o. r IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) h // /T/ <^, ^•° C^. ^y L u ' ' fO • w . ' 1 ' w p F r . I • 1 1 1 1 I 1 — o 1 1 -H(&- £ £ 3 -TV ^5 ^^ ^^ f- f Thou hast wandered far a - P £: .i*_i!-_^ 1^ way : Come home ! come home ! /TV ^ r=F I 4 " See the door still open ! Thou art still my own ; Eyes of love are on thee, My son ! my son ! " — Cho, 5 *' Far off thou hast wandered : Wilt thou further roam ? Come } and all is pardoned, My sou ! my son ! "—Cho. 6 " See the well-spread table, Unforgotten one ! Here is rest and plenty. My son ! my son ! " — Cho. ' 7 "Thou art friendless, homeless, Hopeless, and undone ; Mine is love unchanging, My son ! my son ! — Cho* ' The Great Salvation. 24. lAMKST. I" i" S ome m me! m Mq, ■Cho. ' lomeless, e; " He is a whole Christ,— a full Saviour 1 Glory to Ood for such a salvation ! "— I^' *L-^ :iW -^^ m 1. There's a roy • al ban • ner giv - en for display To the soldiera of the King, 2. Tho' the foe may rage and gather as the nood, Let the standard be displayed I 8. O - ver land ancf sea, wherever man may dweil, Make tho glorious tidings known ; 4. When the glory dawns— 'tis drawing very near— It is^hasfning day by day — :t=e t±t m^ =?^g ^-rtfT^ ^^^ 1. To the soldiers of the King; As an en- 2. Let the standard be displaced! And beneath 3. Make the glorious tidings known ; Of the crim- 4. It is hast n • ing day by day— Then before As an en - sign fair - lift it up to-day. V'hiie as ransomed ones we sing. And beneath its foldf ' soldiers of the f rd, For the truth be not dismayed ! Of ,! e crimson banner now the st v / tell, While the Lord shall claim His own i Then before our King the foe shall disappear. And the Cross the world shall sway. 5^W^ CHORUS. Marching on ! sign fair we lift it up to-day, Whiie as raraomed ones we sing. Mnrohing on ! its folds, u soldiers of the Lord, For the truth be not dismayed Marching on ! son banner now the story tell. While the Lord shall claim his own! Marching on ! our King the foe shall disappear, And the Cross the world shall sway. Marching on! P Xf-T X ^^ Marching on 1 . For Christ count everything but loss ; f=F Si* ■P^- 71 f^m Marchmg on! onl on! Marching on! on! on! For Christ count everything, everything but loss, evervthing but loss .... F And to crown him King, * 3 i everything everything but lose; toil and sing, 'Xeath the banner of the Croes. N N 5 ihH^t f^f^ j-* r r ' ^" ^^=f=p' ^ ^^ ^ And to crown him King, we'll toil and sing, Beneath the banner c( the CroBs. ._• — f: — § t ^ f rrrufftiiy m 6 J. M. W, Jesus is Calling You Now. J. M. Whttb. fea * =?=f=# 15: ^EE^^^^^^ . Why do you wait a con - ven - i - ent day ? Je - sus is I. Days have gone by, and the months and the years, Je - sus is I. Darkness is deep'ning, and oh, 'tis so late ! Je - sus is t:'^ * A* ♦*• ti^Jt t: p t t t J t t b t I k t h^ :t3=ts: ^^=^=^^. fcz 33^^^ ^ZIZ^. call - ing you now ; call-ing you now; call-iug you now; Why do you turn from his pleadings a- Joys have de - part - ed and sor - row a- What if the Spir - it left you to your ^^ m ?=-?- f p ^ ? 1^ I' f= I ^ f^-jv i /TN ^ h ^^^ m ;=rt -»-f*— * 5 ?=^ T^- Pfe way ? Jesus is calling you now. He stands at the door of your pears, Jesus is calling you now. The promise you made him was fate ? Jesus is calling you now. Escape for thy life, tar - ry ■^-i-H ■• ^ a— ± H ^ -rV- ^ heart just now, The dews of the morning are on his brow; nev - er kept. When down by the grave-side you mourned and wept; not, soul. Escape for thy life, you may miss the goal; lEg * c tif r f f m r (t . Whttb. $ S IS s is s is m e£ ;8 a- w a- > your f Jesus n I is g You Now— Coniinwed K h N N N 1 V K T P p s p ^ r J J J J J 1 JL ?!{,' J~ — j^ J — — J— —J — -^ -J 9> i * 5_ — J fmii-4^ — s-s- — W — — ^f— ^ ■ ' -u a s * 1 He Turn And f-' is to if V there him you wait • now miss V \ \ . \ ■ ine and call - ing you now ; and his free grace ac-cept; it, what hor - rors, soul! f f * f: * ? ^=H-}?-k— V — -U L — — u —^ 1^ _L) U U 1 1 -^41^ — V— — P 1 ' K—^ ' L-f-- -V — -^ f CHORUS. ^ ^ N N ^^^ Fi fi:S3^3 i will you not will you not will you not come to him now ? tut'ii i. ~ i. v„ • „^w.„ *^ u;™ ««™. 9 Will you not come to him now ? come to him now ? /-i •'i. i • • j. „^™« 4.^ 1,5™ ^^™ 9 Come to him now, conie^ lust come to nim now j i > j S ^ t ■0- ^ t -+T — ^ :p=P=t >— V — '^ — ^ £ #-^H» »- s » — w I ^ : your im was tar - ry f=f- V ¥- fe^^^i^^^ ^jN^ -^=^=■1 Will you not trust in him now? Just now. right now ? Come to him its: t S £ ^ ■t i i J* |# £ -H h is brow; id wept; he goal; teg g^fe5 i f J ^-r now, now, right now, hear him, he's calling you now. trust in him now. t £ t * S . ^^S -h 1- 1i=±. -1/ \i — w- i I H. PoiiLARO. CHORUS. "The New Song." SoirrHBRN Mblodt. P 1 « « ^^ MEt -^^ m Wait a lit - tie while, Then we'll sing the New Song; i msm ^m -9-^ — 9 I ^TN 1. J7~J i /T\ ^ i 3 #-i — *- --^=i^ p ■*^ Wait a lit - tie while, Then we'll sing the New Song. ^ ^^^ f^g^^^ I ^^^=^ /C^ ^ ^ i il-t -ihT-^ «-T- Whenthe great Ju - bi - lee shall ccme, Then we'll sing [the New Song; 53; r r. r r: f . r -^- tJUO-^^J Nhv /TN £nd uitA CAoruf?. i -^i^-*- r And Chris t shall take his ransom'd home, Then we'll sing the New Song. ITS -tr-tr"-! 1— f *^ 1 ! ^ I 2 When the long night of sin shall close. Then we'll sing the New Song ; And life's fair dpy shall end our woea. Then we'll sing the New Song. S When the triad shout shall rend the sky. Then we'll sing the New Song ; "O grave, where is thy victoryl" Then we'll sing the New Song. i TThen sorrow, pain and death are o'er, Then we'll sing the New Song ; And sighs and tears shall be no more, Then we'll sing the New Song, 6 When to the pearly gates we come, Then we'll sing t,he New Song ; When we have reached our blissful homo, Then we'll sing the New Song. 6 When we shall tread Life's river brink. Then we'll sing the New Song ; And of those crystal waters drink. Then we'll sing the New Song. 7 Where all will be immortal, fair, There we'll sing the New Bong ; When blood-washed robes are oursto WMUr* Then we'll sing the New Song. MaifWUt^HMMIMM 8 Oh, 'Tis Wonderful! I. I. Lulu. F. A. Blaokmbr. M^'; \ }.H--i \ i\rmfrff^ X T^ 1. When I was far a • way and lost, Oh, 'tis won • der • fal i 2. I once was blind, but now I see ; Oh, 'tis won - der - tul I 8. My guilt was all I had to bring ; Oh, tis won • der • ful I 4. This great sal • va • tion all may share: Oh, 'tis won -der - full 6. Come, ain - ner, now, and seek Uis grace ; Oh, tis won • der - ful 1 t:' ^^ ti ^ ^^m fi3^ i [=3: ? / ^^ ^^^m 3^^ b I That I was saved at such a costl Oht , Was bound by sin but now am free ; Oh ! Yet I was made his love to sing ; Oh 1 Thro' - out the world the mes-sage bear ; Oh ! And find in him a rest - ing place ; Oh I 'tis 'tis 'tis 'tis 'tis won • der - ful ! won • der - ful I won - der - ful ! won • der • ful I won • der - ful t /T^ P33 m ^Ei ^^M] P33^ tf: ^ f 3t=|t ? CHORUS. M m s: P ^3 r-t g C-gJ *-T- -*-ir *^ Oh, 'tis won - dor - full •0' I*- Oh. 'tis won - der • ful ! t i -Ft fr h- B *: ^^^N^^ w ^ ^S^ That Jo • SUB gave his life tor me I Oh, ti« won - der • tul I Hhnri\-^^-pf^=n -^ f^ Tr-V- 9 My Mother is Praying for Me. .>.vf F J. Crobbt. " Her children arise up and call her blessed."