1., lake; 1. ni., lar^c 
 mouth; 111., mile; p., jiond; p. d,, per day; p. w., per week; r., river; h. m., Hniall 
 iiioutli; Htr., Htreiini; \v., week. 
 Callahan. (S. ria. «: W)— Alligator cr, '^ m; MIIIh cr., M m.; ThomaH cr. and 
 Ud^'ny N\Mim]> I m. eiich; last two named bent; b. b,, perch, jiike and cattlnh abun 
 diint; April and .May bent; boatH, Itait and guidt'H cheai>; hotels $1 to $l.C>ij p. d., 
 $'.;<» to ji'^iri per mouth, 
 Chattaoochee (S Fla. *: W.) Ocheesce 1.5 m; Blue Springs 1. 'i m.; Flint. Chat 
 tahooche .t Aiialachicolar. from 1 to 3 ui.; Ocheewce k IJliie SpriugH 1. bcHt; bream, 
 perch, b. b. ; Nov, l)ec. and .lany, best; hotel t'i p, d. ; guidcH will furnish boat ami 
 bait at about $lp. d. 'IheHwampH adjacent abound with geese, deer, turkeys 
 and other game. 
 Chipley (!'. ^ N.)— Hiver 11. 'Ju m.; Compass p. 15 m.; Burned Mill cr, 8 m.; 
 Mullet SjiringM 10 m.; lirst A: last named best; b, b., bream, mullet and ]ierch; May, 
 and June bcHt; hotel $1.50 p. d,; boats and bait at small cost; flshing said to be 
 Cottendale (L, k N.)— Chipola r., Pater p., Compass p. and Jackson \).; all about 
 ecjual and easily accessible: all kinds of fresh water flsh; b. b, and jiercli abundant, 
 April, May and June best: hotel $1 p. d.; boats and guides at little expense. Thia 
 place is within 3o m. of St. Andrew Bay. 
 De Funiak Spring's (T- ^' N.)— Double Lakes or Lake Stanley 2 m.; Bruce cr. 
 I'i m.; last named best; 4'atflsh, jack, b. b. and bream; b. b. most abundant; May 
 and June best. Hotels |3 p. d.; usmvl baits, no public boats. Good flshiug. 
 Port White (S. Fla. .t W.)—Itchtuckuee r. 5 m.; Santa Fee r. 4 m. Flshiut,' 
 very good and all kinds of southern fresh water fish abundant. Grasshoppers, ca- 
 tawbee worms etc. as bait; March, April and May best. Hotels |l p, d.: 
 15 p. w. 
 Hayne (S. Fla. k W.)— Lake Gildon 1 m. ; Burnett p. I '^ m. : last named best; all 
 kinds of Southern fresh water fish; perch and b. b. most numerous; April and Maj 
 best; usual baits; hotels $15 p. m.; boats and guides at nominal prices. 
 Hilliard (S. Fla. & W.)— St. Marys r. ft m,; Little St, Marys r, 4 m. ; Boggy cr. 5 
 m.; last named best; perch, pike and b. b.; all abuudf.nt; spring and winter montli.s 
 best. No regular hotels but board at private houses. General Ashing at this place 
 is very good. 
 Holts (L. k N.)— Yellow and Black r's, both easily accessible; first named best 
 b. b., perch etc.; perch and b. b. most numerous; July, August and September 
 best mouths; hotel $2 p. d.; boats and bait at reasonable charges. Fishing said U 
 be good. 
 Live Oak (S. Fla. & W.)— Gum Slue 1. 4 m.; Whites 1. 6 m.; Blue p. 8 m.; Pea 
 cockL 7 m.; Suwannee r. 7 m.; Blue p. best; b. b., bream, trout (probably sea trout 
 and perch; first named most numerous. Worms and trolling gear mostly used 
 Spring and fall mouths best; hotel $2 p. d.; fishing at this place is said to be very] 
 MoAlpin(S. Fla. A: W.)— Bluep. 2 m.; Crawford 1. 2 m.; Dans 1. 2 m.; Littler 
 4 m,; flrsT named best; perch and b. b.; perch most abundant; usual baits; spriui 
 and summer mouths best; no hotels but board can be obtained at private houses 
 1. 111., larK*^ 
 H. 111., Hiiiall 
 le Thonii)Ht)n, 
 y to October 
 ! j>. d. AIho 
 1. ni., larRf 
 H. ui., Hiuall 
 oniaH cr. ami 
 tatt^Hb abuu 
 ) ll.Su p. d.. 
 1.; Flint. Chat 
 . bt'Ht; broani, 
 ruixh boat and 
 deer, turkeys 
 Hill cr, 8 m.; 
 idlxTi-b; May. 
 iiiK naid to be 
 11 p.; all about 
 nil abundant, 
 |fXiii'UHC. Thin 
 ni.; Bruce cr. 
 ibundaut; May 
 4 111. Flshlun 
 iHHbopperH, ca- 
 lelH $1 P- A.. 
 laiued best: nil 
 April and Maj 
 ; Boggy cr. 5 
 [winter uioutlu 
 |ig at this plai'i- 
 Int named bent 
 find September 
 rishiug Bald t 
 I p. 8 m.; Pi'a 
 3ably Bca trout 
 mostly used 
 iid to be vorj 
 2m.; Littler 
 LI baits; spriuj 
 rivate houses 
 (See i)ft«e.'» SO— 53.) 
 Marianna (F.. .V H.)— Chipola r.; MoHHy p. anil nnniorou i otluT waters all ac- 
 n-sililf mid all f(iimll.v ncMxl; 1). 1... cutllHli. jhtiIi. Iiumiii I'tc; brcimi and li. b. 
 II, .1^1 iiiinicniii.s; Hpriiin licHt for brfaiu and fall iii.iitliM i.u- trout; IioH'Im $1 to |'2 
 ]., d.; lioiifH and giiidf.-* at iiominul priccM. KlHliiiig at tliJH plarc MrHt cIuhm. 
 Hew Branford(S. Flu. .V WM-^Huwannci- r. at Hiation und ncvi-ral lukc.i ac 
 It sMilili'; hicuiii, b. li., sia trout and niiillet: trout and pcnli iiiohI nunioroUM. UMual 
 liaiir*; .\pril, Mii., ami .Jiitif hcnt: liotcl *i p. d.; bouts and guidt-B at little coHt. 
 iMMid liHliiii^ iiiiir iiiontliH ill the year. 
 Newnansville (H. Fla. k W.)— HeutafVy r. ".• m.; b. l>. ami otlicr tlxli; woriuH aM 
 )>iilt ; botel reasonable. 
 III. and Atlantie 
 Ormondl'I. St. \. \ II. U. K.) - Tomoka r. ;t m.; Halifax r. 
 Oirau I ',, III . ; li. b. in tile 'loiiidka; nea trout, nliei'iiHliead etc in the Halifax and 
 iitlier kiiidn salt water tt.Hli; November to Mareli bent; llooil tidi^ best; hotel ^10 |>. 
 w. ; row or Hail boatH from ."lite, to if'J J). (1.; KiHliiii<{ b<'..<t at mouth of the Halifax 
 111 Smyrna Inlet reaehtMl by nail boat; the tlHhing on above grouiulH is superlative, 
 the eliaiimd biiHH or red drum running from 'ii) to 'i.'i lbs. (hiides charge fn>iii f'i 
 to $.i p. d. 
 Pilot Town (I. .N; It. (1. Str.)— St. Johns r.; Hanover cr.; North and South 
 "Jetties"; Fort (leorge inlet; Sherman cr.; Mt. I'leasant cr. and numerous grounds 
 ell the inlet and rivi-r; no jiarticular choice of abovt? places, the tlshing governeil 
 j;cMierally by the state of tlie weather; "trout" (salt waterl, sheeiishimil, red bass 
 (I'liannel bass), eavalli, dium, bl^ckll^ll, llounderH and otluT salt water varieties; 
 liiHt four most nullleruu^; .May until November best; last half of ebb and first of 
 tliMid tide i>referable; hotels js'2 p. d. <u' f 10 \>. w. ; guides, including boat.'', 
 jl.50 to fJ..')(» p. d. Fishing unusually good. 
 PinemotmtlS. Fla. *: W.)- Uliie 1., Tigertail 1., 
 Crawford 1. within 2'^ ni. of station; Blue 1. best; b. b. 
 March to .Vugiist best months: hotels i:l..")0 to it- p. d. 
 Itixford (S. Fla. i^ W.)— Suvvannet) r. '2,', in.; and uunierous Inkes within 5 ni.; 
 ;ill \ery good: b. b., perch and pike; usual baits; August to I'ubruaiy best niouthf*; 
 hotels #'2 p. d. 
 San Pablo {■!. A: A.) — Pablo cr. and .Atlantic Ocean: Pablo cr. best in winter and 
 surf lisliiiig ill siininier; 1. lu. bass und channel bass in cr. and usual \ai ietie.s in 
 (icean: .Jannaiy to March for b. b. and .July to Hepteinlier for channel ba^H; hotel $;i 
 1'. d.; guides not needed; boats reasonable. Fishing very good 
 Snead'S (L. & N.)— Ochesee 1. 8 ni.; Wakapachassee 1. 3 ni.; Miller I. ;i iii.: Bliio 
 springs "2 ' J 111. : Chattahoochee r. U in. : iirst three iwinied best; 
 liifaiii, jack (pike) etc.: bream and b. b. most abunduiit; spring, 
 uioiiths best: board at private houses .f 1..5U ji. d.: guides #1 p 
 months in the year. 
 Westvilla (I^. A: N.)— Cboctawhatchee r. and several lakes in vicinity: river best 
 1'. li., liereli. bream and jack (pike): hotels reasonable; boats and bait at nominal 
 ji-ices; tishing is excellent from April to November and on warm nass in winter, 
 .......1 l.<**i4Js>.> I«'*1jk11*\l1 llllJll 
 bait etc 
 15achelor p., (Irishanil. and 
 bream, perch and jack (pike); 
 boats and bait free. 
 basH, sea Irout, 
 sunimer tmd fall 
 (U>od fishing iiiiio 
 1 good hunting ground alsi 
 A imnKviATioss. — 1) 
 iiiouth; 111., mile: p. 
 mouth; str., stream; w., week 
 (See pages M — 55. ) 
 b., black ba.^H: br., brook; cr., creek; 1. 
 pond: p. d., per day; p. w., per week; r., 
 lake; 1. m 
 river: s. iii. 
 , large 
 Albany (S. Fla. k W.)— Flint r at station; Kimheefonce cr. and nuiierous other 
 waters about a iii.; Blue spring cr. be!»t; b. b., bream and channel cattish; last most 
 numerous, worms and live niinuows as bait; April and May best; hotels $'2 to 
 ?:j..0O p. d. 
 Ar^yle (S. Fla. A: W.)— Cane cr. and numerous waters in Oakafernokee Hwami> 
 near station; swamp best; perch, bream, and b. b.. live bait used. February, 
 March, and April. Hotel $1 p.d.: ))oats, bait, etc. no charge: Fishing reported 
 (See pages 54—56.) 
 Bainbridffa ('S. Fla. k W.)— Flint r. }, ra. " Greenmoore" p. 1 m. Lake Doug- 
 laflHl,',na.; "HprinKs" 4 to fi ni.; Spring cr. 10 lu, bOHt; bream, h. h., npeckled 
 perch (Htrawberry baHR). etc.: firwt most numerouH; hotelH reasonable; boats and 
 bait very chf ap; fishing generally good, also a flue hunting region. 
 Bain'bridg'e Junction (S. Fla. k W.)— Harrells Mill p. 2 m.: "Camp flats" 4 m 
 both u""<i'. b. b., l)rfam, and perch; first most numerous; H'lmmer months best; 
 Hotel $'2 p. d.; boats, bait, etc., at nominal prices. Good fishing rcport<'d. 
 Bairdstown (Ga.)— Oconco r. 8 m. Little r. 3 m.; first best; i^erch, bream, 
 b. b., roach etc.: perch numerous; no hotels. b>it board is cheap at private 
 iHMi.^cir; April and May best; boats and bait at little cost. Fishing good. The 
 .Sufl'old ponds near by arc desirable fishing waters. 
 BlackRhear (S. Fla. .t W.)— Big Satilla r. Ki m. Little Satilla r. 10 m. about 
 cipial; b. b., perch, lack pike; first two most abundant; usual b'lits; May, June, 
 and July best. Hottd fJ p. d.; bait plenty, and boats free. 
 Bonesville Ga.)— Sweet Water '^ m. Little Sweet Water '., m.; about equal; 
 h. b., perch, and pike: April, May, and June, best. Hotels moderate; bait and 
 boats free: good fiHhing under favorable conditions, 
 Boston (S. Fla. A: W.)— Dry 1. 4 m. Round 1. 4 m. Aucilla cr. 2 m. Piscola cr. 2 m. 
 other waters accessible; Piscola cr. and Dry 1, V)eBt; perch, bream, pike and b. b.; 
 perch most abundant; worms and live bait mostly used; Ai)ril and May, September 
 andDctober, best; board in private families; guides not needed; boats free. 
 Cairo (S. Fla. At W.| -Ocklochnee r. and several creeks near station; the river 
 best; perch and b. b. : first numerous; usual baits; April and September best; no 
 public houses, but board in private houses; prices reasonable; boats notneeded. 
 Camilla (S. Fla. .^ W.!— Flint r. 9 m. Notchaway cr. 20. m.; last best; bream 
 channel catfish, and b. b.; first two most abuudan*-; April, May, and June best. 
 Hotel $2, p. d.; boats and bait at moderate prices. 
 Camps (f'a.)—Appalacliec r. 2 m. Alcovy r. 3 m.; both equally good; b. b., 
 pike, perch. Summer months best. Hotel $2 p. d.; boats, bait, etc., reasonable. 
 Fishing rejiorted good. 
 Coviugfton (Ga.)— Yellow r. 3 m. Alcovy r. ."i m.; about equal; b. b., perch, 
 bream, and numerous coarse fish: b. b., perch, and catfish most abundant; March 
 to May, and September ami ( ictober best. Hotels reasonable; boats, bait, etc., at 
 little cost. The fishing is reported good under favoraljle conditions. 
 Dixie (S. Fla. k W.) -Piscola cr. i, m.; Round 1. 4. m,; Dry 1. fi m. ; Boring Mill 
 p. 3 m.: first named best; b, b., jack (pike), i)erch, and bream; perch most numer- 
 ous; worms and live bait; no hotels; April to October ; guides SI p. d.; boats and 
 biiit free. Good fishing. 
 Fowl Town (S. Fla. W.) —Blue Springs fi m.; Griffins p. and other waters acces- 
 sible: first named best; rock-fish, striped bass, bream and b, b.; b. b. and bream 
 most abundant: hotels $1.50 to |2 p. d.; boats free. 
 Olenmore (S. Fla. & W. )— Alligator cr. 2 m.; Okeflnokee swamp 12 m.; last beet; 
 I'erch, pike, ,ia<'k, b b. primnpally; worms as bait; summer and fall mouths best; 
 iiotels reasomible; boats, bait etc,, at moderate prices. 
 Hardaway (S. Fla. & W.)— Flint r. 1 m.; Dry cr. 1 m.; Colliers 1. 1 m.: last best; 
 b. b., piUe, bream and perch; bream and perch most abundant; worms as bait; 
 April, May and June l>est; no hotels; boats and bait at reas<mable cost. 
 Harlem (Ga.)— Brier cr. lo m.; Sandy Run 4 m.: Kiokee cr, 4 m.; first best; 
 b. b., bream and perch principally; hotel J2 u. d.; boats and bait at moderate char- 
 ges; fishing reported good. 
 Homer ville (S. Fla. .V W.)— Cane cr. 2 m.; Tatum's cr. Im.; last best; b. b., 
 jiercli, jiike etc: b. b. and pike most abtindant; worms and live bait mostly; May 
 to Sept. best; hotel $2 p. d. ; guides not needed; boats and bait at a little cost. 
 Jesup (Ga.)— Altamaha r. 5 m.. Pliinhalloway cr. 3 m.: McMillan cr. 1 m 
 (ioose cr. 4 m.; first named i. and cr. best: bream, b. b., rock-fish (striped bass) 
 and iierch principally; bream and perch most numerous, ; June, July and August 
 best; liottds Sl-^o to i^2 p. d. ; boats and bait reasonable. The fishing in Goose cr. 
 is very fime for rock-fis4i which weigh up to 28 lbs. 
 (Sl'C pafres 54 — 55.) 
 Johnston (S. Fl a. .\: W.i— Altamaha r. r> iii.: iilsn > ovaral small lakes in / Uaiii- 
 Hhii swaiiH): Mi(l<lli't<iii 1. lil in. ; last best: ix-rcli. h. h., etc., I'hietlv; spriiifi and 
 June best; no hotels; Muldleton 1. gives good ttshlnj?, but being in the river swamp 
 is (litticult of aceess. 
 McIntosh(t^. Fla, \- W.) Taylor or. 10 m. : Panoochee r. 10 ni . ; last be.-it : b. h 
 1 1, (■ ;iuil ]'frch: lust named mont miraerouu; upring inonthu best; no hotel; boata, 
 bait etc., reasonable, 
 Mulberry ((ia.)— Mulberry r. ',j m.: Indian cr. ^ m.: first nanu'd best: 
 1 . li. anil <Mtfisli. ; .Vjiril, May, Sept. and Oct.: uo hotelw, but board at jirivato 
 hmiM'.-.; boats, bait, etc., little cost. Fishing fair. 
 Naylor (!^. Fla. ^- W.)— .\llapaha r. 'i'j in.; Grand Bay 1 '. in.: n\t~n se\eral 
 ]i'nds arcessil)le, wliich contain tish; trout, jack (i>ike) aii(i iiercli; la^^t most iin- 
 tiitniu.-; eel woriiiw as bait; June and July best; hotels $1.5o p. d. 
 Cchlochnee (*^. Fla. k W.)— Littlo Ochlochnee r. 2ni.; Big Oohloehnee r. 4 ni.: 
 l'iiill(i<-k"s p, 
 first named best; bream, jierch, b. b. and jiike: last most 
 aliuiidant; worms as bait; May to September best; no hotels; boats not needed. 
 I'i!-liiiig good. 
 Ousley (S. Fla. ^: W, ) — Withl.iooochee r. Ira.; Cherry 1. fiin,; Tiger cr. '_. m.; 
 iii>t luimeil best; bream and b. b. ehietty; worms and minnows as bait: May, June 
 and Sejitember best; hotel $2 p. d.: guides, boats and bait re.isonble. Hream and 
 li. 1). fishing is e.Kcelleut iu the fall months. 
 Quitman (S. Fla. .^ W.)—Piscola cr. :i m.: Okofilco 1 m.: Witlilacoochee r. H 
 1,1.; last iiaiiieil lust: bream, jack and )>. 1). jirincipally; February, March and April 
 111 st: hotels ^20 to .r'i!'> [i. m.: boats and bait eheax). 
 Statenville (H. Fla. i^ AV.) — .\llai)aha r. fi'j m.; Toms or. 3 m.; Suwanouchee cr. 
 Till.; last named best; perch and 1). b.; April, May and June b"st: boats and 
 li^llt ft'"!'. 
 Stockton (S. Fla. .v W.) — .\llapaha r. 'i'^ m.; also numerouH jionds and creeks 
 all easily accessible: .Mlapaha r. best; b. b., bream, jai'k (pike) and F)iecklc(l jierch 
 istrawberr.\ bass); usual baits; .Xjiril, May and Soptombei' best, but I'aii sjiort can be 
 had all the year; hotels if 1.. 'ill i\: $2 p. d.; guides, boats aud bait reasonable. Fishing 
 i> excellent in Banks pond. 
 Valdosta (S. Fla. \ W.) — Ocean ]i. 15 m.; Dukes p. Im.: Withlacoochee r. 4 
 hi.; all ('(pially good: b. b., bream and jierch; first iiKist numerous; February to 
 .•\pril; no I'egular hotels but board at inivate houses at $1 (i. <!.; boats and bait at 
 little oust. A Tavoritc resort t'ur both shooters aud ttahers, plenty of sport for 
 (See i)ages M — CI.) 
 AnnuEViATioNs— b. b., black bass: br.; brook; cr., creek; 1., lake; 1. m., large 
 niiiuth; m., mile; p., pond; p. d., per day; p. w., per week; r., river; s. m., small 
 ii.iiuth; str., stream; w., week. 
 Mt. Carmel (W. St. L. it P,) -Wabash r. 1'.^ m.: I'.urnett p. 'J 'a m. and numerous 
 other waters I'liuu '.i to 11 m.: t'laypools an<l Burnett ii's, best; b. b., cropine, pick- 
 erel, ]ioiid perch, bull'alo, sheepshead and perch; I'atlisli, jierch and biillalo most 
 itbundatit iu the river, and b. b. and croppie iu the bikes and i)ouds: live minuoWH 
 a> bait: .\pril. May, October and November best: hotel :f'2 p. d.; boats, bait aiul 
 t-'uules at luuninal prices. This i.4 reported as an t'Xccllcut fishing section. 
 New Burnside(W. Si. L. .v P.)— Suparcr. C'_, m.: perch and trout principally; 
 tiist nanieil mo-t abun<lant: usual baits: May and June best; hotel ji'J p. d. 
 Newton (I. A: I. So.) -Fmbarrass r. '., m.: bulTa'.o, b. li., "hickory shad", 
 • iiiitish, red horse etc.; all plentiful; sjiriug months best, hotels !fl to .*'J p. d.; 
 L'u ides reasonable; lioats limited; bait cht-ap. Fishing reiiorted as "very good." 
 Palestine (I. >'^- 1. So.)— Sugar or.; T,a Mnfte or. near station: Wabash r. 2'j in.: ]>. ;t m. and Big p. 3 in.; last best; perch, b, b.. "niusoaliue" (?); catfish and 
 b. b. most numerous May, June and September best; hotels fl aud $1.50 p. d.; 
 boat aud bait obtainable; fishing reported as "fair" , 
 (Hee paRes 56—01.) 
 Pekln(W'. St. L. A; P.)— Pekiiil. 1 111.; BaileyH 1, l'^ ni.: Spring 1. 12 in.: last 
 iianicd boHt, all hiiiilH fresli wator linb; b, h. aud pickerel most iiiiiiierouH; live and 
 art. liaitH ll^ed: Jim. to November bent; hotels |'i to $'2.5i) \>. d.; lioatn and bait 
 at moderate cost. 
 (See jiagcH ."ili, and 64 — G'j.) 
 AbbB'-^VIATIONS — li. b., black ImHH; br., brook; cr., creek; 1., lake; 1. 
 nioutli; m., mile; p., pond; p. d., per day; p. \v., per week; r., river; h. 
 luoiith; Htr., stream; w., week. 
 McAllister Indian Ter. (M. r.)— (iaiuew cr. Rock cr. "Wild Horne cr. and Coal 
 cr.; '• Wild Ilorse" best; b. b., rock-ba.<s, i erdi, etc.: b. b., mont numerous; live 
 bait inobtlj used; May, Oct., aud Nov., bent; hotel f 2 p. d. 
 Stringtown Indian Ter. (M. P.)— North Boggy r. 2 m ; blue catfish, perch, 
 biook trout, and b. b.; catfiHh moHt abundant; usual baits; March, .\])ril, and May, 
 best. Hotel $1 p, d.; boats not ueeded; bait free. I\Ir. (-. M. Neal station aj^'cut will 
 answer all (lueries made iu jiersou or by Wtter. 
 at station: )>. b., pike, etc.; both 
 hotels j^l and $2 p. d.; good tinh- 
 Charles City la, (C M. J^- St. P.)— Cedar r 
 abundant; usual baits; summer mouths best; 
 iug reported. 
 G-ladbrook la. (W. I. & N.) — Wolf cr. and small lakes, all easily accessible; best 
 fisiiing in lakes; b. b., most abundant; worms as bait. Spring; aud Fall mouths 
 best. Hotel }i2 p. d.; boats not needed. The lakes are much frequeuted by 
 Hudson Ta. (W. I. k N.)— Blackhawk cr. accessible; b. b. aud pickerel; naiu- 
 uows as bait; October best. Hotel $1 p. d. 
 Keokuk la. (St. I.. K. &. N. W.)— Canal; "Blue Bridge" C. m. Tiger Slough 7 m. 
 Dennis p. 7 m. and Mississippi r. ; i)ike-perch, yellciw iierch, croppie, jiike. b. b., 
 striped bass, rock-bass, sheepshead etc.; b. b., croppie aud pike most numerous; 
 March to Jlay, and Se|itember to November best; fishing reported excellent. F. H. 
 Wortheru of Keokuk, has kiudly conseuted to auswer all (luerien as to the fishing 
 at Keokuk. 
 New Albinla. (C. M. & St. P.)— Mississiijpi r. acceBsible; b. b., pickerel, pike, 
 wall-eyed pike, perch, suufish, croppie, aud sheepshead; usual baits used; hotels 
 $1 to f'i p. d. Good ftshiug reported. 
 (See pages (iO — 72.) 
 Abureviation.s — B. b., black bass; br. brook; cr. creek; 1. lake; 1. m. large 
 mouth; m., .nile; p., imud; ]>. d., perday; p. w., per week; r., river; s. m., small 
 mouth' str., streaur, w. week. 
 Baxter Kau. (K. C. Ft. S. iSc G.) Spring r. accessible; b. b., pickerel, ])ike-percli, 
 and chiiuuel catfish chiefiy; usual baits; hotels $C to $U p. w. Fishing reported 
 unusiially good. 
 Chetopa Kan. (M. P.)— Neosho r. 1 m. Labette cr. 2 m.; llussel cr. 4. m.; Neosho 
 r. liest; b. b., buftalo, and perch most numerous; worms, crawfish, and miuuow.-t 
 as bait; .Xjiril, ^lay, June, and .luly, best mouths; hotel ;?2 p. d.; boats i.icludin;^ 
 bait. ?^1 p. d.: fishing reported first-class, especially for b. b., at the Mill dam 1. 
 III. from statiou. 
 Concordia Kau. (M. P.)— Itepublican r. ^i ni. Lake Sibley 2'^ m.; first named 
 ticst; b. b., butt'alo, and jiike; usual baits: ,\iiril. May, September, and October 
 best; hotels ?1 to $2 p. d. 
 Wash'ng'ton, Kau. (M. P.)— Mill ci . ', m.; Little Blue r. Cm.; last named best: 
 (See pages C9— 72.) 
 jiiko, rbaunel catfish and perch; all iniiiu'intis; minnowH as bait: May and Juno 
 heat: hoteln $1 to $vi p, d.; bcata bait and gulden at reaHonable prices. 
 Point Bumside, Ky. (Q. cS: C.)— Cumberland r. near station; b. b., pike, 
 jiikf-ipcrch; pilic iudhI nnmerous. 
 Catlettsburg', Ky. (Chea. & O. ) Big Sandy r. at station; b. b., pike and pike- 
 perch,; hotelrt, boatrt, guides and bait reasonable. 
 (Sec pa^o 72.) 
 Ahhukviations — B. b., black basn; br., brook; cr., creek; 1., lake; 1. ni, . lartjc 
 jiioutli; )a., mile; p., pond, p. d., per day; p w., per week; r., rivt-r; s. ra., small 
 mouth; Mtr. stream; w. week. 
 kerel; min- 
 the ftshiut,' 
 mimed best: 
 Chef Moutenr (L. A: N.)— Chef Mouteur inlet accessible; all kinds of Southern 
 suit and frcKh water fisli, incdudiug b. b., sea-trout, bream, channel-bass etc.; 
 hotels, boats, bait etc., reasonable. The fishing is reporteil as "great," 
 Ethel (L. N. O.k T.)— Redwoo(' cr. ^x ni.; perch, b. b. etc.; worms and crawfish 
 as bait; March to August best; hotel $'2 p. d. 
 Gibbs (Q. & C.) — A number of small steams in the vicinity, all easily accessible 
 where excellent b. b. fishing can be had; hotel reasonable; guides and boats not 
 Slaugrhter — Redwood cr. 1 m.: Indis.n Bayou I'i m.; Black cr. l>j; Cornittf r., 
 4 III. ; first and last named best; perch, b. li., gaspergoo, etc ; perch most uunier- 
 ou.m; worms and crayfish as bait. April, May and June best; no piiblic hotels; 
 there is fine fishing reported in Redwood cr. 
 (sKK 1'a<;ks 72—78.) 
 AiiiiitKviATiON's. — b. b., bl^ck bass; br., brook; cr., creek; 1., lake; 1. m., largo 
 moiitli; m., mile; p., pond; p. d., per day; p. w., per week; r., river; s. m., Huiall 
 jiioiith: str., stream; w., week. 
 Caribou (New B.)— Madawaska r. and 1., near station; excellent trout fishing. 
 Dixfield(R. F. & B.)— Numerous waters in vicinity; excellent trout and b. b. 
 lisliiug: also laud locked salmons hotels |1 to $2 p. d.; boats, bait, etc., reason- 
 Lowell Falls (International.)— Moose r. on R. R.; Bog br. p, l>i m. from R. R.; 
 Tidiit p. 1^2 m. from R. R.; Indian p. 1 m. from R. R.; Fibh p. 1 ui from R. R-; 
 Holeb ]). on R. R.; Boundary Line p. 1'^ m- from R. R.; Trout and Holtb p. best; 
 others very good; brook trout principally; June to October, best; hotels fl p .d., 
 guides about $2 p. d ; guides furnish boats; only art. flies used These waters have 
 liecii ])ut little fished and are splendid fishing grounds. Write to 1>. E. McFee 
 Siiiit., Sherbrook, Quebec, 
 Tomah (Me. C,)— Several streams accessible in which good trout fishing can be 
 Vanceboro (Me. C.)— Chepatnetcook 1. at station; several waters and lakes in 
 the viiiuity; trout fishing very fine; hotels ^1.25 to f2 p. d.; guides f2 p. d. 
 Waldoboro (K. *:L.)— Medoma!i r. and several large ponds; .5 to 10 m; ponds 
 best; b. b., pickerel and perch; hotels reasonable; boats and bait at small cost; 
 fishing good. 
 Warren (K. i'c L.)— Several good ponds near station; pickerel apd perch ehiefly; 
 hotel fL.Wp. a. 
 Wiscassef; (K. .t L.)— Sheepscot r.: striped bass, rock cod mid other s;iU water 
 I'lxli; tl..,,.l tide best. 
 I : 
 , „> ii 
 month: iti., niilo: p., 
 luoutb; Ktr., Btrcain; 
 (See Pages 78—81.) 
 h., black basH; br., brook; cr. 
 pond; p. (1., per day; p. w., per 
 \v,, week. 
 creek; 1,, lake; 1. ui., large 
 .tfk; r., river; s. m., small 
 Cambridge (^i<l- S. H. Co )— Cboptauk r.; striped bass, per.'li, blue fish and 
 sjxits: last most iiMiiicioiiH; July, Aunust and Sept. best: flood tide nsnally: hotels 
 f l.Tiii to :r"i p. d.; boats and bait moderate, rishin^ j'ood. 
 Deer Park (B. & O.)— Deep cr. 5 in.; trout priu( ipally; May and Juno best; no 
 hotel; boats free; lishiug good. 
 Dover Bridge (Md. S. B. Co.)— Choptank r. 4 m.; roi'kflsh, striped bass and 
 perch; first most numerous; July, August and HeptemlK r best; hotel $1.50 to f'J p. 
 d. Kxcellent tishiug. 
 Boyd (B. & O.) — Monocacy r. m.; b. b. a .d othervarieties; first very abundant; 
 March, April, September, October and November best; hotels reasonable; boats SI 
 p. d. 
 Frederick (B. & O.)— Monocacy r. 2 m.; Potomac r. 11 m.; first best in fall, 
 latter in summer months; b. b., catfish, perch and carp; first most numerous, 
 hotels r(>asonable; guides $2 j). d. iuiduding l)oats; ti.-hing good. 
 Hagerstown (B. k O.) — Connococheaquo 7 m.: b. b. and sunflsh; the first most 
 lilenliful: May, Septcnnlicr and 0'toV)er bust ; hotels ^"2 p, d.; boats and bait at 
 nominal i)rices; fishing good. 
 Hyattsvillo (B. & O.)— Eastern branch of Potomac r. 
 pike ],rincipally; .\pril and May best; hotels $1 p. d. 
 Iiiine Kiln(B. A: O.)— Monocacy r., Ballengers cr. 1 m. each: first bent; 
 April, May, August and September i)est; iirivate boarding only: fail' tishmg. 
 'a m.; jierch, chub and 
 boats Ri\r. p. d.; fishing 
 b. b 
 Mountain Iiake Park (B. k ().)-Big and Little Youghiogheney; first .5 m., 
 second near station; Trout run '^ m.; first best; trout, b. b. and a few carp; trout 
 mo;-t iilentiful: May and Juno best; hotels $1.50 to $'J.50ii. d.; guides $1 p. d.; boats 
 not needed; l)ait cheai). 
 Oakland (B. & ().)— Deep cr. m.; Muddy cr. ',» m.; Youghiogheney r.l m.; Xortli 
 liniiu'h I'otiinuK- lom. and several small creeks in vicinity; Deep cr. and Mu<ldy cr. 
 fortrout and Yougliioglieney r. for 1). 1).: brook trout, b. b., rainbow trout and land 
 locked saliu<ui{thelatterf)nly in Deepcreek); brook trout mostnumerous: May, Jiine, 
 ,\ugu.-Jt and Sept(Mnber best; the two lattermonths forb. b.; hotels $2 and .^^p. d.; 
 fishing usuiilly good. 
 Oxford (Md. 8. B. Co.)— "Third Haven" at station: striped l-ass, spots, perch, 
 taylors, (\ (Uing blue tish) and sht-epshead; "taylors" most plentiful; July, August 
 an'd Sejitember best; flood tide best; hotels $2 p.d.; boats and bait at "moderate 
 cost; fishing reported "spleuded" in September. 
 Point of Bocks (B. *: O.)— Potomac r. at station: Monocacy r. (i m.; both 
 nood; 1). i).. fall fisli (chubs) and catfish: first most plentiful; .Vpril and September 
 best; liotels moderate; guides $1 p, d. Fishing good. 
 Potters Landing (Md. S. B. Co.)— t'hoptankr. strijied bans ami i)erch; first 
 mostnumerous; July to Septeiid)er l)est: flood tide usually liest: i)rivate boarding 
 $1.50 p. d.; boats nu(l bait nxoderate. Fishing excellent, best in Sejitember. 
 Tra vers Wharf (Md. S. B. do.)— Ohoptank r.; rockfish (striped bass), perch, 
 spots, taylors (young bliu- fish), sheepshead and drum; first nuist numerous; July, 
 August and Septemlier best; flood tide iiet: private boarding $1.5(/ p. d.; boats and 
 bait at moderate jirices. 
 West River Wharf (Md. S. B. Co.)— West r, at station; perch, spots, striped 
 bass, trout (weakfish); first most numerous; July to .Sept. best; flood tide best- 
 private boarding f 1.25 p. d.: boats and bait reasonable: fishing very good at times' 
 ,, large 
 , BUiall 
 flsh and 
 ; hotels 
 best; iio 
 ass aud 
 ) to $'i l>. 
 boatH $1 
 : in fall, 
 firnt nidHt 
 d bait at 
 ;-ba1) niul 
 1.; ttsbiug 
 "st; b. h.: 
 '.Ht 5 111., 
 iirp; trout 
 . (I.; bdiits 
 111.; Niii'th 
 Juddy cr. 
 It luid land 
 :av, .June, 
 |1 $:!i>- "i-; 
 Ih, pei'cL, 
 L August 
 1 moderate 
 ni.; both 
 [rcb; flrflt 
 >uh; July, 
 IboatH and 
 |lidi' licBt; 
 at times. 
 (See alHO pagcH 90-101.) 
 ABTjnEVTATiONR— b. b., black bass; lir., brook; or., crnek.; 1.. lake; 1. m., large 
 niouth; m., mile; p., pond; 11. d., I'cr day; 11. w., per week; r., river; b. m., nmall 
 ujoutb; Btr., Htreani; \v., week. 
 Addison (M. & O.)— DevH'B 1. 3 in.; Mud 1. 3 n>.; Bean cr. near city: flrHt named 
 I'c-^t: iiickercl, li. b.. porch and <'atfiHli: perch uiont abundant; June and July best; 
 lioulrt $1 p. d. ; boats and ViaitreaHouable. FiHhiug good. 
 Ann Arbor (T. A. A. k N. M.)— Silver 1. 18 ra.; Island 1.; Mud 1. ; Sandy Bot- 
 tni.i and Sand Shor(i 1.; tirst two named best; b. ai.d wilver bans, pickerel, roacii 
 iiiul perch; b. li. and pickerel moHtab\nidant; art. and liv(! minnowK used; Juno to 
 Au^'UHtbest; hotels moderate; guides $1.50 to f'2 p.d.; boats aud bait reasonable. 
 AugfUSta (^r. >t 0.)— ftull 1. 3'.i m.; pickerel, perch andb. b.; perch most abun- 
 (iiiiit; hotel .■^1 p. il.; guides re.isouable; boats aud bait a* little cost; Excellent 
 iif-LiiJg roported. 
 Battle Creek (^I. A: O.)— Ooqnac 1. l m.; Kalamazoo r. 3 m; St. ^Mary's 1. 
 rim.; Beadle 1. 3 m.: Wall 1. Wi m ; Wall 1. best; perch, pickerel, b. b.; perch ami bass 
 iiinst numeroUK; sjiring months best; hotels |'2 p. d. : boats ple\ity and charges 
 reasonable. Ti.shing good. 
 Berrien Spring", (St. J. V.)— St. Joseph r. and numerous lakes in vicinity; b. b., 
 pickerel, h(>iii<' br. trout and perch; b. b., and pickerel most plentiful; minnows as 
 bait; July, Au^^UKk and September best.; hotel $2 p. d.; boats and bait cheap; the 
 b. b. fishing is said to be excellent. 
 Calnniet(M. R.) — Gratiot r. and 1. also other small trout Btreams in the vicinity; 
 all good; br. trout, and h. b. principally; first most numerous; hotels $2 to f2. 60 
 p. d.;boats not needed; fishing good, aud said to be an excellent fishing region. 
 Cereico (M. k O.^— Kalamazoo r. near station; Beedle 1. 4 m.; first named beet; 
 pickerel b. b etc.; lust nan, ed m<ist numerous; May, June, and August best; 
 hotel $2 p. d.; boats aud bait at a little cost. Fishing reported very good. 
 Dundee (M- k O) Raisen r. near station; pike, pickerel and b. b. ; pickerel most 
 abundant; May, June, September and October, hotels moderate; boats, bait etc. 
 at small cost. Fishing reported very good. 
 Doster(M. & O.)— Pinel. 2. m.; Crooked 1. 6 (^i m; Gull 1. 7 m.; Gun 1. 10 m.; 
 firntandlast named best; b. b., pickend, sunfish and perch; b, b. and pickerel 
 iiidst nunierous; no ptiblic hotel nearer than 6 m.; boats aud bait at nominal 
 prices. Fishing reported good. 
 Hooper (^r. 4^ ().)— Pino 1. 3 ni.; Gun 1. 8 m.; Gun r. 1 m.; Kalamazoo r. ft m.; 
 Gun 1. best; pickerel; mascalonge (V), b. b., sunfish and perch; b. b., perch and pick- 
 erel most numerous; Ajiril, May and June best; hotels reasonable; boats aud bait 
 bt little cost. Fishing reported good. 
 Eancook (M. R.)— Pilgrim r , Coles br., Sturgon r., Salmon Trout r. and Otter 
 1., all from 2}j m, to 9 ni. and all good; pike, pickerel, br. trout, 1. trout, and 
 feme grayling; br. and 1. trout most numeroun; May until October best; hottds $2 
 to 5^2. .'id p. d.; boats and baitHt nominal prices; fishing good. This plai'e is situated 
 near Lake Superior, which aff'ords excellent trolling grounds fori, trout. 
 Marquette (L. S. T. Co.)— Carp r., 1 ni.; Dead r., 2 m.; C'hocolayr., 4 m., and 
 ntuuerous trout brooks accessible; bro.ik trout I'liiefly; artificial lies and worms; 
 June and July best; hotels $2. f(» p.d. A niimlier of lakes <:onvenient tif access 
 from Mar.'uette which contain b. b. and pickerel, also brook trotit have been taken 
 i;-,) toOlbs^ in weiglit during July from tbe rocks tm the shore of Lake Superior 
 within seven miles of Marquette. 
 Marshall (^T- ^ OJ— Kalanm/.or r.. near statioti; Bruce 1., 2 in.; Lynn, Long, 
 l.iiiMS and Fisli l.'s, 6 m.: Nottawa 1.. '.•m,; Pardy I., « ui.; Brace. I'isli and .Nottawa 
 Is licst; b. li. striped bass (fresh water) perch, roach and pike; li. li. and roach 
 iiiiwtnunieruns; June, Ar.gust mid Scntembfr bc-t; lioKd Jl.TiO to ?2 p. d.; boats 
 "Ml minnows '.''icciit-t )i. d. Fisliing iii flie lakesgood, that in the river is also good 
 I (luring July, August hud September for b. b. 
 1 < 
 1 1 
 (See pages 110—111.) 
 Menominee (M. fi N. )— Green hay and Mciiomince r. near Htation: first named 
 liOMt; perch and tout; minnow bai'; Juno and September best; hotelM f'i and $J.50 
 |). d. ; boats, bait and gniden reaj^ouable. 
 Moscow (M. k O.)— Round 1., Farewell 1., Fox 1., BibbinH 1. and Kalamazoo r., 
 bIho Heveral other watern in vicinity; first two best; b.b., jiickerel, sunfish, perch, 
 etc.; b. b., hunfl^h and perch mo«tabunda!it; July and August best; hotel $15 p. w.: and bait roaHouablc., Oood fishing rep >rted. 
 Ontouairon(L. S. T. Co.)— Union r., 12 m. ; Cranberry, fi m. ; Potatoe, 4m.; Bear 
 rr., 3 nj., and Bcveral other waters from <> to 14 m.; all nood; pike, i)ickerel, b. b. 
 und br. trout; last most abundant; worms and artificial Hies u.^ed: .lune, July and 
 Auj,'ust; hotels $!ip. d.; boatx, bait and guides reasonable. Ijike Gogebic reached 
 .by stages, noted for its b. b. fishing. 
 Ousted (M. &0.)— Dwilsl., 5 m.; Round 1., 4 m.; Dewey 1., 2 m.; Sandl., 3 m.; 
 ptoiiey 1., ;i m., and Evans 1. accessible; all first class; i)ickerel, b. b. and perch; 
 fall and spring best; hotels $1.50 p. d, ; guides, boats and bait reasonable; fishing 
 generally good. 
 Port Huron (Or. T. & P. II. & N. W. R. R. and steamboats)— St. C'lairr. and Black 
 r. at station; Sarnia Bay accessible; pickerel, perch, b. b., pike and mascalouge: 
 Ai)ril to November best; hotels $1.50 to $2p. d.; guides not needed; boats and 
 bait at nominal prices; fishing usually very good. St. (.'lair r. is beat for pickerel 
 and Baruia Bay for pike and mascalouge. 
 Blchland (M. & O.)— Gull l.,2 m.; Crooked 1., 5 m.; Long 1., 3'^ m.; Three 1., 2ii 
 m.; Butterfield 1., 3 m.; Campbell 1., 4 m. ; Spring br., 2 m.; and other waters from 
 3tol2m; Crooked 1., Gull 1. and Three 1. best; i)ickerel, b. b., strawberry bass, 
 pcrcli, striped bass (freshwater) and brook trout; pickerel, b. b. and perch most 
 plentiful; May to September; hotels $1 to ll.SOj). d.; boats and guides reasonable; 
 bait free; excellent trout fishing in Spring br.; there are also a uuuibor of small 
 lakes in which good fishing can bo obtained. 
 SaultSt. Marie (L. a. T. Co.)— Little Rapids, 3 m.; Root r. (Canada side), 4'v, 
 m.; Silver cr. (Canada side). Hay 1., 6 m.; waters on Canada side best; trout, b. b., 
 perch; two first most plentiful; worms and beef are the local baits; June to October 
 best; iiotels $2 \>. d. ; during cloudy wet weather brook trout c*n be caught at the 
 west end of the canal pier. 
 8o>£yon(T. a. a. &N. M.) -Silver l., 5 m.; Crooked 1.. 4 m., Huron r., 4 m.: 
 first named best; pike, b. b. and pickerel; board at farmhouses moderate; boats 
 and bait reasonable. 
 (See also pages 101—111.) 
 AnnREViATioNs— b. b., ])lack bass; br., brook; cr., creek; 1., lake; 1. m., lar.i 
 mouth; m., mile; p., pond; p. d., perday; p. w., per week; r., river; s. m., small 
 mouth; str., stream; w., week. 
 Avoca(C. St P. M. k O.)— St. Rose 1., near station: jiickerel and several varieties 
 of <'onrsc lish; iiickercl most numerous; usual baits; May to August best; hotel 
 $1 p. d. ; no boats; bait plenty. 
 Bingham Ziake (C. St. P. M. A: O.)— Bingham 
 buffalo; first bust; minnows as bait; guides $1. 
 1. near station; pickerel and 
 Castle (Wis. C.)— Four 1. and Clear 1.; first best; pickerel and b. b.; first most 
 lilentitiil; June, July and August best; hotel $1 p. d. : boats and bait at reasouabU' 
 rates; fishing reported good. 
 Radle7(C. St. P. M. & O.)— Summit 1. at station; Bear 1. fi ni.; last best; pickerel 
 and b. b.: first most i)lentiful; minnows as bait; June, September and October, 
 hotel moderate; guides *2 \). A.: boats 25c. to 60c. p. d. : bait furnished by guide-). 
 Theac are excellent fishing grounds, the fish run very large. 
 Heron Lake (C. St. P. M. A: O.)— Jack cr. 2 m.; Heron 1. l,^.^m.;Okal<enacr. 3ij n.. 
 (Sfo pages 111— 11 '2 ) 
 IDch MoiiifiH r. 5 lu. ; Okabona or. best; ijickerel most pleutiful; frogs ati bait; March 
 |aml April best; hotels |1 and $'J p. d.; bait cheap. 
 Lake Crystal (<". St. 1'. M. .t O.)— Loon 1. ■«,' m.; f'rystal 1. and Lily 1, at station; 
 Ifirst lii>t: inckert'l, jxTch etc.; llrHt most plentiful; minnows as bait; May and June 
 |lji>t; hotels $'2 p. <1.; guides reasonable; boats and bait at nominal prices. 
 Mountain take (C. St. P. M. »<:().)— Long 1. and Eagle 1. 4 m.; first best; pick- 
 in 1. iicrch etc.; art. baits used; March, April, May and January; hotel $'2 p. d.; no 
 iluiyc for boats, bait etc. 
 St. James (C St. P. M. k <).)— St. James 1. 'j m.; Mary's 1. .'i m.; Kansas 1. .5 m.; 
 II.Miig 1. (■). m; Mary's 1. and Lony 1. best; i)erch and pickerel; last most numerous. 
 ).]iiiniis and frogs as baits; June and August best; hotels $'2 p. d.; J.') p. \t.; boats and 
 lliiit reasonable. Fishing reported to be very flue. 
 Waterville(M. & St. L.)— flerman 1. m.; Jefferson 1. 10 m. and numorouH 
 :hcr waters from ,'2 to .') m.; pike, pickerel, b. 1). and other varieties; boatn, bait 
 |t ti'. rea.sonable; hotel If 2 p. d. An excellent fishing section. 
 Windom (C St. P. M. k O.)— Des Moines r. ' i in. ; Clear 1. 1 m. ; Wolf 1. l.i;^ m.; 
 hV\iii 1. l';i m.; Willow 1. 3 m.; last ))es'; b. b., pickerel and pike; bass and pickerel 
 |iii wt plentiful; minnows and frogs as bat; April, May, June, Sei)temberand October; 
 bait $1 i)cr KX). These lakes and streams 
 |li.itels $2 p. d.; guides $1..50 to $2 p. d. 
 itru reported to be full of fish. 
 (See also jiages 111 112.) 
 .\TniBKViATioNS — b. 1)., black baas; br., brook; cr., creek; 1. 
 loutli; m., mile; p., pond: p. d., per day; p. w., per week; r., 
 bii.iutli: str., stream; w., week. 
 lake; 1. 
 river; s. 
 m., liirgo 
 m., small 
 lonacr. 3'. n.. 
 Arcola(L. N. O. & T.)— Deer or. at station; Boguo r. 1,'i m.; last best; b. b. 
 tiiiil perch; both plentiful; tlies, worms and live baits; April, May and June best; 
 n'ttl $2 p. d.; guides $1 p. d.; boats .OOo. p. d. 
 Bobo (L. N. O. & T.)— Alligator 1. 3 m.; Clear 1., Severe 1. 3 m. eadi; also other 
 [Waters about o m.; first named best; b. b. and white perch principally; minnows as 
 lait; .\pril to July best; board at private houses; boats and bait reasonable. iSaid 
 > he an excellent fishing place. 
 Cleveland (L. N. 0.& T.)— Sunflower r. 4 m.; Pittman 1. .5 m.;last best; b. b.. 
 • nil, liutt'alo and pike; perch and b. b. most plentiful; red-worms as bait; Jlay 
 Mhl .June best; lu)tel $1.50 p. d.; guides, boats and bait reasonable; said to be fine 
 Hollywood (L.N. O. & T.)— Kinney 1. 1 m.: Bluol. 2 m.; Minton 1. 3. m.; Jerry 1. 
 : m.; Clear and (loose 1. each 2 m; Minton and Kinney lake best; trout, white and 
 |l'inil< perch and pike principally; minnows as bait; April to October best; no 
 'ti'ls, but board at private bouses; boats, guides and bait at sniall cost. Kinney 
 |i. has the i-eputation of giving the finest fishing in the state. 
 Hnntington (L. N. O. ^ T )— Several lakes and streams in the vicinity in which 
 good fishing can be obtained: usual baits; hotels moderate. 
 Lake View (L. N. O. .^ T.)— Horn 1., and Cut OtTcr.; first best; b. b.. perch, and 
 ['tlur tresh water fish; minnows and worms a.s bait; June to October best; hotel $2 
 '. il; boats and bait at little ct>st. 
 Lula (L. N. O. & T,)— Moon 1. ami Yazoo 1 '_, m.; first best; b. b., perch ami 
 intliilo iirincipally; b. b., and ))erch most plentiful; minnows and trolling baits 
 i-ii'l; May, June and July best; hotel $2 p. d.; boats and bait at small c(jst. 
 Tunica (L. N. O. & T )— Jerry 1, 1 m.; White Oak Bayou 1 'j m.; McKenney 1. 3 
 111.. l:ist best; white jierch, b. b. etc.; white perch most i>lentiful; worms and moat 
 i> 1. 1; April, May, June, and October best: hotel $2 p. d.; boats.and bait cUeap. 
 1 wc perch and b. b. said to bo very plenitfui. 
 (Scf illHU litlgcrt ll'J -114. 
 Adbreviationb — V). h., black 1>aHH; br., brook; cr., creek; 1. 
 mouth; lu., mil*'; ji., pond; p. d., jht day; \>. \v., wt-ek; r., 
 UKjiitb; Htr., Htri'aiu; w., week. 
 lake; 1. m., larnc 
 river; 8. lu., Hiuall 
 AUenvillo (M. I'.)— White Water r., at fetation; trout, basHniid drum; trout mont 
 phtiitiful in the Hiiriii(i; mimiowH and crawtinli hh bait: siirin^; moiitJis bewt; lioteln 
 moderate; j^uidi'H not needed; boatH and bait free. The bans ft.-^hiug in very fine in 
 the Kprint,'. 
 Annapolis (M- P.)— Bin cr. at ntntion; Black r., fi ni.; St. Francis r. 12 m.; last 
 two l)eHt; 1'. b., jx'rch and trout; wormwas bait; May, June, Seiiteniber and October; 
 hotel $1 II. d.; bait free. Fair tishiutj reported. 
 Ashburn (St. L. K. A: N. W.)— MisHinpipjii r. and nunierouH lalies and ponds in 
 tile vicinity; lakew {generally best; butl'alo, perch, croppie and suntish: first nio;-t 
 niniierous; April to June, and !Sej)tember to November best; private board int; rea- 
 sonable; boats and bait jdenty; at times the lishing is excellent, especially when 
 the water is low. 
 Ash Hill (M. P.)— St. Francis r., 2 m.; Black r., m.; flrpt best: b. b., salmon, 
 (pike p<^rch), jiike and cattish; bass most numerous; minnows antl trolling} spoons 
 used; May, June and November be8t; hotels $1 p. d.; gtiides fl.'iO p. d. 
 Bailey (^t. I'.)— Swashing cr., ', !"•; Bit? i"-. 12 ni.; last best: b. 1)., "salmon " 
 ([like p<,'rcli), pike: catttsii and per<'h; b. b, and cattish most abundant; minnowH us 
 bait; April, May, June and September; hotel $1 p. d.; bait moderate. Good liHhing 
 Bismarck (M. P.)— The "Cut OfT," 3 m.; b. b. and perch; first most plentiful; 
 minnows as liait; July, Au(;;uHtand September best; hotol $2 p. d.; guideH 50 cents; 
 I. oats not needed; bait plenty and cheap. 
 Canton (St. L. K. .^ N. W.) — Mississippi r., Lima 1., Wyconda and UogerH I's.; 
 tirst two best; bull'alo, croi>pie, b. I), and sunflsli; first two most plentiful; from 
 Ajiril to July good; liotcd ^'I p. d.; boats and bait 75 cents to $1.50 p. d. From July 
 to October the fishing is fair. 
 Carrolltou {('■ B. '^' K. ('.) — Moss cr.. 2 ni.; Wakanda cr., '.^ m.; Missouri r., 5ni.; 
 b, b.. croppie, carp and Hunfish; May, June and September best; hotels f 2 i). d.; 
 )uinuow8 as bait; fishing reported "best iu the State." 
 Clarksville (St. T.. K. .t N. W.)— Kings 1.. Emmett 1. and "CutOflf," 1 to 2 m.: 
 all good; b. b.. cropjiieand jierch; first two most nunjerous; April, May, June, Seii- 
 teniber and October best; hotel nominal prices; boats 75 cents p. d.; fishing report 
 ed excellent. 
 Delta (M. P-)— Whitewater r., '.jUi.: ^lississippi r., 14 m.; pike, trout, pike 
 perch, l)asH and croppie; two most abundant; minnows and worms as bait; 
 April to November best; hotel f 1.50 p. d. 
 Dexter (^1. P.t— St Francis r., 8 m.; Little r., 10 m, ; other waters about 10 ni.. 
 first namecl best; "salmon" (pike perch), pike, croppie, &c.; minnows and art. bait.- 
 used; April, May, September and October best; hotels reasonable. 
 Doniphan (M. P.)— Current r. '4 m.; Logan cr. (i m.; first best; trout, pickerel. '\ 
 b. b. and buffalo; last two most numerous; minnows and spoon bait; March tu | 
 .\ugust best; hotel $1.50 p. d.; guides and boats moderate; fishing reported ■if] 
 Poley (St. L. K. & N. W.)— Kings 1. 2'a m,; croppies and b. b.; first most nu- 
 merous; .Vugust and September best; hotel $1.50 p. d.; fishing reported good, cb- 
 pecially iu the spring. 
 Predericktown (M. P)— Big St. Francis r. 8 m.; Little St. Francis r. 1 m.: Cos- 
 ter r. 7 m.: tirst best: b. b., ])erch. ' salmon" (pike perch.) croppie etc.; first nioetj 
 [)lentiful; May and June best; hotels $1 to $2 p. d.; beats not needed; bait cheai' 
 Ore8rory(St. L. K. fc N. W.)— Fox r.; Mississippi r. and other waters jiear station.! 
 butl'alo, pike, pike-; erch. ^crcb, croppie etc.; biilialo and ru'Hsh in r., .-iimI cidpiiicj 
 (Spo jiaKeH 112—114.) 
 ImoHt niimprouH In tlio lakow; May. .luiifiaiiil July liOHt; privato lioardiiifj I'u'. p. d.; 
 I liuat.s i'>"i'. !'• il.: Jl'^liiiiK' i»^ reported an very ^{ood. 
 Helton (St. L. K. fi N. W.)— Went ProiiR Hay de Cliarlos at ntatii>ii; Ka^^le 1. I m.; 
 Iflrnt l>e.-<t; 1). 1)., cropi):*!, i)ike-i)eri'h etc.; cattisli aii(l biitTali) iiioMt abiiiidaiit: Sept., 
 (let., iiiid Nov. be.-it; 111) hotel nearer than "> ni, ; KuideH not needed: boats ete. 
 ii'Hsoiiatile; fishing reported very tjood. The Bay de CharleM i.s fed entiridy from 
 fresh water Hprint'H. 
 ni.:l). b. and croppio; .\pril. May 
 Hurricane (St. L. K. A: N. W.)-King8 1. 
 land liill niouthHi good tiHhin^,' reported. 
 Irondale (M. P.)— Bi>{ r. and <'edarer. acceHsible: flrHt best: b. h., j)erch etc.; 
 I h. li. niiiHt nnnieri)\iM; minnows and worinH aH bait; April, November and (.)ctol)er 
 |li.'(*t; boardinj? honscH |5 p. w.; bait cheap. 
 KnobIiick(M. P.)— St. Francis r. 1 m.: 1). b.. and perch pri:icipally; miunows 
 laud worms as liait; April and May best; hottd reaHonable. 
 La Grangfe (St. L. K. & N. W.)— MissisHippi r. atstatiou; sunflsh, b. b. and buf- 
 Ifalii; hist miK-t numerous; April, May and June bcHt; hotel $1 p. d.; boats $1 p. d. 
 ll'ii-liinK reported good. 
 Little Hiver (M. P.)— Little r. at station; cyprosfl-trout (.'); b. b and porch prin- 
 iciliiiU.v ; cypress-trout and butlalo moHt numerous; minuovvH, worms and tro'.ling 
 baits used; hotels $1.'J."> p. d.; guides not needed; boats and bait at reasonabh* 
 prites. Fish are plenty. 
 Louisiana (St. L 
 K. A: N. W.)— Mississippi r. ind several streams easily acces- 
 rock, b. b. "salmon" (pike perch,) pike and croppie principally: croppie and 
 111. 1). most numerous; April, May, October and Noveuiber best; hotels f'2 p. d., .f(i 
 p. w.; boats 50 c. p. d.; fishing good, aad pronounced extra during the spring and 
 Ifall months. 
 Marquand (M. P.)— Coster or. near station ; trout, b. b. imd s>in-perch chiefly; 
 I minnows and worms as bait: May, June and September; hotels $1.50 and $2 p. d.; 
 guides not needed: bait plentiful. 
 Mineral Point (M. P.)— Mill cr., at station: Big r., 8 m: last best: b. b. and 
 [(•ro|i]iii' iiliundant; red worms as bait: .\pril and May best; hotel #4 ]>. w. When 
 :i iihiie is selected to fish at in this region cooked meal is either thrown in the 
 1 incr or placed in a bag the day previous; this is done to attract the fish, which are 
 I plentiful. 
 Pevely (M. P.)— Joachim cr. (or Squashing cr.,) 1 'o m.; croppie, b. b., pike, &o.; 
 I first uustpleutifiil; minnows as bait; April to fall best; hotels $1 to $1.,50 p. d. 
 Piedmont (M. P.)— Black r., 4 m.; St. Francis r., 13 m.; Current r., 28 m.: last 
 [best; others also good; b. b., pike, trout, white perch and other varieties; b. b. and 
 pprch most numerous; minnows and worms as bait; March, Ai)ril and May; hotels 
 I reasonable: boats, bait and guides moderate. 
 Salem (St. L. S. & L. R.)— Maramee r., at station; bass principally; usual baits; 
 Ihotelt, etc., reasonable; fair fishing at times. 
 St. Peters (St. L. K. & N, W.)— Mississippi r,, 5 m.; Missouri r., 8 ui.; both 
 |f!(i(Ml; b. 1)., b.iflalo and croppies; Ai)ril, May and September best; hotels |1 p, d.; 
 Iguicles not needed; fishing reported excellent in above months. 
 Williamsvllle (M. P.)— Black r., '., m.; bass and perch chiefly; worms as bait; 
 |April, May and June; hotel ii. p. d. 
 Elsberry (St. L. K. A: N, W.|— King's 1. 1 '. m.; Prairie Slough 4 m.; last best; 
 11) t>. and croppie: croppie most numerous; May, July, Aug, Sept. and Oct. best: 
 |hotcl9 |2p, d.; good fishing reported. 
 i '' 
 Abbreviations— b. b, black bass;br., 
 Im., mile; p., pond; p. d., per day; p. w. 
 Ifctr , stream; w., week; 1., lake. 
 brook; cr., creek; 1. m. 
 per week; r., river; s. m., 
 large mouth: 
 small mouth; 
 if I 
 Platf«t"*'''At. A; 1*.)— Oak cr.: 12 ni.; Verde r., ;l(l ni.: Clearer., :(") ni.; tho two 
 tirHl iiiiiiied bent; liir(,'e (jiiiiiititii's ( f ti'oiit ill Oak cr. ; Colorado Halinoii in V<'rd(' r.; 
 Heii(. and Oitolier IxiMt niontliH for Oak er. ; winter nioutliH for Verde and Clear er.: 
 hotel t:i (I. d.; nuiden $3 p, d. and exi.enHfH; boatw not uet-dcd; (•xecUcnt llHhini.', 
 "j^ood, very." 
 Hackb«rry (At. .'i P.)— Tront c-., .'tum.; Biirro cr., fiO m.; last bent; mountain 
 troiil; hiininier months bcHt; hotelH $2 j). d.; "fair" flnhinj^ reported. 
 Winslow(At. k P.)— Clear cr. (Col ) ,'1 m.: SchovelandH cr.. 9 m.; firHt uaninl 
 bent; trout and salnioii trout; the lawt mont ninnerotiH; April, May, June and ,Iniy 
 bent; hotels i'i p. <1. There are ;'ood tiHhinj^ cru.; they are located iu cauyouH with 
 perpendicular walls 75 ft. to ^.Vt ft. lii^n and from 25 to 250 ft. wide. 
 (JSeo also payo 116.) 
 Wisner (T. K. k M. V.)— A number of waters all eoHily acccBsible; usual varietitH 
 of llsh; hotels $1 p. d.; bt)atfl, bait, A;c. reasonable. 
 (See also page 117.) 
 Abuf.viationk— 1). b., black baBs; br., brook; cr., crook; 1., lake; 1. ni., lar^'t 
 mouth; m., mile; p., pond; v. d., per day; p. w., per week; r., river; s. m., Bmall 
 mouth; str., stream; w., week. 
 Beowawe {^o. Pac.)— Humboldt r., near station: mountain trout i)riucipally: 
 hotels $2 p. d.; (guides uuuocessary; .July to November best. 
 Carlln (!^o. Pac.)— Hiimboldt r., at station; trout principally; hotels moderate, 
 boats not needed; excellent trout lishiiitc during summer ,iud fall months. 
 Verdi (So. Pac.)— Fair fishing for mountain trout. 
 (See also pages 22-2i.) 
 Aubreviations.— b b., black bass; br., brook; cr., oroek; 1., lake; 1. m., huve 
 mouth; m., mile; p., pond; p. d., per day; p. w.. per week; r., river; s. m., small 
 mouth; str., stream., w., week. I 
 Big ITew River (Grand S(\)— Big New r. 3 m.; Lepreauxr. at station; Little I.c- 
 l)reaux r. 'J m; Upper 1. at station; two tirst best; trout and lake trout priucipall>; 
 tirst most numerous; worms ,ind Hies as bait; hotel moderate; boats not required; 
 bait plenty. A number of large lakes in vicinity which contain quantities of trout, 
 both lake and speckled. 
 Bonny River (Grand So.)— Winder str. '^ m.; Bonny r. at station; Digdoyua>h I 
 1. :t m.; Clearance str. 5 m.; Winder str. and lake best; trout, perch and chub prin- 
 I'ipalh ; worms, grasshoi)pers and art. Hies; May and .Sept. best; boats, bait etc., 
 reasonable. TIk^ trout run very largo in the lake and are plentiful in both stream 
 and lake. These may be said to be virgin waters. 
 Dyers (Grand So.)— Digdeyuash r, 'a m, and 1. 3 m.; Clarence str. 3 m.; both | 
 ecjually good; trout, porch and chub principally; tirst most numerous; worms aiul 
 flies as bait; Jlay to Sept.; hotel $1 p. il.; guides $1. p. d.; boats not needed. A tiiu' 
 fishing section, the trout running large in lake and very plentiful iu river. 
 Kent (New B.)— In tlie streams of the Mirimachi trout and salmon are very abun- 1 
 dant; hotels f2 p. d.; boats, b.iit and guides at reasonable prices. This being a new 
 country it is as yet little known, and the fishing is very fine. 
 Iiepreatix (Grand So . )- 
 N. B. 
 Trout, lake and speckled; good fishing; see New River, 
 Musquash (Grand So.)— Musiiuash and Lancaster rivers and their tributaries! 
 >j' m; trout and togue (lake trout); first most numerous; worms and flies as bait, 
 h(; mouDtaiD 
 isual viirietiiB 
 it princiiially: 
 BO New River, 
 (8eei)iiKeH 2t2— 24.) 
 May nnd RoptPnihrr host; lintelH inodcmti^ luiit aiid lnuitn iileiity: flHhiiin (<x<<'IU'iit. 
 Til'' Sii^'iir DriftH, wont bmucli of MuHijurtHh, Huid to he the bi'Mt urouiid. 
 Til'' Sii^'iir DriftH, wont bmucli of MuHijurtHh, Huid to \w I 
 Peuufleld (Oraud So.)— Hunter's 1. 2 m.; JohnHonV 1. 1 
 L.ttlo New r. H m.; all e(|ually (»ood; chiefly trout, worm 
 rtios; no hotels, but board at private hounOH.; boa t« not 
 May to Seoteiuber boHt niouthei. 
 1 Ml.; Pocolo(,'an Htr. <"> ni.; 
 H, f^raMHliojijierM and art. 
 noed<'<l; ll.-^h run large; 
 Spruce Lake (Orand 8(\)— Spruce 1. at station and <> ni. from St. Johnn: trout 
 nii'l I'frcli iirincipally; trout moMt nunieroUH; worniH and art. tlicH used; May to 
 Sipt. best: lioti'l $1. p. d.;boatH, bait, ^uidoH etc. at moderate pricen. Thin in a 
 II. wly opened rej^ion, and flnhing very ^ood. 
 St. Stephen (Orand So.)— St. Croix and (Irand 1. are the nearest llHliing wuter.n, 
 (liMtiint by rail 'li ui.; (Jrand 1. bent; land-locked-Halmon principally; art. tly 
 cLielly UHed; May to Sept. best; hotel f 1.5(1 p. d.; boat iucludiiih' fjuide ^2 p. d. 
 (Sec pa^^es 115-120. ) 
 MinnEViATlONS — b. b., black bass; br., brook; 
 jiioutlr, ni., mile; p., pond; ]>. d., per day: p. w. 
 iii'iutli; str.jHiream; w., week. 
 cr.. creek; 1 
 , lak. 
 ; 1. m. 
 . larpe 
 per week; r., 
 H. ni , 
 Andover (B. & L.) — Trout fishing has been prohibited for three years; no other 
 "Ullie ti:-h Cilll{,'ht. 
 Antrim (15. >v I'l^f're^if,' p. ;} m. and numerous brooks in vicinity contain.^ig 
 Miuill trcut; pei'cli, pickerel and b. b. )irincipally; perch most niimerous; June to 
 Sc [it. best: hotels ;fl.50 p. d., .fl to ?^H p. w.; boats 50c. p. d. 
 Ashland (H. A: L.)— Sipiam 1. 4 m.: trout, pickerel and perch; la^t named most 
 iiiiiiierous; miuiiows and worni.-* us Imit; May to Aut^ust 1 best; lioti'i-. .fl.TiO to f3 p. 
 i].; b<i:itd at private houses lor $1 p. d. Very good tishiuK reported. 
 Bascawen (U. & L.)— Great p, 4 m.; pic'kerel, perch uud cattish; worms as bait; 
 »■ iiiiuier mouths best; no hotels, 
 Bethlehem Junction (B. X- L.)— C.ale r. 2 ' . m.; Little r. ;< m . ; New Zealand r. 7 
 111. :iiul numerous huuiU sti'eams in vicinity, (iale r, best; trout jjriucipally; worms 
 lis liiiit; .June best niontli; hotels reasc.mible; boats not needed; bait plentiful. 
 These waters are reiiorted as "seldom iiihetl". 
 Bradford (B. X- L.)— Bradford p. 1 'j m.; Massassecum 1. I'j m.; Long p. 1 ni.; 
 Ciilliiif^hani p. It m.; Todd p, ') m.; all aliout (.Mjual; trout, b. b., laud-locked salmon, 
 phkerel, (ieruian carp and jierch; bass most numerous; .June l.")th to August 15th for 
 buss; hotel ;? I p. d.; boats 5()c. p. d. The above waters have been lately stocked art well protected during closes season. Fishing is reported excellent and 
 t.'edd board can bo obtained at the farm houses close by the grounds. 
 Bristol (B. & L.)— Newfound 1. 2 m.; Fowler r. 4 m.; Smiths r. 2 m.: Pemequas- 
 s(t r. at 8tati(Ui and over 20 trout brooks within H 111. i,f the station; land-locked 
 saluiou, lake trout, ])ickerel, salmon, roach and brook trout; the trout species most 
 ntmierous; worms, tlies and si oon baits used; .June to S(»ptember best- hotels ijl to 
 I'Aii. d.; boats and bait at little cost. 
 Campton Villagfe (B. A: L.)— Elsworth p. 5 m.: ;\Iud r. '^ m.; 15agley br. H m.; 
 Siiuiiwich p. () m.; trout and lickerel; trcnit most nnmeri)us; worms an<l art. tlie.H 
 iisecl; .lime and July best; holelx fi to,*i|.5(> p. d.: guides ^2 p. d.; boats and bait 
 moderate, A number of small brooks in vicinity containing trout. The best tish- 
 ing grounds are at Waterville 12 m. from station. 
 Canaan (B. k L.)— Crystal 1.; Wright p.; Goose p.; all good; b. b., trcutand pick- 
 erel; lirst named most numerous: usual baits; May to .\ugust best months; hotels 
 n asouable, boats, bait, etc. at moderate prices. 
 Concord (B. & L.)— Lake Pennecook 3 m.; Big and little Turkey 
 Ib'li" I) m.; Contocook r. 8 ni.; Mtirrimac r. ', m. and numerous trout brooks in the 
 vicinity; Lake Pennecook and Little Turkey best; b. b., pickerel, perch ami cattish 
 iinin'ipally; bass and pickerel most numerous; June to September best; hotels 
 ;• a>Miiable, also board at farm houses. 
 ; *.. 
 (HeoPaR«iH 115— 120.) 
 Daltoii in. \- li.)— f'oiin. r. and iminiTonH poiidM within ."I tn .T m.\ itickfn'l, i)erch 
 etc.; fiD^M iiiid HliintTH liM Imif: .hint! iiiid ScptfJnlifi' l)i'Mt,. MiitclM #4 to $^> p. w.; 
 IxiatH, i^iildi'H und liuit iit ii'iiHuiiiiliif ]>rii')-H; pickfi'td iiioHt iiiiiiii'r'oiiH, 
 Danbury (It. •'^ L-) I'lciiHiint p. und School i). '., ni.; pickerel, trout und cutflsh; 
 live liiiit iiHcd; .Tilly iinil Au^iiHt Iichi iiioiitliH: hotcdH ;fl p. d.: lioatH mid Itiiit ut littli; 
 Xast Andover (H. •v li.) -HiKhlimd I., at Htution; Kcho I., 'Jni.: Adilcr]). :) m.: 
 WcliMtcr 1., It Ml.; WcliHtcr ami Hi|.;hland lakcH liowt; pickerel, l>. Ii , etc.. pickorol 
 and hiiHH nioNt abundant; .lunt*, July und Septeiulier bcNt nionth^*: liottdH $'> to #|i> 
 p. w.; boatH and bait a', nominal pricen Uood trout tlHliinu in reported iu vii:iuity. 
 Eaat Concord (I <. \' L.) -Merrimac r., ', ni.; i'urtle p., I'^iii.; tirHt naniudbeHt: 
 1). b., jiickerel, perch, etc.; bann iiiohI nunierouH; worniH um bait; no hotelH. Thuru 
 aro u few udjacent trout HtreaniH, but tin- flHh are nmall und «curce. 
 XSast Haverhill (H. ^ L.)— Hniull Htr. near station containing brook trout; 
 tlHiial baitH; Aui^UHt and Heptt'Uiber bent; no hotel; boatH not needeil. 
 East Iiebanou (li. >'v L.)— Manconia 1., atntation; Kant])., r> ni.; tlrNt named be^^t; 
 b b., pickerel and trout; principally Iiuhm und pickerel; UHual buitw; July auil 
 AugUHt; uo hotel; boatH aud bait from CU ceutH to |1 p. d. 
 ZSnfleld (B. A: li.)— MaHcoina 1., '4 n».;MaHcoma r., near Htatioii; Crystal 1., 4'j ni.; 
 fleoiue'w p. (1 m.; Pond Hole, 1'., ni.; CryHtul aud MaHconiu lakes beut; b. b., pickerel, 
 perch an<l a few trout; tlrHt three named nioHt nuiiieroiiH; live bait mostly used; 
 June to September bewt; liotelH, b atrt and bait reaHouable. 
 Tranklln(n. >'*: I'.)— WebHler 1., 2 m.; b. b., pickerel, perch, and roach; firHt 
 iiiinicd moHt abundant; worniH, IHoh, etc.. uh bait; July to September l)eHt; hotels 
 If 2 p. d.; no ^'I'ideH needed; boats und bait at little cost; uood trout lishing iu Hev- 
 orul brooks easily accessible. 
 Orafton (IS. '^ I'.)— Mud p. 'a ni.; Oraftou ]>. and Smith r.; (Jrafton ]>. best; 
 pickerel, jierch, etc.; perch most uiinieruiiH; ii>u:il bait-*; June and Jiily best; 
 hotels fl to $:t p. d.; boats fl.rH). 
 Harris ville (H. >^ L.) — North p., 'a ni.; Hurrisville and Lonj?. p 2 m.; flrst 
 named best; pickerel, b. b., und other varieties; live bait mostly used; hotels J4 
 p. w.; boats, Imil aud t^uides at reasonable cha-ge.s. Favorite resort for camping; 
 parties; substantial camps have been erected for their use. Uood fishing reported 
 for b. b. and pickerel. 
 Hill (H- '^ L.)— Flanders br. '^ m.; Bennett br., 1 ra.; Knox br.. 1. m. and Foster 
 hr. 2 ni.; first named best; trout priucijially; hot(d $1 p. d.; boats not needed; also 
 Home b. b. in the Merriuiao r. close by. 
 Hillsboro (B. & L.)— Contoopook r., near station; Loon p., 3 m.; Contention p. 4 
 HI.; (ioulds p., 3 111. and numerous other ponds easily reached; Half Moon aud 
 Contention p. best; pickerel, b. b., perch, trout, etc.; jierch, pickerel and trout 
 most numerous; usual baits; July, Aut^iist and .St^ptember best; hotel $1.50 to |2 
 p. d.; boats, bait, etc., cau be had at small cost; good fishing reported. 
 Iiake ViUag'e (B. t L.) — Lake Winnepesaukee, near station; trout, pickerel aud 
 b. b. ; last named most uumerous; live baits u^ed; hotels $2 p. d.; bouts aud bait 
 at reasonable prices. 
 Merrimack (Concord.) — Babbosic 1. 4 m.; Horseshoe ]), '.j 111.; Merrimac r, ; first 
 iinnied best; b. ' ., pickerel and perch; two last most plentiful; May to Oct. best; 
 moderate charges all 'rouud. 
 Milton (B. & M.)— Several lakes near station; b. b., pickerel, perch etc. are 
 abundant; guides at moderate prices; hotels $lp. d., also board at farm houues ou 
 the lakes; flshiug reported excellent. 
 3!rewbury(B. & L.)— Suuapeel. at station; lake trout, brook trout (large size,) 
 land-locked-salmon, b. b. aud pickerel: usual bait; July and August best. Hotels 
 $1 to #1.50 p. d.; boats and bait reasonable. Fishing is considered super-excellent; 
 many 1). b, and land-locked-salnion taken from 1 to H lbs. In 187'.» this lake wa-< 
 ptockt'd with the blue-back trout of the Hiinueley lakes 111 Maine, and specimen;* 
 of very lai'gc size have been taught, of whiih it is said that they are the pro- 
 «f>iiv of the original sti'ck of "ulue-backs," the geuuiue ^'alvoliuus oquassa. 
 (S»u) |m«08 113—120 ) 
 Newport |H- a; I..i— Uncky Hound p. 8 m.; S|ifctH('1t' i>. 7 in.; 
 I.i~i ii.iiiii'il li*-Ht; li. )i., trout, liiiKl-loi'iifil Hitliiioii mill )ilckor«l: 
 aliiliiiliilit; UMUtil IxiitH iiiiil Hit. tlir'H-, Jiiiir, .In!) iilid .Vn^ilHt licnt 
 ^'iiiili's, lioiiiH aiul Imit at i'('UhoiiiiI>I)< iii-itt-H. 
 Vo. Zaacawen (H. >V T' )— Mirriimif r. at Htutioti; ImHH moHt 
 Sumipt'c 1. (1 111.; 
 tlrHt nanifd moMt 
 Hotel |l i>. a.; 
 liiiitH; AutjUMt ami Hopt. liuHt; no puhlii 
 tiuiuerouH; uvu*l 
 liotcl; lioatH and bait chuap. 
 17ortbfleld (H. .V r..l -Hfvciiy's hr. I Ml.; Winnlow br. 1 'j lu.; PliilllpM br. '„ m.! 
 l;uii hr. 1 111.; Forest p. '.i in. mid iniiiici'oiiN other wat«<rN all caHil.v acreti- 
 .sililr; trout, pickfi'fl, |>crrli, roiii'lr, trmit and jiirkcrel most nniiicrons; UHual 
 Imits: Hpriii|{ ami HiiniiniT nioiitliH litjst; hoti'l ^'J p. d.; lioatH and Imit rensonatdo. 
 Ti'iit Hrthinn Huid to bo very tint'. 
 P€nacook(H. A; L.)— Contoocook ami MtTrinnn- r. near station; Walker's p. C. ui.; 
 list niinied bent; b b. and piekcrel iiioHt .lUiiieroUH; liutul $'2 p. d.: boats aud bait 
 ;il Uttll' t'DHt. 
 Roby's (H. 't L,)— I.onn p. :<iii.: SiinoiiM jp. '1 ni. aiidothor wafors easily reacliod; 
 I.. I>., pickerel and pei'eh; llrst two named most numerous; usual bait; August aud 
 s.pteinber best; boats and bait at littlo cost. Good tishinn roported. 
 Bumiiey (H. k L.;— Hall br 1 m. 
 ■ ■'- m. 
 Clark br, 1 m ; Dakors r. 1 in.; Stinsoii p. Si-j 
 In ; Mine I'oiiiis, .> Ill laiiiiDer II -.J III.; Loon p. ;i m.; tilt) brooks and Little Pollda 
 contain trout; otlier.s li. b., pickerid etc. ; hotel IL.'iu p. d ; Kiiides, boats and bait 
 iit iii'iiiinal iirices. These waters art) well stocked and j{ivo Kood llNhiiiM; usual 
 liiiits iind art. tly. Firdiiiij^ reporte<l excellent 
 So. Danbury (H. k L.)- Ka^b' pond 1 m.; Wallace br. ■'4 in.; Lan^'ley br. '., rn.: 
 tii-t named best; tniut, b. b. ami jiercli; the lirst most abumlaiit. I siial liaits; 
 .\I:i> and Juno best; hotel $1. p. d.; guides ^■.,ip. d.; boats aud bait rcasona))le. 
 So. Iiancaster (U' t'^ L.) — <'onn. r.; Pauls st.; Little .\mmoiioosuc r, ; first named 
 111 St. trout, pike, and b. b; pike most abundant; Usual baits; hotel ^l p. d.; boats 
 aii'l bail at small cost. Numerous other streams which are yood for trout; Juno 
 ami Sept. best. 
 Twin Mountain (15. i^ L.)—.\miiinm)osuc r.; Alder br.; Little r.; all within:! 
 Ill , mostly trout; usual baits; July, .\utiust and September best; hotids reasonable, 
 l"i,it.-. not needed. The above waters are reported "all good." 
 W. Andover (B. k. L.)— EaKle p. ^i 111.: Cole J). \ ui.; b. b.; pickerel and trout: 
 1'. li. and pickerel most abundant; usual baits; Spi'ln^; aud Fall mouths best; hotel 
 .1 [I. w ., boats at small cost. Flayle iioud coutaius pickerel mainly. 
 Warren (B. it L-)—Berrys and Black br. 1 ni,; Tarlton p. 4ni.; Baker r. 7 m.; 
 I'.llsworth p. 7 m.; all Kood waters; trout and pickerel mostly; usual baits; May and 
 ■lune best; hotel reasonable. There are several other good streams without name, 
 rasily reached in which there is f^ood trout fishing. 
 Warren Summit (B. il- L.)— Long p. ; Swamp br. aud numerous other waters 
 iim1\ reached; trout mostly; worms as bait. Good fishing reported. 
 Warner (B. iS:. L.) — Tom p. .') m.; Long p. C 111.; Pleasant p. 3 m.; Itear p. 4 m.: 
 I. ■11^' and Tom p. best;b.b., pickerel, perch etc.; pickerel aud perch most uumerous; 
 iL-ual baits; uo hotel; boats and bait at small cost. Trout fishing in this section 
 W.Concord B. & L.) — Penacook 1 . near statiou; pickerel and b. b.; live bait 
 iii..>tly used; hotels at C'oucord, distance 3 m.; Iioats aud bait at small cost. Fish- 
 111^' said to bo very fine iu the above lake. 
 Weirs (B. & L.) — Winneposaukee 1. at station; lake trout, pickerel, b. b., perch; 
 ti'Mit most plentiful; minnows, worms and frogs as bait; June aud July best; hi>toliJ 
 .^1 to 54 p, d.; boats aud bait at usual prices; good tlsUiug; b. b., pickerel and porch 
 I'lcuty iu Juno, July and August. 
 Wentworth(B. & L.)— Bakers r. and Akins br. at station; Martin br. % m.; 
 (iiiN's br. I'j m,; last named best; trout mostly; worms used; hotels $1.60 p. d. ; 
 1" i;itM free; guides J2 i). d. 
 West Henniker (B. & L.)— Goulds p. 2 m.; Longp. 2 m.; Crany Hill p. 2 in. and 
 lii:iiU'urd p. <> III.: Bradford p. best; b. b., perch and pickerel; perch and pickerel 
 ' il: 
 (HEE PAOES 115—120.) 
 most nunierouH; tiRunl baitp; hoiits and bait rcaHoiiablo. The flBhing for b. b. iu 
 Bradford p. in (^Hpecially good, although the other waterw are also good. 
 West Rumney (H- k L.)— Kelly br., '.i m.; Kiniba 1 Hill p., 7 m., and ecveral 
 smiill briiiikH in vicinity; all abouteqnal; troutnuiHt abundant; fly and wormauHed; 
 June, July and AuguHt bcHt; boats free; no hotels. 
 Whitefield(B. A: L.)— Barns p. I'i m.; Hazens p., 3 m.; Carroll str., 3!;, ni.; 
 Cherry p.,4,'a in.; last three named best; piekerel, perch and trout; trout most 
 numerous; woruiB and minnows as bait; hotels $7 to $10 p. w.; June to September 
 best; guk' .8 can be had at hotels. 
 (See also page 125.) 
 OallUj:^ (At. k P. )— Little Colo'-ado r., 95 ni . ; San Juan r., 90 m . ; last named best; 
 Colorado nalnion (?) and trout; tirst most numerous; summer and fall months best; 
 settlers along the rivers accommodate tourists at moderate charges; boats, baits 
 and guides reasonable; the flihing is reported as "good." 
 Mouero (B. k R. d.) — Trout fishing very good in the vicinity; boarding $2 p. d.; 
 guides for hunting as well as tishing if 5 p. d. 
 (See also pages 12.5 — l.''i5.) 
 AnBBEViATiONS — b. b., black bass; br., brook; cr., creek; I., lake; 1. m., largo 
 niduth; ni., mile: p., pond: p. d., per day; p. w., per week; r., river; s. m., small 
 mouth; str., stream; w., week. 
 m.; weakflsh and porgies principally; 
 Eltingville S. I. («• I.)— Princess b., 1 
 hutels reasonable; fishing good. 
 HuffueuotS. I. (S. I.)— Princess b., I'j.; woakfiBh, porgies, sea bass, flounders, 
 etc.; first most numerous; hotels reasonable; boats $1 p. d.; fishing good . 
 Lake Beach (R. iS: L. {>.)— Lake Ontario and Irondcquoit bay, near station; last 
 best; b. b. (both kindsi, pickerel and perch: pickerel and I), b. most iilentiful; 
 May, June aTul September best; hotels $8 to ;f2Up. w.; guides, boats and bait rea- 
 Kouable. Fishing said to bo very fine. 
 Lakeville (C. L.)— Conesns 1., at station; mascalonge (?) pike, pickerel, b. b., 
 perch, etc; j)erch and b. b. most numerous; flies, minnows and spoons used; hotels 
 f2p. d.; boats and bait 50 cents to $1.50 p. d.; this lake is well stocked and ex- 
 cellent ttshing is reported; June to October best months. The lake has been well 
 stocked with lake or salmon trout. 
 Morristown (M. k B. R.)— St. Lawrence r., at station: Black 1., 4 m.; last beet; 
 p.erch, chub, pike and b. b.; last two most plentiful; June and September best; 
 hotel $2 p. d.; boats and bait 5Uc. p. d.; fishing reported good. 
 New Dorp (8. I.)— New York Lower bay, 1 m.; weakfish, porgies, flounders, 
 striped bass, etc.: first two most plentiful; summer months best; ''ood tide usually 
 ^jest; hotels reasonable; boats $1 p. d.; good fishing. 
 Princess Bay (S. I.)— Princess bay, l^ m.; weakfish, 
 flo>tU(lers, etc.; first mostplentiful; hotels moderate; boats $1 
 porgies, sea bass, 
 p. d.; tishing good. 
 Richmond Valley (S. l.)—Staten Island Sound, ,'a' m.; weakfish, liorgiea, eea 
 bass, flounders, etc.; first most plentiful; boats fl p. d.; fishing good. 
 Bt. Beffis Falls (N. A.)— St. Regis r., Nelson br. and Rice br., 2 m.: Trout 1. 
 and numerous other waters in ttwi vicinity; all well stocked and efpially good; 
 speckled and lake trout, b. b, and perch; May to August best; hotels $l.M) to $2 
 p. d.; guides, boat and bait $2.60 p. d. Fishing said to bo very good; waters are | 
 little fished and ti'out over 3 lbs. Lave been taken. 
 Tottenvllle (S. I.)— On Staten Island Sound; weakfish, sea baes, etc; hotelij 
 reasonable; boats $1 p. d ; fishing good. 
 (See also pages 155—156.) 
 AEBKEVUTI0N8— b. 1)., black bass; br., brook; or., creek; 1., lake; I. m., large 
 trionth; m., mile; p., pond; p. d., per day; p. w., per week; r., riv i; h. m., small 
 mouth; Htr., Htrcam; w., wcok. 
 Apex (R. & A.)— Alford's Mill p., f? m.; MorriHj)., 7 ni.; aboutoqual; chub.b. h. 
 jack (pike), wliito perch, ppe<'kled perch (sti-awberrv biissiiiTid ruach; perch and 
 reach iiio>*t abundant; Ajiril, May and Heptenibt^r: hotel nidderate; hoalH and bait 
 very reaHonal)le. Fifthing reported "good at times, CHijeeially fov hport." 
 Kinston (A. & N. C.)— Xcnse r., »a'm.; perch, pike, chub or trout (b. b.); firnt 
 UK. st plentiful; April, May and June best; hotel $1.50 to $2 p. d.; guides $1 p. d., 
 Iniats and bait cheai). Fair fishing is reported. 
 Macon (R. "fe ft.)— Roanoke r., 8 m.; Fishing cr., S m.; and several ponds in the 
 vi.inity; b, b., jack (pike), perch, carp, mullet and rocktish (striped bass) princi- 
 pally; March, April and May best; hotels $2 p. d.; boats and bait free. Fishing 
 reported as "medium." 
 Morehead City (A. & N. C.)— Bogue Sound '4m.; Newport r., '2 m. ; Core Sound, 
 fiui.; Atlantic Ocean, ;i m.; and numerous other waters; Bogue hound, Atlantic 
 Ocean and Bird's Shoal best; all varieties of southern salt water fish; mullet, bull 
 fifli, trout (sea trout or southern weakfish) and mackerel are most numerous; June 
 tu October inclusive best; flood Hde usually best; hotels fL.'iO to j^Iiji.d.; guides 
 luuderate; boats and bait at nou\iiial prices. Said to be the best trolling grounds 
 for blue fish and mackerel in southern waters. 
 Mount Holly (C'. O— Catawba r., near station; Longer, and numerous other 
 •waters in vicinity; first best; b. b., catfish, etc.; first two most abundant: May to 
 September best; hotel if 15 p. m.; boats and bait very cheap. Fishing reported 
 Newport (A. .V N. O— Newport r.. near station; Jones \\, 3'^m.- last best; 
 (hull \\<. b.), jierch and jack (pike): first most plentiful: May and Jun> . September 
 aiid October; hotel j^l.oC ■ .? 2 p. d.; boat, including privilegeof fishing in pond $1 
 1'. d.; fishing reported as iir. 
 Shoe Heel (<"• c.)— McRae p., 1 m.. Stewart p., 3',;m.: Lumber r.. 2 m. and 
 otlur \\aters; .'Stewart p. and Lumber r. best; b. b., jack (pike), perch, bream, etc.; 
 all iilentiful; April to September best, hotels $2 p. d.; guides at moderate prices; 
 boats and bait at small cost; fishing reported excellent. 
 'Wake(R. i^ G.)— Neuse r. and several small ponds from 1 to lo m.; pionds 
 Ui^iially liest; perch and roach principally; spring months best; hotel $1.50 to f2 
 l>. d.; boats free; fishing reported "sometimes good." 
 Wild Wood (A.\;N.C.)— Jones p.; Hull Swamper, and Bogue Sound in vicinity; 
 all varieties of southern salt water fish in season and several species of fresh water 
 fi>)i; summer months and flcuid tide best; private board can be had: boats and bait 
 at iiuiderate cost; fishing reported good. 
 YoungfSVille (R. i^ ft.)— Several ponds in the vicinity.; Clifton p. I)e8t; b. b. 
 (called chub locally,) mullet and pfU'ch; last most numerous; April to June, Sept. 
 »ud October; hotel |1.00 p. d. ; fishing reported good. 
 (See also pages 24-27.) 
 Aubreviations — b. b., black bass; br., brook; cr., creek; 1. 
 mouth; m.,mile; p., pond; p. d., per day; p. w., per week; r., 
 luuuth; str., stream; w., week. 
 laie: V 
 fiver; s. 
 Digfby(W. C.)— Annapolis Basin near station; Bay of i;'uDdy 5 m.: last beet; 
 halibut, pollock, hake, cod, haddock, etc. : cod and haddock most plentiful: her- 
 ruit! and clams as bait; June to July best; low water slack best; hotels $4.50 to |1(> 
 p w. : boats 10c. to 'iOc. p. d. Also good fresh water flsbing tor trout, perch etc. 
 in waters near by, guides (Indians) from 75c. to $1.60 p. d. ; caQoes 50c p. d 
 (See also pafjcs 24—27.) 
 Iiittle Brook (W. r.)—Rivf'r Margo; Lake Lmiet; Metoptan r.. all about 4 m. 
 diHtiiiit: last two licst: trout principally; May ami Sept. host; liotfl $1 ">() p. d . 
 boats and bait cheap; flsliiiiii considered good. 
 MeteETaiKW. c ) '.'ainionr. andl. 4ij m. ; Moose 1. 7ni.; Eel 1. 4'^ ni.; fir.~t 
 h<'st; trniitand )('rch; Hist most nunierouH; worms andllies in snmmer and iioik 
 for winter tishint^; .Aluv and Jnn«', October and Nov.; hotelw moderate. Fishing 
 reported ^ocd . 
 Parsboro (<'unib. Ry. & CoaK'o.)— Bay of Fiindy '4 m.; the sea fishing la very 
 Weymouth (W. r.)— "Salmon Hole," 2 m.-. Grand 1. 10 m.; Sissil)oo r. 2 ni., 
 "Kosin the l{ow" .") m. and others in vicinit\ ; Sissiboo r. best; trout ami perch 
 principally; tirst most i)leiitifiil; Feb., May and Sept. best; hotels $l.C>(> to f-j p 
 d. : guides |1 p. d ; boats and bait cheap; lishing reported good iu fresh and «alt 
 Yarinouth( W. C.)— Tusket 1. and r. 20 ni.; Argyle 25 ni.; Pubneeo iiO m.; 
 Salmon r . (on line of It. K. ) .'(0 m . ; Tusker r. best; trout and salmon most numer- 
 ous; art. tlies mainly used; May loth to August Jilst best; hotels $1..")0 to #2 j). d ; 
 guides $1.5') p. d. including canoes. Excellent cod fishing at mouth ot the Tn- 
 ket r. '.i m. distant for which tugs may be charti^red at $10 p. d. for a party of ]{j 
 to 20 persons. The tish run large and are very plentiful, 
 (See also pages 27-3<).) 
 ABBUKviATir)N.s--b. b., black bass; br., brook; er., creek; 
 mouth; m., mile; p., pond; p. d., per day; p. w., per week; 
 mouth; str., stream; w , week; 
 1., lake; 1. m., lar^'e 
 r., river; s. m., small 
 Burketou (<'an. P.)— Excellent fishing about 9 m.; hotels $1 p. d, 
 Carleton Place (Or. T. .t Can. P.)— Mississippi 1. 2 m.; b. b. mo.-^t 
 numerous; usual baits, and summer mouths best; hotels $1 p. d.; excellent fish 
 ing reported for b. b. 
 Deseroilto(H. Q.P..^: N.)— Bay of Quinteat station; black and rock bass princiii- 
 ally; first most plentiful: .June, September and October best; hotel $1..50p. d, 
 boats and bait at nominal prices. Fishing reported good. 
 Deux Rivieres (Can . P.|—(;edarl. and numerous other waters from hs tolOiu.. 
 trout, b. 1)., pickerel, jiike, 1, trout etc.; al! eipiallv plentiful; hotels $1.25 to ?J 
 p. d. 
 Milton (Can. P.)— Several streams in the vicinity in which fair trout fishiug 
 may be had; usual baits and art. flies used; hotels |1. p. d ; guides uoi needed. 
 Wewburfifh (N. T. & Q.)— Napanee r. near station; rock bass, sunflsh, b. b, 
 and pike; last most abundant; worms and art. baits used; May and June best; 
 hotels $1 p. d. ; boats 50c. p. d. Also other waters in the vicinity. 
 Sudbury (Can. P.)— Numerous large lakes in the vicinity; pickerel most uumer- 
 ous and run as large as 20 lbs; hotels $1.50 ji. d.; boats and bait reasonable 
 Wiarton (Or. T.)— Boat 1. 4 m.; Pike r.; Lakes Isaac and Sny; all easily 
 n^ached; pike, pickerel and b. b. ; the former running as high as 30 lbs. ; b. b. uji 
 to 5 lbs. \n excellent fishing section. 
 Tain worth (N. T A; y.)— White 1. 3 m ; Salmon r. '4 m.; Stiusou l. l,»j ni. 
 and numerous other waters in the vicinity; pike, pickerel, b. b. etc ; last must I 
 numerotis; art. flies and worms as bait; hotels $1 p. d. : guides not needed; flahiut! | 
 oxcelltiUt m lukus 7 lu. distant, 
 (See pagea 161-1C4.) 
 ABBRjkTiATtows — b. b., black baas, br,, brook; cr., creek; 1., lake; 1, m., largel 
 mouth; m., mile; p., pond; p. d., per day; p. w., per week, r., river; s. tu., suialll 
 mouth; str., stream; w., week. 
 ihiiiK is very 
 xcelk'Ut tisL 
 (Seepages 161— 1C4.) 
 Clackamas (Or. k Cl.)— ClackamaB r. and tributaries; Deep rr., Kii^le or , 
 ( Irar t-r.; last bcBt for trout; the river for Kahiioii-trout, trout, 1. trout etr. June 
 f..r trout; October for Kalinou-trout; no Imtcl utiircr tbau T) ni. JK-'iO p. d.; no 
 ^•uiilis or boats: flies, Halnion roe aud sjuxhih as liait . Fisbing good esi)ei;ially at 
 ui^'lit: troutaverage 1 lb., naluion-trout run as bigb as 14 lb«. 
 Eugrene (Or. A: C.) -McKeuzier . for 2o ni. by Htane; "Dolly Vardeii," rainbow, 
 aiiil iiioniitain-trout; rainbow-trout most iiunierouH; Sejitember and October bent; 
 Li'til Jlp. d. Fishing reported as very good. 
 Gold Hill (Or. k C.)— Rogue r at station; Ibittc cr. 20 ni.; both good; trout 
 aiul I. trout in the river; tioiit '.irincipally in tlie cr. : June best for br. trout; 
 Au^iust, Seiitenilier and Octobc r for 1. trout; hoteln |2 p. d.; guides and boats not 
 li.iilid: tishiug excellent. 
 Milton (O. R. & N. C.) — Tuni-a-luni r. at station: trout principally; -lune and 
 July best; liotel $2 p. d. The tishing is excellent; a number of small streams are 
 eil^•lly accessiJjle from this Btatiou where tnmtcan V)e caught in large numbers. 
 North Yamhill (O. R.&N.C.)— Dohertyr. by stage; Mountain trout principally; 
 .Vu^iistbcst month; fifshiug reported as "A No. 1." 
 Oregon City (Or. & C.) — Willamette r. at station; salmon principally: May and 
 .Iimc best; ht)tel $1.60 p.d. TIuh i» the only place m Oregon where sahuon are 
 r;iii!,'ht with hook and line in any numbers; the fishing is generally (bme with 
 ".("■iins and salmon roe frotu an island under the falls of the Willamette. The 
 I liargo for fliihing from this island including ferriage is $1 ji. d. 
 Troutdale (O. R. & N. C.) — Sandy r. at station, and tributaries: (iordon cr.; 
 Bull'.s run and Little Sandy; last two best: trout jirincipally: .June, .luly, and .\ug. 
 bi st. To get the best fishing camitiug is necessary, as the above; tributaries 
 nbont a day'H drive fram Troutdale; livery at moderate i)riceH. 
 fine ti-ihing 
 Turner (Or. 
 ' ni. 
 A: ('.)— Santiam r. f>ni.; Mill or. at station; Battle cr 1'., ni.; 
 Bi aver '. ni.: first best about 20 m. up; trout, grayling (?) and chub; trout i)rinci- 
 ).all\; May, June and July best; hotel at moderate charges; guines not needed; 
 livhing good. Mehoma reached by stage, is situated ou the Sautiam r. and yielde 
 tine fishing. 
 (See also pages 104-167.) 
 .\iti)REViATioNs— b. b., black baris; br., brook; cr., creek; 1., lake; 1. m , large 
 luduth; m., mile; p., pond; p. d., per day; p. w., per week; r., river; s. m., small 
 UKiuth; str., stream; w., week. 
 I 11 
 i V 
 ^ i • 
 i <** 
 Confluence (B. k O.)— Youghiogheney, Cassellmau and I.4iurelhill rivers near 
 ^tatiou; all good; b. b., chub, trout and suufish: first named most numerous; June 
 and July best; hotels reasonable; guides $1.2.'i p. d.; boats and bait at very reason- 
 alilf prices; fishing reported good. Numerous trout streams from It to 1.') m. in 
 wliich fair fishing may be had. 
 Eagle Hock (B. N. Y. & P.) -Allegheny r. near station; b. 
 M..'0 p. d.; September and October best months; the b. b. 
 b. principally; hotel 
 fishing is reported 
 Elrod (B. & O.)— Youghiogheney r. at station: jiike-perch, pike and jierch: May. 
 Junr and July best; no hotels nearer than 3 m., boats and bait plenty; fishing re- 
 ported good. 
 Georgetown (E. .^- W. V.)— Jones 1. 1% ni.; Sand p. n m.; Bidwell p. 6 m.; first 
 hot; b. b., pickerel, jierch and stinflsh; June to December bf st; hotels reasonable; 
 t;ulibs not needed; "fair" fishing reptu'ted. 
 Glencoe (B. A: ().)— Wills cr. and Daund r. in vicinity: last best; trout prin- 
 1 iially; May and June best; hotel 75c. p. d.;bait free. Fishing reported "fair." 
 Hawley (K. A: W. V.)— Big p. 6 m.; Wolf p. m.: Longridge i>. 1 m.; first best; 
 Ih kcrel and b. b.; last most numerous; August to October best; hotels reasonable; 
 liiHts and bait reasonable; fishing reported good; guides f3 to 5 i>. d. 
 . ' 
 (See pages 164— 1C7.) 
 BoadleyafF. A W. V.)— Sand 1. 2 m.; Collins p. 1'^ in.; first bcHt; b.b. and piok- 
 prcl luoHt nunit'ioiiM; July and AuKiiHt beHt; board at private houHtm $1.50 p. d.; 
 guides not needed; boats, including bait $1.60 p. d. Fishing reported very good; 
 many large bass caught in season- 
 Lawsonham (All. V.)— Rod Bank cr. near station; b. b. and sunfish; first most 
 numerous; worms and minnows as bait, May, June, September and October beat, 
 hotel $3 p. w. ; boats not needed. 
 Maplewood (E. A: W. V.)— Lake Ilonri »i m.; Keizer 1. 3 m.; Jones 1. 3>j' m.; 
 Sand p. () m. aiul numerous other waters in the vicinity; Lake Henri and Jones 1. 
 best; pickerel, i)er(h and b. b.; all plentiful; June to December best; hotels $2 p. 
 d.; fishing reported excellent. A few trout in Trout cr. near by. 
 Peach Bottom (Y. & P. B.)— Susquehanna r. near station; b. b., rockfisb, striped 
 basH, sunfish and jierch; July, August and Scjiteiiiber best; hotels $1.50 p. d.; 
 boats, including g>iiiles $2. .50 p. d.; fishing rejjorted "gent>rally good". 
 Bockpoinl (P- <t L. £.) — Beaver and other creeks in the vicinity; "salmon", 
 (pike-peri'h) and b. b. ; hotels modorute. 
 Salisbury Jtinction (B. & O.) — Casselman r. near station; Elk Lick run 1 m. : 
 first best; b. b. ;n r. and trout in the run; April best for trout; June and July for 
 bass; hotels $2 p. d.; boats not needed; bait plenty, fishing reported good. 
 Titusville (D. A. V. & P.)— Good trout fishing during the months of April, May. 
 June and July; hotels moderate; boats not needed. 
 Abbreviations — I. b., black bass; br., brook; cr., creek; 1., lake; 1. m., largo 
 mouth; m., mile; p., pond; p. d., per day; p. w., per week; r., river; s. m., small 
 mouth; str., stream; w., week. 
 Bedford (P. E. I.)— Thomsons Mill p. 3 ni. ; Winter r. 3 m. and other waters in 
 the vicinity; first best; salmon and trout ))riucipally; hotels reasonable; boats not 
 reciuired. Fishing is reported "good in some places, fair in others." A favorite 
 section with P. E. I. anglers. 
 Bloomfield (P. E. I.)— Mill r. 3!.j m.; and other waters 3 to .T ni. ; trout, smeltn 
 etc.; first most numerous; July and August best; fishing reported "very good;" 
 deep sea fishing is also good; art. files mainly used. 
 Cape Traverse (P. E. I.)— Cape Traverse r, at station; Seven Mile Bay, 4 m.; 
 Augustine Cove, 3 m.; first best; nuu'kerel, herring, trout, salmon, etc.; mackerel 
 most plentiful; July to Septenilier best: flood tide best; hotel $1 p. d.; sailboat $2 
 p. d.; fishing is reported as "on the whole good." 
 Charlottetown (P. E. I.)— Winter r. 7 m.: Ilillsboro r., 4 m.; first best; trout 
 anil smelts; first most numerous; .July best month; hotels $2 p. d.; boats $1 p. d.; 
 fishing "fair;" art. flies mainly used. 
 4 m.; trout principally; July and 
 County "Line Junction (P. E. I )— Dunk r., 
 August best. Fishiug reported gooii. 
 Oeorifetown (P. E. I.)— Cardigan, 3 m.; Montague, 3 m.; Brudnell, 2 ni.; the 
 first best; trout, mackerel and smelts; first most plentiful; Jiily and August i)est; 
 first of the flood best tide: hotels fl .50 p. d.; boats and bait at moderate charges: 
 fishing "gooil." 
 Hunter Blver (P. E. I.)--New Glasgow 3 ni.; Wheatley r., 2'^ ni.; Milvale, 6 m.; 
 sea trout and smelts principally, first most numerous: July 1st to September 31st 
 best; flood tide best; hotels $1 p. d.; $G p. w.; boats and bait $1.50 p. d.; fishiuy 
 generally good in above mouths. 
 Kensingrton (P. E. I.)— Dunk r., 8 m., Adams Mills, 4 m.; Campbells p. 8 m.; 
 Indian r., 2 m.. Wrights Mill, 2 m.: <iulf of ,St. I^awrence, 8m.; D\uik r.; Indian r. 
 ami Oulf of Kt. I>awrence best; sea trout, mackerel, cod and deep sea fishing; July 
 best for trout; flood tide best; hotels $1 p. d. $4 p. w. ; boats, bait, etc at moderate 
 j.iicPH. FishiuK " nfiif^rally good, fur mackerel probably e(iual to any in the 
 Morell (P. E. I.)— St. I'l'tcTH Harbor 2 m.: Midfjell r. 4 ni.; Morcll r., '^ in.; last 
 tifsf. trout principally; June aud July bent; hotels $1 p. d., $5p. w.; boats $2 p. d. 
 iiwhiug "good." 
 O'Leary (P. E. I;)— "Lot O" br., 1 m.: Little and Big Pierre Jai-ques, R in.; first 
 lirst; Haluion, trout, etc; laHt niont plentiful; Juno, July and August; flood tide 
 licst; hotels $1 to (1.50 p. d.; boats not needed; art. flies; fishing reported as "very 
 Port Bill (P. E. I.)— Knniore r., m.; trout principally; hotel |1 p. d.; boats 
 and bait at little cost; lishiug excellent. 
 Sowris (P. E. I. —North 1.. 13 m.; Naufrage, 12 m.; F^stl., 16 m.; Bay Fortune. 
 6 m. ; ISig p., 9 m. ; Black p., 5 ni., aud other waters easily reached; first best; tmut. 
 smelt, perch andflalmou; first most abundant, and often run as high as 4 or o ll>s.: 
 July, August and September best; first of flood best in Bay Fortune; hotels $1.2."> 
 to $1.50 p. d.; guides, boats aud bait at reasonable prices, "Good" fishing. 
 St Peters (P. E. I.)— Midgell r., 2 m.; North Shore, 4 m.; St. Peters bay ', m.; 
 North Shore best; mackerel, herring, cod and salmon; good trout fishing in ."Vlidgoll 
 r.: mackerel most plentiful; July, August and September best; hotels $lp.d.; 
 guides, l)oats and bait reasonable; fishing "good." 
 Tigrnish (P.E. I.)— BigTignish r., ?.^ m.; Little Tignish, .3 m.; Black p. 
 Little aud Big Miminegash l(t m.; last two and BigTignish r. best; sea 
 sniiltH, etc.; first most abundant; July and August best; flood tide best; 
 f l.Sij p, d. ; boats not needed; art. flies mostly used. Fishing good. 
 (See also pages 3G— 39.) 
 AimuKviATioNS — b. b., black bass; br., brook; cr., creek; 
 mouth; ni., mile; p., pond; p. d., per day; p. w., i)er week; 
 mouth; str., stream; w., week. 
 1.. lake; 
 r., river; 
 fi m . ; 
 Ashton (P. & W.)— Blackstone r. near station; pickerel principally; summer 
 months best; no hotels, but board at private houses; boats and bait plenty aud rea- 
 sonable. Fishing reported "good." 
 Black take (Q. C. Ry.)— Trout 1. 2 m.: Caribou 1. 4 m.; Little 1. St. Francis . 5 
 111. and black 1., 1 m.; all good; b. b., jiike and trout; there is a fair hotel; boats aud 
 biiit can be had free. 
 Cookshire (International.)— Stacey br. 4 m.; Chaddock br. 1 m.; Block br. I'j 
 ni.; Beaver br. 2'.j lu'; North r. 2'^ m, and numerous other waters in vicinity; all 
 t^ood; lirook trout: June and Heiitember best; hotels $1 p. d.; guides and boats not 
 utcded; worm bait used. 
 D'Israeli (Q. f. By.)— Black Creek 1. near station and Lake Breeches about 6 
 111.: dole (piiie-perch), iiickerel and trout, though jiickerel are most abundant; 
 July and August best; hotels good, guides and boats are easily i htained. 
 Oarthly (Q. C Ry.) — Lake Aylmer about 100 feet from Station, abounds in nias- 
 oiilon^c: jiikc, idckerel, perch etc.; the fishing is at its best in May; there is a good 
 hot( 1 near the station, guides and boats can always be i)rocured at very reasonable 
 piucs. Lake .\yliuer is one of the most picturescjue lakes in the Province. 
 Scotstown (International.)— Salmon r., Mountain br.. May 1., Bog p. within a 
 radius of ,') m. to 20 m.; all good: trout principally; 1). b. in May 1.: June jind .Sep- 
 ti'iubcr best; hotels $1.25 p. d.; boats, guides and baits cheap; fishing {Jood all 
 through the summer, the above named months being the best. 
 St. Felix de Valois (Can. P.)— Lake Seymour and Mastigouche r. 2.') m., and 
 other waters: brook trout very abundant; the Mastigouche House at J1.5op. d.; 
 unides ^l.')i) )). d., including board. The Mastigouche FishiugClub make their head- 
 'luiiitfrs at Lake Seymour. Mr. H. W. .\twater, of Montreal, has kindly consented 
 to givi' further information. 
 Weedon (Q. C, Ry.)— Trout 1. fi m. abounds in trout, pike etc.; good hotels near 
 station, terms $1 ])."d.; boats may be obtained at 25c. p. d.: guidas ll-.^O p. d. In 
 Lake Louise 1 in; from station, tro\it are very plentiful. 
 I: i 
 J 1 . , 
 I ii 
 '■' 1 
 •I'. s 
 I* 1 
 f v 
 (.S<!e pageH 177— I'm.) 
 Lonsdale (P' & W.) — New Koscrvoir \ m.; Scott'w ji. <, in.: Rohiii Hollow p. 1 
 111.; ttrHt hoHt; b. h., pickerel, (luce iiiid ]i('rcli; last most iilciitifiil; .September and 
 ■winter niontliH best; liotelH reiiHouable; boatn and bait at nominal prieeH; fiHbiun 
 reported "very fair." 
 Woonsocket (I'. A: W.)— Harris j). 1 m.: IJlack.-^tone r. 2 m. and numeroUH other 
 waters ill tlic vicinity; b. b., trout, jiickerel and iiercli; last two most ]>lentit'iil; 
 June Jind .Inly bent; hotels J1..5() p. d.; boats and bait at nominal prices; lishing re- 
 ported nood. 
 (See panes 182-184.) 
 AnnnKViATioNs—b. b., black bass; br., brook; cr., creek; 1., lake 
 nioiith : m., mile; p., pond; ji. d., per day; p. w., per week; r., river; 
 mouth; Htr., stream; w., week. 
 Edna (So. I'ac.) — Navidad 1 in.; I.avaca ;t m. ; Caranchna bay 8 m . ; last best; red- 
 fish (channel bass,) sheeiisliead: mullet, sea-trout, flounders, croakers, i)erch, b. 
 b.. biitVah>, tar])on et<; red-lisli most abundant; April, May and June best; flood- 
 tide u.siially liest; lioti'l .'f2 p. il.; guides |1 p. d.; boats and bait at reasonable 
 jirices; lishinti reported (»ood. 
 Hungferford (So. Pac.)— West Bernard 'a m.; bulValo, jierch and catfish; firflt 
 and hist most numerous; -March to June inclusive best; hotel |1 p. d.; fishing re- 
 ported good. 
 ludlanola (So. Pac.) Matagorda bay, its tributaries, bays, creeks, etc., also nu- 
 merous oilier bays from 1 to 20 m. distant; red-fish, (channel bass,) speckled trout, 
 (sea-trout) slieepshead, croakers and mullet (very plentiful,) flounders, Spanish 
 mucktu-el, ].onipano, jew-fish "grand ecaill<>, " (tarpon); March 1st to Jany. 1st best; 
 flood-tide preferable; hotels |1.. 50 and $'2 J), d. ; guides at moderate charges; boat 
 and baits plenty and cheap. Fishing excellent. 
 Victoria (So. Pac.)— -Gu.idalupe r. 'im.;Lostl. Kim.; Spring cr., .S m.; Prid- 
 liaiiis 1. U ill.; (irii'ii 1. 20 m.; Jones Bayou IC) m. and other waters .'> to lii m.; 1. 
 111. bass; iierch (:J var.) calico bass; bass and jierch most numerous; March to No- 
 venil)er best; hotel .f2 p. d.; boats free; at times fishing is very good, it depends, 
 as usual, on the c(mdition of the weather and water. 
 Wharton (So . Pac . ) — Colorado r. '^ m.; Peach cr. 3 '^ m.; first best; 1. m. bass, 
 biittalo, catfisli and perch; last two most numerous; March and April best; hotel 
 moderate iirices; fishing reported "very good." 
 (See pages 185-100.) 
 AnnuKviATioNH—b. 1)., black bass; br., brook; or., creek; 1., lake; 1. m., large 
 mouth; ni., mile; p., pond; p. d., perday; p. w., per week; r., river; s. m., small 
 mouth; str., stream; w., week. 
 Arlington (B. & R.) -Battcnkill r. 'jm.; "Roaring Branch" 1 m.; Oront 1. 12 
 m.; Otter 1. 11 m., and numerous small streams in the vicinity; Battenkill r. 
 (for size)^..d "Roaring Branch" (for numbers) best; trout principally, and a few 
 b. b.; June and July for trout; August and Sept. forb. b,; hotels $7 to $14 p. w. 
 The above waters have recently been stocked with I), b. The fishing is reported 
 "fair, sometimes good." Hotels about $2 p. d., and guides ai'o not generally re- 
 Shaftsbury (B. k. R.)— Numerous small streams in the vicinity; trout prin- 
 cipally; early summer months best. 
 Wells River (B. \- I..)— Wells River k Connecticut r. near station; perch, dace 
 and b. b.; worms as bait; hotels reasoiiabb'; boats not needed. 
 Woodstock (Woodstock)— Ottanqnechee r. and branches; Barnard br. 
 trout i)riiicii>any; May and June best; hotel reasonable: fishing "fair." 
 (Sec pages 1<.)0—1 Its.) 
 Adbheviationh — b. b., black bass; br., brook; cr., crcok; 1. 
 iiiniitli; in., mile; \k, jtuud; \>. d., per day; p. w., \)vr wci'k; v., 
 iiiMuth; titr., stri-am; w., week. 
 Ashland (H. 1". i^ r.)— <'hickal>oiuiiiy r.; rorriiis \>.: Kiiif,'H ji. and So. Anna r. ac- 
 , . --ililc; tirst best; iiori'li. chub, pike (.jack) iiriiu'lpallv; iienli ami cluib nioHt 
 ] l.iititul; April, May, Sept'-nibcr and October best; hotclH reasonable; boats and 
 l,ait (licup; fishing reported "niedinm." 
 Brooke (R- F- '^. P.)— Potomac r. 5 m.; Pofoniar cr. Ktni.: Ai<inia cr. 3 in.; first 
 1, f-i; 'iiick" (striped bans), berriug, white and yellow iti-nh: herring most pleuti- 
 lul; lihruary, March and April best; flood tide iu early part of season; ebbtide 
 hit. r vu: uo public hotel; fishing "good." 
 Capon Road (B. & (>.)— Shenandoah r. 3 m.; b. b. and other varieties;!), b. moBt 
 ;tl.uii(lant; June, July, October auil November best; hotels .*'J and $2.M p. d.; boats, 
 bait etc. reasonable; fishing "moderately good." 
 Chases Wharf (Md. S. P. Co.)— Dymer.s cr. near station; rockfish, (striped 
 l1,■^-^•^ spots, (lafayettes), perch, taylors, young bluefisb and shccplicad; spots moat 
 iiiiiiiiToiis; July to September inclusive best; Hood tide best: board at private 
 l:.iii.<rs If 1.25 p. d.; boats and bait at moderate cost; fishing excellent especially in 
 Fairfield (B. , I- ().)— South r. 2 'o ni.; Irish cr. (fur trout) near f-tation; i)erch, 
 tmut and fall fish; last two most plentiful; hotel.s at moderate prices; fishing 
 Tairport Wharf t^M. S. B. Co )— Oreat V.'icomiop r. in vicinity: rockfisli 
 -tripeil bass), spots, (lafavette^), jierch, taylors (young liluefisli) and slieepshead; 
 -).'t> most numerous; July, .\uj4Ust and September best; flood tide best, jirivate 
 1 I. aid ^l.'25 p. d;. boats ami bai*^ at moderate cost. The fishing is reported "spleu- 
 ili.l' in September. 
 Filchetts Wharf (^Id. S. B. Co.)— Milford Haven in vicinity; spotH (lafayettes), 
 rcckti.-'li (striped bass), perch, taylors (young bluelish) and sheepshead; spots most 
 iiuiiicrinis; July, August and September best: flocxl tide best; private board $1.25 
 p, d . ; boats and bait at moderate cost; fishing "splendid iu September". 
 Acipiia cr. and Potomac cr. and r.; first best; 
 ; first most numerous; June and October lest; 
 Fredericksburg- (R. F. A: P.)- 
 j I irh, rockfish (striped bass), etc, 
 Intel $2.50 p. d.; fishing "fair". 
 HardingS Wharf (Md. S. B. Co.)— Dividing cr. near station; spots (lafayettes), 
 r('ikl\>li (striped bass), taylors (young bluefisb i, iierdi and sheepshead; first most 
 iiuiiurous; July, August and Sei>teniber best; flood tide best; private board $1.25p. 
 il.: fishing "splendid iu September." 
 Jackson Creek (Md. S. B. Co.)— Peaubatauh r. near 1)y; spots (lafayettes); 
 >li< i|isliead, rockfish (striped bass), perch, taylors (young bluefisb) ami mullet; 
 rc( liiisli most plentiful; July, Augustand September best: private board f L.'iO p. d.; 
 boats and bait at moderate cost; fishing "at times excellent." 
 Little Bay (Md. S.B.Co.)— Anti Poison cr. and Little Bay in vicinity; spots (lafa- 
 vt ttr.~ I, sheepshead, sea trout and tavlors (young Iduefish); first most numerous; 
 •Tilly, August and Sejiteniber best; flood tide liest; private board $1.2.') p. d.; boats 
 :uiii bait at nominal prices; generally good fishing, "at times none better." 
 Quantico (R. F. & P.)— Potomac r. near by; yiiantiio cr.; Ciiappawainsic cr. 
 ia>il\ accessilile; first best; white peivli, catfish and crabs principally; July and 
 Aiit,'iist best; ebb-tide usually best: hotel f2 p. d. ; t)oats, bait and guides from |2 
 t" J.') p. d. The white jierch "at times bite rapidly." 
 Quicksburg' (B. \-0.)— Shenandoah r. 1 m.; Holmans cr. ', m.: first best; b. 
 ^iiid small fish: September to November best; no hotel nearer than 4 m. $2.50 
 1 1'. d.; boats reasonable; fishing "good. ' 
 Strasbursf (B- * O.)— North r '.. ra,; Cedar cr. 2 m.; both tolerably good; b. b. 
 (See i>sn>OH 100—193.) 
 and Hiiuill (isli iiriiicipttlly. May, Jiiiu!, July iiiid Hcpt. l)Pst; liotclH |1..'>(» \t. tl. Tliti 
 above Htciinis iiri' private aud iiartiuH iiniHt have ]ieriiiisHiou IoHhIi tbeiii. 
 Toxn'B Brook (H. A: ().)— North Fork of KbeiiaiuUmb r.; h. }>., ratfinb anil ix^nli 
 flrwt iiioHt iiiiiiii'ioii.i; jn-ivate boarding only; llHbing "lucdiuni good." 
 VirGTiuiA Beach (N. ii*c V. B.) — A chain of lakcH near station; well Hfockcd witl: 
 1. III. baHH tailed 'tniiit" in the vernacular. 
 (See iiag.)H 195-197.) 
 AliBREViATlONS— b . b., black ba88; br., brook; cr., creek; 1., lake; 1. ni ; larp*; 
 jnoiith; ni., mile; p., iiond; ]). d., per day; p. w., per week; r., river; h. ni., Huiall 
 mouth; Htr., stream; w., week. 
 Barrackville (B. tV <). ButValo er. at Ptation, and Monoupabela r.; last beHt; 
 jiike, salmon (pike-pereb) cattish and b. b. priucii)ally; April to Oiitober best; 
 hotel $l.r)U. p. il.; boats aud bait plenty; lishing "tolerable." 
 Boltcn(B. & O.)— Bight (at station) aud Left Fork (4 m.) of Fish cr.. aud Mail 
 or.; b. b., i)ercb aud catfish; perch most aV)uudaut; August aud .September best; 
 hotels |1.5(i p. d.: hshiug reported "good." 
 Burton (B. & O.) — Fish cr., aud Duukard waters; first best; perch and h. b. prin- 
 cipally; May, June aud July best; hotel fl.M ji. d.; guides $1 p. d.; boats not 
 needed; Itait plenty; tlsbing reportdd, "right good." 
 Cherry Sun (B. A; D.)— Potomac r. uear station; "Big Pool" Im.; first best: b.b. 
 principally: April, May, September and October best; uo hotels; lishing reported 
 2SllenborO.—(B. & O.)— Bonds cr., nud North aud South Forks of Hughes r.; 
 South Fork best; pike, catfish, b. b,, black (V) white aud yellow perch, chubs etc., 
 bass aud perch most numerous: hotels $H to $5 j). w.: boats not needed; fishing 
 "good all times of the year." March is best lor pike, Ajiril for perch and May for 
 Fairmont (B. \- O.)— Monougahela r., West Ford r. aud Buffalo cr. all within 1 
 m.; West Fork r. best; b. b. catfish, salmon (pike perch), i)ike aud sunfish; 
 b. b. most plentiful: May, Juue, September, and October best; hotels $1.50 to $2 
 p. d.; boats auxl bait plenty. " Fair fishing." 
 Great Cacapon (B. &0.)— Potomac r. at station; Cacapou near at hand; first best; 
 b. b., perch, butter-fish (V) etc; spring (including Juue) aud fall months best; 
 boats aud bait at moderate prices. Fishing reported "good." 
 Qreen Spring'(B. & O.)— North Branch Potomac r. 1 m. .South Branch 3 m.; 
 last best: b. b. priuci))ally; August, September aud October best; board at farm 
 houses; boats aud baits cheaj); fishing "good". These grounds are much visited by 
 auglers from Pittsburg, Washingtou aud Baltimore. 
 Halltown (B. k O.)— Shenandoah r. 2 m.; Potomac r. 2 in.; first best; b. b 
 cipally; April, May, October aud November best; no hotels; fishing "good." 
 Kanawha (B. k O.)— Kanawha r. at station; Walkers cr. 1 m.; .Stillwell cr, 
 first best; rockbass; white perch and pike; April, May and June; hotel 75c. p 
 boats aud l)ait at little cost: fishing reported "very good." 
 Xiittleton(B. .<£0.)— Fisher. 2 m.; h. h. and sunfish principally; May, Juno, 
 September aud October; hotels 76c. p. d.; $3.50 p. w. A permaneut camp situated 
 ou fishing grounds will be let to camping parties. Beaver Dam, distant 2 m. ia 
 considered the best fishing point; guides $1 p. d.; bait and boats cheap. The fish- 
 ing is reported "tolerably good". 
 Worth Mountain (B. & O.)— Potomac r. and small cr. 2 m.; river best; b.b. 
 principally; September and October best; hotel $1 . m p. d . ; fishing "fair" . 
 Wo 12 Water Station (B. \; O.)— Potomac r. near station; Great (!ac;apou r. « 
 m • both about equal- b. b. and sunfish: first most abuudaut; August to November 
 mcluaive'best; private boarding $1 p. d Fishing "uuusually flue at times". 
 1 m.; 
 (Seo paROH 195—197.) 
 (p. il. Th.^ 
 aiirt iMfnl], 
 itockcd with 
 I. Ill ; lar^i! 
 . III., huihU 
 , ; last lieHt; 
 i;tol)or hi'Ht; 
 r., and Mail 
 ember hest; 
 d 1). 1). prin- 
 .; boatH not 
 •Ht best: b.l). 
 iiig reiiortfil 
 Hughes r.; 
 chubs eti'.. 
 }ded; fishing 
 nd May for 
 all within 1 
 ind Huutish; 
 1.50 to JJ 
 ; first best: 
 lunths best; 
 auch 3 in.; 
 ird at farm 
 h visited by 
 b. b. priu- 
 rell cr. 1 m.; 
 75c. p. d.; 
 May, Juno, 
 inp situated 
 .ut '2 lu. is 
 The fish- 
 best; b. I), 
 'lu^apou r. ;t 
 Onouoka (B. \- (».)— Potomac r. near station: South Branch r. 2 m.: Town cr. *< 
 I i.ittli' ( intapon J 111.; South Biaiii'h r. bt'Ht; b. b. priiu'ii>all\ ; .Mav, .Iiiiit\ Sep- 
 j.uilifraiiil iK'tobfr; tishiUR "good." 
 Bomney (B. A: O.)— South Branch Totoniac; b. b. fishing very good; hotels etc. 
 Springfield (B. k O.i— Soutli Bran<li Potomac 1 'i m.; b. b., sunftsli, etc.; tlrst 
 Host iilciitifiil: September best; private boarding $3 p. w.; buat.s and bait at little 
 CiiHt; lishiiig '•generally good." 
 Texas (B. A: 0.)—Vally r. near station; sunflah, ])iko, isalraon, (pike-porch) and 
 b.; -May and June best; no hotels; fishing reported "good." 
 Valley Palls (B. .t 0.)—Tig»jrts Valley r. near station; b, b., salmon, (pike- 
 prrclii. pike, suufish, first most inimerous; May, June, August and Sopteml)er Iiost; 
 |irivate boarding if Ip. d.; guides not needed; boats free; bait plenty, fishing "con- 
 Bidereil good." Much frecjuented by canii)ing parties; minnows as bait '25c. per 
 liK). Pike have been caught as weighty as ;t4 lbs. 
 Volcano Junctiou (B. .^- O. )— Hughes r. 5. m.; b. b., perch, pikeand lake flsh (?): 
 ast iiioHt numerous; April and May best; boats and bait very cheap; fishing reixutod 
 "West Union (B. & O.)— Middle Island cr. and other waters about 4 m.; first 
 ■i licHt; white and b. b., pike, catfish and small fish; bass most numerous; April, May, 
 ' iin\ June best; hotels $1 p. d. $4 p. w.; boats and bait at small cost; fishing "fair at 
 '} West Union, very good 5 to 10 m. below." 
 (See pages 197— 207.) 
 I AnBKF.viATioN.'? — b. b., black bass; br., brook; cr., creek; 1., lake; 1. m., large 
 nu)iUli; ni,, mile; p., pond; p. d., perday; p. w., per week; r., river; s. m., small 
 tiiouth; str., stream; w., week. 
 AUenton (Wis. (;.)— Cedar 1.; perch and b. b. principally; first most plentiful; 
 May ami June best; liotel $1 and fl.'iii j). d.; fishing "good." 
 Amherst (Wis. C.)— Lake Emily; Spring 1. and Lime 1.; first best; b. 1)., white 
 l)ass anil jiickerel; first most numerous; July and August best; hotels reasonable; 
 lioats and bait free; fishing "good." 
 Amherst Junction (Wis. C)— I^ke Emily '^ m.; Lake Thomas 3 '^ m.; Limo 1. 
 111.; White, rock and b. b., perch and sunfish; bass most plentiful; September and 
 11,'tciber best; hotels $1.50 p. d.; fishing good. Trolling with art. spoon generally 
 Barronette (C. St. P. M. & ().)— Shallow 1. l'_. m.; pike 1. 4 m.: Granite 1. 3 m. 
 ind Clam r. (> m. ; Pike Land Clam r. best; bass, pickerel, ciscoes and trout; first two 
 tiiost abundant: minnows, frogs and art. spoons used; June best month. 
 Bayfield (L. S. T. (!o,) — \ number of streams all within 40 m. and emptying into 
 l-ake Superior att'ord very fine trout fishing; July and .\ugust best months; guides $'2 
 ki. (1 ; board from $7 to $10 p. w.; good trolling for lake trout in June. Brule r., 
 filehrated for its trout fishing, can 1 e reached by railway or team from Bayfield. 
 number of lakes, easily reached, att'ord very fine bass, pickerel and mascalouge 
 Bloomer (C. St. P. M. k O.)— Long 1.; Chain 1., Cornell 1. and other waters easily 
 tallied; first best; speckled trout, b. b. and pickerel: first most plentiful; worma 
 s bait; May and June beat; hotels $1.50 p. d. ; boats, bait etc. reasonable; guidca. 
 |(iirlu(ling livery, $3 p. d. 
 Brule (N. P.) — Very fine trout fishing in the Brule r. '^ m.; hotels $'2.50 p. d.; 
 jiiiiles $'2 p. d. Our correspondent writes; Trout fishing most excellent. 
 Butternut (Wis. 0.)— Butternut 1. 1 "^i m.; No. Pork of Flambeau r. 5 m.; pike. 
 I . 
 ' : (1- 
 ,s I 
 I ;L 
 (Seo i)aBCH 197—207. 
 picknrel, nianralongc, basH, peri'li, etc.; i)ike, iiickercl and maHcalonno nioBtnnmor- 
 ouh; hotflH f 1 and .W i>. (I.; boatH and bait at moderate i)rii<'H: JlHhin»< "rockI." 
 MaHcalon^e run an hit^b aH 'Iti ])()inidH. 
 Cable (<'- ^t. P. M. .^ ().)— Naiuiikiinitn r. 1 '^ m.; Naniakatimi 1 Oni.; lii^'b^.'2's m,; 
 Ca)>le 1. 'i ni.; Kocdnd iianuMl licst: trout, baHH, ]ii<'kt'i'('l and niaHfalmiKt': th(! thrcfi 
 firi-t nanifd nioHt atxindaiit: UHUal liircn; Aug. to Nov.: botcln $1 .:")(»; f,'iiiil<'H $'2 ji. d. 
 iii('hidin({ boat and bait; t'lKhinu):^ good all tlirou(;li the HcaHon, but best late in the 
 CartwrifiTht (<'• St. P. M. .t <).)— Twiji 1. f. m.; Round 1. f. m.; Lojif; l. h m.; Clitiia 
 ].; Lon^ 1. and Chain l.ln'Ht; pickt-rcl, niar^falongt', b. b., jiikc, iumtIi, etc.: 
 ]ii('k('i'el, |)ike and baHH nioNt plentiful; fro^H, niinnowHand art. 
 and June biiHt; hoteln $!..')(• p. d.: boatH Hh\ p. h. 
 spoonH iiMfd; May 
 m ; Wood 1. It ni.; long I. 
 Chelsea (Win. C.)— Uib 1. 7 m.: <'h(dsi"a 1. 'J m ; Wood 1. It ni.; long I. 3 
 ni.; tirHtbcHt; b. V)., pike, pickerel. HiintiHli, jiercli, biilllieadH etc.; i>ike and jierch 
 iiioHt u\nnerou;'; J\iue, September and October bent; lioleln $1.50 and $'i p. d.; buata 
 a!id baitH reaHonable. l'"inhinn reported "j^ood, flrnt-claNH." 
 Chetek (C. St. P. M. .^ ().)— Luke Chetek at ntation; Urown'n cr. 4 ni.; Pine cr. 12 
 in.; Ten Mile cr. 10 m.; Abxine Imv cr. (i ni.; all fjood; pickerel, jiike, b. b. ami trout; 
 first two most plentiful; minnowH and worms aH baitn; hotels . 4'.! p. d.; boatH and 
 bait moderate. Finhinn reported "j^ood all Hunimer." 
 . : Vermillion 1. ;} m. and 
 worniH and froj^H aH bait; 
 Cumberland ((^ St. P. M. .^ o.)— Beaver Dam 1. ', n 
 Kund 1. ti'j m ; all "nood;" pickerel and b. b. princijially : 
 Mii> to Sejiteniber ln'st; hotel,'^ ? 2 p. d. 
 Eau Claire (Win. C.)— Chippewa r., Eau Claire r. and nunierouN creekH in the 
 vicinity; Elk i.nd Otter cr. best; Hjieckled trout in tlie creeks and i)ickerel, jiikc, 
 roi'k baHH, etc. in the rivern: npring and early summer best; hotels j^l to .<2 p. d.; 
 boats and bait at Hinall cost; fishing "good." 
 Emerald (Wis. C.)— Saud er. and Tiffany cr. in vitdnity; first best: trout priii- 
 cipiiily; May and June best; hottds $1 p. d., other charges moderate. Finbiny re- 
 jiorted "very good." 
 Gleuwood (Wip. C. )— Tiffany cr. at Htation; Sand cr. ;i ni . ; last best; front prin- 
 cipally; May and June beat; hotel $2 p. d. Fiwhing "good." 
 Gordon (C. St. P. M. .V O.)— Hrule r. 1« ni.; Keel 1. .'> m.; Whit<- Fish 1. 2 ni.; Ox 
 br. -i ni; Eau (.'laire 1. lom.: Hrule r. best; trout, basH and pickert I principally; trout | 
 in the river, and pi<'kerel and bass mont plenfifiil in lakes; usual baits; June to 
 October bent; no public hotels. The trout finhing in Hrule r. is " very fine." 
 IiOChiel (WiH.C.)— Hig Ot,^■r cr. 4 ni.; Little Otter cr. 2 m.; Lanib'w cr. 6 m.; Hay 
 «r. 'a ni.; all good; brook trout abundant in the creeks; pickerel, pike and b. b. iu 
 river; first most uunierous; ,Iune to September best; hotels #1 j). d.; boats not 
 needed; fishing "very good;" the banks arc free of underbrush and fishing can be 
 (lone from the nhore. 
 Mason (C. St. P. M. k O.)— Pike 1. l.*; m.; Fish cr. H ni.; Eighteen Mile cr. Hni.; 
 first best; whitefish, bass, inckerel and brook trout: last two most numerouH; min- 
 nows as bait; ,Iuly anil August best: hotels $1 ..'"0 p. d. ; guides j;( p. d.; boatH }l\ 
 p. d. "IJrook trdut can be caught in abundance in Fish Creek." 
 New Bichmond (Wis. C.)— Cedar 1. and Bass 1. r> m.; pickerel, b. b., rock bass | 
 and striped bass; first two most numerous; May, June and Seiitember best; hotel 
 $2 p. d.; fishing reported ''very good." 
 Perley (C. St. P. M. i^O.)— Bear 1.. Upper Turtle 1. at station; both good; piko, 
 pickerel, b. b.,ctc.; last two most numerous; frogs best bait; May and June best; I 
 liotelH $1.00 p. d. ; boats reasonable. The abo\ e waters are well stocked and having 
 been little fished excellent sport can be had. 
 Phillips (Wis. C.)— Elk r. and 1. near station; first best: inascalonge, pike, pick- 
 erel, baas and perch; first two most numerous; .August and September best; hottlBJ 
 $1.50 and Ji2p. d.; boats and bait reasonable; fishing "considered good, 
 Prairie du Chien (C. M. & St. P.)— Rice 1, and Wisconsin r. near by: trout and| 
 b. I).; hotels $1 to $2 p. d,; fishing excellent 
 (See paKcH 107— 2<17.) 
 Bice Lake (('. St. P. M. ^ <>.)— Cedur 1. lit m.; J,..iik 1. H ni.; Uuv 1 '.^ iii.; iiM 
 ^'(11.(1; tnnif, iiikc-iicrfli, basH anil pickerel ; liiMt two iiioHt plentiful; art. upodii lined; 
 Mii.v, June and Sei)teniber boHt; botcla $'i p. d.; ynidcs moderate; trout and general 
 lihliiuj^ good. 
 Shell Iiake (C St. P. M. & O.)— Shell 1. at station; porch, bans and HunnHli; flrnt 
 niii.-<t iilentitiil; ininuoWH aud woruiH aH bait; June and July bcHt; hoteln $1 \k d., 
 ^T) p. \v. 
 Sheridan (WiH. C.) — Hickosl. ."ini.; Lime 1. it m.; .Vdainn 1. ;i m.; .Mud 1. U ni.; 
 fir'-t best; pickerel, b. b., rock basH, perch, HunHsh, etc.; bann ninnt abundant; May, 
 i iiu' and October beHt; hotolH roasouable; buatH $1 p, d. l•"ichin^' "j^ood in abovo 
 Silver Creek (Win. ('.)— Silver cr. 1 'i m.; Trout br. '2 ni.; botli K"od; Hjieckled 
 • iulprin(upally, June aud July best; hotels $1 p, w,; finhing "good in thi- nea- 
 Ht; trout prill- 
 Spooner(<'. St. P. M. k O.) — McKenzio 1. 8 m.; Lake, Casey K ni.; tirHt bent; 
 |ii(Uerel, l)aKs and pike principally; woruiH aud art. npoous; .>iay, June aud October 
 best; boats, bait, etc., at moderate pricuH. Fishing said to be very fine. 
 St. Croix (Wig. C.)— St. Croix r. near station; Rice 1. and Pino 1. 6 m.; Bebr 1. 4 
 111.: ])ickerel, bass, inko, bufTalo and sturgeon; bass, jiickerel and buHalo most nu- 
 nurous; March to June, aud October best; hotels fii.Ou p. w.; boats Ktc. p. h. 
 Fishing reported — "it is good." 
 Superior (<'. St. P. M. A: ().)— Middle r. '20 m.; Trout br. 'M m.; St. Croix 1. 29 
 111.; lirule r. 2',i m., and I-ake Suiierior at station; Middle r.. Trout br. and Brule r. 
 best; br. trout, b. b., pickerel and pike; first two most abundant; usual baits used; 
 Jum^ aud July best; hotel f 2. .ID ]>. d.; boats and bait reasonable; fishing "very 
 ^.'niiil," also excellent camping grounds. 
 Turtle Lake (C. St. P. M. k ().)— Turtle 1. Cm.; pickerel and bass principally; 
 (rugs as bait; May and June best; hotel $1 p. d.; guides not needed. 
 Westboro (Wis. C.)— James 1. 3.; Harper'nl, 5 m.; Spirit 1. 8 m.; Jump r. 15 m.; 
 Wcoil 1. r2m.; the largest aud best is Spirit 1.; b, b., pickerel, mascalonge, pike; 
 bass aud pickerel most abundant; June, July, Seiitomber an<l October best; hotels 
 ?1 p. d.; guides $IM> p. d.; boats aud bait free to hotel guests; fisLiug is reported 
 us "reasonably good." 
 r r, 
 II >* i 
 by: trout and 
 ! 9 
 f i 
 I.. 1.. II 
 IlllK' I' 
 N.> hot 
 licHt; ( 
 ohm; 1,1 
 Ilinst n 
 aliiiiit e 
 JllllC 1)1 
 r. at Ldi 
 Hinl i>cr 
 ii p. (1. 
 Jl.-i to tll( 
 ami Hiua 
 l)ait.s plv 
 lent fisL 
 l)aiiu'(l Ij 
 Hot. 'Is i 
 Wafer va 
 '■ '4 m.; 
 iHitl'alo, e 
 lakes in e 
 May, Juu 
 Spes ( 
 luoHt nun 
 ti.2r-p. d 
 Abbrfviatiosh— >). I)., Idack Ixihn; br., Itrnnk; cr., rrffk; 1., lak^; 1. ni., lafRW 
 iiiuufh: 111., uiilc; i'.> imiid; p. d., per duy; p. w., p«T wt'i-k; r,, rivor; m. hi.. hiiiuU 
 iitoutL; Htr.. Htrnttiii; w., week. 
 Allenton (I-. \ N.)— Uciir i-r. '^ in,; Uoiivcr j).. >., ni.; Iiw<t luiiiifd lit>«t: hrt'aiu, 
 )>. Ii. iiiid i-attlHli; worm mid niiiiDow Imit iihimI: May and ■liiin- )><-st; iii> rt'^ular 
 Bangor |T'- '^ N.)— Mulberry r. '^ in.: l>. h., pcnli. cattlHli. etc.; iimml haitx arc. 
 iiiiiiiiiiWH, iiiiihIi, and worniH; .\|iril. May, and .Inn*- bcHt; iio hotul, hut private 
 hoard ut niodcratt- price ran he ha<l. 
 Bass Station |N. <'• 'V St. I,.} — ('row creek '^ ni. Trout, (hlack hasH) porcli, and 
 hlii<> oitliMh; perch nioHt numerous; minnow bait; A|iril and May bewt nioutlin. 
 No liotelM or KuidcH; tlMbinn indillerent. 
 Bayland (K. and W. of .\.)— CooHa r. :t m.; Trout cr. near Htation; flr^t mimed 
 hi'.^t; coarne MhIi pre(U)miuute; muxb, miuuoWH, etc., used for bait; uprin^^ and fall 
 Blount SprinffS (I- & N.)— Mulberry r. '2 m.: Black Warrior r. 7 m.; both 
 eipinl; trout, (hlucK hasH) perch, cattish, bream, etc.; b. b., and perch most nuiner- 
 ou.s; Liv«' minnows and worms as bait mostly; May and .June best; Hotels $'i p. d.; 
 guides $1 p. d. These waters are reported ^ood. 
 Boliffee Station (Q. & ('.)— IMk'I r. 2'^ m.; perch, bream, catfish, etc.; I)reani 
 iii'Mt nunieroUH; minnow and worm baits; April and May best; hotels and boats 
 nMsonable. The butl'alo fish is very abundant in Binbee r. 
 Brewton (L. '^ N.) — Btuut Corner. '^ m.; Murder cr. '., m.; Conecuh r. .'1 m. 
 ahiiiit e(i\mlly Kood; bream, b. b., catflHh, etc.; nsual baits used;— April May anc. 
 Jtmc best; hotels f '2.50 p. d. 
 Broken Arrow (K. A; W. of A.) — Trout i—.: Broken Arrow cr. near station; Coosa 
 r. at Lock, 4 m.; all about equal; trout (?), ■ rcb, drum catfish, biitl'alo etc.; cattlsli 
 ami i>erch most numerous; worms, mush, a ! small tl^^Ll used for baits; May, .Tune, 
 .Si'ptciuber, and October best; hotels .fl p. d.. and private board lUc. p. d.; (»uides 
 f 1 II. il. Altho. the above waters rise in the mountains of N. Ala., we are in ditubt 
 as to the species of fish called "trout" — they may possibly bo the b. b. 
 CoalinGT (Q- & ("■) — Warrior r. H m.; trout, (b. b.,)and other varieties; worms and 
 niiiinows used as L„its; good board at private house $13 p. m.; tlshiug is not much 
 indulged in by residents. 
 Cowles (W. R. R. of A.) — Alabama r. '^ m.; b. b., black perch, catfish etc.; worms 
 and small fish used as bait; Ai)ril to July best; hoteln ^t reasonable rate; boats and 
 hdiU plenty. Maj. J. F. Jones, of Uogauville, Ala., informs us that there i» excel- 
 lent fishing at this point. 
 Cullman's (L. & N.)— Eight Mile or. I'.j m.; Big cr. 2', m.; Flint cr. 10 m.; last 
 iuiiii('(l best; b. b. catfish, etc.; minnows and worms as bait; May and June best; 
 Hotels ,'j;i to $2, p. d. The fishing; is reported good in Flint r.. 
 Deatsville (L. & N.)— Big Mortar cr. at wtatiou; b. b., i>erch and most fresh 
 water varieties; worms, crickets, and small fish the usual baits; season .Spriufj, 
 .Siiiunier and Autumn; Hotel $1 p. d. 
 Decatur (L & N.)— Near by are the following waters; Tennessee r. '4 m.; Swan 
 I 'i ni.; Beaver 1. I'j m.; Flint r. S'^ m. The lakes contain I. m., b. b., perch. 
 liiittali), etc. Flint r. in the spring gives good fishing. Tndling for b. b. in the 
 bikes is excellent. Usual baits. Hotels $2 p. d.; no guides, iilenty of volunteer.-*. 
 May, June, July, Sept., and Oct., are the best months. 
 Epes (Q. k C.)— Bigbee r. V m.; trout, (b. b..) catfish, butlalo. drum, etc.; bulTalo 
 nlo^t numerous; bread and worms usual baits: April, May and June best; Hotel 
 tl.J' p. d.; boats and baits very low. 
 i \ 
 1 ■■ 
 ! '■ 
 Eutaw (Q. k C.)— Warrior r. 3 m.; OrinncU 1. 4 m.; Chnptaw 1, 4 in.; the Lagoon 
 1 ', in. lout,' :{ m.; (irinr.pll 1. and th<^ Liij^oon bint; trout, (1). !>..) white piTi.-h, broam 
 fttc; l)reain nidst inuncrouH; baitH are miuuows, crickets, ^,'ras^hM]lll^■rH, roachas 
 etc.; April May and JiiiH' Ix-Ht; HotelH #'J p. d.; no proft'Hsioual uniiles, Imt iier.sonH 
 to aft us such ran lie had; boats and bait gratnituouHly. The tiHhiu;,' in reported to 
 be exeeUeut in tin,' above waters. 
 PlintlL. .^ N.)— Flint 
 b. b., perch, pike, eattitih etc.; jperc'' and basB 
 most luinierouH; baits are wornis, craylish itnd minnows; April and Ma,' best. 
 Francis (K. k W. of .\.| — Tallasahatchee or. ';; ni.; Coosa r. '^ m.; cattish, bnflalo 
 aHd (Inini; minnows, craylish, nnish and worms used for baits; Ajiril and May 
 best; No rcf^ular hotel, but private board can bo had and good camping grounds. 
 Garden City (L. & N.)— Mulberry r. '^ m.; b, b., Catfish, drum etc.; minnows 
 Usual bait; Hotels .fl p. d.; guides il p. d. No boats needed, canoes free. 
 Oray's (K. & W. of ,\.)— Tallasahatchee cr. '., m.; Ohatchie cr. '., m.: last named 
 Ix'st; trout (V) drum, cattish, redhorse etc.; trout, redhorse and suckers most 
 numerous; mush and worms used fur baits; Hpriiig and fall months best; board 
 can be had at private houseH at $1 p. d.; guides SI p. d.; boats aud bait at very 
 small cost. 
 Oreenville (L. <S: N.) — Persimmon cr. 1 m.; Pidgeon cr. « m.; Halls cr. '2 in.; 
 Pidgeon cr. best; perch, bream, h. b.. cattish etc.; bream aud cattish most numer- 
 ous; worms usual bait; April May and June l)est; hotels reasonable. No charge 
 for boats. 
 Kartsell's (L. & N.)— Flint r. •'! m.; Oakville p. 17 m.; b. b., catfish etc.; worms 
 aud small fish as bait; Summer months best; hotels ?'2 p. d.; guides aud couvey- 
 aiices to be had. 
 Hull (Q '*>:<.)— Black Warrior r.; Hulls 1.; ^loon 1., aud Big 1.: easily accessible; 
 the lakes are best; butt'alo, catfish and white perch; miuuows and mealed cotton 
 are used as baits; .May, June, July aud August best.; private board only. 
 Jefferson (L. A:. N.) — Warrior r. and Turkey cr. accessible: Warrior r. best; 
 percli, catfish aud other varieties; mush minnows aud worms, baits used; May, and 
 Juue best; hotel reasonable; boats can bo had. 
 Jouesboro (Q. <S: ('■) — Valley cr. 1 m.; Shades cr. 2 in.: last named best; b. b., 
 perch etc.; perch most numerous; worms aud minnows, usual bait; April, May and 
 June best Hotels $1 p. d.; boats can be had reasonable. 
 Keener (Q- *.' C.l— Little Wills cr. near station: Big Wills cr. I'j m.; last named 
 best; trout, (black bass) perch, catfish, pike etc.: b. b. and catfish most uunierous, 
 baits used art; worms cotton, dough, bacon, aud minnows: .\pril, May aud Juue 
 best. Accommodations at private houses. These waters are reported good. 
 McCalla (Q. & C.)— Shades cr. 3 m.; Five mile cr. 1 m.; North Valley cr. 4 m.; 
 first named best; trout, (b. b..) perch, catfish etc., first named most numerous; 
 minnows aud worms use<i; April, May, and Juue, aud Sept., Oct. aud November 
 best; hotels reasonable; guides $1 to |L50 p. d.; boats aud bait free. 
 Ohatchie (E. & W. of A.)— Coosa r.; Tallasahatchie cr. aud Ohatchie cr. >, m.; 
 first named best: channel catfish, biitfalo, yellow cat, redhorse and others; mush, 
 •worms and minnows used for baits; April and May best months; no hotols, but 
 private; board can bo obtained at reasonable rates; boats at uomiual cost. 
 Steels (Q. & C.)— Big Canoe cr. 5 m.; trout, (b. b.,) drum, bream, catfish etc.; 
 bream most numerous; worms, minnows etc. as bait; April aud May best; hotel 
 |'2 p. d.; boats can be obtained reasonable. 
 Stewarts (Q- i!^ C.) — Hedleston 1.; Little Hedlestoii 1., aud Story 1.; first named 
 best; bream, trout, (b. b.,) aud white perch; bream most uumerous; worms aud 
 crickets used; May, Juno aud Sept. best mouths; no regular hotels, but private 
 board can be had. 
 Valley Head (Q. & O— DeSot<i Falls 2'.^ m.; trout, ba*is, perch and others: artifi- 
 cial baits iiikI grubs used; March to September best; Hotel reasonable: guides aud 
 boats at moderate cost. This point is situated in the mountains of Northern Ala- 
 bama and the upper portion of the streaii-.s contain trout, S.vlvei.isus fontinaus. 
 Verbena (L. .t N.) — Chestnut cr. at station; North prong Chestnut cr. 1 m.; 
 South prong Chestnut cr. 1 m.: Coosa r. 7 m.; Chestnut cr. best; b. b., bream, cat- 
 fish etc.; March, April. May, November aud Decomber, best; Hotel |2 p. d., and 
 nuH aud 
 1 m.; 
 im, cat- 
 d., aud 
 I hcapor at private boarding honflcs; ffwides $1 p. d.; boats 250. p. d. Tlie b. 'o. 
 li-hm^ is ttaid to be very fine. 
 Wetumpka (I^. 't N.)— Coosa r. near ntation: rallapoosa r. 1 m.; Taylors' 1.; 
 DiM'l 1., and Horae Hiiialler lakes; ('oosa r. beHt; ))ream, perch, b. b., eatftsh etc.; 
 luiiiiiinvs, woruiH etc.. uned aw bait'^: March, .\pril. May aud .June best; Hotel $15 
 |i. m.; guides .")0c. to #1..5o p. d.; boats at low rati-s. Tue lakes t»ive Hue flahiug for 
 brtiin especially. .\ good ground for hiiuting as well as fishing. 
 Whitney (Q- k C.)— Mncleroy cr. 'j ni.; (fulf cr. U m.; (Jauoe cr. 3 m.: Coosa r. 12 
 :§ !n. ; I 'oosa r., ( Janoe cr., and Muclcroy cr. the best; treat, (b. b., ) bream, catfish etc. ; 
 f iittish most numerous in the river; trout aud bream in creeks; catawba and earth' 
 4 wiirms, youni4 wasp etc. as baits: April, May. .June aud December best; hotels 
 tJl.JO y. d.; guides at moderate charge; boats can hv, had at moderate charge. 
 i Brinkley(T. ^ .St. L.)— White r. lOm.; Bayou Deview 5 m.; Cocher. 16 m.; equally 
 a l'.hmI. black and strawberry bass, aud coarse fish: worms and minuowH as baits' 
 I .M;i,v, .June, .July, .\ugust aud September best. Hotel $2, p. d.: boat« about |1, p. d. 
 I Huntin-,' fur bear, deer, coon, etc., good from October to April. 
 Camden (T. & St. L.)— Ouchita r. '4 m.; Johnson 1. ', m.; Woodward's 1. 2 
 J 111. liniclley it Mustian l.'s (5 m.; all good. Perch, trout, bar-fish (?), and catfish. 
 ^ !'• rrh niiistiiuinerous; w(U'msaud minnows usual bait: spring and summer months 
 f t» -t. Hotels ;f 'J p. d. ; boats and baits merely nominal. Good fishing. 
 I De Vails Bluff (M. & L. R.)— White r. near station; Horseshoe 1., >, m., both 
 I -iliaUygood. Trout, perch, etc. Worms, live baits and trolls used. Fall mouth 5 
 I ii-t. Hotels, reasonable; guides, $1..50 p. d.; boats, $1 per day. 
 I Esat Lake (A. M. R. R.)— East 1., Horseshoe 1., Forked 1., East Lake bayou; 
 '' i.iiMpa 1.. and (trucked 1., }i to 4 m. from station; all about ecjually good; b. b., 
 wliite perch, yellow perch, etc.; bass and white perch most numerous; live bait 
 aiil spoon trolling usual; May to September; hotels, $1.5(J j). d.; guide, boats 
 aud baits reasonable. This is a very fine fishing ground and in tho fall axcellent 
 hunting for deer, wild turkey, etc. 
 Eureka (E. 8.)— White r. and Kings r. About equal; perch, b. b., pike, etc.; 
 ! la.k l)ass most numerous; baits used are live, minnows, and art. spoons; April and 
 M.iy, October and November best; hotels, |'2 to $3 i>. d.; boats, $1 p. d 
 Eureka Springs (E. S.)— White r. and Kings r., 7 m.; War Eagle r., 25 m.; last 
 iiaiiud best: bass, jack salmon (pike-perch), perch and catfish; bass most ntinierons; 
 M.innows and trolling spoons used; April, May, September, Octol)er and November 
 \<i>v. hotels, $2.50 p. d. ; no professional guides, Init several fishermen, who could bo 
 !;ail as such. (too(1 fishing grounds, also for hunting. 
 Fayetteville (St. L. *: San F.)— White r., 3 m.: Osage cr., 15 m.; War Eagle or., 
 j"> 111.: Osage and War Eagle best; b. b,, perch and catfish; bass most numerous; live 
 ! lit used; .\pril. May, June and October best: no regular hotel, but board at low 
 ratrs furnished; boats can be had reasonable. 
 Forest City (M. k L. R.)— St. Francis r., 4 m.: Keathley's 1., m.; Horseshoe 1., 
 C< Hi.; Keathley's 1. best; trout and speckled perch (strawberry bass), the Litter being 
 iiio-t numerous: minnows and worms as bait; .\pril, May June and July best; 
 lii'tels, ?2 ji. d.: boats 2.5('. p. d.; bait free. 
 Fort Smith (St. L. k San F.)— Black Fork cr., and Holston cr., both easily acces- 
 Miili'; first named, best; h. b., bream, catfish, etc.: b. b. most numerous; May, and 
 Jiiiie best; trolling spoons used; hotel, reasonaV)le; guides at modt^rate prices. 
 Gallaway (M. & L. R.)— Hills 1., near station; Faulkner's 1., 1 m.; Laurel bayou, 
 . 111.; Ink Bayou, '4 m.; the first named two are the b<^st; trout, perch, b. b., jiike, 
 'itiisli, etc.: perch and pike most niitnerous; baits are, worms, grubs, minnows, 
 tic lis, spoon baits, et<'.; April, May, October, and November, best; hotel, fl p. 
 '1 : guide, ifl p. d.; boat« aud bait at oOc. to $1 p. d. 
 Hardy (K. <\ Ft. S. k G.)— Spring r., near statioti: South Fork, 1 m.; b. b., per h, 
 ■ . bass ni ist numerous; minnows the iisual bait; May, June, Sept., Oct., and 
 N V. licst: h<itel. $2 p. d.; boats, 75c. p. d. 
 Kin^sland ( T. ^t St. L.)— Saline r.; Moror r.. 2 m.; Gray 1., 4 m.: Saline r. the 
 '"-t; perch, trout, b. b., bn'am, pike, and others; perch, bass, trout, a'ld pike, 
 uinst numerous; V)aits used are minnows, worms, etc.; A])ril, May, and Jiuie, best; 
 I '- ' PI 
 1 I:! 
 ■ i 
 ' "t 1 
 k. Jl 
 bt)tclfl, $1.50 p. d. 
 guldM, $S p. d.; boats caD be bad rcaflonabld; a good sbootlng 
 Manuuotli Spring's (K. C. Ft. 8. k O.)— Spring r. and Warm Fork, acccssiblo; 
 about equal; b. b., perch, catttsh, etc.; niinnowH principally used; September beat; 
 hotel, $3.50 p. w.; bouts $1 to $2 p. il. 
 Pine BluflF (T. & St. L.)— Walnut 1., 40 ni.; Atkins 1., fi m.; Harris 1., 21 ni.; 
 Saline r., 24 ni.; I^ake Dick, 8 m.; I>ake Dick and Atkins 1. best; b. b.. pike, white 
 perch, and suntish; bass and perch numeroun; baits — spinusrs, worms, and 
 live bait; June to November best; no hotels, boarding can l>e had at farm houses 
 and camping out is done; boats and bait at merely nominal cost; fair lishmg in 
 above waters. 
 Bob Boy (T. k St. L.)— Dick 1., 5 m.; Seitel 1., C m.; Plum bayou, ;J m.; Keed 1., 
 3 m.; .Arkansas r., 1 m.; first two named best; black and strawberry bass, and 
 coarse fish; minnows and worms as baits; si)ring and fall best time; private board- 
 ing can be bad. 
 Sogers (St. L, k San F.)— War Eagle cr., 12 m.; Sugar cr., 10 m.; Spavinaw cr., 
 12 m.; Osage cr., 12 m.; White r., 7 m.; War Eagle cr. and Whiter, best; b. b., perch, 
 catfish, etc.; bass and perch most numerous; May and June best; minnows mostly 
 ased as bait; hotel, $1 p. d.; boats and bait at nominal prices; considerable netting 
 il done hor(! but hook and line fishing is reported good. 
 Sand Kill (M. k L. R.)— White r., 2 m.; Cache r.. 2 m.; Upsaw 1.; Horseshoe!.; 
 Hodge 1., and a number of other lakes from 1 to 5 m.; all good; trt)ut, perch of dif- 
 ferent varieties, b. b., catfish, and others; baits are, minnows, worms, etc.; May, 
 June, October, and November, best; hotels, $1 p. d., or $3 to $4 p. w.; guides, $1 
 p. d.; boats, $1 p. d. 
 Van Buren (St. L. k San F.)— Lee's cr., Clear cr., Richland bayou, Nea 1., Cotton- 
 wood 1., McLaughlin 1. and bayou, Rose 1., Flatrock cr., all within 10 m., some only 
 2 m., all good fishing waters; b. b., croppies, and bream; worms, grubs, and min- 
 non's, usual baits; May, June, Oct., and Nov., best; guides and boats nominal and 
 often free; iLia 1« a good fishing section of country. 
 Wabbaseca (T. k St. L.) — T.'cttaseka Bayou, '^ m.; b. b., perch, and catfish; baita 
 used are, worms, squirrels, and birds; Mi'.y. June, Oct., and Nov., best; fine lishing 
 »ud huniting reported here. 
 Alvord (C. k C.) — Big Pine cr., Jones cr., both accessible: first uar>icd best; 
 Mountain, or C'al. trout; worms and flies; May, Juno, July, and August, best: hot»!. 
 $2 p. d. ; fish weighing from C oz. to 2 lbs. plentiful here. 
 Aptos (So. Pac.) — Aptos cr. and Valencia cr., near station; Soquel cr., 4 m.: first 
 named best; trout and salmon; first most numerous; worms and art flies in use: 
 April, to October best; hotels, $1.50 to $4 p. d.; bait plenty; there is also flue salt 
 water fishing. 
 Belmont (So. Pac.)— Crystal Springs 1., 4 m.; trout ami b. b., latter most numer- 
 ous worms, shrimp and live bait used; April to November best; hotels. $1 p. d.; 
 boats can lie had at reasonable rate; permits are required from the Spring Valley 
 Water Co. to fish in this lake and the quantity is limited to Ki fish. 
 Bishop Creek (C. k C.)— Bishop cr., 5 m.; Owen's r., '4 m.; first named best; 
 mountain and river trout; worms and art. flies; May to October, best season; hotel, 
 $2 p. d.; guide can be procured; some Eastern brook trout have been introduced 
 here lately. 
 Castroville (So. Pac.)— Monterey Bay and Epinosa 1., accessible; first named 
 best; "surfs," snudts, rock cod, flounders and others; first named most numerous; 
 Band crabs and clams as baits; hotels, $2 p. d.; we have no report of the fish in 
 Espinosa 1 
 Chico ((!ent. P.)— Feather r., at Big Meadows, CO m. by stage; rainbow trout; flv 
 fishing mostly; summer months best; trout fishing reported very fine here; guides 
 and accommodations can be had. 
 Clairville (S. F. k N. P.)— Russian r., '4 m.; Sulphur or., 4 m.: Warm Springs 
 cr., 6 m.; Dry cr., 4 m., and San Sal cr., 5 m.; Sulphur cr. best; mountain trout; 
 worm bait and art flies: May and June best: hotel, $1 p. d.: the above waters am 
 excellent ones for trout with the ex<eption of RussiMi cr.. where coarse fish prevail, 
 •xcept iu the spring whoa large uuiubera of BHlmou trout run up. 
 I SllOOtlDft 
 uuber beat; 
 1., 21 m.: 
 like, white 
 oruiH, uud 
 rm houses 
 tlshiug iu 
 1.; Keed 1.. 
 ba«H, auil 
 vate boaril- 
 avinaw cr., 
 ). b., perch, 
 )W8 mostly 
 ble netting 
 orseshoe 1.; 
 lerch of dif- 
 , etc.; May, 
 ; guides, |l 
 a 1., Cotton- 
 , some only 
 B, and min- 
 ominal and 
 atflsh: baits 
 fine Ashing 
 ir>icd best; 
 lest: hotsl. 
 4 m.; flr«t 
 lies iu use; 
 10 tine salt 
 (>Ht numer- 
 L n V- '»••• 
 p-ing Valley 
 inied best; 
 ■ion; hotel, 
 Irst uiunc'fl 
 the lish iu 
 trout; fly 
 Ini Sl)^in^'^< 
 Itaiu trout: 
 jwatera ani 
 ih i>revail. 
 Cloverdale (S. F. k N. P.)— Runsian r. 'i ni.. Sulphur cr. 1 m.. Pinte cr. C in., 
 Sjuaw cr. 10 m.; Sulphur and Piute crs. are beet; brook and lake trout, the latter 
 ])eiug most abundant; usual bait«: May, June, and July, are the favorite months; 
 h'ltelH, $1.50 to |'2 p. d.; guides, $2 to $2.50 p. d.; no boats needed; local angler* 
 use the fly tipped with a piece t)f worm. Tackle can be bought iu t'loverdale. 
 Coyote (So. Pac.) — Head waters of Coyote and Las Animas crs. 15 m.; first named 
 best; speckled trout and whiteflsh; whiteflsh most numerous; worms used mostly 
 as bait; April, May, and June best; no regular hotels or guides; boats not needed. 
 Dtmcan's MillB (N. P. C.) — Russian r. near station, Austin cr. 1 m.. Willow cr. 
 Ti III.; Russian Gulch, 8 m.; about equally good; trout iu the creeks, salmon in river; 
 wuruis, grasshoppers, and flies, as baits; winter best for salmon, winter and spring trout; hotel, $2 p. d.; boats at nominal cost. Hook and line fishing not much 
 followed, yet local anglers generally get fine creels of trout. 
 Freestone (N. P. C.)— Salmon cr., near station; salmon and trout; the latter mo«t 
 numerous; baits, worms and flies; April to August best time; hotels at reasonable 
 Fulton (S. F. & N. P.)— Laguna, fi m.: Mark West cr., 8 m.; the latter with ite 
 hiadwaters are abundantly supplied with trout; Laguna best; trout, perch, catfish, 
 carp, etc.; perch and catfish most numerous; worms used mostly as bait; March 
 and July best; hotels at very reasonable rates; boats 50c. p. b.; guides not needed. 
 These waters are much frequented by campers out. 
 Qlen Ellen (Son. k 8. R.) — In this immediate vicinity the following creeks con- 
 tain many trout: Sonoma, (^>labasas, .Stewart, and Graham, of which the first i« 
 best; usual baits: hotels, :f (J to $10 p. w.; no boats or guides needed. 
 Ouemeville (S. F. & N. P.) — Gillim's cr.. (! m.; East .\ustiu cr., 8 m.; Austin cr. 
 accessible; first two named best; mountain trout and salmon; trout most numer- 
 ovis; worm bait; hotels at reasonable rate; boats not needed. The fishing here ii 
 reported excellent. 
 Hamlet (N. P. C.) — Tomales Bay, near station; smelt, perch, flounders, rockcod, 
 soa bass, herring, etc.; smelt, perch, and herring, most uunu'rous; clunis aud 
 muscles used as bait; April, May, June, and July, best; hotel, $2 p. d.: boats, $1 
 p. d. Perch are caught all the year rouiul. 
 Lone Pine (f. & C.) — Lone Pine cr. ; Whitney cr. ; headwaters of Kern and King,j 
 rivers; Cal. mountain trout and river trout: baits \ised are, minnows, worms, und 
 flies; August, September, and October, l)est; no hotels at these places and campiuij 
 is necessary; guides can be procured. Whitney's cr. is the home of the celebraterj 
 "unMen trout," which is said to be unclassified by ichthyologists. For description, 
 otc. sec Thk American Ancslkr, April 11, 1885. 
 Marshall (N. P. C.) — Tomales Bay, rlo^o to town; sulmou, perch, smelt, anij 
 Lerrinji: clams are u^cd mostly as bait; January, February, S.3ptember, and Octobu" 
 I best; luiteis, $1.25 p. d.; gviide;^, *3 p. d. 
 Millbrae (So. Pac) — Lake San Andreas, i m.; Lake Pilarcitos, 7 m.; last named 
 best; trout and b. b.; trout most numerous; wonn a'ul shrimp baits: April, May. 
 •lune, and July, best; hotel, $1.50 p. d.; giiides at reasonaijlc rates; boats and baU 
 muderate. During April, May, and June, good trout fishing can be )iad in several 
 [Htreaiiis from 2 to 3 m, fro: • station. 
 Monterey (So. Pac.)— The trout streams in this vicinity are mimerous. We name. 
 |f';iriiii'l r., 4 m.; San Jose cr., 5'.j m.; Garra Patas cr., Ki m.; Rocky cr., 2U m.; 
 ICerro cr., 23 m.; Little Sur r., 30 m.; Sur Grande, .'(4 in. Of these the two last 
 I named and the (larnicl are the best, the tributaries of the latter being full of fini* 
 jtroiit. May, June, and July are the favorite months. The salt water fishing in the 
 iJiay is excellent. The best season is from August 1 to Noveml)er 1. Trolling is in 
 Ififneral use, by which salmon (?). sea bass, skijijack, aud baracuta are caught. liock- 
 Iftsli, halibut, sole, flotinders, and cod. are caught by still fishing. 15oats and bait 
 |$l per hour, cheaper by; guides, #1 p. d., with lioard; liotels, $1 to $2 ]>. d., 
 $'' to $7 \). w.; boats, for 2 to 4 persons, $8 ji, d., including bait and lines and ser- 
 I vic(M«of 2 oarsmen; $5 j). d. is charged for a boat and services of oue boatman. 
 Novato (S. F. k N. P.)— Novato cr., 2 m.; Halleck cr., 3 m.; both are fair: brook 
 Itroiit; worm bait; April and May best; hotels at reasonable rates. 
 Ocean View (So. Pac.)— Knowles's fish ranch, 1 ni.; trout; usual baits and sea- 
 inn; hotel, ,50c. ]). meal; it costs $1 p. lb. to take fish here. 
 Pajaro (So. I'ac.)— -(Vn'ralitos cr., H m.; Pajaro r., 1 m.; Pescadero cr.. m.* 
 1 * '1 
 ■< i 
 AptoB cr., 12 m.: The LaVpA. 9 m.t Ar\tna or. hosf : tro«i. salninn, perch, and catflnh : 
 tnnit inoHt luiiiRTous; ttics, wonuH, saud rteas, and f^:iliin>n rncas baits; May, Juuc, 
 and July best; hot<;l8, $'2.5() p. d.; livery incu as t^uiden at reasonable ratt's; boatM 
 aud baitH nominal. Art. flicH, the medium wize, are HUcecsHful lures. Monterey 
 Bay, not distant, yives the u.sual nalt water fishing. 
 Beddingr (Cent. P.) — McOloud r., 20 m.: Kalmnn and rainbow trout: nalmon eggH 
 arc usually us(!d as bait; early Hummer best s<a<oii: hotels reasonable; ppiides at 
 modftrate charges; boats and baits can bi- had at nominal cost. This is a celebrated 
 Redwood City (So. Pac) — San OrcKorio cr.. La Honda cr.. Harrington, Ralston, 
 Bojrus, Pescadero crs.. all from (> to 'JO m.. and all about eijually good; salmon — trout and salmon; usual baits; A\)ril to August, inclusive, best months; 
 hotels, flto$2p. d.; guides can !)(• had at reasonable rate: l)oats not needi-d; 
 bait at moderate cost. Stage to best ttshing grounds. Address, E. N. Wilcox, Red- 
 wood ("ity, Cal. 
 San Anselmo (N. P. <'.)— San .Vnselmo cr.. tiear station; salmon and trout; trout 
 most numerous; usual baits: .\iiril and May best; hotels, $2.50 to flip, d.: guides 
 can be had reasonable: boats not used in fishing. 
 San Bruno (So. Pac.)— I^iikes Pilarcitos, 7 m.: San .\udreas. '1 m.: Crystal Spring. 
 Km.: Laki' Pilarcitos best; trout and b. b.: first most numerous; worms and shrimp 
 as baits; May, June, aud Jnly, best; hotel at reasonable rate. 
 San Francisco — Lake Merced, Lake San Andreas, Pilarcitos — Crystal Springs ; 
 Chabot 1., l^gtmitos 1.. all good; b. b. (?) and trout; the latter most numeroub; 
 shrimp, worms, live baits, tlicis, and spoons used: May, June, July, and .\ugust, 
 best; liotels, fL.'iO to $'2..')0 ji. d.: boats. |1 j). d. The salt water fishing near tint 
 city is mostly for rock cod. sea i)ass. smelts, etc. Many trout streams are accessible. 
 Consult the local fishing tackle dealers. 
 San Oeronimo (N. P. C.) — I^agunitas cr.. 2'^ m.; Nicasio cr., .5 m.: first named 
 l)est: trout: worms and flies usual baits; May and June best: hotels reasonable; 
 local anglers get fair creels: no boats or guides needed. 
 San Jose (So. 
 reasonable rate. 
 -Smith cr., 15 m.; mountain trout; worm bait; hotel at 
 ni.: San Andreas 1., 6?2 m.; Pilarcitos 
 San Mateo (So. Pa<'.) — Crystal Spring 1. 
 1., 1.5 m.; Pilan'itos cr., Sm.: Purissima cr., l(i m.: Tunitas cr., 20 m.: Lobitas cr., 
 2Um.: San (Irt'gorio cr.. 25 m.: Pec;;dero cr.. Ho m.: Butano cr.. HO m.; The Lakes 
 are best; brook trout, b. b., and salmon trout: brook trout most numerous: artificial 
 flies and minnows best baits for lakes and worms for creeks; April toOct<jber, inclu- 
 sive, best: liotids. S^1..5o to .f 2 j). d. ; guides, $;t p. d.; boats on the lakes and permits to 
 fish must be obtained from S. V. \V. W. Co.. of .San Francisco. A fine fishing section 
 eluding excellent salt water angling. .Address, B. F. Peckham, S. Pac. R. It. Co., 
 San Mateo, Cal., for detailed information. 
 Santa Cruz (So. Pac.)— San Lf)renzo r.. near city: Soqnel cr., 4in.; T.Agiina cr., 
 9 ni.: l^iiglc (ilcn cr., 7 m.: San Vicente cr., 12 m.: Scott's cr., Iti m., and Monterey 
 Bay, accessible: San J^oreiizo r., Laguna cr.. and Monterey Bay best; mountain 
 trout aiul salmon trout exclusively in river and cn'cks; worms and sand fieas used 
 as baits: April to September best; hotels. :f2 to $2.50 j). d.; guide, with carriage and 
 team, $5 to ^flo p. d.; boat, with man. $5 to |10 p, d. Monterey liay, not far 
 distant, afl'ords excellent salt water fishing. 
 Santa Rosa (S. F. ."i N. P.) — Mark West cr.. 12 m.; the Lagnna, 7 m.; about 
 alike; trout, ('aq). and catfish; trotit and catfish most numerous; worms usual bait: 
 April and May best; hotels, $2 p. d. See Fulton, Cal. Trout fishmg not first-class. 
 Sarg'ents (So. Pac.) — Pajaro r., near station: trout, perch, chub, etc.; worms 
 an<l other l)aits: Ajuil, May, June and July, best: hotels, $1..50 to #2 p. d.; boats and 
 baits reported "free." 
 Skag'tf'S Spring's (S. F. A: N. P., and overland stage line.) — Warm Sjjring cr., 
 near by; Dry cr., 2 m.; Raiu-lierie cr.. H m.. and (iualalla cr., 8 m.: Warm .Spring 
 cr. aud (iualalla cr. best, mountain trout; worms and flies: April. May, and .June, 
 best; hotel moderate; gnkles, ;f2 p. d.; boats and baits can be had at $i p. d. 
 Soledad (So. Pac.) — Salinas r.. 1 m.: .\rroyo Seco. H m.: last named best; salmon 
 trout, spcckic 1 t;'out and coarse fish (S. trout speared as a rule); .Marcli and Ajiril 
 best: hotcU. yi to .r2 p. d., j^5 to flop, w.; boats not tised, grasshoppers, shrimps, 
 aud worms are favorite baits. 
 ii .' 
 nd catfinh : 
 klay, Jnuc, 
 iU'h; boatH 
 ; foiides at 
 111, RalHton, 
 )d; Haluion 
 Ht iiiontbH: 
 ot needed; 
 t'ilcox, lled- 
 tront: trout 
 . d. : (gulden 
 ■Htal Spring, 
 and shrimp 
 tal Springs; 
 Hid August, 
 ng near the 
 c aceeHHible. 
 flrfit named 
 kit; hot«d ill 
 ibitan er.. 
 The Lal.eH 
 ■<: artilieiiil 
 tobcr, iiuhi- 
 liermits {<> 
 biug section 
 B. R. Co., 
 Lagnna cr., 
 id tieuH lined 
 arriage and 
 Bay, not far 
 m.; about 
 usual bait ; 
 3t first-class. 
 itr.\ wormc 
 boatH and 
 Spring cr., 
 »'arni Spriiiiz 
 Hiid June, 
 p. d. 
 lest: salmon 
 h and April 
 ■rs, sUriiiipdi 
 TocalomalN. P. C'.)— Paper Mill cr., rlofle by station; trout, salmon, and chub; 
 th.- lust iiiost numerous; worms usual bait; .\pril and M;iyl)est: liotel .?."> p. w. 
 Tiburon (S. F. A: N. 1'.) — liaccoou straits from 'j to 1 m.; Peninsula point. Bluff 
 I'liint, (Hospital Cove) best places; rock cod, perch, smelt, sea trout, etc.; rock cod 
 and .smelt most numerous; worms, sardines, and clams, usual bait; -July, August, 
 ■Siptember, and October, best; hotels, "iiic p. meal, $0 p. w.; guide, $1 per person 
 J), d.; boats, bait, and line, $2 to $3 p. d. 
 -Salmon cr.; trtmt and sahuon; trou;, most numeroufl; 
 Valley Pord(!S. P. C. 
 W(irms used as bait. 
 Windsor (S. F. & N. P.)— Russian r., Mark West cr., and Bedwell or., accessible; 
 tii>t uiiiiied best; perch and coarse varieties in summer and salmon in winter and 
 siiriiii,'; coarse varieties are most iiuiikm-ous; worms usu;il l)ait; liotels. *■:< to .flo 
 II. w.;"" guides can be obtained reasonable; lioats not kept for regular hire, but can 
 lie procured. 
 Province of Manitoba. 
 Austin (Can. P.)— Beaver cr. '^ m.; pike the principal tish; spearing and trolling 
 uiustly; July and August best; hotel, reasonable rates. 
 Brandon (Can. P.)— .\Hsiniboine r. near station; Pelican 1. .3."i m.; last named 
 lust; pike, pickerel, and gold eyes; two tirst named most numerous: principally 
 tiolliug; -June, July and August best; hotels at reasonable rates; boats can be ob- 
 Chater (Can. P.)— Willow cr. 1'^ m.; Assiniboine r. l'^ ni.; first named best; 
 liirktrel. pike, gold eyes (moon-eye) etc.; pike most numerous; trolling mostly. 
 :\Iay and June best; hotel $1 p. d. 
 Dominion City (Can. P.)— Rosseaii r.. near station: pike, pickerel, gold eye 
 ('ye) and lattish; gold eye and catfish most numerous; baits, meat and frogs; 
 Seiitember and October best; hotels $l.iiO p. d. 
 Tort William (Can. P.)— Kauiiuistiqua r. for 14 m. from the mouth at this 
 siiitiiin, yields good pike and pickerel sport. Carp r. 5 in. contains trout from ', 
 til t', lbs. in weight; they are mainly taken in a brook running down from tlie 
 luiiuiitains; June , July and August are the best months for them. Brewlew 1. 4 
 III. also contains trout. Several (.ither waters near by yitdd good troutiuy, and 
 pilie and iiickerel tishing. Accommodations at moderate charges. 
 Grenfell (Can. P.)— Crooked 1. 20 m.; piko pickerel, whitefish etc.; pike most 
 uuun'rous; trolling mostly; June, Oct. and Nov. best; board at farm houses at 
 iniiderate rate; guides and boats can be had. 
 Oriswold (Can. P.) — Assiniboine r. '2ni.: pike and golden eye (moon-eye); the 
 last most abundant; flies and trolling; May and June best; hotel |2 p. d. ; guides 
 and boats can be procured. 
 High Bluff (Can. P.)— Assiniboine r. 4 m.; Lake Manitoba l.'i m.; the last named 
 best; jiike, pickerel and whitefish: pike and whitefish most numerous: baits used; 
 lutat, frogs and minnows; good all summer, and through the ice in winter; board- 
 in.; at farm houses can be had; guides also. 
 Indian Head (Can. P.) — Qu 'Appelle Lakes m.; all fine; pike, whitefish, perch, 
 cattish etc.; pike and whitefish most numerous; meat baits and trolling; April, 
 May, Sept. and Oct. best; hotels $2 p. d. ; Indian guides; boats plenty and cheap. 
 La Salle (Can. P.) — Lasalle r. near station; Red r. 8 m.; last named best; pike, 
 piikerel. Vi. 1)., golden eyes, (moon-eye) and others; pike and gold eyes most uu- 
 niiM'ous; trolling spoons used mostly; June, July and .\ugust best; no hotels, Imt 
 l.'iarding can be had at farm houses. 
 Morris (Can. P.)— Morris r. '^ m.; Red r. 'j m.; last named best; pike, pickerel, 
 porch, golden eye (moon-eye) and catfish: pike most numerous, and caught usually 
 by trolling; June best month: hotel $1.50 p. d. ; guides can bo had; boats fl i>: d. 
 Oak Iiake (Can. P.)— Oak 1. at station; pike principally; trolling mostly; June to 
 .'sipt. best; hotels $l..''>o p. d.; guides can be had; boats plenty and cheaii. 
 Qu 'Appelle (Can. P.) — t^u 'Appelle I^kes 12 m.; all fine; pike, muUett, white- 
 fish, percn, catfish etc.; pike and whitefish most numerous; baits, meat and troll- 
 i 1 
 ■■ 1 
 i a ■. 
 i w 
 f ^'m 
 iufi: Ajiril, May, Sept. ana Oct. liCHt: hotels $2 p. d.; Indiann as (,'iudis: boat*, 
 plenty and cheap. 
 Selkirk West (< 'an. P.)— Red r. near station: Lake Winnipc^f,' 1') ni.: last named 
 boHt; iiikc, ]iickcrcl, p!<>l(l(^n cvo (nioun-eyo), iicrch and coarHo fish; pike and pick- 
 erel most, numerous; baits used, meat, minnows and trolling; June and September 
 best; hotels fl p. d.; ^{uides clieap; boats and canoes plentiful. 
 Stonewall (fan. 1'.) — Jackflsh cr. near station: pike most numero\is; troUint; 
 mostly; Slay and June best; hotel reasonable: boats cheap. 
 Winnipegr (<'an. P.) — lied r. and Assiniboine r. iit'ar station: last named bout; 
 pike, golden eye, (nioon-(!ye) cattish etc.: usual baits; Jtme, July, Au^^ust and Sept. 
 best; hotels at moderate prices; boats plenty at 'JOc. p. h. 
 Province of New BrunawicK. 
 Andover (Now B. t — There is (jood ftshiufi at certain seasons. Hay in June, for 
 fiabnou and trout at th(! mouth of Tobicpu' r., and 15 or 'Jn ni. up it. In IHHl two 
 rods scored 17 salmon in \ng. on tlit; main Tobi(jue. During the latter part of that 
 month and in Sept. there is f;ood tishint;, also in Jiim; and July, when the blackrty 
 i.s not so troubles(une. Tl»<> trip can bo made uj) the Tobicjue and down th« 
 Nepisicjuit to IJathnrst in about bl days and ^ood lishinK can be had during the 
 passaj^e. TlH>re are also several lakes tliat can b(> reached by canoe in H to 10 days 
 which {jivo excellent rtshinj,'. Salmon can be caujiht in tlu! above waters, but trout 
 an^ most numerous and very abundant. June and Se)ifeuiber are the best months; 
 botel.s at .Vndover to ?^2 ]). d.; ^'li'les, includini,' l)oat fl.Ti) p. d., and board. 
 Address J. A. Perley Es(i., Andover, Victoria Co.. N. 15., for iiiforination. AddresB 
 the (len. Pass .\gent of the road, as to public waters for salmon and trout. 
 Bamaby River (Intercolonial) — S. W. branch of Miramii'hi r. 1 m.: salmon and 
 trotit; salmon most numerous; artiticial Hies; July and Ati^nst best months; boats 
 can be, had. 
 Bathurst (Intorcohmial)— Nepisiquit or Bi^ r. .'1 m.; Teto-a-gouche r. '2>^ m.; 
 Middle r. '2 m.; first named best; salmon and trout: salmon most nuruorons; artifl- 
 cialilies used; June 1.") to Soptemlx-r 1.") best; hotels ?1 ji. d.; Kuid(>s plenty, SI. '25 
 p. d.: canoes with men easily procured. The lishinn is said to be kooo in Bif^ r. for 
 salmon from the mouth to tjrand Falls 21 m. A number of good trout streams ar« 
 in this section. 
 Bellediine (Intercolonial) — Bay Chaloir and ]>olledunc r. accessible: first 
 named best: salmon, trout, codtish, mackerel and herriun: the two last most 
 numerous; clams, luu'ring etc. as baits; September best; no r(>gnlar hotel, but 
 board can be obtain(ul very (dieap; guido with boat $'2.M) \>. d. The trout are 
 scarce, and the salmon are caught only in nets. Tlie mackerel take the Look and 
 t;ive tine play. 
 Campbellton (Intercolonial) — Trout as large as fi'J Iba. have been cauRht witli 
 bait in tlu' Uestigouche r. at this )ioiiit. They are also taken with the artiticial tly. 
 Parker 1. from ;< to 7 m, distant, aboiind in speckled trout of large size, and the 
 same is likewise true of Mission 1., some -t m. distant from Campbellton. The sec- 
 tion around this jioint is full of fine fishing waters. In the Restigouch<; here salmon 
 may also be caught at times, .and some of the pools an^ subject to day lea«e. 
 Indian guides $2.50 p. d., imduding board, or ?:i p. d. and board tliemsehcs. Hotels 
 f 1.25 to $1,50 p. d., from which a day's good lishiug can be had ou the waters adja- 
 -Canaan r. 1 m.; trout; worms usual bait; June and 
 Canaan (Intercolonial)- 
 July best. 
 Charlo (Intercoloriial) — River Charlo, North and South branches; accessible; 
 North branch best; 8ea trout, speckled trout, grilse and salmon; sea trout most 
 numerous; worms and flies used as bait; July and August best; hotels $1 p. d.; 
 guide at moderate charge; boats unnecessary; bait easily obtained and is more 
 killing than the artificial fly. 
 DalLousie June, (Intercolonial) — Robinson's 1. 2 nj.; Restigouche r. near sta- 
 tion; first named best; trout, -almon, perch, smelts etc.; trout and salmon most 
 ntamerous; artificial fly used mostly; June and July best; hotels $1 p. d.; guide 
 $1.25 p. d. ; boats and bait at small cost. The fishing is good and accommodatious 
 Frederlckton, (New B.)— This is a centre point for anglers visiting New Bruns- 
 wiok. The r. r. runs as far as Edmundston 150 m. above Frederlckton. Outfits, 
 ^^f^■, boat«, 
 iHt named 
 and pick- 
 h; trolling 
 mt'd best; 
 and Sept. 
 Juno, for 
 II lH84r two 
 art of that 
 ic hlackfly 
 down tho 
 during tlia 
 to 10 days 
 , but ti'out 
 st niMiiths; 
 md board. 
 alnion and 
 iths; boats 
 r. 'i^2 m.; 
 •ons; artifl- 
 cnty, $1.25 
 1 Big r. for 
 troauiB ar« 
 ihlr; first 
 last most 
 hotel, but 
 trout are 
 hook and 
 lught witli 
 itirial tly. 
 and the 
 The nec- 
 rc salmon 
 dav lea«e. 
 Liters adja- 
 June and 
 rout most 
 lip. d.; 
 is more 
 near Bta- 
 tnon most 
 Td. ; guide 
 ^w Brnns- 
 guidoH etc., can be had at Grand Falls, 120 m. from FrodorioktOH, anrt good hotelB 
 will V>o found thoro, and at Edmundston also, whcro tho Madawaska r. joins tho St. 
 ■Johns r. The Tolcdi r. omptios into a lake near by, and the r. (-an be navijjated by 
 canoes for 50 m. It has several branches and many lakes where a fly has never 
 been cast. 8 m. below Edmundston is tho Green r., having numerous 1 and branchen 
 emptying into tho St. Johns. Tho above waters teem with trout of good size, and 
 in the 1. may be found lake trout. From tho last of June until Aug. is the best 
 season. Tho St. Franris, 30 m. above Edmundston, is a branch of the St. Joliiis, 
 and gives for 50 m. or more, noble trout lishing. The above section is probably tho 
 best trouting ground in I-^steni America. 
 Hampton (Intercolonial) — Htairy 1. aciiessible; trout; worms and flies as bait: 
 Sii'ttiiibcr and October best; hotel accommodations not extensive. 
 Henry's Iiake (St. M. k U.)— See St. Martin's N. B. 
 m.; Little r. 8 m.; North r. 2 m.: New 
 3 m.; Elgin Is. 15 in.; lirst named best; 
 Jacquet River (Intercolonial) — .Jaccjuet r. 1 m.; Bellednno r. 4 m.; Armstrong 
 br. 'j m.; first named best; brook and sea trout and salmon; sea trout most numer- 
 (iiis; ordinary flies for trout and salmon used; June, July and August best; hotels 
 $4 to .?5 p. w.; guides f.T p. d., with canoe; mackerel fishing with hook and line in 
 dci'|i water about 2 m. from shore, is much indulged in, and for which speckled 
 herniig chojiped tine is used as bait. TIk; trout of the ifresh waters are of small 
 ei/.c l)iit are numerous. Those in Jacquet r. run largo; 4 and 5 lbs. lish having been 
 caUK'iit there. 
 Nev Mills (Iut»;rcolonial|— New Mills r. 'i m.; Ben.iamine r. 1 m.: last named 
 best: ^almon and trout, last most numerous: Hies and worms as bait: June and 
 July best; hotels at moderate, charge; guides $1 p. d.; boats and bait reasonable. 
 Painsec June (Intercolonial) — Painsec 1. 1 m.; trout; worms and flies as bait; 
 June and July best; hotel at reasonable rate. The 1. is small, but trout from 1 to 2 
 Uis, are taken from it. No public boats. 
 Fetitcodiac (Intercolonial)— Posett r. 4 
 Oaiiium r. 12 m.: Anaganci^ Mill p. and str. J 
 trout only: usual hires; Juno best; hotels $1 p. d.; guides at moderate charges; 
 bouts not needed. This is a good trout section, tho fish do not run large but they 
 are abundant. 
 Petite Boche (Intercolonial) — Elm Tree r. 2 m.; Negadoo r. .'1 m.; Mill str. C, m.; 
 twd last named best; trout only; worms and fly in use; July and .\ugust best: hotel 
 Jl I', d.; guides and boats not needed. 
 Point Dll Chene (Intercolonial)— Harbor (immediate vicinity) Dickies p. ,1 m.; 
 .Smiths Mill 4 m.; (Jilberts Mill 10 m.; last named best for trout; perch, smelts, 
 bass, mackerel, sea trout and brook trout; bass and mackerel most numerous; 
 lmr;;ies as bait for mackerel and bright baits for liass; .\ugust and September best 
 months; hotels $1.50 p. d.; guides at moderate charge: boats $1 p. d. E.xcellent 
 St. George (Grand So.)— Lake Utopia connected with Trout 1., Mill 1., Red Rock 
 1.. sparks 1., McDougall 1., Magaquadane r., at station: all good; brook and lake 
 til 'Ut, perch etc.; trout most numerous; flies, worms, and grasshoppers are baitti 
 UHOil: May, June, August and Sept. best; hotels reasonable and camping out is 
 Iira<tised; guides in ai)undance, $1 to $l.i')Op. d.; boats and baits moderate. These 
 are comparatively virgin waters. See Thk Amkrican Anoleu, Dec. 27, 1884. 
 St. Jolin (Intercolonial) — St. John r., Hammond r. and Salmon r.; first named 
 best: salmon, trout, b. V). and pickerel; trout and bass most nunu'rous; flies used 
 for salmon; worms and smail fish for tho others: June, .Vngust and September best; 
 hotels at moderate prices; guides easily procured and boats plentiful, 
 St. Leonards (New B.)— Green Brier r. 15 m.; Restigouche r. 24 m.; (the last 
 V)est:) both give excellent trout fishing; trout only in Green Brier r. ; July and Sep- 
 tember best months; guides $1.50 p. d.; salmon are caught in this section of the 
 Restigouche r. The favorite grounds of local anglers on tho latter r. is between 
 Little and Big Forks, a distance of 35 ni. Tho distances from St. Leonard's to tho 
 saliMon waters are as follows: Soldiers Gulch 50 m.: Little Cross Point 65 m.; 
 Traceybr. 60m.; Devils Half-Acre 68 m.; Oatapediae Pool 70 m. Write to Genl. 
 Piws .\gent of railroad as to open waters for salmon and trout; leases and ownersliip 
 chan).;o so constantly that it would mislead visiting anglers for us to state the i)rivi- 
 leges existing at the time we go to press with the guide book. 
 St. Martin's (St. M. k U.)— Henry 1. at station; Wood 1. 1 m.; a number of 
 lakes aud streams from 1 to 10 miles from St. Martin's all equally good; trout prin- 
 :l ; 
 I. . 
 cipally takou; woriiiH and flioM a>< 1)ait: .Tiiiir ti> Sept. hc.^f, hutel |1 p. d.; guidcH 
 not nMiuirt'd; bouts and bait at uontinal i)rict's. Fiahing cxcullont. Address W 
 E. Hkillcn En<i., FiHlicrifH Ofllcj-r, !St. Martin's, N. B. 
 Shediac (Intercolonial)— Scodono r. 1 m., (trout); Shediac r. ni . (trotit and 
 salmon); Tt'dinh r. lo ni. ; (trout); Al)OHbej;in and Kouchiboumiac. rs. Ki ni.. (troutl; 
 Hhndiac l)a.v and coast (nmckcrol and bass); Slu'diao r. hvM; trout and salmon; 
 trout most nuniin'ons; ordinarj baits; June and July best; botelH |1.50to $2 p. d ; 
 boat with man $1.50 p. d. 
 Sussex (Intercolonial)— Dl(!ks 1., Oraflsy 1. and Elbow 1., easily accosHiblo; first 
 named beat; trout; worniH and flies used; June best; no regular hotel; guide $1 
 p.d.; boatH $1 p. d. There are other lakes within eawy reach viz. : Walton, Then- 
 bald and Chisholni, all of which give good trout flBhing. 
 Tobiqne Iiake (New H. to Andovor thence by canoe)— (>ood trouting in Tobicjue 
 r.; fish not large. In the 1. they run larg»T and nu)re plentiful; favorite flies arc 
 tlie Montreal, ciunaniou, cowdung and coachnuui. Camping necessary. Guides 
 can be securedljy writing to Mr. Perley, Newconibe House, .\ndover, N. B.; they 
 charge $1.7r)p. d. and board; see Andover, N. B. 
 Weldfbrd (Intercolonial)— Riehibucto r, 
 worms; Juno best; hotels moderate. 
 1 m.; trout only; artificial flies and 
 Province of Nova Scotia. 
 Annapolis (Wind k A.)— Annapolis r. and bay, 1 to 5 m.; Liverpool head lakea, 
 111 to 12 ni.; all good; sea bass, cod, haddock, herring, salmon, and trout; all plenty 
 ^n season; baitfl used — clams, herring, worm.*, flies, etc.; June and September bent 
 I'or trout; July and .\uuust for bass; June and July for salmon: hotels, $1 to $IM 
 p. (1.; guidt^s, |1 p. d.; uoats, $1 p. d. Trout lisliing is best in the lakes and streams 
 10 to I'J miles (listant, from last of :\Iay to last of June, Sejit^'mber is the best month 
 with tli(! fly. Tlw. .\nnapolis r., near Lawrencetowu station on above road, yields at 
 times, fair salmon fishing; try for them from the last of June to July 15. 
 Avonport(Wind .^ A.) — Avon r. and Gaspereaux r., '4 m.; first named best; cod- 
 fish, and herring; e(jually numerous; herring are used as bait; May, July, and 
 August best: hotels, f -t p. w. ; guide, $'2 p. d.; boats and bait, f 2 p. d. Low tide id 
 most favdi'able. 
 Aylesford (Wind k A.)— Annapolis r., '^ m.; Bay of Fundy, 7 m.: last named 
 best; herring aiul codfish in Bay of Fundy and trout in Annapolis river; worms 
 used as bait in the latter ; May and Juno best months ; hotels T5c ij. d. or |.'J. p. w. 
 Barney's River(Intercolonial.) — East and middle branches of Barney's r. }^ m.l 
 East branch best ; trout; baits are flies and worms ; June and July beat. 
 Berwick (Wind .1- A.)— Annapolis r. 1 m. ; Cornwallis r. y, m. ; Aylesford 1. 7 m.; 
 South Kiverl. 10 m. ; last named best; trout and salmon ; trout most numerous; 
 worms and flies used for baits ; May and June best ; hotels $1. p. d. 
 Bridg-etown (Wind & A.)— "SnellB" 17 m. ; Lake Alma 16 m. ; Miti-hell'B br. W 
 m. ; Elbow 8 m. ; Paradise 1. 8 m. ; Birch Hill 6 m. ; Long 1. 1'2 m. ; McGill'^ 
 Meadow 'J'J m. ; about eiiually good ; trout ; usual baits used, (lifleriug according to 
 the time of year ; March, May and June best ; hotels |3.50 p. week ; guide fL.'io p. 
 d. itu'luding horse ; boats free. Other waters from Iti to 24 m. distant afl'ord excel- 
 lent trout fishing. 
 Cambridge (Wind & A.) — Cornwallis r. near station ; trout; worms usual bait; 
 May and June best ; salmon no longer run up this river. 
 Coldbrook (Wind & A.) — Cornwallis r. '4 m. ; trout; worms usual bait; May, 
 June and August best months. Ten miles distant is Hall's'Harbor, good fishing! 
 grounds for codfish, haddock, pollack, salmon, etc. ; hotels, boatmen and boat* 
 j)lentiful and cheap. 
 Debert (Intercolonial.)— Dobert r. and small lakes adjacent to head of said river; 
 not (list^mt ; the lakes best ; trout only ; worms and flies used ; March aiul Juue 
 best ; hotels at Folleigh or Truro ; guides $2 p. d. The fishing grounds are 7 to 10 
 III. from Debert. Address J. K. Blair, Truro, N. 8. 
 Bllersliotise (Wintl A: .\.) — Snuley's 1. 4 m. : Cameron's 1. 4 m. ; Pine I. 5 m.; 
 Five Mile 1. IJ'j m. ; Pine 1. best; trout ; worms and minnows usual bait ; May 
 boats at Five Mile 1. 50o p. d. The favorite ground of local anglers is Graasy Place 
 In Hue 1. 
 iltou, Thfo- 
 0,1 flies and 
 Low tide i* 
 Is uHual bait; 
 Elmsdale (Inff^nnlonial.)— Oratid 1. 4 m. ; Shubenafadio r. ', m. ; first named 
 til -I ; tr'iut, Httlinoii iiiiil bass : woriiiH used iiioxtly ; .June aud July b«'Ht ; hcitfln .and 
 ^ruiilfs roanouable ; boatH can be priK'ured ou tlie lake. 
 Enfield (Intercolonial.)— (Irand 1., I»n(^ 1., Sbubonaradie r. '4 m. ; firHt named 
 ),. -r . suhiioii, trout, uniylinn, baHH and iii-rch : trout and grayling nioHt nuint'roUH; 
 \i\'- minnows, art. tticw are baits us(!d ; spring and fall best ; no re>,'ultir hotel ; 
 t;iiidiH with boat at i'l \). d. Thc^ ttshinj? in (Jrand 1. is very tine in the spring for 
 tiiih and j;raylinn and in the fall for b. b. Shubeniwadie r. lias some salmon in it, 
 mill the tTDiit tishiun is good, Enfield is mueh freijueuted by the otiicers of the 
 liiitish army and navy. 
 Falmouth (Wind .^ A.) — South branch of IJiver Avon 8 m. : West branch 10 m.; 
 lir-! iianie<l lie>t; trout and ualinon : trout most numerous; tlies aud worms au 
 ti:i;t~ ; .lime best month ; boats and bait at small cost. 
 FoUeierl^ Lake (Int«'rcolonial.)— l-'olly 1. near station ; Trout 1. ."> m. ; first mimed 
 til -t : trout aud small salmon; trout most numerous; worms an<l art. Hies usual 
 tiiiii> ; .June. July and October best ; no retiular hotel, but private board can be ol)- 
 tuii' il ; boats oOi' )). lio\ir. Fish Folly 1. after 4 1'. M., the trout in it averaj^e 1 lb 
 1 1 1 campint,' tj;rouuds. 
 Oald River (Intorcob^nial.)— This river is 4."> m. from Halifax, ('auipin^,' out is 
 nci'o^ary . Inilian j,'uides can be hired cheap. fSahuon ari' caujilit in thi/ river. 
 Si" Imliau Kiver, N. JS. 
 Grand Lake (Intercolonial.) — '21 m. from Halifax. Hass and urayliu},' (V). Miu- 
 ii'ii* > aU(l art . tlies; the grayliuK most i)l<'ntiful. May, June. Sejit. and Oct. best 
 iiioMths. Farm houses about T.^c p. d.; guides and boat #1..")0 p. d. This lake is il 
 Ml. loll;,' and the ^rayliufi weit^h up to 4 and ."> lb. We are indebted for the al)ove 
 iutonuation to Mr. C. U. Barry of Halifax, X, .S., who will nive turther deUiils \ipou 
 Grand P:ce (Wind >^: .\.) — Miiuts basing ni.; <iaspereaux r. a<'cessible ; j^asper- 
 I all lalewivts), etc. ; yaspereau most uunierotis ; ustial baits ; May aud June best, 
 Greenville (Ii>tercolonial.)— Westchester 1. about H m. and Wallace r. 1 m.; 
 !i'~t iiaiued b( St ; trout only; Hies aud worms as baits; hotels at reasomible 
 rail -. 
 Halifax (Intercolonial A: Wind A: A.) — Paces 1. 'JT m.; M)is(|uo(loboit r. 
 ■jsiii.; Miisiiiuxloboit Harbour •to lu.: Fishing lakes cu" Jeddore r. :)•! to .18 miles ; 
 till >r lakes are the best, but you will have to camp out ; sea and lake trout aud nal- 
 inoii; trout most numerous; tlies and worms >ised ; May and June best for lake 
 tr.iiit. ■ - ■ - - 
 t.i .-1 
 111 III. 
 Ih >:(ii 
 and July for sea trout; hotels .•Jl.'J.") to .*l.r>ij p. d.; ^'uides with boats .f l..";!, 
 T."> p. d. Indian r. 21 ni., by rail, is said to be a tjood saliiioii and troi;; 
 as are also, Habley's 14 m., Tidfairs i:t m., Johnson's FJ m., and Houtelier" 
 the latti'r for sea trout an well as salmon. Poekwood lake 20 m. by team 
 to i^'ive ^'ood tishiuj,'. 
 Harbor Au Bouche(Iutercolonial.)— Gulf of St. Lawrence Hhi m.: Xorthumber- 
 laiiil strait and Strait Canso ; first iiaimil liest ; mackerel, herring,' and coiltisli ; 
 111 iiiiiii aud clams are used as bait for codtisli ; June, July, August and September 
 l"-^t ; hotel or private boardiuy house, at moderate price ; boats ami liait can l)u 
 Hastings (Intercolonial.) — Margaree r, 4.5 m.; Lake AiuHlee 35 m'.; Whycoco- 
 iii.ili r. :tii m.; Kiver Dennis 'Mt m.: River (iutalutant lu m . ; Mar^^aree r., I>jiko 
 .iiii>lei? and Kiver Dennis bifst ; salmon and trout; trout most numerous : Hies 
 u-( il : June, July and August best ; hotels at moderate cliar^'es ; guides seldcuu 
 III! did. but can lie iditaineil if reijuired ; boats aud baits at moderate cost. These 
 ail rniisidereil tine ttshing waters. 
 Hawksbury (Intercolonial.)— Kiver Inhabitants 8 ni.; Dull's ))r. and 1. 4ni.; 
 l;i\ir Dennis iio m. ; Jjuiiey's br. lum.; Littler, (i m ; Kiver Dennis best ; salmon, 
 ii'i'iitaiid b. b.; salmon and tr<iut most numerous ; tlies. worms, etc.; all summer 
 inoiitlis best; hotels ?;i to.*l.")(i p. d.; teams, boats and baits reasonable. Trout 
 I'liiok 4'> m. distant is c(Uisi(l«'red by resident antilers to be one of the best trout 
 Wall IS in Nova Scotia. It can be reached via str. to WJiycocoiuali. theme by team. 
 ll'r Tctiou around Hawksbuty ^'ive-^ K<'*->d fishing both in salt and fresh water. 
