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D Coloured covers/ Couverture de couleur □ Covers damaged/ Couverture endommagde I I Coloured pages/ Pages de couleur Pages damaged/ Pages endommagdes □ Covers restored and/or laminated/ Couverture restaur^e et/ou pellicul6e □ Pages restored and/or laminated/ Pages restaurdes et/ou pellicui6es D Cover title missing/ Le titre de couverture manque D Pages discoloured, stained or foxed/ Pages d6color6es, tachetdes ou piqu^es I I Coloured maps/ Cartes g^ographiques en couleur □ Pages detached/ Pages d^tach^es □ Coloured ink (i.e. other than blu3 or black)/ Encre de couleur (i.e. autre que ble' elure, 3 32X 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 s G / INSTITUTE OP Chartered Accouitamts OF ONTARIO. liicorporated by statutes of Ontario, 46 Vic, 1882-3, Cap. 64. ~'*->-*BftB [Assented to Isi Febniary, 1883.] WHEREAS an association has been for sometime organized under the name and style of the Institute of Accountants of the Province of Ontario, on the basis of a Hke institute duly chartered in Great Britain, and hailing from London, Liverpool, Manchester, Glasgow, and other large commercial centres therein, and such associ- ation now numbers over two hundred members hailing from Toronto, Kingston, Hamilton, London, Brantford, Belleville, St. Catharires, Cobourg, and other commercial centres of the Province, such membership comprising the financial managers and accounta,nta of leading firms of such localities : and whereas Samuel Bickerton Harnian, president ; John J. Mason, vice-president ; and G. W. Banks, E. K. C. Clarkson, R. T. Coady, W. H. Cross. W. A. Douglas, H. W. Eddis, W. F. Findlay, R. H. Gray, Francis C. Ireland, J. W. Johnson, Jolm Massey, R. D. Millar, J. T. Moore, A. G. Ramsay, Charles Robertson, and S. Whitt, members of the council of the said association, on behalf of the members tlvereof, have petitioned to be granted a charter of incorporation to enable them more etViciently to give effect to the aims they seek to accom- plish as an intellectual and educational movement to raise the standard of accountancy, with such corporate powers as are herein- after mentioned ; and it is expedient to grant the prayer of the said petition ; Therefore Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Onta];io, enacts as fol- lows : — 1. The said Samuel Bickerton Harman, John J, Mason, G. W. Banks, E. E. C. Clarkson, R. T. Coady, W. H. Cross, W. A. Douglas, H. W. Eddis, W. F. Findlay, II. H. Gray, Francis C. Ireland, J. W. Johnson, John Massey, R. D. Millar, J. T. Mooro, A. G. Ramsay, Charles Robertson, and S. Whitt, and all other persons who may hereafter from time to time be admitted to membership of the corporation, are hereby constituted a body politic and corporate by the name of " The Institute of Chartered Accountants of On- tario," and the said corporation ( hereinafter called the Institute) shall, subject to the provisions of this section, be capable in law by its corporate name, to take, purchase, hold, sell and dispose of, all and any goods, chattels, lands, tenements, and hereditaments, and any real or personal property whatsover, and any mtercst therein, which may from time to time he necessary or convenient for the purposes of the Institute ; but the Institute shall not engage in trade, or so deal in lands or any interest therein, but may receive, manage and invest voluntary contributions and donations from members or others as a benevolent fund for the benefit of needy or non-prosperous members or their families, including tlie families of deceased members ; provided always that the said Institute shall oidy have power to acquire and hold such real estate as shall not at any one time exceed an annual value of three thousand dollars, H.nd shall have and hold such real estate oniy so far as the same sliall be necessary for the purposes of the said Institute within Ontaiio. 2. The Institute is hereby empowered to promote, and increase by all lawful ways and means, tlio knowledge, skill, and proficiency of its members, in all things relating to the business or calling of an accountant, and to that end to establish classes, lectures, and examinations, and prescribe such tests of competency, fitness, and moral character as may be thought expedient to qualify for admis- sion to membershi]), and to grant diplomas of fellowship to compe- tent members enabling tliem to use tiie distinguishing letters F. C. A. (Fellow of the Ciiartered Accounlnnts) as a test of such comp(4,ency. fol- 3. The Institute, in general or special meeting assembled, may . make by-laws for carrying out its objects, and may alter and vary the same from time to time ; and after the first set of by-laws has been made no new one shall be made, nor shall any by-law bo al- tered unless written notice thereof has been given at a previous meeting. 