— Proc. 81 : 28. E. F. MlIiLBR i a ■*r'-:ir-^ir. 1. A prayer on the wings of 2. I know I 3. Too long I m ^^ 'i an an - gel Is borne to the am weak and un - worth - y, No mer - it of have wandered un-heed-ing Her warnings so -IB- ^ ^ S -«»- 1^ port - als of light ; I feel in my heart the as • sur - ance That mine would I bring; The cross of my Lord is before me, And ten - der and true, The tears she has wept o'er my childhood, That f=n rr^ i= £ I Uz '■X ^ i 3 - J '--# ~^m ^ r* mother is pray • ing to-night. My spir - it is wounded and there, tho' I per - ish, I'll cling. Oh, yes, I will go to my fell on my cheeks like the dew. But now while she kneelb in her m I ^ 13f. S- wm m 2 i V^ S ^ ^!: f! ^ 5.ZZ bro - ken. My sins with oon - tri - tion Saviour ! His child from this moment clos - et, Where no one but Je - bus g r -7^ -^-^ I see; To Je - bub I'll I'll be; My faith Bhall look can Bee, 111 ask for hia ^* ^ £ 1^ J ^ » ^ ^ F. MniiXR b to the it of IgS BO i ^ J Dce That le, And od, That ^ i a and my her i H My Mother is Praying for Me— Continued. N i i ^^ go and con-fess them, While mother is up and re - ceive him, While mother is lov - ing f or-give - ness, While mother is pray - ing for me. pray - ing for me. pray - ing for me. m 1 p f±: iS- m SEC ^^UL. m „CHORUS PPj^N^ ^ i ^ i^ My moth - er is pray - ing for me, My moth - er is pray- ^ t *=qt te^ for me. ? f^=Pf^ 5 ± ^^^ *: ing, is pray - ing for me ; To Je • bus I'll go, who will M :=?5: E ± for me; I #-s- 1^ #-=- ^ a £ n^ ■is I'll all look r hia M i r %^^ ^N^^ /^ i£ ?=it^ S -/T^- rr^TT par - don, I know. While mother is pray • ing for me, for me. w^ ^ i — I i ^ X ^ vi^ I I I ••; , iii' I 10 I Long To Be There. " Having a desire to depart, and to be with Christ."— PAiV. 1 : 23. Rev. a. a. O. Bkv. A. A. Osalit. ^i^^ 1. Oh, there is a beautiful cit - y 2. No sun ever shines on that cit - y, 3. No sin ever reigns in that cit - y, Just o - ver the river so Yet nev - er the drearisome No foe lies in wait to an- 4. Oh, when will the conflict be ended. The sum of my sorrows be PSiS3 --^■ iz^^ -•-i f=t-- p — ^ f=f^ -^—6-^ t fn 1 r^ ^^ r—— W^- ^ I S5 i^=t -^- ri^f=^ i t i cold; 'Twas built by the Fath - er Al- might -y — Je- night; Enshrouds with a man - tie its beau - ty, For noy; No grief ev - er calls for. our pit - y, For told, And I, by the an - gels at - tend - ed, Go §teg m^ J -i- r: *—f—p- t S= fzW ^l q^ m CHORUS. ^^ s=^ ru - sa - lem, cit - y of gold, glo - ry divine is its light, full is the measure of joy. up to this cit - y of gold ? I long, oh, I long tr be •^ • ^ #- •#. -^ S there, I long, oh, I long to be there,; I'd there, to be there, there, to be there; tlT PP^ L P -^I^ H^^ fV f^^ :ti=zb: U U > > I n > '^ > 6^ 5 i p — :3 I Long To Be There— continued. I k S N hi iza — # N-^. ^ rt- s J i -> .M b ^jUlJl fel J-^^,J gladly pass over the river to-day, For oh, how I long to be there. ^^fH=^. m v^- ^ I, il 4- — I I ■ h- -t/ — I*', — y- ^ t^ r? P-T0--f «-!_,, i I P be S=-J 11 Hark ! There Comes a Whisper. Fanny J. Crosby. Prov. 23: 26. W. H. Doanb. te ^ ^ ^ ^ — ^ ~^1 — F ~t — ^— t^ jt^j t if^^=f=f ? 1. Hark I there comes a whisper Stealing on thine ear; 'Tis the Saviou» 2. With that voic^ so gentle, Dost thou hear him say, Tell me all thy 3. Wouldst thou find a refuge For thy soul oppressed ? Je - sus kind - ly 4. At the cross of Je - sus Let thy burden fall, While he gent-ly p /7\ t REFRAIN. N S '^— N- T ¥ calling, Soft, soft and clear sorrows, Come, come away ? ^. , ^ answers, I am thy rest. •' ' whispers, I'll bear it all. i Once I died for ±t: ^■=±z^ Just now, te thee; Hark I hark ! thy Saviour calls, Come, sin • ner, come. come, me ' ' ^ I' I :g: ^ I 12 When the Harvest is Past. S. F. SMITH. H. H. MoOsANAHAir. ^^ f m 1 ^ 1. When the harvest is past and the summer is gone, And summons and 2. When the rich gales of mer - cy no long - er shall blow, The gospel no 3. When the ho - ly have gone to the regions of peace, To dwell in the 4. Say, sinner that liv - est at rest and secure, Who fearest no ^ fffr-Hi^ •*^ ]#■ -^ -^ -p - i ^ ^^^^^J^^^^^ pray 'rs shall be o'er. When the beams cease to break of the blest Sabbath mom, And message declare ; Sinner, how can'st thou bear the deep wailings of woe? How mansions above. Where their harmony makes, in the fulness of bliss, Their trouble to come, Can thy spir-it the swellings of sorrow endure. Or tr-^ f - f- E » — »■ $=^ ^ 3 ^ -&- CHORUS. K - ' — Ri ^ ? Je - BUS invites thee no more, suf - fer the night of dc - spair ? song to the Saviour they love. , bear the im • pen • i - tent's doom? When the bar vest is f- f- -P- •^ -^ -F- f^ -P- ■<» • - z la— I- s m z — ■ i — I £ When the har • vest is ^ -^ -^ ^ i: ^^ I i3 ^ ^ 1 J past .... and the sum - - • mer is gone, . . . When the past, la pMt, and the summer U gone, is gone, ^ ^ ."^r-y J=J I £ f»0 EZ.E j)ji m Bh ^Uu4i \ i i i\i\i ^ harvest is past and the summer is gone, And Jesus invites thee no more. ^^ w mill iiliiniinnii 13 In The Cross. AUeffTo, 1, In the crosB of Christ I glo - ry, Tow'ring o'ei J. H. Luu& m I'er the wrecks of time ; 2. When the woes of life o'er-take me, Hopes deceive and fears an - noy, 3. Bane and blessing, pain and pleasure, By the cross are sane - ti - fied ; P5i M fit ; ;-if d ^-i- g ♦ _j i i i i i ■^ f i=r=i =1 f=W=^ All the light of sa - cred sto - ry, Gathers round its head sublime. Nev - er shall the cross forsake me ; Lo ! it glows with peace and joy. Peace is there that knows no measure, Joys that thro' all time a - bide. CHORUS. P^^ ^5= ^ i J ^ •>lj i i 1 In the cross, in the cross. In the cross of Christ I glory ; In the cross, . in the cross. :?=?: m fe ^S ^ f e EIIE i m u ^ ^ ^ ^ m In the croM, in the cross, In the cross of Christ, my Lord. Intheoross, inthecross. ? • # £ ;E3^EB ? J^r ^ 4= I 14 Oh the Joy That Awaits Me! GKO. R. CLARKH. J- H- HATHAWAT. 1. Be ■ yond the Bi - lent riv • er, 2. And when I cross that riv - er, 3. The next one who will greet me, 4. Then cur - ly - headed brother. glo • ry summer In the o— -y - The first I will a In the mansions fair and And Ut -tie ba - by lands, In the dore. The bright, Will dear. And pl & m iia;p-|#gF^QW?tfte 3 beau-ti - ful for - ev - er Where the jeweled cit • y 8tand8,Where ev-er- blooming first to bid me welcome, Up - on that golden shore. Will be my lov-ing be my saint • ed moth - er, Ar - rayed in garments white. And then that gray-haired bright-eyed lit - tie sis-ter, With merry laugh and cheer. They all will gath - er ^ -4- m rrrr i fff f • ^ ^ ^ i t t t ¥ ^ • ^\ A ' ' t=^ ^ 3= m flow - era, send forth their sweet per - fume, Sa ■ viour. The one who died for me, fath • er, Close press - ing by her side, round me. To bid me wel - come home, I ^ '^ 3E 3t S My heart's most loved and cherished In That in the long for - ev - er, From Will grasp my hand with fer-vor. Just And watch with me the gath'ring Of A-^-f- ^ ^m i 5N^ g 4 g ^ ' ^ . CHCliUS. teS 3 3 Ti^~KJ s ^ heav'nly beau - ty bloom, sin I might be free, o'er the swell -ing tide, loved ones yet to come. j^ ^ Oh, the joy that there a - waits me When I a ^ fal 3 — #—3 ^i^^^ Ep^ r^r n £=^ w=w^ $ i - i%-*+iTr -i & # — #■ ^hi i — h ^SJ fW & reach that golden shore, When I grasp the hands of loved ones. To part with them no more. rr^ tm ,'--■ '- 16 ♦ >( Vala of Beulah. E. A. HOPPMAN. Josira OAftftitoir. IfTTII J J -i^Li-l^-i' l j j^i^ jy 3. I am pasaing down the Tis to me the vale of Not a shadow, not a And the mu - sic, sweetly So I journey with re And I near the op - en val - ley Beu • lah, shadow chanted joic por that they say is 'tis a beau - ti ev - er darkens by the heav - en ins toward the Cit • y tals of the Kin^^dom ^^ £ 4?^^-?