 Hopewell (Intercolonial.) — Alaple 1. 7 m.; some smaller lakes accessible ; first 
 iucuimI liest: trout only; small art. flics are used; May and June best; liotelH $1 
 p. d.; uo regular guides. The tnuit are large, but very sUy aud hard to cateh. 
 TlIK AN(tLKU.s (iVll)K UOOK. 
 Horton Iiauding' (Wind .V.- Aj-rJiiHiHTcunx r. i,, m.; Avon r. l';iii.; Miliar 
 ViiHiii :i 111.: .VNoiir. Ih'h' ; bii<l<li><'k, cixUiHli, naMpriTuii (alt-wivcH), InTriun, vtf 
 fiaHimrciiii iiml IjcitIiih most iiiiinfrnns ; hcrriiiK uhviI uh Imit ; Muy, .Fiiiii- iiiiil Jiih 
 bcHt; liolilM .fl to ^1.50— ;f5tu|lu 1). w.; lio luiiulur guides. Millli. JJiii., coiitaiii> 
 Homu trout. 
 Indian River (Tiitfircnloiiial.j—TlH' river i^'distant 'il mil.s from Halifax. Sal 
 iiioii (.Saliiio Halar)ar»' tak(u» with art. rtiiH ; .\i)ril, .May and early [lait of Juno aii' 
 l)(!Ht ; hott'lH II. "Jf) J), d., (TiiideM $l.r)U p. d , boats not needed. Write to ('. 11, 
 ilarry, Halifax, N. H. Sea troul tisliinn may lie liad during May, .liiiie ami .July, i\s 
 near as 'JH ni. Iiy sta^'o from Halifax. Minnows, also lar^e Hies with yellow li."i(iiis 
 and biiMliy hackles, are used for the sea trout. Se|ileiiitier is said to lit- an exeell.iin 
 time to take this fish. Mr. Harry iufornis us that he took JTM in one day about Se]p| 
 IT), avera^inK 1 1-2 His. ea<h. 
 Kentville (Wind .V A.)— CcirnwaUiH r. «, m.; Ciinard r. :i m.: Rrandywino r. (1 m . 
 Trout r. Ill m.; Salmon Tail r. Vi ni,; North r. li m.; (iasiiereaux r. .". ni.: (tas|iereaii\ 
 Is. "i 111.: West r. aceessihle ; (iasiiereaux r. and Is. are best; salmon ami M-oii!. 
 trout most numerous : Hies, minnows and worms usual baits: June and S'litem- 
 lier best months: hotels .^l.'-Ti to .*•-' )i. d .: guides and boats can be obtained ;ii 
 moderate rates, (iasiiereaux r. is best for salmon. 
 Kingston (Wind. .V A)— AnnapoliH r.. Walkers br., Zeak br. and lakes "i m. ; l\r.-t 
 two named best : trout and salmon : trout most numerous : worms and tlies usual 
 baits : .June, .Xu^'ust and Seiitcmber best ; hotel .■tsl.'J") ii. d. ; boats not needed. 
 La wrencetown (Wind. A: A.)— Annapolis r. ', m. : Liveriiool cr. 15 ni. : both 
 ecpially ^ood ; salmon and trout ; trout most numerous : tlies best for salmon arnl 
 worms for trout : May and June best; hotels at reasonable rates; {guides, boat.-; 
 etc. at moderate cost. 
 Middleton (Wind, k A.)— Trout 1. I'J m. ; Darliiiys 1. 2*) m. ; Annapolis r. '.. m. : 
 Nictaux r. ', m. ; Lily 1. •'( m. ; N'ictaux r. best : trout antl jierch. the first iiio.~t 
 numerous: Hies usually : May, June and July best ; hotels ;»1 to ^l.'J'i ji. d. : f^uidi s 
 $1 p. d.: boats and bait readily procured. The trout in Nictaux r. run lar^;e and aio 
 Morden Boad(Wind. \- A.)— Annapolis r. I, m.; Hay of FuiulyV m.; last nanu il 
 best ; halibut, codlish, pollack, herriuf^ etc.; codiisli and pollack most uuinerou,< : 
 berriug are used as baits ; May, June and Auf^ust best. 
 Mt. Uniacke (Wind. .S: .V.)— Tlniacke r. 2 ni.; Soldier I's. 'i'^ ni.; Uniacke 1. 1 in.; 
 and several other lakes iipar : Soldier lakes best; trout; worms and Hies used a.- 
 bait** ; May and June best ; hotels $1 p. d'; fj;uide« at Tfic p. d. 
 Mulgravei Intercolonial)— The Mul^jrave 1. are located within l'^ to 4 m. Tlev 
 are ei(iht in number ami all contain trout iu abundance which are cau^jht fredy 
 from June 'Jo to Sept. 'JD. Hotels .•?l.U(i ]i. d,, jruidrs .•fLTiO p. d. Other water> 
 called Salmon iUver and (ioose Harbor 1., about lo m. distiiut, also abound in troM. 
 The best months are July, Au^;. and Sept. Flies and worms are used as baits. 
 "New OlaSgOW (Intercolonial)— Maple 1. i:t m.; West r. 10 m.; Barneys r. '2U in.; 
 Coldens 1. 7 ni.; Wokimuu I. IS m.; ttrst named best ; trout ; art. Hies used inostl> ; 
 June best mouth ; hotels $1.50 p. d.; guide can be had reasonable. 
 lirewport(Wind. k A.)— St. ("roix r. 1 m.; Hutchinson 1. 1 m.; Coxcomb 1. H ni.; 
 Blind 1. Hm.; Ponhook 1.5m.; Hutchinson 1. best for trout; smelt-i, Kasiiere:iii 
 (alewives) and salmon ; smelts most numerous ; nets are usi-d for smelts; wonn.- 
 as bait for other varieties ; June best ; hotels ,f l.'J5 to II..')*) p. d.; boats ami bait at 
 moderate chart^es. The troutin(» here is very fine, Hsh running nearly a lb. avera^;i'. 
 A new lumbermeus' camp, with stove iu it, makes thiu({s comfortable. 
 Paradise (Wind. & A.)— Annapolis r. near station; Starratt br. near Htation ; 
 Paradise r. '^ m.; J^st branch 3 m.; Parailiso 1. 5 m.; Lilly 1. 5 m.; Eel Weir 1. fl in.; 
 Pamdlse r. and branches best; salmon, trout, perch etc.; trout nios(, uumeroi;s; 
 art. flies, worms etc. used for baits ; May is best, but t{ood until SeiHiunber ; hot'l. 
 reasonable, and board can Ix; had at farm houses $3 to .■J-l p. week ; t{uid(^^ about f 1 
 p. d.; boats and bait moderate. 
 Port Medway (Intercolonial)- 70 m. from Halifax. Salmou. ludiau guide ll."'" 
 p. d. includiu},' boat. See Indian River, N. S. 
 Port Williams (Wind. & A.)— Ciaspereaiix r. I'^m. ; nalmou aud gasperenu 
 Oil'^wifi') priiiciirdlly ; art. flit-s in iiso ; luHt of April Ma\ iiinl •Iiiiic hrmt ; iu< ri'wular 
 h..t.l. t)ul l)iiunl riiTi 111- jirnciircil at 5") p. week : tinidr ,*1 p. il. 
 Biver Philip (IiittTi'iiloiiial)— llivtT I'liilij) J III.; SimpHon 1. !•.! m.; last iihuh il 
 Im r-t t'lir ti'Diit : aiiil head of tiilf <m Uivvr I'hilip tor huIiuihi ; Au-h jtiul wuriiiH in iihc; 
 •hiiif and Sfiptcmlx'r Ix'st ; lintclrt .*l ji. tl. ; nni<lc.i ami ImatM can lie jirocnrtMl at 
 tairii rni's. TliiTc in a good caniit on SinipHon 1. with a good road to it. 
 Roundhill (Wind. \ .V.) — Lovott. l>r. near Htation : nalnion and trout; Halniou 
 iii..-t iiinutriniH ;iiHnal Inrcs ; Mav and Juik^ bent ; jjiiidfw at low tliariir. 
 Tracadie (Intercolonial) — 'Iracadic Harlior ', ni.: St. (icortic's Hay 1 in.; lant 
 ],;iin(il ImnI: Halinon, hfrrint,' etc.; ninall horrin^! iim-d a-* l>;iit.-i ; .May, •June, July and 
 .Viinuwt licHt ; hotflH $-i i>. d. 
 Truro I Iiit^Tcolonial)— Saliiioii r. 1 III. and nunicroii.s lalic,-< within lii to 1.' m.; 
 thi- lakes lust ; trout; tlien and worms usual liaits ; .June, .Inly and August l»e,st ; 
 liiitils .fl.'-"> to z'l ]K il.; lioats at moderate rates. Tlie tiout aie of fair si/c and in 
 .■.(line of the 1. run large, .\ddress .Mr. (ieo. Doiikeu, Truro. N. S. 
 Valley Intercoluni'iD— Salmon r. and Christie's lir. ', m. 
 and trout ; last most nuinerous ; worms and tlies as baits ; 
 ;;iiides or boats needed ; the trout rnu Hinall. 
 ; eiiually good ; salluoti 
 June best month ; no 
 Waterville (^^'iiid. \ .V.I-^Cornwallis r. ', m.; North r. il m.; last named best ; 
 ir.iwt and salmon ; trout most numerous: worms and tlies usual baits; .March.' 
 .Ma,\ and Septeniber best months ; hotel $1.2') p. d. ; guiden and ))oatM not Ueedt-d. 
 Wellin.g"ton <Iiiterc<donial) — (trand 1. 1 in.; Kelly'rt 1.. Lobes Land Long 1. 
 acn ^, ; tirst named best ; trout, grayling and bass; grayling most numerous; 
 baits ai'i- minnows, art. tlies and worms ; from .\pril 1st to winter is best season ; 
 board fl p. d.; guides ;<1 to .*l..")il p. d.: boats about .*! to .■>; 1 . .')! » p . d. Scf Knlield, 
 N, ^. 
 Wentworth (Intercolonial)— Wallace r. 'Jm.; trout; worms and tlies used; 
 n>ual season ; liotel 51 p- d. 
 West Biver (Intercolonial) — Bens 1. 'J'j m.: McDonald's 1. 4 in.; Little Jennie's 
 1 •-" ; III.; West r. near station : McDonahl's 1. best; trout; worms generally used 
 fnr tiic river and art. flies for lakes; May and June best- hotel 7')c p. d. No 
 ji\iblic guides or boats, both however can be hired or borrowed. 
 Wilmot ( Wind . \- A.)— Annaixdis r. and lUa( k r. '4 to 4 ni.; Walkers br. .T ni . ; 
 Ni.taux r. 4 ill. : lakes and rivers on South .Mountain 5 to I't m.; last mi'iitioned 
 arc best : salmon, trout and perch ; triuit most numeroUH ; worms generally useil 
 a> bait ; March and all the summer months best ; nearest hotels are at Middletou 
 and Kingston at ;*1 to .*l.'>ii p. d.; board could be procured at this place in i)rivii*« 
 houses on reasonable terms. Salmon are scarce in the .\nnapolis r. and the tishing 
 generally near the station is poor. See Middletou, N. S. 
 ■Windsor (Wind. \- .\.)— .\von r. '„ m.; Fall br 4 m.; I'annke I's. K ni.; Still- 
 water Is and outlets Li 111.; small I's in woods about .Stillwater IH to Itl 111 . ; St. 
 Croix r. 1 to lu m.; Kennetcook C m.; Pauuke and Stillwater I's and small Is 
 about Stillwater btist ; tonicods, smelts, gaspereau (alewives), salmon, trout, jjcrch 
 and eels ; trout, smelts, gaspereau and foiucods most numerous ; worms and art. 
 tlies used mostly for baits ; hottds and boarding houses .fl to .*'J p. d., less by the 
 w'ck: guides at reasonable rates. 
 Wolfville (Wind. >*c .\.)—Minas Basin ', m.; Oaspereaux r. ■> m.; Davidson 1. 
 N ni . : 151ack r. ."> m.; Forks r. lo 111.; salmon, trout and gasix-reau (alewife) are 
 plintifiil in <iaspereaux r. and trout abound in Davidson 1.. black and Forks r's.; 
 till- anil live bait used ; May and June b«^st ; hotels .«1 p. d. and upwards ; guides, 
 biiats etc. can be had at low rates. Some salmon in (iaspereuu.v r. 
 Province of Ontario. 
 <;'.ld 1. 4'^ m., 
 i!e>nths best. 
 Angus iN. 
 Laliud yiidds 
 bass and piki 
 k;iid of livi 
 <••, Out. 
 ((ir. T., see jiage V). — Sauble r. 
 all about e(iual ; pike and b. b. 
 , in.; Chesley 1. 3 m.; Arran 1. fi m.; 
 trolling spoon mostly used ; spring 
 iS: N. AV). — I'ini r. empties into the Nottawasaga r. here; the first 
 tine trout tishing for 14 miles up. and the latter abounds in pike, 
 perch, to its outlet in lake Huron ; Flies are best bait for trout ; any 
 bait or spouu for pike, pike perch and bass. Hotel. .•JI p. d. See Ever- 
 VI I 
 Ayr («'au. 1') — i'fdiir cr.; IjihIoh'm 1.; McCihih'i" 1.; Iti-id'H 1.. nil within .'I m ; 
 ('nliir cr. iH )it!Ht for trmit ; trout, l>. )i. liinl ^k'I'cIi hw ti>\iuil ; Iuikn <iii<l iicrdi nio.t 
 iiiiiiiiTouH ; wui'iiiH, froi^H au<l t{ntHHhii)i|i<'i'M arc tlic iinual Imit i May to Scjiti'iiilicr 
 an- licut; hotclM .*l.")«t ji. d.; boatH at tritliiit; cunt. 
 Ayrton (('r. T., mco jtaKo V). — South branch Sauj^ciu r. 5 ni.; brook trout ; woriim 
 aii*i tticH UHcil : June, July and Aui^'unt bent : lioti-lN .^'l \t. d.; tine tlHliinu watcrn ant 
 lar)jo McoreH of trout luivi; bct-n niatU- 'u oim day by ouo rod. .Many of the Il^ll 
 wci'jh from 1 to 2 Ibn. 
 Ballantjrns's (*•'■• T).— St. Lawrence r. :i ni.; jiikc, jiicki-rd and li. b.; Iuihh ino^t 
 numerous ; Imits — tlicH and worniH ; .Xu^UMt and Scjitcmbcr bcHt. 
 Barclay (('an. P.) — I^ikc \Vabi;>onn I ni.: Thunder 1. 1'.. m.: laHt named best: 
 trout, |iik<' and iiickcrd ; trout nmst numirous; trolling mostly ; Ma\ and Juie- 
 lii'st ; no hotels, camp outlits rc<|uirL'd ; guides chcui> ; cauuft* can be had. Mur-t 
 fishing douti hero by IndiaiiH. 
 Barrie (N. 'V: N. W).— Komperfeldt bay at station: salmon, tr(Uit. s. m. bhi'k 
 bass, lake herring, perdi and frost llsii; lurriiij,' and frost tlsh most numerou-; 
 spoons for trout and bass ; minnows for frost fish and lierrint;: Ajiril 1.") to Juiie 
 I for trout, Nov. 1 to May 1 foi- herriuK and frost fish; .lune to October fcu'lias.-; 
 hottds .•?l to 1*1. .'ill J), d.; K'l'des not reipiired : boats .rl p. d.; baits pk-iitiful. There 
 art! several fair truut streams in this vicinity. 
 Beaverton (<Jr. T., seo pant; V).— Lake siiucoe Heaver r. at station ; first 
 uamt'd l)est : tro\it. white flsli, lierrinn and b. b.; herrinn and white fisli most nn- 
 lUoroUH; worms, and trolliu^ spoons are used; .luiU'. •July, Oct. and .Nov. l)est ; 
 hotelH $1 p. d.; Kuides $1 p. d.; boats li»c. p. h. or .juc to .fl \i. tl.; bait at nominal 
 Belle River (Or. 'I'l.— Lake St. Clair near station; some i>ickerel, mascalon^je. 
 j)ike and lieiTin^' cau;,'lit here. l)Ut lishmt,' ratluM' iiiditVerent. 
 Belleville ((Jr. T., see pane V).— Hay of Quinte '.' m.; salmon, b. b., wliite fisli 
 ami nearly all varieties of fresh water fish; worms, -.'rasshopiiers, minnows and 
 spoons as bait; wlnde season is j,'oo<l ; i,'oo<l accommodations at .*1 p. d. and 'rpward> : 
 jjuides .*1 p. d.; first-class boats .■<1.'J.") p. d. .Massassau;,'a jKiint on fliis liay i.s ijuit' 
 a resort, and j^ood tlshint; is to be had there. 
 Bertie (<tr. T).— Lake Krie 1 m.; herring, wliite fish, pickerel, b. b.. etc.; herriii;; 
 and piclicrcd most numerous; minnows, cliubs, etc. a-; bait ; .\pril, .May and Juii'- 
 bi'st; liotels ?^lp. <1. Point Albino ."> ui. up the lake is a favorite fisliiiii; (.{rouul 
 or the lociil au-jlers ; boats and board cm be liad there at moderate charjies. 
 Blair (<<r. T.) — (irand r. anil Itiver Sjji'eedat station, and numerous s])rinK c.-eek<. 
 hikes and i)i>nds from '^ m. to l m., all fairly f,'oo(l ; speckled trout, 1). b. an^l 
 perch: baits used are worms, tlies, minnows and tr<i|lint{ spoons; May, JiiLe. 
 September and October; hotids .■?! p. d.; tiuides can be li;id. . 
 Bradford ((ir. T., see pa«e V.)— Holland r. ', m.: Lake Simcoe (piite distant: 
 the latter is liest: b. b., mascaltui^je and white fish, thi' latter jiredominatin^' : 
 baits are, Hies, worms, minnows and tndlint,' ^ian^;s ; Spring,' and Fall best seasou> • 
 hotel >1 p. d.; tiuides $l.iH) to ^'-i p. il. 
 Brantford (Or. T.)— Orand^r. 1 to :t m.; mascalon^e. i)ike. i)ickerel, b. b., perch, 
 etc.; pii'kerel and bass, niost'numerous : minnows, f re i^s. j,'rubs mii4 flies as bnt : 
 ■ ■tc; 
 May. .lune. .July and Au>,'ust V)est ; hotel .*'2 p. ,1.; boats and 
 Fishing rejicu'ted excellent. 
 Briicefield ((Jr. T., see pa«o V,)— T.,ako Hnrou, In" ^ 
 trout most nunu'Cous ; worms and herrings usual bail lies 
 SI p. d.; guides, boats and Viaits procurable at reasoi, lutt.-. aiU).' 
 Biirlinsfton (tir. T.)— Hurlin^don Hay and Lake Ontan.. I . ni. lirst named best . 
 b. b.. [like. i)ei'ch, etc.; bass most nunu-rous ; minnows ami cri> (Ish usual bait> ; 
 July and .Vu^ust best ; hotels #1 to .•?1.50 p. d.; boats at luoderatt prices. 
 Calabosrie (K. >t P.)— Calabof-ie 1. 'j m.; Milo 1. 4 m.; Mud 1. 5 in.; first named 
 best ; many varieties of fresh water fishes ; -irassboppcrs and small fish as bail ; 
 Usual seasons ; hotel ;?1 p. d. 
 Caledonia (dr. T.. see pajje V.)— Grand r., Boston cr, and McKenzie cr.: fir-t 
 named best; b. b. principally : June and July best ; taken with spoon and H'. ; 
 hotel $1 p. d. The flsbiuf,' is good at times for b, b. 
 Calgary M 'an . P.)— Klhow ami Uowr. I m. Trout ttHliiiiu ^ood in both on tin- 
 ;ii! ily, anil tlic .si'iiHon la-'t.-* tiuui April I to Nov. 1; ImtrlM ^-2 p. il.; no kuIiIch or 
 1 riMniircl. Till- trout run UiHir. 
 Campbellford i<»r. T., Kt-i- yanv V.)— I'p the Tnnt r. sonic J or;tni., nniHciilonKo 
 j; i> lir t.iUiii on liirt,'!' livr Imif ; 1). l>. arc numerous, the Nuntllcr ones ( ', to 1'^ 
 11,-1 risinn frcd.N to the tl,\ . Iloicl .••1 .."iii p. ,1.; no guides or hoittn ncctlcd, an the 
 1 i- llnhcd hy wttiUuK anil iu«tint( into the tki'i) poulw. tsi-u Tjik Amkuican AN(*;lkh, 
 Vnl. IV, pawi' 1«4. 
 hatti* nu»t ^1 Canada So. Jtmctlon (<»r. T.)— IU«<r. and SyplcM cr.; hrook trout taken here 
 wiiii vNiinii.-^ iiiidtlicM; .Miiy to Hcptcniher iKt bcHt time: liotids .'f 1 p. d.; ^'iiidcH ijil 
 I,., I. i)ur correspondent writes : " 1 usually catch 'J or :i do/.en in the nmrninv; or 
 eviiiinu's tish, as lii^h as 7 dozen have heen can^dit in one day with one rod." 
 Canft«ld (Mich. (;.)— Grand r. '^m.: i)i(kerol, black and strawberry banH and 
 pilic ; the pike and strawberry bass bein;,' niost nunu-rous ; worms ami the art. tly. 
 .M;iv and .lunc tor bass, and Sept. and Oct. for other tish are best months; hoteln 
 i\ j. d : {.Miides }'i.; boats ami bait at small cost. 
 Canmore (fan 1'.) -How r. '..m.; brook tnmt; tlies as bait: May. Se|)tember 
 llli'l Kctober; hotels .fl to .r'-'l>. d.; guides and boats not neeiled. 'i'iiis is a Kood 
 u.itii' tor trout which run lart^e, t'roni 'j to.")lb.s. .\ddress Conroy's llottd as above. 
 Cardinal I (ir. T., nee patjo V.)— St. Ijiwrom-o r. ', m.; i)ik«', pickeivl, b. b. nuis- 
 i;ilon;<e. etc.; baits are worm.s, tlies, douuh and artificial ; August and .Soptember; 
 hote's .*1 p. d.; ^{Uides #l.."iOi). d.; boats about i!l..V»p. d. 
 Chalk Siver (< 'an. I*, i— Chalk r. Im.; Ott^iwa r. ti m . ; first named best ; b. b., 
 ui i>' iiliin;,'e ; bass most numt-ruUH ; trolliuj,' spoons mostly ; .-VuKUst and September 
 Ijf-t : hotids reasomible. 
 Chatham l'>r. T.. see patje V.)— Mitohf Us bay 1'2 m.: mouth of Thames r. 15 m.; 
 tii-t iiHined l)est : li. b.. jiike. pickerel and nuiscalonne ; tridlin^ spoons aiul min- 
 iirw-i usi-d ; .\pril, May, .\u^,'Ust, beptemlier and Oct.; hotels $ I p. d.; Kiiidea with 
 li..;lt ,*I.7.'> p. d. 
 Chatsworth (Can. P.)— Spey r. at station: Sydonham r. :i m.: .and somo laitps 
 aili;icciit; Sydenliam r. and tin; lakes best; speckled trout and idke : first nanu'd 
 Uiii-t niiMierous: l)aits are worms and minnows; >Iay and .Mine best ; hotels .»; I 
 p. (1.: ^,'uides .<'J p. d. There are several lakes within .'> m., where tjout and other 
 tish are plentiful. 
 Chippewa (Mich. C.)— Niagara and Welland r.; Ni-ictra for masralonpe And b. 
 li.. \\ rlluml r. for pike ; younn chubs, crayfish and art. spoons ; the latter for mas- 
 c:iliiiii.;e. are used. June I to Sept. b"), l)cst period; hottds ,*1.,"><» p. d.; no j^uidt s 
 ii-.|UJred ; boats .■f'J p. d., including; boiitmen, boat alone .")0c. p. d. («ood tishiii!,', 
 e-i'c,'i;illy around the pools of Navy and (Irand islands and from there ull the way 
 fn )!;itl'iilo and Fort Krie. Lar^e pendi in May and .\pril are taken in iiuantities ait 
 tlir iiioutli of Wtdland r., and in the same water for miles up it there is excellent 
 finllinn for pike all throufjh tlie summer. Below Navy and ISuckhuru islands there 
 i> i.iu' masealou^e trollinj^. 
 Coboconk (<ir. T., see pav,'e V.)— Balsnml. '2 m.: Turtle 1. 2 m.: (iull r. iifar 
 t-tiitiuii: mascaloiitje. b. b. and herrinj,' ; (iull 1. It) m. abounds with trout and 
 \fii:te tish; Balsam 1. is best of hrst three named; crayfish, worms and trolliii)^ 
 ^1 IIS u.-i:-d .\ut;ustaiul Sepf(nnber best : hotels #1 i). d. These are >{ood huutinK 
 Ull I shootiufj t^ronuds also ; deer, partrids^e (grouse) and ducks abound. 
 Cobourg' (<«r. T.)— Lake Ontario at station ; Rice 1. 14 m.; in first named, lake 
 tr it. wliite fish anil herrint,'s ; and Rice 1., nuiscalonne and 1>. b.; usual >)aits 
 11-. il ; t,'ooil during open season; hotels f 1 to S'Jp. d.; i^uides .■?! p. d.; Imats 
 pl'iity at reasonable rates. Riee 1. is ijuite noted as a fishiuK water. See Ha.stiugs, 
 Colbome (Or. T.,spe paj^e V.i— Several i)onds near Castloton Villaf;e, 7 m. from 
 < llporne, where brook trout can be caiinhf ; flies and worms used as bait; May 
 ' ■liineliest; hotels $1 p. d.; ^,'uiib's moderate. 
 Collinefwood (N. .V N. W'.)— Geortiian Bay, i)articularly at the mouth of Natta- 
 •i-iii-'a r. affords very tine I), b. fishinti; iccommodatious ample, at moderate charges. 
 "< ' Thk .\ an Anislf.k, Vol. IV, page 41. 
 Collin's Bay (Cir. T. See Page V.)— Lower end of Bay of Quiute: b. b,; pike and 
 cfitriHli; Ti8ual baits; J\iiift aud July iK'st; liotcl, ^l ji. d.; guide and boats call be had 
 Corinth (('■'. 1.) — otter cr. aud tbret' suiall i-ri'ckH, •-' luiles dihtaut; Otter cr. 
 bcHt; b b. aud siieekled trout; J\ine and Julv btut; worms usuallv used; ^JUilU■^', 
 $15(11,. d. 
 Cornwall ((>r. T. See Page V.) — St. Lawrence r , 1 ni.: niaHcalou^'e. i)ii'kerel, 
 l>. b., ])ike. and iiercli; iiii'kerel, nui.;calii)i^c, and iicrcli. most numerous: l)aits — 
 minnows, worms, and siioon; Abi.y to Aiijiiist best; liotels, ^l.'j.') to .rl.Tio ji. d.; 
 uui<les, .*l.r)() 1). d.; hoat, with man, $'1 \). d. Local angli-rs consider Wi^dit"s 
 (trove a good i)oint f<ir lisliiu^', and trolling witli art spoons after 7 p. m. and all 
 throu^;li the nif,'bt, seemw to yield the best. results for pickerel. 
 Deseronto Junction ((ir. T.) — Bay of C^uinte near by; pii-kercl, pike, b. b., 
 and mascalouKc; j^ood fishing for all kinds are reported; fall months best; hotels, 
 $1 1). d.; no rej<ular guides. 
 Don (fir. T.) — Don r., near st-ation; Ashbridge bay, near by; last named best; 
 pike, whitetish, etc.; usual baits; April, May, August, and Septemljer, best. 
 Dunnville (<'r. T. Seel'ag('V.) — I^ake Erie at Port Maitland, 4 m.: (Irand r.. 
 near station; ciiually ;iood; pickerel, mascaloiige, pike, white and black bass, etc.; 
 pike, jiickerel, and bass, most numerous; minnows, Hies, aud spoons, useil mostly; 
 June aud October Ixst months; hotels, $l.")(l p. d.; guides, j^l..")U p. d.; boats eau 
 be jirocured. The favorite jdaces of the local anglers are at the bridges and waste 
 weirs aboiit 1'., ni. distant from Dunnville. (iood tndling below the dam and 
 l)ridges on (Jrand r., and above the dam, Juascalonge, b. b., and pike are caught on 
 the trolling spoon. 
 Durham ((ir. T. See Page V.)— IJocky Saugeen r., at station; Camp's cr.; firs; 
 nauicd best; brook trout principally; baits — Hies and worms; May and June best; 
 hotels. 1*1 )). d. Streams can be waded. The trotit run KUiall, but those of 3 IbH. 
 are occasionally caught. 
 Eastwood (<<r. T.)— Pinel., Urn.; Dig and Little Cranberry l.s, ."i ni.; Mud 1. 
 5 m.; lirst named best; ]iik<'. iierch. b. b., and suntish; lastnamed most uumerou.s' 
 usual baits; summer months best tinu'; hotel, .fl p. d.; guides, .•?l p. d.; boats' 
 f)Oc. p. d. 
 Elora (<'an. 1'.)— Orand and Irvine r.s; lirst named best; b. b. principally; 
 minnows, spoons, and tlies, used; hotels, $1 p. d. I5ut little tishingdoiie. 
 Ernesto wn (Or. T. Seepage V.)— Day of i^uinte, "J m.; b. b., salmon, pike, 
 ]iickerel. niascaionge; worms and Hies used; .lune, July, .\tigust, and Septembei', 
 best; hotels, #1 to #'.! p. d.; guides and boats reasonable. This is getting to be .t 
 favorite locality for American anglers, as the fishing is said to be good and the ac- 
 euinmodatious excellent and at reasonaVile prices. 
 Everett (N. iVc X. AV.)— Piuer., '., m.; excellent trout fishing all the way down 
 to Angus, i m.; baits are — tlies, worms, minnows, and gvasshopjiers; May 1 to 
 September l."i; hotel, fl p. d.; guide, .■? I ji. d Air. W. ilKimsou reports to us that 
 he has taken itoliis. of trout in the Piiu' r. in one day. 
 riesherton (Can. P.)— Heaver r. r^'.^ m.: Saugeen r. u' m.; there are .several 
 otiiei' small streams, without names, within 4 ai . from station; the Heaver r. is 
 best: s])eckled trout, perch etc.: baits used mostly are Hies and worms ; May, Juu'- 
 and July best; hotels $1 p. d.: g\iides #l.")Up. d.: boats not used. 
 Flower (K. \ P.)— Clyde l., Hartrowl., Koumll., Little Clyde 1., Joe's 1., .spring 
 I., Long 1. all within 'J m. ; Middle Dranch 1. about 5 m. : Joe's 1.. Clyde and 
 Little Clyde, and Dartrow best: i)ike and b. b. principally: minnows used; 
 Augiist best mouth ; no regular hotels, but boarding houses at 7.5c tojsi p, d. : guides 
 75c to f 1 p. d.: boats 'J5c to ,j(ic p. d. .\ good shooting section. 
 Finniark (Can. P.)— Mattnwan r. a 1-2 m.: pike aud pickerel, mostly pike; 
 trolling mostly ; Atigust and September best ; no hotels ; campiug out ueeessary. 
 Port Erie ((-r. T.)— See Victoria, (►ut. 
 Tort "William ( Can . P.)— Kaniiuisti<iua r. and Thunder Bay, the river empty- 
 ing into the bay at this point; the tirst nanu'd best: trout. whiteHsh, jiendi etc : 
 trout m«ist numerous : Hies used : June, Jtily ami August best : hotels if l.,5<i ji .tl ; 
 guides — Indians and others at moderate raie : bojiis at #1 .50 ]>. d. 
 Oalt (tir. T.)— Cirand r. and Mill cr.; Grand r. best for b. b., and Mill cr. 1<t 
 liiMiik trout: h. b. most numerous; baltR — womiR, ininiiowB, flies aud HpoouH ; 
 May. June and Sejiteuihrr best; hotels $1.0(1 p.. il; b(>llt^^ l^w p. b. Mill cr. is 
 ii. ;irl> fisbeil out of tri>nt. 
 Oauauoque (<'r. T.)— St. Lawreuec. r. near .Citation; ('barle»<tou 1. 'Jo ni.: both 
 ..iiall.v jiood ; niasoaloujic iiikt-, b. b., .■<alnion ti-ciut, iieroh ete.; pike and bass 
 i,]"-t numerous in St. Lawrcm r r. and salmon truut in Charleston 1. ; trollint» 
 ,| us iinil tlies used ; .June. July and Aujiust best; hotels .fl. to 1.50 p. d.; ^Miides 
 with boat S'< 1". d, Address for details Beu.i. harber, (lauauo<iue. Ont. 
 Qeorg'etowil (Or. T.) — Kiver Credit, and small streams emiitvinj,' into it, 
 ,li-!.int 1 to 10 m.; these snnill streams art; best, and siKikled trout are the luiiici- 
 1 al lif-h takfu ; wctrms used mostly as bait ; May aud June best ; fish small and 
 ii..i i.iiiitiful. 
 Georg°ian Bay (via Mi<lland and otlicr stations on the (li. T.) — Still tishin^i for 
 li. li. and jiickercl abreast of any of tlif Islands is jjood ; trollin;,' in thi' clianncls 
 lictwefu tlif islands yi(dds, at tiniis, urand sport for mascaloum-, b. b., pike and 
 piikerel ; aeconunodatiou ani\ile aud cheap : sail and rowboats ean always be liad. 
 Gleicheu (<'an. P. ) How r. 7 m.; trout and pike; the last most numerous; 
 III! .it and (,'rasshopper bait; .\UKUst best; board at farm houses; no j^uides or 
 ln^ats needed. 
 Greenfield (Can. .^tl.)— Delisle r. ,'4 m.; i)ike ; usual baits ; May aud -June bt>Mt; 
 hotels .f 1 p. d. 
 Hamburg' (<'r. T., see pape \) — Small trout in small streams near station. 
 I'liiiiission must be obtained from farmers. Hotels .■?! p. d.; no ^'uides or boats 
 Hanover (Cir. T.)—SauKeen r. '4 m. aud several small streams from 5 to h m.; 
 -nuie brook trout fouud in these. 
 Hawk Lake (Can. r.)— Hawk 1. at station: trout aud whitefish ; baits— meat, 
 Ii'mU and tly ; May and .Tune best; no hotels; tents and provisions recpiired ; 
 .Millies lan be had, b\it fishinti mostly dene from thu bank. 
 Hawtry ((Jr. T., see \y,m<' V|— iJeer Lick cr. '., m.; Hranch cr. •! m.; Syplc cr. 1 
 111.; t.rook trout are taken here trom May to .luly; worms in use as bait; hotels $1 
 I'. 1.: t,'uides .">oc to -fl p. d.; the troutiiiK is rejiorted good. 
 Hastings (<'r. T.) — Trent r. at station ; Hice 1. 4 m.: both are equally Rood, and 
 lire said to abound with mascalont;e and bass ; jierch, stinfish and some other 
 \nrieties are also taketi ; troUinti spuous used nuistly ; hotels #1 p. d.; boats at 
 reasonable rates. Excellent tishiiiK. 
 Henfryn (<ir. T., see i^age Vl— Sottth branch ^laitland r. near station ; North 
 I'lanrli 1 '. m.; bi'ook trout, li. b. and others; worms and a''t. tlies mostly used; 
 .Ma> and .lune best ; hotel ?1 p. d. 
 Hepworth ((ir. T.)— Spring; cr. 1 '^ ni.; brook trout found here ; .June, .July and 
 \i)'.;ust best months ; worms aud Hies used ; hotel $1 p. d.; guides and boats not 
 !■ 'jUired. 
 Hespeler (*ir. T.)— Itiver Speed '4 m.; I'urliuch 1. '.i m.; rurlinch 1. best ; some 
 i>. 1'. found here ; charges moderate. 
 Ignace (Can. r.) — Duck 1., Mariain 1., Ipnace 1., Big Trout 1., and a number of 
 -In ill lakes, all connected with each other, and only a few miles distant : Big Trout 
 1. liie best; trout, pike. 1). b.. pickerel and whitetish ; jiike and trout most nunier- 
 ' ii~ ; usual baits ; .lune to October best ; hotel at reasonable rate; guides, Indians 
 li' :i|> ; lamies can be had. 
 Iriquois (<>r. T., se page V) — St, Ijvwrence r. '4 m.; i>ike. b. b., jierch etc.; 
 I' '1. most numerous; worms and minnows ustial bait; .\ugnst and September 
 1' -t : liotels #1.50 p. (1.; boats and bait at small cost. 
 Jeunette's Creek (Or. T..) — Thames r. and Lake St. Clair 1'.. ni.: mouth of 
 till riser best; pike. ])ickerel aud ditt'erent viirieties of bass; minnows and worms 
 n-i 1 ; August, Sejit. and Oi't. best ; acconimodHti(^us may probably he iiad at farm 
 li'iises, no regular hotels. Fishing said t- be good. 
 Jordan ((Jr. T.) — .Jordan cr. and tweiity mile p.; pike, perch, b. b. and catfish ; 
 1' I. hand cuttish most niimerfius ; worms a bait mostlv ; earlv spring best time ; 
 h' trl- .fl p. ,1. 
 .t •' 
 i J^i 
 I'! . 
 U II 
 %p II 
 - ^ 
 ■ ^ 
 Kaministiciua (<'iin. P.)— KamiiiiHti(iua r. adjacont; Mattawaii r. HOO yds.; both 
 f(iually tioud ; wliitettsh and pike ; the last luoHt nuiiu'rouH ; trolliuji innHtly ; JuiU'. 
 July and SejiteiulxT beHt : nn regular hoteln, l)ut private boardiUK UouseM at reason- 
 able rates : no n"i<b'M needed. 
 Keene (dr. T., see pa^c V.)— Rice 1. 3 m.: uiancalouj{e and b. I).; trolliiTR npoons 
 used niiistlv ; Mav to Hejjt. best : hotels reasonable: fjnidi's fl.aOj). d,: boats 'iTn-. 
 p. d. 
 Xeewatin (<'an. I'.) — Ijike of Woods, Darlington Hay ami Wmniiiej,' r.: all iieiir 
 station ; ecjually ^^ood ; trout, i)ike, jjickerel, whitetish, etc.; whilefisli and pikf 
 most immeroiis : trolliiit; mostly done : May to()i't(d)er best time ; bittel $l.r>(Jp. d.. 
 guides not re(i\iired • boats plenty. 
 Kincardine ("r. T.. see i)aKe V.)— Lake Huron at station : ..hitetlsh, lake trout: 
 herring and j ercli : usual baits ; summer months best for la'.ie trout and whitetish ; 
 sprint,' and fail tor herring and perch; hotels .*1 p. d.; no ^'uides recjuired ; bouts 
 Kiug'S'ton l(ir. T.) — St. Lawrence r. vicinity of Wolfe Island, easily accessible; 
 ]irotla;r I.-.;iilids l ni.: b. b., pickerel, jiike, perch and niascalonge : ba»s most 
 liumei'otis ; minnows and Hies use<l ; .July, .\umist and Sept. best ; hotels ?1. .50 j). 
 d.: boat witli t^iiide .f:! j). d.: minnows 7.")c. p. liHt. .\n (excellent tisliiii^i ^jround. 
 lioborouuli 1. Ill m., gives excelleut sport for b. b. of both species. See The Ameui- 
 r.vN .Anolku, vol. IV, page 34, 
 Iiancaster (fir. T., see page V.) — St. T.jiwreiico l m.: Hivere UaLsin V. m.; St. 
 h, pike, pickerel, b. b., etc.: perch most numerous; baits, 
 ; .June, .Inly an<l .\ugust ; hotels .'fl \t. d.; boats at reasonable 
 esort for the local anglers is among the islands west of laud- 
 L iwiciice best ; perc 
 minnows and worms 
 rates. The favorite r 
 Iilstowel (<»r. T.)- 
 coiitaining brook tro 
 hotel .^J p. d.; guides 
 Lyn (<ir. T.)-St. I 
 most numerous; nsui 
 boats #1 p. d. 
 Maitland (Or. T., 
 V)ass and perch most 
 hotels, reasonable ; gi 
 Some spring brooks to be found within "> to !•"> m. from here, 
 ut ; worms, flies, etc, in use; .June. July and August best: 
 and boats not needed. Good troutiug. 
 .awrence r, '2 m.: pike, b. b., pickerel and mascalotige ; pike 
 il l)aits, fly and spoon ; September and October ; hotel Jl p. d.; 
 see iiage V. ) — St. I.4Vwreuce r. '; m.: pike, b. b. and perch: 
 numerous; worms, flies, etc. as baits : June and July best; 
 lides and lioats, latter .">iic. p. d. 
 Mallorytown (Or. T.)— St. Lawreiice r. It in.: Charleston 1. Hi m.: lirst named 
 best ; 1). b.. pike, pickerel, perch, niasealonge, etc.: b. b. and pike most numerous; 
 baits, minnows, flies and trolling spoons: June 15 to July l.'i, and Sept. 1 to Oct. 
 d. The tishiug 
 l.'ibest; hotels $1 to #L,">o p. d.; guides with boat #L50 to $'2,50 p 
 is rti'st-class during the above named months. 
 Markdale (<'aii. 1'.)— lloeky Saugeen r. 1 '^ ui.; Sauble r. '.) m.; Bells 1. nni.: 
 BeaviT r. 7 m.; Sauble r. best; speckled trout, chub, suuflsh, et<'.: spei-kled trout 
 most numerous ; worms and flies are usual baits; May and June l)est ; hotels.*! 
 p. d.: guides ^L.^Op. d.; boats and baits merely nominal, tiood campini* grounds 
 where trout are caught in numbers, and some uii to 'J lbs. 
 Keaford (N. -V N. W.) — Heaver r. "m.; T,ake Huron ';, m.; eijually good; speckled 
 trout, saluiiiii trout and b. b.; flies and tndling spoons tised ; summer and autumn 
 months liest ; hotels ?1 to #L">o J), d.; boats cheap ; guides uot reciuired. A beauti- 
 ful summer resort. 
 Midland (<'r. T., set> page V.) — Severn r. lo tn.: Oohorne r, 12 m.; (and tribut- 
 ary trout streams); Morse Point :fo m.; Copeland's trout stream 4 m.; Hoag cr. 5 m., 
 ali rtrst-class; brook trout, salmon, whitetish, b. b., pike, i)ickertd, niasealonge, etc.. 
 baits, minnows, frogs, worms, crayttsh, grasshoppers, trolling spoons, etc.; June, 
 July. August and September bi.-st; hotels ,*l,.jO to f 2 p, d.; guides with sailboat.- 
 .f"2,.")0 to H p. <!.; rowl>oats .'>(ic, to ?1 p, d. 
 Mildmay (Or, T,) — Springer, near by; ln'ook trout taken here; worms used a-^ 
 bait: Miy and June best; hotel ,*1 p. d. 
 MiUe Boche (<<r. T.)--:t tributaries of St. Lawrence r. opposite this station; 
 ■ cker.'l, pike, b. b., pt^'ch. etc.: minnows, worms, trolling spoons, eti-. tiseil; 
 e,...y summer the best; hotels ;?1 p. d.; boats can be had. 
 Morrisburgf (fir. T., see page V.) — St. Lawienre r. \ m.; pike, i)ickerel. b. b., 
 . ''tc: jiiko 1111(1 ba.-^s most uuiuerous: ^ood anytiiiu' in 'iHUal season; hotels at 
 ;."l<ratf rates; boats aud baits cun be procured. Many residents tisli lor i>astinie. 
 Niagara City (Mieli. <'.)— Lake l)ntai'io at the mouth of Niagara r. is in front of 
 tl,. town: b. b.: baits, live chub aud craytish. .June is the best month, but fishing 
 i- jiood all summer. Hotels .*1 to j^itp. d.; glides j;j..'>ii p. d., includin>,' boat. 
 I'roni i I'. M. to dark in Sept. and Oct.. white bass (fresh water striped bass) of ', to 
 ' , lb. are taken with art. tly 'J or :t at a cast. It recpiirt's a skillful boatman, as the 
 nurent is very swift, and your tishiug is all done from u boat. Usu a pure white 
 tl\, tied ou a small hook. 
 Niag'ara Falls (Several r. r.l— Niagara r. i,ni.: b. b , iiickercl. rock bass and 
 liirU; tlie b. b. most numerous; minnows and worm bait: August and Sejit. best 
 Healths; hotels ifl.SOto :f'2 p. d.; guiiles by contract; boats •J.'ic p. h.; minnows 
 etc. .">ilc J). PXJ. 
 NiXiigron River (steamer from the great lake ports to Saiilt St. Marie, thence 
 liy >-tr. to Ked Kock. at moiitli of Nipigoii r.) The trout tishiiig is (-(dubrated on 
 tlii- ground; the tish are plenty ami of large si/.e. Kngage guides at the Sault. 
 cii-ting .*".'. ."ill each ji. d. The canoes are large and will carry two anglers beside the 
 ^^iiiiies, thus lessening the cost. Indian guides cati be hireil at Ked IJock, at the 
 ni'iuth of river for about .■?! p. d., including canoe. .\ iiermit to angle must be 
 lifnciired at Red Hock, at a cost of .■*.">. Write to Landlord Smith, Chipiiawti House, 
 Siiult St. Marie on the subiei't of guides. The route via ('olliiigwi)od Out. would be 
 the dieapest and ijuickest from New York. Lake trout will be found in the* swift 
 waters, weighing from s to 'Jo lbs. I'ike of large si/c are caught in the still waters 
 and bays of the river. This water can also be reached by the Canadian Pacitic r. r. 
 t'rniu Toronto or Montreal, stopping oil' at Nipigou station. .See Thk 
 .\NiiLKU, vol. VI, page 8(). 
 North. Bay (Can. P.) — Lake Nipissing near station: Trout 1. 3 m.: numerous 
 ■ tlh r .-mail lakes in vicinity of Trout 1.: liist rnmed best ; pike, trout, bass, picker- 
 el and mascalonge : baits are spoons, minnows aud meat : May, .June and .July best; 
 liotels .fl p. (1.; our corri'spondent reports: "These waters are a perfect paratlise 
 fni- ;ui';l<'rs.' For further details address H. IJ. Smith as above. 
 Omezuee (<'r. T. See page V.)— Pigeon r. ; b. b.. mascalonge and j)ike ; usual baits 
 aii'l trolling; June. July and September best; hotels .fl p. d.; good shooting here 
 I, M 
 ills used u* 
 Orillia (fir. T. See page V.)— I.{ike Coudiiching at station : Lake Simcoe 1 m.i 
 l,i~t named best; mascalonge. whitettsh, front and bass; bass most numerous; 
 W'liiis and tlies used ; July and August best ; hotels $1 to $Lr)0 p. d.; boats l.")c p. 
 li. Several trout streams iu the viciuity. 
 Ottawa |(ir. T.) — tiatiiieau Lakes from Hi to Hi) m.; all good ; black bass and 
 tr.'Ut. the latter being most numerous ; worms, minnows and tlies usual baits ; May 
 and June best for trout, .August aud Sept. for bass : uo hotels ; camping is generally 
 Paisley (^ir. T. See page V.)— Saugeeu and Tees' water Rivers '.^ m.; first named 
 1" ~t ; pike, pickerel and mullet ; worms aud trolling spoons used ; April, May aud 
 June best ; hotels 5^1 p. d. 
 Parhani (K. A: P.)— Eagle 1. '^ m.; l$obs 1. .t m.; Crow 1. t; m.; first named best; 
 li. li.. >aliuoii (laud locked) aud herring ; bass most numerous ; minnows and frogs 
 u»' 1 ; Mav. June, .August aud September best ; hotel ?1 to .?2 p. d.; guide with boat 
 Ji).. d. 
 Park Hill ((ir. T. See page V.)— I..ake Huron U m.: I.ake Smith ',» m.: first 
 ii,n;ii(l best ; pickend, herring and whitefish ; herring most numerous; Sept. and 
 n, tdicr best; hotels, guides, boats and bait at modei'ate prices. There is good 
 .■•li'i'iting for ducks and game in this vicinity. 
 PenetaugfUisliene (>'■ 'V N- W.)— Peuetanguisheue Hay. an arm of (ieorgian Hay, 
 li' ir station : mascalonge, pike, pike pendi aud s. m. black l)ass : pike ami baaw 
 II. "~t numerous ; art. spoons or live bait; May 1 to Oct. 1 best time ; hot<ds $1 to 
 Jl.'i'i p. d.: guides iileutiful ; boat $l.W to ,f;) ji. d.; fair brook trout fish- 
 iv.d in streams ut;ar by. 
 Perth (Oau. P.)— lUdeau 1. 7 m.; Otty 1. .i ni.; Black and Pike I's. O m.; Christie'H 
 and Heiiuett's I's. M m.; all good: b. b.. salmon trout,, pickerel aud pikii 
 •'' 'lit cpially numerous ; tlies, miuuows aud spoou.s as baits ; Juue aud July best 
 fur liass : Dctolifr niul NovcuiIkt for salnioii front and wliifefibh : sniiinuT iii«>ntl;-i 
 fill' ((ii-kiTfl and i)ikc : ImtflH #1 \,. d.-. Ixiatu and liaits can be nbtaincd. Tlit- liici- 
 call IV. are ccl«d)ratcd fur wild duck Hliontint,' as well as tisliin^ fur hahnon (lak. ) 
 Peter boro (<'!'. T., K<'f' pane V.)— ontnnabcc r. '.• ni.; Rice 1. '.in m.: last iiann d 
 Ixst; 1>. )). and niaHcalnn^c ; crayfisli, fni;;saud ntlici' ustial baits : July and AiijiUst 
 bcHt ; liotols, rtniHonablc : ^niidcs nuinfrous and nuidcratc ; Ixiats TMU- p. d. 
 P'.ckeriug' (<»r. T.)— Dnttin's c". at ntation ; Frf-nidiinan'M Hay, :i m.; first nauiid 
 }>c.~t ; jiikc. iicrcb, b. b., Huntisli, etc.. jiikc nmsf abundant; wurnis an<l fridliu^ 
 Ki'oiius Used ; Jiinc and Sepfcnibcr bi-si : liotclH ?1 ]i. d.; iinats can be ])i'iicurcd. 
 Point Sdward (dr. T.)— T-akcIIunm and ri\cr St. ('Iain- near station : Hivcr St. 
 (iaii'c l)c--t : iiickcrcl. herring and jicndi : niiniiows arc usual liait; Alay. .luui. 
 July iind .\ut,'. licst : liofcd .*l..')Oi). d.; li.riinn and ini'ch arc cauKlit from the ^l(lcl^- 
 in lart,'c numbers with hook and line 
 Port Credit (<ir. 'I'., sec )ia(,"' V.)— Hivcr Credit. Tlierc is said to be a few sai" 
 nion that can be killed at the juoutli of this i'.: brook trout however, are cau<,'ht in 
 considerable uuniberH from June to September. 
 Port Dover (I ir. T.) — silver 1. ',,ni.; Lonn Point Hay a few rods : a noted reef in 
 bay 1 ni. .Ml ^'ood for b. b., pike and pickerel, the twn lirst most abundant ; bails 
 are chubs, frog's aiul art. spoons ; June, .Inly and .\ut,'. best months ; hutels .*! p. d.; 
 Unides not needed. 'I'hi' b. b. in Silver 1. are taken up to 7 lb. E.xcellcnt lishiuf^ in 
 these watt rs. Home trout lisliinn in adjacent creek.s. 
 Port I!lg"in (<'r. T. )— Lake HuroTi ',, m.; River 8auj,'een 1 ni. and several small 
 triiut streams; whitetish, lake trout, speckled trout, perch, herrinii, and bass; 
 worms, laeat, and tndlinj,' spoons, used; .Vuyust to Nnvember best; hotels, :»1 tn .^i 
 p. d.; boats and bait at iieminal cost. 
 Port Hope ((ir. T.l — Kice Lake Pi m.; mascalon^'c. black and yellow bass ; bass 
 must numc^rous ; usual baits used and also tridlin^ ; May to ( Ictober best ; Imtels .^l 
 p. d. ; tjuides and Imat .*'J ]). d. Hict^ 1. is a famous lishinj,' j.;round. There are a 
 few trout streams in the vicinity of Port Hope. 
 Port Stanley (<'r. T.. see pane V.) — Lake Krie near station ; pickerel and b. b,; 
 Worms and minnows an liait ; ^lay, .lune an<l Julx \v>t : Imtel .^j ji. d. rishin^^ said 
 ti) be ^'ood. 
 Prescott (Or. T.) — St. T,awrence r. '1 m.; b. b., pike, pickertd. perch, etc.: h. li. 
 must ntuuerous ; worms, minnows and troUini,' spoons used : hotels .fLoOto .■J'J ji. d.; 
 KUides #'J J), d.; boats i^l.Tio p. ,1. Seininu, netting and spearing has been prevalent 
 during,' the past seasons at tliis iioint. 
 Rat Portag"e (*'an. P.)— Lake of the ^V(>ods an<l WinuiiicK r. both within pi'» 
 yards of station ; first named best ; ]iike, pickerel, trout, whifefish, etc.; whitetish 
 must numerous ; baits — minnows and art. frtdls ; May. -Line. .liil> and .\u;,'nsf best; 
 liottds at reasdiiable rates ; j'uides cmii be iiad cheaj) ; Imats ami liaits at iinminal 
 cost. There are a number of lakes near by where ^iood tishiiiti can be had. 
 Rideail (<•!'. T., see ]>a^re \.\ — lUdean Oaiial at station ; bass (4 kinds), pike, etc.; 
 bass predominate ; sjionns. minnows and fro^M used ; .lune and .July best ; no hotel 
 at station, accommoilations can l>e had at farm houses. 
 Bockwood (<ir. T.) — I'.ramosa r. at station ; some brook trout taken here ; usual 
 liaits ii<e(l ; hotels, reasonable ; <.;uiiles ami boats not reijuired. 
 Severn (N. \ N. W.) — Sjiarrow 1. 4 m. is an cnlarj^'enient of the S( vern r, and is 
 'ill m. from (ieor},'iaii Hay in Lake i{ '•on. Itart'ords very tine fishing; lor mascaloiice. 
 b. 1>., pickerel and below the falls nioii trout and other lake lish are canj,'ht. 
 (iuides (Indian), .■?!. ;'><• p. d. 
 Sigrswortll (K. \ 1'.) Kiiowlfon 1. ;t m.; Fotirfeuji lslan<l 1. 5 in.: Tliirtcen 
 Island 1.. Lont; 1. ami Hock 1.; Fourteen Island I. best ; b. b,. jicrch and pike: ba-> 
 most numerous ; art. flies and minnows ; July and .\umist best; hottds at reason- 
 able rates ; boats, guidt's and I'otiveyances can be had ; address Thos, Denison, as 
 above fcir detailed information. 
 Silver City (•'an. T'.) — How r. '.. m.: Twin Lakes ."> m.: last named best ; trout : 
 flies mostly as bait; June, July and Seiitcmber best; no hotels; campiiifj; outtii 
 would be re(|uired, 
 Shanuouville ((*r. T., see page V) — Hay of Quiiite 2 m.; b. b., pickend, pike an' 
 ntht-r sniiill kiiulw ; hass and piko most numcroHH ; worms, miiiiinws and iirtitiiiiil 
 bait?- iiMcl ; .Tuu'' !iii(l July lit'Ht ; hotel ?l..")i» i<. d. (iood tiHliiiij.'. 
 Sharbot I>ake (K. \- P.i — Slmrbnt 1. near stution : Crow 1, :i m.: lirnt niiiiH'd )>cst; 
 ] il-.i . ti. li.. ]MTch. lake trout etc.; ))ikf and b. li. uiost iiuuktouh ; iiiiiiiiowH and 
 ti"lliiiti ),'aut,'s iisc<l ; Jiini-. .Iwly, AunUf^t and SciittMiibiT ; hotelH #1.5(» to j^'J p. d.; 
 Ii.i.iis includiuti oarKUieu i'-i to .*;).")(i p. d. 
 Slielblime (Can. P. ) — Hnminns Mills l. t; ni.: Hpccklcd trout only; worins and 
 \\f - ii.-iil ; May and .lunc lii->t ; lintel at riM-^onabli' raft- ; bnat-^ .■?! p. d. 
 St. Catherines ((if. l'.)— Lake < tntarin. at 'nitlcts of 'rwdvc. Fift«'en and Twenty 
 Mill cn-r ks, distal ire not exceeding; !'■ 111.: luoiitii of Niajiara r. I'i ni.: the hint best'; 
 li. li., )ii<'kei'el. ]iei(h and lierriii;;. tiie perch in the niaiority ; minnows and wornij, 
 ii- liaits ; May, JiUK', July and Aiitrnst best; hotfds and other charges moderate 
 Till- iiioiith of Fifteen Mile er. is a t,'reat ^,'roiiiid fvir jieri-h. 
 St. Qeorges ('Ir. T.l — Lakes T'topia. 'i'ront, ^Fill. and Home half dozen niorc! 
 fill, trmit waters are near by. The tisli taken raiijje from '., to 4'^ lbs. Lake trout, 
 j.tiili ete. can also be caii-^dit. (inidc-- ,rl to #l..">op. d.; boats and baits elieap. 
 (,,,..d -hootiiij,' and hunting' in the fall. See 'I'lii-, Ami;uic.\n .\Niii.i:it, vol tl, pat,'e HiL 
 St. Thomas (<»r. 'I'., see pa>,'e Vl — Kettle cr. mar station; Lake Erie M ni.; last 
 liiiniiil best: w hitetish. lake tmut and li. b.; some brook trout in tlie cr.: ^'ood 
 ti>liiii^' in season; Imti-l -rJ p. d. 
 Stoney Point (' it'. T.) — Lake St. Clair l m.: Thames r. ."> m.: first named host; 
 otuJiey IrULILii I'M. i.j — ijiiKf .-^L. I liiii I III.; Ill, mil's i. -t in.: iiisi iiiiiitt'u ik.^mi; 
 lui . iPickercl, b. 1). etc.; usual baits: I'ebniary. March atid .\pril best: hotel .*! p. 
 .: boats "J.'ic p. d. Ni'ts are much used at Stuuey Point, but the tishiiit,' is fair at 
 iic'Utli of Tli:iuies r. 
 Sturg'eon Point I'lr. T-i — .sturi,'eon 1. and Scu^oj,' r.: niascalon^e and bass 
 in'<t numerous: tioiljnj; s]Hions. live baits, crayhsli and minnows are used; .lune, 
 July. Au;;ilst and September bi St; hotels j^T to .rlo p. w.: glides with boat $l.'>n 
 to SJ p. d.; boats .")iic ji. d. The nuiscaloufie fishiuj.; i.s reported to be very fine, 
 al-u that for black bass. 
 Sutton ('ir. T. )— Lake Sjiiicoe l ij ni.: b. b., whitelish. lake trout and mascalouf^e; 
 uiiilelish most numerous: liaits used — worms, ^grasshoppers and tlies ; Ail^'iist best 
 iiioiitli: hotels ^l [i. d.: truides .fl p. d;: boats ."lOe p. d. 
 Theclforcl I' ir. T.. see pa^,'e V)— Lake Huron -l', m.; mouth of .\ii Sable r. 4,'a 
 hi.; the last named bc'si; li. b.. jiike, jiickerel. rock bass etc.: b. b. most iimnerous; 
 )iaU! — worms and ndnnows : May. .Fuiie amf .Inly best : hotel ^^l ji. d.: boats .'ioc p. 
 il. I,ake> Smith, Cie(uve and iJurwell all about 5 m. distant are much freipiented 
 I'V aii(ilers from Loudon, ( >nt. (iood shootiuj,' in tlie fall. 
 Thombnry (<ir. T., see pat;e V)— (.ieoivian Hay at station, and creeks and rivers 
 II; . il lint : sjieckled and salmon trout, b. b. and iiickerel: usual baits: June, -luly 
 ,!iiil ( irti'ber be-t: hotel >^1 p. d.; boats and bait at nominal prices: ),Miides not 
 Tilscnbiirg" i-^I'eh. ('.) — Snnill streams for trout numerous from ^^l to u m. 
 'li-iiUii: l.oiij,' Point bay and the Bit,' < 'reek niarshes 'Jti m. distant: most excellent 
 ti'iliinn fur b. b. and jiickend. Hoats and board cost per head about j^'J.riO p. d. 
 Toronto (tir. T., see paj,'e V)— Mouth of Niagara r. lio m.; Hornuijis Mills 50 ni.; 
 l..l>'' Sinieoe ."ill m, ; Alarkdale and cluitswortli to ni.; all f^'ood; b. li., brook trout, 
 iii.i-ialont;e etc.; \:sual baits used: May 1 to ( let. 1 liest: our correspondent residinj^ 
 ill Toioiito i^Miored the local Hshin^,' in his report. 
 Trenton (<ir. T.) — Kiver Trent and Bay of c^uinte: last named best: b. b., jiick- 
 I li 1. w liitetisli etc.: ]iickerel and bass most Jiunierous ; tlies and worms mostly 
 iiMil: April best for pickerel and summer mouths for bass ; hotels #l.."iii p. d.; 
 L'n:.les r 1.2.1 ji. d. 
 Tyendinagfa i<ir. T. i— Bay of (,»uinte ;i ni.; b. b.. pike and pii kenl ; b. b. mos- 
 iiiiiiierous: baits — frog's, crabs and worms; July and .Vu^'ust best; hotel at Deserou- 
 t" J iJi. at reasonable rate. 
 UhthofF ((»r. T., see pajjt^ V)— North r.; Silver cr.; I'earlbrook cr.: lirst named 
 hi >i brook trout and pickerel; tvout most numerous; usual baits used; lishiug it 
 I'l u'uhir seasons f^ood. 
 Vauclreiiil Cir. T.) -Branches of Ottawa and St. Lawrence r's.; li. b., mascalont^e 
 u . 
 ■ - 
 I i 
30 THE ANOI.EK's OriOE 1J<X»K. 
 perch etc.: luiiitiowH, worniw aud hiiiiohh unual Ixiitn; Muy and .June best; hotels $1 
 l>. i\. ; K'lidt-H I'i p. d.; boats to be had. FinhiiiK waid to be viTy ttuu. 
 Verona (K. .t P.)— Rock 1. ', in,; I-ntij^ 1. ', m.; Mud 1. ■<, in.; Lnnu 1. bp.Mt; pike 
 aiiilb. li. about ('<iually nunit'i'oiiH; worm and fron baits; Juiu' to middlf of Hei)t. 
 bLHt; hotol 11.50 p. d.. 
 Victoria (<>r. T., see ic^c V)— NiaKiira r. 'i ni.: T.nkc Krio '_>', m.; piko .herrinp, 
 b .b., pcrth etc.; hci'rinj,' most nnnicnms; baitw nscd — niinnown, i-rabs aud woruiH, 
 Ajiril and May bint; hotels .'rl ji. d.; boats can be obtained. 
 Waterdown (Cr. T.) — ]5urlint»ton bay 1 m.; jxTch, rock bass, b. b., pike aud 
 other varieties; ordinary baits used; June to (H-tobi-r the season. 
 Waubausliene (''!'■ T., sec ])afjeV) — Waitbansliene Bay near station; niaHcaloTit/e, 
 pike, jiike penb, small ni., b. b., channel cattish etc.-, pike and l)ass most iiunier. 
 ons; spiHiii, minnow and fmu, bait; .hme 1 to Oct. 1 best; liotels #1 i>. d.; $5 p. w.; 
 boats $1 \>. d. Tlie Severn r. is 4 m. distant, up which for I'J ni. most excellent 
 fishing may be had. Youni,' frojis seem to be the best lures, 
 Province of Quebec. 
 Amqui (Intercolonial.)— Matnpedia r. near station; Ainciui r. adjacent; last 
 named li)est ; trout and salmon ; trout most numerous; worms, beef aud art. Hies 
 as baits ; >)une, July and .August best; hotels .*1 to $1.25 p. d.; guides |1.. in p. d., 
 boats $1 p. d. 
 Ayers Flats (I'assunipsic, see page VI.) — Head ofMassawippi 1. vj 
 'i in.;Tomfobia 
 r. 'i m. and Burrows r. ', m.; tlie tirst named best; jiike, salmon (land lockedi. 
 buss, mascalonge, etc.; pike uiol niascalongo most numerous; minnows and trout 
 as baits ; May, August and September best ; hotels #1 to .■?1..")<' j). d.; guides at $1 p. 
 d.; boats ami bait can be had at merely nominal cost. Good camping grounds. 
 Alymer (Can. P.) — Lao des Chines r. near station ; b. b., pickei'el, pike and perch, 
 pike and perch most numerotis ; worms and trolling spoons used ; May and .June 
 best; hotels $1 p. d.; guides $1 p. d.; boats can be procured. The lishing in this 
 locality is good. 
 station ; trout, 
 ', .July and Ant 
 b. b. and othei 
 . best ; hotel $1 
 Belveil (Gr. T., see page V.| — Kichelieu r. near 
 varieties found ; minnows ;uid worms as bait ; Jun^ 
 p. d.; boats aud bait cheap. 
 Bronipton Falls (Ov. T.)— St. Francis r. at station ; pike, pickerel aud b. b. 
 pike and pickerel nu)st numerous; minnows aud spoons mostly used ; May, Juui 
 aud July best. 
 Capleton (Passumpsic, see page VI.) — Coaticook r. '4 m.; Massawippi r. near- 
 station ; last named best; nuiscalonge, pike, etc.; uiascah>nge most numerous; 
 nunnows as bait. We have no detailed infornuitiou as to guides, hotels, etc., but 
 in this sectiou all charges are moderate. 
 Causapscal (Intercolonial.) — Matapedia r. at station; Angus 1.8 m.; Michauii 
 and t'ausapscal I's. (4) from I'l to l.S m.; tirst named best for walmou and the lake- 
 for trout ; Hies used mostly as bait ; June best month for river and June, July aibl 
 August for lakes ; no regular hotels, but board can be obtained at private houses 
 guides II 50 p. d.; the Indians hsh the 1. during winter, henco the tish are not a- 
 plentiful as formerly. 
 Cedar Hall (Intercolonial.) — Lake Matapedia near station; Mataue r. 4 m... 
 equally good ; lakti trout aud red speckled trout ; both nunun'ous ; minnows. Hie- 
 aud trolls iu use ; June. July and first part of September best ; good board at mo'l- 
 erate price. The lake trout are known as '• totiroudis " loeally. 
 Coteau ((ir. T., see page V.) — Itiver St. Lawrence and r. de Lisle, the St. Law- 
 rence the best; b. b., pike and mascalonge; snails, uiiuuows ami artificial bait* 
 U8ed ; May, June, July an<l Sept. best : hotels ?!1.5(»to $'2p. d.; guides $1.25 p. d 
 boats ${ p. d. There is average g()od fishing here. 
 Des Rivieres (C. v., see page VII.)— Pik<.> r. ', ni.; b. b., and mascalonge 11 
 fci, >ut ('(pial ntimbers ; live aiwl phantom niinnows aiul spoon baits used ; JuU' 
 July and .\ugtist best ; no guides ueeded. Board can be had reasonable. 
 Doncet's Iiauding' (<Jr. T., see page V.)— St. Lawrence r.; mascalonge, dor' 
 (pike-peri'u). etc.; usual l>aits; May aud June best; i)riva(e boarding only. 
 !. -.-! 
 Famham (<'. V., boo paRC VII.) — YamaHka r. rniuun({tliri)ii(;h towu but it Ih 7 m. 
 t l"-.t tifiliiiin unnuul ; IJlack r. IT in.: a>»>)it <'(|iiall.v ^' 1 ; 1i. b., jiiiktTfl, jiiko 
 ui.'l luaMiiloiiKf ; l>ii>s iiiDht iniiiuTdiis : himhiils ami Inc Imit.H uscil nidstly ; Jmii'. 
 ^I'l.t. anil Ort. hi't^t tur hasn and nia.«','aliiii;,rc ; June for jiirkcrrl : iimst any tinu' for 
 )]il>f : liotclH $1 i>. <l.; fjiiidt's .^1 \<. d. willi boat. Tin- masciiion^ic an^ not idi'iitifnl 
 1, ;t wiij^h 12 to 15 lliH. 
 Qasps (<^- i^- i^- •'"•) — Dartmouth r., Vmk r., St. John i'.. Mai liaic r., all within 
 I'tol' lu.; First, Siiond and Third Is. within 4 and bini.: allt^ood; trout and 
 Kiiini't.. thf tirst im>st iiuni<ro\iM ; art. Ilics mostly used; Jun*-, July and AugUf<t 
 li> -t : UotflH !?lu to fVi !>. wctk ; yiiideH $1.50 to i'l i<. d.; boatH 75o p. d. 
 Granby (*'. v., sci- \n\ni- Vll.l — Yamaska r. near station ; jiickcrtd and btillponts ; 
 l,v. luinnoWH or strii s of li^h as baits : tridlinj,' is sonirtinics done, but rivt-r rather 
 t"! rrooki'd : Jniii- and July best; hotels .^1 ji. d.; boats can be obtained usually 
 without i'har;.;e. 
 Grand or Ha Ha Bay (via St. I.awreiuc r. ntr. from t^uebec.i— There is tine 
 Wiit'i' lor sea trout and some sea salnion within reach ; hotels .rl.iiti p. d.; guides 
 *1 to ?1.50. 
 Hlintingrdont^ir. T., see jia^e \'.) — St. I.awreme r., (.'hateaufiuay r., and Chateau- 
 fiiia.\ 1.; the tirst luimed the best tor iiicker( I, jiike, b. b., etc., ami (hateaunuay 1. 
 iiM:(d for trout tishin^' ; worms and artilii ial baits used; May, June, July, August 
 aii'l Seju. best; hotels ,»1.'^.") j). d. ; guides ,*1.5u j). d.; boats .")0e p. d. 
 Isle Verte (Interccdonial) — St. Lawrenoe r. 1 m.; smelts, sea trouts, etc.; smelts 
 iir'~t numerou.s ; beef and worm bait: August and Seiitember best; hotels at 
 rr;i-ouabk' raten ; guides, boats, etc. mo<k'rate. 
 Knowltou (Sou. Kant.) — Broome 1. near by produces numerous aud very large 
 S. U;. h. b. 
 Lachine ((ir. T., see page V.) — I.ake St. I.ouis, on Kiver St. Lawrence ; this lake 
 firms junction between Ottawa and St. Lawrence liivirs : mascalonge, b. b., doro 
 (luki perch), pike, perch, etc.; bass, dore and I'erch most iiuniei'ous ; live minnows 
 ami s| US used as bait ; May, June, August and Sept. best; hotels .■?:( p. d.; guides 
 with boat .*;( p. d.; boats alone i^I p. d. 
 Lacolle (<'r. T.) — Lacolle r. near station; Richelieu r. '^ m., the hist named the 
 hr-t ; b. b., i)ike, perch, etc.: usual baits used ; May and Jime best: hotels, reason- 
 able: boats. moderate. Bloody Island 1 ',, m. from station is a favorite ground with 
 th' local anglers, and also the new bridge ' _. m. distant. 
 Lake Mogantic (Intercolonial.)— Lake Megantic, outlet at this station ; Spicb'r 1. 
 at licud of Lake Megantic i:i i(f.; trout, "lunt,'c" (mascalougel, oisk aud whitefish ; 
 C'.i>k, mascalonge and trout most numerous; minnow and worm bait; ]Man'h, 
 Jnin- and September best; hotels ^Iji. d., y-tp. w.; guides j^l to .-rl'^p. d.; boftts 
 an.l bait very reasonable. Boats and camp o\Ulits at the J^ake Megantic; numerous 
 suialler lakes and ponds nearby where good tishiug can be had. 
 Lake Simon (Q. A: L. St. .T.)— Kiver Kondeau 3 m.; Natural Bridge 2 m.; Black r. 
 (1 Hi.: Lake Simon '^ m.; Kiver I'ierre 10 m ; the three tirst named best ; trout and 
 whitetisli : tirst most numerous; worm and tly lures ; June, July, September aud 
 N'lVfinber best ; hotels, g\iides and boats at moderate i)rices. 
 Little Metis (luteividonial.) — Craig's 1. 4ni.: Gague'sl. 4'j m.; Gendraus 1. 2 m.; 
 .""ith Uange 1. 'J'^j m.; (ieudraus I. best ; trout; Hies and worms used ; Ajiril and July 
 bi-^t; hotels at j^l p. d.; guide $1 p. d.; boats 5oc p. d. The St. Lawrence r. is dis- 
 tant am. 
 Lyster {dr. T., see page V.)— Becancoiir r. 4 m.; whitefish, mascalonge and b. b.; 
 Usual baits used ; May, June and .\ugust best : hotel reasonabh' ; guides at i'l p. d.; 
 boats aud baits can be procured. The resident guides say that they will pilot visit- 
 or-* to good troutiug streams w here excellent sport will be giiaranteed, 
 Masawippi (Passumpsic, see page VI.) — Massawippi L near station; salmon, 
 I'lk'. niasi'alonge and cusk ; pike and mascalonge njost numerous; minnows and 
 tr^lliu'^ spoons as baits ; .\pril, June and Sept'-mlier best ; no regular hotel, but good 
 ac. .iiuniodations can Ije had at verv moderate rates ; boats ,50c p. d. See North Hat- 
 h y, V. Q. 
 Murray Bay (via S. Lawrence S. Nav. Co. from Queb,>c.l— Lakes Gravel, Moren 
 ■■i'-- : I'ther waters from 8 to 20 m. distant yield abundant trout, which are caught in 
 :r I] 
 Juiif. July, and Aiif;. moHtly with the art fly. ' HotflH $l.'2r> U> ji. d.: nuiilt-H .*I 
 to j'l ■"■II ]>. (1. 
 North Hatley (PiiHH<nnj)Hic, Kco i>ii(,'o VI.)— :MaHHawii)i)i 1. ii<ar Htutioii : I.itfl. 
 Mn^o^ 1. 4 In.: Imtli <'<iiially ^iiod hut <litlci'iii(,' in kiiitlH ot' fish ; jiikc, I)iihk, iiiun.-ii- 
 luiinc, "HiiliiKiu " ilaiid lufkc(l), pickend and jicrch ; jiikc. iiiiiHcal<iii^;f, juTch hihI 
 liickficl must imniri'iius ; J^itllc Mat,'<i(» cuntainH niiistlytixTi li and idcki'nd ; liw- 
 i»ait used mostly; Mai'c-h, Ajiril, June, Jidy and Ati^xust licnt; jirivatc Imardini; 
 hnuHt'H first claHS at moderate rate ; ^'iiidcs, rraHonalilc ; lioatn .")iic to.*!)!, d. I'c.r' 
 ti'ullinK .June is tlif best niontli in .Massawipid 1, and lor land-locked RiUnion Mali li 
 and Aiiril. Sec Massawiinii, 1'. t^. 
 Fointe an Chene ('an. P.)— SeviTal 1. lit- within oaHV r<a< hiuf,' (tlstanic when 
 liriidk an<l lako front arc lai'nc and untisually nnnicroUH. Oti I'r watcru cuntaiM lar^'i- 
 Point Claire ('tr. T., sic jiaKo V.)— .st. 
 licnlil, and jicrrii ; jicrch most numerous 
 hotels #1 p. d. 
 Lawrcnec r. 1 ni.: masealon'.'e. doic (jiiki- 
 ; baits used, minnows and worms mostly; 
 (guides ^2 p. d. ; boats ami bait at niodcr- 
 .^ln\, .hinc and .Inly best 
 at« charge. 
 Point Iievi ( < i f. T. )— 
 station ; (irst nanicil be 
 streams where trout an 
 Richmond (<ir. T. 
 \t ', JtlaCK ]'. alio i^a llni'ii ii.<ii^~ iii<~ ii^r.^ i^.i ifiixnviiirni, n(iiiii,'iii<ii\ni^l<'Jiltll> 
 rout, bass, ])ike and othii' kinds ; trout are most abundant : worms, ^;rassho^lJler^ 
 jidon, etc.. as b;iits ; botels iileiity at rcasmuible rates ; f,'uidcH uuueeessary ; Ixiat 
 ...1 1 ..,■* ..* *..;*1; — t 'I'l 1.. .....* «...* 1...; 1...1 *i..i!. ,i _ i. , - 
 Etehcmin r. fini.; rbauilicrc r. 15 in.; St. Lawrence r. at 
 •st for b. b.; second for jiike ; there are some tributary 
 taken; hotels ifl.'iu ji. d.; boatH with man ?^1..'>U to •'.; 
 . May, June and Sei)t. best ; 
 This location affords line lishiuf^ in 
 see jia^e V.) — .St. Francis r., Black r., Salmon cr. aiwl Symonei- 
 and Salmon cr. are the best for brfiok trout : salmon (occasionally', 
 -.-. . „ -- „ts 
 and bait at trilling,' cost. The above waters not ln-int,' K'HU'ded aro flshed at all 
 seasons, hence the vi.sitint,' auj^'l'T must take his chances. 
 Bimoviski (Intorcoloinal.)— St. Lawrence r. ad.ioiidiif; town ami lakes I'i tolV m.; 
 the lakes best for trout; trout and salmon; usual baits ; Au^'ust and Seiitember 
 best ; hotels, guides, boats and bails at moderate prices. 
 River Beaiidette (<ii'. T.)— Kiver Beau'-etto at station; £t. Lawrence r. 1 n,.. 
 last named best; b. b., iiickerel, ijerch, i)ikc and mascalonj,'p ; bass, i)i<kertl ate 
 perch most numerous; minnows and s]ioons as lure; ">• - ■ i .. . . , 
 hotels, guides, and boats at reasonable rates, 
 the sprini^f months, and in the fall. 
 Sayabec (Intercolonial.) — Lake ^fataiiedia 'J m.; trout; small fish are the usual 
 local baits ; Decembei', .laiiuarx . INIarch .iiid June be;^ ; no reyular hotels or guide.-, 
 the latter however, can be hired in the village. 
 Sherbrooke (<>r. T. iS: Passumiisic r. r.)— By making this point hoa)hiuart"r'j 
 anglers ha\c si idioice of good lishing waters. Broiu)iton 1. 12 m., is an excellent 
 lake for trout and "lunge " (lake trotit). Stoki; r. ',» m. has abundant sjieckled troiit. 
 tiuides at .■?! to .^I.TiUp. d. Camping necessary. Best months Juiu' and Sept. Troll 
 with fijioons or live minnows, or bait, or fly lishing. Lake Memphramagog is di.- 
 taiit from Sherbrooke 'Jii ni. Little Magog 1 
 trout, pike, pickertd and perch, is near by. 
 St. Anne's (<'r. T.. seepage V.) — Ottawa r. 'j m.; niascalonge, b. b. aiid pike; 
 b. b. most numerous ; baits used, nunnovvs, sjioons, etc.; 1"> May to end of season; 
 hotels .•r-I.,"i0 p. d. ; guides ^2 to j^H p. d., including boat ; boats at reasonable rate^; 
 iniuuowH 25i' p. doz. 
 St. Arniand (('. V., see page VII.) — Missisquoi Bay, Lake t'hamplain 2 ui.; 
 rike r. i m. and Stricts p. 1 m. : first named best ; pickend, pike, nniscflonge, b. h. 
 and others ; iiickercd most numerous; minnows, crayfish, flies, worms aiul spoons 
 as baits ; June best month ; hot(ds $1 ]). d.; guides ,■?! p. d.; boats .)Uc to .*1 i). d.; 
 bait cheap. The lishing i» exeelleut iu the above waters. 
 St. Dominique (frr. T.. see page V.) — River St. Lawrence Im.; b. b., pike, 
 pickerel, etc.: spoons and worms used ; summer season best ; hotels at reasonable 
 rates ; guiiies and boats can be had. 
 Ste Julie (Hr. T.)— Halifax 1. 2t m.; Black 1. 2(1 m.; about equally good; front 
 and whitetisli, th(^ latter being most numerotis ; usual bait — worms; June, July 
 and .■\ugti8t best ; hotels reasonable. Our correspoudeut writes ; "Fishing is n'^t 
 profuse iu these waters . " I 
 where there is good fishing for laki 
 3t. Pablan (Intorcdldnial.^ — OueHmall lake nfur ntatioji, tuif a>iont 1 m., and 
 • 1 !. 1 111 "11 It 'J 111. ; iiiiiiaiiifd; tlio tbrri.- last iinutiMiicil lirct; tnnit only; tiHUal liaits; 
 I III- . •Iiil\ ami .\^^^;u^t lifst. 
 Ste Flavie ilntcrruliniiai.)— Lakes I'ai|n<t i'liii.: I,akc (iroH HmiHscau Hiii.; 
 1 ,ik' - Kaiiluiil ''I 111.; I.akc ItcrtiUf :i 111.; Lake Harns ii in.: tii>( naliird ticst ; tniut; 
 u.iuiK and art. H\ ; Jiil\ In .-t niuntli ; butids reaM>na)de and diiMe to htutiiui; (,Mii(U'H 
 »J to $'-i 1>. trill. 
 St. Gabriel (<,». 'V T.. St. .1.) — la.'iiiics Carticr r. ', ni.; I.akf St. .lo.scidi Tin.; 
 1;. . . ;■ .\u\ I'lTH' 4 111 . ; ],af dc rihlc !• 111.; Lake Claii' in ni . ; Lai' dc 'I'lslr hcHt ; jiriii- 
 1 allv troiit ; iiiiniiow and woi'iu bait ; Juih', -Iiily and .\nt,'iist Iic.-it ; liofclH at .■j^l ji. 
 1 . : yiiido. lioats and liait iiiodcrjili'. TImtc is ^ood fishing; in tlif Jai'ijnt's CartiiT 
 :■. I;ihi\v the r. r. liiid^if and at Ni'lsou'w Ir^laud I ni. troni r. r. Ktation. 
 St. Hilaire i<'i°. T., sco imm- V.l — Itiidnlicn r. '^ m.: Ii'oqiioiH 1. 'i',, ni.; lirst 
 •I iMii il lust ; li. li., iiirkfi'i'I, iicnli. juki- ami « liiti'tisli ; liass and jiikr inost niinifr- 
 >: minnows, woi nis and tlii-- iisrd as but; .Imif, .Inly and .\iit,'iist best; liottd.-. ,^1 
 t.i .»'j.,".ii i>. d.; lioats at tritliii',' rost . 
 St. Hyacinthe I'ii' T.i— Yamaska r, '. m.: \n\n' and o. h., idkt' l>idn« most 
 li'iiii' rolls; liTi' n.innows nst-d as bait; July and .ViiyiiHt bewt inoutbs; botcl at. 
 li.i'ilil'ate cbai'j.'cs; boats .■lOc, p. d. 
 St. Isidore l^-r. T.i — St. Lawri'tn'c r. 5 ni.: Cliatiannnay r. easily acci'ssiblo, 
 tli. Iiitit r bist; b. b.. iicfrli, etc.; nsiuil bait; -May and Jiinr best; botcls reason- 
 iililt : 1,'ilide.-. ,fl..">ii l>. d.; boats ■? 1 \<. d. 
 St. Lambert ((•>'. 'l. see i^a^'e v. i — St. Lawrence v. ',. m.; b. li., perrli, jdc ken J 
 ■ X> : Usual baits tised; .Ma\, .Innc and Sejifeiiiber best. 
 Tacloxisac (via st. Lawrence i-. str. from (^mbeci — J'lie .Maiijueiite r. in the tido 
 A,i' JO 111.. Little 'rrinify and St. .lean. Trout abundant; .Iiine, .Inly and .Viitj. bt-st; 
 h.'t'ls r^'2]>. d.; K'lides .■Jl to sL."'0. 
 Waterville (<'r. T.)— Massawijijii 1. ."> in.: inascalongp, b. b., ])ike, etc.; iiniHca. 
 ;. ivi iiio.--t nuiueruiis; usual liaits; .July and Aui^nst best; guides) j^2ii, d.; boat.s 
 .-IH.. ,.. d. 
 New Westminster (British t olumbial — Tins waters here abound in salmon 
 aiiii trout, both of which take the art. tly; from May to Nov. is the best season. 
 Mr. Z. S. Hall, of New AVestniinsier writes ns; "Harrison r. and all the a<ljniniu!^ 
 -tieams. Slave r.. Little Lilleor, i'llt Lake and the ri\er ( 'oi|uitlani, as well as all the 
 -mall streams, abound with trout and salmon, and both take the art. tly i^'reedily." 
 :M!'. Hall oilers to furnish further mfonnatioii to interested parties. HoteLs and 
 "thi r ehargert reasouaVile. 
 Bailey (T". P.) — Platte r. at station; trout only; baits lined, flies, gruhs, worms 
 •iiid 'jrasshopiiers; Mav, .Tune, .Julv and Aumist best. This protiiul has been well 
 Baldwin (U. P.)— Ohio cr. at station; trout; minnows and tlies as bait; .\u^ust 
 Jh'i s, j.trlubel' best. 
 Beaver Brook d'. P.) — Bear cr. lo m., reached hy sta^'e. contains larf?e (luantilies 
 I't ( olorailo trout, and has been s. icked with the eastirn bi-ook trout. Lxcclleiit 
 h"t.l aiioiuniodations .--J p. d., .*lo j . w., boats and }j;uides at small char^'i-s. Jiurm;,' 
 tli' be>t luoiiths, .July, Au^;ust and : ept., the art. tly is used with jj;reat success. See 
 Tni AMj.iiu AN .V.siiLKH, vol. VII, i:;;j,'c 41. 
 Boulder (U. P.) — 3 Lakes 1 to ;) m.; Boulder and So. Boulder cr's 5 to 7 m.; in 
 till r> uhitetisb, etc.; in the cr's trout: worms, meat ami art. tlies used; sjiiiut; and 
 tall months best; hotels <'.; p. d.; conveyance, with dri\ er .v I ji. d. : boats can be 
 lucl oil the I's by jiayiti^' loc. p. lb. for all tish taken away. In St. Vrain cr., 10 ni., 
 , Hid 111 other I's 'Jii to ;i.') m. distant, very lai'tie trout cau be taken without restric- 
 tii'ii-. See Loimniont, ('ol. 
 Breckenridg'e d . P.)— Blue r. at station, and its tributaries are ull ^ood. The 
 \v;i'. r- nil- called Tell AI lie cr.. Hock cr.. Moulder cr., Lake and State cr. and Black 
 all' i Cataract 1. Mountain trout identiful; tlies mostly u.sed; July, Aug. and .Sept. 
 Jx'.Ht; liotvlH .«'2..'ii» ti> |:{ \>. il.; no Hpccial K'li'lfH: no Ixiats or ntftx on I'h. Tln^ tr^ ,: 
 wiittTH fxtcml all iilonj{ tlu- IJluc r. ViillfV ami llirnii^li ttif Midillc ami j;>ii'ria I'arK- 
 fi-Miii Ur<'(ktiiri(l|^t! 75 ni. wcstwanl. See Thk Amkuu .vs AN(ii-i;u, April 7, 1hh;{ 
 Buena Viatair. P. k I). \ U. (i.)— ArkannaM r., ("balk cr., Cottouwood cr. anil . 
 all ranily arccsftililt; and K<>'>d: trout fXclHHivtdy ; art. UifH iiiowtly usi'd; Jiun', Jiil\ 
 and AuniiMt bi'Ht; hotidn |'J to ■*:! \>. d.: KUidfs at .f'.;..'i(t j». d.. and found; boatn 'J"., . 
 1(. il., or .i'i !>. d. Irwin I'h, I^iki' and Half Moon cr'n 17 in. (via )•. \ U. <t.) u<\'\ 
 materially to tiit; liHliini.; watern in this nfiuhborhood; n^v for llics, tLif t,'ray hark!. 
 royal coMi I'.nian, ^{riz/.ly kini.; and proft-HHor. Kxcdlunt trontin^;. 
 Buffalo (I '. !'■) — Soiitii I'lattf r. at MUitioii; muiintain nont; wornin mostly iim. I; 
 Juni', J Illy, .Vui^Msf and .Sept. l)(!Mt; hotel j^'i p, d. No Ijoi'Im uucdfd; taki.' wor:i. 
 bait, if you iiMt- it, with you. 
 Cimarron (T>. >V U. (i.)— Cimarron r. in>ar station; Little rimarroii 2 in.; OunnU' ii 
 r. 1 111.; all fiiiially jiood; mountain trout; umiuiI tiiiils, mo.-^tl\ tlii'>; .May. -luir. 
 ,lill>', .\iinust, Sept. and Oi't. hrst; liotfl .*;t 1). d. 'I'litsc arc ri'imrtt-d as line wat' :■ 
 for trcuit; j^oml luiiitinu also; boats and i^iiides not ui'ii'ssary. Ciood lishinj,'. ij 
 bitter in this section. The tish run lar^e. 
 Coal Creek (1>. A: 1{- •'•) — .Vrkansas r. ;i m.; Beaver er. 12 to 1.") m.; last naiie 1 
 best for trout; trout and mullet in the r.; Ilies as liaits; .\pril, .Ma\ , .June ami .Iu.n 
 best: no liotids here. Netting' is the jirineipal method of j^ettin^,' tish at this poinr. 
 Crossou (('. P.) — North Fork of M. Platte r. at statit)n; mountain trout; wori,.. 
 and t^'rasslioppers usual baits; June and .July best; board at private house H.">e. i\ 
 meal. .\ favorite resort for iJenver (Col.) an^jlers. 
 Del Norte (l->. A: R- *'■) — Ui<> (irande r. near station; Peros er. •_' ni.; tirst uaiiiid 
 best: mountain trout; art. Hies and niinnowH Uised; July, August and>;, 
 hotels .■f'J..)!) p. d.; guides not needed. 
 Delta (D. .t R. (»,) — IJunnison r. at station; Surfai-e er. loni.; the last naiiu li 
 ■best for tly rtshinn; salmon, trout and brook trout; the latter most numerous; 
 baits used are Ilies and grasshoppers; May June. .\ii^,'ust ami September ln-st; hot.l 
 $'J p. d.; Surface er. and itw tribiUarieH reported to be a very line trout streah.. 
 The camping grounds are superb and the hunting good. 
 Dillon (I'- P.) — Ten Mile r. and Snake r. unitiii'; near station with Blue r.; fat- 
 arait 1. and blake 1. ItO in.; the two first naiiieil. and the lakes the best; trout; 
 art. Hies, grasshoppers and worms useil; June, .Inly, .Vugust, Sept. aiul Oct. be~t: 
 hotel f.s to .tlop. w.; would have to camp out at tlie lakes; boat.-* j^l p. d. Takr 
 baits with you to the lakes. 
 Dome Kock (I'. P.) — North Fork of S. Platte r. near station: mountain trout: 
 wiUMiis, tr >ut liugs and art. tlies as lures; July and .August best; the trout run fri';i. 
 4 to IH in. long, and are numerous; the best fishing is from 'i'^ ni. below station. ; 
 5 in. aljove it, or begin at Deansbnry and tish to Buffalo cr. No hotels; privat'- 
 board and good camping grounds. 
 Estabrook Park (U. P.) — Platte r. near station; trout; baits are flies, grasshop- 
 pers and worms; May, June, July and August best; boats not needed. 
 Fairplay (V- P.) Four Mile cr. 4 m.: Platte r. l'.i m.; last named best; trout: 
 flies, grasshoppers and art. baits used; July, .Viigust and Sept. best. No otli'-r 
 inforniation forwarded by our corresi)oudeut, but doubtless accoinmodatious aio 
 to be had. 
 Florence (P. it R. (i.)— .Arkansas r. 1 lu.; some trout here; worms, usual bait; 
 June, July and .Vugust best; boats and guides unnecessary. 
 Forks Creek {V. P.)— Bear cr. l.T m-; trout; flies mostly ii.sed; hotels $2 to $i." ' 
 p. d.. .*rj to .■Jl.") p. w.; boats and baits at iionitual cost. Troutdale on Bear cr. i- u 
 favorite flstihing and suninier resort. 
 Fort Collins (F. P.)— Cache la Poudre r. at station; coarse fish only; worm^ 
 visually used as bait; .\ugust and September best; hotels reasonable. 
 Frisco (D. & R. (l.)— Ten Mile r. at station; trout; flies and worms used; Jui.o, 
 July, .\ugust and September: hotel reasonable. Address C. C. Warren as above t'l 
 Oeorgretown (F. P.)— Orand I. !S'i m.; Fra/.ier r. 2-> m.: trout; flies and grasshi p- 
 pers usual t)aits; .\ugust and Septi-niber best; hotel $4 p. d. Expert anglers scui* 
 60 to 15U trout p. d.; the flsh weighing from ,'^ to 3 lb. «ach. 
 Golden d'. 1') — B<'»r fr. about IS m., and Platto r.; the flr^t Im l)i'«t. Trout arw 
 1)1. iititiil mill iir<' fiiu^lit iiiiiiuly with iirt. Ilirn uikI Iim' ^'rllHNllcll)|ll'rH: th».' lutt<-r <-Hn 
 1m . ilitlllrd nil llic l>;illks nt till' Htri'llIllH; .Inly iiliil All^'. hcxt; hntcU .f J Ji. (1., #12. "M) 
 11, u. No fharnf for j,'iiiilt,'M, tiuil tliu boatM art; I'rt'f to f{\iL'HtH of hott'ls. 
 Oi'aud Jiinotiou (I', 't U. (t.)— Kahuali cr. I'J u\.\ I'latouii cr. and brancht-H ;iO to 
 4m, Kdiiii ii-. :io 111.; Itillf ( T. fill 111.: KlPlll■ill^,' I'ork '.to m.; Hoi-k or. loo ni., und 
 (tiMii'i r.; Kork rr. and Uoiinui^ Fork tli<- \w>t; trout in nil, iiiul huIiiiou in (irund r.: 
 Jilt, tlii'" mid Kriiwi^boinicr ■ us liiri's; .Inly, .Vu^'iihI mid ,S»'|itt'iiil(fr lirnt: liotidM i'l to 
 |'J..'>'> |>. d. Loi'iil iiii^icrs llsh till' I'liiti'iiii iT., mid itH lii'MuclieH. All thu wuterH 
 jiiuiii'd tibovi', yitdd liiii) Hjmrt. 
 Oraulte (l'- 1'.)— .Vrkmi.''iiH r. at Htation; Clear i-r. .'I iii.; Twin I'm •'■ \n:: Lake cr, 'i 
 11... .ili'iiit «Miual; trmit iirinciimlly ; llirs, ^iriiKulioiiiifrH and ^riibn; hotelH |:t ji. d.; 
 |...;it- ou I'h at i'lOc. i>. li. No ({uidt'H uet'iU-d; very good troutiug. 
 Grant (I'. 1'.) South I'latte r. near Htation: trout; worniHand tlieH; July, .A-uyiiHt 
 ail. I s, pti'iiiln'r beet; hotel $V> \<. \v.; no Imiits or guides rei|Uired. 
 Gunnison (1>. A: U. <K> — Toniicdii cr. 1 m.; (JunniMon r. 1 in.; Taylor r. Vl ni.; 
 l..i-i I . I.; 111.; the two last nmiied bc-t; luoiiutain and Maliiiou trout; ttrst nioHt 
 iiiiiiii'rous; tlicH and minnows iiioi..tly used; July, August, Sej)! . and Oct. best; 
 h'ltils .■'■J to #4 p. d.; minnows loc. to l,")c. \i . do/.. The local anglers use tho 
 tiuiiiiisou r. for early fishing; they go VI ni. down and tisli with iMiniiows. Tayl 
 it. 1 l/i^t r's are their favoritu waters for Hy tisbiug. Other cr"s adjacent, furnish 
 H r ..1 tiout Sport. 
 Haydens(l). -v K. a.) — .Vrkansas r. near stjition; Twin Lakes r> m.; last named 
 li.-i. .-:iliiioii and siiiikled trout, the last most nunuu'ous; worms and Hies usual 
 li.iit-: -July and August best; hotel at reasiuuiblo rate; boats and bait moderate. 
 Henry (1>. i'^: H. (i.)— Itio (Grande r. 1'^ m.; Umk cr. 4 m.; first mimed liPst; 
 ill ..MtLiii trout mid .■^aliiioii trout: latter most numerous; flies and minimws in use; 
 .]:;;>, .August, SejiV. Oct. and Nov. best: hotel *'J p. d.; wading is the iiractiee aiuoUf} 
 1'. Ill anglers; good fishing waters. 
 Howards (1>. <!c U. (t.) — .\rkansas r. niiir station: contains coarse fish; mountain 
 t!' ut 111 lakes in the mountains; worms, t;rubs and flies as baits; March, June aud 
 early July best; l)oats not used. 
 Idaho Spring's (T. P.)— Hear cr. 12 m.; Chicago Is. U m.; last named best; 
 111" intiiui trout; baits are artificial Hies and worms; June, July and .\ugust best; 
 h"'. Is .f'i to #1 \). d. Xo guides needed; no charge for boats; no hotels at the 
 it i 
 usual Viait. 
 ulv; won:!-! 
 Ijruatio(l>. .V K. (r,)— I,os I'iiias r. ', m.: trout, tlies, miuuuws and frogs are 
 u-iil; August and Seiitemlicr best; our cori'i'siioudent writes: '-The I'te Agent savs 
 li^iuiig or hunting is not allowed on the lieservation except by the employees.. 
 Loadvilleir. P.)— Twin Lakes :i ni.: Arkansas r. 2 m.; Eagle r., Ten Mile cr.; 
 l'i',\ lUg Pan cr., and numerous other creeks all accessible; first named best; trout: 
 w.iiius early in spring, and tliis later are used; June; July, .Viigust and 
 S'litiiiiber best; hotels .f'2 to >4 p. d.: boats citn be had cheap. The trout average 
 ali.'iit t> o/,., but one of i:t lbs. was caught winter in Twin Lakes. Excellent 
 Littleton (C. P.)— J. W. Uowles, of this place has several pds. 1 ' ;ni. dis- 
 t;oii witli croppies, b. b. and Clerman carp, and iiermission must be obtained from 
 luiii iM tish. 
 Longmont ( r. P. )— St. Vrain r. north and smith branches 12 m.: both eipiallv 
 gond; trout; art. flies used; .Vugiist and September best; hotel .■f'J to .■?4 p. d". 
 Kstis Park :tu miles from this place is noted fur its fine trout fishing; a daily stage 
 liUf is run in summer season. The hotel charges in tho Park are $18 p." w.,'at 
 li'Mi'diug houses flu p. w. 
 Malta ( D. iV: R. (r.)— Evergreen Lakes (private) 2'j m.: Becker's Lakes (private) 
 4 ii., luvt named l>e«it; trout, sunfish and b. b.; mountain trout most numerous; 
 artiiicial fly mostly used; July aud August best: hotel at Evergreen, also boats. 
 Manitou (I>. \- K. <r. 
 t.i.' viciuitv. 
 ■Trout cr., and ^lanitou Park 1. about 17 tn.: first named 
 3rs in 
 ')• -• lirook trout; tlies used only; May to October best; hotels .*:( p. d.: these 
 pnvate waters, and 'i-'ic. p. lb. is charged for all fl-ih caught. No pu))lie waters 
 McO««s iC. P.)— Trout cr. at «tatiou; trout odI.t; Aitm aud graMHlmiiiivrH km bnii; 
 Muy auil JiiiDt bi'Ht; giildcH and tioatH not required. 
 Mearail>. .V It. <«.)— Silvir cr. mar Htatiou, riniuutaiu or linrnk tmut; lulniii'Ws 
 mill iiitllKiiil rtit'M iiMfd; ,Uuii', July, AiikuhI tnn) Si-pt. beut; linttl at raaHoiiuM.' 
 Montrose (I), ■'v; H. <>.)— Uuconipahnre r., Ciiiiarnm r., Cow cr., DuMhh r. uU l" 
 to 'Jii niiIrN; |)allaH and ('iiiiarruii rV. Ix'nI; iiioiiutuin trniit and \vliit<'li>li; 
 lirst iiiiisf iiuiiirriiUH; flics, ^'raHshniiiicrs, wcirniM etc.; Aiiril, May and .luiic bisi; 
 liotclM *'J til .*:f ]p. d. Stii^cH run to tiic tiHliin^^ t;iMimdH wbioU ari- ttrnt claHH. 'i'Li« 
 hcctiou atl'nrdH fiiciliJ'<'« 'or iiniHt excellent truutin^'. 
 Nathrop (f. P. A: P. & R. (*.)— ('balk cr. '.. in.: .VrkaUHaM r. 'j m.: tlr^t nann ,| 
 licil; ti'dut: ai'tltlcial fly, ^'raHMbii])pcr and urub uh baifn; May to Octuber bent; bntcl 
 ^'J p. d. (•(Mill tinliin;^ Hcctiiin; limitH nut needed. 
 Ohio City (I'. P. !— (,>nart/. cr. at station; nmnntain truut; rticH and (.'raHsbuiiiurs 
 Usual liait; -lidy, .Vu^ust aud Siiitouiber bust; botel #2 p. d.; bnats and guiib'H U't 
 Parkdale (I>. iV: It. •>.) — .VrkHiixaH r. lU'ar Htatiou: trmit only; wnrniH, (^nibs, 
 k'rassliii]i|iciH and niinnnws: .\iiril, .^bly, Septenitier anil Oclnlier liesi; privaie 
 iicci mini I Ilia til ins can be bad: boats and i^'uides not wanted; tin- trout run ' . to 'i lbs. 
 aud are fairly abundant, (iood troutini^'. 
 Parlins |I>. >V It. ( i.i — Toniicbi cr. and (,)iiart/ ci-,; lirst named best; tmnt; woriii-i 
 and iiiiniiowH baits used; .July aud Sejiteliiber liest; liotel .-.-j | . d, Tbe truut run 
 lar^'c aud areabuudaut: guideH aud boatN Uot ueeded. 
 Peun Oulch d'. P.)— Four Mib; cr. at ntation; some trout takeu here, liut tlsbiii.' 
 rather inditlerent. 
 Pine Qrove il'. P.) — ^<o. Platte r. at statiou; trout; flieH aud wood i^rulm uweil un 
 bait: hotel .■»'-• p. d. This water is well (Ished by vlHitiUK aunlers I'rom Keuver an. I 
 tither jilaces, 
 Pitkin (I'. P.)— (Quartz, cr. at stHtioti; 'roniichi cr. K iii.; last named bent; luouii- 
 tain trout; Hies used mostly: .luly aud .XuKUst best: hotfls at .f:i p. d. 
 Platte River iC P.i— South fork of tho S. Fork of Platte r.; trout; usual bail-; 
 ■Tilly, Auj^'Ust and .Siiit. best; tisbiu^; reported j;iiod at this place, lioats uot neeib i\. 
 Red Cliffe (1>. i'^: U. (b)— Kanle r. at station; trout only; tlies aud mann'^ts in 
 liaits; ./uly, Au>,'ust aiul September best; hotel $'2.50 p. d.; jjuides can be had .it 
 reasouable rate. Boats aud tiuidt;s uuutM-t'Hsary. 
 Riverside 1 1 >. >V U. a.) — .\rkausas r. at station; trout: urasHhoppers aud gruli- 
 Worms; Juue aud July best; hotelH t!1.50 p. d.; no UHe for boatH or guides. 
 Robinson (D. .'c It. G.)— Ten Mile r. (see FriHCo, Col.) 
 Roctwood (1>. A: K. <'.) — Atujuoh r. 1 'a iii.; trout oidy: flies aud ^jrasshoppi i s 
 usual baits; .Vu^'ust aud September best: hotel .f'.' p. d. A do/en tish ( 'j to ;t 111-. 
 tiw'h, 1 lb. beiu),' the average) is called a ^;ood day's creel by local autilers. 
 Sapinero (!>• >V It. G.) — Sapiiu-ro cr. 1 m.; Lake Fork 1 ui.; (riiuuisou r. uiir 
 station: last named liest: trout: tUes mostly an bait; .\ugUHt aud Nei)tember be>t; 
 hotel #•_' p. d.; guides tiuuecessary. 
 Silverton (1). .^- K. G.)— Fish I's. and San Mi^niel r. 17 ni.; first named lust; 
 speckled, "I'eil bellied" and "blue trout:" speckled trotit most uumerous; ^jra.-s- 
 hoppers aud tlies usual baits; .July, .-Vunust and Sept. best: no rcj^ular hotels, but 
 good accoiniuodatious cau be had; boats :?1 p. d. (.iood huutiuy as well as tishiiiu'. 
 8t. Elmo (T. P.) — t'halk cr. near station: Griz/ly 1. :< m.; both about eijually 
 (iood: trout; flies and minnows as bait; .Iiuie and .luly best; hotel ?'J p. d., ;flu [<• 
 w.; boats aud bait at uouiinal prices. The trout are large aud pleutifiil. 
 Texas Creek (!>. A; K. G.) — Arkausas r. near statiou; wpeckled trout only; flies, 
 grasshoppers, and artificial flies as baits: .TuiU'. .July, .\UKUst aud Sept. best; hotel 
 Jl p. d. iJoats and guides not needed. Fishiug reported good. 
 Villa Grove (1 >. .'t R. G.) — Upper .Seiiuacho r. 40 ni., speckled trout; grassle)- 
 jifrs and artificial flies used: Sept., Oct and Nii\'. best; hotels #'2 ji. d.; I'KUipiii^' 
 necessary at I'lshiug ground: deer, antelope, grmise aud other gamu abouud; (^uuIh 
 wivU team at *0 p. d. £xcelleutlishiiig aiid hunting. 
 Imt tisliiii,' 
 eut; mouii- 
 Wagron Wheel Oap IP, A- I?, a )— nio Onmrlo r. at station: tnmt; Aivn un»>d; 
 li"' I I'iii I •■! .IuIn. Ail>iilht iiliil Niptfllilii r \u Nf liotclc i^^ to i'i l>. ^\. 
 Windsor (T. 1'.— Tlio rpiicr t'lichi- In I'luulrc 'il\ t<> !•'• in. iliHtHiit, foiitiiiuM iittiir 
 , jiMiiiiiN '<t tmut. Tiny an- tiikcii with tlif artilii iul tly in July ami AuyUftt. 
 Audover (N. Y. A: X. E.l— tMlniulpii p. I m.; So. Covfiitry \k fl in.; Qtiarryvillc 
 |i|-:iiii.; Hop r. ', 111., and IJ trout biooiwH within ."> ni.; all KootI: trout in ludukH 
 itil li. Ii.. I'ikf, JK Tch, etc. in jiomU: lialtn aif froKH, wornin, (lo>>M<inH, etc.; .lui.n 
 ,11,1 Siiitrniliir hcst months; liotil *1 \>. t\.: miidcM ,*'J ji. i!.; hoiitM )il)'iitifiil, .".o,.. 
 I . 1. .Some ^'ooil hliooting liiif also. Kinbin^; iu ('olniiiliiu p. ih roMtricti'il until 
 I ill. 1. 1H«5. 
 Ansonia lNau^atu>k >— HouHatouir r. arrtsHilili'; jiikt- ami trout; flrHt most 
 (Hiiiii iiiis; u.-ual halts: hotel .»l.."io j,. d ; hoats ami haitn at HUiall coHt. 
 Broad Brook (N. Y \- X. K.i— Hiou.I Hi k str. mar Htation. trout iirimiiially: 
 :!•- 11-1(1: .May and 'luuo hcKt; liotcl rtasou:ihlc. 
 Btirrville (Nau«nt<irk)) — AVcst Hill 'J', m.; I.ouk 1. '-* in.; Murr'n j). ',ni.and 
 Mill r.: Loii^ 1. hi'Ht: iiiikcnd h. h and trout: hasn and pii'krrcl most nunnrous; 
 ;-uiil halts; .luiu> to N'ovi'iuhfr hcst; iirivatu hoardiUfj can h<- ohtaint'd; guid,>at 
 :iii-ouahlL' char^^'f; hoats .")(J c. j). d. 
 Central Villag'e (N Y. \- N. K.) — MooHUp r. '„' in: Moofuii> ji. i in., and Ktvcral 
 ff.iii hionks mar-: Modsup ji. and hrooks hcHt: h. h., iicnh, pirki-rid and tronl: 
 Wilms ami dohsons as halts; .Xpi'il, May ami SrptcnihtT hrst; hotels .■fl 'J.') p. d,; 
 i^uidt s .f 1 to .*2 p. (1.; hoatw and halt reasoiiahle. 
 Chapinville ( H . \- C. W.)— Twin I's. near station; Hit; p. and Hound p. easily 
 ;ir, 1 -~lhle; lake tt'out. h. h.. whitetlsh. I)iekerel. )ie:'eh ete.: piekerel, wlutelish and 
 1.1-- most liuiuerous; shiiu'rs. ininiiowH ele. as halts: hotel #(1 ]i. w.; guides .*l..">o hoats oiie p. d.; haitH ,'iue. p. Ion. (jur I'urresptjudcut writes ; " C'au catch a 
 uji>.- of ttMh anytime, all you want." 
 Danielsonvllle (N. Y. ,'\.- X. F..)— QuineliauK r. and Killint,'ly p. 1 to '1 mV from 
 -t.iiMii; la-t named hist: h. h., jiieki rel and jiereh: pickerel most numerous: halts 
 !■• wiirnis, crickets. Hies etc.; July, .\U(,'UHt aud Septfinber hest; hotelH rt>aHoiiu1>k'; 
 i..ihks do.; boats •Ji'n- p. h. 
 Dayville (X. Y. & X. E.) — .VlexanderH 1. I'l m.; h. h.; wiu-inH, flics etc. as bait; 
 Jiii.s and Auuust best; hotel $'.' p. d; bouts liic p. h. Said to he j^ood liHliinn; no 
 t;ii(ks required. 
 East Hampton (li. & X. Y. .\. I,, i— Ijike Pocotapoque }i m.; excellent hhuiII 
 '.."iith h. h. lishiug; acomiuodatioUH good. 
 East Thompson iX. Y. .i;- X. E. i— C'hanbnn^'ft^iun^,'anlau^,' p.; Loun p.; Round i).; 
 \Val. tield J).; Iteservoir ji.; all Within •! m.: lirst named best; b. b.. perch etc.; bass 
 i,i"-t numerous; nhiners usual bait: I'all best season; no hotels nearer than Weh- 
 ^ttI■, .Mass., 7 ni.;' guides at Haiue place. 
 Elling'ton (X. Y. ^'c X. E.i— Belchers p. 1 m.; Sijuare \i. -J',, m.: Broad Brook str. 
 I'-ii..; Meadow br. 1 m.; about eijually fiood; trout, h. b., jiickerel, salmon trout 
 It..: Usual baits; June and .\utiUHt best; hotels .■?! p. d.; boats can be had. 
 Fairfield (X. Y. X. U.k H.)— «ee Sontbport, Conn. 
 Parmington (X. H. .t X. )— Zach's br. •_' m.: Poplar Swamp br. 3 m.; .Scott 
 '>\v.iiiip l)r. 1 '^ m.; about ecjually yooil: trout: jiercli and bass in Farminnton r.: 
 ^^"nn-, minnows and tlies used; for tr(Mit .\pril to June best; hotels i-i p. d.; boats 
 ■ttii l.i' had. 
 rorestville (X. Y. .V X. E.l— Cedar Swamp 5 m.; old Marsh .') m.; Shuttle 
 M' iiImw t'l 111., first named best : pi rch. pickerel etc.; pickerel most numerous: live 
 ■II' minnows etc.; Eebrua:'v. May and Seiitember best: hotel j-LM ji. d,; KUido 
 ^-1' d.: boats .fl p. d.; bait^sl ]i. hundred. The above waters are reported to us 
 •IS 1" ;ii^' as )4ood as any in the sUite of Conn. 
 Grosvenordale iX. Y. .^ X. E.)— >Vebster p. •'. i*.: Shumway br. 'i ni.; first 
 i.aii:.d best for b. 1... aTid. brook for trout: bass and trout beiiiti the principal 
 ^an.tics; worms and dubsuus usual baits; spring and summer best seasons; Lioats 
 •'"0 1', d. 
 Hartford (Kf>arh(Ml by 4 r. r.) — A few t^nod tront stroan.-j near hy in whii-h hou.c 
 fiii(; tish and fair cri't'lH lire takt'ii. I-oi-al aii^,'lfrM kimw their whi-rt'iil" iits and ar.- 
 duuhtloHH chary in diviiljtiiiif localitifs. Sec Thk AMtuicAN Am.i Kii, XH!. Ill, ji. 41 i. 
 Kawlesrvllle (N. V. A: X. E.) — Taunton \t. aci'eHsihlt>; h. b., ]it;r<'h am' pifkenl: 
 tlif two hitttT luoMt utuniToti.s; wuriiiM and niiuuuw.s as bait; Jaiumry, February :i:,l 
 Hop River (N- Y. .fc N. i:. l— Cidtunbia ronorvoir 3 m.: Hop r. near ,-titi >n; Lak^ 
 X\aiiniiinb'iuj,' 2 '^. ni.: tirnt iiunied best; b. b.. i)i('kerel and yellow jiendi; live- bail 
 and trolling; May best for i>ickerel, and Aiit,'UHt for liass; guides ean bi' lad; al-.. 
 boats Tr>c to f 1 ]i. d. Ati)reHent there is a law inohibitint,' tishinn in restTN oir, b;i; 
 a bill ih before the le^'islature ti) repeal it. The b. b. run larjie, 
 Iiakeville (H. .^ C. W.i— Lake '\V(^(i.,)nsi'ojHininc at station: r,oud p. 2 in.: i\b.i:t 
 equal; b. li., jpieker-d, jierch aiul lake trcnit; bass and pieki-rel most nuineioi;. 
 minnows ami i-| u hooks used; Augiist, Septeinbei' and ()etid>er best; hot'\- 
 moderate; boats and bait to be hud. 
 LitchfleldlShepaut;)— Kast and west br.nich of Shepant; and Bantam r.; Bantarn 
 1., Little and Mt. 'I'om ponds. The best are the tiiree last named. B. b., troiu, 
 pickerel and yellow perch; the bass run lar>,'e, ;{ to 5', lbs.; fly I'shinK for huth 
 tro\it and b. b. noixl; hotels .r l..">o p. d. ; <;ui(ies f uri.ished free at tne Bantam Lak.' 
 iIo\is<'; boats .'ioc p. d.; baits — live minnows and" bluoixers " (helgramitesi; May tv 
 Nov. best for la'<e tish, April to July for tru\it. 
 Melrose (N. Y. <t N. E.l— Broad Brook str. '^ '"•: tn.nt princi,ially; worn,- 
 mostly used as bait; May and Jiiue bent; hotel f 1 p. d. (iuides and boats u it 
 Milford(N'. Y. .^ N. H.) — Housatonic r. 2 ni.; NVopewaun r. near station; Lnn:.' 
 Island Sound also near; Indian r. accessible; Lont,' Island Sound ''.ud Housatoui. r 
 l)i'st; houiiders, spanisli niackertd. jierch, striped bass, bluelish, weitktish, blackti-i. 
 -and others; bl^idifish, iduelish, weaktish and flounders mosv nuuieroiis; baits soft 
 ,shell dams, fiddlers, minnows, crabs etc.; tile best season for hhicktish. May t 
 Nov.; for bhietish, .\u','. to Oct.; weakti.-h, June to O.'t.; hottd.s .*•> to .*lii j). \', 
 j,'uides, with boats, lines and bait, f:) to .»il p. d., accordiUf,' U party; flood tide be ■ 
 This is a good lishiut.' sei'tiou. 
 Mill Plain (N. Y. iv- N. E )— Lake Kenosia 1 ni.; Bo^'jjs 1. '., m.: Peach 1. 4 i 
 aid thrie smaller ones within 2 iiL.: the three first best white and yellow jier 
 pickerel, b. b. ai.d catlish- live bait mostly use<l June, July and September l^-- 
 hotel .*2 p. d.; tiuides at moderate cliarges 1>oats Twic p. d.; Peach Lis the fa^ ■• ■ 
 for b. 1). and white perch, 
 Moosup (^^ Y. \: N. E.l— Moosiqi p. 1', m. and several ^'ood troiu brook.n ne,,: 
 fi'vt luimed I'est: b. b. and iiickeul; usual baits; June best; hotel S'J ]). d.: I 
 clrp. 10 111. distant is reported to be a tine b. b. water. Snake Mead> 
 br. near station j^ives fair troutiug t)t times. 
 New Britain I N. Y. .^ N E.)— Slnttle Meadow reservoir 4 
 p.ickerel; perch nnst numerous; live bait and worms; May to October 'in<dn 
 ni.; b, b., perch 
 best season: 
 Verv suci'ess 
 hotel or guides; boats .*1..')U \i. d.; tishillg for p- 
 idi i 
 s sometiu.' 
 New Hartfoid (H. .V <'. W.i— West Hill p. .T m.; Gri^euwood's p . ', ni.: the tr ■ 
 biook.'^ ari' all posted, tishing not allowed in tliem. Both of the jionds nn'niioi,. i 
 are very (,'ocd for b. b. ancl jiickerel, the former most nunM':'ous: • .Si^rabbU; -" 
 (didisonsi, minnows and wcirms are used as baits; April, May, June, Oct., lii 
 Jan. and 1(d)., an the best months; hotels #2 i>, d,; baits sbotlKl be brought 1' 
 anglers^ boats chea]); no professional guides, 
 New liOndou (N. Y, \- N, E.)— Lake Konomoc, the reservoir of New Lon.i-i 
 gi\es go, >d b. b. fishing. .Vcross the river at Oroton is a favorite ,>-ipot for le i 
 anglers; some gooil striped bass groiiuds are near this station. 
 New Preston (Shepatigl— Waramang 1. :^i m.: Bee br, ', ni,: Shepaug r i 
 Tods; the first named best; b, b,, pickeitd, pike and inndi and all are jilt i r; 
 fill: minnows, •bloomers" (dobsousi, and worms are the baits used bv !- i! 
 au'/lers. Some trout in Bee br. The law says "No tishing frtmi Jan. 1 to JuU 
 Wiraniaug 1." Hotels reasonable; guides .■?! to ^.i p. d. by coutraot; boats 50c ] li 
 Dob.son ■. Ic each. Seo ^Va6hiugtou, Conn. 
 rh hoi;.' 
 auil :i' 
 II. 1). 41 
 ■uiiry ;i: 
 , >u: Lai.' 
 live 1ki: 
 1 ail: ;il- 
 r\('ir. 1' 
 III.: i'.l"' 
 'St; b«jt'.- 
 .; Bantatii 
 1)., trout. 
 ; for both 
 itiim Lak'> 
 )rt); May iv 
 lly: woriiK 
 I lioatH li't 
 ition; Loiu' 
 lUMatoui' r 
 li, hlackti-!: 
 baits— s. 'ft May t 
 1) #ii) J), u., 
 |l tiile hv-\. 
 ■h. 1. 4 II. ; 
 l4)W pt'f !' 
 iImT t"-t 
 • favont'.' 
 cioki-i iit'iir, 
 ;-■ Mea.l-'tt 
 lii-ri'h a'. 
 ill. 'In-! 
 >j' 'iiu'tii:.' 
 .: th.- tr 
 ■i.-rabbl. ■ - 
 Oct.. !'• 
 )i'i)vitilit 1': 
 t for 
 1- 4" 
 1 arc 111' ' 
 .1 bv 1' 
 JHevrtovrat'S. \'. k y. V.) — Fountain 1. -^ni.; Hoiisatonic r. 1 m.: about t'<inalr. 
 1 I'lki' and I'trdi: baf^n nio.^t iimiifnius: \iaits aif '• .Mli^'ato^.K " (lielnraiuites), 
 , i». iiiitiiu'ws ami i-riiki'tH; lice, and .Ian., .Iiiiic, July and .\ut,'U.'<t bcHt; liotclM :t2 
 . -1 ; I'liidts reasonable; biiatH '-;."»• \t. h. or Otic p. d.; bait .*1 i>. \'»i. 
 Niantlc (N. Y. N. H. .V H. to Kast T-ynuo — Lake Kononmc and Sturdcvants }i. 
 ■ . ;■ I'V iirtiud b. li., iitrcli and i'ickci'il: usual baits; at tin- Toll brid^ic, salt wati-r 
 •>;. ' nil bi i-aittibt — imrniei*. ceabass, tlouiulfrs, bhu', sbt'eiishi'a<land wcaktisLi. 
 i I., •.triiiid basH at tinics five t'Xi.i-lli-nt sixirt. .\cci)iuni<idations ^ood aiul 
 . ,,-• liable. 
 Norfolk (H. .V t'. W.l— Reservoir "2 111.: Tnbeyji. 1 in.; I'ond Hill ]). I in.: Doo- 
 ,ttl'' ji. e 111.: Siiiitliii. am.; I itiiaan .Mountain ji. 'i ni. : Dnolittle ji. and Ueser\oir best; 
 li. 1'.. jiickerel and iierch: ]iiikerel most uiinieroiis: live bait iiinstly used: June and 
 >, It. best fur bass, end all tlie sunmier niniifhs fiU' jiiekerel: jileiity uf bdardin^; 
 ii. lilies at .*.") to :?!'• II. w. ; bnats j.lenty at U."ie \\. d. Tliere are trmit lii'ciiiks in tlii.'^ 
 '. :( iiiity, with the trout iibuiidaiit. Tho tishin;^ for jiiekerel is reiiorted \ery tine. 
 No. Windham (N. Y. A: N. K.i— Natebaun r. '.; m.: teuton r. 1', m.: Stono- 
 ,-' bf. J 111., 'iiii i-ers b.'. 1 III. ; IJeaver br. "J m . ; Merriek br. 2'^ iii.; NatchaUii 
 r .iii'i St<iuehaiii br. best; b. b., jiei'i-li, iiickerel, brook trout, roach, catlisli etc.; 
 ,ili kuids of baits which are usually used; .June and J'.ily best in the river, eailiei 
 I. I'li'iiks, and in winter throii!.'h the ice; iierinits must !"■ olitaiiied to lish for 
 Norwich ' '. V. \ N. Y. .1- -'. I", i— Between Norwich tind the mouth of the Thames 
 r :!i. >.c\criil \:irietic:; ,it brackish water tiwh. \ few b. b.. striped bass (salt Witterl. 
 wliit'' and yellow i-ercli are taken uji to (Ireeiiville dam 1 m. above Norwich. Tho 
 l"ll'i\viiif< rivers, easily reached, have some l)ass, Jiickerel and coarse lish. Ytintic, 
 Sh' lU'-kel. Little Hiver and (^uinuebauti: the b. b are liowever disiiiipeiiriin,'; 
 witliin ii radius of litui. are several lakes coiitainiii(» b. b. iiiid otlii r tish. There 
 ;iri- J. any trout strciiius within lo to I'J m., some of which .«till furnish +'air creels. 
 (lar'lii'i's 1. 4 m. tiiv.s fair s. m. b. ti. sixu't; Jul\, Ana. and Sept. are tlie best 
 l"r tliiiu; hotels $l.'A> to $;i p, tl. See Thk Amehiian .\N"<ii.i;ii, \'ol. HI p. -j;;!. 
 Plainfteld (N. Y. \- N. E. I — Frye's ji, U ni.: Psu'ker's p. 3 m.; last named best; 
 I i ' I' 1. trout itc; pickerel most uuniertius; April, May, June ami July best, 
 ii. 1.1- .''J p. d. 
 Rockville (N. Y. \- N. E. ) — Snipsic 1, 1 n>.; Bolton reservoir 4 m.: first Tiamed 
 ' . -!. I'. Ii.. villow perch, pickerel etc.; b, b. most nunu'rous; worms, frog's, toads, 
 .i.t-shoppers etc. as baits: .\pril. May and Seiitember best; hotel *-j to .■S-.i..")0 p. d.: 
 i'"iit- loc ]i. h. The b. b. are jiletitifiil but erratic, in their biting' humors. .\ few 
 ■! lit laii be i-auyht iu ailjaceut br<ioks • 
 Roxbnry iShepau^;) — Shepau^ r. near by and several small brooks wliich contain 
 •! It; I'tacUi lehiib or winrishi in the r. Trout law reHtrict.s tishitij,' to April, May 
 :[.■'[ iiiui-. Sec New I'restui', ColiU. 
 Sandy Hook (N'. Y. .'*: N. V. < — Housatoiiic r. ,, m.; Taunton 1. :i m.; first 
 n.iiie il best; b. b., ])ickerel and yellow )ier(h: bass in the majority; baits — worms. 
 li' ;L.'iaiiiites and minnows; July, .Vnnust, September and October: Jiotcls .*1 to 
 •1 'i"]'. d.; boat at reasonable prices. The b. b. are taken at time.-; in f.iir niim- 
 )"-r- "lit of the Hoiisalouic. 
 Shepatlg" (Shepiiut;)— Housatonic and Sli(>paU}i r. 5u to loii yds. : the former best: 
 !i. !'.. loach, trout and perch; the bass and trout most numerous; local baits are 
 Worms, •• Allifratoi's" (dobsons I, toads, newts and i-rickets; July, .Vut;. and Sept. 
 l„.vt i.|"ntli>: "boats 'Joe p. d. ; lio guides ueedid ; hotel charges unknown . 
 Southford (N. Y. .V N, K. )— Quassaiiaufi 1. :t'. m.: t^nassapauH r. '., m.: trout 
 ]'i'i>' re), b, b.. percli etc.; ^lay and June best for trout and bass; hotel t-l p. <1.: 
 liri'.;i!e boardint.' less; ),'uides can be iirociired: boats .">oc p. d., and baits :?1 )>. loii. 
 ■ \;i.le dofis " is the local name tor the helj/ramite or dobson bait. See Sandy 
 H" i:. (•"!!i,, 
 Southport iN. Y, N, H. it H./ — Loiiv; Island Sound and month of !\Illl r. ^, m.. 
 ■<iiii " 1 li;e.s, bluetish, frost lish, blacktish etc.; ail numerous; minnows, soft crabs, 
 cl.i!:-. "iirimp eti'. as baits; Aufitist and September best for lilueiish and striped 
 I'H--; 1 1, tuber, l)eceinb''r aiul January for frost tish; hotels at vi'ry leaHonable 
 u<- > boats 'J-V p. h.: bait reasoiialile. 
 South Windham (N. Y. .^- N, E.l— Shetucket r. near station: b. b. moHtly taken 
 ■'' '■'■ ^ I'S'ii and iroj,' bait; hotel *1 ]i, d.; tishiuK is not attractive. 
 Stafford (<'. V., nee jiaKc VII)— C'ryHtal 1. Ji m.: Marshaiiauii*l. 12 ni.: la«t nani..| 
 best; iiiikiTcl, ixTch iiiiil N. la. 1). 1).; jx'Tcli ami l)a^.s must iiiiiiiiT(>u.>i; l)aitH u-<,l 
 arc iiiiiiiKiws, li(lt,'raiiiitis, firasshopix-rs etc.; July 1 ti> Ort. 1 ln-.-t; l>oatf< r>i)i.' ji. .1. 
 The li. 1). take till riy in Mai>hai)aii« 1. 
 State Line (H. .V; C. W.)— Indian p. 1 '. ni.: Riuld j). 1 ni.; both e(iuall\ k""!. 
 Ii. !i.. jiickcnl, latlish etc.; baMH aud picki-rt'l nniwt imiiiiTous; baits an- uiiiinm,,, 
 ^Ta-JsliciiipcrH and wormn; July, AugiiHt aud September buHt; hotels at cl to $-' p. 
 d. includin^fboatH. 
 Sterling" (N. Y. i^ N. K.)—Q\iandiu'k r.; Moosnp r.; Dye Houhc)).. New Mill ; 
 Moosup]!.; I'orter Saw Millji.: Heh Hollow p.: Bccih ]i.: all within 5 ui.; Kom.- 
 quite near; b. b., plckerrl, tro\it, ixTch etc.; piekerel most numerous: worm, 
 insects and live baits. Beach \>. tjives excellent )> b lishinK. Trout tishint^ in ih>' 
 S])rinj,' in this immediate section is very fair. .\ut,'nst i.-t reported to be the h.>t 
 montli for h. b. (iiiidea if'J p. d.; boais cheap; board can be had at pruat' 
 Stoningrtou (Via Stoninnton Line from New York) — Stonin^tou harbor 'j in . 
 rau^'uatuck r. .^m.; the first best. Salt water lish on usual baits: April and Sept 
 on the tbiod ti<le is the most t'a^(lrable time; hotels il to JIl, i^uidea $1 and Itoats f j 
 p. d. Kxcellent hshiny is reported. 
 TariffVille (H. .<: C. W'.)— Farminntou r 'i m.; Marsh p. 1 m.: tirst luinied bi -:; 
 pickerel and b. i).; live bait niostly used; taken both winter and summer; hot' I- 
 .*."> to .■?!() p. w.; guides .*'i p. d.; boats .">oc p. d. A few trout iii iiostenl (by tarnit!'- 
 Thomaston (N'aut,'at\ick) — Bantam 1. bi m.; jiickend. jierch and b. b.; li\. 
 baits and jinnd siiiners; May to October best; hotel .■fi; p. w.- tzuides reasonal'l' . 
 Imats can lie had at moderate cost. Fishin;^ through the ice is much followed. 
 Thompson (N. Y. \- N. E.)— (Juadic reservoir 'J 'j m.; ^Vakefleld p. 5 m.; Haik 
 wt'lls I'eservoir ") ' . m.; first named l)est; pickerel, perch, pouts, trout and dai >■ 
 •jiickerel most numerous; usual baits: .April and May best for trout; Oct. and N"\. 
 fiu' pickerel; hotel *l ji. d. : guide with boat ^fUji. <1.; boats 'tiK' p. d. Theio iil-- 
 also a numl)er of trout brook.t within 2';, m. from here where good records nv' 
 Torring'ton (Naugatuckl^Bantam 1. H m.; Dog p. and Tyler p. at (ioshen. 7 in.. 
 AMiist 1'. t 111.; West Hill p. at New Hartford, 7 m.: Nauj/atuck r. and branches I t. 
 '.( m.; Bantam 1. and West Hill )). best for trout: Naugatuck r. and branches r ■: 
 other fish; b. b.. ))ickercl. perch and trout; baits used are "bloomers" (hel^ramit'- 
 live hsh, worms, flies etc.; .Vjiril. .vlay and June best; hotels #'2 \>. d.; boats uni 
 bait can b(> had at reasonable rates. Scuiie of the Uical augh r.s will act as guides t 
 the best fishing grounds. 
 Washington (Shepaugl—Shepaug r. ',m.; Beebr. Im.,- Waramaug 1 .T m.; avw 
 worms best bait for ciiubs (locally winfish.) linbstins are called alligators by Iimj; 
 tisherman. There is an eccentric character, "Old Harrison" at the lake who lia- 
 his fishing grounds staked out, and who is loud iu cuss-words if you pt>aeh on 'u:- 
 territory. See New Preston, C.'ouu. 
 West Norfolk (H. A; (". W.)— Wood cr. iy,n\.: Doolittle ji. i m.: Smith p. i 
 Toby J). Urn.; Canaan Mountain pd's 4'i!:ii.; Wood cr. is best for pickerel; ana 
 lioolittle p. for b. ))., it also contains pickerel. North br. near by, contains tr.iit 
 and Blackberry r. '^ m., has trout and <'arp, Bass, pii'ker«d and percli in Siiiiili 
 J)., Toliy 1)., and <'an;uin Mountain p. For trout and pickerel, June is best moiitti. 
 .Aug. and'Sept. for b. b. ; frogs' legs; hoppers, crickets and wi^mns are usual b,i;;> 
 bo,its cost 7.'>c p. d, ; uo profeMsional guitles; hotels moilerate. 
 Winsted (Naugatttck.)— Long 1. '^ ni.. Round 1. 1 ni.; Bowley p. 2 m.; Be. kK» 
 p. 4.; i)o<)little p. ."> m.; Parkj). 4ni., !Mill br. ;i m.; Kugg br. 2m.; Hall Mea^iiw 
 br. i") m ; Braiick br. 4 m.; Long 1. best: pickerel, b. b.; salmon (land locked) ..ii! 
 ■jierch; bahiH most numerous: baits used are, live fish, crickets, worius, etc.: '^i']'- 
 teuiber to December best; hotels .*2 p. d.; guides }2 p. d.; boats $1 p. d.; bait Vv 
 II. bX). See West Wiusted, Conn. 
 Winsted (East) (H. .t C. AV.)— Winsted 1. \ m.; West Hill 1. 2 m. and vai '.• 
 trout Htreams; both I's goo.l; black and rock bass, pickerel, perch and brook tr 'it 
 I'rickots, Worms, grasshoppers, trolling spoons Hies. etc. usi'd; IMay. June, >•!'; 
 «>ct. ami Nov. b(>st months: hotels .■? I ii. d.: boats atid baits at moderate jirici <. A 
 few landlocked salmon iu Winsted 1., but they are seldimi caught. The pickerel 
 llshiug in very liuo. We have uo uutUeutlc iuformatiou about the trout stream-. 
 ist nan ■ t 
 laitH u—.l 
 I r>oo 1'. it. 
 lllN <-' i 
 iiiiini'" - 
 I ti) ?- ! 
 w Mill 1 . 
 111.; Ki'iii.- 
 is: wciriii- 
 AuH ill Ui' 
 J tilt' l'.>' 
 at i)rivut.- 
 ibiir 'i 111.: 
 aud StiJt 
 ml bleats ri 
 lanifd bi-:; 
 iiicr; Lilt' 1- 
 )y farniti> 
 b. b.; li\. 
 i 111.; Clark 
 t ami (bill'. 
 •t. and N"\ 
 Theio aiv 
 recordr* nn- 
 ■ilirn. T 111-. 
 •aiii'hfs 1 t' 
 ■iinrlics !"1 
 bnats lUJ'i 
 IS guide:? t ' 
 3 111.; ynii 
 l)y l.Mu: 
 M' who li;i- 
 lii.-b on :i.- 
 iiith !>. i '■>■ 
 •kfivl; .iii; 
 iitaiuH tv 11! 
 •Ii in Sii.ii: 
 bi'st liii'iitli 
 usual b,i;t> 
 u.; UeckU^ 
 ;all M.-aU ■' 
 locked I ..Il- 
 ls, ftc; ■>'•!■ 
 d.; bait ■"' 
 aud vai:"'.- 
 (brook tr 'lU 
 1 J)iue, f>'-)'t 
 ,. jirii'-*- -^ I 
 The jiu kfre: 
 Winsted (West) (H. .\: ('. W.) — Lonjjl.; Little i>.; llua^i bi. uiid Hubbell br.; 
 ;ii; r:i,-il.v reached; the rti'ist named being bent: b. b. and iiickertd found; l.iasrt inont 
 iiuimroii.-'; woriijri and live bait unci; .luly. .\ug. and Sejit. best; hotels .*'2 !>. d.; 
 MU'li -^i anil boats imjcurable at reamiuablc prices. 
 Dakotah Territory 
 Alpena (*'. M. >^ St. P. See inside back cover.)— .Janifs r., lo ni.; HOine banH aud 
 (.ukL-rel to be found; May aud Jiiuu best; hotelM, f l.")<i i>. d. 
 AshtonI*'. ^I. '^ St. r. Set' inside back cover.)— Jim r., 1 m.; .Snake cr., 1 m.; 
 ni~t iiaMiiil best; some pickerel taken here; Juue and July best; usual liaitw used; 
 L"ii l^. i- !'• d.; boats and baits procurable. 
 Bartlett ;st. P. M. \- M. See Page X.)— Stump 1., 8 m.; Devils 1.. VI m.: last 
 .liiiu'd best; pickerel; minnows and artiliic-ial baits usimI; spring, fall, and winter. 
 1 .-I lioteln, ?1 p. d., .*'> p. w. See Devils Lake, Dakotah. 
 Bath (''• M. A: St. P. See inside back cover, i — .James r , 1 ', m.; pickerel nioHtly; 
 iisuiil liiiiss; March and .\pril best; hotels, ;jil..">0 to .r'J p. d.; boats, '.2,5e. to .■?! p. d. 
 Big Stone City (<'• M. \- St. P. See inside back cover.)— I5ig Stone 1.. at staJioii; 
 yiik>-. piikcrel. aiiilb. b. ; pickend most numerous; baits — worms and spoon hooks; 
 Ainil. -May, aud June, best: hotels, j^'J p. di; guidey, ,* l..">o p. d.; boats* plenty aud 
 Bismarck |N. P. See Page VIIL)— Missouri r.. '1 m.; ^-atfish; bait salt pork; April 
 t.. Prtobcr; hotels, J2 to ?;t p. d. Our corrcspoudeiit writes; ".V cattish is not a 
 Nciy pretty biulbut he is right good to eat when properly cooked." 
 Bruce (*'• '^' N. AA.I— Lake Teetnukeeha, and i>ther wniall lakes, ;< ni.; Lake Teet- 
 ( iiki ■ ha biHt; pickert 1 and b. li., but lirst named most numerous; pickerel tins and 
 trii^;s Used ai baits; fall and winter best but good most all times; lioteis, .■f'.J p. d.; 
 guides, .?:) p- d. ; boats aud baits to be had reasonable. Lishiug is good at thi.- 
 Canton (*'. M- 'V; St. P. See inside back cover.) — Big Sioux r., near station; i)ick- 
 erel, pike, catlish. and b. b. : the two first named being most numerous; .May. June, 
 .*<ei'teiiiber. and Di'tober, best; miiuuiws and frogs used as baits; hotel, j'J p. d., 
 l">iit.'* aud bait to l/tJ had cheap. 
 Castlewood ('. \- N. W.) — Lake PoiTisett, H m.; Siouxr.. '^ ni.: first named best; 
 ,iu ki 111. pike, and butl'alo iu about eciual numbers; pork .)r beef and spoon hooks, 
 are used as baits; May au<l Juue best, aud in wiuter through ice; hotels at reason 
 alile rates; boats, "J.^c. ]). h. 
 Chamberlain (<'. M. & St. P. S«-e inside back cover.) — Missouri r., at station, 
 i'vi'K cr., l-') m.; the latter the best; pickerel, iiike, buttalo, aud some I), b. ; beef; 
 li\ei, and frog bai.s; May aud Juue best; hotels, $'Jp. d.; boats easily jirocured. 
 Clark \C- «V N. W .) — Lake K.impeska, '2>> m.; pike aud pi kerel; tirst named most 
 iniiiM rolls; usual Ivaits used; May aud J llie best; hotel, ^2 p. d.; boats and Ijaits 
 (all lie had. 
 Colfax (St. P. M. .t M. See Page X. I— Wild lUce r., .T.. m.; Red r., 7 m.; a)>out 
 i(|ii,tUy good, iiike, buttalo, b. b., aud cattish; jdke and butl'alo most uunieroits: 
 iiuiiii'iws are used; April, May, June, and July, best; no regular lioti Is here; boats 
 aiiil liait can be had. 
 Colnian iC M. A: St. P. See iusi<le back cover.)— Herman 1., 7 m.; jiickerel very 
 alpuiid;tiit here; live niiuuowrt and art. spoous used; May and Juue best; hotel, $i 
 I'. ".; boats to be had at trilling cost. 
 Dell Bapids 1<' M. .^- St. P. See inside back cover. j-Braut 1., Sioux r., and 
 1..1K 11. rman; Brant 1. best; iiike, pickend. b. b., etc,; pike aud pickerel most 
 uuiiH i,.us; spring ami fall best seasons; minnows usually used for bait; hotids, 
 >l.."n til .»'2 p. d,; guides, boats, aud bait, at rea.'^oiiable rate.-. These waters are re 
 Ii'irteil to be grand for li.diing. 
 Devil's I*ke(St. P. M. .t M. See Vuw X.)— Devils 1.. '. m.; Mouse r., yo ni.; 
 tii>t named best; pickerel only ; only trolling; .June 1 to Si-pteiiiber ito best; hotels, 
 •r- ; l. ; boats, $1 to $2 p. d. The water iu DevH'w Lake is salty. 
 Diana (<'. M. & St. P. See iuside back cover.)— Redstone cr.. i m.; Jhii r., S ru.; 
 ^iUer 1.. ',• 111.; Jim r, the best; jiickend. b. b.. cattish, etc.: pickerel most uuiner- 
 iii-; baits— frogs aud luinnowc; .\ugust to September best: hotels, $1 to $'2 p. d.; 
 i ^' 
 pleuty of liait to l>c had. The Hhootiut; in hotter than the flHhirif?, but wh<n the 
 watoi'H I'.rc in j^ooil i-oiulition fai"" iretlM are madu. 
 £*urbin (St. 1'. M. A; M.)~Mai)lc r., near Ktatiou; pickerel; art. hijooub geucially; 
 May, Juiu-, and July hrnt; hotel, j=1.4U ji. d.; )>(>ats aiul nuideH not needed. 
 ISdeil(('. M. '^c St. P.) — Hi},' Sioux r., \ m.; \vlut( tiHh, pickerel, an<l latrtsh; pi k- 
 erel and cattish moHt nuiucrou.s; ."\I;i\ and Jinic best; liotelw reaHonahle; no boats 
 rcijuircd. .\ddre.>iH, lor further inl'uruiiition, if nee<led, ('. M. (iiliuan, as above. 
 Elk Point (<'• M. 'V: St. P. See inside back cov<r.)— Sioux r., 4 m.; Xorwe^'iaii 1., 
 111.; lirst named best: iii krnl, ]jil{c, wliitclish, etc.; jiidienl juost nuniermi-; 
 usual baits — iniunows ami fri>j.'s; May and June best; hotels at reasonable rat' >. 
 Fair lishin^^ in the above named months. 
 Elkton (<'. M. .V: St. P.)— Lake Benton, Pi ni.; I.ako Hendricks, 12 ni.; 
 jjood; pickerel, b. b., etc.; \iicUcrel uuist nnnicr'.r.s; sjioou liooks and worms 
 mii.-*tly; .\pril, .May, and June, best; hotels, .■i^ip. d.; boats can lii^ piocui'cd. i ;-';:• 
 iu!^ reported good. 
 Porestbnrg' (C, .M. .*i; St. P. See inside back cover.) — Jani<-s r., 'j m.; Silver . r, 
 }i m.; also soiiic small lakes near by which arc the best; ]iike, pickerel, and jie;' ii; 
 curttomary baits; June and Detolier best; hotels, niode.iaie rates. 
 Frankfort (•'. ''c N. W.) — Jim r., ', lu.; Lake* Byron, 18 m.; last Jianwd b.-t; 
 ])ick( Tel. pike, pe;'c)i, bass, an<l liiillalo- idckercl aiidpike nust numiToiis; nun- 
 nows anil Iresli beef best; all throujih the summer; hotels, j^l."iup. d.; no re^;u!,ir 
 guides. Spear fishing mostly followed by re.-^ideuts. 
 Freeman l<'. -M. .V St. P.)— silver 1. 
 ."im.; sonic pickerel; usual baits; June 1m -r 
 QrotonC- Al. X St. P.) — lames r., '.i m.; Sand 1., l<i lu.; last named bi'st; picK.r- 
 el ] rincipally; bails mostly used are frogs; hotels, tl.ou to <:>. p. d. 
 Hurley (<'. i*<: X. ^V.) — Sw-au 1., i m.-. Vermillion r.. M'^ m.: first named li'-r; 
 iiickerid nio.-tly abound; frogs and art. sjioons mostly usi'<!; April, .May, and >■ p- 
 tember, best; hotid, *;'i p. d.; guides at reasimable rate; boats can be had at moili r- 
 ate cost. ,\ngler« from the neighborhood camp (uit on Swan 1., and have tuir 
 Jamestown (N. I'. See Pago VIII.) — hiiues r.. and Piiiestciii r., at this place, ajjI 
 Sjiirttwood 1., I'J. m.; last named be>t; pike, pickerel, and b. b.; piekeiel most i.ii- 
 mertuis; artilicial lures mostly; Mas, June. July, and August, be^t; Hotels, ,>f2."iita 
 ?:i p. d. Tilt; tishing is imlillereiit in the livers but thai of the lake is good. 
 Itakota (St. P. M. A: M, See Page X.)— stuni]> 1., 7 m.: Devil's 1., 10 m.; ., 
 named best: pickend only; frogs and minnows usual baits; July, .\ugust, and >> i • 
 tember, best; hotels at reasonable rate; guides anil boats can be had at nioch ■ 
 Iiennox (C M. A: St. P. Set? inside back cover.) — Vermillion r., T m.; Wall I. Vl 
 m.; last named best; jiickenl, lurch, and cattish; pickerel most numerous: In;- 
 are frogs, n.inuows, and nie:it; APsy and Sepieniber best; hotels, reascuiable. b ;ii- 
 can b(> liad. Local anglers jirefer ^^all 1., ^^here they camp out, and have 
 Ijetcher (''. M. .^ St. P.) — Jim r. ami clear 1., accessibb-; first luinied b 
 pickerel, b. b., and other varieties; frogs auil other bjiits; hiimnier season bi-st. 
 Iiisbon (N. P. See Page Vn I.)— Sheej.iiiie r., ad.ioiiiing the city; pickerel, 
 horse, and cattish: idediend and red hoiN.' uio,st numenuis; nuiniows and ^I 
 hooks used; May and June best; hotel, ivasonable, 
 Miidison !<', M. .V St. P.) — Lake Madisou, '2', m , ami Lake Ibrnian, 1 ', m.: ri- : 
 named best; pickerel very numerous; they are taken both sumuieraiid winter, '" : 
 mostly in winler; sjioons ami other customary baits; hotels, ,'r'.! p. d. '.iramUsl, ■ '■ 
 iiig for ducks to be found lu re. 
 Marion Junction (('• M. <V St. P. See inside back c<n-er.) — silver 1., s lu.; ^^ i: 
 1,, irtm.; Vermillion r., ad.iacent to station: tir,-.t ami last named the bet-f; pic's i'!. 
 pike, and b. b.; ]iike and pi* kend liio-t numerous; usual baits are frogs; -Ala.', i: i 
 June best; hot(ds, .■t^LOO to .'f2 j). d.; boats on lake with no charge. I,ost 1. and i- 
 l(^t, 4 'j 111., west, is also a (;oo<l tishiie_' grmiml. 
 Mitchell (C. M, cV -St. P.) — James r., 'S m.; Fire Stei 1 cr,, 2 m.: liist named ' i.->t; 
 1 ■!- i:i 
 iiiiki I'fl. pikt\ raffish, etc.; iiickorol most nunioroiis: fm^'s and other usual bails 
 ■i.i'.i: lintels, :?'J \\. (I.: ln'ats anil baits jileiity at iiniiiinal jiriei's. 
 New Rockford |N. 1*. See Taj;;*' \'1 1 1. 1— Minni Wakan, «v Devil'H I,ake; iiickerel 
 iiil [iilce in .iliiiiit eciuai nuiiilieis; trolliiiji iiKistly and salt jmrk sMiuetinieH as liait, 
 Mi\ and June, and i»i-ieni1ier, .laiiwary and J'elirnary, liest times; Imtcls, #2 j). d., 
 -I"],, w.: boats and bait at iiuniinal oist, 
 Northwood (><t. P. M. ^r. Sci* Paj^c X.) — (binsi- r., "J m.: iiickei'el; usual baits; 
 >[,i\ and -lune best; Imti 1. Si. .Mi ji. d. 
 OrclWJiy (' '• '*>^ N. W.) — I'.liH 1'., ', ni.; .Inn r.. 1 ni.; last nannd best; idekerel 
 pr.iM ii^lly ; wei'uis, and utile!' lls\ial bait.--; .\iiril, .Mav, anil June, best. 
 P)anli:ing"ton (<'. AI. \' St. P. .See inside back iii\(i'.) — Pleasant Land Ti'averse 
 ;.; i ,, A-j-.iX 1. the lies I; ]iiekerel and b. b. tHund here but lii--t nan i id most iiunier- 
 .11-; >i,oon bait and fines used; .Vjnil. May. and June. be>t; liniels nasoTiable; 
 ,;U'li -. r-p. il.; boats and bait luodei'ate. Oiir eivrresiioinlent ad.N: •■'I'lie lakes 
 ,ii-e i.'""d lishiiit,' in tlie siirinu and fui'nish ^;iM>d shooting,' fur wild diieks in the fall 
 BecUield (•'. M. ,v •'>;. P.i— Turile rv.. ', m.; .laiins r., :!i. m.. some jiike toinid 
 !i. IV, us;i:il baits usecl; Muy and -lune best: Imtels, ..-l.."..i ]i. d.; bnal.- at re.asoriablo 
 Rjwell («'• M- 'V St. P.|--('lear 1., Hitter I., iind Lake (liaiun: (irst naiied best; 
 J ;, ],. ■ i ilie iirinciiiil lish eauHbt: minnows and .--iioou hooks iisi d; .May and -luno 
 i..,--!; iio.its and baiiis ii'asoijublo. 
 Scotland (<'. M. vV St. P. .-■'■i- inside baek eoM-r'.) — lames r.. .") 111.: piekerel and 
 !,. li. I'o i;id hel'e, li, t I'ieio i'el-liiosi numerous; ellstomais baits; sjil'lli^,' best tiuiu; 
 \i>:> i. s-j |i. d. 
 TllomiJSOn (^t. 1'. l\r. ,v ^r. s,m. I'a.;e X.l-Ued r.. il m.: i.ike, pieknvl, b. b., 
 .i:.l \'. .lite.i-n; all ideiily; iiiiiiiinus and f lOMs usual I., i.;.; .;ui'e., tiie be.i i..ontli; 
 1; '(" N rea'sonalile; boats and bait at nominal eo!-t. 
 V11.T.SI'' .V" N . W.l-lioel; CI'.. 'J', m.; liitief 1.. -1 ■ , i..: t iikii..un 1.. I m.: all 
 li' ■ I ' 1 ^:liiy ^'o"l; I iei;ei'el. [ er> li, el-'.; b '.;l - -w o;'iie-, fro;,'s, ele.; .M,,y, June, 
 iiid l.u,., be ;l; liuii;..-. ^'2 to .-:! i'. d. : no bipain on 1. or er. 
 Vir.Tii'''- ^[. >v ;,t. -P.)— ('.uie cr.. I m.; Sand er., .". m.; lir.-t imneil liest; soniu 
 !■;, ., :, I li,.re. 
 Walipdton (X. 1'. a'ld St. p. ."\1. ,V :\r.)— Ued Kiver of tlie Ni,;-|!i. and llois De 
 ■>! ■ i\ r.. botll a i isslble at lluir junetioll. whii h is the be>t tishill^' lioint; Jiiidierel, 
 ii. li, !',k,'. binVilo, eti't; jiiidieii I numerons; frog's niostl\ used as bait: .lune 
 to >.[,icinlii.r iiieill^ i\ e, be-t hioutlis; hotels, ■^.'■2 Ji. d.; lieals. ",'>{■ to ,<l. .")!)},. d. 
 Watei'town H'. -^r. .v Sl. p. Se>- iii>ide baek eo\er. )--'\auiiieska 1.. :( m.: Peliean 
 '.. I ! .; ll!.-t niiili'l be.>l; juke, idikerel, ]iereh. b. b., ete.; Jpiekelel most llUliier 
 "H'. ; ■■'■..- aiid ti'idling siiuou bait.-; l\Iay, June, and September, liest; hotels, "J p. d.; 
 iie.iiS. - I [t. d. 
 W.Ttbay (0. "\I. >>c St. P.)— P.luo l,, ■, m,; Waubay 1., 7 m.; first iiauied best: 
 J i'l.i i olidci'iel; the hittvi" itn'st numeroii.- ; eau;iht ihroie^di the iee in winter, 'iml 
 ' i I- i;'.l bails in season; hotels reasonable, l-'ishiiitj: rejuirted e\e.|lint. I lu; 
 i:. i.' aeros-i IJlui; I. is ,1 favorile sjiol of loeal ain,ders. 
 W-'i)3t '.' (''• ^r. >\ Si. P.l— AVinibay 1., 'J ' , iii.: I'.tiemiis Swim l.,,s m.; :\Iiiniie 
 '■'' - e I 1.. :•- ill.; Horseshoe I., 7 in.: and many others w lieri- pieLcrel and uaU-e.\ ed 
 [like I'll,, luid: sea-^oli eood from Ajiril to November; fro^( and salt jioili bait.-; hotel. 
 ■"-I'.i.; guides, bout-, imd baits at reasonable jiti<-es; ^'ood hunting; also in thi< 
 V/^ntwortlt (<'• M^. 'V Si. l>.)_T/iko :\[:idi-tiin, :{ m.; iti. keivl iud .,ly: trollin^r 
 ■. i;iil.v u>'d: \\ inter and >i'."iii^; be.-t M.ason.-. 
 WillUOti-' M. \ St. P. See inside baek rover. | — 1 U;,' St. iiie I,, i) in.; j.iki.b. b., 
 ;, .,' "i. jieveli. (•le.; eif.ially iiiinierons: bait-' — Iro^s and minnow-; .Ma.\. .lune, 
 >i.l''''ab.r. and tieiober, best; hotel, guides, Imats, and bait, can be had. The li.-n- 
 ;Uu 1- 1' [orled 'food. 
 Yankton (•'. ^r. ,\; St. P )— "\n>>oiiri and .lamiJ !■.■ , r, ni.; N.'rth and --^i uih I'.eavcr 
 !'-.' I 'I {..estefville 1., ij lo 1 ■> m. ; both Ilea \er ers. be- 1: ] pickerel, b. b., b;t,ilo, etc.: 
 •1 ■' ■ ■ I most nume'ous; art. spoon nud frogs Uised mostly an bait; .^u'il and .^!;i, 
 bc^;; Jiotul.s, ><'i p. d 
 Hrhi.h.ith Bay 1 in. 
 Lewes (l'<iniu.)--I)(liiwiii't- Ua.v 1',. III.; Atlantic Occjili Jiii.. ... u.. ,,.,,,. ...., .. m.. 
 tirnt iiaiufd ))CHt ; tiliic lisli. strijicd liaws. wcaklii^h anil iiiiiiifrun> Narictics nt' r-ali 
 water linhcs; meat, crahn, iIhiiih and (i^li iiMid uh })aits ; Hfasnii \y •—■•■• ii...- <.. v 
 lii)ti'ln at rcaHdiiablc prii'cn ; boatH iilcnty at low iiriccs 
 it' Halt wtttiT tish are caught. "" ' 
 UrcakwatiT many \ariiticH nt o, 
 troidy at Hiiiall wauil clam bait. 
 H from May t<i !<■ 
 . 1 At tlio Dflaw.iif 
 Sbuep.shead at times bitb 
 Millsboro (!'• una.) — Main br. of Indian r. (near 
 lisliin^': the linli arc cxcciitiiinally lai'tjc and iilcntif'iil. .All tlic hmdiI 
 I. i;.,l. ...1... *l... A...;* 1 " II.. • • -- - - 
 {.^^trijicd ba.'^H; iiNiim^ ; uic una aiv c.xccjmniia 
 varicticH (if halt water linh take the liait here 
 buatineii at ii.siial charj,'eH 
 (near by) Ih celebrated for itn rockli~li 
 iiid iileiitifiil. 
 HutclH about .*l..'io 11. d. lioats aii' 
 Rehoboth (I'<iiiia.)— In Hehoboth l!ay 1 m., all varietien of northern salt wat. r 
 fii^h are taken witli hook and line in laree (piantities. lii^;elow Island, ^\hite ( ali 
 I'liint and t'edar Island Clianml are iioteil Krounds fur Htrijied bass. Sheeiisln .nl 
 are tairlv abundant at iJottom JliU ]»rain'.s in June, July and Avig. SeeLe\\i,-i, 
 Belbyville (old I)ominion lini^ from New York.) — Synepnxent I5ay and .AsHau.e 
 man IJay lioth near by ; roi'klish (strijied liass) and iierch; latti'r most nnineroii>; 
 Hhrinip bait; hotels ifl.Tiii ]i»d.; gniiUs can lie had; boats and liaits reasouuldc. 
 Washington, D.C. (1'-. .v o.— B. 
 ■groinul tor \\ ashin^jton unifiers; b. 
 .white and yellow jicrch are taken. 
 I'otomac lio between the city and 
 'f»roiind« which can bo reached by 
 \ I'ot. — \\r. M.)— The rotomac r. is the mam 
 1). (l)oth kinds), striiied bas.^ (salt water) ainl 
 'J'Ik^ jirinciiial fishing near by groiind.s on tlic 
 'I'ointof Itocks." The tirst 1 1 m. give giciil 
 a good roiMl. 'I'he streams emiitying into ;l,i 
 I'otomac below the city atl'ord good iierch and striiied bass tishing and can In- 
 reached by steamboat ibiily At all these iioints good aceouimodation.s cau l)e bail 
 ^■witU boatmen, boats and baits at moderate charges. 
 Braidentown (S. Fla. to Tampa, thence by str.)— ^Manatee bay and Sara> >i;t 
 bay; last ii.uned liest; angel tish, red ami black groiiiier. bliietish, spaniHh macker.l. 
 pompano, sheepshead, tront, redtish, (channel bass) snaniiers. drnm and saili'i > 
 choice; ordinary baits; .laniiary to May bt'st time; hotels .^i; to ,^2. '>() p. d., ^IJ]', 
 ,w. ; boatH and bait if- p. d. 
 Belleview (!■'. R. I'm Nav.) — Lake Wi-ir (i ni.; Smith 1. Km.; tirst named 
 b. b.., bream and perch; b. b. most niinieroiis; silver iish mostly useil a:- 
 bait; Jan'y, February, March and Decenilior best months; hotel $1. oil to $'Jp. il. 
 'guide ;*'J p. d.; boats f 1 p. d. 
 Bronson (F. I?,. & Nav.) — .Johnson 1., Blue spring and Wacahansie r's; .lohnson l. 
 best; li. b., perch, bream, catfish, shcep.^head, etc.; b. I), and bream most nuiiiii- 
 ous: !March, .\pril and ^lay l)est; frogs, lawyers and live bait usi<l; hotels j^'J p. il.; 
 boats and bait very moderate. 
 CaeUtonment (I-. .^ N.)— Hscambia r. and I'erdido r. 2' . iii.: I.ard 1., Beck's ! 
 and (iovernor's Bayon; Kscambia r. and the I's liest; b. b., bream, percli, catli.«li 
 etc.; b. b. and bream most niimenms; usual bait, minnowH and worms; sumimr 
 'and fall months best; no regular hotids, but private bo.ii'ding houses at modeiiti 
 rates; guides and boats at very reasonable prices. Tliei-e is gunning as well ii> 
 tishing at this point. 
 Cedar Keys (F. K..<: Nav.)— Fair tishing in vicinity for all varieties fif L'lilt 1 
 coast tish. (apt. Williard, of the Suwannee Iloti'l, reports to us that excellent tl.^ 
 fishing is to be had near the Keys; hotels $'2 ."lO to i:i p. d.; boatu and boatmen ?.'| 
 p. d., including bait. Sheepshead abundant; tiildler bait for the latter and I'lit | 
 gullet for other varieties. See The Amkrican Anulkb, vol. IV, page ;<',tl. 
 Crescent City (St. John'p r. Htr. from Jacksonville.) — Lake Crescent at tht 
 place; Hare .r. ."i m,; last named best; b, b. numerous; small tish. li\e baits, (■('■ 
 nse<l; I)eicniber to March best time; hotels $;t p. d.. .*1'J..')U to 17.."iO p. w.; boat- 
 plenty and reasonable. 
 Drifton (F. R. .t Nav.) — Lake Miccosukee lu m. ; Wacissa r. ." m.; both ecpiall.^ I 
 good; 1). 1)., bream and perch; b. b. nuist numerous; baits used are minnows ami 
 worms; April, May and Juno best; hotels *l.ut> to j;j p. d.; boat.s and baits at | 
 t<iiiall coHt. 
 HllV 1 !l> 
 [VH vi ^.l.t 
 ly tuN •> 
 llUfM liltL- 
 H r(ii'l<l'i-l] 
 the ll^'■•ll 
 liuiitt uihI 
 siilt Wilt, r 
 hcclislu .III 
 Sic Lf%\' - 
 ml Ahhu^.i- 
 is thf iiiii'iii 
 Liliils iiu tin- 
 1, (4ivf H""'! 
 iii(4 iiiti) tlif 
 and rini 111' 
 cau be bail 
 ml Sani> 'M 
 h luai'li'i ' ' 
 anil t<ail"i ' 
 II. il., zUV- 
 uanii'il l"-i 
 ,tly iifiil .1' 
 \r. {a f'i II. il. 
 ; .Tolinsnll 1. 
 [,,^^^t nillii'l- 
 Itols J'i 1'. '1- 
 1., ISt.'l'lv '■- '• 
 |-ivh, catti^li. 
 lis; Hnniuii-r 
 lat inmliiii' 
 ^1^ as w<n •'■ 
 Hit^s of l;ii1! 
 Ipxcfllfiit i^ 
 bdattmii :- 
 IttlT ilUll '■■'■ ] 
 Iccnt at tlK 
 baits. It' 
 h.w.; boat- 1 
 liotli eqiiiiU} 
 liinni'\v> .iii'i 
 laud bail* ^t I 
 Enterprise (-tr. nn St. •Inhns r. from Jacksonvilli'. i— St. .Julms r. and I.aK.' 
 M .lii" ; Imtli (.'iiiid; b. b. and a fi'w iiirkciil; baits, livr iiiinmiws. jdiant" i;i l;iin- 
 n..\>> and siiiinns; .Mandi and Ajil'll lif>t: Imiid .*4 \>. d.; j^'iiidfs witli boat .t'J • o p. 
 ,1 , i,:(it .'iipc'.)). ibi/. This is ri'iioi'ti'd to lie unciif till' bi'st ithnk bass li.-hiug 
 jLi • .■< m tlif stutf. 
 Gainesville (l'. H- -v. Na\.)— l'a\nc"s I'laiiic 'J m.: Newman's 1. I'l m . : b. b., 
 hri .1111. s]iiil;li'd ini'cli (.-ti'awbcrrv bass) and iiirkcitd; bream and ba:-s most niinn r- 
 , '1-; livi' bait, minnows, worms, ete.: t,'Miile f'J.."iU ji. d. imliidinj,' boat.- and liaits. 
 Green Cove Springs |1. T. .v K. AV.i— St JobiiH r. atHtation; Ulaek cr. 4 m.-. 
 Sj\ Mile ef. ti ni . : 'iniiit cr. ti ni.; tiovernor'K cr. 1 ' .m.: Six Mile and lilaik cr's 
 li. -t; b. b. (1. m.), bream, channel bass, etc.: b. 1). and bream iiinst niinierous; art. 
 li|.~ and spoons used; N(i\ember, l)i'cember, March. .Xiiril and June best months; 
 liotils S'l to .fl p. d.; fiilides ■^'■1 p. d.; boats .•?! to .• p. cl. 
 Gulf of Mexico I'roni New Orleans, I,a.. to Id y 'West, I'la., eood li.-;lii;ij,' cin b.- 
 |i;i,l iiliii'ist any w lull-, m.iic i.artiiiilai-ly alonj,' llie coast of Florida, i liaiter a boat 
 ,it N. II., I'.'nsacola, Cedar Keys, Tampa, Manatee or Key West; cnst abmit ;ri'i ji. d. 
 unli ( aptain; stores and cook at ,vonr own exii-ii.Hi-. Tliis is the most economical 
 iiiitlind of doiiin I'lorida. when the tourist is an aTif,dint,' one. The skipper can 
 pla. c yon on f^rand ti hiii',' ijronnds at intervals of a few miles. See AMLiUf.vN 
 Am .I.! It. V(d. ! V, page 
 Indian River (via St. -lolnis r. str. to liuck T.ed^,'*', thence by str.) — The fishiiii,' 
 liiii i> eipLillx ^'iiod in (piality and quantity with that of (Inlf Coast. Kvery 
 vaii'ty of soiitliern tish come into the r. and aie cani^ht in immense numbers. In 
 Lak'' \Vorth, a few miles further Simth, excellent fishiii!,' can be liad. Kair accum- 
 iiiiidations aloiiv; the i., but it is best to cliai ter a saillmat at Siuid Point or Itock 
 I.eiit;"-. Thei e is ])robably a steamboat now riinniiij^ on the r. as one was contemp- 
 lated last year (bS.s-t). See Thk .V.mkkican AM(.lku, vol. IV, pa^e :i'.'l. 
 Jacksonville (S. Fla. .'v: W.)— Tlie favorite proutids are : the nioutli of St. .lohns 
 r., till' .Il tt;is and J'ablo, Sisters and llaulover cr. and Fort (ieoiHe iidet, the three 
 liitli i' 2 to :! m. from .May ]iort. at the mouth of the St. Johns r. The best jioint is 
 :it the Jetties; sea trout, shieiisliead, eliannel 1)ass, druiii, blacktish, striped bass, 
 (iiH ktish ) ci'evalli, kini,dish iwfiitin^') and otlu-i varieties, Tlie channid bass, sea 
 lia>s and sliee]ishead are most identifiil, and shrimp, fiddlers and minnows aie 
 li-iil as bait. Fishing is fxood all the year round. Hotels $'2 ]i. d.; i^uides ini liiding 
 1m. ills and baits at y'J to .'?'2..'in ji. d. The large chanm 1 bass (ID to fio lbs. ) cominem-e 
 lilting in May, and coutiniu; to November. See Tm: Ajikiucan .\s<ilkii, vid. \U, 
 pa^e 111), 
 Key West (S. Fla. toT;uupa, thence by str.) — Waters all aroiind hisaiiil iiei^,dibor- 
 iii^! i-Uiiids. abound in tisli of all kinds; red and gray snap))ers. groupers, sheepsheail, 
 lilmtisli, Spanish niackend and others; baits, craylish, sardines, I'tc; good all tlie 
 year iu these waters; hotel .*.'! p. d., less by week; boats easily iirocured. 
 Kissiniee (S- Fla.) — Tohojiekaliga 1. i.s ud.iacent, in which b. b. jl. ni.) are 
 abiiiulant, and of large sizi'. They take the fly freely. 'Trolling with the art. spoon 
 ill the canal and in the r. below the 1. is exctdlent, b. b. of Id lbs., having been 
 taken by this method. Other I's within easy reaching distance, atlord most oxcid- 
 Uiit tishiiig. 
 Lake Weir (F. It. .^- Xav.) — Summers 1. ', ni.; T,ake Weir :? in.; la-it named best: 
 1'. li. and liieiui; b. b. most numerous; minnows, worms and Hies, baits used: 
 L;i'iid any months but July and August; .*'2 to $:t \i. d.; boats and baits clieaji. 
 Lloyds jF. H. \- Nav.) — Miccosukeel. 5 lu.; Haileys cr. 'i m.; Miccosnkee 1. 1 e.-t 
 liri-aiu. b. b. etc; bii'am most iiniueroiis; vvoi nis as bait; j^ood all summer; hoii I 
 r- !'. d.: boats 'i.'ic. \t. d. 
 Lochloosa iF. K. \ Nav.) — T.ocdiloosal. at Htation; bream, trout, (b. b.) speckled 
 peirli. (strawbi-rry bass) etc.; speckled pendi and bream most uunu'rous: cut bait 
 and worms used mostly; Oiange 1, 7 m. distant gives j^'ood ipiail and duck shooting 
 .1- "' U as tishing iu season. 
 Mt. Pleasant ( F. R. >^ N;vv.)— Flint r. \'l ni.: bream, b. b., iierch 
 stiawberry bass) and others; bream, jiercli and b. b. most numerous; earth worms 
 and Caiawlia worms ('.') used for bait; July, August and Sejitember best; boats can 
 lie had at little or u<> cost. Private board, no regular guides. 
 New Smyrna (J. st. .v. \ H. IJ. i— Hillsbfkrough r. and Halifav r. both accesnilile; 
 'ir-' :i iiiieii liei-t: idiannel bass, sea trout, snapper, groui'er sheepshead etc.; «heeps- 
 li-'i'l most numerous; baits used are crabs, small mullet etc.. usual HeaHons; hotel 
 .■?4 11.(1,; K'uidcM can lie iirocurfd; ImtitH witli man .*'i to .*•' \k il.: I'lici'ttiV .1 :. 
 ti'Diii New SiiivMiii ir; all cxcclli'iit jpuini fm' llsliiii^' etc. aicdiiiiiKKlafiniis can lie li ! 
 lliiTc DM iiKKlcratc tcriiiH. AtldrcMH I*. ('. I'ai'ctti, New Siuyriiu, Flu. Sec '[ 
 Ami itK AN AMil-Kii vi>l. l\ . i>, H'.U. 
 Ocala(K. ]{. A: Nuv.)— Lddilixisa Ik in.: (»ran(,'c 1. lii m.; SiUir Slll•in^' •". i 
 lii>t naiiicd best; trout, (li. )i., ) and Urcani; liaits used aiv small tlsli, worms ii 
 tlies; I'otids .'r'J.'in to .»^it J], d. ; l>oat.< call Ipc liad. 
 Orange City (St. .lolins r. steamer irom .lackHonville|--St, .lolins r. and niic 
 laliisdM line ot I', r., all lull of lisli; \i. ]>. iu'inci|ially with fly; Fe)iruai\ ai. i 
 ."Nlarcli best; liotel« .■»!.. 'in to ^i'j ji. d.; boatH at nominal cliaiv'i'- 
 Oxford^i'. It. 'V Nav.)— Lake Aliclii^ian .Ir, 1 in,; b. b. and lucani; liivt naiie I 
 most aliimdant; metal spoons and live bait n-sed; I'ebrnary, .Maicli, Sept. an' 
 ( let. best niontlis; liolel .^',i )i. il.; boats can be liad Ki'ati.s or at mercls nomii, 
 cliars-'e. llxcallent tisliin^' and duck Hliootin^r in season. 
 Feusacola I b. >V N.)— Little bayou 1 m.; iliaml bn.vou t m.; (irand la^joon s i; 
 Fscambi.i r. '.I m. ; Snapiier banks in tlie (iiilf ol .Mexico IJ m.; numerous otic 
 bayiMiH where ti'<'sli water' lisli abound: all excellent: snai))ier, tirouper, sheepslie.!., 
 "troiit," (b. b..) sea trout, jiomiiaiio, miilli'tt, redtisli and many others; bails ^'eie 
 ally used are small lisli, tiddlers, oyster's etc.; spi'inv; months liest: liotels ■»■_' to -i 
 ]>. d.; Knides iilcniiliil at moderate char).;es: boats and bail rea.-oiiablc. Clutul lisn- 
 hiii. Flooil tide best. Hnntiii;,' and shooting j^'ood. 
 Pinellas (S. Fla, to Tampa thence by tiain)— Tampa Hay at a point 'J'J m. t'ro> 
 Tiimiia and Loca Ciena JJay 27 m. tfom 'l'aiii]ia; these waters abound with sea troir 
 irillish: (<halinel bass,).iack and man,\ other' s:ii'ieties; baits sardines, cr'abs, lr>' 
 lleshetc.; spring,' best time; liotels .■r."i to i<') \>. w,; ^jiiides .rl |o .»-2 p. d., andwi; 
 boats ^2 to .■?;(. ."lU p. d. 
 Piinta Rassa i^'ia sti'. from Tamiia.) — This is doubtless one of the best lishii 
 (^'I'ou.ids (111 the (iiilf coast of Florida. Larj^c channel bass and c\ery other vai'ii* 
 of southern salt water lisli, including the tar|iuni: the latter lisli has i'ecentl\ bi* : 
 cau;,dit on rod ami reel, by .Mr. \V. 11. Wood, of New ^'ork i ity, w ho used an ordiiia: 
 sti'iped bass rod, l.'Jon iVet of Jl thread Cutty hunk line and mullet bait, M 
 Wood's hi'aviest lisli wt'inlied 1 1 1 |)oiinds. A favorite ;^i'oiind near by is Littleiei- 
 parilla I'ass, but at all the passes exc(dlent lisliiiij,' may he IukL .\ccoinm<Mlati';' 
 can be -ecured at the residence of the tele!.;i'aph ojiei'ator ol' at .Tacidi .Summerli!' 
 house. The slieepslieiid ai'e aliiindaiit, and immense jewlish and ^Jial'ks ;ii'e to • 
 had for the lr> iin,'. Fai'^'carl. sjMHins sei'iire the lart^csl channel bass by trollii 
 See 'i'ni; .Vmiokican .\noi.i:i:, vol, IV. p. il'.d. 
 Silver Spring" (F. U. \- Na\.)— silver Siirin;^ near station; Indian 1, .')'., in.; (>i ■ 
 lo\v;ih:i 1'. .1 111.; Silver Sjiriii^; best; b. b., jiickerel, bream, etc.; bream and b. 
 most numerous; baits used are silver fish and worms: I'ebruary, Nlarcli, April ai. 
 May best: hotel ^■l.'>it p. d.; fiuides .*1 to .-rl..")!! p. d.; boats .Vic ti) .r 1 p. d. 
 South Lake Weir (S. Fla.) -Fine b. b. (lai'^'c mouthed) fishintis; ^'odd hnnii' 
 and liiwlui^: diai'^es same as at other resorts in I'lorida. 
 Starke il'. H. >v Na\ . )— Kint^.-ly l.iiiu.; Cr-dsby 1. j ' . m.; lirsi naiiied bi -t: 
 bla.'k ba-ss numerous: .-m.'ill lisli and other u>n:il baits used: hotels .-r'J [> . d. 
 St. Aiignstine (■'■ T- >v K. W.l— Alataii/.is r. at station; St. Sebastine r. 'j n 
 the lii"-I n, lined liest : dl'um. sheeiishi'ad, sea bass, sea trout, etc.: sheepsliead a: 
 bass numerous: shrimp, liiblli^rs and minnows as baits; winter nioutlis bi -; 
 liot(d .f:! to ;? 1 p. d.; t^nides jileiity and reasdiiable; boats and baits ]ilent> iii.l 
 re;isdnablo. l,dw water' or the last 'J lidiii's of either tlood dr ebb is the best staL,'<- i; 
 the ti<le Id Dsli. The bi'>t ^jrnurids are Icicatnl bi m. -oiith of the cit.v. 
 Taiupa (S. Fla.) — (bidd tishiii;,' in Tanii :i J!ay. lidats and cidnred bdatmen clu ip 
 Ihr ii.\ lishiii!,' is most escitin^; in llillsboi'd r'. riinniiu^ past the tdwn: in it all v n- 
 ieties apjiear to t:ike the feathers imdiidiriK the lordly tarpuni as rejiorted by W. • 
 I'l'ime in his I'loi'id;i letters. Sc .Vmkiucan .Vsm.iju, Vol. TV,, p. :i'.'l. 
 Tarpixni Spring's (St:i^;e from Tampa or '•tianier from Ci d,ir K<\\, Fla.) — Fi'' •'' 
 and salt water lish are can^lit here in abnndance; hu'tii' mouth b. b. are uunnro..- 
 Fly tisiiini; for' all v;irieties is suci'cssful. The tarpuni at ecrtiiin seasons, about i . 
 middle dtMiii'ch -imI later', visit these waters. Sheejishead. but few over.") lb 
 aie <'anf,'!it in numbers, as is also the sea trout (sontherii weaktish) and skip.iac! - 
 An excellent hotel, boats, etc. at Usual charges prevailiin; oil the jriilf coa'^t 
 Thi; Amkhuan AN(.ni;i!, Vol VI.. p. .ill 
 Waldo 1 1'- l{- «^ Nhv.) — I.iikf Alt" at stiitinn: I.aki' Saiitii Vi- -1 in.; Sauta l''i' r. 11 
 ;i. . Niwiiiaii's 1. Till.; iSantii J''i' 1. ln>; tnr lilin'k Iiuhs, wliuli arc iiimicidus; tly 
 :t?).l iitlH'i" baits UHfil: Imtfls .»'J \i. >'. ; Imats .">nc [,, ,\, \ )i(i|iulai' winter Vf - 
 Welltoom ( I" . U- '*i; Nav.i— .•iuwaiifc r. 7 in.; imiiii'rdiis lak".-i near tin Wliitu 
 - , ; hiir Siiriiii,'.-^; tin' la.-t iianii'd licst; li. li., strawberry hass iiercli. etc. ; wiiriii.><, 
 ill.-, livi liait aii'l trnjliiij,' .^ixKiii.s ii>eii: February. AFurch iiiul Ajirii l>est; lidtels f'2 
 \i. ■! . .■?!" V ^*'- bnatH iiiul bait.-i at leasninible rate^, 
 Acworth(\V. \- .V.I — Ktnwnh r. .">iii.; .Mhitnuiia cr. 'Jin.: l'in'ii]ikiii Vine cr. (im.: 
 i.i-i ii.innil be>t: triiiit, catlisli. etc. ; minnows, red and ^'riib w i iiin-~ a: liaits: .\piij. 
 .\lii\ ,ind -lune liest; imtid .» •"> ji. \v. ; j,'iiidcs, bciat.s anil bait MiyclMiqi. 'riiereaie 
 ..III. liriiok triMit in the ab(>\e waters said to 1e canylit in "u Ily ininilier!-" 
 nil I lie I'nin]diin \'ine. .\ltlinut;li A<'\viii |h is in tlie nninntaiinms sei'tiim nf (ienruiii 
 Wi ;i;e in doubt as to the s]iecies of tish olir corresliolldclit calls "trout" — the blacl-- 
 i.i-- heinj^ abo known in (ieoiv'ia as the 'tiout." 
 Acianis (('■ 1>- H. of (ia.i — .Several els. ailjaeeiit fiive fair H)>()rt for b. b. (trout 
 ! . :il \ ' and 1 erch. the latter most abundant. No it"_'ular hotids, guides or boatH. 
 1 M ,1. .iiinmodatioiis can be had from farmers. 
 AUatoona I VV. \ .v.— .\Hatoona cr. '. m.; I'limiikin Nine cr. ', m.; I'.towah r. 
 :;i:i.; I'umiikiii Vine ci-. best; b. b.. bream, cattish, etc.; eels, catlish and bas.s 
 ii. -t niuneroiiH; wonn;^ Ilit s and live minnows used for baits: .Vj ril. May and 
 .hiiii best: no hotels, but jirixate board at .-rS to .sluji. month 'I'liei-e are a few 
 li;.".l< trout in the creeks and the b. b. tishiiii,' is rejiorted ^;ood. 
 AniericilS It '• K- K. ofda.i — Mnckah'e cr. -. m.; I'liiit r. l.'> in.: I'hilenii cr. 7 'i 
 1:..: Line er. H m.; Swictwater ir. '.i m.; niimei'oiis mill iionds: the first tin 
 iiiiiiied an- tlie best: bream, in'icli. b. b., ]>ike, cattish, etc.; baits are worms. li\e 
 .iiid cut bait: .Vjiril. >bi> and .Inne best; hotels re;isonablc. I'ishili},' re]ported ^;ood. 
 ,si ,• Keyiicdds, (ia. 
 Beech Island (I't. 1!. \ .V.)—Tsveedy's (formerly) Millers Dead r. near st;ition: 
 1h -1 L.-hinj.; \\:iters within lo miles (>f .Kii;,'usta. (la.: bream, sjieckled and I'ed belly 
 lii-nli. |str;iwberry bass) front. ib. b.. ) caltish etc.: worms, bee's nests and minnow 
 ' I ir-: \pi'ii to Nos ember inclusive. ImsI; ^,niides. boats ami bait very moderate. 
 Bostick(i'. K. !;. ofda.i — (iorman's AFill ji. and Flat cr.: fust iiiinied best; cat- 
 li'li. bream and b. b.; lirst named (buuinate: worms, minnows and cricket- as bait; 
 M;iy lime and .Inly best. Fished mostly by the resicb-nt ne^^roes. 
 Brooks Station M '. Ii- li. of da.) — Flint r. 'J m.: Whitewater r- 'J m.: I.iiue cr. .1 
 I!.; iiist named the liest: some li. b. taken here, usual liaits: February ;ind » •ito))er 
 iV-i; hotel at reasonal>lc rate; lioats and baits cheai>. 
 Callioiin (W. ,>c .\.) — Dew's \>. h m.: Ootlicaloo^ia cr. and Mil' ]>. 1 m.: Oostaiioula 
 I. 1 111.; lirst named best; trout, lu'eam, catlish etc.: trout, biciim ami suckers most 
 iiiniieriuis; minnows are usual b;iit for tnmt: worms for bream, mush and c<.tton 
 l"r sucki'rs; ^^ay to .Seiitember best: hotel at Ve;isoiiable rate. Calhoun is in (ror- 
 il'iii Co.. in N. W. part of the State, heine the brook trout. 
 Carrollton (C, U. li. of (ia.)— Little 'I'all.ipoosa r. 1 m : some li. 1p. taken lien': 
 i,-u;i! liaits used: "May and •Iiuie best: hotid.*! to ;*2 p. d. 
 Cartersville (\V. >V A.) — i^towah r. 'J m,: I'ettitts ir. 1 m.; lirst namcil ).e4: 
 bi" rk liout. liream, catlish etc. : worms ami live bait used; .\]iril. May and .Inne 
 b'-t: hotids :?L.'>0 to ^2 p. d. Cartersvillf is in IJartow Co, in N, \V. (ieoreja. Ik ncc' 
 !'' ' trout waters tlowill^' throut,di it. 
 Eden (('. IL 11. of ( ia.) — Ojjeeehee r. and lakes 1 ' . m.: eijui.lly i^ood; percli. b. b. 
 aiid others: worms, li\e bait and trolling; usual: Ma\ and Se|itt?nibfr 1 est; no 
 I'-iilar hotels, but prixate board 7.">c. p. d.: boats can lie liorrowcd. 
 Geneva (C. IL IL of ( la.) — Juniiier p. and Mc-Crays ji. 'i '^ in.; ("iirmaiis p. t m.: 
 ■'uuiper p. best: b. b.. bream, jierch etc.: bream most numerous; baits, iiickets, 
 v.eiins i>tc.: .\pril. Ma> . .June ;iml Oct. best 
 Georgetown (C. U. R. of (4;i.)— Chattahoochee r. 1 m.: b. b.; and other varieties: 
 ^i ■ 'J Mionths liest. No report of hott 1 and otlier < halves. 
 Grays ville tW. .S; .\.) — t'hickanuiuga r. near station; I'eav ine cr. ;'.i m.; llurri- 
 THK ANtiLKU'w irflPK l*noK. 
 (•line cr. '', III,; two tirHt nan.. '(] bent; li. 1'., .iackfiHli, iitttiHli, brcuni, pcrcli, driiiu 
 «'t<-.; niiiiiiiiwH ami woriiiH untiHl baits; no lintclH, but jirivatf buiinl luii br nbtaii.' I 
 at r<-iiMi(nal>l(' jn-ii <■. 'I'lic liHhiiii,' in u.'«'>^ mar the mill ilaiiiK. 
 OriMn (< '. It. It. nf (ia.)— Flint r. ainl l.inf ir. butli < asil.\ ai rc.»Hibl<': rti>t iiai.M 'I 
 best; li. b., )itiNli, ftc; brcatl, « artllwuriuH rtc. used a- bait; Ffby. anil Oct. )" -t; 
 ImttlH .fl .."ill In .f-' II. (I., $!'» to *^'-.") !>. niontli. 
 Hog"ansville (A. \ W. 1'. )— cliattahodilitc r. 'i m.: I'lint i. d m., f\rst nain' .| 
 best: Ti. b., bri'Miii amlbliK' rat. basH iiiid latll-h )iio!<t iiiiiiicroiis; wonnH and li\f 
 miiinoNs s iisfd iiioMtlv ; .Vid'il to ,Tiilv bcHt; no rf>,Milai' liofcls, bnt botrdinn 1ioiim> 
 at iiiodtTalf; nU'dt's and boats can br obtained. 'I'lic l\slliIl^' at tliis iioini is 
 rc)iortcil ),'ood. 
 Juniper (I'. K. K. of (la.)— .Iimiiicr ]i. I ', ni.: brvam, b. b., (ailisli etc.; bream iiiinici'oiis; usual baits, worms and rrickiis: Ma\..lum'am| .luly licst; 1:1 
 imblic lisliiiin allowed; iicrniisHioii must be obiaimd I'mni owmr ot' jiond. 
 Marietta (W \- A.i--('liattolwoclicc r. ]l m ; F.ittlc r. I'J m.; JioIIvh p. .'{ .m,: 
 Soaii CI'. .'1 m. ; brook trout, jicrcli, cattisb. etc.; worms usual liait: May to .-Vtit.'iist 
 best: hotels or boardilit,' lioiise #1 .."ill to .*•'( \i. il . ; .Marietta is in ( 'olib < o. in the N . 
 ^\■. seclioii of tlie Male, lieiici' the brook trout. 
 Marshallville (• '■ !!• It. "f (ill.)— Flint I', and Mill |ionds >ieai' by; bream, b.h. 
 aid callish luostlv ; worms used ; .May and .liine liest; hotel »'J p. d. 
 McDaniel's ( W. \- A.l— Oothc alooj.'a cr. ', m.; l>ews Mill \\. 7 m.; last nan.'d 
 best: brook trout and bream; trout mo.-t numerous; v.drms usual bait; 
 months best: no hotel; camiiin^' necissary. There are a few trout in the cr. win. li 
 lies in ( iol'ilon Co. in the N. W. section of the State. 
 McOinnis I H. iV "VV. of .\.i— Kuhai'lee ci'. near station; brook trout, ii''"''b ■""! 
 coarse lisli; trout most numerous; \\ornis and minnows usual tiaits; .Vjiril and .M,i> 
 best; iirivate boardiut; houses at ^l \). d.; f.'uide, Inats and bait <an be had at ri i^- 
 oiiable rates. I{o;,'ers' INIill 1 ' . m. is said to alford excellent sport; about 1 m. cli> 
 tant a siiriii},' brook empticH into J'.uharlee. which eivcs fair troutinn. 
 Mclntyre (<'. H. 11. of (ia.) — Commissioner ci . .v lllack 1. easily accessible; lii>t 
 namt:d best; b. b., porch, etc.; .Vprilto Novemlier liest; worms and roaches used i- 
 Mortis (<'. 1{. H. i>f <ia.)—I'aloula <r. 'J m.; IJonitield Mill p, ;t m,; first na)i:"l 
 best; peich, b, b. and cattish, the last most nuniei'ous; bait, worms; May and .In:.'- 
 best; guides not needeil; boats and baits cheap. 
 Offeachee (C. U.K. of (ia.)— (ij,'ee<hee r. ', m.; 2 lar^i'iionds .') to I miles distaii: 
 the '.i^'ecchee r. best; b. b. ( lar(^e jiKiutlied), bream, etc.; in freshwater; rockli^li 
 islriped bassi and others in salt water; worms of various kinds used as bait; sjinitt; 
 and fall months the best; hottd accoiumodations to be had; guides (dieap; ImhIm 
 can b' \isually borrowed. 
 Perry (<'• n. H. of <'a.)— iJin Indian cr. near station; Houston Factory p. 4 in.: 
 lasf Uiimed best; bream, b. b., cattish, etc.; bream most numerous; worms lln' 
 I'rincipal bait; .\pril and November best; hotel ■^'1 p. d.; boats can be had •! 
 )i. d. 
 Powersville (•'. K. It. of (ia.)— Mule cr, 'j m.: Moneecr. 1'. m.: lastnain'ii 
 lust; b. b., iierch, etc.; live bait and worms used; Marcdi, .\i>ril and May best: im 
 re},nilar hotel, but private accommodations can be hail; boats and bait can be pm. 
 cured. I'is.hiii^; reported ^'ood and black bass (huve mouthed) are freijuently takni 
 weifiliiiij,' 1(1 to I'J lbs. 
 BeB'Ca(\V. \ A.)— Oostanoula r. near station: Canasauj^a r. 1 m.: Consawall' •• 1. 
 4 lu.: about i(|ually ^'ooil: cathsli. drum, redhorse and whife shad: redlmrse iii">t 
 numerous; worms, minnows and craytish used for baits: Ajiril and .May best; hird'* 
 .*•.' p. d.; ^'ui(les .* 1 p. d.: boats can be had at reasonable prices. 
 Reynolds |C. K.H. of (ia. )— Patseli^a cr, 1 m.; Flint r. :i m.; Heaver cr. "> in ; 
 and \:irious iiouds nearby; I'atstdi^a cr. and l-'lint r. best: b, b., bream, catti-li. 
 etc.; bi«'ani ami cattish in the majority; worms mostly used as bait; May to s. p!. 
 best; hotel at reasonable prices; boats ami bait plenty and reasonable. Tl'-'' 
 watev.s are reported ^'ood in the summer months. The channel cattish tin e- :.! ' 
 sjiort and those ol this section are said to be a iiio>t e.xci llent table lish. 
 RinfCfold iW. .»c .\.)— Fast and West Chickamauga r's.; Woods cr., Pea Vine • : . 
 ai.irij{<r tT. : I!, ainl W. Cliickiimiinnii licst; li. li., Hi)('ckli(l trcut. luciim. wliitr- 
 1.1 ivh, fti'.; I'ltHh. inrcli iiikI trmit innMt iiiMiHrouw; wuriiiH iihiiiiI ImitH; Mii> mid 
 ,|.iiii' 1 1'Ft for lii't'iiiii 1111(1 ix'i'ch mill ull hiiiiiiiii'r tur liiir<H aim trniit; liotilH $i tu 
 il "ill 11. (I.; t.'iii(lc $1 !>. il.; IxiiitH unil l)uit fret'. Uiii^'^olil i.-* in N. W. ( icur^'iii. 
 Rogers (^V. A: A.)— l'«'titH cr. 1',, in.; Ktowiili r. Im.; first nannij Ipcnt: luiiok 
 ). I |,i irli. ratlinli, tic. ; womiH and ininuowH iiMcd fur liaits; .April, May. .Iiiui-, 
 M I'liiiilii I'aiid iictdbcr lifHt; nn Imti'l, but (,'niid iirisiitr Imard \ rr> ciicaii: jinidcH 
 jl|,, d.; tlifi'f Im Hoiiu' tront in fin- iiliovf named ir.: tln' lattisii run hh lii^diaH 
 Savannah (nuiurv(niM r. r. \' Htr'aniHliii) Hiu'm.)— Savannuli r. in-arli.v; Vernon r. 
 li I , I tj^'tcclui' r. I'Jin.: Ncrimn and t i^^icrlifc tlir lust: .Ta trout. : imlti'd and Idk. 
 ii,i--. -lii'i'|iHlnad, wliitiiij,', drum and otIitrK; all nunifi'ou,-; Imit.'- sliiiniji, <ralm 
 ^iihl niullit; tall and winter licnt time; liotfln .f ;t to -1 p. d. . lioat and lu'uro lioatmaii 
 »1 [i. d. Tlif Savannah and ( >n<M(lii'i' are I'ri'sli water .sti'iani.^ and the N'eruoii is an 
 anil "f tlie sea. 
 Stilesboro (••"- «^: ^^'■ "f .V.) — Ktowah r. 1 '. m.; Uaeeoon I'r. 2 m.: I'.iiharlee cr. ', 
 11.. i.i-t named liest for "trout"; brook trout, lireani, xellow perch, redhorse. cat- 
 tish, etc.; crickets, worms, minnows and dou^;h used foi' liaits: .\pril, .Ma.v, .June, 
 ti. t.'lit r and No\eml ei' liest. This place is in N. \V. (ieornia. 
 TennilleC- K- If- <'f (ia.l— Ohooiiee r. ll m.; Oconee r. bt m.; Ocollee r. best; 
 M.ic' perch found here; worms and cut bait mostly used ; hotel .fj p. <1.: ^mides :f I 
 II. li ; boats anil baits at small tout. These waters ale well lished. 
 Toomsboro (C H- It- of (ta.) — Cuunons Mill ]). near by. has some perch, 
 "iiii ,1111," (local for sunlish). etc., in it; i>erch most plentiful . .Xjiril and May best ; 
 I,. Ill Is $'J p. d. 
 ViningS(\V. .S; .\.)— Chaftahoochie r. and Itotteiiwood cr. a 'ssible; hrst named 
 1 . -' pi nil. catfish, etc.; worms usual baits; Ajiril, May and .liine best. 
 Ward {<'■ H- U- of (ia.l — i'rittfudon and (diver's ji'ds. '.i in.; Nocliway cr. 1 'j m.; 
 la. Iiilla cr. 4 111.; Nochway cr. the bcsi ; b. b.. catllsh. bream, etc. ; baits. woriuH 
 .iiiil iiiiiiiiows; .Vjiril and .May best; hotels if 1, An p. d.; \cry little lishiii^' done. 
 Williamsburg' (•'■ H- K. of (la.)— Nottaway r, '2 m.; all the varieties of fresh 
 a.iti I lislies; brt am and b. b. nioHt numerous ; usnal bait worms; .Vpril, May and 
 June best. 
 Battle Creek ('.'• IM — hear r. '., m.; trout, chub, t'tc; trout most iiumerout; 
 •.•ra~-lioiiii( IS and miniiowH used; summer and fall best; hotels at moderate prices. 
 Beaver Canon (I'. !'•) — Shot (iun r. 4(i m.: Snake r. -to m.; both excellent 
 ii-liiU),' waters; mountain trout and herring;; trout abundant: summer mdiitliH best; 
 hntils # ;tip. d.; ^iuides. boats and bait (dicap. At the junction of the above r., 4o m. 
 tr.iii lieaver Canon, the tishiiif' is \ery line. 
 Belleviie (T'. 1'.) — Hit,' Wood r. l m.; silver cr. sni.: last named best; mountaih 
 !iinit; tlies, worms and trrasshopiiers; Ma> to No\eiiilii'r: best hotel .*'2 ji. d.; no 
 1 Miit- Heeded; bait plentiful; j^'uiiles not needed; tishin^r \ ery line. 
 Cabinet (N. ]'.)— IJliie er. :t m. See Spokane Falls. Wash. T, 
 Camas I r. l'.)—t'anias cr. near station: Medicine Loilt,'e cr. 1(1 in.; Sand Hole 
 i.iiiii.; .Mud 1. l."iiii.; first named best; I! varieties of trout: tlies, urasshopjiers and 
 luitniows. usual bait(<; June and .July best: hotels at reasonable rates; guides #5 
 1'. il : lioats at moderate chart,'!': bait abundant and at tritliiit,' chart,'e. The fishiU(.c 
 in ( aiiias er. is exceptionally t,'ooil. 
 Eagle Rock (I'. 1*.)— Snake r. near station, trout, cimb and wliitelish; tirwt 
 Hal ,■ .1. Ill excess: Hies, minnows and grasshoppers: May. .iune, .-Vut^iist and Sep- 
 ti iiiln r liest; hot«d i:'l p. d. 'J"he fishiufi is very fine. 
 Franklin (I'. 1'.) — Cubr. ', m.; Bearr. (>m.; hrst named best: .rout and nioiin- 
 taii! ii'iriii!^; trout abiiiulant: minnows, bullheads, etc. as bait; .\pril to Sejit. 
 I'l ~i; boardiiit,' houses .^2 ji. d.; t^nides at reasonable rates. 
 Granite (N-1'.. see pat,'e VIII.) — Pend I)"t)rielle L.'ini.: trout and coniniou varieties; 
 •bii:. ai'.d .luly best; jiuides reasonable, also boats and liaits. In a 1. Id m. distant, 
 ;;i" li I ri, mint,' may '"' '"kI- 
 V' ^ />,. Nss^ 
 ■^.^ .y-'" 
 *" IS 
 i" 112.0 
 WEBSTER, N.Y 14580 
 (716) 872-4503 
.< c.^ 
 . V 
 t:ik anolku s «riDE book. 
 Inkoxu (!'. 1'. )— Port Nuuf r. iioiir Htutiim: Marsh cr. 'j lu.; Rabbit cr. '^ in ; bf.-<t;, chubn ami whitcliHli; trout iiarticularlj ; minnows, yrubs nn,\ 
 wciriiiH; June, .July, AUKUHt and S»'i)t<'iubcr bfHt; lioti^ls ;;'J..">ii p, d.; bait i)lfntiii,i 
 T:ik») worms with you, iioiit! uvnv lukom; tht-y will kill in the above watci's w iu i 
 noiliiuji clsf' will. In thu Port Nt-iif r. the larne ilsh \\\> from Snake r., from Jiiin- 1 
 to .1 ily l."«, which is the best tina? to lish this water. Camping' out liect'ssarv, u? 
 the hotels are V/ ui's from best {,'ronii(lH. 
 Xana (T. P.) — Suako r. and Uoise r. 1.' m.; rtrst iiaim^d best; stuiyeoii, saliMni. 
 aul salmon; small lishasbait; August, Sejit. and Oct. lest; hotels reiixiniiMi : 
 (.(111 les, beats and baits moderaff. These streaiiif, an; much Bwolk-u iu the siiriii. 
 und early .suunucr, which luakes the hnhiiig hitu iu BeaHou. 
 US '3Canini«>il |U. P.) — Port Xeiif r. at station; Marsh cr. :j ni.; eiiuHlly good ar- 
 CO- li;it( to season; trout, both salmon and moiinlaiii; minnows and art. tlies; .liU\. 
 Au;,'iist and .September be;-(t; hotels .■fj..">0 j). d. J.ocal an-^lei's use a lart^e art. li. 
 of tlieir own make, with much success. Tho lish arc larj^e and numerous, 
 Minidoka (l-- P-) — Simkc r. (5 m.; trout, chub and whitelish; niiunows, ^'lilI^^• 
 ho;)l)ers ami tiour jiaste used as baits; May. June, .July and .Xunusi best; hoti 1 ?.: 
 [i. d.; boats can be had at small coi-i, but seldom needed. The eddies or iioi.l> at 
 tlic oud of tie I'apids contain the best tisli. 
 Montpelier (T. P.)— Hear 1. 'io m.; trout; uorc't^uhir hotel, btit board cau b<.' ban 
 at farm houses; guides at low charjies. 
 Mountain Home (f. P.)— t'imyou cr. '.m.; Ibitth'suake cr. 1 m.: first b'-it: 
 111 lunttiiii tf'iit only ; wurms ami ^;riissli()ii|iers usual baits; .Viij^ii.-t and .Seiiteml.-r 
 b.'it; hotels .i^'J p. d.; boats and guides not re(|uiicd. Tisli average ', lb. In miil- 
 summer Canyon cr. runs dry. but tliiTe i.> vjiumI tishin^ 4 to 7 up the cr. all Mini- 
 Rathdriim (X. P.. see page VIII.)- Lake Coeiir D'Alct.e 10 in. by static, fare i\.:<i'. 
 trout; Hies mo.-itly used; .Inly to November best: hotels .•?J. on p. d.; boats .■»! |i, il. 
 Our report says ; "The best tishiiit,', trout lavj;e and voracious." Jlayden 1. 1 1 m ; 
 Spirit 1. <■( 111.; Fish 1. 4 ni.. also give j^ood fishiiij.!. See Spokane Kails, Wash T. 
 aud liii; Ami;ui( A.s Ancilkh, vol. VT' page M. 
 Sand Point (N. P., SCO ]mgo VIII.) — Lako Peud d'Oriellc atfords tiond li.-lijii.' 
 for all varieties of we><tern trout; also Pack r. .See Si>ok«ine I'alls. Wash. '1. .iiil 
 Uathdrum, Idaho. Kootenai 1. :f.')m. distant, is said to^<i\c the finest rtshiic^ u. 
 the Northwest; hotels fl.ooto .f; i> . .'(U p . d.; no re^jiilar ^'iiules, but ludiaus can I" 
 Shoshane (f. P.l— T.ittle Wood r. n'>ar station; Malad, or Iht,' Wood r. 4'. in : 
 both good; two vai'ietic;of trout: tly, grassho))pcrs. etc; .June to ( ictober liivt: 
 hot,<ds .■?"J p. d.; baits at noininalcost. 
 Soda Spring's (T. P.;— lUackfoot r. lorn.. Soda cr. '., m.; Hearr. ','ni.; tirKt 
 uaini'd best; niouulain salmon, trout and chub; salmon trout pre\ail: tly in liilv 
 aud August; live bait (minnows and fro},'s) in tall; .\ut,'Ust and September L.-t 
 hotclt:?2p. d., j^lnp. w.; baits cheap. The lihliin^ is very :i;.c and the hsli :i: ■ .'t 
 largo size. 
 Tahoma, Iiake d'. P. l— Thisl. is r>nm.froui Ilailey statimi on the Oi-.^;..!! 
 Short Liiie br, of I'liioii P-u'. i'. r. This water is celebrated lor its redfish uluili 
 belout,'s to tlie salmon f.iiiiily, iind it is said of them tli;it iliey never take a li:iiti'i 
 liook, but this is disputed. 
 Vinita Indian Tcr. |St. I., .v San F.)— Tin- followiiit; waters . :'.n be reatdud vlit, 
 this place: (rrand r : rotiucr.; Horse cr.; i'awPavN cr.; Verdi|,'ri,-- r. ; thi'y coiitaiu 
 b. b.. pei'cdi, biitlalo. cattish, etc.: baits used, minnows and fresh meats: ^laivb. 
 .\pril, .May, Sept. aud Oct. best, hotels $'2.")0 )i. d.; truides with team .■?•') p. il.: 
 boats aud bait to be had idicap. These waters are reported to tis as "good." 
 Alton (•'. i^- .V.I— strong's 1. I m.; Snielt/.er 1. I m.; IJriik House slough 'J m- 
 Pias!i cr. I'l 111.: Splatter Pock 1. 4 m.; Smiths 1. 12 m. ;l)yke. opposite town tat kiim- 
 All these nve small bays or arms of the Miss. r. aud each one is best, according' Im 
 tho BtttKO of water; b, b., pike, suutts!i etc.; b. b. are abuudant: July, August iiuil 
 ar»l can bi- ban 
 s. ■;. In'.^t months; baitH — minnowa; hotels at Alton $1. '■) to $2 p. d.: nuidi-s $l.M 
 1. il.; DoatH $1 1). (I.; minnows rwio p. 1U>I. Good Ushiu^ nay time after Aiuil. 
 Algonquin (C. .t X. W.)— Fox r. neiir station: ))ickeirl. jiikc h. h., rock )>;is : and 
 ,,t!i. :■*; iiiiiiiiows Usual bait; sprinj^ iiiul tall months bt-st: hotel $1 i>. d. 
 Aroma (<'• I- !^t. L. &('.)— Kankakee v. rnn« thrnunh tlie villatre; Inxiuois r. 'j 
 111.: ilii' tir^t ln'st. hut botli ^ood; jiieki'iel. 1). b.. falnidii ijiike ixTchl. ratliMh ete.; 
 juiiiiiiiws, worms, ^rasHhoi)i)i'rs, craylish etc. used as liaits; May and June best 
 1), it [,'ood sprinn, summer and fall; lintels #1.50 to S'2 ji. d.; guides easily procured 
 at low price: boats '.'.V to 7r>c p. d.; miimows 10c to irK- p. dozen. Excellent 
 Atkinson iC- it- I. \' !'•) — (ircen r. li m.: b. b.. pickerel, pike etc.: frof^s mostly 
 li-il; September and October best; hot».'l »1..")0 j). d.; guides reusoiuihle. 
 Batavla I < '■ t^ X. W. )— Fox r. runiiini» throu^;)i town and lakes of hividw.iters 
 1 i-,!> ,iciis«ilile; l-'ox r. Iiest; s. 111. b. 1)., jjike and pickerel: Ims.H iuomI numerous: 
 uuim'iws. flies and spoons used for bait.>; J line, .lulv and Octoher best; the l.ikes 
 1 ' 111. north are excellent j^roiimls for bass, pike and pickerel. 
 BallevillelL.'^: X.)— Pittshurn 1. 7 m.; Okaw r. is m.: (Queens 1. is m.: all e.pially 
 ■_'..!; II. 1>., croppies anil iiiki': liass and croppies most plentiful: iiiiiinows priiici- 
 jii';y u-ed as baits; tlure are no hotels at the tishing grounds; Itoats can be had at 
 y li us I. 