4. The officers of the Institute shall consist of a president, two vice-presidents, a secretary, and a treasurer (the same person being eligible for both the last mentioned offices), and such other officers as may be provided for by the by-laws ; the affairs, business, and concerns of the Institute shall be managed by a council, including the said officers, the number of which siiall be regulated by the by- laws, all of whom shall be members of the Institute, and who shall be elected annually at such time and place as may be provided by the by-laws ; all vacancies which nuiy occur in the council by death or otherwise, in the interval between two annual meetings, may be filled by the council. 5. The said Samuel Bickerton Harman, John J. Mason, Gr. W. Banks, E. R. C. Clarkson, R. T. Coady, W. H. Cross, W. A. Douglas, H. W. Eddis, W. F. Findlay, R. H. Gray, Fiancis C. Ire- land, J. W. Johnson, John Massey, R. 1). 'Millar, J. T. Moore, A. Ct. Ramsay, Charles Robertson, and 8. Whitt, shall be the officers and council of the Institute until others under the provisions of this Act shall be elected to fill their place. 6. The council may fix an entrance and an annual fee or sub- scription to be paid by all members, and may vary the amount from time to time, and no member shall be personally liable for any debt of the Institute beyond the amount of his uiipaid fees or sub- scription as aforesaid. 7. An annual mecthig shall bo held for the election of the coun- cil of the Institute, and ^or such other business as may be brought before such meeting, at such Lime and place, and under such regula- tions and notices as by the by-laws of the Institute shall be deter- mined ; and in default of such election being held at the proper tiuie,the existing council shall continue to act until their successors shall be duly appointed. 6 ' fit, a™:st,;;i:!f' i "^""^^^^ ^-^^ p--- - ^ sees rules and by- aw „ , "in 'r.' '"'"°"''™' "' ""'"''^ "^ ""^ y ot ti.e Institute on eo.nplaint and after inquiry. 9- Tlie Institute shall liave power to nffii;-,t„ -.i atitute or association of accou,!: s ^X^W lu^ 2 '' '", Canada. Great Britain, or the United Sn/! f , ^'""""™ "^ where, for p,n,osesof n.„t,.al hL^tot ^Is^™' °^ ^'-■ any interest in J oh "'"v Th f '"^ '•''»"■'»»'■'»»-««, ha've stiLe. «gan,st.the hn.ds or property of the In- \ GONSTITUTIOK CHARTER. I CONSTITUTION, 1. The title of the Institute is " The Institute of Chaktered Accountants of Ontario," pursuant to the Act of Incorporation passed by the Legishiture of Ontario in the 46th year of the reign of Her Majesty Queen Victoria, A.D. 1888, numbered 02. 2. The objects of the Institute, as set forth in the Charter, have in view to afford to the pubhc a guarantee of efficiency and abihty, by granting its Diploma or Certificate to competent and reliable persons ; and to give expression to the views of the Insti- tute as a body upon questions incident to the profession. 8. The Institute shall consist of the members named in the charter, and other members who have been elected in the manner provided by the By-laws, and who have paid their fees. 4. The Institute has power, undei' the cliarter, to expel any member, after trial as provided in the J*)y-laAvs. 5. Such members as the Council sjall find to be fully (pialilied shall be entitled to a Diploma of Fellowship. 0. At the first annual general meeting, and at each annual general meetingthereafter, there sluill bo elected by ballot a President, two Vice- Presidents, eighteen ^) embers of Council, half at least of whom shall be rebid^nts of Toronto, and two Auditors. Vacancies which may occur in the Council by death or otherwise, between two ainiual meetings, may be filled by the Council, pursuant to the charter. 7. The anniuil general meeting of the Institute shall Le held in Toronto on such day in each year as may be fixed by By-law. 8. Other meetings of the Institute shall be held monthly, as pro- vided by the liy-laws, for tbe election of members, the transaction 10 of goiuM'nl husii\»>ss. nnd tlu' (liwcMjHMioii ot'miy <|iu liisl iiir«^tin}jr hI'Um' the luumul nuuilin/^, Ixmiiijf tonnod llii> " IiiaM}.(unil Moi^iii^j: '" of jIm» <'un'(Mit StiHwioii. !>. Until othorwiHO providoU by tlu» Hy ItiwH, noww iu(Miilu>rH sliiill tonn !i quonun ni nny nuM'tin^; of l\w \\\h\.'iU\U\ 10. Till' Inntituto .sluill bo miiiutj^i'd l»\ a ('oiincil, coniitoHi'd of tbo Prosidoiit, two VicivPn'HidoiitH, and (M^tld<'«Mi iin'inbcrH. and l)(« l^rt'sidod ovor by tbo Prcsidonl or n \ it'(< I'rcHidtMil. of in their absonco, a cbtiirnian idiosiMi by tbo nicetinfj:. 