^ SO lone, - ful way, the way, ly throng, of Light, a - bove, £=fc^ f P ^ ^ — I tien I P I ?i=» m. f: V s5 But I find that all the For the Sa - viour walks be For a radiance bright as Floats in ca - dence down the While each day my joy is For this highway leads to i ^ i e3 ^m 5^ ^ p ^ pathway is with flowers ov - ergrown, ' side me, my com - pan • ion each day. glo - ry shines up - on it all day ; ' val - ley, and it cheers me a - long, deep - er, and the pathway more bright ; ' Ca - naan, to the Kingdom of love. r; t rt — J— ^ m CHORUS. s i=i J J ^^ i f-5 1- i 135 Vale of Beu - lah ! Vale of Beu - lah ! Thou art precious to me j W A^ ifc ^-^-fi^ I ^±^ I ^ ti r r lEEE^ £: ^ i;3 ■^=^ ^ -^m ^i £ For the love - ly land of Ca - naan In the dis - tance I see. m P t % t. f- ■^ :e ^ I I 16 J. H. HimwiT. Andante, Farewell I A. D. KmnDT. m i i i i^^^ ^^ :^ ^ 0- 1. Kind friends, we must go, Though with sad hearts ; 2. Sin • ner- friends, fare -well, We too must part; 3. Sin - ners, come to - night. Do not de - lay; £ T" ^s f T i B fc=i ^^ ^ God di - recta our path, We have warned you all, God in - vites you, come, z^ * r There - fore we part. For heav'n make a start. Turn not a • way. ^m PS I r CHORUS. t BE5 i 3=l=g3 ¥ S Farewell, farewell, If on earth we meet no Farewell, farewell, Pii^ t p _p_, I y-^.= p^ IE- I tei 2zz i ■^i=^^m i more; Farewell, farewell, Meet us on Canaan's shore. Farewell, farewell. I 9^^^>f^T=p=^ |^^ ^ I 17 I Have Been at the Fountain. f.-. <;• I Words and Melody by E. A. HorrnAif. ArrutKcd by Ika Orwio HomiAii. 1. 1 have been at the fountain, at the m -^s-g i I been ai the fountain, at the won-der • ful fountain, Where the 2. I am aavcd, hal • lo - lu • Jah ! and my heart is re • Joio - ing In the 5. I am peace • ful • ly resting at the cross of the Saviour, Wliere my 4. O what Joy and what comfort day by day to be drinking From the 6. On bis faith . ful • ness resting, in his warm love con • fid - ing, I can ^^^^^^^^^^^^. t C T C'g C C P r ' " m 3 3 i streams of bless • inq gra - cious One who soul was cleansed from depths of love di ' feel no earth - ly "■ i t 3 ^ -fi — » — ^ flow; I have washed my died, And who made a ' sin, Where the blood is vine, And to know that need ; Oh, how sweet the garments in the tenement by the flow - ing to re- Je - sus, who so trusting, and the m^ i t r t=--=f±=« ^=f=^=f — # r r-c-C' i S ^ -<»-r- blood of blood, so deem and ful - ly calm re clean - sing, pre ■ cioua, save us, saves me, pes - ing I And am Flow - ing And where Is for ' This is made as white as from his wound - ed all may en - ter ev - er whcl - ly peace and rest in snow, side, in. mine I deed I ^& ^ I :1?=& E i CHORUS J V J ■ i~.L^J J J i ^ tfttTt i ■0 — #-f-# — 0- ^m Tes, I've been at the fountain, at the life-giving foimtain. And be - lieving, entered in ; ^ l=l:g g % BS u p. b U ^^g ^ i 4 J. s ' X m -bi-K ^t=t^ i :5=!t 3 ••00 '4S4^ -Sh i I have washed my garments in the blood, hol-le-lu-jah I And am saved from all my sin. n^^{^muw^^^^^ 18 I". A. B. Going Home By^d-By. F. A. Blackh: ■R. Pressthee? We are ^J ^° ' !»? {jome by and Jongr-er, We are all f^ ?"» ^onie by and cloar-erMVe are aj S^" "^ u°"« ^'i' ""d • «v - er; We are all fo ' "f ^™\by and •^ S 8-0 - ing home by and '■— >-j-c— t »— '■-r-PLjf •A ■#. A- ^p=?- Does the And its With a And the in a. way seem dark and h |lh^a r. '^t'fe- f«" hS 5^1 a^^l ^^ ^oin.homeby heaVnly port i, st'-ongr-er, We are a *^°.'"& ''ome by land where sin n.^ "^a"" - cr ; We at^ n «°!nsr home b^- f" comes nev-cr Weare a 80"§:homeby Pi r1 1^ V ^'^ "^^ tfomffhomebv .5.^^ and by. and by. and by. and by. and byl 19 Where is Thy Beftige? - 1 ■ ji " What is a man profited, if he shall ffain the whole world, and lose his own soul."— Ifaet. 16: 26. Fannt J. Cbobbt. SujAS J. Vao. ll ft%^^h^:^/^ tU^nizi ■0 — # 1. Say, where is thy refuge, poor sinner, And what is thy prospect to-day? 2. The Master is^calling thee, sinner, In tones of compassion and love, 3. As summer is waning, poor sinner, Repent ere the season is past; i -^ Why toil for the wealth that will perish. The treasures that rust and decay? To feel that sweet rapture of pardon. And lay up thy treasure above : God's goodness to thee is ex-tend-ed, As long as the day-beam shall last; ^^^i; Oh ! think of thy soul, that forever Mast live on e-ter-ni-ty's shore, Oh ! kneel at the cross where he suflfered, To ransom thy soul from the grave ; Then slight not the warning repeated With all the bright moments that roll, ^— N- ::^_— ^- ^: -V t^-^^^ When thou in the dust art forgotten, When pleasure can charm thee no more The arm of his mercy will hold thee, The arm that is mighty to save. Nor say, when the harvest is ended. That no one hath cared for thy soul. CHORUS. Twill profit thee nothing, but fearful the cost. To gain the whole world if thy ■«-■#-•#-■•••■•■ ■••■#'••■■#- 4— .^- 4— iC- ■0-i-0 fi #. r . I — I — I ! — P- — I! L-^ ^ — ^ -LV— V ^ H- -^-v- ?^ m & i= /T\ /T\ 'C^ I P^^^ * :i=* £Eg 13 r* Boul should be lost ! To gain the whole world if thy soul should be lost. ^^^g p • (■ • f , I f" — p — p — 1 — if — i !• \lj. -W k k — — m 20 That Awftil Day. Con ExpreuioM. Music by A. B. MaunoAR. m i — I H ■ — ! — a i S 1. When before our Judge we'll stand, When the earth has passed away, 2. Sin - ner, stop ! stop and think, This momentous question weigh. ; 3. Choose to-day that better part, While you may, yes, while you may. ^m E^ f -f— r ^ £it£tirx f=r fi \\ I i i s ^3=*=p -+- S 5^ Who will be on his left hand On that aw - f ul day ? You may be just on the brink Of the grave to-day ! Ere you hear thd word "depart," On that aw - ful day. PS Eg I f ^ £ J i^ p i i 1=3 Pi ? /^ ^^ ^f^ Who for rocks and mountains call? Who for mercy then will pray ! And beyond there's no retrievo, repent, then, while you may, if then is sealeu thy fate, All, yes, all that you can say. ■/TN ^m ^ ■^ir- i g a tif-i ^ /T^ I I F^=f=P=P cze V-d^ fe^ i ^ 5 ? 5 =0? And on whom the sentence fall, On that aw - ful day Come to Je • bus and be • lieve, Ere that aw ful day H is now, a - las ! too late To re • pent to • day ^ 1 fcz: i :fi=rf: -CL =E a IIJL. 21 The Foundation-Stone. ,.•»■ ,>"^. Tract Obonoir. » I. hi-UuJ m J TT J I ¥ m T. 0. (yKAin. I Be • hold. 8. stone Thrice blest are they Storms may a • rise, 8tiU it re • mains, No'er shall the ^ates Sate • ly they dwell, j . J'l « * »id, A tried, » si i in Zi - on laid, whose hopes are staid Up- [Omit and tern • pests blow, And beat with hi tho* waves o'er -flow, Un- [Omit . of hell pre • vail, O'er those who in tho' foes as • rvi\, For- [Omit . sure foun* tho 'mtt-tri. J-tr-'i ^H» •■ DT F — i htm r r — r m CHORUS. i hJJ^lL-U s ^ 13 ^ dation stone ; • • • • on this rock. Lord a • bide, r* on this base, mov'd amid ev • er near i h=t:d=i=>H Sh ^-^-■r ii=i- i T^- * — and this a • lone, the fiercest shock, the Saviour's side. Some build their hopes on the ^^i Pf^ frf-r t ^^^a 1^^^ ev ■ er drift - ing sand, H h £E* Some on their fame, or their % I fe^^ ^^:^ s treasure, or their land. 1 li •1^ ^ ^ ■*-i- ^^ Mine's on a Rock that for- ;E=*= ^^m I :—{r-T ^. ^t^ m i ev • er will stand, Je • sus the "Rock of A • gee." 11: ^ •-!S 22 W. U T. For Tou and For Me. ^«ty alow, pp -fc m Win L. Thompsow. Jtr:f~^~~p~-~-~-. ^_^ ' ^™°° for >ou and for me." Come Ho„.e, Con. hon.. Ve who Come home. ''''°"«^«^0-. come hSHJi, — T-T-rvj=:. ? 2: ± «■ -^ • fc»~(t=!?ir T- M^ «'""?. 8fnnercomehomeI :^ *""~"' I iiiimmiMwuniB. ^h L. Thompson. 23 The Door of God's Mercy is Open. DUET. Ellbn Ouvbs. " strive to enter at the strait gate." E. B. Smith. P ■0 — 0- ^ :t5=^ -#— »- T^ ? it* ^ The door of God's mercy is o • pen, The world is e'er wantonly wooing So many who hear the glad message, Sad hearts there will surely be moaning The door of God's mercy is o • pen, To all who arc weary of sin, Tour soul from the ways of the blest, Will never its mandates o - bey. Out • side of the gateway of life. In - vit • ing • ly o - pen to all, E2± -rt t- t Cir~^ n-p— f — F=F p ^— N — N— tV v^- ^^H- ^ -©-s- Aiid Je • BUS is pa-tient-ly waiting, Still waiting, to welcome you in. But Je - BUS is ten-der-ly bidding You turn to his heavenly rest. But turn from the precious, dear pleadings, And wil • ful ■ ly wander a - way. And praying to Him they re • jeeted When earth with gay pleasure was rife. Who list to the voice of the Master, And hearing shall heeu his sweet calL ^ fcczt t-H-- r ^ — , 1 p p CHORUS. |fe r-f-r-r- T=5=5=r=^ Q^ f- ^— !v ^ ^ t=^ ■—*—»—« -*r=.