 BDnfield(<". I. St. L. .t O— Kankakee r. 4'j m.: North Hon *>'; m.: tlrst 
 iMMiiil l)est; pickerel, li. b. and speckled trout (in cr.); bass mos uij; - ■is; luiii- 
 I, ' \ - ,111(1 cr-iyttsh usual baits; .Itllie, Septelllhel aud October best; i»,;* -'i *l,.")i) to 
 .:J;i.l.; ^iuides $1.50 p. d. 
 B ireau (<'■ R- I. >V P.) — Illinois r. 2 m.: Sprint,' 1-1 ui.; both good; b. b.. pike- 
 s:illii'i|i (pike pel'idl), croppies etc.; bass, liike. pike perch most llilllierous; luiniio.vs 
 1111. i U'lrms usual baits; June ami September best; hotel #2 p. d.; boat with guide 
 fjp. a. 
 Canton (Several r. r.) — Kxcellent sport witli b. b.. pike-perch (salmon 'ocally). 
 |.;'v and croppies at Cojiperas creek and dam on the Illinois r. winch is adjacent; 
 ii.iits — minnows, sjiooii and Hy. See 'I'm i; Amkiucan AN<ii.Kit. Vol. Ill, jiage 1(7". 
 .^linii^' 1. IS noti'd for the abundance, size and ipiality of its fish, 
 Cliarlestan (several r. r.)— Embarras r. near by: several varieties of bass, 
 ill' lu'luig t'le 1. 111. («o s. m . I. croppii's. siintisli. bniValo etc; baits — minnows, 
 U'r,i>-!ioppers, crickets, crayli.-ih and cut-fish; accommodations reasonable. 
 Cherry Valley (<'. .V X. W.)— Xorth branch of Kishwaukee r. near station; 
 li. !i. rock liiss and pickerel; black, and rock bass most numeri'ius; minnows and 
 iirt. tins and spoons u id as lur';:: Sejiteiiiber and October best; hotels $2 1). d.; 
 lilciitv of bait but no boats. The tishing is fair ariuind the dams. 
 Chicago, South (L. S. .^- M. S.)— Lake Michigan ', m,; Calumet r. ', m.; Cal- 
 uiii' I I. 2 m.; iiercli, jiickerel, b. b., suntlsh etc.; pi'i'ch most numerous; minnows 
 Hill trogs usual baits; hotels .■f2 to .■? 4 ji. d.: l-oat.-i :?l to .■f2 p. d.: bait clieaj). 
 Siut'hi'ii winds are said to be tlii' best for tishing on Lake Alichigaii, and northern 
 Miiii'N for CaliiuHjt r. and 1. 
 CUntonville («'. .t. X. W.)— Fox r. near station; pike, pickerel and b, b.; 
 I'i •':>!• i-l most numevous in early spring, and bass later in the season: live minnows 
 111 i't!> iiseii as baits; .\pril. Max . June and July best: the-e watei's are well fished 
 1': li'' anglers of Elgin mar bv. 
 CDlumbla (St. 1,. .\: ('.)— Fish 1. .'l m.: Hill 1.2'. m.: ^loredock 1.12 m.: Lack 
 ^I'liijli H 111.; Fish I. aud Moredock I. the best: b. b., butl'alo, eropiiies, cattish and 
 ^uiiii>li; suntlsh and crojipies the most numerous; .»i)ril, .May and June best: niin- 
 1. A- and worms usual bait: hotels $1 p, d.; guides and eouv»'yances $:{ to $4 p, d.; 
 I'Mts .loc JI, d, 
 Custer ( W . St. L. .S: P,)— Kankakee r, (it station; black and silver bass, iiike. 
 !'.' ki nd etc.; black and silver bass most numerous: minnows usual bait: .\i>ril, 
 M,i\ Jiuie, Seiitember and October best: hotels $•> p, d.; boats and bait Jl to ?l..">o 
 1' 1 I'isliing rejiorted fair. 
 ^ DinvlUe d. H. A: W.i— Vermillion r ; b. b.. channel I'ats; the latter most plenti- 
 ' I'liiow bait; April, May, and Juu;'; hotels, j:-J p. d.; guides not needed: boats 
 ■.i"i ii:iits cheap. 
 ■>■■ ■\ -■'■'. h^ 
 Dayton (T. B. k Q.)— Fox r., lu-ar nt-tiou : li. b., (s. m.) pike and jiiikciei;. s. ni. 
 b. b. iiKmt uuhhtoiik; Mm- iniuunwH it. iial bait ; Ai>iil and May bewt; usui.l (.eai-(Jii. 
 ThiH iH a uottd b. b. ground; pike-penli ( f.all-tj ed pikt) are alwo caugbt. 
 De Pue (<'. U. I. .t I'.)— Lake I)t! PUf, mar station; IllinoiH r., '^ in.; fiivt n;ii!..,l 
 bent; b. b., iiickerd, iierch, eti'.; iisiiul baits; spring and fall bi-wt; bottds <ir b..,uii. 
 ing-boiiHi'H, Toe to HI p. d.; boatH and baitri cheap. 
 ' Dundee (<'. iV N. W.) — Fox r., '^ ni.; pickerel, rock and b. b., andpiki-; rockHul 
 b. b. prevail; minnow and worm baits; May, .June, and September best; lii.ic U. 
 ^^l.'-T) p. d.; boats and baits can be bad at reasonable prices. 
 Essex (''■ I. St. I,. .S; ('.)— Kankakee r., ."> ni.: b. b.. pike, pickerel, and silver 1m.-«: 
 basH of both kinds most nuiiierotis: minnnws and art. sjioons used; .\pril, Mii\. 
 .June, September, October, and November, best; hotels, .*l to f'i\>. d.; boats, >1 |., 
 $2 i>. d. 
 Preeport(<'. ^f. -^ St. P. See inside back inver.)— Picatonica r., runs tliioiicli 
 city; pickerel and coai'se varieties; minnows nstuil bait; •Iitne best month; hi'i.-^, 
 5^2 p. d.; boats, .fl.'i') p. d. 
 Garden Prairie (('■ 'V: N. W. ) — Kishwaukee r.. iiear station; ba«H, pickerel, <■{•■.. 
 KnuiU tish and minnows usual baits; hotel, ^^if.oo p. w. 
 Orafton (W. St. I,. .V P.l— Illinois r. 'i m.; >[ississippi r. near station; I.ont,' 1. o).- 
 posito in .Mo.; (iilbert 1. and Silver 1. about "J m.; lakes best; b.b., crojipies. latli-h 
 and Huutish, the two last predoniinatiiif,'; some seasons bass are ([Uite nnnierMii«: 
 Worms and niinuows usual baits; June to <Jctober best; hotels $l..")op. d.; b..:it.s 
 r^itr p. d. 
 Oarnee (<"• M. \- St. P. See inside back cover.) — Gaj^es 1. -i ui.; Second 1. •'! ni.: 
 Third 1. :t m.; Fourth 1. K m.; Deep 1. M m.; Cedar 1. ; Sand 1. « m.; Lni-i i., 
 Ibiund 1. and Fox 1; <'edar, Long and Fox I's. best; jiickerel and; 
 frog and minnow bait; May, June and St'ptenilier liest; hotels reasonaide; b^ut'. 
 fxic p. d. 
 Harvard (<'■ >V N. W.) — (leneva 1. 11 m.; Delevati 1. 1^ ni.; first nann-d best f^r 
 lisli. btif they are more nnnn-rous in l)ele\an I. ; iiiM'ch. b. b., ijickerel. i ikr 
 1.; minnow and worm b;iii«: 
 be li.ii' 
 large - , _ , 
 and Cisco; jiei-cli and bass most numerous in (ieneva 1.; minnow and won 
 spring and fall months the best; hotels ;?!. 75 to ?="Jp. d.; noats and bait can 
 Ivery cheap. 
 Havana (W. St. Ti. \- P.)— Illinois r. near station: (.niive-*!. .'t m.: ThonipsoTi- 1. 
 3'j m.; t^tiiver 1. best; jiike, b.b., croppies and salmon ipike percli); bass mot 
 numerous; minnows ami spoon hooks used for baits; June and .Inly best: lii.|rl» 
 #1..")0 to #2 p. d.; guides i\.:>0 to $■> j). d.: boats ."(Oc p. ,1, our coriespoiiilint 
 Kvrites: "This is couijidered one of the very best fishing points in the .state." 
 Henry (('. I{. I. .*c P.)— Illiimis r. and outlet of Senochwine 1. 'j', m.; b. !>.. ].i(k- 
 Orel, croppies, white bass, etc.: liass in excess; minnows and spoon hooks u-nl: 
 ;\ray to Sept. good. 'l"h<' Lock in tlie r. is a favurite spotot the local anglers anii tlic 
 fishing is excellent there. 
 Rollis (W. St. L. ,^- P.)— Illinois r. 1 m.; i>ike, b. b., salmon (i>ike iierchl, ]> ivh 
 and cattish; bass, jiike an<l caltisli most nunnrous: worms, crayfish and mini,'»> 
 tised as baits; .\i)ril, .June an<l Sei(te;ubei' best, .\fter the !•. o\ci'fiows and riiir"> 
 thousands of fish are left in the deep holes, and thev are caught bv the b;wnl« 
 Joliet (<'• It. 1. .V P.)— l>uPage rv. (! m.; Kankakee r. \1 ni.: Desplaines r. 7 m ; 
 Kankakee r. best; pike. b. b., suntish, etc.; b. b. most nuincrous; minnows usually 
 as bait; May, June, Seiitenibir and October best; hotels .rJp. d.; boats and I'iCt 
 nominal cost. "The fishing in May and June in good." 
 Jonesboro (St. L. \- ('.)— Dutch cr. 'J m.; Clear cr. ."> m.; Kunning 1. ' m.; I'.l itti. 
 7 m. ; (irassy 1. 7 m.; HI u IV 1. and outlet of same best: b. b., pike, pi-rch, and ca!!i-li 
 perch and cattish most nnmeroMs. but bass identiful: baits — minnows, wornis ai;<l 
 fresh meat: -Tune and Sei)tember best, altliough caught all summer; hotel -l.'»' 
 p. d. The outlet of Blutt 1. is an excellent water for b. b, and pike. 
 Xankakee |C. I. St. I,, i'^: Ci— Kankakee r and Illinois r. accessible: first imih'- 
 best: b. b., iiickeicl and ]iike: buss most numerous: minnows usual bait; Maiil 
 .\pril ami !May best: botid #l..if' to.*.' p. d.; boats -'oc p. d.; luiuuowH 25c p. ii"Z- 
 The best fishing is at Ariuna the next station east. 
 Keithsbnrir (r*. I.) — MiRBiHBippl r.. I'rairie Slough and S))rinp 81onRh all within 
 1 Hi Willow 1. 3 ni.; Otter 1. H in.: tin- twn lawt best; i>ik»'. li.l>.. Huiirtsli, jh ich aud 
 (■;i'ii|'i('j>: liHHK, HiintiMli itiid ('r()])])icH iiioHt ininierotiH-. iniiiiioWH and woriim an liaitn; 
 Siptt i.ilier and Oftobcr bcKt; liDtt-l.s 5>2 p. d.; (jiiidfH .*'J j'. d.; boatm oOc p. d.; bait 
 liiU I'f leadily proc-ured. 
 Lawrence (<^'. A: N. W.) — Lake tli-nrva and liclawarc 1. \'i m.; lant named best; 
 jiii 1 I r<l. iiike. b. b.. iiercli etc; jierch niont uinueronH: niinnowH are UHUal buits; 
 (iliiiiiji and siiinniei' best Heasoir, btiuts 5(ir to $1 ji. d. 'I'liis station is near a bran<'h 
 (if tlic I'ishkasHW er., a small stream in wliieh some speckled trmit were planted li 
 few : iiii-* a«i> by Mr. Avers, of Chieap), and they appear to be thriving aM soiue are 
 fake:: m-i'iisioually. 
 Lawrencevllle (W. St. L. \' 1*. >— Kmbarras r. at stition: Horse shoe j). 1 m.; 
 U( iiM-r 1). :i m.; liapiil p. H m.; Swan p. i! m.. all irood: b. b.. pereli. "tin month," 
 (;o(,';;li -eye, some trout. i>ike. butl'alo, eiitlish etc.: bass, jierdi, and '"tin mouth" 
 most immerons; minnow bait; .V])ril, May and .Itine best: hc.'.els at reasonable 
 rati'.-; boats and baits can be had at moderate cost. This point has a good reputa 
 lioii aiiiuiig flsherniou. 
 Lemont {V. St. L, k. W.)— See Willow Sjirings. 111. 
 Lockport (('. St. L. A: W.)— See Willow Springs, 111, 
 Lorenzo (('. St. L. .V W.)—Kankakic r. at station: b. b. and pickerel abound; 
 iiiiiiii"ws us bait; Miiy tM .Vn^just best . no regular hotels, but boar<ling can be had 
 ;it tiivui iiiiiises: bouts and bait reasonable. Our corresiioudents sa> s tliat this water 
 ■■i> till' choicest ttshing iiro\in(l in the State; the lish are large aixl plfiitiful." 
 Mitchell {<'•&. V.I— f-xnt; 1. at st:ition: b. b., cattish, pik<' etc.; b. b. plentiful; 
 (.' I iiMiii Ainil to i)ctol)er: wo''nis ami minnows used: hotels .■?! p. d.; guides not 
 n i|iiiiii|; boats iilenty at #1 p. d.: Long lake is considered one ot' th<' best hunt- 
 iiit; aii<l fishing groiinds in the Slate; and is much visited b\ the sportsnu'U of St, 
 I.(.i;i-, Mo. 
 Mannheim (•'. M. .v st. r, Sc inside bad; cover) — Des Plaines r. 'J m.; b, b.; 
 )iirk< 1(1 and coarse varieties: jiickerel and bulllieads most numerous: worms and 
 nniinow ■- as bait: May and Septcmlici' liest: hotels .■?! to Sl.-'Vop. d.; guides au'l 
 lic.ii,- iiiit needed, 'lliere are said to be some very tine tish in Des PlailU'S r,, but 
 ilii> are dillicult to lu'e. 
 Marseilles (<'■ K. I- «V I'. I— Illinois r. '., m.. Mill Ihuc 'j m.: both eijually good; 
 likr: pickerel, b. b., cattisli etc.: minnows, worms, meat etc. as baits; .\pril. May 
 .iiiil I iiti^iber best; hotels i'2\t. d,; boats ami bail reasonable. 
 Mr:Henry (<'. i^ N. W)— Fox 1, and (Irass 1, H m.; l*ista<|UM 1. 4 m.; Silver 1. 7 m.; 
 Mil 111 HI I. \ m.; Fox, (irass and I'lstaipia the best; b. b.. pickend and pike; 
 jiuki III and b. b. most numerous; minnow and frog baits: Mav, June, .Vu^zust and 
 Si jit' hiliir best: hotels !?'i p, d.; boats ■")0c p. d.: minnows and frogs ?! p. loii. 
 Mereclosia (W. St. T,. \- TO— Meredosia 1. and Illinois r. near station; first best; 
 li. li . piki', salmon, (jiike-iierclil, white bass. cid))iiies, sunlisli. cattish etc.: all art* 
 mum I'oHs: minnows and wm-ms usual baits; .June, July and .\ug;ist best; hotels at 
 111. nil rate charges; guides at reasomible I'ate; boats ami bait at moderate cost. The 
 li-li!ii'.; Is good. 
 Moljne (''. K. I. A: T) — MissiHsipiii r. near town, liock r. 'i m.: about eoual: 
 lii'li. li. b.. rrojipies, sundsh etc.: minnow and worm baits: spring aiul fall montlm 
 lii-t; hotel :?'2 p, d. 
 ' Miiuenoe (1- 1- •^' la.)— Kankakee r,, '^ m.; rock bass, b, b, of both varieties, 
 I'll:, jiike, salmon, (pike perch), bulValo, ami bullheads: rock bass, ]iike, aud most numerous: liaits are minnows, greenlish, and artificial: May and 
 •lull' Mild the fall months best: hotels. >:|..")(i )). (1,; boats and baits cheap. In the 
 -\'f\wj. and fall the ttshing from the dams is good. 
 Morris |f". II, I. <Sc P.) — Illinois r., at station; Moody's bayou, 5 m,; last mimed 
 1m !; i.iikcrel. pike, black and white bass: ]iicker<d and bass most numerous: 
 iii;iiii,.\vs, gia<siioppers, and tlies usual baits: Ma\, June, .\ugust. and Sei'fembe • 
 III -t: hot( Is .«•_' 1). (1.; guides at moderate charge; boats and bait cheap. Ciood lishing 
 I" 111. distant at the "Kankakiu' feeder." 
 MossvlUe (<'. Tt. 1. \ IM— Illinois v.. ': m.: pike. b. b., and sunftsh aboimd; 
 \*' !i . ■, cravrtnh and minnows, iu use; May aud Juno bemt; hotelw H p. w. 
 Haplcs (W. St. L. A: 1'.)— Illinois r., ', in.: Siiiitli 1., '. in.: last lioat; Nalmon 
 (pik« iKTi'lii, )i. )>., MnntiHli, i roppir, t'tc: KiinliHli iiixl ciittixh ihom nuiucroiiN; inin. 
 uowH aiiil woriiiH usual Itaits; •hint-. July and Au)<!UHt bout. Wbou tue watf-r is rinl-t 
 the rtHhiiiK is gnoil licic. 
 Vew Mllford (('■ 'V I.)— Kishwaukoo r., near Htatiou; Killbuck cr;, 'i m.; limit 
 r., 'iiii-- tt'"st best; i)ikf. pickerel, b. b., cattish, etc.; bass most numerous; iiiiii- 
 iiows. Inl^rainites, wurniK ainl sponii books used us baits; May. June, Septenilur 
 and October best; guides, boats an<l baits can be had at n.oderate rate. 'I'he ln-^t 
 ({round is from the <laiii down to tlu^ uioutli of Kishwaiikee r. ; most uf the tishiiiu 1^ 
 (lone below the r. r. bridge. 
 OrCfifonlC 'V I.)--I{ock r.. near station; iiyle cr., 1 m.: lirst best; i)ike, iiickeiv!, 
 b. b., and several varieties of coars(! ttsh; the latter predominating; worm, ki;i-«- 
 h;ipper, and minnow bai»s: May, June and October best; hotels #1 and $2 p. (1., 
 ^uide can be hud at #1 \i. d.; boats .">nc to $1 p. d. ; iniuuows 25c !>. H-HJ, PicUei. 1 
 and b. b. are ubtuidaiit at certain seasons. 
 Ottawa (Seveiel r. rs.) — Illinois r., near city. an<l Fox r.. 4 m.; both n i. 
 last named best: b. b., jiike. wall-eyeil i)ike, cropi'ie.-i, etc.; wall-eyed i)ike and pik> 
 in the ma.joritv ; minnows, tlies and spoons as lures; May, September ami Octulni 
 best; hotels $'2 to .*2..")i» ]i. d. other accommodations reasonable. 
 Peoria (I. H- -V Wi -Illinois r.. at station; Sprinj,' 1., :ii)in.; Seiiachwiiie 1., rio ni.; 
 about eiiual; black and white bass, jierch, pickerel, bufl'ah). wall-eyed pike, etr,; 
 bass and wall-e\(il pike most numerous; minnows, sjjoous, liver, etc., used as bait;*; 
 June, July, Se])tember and Octol)er best; hotels J'Jp. d. : ({Uidcs and boats to be had 
 cheap. The Illinois r, ({ives ^^ood llshin(^ at this point. 
 Perry Spring's (W. St, L, .is: P.)— Hambouj;h 1.. 1 m.; Saml I'it, 
 Snake, .'Tm.: all are t;ood; i>ike. b. b., croiijiies ami cattish; bass and ( 
 numerous; worms, crayfish, and minnows usual baits; -Jtine, July and .Vujiust I 
 the lishiiif,' is reported as beinn excellent. 
 2 m.; lilack 
 po])j)ies ninst 
 Pittsfleld (W. 
 j)crch, jiike, b. b, 
 St. I,. \- I'.i — Clear 1., 12 m.; Ih'ew's Tank p.; first named l"-t. 
 , cropjiies and cattish: crojjpies most nunn'rous: worm and niui- 
 now liaits: June and July best; hotels at reasonable rate; guides and teams at iu'kI- 
 erate chargt's; boats can be had reasonable. 
 Putnam (('. U. I. .V P.)— Senachwine 1., 1',, m.; Illinois r.. .'t m.; first named best; 
 Halinon (pikependi), b. b.. jiickerel. etc.: b. b., <-at and suntish most nuineroii.^: 
 minnows and spoon hooks used: .May. .luue, July, Septemlier anc'. October bi>f 
 hotid S^l p. d.; {.;uides i?! to .*2 p. d.; boats #1 p. d. See TllK .VliKUK .\N AnoLJCK, vol 
 111, pa^'e;li:!. 
 Qnincy (Several r. r.)— Chattens 1., .Sand Slout,'h, I.ily p. and Deep Hole; 
 all within 2 m. of HlulV Hall 11 m.; b. b., croppie, wall-eyed jiike, etc,; b. b. lunl 
 crvippies most numerous; live bait, minnows principally: spo(jns in si)rinn; hotijs 
 $2 to $:< p. d.; boats r>Uc to Tac p, d.; iuiuuuws ')i)c p. l(l(». Excellent fishing; at 
 Rapids City (CSl.k St. P. See inside back cover.)— The waters here aiv 
 Goosi- 1. and Kock r. (i m., and the Miss. r. adjacent, and they are all re'])orted t,'i".i|, 
 pike, pii iferel, b. b., "saliuon" (pike-perch), etc. ; are cauf^ht best with live miiuiMW> 
 in the monti«s td' .\pril, June. October and November; hotels $1 to .•*2 p, d.; •funics 
 $2 p. d, bait iiM liuled. 
 Reno (J. S. K,)— Sli<ial r.. 2 ni.; Hamel's 1.. McCord's p, AfcFarland's 1.. ;ill in 
 tdose proximity ; Shoal r. best; b. b.. cattish, etc.; May, June, September tiid o. to- 
 iler best; usual baits used; hotels, .?l..'iu to S2 p. d.. guides reasonable; noats lUiil 
 baits plenty and cheap. .V big catfish section. 
 Richmond (0. >V N. W.)— Twin I's ."> m.; Channtd 1. H m.; last named best: 1). )).. 
 pike, pickerel and perch; bass and perch most numerouH; minnows in u:;;'; Juiii', 
 August and September best; hotels .•? 1..5U to ;f2 p. d.; boatH reasonable; luiunew." 
 $1 p. KM). 
 Rockford (('. M. & St. P. See inside back cover.)— Rock r. adjacent; Kishwauk^ 
 r. Sm.; Kilbuck cr. 7 m.; first named best; b. b., pike and pickiTel; luiniinus, 
 flieA and spoon baits; si)ring and fall best; hotels i^I.">i) to ;?2 p. d.; boats $1 p. J. 
 min..'ows $l..")(i p. luo. 
 Rook Island (('. U. I. A; P.)— Miss. r. at sUtion; Uock r. ;t m.; b. b., wall-cyeii 
 pike, Huutlsh, cattish and perch; bass and wall-eyed pike most numerous; miuuuw.^ 
 II-. i: -I'liiin jmd fall best; hotolH ?'J to $'2.5i> ji. d.; boatfi aud biiitH reaHtiiuible. 
 i;, : Isliiiid is nitiiatfil iit tlic foot of the rapiiln of the MIkh. r,. whiTt- iiioMt «'Xcel- 
 1, lit :i.-liiiiK fiiii \>v bad for wall-rycd iiikc mid \>. h. 
 RocktonC'. M. >V St. I'.)— Uo<k r. about 3i lu.; riciitouica r. 1 iii.; about ciiually 
 u i. \, b., pii'kerel, i)ikc. cattish and all the varioun kiiidn, coininou to wfHt<>i'ii 
 nvi iv: baMH, jdckeivl and pike uioHt uuuierouis; luiiiiiowx an- unual bait; -May and 
 Juii-' lust; botids $1..">U 1). d. 
 Sowe (^V. St. L. i^ 1'.)— Vcnuillion r. 2 m.: Wolf cr. 1 in.; firnt lu-Ht; idke, b. b., 
 catti.-li, ftc; basH moHt uuiihtouh; iiiiuuowH UHUal bait; .May beMt uiuuth. 
 Salt Creek (<'. ^1. .v .st. 1'. Stf inside back cover.)— Salt i r. inar ntation; b. b., 
 Jill li. i)i<ki'icl iiiiil biiUlifitds: liass and roarnt' tlwli most niiiiu-roUN: worms and 
 iiiiiiiiiiws nsnal l>aits: Aiiril, .Ma,% and .Iniir bt-st; hoti'ls .^l j). d. Karly in tho 
 ~].i;ii^'. and only tlicii, arc tint- catclics niaib-. 
 Shirlaud (('. M. .V; St. P. Stc inside back cover.)— Pecatonica r. '« ni.: Suj^ar r. 
 . 111.; cijually Kood; b. b., pickerel, pike and cattish; basM and cattish most 
 iiuiiiii'ous; niinnoWK usual bait; May, June and September best; hotels $1 p. d. 
 St. Anne (•'• I- St. I,. .V r.)— Kankakee r. 5 in.; Iroijuois r. 4 ni.; tirst named 
 i.-i. pil<c. pickerel, b. b., etc.; miiinuvvs, wor* *, etc. used; hotels ji-Jp.d.; boats 
 ,:)\il baits moderate. 
 St. Marie (I. P>. and W.)— Embarras r. ', ni.; b. b., bulValo and cattish, the 
 iii-i ill the iiiajority ■ worm and ^'rasshopper baits; best months, May and .Mine; 
 hiirU T.'ic p. d.; guides by contract; boats '2m- p. d. 
 Wadsworth (C. M. \- St. P. See inside back cover.)— Channel 1., Moria 1,. (^a- 
 tLaiiiii- 1., I'oiirtii 1 . Cedar 1. and Sand 1.. all easily accessilde; :( lirst named best; 
 1). li.. pickerel and vd<"'; bass ami pickerid most numerous: minirows, frotjs and 
 >lini.ns as baits: .June. .July, SejitendK.'r and October best: no rej^ular hotels, but 
 ImardiiiK houses can be found: nuide« ;*'J to !^;i p. d. ; be.its and baits moderate. 
 i:j in. distant are soine beautiful Is where the ttshiii;^ is ^uod. 
 Waterloo (St. L. .V c. 
 i-t r ( .ihiiiitiia. 111.) 
 Waukegfan (<'■ >'*J N. W.'--Thpi'e are '>(» I's in tin- c(Mnity, nearly all very easy of 
 aic.s;-: 1st, ;b'd and 4tli I's, Cedar. Fox aud'Deeji I's are the best; pickerel, pike, b. b., 
 luck bass, iierch, suntish. etc. al)ound; u.siial baits used; .June and .Jiil> hest: liotels 
 :«J p. d.; boats .Vic to .■?! p. il. \Vaukc;;an is on the west sliore of l.aki- Michi|.!au 
 where the usual lake tish are cautiht. 
 -^loredock 1. 12 m.; striped bass (fresh water), croppies. 
 Willow Spring's (<". St. L. \ W.)— Dcs Plaines r. 'j m.; pickend, b. b.. suntish 
 ;uiil otlii-r coarse varieties: i)ickercl and suntish most numerous; minnows and 
 w.iniis used as bait; .May, June and July best; hotel Sl.")"i p. d., boats at small 
 CI i> t . 
 Wilining'ton (<'. .V. A: St. I..)— Kankakee r. 1 m.; b. b., pickerel and pike; bass 
 ;iiiil liii'kerel most numerous; minnow bait: .\pril. May, June, September and 
 Hitnlicr liest; hotcds ?1 to if l..")') j). d.: j^uides can l)e olitained if recjuired; minnows 
 I'lrp. (loz, When the water is low and dear, the sport is most excellent. .Most 
 ' t the hshing is done by castiuj? from tin rocks, hence boats arc uot needed. 
 Acton(C. I. St. L. A: ('.)— Buekcr.: Hij,' and I.itth- Su^ar cr's; WiM Cat cr.; Fish 
 1'. Ill ramp ni'ouud; Buck cr.. Win Siij^ar cr. and Little Sutiar cr. best; b. b., trout. 
 I'l'lietc: perch most abundant; baits are— minnows, worms etc.; usual season; 
 1. 't. I> *1.2.') \i. d.; boats ^l.'J."' p. d.; guides eau be had if needed, 
 A.ig'ola (b. S. .S: M. S.) — Lake James 5 m.; Crooked 1. 4 in.; Silver 1. ',i ni.. and 
 ali>'Ut tifty small lakes throughout the county; all are t^ood; pickerel, pike. 1). b., 
 1' ii h etc, abound; minnows, crabs and aujjle worms as baits; June, July, .Septem- 
 • I'll' aiiil >tctober best; hottds $l.5i( to $'J p. il.; private board at $4 p. w.; boats 'J.")c 
 t" SI |i. il. : (Tnides uot retiuired; a {j;ood ttshiut< pi>int. .See Thk .\meki< an .Vnulku, 
 V.a. HI, page 24U. 
 AvgOH (several r. r) — The favorite water is Maxiukuckee 1. m. At the 1. fjood 
 aii'i.umodatiou, boats, guides, baits and tackle. B. b. and other western pan tish. 
 Minnows chiefly used. 
 Attica |W. St. L. A: P.) — Springier, aud Fall r. ', m.; b. b., salmon (pike perch). 
 m '. 
 bprriuK oi^.: h, h. iiiOHt miniorouH; miiitiowM uiul trolling,' hiioouw unt-d: April. '\I,i., 
 Jiiiie, Kepteiiibtr aud Uftobor bent; hotolH Ji \>. d. ; iMuitH and bait cli^'ai). 
 Brimfleld (L. H. k M. 8.) — .ToneM 1., Waldron 1. and lioniid 1., all t1owiu(< int' li ■ 
 Elkhart r. and ai'ct'HHiblo; about alike; jmrcli, b. >>.' strawbt-rry banH uiul -lik. 
 Hliad:" thi) laHt named nioHt abundant' worm and minnow bait: April, May, -li'i.r 
 .Si-i>t«iuber and October bcHt; bottls $> \<. d. 
 Boone Orove (('• 1^' A.) — Kankakee r. ■'> ni.: I.ak<- Kli/a << m.: last mimed 1h^-; 
 b. b.. Hpecklcd baHH (ntrawbc^rry), wunfiHli and rinn pen-h; HiM-cklcd bann and Hiiii'i h 
 most: numerouH; miunowH, worniH and Mpoous; May "J") to Sfpt. best; boats mi ." 
 p. A. 
 Cedar Beach (H. »V. ().) — Turkey 1.; b. b.. ])ike, (•roi,[)ie-i etc.; li. b. most ir.r ■ 
 oils: minnows, tlies, sjiooii etc.; .lune, .Inly, Sept^-niber and October: hotii •: 
 p. d. (tiiide with boat furnished by hotel at j^'J..')*! p. d.: boats alone 5nc p. I. 
 Columbus (<'. I. St. li. Si C.)— White r. and Flat Hock cr. both within city lin •-. 
 t'lifty cr. It m.; Haw cr. in city limits; tn-o tirst namecl best; b. b., croppies . i. 
 b. b. most abundant; minnow bait; May to November best; hotel $1.5i» p, d.; b.:,- 
 and bait reisonable. 
 Coruxma (I^. S. A: M. S.) — Turkey and Lout; 1. including' several small lakes uIm i;- 
 I'im.: no choi<'e: jiike, black and rock buss, perch, \v';itetish etc.: bass ii'i^i 
 uumerouH; H^jriug aud fall months bent; boats and baita very cheap. 
 Covinjfton (W. .St. L. iV: P.) — Wabash r. near .station; <^ole cr. (*, m.; lirst naun d 
 liest; salmon (pike ))ercli), b. b., ptM'cli, etc,; perch most numerous: minnow, <i:iy- 
 flsh, liver and worm baits: May, .June, August auil .September; hotels j 4 to .-•"■ | , 
 w.; boats a»d bait cheap. A f^ooil ground. 
 Crown Point (<'. i't A.)— Cedar 1. 5 m.; b. b., pickerel and croiii>ies; b, b., .lUil 
 cropi)ies most numeri)ns; minnows, Hies and spoons; May, June anil October l"-t; 
 hotel if '2 p. d.; guides ;?2 p, d,; boats 5Uc p, d.; minnows l.'jc p. dt)Z. 
 Delphi (W. St. I., .'s: 1'.)— Wabash r. 1 m.: Tipi)ecanoi' r. 12 ni.: Tii)iie.unuf r. l">t: 
 pickerel, 1). b,, salmon (pike perch), etc.; pickerel and bass most abundant; miii- 
 now bait; May, .June. September aud October best; liotil j^J p. d. ; boats .'Oo 
 p, d. 
 Baton (Ft. W. ('. \' L.)— Massissinewa r, ', m.; b. b., pike, pickerel, etc.: 1 i.-x 
 most numerous; minnow bait: .\i)ril, May, .June, September, October and NoN'Iu- 
 ber; hotel $1.50 p. d,; boats and baits at trittiug co»t. 
 Elkhart (<'. W. \- M.)—Klkhart r. iind St. .loseiih r. near by: Siminton 1. 4 in.; 
 Heaton 1. H m.: Christiana 1. '.• m.; lust named Ix'st; b. b.. percii, picKeri^l and pikr; 
 bass most numerous; minnosvs aud crayfish used; hoteln- at reasonable prii i>: 
 boats .'iOc p. d. 
 Bvansville (L. iV N.)— Lower Uayou .'I m.; Upper Bayou 2 m.; Clear 1. H m.: I'L- 
 eon I'r. ] m.; "The Dam" Ohio r. near and Swee/.e p. "ini.: the two bayous 1m -t; 
 rock and "tin mouth" bass, perch and others: bass and perch most nunicr. i-; 
 minnow bait; April aud May best; boats and baits always to be had cheap. A t; ' 1 
 fishing i)oint. 
 Port Wayne (reached by (l r. r.) — The St. INFary and St. .Joseph r. .ioin I . .. 
 and foiiii the Mauniee r. Ivxcelleut fishin,,^ when the rise in the r. issuflicicii' i" 
 allow the fish to get over the dams below: b. b., ])ike, jiike-percli. strawlierry l^l^■•. 
 rock buss. etc. The pike-perch run from 1 to 1,") lbs. and are caught in nunii'i- 
 with live 1)aits, such as minnows, crayfish and helgramites: dusk ami after ni-lit- 
 fall are the best lioui's. ,See Thk Amkuh'an AN(ii.KH, Vol. III., page 2".i.">, Lon^ 1 . 
 Pleasant 1. and Silver 1. easily accessible contain b. b, aud pickerel uud give g' "(1 
 Pranklin (J. M. A: I.)— Sugar cr. r,m.; White r. 12 m,; first best; 1. and s. w. i 
 b., bream and occasionally jack salmon (pike-iiercli) in White r.; 1. m. b. b, ii "M 
 numerous: minnows used for bass mid worms for small fry: .\pril. May, Octdni' 
 aud November best; hotels ?<1.5(lto it~ {> •!• 
 Hudson ( I'- S. iV M. S.)— There are some bass aud pickerel iu adjacent wai'S-. 
 which are taken with minnows luid worm baits, the Npring month,s being the In >t. 
 Chargtw at hotels, for boats, etc.. reasonable. 
 Indianapolis (C. H. &D.)—(I5i"oad Ripple) White r. !i m.; b. b. and .rock l:i-< 
 niiunows and helgramite baits; May, .June aud July; boats $1 p. d. The b. b. ^^ H 
 take the fly on the shallows of White Kiver. 
 i i! 
 1: April. M,,,, 
 wiiin iiii' II ■ 
 XH UIUl ■ 1 ik' 
 1, May, ■Imii- 
 iiaiucil !•-•; 
 in lllld Hill '. il 
 , luiilts ;i! 
 iiioHt ir.ii . 
 Iht; hoii! -.' 
 ilic 51 Pi- 1' I 
 111 >'ity liii •• 
 iTOllJliCH ' ■• 
 50 \>. (1.; 1" - 
 ill lakes al" 1- 
 ('.: bass iii'i-i 
 .; iirst naiiM 11 
 iiiiiinow. (Miiy- 
 il.s 5^4 tu t'' 1 . 
 ieH; 1). b., ■iiiil 
 OftulHT li. -t; 
 ccaiKM' r. l"-t; 
 binulant: nuii 
 (I. ; iKiats "■ 
 rcl, tti'.; 1 .i-« 
 r aiul N'liN ■ II. 
 Iiiiitoii 1. l ::i.; 
 vvv\ ami I'.l.' 
 liable pii' 1 -: 
 III- 1. :i 111.; VI.:- 
 bayous 1m -I; 
 list niuucii IS 
 lifap. A ti' ' I 
 Il r. join 11' I' 
 li.-j hiUliciciit I' 
 aulxTiy 1 i^'. 
 lit ill luuiil' I- 
 (id after iiiulit- 
 I'J'.in. L0!l!.:l-. 
 lud give i^' '"' 
 I. aud s. Ill 1' 
 111. b. b. ii.o'i 
 lAlay, Octfln-r 
 jaeeut wai' '-• 
 feiiig the b' -■■ 
 (id .rock ba-^'; 
 Ihe b. b. "'11 
 XoutS (•'• >^>' A )— Kankakee r. 7 in.. ,iukerel, naliuou (pike-penl.i, b. h., rock bans 
 ,t, iiickcnd and eoarne varietien iiKiHt iniiiHToiiH; niinnnwH iiseit: .\pril and hhih- 
 11,1 ! iiiHiitlin; liotels ri'UHoiiablc: boatH 5«c p. d.; iiiiunoWH $1 p. 1(H), A nriiall 1. 
 4 HI. Ill whii'h fair lishiii^i may be had. 
 La Payette J- I- >'^ W.l— Wild (at cr. :»'., m.; Wabanli r. near Hfation; Wild Oat 
 ,: I . -I II. li.. saluioii (pikf jicrcli) eU-.; bawn luoHt numerous; minnow and worm 
 April, Alay and September. 
 LtxketOUi*'. A: A.)— Hniind 1. ', iii.; I.oiiu 1. '^ in.: Kel r. near station; Lont< and 
 I, i !!, I r« bt'Ht; b. b., pickerel, pike anil ptTcli: ot these tlie bawH are most niiiiier- 
 ,iu«: iiiiiiuow and worm bait; spring.' and summer beHt; boats reasonable; bait 'J.'h^ 
 [■. li»i. The tishin^' is reported as excellent. 
 Logausport- (W. St. L. .V I'.i— Ijike Maxinkiickee :i:l m.; Wabash r. 1 in.; Va-\ v. 1 
 11; I ,iU<' t'icott '.I III.; first best; b. b., wall-eyed pike, rock bass, riiii,' pi-rch, (irass 
 iiik' ; b. b. and siinlish mo.-t niuiierous: spoons, tlies, minnows, worms etc.; April, 
 M,i\ September. ( ictober and November best; lioti'ls #l..">ii t>i ;*'ip. d.; {{iiides, boats 
 .iii'l li.iit can be procured at fair priceH. 
 Macy (W'. St L. \- P. l— Twin I'sJ'.j ni.; er|ually wood; b. b.. pike, rock basH etc.: 
 ;. , k i'a>s most niinicroiis; minnow ami worm baits; .May and June best; hotels. $1 
 ; .1 , u'iii<lcs with boats at moderate rates. 
 Marmont (Vaiiilalia) — Maxinkiickee 1. at station; b. b., wall-eyed pike, croppies. 
 . 1 A iit-nli and rmk bass; mimniw bait; May to November; hotel ritasouable; 
 «it!i boat .^'J p. d.; minnows j^l to j:i.5(ip. ion 
 !«ietainora (W' W.i— White Watir r. '., ni.; (anal runs throiij,'h town; three 
 l.iiL' I'liiids 1 ', to ;t III. distant: all are t'ood; principally I), b. and coarse tisli: iiiiii- l,;iit; hotel .*4 p. w ■--.''.-■-.•-■■ 
 .,,,•.- ,- ^.. ..-. .J , -,,. . .,..,, 
 boats ."iitc p. (1. ; baits 2''>-. p. Kalluii; tishiuji reporti'd 
 Michiefan City (IMich. C.]— Lake Michigan at station; perch, bass (striped). 
 Mill kuiaw trout; jiercli and bass most nuiiierous: minnow bait; May to October 
 tin- l'i~t season; hotels .■<'i. .\ good spot for ttshing; boats Kic p h.; bait pleiiti- 
 ; tl lllld I'heap. 
 Milford(t'. W. .v 'M.I— In Turkey or Nine ^file 1, there is good 1). b., pickpr<'l. 
 :. ; h . tc. tishiiit.; f roni .\pril to Nii\. 'I'his is ". faviu'ite resort for Indiana auglerf; 
 ■. . 'iiiiiiodations ample and at fair prices. 
 Milltown J'. !•'• '^ !^t- I..)— -Hlue r. near station; b. b., liaciielor etc; bass most 
 iiuiii. reus; minnow bait; .\pri'. May, September and Octobi^r best; hotel "J.'ic p. 
 Ill' 111. lllld 'J.M' p. lodgiii},'; guides unnecessary but could be had it wanted, boat 
 ;ii' luitcd at .'t^'J p. d.; boats ."wie fo <l ji. d ; niiniiows 50c p. pMi: the b. b. lishiiitf 
 ~ I'l'dtted excellent, also that for pike perch locally called the "Ohio salmon." 
 Monterey I f. '^ A )— Cedar 1. H m.; Langambagu 1. \ m.; Tippecanoe r.: fir-;t 
 11111111 li best: b. b., pike, lake jierch, rock ba^s. siiiitisii aud other varieties; htinfisli 
 4ii'l lia»>s most niinicroiis; worms and minnow.-, usually used; May. .June and 
 Aii-ii-t best. 
 Montpelier (Ft. W. C. A: L:l— Salaiuouie r. near station; b. b. and pike: first 
 ii. -I iiiinieroui*: li\e minnows are used: May, .lime. September and October bes^; 
 lii'ti 1> .»1.5ii p. d.; baits e.isily procured at little or no co.-t. I-'roni 1 to In ni. below 
 .Miiiii[ielier is the best ground, where line b. b. and ))ike are caught. 
 New Carlisle (I- S. \ M. S.)— Hudson 1.. 1 ^, in.; b. b.. rock liass and sunflsh in 
 i' iiuml)ers: worm and minnow baits; May, June and August; hottl i;'..,")(j p. d ; 
 lii'iit* leasonable. 
 North Vernon ((). M.)— Sand cr.. Muscatatnck cr.. (Jrahani cr. and liig cr.; 
 Mil-, atiituck cr. l)est: black (s. in. i and roc'' bass: first iiredoiniiiate; miiinow bait; 
 Ai'iil, .May. September and October best. Stout Mill, bf m. on S;iiiil cr., is the l)est 
 ^'riiiiiiil: good fishing: strawberry and fresh water stripi'd bass are also cauglit. 
 Oral*'. *; A.)— Cedar 1., S m.; Tipjiecanoe r., ,', ni.; Yellow r. 7 m.; first best; 
 1.1' and jiike first most abundant: shiners niinuows and art tipoons: May, Jumv 
 ."»••] t. and October b -st: hotel at Ora #1 ii. w., also at Cedar 1. at reasonable jirict's; 
 'rivii'li > at fair rate; boats 50c p. d.; minnows lOc p. d. (iood duck shooting in the 
 Pine ll.. S. A: ;M. S,)— Lake Michigan, ', m.; Caltiniet r., 'j m.: first best; !ako 
 1 ' I' II. silver bas>i. ete.: perch most abundant; niinuows ami worms used as bait; 
 ;' ■ , July and AngUHt best. 
 \i / : 
 i ,1 
 Pleasant Iiake |I-<- H. A: M. H.)— TLIh Htutiou ih iu the ctutreof very flue b. b.aud 
 pikr IlKtliiiiK, !•< UkfN lire witLiii iJ iii., vi/.., Loiij,', (iiiliieii, ll(i;»l),ii-k. Silver I.m.,),, 
 <'«'iitre, ('ri)iike(l, Jiiiiie.i, Clear i e<liir, L;ike (ie.iri^c. 'I'lirkey, ete.. nil I't wliii'h ull T.i 
 exi'rileiit H)icirt : i>.('i'iiiiiiiii>iliiti<>>>H of uU kiiiiln |ileiitit'iil at iiiuilenite cliiir^eH. >>'< 
 Thk A.MKKli AN ASdi.KIl, Viil. III., imj^e •J'.U. 
 Ray ( !<■ S. .V M. S. I— ( 'Icar 1., 2 ' , m.; pii krr< 1, 1>. )>. iiinl iienli: luifr. iinmt iHiiii 
 ennis; iiuiiuow uud woriu buitri; May uuil Jiiui' be^t; liotelM iit retiHouable inirf,. 
 boatH Zw !•. il. 
 Rochester (Several r. r.i — Manitun 1., 1 iii.; 1. aud m. ii'. b. b.. pike, penb. r .. 1 
 ba:^.-! ami lar^e v-ariety of Hiiiall IihIi: 1. aiiil h. iii. b. b. iiniHt niiiiiei'nii-.: iiiiuuuw li.m 
 May, June, Sei)tciiil(er ami Oeti>ber; Imtel .ii|.."iii p. d. ; t,'iliile,.t wiiji Ixiiit .■?'J..">" j. 
 <l.: lioatM r>iie p, il.; biitcbeap. (inoil duck HJiiMitiiit,' in the fail. Tlie otber walii> 
 are Tippe MiKM^ r.. !Mml 1., bcwisi. ami Uruce I., all eaniiy acci'i.sihle. bewJM auii 
 Mu 1 is are jiarticulariy miteil for excellent b. li. and pickerel ti-iliiny. 
 Railing' Prairie (b. S. A: M. S.)— Hudsim 1.. 5 ni.: pike, b. b„ pickerel, Muuii:«b: 
 <'ti'.; liaws and Hiinli.-ili iiHiHt niinii'rous: worm and minnow baitH; no refiular lii>til 
 j,'UideM, boats aud bait can be obtained reasoualde. 
 Syracuse |1'>- >V O.)— Turkey 1., at i-tation; b. b., pickerel, croppies, perdi. it., 
 b. 1>. most ainuidaut; minnow bait; .May, June, July, .Vu^UHt September and t»ci'il>- 
 er best; hotel $2 p. d.; K'li'le with boat #'2 p. d.; niiunows ,?l.r>o p. lou. 
 Valparaiso (I*. l''t. W. .V <'.)— Kankakee r. at HaunisbridKe 15 ui.; ((rass auil 
 wall I ycd pilii', perch, pickerid and rock bass, 1. and s in . b. b.; rock-bass aud pu k 
 tM'el most nuiuerous; minnows and s]ioon books mostly used as baits; May, Jiiii' 
 and July best; hotels #'i p. d. at Valparaiso, private board at bauinsbridjje; kuhU- 
 $2 ]i. d.; bi>ats ."iuc p. d.; Deep r. It; m.; Klint 1. .t m.; Lon^; 1. :i m., also give Iku' 
 tlshint,' for b. i>., strawberry and rock bass. 
 Walkerton (W. Ht. L. .V P.) — Kankakee r. 4 ui.: Kuont/.'s 1. C ui.; last beHt; b. b 
 jiercli, sunli.sli, etc; bass aud suiiUsh most uuuierous; luinuDW aud worm b i:!> 
 Ai)ril, Sei)teinber and Octtdier best; boats .')0c p. d. 
 WalnutfW. St. I,. \- 1'.)— :vr:i.\inkuckee 1, lum.; Tiiipeca-ioc r. j'^ m.; first In-t 
 b. )).. pickerel and piUe; bass most numerous; minnow bait; May and Juue 
 botid at reasonable rates; ^,'uides moderate; boats .f 1 i>, <l. 
 Warsaw (Several r. r. i — ^Tiirkey, IJarber aud Tippecanoe I's are all u. 1 
 watii's for b. li.. pike, etc.; they are easily a<'cessible and are \isiti'd by many Inh- 
 ana an^ders. See Thk .V.MloiiltAK .\N(iIj;u, vol. Ill, pa^e 2'.i*). 
 WestPoint (^V. st. L. \- r.)— Wabash r. 2 m.: Sahmui (pike-p»'rch), b. b., piki- 
 etc.; bass most nunier(uis; worms and uiiuuows used for bait: May, Juue, Septcm" 
 bcr and ( Ictober best. 
 Whitingr'S (L. S. \ M. S,)— Lake Michi^au '.i ui,; Lake Oeiu'^f 1 '> m.; Berry 1. 
 1 ni.; Lake (leoive is best for b. 1). and pickerel, and Lake Micdiit^an for I'lr. li: 
 b;iss aud pickei'td are tlie varieties; pwrch most abundant; minnow bait; March t- 
 ( »ct(d)er best: rtshiU|4 reported good. 
 Williamstown (C I. St. L. \; C.)— Clifty er. 2'j m.; Little I'hit Hock r. 1 ', in. 
 Hit; I'hit Kock r. 4 m.; last best; b. b., jierch, etc.: bass most abundant; niiinii'w 
 and w irm baits; .\pril, June and Si>pteiuber liest: no re-iular hot«ds but i)ri\.itf 
 board cau be had at very moderate price; do not need gui(les or boats. 
 Akron (C M. .^- St. P.)— Hargeuts 1. 1 '.^ ui, ; Big Sioux r. near statiou: last uaiu'-l 
 best; pickerel, pike, b. b.; ot these the pickerel is most abuudaut; uiiuuow bait: 
 April aud May best, aud winter months, when spearing is dtuie extensively; hotels 
 at rea8ouaV)le rates; guides, boats aud bait cau be had at moderate charge. 
 Bassett (CM. & St. P. See iusido back cover.)— Wapsipiuicou r. aud Little ( . .lur 
 r. ; ('(pially good; pickertd b.b. aud coarse varieties; pickerel most uuuierous; miuiinw 
 baits; spring aud fall best tiuio; hotel reasouable; guide .f 1.5U p. d. 
 Belle Plaine (C. i^- N, W,)— Iowa r. 2 m.-. b. b., wall-eyed pike aud pickerel, 
 last most abuudaut; frog aud W(U-m bait; May, June aud September best; li'tel 
 $1.50 p.' d. 
 Be *niond (y^'. I.)— Iowa r. '4 m.. Ehu 1. C ui.; Wall 1. .'> ui.. Twin Sister I'e 4'^ m; 
 I'witi 1. I't HI.; Iowa r., Kim 1. and Twin I'h luxt; i)ikf, iiickcrcl and rock biiwM; niin- 
 iii.» .iml art. bait; Jniif, Si'i>tfMi1nT ainl October; Imtcl |'J ji. il.; ijuidr can l>c jiro- 
 cui'^l r<anonabl«', 
 Belolt (<■. M. '^ St. P. HiM- incidc bark cover.)— Hii; Sioux r, near ntation; pickerel, 
 li. 1, , liurtald, etc.; jiickerel and banH nitmt niinieroiiM; Mux, .Iiine. .lillv, .Seiitt'nil)er 
 all. I (iitober i)eHt, lioteln t'2 p. d.; l)oats anil baitH merely n(>mlnal. 
 Bertram (<'. 'Ns N- ^V.) — Cedar r. '2 ni.; Indian cr. 4 m.; Hi« cr. , in.; tlrnt boMt; 
 I,,),, pickerel. Kalnion, Hiike perdi) cattinli and bntliilo; tlie coarse varieties are 
 iijii-t iiiimeroiiM; minnow and freHli meat bait.-'; .\i)ril to October best; hotel fl p. 
 li.; ^Miidert, boatH and baitH at reaHonable pricen. 
 Biiena Vista (<'■ M. .V St. 1».)— Hnrtnim 1. •Jm.; I)eud 1. 1 ' , m.; Sprinjitl. •> 
 in. ; ^iiiilisli p. 'J ni. ; 11 rut liest; b. b., halmon, (pike iierch) i)ike. HiintlHli and otlierH; 
 .^iinii- I nioHt numerouH; minnow, worm and fri>^> baitn; .-oimmer and w inter b. b. 
 aiiil iii'MitliH; no regular hotel, but koo<1 jiriva,'- biiard at $\ p. d.; ^uide, Ijoat.-^ ami 
 liait :it reasonable tif^urcH. TliiH is a poiip'iiir ti.'^luuK point with an^lerH of that 
 MTti'Ui. Kxi'tdUnt duck and woodcock whootinn. 
 Buffalo |C. U. I. .^ P.) — MisH. r. near Htation; b. )>., whitp baHH. Halmon (pike 
 jii:. II. etc.; the tuvurile bait is a minnow; .7une. .Inly. .Vuuust, September and 
 Id t'llier bent; no re<,'ular hotel; boats and baits at very little cost. 
 Blirling'tou (<'. •*■ >t Q) — Miss. r. and small I's or sloUfilis tributary and led by 
 «.i).i. . within 'J Ill's of city; b. b., white ))ass, perch, pike, croppies, snntish, etc.; 
 11. li,. pike, croppii s and sunlish most abundant; minnows, spoons, worms, etc. as 
 liiit.'-: spring and fall; hotelw ^l.TiU to^:t p. d. ; boatu ^1 p. d. Oood sport wlieu 
 till- water is not rlHiu^j. 
 Carlisle (»'. K. I. .^r. P.)— North r. '.. m.; South r. in m.; Middle r. '_• ni.; Dos 
 M.i.iii . [■. :t m.: last named best; wall-eyed jiike, jiickerel and b. b about the samo 
 ill iiiiiuiiers; minnow bait; June and August best; hotel ?•-' p. d.; guide $'2.5(J p, d.; 
 1 "at- Miiil bait -rl p. d. 
 Cadar Rapids (*'• M. A: St P. See inside back cover.)— Cedar r. ', m.; Uobbins 
 1.1 111.: hrst liest; b. b., pickerel and jiike; b. b. most abundant; minnows, worms, 
 trii;.'> and trolling,' siioons used; .lunc. .Inl\. .Vunnst and Sept. best: hotels $'2 p. d., 
 rl"|i. w.; boats ;fl p. d.; minnows ."lOc p. loo. 
 Chapin H'. T.)— Uurt'alo cr. 1 m.; otter cr. J m.; West Fork '> m.; last named best; 
 ).|i ki n 1 and li. b. ; usual V)aits ; May and June best; hotels ;<l.r)0 \). d , #4..">0 
 ].. w. 
 Cliester (<;. M. .t St. P.) — Little Iowa r. Jiear the station; b. b.; minnow bait; 
 >ini;.iirr anil fall months best; no regular hottd, but private boarding <'an be had; 
 tlir lii'st tlshing is at the mill pond close to the station. 
 Cliickasaw (<'. ^I. .V St. I'.)— 'Wapsipinicon r. 1. m.: I<ittle c'edur r. "Jm.; last 
 iiaiii' il tii-st: iiickerel, b. b., pike, etc.; pickerel and bass most abundant; minnow 
 ;iiiil wunn baits; April and May best; hotels ^l p. d. ; boats at moderate charge. 
 Cliar Tiake (('. ^I. i^-St. P. See inside back cover..— Clear 1. near station; i)ick 
 • I'l . 1' li.. pike, silver bass and a few salmon (iiike-]ierch); jiickerel and jiike most 
 ii'i II iMiis; minnow bait; May. June, July and .September best; hotels ^'l p. d ; 
 L,'iniles .■?! ji. d.; boats reasonable. 
 C.iuton(('. M. it St. P.) — MissiHsiiJjii r. near city; Wapsijiinicon r. 10 m.: MeH- 
 •iii il r, '.) m.; lirst best; b. b., pickerel, wall-eyed pike, white bass, etc.; minnoWH 
 iiuil siiimn hook:-!; May, June, October and >'iivember best; hotels .*1.50 to $2 p. d.; 
 L'lul.' at I'easonable rate; boats 5()c to Tiic p. d. 
 Cjne ( B. C. It. X- N.)— Cedar r. 1', m.: Cone 1. 1 m.; last named best; pickerel, b. 
 li.. iiiitf;ilo, etc.; bass and butl'alo most numerous; spoons and worms mostly: .Vpril 
 mill .M;iy best; hotels $1 yi. d., or ;?;t..5u p. w. ; guide $i! \>. d.; boats ."Vic p. d. The 
 li''^t lishiug is in Cun<! Lake. 
 Cresco ((". M. .t St. P.)— Turkey r. 2 m.; Ipper luwa r. 7 m.; both good; b. b. 
 auili.iikerel; lirst most abundant; minnow bait; June and Sejitember best. 
 Davenport (CR. I. &P.) — Mis8i8sii)pi r. at tiilbertowu rocks :Jm.: Itock r. at 
 Lilian Ills, about 5m.; LeClaire ItajiidH at station; "tiilbertown rocks" best: wall- 
 •yiil pike. 1. and s. m. b. b., striped b. (fresh water*, jiike, sunlish. etc.: bass, jiilfe 
 auil liitlish most numerous; minnows the usual ))aits and in July and .\uf()ist art. 
 I October and Nov- 
 Hiw tor ba8.s; July, August and September are best for 1 
 ;; ». 
 ldterl'8 4'4 w. 
 M for pike, hotela $1 to $3 p. d.; boats and bait at reasonable rates 
 DaOOrah (<'• M. k Ht. P.)— I<»^'a r. uear city; b. b. uud I'lke uuuiaruUit; itc-vrra! 
 Hiiiall Htri'iiiiiH iicHr by have bci-u Htoi-ki-d witli brook trout; iimioiih, laiuuowK ;ii„i 
 Hii'H Hs buitn; May Ix-Ht tiiii*'; liotclN i'l \>. ki.; ^iiiiicH can be proi'urt-d reaHuiiabli' 
 If net'dinl; bait i)I«-iity . J'owii Htrt-ttiii (<iv<H the l.uHt Hjiort. 
 Delhi (('. M. ti Kt. 1'. Ht'eliiHide )>a<'k cover.)- Ma<|Uokitu r. 1 ', iii.; Hllver I. ^ 
 111.: the tlrMt bcHt; thi' Utter hiiH hitely been Htocked witli (leriiiaii tiirii. b. b., ii , t 
 baHH, iiMiliet, et<-.; b. b. nioHt abundant; iiiiiiiiowH and other ))uitM; AU){UHt, Si |>i. 
 and Oct. beHt; hotel |1.50 p. d.; buatM and )>ait eau be had. Nothing but Hinall tikk 
 iu the lake. 
 Des Moines (('. A: N. W.)— Doh MoineH r. and Raccoon r. in city liniitx; alMnii 
 alike; wall-eye<l ))ike, b. b., and ])ickerel; niinnowH and tlieH. .luiie an.l HUnuuir 
 nioutliH; holelH reaHonable. J^ocal an^lerH ^et fair "HtrinnH." 
 De Witt (Several r. r.)— AVa;)Hij)inicon r., Silver cr., Deadnian'M,, Lou^ S|i.U)^li 
 and otiier SlougliH near WapHiiiinicou r.. all 'J to 4 ni.; equally ^ood: |iike, piiki n 1, 
 b. b., croppifH etc.; b, b. and «'ro|)})ieH nioHt nunierouh; miuuoWH, Hpoonh .nnl 
 worniH; July; Au^UHt, S«-]it«niber and October beHt; hoteln |'2 p. d.; boatH aud baitK 
 Dubuque (''■ M. & Kt. P.)— MiHHiHHi]iiii r. within '1 ni.; Zollicoflfer 1. )> ni.. lart 
 beMt; pickerel, perch, li. b., Habuou, (|iiki; perch) etc.; white perch and catliHli iii'i>t 
 uunierouH; minnow, craytinh and liver baitn; .Inly aud .Vu^UHt bent; for baHM ainl 
 Halnion (pike perch) front Sept. to cold weather beHt; hottdH jl.60 to $2 p, d.; ^Miilt; 
 with boat it-i p. d.; uiiuuuWH 50o. i). Hh». 
 Eldora (C. I.) — Iowa r. uear ntation; jiickerel and b. b. ; of thexe pickerel are 
 most niniieroUH; minnow aud worm baits; Muy, •hiue aud July; hotelH f'i p. d.. 
 buatH and ImitH reanouable; ){uid«M i'i p. d. 
 Elkport {*-'■ M. «^ St. P.)— Turkey r. and Volj^a r. 'j m.: flrHt bent; pickerel, b }<.. 
 Haluiou (i>ike perch) etc.; pike perch and ciitliHli nitmt nuuienuiH; artificial Imiti' 
 U8ed: June to .September beHt; hotel i^l.Tiii p. d.; ^uideH $'.*.5U p. d.: buatn aud baitii 
 cau be had low. 
 Elk River (*'. ^.. A: St. P. See innid*' back cover)— MinniHwippi r. and tributani j^. 
 b. b. and jdckd'el; fro^, minnow aud npoou baits; Au^^unt aud July bcHt; canii'iii;; 
 freciueutly diuie here; tiuideH if'2 p. d.; boats fHic p. <1. (toed Hhuutiiit; at thiw piniit. 
 Emmetabur^ (Several r. r.)— Medium 1. uearntation; Iowa r. 1 m.; flrHt I'l-i. 
 pike, {lickerel, rock bann etc.; pik<' and pickend iiuiHt abuudaut: minnow and ,iri. 
 Hpoou baitn; July until November bcHt: liotelw $1 to ;f'2 \k d.; boatH .'>()c \t. .1 . 
 pickerel (pike) in DeH Moines r. have heeu caught weighing ;14 lbs. Tho al'teriinuu 
 flHhing Ih thu best. 
 Fletcher (C. & N. W.)— Wall 1. uear Htatiou; Coon r. H ni.; Boyer r. 4 m.: Widl 1. 
 and Coou r. best; jiiekerel, iiike, jterch, lilack aud white liass, etc.: jiickend uml 
 coarse varieties most numerous; worms, fro^s, aud art. spoons of various kiiuU ii.> 
 baits; April to August best; liotels 5^1 to i- p. d.; boats r>()c to $1 p. d.; bait plenty. 
 These waters are reported to us as excellent grounds. 
 Floyd Crossing (('. M. .\: St. P.)— Hig Cedar r. 1 m. 
 best; pickerel, pike, and b, b.: bass most UMUierous; 
 Ajiril, May aud Juue best; hotel $1 p. d.; guide ?=1 p. d.; 
 i Little Cedar r. 5ni.; fu>t 
 miuuow and worm bait*; 
 boats '2i>c p. d. 
 Fonda (W. St. L. & P.)— Twin I's. 8 m.; Storm 1. 17 m.: about etpially poiHi; 
 pit'.kerel, perch aud b. b. : pickerel aud perch most numerous; minnows, artiliiial 
 spoons and frogs as baits: May, June, August aud kieptember best; hotels ^1 t'> 
 $1.50 p. d.; boats aud bait reasouablo. 
 Fruitland (C. R. I. & P.)— Mississippi r. 2', m.; Muscatiue Slough I'i m.: lai^t 
 beHt; b. b., pickerel aud cropjiies: bass and pickerel most abuuilant; minui'«'. 
 ■worms aud Hjjoons; Juue, July, .\ugust, September aud October best; uo regular 
 hotel; boatH 50e p. d. 
 Oifford(C. I.)— lowar. 'aUi.; So. Fork lowar. '4 m.; first best; pike and b. \>.: 
 worm and minnow baitH; June and September beet; boats cau bo had cheai . 
 Oraettinger (B. C. R. &N.)— Des MolncH r. \' m.; High 1. C m.; last nanie.l 
 best: pickerel and pike; pickerel most abimdant; frogH and other baitH, April and 
 may best. 
 Grand Mound (C. & N. W.) — Wapsie r. 4 m.; pickerel aud b. b.; minnow, in); 
 and spoons a« baite; May and June, August and Septcmb»ir best; UwtelH f 1 i' d* 
 |4..5(» p. w. 
 111.; firnt 111 st; 
 Eaie <'• M. * Kt. P.)— WapHi»« r. ',' m.; pike phkerpl, and b. b., tht- laxt 
 u., -! iliiiiitliiiit; iniiiiKiw and fro^ liaitn; Jiiiic mid HrptcuitxT Ix-Nt. 
 JbfferBOni\N. st. L. k l*. )— (iooHc l. aii<l Coon r.; lawt Im-hI; uickt-nl, h. li. ttc; 
 |ii,'ki II 1 iiKist a>)Uii(laiit: woriiiH. froKH and luiunowH aH baitti: .April and May licxt: 
 lii.ii I rl p. d.; guide with tt-aiii fi p. d.; Ooouc lake ab >iiudH with b. b. and 
 Lanainff (('• M. k St. P. Sot- inMide baik cover)— MiHi«i8Hip|)i r. at varioUH pnintH 
 ! to I'l 111.: ii. b., picki'i't'l anil pikf; minnow bait; .luly, .\u|{UHt and Scptniibcr 1 I'^t; 
 til t< l> i't i<- w.; boatH plt^nty at triMiug I'ottt. FiMhint{ iH ^ocxl iu Aii^UMt and <liir- 
 iiiii liiw water. 
 Livermore ( H. <". U. A: N.)— Lottn cr. '4 m.; 1>«>h MoineH r. \ ni.; laxt lit-Ht: pike, 
 lir.ii. Ii. Ii.. rock baHH. pickerel eti'. ; b. b. and i)ickerel nnmt abundant; (ro^ and 
 iiiiniiiiw bait; May, June, Sept. andltct. beHt; hotels fl.ftu p. d.; jjuidcH fi p. d.> 
 tnat- ■ i>. d. The bi'Ht hHhin){ Ih about Id ni. Houtli in DeH MoineM r. 
 Louisa (C.M. A: St. P.)— Our correMpondent ntateH that in water '^ '"• from 
 -tiitiiiM brook trout can be cau^'lit. "The HprinnH near by are used partly by the 
 riat* t'T hatching purpoHen. Louina i« U 111. from Cedar ItapidH. 
 Maple! )n(('. k N. W.)— Hioux r. 10 ni.; pike, pickertd ete.; pik« niont uuuier- 
 II- tnm bait; May and September; hotel fl.'ioto $i p. d. 
 Marshalltown (('. I.|— lowar. 1 m.; ]iike. pickerel and '.>.]>.; May and Juuu 
 li>i; ImtelH it^'.* p. d.; boatH and baits at reas<<iiabb' rates. 
 Mason City (C I.)— Clear 1. lii m.; pickerel, pike. b. b. and i)ercl-; jdekerel and 
 ia-i- iii'iHt abundant; minnow bait; May, June, Oct. an<l Nov. best; hotels |'-i p. d.;. 
 t'liiili ~ and l)oats reasonable. 
 McOreg'or (C. M. ,^ St. P.)— Miss. r. and Wisconsin r. ; first best; b. b. rock bass, 
 I'ii'kri'i ! and i>ike; bass most abundant; worm ami minnow baits; June, July, and 
 Hi ii.lii-r liest; hotels $1 to $2 p. d.; guides jt'i p. d.; boats 'J.'ic j). h. 
 Meadervllle (C. M. & Ht. P. See inside back cover.) — Volga r. near station; b. 
 li.. iiitii', salmon (i>ike jierch) and others; b. b. most numerous; minnows usual 
 liHit>: ■liiiK! and July best; hotels i^l )>. d. The best tishing is below the mill dam. 
 Milford (0. M. A: St. P.)— Okoboji 1. I'i m. and Oarl. l>i m.: flrftt best- pike. 
 piiki 111, li. b., jier -h mid buH'alo; pik(^ and jiickerel most numerous, wtirm and 
 iiiimii'W bait; June and July best; hotels reasonable; guides and boats moderate. 
 Minerva (C. I.) — Minerva cr. and Iowa r. both very good; pike, salmon (pike 
 I' nil . etc.: worm and minnow baits; October, Ajiril and June best; uo regular 
 butt 1, guideB |U p. d.; bait plenty. Night fishing mostly followed. 
 Mitchellvllle (C. It. I. A: P.)— Skunk r. 3 m.; b. b., ])ike and pickerel in about 
 ii|iiai iiiiiiil)ers; minnow, worm and I'rog liaits: May, June, September and October 
 li-t; lintel $'.> p. d. ; boats call be had reasonable. 
 Mouticello (C. M. A; St. P. i— Ma<iUoketa r. 'j in.; b. b.. pike, pickerel; etc.; ba»8 
 iiiM-t iiiiiiierous; minnow and worm baits; June best; hotel #'J p. d. 
 Morning' Sun (H. C. H. '^' N.)— Iowa r. rt m.; ba«», goggle eyes, perch and suutish;. 
 ka^h must nunieruus; luiuuow bait. 
 Moscow (C. R. I. fc P.)— Codar r. 1 ', m.; Reelays 1.1'^ 111.: first named best; 
 l'il>f. Ii. |p., salmon (pike jierch), croppies, etc.; minnow bait; July, August and 
 st|iteiiilier best; hotels $1 p. d. ; guides fl p. <l.; boats fl \, d. 
 Miiscatine (•'. K. I. A: P.)— Miss. r. and Muscatine slough near station, and Ist. 
 'hi\. :(il uiid 4th sloughs in Ills, opposite; Muscatine slough is l)est; b. and w. 
 I'., iiiki-. Jierch, salmon (pike ])erch), etc.; minnow, frog, worm and fresh meat 
 lialti-; liotels $'2 to f'J.i'iU p. d. ; guides at reasonable rates; boats l^c to '20c p. h'. 
 Ilie Nva^ion bridge across Muscatine r. is a favorite spot with local anglera. 
 Newton (<'. K. I. A: P. I— North Skunk r. 7 m.; South Skunk r. 4 to 7 ni.; Watts 
 ! 11 1 ■ . South Skunk r. best; pike,', salmon (pike jiercli), h. b., etc.; minnow and 
 i-lii'i'ii lifiits; May, June, August and September best; no regular hotels; but board 
 at tHiiii liouses. 
 Nichols (B. C. R. &N.)— "Wapsie" r, 1 'j m.: Pike run 4'a m.; Cedar r. 5ui.: Pike 
 niiil,.>t; ),ii{«», b. b. etc.; pike and catfinh most numerous; frogs, worms and 
 •■pi'iiii- May and June best; hotels $1.50 p. d. 
 • ! 1 
 I 1^^ 
 THE ANfil.KR H oriPK HOOK. 
 Okoboji(C. ^r. .'v St. r.j— Kii^t iiii.l W(,T*t ()!i(.l....ji r. iicarljy-. M!iino\va.-htu 1. l 
 Hi.. .Sjiirit 1. i") III.: ^Vt•^st OkDhoji is litvst; b. li., iiii-kcri'l. j.iki'. i idiiiiic.-^. i.tTcli .-t,-.; 
 till' latter most aliiiiKliiiit. IJaits an- li\ <• iiiiiiiiows and art. sim.hii.-. IJfst iui'iitli>, 
 May. .Ju:,(>, Jul\. .Sf^yt. and Oct.: tlic lir>t tliro; bc.-t for trolljnii: hotel."* .f'J j.. d.; 
 l)oar(liii^ LoUHfH #1 \i. il.; guiden ii'l ji. d.: boatn I'lO,' to #1 \). d. ; baits loc ji. do/., 
 Olin (<^. yi. k St. IM— WaiiHipiiiicoii r. iic ir stiitioii; b. 1).. iiickerel and wall' veil 
 liiki-: iiii:i)io\v, frou and worm baits; May and Jiiik' best: hotel j'l,")0 p. d.; liuat* 
 and bait.s lea.'^onable. 
 Oxford Junction (< . M. .1- St. P. See inside back cover)— Wap.'^ijiniion r. ', in,; 
 pickeic!. b. b., >aliiiuii, ((like [icrcli) silvci' bass etc.: jiike, bass anil cattish nio,; 
 iiiiniei (His: minnow liait; May, .June. .July, t )cti'ber and November best; le>til. 
 cl."i'' to .»;j ji. d.; boatM and baitH at T'm- to .r^l ii. d. The catlish are very hirg. 
 Prairie City I •'. K- I. >^: P.)— I'es .Moiix's r, m m.; Skm. v r. Cm.: last iianuil 
 bc~t; b. b.. ^almou, ( pike jei'i-li) etc.; niinuow !)ait; .Seiitembir and October iitst. 
 Loicl ,r J !>. d. 
 Rock Falls i<'. n. T. .V P. i— Shell Hock r. )i m.: jiiko. i)ickerel. bass etc.: iiick- 
 eiel and bass in excess; minnows, ^'riib.s etc., as liaits; Ma\ and June best; acmni- 
 niodation.-- at moderate prices. 
 Rockwell (Several r. r. I — ISeavi'i' Dam cr. 'jm.: 'West Fork and branches 'J ii;. 
 'i)oili ^jcHivl; jiickciel nio-tlN : minnow bait: .Xpril, ]\Iay aiid Sejitembei' ln-st: li"til- 
 ;#l.."io J), d.; guides at leasoiiable rate. Twin Is 1 m., contain pickerel iu lair ipiau 
 Rowley (H. C. R. k X.) — WapsiiMiiicon r. 4 m.: jiickerid. b. b., pike etc.; picki'r>-; 
 nio^i numerous- froj.' bait; April, M;ty and September, hotel .•?l.'i,") p. (I. 
 Rlithven (1>. ^r. X rt. D.)— Lost Island. 1. '1 m.: Klk 1. 3 ni.; Tnimbnll 1. •; in. I. I'l n: ; .Silver 1. "> m.: Lost Island 1. best: pickerel and b. b. ; baits arc iinii- 
 nows, si>o(in lioidis and fro^is; .April. May and !"^eptember best: hotel j^'J )■. li.. 
 guide with team ^'-i \>. d.; boats .toc p. d. Elbow 1. y^ m. also contains pickerel. 
 Sheffield (<^. I.)— South Fork about 2' , m.: pike, ]iickere', and b. b.; picker*-; 
 nio>t numerous: minnow s and art. spoons; .\pril, May, .June, October uudNov.n. 
 ber best; hotels .*'J p. il.; boats and bait plenty. .Much spearing done. 
 Shell Rock (!'•. <'. K. A: N.)— shell Rock r. near station; ^Ve8t Fork of same '.i n . 
 < )•. •'■ m. . ei|uaUy gciod: picki-rtd. pike, b. b., croppies, etc.: pike, bass aii'i 
 jiickerel most iiiimerous; minnow^, tlies and .spinning baits; usual mouths: hottl-, 
 I eiMUialMc; sonii' boats can be prOi'ured. 
 Spencer (<". M. .t St. P.)— Okoboji I's aii.l Spirit 1. 17 ii'.; West Okobcji 1, l.t--: 
 l)ickeiel. b. b.. perch and I'iUe: jierch pii'kerel and pike most numerous: minium 
 bait. .Iiiiie. anil .September best: hotel .'r'.' p. (I.; plenty of boats ."lUc to T.'n j 
 d. Oood fishing. 
 Spirit Iiake (R. ('■ R. A: N.)— Spirit 1. l'^. m.; East Oko'.oji 1, '. m.; WeKt Okolm 
 .iil. I 111.; ,tll good; pike, pickerel, b. b.. j'erch, bulfalo and others: pickerel iim-: 
 nnnierous; niinm'W bait; .June best month; hotels at reasonable rates; boat> aii . 
 bait at very moderate cost. Spirit 1. is c<lebrateil for its line lii-liing. 
 Steamboat Rock (('. I.)— Iowa r. '„ ni.; i)ike. pickerel and b. b.: May, .\iii:ii-. 
 ;iiid Si ptember best; hotels Si p, w.; guide who will furnish bait at .■?! p. d.; i"':it 
 l."ic p. h.; bait 15c p. doz. 
 Superior (R. <'■ R. •'v X.l— Swan 1. I'l m.: pickerel mostly: baits are froys. nni. 
 lews ami art. spoons; May and June best. 
 Tipton (R. <". R. >v N.) — ('e<lar r. ',> m.: jiike, b. b. and pickerel: bass most nniiKi- 
 o'ls; minnow bait: July, ,\ugust and Siptciiibcr best; hotel :rl ..'hi p. d.; guide- r.a 
 be had: lioats 5oc p. d 
 Viuing (<". ^I. A: St. P. See inside back i dver.;— Salt er. 2 m.; Iowa r. 7 m.. la>; 
 bi~!; piikerel and liat^s; pickerel most numerous; spoon books and usual I'lin- 
 used; .\pril, May and Juue best; spearing mostly followed. 
 Walling-ford (R. R. .t N.)— Ryan 1. 3',, m.; swan 1. 7 m.: High 1. t 
 Twelve .Mile 1. 1 In.; Des ^loiiicH r. 1 m. : Ryaii 1. b<'st ; pickerel, pike and j" ivl 
 pike most numerous; usual l>aits, but mostly frogs; .May and Jiiiii' best; vii;. tin 
 lish :iie taken every season from 12 M. an<l Ryan Lake.s. 
 Waterloo (R. f. R. <.^ N.) — Cedar r. near station; 1. a:id s. ni. b. b., wall ereJ 
 iilU'WaHhtii 1. 1 
 jiif.-i. lieri'h • tr.; 
 Best nn'iitli-, 
 ■iMtcls $2 y. (1.: 
 t^^ iHi- 1). (111/. 
 [•1 and wall-yti! 
 ."II 1). l\.: lin,ltj 
 [•iniciin r. ", in.; 
 11(1 rilttish liiH.; 
 tier 1)i-sf. li'Iil- 
 ;in' Very largi, 
 111.: last uaiiiiil 
 (I Octiilur 1..-! 
 buss etc.: )'i(li- 
 im- liost; iiic "li: 
 1 bniiii'lif."! 'J 111., 
 liter lii-st: li-til- 
 •rcl iu lair 'inaii 
 ke i>tc. ; pickerel 
 rl.'i5 !>. (I. 
 ruuiliull 1. *'< 111. 
 : baits ar.' luiii- 
 h.itci ?•-' 1'. a.. 
 lius pickfi'il. 
 I b. b.; i)i>kirt'. 
 )>vv uuil Ni'\'ii. 
 irk (if sam»- '.' ii ■: 
 ; i..ko, bas.-i aii'i 
 iiiKiitlis: biitfl>. 
 Dkiibd.ji 1. bi-t; 
 it-nms: iiiiiiii"'> 
 Hits .">Hc til T."i. 1 
 ■\V(.'st (iknlv 
 liickcrd 111"-' 
 atfrt: biiat> an . 
 I.; Mav, .Xui-'ii-. 
 .■?! y. a.: bnat- 
 - arc fniii.s. mil' 
 HISS iii(i.'<t niiiiiii- 
 (b; t,'uiib - 1 ill. 
 iwa r. 1 HI. l'>" 
 and usual bait- 
 n.: Hiph 1. ! ".. 
 pike and ]" I'li 
 best; V(.r> liU' 
 iiikc. I'ii'kcrf'l, ('tc: b. b. must niuiicniiis; ininimw bait .Iiiiu', Scjitciubcr and Octo- 
 licr l»-t: liiitfls .'r^'i 11. d.; t,'uidf witb Ixiat and Imit .«;tii. d.: bdat.s ."lUc p. d. : niiu- 
 i;i-v\- -1 ji. liNi. FisLiin'4 i-xi-cllt.'iit includiii!,' that ill lUack HawU cr. ad.jafcnt. 
 Waticoma (C M. .\: St. P.)— Turkey r. ninninj,' tlirdii^jb village and franc cr. 1 
 III., i.i-t best; iiickcreb black and rdck bass, etc.: b. li. nidst abimdiint; ininndW 
 !i;i:i: .lime, .luly, .Xu^rust and Septciubi'r best; h(it(d .r'J \<. d . ; iid iirotcssidiial ^'iiides, 
 !,nt [Kiitics can be had at .^l..")*) ji. d.; IjoatH and bait very cheap. 
 W. Bend (H. «'. i:.\- N.)— W.fork r)(^s Mdinesr. :i in.; pike, iiickcrel, b. b.. biitnil. . 
 .; pike and pickenl nidst nunnrdiis; Wdi'iii. niinnnw, tni^. etc.. baitK; .luly. 
 \ i^ii^t and Septi'liibcr best; lidtcls .»'J p. d. ; Ixiats and baits at noniinal coHt. 
 Winslow (i5. ('. R. \- N.) — West branch Cedar and Siiell ituck r. near statidir. 
 Al.iiii ■! i;ast brain h Cedar r. 'j in.; Cedar r. best; pike, b. b., pickerel, etc.; niin- 
 i..\\ iiii'l i'vi'U, bait>: .June and «)ctdber best. 
 W. Liberty (C. H. I. iS: P.)— •'Hiiline.s (iiit"b) ni.; Pike Uiin Mm.: Wapsieiid- 
 i:..,ir. ijiu.; the lirst naineil best; pike, b. b..ftc.; \V(jrni bait; .Vii^iist best tur 
 ;-;!.L' llies; hdtel at reasdnabh,' nite; j^iiide can be procured. 
 Woodward(C. 'M. x st. P. Se(» inside back cover.) — Des Mdiuc.H r. :i m.: l!i^ 
 l;.a\irr. :ini.; lirst best; b. b. and pickerel; the hist most abundant; miniidw .-, 
 .^.>l•lll^ and ariiticial baits; spring' and fall best; lintcks ifl.."!!) to y^'ly. d.; boat.s and 
 !',iit merely iidUiinal. S'lme very tine h>li cauj^ht here. 
 Benning'ton iT". P.)— Sdlomon r. l ■, m.; catlish, butfald and sonic "salmon" 
 ;'.li' |M ichi: and dther bails; .\piil, May and June best; hdtel, ^;uidcs, boats 
 ,iiiil I'.iits reasonable. 
 Benton l^t. L. I'"t. S. X- XV.) — We>t br. X\ hite XVater r. :i m.; some b. b.; wurnis and 
 liiiiiu ■« bait; May and Juue best; h(it(d -r I p. w . 
 Brookville il'. P.t— Spring,' cr. in m.: Saline r. 20111.; Smoky Hill r. b.: m.; last 
 i.uiul liesi; some bass; minnow.s usual bait; iMarcli and .\pril best; r. 1. eating 
 :i"iiM -J p. d. 
 Coal Vale (K. C. Ft. S. \- O.)— Cox cv. 1 ',. m.; perch, b, b., catlish, etc. perch 
 !i."-t iiiiineroiis; usual baits; May and .June best. 
 Carbon Hillil'. P.i — Wakarusa cr. 1 m.: ^ome li. b. and Minlish; Wdims are ii.iil; April and May; hotel .t1 p. d. 
 Eldorado (St. I.. Ft. S. .V XV.)— \.'aliiiit r. ', m.: XVhitc Water r. '.1 m.: I)iiia<kei- 
 1. 11 ill.; lirst iKiliied best; b. b., pendi, channel cat, yelldw cat, bullalo, etc.: ba-s 
 inl lattish most numerous; live minnows, Wdriiis and art. baits: Ma.\. .Jiim^, Sep- 
 • and October best: hotels .^'J ji, d.; bnats <! p. d,; miniidws Ic apiece. 'I'liis 
 - -aid to be a nidst I'Xcellciit li^hiiij^ yruiind. 
 Eureka (St. L. Ft. S. \- XV,)— Fall r. ',111.; liachelor cr. .'1 m.; Sjirin^,' cr. :! '. m.: 
 i-t ii.iiueii best; 1). b., caltish, siinlish, etc.; bass and catlish nio.-t nunieroiis; 
 iiiiimnw. Worm, beef and bacon baits; .May and .liiiie best; hotels :»1 to .■rJ ji. d,- 
 ■ -it- -1 p. (1.; bait can l;e had cheap. 
 Farling'ton (K. <'. Ft. S. .v (i.i lailin;.;tdii 1. staiion; white bass, siinlish, 
 •I'.: lia-s liidst niinierdus; baits, iiiiniidws and rabbit; Ma,\ and .liliic bist; iidtcU 
 '1 1'. .1.: 1,'iiide and boat can be had. 
 Port Scott (K. C. Ft. S, A: (r,)— .xrarmaioii r, 1 m.: Mill . r. 7 m.; ( quall,\ ^^d-id; 
 •'. li., -miipies, etc.; crdiipies must numerous; iisiuil baits, miniidW s; hoti Is icasdn 
 ililc: 'iuides ;?1 to :?2,."iU p. d. 
 Pulton iK, C. Ft, S, \ (;,)— Little Osajje or. ', m.; Fish cr. ', m.; lirst be-t; 
 M til i. I idppies, etc.; wormi-, cia.lish, frog's, etc.; .\pril and .XIa.\ best; hotel.s •1 
 Garrison (F. P.)— ISliie r. '.. m.; pike, blue cat and red hm- c; blue cat most 
 ■ ii ' .Ml-: small tisli. toads, birds, etc. used as bails: .\pril and .\lay best: liotid at 
 :'.i>iiii,ihli.. rate; boats and bait nioder.iti.'. The catli.^li luii laivc 
 Hanover (Se\cr;il r, r.)— r.itth> Blue r. 1 m.: perch, piiken 1. b. b. and cattish; 
 ■'••'■•' iii'i-t nunierous; ^rrubs, aii^dc worms, b(.'ef etc, a.s baits; May and Juua 
 ! i:t 
 b. b., waliem H •;,,.,,. j^, ,,.[^ i._, j, ,| . ,„,.,j.. .„„, ,,.,,j ,.i„.j^, 
 Iola(St. L. Ft. S. .'(: W.i— NeoHho r. 1 in.; 1). li., salmon (pik»-i!t'rch), Iniffald, <•!. 
 Avorui and luciit l>aitH; April, Mav, Juuc, ^St'ptenl^»er and October best; hottN * 
 p. d. 
 Iia Karpe (St. L. Ft. 8. .t W.)— Elm it. 1 '; m. : Rock rr. 3 m.: flpHt named Imhi 
 basH, jjorcdi, cattlHb, etc.; cattiwh niost numerous: worm and n»eat baits; .\\iTi\ an i 
 May l)est. 
 Manhattan (T. P.) — Kansas r. and Bluf r. near station: last named best: ;i f-w 
 l)ik(', "^'ar." bnH'alo, etc.; worms, minnows and liver used as baits; May and Iiiii. 
 liest; boats and bait cheap, 
 Moran (Ht. L. Ft. S. A: W.) — Marmaton r. 'i m.; Osa^e r. 5 m.; last named ],<-.' 
 pome black bass; worm bait; May and June best; Lotel $'2 j). d.; ))oats and Ipjit,,: 
 nominal tigures. 
 Morgfanville {V. P.)— R«i)ublican r. 1 m.; some b. b.; worms nsu,il bait: ini' 
 best montli; hotel #1 p. d. 
 Og'densburg' (V P.l— Kansas r. '4 m.; Eureka 1. r> m., last named best; liluk 
 bass an<l coarse varieties; March, April, September and (Jctolxu' best; botel> fi 
 1). w.; guides can be obtained at moderate cost. 
 Parsons (K. <'. Ft. S. i^ (i.) — Labette r '. m.; Neosho r. H m.; Uachlor r. J ui.; 
 Keosho r. best; b. b., butlalo, perch, etc.; bass and butt'alo most numerous: miiiii'iu 
 and worm bait: May and .June best; hotels #1 to .*ii j). d.: {guides ^'2 p. d.; 
 reasonable. Fishinf; reported good. 
 Perryville ( r. P.) — Kansas r. 2 m.; Delaware r. '^ m.; first best; b. b., jur. Ii 
 gai', liutT'alo. etc.: butlalo and catfish n.ost numerous; worm and fresu nu'ut lui' 
 3Iay and September best; hoti-ls #1 to .*2 j). d. ; boats and bait cheap. 
 Redfield (St, I.. Ft. S. A; W.) — Marmaton r. near station; b. b.. suufish, etc.; 1p.i«^ 
 most abundant; small fish used as bait; June, -July and Aiigust best; hotel $1 j>. il. 
 boats and bait reasonable. 
 Beece (St. L. Ft. S .V- W.) — springer. '. m.: Ibirnt cr. '. m.; first named !i.-t 
 b. b. and catfish: b. b. most innuerous; worms and other usual baits used; s].iiii. 
 MluX fall best time; hotel |'2 p. d. 
 Rosalia (St. L. Ft. S. ^V \V.)— Little WahnU cr. and Harrison cr. 4 to t! m.; 1.. 1.., 
 pike, bullheads, etc.: bass and bullheads most uunieroun; worms, fro^s, minnow. 
 llies and meat used as bait; -May and June best; hotel at reasonable rate. 
 Towanda (St. L. Ft, S. .V W.)— Whitewater r. '^ m.; bass, catfish and c.:i:v' 
 varieties; latter most numerous, worm bait; May and June best; hotel at ri;i-nii 
 i'ble rate. 
 Uniontown (St. L. Ft. S. A: %V.)— Marmaton r. near station; black and rock lia--. 
 bufialo, etc.; bufi'alo and bass most abundant: minnow and worm baits; .\pnl aiil 
 AI:iy best; hotels $1 p. d.; guide, boats and bait at reasonable rates. 
 Victoria (U. P.)— Big cr. H m.; Saline r. 1'2 m.; Smoky r. 1-2 ni.; last iiaiii' i 
 best a few b. b. • woihin and minnows usual baits; spring and tall months h >;, 
 Wichita (St. L. Ft. S. ,^- W'.)— Arkansas r. ', m.; perch, croppies, eatfisli aiil 
 Ituttalo; the two last must numerous; worm and minnow bait; summer an 1 i;il 
 best; hotel $'2 p. d.; boats 'irn- p. h. 
 Bowlinif Green (L. it N.) — Browns Lock on Barren r. H m.; Rays bran> li ' 
 *iame 4'^ m.; Sweeney and Potters Jlills on Drakes cr. 4 m : Gasper r. m m.; liarn; 
 r. localities best; silver salmon, b. b., striped bass, s))eckled (strawberry) bass, an. 
 jackp'.,: (large); b. b. and stripi^l bass nn)st numerous; fiies and minnows; .\\)r. 
 and .< \ i)est; hotels #2 p. d., less l)y the week or Hpecial contract to parties; u 
 l<uides required; boats and bait at reasonable prices. 
 Bumside (C So.)— The North Fork atid main Cumberland r. make a juncti'>D 
 here am", an; both good; b. 
 "salmon" n>ike perch), pike etc.; has- aiii 
 Halnion most abundant; minnows, tlie.s etc.; .\pril. May, June, November aiil 
 December best; hotel $'2 p. d. ; guides, boats and bait at moderate charge. 
 Cynthiana (Ky. ('.)— Licking r. (south branch <>f); Fair fishing at several iMiiiit' 
 within i") m.; s. m. b. b., " newlights " and rock bass; minnowH, crayfish aiwi art 
 Hies as baits' .\pril, .May, October and November best; good hotels at nioilcrate 
 chargea; bait plentiful. • 1 
 u,il bait; •'iiii.^ 
 Flat Kock (Q. ^ (".)— North Hud South Fork and <'uinberlaiiil rs. .'< in.; last Ix'Ht; 
 li. ii,, . iitliMh etc.; lirHt niowt uunieroUH; worm bait; February and Marcii bent; 
 liutil- i'Jii'. (1.; guides "250,1). d.; boatH aud baits at little cost; fxi-ellcnt hnhin^ 
 n jin'-ti'il here. 
 Prankfort (I^. -v N-)—Keutuiky r. near station; Elk Horn cr. ;{ ni.; lUaiks j). 2 
 ju.; i;ik Horn cr. best; b. b.; minnow bait; March, .April, May, Sciitfmbcr ai.d 
 OitoliiT best: hotels f'i.iio i). d.; boats and bait at moderate rate. The tishinj? 
 ill till' Kentucky r. at this point is poor; in the Elk Horn cr. the bass are lari^e 
 ami !-'iiiiiy. 
 Georgetown (Q. k C.) — Elk Horn cr. near station; b. b. and "new litihts "; the 
 lattiT iiKist niinierous;; minnow aud cr.iytish baits; April, September and October 
 lust, lintels .*'i p. <1.; y.iides .■f2 p. d.; bouts not riMinired; minnows iindcravrtsh 
 Hickitian (N. <'. ^ St. L.) — MiHsissijipi r. at station: Keelfoot 1. 7 m.; both (jood; 
 )] li., pike etc.; usual liaits: sprin;.'. suiiimer and fall good: hotel $"J p. d.; boats 
 .".II, \K d.; Keelfoot 1. is a very tine tishiuy water. 
 Kinkaid (<^ A: <'.) — Dry Ituu 2 m.; Noiih Elkhorn 1 m.; Musselnmus p. 3 ni.; 
 4i>liipriis p. 2 ni.: Elkhorn best: perch, "newlights," b. b. etc.; minnows and worms 
 as liiiils: -April aud May best; no re^nilar iiotel, but jirivate board at moderate 
 4 lial^'r. 
 Living'Ston (Ky. ('.) — Uock Castle r. near station; ('Mmi>erland r. .'>() m.; both 
 i;n,.il; li. b., •■ salmon " (pike perch), and jdke in Uock Castle r., and b. b. princi- 
 [lallv ill the Cumlierland: )ninnows and trolls u^ed; .\pril and <)ct(d)er best; hotels 
 jl.."''i p. il.; boats and bait at merely iiomiual cost, (iood sliooting. 
 Louisville (reached by 7 r. r.)— No j^ood flshiug near the city; the local anglers 
 v:-ii ili^tant watt.'rs 
 Maysville (Ky. C.) — Ohio r., Blue Lick r.and Kinuikoniik r. from 1 to lo m.; 
 iii.-t l)t>t; pike, b. b. etc.; l)ass most numerous; April, Mny and .June b<«st: hotels 
 i': [K (1..; bouts and bait clieap. 
 Iilt. Savagfe (Chcs. .V O.) — Little Sandy r. near by; jack pike (I'ike perch)are the 
 hiM-t numerous tish; b. b. (both varieties), croppies, rock bass and chaunel cattish 
 air iil>o caught; angling is best in the fall, particularly from Oct. 1 to 2<t; board cau 
 1 !• had at farm houses. 
 ITorwood (Q. k C.) — The adjacent streams .'1 to 4 m. contain the usual fresh 
 water lish of this section; b. b. being most abuudaut; hotels $1 p. d. 
 Paris (Ky. O— Stoner r. and Houston cr. 1 m.; tirst named best; b. b., "sal- 
 iiH'ii " ipike perch), bream and others; bream, " newliglits " and bass most uumer- 
 niis; iiiiiinows, worm, craytish bait: .\pril. May, October and November best; hotels 
 f 2 p. d.: bo-its aud bait about ?^2 p. d. 
 Pine Knot (Q- & C.)— South Fork 8 m.; Cundiorland r. 12 m.; last best; b. b., 
 iiiiil jM rch; bass )iio«t abundant; minnow bait; .\pril ami May b(!st months; no 
 n-Uiilai' hotels. l)Ut lio:;rd can be had .tt privat(> houses very reasonable; guides .VH; 
 tu f\ ]K (1.; boats and baits merely uomiual. 
 Point Bumside (C. N. O. & T.)— Excellent b. b. (both varieties) fishing. .See 
 Ml. .lavage, Ky. 
 Bock Castle Springs (L. <S: N.)— Uock Castle r. and Cumberland r.; last named 
 lust, ^, 111. b. 1;.; ^^almon (wall-eyed jiike) pike, striped bass, etc.; bass most numerous; 
 iiiiiiiiows, Hies, crayfish and spoous; May, .June, September. October and November 
 lii'st; liotels #l..")Op. d.; guides 5^1.50 ji. d.; l)oats moderate; "iiiunows .■?! p. loo. 
 Tile iMst fishing is had on the Cumberlaiid r., from nioutli of IJeaver cr. to Hee 
 "laiuj; above mouth of Laurtd r. 
 Whitley (Q. A:C,)— So. fork of Cumberland r. :J ni.: 'salmon" (pike jierch) 
 lark |iikc, perch, etc.; minnow bait; April, May, September and October best; 
 hutel> 7ric p. d ; guides at $1 to $1.25 p. d.; boats 2r)c p. d. ijtime very fine fish 
 caiij,;lit here. 
 Williamsburgfh (L. A: N.)— Cumberland r. near station; s. m. b. b., salniun 
 (walliyed pike), pike, "uewlights," etc.; bass most numerous; miuuows, ilies, 
 iTuytisli and si)oons; May, .June. September, October aud November best; liotels 
 Jl.'iw lit $2 p. (I ; no professional guides, but parties couipeteut lau be i>rocured at 
 ii t'l rl.M p. d.; boats .")0c p. d.; miuuows Ic each. 
 I ill 
 Toseinite iC «^ Or. It.)— Green r. mid Kiiolt I.iik ', lu.; tirst uaiue('4 lu-nt; 1 . 1.., 
 IxTcli, HiiiitiHh, I'tc; liaHH luont iiiiiucriniH; luiuUDW bait; gi>od JlUl^•t all tht.' v.u; 
 Lotfl ^^l.'X) p. (1.; j;ui(lus #1 p. il. , 
 Des AUeniands (>r. L. .v T.)— Jiayou J)ch AlltinaiKlH at. Htatiou, ami a iminln r 
 fif small liayuUH not naim-d; all alikf; ratiisii, urct'ii tr<>ut (b. b.l, iicivh, and strii..! 
 bass, (fii'sli watiT); catlisli, K>'"'fii tinut and iici'ib nmstly; cniylish, slirimii ,i:iil 
 livi' minnows; i'cbnuiry, March, Ajiril and .May best; Kiiicb; .*'J \>, d.; boat ,*1 ji. i|.; 
 bait t'uruisbed by guide. Tlie catfisb caught hero arc Huid to be very miperior tMliUje 
 Pranklin (M- r,. .*c T.)— Cote Hlaiiclic bay bi m.: rcillisli (channel bass) sin > (is- 
 hi' id, jiompano, tlonndcrs, croalicis, sea tlont. jack lisli, etc; trout and n ilii-li 
 most numerous; mullet and shrimp used for baits; Maridi, April, September aiil 
 October Id'st; hotels at reasonal)k' prices; guide, boat $') i). d. 
 H}!!!!!'?! (M. I,. .S: T.) — (iiilf of Mexico b") m.; Passo Uaipiette, I>ayou ■!■-•, 
 I'ointe iMinnee, llayou Laj^'resse and J'etit Sable accessible; red lish. (chanu(d bii>- . 
 si'ati'ont, croakers etc.; trmit most numerous; mullet bait; .\pril and May 1m -t; 
 guides, boats and bait at inoderatc charge, ijoiue fresh water li«hiug also, abouL;i 
 or ] I miles from this place. 
 New loaria (d. Ti. i*cT.) — Petit Anse bayou lo ni.; Lake Tasse .S'.j m.; Venml- 
 li in bay V m. t'.'om Petit Anse Island branch; Lake 'J'asse and W'rmilliou bay Im-i. 
 In Lake Tasse or Spanish J^ake are caught perch, cattish, green trout, (b. b.), siiv.r 
 lish, speckled trout and bar lish; perch and bar tish most numerous; wiu'uis, criy- 
 hsh, shriniii, miiiuows and small jierch for baits; March to November best; hoti i> 
 .*l..")<i to .*'J.."ii) p. d.; no regular guides, inl'ormation easily obtainecl; boats i m 
 lie obtained. In Vermillion bny are cau^dit ledlish or chanm 1 bass, slu'epslnnil 
 sea trout, black drum, Siianisli mackenl, llounders. croakers etc.; red;i>li, li 
 dru'.u, se I tra t, sheepshead and croakei'.s most numerous; ' ' " 
 cral) b.iits. 
 hrimp, mullet au<l 
 New Orleans, Li. (Various routes)— Kxcclletit salt water tishing. Some of tlie 
 Jioic'l grounds are Chef. Menteur 20 miles init on the Mobile road, wlieri -i ,i 
 trout, channel bass and sheepshead are jilentiful. lioat and dinner .»1; negro Immi- 
 min :«I.."i0p. d. .Milli'rs Bayou 27 m. on same road; the same lish abound. \M;h 
 about tlie same charges for boat and boatman. Lookout Station 1(7 m. is the pi'i- 
 perty ot il i)rivato (dub. The Uigolets is another ground :U m. on same road. Ih^ 
 5xorth Pa^s connecting Lak(^ ^Iaurei)as and Lake Ponlidiartrain is graml grouinl; 
 to riM 'h it get ort a Pass .Mahoriac Ih-idge on the Jackson IiailVoad. Near N.iitli 
 Pass is -Middle Ikiyou, which surpasses it possilde, the former. The Taugipali'M 
 l{i\er. re iihed by sail boat, i.s a splendid lishing water. IJiyou J/inrier -1 . la. 
 from we-ite.ul of city gives fair tishing for sheeiishead. sea trout, perch and sirj^v- 
 biu'rv' bass (Sic-adait locally.) Harvey's Canal reached by ferry is a resort of 1 nji 
 ptu'ch; the usual baits are minnows, shrimp and crab. Other jioted points .iv 
 numerous; April. May and Sejitember are the best mouths and the moruiug i il' - 
 are preferred by many anglers. 
 Opeloxisas (M. L. .V T.) — liiyou Callahan and liayou Teche accessible: !ii'>t 
 best; per.'U, citlish. •■g.ispergou." niudiisli etc. ; catlish and perch mos'i uunurii-. 
 Worms and i-raylish as bait, .Vpril, May and June best months. 
 Raceland (M- L. .V '1'.) -Like Tield 7 m.; Lake Sahadoi'e In m.: last nani"! 
 best; all Lie ditl'erent variciii's usually found in this locality ; worms and cra,\ li-i; 
 used for b;iits; spring molltlis bi'St. 
 ■Washiiig"toa (M. L. iV T.) — Courtableau bayou at statiiuj; Carrou bayou 1 ni.; 
 first best; "Casipigo" cat, perch, carp eti-.; cattish most uunierous; craylish ii'l 
 mush tisedas baits; Mu'il, May, -lune, -Lily and August best; hotels j!2 to $'l.'yt) p. d. 
 Abbott Villagfe (Bangor I'c P.)— Pii)er p. 5 m., Whotstouo p. C m., Foss p. •^ n\. 
 and ti'out broois from '2 to :" m.; all of them tii'st class; tnuit and white ]"rili; 
 trout most numerous; .Inly, .Vugust and Sept. be-;t; hotel j^l.. "in p. d,; lower rat''^ 
 by week; guides c:in be obtained at reasonable prices; boats .aOe p; ([.; bait pi' iiti- 
 fill at .•*! per hundred. 
 Andover (<■• T. tij Bryauts P<md, thence by stag') — Lai'ly in the season i 
 , boHl; 1.. h., 
 lU the \':ir: 
 ml ii iniiiili'-r 
 1, uial stni" .1 
 \,<nit .*! 1'. '1.; 
 hilhlJ) hIiiiI'S- 
 iiud nilii>li 
 JitfllllU'l" ii'l 
 IlilllUfl liil>- . 
 i„l Miiy 1" t. 
 ' ill?"', ill ("111- '■' 
 J 111.; Vfi'iiiil- 
 liou V)iiy l"Ht. 
 (I), b.), (^ilv'T 
 wcu'ius, iiiiy- 
 •rbi'st; li' 
 ell; boats r;iu 
 ;. h;h<'i'l'Slli:i'l. 
 •.; lra:i>!K 1'. 
 ^,, lUUlU-t M'i 
 Sonio uf till' 
 Kid, wlllTi »x 
 1; Ul-j^fd l..Mt- 
 li iiboiuid. \m:U 
 11. IS the l>''''- 
 lull' I'tiiul. l h'- 
 niiul t^pniihl: 
 Nc'ir N.'i'th 
 (■ Tautiii'iii"'^ 
 iiii-icr -I ; HI. 
 eh iiinl : i: 1 • 
 fi'sori of 1 •.:- 
 |(.il ^l((^^t.■^ a'.<' 
 luuruiu',.,' lull 5 
 i-v uuim-i'i'ii?; 
 last n:iiii"i 
 Ullil iTit.Mi-'^ 
 |i bayou 1 111-- 
 cniyiish ii'l 
 I'J til •*-.">" r- ''■ 
 .. I-'OSS p. - 111 
 wiiiti' 1 
 ,. irli; 
 livWi'V v;lti^ 
 Isou j^ooil v:o 
 a.orcs may be made iu Kcvoral stncainH, jiarticulttrly iu Itlack br. Andofcr is one 
 nt tb<. ;.'at<ways to the Uau^i ley Liiki -. 
 Ansomi^oiiitTSft.l — (Vi'ti'litdl br.. Kcniudirc r.. Saiidj r. mid P»dtou br.,all\vlth- 
 ,, -J I,,.; (icti'lirll and Pi'ltoii brooks bi'st: brook trout, b. b. and jnckfrid; bi'ook 
 t -nit uui.-t uumtrous; worm bait; sumiiu-r mid fall best; hotels ?=l.")(t i» d. lioatH 
 lUil Kiiidfs not needed. 
 AllffUSta (^I<'. *'• i^t'C l)a;,'e XII.) — (dbbOKSfecoiiti'c 1. (i m.; Uel^'radc p. and 
 ,T'aiii 1" !"•; also siuiif SMI. ill likes 5 to 111 i.i.; first uaiued best: b. 1). and white 
 |,.-rcli : b. b. most n.imerous ; li.c minnows. I'im^^'s and artiiiri:;! Ilic.^ ; -Inly and An- 
 ■ lit 111 -it: hotels .■?i p. d. ; no iirofcssioiiiil (,'uides, but parties '-an bi' had to act a« 
 "i.lii boaH and baits at nominal figures. 
 Bin'^or (^Ii.'. ('.)— Piishaw 1. Km.; b. b.. pereh and pickend: basH mostnuiner- 
 ;i;u:i.i il and live baits; July, .\umist iind Sept<'iiiber best; hotels reiisonalle; 
 ;„ ,ii- .iiid bait moderaie. 
 Bar Hartoor (Me. ('. See puije X!l.)— Kreiirliman's l!:iy and .Vtlmitii- tiiean; sea 
 li^Iiiiu I'l' I'silil salt Wiiter lisli ill! Iiidii:^ lod, maeUerel. smelts, ete.; iftual bail* 
 iiul -' i-Miis; this is a HUnimer resort ami tliere are plenty of hotels at reasonable'-. 
 Bath i^Ie. ('.)— Neiiuasset r. "2 m.; Sewalls p. 1 in.: first best; piekertd and 1). b.; 
 ; . k. ,. I luo.-t niiiiieioiis: niinuow bait; spriii;,' and fall best; hotel.', .r l..'in tu .r^J , . 
 i.; !■ Mi> and bait at nominal eost. Fine while pereh lishinj^ in I'lirlu-;';* liead ]> . I'-i 
 11. il;-;:iiit, and iu .July and -Vut,'. these fish are caiit^lit in quiuitities in the r. oppo- 
 -,:. i.ji- -(iition. 
 BalTade (Mf. <'■) — Messalouskee 1. or Snow's p. 1 m.: Lon!,' ji. ilm.; "ireiitp. 
 :..{.: I. '11;^ p. is best for b. buss; b. b.. perch and jiick '.'el; ]iercli a'.id ]j1v kerel 
 I iu.i>t iiiiiuero'is; tliiTe is a stream runnin^i jiast the station which connects all oi' the 
 ii'iiivi' w iters, ill wliich str. there is also ^^ood risliiii!,': frog's, worms, (lieces id' tinli 
 |,i iiliii'taiiiil rtie-iiire baits iiseil: .Inly iind .\u','iist 'lest forb.iss and percli and, 
 I .ly, .\n„'iist and Si-|ilember for picUend: liotils .vl p. d. : boats and Oi;it reusonii- 
 '.-" i'aese waters iire j istly cidebrated. 
 Belfast (Me. t'. See pa^'e XI M— Belfast Hay. a jiart of Penobscot Hay, within 1 
 i-ii.; I I.' liiiul s:ilt water rt-ili are ciu^lit w itli clam or cut lisli baits; lii^di water be- 
 ,ii:,'tlie be-t tide, and tile se:ison all thioiit,'h Kivin^; ^'ood fishing,'. Hotels iiJtO to l?'2 
 ■ . 1.; Iinats and boatmen rea.onable. 
 Bethel C'r. T. See pajje V.> — Souko p. - m.; Hound, South Jind I.icks pds. .") m.; 
 • -. !• - inimeroiis small ji'ds. and some 2.") line trout brool;.-;, all witliin a radius of 
 ;I'ii'iiii.; all are good: trout in brooks; s. m. b. b., pickerel, yellow j)erch and 
 I' kill > irt piuids; worms, minnows, tlii-s and f,'rubs used; .Iiiiie, -Inly and .Vii^'ust 
 |)'- -t; li.'icl at re isonablt! jirice: glides, boats and bait can be nrocured at little or 
 li.-'iM t. I'lmpin},' outfits can be had at Helhel, which in one of the gateways to the, 
 llaiiu'i . y Lalves. 
 B'.tlUe.brd (H. 'V ^I.( — Sao r. iibove and below the dam. neartown; white peridi. 
 ii. kr!' I, cod, hake, halibut. mackerel, elc. : cod and mackerel most numerous: liv- 
 |li.iit, I'l i.ii<. tlies ;ind worni-<; iisu:il mo itlis; ledel .fj.-'io p. d.; hirge sail boats '..u* 
 '111. b;i..'-, luilibut and mackerel fishing charge .■jl per head including baits anil 
 Bn;l;.'ton(H.>V: S. 11. 1— Highland 1., Pe;ibody II., Loiigl., llancoekp., Harker)).; all 
 > 1; Uniit, b. b. and )iickerel: bass most numerous; usual biiit; .luly iind .\itg. 
 bi'st: Imti'l ••j'J p. d.; boiitsiind bait at nioderati.' cost. 
 Brooks (Me. ('. Seepage XII.)— Tody p. ;i m.; Saga> sawakeag p. .'I'j ui.; Farm 
 • 1 ;,i ; hist best; trout; May and June best; hotel .fl p. d.; bait easily pro- 
 Browufield ( P. '■V: ().)— sheppards r.. Little Saco r., Plejisaiit \k, I.ovewells p., 
 II'C;.'^ . iKc p.: Jill good: trout and pickerel; front most uumerons; worm aud 
 .iKi' I viits; May aud June best; hotel $2 p. d. 
 Bryants Pond (Or. T.)— Ihingeley I's :i.'( m., viz: Mooselucmagiintic and Molo- 
 iiilv.i lull Is; iill the above chain of lakes are about alike; trout- llies are the 
 I'-iiiil I'l.i: June. Si-])ti'inbi'r and October best; hotels #1 to $2 p. d.: trout 4'i, 
 'l"lii>. are taken in the lakes named. 
 Castiiie i Me. (A .t P. B. :Mt. I). S. S.)— Toddy p..; Bragadiice r. and Penoliseot 
 ''.'' 1 .j;iduie r. liest; front, tlmiuders, mackerel etc.; iiiaAikerei most nume"(mi; 
 in hay uml rivor: tront in pond; .Inly and August bent; botelH at rpanonablp luU;. 
 boats anil liait plenty. 
 Costigan iMf. t'. Sto I'm^v XIl)— Urundy y. and i)x Head 1. botli uliout '. > u),- 
 lii'Ht Im'sI; 1). )i , toi^'Utt (lake trout) and jiii-kfrt-l; to^uc niont nnnii'i'ou>: Hm- )i:iit> 
 no rt'(^ul:.r hott'lH; ^piidc^H can \n- obtained at reanoualile rate; Ijoats 5nr ji. ,i 
 Ctuuberland (<>r. T. «•■<■ l'an<' V) — CaHco bay near ntation; small cod. tloiiiici.r. 
 mackerel, cunnerH etc.; mackerel niont iiumero\iH; July, Aii^'UHt and Seiileinliir; 
 beut; 110 re^^ular hottd hitro; boatH and bait can Le had cbeap. 
 Cutler (via Htr. to MachiaBport tli"nce by wtaye) — " Sjilendid " brook trout li.-h 
 ing is reported. AcconimodatiouH (,'ood and at moderate charges. 
 Danforth (Me. (\) — Grand I'h 6 to 14 in.; Hot Brook 1. t m. and a nnml m ; 
 trout brooks fidm "i to 10 in. ; (irand Ts best; land-locked salmon, iiickerel, imiiL 
 etc.; i>i(kerel most numerous; live bait an<l worms; March, Ajiril and -June lj).i) 
 hotels j;l ]). d.; lioats and bait at small cost; tine pickerel tishini,' within a tVu inii. 
 of the station. 
 Dixfield(H. F. .t 15. to Canton, thence by statje)— AV(dd p., ]5irch p., AVmt i .. 
 Podn\ikp. etc., and nunierous streams within 10 m. reached with teiim; all a i. 
 trout and land-locked salmon; trout most numerous; May and, .J\ine best; Imti; 
 S!l.r)() p. d. : (^uide j^l.Tit) p. d.; Ijoats 5oc p. d.; the b. b. ttshinK very Hue in .luly 
 and Alienist ne;ir by. 'J'lie trout in Weld ]>. ranne from 1 to 1 pounds. Godi'i 
 Hhooting in September and Oct(jber, and excellent liHhiug in season. 
 Dover (Bangor .V: P))— (Jarland p. 4 m.; Salmon Htr. 4'2 m.; Sfbec 1. 4',, m 
 Buttermilk)). 11 m.; ."Sheppond str. ID m.; Bear ji. Sim.; Benson p. 15 m.: brmk 
 trout, b. b., land-locked salmon, j)ickerel, white perch and togue (lake trout): laijil 
 lockecl salmon, tro\it and toguc most numerous; Oarland ]>. and Bear p. best fn- 1. 
 b.; Sahnon str. and Sheppoud str. for brook trout; Sebei; 1. for pickei'el and ivliii^ 
 per<'h; May, June ami Hejit. best for salmon trout; July and .\ugust lor pickiivi; 
 July, August and .Sept. forb. b. and pei'ch; baits used — live bait, worms, Hies, iim;;. 
 cut bait and spoons, according to the fish sought for; hotels '^ ni, from elation. 
 $1.50 to $2 p. d.; boats can be had 5oc to $1 p.d. 
 East ZVewport (^le. ('. See Page XII) — Newport p, 'j m.; Fogorson br. '•, in.: 
 first best; white perch, i)ickerel and b. b.; ju'rch most numerous; worms and .siiiali 
 lish baits; May to September best for pickerel; July to Septt'inber for perch auil 
 bass; no Initel at'this station; guide with boat .'f'2.50 p. d.; boat alone 50 c. p. il.: bait 
 at uommal cost. 
 Ellswortll Falls (ISIe, 0.)— Beeds p. 7 111.; Goose i>. 10 m.; Branch p. n;.. 
 Patten's p. (■( m,; Big Bogg r, 'JJ m.: Little Bogg r. 'JS m.; luigle 1. on Mt, Iti'Mni 
 Island; Tunk ji. ISO m.. Bogg rivers archest; trout togue (lake trout), pickenl auii 
 Halinon(land-locki!d); iiickerel and trout most numerous; worms and minnow.-; nsniiii | 
 baits; hotel reasonable; guides .i^'i p. d.; boats moderate. 
 Empire Boad ((Jr. T. See page V.)— .\ndroscoggin r. 1 m.: AVorthley br. ., in 
 Range p. 1 m.; Worthley p. 1 m.; all etjually good; b. b., pickerel, tront, etc.; tini;: 
 most numerous; worm bait; February, May, June and Sei)teniber best; hotels a; 
 reasouablo rates. 
 Enfield (Me. ('.) — ("old stream 1. 1 m.; white perch, pickerel, togue (lake troin 
 and land locked salmon; white perch most numerous; live bait, August, Si [iMi 
 ber and February best; hotels ^l p. d.; guide |1,50 p. d.; boats and bait nioiliiat' 
 trout are caught in May and June. 
 Palmouth (Gr. T.) — Saltwatei fishing good vvithiu 1 lu. of station; all v:iniri'- 
 caught; private board .$1 p. d. 
 Porest (^le. (". See page Xll.)— Toniah stream about 4 ni.; trout; Hi' s aL:| 
 worms; June and July best. 
 Fryeburg' (P. k O;) — Lovell's p. 1 '.^ m.; Lower Kei/.er p. 8 m.; rpper Ki izt-r; 
 14 m.; Pleasant p. 5 m.; Cold r. IHm.; Cold r. best for trout, ami the rpji^r aii 
 I.,i»wer Keizers forb. b., and pickerel; jiickend, bass and trout are the pniK'ii'i 
 varieties and Iiickerel most numerous; live bait, artificial filers and worms arc ustJ 
 May best for trout, July and .Viigust for bass, and most all mouths good t"r \iiM 
 erei; hotels $'i p. d.; guides, boats and baits very reasonable. 
 Gardiner (Me. C.) — Horseshoe p. 5 m,: Oxbow p. 7 m.; Cobbosseecoute p. J'H' 
 Dyer's p. Bl m.; Cobbosseeconte p. best.; b. b.. pickerel and jierch; ba.'S mi'*i| 
 numenuis; live bait used; usual season: boats and bait at moderate Oust. 
woualile luW- 
 Dok trout ti>li 
 liou; all vai-uti'- 
 trout; fli'-'* •'"'' 
 Oilead(<ir. T.)- 
 •j 111.; I wichi'll l)r. 
 h.itil at rciiHKiiiiblf 
 11^ Lciik; b;-.^;.^.<-,Whttty))r. i'a ijii; PcaJmdv cr. 
 (It. iiJ^louR. Rr; >»a4: "tVoAil; Jimci^ud July best; 
 Oreenville (Haii^or \- I'.^'NrnoHt'lu'iKl 1. at Htatioui^VWTwnn'H ji^ m,; Siicncir ji 
 \:, II,.: )ir>ii)k and lakr (huIuki ((rout: t^c tkripl |iK)i<t i\biimlant jt\u\ svcif^hin^' I'iciui 
 ij til I'l l!)s.: May and Juiif arf"1l^vVy8t irtoi»*JiM tor MnnsclKy**^^ 1 . and later I'ur tiic 
 ]iV anil the Htniaiiis riinniiit; inti>mii j, In f:irly tlnliiiii' Uif'wnrin in most ctlfttivf, 
 111 simiiuer art. tlieH ami live l)aitH. lIn^T'»«fr«»n»-^'i trf .■fTt ji. d.; ^uidt-H j^II ji. d. 
 Guilford (Hanyor .V- 1'.)— NurtlnvcHt ji. 1',. m.: Crntri- \\. 1 m.; Crockett p. .'1 m.; 
 ]'i|iir |i. 7 IM.; and AVliitstonc \i. H m. ; pickerel, iierdi. tro\it. etc.; Northwest l>. 
 li.-,t 111!' )iickerel, Whitstone p. for trout; June, July and Alienist best: minnows and 
 M.iriii!^ used: liotels rensonable; (guides clieaji; bouts anil baits very moderate. 
 Hancock (^1 ('. See jjapc XII.)— Taunton r. and bay '.i m.; Skillinn'iir. 1 m.. first 
 liiiiiii il lust: smelts, tomcod, flounders, eti-.; toaicod most numereiis; clam li:iit: 
 May til September best; no rej^ular hotel but ^'ood board at i)rivnte ho\ises: bouts 
 ami bait cheap. There is some ^ood trout tishint! in small streiims some 1 to tJ 
 milis distant; good ciirriaKc road to within a short distance of lishinn grouml. 
 Highland Lake (Via Norway, Me., then<-e by stage to IJridgtoii IJ m.) — This 1. 
 iiiiiiaiij.i numerous s. m. b. b. and the lishing is tine; trolling with tlies (large white 
 iiiillii'K, K-lJoodle bugs and brown hackle) give good rt'sults especially at dusk; live 
 sliiiicrs (when they can be had) get the largeat llBh. .See The Amkuhaw Anolku, 
 Vnj. IV, iiage 'X 
 Indian Rock. — At the head of Mooselucmaguntic 1., large trout and plenty of 
 tbiin. riie Ocpiossoc flub have their buildings and head-(£iiarters at this point. 
 Nf Kangeley Lakes, Me. 
 Lagrange (Hangor .Vr P.)— Dead str. '^ m.; Birch str. 1 m.: Hemlock str. 4 m.; 
 H'it lir. 7 m.; Birch and Hemlock strs. best; trout and ])ickerel: trout most n\imer- 
 i'ii>; .May, June and August best; local baits, wiu'ms, fresh tish, fat pork, etc.; 
 lii^tcls reasonable; boats not miu'li needed; guides and bait at reasonable prices. 
 I'.imI 1. (see Orueville) is 3'.^ m. from here. 
 Lisbon Falls (Me. C. See page XII.) — Androscoggin r., Little r., I'luuier 
 Ir. ami several trotit brooks; all near, and no choice between them; trout, b. b., 
 [iTcli, etc.; b. b. most numerous; tlics and worm bait^i; hotels it'l p. d.; guides ut 
 nusouable coHt, and baits moderate. 
 Xatahdin Iron Works (Bangor A: P.) — Silver 1. ', m.; White br. i m.; Houstin 
 ]■ J 111.; liulf <ui I'leasant r. i'. iii.; Long p., West branch p. and others; in all about 
 I [IS witliiu as many miles: all good; trout, laml-locked salmon, i)ickerel, etc.; 
 FiOi'y, March, June and Oi-t, best; baits, worms or tly; hottds j^L.W to S'Jp. d.; 
 piiili's <•.! II. d.: boats '.i.'ic to aOc p. d. .\1! these ps. are easily accessible and all 
 lifiess.iry requirenu'nts are always in readinesH. 
 Xennebagfo Lake (fee routes to llaugeley Lakes, Me.) — This I. lies 14 in. north 
 I if MiMi.-clucmaguntic I., can be reachecl via Keunebagu r. Trout abound. See 
 I'aniiacheuee and Kangidey Lakes, !Me. 
 first best: white jierch, 
 baits; hotels ;?1..">0 p. d.; 
 bass, pickerel and jierch; 
 house at about .*('i p. w.: 
 Madison (Somerset.)— Madison p. <> m.; ]}ack r. '.! m.: 
 I'irkiril. trout and b. b.: perch most numerous; usual 
 I j;uiilf,.< .^j p. d.; boats and l)ait readily obtained. 
 Haranacook (Me. (M — Lake Maranacook near station; 
 l'i>~ must abundant: minnow bait; hotel or boarding 
 I I 'uts can be had reasonable. 
 Mattawamkeagf (Me. C. See page XII.) — ^Nloluncus 1. and str. H m.; trout, 
 "'.ill. pickerel, etc.; perch most numerous; worm bait; May ami June b»^st: hotel 
 I ji.'i'i p. d.; guides can be had at $l..">Op. d. but none neceswary; boats without 
 ^liarijc; live bait $1 p. 100. 
 Middle Dam- Rang(dey Lakes, ((i. T.)— Fine trout (speckled) fishing in 1. Winne 
 lk":nic)iaci)iik and in Rapid r. The trout ar(! large, weighing up to H lbs., and at 
 I'i'taiii .stages of the water, plentiful. We tried deep trolling with success in the 
 • iililiiisiti' the camp. See Thk .\MKiac.\N .\N<iLK.u, vol. V, page :ur>, and Ua.igeley 
 |I.;ikiM, M,.. 
 Millbridg'e (Mi>. ('. and P. B. Mt. 1). X- M. S. S )— Narraguagus bay i m.; Mopaug 
 11" -"ui.; I'link p. aiul strs. io m.; two tirst best; cod, haddock, tautog, trout and 
 HincltH- pod, tautop and HiiH'ltH iiiDHt nmneroiiH; nil tho opon Hoasmi t^ood; hirrinL', 
 HhriiiiiiH. «'t<' iiH l>HitH; luttt'ln fl.M) p. d.; guides at mcxU-rati- i-liai'K<'. 
 Milo Junction (MantitM' and P.)— Sclumdic 1. and Uoyd 1.; caHily iicci-^iiii. 
 HcliiHidic I. l)CHt; trout. jxTch and ))ickfrfl; trout niont nunu'rouH: Ffh'y. Murrh 
 and Suiitenib-r beHt; hoUil at UHUal i)riceH; uniall HteanuT on Schoodic 1. 
 Monmouth (Me. C. See page XII.) — f'oohuowaiRou vr. '4 ni.; ('oliboHSficntM- 
 cr 4 lu.; lawt bent; b. b.. iiickt-rtd and lurch: jiirkt-'rid luoHt nuinerons: t1i(> ai,.! 
 niiiniowH; Sciitcuibcr bi'Nt; liotrl #I..')U ji. il., ^^Tji. \v.; guidew with Itoat i'J [i. .1.; 
 boutH alono r)Ui' p. «l.; bait Tor p. KMJ. 
 Monson (HaiiKor \- 1'.) — There are 2.') 1. in and near Monnon, a'.! of whiih uili nl 
 (,'ood lake and si)e<'kled iroiit ti^iliiuti. At 1. Hebron there are i^ood afcouiuioilutiniN 
 lit t lir j)ricc,-i At KUiottsvilh' h ur^ to tlie nortli is 1. Conowav Houietiim s , all, ,] 
 Sliii> I'ond' m It may be fo\nid hmd-hn'ked saliiioii, sjn'ckled and lake trout. Mmlt, 
 and wliite iiercli; May, •luiu-and Si'pt. liest; live baitH and art. Hiew; liotelw >^l..'iii|, 
 (1 ; fiuiden ?J,Ai» i>. d., and buatH GUc p. il. See Thk Amkhican Anolkh, Vol. m 
 page 'JHO. 
 Newport (Me. f. See iia(»o XII.)— Newport 11. '1 ni.: Sebawtieook Itraneli m.,: 
 Btatioii: tirht liest: wliite perch, b. b. and ]iiikerel: jiereli aiul jiic-kerel tnost nuinM- 
 ourt; live i)ait used mostly; July and Auj,'ust best tor penli; .January ami I'l biiuir. 
 for pickerel; hotel $'J y. il.; t;uideH, buatti and bait at moderate cost. 
 No. Anson (SmuerRet.)— Tim i>. 45 ui.; Uartlett ])., Flatistuft" p. 'J7 m.: rtinx jp. :;ii 
 m.; lilack JiroiiU p. 'JT ni.; Trills \i. I'.t m.: Ijnbdiu p. 4 m.; .Saucl p. li iii.; llaiicM.l; 
 ji. :i m.; Small Cany 1). "J.") m.; Pleasant Kidu'e 'JT m.; Moxiep. 50 m.: Hayden l.-Mn.; 
 Cany .Moxie and Tim ponds best: trout and I), b.; trout mostly abouur"; worm^aiiil 
 flies used; Jui'c aiid August be>t months; hotels $l.."iii to .'r'J p. d. ; nuiies Sl.'.'i t) 
 $2 i>. d.', l)oal8 and bait tu be had reasonable; Kood brook lishiug to be had al^'|. 
 No. Belgrade (^le. C.)— Messahmskee 1. nciir station: Creat ]i. 1 '., m.: Ellisj.. I 
 m.: abrrut equally tiood: b. b., whit(! ji<-rcli, jjiikerel and trout; b. b. and I'lirh 
 most numerous; artiticial tiies, frogs, small hsh etc.; July, August and Septi ml.i: 
 l>est: boats bicp. h.; bait at a very small e.vpense. 
 No. Berwick (B. I'v- M.)— Ib-ancli br. 4 m.; Perkin's br. 2',^ m.; Johnson bi\ •"■ n: , 
 Perkin's br. best; trout; wiuuus b;iit; June and July best, hotels .•?l..")Up. d. 
 Norridgrewock (SonuTset.)— Kennebec r. at station; North and Kast pM>. ■>l... 
 80veral good trout brooks 1 to .'> m.; North and Mast ponds best; liicl.ciel. ] 1 nL. 
 b. b. ami trout; perch most numerous; usinil baits; July, August and Sept. ljt>!, 
 liotels :fl p. d.; boats Guc p. d. 
 Oakland (Me. C. See page XII.) — Snow \t. '. lu.: Kast p. 4 m.; Mctlrath '■. 2 in. 
 and -Mcssalouskee str. '.i m.; Snow \i. best for b.l)., which run from :i to ,")Uis; i;,ist]'. 
 good lor bliss, perch and pickerel; Mctirath p. excidlent for perch and tin- Mi.^r?.- 
 loiiskee stream good for buss fishing witli the tly; artiticial llicsand li\i- bait iii">tl,v; 
 Jtily and August best; hi'tels .fl-.-iU to .*2 p.d.; guides at reasonable rate: lnpa> 
 about .">0c p. d- 
 Old Orchard (B. X- M.)— Little r. (fresh water) ', m. and Atlantic Ocean at -titip ;:: 
 trout and white perch in Little r. and most all kinds of salt watiu- tishes of tli.- lie 
 (ude; worm iind clam baits: f(U' perch. September and ( (ctobcr best; usinil s' a-"'..? 
 for others; hotels numerous at $■! to ,*4 j). d. ; boats and baits rejisoiiable. 
 Oxford (Or. T. Sec page V,)^Tliom]ison ]>. 2 m.; Hogiin and Whitney p'ds J n. , 
 Meadow br. '.; m.: Minister br. 1 in.: Thompsmi p. best; '" togue" trout (IhIm '. Ii. 
 b., pickerel and br<Kdi tiout; pickerel most niuuerous: frog, minnow and vnri:: 
 b;iits; -hine to Septeml)er inclusive best; hotels 'Jlp. d.; guide :fi.5up. il.; liouti | 
 r>Uc p. d.; bait at reasonable I'.itea. 
 Parniachenee Lake (see routes to Rangeley Lakes.)— This 1. lies 70 miles iionli| 
 of 1. rmbagog and is readied by steamer on latter 1., via the ^lagalloway r. uliiili 
 isitsoMtlet. Urook tr(uit alxiund. M Caiup Caribou on the I. tlu; rates tor iKHirl 
 are $'2 p. d. and j^l.2.") p. d. board for guides who charge for their services $-■'•" 1 ■ ■■ 
 They can be engaged at Weutworlh's Location, N. H., which is their 1'. f. ui- 
 Passadiinikeag" i^Ie. c.) — Mattiiniseoiitis I. L"> m.; C(dd Stream I. ami I'ii-j 
 dumkeag stream both near by; Nicatons 1. and stream 211 m.; I'assadiiinkp ,1. 1 
 stream best: trout, pickerel and perch; trout most numerous; Hies, worii~:nl| 
 live bait; I'ebruary, June and September best: hotels il p. d.; guides .■;- v- 
 (jond; lurrir.L'. 
 m.. Are iilwo gouil 
 Jill,,! - .mil )mit .'>iif i>. il. I'ollanl br. 2ij m., ami Hoyt br. 5 
 utreauii" tor brook trovit in Juue auil ISeptoiuber. 
 Phillips (Me. Cfiitral atul Sandy Kiv.j-Tliiw Ih one ot tin- priiicriial unU'x to 
 till' i;.iii^i<l<'y aud Dead Kiver regions of Maine. The udjac(;nt wi^ci-h t'urniHliiu|{ 
 (■v,.ll. lit trout ttMhinn un-; Perliani utri-ani M ni., Mt. Hhie p. 4 in., heedy strtuni 4 
 I,,., Sii'liil<'l)afk pH. (4) 10 ni.; the firKt in best, ainl from .June to November thf lisb 
 taki- iither Hy or worm, iloteln |"2 to j^.'J p. d.; ^uideH #2 \>. d.; boat-i imlndiug bait 
 pine Point (B. -V: M.)— Little r., Searboro r. and Oeean ^, m.; Al)ont eipial: 
 wliiii- I .rrh, tionndern, tom cdd. smfltH, mackerel, ro(l, haddock etc.; all unite 
 umiierniis; <' and minnow baitn; May to October incliiHivc, l»fst; hoteln .fl..')ii to 
 ii\i. <t-. '^~ to 110 p. \v.; t^iiides #'2 to .j4 \t. d.; boats j^l ji. d., $.1 p. \v.; bait jileuty 
 »uil cLfai). 
 Portland (Me. <'. and H. A: ^[.)— Duck p. t> m., for b. o. and pickerel: and shore 
 mill li I |. sea tishiiiK for the dillcrciit varieties of salt water Jlslies: worms, fro^s, 
 laimi"^^-. artirtcial baits and Hit s \ised; July, Aut^ust and September bei^t; boats ^li')^:. 
 h.; Hotels f'J to ;?:( p. d. 
 Iiakes (via H. \ M. to Portland and dr. T. r. r. via Bethel and Bry- 
 theiiif l)y sta;,'c: .Me. ('. r. r. via Farmin^;ton and Sandy r. to Phillii)N, 
 sta^e, anil tlironi^li the lakes by steamers.) — These hikes are live in nnm- 
 lebratt'd for tlie quantity and size of their trout. The best lisliin^,' urcpunclM 
 arc ri;ii lie<l from Middle l>ani Camp on l,,ake Winnekennebacook; from I'pper Dam 
 Ciuiipeii Lake Molechnnkaniunk aud froi' Hichardsons at the liead of Lake ."Vbiose- 
 luriii;i'.;initic. ,Iune and September are the l)est months; art. Hies aie mainly used, 
 l.iit siirtaie and deep ti'ollin}{ with the live minnow are etteitive. The lar^iest 
 puuiiie brook trout, (Salvki.inis fontinalis) in the v^■orld are caut,'ht in these 
 \\;it(r>. (iuides can lie ennaKcd at any of the above named places. Board $'1 to 
 jj..'iii p, (1.; (;;uides ^'2.'>i) p. d. ami board. 
 Riverside (Me. i". Seepage XIIi — Webbers \k '1 m.: Kenneliec r. near station; 
 WiIiIm !>, ))ond is best for pickerel; pickerel, perch and some 1), b. in river: jierch 
 iiri' iiii'-t numerous; live bait used tor pickerel and worms for jierch: .\nj,'ust best 
 ioriMich; I'ebriiary aud March fur pickerel; hotel withiu short disUiuce at reasou- 
 Me rate : boats and bait cheap. 
 Scckland ( M< 
 E-ti .■• I "\ e 'j lU. 
 ('. and P. B. Mt. D. & M. S. S.)— Penobscot bay. Owls Head .'5 m.; 
 .Jameson's point 1 m.;all t-'ood; cod, haddock and mackerel 
 ili.iiuiil. tresh herring and clam bait: .luue to November best: hotels i'i to $;t p. d.; 
 i(iiiik> and boats pleuty at ?'i to ^'J.jO p. d. for each. 
 Sebago Itake (P. ^ O.) — Sebajjo 1. near station; Oreat Swamp brooks 1 m.; first 
 lii-t; I'lckerel, land-locked .salmon, cusks etc.; pickerel most numerous; live bait 
 tiMil iiei.~tly; usual season: hotel $1 p. d.; boats at nu)derate charge; baits JOe 
 \,. 1'"'. 
 Sabattis (^I< 
 aud ini ki-rel: pi 
 w.; Ijnuis and baits rea.sonable. 
 C.)~.Sabpttis p. '.i ni.; pond (no name) '.. m.; flrst best; b. b. 
 kerel most numerous; usual baits and seasons; hotels #4 to $t; p. 
 Seven Ponds (For route etc., see Tim Pond Me.)— Seven Ponds are V> m. from 
 i Till! iMiiid and are I'eached by buck board from the latter. The hshmg fur trout 
 i> txcrptioually line. Board .*1..")U p. d. iucludiug boat; guides i2.:>0 to .■?;< p. d. 
 Shirley (Bangor & P.) — Shirley p, ':j m., Piscataquis r. ;i m., Indian \k lo m., 
 j '.iBuuk. r p'ds. ;( m., Spectacl' p. li m.; Indian p. and l'iscatai|Uis r. the best; speckled 
 tnmt coi^iht mostly ; .June aud September best; worms aud live l>ait: hotel .^L.'.o 
 jl'. tl.; '^'uides *'i to #3 p. d.; bait plentiftil, and cheap: boats furnished at reason- 
 iilili' pni-es by guides. Indian Pond is one of the best fishing grounds in. Maiue, 
 |a'ad ulniuuds with speckled trout. 
 Skowhegan(Me. C. Sec- i>age XIl.)— Haydt>n's 1.5 m.; Smithfteld ponds (:j) 11 
 :.; I'lT.-li, pickerel, and b. b. : perch most numerous; worms, tlies, live baits and 
 Iti'll.-- .July and .Vugust best; hotels $2 p. d.; boats 25c to ,*1 p. d. 
 Somerset Mills (Me. ('.)— Kennebec r. near station; b. b. and pickerel; flrst 
 |iuij>i aii.iiidaut, live bait used; .July aud August best. 
 So. W. Harbor (Me. r.i— Longp. 2'., ui.; Echo 1. 2,'^ ni.; Seal f'ove j,. 5 m.; all 
 jabout I nial; trout and perch: sea rtsliing for cod and haddoi'k in harbor; live bait 
 |;ii;il w.' HIS used as bait for trout aud perch; i'ebi'uai'y and liiuch best for truut 
 iff ll^ 
 < « 
 ami lutrcli, and Hiiiiiiiicr iiioiitliH fur Ht;a liHliiuK; hott-l at $1 to $•) y>, d., or |7 to i\j 
 II. w.; giilcle i:>. i>. (I.; )ioatK ut |1 tu ifti )•. d. 
 Steep PbIIb (P. A: 0.>— Watrhi.' ji. uiul trihutarioH 4 in.; Yo^lll^'■H Mill j- hu.I 
 lril)iitaiit'H '^'j 111.; Hato r, and trilmtaricH 'j in.; Hoin i'. and tribiitaricH 2 m.; u,, 
 rlioicc; iiickt^rid, tnnit, b. li., iicrcli »(i.; trout, and inrkcnd niont uuiiifroiih; li\. 
 liiiil, woi'iuN, froj?M etc. uhcmI; .Murrli, .liini', AtiKUHt and SciitfUilxa- hi'Ht; liotflc *1 tij 
 $1.5U i». d. Wati-liie ji. contaiiiH only jii-'kcrfl. 
 Tim Pond (Via I'ortlaiid, Mc, to Kcnyficld tlnMKi- liy toaiii 'iK in. to Kinithi 
 fiiriii tlii'iici' li; liucklioai'd <> ni. to tli<' I'oi.ds.i— (irand troiit tiHliiii^and liuntiii^> m 
 season, 'i'lif tisli art' altiindant wciKliin^' up to 'J '., \\>k. lioard .i^ I. '>•) iuclu<liii^ )h<u;. 
 jjuidfH $'J.i>() to $;t. 
 Upper Dam Rang'eley Itakes {*''■ Ti— Tliis in a favorite renort for tlioKc «l." 
 delight, in killiiiK tlie iiioiiMtir trout of .Maine waters. Kij^lit jioiinderH are not r;iri' 
 i'isliin^ is nioHtly done with tlies and from a boat. Hotel aet'ouimodatiiins, Ijuat" 
 and t^uideH idiaitiflll uud excidlent. 
 Unity (Me. (".)—r>ako NinnicoHh 1 m,; white pen-h, i)ickt'rel. b. b., laiidloc ki.| 
 HaliMoM, etc.; jiereli, ]ii('kei'(d and baHH luoHt uiiuieruUH; woriUH imual bait; Jul}. 
 .Vii|.;ut^t and Septemlier; hotel fl..")Oii. d. 
 Waterville (Me. r. See im^e XII.)— Jlant ji. h m.; North j). I'Jm.; Cliiiia 1. "in.; 
 I'ellie's ]j. l 111.: lii'st bcKt; wliiti' jiereli, b. b. and jiiekerel; jiiekeiel nioHt iiuiiiLToii" 
 in I'ettie'H ji. and wliite iienh in tlie otliers; baitn iiHe<i for jiicker' 1 are fro^t. uii'l 
 live baitH; for perch, worms; for b. b., flivH; July, .\iiniist and Heideiuber be»t; 
 hotolw at moderate raten; boatn 'i.'jc to 75c i>, d. ; bait jilentiful. 
 Wells (I! it INF.)— Urancli r. '2^. in.; Hemenway br. 1 m ; Hnttum r. '2 m.; lirainb 
 r. besi; trout; Worm bait; sjiriii;,' niontliH best; hotels at reasonable jiriees; l.nat* 
 and bait luoilerate. Tiie .\tlantii- Oeeiiii is '2'., m., wliere ^'ood deep Hua flHbiut; cau 
 be had for cod, haddock, pollack, mackerel aud other varietien. 
 West Minot(Il- F. * D.)— Marshall p. 2'jm.; Bofjbr. near station; Middle brainli 
 'o 111.; Alien lir. I m.; IMarshall p. l)est for jiickend. and Bo^; br. for trout, wliidi 
 are tlie NiirieticH mostly found; small lish, fro^s aud worms used as baits; Jimt 
 beHt moiitli. 
 Winn (Me. ('.)— Caiiibon p. 7 ill.; Mattacunk 1. 7 in.; Schoodic I's '20 to '.''.'ni,; 
 Scboodic I's best; tof^ue, (lake trout) lanildocked salmon, jierch, pickerel and truiii: 
 peicli and jiickerel iiuist numerous; Hies iMid worm baits; May, June and .Septiiiilit-r 
 best; hotels i^'i ]). d.; (,'iiides and canoe at f'2 to *:{ p; d.; Schoodie I's (tlu' heel 
 waters of .St. Cidix r.) are very line fishing grounds; good hotels aud teams cau l'^ 
 foiiud al this place. 
 Yarmouth (Me. r. See jmge XII.)— Harvey's trout brook "2 '.^ m. 
 only; worms UHiial bait; May 1 to June '20 best; liotid .■?! p. d. 
 brook trmit 
 mullet, etc.; bass most numer 
 Adamstown (li. A: 0-) — Monocacy r. i m.; b. b., 
 ous; small lish and worm bails; fall best season. 
 Annapolis (A. .t E. It. (—Severn r. near city, aud cr's running into it; Chesapealie 
 Bay H ill.; cr's art^ best for early fishing and r. and b. for lute; rock (striped \'.u>v, 
 white jierih, croakers, yellow )ierch, ta> lors (liluetish), etc.: "rmk" most nilliicwih: 
 peeler (shedder crab) aud shrinii) bait lued; Juiu' to middle of October good, S(|i- 
 teiiiber )irobal)ly the best; hotel #'2. 50 j). d.; guides with rowboat ;fl..50 p. d.; with 
 sailboat i'l to »5 i>, d.; iieeler crabH .'iOc to $1 p. doz. 
 Bald Friar (Penna. )— Susciuehaima r. near station; b. b. principally; some wall- 
 eyeil pike ill Septemlier aud October; "stone cattish." crayfish and minnows iVr 
 baits; seas(jii, June to October inclusive; July and August I'lest; hotels #1.'2.") J). (!■: 
 Kuide at iiunlerate rate; boats f L.'iO p. d., with nmn; bait if '2 p. VJ. 
 Baltimore (P. W. \-. B. and B. <fc O.)— Middle, Gunpowder and Bush r'sacm- 
 Hible; Mid(lle r. best for pike; white aud yellow perch, striped bass (rock) and iiikf 
 are found; peeler, shriiu' and minnows used for baits; May to December 1*>I- 
 hotels i^L.'iOp. d.; boats iil \). d. Tolchester Beach reached by str., gives exnllii.; 
 tisliing for striped bass and pike. The Chesapeake Bay ami tributaries fiiruii^b 
 good tisliing for the usual salt wat4.'r lish. 
 Betterton (Ou the Chesapeake Bay at the mouth of .Sassafras r. by str. iliiilf 
 from Balto. or Ericksou line from Phila.) — This is a celebrated white perch ginuiid. 
 1., «'v J7t()$l5 
 11.; brook tnmt 
 »H most mimer- 
 1 it; (.'hesajieake 
 kelB fl.'ioi). 
 W'f liav^' caUK'lit with two other annlerH in the boat, 7(K) p»rrli d to 1 lb. »wh) ou 
 iiic till' . Hot»lM Hiiil boHtH rcuHoiiablc; crab buit. H«'tt Thk Amkkican, 
 i,.l III. \<HU<- •■!<'*'• 
 Cambridge (P. W. A: B.l— Exri'lbnt nult wutiT flnhiiift in the ('hiii)t4iiik r. lu'iir 
 (,v; rh;irn''H very iiio(b-ruti'; HtriiM'd Imwh, iK-rcli, croukiTH uiitl l)uy iiiinki'icl urn 
 CarroUtou I^V. >r.)— I'ataiiMco FhIIh near Mtation; Mor^'aii run n ni.: llrHt lutnicd 
 )„..t I'. )>., it'.: itusi^ niotit uiniKTonH: Hniall DhIi ami ta(li)oli'H iih l)aitH; .May, 
 All^!^l^t and S«'i)tcinbt'r beHt; boat ami bait #-! !>. il. 
 ConowinflTO (Tcnna.) — SuHiindianna r. nt-ar station: }>. Ii. iirinciimlly: niiiniowH 
 n-i .1 I'C liiiit; .Iiiiir 1 to St'iitcnibrr l.*! in nwilt i-lmllnw wuti:-, Sciitfinlicr 1.") to 
 Si.v iiili'r ;io in <ltfi) water IhhI tinif,>.; liotflw $1 ji. d.: j^uicle at reanonalplf latc; 
 buiiti" fl [I. tl. l><r man, including' buit. 
 Crisfleld d'. W. \- H.)— In Tan^'icr Suiuid, :i few miles distant mont exeellent 
 lifluiiu < iin lie had; Htrijied basH, weaktinh, •: tailorn " (\ounn idneliKh) and •'. iiotc" 
 jjituyitteft, lire abundant, and 'A to -1 ni. dintuut arc yoixl Hhi!Ci)Hhead KroundM. 
 AcceiiiniddiitinnM ^ood and cheap. 
 Cumberland (U. •^: (>.)— The Potomac r. from a jxdiit H m. above or '.io ni. l;«'low; 
 the s.'iitli Uraiich (i m. from Uh mouth; excellent b. b. tixhin)^: .Vpril, May, Oct. ami 
 Ni.v. lie>l; hotelH f'J, .")(); guides and boutH reasonable. 
 Deer Park (li' *:(>.) — Head of Yon^hionheiiy r., Deep cr. and North Hrauch of 
 hiteiiiiic r. all accesHible; Detip er. best; trout, bass and salmon (pike jierch); trout 
 uioHt .ibundant: worm and frog baits; April and -May best; hotels reasonable; 
 ^'Uule il to il.M p. d.; 
 Double Pipe Creek (W. M.)— Double Pip« cr. at station; Mouocacy r. 1 m.; b. 
 li., >ui]tish etc. ; the first, in excess, are cannht with tadjioles and li\e mijinowrt 
 111 tlie months of Auf^UHt, .September am^Oclolter; uo boats needed; l)aitH cheap; 
 liivate board f 1 p. d. 
 Elkton (P. ^^'. i^' B.)— in the Klk r. may be foutid excellent jierch fishing, partic- 
 •\hvU at Town I'oint. Accommodations (^ood and reasomihle. 
 Pallston (Md. ('.) — Bin Ouni)owder i'-; <'lnb houfe and Cedar <irove on tho 
 liuclir.: mouth of Winter's run and Little ( iuniiowder r.: month of Bi^' (inniiow- 
 ilirr. best; rock (striped bass), perch, suufisli etc.: jierch most numerous; jieelers, 
 iiiiiiiii'Ws aud worms at) baits; April and .May best; guides at moderate cost; boatH 
 ,111(1 liuit reasouable. 
 Frederick June. (B. ^: (),) — Monocacy r. at station and Potomac r. at mouth of 
 Mi'imcary r. 10 ni.: Potomac r. best; b. b. and course varieties; minnows small 
 I (lItl^ll, crayfish and grasshoiijieis as baits; .Vpril, .Sejitember and Oi'tober best; 
 hutil ut Frederick City at reasonaljle rates; guides :f 1 \t. d.; boats 7")c to j^l p. d. 
 G\inpowder River (P. W. & B.) — An excelieut white perch water. FIhIi along 
 ihf »il'.,'es of the grass as the flood tide makes. See Thk .^mk.iucan .Vnulkii, Vol. 
 VI, pane 102. 
 Kag'erstown (W. M.) — Potomai' r. and Conocoeheague cr. at Williamsi)ort C. m.; 
 Mi«' !;,iiiicd best; b. b., fallfish etc.; b. b. most numerous: nuiuiows, crayfish, 
 I'lads mid flies ur.ed; spring and autumn best; hottds at both Hagcrstowii and 
 Wilhaiiisport at #1 to ;?'2 p. d. ; guides, both men and boss at reasonable prices; 
 lii'iitK ."iiic to ^^^l.AOp. d. The "Pool" 14 m. is tht^ favoritt! point for tisliinn aii(l 
 -liiieting. There are some trout in the mountain streams 1(1 to 1m ni. distant 
 iniiu llagerstown. 
 Havre de Grace (P- W. \' B.)— The Susquehanna r. empties into the Chesapeake 
 Bay at this point, and late in the fall ((Jet. or Nov.), atlonls some very fine fisliing 
 : "ill, b.; the hsh are large, and as the water is deep still fishing with livt- minnows 
 is the liest method. Nearby much sport may be had with the sunlish locally 
 ialli-,i "moccasin," which are caught of largo size and in <juantities ut tlie " Nar- 
 n'W> " t'l m. below Havre de (trace, and at Carpenters point ut the month of North 
 Kiuitr.; worms, young wasps and white grubs are used as baits: board i^l.Tiii to ^•J,i>. 
 il; lie, Its fl.iUi to if, < ji. d. including boatman. .•Vt Port Deposit, a few m. above, 
 many .lue b. b. are caught. 
 Button's (B. & O.)— Snowy cr. near station: I..aurel r. 1 m.and Voughiogheny 
 rlii..; the two first named best for trout and the last for b. b.: tlies and other 
 I'iiitM April, May, June and July best; there are several other streams, besides the 
 »byvc luentioueU, in tlii» vicinity, all of which have an excellent Biipply of trout. 
 KaozrlU* (B. >V ().)— I'otoinao r. near Htation: i>riii('ii>Hll> It. 1>., Mi)in*> ]i)t< h huI 
 r<iiirniMi><li; luiiiitowH UNiiiilhiiit; .juim iiiid Novuuibor lutHt; hntfU jil )>. d., Itp.u 
 Kiiiili' f i 11. il. iiii'luiliii^ Ixiiit; liiiit fl 1*. liK). 
 Look Kaven (Mil. ('.)— (hmiMiwili'i- r. ii<-ar HtutiDii; Ovtr Shot Htr. 4 m.: Fur 
 liiiir Iti-iiiii'li 4 ' J 111, : OviT HIiMt Hlr ln'.Ht; trntit, chul) iiinl oIIhtm; woriiiH UHiial i.,iii- 
 Mai'cli, A|ii'il, Sttitti'iiilicr iiinl (><-tiilH-r lit^Ht; hotel iit iinxli'mtf riiti'M; hont- uii<| 
 L.tit rttiiHonuhh;. 
 M sohaniontown (W. .M.)— FiMhlin,' it. 1 in.; trout iiiiiiciimlly; uhuiiI imit, 
 Blil'ilii.' Ix'Mt Mfiiwoli; liotfi $l.."(<)ii. (I.; guidlM^liU ho hiiil. 
 Mlddlebnrg-fW. M.)-HiK I'iiio cr. 1 in.; Litth- I'iix' i;r. ', in.; iihout<<qUHl; 1.. 1 
 nilllMli mill Hiiinii other coiifHi! vnrii'tii'H; cuiirsr tiHh i>riMloiiiiiiiit)', hut h 1>. ar< 
 liiinii'rouH iinil iiicrcuHin^'; woriiiM iin- iihciI hm hiiitH for tlw roiii'Hc iIhIi iiinl nnii. 
 HOWS for hiiHH; .Miircli and .Vpril huHt for coinnion viirirtii-M mid huiiiiikt and fall t v 
 baHM; Uutul 11.50 II. d. 
 Motter's (W. M.)— Monocucy r. .; m.) 'rhoiuiiM cr. 1 '^ m.; lirst hcut; h. h , umi 
 let, I'tc: I'liiiivi' tish iircdiiiiiinati' hut h, h. nuiiD'rourt; woriiiH, tadiiolcH uinl t<iu<|, 
 UMud UH haitH; April iiud May hoHt. 
 Oakland (H. & O.) -Deep cr. '.I in.: North Hnmch I'J in.; Muddy cr. ',» in.; Ymi1(;1i 
 lo^'liriiy r. 1 'j in.; lirst hcHt; hr. trout mid " liind-lockcd Halinoii ": hr. front hhni 
 numerous; red \vorin,s and u: t. tlicH iihciI hh haitN; April, .May and June hest; \[<>U'\. 
 $1'2 to |i5 !>. \v.; 7.")c \i. meal; hoatn can ht; had at .Muddy cr. attritlini^ coHt. \Vi (,m\. 
 our (•orreH|)ondeiit'H \vordn "land-locked Halinon," hut iie evideully ineaiis th- nii. 
 <iueliaiina Halinon, which ih tlie pike-piTch or wiill-eyed pike. The t'aniou.-^ Kliirk 
 water r., (-elehrated for its trout ti.-iliinn, can he reacheil from ( lakland, where iiuuii^ 
 mid con veyaiices can he lured. The head waters of the Potomac are waid to fiinu>b 
 tucelieiit troutiiiK and can ho eanilv reached truiii 1 1. Hee Thk .\mkhi<'.\n .Xni.i.u; 
 Vol. Ill, p. ■s.y.i. 
 Ocean City (1*. W. .^ H.)— Situated orf.Syneimxent heach, and noted for its,»alt 
 Water t'lshiii^' wliich is excoptionally f,'ood, particularly for sea and striped has> auii 
 ve iktish taken at tli<! railroad lirid^o and iu the chauuids in the hay. Ooud ^hu( t- 
 iiif.; tor wild fowl aud Hlmre hinln. 
 Oxford (P. W. .t B.)— Trodhaven r. at thin point einptioH info tho ('hoptaiik r 
 Till) former is celehiated for its llshiiiK especially for striped l)a.>is. ( )tf tiie i". k- 
 near tho li^lithoUNo. tho town pieraiid ISeiioni's Point "J in. heloware iiofid tirniml- 
 Tlio water is from t> toM ft. deep and the hist of el)h and lirst of tlood are most iav..|. 
 ahle stashes of tho tide ' Tho stri))eil hass t ike the a''t. tly greedily in these uati'ij. 
 Sheepshead are also ahiiiidant and jierch of lar(,'e size are caut,'lit. 
 Fatapsoo(W. M.)—Patai)sco Falls near station; trout, h. h., ete.; minnows, huh 
 Bids, etc. as haitH: May, Soptemher and Octoher host. 
 Point of Rocks (H. '"i^ <>•) — Potomac r. near station; h. h., etc.: bass most iiuiiiT- 
 ou-i; minnow liait; .Vjiril, .June aud Septemher best inoiiths; hotels .'*l,5t)p. d.; 1mm; 
 with man $l.^>^) p. d.; minnows $'i p. ItMi. 
 PDrt Deposit (Peniia.) — On the Susiiuehanna r. in which the ttsliiu;? f,'i'"'iii''' 
 exte'id 11)1 ahout 4 or ."> in.; striped hass (rocktishl, can he i-au^ht when tlie ri\>i' :• 
 <-le I • in fair ((iiantilies during,' tho nionths of .lime and .July, the favorite ti;u; 
 whi 'h can he liad from the guides heiii^,' an eel's tail salted, li. h. are taken tr!. 
 June to Nov.. .luno 1.") to .\un. l-'i heiii;.' the host period. They rise host to tin' ili 
 in .luiio and July ; tho otiier baits are — minnow, crayfish, helt,'ramito and sliriiiii; 
 hotels ^^l..")!! p. (i.; ^nide and boat ;?;t p. d., and bait ijl p. lOi). 
 Potomac River and Trib. (Via IJ. it <).) — waters furnish very line 'i>. ii 
 lishiut^; tlie favorite and most fruitful j^roiiiids are as follows: Point of It.xk-, 
 AVeverton. Harpers Ferry (mouth of Shenandoah r.), Sir Johns l{nn, (Jreat < a'.i- 
 lion cr., French's aud stations on the South IJrai of the Halto. <te Ohio r. r.; all 
 lures am used that capture the h. h.. and Juno, So^it. and, Oct. aio the host iiii'iitli". 
 The liotel chafKes at tlie abovi^ points ranno from #1.50 to $'i iucludiug boat, but 
 bait had bettor be carried by tho angler. 
 Ralay (B. & O.) — This is a favorite roHort for Rudgeou flshing of the ro.-iil>'iii 
 aimlers of that section. On very lii^dit tackle the sport is by no means tanio. TLf 
 scores run into the dozens when the fish are feeding. 
 Rocky Ridg'e (W. M.)— Monocucy r. 1 m.; Owiug's cr. 1 m,; first best: h.l' 
 mullet, cattish oto.; coarse lish prodomiuate but bass are qnito numerous; unriiii 
 toads, crabs etc. used as baits; sumiuor season best; uo regular hotel here. 
 UHUUI liltlU 
 minnows, imi' 
 Svuly Hook ill. \ O. ) — I'titiiiiiiir r. iHur Htatinn; ShtimnilKiih r. 1 in. ; ulxmt 
 i|i.iil^ ^i'Miil; I), li., HiiiitlMli I?-.; l>i4NH lu<>^<t aliuuilaiit; luiiiiiow, irii.vrt/<h aiiil 
 »..riii Imit; Mh.v, Si-ptt'iiilMT, OctohiT uiiil NovoiiiIkt Ih'mI: ItrnttH ."•nc ji. il.; liiiitH 
 •J'., t.. .'i ii- \i. iliiZ. 
 Beveu Looks (Viu WitHhiti^toii. 1>. ('. iiinl h m. iliHtHiit)— ThiHiH coiiHiilcrcil din- 
 ,,1 III. iM-Ht ixiiiitH for I). 1). KM tlif I'lifuiimr r. Tin' wiihT ulttTiiatcH in ilci'ii |iuo1m 
 una "li.iHciw riipiilH- .\ kooiI lioti-l, lioutmi'ii iiinMiciiitM uii' ut liiiinl. ItcMt nioiitliM — 
 Ajiril Miiv, Sept.. Oct. iinil Nov.: niiniiowN, iTiiyllsii, wormx cti'. iirc the biiits iinciI; 
 ftn|" '1 I'USH (I'ofkHHh), wliitf hiuI yellow jicrili; (trriintii riirii itn>l liir^-f rutltNli uro 
 Sttll Pond (I". W. ><: U.)— The clifHtiT r. X 111, fiiniiHlif.s pioil wfiipiil Iihhn ami 
 Willi. i.i'i'( Il tlHliiii^; hott'lH $l.'>i)|i. il.; boatH and lioatnn'ii I'lii'tip. 
 Swantonill. .V o.l— Dft-ii cr, :i m.: trout; woiniliait; .Vjiril, Max ami niiii' lient; 
 t.i I. il.ti' Imti'I: uniilr can 1»- )ia<l at nioilcrati' rliai'i^f. 
 Tolcliestflr Beach iJl ni. from Halto, liv str. I'ilot Itny dai \ >— Fine wliiti- innh, 
 i.oImi- ,N'>iin){ lilii*' ttr>)i) anil Htrijicil Iuihh; minnow liuit. 
 WevertoniH- 'V '•. I— I'otomai' r. ni-ar Htation; li. \<. ftc: li, li. most niinirrouH: 
 iiiimi.'\v - usual liait; .hint' anil No\. Im'sI: liotrl .*l,,"iO ]). il.: ^iiiilts at nioilcratc 
 ih.iiLi' liiiatM ."(Of II, d,; bait .»1 \>. loo. TIiIm in aii cxci'llrnt b. b. i^roiind. 
 WiUianisport (W. AI.)— I'otoniac r. ', m.; Conococln'iinuc cr. nvnr nlation; 
 tii«i li. -I; ba.'^H »'tf.: biisft moNt abiindiinf ; livi- iiiiiinowM, cnibM, lul^'ramitrH i-tc. for 
 1.111-; Vpril. .luiic. .Inly, .\, .St-iiti'mbcr and Octobrr bf.-it; liotfls *1 to .* I .,">iii). ,\. 
 tjiiiili' "itli boat and bait .f 'J [i. d.; ••Itotli'H WurcliuuHc " on the rixcr itn<l -lolin- 
 li.iiis and l>ownr« mill damn in tlic i rt'ck ari' f;ivciriti' ^,'roundH witb tin local auglt-rn. 
 Acton i<). (',) — Ma^oK br. near Ktati'^n; iiickcnd and b. b.; the tirnt most nnmt>r- 
 (111-.. -himr bait; butcl .jl p. d. 
 Assonet (<>.<"■ Hcc jia^-c XIV.)— l"or«c p, '. m.; .\«sonct r 1 m.: llrnt Ix-Ht: 
 liirkiiil. mummichofrs, iiiiiiiiniw.s) as bait: winter best: bouts and bait can bo had 
 at riMsiiiiablf cost: tiiuton (hlk. t\.-li)iind perch arc cannlit iu tlic .-Vssonct r. dnriUfj 
 till' iiciiith of .Vu^nst, the Hood tide bein^{ most favorable. 
 Athol iFitchlnir^.)— Ea^?le p. .' m. : So. West p. .'> m.: Kills p. 'J m.: No, ami So. 
 .Sjiictuile p'ds, Hassetts and Thompsons p'ds '.I m,: lirst mimed best: picki'nd, 
 li.nii. etc.: jiickerel most abundant; shiner bait; in ^ jason U"""l. l'"t best in winter 
 throii'^li the ice; hotels #1.511 p. d. 
 Ayer Junction (Fitchbnrti.)— Sandy j). !ini.; Hill and Bear Hill ji, 4 m.; the 
 li-t Im -t; some b, b, in these ji'ds to catch which a permit must be obtained from'itMicii. \ few trout are in adjai'cnt brooks; accommodations reasonaldy cheap 
 Barnstable {O. (".) — Nine Mile p. 2 m.: Halhawa>s \t. \'. m.: liarnstalde harbor 
 ',111.; iirst best: white perch, pickend, bluMish, codfish, tlatlish, etc; perch most 
 iiuiiKTous; worms and minmiws usual baits; Hiimmer months best; hotel .■*l..">ii 
 p. il.: li.iuts .")!>(• p, h,; bait plenty. Flood tidv best. 
 BecketlH- il*: .\.)— Shaker Mill br, y, ni.; Yokiun- Pond br. 1 m.: tirst named liest; 
 •'iiil iipistly: woi'nis and tlie-i; May and .lune best; hotel .-S'J \i. d.. ,*7 to .rlo p. w. ponds near by are excellent for pickerel tishin^;. 
 Bondsvllle (B. .v. .\.,— Lon^; ii. and Browns p. 1 m.; tirst best; pu^korel most 
 nuiu'iiiiis; minnows tisual bait; winter best; hotel |1 j). d. 
 Boston.— In the harbor, mackerel tishinjj with rod and line is sometimes excel- 
 li'iit, i-|H'cially in Aut^ust. The same nn'thod yitdds j^ood cml scores. Halfway 
 Uoi'k 1.^ a faxorite point. 
 Boxford (B. .V. M.)— Stiles p. '.1 m.; Four Mile p. •_". m.. and Bald Pate p. ;i m.; 
 |li<t 11. -t: pendi. pickerel ami b. b.; perch and i>ickertd most abundant; worms 
 I a:iil SI.,,, .lis used; .lune to September imdusive, best; hotcds .■?! to $2 p. d. These 
 "111. Is I!,, stocked by town and permit is recinired to fish. 
 Braintree(0. C. SeepaKeXIV.)— BraintreoOmatp. 2 m.; b. b., perch and pouts; 
 I li i> !i! ,-i nuinero\is; minnows as baits: hotel $1 ..50 p. d.; boats at reasonable prices. 
 Brewster (IK C) — ('ai)e Cod bay; umckcrtl, anl aiid MiittiHb; bliu-flsli m.-r 
 aliiinduiit; siiiiiilH (iiseil; July, Augiii<t aud f5ei)tembcr betst; LutelH Jl p. d.; Luun 
 cau be had reaHouablc . Ebb tide best. 
 Buzzards Bay(<). C .)— Buzzards Bay ', ui.; Buttermilk Bay 2 ni.; Jlonuiiifi- 
 r. 'i III.; the In-Ht bent; Ktriiied bass, blitfiKh, .-^cuii timrgy), Uiuto^ (^L 
 K(juctfaf,'UL' (wcakliHh), rock bass, cti. ; bluctisli and strijicd bass most iniim iv.ii.. 
 shniuii, minnows, I'l'ls, dams au<l small crabs used as baits; May lu to iict. i 
 inchisivo, best time; botcls j^l.'i")ii. il.; ^'uidcs i2\i. d.; boats with captaui jti.l 
 liiit f .T \), d. Tlicif arc also some ficsli water ixiuds in this vicinity wlierc pirk- 
 erel, ixrcli and b. b. ari' caught. Kbb tide best. At the bridjic the lisli are virv 
 Iilentitiil from the turn of *h" tide to about half high water and the vice sersa star.'. 
 Byfield {li. k M.)— Crane p. 2 m.; Barker r. '^ ju.; Wheeler br. 1 ni. The bt.>t 
 is liie lirst mimed, wliich containH iiickend and iiercli. .\ f(,'W trout in Wheeh r nr 
 Salt water fishing,' to a limited extent, can be had; touicods, striped buss and j tr L 
 beint^ c,iut;ht in the spring mouths. 
 Catauinet (C). <'. See jiage XIV.) — liiizzards Bay -'.i m.; ScjueteaHue Bay lu.; 
 Coi 'hcme.-iset J), and .\sh\imet p. 4 111.; lirst named are be.-t for general salt u;i!ir 
 tisli and second lor tly lisliing for bliietish and stripc-d bass; blueiish. striped lia», 
 taiitog, weaklisli, tnrl>ot, scuj), jiickercd, wliite perch and brook trout; seiijiai;! 
 bliietish UKist numei'ous; worms, cra))s, clams, young eels, lobster and .siinii;;i 
 used as baits; hotel 5^1 ..".li p. d", sailboats manned .■?:( p. d. We judge from cur iv- 
 jMirts oi mis ground that some of the salt water tish are taken on the art. tiy. 1; 
 this be so it is the only northern water ill our knowledge where striped ba.-s ui. i 
 weuklish can be so taken The early Hood tide is be^t. 
 Cheshire (B. \' -V.)--Adams and Cheshire reservoir ',. ui.aiicl:! or 4 nioiiiita;^ 
 brooks about 'j iii.; .V. and ('.reservoir liesf iiickerel, trmit etc.; in.i.; 
 numerous; frogs legs, minnows, worms. Hies, gras.-hoppers and artilicial as 1 iii:.-; 
 best months for trout are May and •luiie; hotel .-"'j p. d.; boats 'J.'x' to .-lOc p. d.: lie 
 bait .")nc to 1*1 p. loo Th<^ trout run small. 
 Chester (l>. •*>; .V.l — Walker, sparks, Cushman, Kiio.x, Sa dei-son, Abbott. .Xii^tiu, 
 A\iUs and li.bbs bri'oks, ',i; all good and \\ idely known among lir-lit: 
 men; trout; Hies and worm bait; .\pril, Mav and June best; hotels ^=1.5(1 tn -. 
 p. d. 
 Cold Brook (B. >*c A.)— Ware r. near station; Long p. Uiitland. 4 m.; Coiuit aii 
 Moo>elioin p. llul)li:ir(lston, Ci m.; all very good; pickerel, perch and other vant.t>; 
 jiieke. •! most nuiiieroiis; shiiu'r bait; winter season, through the ice, thi- bo'; 
 hotel and guides at reasonable- rates; boats :?l..">o p. d.; bait .-rl ji. PMi. Soiiu- lii"! 
 streams in this vicinity. 
 Coltsville (B. \ .V.) — I'nkamet br. ' , m ; west branch of Housatouic- r. 
 I'oiilsacli ;. :t III.; last best; pickerel, troUt, b, b., perch and pouts: pickerel in.-: 
 abundant; all kinds id" bait used; lishiug good iu season; hotel .»:'J p. d.; bcitsia! 
 bait < an be had at reasonable prices. 
 Dovigflas (N. V. vV; X. F..1— Walliim p. '^ ni.; Bad Luck p. J in. .Moss p. '., ni.; ri:-' 
 best; b. 11.. perch and pickerel; b. b. most abundant; shiners and helgramite~ ui.i;.! 
 bait.-; .\iigust. .Septcmbir and October best; hotels .'rlup. w. 
 £iist IBrookfield |B. \ .\.| — Lake Lashua near station; Podimk \\. 1'^ ii;.: l.i-: 
 best; b. II., pickerel, perch, etc.; b. b. and pickerel most abnndant; fro^;- Wi-. 
 worms, sluu^-rs and lliis; usual seasons; hotels .•?! to .•J2 p. d ; g.iides .i^l p. il. at.i 
 found; boats at reasonable rates. 
 Basthani ((>. C.) — tireatp. '., m.; Mill p. and Muddy )>. near station; Hiti;^iu>: 
 '.I 111.; .Salt p. ' ,. 111.; all alike; pii'kerel and perch; pickerel most numerous: fros;-. 
 perk etc. as baits; all the year good for pickerel. Wading is followed b> h" ■' 
 XSasthanipton(Conn, ]{.)— Broad lir. 1 '. m,; I'arson's br. 2 lu.; IMiuihaii p. '.in. 
 and N:isliauaii)nick 1). 'jiii.; Broad br. and Nashawannuck p. the best: lu'onk tro'i!. 
 pickerel etc.; trout most abundant; .May best for tliiiii; woruis, grasshopii. r- t ' 
 as baits; liotels 5^2 p. d.; guides cau be had ri-asouable; no boats needed. 
 12. Marshfield ((>. C. See page XIV.)— Mass. Bay 1 '.j m.; North r. 1 ni. ^Vaii , 
 er's p. near station; Wale.< p. 1 in.; Ilatcdies p, It m.; Massachusetts Bay best; ii'il. I 
 hadilock. mackerid, bliietish, perch, strijied bass, halibut, taiitog (bik. fisln. tii d 
 *'od, h:iddock and mackerel most numerous; (lams, herrings, lobsters, muscl's eti'- 
 as baits; .May and .lune best; hotels ifl p. d.; guides at reasonable rates; 1m.:iIs K<] 
 i; blufflsli lui.-t 
 H $1 p. (I.; lioal^ 
 2 m.; Monniud.r 
 lUtoK (l)lk . lUli . 
 liioHt nuini I'dU-. 
 lay in to tut. li 
 itli captain kh.I 
 iiiity when iiick- 
 the lish arc very 
 vice versa stat' . 
 . I 111. Till li.-t 
 it in Wlui'li r 1 r 
 (1 bans and \ t r :. 
 'unuo Bay , n;.; 
 mral >^alt watir 
 lisli. Htriiicil lla.»^, 
 , trout: Mciiii aul 
 htir ami sliriii;;) 
 idj^c from cm- re- 
 1 flic art. rty. I: 
 >triind lm^s aiil 
 :t (ir 4 uiouiita:'a 
 c: picket! iii"«". 
 rtiticial as 1 ;ii>; 
 ■ to "lOc \>. d.; l:'ir 
 11. .\bl)ott. An>t.i.. 
 ,V11 llIllollK t'\>hi 
 oti'ls >:l.5(i to ;; 
 111.; I'oiuit il'^il 
 id idhcr var>t.'-; 
 ic ice, tin li' -': 
 IHI. Sollic \i'->'\ 
 :iitoiiic r. ; '. ■ 
 idckiTcl HI'-'. 
 p. (1.; boats ai.'! 
 ss p. 'i 111.: lir-t 
 l<'raiiiit»'>- u»ii.i; 
 p. \>i 11!.: la^: 
 1,1 at: f'r<'j;s !<■;.■. 
 dcs *1 p. d. a!.!! 
 itioii; Iii;;niu'?!' 
 iiiniicrons: froi;'. 
 (dlowod h\ \"<ii\ 
 :\Iaiihaii p : " 
 )cst: brool ri' ■' 
 ilMHsllOpP' I- '' ■ 
 rtli r. 1 in. ^'^'-y 
 Its U:iv be^1; •"' 
 i> (blk. lisln. It' • 
 tern, mnsi!' s et . I 
 • rate^i; boat.s 1^<| 
 ]i. li. North r. is h1.'<o a good water for flsli, coIltai:liIl^' lierriiif;, utriped bans, trout, 
 brifk, pickerel, perch, flouudern etc.; the poiulri also contain br. trout, pike, iiercli 
 , w. riood tide beht. 
 E. Wareham ((). C'.)— Mill p. ', mf; T'niou p '4 m.: Dick'H ji. ?.( m.: Specta<de. 
 ].. 1 ni.: iileii ji. 'J ' , 111.; White Inland p. ;') 111. The above waters ^ivi' fair tisliiiif' for 
 1.. \i.. iiiikerel, and perch on the usual baits. The salt water lisliin^; is very jjood in 
 I'lii/./ard's Hay (near liy), and at other jioints, where bluetish and scup (p.>r^;y), the 
 hitn r of liiiye size, arc caught in (luaiitities. Ne:ir low water is thi' best tide. Ex- 
 nlliut and ample acconiniodatioiis at reasonable ratis for board, boats, etc. 
 E. Weymouth {(.>.('.) — Back r. near station; mackerel, smelts, herring' etc.: 
 li.fiiiii.' most abundant; shrinij) bait; ;May to November best; hotels .51; p. w.; 
 .'uidis at reasonable charge; boats :?1 p. d. I'lood tide best, 
 Fairhaven (<>■ *'. See pu^ie XIV.) — .Vcuslmtt r. near station: Bu/./ard's Hay :i ni.; 
 la>t 1. -I; bliietisb, scup (por(,'y), tailto},' (blk. tisli), striped and rock bass; bliicHsh, 
 t.iiito;.' and scup most numerous; clams, eelskiiis, meiihadin and lead imitations 
 ^nnidsi of tisli for trollin;,': hotel .*."> \i. w.: f,'iiides .r'J p. d.: boats can be had fiom 
 Ni'w li'dford at .>'J to *t p. d. Flood tide best. 
 Pall River (<). <'.) — Stalford and Sundy 11. not far distant. These p'ds eni]ify in- 
 •1. >.iith Wattiiiijia p. or 1.. as do also Iiexul and N. NSattujipa )). The^e are all 
 -tnckeil with b. b. and f^ive j,'iiod lishinj,'. the l>ass running; laiKe; pickerel and perch 
 May al>o be caii;,'lit: usual baits includiii^r the miiiiiniicho^'s, a salt water minnow, 
 Tamitiiii r. '„ m. jjives fair fishing; for tauto^' (Idacklish) on tiddler bait. Uolels 
 mini' i-.ite; Imats !.")(• to liac p. h. 
 Falmouth i*'. <'.) — Buzzards Bay J m,; Vineyard Sound 1 m.; Louk p. 1 ni.; .\fl- 
 liuini It p. I'l ill.; ( harle.s r. (> m.; .7(dins ji. 7 ni.; .shivericks \i. and Fresh p. 'j ni.; 
 liu/zards Bay best tor blnetish, Loiij; ji. for b. bass, and .\si hiiniett ji. for jiickercd; 
 lilui fish, scup (porj,'y), taiMo^; (blk. tisli), b. b., pickerel and brook trout abound in 
 Usual seasons for them: (dam ■, minnows and heirliiH are the usual baits; .lime to 
 Oit<'ber iiicliisiv e bist ■ hot* Is, ^' 11 ides, boats and bait at mcMliriilr ]i rices. The ebb 
 tide is best for bluetish. 
 Foxboro (<),<'.' — N'eponset Iteservoir, Sbejiards ji. and lOa^le )!. near station: 
 Ar. 1.1 -- ,1. iiud Whitiiij,' p. '> m.: all t,'ood; piikerel. perch, pouts and b. b.: jnckend 
 iiiiist iiuiueroiis. usual baits; February, IManli, September and Octidie:' best; hotels 
 ,it reasonable prices. 
 Harrison Sq. I o. ('. See pat,'e XIV.) — Dtu'tdicster Bay '„ m.; ma(d>er<d, codfish, 
 haddork, )ier(li. smelts etc.: niackend most abiimlant: shrini|i. seii-woniiK. (dams, 
 ' tc-. as baits; boarding,' houses i?.") to .*S ji. w.; guides ;»'J to :r."> p.d.; sail boats .*:i to #."> 
 1. d.; row boats 'JAc p. h. lli^,di water is the liest tide. 
 Harwich (<>. ('.)— Vineyard Sound 'i m.; I'leasant Bay H m. : both f^'ood; bluetish, 
 »iii]i. liass etc.; bluetish and sc. ji most numerous: June, July, -Viiu'ust, September 
 and (Htober best: hotels at moderate rates; boats i'i \i. d.; bait easily olitained. All 
 tides flood. 
 Hemlock (F. B.) — Breail and Cheese cr. about '. m. See Westport Factory, 
 Kig'hlandville (N. Y. ^S: X. E.) — Hose Mary 1. 'j ni.: Charles r, 1 '■ m.: last bof-., 
 ' :i l»i 111, a tew trout, penh and coarse varieties; jdckend and coarse ttsh most nu- 
 lucnuis: minnows, small tish and worms usual baits: early siirin^; and fall moiitlis 
 l''<t : no liot(d, but boardiiiK houses can be had; boats on lake, at moderate 
 Hoosac Tunnel iFitidiburt;.) — Fife br. "J m.: Smith br. i',. 111.: Dunbar br. '>^^\.^. 
 ■111 >. all (iiipty into I)eern(dd r. liorth of station; I'uiibai lir. best: trout, thes and 
 iil:-i> A onus used as baits' Mav to Selitember best; h(>t(ds j^H to Jtli> p. w. 
 Hiiuting'ton (B. .^- \.) — Xorwiidi ji. .' m.: b. b., pickend, jiercli, etc.; jik ken I and 
 IM'.h iiiM>t nunurtuis; small shiners, f,'rubs and worms as baits; .Fune. Jul> and 
 Auj,'u-t lust: no rei^'ular hottd; boats .")0c p. d.; permit .cnuired; siune small brooks 
 tl"'iit :i 111 distant where u few tnuit are caught. 
 m . : Hvaiuiis Harbor a 
 Hyaunis(<>. t'. )— Pickerinup Bay ',ni.: Lewis' Bay 
 ian.i Vineyard Soiiml 1 m.: last best: bluetish, flounders, scup (porj^'ies), bl.tck 
 iUul >uii c(l bass, tautoj,' (blacktish). etc.: scup and blindish most nuKierous, but all 
 iil'i'iiud; (di.nis, menhaden and s(piids used as baits; May, June, Jul> . Aiit,'n> t niul 
 ''i-litfiuber best; hobds .S'J )i. d., :*7 to i^lO]). w.; guides witli boaf^ and ' i^at 
 rius-!; ibli. ratoH, Flood tide best, and the tishing is excilleiit. 
 ■ J. 
 iLdiau Orchard(H. fz A.)— IMinofk p. 'i m.: Loon i.. '., m.: Five Mi 
 ni. , liiHt b.isi; i)i-k.T.>l. porch and h. 1).: porch iiikI pirkt-rr-I mowt iniin. 
 slimerH, Hich iiud worin.s; Jantiiiry. Fchniary .md Scptcnilx'r heyt; hotels at n 
 .al)lo rates; Kni<U'H and boats can ))c had at moderate cost. 
 Isling-ton(N. Y. & N. E).— Hif,' Wigwam p. or Mirror 1.. and Little \Vif,'\va 
 both about 1 m, and e(inally Kood; all the varieties of fresh water rtshes; ul 
 and 1>. 1). most numerous, worms, sliiTiers and art. tlies as baits; .June 1 to ()( 
 1 best. There is a t,'oo(l trout brook near the station, ^to(•ked bv S. \V. Hath 
 who will alh)W any on(' to fish in it who will put back all under "(i inches. 
 Iiakeville (O. <'., see \nim- XIV)— Assa\vam.sett 1., Lonfr 1., Little and 
 Quaiticush I's, and KIdcns 1., ail from 1 to 5 m.. and all },'ood: b. b., jtickerel, 
 etc. pickerel and percii most numerous; small iierch and shiners are used for 
 June to .Sei)tember indusivt! })est; boarding houses #1 to ,^2 j). d.; guides 
 boat and bait *1 to $-^ p. d. Fishing is said to be excellent. 
 Iiancaster ,W. N. \- ll.)— Speck p. :t -u.. Cumbry p. :i m.. Fort p. -2 m., Ni 
 r. near station; Sjjeck p. l)est; pickend, perch, b. i). etc.: pickerel ami b. li. 
 abundant; May, .hiiie, Aug. and Sept. best; baits, worms an<l Hies; hotels .ii 
 boats and bait reasonable 
 • I'.l 
 1.. 1.. 
 ■ liail; 
 111. ..I 
 near station; liassett 
 best month; hotels $; 
 I p. d. 
 near by; b. ),. 
 for boats et. . 
 1 m.; last hot; 
 The best trou; 
 Lynnfleld (H. A: M.)— Distant 12 m. from Boston. Suntaug l. 
 pickerel and perch are plentiful. Good hotel, and prices moderate 
 Maple Orove U. .t A.)— Hoosac r, 
 trout and pickerel; w(U-iu bait; Junt! 
 lirooks ar<^ 4 to .5 m. distant. 
 Marion ((). <M— Buzzards Bay '^ m.; bluetish, scup, (porgy) tautog (blackti.-lii 
 ano' S(iueteaugue (weaktish;) bluetish most nu)iiero>is; Eelskiii, shrimp and claiii- 
 usual baits; June best; In^tel at reasonable rate, guide 4 p. d. Last of cbl) or tir^-t 
 of Hood tidt! is the best water. 
 Marshfield (O. ('.)— S(uith r. ^,., m.; trout and herring; the latter most uuimi 
 oils; worms Used as bait; June and July lest; hotels. ■?! p. d.; guide $1..")0 p il, 
 boats and bait at niodenite cost. Flood tule best. .\u excellent trout pond ne;ir liv 
 can be tished for 5()c p. lb. for the rtsh taken. 
 Worms ii>uiil 
 Mattapan(N. Y. i'lc N. .E.)— Xepcmset r. '4 ni.; pi<'k<>rel 
 bait; sjiring season best; hotel ,*1..'')(J to $2 p. d.; boats 2.")(; p. 
 Mattapoisett (O. ('. See page XIV)— Buzzards Bay ',, m.; tautog, (blk. tisl, 
 .scup, (ptu-gy) rock bass, bli.ehsh and s<pieteague (rteaktish;) tautog, scup and liliic 
 ttsh most numerous; clams and crabs used as bait. June to October best. arc. inl- 
 ing to the variety; hotel ^2 p. d., and boanl at private houses f'.i to .rl2 p. w.; l.'i;<t- 
 with boatmen $:t to ,•?.'> p. d. All tides an' good, 
 MetcairslB. A: A.)— Lake Winthrop \ ni.; jyickerel, jienh and b. b,; 
 most abundant; live and cut bait used; Aiigust and September liest: hotels ni"'li:- 
 ate; guides at reasonabh^ cost; permit ifipiired. This 1. is stocked with l.iii i 
 locke<l salmon and 1). b., and lishing is only permitted ou Tuesdays and Satur'la.\^, 
 Middleboro (O. (' ) — Assawaniisett 1. 5 m.. Pocksha 1., Quiticus 1. and Lou;,' 1 
 ail connecti'd with lirst named and J ';> 4 m. further; Assawampsett is largest aii'l 
 as good as any; b. b., pickend white and red peri-h in about e(pial uunibiis: 
 shiiu'rs, small jier<-h, yoiuig h^-rring and worms are used as baits; July, Au^;^l^'l 
 and September best; i)ickerel caught largely in winter; hotel j!4..")(l to |r> p. w.; al>" 
 private boarding houses; guides with boats at small charge; boats 10c to l.")c p. h 
 iailiddlefield (B. A: .\.)— church's reservoir '.in\.\ T'ole br. Im.; pickerel hm 
 trout are the principal varieties; live bait and worms used; good in proper ^^^.•u■ 
 Milford Hi. k A.)— Mendon p. 4 m.; Beaver p. 4 m.; North j). 3 m. ; < 'il;!! 
 Swamp p. near station; the two tirst best; b. b., pickerel, perch, etc.; perch uim-i 
 Utinierous; all kinds of baits used; June and July best for bass; all months ^"nl 
 for the others: hottda $2 p. d. ; boats 2.">c \). h. ; permit is reipiired to rtsh in Mtii 
 don and North ponds, which are stocked with b. b. 
 Millers Falls (0. Vt.l— Conn. r. and I^ke Pleasant 2 m.; first best; I'ik' 
 pickerel an<l b. b.; pickerel most nunu'rous; shiner and worm baits; May. liii' 
 August and September best; hottd #2 ji. d.; boats and bait at reasonable prici - 
 Millville iN. Y. it N. E.)— Blackstoue r. near station; b. h., pickerel, percli aiil 
•; worms usu;ii 
 pf.iit; till' litst iiiKst nuincrmis; Hiiiall tish uuil worms usual baits: winter months 
 l>.-i, hotels at rf»Houablo rate; unifies ut motlerate chart^'e: 1)oats ami bait very 
 Monument Beach (<1. ('.)—<ls Uay near station; blnetish. tauto),'. striped 
 1.1-- anil other salt water sjieeies; the .'I uauieil are most n\inierous; clams are 
 n~,:\ mostly for baits; May, June, J>ily, August and September best: hotels $2p. d.; 
 Kiill'oat with skipper f "> \i. d. 
 Myricks (<). ('.)_Tro\it br. 1 '4 m.: trout; worms and flies usual baits; spring 
 1m -; time. Well Ashed. 
 Nantucket(0. r. See pa;,'*' XIV.)— The salt water flshinR adjacent, is exiellent, for 
 liluilish, especially, trolling with sijuid or chumming with cut menhaden iu the 
 iMciiths from July to .Sept. Boats for bluelishing includiiij,' cajitain .rs p. d.; hotclH 
 .»:! lo i' p. d. 
 Cochituate accessible; first best: b. b. 
 bait; summer mojiths best; hotels at 
 Natick (B. .t A.)— Jlorse's p. and I.ake 
 aliii ]iickerel: b. b. most abundant; live 
 na~"nalile I'ates; boats .")iic p. h. 
 New Bedford (<>. C.) — Water Works p., I.ouj,' p., Watupjia 1.. Sandy p. aiul sov- 
 ( 111 ' tliei ^;ood ones varying from (i to 12 m.; b. 1).. white and yelhiw perch, jiick- 
 ii'l HUil trout; bass and ] erch most numerous; live minnows, shrimp and worms 
 iwril as baits; August and September liest; boats about j^l p. d. The fishing at 
 iiiii' s is most excellent. Buzzards Bay and Acushnet r. give good salt water fishing 
 III ■lul\, .\ng. and Sept.; hotels f'2 to $:J p. d.; boats with boatmen J2 to $10 p. d. 
 l.Mi tide best. 
 New Salem (B. \ .\.) — Thomjison p. ', m ; Town's p. 1 m.; no choice b«>tween 
 tlioiii; pickerel, iierch. <^tc.; worni bait in summer, and shiners in winter; fishing 
 li'ine throughout the year, but best in winter and spring; hotel .*1 p. d.; boats can 
 !"■ piocured at small cost. There are several pd's and br's within H m., where tish 
 a;< I'lentifiil. 
 No. Adams (B. .'ic .\.)— Several small streams at Stanford, Vt., ."> to 1" m. distant; 
 U< •>{ principally, flies used; June and Jiii\ best; hotels $2 to f:< ji. d. These 
 Waters are well tished. 
 No. Grafton (!'• >*>; A.) — Quinsigamond 1. and triluUaries ',, m.; b. b., pickerel, 
 1 1 Tell, etc.; iiirkerel aiid perch most abundant; worm rnd small liait; September 
 .iiiil October best months; lishing through the ice for pi. kerel practiced in January 
 ami I'ebruary; hotel $2 p. d.; boats and bait very cheap. Only an occasional V). b. 
 i.s caught. 
 No. Harwich (O. r.)— Vineyard Sound 2 m.: bluettsh. flounders, scttp, codfish 
 aii'l iiiai-kerel; mackerel most numerous; clams and eel skins used as baits; May to 
 Diinlii r best, ai-uurdlug to kind; hotel .rl Ji, d.; guides, boats and baits reasonable: 
 rti""l tides best. 
 Northboro (<). r.)— Litth- <'hauncy p. 2 m.; Solomon p. 1',. m.; first best: b. b.. 
 lirkciel, perch, pouts etc. ; b. b. iuost numerous; worm and minnow baits: June, 
 .lul\ ami .Vugust best: hotel .■?l..">u p. d.: guide :?l.'>op. d.; boat and bait furnished 
 li\ uiiides; Solomon p. is an e.\i'ellent fishing water. 
 North Dana (B. iV A.)— Barrow p. '^ m.; Middle )>. 1 m.; Town p. 1 m.: no 
 ilitliienc" as to tish; pickend, pendi, dace etc.; pickerel most nttmerouh; worms, 
 fi(i^;s etc. as baits ; spring and fall best ; hotel ■?! p. d. ; guides :?2 p. d. : boats 25c 
 1' 'I- 
 North Bastham (O. C. See Page XIV)— Cape Cod Bay (Atlantic Ocean). ', m.: 
 Trii;it ji. \ m.: I'ickertd p. \ m.; ('apt! Cod Bay best; liiuetish, mackerel, flounders 
 ctr ; liluettsh most numerous: the fresh water ponds aflord good limbing for trout. 
 [•II. li and pickerel: sipiids ami eel skins are used for i-alt water flshing. and tlie 
 tif^iiid iiaits for fresh water; .July, August and September best; hotels j^l p. d.: $^ 
 \i. w. guides, boats and bait at moderate charge. 
 Norwood Central (N. Y. \- N. E.)— Plax p. 2 m.; Deep Water; perdi: worm 
 bail. .September and October best, and through the ice in winter: boats can be 
 inn. iired at lOe p. .«.. 
 No. Truro (O. c.)— Cape Cod Bay, near station; mai ker<-l. blueflsh, codflsh etc.; 
 iiiaUerel most numerous; usual baits; from Jtine to November best; hotels or 
 h'uidiug houses $5 to f7 p. w.: most of the fishing is done by market men. 
 No. Weymouth (O. C) — Boston harbor 1 "-a m.; codflsh, mackerel and perch; 
 clams. liciTint;, Hhrimj). off., as halts; May, .Tune. July ami Ancnpf lic.-.l- hoUUf^ 
 r(;iH<iiial>k' [iricfr;; boatH, ^iiiden, i.nitcU; limiiurutf. The Keuwouu tor fish iu u^u. 
 mctiiDj are— ((1(1 from May 15 to July 15; mackerel July 15 to Augtist 15; hi\nlt» 
 (luriiifi the latter part ot Angust. Tlood tide Is hest for all flub iu tbobe watuit. 
 Old Purnace (B. k A )— Wan^ r. V m ; ^I<.o br. >.', m.; about eqniilly cood; 
 tmut. jiickfrcl. diicc etc. : ])iclici'ei moHt liuuicroua iu r. aud U'out iu br.; mimimv 
 baits; iKPtfls i'./^^t to . •_' 5(» 1). d. 
 Orleans {<>. C. See pa^c XTV)— Tom ('<>\g '4 m ; P1p-;b nt Hay 3 m.! BoHton liiv 
 111.; I'.akcr's ]). 'i ni.; Fi't^hli ji. 1 111.; l'loanaiit and Hos on Days best, iiick(ii !. 
 bas.-. ( ddlisli, iiia(k<;r<"l. blurttHh etc.; claiiiH and other iiHiiai baits: July, .\n^'u>t 
 and .^('iitfiiiber bent; hotels |1 p. d.; i^uideH at COo to ijl p. tl.; liuata $1 p. d.; ibb 
 tide bt•^t; 
 Palmer (B. ^' A.)— (^uabo^j r.; iiickerel, b. b. etc.; pickerel most rmpicroiia: 
 usual baits useil; tall nidiitlis best; lioteLs f2 p. tl. TheciO waters are tkoroUi^lnv 
 lislK'd early in acli bea.'-ou. 
 Park Street (15. .V .M.)— Mystic r '. m.; Mystic p. 1 '^ m.; Spot p. 1 m.: Mystic 
 p. best; b. b. and perch, the latter preddiiiiiiiitinti; minnow and Worm baitu; jimo 
 to Oi'tober best; ImteLs at reasonal)le prices; boat.s and bait at Uioderatc cbar^'i_s. 
 PepperelKW. N. \- H.)— Nash r. near station; AVattis ]i. 1 in.; Island p. 4 ni.: 
 lladacooli p. 7 iM.: Knajpps ji, 1 in.; I-onj,' p. <i 111. ; Heald't p.:fiu.; Whitney p. 1(( m.: 
 allK<'"'I: jiickeicl, perch etc. ; )iickei'el and jierch iimst nunieroiis; worms and li\' 
 bait; January, March. June, September anil December; hotel ;?'J p. d.; ^,'i:iil(- 
 j-"J p. d.; boats and bait reasonable. 
 Pittsfield (15. .'v .\.)— Onota 1. 2 m.; I'ontoosuc 1 3 m.; ^lorewoods p. 1 m : 
 Siheil. 1 m.; trout brooks are numerous in all direction 1 from 1 to 10 m.; the tw.i 
 lirst named lakes art^ best; pickerel, b. li. etc. in tliein; live bait used mii>il\; 
 summer season best; many pickerel are taken throut^'h tlie ice in winter; hotwl.-- :i; 
 moderate charj^es. 
 PlyniOtlth (<>. ('. See paf4(^ XIV.) — Several ponds and brooks easy of ;\ci( -- 
 from ( liilfiinvlUe which is i m. distant from this place by sta^e; b, b. in ponds an. I 
 liiiii ill brooks, about e(jually divided; tlies and other iiaits used; .\))ril. May aini 
 June best for trout; usual season fov nass; no re},'nlar liotel at Ciiiltonx illc, lii!' 
 m Mid private board at reasonabh; rate; {,'iiide J2..")ii p. d., boats and bait inclinh d. 
 Numerous other waters eijually (^ood as above aro easily reached from I'lymouth. 
 Plyanpton (t>. ('.)— Silver 1. '., m.; Heids ji. '2 m.; Chamllers p. 2ni.; first ln-i; 
 ]iick(i(l, ]i(rih. rock, etc.; perch most iiumenuis; fresii water >-lamsas baits; Juip 
 bestiuonlli; hotel .■?•) p. w.; Ixiats .'lOc p. h., ^,'llides at reasonable rates. 
 Pocp sset i ' >. ('.)— I5u//ards B;iy 1 m.; and numerous small bays conti'juous; al! 
 ai'iitiood: Lliiclish, scuj) and blacktish abound: clams are usual tiait: May. Jun 
 S(]itcmlier and October oest; hotel i^l p. d.; boat and luaii .r.'> p. d.; f^ood f^uniiiiiL 
 in ."\biy and June. Yoiiiiti flood is the best tide. 
 Provincetown (<>. ('. See Maj^e XIV.)— Proviiicetown Harbor adjacent; M:i>v 
 r>ay 2 ill.; .\tlaiitic Ocean 5 m.; ^lass. Bay best; codtish, haddock, halibut aiii 
 iiKickerel; mackendand codfish most numeroUh; chims, ])or),'ies and small live la. 
 Used: Hood most all the year; hotels j^l.."!!! to ;*2 p. il. ; guidi's and boats at modi ; H' 
 charj^e. Flood tide lust. 
 Quincy (O. ('.)— (^uincy ISiiy off llou-^irs Neck 5 m.; cod, jierch, mackiivl, 
 siiii lis and other salt witter tislies; clam, shrimp and lobster bai s; summer aii'i 
 fall mouths best; hotels $1 p. d.; boats and bait at small cost. I'loo'l fide bi st. 
 Randolph (O. O— ftreal ji. Hm.; Piuikapoy p. 4 m.; lirst best- perch, lUckii'V 
 Ida. li. li. li.. etc.; perch most numerous: shiners, "cobblers" (bel^'ramites) an 1 
 shriniji liails; July, .\u",'ust and .laniiary bist; hotels at reasonable prices; t,niiil' i' 
 moderate charfic; boais and bait cheap. 
 Renfrew (15. 1'c .\.) — Bassett br. " m.; Iloosac r. near station; Thojut br. ii ii... 
 Bassett and 'I'hopet br's. best; trout, piidiertd, etc.. trout most numerous in bin. 1,- 
 and coarse tish in river; Wdi-nis, flies, etc. as baits; May, June, September and ' '' 1 
 oVier best; hotid at reasonable rates; guides .<2..">i) p. d.; the fish are not ph n:: 
 Rock (O. ('.)— Tattle Pocksha 1. 1 ' . m.; adjoinint; is (ireat Pockslia 1.. rireat ',"- 
 faeiii' 1. and Lake Assawaujisett, making 5.7unacres of w:iter; the three first are b' -t 
 b. b., pickerel, ilace, red and white perch, etc.; white perch most uumerou.-; i - 
 \mt n.«pil mostly; no rcfjiilar hou-l, but board oau be Lad at $."> to $7 ji. w; fjuidis 
 iic't iicfdfd; boats iilciity at #1 to ^.i p. w.; bait iilenty. Tho town law forbids tisli- 
 liij^ witli iiicirt' tliaii mif Imok or more tliau one liiif l)y tht- sanit- iMTson. 
 Rock Bottom (Fittliliurnl—Assaint r. '„ ni.: Uooh'h p.!'. in.; luckerel, ijercli. 
 b. Ii,. lircani etc.; jiirkerfl, in-rcli ctf. unist alaindaut: worms, fro^s Icjis and niiu- 
 lu'us a.s itaits; May and June best; bnats .ioc \i. d. The r. t;i\es the l)t'st Hsb- 
 Russell (li. \' .\.|— Ilhick br. l ni.; Potash br. 2'j m.; tirst i)est; tmut only; 
 v\. iiii bait; May best month; hotel TTh'!). d. 
 Sagfamore (<>. <'. Sei' jiauc XIV. t— White Island i>.. E/ekiels ji.. Hjfi Sandy ji.. 
 i.,;tl'' S;indy iL, White's ji. ; all alike; b. b.. iiickeiel and white Jiei'di; iierch nio>l 
 !i.;inerous; worm and shiner baits; May. .lime and July best; no re|,'ular hotel, l.iit 
 ji'iirdiut,' house ean be iditained at reasonable prii-es. 
 Sandwich ((1. C) — Cajie Cod Bay ^4 m.; eodtish. niaekerel, blnertsh, and taiitotr 
 iik. lishi; '.aarkerel most numerous; worms an<i hei'nnn usual baits; Ma.\,-)uiie. 
 Autiust. Sejitember, Oetober and November best ; hotel at moderate rate; ^uideH can 
 I- had; boats from ,?1 to $-i i>. d. High water best. 
 Savin Hill ((). C.)— Dorchester Hay ', m.: Neponset r, '. m.; first best; smelts. 
 1 .ivh and mackinl; smelts most numerous; shrimi) usual b;iit: Sejifeiuber ami 
 ( I, t'ber best. Yoiinji Hood is the best tide. 
 Sa:tonville (H. >v A.)— Sudbury r. near station: Lake Cochitueh 1 ', ju.; Dudhy 
 p. Ij m.; Heard's J). 2' J m.; Hraeketfs br. 2 lu.; first named above mill p. best; 
 liikerel, jierch, 1.. b., trout ete.; inckerel and iierrh most numerous; worm ami 
 iiiiiiiiow baits; June uud September best; no rejiular hotel but aceommodations 
 laubehad; no professional guides but parties can be obtained at modiTate cost; 
 lieats 50c to :fl p. d.; li\c liait .rl p. loo. The rtshint,' is reporteil excillent. 
 Scitviate (<^. <'.) — Mass. I'.ay 1', m.; hiilibut eocl. haddock, markeiel etc.; codfish 
 n;. >t iiumeidus; clams and lobster usual bails; May. June, September and Oetober 
 l.-i. hotels ;rl.."o p. d.: ^niides >;i p. trip; boats :»1 p. trip. State of lide imma- 
 Shakers il''. 'V A. I— Uiclinioiid 1. ', m. shaker trout br. near station; iiickerel, 
 tiMiit itc; pickerel most numerous; live liait and wurmsused; April, :\Iay and June 
 1(1 for pickerel: boats rl [i. d. 
 hot for trout; all months 
 Shel'bume Palls iI'itchbur^'.i—Deerfield r. lu^ar station; North i'. 1 m.; sever- 
 1! -mall ti'oid brooks from 1 to H m.; these small brooks said to be best; b. b.. 
 tiMiit. pickerel, perch, etc.; tri'Ut most numerous: small lisli and worms are used 
 is i.ait; .\pril. May and June liest: hotel #1 p. d. Several small iiomi;; wilhiu H m. 
 ■^i^f Liood lishiny. 
 Sher'born (". (', See page XIV. )— Farm 1., stocked by the town, contains 1). b., 
 1 , ;,■ irl and piicli; permits, J.'ic p. d., can be obtained from the seleetmeii. 
 So. Dennis 1". i'.)— Bass r. '. m.: r'(dlin's Pouml at its source 2 m.; Fresh i>. If, 
 1;:.. \ uieyard Sound 2 ill.; last best; bluetish ainl b. b. : bliietish most numerous: 
 rlaius anil eelskins as baits: June. July, .Vugust iiml September best: hotels at i^t 
 ]! n. ; boats at :?:( p. d. with skiiiper. 
 So. Duxtoury i< >. C.i— I>u\bur.\ Hay '.. m. (salt water), ami Island (reek jp. 1 ., 
 Ill >:resli water); botli tiood: lucke.el, white perch, herring' and horn pout in fresh 
 ttiii r; mackerel, bliiefisii cod, haildock, perch and lloumlers in salt watir; baits 
 I 'iiii'sli water are frojis and worms, tor salt water clams, skate etc.; Jul.s Auf.:ust 
 ,iii.l seiiteml>er best; hot. 1 .^lo to .■: .0 ]). w.; (,'ui(U>s -rJ p d., boats with biiil imlud 
 ■1 ^2 to s;i p. d. .^lackefel art' cau^'ht best 011 low tide. 
 So. rrauunghani ii». <'.i— Fan 1 p. I.arned p. (ileason p.. all within ', lu.; 
 '::-! iirst; picker. 1. percli. b. b. etc. : idckerel most abundant; live minnows and 
 :iii . -1 ns; May and June best; hotels .■si to .>1..')0 p. d.; lioalsioc to 2."m p. h. 
 So. Hanson (<>. *')--M'ioie's p. •.; 111.; Cushin^'s p. 1 m.; I'actory p 2 m.; Ma- 
 li:! p. 2', 111.: ^li.ipiaii and Factory imiids best; b. b.. jiickerel atid ]iercli. the 
 tw. lasiiiiost abundant; worm, froj,' and minnow baits; usual seasons, but ]iii'kerel 
 .iii'l perch most all the year: no rei^uhir hotel, but juivate board can be luel: boats 
 .111 1 I.ait can be hail at reasonable cost. A iiermit (2.")c ji d.) is in.iniired lidiii iion- 
 resKleiitB tor the pri\ilege iif li hint,' duriut,' the months from April I to Nov. 1. 
 1^5 '■ 
• '^'"^r^ 
 So. Speucer iB. .v A.) — Howt; l)i'. '4 m.; trout and coiirsi' tiHli; trout most al);.u 
 •(luut; worm bait; wijriiit^ is best; botei ■$■! i>. d.; l>uHtrt aud bait cau be had. 
 So. Truro (<>■ <'. Stu; pa^c XIV.i— Uumstable bay ., in.; st-vcral ixTs ', in.: tui 
 last uii' lii'st in winter and llir bay in summer; piekerel, red jiercli, mackend an t 
 citdtlsli: piidverel and mackiM'el mont luiiuerotiH; u.sual baits; .January, Februaiy, 
 June and September beht. Kbb tiih' best. 
 South Acton (Fitehbuc^M — Mau'o« 1. ami Mill \). aeresnible; tirst bi-st; i)er. h. 