'V\w Council shall moot at. Ibc time nr«>Hcrib('d by Hy law. a>id shall luivo power to :»|M'','^ *''•' I'inids of the Instit'.ite, aftcM" payintMit of ennvMit t»NinMis{>s. in providinj^; roonm foi- th(> lnHtitnt«> and fin-tuHh- injJT the. siune. ni th(^ purehase of n library. mikI to Hueb othei' purposes as tlu>y nmy de(>ni advnnta}![(MMiH to tli(> Institntt^ or itw t>bjt>ets to ni^point. a S(>er(>tnry-Tr(>usurer to d(>tevniine what ap}>lieation!r! sbnll be sidmiitted to the lnsl;itut(» for biillot to ^j:rant PipUmuis of l''ollowship iind e(>rtil'ieati's of eonii)i'tency to nieni- bcrs— to ord(>r spt^eia! nu»etin}j;s of tb(> Institute and jrenerally to dt^ all other thinj^s whieli they consider in lluMntt»n>Hts of tho histitute; subjeet. liowi>ver. iti all thiufjfs t.o the Hy-laws for t,he time IxMnjr in i'orvo l''ive shall be a (pu>runi 11. The entrance fi'(«s and annual sid»scriptions shall be lixed hy By-law from tinu' to tinu>. 12. All niplonuis. Certilicati^s and other Ollieial Docunu'nts, shall be signed by the President or a \'ic((-lVoHident and tlio Secietiwy, and attested by the seal of the Institute. my l>(« l»<'in/r ;-ihall «mI of III 1)0 tli(>ir iincil hIihII lit of uhIi- itli<«r tr itH wlin.l. :ni.n(, rfilly ■ Un> the i\(Hl nls, BY-LAWS. ( / 1 ( ■' i; i! I ■I If u illl i III' I BY-LAWS. MEMBERS. 1. No person under twenty-one years of age shall be eligible for membership of this Institute. APPLICATIONS. 2. Applications for admission as members shall be made to the Council, and shall be in tlie following form : Application to the Council for Admission as a Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ontario. 1 beg to offer myself for admission as Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ontario. 1. Name in fulL 2. Place of business. 8. Residence. 4. Occupation. 5. References as to character. 0. Corporation, Company, or Firm, (if any,) with which connected in business. 7. Date. 8. Post Oflice address. 3. All applications sliall be hiid before tlie Council at the meeting following tlieir reception by the Secretary. 8uch applications as tlie C!oun(dl approve sluill bo submitted to the first montlily meeting of tlie Institute. •4. When eight or more members trom any town or city other than Toronto have been admitted members of the Institute, they tm iHsanm III! II 'li' il^r !IU. 14 may tlien form a local committee for taking such action in regard to the admission of new members and any other matter they may think necessary, so long as such action does not contiict with the Constitution and By-laws of the Institnte. UNSUCCESSFUL APPLICANTS. 5. Unsuccessful applicants shall not be eligible for admis- sion until the expiration of six moiitlis from the date of rejection. BALLOT. 6. All candidates for admission as members shall be ballotted for ; and five black balls shall exclude. FEES. 7. For members, resident in Toronto and its vicinity, first year ten dollars for entrance fee and yearly subscription ; and subsecpiently a yearly subscription of live dollars. For members not resident in Toronto, six dollars for entrance and yearly subscription, and subsequently a yearly subscription of three dollars. 8. All entrance fees sliall be payable on admission, and all annual subscriptions in advance on the first day of January in each year. Members joining jlfter the first day of July shall receive a rebate of half the annual subscription. MEMBERS IN ARREARS. 9. No member shall be eligible for office or be entitled to vote, who is in arrears for fees, or dues of any kind. LAPSE OF MEMBERSHIP. 10. Any member shall cease to be sucb, if he allow his subscrip- tions, fees, or duts of any kind, to fall in arrear of payment for the period of twelve months from date of maturity, after being notified and Ilia attention called to this liy-law. PENALTIES. 11. Any member agahist whom cliarges shall be brought, shall be tried before the Council, and on proof shall be liable to suspension or expulsion. 15 12. No member shall be put on trial, unless charges in writing duly specifying his alleged offence shall first be submitted to the Council. 13. The Council shall, with as little delay as possible, summon the parties and examine and determine the matter in question, according to the evidence given. 14. If the Council prefer that the offence should be dealt with by the Institute they shall so report at a monthly or the annual meeting, or at a special general meeting, whicli shall have power by a majority vote to suspend or expel the offender. ELECTIONS. 15. All elections shall be by ballot. DUTY OF PRESIDENT, ETC. 16. The duty of the President shall be to preside and preserve order at all nieetings of the Institute and Council, and in his absence a Vice-President shall exercise the office of President. In the absence of the President and both Vice-Presidents, a Chairman, who for the time being shall be invested with the powers of the President, shall be elected by a nuijority of those present, entitled to vote and voting. All cheques shall be countersigned by the President or a Vice-President. SECRETARY-TREASURER . 