\ Come, says the Saviour, Come enter the gate, 5 * ^ I watch by the portals both I i t= 4 -i~ u^^ ±4: i «^^^*- i I ^ ^FffF = fe^^ ^#t#|!^^^ ^M ear - ly and late. Lest some precious soul, Not far from the goal, Should m » p _ p p 0_>_ t F=l=?= t ^mm i ^ ^t-N fe i^EE^^^ wander away in ■ to darkness and hate. And miss it forever, the pearly gaCte. J S ^ 53 -f— g- ^ T ^T! ^ u'lT^^" I ■■;,*.' ■I it'i- ' 24 WTiat a Reaping There Will Be. Fanmt Grosbt Jno. B. Swbimit. p^ JS=|S B^33 -^it ^ s 1. In the field of Christian du - ty there's a place for er - ry one, And the 2. O, that field of Christian du - ty all a - round us we may find, And we 3. Yes, there's work to do for Jesus, — there are sinners to reclaim, — We musb 4. In that field of Christian du - ty we are toiling not in vain, For the ±: itie :t t=t=t t=l^ ^ t/-l^-t»^-V— ^-t^ i/— l^ $:=i i ^ y— >- ±: 1^ I * i -^— h l=^=hf^* N— ^ N h -#^ m — 0~ -*- ft- -S=?lh i ii=hzih=±=t5 tE^E^EB^ 7-^ moments like the shadows glide a -way ; But there's work to do for Jesus, And a need not turn our footsteps far a - way, There are weary onea to comfort, there are scat - ter love and kindness in their way ; With a patient, humble spirit we must Saviour will reward us by and by ; Oil, 'tis worth our strongest efforts, more than ^ ^ ^ JL ^ ^' fr«i^rs ^-t^ -#i I m -a"— >>— I/— 1>— 1 ^ ^ \l [l i^ ^ work that must be done, From the dawning till the closing of the day. bio • ken hearts to bind, From the dawning till the closing of the day. la - bor in his name. From the dawning till the closing of the day. worth a life of praise I When we think of yon - der mansion in the sky. ^ ^ ±1. m^^^^^^^ I fci& CHORUS, ^ r j-^T < t Gt ^ ^mm Sowing, praying, trusting, waiting, Till the coining d the Sowing, praying, trusting, waiting, .. m £ I V V V tf I i' i- 1- i'l W^ ■ m^^tirn Muter we Bh»ll see, Then among the tried and faKhfUl in tba we shall leo, B^ rrr ? Swinrer. m Vnd the ^nd we We must For the t 1/ — k nd a lere are 9 must more than m day. day. day. sky. m m at the 9 — cr the What a Reaping There Will Be— Continued. ^f f-l' j i i'\ ^ J ::J^:Uj.jaddl harve8t»fle] 4 * * ^ elds a ■ bove, m s ^WH=F What a reap - ing, what a :eap - ing there will be. Y p -^ — — # — 0-^-0 * , (s- % t -H^ £ !^ »^ U 25 Softly. He Wept For Me. J. H. Lbslib. ^ 1 1 i 1. Did Christ o'er sin - ners weep, And shall our cheeks be dry? 2. The Son of God in tears The won - d'ring an - gels see ; 8. He wept that we might weep ; Each sin de - mands a tear ; P^ nsM-^=f=f=^ t H»- ^^^ X i^ ^^ I Let floods of pen - i - ten • tial grief Burst forth from ev - ery eye. Be thou as - ton • ished, O my soul ; He shed those tears for thee. In heav'n a - lone no sin is found, And there's no weep • ing there. 4i. .0. 4L #. * £ £ ^ m=Ffw i ^ ^m REFRAIN. m 9-. — f^ i^ ^ ^ 53J=^ He wept, he wept, He wept for me; He wept, he wept, The Saviour wept for me; 2^ ^ £ m m ^ «: ^ f I For me, for me, Eor me, for me, He died on Cal • va • ry. '■^>V/ 1 ^ \ :^ 5 Mi ^ I 26 The Eock that is Higher than I. E. Johnson. I fe ^r i i Wm. O. Fibchir. U^ M- Ei I J-i-^M%# ^^3 «hT- 5=: 1. Oh, sometimes the shadows are deep, And rough seems the path to the eoal, 2. Oh, sometimes how long seems the day, And sometimes how weary my leet ; 3. Oh, near to the Rock let me keep, Or blessings or sorrows pre • vail ; s -#— #- ■*=(? w JE ^ m v-i/- U ^ And sor • rows, some - times how they sweep Like tempests down ov - er the soul ! But toil - ing in life's dust - y way. The Rock's blessed shadow, how sweet ! Or climbing the mountain - way steep, Or walk - ing the sha - dow • y vale. -&-' r P — # — — 9 W — ^- £ m 9 •- fck rr -^-^ w-v U CHORUS. ^^i -^ Oh, then, to the Rock let me fly, TTT let me fly, S & P=?^|E -J — 7^ To the f_l % =^3^ ■¥- ^^.fcj=ff^ -&- Rock that is high - er than I rrtt If ^ N— N i i^ ^ a N j^ .^ is high-er than I, ^ Oh, then to the Rock let me r s ^^-^!BS ,/_V. it: £ ♦ ♦f: ff*r=if I i I fepri^ ' J J J M, II i tz f=^^rf= t=i=it=3=3 ^ fly. To the Rock that is high • er than I. let me fly, v—w f=^. Utzzf: ■V — ^- i ^^EjE I 27 Tell It With Joy. o>^* My brethren, rejoice in the Lord."— Phil. 3 : 1. W. H. DOA!«. 1. Tell it with Joy, Tell it with joy ; Love in my bosom is glowing: ; 2. Tell it with Joy, Tell it with joy ; Won-der-ful, won-der-ful sto - ry I 3. Come un • to him, come un - to him ; Mer • cy is ten - dcr - ly pleading: ; '. ' . ^ '0 ^^M- 1 / V I ^Si F^ >-.i ^ - v v ^— »<- Jesus' blood has cleansed mc, Je - bus makes me free : Tell it a ■ gain, I was lost till mer-cy Gently came down from heav'n : Tell it with joy, Weary, hea-vy la • den, Still there's room for thee : On - ly believe; __ ^ -T-f-^ -^» f" . 0' -0 f i i ^ — N- i ES^ & i i i L ^ ^E« J J J t=?4 Tell it a - gain ; the sweet rapture of par - don ! Tell it with joy ; Now I am happy in Je - bus ; on - ly be - lieve ; Je - bus is ready and will - ing ; E P Grace divine has All is calm and All may come and ^^ t E=:i r- -t f nal life may find. ^ i)^4|X44 -i g ^^ i|E^iEfe^ CHORUS. The blood, . , the blood, . . Which flows to all from Cal - va - ry ; The blood, the blood, the cleansing blood, T U'LiL t~tTfr=r=F=^ t I — P- ¥ F?=rT"r^T~£^^f=g f **. p /TN (CS m soul, fled? find. T=t The Cleansing Blood— Continwd. ^V'^ The blood, . . the blood, . . From ev • 'ry stain it cleanseth me The blood, the blood, the cleansing blood. ^ ^ £ 5=F=Ff=?=f=5=* jb^j& ^m ^ 31 B. R. Do What You Can. i T. Frank Allin. 5^ ■fE£B^^i 1. Sup-poa« 2. Sup -pose 3. Sup -pose 4. And our ^ J' J J fS!j J l JTJ -i £ a lit - tie twinkling star, A - way in yon - der sky, a bright green leaf that grows Up • on the rose bush near, a lit - tie child should say, " Because I'm not a man, good Fath-er, who's in heav'n, And doth all creatures view. Should Should I To sm I £ S — — P- I £ ?=^=P*^ t=^ ^ m say, " What say, " Be - will not ev - 'ry light can reach so far From such a star as I ? Not cause I'm not a rose I will not lin - ger here ; " Or try, in word or play. To do what good I can." Dear lit - tie child has given Some need - ful work to do. Kind dip -.a IS! man that child, deeds Jtj i * i JEg^=S^ • y rays of mine so far As yon - der earth can fall ; a dew-drop, fresh and bright. Up - on that frag - rant llow'r each star some light can give, Tho' gleaming faint - ly there ; tow'rd those with whom you live. Kind words and ao - tions right, S >■ i I £ ^ ^^ p- ^ .^ r ^- The Should Each Shall, ^ ^ m v=* i oth • say, rose 'mid ers so much brighter are, I will not shine at all. " I'll van - ish out of sight. Because I'm not a show' leaf helps the plant to live. The dew-drop keeps it fair, the world's deep darkness, give A pre-cious lit - tie light. f i i u;L_M_-g ^ L P n 5=^ t^ Ill 82 Angels Are Gathering Home. JL A. Barnbs. ' Carried by the ang^els into Abraham's \MBom."—Luke 16 : 22. B. S. LOUIMZ. "! I fcfi m jN j j J i i^i"^ — ^- An - gels £ :t are gath • er • ing £: £ I ^ «-T- d- ^: -«- ?f» :=t g home, The dear ones now go - ing be - fore; ... gath - er - ing home, go - ing be • fore ; ■^* #. -^ -^ ^i^i^^^i^^ i^^^i^i^^^^ Oath - er - ing home, Gath - er - ing home. To life's o ■ ter - nal shore. ^M^m^ :g: t ^ £ f= -©- ..*si. HM* ■P S. LOMWZ. ties we nd onr us much m -y — ¥ — Ue, 'Tis md, Iji «Ii:,— Oh, fc m i 33 Your Pilot's at the Wheel. '''<- Enu Pitt. ■ . , £. D. Kwow. h . k 1 A,_^^ m ft=Fyf^ 1=3 ■0 # ^ t? trtm 3 1. sail-or ! on life's troubled sea ! Why should you fear the storm ? 