 I), b., pieki r<d, ete.: sliiner.s and worm baits; February and June best: hotels at -j 
 !>. d.; guides at reasonable rates; boat.s 'JXw p. h.; nhiuers #1 ji. luii. 
 Southbriclgre (N. ^ ■ -V N- l). )— Mashapau^,' i> s m.: Walker )i. il m.; IJreakne.K |, 
 .'">m.; Cedar p. ■( m.; I'oclnuk ji. (i m.. first best; b. b.. jiiekerel, pereli and imut^, 
 1). b. most numirous- worms and other baits usimI; .June. .Inly, Aujiust and s. 1,. 
 teMiiber best; iiotels at moderate e)iart,'es; boats and bait ebeaj). Masliaimu^; p. Ii 1- 
 been stocked with landlocked salmoii(j)rn>)ably lake trout ) an<l there is also l; > I 
 liuntini' in season, and lias the l)est of accomnioilations tor liunters and tisherin' :. 
 So. Wellfleet (<). ('.)— Ulacktish cr. 1 '^ ni.; Widlrteet bay :t m.; Ducks p. •_> n.. 
 Oreat p. '2 'i m.; J.on^< p. :J ni. ; WelUleet bay for salt water tish; bhiettsh dt!-!i 
 aud tauto-f of which bluetish are most numerous; pd's for b. b., percdi and pi^ k 
 erel; eid skins anil white raj,'s aud other usual baits used; from June to Octol ,;• 
 best; liot(ds ,'?lp. d.; boats 'Joe p. h.; bait at small cost. Flood tide best in tin 
 So. Yarmouth (»). C.i— Nantucket Sound :i m.; scup. rock bass, bluetish, taut":; 
 oti'.: bluetish most numerous; (dam bait; boarding liouses at >1 p. d.; guidc-i. 
 boats and l)aits can l)e liad at reasonable prices. 
 Steep Brook (<V »'. Seepage XIV.) — Tannton r. near station- Wautajipa I. 1 , 
 ui.; hrst named best; t;iutog (blacdirtsh), sctip (pcu-gy ), Hounders, I'tc.; tautog ne-i 
 uumerous; clams and small crabs usual baits, May to-October Iiest; boats aiil 
 bait at reasonable price. Flood tide best. In Wautappa 1., b. b., idekerel an 1 
 l)ereh are caught; bei«t niunths for tiiem being .Vug. and Sept. 
 Still River (NV. N. A: U.)— Cunibry p. I m.; Nashua r. at station; Bear Hill p. 
 1 'j m.; Still r. 1 'j m.; Bear Hill p. best; pike family; pickerel most nuineroii-. 
 baits, worms, shiners and frogs legs; hotels moderate; guides #2 p. d.; Ixiats ai.l 
 baits reasonable; tishing waters reported very good. Bear Hill p. re<piires paymin; 
 of lieeuse of ou cents; it has been stocked with bass; can be tished from June 1 i ■ 
 Oct. 1. 
 SlOUeham (B. ^V: M.l — L. !>. at .Melrose 1'^ m.; Spot \). '1 m.; last best; h. ' , 
 pickerel, (uke, i)eri'h and po\its; last most ab\indant; worm and shinei' baits; u- ; il 
 months; guides at reasonable [irici's. 
 Sudbury (<>. <'.)— Sudbury r. 1 'i m.; Heards p. 3 ui.; (ireat p. 1 _. m.; tirst 1" -• 
 ;)ii-kert 1 and perch, jiickerel most numerous; spoons, frogs and niinnows used 
 )aits. .luiu to September iiudusive, best; hotels .•?1."J."> to .*l..'ii) p. d. : guides, bo 
 ....1 !...;» 1. ......... ;.. ...i.iu;.... *.. ..i..^.-., *......«-;.... .a. 1 n-..^ ^i. ...... ...... i.\.;..i... ...... i 
 and bait moderate; in addition tu above mentioned waters there are Fairhaven 1 
 ;} m.; als<i a number of trout brooks accessible and White p. for b. b., ;i m. 
 Taunton (t). C.) — Taunton r., Sadding's and Watson's p'ds "J m.; Xipponic 
 and Winnecunnet pMe ti m.; all alike; trout, s. ni. b. b., pi(;korel, peridi, ei 
 three las most numerous; Hies, spoons, minnows, worms, etc. used as baits; M 
 June, September and (>ctid)er best; hotels at moderate charges; boats from 
 p. h. to 50c p. d. Farly iu the seasou fair creels of trout may be taken in adiac 
 ; i\ 
 Three Rivers (B. «S: .\.)—Ludlt)w reservoir 4 m.; Three Uivers p. near stati' a; 
 Broad br. .'t m.; Burleigh br. 1 'j m.; lirst best; pickertd and coarse varieties; p- k 
 «rel luost uumeri>us; shiners are usual bait in winter, and frogs legs iu sumu; i. 
 wiuter mouths best; hotel f l.5o p. d.; boats l.V p. h. 
 Townsend Centre (Fitcb))urR) — ^'lluannacook r. iicur statinn; iiicken^l. tnnit 
 etr.; worui-* usually use I forbait; siiiuaicr aud fall bt-Mt: lioti'l at reaxitiiablf rate. 
 Stv.t;il iximls witbiu <> m. aflord j^uod tisliiun. 
 Triiro (O. C) — Vii\w (lod Bay 'j in.; Paruot r. near statiun; l-'resli br. '^ in.; 
 tlr-i named b<>«t; mackerel, cixl tlonnders, utriped baws etc.: mackerel and cud 
 nil -I luuiierou.H', \)()rj{ies and cluibs uned a.s bait: July, .Vut^ust and September best; 
 lidt' N >l \>. d.; t^uide, boat.s and bait sit reaHonablc pricen. I'lood tide best. 
 Turner's Falls (Fitcliburt;)— Connecticut r. near ntation; b. b., pickerel and 
 liiiiit- ill about e<iual unmlierH; woruiH and Hbiuer bait«; hotel $1.50 p. d. 
 Wachusett (Fitchlmrm — Wachusett 1., Woodbury reservoir, Fla(4K Meadow b.r. 
 st lii'st: pickerel, trout and born poiitw; the last are most plentiful; 
 hr _ 
 sliiiiii's used for bait ; siimmor months best; hotels at the lake in Huninier season 
 ;it \' ry moderate prices; boats can also be had there. 
 Wareham (<). ('.)— From th- bridge and wharvt's at the Narrows, (at station) 
 .,tr;i"'l bass, bliietish, i)erch, tlounders, etc. are abundantly taken. .V number of 
 11 II- and brooks distant '2 in., contain a fair number of b. b., pickerel, perch and 
 ii;oi>k trout. Buzzard Bay 2 ;n. t^ives exceptionally fine salt water rtshint.^ which 
 in til)-' section is remarkably (»ood; hotels reasonable; ^jiiides :*"J p. d.; boatw, boat- 
 man and tackle for a party of two, can b>; had at #"> p. d. 
 W. Barnstable (•>• <'. See pa^'e XIV)- -Mill cr. and Bridt^r cr. '^ m.; first best; 
 tiMiit and picker(d; trout most numerous; minnow bait; .\pri,. May and June liest' 
 liutrls -^l p. d.; nuiiles at iir- p. d. with bait included. Ebb tide best. 
 Webster Mills (B. it .\.)— I.4ike ChaubuuaKunt^amaug I'i ni.: b. b., pickerel, 
 pi Till etc.; bass and pei'ch most abunilant; t,'rasshoj>])ers, dobsons. worms and Hies 
 ii'i liiiits; .July and .Xui^ust best for bass; hotel f'J p. d. The b. b. are tjamy ran^in« 
 Imni 1 to -t lbs.; and are often taken in (piantities. 
 West Acton (Fit<-hbur;,') — Lake Ma^o;^ •'! m.; Fort ]i. •> m.: about equal; b. b., 
 ji. i,rnl etc. ; of thesis bass ar<i most numerous; worm and shiner baits: .lanuary 
 ami -luiie best; boardiiif^ houses at very moderate prices; truides .*1 to .*J p. d.; 
 boats 2.")C p. h. The tishin^ is reported ^jood. 
 We3tboro(B. A: .\.)— Chauiu'y !>. •2 m.; Cedar Swamp p. '2 m.: first best; pickerel, iiin-h etc.; pickere most in.iuerous: small Hsii and worms for baits; winter 
 -[iiiiit^ months best; hotels j^l. to 
 ]Hi?i.ii.iit writes; 
 p. d.; boat 
 s veiv ( 
 Our corrc! 
 No lifpior sold in our town, and if the tishunnan does not bring 
 him, he will be able to be his own jjuide 
 West Brinxfield (B. .*c A.)— '^iabo:ij,' r. V, m.: Mill br. \ m.; Penny br. ^f, m.; 
 Ki!;_ lir. 1 m.; Nuttiiij^'br. 1", m.; Kilij^'s br. best; trout, dace, etc.; coarse vane- 
 i'.r> predominate; worms ami tlies used f(U' baits; May and -June b(>Nt mouths. 
 Kini!- br. is the best for tnuit, altliou^h Nuttiujis br. is reported "very ^jjood." 
 West Broonxfield (B. ,t .\.) — I'omli^idjaci'nt contain b. b., iiickorel and ]iercli. 
 i'l iiiiits issued by the Selectmen. Some trout in brooks adjacent. . Board :?! p. d.; 
 I'llii r char^'es moderate. 
 Weatfield (B. .t \.) — Hampton p. i m.: Conf^amond I's 7 in.; Powder .Mill br. ;i 
 I:,., ^ind .Mill br. ;{ m.; first best for b. b. and pickerel and tlm brooks for trout; 
 lia.--. [iickerel and trout are the priiicijial varieties fouint; smiill lish are tlie usual 
 Imh-, .Vpril best for trout and September for bass and pickerel: hotels ;?'2 to ?2..")0 
 1'. il.: Kuides at reasonable i-ates; boats 5(tc to $1 p. d.; bait furnished by puide. 
 West Oroton (Fitchburf;.) — Si]uaiinacook and Nashua r's accessible; last best: 
 I'l' iv' 11 1 and perch, the latter most numerous: shim-rs aud frogs le(j[s as baits; .July and .\ugust best months. 
 Westport Factory (F. B.)— bn^id and Clieesc; br. '.^ m. This stream was for- 
 !.■ li noted fnr its tine trout lishinn, and there is still somi' jjood trout in it, and 
 ' :i'' '\iu. with dili^^ence, mak(> a fair creel. Fsual cliai'ties for board; no guides 
 : ' • ;■ ■!. See Thk .Vmkuh .\n, ^'ol. III, pay;e 'JIH. 
 Weymouth (•'. C.) —Smelts in iiumberK, on frot» leg bait, are caught here. 
 Wobiim (B. .V L.) — Horn p. ', m.: Wedge, Winter ami Mystic pds. 2';j m.; 
 Wi-i ,. p. best; pickend, perch and b. b. ; pickerel most abundaut ; minnows 
 ami ,irt. spoons; .\ugust, September aud December best; hotel $2 p. d.; boats 250 
 p. h. 
n\ f.m,^,Mm 
 THK ANOI.KR'k oriDK bock. 
 Woods Hell ((). C.)— WikmIh Hull Harl)or, Woo(1h Holl riiHKHUr, Vineyard Si.i,i, 
 1111(1 ISiiz/.anlH JJiiy all witlilii 1 '. lu.; the two lawt Ix-nt; hcuii (iioi'f^y ;, taiiton iblkti^h 
 IductiHh, Hfii ImsH, Ntriix'd hasM, llouiidciH, nca trout and sarioiiH otlifrn; tauto^,' an I 
 H<a ImsH nioKl iiiiiiii'rouH: clams, loliHterH, craliH, menhaden, HnailH etc. as liaiti-; i ; 
 taiiton Seiitemlier and October are bent: tor tLe other varieties June and July; ini. i 
 i'2 i>. d.; Hlack water bent. 
 Woonsocket June. (N. Y. A: N. E.)— IIoiu; ji. l m.; (ranberiy .Meadow '.' ni.: 
 best : ]iicker(d and perch, iiickerei iiioHt abundant: baitH ai'e li\e HhiuerH in « 
 Hiid cut ( txltish in HUninier; Feby. 15 to March 15th best; boats 2.")c ji. hour; 
 "idc 1). (^nart. 
 Yarmouth ((). r. See pii,(,'e XIV.) — Dennis', Lon^, Greeiiou^drH and Mud ji 
 '.. In 1 111.; lii'Ht best, b. 1)., jiickerel, jiei'ch and jiout; i>oiil 
 worniH anil miuuoWH usual liait; Imtels .f 1 ii. 
 d., fS 1). w. 
 most nunii 
 guide j'l II. d. 
 lilt. 1 
 Guaynias (Sonora) — (tuaymas Hay and Harbor and (iulf of California; liay is 
 best tor small, and (rulf for lar^e rtsh: rock, cod, bliu-lish, perch and fSiianisL 
 mackerel; cod and Jiiackerel most mmierous; slirimp, sardines and pendi are u.sed 
 for baits; September to Alarch best; )iot(ds ^'^ p. d.; boats and Viait pli'nty. 
 Alauson (tl. H. >V; I. See page IX.)— crooked r. near station; Crooked 1. 'j m.; 
 I'ickerel 1. :{ ni.; IJuri 1. re, ni.; Hurt 1. and Crooked 1. best: b. b., jdckerel, j.i iili, 
 liike, iiiascalonge. etc.; bass and iiii'kend most abundant: minnows, cra.\ti-ii. 
 woriHs, Hies and spoons; June, July, August, September and October best; li.itcU 
 Jl to iljtu p. d.; guides ^'l p. (1.; boats 75c to ,* I p. d.; bait Very cheai). 
 Allegran (L. S. \- M. S.) — Kalama/oo r. runs through town; Little John 1. 'J in,; 
 Miner). :im.; luiniont 1. 5 ni., and numerous others that abound witli b, b., pick- 
 erel, perch, etc.; Miners 1. is best: usual baits used, and fishing good in si^ar-cu; 
 hotel j:l..")U p, d.; boats plenty at nominal prices. The b. b, lishing is line, 
 AUeyton (C. \-. \V. :\I.)— Crystal 1. 5 m.: Kobiiisiui 1. 2'.. m.: Hig 1. 4 m.; I'etir- 
 sonl. (im.; Miu'll. dm.; Wliite r near station : I'cterson, Murl and Crystal IV bist; 
 b, b., jierch, pickerel, speckled trout, siieckled bass, sunrtsh, etc.; bass and jiicki i' 1 
 most nuiiierous; minnows, art. Hies and worms used for baits; May, June and July 
 best; hot 1 .■?! )). (1.; boats Sdc p. d.; bait at niasouable price. 
 Alpena (I>. .V C. S. N.)— Tlmmler Bay; I-ong 1, 10 m.: team to the latter #;(; b. li.. 
 trout and jicrch on minnow bait and art. Hi*'s; May and June in Thunder ISay. ainl 
 July, .Kug. and Seiit. in the 1., the soutliern end ot which is best for tishing. 15. li.. 
 often 1 to :i lbs., are numerous in tlu' latter and but seldom ttshed for; hotels .rl..'" 
 to $2 p. (1.; guides with boat $2 \k d boats. #1 p. d.; minuows "iSe p. KM). 
 All Train (l>. X- C. S. N. and 1). M, \ M.)— .\u Train 1, 2 m.; Au Train r. '.. lu.; 
 Trout 1., .loc 1., Slopnick 1. fi'om lotopJm.; Hock r. 1',, m.; Trout, Joe, Sloimik 
 ami Au Train Ts best; trout, jiickerel, whitetish, etc.; trout and pickerel im-' 
 numerous; worms and other baits; hotid j^l,5(ip. d.; guide j;'J.5iip d.; boats > I "" 
 <:2 p. d. Some of these trout waters have never been fished until recentl,\ ut.'l 
 yield lar;,'e scores to the rod. This entire section gives most e.\cellent fishing. 
 Bag'ley (C. .iv; X. W.)— Cedar r. 1', m.; East branch of Little Cedar r. 1 ni.: llav 
 v'r. :>iii.; the two last best; trout jirincipally; fresh meat and grasshopper b:ut«; 
 September best month; hotel at reasonable rates; guide can be obtained atal".'. 
 .*1 p. d. 
 Bailey (C..V W. M.)— Dutchman's 1. 2'.,. m.; Overall 1. '., m.: Half Moon 1.1'^ n . 
 lir.-.f best; b. b.. ' blue gills," picki'i'el and perch; '■blue gills" most nunici. ii-; 
 worms and luinnows usi'd for baits; June and September best. 
 Baldwin (F. .ScP. M.)— Star 1. 5 m.; Dittlo Sauble i's U ni.; North liranch Iviv 
 .M:iri|ueiie r. ', m.; Little Manistee r. lu m.; J.,ittlc Sauble I's best; pike, b. b., gray 
 liiig •• blue gills." etc. ; bass and " blue gills " most numerotis; worms anil art. tlii-^ 
 Used: June, July and August best; hotels .•?! p, d. 
 3aragfa (.M. H, .t ().)— Lake Superior adjoining town; Carp r. 'J m,; Keweenaw 
 Hay, and near by streams. Lake for lake and brook trout; streams for brook ti' ■' t 
 only; usual baits; July and Aug. best months; hotels j^l.5up. d.; guides :»•.', iii J 
itti-r $;t; li. 1'.. 
 lin;if-i and liaitH choap, no flxid iiricoft. Tho nniall KtrpariiH omptyinK into Kiwto- 
 iiiiu Hay arc full of frmit, uml u.'"'d f^nhiiit,' lan >n' liad within 2 or ,t in. from towu. 
 ill. !i IS also jiood friillinK tor lake trout near liara;;:i, 
 Batavia (I- S. k M. S.l— I'crrin 1. 1 in.; I^imc 1. 1 m.; lifHt licnt: b. 1>., si)ci'kli'd 
 ■eh, tti'. : liah.M most niiiiicrous: iiiinnows, worniH and jiork rindn nscd as 
 May and •hinc bent; no ri'yular liotils; boats and bait froi 
 thront^h tli 
 b. b 
 Battle Creek (>rifli. ( ^ . ^ 
 (lliiit; live or artiticial minnows used. From June to .Inly lo brst juTioil; 
 lii'til- $'J J), d. lJoiitsan(' boatmrn can be liatl at rciisonabU' cliar^;cs. Write toN. 
 \. I i-^^iidd, Itattlc Creek Mich., who lias kindly consented to furnish infnrniatimi 
 i-tail to ant,'lers. (^(U^^i^Ulc 1. 1 
 <'<>ntains iierch, iiickerel, b. li. and some 
 Bay Port (S. T. \- H.)— Wild Fowl ria> »u arm of Sa-^inaw Ha\ . mar station: lake 
 •ii'iit. iiike. jiickercd an<l b. b.; jiickerel ami b.iss most numerous: worms and tins 
 :■ r Waits; May. June, .\ugust ami Seiiteniber best; tjuide .*1.'J.") ji. d.; boats and baii 
 .1 small coHt. Fiue fly fisbiuK for b. b. in August and Sopt. 
 Benton Harbor I Cinn. W. \- ^lich. aJid Chic. A: W. >r. r r.) — Lake Michigan at 
 •hi- ,iojiit yields excellent fishint,'. H. b. and other lishes of the same sjiecies. also 
 j 1 1'l li. iir<' caujiht. The season is from April to Nov, Hotels at usual jirices. private 
 i "aiding' .■?•( to 1*7 p. w. 'JThere is t;ood tisliinj; from thi: (iovernnicnt piers. 
 Boyne Falls (<'. R. k I. !^*'e jiajje IX.) — Boyne r. near station: salmon and brook 
 ::..iii brook trout most abundant: worms, (;nissho])]iprs and artificial flies used: 
 Iiii:. iind July best: hotels ^l.Hit to ^'1 p. d.; ^'uides .fl.iVi \). d.: boats and baits free,. 
 '■'■'■'l tishin^'. 
 Brooklyn (L. S. .V- >r. S.) — Vineyard 1. Ini.; (lark's 1. :( m.; Wampler's 1. J m.;. 
 Sand 1. m. and several small ones; all excellent: pike, b. b. and whifetish: i)ike 
 Jill bass most numerous; tlies un<l sjiooiis used; uood all the year round; hotids at 
 I ,t>"iiable rates; ^'uides, boats and bait at moderate cost. 
 Cadillac (<'■ U. >V: I- S^ee pa;;e IX.i— Littli' Clam 1. near st;ition; IMj,' Clam 1 :i m.; 
 :;i~ iianieil best; iii<kerel, wall-eyed pike, rock and black bass, j)erch ami ••bliu- 
 t'lll.-' ; wall-ey<'d pike most abundant: minnow bait; June, Septi;mber and Octtdter 
 t.est: hotels ;f'J p. d ; l>oats 500 to T'lc p. d.; bait.">c to Ittc p. doz. 
 Caseville (P. (>. \" 1'. .\.) — Saginaw liny '; m.: whitetish. Ifike trout, iiicdierel, 
 ! .ki. b. b., perch, herring, sturgeon, etc.; usual baits; springand fall best: hotels 
 Tl."iiip. d.; boats and bait nominal. 
 Charlotte (Mi<'h. C.)— Lakes Lacey i\ m.. Narrow m.. Duck !."> m.: the latter 
 'i-t; jid'ch, iiicker* 1 and b. b.; jierch most numerous; minnows the usual bait. 
 .Ma\ . .June, July !:nd September best mouths. Hotels :?1 p. day; no guides; t)oat.- 
 ."I'l- to .*1 p. d.; bait l.")c p. dozen. 
 Cheboyg'an (Mich. ('.)— Long Lake t'> ni.. Black Lake l.'> m.: Cheboygan r. 'j m; 
 Miilit Lake Cm., and trout streams in all directions distant frcuu 1 to 4o m. Has-, 
 I :ki , perch and trout (brook and lake i; li\ e and aitilicial minnows, wiu'ms and flies; 
 !:"ti Is 'i'l guides .*J to s.') a day, li\e bait at times hai'd to ^'ct. Spring months beht 
 t' r troui and jierch: fror, September to close of season for bass and pike. Within 
 i" 111. many lakes exist where iiickend. b. b. and jiercli abound; also, streams I'on- 
 '.liiiiiig grayling and trout. Camping outfits, boats, guides, teams, etc. can be jjio- 
 iM'il at Cheboygan on riasonable terms. See .\MKHnAN .Vsor.Kit. Vol.VLp. 7 J and l.''>4. 
 Cheshire(>'. >V N. W. )— FJist and West branches of Escanaba r. and Flat Rock r. : 
 ■W.-t branch and Flat Hock best: si)eckled trout principally: fresh beef bait; ;Ma> 
 •- Si ]itemb<r best; no hotels, camping is the usual meihoil; guides, camp outtits. 
 • '■ tn be had at Kscaiiaba. "Finest kind <if sport " is rejiorted. 
 Chippewa iF. .S: P. M.l— Fight Point 1. 4 m.: North fork of Cliijjpewa r. and 
 I 'iiil.erry 1.; all good; b. b., pickerel and trout: two former most numerous: wurms 
 ■■■'.'■•'. tri>lliug spoou.s used; spring best time; hotel j^l p. d.: boat.> at nominal 
 Clarion I'i. IL .^ L See page IX.)— Hear 1. 1 m.: Bearr. '^ ni.: Spring br. 1 'j m.: 
 :.:-; lii--t: jiickerel. b. b.. perch I'tc.: 1>rook tioiit are found in the river and brook; 
 :; .' II. 'Ws, worms etc. used as V>aits. Bear 1. is noted for its fine fishing. 
 Clayton iL. S. .V; M. S,)— Devils Land Hound 1. ".i m.: first best; b. b., pickerel, 
 iii"'l iierch: bass most numerous; minnow bait: June and October best n.ontlis: 
 !:•!• Is are aM 'evils Lake; reasonable rates; conveyances can be Lad at Clayton at 
 Hi' "Urate cost; boats 'ioc p. d. 
 Clinton 1 1'. S. X M. K.i— Witiniili tm 1. '.* •.■.. Saii.l 1. 11 111.; ulimii alike; !■ Ii., 
 liicKcrcl, iKTch ftc. art! foiiiid; worm iiinl iiiiiitinw Imit; umiiiiI iiiiintlin; lintcN ♦: 
 |>. il.' i^iiiilcH at rt'UHouiiblt' ('(iMt. 
 Coldwater (I., s. \ M. s.i— Lnkf <<( tli.' WcmU ~ m.. r..i<iwatfr l.'.t m.i m-v. mi 
 Hiiiallcr laki'M I tn .I m. iliF4|aiit; the two Hrwt li 'st; tin- M-viTal varieties nf baHs. ).i k 
 erel, ]ieri'li aihl small IIhIi are IuiiikI; lias^ i ml iieicli moKt inimerniiH; iiiiiiii<> a >. 
 worms ete., are used as baits; May. •lime, Se|itember aiul October best; mi^/Lis 
 luust i)rovi(le bouts uiid baits. Exceilc-ut tiMbiu^ Krouii<l. 
 Coloma (f". .V W. M.)— Paw Paw 1. 1', m.; Little Paw Pawl. '2 m.: first 1.. -v 
 ))ickerel. II. b., siiiitish etc.; bass (b. ami speckled) most numerous; worm .ml 
 niiuiiow baits; .hllie to .\UjJ!Ust best; hotel .* I Ji. «eek; lioats .M'c j'. ',. 
 Conistock iMicli. ('.)— Kahuna/.oo r. 4o rods; lakes, Hales 1 m., I.oiij,' •_> m.. 
 MtiiiHcls 1 'i 111., Schooiiover 1 ', in. There is not much dilVereiice in the tislmi:; 
 qualities of the above waters; b. b., iierch, iiickerel and roach, tiie jn'rcli beiii.; n. 
 tlie majority; minnow and worm bait ; November :ind l)ecember best months. N 
 lioti'ls, but ai'coniuiodations can be had from residents, also boats and liaits. 
 Constant! ne (T.. s. \- M. s.)— St. Josejih r. near station; t'orry 1. '.» m.; Ix.tii 
 good; pickerel, b. b., cisco. and nmny other varieties; all numerous; minnows ami 
 wurui baitH; Ht>riug, /all and winter good; bouts and baits reasonable; good tlshiim. 
 CrvBtall Falls (<'•><: N. W.) — Fortn no I's 4 m.; .Vrmstron^; I's H ni.; Paint r.. 
 Hemlock r 1 ."i 111. ; Fence r. ".iu m.; Fortune I's best for (lickerel; .Vniistrong i s for 
 b. b.; the three r's are good trout streams: pii-kerel are most numerous in tin- 
 ^akes and trout in th(- streams; baits use I are tins and pieces of sliimr earl> lu 
 freason and tly hooks lat<'r; .May and Jiiiie best, altliou^'h .Inly and .\ugust aV'- 
 go( 1; hotels .■f'J p. d. ; guides at reasonabli cliar^'cs; boats; touts etc.. can bo li.iti it 
 niodeiiite rates. 
 Custer (F. »^' P. M.)— Pore Marquette r. 'j m.: Southworth>i 1. •_" . m.; first bet; 
 sturgeon, jiickerel. b. b., grayling, mullet etc.; pickerel most iiumorous; frogs iin.l 
 .siiinnors UHual baits; .\ugust ami Seiitembor best; hotel .»1 p. d.; guides j^i; p. I.; 
 Ijuats 50c p. d, 
 Deerfteld |I>. S. \- M. S.i — Hi\or Kaisin near station; grass jiike, rock and 1>. K ; 
 rock bass nuiuerous; worm and minnow baits; .Mav and .Juni' best: liotel> ^i 
 ].. d. 
 Detroit (Several r. r.)— St. Clair Flats, head of T.nke St. Clair 'jn m.. b. b.. pik.. 
 l)icktwel, mascalonge. yellow perch etc.; b. b. most nuiucniuH: minnows, shin, r- 
 «tc. as bait; July and August best; hotel at reasonable rates; boats .■J'J to i'-i p d. 
 Dexter (^lich. C.) — .\djaceiit to the station are the following lakes: Base, I'.r- 
 tiige. Strawberry, North and Silver, all of which Ikim' b. b and pickerel in tlicii.. 
 Portage. Hase and Strawberry lakes are the best, ami black bass are the most nil- 
 inerous tish; worms and minnow baits; camping out is nocess.vry as there an ii ■ 
 botols on the lakes. 
 Dowagfiac (^lich. C.) — Lakt>s: Tiulian 1 m.: Sister '.• m.; Morton 2 m.; Pin. I 
 m.; and several others within t to 10 m.: Indian and Sister are best waters; pei'. Ii. 
 pickerel, b. b. and pike; porch and pike most plentiful; niinuow liait; .May. .Tim.' 
 and •Inly best months. .At Sistei- Lakes there is board #8 p. w.; boats free to bu:i!.| 
 ers, or 'jr>c p. d. to transient visitors. 
 • Eaton Rapids (Mich. C.)— Grand r. at station. Lakes ami distance from .-ii- 
 tion: LoomisTiu.; (iurleyHni.; Narrow ',1 m.; Du<'klitm.: Hoody 7 m.; all g" "1: 
 jiickerel, 1). b. (both varieties), straw berry bass in lakes, mullet in the river: tin- 
 strawberry bass most numerous- baits, worms and minnows; May. .JuiU' and >• i- 
 tember the best months: hotels ?'J: guide reasonable; boats .5(ic to $1; ininii a- 
 ;?1 p. liMi. (iood winter tiwhiug through the ice for pickerel for which February i^ 
 the best month. 
 Elmore Jtxnction (D. L. k N.) — .\ chain of six lakes six milos from station; pike 
 b. b. and calico bass; two former Very large and plentiful; bait preferred, live ii in- 
 now. Sea The .\mi;uiian Anolkr, Vol. HI, page 'Jitu. 
 Elk Rapids (<'. P. ''^' T. See page IX)— Elk r. pasHes through the town and *'ir 
 nishos \eiy hue b. b. tishing and the rivers near by give' excellent trouting; lnii' 
 July am! the early part of .\ugust is the best season; hotels .iLoU to $•> p. d.: giinl''-' 
 $'J}). d.; boats -^Oc p. d.: and a pail of minnows 2.")c to .'>uc. Our corresiJouiitiit 
 writes; "We claim that we have the tiueyt Juno bass tishing iu the U. S." 
 Evartil'. k 1". M.l— MuMk.'t'on r.; Twin cr., uixl m«v«':m1 Hiimll lakt-M, »(;ce»i8il»U>; 
 Tah I r. lit<Ht fii- trciii 1111(1 uruylin^'; iiickcrfl iti Mii-kinnii; nick ami Mink Ihihh in 
 -11., ill lakcH; Wuni: ^mil; lintels .*! tn T^'J 1>. il. 
 rarwell (I'. V 1'. Ml— Tolmicti r. '^ m i:i Dimi 1. J m.; Ijikf (icorKo 8 ni.,- 
 I.iiii. in'l<l 1. III.; Tiiliin'co r. licsf fur tiHiit: M Diini 1. lor pike; front Ihi-h ami 
 ]'iK' ; trout nml jiikf iim-'t niiiiirrnii.-; worms, tlit-H and minnows n.-^iial IjiMim; 
 I :■ N iL.'iO II. (1.; Iioiits iiml liiiits (lilllcuif to ^n^^. 
 Flat Bock (I-. S. \ M. S.)— Unroll r. m-ar station; lirtmit r. 7 ni.; ';. li.., 
 ;i!. k. irl. ctr. ; woriiis. iiiiniiowc. fro«s ami tiicH nscd; April, Mav, .liiin- 
 ^i pi. niln'r, Octolicr ami Noviinliir )>< >t; iiotcjs .«^1 p. (1., or .«4 p. w.; Klljilc witli 
 I Mt ;(iiil bait $1.50 p. (I., ami witli tram .*■.'. .Vi ji. d. This is rtpurtcd as an cxcflltiit 
 :i-l.,iiu' I'oint. 
 riint River Junction ( I", .v 1'. M.t— Flint r. I '. m.; \>. \>.. i.iikonl, mullet ctr.; 
 la-- most iiiimcrous; minnow Mid worm liaits; Ma>, •lime, -lul.v and .Viij,'UHt best 
 Flowerfield iI- S. \- ^r. S.i— H<i\vnrd 1. '.i 111.; Hock r. I in.: tlrst bent: pickerel, 
 ! ! lie; ba-<s most uiinieroiis; minnow and worm baits: February to June best 
 -. .i-.'ir, no retinlar hotelM but accommodations can be had; boats aiid biiitH at Hiiiall 
 Postorla |F. \- I'. M.I- North 1. ;ind Cedar 1. 4 m.; last iiiiiiied best: b. b. and 
 jirkcrel: bass must abundant; miiiuow and worm usual baits: Se])teniber best 
 Oaylord (Mich. <'.)~.M:iscalon^'e, Valentines ami Turtle laki's. In to l.">m. distant. 
 1! I 'wn foriiici' are the best; b. b. and pickerel; siiooiis for IroUiiix !Uid the usual 
 l>:ilt-; best nioiiths .luiie, .Inly and \U;.'llst; hotels .« 1.. "ill ji. d. : guides »;•_'; boats ."lOc. 
 (iiMil roads, canipiii!^ ^,'i'ouiids and lishin^. I here are miinerous other lake.s from 
 Oto -'o 111. distant where, it is reported, an abiimlaucu of tish can bi; caught. 
 Oog'ebic (M. L. S, \ W. See pa-^e XVlII.i— L. (ioyehic and seven trout streams 
 II 'I} ni(^ into la lie; all .\ No 1 . b. b. and trout; both abouml- art. spoons. Ilies, 
 iiiiiiiinW'. and wiirms used as bait- .Intie I to Oct, l."> best hotid l^tji. d. less by 
 'he week; oar-inei identy a .rJ to .»'J. ."v \i. d Imals T.'n' to .f 1 ji d.; bait iilenty. 
 Wr can Vnllcll for these Waters, they are tlie best b. b. ^^loiUlds W itllill oiir klloW- 
 I'll'.e. See Tiiii AMthiiAN .AN(;i.i;ii, vol. VI. payeH 8, 'JO, -Itj aud loli. 
 Grand Haven I Se\iral r. r.)— Lake Alichi^'an, Sprinj» 1. and (Irand r. adjacent; 
 :i;-i licst; blacK and speckled bass, pickerel, niascaloli^re. iiiiiUet. whitetisli t'tc; 
 1.1' i» and speckled biss most numerous; minnows usual bait; .M;iy. .111114! aud 
 ! :!\ lust; hotels .r'J to ^'2..'<'> [i. d.; rubles, Imats and bait at reasonable dunces. 
 Grand Rapids (('. K- -V I. >V Mich. C.i— lilack 1. •Jum.; Heed's 1. 'i m.: Pickerel 
 ■' II. ; lirst named best; b. b., jierch, rock bass and mascalou^'c hi about eiiual 
 l-iii'lance; art. spoons and live minnows; .Ma\. .luiie, .Vii^ust, Septi'iiibt^r aud 
 'i I licr liest; hotels at leasnnable rates; boats 'J.'c ji. ii. 
 Grayling" (Mich ('.)— The An Sable r. tluws throiijih the town; Portage I. .T m. 
 Tlic .\u Siible isii/lid for its 1,'rayliii^,' tislnn;;. Flies mostly used, the brown 
 iivi'' considered best by local tishers, althou^'h modest colored tlies are always 
 ■ i Campiiin' is necessary to t^et ^'ood simrt. Hotels at (iraylin^; r^'l: t,'Uide.s 
 -'.'; linats at usual charj,'es. All necessary information in detail can bi' had at 
 ' 'HI', hiif.'. 
 Harbor Spring's (''. It. \' T. Si-e jiace IXi — lioilin^,' spriuj/s and Itoarint,' br.; 
 '.,1-1 I" -t; iTook tidiil: art. tlies u-ed; ^iay and .Iiiiie best; hotels at reasonable 
 :.i!' - biiats .^i p. d. Every conviiiieuci' tor anelers. 
 Hamilton (<'. .V W. M.i— sink I. 1 m.: Silver cr. :i ni.. Pnrdy 1. '2 111.; first best; 
 '■ I iiuil trout; pert h most nniiui'ons; worm and minnow baits; ilay and Iiint! 
 -1 hotel at reasonable rate; boats and bait at 1 ;oderate cost. 
 Iianlan Iiake (Via f". .v W. M. tu Pentwater, tbeuco by «tr.)— The tiwhin^' in thi.s 
 '. i> Very tine for niascaloiij.'e. 
 Hartford (•. .V W. y\ 1 -^■anautel^s 1. 4ni., Hush 1. 3 m.: Halls 1. :i m.. Paw 
 ! :: I', near station; two Hist best; b. b,. pickerel etc. ; bass and pickerel most 
 : iii I rolls; worm bait: .\pril. Ma>. .1 une. September and ( ictobi-r best; hotel #l..j<> 
 ■t : j^iiide, boats and bait at reasonable rates. 
 Her'.nansville (('. \- N, "W.i— I.ittle Cedar r. m ar by. brook trout; .luiie and 
 •lo. iic-i; uo hotel at this place; 110 bolts or j^uides m-eded. 
 lUK ANitl.UUH O0IUE UCioK. 
 H«ra«yiF. \- I'. .M.i— IliTHcy ir. >lali'i'i; (iitrr. :t 111.; Mn<tkiartn r. 1 in 
 I'oj^H' 1. '.t ni.; HiK Stoiif 1. '•• in.; I'nuif 1. Iirit; ^rii\liiiK, tniiit. ii''''*''''«'l aii'l Ip l'.: 
 liii'ki'Dl ami li. I>. iinmt iimmmtiiiih; tlii-Nitiiil iniiiiinWH; Mii\ . .Iiiid', Ain^nnt, Sfpiii^ 
 Ikt mill Oclol.tT licrtl; liotclH .*!..'><) ti> .*J i>. il.; ImatH iiinl Imit at tritlliiK cunt. 
 -I'fttihr.lH- 1. 
 111.; l'i< ki-rt-1 1. 
 ', 111.! lJnnM 
 Hisrhlandd'. .v V. M.) 
 Wliitt' 1. 4 111.; Ilin-Nc I. I III.; .\l(l< riiiuii I. I iii.; .ViiiIiiih I, :<■] in.: It<«' I. A 
 riidfrwdiid '. 'J 111.; I.t'Kiiai'il 1. 'J 111. ami Krvi-ral ntlicr Hinall uncH I'Hxilv am'MHilili .,; 
 ^'(iixl iiirkcrcl, rock, lila k ami vi'llnw Imss. iiri-ili. " hint' ^iIIm," hiiii f).«li ami ntli. |. 
 alionml; iiiiiiiinw ami wcirin bait.s; May. .Iniir ami OctolMT ln-wt; huti'lH |1 \t, d.. ,.. 
 issiL-^o ji. w. ;niii(lf, huat ami buitH at rfasniiabli! ratcH. 
 Holland (C \- W. M.) — Macatawa l.iIMark 1.) S m.; Lako Mirhi«an S'^ in.; lifi.' 
 Ix'hI; 1). I(., Miicckl"(l Imikh. white liaNH, ])i('kfrt'l, lake ihtcIi. iiiaHraluiiKP, whifitl^li 
 lake front etc. ; h. h.. pd'ch ami xjn'ckltMl haxs most iiiiim'ronH; tlifs and ininii.u- 
 liait.s; .\|iril, May, Jniu' hi-Mt, hnt nood ll'-liiiiu' nil M-aMoiiw; lioti-JH .?! to r- p I 
 hoatM 'J.'ic i>. h. , 
 Horton (I- S. \- :>[. S.) — Uoniid 1. ami a Mtriim ot :i lake.-*; CiiHiiill 1. hcst: h i.. 
 pi'i'i'li ami iiickcrid; haHM nioHt iinimToii.-': worm, pork ami Hiiiall tlnh huitH; iio ho|,'|. 
 iicrc, camiiinn ont in inontlv practifcd; hoatH uml halt at reuHoiiubhj coMt. Ooodtljili- 
 111^ i'<'|i«rti'd iii'ar the ntutiou. 
 Houghton (M. II. .V O.)— Ship Canal .' ui.. Salmon Trout r. 7 m., rilRriin r. .T n, . 
 I'ortani' r In in ; I'ikc Kay ',» m.; tin' hi-Mt an- Salmon Tmnt and Pixt'on r. .iii'l 
 I'ikc ituy; hi'ook trout the most nninfroiiH. TIu'M' arc Kcvcral otlnT .<tri'Hins that 
 alioiind in troiit. Hinall in .li/r hut lart;f in nninhi'i's. Hcsidcs tlif hrook tinin 
 lai(,'c tronf, juke, and iiii'kiTfl arc caiit^ht. At I'ikc liay. i>ikc ami jiiikcrd arc lauulif 
 hy trolling: at the month of I'ortii«c r. lake trout of hir^c ni/.c arc taken hy th.' 
 same method, and at the inoutii of Salmon T. r. brook tront may be foi.iul 
 wcitihiiiK from II to .T lbs. 
 Humboldt (M. H. .V O.i— L. Laura :t in.; Escnnaba r. V, m.: Second r. 1 ' . m.: 
 'riiir(l r. '1 111.; lake best for b. b. and iiercli, and the r. for trout; rock ban.-i, jicnii. 
 s|ie(kled tront, cti-; trout most abumlaiit; fresh meat, worm and minnow biiit'<; 
 May 1') to .Inly 1." best; hotel .fl.'J") ji. d.: no boats ui-eded on r.; rafts are UHcd on 
 I. l.aiira; local aii^'lcrs will volunteer to show best grounds. .\n excellent tnnit 
 Iron River (C i^: N. W.i— Iron r. near station: Urule r. >^ in.; Chicanoaii 1. ti in.' 
 Sunset I.. Stanley 1., lJi|4 Trout 1. and several others within •'> or (> iii.; all are (.'oed; 
 brook trout, macklnaw (lake) trout, b. b.. pickerel and whitetish; lirook tront iic»t 
 Abundant; ^rubs, vornis, tlics, etc.; hotels .*'J p. d.; (.guides can Ix' had at reasciH 
 ble rates; boats not plenty; bait scarce, Lad better be brou{;ht. 
 Ishpeming' (('. \- N. W.)— Escanaba r. and VMt*t and Westbramhes of Hume, P> 1 1 
 cr. also a branch of the I'^scaiiaba r. ; the main r. best; brook trout; woriiiH, tlies, etc,. 
 .May, J-.iiie, .July and .\u),'ust best; hotel #'.'.r>u p. d.; yuidt-M at reasonable rates; luit 
 jileuty and cheap. 
 Jackson (several r. r.) — .\ckerHou 1. ('. in.; MicluKau Centcrl. 4 m.; Vandern"ik.-* 
 1.3 111.; Bruwers 1. 4 111.; I'ortano 1. lo iii.; Pleasant 1. 10 in.; Eji^le 1- ^ I'l-: Tortafif 
 and Michigan Center best; b. I)., speckled bass, pickerel, perch and suulish; suutisli, 
 perch and bass iiiost uumerous; worms and iiiiuuows used as baits; June to Sr\,v 
 ember best; hotels .*'2to $3 p. d.; boats 'ioc p. d.. and bait (minnows) Ic each. (••"k1 
 Jasper (L. S. k M. S.)— Beau cr.. Black cr., and Nile cr.; Black cr. best; pickerel 
 and b. b.; i)ass most numerous; minnows usual baits; May and June best; hotel JI 
 p. d. ; boats and guides scarce but probably not needed 
 Jerome (L. S. \- M. S.)— Crystal 1. 5 m.; Goose 1. }^ m.; Farewell 1. 3 m.; la.-t 
 best; b. b., pickerel, perch and sunfish; bass and perch most numerous; niinn""- 
 and worms usual baits; May an 1 .June best; hotel $1 p. d.; boats .")»)c i). d. 
 Johusville (C. \- W. M.)— steams Bayou and L. Michigan 5 m.; first best; b b., 
 pickerel, etc,; b.b. most numerous; small fish as baits; May, June and July l"''*t: 
 boatH and baits at small cost. 
 Kalkaska ((J. B. .V I. See page IX.)— Boardman r., Manistee r. ; Rapid r. and nr, 
 meroiis small lakes; Boardman r. and Rapid r. are best for trout, and Manistif r. 
 for grayling; trout, grayling, b. b.. pickerel, peivh etc. abound; speckled trout iiml 
 •jrayling most numerous; usual baits are used: May 1 to September 1 best for trnit, 
 June 1 to Nov. 1 for grayling- hotels $"J p. d.; guidea, boats and bait can be bal at 
 i, ,1- imlil*' ratcH. Tin" ManiMtoo r. illMtHiit 1' iii. iMniio of tlio bcMt kiiivIiuk \viit<TH 
 111 Viiii'i'ii'u. Write to <'ii|it. I.iiliiinlii'. KitlkiiHka. Mirli. He liuM It ]ifniiiiiM-iit i-uiiip 
 , I, ii.< .MiiiiiHtcr and will fiiniiHli tnitH, Imuti' iiml ^Mii'li'M at iiiiMlriut*' I'liar^t'H. 
 Keystone (<•• it- A: I. See jiiiKf IX)— Itnardiiuiii r. Ufur hI .. .. 
 I, iiii'i'ii I. liinl lli-trty or l)ui'k I. 7 in.; lant bi'Ht; Nitcrkli'd ti'oiit, ){ra\iiiiK,' and 
 |.i. kni'l; H|)<'i'kliMl trout inoxt iiwiiirroiiH; worm and t'ro^ liaitH; .V|iril to Nuxiiiilirr 
 1.-1. Iioti'l j'l .'i<i |i. d. ; Koiil*''^ »t .i^ 1.')*' and lioaril ]i. d.; lioalH .f I ..Vi |i. d. oiiiivi'r 
 .iinl .'iiic p. d. on laki'H. 'I'luM in a niont fxri'lli'iii |iciuit for truiit uiid I), b, ; tlif uruy- 
 liii„ :ir<' Ki'ttinn Hcarct' in tin- wat tm near tin; Hti^iion. 
 Klinffer Iiake IT.. H. \ M. N.)— Klin^'.ir I. 1 m.; Mud I. Int.; (iiirton I. 1 S in.; 
 I'll Ki iiTl. I'l IM.; Ilrnt lifht; ))ii'k<'r)-l. 1). li.. iicrcli I'tc; |icrrli and liaHM inoHt nii- 
 Iiii'I'kiih; iniiinowH and NsorniH UHUal liaitH; Imti'lH at niotltTatc rate; ImatH T.'x' \i d. 
 Lake (!'. ^° I'. M.)- Crookid ntation; I'ranbcrry I. I', in.; hint hcHt; uvuhh 
 I iki . lla^H etc.; ^raxH pike most iiiinici'tiup'; Jiini', July und .Vii^UHt bent; hottd f^l 
 I . il.; liotttH plinty. 
 L'Anse (>'• H 'V O.I— Kt'Nvcnaw May loo ft., Fall and .stiirni'on r. 'jou ft. Tin' 
 i,,n I- till- lif.-t uroMiid. Silver ami Kavvn r. are i>artii iilarly noted for brook trout. 
 >' ' itara^a, Mieli. 
 Lanslng^ (Mieh. <*.)—(irand ami Cedar ih. 'i n..; I'ine 1. '.» in.; best nro>ind<J 
 I !!i' I itKi': iienli, b. b. and iiickertd: b. b. ihohI numerous; ininiioWH and art. bailH 
 ami irollint,' is the praetiee amoii^' aiiKlers. .lune the best moiitli; liolels rea- 
 .- 'liiitile; boats .Vic ]>. d. 
 Lawton (Miih. ('.) - Mersey 1 K m., Cold lirocdi 1 m , I'aw I'aw r. It m.; Mersey 
 i tlir liest; b. b. and suntish; the tirst named most numerous; minnow and worm 
 liui. May and .lune the best months; hotels .f'J p. d.; guides and boats moderate. 
 \\ ;iti !■ "f above is elear and cool, and there are several other |,'ood lakes ami streams 
 williin easy distance. 
 LeBoy (<•■ 15. >V 1.)— Pine r. 7 ni.; Rose 1. 4 m.: Silver 1. fi m.; Mo^baek I, •> m., 
 m1\. I' I. anil I'ine r. best; Ki'i'vlinn in r., b. b., perch, pickerel etc. in lakes; basH 
 Ui'<-\ numerous; tlies usual bait; boats can be procured. 
 LeverlUGf (<>. H- A; I.)— <'arp 1. 4 m.; pi<kerel,b. b. and pike; wall eyed jiike 
 ]if-: miUKU'ous; minnow bait; .luiie. .luly and .Vu^'ust best; hotels ,fl p. d. ; ^ 
 :1 t.i i'l p. d.; boats Cnh- to ^l p. d. Carp 1. has an exctdleiit local reputation. 
 Lyons (l>et. I-. .^ N.)— (traml r. flows through the town. There in t^ood hshin^; at 
 !•• iliiiu below the iron bridge in .\i>ril and May, The bi'>rt points above the dum 
 iiir till' Hitchcock and JUk Juldles. Both varieties of b. b., pike, i)ickerel, pike- 
 111. h etc., are caught, live minnows beiuK tlie best bails; .Ml the above lish are 
 larsir. Aiiril, May. Sept. and Oct. are best months; hotels .*1..")U p. d.. or ,f4 p. vv.; 
 lMiiii> *1 p. d., baits cheap. HcoThk Amehican Aniii.ku, vol. VII, pa(,'e. SU. 
 Mackinaw City ((!• U. X- I. .<: Mich. C.)— Mill cr. 4 m.; Carp 1. and r. 7 m.; 
 (iiuhain (lU' {Irayhani) shoals 5 m.; Mill cr. ami Carpi and v. best; .Mill or. fur 
 .-111, kicd trout: Carp 1. and r. for b. b. and varieties of pike; (iiaham 1. after Sept. 
 j'ltnOct. 1, fur trolling fiu- .Mackinaw ilake) trout; minnow and worm baits; from 
 .\liril to Oct. 1; hotels .•?! to .*'J.."«i p. d.; Imlians and other Kuide.^ can be had rea- 
 Miliable; boats and bait at very cheap rate. Fine catches of lake trout are made 
 II iiiaham shoals, and the Ch(.-nea'ix Islands 11 m. yitdd j<ood scores of b. b. pike 
 Mackinac Island (H. \ <;. H. N.)— L. Cheneaux VI m.; Carp r. 12 m.; L. Cbe- 
 ii< ;iu\ best; mascalon^e. D. b., pike, pickerel aiul perch abound; Carp r. is a good 
 ti'iit stream; minnows, worms and trolling houks used for baits; June, July and 
 .Vu^jiist best; uo hotels near tishiug waters, camping has to bo done; guide and 
 beat $'.>p. d. 
 Manistee (F. k P. M.)— Bear cr. 20 m.; Portage I. 12 m.; Manistee r. near station; 
 LakiMichigaii 1 m.; two tirst best; grayling (in Bear cr.), pickerel and bass (iu 
 I'i'itage 1.), pike (in Manistee r.). herring, jierch and whitetish (in 1. .Michigan); 
 I'lT, h, herring, b. b., and pike are most numerous; worms, small fish and Hies used 
 as baits; June and September best, or June to October all good; hotel #2p. d.; 
 Iniiiis 2.">c p. h. or #) p. d. 
 Manton (O. R. A: I. See page IX)— Cedar or. near station; Buttermilk cr. and 
 -'\.ral other unnamed creeks easily accessible; Cedar and Buttermilk cr's best" 
 rt 'lit and grayling; trout most numerous; woniiH, grasshopper.-., ^rubs etc. as bftits' 
 Muy, .Tiiiic iiiul July beHt; hotel $1.50 p. d.; bait at Bmall cost. A fine fisLiiiy 
 Marine City ',D. Jt C. S. >'.) — St. Clair r. near station; pf rcli, i>i(kcrel, pike, \<. h., 
 HiiutiHh etc.; ijcrcli and iiii'kt'H'l mont nunieroiiH; woriii-^ and minnows usual b'iis; 
 July, AuKUKt, Sci)t('nil)er and October bent: lintels .rl.Tiii to #2 i>. d.; bcuits and bmt 
 plenty and cheap. 
 Marquette (M- II. iV: <).) — Lake Superior at the town and small rivers, ntreains 
 and lakes within a radiun of a) m.; si)eckled trout, )>. b., j)ickerel and lake tiniit, 
 Worm bait; June, July and Aui,'ust best; hotids .•<'J.')0 p. d.; ^nii.le .■?'.! to j^J.'iO [•. d.; 
 row boat.s :?1. sail boats j^l r>() ]i. d.; bait nominal; lisliint^ fiom the rocks alon^; thi' 
 sluiri's of hake Superior is miu-h followed as the trout are larj^e, rimniu^ froin . 
 to 2 lbs. with an occasional 3 'j lb. fish Trolling for lake trout (average (J lli> , w 
 HUicessfnl in the lake. Thi.s iw a grai .1 tishing point. 
 Metropolitan (C it N. W.)— Ford r.. East and West braui lies of StiirHCoi- r . 
 and Heveral . ■ uill lakes, all wUhin r radius of (i to h im.; bass, jiickend, bro(d< tnnit 
 and ]> rch; '•<■ rivers are b(tst for brook trout and Six >Iile 1. for bass aTid pickiiil; 
 l)rook trout are most nun;erous; various u.-iual baits used; June and July bi >t; 
 hotel #2 jp. d. ; t,'nides, boats and bait at reasciiud^le price. The best lishiny is ?> in lu 
 ni. from .Metropolitan. • 
 McMillan (D. M. .S: M.)— Hound 1., Manistique 1. andAVhitetish 1.: two last 1. -t; 
 pike, inke-pei'ch, liass and inascalonac: imss most nunu'rous; summer and i.iU 
 best; no liotil liiit board can be pi'ociir'ed. 'I'he above lakes are said to bevii-iii 
 waters and abound in tlu' above named fish. 
 Michig'aniiue (M. II. \- (;.; — Michi^^amme 1. uljacent. Spur r. 1 m., spruce v. I 
 m., I'esliekee r. I ui. ami l-'em'(! r.- (tlie latter contains b. b.) The best waters aro 
 Si>rvKe and l'«'slMdite r's and .Michij^amme 1.; the ti'out are plentiful, \lsvuil luriv; 
 ^lay, June, July and .Au}.;;ist, the latter month lieiug thi' best; hottds ^'^ p. iL; 
 guides by contract; luiats and liaits cheaji. 
 Mitchell (O. H. .V I. See pat,'e IX)— (rooked 1., Seciion Ten 1.. Muskral 1, 
 (loose 1.. i.oiij,' 1., Cranberry 1. and Diamond 1. all .iccessibie; -Aluskrat 1 li'>t; 
 pickerel, b. b. etc. ; picdiertd most numerous: minnows and spoon hooks used as 
 baits: July to October best ; hot(d ,r3..")(i p. w.; guides .■►'2 p d. ] ishing excelleul. 
 Mona Lake (('■ ■'v vV. IM.)— .Mona 1. near .station; b. b. and iiike prineipallv : 
 niinnow and grub baits; June, July and .\ugust best: no hotels and other airtii; 
 modutious scarce, but line fishing at this place. 
 Moutag°lie (('• 'V W. M.)— White r. (at the luoutli) li m. I'ine small nuiuth b \>. 
 Monroe (!.• ^i. \M. S.) — Lake Erie ;j un; lliver Kaisin rims througli city: beih 
 godd; piki-, li. b., vvhitelish etc.: whitetish most numerous. snuiU lisli andw^nu 
 bails; spiing and fall months best: hotel ,*"J p. d.: guides j^L.'io to j^'^ p.. d. : In ats 
 and bait plent,^ at nominal I'ost. The best tinu^ for r. fishing is when thewml 
 hlow.-i in from Lake Erie, so say the local anglers. A good hshingpiiint. 
 Mt. Pleasant (F. .V P. M.)— (old Watvr 1. llm.: Willow 1. U m.; Eight I'-iiii 
 1. :io m.; Si\ Is 'Jl m.: Half .Moon 1. Vi m.; Last Kange 1. 11 m.: Six Is best, iml 
 give Very line lishing; b. b. pickend, uiascalonge and perc h: bass and pick' I'l 
 most abundant, minnows, worms and spoons; IMay, June and July best; hotel -iU 
 p. d.. >^.'> p. vv.; gnidi's and boats plenty aiid,cheap: bait ^1 \t. loo. 
 Miinising' (I). A: v. S. N. and D. M. \- .AI.)— Sixteen Mile 1. 11 m.; Indian r. i>^ i i . 
 L. Superior :('.! ni.; first best; spei-kled trout, vvhitelish. iiickerel, b. b., etc.; i !■ 1>- 
 erel and bass most numei'ous- worm and fa jiork bait; June, July and .\ii: u-t 
 best: hotels .^1 ..">0 p. d. ; uuides ,:^;i..">o p. <i. . boats Toe p. d. (iood flouting cuii i'- 
 had in sireanis easily reached .V good lishiui.. point. 
 Muskegon, 3rd st. station (C .V: W. .M.)— Muskegon 1. and r. near si.ii, n 
 Beai 1 2'.^ m. Lake ."\liehitiaii ."> m.; Plat 1 1 1 m. LV ."\li(diigan and .Muske ii 
 best, black rock am" spei kled bass, whitefish, jierch. pike, pickerel, jnascale' .• , 
 •■isco, herring, etc. b. b most numerous minnows'd mostly, but other ii::ts 
 according ti; aeaaou May, June, July, Seidember and Octoljcr best; hotel.-* .'r'- p. d„ 
 but board can lie Lad a' private houses at $'> p. w.: boats luc p. h.; bait 10c p. du.;. 
 Napoleon (L s \ M S.)— W(df 1. 'J m. siom 1. 1 *, m., darks 1. i m.; Viue\ i"'l 
 1 .'< jii, lirst best, black and silver bass an, 1 j)ickei'el, bass most numerous: u iii 
 and minnow baits; May and June bcbt mouths; hotels :rl,5u p, d.; boats and ' ."t 
 at moderate cost, "tiood llshiug " io reported. 
 L fine fi.-liJLj; 
 el, inke, I'.'n., 
 I visual li'it,-; 
 [latH auil Ipiiit 
 verH, Htrciiins 
 1 lake tiiut. 
 ) .«-J..M) 1 . 4.: 
 icks aldii^; thr 
 linn fl"ln 
 iige C lli>, , i~ 
 Sturncoi- 1- . 
 1, brook tr^nt 
 and iiifK' !> !; 
 l.l July 1"M; 
 liiug i« f> 1" I'l 
 two last !■■ -t; 
 uier and l;ill 
 I to be Miiiiu 
 II., Siiruic r. 1 
 ^st watei'f ale 
 , UHUul luiv-; 
 itels *'J I'. .1.; 
 .. .Musknii i , 
 i.^^krat 1 li'-t; 
 lookn uscil as 
 in excellent. 
 ]((' iiriueiimllv ; 
 thei' afc'iii- 
 .uth 1. ■<'■ 
 inU city; Ih'IIi 
 ish and \v. rm 
 y.. d. ; l'":its 
 len the \Miiit 
 (lint . 
 ; i;inllt l'"iHl 
 |x Is best, :iuil 
 and pickml 
 lest; Uotcl S'- 
 iidian r. i>^ >"■■ 
 111., etc.; i'i''k- 
 ^v and August 
 mlinn can I"; 
 Ineai" st.iii"ii 
 |id .Muskcu'U 
 luotlier I'lltS 
 lutels ;r- r. d., 
 liit 10c p. il^'ii- 
 In.; Viucy.inl 
 [erous; Willi 
 lais auil '"li^ 
 Veefauuee (M. H. k O.)— Carp r., Escanaba r., Chonkalay r,, Trout 1., Teal 1. and 
 niiiiiy other Hniall Th, all '<J'a to '20 m.; Kscanaba r. beHt; trout and chub; trout 
 uiuA abundant; woriiif.. beef, Hies and art. baits used; May, .June, .July and August 
 Kt'Ht. hotel $ p d.; guides at $1 p. d., and found: boats auil bait at nominal cost, 
 our c<irreHpondeut writes us ' A red hackle fly takes well in «)uly and August; a 
 troUi tin is also good during these nionths; a piece of chub is always good." 
 ITewaygO (C. «fc W. M.)— Muskegon r. near station; Hess 1. 2ni.; Pickerel and 
 Kiiuluil; r 'ili ni., Brooks 1. 2 m.; J'win I's 4 m.; Biglow cr. and t'oolbaugh cr. 5 
 111. ai good, perch, b. b., pickerel, pike, etc.; Hess 1. is best for perch; Brooks 1. 
 till bass, ana Pickerel and Kimball I's for bass and jiickerel; Muskegon r. for pike, 
 anc! tlio cr's foi trout; minnows and other baits used; May, June and October best; 
 hutfl f i p d.; boats and bail easil) procured. 
 Newberry (several r. r.)— Taquanieuoa r. 1 to 5 m.; Whiteflsh 1. O m.; no choice; 
 mascalouge, pike, b b. trout, etc. three tirst most ntimerous; July and August 
 bfst hotel $'J p d, no professional guides, but i)eraons for the puii)08e can be 
 JTewport (L. S. & M. S.)— Lake Erie 3 m.; all the diflereut varieties of fresh 
 wairr fishes, pike and b. b. most abundant; minnow bait; June and September 
 liertt hotel $1 p. d.; guide $1 p i. boats i^'Z p. w. 
 Niles (Mich. 0.)— Barrows 1. and aam on St. Joseph r. 1 m.; Lacey's p. and dam 
 ,iu., oest waters are above and below dam on St. Joseph's r.; bass, perch, pick- 
 erel and pike; the two former in the majority; minnows and worm bait. Anytime 
 of the season is reported good for fishing. Hotels $5 to $7 per week. No protes- 
 sioual guides, V)ut men can be hired to show grounds for |l,25 p. d.; boats 50c, 
 [), d, . lUiunows 5c p doz 
 Sforth Adams (L. S. & M. S.) — Lake Adams 3}^ m.; Devil's 1. 12 m.; last named b. b.. speckled bass and pickerel; baas most numerous; minnows are usual 
 liai'.^i, May and June best hotels $1.50 p. d. ; boats and bait at very small cost. 
 Novi (F & P M.)— Walled 1 S"-, m.; i .ckerel, porch, b. b., etc.; pickerel and 
 ba.s.s most numerous minnows and worms used for bait; June, September and 
 liiceiiilx^r best hotel a' moderate price; hotel fur; 'shes guides; l)oats 25c p. h. 
 Onota (Bet. M & M.)— Deerl. J m.; 
 June, .liih and August 
 b. b. priucipi .y ; said to be some mascalougo; 
 Oscoda (D. & C. S. N.) — An Sable r. adjacent; Van Ettan 1. 2'^ m.; cluster of 
 Likis (unnamed' 22 m., An Sable r. best for grayling, and lakes for pickerel and 
 1). li tlies used mostly; July, August and September best; no hotels near fishing 
 grouiul, cam])ing has to be done 
 Osseo (L S & M. S.)— Lake Pleasant 1 'i m.; Osspo Lakes (I) all near station; first 
 liii-i iiickerel bass, perch, "bluegill," etc.; black and silver bass most numerous 
 minuowt aiui worms used a.'- 'laits; May and June best: hotels j;i..")0 p. d, ; guides 
 $'.'11. d. boats and bail reasonable. 
 Otsego Lake i.Mich. (.".) — Chain of four Chub Creek lakes r, m.; Otsego 1. at station- 
 (td[io 1. '2 m. Manistee r. 8 m., Bear 1. 10 m.; and north branch Manistee r. 25 m.; 
 lili'Uty ot pickerel and 1). b. in Chub lakes; live niinno\\ bait. In all the lakes 
 uauHil b. b., pickerel, perch, etc., abound. The Manistee contains (niantities of 
 t;r;iylhin; a brown hackle fly the favorite lure, minnows, frogs and art. spoons are 
 iistil tor the oth' r tisli; September and October b(!St nionths; board f 5 ji. w.; guides 
 ilo>> to $2 p. d. ; boats $1 to $1.50. See Thk Amkuican .\N(iLER, Vol. VI, pp. '.) and 122, 
 Ottawa I C. As W. M.) — Grand r. '., m.; I-. ^Michigan J^ m.; several bayous easily 
 ttc(r>.-ilile within 2 to 5 m.: cisco; w. and b. b., lake perch, etc.; cisco, w. b. and 
 luiili most numerous; minnow bait; May, Juno and July best: liotel $2 p. d.; 
 guiiii- ,*1 p, d.; boats 25c p. h.; 15c p. do/., for minnows. Exi-elleut fishing here. 
 Otter Lake (F. & P. M.) — Otter 1., Powder Horn 1. and ISass 1., all connected by 
 iliiiuuels and within short distance of station; witliin 2 m. are North 1., Heming- 
 way 1., Twin Sisters, Bear 1. and numerous othirs all easy of access; all good; b. b., 
 I'iikenl, iierch, etc,; bass and pickfrtT most nuineroUH; worms, frogs, siioon hooks 
 aiiilrtics used; June to October best; hotels #1 to ^^2 p. d.; boats, baits, etc. plenty 
 at 1"\\ prit'es. 
 Paw Paw (T. ^^ S. H.)— Four Alile 1., Three Mile 1., Ueynolds 1.; all of these are 
 easily rcaclK'd from station: black and rock bass, blue fish (.') and jierch; the twi) 
 latter most numeruus; customary baits; summer months bost: hotels reasonable; 
 piiilis nut nei.'ded; baits cheap. Fishing excellent. 
 B '• • 
 } ■■■' 
 Fellston ( G. R. & I. Sco page IX. I—Doiiplase 1 4 m., is rcimtcd to lie a 
 niOHt excellent black bttss and pike water; the former reach tj Ibn. aud the latter » 
 IbB.; iiHiial baitK iucluding praHshopperH; hotels $1 p. d.; guides $"J p. d.; boats .Siip 
 p. d.; boarding tentH ut thcs 1. during the neaHoii, charges f 1 p. d., including h'lard. 
 Maple r., j^ ni. diHtj^ut, is said to contain nothing but grayling. 20 fish to a rod iua 
 day's flsbiug ih a good score. Art. flies are used; worms which catch the laincsi 
 grayling cannot be had at Pellston. See Thk' Amkrican Aniilkk, Vol. Vil, 
 page i'.i. 
 Pentwater {C k W. 51.) — Peutwatei 1. near station; Lake Michigan adjannt; 
 both good; black and speckled bass, pickerel, i)erch, etc.; perch and si)ccklc(l Iih^s 
 most numerous; minnows used for bait; May until October best; hotel J'2 ji. d. 
 Petoskey (ti. K. & I. See page IX.) — Bear 1. 6 m.; Lake Michigan, ("rookdl i.. 
 Pickerel 1. and Burtl. 5 ni.; Kound 1. 3 lu.; Bear, Crooked and Pickerel lakes best; 
 pickerel, li. b., jjerch, etc.; bass and i)ickerel most numerous; worm ami niiniidw 
 l)aits; May to September ])est; hotels $2 to $3 p. d.: boats at reasonable rate. The 
 lishiug is good here. See The Amkhuan AsciLKit, Vol. VI, pp. 2(5 and '.U. 
 Plainwell (T-. S. & M, S.)— Kalamazoo r. at stption; Pine 1. fi m.: Gun 1. 12 ni.; 
 and from l-i to 1.") small I's fnuu !i to ti iii.; the second and third named lakes Ixst; 
 b. b., pike, pickerel, niascalonge. etc . : thcb. b. andiiickeri'l most abundant: liait.-- 
 are minnows, frogs, craylisb, grubs and wor)iis; June, July and August are the 
 fav<UMte months; hotels ;f "> to .i^ii p. w.; no regular guides; boats 25c to $1 p, d. 
 The fishing in this sectii n is reported to us as "good." 
 Powers (('. k N. AV.) — Big Cedar r. 1 ni.; Little Cedar r. 5 m.; Devils cr. 10 m,; 
 Vest branch of Cedar r. '> m.: North branch of Cedar r. 7 m.; Big Cedar and Uh two 
 branches best; brook trout ]irincipally; W(U'ni and chub baits; June, July aud .Vu};- 
 list best; hotels j^l.-'io p. d.; guide j^U p. d.; nc boatji but bait plenty. 
 Quiucy (I'. H. ^' M. S.)— Chain of lakes (\ in number, 1st one 1 m.; Marble 1. or :!(1 
 one best; pickerel, b. b. etc. ; b. b. most abundant; minnow baits; June, July, Sept- 
 ember aud October best; hotels at reasonable rates; boats 25c to 50c p. d. 
 Beed City (ft. R. & I. See page IX.) — Ilereey r. at station; b. b., trout and gray- 
 ling abound, the latter most numerous flies used for two last named and usuiil 
 baits for b. b.; June to August best; hotels f2p. d.; guides ?3 p. d.; boats aii'l 
 bait at reasonable prices. The Muskegon r. 4 in. gives good ttshing f(U' b. b., pick- 
 erel, iierch etc. (Uiides scarce, but information is freely given at the hotels. 
 Beedsboro (Det. M. &M.) — Unnamed branch l)a m.; West branch 5J^ m.; North 
 braiu'h m. Stuch's cr. 2 m.; several laud-locked lakes 5 to 7 ni.; unnamed uili- 
 \itaries ot Stuch's cr. 10 m., and Indian r. 14 m.; Stuch's cr. and West branch arc 
 best; brook trou I in all except lakes and b. 1). are in them; brook trout are most 
 numerous; art. flies, fln bait, worms, venison and pork for trout and usual baits for 
 bass; July and August best (see State Laws). No hotel at present, but accomnioda- 
 tions can be had. 
 Boby's Junctiou (C. i^ W. M.) — North branch Pere Marquette r. at station; Lit- 
 tle Nort' branch }i m.; last named best; trout and grayling; grayling most nuuier- 
 ous; flies, crickets and worm baits; June and July best; hotels, guides, boats etc. at 
 Baldwin's S m. distant. 
 Bock Biver (Det. INI. & M.)— Rock r. 1 m.: trout; artificial flies, worms, etc.; 
 August 15 to September 15 best; no hotels here. 
 Bose Centre (F. & P. M.)— Long 1. .3 m.; Buck Horn 1. '., m.; several other small 
 lakes from j^ to 2 m.; all good Ashing, two tirst mentioned the best; b. b., pick- 
 erel, perch, sunflsh etc. abound; minnows, wornis, dams etc. as baits; May to Oc- 
 tober mcluoive best ; boats and bait can be procured. A good lishiug ground. 
 Sag'inaw City (Mich. C.) — Within ?m. are the Sagiiuiw, Cass, Tittabawaesee and 
 Shiawassee r's., the best of which is the Cass r. Black bass, i)ike, jiike-perch ami 
 perch, of which the pike and perch are the most numerous; minnows aud art. 
 spoon, in use July to October best; hotels ;fl.5o to f 3 p. d.; no guides required; 
 boats aud bail plentif u and cheap. The above waters are sluggish, hence the 
 though plentiful are not very gamy. 
 Sand Beach (D. *: C. S. N.)— Sand Beach Harbor and Lake Huron within 
 1> m. first best; perch, herring, b. b., lake trout, etc.; perch and herring most nu- 
 merous; worms, minnows and trolling spoons used for baits; all summer sea^oll 
 best; hoteia J1.50 p. d. ; boats 25c p. h. or cheaper by the day; baits at very moder- 
 ate pricu. 
 [Hited to he a 
 1 the latter 'H.) 
 1. (1.; lidiitK f>(ii- 
 cludint; liMani. 
 ■ih to a, i'<i<l ilia 
 i-h the laiK(;-i 
 LEB, Vol. VII, 
 itian ad.imfiit; 
 I siiei'klfil liai-i' 
 tel $'i p. (1. 
 Ill, Or()ol<(il ],. 
 I'd lakes lust; 
 I Hiul llliuilnw 
 ible rat<!. Tin/ 
 Oim 1. I'J ni.; 
 icd lakeH Inst: 
 ItuiidHnt; baits 
 •iUgut<t are the 
 c to $1 p. a. 
 evils cr. 10 m,; 
 dar and i>H two 
 , July and Aug- 
 Marble 1. or :!(1 
 line, July, Sept- 
 trout and f^ray- 
 fuod and umi:i1 
 d.; boats ainl 
 or b. b., piik- 
 4 ni.; 
 unnamed irili- 
 pKt branch arc 
 out are luost 
 usual baits for 
 it accomnioda- 
 at station; Lit- 
 ig most nuuKT- 
 es, boats etc. at 
 s, worms, etc; 
 ftl other small 
 st; b. b.. pick- 
 May to Oc- 
 shiug ground, 
 abawassce and 
 like-perch ami 
 uows and art. 
 ides retiuind; 
 euce the lisli 
 Huron witbin 
 ^riug most uu- 
 lunmcr season 
 lit very nioder- 
 SaUgfatuCk (<^' ^ W. M.)— lyako Michigan, Kalamazoo r. and 1., adjacent; Kala- 
 ],iazi i> r. best; blk., speckled and wbite liass, jiike, jserch and jiickerel; b. b. and 
 iiilie most uuinerous; minnow and •rayrish baits; June 1 to Oct. 1 best; hotel $2 ji. 
 (1.; (jnides reasonable; boats 'iSc p. h. or il p. d. 
 Sault ste Marie (!>■ *j *■'• ^- N.)— (ioulais r., Batchewaua r., Montreal r., Agawa 
 r, Sand r., Cold r., Ctaryantua r. and Michipicotin r.; trout, b. b., pike and masca- 
 leWe. The Agawa r. best for trout, Vi\r. they abound in great numbers in all of 
 tbt 111, The Goulais r. best for bass, jiike and mascalonge; flies and ^vorm8 used; 
 .luiie and Sejit. best; guides, camp outfits, boats and baits can be had, all reasona- 
 tili. The dark red hackle is the favorite local tly. Tnmt run from 1 to 4 lbs. and 
 are niken in abundance. This point is the usual gateway to the Nipigon section for 
 the aii;;krH of the United States. 
 SebewainST (S.T. & H.) — Saginaw Bay ', m.; .Sobewaing r. near station; first best;, jiickerel, perch, bullheads and suntish; bass most numerous; minnow, frog 
 and worm baits; June, August and September besi, hotels $1 to $l.o(t p. d.; guides 
 and boats at reasonable rates; bait plenty. The mouth of Sebewaing r. and the Ma- 
 tine Islands are the favorite grounds. 
 Seney (Bet. M. & M.) — Foxr. near station; Manistiqne I's accessible via Fori r.; 
 Mauistique r. and outlet and headwaters of Fox and Manistiqne r's accessible; 
 Iliad waters best for trout, and lakes for pike, perch, bass and mascalonge; baits for 
 trint are art. flies, tin V)ait, venison, pork etc.: for other tishes spoon bait princi- 
 lallv: summer best; tall for mascalonge; hotel at reasonable rat'.-. Within 10 to 18 
 In. will be found some of the best trout waters in America. 
 Schoolcraft (L. S. & M. S.)— Sugar Loaf I's (2) .3 m.; Hogsett 1. and Gourdneck 
 '.V, ui.; Howard 1., Kound 1., Barton 1., Holiday 1. and Greggs 1. all in one 
 m,; tine fishing in all of them; pickerel, pike, perch, speckled 
 h. b., rock bafs 
 1. and s. 
 lijin,; fine fishing in all of them; pickerel, pike, perch, speckled bass, Land s. 
 m h. b., rock bas-s etc.; pendi, bass and snnrtsh most numerous; minnows, 
 worms and trolling spoons are usual baits; July, August, Septembe.- and October 
 lii>f; hotel $!..")« p. d. or $5 p. w.; no guides etc. for hire, but information and 
 1 .ats can be procured . 
 ; bait 
 ! proc 
 Scottville (F. fe P. M.)— Pere Marquette r.; pike, pickerel etc.; pike 
 Lunierous; minnow pork and worm baits; hotels $'2 p. d.; guides if'i p d. 
 Shelby (C. k W. M.)— ,\ number of trout streams in this locality unnamed; all 
 i;ood;l)rook trout only; worms and flies usual baits; June and November best; hotels 
 ?'J P d. 
 So. Bay City (F. &P.M.) — Saginaw r. '.^ m.; Cheboyganning cr. 2 m.; first best; 
 litreh, b, b. and shovel-nosed pike; perch (yellow) most numerous; worm bait; 
 November best month; hotels $l,">(i p. d,; guides $2 ^i. d.; boats and bait $1 p. d. 
 So. Boardman (G. R. & I.)— So. Boardman r. near station; si)eckled trout; 
 worm bait. J\me and July best; hotel $1..')0 p. d.; guides, boats and bait at very 
 fuiall cost. Trout have been caught here weighing J lbs. 
 Sparta (C. A: W. M.)— Lower 1. High 1., chain Ls, Camp 1., Indian 1.. Squaw 1,, 
 Ueund 1. and Long 1. 3 and i ni,; Kogue 1. 1 m.; Camp 1. best; pickerel, b. b. pierch 
 and "blue gills"; pickerel and jierch most almndant; minnow and worm baits; 
 -May best mouth; hotels $1 p. d.; guides fU p. d.; boats and bait 60c p. d. 
 Spriugport (L. S. & M. S)— Duck 1. 4 m.: b. b. and pickerel; last most numer- 
 "Us; minnows usual baits; May, June, Jidy, Sejitcniber and October best: hotel 
 »1 \). d.; guide at reasonable rate; boat .'jUc p. d. 
 Stager (C. Ai N. W'.)— Brule r, 1 ni.: Boot 1. 4 m.: Lake Stager '4 m. ; Deadmans 
 1. 1 m.: Pickerel 1. 3'o m.; Lake Maggie .") m.; Brule r. best: speckled trout, b. b., 
 I'irkert 1 and i)erch ; trout most numerous; fresh venison and beef, worms etc. used 
 fir bait; April, May, June, October and November best. The Brule r. is best for 
 irout, and Boot 1. for b. b. A good fishing ground. 
 Stanibaugrh (C. & N. W.)— Iron r. near station; Brule r. 8 m.: Stanley 1. 4 ni.; 
 rlirau'i'ii 1. t> m.; Brule r. best; trout, b. b., pickerel, wliitefish etc.; tr<uit most 
 .il'UiK.iuit; grubs, worms, beef, files etc. aii bait; June, July and August best; hotels 
 $!..>! to $2 p. d.; guides f2 to $''j p. d.; boats can be had. 
 Star Island at St. Clair flats in Lake St. Clair 30 m. from Detroit; (Via D. .1- C. 
 IS, N.I— Perch, b. b., pike, mascalonge and i)ickrnd; b. b. most abundant; <!iii)is, 
 iraytish, perch, frogs, shiners etc. as baits; July, August add September best; 
 hotel $2 p. d., or $10 p. w.; guides $2 p. d.; buat.s $1 p. rl.. or $3.50 p. w. A 
 go(<(l water. 
 St. Charles (.Mich. C.) — Bad r. '4 111. from atatiou; pickerel, pereb aud 1). 1).; 
 piikercl aiul pvfoh luo.Ht ahmulaut; woriii.H, iiiiunows, meat and Hpooiis &>t bait, 
 fall iiiontlirt best; boteU ^l.fiO and ^;vJ; boats reascuable; uo regular guideo: beat 
 li^jbiug ;t to 5 luile.s dowu the river. 
 St. Clair |l>. ^V f. S. N.)— St. dair r.audPiuer.; lirst; i)ii'kerel, bciiius,' 
 iind b. b.; pickerel most numerous; worms usual bait; .)uue, July aud Augu-rit best- 
 hotels $'J p. d.; boats ^ni- p. b. or $1 p. d. 
 St. Joseph (several r. r.)— St. Josepb r.aud barl)or, and Lake Michigan; Paw Paw 
 r. and 1., 12m.; Berrien and Twui springs 15 m. Early in the seast)n the best tiHhiUi> 
 is at the moutli of St. .Jonepb r. Midsummer and fall at Berrien aud Twin sprint;.-!. 
 B. b., white bass, ijickcri'i. i>ik«', ami an oe(-asional nmscalonge are taken. Inl. 
 Mi .bigau large peri-li inid hiUi" trout arc caught. Black and white bass in r. .Min- 
 nows, i-raytisb, worms aud art. b:iits arc used; from June to IJct. :U, the best perimi 
 for white bans; June aud July. St-pt. and Oct. for b. b.; hotels $2 i>, d.; guides pt-r 
 coutraet; boats .-f I p. d.; minnows 10c p. doz. 
 Straits of Mackinac (1). .s;('. s. N.)— Les Cheneanx about Ifi m. from the 
 Island (if Mat^kinac; piki-, i)ikepercb, niasealonge, b. b., etc.; pike and s. m. b. ba.sri 
 most numerous; minuow and craytisb baits; July, August, September and OctnluT 
 best; an Indian guide can be hired, but cami)in« out must be doiu'. C'arp r. uuil 
 several other good trout str's art' on tb(^ north sluu-e of the straits. 
 Strouach (I-', ^v P. .M.)— Manistee 1, near station; Bass 1. 18 m.; last named l)e.-it; 
 1). b., piu'eh aud pickerel; bass most numerous; minnows aud worms usual baius; 
 .\pril l)est month; boats aud l)ait at reascji'-ible rates. 
 Stlirgris (!'■ S. .S: M. S.i — Johnson 1. '2 m.; (;rotcb 1. 3 m.; Ilog Creek 1. 4 m.; 
 Williams 1. 3 m.; Little Johnson 1 . 3 m.; Fish 1. 3 m.; Little Hound 1. 3 m.- Plum 
 I. '1 '3 m.; Hog (!reek 1. and Williams 1. best; 1>. b., strawberry ))ass, pickerel, perch, 
 rock bass eti-.; b-iss.-in.l pickerel most iiuuuTous; minuiAvs and worms usual bam; 
 May, Jun(N July, Septcml)er aud ()ctol)er best; hotels *1 to .?2 j). d.; guides at 
 reasonable rates; boats and baits at uu)derate cost. There are uumeroue other 
 small I's. and cr's. in this section where lisb are abuiulaut 
 Tallman ( 1". '.v P. M.)— Sauble, Twin, liouud, Ford, Bass, Odar, Way RoaJ, 
 (rfiss and Long lakes; Lincoln and Satible r's .; distance ', t<. H m.; Satible, Twin, 
 liouud aud i^iiug Is best; b. b., pickerel, "blue gills," and sonu' pike; bass an I 
 pi kerel most abundant; minnows, deer tail and spoon books as baits; May, June, 
 .Sept. and Oct. best; no regular iiotel. but boardiug hyuses at $1 to $l,-.i5 p. d.; 
 guide f'i.'J') p. d.; boats on most all of the lakes. 
 Xopinabee (Mich. ('.)— Mullet 1. ."> rods; Imlian and Pigeon r. 3 m.; Burt 1. J m. 
 The best i)f these is Mullet 1.; pike, pickerel, b. b., and niasealonge in the lakes, 
 aud grayling in the rivers. June, July. Sept. and Oct. best months; hotels ^J-Jti 
 $2.50 p. d.; giiides, including boat f3 i). d. .V stream 2'^ m. from Toi)inabi-e has 
 been stocked with trout and will be open for public fishing after May 1, 18a5. 
 Traverse City (<L R. iV L Seepage IX)— (Iraud Traverse Bay and Boardniau 
 r. near station; both good; in the bay. 'diukiuaw (lake) trout, wbitelisb, bei-iin^ 
 and perch; in the river si)eckled trout and pickerel: all very plenty; spooti hi iks, 
 miiuiows, worms, tly hooks and tins used as baits; Ju!u\ July and .\ugust licst: 
 November the best for trolling for Mackinaw trout; hotels $1,50 to $4 p, d.; guide 
 $2 p. d.. boats .«1 p. d. This is a noted tishing point. 
 Three Rivers (Mich. ('.)— St. Josep.i r. runs tlirough towti; FLahers 1. 5 m,; 
 liickerel, lake bass, (Striped bass) and ])erch, bass aud perch are nu)st abundant; 
 W'lrms, minnows 
 aud i)aits cheap. 
 ami Hies; best mont!n, May, June, .\ug., Sept. and Oct.; beaW 
 n-ar station; i)icki 
 had. There are 
 rel, 1). b., etc. 
 3 or 4 other 
 ; l>ann 
 TastinC'- B- -v I. See page IX) — Kose 1, 
 most numerous; worm bait; boats eaii be 
 within 4 m. where there is good rtshing also. 
 Watorsmeet (M. L. S. & W.)— Duck cr and Great Trout hr. near station: 
 la>t best; luook trout; flies and wiu-nis Usual baits; May 20 to Seiitenib.' 1 
 l)eht; good hotel $1.50 p. d. ; eunof with oarsman $2..';o to $3 p. d. Duck cr. tan Im 
 lislied from the banks for 5 m.: the trout although small, are plentiful. On-at 
 Trout br. is consideicd to be <uie of the best streanis in the Northwest. Wi-.te 
 to r. r. agent at I'agle lliver. Wis., on above ru:id: he will arrange lor guides to meal 
 ;i[i.rl. 1- at \Vator«mpet. which is 20 m. from Fagle River. The best plan howover 
 ,, I, ~v<\> at thi- latter place flrt^t, aud tinh the waters there, then go up to Waters- 
 i,i, . t Aitli yiiiir fiiiidfs. 
 Watervliet (♦' 'V- AV. M.)— Paw Paw 1. 1 m.: Paw Paw r. near station: first best; 
 iiii k' I'll, b. b. mid suiitish; pickerel most iiunierons; minnow^ and woriUH usual 
 li;iit>. winter is best for iiickcrel, but caught at all seasout?; hotels at reasonable 
 iiriii -; boats 'iac to "lOc p. d.; bait at sniall cost. 
 West Bay City (Mich. ('.)— Saginaw r. and Bay; the latter t m. distant; lake 
 til. HI ulutetisli, bass and jierch: Sept. aud Oct. for bass; fiy, nuiiuows aud worms. 
 Ihi I'.iv and lake tishing excellent. 
 West Branch (Mieli. c.i— Kelly's 1. ."> ni.. dam on West branch of Rifle r. H m. 
 (it'or^^i's 1. 5 HI.. S;tge's 1. IH ni.' tile latter is the best water: b. 1)., pike, perch, etc.: 
 the two former prevailing; minnows, trogsiindart. spoons are used; October and 
 Jmie best mouths; hotels ^IJM p. d.; guides ditto; boats aud baits at moderate 
 Willis (W. St. I.. \- P. See p. XV) — Huron r. 3 ni.; i)ike, pickerel, b. b., etc.; 
 1), 1). most n\inu'i'ous; worm bait; April, May aud September best; hotel ?'2p. d.; 
 bniits and bait at nominal I'ost. 
 Woodstock (I- S. \ M. S.I— (loose 1. '.,m.; b. b., perch and pickerel: first most 
 •iliuiul ml: worm and meat baits; May aud September best; no regular hotel; boats 
 J.V 1.. d. 
 Wyandotte (Mich. ('.)— Detroit r. '3 m.; perch, b. b. and pike; minnow and 
 uiiiiH bait: best months, .lutie. -luly, .Vug. and Sept.; hotels .f'J to ,*:( p. d.; no 
 ^uiiles needed; boats 'J.'ic p. h. The White Sulpiiur Springs are situated at this 
 puiiit, where in season (Mch. .\pr. Nov.) good shooting cau be had. 
 Aitkin (N. P- See pagf' VTTI)— Cedar 1. .i m.; Sandy 1, 50 m.: Mill Lncs; last 
 1,1..-!. w hitefish, i)ickerel, bass and pike pickerel ami whitortsh mostly; trolling hooks 
 ii-uilly used: Alay au<l Septeiuber bist months: hotel.*:! p. d. Otir correspondent 
 \viii>~: ••(treat sport tishing in this lake (Suiidy). (iame of all kinds." 
 Albany (i^t. P. M. ^ M. SeepaneX.) — Rice 1. <) m.: pike, pickerel, rock bass 
 ;ui(l -nutish; rock bass and jiike most numerous; spoons and worms used: May, 
 .lull-- ;ind -luly best, hotels .*! p. d.; boats ."xic to .■?! p. d. 
 Albert Lea (("• M. \St. P. See inside back cover.)— Fountain 1. 'j m.; picker- 
 il aiMl perch; perch most numerous; minnow and worm baits. April, May, October 
 aiiil November best; hotel ?'2 p. il.; boats and bait at moderate prices. 
 Aldrich(N'. P-) — Dower 1. 4 m.: jiickerel and bass: pick(>rel most numerous; 
 tr 'j^ ,uid minnows usua" baits; .lune. July and .\ugust best; hotels aud guide at 
 it.i^.iuable rate: l)oat 5()c p. d. 
 Alexandria (St. P. M. \- :\r.)— Lakes Oeupva, Latnka. Victoria, Afnius, Le Hoiu- 
 luiiliii. Iiiirling, Alinoua and a ilo/.eii others, all wifiiin 10 m. : ;ill t-'ood; wall-eyed 
 pikr, pickerel, b. b.. Oswego and rock bass,, croppies, pencil, eti^.; wall-<>y«'d pike, 
 liirkeicl, b. and r. bass most numerous; minnow and frog baits: .lune 1 to October 
 l.Mii«t: hotels if^i ji. d.. #lOp, w.: boats "jOc p. d. Our correspondent writi's: ••We 
 ari' all anglers here. Rock bass vi'eigh 1 lb. ; b. b. :! to •"> lbs.; iiiekerel. (piket and 
 uiasi'iilonge fnmi •') to lo lbs.: wall-eyed pike (pike-i)erch) 1 'j to lo lbs, aud suufish 
 auaiMTch '. lb." 
 Appleton (('. M. 'V St. P.) — .\rtichok(> 1. lo m.: i)ike, pickerel, bass and croppies 
 I'ikc iuid i)ickerel most numerous: frogs, anyle and grub worms as baits; May to 
 Uitolicr best; m> regular hotel; a few boats cau be had. Very good fishing is re- 
 Ashley lSt. P. M. .V M.i— Pelican 1. 1 m.; Christian 1. 'J', m.: Lake Sewall •.",, 
 lu.: I'llican 1. best for early season and L. Sewall for summer: i)ike, jdckerel aiicl 
 1mis:<; hass most numerous; art. spoons and fi'ogs used; .Vjiril l)est for i)ickerel and 
 May for bass; hotel .■f'J p. d.: guides, boats aud baits moderate. Fishing rei)i)rfed 
 (■Xc'.'ll. ut. 
 Atwater (St. P. ^i. \ M. See page X.)— Diamond 1. :t m.: (ireen 1. 1.") ni.; last 
 bt'.st; [lickerel, pike, etc.: i)ickerel most numerous: worms, frogs, etc. u.'»ed; siiriug 
 I'CHtHeason; hotel $i p. w. (Jooil fishing reported. 
 Audubon (N. P. See page VII D— Lake Cormorant -i m.; Pelican 1. lo m.; I^ke 
 Ilunlce in.; two first beHt; pickerel, rock bans, h. b.. whituJlHli, etc.; rock liatiHaud 
 wliitctisli iiid^t abundant; fro^ and frrsli water clam baits; May and Juno bust; 
 Lntel .'rl to .'rl..">o>i. d.; Ixiuts at b)W prices. Tlie resulent.s di> not tihli iniicli. 
 Avon (St. 1'. .\I. A: -M. Wee \>in>v. X.)— .Sijunk l'.- and Minnie 1. ', m.; tirHt lnht; 
 pickerel, jiikc, )». 1)., etc.; iiickerel niiist nunieious; jiiinnnw and t'ro^ baits; Aiinl, 
 May and .luiicbest; Initel ,»1 p. tb; boats a:'.d liuit at reasi.inablr cost; tniUiuy is tUc 
 t'aviiriti' iiitthod anion^' b)cal anylers. 
 Barnesville (St. 1*. ^r. .V M.)— Deer Horn brancli 7 m., Pelicai. Kapuls '.'J m. 
 I«ikcs at -Norwet^ian <irovc IJ m.; J'elican and licerlbirn best; pickerel, ))ass aiul 
 wliitertsh; pickerel most abundant, fro^ and fresh meat baitw, -Mav, June and .July 
 best: hotels at reaHonable rates. 
 BattieLake (N. P. See pajie VIII.)-15attle 1. '., ni.; Bass 1. '. ni.; East Battle 
 1. I m.: Otter lail i. 5 ni.; first be.-^i: pickerel, bass, piki'. and wbitetinh; bass, ]iike 
 and whitelish most al)iuidant in the fall; minnow bait- .May, .June, July, Octolicr 
 and Novt.'iiiber liesl niontlis; hotels .*'J..">ii p. d.; ;,'ilides .*2 p. d. ; Iioats plenty and 
 cheap. These are ^'ood fishiuji, huntinj^ and pleasure yrounds, with t^'ood accoui- 
 Uecker (N. P.) — Miss. r. 2 jn.; Klk r. ', ni.; iilk. Hall and Thompfion I's .'i in.; 
 Klk 1. best: jiike, pickerel, b. b., etc.; iiiinnow and froj,' baits; hotel ^'1 p. u.; boats 
 and bi'it at moderate charges. 
 Eeltrami (St. P. .M. \- .M. See pa^'e X.)— Maple 1.. I'nioi. 1., (rvstal 1. 
 ( lear 1. and Sand Hill r., all about '20 m.; Maple and Crystal Is l)est: pickinl 
 principally; minnows and trolling' hooks used; .\pril to June best; no hotels; 
 cinipmn outfits ri'ip.ired; boats can 1 e had cl.>'ap. N cry Hj;e tishiiij,' reported. 
 Big" Iiake (N. P. and St. P. M. .S: M.)— Bi;i 1. near station: Thompson's 1. .! m.; 
 I-anle 1. 4 m.: last best; b. b. ami pickerel; 't. I), most numerous; fro^ and miiiiinw 
 bails: May and.)uno best; season good to Septembi-r; hotel iri p. w.; boats can be lial. 
 Excelh'iit fisliing reported. Bi;^ 1. was stiu'ked with ^almon (lake) trout some S 
 ji'ais ago; none liave lieen caught as yet, but as tin' water is over 'MO feet dcLj), 
 experienced anglers may yet find these fish in tlie lower depths. 
 Brandcn (St. P. M. iV M.)— Moon 1. '., m.; whitefish, bass, pike and pickcrtl; 
 liickeicl most numerous; wornu and spoons used; June best; hotel .* 1,.")U p. U. 
 guides boats and bait at reast)nable charge. 
 Brown's Valley (St. P. M. \- M.)— L. Traverse 1'^ m.; Big Stone 1. 4 m.; first 
 best; iiickerel, silver bass, pike, butl'alo, etc.; pickerel, bass and sucki'rs most iiu- 
 meious; beef, frogs, etc. are used as halts; good ii.osi all se;isous; hotels $'2 p. il.; 
 boats and bait at '«(le p. d. >laiket fishing is mostly followed. 
 Brownton (<". M. \' .St. P. .See insidi' back cover.; — Lake Marion !1 m.; bake 
 I'reston ;• m.: both very gooil; pike, jdi kerel and various lunds of bass; bass aiul 
 pickerel most numerous; minncjw and fioj^ halts; .May and June V)est; hotel #J p, 
 d.; boats and bait cheap. Excellent fishing. 
 Buffalo Iiake (*"• M. A: St. P.)— L!»k<! .Ulie .'> m.; Lake Prestmi 4 m.; last named 
 be-t; i)ickerel. jiike and b. b. ; pickerel most numerous: minnow s ami frogs usual 
 baits; May and June best; hi>tel ;rl p. d. 
 Carlisle (St. P. M. \- M. See page X.)— L. Oscar I m.; L. Hexetli 1 '. m: last 
 named best: pickerel and bass; pickerel most iiumerinis; frog bait; May and liiiie 
 best; no n-giilar ln)tels, but privaic board can be procure<l. 
 Centre City (St. P. .t T>.) — ("hisago I's adjoining station; bass, pickerel, eroppifs, 
 tiuntish. etc.: pickerel (jiike) most numerous; art. spoons and minnows used; May, 
 and June best; hotels fl to il.'>f^ \>. d.; hotels furnish boats to boarders free: halts 
 can be had very cheap. .\n excellent fishing point. 
 Chanhassen (<'. M. >^ st. P.)— Long 1. and Lake Susan '., m.; Lake Minnrtonka 
 3 m.: Long 1. best: i)ickerel. lake bass, rock bass, etc.: lake and rock bass mest 
 abundant: spoons, frogs and grub worms as baits; June and September best; Leai'tt^t 
 hotels are at Minnetonka It m. (iood fishing. 
 Chatfield (C. Aj N. W.)— Boot r. '. m.; Mill cr. '4 111.; first best: b. Il .ml 
 speckled trout are found; luiunow and worm bait.s; Ajiril and September 1m>'.; 
 Lotel •?-J p. d. 
 Ciitiiertl (N. P. See page VIFI.)—Clitlieni! 1. nea;' station: Battle 1. 1 111.: Kast 
 Battle l.'-ii:.; OtterTail 1. ii m.; nochoice; pi,kerel,pike,bafs,wliifefish, etr : jiii ktrel 
 aiidlaHs moRt numfroufi; minnows, froRH ami artificialbaits nnod. nood tisbihKat 
 all St axons; hotels :?1 to $l.oO p. d.; ffnitles, hoats and bait ran hv hart. 
 CrookSton (St. 1*. M. \- M.l— Hcd<r. near Htation; Maiili- 1. .{(• m.: ftivt best; 
 ami Junt' best; hotels $2 
 J ik' iiicktrel and bass; iiii'kiTt'l mont niimeruus; Mav 
 DakOtah (<". ^r. it St. P. Soc insido back cover.) — The Mississippi r. near by 
 jrjvi- ^.'0(1(1 pii'ktrcl sjKirt. The trout lisliin^ in the spriun, on tlic adjacent streams 
 i> rt I'l'i'led to be very line. Usual accommodations at moderate j)riceH. 
 Dalton (St. P. M. & M.)— Ten Mile 1. i m.: Clear 1. '2 m.; and numerous small Is. 
 iiiviiiuity; Hrst best; bass, pickerel, wliitefisli, pike, etc.: bass, pickerel and pike 
 most iiiimerous: worm, fresli meat and minnnw baits; June, July, .Sei)tt'niber and 
 II, t"bcr best; hotel ;?'2 p. d., boats- and bait can be had. 
 Darwin (St. P. M. i^- M. See pa^e X.|— Washinntou, F.stella and Manella IV :i m.; 
 Ki-tilhi I- best: idckerel. i)ike and bass; pickerel most numerous : minnow bait: 
 Miiy. June and July best. 
 Deer Creek (N. P.)— Leaf 1. 5 m.: otter Tail 1. lo m; last best; b. b., pickerel, 
 I'lki-. whitertsh, et<'.: i)ickerel and jiike most numertjus; minnow bait; June and 
 .Iiily litst: guides, boats and bait at reasonable prices. 
 Deerwood (N. P. See pape VIII.) — Bay 1. .l m.; Serppret 1. near station; Keno 1. 
 :ii;.r station: Portage 1. 1 m.: Hamlet 1. 'J'; two first best; b. b., pike, pickerel, 
 wliitilish, mascalon+je, croppies, etc.: bass and picierel most numerous; minnows 
 aiiil rliims usual baits; June, July, September and October best; boats 7.")c j). d,; 
 (.'"imI tishing. 
 Detroit (N. P.)— Detroit 1. '.im.; St. Clair L, Sallie 1„ .Amelia 1., Peliean 1., Com- 
 'laiit I.. Floyd 1. and many others, all easily reached: all of them abound with black 
 itli kinds) and rock bass, wall-eyed jiike, perch, pickerel, mascalouge etc.: black 
 's are most numerous: minnow bait: hotel (first class) #',i. 5(1 to $'>i p, d.: guides 
 j'J..'iili. d.; boats witli bait and tackle 'Jfic peril, or $1.5up. d. 
 Donnelly (St. P. M. A; M. See page X.)— Long 1. '., m.; Donnelly 1. 1 m.: Cotton- 
 uiHiil 1. 1 m., last named 1)est: i)ickerel mostlv; frog bait; April bcHt; hotel $1 
 !■ '1- 
 Dover (C. >^- N. W.)— South branch of Whitewater r. 2 '^ m.; trout and chubs; 
 tiiiit iirincipally; worm bait: June best month: ht)tel f i.'J.') p. d.; guides and boats 
 !.i t IK riled. 
 Dulnth (N. P.) — St. Louis Bay I! ni.: for iiickorel. pike, bass, m,\scalonge and 
 ]ciih: and all the streams emiUying into Lake Superior on north shore for brook 
 tiniit. which are accessible by boat: I5rul(> r. is an excellent stream for brool; trout; 
 lii'iiok trout, lake trout and iiickerel are nii st num"rous; worms, tlies, trolling 
 sluiiiiis etc. used: July. August and September best; hotels at reauuuuble rates; 
 L'liiiii s at :fl.5U to $2 p. d.; boats 50c to $1 p. d. 
 Dnnda.s (<'• M. ^- St. P.)— Fox. Circle and I'ninn I's c, m.: Cannon r. near station: 
 i'i'\ iiiiil Circle I's best: pike, pikepercli, perch. sjiei'kliMl bass and 1. in. b.bass; first 
 iiiiisi numerous: sjioons and minnows used: May. June. Seiiteiiiber and October 
 l'i>t; lintels at Dundas at moderate charges: guide with team at reasonable jirioe: 
 I'i'at and bait at fair prices: tishing good. Cannon r. at station; gives excellent 
 lishiii;,' fur b. }i. and jiickerel. 
 E. St. Cloud (N. P. See page VTII)— Mississippi r.; jjike, which are also called 
 111 ii Irish water salmon: minnow bait: June and Sejitt'inber best; hotel .f .5 to Iflu 
 1- w.; guides and boats not needed. (Jur reports say that the fishing is very fine in 
 this ^1 rtioll. 
 Eagfle Lake (C. .V: N. W, )— Lake Eagle ';. m.: Lake Madison 4 
 I'kki 111, bass. ))erch and suntish: bass most numerous: worm and 
 May ;uiil June best: hotels $'2 ji.: boats and baits very reasoiiiible. 
 East St. Cloud (St. P. M. & M. See page X)— Mississippi r. adiacent: pike and 
 I'll ki ;. 1; pike most nun^Tous: minnow and frog baits: June and Sejitember best; 
 Imttl at reasonable rates; no boats re<iuir<'d; bait cheap: local anglers tish from 
 till I'.iiiks of the I. 
 Eggleston (C. M. .fc st. P. l— Vermillion r. near station: Mississippi r. Itm.: 
 stiiivi oil 1. 2 in.; Vermillion r. and Sturgeon 1. best: wall-eyed jiike. b. and whitr- 
 tiass arc jirincipal varieties: minnow and crayflsli baits; September and October 
 lii'^t; )iiite'. at reasonable rate. 
 m.; last best: 
 minnow bait-": 
 Elizabeth (St. J'. Af. .V ^r.) — If^wctt. 1. 4 in ; Finli 1 4 m., I'fluiiii r, rmuiiiig 
 thiiiiKli tnw ii; liiMi l)rst; h if- H, jiiku aiiil I'ickcrfl ill aluiixhiiict?: minnoWH f'roji^ iiinl 
 BpniiiiH used; Miiy, .Jiiiic, Jiilv and \ii(,'iist best; hotel i\ p. il.; nuidt- with tcaui .*4 
 p. d.; bouts "idc J). <l.; l-'isbiiiu very ttiic. 
 Elk River (St V. M. .S: M.i -Twin I's r. in.; Klk 1. ir. ni.: Elk r. 1 in.: Elk r. .ni,l 
 1. b(;.st; ])ickiTci. jiikf. b. b., si'vcr b:isH, rock J)anh, jicicli, miulif-h I'tc: iiiikii'd 
 niont nunici'oiiK; lioats a!id bail '.'an be liad roaKoiiablc. 
 Etter (<'. M. .^- St. 1'. Sec insidi' l)ark cover)— Vermillion r. ', ui.; Clear 1. 1 ui.; named best: iicrcli, basn. pike and iiickerfl; ba.«s and pikt.' most abunduiit- 
 worm, I'nivrt.sli and minnow baits; .ViiKiint and St^ptcmber bcHt; boats $1 i>. d. 
 Fairfield (<'. iM..t St.l'.)— Prairie 1. 1 '^ m.; Crystal I. f. m,; both ijood; bass, iijrk- 
 crel, snntisli, croiiiiics etc.; bass niost H>)Uudant; minuosvs ustial bait; Ma.v t" 
 September best; hotel i^l.rxjp. d.; boatH .50c to S 1 p. il. Excellent ttuhing. 
 Paribault (('. M. \- St. p.) — Cannon 1.3 m.; l{o1)ertH 1. .'tm., Cedar l.C.iu.; 
 rrenchl. 7ni.; Mn/./aSkal. '.Mn.; Shields 1. 10 m: Fox 1. H m.; Circle 1. In ni.: 
 Hunts 1. '.> m.: also Cannon and Straight rivers '.m.; Roberts, Cedar, Frencli .md 
 Shields lakes best; ))ickerel. b. li., wall-eyed i)ike. yellow perch, croppies ( Ic : 
 pickerel, yellow perch and croi)pies inosi .Minierons; minnows and spoons n.-cd; 
 May, Jnn(^ September and October best, hotels at reasonable rates; bouts 25c t^ 
 60c p. d., and baits at "jric to oOc p. 10' I. Fishinj^ excellent. 
 Fairmont ((' M. .K: St. P.)— Hall 1. J' 
 Silver 1. K m.; F-ast Chain 1. '.t 
 Tenhiissen 1. 10 m.; all (,'oimI; pike, ))ickerel. b. b., jierch etc.; pike and )ii<'kinl 
 most numerous; ai't. sfioons, frog's etc. as baits; spring; and fall best: hotels .rl.."iii 
 to ^- p. d.; boats 7."ic p. d., and bait a! moderate cost. 'I'liere are three chain- ni 
 lakes running? throuf^h this county (Martin) in which the tishing is said to lie i\ 
 Ferg'us Pails (St. P. M. \- :M.)— Fish 1., Jewett 1., Bass 1., Horseshoe I.: iill 
 abor.t Li hours drive I'roiu station; all good; jiike, pickerel and bass; pickerel lun.-t 
 immeiiMu; l^'ogs and trolling' spoons as baits; June and Seiit. best; guide uith 
 team ;?l 1 . d.; boats and bait 51 p. d.; hotels .^U p. d. Other lakes ad.iact-nt ^;ivh 
 {;ood hshing. 
 Fond du Iiac (N. P. See jiage VIII)— St. Louis r. near station; pike, 
 l.asi^ etc.; jiike most niimenms; trogs, meats, etc. used; June. July and Au^riiM 
 best; no regular hotels; guides ami boatH i;au be procured at moderate cost. 
 Foreet Lake (St. P. & D.) — Fcu-est 1. near station: Clear 1. •, m.; about aliki'. 
 ]iike. pickerel, trout, bass, pei'ch, sunlish etc.: suntish, bass, and pickerel wvA 
 numerouH; mimiows, worms and frogs baits used, June, July and August liot, 
 hotels #10 p. w.; boats and baits can be readily obt4iined. 
 Port Ripley (N. P.)— I-. .Mexander lO m.: L. Anohosippi 1 '_. m.; Round 1. s ni. 
 Long 1. H m : first best: iiickerel, pike and bass; pickerel most numerous: siniu- 
 iug (lone mostly: April and May best. 
 Prazee(N- P.)— otter Tail r. I'.im.; nniuprnns lakp<! in vicinity: river is In-: 
 in June, and lalies May to October; pickerel, pike, black aiul other kinds of li.iss: 
 pickei'el most numerons; trolling spoons, small tish and meat are used; Jum itii'l 
 July are best; hotel at reaaouablu rate; guide ^'1 1), d,; boats and bait at small ^l'^t; 
 good llshing. reported. 
 Preeport (St. P, M . \- :\I. See i)agp X)— Kings 1. 1 m.; Uhleukott 1. .'i m.: t;i-t 
 best: pike and pickerel; tlie latter most abundant: minnows and trolling sp' "U>: 
 April, May and September best: hotel .rl p. d. 
 Frontenac (<". M. .^ St P.)— Lake Pepin 2 ni.: Rush r. 10 ni.; Plum or, 1" in 
 Pine cr. 4 m.; bass picke'vl, wall eyed jtike etc. abound .n the lake, and trout ii: 
 the river and ereeks: minnows, spoons and Hies are used; Ma\. June. iSepteinlur 
 and October best, luit fairly good also in Jc,',,- and August: hotel .SJ ji. d., ^Vl !'• 
 w.; boats with men .fLriO ]), d., without 50c p. d. At the head and foot of l..ak' 
 I'ejiin ;ire the best fising grounds 
 Fnlda (<'. M. vV: St. P. See inside back cover)— 7 MiU hike.«; first 1. near station. 
 pecond 1. 1 m.; last best: jiickerel. b. b. etc.: pickerel and coarse flsh prcli'iiii- 
 nating; art. s;;oonH used mostly; May, June and October best; hotels %'i. p. li : 
 boats and bait at nominal cost. 
 Glen wood (N. 
 equally numerous 
 P. )— Ii. Minnewapka; pickerel, bass perch, inascalonge etc.; 
 ; minnow, fi'og and worm baits; May, June and July best: liutel 
 }ji . il. or f5 i>. w.; lioiitM (ind bait at reasouabh- pricon. Beautiful campinR prcmudH 
 .im'iIh liiki'. 
 Graceville (!^t- !'• ^I- '"^' M.)— Tnkuu 1. uear statioii; i>ickircl priiuipallv; i;n\ia 
 laii-. -Mii.^ !ii''l •liiiic bi'Mt; hotelH II. So p. il. 
 Granite Falls (•'• ^I- \' J^>. I'.)— Miiiiiosf>ta r. rniininp throiiRh villuRf and scvt-r- 
 iil l;il>is i:l)i>iit H mill's distant; tirst best: jiickfrol, pike and bass; pikf must niinirr- 
 (>ii>; iron, iiiinnnw and worm baits; Marcli, April and May best; lititt'ls *'J p. d.; 
 liuHl- •"'••«' p. d.; bait pli-ntifnl. 
 Grey Eacrle (N. !'• S«r iiauc VIII.)— Hinh 1. 1 '. ni.; Twin I's 1 ni.; I,ad> 1. 1 'j 
 111.; MuiiikI 1. 4 m.; all «ivr very tine tishiii^^; i)ick('ri'l. iiikc. bass, wliitctish and 
 (.th.i> abound; fro^,'. minnow and fresh ni<'at baits; Fcttruary till .Vpril and -June 
 Id (I, t'lbrr best; liott-l.'i^l p. d.; h'Uides 5'J p. d.; boats and bait ^cry moderate, 
 Till ^' are choife t,'roiinds. 
 Grove City (^t. 1*. M. \- ^I.)— I..ake Knronos 15 m.: jiike, pnkcul and )>ass; 
 1 1. kriel most numerous; art. spooUM used mostly; .May and June best, no hotel at 
 hik' . I'Acellent lishiuK. 
 GiiU River (N. P.)— Sylvar. 1. 1 m. from Sylvan 1. station; (lull 1. t ni.. and (iuli 
 r. iii^ii' station; (lull 1. and .Sylvan 1. best; bass, whitetisli, iiiekerel, jiereh. ete.; 
 liirkirel and bass most numerous; minnow bait; March, April and .Alay best; hoteU 
 j^l |i. il.; boatii ean be had reasonable. 
 Hallock (St. 1'. M. \- M. See pa«e X.)— Two Rivers; piekorol, piko atid other 
 Mini ties of western lislies; minnow and worm usual baits; .May and .June l)est; 
 liiitil> ■?- p. d. Our correspondent writes; "Fibli can be taken an., where alou),' the 
 liuiiks of the river." 
 Hammond (<'. ^I. iV St. P. )— Zumbro r. near station; ])iiker<d, b. b.. ]iiko. etc.; 
 liii>- most nunu'rous; worms, meat and minnows usiuil baits; .\pril ami May best. 
 Harris (St. P. iV I).)— Fish 1. "J'j m.; bass, i)ickerel, suntish, etc.; l)asHaud suntlsh 
 iui»I abunilant: ^,'rubs. frof^s, minnows, etc. as t aits; .June and .Inly best; hotels at 
 r(.;iM 'liable rates; ^juidi's .*4 p. d.; boats and bait at nominal cost. 
 HastingfS (''. M. ^' St. P.)— Sprini; 1. .1 m.; b. b. and pickere in about e(|Ual 
 (jiiiuitities; minnow bait; ^ood at ni)st all seasons; hotel .•f'2 p. d.; jjuides, bouts 
 ami bait at reasonal)le i>rices. This 1. in wubject to the rise an<l fall of the Missis 
 .>^!llii r. ; low water best for ttshiny. 
 Hayward (*'. M. \- St. P. See inside back cover.)— .\lbort Lea 1. '2 ni.. and its 
 outlet Shell Uock r.; the tirst best; jiickerel. bass etc.; pickiu'el most numerous; 
 luiiiiinws. froj.;.setc. used as baits; May and June best and also ^^Dod in winter; 
 hotil .<;( p. w. 
 Herman (St. P. M. .v ^I.) — Schram's 1. 1 ni.: Cormorant 1, Vl m.: Pomme de 
 Tirii- IK m.; and iiunuM'ous small lakes; the two tirst best; pickerel, pike and bass, 
 liiikerel nuist nunu^rotis; art. spoons used mostly; .\, Ma\ and ,Juiu' best; hotel 
 $1 til .*2 p, d. (iuide .">0c p. d.; boats and bait at modei'ate rates. 
 Hinckley (St. P. M. .V M. See i)aue X.)— (irindstom I., (rrindstone r., an<l Ket- 
 tkr.; lirst best; pike, bass and pickerel; fro(^ and minnow bait; .May 1 to Septem 
 liir 1 best: hotels and ^,'uides at reasonable rates; boats and bait .fl p. d. Our re- 
 imrt >tates that the above waters are "not very easy of access." 
 Hokah (C. M. & St. P.)— Lake Como '., m.; Root r. '„ m. Silver cr. 8m.; 
 (rower. r> m.; Kock cr. 4 m.; tirst best; bass, pickerel, perch, trout, jiike. etc., in 
 abiiut eijual inimbers; miiiuow l)aits; Juiu\ .July and .Vu^ust liest; hotels .•?'2 to 
 ji.:">|| 11. d.; (iuides .*1 . ai) to $2 p. d. ; boats and i>ait at reasonable char^'es. The 
 trmu lishiug is reported good in the cr., and the other varieties uf tish can lie freely 
 Howard Iiake (St. P. M. A: M.)— Howard 1. at station; Dutch 1. 1 m.; Lake Mary 
 '.'III.; nbout eijually good; jnke, pickerel, bass; etc.: pickercd and bass most uuuier- 
 eiis; iiiiunow bait: .June and July best; hotel f'2 \). d.; boats plenty at Lji; p. h. 
 Houston (('. ^I. "It -St. P.) — Root r. and Amidon 1. adiacent; also numerous trout 
 striiuiiH near; Uoot r. liest; pickerel, bass, etc.: pickerel most num(>rons; worms, 
 frnijs. minnows, grasshoppers, etc. as baits; May, June, July and Septeml)er best; 
 liuti 1- at moderate charge; guides at reasonable cost. 
 Jackson (('■ 'SI. k St. P. See inside back cover.) — Clear 1, 4 m.; Des Moinos r. at 
 stati'ii; botii good: pike, bass, xdckerel. buttalo. etc.; pickerel and ^'ike most 
 rmiiicroiiH: fro^^H niid iniiinowH n-miil biiits; May to Ocfi.bcr lust; Imfcl;; .*l."iiti) 
 $2 \>. (1. ]>fM Moiiii'M r. at .Iin'kson liiini^-ln'-' Ncrv cxcclltiit tl-ihiii^. 
 Janesville iC k N. \\. Sec jia^f XVII.i -f.akf i;i\siaii I m.; iiickci'il. )ihsh 
 IKTcli. ftf. . iiii'kcri'l uiid liasH iiidHt aliiinilaiit: iiiiniiuw and li(P(^ tiait(<; .May ain) 
 Juno hcHt; hotf-ls $1 ti> f'i i). <1.; >)'jatH 'iSic t(. Mv p. d. 
 Kandiyohi (St. 1'. M. .V M.)— I»iiin>ii<l 1. r> m.: (in-t n l. in ni.i I,akf I.illian i:i m.; 
 twii Ihst l)<--t; )piki'. iiirkcrcl, ))fri'h ami li. 1). alininKl: art. hiPniuiH ami i'vini> iimiI; 
 May and Jiim^ hunt; ln'iil *1 ji. d.; nuidt'H :?"> )). d.; Imals fm-, J'inliiiij,' Ik riimriid 
 aw very Hiif. 
 Kasota (<'. A: N. W.)— liakc Ktiiily .'I iii.; Lak«' WaHhiiiytoii r. in.: T/ikc Madi^un 
 I'Jiir.; the two lant Ix'kI; iiitcIi, jpiki', pickerel, bawi' and HimHsli. iiike, iiiikinl, 
 and 1). h nioHt iiiimeronH; m))ooiih. iniiiiiowH and tlies lined; I'eliriiary. .May, .Inin 
 and l>eceiiil)cr bent nioutbH; boats and bait ''an be jn'ueiireil at niodenite l'llal■^;^. 
 Xellog'g' (<'. M. A; St. P.)— MiHs. r. :J in.: Indian cr. (i ni.: Snake cr. 4 ni.: Mins. r. 
 best for roi'k bass, b. b. and inckerel, and tlie i r's for trout: niiiini)W, woi-ni and 
 froj,' baits: guides and boats can be liad reasonable. 
 Kerkhoven (St. 1'. M. k M. See paKoX.) — Xorwa,\ 1. v.' m.; Miinson 1. '.hu.; lii'Mt 
 best: iiickerel, bass, etc.; pickerel most nnnieroiis; minnow and worm bait ■: s|inii;; 
 liiontlis best: liolels :?! to $l..")n )>. d. : j,'iude with conveyance :?:< ji. d.: boats and liaii 
 at moderate cost. 
 Kettle River (St. P. \- J».)— One 1. (iinnniiie<li 1 m.. and several I's (iinniiiMi ili 
 about t III.: all Kood; pickerel, bass i-Tid otlier varieties: the two named iii">! 
 uunurons: worms and sjioon liooks usual baits: May, June, July and .■^ll^;llst \><yi, 
 hotel at nioib'rate chart»t!; plenty of Indians as guides: boats can lie procured. 
 Iiake Benton (<"..'(: N. W. See jm^'e Wn.i— Lake Benton adjacent to \ ill.i:;, ■. 
 Sliooliiitan and Asb I's 14 in.: J.,;ik(' IJentoii best; pickerel, iiercli, biithilo. i I. .: 
 liick"iel most numerous; spoons, meat and worms used as baits; .\iiril, Ma>. -liai' 
 ami Sejiteiiiber best; liofel :?'J p. d.; boats 'jjc p. h., .■?! p. d. 
 Iiake City (<'■ M. '^: St. P. See inside liack cover. )—T,ake Pejiiu an eiilar^;eiui lit 
 (if Aliss. r. near station: and trout streams near, on both sides of the lake; I.aki' 
 Peiiin best: black and white bass, \\all-c.\ cd jiike, jiickerel, sand pike, mascaloii^'i' 
 and other ^ame lishes; bass, jiikc, pickerel and cropjiics most numerous; niinnnw-:, 
 artilicial tlies, etc.; May, -lune, September and October best: hotels ,'»'J p. d., luiicli 
 less liy the wi "U; boats at reasonable prices. 
 Iiakefield (<'. M. \- St. P.j-lleron 1. I m.; doose 1. 'J lu.: first best: i>ickei'el. piki. 
 etc.: pickerel most numerous; minnow and fio^,' baits; .\pril and .May best; lii teU 
 ■^'i p. d.; jiiiiiles, boats and bait at reasonable rates. 
 Iiake Park (N. P. See pa^e VIII.)— Coriiioiant 1. f^ iu.:bass, iiickerel, whiteii-!i. 
 etc.: bass and suiitish nuist numerous; minnow hait; siirin^f best season; hop 1-;,; 
 reaso'iable rates; (guides at nioderati' ihar^^e; boats .'rl to >;'j p. d, 
 Iiake Pepin K'- M. A; St, P. .V other roads.) — T'lls lake is 'J.") iii, lonp, the bond ai;il 
 foot all'ordint,' the best tishiuf,'. Lake City (which .<ee), i.- niiilway and is headina:- 
 ters for lishermeii. Steamers atul trains run daily to head of i. wliere campiii;,' n.u-i 
 be done. .\t the mouth of 1. Heeds Laiidiii^i there is a hotel. A few liiascaloii;^i aiv 
 still caught, but b. b., jiike (pickere'l), pike-iierch. ci'opiiies and striiied bass ilie-li 
 water) are caught: the 1) b. are cau^dit -Aith live baits, the tly and art. simon; tin' 
 )iickerel witli latter, K<'iit'i'!>lly ''y trolling; or by wadiu^; the bars; for iiike-]ieiTli tin- 
 live minnow is only used, when they cannot ba had, a daii},'liut,' piece of liesb i- -ul- 
 Htituted. See Thk Amkrican ANtiLKit, Vol. Ill, pa^e 2W. 
 Iiitchfield (St. 1". M. \- M.l— I,. Washington H m.: L. Stella 8 m.; .Minnie Bell 1. ' 
 111.; L. Hipley '^m.: L. Kronuas I'J m.: about alike; pike, bass, jiickerel, etc.; ;iirl;- 
 crel and bass most iibiindaiit: minnow and froji lialt: May, •lune, and July I't-i; 
 hotels #1. .'fl.riii and ji'i p. d.; boats and bait at rensoiialile prices. 
 Little Palls (N. P.)— Fish 1. lo m.: Bic<' 1. C m.; Mille Lac 35 ni.: Sullivan 1. -■ 
 III. and Platte 1. •2,') in.: Sullivan i. best; pike, iiickerel. niaHcabiUf^o, b. b., silver i';l^■ 
 perch etc.: bass most nuiiieroUH; froths, niiuuows and spoon hooks usetl; Juie 
 f<ir bass, and September foi pickerel and luascahiUfie: thero are no hotels at ilif 
 lake's: guides, reasonable; bout with luau S-i p. d. .VU tiietjc lakes are full "' 
 Iiongf Prairi (St. P. M. i^- M.)— L, charlotte 1 ni,; Long Prairii; r, near st.iiioii: 
 Beach 1. !S ni.; uuniei'oUM small lakoH near town; all good; pickerel, pike," 
 ImlclM .«I.."ii ti) 
 )iiikcrrl. l.a«K 
 Itiiitw; .Ma> aii I 
 ' I.illiaii i:! ni.; 
 icl frii^i-. 11^1(1: 
 iiiK JH ni.iirtiil 
 l/ik.' MmiIi-hi, 
 \n\ii\ iijiki 111, 
 iir.v, May. .Inin' 
 riit<^ i'liat>;i . 
 . 4 III.; Mi^^-. r. 
 1>W, Wniui ;iii,l 
 on 1. '.Mil.; tii'xt 
 II liiiit ••: spriiii; 
 li(i»(,M aiiil liiiit 
 I'h (niiTiai ll 
 ) IIHllH'll nil's' 
 ul .Xiinn^l lii M; 
 ■••lit til \ m.-iu'i'; 
 , bulliilii. rU\: 
 ii'il, MaN, .Iiiii'- 
 II l■Illal'^'(■lU( !;i 
 tlic hi\ir: I.akr 
 c. liiascal.'iij;'- 
 Ills: liiiiiihiu-. 
 .■?'J 11. ll., iiiiiili 
 ]licliCl'fl. |iiki . 
 ,v lifst; li'IiN 
 rcl, whititisli. 
 asiiii; lidtiN;.! 
 .;, thclirtnl ai:il 
 (1 is licadiiuar- 
 •auiiiiii^' inu>t'aliiiit.'f are 
 (m1 li;iss (tri-^ll 
 irt. siKMiii; till' 
 liikc-iui'iii tlif 
 Fiimif li.lll. '■' 
 . rti-.; iiii'k- 
 and July be-t; 
 Sullivan 1. -■' 
 I)., silvir lia— . 
 cd: .luiii ln-i 
 (I liott'ls at tlio 
 •H ar<; fidl ••'■ 
 m^av stati"ii: 
 \V, bass,'.'.'' -luiftph and f'thfr.^: ]iicktin'l. jiikc mid bat-s nioHt ninncronn: niiimnW!-. beef, 
 iM.'k .iiid iiit'i-i'M (it H^ll iiHfd; .\iiril. .\ll^'ll^t. l)cc<'nibfr, .January and T'cbriiary bi'Mt- 
 I.mIi I- .r l.'''>" 11. <1. tiuiiii'.-* at iiiiidcratf rust; btiatw and bait at naHnnabb' iirii't-n. 
 ntlirilV within '.) ni. I'liiitain an ubiindancf ot littk, and ((ikkI uliuuting for diu-k, 
 ^iii'>i I'ti'. may uli-o b<> had tm them. 
 Mahtowa (St.l*. .V 1).)— Mmisc Horn r. '^ ni.: Black Hoof •r..') in; andHcvpralHmall 
 lalii - iii't naiiitd. troiii '.' to l in., lakes flir best; iiickcri'l niostly : frons, wonns and 
 .|,M n- iisi-d; May and .Ilinc 1 t-st. 
 Mankato (scvtral r. r.|— Madison I. Ki m.; Lake J'.mily liini.; \VaHliln»{ton 1. 7 m; 
 |;:i;i 1 artli r , J.f ."Siiciii' r.. I.oon, Lilly, and crystal I's 12 ins.; I.tttlt- and lUn Cobli 
 IS. Maiilt'T. uiio Miniii'si'ta I'.; the lalfsarc best; i-ike. biitlalo, bu.-s, iiickeiel aid 
 , varieties i icLeiel iiiid pike liiost niiiiierous- wnrnis. iiieiit. siiiall (Isli iiiiil 
 frii>;s arc usual baits; Miiiiiiier and fall are best in the lakes, ^priiij; in tlierivei. ; 
 hi'ti N numcroiis lit nasi nabb' chai^'es boats mid bait pleiitv and moderate, .\ 
 ("ll li^hinK 'iii'l i hooting 1 iijiit. The rivers at .tlantaio fiive exeellont lishint^. on 
 .vlilrli lio boats are needed, \\:iilill(! belll{^ the rule. 
 Maple Plain i-Si. 1'. ^I. .': M.)~ !.. Indei'endenee 1 ',,, m.: pickerel, b. b.. eropiiicm 
 . ll I'lrki'iel must n.inieroiis; minnow Iiait: summer months liest; hotels ;*! )i. d.; 
 ii ,ii~ .iiiii bait ideiity and reasonable. 
 Marshall (f. .V N. AV. see pa^e XVII.)— (ioose 1.. Swan 1.. Lake Marshall mid 
 lliilwiii'd r.; tirst best; jiiekerel, perch etc; pickerel iiiii;.t iiiiiiieroiis; fi'ot,' and miii- 
 i;, w baits; .Line. -Inly. Vii^iist and September best. In Itedwood r. pickerel aro 
 .iliiiiiilaiir and ot I'air si/.e. 
 Medford (< . M. >V St. P. See inside back cover)— straight r. 'j m., pickerel, h. 
 I'll') perch; pii'kerel most nuineroiis: minnow bait; May and .Mine bust; hotel at 
 ii'.i-i'iiable I'ate. 
 Milan (»'. M. \- St. I'.) — Liic.i|i:il'arle I.'.;'. 111.; pike, pickerel, b.b., catllsli 
 't'.; inckerel most numerous; spea.' li.-;I;ii.^' largely followed. 
 Millvil_£ (''. ^r. ^' f>t P.)— Ziimbro r. 2 ni . ; b. b.. pickerel etc.; b. b. most 
 I iiini Ms: miniiows and art spoons; May and .June best; no re^'iilar hotels, 
 liii iiii\ate boaid can be obtained at niuderate cost; no guides leiiuired, A 
 t:., I 'lite point with anglers of this sertion, 
 Minneapolis several r, r )— LV Minneton a (upper and lowi r>. abmit 1.") m.; 
 Miihiiiel Sill.: seseral other smal lake.'* in the vicinity where ^'ond lishiiiK can 
 II hail; pickerel, b, b , I'ropliies, wall-eyed )iiki' etc, ; pickerel are most liiimerous 
 III I.. Miuuetoiika. and wall-eyed pike in .Medicine 1.; froi^'s, minnows and troUiiit^ 
 liaits used; .June, September iiud October best; niimeroiis hotels around Is .Aliniie- 
 t' Ilka t roni s^'J to .■?."> p. d., and private boarding,' houses at or near .Medicine L; 
 ^; ulis with bnat at reasonable rates; boats and bait at moderati' charges. 
 Minnehaha (<'. M- -V St. P.)— Mississipiii r.. Laki' .\nielia and Mud 1.; pickerel. 
 ii ll. I ti ,; pickerel and b.iss most nuniernus, fro;,' and iiiiniiow baits; May, . I line 
 iiiil tall iiioiiihs best; hotels i^^p, d, boats can be had at the liikes at reasiinablo 
 Minnesota City M'. M. iS: St. p. i—Mississijipi r. ami slou^'hs 1 m.; pickerel, 
 : iki . !'. b. etc.; of these the bass are most abundant; minnows and spoons used; 
 j1i\ iiiii .June be-st; hotel .•?! p. d.; lioats and bait with guide .•?."> p. d. 
 M-ntiOSe .St. P. M. iV M. See pa!,'e X)— Crow r. 2'. m.; I'.ntlalo 1. 6 m,; last 
 iKiiii, 1 I",' t; iiickerel, bass and sunlish; pickerel and bass most numerous: froL? 
 mill luiiiiiuw liaits, August and September bent; boats can be had reasonable. 
 Moose Lake (St. P, it I),)— sturgeon 1. 5 m.; Island I. ami numerous others; 
 .""till ;i'iin I. best; pickerel, bass, pike etc. all abound; wdrnis, minnows etc. a'^ 
 liaii>; Kebruary, March, .liine, .Inly and August best; hotel :^1.50l), d.; good liiiut- 
 lii;; 111 tlii-; locality also. 
 Morris (St. P. ;\L I'lc M.) — Pomme de Terre r. 1 iii,; Foss' 1. .'i m.; Wintermuto ]. 
 ll::.: llooswolds 1. (i ill : Long 1 . Viii.; Clear 1. 7 m.; Pomme de Terre r. and Clear 
 1. Ill .-t; pike, pickerel, bass, salnniii. perch and suiitish pickerel and pike mo^t 
 aliiiiiiluiit. minnow and trog liait; .\pril May .June, .Xiigust and September best; 
 hull U >il,,"io to :?2 p. d.; guide with team i^i(.."iO p. d.. boats and baii at small co.t. 
 ('I II it tishing leported. 
 Mnmd Prairie (•'• M, »'« St. P,)— Day Valley <r, 1 m,: Hush Valley or. '2 m.; 
 Mil Valley cr. 2 m.; Chrystal cr. 2 m,; Moiiud Prairie cr, 1 m.; lUiot r, near 
 Mutiiu and" five lakes, all within 1 m.; lakes and creeks be>Jt: trout. picke;-el. bass, 
V '" ' ■■*' 
 THK ANUrF.n H oriuK noC'K. 
 fiiinflHh «>(•'.; ]>iikfrcl iii<mt ubiindiitit: wuriiiH ami mixxhih tiHctl; >rH,v hdiI Jiiiir- 'i> ■>!; 
 111! rf^^iilitr liotclh; ^iiidt'H urv iiii;iii'r<inH: liniitx iiinl Ixiltn very t'lirap. <iMMii 
 Mnrdook(St. 1'. M. \- M.) — !»iitTi.<l<> 1. 7 m.; :\rimH<iii I. m m.. Ciiinii 1. h m.: ( hij) 
 I'l-WH r., 7 ', 111.; ( lii|i|ii'VMi r., Itiift'ulii 1. iind .Miiiihuii 1. I lie bent: jiii kird, iiikf. iMti^li, 
 Ixitt'iilii. <'lc. ; |iirk)'i'i'l iiiiil liiitl'ulii iiiiiHt liUliicniiiH: iiiiiiMuwH Hliil l'n>^>M uhiiuI liait«: 
 •liiiK- iiiul thi^ winter lit-nt tinitH: lioti'lr* .'!=l.'iii to jt'2 {i. d.; bimtH uud Imit i:un )»' liinl 
 cboup. A K''i'i»t <ltul of MpfiiriiiK doUf ln'ir. 
 Mnskoda (N. I'. Sec pnM*' VIII.)- Hnffiilo r. ', m.; Silver 1. .'tin.; both u 1, 
 b;iHH. )>il<e. piekerel. ))ereli, ett'.; pickerel liioHt llblilidilllt : lliillllii\\ h and t'rn^'H ii-ril 
 UH buitH; uiid HeiiteliibtT buHt; butfl |1 p. d.; boutM rejiortt'il im free. 
 Nelson (St. l'. M. .V M.)— ''oneva 1. 'i'i iii.; Lake Mary '.'Jii.; Victoria 1. J', in.; 
 tiiHt bent; wliiteliMli, )iicki'rel, biisH and jiike; minnow bail; .June, July, Aii'.^ii».t 
 and Sei)ti'lM)ier bcHt; hotel, boatn and bait at reanonable rateH. 
 New Ulm. (('. A: N. W. Hee pa^e X\II. I— Cottonwood r. 1 in.; MinnKNota r. in niy 
 liniitH; Swan 1. 7 m.; Clear I. 5 ni.; Luke Hannka tJ m.; tlrnt Ix'Ht: pike, pickerel, li. 
 b., etc.; iiickerel niowf niinieroUH. Hpoonn, art. minnow and live bait uwed; Ma\ auil 
 •Inne bcHt; liotelK.^I to .f '.' p. d . : boatn and bait cbvup. lU;»«t DHbiug Ih lit thuCottoii- 
 wodd r. in Hpi'int{; tly-liHiiiug not practiced. 
 New York Mills (N. P.)— otter Tail 1. '.) m.: pike, jiickorel and biiHH; jiike nidi-t 
 niimeioiiH; minnow an<l froj» ImitM; May to Augiiwt bcHt; butol 12 p. d.; ^uide uitli 
 leani $:i p. d.; boatH .f 1 p. d. 
 Northfield (C. M. X- St. P.)— Circle 1.. Fox band Union l.Hm.; Cannon i. at 
 Htation; Cannon r. and Fox I. best: 1). b.. pike, jiiekerel and croppicH: Iiuhh iiinl 
 l)ickend mont iiiiineioiiM; minnows and art. baits iiHed: May, .lime and July ln^t; 
 Hummer luontlis best for bass: boats and bait can be had reasonable. The b. Ij. 
 fisbinn in the Cannon r. Ih very Hne. 
 Odessa (<'• M. \- st. P. See inside back cover. )—L()n^,' Tom 1 . '2', iii.; IbTsf 
 (iiioe 1 . '2 m . : Minnesota r. 'jni.; boiiK Tomer. ', m.;llrHt liest; jiickerel. j.iki', 
 bass, etc.; jiickend most numerous; fro^s, ^rub worms and spoon hooks iiseii t^r 
 bails: May and June best months; hotel $1 p. d. or j^-l p. w. Fishing ruju.itiHl 
 Olivia (('• M. k St. P.)— Lont? 1. (! m.; Lake Lillian 12 m.; laHt bcHt; pickerel is 
 the principal variety found; fron l)ait; .May, June ,ind .July best. 
 Orouoco (C. \- N. W. See pat^e X\'ll.) — Zumbro r. :i ni.; pickerel, bass, mascal"iii;.- 
 and others: bass numerous; minnow bait; April. .May. September, October, iiiil 
 Novenibt'r best months. 
 Ortouville (<'. M. \- St. P.)— Minnesota r. 'i m.; 151^^ Stone 1. '^ m.; last bc^t: 
 pike, bass, pickerel, etc.; spoons, minnows; frogs, etc. as baits; June \ July best: 
 hotels .•?! to $2 p, d.; rowboat.s aiic to .f L")!) p. d. Our correspondent writes: ■ iiiij 
 Stone Lako is, in thi' oi)inion of t-xpert anglers, the best tishing ground in thi; 
 northwest. It is getting to be more popular e\ery season." 
 Osakls (!^t. P. >L A; M.) — Lake Osakis near Htation; i)ike, pii'kerol, b. b. (1. in.), 
 silver and rock bass, croppies, whitetish, etc.; jiickerel and bi ss most nuiiniini.'*; 
 hotels $1 to .■?2.r>o i>. d.; guides at reasonable rate; boats lUc to 2l)c p. h.; bait pi. iity 
 and cheap. 
 Osseo (St. P. M. A: M. See page X.)— Fish 1. ',i m.; I'Jigle 1. 2'^ m.; last best: picke- 
 rel, bass, sunlish, etc.: pickerel most numerous; frog and worm baits; Ma.\ uuil 
 June best; hotels #1 p. d.: boats cau be had at reawouable ratea. Trolling is tL» 
 favorite method with local anglers. 
 Owatonna (<^'. M. A: St. P.) — Beaver 1. 22 ni.; Clear 1.15 m.; and some ;) nr 1 
 other small lakes; Clear 1. best: pickerel, pike, bass and perch; bass and pickerel 
 most numerous; minnow, frog etc. baits; May, June, July and August best: hotels 
 $1 to 12.50 p. d.: boats oUc. to :51 p. d. 
 Perham (N. P. Heo page VIII)— Little Pine 1. 1 '^ in.; Big Pine 1. 2 m.; first l»st; 
 pike, Iiickerel and b. b.; jiike aiul pieLere' in excess; uiiuuows and artiticial i'iut' 
 used; winter months and as late as June Lest: hotels $2 p. d., $1 to #("• p. w.; I'.iat- 
 and bait reasonable. 
 Peterson (C. M. \- St. P.) — Small br. (unujined) 2ni.; 1 do. 4 m.; first mentiiind 
 lest; trout; worm bait; June and July best; no regular hotel, but board cau he 
 Bt; pickerel is 
 . i.iiiiicfl at private liniiHOH. The Root r. is ati*o aliout ', lu. illMtant. \\b<ro 1). 1>. 
 .::,.| ilikcrr) liiti.V be tiiiiild. 
 Pine City (St. I'. \- D.,- Snuki' r. ainiCnmH .. uljucriit to xtufi"ii; I'okiniiiiu i. 
 . :: ; hipt l>«'Ht', iiickcrcl tiiiil wall r.M'it ptkc: )iit'kiTi'I iiioHt ulxiiiduiit : frn^jH 
 woiiiix Hud troUiiiK HiHKiUH UN ImitH; Juii«- ami -Inly bi-Ht; liott-lH #'J p. il.; bimtM .ji>o. 
 Prior take (•'• M. \- Ht. IM— I'rior 1. near Htatlon: Hpriiiji 1- 1 m.; <'ryHtal 1. ', 
 II. t icdit r. 2 III.; KhkIc cr. I m.; .Miiiiif^i.ta r. tl in.: ('cilur, ('viithia and I'iHh 
 liiK' - i'< III : all <'X<'i'll<-iit: iiiaHralnn^i', piikci-i'l, i^ri'iu and black )iar<H, Htripcd l>ii--4, 
 »iill > ' ';<', pri'i'li Mild ntlirrs; lianH aud pii'krnd art- iiinst niiiiitTiiiiH; niiiiiinWH 
 iikI III I liaitH; .Mu> and .liinc lii'st : liutcU .f 1 to .ii'J ]>. d.; aUo plnily nf pri- 
 \ ill 111 . to lie had ilicap; IxtafK and baitw plt-nty and ri-aHoiialilf. 
 Beads Lauding' {<'. M. .V: St. I'.l -MiHsiHHippi r., Chippc^va r. an<l [,aki,> iN'piii; 
 il Nth of ( 'liipix'Wa (ippiiHitf Htatinii and l.akr Pipin I'.in,; Mniitli of Cliippiwn 
 I ,iip| iilmn,' the lmiik.>< iif flic .MifH. r. Iicnt; white and h. It , jukc. ]iickcrcl, catlinh 
 it' . liaHH, pike, and catllHli niuHt niinicniiiH; ndiiiiowH iihciI uh bait for ^'iiiiic UnIi 
 .iiiil "Id chce.Mc fur cattlHli: .Vjiril tu Nnvcinlier boHf; huttd j:|.."iii p. d.; (,'iii(lcM, bualH 
 ami bait at reaMunabk- rate. 
 Rochester (<'. .V N. \V. Scc pa^e X\II.)— So. Fork Ziimbio r. near Htutioii; b. b., 
 I i.l.i 111, pike and front; ba.->s and pickerel nioht niiiiieroiiH; minnow and vsoriii bails; 
 Au^jii-t. Sclitelnber an<l October bent; hofelH $1,511 to f'.^p. d.; boatM and bait at 
 nil i< l> nominal coHt. 
 Boseniont (('. M. .V St. P. Seo inHido back cover)— CryHfal 1. 7 ni.; pickerel 
 liiihipally; I'roK bait; .Iiiih' 1 to September bust; hotel # 'J p. d.; KUide ;?'J..'>ii ji. d.; 
 ji.Ml- .'.lie to $1 p. d.; bait plenty. 
 Eush City (Ht. 1*. \- I).)-l{iiHh 1. '.". m.; St. Croix r. .'• in.; trout, pike, pl<kerel 
 iiini II. b. abound; worms and tlicH aH buitn; hotels i^l to :f 'J.'iil p. d.; boats and bait 
 i.iii lie id'ociired at low ttj,'iireM. 
 Sail'' itre (Several r. r.) -Sank I. and Sauk r. near station; V ' ••riiiHck 1. 4 
 in; I I till.; all j'oiid;, pickerel, pike etc.; bass and Jiickeiil Uiost abilii- 
 iliiMt; ..s, art. spoons etc., as baits; .June and September best; le tel ^l.Tiil to 
 j'.' I', d.; Koats i")!!)' p. (1. Ilxcelleiit lishini,'. 
 Sauk Rapids (St. P. M. .V M. Sec juine X) — Mississippi r. near statioi. L. May- 
 III ^^^ III.; first best; iiike, i>ii'l>eiel and bass; pike most niimeroUH; minnow and 
 ti'i'i; baits; .\pril. May, Sepicnibii' and ( ictober best; hotels #lfo ?!'J p. d.; (^iiidcH 
 • j [I d.; boats aud bait at nominal iiiice. "Very ;;ood li>lii!iK" is reported. 
 Shakopee (<'• M. \- St. P.)— Prior 1., Sjirin^' 1 und \V I 1.; lirst best; bass, pick- 
 (ii 1 mill cropiiies; cropjiies must nniiK'idiis; iiiiiiiiow and fiim baits; .lime and 
 hejiti iiiber best; hotel at reasonable rate; boats .">nc to ^1 p. d.; bait can be pro- 
 tin ril cheap. 
 Sherbum (('• M. .^ St. P.)— Fox 1. :) m.; iiike, jiickerel, b. b. etc.; two first most 
 i.\iini rolls: spring,' and fall best; hotel at reasonable rate, also boats and bait. 
 St. Cloud (St. 1'. M. \ M.)— Pearl I. Pi m.; Pleasant 1. H m.; (iraud 1. 15 m.; 
 I'liirl and (irand best: jiike, pickerid and b. b.; pickercd most numerous; worm aud 
 iiiiiiiniw baits; .July aud August best; boats .•?!.. "lO p. d. 
 St. Hilaire (St. P. M. *; M.)— Red Lake r.; walleyed pike and pickerel; tndliUK 
 ^1 IS and small tish used; summer best time; hotel f 'J p. d.; boats aud baitH at 
 Umilii'ate cost. 
 St. Paul (Several r. r.)— White Bear 1., Lake .Johanna, Lake Owasso, Snail 1., 
 Turtli 1., Pleasant 1., Vadnais 1., Lake Phaleii, Lake Conio, (icrvai.-i I., Louj^ 1., I..ake 
 •Iiistpliiue, iJe Moutreville 1. and Silver 1., all within a radius of in ni., some vith- 
 111 111' close to city limits; the threi; tirst uamed are best; b. b., j ickerel, pike, rock 
 liH.-s, silver bass; pen-h, etc.; b. b., pike, Bilver bass and snutish most uumeroiis; 
 iiiiiiiinws, fro{.!s, worms aud spoon hooks used as baits; .June, .July aud .September 
 lust; hotels $1 to $'.i p. d.; boats #1 to Sl.'iiJ p. d., j,'enerally no <harKe t'J guentH at 
 hutil-i. There iri also yood tishiu}i iu the Mississippi i\ near St. Paul. 
 St. Peter (C. »t X. W. See paRc XVII.)— I^ke Emily and I^ke WashiuKtou; tirst 
 liisi; pickerel, bass, pike, etc ; pU'kerel aud bass most numerous; luiuuows aud 
 aiutiiial baits; Juue, July. August aud September best; hotel |2 p. d.; boat« and 
 hiit.s ivasouable. 
 t::k ANv'ii i:u s fir-iDK rooK. 
 Staples Mill (N. !'• see pa-^o Viri)— Crow Mln^r ,-. :t m.; llaydm 1. 1 i!'.;tir>t 
 )ii-Ht; l)iiHH, ])ick4'rcl, iiiiim uloiigo. n)(lhni>c, cfc: jiicki ifl iiiiil niastftloii^c iii(i»i 
 ubiiiiduut; Aiiril, Mav and June be;:'; bottd ut iU(i(UTat»' cbai'^;"; boatn aiiil lnu! 
 Starbuck (N. I'.)— Lake Miniu'waska V, ni.. ba.-n, ) :< 1;c el. like, hnflalo ui;., 
 iitliii'.s; all nunicroiis; niiiiiHiw beef iiiid win m bait.--. Ouiic. .lulv and ,\iif;iist 1 i -t. 
 htitulH ;f '2 1). d.; },'»ide S3 p. d. ThiH lake i.s badly jiot-tislird witli iitais. ( Ic. 
 Stillwater (<". M. A: St. r. See inside back cdvcr.)— St. ('mix r. 4 iii,;liirle 
 Clam I'., IJit^ Clam r. . 'ill 111.; Itock cr. Ifiim.: and hfvci'al otlicr tiibutaricH toti.fSt. 
 Cidix ^^mall and nani(dcHH; White Henri. I'J ni.; Coriie la 1. 1 m.; many uihe;' hikes 
 williin lf» 111.; iiike, b. b., iiii-kercl, siintisli, ci-diPiii.'s ete. in St. ('mix r. and lakcM 
 adjacent; Irout in tlie tributaries; tas.s md jiiekerel most almndant: fro^;. miniinw 
 and worm baits; May ami .Iiiiie best fur ti'niit, spring' and tall tnr other xariitics; 
 lintels .*'J ]!. (1.; boats 'jric |). li. ; bait (niiniu>\vs) 'J'u' )>. pail. The trout streiiiij- ,iri- 
 Home distance fi'oni .itillwater and must be )ea<'hed by teams, the dri\ ers of u hirh 
 ari' posted as to location of waters. 
 Taylor's Falls (St. P. .^- D.)-St. Cmix r. near station; Thaxter 1. 1 m.; Sauill. 
 Ciiii.: l)eerl. dm.: Jlalsaiii 1. 12 m.; i'i^ Hock i r. IS m.; 'J'honipson's cr. 4 iii.; lij^r 
 Kock cr. is best for trout; bi'ook trout, bass and jiickerel: two (irs.t nuiiieniii-.; 
 Worms, beef, ^'rasshojiiiers and (lies used as baits; May and -lune best; liotels >\.'tn 
 to .ii'Jp. d.; gii.deH at .■?! and expeuscH it. d.; boats il ji. d.; bait at merely mimina 
 Thomson (N. P. and St. P. .V T). )— Silver cr. ■-> m.: Black Hoof and severiil otlifr 
 small streams; tlrst best; speckled trout: worm bait: .lune and .Inly best; hotihit 
 reasonable rate; uo {jtuides or boats needed. 
 Tower (D. ''^: I. R.)— Tmnt 1., IJnrntside 1,, and a number of lakes easily accc.s>i. 
 ble; lake trout. ])ickeri'l. jiiUe and b. b.; lake trout and jiickerel most nuniernu^; 
 Usual baits: .Inly and AutdiHt best; hotel Jt'IJii) p. d.; Indians as j^uides .'?1.5i). 
 Tracy (C. \ N. W. See pa^'c XVII. )— Lake Sie^'cl and Lake Shetak; last best: 
 jiike, pickerel, bass, butfalo, etc. : pikerel most numerous: fro^,'s. worms etc. as baits: 
 g<.n)d almost all the year; hotel at reasonable rates; boats and bait very cheap. 
 Two Harbors (IX •.V- I. U.)— Stewart r. :( m.: Ktiifc* r. h ni.; both good; bnx.k 
 triuit: usual baits; July and .Vu^ntst best: hotel i^2.'>i) p. d.; guides and boats imt 
 Vlllard (N. p. See page VIH.)— I,. .\m(dia ',. m.: L. Villard ', m.: L. I.evaii 1 
 ni.: two best; b. b.. pike, pickerel and rock bass: ]iike and bass most abundant, 
 frog liait: .Vujjust and September best mouths: hotels ut reasonable rates; liniit, 
 and bait .•?! p. d. 
 Vining' |N. 1'.) — l-^ist Bottle 1. l m.; whitetish, jiickerel, jierch. bassandpike: b.'. 
 ntiil whitetish most luuiieroiis; minnows and art, sptoiis use<l; .\ugust and Sejiti in- 
 ber best; hotel j;i J), d.; guides, boats and bail at moderati' jtrices. I'ishiuy iv- 
 ported good. 
 Wabasha (C. ;\I. A: St. P. See inside bade cover.) — Mississijijii r. '■ m.: I.aki- 
 I'ejiiii 2 111.: /iimbro r. -i m.; also trout streams on the Wisconsin side of Miss, r, I'l 
 to bs 111, distant, and the slough.s tributary to Miss, r., all about the same: piki' 
 pickerel, bass etc.: pike, jiickerel, and b. b. most numeriuis: miniiowH and j n- 
 used; .May and June best: guide with bo;it and bait, .•*2 ji, d,; hotel .S'2 p. <l.: ImiiI- 
 nnd bait atone at very reasonable figures; very fair trout lishing in the streams ni' ii. 
 tioue(l above, as being ou the Wisconsin Hide of Miss. r. 
 Waseca (*■'■ k N. W. See page XVII.)— Clear 1. '. ni,; Rice 1. I ni.; first l--r 
 liickeiel .silver bass, Idack bass, iierchetc; all very numeidus: angle worms, iiiiii- 
 UOW8 ii;ul grubs used as baits: May, June, Sejitembei' and October best; hotel- >'- 
 p. d. or $8 p. w.;boate aud bait ph'Uty and clieaji. I'ishing excellent. 
 Waverly (St. P. M. \' M. See pag<' X.) — Waverly Twin Vh ', m.: erjtially jjndil; 
 bass, pickerel, suntish. etc.: bass, jiickerel an<l siintish most numeroUH: fmgs, small 
 lisli, worms etc. as baits: January, I'Vliruarx , June and .liily best: hotels .*1 p. 'i-; 
 boats and bait2.')C to ?1 p. d. 
 Wayzata (St. P. ^I. A: M. See pag(^ X.)— Lakit Minnetouka near station: bas-^. 
 pickerel and snnlish; pickerel most iiuniermi;-i; frogs, worniH, beef etc. as bait^-: 
 ]\bi.. and June best; hotels $'.i p. d.; guides it'-i p. d.; boatw il p. d. Tbiw i« (piitf a 
 uoted lishiug resort. 
 Westport (N. P.)— Orovo 1. S'j m.: Wt-sti ort '• 1 '"•; Ashlv cr. ', m.: WtHtiiort 1. 
 U>\. jiikf, iiickcrf'.. bass etc. : jiickciel most imiin-nius: frot^ bait; May and .Imu- 
 l,f!-t; lifitil 5^1. i">" i>. (L; bduthi and bait« lan b( iiniciircd. 
 Wliite Bear i>^t. I'. \ 1».|— AVliite Hear 1. near station; liald Ka^'lc 1. 1 ni.; about 
 .liili liass, jiiikiirl, \vall-<_vfd iiilic, rTojijiics cti'.; j ii kcrcl. i^iUc and riojiiiics nio.-t 
 imiiii lous; worm iiud minnow l)ait; Ma\ and .June best, ))iit ^ood the entire seaHou; 
 ii'til- ?'-'.•"" p. d.; boats 'irx' \). li.; bait rlieaii. 
 Wi'ilniar i>t. I', ^r. \- ^I. Se(- ja^^e \.)— <.reen 1. 1l' ni.; Iiiaiiiond 1. i:i m.; Nor- 
 w:;i 1. I.', ni.; Ka>;b- \. \ ni.; tirst be.-t; jiike, idekerel and b. 1p.; piUe and jiiikerel 
 iiMi-t uuuierouf-: minnows, tmus and spoon hooks as liaits; middle of May to ■Inly 
 1. ai:il Sei'teniber and Oetolier l)est; liotil .'rlji. d.; lioat- at moderate rost; bait 
 il.iitv for the ciitchin^;. <»tlier I's in this vicinity which furnisii a I tishiiii,'. 
 Winona (''• ^f >^ !^b !'• !ii"l '■ >^ ^>- W.i— Miss. r. ne:ir station; Lake Winona '. 
 111.: iiuiiierous trout streams from ',. m. to 110111.; all ^ood; pike, b. 1)., jiickerel. 
 -m.ti-ii and other r. fish. an<l in sne.ims }>rook tiont; bass, pike and pickerel mip-t 
 .il.UMiliiiit; Hies, minnows ami (^rnb worms used for baits, .\pril. .^b^y, June, .\\it,';ii-t 
 ,iliil September best: liotels .tj p. d.: fiuides reasonalile; boats b")c p. h. Kxcept 
 iinriti^' lii^h water (nsiially April t') Junei the Miss, r. gives excellent si)ort; the 
 trl'Utlll^' is also said to be line. 
 Worthine|"ton (several r, 1.1— East and West Okebeua I's ', m.; Ocbeda 1. 3 111.: 
 vi.kiirl, p.iTli and cattish; jdckerel in tlie majority; fro-,' bait; .May ami Jmu 
 jifst; hotels and trnidi s at reasonable rates; boatH 'J.'ic ]i, h, (iood hunting; in this 
 ;,i, ;ilifv also. 'I'he li>hiiig for jpiekerel and perch is reported to be very liiii'. 
 Zximbrota (*'■ •"*■' N- ^^- ^•■•' l'il^"' XVII )— Zunibro r. near station: b. b, and piek- 
 .11 1; I'ass most numerous; minnows usual bait: .May and ■June best. 
 Biloxi (L. i^' N,) — Miss, Sound in tlie liiilf of Mexico 'jiii,, and lUloxi Hay and r. 
 till. I'hese are excellent waters for tishing. .Vll varieties of Southern saltwater 
 ti>h lire cautiht. The best months are from June to November, aial the iie.s^ liaits 
 an c'lt nuillct, Khrimp,.i-rabK ;ind tiddlers to be used on the lirst of the tlood ide. 
 H"tel> :?'J'")0 p. d., with liberal discount for longer time: no j^iiides nee<led: briats 
 Hud I'aits reftsoiiable. .\t the mouth of IJiloxl r., 1. m. b. b, bile freely. SeeTni: 
 AMI iu> A.\ .VNoi.iat, vol. VII, pa^'e'.il. 
 Eastutolichee i<v». >V <'•)— Leaf r. 1 m.: baylit- i;a\cm I., 111.: first named 
 ixiil.t in .May and ■lune: trout, il). b.. 1 pi^rch, rocktish and cattish; perch nio,-t 
 1 1,11.' !ous: <ricket. w.irm and <,'rasshopper baits: May. ■lime, .\untist and September 
 !ii-i; Imtel >1 p. d.; j^'uide ?1 p. d.; boats and bait at nominal cost. 
 Hattiesbtirg" (i^ >'*;: 0.)— Leaf r. ', m.; perch, trout, (b. b.K cattish, bulValo, etc.- 
 1 . 1. M and tiMiit most numerous; live bait used ; also doii^fli for coarst' lish ; .\prii. 
 May ,iiid ■lune best; hotclH at reasonabh' prices; boatH and guides not needed. 
 Heitlel'berg' ('^ >V *"•) — Hcavor er mar station; Tallahala cr. 111.; Braghonia cr. 
 iiii.; lallaliala cr. best; trout, (b. b.), perch, catfish, etc.- cattish most numerous; 
 lunnious, worms, etc. usual baits; March, A^iril and May be-st; hotels ?■.; p. d.; 
 liiat> and bait cluap, 
 Pachixta (Q^ -*>; ('.)— I'achuta cr.. Sdurnoria cr.. ('hi< kasaw hay r. ami Dead r. 
 luai' I'v: about alike: trout, (b. b.i. white ]iercli. blue cat, etc.: minnows and other 
 liiiits; March 1.') to Oct. b") best; hotel .'rJ p. d.; lishing reporteil good, l>oats ami liait 
 Pass Christian iL. >v X.)— Mexican Oulf, Wolf r. and Hayou Potash; ISIox. 
 iiiilt and Hayou Potash best; trout, (b. b.), redtish (channel bass) and a great many 
 varietits abound; shrimp ami mullet baits; -Inne and .lulybstbut good all the 
 viar: hotels i'^ to $.i p. d.; guides H p. d.; boatw and bait leasoiiable. 
 San:lersville {<■)■ ^ C.l— Tallahala cr. 1', ni.: Hniglioma cr. 2 m.; Tallahoma 
 >■ 111 \\ii>\\ cr. '1 ni.; cattish, perch, ami a few trout (1). b).; perch most numerous; 
 weiiii sawver and niinnuw baits; .May and Juue best: hotels .»T..')J p. d.: giiidew 
 rasilv'secured; .Myricks mill M 111. distuut is a good ground yielditi^,' large and 
 iiiiiic rolls 1. m. b. b, 
 Scranton (I- •^' N^)— Puscagoula r. ', m.: r>og r. 4 m.: various creeks and 
 lav. ii~ ! to 4 111.: Mississippi sound 2 111.: black and striped liass, recliish (i-liannel 
 ba.»- , ^hcepshead, Spanish mackerel, sea trout, croakers etc.; sea trout most nuiner- 
 f i 
 THK angler's oriPK BH^K. 
 ous; HhriiiH), (Tabs, mullets, oyr4terH and art flii's used; April t<j July, aud Seiiti-in 
 ber to Decoiubor best: UotelH i^Jn to Hi p. luoutu; Ijoats $2 to H.'to p. d.; bjut- ut 
 trifliug cost. I'lie Usbiiiy tor b. 1). (greeu trout locally), is exccllout m the carlv 
 .sprJU'; iu all the adjacent wtreauw. Xlie salt water tisliiu ; 8 uood. 
 Tascanola(Q. \ (M— Lcivf r. 1 ju.: Tallahala r. ^ ui.; li'.'at 1)est; trout (1;. li.i. 
 petcli, catlisli, ilruiu etc.; cattish iiud b. b. iiio.^t abundant: live small i)erch a> lun; 
 April to AUf^UHt best; hotels .^lo p. luonth; bo:it-t md bait can br ui i at niiniii.,ii or 
 JIO ('(JSt. 
 Ash Orove (K. (,'. Ft. 8. & G.) — bao r. near station; b. b., catflsb, buffalo ,t. . 
 all pU'titit'ul; UHiiul baitu. 
 Carroliton ( W. St. L. \ P. .SeepagoXV'.)— Bowdry 1. 4 m.: Mosscr. 2 m.: Wik.-ij. 
 da or. '2ni.; .»loss cr. best; b. b., perch, croi>pies etc.: perch and croi)pie> mr.-t 
 abundant: worm and minnow baits; .\pril. May, .Iiine autl -luly l)est; boat- ,iu.l 
 guides not needed. Croi)pie tishiug is good in .Moss 1. 
 Car thagfe (St. L.& Sau F.)—Sprin(» rat station; North Fork 8 m.; Centre cr. 
 in.: North Fork best: rock bass, perch ami croppii's: bass most abundant; niinimw 
 bait-i; April, May aud tlie tall months lust; liotels at moderate prices; guidi's u<<i 
 Crocker (St. L. .V San F.)—!iasiM)nade r. 4 m.; IJi;,' and Little I'iney Forks aul 
 Koiibideanx cr. ailjacent; lirst best: b. b.. pike, pen-li, i-roppies etc.; b. b. ii.ost 
 nunu'i'oiis; minnows and artiticial lures; season lasts from Ma.v to Dec; IimI.-H 
 rea-on;ible; guides and boats can be procured, and also campin'.; outht. The 1', Ij. 
 are nunierou.s iu the Uascouade r. and ar« readily caught witu the live ininnnu. 
 CiinuinsrhanKW. St. L. \' P. See page X\'.)— Hog 1. 'j m.; b. b. and croiipies; 
 minnow baits: .Vpril, May aud June best; hotel $'1 p. d.: lishiug reported good. 
 Dalton(W. St. L. ..v P. See page XV. ) — Missoni'i r. and f'hariton r. .'{ m . ; ,iiii 
 num.' lakes: the lakes best: b. b., perch, croppies and butl'alic. bass and > rnp- 
 pie^ most numerous; niinnow.s usual bait; .\pnl and Ma\ best; hotel >l.."'i 
 p d, 
 D3 Witte (W. St. L. X- P. See page XV.)— (irand r. 4 m.: Big cr. :{ m.: Wuk.tidi 
 er. I 111.: Big 1. 1 '^ in.: Missouri r. near station: all about ccpial: b. b., pci-cli. i ft', - 
 liies and catlisli: perch and caltiili must numerous: worms !,'cnerally used as in:; 
 April, May ami .lune best; hotel .■?!.. )i) p. d.: boats auil b:iit can be had. 
 Evertou iK. C Ft. S. & <i.)— sinking cr. at station: Sac r. 3 ni; Turnback cr. 4 m. 
 last named best; b. b. ; usual baits; May and June best; hotel very moderuti-; 
 guides and bait can be had. 
 iu / jnB, ( W. St. L. vV P. See page XV.)— Grand r. aud a number of lakes accessiblt ; 
 liru medtioncd best; b. b.. drum and cattish: usual baits; May l.") to July 1 1"-;. 
 hoods .^l to ;;j p. d.; guides .■?!.. ")0 p. d.; guides will lioats and bait. 
 Oallatin (C U. 1. iV: P.)— Grand r. 1 m.; catfish, white perch, butt'alo. drum . t. .: 
 *M'..isli most numerous: frogs, crayfish, worms vtc. iiseil for baits: .Ma.v and •luiii 
 bcU; hotels .*! tu^^Jp.d.; bait plenty. Lake Creek 5 m. distant is noted for its \e:y 
 flue croppie lishing. 
 Golden City (K. C. Ft. S. A: G.)— Muddy cr. ', m.; b 1)., perch etc.: bass an 1. c 
 iish most numerous, usual baits; .Vpril, May and June best; hotels $1 p. d. 
 Hannibal (M. 1'.)— Bird Sl(nii,;h 1 m. from Mississippi r. and the Suy. an inlci 
 str.; both ai'i' good ciintainiiiti black and stripi'd (fresh water) bass and ("roi'ii!'- 
 Tlie latter are very plentiful and are caught with minnow bait from April! !. 
 Hotels .■fl to .■?'2 p. d.: ^juides #1 to #1.50 p. d.: boats and bait .fi'i p. d.: adja.'iit 
 waters in Illinois give fine fishing during an overflow of thw Mississipjii r. 
 Hardin (NV. St. L. A: P. See pig.- XV. i— Suowdmi 1 . :i '^ m.: catfish, sunpercli. -ti.; 
 sunperi'h most numerous: worm and minnow liait: .\pril and .May best months; 
 hot«d ;f2 p. d.; team and driver .i^itp. d.: boats and bait reasonable. ' 
 Hickory Creek (C. R. I. & P.)— Hickory cr. near station: Grand r. J m.: CoiM-ra.* 
 I. Timber 1., Flathorsi'sliDc 1. and Siij^arcoup 1. accessible: (Jrand r. and Copi its 1, 
 beU: pike, salmon (piki'-piu'clii, driiiii. channel cat. sunpercli. buflalo etc.: «:itti-'li 
 bulfalo and drum most numeroiu ; minnow, cr:iyflsh and worm baits: boanlin. ,i- 
 couiinodations can be proi'ured; gindes $1 p. d.; boats and bait at reasonable pi icw; 
 shooting (especially 8i|Uirrel) ia eicelkut at this point. 
 buffalo L'tf. 
 Jerome (St. L. k San F.)— (iasconade r. at fltatinn; Piney fork 8'j m.; l)oUi about 
 etiiKil ixcx'pt iu fall, \vh(!ii tilt? ih bent; 1). b., i)ike-percli ami cropi)!*': bass 
 iu,i>i iiuiueroiiu; niiuuDW bait; season ^(ooil from May to November; no re^ilar 
 li.itil, l)Ut board can be liuil; ^^iiide Si. 51) ji. il; boats .")i),' ]>.(!.; liire of teut p. il. 
 •jjr; I'.iits free with guide, witliout guido •'*l p. biu. (iond tit^hiug reported. 
 Keuonia (K.('.Ft.S. k (J)— .\ ten acre lake near station; creek ',' in. ; b.b., pereli, 
 c,it:i-:i et.'. ; bas.s and perch mout abundant; miuuows, worms and fresh meat used; 
 April. May and Juuo best. 
 Lamar (K. C. Ft. S. & O.)— Pouco de Leon 1. and branch of Drywood or.; the 
 lak'' t lie best; rock and spotted basH (probably strawberry bass) cattish etc.; all 
 inciitifid; ordinary l)aits used; April, May and June best; hotels j^l..")!) to f2 p. d.. 
 MoPall (^V. St. T.. ■.'^: P. See page XV.)— Grand r. 3 m.; b. b., ])erch etc.: minnow 
 ,,;i i w .rm baits; .May, .Iiuie and July best; hotcd *J p. d.; guide with fam .rJ.">it 
 [,. (1.; c:iuoes and skill's can be had at moilerale cost. The eathsh iu this water ruu 
 ill. t'l '■'• ' lbs., and the b. b. are large and at times numerous. 
 Meramec (St. L. A: San F.)— Merameo r. '4 m.; b. b., eatlisb. bnttalo etc.; ttab- 
 1114 t.iiM'.igti spring, summer and autumn: minnow and craylish baits; hotel ,*'i p. 
 li,; ih.its $2 p. d. Fishing reported Kood. 
 Missouri City (W. St. L. k P. Seepage XV.)— Cooley 1.; b. b., perch, pike, crop- 
 ]ni-, salmon, " (pike-pcrch) etc.; bass and jjerch most numerous; minnow and 
 o:iivti>li baits; .\pril, May, Jiun' and October best; liottd $1..")0 ]>. d.; boats jl p. d.; 
 uiiuii'WS $1 p. lOU. The lishiug iu this lake is reported to be unusually good. 
 Moselle (!^t. L. .'t San F.)— Meramec r. 1 tn.; b. 1>., perch and catfish; last most 
 uuiiiivous; worms mostly used as bait; May aud Juue best; hotel #1 p. d. Dyua- 
 ivM'- 1- useil freely iu these watovn. 
 New PlorencetW. St. L. & P. See page XV )— Loutre r. 7 m.; Quiver r. 17 m.; 
 N, Hill aud South Bearer's .'ni.; two lirst named b(,'st; b. b.. jiike, ])erch. croppie, 
 catlisU etc.; bass and pei'ch most numerous: minnow bait; .liine. July, September 
 auil November best; hotels .*;^ p w.; guides at reasonable rates; boats 25o p. d. 
 Fisliiiig reported good. 
 Pacificist. L. A: Sau F.)— Mi'ram>;c r. ', m.; b. b., perch, catfish etc.; basH aud 
 ;.ir.!i most abundant; minnow and worm baits; .May to .Vugust best; hotels $1 p. 
 i! ; tiuides reasonal)le; boHts aud bait 7.5e to $1 p. d. 
 Peirce City i^i- L- •*>; ^an F.)— Shoal cr. about H m.; b. li. and eatlisb; bass most 
 iliMi'laiit; minnow b;iit; March and .\pril best; hotels $J p. d.: no guides or boats 
 uo • i i; bait can be procured cheap. 
 Princeton <-. H- T. '^ P.)— Grand rand Howshers 1. accessible: b. b., i)ike-pprcb, 
 liik', pickerel, cari), butbilo etc.; pickerel, bass and butl'alo most numerous: miu- 
 i:i\v. worm, beef etc. as baits: May. June and .luly best; hot(ds .»l..')ii to .f2 p. d.; 
 Ijuidis ,si..)0 p. d.; boats and bait reasonable. 
 Ri:5h Hill (K. C. Ft. S. A; (4.)— Marais Des Cygnes r. 2 m.; Varian's Fs 3 to 4 m.; 
 tHi;ill\ good; b.b.. ouffalo, perch, cattish etc.; usual bait.-^: April. May aud Sept. 
 Inst; hotels .■?- l). d. 
 Richland (St. T.. \- San. F.l— fTas< ouade r.; b. b., jtike. iierch, croppies etc.; bass 
 Hi i-i alMUidaut; minnow bait: wlnde season good, but May ami Sept. best; hotel 
 >>.■> I \>. w.; guides aud boats reasonable. 
 Sampsell (W. St. L. X P. See page XV.)— Grand r. .1 ni.: Lake ci 
 ii'. .1 iitlish. bu;l'alo. etj.; bulfalo numerous; usual iiaifs. 
 1 m.; first best; 
 Sprinfifflold (St. L. .V Sau F.)— White r. 4i)ni.; James r. In m.; various branches 
 > i s.i r. fro)u H to ;t') in.; White r. best: b. b., buffalo, cattish, etc.: minnows, 
 W'Miu 1. artificial flies aud trolling spoons are used; April aud May liest: hotels i^i 
 '.<< s.> ,-,0 p. d. 
 St. liouis (Ut'ached by 14 r. r.)— When there is an overflow of the Mississippi 
 i\u\ ^lisso\lri rivers the "sloutihs."' creeks aud meadows conti^juous. are tilled with 
 1 ';u~e tish. stich as the bulfalo, sucker, chub. etc. The local anglers go some distance 
 tiMiii the city for sport. 
 TindalKC R. L kV 
 ■I in last best; b. b.. bulVilo a:iil cat tisli, the be-t preiloniiuatiu!.': usual baits; May 
 aui I line best. Tkese waters are seldom lished except bv residents. 
 -Webbm fork of (iraud r. ', m.: Thoiui>Hons fork of do. 
 THE angler's guide BOOK. 
 Wentzville (W. .St. L. & P. See i)at,'e XV)— Cuivre r. 4'j in.; Pericine r. I uu; 
 firnt besit; b. b., croppie, huh perch, biiUalo. etc.; Ijiittalu iao.-st a.l)iiu<laiit; iinniiuw 
 baitw; April, May aud Juue best, butel ;^1 p. il.; guide ii.'A) p. d. ; b )atH 3ti p. d. 
 Arlee (N. P. .See i)at,'e VIII.)— Jocko r. 1 lu.: Fiuley cr. 1 m.; Flatbead 1. 7". m.. 
 Tip Top 1. H ni.; last bcHt; trout only; tlicf. t^ras.shoppcr.s aud meat of auy kind iiscj 
 foj' baits; .Junel to August ill best hotel ^2 \i. d . 'but no beds." ludiaii> mid 
 lialt'-l)reedn aw guides at reaaouable pricea. All the above waiers are good, the tima 
 ruuuiug from >4 to 18 lbs. 
 Avon (N. P. See page VIII)— Dog cr.. Trout cr., Six Mile cr. aud Little Blii(d> 
 r.; Liitli' 151ackt'oiil r. best; n.ouiitiiin trout auii wldtcilsli. al)out >Mjually di\,d.d; 
 bii'd aud grassliojipcrs u.scd as liail.-: luue to Uc'lnlicr lu( lusivc best; Iimi, i -.^ 
 p. d. : guides ,■?.( II. d . ; hoats and bai' a: small cost. Ihg Hlackt'ool v. a uoted UMut- 
 iiig watei', IS ;(.') ni. N. i;. from .Avon, at wnich iniiut couveyauces cau be bad. 
 Bearmoiith (N. I'.)— Harvey cr. 2 m.: Willow cr. 8 ui.: Big Ulackfoot r. ;;i) 
 lu.; last best; trout and whitetish; trout (salin<iu nu\ uiouutaiii) most nunJ|•l•■l||:^ 
 flies, grasslioppers aud beef iLsed; Sei)temljer aud (»ctol)er best: Jiotid .■^2 )■. d.: 
 boatH not lu;eded. 
 Belknap (N. P. So(! ])age VIII) — chirk'n fork of ('oluuil>ia r. '^ ui.: (IroMscr. 
 Ui. Jteinercr. (llu.; two last best: sahuou ti'nut, broidi trout, (hub, etc.: iTunk 
 trout mostly; art. tlies used geuerally; August and Septeml)er best: un li. ■(,!.■;, 
 camping has to be doue. 
 Big' Timber (N. P.) — VellowHt(Uie r. '; ui.; tr(Mit, whitetish, etc.; trout mot 
 UunuTous; flien aud minnows iiseil; August aud September l)eHt: hotel $!ip. d. 
 Billing's (N. P.)—! toe k cr. 'ir. m.: Ytdlowstoue r. adjacent; Rowebud 1.7" in.; 
 Prior cr. '.io m.: Kosiduid 1. liest; trout etc.; trout most nuuuTous; art. flies, \ii-,i~-- 
 hoppers and minnows used; -Vugiist, September aud October liest; hotels .ifJ t" ■:!;'. 
 d. ; isuperior trout lishiug. 
 Butte (N. P. >V r. P.)— Pig Hole r. 3o m.; Deer Lodge r. 18 m.; hrst best; trout an I 
 gray liug are the jiriuiiiial varietie -; worms, minnows and art. tlies used: .Iiiin- i' 
 October liest; there are no liot I-; at hshiug waters; excursions are made frmn 
 Putte: boats aud bait cau be liad at lishiug grouiuls. '.iUU Lis of trout rejiorted a- .i 
 davs catch for i) rods. Other watern easily reached give superior ttnhiiig !■ , 
 Custer (N. P. Seepage VIII) — Yellow r. 1 m.; Pig Horn r. 3 lu.; Little Ihiinr. 
 3 m.. Stinking Water cr. aud Itotten (irass t;r. are noted trout streams; Pig lldiii ;■. 
 best: ))iclW'rel, trout etc. . )iicker(d are most numerous in the Yellowstone and Lnwii' 
 Big Horn, and trout in the mountaiu s, reams; minnows, raw meat aud art. tli'-' 
 Used; .liiue, ■) u !> and September best; hotels .< J.5i) p. d. ; line hunting iu this .-ti- 
 tion also. Custer is the gateway Htatiou to the celebrated Big Horn Mouutaiii>. 
 Deer Lodg'e (l^. P.)— Deuipsey I'm 'JO ui.; Race Track cr 8 ui Rock cr. 12 in.; 
 first best; brook trout: beef, gr.'isshoppers aud Hies as bait.s; June, July uad .\U;,'u<t 
 best; hotels $■2 to ;?2.r>U p. d.; lioats uiuieces,sary ; l)ait )ileuty and without cost. 
 Dillon (U. P.) — Beaverhead r. ', m.; grayling aud wliitelish are principal vari- 
 eties; grub bait iu winter and grasshoppers iu warm weatlier; all mouth.- - 1 
 exceiit .May aud June; hotid j^i p.d. There are sojue small creeks 10 to l") iiiib- 
 froiu here where trout are caught from May to November; guides aud boats iint 
 Elliston (N. P.) — Little Blackfoot r.'uear statiou; trout or whitetish; trout in"-! 
 numerous; grasshojiiicrs and art. flies used; .\pril. May aud Sejiteiuber best; Iniiil 
 ;f-'p. d.; guide.*") ii. d.: boats .*;t.50 p.d. Kllistou is the station wliere aiu.'!'!'^ 
 get oil" wlieii bound for the celebrateil waters of Big Blackfoot r. and otlu i- ui' .it 
 Ashing resorts. 
 Evaro(N. P.) — Croek (unuamed) ll m.; uiouutaiu trout; fresh beef is the 
 Viait; autuiuu best. 
 Gallatin (N. P.)— Gallatin r., Madison r. and JeflferHon r.; rtrst best; trout, -iiv- 
 ling and whitetish: all iiunieroiis; grasshoppers usual bait: .IuIn, .Viigust. Septi kJiit 
 and Ov-ti'ber best; hotels .••lo ]). w; exc( ti'outiug. 
 Garrison I ^ P. See jiage VIII) — Ro.k rv.. Wdl iw cr., \Va;'m Spriics c: .iiiJ 
 Little Uhickfcii, r.; the three lirst mentione I lie.-t: m<>;i;iiaiii trout and m. j l'"v 
 trout: mountain trout most niiniprons; flies are used fron; Ajiril to October, and 
 i;M It tidiii < >,t'itiii- ti> Aiiril: .Iiint-, -luiy, Aui,'iist and Sfi)tfnilicr best niontus; Imti-l 
 Jj .'ill 1'. (1.: (.'iiidts and boat^ imt nccdt-ii. The aliovr watfi'i^, cxcfiit j)r<)l)a)dy 
 I.i(tli' Jilackt'oot, nbound in trmit. T'ai' itih^ks are narrow and the angler fishes 
 ■riiiii tilt banks. 
 Gold Creek (N. P.)— Deerlodnc r. and tiobl cr.: ('(dlins 1. 2ii ni.; IJla-kfoot r. 7 
 ni.; la>t two liest; trout iirinciiiallv: tlifs mostly used; suimiicr and fall best: uf> 
 rei-' Imtids; ^juides can be dbtaincd t'or reasonable coniiiiusafion : the fishing in 
 tlif niiiiicdiate vicinity of (iold er. docs not amount to much, but CulliuH 1. %) m. 
 a.irtli i< full of enormous trouf of lu to 1") lV)s. wei^;ht. 
 Heron (N- I') — darks Fork and Klk Cr. 1 m.: first best; mountain trout anc", 
 .vliiti ti>h: whitctish most numerous: tlies. beef, urasshojipers. etc.. as Itait: .\ut;ust. 
 ■■('larks PorK ),'ives better tishin!,' than Sjiokane r." .See Thk .■Vmkukan Asiii.KH. Vid. 
 Soiiteiiiber, October and November best; hutels $'2.5(Ji). d. Our correspondent writes; 
 Vi, IML'C 'Jtl. 
 Horse Plains iN. I'-l — dark's fork of Columbia r.; spci'kled or mountain tr(mt i;;issian charr or bull tr(>ut: rtrst most numerous; art. fly used mostly: May. 
 Jrilie. (ictober and November best. 
 Livingston (N. P.i— Yellowstone r. '., m.: tro\it and uraylinn; trout most nuni- 
 tii'Us. art. llies used mostly; July. Aut,'Ust and Seiiteniber best; Hotels at reas(Uiabie 
 jjucis; boats ■!! :?J |i. d. The tisliint; in the Yellowstone is simply ma^jnitici-nt. A. 
 i'lii;. l"iully Known as the •• trout tiy,"' whiidi reseml)les the ecunmon ••thousand 
 Iff.'--." i-^ the most killing lure These buf,'s li( under the st(nH%s alouf^ shore and 
 liiii lie gathered bv the hand-full, t^uerv ; Is it the helgraniite or dobsou of the 
 List ■.' 
 Noxon (N. P.)— Bull V. 4 ni.: creek (unmimed) '.^ m.: first best; trout: art 
 hotel at reasonable rate: nuides .*.'> p. d.; dark's fork 
 'iMil mostly; hotel at reasonable rate; nuides .*.'> p. d.; dark's fork '4 m. a!id 
 -evtiiil other near by waters afford excellent fishing for large trout. See '.("hk 
 .\MlnicAN AN(iLKH, Vol. VII, page 'JT. 
 Park City (N. P. See page VIII. i— Yellowstone r. and Rocky f ork '.' to •jn ni . ; 
 lim 1;.\ fork best for trout; trout aiul jiike. l)Ut trout only in Hoi'ky fork; minnows, 
 llii-s. {.'rasshoppers and fat )iork \ised; .\\igust and Septi'Uiber best: guides #'> p. d. 
 our .iri-cspondeut write.- ; "Kocky fork will satisfy the nuist greedy angler." 
 Eavalli (N. P.)— Jocko r. near station; Flathead 1. ^!> m.; last named best; tnuit 
 I'J \anctiesl. whitefish •'sijuaw tish." ('.') etc.: trout most nunu'i'tuts; art. flies, grass- 
 tmlilicis and beef Used; .May to , September best in Jocko r.: good all the year in 
 Fhitliead 1. The fishing in the r. is only good in the months named, as the fish run 
 ilciwii stream on the approach of ccdii veather, rettiruiug with the spring freshets. 
 Wry fine hunting and field shooting in this section. 
 Eed Rock (T. P.)— Red Rock r. near station: Medicine Lodgi cr. 'i m.; Salmon 
 r. '." In; all about e(|Ual; m Red Rock r. trout ami whitefish: Medicine Lodce cr. 
 tnll ..t s] e kled trout: grul) or worm bait>: Ma,\ until October liest: hotels .-?'•! p. d.; 
 L'uitl' s :?:i ]'. d.: boats on Salmon r. #1 p. d.: salmon treuif abound in Salmon r. ; 
 •taui .iiinects at this place daily. The tishing is very tiiu' in this neig!ib(U-ho(id. 
 Sl-rinsfdale (N. P.)— 'iellowstone r. near station; Uoulder r. 7 m.; last best: 
 iiinuiit;iin trout: minnow bait; Jttly to December best; hotels $2 p. d.; boats and 
 I'iiit iit small cost. 
 Spring- Hill (!'. P.i — Red Rock r. 1 m.; Sage er. 10 m.: Henry's 1. •.'.■) m.: all 
 ( I- truut. whitetish. ^ra> linj,' and mountain nerrinf,': wliitelish aie most numer- 
 "Ms ill Red Ruck r. and tnmt in Sa^'e cr.: Krasshojn ers ami art. liies as baits; .luiu', 
 ■Iniy ;ind .-Vugust best: eatitig houses at .*! ji. d. ami rocim extia: guides can be 
 liH.i: boats Used only at Henry's 1. and cost ' p. h. There is good hunting in this 
 tiiiu'tib'irhood also. 
 Still'water (N. P. See jiage VIII.)— Yellowstone r.. Stillwater cr. '.. m.: Rosebud 
 1 4' II ; last best; trout, •■hickory shad." wall-eyed i)ike ami whitefish; trout most 
 iiuiiMious: t,'rasshop).ers. minnows, flies as liaifs. with tat hacon in winter: .\ug- 
 'M Si (ifeniber and October best, hotels .«1 p. d.: guides ,an l>e had. charges regu- 
 l:itiil iii'ctu'ding to distance and number of party: boats 5fic p. d. Fishing very 
 Tliompson Palls (N. P.'— dark's fork of Columbia r.. Tti<unpson r. and Pros- 
 pi' 1 'i. : first best for salmon trout, and twiv hc-f named foi- bvook or mountain 
 trout; both species are very plenty; art. flies, grasshoppers and beef are used. 
 Aiiril, Miiy, September and ()ctol>er best: hotels ^2.:>i> p. d. Our iTifuriuiint win.s' 
 •' we eateli 'JiMi ],r. trout <»ii !i favorable day, uud Jto t<> r>ii lbs. ui' ^<allu«>n trmit i- u ,| 
 itii iitjcoiiiiiio)! Hcore for a day's flsbiug." 
 Towusend (N. P.)— Dry <'r. li .n.: Deep or. l.")iii.: last best; mountairi tinnt: 
 flies and Hra.-sli(ij)per l)aitH; June to November best. 
 Trout Creek (N. P.)— Clark's fork of Columbia r. '^ m.: Trout cr. '^ m.: la.t 
 best; trout, whitetish and salmon; trout most uumerous; art. tlies used; .Iiijy, 
 AugUMt and Septoniber.bent; hotel #'J p. d. 
 Turah (X. P. See i)a|,'e VIII.)— Roek cr. 11 m.; Plaik Foot r. 4 m.; first 
 troui; !,'i;isslion)ers and art. flies used; early sjirim,' and latr fall best: n^lmt.-! 
 nearer than next station (Houita) guides and baits can be jirocured rea^-llll,^l,l,. 
 U 1 lisliiiitr I'eported. 
 Warm Spring's (U. P.)— Lost cr. 1 m.: Warm Springs cr. near Htation; tir.-t 
 best; speckled tloiit only; HicH, grassliopjiers, fl'esli meat. eti:. as baits; gond :ii a". 
 times; hotel ^^17 p. w . ; boat included m board; bait i)lentiful. 
 Wickes (N. P.)— Heaver cr. 10 m.; Miiskrat br. lo m.; first besf trout; arttb.. 
 are used: Imtel jl'J.oO \i. d. 
 Woodlin (N. P.) — Thompson r. 'J )ii. and .Jocko r. Tlie first is an excellent tiMiii 
 water. I'oi- fi>li, etc. see Sjiokaue Tails, Wash. T., antl Thf. .Vmkkican .\xi;i.K.ii. \,.; 
 VII, lagi! 2C>. 
 Alkali (!'. P.)— Xorth Platte r. -2'.^ m.; South I'latte r. '., m.; first best; pik.-, ,;it. 
 iish, etc.; cattish mostly; minnow and fro;,' bait; May to October best; boat> .ur 
 be had. 
 Beatrice (!'• P.)— Big Bhu' r.: pickerel, bass, catfish, eti .; pickerel and i iitii>;. 
 must numerous; minnow and beef baits; June l)est mouth; hotels at modi-rutf 
 charges; boats and bait reasonable. 
 Buda (I". P.)— Wood r. 2^^ i"-: Platte r. 2 m.; lirst best; a fi'W trout, but i itlUL 
 principally; worm bait; May till ctdd weather betstHeaHon; fishing iudillerent. 
 Clear Creek (U. P.)— Platte r., oti cr. and clear ci. 1 ', m.; first best; jiiki . .,,t. 
 fish, suiifish, etc.: coarse fish predominating; small tish and worm baits; .Ii.i.. 
 •lifly and .\ugust l)est; hotel #1 to >'J p. d.: boats and bait at small co^t. The i;i!:i-: 
 in the Platte r. run large. 
 Columbus (F. P )— Platte r., Loup r. and Stevens 1. each within 2 m.; two lu-t 
 liest; b. b , pickend, buftalo, catfish, etc.: pickerel most abundant: spoons ;iii! 
 worms used; usual seasons; hotels j^l to .■f2 j). d.; boats and bait at nominal < "-t. 
 Duncan (t". P.) — Platte r. 1 m.; Loup r. :{ m.: last nanu-d best: b. b.. whit, :;-! 
 catlisli. etc.; catfish most numerous; fresh meat and worms usual baits; fall ni'iitl- 
 best; hot<' at reat^ouable rate. 
 Fullerton (l". P. l — Cedar r near station; a f(W pike, but catfish prin< ii',ill,\: 
 frogs, bird aiul meat baits; .Vjiril. May and June best; hottds ;?'J p. d,; boat- ;iiiil 
 li;iit at nominal prices. 
 Hansen (St. J. A: W.) — Platte r. 1 '^ m.; the river at this point coutain.s sonn li.l,. 
 which are caught most readily in the mouths of May and Juue; hotel charge - »- 
 p. d. 
 Holmesville ll'- P.)— Bit? Blue r. near station: pike, catfish, gar. etc.: catfish 
 most numefoiis; fresh meat, frog, minnow and worm baits; May and Juiu I > -t 
 months; hotels .'rip. il.; guide at reasonable charge; l)oat lOo p. h. The In-t 
 groundH are just below the dam. 
 Jamaica (I^. P.)— Salt cr. near station: pike and catfish: the latter predomiiiit 
 iiij^: any kind of meat used as bait; .\iiiil, Alay ami Juue besf boats and bait ■!■• 
 Tlu' fishing is reported good of its kiud. 
 Madison (V. P.)— Elkhorn r. 1:J m.; Battle ir. 1.') m.; last best; pickerel, cattish 
 and biiflalo; pickerel most uumerous: spoons, frogs and meat used. 
 Munson (!'• P.)— Llkliorn r. 'J'j m.: pickerel, bass iimi catfish: pickerel most 
 iiunieiois: frog bait; May and June best. 
 North Iioup (V. P.) — North Loup i. audlalamus r. 3.') m.; wall eyed inke. yhiw 
untttiii ti'i.iit; 
 |,(r<U and a few; catti-th and perch most nnnif'roti.s, miuuows. frogs and 
 vliiU' wtirniH iiHiial baitw: Jdiicand July )»ost. 
 North Platte (U. P.)- -Soiitli and North Platte r's. 1 m. : I.aniplauj^h's 1. r. ni.. 
 |,Mic, cutlinh, buSalo etc.; Home earp in Laini)!aughH 1 ; frenh meat bait; 'Inly, 
 AuguHt, September and October best, hotels $'2 to $;t ji. d. 
 Omaha (U. P)— There are no watern adjacent of any importance; r'nt-offl. 1 m.; 
 lli.ri'iice 1. 5 in.; Pries 1. 7 in., cDntain nonio pickerel a few b. 1)., and numbers of 
 Ul\'e catlinh. 
 Otoe Agency (U. P.)— Biy Blue r. '; m. ; pike, catfiir<h, bull'alo etc.; catfish most 
 i.uiNCi'oii.s; minnows nsuul bait; April, May and June l)e8t; hotels |1 p. d.; .'?:i.5(i 
 ji. w. ; boats plenty. 
 Powells (St. J. ^t W.)— Big Sandy r. \ m.; Little Blue r. ^'4- m.; about ecjually 
 ..ndil; iluinnel cattish, horn pouts, suntish etc.; channel cattish most numerous; 
 iiiiunows and frogs usmil bait; May bc^t month. 
 Schuyler (U. P.)— Shell cr. and p. 3 m.; pcmd best; rock salmon, pickerel and 
 iiiitlalo; the last pro lomiuating; beef, worm, and grasshopper baits; .Inly aud 
 .\iit!Mst best; hotel .i;^' p. d.; guides, boats and bait reasonable. 
 Waterloo 'U. P.) — Hanger 1. 2'j ni. ; Elkhorn r. '4 m.\ first best: b. b. aud pick- 
 fit'l in lake, aud catfish principally in river; bass most numerous; minnows and 
 HiidOUH used in lake; April, May and Junt>; hotels at reasonablt^ prices; guide with 
 \nia j^i to $r> p, d.; boats at small cost; bait plenty at nominal charge. 
 Carson (V, k T.)~Truckee and (arson r's adjacent; first best; rainbow and 
 lake trout; lake trout most numerous; uiiuuows and Hies are usual baits; May to 
 November best; hotels |2 to 13 p. d. 
 Palisade (En. ^- P.)— The Humboldt r. 50 yards distatit contains a fair number 
 of trout, which are most numerous in July, Aug. aud Sept.; minnow aud worm !)ait 
 WM'il: hotels :?'2.r)() J), d., aud ui'itiier boats or guides reijuired. This is tlio only 
 lisLiiiL' ground lui tlu' Kureka ^V; Palisade r. r.. 
 Alton (B. .'v M.)— L. Wiunepesaukee 1 m.: Merry-meeting p. 5 m.; Bear )). 3 m.; 
 first liest; trout, b. b.. cusk aud pickerel; trout most numerous; red tin minnows 
 asliait: January to .Xjiril iind June to September best, hotels $1 p. d.; guide S- p. 
 (l; liiiats loc p. h. ; bait f 1 p. lOU. Withiu a raditis of m. there are several ponda 
 cniitaiuing pickerel. 
 Alton Bay (B. «S: M.i— Places p. 4 m.; Hills p. 4 m.; L.Wiunepesatikee: last best; 
 laki' tiiiiit. 1). b., pickerel, disk and perch; perch and bass most unmerous; live 
 luit used; Mar<h, .Vpril, June and July best; hotels $1 to $'J p. d.; guides $'^ p. d.; 
 Imato b'lc p. h., or 7">c p. d.; bait |1 p. lOO. There are also some trout brooks 2 to 5 
 III. from this place. 
 Ashiielot (Conn. K.)— Pisgat pds. 3 m.; Spofi"ord 1. ',» m.; Forest 1. 'J m., and nu- 
 uurniis trout streams; .Si)ortord 1. the best; pike, b. b.. pickerel, trout ami perch; 
 liirkerel and perch most numereus; good all the mouths i>( open season; woriu and 
 iLiiuuow baits; boats and bait plenty. 
 Harrington (^V. X. .v R.) — Winkleys p. 1,'. in.: Swains p. 3 m.; Nippo p. .T m.; 
 SiMii.' 11,, n>e ])..") 111. ; ,\yer's p. ') 111.; Swains aiul .Vyer's pds. best; pickerel, pei'cli, 
 I'lUts, etc. (piite numerous; minnow and worm baits; sumnier montlis and .Sejit- 
 ' iiilier best. There are also three brooks, (Jreenhill, Malaga and Pierce's, in this 
 wiiiiity where trout are caught; May is best month for them. 
 Bartlett(P. *; O.)— Saco r. '. m.; Albay })r. and Bazor br.: first best; trout; 
 woim bait; June best month; hotels and guides at moderate cost. 
 Berlin Falls (<'r. T.)— Head p. 4 m.: IMillsfield fvlp. 22 m.; Success p. 10 m.; 
 al- ' ^ line small streams in the vicinity, Millsiidd j,. 1)est; trout, pickerel aud b.b.; 
 t'ltiit and pickend iHiist abundant; worms and live bait; May, .luneand July best; 
 lii)tel-i 1*2 p. d.; guides $2p. d.; boats and bait at reasonable cost. This station is 
 til'' i:i'arest xuiint by rail to the Megalloway waters of Maine. 
 Centre Conway t P. & O.) — Walkers 1 p. ui.; Horseshoe p. ,'4 m.; first named 
 best; pickrrcl, b. K, jicn li etc.; iiickerc-l and h. b. most inimoroufi;'livo baits nuisf- 
 ly uhjmI; .IiiiH' mill Si'iitciulxr liCHt; Imttl $1 to $5 ji.w.; Ixiats r>Or to $1 i(. d. 'Jlnrc 
 iir<' a iiimiliir of luiKik.M ill viiiiiity that contain Hiiiall trout. Walkers p. coiiiaiiis 
 an almndancf of good sizodb. b. 
 Charlestown (f''<Hin. K.) — Oonrortirutr. noar station; Grfat br. it'j m.; Blai J; r. 
 '2ni.; b. b., jiikc and trout; for bass and iiikc Conn, and lilark rs. b<'st; (ireat hr. 
 for trout: bass arc most nuinerous; minnows, Kof<;rs, blk. cric^kdts etc. used; .Jiiiic, 
 best for )iikc: May and June for trout and Au(^u.*^t for bass; hotels If2 p. d.; guidtj- 
 boats and bait at reasonable rates. 
 Claremont Jiuic. (Conn. River.)— Sunapoo 1. '20 m; b. b., trout, l.mdlorkdi 
 salmon; 1). b. most numerous; small shiiierH, crirkcts and ^'ra^ shoiipers as b:iiis, 
 July and .\u}^'ust best; lioteln and iilriit.i of boarding; houses at reasonable rat(s; 
 guides, boats and bait at moderate charge. 
 Eppin^ (W. N. k U.) — I'awtuckaway 1. ('> m.; b. b. and 
 tuiriiiiini' winter best hotcds at reasonable rates guides 
 .*1 V. d.; 
 lirim'ii)ally: an- 
 boats and liuit 
 tan be iirocured. 
 Glen (P. A: O.)— Saco r. ,'.; m.; Ellis r. near station; Kast branch Saco r. 1 m.; 
 l{ock> branch 1 m.; Wild r. \i> m.; Wildcat r. [i m.; all very good but Wild r. licst; 
 speckled trout and a few rock salmon; flies and worms used; July and Augimi 
 best; hotels $1 1) d ; guides $2 p, d.; boats and bait reported free. 
 Gorham (Ctr. T. See page V.)— Androscoggin r. '4 ni.; Peabody r. '„ m.; Mon-o 
 br. ?4 m • Peabody r. best; trout; worm bait; June and July be.<t; hotels at rtuMn- 
 ablt! prices. There is good pickerel fishing ii: the Androscoggiii r., and at times 
 tnmt are caught in the same; waters that run up to or 7 lbs. These fish are evi- 
 dently from Umbagog 1. The trout fishing is reported excellent for fish varying 
 from it to 10 oz, 
 Ori»at Palls (T5. k M.)— Salmon Tails r.; Red br. '; ni.; Black Water br.; Tate 
 br.: I'lainsbr.; (iov. Goodwin br.; ISranchbr.; Abbott br.; Coles p.; Hussey's ]i.; 
 Kniglits p.: all good; the above waters vary in distance from '^ m. to (> m. ; trout, 
 jiiclicrcl, b. b., jierch, etc., are numerous; worms, live bait and (lies usual liaitn; 
 Abiy, Jiine and fSej)tember best; good through the ice in winter mouths; hotels $2 
 p. d. and some at j^4 p. w.; boats lUc p. b. or 60c p. d.; bait cheap. 
 Hiibbards (W. N. & R.)— Island p. }i m.; pickerel, perch, b. b. and hompont,s; 
 percli aiul hornpouts most numsrous; shiner and worm baits; good most all 
 iiKinths; hotels j:i p. d.; guides can be bad; boats oc to lOc p. h. 
 Hlidsou (W. X, & R.)— Otternick p. ,'J m.; Little Massabesic p. 2 m.; some 
 br<i(ii>> udiaceiit to above waters; Little ISbissabesic best; j>ickerel, perch, trout, 
 bream, etc., worms, frog legs, small fish, etc., used. The above waters are well 
 Keene (Couti. R.) — Monodnock 1. (locally called "Dublin p.") 12 ni.; Chesterfield 
 1. 10 m.; Muusonvilh' reservoir 10 m. ; all good waters; in JNIonodnock 1. trout; iu 
 Chesterlield 1. pike, )>. b. and perch; in IMunsonville reservoir!), b., pickerel etc.; 
 art. flics, minnows and other lures (isi'd; May, June, July, August and September 
 best months; no hotels at Monodnock or Muusouville, but one at Chesterfield; 
 boats can be had at all the waters named. 
 Iiaconia (B. ^' L.)— L. Winnesquam ,'4 ni.; L. Winnepesaukee C m.; about eijual; 
 trout, b. b., i)ickcrel, perch, cusk etc. iu the following order of abundaiu'c; peroli. 
 cu.'^k, pickerel, bass and trout; live bait and worH:s used; January to March and 
 June to A^ugust best; hotels at reasonable rates; boats and bait at moderate 
 charges. Lake Winnesquam afl'ords excellent lishing. A few landlocked salmuu 
 Lave been taken from Lake Winneiiesaukee. 
 lee (W. N. & R.)— Wheelwrights p. 1}^ n>.; Pawtuckaway p. 4,'i m.; Pawtnok 
 away p. best: b. b., pickerel and perch; pickerel most abundant: February, Manh, 
 September ami l)(^tober best; baits— live shiners; uo regular hotels; guides reason- 
 able. Finhing through the ice much followed. 
 Nashua (VV. N. »^ R.)— L. Babboosic 8 ni.; Reed's p. 4 m.; b. b., pickerel ete.; 
 b. b. most numerous; helgrauiites, flies, worms etc. as bait; .\pril and May best; 
 hotels at Nashua at reasonable price; boats plenty and moderate. 
 New Durham (B. & :\I. )— Merrymeeting Bay 4 m; trout and pickerel principal- 
 ly; Ted tins" as bait; June and October best. 
 Newmarket (B. iV JL)-— Great Bay 1 ni. ; Freeh r. )i ni.; Pawtuckaway v. 12 ra.; 
 WhorlwriRht'H p. <> m. Oroat Hay 1)CHt; codflKh. Rtripod bass, smelts, etc.: sniolts 
 Ltcrs are well 
 •lams, worms iiiul lobsttTs us»'(l as baits; 
 iiM'st iiumt'i'tius, 
 l,(;t^■l^^ j^l,-"" V- '1.; |,!iiiilc iiu'ludiun boat, bait otc. 
 tlu' best stat^fs dt tidf. 
 p. (' 
 May anil Oi'tobcr bost; 
 lli^'li ami l(i\v water are 
 '2 m. ; I'uddiiiK p. 1 m.; 
 best; trout, i)iekpr('l, b. 
 several Hniall Htreame 
 b., jiercb, chubs, ete.; 
 No. Conway d'. '^ (>.)— FaIio 1. 
 (ii. >;;iii r all witbiii 'J m., Saco r, 
 tn uf iiiost jmiiieroiis; worm bait. May and Juj!e best: Lotols iiumeroUH at $1 to $4 
 [. (1.; lioiits ami bait at small expense. 
 No. Stratford (<ir. T.)— ConueetieMit 1. '.iHm,; trout and mascalonee; trout moBt 
 uuini iiius; miuuow baits; Juue and July beut; hotel $2 p. d.; guide $2 p. d.; boats 
 r,i^. r. a. 
 Plaistow (B- >^' M.)— Wash p. 4 ni.; Anglinn j). 5 m.; Phillips p. 8 m.; Khowel ]). 
 t-iu . I'.ai berry p. ;f ni.: b-land p. ."> m.; AnfiliiiH p. best; b. b., jiiekerel, jiereli and 
 • niit> perch 'most nunii'roiis; minnow and worm baits; June, July and August 
 !t>t. hotel .■?! p. d.; ^'uides at reasonable charKe; boats Tuie p. d. There are several 
 ncut brookh within easy reach that give fair lishiug iu the spring. 
 Portsmoutli (several r. r.) — Atlantic Ocean and Piscataqnar. adjacent; codfish, 
 liidilock. pollack, striped bass, mackerel, cuuuers and other saltwater varieties; 
 \Mial baits and seasons. Isle of Shoals, 7 ni. distant, is reached by steamer. At 
 I'l.vci I'oint 7 m. np the Piscataqua r.. sea bass and cod (probably tomcod) are 
 i.ikcii ill great numbers in the nionthH of May and Juue; hoteld $'J.5o to $4 p. d.; 
 ' ,ii- and boatmen at the usual prices. 
 'a m.: Rollin'u 
 t; worm bait; May 
 RoUiusford (B. A: M.)— Warren's br, at station 
 ]•:. 1 111.; Foundry br. ',. ui.; Sligo br, 1 m.; aljout alike; tro 
 ,inl .luiic best. Fishing prohibited here nutil March 1887, waters having beea 
 stocked with trout iu 1884. 
 Salmcn Falls (B. & M.)— Ktiight's p. .S m.: Hoopers p. Cm.; Great Works r. 4 
 ii;.: two lirst best; some trout, but pickerel and perch principally; frog, worm and 
 luiimow baits; May and Juue best for trout; all the year for pickerel; hotf.'ls ;f'J p. 
 ,;.; miide at reasonable price; boats and bait plenty. Knight's, Varuey and Uarvuy 
 .;re the best of the trout brooks. 
 Shelbtirne (ttr. T.)— Success p. 13 m.; Wild r. r, m.; Coman br. .1 m.; Ingalls br. 
 .III.; first best; trout; flies and worms as baits: July, August and September best; 
 l.otels 5^0 to in p. vv.; guides $'2 p. d. The trout are small. 
 S". New Market (B. & M.)— Swamscotr. near station, and emptying into Gre^t 
 l^av; biith are good; striped bass, smelts, alewives, etc.; shrimp, minnows and frog 
 It^:- a-^ bait; hotels 7r)c p. d. ; boats and bait can be procured reasonable. Isle of 
 ^he;il> is reached by steamer from this point. 
 Stark 'Water (Gr. T.)— North p. 'i m.: South p's (."?) 1 Kj 2 m.: Phillips Brook 
 V. aiiil Na.'^h Stii-amp.; first best; trout most numerous in North p.; worm bait; 
 May. .hme and July best; no hotels, campiug is ni'cessary; boats and bait at mod- 
 I rati- charges. 