17. The Council shall, at its first meeting, or as soon after as may be found convenient, appoint a Secretary-Treasurer, who shall conduct the correspondence of the Institute and Council ; notify members of the Institute and Council of the holding of all meetings ; record the proceedings thereof; keep separate registers of the fellows and members, with tlieir addresses ; see that the ajiplications for admission and the recommentlations accompanying the same, are in the form above prescribed; that all rtMjuired notices are duly sent to the members of the Institute and of the Council ; receive all entrance fees, subscriptions and moneys accruing to the Institute; disburse and dispose of the same as the Council may 16 direct ; draw and sign all clieques ; keep correct account of all receipts, disbursements and disposal of the funds, in such books and in such manner as tlic Council sliall determine from time to time ; prepare in due time the Annual Statement of Receipts and Expenditures, and the Balance Sheet named in the next section ; and generally perform, under the supervision of the Council, such duties as appertain to the office of a Secretary-Treasurer. AUDIT. 18. Tlie Council shall, fourteen days before each annual meeting, deliver to the Auditors the Books of Account of the Institute, togetlier with all vouchers, receipts, or other financial documents necessary to enable the Auditors to make a complete and satisfac- tory audit and report. Also a statement of receipts and expenditure and a Balance Sheet showing the assets and debts up to the last day of eacli fiscal year, 19. The Auditors shall examine the above, and either confirm the same or make a special report tliereon, and such confirmation or report shall be read with the accounts at the annual meeting. MEETINGS. 20. Tlie Ainiual Meeting of tlie Institute shall be lield on the third Thursday in February in each year, for the election of tlie officers named in section six of the Constitution, and subsequently of members, and for the transaction of general business. 21. The Institute shall further meet on the third Thursday of each montli for tlie election of members, the transaction of general business, and the discussion of questions incidental to the profession. 22. Special meetings of the Institute shall be called after receipt of a re(piisition to the President, signed by not less than ten nieml)ers, and at least one weeks notice, specifying the special business to be brought forward, shall be given of such meeting to all the members of the Institute. 23. Meetings of the Institute may be adjourned from time to time by a majority of those present entitled to vote and voting. 17 24. The Council will meet monthly or oltener, at such time and place as a majority of the Council may decide. IVleyibers of the Council non-resident in Toronto, shall be paid by the Institute their actual expenses in goin^j^ to, attending, and. returning from said meetings. By resolution- of the Council, the meetings, either of the Institute or of the Council, during the summer months, may be suspended, but subject to the call of the Presivi^nt. ORDER OF PROCEEDINGS. 25. The following shall be the order in which business shall be taken up at the meetings : I. — The Council : 1. Keadin^, correcting, and adopting Minutes. 2. Reading and considering correspondence. 3. Reading and considering Reports of Committees. 4. Reading and considering applications for nientbership. ."). Passing accounts. (j. General business. II. — The Institute : Same as the above, omitting Nos. 4 and .'") and (>, and inserting, 4 Balloting foi- candidates recommended by the Council. 5 General business. QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION— WRITTEN THEMES. 2(5. Questions for discussion, and written papers on appropriate themes, to be read at any monthly meethig. must be approved by the Council. This By-law may, however, be suspended for the time being at any meeting by a two-thirds vote of those present and entitled to vote. "Questions" and "Themes" having hnd such approval shall in all cases have precedence. 27. The introduction of political or religious subjects or their discussion shall never be allowed at any meeting of the Institute or Council. REGULATIONS WITH REGARD TO EXAMINATIONS AND GRANTING DIPLOMAS AND CERTIFICATES. 28. The Council shall from time to time, make such rules and regulations Avith regard to examinations and granting di})lomas and IH certificates, and tlie lees to be paid for the same, as they may deem advisable, and shall, as urgency may require, appoint one or more examiners, whose duty shall be to examine, either by written or oral questions, or both, in the several subjects set apart by the Council, all candidates for the said diplomas or certificates. SALARIES. 20. The Secretary-Treasurer and Examiners shall receive such remuneration as the Council shall from time to time determine. ALTERATION OF BY-LAWS. 30. The By-laws for the time being in force may be altered or added to only in accordance with the pt-ovisions of the charter in that behalf, and by a two-thirds vote of the members present entitled to vote and voting.