2. sail-or ! trust your all to him, Nor heed the roll - ing wave ; 3. sail-or ! see yon shining light, The port is drawing near, ^ 1P=H^ L 1 r— ^ - fa f=5= ^ -^- ^ V • ^ I 7 _ The shore's in view where you will bo Safe from all dread a - larm. Look up, tho' skies be dark and dim, And trust the Lord to save. And lov'd ones robed in purest white, Await your com - ing there. ^^m s V- m ing m tore; •fa m :fct CHORUS. :i?=it Then nev - er fear the billow's roar ; Nor danger ev - er feel ; l ^I^^^^ S t ± E3 :fe You'll safely reach the golden shore, Your Pilot's at the wheel. ^p^i^^^^i^ ^te *^f: H-,- £ -w — ^ ^m^ !<■ 1 ' ii 34 Jesus Will Give You Rest. s»t» Matt. 11 : 28. Johm R. Swnnr. Fannt Grosbt, fe^^^ft will yon i m 1. will you come, will you come, with your poor broken heart, Burden'd and sin • op- 2. Will you come, will you come ? there is mercy for you, Balm for your ach-ing 8. Will you come, will you come? you have nothinsr to po> ; Jesus, who loves you 4. Will you come, will you come? ho .v he p.. •ds ithyounov! Fly to his lc>v-ing ■*- « ^ $=5= s «=p- E^feE^;^g^^S3 £^ *j: tt k K I Js ,s ■■y T 1 N- ^ \ 1^ — •- _«_ — •- — 1 — - - /k -^ 1 H- K t — ^ — 1 — D- J- -4 — ~ gp o^--^. ^i_ — i^-^— —0— — «- — 2" #- -#- — J— — — —& — • • i)rcsscd ? breast ; lest, sreast ; t Lay On By And %- t t ■ ly his what down come death - cv - at as on er the you the your :feet are, cross sin • • m of and pur - or —%- your Sa - be - lieve chased life your sor - t-r-« viour on for row •#- and Lord, his name, your soul, may be, 5 -« 1 %t \j .. -X— -\— ■J < ^ V ^ \-J- 1-t— —-^T ~'~ij 1 — ' TT^ . ■■''( . ^,.? CHORUS. Je - sus Je - sus Je - sus Je - sus gsrl? 9i: ^: t: will give you will give you will giv you will give you rest, rest, rest, rest. hap - py rest, sweet liap - py rest ! #. #. ^ ■#. -V- i=iia:i: -t5- V K»- :?i=f ^ ^^i^i ! ^I J^ER e - BUS will give you rest. r .9- ^M I hap - py rest, Oh ! why won't you com.: i ^ t=(^ A ■»■ 1=^=^ |^t±EEL-=^ a «i: aim S^: pie, trust - ing faith? Je -r- ^ *^ BUS will give vou re>. i ^- aUi, ■H Oi wm v'. W.t> ^ 36 Fbascbs BIDLBT HATBIMAIi. ^;. Consecration. 1 Chr. 20: 6. ^ ¥=§ ■v-jr ^ ■"1 ^rra^^^ i W. J. KlBKFATRIOK. 5 1. Take my life and let it be Con - se - crated, Lord to thee ; 2. Take my feet and let them be Swift and beau - ti - f ul for thee ; 3. Take my lips and let them be Filled with mea - ea - ges from thee ; 4. Take my moments and my days, Let them flow in end - less praise j 6. Take my will and make it thine, It shall be no long - cr mine ; 6. Take my love — my Lord, I pour At thy feet its treasure • store ; ^ ^ -#-s- !?=* :^^=^ r=n^ • * , O ' ^^ s t! -b ^ ■4s>-*- ds=Vi. m Take my hands and let them move At the impulse of thy love. Take my voice and let me slug Always — on-ly — for my King. Take my sil - ver and my gold. Not a mite would I withhold. Taka my in - tel - lect and use Ev'ry pow'r as thou shalt choose. Take my heart, it is thine own, It shall be thy roy - al throne. Take my - self, and I M'ill be Ev - er, on - ly, all for thee. #. 4t. #.••*■ ^^ ^- ^ ^ ♦•:••- •0-' t :?z± -j^-v^ f^^- m ^^- -9-^ - k-^-^ CHORUS. /'Wash me in the Saviour's precious blood, J the precious blood, I Cleanse me in its pur - i - fy - ins flood, l^ the healing flood, ^ •^•#- -P^--**- -F*-^ f-'-^ f-'f- -f-'-f- -^ Lord, I give to thee my >— >— > I ^=H=k^ -^ ? ^^ ^ life and all to be, Thine, henceforth, e - ter - nal ■ ly. 4r: 't ^3 i :; ^ i IS ■ -If ■ u ,:' ^ i i ; ;-^;. . ■* i W, ' ^ jlf' ■ 'J - ■ ' S6 No Boom in Heaven. •''oW. 26:10. jj- Baikkj^ T iSM_^-a-iS'£i&.: > i^ ■^^i/^^^^^a grave you ■ £^!Sflf'-:-£€rsT •^---ow'Ss°L--;-'' Sad. sac sad would it be! No room in "°'»'- Still room still J^ ^ ^•"i still room, Oh 'come While yet there fg room. w I. Baltziui. nn . for- lays all e that he ^ ^ !, Should >, And I And 37 I Have Taken Up the Cross. ■ ^'^ E. A. HOFTMAN. m 5} 1. I have tak 2. I have tak 3. I have tak ^ jh^ J. H. KVRZnrKNABB. ^ en en en 9^f=p B^ i up up T the cross the cross the cross f * 1 of Christ; And I'll to •• day; I will at last, And I m w -t^ £ fe^ m ^ i^ ^s i ^ bear it if h', gives me grace ; It will make each hea • vy in my Savior..- s foot - steps go; He will guide me in the nev - er nic;e will lay it down ; Then when toils and cares of - - J J I T T T T ^ F^ *t=«: ■+T l-r £ ^ -^ Jm in le while 3r 9i I i s ^ 1 ^^ :«^^£ bur • den light, If he shows me but the smil • ing of his face, nar - row way, Till my pil - grimage is end - ed here be - low. life are past, En • ter heav - en and re - ceive the gold - en crown. M m^M^ r^rlrt-f^ I CHORUS. ^ ^^^z^^^^^^^ ^ --i ^rrr ^ t -rrr— T- 4/— t/-V— t^ Oh t the cross, I will bear it . . . .In love. In Oh ! the cross, ... .1 will bear it In love. ^^ i ^ X- ^ f^^=Sz,^=^-r-^E ^"gTf? ^^ jtusiz ^ ^^ love; Oh I the croWn, I shall wear it In heaven a - bove. In love, Oh ! the crown, I shall wear it In heaven a - bove. -t-f^- =^^ ^E?3EE ^^^SE? ±z± f^-^ i 1*- -p- ±=£zt± %Jl^"'^'^^'^ro.^t. E. O. BXOILL. 1. My 2. My 3. My 4. My '^SZZjS^-g—^^.nzz: " sleep, CBonos. Oh, yes, my bov i, ^ * ^^^^i^^^^^^^^^ _^_ . J " °» the street! I i ' '^^ - :S:rr-a ^ C * ^ _ ^'^'*' the power of 39 Let the Saviour In ! " If any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him."— iieo. 8 : 20. Rbv. J. B. Atohinbon. I E. O. Excbll. I iV^4— h-"^ O^Jj^S i ^ ^- 1. There's a Stranger at he door : 2. O - pen now to him j jur heart : 3. Hear you now his lov • ivg voice ? 4. Now ad • mit the heav'nly Guest : nrr^ffff ■^ A wmi^m t i.-^^ Let Let Let Let Let the Saviour in! him in I him in 1 him in I him in 1 Let the Saviour in 1 t=f -0 P f P 3EE n i^ [>* i** i^ ^^1 u g== j=3# ; /7> 3t=it Let him in I Let him in 1 I Let him in I Let him in I Let the Saviour - ft S^ fdir-r-r-^^ t=^ t ?=?■ i'-t'-V— 1*- tett*=tp3=il ^^ i=J=i ^ 3£ ._^. e s :£ 4L #. i lt=*: ^ Let him in, ere he is gone; Let him in, the Ho - ly One, Let him in : ho is your Friend ; He your soul will sure de • fend ; He is stand - ing at the door; Joy to you he will re - store. He will speak your sins for - giv'n, And when earth ties all are riv'n. -■^- m 5-i- 1^ 1^ i Eg I 1 -(9- m. Je • sus Christ, the Father's Son : He will keep you to the end : And his name you will a - dore : He will take you home to heav'n : ^Ttr^'f^i^'"^ ^s ** ?S=^: ±:±L-Z JL ^ jL ^ ^r\ H 1 1«— b-i » Let Let Let Let Let the Saviour in ! t= ^ ^ ^::^=? ^ (Hay Tie tung-as a Snln and Qnnrtot, the latter Rinsing onlj"' Let the Saviour in.") C t t t him in ! him in ! him in ! him in! Let the Saviour in I ^-^t=f^ V— V-V-t»^ 40 Let the Master In loor anA 1 . . * -—.»....,..,„,,- -««^er In. . B.L. J heard a /je spread a tJje ho - Jv sound .-if; ^ , "*■ "* ~~r feast of "^e^ ^f t'8 dark door a,^^ ^■af with thp 1®^™ • iiff love A? «"" With \!^l J'.^^ ^ o/ tS. ti"ei ,S ^" • ^^''^'^ dear." And was he Illy the roused made Shield, love t~i me™ £ «'»««. ber '^^ so^ /re* : ,*;!« *^' sin • It -m T~ fi-iflllf'f knocked be saints o r—- news ,„„ ■ "°^'e '"^' him S'' /•"•e; Now 'luet of g.,0 . J .^"^ to pravera. I the door, I will R.L. ^ P And was ^nd he He's my 'Hd the 5 i ed. he had ht that the . he re- \ as I ;^^ me in. blest. gra\ers. eaven. him, Let the Master ln—C(mtinued. I txrtrg 3=^=? ^^H 7 f^ heart will be bright with a heavenly light, When you let the Mas • ter in. m^t=Jii^Ajt^ t %==i "^^^ *-n-f^ ■*»■ m 41 We'll Meet Again. With expresidon. ¥^=^=g- -^ ^^^ ^fe^^- t^^^ 1. When shall we meet a - gain ? Meet ne'er to sev - er ? When will peace 2. When shall love free - ly flow, Pure as life's riv - er? When shall sweet 3. Up to that world of light. Take us, dear Saviour; May we all 4. Soon shall we meet a - gain. Meet ne'er to sev - er ; Soon will peace 2-f- ^i?^- ^ -t- •»*■ ■#- +- -«- I s ^ iri /TN -Jil.