 Stratford Hollow (Gr. T. See page Vi— Bog br. 2 m.: Little Bog br. K m.; 
 Maiil-tciiie 1. .") m.; Connecticut r. '^m.: IJog br. and branches best; trout, masca- 
 iiujK. (lace and pouts; trout most numerous; worm bait; June and September 
 i|•^^t; no liotel. but cheap board can be had at private houses; boats and bait can be 
 "btaiued. C<ood trouting iu Bog br. 
 West Milan (Gr, T, 
 Loll!.' 1'. ;i ni.; South ] 
 Sec page V.) — Amnionoosic r. '> ni.; Phillips Brook r. '> m. 
 Uni.; Nay i>. :i m.: Cedar ji. 2 m.: trout, iiickerel and mas- 
 aleii^'c: ]>ickerel most numerous: worms am 
 MiilMr best; hotel at reasonable price. This 
 Kauticley Lakes of Me., and is claimed to be 
 '. tlii-r route. 
 trolling spo<ins used: June to Sep- 
 is a favorite gatewa> to tlu; famous 
 10 to 20 miles shorter than by any 
 'Winchester (Conn. R.)— Spofford 1.8 m.; Forest 1. 2 
 besides mauv 
 r 8 
 ami brs. in immediate vicinity; nearly all alike for lishiug, ))ike, trout, lacl.erel. 
 I'. 1'., etc.; pickerel and trout most plentiful: June 1 to Nov. 1 best; ground and live 
 i.!:i iise.l; hotel at moderate rates: no guides needed; boats at reasouuVile price; 
 t;-biug here reported very good. See Ashuelot, N. H. 
 Windham (W. N. & E.)— Corbett's p. 2 m.: Policy p. 4 m.; last named best; b. 
 '' . 1 ic kerel, perch and horn pouts: b. b. most numerous; charges moderate. 
 Wolfboro (B. k M.)— Lake Winnonnsankee an<l .Smitli'H p.: lant be«t; h, na. b. 1,.; 
 all «■! the UHiiuI baitM iiHod, flios uiowtly; July 1") to AugUHt 15 bint; liotol IJ f . ft 
 1). (I.; h'uiile fl p. d., or |'J.50 including boat and bait. 
 W. Windham (W. N. .^' H,)— .loaver br. '. in.; UiiiKbiirs p. i. m.: equally (.'n.,.) 
 l)ickrr('l, iicnli. ftc; .liiiio uuil 'I'lly l)UHt; Mo l'»';^ular bott-ls; nuidt-.-i $J p. d 
 and liailH very iiindfratt 
 h. h., pickerel and perch, 
 There arc wevoral other i)'dH within i in., that 
 Allendale (N. Y. L. E. Ac W.)— Hy<'^HoIl,^ p. 7 m.; piekorel, b. b. and penli; Mav 
 and Au(,'UHt ))ewt; wornin and live bait used; hotel reaHouable; ImatH at nioderute 
 Audover(Ii. <V H. U.)— Lont; ji. 1 m.- Ib-wittV ji. 'j ni.: •lolinsmi p. 'j tn.: abntit 
 efiiial; b. b., yellow banw, ijickerelctc.; and pickerel most niinicri>ns. ^tra-.-^lin; . 
 per and minnow baits; May, June, .September and October bt*nt; boat.t at ica^nn^. 
 blc pricGH 
 Atlantic City (Penna. k P. k H.)— All varieties of nortliern salt .vaterflrtb. 
 SheepHhead ar larf,'e at the "wrcck.M' oil' Brinantinc JJeach, and abundant on certain 
 ground.s in the Inlet. Ba(^k ol liolw ombc's on Urijiantine gooil weak tishint,' iimy 
 be had in the thorouyhfarcH. A hif^h water and the lirHt ()f the e])b l>la.'k druu tr.>i 
 and may be caugbtin the surf at Brigantine. In Ant;, and .Sei)t. red drum (chaunel 
 ba.'<H of Florida) are large in size and can be caught off the ocean beach. 
 Banxtoer (Tuckerton. Seepai»eXII.) — Bamber 1. at Htation: pike; usual bait.-<;iui 
 BeaNons. Perniission to fish in Bamber 1. will be -granted to respectable parties ul 
 application to the owner Mr. Wui. Harry, No. E.45th st., N. Y. city. 
 Bameg'at (Tu('kerton. See pagc^ XII.) — Barnet,'at Bay 1?, m. ;, weakfi-i';, 
 sheeiishead, striped ba^^s, ])erch, sc^a bass, blacktish, and flounders; weak 
 fl«h most numerous; shrimp and crab usua. baits June, July, Auj,'usi and Hepti-ui- 
 ber best; hotels fL-IOp. d.; guidcis numerous and at moderate rates; lioat witb 
 man $4 p d. A grand tishing ground. The kingtish (locally "barb") in season are 
 Bayonne (P. & li.) — Now York Bay near station; wcaktisli and striped ha^^, 
 ■weaklish most abundant; shedder crabs and shrimp are principal baits; Hepte!hl)-"r 
 and October best; hotel at reasonable rate; boats T.'ic to $1 p. d. Halt flood iw the 
 best tide 
 Beach Haven (Tuckerton. See page XII.)— This place ia situated on an island 
 between Tm-kortou Bay and the Atlantic Ocean. Leading varieties of rtsh cau^:ht 
 are weaklisli s-ea bass, sheepshi^ad and rocklish; cral) and idam baits; suiuuier 
 nionthsbest; hotels $2. .TO to $;i..'>()p. d., or ;?1'.; to 20 p. w.; guides with boats at v.:i:- 
 ious prices up to If) p. d. This in quite a summer resort and the lishing is cou^iid- 
 ered excellent. Ebb tide best. 
 Beesleys Point (Penna. r. to Seniors Point thence by steamer) — .\11 the nortlur!! 
 salt water baitrtshes are numerous; hotels |1.50 p. d., |'.» p. w.; boat and boat!iii.:i 
 $2 p. d. including bait. 
 Blairstown (N. Y. S. k W.)— Cedar 1. 1 '^ m.; Sucker Pond br., fatflsh p. ! i;;.; 
 Sand ]>. f) m.; first best; b. b., pickerel and perch; b. b. most numerous: li\r 1m;: 
 used- May, June, August and September best; hotel at reasonable rate; guidusat 
 moderate cost; boats and bait cheap. 
 Boiiud Brook (Leh.V. andP.R.) — Raritan r. near station; i)lack and striped ba^''. 
 piclicrel aiic ])erch. b.b. most numerous; live minnows and soft shell crali-* a-> 
 liaits; August and September best; hoti'l .■? 1.50 p. d.. or .■?? p. w.; guide $1 p. il.: 
 lioats oOc p. . d . Below the dam is the best water for fishing. The shad is some- 
 times taken here on the artificial tly. 
 Branchville Junction (Several r. r.)—Paulin« Kill. East branch '., in.: Wp«t 
 branch near station. East bi'anch best; trout, pike, catfish etc.; trout and coarse 
 fish most numerous- worms, minnows, grasshoppers etc., as baits; spring aud 
 summer months best: hotels at rciisinable prices; no boats needed. Other i. 
 ■within .'! ni.. tifiord nood fishing for b. b., perch etc. 
 Blittsville (I.. 'V H. 1{.) — Green's p. 2 m.. trout, b.b.. picker 
 most iiuii.erous; live bait used; spring bestaeasou; hotel $1 p. d.; 
 bait o()c p. 100. 
 '! etc.; pi.'ko- '. 
 boats 6oc p. a.. 
 Htfiptul bass, 
 Cape May iPPtina.) — All vi«riptip» of Northern salt water rtHh; black dnmi ami 
 IJiii ti h i>lflltifnl; hotels, Ixiatn, liuHtliien at iiniuiI cliiiri^'eH. 
 Carteret ( 1'. A; K.l— Staten InIuik! ShuikI l m.: UhIiwiiv r. ,. in.; tii-Ht bt-Mt; weak- 
 li.h Mnirtsli etj'.; Nhriiii)) and nnfi <Tai)H hh baitK: .)ul\. Au^'iist ami September 
 ),,.-t. I'Mutw 7.")C J). (1.; bait (shrinii)) 'ifx I'or 'j i>ilif. Flood tide bent. 
 Columbia (N- Y. S. .V \V.)— PaiilinV Kill '. in.. Helaw.ire r. near station; l.iMt 
 ii.iiij' 'I I est: b. b., sniitisli etc.: b. b. most iininerinis: small eattlsli ami ehiibs 
 11-,, I t.ii' baits; July, AiikuhI and Sepienilier liest; liotels ?^ I to #•'> p. w.; boatH 500. 
 ,, a. 
 Cominunipaw (I'. -V IM— New Y(n'k ba,\ neai station; weaktisb. bliietlsh black- 
 ti.h !■ iiicuds etc. ; weakti^li most nnmei'ons; soft crabs, clann , slirimji, sand worms 
 , t.'., a> baits; June, Jui.v. .\iit;nHt, Seiitember ami October best; hotel it'i \>. d.; 
 1 , it- ■.'•)c ji li. Flood ti<le liest. 
 Deckertown (N. Y. S. \- W.)— Wallkill r. 1 m.; 'Irnesdell 1. » m.: Hound \>. I i 
 111.. I,. drenellHm.: Sami j). 7 lu.: 1,. Messbept nn^^ ".Mn.; 1.. (ireiiell be.«t; b. b,, 
 I iikii'l and iiii'cb : lass most numerous: crickets worms, hel|ii'iuiiiles and ii\« 
 iiHit u-ed: Jniu', .Vn(,'nst and Seiiiembei' bi'st: hotels #1.")() p. U. ; ^''ii,|fs #•.,!.. ">«) p. d.; 
 li.iit- iitid bait can be had at reasonable rate. 
 Dover ill. I... >V W.)— I^ike Ho)Mitcon)j ".ini., I'pper and Lower lionnwood pd'n > 
 iM.;iii r ]). Hm.; Sjilit Kock J), i ni.. lirstbest; b. b., jierch and pickerel; b li. 
 ;:Ih1 pickerel most numerous ph.mtom minnows, art. tlies and li\c bait,-- used; 
 .iiiip. Jii'i.v. SeptiMubt r uud October best; hotcds ut reUHunable rates; ^uiideH if '.i to 
 «:. p. d.; iioats .«1 p. d.; bait .■?! p. MU. 
 Duiinfleld(N. V s, \- W'.i- Delaware r. near station; Urodheads cr. _' m.; Sun- 
 li-h I I '. 111.; iJunurield cr, near station; tirst best: b. b., rock tisli. smilish and 
 ilLcis; bass anil sunlish most numerous; small lumper eels, crabs, ^grasshoppers 
 hli' Annus used for baits: .\U(,'Ust. .September and October best; hotels .<<> to $'.iU 
 |.\\,: KHides at reasonable rates: boats 5iic to T'lc p. d.' bait 'J.'ic to 7.")c p. lUii. 
 .Man; ti'oiit streams j^'ivint^ fair creels of small ti'out, are in tliis vicinity. The 1). b. 
 ti^liiii,; in the Didaware r. (the Delaware Water (laii is iwar by) is at times very ttnc. 
 Elizabeth (Several r. r.l— Staten Island Sound ami .Newark bay; toiucodH, weak. 
 li-li. -I liped bass etc. ; shriiu]! and soft crabs usual bait: Sei)tember best mottlh; 
 h"ti 1- "l.-'iu ji. d.; nuide can lie obtained; boats 7.">c p. d. Slack water best. 
 Elizataethport ( 1'. >V R . I — staten Island Sound ami Newark bay ud.iaieiit: toiu 
 iii'ls. weaktish. strijied bass etc.; shrini|i and soft cralis aw baits- September best 
 liiiiiilli; hottds .»l..")ii p. d.; boats 7")c p. d.; slack water best. 
 rranklin11>. L. .V W.)— Bramdi of Wallkill r. near station: the "pond" best; iiickerel. suntish etc. ; b. b. most numerous: ;,'rasslnippers are usual bait for 
 ^lils^, and live bait used for piekei'el; Octol)er best mouth; hotel j^fl to j'lo p. w.; 
 Ii,.,it- -1 p. d. 
 Porkeci River |1'. iV U.l— Biirnef,'at liay 1 m. : sheepshead, bhu'tish. weakfish. 
 •t.-.: w laktisli most tiumercuis; shedder cral), muscles ami clams used for baits; 
 >uiiiii.i T uionths best: hotids S'j to .•►:! p. d.; guiiles with boat .-?:! to .» t p. d. A cule- 
 lirated liwhiun ground. Flood tide best. 
 Garfield (N. Y. I.. K. .V W.)— I'assaic r. \i m.: Saddle r. '., m.: both arc t,'oiid; 
 |!rk.i.l. b. b., perch, suntish. etc. and a few tr<uit: piiki-rel and peidi most num- 
 'iiiii- : spoons, minnows and worms used : June, .\umist ami September best; liotid 
 :iliil I'livate boardiiij^ hiuiscs a; moderate rates: boats can be easily iiroiMired. 
 Tii'lliiig for ijickerel on the Pauttdic r. between Pastiaic aud (iartield is at times suc- 
 Great Meadows (!'■ -V- H. R.) — (ireiuV p. .")ni.: reciuesi cr. '., m.: tlrst best; 
 ' pickerel, etc. ; liass most numerous: usual baits: Ma\. •lune. October ami 
 Felini;iry best; hotel ;*1 p. d.; guide irl.'Ji") p. d.; boats r>Ui' p. d. : bait can bo had 
 Gveenville (P. 'V R.)— Newark Hay, mouths of Passaic ami Ilackensack r's; 
 N'-A ;:k I'.ay liest; striped bass, weakHsh. per<h etc.: shrimp and sheddei' crabs as 
 iaitv .June, -luly. .Vunusf and September best; hotel at reasonable rates; boat.s -"i')^' 
 t • ;.". p. d. Hcing I Illy ' ,. hour fnuu New York City this place is much visited by 
 <lIl^'^ i>. Slack of the ebb tide best. 
 Hackensack (N. Y. S. .\: W.)— Hackensaik r. near stiition; wliite jierch and 
 iUii;Lil busb; first most uumerotis; shedde r crabs, shrimp and <laiiis used for baits 
 i il 
 TUK AN(il,RUS (jniDE liu >K 
 <1.; K<ii<l<^ with boat |3 p. d,; liali 
 July, Au(ni«t and Hoptpnilwr twMt; botolH $'i >i 
 < an •)«• inciciin-il. 
 Lafayette (I' k R.)— N«w York Ilay ;',' m.; N«'wuik Huy Hinl HuckonMHi-k r. 'j', 
 III.' i'HHHuii' 1. I u).; lutHrt, wfuktUh. tliiiitidcrH, toiiiciids ftc: must iiuudtuii-i uc 
 t'ordin^ to HfiiHoii; Hlniiii|i, noft crabH, i'Iiiiiim, titc, uh hiiitH; Aii){iiMt uiid St'iitciulHT 
 lu'Ht; lioatH r.(lc to fir)!! p. (I. Flood tiilcl>f«t. 
 Iiake Hopatoonflf 1 1*. 'V It.)— I^ikc lloputroii^ iicar Hiution: 
 KTcli: li. I>. itlid itirkiTi'l inoHl iihuiiilulit; 
 p. d. 
 \>. l>.. iiifkficl 
 jtirKiTi'l inoHi iii>uiiiiuiit; liM' mid iii'tittciul liaitH iiHod: .Jiiiii' 
 iilxf I IxHt liottl .*;i ji. d.; iiriviito liourd #4 to jt*> i>. w ; ItoutM 20r i>, h. 
 Iiiiit II II. UN). 
 Lake View (N- Y. I,. E. .^ W.)— DundiM' 1. 1 ni.; iilckcrol, iicivli. ]ilki', h. 1.. 
 otlit'i'H, iiirkcrt'l, liiiHH and jicri'li niont niiintToiiH: .Viii'il, Ma> ami -Jiiin 
 "killit'H" (miiinnWHl iiHcd aH bait; liotidH f'2 ji. d.; Iioatn and baitn l.'ic ji. d. 
 Lakewoodii' \- It.) — For^*- \>. -i'. m.; I^ktt ('a\ap<al.i<> nc-ar htatiou: tln' tlr>t 
 iianii'd boHt; jiickt'i')'!, b b. ami iiiTch; iiickt'i'cl iiiohI niimtToiih: ttHli thin, imrk utid 
 fionH iiHt'd for baitH. April. IVIay and October bent; liottdH .•J'J.rx) to .^5 ji. d.; ImjuIi. 
 tl \i. cl. At ForKf I'oml iiirkcrcl tinhint,' is very tint'. Tlu'rc are u few xtrfaiun near 
 by where some trout may be eannlit early in tlio . canon. 
 •r j:i 
 , Htripfd baHH eti'.: b. b. nioHt iiuii]- 
 aH liaitN; ^ood from July to N'ciM'mi. 
 p. d.; boat^4 $1 p. il. ; bait |1 ji. Iihi 
 black and ntriped bass and snim- 
 iiilierbcHt; liot(dH $!ip. d.; nuide f 1 
 Lambertvllle (I'enna.)- Delaware r.; b, I). 
 erotiH lielKramiteM, minnoWH, Hm;ill toadn etc. 
 ner bii Weptembei and t) tolier bewt; hotel $'1 
 The llH)iiU)z fti tiniCH in excellent here tor b. b. 
 Lyndhnrst(I) L. .^ AV.)— PanHaic r. ', m.; 
 nmall tiHli; clam bait: July. AuKUHt and Septe 
 to .tl.5() p. d.; boats $1 p. d. 
 Manahawkin (Tuckerton, See jia^e XII.)— Manahawkin Bay "J m.: pointn in 
 the bay, Main I'oint Sunk; Heach Channel; Cross Channels and Carvels l>-liinil 
 Main I'oinl Sunk best; sheepsheiid. striped bass, sea bass, liliiellsh, wi^aklish. 
 jioi'^ies. etc.; weaktish most abundant; soft crabs, shrimii, •'*••• its baits; June lii^t 
 for bluelish; J\ily, .Vii){UHt and September for all other varieties: hotels #lot'i.»lj 
 p. w.; nuidoH $1.50 p. d.; yacht boats :?4 p. d., indudiun captaiu; smaller l)iiai-« 
 with cai)t«.in $2 to $2.50 p. il. Flood tide best. 
 Midvale (N. Y. L. E. Jt \V.)— Forgo \>. ', ni.; Pnmptoii p. .'< m.; Greenwood \.\i 
 ni.. and outlet of (ireenwood 1. ', m ; (Ireenwood 1. best; but others good: pickenl, 
 j)ercli, trout, b. b., etc.; pickertd and bass most numerous: March to Julx 1 ami 
 St'pt. to Nov. 1 best; baits, minnows, frogs, toads and worms; hotelH $<» to $'.i p. w.: 
 guides $'i p. d and "found," or ^'-i p. d., including boats, baits, etc. 
 Uonniouth Beach (P. k H;) — South brau(di of Shrewsbury r. and Atluntii 
 Ocean, both near station; bluelish, blacktish, codlish jiorgies, weaktish, etc.; cinl- 
 ttsh, bluelish and weaktish most iiumerouH: mossbunkers used for bait; Juui', 
 .Jnl.v, August and Septemoer best; boats can be procured at $'A p. d. 
 Monroe (I-. '^ H. 11.)— Kimble s 1., Lake (iriuell. Mud ]>., Flag p. and Wliiti 1 ; 
 ab less than 2 m. liake (irinell best; b b and pickerel; b. b. most numcniu>: 
 grasshopper cricket and live minnow bait; Maj and June best for pickerel, ainl 
 AugUHt for b. b.; liotel $1 p. d.; guides $1.25 p. d.; boats can be had. 
 Moxintain View (N. Y. T,. E. & W.) — Morris Caual near station; Pompton r. 
 111. Passaic r. 'z m. ; last named the best; b. b., siuitish and pickerel; bait>. (1"1 
 sons, small lish, etc.; June, July and August best; hotel $1.50 p. d.; guide:* f' 
 p '.I., l)oats |1 p. d.; baits furnished by guiden. 
 Newark (P i^ 11.)— Passaic r. I m.; Hackensack r. 1).^' m.; last best: perch, li. 
 weaktish, cattish, ett-.; shrimp and crabs usual baits; September N' 
 ember best: hotel $1.5(J p. d ; guides $1.50 p. d. ; boats 25c to 50c p. li. High wati, 
 best tide. 
 Kew Market (I-eh. V.) — Now Marketl., Bound br., ftreenbr., all near station; th> 
 first named being the best; b b. and coarse tish; usual baits; June to No\eiiibir 
 hotels $1.5t( p. d,; guides $2 p. d.; boats l.u- p. b. 
 ITewton (several r. r.) — Swartswood 1., Culvers 1., Strubles 1., Stickelsl. and Lmn: 
 p;, from 'J to H m.; tirst best; percb, pickerel, b. b., etc.: perch, pickerel and lia.>* 
 most numerous; tlies and live liait used; hotel at moderate charges; boats .'nu p. il. 
 bait cheap. Several good trout streams iiew by, to tisli wlikli permiasiou mar*tlH 
 obtained from owners 
 North Lontr Branch {V. k H.)— Atlantic Ocoaii noar Mtation; bliipflRli, ma haMH, 
 ,i, iniiHHhuiiKijrM for Imit; May until S«qit«ml»t'r bont; K'>l«l'' with lioat at (•> \>. il. 
 I 1 1 lldf ti«'Ht. 
 Oakland (N- V. s. .t W.)— UaniaiMi r,. I'miiptoii 1. and CryHtal 1. 1 to 3 m.: I'onip- 
 tuii 1. iii'Ht; ]iii'k<'rt'l, n. I>. and utlici'M: iiirki'i'cl and ciittlHh nioMt niiint>riiuH: Ixd- 
 yniiiiiii'N, toiidt*. worniH, rrii-kctn, ftc.'uH ImitH; Jtinc t<> OcfuluT licMt: IioIcIm at 
 i,;,,.,iKil>lf ratis; KuidtsH #l.">0 tn $'J i). d. ; l)(>:itH .'ntc p. d.; Wait ran \»' i>r<>cnri'd. 
 Oak Rldffe(N- V. S. \- \V.)— (irr<'n 1. J ni.; Unck 1. U ni.; HiinkM 1. :t ni.; Cfdarl. 
 :tni.. iiiiiiii'riiUN trout MtniiniH: all ^ood; h. )>., iiickcnd and oIIhmv; Ii. )>. and ]>ii'k- 
 ,icl iiio>i nunu'i'iiUH; Hliiiii'i'>, ^l'UH^lho|>|lt'rM and wonuH UHiial ImitM: June, AutjiiHt 
 ;,ii(| iK'i'i'nibcr lii'Ht: no n ^uiar lioti-lH, hut iirivatu l)i)ardin|{ hoUHDN at |1 to |1.5u 
 K il. i^iiidt'H f'2 p. d.: lioatH and bait niodcrati'. 
 Oceanic (Via stFH. "Hca Hlrd" and "Albi-rtina" from I'it-r :i') N. It.)— N. HhrewH- 
 Iriirv !■■ ud.iacfnt; wiaktlHli, blut'tl>'li. Htripcd buMHctc: \v)•aktl^<h and ImhM niont nu- 
 iiii'I'kUs; hIm ddtr anil Noft criibH, Hhi'inipH and rlanin aM bailH-. Junr to St-jitcnibfr 
 hr^t; liottd #"J.r>u !'• ''• '■ boatH with men I'J to iri p. (1. Lant of flood and tirnt of 
 .lili MM- the bent Htancn of tide. 
 Phillipsburg' (Ht'vcral r.r.)— lifdawarc r. near Htatioii; black ami Htripc<l baHn; 
 i. Il iiioHt numi'i'oiis: hcl^'ramitcH and nnntll cattlnh hh baitn; July, Au^unt and 
 >,|iti iiibcr hcHt; hotels .f I .")U to #'2 J), d., jMp.w.; boat* 'J'N' p. Il . ; baitM about #1 
 [, iH.i till- Himill catlihh, ami 4i)c p. ilo/,. for li(d>{runiitc«. 
 Flainfleld (!'■ «\: Itl— There arc Hcvcrallarnc pondn near by HtockcMl with black 
 lla^^. hut until this year liHhinKhaH been pndiibited. The local aunlcrB go toUiuind 
 |;r.piili, N. .1 ., which hcc. 
 Port Norris (•'• 'V M.)— Delaware Bay, Maurice RlverCove; weaktlnh and drum, 
 till ti'iiiicr in (luantitics; crab and muMHtd bait; for drum June and July; for weak 
 tt-li Hum June to Oct.; lantof chh mont favorable; liotelH $'2 )). d.; (.{tliden ami bait 
 iiiiKJi iiite. The white perch run up IMauricc r. from March until lant of October, 
 ali'l ciin be cau^'ht freely with hhrimp or oyMter baitn. 
 Ramsey's (N. V. L. K. .V W:)— Itanuipo r. :i ni.: Franklin 1. ,i ni.; RyerHon's 1. h 
 111.; b. II., jierch and pickerel; pickerel numerous; Juiu', Sept. ami October 
 lifst; live bait and .><poonH mostly used; hotel #2 j). d.; boatH 'J5c to Mv p. d. 
 Kidgewood (N. V. L. K. .V W.i— Franklin 1. K m.; Haldwin's p. U m.; 1). Haldwin'.s 
 [I. J 111.; li. b., iiickerel a ;d a few trout; black basn niont identiftil ami are caught 
 witli live bait; Sept., Oct., Nov. best season; (guides not needed; hotels and boats 
 Sewaren (P. i'v: U.)—Staten Island Hound '4 ni.; weakflsh, bliu'ftsh, flouudcrH. 
 ^iniHil t>assetc.; weaktish most numerotis; shrimp an<l crab bait; June to October 
 lust; hotels irVl to #1.') p. w.; boats T.">c p. d. The best fishing is in July ami Au^'. 
 .\li ixcelleiit tlshiUK t;round. Hiyh ami low water are best staj^es of the tide. 
 Shark River (!'• «V U.)— Hood llshin^; for .salt water tish, AccoinmodatiouH am- 
 lilciiml I heal). Hee Thk Amekiijan Anhleu, Vol. IV, pat.(e 185. 
 Sing'ac (N. Y. L. E. \- W.) — Passaic r. near station; b. b., pickend, yellow perch 
 • ic: li. h. most numerous; helnramites, worms, craytish, buns, crickets etc. used 
 fnrlmitH: limein SeptcMuber best; hotel ;?1 p. d.; boats .5uc p. d. Fly flshin>{ for 
 li. ' .11" suciessful when wadin({ on the reefs '2 m. from .Siuga<'; b. b. of 
 I' 'i«ht by this method. 
 '. & W.)— Lake Hop.itconK 4 m.; Morris 1. 1 m.; Lake Grinn<'ll :i 
 est; iiick(^rel and b.l'. abound; live bait ami trolling spoons used; 
 lit' s best; hotel $10 p. w. ; boats and bait at low pri<;e8. 
 Sparta Junction (NY. S. k W.)— Head Waters, Paulins Kill near station; Lake 
 <lr M. II, White and Howells jxls. '1 to '.i m.; L. (iriniiell best; b. b. and pickerel; 
 liii' 'list niunerous; minnows, redworms and crickets usual baits; no hotelsi less 
 tliau I to C) m. at Sparta; bo; < and bait can be had. 
 Stanhope (1>. L. «: W.)- 
 \"ii' 111. : Ijike Hopatcoi 
 >ii.;iU ilsh, fresh meats ii 
 ri;i<i'iuible ]U"ices; boats 
 Stillwater (N. Y. s. \- 
 I'Orih ii!!il c:itflsh most nui; 
 Id'sl. ;ini.; Lake HojiatconK It m.; Stanhope re.^er- 
 >t; pickt-rel, b. b., etc.; pickerel most abundant; 
 rnis as baits; May, June and January bewt; hotels at 
 > .Vic p. h.; bait .*1 p. KM), tiood fishing waters. 
 -Swartswood I. '2 m.; jiickerel, b. b., porch, etc.; 
 ous; small flsh as bait; August, September and Octob- 
 ! • 
 H ■ 
 THE AN<JLER W (it'IDE liooK. 
 orlxHt; hotel at roasotiahle price; guidcH at niodorate cliartres; hoatw aiKnuiit '-a-i 
 lit' hiul at roaHouabk' pricfH. 
 Swartswood(N. Y. S. .\: W.)— SwartHwond l. iv^ m.; I.ittk- 1>. .'( lii.: Smir.r.h ., 
 '2 111.; fSiKkcri). C. in.; Pauliji Kill '.,' m.; iJiuk p. 'Im.: ami kuuic otlicrH; twulrli 
 best; jiickcrid, h. b.. ix-ndi etc. abmiiKl; live l)iiit, crickt't.-', woriiis ami niM>>|ini,. 
 l)('rn ari' nscd; Alav, June. Dcct'iiilxT and ]-'ebnmry are best: hotels yl tu fx.r.t 
 p. d.; guidew Jl.'xtp. d.; boats Soc to .'fl p. d.; bait Toe p. Kmi. 
 Townsbwry (T>. .<: 11. R.)— Peqtust r. and Greens 1.; both near station: imdi 
 flood: trout, pickerel, bass, etc.; pickerel most niniieroiis; small lish usual liait>: 
 May and September best; boatH and baitw reasonable. 
 Townsend's Inlet (Tenna. r. to Seaville thence by teami— Excellent salt wat.r 
 fishing', esi)iiiall,\ tiM- wiukti.-h aii<l sea bass, the latter at tlie old wreck nt tli- 
 steiimsliip Niii)liiii': (•liarj,'es as usual for such tisliin,LC. .Sec Thh .VMKim^N An<.lkk 
 Vol. IV, p:if,'(' lid-J. 
 Treniley (!'. \' H-) — Ktaten Island Sound ', m.: wi aklish and striped ba.-s tlif 
 first most abiiiidaiit: crab bait: .lune and November best months: hotel ii..Vi 
 11. d.. boats ;f 1 p. d. lu November f^icat numbers ot tomcoos are caught hen . Elib 
 tide best. 
 Trenton (l*. *; K.) — Delaware r. ad.iacent: perch, b. b. and occasiomiMy strijied 
 buss; March, April, May and Jnue best; hotels i^l.M to $'.i p. d.; boats lOi- ji. h. 
 Tuckerton (Tucke. ton. See jia^'e XII)— Tuckerton or Little Kj,';; Harbor buy j 
 m.: (ireat Day Hm.: lirst best:, slieepshead, bluelish, sea bass, wisiktisli. ■.iriiuil 
 bass, luntitish, tloundei's, etc. : slieepshead. sea bass and weaktish most aluiinliiiit: 
 soft cr'ib and clam baits; July, Au^'iist and September ber-t: hotels .*.'..'ii \>. d.; 
 f,'ui(les with boats »::t to .■»."> p. d,; baits easily procured, Kbb tide best. 
 Vernon (I^. •'v H. li.)— Wawayanda 1. 4 m.; Decki-r ]>. 1 m.: Sand jt. 4 m.; lilark 
 <•!•. '. m.; Alosier's J). 4 m.; lirst best: b. li., pickerel, penli and trout in Black ii.: 
 cattish are most numeri>us: live bait, worms and crickets usual baits: .\pril. M;n. 
 Septi'Ulber ami l)ctober best; hotels .>;1..")0 p. d.; ",'uide .r'J p. d.; boats can be bad. 
 'Vasliing'tonville iN- Y. S. \- W. i— Paulin's Kill I m.: Swartswood 1. 4 m,: lu-t 
 best, pickerel, jiei'ch. bass, siifilish. etc.: woi'iiis ami small Hsh usual baits: May 
 .Vu^'Kst. Se)>tember and October best: hotels 7")c p. d. *4 j). w,; Vioats '.'.'>(• p. d.: Imit 
 easily pniciired. 
 West Berg'en (I'. ^^ K.l — Ifackensack r. ' . m. : Newark liay ^, ni.: Passaic r. 1 .. 
 111.: Newark l;a,\ best: weaklisli. bluelish, striped bass, jiercli, ti'osttish, tloiiiiiicr-. 
 etc.; sliedder crab, shrimii. sand worms, clams used for bait: sjirinu and fall lii^t 
 for bass and frosttish: Julx. .\uuust and September t'lir other varieties: hotels at 
 rcasoii.ible rates: boatM (lar^;e and small* can be jirocured at moderate chartri , Half 
 ebb to half flood tide (,'ives the best lishiii!,'. This fjrouud is a favorite <iiie with 
 New York and Newark City anglers. 
 West Creek (Tuckerton, See page XII )— Tuckerton ov Little Egg Harbor bav ; 
 111.: West (reek 1. ', 111.: lirst best; bluelish. slieepshead, bass, weaklisli. ji'ivL. 
 jiikc. etc,: slieepshead, bass, iierch ami weaklisli most numerous: crabs, rhiiii*, 
 sliiimp (dc, as baits: June, July, August and .Septenib<'r best: hotels .■? ' to #<'i p. w.: 
 guides with boat and bait .'r") ]). (1. A very tine lishing ground. The oest tiiles aiv 
 high lU-low water or "young Hood" 
 Weston (P. \ li . )— liaritau r. ',' m,: :\lillstone r. ', m.: Koyci'"s cr. near static:): 
 Delaware and Itaritan Canal '. in,; ^lillstoiie r. best: b, b.. pike, siiiitish etc.: Ii. 11. 
 pike and siinlish most abiim.aiit: worms, craytish and small lish as baits: .lnii>'. 
 Jiilv, .\ug>istand September best; no hotel but private board can be had; boats I'v 
 p. h, 
 Woodport (P. >*c R.) — I-ak(> Hoiiatcoiig near station: b, b,, (1. ni, and s. iii. . 
 pickerel, \ illow b.iss and others: b. b, most numerous; artiticial and livi liait* 
 used: good tishing all the year; ho;(ds •SI to ^'^.'lO ]>. d.: guides at reasnnalilf 
 charges: boats iileiity at moderate cost. The pickerel in Hopatcoiig are huve aiul 
 Woodruff's Gap (L. \ H. R.l- Trout br. '., ni.: Lake (irimU '2 m.; White 1 1 in.: 
 Lake (Irinell best; b. b., pickerel and perch: b. b. in,, it iiumcrov.:-;; minneus. 
 gra-^'^lioppers and lielgramites as baits: May, June, SeiUember and October hf\; 
 no hotels but private board can be <d)tain< d: boats cau be hud. 
 >iitK auil I'liit ca!! 
 Chama (r). k, R. O.)— ''liiiiu r. aiui Wolt'.-r. -i m.; iMiimlly -^'nod: niomituiti trout 
 and -aliiioii trout; niouniain trout lli^^«l niiMicrouri; flics innl niiniiows used: Miiy 
 ,1 AiitiMst l>('st; lioti'l ?•-' II. (I.: j^'u den uuncffssiirv: Imit lau be liiid rciisoiiiihli;. 
 All till- iKljiK-ciit luouutaiu strcani.s ubouiid with trout. 
 Espanola (!>• >'^ H. (J.)— lUo (Tpandc r.: Kio Santa Cni/ r. near station; Hio Santa 
 (iaia r - ui.: Uio Naiubf r. lUui.; tlii' tlirci' last iiaiucd best; trout; usual baits; 
 Juin- iiiid -luly best: no rci^ular hotel but si'dion house where aeeoniuiodatious 
 tiiii b( had. It Im 5 ni. fri>m Esiiaiiola to j^ood tishinn points. 
 Fort Stanton (140 in. from nearest r. r. A. T. X- S. l''.i— l-:anle cr. lo ni.; Hio 
 liiiii|n».i at Dowlinti's Mills IH ni. by road, headwaters nearer liy trail; the last 
 ijiiUM'il best; southern liocUy Mouiit;iiu trout (Salnio vir^'inalis); urtilicial tlirs. 
 luachiiian the best, gi'asshojiiK'i's also ami meat l>y those who are not aiif^lers; .Inly 
 aD(l Aut,'nHt best. 
 Monero(r). .^- 11. ft.)— Navajo r. l.'i m.; trout: art. flii's used; no re-^nilar hotelH 
 iiit litiU'iliut,' houses .■»•> p. w., day board reasonable; i,'uides .■*•_'.")() p. d.; boats not 
 Dtrdr.l. ftood duck sliootiu;; ean be had here. 
 Bmbitdo (l>. <^ H. ft-l— liii> (irande r. near station: Kio Kmbudo r. '2 m.; first 
 1,, «t;'iHountain trout and some coarse varieties; tiu' latter most numerous; art. 
 l!ii> mostly used: April and May best; no rc-xular hotel but board can be had at 
 sectiuii house; guide .■J'J p. d. 
 Adams (H. W. .v O.) — Henderson Hai-bor lo m., via daily stage line; h. m.. b. b. 
 iiriliri]':iily ; minnows and the tly u.-ed; .(une to Noveluber; hottds .*l.,")i) p. d., less 
 liv till- week: boat with oarsman -r^i p. d. .V noted b. b. ground. See Tni; Amkiu- 
 can Asiii.Ki!, Vol. VI. pages ■_':( and "JT:!. 
 Addison Jlinction (I>. '^" H. ('. See page XI) — Lake Champlain near st-ttion; 
 Liki- 111 or^^c 4 m;; both g>od; L. (ieor-^e, trout, pickci'el, bass etc.; L. ('ham)ilin, 
 l.ii-ki-ii 1. bass etc.; trout are tlie most numerous in I.. tieort,'e. and pickerel in L. 
 t liiiiiililain; worms, minnows etc. as l)aits; May, June, September and October 
 l.i->t; hotelH $1,511 to rip. d.; guides at reasonable prices; boats aud bait merely 
 Alabama I N. V. W. S. vV ]i.\ — Tonawanda cr. an<l Oak Orchard cv.: first best; 
 ].ii-ki-ri-l. li. b., mullet etc.; pickerel aud muHrt most abundant; wiu'm bait; May 
 aiid.lunc best; hot(d at reasonalilc price; guide at moderate ciist; no boats needed; 
 li-biiit,' done from shore. 
 Albion (H. W. .^ O.i—SaliiHUi r. 'i m.; Heaver Dam cr. '., m.; i "rir cr. 1 m.; 
 !ir-tl»>t: trout; woruis and tiles used; May and .June best; hotels .;1.">() p. d.; 
 ;!ii(li - ■;:-.! p. d.; boats not needed; guides furnish bait. 
 Alder Creek I r . i-V B. H.l— lihuk r. l.")m.; Twin I.akeStn'am bim.; Hearer. I'.'m.; 
 Littli- WoodhuU 1. I-') III.: all good trout waters, no choice; worms and artificial 
 riu-!-. I'liili]! Studor's houd at Whit ■ Lake Corners. t'J m. from Alder i-r. statimi, is 
 tlir lii-iiihiuarters of anglers who wish to fish these waters. .V sta^^e runs from 
 AMci- 1 leek to Studor's. .June. .July ami August best montlis; no guides (prof'es- 
 H"iiiil' ou the above waters; Vioafs not neeiled; hot(ds .rl.."iu p. d. 
 Alexander ( O . L. \- W.)— 'riuiawanda cr. '; ni.; Little Tonawanda <t. 2 in.: last 
 li-t: I'li-kerel. 1>. b. aud small varieties, bass most numerous; minnows, worms 
 iiiidfjindu hooks as baits; Apri., May and -June best; hotels 7"»c to Jl p. d. 
 Allendale, Staten Island, (St r. to s. T. thence by s. L r. r.)— ftood weakfisli- 
 111^; liMts ami baii rl.."! )i. d.; iio boatmen need, d ; slirimp bait most popular, but 
 «ln-ilil. 1- crab, saml worms etc. are us>(l, the crab fiikiiiK the best fish; seas.ui from 
 June 1.') to Oct. I'l. 
 Amawalk (N. V C. \ X.)— Mohausic 1. -1 m.; Muscor r. '; m; first best: bass, 
 I'l-ii h. liickerel etc; pertdi predominating; crii'kets, grasshoppers; and worms a.>t 
 Ancram (H. .1- f. W.)— I,ong I'ondl. 'J',, m.; I5eerh)ck 1. 2 m.; Lower Roda 1. 
 -Ill Korlill'.Iansen Kill near station; tirst best; b. b,, perch, iiike, etc.; b. b. 
 iii'i^t numerous; trout in the streams; live baits, dobsons ahil trolling gangs usfl; 
 •hiiie did July best; hotels j^l p. d.; guides not needed; boats and bait at small 
 ■ 1 
 THE ANflI.En S t;riDE noOK. 
 Aqueduct (N. Y. C. \ H. U. ) — Molip"-k r. iioar station: Ix^low thoiKHU'duci i>< ihr 
 l)fht i>nint: )). b., i)ik<', in-rcb etc.; bans ninht iiiiiuerdiiH; black woniin, (luhsons 
 and crabH as baitH; Juiv to October beat; hotelw $'2 p, d.; guiden $'2 p. d.; boats 5(i,- 
 p. d. 
 Arkville (V. k I>.)— Dry br. in.; Delaware r. near station; Mill br. fi ni.; Xrw 
 Kingston htr. (1 ni. and niuntTons other Hinall Ktreauis: all n<iod; trout principally, 
 but some bass found also; (lies and worms as baits; May and June best; hotels at 
 reasonable rates; guides at moderate charj^je; boats not needed. 
 Auburn (r.eli. V. Si'e pa^'o VI) — Owas''o 1. 'i'j ni.; ('rvyufia 1. 11 ni.: b. b.. jijko, 
 liercli and trout: niinno\>s are used: June, July and Aug.; hotels $'J.r)Op. d.; guidi s 
 not iieeiled; boats !>{)c p. d. 
 Auriesville (N'. V. W. .S, ^l- B.)— Mohawk r. '., ni.: .Schoharie .-r. 1 m.: first I){>(; 
 b. b . jiike, wliitefi^h etc.: bass i:iost numerous: giasHhopi]ers, dobsons, wnnns, 
 wniall lish, sjnion hooks etc. as halts; July, .\unust and Sejitember best: licittls 
 at reasonable charges; glides not needed; boats and baits at moderate co>t. 
 Avoca (Several r. r.) — Smith's ji. 4 m.; I,ou<-k's p. Il m.; tirst best; perch. 1i. Ii.. 
 jiickerel etc.; ba«s most numerous; good from June to October; si)oons and wunus 
 used; hoteLs $1.50 to $'2 p. d.; boats 5()c p. d.; bait easily procured. 
 Ausable (D. A: H. C. .See page XI|— Saranai- I's; St. IJegis 1., Lake riacid. Ed- 
 munds p'ds '2.") to :i't m.: all giio<l trout tishing: trout and pu'kerel: trout iiin>t 
 abundant: sjxions, tlies, worms and minnows as baits: June best for trolling, .Inly 
 and August for Hies; hotels, guides etc. at reasonable prices. 
 Babylon (I-. I. See page \IX) — Great South Bay 1 m.: weakfish, bluet^^ll, kiiiL.- 
 tish, sheep.shead etc.; bluettsh and weaklisb most abundant : bunkers used a,-< li;iil: 
 June, July and .\ugust be^t: Hood tide liest; Imtels at rejisiniable prices: guide wiilj 
 boat $.') \i. d. See Bayport, N. Y. 
 Baldwins (L. I.) -Hempstea<l T5ay 1 m.: the lower bay nearest to the inlet bt'st- 
 blackfisli. bass, weaklish. sheeiishead and bluefish; ])lacktish and sea bass must 
 numerous: clams, crabs, tiddlers etc. as baits; June, July and August best; Imtcl 
 I*!.")!! p. d ; guide with boat and bait $5 1). d. Low water slack is couwidered tb' 
 best tide. 
 Baldwinsville (D. L. \- W.)— Seneca r. '., m.; jiike, iiickerd, b. b., sunfish etc.: 
 all kindsare numerous in their seasons; some small mascalonge are also foiui'' 
 her< ; tlies. gra-shoppers, woi'iiis, frogs and minnows as baits: liottds .f'i p. d. ami 
 some at cheaper rate; guide with boat $.'t p. d. tiood fishing. 
 Ballston (D. \ H. C. See ])age XI)— Ballston 1. i m.: Saratoga 1. 4 m.: last iiii'in.l 
 best: b. b., pickerel, perch and coarse varieties: pickerel and iierch most abuiuliuit: 
 bait lish used cliieHy: fall and summer best : hotels #1 to .■?;( p. d.; buats 'Jfic ii. Ii. 
 A few mountain streams (5 to 7 m. atlbrd some trout. 
 Basket (N. Y. L. E. A; W.)— Delaware r.; Peaks cr.: Hoolihon er.: 15a,-ket cr.. 
 b. b. in river, and in the early part of the season excellent trout tishing in tin- 
 creeks; local anglers use white miller and brown haikle Hies; .\i)ril best for tmut; 
 September for bass; Peak.s cr. best fur trotit; hotels moderate; guides :fl te fl.J' 
 Bayport (T-. 1. See page XIX) — CJreiit .Siuitli Bay 1 m.; bluefisli. weaklish flat- 
 fish. ]iorgies, Spanish mackerel, sea bass etc.: bluetish. weaklish. porgie.~ iuui 
 tlatlish most numerous: menhaden, hard ami soft clams as baits; June to Oitdlnr 
 1 est for bluetish; .\pril to June for tlattish: Hood tide is considered best; liutil ;il 
 reasonable prices: good sailboat witii man .r4 p. d. Very tine fishing; this is Sith 
 (irt'en's favorite ground. See 'I'm; AsiKiticAN .\N(iLi;u, Slarch 7. IH-S"). 
 Bedford (X. Y. ('. \- H. R.)— Croton r.. Broad br.. Davis br. : all good; trotit. h. 1'.. 
 pta'chetc.: trout and bass most numerous; worms and live bait userl; hotel .t1.'" 
 p.d.; lioats can be had on (.'roton r. at reasonable priiei*; good tishiug for pcirli 
 Berlin (Leb. S.)— Little Hoosick r. and s or M strt ams tributary; Kendall 1. im.; 
 Dikeu 1. 4 '.; m. : South Long 1. 4 ' j lu.: Little Hoosiidi and tributaries and Kiiidail 1 
 best; trout in the stream, and pickerel, iiercb. etc. in the lake; trout and luidiinl 
 niost numerous: worms and Hies in season f<u' trout: usual seasons good; lintiN 
 at rea.-onable prices: Imats repcu'ted free. 
 Bemhard's Bay (N. Y. O. A: \V. Seepage X.)— Oueida I. close by; b. 1 .. vit'' 
 and liircli; baitH are miunowH, crabH, urasHhopperrt anil wnniiH; i)rivatt» boaiiliiit; 
 liiiiiM- .■f-t.50 p. w.; lioatH lUc p. h. 
 Bigr Plats (N- Y. L. E. iS: \\'. )— Cbeiuniit,' r. "2 iii.; li. b. tbf i '•in.ii>iil Hnb caujilit 
 Inn; (liiliM)iis iist'il lis bait; August and Scptf uibcr best; hiitrl at luixbTutc rati's. 
 Bi? Indian iV. \ I).)— Big Indian cr. 'i ni.: Neversink r. Kast and West bninclicH 
 Mil. tn head waters; J-Jvst bninih uf NcNersink r. Ix'st; i)t()<ik trout; worms, grubs 
 and art. tlies iiscd; Alay, June and July best; lioti-1 $1.5(1 ji.d.; boats not ntt'ded; 
 liiiit iri'f or at uiert'ty nominal cost. (ioo(l tly tishint,', Hiscuit br., a tribuUiry of 
 till Wist liranrh of tlio Ni'versiuk gives excellent trouting. 
 Binghamton (Several r. r.)— ("benanpo r.; SuHqnehanna r.: about ',, m.: no 
 ili.iK (■; b. U., rock bass, pickeul. pike, perch, etc.; bass, jn'rch and chub nio.-t 
 niuiMiiMis; August, Sept. and Oct. best; l)aifs, dobsons, crabs, frogs, worms and 
 niiniiows; ln)tvls $1 to *.'t p. d.; boats at moderate iirices. There are also four I's 
 frniii In to I'J ni. distant, (Quaker 1. being the best. 
 Bimiewater (W. V.)— .^th Binnewater 1. ',, m.; 4tb Binnewater 1. i m.; first best; 
 |ii, l;i I'l 1. li. b., perch, etc.; pickerel most uumenuis; worms, small fish and sjioons 
 iisicl; .May. June, September and October bent; accummodatious humble. I'ickerel 
 ai'f riiuj^ht up to 7 lbs. 
 Black River (V. k B. U.)— Black r., Felt Mills and Drakes cr.; the first named 
 lust: b. b. and trout; in Black r. the bass are most plentiful, in the others brook 
 tn>ut; tlic usual baits; May, June, July and .Vugust best months; boarding houses 
 ;4 p. w.; guides and boats by contract, but not needed. 
 Bliss (K. A: P. See page VI.)— Wiscny cr. near station; Barney's p. '2 m.; first 
 lii-t; tro\it; worm and Hy baits; May and June liest; liottd 4ii( p. 'meal; guides *1 
 Bloods (I). L. k W.)— Cohocton r. and cr's that empty into it; cr's best: trout, 
 wtilN lish, i)ickerel. etc.; t-;out in small (luantities; art. files used; Jlay ami June 
 l.fst; hotels $'1 p. d. 
 Bloomingburgh (\. Y. (). .t \V. See page X.)— Yankee p. li m.: Morrison ]>. 7 
 ui.: Wolf p. Km.; b. b., i)iikerel and perch; minnow, dnib and worm bait; fall 
 Uidiiths liest; boat and bait cheap; Yankie p. best 
 Boonville (T- 't B. R.)— Smith's p., Cropsey's p.. Well's cr., Bear cr.. Black r.. 
 V'lsli 1 r., all within 15 m.; Smith's p. (J m. is beul; brook trout and l). 1).; brook 
 trout most abundant; art. files, worms and minnows as baits; June, Julv and 
 \\\ii\\!'t best; hot(ds .•?!.. ")() to .*J p. d.; guides S'J..5() p. d.; boats ,">()c p. d. Big Sloose 
 1. li'.i ui., is noted f(u- its largi' lake and brook trout. 
 Boston Comers (N- Y. ('. \ H. U. and H. \ ('. ^V.)— Tahcouic .M(»untain br. near 
 Maiiiiii; trout; worms and flies used; May and June best; hotel and guide at reas- 
 "mililc rate. 
 Brainard (Leb. S.)— CummingH ]). 4 m.: Boxes p. 4 m.; 'rai>pens \,. 7 m , first 
 liisi; 1. 111. and s. m. b. b. and jdckerel; pickerel most numerous; s])oons and 
 Wdftiis used; summer months best; hotel within 'J m. at reasoiiabh- rate; guide t^l 
 1'. d.: boats and bait cheap. 
 Branch (D. \ H. C. See pag<.' XI.)— 8o. Ballston 1. '^ m.; b. b., (l. and s. m./ 
 I'tivli, pickerel etc. ; Oswego (1. m.) bas.s most abundant; all kinds of baits used; 
 .-I'ling and fall best; uo hotel; guide, boats and bait reasonable. See Ballstou,' 
 Breslau (L. I. See page XIX.)— Oreat South Bay and fresh water streams 1 m.; 
 liliK lish. weaklish, porgies, bass, fiounders, blackfish etc.; blue and weakrtsh most 
 aliiiiidant; bunkers usual bait; July, .\ugust and Septembt'r best; hotels, guides 
 lieats etc. at moderate <'ost. Some trout can be caught in the fresh water 
 Bridgewater (D. L. .<: ^V.)— Swamp br. :j to 5 m.; a few brook trout can be 
 auiiiit in the early spring; hotels |'J p. d. 
 Brier Hill (U. .^: B. K.)— Black 1. 'Jni.; b. b. and pike; minnows as baits; usual 
 Broad Channel I N. Y. W. *: U.) — lamaica Bay, Broad (iiannel. Deep Hide or 
 I' t. Mher Hole, M\ickscr.; Broad rhannel best; fiatfish, weakrtsh, fiukt^s, sheeps- 
 liiad 1 tc; weakfish most tiumeroiis; skimmers, shrimp and sbedder crabs as tmits' 
 Miij, JiUK'.Jiil.v, AiimiHtiiiiil Soiitpiiiber be8i; ebbtide bent; hotel at moderate i)nije,>. 
 (;!uid«;s $'J, to .f^i p. il ; l'i>\v boutM ','h' \i. d. 
 Bronxville (N- V. <'. .V- H. U.) -Siiraiu bi. 1 m.; (irassy S5)raiu br. 21^ in.: limnx 
 r. '4 m.; ^*l)»•^•kl(;(l triiiit in two tirst uanit-d, and iiirkiTfl in Uroux r ; jiiikiTil 
 inuKl nuiueroiis; (jniall li.sli an bait'-; Ainii and May bust lor trout, usual Sna^oiw 
 tor i)iilici'('l 
 Brockfield (I». L. «!t W.)— Mohoow bi*. 5 m.; a tew brook trout can be cau;;lit in 
 tb<' finls ^ll|■inK. 
 Braslitou ("• ^ I-- <'•) — (Jale br. ',. m.; Little Salmon r. near station; tiri<t li. -^t, 
 liiooli trout worms, tlien and ;,'rasslioj)i)ers as l)itlt.s; .May and Juue best; liot.-i- 
 j>l.."i.» to .'rJ i'. d., »^."> to ■t'T 11. \v.; no bouts used; bait can be hail eheai). Thr In^t 
 li-uiiin is only to 1 1' had al)out ,"> ni. iii) (Jale br. 
 Buffalo (Several i'. r.) — Lake lirie and Niagara r. immediately adjaceut; last iniin 
 el best. li. b , masraloni„'f, ytdlow and blue iiike, yidlow j>erili, also white bas> ainl 
 moon-eyes in season; yellow lercli and b. b. most abundant; for b. b. soft >hf\\ 
 f:isli wati-r lobster {craytisli) are used as bait, and live minnows forjiereh; .luiicti) 
 >< -vember best; hotels ,f:t p. d.; boatiiieu i'-\ i>. d. iuihidinj.,' boat; lobst<is '.V 
 Bumside (N. V <>. tS: W. S<'e page X.) — (Hter Kills '., 111.; jiickerel, penli, itr., 
 luckcrcl most numeroiXH; miiall lish are usual baits; June, July and October Irr-t; 
 boats can l)e hud. 
 Cadyville (<'hateaiigay.) — Sarauac r. and vari<jtis br's ruuuing iuto it; br s iin- 
 best; trout priuciiially; usual baits; hotel i^l i>. d. 
 Caldwell (D. A IL ('. See jia'/c XL)— Lake (ieorge near station; Glen 1. 4 m.; 
 first best; trout, bass, juTcli, iiickrrel, etc.; pt-rch most numerous: worms, criiki't>. 
 ilohsons and minnows as baits; May and .June best foi' trout, and .Atigust ainl Sep 
 teuiber for bass; hotels .^.J to ^i p. il.; guides ?:! p. d.; boats .")0c to il p. d. 
 Caledonia (N. Y. C. iV H. K.)— Spring cr. near station; Allen's or. 1 ni.: tirst bent 
 speckled trout; tlies used; .\pril 1 to September I best; hotels f l..")!) p. d.: irniilt"- 
 can Se had at reasonable prices: boats ")0c p. d. There is excellent fishing; on sniue 
 preserved parts of i'aledoiiia cr., which eaii be tished under permits. The N. V. 
 Flat 'hing houses are also on C'aledouia cr. 
 Clllicoon (N. V- I'. E. ^: W.)~l)elaware r. and Callicoou cr. near station: Finl- 
 lister cr. 1 ^ m.; Swager 1. ;) m.,*l'ike p. (i m.; Sand p. '.• m.; Duck Harbor ]i. 7 in.: 
 all good; b, b. in the lielawari' r. and Swaj^erl.; trout in the cr.. and piidieiel aini 
 ptM'i'li in the p.: usual luiits, in( luding lamprey eids, lielgramites (dobsons aiiii 
 white grubs; .>Iay aiiil .1 une for trout. .Tune. .July, .\ugust and .Seiit. for 1). h., ami 
 Sept. and (»ct. for jiickeicd and perch; hotels ^2 \.. d.. less by the w.; guides s|.."iO 
 p. <1.. including boat: .t^l p. Joo. for bait, of which the helgramite aud youu;; 1 'l 
 art) ilie bi'st. 'i'lie lishing in all the aliove named waters is good. 
 Caiubridg'e (I'- >V IL <■'■ !"'ce jiage XI. t— Jackson I's aud Latteiikill r. 5 m.; lintU 
 good, iiickeiel. bass, jierch, etc.. trout only in the Batieiikill which are taken with 
 worms, grasslioppers or Hies; live tish, small frogs and worms used for otlur^; 
 good ill usual seast)us; hotels jSl to ,*'.i p. d.; boats iiih- p. d. 
 Camden (U. W. k O.)— Mad r. tmd Fish cr. running through town; Salmon 1. 1- 
 111. Oneida 1. H in.; Oneida 1.. Salmon and ^lad r.s best: b. b. in ( lueida 1. luel I i>li 
 ci., and troiit 111 the r's; Hii's and worms used in the r"s, and minnows iu 1.: -M.i.v 
 and June best; hotels #!..'')(» p. d.; boats aud bait at rea.-">uuble prices. Oneida 1. 
 gives good b. b. tisliing. 
 Cameron Mills (N. Y. L. K. .V AV.)--(ioodhue l. .T m.; ( .vauberry 1. 'J', ni.: < an- 
 isteo r. '.1 m.; Cranberry 1. is the best: pickerel, b b. and perch; perch and pii K' ivl 
 most utinieroiis; minnows and dobsons bist bait; -May aud June best ni'iili-; 
 boats and bait can be had at reasonable ratOH. 
 Campville (N. V. L. L. .V W.)— Hus(iuelianna r. at station; roclc bass aud wall- 
 eyed pike; lock liass most nunierous; .Inly, .-Vugust ami Sej)teniber Ijcst: del suns 
 and laniper eels used; no rugiilar hotels; boats very moderate. 
 Canaan li^. k A.) — Vuecchy 1. 1 '^ m.; rrindies Trout p. 2'. m.; 13ear H'lt 
 (trout streaiM ) -2 111. ; first best; black and rock bass, pei'eh, pirkerel aud tioiii li, 
 b. most nunieiiuis; dobsons, crickets, grasslioppers and minnow baits; SepteiiJitr 
 aud October 1 est: hotels* to .*j p. d.; guides at reauouable charges; boat- i-x' 
 to $1 1>. d.; bait $1 p. bMt. Good lirihing. 
 I be caiiL'ht ill 
 into it: br's art- 
 Canajoharie (N. Y. NV. S. k B.) — Mohawk r. '4 m.; pike, pirkcrfl, b. b. ;ji(i 
 wli!'' i'»li; pike ninst uumeroiiH; Jiinc, July mid October best; botelH at reasoiiiiHe 
 rati-, liiiiil?. 'jru' p. li : bait U>c i>. (jnart. 
 Cauastota |N. V. \V. S. A: H.) — Oiicida 1. ."> 111.; i>ike. pt-nb. basH vtr.: pike most 
 uuru'ioUH; wnruiri. iiiiiiiio\Vf< etc. as baitn; Jlay, AugUHt ami Septi'iuhtT best: Imtels 
 ?'J I'- <!•; nuidcM .■f'J i>. d.; boats .'iDc to j'l ji. d. 
 Caiiisteo(N. Y. I,, v.. k W.)— Canisteo r. near station; pickerel, b. b. etc; Miiv, 
 .lull' . Sept. and Oct. best; baits — iiiiiiiiows. spoons, dobsons etc.; liotels .^l..')!! \<. (i; 
 lio guides or boats iieede<l. Tliis stream lias been stocked 7 miles west of tbis 
 jlace, witli California troiit. 'J'lie bass lislii7it; is east from Cameron to Painted I'ost. 
 .Several adjacent pds. also contain!), b., pickerel and i)ercli. 
 Canton (K. ^V. A: ().)—( irass r. ', in.; Cranberry 1. ">'2 m.: last best: trout. i)ike, 
 pii k' irl, b. b. etc.; trout most numerous: worm and tly baits; May and .June liest: 
 hell I .*2 to $"2.50 p. d.; guides #'J.50 to j::! p. d.; boats and bait cLeap. 
 Cape Vincent (1{. ^V. \ O.)— Heeds Bay 10 m.: Sand Bay m.: (Irimsliaws Bay 
 :iiii.. liiittiiii liay Im.and other points; 1(. b., pickertd, nuiscalont,'e etc.; b. h. most 
 iiiiiJii rous. trolling,' nan^s used mostly; .Inly. .\u^;ust and September best; .Jinii' best 
 fnr .-nil Hshinu; hotel at reasonable priie; j^'uide or oarsman with boat, tackle etc. 
 ■■;! (i. il. Very line Hshinn' on the above bays which are portiors of the St. I.t.w- 
 flllri- r. 
 Carthage (U. k B. H.)— Pleasant 1. 4 ni, ; Bonaparte 1. lt> ni.; Oswe};;atchie r. :ind 
 lii.iih lies li'i to "20 ni.; the latter is best; brook ami lake trout, bhi'-k bass and ]iick- 
 tnl; bass and trout most plentiful: baits, art. t1ii-s, minnows and worms. May, 
 .luiH . An^,'., Sept. the best season for black bass, summer months for 'nuit. Hotels 
 jl..''ii p. d.; unides and boats by contract, 
 Cassadaga il>. A, V, v^ I'.)— Cassiidai^a Is. (;t) 'j ni.: pickend, b. b., rock bass, 
 lull li, siintish etc.; b, b. most numerous; minnows, frogs etc. as baits; June, July 
 ami Aufiust best; hotels ,«1 to $2 ]>. d.; boats loc p. li, 
 Castile (N. Y. L. I". \- W.)— Kast Koy cr. T ni.; Flint br. 8 in.; Barneys p. pi m.; 
 NiJM ! Lake I'l ill.; last best: trout, perch, h, b, and pickerel: the latter most plenti- 
 ful; .luni' liest: minnows mostly used as bait; hotels ^'2 p. d.; ^'uide.-* reasonable; 
 l»iat> -'»• p. d. 
 Castor Land (I". A: B. 11.)— Bla<-kr. '^ in.; Beaver r. '^ in.; Long p. is m,: last 
 lir-t; trout, pickerel and bullheads; trout nost abmidant in Long p.; worms and 
 ait. lly; .luly, .\ugust and September best; hotels f'J i>. d, 
 Cato (S. C.i— Parkers )!. ', m.; Cross l.'2'j m.: first best: Oswego, (1. m| rock 
 aiiil >trawberry bass, pickend and perrh; pickertd and strawberry bass ni<;st 1111- 
 iiiei'iius; live minnows and spoons as baits; May, June, .Inly and .August best: 
 hotel .-i^ p. d. 
 Catskill iN. Y. AV. S. \- B.)— Catskill cr. ', m.: <;reene 1. I to ,'> 111.: list bes'; b. 
 1'. and coarse varieties: b. b. most numerous: grassliojipers, tlies, liver 1 tc. : « bait; 
 aiituiiill best: hotels j^'i to *:( p. d.: boats l")c p. h. 
 CattaraugfilS (N. Y. L. ".''. A; "\V.) — Head vVaters of S. bramdi of Cattaraugus cr. 8 
 1:1. trout, b.b. and chubs; trout most numerous. .May and June best; baits — 
 \\eriiis. grubs and flies; no regular boteln tir guides; no charge for liait. 
 Caytiffa (N. Y. C. \- H. It.) — Cayuga 1. near station: pickerel, b. b., mascalonge, 
 'Mrhetc.; jiiidierid. bass inid perch most abniidaiit. minnows, worms and sjioomm 
 i'.MM. August. September iind October best: hotels .< 1 and ;*'2 p. d. or .■?."> to .*lii ;. 
 w.; no professional guides, but men who cai; act as such at .*1 ."'O p. d.: boats and 
 liait at V.")c to :f 1 p. d. (iood fishing and wild duck shooting are reported. 
 Cazenovia (K. <'. A- N.)— Owahgena L. Chiftenango <r. and various trout streams; 
 tii^tliist. b. b., pickerel, p<'r(h etc.: pickerel and bass most numeriiiis; spoons, 
 iiitii- minnows and frogs a^ baits; June, July, .Viigust and September best; iiotels 
 "t ria-onuble charge-: guide ;*l..'>o p. d. or #'2 p. d. with boat: boats .")iic ]i. d. llxcel- 
 liiit b b. and jiickerel fishing in the lake. 
 Centre Berlin (Leb, S,)— Little Hoo>ae or Hoosick r. near station; trout: worms 
 atnl r'u.rj Used: Ma; 1 to October 1 best; nobotelat thin place, but acconiniodatiors 
 can '.■ had near by. 
 Centrailslip tl" I- See page XIX)— Hauppauge p's :t m.; the Bay ti ni.; (brook 
 2 III wiied by cTub, r.siimg private); the Bay is best: all varieties of salt water 
 li ' 
 ill k 
 ' ut 
 tinlufi iiHually fdiiiid In thtm- waters Arc cau^'ht iu the liay, and catflBh, peroh, frcm. 
 ^.•lllll^li ftf. lu llau][ipaug<.' h'h; liotflB at the Bay at rcatioiiatilL' iiricfH; boatu i«u i . 
 had aixo. 
 Central Valley (N. T. L. K. & W.)— Summit 1. 2'. m.; Twin 1'h 3>i m.; Slant;): 
 tfiH 1. ;t 111.; I'nixiluin'U J). 3,'., 111.: ^V(lu(l 1. '."j 111.; SlailMhtcrK 1. aud I'oiiolni i n j 
 )ii(.l; b. b., jiiikcrcl ami jieirh; iiasn iiHrnt abuudiiiit: Juiit; 15 U> Kfjitt-mbfr 1."f 1 i^t 
 liaith — tlii'H, luiiiiiowH, orayftnh, ht'lf!niiiiit*H ctr.; hutol i^H to :fl4 ji. w.; t;Ui(h.N ju 
 Ik d.; boats luc p. h. 
 Ceres (H- K- A; ('.)— (^wwayo cr., BcIIh br., KiiigK Hun cr. and UcIIh Knn i r.; all 
 nearby; b. b. in Onwayo cr.; trout in tlic otliiTH; April, May and .iunc \ivht; wuiii s 
 and ^'liL'tlii iijjciK aH bait; guidew j^l.iVi p. d.; need no boatn; hotelM ,fl p. d. 
 Chapinville (N. Y. (". & H. H.) — Canandaigua 1. outh-t near station; pirkcri 
 b. b. ; i>i(keifl nil St nunifrons; minnows usual iiait for iiirkcicl, ^ray tly, 
 irifket or ^rasshoiijicr tor b. b.; July and .\nj,nist best: no ij^gular hotel, <>m 
 liri\atc boartl can bo had; guide, boat and liait can be hud at little er in. 
 Charlotte {U. W. \- O. and X. Y. C. >\; H. K.)— Lake Ontario and Ciencsee r.: hy 
 best: iiercli, rock and b. b., iiickerel etc.; jierch niust abundant; miuno\\ aid 
 worm baits; !May, June and July best: liotfds numerous at $1 to i'>\K d.; boat,--.., 
 p. h.; bait ITic p. do/. A good lishing ground. 
 Cliaumont (1(. ^V. \- O.) — Chaumont ISay near station; niascalonge, picken 1, li 
 b., pike, whitetish etc.; pike most numerous; tndling spoons used mostly; Jiiiii l.-i 
 month; hotels at reasonable prices; guides with boats i'-i p. d. Oovd li>iliiii;^ i> 
 Chazy [!>■ \' 11- <'■ Hce page XI)— Little (ha/y r. ', m.; ISig Cha/y r. ."> m.: l.ak.. 
 Cliamplain ii m.; last best, b. b., pike, pickeiel, niascalonge etc: bass and piil.iii 1 
 most nuiiieidus; live minnows and trolling sioons used: August and Sepnuii,.- 
 liest; hotels j^'J \>. d. guides .*l! p. d.; boats .">(ic p. d. Arouiiil t h.ak Island in l.aki 
 Chuiii)daiu is notetl as au excellent b. )>. ground. It is located on the \ein.oiit -iil.- 
 of the Lake lUU rods from Isle la Motte. 
 Chemung' 'N. Y. L. K. \- \\'.)— Chemung r. Km rods; b. )).; bait is the dobs, n ,, v 
 '•Sof 15" as i' IS called liicallx ): Sept. bist month; hotels .i^'J p. d.; boat .■?! [. i:.; 
 no guides needed, boats laii be had cheap. 
 Chenango Forks 'D. L. >V: W.)— Chenango r. '.4 m., and Tioughnioga r. '.m.: 
 tirsi iiiiiiieil best; bass, jiickerel, perch and chub; b. b. most numerous: dnliMi!-. 
 Worms anil luiniiows as baits; June and July best for bass; hotel at leiisiinabli' lair: 
 boats and bait very cheap. 
 Cherry Creek (N. Y. L. K. \- W.)— Conewango cr. 1'. m.; Cherry 1 r. 
 tribiit:u,\ (if ( onewaiigo ,r. near by: he tirst best for pickerel and b. b., anil la>t 
 named contains a lew trout: minnow and worm bait: May and Jiineliest; Imtcls 
 irl p. d.; guides T.'ic p. d.; no boats reiiuireil; bait can l)e had at small cost 
 Chittcnango (N. Y. W. S. \- 15.)— Oneida 1. I m.; pike, b. b., [lickerel and timit: 
 sjooii and meat baits; .)une. .\ugust and tall iiumths best; hotels !?l.,'>up. d.; gui(li> 
 ir- p. d.; bo'its TiOc p. d. This lake is noted as a very line tisliing ground. 
 Clr^rks Dock (N. Y. W. S. \ is.)— Hudson r. near station; striped bass, b. li., 
 p.eK li and other varieties, bass most numerous in the fall; live baits (if vaiimi^ 
 kiniU; used: .lanuai'v through the ice is best month for liass, and most any tiuie 1 1 
 V ear good for others; boats 2.-)c p. h. Local lishermeu tish during ebb and tlieil 
 Clayton (T. \ IL R.)— St. Lawrence r., s. m., b. b., pickerel and mascalont;c, cf 
 wliich the liist is most numerous: art Hies, minnows and sikioiih are used; ami 
 finm the miililk- of June to Sept . is thi' best season; hotels j^'i to t=4 p. d.; giiiili> 
 includiiig boats and tackle, if wanted. :r.'i p. d.: the skitl's or boats in geneial r.i-i 
 are admii.ilily lifted up for comfort. The guides carry cooking utensils, a tcMiiif.' 
 table and two camp stools, and cook dinner at ••nooning" hours. This is ci.i 'I 
 the liesr, black bass grounds in the r. S. The tishing on the .St Lawrence r. will 
 doutitless be better this vear (bSH.'i) than for years past, (it has always been [.em; 
 ,^1 > the Anglers Associauon of the St. Lawrence r. lia\e destroyed during tin ] ;i>t 
 Heiisiin many seines and nets, and illegal fishing has been iu a great mea^uie 
 Clyde (N. Y. C \ H U.)— (Jreat Sodus IJay. and Little SodUH Bay; pickerel ami 
 b. Ii., iiriiuipally : siioon and fly used: .August until close of beaeoQ best; hotels rJ 
 p. d.; boat with man if'J. p. d. and upwards. 
 1, pcri'h, fn.n: 
 ; boate vuu I . 
 2 ni.; Sliuij.1: 
 I'djiold) (11 ]. 
 i'Uiber i:, 1 ,.^t 
 w.; j'\inlt> J. 
 * Hull ( r : all 
 ir Ijcht; wmir s 
 ii i>. ii. 
 i; pii-kertl aiul 
 ,'ray tly, Maik 
 lar liotil. lui! 
 .t little or iiH 
 lOlichfc r.: lii!-' 
 ; liiililiipw ill d 
 I. (I . ; lHi!it> '.. 
 [c, pifkcn 1, li. 
 stiy; Jnih' lii-t 
 Odd li^liiiiu' is 
 r. 5 111.: J.iik.. 
 ~f^ aud iiiil-.cii I 
 ml Sci.itiiii f .■ 
 it-liiii(l in l.akr 
 ■ \'i'ni-iim .-ill,- 
 lie diiliMii 111' 
 xiat $1 I. h.; 
 loKU r. ' ; In.: 
 hip: (liili-(>ii>. 
 ;.-(iliaMr late; 
 ('luny ,r. 
 h., and lii>t 
 iK'st; liot,!,. 
 'I'll ajul tidiit; 
 11. d.; tjuidt- 
 liass, li. li., 
 (if MU'ioU,- 
 ■it any tiiur i r 
 ebb and ihi'd 
 iasoalont.;c, vi 
 re used; iiml 
 1). d.; (,'uici(> 
 fifiiciiil r.M 
 il.<, a ti'Miiif.' 
 'lllH is el. I- 1 1 
 I'cni'i' I', wid 
 been !.i'i".i 
 riUK till 1 :ii-t 
 txat iiicasiue 
 liickei'id iiuil 
 ;Ht; Lott Is f2 
 Cochecton {N. Y. L. E. & W.) — Delaware r. noar station contaiiis b. b.; Lake 
 HllllIill^'d^ln ") ni. lian b. 1).: MitchcllH ji. ;t in., pickerel and iierch; and Mitelielln, 
 Hiisli and Tylei'H cr's lni\e niore di' lesH trout in tlielii; liotelH fl.TiO]). d,. JT) ji. w.; 
 (.'Midi .s. boats and baitu ilieai>. '1 lie otber waters are Swagei' 1. and luuk liarbor j),, 
 ^(■iiiaining b. b., iierdi and iiickeicl. 
 CohoeS (N. Y. C. iS; H. U.)— Moliawk r. ruus throut;li city; b. b., rock bass, jiike, 
 ii( r. ii etc.; bass and pike n >t niuiierous; lielKraniites. minnows and art. tly 
 as biiits; Juiif, July, .Vu^'iist mul September best: liotels at reasonulde rates: boats 
 ,'iiii 1'. (1.; bait can be pr(»uri<l at moderate cost. 
 College Point (I-. I. S.ipap' XIX) — Flushing; Hay '.. m.; I.ont,' Island Sound 1 
 III.: li'itli i^'Diid: llounders, bll^-^, toiiicdds et''. abound; soft sliell clams as baitH; 
 -liiiii;.' td tall best; tlddd tide preferable; botels .'rl.'ii.i ji. d.; boats '.ric ii. h.; bait 
 Coopers (X. Y. L. F.. .t W'.)— C'onhocton r. ', ni.; pickerel, percb, b '.)., etc.; 
 Ai'il. Mii,\. June and July best: worms used mostly: lidtel H to $■'> ]>. \v.. no boats 
 Ml' guides needed; bait easily iiviicured. Tliis river wa-i std(;ked witli b'uck liass in', ;ind not havin|4 been much lislied for, are expected to be plentiful this sea- 
 sou, (18h5.) 
 Cooperstown (<'. >V S. V.)— Otsetjd 1. '.. m.: Snsiiuehanna r. ad.iacent: Schuylers 
 I. i;i 111 Ki( Istield S]irini^s: lirst named 1 est ; salnidU, lake ti'nut, b. li.. pickerel etc.; 
 iii'iii iiiid ]dckerel most nunierdus; minnows usual bait; Ma,\', June, September 
 and t ictdlier best; hdtel j^2 )>. d., S^7 td »=in p. w.; bo.its and bait at fiilr cost; tndl- 
 iii^i w itli Seth (ireen's nana is tlie favorite method df takinjj; the lake trout. Ihero 
 arc several trout streanis easily reached. 
 Copake (H. \ ('. \V.)— (reek (unnamed) near station where trout are found and '2 
 [..■i.ds :i and ."> miles respectively, frum which b. b. are taken; Hies used; June, July, 
 iiid .\c^'ust for trout, and .\utiUst, Sept( nibei' and Oct. lor luiss; hotel "j!!,."!! }i. d.; 
 liiMl.- ;ind bait can lie procured. 
 III.: iierch and li. b.; 
 nidstly Used as bait; 
 Coining' d'. 1 . 'V ^V. and N. Y. I.. K. \ W.)— Clicmiiiit,' r. 
 ]ii. h liidst :ibiilidaiit: Aumist, Scjit. and Oct. best; ddbsdii? 
 hotels ;<'2p. (1. 
 Comwall (N- Y. L. K. \ W. and X. Y. W. S. .VB.)— Hudson r near station; penh, 
 .-till cd bass, siintisli etc.: yellow perch and cattish most numerous; worms usual 
 liait ^;(Ki(l all months; hotel S'2 p. <!•: boats j'ldc p.d.; bait at small cost; market 
 tisliiiiti mostly followed, yet the .'imateur can ^,(■t t^ood sport at times. Several 
 lalios aud ponds easily leached (.'ontaiii b. b., pickerel and i ercli. 
 Corcnail.- 1- See pajie XIX.) — Flushiiif,' Hay 1 in,; frost lisli and Houiidei's; 
 111. iiiuicrs most iMimeriuis: clams and saudwormH as baits; Sept. aud Oct. best; 
 1.1 ;il.- ."iiic p. ij d.; thiod tide best. 
 Coxsackie(N. Y. ('. A: II. R. and X.Y.W.S..>>: 15.)— Hudson r. '4 m.; Ib'oiiks 1. 'J 
 111 ; ( ■11(11- 1. 'i ' J 111 . ; all oood; rock bass, white perch, sunlish etc; snnhsli. white 
 jcri li and bullheads most abundant; wdiiiis, salt mackerid and small lish as baitH; 
 Ma\. June, July and .Viioust best: hotels .^1 ."id to .■? 'J p.d.; boats oUc to .rl p.d,; 
 til. best tide ou the r, is on the llrst (.if the Hood. 
 CiRftS (N.Y'.(',iS;X.)— Trout br. near ttativii; West branch of Croton r. ^, in , 
 i ,1! . 1 (dead '.i m. ; last best; pickerel, \ellowaiidb. b., perch, speckled tr(Ult etc.; 
 1 1.1. en 1 most abundant; small lish and wnnu baits: no hot(I marei tliaii J in., 
 };iiiiies at moderate prices; boats Tide p. d 
 Crescent (N.Y.C.V H.K.j—^rohawk r. 1 '.j m,; bai-s, pike etc.; bass and pike 
 iii. -I numerous; didiscuis, blackwoiiiis, crabs etc, as baits; (,'ood from spriiijj to fall; 
 liot( Is ,■?! p. d.; bdats ode p. d. This is a tavcirite lishiiiK ground among Troy and 
 .Mbaiiy (X.V.) anglers, 
 Croton (NY. ClV H.H,)—Hudsdii r. and Croton r. '., to 1 ni,: striped bass, 
 wiakrtsh, snappers, wliite 1 ei'ch, poi'gies etc. ; white pi'rch and snappei's most nil- 
 lui rolls; fur bass and weaklisli shedder crabs as baits : tor the others shrimp: July, 
 .Vueiist and Sept. best; last of ebb and lirst df tliKul tide best: boats i^l p.d.; liait 
 soiiictiiues ditbcult to procure. Northwest Croton I'oiut is considered the liest 
 r;r..mid by local anglers, 
 Croton Jjake ( N . V,C. iS: N.)— Croton 1. near station, b, b., wiiito and yeilow pike, pickerel etc. ; perch, bass and catfish most ainiiidant; worms shrimp 
 uiiii helgramites as baits: May, June aud iht. best; hotels :fl.5u p. d.; I.nalt ar.d 
 ;SI !( 
 THK ANC.I.KU's (iflDE ]t()i)K. 
 \\im ' 
 bait I'un 1 r IkhI icasDinihlf. Fair li^hiii;,' iciHirtinl itt tliin iiuint. 
 CAN A.Mil.Klt, \'(i|. IV. Jj)). V2i. 
 Curtis iN. V. I,. K. \- \V. )—('(. hi ictoii r. ', m.; (iooinmc p. Siii.: tin- lust !..,(; 
 l)ickiTrl iind li. 1). iirc ciiiit^ht, but buns most iibiuidiiut: Aliiy. •Iiiiit' amlSt'iit. : wmihh 
 nioWH nn\ial '■■•'•• ' ' '■■■ '■•■■' '•••' " i. ...i . ._ . .. ^ 
 Sc' Thk Amcui- 
 |iiimni iiiKi M. II. ill)' I (tii^iii, iiiii iiun.s iiiiiNi iiiMiiMiiiiic: .»iii.v, ■nine a 
 and iiiiinioWH nn\ial bait; boatn can be had, but tiitTi- arc im lintdn or iiroffSiO'iiiul 
 Cutchogue (I- I- s.c iia;,'c XIX.)— I'cfoiiic liny J'., in.: kiiitifinh. wcaktisli. I,lii,. 
 and blacktiHh; liiii^'lisli and blackfish iiin-<t iiiniicnius: crabs, chiiiis. ,-ihriiiiii ainl ii,l 
 • III Ts u.s liaits; ,\ii^,ni8t and Sc|it<'iiibir best : hntcl and imnicriius iiri\iitc'iiii 
 hniiscs at .•?" t(i iflM )). \v., nr #l..")ii )i. d.; Hiiidc *:i p. d.; Imats ."inc ti> .*.■> \>. d. Kinj. 
 tiMli arc iiunicroiiH in thin water, and Idacklihh arc takcu in large (iiiautitics diiiin;: 
 Soi»t. and Oct. 
 Dannemora i<'hatoati(j;ay.)— Cha/y 1. fi ni. : Stillwater l! m.: Caiiticld br.'Ji, m.; 
 firNlbcst: lake and l)r()iik trout: tlicn H[)oons and worms used; May and .June lie. t. 
 hotels .>2 p. d.; K"i''''* •■?'- 1'- tl- inclndin),' boat and bait. 
 IieKalb Junction (t{. W. .v o.l-l'lnmb br. M m.: (iras.s r. 14 m.: .Vllen i. jt 
 711.: 15oyd 1). IHm.; Allen ji. best: Hpcckled trout ]princi)ialiy: worm and tty bait«; 
 April best for tly bait; hutclM about .*"J p. d.; guides charge #l! to ;»:t p. d..aipl 
 furniHli worm bait. 
 Deposit (N. Y. li. K. .t W. )— Oipiago cr. empties into Didaware r. here: 'rrniit 
 <M'. empties into West branch of Delaware r. (l m . above; trout most abundant in 
 the cr's. and b. b, in the r. ; worms, helgramites ami tlies as baits; .\pril. .luly -iihl 
 August best; hotels at reasonable prices. .\ fair creel of trout can be taken lui-.. 
 earl> in the season, and a few all through it: favorite Hies are the jiriifessor (ri-,\ 
 tail) black gnat and coachman. 
 DeWitt (N. V. C. k H. 1{.)-Krie Canal 1 m.; Hi-ttcrnut cr. 1 m.; first b.-t; 
 strawberry ami black bass, jx-rch. cattish, etc. ; li. b. aiul perch most immcrnii-. 
 woi'ms. minnows and crab baits: .\ug\ist and September best: hotels .■?] p. ,i ; 
 boats ■_'.")(• p. d.: minnows ;«l p. pKj. There are a 'cw trout left in two brooks ni;ii' 
 Deer River d'- •'^' H- U.)— Pleasant I. t m.: 1{1;'< k r. near station; last; 
 lierch. iiickcrel. b. b., etc.: )iickerid and bullheads predominate: minnows. u..iiii> 
 and art tly used: •lunc and July best mouths; hotel :rl ..'>ii p. d. ; boats amMiai! at 
 amall cost. 
 Delhi (N.Y.o. \- W. See jiagcX.) — Robinson ji. i m.: I'eak's br. :i m. : \'.\\i 
 br. 3 ni.: Little Delaware 1 lu.; KIk br. best; trout most numerous, and b li 
 next: bait, worms; .May and .lune; hotels .jJ. 
 Dryden (So. C.)— Dry den 1. 2 m.: iiickerel. perch, bullheads, etc.; perch :iiiil 
 pickeiel most nnmerotis; worm bait: hotels #'J p. d.; boats plenty. 
 Dundee (S. (1. i.*l: (M— Sein-ca 1. 4 m., Konka 1. bi m.. >Iud 1. lo ni., Little 1. •- 
 m. 'I'he two first mimed are best, and contain lake trout, b. b.. jiickertd and pef. h: 
 the trout, bass an<l pickerel most numerous: baits, alewives for lake trout, miii- 
 nows and dobsons for bass and pickerel; .\iig. Seiit. Oct, best; hotels and gui'i'> 
 $'J p. d., imlutliug boat. 
 Dunkirk (Several r. r.)— Lake Krie anywhore within 4 m.: s. m. b. b., jik. 
 jM'rch, pickerel, pike, ytdlow peich, rock bass, suntish, etc.; b. b. and ]nke pi icli 
 most abundant; minnows, crayfish, worms and tlies as baits; .June, jiart of .Inly. 
 and September best: hotid .■?'.! p. d.; boat and bait, with man .•J'J.riO p. d.. or .if p. ,1. 
 without. The favorite spot with local anglers is on a reef .'! m. from the do.k: 
 there is, lu)wever, good fishing within V) minutes row from the dock. For trolliiiL; 
 the best time is between Aug, l."> ami Oct. 2(1, 
 Durhaniville (N. Y. O. \- W. See page X.)— Oneida 1. near by; exeellent pik. 
 and !). b. water: the favorite grounds for the former is off the month of Oneida r.: 
 for the latter, Hriish dam on the same cr.; good accommodations at nioderati' 
 charges. See Thk Amkukan .^NiiLKK, vol. Ill page 410. 
 Dykenian's (N. Y. V. k H. It.)— Ice p. 1 m.; Lake Tonetta ', m.: Little p. I m.: 
 two first best; pike, perch, b. b., etc.; pike ami perch most ibundant: small lisli. 
 crickets, grasshoppers and worms as baits; January, June. Septemlier and Octolior 
 best; hotels |5 p, w.; boats can bo had. 
 East Branch (X. Y. O. .t AV.) — East branch of Delaware r.: Baxter br.: N'^w 
 Orleans Trout br, ; Iwaddoll br. and Heeds cr. ; lia.xtir br. and Trout br. b< ^t: 
 THK a Ml- It I- 
 tiiiui, 1'. 1)., pickorol, oic; trout most nnmorouH-. tlio», sixxms. worniH, ^raHHhop- 
 1,(1-. i't<'. iis liiiitw; Miiv. •luiic iiinl Julv host; botelf*, miidi',-*, lioatw auil baitH at 
 i.ii ■ iiiiblc cliarnt's. A ^oud troutinn st-i'Huu. 
 East Creek (N. Y. C .V II. H.i— Muhrtwk r. nciir Htation iiiul Kiist Cixnada cr. at 
 .,tati"ii; tii'st Ix'Ht; 1>. 1). iiiid ]>ikf; b. li. must iibundaiit ; blark worms aud crabs aH 
 baii>; slimmer best for i)ikc and autumn tor baws: no regular botols; boats and 
 bull :it nominal iirict-s. 
 Ellenburgh (<>. >V T,. C.)— Cluiteau^ray 1. 11 m.: (iravcs br. ."> ni.; west brancn of 
 ( liii/\ V. near station: lirst two best: salmon, trout and s]ii'cklcd tront in 1., nid brook 
 (iiiui in tlif last two strt-uius; worms anil Hies as baits; usual seasons: hotels ^2 
 EUerslie (H- >V; *'. ^V.)— Twin I's '. m.: HoelitV-T msencr. in^ar station: tirst best; 
 1,1, kill. b. b,, i>ereli ete.; minnow and worm baits; .Iiine, .Julv anil .ViifiU.-jt; 
 linti I aud guidurt at reasonabU? jiriees; boats and bait at un)derate cost. 
 Elisenore (Loh. V. Sec i>at,'e VI)— Owasco 1. 'Jf) rods; trout, iiercli, b. b. and 
 j.i.l.iel; bass and pert-li most abundant; ordi.iary baits in .Iiine, .luly and .Vu^'ust; 
 liiitrN r'i 11. d.; no guides or boats to hire, but cau be borrowed. See Auburn, 
 N. V. 
 Erwins (N. V. L. K. \- W.i— Tio^ja r. 'j m.: b. b., pickerel, trout etc.: bass most 
 pliiiiiiul; art. tiies aud dob.stms as bait; June, July and August best; Lottd .tI.oU 
 EsopUS (N- Y. W. S. ,V: 15.)— Hlaek p. .! '. m.; lilack er. ', in.; first best; ))ickerel: 
 ],,]•, h. b. b. etc.; jiickerel most numerous; worms used mostly; .May and •dine; 
 hnti 1 Mt reasonable rate. 
 Esperfnca (I>- ^ H. ('. See pat^e XI)— Schoharie cr. I'l m.; b. b., rock bas.s. 
 hill h-h. etc. ; s. in. b. b. most niimenuis; craytish, dobsoii and minnow baits- 
 AiiLiust. September and October best; hotel .■?1.,")U p, d.: boats aud baits can lie ob- 
 iiineil. tishiii^,' tiood in .Vugiist. September aud October. 
 Eaton (^«• V. O. .V; W.)— Hatch's 1., Wilson Reservoir, and several brooks from '3 
 tii.'iia.; trout, b b., pike and pickerel; niiniu)ws, grasshoppers and crabs used; 
 June. .Inly aiul Atlgust best; hotels .^l..")0 \i. d. ; guides .»'.' ]i. d.; ".xiats and bait at 
 Inw rates; c)ther tfout. brooks can be visited iiudi'r the giiiclauce of men furnished 
 li\ tlir hotels 
 Fallsburfifh (N. Y. O. .V W. See page X) — Canal Ueservoir, JJrown's p.. Never-. 
 ■iiuU 1.. I'leasaut 1.; all near station exceid the last ;i 111. ; b. b., pickerel and i>ereh; 
 rt^hlng good; niiunows principal bait: hotels .■?(> p. w.; guides, boats and bait at 
 iiii"li'ni?e prices. Trout lishing in the Neversink, reaidied by stage, is excelh'iu. 
 I'nitions of Miis stream a''c taken up by private clubs. 
 Far Rockaway (I-i. I- See page XIX) — lamaica IJay 1 m.. and Piockaway Inlet; 
 liiM lirst; weaklish, biiu'fish, sheepshead. sea bass, blaeklish. kiiiKtish etc.; weak- 
 li-h most abundant: shedder crab best Iniit; .Iiuie, .July and August best: first of 
 • lili iiud last of tlood tide. « best; hotels at reasonable prices: guides can be had; 
 \a.lits ?"> to $t> p. d. The best grounds in the bay are; Muck's cr.. Sloop linr. Sweet 
 Wall r and Mud Channel. 
 Pelt's Mills (T. \ 15. U.) 
 .•1 1 ;it reasonable rate. 
 -Mill cr. near station has a few trout; worm halt; 
 Fentonville (!>• A. V. >\: P.)— Conowango cr. near station; iiike, bass, pickerel, 
 (tr., i,il;;> and bass most numerous; worms and spoons used; .Iiiiii'. .Vugtist ami 
 Sim. timber best; hotel at reasonable prices; boats can be had. The pike run large, 
 frniu 1 to '20 U)s. caught by trolling with spoon. 
 Fish Creek (N. Y. O. .V W. See page X)— l-'ish cr. '., ni.; ^Vood cr. ', ni.: Oneida 
 1. ', m.; Wood cr. best: pike, bass, pickerel etc. : pike, bass aud cattish most iiiun- 
 eroii>; crabs and miutiows as baits; .Vpril. .January aud February best mouths; 
 liotils >.") to $lit p. w'.; guide. -f^ p. d.; boats aud bait can be had cheap. Oneida 1. 
 IS s;ud to be a good ttsliiug water at this point. 
 Plwshing'— Bridge St.— (L. I. See page XIX)— Flushing P.ay 1 in.; Flushing cr 
 iii'ar >tatioii; frost tish, flounders, striped bass etc.; frost fish and flounders most 
 imiuiious; worms, soft clams etc as baits; (tctober, November and December best; 
 fl.i.M tide i)est; hotel at moderate charge; guide r>(tc to $1 p. d.; boats ?I p. d.; 
 iiait cheap. 
 T i '1 
 Pordham (N. Y. O. A: X.)— Hiirlrni r. iioar statiim; HiuIhoii r. 1 lu.: ttivt 1m st: 
 Htrijicd liaHH, white i)t'rcli <'t< .; Hliriiii]), wdt't hIhII cniljs c^ti'. an baitn; July ami Aiij,'- 
 iiHt l)('nt; hdU'l 'i 111. frniii KtatioM #1 |i. il.; ImafH ")(»<• y. d.: Hhriiii]) !")<• ji. pint; 
 Hhi'ildcr craltH $l.!2e \). (1(i/(;m. Every I'arility fur a I'oiufortable days ttnliiui^. 
 l<'lr.(i(l tide bent. 
 Port Coving'ton (fir T. Sc<> papff* V) — Salmini r. atid St. T^iwroiicc r.; lawt l)<Mt; 
 pike, liash, dure (|)ik<--iifnli) and iiiascaliiiit;i'; lians and duri' luoHt iiiiiiKirouH; iiiia- 
 Uitw aii<l i'i)uiin ItaitH; July, .\MKiiKt and .Sciitriiilifr best: linttd at rt'ttMoujkble iirlcpn; 
 bciatM .fl p. d.; bait iiKMb-ratu coMt. 
 Port Edward (I). iS; H. (;. See i>a^'<' XI)— Summit 1. li m.; CaHHcyuna 1. IJ m.; 
 biHt lic.«t; H. m. b. b. and iiickt'rcl. tlic (irnt most niim<'rr>nw; minnowK and art. ili(s 
 UHcd; .Inly and AunuHt best for iiickcrcl: Scptt'nibcr ami October for b. b.; tintfls 
 !?V{). w.; f{ni(l,!H $1.50 p. (1.; boatn and bait very rcasDniibli'. Very tiu(! tiHhinn i.* 
 Port Hunter (N. Y. W. S. \- 15.)— llobawk r. '. m.; Sclmharie cr. ', m.; first 
 best; piki and b. b. i)rim'ipally ; dobmrns, worms anrl ^jrawHliopper baits; .Inly and be.Ht: hotel ?l p. d. or #") p. \v.; j^'iiides at reasonable charges: boats "iiie p. 
 d. The tishinn at thi.s point i -i said to be as j^ood as any on the IMoliawk r.;flie 
 jiike (pickerel), run lar^'e ('i to •'> ';. lbs.), aud are caiiKht on a local artificial lurp- 
 which can be boiij»ht at Korf Hunter. 
 Port Montgomery (X. Y. W. s. iV U.)— lludson r. at station: several piii^ls 
 witliin '1 Ml. ; lirst best; white |ierch, b;iss and jiickerel; white per<-h most nuiiiiiMiis; 
 sheddercrabs and worm baits; .Iuik'. .July. .Xu^nst. .Septenilxr and October hot: 
 hotel Vi'ic p. meal or .?! \i. d. The eddies at low tide (,'ive tile best tishiUK. Cnilis i- 
 bait; must be taken aloiit{ by the antjier. 
 Port Plain (N- V. C. >V H. K.) — Mohawk r. near station: b. b., jiikc an i 
 )iickcrel; b. b. and pike most numerous; dobsons or helj^ramites, miiinows .in I 
 spoons used; Miiy I'lid .lune best for pike; -luly, .Xitnust aud Seiiteinbei' for b;i<-.. 
 hotels .•?! p. d.. guides .'■■..V) p. d.; boats 7.")c p. d. ; dvibsoiis and minnows SI ]i. 1' i. 
 Trolling for pike and pickend in ^Slay am! .June is occasiiuially ^'ooil, in despite nf 
 the illet;nl lishiii^,' luiicticed in the Mohawk r, at this point. 
 Preeportd- T. .See jiafje XIX)— South Bay t m.; W(>ak(ish, liluetish. tlaiti-h. 
 strijied bass etc. abound in seasim; clams, soft crabs and skinner clams as li;uls; 
 .luly. Auf^'ust and Se]iteniber bes» ; ebb iiud lirst of tb^od hotels f I p. d.; 
 boat iiml bait with man !?"> p. d. 
 Prewsburgf (I>. A. V. i^- P.) — Couewiin^io er. '.. m.; pickerel, jiike, b. b. etc; 
 bass most abumlant; minnow bait. .?iine. .Tuly, Septembi^r aud October best; lintpl 
 a* moderate price; boats .'ioc p. d.: miunowH l.'Jc p. do/.. 
 Pulton (I'. li.iVjW.) — Oswej^o r. 1 m.; Lakc^ Como ', m.; first best; roclc iiU'l 1). 
 b., jiike. iiickerel etc.; b. b. most numerous: spoiuis. tlies and ci'abs used: .luiu', 
 July and .\ut^ust best; hotels ^'1 p. d.; t,'uide $1..5() to .*-' p. d.; boats plenty at trill ini,' 
 Oainesville (N. Y. I,. E. & AV.)— Silver 1., '■\ m. to head of 1. on which are three 
 stciiuiers. Masciilon^'e. lake trout, pike-perch, perch, strawberry ba.-is ami 1). h.: 
 I'lTch ami mascalou^{e most abundant; art. spoons and minnows, and we arc in- 
 t'ormecl tliut the hu'al ant,ders have a secret bait ot their own which is very etleitivo; 
 June, S<'pt. and Oct. for mascahuine: for other tish July aiul .\u^.; hotels ■?! I'l 
 #'J..")0- guides moderate; boats aUc p. <!.: baits cheap. 
 Gallatlnville {II. .S: ('. \V.) — Lake Charlotte 5 ni.; Koelilf Jansen.s or. near 
 station; bot 1 1 reported ffood; tlii> last named noted for speckled trout; trout 
 ]iickei('l; pickerel most numerous; minnow bait; July, Aufj[ust aud Heptoniber best; 
 lioats and bait can be obtained. 
 Gardener (W. V.) — XVallkill r. 1 ', ni.; Sliawautiunk cr. 1 '^ ni.; first best; li 'i 
 lei'ch. pi(tkerel and other varieties; liass most uiimenMis: .Iiiiie. July and Anu'ii~t 
 best; baits, crabs, worms, tlies, etc.; hotels and boardin;^ houses reasonable. 
 Geneva (S. Ij. S. N. Co. See pa^e XII.)— Seneca 1.. Lonj? point 18 ni.; Lodi ■-'" m.; 
 No. Hector "JH lu.; (Uenora '.• m. north (f NVatkius (ilen; trout, whitefish. |'. i, h. 
 pickerel, pike, b. 1)., etc.; minnow bait; May. June. July. .Xufjust. Septemlici' .iipl 
 Octolier best; hotels .*'.' to ,*:).riil p. d.; boats and biiit Iw to :?1 p. d. (Ueuoia i- 
 said to be the finest t,'rounds for b. b. on Seneca Lake. 
 Qenungs (N. Y. O. A: \V. See page X.) — Wanhiugtou I., Orange I., Murderer's cr.. 
 [nrdcrt'i's cr., 
 iltfir Kill iT. and otiicr vr'n; all within C> m.: li. 1>., i>icktTi'l iind iiiTcb, uhuhI 
 halt.-; liotflH on the I'm: iiHccm iiitMlcriitt': lioiitH iiiid liaits fur Cytu- j>. d. 
 Oeorg'etown Station iSv. o. \ N. Y.)-(»tsflif r. .mmi ft., finiu tlic Mtution to 
 XmiiIi I'ltclicr. yiil<i . tiir trmit linliiiii,' with the Ay or worm. Other wiit<TM diM^nul 
 ticiJi 'i to 15 111., ni\r 1 lii- 1>. I)., iiickcrtl iiud iM-roli ttMhinj,'. St-i- Thk Amkhu'an 
 Asi.i.i.ii. V(d. \'II, ]<i\u. • '■ ". 
 Oiffords, Staten Is. I^^tr. to S. I. thonco hy S. T. r. r.)— ThiH Ih an nxcoiitlonallv 
 t.',i...l t,'roiiiid for w c-al<iir-h. and i.-* iiiiK li visited liy N . Y. ( 'ity aiiKli-rM. Thi- tiile in not 
 -\s\(;. iiinrc ii hfiivy lead is no* needed. l,ar«e weal\tisli are Konietiiue.-* tai\eii. also 
 f:iir -l/<'d .-trilled liass. The season opens early or late ai-eordinn to the wi'alher. 
 limit.' an<l shriin|i liait >1..')0 |i. d.; no i^nide needeil, Kisli liite liest ou .MHiiif^ flood, 
 I in riintiiiMe liitini^' tliroiij^h the etitii"- eldi and flood. Slieilder erabs, blood worms. 
 itr aU' also used as l>ail. Season (ipelis about .June l."> and closes ( »et. l."(, 
 Olendale iF. -V B. U.i—otter 1. and Pine band trilmtaries: Inile|>endenee r.; 
 .il iboiit 17 ni. They all contain trout in abiindani-e: Otter 1. beiiij,' the best, 
 lll:ii!v r. contains b. b. anil iiicUerwi: worm-i an<l tlies tor front ; fiilliiiK sjioons for 
 \k\-- and i)ickend; .May is best for trout. .Iiil.\ .nid \\\>s.. for bass and iiiekertd; hotels 
 •I. .''I to ,?'J 1). d,; jjnidcs .'?'J..')it to .•?:( \i. d.; boats nominal. 
 Glen Kead'T,. 1. See ))atje XI\.) -Oleiiwood May 1 m.: flatlish. blacktlsh, toin- 
 I I i!-. snaiipiiiL; iiiaidierel. etc.: tlatli-^li and sliaiipilit,' mackerel most ntunfron-; 
 filvcr sides and clams a'^ baits; Aiii;ilsl, Se|itember and October best; hotel >l.."ii» 
 ]. il.; ^^nides .Til ji. d., w ith boat and bait included. Flood tide best. 
 Glen's Falls (l». .v H. •'. See jiat^e .\l.)--(ilen 1. 1 m.: Hia Hay of HndHon r. :i ' . 
 m.: Little Hay do. -t m., and vai'ioiis brook trout streams from 1 ' . to 5 m.: (ileii I, 
 lic-i for b. b.; b, b., jiike and iiei'ch: b. b. anil perch most numerous: minnows, 
 fli.b-niis. crickets, froj^s. it ■. as baits: last of July. .\nKUst and Septembe- ^e^t, 
 lutiN at reasonable I'ates: no tiuide-i, but local anglers will direct visitors; oi.,its 
 .'iv p. d.': bait .^1 to :*l..Mi ]i. inn, lu (lien I. the laiV'st s. m, b. b. ever caught in 
 tip r. S, was killed. The trout streams owiti^; to the alder growth, are dithcult lo 
 !i-l: with the fly. ( Hlier jid's 1 to il m., furtiish b. b. lishiiii,'. 
 Golcleu's Bridg'e (N. V. C .V H. K.)— I.;ike ;\Iaccabuc "> in.; [like. ro'k bass, 
 wliitr jierch, etc : rock bass and wliifi' perch most niiinerons: minnows, woi'ius, 
 irirki-ts, (tc. as baits; .May and .lunc best: hotel .*'J u, d.: ;,'iiii|es, boats and bait 
 ran lie had reasonable. A daily sta^^e runs to the I. from the station, from .luiic |."i, 
 tn Slpt. l.">. 
 Good Ground ; b. I. See i)a'.,'e \[\.) — I'ecoiiic and SliininciMk ba.\ 1 m.: tirst 
 lir-t; poi'tiics and tonicods |irincip:illy : daiiis ami worms n'^ b:iit>: .Inly, .Vii^nisi 
 ami September best: llood tide best; hotels #'j p. d,: unide .'rl..")!) ]i. d. : boats and 
 l-ai' moderate. 
 Goshen (N. Y. L. K. \ W.i— (llenmen 1. .■> ni.: Prospect 1. 1'. m.: Wallkill r. 1 
 III litter Kill i m.; Wallkill r and (llenniere I. the best: b. b,, piidicrel and 
 iliir varieties; li. b. most niimuroiis ; live bait, crickets, hojacks ami j,'ra'^shoppers 
 11- 'I as lures; .luly. .\ut,'nst and Sept. best; hotels .-.-J ]). d. 
 Gouverneur iK. W. iV 0.|— Little v. 'Ii* m.: Star 1. 'J") m.: first best; brook trout 
 Ml I aiiil land-lucked salmon iii 1.; br, trout most nnmeroiis: spoons used for 
 -.diimn and flies for trout; May, .lune. .Inly and Aui/iist best: hotel .•?"'-' p. d.; j^'uidcs 
 -■-' p. d. 
 Gi'eat Neck lb. I. See pa^ze XIX'— f,on>,' Island Snund :! m.: Fakevllle I', m.; 
 ;!i the 1. perch and ]iickerel are found: in the Sound, blackfish, sti'iped bass, weak- 
 ti-li and numerous others; blackti 'i atid we.ikiisli m i-t abiindatit: clams are used 
 llln>tly: last of April, .Vu^'Ust lUd Septembel' best; tbuHl tide best; hofel at leasoU- 
 iilile prices: tiuides, boat and bait can be had at nioderatc cost. There are a few 
 ti'iiii! ciiu^dit in the streams and ponds. 
 Greeiivrood Lake (N. Y., T„ E, \- W,)— This lake lies jiartly in New York and 
 liiuth in New .lersey, atid i^i a favorite resort of New York City anglers. H. b. are 
 iiiuiicrous and are taken with all varieties of baits, including.' the artificial fly. 
 Trilliiii,' with li'.e minnow, and skilterinc with pickerel belly are the favorite 
 iiiitliods. The b. b. iiui UiVin.', i^pecimens of S lbs. havinn been caught. Pickerel 
 ari' I'lentifnl, and occasiotially yollow iienh are c;iut,dit wcis^'hini,' a pound, (iood 
 boti'-. boats, unidts and bait Hotels .'rLoU to ;?:{ p. d,: guides i^2,o!j p, d,; boats 
 *I; 1. ait about 50e for a day's Ksliinji. 
 Griffins Corners (F. 'V D, )— Portertowii str. and Emery str, c!o-e to staticu- 
 TIIK ANfll.EUH uriDE llOOK, 
 i»ry hr. III.: about aliko; trotit; WDnnH mul llinii iimiiI; >ray uihI I'Uif liest; li.t.;, 
 Ut D'liHiiiiitlili' nit<'M. i^iiidt';-! uinl liDUt^ iint lH'tMlcil; iiuit iiliiity. Tlif licttt tiHhui;; i', 
 bctwttL'U tliiH Htutiiiii mill tlif b('U(lwut*-i'H (jf the br'M from ;i tu 5 Ui. 
 OuUderland Centre I N V. W.H. tV ll t-lUmk cr. '„ nt.; NDi'uiaiiHktllcr. ', m, 
 'rii'iiii|).-"in -. I, 1 III.. \S iiriirr'M l.t'iin.; 'i'liciiiiiiHiin'M 1. bi-Mt; b. li., iiickri-cl ami li- it 
 liirUiri'l must immri'MiiH; h|iuiiiiH, biiiall tiHJi ami nmii'iik aH liuith-, .Mii.v, 'Miih' iii'I 
 Si|iiiiiibfr lust; liii|fl.-i #l..'iii |). <l. ; li' i;i|m t'ni', bait rlitaii. .V ihiiicI dihtunt J 'i... 
 roiilaiiiH iiiiiiiN ti'iiiit, till' ii\Mit'r L'liarKiii){ .f 1 [>. h. tor IkHliii.g it. 
 Hadley I A<1ir<imliii'k| IIuiIhiiii ami SacDmlaua r'x.. Lake I.ii/irm', Kpliiioi. i. 
 .Ml unit 1.; Willi, iiiiltrniiilk ami Kerr ri'H., KuMird I. ami I'orttMiiiH 1 all '.to .'in, 
 I.aUi' hii/rnii' III >!; Ii. li., trout ami (ni-ki-rcl; bann iiioHt iiiiirn'ruiiN, (IoIihuiih ,ui I 
 rnib (iTa.vtlHli) ImiIh; Si'ptf'iiilii'r ami Ortiibt-r IjchI; hutulH at $i'2 to |2'J.")0 ji. w. 
 ^^iiiili'.i at ri iisoiialili- ratcM; boats .yl jt, il. 
 Haiubiirgh |N. V. L. K. \- W.i— Lake Krif 4 m.. Ii. b., iiikr, ])crrli cti-.; pikr anl 
 jiiTrli iiioht abiimlmit; .May ami ■liiin' bcNt: baitn iimi'iI. iniinioWH, crabH uiiu \voi'iii>. 
 liotfl i-'S \t. il. 
 Haiuinels |N. V. \V. \ H.)— Janiaica Hay ami Atlantic Ooeau; blui'flHb, ttmnnliis 
 <'tr., hull rlaiiih aiiil HkiiiiimTH iiMiial bait.s; .Vjirll ami No\i'iiibcr bf:<t; liottN rJ 
 ji. (1.; niiiilr.H at nasoiiabli' inii'c.s: boats .'lOr i>. il. I'lood iiilc bi'Ht. 
 Hammond (I'. -v b. U-i l!l:n 1> I. 3 m.; st. Lawii-m-c r. {hw Clayton >'. \,,, 
 I'lki', lur.u 111 ami b. b.; uuuul buit^i; July aud Aui^UHt bunt jnoutliM; )juidu, Immi^ 
 and bait $'i.M p. d. 
 Hammondsport (1)- ft n.) — • Keiiku noar by; Halimni or laki- trout, b. I., 
 liiiluiil. |iri ill, mill a trw lamlli rlvi'd Haliiiolj; u.suul baiLs; -Mas , .liiiic, Si:pt.;inil 
 Oil. ail' llir lust iiiuiitli,-; lioula j l.'ii) to ?J ii, ti.; uo nuidf.s rcnuiri'il; boats aul 
 baitH iiioilt ralr. 
 Kammondville (<'. P. I. Co.'h)— Lout! \i. 5 la.; Paradox 1. ;J m.; Pyramid \t. i m,; 
 Si-lirooii I. II 111.; about iMjual; trout, b. b., jiickiTcl cti'.; baNs most abumlaiit:,tli. -, 
 minnows, craylisli I'tr. as liaits; July, .\iij,'iist ami Siiiti'liibiT best; liotfls at ria~ -h 
 ablr iniri-s. vai'vin^,' somewhat at tlir ilillfifiit jilai'cs; Imats and otiifr an'omiii"!.! 
 fioiiH ran br had. All of the aboM' watri.s arc noted tishiu^' grounds. 
 Haukins (N. V. b. K. .v W.) — Delaware r. 'i, m.; Lnnn ii. '.• m.: the lirst in-i; 
 trout, b. li. and piekerel; bass most nnniei'oiis; Hjiriiit,' and early summer best i"i 
 Itass; baits— elijiiMi's (lielnramites), wmnisaiid live bait; hotel.s .■?lii. d.; uo [irn 
 fessioiial 1,'uides; biialH ean be liad irt moderate eharges, 
 Harford (S. (M-'rioiit or. near .station; trout worms and Hies iiwed; A^iril anl 
 Ma\ best; hotel .*J ji d. 
 Hartford ( \'. See \Kitio VI.)— Fuller cr. near by. Trout, iistnilly with 
 w onus ill .June and Sipteiiiber; hotels .fl..")ii to .■f'J l>. d. ; ^'uides .•Jl.'iU p. d.; livili 
 not needed. 
 Hawley (N. Y. I,. 1'. \- W.) — White Peer iLiTni.: Walleniiauiiaek er. 1'.. in; 
 I'airviiw I, and Wolf \i. H ni.: tlie latter best; trout, b. b., piekerel and pereb; bin k 
 lia>s most numerous; usual baits; Au^;. and Sept. best; hotels .>1..*>IJ to if '.' p. ■! . 
 ^iuiiles, boats and b;iitH moderate. The loeal anglers at Hawley favor Wolf p., I iv 
 Niiw ;uii] Wallinjiaiipaek I. 
 Herkimer (N. Y. c. i^: II. H.) — locks 1.; .Jones 1. and headwatorH of Wett Caiiiula 
 cr.; tirsttwo best , troiit: lly and worm baits; May, .June and July best; hotels at 
 .•jij ]). (1.; ^Miides r^'l to .*"> p. d. 
 Heiiveltou (U. W. \- O.l— Hlaek 1. 4 m., (»s\vcf?atchie r. nearstation; first nain'l 
 best; jiickerel. biiss. niascaloime. huUheads etc. ; pickerel, bas.s and bullheads ii. i-t 
 numerous; spoons used mostly; guides ean be bad. 
 Hig°h Bridg'e (N. Y. ('. .V X.)— Harlem r. near station; baHs principally; sbnini 
 bait; good usual seanons; hotel $'2..">0 p. «l.; boats 5l)e p. hour. 
 Highland (N. Y. W. S. & B.)— Black p. .T m ; b.b and pickerel; minuow b.iit^. 
 boatH and bait at small cost. 
 Hisrhland Mills (X. Y. L. E. \ W.)— Cromwells 1. l',, m.; Popolo 1. i m ; 
 .Suniiiiit 1. -t 111.; Twin Lakes ."> m.; liound p. 4'^ m.; Little Lont^ p 5 m.; Moinlia- 
 slia p. t) 111.; Slaiif^hter's p. 4 ni.; Luke Lamoreaux 5 ni.; Slau;{liter's. Mombasha iini 
 Popolo th« best; j^erch, pickerel and b. b.; the two last most abundant; May, Jinn- 
 Sept. uiid t»i», bi'Mi: li\i' liiiii, inivHMli. HUrlnij) and WDrniM uwmI. hotclH faj). ij.; 
 ^.Mii'i' •< rt'UM>iiiit)lt'; hniitH mill hiiitn lit innilcratt' iiririiM. 'I'lic licMt tkHliiiiK ucciint 
 wU' II tlif water ih Iiiw. 
 Kimroda |S. (t. A: C.l— Koiicfu I. 1 'i m,: It. )>.. ixtrcli, trout (?) uml nx-k Iiuhh: tin* 
 JM- ' > III rxiTMH; wiiniiH, tiiiiiiiiiwH, art. tlit'H, H|iiionH, {lork etc. arc tlio ImitH HHfil. 
 »i I I mill <»rt. iniiNt fiiviiralili' iniiiitliH: ImtclM #1 fi. d., f4 p. w. ; f{Ui(lfH cheap, lioutM 
 '■1 il.: billt #1 per liMl. MiiHt eXfollollt tlMliili^. 
 Hobart (T. .V: D )— Oilell'M I. •.»', m.-. Ti.wnship lir. ', iii.: llnHe'n ).r. U in.; Betty'H 
 III'. I III.. l>elii\vare I', near ntatinii; last lieHt; troiii, pickerel ainl wliite lianH; trmit 
 i.M-i iiiiiiicriiiis; iniiiiiiiWH uiiil iirtitli'iul tlieH lined; >(ay and .liiiie lieHt t'lir trmit; 
 li"i' l> and ({uiilcM ui I'eaHiiiiahle ratcH; ImutN and liait iimderate. Tlie triliiiturieH 
 ,1 thr Delaware r, in thin nectiDii furuiHli fair trout HMhin^. 
 Holland Patent ( r. .t H. H.)— Uwuver aad Niue Mllo cr., adjacent; thenrnt b»'Mt; 
 ;t III tlv and wiu'iiih iiHed: May, .June and .Septeinlier hcNt niontlis: liotels .f'J p.d.; 
 II.' I iiiileH or 1 oatH reiiuirnl. Tlle^^e Htreanin are well liMlied early and lute in Hea- 
 d; April and 
 Homer ll'- f,. \- W.)- Tully Is 12 ni ; Little York \'h 4 ni.: nnineriniH trmit 
 ~tii .iius w ithin a railliis lit 10 III.; nut much choice in tli<> I'm which contain Iiiihh, 
 piiKi lel, pei'cli and liulllieiid.i; the two latter predominating; cniNtisli, ininiiowM, 
 wi.niiH and tlics a.s halts; .June. .Inly, Au^'ust, Hi-pttiinher and Octnlicr hcMt; hotelM 
 ;it -I |i. d.. iind others at fH to $ln p. w.; boats '.^Bo to .''tUc. p. d.; halt cheap. 
 Honeo^e (N. Y. <'. .t H. K.)— Iloneoye or. near Htation; Hemlock 1. and Honeoyo 
 I I'l 111.; tit'Ht best; b, b., iiickerel. etc., h. b. most abundant; tlies, soft shell crabs 
 ,iliil spoons Used; .Iillie, .July, .\ilniist and September best hotels #1 and i-2 p. d.; 
 halt easily obtained 
 Hornellsviile (N. Y. I,. K. .V W.)— Canisteo r. near station; Lime Kiln cr. 4 ni.; 
 .si. ' . lis i-r. 4 111. ; all nood; mountain trout and rainbow trout: May, ,lune niid .July 
 lir-i. hiiits— tlies, wiirnis, etc.. hotels ,•? 'J p. d.; n< professioiml ^uideh'; bouts not 
 I'd. These waters have been lar^'ely stocked with the above named tish, and 
 if time expires .Mu\ 1st, ISH.'i. 
 Horseheads (N. Y. L. V.. .V W.) — Newtown cr.. Heiiver br., last best; some 
 !.i i .k iroiit liere in .Vpril, !\ray and -liine but not in t,'reiit abumlaiice; tlies usetl; 
 1m1' N at reasonable I'ates. 
 Hudson (N. Y. ('. .^- H. U l—Copakc 1. -ju m.; Lake Charlotte i:i m.: last bcHt: 
 I'lrki ill ami b. b. ; b. b. most aiiuiiilaiil: li\e minnows as bait. -Inly. .Vuttust and 
 .si I tiiiibei best; iio regular hotel but bnaril can be obtained at fanu house; boats 
 •i' ' . liuit at small I'Xiieiisc. 
 Hunter (S. ('. A; ('. !Sr.)—Schiiliarie Kill near station; Stony Clove cr. .'> in.; lOtst 
 Kili i hi. ; almiit eipial; brook trout. Worms, t,'rassliopipers and tlitfsused: ^lay and 
 liiiM lust months; hotels .rl..">o to .»'Jj),-d.; no j^'uides or boats iiecessiiry bait can 
 i" i.litained at tritlint^ cost. 
 Kiinting'ton |L. I. See imt^e XIX) — Huntini^toii Harbor ;t m.; blacktish, bliu'- 
 li-l:. itc; usual baits and seasons; hotels .*'J to ^^.") p. d,: boats and bait can bt; 
 Hyde Park (N. Y. C. .^ H, H.)— Hudson r. at Ksopus Lsland 2 m.: b. b., perch, 
 M li. b. and perch most abundant; live baits, meats, danis, etc.; May, .June, 
 >' I !■ luber and October best; hotels .■f'J p. d. Ebb tide best. 
 Iiulian Castle (N: Y. W S .V 15. )— Mohawk r. '. m.. iiickiiel, b. b. and pike; 
 i.uiil pike most numerous; minnows, dobsons and spoons used; .June, -July, 
 \ . i.-t mill September best, boats and bait at nioderate cost. 
 Iielands (X. Y. O. & W. See paf,'e X)— Wallkill r. 
 I'lvh; tlies and live bait». 
 Irvingfton |X. Y. C. \- H. R.)— Hudson r, lu'ai station;, frost fish etc.; 
 '■'■' -I iisli most numerous; shrimp and hard clam baits; ( )c tuber and November beat; 
 '1 i tide best; bait can be had reasonable. 
 Islip (L. I. See jmtie XIX)— Atlaiitii Occau 7 m.; (treat South Bay 1 m.; last 
 I'-t bluetish. weaktish. striped bass. porHies, mackeiel, kinnlish etc.; blmfish, 
 wial.iisli. pori,'ies and bass most numerous, menhaden and clanis as baits; .May, 
 ■''ill- July, August and September best; hotels at reasonable charges; guides witk 
 1 oa; .».") p. d. 
 'i m.; b. 1)., pickerel aud 
 Ithaca (D. L. & W,)— rayiif,'a 1. 1 m.; b, b., rook baHH, pike, i)i(kti'el ito.; fl.t^ 
 (liiifitul varii'.icH ot I'asn iiKint abnii(taiit; flies, minnows, »v()1'iiih etc. as lnuis, 
 June to Oitubcr best; hotols j^'^ to j=:f j). d.; jiuidr iit »1. "hi jj, d.; boats jl j.. d' 
 rishiu(^ at tlii tiid of Cajuga 1. is only 'so-so," ami tioiit are s( urci, altb(ni;;li a 
 few may be <i<^^h* early iu the season. 
 Jamestow (N- V. l'. A; O. .see iiage XII)— Chautaiujna 1. 1 ni. and outlet ll..v- 
 iun fllrMu^ill t. ,Mi; nias<alonge, I. and s. lu. b. I)., rork bass, ijcrcli and biiUbi ,, 
 niasealonne and H . m. b. b. most niinieroiis; livt- minnows ami art. minnows ,ind 
 trolling sjioons used. June, iSeiitember ajid O'-tober best; liotels j;'2 to ^ij!. il,; 
 guides, boats etc. eau be had reasouabU'. 
 Jessups Tjanding" (Adirondack)— Hunt 1., Jennie 1., Kfl'nor 1. Earlye cr. 1 m.; 
 lakes l)ei-t; bass and trout; bass most abundant; minnows i'.nd dobsons usual bails; 
 -May and June are best for trout and Aut;nsl for bats; hotel .^'J ji. d.; f^'iiides ?:; p. 
 d.; boats irl j). d. 
 Jordar (N. Y. C. & H. R.) — Seueea r. and ("rosH 1. 1 '.. m.; last best; pike, jiiiii- 
 erel and b. b.' ()swe(,'o (1. m.)bass most plentiful; erabs ind minnows as liait>; 
 .\unust and September best; hotel $'2 j). d.; t^uide ?r2 p. d.; boats 'J.")C to 50c p. il.; 
 bait i\ p. liiu. 
 Katonah (N Y. C. & H. K.)— Lake Wai'cabuc <"> m.; Cross* r. '.i m.; <rotoii r. '^ u\.; 
 first .best: iiilieand b. b., the lattermost abundant; lise lish, frogs and < .her bait>. 
 June, July and .\ugust best; hoteds at reasoaaldi' rates; boats T'x- p. d. 
 Kennedy (N. Y. I.. K. A; \V.) — (.'onewango cr. near station; jiickerel, bass, ]'iki', 
 etc.. usual baits; .\pril ami May best; liotels j^l..'>(i p. d. 'J he lisbinj^ at this poiut 
 depends mainly upon the extent of tlie spring llumls, which it full, fair lishiny ir* 
 Keuka, Ijake (vm liath on N. Y. L. K. A: W.) — li. b., salmon (.r lake trout; the 
 liist veiy nuiuer<ir .. the latt'V getting nuire jilentiful e\ery season; hotels i'\ 
 toj^lap. w.; boats and guides reasonable. 8i;e Thk .Vmkkk an .\.N(, V(p1. IV. 
 page ."JM. 
 y. m.; 1. amis, m., b. b., pickerel uiid 
 frogs and Hies usual baits; .May, June, 
 S^J p. d.; boatmen .*1 to f'.i p. d.: bciit 
 • in this 1., up to 7 lbs., and good li^hlllg 
 Kinderhoiik (15. .**: .\.) -KiTulerh>ok 1. 
 ]ierch; !lassmo^t numerous: minnows, 
 July, .Vugiisl and Sei.temher best: liotels 
 aiul bait cheap. 11. e 1. m. b. b. run hu-gt 
 is reported. 
 King's Bridg'e (N. Y. C. cV N.)— Harlevi r. near station; Spuyten Duyvil cr. , 
 IU.; Hudson r. ', ni.; strijied bass, bla<'kiish, tomcods I'tc; ton:cods most nuiuri- 
 ous; shrimp, sancl W(ir;usand soft clams as baits; May, June, July, .Vugtist, Sepii iii- 
 lier and < '(toiler best; hotels ;"J \k d.; guide .'^1 p. d.; boal, bait and tackle can 1 e 
 iiad at 7"c p. d. i>bb tide is tlie best. 
 Kingston (N. Y. AV. S, \- B.)— Hudson r. 1'. m.; .Vuntrines 1. I m.; 1st, 'ind, :iiil. 
 4tli and ."ith liinnewater I's.'^m.; Esopus cr. 1 m.; Wallkill r. '.;m.; about iqually 
 good; lickefi'l, b. b., yellow perch, b. b. and coarse fish most numerous; ".vorms, 
 dolistuis anti minnows as baits; Jure, July, .Vugust and September best; hotel ut 
 ri'asoiiable rate; boats f I p. d. ; bait i^l p. I'jU. 
 take Clir.mplain (Via various r. r. from ditt'erent points) — There is good ti>li 
 ing from '. ead to foot of lane, and especially on the Vermont slifire at Tliomi ~c i.- 
 I'nint near tlie nioiith of Otter cr. and in that vicinity; at v'edar Beach: near tin 
 mouth of ^\in<loski and Lamoille r's; in Malletts Bay and iu llu waters betwieii ll:c 
 tow2is of Houlh Hero, (irand Isb- and North Hero in (irand Isle Co.: in Kechm 
 liii\, about Cedar, I'iidi Jiladder. Savage, Butlers and Woods Island, the latter call'il 
 as good as 'iny in the lake. In St. Albans Bay the fishing is siiiierb; at liiniMS 
 I'oint it is excellent, and on this ground mascalonge are taken: b. b., pike, picki n 1. 
 pen h and idk^'iiercb are caught. Livebait. trolling .ir still fishing is the faxdnic 
 bait, but ( n the reefs i^i' baif- the art. fiy does ileadly work. The yellow perch an- 
 large and swarm in gri'at numbers. 
 Lake Mahopac (N. Y. C. k E. R. and N. Y. C. & N.)— Lake Mahopac % m.; -"Mud 
 ji. 'i,m.: Kirk 1. '.' m.: Long p. 2m .; Dike Mahoi>ac and Kirk 1. best; jiiekerel. !i, !•., 
 white perch etc.; piidierel ami b. b. most abundant: live bait (small fish), mostly; 
 June and September best; hotels j^'J to $'.i p. d., and 1^5 and upwards p. w. ; guuk* 
 ■$2 p. d.; boats fl.'iO p. d.; bait jl p. ln(». 
 Lakewood (N. Y. P. \-0. .See pag XIH— chaiitauijua 1. '., m.; iiickerel, b. a:iil 
 yellow b. etc.; b. and yellow b. most abuudaut; live and art, minnows and spoeun 
 ckcnl itc; tl.i^ 
 H <'tl'. Uh llillts, 
 .; l)()atK $1 !■. (I. 
 irce, althuu';li a 
 ml outlet tln'V- 
 mill liiillh< 
 t. iiiiiiiui\\> ,111,1 
 i ^2 U> :i 1'. ,1.; 
 uirlyi! cr. 1 ui.; 
 iOUH (isual liails; 
 ..; giiitlL'H ?:i [K 
 lifst: iiikc, iiiik- 
 IllinWH US )i;iil>; 
 '>C to GUc [1. (I.; 
 < riitDU r. '. 111.; 
 iiud I .in'V liaits, 
 I'lcl, buss, ]iikc, 
 lit,' lit this jKiiut 
 1, t'uir lisliiii^! i;* 
 lake tiimt: the 
 asnu; Imtcls .»i) 
 AMliLElt, Vdl. IV, 
 )., liii'lurtl alnl 
 its; May, Jiiia-, 
 f'i 1). (L: lidatr. 
 id goud li^lml•: 
 Duyvil ir. ., 
 lis most limn. 1- 
 U^!llst, Scjiti 111- 
 d tai'klf cull 1 . 
 ; 1st, •hid, :ii.l. 
 alionf t(iii;illy 
 ih'I'oiih; ■Senilis, 
 I' lic'Ht; Lotil lit 
 (' is good tisli- 
 at llioiii] M 1.- 
 k-acli; iH'ar tLi 
 LTS liltWt'CIl tl:i' 
 Co.: in Hirhm 
 tllc latter ralUd 
 I'll; at lidiiM s 
 jiike, iiiiken I, 
 is the ta\oiitt' 
 How iiei'ili iiif 
 ia<' 'u HI.: Mud 
 liickerel. !i. b., 
 I tish), iiio.-ll.v; 
 i p. w. : mi'ik* 
 i( kerel, li. a:nl 
 s uud sjioollH 
 \Mil; June. July, August, Sei)t«'m>)er and October best; liotels .f2.,'0 to $;t ]). d.; 
 t: mil s j'J 11. d.: bouts T.'ic to i^'.i ]i. d. Tin- best bass tishiuj,' is in May, Sei)t. and Oct.; 
 :- . 1 i'ki-il May and Oct. (.iuod tishiiif,'. 
 Lancaster (N. Y. L. E. A: \\.) — ('ayu(,'a cr. 'i ni.; b. li.; usually caught with 
 \vi!iu; May and June best; hotels ji' ji. d.; no guides or boats to hire. 
 La Salle (N. Y. L. E. A: AV.)— Niagara r. at station; b. b., iiick'.'rel, iierch etc.: bass 
 XJi*/ OwlXC 1'^' ^ • '■'• ■*■" IV i». / — ..^ Ki^iii a 1. jiL .'*L(iiii<ii, I'. i»., |u*n'-iii, |M'iiii i"ll.; iNI.'^l 
 iihl !■ rill iiii'st nunierous; June. July, .\u^'. and .Sejit. best; worms, lobster am 
 -1 . .11- Tised as bait; hotel at low cliar^'es; no jirofessiotial j^uides, liut i arties cai 
 1 ... I it lined to act as such; boats and baits at reasonable prices. 
 Lawrence (I- i- f^<f' lia^te XIX.) — .\tlaiitic Oi-ean '2 in.: Jamaica liay 1'^ ni.; 
 .;. miisteid Jlay 1'.. in.; Jamaica JJay best; bluetish. tlattish, weaktisli, slieeiislii iid 
 .! ; weaktisli lllo^ t iiunierous; shriniii, slicdder crab etc. as baits; July, .\iij,'ust 
 111.. I Seiiteliibei' best: first of (bind alid first of el.b tides lust: no hotels at this jilace: 
 ;. i.lis and boats can be obtained. 
 Liberty (N. Y. <). i'« W.) — Hroadhead 1.. Neversiuk r., lieutoii Hollow br.; trout 
 ;i .! iukirel; usual baits; Jtine best; boteiw f 2 p. d. 
 Liberty Palls ( N'. Y. O. iV W. S>ee pagf X.)—MonRaup stream, Ceutral IJrancL 
 111.; trout; flies and worms; June, July and .Vuj,'.; boats not iieedid; bait for lit- 
 ! I ir nothing. 
 Lindley (S. (i. i^ C.) — Tiopu cr. 'li> rmls: picken I .md jierch. former most niinier- 
 . I)-; customary baits; IMay. June, Sept., Oct., best months; no rejiort as to cost of 
 iii'tils. guides, Vjoats and liaits. 
 Little Falls ( ■*•'■ Y. W. S. \- IVi— I'iscco 1. ;i.'i m.: salmon (lake) trout and speckled 
 ;r..iii. the latter most ainiudi'iit; spoons uud minnows used; May. June and .\iigust 
 1 i.«t; hotel !?'J p. d.; boats and uait at fair prictv*. 
 Little Genesee (B- E. .V C.)— (ienesee cr. ne;ir station, and another cr. (not nam- 
 m1 1 ^. miles which i.- best; some trout taken lure: wuriii liuit; hotel at (ienesee .'^^l 
 1. u. 
 Little Neck (I" I- See jiage XIX.)— Eittle Neck liay ', m.; ilounders. toliicods,. 
 -iMi |iiis. blacktish etc.: tlounders and tomcods most ininierous; soft clams ami 
 >aiiilworins as liaits: .\pril to October best; Hood tide best; hotel jSM p. w.; guide j=l 
 p. d.: boats Mc to H p. d. 
 Locke (i^o- C.) — Small trout brooks frbni '■, to 3 m.; trout and sunfish; trout 
 III. i>t numerous; worm bait: Muy. June and July best; hotels.*'.' p. d.: liait plenti- 
 LockportlN. Y. ('. .N: H. IJ.)— Eighteen Mile cr. J to 12 m. and Lake Ontario at its 
 iiiniith r.: m.; Twelve ilile oi- Wilson cr. 11 m.; Voungstown at mouth of Niagara r. 
 -I'll., via r. r. to Lewistoii and tl m. by stage or str.: l^i^diteen Mile cr. and Yoiings- 
 tnuii best: b. b., jiike. pike-iierch. jiendi. rock bass etc. ; b. b., rock b. and jierch 
 iii..>t numerous in Ik M. cr. and pickerel or |iike at AVilsoii cr.; b. b.. perch, pike- 
 ] i-rcli and heiiing at Niagara r. : chubs and minnows as baits; art. bait usi'd only in 
 Miiil-sunimer ut Voungstown ; ^lay, June and July best; .Sejit. and Oct. tor I'ike; 
 l;itiN Si to $l.r)(i p. d., or :?7 to #10 p. w.; guides with boat and bait j^'.; \\. d.; Iioatn- 
 111,. I bait plenty. 
 Locust Valley (E.I. See jiage XIX.)— Long Island Sound J m.; Hempstead 
 lliiilii.r :J'.^ m.: oyster Bay Harbor :i .n.. first best; weakfish. blackfish. bluetisli, 
 -ii;i|.iiing mackerel, i ti.: blackfish and snapping mackerel most abundaiii: soft 
 -ill II clams, minnows. sil\er sides, shrimp etc. as baits: .\luy. .lune. Jul.\. .\iigust 
 mill Seiitember best; flood tiile best forulibut Weakfish. w hicli bite 1 est on ebb 
 till' ; hotels ad.iaceiit .SI to i^'i p. d.: f,'ui(les and boats can be had at small expense. 
 I iii'ly in the season a few trout can be caught with worm bait in the (ilen Oo\e jkI'h 
 ainl in Shoe Swamp br., at Mill Neck. 
 Long Beach (I.. 1.)— AVreck Eeed Draw-liridge ami mouth of White Hill cr. '^ 
 .;. last be-t; sheepsliead. Weakfish, blllefish. sea bu^^, blacktish, kinnrtsh. pol|;ies, 
 I. .; shedder crab, shrimp, dams and fiddlers as baits: July 15 to October 1 best; 
 1... il tide best; hotel f •') to $C. p. d.; boat .?1 p. d.; bait at triHiii),' cost, (iuod fish- 
 Lordville |N. Y. L. E. \- \V.)— Delaware r.: Honiund p.: Sand p.; Adams 1.. Hinh 
 !. iiiiii a number of cr's. all lasily reached and good; trout, b. ti. and other fisii. 
 .il'.iind; baits worms, dippers and files; fishing good in summer and (all: goml 
 . I'Uutry hotels at reasouabl* prices; boats and bait plenty at im derate rates. 
 Low Point (N. V. ('. .S: H. U.i — HikImih r.; lila.k ami -tiiiMMl 1>ar*s, whitf kij.! 
 ycllipu i.tirli. r\f.; \vliit(' i«Tili iiiofii inuiu'riiiis; iiiiiiiniw.-, riicki'ts, salt iiiack> i. 1, 
 «'tc. ilM'd t'(ir liiiitH; SrptcliilM T ami (.)ctol>'jr best; hutt'ls in .-iliium-r sfiifoii at $■■ t ■ 
 i^ ji. w. t'loi'il tide best. 
 IiOWville (1 ■ 'V !'•■ li.)— H<'av<T r. ami nthci- wattTs I'diitain lake ainl lironk ti-n-.t 
 ti> i-atrli which Ma.v ami June ai'f rniisidfi'id tlif licst iiinntlis. ( )iir cnrrcfpdinliiii , 
 1 liii'n(^rai>liy i^< <if mucIi a iharartt r that wr can jilcaii only thf tact that a iiuhiIm ; ..t 
 lakes nut vcrv far ott' cDiituiu i)Uiity nf lish aud that the chai(,'eH arc not aureus. n- 
 Iiyon Mountain (Cliateaunay)— I'liper ('hat<,'au','ay 1. 4 m.: ('hazy 1. ('> ni.; saliu ■ii 
 and hrdiik tr"Ut ami wiiitehsli: two lirst lianieil best: tridlint,' sjioons, tly h^'k- 
 and Miinns used: .)nne to October best; huttds ? .; l>. d.; ^uiides ;it moderate chaij. 
 boats and bait oOc to ifi \>. d. 
 Lyons iN. V. \V. S. \ B. and S. d. \- ('.)— Clyde r. ' , lu ; Mud ev. 1 ni.; Canan i.i; 
 j,'ua oiiili t 1 ju: Clyde r. best tor iiike, anil for pickerel in April; Canandai;.'ii;i 
 outlet for b. b., and after April for i)ickertd; jiike, jiickerel, b. li., rock bass, et. 
 biack and rocdv bass most numer(Uis; April bi>st for i)ickei'el, -May fur pike an<l •lul'. 
 torb. b.; minnows, ^'rasshiijiiers and art. tties are used: hotels ^2 ji. d.; -^uidi - 
 .fl.."i) ji. d. ; boats ."ide J). <1., and niiuuows j^l p. Knj. Excellent waters for pike :iij 1 
 pickerel, both of which run lart^e. 
 Machias |1''- N. V. .V ]'.)— Lime 1. ', m.; 1. ni. \>. b., jierch, bullheads etc.; perih 
 mo>i numerous; worms, tirubs and ndnuows as baits; •! line and July best; hotel- 
 at reasonable rites; l)oats 'i'n- p. d. Tliis 1. lias been recently stockeil and fair ti-1; 
 iii;4 is expected diiriny: this season. 
 Malone (<•■ '■^' I-i- <'.) — Meacheiu 1. 25 jn.; State Dam i:! ni.; Koiiiid 1. I'i ni.; -^r 
 Hej^is I. :t.') 111. : IJaKKf' 1- I*' i"-; the two first are best; siieckled and lake froiii 
 speckled triuit most numerous; Hies and svornis ns<'d; May and .Iiuie In ->; 
 liot<ds .r'i to .*'J.."iU |i. il.; j,'uidi's at moderate prices; boats "lUc p. d. t)ther waJ'- 
 give like good lishing These are all e.xcidleiit grounds. 
 Maniaroneck (N. Y., N. H. \- H.)— The fishing is <loiie in Long Island Sound 
 111. distant. Stiiiied bass, blacktish, siKippers. tloimdi'i's and tomcods are cai;u;hi 
 the blacktish most numerous; baits, clams, tiddlers, shrimp, minnows aiid ciii'i. 
 The rocks olf Milton I'oint are best for striiied bass and snappers; hotels, boat-. 
 1)()atiuen, baitH at fair prices. See Thk .\Mi;i(rt a.n Anhi.ku, vol. \'II, page 42. 
 Manlius (S. (). iS; X. V.)— Ca/enovia 1. at stati'on; there are also In or VI otli.' 
 lakes w itiiiii ( asy ri'aih, and some rivers as the Seneca, (>neida, Chittenaiigo et. . 
 s. and 1. 111. b. b.. peridi, pike, rock bass, pitdierel etc.: peridi and rin'k bass iii' -t 
 numerous: spoons, frogs, minnows, worms and craylish baits; hotels at rea.siii e 
 Ide rales; boats 'jr.c to <l p. d. 
 Manlins Centre (N. Y. W. s. \- U.) -Oroon 1. 2 ni.; trout, i.ike etc.; trout \w'-. 
 numerous: worms and small fish as baits. May, June, July and August best; b",.!- 
 2."ic p. h. This is a fas orite ground of Syracuse, (X. Y.) anglers. 
 Manor (L. L Seepage XIXi— Peconic r. ', ni.; luiiuerous ji. from '., to.',:: 
 ab(uit e(|iial; ]iickerel, perch, suntish, catlish etc.; pickerel and catiish most iniii,. 
 rolls; meat, worms, small lishetc.: .Vjiril and .May best; hotel .•Jl p. ,i.; boat- i" 
 low cost; bait e;isily ]irocured. L(Uig Island Sound Tin. distant gives g 1 jh.i \ 
 lishingut all stages of the tide, especially in the mouths of July and .\ug. 
 MapletoniSo. ('.)— Owas<"o 1, -i m.; Caxiiga 1. "> ui.; both good; trout, jiiki. ) n 
 ei'el, b. b. and iH-rch: trout and I'crch most abundant: minnow bait; July, .\U'.^ -i 
 .Sei)temln'r anil October best : l)oats and bait can be had. 
 Marathon (D. L. & \*.)— Tioughnioga i-. near station; b. b. aud pickerel: b i 
 most iiiiiiieriuis; frogs, dol)sous, grasshoppers aud crab (crayfl><h) baits; .Iul\ ,i:: ! 
 .\ugust best; hotels ^'1 p. d. The b, b, do not ruu over 3'j llis. 
 Martville (So. ('.)— Sodns cr. ne:ir station; bass and coarse varieties; thei::-' 
 piediuiiiiiating; tly and spt>on hooks Used; June and -luly liest; hotel ^1 p. 1 
 guide .*l..")Up. d.; boats and bait cau be had leasoiiable, 
 Mattitlick (L. T. See jmge XIX.)— Long Islauil Soiunl 1 '., m.; Mattitiick cr. ii^ i' 
 .sitalioii: l.ittli' l'e<-onic Hay '. m.; Marsatooka 1. '.viii.: Jirst best; Idiielisli, kii::: 
 lish. perch, pickerel, bass, etc. : bliiefish. kiiigtish ami weakfisli most abund u t 
 clams, blinkers an<i sof t crabs as baits; July, .Viigllst and .September best; ie,-i- 
 -fJ p. d.: guides with boats f.") p. d.; rowboat'-i $2 p. d: The .slack of the ebb tid i- 
 rousidered besst. 
 Mechanicstown (N. Y. <>. \- W. s«c pa^'c X.)— NVallkill r. '. v.i.: }>. h., \nc\i- 
 ■ ■'■:. [K ivh. etf. . Iiass aiiil iiiiki'ffl iimst iniiiicrniis: iniiiiinw liait: ^iiriiiK iiiul full 
 ,. iitiis iK'Mt; iiotol about .rl \t. d . : Imats ami bait can be )ia<l at small tust. (iuml 
 -iiiiji for b. 1). i^l rciHirti'd. 
 Medford (I-. I. Si'i- paj^f XIX.) — Itojikoukoma 1. d m ; b. b., jiickiTcl. jicrdi, 
 l.ass iiidst iiunieriiiis: trolls, ttifs and wurum as baits; Jul\ aucl Aii^just bot; 
 ti. : i at I lasoiiablc rates; boats '2'n' \>. h, 
 Melleuvile iH- ^" A.i— ('o]iaki' 1. loui.: roik bass, b. li., pcrcli, »-tr,; I'ock and 
 ' most niUMiidiis: all kinds of baits used: June and Sc]itcnilnr nest; Imtils 
 • l'"!!. d.; K'lidi- reasonable; boat and b^it .Vio p. d. WitLin a few ininiUes walk 
 ! ilie above station, there is line trout lisliin^,'. 
 Memphis 'N. Y \Y. S. \- l!.i— Seneca r. li in.; iiiekerel. jiike. b. 1)., etc ; flics 
 : minnow bait; May, .Juiu.' a id Septeniber best; boats and bait can be obtained. 
 Merrick ll.. I. Sce \\n<n' XIX. i — Cedar Swaniji ( r. 1 m.; Newbi-idc(. n . p, m.; 
 1-; licst; trout; worms and art. Hies used; .Viiril and Ma\ best; hotel at reason- 
 1 !• rates; bait can be procured. There is also saltwater tishiUK within a siiort 
 Merritts Comers iN. Y. C. \ N.i— Croton l. •_> m.: :\Inil p. l m.; tirst best; ro/k 
 ,1--. )i. b.. white iicrcli. vellowbass. jiickerel, sunlish. etc.; Worms, lish. cri(diets, 
 ;,i--lioppcrs, clams and shrimp as baits; last of August to No\eniber 1 liest; hotels 
 -^ ■" p. <!., or >i\ p. w.; boats ."lOc to ,^1 i'. d. 
 Mexico ili. ^Y. \- (). I— Lake Ontario at Mexico Point 4 m.; b. b., pickerel etc.: 
 most numerous; minnows and spoons used; .June, July and .\uj,'iist best; 
 : . !• Is ,r2 p. d.; guides at reasonable (■hiirj,'e>;: boats i'^t'i- ]•. d. This is a well kuo.-.x 
 ,i:,i ._'<iod fishinji t;round. >See 'J'lii: .\MKItl(AN AN"(a.KIl, vol. \'I, pa^'e H. 
 Milton (V. V. W. S. \- 15.)-Halloi ks ii. ', m.: I.on^'p. '. m : \\ hileheadn Reef in 'i m.; first best; b. li., j ercli. ei<-.; li. b. most numerous; minnows and 
 -liniiili baits; May, June. Jiilx and An^^ust best; hottds ^^'Jji. d.- t,'uides .»"J p. d.; 
 I";it> :i.")c' p. h.; minnows can be luid <'lieap' The Iteef j^ives excellent Hshin^^ for 
 1 '. r. h and b. b. 
 Milton Perry (N. Y. f. \ H. K.i— Hudson r. at station; Yati Keiisselaer cr. 1 m.: 
 'i\ i; pint^eis I r. :i m.: last best: bass, perch, etc.: bass most numeriuis; worms and 
 /.'.' bait; June to November 1 best; board can be had at farmhou.-.e.s at uioderal ■ 
 i-t: euide. boats and bait can be had reasonable. Thi're are a few trout lu Nan 
 K' i.-~elaer cr. 
 Moira (O. \- L. r.l— St. Uenis r. li m.; Deor r. 8 ni.: East p. 11 ni.: Trout 1. ^r, m.: 
 :-l"^t: triuit: Aiifjust and Septi/mber best; hotels .*1.. Ml to .*■_'. ."in j,. i). ; boat.-- ami 
 < ! ■ an bi' procured. 
 Monroe jN. Y. L. K. \- AV.i— Kound p. 1 m.; I.on^ p. 1 ' . in.; Mount Haslu (.u- 
 M ! il.isha) p. '2'o 111.: the tirst and last best; b. b.. perch an 1 pickerel; b. b. most 
 : 111. r,iu>; June, last of .Vufiust. September an<l Octoliei' In -t; bails— minnows. 
 II. lets, shrimp and craytish; hole!.- ^l..")ii ]i. d.; boats ."iiic to.*! p. d 
 Moiitg"onisry (^V. Y.i— Wallkill r. \ m.: b. b. and piiktM-(d; June and Julv 
 : li\i bait and hel^'ramites used; liotil y^'-i p. il.; bojit> itUc p. d.; lieh'ramites 
 -I ; l>.o. 
 Monticello ll'. J. >V M.' White Land lUack 1. s m.; b, b. and pickerel; tirst 
 li' ! iiumerous; live bait and anisic worms u.-ed; .\u^.. Sipi. and (Jet. bc,-,t; hotids 
 'J' -:!p. d.; lioats and bait reasonable. 
 Morris Dock I N. Y. <'. \- X.)-!Iarleni r. near station; striped bass, liounders 
 •t. sandworms and shrimp bait>: spring' and autun.n best; boats and bait at the 
 - .ll charj."'s of the Haihiu r houses. Both ebb and Hood tide. 
 Morrisville N. Y. i>. .v \V. S.,- pa^e Xi—Lelaiid's lakes (:i). I ■ , m.; b. b.. juck- 
 ■ ;■, Old perch; ui •in liait; July and .Vutzust best: hotels »:i..")U ti> .-' ii d ■ boat-- 
 :". :- d. 
 Mountaindale ( N . Y. 0.\- W.i— .Sand Bar „ ni.: liraden br. ',. ni.; I'owlwood r. 
 : ;. \b Kie p, 'Ji. m.; NYoods p. 1', m.: all uood: trout, b. b., pickerel per,-li eb.- 
 ii! i.:iuws, worms. t;rubs, bu^'s, spoons and flicH iis< d; Ma\ to (lit ; hotels .^l.TiOpl 
 '1 : men, bouts Ht'.i baits at riusonaUle rates. 
 Mountain Honse i<'ats, 'M.i— Mountain House is \2) 4 m,; both n I; pickerel. 
 .' - i. ich. >miiish and bullheads; wliite i eich, b. b and trout ha\e .•ils,, |„eii 
 ]nit ill the lakt'H; tlic fciir lu:<t iiaiiH-d iiic jilcntj ; f-iiouus uml belly of iiickonl (,r 
 jxTi-h UKfd f'nr i)ickfrfl, and A(>l■ul^* for the other kindH; June 1 to (Jctoher 1 lust; 
 hotel i'.i to ^=4 !>. d., or .*14 '.i .r'Jl ji. w .; boatw urn; to iyi<c \) h. There is »-aiil to h,. 
 fi(jo(l trontinn at I.awreii.ehiut.', a ntatiou ou the Cat.- M. r. r.; in the Kiskatom cr., 
 a lew rods t'r"ni the Mtatiuu hovxt<e. 
 Mt. Marion (N*. Y. W S .t 15.,— Esopus cr. and i'lattskill cr. 1 m ; tirst host; li. 
 1). and iiickerel; minnow bait; .Jtily, .\Mt; and Seiiteniber bewt; hotel }-2 
 Ijb l". w.; buutH and bait.-s can be oiitaiueil, the two latter generally witlnnit 
 Mt. McGreg'or (S. Mt. McO. k L. {J.)— ISonito 1. 1 ni.; b. b. and pickerel: live 
 minnows and art. siioons used; lie.-t iiiouthw, J\ily, Ang. uud Sept. Charj>e> arc 
 juoderate tor boanl, guides, boalH and buitH. 
 Mt. Morris (N. Y. I,. E. Ac W.) — (ieneheo r. ','' m.; b. 1). and jiickorel; the hiitir 
 onlv o( la^ionallv canyht; usmil bait: hotels .f'2 ii.d.; boais incliuhnji bait '<'<>■ 
 Mlimford (U. >v P. See pat^e Vlj— Allen's cr. 'i ni.; Spriiiy cr. (rented and 
 leased) hrst named best and free; brook tront: worms ami tly nsed; April and May 
 best: hotel j; l..'iM ]). (1. : some boats can be had. Tin- lishing tickets uu Spiin^; cr. 
 are sold at .■? 1 \>. d.; for the season at ^lii to i'M, 
 ITaimetlN- V. E. E. .V W.) — Hockland 1. 7 m.; idckend, b. b., etc.: live bait \\>fi\: 
 lMa\ and -lune best; hotels at reasonable rates; nienty of bait ^"id boats t(j bo had. 
 Newark (N- Y. C. \: H. R.)— Sudns Bay l^^ ni.; b. b., i)ickerel, etc.: pickerel ne s 
 ininieiiius; spoons and miiMKuvs usi:d; June and September best; hotels .■?l,."o v. 
 d.; boats plenty at 5iic p. d.; bait '>i)c p. 1(»0; guides imd>ulinj{ boat $2 to #:j p. d. " 
 Newark Valley (So. ('. I — Sonn- lishiut,' WMters about. 4 m. distant; trout ainl 
 buss: tidut most numerous; tlies used (generally; April and Max best; hotel ».; 
 p. d. 
 New Berlin (N. Y. (J. &. ^V.1—Unadilla r. ',: ni.; Wharton cr. 1 m.; first b. sf; 
 jienli, pickeiel, b. b., etc.; i)c-rch and jiickerel most nnnierons: minnow and w.nn 
 baits; J\ine to November best; hotels about *1..")U p. il. ; boats and bait plenty ;iiiil 
 Newbtirgh(N. Y. \V. S. A: B.l— ()ran^'e 1. ti m.; Eittle p. :} m.; first l)est: b. 1... 
 pic kerel, \ el low perch, etc.; b. b. aiid pickerel most nunioroUH: crabs and li\e liiiit 
 nsed; January, October and N()venil)er best; hotels and guides at reasonalili: 
 prices: boats 7.")c ]>. d.; bait 7.">c p. 1U(J. 
 New Hamburgh (N. v. c. A: U. R,)— Jsew Hamburgh ri tf on the Hudson r. 
 m.; white jierch and strijed bass, the tirst being most abundant: shrimp, woiuis 
 and live 1 ait used: July, .Xugu.-t and September lust ; hotels .sl.rwtp, d.; gui(!i> ;it 
 moderate cost: boats *1 ji. d. The aboM' reef is ce'.ebiated for its whit" i erch tisli- 
 ing, and late in August sport is had in catching snappers (jouug bluetish '^ Ib.i ou 
 ihe surface with i.iinnow bait. 
 New Milford (E. \ H. R.)— AVarwi(d< cr. near station; ^Va^vayauda 1. 4 ni.; la.-t 
 best; bass, pickeK'l, tidiit, etc.; bass ami pickerel most abundant; wornjs, live liiiit 
 ciickets, toads, etc. as baits; Jiiiu-, July and August best: hotels and guidi > at 
 reasonable X)rices: boats oUc p. d. 
 New PaltZ (W. V.)— Wall kill cr. at station; .^triped bass and strawberry l>ass; 
 first named m.ost numerous; July, August and Seittember best; baits— dtdl^n|)s. 
 giasshopiiers, tuadH uud worui8; hotels $'i p. d,, less p. w.; boats and bait at ni"il 
 erat.' charge. 
 New Scotland (X. Y. W. S. ii^; B.)— Thompson 1. r, m.: Warner's 1. C, m.: tirst 
 lest: b. b., pickerel, perch, etc. : )iickerel most numerous; minnow bait; .\u.;ust 
 .September, October and November best; hoUds at reasonable priies; liouts auil 
 bait at moderate cost 
 New York City. The local fishing grounds are many in number and fruitful 
 of fisli. Boats can be Inal at all i>f them and usually baits, the latter however hail 
 better be providcil 1 efore ■ ta'-ting out. J Ik charge for boats ranges fnini Hoc to ^Ijj. 
 (Land sntticienf bait for a days tlshmg can be had for .'iOc, exi ludiug howcvei'. slid 
 der ciabs whi4-h vary in price with the supply. Baits ot all kinds can geiienill> 1" 
 (d)lained ;n Washington. Fulton or Catherine St. markets. Shrimp, shedder .'lal'- 
 blood worms, sauil woryis and clynib ai'e tlie usual baits. Miiiiniycliu^is or "kil 
 Jies," u hardy halt wau;r uimuoVi ttfc UscU y.t tiiuce, and very sueet'i:5t'ully iu "s-uaii 
 f iiickcril (.r 
 ti.bcr 1 lii^r; 
 it< (^aid In li.- 
 Kiskiitoiii I r , 
 first \<fy<. 1, 
 •1 ?-2 p. il.or 
 lally witlioiit 
 l)ickcicl- livi 
 ( liiirj^i- uic 
 i-i'l; tlio lattrr 
 aiU(,' l)ait r>in' 
 . (rc-ntiil 1111(1 
 Aiiril ainl M;iy 
 ou Siiiiiifi i-r. 
 livi; bilit llM'il; 
 at>< to be liiiil. 
 jiicktTt'l nii'S 
 loti'l.s .rl.'iit {). 
 •-' to .•?:! i>. .1. 
 iTit; trout aiiil 
 licst;'l f'.' 
 111.; first lH>t: 
 now ami w .un 
 ait i)lfiit\ ;iiiil 
 t 1.. 1... 
 s and li%i- Imit 
 at rcasoiuilpli- 
 Hudson r. 
 Il'inili, Wnilll* 
 . d . ; tiiii(!c< at 
 it" 1 ei'cli tisli- 
 ilii^h ,'4 11). I.. L 
 I ill.; la.-t 
 |iriii.s, live liiiit 
 aid giiidi > ;it 
 ivvliiTi'v l>as.«; 
 liits— doliMius. 
 I liait at 111'mI 
 II. ti ni.: tir.-it 
 liait; Aii.!Ui«t. 
 ■s; lioats auil 
 and fruitful 
 liowt'vcr lui'l 
 liu i"oc to t1 l'- 
 HCIlt''!lll> 1" 
 iiu<!dt'r L'ral- 
 jm^'M or 'kil- 
 illy iu "sJiai' 
 J, r • lyouup hlupfinb) ftHhiii^'t fiiPftrinp are alHo nun h u-id. 1 ho Ruh cauubt in the 
 ,ialt or biackinb water aif ai< foUowH: hhu-tlsli, weaktisb, kin)j;fir<b, Hbcejisbcad. 
 fl.iuiiib'iv, l)lai'ktinb, sea banh, striiicd basn, (-jiots or Lat'aycttt'H, toiucods, tliiki-n, 
 111 r^allrt or cunntTH, iioiyicH ftr.: tin- lirHt i;:in)t*(l are canubt by trolling with tlie 
 }.i|iiiil ofl' .sliorc, or cbuiiiniinu with jm nhadcn bait. 1ji1(.;(' boatn. inrludinn tli»> 
 lai tain, arc hired for this iiur|io,«e at about $h> i>. d.: they < an be necuied (sr\cr;\l 
 (la\> notice Hhould be niveni, at Jamaica Hay, Caniarsie, Itockaway, l-"oit Hamiltiiu, 
 I!ii.nd Channel and at GravcHeud Hay. The other fish named are cauj^ht in ncaiiy 
 all tlic bays and cstuarieKi of l.ont; Island and New Jersey, and in the lower bay 
 ami 111) the Hudson and Kast rivers, and in l.onj.; Island Sound. 'Jhe toiin ods aid 
 rtnuiiilers are most iiuuieroii.>4 in thi' early sjirin^' and fall, and tin' ^\eaktisll diiiiii^^ 
 ia;i',jht at times on 
 mnii'r months. 'Die shoepshead are not abundant, but \<ry lai^ic ones are 
 the mussel beds on the old wrecks in the ba\s. We i 
 lame some 
 ,f the salt water {^rounds and how to reach them: vtX Hedloc's Island and l{obii.'.s 
 Itirf in the bay, by boat from Wliitchall; Meakfish and blaiklish mostly; AVeehaw- 
 kfii docks (Wechawken), Hudson r., tomcods ami small stri|ecl bass: I'ort lee 
 (Idiks at Fort 
 isionallv weakfish eti-.. but mostly eels and catlish; I'ldl 
 l!i:(li.'c at llai'lem, blacktish <d' ^'ood si/e, tloimdeiH in s) lint; and fall nionll s; 
 luu to !i.">th St. on the Hudson r., strijjed bass (occasii iiiilly a ]aii;e one, 
 they usually run from '.j to 1 Hi.), tomcods. tloundcrs, ^\ith now and tlieti a striiji- 
 jiliii^' weaktisb: aloiiK the jiiers ^ood li^hill^,' is had at times, both in the Hiidsou 
 and r.ast rivers, for stri] ed bass and tonicods; Wall St. Ferry and ri."tli St. I'ocks iu 
 i;ii.,ikl\n. and I'ier 1 in the Fast r. on the N. Y. side are most frecjuented. ]'or the 
 tishiiiK in Harlem r. see ]''i)iiiin.\M. Hiou Hiiiiioi;, KiNiis Hhiix.k and Moiims J'oi k. 
 .Vll of these are described under their al]ilial efical classitication in th(> state of New 
 Yiiik For the fishin},'.fioni iioints on St.iten Island New York, see: Ai.j.knuai.k, 
 <iiKHiui>s, Hich.muM) V.m,i-1'V an<l Kossvili.e. For the tisliin^ grotinds (.^alt and 
 fnsh water), of I.onj; Jsliind, w itliiii .') to .''.u m. of New Y<>rk City, see: HAinu N, 
 llu.iAviNs, HAVi'oirr, Hay ItiDoi:, Hnisi.Af, Hudad Channkl, Citchouuk, Fau IJoi k- 
 uvw, Fkeki'okt, <ir.t-NHKAi), (iiiKAr Nkck, Hammki.s, Hintin(;i)i)N, Islii-, I.iiii.k 
 Nkck, LiMfsT VAr.i.KY. LoMi I'.kai 11, jMAnr]i:< k, Mkruk ks, Oakhalk, l{nnM( .\u 
 Hii.i., liocKViJ.i-K (KMiu:, Skasidi, and Van SicKi.i-.Ns. All of tlichc will be found 
 alplial etically arraiij^ed under the heading of '-New York." For salt or brackish 
 ^vacl•r Hshinf,' in the stale of New York uji the Hudson r. v. ithin lu to fiU m. of New 
 Yelk Cit>, see; CitciToN, Cor.NW ai.i,. Imiht IMoNTtioMKin, IiiviMiroN. Ni-.w Ha.mihi,<», 
 NnviuMK.n, I'lF.ui'dNr, Sim; SiNir and '1 AiinYiowN HKnaiis. For salt water tishin^;, 
 tiMiu iioints in the stale of Ntw J< i>ey located within » to ;*u m. of New York City, 
 ^i(•(•; HaYdNNK, CaUIKUKT. CoMMfMl'AW, Fl-IZAUKTHl'dnr, (iUEKNYILI.r:, Ha( kkn 
 8ii.utic l{ivj;n, Tnr.Mi.KY and Wkst HiRiiKN. In addition to the above named salt 
 water grounds, we add the followins,', which are doubtless the most jiopular anions 
 mil' loi-al fishermen: Sandy Hook itiside. about ^Jih' yards off the li^'lithous<' — lalj^t; 
 wc:f.kfish run here in tl to 7 feet wati'r; reached by N J. Southern r. r., steamer 
 from I'ier H; boats can sometimes be had at the (iovernnietit docks. Sheeiishead 
 Bav leached via the Coney Island r. r.: boats can always be had; fish Itii h's I'oint, 
 Hew < haiiuel, the Wallkill. the Ited Horse, the Cellar etc Fort Hamilton is 1 favor- 
 ite centre from whieli to reach tin' best fiidiiuds of the lower bay, viz: the Moim- 
 lueiit, the 'Cribs." olV Stateii Island blurts, the mussel shoals otV Viiarantiiie and 
 ether jilai'es; boats can alwavsbe had at Fort Hi. iiilton. ( »n Coney It-land pood 
 fishing is had; alon^'side the iron i>iers (rt>hint,' not allowed fidni them), blacktish 
 ai'e often iilentiful: at the "roi ks" iilireast of the Manhattan Hotel, sheeiishead, 
 strijied bass and laree blacktish are sometimes caught freely; in Coney Island cr. 
 at llumiitys I'oint, w<aktisb, lloumlers etc.; at the mouth of Nig^'er cr. wheie it 
 6111) ti.'S into Coney Island cr., there is at times excellent strij eil bass fishiiif,'; at 
 Nnrtons Point, west end of Coney Islaii I. fishini,' from the old i)ier is often «'Xcel- 
 leiit. In Gravesend Hay, reached via \'un Sicklens on ( oiiey Island r. r. there is 
 often e.M'idlent lishint,' lor .-^trilled buss, weakfish, founders etc. From Carnarsie, 
 the tishinti p'roniuls of Jamaica Ha>' are easily I'eached: i,'ood siiaji] er fishing,' off tlie 
 "harves of Harreli Island, and excellent sjjiirt can be had at ISIock House w reck ami 
 eth.r grounds in the bay; boats and liaits are ]ilentifiil at Caniarsie. oil Sumly 
 Heul. light and at the lightshiji tliere is at certain seasons UMst excellent cliiini- 
 iiiiiig for bliiefish; hii(\vour craft at Hay lUdge or Fort Hamillon. .At the wicik 
 ot' the HIack Warrior, reached from Sheei'shead Hay. Carnarsie and other j oiiits, 
 there is grand fishing for striiied bass, sheei sliead and blacktish, the fish all ruu- 
 iiiiii; large. Fishing in Island Sound near New York is not so good as in 
 f'Tiuir \ears; at tin- mouth of the Harlem r. siaiie good strii ed bass ate sonic times 
 la.iulit. also at Wards lslan«l, the Three Hrothers and at Hell (iate. For hsliing in 
 I.eiii; Island Sound see: Fi.ishino. MAMAiii)M:( k. (^'oi.i.h.k I'oint, CnntNNA and 
 SiviicKKT. For fresh water fishing wifhiii IH to "lO m. of New York ( ity .-ee the 
 fi'U.iwing points of whi<h full details are given under the heading id' "New Jer- 
 MoT'NTAIN ViKW, OaKLANP, OaK HlDHf:. liA^tSKVS, HltXlKWOi iD, and Wfston. V.itliiii 
 the Hiiiiif (liKtiincc and under tlif caipiidii "N 'W York" will he tumid the folliiwinn 
 jiuintH t(Pi' ti'f.-ili water fiHliiii^': Mkdkdiiii, Ckakts. CidiniN I.akk, (iin.DKXs Jiitnu.f, 
 (iUKI'.NWiiiiH I,\Ki:. HlUliLANK MlLLN J^AKK M AH'U'AC, ()s<AW ANA LaKK, I'l'liUVs. KAm' 
 Al'o iind Si;i- 1 i;itN. 
 Zriagara Falls (Sovoral r. r. )— The finliinn wators in thiH virinity are: ('ayiii.'a, 
 JJiiriitslhi)! and ('liiiPi>ewii er. and Niii^iura r.: in the cr. ruck liass. yellow )iVr,'|j, 
 jiike and iHiasidnally li. 1).; in Niagara r. ulxiNe the Falls thi' li. l(. ar.> pleMtilul, 
 (,'ainy and i)f Kdixl Hi/.f with now and then a nnuealoni^e and a jiike; rraxtish mni 
 niinnowH ai(^ used with the usual artiticial baits for trcdlin^,'. Uelow the Falls im-Ih 
 and cattish are caught an<l infruiiuently h. li. At the lii^^ ruck near the ••Cave of tlit- 
 Winds" \ery large cattisli are caUj^ht. See Tm-; Amkukan An'oi.ku, \'u1. III., 'i],, 
 'J.Hi>. Hotels from S'J to *1 \). d.: jiuides .*'J p. d.; boats and baits reasunable. ;''hi. 
 favorite j,'rounds for local aiij^ders ai'e: Navy Island bai', liuckhorn Island i;ir. 
 Thoni|ikin's bar, .Jones' bar, the Sunken Islands, and others, (iood lly lisliinu r.Ui 
 be had iu .hine on the Aiuuricau side I'runi Tort I)a.\ to (iiU cr., and around all ili.' 
 islands in the vicinity. 
 ITiskayiina (N. V. ('. .V H. 1!.)— Mohawk r ', ni.; islands between Alain r. iiml 
 station: b. and rock bass. ])ike. iii(d>erel. ipcrch etc.; b. b. nios^t abundant: dob-iin-. 
 crabs, woriris, ^'rassho]>i>ers crickets ami toads as bait^^; .luiie, .' iily, Au^;u.-I :iii(| 
 September best; hotel ^i'> \i. w.; boats 'pUc p. d. 
 No. Norwich (N. Y. O. .V W. See ])at;e X)— i'henan(^() r. '.,, m.: i)ickerel, ].i irli 
 and whiielish: ordinai'v baitw; May, .lune and -July. Hotids .rl.'jri p. d. 
 North Bay (N- Y'. O. ^; W.) — Omida 1. near station; pike, perch etc.; jiike ni(.>t 
 iiumeidus; miuiiow bait; -lune, .luly. .\unust and September buwt; liotolH .■?! p. d.; 
 boats at "oc p. il.. or free if stui)pinj4 at hotel. 
 North Creek (Adirondack)— Carr br. 'J m. ; Norther. ', m.: Holconib p. 'J' . ui.: 
 Hudson r. near station; Uuarinn br. 'J ni.; first and last best; trout: woi'ni ).;iit; 
 .hnie and .luly best: hott'lK i^'J p. d.; t^uiiles at reusonabU' price; boats nut re(piiiiil; 
 bait jilentifiil. 
 Noi'th Pair Haven (Sn. C.) — liako Ontario V, in.; Little Si^dnn Hay at station; 
 the lasi lust; pike, pickerel, b. b.. wliitelisli. ciscu and pendi; in tin.' hike, luki^ 
 truMt and b. b.; jiickerel. bass and pike are most numeruils; minnows and spunn 
 hooks are used, also Hies for ba:-s: .lune and .Jul.\ are best months for bass :iii.| 
 ])ike, and .VUf^ust ami Se)itember for pickerel and whitetish; hotelH $2 p. d.; t,'iiiiU> 
 »;l..'>i) to $'2 p. d.; boatH M^• to $1 p. d. Good lishinK reported. 
 Northville (I". -I. *: (1.)— Piseco 1., Lake Pleasant, Spy 1., Mud 1. and several 
 others in Hamilton Co. furnish ^^ood lake trout tishiliK iu the sijrin^;; some lavyc 
 speckled trout in all these hikes and their outlets: to I'tuich them take stage to Sa.v- 
 ville, an light hour's drive; good guides and boats at Piseco and Lake Pleasant; 
 lirass spoons and minnow gangs f<ir the lakes, and tly and wormy for the Hpeckitil 
 trout. See ThK .V.MKUKAN ,\N(iI,KU, Vol. Ill, pp. ifl'l. 
 Norwich (N. V. (). \- W. See pa.;e X) — Chenango 1.; Meads p.; b. b., iiicKiril 
 eti'.; minnows, dobsons and worms; hotels $1 p. d.; boat iidc p. d. 
 -Black IJiver lir. near staficm; trout; worm liait: 
 No. Stephentown (Leb. S.) 
 .lune and .Inly lust months. 
 Oakdale (L. I. See page .XIX)— (ireat South Hay 1'^ ni.; bhicflsh, weaklis'u. 
 perch, tbitlisli. sheepshead eti'. ; weaklish most numerous; soft crabs and clams :i.s 
 baits; June. .luly and August best: accommodations at this point are not casil.v 
 st'cure(L The trout waters at this point are preserved by the Southsi<le Club 
 of Now York City. 
 Og'densbixrg' (U.W, \- o. and U. .^- H. K.)— St. Lawrence r. '^ m.: Hhnk I. "• m.; 
 Oswegatihie r. ', m.: first best; tnascalonge. b, b., pike, wall-eyed pike, p' 1. 1'. 
 dai'c, chub, salmon trout etc.: jiike. bass and p<'rch most numerous; usual baits; 
 June, Jul.v. August and Se|iteuilier best; hotels .^'i to ,<;( p. d.: guide without bo it 'i 
 p. d.; boats TiUc p. d. The tishing is rejiorted as very excellent at this point .lud 
 for .s or 10 ni. either up or down the river; iu stuue seasons niasealonge tre can^ibt 
 of fair si/e and uumbei's. 
 OleaniN. Y'. L. K. A: W.l— oiean cr.. Alhghatn r. and the trout strean s "t M- 
 Kean and Potter Co., Pa.; Olean cr. is very good for b. b. and perch, but i; lieavil.v 
 tislied; the .\lleghany r. has some bass, perch and pickerel: the ti-out br >oks M'' 
 aeeoHsible ('20 to ;Wnl.) from ( •lean via B. N. Y. >S: P. ll'y. They give fail sen-; 
 (itlilMi'iiiii trmit liiivf l)f<ii i>lunt*'il in scuiic ot them; no (^iiidi'M Ufcdcd; lioU'l 
 Ontario (K- ^V. \- o.i— Hfar <'rc<k Imrlnn- 4 in.; jxTili, black, d. mid h. ni.) and 
 rci. K liafs etc. ; iicrcli and 1. ni. It. b. most n\innTun(.; minnows an bait tor liai^s 
 ainl uiirnis fur jMTi'li: .May tn Scptenibt r bent; no hiitcl iit tliin plafc; l.'oatH ran be 
 hail :it reasonable rates, Imt not niueb ni'fdt'd. Tbero arc excellent trolling; i,'r()\uidH 
 mljii. I nt til Hear Creek luirbor. 
 Oscawaua Lake (N. Y. C. \ H. K. to IVekHkill thence by sta^e h miles)— H. b., 
 pirki rel. wliite jiercli and rock bass; trolling' with art. baits, still tishinj,' I'tc; 
 1mi.iI- can be hired ^l..'io to .r.'i ii. w.; e.xcolleut hotel. A swrnnier resort. See Thk 
 .\.\ll l;l( AN .\N(il,i:it, Vdl. \1, paKe-m. 
 Osweg'O (i^cveral r. r.) —(tsweno r. adjacent, is celebrated for its b. b. fishing; 
 i»l.uilly with the tiy. I.ake ( intarin is within easy reach; Cnnio 1, 12 m., and 
 1 iiiiiiroiis 1. 10 ni., the first t,'iviii>,' tair sized s. in. )>. b,, an<l very lart^e 1. in, b. b.; 
 liM' iiiiniiow is the bait; the latter 1. contains both species of b. b.. )iike and iiiasca- 
 liiiii;!' ta few). Live baits, minnows, frog's and worms; of the art. baits the |)lcin- 
 toiii iiiiinniNV in considered best. There are 'Jo trout vvaters distant from :t to 11 m. 
 fr,. Ill Oswego, in all of which (400(1 tishiii^,' maybe had, and in some of them most 
 tX( I lleiit scores art' made, ."Sir, (leo. Morj,'an of Oswei^o has kindly consented to 
 ^i\v inforniatioii rei,'ardinn the above waters to all who will call iiiion him. .Seo 
 Tin: V.MKltlcAN Anullu vol. III. jiago 2'.)1. hotels ?2 p. d; guides $-2J>t) ji. d. lu- 
 clmhii^' boat. 
 Otisville (N. Y. L. K. \- W.)— Shawnzink Kill 1 in.; Hashaw Kill 1'^ m.; I'ine 
 Kiliilm.; lieaver br. 'j in.; Cotl'ee's br. 1 m.; Hash.iw Kill liest; iiickerel. b. b. 
 iiiiil iiout; |iickerel and bass most nnmeroiis; .Inly and .\iit;ust best; baits, small 
 li>li. nabs; v,'i'asshoi)iiers and worms: hotels at about irl)!. d.; boats and bait rea- 
 Miiiilile, about .■r;i p. d. There are other i^ood hshiii^; iionds in this vicinity, easily 
 i(Mi hid by iiriv;ite conveyance, which can be had at reasonable rates. 
 0weg"O ("Several r. r.i — Sns(|Uchaiina r. adjacent; yellow and b. b.; b. b. most 
 iiliiiii laiit; minnows and lamjirey '■els as liaits; Se|itember. October and Novi'inber 
 lit>;. Iioti-U .^2 11. d.; boats .»1 p. d.; baits iiioderale. 
 Oxford. (1>. «V I- W.)—Cheiiaiij,'o r, near station; Ludlow 1. 7 m.; Steers 1 Ci nr; 
 iij;i:ill> ^;ood; b. b., pickerel, perch, bullheads etc.; live bait for jiickertd and 
 lidib: summer mouths licst; hotels .■?! to rl..")U p, d.; ^niides i^'J p. d : boats and 
 bait very cheap. 
 Oxford (N. Y. (), ^c W, and X. V. L. E. -V: ^V.)— Kouiid p. '.' m.; I.onu ]i. or Walton 
 1. ■.! . lu.; both t,'ood; b. b., pickerel and perch; the two lirst iiretlominatiiiK; baits, 
 lii'ei'li chubs, shimrs. ^'rasshoppers. craytish etc.; .luiie. Sepit. and Oct. best; no 
 regular hotels, but boirdiiif,' houses at reasonable prices; boats anil Kuide .•?;! i». d.; 
 u'liliiis .■?■-' p. d.; bait :?1 p, IL'U, There are several trout waters fruiu 'J to 7 m. that 
 fiiiiiisli fair tishiuj,'. 
 Painted Post (N. Y. I,. K. \- \V.)— Tiojia r. :i m.: some b. b. and pickerel caught 
 !iin ilobsons mos'ly useil; .iune, .inly, .\uj,'ust and September best; hotels .JI p, d. 
 Parksville (N'. Y. O. \- W. see page X) — 1 ponds and 2 brooks close liy; trout 
 i.j ! 111. peicli and other kinds; baits. ' cut bait and worm; June, .Iiily and 
 \\\-.: at hottd nie;ils :!oc, and lodf,'iiit,' 'J.")c .■?"> p. week. By jiaying a small fee t-. the 
 ii.vhi is, several troiit streams uear by can be lished %vith fair success. The p. are 
 (ri . . 
 Patterson iN- Y. C. >v H. K. and N. \'. k N. K.)— Wlialey ji. IP. m,; I'ine p. (\ ni.; 
 Hails p. >< 111.; White p. '■* m.; Tabors T'ront str. I m.; hrst best; b. b., pickerel, 
 I'cr. h and coarse varieties, but the three mentioned iiredominatiii!,': minnows, 
 Irii;-. crickets, grasshopiurs etc as baits; .Iune, .liily. .\ugust and Sei.ieiiilier best: 
 hull! i'l \K d.; t;uide :?l.">oii. d.; boats 'J.^c to .'"tOc ji. d.. bait can be obtained. Kx- 
 nlliiitb. b. lishing in August, and good pifkerel lishing in Scptcmbur, also fair 
 trii':!iiiu' in .Viii'il and May. 
 Pawling' (X- Y. >v N. K.)— Whnloy p, 1 m.: I-ittlo p. 'i in.; first bppt; b. b.. pick- 
 iii .. pike, white jierch. yellow jierch etc.: picliertd. bass and iierch are all niinie- 
 I'l'U- small tish. grasshoppers, crickets worms etc. as baits; .Iune. .luly and Seit- 
 ti' 111 If best; hotels $1 to :?'J ji. d.: guides $1 p. d.: boats 'iilc p. d.; baits fl ji. HXJ. 
 \Vli;il. y p. is a uolcd lucul lisUilig water, .iltho' the lish are said to run larger iu 
 Li;; ■ p. 
 Perry i^^ilver Lake)— Silver 1. 1 m.; pickerel, b, b. and bullheads; pickerel most 
 TH*. ANtil.KllS OriDE BOOK. 
 iiuiiioroUM: niinuow iiiiil woi'm l)iiit>-; •Iiiih' lust iimntli; liottls iit rt'iinunablu rate."; 
 boats anil bait at uoniiiial prici's. Said to yield yood tishiiiK. 
 Phillipsport (N. V. o. .V W.i— Smitii's 1.. Kiill lir. imd Sfi-inn br. all near by: 
 trout, b. b., lukc, j/ii'ki'rtd, pmdi and IcHHcr kinds; May, .Iiiuc und July arr' ln'^t 
 iMoiitliH; h(it<ds $1 ]), d.; lioatH fl ji. d.; live bait $1 p. I'Xi. Fall br. is hv^i lur 
 trout; the otlu'- watcrH for buHw «'tc. 
 Phoenicia (!'. \- ]).)— Snyder Hollow str. 2 to 4 in.; trout: flies aud worms u.^^f-d; 
 liottli- .*!.. Ml ]). d.; nuidcH nndlioiitu not needed. At Lauesville ') in. from Phmn 
 iria tbcre in Hiiid t<i )>c ^ood troutiiiu'. 
 Pierinont iN- V. I.. K. .V W.) — 'ruppan Zee Hay, an fxiiaUMion of the Htidsnu r. 
 ni . froni station; striju'd bass and \arioiis otbcr lisb; bass (|Uitc nunicrous iu -i i 
 Hon; baits— sliiiiii|i. crabs, worms etc.: .\i»ril, .Siiit. aud Oct. best; hottd ,*l,'iii |.,il.. 
 boats and liaits nasonablc. 
 Pine Hill (T. \ I).)— Hirch cr. '2 m.; Mia Iiwlian cr. •'! m.^ Fnrlow 1. ,"> m.; tir-' 
 best; trout and 1>. b,: tiout most numerous; art. flics an I worms used; Ma>..hiii' 
 and .July best; notel at reasonable rate; t,'uide r^t \>. d.' mi boats n led. 
 Pine Island (N. Y. L. K. .\:\V.)—l'oeliuek er. branch cf Wallkill r. '. m.; Widl 
 kill 1-. ^^ m.; tbe last best; most all varieties of N. Y. tre li water tisbes; b. b, ;ii:il 
 J)icker4l (|Uite numerous; .Vu^ust. Sept. and Oct. best; li\ Mind artificial bait.s ll.>eil: 
 hotel at reasonable priite; no guides or lioats; liait ditlicult to i)rocure, 
 Pittsford (N. Y. W. S. .V B.)— Lonmi. 'in m.; Irondeiiuoit Hay IM ni.: ranadicc. 
 Hemlock and oth<^r lak(s "20 m.; ( 'aliadice and Hemlock Is best; bass and pickeril 
 lirinci]ially : minnows, worms and crabs as baits: Sei)tember best; liotels $\ tn 
 f l.-'iOp. d.; Hui^eti, bouts aud bait juoderate. Fair bhoutiug ^^^ <itniil, rult' 
 and sijuirrel. 
 Plattsburffh (I>. \- H. (',)— Lako Ohamplainnoar station: ('hazy 1. 2«'j m,; flmt 
 cautiay 1. 'AH ni.; in h. Champlain pike, jiickerfd, b. aud rock b., jx-rcli etc.; in (Ua/.v 
 and ( 'bateau^^ay I's lake and brook trout; worms, minnows and spoons used; .\jiiil 
 ami May are best for jiercli and .July and .Vuj^ust f(pri)ike, pickerel aud bass; liL'tcl- 
 J'J.aO p. d,; boats ,*I p. d.; bait at mo<lerate prices. 
 Point Pleasant on 1. Ontario l) m, from Oswet,'o. 
 -See Mexico. N. Y. 
 All excelleut b. b. •'roiuii: 
 Poland (H. N. A: P.) — Headwaters of, and the West Canada cr. together with ail- 
 jaceiit lakes, formiii!,' a jiart of tbe .Xdirondack re^,'i(iu; speckled and lake tri'iif 
 abound; speckled trout most abundant; worms, art. flies and sjxions used: May i> 
 September liest; hotels, ^niides. boats etc. at moderate prices. These are repurted 
 as very excellent trout ttshiuK f,'rouuds. 
 Portagfe (N. Y'. L. E. A: W.) — Genesee r. near station: b. 1). most numerous: .Junf. 
 July, Sept. and Oct.; minnows aud heljjramites used mostly as bait: hotels S"2 
 guides not lU'cded. 
 Port Byron (N. Y. W. S. \- H.i— Seneca r. "Jm.: b. b., i)ickerel, etc.: Im.-s 
 most numerous; August and Sejitember best: hotel #'_' p. d.; Imats i-an be had. 
 Port Henry (I). iV H. ('. See page XI) — I.iake Champlain near statiou; pikr 
 pickerel, b. b.. pendi, etc.: iiercb and pickerel most numerous; live bait auii 
 Avornis as baits; usual seasons: hotels ^'^ p. d. 
 Port Jackson (N. Y'. AV. S. X- B.) — Mohawk r. near stutiou: pike, pickerel, b li.. 
 rock bass, etc.; live bait used; June, July. September and October best; hntcb 
 $l.r>o aud $•! p. d.; guides $\ p. d.; boats $1 p. d.; bait .«1 p. liHt. 
 Port Jervis (N'. Y. L. E. \- W.)— Delaware r. '.. m.: Xeversink r. >■ m.: Burkkill 
 er. 2 m.; Shingle Kill cr, ;( m.; all good; b.b,, pickerel ami trottt: b. b. most 
 numerous; live bait, angle worms, clippers, (htdgramites, ) etc.: July, .\ugust. Sep- 
 tember and October best; hotels $2 to $'A p. d.; boats aud bait reasonable. 
 Port Kent (1). ''t H. ('. See page XI.)— Lake Champlaiu near statiou: N'^rtl; 
 branch .\usable r; It m.: South branch .\usable r, i m.: ttrst ininied best: pike, 
 pickertd. i)erch. bass, etc.; iiiekerel most numer(Mis: minnow aud worm bait; JuDi' 
 and July best; hotels .*:ip. d.: guides .*U p. d.: boats ,?1 p. d,; bat T.'ic p. I'Hj. Ouoil 
 Port Leydeu (U. A; B- U.)-~Pine cr. *> m.: Copper cr. C, ni.: Otter cr. 8 ni.; ludi'- 
 pendeuee cr. I'J ui.: Moose r. IU m.: Independeuce cr. best; trout (speckled aiiJ 
 l^k' ininiii'W iiiiil t1.\ lupfs; .Iiiiic l)('Mt liioiitli; liotrl iiImhii $1 ji. il.; jjiu(lt'> witll 
 1 ,1- ; lid btiit #'J.."i'i ]). i\. (ionil HCdl't'H Hl'i' rt'portcil. 
 Potsdam (K- W. \ o.i— UiKiUftti- r. nmr Htatimi; iiikc, iiickcrt'l iuid tlicn 
 .,ii,| -I IIS, but u-niill\ li\»' buitM ai'e ii.tiI: Hiiriiiji ami siiiuiiu'r ItcMt; lioti'l .r'J [>. 
 ,i. \\itliiii strikiiii; distaiicc tliffc arc scvci'al tnnit strt-aiiis. imtatily tlinx' in tlir 
 .lai'iiiiiiK tuwiishiiis 111' I*arish\ illn, C'oltdii and llcipkinton: ttiri)iit,'li tliiw latter 
 ; cuii-liip tln' St. Itc^'is rtiiws, tile Miiddlf bi'aiirh (if wliicli alli'i'dH cxctdlciil t\y tisli 
 ),i_ i..r tro\it. That jiart id' tin' Uaiiuidtf r. rniiiiiii^' tlii'dii^di tin' town of MaHHfn;i, 
 ...iniiH-niMiin at a iinint 12 ni. hidow I'ntHdani. cniitaius an almudauui; ut' jiikc, iiiik 
 , -vl. li. 1). anil ytdldw iicfch; liottdH $1 to $2 p. d. 
 Poii^hkeepsie (N- V. ('.\- H. 1!.)— Hndson r. at \o\v Ilanil)urr;li and IMuo iMiint 
 :■ ■ I- 
 rscr.; New HanilniiKli and \Viiiipiii^,'i'rs i r. Ix'st; wliitf piTili, 
 d l)anw. 1). l).,('tc.: wliitt' pcrdi most aluindanf; sliiiinp. wurnis and art. ^ail;- 
 I; .liiiif to NovcniliiT lifKf. Kuidcs ran lie proc iii'cd: li(pat.s .*! p. d. 
 PrattS iN' V. »). .V \V. See paut» X.)— Oiiidda cr. ', ni.; trout; worm h.iit: May, 
 nd .Inly: hottd #1 p. d. 
 (J). L, 
 W.)— ("roukr'd 1. 'J 
 Hiii 1. 'J' 
 l.'j'ni.; (ioodcll 1. 'J III.; all arc ^'ood; i^cnli, picki'icl. It. 1)., Inilllifad^.etc.; bii-s. 
 jiicki III and Imllht'ads nioKt aliundaiit; \vornin. k'""1>s and spoon liookh a.s 1 'lits; 
 .Jiilv. .AuniiKt, St'ptuiuber and Oi'tobur bvMt; hutelM $1 p, d.: ^oats aud bait at inod- 
 I rat'' iliar'/i'. 
 Prospect (T. \- 15. It.i— WiHt Canada cr.. Jilack r., niai'k cr., Ilcavor Moadow. 
 li.ili I I'liiiyV) 1).. .links 1. ; all arr roiisidiTicI ^'ood: speckled or brook front; worm 
 iiiid tly baits: last of .May, .(line and Aut; Ic.-t; liotels .*'2 |i. d.; [guides $2S>il to <:; 
 [1. li This is one of tlic main ^iatc\va.\s to ilic Adirondack rc^;ion. 
 Pulaski iH.W. \- ().)— Moiitli of Salmon r. :i ' . ni.; Satiih ]i. ',» m.: Salmon r. Falls 
 l.' ill.: Stillwater 14 in.: two lirst best for b. b. and i)ickerel, and the two latter for 
 tiniit: trout, b.b., pickerel etc.- and trout most iiiimerouH; flies, minnows 
 mill uorms used; early sjirin^; best for trout and suninier for bass etc: hoteh- >_ 
 ji. il.; KUides i^'-i.iu tu i'>iii. d, uud board: boats 50c to j^l p, d.; niinnowH $1 p. 
 Piilvers (li. k \.) — Shampaumaok or. ', m.; another small front Htroain (un- 
 iiiiiuiili 'i ni.; first best; trout and a few coarse lish; worniH, ijrasshoppers and 
 art. tlies used; .\pril aud May best: no hoted nearer than '2 ni.: boats not 
 Plirdy's (N- V. ('. \- H. 1{.)— I'eai h 1. il m.: Lake Waccabuc 7 in.; first best; b. b.. 
 lickii'el. white perch etc.; white perch most numerous; live tish. scorpions (lie'- 
 <;nuiiites) and froir baits; June, July aud August best; V itels at reasouable rates; 
 liuats 7."c ]i. d. 
 Baiuapo iN- V. L, E. \- W.) — PortaRue 1. ] ', ni.: Rainapo 1. near station: first 
 lii-,-t; li. b.. pickerel, perch etc.: b; b. most numerous; liel^,'ramites. crickets, worms 
 .^liuniis etc. as baits; Julv 1 to October 1 best; hotel $1,75 p, d.; boats aiul bait can 
 111- li;id. 
 Randolph (N- Y. 1'. \- O. See paRc XII,)— Cnnowaniio cr. and tributaries; ma.-- 
 ia'iiiii'.,e. b. and yellow b., br. trout etc, ; niascaloURe and Imss most numerous; min- 
 iiiiw-, tlies and worms as baits: Mav and June best; hotels .f'2 p. d.: guides #'2 p.d.; 
 luat iiiic p. d. C^uite a number of niascalouRe have been caught with spoons; 
 tiniit are touud in the luaiu stream weighing 1 lb and smaller ones in the tribii- 
 Rathboneville (N'. Y. L. E, A: W,)— Canisteo r. at .-station; (ioodhue 1. I! m.; ('ran 
 I'lrrv p. :tni.: the last best; )i. b.. pickerel and other varieties: bass and pickiMel 
 must numerous; June, July aud .Atlgust liest: usual baits used: hotels $1,50 p, d.; 
 liMuis .'lOc \). d.: guides unuecessary, Oood fishing. 
 Red Hook ( H. iV; ('. W.)— Twin p'ds and Spring 1.: first best: pickorel, perch. 
 tcM,!. whitetish, suntish etc; minnow and worm baits; hotels at moderate charf.'e; 
 li'',it~ aiicl bait reasonable. 
 Redwood (I'-.V 15. R.!— HnttPrfipldl. 'i ni: Millsite 1. ', m.-. Mud 1. ', m.; the 
 tir«t named best: b. b. (both large and small mouthed), pike, pike-perch, pickerel; 
 ■••uhi,. .11 or lake trout in Millsite 1.; bass mul pickerel most plentiful; usual baits; 
 Jini.-. July. Aug. best season; hotels .f-2p. d.; guides, bottta uud baits $3 p. d. Ex- 
 c'.Ut;ut lishiug iu all the above waterij. 
 Remsen (V. k B. R.)— H«'aver M»'a<low ))r., Uckcr ))r., llolicrtH i>., IJlack r. Nortlj 
 (iiiil Hiiiitli 1'h iind (itliiT niriiiU HtrfuiiiH; all ri'iportiil hihmI; trniit oiilj ; tly ami wiirnii.; 
 June, Jul} and Auniinf l)tnt; hotelH $1 to {1,50 p. d,; guidcH wbeu uucuHHury at *i 
 p. U., butBcldom requirod. 
 Rhinebeck ( N . Y . ( ' A: H. U.)— Lako HajiaHco 4 in.; StdutfulxTuli p. 7 m.-. I.mi^; )i. 
 7'j III.; t'c|itullv M<""': liii'kci'ol, )ii'r<'li and li. Ii.: jiifkcnd iiiuHt almndant; iiiiiinnws 
 UHiial liait; I'l-liriiary iiiid Oi'tubor lii'Ht; liutcl at reuNouulile rate; ^iiidu »',! 1'. d.; 
 biMitN and bait clu-aj). 
 Richfield Spring's 1 1 >. I.. .^: W.)— CaniKbnwi 1. 1 in.; b. b., i>irkcril, jMn h .t,. ; 
 liiikci'cl must iiiiiiH'iiiiis; Hiiiall lisli iiHuul bait; Scpujiiibcr, (ictulaT and Nnvtiulji-r 
 biMt; hotel $3 p. d. ; bimt^ '2m- ii. li. 
 Richmond Hill(r.. T. Sif iia^-c XIX)— Jainaica Bay; woakfinb, H^riinil basH. 
 ])urj^ic.M, hia li,i>-., bliifli,, t^bic'iislicad, tbiiiiidi th etc . ; wcakliNli, [m.-yicn 
 and lliiuiich'i.«i iim^l niiiiiciinis; sliniiiii, ciiili, bard and M'tt kIicU rlaniM etc. hn bait-; 
 ^lai'ib .Vpril ami .May best I'nr Ibiiindcr.-i; .Ma\ tu ( irtobcr Inr wcaktlwli; Scjit. and ( i,t. 
 ti>r Hti'ipod l)aNt^; LultdM adjacent at i'eani)iiable ju'leet*; Imatn and baitH cnu bo iiriieiircil, 
 Richmond Valley, (Stateii Island, Htr. tu s. I., them-e by s. I. r. r.|— 'i'liis U 
 tbe must Hoiil ImiIv jioiiit on .Stateli Isbmd exeeid Tutteiiville the lie.xt statinii 
 b.ilow . 'I'lie weaklisli run larger here tlian elsewhere in l'riiice'.s Hay. The liest «atri' 
 fniind frniii the I'liiilars in front of the old Itayvjew house to the jioint oil' Tottin- 
 V ille; baits -sbedder crab and live, shriiiiii; boatM and bait (Mbriinii) j;i.')0 ji. d. j i,,. 
 Hcasoii opens about June 1.") (soiiit; (^ood linb have bec'U taken as eiirly an May b", 
 and cloHeH usually ou (Jet. 15. 
 Riverhead (Ti. I. See pajje XIX)— I'ecoiiic r. and liay; (Ireat l'<uid; Suie/ey's; 
 I'liper Mills; Meiietts and a number (d' other iioiids and streaiiiH '.^ to 'J m. fimii 
 depot; (ireat rolld, Hwce/ey's and TpJU'r .Mills the best; perch and pickerel III 
 jionds and the ll^'Tlal t^alt water Jisli in the bay, and yoimj^ tlood in the lattei' is be-i; 
 lioUd.H about $"i ii. d., and j:5 to f lu p. w.; boatn .*! to y^L.^d p. d.; with i,'iiide rJ 
 1). d. tiouil 'idhiug reported. 
 Riverside (.Vdirondackl— I.oon 1. 1 i_, m.; Friends 1. :i ni.: Brandt 1. Hni.; Silinn.n 
 1. Ci III.; all u. 1; tr ml, b. b., picken 1 etc.: usual baits: hotels, fiuides, boat- itr. 
 to be liada! I' lU'lceH. tiood ttshili^,'. 
 Rochester I N'. Y. L. K. i^: W.)— Lake Ontario aiul lronde(|iioit li.iy; ilie litiu' 
 best; li. b.. iiei'cli. jiicken 1 ( tc . : pei'ch and bass most numerous; May ami .liu.'- 
 V>est; usual bails: hotels $'J ].. d.: boats 50c to f 1 p. d. 
 Rockland (N. Y. (). .V ^V. See jiasic X) — Beavi'rkill br. ',, m.; Sjirint,' br. - i"'; 
 Ilussell p. 5 111.; I.onji ]i.('i 111 : Shaiidhy p. 5 m.; Berry bi" 5 m. ;ti'out and iiiclieiil. 
 the firmer most numerous; Ma\ ;iiid June best months; hotels ■f] )). d.; llia\ir- 
 kil 1 ami SMi'in^,' brooks .-onsidered the Ih'sI trout streams in Sulli\an Co. I'iU'' 
 trout are cau^^ht in itu>s(dl p. 
 Rock Rift (N. Y. O. \- V. .)— Delaware r.; I'ish br. 1 '. m.; ISeiis br. 1 iii.; > lu.' 
 br. 5 rods; Cadosiabr. l ;ii.; Keeds br. .'t in.; trout, b. b.. picken 1 and cliul>: tnnit 
 jirevailint;; Hies, minnows and worms; hotel ,■?! t<i ;?'2 p. d. 
 Rock Stream (S. a. k ('.) — Seneca 1. '2 in.; Lainoka 1. w m.; the latter best: jiiik- 
 erel and b. Ii., tlie former ill excess; shiner baits; Octidier and November in S'lm.i 
 1.; June to February in I<anioka 1.; Indels #1 \>. d.; boats .'O,- p. d.; no I'l"- 
 f cssioiial K'lides. .Another rejiort says that perch, trout (V) and rock bass arc al>'' 
 in Seneca 1. See Himrods, N. Y. 
 Rockville Centre (Ii. 1. See patje XIX) — Hempstead Bay '2 m.; Ifeiidrickseii'i 
 cr. ' . m.; boih j; khI: in the ba.v all kinds of salt water lish, bluelish and «• akfi-li 
 pred(uuinatinj^: i.' brook b. b., perch, iiickerel etc.; the two last luimed beiiiL' nie-t 
 numerous: clams, crabs, si imj) etc. as baits; Jiil\ , .Vuj^iist and September I'l-i: 
 liotcds i^t to *1 5ii ^1. d.; guide with boats and bait ;f.") p. (1. : boats $1 p. il.;li;iit 
 cheap. Flood tide best. 
 Ronkonkoma (Ii. I.) — Lake Bonkonkoina 1 in.; b. b., wall-eyed pike. >'I!"W 
 perch, bullheads et<-.: b. b. most numeriuis; flies and art. baits used: Ma.v.b^: ' 
 and Octobe,i' best; liotids at reasonable rates. A s. m. b. h. weighintj 8 iMiiai'l- 
 was caught recently from this lake. See Thk Amkkkan An(4Lkk, V' 1. 'V. 
 pa;j!e 4'-', 
 Rossville, Stateii Island, (Str. to S. I., thence by S. I. r. r.) — (iood w. .iiti-!i 
 gi'ound; lirst of tlood tide best: bo;its and bait (shrimp) ,*1. 50 p. d.; uo bi:iiiii'» 
 needed: seasi,ni opens about June 15 and closes October 15. 
 SonndLake(I' .V H. C. Sio paun XI)— Umiml 1. ',, m.; 1). 1). ]>riiiili)«lly; livo 
 iMit ii.-iiil; M:i>, .liiiii', .Inly Hiiil AM'„'iiMt lif.-t; linti-l .f'i \>. d.; ^'.u.lrs at l-i'ifi'Ii- 
 „lili' i>i'if<'; Ixiiit^ l"ir ti> 'J"n' p. li. 'I'liiTi' in iiIho j,'nciil sliDotitiK tor w ilii iliickd, 
 Boiise's Poiut (I i'. r.)— At tlin oxtrcmo oiid of I.ako Chaiiiiiliiiu; 1i. h. two num- 
 erous. iii:isriilip|i|,'c arc (iiii'jlit, also i>ikc, pickri-rl ami yi'llow pcri'li witli usual baits; 
 all (Xicllciit Imtcl at r'.' ji. <1.; nuiili's .*l..">(iti> .*'^ \<. d.; liDuts '»ic p. d.; l)ait r>iii' to 
 7,V [>. luo. See Tni; A.^r^.llu an Anhi.kii, N'ul. NIL, \>\k '.IT. 
 Rozbnry (U. k D.j— lJata\ia Kill 4 ui.: Kast luanch Dflawaic r. 'i m.; first liost; 
 tiniit aii<l I). )).; trout iimst iiuuicrous; wnrins and (lies l)aits; Ma\ aiid .Tunu 
 lir-i; liDti'ls #1.'J.") ]). d. 
 Salamanca (N. V. P. \- o. Sir |iiil;i' XID— Allc'^luniy r. and tributary brooks; 
 1, and s. ni. b. b. and a t'fW niascidniinf in tin' \llr;,'liany r. and a tew truut in tin* 
 lii'iioks; triillin({ spoons, live minnows and worins usfd; May, Jnni', SciittnilH'r unu 
 UctolHT best. 
 Salem (D. .V II. ('. Sec pii.^'i- XD— rossayunal. 7 ni.: Jackson p'ds. (ti .'> m.; first 
 naiui'd best; b. b., pickcril an>l coarse varieties; b. b. and picUertd nn>st abundant; 
 live bait, spoons and flics; .May, .\ut,'nst and Sipti ml cr best, Imt fair all 
 -lUiiiiicr; iiotcls .*.") p. \v.; ^;uidcs, lioats ami bait can be bail ut I'easonablc priics. 
 Tin re arc uIho several brooks in file vicinity \vlier(.' trout arc to be found in ^'ood 
 Saranac (CliatcauKiiy)--('liazy 1. (Pj ni., and sonn' trout brooks in vicinity; lako 
 • loUt; worms, files and trolliuj,': ]May ami .Inm- best; October ),'ood for f''oliiii;»; 
 Imtid at reusoinible jiricc; boats and l>ait nnulcrafe. The l)rooks are well fished. 
 Saratog'a (i^cveriil r. r. i — Saratoga 1. 4 m.; juke, iiicki'rtd, 1). b,, jicrcli. etc; iierch 
 I 111 pickerc 1 most nunu'rous; small li.-li, worms, etc. as baits; May, .Iniie. Sejiteiu- 
 ' land Uitober best; iu)tels .■f'J to .* I p. d.; boat.-' .'ii'c p. d. 
 Saugferties (N. Y. W. S. A: U.)— Esojois 1, '■ m., abouncls in b. b, and iiickerd; 
 ihii'r are numer'ous trout sf reanis In tlie vicinity and lim' stripeil bass tisliiii;,' is re- 
 Iditid bcdow the dam ; nnnnows, ludKi'iimites and files aro tisual baits; .lune 1 to 
 ii.'i'iiidier I best time; hotels »;i,ri(»to jf'2 p. d.; t^'uiiloH tumeccwsary; boats .*l p. d., 
 ,niil bait at small cost. 
 Savannah (N. Y. W. S. .i^: B. ami N. Y. ('. k 11. 1!.)--Sene<a r. Jij m.; pike, 
 liickeiei and b. b.; pi(dvcr(d luo <t abundant ; spoons used mostly; .hine, Septeiubcr 
 .111(1 October best; hotel ;*l.r>n ]i. d. ; tjuides ,■? 2 p. d.; boats and bait cheap, (iood 
 aiU'kshootinf^ iu addition to lair fiHlun^;. 
 Schenectady (N- Y. «', k H. K.)— Midiawk r. and Sanders 1.; first best: s. ni. b. 
 li. wiill-eyed i)ike, rock-bass .Tud perch; b, b. most abundaiit: minnous, dobsons, 
 r;ib>. worms, etc. as bails; .Iiiiie. .Inly and October best; hotels reasonable; l)oat'J 
 .KJc p. d. Th(! l) flshinj^ ground is at tlio aipieduct, 1 to ."> m. down the river. 
 Seaside (X- Y. W. I's: It.) — Jamaica Bay and Atlantic Ocean; striiied bass, slieeps- 
 l.'ail, l)lackfish, blucrtsli, weakfish and tlcnmlers; Jamaica JJay best for bass, 
 -hicpshead, 1)lackfish and flounders and flic ocean for bliiefish and wcaklish; sott 
 • luuis, skimmers ami fiddlers as baits; .\)iiil 1 to December 1 best; Hood tide bi'st; 
 liotels $1.50 to $3 p. d.; guides $3 p. d.; Ijoals .50ir p. d. 
 Setauket (L. I. Sec page XIX)— Setaiiket Ilariior 1 m.; Old Field (or f'onscieiice) 
 l;,iy2m.; Flaxp. ;im.; I,ong Island Sound 4 m.; Setauket mill ji. •> u\ . : Si^taukei 
 HiU'bor and li. 1. Sound best; blackflsli, striiied bass, binefish, flounders, fiatJi^h. 
 'ti', ; also white, perch in the Si^taukct mill ji.; l)lackfish ami tlatlish are most abun- 
 ilaut; Hhrimp, danis, worms ami liddlers as baits; June, July, .\u}.;ii'-f and Septeni- 
 liovbest; flood tidi- best; hotel .rl.."iO ji. d.; guides, boats and bait at \erv reasonable 
 Shandakenir. *: r.)— Bushnellsville cr. Peck Hollow str.. Fox llolb.w sfy., 
 r.s(i]ius cr. ami Broadstreet Hollow str. I m. from station; first best; trout; worm 
 I'iiit; May, June and July best: hoftd .*l..">u )). d.; guides not Jieedcd, Our corrcs- 
 li'inleut writes: "The streams mentioned abovt^ are noted for tlie best brook trout 
 tisbiiig iu N. Y." 
 Sherburne Pour Comers (X. Y. O. & W. See page X.)— Br.->ok (unnamed) 
 inur station; trout only; worms tisiial bait; May and June liest mouths. 
 Shokan (V. k I>.)— Esopns cr. 'j m.; Batoniau bi-. near station; Biishkill rr. '.: 
 IB.; first best for b. b., and Bateman br. for trout; bass and trout are found ; t:out 
 . 1 
 liiM mil 2.5 
 m mil 2.2 
 LA. 11 1.6 
 WEBSTER, N.Y. 14S80 
 (716) 872-4503 

 are most abundant; worms and flicH iiMcd; May, June and July best; hotel $1 p. d.; 
 giiide, boalH and bait can be had at very moderate pricca. Good flehing reiKirnd. ' 
 Silver Creek (L. S. & M. S.)— Like Erie ,'4 m.; b. b.; pike, perch, cimo, /to,; 
 bahH and pike moHl numerous; cieco, minnows and crawlers (helgraniitet<) iihuai 
 liaita; May and June best; hotels $1.50 p. d. ; boats and bait can be had clieap. Tlie 
 favorite grounds with local anglers are what is called the Upper and lower n efs 
 and Cobble Stone beds. 
 Sinir Sing (N. Y. C. & H. R.)— Croton Cove and Croton Point on Hudson r. J m.-, 
 bdih good; striped bass, weaklish, perch, etc.; perch and bass most nunicrdii.;; 
 shedder crab and shrimp bait; A\igUHtand September l)est; hotel $3 j). d.; ^nli(k. 
 ^'I p. d.; boats $1 p. d.; bait will Lave to be purchased cLsewbere. The best wcuk- 
 li.-hiiig is from Augvist 10 to S('i)tcniber 5; for striped bass from 20th Aug'ist to 
 September 20; the best grounds are the Keef and Sunken Kock at Croton I'liiut, 
 Flood tide best. 
 Slate Hill (N. Y. S. k W.)— Woods 1. '„ m.; Wallkill r. 4 m.; last best; pickerel 
 and b. b.; b. b. most numerous; minnow bait; May, June, July and Septenibir 
 best; boats at reasonable prices; bait 25c to 50c p. 100. 
 Sloatsbursr (^- Y. L. E. *: W.)— Stony br. near by; Tnixedo 1. 3 m. (this lake 
 is preserved, $5 a day for fishing privileges); Pota(jue 1. 1 Ij m.; Shepherd p. 2 111.; 
 Stirling 1. 8 m.; Truxedo 1. best; but they all contain a fair amount of b. b., lurch 
 and jiickercl; an occasional trout in the brV; Uh\ial baits; hotels ;f !> to $l(t p. w.; 
 guides {2.50 !>. d.; baits 50c p. 100. Josiah Patterson of Sloatsburg, N. Y., Las 
 charge of Truxedo 1., sometimes called Lorillards i>. 
 Smithboro (So. ('.) — Susiiuelmuna r. '« m.; black and roek bass, etc.; b. b. moHt 
 niiMierouH; croakers (lielgramites), grubs, etc. as baits; July and August best; hotels $1 
 p. d.; boats and bait at moderate cost. 
 Smithtown (L. I. Se<! pag(.' XIX.)— Nissequague r.; New Mill stream; Uly- 
 dcnburgh's p.; Branch stream; all within 1'^ ni.; lUydenliurgh's p. best; trmit, 
 perch, sunlisli, etc.; trout most numerous; fly and worm baits; April and Miiy 
 best; hotel $2 p. d.; guides |2.50 p. d.; boats can be procured at little or no (liarj.'e. 
 Sodus (R. W. & O.)— Blind Sodus 2 m.; Fair Haven bay '.1 m.; Lake OnLario 2 m.; 
 ViuipattfU br. 1,'a ni.; Fair Haven l)ay the best; b. b. (both varieties), jjike, piik- 
 «-rel, perL'h, etc.; bass and pickerel most abundant; June, August and Septenitxr 
 best months; artificial flies, worms and minnows used; hotels i^l.5()p.d.; guidcK 
 $1..">0 p. d.; V)oats 25c p. d. Tlie best time for b. bis from June Id to July 1; fer 
 pickerel, by trolling from August 1 to November 1. These waters are first-class. 
 Sodus Point (No. C.) — The Great Sodus bay and Lake Ontario; also the strcaius 
 emptying into them; the Lake is best for bass; b. b., pickerel, percli, etc.: min- 
 nows, flies and spoons used; July to September be.^t; hotels at reasimable prices; 
 guides $2 to $2.50 u. d.; boats 60c p. d.; minnows $1 p. 100. The fishing is said to 
 be very tine. 
 So. How Berlin (N. Y. O. .t AV. See page X)— T'nadilla r. 100 rods; b. b., pi. k- 
 erel, perch, etc.; minnows for bait; June and Sejjtember favorite months; hotel $1 
 1'. d.; boat-* 50c p. d. 
 South Corinth (Adirondack)— Kayaderosseras cr. '4 m.; Dry br. 1 ni.; Black p. 
 5 m.; first best; trout, bass, perch etc.; trout most numerous; worms and niiuuow 
 baits; June and August best; hotel $2 p. d,; guide $2.50 i>. d.; boats and baits rea- 
 South Livonia (N. Y. L. E. & W. ) — Conner 1. 3 m.; Hemlock 1. 3 m.; both good; 
 perch, pickerel, and b. b.; perch most nitmerous; September best; minnows nioi-tly 
 used as bait; hotels $2 p. d. 
 Southold (L. I. See page XIX)— Long Island Souvid 1 m.; Peconic Bay '• ni.: 
 first best: striped bass, weakfish, porgiesetc; weakflsh most numerous; clams aud 
 menhaden as baits; May and June best; hotel $7 to $10 p. w.; boats can be had <»t 
 the bay at $3 to $5 p. d. 
 South Schenectady (N. Y. W. S. & B.;— MohavU r. 2 m.; Sanders 1. 2 m.; first 
 best; b. b., i)ike, pickerel, perch etc.; b. b. and i)ike mostabundaut; "black worms" 
 ('.'1, erabs, crit'kets, and minnows as baits; September and October best; hotels at 
 reasonable rates; boats .'iuc to 75c p. d. 
 Spi'aker's (N.Y. W. S. & B.)— Mohawk r. '„ m.; Flatcr. adjacent; first best: jike, 
 idckerel, b. b., etc.; worms and dobsons as baits; spring best season; hotels :fl V- 
 (1.; boats and bait at reaHouable rates. Experienced anglers get lair sport in the 
 waters here. 
 Spring' Lake (H. A; (". W.)— Decker Tr<nit str.. Kirhy Tn.ut str.: Si>rinRl.; Round 
 1.; hlicok 1.; Spring 1. best; juckerel, perch, pike, whitctish, (iciiiiuii carp, etc.; 
 iiiikcrel and perch uioHt iiunieroiis; minnows, worms uud graH>li< j i ers as baits; 
 Jauiiary is bent for pickerel; August to November foi iicrcli; li<f< 1 ^! ji. d.; guide 
 jl.,')(i J), d.; boats fiOc p. d.; bait 50c. Excellent troutiug cuu be hud in the section 
 around Spring Lake. 
 Spriugville (R- ^ P. See page VI) — Spring cr.; brook trout; worms, grubs and 
 fliiiiii.s baits; June and July best; hotels ^1.50 to $'2 p. d.; no guides or boats re- 
 (juircd; bait easily procured. 
 Springwater (N. Y. L. E. k W.)— Hemlock 1. near by yields good fishing for b. 
 b., I'lrkcroi and ocrcb; salinoti (lake) trout were planted Honio yoars a^o by Heth 
 CJrccii and are becoming' ideutiful being caught mostly by deep trolling with min- 
 now baits; June, July and Sept. best; hotels #'J p. d.; Ixjats 60c p. d.; guides not 
 Stamford (F. & D.) — Twelve miles distant is Bloomvillo on the headwaters of 
 tbf l>'la\vare r.. where the trout fishing is good r.iid at tiines excellent. Art. flies 
 the best lure, of which the white miller, coachman and Reuben Wood are the most 
 lilliiiu'. See Thk Amebican Anglku, Vol. IV, i)i>. ln.'S. Odells 1. 4 m. and Mayhauis 
 1. 3 III. contain pickerel. Hotels f L.'id p. d. ; boats 50c p. d.; bait T5c p. 100. 
 State liine ( L. S. k M. S.)— Fiudlays 1. 9 m.; Lake Erie 1 m.; la*^t best; b. b., 
 jUii , iicrcli, herring etc.: bass, pike, herring and jierch most ntimcrous; minnow 
 and crab baits; spring and autumn best; hotel f 1 p. d. ; boats and bait reason- 
 Sterling (R.W.^: O. ar. " > .C )— Lake Ontario and Little Sodus Ray 3 m; last best; 
 li, li., Hike, pickerel, whit ' <j1i, i-i.- -i etc., bass and pickerel most numerous; spoons 
 aud minnows used; Juno and J"''- ' est for bass, August and September for pick- 
 m\\ hotels $2 p. d.; guides $ to f2 p. d.; boats fl i>. d.; bait at moderate 
 St. Jameb (L. I. See page XIX)— St. James Harbor '4 m.; I^ke Ronkonkvima J 
 ni.; lir'st best; blackfish, flatfish, blueflsh, sea bass etc.; flatfish and bluefish most 
 numcidus; soft clams used mostly; April and .\ugust l)eBt months; flood tide best; 
 hotel $1 p. d., others higher and also private boarding houses; guide with sail-boat 
 $.').. '0 p. d.; small boat $2 p. d.; bait easily procured. 
 St. Johnland (L. I.)— Nissequiige r. and Long Island Sound 1 'a m.: first best: 
 I'liiclish, frost fish, flat fish, blackfish etc.; blueflsh and flatfish rno^t numerons; 
 ilKiiis, shrimi) and crabs as baits; April to November best; last of ebb and first of 
 flood tides best; hotel $1 p. d.; boats and bait can be hud reasonable. 
 Stockport (N. Y. L. E. & W'.)— Delaware r. neai station: b. b. the jirincipal fish; 
 Inly, August and Sei)t. best: clippers (helgramites) and lamper ccI.k as baits; boats 
 and bait to be had, but there are no regular hotels or accommodation.'- lor boarders. 
 Stony Creek (Adirondack) — Hudson r. near station: Lens 1. ' ni.: Livingston 
 l.siii.; Round p. '.» ni. : Bull Head p. 10 m.; Mill Creek p. 11 m.: Jiound j). and 
 Mill Creek p. be- 1: trout, pickerel, b. b. etc.: pickerel, bass and bullheads m<;st 
 ;, inionuis: dolivdiis. fi'ogs, worms, live baits and sjioons used; April best for 
 ; K kcrel, May for trout, and June and July for bass: hotels fl.-IO p. d.: guides fl 
 I'.d.; boats and bait plenty at nominal cost. Tlieic is j;ood trout Jishing near 
 West Stony Creek 13 m. distant. 
 Stony Ford (N. Y. O. & W. See pa^'c Xi-\Vallkill r. '., m.: b. b. principally; 
 luiiiiKiws and helgramites usual baits; Max' and Jun<' best; hot»d jfl p. d. 
 Stony Point (N. Y. W. S. k R.)— Cedar )i. 7 m.: Hudson r. at station; 
 leaver p. Kim.; NJKger p. 10 ni. : Hudson r. and Cedar ji. best. b. li.. ]>ickcrel. trout, 
 leiiii etc.: pickerel, bass, and trout most nunu-rous: crab, shrimp, small fish 
 and worms are usual baits; summer and autumn best; boats fl i'. d. P'lood tide 
 SulFemlN. Y. L. E. & W.)— Ramapo p. J m., Shephard ji. 5 jii . Mahwah cr. '^ 
 ni : Shephard p. liest; some trout in Mahwah (r.; b. b. and jiickerel in ]).: the for- 
 nur in the majority: minnows, crickets and grasshoppers local baits, June and 
 SSil't. best; hotels and guides $'_> p. d:; bjiits cheap. 
 Summit (N. Y. L. E. .^- W.)— Aquaga 1. '« ni.; Big and Little Fly p'ds •^ m.: Page 
 rHK ANULKll « (iiaUE BOOK. 
 p. 1 111. 
 baitH. ui 
 AquaKii 1. tlit- best; pickorel, b. b., trout, perch etc.; banH most uumerous 
 iiiiiipws mill wiirms; j^ood diiriug HeaHou; liott'ls, giiidf, Ijoats and liuit 
 reaH()n>'.',l'!, The Hiis(iuehanua r. 5 iii., aud the Delaware r. 7iii., gives b. b-flsbiuy. 
 Sylvan I'jake (N. D. .S: C.)— Sylvan 1. >4 m.; b, b., salmon, trout etc.; b. b. hkini 
 abimu<iut; worniH, crieketH, grasshopperH, minnows, lizards and frogs as hmu. 
 May, June, VugUHt and September best; hotel at reaaouablo priee: boats and halt 
 Syracuse (Several r. r.)— Onondaga 1. 1 m.; Oneida 1. 12 ni.; Seneca r. (> m. 
 Oneida r.O m., Tiilly I'h 'i'2 m.; Oswego r. at Phceuix 17 m.. I'liltcm 24 m. and 
 Miuetto 30 ni., Onondaga and Oneida I'h, and Oswego and Seneca r's best, i)iii( , 
 perch, b. b., Oswi-go (1. m.) bas,', rock bass, pickerel, chub etc.; b. b., pike aini 
 pickerel most numerouw; art. flies, spoouH, crabs, minnows and worms iiscii; 
 June. 1st part of July and September best; hotels $2 to $2.5U p. d.; boats .50c to .»i 
 p. d.; oarsmen .■J2 p. d. Our c(>rresi)ondenl says "the bass ilshing in and about 
 this locality is as good if not better than any ground in this State." 
 • Tarrytown Heights (N. Y. C. & N./— Hudson r. 2>, m.; Pocantico r. 1 5 lu,; 
 Bronx r. nut distant; two Kstbest; pickerel, trout, perch, b. b., frost tish, ciitlisli. 
 Kiiiitish etc.; sunttsh, perch, and b. b. most numerous; worms, grasshoppers, aii.i 
 siiiiiU fish as baits; May to o.tober best; hotel J2 \>. d.: guide at moderate cliar^;.': 
 boats on Hudson r. $1 !>. d.. nut needed on others; shrimp bait .f 1 per (piait. 
 Kaiiy flood to high water liest tide. There are a numhcr of small br's easily 
 reached that all'ord fair trout fishing. 
 Theresa ( r. t^ B. R. ) — Indian r. near station; Millsite 1.. Sixbury 1., Crysful I. 
 and Clear 1. adjacent; lied 1, fi 111., Mascalonge 1. lu m.. all about equally i^nn,]; 
 bass, pike, pickerel, mascalonge etc.; bass and pickerel most numerous; trolliiif,' 
 baits used mostly; June, July and September best; hotels $2 p. d.: guides .t2 ]). d. 
 boats and bait at moderate prices. Millsite 1. 
 The Ashing in these waters is first class. 
 has some sahi'on (lake) trout iiiit. 
 Three-Mile Bay(R. W. & O.)— Three-Mile Bay Ijn.; cisco, whiteflsh, pike, tnmt 
 etc.; pike and bass most numerous; minnows, worms and art. baits used; .Xuj^'ust 
 best month; hotels fl.~^) p. d.: guides $2 p. d ; boats aud bait $1 p. d 
 Thurman (.Vdirondack)— Hudson r. near station; Patterson or, 1 m. Mill ("reek 
 p.H m.; Schroon r. 1 m.; first named best; trout, bass aud ))ickerel; jiickerel iimst 
 numerous; usual baUs; May, Junt- and October best; hotel f'Ji p. d.; guide at 
 reasonable price. 
 Ticouderogra (C. Vt. andD. & H. C. 8e pages VII and XI)— Lake chamiilaiu 
 near station; Lake Oeorge 4 m.; last named l)est; pickerel, bass and lake tmrn. 
 pickerel and bass most numerous; minnow and worm baits: August and S-'pti'iu- 
 in-r best; hotels and guides at reasonable rates; boats and baits at nominal charge 
 See Addison Junction, N. Y. 
 Tioffa Centre (N. Y. L. E. iV: AV.) — Susquehanna r. '4 m.; b.b., pickerel, perch 
 and coarse fish; June, September and October best; hotels $1 ji. d.: boats li'e 
 p. h. ; boys to procure bait and point out best places, easily obtained. 
 Touawauda (N. Y. L. E. & W. and N. Y. W. S. & B.)— Niagara r. '^ m.; I'onawau- 
 dacr.; Elliott cr.; first best; perch, b. b., rock bass, pike, pickerel etc.; perch aud 
 rock bass most tiunieroUH; minnows, crabs, i-rayflsh, worms etc. as baits: July and 
 August best; hotels $2 p. d.; boats 10c to 2.")c p. h. 
 Trenton (I'. A: B. R.) — AVest Canada cr., Cincinnati cr. and Adii'ondack regiou; 
 all good; brook tnuit; wood grubs, worms, art. flies etc as baits; April, May, 
 June, July and August best; hotels $1.50 to $2 p. d.; guides, boats aud bait 
 reasonable . 
 Tribes Hill (N. Y. C. \- H. R.)— Mohawk r. near station; Schoharie cr. '^ 111.; 
 first best; pike, bass etc. : pike and bass most numerous: worms, dobsons, gra^s- 
 hopjiei's etc. as baits; July, .\ugust aud September best; hotel $5 p. w.; guide 
 TCc to fl p. d.; boats and bait at reasonable prices. Good fishing is if- 
 Troy (Reached by 3 r. r.)— Rensselaer Co. in which Troy is located contains a 
 number of small lakes within which are b, b., wall-eyed pike, ipike-perch), straw- 
 berry bass, pike and pickerel; these lakes are within easy reach, ptke3p.,tlie 
 fartlie>,i;, being 13 m, distant from Troy; the usual baits, the fly does not seem to 
 be a succeiis. From the Uudaou r. from Cuugresa St, Bridge to the State Dau large 
 ijiiiutitieH of h. h. bav*- been takou: tbe Halt wator Htript-il ba8H ocoaHloually are 
 <aii«ht witb Hturneon roe, aud wbitc percb witb Axph. St-e The Amkuu an Anulkr, 
 V. 1. Ill, page W». 
 Union (N. Y. L. E. & W.)— •HiiHciuebamiu r. '4 in.; Coiinult 1. li ni.; tb.- first 
 b< >t: b. b. aud pickerel; baMH luont abuiidaut; uhuuI baitx UHed; botelH $'i ]>. d. 
 Unionville (N. Y. S. k W.)— Wallkill r. 3 in.; pickerel, b. b. etc. ; pickerel uioHt 
 atiiiiK.aut; live bait iixed; Jiiue, July and Aii)jUHt bent; butelH |I p. d. 
 Utic»(S('veral r. r.)— Mohawk r., Oneida 1.. West Canada cr. and nunieronH trout 
 lii'iiks, all caHily rea«'bed; Oneida 1. and WeHt('Hiiada cr. bcHt: b. l>., pike, brook 
 ti "lit, hhIiuou trout etc. : baxH and pike niont nunierouH; live bait principally — 
 iiiiiinowH aud helRrainiteH; Ajml, May, June and .July bewt for trout, an<l .\u>{ust 
 ami .September for bawH aud pickerel; botelM |4 p. d.: guidcH f "J p. d.; boatw 
 #11.. d. 
 Valley Cottaere (X. Y. W. S. k H.)— Rocklaiwl 1. 2', ni.; Hackennack cr. ', in.; 
 fii>t bent; pickerel, b. b.. perch, trout, Hunttwh, «^tc.: pickerel, trout, perch and huii- 
 tir-li moHt nunu;rouH; "killeys," (ininnowH) and worm bait^^; June, July and .VufjUMt 
 lir>f; hotelH at reanouable chargcH; nuidcH $2 p. d.; boats and biiit at moderate cost. 
 Tan Koesen (B. k A.) — Kinderhook 1. fi 111.; Nassati p. 7 ni : UudHon r. :) m.; last 
 lust; pickerel, b. b , perch aud Bunftsh; perch nioHt numerouH; worm.><, Hiuall liMh, 
 ddbsouK, crabH and fro^H aw baitn; September and October best; hotels at reaHon- 
 alilc pricen; boats .Wc to 7.'>c p. d. 
 Van Sicklen'8 (P. P. k C. I.)— f'<niey Island cr. near station; firavchiMid Ua.. v;ia 
 Cmify Island cr. 1 '2 m,; about ecpial; weakttsh, striped bass and other varie'tit-s nf 
 sH It water fish; shrimp auu crab bait; June, July, August and .September Itc.^t: 
 In itcls numerous at varying prices; boats .''Mtc i>. d.; bait at moderate prices. First 
 of the ebb in the best tide early in the season, later on the flood tide is best. 
 Vemooy Creek (N. Y. O. k W. to Summitville, theiuje by br. r. r. to E:ilenville, 
 tlH-uce by team) — X good trout stream, creels of .V) are not tinnsuul in » day's ttsh- 
 iiin: brown hackle aud cow dung the favorite flies; accommixhttions fair at moder- 
 ati- charges. 
 Walton (N. Y. O. A: W. See page X)—Ea.><t, West, Third and Marvin l)r's.. all 
 empty into Delaware r. within 1 m. from station: Ijist and West br's. best; 
 tnmt most numerous: worm bait: April, May, June and July best; hotels at reasDii- 
 alile prices. Said to be a good troutiug section. 
 Wampsville (N. Y. W. S. .V 15.)— Oueuia 1. 4 'j m.; jiike, Oswego (1. ni.) and b.b., 
 I'.i kerel etc.; pike k ad Oswego bass most numerous; minnows mostly used; June, 
 July, September auct October V>eMt; hotels $4 to $.'5 \t. w. ; guides $1 p. d.; boats '25c 
 l>. (1.; bait at low price. 
 Warwick (L. it H. R.)— Wawayauda 1. m. See New Milford, N. Y. 
 Waahinfftonville(N. Y L. E. A: W.)— The Otterkill cr., aud Hulses and Brown's 
 J). (lU same stream which is '., m. from station; Hulses p. 2 m.; Brown's p. ;j'j m.; 
 the latter best; i)ickertd aud rock bass; the formcir most uumerous: usual ))aits; 
 N-iitember, October and November best months; boardiug hotu.. only, terms 
 iiinilerate, als<» boats; n(» guides needed. The above ponds, when the w ♦er is right, 
 gi\e good fishing. 
 WaterlKills(L. I'. See page XIX)— Long p. l>i m.; Kills p. 1 ', m.; Mill 1. ', 
 in.; Micox Bay 'j m.; Peconic Bay 4 m.; Mill 1. best; pickerel and perch; iiickerel 
 liiist numerous; usual baits; July best month; boardiug Ikiusck fl p. d.; boat-* and 
 buit lit moderate cost. Peconic Bay gives salt water fishing of the usual variety. 
 Watkin's01en(S. a. & (\)— Senecal. I'a m.; b ',., pickerel and penh; the 
 first most numerous; baits are minnows and art. spoons; August September aud 
 <iit>iber best months. Best gnuiuds are along 'he East shore and Hector Falls. 
 Hiitels $'J to $3 p d.; guides, boats and baits reasonable, (iood fishing. 
 Waverly (I^eh. V. See page VI)— Chemung r. '.j m.; Suscjuehanna r. 2 m.; 
 Cayutacr. 'j m.: Susquehanna r. best; black, yellow and rock bass, j.erch, picker- 
 el. I tc; b b. most unmerous; minnow, dobsou and art. flies; July to November 
 bi-t: hotels $'J i), d.; guides can bo had; boats 5(»c p. d. 
 Weedaport (N. Y. W. S. & B. and N. \'. 0. & H. R.)— Seneca r. 1 ', m.; Parkers p. 
 5 111.: first bert; pike, pickend, b.b., etc.; bass nujst uumeroii.x; miuuows and 
 siinoiiH used; middle uf June to middle of October lest; hotels $1.50 to ('J p. d.; 
 boats .">0c p. d. 
 fi 5 i 
 Ti»K ANGLEns (it'lDE BOOK. 
 W«llSVille (N. Y. L. E. A: W.)— Pino cr. 28 in.: O»>nonpo r. (hoad wattTH) h ti. ir, 
 ni.; Sinnenmhunin^; cr. 4.'i ni.; Kettlo or. M ni.; gdod tihliin^ in (ifntsci- r. .•Vi.iii ;., 
 June I'l; till' (itlieiH about tcxually good in May. .Iuu«' and July; brook trout hihI 
 C'al. mountain trout in tbeHt) waterH; brook trout nioHt nunicronH; hotels $l.'.."i t,v 
 $V! J), d ; i>ri\iit<: boardtn)^ at .Sinncniaboning and Kettle er'n; no guideH neiil.,1. 
 The abovi! plaicH reai'bed from WellKVille by ^*ta^eK or livery eonveyancet* at reith. li- 
 able <'bar({eH; all information as to bent HtreaiuH, roufeH and accommodation!-, i an 
 be had at WellHVille. Over :)(Mi,tHKi young brook trout and Cal. mountain tri V 
 put in tbetiC! ntreaniH within lant H yearn. 
 West Athena (X. Y. W. S. A: 13.)— Greenn 1. U m.; Black 1.2', m.; iSrt't 1. ^t: 
 ])ici\erel, rock bai^n and small tiHli; idckerel most abundant: live bait lined m<»tl\' 
 February, .March and .Xpril bent moiithH for jiickerel; niimmer boarding hoiix ^t 
 (ireUH 1. $<> to iH II. w.; boatM and bait at uioderati latt s. 
 West Farmington (N. Y. ('. k H. R.)— Mud cr. i, m : Fisli cr.: flrst naii..,i 
 be^t; rock banw, b. b. and trout; minnows iihiial bait; .luue and Sejitember best. 
 Westfield (L. K. k M. S.)— Lake Erie 1 m.: whit<fisli, lake trout, b. h. and i.ikt-; 
 jiiUe and whitettHh most numerous; minnow buit; May, June, Sentenil er iiini 
 t)ctober bewt; hotels i'l \t. d.; guide ifl.TiU ji. d.; boats :f 1 ji. d.; bait ")(ic ji. iHi. 
 West Hnrley iV. k D.)— Binnewater I's 1 m.: Coopers 1. 7 m.; .Slnies 1. 7 m.: 
 b. b., lickercl, trout, etc.; iiickerei most numerous; worm and minnow buit>: 
 hotels j^vi p. d.; Iioats at reasonable rates. 
 West Park (N. Y. \\. S. .t B.)-I{lack i>. -l m.: Black cr. 4 m.; first best: b. 1. . 
 jiickerel, yellow perch, etc.; pickerel most numerous, trolling sjioons, live bait uinl 
 worms used; March, Ajiril. Alay, Seidcmber and October best: board tan be liml :it 
 farm houses; guides iinnecessarv; boats at inw cost. 'Jlie lisbinn heieisvir 
 Westport (I>. A; H. ('. See jiage XI.)~Lake Champlain '.in.: brock (iinnaiiM,) 
 running Ity station; I>ake Cliamplaiii best: pike, pickerel, li, b., jierc);, etc.; pcich 
 and pike most liiiiiierous; worms and minnows as baits; Jiii;e to I Nfcil er l.i-t- 
 hotels .*H p. w., or ir'J p. d.: guides with boats j^it ]i. d. .\f the mouth nf their. 
 above unnamed, we have caught a number of b. b. (s. in. ! w ith the tly, white imlli r 
 mainly. ^^'eslJlort is oiu; of the gateways to the .Adirondack region. 
 W est Vienna (N. Y. O. .*c W. See ])age Xi— Oneida 1. neiir station; b.b.. m, k 
 liass, jiiUc, liicKercl and other kinds: baiti- in winter small suckers and in suniiii> r 
 worms; summer and fall months best; hotels .•?."> to :i,s p. wiek; boats on hiie: li-h 
 ing is good. 
 W. Hampton fl.I. See jiage XIX)— .\tlaiitic Ocean .") m. and the bay -J m. : >■■ ■!. 
 stiiicil bass, perch etc.; cod most numerous; sea daniH as baits; for ctidtish winti i 
 is best, for lass fall and Hxd'ing; liotels f 12 to $2(* ii. w. ; guides with Ijoats can Ir 
 had reasonable. 
 Whitneys Point (D. L. *:^Y.)— OtHolic r. and Tioiighnioga r. ',, m.: abi.ut eipiiil. 
 b. b., pickerel, perch, .■^uii-iierch etc.; helgraniites, minn(iws aiul tiles used: .liilv 
 and .\iigust best: hotel f 2 p. d. : If to •'> m. up tlnOtselic excellent i>. b. lishing wnii 
 tly; still fishing with minnows and trolling with same, can be had at times, 'lli.- 
 stream can be wailed and this section of country is beautiful, with good comfortii- 
 ble accommodations. 
 Willards (D. I'^ W.,— Chenango r. '^ ni.; b. b.. pii'kerel et<'.: liass most iiu- 
 nieidiis; iimmows.dobson and crab baits; .\ug. and September best; hotel i^l..">op.(l.: 
 boats and bait can be had reasonable. 
 WollCOtt(n. W. .S; O.)— Bort Bay i n\.: pike, pickerel, b. b. and perch: bass ;i!.(.! 
 pickerel most numerous: mostly spoon and Hy baits: June, Sejitember and t)ct'i- 
 ber best; liotcl at moderate charge; boats 5Uc p. d. ; bait free. Fishing reported ix- 
 m.: the hit tor 
 and February. 
 is said to be the 
 Woodbury (N. Y. L. E. iV W.)— Woodbury p. '„ m.; Bopolo ji. ;i 
 best: pickerel and perch; small lish mostly used as bait: January 
 fishing through ice; boats can be had at moderate price. I'opido p. i 
 best in the county (Orange) for fishing. 
 Woodsblirgh E. I. See page XIX)— Hempstead Bay \, ni.; weakfish, kingfi^l], 
 sea bass, blackflsli etc.; sea bans, kiugilsh and blackiish most numerous; dams and 
 shedder crabs as baits; July, August and .September best; hotels at reasonable vuv^: 
 guides SI to $1.50 p. d.; boats $1 p. d.; ishedders fiuc p. doz. Excellent fishing c s- 
 pecially for kingliBh. 
 Wurt«boro(M Y. O. ^ W.l— Sevpral laken ami troiit utroaniM withiu ") ni.; trout, 
 ».. 1... jiikf, iiitk("-«'l ftc: jukc and front iiioht ihiiiutohk; liHJtH.niiimoWH, ciHbH, lio- 
 iHi kn ihelf{ra«iiit«'s). wornin etc.: bottl :'^l ji. d.: lioat •.'.'>r ji. <1.: lijiit ."iKc ji. Kmp. TliiH 
 l^ a iiooil ttfbiiin KCftioJi. 
 Yaphank (I- I. Stc imjio XIX)— :' luktu Hiunanndi 1 and .i ni. rcM[iM:tively; 
 ,(1. lit alike; ijitcIi and tiouf, woiiu and tly haitw; May to (>«'t(>l»«r De^t; no h(>t«'ln, 
 liut jirivate l)oardiiiji L'un In- olitaini'd. boats 2ru' p. L. (ireat South Bay in only 3 
 111. iliftaut, wlu If tine salt water fisliinj^ can be had. The trout are searce. 
 Yorlrtown (N. Y. f. A: N.)— Moliaiisic ("J) I's (forniorly ("romiiend), ■*, ni.; both 
 ^..,1(1, b. b., white and yelh w perch, lickerel et. .: penh and yellow bass most 
 aliiiiKlaut; worm an<l fish baits; May, June and .July best; August jiootl for bass 
 Ii^lnu^!; hotels f 1.511 p. d., or f 7..'>0 \>. w.; ^'uides #l.')ii p. d.; boats 5(ic to |1 p. d. 
 Barnard |W. N. ('.)— Laurel cr. r> m.; French Hmad r. ; about alike; trout, b. b., 
 riittisU, redhorse, etc.; coarse tish predominate; worm and minnow baits; April to 
 Stptember best; hotel at reasouable price. 
 Black Mountain (W. N. (".)— Flat cr. '.; m.; North Fork 4 tn.; Swanuauoa r. 
 J , Ml.; Hroad r. 4 m.; North Fork best; siieckled trout, perch, mullet, etc.; speck- 
 led trout most numerous; rty, worm and minnow baits; ^ood May 1 to ()ct(d)er 1 
 h\\\ V ^- and JuiU" best; hotel .•?1U p- ^^-i f-'nide fl p. d.: boats unnecessary; bait 
 fri c. oood troutiiiK reported. 
 Calhoun (W. N. t'.)— Scott's cr., North Fork, Dark Itid^e, Buffer cr. and Tvuka- 
 <(i^:i r.; 1 lark IJidne best; brook trout; fty and prasshopjier baits; .\jiril and .May 
 l.cM; no re^'ular hotel but jirivafe board can be had: jruides $1 p. d.; boats can Iju 
 hail where neccrisary. (iood trouting. 
 Clyde (W. N. ('.) — Pigeon r., Ka.-*t and \Vc.--t I'nrk-*: CataliHichee r.; I'i^'eon r. best; 
 li. 1... iiio\iiitain trout, redhorse. etc.; mouiitaiii troiii must numerous; worm and 
 iiiiiiiidW baits; Marcii. .\i>ril and .May best for trout, .md July and August for bass; 
 l;(i iij^ular hotel but board can lie obtained at iirivale houses. (,'uideH .'•(ic to $1 
 ].. (1. ; boats am', bait ut little cost. "Stick bait." locally so called, whicli is the 
 hirval form of a native insect, is considered the most alluring bait by resident tlsh- 
 Coopers (W. N. r ) — Swaunanoa r. and its tributaries; North Flat cr. and Bee 
 Trti: North Fork of Swannaiuia best: mountain (or sjiecklcd) trout ]irincipally ; 
 unih worms, hornets and minnows a.s baits; .\pril and May best; hotels $1 to $l.!in 
 \i. d. ; guides .fl p. d. 
 Elizabeth City (No. S.)—Albeuuirle Sound •JO m.; Bas.piotank r. near station; 
 tiret best: spots (bafayettes), hogtish sea trotit (weaktish). sheeiishead, bliu'ttsh, 
 (■tc: siiots, hotitisli and sheepsliead most numerous; dams, shrini)) and minnows 
 as haits; May, June, July and August iiest; hotels :?'2 \). d. ; lioats and bait at trifling 
 cnst. Live minnow bait is used at times with suc<ess. "'hese are \ery tine tisliing 
 waters. The fishing in the adjaceut fresh waters is not as good as it was two or 
 three yearri ago . 
 Hertford (No. S.)— IVrquimans r. near station: perch ami b, b.: perch prcdom 
 iiuitmg; shrimp usual bait: July, .\ugttst and September 1 est; hotels, guides, hmts 
 iiud bait all at moderate cost. 
 Hominy (W. N. r.)— Hominy cr. near station; perch, trout and coarse varieties: 
 wi'iiii bait; April. May and Juiu' best; hotel at reasomible prii'es. Very fine shoot- 
 ing within 'J. to :i ni. of this point. 
 Old Port (W. N. v'.)— Mill cr. near station; Catawba r. '. m.: Curtis cr. 2 m . . 
 l'.ti>:id r. I'J m.: Curtis cr. best; trout and coarse varieties: trout luost numerous; 
 tlii V aiul worms as baits; May to Seiitember best; hotel f 1 5(1 p. d . 
 %i^ -% 
' 'n Mv' 
 which arc flHh«!<l for with thi' H>, woriiin ami "wtick bait." Set) Th>: Amkuicas .^no- 
 LKn, voi. Ill, pp. '247. At tiiiicH the; hHl^raniitt- (local nan KraiiipiiH") iH killnm 
 for b. b., for tin* abniulaiirt* of which th«i l-jiHt Fork of tlic I'incoii r. in uoted, v^y,-. 
 oially that part of it fnnii Hlajiock'H mill up to (JwynV, u diMtauce of 4 m. I in- 
 charKi.'H at hotdx an<l for i^uiilttH, etc., are very moderate. 
 Roanoke Sound (Old Dominlnn Line, via Norfolk, Va.)— WoakflHh. blnoflHh. 
 hoKtlHh. Hpot (Ijtfayette). cfoakern, HheepHliead, etc. are eaiiKlit here in larjje iniin- 
 berH, in the monthN of .July, An^. and Sejit. on clam and hhedder crab bait. Tluii' 
 iH but little tide which makoH the tinhin^ all the more enioyable. Na^'n Heinl j, 
 the centre point when are found an excellent hotel at $'2 p. d., and ){uideM with 
 boat and bait from $\ to $:t p. d. The hnhini^ is very tine in the Sound, and al^o m 
 the frcHh water p'dn adjacent, where b. b., perch, striped bass (rocktislil jiii,] 
 Huufish are caught in lar^e numberH with live minnows and art. tlies. 
 Statesville (W. N. C.) — Catawba r. 8 m.; trout, perch, redhorse, etc.: ttmit 
 most numerous; tlies, small Dsh and bread as baits; hotels at reasonable ]iriri'H; 
 bait cheap. 
 Sylva (W. N. r.)— Scottfl cr. at station; Tuekaseijje r. ^^ m.: la«t best; salmon, 
 b. b., cattish, redhorse, etc.; bass and redhorse must alxindant: worm and riy 
 baits; May to September best: hotels # I to $1.. 50 p. d.; bait free. This statiiHi i^ 
 iu Jackson County which contains many exjudlent trout streams to rea«di wlinli 
 the best point is Sylva as above. The In-ad waters of the Tuckaseine r., viz: Trout 
 cr., Robinson's er., \V(df cr., Tenneshee cr. abound in trout, and visitinj» aUKlers will 
 be provided with guides and the nectssary oiittits in Sylvaat moderate expense. The 
 artitlcia Hy is the universal lure in this section by thti native Jishermeu. 
 Teopim (No. S.)— Yeopim r. .5 m.: .\lbemarle Sound 13 m.; first best: .wpickl.ii 
 perch (strawl)erry bass), chubs, rock and white iierch; white perch most numernus: 
 shrimp bait; June, July and August best: hot.l il'i.iV) p. m.; nuide f 1 p. d.: 
 boats not very i)lenty on the r. where the fishing' is reported as very flue. 
 Warm Spring's (W. N. C.) — Fre.;"h Broad r. at station: Sj)rin^ cr.; about e<|niil; 
 trout, b. b., sahnon (pi<ibably pike jierch, catfish, etc.; bass and trout 
 most numerous; worm bait; May and June best; hotels $1.50 p. d.; glides, 
 boats and bait at moderate jirices. 
 Wajmesville (W. N. C.)— Uichland cr. at station; Jonathans cr. .5 m.: <'ata- 
 loochee cr. '20 m.; last best; trout an<l b. b.; trout most numerous; art. tlie-. for 
 trout; live minnows for bass; May best for trout; August for bass; noteln mid 
 private boarding houses at reasonable jjrices; ({uides and boats unnecesniiry. 
 Pi(»eon r. about m. distant has an excellent name for trout and b. b. 
 Webster (W. N. C.) — Scotts cr. and Tuckaseine r. near station: last best: iiick 
 salmon (we think this is thi^ i)ike). catfish, etc.: usual baits: .Vpril and May ln'st; 
 hotels $1 p. d. This is reported to be a good fishing Krouud, especially for truut, 
 being near Uylva, N. C. which see. 
 Akron (C. Mt. V. .^ D.) -Summit 1. 1 m.; Silver 1. '2 m.; Turkey Foot 1. '> ni ; 
 Long 1. 4 m.: Mud 1. 4 m.: Blue p. '2 m.; White p. :i ni.; Turkey Foot 1. best: 1). b., 
 speckled bass, perch, "blue gills " and catfiph: bass and "bbu" gills" mostabunii- 
 ant; minnows i)rincipal bait; October and November best; hotels $L5U to JJ.""' i' 
 d.; boats 50c p. d. 
 Antwerp (W. St. L. & r. See page XV.) — Maumee r. ', m.: Reservoir Old (a'lal 
 2 m.: first best; b. b. and jierch, b. b. i)redominating; minnow l)ait; April. May 
 and June best; hotels and other accommodations at reasonable ratee. 
 Ashtabula Harbor (L. S. ,v M. S.)— Lake Em* \i m.-. Ashtabula cr. '„ m.; lir.'^t 
 best; whitefish, perch, jtike, bass, herring,etc.; jiike, i)erch, whitefish and hcrriiit; 
 most abundant; minnows used mostly; June and July best; hotels at reasoiiahlr 
 prices; guide '2.')c p. h., including boat and bait. 
 Bellefontaine (Several r. r.) — Indian 1. and Reservoir 11 ni.; Silver 1.2', ni.; 
 Twin I^kes 4 m; Doke 1. 3'^ m.; Possum 1. ^'.^ m.; Black 1. H m.- Miami r. M m ; 
 Rushtcr 4^m.; Hartley 1. 5 'a ni.; Indian 1.. Reservoir, Silver 1. and Black 1. thebist: 
 black and rock bass, ring perch, suuflsh etc.; baits— live bait, cut bait and criik<ts 
 spring and fall best time; hotel 11 p. d.; guides |1 to $2 p. d.; boats 50c p. d.; bait 
 Brown's (1. B. & W.)— Silver 1. 1 'a m.: Honey cr. at station; Indian cr. 1 'j m.: 
 rilver 1. best; bass, suutlsh (very large), catfish and pike: baits used, minnowH, 
 W'lrmw and trolling Hpooii; T^Iay, Si>i)t. and Oct. bi-nt; hoU-I 2 rn. dixtant and board 
 ,uii 1)(' liml at farnitTH' houm-H. An cxcolh'ut liHliin^ point. 
 Burton (I'. A; Y.)— Emerald 1., Huow p., Everett p., Bradley p.. ('laridi)n p. from 
 y t,. .') ni.; Claridon and Hnow p'h beut: l.m,b.)>. principally: minnow bait; no boteln 
 nearer than YoungBtown . 
 Caldwall (P. * M.)— Duck cr. near station: bawH, "salmon" (pike-percb). etc.; 
 bii-- iiioHt niimerouH; miunowH hh baitH; May and June boHt; botcN at reuHouable 
 rat' •'• 
 Cedarville (P. C '^ St. L.) — Ma8Hie'N cr. near ntation and Little Miami r. -'i'^ m; 
 la>-t Ix'Ht, ))<!inK tbu largeHt: H.m.b.b. tbe only UhL wortb attention altbou^li tbere 
 ari' other c»)mmou varietieH; minnowH. craytlHh. hel^rauiiteH etc. for b&itH: .\pril, 
 .Stiitcmber and October l)eHt: hotel $4.50 p. w., or |1 p. d. : bait plenty. Heo The 
 Ami lUCAN Anolkk, Vol. 1, No. Iti. 
 Celiua (.Several r. r )— Stati; ReMervoir near Htation; b, b., rock ba«K, perch, chau- 
 ut'l ciitliHh, and black cattiHh are all numeroUH; worm and minnow baitH: openinj; 
 of .-prin^^ to middle of .\uKUHt bent for all except b. b., for wliich SepteniDer on till 
 lati' fall in best: hotels at reawouable rateH; boats 2r)c p. d.; bait very cheap. There 
 is also good shooting and hunting in this vicinity. 
 Ceylon (L. S. k M. .S.)— I>ake Erie '. m.: Old Woman er. 1 m.: flr«t best: u. b., 
 ]iiki'. perch etc.: pikt.', perch and cattish most abundant: minnow and worm baits; 
 .Mii>. .June and July best; hotels |1 p. d. ; guides at reasonable rates; boat 5<Jo p.d.; 
 biiit lit moderate price. 
 Chillioothe (I. B. & W.)— Painter, at station; Scioto r. 1 m.: the laHt best; b b., 
 liiKi-. "lamiJ-liKhters" (?), "rockeys" (i)reHumably rock bass), "salmon" (pike-pen h); 
 et' these tbe bass are the most numerous; usual baits; May, June, Hept. and Oct. 
 hist; hotel at $'2 p. d. 
 Chippewa Itake (<-. L. A: W.)— <'hipi)ewal. 1 m.; b. b., stinflsh.eels etc.: sunflsli 
 ami bass most numerous; minnow, worm and graMsho])per baits: May and .lune 
 lii-t: hotel $1 p. d.: guides at Jnoderatc charge; boats ;'>(»<• p. d. These I's have 
 bi'tii stocked V)y the State and great expeotati(U»s exist as to the future (inality of 
 the lisLing. 
 CoUinwood (L. S. & M. S.)— Lake Erie '^ m.; i)ike, perch, bass etc ; jiike and 
 Imss most abundant: minnow bait; April. May, .June, Sept. and October i)est; hotelH 
 $1 p. d.; boats l.V' d. h. 
 '.j m.; bass. 
 Htmilsh and catfish: 
 b(!st: no hotels, but 
 be had at 50c p. d. 
 sunftsh most 
 Ixiard can be 
 •Mood tlshing 
 ; bass most 
 Conant (<'bic. .t Atl.) — Auglaize r 
 atdiiidant: minnow baits: April, May and .Iiuie 
 piMciired at ."><ic to l.^c j). d.; boys m^ guides, can 
 Condit (('. Mt. V. .t D.)— Big Walnut cr. 4 m.: b. b., sunttsh, etc 
 abundant; minnows usual bait; April, May and June best mouths. 
 Cuyahocra Palls (Sev«'ral r. r.l— silver 1., Hartd., Mud brook p.; first best 
 1). b.. speckled bass (strawberry), perch, et<'.; b. b. niost numerous: minnow 
 liuit: spring and fall best; hotel jJ'i p. d.; boats and bait at moderate prices. 
 Danb^y (L. S. .t M. S.)— Sandusky Bay near station; bass, i>erch. pickeiel, etc.; 
 bliss, perch and cattish most abundant: fish, worms, meat, et<'. as baits; .June, 
 July and August best: no hotel; guides at reascuiable rate; boats and bait at low 
 l)nces. A great deal of fishing done at this point, with seines aa well as hook and 
 Danville (C. Mt. V. & D.)— Mohegan r. '2 m.: Owl cr. .3'^ m : first best; b. b., 
 perch, catfish, trout (in (Jwl cr.). cari>. etc.; bass most numerous; minnow bait; 
 Miiy June, September and October best; hotel |t) p. w.; guides 50c p. d. and ex- 
 jieiises; boats and bait at trifling cost. 
 Dayton (Several r. r.)— Stillwater r.. Big Mianii r., Mad r., all within 1 m.; two 
 fii>t best; 1. and s. m. b. b., channel catfish, sunfish, goggle eyes (rock bass), perch, 
 et. : 1. m. b. b. most numerous; minnow, crayfish iind worm baits; April. Octol>er 
 ami November best; hotels numerous and at reasonable pri«>es: guides |'2.50 to $3 
 p. il.; boats $1 p. d.; minnows $L50 p. 100. Good fishing is reported, particularly 
 after a freshet in the r's. 
 Dell Boy (Connotton V.)— Connotton cr. near station; pike, bass, etc.: bass most 
 atniudant: minnow and worm baits; May and June best: hotel at reasonable 
 Baton (<'. H. .^ I).)— Twin i r. C. in.: Four Milf cr. id in.; ItaiitHH Fork a lu.; lirnt 
 li«-Ht: 1i. I)., ircnli, Nnntlnli, cHttUh, tti'.; li. )i. uioHt iiiiiin'i'unH: iiiiiuiow liuit; Hum- 
 iixr iiiuiitliH iHHt; IioHIh f 1 to ll.'i') p. (1.; luiit plenty und clHrnp. 
 Zilyria (I.. S. \- M. H.i— Hliuk r. near Htiition; I^ke Erin H m.; laxt brut: baoi, 
 jiikc, ix't't'li. ])i('l<i rt'l. rli. : ]iik<- nmst iibiiiKliint; ininiiow hait; niirin^ itml full 
 tx-Ht: lioti'lH ^\ to {l,,5oii. (I.; IxiiitH iin<l biiit rliea]). Kxrcllfiit )i. li. tiHliiiiK- 
 Fremont (Sc-voiul r. r.)— Samlunky r. lu'ar ntatiou; (Jn-cu and Mud itm ti to T m,; 
 1». Ii.. -vliitf biiHH, rock 1>UHH. ipcrcli, jiiki'. jiirkcnd, ciitUHli. vU\: all kindu iiuiihtmiik: 
 iniiiiiows iiioHtly UHt'd: Hiirin){ bent in I'., nioHt any month in rrV: liot<'l .f'J |i. d.; 
 i^'uitlc i^'J ]). d.; buatH and bait ]deuty at inodcrato I'ottt. Excellent b. b. tinliiim in 
 (irct II cr. 
 Oaiena (<'• Mt. V. \- !».)— Ui)< Wulnut and I.ittlp Walnut crV: fti-nt bt-wt; b. li., 
 HUiitihli, ratiiHli, I'tc; basr. imomI iiuuicroU)^; iiiiunow, ^i'uHHlio)>)icr and worm b,iit'<: 
 Ai)nl. .Mii\ , ( »(tob(r and NoM'inbcr ncHt; iKPtfl at rfu><(iiiublc iiricf; bail idi'iiiv at 
 littli i<r no cuHt. 
 Qallipolis ('. !1. V. \ T.)— Ohio r. and (;hickainau«a cr. adiaccnt; ftPHt \>i-\: 
 bine iiiKlniud cattl,-^)!. pikc-iirrcii, It. b., pcrcli. etc. ; cutliKh iiri'dnniinat)'; niinn<>\vH, 
 liscr, raw and cooked beef, uh baitn; April, .Inne, September and October be>t; 
 LoteJH .t^l..")(i to ^2 p. d.; boatH can be ha<l. The cattlnh run larnf. 
 Oaiubier (Several i'. r. ) -KokonintJ r. ', m.; b. b., rock basH and Hunt^Hli; b. 1). 
 mo- 1 :iliiiii(|ant ; worm and minnow bait«: May. .lune, August an<l September liei-t; 
 hotel .rl p. d.; baitian be easily procured. St>nio ^ood hized b. b. are cauniit 
 Oeaiiffa Iiake |N. Y. I', .v o. see pa^e XII)— OeauKa 1. ', m.; .Vurora p. •.' ni.: 
 about alike: 1. m. b. b. and cattiNh principally: miniiosv bait: hotel #°J p. d,: boatH 
 can b(t had. but no bait. 
 Geneva 1 1., s. \ M. S.)— Lake !',rie 4'. m.: (irami r. l in.; tirnt bent: pike, ina.-^- 
 caloii;:! , I e.'i'li and bas^; pike iiio^l numeioiis: minnowH are uhiuiI bait: .luiie .ind 
 .Inly lie>l; hotel at I'ea onable pi'iee: boat ami bait T.'ic p. d. .Some tine Hpec'iliii lis 
 (^f masealoiii^e have been taken in (irandr. and under favorable condition> a t.iir 
 number of ihesi' tiwh can bo taken. 
 Georgrelbville ( 1 . 1*. -V; W.) — IMa Darby and Little I'arby jxinds, at Ht«tion: both 
 Uooil; li. b., catti.-^li and jiiKe; blaiK bass most numerous: minnows and tlies \isiial 
 bait ; spriiii,' an<l fall months best: boarding' houses at j^lt.'iu to :?4 p. w. 
 OraySon(L H. \ W.)— Silv('r 1. 4 m.; (ireat Miami r. '2 in.; Troy Hydraulic 1. 4 
 in.: Lo.^t cr. I in.. Dyesp. :tm.: Miami r. and Hydraulic 1. ln'st: black and ro.'k 
 bass, jiike, jierch. ciopiiies. catltsh, etc.; bass ami cattish most numerous; bait — 
 live bait, crav lish and minnows- tall months best: hotel at Troy, 4 m. from slatioir. 
 boats and baits to be had at iiominai cost, (iood tishiiin reiiorted. 
 Hartville i<'ounotton V.i— (!ouKrex:^ 1. iicafHtation: b. b., perch, wpeekled ba>-:, 
 Urass )jiUe, suiilish, etc. : perch and suntish most numerous: aiif^le. Hand-worms, 
 |j;nibs and minnowH as baits; May and June best; hotel at reasonable price: b"at 
 und bait ;i."c p. d. 
 Henley (*'. 'V E.j-Scioto IJrush cr.; nood ttHhinn to be had for a diHtauce of 1" 
 111.. commenciuK at ;liis station and extt-udinn to where th<> creek emj)tieH into the 
 Scioto r.: ■', to 1 m. distant r(ui -iidered tiie best point; i)ike, pike-perch, bluccat, 
 white ))erch, speckled bass, (sti'awbi-rry ) etc.: blue catlish are most abnndaiit: 
 minnow, worm and f^rasshoiiper baits; May and June best; no hotels, ]iait:is 
 t;enetally camp out; guides not needed. A favorite ground with the Portsnioiitli, 
 O., aii;;lers. 
 Kig'ginsport (Via Ohio r. Pteainers.) — Ohio r. near town; White Oak cr. ',. tu !•"> 
 in.: .Sttainht ir. ."> m.: White Oak cr. best: b. b., "salmon" (pike-iierch), chaniul 
 cattish, etc.; b. b. most .imnerous: live niiniiows ]irincipal bait; hotel ^4 \>, w.; 
 niinnowH .f 1 p. ItJU. Addit-ss tln^ Seth tireeii Club of Hif,'^'insi)ort. O. the members 
 of which know the best grounds and will cheerfully aid the visiting angler. 
 Hudson (Several r. r.) — Nortliami)toii 1. 4 '3 m.: Silver 1. 5 m.; Twin I's 5 111.: 
 Stewart 1. 4 '^ m.: Mud br. 1 '.j m.; Stewart and Northampton I's best; b. b. and 
 jiercli: minnow, helgraiiiiles and woiin bait: August and September bi'st; accoiij- 
 niodatious can be readily procured. Experienced anglers get fair tishiug from thi-e 
 Hlintsville (I. B. & W.)— Lewistou Ueservolr, Silver 1., Ulack 1., Twin I's, Kush- 
miTKn htateh and Canada. 
 I'lWk 1., Doke 1., Pohhuui 1.. I»iirk 1. mid WilliHiuH ji.: two flrHt b«»t; h. b., p^rch, 
 •niiti-li. <'t<'.". 1. III. ^1. !'• ill tlif rcBcrviiii' iiml h. hi. li. li. in Silver I.; HpmniM, min- 
 iii'W'. tlirM. wiii'iiiH. Hull or frcfh ineut iih biiilH; .Vpril, .May, .St'iitciiibcr, Octoln-r auil 
 S,.v. iiilitr bt-Mf, botclH f l.TM) to $2,50 II. (1.: jfuiilcH ciwtil.v iiroriirwl at 11. ."iO to f'^ 
 |,. (!., lioatM aiwl bait .^i- to $1 p. d. The rcnervoir contttiuM ei>{ht varietioB of tinh 
 luil 'li' tiHbiu|.( Ih ^(Kul, HM in uImo the Hliootiu){ (liinu(( the proper aeaaou. 
 Euron (I- H. A: M. .s.i— Lako Erie 1 m.: Hiirou r. lu-ur Mtation; b. b., pik»\ piok- 
 irel. I'tc; uot much aut(liUK an a spurt, but a i^reat deal of market DHbiiiK iloiio 
 Xillbnok (C Mt. V. \- I>.)— KilUmck cr. near; jiikr, h. b.. oatlinb, cti-.; 
 wnriii ami luimiow buitn; Hiiiiiiiier hciimoii bc-^t; IioIcIh iit very rt-a.^oiiabli' prices; 
 liciHt-- rlu-iip. Then- Im ^uoil flHliiun rcportid. i'«iit'i-iully at IXiiu-aii'H .Mill. l»ik^> 
 IjttM I II cautiht iu the cr. wiiyhijij; up to ;u Ibw. 
 Lancaster (C. H. V, fc T.) — Licking Rfnt-rvoir i") jii.; l»a«H. perch kikI Hunnxh: 
 Miiih-li nioHt iiiiineroiiH; worm ami miiiiiow baitM; May and .hine bcHt; hotel $'i ]>. d.i 
 i.'iiii|' t1.''>*' p. d., iiududin^ boat and bait; minnows cont 'J*>c p. do/. 
 Leavittsburg* (N Y. 1'. \ o. See pa^e XII.)— MttboniiiK r. ', m.; 1. and h. m. 
 I., Ii . pike, jiike iK'Pch. iiiHscaloiine. redliorse, etc.; bass most iiumerous: niiiinow 
 .iiiil "orm l>aits: .Mine and Sejitember liest; hotels at reasonable prices; boats and 
 liait ill low rates. 
 Lowellville d' A: L. K. )— Mahoninfj r. near station; b. b., piko, perch, <attisli 
 it(,: bass most ii))unflant: miii:i<:ws, crabs, helKi-aniites. etc. used; May. .lime, 
 Siitiiiiber and (ti-lidier best; hotel ;fl p. d. ; guides, boats and baits at low rates. 
 The best tishiiit.' uroimds (which are ^'ood) are below the dam m ar station; at 'J m. 
 aliiivi' dam at head of Slack water, and '.! m. below dam at (^luikertown "ritHe." 
 Uarletta l<". W, .v B. ami »'. .V M.i -Marietta Island on the Ohio r. ;Pj in.; b. b., 
 like, pike-perch (Iccally salmon i and carp; bass and salmon most niimeroiin; worm 
 ,iiiil minnow baits; latter jiait of .Inly to November best; hotels .rl to .*l.."iU p. (1.; 
 l.'ut- .'lOc ti. 7.">c p. d.; bait cheap. The island is a favorite campiiitj tjroiind. 
 Mechanicsbnrg' (Several r. r.)— Hakt'i-s 1. '. m.; Lapham's 1. '1 m.; |{rn>li 1. I'l'^ 
 111.; hiirby cr. ',, iii.; Lapham's 1. best; b. b., rock bass ami siinlish; minnows, 
 W..I1IIS. t;rasshoppers, sjioons and tiies of all kinds; .\pril. .May, .Inne, Septenil>er 
 ih>\ 111 toiler best: hotels f I p. d.; ti"ide with boat $'i p. d.: boat Tmic p. d.; 
 Middletown (•'. H. \ D.i— Hiu Miami r. 'j m.; b. b., (ierman car]!, cattisli. etc.; 
 :.;ir>. ,iud cattish most inimeroiis; crayfish, minnows and worms «s ba.ts; May, 
 liiiii. September. Dctolier and November best: hotels .*lto if-jji. d.; bait can be 
 Ltaiiied by catching it. There is e.\cellt.'nt tlshiu^' for b. b. at uit island about '^ 
 III. til 111 station. 
 Minerva (Couiiottou V.)— Sandy cr. near station; Still Fork WattM-s ', m.; last 
 Test; perch, bass and cattisli; i>erch and bass most niimeroiis; minnow bait; May, 
 lillii . .Vilu'ist and September best; hotels; :^l..">ti to .-j'J p. d.; bait can be obtained. 
 Mogadore (Connotton V.)— Hills p. Vjiii.: P'ritcheVl. 2'. m.; HpriuKrteld 1. '.\ 
 :i. ; hist best; b b., snnfish. iierch, etc . ; suntish most abundant; minnow tiait 
 I'l'ba^s. worms for otlu'rs; May, .June ami .July best; hotel .■rl..")Op. d.; boats and 
 'i.iit iriisonable. 
 New Comerstown (<'. .V M.)— Tuscarawas r. 1 m.; dliio Canal; lirst best; cat- 
 :.~h. bass and ••saliiioii ' ( pike-jiercli i; bass and salmon mot niiiiierous; li\er and 
 iiiuiK'Ws as liaits; March, April, May, i>ct., Nov. and Jiei'eiiiber best; hotels $1 and 
 •rl..'>ii ]>. d.: bciat.s eau be had. 
 IT. Lewisbiirgf (N. Y. P. .^ (». See ymii; XII'— Darby cr. ■> m.; b. b. principally; 
 iiiiiii'W bait: Ma>, June, Sei)teiiilier and October best; hotel at n'asonaVde 
 I* li 
 Oak Harbor (^V. A: L. H)— Porta^'e r. at station; Lake Erii- \-> in.; first best; b. 
 t'., pikf-. wbitt? bass and riiij,' perch; riut,' perch and Sayo (?) liass most iiuiiierouH; 
 (.'ills uf perch and minnows as baits; .\pril, May, September and October best; 
 biitcls $1.50 p. d.; (.guides f'J p. d.; boat and bait '><h; )>. d. (rood fishing; re- 
 Oxford (<"'. H. & D.)— Four Mile cr. 1'^ ni.; b. b., rock bass, and iMiarse fish; niin- 
 liiw. worm, jirasshopiier and crayfish baits: .\pril. May, .July and .\u>,'ust liesf: the 
 twu latter for bass; hotels at ordinary prices; bait can easily be had. The Ashing 
 hciv is very uncertaiu, yet at times fair scorcH are made of b. b. witli the live min- 
 PsrryabnriT t' ^^- '"^ l')— -Mnuimi' r. mar HUtimi: iionli, )>. 1i., HiiiiflHli, . .itOith 
 c-tt-.; )i*-rcli iiioHt aliiiudaiit; wurui aud luiuuow baitH; hotfl |U ^i. cl.; Ixiut- aud 
 bait call bu procured. 
 Port Clinton |L. H. k M. H.)— Lak« Eri«4 nuar HtHtion; Put-in-I)uy lo m. diNUint ii 
 the brHt puiiit; b. b.; iitiniiow bait; Juiiu iiiid Oi'ti.licr bi-Ht; hutidx $'J p. d., lioaU 
 l<»i- \>. d. ^S<•c Sttudiiskj, Ohio. 
 Mcioto r. 3 111.; luMt l«'Mt; buMs jirju- 
 Powell (<". H. V. .V T.)— Whi'tHtoiio r. I', in.; 
 filially ; .liiii*; aud July bcrit luoutliH. 
 Pr««ton (<'b'i • >v .Atl.)— LfwiHtowM HcHcrvoir 14 in.; Scioto MarHli 4 m ; ttr»t 
 bent; |ifrcb, black and rock buHH, catUnh ctt^'.; rock baMH nioHt iiuiitfroiiH; woiin itii,| 
 uiiiinow baitu; April, May aud Juuu bvMt; gulden ciui bu bad; boatit 20c tn |i 
 p. d. 
 KadoliiTs (<^. H. V. k T.)— Hin Raccoon or. 1 m.: piko, perch, whitoflHli, nnti»h 
 i-tc; iiiiiiiioWH UH ImitH iiioHtly; July aud .\ii»(UHt bcHt; Lott-lH i'-i.itO p. w.; Kuidcx at 
 little or no coHt; iiiinuowH Ic ciK'li; boiitH not needed. The cnttiHli run \\;rnv from 
 M to J") 11)8; the pike art) troiu 2 to c teet ill leu^tb. Our coiTcHpoudeut reporti' 
 ^ood tiHiiiug, aud uddH "turtluH aro pluutiful wuighiug fruui 5 tu Ou Ibu. ' 
 Sandusky (Heveial r. r.l— HaudUHky Bay; Ijike Plrie; Middle Ban Inland, I't. IV- 
 lee iHlaud, Kidly'n Inland and I'lit-iu-liay Inland; I't. I'eleo Inland bent; b. h., iiiilj. 
 «>i'el and {like; b. b. iiiont ubuiidunt; ^rt. tiien, iiiiiiiiown aud npoonn used' .May l.'ito 
 June 15 aud Sept. 10 to October 31 bent; boteln # " to $'.i.iV) p. d. ; ({ilide $'J ii. il. ainl 
 board; boatn Toe p. d. The ttnhiug here in very tine. Steauiern ply regularly dur- 
 iu);; tUe tlnbiug neanuu betwuuu iSauduHky aud the above uauicd poiutn. 
 Spencervill* (Cbic. k Atl.) — IteHervoir 14 ui. dintant; basn aud pen h priiicipiilly; 
 unual baitn aud neunoun; botelH |1.3Up. d.; boatn autl baitn very rcaiiouabk'. 
 St. Clairsvllle (!*<t. C.i— Big McMabou 4 ui.: two Little McMabou 1 lu.; Imlian. 
 Wheelin|{ cr. :i in.; tlie lant lient; b. b. are > augbt iu all of them, luontl;' with livt- 
 uiiiiuoWH. Uood tinhiug all through the nuuiuier; hoteln |'i p. d.. uo guides; u>j 
 Thomport (('. k K.)— Licking Reservoir 1 in.; b. b., pike, cattlnh, suullHh, <t. . 
 buns Mild Huuhnli most abuiidaiit; April to October bent; hoteln and guides M'r\ 
 reasonable; boatn uud bait cheap, (iuud tlHhiug reported, aud good duck nhtMitiii^ 
 iu the fall. 
 Tillln (Several r. r.) — .Saiidunky r. and Henry cr. near by; s. ni. b. b., piki. 
 uiancaloug*; (a few) and rock bann; a good tlnhing grouud; baitn, live uiiuuow ttii>l 
 craytlnli, which are plentiful. There in good tinhiug down the r. to Freujuiit lii 
 m., where the nport coiitiuuen good, especially iu (ireen cr. .5 m. below the lattrr 
 place, where the bent b. b. tlnbiug iu Ohio in naid to be had. .See TiiK .\mkkI( an 
 i.KU, vol. Ill, pagelXio. The npriug aud fall muuthHare beat; hoteU $2 p. d.; guuk:- 
 uot ueeded; luiuuows 75c p. lUO. 
 Toledo (Several r. ro— Mauiuee r.; Ottawa r.; flshiug groiluds within 4 m.; 
 Ottawa r. bent; b. b., pike, rock bann, perch, cattlnh (3 varietien), Huutinh, ctf.; 
 perch aud pike mont abundant; minnows, spooiin aud woruin are used; May, .luiu'; 
 .s«'ptemi)er, October and November be,<t; hoteln $vi to $3 p. d.; no guide in i(ic.i; 
 boatn 50c p. d.; H p. 100. for miuuown. I^ake Erie in 10 ui, diHtaut; Teu Mile cr. 4 
 lu.; the latter is said to give good fishiug. 
 Valley JTmction( W. & L. E. and C. A: M. )— One Leg cr. and Tuncarawan r. ', in.; 
 trout. pike-pe"ch. perch, b. b., etc; spring aud fall best; hotel |2 p. d.; no guide" 
 or boatn needed. 
 Vinton (C. H. V. & T.)— Raccoon cr. near station; pike, bass, sunflsh, catfl.tb, 
 etc.; cattlnh mont uumoroun; minnow aud worm baits; March, April, May and luin- 
 best; hotel if 3.50 p. w.; boats and bait at very low rates. The catfish here air the 
 channel Hsh aud ait^ much sought after by the local anglers. The best ground i-* 
 about 1 m. below the village at the continence of the Big aud Little Kaccoou (.r'l 
 but there is fair fishing all along the shores. 
 Watervllle (T. C. k St. L.) — Station p. 1 m., and the Rapids; the latter aro 4 in. 
 iu length aud pass iu front of the town; both are equal; black and rock banw. i>ike. 
 pickerel ana perch, the ttrst most abundant; ordinary baits used, aud May. (uiie. 
 July, Sept. aud Oct. are considered the best months; board $3 to |4 p. w.; '^u'uh- 
 uot ueeded; boats 10c to 25c p. h. 
 IxiHt; liaHH iiriD- 
 Wlckliff* (I-. s. A- M. S)— Lftk.' Kii. 1 m.; banH. hluo (piko-ponh). and nand 
 j)ik'' Hint iM-nh; hliif iiiid HHiid piko iiiii^t iiiiiinTinis, miiiUowH general bait: May, 
 Jiiuf uii>l He])ti;iiilirr licHt; uu regular iiotul lioif. 
 AniinKviATioNH— U. h,, Mack baHH; br.. brook; cr.. creek; I ni., lar^p nioutU; 
 ni., milt'; p., iioud; {). d.. pt-rduy; ji, w., per week; r. river ■. ni^ hihuU mouth; 
 itr,, Htri-aui; w., week; 1. lake. 
 „'arawaa r. '^ m.. 
 ). d.; no gukU'i 
 Albany (Or. At C.) Willametto, Califorjiia and Santlam r's. TI:oiiiaH and Soap or'n; 
 thf Suntittui Ih the boHt water; trout and rliub; bailH, Halniun c^m". wornm and 
 art. llit'H; Aug. and Sept. bc«t nionthH; liutclH ,f I p. d.; bouts and baitn frt'c Tho 
 stn MUiH of the CaHcadi" Mountains wliirf tiicic Im uh ^'uod tUliinn hh ciin be found on 
 thf North I'aciflc coaHi are only haU' a du\'n ride fnnu .Albany . 
 Almaden (Or. A ('.) Widfcr. near station; mountain aiul Miilnion trout, trout 
 mo.-t nunieroUH; art rtien. ^ranHbopperM and meat iiHi'al baitM; April, May, and .June 
 Iivh;, UutelH |1. p, d. Ciood tlshing. 
 Alta(()r. & O— Grave er, *, ni.: BirniHtone cr. near Htation; tlio former Ih beHt; 
 usuul baitH, »rt. flicB, worniH, Halnion eggw; May, June ^nd July lu fit monthM. 
 Anhland (Or. k C.) Dead Indian r. 14 mile; Sieuoer cr, 45 ni.; Keene cr. Vi m.; 
 all have ROtxl trout fiHhing, ttien and woruiM local )>aitM. June best month; ImtelM |l. 
 p, d.; other chargub not reported. 
 Astoria \0. R. k N. O.)— Cluskanine r.; Lewis and Clark r. Tim.; (irays r., JO m.; 
 Beur cr. 8 m.; VoungH r. la.; Nccamcuni r. 'iti m.; about alike; mountain (jr brouU 
 trout and salmon trout; first named moHt abu'idant, tlies, Halmon cggH, 
 Iiern, womiHetc,, as baitH; J\ine, July, August and September bent for brook trout, 
 and September and OctoV)er for Haliuon trout; hotel at Necamcum r., btithave to 
 take provihiouH to the other places; small steamers at $10 to f 15 p. d, can be had. 
 (idod streams. Dally strainer from Portland land passengers by small boat; ac- 
 cummodatious at farm housed. Later in seafou good tlshing higher up streams. 
 Aurora (Or. &C.)— Pudding r. and Mill cr, nearby; Pudding r. the best water, 
 truiitand chub; the latter predominates; baits — beef, crayfish, antl salmon eggs; 
 bcHt months, March and April; hotels $1.50 p. d.; no guides needed; there are quite 
 a iiumber of local anglers who fish the Pudding r. and the fishing is probably good 
 although we have no definite report of its quality. 
 Barlow (Or. A: C.)— Pudding r. ,', m. ; Molalla r. '4 m.; Molalla the best water; 
 trout and chub, the former most plentiful; baits — salmon ei'gs and worms; April 
 itud May best months; hotels |1 to $'2 p, d.; boats and guides not needed. K.\cel- 
 lent trout finhing in the first part of the season. 
 Bonneville (O.R. k N.C.) Columbiar. nearstation, salmon, sturgeon, "steel head" 
 and "silver sides"; salmon and sturgeon most abundant; wheels au>l nets used 
 mostly; June and July best. 15 miles over the mountains on the other side of the 
 rauge there are good fishing waters which are also reached from Oregon City. 
 Eagle cp.l m.; Tanna cr, 3 m.; Pine cr. 4.; June best month for them. 
 Canby (Or. &C.)Molallar. >j m.;Mllkcr. 3 ni.; both good; trout and chub; the 
 former most plentiful; baits salmon eggs and art, flies; April and May best months; 
 hotel b(1 p. d.; guides $3 p. d. 
 Columbia (N. P,)— Columbiar. »a m.; Milton cr. 3 m.; Tide cr. 4 m.. last best 
 for trout; salmon, salmon trout and mountain trout are found: salmon and smelt most 
 uunierous; wonas flies and salmon eggs as baits; June and July best; hotel $1,50 
 p. d.; the salmon are only taken in nets and our correspondent writes that they 
 will not taUe bait of any kind In the above waters. There is a deep pool In cr. (iwt 
 yards from station where trout can be caught by the dozen. 
 Comstock (Or. & C.)— Pass cr. near station; mountain trout principally; grasa- 
 lioppors and worms as bait; summer best season; hotel $1 p. d.; guides $1 p. d, 
 and board; bait free. 
 Corvallis (O. R. & N. C. and Or. k C.)— Mary r. '4 m.; Oak cr. 1 m,; Willametto 
 r.; lirst best; trout, chub etc.; trout most numerous: tly baits; June and July beit; 
 liotels $1 to $2 p. (1. ; boats and bait at small cost. There are many small stream* 
 ne;ir town that contain "reat numbers of trout. 
 Cotta^fe Orove (Or. k C.)—Coant fork of AVillijiuetter. east and west forks, one 
 at Btatioii, t)ie other IhI 111. diHtaiit; eant fork liest; trout; grasshoiiperH and art. 
 flieH AH liait; Kiiring, Hiinimcr and fall best; hoteln $1 p. d. Good liKhiug and Lunt- 
 iuy ii: 'hiti nectiou. 
 Dalles ((>, R. A: N. r.) f'olnmbia r., Miller., 8 Mile cr. a»id 15 Mile or.: the two 
 last named best for trout: tront And salmon are tbe vaiieties found; ^'I■ub worme 
 and nalmon rue are the usual baits; Ajiril, May and June best; hotels $2 i. d.; 
 boats f 1 p. d. 
 Silley's (Or. kC .) — Tualatin r., Scopgins and Gale's cr. within ^^ to 2 m.; the 
 lat'er the best water; salmon, trout and chubs: the mountain trout most nunu'i'miB; 
 baits- salmon engs, worms, art. Uior and (jraseliopperH; April and May best iiiDiitli!.: 
 board !it farm lioUHCs (no hotel) reasonable; no guides or boats needed; baits— 
 grassLojtpers — nominal jirice, Fishing good. 
 Drain (Or. k (".)— Pasp cr. and Elk cr. nin through village; I'mpque r. ]."> lu,; 
 Siiiitl) r. VI III.; Siiislaw r. (headwaters) 14 m,; Smith r. liest; trout, chub, etc.: trmn 
 most abundant; wor: .s, grasshoppers, etc., as baits; June, July, August and part i.f 
 .September best; hotels $1 to $1.50 p. d. Several other small streams near by that 
 yield numerous but small trout. 
 Porest Grove (Or. & C.)— Creeks are— Gales, Dairy, Scoggins, distant fi and lo 
 m.; Gales cr. best; trotit and chub; the former most numerous; baits — salnmri 
 eggs, and art. flies; summer mon.hs are best: guides $H to $<> p. d.; hotels roasdii- 
 Olendale(0r. &(\) Cower, '., m.; trout and salmon trout; trout most uunur- 
 ous; flies and all kind of meat baits; June, July and .\ugust best; hotel $1 p. d.; 
 boats not required; bait at reasonable expense. A good stream. 
 Gold Hill (O. k C. ) Rogue r. at station; Butte cr. 20 m. ; both very fine. Trout 
 and salmoti trout in former; trout principtilly iti liitier. June- best for trout: .\ugnHt 
 Sept. aridOct. f(U' sahiion trout; June, Jul\ ,tiid .\ug. bfst in liiittiMT. Caniiiint; 
 and fuini houses at Butte cr.; hottds at Gold Hill $2 p. d.; no guides or buatb 
 needed. Rogue r. is reported as the best trout water on the Pacific Coast 
 Grants Pass (Or. A: C.) Rogue r. 'j m.; .\piilegate r. .5 m.; the lirst is the best; 
 trotit; grasshoppers, art. tiies and salmon eggs; May. June and July best months. 
 Good fishing; hot(d at Gold River (which see) at f 1 p. d. 
 Halsey (Or. A: C.) Willamette and Calapooya r. .'i m. ; the latter the best: trout 
 and chubs, th(' former most idcntiful; baits — art. fiics and worms; June the I'cst 
 month; no guides needed; hotels reasonable; boats low price. 
 Karrisburg* (Or. & C. ) — Willamette r. dose by: trout and chub; thfi latter most 
 numerous; art. flics, meat and woi'ius; May, Juiu- and July; hotels f7 p. w.; guiik-s 
 $2 to i'i p. d. iiiciudint' boat. 
 Hillsboro (Or. & C.) Archbold's cr. 8 m.: Derry cr. 20 m.; the latter best; trout; 
 flies aiul salmon eggs as bait; May, June and July best month:'*; guides with teaiug 
 }3to $r)p. d. 
 Irvingf (Or, k ('.)— Clear Lake 2'.^ m.; Willamette r. .T m.: Willam-jttf r.. bent.; 
 tr;iut and chuVi: grasshoppers and art. flies; hotels Jl; boats and baitatlow charges; 
 not much fishing done. 
 Jefferson (Or. & C.)— Santiam and Maine r., 1 to ri m. ; North fork of Santinra 
 best watir; trout and chubs; trout plentiful: art. Hies, worms etc.; liot(ds 
 f 2 p. d.; no guides; boats can be borrowed. A good ground and little fishing is 
 La Grande (O. R. A: N. C.)— Grande Ronde r. 1 m.; Rock cr. 8 m.; last best:- 
 mountaiu trout in Rock cr. and salmon trout in v. -. salmon troutare most abunduiit: 
 million rt)e and grasshoppers as baits: spring and early summer best; hotels $1 ii. 
 d.; boats not required; bait without cost. Livery charges |3 to $5 per day . 
 Lebanon (Or. & O— Santiam r, and tributaries: of the latter Crabtree Creek i.' 
 the best: tr<nit and chubs; the fust most plentiful: salmon eggs, worms and .'irt, 
 flies: best months June, July and .Aug : hotels #l..">Oaiid .*2 ji. d.; magnificent i.iko 
 fishing in Cascade Mountains (io m. : guides, boats and baits reasonable. Within t'l" 
 to 80 m. to the eastward ii numlier of lakes abound in fish. Fish, Clear ami Blue 
 lakes, and Matolis river are the most noted waters. Bear, elk and deer are found 
 in this eectiou. 
 McMixmville (Or. k r.)— Thf> watorK a-e; St. .loo, WhitPH -j m.: South and North 
 Yftuihill, Cozino cr., Baker i-r.; Taiithor cr.. Saxt's Ditch; the beHt are Itaker i r., and 
 saxi's Hitrh. Trout; baite, woriuH and art. flicN: May and June best mouths; no 
 ^.niulis; hotel charges not reported; bouts and baits can be had. 
 Medford (Or. k C.)— Bear cr. near by. Trout; May and June best months; ht tel 
 jj p. d. See Phoenix, OrcRou. 
 Millers (Or. k C.)— Willamette r. l,ij m.; Santiam r. 2 m.; Santiam best: trout, 
 ami (hubs; art. flicH and fresh meats; April, Mav and June; no hotels, guides or 
 Milwaukee (Or. & ('.)—KellonK and Johnsons cr., and Willamette r. nearby; 
 tr<'Ut in the greatest nuuiberw; nalnion epgs and worms the usual baits; hotels 
 flp. .1. 
 Myrtle Creek (Or. .^- r.)— Myrtle ir. 20 m.; mountain troiU; art. flies, worms 
 Riiil ^rasHhopiterh as baits; hotels 11.50 p. d.; boats not needed, wading is done; 
 a>liiiib' iiood in April, May and June. 
 New Era (Or. .S: <'.)— Parmt and Beaver cr's, ', m.; Willamette r. at station; the 
 ;wn fdrnier best; trout: salmon enf,'fi, worms, grasshoppers and art. tlies as baits; 
 hist nuiuths, April, May and June; hotels, boats and baits reasonable; guides not 
 Oakland (Or. ^- 0.)— North Umjiqua r. 12 m.; Calapooya cr. near statiou; first 
 !t-t: tront and salmon trout, tlie first jiredominatijig: grasshoppers and fly hooks 
 UMil. For trout, .Vpril, May and Jiuie, and tor salmon trout, during the run, gen- 
 erally in October, scmetimes earlier. 
 Parkers (Or. & C.) — Vhe report from this station comes in the following f^arb; 
 ■Tlie best way to catch trout is on a string, and the best bait is silver or green- 
 l)acks. The best way to ',,unt salmon is in the sjiriug of the year when they go up 
 on the hills to browse on fir buds, to take a good breech- loading shot gun and 
 bhnot them on the wing. I do not know iimch about catchin^r chubs, but the best 
 way to bait for suckers is to use a bottle of chain lightning. It will t^et them 
 ivcry time. Our local anglers have gone to Washington. D. C. The tallest ones 
 arc trying- to gel into Cleveland's cabinet, and tlu' common sizcil ones, will get 
 mtii iiuything they can. Their favorite grounds are around the Treasury Build- 
 iUK', as long as it lasts. In conclusion i will say that there is no good fishing around 
 Lore . 
 Pentlleton (O. It. & N. ('.)— McKay cr. 2 m.; Birch cr. 4 m.; Umatilla r. '4 m.; 
 last ))est; mountain trout; fly and salmon tly baits: June to Octolier inclusive best; 
 lintel :?2 p. d.: piuide $5 p. d. 'iiie trout are e.xceedinglj abundant, and largo num- 
 I'lrs can be caught in a few hours. 
 Phoenix (Or. i^ r.) — Bearer. ';. m.: salmon trout and trout; baits — salmon eggs 
 for trout (tlies not used by local anglers), hotels charges ^l-i^U p. d.; guides aud 
 boats not needed. Salmon trout more numerous in October. 
 Riddle's (Or. \ ('.)—Koutli Uinpqua r. 1 m.; Middle <t. Id m.; last best; trout; 
 t.'ra>slioppers and art. flies used; July aud August best; no hotels; guides can he had 
 .It r- p. d. 
 Roseburg" (Or. it C,)— South Umpci-ia r. near statiin: North Umpipia r. .Tm.; 
 last liest: mountain and salniou trout; salmon eggs .iiid grasshoppers as baits; 
 l.otils $1..50 to $2 p. d., or J.",.'i) to ifU.oU p. w .; no guides or boats needed; bait at 
 very little cost. See Oakland. 
 Salem (O. R. & N. C. and »>r. k C.)— Willamette r at station; Rantiam r. I.T m.; 
 Silver cr., 10 m,; Sautian: r. bist; in Santiam r. and Silvercr. trout are tin principal 
 Ush: in Willamette r. are chubs, suckers and a few trout; art. tlies aud grasshop- 
 I'Orsaie usual baits; spring, summer aud fall arc best; hotds $1 to $:i p. d.: ;,'iiiilP8 
 aiul boats not recjuired, baitcheao. Trask r. -HMn. distance (good roads) is an ex- 
 ii'lleut water for fly casting, and the trout range from 1 toil lbs. The tributaries of 
 the Santiam r. are famous for their trout fishing. Tlie Trask is a prime stream; is 
 •^t ached bc'st from west sido div. of Or. A: C, via St. Joe. 
 St. Joseph (Or. & C.)— Trask r. 40 m., Big and Little Truckee r's; trout; June, 
 .bil.\ aud .\ugust best months; art. flies used. For the niouutaiu fishing this is a 
 (.'"Oil point to make arrangements for teams, guides, etc. 
 Silver (Or. A- ' .)— Luckiamite r. and Pedee cr. adjacent, the former bp«t; 
 tf lit, flies and worms aa bait; May the best mouth; camping necessary, no 
 lietels. , 
 ' JiM'i 
 Wilbur (Or. A: C.)— Umpqiia r. 2'i m.; trout and Hahiioii; July aud August 
 Oue of tLo bcHt HtreiiniH iu the Htate; accommodation at farm houHcn excellent at Ji 
 p. d. 
 Woodville (Or. i^ (".)— RoRuo r. and EvanH or. '., ni.: the r. is bpst; trout: art 
 flieH aud granhhoiiijers uro used, tinhiuy good all through the Hummer; hotelo $1 i 
 d.; no gnideH or boatn needed. .See Gold Hill. 
 black baHH; br., brook; cr., creek: !,, lake; 1. ni 
 AnBRE^^ATIO^•s— I), h 
 mouth; m., mile; p., pond: p. d., per day; p. w 
 mouth; str., Htream; w., week. 
 per week; r 
 river; h. m., small 
 Aiken (B. B. & K.)— Panther run 3', m.; Wolf run 1 m.; Minard run t m.; Lewis 
 run 2 m.; Panther and I.ewiH bewt; trout are taken here; white grubw UHcd princip- 
 ally; hotel chargeH reawonable. 
 Ararat Summit (N. Y. L. E. k W.)— Fiddle 1. 3 ni.: Dunn'H p. 3 ni.; Mud p. i, 
 m.; about alike; perch, pickerel etc.; usual bait— worniH, summer mouths bt>t' 
 hotels |2 to $3 p. d.; boat.s and bait.s can be had cheap. 
 Avondale (Penna. R.)—Braudywine cr. near station; ChaddK Ford; Su.tfiuelian 
 na r.; Octorara cr. ; 8us(iuehauna r. bent, l)Ut Brandy wine cr. vjood aud iniproviui;, 
 b. b., striped bass, Susquehanna salmon (wall-eyed i)ike). suniish, perdi etc.; l.i>> 
 most abundant; minnows, worms, frogs, tadpoles, grasshoppers, helgramites aii 1 
 art. flies used; June to October inclusive; hotels or boarding accommodations -au 
 be ouud; guidei- at Kowlandsville on the Husquehauna at |3 p. d.; boats and baits 
 can be procured. 
 Beach Haven (D. I.. & W.) — Susquehanna r. and Peuna. Canal; first best; b. b.; 
 yellow salnioii (pike perch), etc.; b. b. most abundant; minnows, crabs (crayfish), 
 and lamprey eels as baits; July, August and .September best; hotel $1.50 p. d,; 
 guide $3 p. "d.; boat .'jOc. p. d.; bait $1 p. 100- 
 Bear Iiake (N. Y. P. & O. K. See page XII)— Brokenetraw cr. and Bear 1. 1!^ m.; 
 last beet; bass, bullheads etc., and a few trout in Brokenstraw cr.; bass most 
 numerous in the 1.; minnow bait; May. June aud July best; hotel $1 p. d, ; boats 
 10c p. h. 
 Beaver (P. *: L. E.)— Beaver r. '4 m.; Ohio r. '4 m.; first best; b. b.; salmDii 
 <pike-perch) and perch; minnow baits; April, May, June aud September best, hutol 
 $2 p. d.; boats not needed. 
 Beech Creek (Penna. r.)— West Branch of Big Run; East Branch of Big linn; 
 Eddy Run; trout; worms usual bait; May and June best; hotel |1.50 i). d.; guides }■> 
 p. d. : boats imnecessary; bait plenty. There are some other streams accessible and 
 all reported aa being excellent for trout fishing, 
 Bellefonte (Penna. r.)— Spring cr. and Logans Branch within ', m.; Bald Ea«le 
 cr. 2 m. aud mountain streams within moderate distances: trout, b. b., fall tiiili 
 etc.; art. flies and ordinary bait used; all months not prohibitod by law are goud; 
 hotels 11 to |2 p. d.; no boats required. 
 Berwick (D. L. i^ W.)— Susquehanna r. near station; Stackhouse ]). 3 m.; first 
 best; b. b., pike, perch, salmon (pike-perch), sunflsh etc.; b. b. most abiindaut: 
 live fish and art. baits used; August, September and October best; hotels $1..">|> p. 
 d.; boats and bait at cheap rates. There are other x)onds within 5 and 15 m. that 
 yield fair fishing. 
 Bethlehem (Leh. V. See page VI)— The Lehigh r. at this point gives fair b. 1>. 
 and pike sport. Local anglers use the Ferguson tly for b. b. and live minnow tor 
 pickerel. There are three accessible trout streams from which some fish may bi' 
 caught. See The Ameuican Anijlku. Vol. Ill, p. 3t)2. 
 run 2,'a m.; latt.r 
 boats and guidi.s 
 Blackwells (C. C. & A.)— Pine and Babbs cr. 100 rods; Trout 
 best: trout; art. files and worms; April aiul May; hotels $1 p. d.; 
 not needed. Well fished. 
 Bloomshnrgf (D. L. & W.t — Susquehanna r. '^ m.; Fishing cr. 'j m.; about 
 alike; trout, b. u., etc., bass most plentiful; live bait principally; May best for 
 tn iiit, September and Oitober for Iikhh; hutelH $2 p. d., lioutu and Ijait at moderate 
 Bowman (P. iV; 14.) — Lthiftb v. '., ni.: Lizzie or. '^ ni.; lawt bent: trout, pike and 
 (lii:-!' tiwli, the latter predominating'; HieH for tro\it, worniM and Hpoon books for 
 (■tl]« rn; April and May bfnt: botel ^l.TiU j). d.; boatH not used, Htreamtt are waded. 
 Willi er. M m. dintaut, ih reported to be the ' st trout br. in Carbou county, iu 
 wLiiU bowman in located. 
 Brockwayville (H. \ P. See pape VI.)— Walburn run, Xortli Fork cr., Ilattle- 
 Miiil (• cr., .McCune br., Vineyard run, IJaKdad run, Hattlenuake brancli: Nortli Fork 
 iiii'l Mat^da<l run are the best: trout tlic principal lisb: worm bait: May and June 
 lit-i: liotelH f 1,50 p, d.; fiuideM $2 p. d,: boitw not needed; baits i)leutiful, Somo 
 til lit may also be cauubt in Jenkins run 1 '.^ m, distant, 
 Braddock (P. .V I., E,) — Mouon^^ahela r.; b, b., catlisli, etc.; V)ass most abund- 
 .iijt. minnow bait; May and Septembt-r best; hotel $1..')0 p, d,; boats "JSc p. h. 
 Bradford (N. Y.L. E. K W,)— Marilla br,; Jieinutt br.: Main stream of W. 
 liiaiiili of Tunegawant cr, ; the last best; a few brook trout here, but the principal 
 trout strt'ams have been spoiled by the influx of oil: .May and June best; bait.<, 
 .Mi'iiis, tlies and chubs; hotels $1 to i'^ ji. d.; boats and giiides not needed. 
 Bridgfewater (P. & L. E.) — Beaver r. 'a m.; Ohio r. I m.: first best; salmon, 
 liiKt-penhi, b. b., perch, etc,; bass and salmon most numerous; minnows as baits; 
 .^ji: il, -May, June and .September bi'st; hotel at reasonabU- rates. 
 Caninial (('. *'. A; A.) — I'ine cr. lu rods; :\Iill run ."i rods: Trout run 5 rods: Mil- 
 lii> run 1 'j m.; Slate run <i m.; trout and b. b.; usual baits: trout most numeniu.-^, 
 ;iH'i Mill run is best water for them, .V ^'reat nutny hsiiermen visit these waters iu 
 till rarly season and make (^ood scores; worms best in spring months. The season 
 la>t> from .■Vpril 1 to Aug. 1; private board $'d to ii p. w ; guides ^1 p, d.; boat.s 
 iinl needed. 
 CatawiFSa (D, I., i^W,) — Susquehanna r, lu-ar station; b, b, principally: min- 
 iiiius, craylish, small •atttsh and wiu'Uis as baits; .\u^'ust and September best; 
 lii'ti Is ami guides at reasonable prices; boats and bail at about i'J p, d. The best 
 t;i(Uii(l is ab(uit 1 m, below station. 
 Cedar Run (f. (". A: .\.)— JacoV)s run 'j m.. Trout run •Jm.. Cedar run '^ m.. 
 Ti'iit run best; ordinary baits; May and June best for trout; .\uu. for b, b. iu Piiu^ 
 rr lyitels :r 1 p,d.; boats and (,'uides not ueedeii SeeCammal. I'a. 
 Cliadds Ford tl'enna. r.) — Hrandywine cr, near station; b, b., suntish, etc.; 
 luinuow, crab, tadpole anil worm baits; hotels ;*1 to i^"J.."iO p. d, at Westchester, 7 
 III. 'li^tiint: bait can be had. Excellent b, b, flshint;, 
 Clianibersburg' (Cum. V. and W, M.) — Birch run, Iloiisac run, Soutii branch of 
 I .':H^•l)chea^'Ue <r. Ill m.: Welsii run, Pine run, (dve (iaj) run, 1(1 m.: I'alliut,' Sprinj^ 
 till.; Birch run and Falliu^; Spring best: b. I)., trout, carp, suntish. fall tisli, etc.: 
 lia>s and trout numerous; worms, miniiows, frog's, etc. as baits: .May and flune 
 h'-t for trout, SepteuiVier and October for ba^s: hotels ;fl to .^J p. d,: t,'uides at 
 hi' 'lirate char^^es; bait can be easily iibtained. 
 Cliickies(P. 'V 1!.)— Suscjuehannar. and Chickies cr.: about alike: b. b. jirinci- 
 , ;ill\ ; minnow baits; June, July and .Xutxust best; hotels at reasonable price: boats 
 (111 liaii sU p, d. 
 Clarion (P. A; W.) — Clarion r.: b. b. and salmon (pike-perch); minnow bait: Jui.i- 
 111 I Inly best; hotel #1,50 p, d. 
 Clerinont(l>. N. Y, .V; P.) — Instanter cr. and branches 1 m.; Potatoe cr. 4 m; tirst 
 '<■! trout: Worms as bait: .luneand July best; hotel at moderate rates; guides 
 tta-nnable; Ijoats, if needed, and bait can be had cheap, (iood trout waters, 
 Cochranton (N. Y,P. »V; O, see pajie XII) — French cr.: b. b., salmon (jiike-peri-h), 
 ; ;l.. .orli bass etc,: b. b., sain. on and coarse lisli most aliundant: live minnow, 
 :ii ;. and art, bails; July October , September and November best, hotels .■il.T.'i p.d; 
 li";(ts .")0c p, d,; bait easily secured. 
 Cold Spring* 'P. >V B.) — Cold sprinu 1. and Stouey cr. which empties into it '^ m: 
 :ii^; licst: trout, pike, pickerel, suntish etc.; trout and pickerel niost numerous; tly, 
 ^l''!!, chub and worm baits; hotel $'2.60 p, d,; guides and boats not needed. 
 Colleffeville (Perkiomen r. :— I'eikionien cr. ', m,; bass, sunlish, catlish, etc; 
 ilU'l l!lttij*ll Iii08t 
 IX lilts ."lOc 1-. il.; 
 ihlundis below tin. 
 niluuowH, flifH etc. aM baitw; July, Septfinber aud October best; hotel ut reasoualil. 
 l>rico; bdat.scmi bo Lad. (iood b, b. tiMbiu^. 
 Coltunbia (!'. «V: li. and I'tiiiiii. r.)— SiiMciuclianiia r. near Htation; 1). h., salmon 
 (jiikf-iii'icli), miiilihb, ru(kli«b (striiu'd banK), t'tc. ; 1). b., Malin:iii auil lattisli 
 imiuciijiiis; ciabH, laiiiiioWH, Lfl^raiiiiti'H and whiiiih as baitm May, Jnuf. .ml.s 
 UHtaud .SoiiteUibiT btht; botil ^l.l'i to !f2 j), d.; nuidcH $2 p. d ' 
 bait ii\). Ml. Tberi! in notid tisbiu^ for b. 1>. aiiion^' nuiiuTous 
 dam. tScf The A-mkuican Anulku, N'ul. IV, iij). 74. 
 CounellBVille (li. \' 0.|--Y(iu^'hio«liLiiy r. uear utatiou; lit ar iSun, M<( lintdt k..- 
 Kuii, JiUhi Jtiui; tti'Hi best lor b. !>., the creekH fur bi'ouk trout; b. 1). and binnk 
 trout are the priuciiml lihli; aiinuow bait tor bann, and woriiiH and HieH tor tiiMii. 
 Lotcd.'s ifVi.ou p. d.; bait tau be procured, liuth ba»H and trout run HUiall, but art 
 Haid to bu uiimeroUH. 
 Coudersport (<'. i^: r. A.) — Alle^bany r. (upper waters); Kettle cr. (East ami 
 Js'orth I'orkh); I'ine er. and Meist Branrli; Mornn Kun, Keedw linn, Nelson's liiiu. 
 Trout br., J' isliuiK i-r., l)in)4nian Hun, all w ithin a radius of 15 ni. ; tr ut iirJucitially; 
 Worm and tly baits; hotels at reasonaJ)le priees. The drivern of tlie teams are c'u. 
 tiiilered nood guides, and are generally employed aH HUfb by visiting anglers. Kx- 
 celleiit tlshiug rejiorted. 
 Danville (IJ. L. A; W.) — Suscjuehauna r. '4 m.; s. m. b. b. priucipall.'' ; Lelgrain- 
 ites, ("devil.-*" locally), minuows, crabs (crayfish) and frogH as baits; June to Stpt. 
 ember best; hotels I'Jp. d.; boats oOc p. d.; bait lOo p. do/.. 
 Fishing cr. and l;,it- 
 b. b. most abundant; 
 at reasonable priri>. 
 Dauphiu (I'. \ U.)— Susiitiehauua r., Stouey cr., ('larks cr. 
 tling Kun. tiist named best; b. b., salmon (pike-perch), etc. 
 live minnows as Ijaits; June, July and .Sei)teiuber; hotels 
 boats i^l.Ui p. d, 
 Delaware 'Water Gap (N. Y. S. A: W.)— Delaware r; ,\ m.; Aualomink v. '■ . in.: 
 Crystal 1. 'jUi.: Marshalls cr.; Delaware r. a:id Crystal 1. best.; b, b., pickeitl, 
 briiok trout, cimb etc.; li. b., stmtish, chubs etc. most numerous; worms, bogart>, 
 small lish, crickets etc. as baits; June, July and .August best: hotels at Jl.r>((to #'J..V, 
 J), d.; l)oats i")(»c to j^l p. d.; bait can be proctired. .See Thk .\mkiu( an .\N(iLKii, vol. 
 Ill, pp. '^17. A good b. b. and trout section. Bogarts are helgramites. 
 Delta (.Md. ('.)— Susquehanna r. 4 m.; Muddy cr.: Olivers run 1 m.; first li.>t; 
 ■l;ercli, b. b. aiul tront; bass in r. and trout in cr's: worms as baits: sjiring moiitli.H 
 Ik st for tioul; hotel, boats alul bait at reasonable prices. 
 Dingniaii's Ferry (N. V. L. K. A: \V. to I'ort Jenis theiu'e by stage.) — .\nniiil><M- 
 of excellent trout stieams a'e in this vicitiity. 'Iheie are seveial hotels at fair 
 j)rices: guides not needed; livery charges moderate. This troufing section is visit- 
 ed by larue numbers of N. V. and Phila. city anglers, but a fairly good basket can 
 be made l)y an expert up to the cl(>he of the season August 1. fSee Thk AMJ':iiic.\N 
 Amii.i;)!, vol. Ill, i)p. ;tHl. 
 Dudley (H. A; I». T. M.)— Miller's r. 1 m- Little Trough cr. 4 m.; Juniata r. •"> in.; 
 Juniata r. best; trtuitaud b. b.: trout most numerous: June, July aiid .Auyiis* 
 best; baits— Hies, worms, toads and minnows; hotels $]..')() p. d., .*(> p. w.; gunlcs 
 and boats mit needed. Trout reported very plentiful in Miller's r. 
 D'unning'S (D. I,, v^: W. )—Koariug br. and tributaries near station; Hazard p. •"1 
 m.: Ki/er's p. '.t m.; IJattlesiiake p. 3 m.; trotit, pickerel, sunfisli etc.; coarse ti>li 
 are most abundant; worms. Hies and spoon hooks usual baits; hotel 7r)c p. d. The 
 Hazard and Kattlesuake p'ds are preserved, th«' others free and well fished by l.nal 
 East Greenville (Perkiomen r.)— Perkionien cr. 1 m.; b. b., suufish, chub en., 
 minnows, tadpoles and helgramites as baits: June, July, September and (((tolni 
 best: hotel H p. d. Excellent b. b. fisbiug with the tly. See Thk .\mebi( an .\m,i.kii, 
 vol. Ill, pp. .•<7(>. 
 Easton (Severa. r. r.)— Delaware r. at station; good b. b. fishing; bait— cra> ti-li, 
 ■worms etc.; accommodatitins at fair prices. 
 Economy (P. •'t L. E.)— Ohio r. and Raccoon cr.; the first fair and the last bc«i; 
 1). b., p«'rch, catfish eti-.; worms, crayfish and uinuows as baits: .\pril 1.') to Juii'- 
 1."' best: hotel, boats and bait at moderate charges. In the fall pike and i> 
 aie caught. 
 Entriken (H. A; B. T. M.)— Coffee run cr. at station; Kaytitu\\n branch of Juu;a:,i 
 1 at reasoualjli: 
 ait — (THx ti-li, 
 r. 'J'j m.; Rayfltowii hraiK-h liiHt: b. 1>., fiitJisli ni:(l vuriotifs of coniso AhIi; h. 1.. 
 jii(i>i almudant; June, July ami AujiUht litst; l)uiti. — tiivn, \\n\um, tnudM niul iiuii- 
 :j(]\\.-: uo remilar bdtclf* but 'ooard can Ik- at .""<• to TTc jr. d.; txiatn and 
 liaitH free. The KajHtowu braueh given yood b. b. ttnLiug iu tlit; abo\e named 
 Erie (Several e. r.) — PrcHcjue Inle Hay and the waters of Lake Erie udjaeeuf 1 ni.; 
 l!a\ lieHt for Hpriug and l^ake for fall; b. b.. jjerch, idckerel, nias('uloiit>e etc.; b. b. 
 nici.-t nuuierouH; iiiinnoWM, crabs and nixionH UHed; May. June and October bei-i; 
 iiiiintliM; hotelH f'ito ^a.-Wp. d., boatw l.'ic \k h.; niinnowH and cral)s l.''i- ]). do/.; 
 pic.-iiuo iHle Bay is the ({reataud only niiawnint.; (ground in Lake Erit^ for b. b., for 
 uiaii.v ni. along tbe Houth nhore of tlie lake. 
 11 t\> 
 t: b. b 
 h bait:- 
 Espy (!>• I" ^ ^l — BnH(iuelianna r. '4 ni. Finbing cr. 'J'^ m.: first 
 trout, ebub etc.; b. b. nioHt uiiiueroiiH; toads, crabs (crayfish., unci smal 
 August to November best; hotel $1..5() ji. d.; boatH and bait can be bail 
 Evansburgr (N. Y. P. A: O. See page XII)— f'onneant 1. and Mud 1. J". 
 ^e^l; niascalonge, b. b.. speckled bi'ss (strawberry bass or i ii)ii])ies): ^l ccklcd bass 
 Hll>^t abundant; minnow l)aits; June, .Inly, August and Septcinber best: hotels ,■« 1 
 t(i$'ip. p.; guides $1.51) 1). d.; boats $1 p. d.; minnows U-")- p. do/.. 
 Evansville (P- •'*; it.)— Maiden cr. near station; bass, sunfisb, catfish etc.; bass 
 iiioj-i numerous; helgramites, worms etc. as baits; May. June, August, Septembe 
 October best; hotel H.'ic p. meal: guide |1 p. d.; boat .'JOc p. d.: bait .fl ]> 
 ,'.j m.; b. b.: minnow > and small loaiis 
 ; ]M'\ il Hole '.' m. ; l)ug 
 streams, wlierc the fish 
 baits: April 1 to .\ugust 
 Everett (H. A: B.T.M.)— Raystown Branch 
 asliait; July best mouth; hotels flM) p. d. 
 Forks (I). L. iV W.)— IJeep Hollow 1 ',. m.: Buck Hill 1 m. 
 Hill 'i ni.: l'in<' Stivak 'j m.: all tbe above are small trout 
 ail' not very larg«^ but (juite plenty; worm fiy and nunnow 
 Ihtst: hotels fH to $\2 p. w.; bait very <heap. 
 Poster (1>. E. <'*; W.)— E >omis 1. l'^ m.: Eord p. 'J^ m.: Tarbell ji. .'1 m.; Ely's p. 
 .'lii.: Oakley p. '2'^ ni.; Mr.rtin cr. nt ar station: all reported nnod: ] ickcicl. percli. 
 li. 1p,. trout eti.; pickertd, pendi and c attt^b most abundnm; minnow and woim 
 liiiits: perch and pickerel are not aUo\v<'d to be caught from .Ian. 1 to Jui'c 1; hotels 
 i] \<< $lJ>t> p. d.: l>oatH 'lud bait 'it low pri( es. 
 Freemansburgr (Eeh. v. s •• 
 liy; l.ebigb r. best: pickerel and 
 page ^'I)— Eehigh r. 
 b. b., bv)'h of w hich 
 lit station: Saucon 
 are niimeioiis: .Jui 
 .■\n;,'nst. and September best; bails — worm shrimp, clabs and 
 lb of Jutj:a;,i 
 -mall tisb; ln.tels *1 
 til >l.'.o p. d., 4Uc \). meal: guides wi'h boi' t ?1.1."> to #l.;"o p. d.: best bail can 1 c bad 
 alinut .■?! p. KM); boats TiOc to T.'ic. Tbeic is good fishing near the tow 11 for h. b. and 
 wniie trout may be caught in adjacent brooks. 
 Garland (1>- A. V. >V- P.) — Blue Eye Kun, Hasnor Kiin, Brokenstraw cr. ; first b< ^t: 
 lii'"'li trout; worms as bait; May and June best; hotels .*1 p. d. 
 OXeu Summit (Eeh. V. See page VI)— Crystal 1: 2 m.; ami s(>veral jionds about 
 Tiii.. iu which nuiy be caught b. b., pickerel and catfish, tbe latter i>redominatin«. 
 Till' trout creeks near by are: Wapwallopen, Bow, Pond, Connedxs. ^\rigllts, t'nssey, 
 NV-iop«'(-k and Bear. These are visited by tbe anglers of Wilki-sbane. Pa., and 
 iiii' fi-e*' to all during tbe open seast>n, .\pril I to .August 1. No guides needed; 
 lioats on lake ^^>v p. d. 
 Oouldaboro (F)- I- ^^ W.) — Ijebigh r. '.. m.: Wallenpaujiack cr. H m.: Ash Mill cr. 
 Tm.; all good: brook trout: worms au<l art. Hies used: May and June best: boiel 
 jl i<. (1.: giii-<les and boats not ivcjuired. 
 Grand Valley (I). A. V. .^- P.l— Collwell cr. near station: Pine cr. 7 m.: Cold 
 SiiiMiu' Hun 7 in.; all good; trout, sunfish etc.; trout most numerous; worms and 
 tlv Inioks as baits; May, Jun«* and July best; hotel .^4 ji. w. our correspondent 
 writes : "lliese are the Inset groundB for speckled trout in western Peuusylva 
 Green ^nue (Perkionien) — Perkionien cr.; lass, catfish, sunfi^b etc.; worm 
 an. 1 niinuo-w baits; July, August and Hepteuib«'r b:st; hotel .fl p. d. I lie Perkio- 
 iii'ii aftoi-ds fine b. b. ftshiug. 
 Greenville (N. Y. P. k O. See page XII) — Shenango r. near station; niascalonge, 
 wall eyed jiike and bass; minnows and trolling gangs used; September and October 
 be-t moutli*. 
 lit'' ' 
 , ;i;(r 
 ttarrisbnrg^ (Stvfral r. r.)— SuHqnehaniift r. oeiween Sleelton and DRti]ihiii ( ov- 
 eriug a tlintaucc of Vim.; b. b., Haliuon (wall-tsyi'd pike), <'U'.; lanijin'y i'cIh, \m.iihk, 
 minuowH, toadH etc. aw b;i,itH; Htipteinber and October bt-ijt; liotelH at Jl.THt ),. i].' 
 guideH #1 J), d.; ))()atH about $1 p. u. Thcr<! in ^ood b. b. flnhuiH here uud<!r i)riii)er 
 conditioHH of the river. FiteH Eddy and McCallH Ferry on the StiHquebanna r. dJH- 
 taut Hoiith lit) III. are noted as excellent b. b. (^'roiindH. 
 Harrison Valley (<'. C. & A.)— Pino or. and tribufarieH. Kettle cr.; tlie iiittcr 
 bent; trout; niontliH of iVIay and June best; liotidH moderate, alno giiideH; boatn uot 
 needed; excellent linliinn on Kettle cr. See t'aniinal. I'a. 
 HenryvilliS (I>. L. «'»: W.)— Went branch of Hroadheadn cr. '„ ni.; Kant brani h do. 
 1 111.; liiMtbeNt; trout; art. tly uwed; April i to July 1 Ix^st; hotel $1 ]>. d.: t,'uiil. .s, if 
 needed, at reasonable charncH. ThiH in a noted trout ^'ro^^nd. Kverv iirounriciit 
 aiij^ler, from 'riia<l. Norriw'H time down to the present day, has visited thche «:iIits 
 which still yield fair tisliint; all through till! season. Our first Hy was cast on tlif 
 AVest branch of ISroadheads cr. some iO years aj?i>, an u it was a gallant watir iu 
 those dayH. 8eo Thk AMEUifAN ANiiLKii, Vol. Ill, i)p. 217. 
 Hickory Htm ( V. See pa^'e VI)— Heads of Hickory Run 4 m.; head of blark 
 cr. .'">', 111.; liciid of Hays cr. 4m.; head of Fourth lUui 4 m.; ]5i(; p.T'j m.; k 
 cr. best; trout; worm and Hy baits; May, June and .Iiily besi; no regular liotfl; 
 glides j;2 ]). d. JJiK \>. abouiulH with i)ickei'el, perch etc. and is ijuite a resort Inr 
 lisheriiien from neif^hboring towns. Fair troiitiiit,' in th(* runs and creeks. 
 Hicks Perry (I>. I-- A; W.)— Susiiuehanna r. near station; Waiiwallojjen cr. 1 m.; 
 first best; b. b., suliiion (pike-perch), etc.; b, b. most abundant; small tish, wuriiis, 
 "devils" (helnraiiiites), etc. a.; lp;i,its; July, Auf^ust and September best; hotel at 
 reasonable price-;; boats can tie obtained. 
 Hopewell (H. \- H. T. M.) — lUy^'town braiu-h, Juniata r.. Yellow cr., Saiuly r.; 
 all within '_. m.: Kaystown branch best; b. b., cattish etc.; black bass and ciillisli 
 most numerous; Sej)!. and Ot. best: baits- iniiiiiows, worms, fro^s and ^'rus-liii)i 
 jiei's; hotels ?^1 ]i. d.; guides, boats and liiiits reasonable; these wafers re))orteil to 
 be as nmnX as any in IJedford Co. The dam is the best ground for b. b.. which an' 
 said to be plentiful. 
 Hunimelstown (1'. iV H.)— Swatara cr. at station: b. b., suufi8h and cattish; \<.h. 
 most numerous; live bait used; June. July ami ,Sc]itember best: hotels ^rl.rm j,. ,1.; 
 guides at reasonable ^ate^: boats at low ]iriies. This is a faMirite lishiiifr f,'inini,l 
 with the anglers from Uarrisburj,', Lebanon and Ucailiiii,'. 
 HunlockS (T). L. i^ W.)— Sus.iuehanna r. 
 etc.; li. 1>. most abundant; worms, crabs, 
 as baits; July ti> Oct, :U best; hotel .•*! p. 
 near station; b. b. salmon ( pikc-iurclil, 
 'devils" (liel|,'ramites) and l:tmiir(\ nls 
 d.; boats "iiicp. d.; bait cheap, (.mul 
 Hunting'don (I'enna. r.) — Juniata r. at 
 Stone cr, 
 m.; Crtioke^l cr. 
 station. Kaystown branch of Juni.iiar. 
 Uaystowii branch best; b. b., piki . it>'.; 
 b. b. most numerous; ^biy, Sept. and Oct. best; baits, minnows, toads and wuriiir;; 
 hotels SI ••">•• to ■f'J.JtO p, d. Boats can be had free or at very small cost. 
 Jersey Shore (I'enna. r.)— West branch Sus(iuehanna r.. Pine cr.. Gamble run. 
 H;imscy's run. bower I'iiie Hottom run, rpi>er Pine Hotfoni run, Trout run. Mill luu 
 and Sliite run; trout in all except the two first named, and b. b. in them: tl> aii'l 
 worm bait for trout; fty and minnow f(U- bass: May to .\ugust best for trout, .\ii;.'u«t 
 and September for bass; hotels at reasonable prices. No guides, but inforiiiation 
 freely given by resident anglers. 
 Jonestown (P. '^' K.)— Swat^ira cr. "(Ti-ays dam" about ,'! ',. ni.; b. b., pike, ( ;i!ti>li. 
 etc.; b. b. most numei'ous: minnows, crayfish, helgraniites and grasshopjui^ a-* 
 baits; August, September and October best; hotels ,*l.r)(j p. d.; lioats 'J,')!' li ■"I'li.- 
 p. d. 
 Keating Summit (B N. Y. i^: P.)— Freeman run I m.; Siniiemahoniiitr cr. liUi.; 
 Salt Lick run (> m.; Portage cr. '., m.; Scetbird Lii'k run ;t m.; two first naiiuii l»>t; 
 brook trout priiicijially: worm bait mostly; May and June best: hotels and f-'uidus 
 at reasonable prices; boats not reijuired; bait can be easily obtained. 
 Xinzua (B. N. Y. .<: P.)— Alleghany r.: Kin/.ua cr. and its tributaries; Kiii/.iii'. 
 best for trout, and .Mleghany r. f(U- bans, idckerel, etc.; minnow and worm lail-: 
 !SIay best month for trout; hotels $L5U to i2 p. d. ; guides can be obtained. I'iiir 
 tiHliiug reported. 
 Xnozville (C. ('. A: A.l— Fiuc r. and its trilmtiirieH, (ienehpe forkH, Piirj)!*' br. 
 and iiimieroiiH Hiiiullcr Htrcaiiit-, diMtaiit frnui iil>(>vu ntatinu. I'J to '2(1 m.: trout: 
 uMial ImitH; May uiid •Jiuw tiONt; liotclK in to f 1'2 p. w.; f^uidt-H aud boatw uut 
 ut'i-di'd. Bear aud deer arc Haid to he iiuiiterou8 in thin nectiou. 
 Laceyville (I-«'h. V. S<c i.a^'c VI.)— Sun<iiiihanua r. near station; ho veral pMs 
 frdiri i to .1 111.; tirnt l)CHt; liim'li iitid rock l)aHH in r.. iiickcrcl in ii'ds. h. b. most 
 iiiiiii'i'oiis; small live l)ait. cliiJinTH (liclnraniit<-H). flics and criiljs (craytlsh) nscd; 
 July. .Xuj.'Ust and SciitcniluT lirst; botcl at reasonable iirice; boats an<l bait nuTcly 
 iKiiiiinal. (lood fishinti rrijortt'd. 
 Lackawazen (N. Y. L. K. \- W.)— Dtlawaro r. urar station; b. b., sunlish, etc.; 
 lia» iiiost niinit-rous; liclnraniites, minnows, worms and art. tlifs tiscd; .\UKUst 
 ;tliil Siiitembcr bt-.^f; hotel .■{:•_' ji. d. ; boats "pfic ]i. d. ; bait can be bad clieai). Wesk- 
 alaiii y 1. in the vicinity coniiiius jiickerel ami |ierch, and \ui\i 1. on top of nioiint- 
 aiu ejiiiosite Lackawuxeu has been stocked with b. b., and is reported to jjive good 
 LaFayette (P. >^ R.)— Kchuylkill r.; >>. b. iirinciiially: minnows, hel^^ramites, 
 ini\ ii-li and art. flies us baits; June and ea'iy part of .July best; boats Hoc ]>.(!. 
 The Sihuylkill at I..afa,\ ette was some yiMirs atjo a tair water for li. b, : owiu^ to the 
 trtiiits of the Anjilers' Association of Kastern J'a.. to pi'eser\e and slock the watta'H 
 Diar I'liiludelpliiu, the Schuylkill will doubtless soon become a j,'<od ti.hin^ ground; 
 itiiMU gives fair sport at times. 
 Lake Carey (Montrose. i— Lake Cany near station; pickerel and iier<-h; pick- 
 >ril most nuuK-rous; live bait used mostly; May, June, July and August best; 
 Imtcl .f "2 p. d.; boats and bait at small <'ost. There are other I's containing fish, 
 lint distant. 
 Langhorn (P. i!^ IM — Nesbaminy cr.; b. b. : minnows, crayflsh and helgramitPS 
 asliaits; June and early July best. 'Ibis jilace is easily reached from I'liila., and 
 iiiidci- proper conditions gives fair b. !>. tistung. Our correspondent writes; "This 
 cn-i k is probably the best tisbiug ground for b. b. of any near Philadelphia. 
 Larry Creek (f. ('• '^^ A.)— Sus(|Uebaniia r.; b. b. and pike, the former in the 
 Iiiaioiity ; usual baits; .lune, July aii(i Aii|.;ust best. .\ good tishing ground and the 
 liot wati'r is opposite the station. 
 Latrobe (Pfiiiui. r.) — I.oyalhmiiui cr. near station; !•. b. jjrincijially but some 
 small ti'out in the upper tributaries. The best tishing is at biuoiiicr 1'.! lu.; which 
 ;s ii ached by branch r. r., adjacent to w hi<'h fair fronting may be had. 
 Lebanon (P. A: R.)— Htra/ks dam .") m.; Little Swatara <> m.: I5ig Swatara 7 m.; 
 liiitlalo Springs 8 ni. ; last for trout; b. b., i)ike. cattish, suntisb etc; pike ;(iid cat- 
 ii>li most abuiulan t; minnows, crabs etc. asl)aits; ilay to October best; boats and 
 bait ivasouable. 
 Lehigfhton ( P. vl- R.)— Wild cr. lOni.; Pine run fini.: abotit alike, trout; worm 
 '.lit; May aud June best; hotels Jl.Tid ji. d., or less by week. 
 Leslie Rxin ( P- '*>•■ R.)— Mud run 1 m.; Leslie run 1 ni.; Hickory run 1 'j ni.; Mud 
 .'•iiii l.ot; trout principally; worm and fly liaits; May best; hotels $1 p. d.; giiides 
 at I'lMxuuible 
 Lewisberry near (loldsboro via \o. ('.| — Connewagocr. :t m.; Kunkles dam 4 ni. ; 
 !'. li. principally; minnows and toads as baits; siinimer and fall best. <ioo<l tishing 
 Liberty (B- N'- Y. .^ P.)— Portage cr.. Fair run. Rock run and ScalVle or Scetford 
 I.i'kiiin; all near station; first best; brook trout; worm ami tly baits; Ajpril and 
 .^Iay I.I St; baits can be obtained; boats and guides not needed. 
 Ligfonier (Lig. V.) — McGinnis r. 5 ni.; Loyalhanna cr. and branches near stJ».tion; 
 Mill I 1'. (^branches); I'owder Mill run: all reimrted good: trout lud b. b.: worms 
 dii'l ait. flies used; May and June best: hotels .f 'j ]>. d.; guides #l.,")(i p. d.; 
 twats not required; bait plenty. Most excellent trout Ashing within 4 to Ci m. 
 Lindin (*'. C. k A.) — Sus(iuebannu r. inn yds: b. b., Susiiuehaima salmon ;pike- 
 I'li 111 and pike or i)ickerel; the bass are in the ma.iority; minnow bait nio.stly 
 usci,: August, St^pteiuber and October favor-te mouths; hotels ;? 1. 50 p. d.; guides 
 and In.ats reasonable. 
 Lock Haven (Penna r.) — West branch of Susciuehanmi r. and Raid luigle cr. 
 Utarrity; Bakers run 14 m.; Youugwomans cr. 'J.') m.; Beech cr. aud tributaries l.'» 
 :, m 
 to 25 Di.; H. m. b. h., pike, ponli etc. in r. and Bald IuikIo cr., and Iroiit in oth. r 
 RtreaniH; b. b. nioHt abundunt: art. flicM, niinnowH, dobNonH etc. an baitH; May ainl 
 June b«'st for trout and AiiKUHt, Sf'ptt'nibcr and (October for biiMH-, hottlH i'l f.. ((.; 
 boats about ")()(• ji. d. Thri-f lire a few trout in brooks about (> in. from Lock Havt-ii, 
 and occaHJonally (^ood HcortsH are made by tbo educated rod. 
 ]Logans Perry (— .\11. V.;— .VllcK'bany r. in rods; nalmon (piko-r.Ttli), b. 1,, (u,,] 
 porcb: tbr jjikt^-porch and ix-rcli inont numt-roUH; local baitH,, "rrawlurn" 
 (dobHons or li<'lt{raniit<'H), an<l minnown; June and July bextmoutbH; hotolH, boaU, 
 guidoH and baits rfaHonai)lc. 
 lK>llg' Point, I-ako Erie (Via sir. from Erif. Pa. )— This Ih ii colobratp.. uromiil fur 
 b. b. and pickend, and occasionally niaHct^lon^*; can bt; tjikcn, a8 well as lar^c jiikc: 
 outHtH at Eric. Ht'v Thk Amkiucan AN(;i,Kn, Vol. IV, p. '.t. Jjikc hcrriii>{ jiri' caiiylit 
 in liUke Erie with the fly known aa the (.'imco, which in a nmaM oran^'o and brown tlv 
 tied on No. 10 Hproat hook. 
 b. iiriucipally; nniall fluh ii.^ b^iits; 
 Maiden Creek (P. k U.)— Mai<len cr. '.^ m.; b. 
 Jnly anil Auj,'UHt bent; hotel at rcaHonable i)ri!'('s. 
 Marklesbnrg" (H. k B. T. M.)— JanicH cr. and Kayntown Branch 2 to :i ni.; b. )). 
 and coarwt! varieticH: b. b. (juitc nnnicrouH: Au^UHt and September beHt; Imits- 
 graHHhopi)erH and toad.s; no rcKular hotel», but i)rivate board to lie had modcrati': 
 lioatH and ^'uidew not needed. 
 Manch Chnnk (Leh. V. See pane VI)— Stony cr., Drake'n cr.. Mud Itun, Hickory 
 Bun and HaycH CI., all eanily reached; Stony cr. and Mud Bur. bewt; trout; tlieii, 
 worniH and (»raHHhoi)perH as baits; May and .June best; hotels $2 p. d.; bait ciiu lie 
 Lad; boats not reijuirt^d. There are other streams not so easy of access thatfiiruisli 
 fair troutiuf,'. See The A-mehkan Anulkk, Vol. Ill, p. 312. 
 r.) — Mouongahela r. and Youghiogheny r.; first best; 
 ; usual baits; Mpriu){ ami fall best; hotel $2 ji. il. 
 McKeesport (Several r. 
 palnion (pike-perch), pike etc, 
 boats and bait cheap. 
 aceadville (N. Y. P. k o. 
 wago cr.; last best for i)ike; 
 See i)at;e XII) — French cr. (Venango cr.)and Ciism'- 
 Frencii <T. good for pike and yellow bass; ba?*.- iMn>t 
 nuuierotis; minnows and "crawlers" (helgramites), as baits; August and Septnnlur 
 best: hotels at moderate cost; boats and liait moderate; Conneaught 1.7;!. 
 tains b. b. of both >arieties; Conneaught marsh, the outlet of the 1., is re^^ortiMJ tn 
 bo "full of pike weighinti from 1 to MO lbs." There is excellent fi&hiug in Freiub 
 cr., wherever deep water occurs. 
 Mechanicsburir(<"um.V.)-Silver Spring, Cocklin Run. ('onnodogui»ietcr.. Vt^llnw 
 Breeches cr., each 2 m.; Coiinodoguinet cr. best; b. b., pike and trout: bass and tinm 
 most abundant; crabs, minnows and flies as l)aits; Ai)ril anil May best for tnmt, 
 and August and September for bass; hotel ;f 2 p. d.; boats and bait at little or iin 
 cost. The b. b. are numerous, and take fly freely at certain seasons. Silver Siiriiii; 
 givers (,'ood trout fishing. 
 Meslloppen(Leh. V. See page VI) — Susijuehanna r.; good b. b. fishing, especial 
 ly late in the season; also fair pike-perch ( "salmon" locally) sjiort; young eels »i* 
 bait; accommodations good and moderate. .See Thk. .-Vmkru'an Anolkh, Vol. IV, 
 p. MK 
 Meyersdale (B. k O.) — Caaselman r. ',' m.; b. b., sunfish, chub etc.; bass iimst 
 numerous; live baits; .\ugust and September best; hotels $l.M to f2 p. d. TLi' 
 fishing is good and improving each year, from this point to Yodus. a distance nt 
 about 5 m. See Salisbury, Pa. 
 Midvale (W. M.)— Red Bun and Falls cr. 1 m.; first best; trout; wood wornn 
 (grubs), usual bait; Aug\ist best month; hotel at reasonable prices. The uliove 
 streams have their source in the Blue Ridge mountains. 
 Milford (N. Y. L. E. & W. via Port Jervis 8 m. by stage)— Delaware r., Rayiiii>n(ls- 
 kill cr., Adams vr., Sawkill (-r., Vanderwork cr., all accessible and eqtially good; 1' 
 b. and trout; the first most numerous; live bait, angle worms, clipi)ers (helgramites 
 etc. used; July, August, September and October best; hotels $2 to 13 p. d.; boat.- 
 and baits reasonable. 
 Mill Kail (Penna. r.)— Bald Eagle cr. 4 m.; Fishing cr. }.( m.; Cedar Bun J i". 
 Scootac cr. and Bakers Bun about 20 ni.; Bakers Run best for trout, but c.iiiipiui.' 
 has lo be done; triuit, b. b., pike, catfish etc.; worms, helgramites and flies as baitv 
 all the open season is good for bass, and spring for trout; hotels $1.50 p. d.; guide Jl 
 trijut in otLiT 
 I haitH; May ainl 
 IDtflH f'i 1'. (I.; 
 oiii Lock Havfii, 
 '.Teh), 1>. 1i and 
 •ttsh, "iTBwlem" 
 8, hotelH, boaU, 
 ratp<. Knnniil f'lr 
 •11 a« hirt;*' \nW 
 •rrinu Jirf ciiiivht 
 H<i und Id'iiwii rty 
 iiall flrtli iif iKiit.i; 
 . '2 to :t 111.; li. 1). 
 t)er bent: Imits- 
 3 had luodfraU': 
 lid Run, Hi( knry 
 bcHt; trout; flieK, 
 . (1.; 1)uit I'liii he 
 :ceHH thdtfiiruistL 
 eny r.; firnt lust; 
 ; hotel f^ I'll.: 
 T cr.) and <■^l^<s(•• 
 V baHH; barif iiiii>t 
 jst aud Scptiiiil'i'r 
 ^ht 1. "i HI. <"ii- 
 ., is rt-'^ortc'il ti' 
 bhiug in FriiuL 
 Ruinetcr., Yollnw 
 \it; baHt* and trout 
 bfst for tnmi. 
 at little or iw 
 1. Silver SpriiiL; 
 flshint,', csiiti'ial- 
 yotint; t'fl'* i*; 
 AN<iLEU, Vol. IV, 
 etc.; baHH most 
 to n p. d. Tli.> 
 Itis. a distaiio- i". 
 It; wood womb 
 ;es. The above 
 ,ro r., Rayiiiou'l*- 
 eijually ^ood; 1' 
 $:j p. d.; boat:- 
 bedarRnu .! nt., 
 fut, btit ( aiiip'"- 
 aud HiPs aM baii^^ 
 Lsop. d.;g"i<l'^'>' 
 p, (1. and exp^nsoH paiil; lioatH not UMed; bait fiirniHlicd by nuidc. Tho trout in 
 liuKii'H Run average about 8 iucht'Mand are fairly abundant all throut^h the neaHou, 
 art 'idinii? good tly finliing. 
 Montrose Village (I>. I- & W.)— About. 't'l Hinall lakew in vicinity, tanily aci-en- 
 ulilr; all good; b. b., i)ickerel, i)erch. trout etc. ; bans and jiickcrel iiiowt abundant: 
 livt' niinnowK, KraHHliojiixtrN, fro^H and hjxioii baitH; July, .VugUHt and S<']>t<'niber 
 lit.-<t: hotels |'2 II, d,; guiduHat moderate chargex; boatH .^(K- p, d.; ))ait reaHouable, 
 GoimI tixhing. 
 Moscow (l>. L. kW.) — Roaring br. iiearHtation; .Spring br. 4 ni.; Mapb- I. .') m.; 
 two tirnt bcHt: trout in l)r'H ami iiickerel in 1.; worm and Hy baitH for trout, live bait 
 111 !.; May and June bcwt; hotels fL.'V) \>. d.; gulden $-l.ti<) p. d.; boat.i not 
 -ItayBtown Branch, Juniata r, near ntation; 
 See TateHVille. Pa. 
 b. b.; the 
 Mt. Dallas (H. k R. T. M.)- 
 tiest ground in the r. r. bridge. 
 Mt. Hope (<'■ A: Mt. M.) — t'hickieH cr. ',, m.; trout with usual baits from April to 
 .\iit;iist 1; farm houses $1 p. d., less by week; no guides or boats needed. 
 Mt. Jewett(N. Y. L. E. \- W.)— Kiii/.uacr. 1 m.; head waters of Clarion r. 1 m.; 
 MarMti cr. 1 ni.; all (Mnuilly good; brook trout only; May and June best; worms anil 
 lli.s used: hotel $1 p. d.; guides at very small cost; these are all small streanis, but 
 viry good fishing can be liad. 
 Mud Sun (Leh. V. See page VI) — Mud Run cr. from mouth to .Mbrightsville, 
 I'.i., gives fair trout tisliing; Hig Pou<l 1' m., affords good fishing for pike and iierch; 
 May and June are the best months for all these fish; hotel $lp. d.: guides ainl 
 luats not needed, except on the p. where they can be had. 
 ITanticoke |I>. L- W.)— Sus<mehanna r. (north branch) near statii>n: best lishini^ 
 , III. distant: b. b., jiereli, yellow salmon (pike-perch), etc.; devils (lielgramites) 
 (Talis (crayfish), minnows, tdc. as baits; January, .August and September best 
 iiiHiiths; hotels j^ "J p. d.; boats and bait at very reasonable prices. Good fishing 
 nipnrted, especially at the dam near by. 
 Neshaminy Falls (1*. A: R.|— Neshaminy cr. near station; b. b., suulish, cat- 
 ti>ii etc.; suntish in excess; minnows, worms, irabs, etc. as baits; usual seasons; 
 li'iats "JSc to .50c p. h. 
 Neshannoclc Falls (R. N. Y. ,^ P.)— Neshannock cr. ', m.; blacV and rock basg; 
 li. li. most numerous: grasshoppers, minnows, lielgramites, eti'. as baits: -Inly, 
 .\ii(,'ust and September best; board can be had at private houses at reiisonable 
 liriies; boats at moderate cost; bait easily obtained. 
 ITew Castle (P- ^ L. K.)— Beaver r , Shenango r. and Neshannock cr.: lir.-t best; 
 1. b.. pike, etc.; bass most numerous; minnows, crabs (crayfish) and lielgramite.-j 
 ;i> liaits; June, September and October best; hotels at reasonable prices. I'ike 
 ^w i;;liiug '2-i to 3'2 Ibs. Were caught iu the fall of 18S4, in Bt^aver r.; the b. b. run from 
 1', to 4 lbs. 
 New Haven (P. \- L. K.) 
 l;i.-> piincipally; minnow 
 — Youghiogheuy r. and Indian cr. 
 bait: May to November best; 
 first best: yellow (?) 
 hotel at reasonable 
 If eversink ( P. A: R.)— Schuylkill r. '4 m.; Alleghany cr. 1 m.; first best; b. b. cat- 
 fi-li and suntish most abundant; worm and minnow baits; .\ugust and .September best; 
 li"ti|s .51. .")•»)). d.; boats can be obtained. There are several very fine preserved 
 tiiiiit streams in vicinity. 
 Newtown (P N. it N. Y.) — Neshaminy cr. 1 m.; b. b. principally; crabs, toads, 
 ft'-, as baits; July, .August aud September best; hotel $"2p. d.; guide can be ob- 
 LiiiUMl; boatH 'I'k- p. h. 
 Iforristowu (P. >'*: R.)— Moores run 4 m.; Perkionien cr. 8 m.; Valley cr. (5 m.; 
 Pi rkiomeii cr. best for bass, and Moores run for trout; art. fly used; June and 
 >il'ttiiiber best; hotel $1 p. d.; boats and bait can bo procured. See Thk Amkhican 
 Ani.i.ku, vol. VII, page '.»1. The Schuylkill r. at this point at times gives fair b. b. 
 Oakland (D. L. & W.)— Fish head waters of East brau< h of Broadhead's cr., 
 uiukuig Canadensis headijuarters. Good trout fishing; streams waded, no guides 
 Hifliii. Moderate charges. 
 .'i 1 !l 
 1 lJ 
 Ohio Pyle (B. Aj <).)— Yc.iiKliiOKliuuy r.; 1). li. autl Kalmou (iiikf-pcnlii; h. h 
 iiKi.-l iiiiiiii'I'uiih; live iniiiiuiWH, bblKi'HUiilt'H, ri'd worm, c-U'. ax ImitH; •liiin', .|>i,v 
 uiid Aii){iir<t boHt: hotcN ;i^'J (I. (t.; f{iii(l<-H uiiil Ix'ttts iiui miu'Li ut-cdcil; bttltiaiiiv 
 Lad; iiiiiiiiiiWH 15e to j.'h; {). doz. Tlio )i. I), linhiiig in cxcelk-ut here. 
 Palmyra (1*. At U.) — Hwatara r. '2'i iii.; I). 1i., pikf, (icriuau carp, fti,; ),.),. 
 iiiuHi iiiiiuurouH; ({ruHubopper and iiiimimv baitH; July and AutjUHt beni; lii.tcli* 
 11. 50 I), d. 
 Parker* Olen (N. Y. I,, v.. K \V.)— Camj llcick br. mar station, hcbiwarc r. mar 
 Htation: luHt nunii'd b<;Mt: b. b., trout and iiicki'rch tlic tirnt nanicd bt-ini.; nll>^t mi. 
 nn-roiiH; cliiipiM'H (lu'l^raniiti'n), toads and '°iani|)<-r" t't'ls \i.-'<'il an liait; n>'1i|. and 
 Oft. bfpit tor buHri; May and June t'ur truut. Carrrt Uuck br. is au excellcut trout 
 Parryville (l'(di. V. Scr jiau*' VI)- I'obo I'oco or Bin cr. and I^^hiKli r: initb 
 (Minlain loarHc liMJi, of which tlic Huntlnh and Hnckcrs arc luoMt uiinicroiiH. Siiili m 
 the siib.stuncc of ihi; rijiort ncnt n>*, but from tlic nuuibcr of annli'rn rct.iiliiit; m 
 I'arr.vvillc, wc hiokctl for better waters adjacent to tliat town. I'iiie Uuu anil Will 
 cr., Iiowever, wliich contain trout arc t'ruiu 5 to 7 lu. distant, uiid wc prt'BUUic au- 
 viHiled by till! local aiit^lcrs. 
 Penn Haven Junction (Lch. V. See jiaue VI.)— stoney cr. 'j m.; r>rnkes , r. i 
 ni.; Kear cr.'J in; tlie lirst tiest; trout in fair nuiulters early in season; arranyiun nt- 
 for ^'uides (if needed) can bo made ou Stouuy ir.; boats and baits not Undii 
 — use art. tlii's. 
 Penobscot (I', k U.)— Crystal 1.2 in.: Waiiwallopen cr. near Btation; tnnit iu 
 Htream, ami cattish princiiially i>i 1.; worm bait; .lune, -luly, .\nnnstand Seiiii mlifi 
 best; hotels .■?!.. Ml to ;*:t \>. d.; boats .'jUc p. d. The creek is hanl to liwh owuiu (■• 
 the overj-rnwth, but abounds in trout. 
 Perklonien Junction (!'. A: U.)— Schuylkill r. near station. IVrkiomen . r. 
 m.; about c<|ual; bass, carp, cattish, sunlish etc.; bass and sunlisii most iiMiinr 
 ous: crab, nuniU)W, li'dj^ramite and worm baits; .Vn^^'Ust aiiil Seiitember lii>i; n., 
 hotel; boats .j^l j). d. .\l(outa mile above thin statiou Hoino b. Ij. lishiug cau be L.ii 
 at au old dam on the nortli .^ide of I'liikeriu^s Island. 
 Peter Creek (H- >V' (>.)— I'earh HtUtom iu the 8UH<iuehaniui r. near by is nntpil a;* 
 as. m. b. 1). (,'round. Jlottds $1 i>. d.; boatmeu aud boats #l..j(J p. d. Sci Tui. 
 A.MKllli AN AN(iLEU, Nol. 1\', I')). 7:t. 
 Philadelphia (Via 14 r. r.)— The Delaware Iliver abnvo and below tho city yivf-i 
 fair wliiti' jiercli lisliin^: the lisli are small. l)own the r. as far as Salem these- ti^!l 
 ari' caught weinhin^; a lb and miward. l'(U' salt water'lisli local anglers resort hi At- 
 laniii' City, (ireat l'.u.'A Harbor, Cape May. tlnr JJulawart! Ureakwater and other imiutit 
 on the sea coast. I'lU- fresh water spiu't. the Schuylkill, I'elawareand Hrandywiue 
 afford fair b. b. tisliin^;, within :ti» ni. of the city; the two tirst mimetl waters a ti'W 
 years a^o yielded excellent creels of b. b. with a Hy; wi' hear, however, tllat tiie 
 tishinK is falliiit; off and tliat local anj^lers are H"in!4 further away from home. Sev- 
 eral trout streams lie within 'J") m., but they are fishe(l out <'arly in the scusc^ii. 
 Would advise visitiiit,' aiij^lers to consult with the lishiug tackle dealers as to lifhiL;: 
 grounds. This ruli' holds good foi all large citien. 
 Pinkerton (II- >V' *>•)— Casselinau r.;b. b.aiid i-o.irse varieties, bass predMiuiu- 
 atiii;;; iinunow, grasshopper and worm baits; .liim- and -luly best. 
 Pittsburg" (II r. r.)— There are a number of trout str. located on tho Pitts \- ( .nii. 
 r. r. that ai'e vir ited by the lo(-al anglers. These str. empty into the Voughiojdn ii\, 
 Casseluian ami Potomac r. and afford fair trout ti.-hii;t;. llie latti-r yieldiiij,' h. li.; 
 good acccuumodations tan be had at the farm bous<-s in the adjacent mountain-, t • 
 jiecially at Meyersdale and Somerstd, I'a. 
 Pittsfleld (1>. A. V. X- P.)— Brokenstraw cr.; .\ndrews r.: last best; brook trout; 
 flies and worms a.s baits; June aud .Inly (>est; hotel fl.'iup, d. 
 Pittston (1). L. *£ W.)— Lake Carey •.'.■) ni.: Susiiuehauua r. near statiou; flrst 1m -t. 
 pickerel and b. b. i)rinci])ally: crabs (crayfish), -clippers" (helgramifes) 
 nows as baits; .Vugust, September aud Uctober best; hotels ,f 1.5u to i'l i 
 plenty at "'Oc j). d. 
 Plyniouth (1». I^. >V: W.)— Susiinehanna r. near station: best tisbiug groun 
 1 m. down the r.: b. b.. perch, pickerel etc.; bas.s and perch most abnndaiii 
 nows, ludgramiteH, crabs (crayfish) aud worms as baits; .Xugust, September lui'i 
 October best; hotels $2 p. d.; boats and bait cau be procured. 
 il ;il"ia' 
 k.-i>crilii. 1,. h 
 illtH; .llllH , .|,|,y 
 It'll; >iuit lau i (• 
 ■arp. etc.; li. I). 
 iHt bwHl; LiiU-U 
 K'liiwari' r. ncur 
 )i('lll|^ lll<|^t lill- 
 liail; S(|,t. iiiid 
 cxiellciil iruut 
 I^luuli r.; lidth 
 l!fOUH. Sllih w 
 liTH ri'i^iiliiit; 111 
 ■ Klin ami WiM 
 III.; Praki'N ir. 4 
 II ; arriiiiuiiiiiiii- 
 baitH Hut in idi-i 
 'tatiotr, tnmt iu 
 t ami Sciili iiilii-r 
 u liwh I'Wiiii; t'> 
 'orkioiueu cr. ,. 
 -ill iiioHt liuiiur 
 Iclllllfr lii>l; 11. . 
 Kiiiuj,' cttU bi- L,il 
 ar by in imtcd ,i. 
 I II. d. Sii iui. 
 i\v thP city L'iv(4 
 Salfiu tlii-M- ti>!i 
 liTH rcsurt to At- 
 iUld utlllT I'lilUt!* 
 11(1 Ib'aiKl.vwine 
 il watrrs a tcW 
 nvcvcr, that tJie 
 ulu liolilf. Scv- 
 111 tlic srasmi. 
 ti's a.M tu t^.^liiiiU 
 IbawH pred'iiiiin- 
 lli(> Pitts \ I'cun. 
 Viiiinbiii)'!:! iiy, 
 11' yicliliiiu ''• 1' • 
 It iiioiiutaiii-, t. 
 n; brook trunt; 
 jation; first bf-t. 
 liiitcs) ami iiiiii- 
 i-l p. d.; biiat^ 
 Iff (trotiii'l ii • ■'■ 
 libniidaiit i:i '; 
 TfciepteUib'.i' iUi'i 
 Pocono (H. L. k W.)— Timkbatmu StillwaU^rn 1 ni.; Went branch of Broadbt-ad S« 
 ^, 1 . 111.; biitli viTj Kond; bfit'ik trniit; art. Hy and li\i' bait ii«t'd; April, Mas and 
 jiiti. lust, buttl $1...'") !>. d. (tiMid rtHhiiiK. 
 Pond Bddy (N. V. I.. K. a: W.i— Dflawarc r. '„ m.; I'oud Kddy cr. '„ n».. <'arp«n- 
 iff':- br. .') Ml.; IJrirk \>. 5 ni.; Huv;){i)ii \). .'i mi. ; I)<dawart' r. and llau({i>n p. bcHt; b. U., 
 i'ii'K< I'l'l and tnnit; the last in tint bmokH and crcfki*: iiHual ba.ts; May and June 
 liost tor tnmt and Septriiibur and OctobiT fur basw; hotids #'i p. d ; boats .fl p. d. 
 Till I < arc a niniibcr <>f poudH oppuaitu Tuud Lddy uu tliu N. V. Hldti ot tliv Delaware 
 r. NshR'li ttbouud iu HmIi. 
 Port AlleflThany (H. N. Y. .^ P.)— rj)i)er Allo^diauy r. and nunierouH creeks; 
 tri.iii; lly and wcuiii bait; .May and •liiiii' best; lioUdH $l..Vi p. d. 
 Port Carbon P. X* H.)— Schuylkill r. near station; TiiiubliiiK r. 1 'j ni.; Tnnii)- 
 linu 1'. and ibtins best; trout, pike, b. b., siintlsh etc.; trout and b. h. most abiin- 
 ilaiii; usual baits; we have no report as to accoiniiiodatioMs. 
 Port Kennedy (!'• >t K )— Sclmylkill r. '.. m.; b. b., cattish and siinlisli; liasH 
 aii'l cattish most abundant; worms, crabs (craytisb), minnows, tadpoles, lielfiraiii- 
 itr,'< I'tc. as baits; Juiiif, •Inly, Au^UHt, .September and October best; hotels *1 to 
 Jl.'J.'i p. d.; boats i't^c p. d. 
 Portland (1>. I." >'^ W. I— Delaware r. near wtation; b. b., perch, suntlsh etc.; b. b. 
 iiiiir<t iiiimeroUM; uwiial baits and seasons; hotels at moderate char|,;cH; boats ami 
 liait cheap. 
 Port Perry ( P. >V I*. E.)— Mononnaliela r. near station; b. b., perch, cattish et«-.; 
 liii>:- and cattish are most numerouH: minnow bait; .IiiU", .Inly and .-ViiKiist best: 
 Lntcl 'J.")!- p. meal; t,'Uide 'J.'ic )). h. ; boats with bait 'J">c p. h. Our correspondent 
 writi s that I'ort Perry has •always been known as a Hrst-dass tishing place." 
 Potter Brook (<'.("• <t A.)— Cowanestine r. 30 rods; Potter br. (5<) rods; Metcalf 
 lir. ""I rods; a few trout in the bro(<ks atid i)ickerel in the river: May and .Iiiiie for 
 ti'iiut: white yrub ami worm b',>.it; hotels fi^ p. w.; guides and boats not needed. 
 Pottstown (P. ^ K.)— Schuylkill r. ; bass, catfish, sunlish etc.; basH most niinier- 
 oil-; worms as bait; September best; hotels at reasonable prices: boats can be pro- 
 I'urccl at ■'>0e p. d. .See Thk .Vmkuican .Vngi.kii, vol. Ill, jip. :i7ti. 
 Punxsutawney (U- *■' 1' See jia^'e \'I) — MahoniHj^ r. 5 m.: I.,ittle Mahoninj,' r. 
 I'Mii.: first best; bass and coarse varieties, bass predoniinatiiif;; worm and tly 
 lait.-; May to September best; hotels #J p. d.; boat« not needed. There are alHi 
 .tonic troiit in Little .Sandy cr. 7 m. distant. 
 Saukin (P. •'^: L- E.) — Monongahela r. ; b. b., catfish etc.; baHB most abundant; 
 minnow V)ait; May and Septemlier best; hotels $l.">o p. d.; boats 'Juc p. h. 
 Rasselas (U. 't !'• *^<''' I'lR*' VI and X. Y. L. E. .t W.)— Straight cr. :i m.; Kocky 
 run -tr. 'Jm.; some other small waters: Stiaiuht cr. best; trout the principal fish; 
 Ma.\. -lunc, .Inly and .\injust best: fish eyes and other baits used; hotels .'fl p. d.; 
 piii'lcs reasonable; no boats wanted; bait can be had free or at nominal cost, 
 istiaii^ht cr. i.s reported as a very (,'ood stream for trout. 
 BeynoldsvlUe (All. V.)— Sandy Lick and Soldier run near station; Trout nm 
 lui.. lirst best; bryok trout, b. b., sunfish etc.; trout most numerous; Hies and 
 ;\uniis used: May audJuue best; hoteln $2 p. d.;guides f2.r)(jp. il.; boats not needed; 
 Imit plentiful. 
 Biddlesburg' (H. & 15. T. M.)— Raystown branch of -Iiiniata r. noar station: b. 
 li, ainl varieties* of coarse tislr. bass plentiful: Septi'iiiber and October biist: baits — 
 luiiiiiows, toad.--, fro^s, crabs and tlics; hotels .'?1.,')0 ]*. d.: boats and bait reasonable. 
 tiooil tishint^ for b. b., especially at a led^e of rocks 1 to 2 ni. down tlie river. 
 Royer'S Tord (P. »'^' R.)— Schuylkill r. near station; b. 1). mainly; July, August 
 iiiiil September best; hotel J2.")0 p. <i.: no guides ncided. There is a streti-h of 
 wiitci' about 2 m. extending from Hoyer's Ford to Yankee Dam at Limerick, which 
 can be waded atlording beautiful rty casting. The b. b. here take (or did ;i yearn 
 au'oi the art. fiy freely, and excellent scores can be made- the fishing however is 
 iiM- .M good as It was. 
 Runinierfield I Leh . V. See page VI)— .Sus(juehanna r. for one mile above and 
 liclnw Station gives good b. b. tishing: Hilling's p. 2'j ni., also contains the same 
 ti-li. ordinary baits including helgramites ('-clippers" locally), and small catflsh; 
 hn. U, guides, boats and V>aits at a fair price. 
 il' f? 
 !' J«*! 
 Saegrcrtown 'N. Y. P. A; o. Ktc ittmv Xll)— .r. near station; »>. h., j.i;, , 
 Huliiiuii u>ikr-iii rrli), cti'.; ImttH uikI huIiikiii iikihI iMinicriiUH; iiiinuu'.v bait; .Mu\, 
 •luuc. Kf|itiiiilirr iiiul Ui-tolxif luiMt; IhiU^Ih ml ri-aHoniilili- rutf.'*. 
 Saf« Harbor (I'rnna. r.)— NuN<iu<'liuniiu r. and ('oni^HtD^a r. at ntation; t^rNt In .• 
 with live Itiiit aii<l tint lattt;!' with till' tly; b. Ii., Htripcil baHH, wull-fycd ]iil<c it>.. 
 b. Ii. iiinht niiiiKM'iiiiH; minnow, i'raytl^<li, dobHtm iin<l My baitH; ,l\\ui) to NuX'iiiln r 
 iutliiHivi' btjhl; h<it(dH at ieiiM<inul)i<! jtriciH; kuiiUh |'J \< . d.; bait jl p. luu. Au i\ 
 (lib nt ikHliin^ iioiut. Ntc Tiik Amkkk an ANiiLKii, vol. Ill, ii)!. :i44. 
 Ballabnry (H. X' o.) --I'liu-y i\iii, Klk I,i«k cr. and hciid of (nHHclnian r.; 
 andb. b.; iiHiiiil baith; a nnnibcr of ^ond ilHhin^ ntrcaniH iicitr thf above Htuticn 
 run into the Voiii^hio^difiiy. CuHHi-lniun and l'otoiiia<': Salinbtiry is about two hniirH 
 ritb' froiii riinilxThind, Md., whrrc th<^ I'otoiiiac furnir<h('H black bar<H tlbhiug. llu- 
 t<d at-roiiiiiiodationH, ({iiidcx, boatH and biiitH reaHonabie. 
 Saw Mill Run (P. A: L. E.)— Ohio v. noar Htatioii; ix-nh. b. b., nalmon ipike- 
 IKTcli), catllHli and ( uarHi' varirtii'H, thi- latttT abounding: wornin, niinnowH, crickt't.", 
 cti-. an baitH; Ajiril, May and Jum: bi-nt, boatH ' ii. h.; baitH can be pruciircii. 
 Sayre (li«h. V. Hon i)aKo VI.)— 8nHi|uchaiina r. HO hmIm; Ch«'iiiunK r. 1 S m,; 
 b. b., with.UHual baitH, hotulH i^'iii. d.; Ixnitn and ))aitH chcai). .See WvaiiiMii).', 
 Schw*llkaville (I'frkioini'U.)— Perkionu'U cr. near ntation: b. b., HUiilihli, 
 I'littinb, etc.; wuiihn, tlics aiid live liait; June, July and Sciittlubcr bcHt; hotel jl 
 II. d.; boatH can be dbtained. (iood tlnhili^ for b. b. 
 Bharpsville (N. Y. P. X- O. See jiaj^e Xll.)— .Shenan^'o r. an<l Krio Canal mar 
 Htution; first best: b. b. and coarne varielien; bans njonf jtlentifiil; worm ami iiiiii- 
 Iiow baitn; .May and Octolx-r bust montlin; lioteln .*"J \>. d. 
 cr. ; b. b. priuciiiuU.v; 
 and early {lart of July 
 Shawmont (P >'^ U) — Schuylkill r. and WinHahickon 
 niiniioWH, lud){raiiiitoH, craytinh and art. tlii-H aH baitH; June 
 bent; boatH 5Uc i>. d. hee Lafayette, Pa. 
 Bhickshijuiy (I>. L. k W.)— SuHqiu-hanna r. near Htation; Heach'H p. 4 ni.; ftr>t 
 best; b. b., Haliiion (i)ik<'-i>crcb), catHtih, etc.; b. b. most numerous; crabH, (rruy- 
 •ish), devils (helnramitesl. wonufl, grasHhoiiiicis. etc. as baits; Sejitember, Octulicr 
 »nd .Novembei' best: hotel $-2 \t. d.; boats and bnii Clin be hud reasonable. Hem liV 
 !>. IS noted for its beautiful lilicH, to gather which jieople come from many miles. 
 Shohola (N. Y. I- E. \- AV.)— Highland 1. 8 m.; Sand 1. (! m.: Moiit(,'omery ji. .'i 
 III.: liij,' brink, Littlt^ brink and Walker I'h (> m.; Delawari' r. ad.iacent; all t;ei.(l; 
 b. b., jiickerel, iierch, etc.; bass niost numerous; baits, helK'ramites, crayfish, iniii 
 nowH and worms; Ajiril 15 to Oct. IS best; hotelH fl.TiO to i^'J ji. d., $7 to |iiu \i. w ; 
 guides i^ to ifj p. d.; boatb and baitH iiiuderati-. Some trout Htreauis iu tLis 
 Smethport (B. N. Y. A: P.)— Colegrove br. at ("olegrove station fi ni.; Robbin.- br. 
 'a III. from Colenrove and head of Pt)tatoe cr.; KobbiliH br. aud Po'atoe cr. lust; 
 trout principally; woiniH and all kiudH of animal bait; July and August beNt; lieti Is 
 $1..'>(I to $2.50 p. d.; guides $2 p. d. Good troutiug can be bad at head of Potatiu 
 and Uobbius streamH. 
 Snedburg' (P. & R.) — Gold Miu'i cr., Jeft'H or., Hwatara cr. and Hlack Spring cr., 
 all near station; two lirHt best; b. 'j., trout, whitetinh, etc.; trout mont mimenus; 
 worms as bait; .Vpril and May bi!st; hotel 75cji. d.; guide .•? l.'J5 p. d.; no boats; 
 lait can be procured. Gold Mim and JcH'h cr"s <'ontain no lish e.xcept trout. 
 Snow Shoe (Several r. r.)- Little Sandy cr. '., m.; liig Sandy cr. 1'^ m.; last 
 best; trout; worm bait; May and June best; hotels f L.'M* p. d.; guideH 1*2 p. >!.; 
 bait easily secured. Gtl^er trout BtreamH, viz.; Black Moshannon, South 1 Vrk, 
 Beech cr. and Wallace run, give good trout Ashing, CBpecially iu May and June. 
 Snow Shoe Snmmit (Penna r.) — MoHhanuon P. ().; SuHcjuehanua r. 9 m.; lihuk 
 Cj III) ami Big (4'a m ); Moshannon cr., Rock run ."l ni., Beuiiers run 5 m., Wal- 
 laces run 6 m. Best waters are the SuHquehanna r. and the •'runs" named. Trniit 
 in some of the latter, and b. b. and pickerel in the r. Baitn, helgraniiteH (dobsiusi, 
 miiinow'H, graHshoppers and worms. Bent moutlis April 1 to Aug. 1; botelu f 1 p. il; 
 guides, boats and baits cheap. 
 Spragrnevllle (D. L. A: W.)— Broadheads cr. near station, but best fishing sen o 
 miles HI the ftreain: brook trout; worm and fly baits; .\i)ril 15 to May IC lll•^t; 
 U'Jteis $b p. w.; wading is the practice and the Hsbiug is gcod. 
 Spring' Mill (P. fi R.)— Till' Scliiiylkill r. i>ii|HiHiti-, Ih ut liincH fair water fnr h.iu. 
 . 1. , they take the tty aiul otbiT lurcM ^ni dilv iit tiiiKH, wLlfh Lowovit are iiuctT- 
 *|ll S«C THK AMKUU an ANvlUi^i, Vol. IV, liji. IMi. 
 Starruooa iN. V. I-. K. A: \V.)— st*rni(<'H <t.; siiadijifocr; Coxtnwn ji.; Wrlnhtor 
 1.; MiiiitDii |)., all ill cliiHc proximity: in t-rctkH, trout, in ixindn and lakiH, |iit'krn-l; 
 trout in Kuiiinii'i' with wurniH ami tiy liookn: jiirkt'i't'l in Kuninitr with hption huoliH 
 giKJ liv«' bait; and in winter witli livt' bait thnnmU the iii-; hottl« tl.'iu to fj y. d.; 
 giiidcK, boatM and bait can be had. 
 .( ni.: b. b,, Haliiion (|>iki>-|ii>n h), rattlHli, 
 .. livr bait iiHt'd: .Inly, An^'iiHt and .Sejiicni- 
 ... liottdH :i ni. diHtant, at Ilarrihbiir^'; boate l'*'u^onabll': bait ^1 to jl.,'>o 
 (food ItHhiug rei)urt<'d, ihiu'i ially at "Hawk Hock" 
 8teelton(I'. A: H.)— SiiH<iutduinna r. 
 wliiii jifTch I'tc; b. b, niont nunicroiiH 
 lir inht 
 ' o|i)ioHitc .Stcdton. 
 and branclicH 
 I'ocono cr. 1 ni.; 
 Ti ni.; iNprtiTM 1. 
 Strondsburg' (D. L. A: \V.|— Anabiniiiik i 
 till rry cr. :i ni.; Unnhkill cr. 1 1 ni . : Mri^ht « r. '.'(i in.; MarHhailH cr. .'i ni. ; l'(prtc 
 '.iMii.; 'i'wclvd Mile 1. l."! III.: licadwatci-M of I'ocono cr. and .\naloniink cr. In-nt; 
 tri>iit, iicrch. ]iick(>rtd, b. b., etc.: trout in nlreaniM and iiickcrd, b, b. and iktcIi in 
 Ink) ^: Hii^lt' woriiiH and art. tli<-H iiHed; .April, .May and .liiiic bent for Iront, Juno, 
 July and .Vii^tiHt for baMH, Si'iiti'iiilx-r to .lannary i'ur lake liHh: liotelM iinuiernnH at 
 |1 to ^'J.-'Hi II. (I.; boatH and baitn reaHonable. 
 Slinbnry il'inna. r.)— SiiHiiuehanna r. near by. (Jood b. b. tlshiiii^ when tho 
 uHtrr iH ri|{ht. SuH(jnehanna Kalnion (i>ike-|>erch) are can({ht here of ^'o<id si/,e. 
 Hv liHhiUH fur both HpocicH in at tiUCH t'Xcelh-ut. UoHta etc. can be Lad reanoii- 
 Susquehanna (rea<'h Itottom.)— Hiirqnchanna r. near Htatio... h. b., Halnmn 
 piK>-i>erch|, cattish, Hiintinli etc.: b.b.and cattinh are nioi^t abundant: minnow, 
 .rii>tiHli. hel|.'ramite and worm baitn; June, September and Octidier bent: hot«'l 
 *l.."iii p. d.; niiiden reaHonable: boatn and bait jl.'iii |>. d. Whcii the r. Ih low (m-n- 
 triilly from Any. to Oct.) very tine b. b. hwhinn can be had, 
 Swatara (1'. A: H.)— Swatura cr. 1 ni,; h. h., plk<', HunflHh t'tc; b. b. moM abiin- 
 ilaiit; crab (craytiHh), nhrimp and minnow baitx: latterjiart of .June to tirnt of Aii^'- 
 iist bent; hotulH at reaHonablc )iriceH: boats and bait •''><'c to fl p. d. (iood tiNhin^ 
 riii'ited, especially above I'nion l)epoHit 1 m. from station, and in the dam in the 
 iT , where the principal ttsh is the b. b. 
 Tatesville {U. k H. T. M )— Itaystown bramh of .Iiiniata r. '> in ; b. b., cattish 
 itc; bass most niiinerouH; July, Aunust and September best: baits — froKs, Krass- 
 Ijni],. IS and small tish; no hotels but board can be obtaiued; giiideH flM ]>. d. 
 Kuiit.-. and baits reauouable. 
 Thompson (N. Y, L.E. k W.)— Starrucca cr. '., m.: Rod br. 1 ni.; WriRhter 1. 1 ni.- 
 iMiim 1. :t in: Comfort 1. '2 in.; Comfort 1. and Iniiin I. tli'.- best; trout in .Starrucca 
 ir. mid Red br.; pickerel, perch and b. b. in the others; pickerel niost numerous; 
 li\i- bait used; June and Iiecember best; hotels Sl.'J'i p. d.; ^'uidesaiid baits reason- 
 alil( ; boats free; there are ijuite a number of other small lakes in this vicinity 
 \vlii( b afford very ^ood ttshiun, both in summer and winter; (in winter through the 
 h'.i From "Suf^ar I.oaf Notch" 3 miles distant, IW lakes are visible, all of which 
 arc well-stocked with ttsh. 
 Tidioute (B. N- Y. & P.)— AlloRhany r.; pike, b. b., Halnion (pike-iierch), etc.; 
 Iiiiss most uumercuis; minnows, trolling' sixions etc. used; Seiiteinber and Oct. best; 
 h"ii U at reasonable jirices; boats ."iUc p d. 
 Tobyhanua (D. L. A: W.)— Tobyhanna cr. near station; trout principally; fly, 
 vvi'Miis and minnow bait; May and June best; hotels $l.'i't to #1..")U p. d., or Vi to 
 i\'> i>. w.; boats and l>'iit at low cost. 
 Tuckerton (I'.\U.)- 
 u^; worm bait mostly 
 -Maiden Creek r. 1 ';, in.: b. b., suntish etc. 
 August and September best; hotels at 
 : b. b. most niimer- 
 niodeiale charges. 
 Tunkhannock (I'di. V. See pat,'e VIj— The North ISramh of the SuHcjueliHiina 
 r. at this point yields fair Bcores of s. m. b. b., with some rock bass. Tin: "pnmp- 
 kui .'^eeds" so called here, are the sun-perch, which average from '., to '.^ lb. and 
 take the art. fly readily. The pike-jMrch (bxally "salmon") are on the increase at 
 tliiii point; they will take the fly towards dusk. See Thk Amkiucan Ancilkh, Vol. 
 IV, )i. H",». There in fair trout fishing during the season in Bowman's cr., easily 
 Ursina (B. & O.}— Laurel Uill cr. near station; Casseluian r. '^^ ui.; last best; b 
 !V' !■ < 
1 , I, 
 h., trout, snnflfh, chnb etc.; hanf iiiohI numerous; wonu ami minnow baits; Ajiril 
 to Au^uHt l)fNt; liott'ln at rcuHonablc iirict'.s; miuuows I'Jc to '^")c p. doz. Laurrl r. 
 haw Hoiiio Hiiiall tril)Utarit'M that are jijood trout streams. 
 TTtica (N. Y. P. k O. See page XII)— French tr. aujarent; b. b., iiike, yellow 
 bass and salmon (pike-perch): 1). and yellow (?)ba«8 most uunierous; hel^^rainiiiw, 
 minnows etc. as bait>t; Hepteml)er best month; hotel $1 p. d.; boats and bim at 
 reasonable rates. (lood fishinj,' reported, especially in the deep water of the cr. 
 The report for the above i)oint will hold good for all stations on the N. Y. P. \ d. r. 
 r: from Union City to Franklin, Pa., inclusive; Freu'di cr. (known also as Vi'naii«.i 
 cr.), which runs alongside the r. r. for 00 miles contains wall-eyed pike and hlurk 
 Valley Porgfe (P .^ R.)— Schuylkill r. at Valley Forge Dam; b. b. and cjiiti-h 
 l)rinci])ariy, li.b. being most numerous; minnow baits; June, July, August uuil 
 .SeijfeiiiliiT best: hotel $1 .'2!i \). d.; guide "JOc p. h.; boats and bait J1.'J5 p. d. 
 Wanainie (P. k K.)— .Sus(iuehanna r. .'{ m.; Long p. 3 m.; lasi best; pike, cattish, 
 perch eti'.: pike most abundant; live bait. June, July, .\ugust and September lust; 
 boats "J;")!- to ">()(• ji. d. 
 Warren (Peuna. r.) — The near by trout streams are fished out early in the seas, in. 
 About IM to id ni. south, the Bbiejay.Two Slieritl's, Fool and Logan Kuu8 give fair 
 creels. .Sec Thk Amkuican .•VN(iLKU, Vol. IIL P- -i'^'i- 
 Waterville C C. & A.)— Pine cr's, Big and Little; Upper and Lower Pine I5ot- 
 t(uu Uuii; Big Pine cr. is the best: b. b., suntish etc.; former in excess; ordiiimy 
 baits: .July and August best; hotels .•?! p. d.: guides J1..5(ip. d.; boats, if reiiuiiiil, 
 can be had, but are not used by local anglers, 
 WellsboroiC.C.A: A.)— Pine cr. 4 m.- trout; May, June and July best; uoguiaen; 
 boats not needed; hotels cheap. 
 West Branch (All. V.)— Alleghany r. and Kiskiminetas cr. both within a few- 
 rods of station; lirst named the best; b. b, pike-perch (locally "salmon"), iifi'ch 
 and mullet; b. b., pike-perch and perch most numerous; local baits, cravli 
 grubs, "crawlers" (helgiamites), worms and liver; best months. May, June, Sci)- 
 tember and October; hotels $!.')(» to i'2 ]). d., $"> p. w.; no guides; boats oOc ji. d.; 
 baits cheap. The hotels are at Freeport, 1 ni . from station. 
 West Chester (Penna. r.)—Brandywine cr. 2^ m.; b. h., sunflsh, chub etc.; 
 minnow, crab, tadpole and worm baits; July, .\ugust and September best; Lnt.N 
 $1 to I'.!. 50 p. d.; bait can be obtained. See TuK .Vmkkka:; .\nglkr, vol. VI, 
 pp. 41. 
 West Conshohocken (P. ^ R.)— Schuylkill r. '^ m.; black and green (?) ba.-s, 
 cattish, etc.; live minnows and young lobsters (crayfish) as baits; June, July auil 
 August best; hotel .•? 1 \t. d.; Ooats ijl p. d. The term "green bass" is a couuiidiiuu 
 to us, although we have fished the waters of the Schuylkill for l.T years past. Ah 
 the only species of the fresh water basses in the .Schuylkill r is the s. m. b. b., 
 the "green bass" is probably used sinii)ly tc) denote a ditt'erentuition in the ciilor 
 of the black bass which arises from a slight ditterence in habitat of the fish. 
 Westfield (C 0. & A.) — North Fork 1 ni., contains trout; also the small streams 
 emptying into the Cowanesciue r. near this station. The headwaters of Pine ir. 
 where there is excelletit trout fishing can be reached in a few houn with team; 
 hotels and guides ;fl.."iO p. d.; boats not needed. 
 White Deer (P. -.^ K.)—Svis(iuehanna r. ■, ni.; ^Vhite Deer cr. 15 ni.; first liist: 
 salmon (pike-perch), b. b., jiike etc.; bass most abundant: lamprey eels and 
 Buuill tisli as Ijaits; August and September best; hotel #1 !>. d.; boats 50c p. d. 
 White Haven (Leh. V. See page VI)— Hays and Block cr. 3 m.: Wright's ( r. 1 
 m. In all of these trout are caught with the usual baits from April 1 to Augii>i 1. 
 We have received no report of hotels etc. but the charges are always low at interior 
 fishing points in Pennsylvania. 
 White Oak ((' I'i; Mt. H.)—.V large dam and cr. '4 m.; pike are most numer- 
 ous and are caught mainly with live minnows from .\ugust to November; farm 
 houses 7.")c p. d., giiides not needed; boats ,*1 p. d. 
 Wilkes Barre (Leh. V. See page M and I). L. ,^- W.)— Susquehanna r., Untit- 
 iugton cr., Bowman's cr., Harvey's 1., trijut in creeks, b. b., pickerel, perch, et' iu 
 i. and r. ; minnows, helgramites and worms as baitw; .May and June best for trout 
 and .\uguut, September and October tor bass; good accommodations at 
 best; uo guides; 
 )■: i.fs: boatH ami bait i-hcaii. liowniiinV cr. i« ont? oi the best trout stroaiiis in 
 1' niiHylviinia; Harvey's 1. aboinids in b. b., pickert'l, pcrrh vU\ There are other 
 t n! truut HtreaiiiH in the vicinity at which the liotel ehar^eh are about f 1 j). d. 
 Willow Orove (t). L. 'V W.)—>'ii,-<(iuehanna r. ', ni.; b. b. |irin«ii>aily: toa<ln, 
 w 'MIS. nlll^*Hels etc. as baits: July and Au<,'ust best; boats i'nd bait at small cost. 
 Wind Gap (I*. Ac U.)— llosBcoumion or. 1 ni.: cherry Vailoy cr .3 ni.; McMichaels 
 < 1. l<> 111.; Lake l'o])ononiin<{ ■* iii.; trout in streams, and \>. h., jierch, cattish etc. in 
 '.; worms, minnows, ci'abs and Hies hm liaits; .Viiril and May best for trout, .August 
 and September for )>. b. and others; liiitels at reasonable rates; boats and ))aits re- 
 l...rted "free." 
 Winterbum i All. V.)— There are trout in the following waters; IJennett's Branch 
 , in.; South Fork ', m.; Mountain Kun ', m.; Soutli Fork yields the best lishiiit;; 
 tip' white firiib and tlies tied with some red in them are the best lures in the early 
 s'iisou; hotels *1.'J5 to $'2 p. d.; boats not needed; guides f2 \>, d.; May and .lune 
 I'.st months. 
 Wissahickon ( P. >^' H . ) — Schuylkill r. and Wissahickon cr. near station; b. b. 
 jiiiiii ipally ; minnows, ludgraiiiites, craytish and art. Hies as baits; .June and early 
 \Ki.n of July liest: boats r>uc \). d. ^^'e learu that the Wissahickon is getting to be a 
 fair b. b. stream. 
 Wyalusingf (Leh. V. See i>age VI.)— Susquehanna r. 1 ni.; b. b., rock bass, 
 .snntish, SusijUtduinua salmon (iiike-perch), etc. ; bass most abundant: bullheads 
 ii:id heljiramites usual baits: June, July, .\ugust and Seiitemiter best; hotel fL.'iii 
 1'. d.; boats and bait chcaii. In some years the b. b. fishing at '^his point lias been 
 \ . ty good. 
 York Kaveu (I'enna. r.) — I'onnewago Falls ou Susquehanna r.; b. 1 . priuci- 
 li,dl>. but some salmon (pike-perdi); htdgramites, minnows, "stone catfish." I'ray- 
 fi-li, etc. as baits: October when r. is low, best time; boats and hait can be oi)- 
 t. lined. When the water is low, good fishing can be had from the rocks in uiid- 
 ZiefiClersville (Perkionun r. ) — Perkiomen cr. and Swamper.; first best; b. b., 
 .- iiilisTi and rittish; luiuiiows. Hies, etc. asbait.'^; July, .Vugustand Se;itemb"r best: 
 h'ttd at reasonable rates. Fair b. b. fishing. 
 Abbotts Rtin iN- ^. >v N- K.)— Abbotts run n(>ar station; fargills br. ', ni.; 
 lir.-t best; trout, pickerel and some coarse varieties, pickerel most uumerous; 
 >;.uicrs and angle woi'nis used as baits; spring and summer best seasons; pickerel 
 < lught numerously in winter: boats and bait at merely uomiual figureH. Cargills 
 br. is considered "a fair trout ground." 
 Block Island (via New London, Conn., by str.) — To this ground is accorded the 
 Ingest strii'ed bass ever taken on rt)d and reel, viz.; one of l()(i lbs. killed some 
 \iars ago. Those of ".i.") lbs. and upward are Uiken every season. Very fine fish- 
 ing. The usual charges that prevail at watering places. 
 Bristol Ferry (*>■ ('. See pagt^ XIV.)— Narragansett Bay near station; bluefish, 
 1 iiiliig (blackrtsh), scup (porgy), etc.; 'autog and scup most abundant; crabs, clanis, 
 1. idlers, etc. as baits: June, July, .\iv.<i«t and September best; hotel ;?lu p. w., or 
 J J p. d.; boats aliout .*1 p. d. 
 Coal BSines (<>.('. See page XIV.)— Narragansett Bay '„ m.; scup (porgies\ liliie- 
 /l-'.i, striped bass, etc.; scup and bluefish most numerous; dams, crabs, etc. as 
 ImUs; June to October best; uearest hotel at Bristcd Ferry. 
 Coventry iN- Y. A; N. E.) — Peckham p. at station; Quiduick Reservoir 
 'til guild; pickerel and perch: usual baits; guide #'J 
 >0 p. d.; boats at moderate 
 Cranston (N. V. .'t N. E.) — Sjjragties p. '4 m.; Dyers p. ,'j ni.; UandcUs p. '^ m.; 
 ^1 ei'tacle p. \ m.: Pocasset br. near station; all abiuit alike; b. b., perch, etc.; 
 \v"rmR usual baits; April, May ami June best; hotels at reasonable rates. These 
 ;ir.- large and beautiful \i'ds and patronized by auglera from Providence. Then are 
 itlier p'ds near by, and also three large reservoirs 3 ni, distant which are said to 
 li ive large quantities of b. b. ^ud pickerel in theui. 
 Greene iN- V. \- N. E.) — Grea* br. '^ ni ; brook trout; small flab and worm baits; 
 .M i\ and June best, 
 Kayatt(Prov. W. &B.)— NarraRansett Bay ^m.; tantoR(blackflBh), haRB. blr.cH !i 
 flAtrtHh, cunners etc.; tantog iiiOHt numerous in seaHou: nc>ft Hhell claniH, iiiiin^c.<, 
 tiddlerH, cral)h etc. as baitw; May, June, 8ej)t«miber and 0(;t()y>er best ; hotel at rcii- 
 Hoiiabb; jjrico; IxiatH can be obtained. Sonic trout are (taught in adjacent brookh in 
 the Kpriny, and there if* fairly yood pickerel and iien-h fiHhiug to be had. 
 Blver Point (N. Y. 1^ X. E.)— North and S<»>uli HranchcH of Pawtuxet r. '., m.: 
 b. b., ])ickercl i-tc.: Imish most mnnerous; usual baitH audneawoUM; Lot«ls at moder- 
 ate i)rices; boatw and bait .'MK' i>. d. 
 Tiverton (O. C. .See paf^e XIV.)— Seaconet r. near station; tautog (bla<kflsh), 
 8cii]i ())ornv). banH etc.: claniH, ttddlern, crabs etc. aH baitn: May, June, Septeiiibir 
 and ()<'tober best: no regular hotelH, but iirivate boarding hou.seM can be toiiud; 
 bnatiS •^i'ic i>. h.; l)ait cheap. 
 Warren (O. C. .See pajio XIV.)— Kiokemuit r. (fronh water) 1 m.; Palmer's or 
 Wiiri'en r. near station; Narraj^ausett Bay 'i m.; tautof,' (blackflwh), Hcup (iioi''.;,vi, 
 Ktriped ba.-^s, also iiickerel, i)erch, vW. in trcHli x.ater: clams, niUHselH, crabs kmiI 
 the usual fresh \vat(!r baits: May 15 to October 1") best: last of ebb and lirst ot tl 1 
 tides best; hotels .•fl.ooj). d.; rowboat with guide S- p. d.; sailboat do, $4 to S'> \i. 
 d. Excellent fishing in both bay and rivers. 
 Washington (X. V. .V N. E.)— Mishneck p. 2 m.; Flat Ri\T'r Keporvoir 1 m . : Tio- 
 gree 1). ] 111 : lirst and last best: trout, pickerel and iierch, the lust most iiiimercni-; 
 shiners ami angle wufiiis as baits; April to November best; boarding liouseH il ji.d.: 
 boatu aud baitu rcatiunabie. 
 Adams Run (Chas. & S.)— Pon P(m or Edisto r. 15 m.; rockftsh (V), trout, bream, 
 shad and mullet, the two latter being most aliiiiidaiit; worms and <-ut bait u>ei!: 
 Eebruary to !Sei)tember best; "neap" tides best. 
 Ashepoo (('has. A: H.)— .\shepoo r. near station; trout, (b. b.). jierch, bream, rork 
 ('.')etc.: bream iiiostabiiiKlaiit : worm bait; suiiimur mouths best. We think the "rork " 
 so called aliove. is the strijied oass, but it is very ditticult to identify a fish by th-' 
 local name prevailing in the Southern States, I.4ist of ebb and first of flood tide 
 Beldoc (P. n. .<: .\.) — Boldoc p. and cr. near station; bream, trout (b. >•>.), y,u-\ 
 (pikej etc.; bream most numerous; worm bait; April, May and June best; biiutr< 
 and bait can be lia<l. 
 Branchville (South 
 (?)etc.: worms, sawyers and 1 
 p. (1.: guides lioatsand bait at moderate' cost 
 Briiuson (P. B. \' .\.)— Coosawhatchie Swamp 'J m.: Youniana Mill 5 m 
 Mill 10 m.: Salkeliatcliie Swamp 10 m.: p»u'ch, trout, (b. b.). jiike. catfish et( 
 bait mostly; June and July best: hotel .•? 1 p. d.; bait at very moderate- cost 
 fishing in th(^ Savannah r. 1(> m. distant. 
 Canipbellton (P. H. >*v" A.i — Coosawhatchie '1^., m.; Jackson branch 4 m. 
 Sa\ainiali r.; .lackson branch best; bream, trout (b. b.). catfish etc.; trout .... . 
 breaiu most numerous: earth and Catawba worms as l)aits; .May, June, July aul 
 August best; boats and baits can be had. 
 Charleston (Several r. r. and s. s. lines)— ,\tlantic Ocean pi m.; blackfish. bas-;. 
 whiting, ti'iiut. por^ies, sheepshead ami other varieties; blackfish. whiting and trnut 
 most numerous; shrimp and prawn <is baits; sju-ing and fall best: hotels f'2,5M to 
 ?:4 p. (1.: boats ,*'2.5(i to .■?5 p. d. Last of ebb and first of fiood tides best. 
 Coosawhatchie (Chiis. .<c S.)— Coosawhatchie r. near station.; Tullifinny or. i 
 m.; last best; in fresh water, trout (b. b.i. jierch, bream etc.; in salt water, mulh't, 
 C.)— Edisto r. "i '., m.; perch, trout (b. b.), jack (iiike), rock 
 ive bait; May, June and July bttst: hotels 5:i..')0 to r'i 
 Beti. r 
 shad and roi'kfisli (strijied bass); worms and live liait used; May and June b 
 boats can be had, but not needed mill h; last of ebb aud first of tiood tide Ir 
 Tln- salt water mullet is said to take a worm-baited hook very freely in the abo\ 
 ini' salt water muiier IS said lo raKc a woriii-oancd iiooK very iieeiy in lue aoim- 
 waters, especialy in the months uf May, June. July aud August; if this is so (and 
 there seems no doubt of it), it in the only ground known to us, where they caia li- 
 caught with hook and line. The "roidifish." so called here, is the striped bass it 
 the north, and doubtless the same rule holds good in all Southern Strifes. In .Mary- 
 land and 'Virginia this uomeuelature has prevailed from time immemorable. 
 Barly Branch (P. B. <■'« .\.)— Salkehatchie r. -i m,; Coosawhatchie r. 4 m. : flr«t 
 ), httSB, blnrti !i 
 laillH, lUllHM-.;, 
 ; hotel at ii'i- 
 U'fut brooks m 
 I ad. 
 uxet r. '., 111.; 
 otelH at iiiocUr- 
 og (hliicktisht, 
 lie, iSfptt'liititr 
 ;au be t'ouud; 
 .; Palmpr'.i or 
 HC\ll) (iKIlyVl, 
 :'1h, (U'ahs uml 
 1(1 first i)t tl I 
 ,0. H to $.') p. 
 voir 1 m.: Tio- 
 (iHt iiiiiiicr(iii<; 
 . trout, brfjuii. 
 nit bait \i>t>!: 
 1, hroam, rod; 
 link till' "rorU" 
 a rish bv tli> 
 of flood ti.l- 
 (1). h.), jii.l. 
 liCHt: b(p;it^ 
 (pike), rock 
 i:i..")n to i'l 
 m.; Coix'"-* 
 etc.: worm 
 ;'oKt. Bi'tii !• 
 •1: 4 111., an I 
 trout ill:! 
 ue, July au'l 
 kfish, bas-i, 
 U)X aiul trout 
 Is ;?'.i,5ii to 
 I .li 
 llirtiiny cr. > 
 Iter, lunlh't. 
 line Im'si; 
 1 tide U-.-t. 
 II tbe abo\i» 
 is so (aii'l 
 they eau 1" 
 ped bass "I 
 s. lu Mary- 
 4 ni. ; tir-^t 
 hoi: rockfish (striped bass), trout (b. b.), perch, »'atflsL, ,ia<'k (pike), ete.; p«reh 
 aud cattisb most abundaut: live bait and earth worms used; May t«> July bcHt; 
 boanliun house *l.'2r) p. d.; guide $1 p. d.; guidtH furnish boat and bait. Half ebb 
 to yoiuig flood is the best staige of the tide. 
 Ellenton (i*. R. A: A.)— Ujiper .1 runs, .Savannah r.. Four Mile branch and the I'h 
 from 1 to 3 m.; Savannah r. and the I's l)est; trout, (b. b.), bream, perch, catflHh, 
 (tc: earth worms, waxp or jacket nest etc. as baits; April and t>ctober best months; 
 lint'l at reasonalile prices. The ytriped bass (i-ocktish) run up the Savannah r. in 
 (luiuitities during July and Aii^, 
 Florence (Several r. r.)— Black cr. 4 m.; Lowthers 1. H m.: Lynch's r. 10 m., 
 lic^iile.s numerous mill ])'f;s: Lowthers 1. best: trout, (b. b.), bream, redhorse, 
 pfrcli, etc.; bream most abundant; wo''ni bait principally; May to September iu- 
 ilu.sive bebt; hotels $2 p, d.; ooatH and bait at small cost. 
 Oeorgfetown (O. k L.)— Wiuyah Bay li m.; Waccaman r. '2 m.: Sampit r. r. 
 Wliarf, Pee Dec r. i m.; Santee r. 14 m.; llrst named best: channel bass, drum, sea 
 ti'Mit, whiting, croaker, etc.: shrimp, crabs and clams as bait; low water slack is 
 tli( best tide; May 1 to Oct, 1 best; hotels reasonable; guides plenty at $1 to ^2 
 \i. il.; boats 7.')0 to ;fl p. d. 
 Gourdin's (No. E. of S. (".) — Santef, r. 1 '.,. in.; "brook and spotted trout," bream, 
 pcicli, eti'.; perch and bream most numerous; W()rms and cut bait us«'d, and for 
 tniit live bait; May to September best. The "brook and sjiottecl trout" so called 
 liy our correspondont we judge to be the b. 1). and the strawberry buss. The best 
 tisliiiig at this point is in the I's of the Santee Fee Swamps, very diflicult to get at, 
 h\a full of flsh. 
 Hampton (P. R, 't .\.)— Salkehatchi(> r; 2 m.; perch, pike and trout; perch most 
 iiuiuiroiis; worms and snuill tish as baits; April, May and Juno best; hotel $2 p. d.; 
 1 .lats not needed; bait cheap. 
 Hardeeville (('has. (te S.) — Savannah r. 3 in.; New r. 5 m.; last best early in 
 s a>(in, and Savaniuih r. later; round trout (':') rock (striped bass), jack (i>ike), liream, 
 1' rcli, "speckled trout" (.-ea trout), chub, rpd breast ('.'), eti'.; bream and reil brea-t 
 iun>it abmidaiit: worm, gras.shoppta- and cricket baits; summer mouths best; 
 s;r,i(les, boats and bait reasonable. First of flood tide best. 
 Jackson (P. K. \' ■^•) — Hollow cr. 2 'a m.; Savannah r. 2^i m.; Fpper 3 runs 4 to 
 'iiii.: Siivaiiiuri r. best; bream, perch, catrtsh, etc.; Catawba worms as bait; .-Vpril, 
 .Ma> ami .Iiiiie best; no regular hotels, 
 Johns Island (('has. .t S.) — Edisto r. and Kanlowlt>'s cr.: bLu'k and striped bass, 
 iiiiillet, shad, whiting, etc.; shrimp, clams, spoony and jialeiit b(d)s; .\pri]. May, 
 ■Iiilic. Sei>teiiiber ami October best: boats and bait lioininal, E.\cellent lisliilig 
 (>1 icially in tlii' Edisto r. Last of <djb and ttrst of flood tide best. 
 King'Ston (No. E. of S. ('.)— Black r. '^ in.; trout (b. b.), jack (i)ike), red breast, 
 r.'^ |.crcli, t. learn, etc; worms and live bait used; sumiiK'r iiKHitlis best: hotel .•?2 
 1'. il.: guides .■^ I J) d.; boats and bait plentiful and reasonable, (iood lishing re- 
 Millet (P. li. \- A.)— Cater Hall 1. 4 m.; River 2 m.; Furses .Mill 2 m.: flrst best: 
 ti'i ;i ill. b.), bream, jack (pike), warnioiith (prolmbly strawberry bass), etc.: trout 
 iiini linam most numerous; silver flsh <ir Cataw lia worms as baits; June, July, 
 Aiiu'ust and September best, boats and bait very cheap. 
 Monck's "Corner (Xo.E. of S.c.)— Cooper r. 2 m.: trout, |b. b.), bream, mullet 
 ft..; trout and mullet most abund;iiit: worm bait; May, June, t>i'tober and Novem- 
 liir best. 
 Rantowlos (i has. \- S.)— Stono r. :i ni.; trout (b. b.); live mullet as bait; Novom- 
 lii land Decciiilier best; flood tide best. 
 Salkehatchie (('has. \- S.)— Salkehatchie r. )j m.: rombaheo r. :i m.: trout (b. 
 111. jack (pike), perch, red breast, (y)catflsh etc.: catttsb and red breast most nuiiier- 
 <ai>: worms, cut bait and bobs used; .Vpril, May and Jiiiii' best: the "bob" is a 
 liiiiich of gay feathers or red flannel tied on a hook. Young flood tide best. 
 Scranton iNo. E. of S. C.)— Lynch's r. 4 m.; Mill p. adjacent; first best: red 
 111 lly trtiiU (V), carp and bream; worm bait mostly; July to Octolur best; no regular 
 lindl; boats can be had .Ode p. d. (iood rtshing reporti'd. 
 Vamville (P. K. •'^ A.)— lireat .Salkehatchie swamp 5 m,; Coosawhatchio awamp 
 t i 
 '2 m.; botb very Kood; jack (pike), red hroaHt, (?) pen^b. chub, tnmt, (b. )>.) catii.-jh 
 etc.; worniH, rut and livo bait; .June and July l)fHt fur jxTch, and tall tur 
 pik«; privttto boarding liouseH ^Vi tu .■►•JU i>. month; boatn and bait can be [.m- 
 White Hall (Oban. iV Sj—Conibahee r. 4 lu.; Kirkl"H i-r. 1 ni.; last bcKt; ti'Uit 
 (b. b.), litltihh, bream, jack (pike) etc.; I)ream iiiOHt numerous; earthworms ainl 
 crayhsb iis baitn; May and .luiie Ijent; no hotel; guide .»l..">i> p. d.; boatr) and bait 
 r)(»c ]). d. Low tide best. 
 Yemassee ( t*. K. ^ A.) — C'ombabee r. t m.; trttut (b. 1).), i»erch, bream, shail, 
 rock etc.; eartli worms, Hilver liKh, grub worms etc. as baits; si)riug best for shad, 
 BUnimer and fall for others; hotel i^'l p. d.; boats and bait can be had. 
 Anderson (N. t'. i^: .St. L. See page X)— ('row cr. near station; tro\u (b. !•.), 
 perch etc.; minnow auc. worm baits: .May am' June best mouths; minnows Ic 
 Bellevue (N. C & St. L.)— IMg Harpetb 1 in.. South Harpetb fi m.; the f.,r- 
 mer best; 1. m. b. b., perch, cattish etc. ; bass and cattish most minierous; worms 
 and iiiiuuowB an baits; .Vpril, May and June. No hotels or guides, the latter 
 Boyce ((^. V ('.)— <'hickamauga or. 1 m.; b. b., "jack-salmon," perch etc.; b. li. 
 and perch most numerous; live minnows as bait; April, May and June best momli,.., 
 minnows $1)). inb. 'ihc ••jack-salmou" is either the pike-perch or the pike. ( un- 
 fiisioii worse I'oiifoiindcd attends the attempt t<j understand the local names of lisL 
 in certain fectionx of Tennessee; however, if our ettorts are successful tli>- 
 edition of tie Guide Book foi 188C will make plain the present tangle in tlif 
 local nomeuc'ature of ttsh, uot only iu Teunossee but in many other sectious of tbi' 
 Centreville (N. <'. A: St. L. S<'e page X)— Duckr. at station; Swan cr. 4 m.; riut 
 r. S 111.. Pine r. best; trout (b. b.j, perch and jack (pike-perch); bass most numennis; 
 .\pril. May, .)uu(\ September and October best; baits — minnows etc.; hotels .*"2 \i. 
 d.; boats and bait reasonable. Kxcullent fishing reported. 
 Coultexville (Q. *: C.)— Sale cr. near station; Kock cr. 1 1^ »"■; Tennessee r. .') m.; 
 first best; trout, (probably b. 1).) and perch; (lerdi most numerous; minnow ainl 
 Worm baits; .\pril. .May and June best; hotel $1 p. d.; minnows loc p. dt'Z.; bciat^^ 
 can generally be borrowed. 
 Daisy (Q. vt ('.)— Chickamauga cr. 2 in.; pen-li and bass; perch most abundant; 
 minnows as bait: May and June best months: no hotels; guide can be itrocurfl at 
 .■f 1 to .*l.i5l( p. d. : bait can be obtained 
 Dickson (N. C A; St. li. See page Xt — loiies cr. :< m.; Yellow cr. t! m.; Pine r. li 
 to 1(1 m.; Pine r. best; trout, b. b., perch, catfish etc.; bass most numerous; Octnli 
 er and Aj)ril best; baits — minnows, etc.; hotels $'2 p. d.; boats, bait and guiil<r. 
 reasonable . 
 Elisabethton (•'. T. .S: W. N. ('.)— Watauga r. 1 m.; bass and perch; helgramiti s, 
 crayfish and livt^ minnows as bait; May 1.') to fro,vtbest: ln>tels i\ to $'J p. d.; buatt 
 and bait at trifling cost. 
 Emory Oap (Q. 't ('■) — Kiuory r. 1 to (> m., bass and pike; bass most numerous: 
 live minnows and art. baits used; April and May best; hotels *■,.,")(• p. d.; baits can 
 be obtained. 
 Zhuory River (Wald. lUdge r.)— Excellent b. 1>. fishing, both varieties. See -Ml. 
 Savage Ky. 
 EstellSpriners(X. ('. >'^- ^t.L. See page X)—P:ik r. 1 m.; Taylor's cr. Kj in.; 
 first l)est; trout, catfish, perch etc.; minnows and worms as baits: May and June 
 best: no regular hotels; bait i-an lie procured at nominal cost. 
 Olen Alice (V. iV t'.)- Whites cr. 1 m.: Piney cr. ;t m.; first best; trout, (b. bi, 
 drum, black perch etc.; crayfish, small fish aii(i worm baits; April and May best; 
 jirivate boanl 75c p. d.. guide $1 p. d.; boats and bait at very low cost. 
 Graham (N. C. k St. L. ^ee page X)— Mill cr. '20J yds; Piney r. 1 (, m.: the lati.T 
 best: b. b., perch and catfish: the first named in the majority: minnow bait: .\pril 
 May, Sept. Oct. b«st tiun.; good ch«ap board; pUuty of voluiitecr guides; boats uut 
 'iincsHee r. •> m.; 
 iftiiM. Set' Mt. 
 St. L. Seepage X.) — Ciiifv Fork 21 m. See Sparta, Teun. 
 Hampton I K. T. \' W. N. C.)— Ti^'cr or. 4 in.; trout princiiial'y; rtifs aiul woxil 
 uriiis an l)HitM; May, June, .Inly iiiid .Xu^'imt l)cst: liotels at .*1 t<> :*"J p. cl.: linatM 
 aiiMiaitat tritliiit^ cost; Thf waters are mostly shallow aud au^lers -jcnerally 
 Helenwood Q. *: <'"•)— New r. '2 to 5 111.: bass (1>. !>.), salmon (iiike-pcrcht. •■tc; 
 minnows. Hits etc. an baits; April, May aud .June best: hotels $4 .p w.; ^,'iiides .■? 1.50 
 [1. 1.; boat.s and liait cheap. 
 KtintiUGCdon ( N . V. k St. L. See pa^o X)— IJeavor or. 'i m.; Crooked <r. 4 m.; 
 .')i>' best; trout, (V) pereh, "jack or pike" and catlish; perch nioit numerous; 
 iMinnow, crayfish and worm baits; .\i)ril, May and -lune best; hotels •■? I to $1..")() p. 
 i!.: bait can lie had w itlioiit eliiirt;e: boats not needed. We (juote the words of our 
 <(inesi>ond,'nt, "jaik or iiike." (^uery — If the .jack is a pike what is a "iack-sal- 
 iiiouV" Ih it not a pike-iierchV The l)est tishinK is al)out lu m. distant at the junc- 
 fiou of the two above named cr's and the Obion r. at what is known as Wilder'H 
 lower mill; at Uennett's mill, 4 m. on Crooked cr., it Ih also good, in fact very line 
 ;it both points. 
 Knozville (Several r. r.)— Little r. 10 m.; Little Tennospee r. 18 m.; both nood; 
 'lii.-s, salmon (pil<e-i)erch;. i)ike, perch etc.; minnows usual biiit; .January, February. 
 >I:ircli, .\pril, May and December best; hotels $'i p. d.; guides if 1 p, d.; boats aud 
 'i.'ut very reasouable. 
 Xiauciugr (Q- '^' C.)— Enuiry r. 4 m.; iaok (pike), drum, salmon (piko-perch) etc.: 
 luinnow bait!-; spring best seasou; hotel $1 p. d. Uur correspondent writes: ".Some 
 ;ii]f lish caught from this river." 
 Lawrenceburg' (L. & N.) — Shoal cr. near station, and running .tlong line i'. r. 4o 
 111 . good all along tlie creek; trout (probably the b. b.). pike anil pcrih: trout most 
 liiiiiierous: live, bait, minnows. Hies etc. used; .Vpril, .May, October and November 
 lust: hotels at moderate charges; gtiides can be had. 
 Lebanon (N. c. .V: 
 iliMiit ;t m. distant. 
 Manchester (N. c. \- st. L.)— Duck r. 1 m. and other pronpR or branches 1 ', m.: 
 liiilh good; trout ((irobably b. b ), pi ich and .ither vurieties; trout most mimei'ous; 
 iinnnows, worms and belgramites as baits: May, .June and .September l)est; hotels 
 at irasonable rates (.r'20 p. mouth); boats aud bait at small cost. Excelleut ftshing 
 McMinnv'Ue (N. C. \- St. L. See page X.)— Barren Fork V m.; Collins r, '2'.j; 
 ( iiiicy Fork 12 m.; all good: j)er»-h, trout (probably b. b.), bream, jack (pike), (Irum 
 all! cattish; trout and perch most numerous; minnows, craytish and trolling Jiaits; 
 May to October; hotels, guidtvs, Ijoats etc. at reasonable jirices. These waters 
 allord excelleut fishing and are much freiiueuted by the anglers of Nashville. 
 New River (l^ *; C.)— lu the acce.ssible waters are found i)ike. salmon (pike- 
 l'<irh|, bass, redhorse etc.; minnow and worm baits; May until .\ugust best; hotels 
 .'■111' p. d.; guides $1.50 p. d.; guides furnish bait. 
 NeWSOn (N. C. & St. L. See page X)— IJig Harpeth and .^outh Harpeth r's; last 
 Inst; trout (V), oass and black perch; trout most numerous; .April. May, October aud 
 .'>''>\ember, the last two >)eing best. 
 Normandy ;N. C. >^: St. I,.)— Dttck r. ', m.: trout (proliably b. b.), perch, red- 
 111 I'sc, cattish etc. : trout and jierch most abundaiit; minnows useil mostly: .\pril, 
 \Ia> and Juue best; miuuows Ic each. The best grounds are from the towu two 
 .11 lies up the river. 
 Pulaski (L. (.V N.) — Sugar cr. '20 in.; Shoal cr. 10 ni.; brook trout, red eye (rock 
 Im-,-.). salmon (pike-perch), etc.; trout most inimerous: minnow bait: April and 
 May best; hotels $2 p. d. ; guides reasonable; boats ami bait cheap. 
 Rathbum (Q- >^ C.) — Teniu'.ssee r. 5 m.; Big Soddy cr. 1 m.; first best; trout (b, 
 li . butl'alo, drum and catfish: drum most numeroiis; wirm and minnow baits; 
 May best mouth; hotels at reisonaV)le prices; guides, boats and bait at moderate 
 Reelfoot Lake (N. C. A: St. L. S(>e jiage X- -to Union City thence by stage) — 
 lliis is a very fine b. b. \\ater; hotel good; boats at hand; live l)ait generally used. 
 Kxiellent wild fowl shooting. See Uuion City Teun. 
 Koan Mountain ( E. T. k W. N. C.)— Roaring cr. 3 m.: trout principally; flies 
 and WDod (^nil)H as l>aitH; May, .Iiuio, July and AugiiHt bcHt; boU-ls $1 to «'^ 
 J). (1.; IxiatH and bait at tritlinn loht. The watfi'K are niOHtly Hhallow and wading is 
 gfn«' rally iwactici'd. 
 Bobbins iV- A; I'.)— BriniHtoniM'r. J'^ni.; New run ;i in.; Clear Fork -t ni.; White 
 Oak'Jni., Ch^ar i'tirk bt'st; i)ickt!rfl, h. b., Halnioii, (piko ix'rt'h,) p('rc;h, rattlsh itc; 
 jiickcni and haHH nniHt nunicrn\iH: niinnowH an liaits; Ajirii and May bent; liotil at 
 reanonaMe ratt'H; guidcH at $1 j). trip; boatH 'ii'ic Ui Sue. p. d. 
 Kock Island (N. <'. ift St. L. See jia^c X)— Cancy Fnrk, Rocky r. f'ollinH r. 1 ni.; 
 tirnt iit'Ht; trout, (i)robably b. i;.,) black perch, cattinh, rcdhoTKO etc.: ininnown, 
 \vcirninand craytiHh an baits; May, June, September and October bcBt; boats free; 
 Uiiuuowrt Ic each. 
 Hockwood {Q. At C.) — Enu)ry r. H ni. : Maniniy'n cr. in in.; tirnt bent: basn, jack, 
 cattiHlietc.; minnow baitw; May, .June, September and l)ct(<ber best; hotel jj p. 
 d.; boats not needed. 
 i^oddylQ. tcV.) — 'Whitew cr. '2 m.: Camp cr. at station: Tennessee r. 'J'^ ni.; 
 first iiest; jack, (like, trout (V), perch etc.; minnows and wurms as l)aits; May best 
 iiinMth; hotels $:t !>. w. ; t,'uide.'rl {i. «l.; oats and bait ciicap. In this scclmu 
 tl.t- name <■!' ".jack" appears to be indiscriminately applied to the pike and pikt- 
 pi'rch. Koddy is located in the mountainous section of Teuu., hence the "trnut" 
 so called is probably the brook trout of the East. 
 Bhellmonnd (N. C. A: St. L. Seepage X)— Cove cr. '„ m.; Sp(juatcbie r. 2 iii ; 
 'J'enii. r. at station; Secniatchie r. best; trout, (b. b.,)jieicli, bulfaloetc.; Ajiril ;uiil 
 May best; baits, minnows, cniytish and dough; no rc(,'ular hotels, guides or bmiis. 
 (iood tishing in SeiiuatchicM". ; in the Teuuesset! tnit or "layout" linetf only iiic 
 used and those by market fishermen. 
 Sparta(N. C. >^: St. L.) — Cauey Fork 1H ui.; trout, (b. b.,i perch, catfish etc.; tiout 
 mo>t iiumcidiis: a good fishing water; Aj ril and May licst; baits, minnows, ciiiy- 
 fish and worms; hotels, guides, hoats and baits reasonable. .\ good hunting sci'- 
 Union City (N. C. ,^- St. L. See page X.|— Keelfoot 1. l."> m.; b. b., bream, iiiik- 
 erel. iiei'cn, croppies etc. : Land s. m. b. b., most numerous; li\(' minnow iiiiil 
 spoonbaits; spiii:g and fall months; hotel ^^l and J'J ji. d.; guides at reasonalij.) 
 prices; boats free to guests of the lK)tel. (iood wild fowl shooting on the lake, 
 which is noted for veiy fine fishing. 
 WartraceiN. C. .^: St. L.)— (jarrison 1 iii.; Duckr. ;!'^ m.; Duck r. best; trmit. 
 (b.b.) perch etc.: bass most numerous; ."March, Ajiril, May, Sept. and Oct. bt»t; 
 baits, minnows and crayfish: hotels ,■?!.. "o ji. d.; boats free, baits reasonai>le. The 
 resident anglers are very courteous to visiting fishermen. 
 Wauhatchie (N. C. >*<: St. L. See page X)— Look Out cr. \, m.; Tennessee r. 'J'., 
 m.: last best: trout (proba! ly b. b.) jierch, drum, biitl'alo etc.; trout and butl'alo 
 m<ist numerous; spring and summer best. 
 Waverly (N. C. \' St. L.) — Trace ir. near station; Kichland cr's 3 and aiii.; 
 AVhite Oak lo m. : Huttalo r. 5 m.; two last best: trout (V) pi'rcli, bass, (prob:iMy 
 ro<K bass or g<>ggle-eye^), salmon (jiike-perch i; trout and perch most al)uniUiiit; 
 minnows as bait; eai'ly siiringand late fall besi; hotid $'J j). d.; guides $1 i'. il.; 
 bait can be had; boats not necessary. White Oak is considered a very line tishiuj^ 
 wafer, b. 1). weighing up to (1 lbs. having been taken from it. 
 WinfieldiV- \- C.)— .South fork Cumberland r. 7 m.; jack fish, (?) salnn ii. 
 (liiUe-perili ) white i>erch. b b., cattish etc.; salmon most numerous; minnow^as 
 bait: .luue lest month; no hotels, cami)ing has to be done; guide can be had; Uiiu- 
 Uows Ic each; boat free . Good wild turkey shooting, 
 Alleyton(G. II. .t S. \.) — Colorado r. '4 m.; :\Iillers 1. .3 m.; trout, (b. b.), perch, 
 "gaspergou," (V) buffalo and catfish; gasiiergou mo^t abundant; live bait and earth- 
 worms used; March to October best; hotel $'.'.") p. m.; guide $1 p. d.; guide furnishes 
 Collinibns (('. H. I't S. A.)— Colorado r. '4 m.; Cuniings cr. 4. m.; Miller's 1. 'i 
 in.: Peach cr. 7 m.; Cuniings cr. bi ^^t; trout, (b. b.), jierch, drtim, catfish, butl;ilo, 
 etc.; pen h most abundant: worms and small tish as baits; May and June best; 
 hotels J2 p. d.; boats not needed. 
 Del Rio (O. H. & S. A.)— Sau Felijie Bubnrbh of towu of Del Illo; Rio Oraiulp r. 
 jiii.; Ik'Vil'H r. 15 HI.; Uio (iiiiiid*' uiid San Felipe bent; trout, (b. b.), jiercli, cattish 
 iiiinal" etf. all aboiiiul; iiiiiiiioxvs. wornis, beet' tto., uh baitn; Hpriii^ and Hiininier 
 |,^•^t; lnltel^^ at reuHouable raten; nuideH at moderate cost; boats aii<l bait cLeai). 
 D'Kania (t». H. .\: S. A.)— .Seco rr. 1 '.. m.: trout, (b. b.j aud catfinh; the latter pre- 
 loiiiiiiatiii^; woriuH uh ])ait; May and June be«t niontbH. 
 Eagrle Iiake (('. H. X S. A.I — Coloriidn r. ;t m.; Eaub- 1. 1 ni.: last best; trotit. 
 1.. 1. I. while jiercli, bieani, eti-.; trout and bream must numerous; minnow and 
 AMiiii baits; April aud May best; botelK $1.50 p. d.; boats and bait at nominal 
 Eag'le Pass |f'. H. A: S. A.l— Itio (irandi' r. near station. Little r. :i m.; trout, (') 
 i,l^^. rattish, b\it1'alo, etr.; butl'alo most numerous; tlies, worms and meats as baits; 
 Marrli, .\i)ril and May bcBt; hotels f'i p. d. ; boats not needed. 