-=il -^ -t- =e: wreathe her chain Round us for • ev - er? Our hearts will ne'er re - pose. Safe- friendship glow. Change - less for • ev • er ? Where Joys oe - les - tial thrill. Where there u - nite. Hap - py for - ev - er ; Where kindred spir - its dwell. There wreathe her chain Round us for - ev - er ; Our hearts will then re - pose — Se- ^ t t t St ■^- ^m it f: fL t t. -»- -t- ^ -+- - •#• /TS -» — •- m 42 Rest, Joyftil Rest, Over Jordan. Words and Music by P m. 5 =p fe r ? Gko. a . C. Wiooins, B.A. r 1. What P ^^ a bless - ed hope, how it cheers mj soul, Heaven - ly t -^ ^^m f-r-g- I 1 1^ I ~* ^ I^. Jes - 8U9 bids me come, Oh ! sweet rest for the blest o - ver Jor - dan, /7S m t==t=t rv S^ N ft 5 -#-#■ -1^* S . p CH ORUS K^-^ ^ 1^ 1^ ^ ^ i^^ i^ ^ Sweet - ly rest, sweet - ly rest, o - ver Jor - dan, o - ver Jor - dan, I shall 3*1 » • » ^-ii-' ^ S^^=Ef^^^ f ^ iB^ jvi -SUj — ■■ dwell with Je - sus by - and - by, by • and - by, When I hear well done. r^i^^ m ^N ^ shall }ne. Rest, Joyfal ResVOver Jordan- Continued. ^nt time. Je - 8U8 bids ' '''lie::^':'''.^'' -yc,ear Miter ,i J 43 •"«come.OhJs^eetrest tor tu k, ^ ^or_^e blest . ver jo, . ,^„ OurLordwiUbethereatth r"^""' o^-'to.st.s.eet;c<:r.:^r'' 4 With a faith so strong, I wnnabor on Newton. I Saw One. (To be sung with subdued voices.) H. W. I.VORRsOLi I-, arr'd. 1. I 2. Sure 3. Thus saw one hang nev - er till while his death • '"g- on the tree Tn "0- lafc . est breath Can I '">' «'■" <-lis- plays In all -• ^ ^ ^_ O for its "y and blood, fe-et that look : black - est hue, I*- • Who fixed his n., « Beeped t^ el^^'erwr T'' /"^ ^^ "- the S"e'« is the mys ter V T ""'''' ^''°" ""* a cross word par I he don stood, spoke, too. u I if 44 A Shout in the Camp. Fanny J. Crosbt. 'T-fr -d==^^7 -i- u^ JNO. R. SWKXFT. -0 0- 1. There's a sliout in tlie camp, for the Lord is here, Hallelujah! praise his 2. There's a shout in the camp, like the shout of old, Hallelujah! praise his 3. There's a shout in the ranks of the King of kings, Hallelujah! praise his 4. There's a shout in the camp while our souls repeat, Hallelujah! praise his ^l^lgs^ It: «-:■«■ »>—-#- £^ -> —>—>—>— ; ^- namo ; name ; name ; name ; ^^^mi To the feast of his love M'e again draw near, Praise, oh, For the cloud of his glo - ry we now behold, Praise, oh, While we drink at the Rock from the living springs, Praise, oh. There is room for the world at the Saviour's feet. Praise, oh. ± ^ i 5E^*ES £ fi 51 t U ^ cnoRus. li^si 1 :it± :x lit ^^^d ^% praise his name. nraise his name ^"-^^^"^ ^^^ *^^® millions! room for all ! Hallelujah ! praise his praise his name. \ s, \ •0- \ £^ — =-* !-• •-M* • p-r»-^-^ii— y^r T' * y i 1 m -G- :^=i rrn name ; Come to the banquet, great and small, Praise, oh, praise his name, praise his name ; mm^ ^^^^^^^ ^^m iipiMiliiini , R. SWENRT. -0 — &- ! praise his ! praise liis ! praise his ! praise his 45 Rev. F. DKNI80N. Bethesda is Open. " wilt thou be made vtholeV'—John 5 : C 1^^ =^ipN^E5^ \N . H. DOANK. T- 1. Be - thes - da 2. Come press to 3. The house of 4. Then come to j^f i is o - pen, the an - gel has come, The the Ma - ters, while mer - cy is near, Ac- Be - tlies - da for sin - nera was built, The the foun - tain, ye need - y and lost, Come *± t s — r — ^r-^ S£ Praise, oh, Praise, oh, Praise, oh. Praise, oh, — ^.- £ ^ ^=ifc^=£i ^ N i ^. k—f,- Spir - it Is call - ing for cept of a cleansing com pool ij a fountain of noM' while the Saviour is =F=3 ^m ^ UJl thee ; The wa - ters are troubled, be- plete ; O, hear the en - treat - y, dia- love ; The wa - ters are troubled for nigh ; This grace has been purchased at -J^- f-f— e t I t D.S. The wa - ters are troubled, be- [praise his ■^ ^T\ 3_Tr SE :^^ Fine. *: =3==? hold, there is room ; Sal - va - tion thro' Je - sua is free, miss - ing your fear ; Lo, judgment and mer - cy now meet, can - cell - ing guilt. And still for our heal ■ ing they move, in - fi - nite cost, And they that re - ject it must die. \LJj U 'J L hold, there is room, Be • thes - da is ^- Zt^ pen for f thee. I I I name. I REFRAIN. D.S. 5^ Salvation is free, Salvation is free, Salvation thro' Jesus is free, g:i g— ff— » 5^5= -!>—/- nr"lT" t: ^ 9-^ I > 4:^ The Glorious Morning. "And God hath raised up the Lord, and will also raise ua up by his own power."— 1 Cor. 6: 14. Wm. Hunter, D.D., 1838, alt. Wm. B. Bradbury. rise 1. Soop shall we see the glorious morning, Saints arise ! saints a 2. Hear ye the trump of God resounding, Saints arise ! saints a - rise ! 3. The saints who sleep, with joy awaken, All a - rise! all a - rise ! 4. Fast by thethroneof God behold them, Crowned with bliss! crowned with blissf ■.J.J > J— J . J > — . ^m. a?=it -t:^- -/- t. :fc C-' S^S^: q=z3: liEfeJ f^ -J4 -i=^W=^ gSS Sin - ners, attend the notes of warning, Saints a - rise ! saints a - rise ! Through all the vaults of death rebounding, Saints arise ! saints a - rise ! Their beds of death are quick for - saken. All a - rise I all a - rise ! See in his arms the Saviour folds them. Crowned with bliss! crowned with bliss! §i t= t #.#.■«.•#. SSS :t=± £S^£ ,.^ JtJ .^^T. +-- i/- I) t^^ d=^:t>n^q=J: 1^-4- _^_J_,V -^-r-J ^> ?^-\ \ :|S s±i The resurrection day draws near, the King of Saints shall aoon appear, To meet the bridegroom, haste, prepare, put on your bridal garments fair, Not one of all the faithful few Who hero on earth the Saviour knew, With wreaths of glory round their head, No tears of sorrow now are shed, W '^^M '-1. -u * *•■#■ S£ *i ^ 2 m 6 And higl And hail But starts Ilia roy - al standard your Saviour in the with bliss his Lord to rear. Saints c<, - rise ! saints a - rise I air, Saints a - rise I saints a - rise ! view, All a - rise ! all a - rise I To joy's full fountain all are led, Crowned with bliss ! Crowned with bliss I ^IjfI f-^^^ I * - j~ tE^Et ■^- ^ss JV.'^ t- p-^-p- > - Sil 7or. 6:14. Bradbury. rise rise ! rise ! with bliss r bzrfz: ii'-i^-^- riae ! rise ! rise! tvith bliss! 1^ sear. lew, bhed. bel bliss 1 la 47 Singing All the Day. Words by Mrs. E. W. Cuapman. Music by J. H. Tknnbt. 1. I sing of Jesus' wondrous love, His sweet, His gentle, loving sway ! 2. My soul with sin was all defiled. His blood has washed the stain away, D. liy faith I see the golden gate, Swung by the angels far a - way ; \t • - ^ -ft- f t. .*.(&. My 1 i ^gr^ ^^m y heart is melted with the song, That I'm singing all the day ! And now He owns me as his child. So I'm singing all the day ! With joy I hope to en - ter there. So I'm singing all the day 1 m^^k cnonus. -y — .;r -I — =^ a a-i» 0— .#» >- -h-- -/—;?- itz=e -5=^-: -f- i:^- >- N N -V =F ij*r =^ m-^ — I am ■-f singing, i all T the 1 day, —9— I — la — ■ ^ dm singing. —0- 1/ all b the • « — 1»- 1 Jay, « ft Light ^ -* is ^ " V ■ \ ' \ " \ -^ -55- — >— _^ - shining on my way, on my way all the day ; I am singing. T I am ^^^^^ -r- all the day, _>_5/_j all the (lav, _ . _ ■^ am sinyin^, I am singing all the day &5^1 i 48 Pribcilla u. Ovbns. Joy in Heaven. iSgg WH. J. KiRKPATRIOK. 33 There is joy, there is joy, Il-id ^ ^ ^^ There is joy in heaven. S^SEEfiE^i^ ^^^EEf^ fF 1. A ransomed soul re - turns, 2. A weep - inj; sin 3r kneels, 3. No news o! pain or care, 4. then to God ro - tun.- i The paths of sins for - sak • ing. The chains of death arc bro - ken, Tlie jas - per sea o'er- reaching, Come back and bo for - giv - en, - _4l_# — ._,_; I fej^l fp^ E^ -«- H- And while And soon Bt'.t sweet And soon -Jf— .-■ his sad heart mourns, The harps of God are waking, his glad heart feels The Saviour's wtl - come spoken, is ech - oed there The con - trite heart's be-seech-ing. thy heart shall learn To know the joy of heav-en. '«- 4- ±1 ^-- rf T- ■^ -JO t- CIIORUS. I ^^ ^^^^m^^^^^^^ '^-^- the the (All (All ^ >* ^ ^ gold-en bells arc an - gel choirs are S ring-ing, ) sing-ing, f All the lov - ing an ■ gels say, £ fl'fLtlt. If: v^ — t/- -V- — « — b — b — hi— ! -; — i — ^ h h F "There is joy in heav'n to-day, There is joy, there is joy. fHI? J5 n\ ■«l J^JU'-^'Ll * * ^ i t » ♦ J. J! -r J^'y joy. f 1 to-day." 49 • Is It There, Written There? s E3 " Written in the Lamb's Book of U1e."