 Bast Bernard ('1. H. \- S. A. )—Kast. West and Middle Ilernards r"s ', in. 4 m. ' .; ni. resii(i'tively ; tirst best: perch, i-attish, burtalo etc.: worms and mush as 
 .ait>: April aud May best; hotel (section house) 75c p. d.; guides, boats and bait at 
 !.i iiiiiial cost. 
 Galveston (Several r. r.) — The waters of Oalvestou Bay give most excellent tish- 
 .11^; fur tiio usual ^!lrieties of fishes whose habitat is the (iuU (>.■' Mexico; anioni; 
 thiM' is til-, tarpon and other noted ^.'ame tishcs of the salt wafer. Kvery facility is 
 jiluiiid for a day's sport, and the char^'es of all kinds are not unreasonable. 
 Har'WOod ((>. 11 .v S. .\.)— San Marcos r. (1 m.: trout, (b.b.), catfish, buffalo etc.; 
 i-!inl liaifs; sj.rint:, early summer and fall best; no hotels nearer the fishing 
 .iiiiiiids than the town; boats and bait at very little cost. 
 Houston .(>>e\ era 1 r. r.)— San ■Tacinio r. .'(4 ni.: Spring cr. 'J.') m.; Clem or. 'JO m.. 
 Kra/cis r. 'v m.; (iraud i.. Ea^jle 1. and many small I's near r. r. lines; b. b., white 
 jircli. bream, striped bass (fresh wanr). sun i eich. fioj,'i,'le-e\ e (lock bass), cattish 
 • tr.; b. b. and cattish most abundant, ininnows. cut an<i art. baits; g( od any sea- 
 -mu .if the year; hotels .•? to .■?:(. "(i p. d. : no iirofcssional (guides l)uf I'arties to 
 J t a> such <'an be jirocured; boats and bait at iiumiiial cost. The head of (ialves- 
 :i u bay, where there is \cr> fine salt water fishing, is distant '2.r) m. 
 Kotintze (<J- H- 'V S. .Vl— Cypress cr. ', m.: trout (b. b.i, perch, catfish, etc.; 
 I'lrh aud trout most numeious; worms. miniioWM and craytish as baits; .Vjuil. 
 Miiv ,ind June best; hotel -^-l p. <1.; box s a t .">< ' • \k d.. will act as gtiides; boats not 
 :.riil.(l; bait at small cost. Excellent fishing' leported. 
 La Coste ((f. H. .V S. .\.)— Medina r. 1 '; m.: Spring' cr. :t m.; tirst ln'st; fiout 
 1>. b. I. catfish and buffalo; catfish i.rcdomiiKtte: froj,'s. small fish, earth Wdiiiis. 
 • !i'. as baits; March, .Xiiril, Miiy a'jd June best; ht'tel .•■■■•J) p. month; boats and bait 
 ;1.-"' p, d. 
 Marion (<». H. \- S. .\.i— (Jiiailalniie r. S m.: Cibolo r. ."i ni.; first best; front (b. 
 i , I'lilValo and cattish; iiiiiiiiows and doii^di in cotton as baits; .Viiril, May ainl 
 ^< I !i lulicr best; hotel iT) p. w. 
 New Philadelphia ('». H. .v S. A.)— I>i'wberry cr. '.. in.; West liernard cr. 1 m.; 
 M'lillc liernard cr. ."> in.; lii« liernard cr. 7 m.; last best; front (b. b.), ]ierch, cat- 
 ;,-li. itc; iierch and cailish most abundant; worms, fresh meatand wood bor»'rs 
 i-l'uits; May, June and July best; no hotels, but lioard can lie procured, $1 {>. d. 
 llii' twliiii}i is reported ••iiiditfereiit. " 
 Orange (t'- H. >V S. a.' — .Sabine r. at station; Sabine 1. ]o m.; Kevi-ral small I's 
 iiiil bayous near; JSabiue 1. best; front, (b. b.i, perch -and others; beef and small lish 
 i>liails; f^ood the whole year: bo els .•rl.."!! to S'J p. d. : f,'n ides, boats and baitat 
 :.i"iliiafe prices, liuriiij,' hit;li fide- several varieties of salt water fish are cau^'lit 
 :ii tile Sabine r. and the (general lishing is very tine. .\n excellent shooting and 
 Ijuutiuf; section. 
 Richmond ((i. II. .«c S. A.)— Brazos r. '.,' m.: Bij? cr. 8 m.; first Iie.'-t; perch, 
 v.i-i' I','" I .'I latlisli. bnflalo, etc.; cattish predominate; worms, beef, etc. as baits 
 M ;il. May ami June best; hotels j'J p. d.; guides, boats and V)ait reasonable. 
 Sau Antonio (<i. H. ^: S. A.)— San Antonio r. '., m;. trout, (V) bass, catfish and 
 'ntli'.li'. the two latter jiredominatinti; worms usual bait; Ajiril and May best; liofels 
 f 'l'. il.; boacs ami bait 'jricp. h. The "trout" mentioned above is probably the 
 itid the "basH" named an such, iudicaten Hpecies of the )>aHH family other than 

 ■f ' 
 ' i 
 i ' 
 , • i 
 6< . 
 1>:: 1 
 Beerniu (<i. H. .^- S. A.I- (tiiii(lului)o r. 1 m.: San OcrnniiiK) r. 1 ni.; l.oth oxccl 
 lent; trcnit (''), I;aMH, jx-n-h aud catHHli. tbo lant i>rt'(l()iiii'atiiiK: wuriiis as halt 
 Murch, aii<l May )»h); licittlH $1 t" f H p. d.; hoatM aud Imit can he hal. s. , 
 iiiitc ti) Siin Antonio, Tt-xas'. i-oiu't'rniii(,' "■trout," etc. 
 Thurston ((i. H. iS: 8. A.)— Rio Grande r. and Ppcoh r.: laHt l)08t; tront, di. >i.i. 
 porch, cattiMb etc.; cattlnb umnt iibiindant; variouH liaitM; March to Ortuhi.r 
 Uvalde (Ci. H. i^ S. .\.)— Lcona r. .'> ni.; Frior. IJ ni ; Xuec(;H r. lo ni.; hiHt t)tst, 
 tront (b, b.), jicrch, cattiHh etc.; trout nnrnt nunici'oUM; minnows aw bait: Muv 
 June, July and Anyunt bent; hotel ;f'2 to $'J.">0 p. d. 
 Villag'e (<•. H. ,\; .S. .\.)— Village cr.; trout (b. b.), iMich, cattinh etc.; perch ui.,,; 
 )i))undant: Ciitaljiii worniM, dough etc. as baitw; -Vpril, Jlay and June bewts boat.^auii 
 bait at nominal cont. 
 Waelder (<•. H. \- s. .\)— San Marcos r. and (iinidaluiJC r.; trout, (b. b.), iicrdi. 
 (•atlish. buHalo etc.; perch and cattish most n\imerons; worms, fresh meat aiiil 
 small tisli as baits: >iarch, .\pril and May best; hotels j^'j p. d. ; boats and bait ruii 
 ))e o))tained. 
 Walker (<>■ H. ilv: S. .\.)— Fish 1., Carlos 1 , Pumpkin 1.; first best; pen-h. tioi;; 
 (b. b.), cattish etc.; perch most abundant: worms, beef etc. as baits; April, May aii.l 
 June best; guides, buatH and bait can be bad reanouable 
 Weimar (<'■ H. i^- S. .\.) — Colorado r. 7 m.; .Adkins 1. 7 ni.; trout (b. b.), licnii. 
 butlalo anil I'attish; meal and cotton baits used for butl'alo, minnows for trout ainl 
 various baits for perch; April to .September best; hotels $2 p. d.; glides, boats aiui 
 bait at moderate charges. 
 I'tab 1. -im.: Hattle cr. 4, m.; first best; ttoiit, 
 the latter iu'edominatin^;; worms, •^rasshoiipi )■, 
 etc. as baits; June, July and Au^.ist best: hotels $1 to .f:i p. d. : guide.s at reuscm. 
 able rate; no boats; baits reasonable. 
 American Pork (l>. A: R. (i. 
 <.'hul) and other coarse varietii 
 Clear Creek (D. .V U. G.)— Soldin cr.. Pleasant Valley cr. aud Clear cr. 
 here and form (Spanish Fork (T.: all Kood; brook trout: grubs and grassimii 
 June "iu until Atigust best time: hotel JI.'mJ 
 Our correspondent writes: "The fishing is goi 
 tised as bait, the latter mostly 
 guides and boats unnecessary, 
 up and down the streams." 
 Echo (F. F.)— Weber r. and Echo er. near station: Franklyn cr. .S m,; all 
 fine: trout: flies and minnow l)aits; hotel $l..-)() \i. d.; boats not recpiireil: 
 plenty and clii ap. 'ihe cr. trout run from '4 to 2 lbs; the r. trout from '^ to 5 
 aud both are abundant. 
 I'll II 
 VI' ry 
 Oreen Hiver (D. \- R.G.)— Green r. accessible: "white salmon," chub iti,: 
 "col)ble rollers." (V) etc. most numerous; beef liver dried, best bait for "salniou": 
 April. May, and June best; hotels $2 p. d.; uo guides or boats needed. 
 IiOgau(F. P.)— I.ogan r. 1 m.: Blacksmiths Fork 1 m.; first best; trout, hcniii:; 
 etc.; orook trout nu)st abundant: tiies, grubs, angle worms etc. as baits; Juui. 
 July and August best; hotels at reasonable rates; bait easily procured. 
 Kaysville (f). \- U. G.)— Wel)er r. lo m.; trout and mouutaiu herring: tiivf 
 na(uod most numerous; grasshoppers aud toads as bait; June, July and .\umist 
 Milford (F. P.)— Panguiteh 1. 70 m.; Beaver r. and Pine cr.; Panguitch 1, aiii 
 Pine cr. i)est; brook and lake trout; g>'a8sbopi)ers, grubs, worms etc. as baits: May 
 and October best months ; Milford is the present terminal point of the Utah < 'ii- 
 tral branch of the Fnion Pac. r. r.. and is the nearest r. r. point to Panguitch 1. 
 which is noted for its grand ttshing and bunting. 
 Ogdeu (U. P.)— Weber r. and Ogdeu r. near station: 'ast best; trout and mount 
 ain herring; most numerous; flies and worms as baits; June, July aiil 
 August best; hotels $1..5() to fa p. d.; three tributaries of the Ogden r. which ei.ii'ty 
 into it Kt m. from Ogden, are famous fishing waters for trout, especially in tli'' 
 months of June, July aud .\ugust: Echo cr., Chalk cr., Loaf cr. aud Cauou cr.. all 
 tributariea of the Weber are full of luuuutam UouU 
 U(l Clear (• 
 Park City (V. P.)— Strawberry cr. 4<i ni.; trout: tlif fly \mpa inoNtly: July. 
 An;,;iiHt and S<')itoiiil)or bt-Ht; no hott'ln; cainiiin^ ih iifcfHHHry. A iiuiiil)i'r of 
 httiticH leave Park City every Heasou, tor the above iiieiitioiied grouiul wliero liHhiii){ 
 ia s.u(l t<^> bo tine. TeaniH and driverH cau be secured u^ any time. 
 Peterson (!'. P.)— Weber r. near station; tront and herring; trout nioHt nunier- 
 jiiv; niinnowH, grub worniH and art. flicH used; July, August, Sei)teniber and 
 Oi tober bent. 
 Pleasant Valley Jtmc. (D. k R. O.)— Wbite r. FIhIi cr. and Price r. }j ni.: all 
 ii..iil: iMoimtiiiii and salmon tiout; lirut named niowt ninnerouH; baitH — mostly 
 aitiiiiial tlie« or uraHHliopiierN; April to October best; notel $7 to Jlf) j). vv. 
 Price (D. <'^' H- <l.)— Price r. near station: wliitefisli and trout: lirst most numer- 
 (.11- ; usual bait— yrasHhoiiptTB; April to July b<;«t; hotel $'2 p. d.; ><iiideH and boatrf 
 lint needed. 
 Aichnioud (I'. P.)— Cub r., Hinh cr. ami Itear r. ; first best: trout, mullet, clmb 
 ft. . ; trout most nuni<'rous; minnows and art. tiies used for trout, and wurms and 
 j;i;isshoi)pers for others; .Sejitcmber, October and Novenil>er best; hotel $l.">Oji. d.; 
 pihle #:t !>. d.; boats not needed; yuides furuisli bait. Trout are in threat abunclaiice 
 in llu'se waters. 
 Salt Iiake (H- i^' R- O.)— River Jordan 1 '^ ni.; Warm Sprint^s 1. 1 ni.; ftrst named 
 1,1 -t: trout au(l coarst; fish, the latter most numerous: worms usual bait; Jum^ and 
 Aii^'Mst best; hotel iharj^'es reasonable; t^uide ifl and board p. d.; boats and baits 
 at iMiuiinal cost. 
 dcofield(l^. \ K. Ci.)— Mud cr. '4 m.; Fish cr. 4 m.; last named best; moimtaiu 
 tv.ut only; tiies and white grubH a.s baits; July best mouth. 
 Sniithfield (T. P.)— Bear r. '2 m.; I,o;,'an r. 7 m.; last best; trout and mountain 
 111 irui'^'; troi;t umi-t abundant: grasslHippcrs and woiius as baits; July, .\ugust', 
 .Sfpteiiiber and (>< tcdter best; hotel $'2 p. d; boats and bait $"J ji. d. 
 Spring"ville (I*. <'*^ R- G.)— Hobble cr. running through town near station; I'tah 
 1 :; 111.: lirst named best; trout; worms and grasslioiipers as baits; .Viiril and 
 1. best; hotels i-1 to $2 p. d.; no guides or boats neeiled; l)aits plentiful. 
 Fork iwt) 
 to 2 m.; all very good: mouiitaiii trout; luinnows. gi'a^shoiijjers and grub 
 \\..niis as bait; no hotel; tine camping grounds: guid<!s ;ioc p. h.; boats and 
 l.ait very cheap. 
 Wahsatcil (l'- P.) — Yellow cr. 1 ni , and Chalk cr.: last best; trout; worms. 
 tl;. - and art. baits used; .\ugust and Sepleniber best; hotel .*.'t p. d. Nee Echo, 
 I'l.ih, distant about 'Jo ni., where the nearest liotel is located. 
 Alburgh Springs (<"• V. See page VII)— Lake Champlaiti: pike, pickerel, b.b., 
 1.. .Ills, suntish etc. ; pike, pickerel and bass most numerous; small tish as baits; 
 aotels .*(> to $10 p. w.; guides $'1 to #3 p. d.; guides furnish boat.s. 
 Back Bay (*'• V. see page VII— to St Albans thence by team "> lu.)— This point is 
 ii.'it d for its lines, m. b. b. lishing, also for pike, jiickerel, pike-jierch and ytdlow 
 111 rch. There is an exce'lent hotel with abundant boats, guides and baits. See The 
 AMI.UIC.VN A.N(iI-Klt, Vol. V. pp. (ICi. 
 Barnet (Passumpsic See pagi- VI) — Harveys p. ." m.; Wardens p. 4 ni.; !Monres 
 1.. Jm.; Hunts p. 4 m.; Conn. r. '1 m.; Hunts ]>. best: trout, pickercd and perch; 
 {.1 ivh most niiniero\is; worms and minnows as baits: June and .\ugust best: hotels 
 at reasonable prices; boats and bait very cheap. 
 Barre(<'-V. See page VI I)— Troiit brooks in Orange, Topsham and A\ illiams 
 t.Au about (i m. distant; trout only; wonns as bait; June best; hotel $1 p.u.; guides 
 at ivasouable rates; bait plenty. 
 Barton (P.issnmpsic. See page VI)— Crystal 1. near station; Willoughby 1. m.; 
 St. .lie p. t> m.; all good; nuvscalonge, land-locked salmon, b. b. etc.; mascalonge and 
 ba-s most numi'ioiis; niinjiows, tiies and spoon baits. May and June best f<jr mas- 
 ialiiu"e, and .lulv and A<igust for bass; hotel $1.50 ,0 $'2 p. d.: boats and bait at 
 .siitairc»')st. Within 8 to 10 m. there are other waters, some of which yield fair 
 tiMutiiv ill the latter part of May and June- 
 Bellows Falls (Sovoml r. r. )— ('nii!i<'i'»i<'ut r. adjucciit; MorKf br. 4 m.; ('did r 
 (liiii«l\vnit'i'H> I'i III.: SHXltin'H r. Id in.; ShikI |>. and ('<il<l \t. 17 to IH in.; Morse lir. 
 (|iri'H('t'V('(l| licfit fur trniitaiKl <'niiii. r. I'nr 1). li. hihI jiikc; woriiiH UHcd oiitirflv fnr 
 trout, it lii'iii^ ton IiuhIiv fur tly, in May anil .Iiiik'; lit'l^runiitcH, iiiiiiiiowM, ^;nl^s■ 
 liiili)ici'H ami trnlliii^ H|in<iiiH for li. li. and piko; July, An^urit and SciitcnilMr liot; 
 lioicJH .i;i to #? \i. d.; l)oatH .Ode to #1 ji. d.; Iiait can- be cawily iirocurt'd. Tln'rc arc 
 Miany small trout HtrcaniH witliin a radiiiH of I'i in. 'J'hiM'oiiiifctii'nt r. below t||,. 
 fallHanil \ to |o ni. above j^iveH excellent b. b. tlHhiLi{. HeeTiiK Amkuii'an ANoi.m 
 Vol. Ill, 1,]). 'iCi-). 
 BenninS'ton (Several r. r.)— I>eerlield r., and KaHtand W. braiicliOH of Kimie »\\i\ 
 small hnioks about l.'im.; trout and )>irkei'el; first most iiinneroUH: worms umkiI 
 baits: May iind June bctit; bourd can be in'ucurcd, reaHouubk- at i)rivate Louses; 
 bait plenty. 
 Bethel (<'• V. See i)aj,'e VII) - AVliite V. and its braiicIieH wliicli are said to lie 
 ."joino of tlie liiiest trout HtreaiiiH in the state: worm and tly baits: .May best 
 nioiitliH; hott'lH at ^^1 fo .*'2 )i.d., or .* t to .■?? ji.w.: m» boatu ueeded; bait plenty. Very 
 line troiitiiig i» roiiortoil fsiiei-ially iu May and Jviiie. 
 Bolton (<'■ V,)— WinooHki r. near station; lUdley br., ClloaHon br., Honey Hnlii,\v 
 bi'., Tobin's br. 1 111.; l)ass, trout and various otliiM's; bass and trout most aliuii- 
 daiit; Worm and tly baits: Aiinust best for b. b. and .luiie and July for trout uiiil 
 otliers: hotels .*1 J), d. : n id<'s moderate; boats reported free. Tobiu'H or Sabiiis 
 br. is the iiriueipal trout streani. 
 Bradford (I'iisHumi>Hic. See paRfi VI) — Connecticut r. and WaitH r. ', in.: both 
 t;ood: b. b. i)rjnci)ially: shinerH, worm and minuow bait; June and September ) 
 hotel *'i p. d.; lioat.s and bait I'an be proi'ured. 
 Brandon (<'• V. See pane VII)— Lake Duiiuku'o 8 ni.; I>ake Hortoiiia 7 ui.: Uurr 
 \>. Ci m.: tirst best; trout, b. b., pickerel and iiercli; trout most numerous; woriuH 
 and troUiuK HiiooiiH uh baitH; npriiiy ami autumn best: hottds i'i p. d. lucludiiin 
 Brattleboro (f. V.) — Spafford 1. lo m.: b. b., jierch and )iike: bawH most iniin- 
 erous: live bait use<l: June and July best: (^ood aiTormuodations nt #1 to $'ip. d.: 
 boats and bait can bt- had reasonable. (Mir correHpondeiit writes: "riie lake is full 
 of b. b. and of large Hl/.e, but very rarely is one of 2 or J lbs. taken." Deertield r. 
 and trihularies 'in m.; the tributaries beiiit; known as Kast and West Branches, cou- 
 tuiu trout and pickerel, the lirHt Baid to bo nuiiierous. 
 Cambridg'e Junction (St. J. »<: L. r.)— Unwster r. 1 in,; Belvidere Bo^kh I'i m.- 
 Lamoille r, near station: Brewster r, and Houhh best for trout, and Lamoille r. 
 for perch and pickerel; worm bait; May aud June best; hotel at reasimable 
 Castleton (T>- >^ H- C. Sco patje XI) — HuT)bardton T)r. near station: CaHtletoii r. 
 near ntation: Lake BomaHcen :* m.: in the two first triuit are found: Lak<' Biunasi en 
 and llubbardton br. best; trout, bass, jiickercd, pout and lamt-locked salmon: ba.-s, 
 jiickerel aud pout most abiin<lant: flies, hoppeis, worms and live baits; June t,> 
 Se))tember best for trout, and fall for tlie lake; holelH $G to $10 p. w.; boatu •")0c p. 
 d.; baits at low prices. Excellent lishin^; rc^ported here. 
 Chester (('. V. See pape \TI)— Lowell 1. 1"2 ni.; pickerel and pouts, the first 
 bein^i most abundant; live bait tised; Au^'ust to October best: hotel ffi to .•flu p. w.; 
 lioats and bait can be procured. There are uumerouH trout brooks within a distance 
 of 5 in. 
 Colchester (C. V.)— Colchester p. '.; m.: Malletts Bay (Lake Cham plain). 2-; 
 ni.; last best: pike, pickerel, b. b., perch etc.; perch, pouts and pickerel nmst 
 abundant: minnows , wcu'ins and ilobsons as baits; Juu», July aud .\unust lM>t; 
 liot(d ;?1.'2.'> p. d.; {,'uide j^'2 p. d.; boats "Kic to $1 p. d.; minnows 7.')c p. 100; doh.'-ons 
 f'2 p. 100. Thompson's Point iu Malletts Bay, where boats can be had, is a favorite 
 ground with local anglers. 
 Cutting'SVllle (C. V. See jmge VII)— Shrewsbury p, 2 ni.; trout and saliinn 
 (lake) trout; flies, worms and June bugs as bait; May and June best; hotel Jl.Oo p. 
 d.; boat^ and bait 51 p. d. 
 East Berkshire (Missis(iuoi)'rrout r. ami Montgomery trout br's; last best: 
 trout, jickerel andb. b.: trout most numerous: worm bait; June best; hotel fl 
 p,d.; g luc il.rxjp. d. Trout fishing early iu the seauon good. 
 pteiulaT icst: 
 East Clarendon (^'. V. s<<- ^hhv VII)— Mill r.. Hoott 1>r.. Mncoln r., 8niith »>r. 
 , 111.: rtiMt lu'Ht; trout; wuriiiH bait; May and •Iiiiiu bt-it nioutliH. 
 .Jast Concord (St. J. Ac L. C.)— Mil«H str. mar Hfatloii; Scahn br. near «tatlniu 
 (Hiilir. I'j 111.; <'<iiiii. r. 1 'j III.; lant Iu'hI; iicrrli, )>. b. cti-.. ami trniit in hiiimII 
 Htn iiiiih; trout arc iiioHt uiuneroUH; worm bait; Juuf and July btnt: lioti 1 |l ji. d.; 
 Very tiuu crtMdM of trciut are Hcurt'd l)v tlio loi'al 
 h'H I'iii. d.; bait plenty, 
 I rs. 
 'i'l ni.; la.«t 
 irt. HiMKiriK 
 E. Harwich (St. J. & L. c.)— GreeuHlmro p. :» m.; trout, pickerel etc.; tn.ut 
 uiot uunieroux; worm bait; June and July bent mouths. 
 East St. Johnsbury (Si. J. k L. ('.)— Moose r. near st.itioii; stiloH ji. l m.; last 
 1i(-t; iiickerel, li. 1)., trout, silver dace, iinutH etc.: iiiekerel iiuiHt numerons; wnriiiM 
 rliuierH and trolling' nay^'x lined; June, July and .Vunust best; no hoteln. but liuard 
 mil be Lad at jirivate houhes; (,'uideH fl.i'Mi p. d.; boatw at moderate cowt. The l>ei<t 
 iimiithH for pickerel are March and .\iiril. 
 FerrlRburir (<'• V. See pa^'i^ VII)— otter cr. near Btntion; Lewis vr. 
 lifvt fur bans, and otter cr. tnr pike and iiickerel; uiinnoWH, wonii.s, 
 ct.'. as baits; May and June bent; no ret^ular hotel at tlii.M place; (guides |;l.5u to $2 
 p. il.; boats 50c to TSc p. d. 
 Oveensboro (>^t. J. .<; L. ('.)— faspain 1. 2',' m.; Lamoille r. near station; Stan- 
 iiiinl br. '., ni.: (ireensboro br. I'j m.; Lonn p. 4 m.: tirst two best; tnuit and pick- 
 t-i'tl; trout most abundant; ■voriii and tly baits: May and June best; hotels at rea- 
 M'liiible rates; (guides $1 to $'lj>i> p. d.; boats 'J.")c p. d. 
 Hardwick (St. J. k L. ('.)— Ltimoille r. near station, and small stroams flowinj,' 
 nito it: tront principally; worms as bait; Juno and July best; hotel $l.r)(i p. d.; bait 
 t•H^ily procured. 
 Hartford (<". V. See pa^'c VII)— White r., (■onnecti<ut r. and siuidry brooks; 
 Maxoiiial.; Otta t^iU'chee r.; about equal: b. b., pickerel, trout, dace etc.; bass 
 111' >t numerous in r's and ]>i<'kerel in l.:|.!round bait, minnows and frog's used; 
 •Iiiiie to October best: liof(ds .f^ p. d.; boats and bait at trittinn cost. U. b. are 
 tmnid in lar^'^■ numbers near by in the White and Conm-cticut rivers, and occasion- 
 iilly a larvae tnuit is taken in the White r. Tiie liest ^'rounds, so considered by 
 li ral an^'le^s, on the Conn. r. is from Hartford north to Olcott's Falls; in the White 
 1. fiom its continence with the t'ouu. r. to Hartford, The adjacent brooks give fair 
 tnut lishin{4 early in the season. 
 Hi^hgate Springs {<*. V.)— Lake Champlain and Missiscjuoi Bay near stafion,- 
 I.iikc Cliamiilain best; black and rock bass, pike, pickerel, pendi etc.; bass, pike 
 and Iiickerel most numerous: minnows, flies, worms and hoppers as baits; June, 
 lulv. Aufiust and September best; hotels .*:) ji. d. or *l."i to $-2i) p. w.; guides, boats, 
 t^t, .' at reasonable prices. Au excellent shooting section. 
 Healdville (<'• V. See page VII)— rat<h p. 2 m.; W<st Branch of Black r. near 
 i-tatioii: the lirst best for pickerel and the lust named for trout: worm, tly and 
 ]ii!iii:ow baits: January, I'eliruary and liecember best for pickend and June, July 
 and August for trout; boats and bait at low price. 
 Island Pond (Or. T. See page V.i— A great number of lakfs, called locally 
 jH nils, arc full of trout and are easily reached. Land-locked salmon imd lake 
 tmut in Seymour and -Maidstone I's and Echo p. rickerel waters aie immeidus. 
 The trout streams (lish '., to ^ lb.), distant 'j m. to 4 m. are the Black Bramh, 
 North Bramdi, East Branch, Yellow Branch, Mulhiggin r., I'errou's r. and several 
 e.lurs. Board $1V! to $15 p. w.; guides f'J to $:l p. d, 
 Jamaica (('. V. See page VII)— West r.: Ball Mountain br. and several of its 
 tnl'Utaries; Cold p. about 5 m.; Ball Mountain br. best; trout, dace, piuits etc., and 
 a t'W pickerel; brook trout are most numerous; worm, grassliouper and tly ])aits; 
 June and July best; hotel #1 p. d.: guides $'.» p. d. Bal.l Mountain br. anil tribu- 
 taiies furnish good tishing for trout. 
 Jonesville (<"• V.)—Winooski r. near station; b. b.. pickerel, perch etc.; b. b. 
 Ml. ^-t abundant; minnow and did)son baits; summer months best: hotelat reasonable 
 1 liarges; boats and bait at moderate cost. Fair tri)Ut rtshiug is reported in adjacent 
 stn ams. 
 Johnson (St. J. A: L. C.)— Belvidere Basin 4'.^ m.; Wilson br. 2 ni.; Lamoille r. 
 utir station: first best: trout; worm bait: May and June best; hotels .'•L.tO p. d.. 
 mid good boarding houses $1 p. d. or f3.5U to |5 p. w.; guides and boats not 
 •loccHWiry. Then- aro utlnr suiull hrnnkM fnnn 1 to It in. from vllluM'" wLoro trout 
 nru foiiud: ikl.xn Kilrii )). '.• m., wlicrv pickvrcl ur<- ritiii^lit. 
 XiUdlOW (<'. v. M»'i' iia«t! VII)- ItcKt'iU' 1. :\ III.; 1'1> iiumtli luwir \,. 5 in.; ri/|i.r 
 p. (iiii.; 'J'iiiy !>. 1» 111.; I'litili p. 7 in.; Illiu'li (i. II in.: WnudwiinlM icnrrvolr M in.; 
 I). )>., jtlt'ki'i't'l liiid trout; I). )>. iiinl i>ii'k)'ri'l moHt itlniinliiiit; live bait, wonuKiiii'i 
 HicH iiNfii ; •! mil', -Inly iiinl .Vni^iiMt lirxl; Imti'l ^'.! i*. d.; Iioatr* at vitn ri'u^<uii:iliii. 
 t'iml. Trout arc t'oiiiiil in Black (i. and i'lii.v i>., and It. I>. in all the otlici'H. I'ln 
 1). li. Hiiil iiickdcl tlHiiini{ iM very k 1 in Kcmiic and riyiiioutli imiids. Tlici-c nv,- 
 no li. h. in lllack and Tiny jiondx; these contain trout, uiul Tiny \k I'uutuinH \i\\ 
 Uvur troiit, which lio\ve\er, lire very hurd to lure. 
 BKarshfleld I .M. \ W. It.)— Kittle p. .1 in.; Ni^tKer Heu.l i>. 1 ni.; Ni^K^r Head lii 
 'i 111.; Ni){i;ci' llead i>. licMt: trout; worm liait; .lime and July liest; hotel at riM<n|i- 
 Hide Jirice; ^{uidc .»I..MI [i. il ; l»oat« .'>0c \i. d., liait dieaii. 
 Middlesex (('■ V. see pa^e VII)— Wiuoimki or Oiiion r. near Nttttioii; Mad i i 
 111.; lli'Nt licHl; II. It. )iriiici|iall\ ; iiiiniiow ami dolison baits; Auuiist best; lioti | ;,; 
 reiiHonable rates; bait .t^l 1>. |oo. 
 Montpelier iM. «^ W. It. .^ ('. V.)— Ninmr Head \>. ami various Htieiiins; ;i|m, 
 (•i'i>toii )>.; troiii exce)it ill 1. 1st iiaiiied and b. b. in tliat; Hy, worm, ami iiiiijiimw 
 baits; .May and .Iiiue best tor trout; hotel.s j I to ;^2 \t. d. 
 Morrisville l^t. J. \- L. C.i— Uimoille r. mur station; Small bramdi ami .'Mill [.. 
 'j m.; Heveral small br's I to 4 m.; last best; trout, jiendi etc., but trout iiniiii- 
 jially; worm bait; .May to .Inly best; hotels .fl to $•> ji. d.; j;uide at reasoimlili 
 r.ites; botitH and bait ideiity at iiomini'l cost . Other waters contain ijuantities nt 
 the iibo\ c named lish. (Mir corresiiondeiit writi's, "I have ^'ivcii )iriiici]ial waters 
 but it would take- ii loolm-ai) nbect to einuuerute all the yloiiouH oucs within au 
 liourn ride." 
 New Haven (<'. ^'. See paRo VII)— Now Haven r. audits tribiitaricH; also im- 
 uieroiis iiiouutaiii streams in vicinity of liristol, Vt., ")'j m. from this stati'Mi; 
 brook trout; fly and worm baits; May. June ami -Inly best; hotel .»j p. d., .fp) p. «.: 
 bait plenty and boats not needed. The trout tishiiiy is lair in this .section. 
 Newport (I'aHHUmpsic. See iia^e VI)— Laki' MempliremnKou near station; niii- 
 caloiine, b. b. and pii-kerel; jiicl'.erel most abundant: shiners as bait; .\pril. M^iv 
 and June best; hotel and guides at moderate cost : boats and bait can be IukIi'u- 
 Honable. The liest (ishiiiK is about P2 iii. down the lake. 
 No. Enosbiirfifh (Minsisquoi)— Missisijuoi r. near station; pickerel, b. b.. iM.iit- 
 etc.; worm and minnow baits; .Vuiiust best month; hotel and (guides at reasoii:ililr 
 jirices. Monti,'omery trout brooks about Mm. distant are' said to fiiniisli trout in 
 abiiiidanc<* in .May and June. 
 North Concord (St. J. .^- L. O— Small brooks I'liiptyiiin into head of Miles \k: 
 Aldose r. ami tributaries; trout; worm bait; June and July best; hotels at vcr> 
 nioderate rates; no boats needed. 
 North Ferrisburg U'. V. See \mv,iv VII)— Lake Champlain; :i m. to Thoiiip>"ii'^ 
 point, and about same distance to Gardner's Island: 1 m. to the ]5ay; iiike, pick- 
 erel, b. b. etc.; minnows usual bait; hotels "J'j m. from the lake; campiic-' "ii 
 Thompsons point or (iardner's Island iw largely practiced. 
 Norton Mills (Or. T. See pa^e V.)— .\veiill cr.. Little Averill or.. Leach cr. 
 •land I'. 111.; two lust named best; trout only; worm and fly bait; July, .Vuu'usi 
 ami Seiiteiiiber best; hotels at reasonable iirices; boats $1 p. d. 
 Norwich (Passumixic See pane VI.)— ('onm>cticut r. near station: b. b., ihee, 
 etc.; "allele doys," (htduraiiiites) and small tisli as baits: June and September bet: 
 hottdH #2 p. d.; guides at moderate charge; boats atlc p. d. 
 No. Sheldon (^lisnisquoi.) — MisHiscjuoi r. near station: Franklin p. or Silver 1. J 
 m.; Franklin \i. best; b. b., pickerel, etc.; basK most iiuiiieroiis; worm and minii"W 
 baits; Spring best; boats ."xic p. d. 
 Pittsford (C. V. See page VII.)— Mountain brookw in this vicinity, wlnre 
 trout are found; fly i8 the usual bait; June and Julv best mouths; hotel jl.Vi 
 p d. 
 Post Mills (PaHPunipsic. See page VI.)— Connecticut r. near station; Fairlc^ 1. 
 2 in.: last best: b. b., pickerel, perch, dace, poutx, etc.; pickerel and perch n.— 't 
t'Niteh stateh and ianada. 
 IK'' WbtTC tMUt 
 a1< .ittlHiit: livr liHit, wnriiiN hikI jh'I-i'Ii UHcd: May. Juik', Si'|it«'iiilirr, «*«-toli«-r aiiii Ix'Ht: )i(itt'l |1 ]). (I.: ImntM plenty, 'J'lr p. il. 'rhi'i'c uru uiitiicrouH brdokr* 
 III UiiH iM'luhlxirbiiixl wbiTf hiiihII trmit hic iiiiitu |i|«'iitil'ut. 
 Poilltnay il' .V H. «'. >^<'e yimi- XI.i — Luke St. Ciitliurinc 'J', in.; iiickfni. 1>. li.. 
 I I ;. Il, rti'.: iM'Ti'li nioNt Hlinmlaiit: minnows. wnriiiH iiinl himikum iihccI' AiiKiiMt hhiI 
 Sr|'Ii| lifHt; llnlcl fH t<i >tVl |i. W . ; KUlil»-M #'J |i. il ; houtN Txtf ji. d. TlllT«) IIW 
 hi M' I'll I ti'iiut HtrcaiuH within uliuiit two innirH di'lvr, uliirli iiitord gnod Hport. 
 Frootorsvill* («'. V. Hvr \>n^>- Vir.i— IHm k r nnir Kfafion: iiirkcrcl. trout ami 
 i|;i. I , iiickfi'i! In'iinj tti<' niiiHt niiriici'iitiH: ^lllall ti^-li iih luiiff ; May ami •liino licit; 
 II' t. I il.rid p. (I. J':arly in ttiu hihmou a few truiit niay In- caught in adjatint 
 Randolph ((". V.)— nraiK'lu'H i>f White r. mar 1>y; tmiit (>nl>; tly and wurni 
 |i;in~; Niiniiiiir nmntliH Itent; al'el>llllllullati<>n^ ran lie lia<l at reannnalile prire. 
 s. Mia I Miiall trniit HtreaniH (witliniit naiue) are cIi.m' liy, in wliieli (<ii<)d trout h«li- 
 iii ■ 1 an lie liail. 
 Bichford (MiMMisinioi)— MiHHiMiiini r. and lirainli near Hintiou: Fleteher Kddy i-t 
 iL' lier-t iiiiiiit ; iiickenl, poiitM. etc.; minnows and wuniis ax liaitn; May. June ami 
 >i I'tenilier liesi; liiitel> .■? I..M1 to .*'.' p. d.; ^Olides *l..".op. d.; JxiatH flp. d. Ilard- 
 w I p. and iMiiiiei'oiiH nioiintain lirooks are to )ie t'oiiml In this vieinity vvlie.t^ 
 l,i.M.k trout alx'Und. Lake Ma^^o^' and Itroine I. are liotli within a tew iiiileM ride. 
 ;ii:'l are nio.>-t I'M'eUent for tiMhliiK and hiintin;^; piikerei, Ii,i>h and Jiiahcaloni^e are. 
 Rutland (I». ^v H. C. See pM^e \I and ('. \'.. Sec paee \ I I.iMill r., (OKI r., l-;a«ter. 
 1 1 111 iiclon r., t »tl<'r cr.; all jiood; » 'nid r. test : trout; woiniMjaiid Mien as Imits; 
 M,i> 1 to Septeiiilici' 1 I1C-.1; liotel.s .*-j p. d.; iiiaiiv other fine trout waterH can lie 
 ■ i-ily vcacheil from Jutland. 
 Salisbury (i'. V.l— otter cr. and I.aUe Iinninore. and their trilnitarieH; I-ake 
 iMiiiiiore hewt: trout, pickerel, ( is«et,'o |l, m. ) haKs. etc.; pickerel and trout most 
 iiihe rolls; minnows and trolling liaits; .\|iril t<i Sc|iti'iii)ier liest; huicl at reison- 
 ,ili|e pi'i'c; lioats and liait at small cost. Some of tin- streams near I.ike MMiiiiorl-, 
 ri.utain fair i|iiantilies of trout, to lish for which permits must lie obtained, the 
 r^-l tlieleot licin^^ moderate. 
 Shelburne (<'. V. See jmne VTl)— Slielbnrne p. 'J', m.; lii\cr I.a I'latte |„ in.; 
 sill ll'unic liay I m.; Lake Champlain '2 m.; Sliellnirne p. best for pickerel; jiii'ker- 
 il. pike, b. b,, )iercli, iioiitsetc.; iiickeicl, biiss and perch nio«t niimeiiiiis; worniH, 
 iiiiiiiiows, dol.-oiis etc. as baits; .May. .luiie ami July bc.^t, allhoiifih uood later. 
 The lish in Shelburne p. are smaller in si/e but are more niiiiiei'oiis than those in 
 III'- r.. l>, or 1,. the latter tisli Iimwcn er iin- cousiihred ,<{ liner tla\ or than those of the 
 Sheldon (Mi.'^'^if^M""' "'"' ^f- '^- '^ I.. <'.i — lilack c-r. station; >'ranklin p. 'i 
 III ; l-'rtirlield p. "i 'j ni.; t'lanklin p. best; b. b. princiiiallx : minnows, t/rasshoppers, 
 ■ i'bsons etc. as baits; .Xiieilst. Scptembci' mid Octobei' lest; hotels at reasonable 
 ;.nccs; boats "i^ic p. d. The .Mi>si.-i|iioi r. 1 in. also contains b. b.; land-locked sal- 
 iii'ii and trout are found in raii'tield p.; the b, li. (s. m.) are plentiful in i'airtield 
 !■. No niosiiuitot's or black tiles lui Fairfield p. 
 So. Tranklin (Missis<inoil— Silver 1.; b. b. and salmon dakel trout; usual Itaits; 
 Max and .111110 best months; boats 'Mv p. d. 
 So. Rye^ate i^I- >v W- K.i— Scott br. ami Wells r. near station: Hyenate )). :( m.: 
 s\iiis p. :J 111.; liisl named b,-st; ] ickerel. b b.. peicti etc.; )ierch most niiniei'ous 
 ill pi'iids; minnow and worm baits; .June 1 i .-t for trmit. and Aut^'iist and September 
 I'll' jiickcrel and l)ass; boats ami bait cheap. There are a nuniber of trout brooks 
 ■vithin a few miles from which •'j^cjod fishing" i.s reported. 
 St. Albans (*'• V. Sen pa^e VTI)— Lake fhanii.lain (Onat Back 15ay). ;j ni.: 
 I'laiiklin p. ;• 111.; Dream 1. .') ni.; first best; b. b. (1. and s. ni.i. pike, perch, jiicker- 
 'huid others; b. 1)., jiike and perch most nunieroiis; usual liaits; .luiie 1,") to Keb'y 
 1 list; hotels .'r'i to >::).. '.(I p. d.; b'uidi- ?'.' p. d.; lioHts aud bait at reasonable pricus. 
 K.xcelleut fishing reported. 
 Summit f-r. T. See jiat^e V.)— Round p. 1 'j m.: North Rranch 4 m.; Lewis p. 
 ' 1...; Lewis p. and Hound i>. best; trout; flies and worms used; .Alay and .June best; 
 il tels at Island p. o 111. distant; guides .*'2 p. d.; boats aud bait .")Oc p. d. E.\cellent 
 ;;"Ut tishiuy reiioi'tcd. 
 Swauton (Wt. J. & L. ('.)— MiHrtiMnuoi r. '^ m.; Ma<jiiaiii Bay (L. f'haniplaini J in.; 
 Ixilli gooil; li. ))., iiickert'l, perch vUw hann and piikfrd luosl uniiH'M>ii.s; iiiiiiunws 
 and DtliiT livchait; Aut,nif<t and Septeuiljer best; hotid .f'J i>. d.; f^uide $J \i. d.; 
 l)(iats 5(Jc i>. d.; bait oUc p. lOn. 
 Walden (J^t. J. .t L. ('.)— Small brooks and riviilntH iu vicinity where small trout 
 arc taken; worm bait; June tu September be«t ninntliK. 
 West Concord (St. J. .V L. ('.)— Kirby p. ti m.; Halln p. 2 ni.; MiliH p. (Im.; Stilt s 
 p, .f ni.; Jluofio r., I'utuam br., Cold br., Kauney br., Barker br., Texaw br.;ail 
 ^iudd: trout, iii( kerel, perch, poutrt etc.; trout and pickertd nioHt numemuH; Wuiins 
 and shinern iis baitn; June, July and Ant^Uht bewt; hotelM ifl.nO p. d.; bouts iHw- p. 
 tt.; bait easily prncurcd. 
 West Danville (St. J. .^ L. C'.)— Joe's p. :) m.; Long i>. near station; >rolly'.-< p. 
 '2)11.; first; 1). b., land-locked salmon, perch, jiickerel, jmuts etc.; perch, piik- 
 <Tel and b. b. most n\inierous; shiners and worms as baits; June to Septenil't-i 
 best; boats r)Uc [>. d. (iixnl tishiU{,' I'eported. 
 WhitinGr (''. V. See \>nni- VII)— (Jtter cr. 1 m.; pickerel, b. b., iiouts etc.; nun- 
 Hows and spoons used; lintels at reasonable rate; boats and bait moderate. OtLi-r 
 waters vithin an area of ;"> to 10 m., give tine pickerel and trout fishing. 
 Windsor (<'• V.)— Hubbard br.. Church br.. Bark Mill br., Mountain br. a;. 1 
 <'<>nn. r.; small br's best; trout, b. b. and pickerel; trout most abundant; Hy ai,'! 
 worm bait; May, June and July best; hotel 52.50 p. d.; guides |2 p. d.: boats an 1 
 bait cheap. 
 Winooski (C. V. See page VID—Winooski r. iwar station; Mallotts Bay (La k. 
 ( haiiiplain), i> m.; Winooski r. best until July 1, and after that time Malktts 15ii\ . 
 b. b., rock bass, pike, pickerel, perch etc ; b. b., rock bass and perch must abiunl- 
 ant; minnows, dobsons, grasshoj)pers and worms as baits; May, June, Septeiulur 
 and October best; hotels $'i ]>. d.; guides $2 p. d,; boats j^l p. d.; miuuows uUc p. 
 lod; didisons ■$•! p. lOO. 
 Wolcott (St. J. \- L. C.)— Lamoille r., Elmore br , Wild Branch, Hardwood Flat p . 
 Wulcdttii.; last best; trout, b. b. etc.; trout most numerous: worm bait: Ma> iiii.l 
 June best; hotel at reasoiiabli' prices; boats 5ocp. d. 
 Bentonville (Shell. V.) — Shenandoah r. 2 m.; b. b. and Sf>nie coarse var:etie^4: 
 friifjs, cravtish and minnows as baits; April, May, June, Septeniberand October lie.«'t; 
 j,'uides at reasonable charges; boats and baits cheap, (iood fishing rejxirted. 
 Big' Spring" (Norf. \- W.) — Hoannke r. near station; New r. •.;;( m.; Laurel cr. 'i 
 m.; North ForK Koaiioke r. ;J m.; New r. and the Boanokes best; California tmnt. 
 mountain tro\it, 1). b. and cathsli; bass and cattish most abundant; live and art. 
 baits used; April, May and the fall months best; hotels $20 to $l!o p. in(>uth; guides 
 Tioc to $1 p. d.; boats can bu had reasonable. 
 Cedar Creek (B. & O.)— Cedar cr. \, m-; North Branch fif Shenandoah r. 2 in.: 
 la>t best; b. b., perch, mtillet etc. ; bass most abundant: minnow and worm bait; 
 April, May, September and Octiiber best: no hottds, but bi)ard <an be obtained at 
 private houses at j^l p. d.; boats can be had on the r. 
 Chickahottiiny River (Via dies. X- (). to I>jinexa or Windsor Shades statioti - 
 This r. is cehdtrati'd for its 1. m. b. I), tishing, which run from ;t to (; lbs. l,a;t 
 should be procured m Itichmond, which is 2'> ni. distant from the r. 
 Cbincoteague (Via Franklin on I). M. .t V. r.r., theni'e by steamer) — This is ai, 
 island 7 ni. in length. The bay abounds in the usual salt water tish, and the acci^m 
 modations are ample, cheap and good. At Franklin therein excellent sheepshead 
 and blackfish^port around the piers near the steamboat wharf. 
 Clifton Porge(<'hes. .V O.)— The James r. down to Balcony Fa'ls gives excellnit 
 b. b. fishing; two trout streams flow into the James r. d'alled Jackson's r. at tl; 
 .See Thk. .\ .\ni 
 jioint), whicdi afford fair sport, but are very hard to fish. 
 I.KU, Vol. Ill, ).. 24S. 
 Concord (Norf. \ W.)— Mclvers p. 2 m.; James r. C, m.; Falling r. 3 ni.; Jauj's 
 r. best; b. b., carp. I'atfish etc.; live minnow bait; April, May and June best; hotel 
 $1 p. d.; boats and bait can be had. 
 lamijlaini 2 iii.; 
 ere BUiall tnmt 
 Eag'le Rock (Hii'li. 'V Ally.)— Jaiucs r. and ('rai|,'H i r. at station: last l".-t:li. l». 
 ■ iici-fb; 1). 1). most ubuiuluiit; niiiiiKiws niiil hcl^'iaiiiitfs at- liaitM -ImIn. Aii;,'iist, 
 iber ami October best; hotel j^lo ii. \v.; guideH, boat 
 at station: 
 bait eaii be had at 
 > aud 
 Miiall coHt. 
 Edinburgf (B. A: O.)— North branch Slionaiul ah r. 1 iii.: Stony cr. near station; ■* 
 tii>t 1 est; b. b., perch etc.; worms, minnows, small toads, ^'rasshoiijiers etc. as 
 baits: Marcli, April, May, Jiint^ and July be.-t; hotel .*1 \k d.; (,'tiides, boats and 
 1 alt at small cost. Ciood tlshing reported tor 5 \n. np and down the river. 
 Fanuville (Norf. A: W.)— Appomattox r. near station; Little and Uin Dnflalo rs 
 liriery and Handy River cr's It m.; Curdsville p. ]'2 m.; .Vpinimaftox r. and 
 1 m. 
 to .flu p. w., guides at reason- 
 ... „„,.. ... ]'2 m 
 Ciirdsvillu p. best; silver perch. Hat back (V) b, b., (ierman caqi, chubs etc.: worms 
 and art. baits; March and May best; hotels .*'2..">0 p. d. ; boats aud bait at nominal 
 Franklin (D. M. k. V.)— f'biucoteanue Bay adjacent: all varietio.s of northern 
 sail wat<'r til h, the st a trout, (weaktish) beiuj,' the most abundant. Crab and clam 
 baits: July, Aug. and Sept. is the best season, aud high tide the moHt favorable 
 water. Hotels $1.50 p. d.; boats |1 to $•-! p. d. 
 Front Royal (^>hen. V.) — Shenandoah r. near station; b. b.. mullet, cattish, 
 eilsetc: bass most numerous; craylish, minnows; toads, worms, grasshoppers etc. 
 as baits; April, May, and October best; hotels ■"" ' -■'• 
 able rattH: bait i^l p. 1(H); boats 5()c p. d. 
 Grahams (N<^rf. it W.)— Covo cr. 5 m.; Clear Fork ni.; tirst best: mountain 
 trout; tlies, crickets, grasshopjiers etc. as baits; .Xjiiil to .Xug-ist best: hotel .■fl.'J.") 
 ).. d. The Miters here are rarely fished, although they contain an abundance of 
 brook trout. 
 Green Springs (<'hes. .'t O.)— B. b. abound in the South Branch of the Potomac 
 r. at this station; hotels good and charges all round not exorbitant. 
 Greenville (B. & O.)— Several fair trout streams are within easy distance. Good 
 hotel accoiuniodatious, aud courteous local anglers See Thk .■Vmkukan Anolkh, 
 \\ \ III, p. JiH. 
 C iilford (K. S. S. BCo. and AV. O. A- W.)— Pocomoke Sound and its creeks, viz: 
 (iuilford, Muddy, Messongo and others; all good: spots (Lafayettes), ttout (weak 
 ti>li). 1 erch, rock (striped bassi, ami others; sjjots ami trout most numerous: crali 
 liait mostly : May to October best; hotel jil.T") p. d.; boats and bait .:?1 p. d. The 
 li>li bite on alnK)st any tide. 
 Hampton Roads (Old Dominion Line and Clies. \- O.)— Klizabeth r., James r.. 
 iJaik r. York r., Oiean View, Airginia Beach and Old I'oiiit Couit'ort: the liay • 
 shoi'es, viz: Old Point and Ocean View best:, lioglisli, ticut (weakrtsli'i, 
 (makers, spots, sea mullet (kingflslii, bliietish, Spaiiisli mackerel, boiiilo, black 
 bass (blacktish), porgie, dogtish etc.. spots, weaktish and croakei's most numerous: 
 slii-dder crabs are us»ial bait; June aii(l July are best months: hotels numerous at 
 itasouable prices; uegro cauoe uieu atROc p. h. or special rates can be made. 
 Hoffmans Wharf (F- f'- ^- B. Co.)— Pocomoke and Tangier Sounds; both good; 
 ta\ lor (voung bluefish), trout (weaktish), mackerel, spot (Lafayettes), ete.; taylor 
 ■"lid spot most abundant: soft and hard crabs as baits; June, July, August and Sep- 
 timber best; hotel $l.r>(l )). d.: guides ?l.r,(l p. d.; boats and bait .rl.'Ji") p. d. Flood 
 title best. The hotels are about '2 m. from the steamboat landing. 
 Hunting Creek (K. S. S. B. Co.)— Pocomoke and Tangier Sininds: first best: 
 ta\ lor, trout, spot, sheepshead, etc.: taylor and spot most abundant: crabs iboth 
 s.itt and liard) as laits: May 15 to October best; hotels .*1.5() j.. d.; guides at reason- 
 .iMe iirices; boats and bait can be had. See Hotl'man's AVh-rf, \n. 
 Lanexa (Ches. it O.)— Chickahoniiny r. at station: 1. m. b. b. locally called chub: 
 liM- bait, minnows, etc. used: March, Ajiril and November best; station agent will 
 gne information: boat with num f I ]i. d. The fish run large, and t'l to Id are 
 often taken on a tide (last half of rtood or first half of ebb) averaging 5 lbs. in 
 Lexington i"^- k O. and Rich. A: .\lly.)— North r.. Kerr cr., James r., .lackson r.. 
 ("wjiasture r., all from '2 to 17 m. distaut: Jackson r. best; b. !>., perch, jiike, 
 ipountain trout, catfish, etc.: cattish and jierch most abundant: tly and worm 
 li;iits; spring and summer best; hotels $ 1.5b to f "2 p. d.: boats and bait jjlenty. 
 (lur correspoudeut writes: "Best place lu the couutry for tlsbiug, best feeding. 
 THK ANGLfcU S Clt"ll>K BOOK. 
 i I 
 ' 1 
 Ix'Mt ttir, LfHt jicople and more nood tiiiif' td tlic s(ni!irf inch nf liHhinf; wattr than 
 aujwLiTf y«t diHcovert'd." The fanioUH Naturul lindtic in in thin vicinity. 
 IiTiray (Shcn. V.)— Hawkshill cr. near station, SJicnandoali r. :t ni.: last tient: 
 1i. 1). lirinciiially; niinnowH as bait; siiring and fall best; botelw f'2 to ^^it ji, d." 
 )>(>atH and bait at nniall cost. 
 Iijmchburg' (Several r. r.)—JiuiieH r. near ntatio!i; b. b. and iicrcli; bass umt^t 
 imiiKTous; minnows ;is bait; sprini^ and fall licst; uunieroiiH bott-ls at oniiiiarv 
 liric(!s; boats and bait at small cost. 
 Marlon (Norf. .^- W.)— Middle fork of Holston r. near station; h. b. brook tPMit, 
 perch, etc.; minnows aie nsnal >)ait for bass; May and .Inne best mouths; hiMd^at 
 reasonable rates; boats not ne<-ded; bait at nioderatt/ iirice. 
 Middletown (B. A: t).)— North fork of Shenandoah r. .') m.: Cedar cr. l'_. m.; 
 first best; b. b. jirinciiially ; small fish and worm baits: March, Ajiril, May mul 
 September best; no hotels, but j^'ood jirivato board; boats and i>ait at moderate 
 Millboro jl 'lies. \- (».)— There are several ^^ood tront streams in this vicinity, 
 viz.; Itocklanil. .\liim, J-exiTij,'ton, Cow Pasture. I'orter's .Mill Creek. In the latter^ 
 trout of Hi inches have been caught. Good hotels and beautiful scenery. 
 Natural Bridge (Shen. V.)— lanicH r. near Htatiou; basw, cattish, silver inrcli, 
 etc.; bass most numeri>us; i linnows as bait; May, .June and September best; liutel.s 
 J'i.'iO t(.) ;?:(.7.'") p. (1.: guides .Sl.T'i p. d.; guides furnish bait. 
 New Rivei" (Norf. .V W.)—Ntw r. near station; b. b. and; minnows as 
 bait; .March to November best; Ik tel .■?!,, ">(J j). d.; boats and bait can be had. 
 QTorfolk (Old Dominion I^ine, M. \: M. T. Co. and several r. r.)— Lake Lawsnii s 
 m.; ]-ake l>rummond 12 m.; Virginia iiea'h (fresh waters); salt waters are itceiui 
 View 7 m.: Old l'(jint tomfort ID m. ; Ocean \'icw liest: sjiot ( .jafayettes), ho},'tisii, 
 trout (weaktish), croakers, shccpsliead. rocktisb (strijied bass), etc: spot most 
 numerous; live bait, lish, clams, crabs, etc. as baits; June, .July, .Vugust and St],- 
 tember best; hotels f2 to $4 p. d.; lioats witli men h*h- to ii p, h. Linkhorn liiiy. 
 reached by N. \- V. ]5. r. r. is an excellent lishing ground. 
 Patterson (Shen. V.) — Paynt>s run, a fair trout stream is near by, where godd 
 eport nuiy be liad in the early part of May and -June; accommodations at u>u;il 
 Petersburg' (Several r. r.)— The Xottuway r. dose by in the; early spring giv^s 
 fair lisliiug for snuiU fresh water lish. jierch, bream etc. 
 Phoebus (Ches. A; O. and Old Dominion Line) — :\Iill cr., Hampton Roads, Ch'sa- 
 lieak<' ISay. .lamis r.. IMi/abeth r., Nansemond r. and tributaries; sheepslieail. "s[Mits" 
 (Latayettcs), hogtish, mackeicl, "tt'out" ( weaklishi, i]oi'gies itc:: shcepsluMd, spnt, 
 porgies and hogtish most numerous; soft crabs. hai'<l and soft clams as baits; Miiy 
 best f(U' tniut; July for spots and hogtish; .\ugust and September for shceiislK -nl; 
 hotels ?4 p d. and upwards, boats with man .*1 to .fl .'io \>. h. The best tisiiiui,' 
 grounds in tlie vicinity of Old Point Comfort are tlu^ \Vil|oughby Flats or iiiiiMh' 
 ground between Ocean Vu'W and the "Hiprai)s"; the bluelish run in June and ate 
 taken witli the s(iuid by trolling. 
 Port Republic (Shen. V.)— North r. and South r. uniting '^ m. from stnii'ii 
 forming the Slu'uamloah r.; 1). b.. cattish etc.; worms as bait; Marcli, .\pril and .May 
 best: hotel *'J (I. d.; boats and bait at niuninal cost. See Kivertcui, Va. Se\tial 
 excellent trout streams are easily reached from this jioiut. 
 Ptllaski (Norf. \- W.) — Peak ( r. near station: b. b.. re<l eye jierch (probably i' 'k 
 bass). etc.. red eye perch most numerous; small tish and worms as baits; April ainl 
 ^lay l)esf; hotels .•?!.. "HI p. d.: guides and boats not needed; bait cheap. 
 Reads 'Wharf (K. S. S. H. Co.)— Occohonuock cr. aiul Chesapeake Itay: tiist 
 best: tr(Uit (weaklish). spot (Lafayettes). shee])shea<i, perch, bluetish; irout, spot 
 and bluelish most numerous; crabs are usual bait; Jum' 1 to Octfdier be<t^ linti'l 
 and giiides at moderate ratvs; Imais and bait free of charge. Slack water is the l" ~t 
 Rippleniead (Norf. \- \V.)— Nt^w r. and Walkers cr.; Uig and Little Stony cr's.l 
 in. lirst best; bass and lattish ]iriiuipally in the r. and mountain tnuit in cr's.; ait. 
 flies, worms etc. as baits: Mai'ch and April best mouths for trout and later in iLo 
 season for bass etc.; bt)tel $1 p, d. 
 hiuti watf r thau 
 I 111.: laxt lii>f 
 ■i $'i to ?:ii.. ,1.; 
 ■rcb; ImsH iimst 
 itelH at onliiiarv 
 , >i. brook ti-Miit, 
 (>litll^; liotils lit 
 liar cr. 1'^ m.; 
 Ajiril. May iiinl 
 liiit at niixliTiUc 
 iu tbix vicinity, 
 In the lutttr, 
 *]i, Hilver licicli, 
 ,licr Ix'st; hotels 
 ai; iiuiuKAvs a» 
 be liail. 
 ■I,ake LawsHii s 
 ^atiTH aic (Ill-all 
 ycttfs), llii^;ti-li, 
 'ti'.; s\n<t lllii~t 
 iinust and s> i;- 
 Liuklioru I'.av. 
 y, where noiul 
 Uions at u.-uiil 
 y npnti(j; j^'iv-h 
 RoarlH, ('III -;i- 
 islieail. ".-iiii't.--" 
 ('l)sllCil(l, >\"'t, 
 as l)aits; M,iy 
 filit't'li^lii ,iil; 
 bCht ti>llill'4 
 lats or iiiiiMli' 
 Jiiue and aif 
 from slMti''!! 
 Ajiril ami May 
 Va. S5e\<!al 
 inilialily I'-k 
 iiits; April aii'l 
 ake Bay: iii>t 
 <b: trout, -iH't. 
 cr best: li-ti'l 
 Iter is tlie I'l-t 
 Stony er's. :l 
 t iu er's.: ait, 
 later in iUk 
 same: b. b. priu- 
 Jnl.v aud August 
 BiVerton (Shen. V.)— North and South branohoB of the Shonandoah r., the con- 
 flmuee V)eiiig Ichh tlian '„ ni. diKtant; b. I)., eatflnh, eelM et<-.: banH inowt abnn(hint; 
 woniiw, ininnowH and Hien UKed: March to ()et<tl)er best: no hotels, and privatf ac- 
 conimodatious not abundant; guides can bo had reasonable; boats cheap; minnows 
 le lach. The best tishing points are below the dams, the choicest being one on the 
 SdUth branch in sight of the station, the other on the North branch ai)out '4 ni. 
 frimi Uiverton. Excellent tiy ttsliing can be had at the rapids a« far down as lOU 
 yards below the confluence of the branches of the Sheiiandoih. 
 Staunton (Several r. r.)— Shenandoah r. and south branch of 
 cijiallv; helgraniites, minnows, crabs or crayfish, etc. an baits; 
 b.-t. ' 
 Btasrtide (Norf. .V W,)— New r. near station; b. b. and catfish: basH most unnior- 
 ou.-; small fish and toads as baits; .June, September and October ln-st: hotels ?'2 to 
 f'J.Mip, d.; guides jsi p. d.; boats free: bait lii<' p. do/,. The catfish run large, from 
 111 to .")il lbs. 
 Wakefield (Norf. \- \V.)— Black Water r. 5 ni.; C, M, Pond's Mill 4 m-,; W. H. Ad- 
 kins Mill 3 ni.; J. W. H, Birdsoiig's Mill 1',, in.; Black Water r. best; pike, straw- 
 liiiTv bass and perch, the first most abundant; baits, live minnows aud shrimp; 
 Ma\ to Sept. best season; hotels $'2 p. d. ; guideH reasonable. 
 Waverly (Norf. A: W.)— Blackwater r. 1 '., m.; jiike, freckled jierch (strawberry 
 liu-s probably), etc.: pikiMuost numerous; minnows as bait; April aud May best; 
 hi'ii 1 8- P- d.; boats can be obtained. 
 WeDonall (Norf. \- W.)— New r. near station. Mill cr, U m.; Stony cr. m.: New 
 r. best for catfish and the cr's for trout; blue and mud cattish, bass and trout are 
 the varieties found; art. flies used for trout and bass, and various baits for catfish; 
 spring best for trout: hotel $!.'> p. mo., or private board flo p. mo.; no guides or 
 lii.ats needed; bait fiee. Iu the early part of the season fine creels of trout are to 
 lie had. 
 West Point (K. Y. R. \- <',)—raniunky r., York r. and Mattajjoni r. all meet 
 liiir: the York r. best: trout, (weakfish) rock (striped bass) and perch: the two 
 latter most numerous: .<i)ft crabs and shrimp as baits; August and September best; 
 lintels ifl.riU to $'2 p. d.; joiides f 1 p. d.: boats and bait at reasonable cost. 
 Weyer's Cave (Shen. V )— Limt r. 1 m.: Middle and North r's '2 m.. Big Run .5 
 Hi.: the rivers best: b. b. principally: worm and minnow baits; Feby, June, Jul.v 
 iunl Sept. best: hotel #2 p. d.; guides, boats and bait cau be had at moderate prices. 
 Si. me trout are ciiught in Big Run in May and June. 
 Wilson's (Norf. >vc W.)—II<d)l)s Mil! p. 1 m.; Brooks Mill p. '2'.^ m.: first best; 
 cliiib, pike, "freckled perch" (probably strawberry bass), etc.; chub and "freckle" 
 uii-t numerous: minnows, cuttish and worms as bait: May to October l)est: no 
 hull-Is, but private accommndatioiis: guides, boats aud bait at reasoiuible prices. 
 Woodstock (B. \- ().)— North fork of Shenandoah r. 1 m.: b. b., simperch, eels 
 ctr : b. b. uiiist numerous: minnow, worm and fly baits: May, June, July, ,\ugust 
 iiUil Septiiubir best; hotels at reasonable rates; boats aud tiait at small cost. 
 Wytheville(Norf. \- W.)— Newr. near station: b. b., perch, catfish el'-,: b. b. and 
 ratli.-h most numerous: V)iith live and art. baits used: bote's ?2 p. d.; boats aud 
 liait can be had. There iu'e various small streams in surrouiuUug country which 
 .uv reported as furnishing fine trout lishing. 
 Alderton (N. P. Seit page Villi— l'ii\allup r.. t'onull cr., Klhi cr,. So, 
 ' r. I.awrenci- cr.; first best; trout, saluiuii and perch; rout and salmon most 
 nil iinlant: salmon eggs and art. flies as Imits; June aud Octobi'r best months; hotel 
 «l."iii to if:! p. d.; guides j^.t j). d.; boats Jl.r>(i p. d. Trout are plentiful. 
 Carbonado (N. P.) — Carl on r., Wilkesou cr. and various small cr's; Wilkesou 
 liest: "silver" salmon aud brook trout and "dog" salnuui: salmon most abiiud- 
 <1.; guides 
 ant: fresh meat is used as bait; summer months best: liottds .*1 \i. 
 be had; boats not needed. The trout range from 'j to '.i lbs, and are abundant. 
 Cascades (•>. R. & N. t'.)— Coliimbia r.. Woodward cr.. Hardy cr., llamiltnii cr. 
 ite< U cr.. Wind r. .iiid <l I's, from 1 to li m.: all good; lakes for large fish: salmon 
 chub etc. in Columbia r. and trout in the other> 
 a-^ liaits; June, July, August aud Septembei 
 bait easilv (irocured at little or no cost. The streams uuuled are 
 • M ^. ..,/...A ^H ^l... 44..1.i..,» •., .1,.%... tl-itli i 
 files, salUKUi roe, worms and beef 
 lest: hotel flop, w.; boats .?2 p, d.; 
 'I -ill 
 treut; most of the tishiut; i« douo with the art. fly. 
 full of brook 
 I 1 
 Centralia(N. 1'. Si-c pitjir VIIl)— Skuokmncbuck and ChelialU r.; first li-st; 
 Haliuon iitiil Hiit'ckltMl trout; trout most nimicrotis; ttsh eggH ami worms as I)ait; 
 Auf^UKtaiiil ScptcnibfT Ix^st; hot<;l |4.r)ti j). w. 
 Dasrton (O. H. A: N. (!.) — Tonchct r. near station; brook trout: tlics usual halt; 
 July, An^nHt and Hcpttanbcr best: hotids :?'i p. d . ; ^juides aiicl boats not needed. 
 Trout are small in ni/.v but abundant; there is excLdlent troutint; for a distance ,if <) 
 III. below and <i m. above Dayton. 
 Killhurst (N. 1'. -See pa^i- VIII.) — American 1.. Miick er. and Clovf-rcr.. ;t))oiu 
 5 m.; Muck cr. best; trout and salmon trout; art. tlics used mostly; June, July uipI 
 Auf^UHt best; hotel .?.') j). w. 
 cr. '2 m.; Warils 1., DaviHson cr.. ('ho|) 1 uihI 
 trout and whitetish; trout most abundant; art. 
 Iiake View (N. P.)— chambers 
 (!hamberH 1.; last best; mountain 
 flies, salmon v^nf, beef, etc. as baits; IVIay, 
 J), d.; boats and bait r)(ic to i^l p. d. otlie 
 that {iive f^'ofjd trout flsliing. 
 June, July and .\u«nst best; hotel f l..">u 
 • small streams and I's in this vicimtv 
 Stillwater I'r. 1 m.; ()le(jua cr. .. uj.; 
 mountain trout; salmon fnn>*. worn],'*. 
 and autumn in (owlit/. 
 Little Palls (N. P.)— Cowlitz r. 1', m. 
 first best for Halnion trout, and the cr's for 
 grasshopiiei's, etc. as baits; spring and summer best in cr 
 r. ; no regular hotel at thiH point. 
 Media (N. P. See pane VIII.)— Muck cr.. Chambers 1., McNaught 1. and sev.Miil 
 Hmall streams emptying into ."Muck cr. '„ to:im.; all are got>d; brctok trout nwi 
 Halmon trout; fli('S used mostly; .April to July best; hotel .*1 p. d.; guides at rea.-^oii- 
 able prices; boats 50c p. d. .Most t'xcellent trout tishing. 
 Olequa (N. P.)— Cowlitz r. '^ m.; Olecjua cr. '4 m.; first best; trout and saluinri; 
 trout most numerous; salmon eggs as l)ait; October, November and December hc^t; 
 bofel $1 p. d.; boats and bait at low rates. 
 Olympia (N. P. See page VIII, and <Jlym. & (^'. V.)— Des Chutes r. 1 '. m.; 
 Dudds Inlet at station; J'rays 1. bt m.; McAlisters cr. P2m.; all good; trout ami 
 salmon trout in I's and streams; halmon, roi'k, toim'ods and perch in Inlet and 
 Puget Sound; trout are most abundant; for trout art. Hies are used, and for lalt 
 \vat(n' fish wood worms; iVIay to October best; hotels $1 to .■?•* p. d.; guides can hf 
 had at little or no cost; l)oatH and bait !>(h' to .f 1 p. d. This section is noted for its 
 tine trout fishing and the waters an- accessible by team over good roads. Our cor- 
 res)>ondent writes; "I don't know how the trout will take ti> bait in this (Praysi 1.. 
 but 1 do know that eleven fine trout were lauded in three casts with flies, hence th'' 
 sport soon ceases to be interesting." 
 Ritzville (N. p.) — Crab cr. and Cow cr. 15 m.; first iK'st; trout; flies and j,'nis>- 
 hojipers as baits; Seiitember l)est, but Jime, July and .\ugust good; no hotels, 
 guides or boats. Fishing is I'eporfed very fine, scores over b"t beinij made in t'nur 
 hours with the art. fly. 
 Seattle (O. U. \- N. »'.)— Puget Sound near station; Lake I'liion, Lake Waslniiti 
 ton, Cedar v., lilmk r. and White r., all within a few m.; first best; smelt, floiunler-' 
 trout, salmon, halibut, t'odfisli. herring, etc.; herring and smelt most abund.iut; 
 Hinall fish as liait for salmon, but seines are much used; July, .\ugust and Septiin- 
 ber best; hot<ds .■?:<]). d.; boats .'flp. d.; bait free< ^^uides not reipiired. Niiiuer- 
 OUH trout in I's and rs. 
 South Prairie (N. P. S<e page Mil. 1— So. prairie cr. ', in.; trout and saliDoii: 
 tiout most abundant; art. flies used; June and July best; hotel .■f'J p. d.; boats mid 
 bait at ordinary jirices. The trout fishing here, although good, is not equal tontlur 
 points on the N. P. r. r. 
 Spokane Palls (N- P. I — The Spokane r. for U5 m. gives e.veellent trout fisiiiii',', 
 "Dolly Vardeii," "Colorado" and "rainbow" are the varieties, varyinu in size tiMiii 
 ;.j to 4 lbs. June, July and .Vug best months, (lood accommodations: no guides. 
 art. flies mostly used; Sejjt., Oct. and Nov. best for trolling. See Thk .^mkhi' \n 
 ANcii.Kii, Vol. VII, pji. '2<>. 
 Tacoma (N.P. See i)aneVIIl) — Salmon, trout, rock cod,snielt.rtounders,tomco(l and 
 8ea bass are caught usinn herring and small peridi as baits. The run of fish is contin- 
 uous during the seasoti. l''or l)ottom fish slack water is liest; for others low watt-r 
 to half rtood. .Accommodations good ami reasonable, also guides, boats, baits etc 
 Of the fresh water fish ing the following streams are the best: Steilacoine l.aud 
 outlet y m.; Spauaway. 1. lu m.. Muck I's. ami stream '10 m., Nisqually r. 25 ni., Dc:< 
 Chiif^p' r. 3.') m., T'liyallnp r. 'J to ID m.. South I'rairio cr. 20 to 35 m.; in addition to 
 tljo abovt^ witliin a radius of vio in. of Taconui tlicrc arc at It'ant 20 1. and ntrn. all of 
 wliirb contain an aliuiiduncf of trout: Imt littlf tiMhintj in done in tlicui. (iuideu 
 ( itii bo hirt'd foralxoit .i2 p. d.: boats an-plfnty and (•bi-ap 
 Tenino (N. P.)— Scatter iT., Def. t^hutCH r., Skookumchuckj-r.. Chjinihcrs 1 all 
 \vit!iin4ni.; Ucs ('liutcs r. best: trout princiiially; tly. salmon roe, beef and f,'rasH- 
 hciplifrs as baits: j^oud all seasons; liutrl .*l..">o ]>. d.; •,>uiclcs can be obtaiiifd; Ixiatn 
 not r«'(j\iirfd; bait i>k-uty. Our corrcsiioudent writes: "Siiortsmen can tiiid a para- 
 ilisc here." 
 Waitsburff i' >• I{. >^; N. C.l— 'L'oucliet r. and Coiiper ir. botl, near station: first 
 t"st: tn>ut: periwinkles as bait: June, July and Vu^ust best: hotels .^1 p. d.; bait 
 can l>o p'"'"''""'''' '''"^"l'- Our correspondeut writes: "I have caujiht ti'out in these 
 places (bead waters of Totichet r. abmU 4 h. drive from \Vaitslmr}<) avt'ra^inK I'j 
 lbs., jti»t as ftist as I could cant my Hies." 
 Walla Walla («>. U. X- N'.C.)-:Mill cr. iiearstation: Walla Wulla r. t) m. and both 
 tributaries iif Columbia r. : Walla Walla r. best: trout: tly and wortu bait: usual 
 .-easi'u: hotel ij^'J p. d.; ^juides and boats unnecessary. 
 Wallula June. (N. P. See ].aj,'e VIII, and O. It. \ N. C.i— Walla Walla r. and 
 Columbia r: first best, trout and salmon; salmon most abundant: tliesas bait.lmt seino 
 Used extensively for salmon: May and September best; hotel ,f2 p. d. : boats .fl p. 
 (1.; no bait. 
 Winlock iN. P.)— 01e(]ua r near station: .salmoti and trout: trout most numer- 
 ous; salnion e(,'tis as bait; all seasons >,'ood; hot<'l at reasonable prices; ^oiides ;it 
 moderate rates; boats unnecessary. Excellent troutiug. 
 Alderson (fbes. k O.) — (ii'eenbrier r. adjacent, and trout streams within lo m.; 
 b. b. are found in tireeubrier r. and are taken with usual baits in the proper season; 
 hotel aci'onimodations can be had. 
 Berkeley Spring's (H- 'V o.via sir Jolms Uun station)- Two small trout sti-eamn 
 In to IH m. called Sandy Sprin-,' run ami Indian run. IJoth are hard to ■^et at. but 
 yield fair si'orea when tished. The Potouuic 2 m. aiul Cacapon 4 m. |,'ives ^jood h. b. 
 .'port, the latter best for tly dshin}<, altho" the tish are snuiUer than tliose of the Po- 
 tomac. In early si)rin^{ and fall use live minnows, toads and hel^'ramites. In June, 
 July and Ann- t'>r flies, use Fertjuson, silver doctor and red ibis. See Sir Jobnn 
 U\iii, W. Va.. and Thk. A.MKRIC an ANiiLKK, Vol. Ill, pp. 2t'i4. 
 Cacapon Riven P. >^ O.) — Celebrated f.u- its black bass tishinji with the fly. 
 White and yellow flies seem to be the favorites. 
 Port Springf C'hes. .v O.)— (ireenbrier r, near station; b. b. and cattish: b. b. 
 nio,-,t n\uiierous; live and art. minnows used.; .Xujjnst, Septeml)er and (ti'tober best; 
 iiotel #1 p. d. or $15 p. mo.: boats oOc p. d.: bait must be brout,'ht. Oood tisbinti 
 Prench's iB. »^ (>■ »— North and SoTiih Branch and Potoma.- r.; South Brancli 
 1 1 >t; bass principally: loads. t,'rasshoiii)ers and worms as haits; Se|)teml)er and 
 October best: lioard at iirivate In uises at reasonable cjuirtjes; ^iuides with boat.s $•! 
 to ^4 i>. d. 
 Grafton |B. i^- <) )— Tyf;art's Valley r. at station: b. b.. pike, jack salmon (jirolia- 
 ably pike-perch), and catfish: b. b. most numerous; minnow ami craylish bails; 
 •I une 15 to October l.'i best; liotel ,f 2 Ji. d.; guides .» 1 p. d.; boats .")0c p. d. Tlic 
 tails of the r., 7 m. distant at Valley Falls Station, is a noted fishinf{ point: min- 
 nows are sold theiH? at .*! p. loo, and crayfish at 50c p. loo. 
 Hancock |B. .S; O.)— Potomac r. 1 '. m.; Chesapeake ami (»hio Camil; last best; 
 bass principally; small fish, toads, crabs ainl worms as baits; September and Octo- 
 lirr 1)est; hotels Jl ."lO to $2p.d.: jiuidi's easily id)tained; boats and bait very 
 I'casomible. The town of Hancock is in Md.. but the station is on the W. Va. 
 shoie of the Potomac r. The best trround is 1 ' , m. from station, and about :{ 
 i!i. east in the e'hesa))eake and Ohio Canal there is a stret<di of water I m. in length, 
 •roiii which a K"oat uuiuber of larne b. b. are iaunht. 
 Harpers Perry ( B. it O. ) — Potomac r. and Shenandoah r.; both good; b. h., 
 <'.tt;ish, sMiifish, fall fish et.-,; bass most abuiulant in the fall of the year; mussHla, 
 ' ^Pff f I 
 worms, crayfish and minnows aH baits; May, SciitciabtT, O-.-tober and Novcnilicr 
 best; hotels $2 p. d.; miidcs witli boats .r2 tu .•?.") ji. d.; baits 'Ji'M; to 5oc ji. doz. 
 Hawks ITest (t'biw. A; iJ.)— New r. near station; b. b. an<l lafHsb; bass nmsi 
 niiiiiri iiiri; niiunows and art. baits used; April, May, September and October liot; 
 hotels #'2 p. d.; but few boats. 
 Kanawha Falls (dies. A: O.) — Kanawha r. near Htutinii; (iauley r. 2 ui.-. l,t>t 
 best: salmon (pike-iierch), b. b., perch and cattish: cattisli most abundant; ndniinw.s 
 usual bait; summer season beat; hotel ,'»"2. p. d.; boats and l)ait at reasonable 
 Keyser (B. & O.)— The South Branch ()t' the Potoma' r. which furnishes txc< 1- 
 leut I), b. tiHhin(» at Moortt(dd or Itomney, can be reached via Keyser by staf,'f. 
 See Thk AMKKRAN ANULKU, Vol. Ill, p. 2;i4. 
 BKartinsburgf (B. .V O.)— Potomac r., Cherry Kun, Sleejiy cr.,Sir Jolins IJun an. I 
 (.Ireat Cacapon r. : (^ood tishinj^ jioints; b. b, an<l coarse varieties; minnows, iim\- 
 lish, ludt^ramites and worms as baitw; hotels $2 to $'4 p. d.; boats $1 to $2 p. d.; 
 bait 50 p. KW. 
 Millville (B. & O. ) — Shenandoah r. at station; b. b. principally, minnow bait; 
 spriuf^ and fall bust seasons. Fair tishiug reported. 
 New Richinond (< 'lies. .V ().) — Newr. '., m.: b. b. and cattish; b. b. most num- 
 crous; live and art. minnows used; .May and .June liest; private boarding at ;?1 p 
 d.: {,'uid(; ,*1 p. d., including boat. Fair lishing reported. 
 Orleans Koad (B. & O.) — Potomac! r. ', m.: Fifteen ]Mile cr. '3 m.; Kockw.Us 
 Ituii 1 111.; tirst best; b. b., suuttsli i-tc.; bass most abniidaiit: minnows, toads ai:! 
 worms as b'lils; May and September best; private board at .fLilO p. d.; bouts ''i- 
 p. d.; bait $1 p. 100 Good tishing reported. 
 Paw Paw (B. it O.)— Potomac r. near station; ("acapon r. ."> m.; first best; b. Ii., 
 suiilisli, cattish, etc.; bass most abundant; worm and minnow baits; .Vjiril, Al,i\. 
 June, September, October and November bist nioutlis: lioai'<l can be liad at 7.">r p. 
 d.; guides il to jil.'J") p. d.; boats and halt at trilling cost. 
 Raven Rock (Ohio It.)— Ohio r. near station; ^Ii<ldle Island cr. 2 m.; last bi-t: 
 jiiive, b. b., perch, cattish jack salmon ipike-perch probably ), etc. ; .jack saliu'ii 
 most num(^ri>us; iiiiiiuows and craylish as baits; spring and summer best; liotils 
 at reasonable price; boats and bait at moderate cost. A cattish was recently cau^;ht 
 in tlie Ohio r. at this i)oint that weighed 115 lbs. The lishiyg in the creeks w 
 Rowlesburgf (H. A; O.) — Cheat r. from 1 to 2o ui. above and below statifiu; b. 1>. 
 and salmon (iiike-percli): bass most numenuis; minnows, trolls, craylish, ilc 
 used; hotels s^l)i. d.; guides unnecessary; boats 25c to .50c j). d. Several small 
 stri'ams are near this station from which a few trout may be caught. 
 Shepherdstown (Sheu. v.)— Potomac r. ', m.; b. b. principally: small lish, 
 soft nabs and liclgraniites as baits; March, .Vpril, May, August, September and 
 Oclolier best liioiitlis; hotels :?1.5o p. d. ; f,'uides can be procured at the hotels tir 
 $1 p. d.; boats 25c to 5oc p. d.; bait easily obtaini'd. tiood rtshing is reporti'd aii'l 
 the best ground is at the Clement Mill dam, 1 m. below town. The water must be 
 clear or nearly ho, to ensure success. 
 Sir Johns Run (B. \' O.)— Pot<uuac r. at station; (treat Cacapon r. 4 m. froui 
 Berkchy Sinings, \vhi,li is 1 m. from 1 . r. ; tlie first considered best for bait, an I 
 the latter for tlv: b. b. an' the principal variety; minnows, liclgraniites, toads and 
 Worms Used: July and .\ugust best; hotel at Berkeley Springs .•?2.50 p. d.; buais 
 and bail at nominal cost. Indian run and Sandy Sjiriiig run distant 10 to IH m. 
 contain trout. l'"l\ tishing for b. b. in the (ireat Cacapt'in is wvy tine. 
 Sleepy Creek (B. \ ().)— Potomac r. and Sleepy cr.: tirst best; b. !>. i)rincipall> : 
 minnows, toads, mussels and wi>rms as baits; August and .Se[iteniber best montli~: 
 l)rivate l>oard can be had; boats and bait at little or no cost. Biiilroad a^ent i- 1 
 rodstt'r and will cheerfully give points to visiting anglers. 
 St. Marys (Ohio R.) — Ohio r. near statitm: Afiddle Island cr. 1 m.: McKim cr. ■'> 
 m.; Mi<l(lie Islauil cr. best; jiikc", b. 1)., salmon (pike-perch) perch, cattish, etc.; 
 ]ieridi and cattish most numerous; minnows, craytish and worms as baits; Mav 
 and June bt!st; hotels at reas(Uiable rates; lioats and bait cheap. 
 Terra Alta (B. & O.)— North and South branches of Snowy or. about 2 ni.; abonf 
 the Haiiip; trout; iisnalbaits; April aud May best; hotel $1.25 p. d.; guide cau bs 
 (l.taiued reasonablo. 
 Tunneltou {B. & ().) — Cheat r. 3 in.; b. b., pike, eatflsh, suufiah, etc.; baMH aiul 
 CiittiHh inowt aV)Uudaitt: niiuuowH, crayflnh aud worniH as baitt*; May to October 
 1 1 >t for baHH; hotel $1 p. d. 
 Vanclevesville H. k i).) 
 jiilly; crab aud niiuuow bait; 
 — Potouiae r. aud Operjuan cr.; tirHt Iw'Ht; b. b. priuci- 
 April, May, .\ugUHt aud September bent mouths. 
 Vanoltuie (Ohio R.) — Ohio r. uf-ar station, Middle Island cr. 1 m.; French cr. ij 
 1. .; first best; perch, salmou (pilie-perch), pike and catfish: i)erch aud catriMh 
 i.iiiHt abundaut; live bait, minnows aud crayfish; June aud 8ei>tcmber best; boats 
 (Hid bait cau be had reasouable. The fishiug in the cr's is fair. 
 minnow bait; 
 Albany (('■ M. & St. P. Sec inside back cover.)— .Sugar r. J^' m.; Little Suga» r. 
 iiii.; first best; bass, pike aud pickerel; V)a8s most numerous; miunows as bait; 
 April, May and Juue best; hotels $2 to $2.50 p. d.; boats aud bait very reasouable. 
 Aniwa (M. L. S. k \V. See page XVIII)— Pleasant 1. 'j m.; Spriug 1. 1 m.; Rice 
 1 :i ni.; first best; b. b., sunfish, perch etc.; b. b. most numerous; spoon hooks and 
 jies used; September best; hotel $1 p. d.; guide $;t p. d.; boats reasonable. 
 Antig-0(M. L. S. .t W.)— M\illers 1. and Wolf r. 4 and 10 m.; both good: bass, 
 u.iiscalonge etc.; bass most abundant: spoon and fly hooks used; May, June and 
 July best; boats aud bait .')0c and upwai'ds p. d. There are several other lakes near 
 ty which give excelleut fishing. 
 Appletoil(M. A: N.)— Fox r. from station to Lake Rutte des Morts ',i m.; the 1. 
 If'st; perch, pickerel, b. b. aud i)ik<'; b. b. and pickerel most numerous; worm and 
 ji.iuuow baits; Jiiue, July and September best: hotel f '2.50 p. d.; guide $2 i>. d.; 
 l^oats aud bait at moderate cost. 
 Arena (C M. A: St. P. Sec iiisldr back cover)— 'Wisconsin r. 1 m.; pickerel, bass, 
 rdhorse etc.; pickerel most abundant; small fish, worms and grasshoppers as 
 Jj.iits: May aud Juue best; hotel $1..")0 p. d.; there are a few boats which can be cheap. 
 Ashland (Wis. ('. and (\ M. \ St. P. and (". k N. W.)— In this vicinity very flue 
 r-hiug can be had especially for brook trout in Lake Superior (("hequauu'goii Ray) 
 jjid in White r.. Silver cr., I'isli cr., \V>iittleseys cr., Sioux r., Onion r., Raspl)erry r , 
 .Sand r. and others. Fly fishing is uiu'xccptioually fine, both in the lake and 
 K'.reams. The hotel accommodations arc most excellentat charg(>s from $14 to $21 p. 
 V . Boats, guides <"tc. iu profiisiou aud at moderate rates. TIk? rivers Kakagnu, 
 Tad aud Tdoutreal give good sjiort for wall-eyed pike, mascalouge aud b. b. See Thk 
 ii:.:>^nii.AN An(, vol. V, pp. ;<t)0. 
 Avoca (C. M. *; St. P.)— Wisconsin r. 1 m.; bass, pickerel, catfish etc.; i)ickerel 
 II. oil numerous; worm aud uiiuuow baits; May, Juue aud SeptcmlxT best; hotel 
 at reasonable price; boats aud bait moderate. 
 Banafor (<'. M. Jc St. P. See inside back cover)— Dutch cr. 3 m.; lacrosse r. ."-^ 
 jii. ; Sand cr. ]2 lu.; last two best: brook trout, pickerel ami bass; trout most uum- 
 eiiius; worm aud minnow baits; May. Juue, Septeuiber aud October 1)est: hotels 
 Irl to $1.50 p. d., $:t to *5 p. \v.: guides it>asouable; lioats aud bait meri>ly uoiuiual. 
 '.I'lie trout creels average 5n to i:)o fi^h per day to a rod. Excelleut fishing for other 
 varieties. Good shooting iu season. 
 BassettS (<'. i^- N. W. See i)age XVII)— Twin I's, Ijike F.iizabeth iu:d I^ko Mary 
 'J 111.: Nipcrsiuk I. :» ui.: pike, bass, perch, pickerel am', bullheads; pcr>'h and Imli- 
 li. ads predominate; miuuow bait: usual seasons: lintel ?'i p. d.; 5(ic p. d. for boats: 
 luiimows $1 1). 100. 
 Bear Creek (M. L. S. A: W. See page XVIII)— Embarras r. .1 m.: pickerel, pike, 
 1 .i>s etc.; pickerel most numerous: ^jioous used mostly; .\pril. May, June, Septem- 
 1 • r aud October best; hotel $1 p. d.: boats at reasonable rate. 
 Beaver (M. k N.)— North and South Reaver cr's '., m.: Rass I. 1 '^ m.; Thunder 1. 
 -•" 111.: Loral I. 5 to (i m.; trout, iiickcrel, bass, perch aud i)ik(': trout most uumer- 
 oi.s; worm bait: March, April, Sept<'mber. October aud November best; board at 
 ? (.."iO p. w. cau be had: boats and bait easily obtaiued. Excelleut ttshiugof all kinds 
 r< iiorted. 
 ■iHK ANOLEK H UlUl'K I.ddK. 
 4 ( 
 Beloit 'f. M. *! St. r. Hff- inHirtc hack cover. )— Rock r. npar otalioir, iiicktrel, l-. 
 Ip., wall-eyed pike etc.; pike luust iiumeroiiH; iiiiiiijow liait; hotel #'J ji. d. 
 Blmamwood (M. L. S. & W. See pa^e XVIII.)— I^ike Mavtfower 'J'.^ m.; Kinlmr- 
 raH r. 2 lu.; hint l(et<t; iiercL, bafH, pickerel etc.; perch most ahuiidaiit; worn; lutH; 
 May, Juue aud July best; butel if 2 p. d.; guide |'.i p. d.; boatw free. 
 BoSCObel (<'■ M. •'^''tS^t. P. Kee inwide hack cover.) — WiscoiiHiii r. 1 in.; Crocked 
 aiid hauderM ct'h 2 ni.; Heveral (at leant Id) other HUiall ntreaniN within a radius .t 
 lUin.; WiHccuiMin r. coutaiuw, haHn, jiickerel, cattiKh e(c., and the »>th<r Htrciuii!* 
 tro\itouly; trout luoHt ahuiulaut; wonun are iiHual riait; May, Juue aud July Ix^-i 
 mouths; hotelH $1.5(1 to .t"2 p. d.; ^uideM not ueceHHary; hoatx aud liait at uoiiiiii:il 
 coHt. Our correnpoudeut write>^; "Wild brook trout weighiuj^ from '., to 1 lb. ati 
 (]Uite i)leutitul." 
 Brillion (M. L. S. k W. See page XVIII. i—(iraHs 1. .'> m.; bullhead 1. Il m.: tiisi 
 best: pike, pickerel aud baMs; bans mont abuudaut; luiuuow bait; .\pril Rud .Mav 
 Bristol (('. A: N. W. .See page XVII.)— Paddocks 1. 'A m.: basH, pickerel, sunfi^ii 
 etc.; biu<K most numerous: miuuow baits; spring aud fall best; hotel il p. d,; 
 guides, boats aud bait at moderate cost. 
 Brodhead (('. M. A: St. I*. See iuside back cover.)— sugar r. '. ni.; pike, picker- 
 *-l, bass, eattisli etc.; pickerel nvost numerous: miuuow, trog aud spot)U baits; July 
 aud .\ugust best; hotel :?!J p. d., $4.")t) p. w.; guides aud boats not needed. 
 Browntown (<". M. .^; Kt. r. )— Pecatonica r. 'j m.; b. b., jdckerel aud catiisli; li. 
 b. most numerous; minnows aud spoons as baits; May aud Juue best; hotel f 1 i>, 
 d., or $3,.')(> p. w. ; boatH 50c p. d. 
 Burlington (<'. M. & St. P.)— Browns 1. 2'.^ m.: Nortons 1. V! m.: Powers 1. 7 ui.: 
 first best; pickerel, bass, perch, cropiiies etc., bass most aluuidant; miuuow aud 
 worm baits; May, June aud Septemlx'r best; hotel f'J p. d.; boats '.i.'x" p. d. 
 Burnett (<'■ M. \ St. P. See inside back cover. )— Hock r. aud Horicou 1.: Hock 
 r. best: pickerel, bass, ('atfish aud a few ti'out: bass and cattish moHt uumero^l^•; 
 worms aud minnows ay baits; May aud June best; hotel ^2 p. d. 
 Cable ((". Mt. P. M. A: ().) — liong 1.: good b. b. aud jiickerel flsLing; said to b« ex- 
 traordinary. See The Amkrkan Anhlkk, Vol. Ill, p]).3ia. 
 Cecil (M. I,. S, & W. Seepage XVIII.)— I^ke Shawano near station; Oconto r., 
 Piusuke 1. 7 m.; all good; pickerel, pike, bass, bullheads, etc.; worms, minnows 
 aud art. bait used; June, July and fall months best; good trout tlshing within ti m. 
 Cecil is a new town and the waters have been but little tished. Hotel, with boat^, 
 g)iides, etc. will be ready in the early months of IHtt.'). 
 Chester (C. & N. W. See page XVII.)— Rock r. near station: pickerel, ro<k buss, 
 bullheads, etc.; frogs, worms and fresh meats as l)aits: .\pril, 5lay, June, Septeui- 
 ber aud October best; hotel $1 p. d.; guides $'J p. d.; boats .Mic to fl p. d.; bait 
 ■ Chilton (M. & N.)— Winnebago 1.; b. b., pickerel, etc.; niiunow bait; .\pril. May. 
 September aud October l)est. 
 Coleinan (M. & N.)— Little Peshtigo r. '., m.; Moutana 1. 4 m.: last best; pirk 
 erel, bass, etc. in 1., brook trout in r.: pickerel are nutst abundant: pork, sponu >•[■ 
 rtsh baits; May, Juue and July best; hotels $1 p. d. 
 Columbus (C". M. tt St. P. See inside back cover.) — ("rawlish r. near station: 
 pickerel and b. b.; pickerel being most numerous; miuuows aud spoons ii'-'d; 
 May, June and July best; hotel $2 p. d. 
 Dale (W'is.t". See page XXI.)— Wolf r. Id m.: pickerel, bass and bullheads; 
 pickerel most uumenuis; baits, niiuuows. worms, etc.: .\pril aud May best; no 
 regular h«)tel, but ln)ard cau be had; boats aud bait at reasouable prices. 
 Darien (('. M.A: St. P.)— Delavau 1.: jjickerel, pike, bass aud perch; bass and 
 perch most abundant; minnow bait; May aud June best; hotel f "2 ji, d.; boats "inc 
 p. d.; miunows 1,5c p. doz. 
 Darlincrton (O. M. & St. P. See inside back cover.)— Pecatonica r. ; .\mes Uram li; 
 I.ovettH Branch; about alike; bass, pike, trout, etc.; basH aud jiike most uumerciis; 
 minnow baits; May, June and July best; hotel $2 p, tl.; livery $.3 p. d. 
 Delavan (C. M. A: St. P.)— There are over 20 I's in Walworth Co., aboundiiin m 
 <aid to b« IX- 
 t; April, May, 
 li. h., Ipiko-porch and )>ickM'<'l, thn^f- nf which arc readily rcaclx-d from Dolavun, 
 wliirc fxcplU'iit accniniinidatioiih aif avaiiahlc. Thf baitH iiM'd ar*- live luiiinowH 
 and art. siiouhh. Set' Thk an AN(iM;u, vol. Ill, jianc 'll'.K Hotfln f'i to $2.50 
 ]i. (!.; lioatH '2th- i>. h., or $'J i>. \v. 
 ) — liowcr Fox r. near »*tatioii: wall-eyed jiike, hann, jieri'li, ete.; 
 uuiiuroUH; iiiiiniow aud worm ImitH; May ami Jnue heat; 
 ibnundiiit: in 
 DePere (M 
 wall-tyed pike 
 Lntel $2 p. d. 
 Downing' (Win. C. See i)ane XXI.l— TilTaiiy cr.. Sand er. and Beaver cr., all 
 vutliiu '^m.: no ehoiee: trout: May and .lune lient: woriUM moMtly uwed; no regu- 
 lar LotelH, lnu board can be had at i'.i.M) p. w.; no giiideH or boatn needed. 
 Eagfle Biver (M. L- s. ,v W. Seo )>ane Will)— 27 laken known aH Eajilr WaterH, 
 hH connected: ntation lot ated at tlie head of lukeH: all i^'ood: niancalon^e, \\iuin, pike, 
 lickeiel, perch etc.: niascalonne and banw nioct abundant: niinuown, sjioon liookH, 
 xM'rniH and tlien used: .June 1 to October 15 best; hotelH $2 )». d.. or f H to f Kl j). w.; 
 (.'iiides plenty at $2.">i) p. d.: boatn, plentiful T^c to $1 p. (1.; nteamer $10 p. d. I'er- 
 iiiiinent camps have been built on the lakes where the Ixiard in $2 j). d. The abovo 
 watern are {{rand tishin^' grounds. JSet- AmkricaN Akclkk aud map, Vol. VI, pp. h'S 
 Eagle (<'. M. .^: St. r. See iiiKide back cover)— F^ajjleville Mill p. 2'3 m.; Crook- 
 I li 1. dm.: Schwartz 1. .'t m.: Crooked 1. best: basH. pickerel and Huntish; baKH moHt 
 iiiinierouM: minnow bait; June un<l Au^'Ust beHt; hotel f2 j). d.; boatH aud bait can 
 In obtained reasonable. 
 Eau Claire {<.' M. iV: St. r.i— Elk cr. 10 m.; Otter cr. r> m.; Lowes cr. 3 in.; Otter 
 1 !. best; trout principally; tirasshojjpers, wtu'ms and urnbs as baits; May, June and 
 .Inly best; hotels $2 \>. d.; boats not necde'd. 
 Edgerton(<'. M. A: St. P.l— Lake Koshkononji .I'o m.; Hock r. 2 m.; lirst best; 
 1'. 1p.. jiike, jtereh, pickerel etc.; pickerel most abundant; minnows and npoon hooks 
 ll^ied: May, June aud September best; hotel flJ^) j). d.; boats 25c p. d.; bait 
 Eland Junction (M. L. S. \- W. See pane XVIIl) — Lake Gotoit and Lake May- 
 flower 2 m.; last best; i)erclj. bass, i)ickei'el and pike; perch most uumerous; worm 
 and fro({ bait; hotels $1 p. d. 
 Elkhom (•'. M. A: St. P. See inside )ack cover) — Lauderdale I's, 3 iu uumher, 
 i:aiue(l Mill, Middle and Oreen. 7 ni. distant and all connected: about alike; I. m. 
 1'. b., rock bass, pickerel, pike, perch etc.: rock bass and b. b. most abundant; 
 niinnow bait: June and September b<>st; hotels $2 p. d., $4 to $1(1 p. w.; boats and 
 1 alt reasonable. There are other waters from 4 to H m. distant iu which the above 
 lamed fish are ab\indaut. 
 Elkhart (M. k N.)— Elkhart 1. ' . m.; pike, different varieties of bass, (uscok fW : 
 minnow bait; March and November best months; hotel $lo p. w.; guides furnished 
 I'V hotel; boats 25c p. h. 
 Ellis Junction (M. & N.)— Lake Notpiebay aud adjatieut streams ;> m.; Thiiu- 
 ilcr 1.12 m.; both very {iood; ))ike, jiickerel, bass, brook trout et<\; jtickerel most 
 numerous; minnow and wt)rm bait: May to September best: hotels $1.50 j). d., 
 ir f 7 J), w.; boats free. There ar(> lo to 12 streams close to station which ("ive ({ood 
 t'l'iit fishing. See Thk Amkuk an .\N<iLKH, Vol. VI, p. 27. 
 Pifleld (Wis. C. See page XXI)— South Fork Flambeau r. at station: North Fork 
 if Flambeau r. '.i m.; Flambeau 1. 30 m.; Pike 1. 25 m.; Bass 1. Kt m.; North Fork 
 and Lake best; mascalouge, i>ike, bass and ])erch: pikt^ most numerous: spoons and 
 minnows mostly used; June to Sejitember besttime: board can be had at $1..5() to 
 ?2 p. d.: guides $2 p. d.; bait i)!enty. There are numerous other waters where the 
 lishing is good, and jpleuty of nutscalonge and pike may be fouu<l from 4 to H m. 
 (inwn the South Fork of the Flambeau r. 
 Florence {C. k N. W. See page XVII)— Bruh' r. 5 m.: Pine r. ft m.. Spread FJigle 
 1.5 m.: Keyes and Loon I's f) m.: all A No. 1; in r's brook trout, and in I's basH, 
 1 crch and pit'kerel: buss and t)rook trout i)redominate: usual baits; May, June an<i 
 .Inly liest; good hotels at moderate prices; boats aud bait at reasonable cost. Brule 
 :■. is a noted trout water. 
 Fond du Iiac (Wis. C, and (". M. A: St. P.) — Fond dn I<ac r. at station; Lake Win- 
 nebago 1 m : I^ke Pe Nuve 3 m.: Empire cr. ; Lake Winnebago best: b. b.. i)erch, 
 1 ickerel, wall-eyed pike and rock bass; bass, pieke e! and pike most numerous; livo 
 s i 

 bait, Hpooii luMiljM iind ttii-H uh«mI; May, Jiun- ami July bent: IiuHIh fi to $2.'»t j. u 
 IxmtH and baitH ph-uty and cLar^cH rcaMouablc. Many thmiMaudrt nf brook tr..ui 
 bavt^ beeu planted iu the Htreauia of Foud dii I-ac; C'oiiuty, autl tine Hpecinu'UH fr iin i 
 tu 3 IbH. have been caught. 
 Fort AtkilUioU (<*■ A: N. W. Sec pa^f XVII.)— KoHhkonont^ 1.7 in.; Hork r. at 
 Hlatioii; tllVt Itest; pike, b. b. and pickerel; pickerel nioHt abundant; niiunosvH ainl 
 HpoouH u^<ed; April, May, June, t)ctoberaud November boHt; hotel |2 p, il.; kuhI*.', 
 at luoderate cont; boatH and bait |'J p. d. 
 JPox Lake (<'■ M. A: St. P. See inHide back c^vor.)— Beaver Dam p. 'J m.: Kn\ 
 Lake I ni.; tirHt bcHtin winter for tlKhin^ throuf^li ice, and laHt named berit duriii>,; 
 Hprin^ and Nummer; pike, pickerel, b. b., rock baMM, perch (large), HUUtlnh eti-.; lu 
 Fox 1., rock baMH and perch beipg nioHt numerouH, but pike an<l pickerel are iilmn. 
 dant; in Heaver J)am p. pickerel and perch are nioHt numeroUH: nunuowH, hj u>, 
 pork and worniH aH baitn; hotel $1 to fl.")!) p. d.; guidi-H can be had at 50c to f 1 1'. 
 d.; boatH and bait T5c to $l.'ir> p. d. Ciood tithing reported. 
 Pox Biver (('. A: N. W. See page XVII.)— Fox r. uoar Htation; Silver 1. IS in- 
 la»t bcht; pickerel, baHH, perch, HUuflHh etc.; minnow aud worm baitH; hotel jl i>. 
 d.; boatH and bait can be had. 
 Pt. Howard (C. & N. W.)— Fox r. and Green Bay; lant beHt;baHH, perch, jnli 
 eiel, inaHcalonge, HuntlHh etc.: minnow, crayttHli an<i worm baitn; May and Sejiti in- 
 ber bent; hoteln f 1.50 to f'l p. d.; gulden with boats .*.'< to |5 p. d. ; boatH alouc :>'h- ti> 
 $1 p. d. 
 Oaiesville (<'. iS: N. W. Seepage XVII.)— Creek (unnamed) 5 m. where soiuc 
 trout are caught; nniuil baitn, and May and June are bent monthn; hotel accomiiin. 
 datioiiH can l)e had at reaHonable prices. 
 Genoa Junction (<'. A: N. W.)— Twin I'h 4 m.; Powers 1. 6 m.; baHH, pike, jai k 
 crel and perch; basH and pike moMt numeroUH; miunoWH an bait; May, June, Sciit- 
 ember and October bent; hotels .*1.5o to |2.5<J jj. d., or $» p. w.; guidon 75c to j', 
 boatH Hupplied by hotelH free to boarders. 
 OiUett (M. L. S. & W. See i)agc XVIII.)— aillett 1.. Newton 1.. Spiolls 1., Claiw* 
 1., Big Marsh 1. and Cristy Brook cr.; pickerel, b. b., ro<'k bass, perch etc.: piiki-nl 
 Ollls Iiandingr (Wis. C. Seepage XXI.) — Wolf r. at station; Waupaca r. n(\ir 
 Htation; first named the bcHt: b. b. aud frenli water striped basn (local name siImt 
 bass), aud jiickerel; May, June, July and August best; minnows aud spoons u.sliI; 
 board at i)rivato bouBes at reasonable price; boats |1 p. d. 
 Grantsburg' (St. P. i^ D.) -Wood 1. (5 ni.; Trade 1. V2 m.; Mud Heu 1.; Yellow 1. 
 '2'i 111.; Yellow 1. bcHt; pickerel, pike and bass; pickerel most abundant: spnnns 
 used mostly: May and June best: hotel accommodations at the lakes from 50 to T.V 
 p. d.; boats 'i5c i>, d. (Jood tishing reported. 
 Gratiot [C. M. & St. P. See inside back cover.)— Pecatouica r. aud Wolf cr.; tii>t 
 best; bass, i)ickerel, pike, silver cat etc.; b. b. most abundant; luiuuow bait; Aiinl 
 aud May best; hotels ^=1.50 to $'.! p. d.; boats not necessary. 
 Green Bay [C k N. W. and M. & N.) — Fox r. near station; Green Bay 1 m.; b.l ., 
 perch, pike, pickerel, rock bass, mascalonge, etc; perch most abuudaut: woiiu-. 
 frogs, crayttsh etc. as l>aits; ISIay 1 to June 15, and August 1 to close of uavigati"U 
 best times; hotels $2 p, d.; guides $'2 p. il.; boats and bait 50c to $1 ji. d. The l)l•^t 
 lishingfor b. b. is found in Bass ('hanuel about "2 m. from (rrewn Bay. but good ti.-li- 
 ing may be had all along the banks of the Fox r. Our correspondent writes. "N" 
 trouble to get all you want; iu a few hours fishiug you can catch from 50 to 1"" 
 Hanover (*'• M- k St. P. See inside back cover.)— Rock r. i m.; Bass cr. ihmt 
 station: tirst best; pike, pickerel, bass aud coarst! varieties; worm and' iiiinii""' 
 baits; June, July, August aud October best; hotel |'2 p. d.; guides, boa ta aud biut 
 can be had reasonable. 
 Hartford (C M. k St. P.)— Pike 1. 'iiii.; pUkiTt'l. Jumh. bnllhca.lM. otc; iil.ktTt'l 
 11,-1 iiiiuifroUM; itiiiiiiow l)nit; hutt'lH $5 t<> $7 ji. \v. Tlu'Mf wiitiTH lire well 
 Kartlaud (C M. .<: St. 1'.)— Pino \. 2 in.; H.-iiv.-r 1. 2 in.; P.wanki-.' 1. J '^ in.; 
 N,i;^"Wi('ku I. 'J in.; North 1. 4 in.; Kt-riiH I. t> in.; Okant-hi'c 1. 4 in.; .MorHi* 1. 4 in.; 
 N. nmliliin 1. ti in.; Mur|)li,\M 1. 10 in.; nil aooil, but IJciivtr, Kt-riiH, Pine- un<l North 
 (.iiir-idcrcil ht'Mt; iiickcrcl, ImwH, i>iki', jn^rch, etc.; iiickj-rcl ami ItawM iiiowt ahnmhiiit; 
 iiiinnow bait; May "20 to .Inly 1 and !Scj(t»'inbfr ami Octobt-r bcHt; hotflH i'l to $'i.5» 
 [i. il.: KnidfM $'2 ji. d.; boatn .">Uc p. d.; miiuiowH f 1 to $l..')i) i>. KH). 
 Hatley (M. L. H. k W. See paj,'!' XVIII.)— Pik(> 1. -> in.; HawH 1. :» m.; last bpat; hoHH 
 jtipl it few pickcrt-l; frog and iniiiuow baits; June ami .\nnuH IkihI; i-uiioeH fri-u. 
 Helena (<'• M. A: St. P. Sec iiisidf back cover.)— WiHcoiiHin r. ', in.; liodgo 
 \ alley :t lu.; tlrnt bent; jtickcnd, cattinh, rcdhoi-Mc and others in the r.. and trout 
 111 I )iidKe Valley Htreani; iniiiiiowfl, fro^n and worniH a.-* bai t^: 'Iniie and .Inly bent 
 liimithH, but Hood at all tiincH; hotel i\ to #J \t. d.; (^nidcH .*! \k d.; boatn about $1 
 ].. il. Shooting and hunting reported good in spring and fall. 
 Hewitt (NViw. ('. See jiage XXI.)— Little Kau Clairo r. 5 in.; Mill cr. 2 ni.; 
 tir^t best; Iihhh uud uthor varietieH; Juiiu the best month; hotel at $;<.*>() p. w. 
 Hnbbletou (<'. M. A: St. P.) — Crawfish r. near st^ition: ])ickenl. pike, HiinttHh, 
 tti-.; pii-kei'cl and bullheads most abundant; worm and frog baits; May and June 
 lir>t: hotel #l..'>o p. (1.; boats '25c p. d. Pickerel tlshiug is very flue duriug the win- 
 ter months. 
 Hutchinson (C. M. A: St. P. See inside back cover.)- I-ittle Kau Pleine cr. ^.j 
 ja.; pike, pickend and perch; pickerel most uuiuerous; frogs and art. baits; May, 
 June and July best; no regtilar hotel here. 
 Ixonia (<'. "SI. \. St. P ) — Uock r. 1 m.; pickerel, pike, bass, etc.; bass most Hum- 
 orous; minnow and worm baits; June and July best months. We have uo report 
 rIm lUt accoinino<latious. 
 Jtmction City (Wis. C. See page XXI.)— Mill cr. I'j 
 June, July and August best; usual bait; hotels |1 to f'2 p. d. 
 m.; pickerel mostly; 
 ; uo guides needed. 
 Kelly (^I- I-- S. A: W. See page XVIII.) — Eau Claire r.; i)ickerel and 1). b.; pick- 
 fi'il most numerous; trolling lines, spoou hooks, etc. used; .September and Deto- 
 I'lf best. 
 Kempter (M. Ij. S. it W.)— Uass I's l.'j m.; white bass and sunflsh; the first most 
 uuiuerous; minnow and frog bait; latter part of June, July, .\ugust and September 
 ln'st; hotel i^it.SO p. w.; guides cau be obtained; boats at the lakes. Ciood fishing 
 Kiel (M. A; N.)— Manitowoc r. 'i ni.; Cedar I. 5 m.; last best; I), b., pickerel etc.: 
 b. I>. most abundant; worm and miuuuw baits; June and August best; hotel |1.5U 
 [>. d.; boats 2f)v p. h. / 
 Kilboum (<'. M. .t St. P. See inside back cover) — .Mason 1. 10 m.; Mirror 1. .1 m.; 
 .■i^lllall streams and 1 p. from 1 to 12 m.. iu which brook trout are founil; Mason 1. 
 lur^'est; pickend, b. b. and perch; pickerel aud b, b. most abundant; luinnows and 
 trilling gangs used; May, June, Sei)teinber and October best; liotels .*1 to $2.. 50 p. 
 <!.; gni<les reasonable; boats aud bait at uomiual cost. The trout fishing is very 
 Koshkonong' (C. & N. W. See page XVII) — Koshkonong 1. 1'^ m.; pike, picker- 
 il, bass, perch etc.; ininuows used mostly; June aud winter through the ice best; 
 butel $1 p. d.; guides |1.50 p. d.; boats 50e p. d.; miuuows $1 p. KW. 
 Lacrosse (C. k N. W. and C. M. k St. P.) — The Mississippi r. and th« 
 '20 ni. are filled with game fish. The best 
 • a))Ove the 
 with boat $-l.'tl> p. d.; boats 7.V \^. d. 
 vicinity. See Thk .\mkkk an .\N(;lku, vol. VII, pp. '.lu. 
 La Fayette iC. M. & St. P. See iuaide back cover)— Numeroua small cr'a in this 
 lix'Hiity \vlirr<' tr<i\it arc iil>iiii<lHiit; wiiriiiH tire iihuuI liuit; Hiiuinu-r inoutLtt iir«' ).<'Nt: 
 Ucai'Cht lii>i)'lr4 ai'<: at ISjiartu (i iii. diNtaut, 
 Irfike Geneva (('. A: N. W. Mei- j.aKct .IVII)— I^kr (icui-va ', in.; iMuV 1. v i„ _ 
 l'(iw«TH 1. K 111.; HrMt \n'Ht; li. h., iiickcrcl, ciMCd, iktcIi, ruck iianH, HiniliHli ctr. \>Ht'i-[ 
 Iiirkt-i'i'l and ciHco iiKiHt muiik'I'oiih; minnow liait; Mav, .1 uin-, .Scjiti in)>cr hihI tii 
 tobcr ))(nt; hdtclH f'i to $:i \i. d., iMnitni' •• #'i 1>. d.; liuatK |1 ji. d. Tin ci., ,, 
 (CuKKixiNnH AKTKiit) a lak«' herring', aiijic-. «■ nmrc aldiii'limt in I.akf iii||,v,j 
 tluin in tlu' otlifr nurtliwcHtmi lakcH. 1 ..c cau);)!! in liir^'f imnilitTM l.y hu 
 imitation of a natural tly uiion wLirii ti , feccl on tlu- hurtart' o| t>i<' waii'r in 
 til)' month of Jiiiu-. TLcy are uImu taken Nomt'tiiucH tUrougli tlif io; in Kilinmiv 
 and .March. 
 Iiake Mills (»'. K N. W.)— Hock 1. ', in.; h. h.. idckcrfl and i.ikc; i.lcki r. 1 uwt. 
 iiumtiouh; Hi)ooii liookc and niiiinowH an liaitn; Jniif and .luly )ivHt months: lintil 
 f'J !>. d.; private hoard $\ ]>. <!., #."> !>. w.: niii<l<-H #l..^<i y. d.; lioatn $:i ji. w,: i;iiii- 
 liows loo II. doz. The uwuii'. wfore for an exiicrt an^dcr in -Jd to 4M I), h, ami 
 liiikt-rt'l 1). d. 
 Itauclade 1^1' T,. S. A: W. Stc ymic XVrill-I'elifan 1. near Htation; hani.. iiikc. 
 lla^H mid iiiiiHcahniHf niont iiiiiufrout-: sjinmih. 
 .hiiif 1 ti> Oitolittr yn he«t. liotclH ,'i:i..'>0 i». (1. ,,r f7 
 inciiuliii^ niiniiowH for iiait; boatn T/ie \>. d. .\u 
 liirktnd, jicri-h and maMrahinj,'<' 
 worniH, miniiowN and tliew UHcd: 
 1). w.; oarHiiM'ii .f'J to .f'i.'in p. il., 
 excelU'Ut mam-alonm' water. 
 tlberty BlllfflWis. ('. See pa^'e XXIi -There are 'J hiuall lakeH and 
 near thin jilme, all (^ood for h. b. and trout, 
 ■r»> kf* 
 Iiittle Siianiico (< 
 firht liiKt; jierch. li. Ii. 
 woruiN aH haitH; UNiial ^<eaHoUH; hotel, bou 
 \- N. W. See pafje XVII I— Little Siiaiiiico r. ami (iretii liuj ; 
 pickerel ete.; b. b. 'mohI liMiiieroui-- sjiooii hookn, tlll■^ ,iii,l 
 'jd 1 ait reasonable. 
 Ziisbon (<'. M. .V St. r. See iiiHide bai 
 cr. at .station; first lust; jiickerel, pike. ^ 
 biiilheiids, suiiIihIi etc.; i>ii'keiel and Imss 
 May. .Iiiiie mid .July liest; hotels ^'J \<. il.; 
 •r)— Lemonweir r. ^j lu.; ^hciulur 
 ,'t.ick ba.s>. calico bass istraw brirv . 
 most numerous: worm and froj.' bait!-. 
 no ju'ofessional j/uides, but peismis ti 
 111.; pickerel and luc-s; 
 loifel il ,")ii p. d.-. i'.iil- 
 aet aH Niich call be obtained; boats and liaitH at reasonable prices 
 liOndon (('. A: X. W. See iiaye XVII i— Lake KipUy 'i' 
 liiikerel iiiost iiiiiiierous: worm bait; .Xi'ril mid .May best 
 can be had at liioilerato cost. 
 £yous (I'. M- >**: Ht. P. See inside back cover) — White r. runs through i^ni,. 
 lii.keiei. b. b. ttiid perch; iiiiunow bait; May and October best; hotel at rue-.n- 
 able price. 
 Madison (*'. M. .V st P. '—Lake Monona iid.iaceiii: Lakes Meiidota, Waubesn iitnl 
 Kenoiisa ") lo rj m.; Lake Meiidota best; pickerel. pik<-. tiass. perch, whitetish •■ic: 
 jiickerel and bass nio,-t abuiiduiit; spoons and live bait used: ^lay. .him-. .July ai il 
 Scjiteiiiber best: hotels J='J to # t p. d.; boats liletitif 111 at icasoiialile l■i^te^. ■■'Ih(:i 
 is ;;reat sport catchiiiti white bass (>tripi'd bassi. duriiiK tlic last of .lune uihI fii-i 
 jiart of .Inly, in Lake Jleiidota, with live bait, which with t^uides. boats aiWl ta. k!>' 
 I an be proiured on the spot." So writes tmr correspiauU lit from JIadisoii. 
 Markesan(<°. M. v'^; St. P. i— Little (ireen 1. 1 'j m.; black and rock bass, i.ivli. 
 j'iclicitl etc.; rock basH aud perch most numerous; flies, niiiaiows and wojin- a^ 
 '•lilt: June. .July, August aud September best; hotel $1 p. d.; guides #l.."ii j.ii.: 
 boats Tide ]). d. 
 Maixston it. M. \ St. P. Sec inside back coven — \Viscon>iii and Yellow i- '. 
 I'l and IJ 111 . ; Leiiioiiweir r. runs throujih the village: all ^lund; pike. lias?-, pi, 1,< n 1 
 etc.: jdckeiel and b,>iss most ab.indaiit; minnows and s]i(ion hooks used; .Inly. 
 Aut;ust mill Septciiib'-r bi'st: hotels Sl.TiU t<j ?'.! 1'. d.; tiuiilcs at reasonable iha:.<- 
 ' boats and bait merely nominal. 
 Mayhew (f. M. & ist. P.) — I-auderdale l's4', m.. including Oreen. Middle am! 
 I-auderdale. all connected; jiickerc-l. pike, perch, bass (silver aud black i. siiiiIi>L 
 etc.; pickiiel and bass most abundant: niiiiiiows and sjioons used; ^l»y and -Ii:]!' 
 best; hotel if'J p. d.; guides at nioderatc cost: boats 'tUc p. d. Mail stages run liiily 
 between the lakes aud Mayhew at a charge of TiOc a trip. 
 Mayville iC M. it St. I'.i— liock r. running through ilie village: Horicou Mai>ii 
 3 ill.: last best; pickerel, pike, bass, bullheads etc.; pickerel and bullheads n.' ^! 
 numerous: small tish, fl-ogs and wca-uis as baits: June, .\ugust aud Seiiteiiiber 1 1 >t: 
 hotel $1 p. d.; boats 15c p. h.; cau hire sUiall boyw to procure bait. The '..mi- 
 llUUtlll* ttH' l,(Ht; 
 iMIck 1. '.. ,„.. 
 iIiIIhIi etc.: Iihkn, 
 )'lli)>fr iiikI (I,' 
 . d. Tlif lU,,, 
 II Luki' litiiiv^^ 
 iiuiii1i*'r> liy all 
 '1' th«' wat.r ill 
 !••' in Fihiiiur} 
 i-; pii'ki Til inoitt 
 t iiioiitlis; Imti'l 
 III l'. «■.: mill, 
 to 40 1). li. 1,11,1 
 imi; lutHh. jiikc. 
 IKTOUh: hliiMiIiN, 
 #l.r>(( ji. (1. ,,1$; 
 * "rx; \>. il. Au 
 •H lllnl J .Tfi k» 
 1111(1 (ill 1 11 liu\ ; 
 iKiiikH, t1li> ali'l 
 lii.; ^h ii.iiilar 
 ii(->- i!-ti'a\vli> irj . 
 aiul (vi'i! liiiits, 
 tint lulvnlix t'l 
 kcrt-l mid lini-v: 
 1 ."ill ],. d.: l.oat- 
 tliruiigh tiiwii; 
 Kiti'l Ht rniMii- 
 i. \\"imlitfii mill 
 wiiiti'tinli 'U-.: 
 iiiic, July ill il 'I 
 liltl't*. ••TIjiIi- 
 .Iiiiic and ri!>t 
 lilts Hiirt till kli' 
 IiidisHii . 
 k lia.-s, I'l iiii. 
 and \\iirni> us 
 (•>! j^l .."id j.. il.: 
 Yfiliiw iV >. 
 '. liasj-. iiiiliitcl 
 iks U(«fd; .Inly. 
 iiiatili- ibai^'i-: 
 II. Aliddlr aliil 
 Ma.-k'. ,suiiti>L 
 !\lay and .li:iu' 
 tables run daily 
 ll"i-ii'Oii Mur-b 
 mllhtads ii.i'ft 
 it'litcnilier 1 1 ^t: 
 it. The t;-.vr!-- 
 it) ^'riMiiidH with Iix'aI aiiKl'TH are th« fnrnacn (lani, woolfu fuctory aud tlu< haiiiI 
 Masomanle I* . M. \' Nt. I*. i— WiHrtniHin r 4 m.; Iikhh. iiicki^nd, idkc itnd rut- 
 tir-l.. li. ti. niiiKt nnMH-i'iiiiH: fr<i^' and niinnuw liuitH, .hiin' and -luly lii'Ht; ImirlM at 
 r< aHunalilc ratcH; ^iiid<-H imt niTilcd; tiait |ilt'ntifnl, Kxt'rllcut Nltuutinu in H«a- 
 HKii— |)rairie oblok«-iiH and wild diickt abundant. 
 McFarland l<'. M. A: St. 1' Htc iuMid*' l)ack covfrl— Ke>{<>nHa or Kiint 1. '2 ni.; 
 \\:iiili<'Ha nr Si riiiid 1. 1 m . : Miinnna nr 'lliii'd I . riin.; almut <'i|iial: ]iii'k<i|'«d, I). Ii., 
 Hihrrand vidluw liahn; pirkiTrl iiiiiNt niiiiifriiiiH: minnow )iuit: May. Jun<>, N)>pt<>ni- 
 )m I' and (irliilic-r Iti-nt: Imard ran Ix- had at iirivatr Ikiuhcn at ^.4 tn (t'< |i. \v.; buata 
 SI ]i. d. Kxci'lleut tlNbiug rt-|iort(;d. 
 Medford (Win. C. See jianc XXI)— Ne^ro 1. In ni. dJHtant in th mily flnhint,' l>ln<'<* 
 ill tliiH viiinity; Iuihh, jicrch anji pickerel f'nund then'; Iiii.«m nniHt niiincrnuH: .Ma.\ , 
 and June licHt iniintliH. 
 Melvina (*'• ^I. fi St. I'.)— Head walti-H (if Litlli' I.a Ciuhhi. r. mar Htatinn; llall'rt 
 cr. 1 '; ni.; tii'Ht lic-^t: tnnit; worm, liccf. imrk and lly )iiiifn; May and .Iiuio licMt; 
 thcii- art' a niimlirr of trout HircaniH witliin a tVw milcH from wliii-li u larnc niunlicr 
 of tiuf tlnh arc cannht every year. 
 Menasha (M. Jt N.) — l^'ox r.. I,akc WinnelmKo and I.4ikc linttc den MortH; all cou- 
 Iiiitid; iiirrli, liikc, Jiickci'd. white and Kilvrr Iiiikh, catti.sli, rtc; minnoWH, 
 hliooiiK and worniH nnid: .Vi'nl, May and .liine lui-t; ImiclH ^\ (o .rit ji. d.; no nro- 
 fcHcional ^nidcH, hut men can he liad who \\ill act aH hiicIi: halt luc p. (hiz,; boatH 
 free. The fiHhiu(< Ih tj^xeellent and tlie favorite Imit is the minnow. 
 Menomouie (C. M. \' St. r. S(e innide hm.k cover.) — Wilnon ir. i ni.; (iilbert 
 .r. 4ni.; KIk cr. 'i ni.; Annise cr. tl ni.: Heaver and < »tfcr cr. inm.; It.-d Cedar r. '.. 
 111.: allndod. -I'cckled trmit, Iiiihh, pike, jierch, pickerel, etc.: Kpeckled trtuit nio.-^t 
 aliiindant: umi.iI haitn; Jnne to Octoher hent: hotelM $'ip. d.; lioiits not neede(l, 
 lAcelh'nt tiMhiu« reported. 
 Meridean '^T '^' ^t. I' ) — <'hippewa r. and Mcridean Sh(n(»h: hint hcKl; jiiek- 
 ( ii 1 pniicipall> iruUinK spooiiN used moHlly; .May and .Iiine he^t: no hotels; 
 (jiiidcs not necisKary : ImatH can he obtained. 'I'lic hcnt tiKliinj,' in iiHiially after 
 the Hpriiiti rine. or in .Tunc after the riwe, which often oceurH in that month. 
 Middleton !<'. ^I. >t St. P:) — Lake Mendota I m.: perch, white haxH (fresh water 
 i-lriped hiu-s), picker(d, liike, whitefisli, b. b.. rock bass, sjiei.kled has^n (strawberry 
 hassi, > ellow bass. etc. : white bass, (lickerel and perch are most nunierous; min- 
 nows, fro;,'s, worms, etc. as baits: .Tune, -July, Aii^'ust and Seiitemher best; hotels 
 >l .."0 to ,»:'J ji. d.: boats and bait at little cost. 
 Mineral Point (('. M. & St. P. See iualdi! back cover. )— Kock Hraiich J m , ; 
 lioiit: worm and tlies used; May and ,Tune best; hotel f'J ji. d.; boats unneeehsaiy 
 wading; done; bait plentiful. 
 Montello (Wis. C. See jjauo XXI.)— Hnlhilo I. near station; Kilby 1. 1 ni.; Uireli 
 I, .' 111.; Montello r. near station- all the above waters abound in' pike, pi(.kere|, 
 b. b. (1, and H. ni.), chimnel bass (V), etc.; iiick(.'rel, b, b. and jiike niost abundant; 
 >iiooiis, tlies and minnows used; .'Vnri! to -Tune liest for ]iike; .Iiiiie to .Sept. for 
 pickerel; all the other varieties cau^'ht throuj,'li smnmei'and fall ; hotels j:'jj). d . 
 )i. w,; (guides at ittasonable (diarKc: bouts and baits furnished by hotels without, 
 I hait;e. 'rh(.se are very fine fishing waters, and tine records ha\e been made heie. 
 We think (.iudfjinK from the nhitive weifilit of the tish as rsportedi that the inke 
 >o called above is the iiickerel, and the idekerel, so called, in the pike. 
 Morris (Wis, C. See jiaue XXI.)— Klk cr, '., m.; jiickend and trout: piekend 
 most nniiiiioiif-; usual baits; May to October best time; bait can be procured, but 
 nil boats needed. 
 Mo8inee(('. M. A: St. I'. See inside back cover. )— Wisconsin r. '. m.; bas,M and 
 I'iekcrel princii;ally • spoons used; sprin^j best seai-on; hotels .>! p. d, 
 Nashotah (<'• M. >^- St. I' )— Na^owicka 1. 'J'^ in.; okauchee I. -J', m.; pine 1. i m;. 
 L' Nashotah I's 'J'^. in.; J Xeiiahbin I's H '^ m.: Mouse I. '_> in. ; Nii^;owicka andokaii- 
 rlieel'sbest: iiickei(d. laHiaiid perch an> about ('(lually abundant: minnow bait; 
 ■bine and .Inly be-i; In te'.s *1..5iJ p. d., .*« to $'.i p. w, ; ^'uide $'J p. d.; bout r.n,' 
 1 . d. 
 •■1: li 
 Neenah(<'- <V; N. W. and Win. ('.)— I^ke \Vimi«»baBo 1 ai.; Fox r. and Lake Biitfn 
 dcH MortH at Htrttioii; tin; laHt uaiucd i« ht'Ht in Hiiniiuer, and Liake Winuebano }„->\ 
 ill fall; )iik»'. 1). h., white ImHH, jjickerel and i)ercb; i)ike and ba^H most miuicroiis; 
 flpoou hookn luoHtly iiHed aH bait; May. June July and iSt'iit. bent uiontbH; hot<U 
 $2 p. d.; miideM with boat and bait iucludod ; i p. d. 
 New London (M. L. 8. k W. See page XVIII.)— Wolf and Eiiibarras r. paHsin^- 
 throuuli city; tirnt bewt; pickerel, pike, bawH, catfish etc.; basH most iuiuktihi^" 
 worm bait; early HpringbeMt; hotelH .fjp. d.; bait easily -obtained; boats cau In- 
 borrowed when needed. 
 TSfo. Prairie {('. M. .t St. P. See inside back cover.)— Spring 1. 4 m.; Prettv 1 . r, 
 m.; laHt bewt: b. b. and pickerel; b. b. most nunierous; live minnow bait; .Juin- 
 and July bent: hotel at reanonable rate; ))oatH to be had at nominal cost. 'I'hi' 
 hotolhas a preserved trout ixind connected with it.aud a cbarge of 4l»c p. lb is inadi- 
 to all who lish it. 
 XToqaebay ]jake(M. A: N.) — X drive of six miles from Noquebay station, lainU 
 the angler at Hale's Ranch; Medicine (.'reek and MiiMlc Inlet are near the raiulii-,:iinl 
 abotiiKl in trout. Large numbers of pound trout are taken, some running 1'^. Uis. 
 In the lake there is tine l)lack bass and niascalonge tishing. This section was only 
 opened by rail in 188:J. 
 Vorrie (M. L. S. .^- W. See page XVIII.)— Lake Gotoit near station; Mayflowi r 1. 
 2 ill.; liasH 1. -till.; last best; bass, i)ickerel, "mackerel"!?) etc.; bass most nuni>i- 
 0118 ; worm baits; June, July, .\ug\ist and September best; hotel $2 p. d.; bi-iat^ 
 50c p. d. 
 Iforwalk {C- k N. W. See page XML) — Moore's cr. 1 iii.; Brnsh cr. 8 m.; Spriii;.' 
 Vail -v 2 111.; last best; brook trout; worms as bait; May, June and July best; hoti i.s 
 73c to $1.50 p. d. 
 Ooonomo'vroc (C. M. & St. P. See inside back cover.)— Okauchee 1. ti m.; Silver 
 1. '2 '■> m.: Twin 1. 4 m.: Nemahbin 1. ,5 m.; Pine, Beaver and Golden I's 5 to 7 ni. : La 
 Belle and Fowler I's near city; no choice l)etweeii them; pickerel, b. b., perch etc.; 
 Siickerel and b. b. most numerous; minnows as bait; June to October best; hotcl.s 
 jl to .f:t p. d.; boats CtOc p. d.: guide with boat |2 to $'i.M p. d. There are a num- 
 ber of other lakes within 1 to 10 m. where good tishing can be found. 
 Omro {('■ M. & St. P.)— Fox r. near station; b. b., white bass, pickerel and perch; 
 pickerel most numerous; minnow bait; June best month; hotel at reasonable rates); 
 boats 5(Jc p. d. The railroad bridge is considered the best ground. 
 Oshkosh (C. M. «: St. P.— C. .S: N. W.— Wis. C.-M. L. S. k W.)— Located on Wo.'-t 
 shore of 1. Winnebago at the mouth of Fox r. Near by are the following lak.-s; 
 Butte des Morts, Winnecouue and Poygan. All of these waters abound in l.m.b.b,i)iki' 
 perch, pickerel and perch, the former averaging 'i lbs. They are taken Alay I t" 
 freezing weather with live and artittcial baits. The best grounds are quickly 
 reached. Hotels $1.'2.5 to $'2 p. d.; boats with bait $l.r>() p. d.; guides $1.60 to $2 'i'> 
 p. d. See The Amkuu an .\N(jlkk, Vol. VII, pp. 42. There is good trout flshiut! 
 .early in the season up the Fox r. about 16 m. 
 Packwaukee (Wis. C. See page XXI)— Buffalo 1. at station; Ox cr. 3 m.; picker- 
 el, bass, pike and a few trout; pii-kerel mostly abotind; usual baits; March to N(i\- 
 emlier best; hotels at very moderate rates, boats and bait can bo had at merely 
 nominal prices. The pickerel (pike) are numerous. 
 Palmyra (<"• M. & St. P. See inside back cover.) — Spring 1., Pretty I., Dousmaii> 
 Troiit p.. Green 1. and Pleasant 1.; all good; pickerel, bass, trout, perch etc.; pii k 
 erel and bass most numerous; minnow bait; >Iay, June, September and winter l>(>-i; 
 hotels fi2 p. d. or $4 to itVi, p. w.; guides at reasonable rates; boats and bait 50c to 
 $1 p. d. 
 Pensaukee (<'• '^ N. W. See page XVII)--Grt>eu Bay and Peusaukee r.; perch, 
 l)ass, pickerel, catfish etc.; perch and bass most numerous; worm bait; May ainl 
 June best months. 
 PeD^aukee (('• M. A: St. P. See inside back cover.)— Pewaukee 1.; b. b., pickerel, 
 pike, perch etc.; pickerel, perch and pike most nunierous; minnows and worms as 
 baits; August, September and Octolier best; hotels at reasonable rates; boats and 
 bait at moderate charges, " Kocky Point" is the favorite ground among Ixal 
 Phippa ((". St. P. M. & o.)— Good trout streams accessible. See The American- 
 ANtiLEii, Vol. Ill, pp. 313. 
 IK American 
 Pike (M. A: N.) — Pike r. and Ijrauchen; Beecber 1., Rouse 1., Pine 1., Inland 1. and 
 oth«i><; all Rood; trout. basH, iiiokerel, pike, suuflshetc.; usual bn its aud seaMous; 
 h'tilH, guiden, boatH aud bait reanouable. 
 Plattevllle (C M. .^- St. P. See iuHide back cover) — Dugdalen Branch and Peca- 
 tmiiiu Branch; last best; trout; art. flies and worms as bait; hotels $'i p. d. 
 Plover (Wis. C. Sec pa^e XXI)— Wisconsin r. 1 ni.; Big Plover r. 2 ni.: Little 
 I'l-Ncr r. I'j m.; Buena Vista cr. 4 m.; Dnc^k cr. 7 ni.; Metcalf 1. 7 m.; all good; 
 IpiDok trout, bass, i)ike, percli, pickerel and otlier varieties; pickerel, basn and trout 
 hi' ';<t abundant; minnows, worms etc. used as bait; July, August and .September 
 1m st months; hotels fi p. d.; no professional guides, but information easily ob- 
 tiuued; l)oats and bait to be had readily. 
 Plymouth (>I. & N.)— Elkhart 1. 7 ni.; Cedar 1. .5 m.; Dobbins 1. 4 m.; Lake El- 
 li :i 7 m.; all good; pickerel, 1). b., green bass (V), etc.; minnow and frog baits; May 
 uutl June best; hotel .iil.50 j). d.; boats $1 p. d. 
 Portaore (C. M. *: St, P. and Wis. O.)— Briggsville p. 11 m.; Swan 1. 4 m.: Buffalo 
 1. U'l m.; I'tickaway 1. IK m. aud countless smaller I's in vicinity: Buffalo and Puck- 
 awiiy l)('st; pike, pickerel, mas'-«l<}nge, b. b., rock bass, perch, stintlsh etc.; pike, 
 jiirkVrel and bass most abundaut; live minnows and all kinds of art. baits used: 
 May, June, July, August and Se\)tember best; hotels $'2 p. d.; guides can be found; 
 liniits and bait at moderate cost. Our correspondent writes "l»i'obably no place in 
 the entire west furnishes waters where lish of the species above described are found 
 iu such great abundance." 
 Pound (M. »t N)— Loon 1. 8 m.; Bass 1. 3 m.; Beaver or. 2 m.; trout aud bass; 
 trout most numerous; June and July best; hotel $1.5() p, d.; guide $1.75 p. d.; 
 boats and bait reasonable. 
 Prairie du Sac (C. M. .^ St. P. See inside back cover) — Wisconsin r. near station; 
 Lodde's Mill 4 iii.; Fish and Crystal I's 4 m.; lirst best; pike, pickerel, bass, cattish 
 cti-.: pike most numerous; minnow and worm bait; April aud May best; hotels $'i 
 p. (I.; guide ifl.Txi p, d.; guides furnish boats and bait. 
 Random Lake (M. & N.)— Random 1. '4 m.; Mud 1. '^ m.; first best; perch, 
 Ij b., pickerel, suutish etc.; bass and pickerel most numerous; clams, worms *nd 
 hj.oon hooks as baits; May. June, September and October best; hotels 75c p. d.; 
 bnats aud bait at tritling cost. 
 Beedville (M. L- S. Jt W. See page XVIII)— Loug 1. 5 ra.; trout, bassetc; worm 
 biit: September aud October best; hotel f"2 p. d. 
 Richland Centre (C. M. .t St.P. See inside back cover.)— Malan than cr.. Haw- 
 kin's cr.. Willow cr. aud Knapps cr. about 12 m.; no choice; trout; worms and flies 
 iiMii: .\pril, May aud June best; hotel $1.50 to $'2 p. d.; guides I'tasouable; boats 
 and bait at nominal cost. 
 Pine r. fj m.; first best; 
 usual baits; August and 
 Richland City (<"• M- & St. P.)— Wisconsin r. ^4 m. 
 iiiikciel, bass, pike, cattish, etc.; bass 
 .s, ptember best; boats and bait $1.50 p. 
 Ripon (C. M. & St. P.)— Oreen 1. fi m.; i)ickerel, pike, b. b.. white bass (s-vriped 
 Im^s) redhorse, etc.; pickerel b. b. aud white bass most numerous; luinuows as 
 bait; May, June, September and October best; hotels $1.50 to $'2.50 p, d.; boats lOc 
 ).. h.; bait reasonable. 
 Satuit (M. I'- S. & W. See page XVIII.)— Lakes Thompson and George adjacent; 
 Ip.tii first class; bass and mascalonge; minnows, spoons, worms aud flies as baits; 
 ,)\iui' 1 to Oclobtir 15 best; no hotels; good locations for camping; boats and oarsmen 
 1 111 be obta'ned from Pelican 1. 10 m. below. Write to C. C. De Long, agent, Peli- 
 ciiii, Wis, who will make arrangements for visiting anglers. 
 Sauk City (C. M. & St. P. See inside back cover.)— Wisconsin r. near station; 
 H"uevcr. 4 m.; last best; pickerel aud bass; pickerel most numerous; minnow 
 b^iit; April and October best; hotel $1.50 p. d.; guides not necessary; boats 5(ic 
 y. (I.; bait easily procured. 
 Saukville (M. & N.)— Schuhs 1. 3 m.; Goggius 1.4 m.: first best; pickerel and 
 b. b. the latter 'uost aVmndant; minnow bait; April aud May best. 
 Schlelaingerville (Wis. C. and C. M. A: St. P.)— Cedar 1. 2 m.; Pike 1. 2 m.; 
 eiiiiUv good: perch, bass, i)ickerel and pike; in Cedar 1. perch most numerous: 
 1.1. kerel in Pike 1.; usual baits; June, July, August aud Sept. best; no regular 
 Liiels or guides; boats can be had at moderae prices. 
 ; 1 1 
 Shawano (M. L. S. A: W. Seo paf(e XVIII.)— M'olf r. aud Shawano 1. ; last lif ht: 
 j)ick( r«'l anil \mt*n; baww moHt iiuiiieroiis: trulliiif^ hookn UHcd: May, Jime, July aiui 
 Auj^UHt be«t; hotelH $1 to $2 j). d. ; (^iiidt'H, Woatf^ and l)ait at reasonable cost, tn.od 
 trout flwhing on the Kewhina Kewervation, diwtaut 10 in. 
 Sheboygan Falls (M. L. H. k W.) — iSheboynan r. rnns directly through village: 
 pickerel and 1). b. ijrincipally; woriiiH, niinnowN and tn)llinK naugH unod; Kjieannj^ 
 Ih lartiely jirac-ticed; June. July, .\uKUwt and Sejiteniber Iicst: hotels $'1 p. d. or ?:h 
 tollop. w.; unities not required; l)oats and bait at tritlinp; cost. The surroiiud- 
 inp waters within a radius of .5 to 20 ni. give excellent fishing. 
 Sherwood (M. & N.)— Winnebago 1. 2 ni.; perch, bxss, pickerel, etc.; niintiow 
 bait; May to September best; hotel at reasonable charges; guide $2 p. d ; boat!* 
 and bait |1 p. d. 
 Sparta (C M. k St. P. See inside back cover) — Numerous creeks in this cminty 
 tinm 'j to 1.5 m. from this Htation; brook trout principally: wni'ni bait: May anil 
 Seiiteniber best; hotitls; $2 p. d.: boats not necessary; hotels will furnisL t;iiidcs 
 or give information as to best grounds. 
 Stanley (Wis. <". See page XXI) — Lake Marie (i m.; ])ickerel mostly abouiid 
 hcrt'; minnow bait; sjiring and fall best season; hotel $H.,')0 p. w. 
 State Hospital {C. k. N. W. St^e i>age XVII)^-Lake Winnebago '., m.; l.akr 
 Ibitti! des .Morts V* m.: tirst best: pike, basH, i)ifkerel, st\irgeon etc. : liike, bass and 
 Itickerel most abundant: minnow bait; -Vpril, May aud June best; hotel .*■-' \k d. 
 guides, boats and bait reasonable. 
 State Line (M. L. S. k W. Sec page XVTII)— Black Oak 1. 3 m.; trout; minnows, 
 flit's and spoons used; May 15 to July 1 best: liot(ds moderate; boats 7.")c ]i. d.: 
 guides ;?2 ji. d. l'arti<'s visiting Ibis lake shotiid notify the (ien. Pass. .\gt. of tlio 
 above road at h-ast ten days in advance. whi'U the proper arrangements will lie 
 nia('.<- for their comfort and fishing. See .\.MKHirAK .\N(4LKK, Vol. VII., jiage ]:iJ. 
 Stiles (M. A: N'.) — Oconto r. near station; trout, pickerel, bass etc.; pork iiiid 
 minnow baits; April best; hotel Ifl p. d. 
 Stougrhton (<'. M. k St. P. See inside hack cover) — Catfish r. runs throiiuli 
 town: I'irst 1. H ni.; last best; wall-eyed i)ike, iiickcrcl, b. b., rock bass, silver bii.-s 
 (lii(d)ahly the wliite bass or fresh water striped bass). t1oiinibTs('.') jiercli etc.: p< iili abundanl: live minnows and art. l)aits \ised: May and .June ln-st; hot( 1 :a 
 reasonable prices; boats about 60c i>. d. "Very good flshiug" is reported, also •no 
 market lishers here." 
 Summit Iiake (M. L. R. ^' W. See page XVIID— Summit 1., Lady 1.. Clear 1. ami 
 liass 1.; last best: b. b. principally: usual baits; June, July and August best; li.ii<l 
 and guide at reasonable i>rices. .\ threat number of snuill I's lie adjacent to iIm 
 above which teem with flsli, mainly bass. Write to agent at I'elicau, Wis., 1" iii. 
 distant, to engage boats and guides. 
 Theresa (Wis. ('. Seepage XXI) — Rock r. at station; pickerel, bass and l>ull- 
 lieads; jiickerel most numenuis: June and July best months for tndling: \\.'riii» 
 Used as bait, but trtdling the usual method: hotel .•?! p. d.. .'f-t p. w.: guides rea^'ii- 
 able; boats 5Uc p. d. Pickerel tishing rei>orted as very tine. 
 TomahlC M. ^: St. P.) — The trout streams are distant from 4 to pj m.: •' \ 
 sport and fair sized fish can be had. freipiently weighing 1 ';. lbs., especially 
 Crosse r. See Thk .\.MKllH'AN ANtiLKK, Vol. III. ji. ;i4.'i. 
 ill 1., 
 Tremble (M. >'v N.)--Hig Suamico r. 
 m.; pickerel, bass, brook trout 
 irms are prineiiial bait used; spring best season. 
 Troy Centre (C. 51. X- St. P.) — Crooked 1. 4'.. m ; Oreen 1. r. m.; tirst best: h. 1 .. 
 pike, pickend etc.: b. b. and pickerel most abundant: minnows, worms eti'. a> 
 baits; June, July, .\ugust and September best: hotel .*2 p. d : boats f'l j). w.: tiait 
 cheap. Crooked 1. is reported to be one of the finest fishing grounds in Wi- ■ i. 
 Tunnel City (C M. & St. P. See inside back cover)— Sparta cr. 3 m.: Tarr > r. 
 ;i m.; Flora i-r. 2 m, : Nilver cr. 7 m.: Sijuaw cr. 8 m.; Ash run .5 m.; Little La i laiii 
 10 m.; brook troiit only; worm bait: .Kjiril 15 to .\ugust 15 limited by law; Loirls 
 fl'p.d.: guides ?2 p. d. (iood trouting 'cported. 
 Union Grove (C. M. & st. P.)— Eagle 1. ('> m.: jicrch, rock bass, ii. b., pickeii )• t •.: 
 perch and rock bass most numerous; minnow and v.orni baits; usual seasons. 
 iiohtly aliiiuiiil 
 Van Dyne (WIh. C. See pane XXI)— Lake Wiuuebago 1>2 in.; pike, pickerel aud 
 I imk; UHiial baits UHcd; May, Juue, July Aug. auil Sept. best; hotel at reaHouable 
 . l:!irnf'H. 
 Watertown (<'• M. k St. P. See insidt? back cover) — Rt)ck r. ruuuing through 
 ( ity; baHH of all kludw aud pike; basH are nioHt abuudaut; live and art. baitn; April, 
 .May aud September best; hotelw $'2 p. d. ; boatH aud bait at uuuiiual priccH. Ex- 
 ( clif'ut fishing in the vicinity of Watertown. 
 Wankan (0. M. k St. P.)— Lake Butte den MortH aud Wolf r. 10 ni.; Rush 1. 3 ni.; 
 Wdlfr. best: white and black baHs, pickcirel, buUheadH and Hturgeon; baH8 iiiost 
 i.lmudant; niinuowH an bait; May, June, October aud November best; hotel |1 p. d. 
 Waukesha (C. N. & W. and C. M. A; St. P.)— Pewaukeo 1. 4'i ni.; Salesvillc 1. G 
 la.; Neniahbinl. I'Jni.; Nagowicka 1. 1" ni.; Pine 1. 10 ui. ; Fox r. atHtation; Pewau- 
 lite and Nagowicka I'h beHt; i)ickerel, pike, black and rock baHx, perch ete.; pick- 
 I I't'l and bawH most numer<:)UH; minnows and meat as l)ait.>j; June, July aud August 
 hest; hotels $2 to |3 p. d.; rowboats 50c p. d.; steamer $ti p. d. 
 Waiipaca (Wis. C. See page XXI) — A chain of 13 lakes including Clear 1. and 
 Long 1., from 3 to 7 m. distant from station; i)ickerfd, bast- and perch; pen^h most 
 abundant: minnows and worms mostly used as bait; Juue aud SeptemVjer l)est 
 iijonths; hotels fj to ii p. d.; boats 75c to $1 p. d. 
 Wauzeka (»'• M. A; St. P. See inside back cover) — Kickapoo r. and Wisconsin r. 
 near station: last best; pii'kerel, bass and cattish are th(! three jjrincipal varieties; 
 minnows and small tish as baits; fall season best; hotel at reasonable i)rices;, boats 
 and bait can be had at little or no cost. 
 Werley((". & N. W. Seepage XVII)— Green r. near station; trout; worm bait: 
 Aj'Vil and .May best months; hotel 7.5c to ;fl p. d. Thi« river is reported to us as being 
 ■•(>no of the best trout streams in the state of Wisconsin." 
 Wilton (C\ & N. W.l— Kickapoo r. near station; Dorset cr. 2 m.; Moshier cr. 2 
 111.; Stayton cr. 1 ', in.: Hibard's cr. 1 m.; Soward's Valley cr. (1 m.; Sink's cr. 5 m.; 
 liilling's cr. I'l ni.: all good: trout and some coarse varieties: worms are usual bait; 
 May. June. July and .\ugust best; hotel $1 p. d.; guides easily obtained; boats un- 
 necessary; Viait plentiful, (iood trout tishing is r(;i)orte(l. 
 Winneconne (•"• M. <t St. P. See insidi' back cover) — Laki' Winufcoiine 1 '., m.; 
 Lake I'ovgau i m.: Lake Butte des .Morts t'a m.; about alike; jiickerel, pike, l)lack 
 and white bass, perch and catti.-ili : whitt^ bass (striped bass) most numerous; live 
 iiiiiinows. spoeiu hooks and art. bait used; June. July, .\ugust and September best; 
 hotels 5^1. .50 to f2 p. d,; guiiles can be hid at f2 p. d.; boats #1 j). d.; minnows not 
 Withee (Wis. r. See jiage XXI)— Black r. 2 m.; pii'kerel. ))ike }«id pere-h; usual 
 lait- use(L May and Juue best; hotels and guides at reasonable rates. 
 Woodman (<". A: N. W. See page XVII)— Wisconsin r ]', m.; jiickerel, jjike, 
 '■. 1). etc.; b. Ii. most numerous; art.bnit.-^ used; .fune, July and -Vugust best; hotels 
 *1.50p. d.; boats 5Uc p. d. 
 Worcester (Wis. C. See iia«i' XXIl— Lake loi and Craiiberry 1. via tliis station; 
 ;li< first tli< b. b. and perch, the latter most numeidus; June, .luly and Aug- 
 ii-t best: UfUal baits; hotel at reasonable rate. 
 Wrig'htsto'wm (t. iV: N. W, Ste page XVII)— Fox r. about y. m.; b. b., rock 
 :'iis.-. i'i)ie, piiken'I etc.: tiy aud sj oons used; May and Jmie best; hotel at reason- 
 ,iLle rati-; boats plenty. 
 Aspen |I'. P.)— Muddy r. 4 ni.; fiear v. lo ni.; HlaekV loili 15 m.; all good; trout 
 ami whitetish, trout predominating; tly and grassliopper bait>: August best luonth. 
 Carter (F. P.)— Blacks Fork of Green r. 10 in.: Smiths Fork 15 m.; lieaver ci 
 111.: H( iivys Fork 35 111. : all good. Beaver cr. probably be,--t: mouiitaii 
 L-rayling' tli( s are used in summer, and lieef in winter: Jul 
 liest liioiiths. >t\it tvoiit can be fieely caught during winter; hott 
 with wagon and team ?5 p. d.: Hies 2c to 5c each. Fort Bl idues 
 trout and 
 y. August ami .September 
 s f-l |i. (L; f,'ui<b- 
 s situated lo m. 
 tiom I'arteron the Blacdi Fork where accommodations, guides, teams etc. can Im 
 obtained, and where good hunting for prairie chickens, deer, elk etc. can be had. 
 This is a grand fishing section. 
 i J 
 ! .■ 
 Cokevllle{r, P.)— Bear r. 1 m.; Smith Fork )j m.; Smith Fork best, hut lioth 
 good; mountaiu trout principally; minnow, grasshopper and fly bait; June, July, 
 August and September best; U. P. eating house $2 p. d.; guide with team $5 p. d.; 
 bait (lasily i)nn'ured. Fishing is tine and mountain sheei) and intelope are to be 
 found in this vicinity. 
 Svanston (U. P.) — Bear r. near station; trout; fly, grasshoppers, grubs and 
 worms used; June and July best; hotels $2 to $a p. d.; guide with team $5 p. d.; 
 no boats; bait plenty. Other waters within 4 to 26 m. yield excellent trout flsLing. 
 Port Steele (U. P.)— Savery cr. and Battle 1. about 50 m.; Snake r. about 3o m. 
 first two best; trout and mullet; trout most immerous; flies and meats as baitsA 
 July, August and September best: no hotels, camx>iug necessary; guide $5 p. d. 
 fine hunting as well as fishing section. 
 Port Washakie (Reached by stage (150 m.) from Green River station on the 
 T'. P. r.r.) — There is splendid trout and grayling fishing on the forks of Big and 
 Little Wind r., especially 30 m. west of the Post. The months of July, Auj^. 
 and .Sei)t. give the best report on the art. fly, which is exclusively used. There is 
 a hotel at the Fort at moderate charges, and guides may be had reasonable. 
 KiUiard (U. P.) — Pear r. 4 m.; some I's in the mountains from 10 to 20 ra. 
 distant, where trout are abundant; the lakes best; trout, chub, etc.; trout mont 
 numerous; worms and flies used; August, September and October best; Sectinu 
 house 50c p. meal; guide $5 p. d. 
 Laramie (U. P.)— Dale or. 14 m., Fish cr's 16 to 19 m.. Trail cr., Cache la Poudre 
 and other cr 8 within ,'j day's drive; all good: brook tnuit: art. fly, worm ami 
 grasshopper baits; July and August best: hotel accommodations are to be had at 
 $1.50to$Up. d.; guides $2to$3p.d.; no boats used; bait plenty. Very fine 
 fronting in numerous waters near Laramie. 
 Piedmont (U. P.) — Blacks Fork r. 8 m.; Hig Muddy cr. >.j m. and Spring <t. 
 Im.; Big Muddy best; trout principally; grubs and flies as baits; August uml 
 September best months; hotel $2 to $2.. 50 p. d.; guides at moderate rate; boau 
 and bait cheap. 
 Rawlins (U. P.)— Muddy cr. 25 m.: Savory cr. about 60 m.; last best; mountain 
 trout; flies and fish eyes as baits; June, July and August best; no hotels, campiun 
 is the usual custom. A fine hunting country. 
 Sherman (T. P.)— Dale cr. 6 m.; Texas cr. 7 m.; first best; mountain trout; 
 worms bait; Juno and July best; hotel $1 p. d. 
 Tie Sidinff (U. P.)— Dale cr. 3 m.; Fish cr. ni.; Trail cr. 10 m.; Sheep cr. IS m.: 
 Cache la Poudre 20 m.; Fish cr. and Trail cr. best; mountain trout; grasshopper and 
 fly baits; July, .\ngust and September best; hotels $l.5i) p. d.; guide with team ;?"> 
 1). d.; no boats necessary. The trout are abundant. 
 Twin Creek (F. P.)— Hams Fork 3 m.; trout, whitefish etc.; trout most numer- 
 ous; grasshox)pers, beef «to. us baits; August and Septembet best. 
 intaiu trout; 
 most uumer- 
 Alabama r 
 Beaver p. or lake 
 Bijjlii'e r 
 Bit,' • anoc ci 
 Bi« 1 
 liij^ Mortar cr 
 Bij,' Wills cr 
 BlHi k Warrior r l-'', 
 Bri)k(!n Arrow cr 
 Burnt Coruer cr 
 C'auiie or 
 Cbistuut cr 
 Clinctaw 1 
 ('.iiii'cuh r 
 (.M-ar !•", in, 
 Imw cr 
 l»e:i.l 1 
 liisiita Fail.* 
 Lij^lit Mile cr 
 Fivi' Mile c!' 
 Flint cr. auil r 1"), 
 (iriiinel 1 
 Halls cr 
 HiillcHton 1 
 Hulls 1 
 luk IJayoii 
 Jdlinsoii 1 
 K.iilhley's 1 
 Kiiiu's r 
 Littii' HedleHton 1 
 Linlo Mills cr 
 Miirloi'oy cr 
 MuU.erry r I'. 
 Mrl,au«hlin 1. and bayou 
 Nuitli Valley cr 
 Oak\ ille p 
 Ubati'hio cr 
 Persimmoa cr 
 Piilu'ou cr 
 Uw'.l 1 
 liiclilaud bavou 
 Rose 1 
 Shuilu!! cr 
 Story 1 
 Swa'i I 
 Tallapoosa r 
 Tallasabatchit^ cr 
 TayldFrt 1 
 Ti-iuieHsee r 
 I Tnmt cr 
 Turkey cr 
 rpsaw 1 
 Valliy cr 
 Warrior r 16, 
 15 I Clear or 18 
 15 CocLe r 17, 18 
 15 Cottonwood 1 18 
 15 Crucked 1 17 
 16 Dick 1 18 
 15 ; 1 17 
 16 : East Lake bayou. .• 17 
 15 i Faulkner's 1 17 
 10 Flatrock cr 18 
 16 Fork(!d 1 17 
 15 1 Gray 1 17 
 15 ; HarriH 1 18 
 17 i HillHl 17 
 16 Hod^e 1 18 
 1(! Holntou cr 17 
 15 Hornehoe 1 17, 18 
 17 Laurel bayou 17 
 15 Lee'w cr 18 
 17 Moror r 17 
 16 MuHtiaus 1 17 
 15 Xea 1 18 
 16 ()wat;e cr 17, 18 
 16 Oiiiliitar 17 
 16 Plum bayou 18 
 17 Haline r 17, 18 
 16 ' Seitel 1 18 
 Hi South Fork 17 
 16 Sparinau cr 18 
 17 Spring r 17, 18 
 ] 7 St. Francis r 17 
 17 Sufjar cr 18 
 17 Walnut 1 18 
 16 War Ka^le r. and vr 17, 18 
 16 Warm Fork r 18 
 16 ' White r 17, 18 
 17 Woodward's 1 17 
 16 Woltascka bavou IH 
 15 I 
 18 I British Colnmbia. 
 16 ' 
 It) Cotiuitlam r 3\> 
 16 Harrison r ;V,l 
 16 Little Lilleat r 30 
 16 Pill 1 3ft 
 17 Slave r 3'.> 
 18 California. 
 16 Aptos cr 18, 20 
 K) .\rroyo Seco '20 
 15 Austin cr 1'.) 
 17 Bedwell cr '21 
 16 Bishop cr IH 
 17 Boi^ns cr '20 
 15 Butano cr '20 
 15 Bi« Pine cr 18 
 16 (armel r l',» 
 18 t'errocr 19 
 16 (;hal)os 1 20 
 16 Colabaua-s cr 19 
■ 1^ 
 r 1 
 5" 1 
 I . 
 I 1 
 CorralitOR cr • 10 
 Coyote cr lU 
 Crj'Htal Springs 1 IH, 20 
 Dry cr 1«, '^o 
 Eagle Gleu cr 20 
 EttHt AiJHtin cr lit 
 £l)iuoNa 1 IH 
 Feather r IM 
 Garra Pataa cr lit 
 GilliniH cr 11) 
 Grabaiii cr IH 
 Gualalla cr 2o 
 Hallfckcr li> 
 Harriugtou cr 20 
 JoiK'H cr 18 
 Kerns r 19 
 KingH cr 19 
 Knowles's AhIi ranch 19 
 Lagnua cr 19, 20 
 liagiinitos 1. and cr 20 
 La Honda cr 20 
 Los Animas cr 19 
 Little Sun r 19 
 Lobitas cr 20 
 I^)ne Pine cr 19 > 
 Mark Wester 19, 20, 21 
 McCloud r 20 
 Mercedl 20 
 Monterey Bay 19, 20 
 Ni<yisio cr 20 
 Novate cr 19 
 Owens r IH 
 Pajaro r 19, 20 
 Paper Mill cr 21 
 Peseadero cr 19, 20 
 PilarciloR 1. and cr 19, 2(» 
 Pinte cr 19 
 Purissinia cr 2(t 
 liaccoou Straits 21 
 llalston cr 20 
 llaucherie cr 20 
 Eocky cr 19 
 RuHniau r in, 19, 21 
 RiiHsiau Gulch 19 
 Salnias r 20 
 Salmon cr 19, 21 
 San Andn^as 1 19, 'Jo 
 San Anst'lnio cr 20 
 San Gregorio cr 20 
 San Jose cr 19 
 San Lorenzo r 20 
 San Sal cr IS 
 San Vicente cr 20 
 Scott's cr 20 
 Smith cr 20 
 Sonoma cr 19 
 Soquel cr IK 20 
 Squaw cr 19 
 Stewart cr 19 
 Sulphur cr IS, 111 
 Sur Grande 19 
 Toniales Bay 19 
 Tunitas cr 20 
 Valencia cr IH 
 Warm Springs cr IS, 20 
 Whitney cr 19 , 
 Willow cr 19 ; 
 Aninios r 42 
 Arkansas r «.. 
 Bear cr 
 .. m 41, 
 . . 39, 4(1 
 Beaver l»r. and cr 
 Becke's I's 
 . . . . 39, 40, 
 Black 1 
 Blake 1 
 ....... 3',' 
 Moulder cr's 
 Burt'alo cr 
 < 'ache la Poudre r 
 ('ataract 1 
 Chalk cr 
 ( "hicago I's 
 ('iniarron r 
 Clear cr 
 Cottonwood cr. and 1 
 Cow r 
 Dallas r 
 Kagle r 
 • 41 
 Estes Park 
 Evergreen I's 
 Forks cr 
 Four Mile «'r 
 Frazi(^r r 
 Frving Pan cr 
 (irand 1 
 (Jrand r 
 Grizzly 1 
 Gunnison r 
 Half Moon cr's 
 Irwin I's 
 Kahnah cr 
 liake cr 
 I^jike Fork 
 Little Ciuuirron r 
 Los I'inas r 
 MunitdU Parkl 
 Ohio cr 
 Peros cr 
 Plat«?au cr 
 Platte r 
 . . 39, 40 
 Quartz or 
 Itifle cr 
 Itio Grande 
 . . 40, 41 
 Roan cr 
 Roaring Fork i-r 
 Rock cr 
 San Migiu'l r 
 Sapinero cr 
 Silver cr 
 Snake r 
 South Platte r 
 State cr 
 St. Vrain 
 Surface cr 
 Ten Mile cr. audi- 39, 40, 41, 
 Toniichi cr 
 Trout cr 
 Twin I's 
 Uncompahgre r 
 Upper Cache la Poudre. . . 
 Upper Seciuache 
 Alexanders 1 4! I 
 Bantam r. and 1 44, iH 
 Beaver br 45| 
 .. 40, 4T, 42 
 . . 39, 4((, 41 
 .... 39, 40, 41 
 3'.'. 40 
 av. 4(» 
 4(1. 4'i 
 4)1, 4i 
 '41. 42 
 4<i, 42 
 4).), 42 
 39, 41) 
 ... SO, 40, 41 
 ... 40, 41, 4:? 
 39. 41 
 40, 42 
 39, 41 
 39, 40, 41. 42 
 44, 4)1 
 BfiP br 44, 4() 
 BoU here p 43 
 Bit,' 1> *=* 
 hvntiH 1 ■*•* 
 BoltoB reservoir 4.5 
 Hioiid Brook fit r 43, 44 
 Bun-'Bp 43 1 
 Bt<(h p 4B i 
 Berkley p 46 | 
 Bliukberry r 46 ; 
 Braiick br 46 ! 
 ('miiiau Momitaiu p 45, 46 
 (Klar Swamp 43 
 ('bmibuuj^aniinnainaug J) 43 
 ('larkwellH rencrvoir 4() 
 Culniiibia ji 4U 
 Colnnibia reHcrvoir 44 
 Coventry p 43 
 CiTwtal 1 46 
 Do^' p 46 
 Donlittle p 45, 46 
 Djc HouBC p 46 
 Fttiinington r 43, 46 
 Feiiton r 45 
 Fmuitaiii 1 45 
 Fryi-'H p 45 
 (ireenville dam 45 
 Orcenwood'H p 44 ; 
 Hall Meadow br 46 j 
 Hell Hollow p 46 
 Hopr 43. 44 
 HdHKatonie r 4:<, 44, 45 
 Hubbidlbr 47 
 Iiidiau p 46 
 iLdiaii r 44 
 Killiu(?ly p 43 
 Lake KeiKiHia 44 
 " Kduoihoc 44, 45 
 • Pocatapoque 43 
 • Wauguiiibang 44 
 ■• Woiionacopoiiinc 44 
 Little p 44, 47 
 Little r 45 
 Long 1 43. 46, 47 
 Long p 43 
 Long iBland Sotiud 44, 45 
 Loud p ■• 44 
 Mainb p 46 
 Marnbapaug 1 46 
 Mt ado \v br 43 
 M( rrifk br 45 
 Mill r. and br 45, 46 
 Mijosup r. and ]) 43, 44, 46 
 Mt. Tom p'h 44 
 Natcbaug r 45 
 Naiigatnck r 46 
 Nvw London reservoir 44 
 N.W Mill p 46 
 Norfolk rcHervoir 45 
 01(1 Marsh 43 
 I'acker'fl p 45 
 Park p *•' 
 Piugatuck r 45 
 Ptiirh 1 44 
 Pond Hill 45 
 Poi)lar Kwaini) >)r 43 
 Porter Saw Mill p 46 
 Quadic reservoir 46 
 Qiiaudnck r 46 
 Quarry ville pd'H 43 
 Qnaflsapaug 1. and r 45 
 Quinebatig r 43, 4,'> 
 lleservoir p 4Jt 
 Kound 1. and p 43, 46 
 Rowley p 4C, 
 Riidd p 4f> 
 K'iK« br 46, 47 
 Hfdtt Swamp br 43 
 Shopang r 44, 45, 46 
 Shetiicket r 4.-. 
 Shnmway br 4a 
 Shuttle Meadow 4:1 
 Shuttle Meadow reservoir 41 
 Smith p 45, 46 
 Snake Meadow br 44 
 Snipsie 1 4.') 
 Square p 4;^ 
 Still r 4:i 
 Stoneham br 45 
 Stonehouse br 45- 
 Stouiugton harbor 46 
 StiirdevautH {> 4.5 
 Taunton p. and 1 44, 45 
 ThameH r 45 
 Tobey p 4,5, 4(; 
 Tuckers br 4.5 
 Twin I'h 43 
 Tyler p 4(5 
 Wakefit'ld p 4.'), 4(i 
 Waramaiig 1 44, 46 
 Webster p 4;i 
 Wepe waug r 44 
 West Hill p 43, 44, 46. 
 Whist p 4(> 
 Winsted 1 4(5. 
 Wood cr 4(5 
 Yantic r 4.5 
 Zach'B br 43 
 Big Sioux r 47, ^g 
 Big Sttme 1 47, 4<» 
 Bitter 1 41) 
 Blue 1 4<> 
 Bois De Sioux r 4u 
 Brant 1 47 
 (;ane cr 4i» 
 Clear 1 4h, 4U 
 Crow cr 47 
 Devil's 1 47, 48, 49 
 Elm r 4i» 
 Enemies Swim 1 4<) 
 (loose r 41) 
 Herman 1 47 
 Horseshoe 1 40 
 James r 47, 4H, 49 
 Jimr 47, 4H, 49 
 Kampeska 1 49 
 Lake Benton 48 
 " Byron '..' 48 
 ' ' ( 'hapin 4<> 
 '• Hendricks 4h 
 Herman 47, 4k 
 " Kampeska 47 
 Madison 4s, 49 
 Poinsett ' 47 
 ' ' Teetonkeeha 47 
 Lesterville 1 ! 49 
 Mapel r \\ 45 
 i 1 
 ! ^ M 
 Minni Wakan or DovH'm 1 IJ 
 JVIinuie Wawbtu 1 I'J 
 Mi«8oiiri r 1 1', W 
 MouHe r 47 
 North Beaver cr 4i> 
 Norwegittu 1 48 
 Pelicau 1 49 
 PipcHtem r 4« 
 Pl<!a«aut 1 4'J 
 Kedr 17, 49 
 ItedHtoue cr 47 
 Eock cr 49 
 Haud 1. ftuil er M, 49 
 Suako cr 47 
 Sheyeuue 1 48 
 iSilvpr 1. and cr 47, 48 
 Sioux r 47, 48 
 apiritwood 1 48 
 Stiimi) 1 47, 48 
 Swan 1 48 
 Traverse 1 49 
 Turtle cr 49 
 Unknowu 1 49 
 Veriiiilliou r 48 
 Wall 1 • 48 
 Waubay 1 49 
 WildUicer 47 
 A«sauaman b 50 
 Atlantic Ocean 50 
 Bi>{elow Inland 50 
 Bottom Hill Drains 50 
 C'udtir iHland ( 'lianncl 50 
 Delaware Hay 50 
 Delaware Breakwater 50 
 Indian r 50 
 Bebobotb b 50 
 .Syuei)ux('nt Bay 50 
 Wbite Oak Point 5iJ 
 District of Coltunbia. 
 Potomac r 60 
 Bailey'8 cr : 51 
 Becks 1 50 
 Black cr 51 
 Blue Spriuf^ r 50 
 Boca (!riga b 5'2 
 <'roKby 1 ,5'2 
 Escambia r :'..i, 52 
 Flint r 51 
 i'ort Cieorge Inlet 51 
 Governor's bayou 50 
 Ooveruor's cr 51 
 <irand bayou nud lagoon 52 
 Halifax r 51 
 Hare cr 5o 
 Hanlover cr "51 
 Hillsborough r ."1, 52 
 Indian 1 52 
 Jetties Sisters 51 
 Kiugsly 1 52 
 Xake Alta 53 
 " (.'rjscent.* 50 
 " Mlccosukee 50 
 Lake Michigan jr ry> 
 ', Monroe 5^ 
 " Santa Fe 5:j 
 " Weir • ,, ,-,1 
 " Worth 51 
 Lard 1 -,1) 
 Little bayou .vj 
 Little Uasparilla Pass .-,j 
 Lochloosa 1 .'1, ,vj 
 Meuatee b :,,, 
 Matttuzas r -, j 
 Mlccosukee 1 51 
 Newman's 1 ."ii, .V) 
 Ocklowaha r 50 
 Orange 1 :>i, ,- j 
 Pablo (Sisters ">! 
 Payne's Prairie ji 
 Perdido r 5 1 
 Santa Fe r . and 1 'v,i 
 Sarasota b 5ii 
 fSilver Spring ,>j 
 Six Mile cr ."ii 
 Smith 1 .' uM 
 SuapiHir banks in Gulf of Mexi< o 52 
 St. Johns r 50, "ji, .vj 
 St. Sebastine r .'vj 
 Summers 1 51 
 Stiwanee r 51) 
 Tampa bay 52 
 Tarpou Springs 52 
 Tohopekaliga 1 51 
 Trout cr 51 
 WacasuHsie r 'm 
 Wacissa r 5ti 
 White Sulphur Springs 53 
 AUatooua cr 5;) 
 Black 1 :a 
 Bonitield Mill p '^ 
 Beaver cr •.4 
 Big Indian cr .'4 
 c 'anasauga r ">t 
 Cannon's Mill p 5." 
 Chattahoochee r ^3, r>l, 'i.') 
 ( hattiUuochee r 51 
 Chickamauga r •"'o 
 Commissioner cr ■H 
 Coosavallee r 'A 
 I'rittendcu !> "i.' 
 Delk's p :a 
 Dew's \> n:i. ."i 
 Fast Chickamauga r ">4. •">■'> 
 Etouah r .■;i. '>'> 
 Euharlee cr 51. 'I'l 
 Flint r .■:!, :>i 
 Gorman's Mill p •'>:( 
 Houston Factory p 54 
 Hurricane cr ''■! 
 Juniper p .":(, .U 
 Lime cr ''li 
 Line cr 54 
 Little r 54 
 Little Tallapoosa r 5:) 
 McCrays p 5.i 
 Mill ponds 51 
 Mouee cr 54 
 Muckalee cr,,.,,,,,,,,,, 54 
 MuU'cr, 66 
 >'(!( liway cr 54 
 Sdlliiway r 55 
 Idolize r 55 
 Kkdoiiee r 55 
 OKt '•"•bee r. aud I'h 5;t, 54, 55 
 (divfr'H p 55 
 I losiiini >iila r 5;i, 54 
 (i(itliialcHij,'a('r 5;J, 54 
 (ictlicalooj^a Mill j) 53 
 I'aihilla cr 55 
 I'al' 'Ula cr , 54 
 Pnt-<liga cr 54 
 Pt-iivine cr 5;i, 54 
 ptititH cr 63, 55 
 Pliil'iui cr 53 
 piiiiil)kiu Vine cr 53 
 KiiiiiKiii r 55 
 lioL'-rH' Mill 54 
 lintti'UWdoil cr 55 
 Savannah r 55 
 scai> f*" *-t 
 swetwater cr 53 
 Ti^'iT cr 55 
 Twt fdyH r 53 
 Viriimi r 55 
 \\'v>\ ( "hickaiuan^ta r 54, 55 
 Wliitcwater r 53 
 tt'dc.ids cr 54 
 Idaho Territory. 
 Ikar r. and 1 55, 5t) 
 liij.' Wood r 55, 5t) 
 lilarkf oot r 5t'> 
 lilu" cr 55 
 Bni>e r 5(') 
 I anyou cr 5ti 
 ' iiiiias cr 55 
 Mill r 55 
 Kwli 1 5f, 
 \h\ leu 1 5ti'Uai 1 5(1 
 I.ak'- ( 'oner D'AliMio 5(1 
 • Pcnd D'Oriellc 55, 5(! 
 [.in li* Wood r 5ii 
 M.ilad r 5(; 
 Ma; -h cr 5t'i 
 Mel iciue Lodge cr 55 
 Uii.l 1 55 
 hrk r 5t) 
 i''irr Nenf r 5(; 
 KaMiit cr 5C. 
 Kattlir^nalif cr 5() 
 \ili.l Hole 1 55 
 sbdf Unn r .' ", 5i') 
 Nh 1 r cr 55 
 ^iia ke r .'5, 50 
 ^uda cr 5') 
 •*liiiit 1 5t". 
 TaLoma 1 5{) 
 Xudian Territory. 
 Oitiii cr 5t) 
 ''iati(l r 5tJ 
 H"r~<- cr ,')(•) 
 I'aw I'uw iv Titi 
 Verdigris r 50 
 i niinois. 
 Beaver' p 
 Dlack Snake 
 Bluff 1 
 Brew'H Tauk p 
 Brick HouHe Blough 
 Calumet r. and 1 
 i Catharine 1 
 ' Cedarl 58, 
 Chijunel 1 6o, 
 ' <'hattenH 1 
 Clearer, audi 6H, 60, 
 Copperas cr 
 Deep Hole 
 Deep 1 fH, 
 Delaware 1 
 Delevan 1 
 Des Plained r 6H, 5'.t, 
 Du Page or 
 l)ntch cr 
 KnibarraH r 57, 5',>, 
 i FirHtl 
 Fourth 1 • 58, 
 Fox r. and 1 57, 58. 6i). 
 Gages 1 
 Geneva 1 58, 
 Gilbert 1 
 Goose 1 
 Grans 1 
 (irassy 1 
 Green r 
 Haniliough 1 
 Haniel's 1 '. 
 Horse Shoe p 
 Illinois r 67, 5H, 5!), 
 Iro(iuois r 57, 
 Kimkakce r 57, .58, M, 
 Killlmck cr 
 Kishwaukee r 67, 58, 
 Lack Slongh • 
 Lake dc Pric 
 " Michigan 
 Lilly p..... 
 Long 1 68, 
 McColliini 1 
 McCord's p 
 !McFiU'land"s 1 
 Mereilosia 1 
 Mississippi r 5S, ,50, 
 ^loody's liayi),! 
 ;\[i)i'cdock 1 57. 
 North Hor.-f cr 
 Otter 1 
 Piasa cr 
 Picatonica r. . 
 i Pishkasaw cr. 
 i Pistaqnaw 1.. . 
 Pittslmru 1 
 Prairie SU'Ug': 
 (^Tieeus 1 
 (Quiver 1 
 Rapid ]) 
 ; Bock r 
 59, 00, 
 ■ 'i ' 
 Uound 1 58 I 
 Kuiiniuii 1 •'>*<] 
 Httltcr '>l 1 
 HuiHl 1 •'•^ «! 
 Sand Pit «" 
 Htttiil Hlough *>«) 
 Serouil 1 ^^ 
 Htiimchwino 1 fi**. *»0 
 Hhoiil r ^ 
 Milvorl (■)«. t".t 
 Miiit'ltzer 1 60 
 HliiitliH 1 6(5, (iU 
 Si>lattt'rH IJock 1 6« 
 Hi>riii«l '>'•. ^''^ 
 Hpriu^^ Hlough Sy 
 Htroii«8 1 f^t' 
 8<iKar r <Jl 
 Swan p 6i> 
 Third 1 fiH, 61 
 Tli(>ini>m>n8 1 'W 
 Twiu r.s tw 
 VennilHou r '•'7. 01 
 Willow 1 «> 
 Wolf cr *il 
 Barber 1 64 
 Berry 1 <H 
 Bif? IT CU 
 Bin Suf^ar cr *M 
 Blue r «a 
 Bruce 1 M 
 Buck or bl 
 Caluuiot r (W 
 Cedar 1 <i-', M. W, 
 Centre 1 04 
 Christiana 1 O'i 
 Loou I 
 Lower Bayou. . , 
 Mauitan 1 
 MaHHiHHiuewa r. 
 Mauniee r tji 
 Maxiuku(;kee 1 61. i.:i, i;4 
 Mud 1 u 
 MUHcattttuck cr (^ 
 Nino Mile 1 li.) 
 Ohio r ii2 
 l'i(^f()u cr ('■: 
 I'lt^aMaut I t).'. 64 
 Bound 1 ti'2, t).; 
 Halauiouie r U;j 
 Hand <'r W 
 Silver 1 61, liv, 114 
 Hiniiutou 1 (i- 
 Hi)riuK cr til 
 8t. .IoH«'i)h r (i': 
 St. Mary r Ci 
 Stout Mill R) 
 Sugar cr (i: 
 Sweeze p — tii I 
 Tippecaiiue r. ami I'h H'i, • :i. (H 
 Turkey 1 6'i, ii:f. 64 
 Twiu I'h 6.' 
 Upjier biiyc lU ti.; I 
 Yellow r ti) 
 WabaHh r ti'J, '.1. ii4 
 Wahlron 1 ■. il. 
 White r (i. 
 White Water r (is I 
 Wild Cat cr ti;, 6) I 
 Clear 1 tl'i, '■>'•* 
 Clifty cr .: 
 Cole cr 
 Crooked 1 61 
 Deep r 
 Eel r 
 Beaver Diiui cr ft' 
 Bi|4 Beaver r 6 ' 
 hin Cedar r li'i 
 Big cr 6' 
 Bin Sioux r '4, 6' | 
 Black Hawk cr ti' 
 Boyer r tjiil 
 B\irt'alo cr ti.' 
 Elkhart r 62 i Burtnnu 1 0' 
 Fall r 
 Fish p 
 Flat Kock cr. . . 
 Flat Kock r., B. 
 Flint 1 
 Golden 1 
 Graham cr.... 
 Haw cr 
 and 1 04 
 Heatou 1 62 
 Hofjbackl 64 
 Hudson 1 (hi, 64 
 James 1 04 
 Jones 1 62, 64 
 Kankakee r 62, 63, 64 
 Koontz'.s 1 64 
 Lal> u ( 'icott 63 
 " Eli/a 62 
 " Geor^^e 64 
 " Jani«;H 61 
 " Mainkuckee 61, iW, 64 
 " Michifiau 63, 64 
 Langamba^u 1 , 63 
 Lewis 1 64 
 Little Sugar cr 61 
 Long 1 , , , , ••#!«< 62, 63, 64 
 Cedar r i'>^. 67, i>*, il'.' 
 Cedar 1 6' | 
 Clear 1 .... ' '■"', H" 
 Cone 1 1)5 1 
 Coon r m;, 11" 
 Crane or 'i'' 
 Dead I • h: |'s cr li'i 
 Dew Moines r 1 .", t.t;. n';, t.>. >'■■■ 
 Elk 1 t-^l 
 Elml ml 
 liar 1 6: 
 Goose 1 ti" 
 Higbl -1. 6S] 
 Holmes (Jut 6'.' I 
 Indian or ti'l 
 Iowa r (i4, tit., ' ', 61* I 
 Le Claire Hapidn li'' 
 Little Cedar r 64. i •', li'i I 
 Little Iowa r 6' | 
 Long Slough till 
 Lost Island I ti'' 
 Lotts cr ti' 
 Maijiioklta r ')\ 6" 
 Medium 1 ...,,.....,., CoJ 
 61. liM, 04 
 • . • . 6:i 
 i>:. 64 
 (•>'.', li; 
 til, liV, tJ4 
 Hi i 
 62. t :t. 64 
 ()•.». ti:t, 64 
 62 1 
 ti'.'. 'lit. ml 
 (i. I 
 I)i. wi 
 '4. 6.'| 
 6," j 
 .(!.", tiT, TH, (I'M 
 ,. i-.-, ti:| 
 n\, I,: 
 ()',' 1 
 ti;^ I 
 <.i;. u:, i\ '!;• 
 til I 
 I>4 I 
 .(14, Cit., i ", 6m 
 li') I 
 (>4. 1', I)') I 
 6:1 1 
 ti-i I 
 ll' I 
 ./., d: 
 M' riclocia r... M 
 Mil'ilf r tiS 
 Miii'ivacr »>7 
 MiiitH'wiiMlita 1 tl8 
 Mi-«iHHii)i»i r tii\ ()rt, t>7 
 MiiHctttine Hloiinh i'f>, (17 
 N..ithr tir» 
 Niith Hkiuik r ti7 
 OkoliojilV (•.7, tiH 
 okoboji r tlH 
 ott'T i-r ti.') 
 I'il%i* rnu 'iT, til* 
 Kiii'i'ODii r till 
 ]{(ila}Ml (17 
 K'll'biirHl (ir> 
 KiM-k r (ir) 
 Uvaul tlH 
 Si'ilt cr (iH 
 Sjir^i'.uta 1 (14 
 .Sl)(-ll Rock r (Ih, (.<.» 
 Silver er- (1(1 
 .Hilvnr 1 titl, tlH 
 Sii'iix r tl7 
 Skmik r (17. tw 
 Scuith r tl5 
 South Fork r tlH 
 .ScutU Hkuuk r (17 
 Spirit 1 (IS 
 Sipfing 1 (li> 
 Storm 1 (Kl 
 Suiittsh i> (1.^ 
 Swini 1 (IH 
 Tiunil)Ull 1 (IS 
 Turkey r (l.'i. tit;, tin 
 Twelv'e Jlile 1 tW 
 Twiu I's (1."), (Itl 
 Twin HihttT I's tU, ('..'>, (1(1 
 Viipcr Iowa r (ir> 
 Vulvar titl, <i7 
 AValll (14. (ill 
 Wapnie r dtl, (17 
 AVapnieHonoc cr (!'.• 
 Wupsiinuii'onr 114. t;,'>, tUi, (IS 
 Watts 1 07 
 West Fork tl."). (IH 
 WiHconsiu r (17 
 Znllicott'er 1 (1(1 
 Atkanfia.i r 7t» 
 liiuhelor cr (59 
 IJuclielor r 7# 
 ma .r 70 
 Hlut> r tlii, 70 
 I'lUriit cr 7t) 
 (ox cr Oi) 
 Delaware r 70 
 PiirackiT cr 6S> 
 Klni cf 70 
 Eureka 1 70 
 FiiUr tii) 
 Fiirliiif?tou 1 t)".» 
 Fish cr («) 
 HarriFcm cr 70 
 KiiiiHaw r 70 
 r.iihotte r 70 
 littloOsafie cr 69 
 Little Walnut cr 70 
 Manuatou r '>'\ 70 
 Mill cr 69 
 Neimlio r 70 
 Onane r 70 
 Ut'piihlicau V 70 
 Hock ( r 70 
 Saline r i'9, 70 
 Smoky Hill r t;9, 70 
 .Solomon r fi9 
 Sjirinu cr (19, 7o 
 WakuriiHH cr 6tf 
 Walnut r (19 
 White Water r Hit, 70 
 Barren r 70 
 Jllack's 1. 71 
 IJlue Lick r 71 
 UrowuH Lock on barren r 70 
 Cumberliind r To, 71 
 Dry Klin 71 
 l>.\er's 1) 74 
 Elk Horn cr 71 
 (iaHper r 70 
 (Ireen r 7'J 
 HouHton cr 71 
 Kentucky r 71 
 Kinnikonick 71 
 Knob J-ick 72 
 Licking r 70 
 Little Sandy r 71 
 ^li.sHissi)!})! r 71 
 MuHHchuiin.s 1 71 
 North auil Soiitii Foik rV 71 
 North Elkhorn 71 
 Ohio r 71 
 Osborn."* p 71 
 Kays br. of IJarien r 7w 
 Keelfoot 1 71 
 Kock Castle r 71 
 South Fork 7i 
 Spanish 1 72 
 Stoner r 7' 
 Sweeney and Pottci.s Mills 7i» 
 Bayou Callahan 72 
 Kayou iJes Alleinands 72 
 Bayoii I-anresse 7'2 
 Bayou .bpse 72 
 Bayou Laiirier Ti 
 Bayou Teche 7'2 
 Carroll bayou 72 
 Chef Mciiteiir 7'j 
 Cote Blanche bay 7-j 
 {'ourtableiu bayou 7'j 
 (4tilf of ."Mexico' 7-j 
 Harvey's Canal 72 
 Lake Field 72 
 Lake Maurepiis 7v> 
 Lake Pmitchartmin 72 
 Lake .Salvadore 72 
 Lake Ja.^se 72 
 Middle bayou 72 
 Millers bayou 72 
 Passu Racjuette 72 
 Petit Anse bayou 72 
 Petit Sable 72 
 Poiute Miuuee 72 
 'lauKipalma r. ., 
 The UiuuletH..., 
 VeriiiUliuu bay. 
 Allen br 
 AudroMcoKKiii 1' 74, 
 Atlautic Ocean '«3, 7H, 
 back r 
 Harkc }i 
 liiiitlelt p 
 lli-ar p 
 btiily Htr 
 HcltiiHi Hiiy 
 UelKiiivtf I), ttiul Htr 
 Ul'llSOU i> 
 BiK HoM^r 
 Birch i> 
 Birch Htr 
 Black br 
 Bhick Bntok p 
 lion br 
 Boyd 1 'O, 
 BraKiiduco .• 
 Branch br. and r 70, 
 Branch \> 
 Brandy i> 
 Bulliiiu r 
 Bunker pd'H 
 BiitlcriMilk II 
 Cllllllioll, J) 
 Clin; I 
 C'anci .*ay 
 Centre p 
 China 1 
 CobboH**ei'onti?e cr 
 CobbosHcccontco p. and 1 73, 
 Cochnowagon cr 
 Cold r 
 Cok Stream 1 74, 
 Crockett p 
 Dead Htr. and r 7.'», 
 Duck p 
 Dyera p 
 Ea(?le 1 • 
 East p 7(), 
 ElUe p 
 Kmbdiu p 
 E8tes Cove 
 Farm br 
 Fonerrtuii br .... \i 
 Frencliniau'H Bay 
 Garland p 
 Getchell br 
 Grand I'g 
 Great p 73, 
 Great Swamp br'a 
 Hancock p 73, 
 Harvey's tront br 
 HaydeiiH 1 7(>, 
 Hemonway br 
 Hemlock str 
 Hifjhland 1 73, 
 llogan p 70, 
 iiom p 
 HorMCHhoo 1). 
 Hot Brook 1. 
 HouHtin p 
 Hojt br 7ft, 
 Iu<lian p 
 JanioHon'M p 
 JohiiHon br 
 Kennebago 1 . and r 
 Kennebec r 73, 70, 
 Lake (Jouoway or Hhlp p 
 Lake Ht^bron 
 I^ike Maranacook 
 liako Ninnecohh 
 I^ike Umba^off 
 liake Wellokennebacook 75, 
 LickH pd'H 
 Little r 76, 70, 
 Littit! Bonn r 
 Little Haco r 
 Lon(( br 
 Long 1 
 Lcm^p 73, 76, 
 Lovell'H p 
 LovewellH p 
 Lower Keizer p 
 .MadiHon p 
 Maxalloway r 
 Marnhall p 
 Mattacnnk 1 
 Mattainiwontiu 1 
 Mctiratli p 
 Miiadow br 
 MeHHaloUMkt'el 73, 
 MeHHalonnkee Htr 
 Middle branch 
 Middle dam 76, 
 MiniHter br 
 Mol.ilmnkamuuk 1 73, 75, 
 MoliinciiH 1 
 Mo( mehead 1 
 MoowelucmaKUUtic 1 73, 75, 
 Mopaun I'h 
 Moxio p 
 Mt. Bluep 
 Mt. Desert Inland 
 NarragUit^tun Bay 
 NecinaHHct p 
 New])ort p 74, 
 ^■' inw 1 
 II p 70, 
 ih%» I'Ht p .■ 
 <)W p 
 . irkerH Head p 
 rarmachentie 1 
 raswadumkeag Btr 
 Patten "h p 
 l'ea\>ody cr 
 Peabodv p 
 Penobscot Be 
 Perhani ntr .._...• 
 Perkin'H 1 . .'. ,.... 
 Pettic's p . . 
 Piper p 
 Piscataciuia • 
 Pleasant p 73, 
 Pleasant r 
 Pleasan t Ridge 
 I I 
 73, 77 
 I 'I 
 76. 77 
 73, 7tl, 77 
 p 'I'l 
 )k 75, 77 
 in, 7(1, 77 
 , t ■> 
 73, 76, 77 
 '."""".'.V'wl 7'; 
 I '' 
 7r). 7T 
 .. 73, 7r., 77 
 .. 7;t, 75, 77 
 ,....'. 71 
 .'.".'.'.'.'." 74, I'] 
 10, 7-* 
 • • • • ' ' 
 . -,i 
 , 71 
 ^ ^ , , ^ !•' 
 ■.■■■"■"73; 77 
 7 1 
 ,.* 72, 75 
 ".* 73, 71 
 I'lmiipr hr ''• 
 i'nihiiik |> 74 
 I'llhiid hr 77 
 I'li-luiw 1 73 
 IliiiiUf p 74 
 ltaii|i<'ly I'm 73, 77 
 ltH|pi<l r 76 
 Itiiiilf SiiHke p 73 
 H.r.lM p 74 
 111 >ii 11(1 p 73 
 SalmttiH p 77 
 Sii.o r 73, 7H 
 SiKldh'hatk p'h 77 
 Su).'iiMMitwak(-Ht( ]) 73 
 Siiliiioii Ktr 74 
 Siiml p 7i! 
 MHiuly r 73 
 Scarlioro r 77 
 S, hoodie I'h 7«5, 7H 
 Si III «'(»■(! p 77 
 Si liano 1 77 
 Si))(iMti<'ook briiiK'h 7»i 
 ScIh'c 1 74 
 Ht'\fii PoiuIh 77 
 Si'wallH 11 73 
 Sill ppardH r 73 
 Slii'ppoiid Ktr 74 
 Ship Pond 7« 
 ShirU-y p 77 
 Sih.rl 7r. 
 skillinnH r 75 
 Siiiiill faui'V p 7() 
 Miiithrtt'ld p'dH 77 
 Sllnw'rt p 73, 7ti 
 Soiitfo p 73 
 Si.iitli p 73 
 S|i( ita<U! p 77 
 S| iiii'cr p 75 
 nmiiton r 75 
 ThiiiupHou p 7(i 
 Tim p 7(i, 77, 7S 
 T.ily p 73 
 T "iiiah 8tr 74 
 TntlH p 7(! 
 Tiink p 74, 75 
 Twh-hcll br 75 
 I'lijifr Dam IJanni-lfy Lake 78 
 I'lqHT Kt'izer p 74 
 Wait p 74 
 Watihie p 7h 
 W. hbers p 77 
 Wihl p 74 
 \Vi st Branch p • 75 
 Whi'tHtoue p 7'2 
 White'H br 75 
 Whitney p 70 
 WliitHtone 75 
 Wihl r 75 
 Wilson's p 75 
 Wiiitblv br 74 
 Wurtbly J) 74 
 Yiiiint^'H Millp 7y 
 Manitoba, Province of 
 Assiniboinc r '21, 22 
 Bi-aver cr. and r '21 
 Hit wlew 1 '21 
 '■^^n.r '-ii 
 tp.nkedl '^1 
 .I«« '..liMii (T iJ 
 KaMiiniHti<|ua r 91 
 IjiHalh' r 21 
 Manitoba 1 21 
 MorriH r 21 
 ( hik 1 21 
 IVlicun 1 21 
 »/ir App«'llB Vn 21 
 U.d r 21. 22 
 UoNHtau r 21 
 Wilb)w IT 21 
 Winuipi'K 1 22 
 Hononifl Point 80 
 lUn (liin]Mi\v(b'r r 71) 
 Hi« Pipe ff 80 
 lUaokwatcr r W) 
 IbiMb r 78, 711 
 ( !hoHa)>eako Day 7H 
 ('b«'Ht«T r 81 
 Cboptankr 7!t. 80 
 Conoi-oclu-an'ie cr 71), 81 
 Dffp cr 7H. 80. 81 
 Doubb' Piko cr 71) 
 DowiiH Mill Dam 81 
 Elk r 71) 
 FiHhint? cr HO 
 Fitnch's 8(1 
 Furnace Ib'ancb 80 
 (ircat Cacapon cr 80 
 (Jiinpowd.T r 78. 71». 80 
 I^iiir.' r 71) 
 J.ittlc (juiipowdt-r r 71) 
 Little Pipe cr 80 
 Middlor 78 
 Motiocacy r 78, 71), 80 
 Morgan r 71) 
 Miiddv <r 80 
 North nrancb 80 
 North KaHt r 79 
 Over Shot Btr 80 
 Owin^H cr 80 
 Point of HoikH 80 
 PatHpHco Falls 71), 80 
 Potomac r 79, 80, 81 
 "Uotb'H WarchouHO ' 81 
 Sassal'iaH r 78 
 Severn r 78 
 Shenandoah r 80, 81 
 Sir Johns Run 80 
 Snowy cr 7'.t 
 Sus(inehanna r 78, 79, 8<i 
 Synepnxeiit Beach 80 
 Tanj;ier Somnl 79 
 Thomas cr 80 
 Tolchester Beach 78 
 TnMlhaven r 80 
 Weverton 80 
 Winters r 79 
 Yougbioghcny r 79, 80 
 Abbott br 82 
 Acushnet r HS, 85 
 Adams and tlheshire Res . . . ., 82 
 Archers)! 83 
 Ashunict p 82, Ki 
 Asflabot r 
 AHHawunipHutt 1 84. 
 AHHonet r 
 Atlantic Ocean 
 Austin b 
 Back r 
 Badacook \) 
 Bad Luck i> 
 Bakers p 
 Bald Pate i> 
 BariiHtablc Bay 
 BariiHtablt) Harbor 
 Barrow \> 
 BawH r 
 BaHHCtt ))r SI, 
 liaHHCttH |) 
 B<)arHill p 
 Beaver ]) 
 Bin ^^andy p 
 Big Wifiwam i> 
 Blackaiiiori! j) 
 Black br 
 BlackfiHh cr 
 BlackHtone r 
 Booii'h J) 
 BoHton Bay 
 BoHtoii Harl»or 81, 
 Brackctt'H br 
 Braiiitrce Great i 
 Breakneck p 
 Bread and CIiccmo cr Kt, 
 Bridge cr 
 Broad br s-J, 
 Browns p 
 Burleigh br 
 Buttermilk Bav 
 Buzzards Bay" 8'J, 8;f, 84, 85, 8(), 
 8!», '.Ml. 
 Cape Cod Bay 82, 85, 87, 
 Cedar p 
 Cedar Swamp p 81, 
 CbandlerH p 
 Charles r 
 (Uniulninagungamaug 1 
 Chanucy p 
 Church's lies 
 Cochitinite 1 
 Cochituch 1 
 Cole br 
 Coniit and M-iosehorii p 
 Conganiond I'm 
 Connecticut r 84, 
 CooneniesHct p 
 Cranberry Meadow 
 Crane p 
 Cunibry p 84, 
 CuHhingH ]i 
 Cu.shinan br 
 Deerfteld r 83, 
 Dennis' p 
 Devol p 
 Dick's p 
 Diniock p 
 Dorchester Bay s:t, 
 Ducks p . . . . : 
 DniMoy 1) 
 Dunbar br . 
 Duxbury Bay 
 Eagle p 81, 
 Eldeus 1 
 80 ! 
 81 i 
 8« I 
 ElHsp 81 
 Ezekiel's p S7 
 Factory p s; 
 Fairhaveu Bay hs 
 Farm 1 hT 
 Farm p s; 
 Fife br n:i 
 Five Mile p Hi 
 Flagg Meadow br ,s;i 
 Flax p s •, 
 Foiling Pound n7 
 Forge p M 
 Fort p S4. s'.i 
 Four Mile p ^l 
 Fresh br Mt 
 Fresh p 83, Hi,. s7 
 (libl)s br H-> 
 tileasou p H'l 
 (lien p k:( 
 tireat p 82, sii, ss 
 Great Pocksha 1 8ti 
 " Quaiticush 1 ,si 
 " Quitaeur 1 ^li 
 (ireenough's p itii 
 Halfway Boik si 
 Hampton ji s:i 
 Hatches p fsj 
 Hathaway's p Hi 
 Heald's p sii 
 Heard's p kT, ;ss 
 Higgiu's p X'l 
 Hill and Beiir Hill p si 
 Hoag p -.I) 
 Hoosac r .<i. sii 
 Horn p -1.1 
 Housatouic r .-ij 
 Howe br ,■l^ 
 Hyauuis Harlior ,i:l 
 Island p •>.! 
 " Creek p s7 
 Johns p s:i 
 Kings br sii 
 Knapps p St) 
 Knox br sj 
 Larned p h7 
 Lashua 1 ^J 
 bowis Bay «! 
 Little ( 'hauucy p H.'i 
 Pocksha 1 hi; 
 (^uaiticush 1 .*. . . •>! 
 Sandy p ^7 
 " Wigwam p <4 
 Long 1 <l 
 Long p 81, 82, 83, 85, 8(), iw, ■<■> 
 Loon p '1 
 Ludlow IJes '^ 
 Magog br il 
 Magt>g 1 a 1, i;' 
 Manhan p 'J 
 Macjuan p ■■<' 
 Mashapaug p <"< 
 Mass. Bay 82, .s!i. ■'" 
 Mendon p *i 
 Middle p <) 
 Mill br H\* 
 Mill cr S',1 
 Mill p 82. s:), f<s 
 Mirn ir 1 •. s» 
 I Monument r "<■.' 
 Moores p t*' 
 N 1 
 ,S4, s;) 
 . . S3. Hi'., X'i 
 . . H2, Mii, MS 
 '..'...'...... si 
 ;-i7, HM 
 ........... »1 
 , ;i;l 
 .-1. Sii 
 s * 
 ........... ^-1 
 ■II i 
 . . ' -4 
 85, 8(>, SS, .lii 
 ......... '1 
 a 1. '.* 
 ............ ^' 
 . . . 8-2, .S!'i. ■'' 
 '.'.'.'.'...'...■. ■■''•' 
 '. . . «2, .s:t, '^^ 
 •. S4 
 MMO«ebr Sfi 
 XI' pi'ft".vo()(lH !> 8(1 
 JI"rse'H p 85 
 Muss 1) H'2 
 Miulp 1X» 
 Muildy 1) 82 
 Mvstic 1) 8(;. 80 
 Mystic r 80 : 
 Naiituckft .Sound HS . 
 N:irro\vs 8!) 
 Nash r 8(5 
 Naslmwiiiiinick \) 82 ; 
 Niisbiia r 84. 8.S, Sit 
 Nrl)()iis(n r 81, 87: 
 Nciioiist't Reservoir H'.\ 
 Nino Mill- \, 81 
 Nippouickct \i SS 
 North 1 81 
 North r 82. 8:J. 87 
 Nnrth Six'ctacle p 81 
 N'irth Wiittiipiiii p 8;j 
 Norwich \\ 8:j 
 Nuttiut,' l)r 8'.» ; 
 Oiiota 1 Sii 1 
 Parker r 82 ' 
 I'ariietr Sit , 
 Parsuiis br 82 
 I'.iiDjbr Hil 
 I'iikorol !> 85 
 Pickering's Hav 8:{ 
 Pleasant Hav ;i:i, 8(i 
 Pleasant 1 84 
 P.i.kshal 84 
 Pddunk p 8-_'. 08 
 Pmikapo.v p i'i> 
 Pmitoosue 1 Hj 
 Pniitsack '•2 
 P(ita.Hh br ;'7 
 Pc.wder Mill br ;•'.» 
 PrDvineetowu Harbor •'('> 
 giiabojjr 811, 89 
 (^iiinev Ha.v 86 
 (JiiiiiHinaniond 1 85 
 giiiticns I si 
 Heiils \) 86 
 ItirhnioTid 1 87 
 llnse Mar.v 1 83 
 SaddiugV p 88 
 Salt p 82 
 Saihlerson lir 82 
 Sand Mill br S'.l 
 Saiidv p 81, S3, 85 
 Shaker Mill br SI 
 .Sliaker Tro\it br S7 
 Sliepard's 1 83 
 Shivericks p 83 
 Silver 1 8i> 
 -Smith br 83 
 SnldlllOU p 85 
 Suiith r M 
 " Speetaide ji Hi 
 • Wattnppa p ^'•3 
 •' West !• SI 
 Sjarks br S2 
 S] k p 84 
 S|Mctaclt' p S3 
 Sp.-tj) .'. ,-i(l, ;I8 
 8., iiinniicook r Sit 
 Snuiteanuf lJa\ S2 
 Statlord p 83 
 Htib'H p 81 
 Still r 88 
 Stiinip.v br 88 
 Htuuip.v p 88 
 Siulbnry r i ,. 88 
 .Suntaiifi 1 84 
 Tauntuu r i.i. 88 
 ThonipHou'ti !> 81, 85 
 Thopet br 86 
 Three Rivers p 88 
 Tom Cove 86 
 Town's p 8.5 
 Trout br .. 85 
 Trout p 85 
 Union p 83 
 I'likauiet br 82 
 Vine.vitrd Sound 83, 8.1, 87, DO 
 Wachusett 1 89 
 Wales p 82 
 AJ'alker br 82 
 Walker's p i.-j, 88 
 Walluni p 82 
 Ware r 8J, 86 
 Water Works p HH 
 Wattis p urt 
 WatHon's p 88 
 Watuppa 1 85 
 Wautappa 1 88 
 Wedtie p 8'J 
 Wellrteet Bay 88 
 W(lls br 82 
 Wewcautit r 88 
 Wheeler br 82 
 Whitehall p 8« 
 White IhIiiuI p 83, 8" 
 Whiti-'s p H7, 88 
 Whitintjp — 83 
 Whiuie.> i' 86 
 Winneeunnet }) 88 
 Winter p Sit 
 Winthrop 1 84 
 Woodbury Res 89 
 Woods UoU Harbor no 
 Passage .'. 90 
 Yoknnt» I*ond br 81 
 Guaynias Bay 90 
 Harbor 91) 
 Gulf of ( iiliforiiia 9() 
 Aekerson 1 'it 
 .\danis 1 <i7 
 .Vfiawa r 99 
 Alderman 1 94 
 Andrus 1 94 
 Vruistronn I's ",t2 
 Au SSable r 93, 97 
 .\n Train 1 •9it 
 " " r 90 
 bad r ion 
 Barrows 1 97 
 Barton 1 99 
 Base 1 <)2 
 Bass 1 • 94, 97. 100 
 Batche waua r 99 
 : Beau or 04 
 220 ■ 
 Bear cr vn 
 Bear 1 91, %, !t7, UK 
 " r !>1 
 BeitntTH cr '.(5 
 Berrien Si>riiigH imi 
 Betsy 1 iff) 
 Bif^l '.XI 
 Big (;e0..r r itH 
 Big Clam 1 '.»! 