—Rev. 21 : 27. J. E. Raskin, D.D. -\- £. S. L0RBN2S. ,FS. ^ A -0 — #• 1. I do not ask for tiie pride of earth, For the pride of wealth or the pride of birth ; 2. I do not ask for a glorious name. That is written hiyh on the scroll of fame ; 3. I do not ask thatniy eartiily life Should befreofrom burdens and caresand strife; 4. I'd give up all that I hope below, All that time can give, or the world bestow ; ^. ,. a ■0—0—S—0—0—t-r\- • p —t-T — P—r—^—s-r* fi»-n 1^ l^ III ^ m ■A »y." m Dc this, the rather, my one great cffro; In the Dook of Life, that my name is there. Ce this, the rather, concern of mine. To insure it there, in the book divine. Nor that its current have trani|Uil flow. If but this one thing I may surely know If when the Lord in his kingdom come, lie will know me then and take me home. CHORUS. S S S N Tn the Book of Life, on Lhoso pages fair, Do the angers see that my nanio is there? J . > J J J ^ ^r- ^r- ^F- ~r^ t^" -^^ '^^ -^^ r' — -*^ ^^— ^^ ■ tiztz±z P -0-i0-^—0- -0—0- Si— ^- ^: -v-# -fc-N ?"i: 'c^.- -^ 0-0^ 'JSC'- In the Book of Life, on those pages fair, Is it there? written there? Is it there? written there? ^B ^ > > J J^ ♦ .j^_>- ->-v- SSI -f;^- Tl it 1^ 60 Sinner, Will You Not Relent ? Mart E. Kail, $m %*> ^ffi^ ^ 1. Sin - ner, will you not 2. Sin - ner, will you not 3. Sin - ner, will you not :±=z: I ISi M^ A. W. Williams. N . 1 , J .— Et re re re lent ? Tell me why, oh, tell me why ? lent ? Tell me why, oh, tell me why ? lent ? Tell me why, oh, tell me why ? ±± ^-^- |i t r=^ 1 Are you wait - ing to re - pent In the by - and - by ? Are you wait - ing to re - pent In the by - and - by '? Are you wait - ing to re - pent In the by - and - bV '! t -0-^ t E «H- •i^- e :=dt f-- 'i V 5 ^^^^^ :i 333 t ^ Jc - 8U8 waits to hear you pray ; Come to him without de - lay ; Tho' your cheeks are in their bloom, Roa - es bright are withered soon ; You shall find a safe re - treat, Kneeling at the Saviour's feet, 9i P -1- iz=^r^— lifzzr^=t±j |s=*^ 13 ::tJi\zaL i^s^ Come while yet 'tis oall'd to ■ day. Trembling »in - ner, flj And your sun may set at noon — Trembling sin - iierr, fly ! Close be - side the mer - cy - seat ! Trembling «u - ner, Sy! m^m^^^^^mt ,,tJ.i llll Hi lil l l . 1 ii , " l i ", ' "' ' J'" 51 Hasten to Calvary's Mountain. " In that day there shall be a fountain opened to the house of David."— ZecA. 13 : 1. Rbv. a. a. Gralet. Rkv. a. a. G. I^^^g^l^^li^^ 1. Hasten to Cal • va - ry's mountain, Nearer, nearer presses the foe : 2. What tho' thy sins, like a mountain. Sorely pressing, burden thy soul ; 3. Mer - cy &till calls from the mountain ; Weary sinner, wilt thou not hear? m — /- ->—><■ t l^^^^l / I.e. ■S- •» -J- -i^ . •* P^: Go as thou art to the fountain. Weary sin - ner, go. One pre - cious drop from the fountain, Sinner, makes thee whole Still - ver - flow - eth the fountain. Hasten, sin - ner, there. t=f^ ^•^ i t^/- f^ ^^^^^^^^m ti^ . . . O ■ pen to all is that fountain ; Red is the life - giv - ing tide. Thousands now stand on that mountain, Saved from their fears and their foes; He who once toiled up that mountain, Bearing our sin and our woe, Sfet t g D.C. irrt^pt^ip^^i* Rolling like floods down the mountain, Deep, over - flowing and wide. Thousands have Ixitliod in tliat fountain ; Still undiminished it flows. Je - BUS, whose blood fills tho fountain, Pardon and peace will 1)C • stow, ri=^=?--lM^- -^- f: -fr i !il ill! I 1 1 ■ 62 Ere the Sun Goes Down. •' Be ye therefore ready also ; for the Son of man cometh at au hour when ye think not."— LuAe 12: 40. JoBEriiiN'E Pollard. Moderatn. A. J. A. ^it- 1. I have work enough to do Eio the sun goes down ; For my - self and kin • dred too, ?. I must o - vcr-cnme my wrath Ere the sun goes down ; I niUbt walk the heav'nly path 3. I must speak the loving word Ere the sun goes down ; I must let my voice be heard 4. As I journey on my way, Ere the tun goes down ; God's connuand I must o - bey _i ^ 1^=^ ;t ^ T ^- ^M ~m~m— -->- -\- -« — #- Ere Ere Ere Ere the the the the sun sun sun sun goo? goes goes goes ^^ E: t- down down down - V ^- ' -J — J- ' — ) i 1-? — 1 ■ — -J — , 1 9^: neigh - bor, Ev For my neighbor, Ev T, ery du - ty now ful - fill - ing. And the ery du - ty now ful - fill - ing, And the =5=7= V i 'j 6 ^ \^ "^ -mm^mem' re A. J. A. I §i dred too, ■'nly path be heard st o - bey ^ a ith V^ - er, ir the lore are I i re the the u the o the i^re the "^ my -^ — 1 the 1 the Ere the Sun Goes Down—Continued. t — V-^--V--N=i\=lftllVzi S N N S rif. ^t=a=s=^^=^S=* -f-^-j -ii=^ ^- S-f-Ay-y /T\ ^S^L^^ gold - en rule instillin-s- i5>-^- f ^^^^^m^^^m ma - ny are com ■ ing and go - ina:, How few are en - ter - ing in. fear - ing to en - tir in bold - ly,' They lin • ger still at the gate, know-ing shis long - iiig to lead them So kind - 1 v in - to the fold. ^^^^^. 5=5=f=5=;^ t_=i= -«-- ^l^r:^^^; g± I CHORUS. Nol -- N- --^^'-* ot far, not far from the king - doni, Yet lin - ger - ing still nt the N S^— P ^^^ ^m gate - way, wait not to get near - er. But en - ter while you may, -M 1 1 .-I — i'OU is"'; « V ■* i: ^^H 64 The Song of Heaven. (Ok Edkn Hills.) •' Strive to enter in at the strait pate : for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be ahle."— Luke 13 : 24. E. E. Rbxford. n # »- K 1 N r A. J, A. 1 AL^^ .^ 1 4-1-+^ — {;- — ... -#-T— ^ • ^■ ^sU- ^-4- ^'^ — • • 5=l=r-- % S 5r ET-. ; J i- -rJ-^ 1. There is a song I love 2. And sing • ing of the E - 3. I catch a glimpse of God's 4. And o'er and o'er this song 5. And be my wait - ing long to Hing, A • bout the E • den Hills, den Hills, I fan - cy I can sje white throne Be • yoiid the sun ■ set gates, I sing Of heav'n that I shall see, or short. To nie it mat - ters not. CS^i'Si'S ^ F"* P P ' 1 M p * p f" ^H- b '^ i — # — _> ^ ^ — - ■> P -o— , .. ^ — J Lj— -^-4- '-— ^ ^ 9~^ LI 1 :tr=. M ppP^i^i^ig Where wea • ry hearts shall nev • er more Be vex'd with earth ■ ly ills ; The dear ones who have gone be - fore. Who wait and watch for me; And see the man • sions of the icing. Where rest and peace a - waits ; When God shall, in his own good time. Call, " Child come homo !" to me, For God will keep his prom - i - ses ; I shall not be for ■ got, =^ -*9- n # ,s IS 1 I N . Jj k iL^^- -J-T- -f- —J- N , k ,'T TS 1 *"• m t p ^ J I rm J m a m • 8 9 i . -J- - s 4 r 1 v-y S • • 1 • - ' 9 P 1 J And sing - iiig of that hap - py land My heart w th rap - ture thrills. And waft - ed thro' the gates I hear Som6 an - gel niel - - dy. And oh ! the thought of God's to be My long - ing soul e • lates. And on the sun - ny E • den Hills My home hence • forth shall be. And know - mg that he know - eth best, I trust to him my lot. \i m ^ ' M. •f- * 4L • #. i ft. r-rf "■' p ■#. f- « gil3^ r ■" "■ P * i« . 1 L L .. -#- i '-" r 1 u . 1- :- ^ :L_|? \j^:.— — P- ^-1^— 7 — v-v-^ — r — 1 — fr-J - J i.-V»— -TJ — #- 1 L- 1- ^- -V- -v-^ L_e — 1 !, CllOItUS. N=^ld^ ^i^ Oh hap - py hills ! Oh ! hap py hills! I see you far |iZ=^CI=?Zf a - way ; iS>- And I am com - ing home to jou Some hap - py. Imp - py day. Ktmapni MttMnmn^ov" s £ s _ way; day. m 55 One Thing Thou Lackest. "Come, take up thy cross, and follow me."— Mark 10: 21. Rev. W. 0. Cushino. . , May he used as a soln. &t nV -r-t^ q* V i ± 5=13' ^^ W. U. DOANB. ^ *F=it dh-* 1. Ho came in his beauty, streii^'th and pride ; No stain on liis fair young uiow ; 2. He turned from the Saviour's grac-ious cull, Though siwl, uniu • pontaiit still ; 3. fair was the grace that marked his life. But cold was his heart with - in ; 4. O had he o - bcyed that Saviour's voice, Svhat joy ami wliat 1)1183 un • told ; p.-.