 Big Edily i>5 
 Biglo w V r '.»7 
 Big Stoue 1 \ii 
 Big Trout 1 lU 
 Blatikcr '.(4 
 Black 1 '.tl, '.»:t, <.I4, W\ 
 Boardiiiiiii v '.t4, ",'.'>, UMI 
 Boiling Si)riiigH 'Xi 
 Boody 1 '>■> 
 Boot 1 '.)» 
 Bosne r 91 
 Bn.okHl 9f 
 BrowtTH 1 94 
 Brule r 91, 99 
 Buckhorul 98 
 Biirtl 9(t, 9s, loo 
 Buttermilk cr 95 
 (.'amp 1 99 
 Cari) 1 95 
 (.'arp r 9(1, 95, 97 
 Ca^^ri r 9H 
 I'at <r 94 
 (.'eilar cr 9.') 
 Cedar 1 9.1, Im) 
 Cedar r 9(», 95, 98 
 Chain Th 99 
 Clieboygan r 91 
 Cliehoyganiiing cr 99 
 Clieneaux IslandH 95 
 1 95 
 rhicagoanl 94, 99 
 Chiplifwa V 91 
 Chockalay r 97 
 Cliul) Creek I'h 97 
 Clarks 1 91, 9(; 
 Cold r 99 
 Cold Brook 1 95 
 Cold Water 1 92, 9(1 
 Coolhaugh cr 97 
 Corrv 1... 9'i 
 Cranlxaryl 91, 95, 9() 
 Crai)o 1 97 
 Crispelll 94 
 Crooked 1 9a, 9:>, W, 98 
 r 90 
 Crotch 1 BK) 
 Crvbtal 1 90, 94 
 Dam 1 93 
 Deadman'H 1 99 
 Deer c 94 
 Deer 1 97 
 Detroit v 9:i, lol 
 DevilH cr 98 
 Devilsl 91, 97 
 Diamond 1 9fi 
 Douglas 1 98 
 Duck cr KK) 
 Du.k 1 91, 9'J, 95, 99 
 Dumont 1 90 
 l>utcliman"« 1 90 
 luiglel 94 
 Eight Point 1 '.-l, '.i; 
 Elk r \i2 
 Erie I < (•>, '.)-, 
 EHcanaba r 91, 94, it* 
 Fall r ii:, 
 Earewell 1 iu 
 Fence r [)>, % 
 Firth 1 imi 
 Fisher'Hl lud 
 Flat Bock r m 
 Flint r ',i;t 
 F'ord r '.((i, luo 
 Fortune I's '.ij 
 Four Mile 1 <.r, 
 Fox r ',i',i 
 (laryantua r '.i.i 
 Crauguac 1 "Jl 
 (ieorge 1 '.c, 
 Georgc'H 1 lni 
 Gogebic 1 '.i.l 
 GooHe 1 91, 9(J, Kil 
 Goulais r '.t'.i 
 Gotirdneck 1 w 
 Graham (or Clrayhani) iShoals '.•ii 
 Grand r 92, 9:t, 95, '.i7 
 Grand Traverse Bay Ion 
 Grass 1 .* liKj 
 Great Trout hv imi 
 (jrecn 1 O.'i 
 (rrcggH 1 '.I'.l 
 Gun 1 '.1^ 
 Gurley 1 '.i^ 
 Gurton 1 '.'.■> 
 Hales 1 '.I'l 
 Half Moon 1 9o, \<i\ 
 Hall's 1 '.'Ii 
 Hanlan 1 'M 
 Harvc 1 '.H 
 Hay cr '.m» 
 Hemingway 1 '■>' 
 Hemlock r '.n 
 Hersey cr 'Jl 
 Hersey 1 '.»'> 
 Mersey r ; \'x 
 llVKH 1 ',i7 
 High 1 '.lit 
 Hitchcock Eddy 'J.") 
 Hogback 1 '.•.") 
 Hog Creek 1 loii 
 Hogsett 1 W 
 Holi<lavl '.t'.t 
 Howard 1 9:t, W 
 Huron 1 .!>< 
 Huron r 93. I'll 
 Imlian 1 92, '.>.i 
 Indian r 9ti, 98, Ina 
 Iron r 94, '.''• 
 Joe 1 '-<'< 
 Johnson 1 b"' 
 Kalaimizoo 1 '.''.' 
 Kalamazoo r 9(i, 91, 92, 98, ■.';i 
 Kellys 1 I'll 
 Keweenaw Bav ' '.»(», '■''> 
 Kimball 1 '.'' 
 Klinger 1 '.'|j 
 I^icey 'h Dam '.'" 
 liacey 1 '.'1 
 Lacey 'h \< '. ''' 
 Lake of the Woods '/I 
 Last Range 1 '"' 
 I'l, :i; 
 I c, ;i7 
 ... . ".'1, IM, >.'T 
 <ij, w; 
 '"." ".'1 
 %, llM 
 .'....... ;a 
 .'.'."......'.!... ii'i 
 ..... ill, '.•<■>, I'll 
 iiuiii'sV.V.'.'.V. w 
 . '.fi. '.t:t, '.•.">, '.iT 
 ■/.'.'.".'.'.'.'.' rci 
 ' '_'_'_" '.I'.t 
 '_'"".". '.>:> 
 " ' ' ' ' ' ' ;i2 
 . . <(( t, '.m; 
 ■■".".' ',':( 
 ■■.'.'.' '.14 
 ........v.". '.'1 
 _'.'..' ',!'.) 
 '. '.I.') 
 "'_'_'_'.' w 
 ........... '■''•'' 
 ...... '.»:t. '.''•' 
 ...... W. I'll 
 •t'j '.I'.' 
 "."".Ml, w' 111" 
 '.(4, '.I'.t 
 " ' ' llMI 
 il ' I'i'i, '.tH, '.''.' 
 '.Ml, '.i.'i 
 _ '.i."> 
 I.iiunil 04 
 J iiard 1 94 
 I.. .■< Cheneaux loo 
 I.iiiie 1 '.»1 
 I.iiicolu r UN) 
 Little CVdar r S»o, '.»;(, '.(K 
 Little Clam 1 91 
 LittleficKll {VA 
 Little Jdhul i»0 
 Little Johnnon 1 10(» 
 " MaulHtee r 90 
 Little North IJruinli 9K 
 Little Paw Paw 1 92 
 '• liound 1 loo 
 " Saublel'M 90 
 Li>nt,'l 9(», 91, 9-', 9('., 9H, 99.100 
 LooiiiiH 1 92 
 Lower 1 99 
 -■Macatawa 1 94 
 Mannu) 1 y» 
 Manistee 1 im 
 .MaliiHtcer 94, 9.'), 97 
 ."MiUiiHtiiine 1 9(i, 99 
 MiiniHtiiiue r 1>9 
 .Maple r 9H 
 .Marhle 1 9H 
 .Masciilonj^e 1 9U 
 -Musiiie InlaudH 99 
 Mich. Center 1 94 
 Michi^auiuio 1 90 
 .Michigan 1 
 91, 9:t, 94, 9"), 9f>, 97, 9S, >,).>, 100 
 ^lifhipieotin r 99 
 Mill er 95 
 .Miner 1 90 
 Moua 1 9<i 
 -Montreal r 99 
 Morton 1 9'2 
 .Mudl 95 
 Mullet 1 '.11, HM' 
 MiiUKelsl 9t) 
 Murll 90 
 -Muwkenou 1 9() 
 -MuKkeKou r 9:^, 94, 9(i, 97, 98 
 .MiiHkratl 9(1 
 Narrow 1 91, 92 
 Nile er 94 
 North Branch 98 
 North 1 92. 9:1. 97 
 ( ).sHeo r« 'J'' 
 OtHe^o 1 97 
 otter 1 a? 
 overall 1 90 
 I'aint r. 92 
 I'awPawl 92, KMi, lol 
 I'aw Paw r 9a, 95, Khi, lol 
 I'ent water 1 98 
 ivre Mar.iuette «l. 92. 98, 99 
 I'erriu 1 '•»! 
 I'tshekee r 9(1 
 I'cterwon 1 W> 
 I'.ttilxme 1 94 
 Pickerel 1... 90, 9;J, 94, 95, 97, 9s. 9'.) 
 I'lKeonr 91. UHI 
 I'ike Bay 94 
 I'il^riin r 94 
 I'iiie I ''2, 9.-.. 98 
 I'me r '•••"'. '•»-<. l'«» 
 IMeaMftntl in. 97 
 Hum 1 W) 
 Pogie 1 94 
 Portage 1 92. 9.'?, 94. 95 
 Portage r 94 
 Powder Horn 1 97 
 Purdj 1 9U 
 ItaiHiu r 92. 9(1 
 Uapid r 94 
 Haven r 95 
 l{eed'.s I m 
 Reynolds 1 97 
 Uirter 101 
 Boarint^ br 9;{ 
 Boliinsou 1 90 
 Bock r 90, 9:t, 98 
 Boe 1 94 
 Bofiue 1 99 
 Bose 1 9.\ 100 
 Bound 1 91, 94. 96. 98. 99,100 
 BuHhl 9:{ 
 Sage'H I lol 
 SaKiuaw Bay 91, 99, lol 
 Hajiinaw r 98, 99, 101 
 Salmon Trout r 94 
 Hand 1 91, 92 
 Sand r 99 
 Sand Beach Harbor 98 
 Sauble 1 100 
 Sauble r 100 
 Schoouover 1 92 
 Sebewainti r 99 
 Second r 94 
 Section Ten 1 9ti 
 Shiawashcc r 98 
 Ship Canal 94 
 Silver cr 9:J 
 Silver 1 92, 95 
 Silver r '.«5 
 Sink 1 9:J 
 Sister 1 92 
 Six I's 9il 
 Six Mile 1 90 
 Sixteen Mile 1 9(1 
 Slopnick 1 90 
 So. Boarrtman r 99 
 Southworth's 1 92 
 Spring br 91 
 Spring 1 9:< 
 Spruce r 90 
 Spur r 9 i 
 S<iuaw 1 99 
 St. Clair Flats 92. 99 
 St. Clair 1 92, 99 
 St. Clair r 9li, loo 
 St. Joseph r 92, 97. l<io 
 St. Joseph Harbor Iimi 
 St..gerl 99 
 Stanley 1 94, 99 
 Sta r 1 90 
 Star Island 99 
 Stearns bayou 94 
 Stone 1 90 
 Strawberry 1 92 
 Stuch's cr 98 
 Sturgeon r 95. 90 
 Sugar Loaf I's 99 
 Sunset 1 94 
 Superior 1 I'O, 90 
 Taiiuamema r 97 
 Teal 1 97 
 1 Third r H 
 Three Milo 1 !»7 
 Thuuder Hay 9<i 
 TittabawaMHee r '.t8 
 Tfibaoto r 93 
 Trout 1 IKl, 97 
 Turtle 1 93 
 Twin (T 93 
 Twiul'H 97, KKJ 
 Twin SiKtorH 1 97 
 Twiu HpriiifiH 1(H) 
 Underwood 1 94 
 Valentine's 1 93 
 Vanauten'w 1 93 
 >'and<T<'ooksl 94 
 Van Kttau 1 97 
 Viuiv ard 1 91, SM5 
 Wallidl 97 
 WaHiplcr'Hl 91, 92 
 Way Koad 1 lOO 
 Wewt Branch 98 
 White 1 94 
 White r W>, 9(1 
 Whitefish 1 96, 97 
 Wild Fowl Bay 91 
 ■Williaia'H 1 100 
 Willow 1 9(> 
 Wolf 1 9t) 
 AgnuH 1 101 
 Albert Lea 1 105 
 Alexaniler 1 104 
 All e 1 102 
 Amelia 1 113, 1(»7, 110 
 Aniidou 1 105 , 
 Anoht)Hipi)i 1 104 
 Artiihoke 1 101 
 Ash IV 10(1 
 AKhl.vcr Ill 
 Bald Kayle 1 Hi 
 Balwain 1 110 
 BaHs 1 102, 104 
 Battle 1 102 
 Bavl 103 
 Beach 1 lOtJ 
 Beaver 1. 108 
 Benton 1 10(> 
 Big 1. 102 
 Bi|,'Clani r 110 
 Big Cobb r lo7 
 mn, Bine 1 lOK 
 Big Uock cr llo 
 BigS . <el 102, 108 
 Birch lor> 
 Black H<.of cr 107, 110 
 Blue Karth r. 107 
 Brule r 103 
 Buftalo 1 107, 108 
 Buffalo r 108 
 Biuntside 1 110 
 Bush Valley cr I(i7 
 Camp 1 ' 1(»8 
 Cannon 1 104 
 Cannon r 103, 104, 108 
 Cedar 1 101, 104. loO 
 Charlotte 1 KKJ 
 Chipjtewa r 108, 109 
 Chisago I's 102 
 Christian 1 101 ' 
 Circle 1 103, 104, lus 
 Clear 1 l(r2, 1(»3, 104, KJ."), 107, 10s, im 
 Clitheritl ! , itri 
 Como 1 10,-), i(i<,( 
 Cormorant 1 101, 103, 10.5, Kk! 
 Cornelia 1 iin 
 Cottonwood 1 i(i:t 
 Cottonwood r 1(im 
 Credit r Kni 
 Cross 1 Kut 
 Crow cr , ii)."i 
 Crow r KC 
 Crow Wing r llii 
 Crystal cr Vi' 
 Crystal 1 102, 104, 107, imt 
 Cynthia 1 lii-.t 
 Darling 1 KH 
 Ds.y Valli-y cr liiT 
 Deer 1.. Ho 
 Deer Horn Branch Vn 
 De Montreville 1 lu'.i 
 D(?8 Moines r Id.) 
 Detroit 1 liiij 
 Diamond 1 lol. 100, 111 
 Donnelly 1 l(i:i 
 Dower 1 Ml 
 Dutch 1 111.-) 
 Eagle 1 102, lo3, 108, 111 
 Eagle cr lu'.i 
 East Battle 1 102, 1 In 
 East Chain 1 im 
 East Okebena 1 Ill 
 Elk 1 ]0'2, 1H4 
 Elkr 1(12, \'n 
 Elysian 1 li i ; 
 Emily 1 106, 107, l(i.> 
 Estella l._ 1h:j 
 Eunice 1 lnj 
 Fish 1 KU, 1(15, KW, 108, In.t 
 Floyd 1 lo:( 
 Forest 1 Ini 
 Foss' 1 inT 
 Fountain 1 im 
 Fox 1 KW. 104, 108, iH.t 
 French 1 liH 
 Geneva 1 101, li is 
 Gervais 1 io;< 
 Goose 1 KJti, li IT 
 (^h-and 1 lii'.t 
 (ireen 1 lUl, 106, 111 
 (irindsttine 1 ln'i 
 (irindstone r In,") 
 Grove 1 Ill 
 (iuU 1 lll.'l 
 Gull r In.-, 
 Hall 1 102, I'll 
 Hamlet 1 f Inf 
 Hauska 1 in> 
 Hay den 1 J in 
 Heron 1 In , 
 Hexeth 1 In: 
 Hooswold's 1 In; 
 Horseshoe 1 104, InS 
 Howard 1 [ in:, 
 Hunt si ]ii4 
 Indeiiendcnce 1 liiT 
 Indian cr ]n; 
 Island 1 1 i; 1 , imj 
 Johauua 1 im 
 . .. l<t:». H'4, I's 
 l(ir>, l(t7, los, iin 
 . .' urn, liK.) 
 101. 103, 105, kk; 
 , l(i:t 
 '.'.'....., li)."i 
 102, 104, 107, lo'.t 
 ".' HH 
 '!.'.. 101, IOC), 111 
 ■■■■ 101 
 '. 10-i, it«. it»«. 111 
 lO'i, 110 
 102, V'i 
 102, lot 
 .... 106, 107, lot 
 105, IOC, 10«, lo'.t 
 103. 104, 108, lo'.t 
 101, los 
 10(), lo7 
 .. 101, lOfi, lU 
 102, 104 
 104, 10^ 
 J.isophine 1 KW 
 Kittle r 105 
 King's 1 ; KI4 
 Knife r 11(» 
 KorouoH 1 105 
 KronaH 1 lot. 
 I,iic Qui Parle 1 1(»7 
 Lafly 1 105 
 I.ataka 1 101 
 I.taf 1 1113 
 I.e HoniHiedieu 1 lol 
 Le Sueur r 107 
 I.evanl lio 
 Lillian 1 Idii, l<»h 
 Lilly 1 107 
 Little Clam r IK* 
 Little Cob r 107 
 Little Pine 1 l"-i 
 Long 1 102, 103, 104. 107, lOK, lull 
 Long Prairie r loc. 
 Long Tom 1 lOH 
 " cr lOK 
 Loon 1 107 
 Madison 1 103, KM'., 107 
 Manella 1 103 
 Maple 1 102. 10:! 
 Maple r 107 
 Marion 1 lo2 
 Marshall 1 107 
 Mary 1 105. Iok 
 Mavhew I loo 
 McCormack 1 lo*.» 
 Medicine 1 lo7 
 Mill or 102 
 Mille I^c HW. 
 Mill I'H 104 
 Mill Loch Ml 
 Minnie 1 102 
 Minnie Bell 1 ICW. 
 ?Iinnehota r 105. 107, lOH. loit 
 Minnetoiika Is 102. 107. 110 
 Minnewawkal 104, llo 
 Minona 1 101 
 Mississippi r 
 102. 103, 10(), 107, KK), 110, 111 
 Moon 1 102 
 Moose Horn r 107 
 Mound 1 105 
 Mound Piairie cr lo7 
 Mud 1 1"'7 
 Munsou 1 HM5, lOH 
 Muzza Ska 1 104 
 N.'.rway 1 lo<5. Ill 
 Norwt'Kian Grove 102 
 iKbi'dal Ill 
 usakis 1 108 
 I iKcar 1 102 
 t 'tter Tail 1 102, 103, 108 
 I Hter Tail r 104 
 I I wasco 1 lOtt 
 ivarll l«y 
 ivlicau 1 101. 103 
 " Rapids 102 
 .< r 104 1 104. lofi. 10!>, no 
 I'haltn 1 10!> 
 I'iue cr 104 
 !-lattel 106 
 I'leasant 1 109 
 riumcr 104 
 Pokegenial 109 
 Ponnue de Terre 105. 107 
 Portage 1 103 
 Prairie 1 104 
 Preston 1 102 
 Priori 109 
 Ked Lake r 103, 109 
 Kedwood r 107 
 Reno 1 103 
 Rice 1 101. liMi, 110 
 Ril.l<\ 1 10(> 
 Robert's 1 104 
 Rock cr lo.\ llo 
 Root r 102, 1(»5, 107, 109 
 Round 1 104 
 RuHh 1 109 
 Rush r 104 
 Kallie 1 103 
 Sandl 110 
 Hand Hill r 102 
 Sandv 1 lol 
 Sauk 1 109 
 •' r 1(«» 
 Scbrani'H 1 105 
 Serperet 1 103 
 Sewall 1 101 
 Shell Rockr 105 
 Shetak 1 11(» 
 Shield's 1 104 
 Shookatan 1 lOfi 
 Seigel 1 , 110 
 Silver cr 105, 110 
 Silv.-r 1 104, 108, 1(K> 
 Snail 1 109 
 Snake cr 106 
 Snako r 1 09 
 Spring 1 105, 109 
 Spunk I's 102 
 .St. Cliiir 1 103 
 St. Croix r 109, lln 
 St. Louis Bay 103 
 St. Louis r 104 
 Stella 1 urn 
 Stewart r 1 10 
 Story Valley cr lo7 
 Straight r.." 104. lo7 
 Sturgeon 1 103, 107 
 Sullivan 1 1(M> 
 Superior 1 103 
 Susan 1 102 
 Swan 1 1(»7, 108 
 Sylvan 1 105 
 Tenhassen 1 ^ lo4 
 Ten Mile 1 103 
 Thaxter 1 110 
 Thomiison's cr 110 
 Thoinpsi.u 1 102 
 Tokan 1 105 
 Traverse 1 1(J2 
 Trout 1 110 
 Turtle 1 109 
 Twin I's 104, 105 
 Two r's 105 
 I lUenkott 1 104 
 Union 1 102, lo3, 108 
 Vadnais 1 lt»9 
 Vermillion r 103, 104 
 Victoria 1 101, 108 
 Villardl 110 
 ! Washiugtyu 1 Iu3, lOtJ, 107, lOfl 
 ' ii 
 Waverly Twin I's 110 
 Went Okelxina 1 Ill 
 W«Htport 1 Ill 
 White Bear 1 lol», llo. ill 
 White water r lO'.t 
 Winona 1 Ill 
 Wintermiite 1 107 
 Woodl 109 
 Zumbro r 105, 107, 108, lot), 110, 111 
 BayliH bayou Ill 
 Bayou Potash Ill 
 Beaver er Ill 
 Biloxi Bay Ill 
 Biloxi r in 
 Brayhoniacr Ill 
 Chiekartawha r Ill 
 Dead r Ill 
 DoK r Ill 
 Leaf r Ill, 112 
 Mexicau Onlf Ill 
 Miss. Sound Ill 
 Myrick's Mill Ill 
 Pachuta cr Ill 
 Pascaj^oula r HI 
 lleedy cr Ill 
 Hournoria cr Ill 
 Tallahala er Ill 
 Tallaliala r ll'i 
 Tallabonia cr Ill 
 Wolf r ,,., Ill 
 BiR cr 112 
 Bit? 1 112 
 Bin Piney Forks 112 
 Bird HloUKli 112 
 Bowdry 1 112 
 Bowshers 1 IIIJ 
 Centre cr 112 
 ('haritou r Hi 
 Cooley 1 Iia 
 Coperas 1 112 
 Cuivre r 114 
 Drvwood cr 113 
 Flat Horsiishof 1 112 
 Gasconade r 112, 113 
 (Jrand r 112, 113 
 Hickory cr 112 
 HoKl 112 
 James r 113 
 Lake cr 112, 113 
 Little Piney Forks 112 
 Loutre r 113 
 Marais Des ('yjines r 113 
 Mcraniec r 113 
 MissiH8ii)pi r 112, 113 
 Missouri 112, 113 
 ISIoss cr 112 
 Muddy cr 112 
 North Bear cr 113 
 North Fork 112 
 Peri(iue r lU 
 Piney Fork 113 
 Ponce de Leon 1 113 
 Qtiiver r 113 
 Kuubideaux cr 112 
 Sac r 112, 113 
 Shoal cr 113 
 Sinkini^ cr ]\> 
 Snowden 1 1 1'j 
 Snystr 112 
 South Bearer 113 
 Spriu(^ r 112 
 Su)?arcoui) 1 112 
 Thompson's Fork 113 
 Timber 1 112 
 Turnback cr llj 
 Varian's 1 ll:i 
 Wakenda cr 112 
 Weldon Fork 113 
 White r 113 
 Montana, Territory. 
 Beaver or lU, iif, 
 Beaver Head r 114 
 Bij? Blackfoot r lU 
 Bi^Hole r lU 
 BiKHoi-n r 114 
 Blackfoot r 115, lir, 
 Boulder r llo 
 Bull r li:> 
 Clarks Fork 114, 115, 1 ir, 
 Collins 1 l,ir> 
 Columbia r 114, 115. lit; 
 Deei» cr ll'l 
 Deer Lod^e r 114, 11") 
 Dempsev's I's 114 
 Don er. ". 114 
 Dry cr ll'i 
 Elkcr 11.-) 
 Finlev cr 114 
 Flathead 1 114, 115 
 Oallatiu r 114 
 Ooldcr ll") 
 (Iraves cr 114 
 Harvey cr 114 
 Henry's 1 115 
 Jefferson r 114 
 Jocko r 114, 11.5, IPi 
 Little Blackfoot r 114, ll" 
 " Horn r 114 
 Lost cr lit! 
 Madison r 114 
 Medicine Lod^e cr 11') 
 Muskrat br IPi 
 Prior cr 114 
 Prospect cr 115 
 Race Track cr 114 
 Red Rock r 115 
 Rock cr 114, llti 
 Rockv Fork , 115 
 Rosebud 1 114, 115 
 Rotten Grass cr 114 
 Sa^e cr 115 
 Salmons r ■ 115 
 Six Milecr 114 
 Spokane r 115 
 Stillwater cr , 115 
 Stinking; Water cr 114 
 Thompson r llo, llti 
 Tip Topi 114 
 Trout cr 114. ll»l 
 Warm Springs cr 114, IPi 
 Willow cr 114 
 Yellow r 114 
 112, 113 
 114, lie 
 115, lit; 
 .... lU. 115. 111! 
 .... 114, 115. lit; 
 114, ll.'> 
 114, 115 
 , 115 
 , 114 
 114, 115, lit; 
 114, 11') 
 114, lit; 
 115, llf> 
 114. lit; 
 114. lit; 
 Yellowstone r lU, 115 
 Battle or llfi 
 BinlMuo r 11(1. 117 
 Bi«HaiJ(ly r 117 
 ('alaiiniH r lit) 
 Cedar r IKi 
 Clear cr 11(> 
 Cut-ort 1 117 
 Elk Horn r IK., 117 
 FloreiK'o r 117 
 Hanger 1 117 
 Jjaniplangh'H 1 117 
 Little Bine r 117 
 Lonp r lie. 
 North Loup r IK! 
 North Platte r 1 It.. 117 
 Oti cr IK! 
 Platter 1H> 
 PrieH 1 117 
 Solter llti 
 Shell er 117 
 South Platte r llti, 117 
 SteveUH 1 IK! 
 Wood V lit; 
 Carpon r 117 
 Hnnilxildt r 117 
 Tniekee r 117 
 Vew Brtinswick, Province of. 
 AbonheKiu r 
 Auaf^aiiie Mill p. and wtr 
 Buy Chaleur 
 Belledniie r i»2, 
 Benjaniiue r 
 Big. or NepiHiquit r 
 < anaan r 
 ( hishohn 1 
 Dii'kiiis p 
 Dickw 1 
 Kloow 1. iind r 
 Klgiii I's 
 Kl ni Tree r 
 , (iill)ertH Mill 
 (irassy 1 
 ( ire«'U r 
 ( ireeu Brier r 
 Hiiinnioiid r 
 Henry 1 
 •IiKMiuet r 
 Ki>uehil)ouguae r 
 Madawaska r 
 Magaiinadane r 
 Middle r 
 Mill stream and 1 
 Miraniifhi r 
 Mission 1 
 Ni'gadoo r 
 Nt"pisi<iuit or Big r 
 .N.\v Canaan r 
 •24 I 
 New Mills r 23 
 North r '23 
 Paiusee 1 '23 
 Parker 1 22 
 Poin t Du Cheue Harbor 23 
 PoHctt r 23 
 Red Uoek 1 '23 
 Restigouihe r 2'2, '23 
 Richibueto r '24 
 River Charlo '22 
 Robinson's 1 22 
 Salmon r 23 
 ScodoTm r '24 ' 
 Hhediae r. and Bav 24 
 Snnth's Mill '23 
 Sparks 1 23 
 St. Francis r '23 
 St. Johns r 23 
 Tedish r 24 
 Tete-a-gouche r 22 
 Theobald 1 24 
 Tobi(iue r. and 1 '2% 24 
 Ttdedi r '23 
 Trout 1. and r 23 
 Utopia 1 23 
 Walton 1 '24 
 Wooil 1 .. 23 
 New Hampsliire. 
 Abbott br 118 
 Albay br 117 
 Ammonoosic r Hi) 
 Androscoggin r IIS 
 .\ngling p 119 
 Atlantic Ocean 119 
 Avers p 117 
 Babboosicl 118 
 Barberry p Ill) 
 Bear p 117 
 Beaver br l'2i) 
 Black r 118 
 Black Water br 118 
 Bogbr Hit 
 Branch br 118 
 Cedar p 119 
 Chesterfield 1 118 
 Coles p 118 
 Ooman br 119 
 (Connecticut! 119 
 Connecticut r 118. 119 
 Corbetfs p 119 
 East Branch Saco r 118 
 Eehol 119 
 Ellis r 118 
 Forest 1 117. 119 
 Foundry br 119 
 Fresh r 1 1*^ 
 Gov. Goodwin br li>* 
 Great br Hh 
 Great Bav UH. 119 
 Great Works r IK' 
 Greenhillbr 117 
 Harvey br 119 
 Head p H*^ 
 Hill's p 117 
 Hoopei's p 119 
 , Horseshoe p H ' 
 ' Husse v's p 11** 
 1 lugallsbr !!'•> 
 i'< '^ 
 t ■ 
 Itiland J) UH, 
 IhIu (if Hbo.ilH 
 KuigbtH \> UK, 
 Littlo h^>^^ br 
 Little MdHHuljOHic p 
 Long \) 
 MaiilHtoue 1 
 Malu^ju Buy 
 Mc'Kallowtty WattTH 
 Merry Meeting Bay 
 Merry Meeting \> 
 MillsHeld i)'h 
 Monodnock 1 
 ModHo br .• 
 MiuiHonvillo lU'.H 
 Nanb Stream \t 
 Nay !> 
 Nilipo p 
 Niirtb )) 
 Otteruick p 
 Pawtiukaway 1 
 PawtiK'kaway p 
 PeaVjody r 
 PliillipH p 
 PbillipH Brook p 
 Pbillips Brook r 
 PierceH br 
 PiHCdtaqna r 
 PiHgat p's 
 Place's p 
 PlaiuH br 
 Padding j) 
 Policy 1) 
 Bandall'M p 
 Kangoley 1'h 
 Kazor br 
 Bed br 
 Beed'H p 
 BoUiu's br • . . . 
 Bocky Brandi 
 Waco r 117, IPs, 
 Salmon Falln r . . . 
 Showel p 
 Sligo b 
 Smitb's J) 
 Spollord 1 11 V, 
 .Soutli p s 
 Stone House p 
 SuccesH p Ill, 
 Sunapee 1 
 SwaiuM \> 
 SwaiuKcot r 
 Tate br 
 Twombley's br 
 Um bagog I 
 Varnev br 
 Walkers 1 
 Warren'H br 
 AVaub p 
 WbeelwrightH p 1 !«, 
 Wildr 11«. 
 Wildcat r 
 WinkleyH p 
 Wiunepesaiikee 1 117, 118, 
 Wiuucaiiuam 1 
 New Jersey. 
 Atlantic Ocean 122, 
 Baldwin's p 
 Bamber \) V2(\ 
 Barnegat Bay 12o, i ji 
 Beach Channel \si 
 Beach Haven I'jii 
 BeesleyH Point Ijn 
 Black cr 1 J4 
 Bound br 122, Vsi 
 Boyce'H cr 1J4 
 Brigantine Beach ]>'\ 
 BrodheadH cr iJl 
 Buck 1 lj:t 
 Budd'M 1 \Si 
 CarvelH Iwland Vii 
 Cattish p V>i\ 
 Cedar 1 1*20, I'.i 
 CrosM Channels \2'1 
 Crystal 1 1 j.» 
 Culvers 1 l.!2 
 D. Bftldwinsji lj:< 
 Decker p IJ4 
 Delaware bay lj:t 
 Delaware and Baritan Canal VH 
 Delaware r 121, l'-»2, 123, 1'.'4 
 Duck p IJI 
 Duunfi(dd <'r Ul 
 Dundee 1 . VSl 
 Flag P iJi 
 Forge \> IJ'.! 
 Forked Piver IJI 
 Franklin 1 1.' '. 
 (ireat Bay 1J4 
 (tn-en br IJJ 
 Oreen 1 I'i3, Ul 
 Greens p 120, l.'l 
 (Jreenwood 1 I'.'J 
 (Jrincll 1 m, V>\>. l-2:t, Ut 
 Hackensack r li'l, 122, 1J4 
 Hanks 1 lj:i 
 Hewitt's II iJ'i 
 Hoiiatcong 1 PJl, 122, 123, r.'4 
 Howells p l'j:( 
 Johnson p l-'ii 
 Kiniball's 1 IJi 
 i/dki'. Cavasaljo l.'i 
 Lake (frincll 121, 122, 1'23, 1J4 
 Lake Hojiatcong 121, 122, 123, 1J4 
 Lake Messhepcung I'.'l 
 Little p iJ-i 
 Little Egg Harbor Bay 1J4 
 Long p 120, l-'J 
 liower Longwood p IJI 
 Main Point Sunk IJJ 
 ."Mauahawkin bay Ill 
 Maurice Biver Cove VI i 
 Millstone r 1j4 
 Morris ( 'anal l-'J 
 Morris 1 l'.':i 
 Mosier's p 1'.'4 
 Mud p Ill 
 Newark ba v 121, 122, l.'l 
 New Market 1 Ml 
 New York Bay 120, 121, 111 
 N. Shrewsbury r 1J:1 
 Passaic r '. 121, 122, 123. Ij4 
 Paulin's Kill (E. branch) 120, 121, 111 
 Paulin's Kill (W.braucb) 120, 121, 1'23, 
 Pe(iuest cr. or river 121, 1.'4 
 PomiJtou 1 1-^! 
 Pomptou p. audr lli 
 .... l'J(t 
 1-Jti, 121 
 . . . 124 
 ... 12it 
 . . . l-'l 
 .... ij;t 
 . . . \Si 
 . . . 122 
 .... 1211 
 V20, i2;i 
 uVal I'J^ 
 l-21,V2-i, l-i:«. 124 
 .... 122 
 ■■ ■■ 121 
 . Vl.i, 121 
 ... 120, 121 
 "rn,'ui, I'U 124 
 , . . 1-21. Vn. 124 
 12 t 
 121, I'i.!. l-^:<. 1-^ 
 12(», 122 
 12 ! 
 121. 12'2, 121 
 120, 1-21. 122 
 [. ril, l'2-i, V2H. 1^^ 
 1).... 120, 1-21, 121 
 1'20, 121. 123, 
 121, 122,12:1. 
 121, 122, 12s, 
 121. 124 
 Hahway r I21 
 HamaiK) r 12:1 
 lUrltau r 120, 121 
 lUuiud i> 121 
 IJjerHdii'H i>. and 1 120, 12:i 
 Saddle r 121 
 Sand p 120, 121, 124 
 Stauhoije rcHcrvoir 12:1 
 Shark r 12;J 
 Shrewsbury r 122 
 SoiuerH I'oiut 120 
 Siilit Kock \) 1-21 
 Stati-n Inland (Sound 121, 12:i, 124 
 SticktlH 1 122 
 StruliU'H 1 122 
 Sucker Pond br 120, 124 
 Sunflnh p 121. 124 
 SwartHWood 1 1'22, 12;t. 124 
 Trout br 124 
 Trut'Hdell 1 121 
 Turkerton Hay 124 
 rplier Lonnwood p 121 
 Wallkillr 121 
 Wawavanda 1 124 
 WiHt Crt'C'k 1 124 
 White 1. and p 122, 12;», 124 
 New Mexico Territory. 
 (ham r 12.'> 
 Ka^lf r 12") r 125 
 Kiu Kiubudo r 125 
 Kid (ii'iinde r 125 
 Ivio Nanilxi r 125 
 Kid Uiiiddtso 125 
 liio Santa Clara r 125 
 i;io Kauta Criiz r 125 
 Wolf cr 125 
 New York. 
 Adams 1 i:i<.> 
 Vdirondack Kt'j^iou 14(>, l.W, 154 
 AhUr cr 125 
 Uk-fiihanv r 144, 141» 
 Allen p i:t2 
 Allen's cr 128, 142 
 A(iua{ia 1 15], 152 
 Atlantic Ocean llJfl, 1;j7. 1:1!>, 14'.I, 1.54 ; 
 AimtrincH 1 ]:J8 
 Ausalile r 14(i \ 
 liaker br 148! 
 IJallH p 145 
 liallntdn 1 12<), 127 j 
 llarncv'H p 127, 12'.) , 
 Harren Inland 14a. ! 
 KaHliawKill 145 I 
 Kasketcr 12<> 
 liatavia Kill....:- 14i) 
 Bateinau br 141) 
 liatteukillr 128 
 Baxter br 1:42 
 bear cr 125, 127 
 Hear Creek Harbor , 145 
 luar Hole 128 
 Heaver br l:t7, 145 
 lUaver cr 137 
 Heaver Dam cr 125 
 licuver Meadow br 147, 148 
 Iteaverkil! br 148 
 Heaver ji 151 
 I4<aver r I'JI. 140 
 Bedford 144 
 Uodloe'H Inland 143 
 UellH br l.'K) 
 BellH Run cr 130 
 Ben'n br 148 
 Ueuton Hollow br 139 
 Berrv br 148 
 Betty'H br 137 
 Bi{{ Biiy, Hiulwon r 13,'5 
 Big 1 147 
 BiKFlyp : 151 
 Bin Indian cr 127, 14(5 
 Bit< Moose 1 127 
 Binuue water I'm 127, i:)8, 1.54 
 Birch cr 14(1 
 Black cr l:t:t, l:tc,, 147, 1.54 
 Black 1 127, l:it>, 141, 114, 154 
 Black 1 l:t:t, i:ir,, i.-,(), i,-,4 
 Black r..,. 12ff, 127, 12'.), i:i2, l:(.5, 147, 148 
 Blaik Hi ver br 144 
 Black Warrior 142 
 Blind SodUH 150 
 Block Ho,iKoWr<ck 143 
 BlydenbiUKb'H p 1.50 
 Bob (I'onvH) p 147 
 Bonai)arte 1 r2'J 
 Bonita 1 142 
 Bovard 1 i;»(i 
 Boyd p i;i2 
 Boxes p 127 
 Hradeu br 141 
 Branch htr 1.50 
 Brandt 1 148 
 Broad br 1'2(> 
 Broad Cliannel 127, 143 
 Broiidbeatl 1 13«J 
 Broadwtreet Hollow ntr 145) 
 Bronkrt 1 i:il 
 Bronx r 128, 1.52 
 .'irown'H J) 1:1:1, 1.53 
 Briinh dam i:j'2 
 Buckhorn Island Bar 144 
 BuUliead p 151 
 Burkkill cr 14« 
 Burntship cr 144 
 Beerlock 1 125 
 BUHh cr 131 
 Bushkill cr 14!) 
 Bunhnellsville cr 14'J 
 Butterheld 1 147 
 Buttermilk cr VM> 
 Butternut cr ];i'2 
 Button Bay 12'.» 
 CadoHia br 148 
 Caledonia cr 12S 
 tialicoou cr P28 
 (.,'anadera^'a 1 148 
 Canadice 1 14(i 
 Canal reservoir 1:j;| 
 Cantield br 1.32 
 (JanandaifiUii 1 i;j0 
 ('anandai!j;ua Outlet 140 
 Cauarsee im 
 CauiMteo r 128, 12(», 137. 147 
 Carr br 144 
 (;aHHadat?a IV 12!) 
 CuBseyiiua 1 134, I4;t 

 I.': ■' 
 CatHkill <r IJ'.i 
 ('Httariiiiu'118 <T Till 
 ''ll.VUKIi 'I' I'll' 
 (Juynnal VH\, Vi\K VM 14(i. 141 
 CajMJta < T ir>.'l 
 Ca/ciinvia 1 140 
 Ceilur \> 1 ")1 
 (Y'dar Swamp <r . 141 
 Central Branch i;i'.i 
 (!haco l»r 14H 
 Cbaniplain 1 . . I'iS, i;iK. 14(i. 14!», 15'2. ir.4 
 Charlottt^ I i;{4, i;i7 
 (^hanniont Hay l:io 
 ChaU^aunav 1 IIU, i;W, 140 
 Cha/.y 1 llfi, 14(», 14C., 14'.t 
 <;hazv r llKi 
 Clicnuui« r 1'27, 13(). i:U, l.Vt 
 (.'lifnaiiKO 1 144 
 ChfUaMKo r 127, 130, 144. 145, IM 
 (Mierry it lUu 
 ("liipix'waiT 144 
 Chittt'iiaii}<<) cr 1'2'.> 
 CLittfnaii|,'o r 140 
 Ciut'innati cr 15'i i 
 Clear 1 l.VJ I 
 Cloak iHland (in Lake C'lianii>lain). . . llto 
 Clv.hir 140 I 
 CotlVc'M l.r 145 
 Cohotton r. and ( t'h 127, 131, llfj ' 
 Conio 1 134, 14.-) ' 
 Concwanh'oiT 130, 133, 134, 13H. 147 
 Coney I.iluucl 143 
 vr 143, 153 
 ConufT 1 150 
 Couniiltl 153 
 Cooper's 1 154 i 
 Copako.l 137, 141 : 
 Copper cr 14<i 
 Crafts 144 I 
 Cranberry 1 IVH, l'2'.t ! 
 Cranberry \i 147 
 Cronii)r(Mul 1 155 ^ 
 Cromwell's 1 13ti ; 
 Crooked 1 147 i 
 Cropsev's p V21 I 
 Cross 1 I'J'.t, 13S ' 
 '• r 13H 
 Crotou Cove 150 
 Crotou 1 131, 141, 144 
 Croton Point 131, 150 
 Croton r VMi, 131, 13H 
 Crystal 1 15'J 
 Cnmmings p 1'27 ! 
 Davis br 12t) 
 Decker Trout str 151 
 Deep Hole or Pot 127 
 Deer r 141 '; 
 Delaware r.liC), 128, 131, 132, 136, 137, 
 13'.t, 14(i, 148, 14'.), 151, 153. i 
 Dlkeu 1 126 
 Drakes cr 127 
 Dry br l'.J6, 136, 150 
 Drvdeu 1 l^''^ 
 Duck Harbor p 1'28, 131 
 Earlve 1 l^^H 
 East br 153 
 Eastp HI 
 East r 113 
 East Canada or 133 ; 
 East Kill 1^7 
 East Kny i-r 
 Edmunds p'ds 
 Elinor I 
 Elt^liteeu Mile cr 
 Elk br 
 Elliott cr 
 Emery Btr 
 Ephnors 1 
 trio canal 
 Krie 1 12K. 132, 136, Ifto, 151. 
 Esi)].us cr 138, 142, 
 Esopus Island 
 Esopus 1 
 Fair Haven Bay 
 Eairview 1 
 Fall br 
 Kelt .Mills 
 Findhiv's 1 
 FiiineroUH 1 
 Flat cr 
 Fisli br 
 Fish cr 127, 128, 1,33, 
 Flax p 
 Flint br 
 FlnshinK Bay 131, 
 Flushini; cr 
 Fort Hamilton 
 Fowlwood r 
 Fox Hollow str 
 Friend's 1 . . . .' 
 Frinche's Tron t p 
 Fuller cr 
 Furlow 1 
 Gale br 
 (Jeneseo cr 
 (ienesee r 130, 142, 146, 
 Ciitt'iU'd's, Staten I's 
 Glen 1 128, 
 (Hen Cove p'ds 
 Gleumere 1 
 Glenwood Bay 
 Golden's Bridt,'c 
 Goodell 1 
 Goodhue 1 128, 
 (ioodhue p 
 tirass r li'.l, 
 tirassy Sjjraiu br 
 Graves br 
 Gravesend Bay 143, 
 Great p 
 " Hodus Bay 
 Great South Bay... 126, 127, 137. 144. 
 Greene 1 12'.), 1 Pi, 
 Greene's 1 131, 
 Green wood 1 135, 
 Grimshaw's Bay 
 Hackensack <;r 
 Hallock's }) 
 Harlem r 134, 136, 138, 
 Hatch's 1 
 Haupi)auge i^'Ss 12'.>, 
 Hell Gate 
 Hemlockl 137, 146. 150. 
 Hempstead Bay 126, 13"J, 148, 
 Henii)stead Harltor 
 Henderson Harbor 
 Heuricksous cr 
 >, lac, iftt), i:.i. ir.t 
 i:»H, 14'2, H't 
 , i:t<; 
 1 n. 
 . . 127, ri«, i;»:{, ir>i 
 i;ii, i:i:: 
 . . i:tl», 142, 14(;, 1.".4 
 12H, i:i.'' 
 12H, 147 
 12".», IKJ 
 14:i, i:):i 
 >0, 127, 137. 144, i:i."> 
 12'.), UK, 117 
 l;tl, V<i 
 i:!.'), 141 
 . i:U, 13«, l:!S, 141 
 li'.t, i:i I 
 . 1U7, 14fi, im. l.-.l 
 . 12ti, l:W, 14H, 1.-.4 
 66 Fulton Street, New York. 
 My 130-page Illustrated Retail Price List and Hand-book for Sports- 
 men, contaiuiut{ Hints and Direi'tiouM fi)r Fishing and Cumpiuti, sent t)y mail, iio.-it 
 paitl. ou receipt of 25 cents. 
 Customer.^ may doduct amount paid for catalOf;ue fruui first purchase if it 
 ainouut.s to $1.00 or nuirt-. 

 I! I J 
 I , 
 By Louis 0. Van Doren and Samael C. Clarke. 
 Thlfl is a practical text book on tbo Halt wator liHlies that an? found on the Atlan- 
 tic coant from Northern Maine to the Gulf of Mexico. No other work now in print 
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 The Lafayette, or^Spot. 
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 Cloth, I6mo. 
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 262 Broadway, New York. 
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 Hii/lilan.l MIUh 
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 Iloliliiliil p 
 H<'iit\voy«i cr 
 UoiilihiiTi r r.. i:i)i. i;ii, i:<4, iiiti, iiiT. l:m, 
 U*l, 141. II'J, U:i, 144, 14)1, 147, ir>(>, 
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 Hiiiitliiutoii Hurlx)!- 
 leu \> 
 Iuilt>|))'iiileiicu c.t 
 Iuili'|i<-ni)eiii')t r 
 IniiiiltM|iioit Kiiy 
 •lut'kHoii I'm 
 Jm-knoii i)'m 
 Juiiiiti. II Itay... I'JT, IM, l:itj, 13<i. 14:t, 
 14«, ll'.i. 
 Jfiiiiif 1 
 JockH I l:m. 
 JonoH bur 
 JoID'H 1 
 KllViltllTOHHcrilH <t; 
 Kiili.v Titiiit Htr 
 KclT T 
 Ktttlo cr 
 KiiiKal i:W. inc.. 
 KilliH ]) 
 KiiultTliook 1 l:«H, 
 Kinns Uiiu cr 
 Kirk 1 
 KiHkutoiii IT 
 Liik<>('liiiin|iluiu... lift, IM, ViH, UCi, 
 14>.t. I.-.'.'. l.->4. 
 I,akn Chiirlotto i:t4. 
 I^iku Couio 
 l,ako Krie 12H, 132, latl, l.">0, 1")1, 
 liUk)* (tileail 
 Lakf <4i'(.rt,'t> 126, l'2rt. 
 Lake Hiintiii^iluii 
 I.akt" Mahdpai' 
 Lake Ontario... VU), IW, 141, 1-14, 145, 
 14H, ir>(l, 151. 
 Lake Placid 
 l^akf Ti)ni'tta 
 Lake Waccabuc Vir>, VM, 
 Lamoille r 
 Lanioka 1 
 l^anioreaux 1 
 I-elands !'« (It) 
 LfllM 1 
 Lime Kilu cr 
 Little Bay, Hud*<un r 
 Little Delaware 
 Little riy 1) 
 Little HuoHick r 1211, 
 Little 1. or p'd 132, 142, 
 Little Lonti p 
 Little Neck liay 
 Little Pecouic Bay 
 Little .Salmon r 
 Little Sodus Bay IM, 144. 
 Little Touawauda cr 
 Mtii.' woodiiiiiii las 
 Mtile York Im 137. 147 
 LivtnKHtoii 1 161 
 Lodi 134 
 LoiiK I) IM, 130, VM, 141, 145, 140, 14H, 
 Lon({ Nlaiid Sound. 131, 13.\ IM, 140, 
 113. 1411. I.'.*), i:.l. 
 LonK J'oint 134 
 Lon« I'un.l 1 125. 140, 148, LW 
 Lo..n i 14M 
 I.orillard'H ji l.'to 
 Loiick'Hi I'iO 
 Lower Koda 1 125 
 Ludlow 1 145 
 Lu/.eriH) 1 Mil 
 iMad r l.N 
 Malioiiuu 1 138, 1 U 
 Maliwah cr 151 
 Main r Ii4 
 Mallett's Bay 13h 
 MarHatooka 1 14o 
 Marvin l»r l.".3 
 MaMcalonxe 1 152 
 iMattitiick cr 140 
 Ma,\liama 1 151 
 McKee \> 141 
 .Meaeliem 1 Ho 
 Mcad'H 1) 114 
 Menctt'H 1) 14N 
 Micox Bay l.">;; 
 Mill br, orcr 120, 133 
 Mill (reek p 151, 1.52 
 Milll 1.53 
 MillMite 1 147, 152 
 Mitcliell'H II, and cr 131 
 Moliaiihic 1 12.5. 155 
 Mohawk r IJO, 12'.t. 131, 
 133. 134. 137, 144, 140, l4'.», l.H), 1.52, 153 
 MonibaNlia p 130 
 Mont^anp Htr 13',i 
 Moone r 14il 
 MorriHou j) 127 
 MoHcow hr 12H 
 Mountain Houho I'm 141 
 Mt. BaHlia \> 141 
 Miick'H cr 127 
 Mudir 140, 151 
 Mud 1 132, 144. 147 
 Mud p 138, 141 
 Murderer's cr 134 
 Muscort r 125 
 NttHsau p 153 
 Navy Island Bar 141 
 Neversink r 127, 133, 13'.t, 140 
 Newbridt^e cr 141 
 New Kiiif^Htou Htr 120 
 New Mill Htr 15o 
 New OrleauH Trout br 132 
 Newton cr 137 
 Niagara FallH 144 
 Niagara r 128, 13',), 144. 152 
 Nit,-ercr 143 
 Nigger p 151 
 Nine Mile cr 1.37 
 NisHeguaguii r 150, 151 
 North cr 144 
 " 1 148 
 No. Hector 134 
 North Pitcher 135 
 ( ' -1 
 N<iniiaiiHkill vr 
 Norton'H I'liiut 
 < )ak Onliard cr 
 Odoll'H I i:i7, 
 ( "111 Field (or ('cUHcience) IJay 
 < )l«/aii cr 
 t Jueida or ' :iii, 
 Ouc'idal I2r.. 
 iw, i'2\), i;k», vvi i:j3, 144. ir^'i na, 
 <)ii<:-;<la r U(», 
 Ouaiidat^a 1 
 Ontario 1 
 l:J(), i:i',t, 141, 144, 14.'>, 14(1, i4H, 15(1, 
 ()<lua^,'o IT 
 Oraiit,'!', 1 I'M, 
 ( )Kca waiia 1 144, 
 (jHwayii ci 
 (jKWcKiitc tiic r l'J'.», l.tii, 
 (>nw»'{;() r 134, HT), 
 (JtSf'HU 1 
 OtMelic, r :•(."), 
 Otter cr I.IH, 
 Otter KillH I'.M, 
 Otterkillcr i:i5, 
 O waht^eiia 1 
 OwaHco 1 l'2(i, 133, 
 Oyster Pay Harbor 
 Pajio i> ISl, 
 Parker's y 12'.t, 
 Pi'tterHoii cr 
 Peach 1 
 Peak'w cr. and lir 12(i, 
 Peck Hollow Htr .. 
 Pecoliic Bay 13'2, 135, 14H, 150, 
 Pecoiiic r 140, 
 Pike p 
 Pike's p 
 r.o I 
 Pine 1 
 Pino p 
 Pine Kill 
 Piseco 1 
 PhiitsUill cr.... 
 Plea.nant 1 
 Phinil) hr 
 Pocantico r 
 Poclmck cr 
 Popolo 1 
 Popolo 1) 
 I'opoKipen J). . . . 
 Potaquo 1 
 PortaRue 1 
 Port Bay 
 Port Day 
 Portertown str. 
 Porteons 1 
 Princes Buy 
 Prospect 1 
 Pyramid p 
 (Quaker 1 
 i-ill, i:f2, 133, 
 (^■e<-hv 1 
 lla-ined 1 
 Kaniapo 1 144, 
 Uaniapo p 
 Uaquette r 
 Kedus Bay 
 Red 1 
 Reed's Bay 
 Betd's lir 
 Bcc I's cr 
 Itoariu^ 1)r 
 Robert's p 
 Robin H Reef 
 Robinson's p 
 Rocka\N ay 
 Rockawiy Inlet 
 RocKland 1 142, 
 Roelitr J msen cr VSi, 
 Roelitt" Jansen Kill 
 Roukonkomal 141, 148, 
 Rose's br 
 Round 1 14(1, 14',», 
 Round p /. VMi, 141, 145, 
 Rouse's Point 
 Russell p 
 Sacouila^a r 
 SalMion r 125, 128, 134, 
 .Salmon River Falls 
 Sand Bar 
 Hand Bay 
 Sanders 1 14!), 
 Sa'id p 128, 
 Sandy Hook 
 Sanuy p 
 Sapasco 1 
 Sarana<' i's 
 Saranac r 
 Sar-itot;a 1 12(1, 
 Schoharie cr 12(1, i:J3, 13t, 
 Sc\)'>harie Kill 
 Scnroon 1 l;i:l, 
 Schroon r 
 Schuylers 1 
 Seneca 1 132, 134, 137. 14h, 
 Seneiar. ,. 126, 13:t, 140, 141, 14(i, 14',), 
 1.52, 1.53. 
 Serino br 
 Setaiiket Harbor 
 .Setauket Mill i 
 Shampaviniack cr 
 Shandley p 
 Shawan^'uuk i^-r 
 Shawnzink Kill 
 Sheepshead Bay 
 Shepherd p 150, 
 Shingle Killer 
 Shiwiecock Bay 
 Shoe Swamp br 
 Shook 1 
 Shues 1 
 Slaughters 1 
 Slaiifihter's p 
 Smith's 1 
 Smith's p IM>, 
 Snyder Hollow str 
 Sodus Bay 130, 14'2, 
 Sod us cr 
 South Bav 
 South I 
 South Lonj? 1 
 Sprain l)r 
 Sprin^' cr 128, 142, 
 Hprinn br 
 Spring' 1 147. 
 Spuvteu Duvvil cr 
 Spy' 1 ■ 
 ^jtuto Dam 140, 
 15 L 
 Stateii Inland U.i, 
 St. All-aUH ]5ay 
 St. JauieH Harbor 
 St. Lawreuco r V.M), i:H, i:r., 
 St. HtgiH 1 l-iC, 
 St. lUgis r Ul, 
 Steers 1 
 StoveuH cr 
 Stewart 1 
 Stillwater 1 i:w. 
 Sterling 1 
 Stony br 
 Stony (love cr 
 Stoutenburgli p . .'. 
 Sumn.'itl..; l:t(i, \M. 
 Sunken iHlands 
 Sns<(tuhaniiiir l-JT, V>h, i:il. It;"), 
 i:u, I.VJ. l.:i. 
 Swaj^cr 1 Ijs, 
 Swamp br 
 SwczevH II 
 Svlvau 1 
 Ta)«.ir"s Trout str 
 Tabfonic Mountain br 
 TaiU'cn's p 
 Tappan Zee Bav 
 Third br 
 TomiikinH Bar 
 TLomiisnn'H 1 I'M, 
 Three Brothers 
 Three Mile Bay 
 Tioga er 
 Tiot'a r i:W, 
 Tioiigunio«a r lau, U(i, 
 Tonawauda cr 125, 
 Township br 
 Tro'.it br. and er, V.i2, 
 I rout 1 
 Tiiixedi I 1 
 Tully 1'h i:t7. 
 Turtle er 
 Twaddell br 
 Twelve Mile or WilKon er 
 Twin Ts liiti, liW, 
 Twin Lake str 
 Twin p'ds 
 liiadillar U2, 
 rpper Chateaugay 1 
 I'pper Mills 
 Van Bensselaer I'V 
 Waccabnc 1 i:W, 
 Walleiipaupaek ii 
 Wallkill cr 
 Wallkill r 
 i;i4, i;t5, i:t7, i:ih, 141, 14(i, 150, 151, 
 Walton 1 
 Wappingi-is cr 141, 
 Wards Island 
 Warner's 1 i;tt), 
 Warwick cr 
 Washington 1 
 Wuwavauda 1 14'J, 
 Well's er 
 West br 
 West Canada er IM, 14li, 147, 1.5-.', 
 West Stony ci- 
 Whaley p 
 Wharton ir 
 140 <f 
 145 I 
 137 1 
 \M\ : 
 148 ! 
 Wliite p ". 145 
 White 1 )eer p i3t'. 
 White Hill er i;{'.) 
 WilHon Iteservoir 133 
 Wiuooski r 138 
 Wihcov cr 127 
 Wolter 13r, 
 Wolf p 127, 13t; 
 Wood i- r i'Xi 
 Wood 1 i:»o 
 Woodbury p 1,54 
 Wood's 1. 1.50 
 Wood's p 141 
 Wreck Leed Drawbridge 13V 
 Yankee p ) 27 
 Youugstown 13'J 
 ITorth Carolina,. 
 Albemarle Sound 155, 1150 
 Bee Tree 1.55 
 Broad cr 15rv 
 Butler cr 1; 5 
 Cataloocheo er lotl 
 Catalooeheo r 1 55 
 Catawba r 1.^5, 15t'N 
 Curtis cr 165 
 Dark liidge 15& 
 Flat cr 155 
 French Broad r 1,55, 15»'> 
 Hominy cr 155i 
 JoiiathauH er 15(1 
 Laurel cr 155 
 Mill br 155 
 North Flat er 155 
 North Fork 155 
 Fascjuotauk cr 155- 
 Per<iuiinans r 155 
 I'igeon r 155, 15(1 
 Uu'hland er 15('i, 
 Roanoke Sound 15(1 
 Hobinsou'n cr 15(1 
 Scott's cr 1.5, 15(1 
 Spring er ISCh 
 Swanuanoa r 155- 
 Tennessee er 15(1 
 Trout cr 15(1 
 Tuckaseige r 155, 15(i 
 Wolt cr 15(1 
 Yeopim r 15(1 
 Nova Scotia, Province of 
 Ainslee 1 25 
 Ahna 1 24 
 Auuapoli:- r. antl Bay 24, 2i'., 2. 
 Avon r 24, 25, 2(1, 27 
 Ayl. sforil 1 '24 
 Barney's r •.'4, 2t) 
 Bay of Ft\n<ly 2** 
 BeliH 1 27 
 Birch Hill 1 24 
 Black r 27 
 Blind 1 2'. 
 Boutelei'h r 2.'j 
 Braud.N wine r 20 
 Cameron':- 1 .•. 24 
 Canard 1 20 
 Caiiso. Strait of 25 
 Clu'ibUc'b br , , 27 
 ?r ' 
 Colders 1 2<'. 
 Cornwallifl r 24, 'Jt>, 27 
 Coxcomb 1 2f! 
 Darliug H 1 20 
 L)avidHon 1 27 
 lifbert r 24 
 Dfunis r 25 
 Dutt-H br. and 1 25 
 Kel Weir 1 2(5 
 Full br 27 
 ]''isliiiif^ LakcH 25 
 I'ivu .Alilo 1 24 
 Folly 1 25 
 Foikr 27 
 Fiiudyliay 24, 2!; 
 <iasi)oreatix r. and I'm. . . 24, 25, 'Jtl, 27 
 • told r. and 1 'J'. 
 (ioose Harbor 1 :'.i't 
 <Tniii(l 1. and r 2"), '^7 
 Onlf of St. Lawrcnci^ 25 
 Gntalutant r. 25 
 Hablcy'H r 25 
 Hall'M Harbor ■ 24 
 Huti-hinHou 1 2t) 
 Indian r 2">, 2(5 
 Inhabitant's r 25 
 Irvino r '•'•(> 
 Jeddori) r 25 
 JohuHon'M r 25 
 Kclly'Hl 27 
 Kfiiueti-ook r 27 
 Lake Aiusleo 25 
 I.auiey'M br 25 
 Lilly 1 20 
 Little r 25 
 Little Jennie's 1 27 
 Liveri)ooll. and cr 2(i 
 Ijivn-puol Hi^ad 1 24 
 Lobes 1 27 
 LoUf^ 1 24, 25, 27 
 Lovett br 27 
 Maiile 1 25. 20 
 Mar^^arce r 25 
 M.Douaid'sl 27 
 Mcdill's Meadow 24 
 Mill br. and cr 20 
 Miuas Basin 25, 20, 27 
 Mitehell's br. and bay 24 
 Mtilt^rave I's 20 
 Mns<inodob()it r, aud harbor 25 
 Nietaiixr 20. 27 
 >iortli Kiver 20, 27 
 Northumberland Strait 25 
 I'ates 1 25 
 Tauuke I's 27 
 Parailise 1. and r 24, 20 
 Phillii) r 27 
 I'ine 1 24 
 Pockwood 1 25 
 I'onbook 1 20 
 Salmon r 20, 27 
 -Salmon Tail r 20 
 •Sliubenacadii' r 25 
 .Simpson 1 27 
 Snii lev's 1 24 
 Suells .' '24 
 .Soldiers 1. .*. . . *. '20 
 South Mountain 1. aud r 27 
 .South Uiver 1 24 
 .^tarratt br 20 
 Stillwater I's 27 
 . St. Croix r 26, 27 
 St. Jjiwreuee Gulf '.i.l 
 St. George's Bay 2' 
 I .Strait of Cause 2'< 
 '"elfairs r -j.l 
 i i'racadie Harbor 2' 
 Trout 1. and br 2.5, 20 
 : Uuiai'ke r 2'i 
 i Walker's br 20, 27 
 Wallace r 2.">. 2' 
 ' West r 20, 2~ 
 Westchester 1 .'."i 
 Whycocoinah r 2' 
 Wokimuu 1 2''. 
 Zeak br, aud 1 ^ 20 
 Ashtiibnla cr 15t'i 
 Autillize r 157 
 Aurora p 15,-< 
 Bakers 1 15'.' 
 ; Ban tas Fork 15> 
 Bin Darby p 15' 
 Bin Mi'."Mahon lOo 
 Bit,' Miami r 157, 15'.t 
 Bij^ Raccoon cr lOo 
 Bin Walnut cr 157, 15^ 
 I Black 1 1.56, 15>' 
 I Black r 15s 
 Blue )) 150 
 Bradley p 157 
 Brush 1 1.5V 
 Chickamau({a cr : 15'< 
 Cbippewal 157 
 I Claridou p 157 
 Congress 1 15T 
 Connottou cr 157 
 1 Darby cr 15'.' 
 ; Dockl 15'.' 
 Doko 1 1.50, 15'.' 
 ] Duck cr 157 
 Duucan'.s Mill 15',t 
 Dye p los 
 Emerald 1 157 
 I Erie 1 150, 1.57, 1.5H, 1.59, 100, 101 
 I Everett p 157 
 1 Four Mile cr 1.58, 15'.» 
 Fntche's 1 15'J 
 Geauga 1 15s 
 Grand r 15>< 
 i Great Miami r 1.5S 
 I Green cr I5«, 10' 1 
 Hartd 157 
 i Hartley 1 1.5ti 
 Henry cr 10" 
 Hill p 15'.> 
 Honey cr 15t) 
 Hurou r 15'.' 
 ludiau lOU 
 ludian cr 150 
 ludiau 1 150 
 ludiau Heservoir 150 
 Kellvs Island 100 
 Kiin)uckcr 1.5'.t 
 Kokosiug r 1.5^ 
 Laphaui-* 1 15'.' 
 Lewiston Reservoir 15K, lOo 
 Lickiug Heservoir 1.5'.», lOo 
 , ... 26, 'JT 
 ........ 'i') 
 .... 25, ■>>■< 
 ..... 'ir<, 'JT 
 2.5. 21 
 .... 2tl, 'JT 
 ' " ' 2»'' 
 1.57, 15',t 
 " 157, 15'' 
 1.50, 15» 
 1.56, 15'.' 
 >H, 159, 100, 161 
 158, lo'.t 
 15rt, 10" 
 ". l.>t> 
 Iti' • 
 ' ■ ■ 15'.> 
 ' ". 150 
 1.58, 10' I 
 15'.», lOti 
 Littlfi Darbr p 1.58 
 Little .McMahon 10() 
 Little Miami r 157 
 Little Raccoon r 16(t 
 Little Wttluut cr 1.58 
 Long 1 150 
 Lost <T 158 
 Mad r 1.57 
 Mahomii^ r 1.59 
 Marietta Inland 1.5',» 
 MaHHies cr 1.57 
 Matiniee r 15i), 100 
 Miami r 15!;, 158 
 Middle HasH Island 100 
 Malu-fjan r 157 
 Mud br 158 
 Mud Brook !> 157 
 Mudcr 158 
 Mud 1 156 
 Northampton 1 158 
 Oliio (Jaual 1.51) 
 Ohio r ]5f<, 1.5'J 
 Old Womau cr 1.57 | 
 One Leg cr 100 I 
 Ottawa r 100 : 
 Owl cr 157 I 
 Paint cr 157 1 
 I'ortage r 15'.» 
 l'o!*Hum 1 150, 15i> ! 
 Pt. Pelee Island 100 
 Pul-iu-Bav 160 
 " Island 100 
 Quakertowu "rittte" 1.51) 
 Kaccoou cr lOU 
 P.uiiidH 160 
 lie.servoir 160 
 lies. Old Caual 156 
 Kusb cr 150 
 " "l 151) 
 Sandusky Bay 1.57. 160 
 Satidusky r. ." 1.58, lOO 
 .Sandy cr 1.59 
 Scioto Brush cr 1.58 
 Scioto Marwh 100 
 Scioto r 157, 160 
 Silver 1 156, 157, 1.58, 1.59 
 Slack water 1.59 
 Snow ji 157 
 Springtield 1 1.59 
 State Keservoir 157 
 Station 11 100 
 Stew art 1 158 
 Still Fork Waters 159 
 .Stillwater r 157 
 Straight cr 158 
 .Sumuiit 1 15() 
 Iroy Hydraulic 1 .... , 1.58 
 Turkey Foot 15<) 
 Tuscarawas r 159, ItiO 
 Twin cr 158 
 Twin I'm 150, 1.58 
 Wheeling cr 160 
 Whetstone r 16<l 
 White Oak cr 1.58 
 White p 156 
 Williams ]> 159 
 Ontario, Province of. 
 Alhiuo i>t 28 
 Arran 1 
 Ashbridge bay 
 Au Sable r. . .' 
 Balsam 1 
 Bartrow 1 
 Bay of Vuiuti! 28, '29, M, ;U, 
 Beaver r '28. :{0. 
 Bennett's 1 
 Big cr 29, 
 Big Cranberi-y 1 
 Big Trout 1 
 Black 1 
 Bobs 1 
 Boston cr 
 Bow r 29, 31, 
 Branch cr 
 Burlington ))ay '28, 
 (^alabogie 1 
 Camp's cr 
 Cedar cr 
 Chalk r 
 ("harlestou 1 '.i\, 
 Chesley 1 
 Christie's 1 
 Clyde 1 
 Copelaud'B trout stream 
 Credit r 31, 
 Crow 1 33, 
 I)arliugtt)n bay 
 Ueer Lick cr 
 1 )eli8le r 
 Don r 
 Duck 1 
 Ouftiu's <'r 
 Eagle 1 
 Eastou's 1 
 EUiow r 
 Eramosa r 
 Erie 1 28, 30, 34, .35, 
 Fifteen mile cr 
 Fourteen Island 1 
 Frenchman's bay 
 Gatineaux I's 
 (ieorgiau bay 29, 31, 33, 
 (iohorue r 
 Gold I 
 Grand r '28, 29. 
 Gull r. and 1 
 Hoag cr 
 Holland r 
 Hornings Mills 1 
 Huron 1 28, 32, 33, 34, 
 Ignace 1 
 Irvine r 
 Jennette'H cr 
 Joe's 1 
 Jordan cr 
 I Kaministiijua r 3o, 
 : Kenipeifeldt Bav 
 Kettle cr 
 Knowlton 1 
 Lake Burwell 
 i " Couchiching 
 I " Erie '28, 30, 34. 3.5, 
 I " George 
 " Huron.... 27, 2.'<. 32, 33. 34, 
 " Xipis.-jing 
 I " Ontario 2«, '29, ,33, 
 I ,' ' 
 Lake .f Woods :«, 
 " 8imt()e '2H, :v,i, 
 " Smith Xi, 
 " St.Cli'lr -iH, 31, 
 " Ttoj la 
 " Wabinoii 
 Little Clyde 1 
 Littlo ('raiiberry 1 
 r-nhoroUf^h I 
 l.niii^l ao, 34, 
 L<iU(,' Point Bay 3t, 
 ^laitlaiid r 
 MariaiL 1 
 .MasMawsaiina pt 
 Mattawan v 30, 
 McCroue's 1 
 AIoKfiizie IT 
 Middle Brauch 1 
 Mile I 
 MitiliellH Ray 
 .^[()rKe Point 
 Mi;d 1 28, 30, 
 Niagara r 'i'.<. 33, 35, 
 Xipition r 
 Xoitli r 
 Nottawasiipa r 
 Ontario 1 2S, 2it, 33, 
 Outoiiabee r 
 Otraw a r 
 Otier cr 
 Otty I 
 Pearlbrook or 
 PcTit'tannuiKlirii(> br 
 Pigeon r 
 Pim r 
 Pine 1 and r 
 Point Albino 
 Port Maitland 
 Piirliiuh 1 
 gitiuteBav 28, 29, 30, 34, 
 Red Rock 
 Rice 1 i'.t, 31, 32, 
 Rideaii Canal ? . . 
 Rideaii 1 
 River Credit 31, 
 Rivere RaiHin 
 River H[)'."ed 2H, 
 Riv<>r St Claire 
 Ro.k 1 34, 
 Rocky Saii^ceu r 3(i, 
 Round 1 
 Saublo r 27, 
 Saugeen r 3(», 31, 33, 
 Kcnuog r 
 Severn r 
 Sharbot 1 
 Silver 1. and cr 34, 
 Simcoe 1 28, 33, 
 South br. Saugeeu i" 
 Sparrow 1 
 Speed r 28. 
 Spcy r 
 Spring L and cr 3(», 31, 
 St. Claire 1 28, 31, 
 St. Claire r 
 St. Lawrence r 
 -.s, 21). 30, 31, 32, 33, 
 StiirKPon 1 :i-j 
 Sydenham r .;;(, 
 Syplecr 29, 31 
 I Tee« water r ;i;j, 
 iThanicrir 20, 31, 35 
 Thirteen Ih. 1 ;{4 
 Thunder 1 28, io 
 Trent r 29, 31, li", 
 Trout 1 ♦. ... ;t;( 
 Tro.itMill 1 :t.-, 
 Turtle 1 j;) 
 ! Twelve Mile cr :!."). 
 Twenty Mile or lio 
 Twin I'm . . ;j4 
 VVal)i^'o;in 1 2iS 
 Waubaiii'heno b 3i> 
 Welliuid r 2'.) 
 AVightVi cove 3ii 
 Wiuuipetf r 32, 34 
 Applegato r 
 Archliold'H or 
 Baker cr 
 Bear cr ICl, 
 Beaver or 
 Big Triukee r . 
 Birch cr 
 Blue 1 
 Brimstone or 
 Calapooya or 
 Oilapooya r 
 California r 
 CaHcade Mt, Ktrs 
 (-;iackaiiiaB r 1<!1, 
 Clark r 
 Clear or 
 CluHkaniue r 
 Columbia r Kil, 
 Cow cr 
 Cozine or 
 Crahtree or 
 Dairy or 
 Dead Indian r 
 I':agleor .. 
 Eight INFile cr,... 
 Elk cr 
 EvatiH or 
 Eifteen Mile or. . 
 Eish 1 
 Gale's 01 , 
 Grande Ronde r. 
 Grave or 
 JohurtoUM or 
 Keene cr 
 Kellogg or 
 Little Tniokeo r. 
 Luokiamute r ... 
 Maine r 
 Mary r 
 -Mavolis r 
 McKay or 
 %b'Kenzie r 
 .Middle or 
 10. 1 
 v.". -29, ;ii 
 20, 31, :i'. 
 . .. 28, -.11 
 29, 31, :).') 
 .,.*.... 3;{ 
 , ... 32, 31 
 . . . ItU, V'i 
 If, i 
 nil, I'.i- 
 nil. n.i 
 . ... w> 
 .'..'. nu 
 ■ nil 
 I'l ! 
 Miller 161, 
 Milton or 
 Multtllii cr 
 M.vrtle cr 
 N«H'iiiiic\iiii r 
 Nurth riiiiit,'ua r 
 " Yamhill 
 Panther cr 
 Parrot ir 
 PaHH IT nu, 
 Pedof! cr 
 PiiddiuK r 
 Ko^,'ue cr 
 Kogue r 
 Saiitiiiiii r nu, ni2, 
 .Saxc'H l)itch 
 Scoggiu.s cr 
 Silver cr 
 Sinwlaw r 
 Smith r 
 Soap cr 
 South Uiiiiinua r 
 South Yaiiiliill 
 Sj)eucer c r 
 St. Joe 
 Thoina« cr 
 Tra«k r 
 Tualatin r 
 I'liiatilla r 
 I'mptiua r n>2. 
 Willamette r 101, 162, 
 Youui^H r 
 FeuusylTauia . 
 .\ilam8 cr 170 
 Alleghanv cr ITl 
 .^Ue^jhany r KMl, 16H, 17(1, 175, 176 
 .\ualuuiiuk cr 175 
 Aualomiuk r KUi 
 Ai- Irewn r 172 
 .\.-h Mill cr 167 
 i.,»l)bH cr 164 
 Jiat;<l'i<l i'"ii 1^^ 
 BakerH ruu 16<), 170 
 Bald Eagle cr 164, 16<t, 170 
 Beach"Hi 174 
 Bearer 167, 172 
 Bearl 164 
 Bear ruu ■<■ 166 
 Beaver r 1"14, 16.", 171 
 Beech cr 168, 174 
 BtiinerH ruu 174 
 Benuett nr 165, 177 
 Bit,' 1' l""! 
 Bin Briukl :.. 174 
 Big Piue cr 17*1 
 Big Sand.v cr 174 
 Big Swataree 1»1".» 
 Billiu^is II s 17;i 
 Birih ruu 1 <>5 
 Blacker 168, 174 
 Black Spring cr 1_4 
 Block cr . 176 
 162 Blue Eye run 16T 
 161 Bluejay ruu 176 
 l»;i Bow cr 167 
 161 BowmauHcr 176,177 
 163 Brandy wine cr HA, 16,5, 172, 1 76 
 161 I Brick p 173 
 163 } Bright cr 175 
 163 BroadheadH cr 168, 171, 17:i, 174 
 161 ! BrokeuHtraw cr 164, 167, 172 
 163 Buck Hill 167 
 IthJ BuH'alo SpriugH 16<> 
 162 I BuHhkillcr 175 
 164 ! Cape Mav 172 
 161 1 Carey 1 169, 172 
 162 ; CarpeuterH lir 17:i 
 162 Carrw Hock br 172 
 164 CaHselman r 170, 172. 174, 175 
 n>3 i Cedar ruu 165, 17(i' 
 1»W ChaddH Ford 164 
 162 Cheniuiig r 174 
 n'>3 Cherry cr 175. 
 162 Cherrv Valley <-r 177 
 162 Chickiescr.." 1(5.5, 171 
 t'lariou r 165, 171 
 Clarks cr 166 
 Cocklin ruu 170 
 Cotlee Hun cr 166 
 Cold Sjiriug 1 165 
 Cold Spring Kun 167 
 Colegrove br 174 
 Collwell cr 167 
 Comfort 1 1"5 
 Conewtoga r 174 
 Couueaught 1 167, 17(> 
 Marsh 170 
 ConnedyH cr 167 
 CoTiuewago cr 16".> 
 Connewago Falls 177 
 Connodoguinet cr 17(» 
 Conococheagiie cr 165 
 Cove Ctap run 165 
 Cow.iuescjue r 173, 1 76 
 Coxtdwn I) 17.'> 
 Crissey cr 167 
 Crooked cr 168 
 Crystal 1 166, 167, 170, 171 
 CUHsewa^'o cr 17i> 
 Deep IloUi'W 1 167 
 Delaware' Breakwater 1"! 
 Delaware r Kl'l. 169, 17o, 172, 173, 174 
 Devil He lie 167 
 Dingnia:i Bun . 166 
 Drake's cf 170. 172 
 Dug Hill 167 
 Dunn 1 l7-i 
 Dunns p 164 
 Fast Branch of Big Bun 164 
 F<ldv Kun 164 
 Flki.ickcr 174 
 Fly's p 167 
 Frio Canal 171 
 Frie 1 167. 17i) 
 Fair Bun 1(1'.» 
 Falling Spring 1 (1"> 
 Falls cr ITc 
 Fiddle 1 164 
 Fishing cr 164. 1(W5, 167. 17(t 
 Fit.s Eddy ItW 
 Find Bun 176 
 Fourth Kun 16(4 
 I'. 12 
 .it I 
 '• ( 
 Frt!«Miian Run 
 French < r. (or Vcuuuko cr). . 1(55, 17(», 
 17*. 17(). 
 •fiiiniblo Run 
 <jlt)iieHtM) ForkH 
 Gold Mine cr 
 Oreut En{{ Harbor 
 Ha^juon p 
 Harvey'H 1 l"t>, 
 Hannor Ilun 
 "Hawk Kock" 
 Hayes cr l()-(, 170, 
 Hazard \t 
 Heads of Hickory Run 
 Hickory Run ItW, ItW, 
 Hiuliland 1 '. 
 Hoowac Run 
 Huntintjton cr 
 Indian cr '. 
 InHtanter cr 
 JacobH Run 
 Jam eH cr 
 Jert's rr 
 JeiikinM Run 
 Juniata r KW., If.H, 171, 17;t, 
 Kettle cr lUti, 
 Kin/ua cr : liw, 
 KiskiniinetaH cr 
 Kizer'H p 
 JviinkleH Dam 
 Laurel Hill (;r 
 Lelii«h r KU, Iti.',. 1(;7, 
 Leslie Run 
 Lewis Run 
 Little Brink 1 
 Little Maboiiinf» r 
 Little I'inocr 
 Little Sandy cr ITU, 
 Little Swatara 
 Little Trough cr 
 Lizzie cr 
 Logan br 
 Logan Run : 
 L()ng p 
 Loomis 1 
 Lord p 
 Lost Rim 
 Lower Pine liottoni Run ItW, 
 Loyalhanna cr 
 I\lai<U'U cr li>7. 
 Maiden (!reek r 
 Mursliall'Hcr lOtl, 
 ISIartin cr 
 Marvin cr 
 Met alls Ferry 
 Mc( 'liutock'H Run 
 jMrCune br 
 Mi'(iinnis r 
 Mi-Michaels ar 
 Metcalf br 
 Millers r Hi'', 
 Mill run l'>">, 
 Minard run 
 Miinongahela r Iti."), 17ii, 
 Montgomery i 
 Moores run 
 Morris run 
 1 (■)(•> 
 160 ' 
 Moslia!iiion cr 174 
 Mountain ruii 177 
 Mud 1 11,7 
 Mud i> i(U 
 Muddy cr ii.i, 
 .Mud run 101), 17m 
 .Mud Run cr I7l 
 Nelson's Run Kii', 
 Xescopick cr Ifi7 
 Neshaniiny cr Itiii, iTi 
 Neshiinnock cr 171 
 North Fork cr lt).5, I7i; 
 Oakley p li',7 
 Octorara cr h\4 
 Ohio r Ki4, KW, Ititi, 1 74 
 Oliver's run Ki»'i 
 Panther run KU 
 Penua. Canal Kil 
 Perkionien cr..l05, 10(5, 167, 171, 17J, 174 
 Pickerings Lsland 17j 
 Pine cr. or r K;4, K)5, 106, K)7, 168, Hi'.' 
 Pine run 165, 109, 17.^ 
 Pine Streak KIT 
 Piney run 174 
 Poiono cr 17." 
 Poho Pocd or Big cr 17.' 
 Pond cr. KI7 
 Pond Kddy 17:i 
 Poponoming 1 177 
 Portage cr Iti.S, ItiH 
 Porter's 1 Ha 
 Potato cr Ki.5, 174 
 Potomac r 17j. 174 
 Potter br 17:t 
 Powder Mill run Ki'.t 
 Presque Isle Bay 11)7 
 Purple br Kl'.t 
 Raccoon cr Kli'> 
 Ramsay's run KIn 
 Rattlesnake cr Itl.") 
 branch Ki.-i 
 p Kil'. 
 Rattling run lOi; 
 Raystown Branch.. ItiO, 11)7, 168, 170, 171 
 Raymondskill cr 17o 
 Red br 17.-. 
 Reil Run 17o 
 Reed's run Kit' 
 Roaring br Kit!, 171 
 Robbins br 17t 
 Rock run 161), 174 
 Rorky run str 17:< 
 Rosscommou cr 177 
 Royer's Ford 17:i 
 Sal t Lick run Ki^ 
 Sand 1 17t 
 Sandy Lick run 17:i 
 Sandy r Ki^ 
 Saiicon cr K!7 
 Sawkill cr 17^1 
 Scetl'ord Lick run ItiH, 111',' 
 Schuylkill r. . . .161), 171, 172, 173, 174, 
 175, 17(i, 177. 
 Scootac cr 17tt 
 Shadigee cr 175 
 Shenango r 167, 171, 17i 
 Silver Sjiring 17ii 
 Sluueinahouing cr 16> 
 ICl). ITu 
 .; 171 
 Iti'.t, ITl 
 lf,5, 17i. 
 1, lt'.">. l<')t''. 17» 
 7. 171. 17-2, 174 
 •>(•>, 1(17, 1«W, If-'.t 
 . . irif), ItW, 17'^ 
 . . . IIW, HV." 
 . . . 11'.,-). 171 
 . . . I7i. 171 
 . . . I''"' 
 .... li>^ 
 ■ itif. 
 iti7, it)8, 170, 171 
 ■ Iti"'. 
 . Kit), 171 
 ■ 171 
 . . . liW, 171 
 .... 177 
 ... 17;i 
 ■ ■ ■ It^ 
 ■■; i7h 
 KW, 10'.' 
 V'i, 17:J, 174, 
 .i(J7, 171, 171 
 siafp mn, ich 
 Sdldicr run 17:{ 
 Sc.iith Fork 174, 177 
 Si>ri!itj l)r 171 
 S[)riiiti IT ItU 
 starkboviHep H',4 
 stautuii \< .* n.l 
 Starnu'i'a cr 17.') 
 Stone cr It.H 
 Stou.v cr IC..'), ICii, 170, HI 
 strackH rtaui Kii* 
 stI•ai^'bt tr 17;i 
 SuH<iueliamia r lt'.4, li'..->. Itif., H'.7, 
 IC.H, 170, 171, 17:', 17;j, 174, 17.') 
 17(1, 177, 
 Swamp cr 177 
 Swatara cr ItiH, 174, 17,5 , 
 Swatarar 172 i 
 TarlicU p 1C.7 
 Tul.ybauua cr 17,5 
 Tnmt l)r lt)6 I 
 Trout r>in 1<'.4, 1(15, Kits, 173 
 TumhliiiK r 173 
 Tuiicjiawaut cr 1(1.5 
 Tiiiikhamia StilhvatcrH 173 
 Twi-lvt! Mile 1 17;. 
 Two Slu'ritt's ruu 17(1 
 I'pper Allct,'huny r 17;t 
 rpjior I'iiie Uottoia run KW, 17(1 
 Valley cr 171 
 Vanrterwurk cr 170 
 Vineyard run 1(1,5 
 Walburn ruu 1(1.5 
 Walker 1 174 
 Wallace run 174 
 Walleniiaui.iuk cr 1(17 
 Wapwallopcu cr 1(17, Kl.s, 17'2 
 WelHb run 1(1.5 
 We>.kalaiicy 1 Kl'J 
 Went BrancL KKl 
 West IJraucb of Bi« Kun 1(14 
 Wbite Deer cr 17(1 
 Wild cr 1<1.5, IC'.t, 17J 
 Wissabicksou cr 174, 177 
 W(.lf ruu 104 
 Wri^bth cr 1(17, 17rt 
 Wri^btcr 1 17.5 
 Yankee dam 173 
 Yellow cr KIH 
 Yellow Breecbes cr 17o 
 York 1 Kill 
 Y(.UKbiotibeuy r KKl, 17(i, 171, 172, 174 
 Vuuugwuuian's i:r lO'J 
 Quebec, Province of 
 Amqni r 3() 
 .\U(:!UM 1 3(i 
 Becaiicour r 37, 3H 
 Klack r. aiul 1 37, 3« 
 Bloody I's 37 
 Bromptou Falls 3(1 
 Ilromptoii'l 38 
 Kroonie 1 37 
 Burrows r .• 3»? 
 I iiusapscal 1 •^'' 
 ( hateaniiay r and 1 37, 3'.» 
 (baudiere r 3H 
 t'oaticook r. . . 3(1 
 Craiy'Bl ii" 
 Dartmouth r 37 
 Ktcbciiiiii r ,38 
 Fifth Uau^'e 1 37 
 First 1 37 
 (tannen 1 37 
 (iendroUH 1 37 
 ( irand Hav 37 
 Ha Ha Bav 37 
 Halifax 1 3« 
 Iro(|Uoirt 1 3!> 
 •lacciues ( 'artier r 3!t 
 ],ac des I'liincH r 3(> 
 l^c dcTIsle 3'.» 
 Lacolle r 37 
 Lake Baros 3i> 
 '• Bertelle 3!> 
 " Cbaniplain 3« 
 " Clair 3'.> 
 " Gravel 37 
 " GroH Rousseau 3',i 
 " Matapedia 3s 
 " Mefiimtic 37 
 " ^lempbraniHfiOf,' 3S 
 " !\Kiren 37 
 Lakes Paijuet 3',> 
 •' lUpbael 3'.l 
 r.,ake Himon 37 
 " St. .loscj.b 3'.> 
 St. Li.iiis 37 
 Little Mation 1 3S 
 " Trinity r 3".» 
 Mai Baie r 37 
 Mar(,'uerite r 31( 
 ISIassawippi 1 3(1, 37, 3H, 3',t 
 Massa wippi r 3(1 
 Matane r 3(1 
 Matapedia r. and 1 3il 
 Micbaud 1 3(> 
 ^lissiscpioi Bay 3;J 
 Murray Kay 37 
 Nat\uiil Bridge 37 
 Ottawa r 3H 
 Pik(; r 3(1, AH 
 Kicbelieu r 3(1, 37. 3'.» 
 River Aux Fine 3',> 
 River HciUldctte 3S 
 River de Lisle 3.> 
 River I'ierre 37 
 River Ri.iiileau 37 
 River St. Lawrence 3(1. 37, 3m, 3i> 
 Salmon cr 38 
 Second 1 37 
 Spider 1 3V 
 Spooner ). 3H 
 St. Francis r 3(1, 3,S 
 St. .lean r ."I'.! 
 St. .lolin r 37 
 St. Lawrence r 3(1, 37, .38, 31» 
 Stoke r 3H 
 Third 1 37 
 Tomfobia r 'M 
 Yamaska r 37, 3'.) 
 York r 37 
 Rhode Zslaud. 
 Abbotts Ruji 177 
 Block Island. . . 177 
 CaiV'Ks hi' 177 
 Dyers p 177 
 Flat River Res 178 
 Orcat br 177 
 Ki(-k(!iiiiiit r 17H 
 -Mishutck ji 77 
 Narriih'aiiHcft Bay 177, 178 
 Paliiif i-'h, or Warreu r 17H 
 I'awtuxct r ITH 
 Pcckhuin p 177 
 rooartHctbr 177 
 (/iiidiiick UoH 177 
 Uaiidflls i> 177 
 Scan met r 17s 
 Siii'ctaclo 1) 177 
 SpniiiiK'H p 177 
 Tio^'ito p 178 
 South Carolina. 
 AHhopoo r 178 
 Atlantic Ocean 178 
 iJihloc cr 178 
 p 1 78 
 Black cr 17".l 
 " r 17'J 
 Cater Hall 1 17<j 
 " r 179 
 Conibaboe r 17'.», 180 
 Copo'H Mill 178 
 Cooper r 17'J 
 Coowawhatcliie r 178 
 t'dosawhatchie Swamp 17H, 17'J 
 KdiHto r 17K. 179 
 Four Mile branch 179 
 Fnrne'H Mill 179 
 (treat Salkehatcliie Swamp 179 
 Hollow cr 179 
 Jackhon branch 178 
 Kanlowle'scr 179 
 Kirkles cr 1H() 
 Lawther's 1 179 
 Lvncb'H r 179 
 Millp 179 
 New r 179 
 Pee Dee r 179 
 Poll Pon or Edisto r 178 
 .Salkehatcliie Swamp 178 
 .Salkehatcbie r 178, 179 
 >»ampit r. r. Wharf 179 
 Sautee Fee Swamps 179 
 San tee r 1 79 
 .Savannah r 178, 179 
 Stono r 179 
 Tiillirtnny cr 178 
 rpper ;J rnuH 179 
 Waccaman r 179 
 Winvah Hay 179 
 Youmau's Mill 178 
 Barren Fork 181 
 Beaver <r IHI 
 Big Harpeth 1 180, 181 
 Bi^^ Soddy cr 1->1 
 BriniMtoue cr 182 
 Buftalo r 18i 
 Camp cr , 182 
 Caney Fork 181. 182 
 ( 'hickamaiiKa .'r 180 
 Clear Fork 182 
 Collin's r 181, isj 
 (U)ve cr iMj 
 CJrocked or hi 
 Crow cr isn 
 Cumberland r Imj 
 Duck r 180, 181, iHj 
 Klk r iho 
 Emory r 18o, 181, Isj 
 (larriHou 1 isj 
 JoneH cr iHii 
 Eitth r l«l 
 " TennesMeo r ixi 
 Look Out cr iMj 
 Mammy'Hcr Ihj 
 .Mill cr iM.i 
 New r 1 ■*! 
 New run la* 
 Obiou r iHi 
 Pine r isi i 
 Piueycr isn 
 Piney r 1*1 
 Reelfoot 1 181, isj 
 Uicblauds cr 1+j 
 Roaring cr 181 
 Rock cr ISO 
 Rocky r I.12 
 Sale cr I80 
 Seiiuatchie r 182 
 Hhottl cr 18! 
 South Harpeth r 180, iHl 
 Sugar cr 1h1 
 Swan cr I80 
 Taylor'H cr 18it 
 TenneHHee r 180, IHl, 182 
 Tiger cr 1^1 
 Trace cr 182 
 Watauga r I80 
 Whites cr I1O, 1)S2 
 White Oak 1^2 
 Yellow cr 180 
 AtkiuH 1 184 
 Big Bernard cr 18:i 
 Big cr 18:< 
 Brazos r 18:j 
 Carlos 1 184 
 Cibolo r 18:) 
 (Uear cr 1h;{ 
 Colorado r 182, 18:1, 1S4 
 Cumint,i cr 182 
 CvprcHH cr ls:f 
 Devils r 18:( 
 Dewberry cr 18:i 
 Eagle 1 1*{ 
 East Bernards r l>^'-i 
 Fish 1 184 
 Frio r 1M4 
 Galveston Bay 18;i 
 Grand 1 1h:i 
 Guadalui)e r 183, 184 
 Gulf of Mexico 18:) 
 Leoua r 184 
 Little r 18:3 
 Medina r 18:) 
 Middle Bernard cr. and r 18:) 
 Millers 1 182 
 Neuces r 184 
 1 eui'U or, ,iiiiiiiiititt(iii*i*iiii**> 1^- 
 ... iftl, i^i 
 180, IHl, IHJ 
 iHo.'i^i. i'^- 
 ...... 1^1 
 ' Irtj 
 .... 1"<1 
 '. IHI 
 '. . , 1*1 
 ■ ■ ; ; irti 
 . . i^"' 
 '.'....■ i*'- 
 . . 1*1 
 ".'.".. iw 
 ■ ■ ■ ■ IH! 
 IHO, IHl 
 .... IHl 
 "■ 1*1 
 [, ,. . irto 
 ".'iHo,'i«i, wi 
 ... IHl 
 ". Ill), IH'i 
 .... 1h:5 
 1H2, 18;», 184 
 .... IHi 
 ... ih;< 
 .. I8:i 
 .. l*f 
 . . 18:< 
 . . 1H4 
 . . 184 
 . . I8:i 
 . . 183, 184 
 ■ ■ ■ 18S 
 ■ * ■ 183 
 ... 183 
 .... 183 
 . . . . 1H2 
 .... 1H4 
 , . lii'i 
 1 1 >i t 
 PorOH r 184 
 I'lMiipkin 1 184 
 Kio (iramie r 183. 184 
 .Subiiie 1 183 
 .Siibinc r \M 
 Siiii .\iiti)iiio r 183 
 hail FfliiH- 18:t 
 " tierouiiiio r 184 
 .Siiji .laciiito r 183 
 San .MarcuH r 183, 184 
 .Sc.ocr 18M 
 Hiiriiin IT 18:j 
 Villunf IT 1H4 
 West UfriiurdM tr 183 
 r 183 
 Utah, Territory. 
 I5attl<^ or 184 
 Hear r 1H.5 
 IJtaviT r 184 
 HlackHiiiitbH Fork 1H4 
 <'ainin or.. . 184 
 ( halk IT 184, IH') 
 ( Itar cr 1.H4 
 (uhr 1H5 
 Diaiuoud Fork 1 h") 
 Eobo or 184 
 FiHh or 18.5 
 Fraiiklyu cr 184 
 Hinh or 18.5 
 Hobble or 18.5 
 Lake Fork 1h5 
 Lo^au r 184, inr) 
 LoMt or l.'-!4 
 Mud or r-^.l 
 (>(,'(lon r 1^1 
 I'aiit^oitoh 1 1 4 
 I'iiio or 1 I 
 Ploawaut Valley or 1 1 
 I'rioe r 1 '> 
 Kiver Jordan 1 i '> 
 Soldiu or 1 '- 
 Soldiii Fork 1(1 
 Si)aulsli Fork or h t 
 Strawberry or 18.) 
 Thistle Fork '. 1H5 
 rtab 1 184, 1H.5 
 Warm .Sprinnw i 185 
 Weber r 184, 185 
 White r 185 
 Yellow or 185 
 Averill or • 188 
 Back Bay 185 
 Ball Mouutaiu br 137 
 Bark Mill br llKj 
 Barker br I'.Mt 
 Iklvidere Baniu 187 
 Belvidere Utigjjs 18t> 
 Blaok Brauoh 187 
 Blaok or 1H'.> 
 Blaok p ." 1H8 
 Blaok r 187, :S9 
 Bonmtsoeu 1 180 
 Bre WHter r 18ii 
 Brouie 1 r 18',t 
 Burr x> 1 1 • • • ■ 1 1 < 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 < I < 1 1 • • < ■ • • 180 
 Carr br 1»7 
 < asiiaiii 1 187 
 CttHtletoii r 18« 
 Chaniplain 1 185, 187, 188, 18',i, I'Hi 
 Chureh br I'.Hi 
 i'lareiidoii r 18't 
 ColoheHter Ji 18«i 
 Cold br H»o 
 •' p isd. 1H7 
 Cold r lM(i. IH'.i 
 Coimeotiout r 185, 18«, 1S7, iss, I'.Hi 
 CrvHtal 1 185 
 Deertield r 18«> 
 Dream 1 189 1 18(i, 18«i 
 Kant Braiioh 187 
 PjiHt or 18<.> 
 K'dio p 187 
 Kfleu p 188 
 Klmore br l".>o 
 Fairfield p 18<.i 
 Fairleo 1 18M 
 FerroiiH r 187 
 Fleeoher Eddy lH<t 
 Frauklin !> 188, 18lt 
 (iardiier's Islali<l 188 
 (ileanon br 18ti 
 (Ireat Baok Bay 18'.» 
 Greensboro j). aud br 1h7 
 Orotonp 18H 
 Har<lwood j) 18'.t 
 Hardwood Flat p I'.io 
 Halls p l'.>o 
 Harvey s j) 185 
 Hoik y Hollow br iMd 
 Hortoiiial 18(1 
 Hubbard br I'.Mi 
 Hubbardtou br IHi; 
 Hunts p 185 
 Island p 187, 1H'.» 
 .loe'H p H>0 
 Kirby p I'.H) 
 Kittle p 18H 
 Lamoille r 1W>, 187, 1H8, 190 
 I,a Platter 18«> 
 l,eaoh or 18M 
 Lewis or 1H7 
 Lewis p iny 
 Lincoln r 1h7 
 Little .\verillcr 1H« 
 Long p 1.^1. I'.Wi 
 Lowell 1 iHt; 
 Mad r 1^M 
 Majjoj; 1 1 -«'.• 
 Maidstone 1 is7 
 Mallets Bay IHii. I'.o 
 Maipianu Bay I'.Hi 
 Masoonia 1 1m7 
 Memphremayot?! I-Hm 
 Miles p 188, lim 
 Miles Htr 187 
 Millp IHs 
 Mill r 1«7. IH'.t 
 MisHi^^s(l^()i Bay 187 
 MissisH.inoi r . .' 188, 181t, lS;o 
 I M(dly"s ]> I'.ht 
 Montgomery bi'.M ihc, ik8 
 Moores p 1H5 
 Moose r 187, 188, l'.M> 
 Morse br .,,,,,,,, , ..,.,, 180 
 . 1 
 ■ ♦ , 
 Mountain br.' HM) 
 MulLiKKin r 187 
 Now Haven r 188 j 
 NlKt<er Head br 188 | 
 •' I) 188 
 N(irth Branch 1h7. 1H« 
 Onion r 88 
 Ottii yncL-heo r 187 
 Otter cr 187, iH'.t. 190 
 I'liteh p l«7, 188 
 I'lvnioutli lower p 188 
 I'utnHui br 190 
 Haiiney br 190 
 Hesenol 188 
 lUiiley ))r 1H6 
 Uoiinilp 189 
 UyeKiito p 189 
 Simd p 18t5 
 Saxton'n r 18tt j 
 HciileH br 187 I 
 Kcott br 187. 189 
 Hey nioiir 1 187 
 Shelburuc Hav 1H9 
 p 189 
 Shro WHbury p 18(J 
 Hilver 1 1H8. 189 > 
 Smith br 187 
 Small branch 188 
 Spottoril 1 18(> ; 
 Stannard br 187 | 
 St. Catherine 1 189 i 
 StileHj) H7, 190 
 Stone p 185 
 SvniHp 189 
 TexuH br 190 
 ThompHon'H point 188 
 Tinvp 188 
 Tobin's hr 186 
 Trout r 18« i 
 Upper p 188 
 Waits r 186 j 
 AViird(!U8 i» 185 j 
 WellHr 189 
 AVeHtr 187 
 White r lHt>, 187, 189 
 Wild Urauth 190 
 Willouf-hbv 1 185 
 WilHon br 187 
 Winooski r 1H('>. 187, 188, 190 
 Woleott p ISHl 
 Woodward's reHcrvoir ^188 
 Yellow Branch 187 
 Alum cr 192 ! 
 Appomattox r 191 1 
 Backr 191 
 Bi-,' BuH'alo r 191 
 Bin Uun 19:t 
 Bi{? Stonv cr 19'i 
 Black Water r 19.3 
 Briery Hi ver cr 191 j 
 Brooks Mill p 193 
 Cedar cr UK), 192 ] 
 Ohesapuake Bay 192 , 
 Chickahominy r UK). 191 ' 
 Chincoteapue Bay 191 
 Clear Fork 191 j 
 C. M. Pond's Mill 193 
 Cove cr ];il 
 CowpaMture r 191, ]'y> 
 Crai|?'H cr \\i\ 
 CunlHVillep p.ii 
 Drummond I p.i^ 
 Elizabeth r 191, V.n 
 Falling r i;i » 
 Ouilford cr pn 
 Hampton UoadH itfj 
 HawkHliili cr I'.ij 
 Hobb'H Mill p Hi:i 
 HolHton r I'.fj 
 JackHuu r i'.»i 
 JanieH r 190, 191. v.n 
 J. W. H. BirdHon^'H Mill l;i:t 
 Kerr cr l',i| 
 Laurel cr I'.to 
 LawHon 1 11I2 
 Lexington ci- V.i'> 
 Linkhorn Bav V.n 
 Little BuHalo r I'.U 
 Little Stony cr h>'l 
 Lotit r l'.i:» 
 Mattaponi r 1!).{ 
 Mclver'H p l',i(i 
 McHHon^o cr 191 
 Middle r P.ct 
 Mill cr 192, IDlt 
 Muddy cr 191 
 NauHeinond r V.n 
 New r 190, 192, l>.t;{ 
 North r 191, 1,)2, 19:( 
 NotUiway r 192 
 Occohonnockcr 192 
 ()(u;an View 191, 192 
 Old Point Comfort 191, 192 
 Painuuky r P.Kt 
 Paynt^'H run 192 
 Peak cr I',f2 
 Pocomoko Sound r.M 
 Porter'H Mill cr 192 
 Poton.iic r 191 
 Koauoke r I'.Hi 
 Rockland cr 19.> 
 Saudv liiver cr 191 
 Shenandoah r UK), 191, 192, V.'.i 
 South r. 192 
 Stony cr 191, 19:i 
 Tanj^ier Sound 191 
 Vir(,'inia Beach 191, 192 
 Walker cr 192 
 W. H. Atkin'H Mill 19:{ 
 Willoughby Flats 192 
 York r 191, IW 
 Washington Territory. 
 American 1 194 
 Bla<k r 194 
 Bnd<lH Inlet 194 
 Carbon r 19:t 
 Cedar r 191 
 Chambers cr 194 
 Chambers 1 194, 19") 
 Chehalis r 194 
 Chopl 194 
 Clover cr. 194 
 Columbia r 193, 195 
 Copper cr . .' 19.5 
 Cornell cr 193 
 ( "ow cr 
 Cowlitz r 
 DiiviHHon <T 
 J)t's ClinU'rt r 1S>4, 
 Elbl cv 
 Haoiiltoii c-r 
 Hiinly cr 
 Lawrt'iico cr 
 McAliHtorn cr 
 >rcNaiiKlit 1 
 Mill cr 
 Muck cr 
 Muck IV 
 NiHijually r 
 Olequa cr 
 <Mo(iua r 
 Pra.VH 1 
 Puf^et Hound 
 Pujallupr 1S>3. 
 Hock cr 
 Seattle cr 
 Hkookumchuck cr 
 Skookumchuck r 
 So. Prairie cr PJ3, 1».»4, 
 Spauaway 1 
 Spokaue r 
 Steilacoiuo I 
 Stillwater cr 
 Tducbet r 1!»4, 
 I'liioii 1 
 Walla Walla r 
 Washiugtou 1 
 Wilkesou cr 
 Wind r 
 Woodward cr 
 West Virginia. 
 Cacapou r lO."), 
 Cheat r 196, 
 ('herry Run 
 Chesapeake and Ohio Canal 
 Fifteen Mile cr 
 French cr 
 liauley r 
 (Ireat Cacapou r 
 (ireenbrier r 
 Indian Run 195, 
 Kanawka r 
 McKim cr .r 
 Middle Island cr 196, 
 New r 
 North Branch 
 Ohio r 196 
 Upefjuan cr 
 Potomac r l'.<5, 196, 
 Rockwells Run 
 Sandy Spring Run 195, 
 Shenandoah r 195, 
 Sir Johns Run 
 Sleepy cr 
 Snowy cr 
 South Branch 
 Tyfjart's Valley r 
 Valley Falls Station 
 194 ; 
 194 I 
 VX.i I 
 1 ',).-. 
 194 , 
 194 I 
 194 j 
 195 1 
 194 , 
 194 ! 
 Araes Dranf;i. 
 Annist) cr 203 
 Ash run 'iOd 
 Bad r 197 
 Bans Channel 'iix> 
 " cr ■ 'HH) 
 Ban« 1 l',»7, 199, 201, 'HH, aii5, 'iW 
 Heaver cr l'.»9, WA. •JO.". 
 lii'uver l)aiu p 'ioo 
 llfiiver 1 '201, •Jii4 
 H.c<lii-r I '205 
 UxH Marnh 1 'ilH) 
 HiH Plover r 'J05 
 IJi)^ Simniico r '206 
 Hillings cr '207 
 Birch 1 '203 
 Black Oak 1 '206 
 Black r '207 
 BriuK^ville p 205 
 Broken (iuul 201 
 Browns 1 19« 
 Brule r 199 
 Brui^b cr '204 
 Itneiia Vista or '205 
 Buffalo 1 203, '2t)4, •J05 
 Bullhead 1 19S 
 Butto Dos Morts 1. . 197, '203, '204, 20(i, '207 
 Catfish r 206 
 Cedar 1 201, '205 
 Cbe(iuaiiienon Bay 197 
 Chippewa r '. 203 
 Clause 1 200 
 Clear 1 '206, 207 
 Cranberry 1 '207 
 Crawfish r 198, '201 
 Cristy Brook cr 200 
 Crooked cr 198 
 Crooked 1 199, '200 
 Crystal 1 '205 
 Delavau 1 19s 
 De Xuve 1 19i» 
 Dobbins 1 205 
 Dodge Valley 201 
 Dorset cr '207 
 Dousmans Trout p 204 
 Duck cr 205 
 Duck 1 202 
 Dugdales Branch 205 
 Dutch cr 197 
 Eagle 1 206 
 Eagle Waters 199 
 Eagleville Mill p 199 
 E<iii <naire r 2<Jl 
 Elizabeth 1 197 
 Elk cr 199, 203 
 Elkhart 1 199, '205 
 Ellen 1 '205 
 Embarrass r 197, 198, 204 
 Empire cr 1*.»'.» 
 First 1 '203, '206 
 Fish cr 197 
 Fish 1 '205 
 Flambeau 1 199 
 " r 19'.» 
 Flora cr 206 
 Fond du Lac r 19<.» 
 Fowler 1 204 
 Fox 1 '200 
 Fox r 197, '200, '203, 204. '207 
 French 1 201 
 Geneva I 'Mi 

 % iM 
 ■•• IB |||22 
 U ill 1.6 
 ^# ^M 
 c» .> 
 WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 
 (716) 872-4503 

 s 1 
 ■ t 
 : ' \ 
 George 1 205 
 CJilbert cr 203 
 Oillett 1 200 
 GogRiuB 1 205 
 Golden 1 204 
 Gutoit 1 199, 204 
 Graas 1 198 
 Green Bay 2(J0, 202, 204 
 Green 1 199, 202, 204, 205, 20« 
 Greeu v 207 
 Hales Rauclie 204 
 HallH IT 20;< 
 Hawkins <:r 205 
 Hlbardscr 207 
 Honey cr 205 
 Horicon 1 198 
 " Marsh 202 
 Inland 1 205 
 Kakagon r 197 
 Kegonsal 202, 203 
 Kerns 1 201 
 Keehiua lleservation 206 
 KeycH 1 199 
 Kickapoo r 207 
 Kilby 1 203 
 Knappa cr 205 
 Kosbkonong 1 199, 200, 201 
 La Belle! 204 
 La Crosse r 197, 203, 200 
 Lady 1 20(5 
 Lake 101 207 
 Lauderdale I's 199, 202 
 Lemonweir r 202 
 Little Eau Clair r 201 
 " " Pleinecr 201 
 Little Green 1 , 202 
 Little La Cram cr 206 
 Little Peshtigo r 198 
 Little Plover r 205 
 Little Suamico r 202 
 Little Sugar r 197 
 Local 1 197 
 Lodde'sMlU 205 
 Long 1 198, 205, 207 
 Loon 1 199,205 
 Lovett's Branch 198 
 Lowei* Fox r 199 
 Lowes cr 199 
 INlalauthan cr 205 
 Manitowoc r 201 
 .Marie 1 200 
 Mary 1 197 
 MaHou 1 201 
 .Mayflower 1 198, 199, 204 
 Mt'i'onibar cr 202 
 Medicine cr 204 
 Mendotal 202, 203 
 Meridoau Hlough 203 
 Mctcalt' 1 206 
 .Middle Inlet 204 
 Middle 1 m 202 
 Mill cr 201 
 Mill 1 109 
 Mirror 1 201 
 .Mississippi r 2ul 
 Monona 1 202, 2t»3 
 Mull tello r 2(»:{ 
 Montj.nal 1^8 
 Montreal r 197 
 Moore's cr 204 
 Mc rse 1 201 
 Moshier cr 20T 
 Mouse 1 203 
 ' Mud Hen 1 200 
 , Mud 1 205 
 Muller's 1 i<,q 
 I Murphy's 1 2ul 
 Nagowicka 1 201, 203, 2ii7 
 I Nashotah I's 203 
 Xugro 1 2ti3 
 Neniabbin I's 201, 203, 204, 21 17 
 Xewti >n 1 2W 
 ] Nipersink 1 107 
 I Noquebay 1 199, 204 
 I North 1 201 
 i North Beaver cr 197 
 , Nortons 1 198 
 Oconto r 198, 20G 
 i Okauchee 1 201, 203, 204 
 Onion r 197 
 Otter cr 199, 203 
 Oxer 204 
 , Paddock 1 198 
 : Pecatonica r 198, 2<J0 
 j Pecatonica Branch 20.') 
 , Pelican 1 202, 205 
 Peusaukee r 204 
 Pewaukee 1 201, 204, 207 
 Pike 1 199, 201, 205 
 Pine 1 201, 203, 204, 205, 20T 
 Pine r 199, 205 
 Pinsuk 1 198 
 Pleasant 1 197, 204 
 Poygan 1 204, 2o7 
 Powers 1 198, 200, 2o2 
 Pretty 1 204 
 Puckaway 1 305 
 Random 1 205 
 Raspberry r 1^7 
 Red Cedar r 203 
 Rico 1 197 
 Ripley 1 202 
 Rock Branch 203 
 Rock 1 202 
 Rock r 198, x99, 200, 201, 202, 206, 2o7 
 Rocky Point 204 
 Rousel 205 
 Running Slough 2ul 
 Rush 1 207 
 Salesville 1 2o7 
 Sand cr 197, 199 
 Sand r 197 
 Sauders cr 198 I 
 Schuhs 1 205 | 
 Schwartz 1 199 
 Shawano 1 198, 206 
 Sheboygan r 206 
 Silver cr 197, 2o6 
 Silver 1 200, 204 
 Sinks cr 2u7 
 Sioux r 197 
 South Beaver cr 10" 
 Seward's Valley cr 2U7 
 Sparta cr 2(f6 
 HpiellH 1 200 
 Spread Eagle 1 191) 
 Spring 1 197, 204 
 Spring Slough 'M 
 •• Valley 206 
 Squaw cr 296 j 
 . 201, 20a, '207 
 i,"203, 204, '^117 
 .'.'.... 199, 204 
 ■ 107 
 198, 206 
 '.'. 201, 203, 2<J4 
 ".'.,.. 199,203 
 ■ " 108 
 '"*... 198, 2(X) 
 .... 205 
 ■.'.'.■ 201. 204.207 
 . . 109, 201, 205 
 203, 204, 205, 2<l" 
 .... 199, ^5 
 ... 108 
 '".'.'.".'. 197, 204 
 . 204, 21)7 
 ■.'.'.'198,200. 21 li 
 ".' 1»7 
 ' ■ ' 107 
 ■■■".... 'J()2 
 '261,2621*206, 207 
 ! .' . . 2Ul 
 " ' " ■ 2<j7 
 "■"'.' 'i!07 
 ■ ■ ■ . 197. 100 
 ' 10- 
 .... 108 
 ■■■'.'. 198.206 
 .'.'io'7. 206 
 ... 200. 204 
 . . . 2U7 
 ... 107 
 ;,... 107 
 . 206 
 . . 20t) 
 . . . 197, 204 
 ... -201 
 . . 206 
 Btayton cr 207 
 Siigar r 197, 19h 
 Summit 1 206 
 Superior 1 197 
 Swan 1 205 
 Tarr cr 206 
 TbompHon 1 205 
 Thunder] 197, 199 
 Tiffany cr 199 
 Trade 1 200 
 Twin 1*8 197. 200. 204 
 Waubesal 202, 203 
 Waupaca r 200 
 White r 197, 202 
 WhittlcBeyH cr 197 
 Willow cr 205 
 WilBon cr . . . 203 
 Winnebago 1. . . 198, 199, 203, 204, 206, 2(»7 
 Winneconne 1 204, 207 
 Wlnnesbeok Blough 201 
 Wisconsin r 197, 198, 201, 202, 203, 205, 207 
 Wolf cr 200 
 Wolf r 197, 198, 200, 204, 206, 207 
 Wood 1 200 
 XtUOWl,,,, 200 
 Yellow r 202 
 Wyoming, Territory. 
 Battle 1 208 
 Bear r 207, 208 
 Heaver cr 207 
 Big Wind r 208 
 Big Muddy cr 208 
 Black's Fork 207, 208 
 Cache la Poudre or 208 
 Dale cr 208 
 Fish cr's 208 
 Green r 207, 208 
 Hams Fork 208 
 Heurvs i^'ork 207 
 Little Wind r 208 
 Miuldy cr 2M r 207 
 Savory cr 208 
 Sheep cr 208 
 Smiths Fork 207,208 
 Snake r 208 
 Spring cr 208 
 Texas cr 901 
 Trailer SKW 
 Angling Literature. 
 The following books will be sent, post paid, on receipt of prlcs: 
 THE AMEBICAU' AVOIifiS— a weekly joumal, devoted 
 exclusively to Fish, Fikhino and Fish Culture; Practical Es* 
 eays on Auglmgand Anglers' Implements, and Reports of Fish- 
 ing from all parts of the United States and Canada. Seth Green, 
 the eminent fish culturist, has charge of the Fish Culture De- 
 partment. Published weekly at $3.00 per annum. 
 A practical book on the salt water fishes of the Atlantic Coast, 
 giving the scientific and popular descriptions, habits, habitat; 
 when, where and how to catch them, of forty-two fishes that are 
 caught with hook and Hue; twenty -eight engravings drawn from 
 nature. Handsomely bound in cloth. Price $1.60. 
 Contains a description of the diflferent fishes caught on the 
 Florida Coast, with their habits, modes of capture, tackle, baits, 
 etc. Eleven Illustrations. Pamphlet form. Price 26 cents. 
 THE AVaiiEB'S SCORE BOOK.-Contains blank forms 
 (with stubs) for registry of fish caught; their speeiPH, size, 
 weight, baits used, waters fished in, with conditions of wind, 
 water and weather. Pocket size, paper cover, 10c; in limp cloth, 
 POBTBAITS OF GAME FISHES, on gray tinted Bristol 
 board, 7x9 inches, at the following prices, po-t paid: Single 
 copies, 10 cents; Fresh Water series (23), at $2; Salt Water Seriea 
 (37), at $3 50; Whole Series (60), at $5. The list includes all the 
 game fishes of American watcrg. DcHciiptlve catalogue free. 
 AAdresB Amsbicam Ammjcb, 262 Broadway, New York. 
i ■■ 
 I . 
 ^.■^ ■: 
 'i-! i.! 
 A., Boh toil, MaHH. 
 ,, Baltimore, Md. 
 , a. p. A.. Philadelphia, Pa. 
 Beunett, O. P. A. Bridgton, Me. 
 Jiio. C. McKenna, O. P. A., Brad- 
 A. k E. R.— AnnapoliH k Klk Kidge R. R. J. H. Brown, O. T. A., Annapolia, Md. 
 A. k W. P.— Atlauta & We8t Point K. K. Chas. H. Cromwell, CJ. P. A., Montgom- 
 gomery, Ala. 
 Adirondack.— Adirondack R. R. C. E. Durkee, G. P. A., Saratoga. N. Y. 
 All. V. -Allegheny Valley R. R. Ed. H. Utley, Ci. P. A., Pittsburg, Pa. 
 A. M R. R.— ArkanHaw Midland R. R. O. T. Updegraff, O. P. A., Helena, Ark. 
 A. T. iV .S. F.— AtchiHou, Topeka .N: Santa Pe R. R. W. F. White, O. P. A., Topeka. 
 Bangor & P.— Bangor k PiscataqniH Ry. Arthur Brown, Snpt. Bangor, Me. 
 B. k A.— Boston & Albany R. R. A. S. HanHou, O. P. A., Boston, Mass. 
 B. k H.— Bath&HammondsportR. R. Frank Wood, (K P. A. Haramondsport, N. Y. 
 B. & L. — Boston & Lowell R. R. Lucius Tuttle, <4. P. A., Boston, Mass 
 B. k M.— Boston & Maine R. R. D. ,J. Flanders, «. P 
 B. k N. Y. A. L.— See N. Y. N. H. & H, 
 B. k O.— Baltimore k Ohio R. R. C. K. Lord, G. P. A 
 B. & Pot.— Baltimore & Potomac R. R. Jas. R. Wood 
 B. k S. R.— Bridgton k Saco River R. R. .1. A 
 B. B. & K.— Bradford, Bordell & Kiuzua R. R. 
 ford. Pa. 
 B. C. R, & N.— Burlington, Cedar Rapids & Northern R'y. W. P. Brady, G'l Agt.. 
 Cedar Rapids, Iowa. 
 B. E. & C— Bradford, Eldred & Cuba R. R. Jno. C. McKenna, G. P. A., Bradford, 
 B. N. Y. & P.— Bufl'alo, New York k Philadelphia R'y. J. A. Fellows, G. P. A.. 
 Buffalo, N. Y. 
 C. k A.— Chicago & Alton R. R. -lames Charlton, G. P. A., Chicago, 111. 
 Boone Grove and Crown Point stations on page 02; Kouts, Laketon, Monterey and 
 Ora on page G3, are all on the Chicago and Atlantic Ry, fcr which see Chic. & Ail. 
 C. & C— Carson k Colorado R.R. D. A. Bender G. P. A., Carson Citv. Nev. 
 C. & E.— Cincinnati «: Eastern Ry. T. D. Rhodes, G. P. A., Cincinnati, Ohio. 
 C. & I.— Chicago & Iowa R. R. M. L. Ettiuger. G. P. A., Rochelle, 111. 
 C. k M.— Caldwell station on page 167, is on Cleveland k Marietta R. R. Ja.i. U 
 Hall, G. P. A., Toledo, Ohio. 
 C. k M.— Cumberland & Maurice River R. R. C. W. Littell. Treasurer, Philad«l 
 pbla, Pa. 
 C. & Mt. H.— Cornwall & Mt. Hope R. R. J. M. Havard, Snpt., Lebanon, Pa. 
 C. k N. W.— Chicago k Nor. Western Ry. R. H. Hair, G. P. A., Chicago, 111. 
 C. k P. A — Coudersport k Port Alleghany R. R. B. A. McClure, Supt., Couder« 
 port, Pa. 
 C. k 8. v.— Cooperstown k Susquehanna Valley R. R. B. M.Cady, G. P. A. Coop 
 erstown, N. Y. 
 C. k W. M.— See Chic, k W. M. 
 Can. Atl.— Canada Atlantic Ry. A. G. Pedeu, O. P. A., Ottawa, Out., Can. 
 Can. P. ) Canada Pacific Ry. (East Div.) Goo. W. Hibbard, G. P.A., Montreal, C*u 
 Can. P. J " " " (Ont. Div.) D. McNicoU, G.P.A., Toronto, Ont., Can. 
 Can. P.) " " " (West Div) RobtKerr,G.P.A., Winnipeg. Manitoba.Cftn 
 C. A. k St. L.— See C. k A. (Chicago and Alton). 
 Cats. M.— Catskill Mountain R. R. Cbas, A. Beach, Supt.. Catskill. N. Y. 
 C. B. k. Q.— Chicago. Burlington & guiucy R. R. Perceval Lowell, G. P. A., Chic 
 •go, 111. 
 CenV. »».— Central Pacific R.R. T. H. Goodman. G.P.A., San Francisco, Cal. 
 C.l!. & A.— Corning, t^owansquo & Antrim Ry. H. A. Horning, Traf. Man., 
 Corning, N. Y. 
 C. H. & D.— Cincinnati, Hamilton k Dayton R.R. Saml. Stevenson, G. P. A., 
 Cincinnati, Ohio. 
 Chas. & 8.— Charleston k Savannah Ry. S. C. Boylston, G. P. A., Charleston, 
 8. C. 
 Chateaugay.— Chateaugay R. R. A. L. Inman, Gen'l Man., Plattsburg. N.Y. 
 Ches. k O.— Chesapeake i Ohio R.R. H.W. Fuller, G.P.A., Richmond, Va. 
 Chic. & Atl, -Chicago k Atlantic Ry. S. W. Snow, G.P.A,, Chicago, 111. 
 napoliH. Md- 
 . A.. Montgom 
 <. Y. 
 'lena, Ark. 
 P. A., Topekft, 
 Igor, Me. 
 loudsport, K. I- 
 , Md. 
 >hiladolpbla. Pa. 
 Jridgton, Me. 
 , G. P. A.. Brad- 
 Brady. G'l Agt., 
 . P. A.. Bradford, 
 ellows, G. P- A., 
 o. 111. , 
 ,u, Monterey aud 
 ee CUic. & Atl. 
 Citv, Nev. 
 unati. Ohio. 
 e. Ill- . « 
 tta K. R. Jai- ^ 
 Ba3urer, PUiUd«l- 
 obanoQ, Pa. 
 hicago. III. 
 e, Supt., Coudert- 
 dy, a. P. A. Coop- 
 pit.. Can. 
 A., Montreal, C*n. 
 ronto, Ont., Can. 
 eg. Manitoba,Cftn. 
 lill, N. Y. 
 ell. G. P. A.. Chic- 
 franclsco, Cal. 
 [ing. Traf. Man. 
 irenson, G. P. A.. 
 A., Charleston. 
 Jitt8bur«. N.Y. 
 Eicbmond, >»• 
 lioago. III. 
 Chir. kV,\ M.— Chicago .V Weft Mi<hif!Hn H.v. Jason H. Cari>t'nter, G. P. A.. 
 Grand RapidM, Mich. 
 C. H. V. A: T.— Columbus, Hocking Valley k Toledo Ry. W. H. HarriHon, Q. P. 
 A.. ColunihuH, (). 
 ('. I.— Central Iowa Ry. J. P. NonrHP, O. P. A., MarBhalltown, Iowa. 
 (inn W. k Mich— Cincinnati, Wabiinh k Michigan Hy. Owen Rice, O.P.A., Elk- 
 hart, Ind. 
 ('. I. 8t. L. & C— Cincinnati, Indianapolifi, St. Louis Ac Chicago Ry. John Egan 
 (t. p. a., Cincinnati, Ohio. 
 C. L. & W.— Cleveland, Lorain A: Wheeling Ry. W. H. Grout, O. P. A., Clev* 
 land, Ohio. 
 C. M. & St. P.— Chicago, Milwaukee .t St. Paul Ry. A. V. H. Carpenter, G. P. A., 
 Milwaukee, Win. 
 C. Mt. V. i^: I).— Cleveland, .Mt. Vernon A: Delaware R. R. N. Monsarrat, Gen'l 
 Supt., Akron, (Jhio. 
 C. N. O. k T,— (Mncinnati, New (Jrlean^' A: Trxaw Pa<-. Ry. See Q. k C. 
 Conn. R. — Connecticut River Hy. ('has. II. Cram. O. P. A., Springfield, Ma«s. 
 Connottou V. — Connotton Valley Ry. Albert Rokusek. O. P. A., Cleveland, Ohio. 
 (.'. P. I. Co'e. — Crown Point Iron Co's R. K. A. L. Inman, Oen'I Man., Crown 
 I'oint, N. Y. 
 C. R. I. A: P.— Chicago, Rock iHland A: Pacific P.y. E. St. John. G. P. A., Chicago, 
 C. R. R. of Ga.— Central Railroad of Georgia. Geo. A. Whitehead, G. P. A., Ma- 
 con, Ga. r\ 
 C. So. See L. A: N. ' 
 C. St. L. A: W.— Chicago, St. Louis k Western R. R. B. T. Lewis, G. T. A., Chic- 
 ago, 111. 
 C. St. P. M. A: O.— Chicago, St. Paul. Minneapolis k Omaha Ry. T. W. Teasdale, 
 a. P. A., St. Paul, Minn. 
 Cum. v.— Cumberland Valley R. R. A. H. McCulloh, G. P. A.. Chambersburg, 
 C. v.— See C. Vt. 
 C. Vt.— Central Vermont R.R. S. W. Cummings, G. P. A., St. Albans, Vt. 
 C. W. & B.— Cincinnati, Washington k BHltiraore U. R. T.P. Barry, G.P.A., Cinn., 
 C. W. A: M,— See Cinn. W. k Mich. 
 D. & C. S. N.— Detroit A: Cleveland Steam Nav. Co. C. D. Whitcorab, G. P. A., 10 
 Wavne St . Detroit, Mich. 
 I). At H. C— Delaware A: Hudson Canal Co. J. W. Burdriek. G. P. A., Albany. 
 N. Y. 
 D. k I. R.— Duluth A: Iron Range R. R. R. H. Lee, Supt., Duluth, Minn. 
 D. Aj R. G.— Denver A: Rio Grande R'v. S. K. Hooper. (}. P. A., Denver, Col. 
 D. A. V. & P.— Dunkirk, Alleghany Valley A: Pittsburg R. R. Darwin Thayer, Gen'l 
 Supt.. Dunkirk, N. Y. 
 Det. L. & N.— See D. L. & N. 
 Det. M. & M.— See D. M. .« M. 
 D. L. Ai N.— Detroit, Lansing At Northern R. R. Jas. F. Reekie, G. P. A., Detroit, 
 D. L. & W.— Delaware, Lackawanna A: Wewtern R. R. W. F. Holwill, G. P. A. 26 Ex- 
 ' liange Place, N. Y. 
 D. M. Aj Ft. D.— Des Moines k Fort Dodge R. R. Geo. W. Ogilvie, G. P. A., Des 
 Moines, la. 
 I'. M. Aj M.— Detroit, Mackinac A: Marquette R. R. F. Milligan, G. P. A., Mar- 
 inette, Mich. 
 D. M. & v.— Delaware, Maryland A: Virginia R. R. .\. Brown, G. P. A. Lewes, Del. 
 E. k W. of A.— East k West R. R. of Alabama. <ico. T. Kershaw, G. P. A., Cedar 
 '.•iwu, Ga. 
 E. C. k N.— Elmira, Cortland A: Northern R. R. V. B. Myrtle. G. P. A.. Elmira, 
 E. S.— Eureka SpriugH, liv. A. H. Foote, G. P. A., Eureka Springs. Ark. 
 E. S. S. B. Co.— Eastern Shore Steamboat Line. P. R. Clark, Gen'l Agt., 105 South 
 St., Baltimore, Md. 
 E. T. A: W. N. C— East Tennessee A: Western North Carolina R. R. Thos. E. Mat 
 -III, Supt., Elizabotliton, Carter <'o.. Tenn. 
 Eu. k P.— Eureka A: Palisade R. \i. J. L. Fast, G. P. A., E\ireka, Nev. 
 F. A: P. M.— Flint k Pere Marquette R. R. Henry C. Potter, V. Pres and Gen'l 
 Man., Fjift Saj^iiiaw, Mich. 
 Fitchburg— Fitchburg R. R. J. R. Watson. G. P. A., Boston, Mass. 
 F. J. k G.— F<!idu, Johnstown k Glovcrsville R. R. Lawton Caten, Supt., Glovers- 
 Ville, N. Y. 
I i 
 P. A., Femandina, Fit. 
 Robert F. Klnnaird, 
 R. Geo. F. Qage, OeD'l Man., 
 Albert Wilber, .Supt., Herkimer. 
 Ry. H. M. Bronson, Q. P. A., 
 F. R.— Fall River R. R. Bee O. C. 
 V. R. k Niiv.— Florid % R*y k Nav. Co. A. O. MacDoiiall, O. 
 Ft. W. V. k L.— Fort Wayue, Ciufinnati & Louisville R. R. 
 O. P. A.. Fort Wayne, Iiid. 
 O. k L,— (ieorgetown k Lanen R. R. Thos. M. Emeraon, G. P. A., Wilmington, 
 N. a. 
 0. H. k S. A.— Galveston, Uarrisburg k San Antonio Ry. T. W. Pleroe Jr., O. PA., 
 Houston, Tex. 
 Grand .So.— Grand Southern Ry. .J. N. Greene, Gen'l Manager, St. John, N. B. 
 Gr. T.— Grand Trunk Ry. Wni. F2dgar, G. P. A., Montreal, Can. 
 G. R. fc I.— Grand Itapids A: Indiana R. R. C. L. Lockwood. O. P. A., Grand 
 Itapids, Mieb. 
 H. k B. T. M.— Huntingdon k Broad Top Mt. R. 
 Huntingdon, Pa. 
 H. k C. W.— Hartford k Connecticut Western R. R. Walter Pearce, G. P. A., 
 Hartford, Conn. 
 H. N. Ai P.— Herkimer, Newport k Poland Ry. 
 N. Y. 
 1. B. k W.— Indiana, Bloomiugtou k Western 
 Indianapolis, Ind. 
 I. 1. k la.— Indiana, Illinois k Iowa R. R. T. P. Shouts, G. P. A., Kankakee, 111. 
 Intercolonial— Intercolonial Ry. A. H. Busby, G. P. and T. A., Moncton, N. B. 
 J. M. & 1.— Jetfersou, Madison (e. Indiana K. R. £. A. Ford, G. P. A., Pittsburg, Pa. 
 J. S. E. — Jacksonville Southeastern Ry. E. S. Greenleaf, Supt., Jacksonville, 111. 
 J. St. A. k H. R.— Jacksonville, St. Augustine A: Halifax River Ry. G. D. Ackerly, 
 O. P. A., Jacksonville, Fla. 
 J. T. k K. W.— Jacksonville, Tauipa k Key West Ry. M. R. Moran, O. P. A., 
 Jacksonville, Fla. 
 K. k P.— Kingston k Pembroke Ry. J. Rwift. G. P.A., Kingston, Can. 
 K. C. Ft. 8. & G.— Kansas City, Fort Scott k Gulf R. R. J. E. Lockwood, O. P. A., 
 Kaunas Citv, Mo. 
 Ky. C^— Kentucky Central R. R. H. W. Fuller, G. P. A., Richmond, Va. 
 L. & H. R.— Lehigh k Hudson River R. R. John Sayer, G. P. A., Warwick, N. 
 L. & N.— Louisville k Nashville R. R. C. P. Atmore, G. P. A., Louisville, Ky. 
 Leb. S.— Lebanon Springs R. R. E. A. Jaques, G. P. A., Albany, N. Y. 
 L. E. & St. L.— Louisville, Evansvilla k St. Louis Ry. J. S. Clark, O. F. k T. 
 Louisville, Ky. 
 L. E. k W.— Lake Erie & Western Ry. G. W. Smith G. P. A., Bloomington, 111, 
 Leb. v.— Lehigh Vallev R. R. E. B. Byington, G. P. A., Maucb Chunk, Pa, 
 L. I.— Long Island R. R. Chas. M. Heald. Gen'l Traf. Man., Long Island City, N. Y. 
 Lig. v.— Ligonier Vallev R. R. James R. Mellon. G. P. A., Pittsburg, Pa. 
 L. 8. k M. S.— Lake Shore A: Michigan Southern Ry. W. P. Johnson, G. P. A., 
 Chicago, 111. 
 M. & L R.— Memphis v"t Little Rock R. R. D. Miller, G. P. A. Little Rock, Ark. 
 M. & M. T. Co.— Merchants k Miners Trans. Co. Wm. Plummer, Asst. to Prest., 
 10 Water st. Baltimore, Md. 
 M. k N.— Milwaukee it Northern R. R. C.F. Dutton, Gen'l Supt., Milwaukee. Wis. 
 M. & W. R.— Montpelier & Wells River R. R. F. W. Morse, G.P.A., Montpelier.Vt. 
 Md. C— Maryland Central R. R. J. C. Wrenshall, Receiver, Baltimore, Md. 
 Me. C— Maine Central R. R. F. E. Boothby, G. P. A., Portland, Me. 
 M. H. & O.— Marquette, Houghton & Ontonagon R.R. W.B.McCombs, O.P.A., 
 Marquette, Mich. 
 Mich. C— MicMgan Central R. R. 0. W. Ruggles, Q.P.A., Chicago, 111. 
 MisHiequoi— Misnisquoi R. R. T.M. Deal, G.P.A., St. Albans, Vt. 
 M. L. 8. & W.— Milwaukee, Lake Shore k Western Ry. H.F.Whitcomb, G.P.A., 
 Milwaukee, Wis. 
 M. L. & T.— Morgans, Louisiana & Texas R.R. J.G. Schriever, Traf. Man., New 
 Orleans, La. 
 Montrose.— Montrose Ry. Asa P. Blakslee, G.P.A. 
 M . P . —Missouri Paciflc R v . H . C . Townsend, G.P.A. 
 N. & N. W.— Northern & North Westsrn Ry's, Robt. 
 Out. Can. 
 Naugatuck— Naugatuck R. R. H. A. Bishop, G. P. A., Bridgeport, Conn. 
 N. C. A: St. L.— Nashville, ( -'hattanooga k St. Louis Ry. W. L. Danley, G. P. A., 
 Nashville, Teun. 
 N. T>. k <".— Ncwb-irg. Dutchess A: Connecticut R. R. 
 Matteawau, N. Y. 
 New B —New Brunswick Ry. A. Seely, G. P. A.. St. John, N. B. 
 N. H. & N.— New Havuu A: Northampton R. R Edw. A Itay, G. P. A., New Haveu, 
 Mauch Chunk, Pa. 
 St. Louis, Mo. 
 Quinn, G. P. A., 
 W. H. Moore, G. P. A.. 
 L, New Haven, 
 No. C— Northern Central Ry. Jaiiies H. Wood. O. P. A., Philadelphia, Pa. 
 No. E. of 8. C— North Eastern R. R. of South Carolina. . T. M. Emerson, O. P. A., 
 Wilmington, N. C. 
 Norf. k W.— Norfolk & Western R. R. A. Pope, O. P. A., Roanoke, Va. 
 No. H.— Norfolk Southern R. R. H. C. Hudgina, O. P. A., Norfolk. Va. 
 N. P.— Northern Patiftc R. R. Chus. S. Fee, O. P. A.. «t. Paul, Minn. 
 N. P. C— North Pacific Coattt R. U. F. B. Latham, Q. P. A.. Han Francisco. Cal. 
 N. Y. & N. E.— New York A: New Eugluud R. R. A. C. Kendall. O. P. A., Boston 
 N. Y. k N. H.-See N. Y. N. H. A: H. 
 N. Y. C. kU. R.— New York Central X- Hudson River R. R D. M. Kendrick, G 
 P. A.. N. Y. City. 
 N. Y. C. k N.— N. Y. City & Northern R. R. H. C. Willets, G. P, A.. 71 Broa.l 
 way, N. Y City. 
 N. Y. L. E. & W.— New York. Lake Erie & Western R. R. J. N. Abbott, G.P.A , 
 IJ. Y. City. 
 N. Y. N. H. k K.— New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R. C. T. Hempstead, G. 
 P. A., N. X. City. 
 N. Y. O. k W.— New York, Ontario k Western Ry. J. C. Anderson, G. P. A.. Mills 
 Building, N. Y. City. 
 N. Y. P. «: (>.— New York, Penna. A: Oiiio U. R. A. E. Clark, G. P. A., Cleveland, O. 
 N. Y. 8. A: W.— New York, SnsquahauuK A'estem R. R. I. I. Demarest, G. P. A., 
 93 Liberty St., N. Y. City. 
 N. Y. W. & R.— New York, Woodhaven & Rockaway R. R. See L. I. 
 N. Y. W. 8. k B.— New York, West Shore & Buffalo Ry. Henry Mouett, O. P. A.. 
 N. Y. City. 
 O. k L. C— Ogdensburg k Lake Champlain R.R. Frank Owen, G.P.A., Ogdenn- 
 biirg, N.Y. 
 O. & M.— Ohio & Mississippi Ry. W. B. Shattuc, G.P.A., Cinn., O. 
 O. C— Old Colony R.R. Jacob Sprague, Jr., G.P.A. , Boston, Mass., or Fall 
 River Line, Geo. L. Connor. G.P.A. Pier 28. N. R., N. Y. City. 
 Ohio R.— Ohio River R. R. W.J.Robinson, G.P.A., Parkersburg, W.Va. 
 Old Dominion— Old Dominion 8. S. Co. W. H. Stafford, Sec'y and G.P.A., 235 
 West St., N. Y. City, 
 Or. k C— Oregon & California R. R. E. P. Rogers, G. P. A., Portland, Ore. 
 O. R. k N. C— Oregon Ry. k Navigation Co. A. L. Stokes, G. P. A., Portland, Ore. 
 P. k L. E.— Pittsburgh k Lake Erie R. R. A. D. Smith, G. P. A., Pittsburgh, Pa. 
 P. & O.— Portland & Ogdensburg R. R. C. H. Foye. G.T.A., Portland, Me. 
 P. k R.— Philadelphia & Re.iding R.R. C. G. Hancock, G.P.A.. Philad'a, Pa. 
 P. & W.— Pittsburgh & Western U.R. Thos.M. King, Gen'l Man., Alleghany, Pa. 
 P. k Y. — Painesville k Youugstown Ry. J. A. Newcome, Supt.. Paiuesvilk-, 
 Passumpsic— Passunipsic R.R. N.P. Lovering, Jr., G.P.A., Lyndonville. Vt. 
 P. B. Mt D, 8. 8.— Portland, Bangor. Mt. Desert & Machias Steamboat Co. F.E. 
 Boothby. Portland. Me. 
 P. C. & St. L.— Pittsburgh. Cincinnati k St. Louis Ry, E. A. Ford, G. P. A.. 
 Pittsburg, Pa. 
 Peach Bottom— Peach Bottom Ry. Benj. B. Newton, Sec'y and Supt., Oxford, Pa. 
 Penna.— Pennsylvania R. R. James R. Wood, G. P. A., Philadelphia, Pa. 
 Perkiomen— Perkiomen R. R. Geo. W. Yost, Gen'l Agt., Norristowu, Pa. 
 P. Ft. W. & C— Pittsburg, Fcrt Wayne k Chicago By. See Penna. Co.— E.A.Ford 
 Q. P. A., Pittsburg, Pa. 
 P. J. k M.— Port Jervis & Monticello R. R. M. V. Heller, Manager, Port Jervis, 
 N. Y. 
 P. N. & N. Y.— Philadelphia, Newtown & N. Y. R. R. G. W. Yost, Gen'l Agt, Nor. 
 ristown, Pa. 
 P. O. k P. A.— Pontiac, Oxford k Port AusUu R. R. C. C. Jenkins, G. P. A., PoQ- 
 tiac, Mich. 
 P, P. k C. I.— Prospect Park & Coney Island R. R. Andrew R. Culver, Prest., 
 Conev Island, N. Y. 
 P. R. SeeP.&R. 
 P. R. k A.— Soc Pt. R. & A. 
 Prov. W. A: B.— Providence, Warren k Bristol R. R. S. Arthur Perkins, G. P. A., 
 Providence, V. I. 
 Pt. R. A: A.— Port Royal A' Augu.'fta Ry. W.F. Shelhuan, Traf.Man.. Savannah, Oa. 
 P. W. Al- B.— Philadelphia, Wilniiugtou A: Baltimore R. R. Jas. R.Wood, G.P.A. 
 Philad'a, Pa. 
 Q. A: C.— Queen & Crescent Routt . E. P. WHmou, G. P. A., Cincinnati, O. 
 Q. k L. St. J.— Quebc- A: Ijike St. John ily. J. G. Scott, Sec'y and Man., yiieboc, 
ill I 
 A. Aberii, Sec'y, Quobej', Can, 
 .. Sanford. Fla. 
 R. Peter J. McGlynn, O. 
 P. A. 
 Jas. L. Taylor, O. P.A., Savan- 
 Honiiiig, Traf. ?.ran. Corn 
 Q. 8. 8. Co.— Quebec SteaniHbip Co 
 K. A: P.— See U. k I'itt. 
 R. A: Pitt.— RoiheHtcr k Pitt«biirK R R. I. S. Emory. O. P. A., RorhcBter. N. Y. 
 R. F. & H.-Uiniifi)nl VaUnk Riuklcld R. R. R. C. Bradford, O. P. A., Portland, Air. 
 Rich, k Ally.— Richmond «: Allenhauy R. R. Juo. R. Macmurdo, O. P. A., Rich 
 mond, Va. 
 R. W. & O.— Rome, Watertown A: Ogdeunburg R. R. W. F. ParsonH, O. P. A., 
 Obwego, N. Y. 
 R. Y. R. k ('.—Richmond, York River k ChcBapeake R. R. M. Slaughter, <i. P. A., 
 Richmond, Va. 
 Sandy Riv.— Sandy River R. R. D. L, Dennison, Supt. PhillipB, Me. 
 S. C- See So. 0. 
 8. C. & (;. M.— Stony Clove & CatHkill Mountain R.R. Geo. Coykendall, Supt., 
 Roudout, N. Y. 
 S. Fla.— South Florida R.R. F.H.Rand, G.P.A 
 b. F. & N. P.— San FranciBco & North Pacitlc R. 
 San FranclBco, Cal . 
 S. Fla. k W.— Savannah, Florida & WeHtern Ry. 
 nab, Ga. 
 S. G. & C— SyraciiKc, (ieucva k Comini; Ry. II. A 
 Ing, N. Y. 
 Shin, v.— Shenandoah Valley R. R. A. Pope, G.P.A., Roanoke, Va. 
 Shepauj,'. — Shcpauj^ R. R. E. McNeill Supt. and P. A., Litchfield, Conn. 
 8. I.— SUten iHland Ry. .J.W.Wilbur, Supt., Clifton, 8. I., N. Y. 
 Silver Lake— Silver Lake R.R. E. G. Matthews. Supt., Perry N. Y. 
 S. L.S.N. Co.— Seneca Lake Steam Nav. Co. W.B. Dunning, Supt., Geneva, N.Y. 
 S. Mt. McG. k L. G.— Saratoga, Mt. McGregor k Lake George R,R. 1). H.Fonda 
 Geu'l Man., Albany, N. Y. 
 8. O. & N.Y.-See 8y. O. & N. Y. 
 So. C— Southern Central R. R. F. L. Pomeroy, G. P. A., .\ubnm, N. Y. 
 Somerset — Somerset R.R. W. M. Ayer, Supt., West WaterviJle, Me. 
 Son. k S. R.— Sonoma & Santa Rosa, R.R. Peter ,J. McGlynu, G.P.A., San Fran- 
 cisco, Cal. 
 Souora— Sonora Ry. E. H. Davis, G. P. A., Guaymas, Mex. 
 So. Pac— Southern Pacific R.R. H. R. Judah, Asst. G.P. A, Gun Francisco, Cal. 
 Sou. East.— South Eastern Ry. T.A. Mackinnon, Gen'l Man., Montreal, Can. 
 South C— South Carolina Ry. D.C.Allen, G.P. A., Charleston, S. C. 
 8. T. & H.— Saginaw, Tuscola & Huron R.R. M.B.Wilkinson, Supt., East Sag- 
 inaw, Mich. 
 St. C— St. Clairsville Ry. J. F.Charles worth, Pres., St. Clairsville, Ohio. 
 St. J. & L. C— St. Johnsbury k Lake Champlain R.R. C.H.Stevens, G.P. A., 
 St. oohusbury, Vt. 
 8t. J. & W.— St. Joseph & Western R.R. A.A.Gower, G.P. A., St. Joseph, Mo. 
 St. L. k C— St. Louis At Cairo R. R. Robt Bell, Asst. Gen'l Fht. & P. A., St. 
 Louis, Mo. 
 St.L. & San F.— St. Louis A: San Francisco Ry. D.Wlshart.G.P.A., St.Louis.Mo. 
 St. L. Ft. 8. At W.— St. Louis, Fort Scott At Wichita, R.R. J. W. Miller, G.P. A., 
 Fort Scott, Kan. 
 St.M. At U.— St. Martins At Upham Ry. A.E.Killam, Manager, St. Martins, N.B. 
 St. P. At D.— St. Paul At Duluth R.R. E.F.Dodge, G.P.A. , St. Paul, Minn. 
 St. P. M. At M.— St. Paul, Minneapolis At Manitoba Ry. C. H. Warren, G.P 
 St. Paul, Minn. 
 Sy. O. At N. Y.— Syracuse, Ontario At New York Ry. Henry Monett, G.P.A. 
 State St., N. Y. City. 
 T. At S. H. —Toledo At South Haven R. R. John Ihling, Sup't, Lawtnn, Mich. 
 T. At St. L. —Texas A: St. Louis Ry. A. C. Sheldon, G. P. A., St. Louis, Mo. 
 T. C. At St. L.— Toledo. Cincinnati At St. Louis R. R. H. M. Bronson, G. P. A.. 
 Indianapolis, lud. 
 ruckerton.— Tuckerton R. R. H. N. Gilson, G. P. A.. Tuckerton, N. J. 
 U. At B. R. — Utica A: Black River R. R. Theo. Butterfleld, G. P. A., Utica, N. Y. 
 U. At D.— Ulster At Delaware R. R. F.B. Hibbard, G. P. A., Rondout, N. Y. 
 IT. F.— See U. P. 
 IT. P.— Union Pacific R. R. J. W. Morse, G. P. A., Omaha, Nob. I 
 Vandalia. — Vandalia Line. E. A.jFord, G. P. A., St. Louis, Mo. 
 V. At T. Virginia k Truckce R. R. D. A. Bender, G. P. A., (^arson, Nev. 
 vir. m!— VirRinia Midland Ry. M. Slaughter, G. P. A., Richmond, Va. 
 Wald Ridge— Wrtldon's Ridge R. R. J. G. Scott, Pres. and Genl Alan.. St. Louis Mo. 
 W. At A.— Wp^torn .^: Atlantic R. R. J. M. Brown, G. P. A , Atlautii. (>a. 
 W. At L. E.— Wheeling At Lake Erie R. R. Jas. M. Hall, G. P. A., Toledo, Ohio. 
 W. At M.— Wisconsin & Michigan Ry. C, F. Duttou, Geu'l Supt., Milwaukco, Wis. 
 . 2* 
 heBtcr, N. Y. 
 , Portland, Alf. 
 a. P. A,. Rich 
 DDB, O. r. A., 
 ighter, <t. P. A., 
 kondall. Snpt.. 
 ■Wind, k A.^WindHor k Annapolis Ry. P. Tnnps, Opn'l Mmi., Kcntv lie, N. S. 
 Wji. C — WiHpoiii-iii Ctaitrnl U U. Jhh. Barker, (I. P. A.. Milwauki c. Win. 
 W. M.— Western Alaryland K. K. I?. H. (JriKwold, <i. P. A.. Haltiiiiore, Md. 
 W. N. C— Wi'Htern North Carolina K. U. M. HlauKhter. (i. P. A., Hithniond, Va. 
 W. N. & U.— WorHtr, Nash. \ Roch. R. R. <!. A. Waitc. <K P. A . Wor. ManH. 
 W. (). k W.— WdHh. Ohio k Wch. H. 1{. K. M. Brophy, Hiipt., Alexandria, Va. 
 W R. R. of A. — W. Rv. of Ala. ChaH . H. Croniwoll. (i. P. A., .Mont^'onu•ry, Ala. 
 W. St. L. & P. Wab., .St. L. .V: Pacittc Ry. F. Chandler, (i. P. A., .St. Lonis, Mo. 
 W. v.— Walkill Vallev R. R. J. C. Anderson. (1. P. A., N. Y. Citv. 
 W. W.— White Water R. K. Kubt. F. Kiauaird, O. P. A., Fort Wayne, lud. 
 Uynn, G. P. A.. 
 a. P. A., Savan- 
 -af. Man. Corn 
 \, Conn. 
 ',., Geneva, N.Y. 
 R. D.H.Fonda 
 rn. N. Y. 
 .P. A., San Fran- 
 1 Francisco, Cal. 
 [ontreal. Can. 
 8 C. 
 Sup't., East Sag- 
 ille, Ohio. 
 Stevens, G.P.A., 
 St. Joseph, Mo. 
 Fht. &P. A., St. 
 A., St. Louis, Mo. 
 Miller, G.P.A., 
 5t. Martins, N.B. 
 'aul, Minn. 
 Warren, Q.P.A., 
 onett, G.P.A., 24 
 ton, Mich, 
 ouis, Mo. 
 Jronson, G. P. A.. 
 N J. 
 P.'^A., Utica, N. Y. 
 lout, N. Y. 
 in, Nev. 
 Id. Va. 
 an.. St. Louis Mo. 
 itii. Oh. 
 Toledo. Ohio. 
 Milwaukco, Wis. 
 .lacksonvillo, Fla. 
 A. & N. C— Atl. .^- N. Carolina 1!. It. W. Dunn. Supt., Nowbrrn. N. C. 
 At. k P.— Atlantic A; Pac. H. U. \V. A. Bissell, (J. P. A. Albu(iufr(;ii<". N. M. 
 B. k B. — Batcsx illu A; Brinkley R. R. E. G. ThoiupHon, G. P. A. AngUHta, Ark. 
 B. k R.— see B. A: B. 
 B. Q. R. A: N.— H. of Quintc R. & Nav. Co. R. 0. Carter, Gen. Man. Dcseronto, Ont. 
 C. B. A: K. C— Clii<-. Bur. \- K. City. .J. H. Best, ii. P. A. Keokuk. la. 
 C. C.— Car. Central R. R. F. W. Clark, G. P. A. Willniin^toii, N. C. 
 C, L — Conesu Lake R. R. J. C. Davenport. Man., I.,akeville, N. Y. 
 Concord.— Concord R. R. F. K. Brown, G. T. A., Concord, N. If. 
 Cumb. Ry. k Coal Co. — I. G. Aikuian, Traffic Man., Parwboro, N. S. 
 D. W. k P.— Dciivtr, Ctah A; P. i:. R. L. M. Foutn, Supt. Denver Col. 
 K. k W. v.— Erie & Wyo. Val. R. R. W. E. Street, G. P. A. New York City, 
 (jft._Georgia R. R. E. R. Dorsey, Auuusta. Geo. 
 I. A:L So.— Ind. A: 111. Sou. Ry. R H. iUne, (Jen. Man. Sullivan Ind. 
 International.- Inter. Ry. D. E. Mcl'ee. Sherbrooke, Qn 
 J. ^ A —.JackHon villi! A: .\t. R. R. .Iiilius Hayden Supt 
 .1. A: Ft. G. .Str. — -lackHOiiville & Ft. George Steamer, -lackHouville, 
 K. A: L.— Knox & Lincoln.— C. A. Coombs, Supt. Bath, Me. 
 K. C. Ft. S. Ai G.— Kan. City. Ft. S. A: G. Ry. J. E. Lockwood. G. P. A., K. City, Mo. 
 L. N. O. Ae T.— Lv. N. Orl. k Tex. Ry. A. J. Kuapp, G. P. A., Memphis, Tenu. 
 L. S. T. Co.— Lake Sup. Trans. Co. Chicago, 111. 
 M. Ai B. R.— see I'. \- B. R. 
 M. Ai O.-Mich. i^: Ohio R. R. B. McHugh. G. P. A., Toledo. O. 
 M. k St. L. — Minn. .^ St. liouis Ry. S. F. Boyd, G. P. A., MinneapoliH, Minn. 
 Md. S. B. Co.— M(l. Steamboat Co. Jas. E. Byrd Secy. A: Treas , Baltimore, Md. 
 .M. R.— Mineral Range R. R. R. H. Brclsford, O. P. A., Hancock, Mich. 
 S. A.— Nor. Adirondack R. A. A. C. Allison, O. P. A., Moira, N. Y. 
 N. & V. B.— Norf. A: V. Beach R. R. J. M. Dickey, Gen. Man., Norfolk, Va. 
 N, T. k Q.— Napaneo, Tam. Ai Que. Ry. E. W. Rathbun, G. M., Deneronto, ("an. 
 P. E. I.— Prince Ed Is. Ry. Jaw. Coleman. Sujit. Charlottetown, P. E. I. 
 P. H. A: N. W. -Pt. Huron k N. W. Ry. I. R. Wadsworth. Supt. Pt, Huron, Mich. 
 Q ('. Rv.— Quebec C. Ry. J. R.Woodward, G. M., Sherbrooke, P. Q. 
 R. A: A.— Raleigh k Aug. R. R. F. W. Clark, G. P. A., Wilmington, N. C. 
 R. k B.— see B. k B. 
 R. Ai G.— Raleigh k Gas. R. R, F. W. Clark, O. P. A. Wilmington, N. C. 
 R. k L. O.— Rochester & L. Ont. Ry. N. B. Ellison, Man. Rochester, N. T. 
 R. F. k P.— Rich. Fred. At Pot. R. R. C. A. Taylor, (i. P. A. Richmond, V». 
 St. J. v.— St. Jos. Valley R, R. Fred. McOmber, Berrien Springx, Mich. 
 St. L. K. k. N. W.— St. Louis K. k N. West Ry. J. H, Best, G. P. A. Keokuk, la. 
 S L. S. & L. R.— St. L., Salem A: Little R, R. R. E. B. Sankey, G. P. A. Salem, Mo. 
 T. A. A. & N. M.— Toledo, A. Arbor & N. W. Ry. W. H. Bennett. G. P. A. Toledo, O. 
 T, E. k M. v.— Tremont, Elk Ai Mo. V. R. R. J. R. Buchanan, G. P. A. Mo. Val., la. 
 \V. C— Western Counties Ry. J. Brignell. Supt, Yarmouth, N. S. 
 W. I & N — Wis.. Iowa Ai Neb. Ry. W, T. Block, G. P. A. Des Moinee, la. 
 Woodstock:— Woodstock R. R. J. G. Porter, Supt., Woodstock, Vt. 
 Y. & P, B York k Peach bottom Ry. F. G. Metzgar, G. P, A., York, Pa. 
 ?! ; 
 f, ■ 
 > ■ 
 J ) 
 I ' ■ 
 11 « 
 AM)ey & Iiiibrle A— I 
 Auu'iug Lilurature CCXLIII 
 Authony K. \- H. T.., A— 11 
 Central Voriiiout U. H A— VII 
 Chicago and Nuithwcstern Riiilway A -XVII 
 CbiRugo, Milwaukee and St. Puiil Ilailway loaide back ortver. 
 Chubb, ThoH. H A— XIX 
 Con roy, T. J Opposite pp. 228 
 Dame, Stoddard >t: Kendall A— IV 
 Delaware and HudHon Canal Co XI 
 Detroit, Mackinae and Marqnett«? R. R A— XVII 
 Divine, F. D A— XX 
 riorids Railway ,iud Nav. Co A— XXVI 
 Goudyear'B Rubber Olove M'f 'k Co A— XIII 
 Grand RapidH and Indiana It. R .' A— IX 
 Oraud Trunk Ry V 
 Goldsmith & Son A— VII 
 Hinds, A. 8 A— XIV 
 Intercolonial Ry A— XXIX 
 International 8. S. Co A— X 
 JenuesB & 8od, Thos A — II 
 Kimball, W. 8. A Co A— II 
 Lehigh Valley R. R A— VI 
 LouK Island R . R A— XIX 
 Maine Central R. K A— XII 
 Mil waukee, Lake Shore and Western R. R A— XVIII 
 New York, Ontario and VFesteru Ry A— X 
 New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio R. R A— XII 
 Nieliols, B. F A— XXIII 
 Northern Pacific R. R A— VIII 
 Old Colony R. R A— XIV 
 Pawsumpsic R . R A— VI 
 Rochester and Pittsburg R . R A— VI 
 Rome, Watertown & Ogdensbiirg R. R A— XXX 
 Seneca Lake 8team Nav. Co A— XII 
 Tuckerton R. R A— XII 
 Wabash, St. Louis and Pacific Ry A— XV 
 Wisconsin Central R. R A— XXI 
 A -XV 11 
 a back rover. 
 l)09ite pp. 22i< 
 A— XIV 
 A- VI 
 A— XIV 
 A— VI 
 A— XXX 
 We bave recently opeDod a K«tall Departmemt front 
 e are prepared to Hupply 
 With our well-known manufactures, embracing 
 Fishing Tackle 
 Of every deHcrlptiou. 
 If your dealer doQ* not keep our gords in stock, do not let him palm off on yoa 
 the miserable trash with which the country is flooded; but send us fifty cents for 
 Magnificently Illustrated Catalogue, 
 which contains more than twice as many wood outs as are in any angling cataloga* 
 issued. We place it in the power ni every Angler ti) obtain 
 we remove his necessity of ever buying worthless tackle; we protect him from ex 
 orbitant prices. 
 Do not believe any dealer who professes to sell our goods unless he can show our 
 name or trade-mark on the goods be offers you as being of our manufacture. 
 Abbey <& Imbrie, 
 I 3 Vesey Street, (fourth door from Astor House), 
 I I 
 i! I 
 ■ I 
 Awarded Silver Medal by New England 
 Agricultural Society, 1885. 
 T.'ill riKKaTul I'lir.VKNT <ho bitoH of inoo- 
 (inituf, blHt'k tlicH, Hand flii'H, tlesM and other 
 It will euro and prevent Sunburn, 
 ilinpi'tii fa<<> ftud hftiiilH, lold horPH. otc. 
 ItiMtlin I't'Ht I.iiiiiiit lit ill \iM' t'nr bniiHOR, 
 1;IUI1H, MI-UidH, cIlilMillllH, frost Idtcx, HorclU'HH 
 of liiiilm and joinlH, rlKMiinaiiMiii, iiciirul^ia, 
 fti-. It jircNontH hlood iidiyoiiiii;; in cutH and 
 otliiT wouiidH, rc'<lu<C'H iiillaiiiiiiatioii, allayn 
 imiii and pronmtcH rajtid licalinp in all rancH. 
 It iH hcnt'rtcial to tln' hMm at all tiincfi; liaH 
 ratluTaii iiKiri'aMc odiii-. ih prat'tirally colnr- 
 IfHH and can lir \vah>lH-d oil oat-ily liy the aiii)li- 
 i'ation of Hoap and water. 
 THOS. JENNESS & S N, Sole Proprietors. 
 No. la ^Vf!Kt Market Hiiuaic, liangor, Me. 
 irfT Sold liy DrnnKintH and ly Dpalern in Siiortinn (lood«. -fr* 
 Wholesale Agents. -Howton— .JNo. r. LoVELL Jt SONH. Chieat;o— HIBBARD, 
 E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO., 
 591 BROADWAY, N. Y., 
 ManufacturerH and Iinporters of 
 Apparatus and Supplies 
 of every deficription . 
 Solo proprietors of the Patent Detec- 
 tive, Fairy, Vovel and Bicycle Cam- 
 eras, and the Celebrated Stanley Dry 
 in ^reat variety 
 1 rom $9.00 upwards. Send for Cataloptiie or call and (jxaniiue. 
 a w More than forty years eBtabliahed in thla line of buelneeg. 
 Mixtures for Pipe or Cigarette. 
 Three Kings. Turkish and Virginia, 
 NIeilow Mixture, Perique and Virginia, 
 „ , * w *, ConLlneTurltish, 
 Eflpecially adapted for the Pijio. 
 Straight Cut Cigarette?. 
 People of refined taste who desire exceptionally fine cigarettes should use only 
 our Straight Cut, put up iu satin packets and boxes of 
 108. 208. 508. and 
 14 First Prize Medals. 
 tCH of IllOU- 
 an<l other 
 , Ctf. 
 iir bruiKOH, 
 • H, Hor«'IH'HH 
 n tutH ami 
 tion, rHiivh 
 in all «'aHCH. 
 I tlincH; has 
 ically col-T 
 ly the aiiiili 
 ingor, Me. 
 rtors of 
 bent Deteo- 
 cycle Cam- 
 tanley Bry 
 Ireat variety 
 (lid use only 
 27 Maiden Lane, NEW YORK (Cor. Nassau St.) 
 We Jiavp tlic larpcHt and bout aHHortincnt of 
 CoDBiating of 
 Pants, Boots, Stockings, Rubber 
 Which can be carried in the pocket. 
 Mia Rubber Goods of Every Descrip- 
 Air Beds for Canoes. 
 Special Htzee made to order. 
 Ir W-, 
 P ' :■ I 
 Dame, Stoddard & Kendall, 
 Successors to Bradford & Anthony, 
 Importers and Manufacturers, "Wholesale ord Retail Dealers in 
 Fine Fishing Tackle 
 Anglers will find eveiy thing for fishing of the most reliable quality, 
 ■of all kinds and styles. 
 Artificial Flies for all Waters. 
 CAMPING CONVENIENCES- Luncheon Baskets, Flasks, Pocket Stoves, 
 Pocket Drinking Cups; Pocket Knives, Forks and Spoons; Pocket Com- 
 g asses, Yacht Compasses, eto , etc. Alf>o, Hunting and Sportsmen's 
 'uives, C!arap Axes, Moccasins, etc. . 
 Agents for 
 Trolling Spoons. 
 Agents for the 
 Floats & Sinkers 
 Orders by mail receive prompt attention. Catalogues mailed on re- 
 Boston, Mass. 
 Dealers in 
 sliable quality, 
 Pocket Stoves, 
 6 ; Pocket Com- 
 id Sportsmen's 
 Grand Trunk Railway. 
 Niagara Falls Route and International 
 Highway Between 
 And all other points in the 
 I— I 
 Is mailed on re- 
 United States and Dominion of Canada. 
 Summer Pleasure Resorts, 
 FAST EXPRESS TRAINS, equipped with Parlor and Celebrated 
 Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars, form a daily service between the 
 Excursion tickets may be obtained at all principal ticket offices on 
 the Grand Trunk Railway and connecting lines. 
 Gen. Pass. Agent. Traffic Manager. General Manager. 
 i '' 
 Passumpsic Railroad 
 Boston and Lowell II. K. from Boston to Wells River, via Lake Winnepesanko and 
 Hymouth; PassuiupHic R. U. to Newport. Vt. : Lake Memphremagug and Lake 
 Willout,'hby and Lake Megantic; Hi>utheaHtern R. B. from Newport. Vt., to 
 Sorel, P. Q., and Montreal. 
 Direct Route to the Hunting and Fishing Grounds of Northern Vermont and 
 This is the short line to Quebec, whero close connection is made with steamers to 
 the far- tamed Sagiienay River and all points on the Gulf of St, Lawrence, Prince Ed- 
 irard's Island, St. John, N. B,, Halifax, N. 8., and the famous salniuu fishing re- 
 Three fast express trains, with drawing room and sleeping cars attached, leave 
 Boston daily except Sunday, from Boston and Lowell R. R. Station. The route 
 from Now York is via tlioCIonnecticut River Valley, offering a continuous panorama 
 of charming scenery, following the Conneticut River for 'MQ miles. 
 For tickets and full information inquire of 
 '240 Washington, fitreot, Boston. 207 Broadway, New York. 
 SOUTHEASTEBN R- S. OFFICE, '20'i St. James Street, Montreal. 
 SHIPMAir ft STOCXIirO, (,|n< b( c. 
 H. E._FO'£iSOM, Supt. N. F. IiOVEBIVa, Jr.. G. T. A. 
 ThQ Piclaresque 
 The anglers' favorite ilTio to all points in Easterti rennsylvania and Central Xt \v 
 York. Fur all poiTit.s between New York, Philadelphia and Butl'alo, the State Lino 
 and Sullivan, Geneva, Ithaca and Sayre and Southern Railroads, take the Lehigh 
 Vallev Route. 
 Excellent Pishing Along the Whole Line. 
 For time tables or any information imiuiro at offlce, S.'lo Broadway, New Y'ork; 
 d3C Cbestuut Street, Philadelphia, or of 
 General Passenger Agent, Mauch Chunky Fenna. 
 Buffalo/Rochester & Pittsb'gRy. 
 For Mumford, only eighteen miles from Rochester, whero are located the New York 
 State Fisheries and Hatcheries. 
 Also to Johnsonbnrp, Ridgway and Brockway ville, where aboimd the famouB 
 trout streams of Pennsylvania. 
 General Superintendent. Gen. Freight and Pass. Agt., Rochester. N. Y. 
 incposauko and 
 jog and Lake 
 port. Vt., to 
 n Vermont and 
 vith steamers to 
 L'lice, Prince Ed- 
 Iniou fishing re- 
 I attached, leave 
 tion. The route 
 luous panoraiua 
 av, New York. 
 Street, Montreal. 
 \, Jr.. G. T. A. 
 Iind Centra'. N'lW 
 ), the State Line 
 take the Lchiyh 
 le Line. 
 ^way, New York; 
 \k, Fenna. 
 kd the New York 
 Lnd the famous 
 Chester. N. Y. 
 Is reached via the 
 LINE, I Central Vermont R. R. 
 And its connections. 
 Round trip cxeursiou tickets on sale In Boston, New York, Philadelphia and all 
 principal cities in the Last to 
 First-class hotels at reasonable rates. Boats, Guides, etc., at moderate prices. 
 S( e ••Anolers' Ouiuk " for fuli particulars. Ask for excursion tickets at above 
 cities or address 
 E. B. COPPINS, Passenfjer Apent, 317 Broadway, New York City. 
 T. E. BOND, Ticket Agent, 2(50 Washinfjjton Street, Boston, Mass. 
 tieueral Jlanayer. General Passenger Agent. 
 42 North Fifth Street, Philadelphia. 
 Fishing Tackle. 
 (Reoristored ) 
 LEADERS give universal satisfaction. Bethabara, UreeTiheart and Laucowood in 
 any size or (juantity. 
 I i 
 ,^&r-Popular Excursions at Greatly Reduced Rates via the Northern Pacific 
 Railroad. "'^?^ 
 To the YelloAVstoae Nat'l Park, 
 The 'Wonderland of the World." 
 "Within the liiiiitH of which aro tho flncHt trout Htreains of the Ainorican Continent. 
 Detroit Lake, llattlo I-akc, Lako I'end d'Oreille, and many others, a full descriptiou 
 of which will be found in this Guide Book. 
 The Pa88onger Department of the Northern Pacific- Railroad will put on Hale at 
 St. Paul, .lune 10th, a npecial excurwion ticket, which will include: 
 1st.— Hail trant portation, Kt. Paul, Minneapoli.s or Duliith to Cinnabar (terininiiH 
 Yellowstone Park Branch, tiftv-one niilcH from Livingston), and return, 
 ad.— Pullman Sleeping Car fare, Ht.Paul, Minneapolis or Duluth to Livingston and 
 3d.— MealH on Dining Cars, St. Paul, Minneapolis, or Duluth to LivingHton and 
 4th.— Stage TrauHpor»ation, Cinnabar to Mammoth Hot Sprinpe Hotel, thence to 
 Upper (ieyner Basin and Great FallH of the Yellowstone, and return 
 Sth.— Meals and Lodgings at Hotels of Yellowstone Park Association for a five 
 days' trip to Upper Oeyser Basin and Great Falls of the Yellowstone. 
 Prue $120 00 
 The round trip can be made from St. Paul, including complete tour of the Park 
 as above, in nine (9) days. 
 All hotels will be opened promptly June 15th. 
 Stop overs will be allowed, going or retuining, at all points east of Billings, Mon- 
 Arrant»ement8 can be made for tnrough tickets via St. Paul on the basis of above 
 rate and including all the privileges named, with any of the Northern Pacific Gen- 
 eral or Traveling Agents named below. 
 flfgr-AU classes of i)eople should bear in mind that the Northern Pacific Railroad 
 Tia St. Paul, Minneapolis or Duluth is the best line to the Farming and Wheat Lands 
 of Minnesota and Dakota to Montana and Idaho; also Portland, Oregon, and all prin- 
 <'ipal points in Washington Territory and Oregon, and the only line by which through 
 tickets can be procured to 
 Tacoma, Olympia, Seattle and British Columbia. 
 Through coaches, sleeping cars and dining cars, St. Paul and Minneapolis, to 
 Portland, Oregon. 
 New publications, handsomely illustrated; "Through Wonderland with Lievt. 
 Schwatka"aud "Alice's Adventures in New Wonderland," describing the tourist's 
 route to Alaska; the tourist's and sportsman's resorts along the Northern Pacific 
 Railroatl and the Y^ellowstone National Park, sentfreeon application toCHABJjiBS 
 S. FEE, G. P. Jt T. A.. ST. PAUL, MINN., or to any one of the following 
 C. B. KINNAN, General Agent, Passenger Department. . .31'.» Broadway, New York. 
 J. L. HAKRIS. New England Agent 3(K> Washington St Boston. 
 E. R. WADSWORTH, Genera Agent 52 Clark St . Chicago. 
 A. L. 8TOKE8, General A^cnt Helena, Montana. 
 J. E. M.U:DOl'(i.\LL, 1.54 St. James St., Montreal, Canada. 
 A. J. QUIN. :tO(> Washington St., Boston, Mass. 
 J. H. RO(JERS, Jr., Ill South Ninth St., Philadelphia, Pa. 
 GEO. D. TELLER, 21 Exchange St.. Bufl"alo, N. Y. 
 D. W. J.ANOWITZ, 56 W. Washington St., Indianapolis, Ind. 
 FRE'^' '" LORD. 52 Clark St.. Chicago. 
 T. ' ^TELL. 112 North Fcuitli St., St. Louis, Mo. 
 8. xJ,S, 1.52 Walnut St.. Cincinnati, Ohio. 
 E. .X. .-lAIITH, 3'.>2 Broad* ay, Milwaukee, Wis. 
 T. K. STATELER, 200 Fourth St., Des Moines, Iowa. 
rthern Pacific ■ 
 ican Continent. 
 'uU deBcriptioii 
 >F 1886. 
 , put on Hale at 
 labiir (teriuinUH 
 )tnrii . 
 Livingston and 
 LivingHton and 
 aotel, thence to 
 ation for a five 
 $120 00 
 tour of the Park 
 f Billings, Mon- 
 e basis of above 
 ern Pacific Gen- 
 Pacific Railroad 
 nd Wheat Lands 
 ;ou, and all priii- 
 y which through 
 Minneapolis, to 
 id with Lie'u. 
 ling the tonrit*t'H 
 lortlicrn Pacific 
 way, New York, 
 [ton St Boston, 
 ark St. Chicago. 
 'Icna, Montana, 
 The Fishing Line. 
 Grand Rapids <& Ind. R. R., 
 TraYerse City, Petoskey. Mackinac, Marqnette and Other Delightful 
 Health and Summer Resorts ot 
 Northern Michigan 
 And the Celebrated Trout and Grayling Streams, Beautiful Lakes 
 and Grand Forests of this Famous Country. 
 The waters of Northern Michigan are unsurpassed if equalled, in the abundanoe 
 and variety of the fish contained. 
 Brook trout abound in the streams, and the famous American Grayling is found 
 only in these waters. 
 The trout season begins May 1 and ends September 1. The grayling season opens 
 June 1 and ends November 1. 
 Black bass, pike, pickerel and Mascalonge also abound in large numbers in the 
 many lakes and lakelets of this territorv. 
 Take your family with you. The scenery of the North Woods and Lakes is very 
 beautiful. The air is pure, dry and bracing. 
 The climate is peculiarly beneficial to those safifering with hay fever and asth- 
 matic afifections. 
 New hotels with all modern improvements have been erected, as well as many 
 extensive additions to the older ones, which willguarantae ample accommodations 
 for all. 
 The completion of this line to Mackinaw City forms the most direct route to Mack- 
 inac, St Ignace, and in connection with the Detroit, Mackinac and Marquette R.H. 
 to Houghton, Hancock, Marquette, Nogaunee. L'Anse, and all points iu thr I'pper 
 Peninsula of Michigan. . ., . . ,,, . , , ^ , ^ , 
 During the season round trip excursion tickets will be sold at low rates, and 
 Rltractive train facHities will be offered to tourists and tportsmeu. 
 For Tourist's Guide, Time Cards and Folders, full lutoruiatiou, address 
 General PaAf^enger Agent, Grand Rapidf<, Mich. 
 Beaches direct from New York the famous TROUT STHEAMS and IiAKES 
 of TX'laware and Sullivan Counties, New York, and the BIiACK BASS district 
 of the 
 Oswego Hmr and the Thousand Islands of the St. Lawrence. 
 Send Tor a copy of the Summer Homes, giving a list of all the flflhing grounds. 
 Depots and ferries in New York, from foot of Jay street and West 42d street. 
 General Manager. General Pass. Agent 
 3 and LAKES 
 : BASS (liHtrict 
 t. Lawrence. 
 hing grounds. 
 1 42d street. 
 .1 Pass. Agent 
 Hudson Canal Co.'s Eailroads 
 The most direct route to the splendid Lake Trout and Bass 
 Waters of Lakes George and Cha.uplun, and to the Finest Trout 
 Streams and Lakes in the Adirondack^ and Salmon Rivers of 
 The short line to Montreal and the Provinces. 
 Through Drawing Koom and Sleeping Cars between Montreal and N 
 X ork. 
 Write for copy of 
 For rates and stage connections apply to 
 General Passenger Agent, 
 Or to J. W. BURDICK. Asst. Gen. P«,. Agt., ' Albany. N. Y. 
 A— XII 
 Maine Central Railroad 
 Leading as it does to 
 Moosehead and Rangeley Lakes, the Dead River and Mt, Katahdin Regions. 
 And all the Honting and Fishing Resorts of Maine and New Brunswick. 
 It also oporates the Portland, Btingor, Mt. Desert and Mechiaa Steamboat Co., 
 and to many pleasure resorts offers choice of routes by land or water Send for 
 Summer ExcurRion Book detailing rates and time tables, and for " Open Season " 
 description of nil the sporting resorts of Northern New Brunswick. 
 (tenoral PaB<euger Agent. General Manager, Portland, Me. 
 Forms tlie Great Throagli Route Between the East and West. 
 3— Through Trains— 3 
 Each way, daily, with Pnllmau Palace Sleeping Coaches, Pullman Hotel Coaches, 
 New Enclifih Buffet Cars and Elegant Day Coaolies. 
 20 HOUBS I Between New York and I ST^LOU?!''^^' 
 38 ;; ) ) ' 
 By taking the new Limited Train, without extra charge. For tickets and further 
 information apply at all offices on line of road and of connecting lines, asking for 
 A. E. OltAXK, Asat. Gen. Pass. Agent, Cleveland, 0. 
 For the Best Salt Water Fishing 
 On the New Jersey Coast 
 Go to Beach Haven, N. J. 
 Leave New York via Penna. It. 11., via C. R. R. of N. J. or via New Jersey Southern 
 Railroad. Leave Philadelphia from foot of Market street. See notices on pp. 120, 
 122 and 124 of this book. For further particulars consult Penna. Railroad Summer 
 Exciirsion Route Book, or address H. N. OI^SON, 
 General Passenger Agent, Tiickerton, N. J. 
 Good Fishing, Fine Hotels Beautiful Scenery. 
 Can be reached via the AUBURN branch of the New York Central and Hudson 
 River Railroad, fifty miles west of SYRACUSE, and fifty miles east of ROCHESTER. 
 Can be reached from the Erie Railroad from WAVERLY, N. Y., via the Lehigh Val- 
 ley Railroad; from ELMIRA on the Erie Railroad via the Northern Central and 
 Syracuse, Geneva and Corning Railways via Hiinrods, and via Seneca Lake steamers 
 from Watkius, N. Y.; from CORNING on the Erie Railroad via the Syracuse, Gen- 
 eva and ("'orning liailway. From the main line of the New York Central and Hudson 
 River Rjiilroad from LYONS, N. Y., via the Lehigh Valley and Syracuse, Geneva and 
 Corning Railways, twelve trains daily. Connects with the Erie Canal at Montezuma 
 via the Cayutja and Seneca Canal . Steamers on Seneca Lake run all the year round, 
 making six trips a day in summer and two m winter. New York Statu Experi- 
 mental Farm located one and a half miles from village of Geneva, N, Y. 
 idin Regions. 
 (teamboat Co., 
 ,tor Send for 
 Open Season " 
 ortland, Me. 
 ^ R. Rm 
 and West. 
 [1.AVD, CHI- 
 Hotel Coaches, 
 M and further 
 109, asking for 
 ileveland, 0. 
 r. J. 
 jrsey Southeru 
 es on pp. 120, 
 Iroad Summer 
 kerton, N. J. 
 and HudHOU 
 e Lehigh Viil- 
 1 Central and 
 Lake steamers 
 lyracuse, Gen- 
 al and Hudson 
 le, (reuova and 
 at Montezuma 
 le year round, 
 State Experi- 
 Established 1844. 
 India Rubber Glove 
 503 and 505 Broadway 
 205 Broadway, Corner Eulton St., NEW YORK. 
 p. O. BOX 1424. 
 ® ;: 
 if '■ 
 si-, '-'l 
 We give PARTICULAR ATTEHTION to the manufacture of 
 Send for full Illustrated Catalogue. 
 ! I 
 ; I. 
 ii i 
 To the Hunting, Fishing, Mountain and Sea Shore Resorts 
 Of Maiuc, Now Uampahlre, Vermont aud the ProviucoH, via the 
 The great ploasuro route between ' 
 steamers PnOBZM and BBZ8TOX« leave Pier 28, N. R., foot of Murray street, 
 on alternate days, Hundays included, at 5.00 P.M. (5.30? M. commencing July Isti. 
 Returning corneciing traloH leave Boston from Old Colony Station week days Co*) 
 P. M.. Sundays 7.00 P. M.. connecting by Annex Boat to and from Jersey City aud 
 Take the Newport Line 
 merous Fishing and Summer Resorts of CAPE COD aud Southeastern Massachu- 
 The Newport Line wil l be reope ned for the summer season of 1885 about July Ist, 
 Splendid steamers PSOVIDISif CE and OZiD OO^OB'T will leave New York froui 
 Pier 2H, N. B., foot of Murray street (week days only) at 6.00 P. M. Returning leave 
 Newjxirtat "J .00 P. M. Conuoctmg trains to and from Newport, Cape Cod, New Bed- 
 ford, Martha's Viuoyard and Nantucket. 
 SEND FOR COPY of " Fall River Line Tours aud Excursions " and "Tip End of 
 Yankee Land," the latter containing listof hotels and summer boarding houses, ou 
 the Old Colony system, ready about Juue Ist, mailed free on application. 
 OEO. L. COmrOB. Oen. Passenger Agent, 
 P. O. Box 452. Pier 28, North River, New York. 
 Hinds' Black Fly Cream, 
 Elies, Mosquitos, Midges 
 and other insects, 
 And Protecting the Skin from Sunburn, lrrita->''"°'i*°<^*: although aii fhese 
 .. J i f 1. pestsHwarmed about me, I found 
 OUBN Falls, N. Y., June 16, 1884. 
 Mb. a. S. Hinds— Dear Sir:— I 
 have not sooner acknowledged 
 the receipt of box of 'Black Fly 
 Cream " as I desired to first teat 
 it; this I have now done on two 
 fishing trips where I found the 
 jmosquitoc, black flies, jmnkies 
 land moose or deer flies, in great 
 tion and Infections. 
 |the Cream a perfect preventive 
 against their bites when it was 
 VO BTAZH. applied to face, hands, ears and 
 — 1 neck. For many years I have 
 It is neat and cleanly, washes off readily|SoughtafterTHE insect repellant 
 and leaves the skin soft and smooth ana:aQdhavetried all manrerof com- 
 free from pain or iritation. ipounds. but yoars is the most 
 thorough, at the same time cleanly, and not disagreeable. A. N. Chenev. 
 Sold by dealers in Sporting' Oooda. Price 25 cents, post paid. 
 If you want a small boat for 
 let U8 know your needs. We can 
 and row-locks, from $36 up. 
 suit yo'i. Round-bottom boats, including oars 
 We also make and keep on hand the largest and finest line of Boat and Canoe Trim- 
 mings in the world. You ought to have a catalogue if you cannot call and see our 
 stock, and you can gtt this elegantly illustrated 58-page book by Fending 10 cents in 
 flUmps to BEVTOV BROS., 
 No 106 East Ninth street, New York. 
 [urray street, 
 ing July let). 
 eek dayB 6.W 
 iraey City aud 
 To the Lakes Streams and Ocean Resorts of the Entire Continent 
 ■ and the uu- 
 rn MasHacbii- 
 iboutJuly lat. 
 lew York from 
 itumiug leave 
 Dod, New Bed- 
 1 "Tip End of 
 Lng bousen, on 
 ger Agent, 
 , New York. 
 .June 16, 1884 . 
 —Dear Sir:— 1 
 of "Black Fly 
 )d to flnttteat 
 done on two 
 re I found the 
 flies, ]>unkie.t 
 tlieg, iu great 
 gli all thene 
 ut me, I found 
 [ect preventive 
 when it was 
 nds, earH aud 
 years I have 
 sect repellant 
 aiirerof com- 
 rs is the most 
 N. Cheney. 
 Its 2500 miles of railroa 1 reach from Lake Erie to the Missouri River and from 
 llie Ohio to Lake Michigan and ]> troit, forming, with its oonnectiona, 
 Tlie Direot R.O"u.te 
 ROM THE SOUTH to the Fishing Grcund' of Michigau, Wisconsin and Min- 
 BOM TKE WEST to the Adiroa'acks, the Lakes of Maine and the Atlantic 
 ROM TRB EAST o tbe Streams and Lakes of the Rocky Mountains. 
 BOM TKE irOBTK to the Bayous and Rivers of the Qnlf States. 
 [nchiding oar«) 
 Id Canoe Trim 
 111 and see our 
 lin^lO cents iu 
 New York. 
 F. Chandler, 
 General Passenger and Ticket Agent, St Louis, Mo. 
 A Natural Game Preserve. 
 The Upper Peninsula of Michigan, 
 Detroit, Mackinac & Marquette I » 
 Only Direct Route from the East and South to all Lake Superior Points. I ^'^'' 
 Came Fish abound in Streams and Lalces. 
 Trout, Black Bass, Mascalonge, Pickerel, Etc. 
 Guides, l)oatH, live bait and all needful Hnjiplies easily obtainable, and every fa- 
 cility afforded sportanicji iu chdico of favorable localitieHaiid in getting to tbciu. 
 Beautiful and Romantic Spots for Camping 
 iu the flncBt of climates on the nhore of the OREAT IiAXE, or among the smailer 
 Lakes and Btreains. 
 ' Note for Fishermen who are Incidentally Lovers of Good B^ioot- 
 ing. — Nowhere short of the frontier can be found such an abundance of gc-nie— 
 For full Information and special rates write to the Cieneral Passenger Agent. 
 General Superintendent. 
 E. W. AIJ.EH. 
 General Passenger and Ticket Agent. 
A XV 11 
 ^erior Points. 
 L., anil pvery fa- 
 Itting to tbem. 
 [ong the Bmailer 
 Good S>ioot- 
 luce of gc-me- 
 iger Agent. 
 IXicket Agent. 
 The Sportsman's Paradise I 
 Chicago & Northwestern By. 
 Will take yo« direct to all of the bent 
 Hunting i Fishing Grounds 
 Wisconsin, Minnesota, Dakota, Nortliern Hicliigan and the Lake 
 Superior Regions. 
 For yowrBelf, your dogH, guns, boats and game. 
 Drawing Room Sleeping Car, Parlor Car and Dining Car Route 
 Lake Gene7a, Wankesba, Devil's Lake, Green Lake, Neenali, Menasba, 
 Northwestern Summerland. 
 Take a Hunt or Fish- 
 Be sure that your ticket reads via THE N0RTHWE8TEBV. All OoupOQ 
 agents gell them. 
 For a Guide to >.he Enchinted Summerland of the West and Northwest write to 
 R. S. HAIR, 
 General Tassenger Agent, C. & N. W. Railway, Chicago. 
 V i 
 f- ■ ■ ' 
 Milwaukee, Lake Shore and 
 Western Railway, 
 This Railway Is now the acknowledged Fishing and Hunting Line of Wiaconsin; 
 Milwaukee tw Sheboygan, Sheboygan Falls aud Mauitowoc. 
 Through the picturesque Scenery of the Fox Kiver Valley, and the cities of Kau- 
 kauua aud Appleton, noted tor their vast water power aud manufacturing facilities. 
 Through Northern Wiscou tiu and the Michigan Peniusula, the most beautiful Re- 
 gion of Forests, Streams and LakeH iu tlie Great Northwest. 
 Within its limits are located the best Fishing and Hunting Grounds In the country. 
 The equable climate and the pure air of tlie Pine ForentH, make it a most desirable 
 Sauitariuu;, especially for sutt'erers from Hay Fever and Lung Diseases. 
 Good Hotels, Fleets of Pleasure Boats, aud general facilities for comfort and pleas*- 
 ure at Lake Gogebic, the Eagle Waters aud Pelican Lake. 
 Through the most wonderful Mineral region of the United States; ;he Gogebic, 
 Montreal aud Peuokee Iron Ranges. A new and rich field for the Prospector. Spec 
 ulator and Capitalist. Picturesque scenery aud interesting sights f(* the Tourist. 
 The line terminates at ASHLAND, Lake Superior, well known as a iesirable Sum- 
 mer Resort. 
 TflF rniHF ROOir ^o^ l^^- & l^^oo^^ ^t fifty-six pages, contatas full Informa- 
 1 Du UUll/u UVViv mation. Maps and Engravings of the country traversed by 
 the line, and will be sent on application to the General Passenger Agent. 
 Oeueral Manager. 
 Milwaukee, Wis. 
 CHAS. V. i\!cKINLAY, 
 a«iidral FasBeogdr Agaat. 
 of WiBconaio; 
 J cities of Kaii- 
 iring facilities. 
 it beautiful Re- 
 in the country, 
 most desirable 
 if or< and pleas*- 
 s; ;he Gogebic, 
 o»pector Spec 
 rr the rourist. 
 lesirable 8uin- 
 full Informa- 
 •y traveraed by 
 »Dg«r AgtaA. 
 Thos. H. Chubb, 
 Fishing Rod Manufacturer, 
 Orange County 
 Send for price list for 1886 of SPUT BAMnnn a «r» * . ^ 
 IHOBOBS. XnstylesofHodsrTrorard'Bl1^::f^^^^^^^^ 
 to weigh from 5 to 15 oz. Also, the SJaraKAJJ^^lZJ^Jl ' ""'' 
 tiplyiug Blac. Bass Keel. Clio, ^e^e^^l^.^'^f^'' ^°"^ ^^"•- 
 Rod inmmlngs. and. In fact, everything that the angler de.ires. 
 AU goods warranted flrst-clas. in every respect, and If not found .o c«ber^ 
 turned and money wiU be refunded. " »o c*a m r«- 
 Flshing Grounds in New York's Immediate Yiclnity. 
 For ticket* and timetables to all points oa the 
 • Long Island Railroad 
 inquire at the offices in New York, Brooklyn. Jersey City »d Long Wan* (Ht,. 
 L. I. B. B. Depot. Telephone o»U. »A. Qreenpoint. 
 V I 
 Send Stamp for Price List of 
 The Celebrated Divine 
 Trout 5 Bass Eods 
 The Cheapest and Best RODS 
 Ever Offered to Fishermen. 
 Bethabara Wood Rods a Specialty. 
 Lancewood Rods of Excellent Quality and Balance. 
 Utica, N. Y. 
 Summer Season, 1886. 
 Ashland, Lake Superior, Wis., 
 Opens Jxxne 1st. 
 ASHLAXD, WIS., in ai tlio head of rhcf)UaJii('t;oii Uay, an arm of Ijiko Riif prior, 
 the Ajioi^tle Islands Iviiij^' at tlie fiid'aiuo of the liay aud in fnll view of tho Hotel. 
 TIk' c;t,IMATK iw invit,'oratinK intlif liiKboHt dogroc, ret-niioratiug tli(^ wanted cner- 
 t:its as no ollitr in the world can. The air, coming from the pine and balnam for- 
 iHts and over the pure waters of the great Northeru Sea, bring health to old aud 
 voung alike. 
 THERE ARE NO MOSQUITOES at Anhland, a Htatenient that cannot truthfully be 
 made of any other Hummer resort uu the coutinent. 
 HAY FEVER is relieved at once on arrival, and pern^uently cured by a few weoka* 
 residence at this itoiiit. 
 THE HOTEL CUKQUAMEOON is one of the largest in the counfry. It is owned 
 and operated 1)y the "Wisconsin C^'Utral I,ine, under the management of that prince 
 nf caterers, Samuel H. IJrown. Accommo<latioiis for fully 5o(t g\u'sts are found 
 under its ample roofs. Uroad piazzas ou three sides give an uuecpuvlled promeu- 
 ude over 1,(100 feet in length, 
 THE cnsiNE IS rEUEECT, not excelled by any hotel iu tlie world, the Chicago 
 m.'irket heiiig the lla^() of suiiplies for meats, vcgetiililes and fruits, THE SPECK- 
 MANA(iEMENT. — The absolute rule governing the house aud itn management is 
 '■ that no guest, liowever critical, shall have cause for the slightest complaint." Iu 
 >hort, n(>thing is left undone or uucared for that can add to the pleasurable stay of 
 auv guest. 
 AMUSEMENTS.— For the entertainment of the tourist at the hotel there is a fine 
 Opera House, which will, during the season, be utilized for daui'ing, luofessional 
 and amateur acting, I'rof. Morse ami his world-renowned Orchestra furnishing the 
 music. In addition to this, tliere are witliin the hotel park Bowling .VlU^vs and Ril- 
 liard Parlors, Croquet and Eawn Tennis Ixrounds. In front of the hotel is a lino 
 I»ock, i)roperly jirotected to prevent accidents. Fnur this dock steamboats will 
 nuike daily triiis to the neighboring towns of Washliurn and liayiield, and tours 
 iim(Uig tilt! Apostle Islands. These boats are nude/ the ilirectioii of the hotel, aiul 
 special arrangements for excursions can l)e made at all times. At the dock is 
 iuooredtlie('he(iuamegoT) tleitof rowandsail boats. WITHIN A RADIUS OF 
 SPECIAL NOTICE.— 'Hie tales during the season of l^^it'. will bo .«'J..-|U aud .?.'i.0<) 
 per day. Notwithstaudiug tli;s reduction, the hotel will be ki'pt uj) iu its forniep 
 standard of perfectiiui. The iiouse will iiositively be kejit open during the month 
 of Setttember, and possibly Ini^gcr. Luring the jiast winter a steau. heating appa- 
 ratus has been put in, and in case of a cool spell guests will liud all parts of the 
 hi'use perfectly conifortablo. 
 HOW TO GET THERE.-Tho best route to Aslilaiid froin Chicago is via the 
 <•. M. \- St. P. Ry. to Milwaukee, and thenc(! via the WIS. CENTRAL LINE to 
 Ashland. It is not only the shortestand most direct roiiic. but as it is Jii -tly called, 
 the "Scenic Riuite" of the (rreat Northwest. Pa~-eiigcrs faki! an elegant nciV 
 sleeper, the finest in the world, at the Union Passenger Station, corner Canal ami 
 Adams streets, Chicago, ami go through to .\sblaud without change. liE SURE 
 you START RICtHT bv asking for th'kets via this route. 
 SEND FOR CiUILE HOOKS— "Famous Reborts of Wisconsin " aud " The .\poBtle 
 Islands and Lake Sujierior." 
 General Manager. General I'uHHenger Agent. 
 hi ' 
 The Key Line. 
 (Florida Railway and Navigation Company), 
 H. R. DUVAL, Receiver, 
 Great Hunti xg and Fishing Route. 
 This is the lock that guanls the gate 
 That seals the demesnes assigned by fate, 
 - , Where oceans of fish, 
 And boodles of game, 
 V-l CO 
 CD ^ 
 The biggest in size,. 
 Most varied in guise, 
 That ever the sportsman known to fame, 
 Or ever the ditto without a name, 
 In any cHme, 
 At any time, 
 Indulged his reel or tried his aim. 
 Send Blr cents postage for Free Guide. Address 
 D. E. XAZWEXA, A. O. lCAODOirEI.1.. 
 Gen. Supt.. Q. P. & T. A. 
 a. p. & T. A. 
 T^ xxrri 
 Hexagonal Split Bamboo 
 Factory 153 Milk St., Boston, Mass. 
 Received Three Silver Medals and Diplomas. 
 Highest Special Prize Awarded to any American Manufacturer 
 of Fishing Rods 
 All of our mountings the highent grade of German Silver. 
 All REEL SEATS Of National Rod and Reel Association STANDARD 
 Workmanship and Material Guaranteed Perfect. 
 ^ We^eli our goods ON THEIR MERITS. a»d NOT ...v aUu.sing ,,.od« of other 
 ^i" Send for Catalog-ue. '6 ft 
 The six volumes, handsomely bound in cloth (after July 1, 1885, 
 seven vol. ), of Thk Ambkican Anglek, are now ready for delivery. 
 Price $3.00 each. The demand for the unbound numbers of Volume 
 I. has BO largely decreased our supply of them, that we are compelled 
 to increase the price of copies to 25 cents each. New subscribers, how- 
 ever, who commence their subs^jriptions with the first issue of the 
 paper, October 1, 1881, will be supplied at the regular rate of $;J.00 a 
 To assist our readers, who art daily ordering back numbers, in the 
 selection of those containing special treatises of practical value to 
 anglers, we give below a few of the dates and a partial list of subjects 
 contained in Volumes II, III and IV. They will be sent, postage 
 paid, on receipt of ten cents for each copy. 
 Vv'hat is a Pike ? What is a Pickerel? Illustrated. December 10, 
 A Sole Leather Bait Box. Illustrated, December 23, '82. 
 Striking and Playing a Fish. Decembur 30, "82. 
 The White Perch. Illustrated. December 30, '82. 
 A Treatise on the Mascalonge —Where, When and How to Catch 
 Them. Illastrated. Contained in the issues of January 6, 13, 20, 27, 
 A Treatise on the Black Bass — Habitat, Modes of Capture, etc. Illus- 
 trated. In issues of February 3, 10, 17, 21, '83. 
 The Strawberry Bass. Illustrated. February 17, '83. 
 A Treatise on the Pike —Habitat, tackle Uhed, etc. Illustrated. lu 
 issues of Marcb 3, 10, 17, 24, '83. 
 The Reel- Its place on the Rod. March 24, April 14, June 16, '83. 
 The Atlantic Salmon, Soientitio and Popular Description — Habitat 
 and capture. Illustrated. March 31, '83. 
 Minnows as Bait. Illustrated April 7, 14, 21, '83. 
 Catching Flounders. Illustrated. April 7, '83. 
 The Trout of Maine Waters. April 14, 21, 28, May 5, '83. 
 The Trout Streams of the United States and How to Reach Them. 
 April 14, '83. 
 A Serviceable Fishing Boat — How [to Build it. Illustrated. April 
 21, '83. 
 Making a Split Bamboo— Amateur Work. April 28, '83. 
 Varnish for Rods. May 5, 83. 
 A Treatise on the Brook Trout— Habits, Habitat and Capture. H- 
 lustrated May 12, 19, 26, June 2, '83. 
 The Colorado Mountain Trout. May 12, '83. • 
 A New Minnow Pail. Illustrated. May 12, 1883. 
 The Striped Bass -Rock Fish -Description, Modes of Capture, etc. 
 Illustrated. May 26, June 2, '83. 
 Any of the above papers sent postpaid on receipt of ten cents. 
 * ' ' '' "" American Angler, 
 252 Broadway, New York. 
ly 1, 1885, 
 r delivery. 
 of Volume 
 I compelled 
 ibers, how- 
 3sue of the 
 of$J.OO a 
 »ers, in the 
 il value to 
 of subjects 
 int, postage 
 comber IG, 
 V to Catch 
 , 13, 20, 27, 
 ). etc. Illus- 
 trated. In 
 ne 16, '83. 
 n — Habitat 
 ;ach Them, 
 ted. April 
 pture. II- 
 Lpture, etc. 
 3W York, 
 The Split Bamboo— Its History, etc. May l!) and June 2, '83. 
 A Treatise on the Bluetish and NVeakfish. Illustrated. June 9, '83. 
 The Smelt of Sebago Waters— Description, Capture, etc. Illus- 
 trated. June 10, '83. 
 A Treatise on the Sheepshead Illustrated. June 16, '83. 
 The Lake Trout -Where, When and How to Take Them, 
 trated, June 23, 30, July 7, '83. 
 The Kingtish and Bonito - A Practical Essav. Illustrated. 
 23, "83. 
 A Treatise on the Black Drum and Spanish Mackerel. Illustrated. 
 June 30, '83. 
 How to Play a Black Bass. June 23, '83. 
 A Treatise on the Blacktish and Flounder. Illustrated. July 7, '83, 
 Black Bass Minnow Rois— Their Construction, etc. July 7, '83. 
 A Treatise on the Lake Herring -Cisco. Illustrated July 7, '83. 
 The Sea Bass, Bergall and Tom Cod— How, When and SVhere to 
 Capture Them. Illustrated July 14, >'3. 
 'rhe Codfish and the Haddock -How Taken on the Hook. Illus- 
 trated. July 21, '83. 
 Amateur Rod Making. July 21, September 2'.>, October 13, October 
 27, November 17, December 22, '83. 
 The Henshall Rod — Dimensions, etc., given by Dr. James A. Hen- 
 shall. July 21, '83. 
 A Treatise on the Lafayette (Spot) and the Menhaden. Uluatrated. 
 July 28, '83. 
 The Shad and Snapping Mackerel— How, When and ^NTiere to Take 
 Them. Illustrated. August 11, '83. 
 Anglers' Knots —How to Tie Them. Illustrated. April 8, May 6, 
 May 13, '82; August is, September 8, October 6, '83. 
 A Treatise on the Pike-Perch or Wall- Eyed Pike— Habits, Habitat 
 and Mode of Capture. Illustrated. September 8, 15, 22, 29, October 
 6, '83. 
 Dressings for Flies. September 29, '83. 
 The Bisby Trout— Scientitic and Popular Description; How They 
 are Caught, etc. Illustrated. October 13, October 20, '83. 
 Rod Joints. Illustrated. October 20, November 10, '83. 
 Any of the above papers sent postimid on receipt of ten cents. 
 Address The American ANaLKK, 
 252 Broadway, New York. 
 We have ready for delivery the illustrated edition of The American Angleb, 
 under the title of "The Fishes of the East Florida Coast." Price, postpaid, twenty- 
 flve cents. 
 The text is from the pen of 8. C. Clarke, of Marietta, Ga., the well known aug 
 ling naturalist. 
 One of the most valuable features of this edition is a list of the names, localities 
 and the routes to reach thcni, of the best Ashing grounds situated on the East and 
 Guif coaHts of Florida. This information is kindly furnished by " Al Fresco"— Dr. 
 C.J. Kcuwortliy. of JinkHonville. 
 This essay contains a description of the different species of fishes caught on the 
 Florida coast, with their habits, descriptions of the mode of capture, tackle, baits, 
 etc, It in ilhiHtrated by the following engravings of the native fish, most of wbicli 
 were drawn from nature : 
 The Red Drum— Channel Baea— Sciaena ocellata 
 The Red Grouper— Epiuephelus morio 
 The Salt Water Trout— Spotted Sea Trout— Cynoscion carolinenBit 
 The Ponipauo— Ponipeynose — TriichyiiotUH caruliuus. 
 The Mangrove Siiappor — liUtjauus aurorubens 
 The I^atly Fish— Skipjack— Bone Fish— Albula conorhynchuB. 
 The Drum — Pogonian chromis. 
 The Tarpum— Tarpon— Silver King— Megalopb thrissoides. 
 The White, or Silver Mullet— Mugil albula. 
 The Hog Fish- Pig Fish— Lachnolwrnus falcatus. 
 The yheepehcad. 
 252 Broadway, V«w York. 
 dcr ] 
 for tl 
 oetpaid, twenty- 
 ell known ang 
 amcs, localities 
 n the EaHt and 
 \.l Fresco "—Dr. 
 I caught on the 
 i, tackle, baits, 
 moat of xvhicli 
 Of Canada. 
 The famous Trout and Salmou Fishing ReRorts rf (•■ 
 anada are along the line of tho 
 Or are reached via that route. 
 Along the Lower St. Lawrence, 
 der lease, a large uunlbeVar:" vinaTle'td the-J'Xic!''''''' "^"'"^ "''''''^'' '''' "'^■ 
 Trout abound in all the Lakes, Rivers and Estuaries 
 along the Hue of railway, and the fl«hing is free. 
 Companies' Offices. <- tobc.. can l.o Lad at JV.uriKt Railway and Ktean.slnp 
 pure air and a ^ mf ntu.ncd .■}„ up liviLg, splendid sea bathing. 
 Perfect Panorama of Delljlitfiil Sea, Ri?er, Lake&Moiuitain Views. 
 Fnr ^,,,„rtp„ve c.„l,l. B„ok.. M.,», Tin.e Tabic, a-,, „y t^ther inf „„„ 
 General FaPHr^n^er /pout 
 Monctmi, N. B. 
 Chief Superintendent. 
 11 t 
 A Weekly Journal, devoted entirely to 
 Fish, Fishing and Fish Culture. 
 Mr, SETH OREEN', the noted placaculturlst, has charge of the Fiah Oiiltura De- 
 $3.09 par auaatu 
 OAo3B 253 Boadnriv, 17 aw York. 
 Borne, Watertown ft Ogdensbarsr Ballroad— The Only Direct Route to 
 tlie Famous Fishing- Grounds of the Biver St. Iiawrence and the Adi- 
 rondack Besfion. The Sportsman's Paradise. 
 TLrongh Drawing Room and Sleeping Car Ber\'ice between New York, Albany, 
 Xltica, Rome, Syracuse, Roi;benter, Niagara Fulls and Cape Vincent, Ogdeneburg and 
 Norwood. Connecting at Cape Vinceni with steamers tor Kingston, Out., Clayton, 
 Alexandria Bay, and all St. Lawrence River points. 
 Undoubtedl'i the bewt bass and mascalonge fishing in the world will be fonnd in 
 the vicinity ol Wolf Ireland, just oflf Capo Vincent, steamer making two round trips 
 daily (Sunday.s exi-f^jttfd) between Capo Vincent and Kingston, lauds passengers (it 
 Marysvdle, a hniall village on the island opposite Kingston. At the head of Wolf 
 Island lies Horsewhoe Island; between the two are many rocky shoalH wbere early 
 fly-fishing for bass cannot be equalled elsewiiere on the continent, and many other 
 points on the .St. Lawrence River are noted for being fnmouft fishing grounds. 
 Send your aildress to the General Passenger Agent, Oswego, N. Y., for copy of a 
 handsomely-illustrated Tourist Guide, contninicg a complete description of the many 
 tourist resorts in Northern New York and New England, with routes and rates. 
 Tickets can be i)urcha8ed and baggage checked from any point. App ly to the 
 ticket agents for time tables, information, etc. Q. C. OBIDX«ST, 
 H« M< BBITTONi Qeneral Manager. Acting General Pasasenger Ageat. 
 Julture Do- 
 r York. 
 Boute to 
 tlie Adl- 
 Irk, Albany. 
 Ineburg and 
 It.. Clayton, 
 1)0 fonnd in 
 Iround trips 
 Ipsensers 9X 
 lad of Wolf 
 vhere early 
 luany other 
 copy of a 
 Jf the many 
 , rates. 
 jply to the 
 Ir Ageat. 
 m 7 ^ ^A'TE t^uE 
 Jtr f 
 ^ 1978 
 LIB 200- TR 
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