^^^=i^ In a life that was pure from guilo as this. Was there aught that wau lacking now f He ha e • » F F F » F — w P- -+-:- CIIORU. They are com - - ing to the Saviour, Com - - ing to be free, conung, coming, coming Coming, coming, coming (dJil ■0- ■0- -0- •0- ■»■ •0- ■#•+- -fi- f- J/ ^ [^ ^ ^ 1/ ^ ^ S^Et t--. 19-* ^ h rrrrr-rrr iE=E^j=il^ They are com - - ing to the Saviour, To the gospel Ju - bl - lee. coming, coining, coming Coming to m ^^^^^^^m mmmm tZBMKNABB. 57 Mas. M. B. C. SuADB. Tell It Again. R. M. MclNTOsn. — # — — — :j^«( — ■ — f — -^ — ^S~* — •"^ — *~ 1. In - to the tent where a Kjpsy boy lay, Dying a - lone at the 2. "Didhe so love me,— a poor lit - tie boy? Si-nduii-to nie the good 3. Bending we caught the last words of his breath, Just as he entered the 4. Smiling, ho said, as his last sigh was spent, "I am so glad that for m^^^=^ s I •tf n=5=if=r? - f—r- -1- n f-- -\ — f^ — I ^^E^ m ^ 1^ u l^ w^m close of the day, News of sal - va - tion we carried, Said he, tid - inga of joy? Need I not perish? My hand will he hold? val - ley of death; "God sent his Son!"— whoso - ev - er?" said he; me he was sc nt ! " Whispered, while low sank the sun in the west, t: t: H H ^m. £ TTf ^ -r— f- r- REFRAIN. " No . bo •0- ■0- '0- m -P- +—>r-^ -^ k M I'Hf I 11 68 Calling for You. F. J. C. W. J. K. 1. Oh, come to the Saviour tils arms are cxterwle*!, Oh, come to the Saviour so 2. Oh, come to the Saviour, for why will you watidef? The world and its pleosures no 8. A • way to the founti'tii thii lite giving fountain. Its soul-cheerinjf waters your 4. A - way, for the shadows oi! niglit arc api)roachinu'. Then lose not his blessings that ^=Ff '-i-V-^>— I/- n=f s^iii^^^Sl^i^Si:i@^ V— >— V- -v-i^-v- 1^ ^ t^ I' '^ u lovinjir and true ; Behold, he is calling in tender compassion, O longer pursue; Again he is calling: how can you reject him? O strength will renew ; Then come while the day-beams of mercy aro shining, fall like the dew ; Still, still ho is waiting and ten - der - ly calling, ^^^^^^TffJi^ :f=?= t=f=P: r^ tej^ i s^ r=i=7 citonrs. ^i-E^^a te^g^^^^ ^S fciz ^ u 1^ '^ k-' , brother, the Saviour is calling for you. brother, the Saviour is calling for you. ri tu t /i • \ n- t brother! the Saviour is calling for you. <^*'""» for you, (Ac w) calling for you. brother, the Saviour is calling for you. ^—p. m s e: ^fcs^^Hj^^ -0—0- -I 1- I t=^U± ^--^-^ ^^ i p^^ ■-H — 1-^ — J- m i-^^ ii=t-- T =5-J-r Brother, the Saviour is calling for you, Calling, Calling for you, he is f: ^ 3t be A ¥m^ be 5EE£ calling, call ng for you, •^ i^ ^ J Brother, the Saviour is calling for you. f— r— 1? : .y ^ jZZH/ ^l .1± — bzd^zzEZzli 69 None but Jesus. , o ? o . . a -»~ Words and Music by Rev. R Lowrt. From "Chapel Melodies.' I ^ ^ 3f ^ -«- ^^^^^^ 1. Weeping will not save me — Tho' my face were bath'd in tears, That could not al- 2. Working will not save me — Purest deeds that I can do, Holiest thought and 3. Waiting will not save me — Helpless, guilty, lost, I lie ; In my ear is 4. Faith in C^'irlst will save me — Let me trust thy weeping Son; Trust thework that S 4: ^ s J J g 3 r* -«- I lay my fears. Could not wash the sins of years — Weeping will not save me. feel • ings too, Can • not form my soul a - new — Working will not save me. met - cy's cry, If I wait I can but die — Waiting will not save me. he has done ; To his arms, Lord, help me run — Faith in Christ will save me. ^ ^ f ^ ■A-r^ ^ (S-r-^^ ^ ^F=F m 5 is ^^ - CHORUS. ^ 1^ =t: 1 1 ^ Je - BUS wept and died for me ; Je - sua suflfered on the tree ; ^ &. •»■•■••' m t: #. ^^ yon. I |i^ Si Je - sua waita to make me free ; He a - lone can save me. m ±- -r— ^^ f I i 60 They Chanted a New Song. " I heard a great voice o( much people in heaven."— iZc". 19 : 2. J. H. R. ' J- H. KURZENKNABE. I ^ -r-r - tp ^ :iii-/_^-i 1. On Zi - on's glorious hills I stood, And viewed the ransomed throng, 2. Here they who suffered for his na:ne. Bore harps of gold in line, 3. Ten thousand thousand angels sung, Worthy the Lamb that's slain. zfcr £ fc n t u H '-^ ziia. i:: P fe t '-^m *t p=^- ^ Who were redeeii;ed by Je - sus* blood, And there I heard the song And all the blood-washed sinners came. And hymned in strains divine And all that vast re - deem - ed throng, Joined in the glad re • frain : I P3: fe «-i- ±^ '^SEMT-CnORUS. ^ b N h h V I Thou art worthy by thy blood. Thou hast redeemed us un - to God, JO ■♦■■ D.S, And the ransomed hosts proclaim Sal • va - tiou in Tmmanuel s S-i. name: ^ Fine. And the band of an - gel's stood, And joined the grand A - men. gB^ZTZtzP S' or • thy, wor • thy is I sr: Wor • thy, wor • thy is the Liamb, The Lamb for sin • ners slain. ■^am 1 ZEXKNABE. d throng, in line, Eit's slain. ^ Il-f j=p5 :z=| bhe song : '8 divine : ) - f rain : ^ to God, m 8 name; Fine. men. slain. They Chanted a New Song— Continued. ^ CHORUS. They chant - ed a new and heav - en - ly ]--'''''^ ^ H N N r Wl ft: ^^ r m S^fclS They Ba chanted ■0 0- a new -^ »- r and f' fe song, '^ '^ > . . . While archangels, too, '¥ -f — . Woiild join the glad Jfcl2 rj p&g e - fore him bow ; ^^^^Hg^^^^ Birt?- Nothing to say for Je - 3us, Who suffered on Cal - va - ry ; Nothing to say for Je - bus, Just telling what they must do, Nothing to say for Je - sus. Ashamed of my Saviour now! -^ . 9-^ M. . P r-p-^ ^ * ^^ 3: ± m Jl S ^^ T~r-g~r~^ El ^m M: 3E =^ ^ Re - deeming my soul from sorrow. And fitting it for t!.e skies ; To flee from the wrath that's coming, Escaping the fires of hell ; Oh, does he not plainly tell us, If thou wilt say naught for me, f=f=5^ 1 fcl?: rz_# azi: Oh, how can I then be Then why of his great sal In glo - ry be - fore my 81 lent, In view of the heavenly prize ? va - tion, Can I not have somethiug to tell? Father, I will not say aught for thee. .t^ff-i^ — t— ?=?= nrj m Jt fL FTFS^ fefefEB ww n imywM i ^^^y^l^ ".irr; F. MlIiLKR. JP^ t^i me; too; }x)w; m ry; do, now! EOEI ^ skies ; hell; for me, ig l>n7.o ? to tell? :hee. CHORUS. I'll tell . I'll Tell It— Coniinued. . it, I'll tell . ^^ E£ ^ V > ^ Tell it to all, f P P it To ev - 'ly poor sin - ner and ■P — #- W— k i 1=^ tell it to all. #—#-#- ■^— f N r N r- To ev - 'ry poor sin - ner, yes. :^#=a: : U -4^-^-^- y~«fzjd:pi— I* |» t* »=ti ^_!-;^, slave, I'll tell of his love sin - nfcf and slave, 1^^ y > ■/ > Tell of his love, ^ y — 7" V Tell of his love, S g -g-g^-^ ^ 1^^==^ a?=i?= And fe^ >/ I ^ ^ > > his won - der - ful pow - er 1= r. r r r to save g=» — ^ — *-i-r — * f f t I ^ 'J >■ And his won - der - ful pow - er, His pow - er to save -^. P- r— # ^ ^ P f ^-,— f ^ ^ ^• EB^ fej^ 4 — I — L 1?=??^ £^e£ £ i H Tune— Rbst for tub Wkary. Key C. 1 In the Christian's home in glory. There remains a land of rest ; There my Saviour's gone before me. To fulfil my soul's request. Cho, — There is rest for the weary. There is rest for the weary. There is rest for the weary. There \t rest for you. Q. He is fitting up my mansion, Which eternally shall stand, For my stay shall not be transient In that holy, happy land. 3 Pain nor sickness ne'er shall enter, Grief nor woe my lot shall share ; But in that celestial centie, I a crown of life shall wear. 4 Death itself shall then be vannuish'd And his sting shall be witlmi'awn; Shout for gladness, ye ransomed. Hail witli joy the rising morn. 5 Sing, O sing, ye heirs of glory ; Shout your triumph as you go ; Zion's gate will open for you, You shall find an entrance thro'. Tune— Tub Shini.no Siiorb. Key O. 1 My days are gliding swiftly by, And I, a pilgrim stranger. Would not detain them as they fly. Those hours of toil and danger. Cho, — For Oh, we stand on Jordan's strand. Our friends are passing over, And just before, the shining shore We may almost discover. 2 We'll gird our loins, my brethren dear, Our heavenly home di arning.; Our absent Lord has left us word. Let every lamp be burning. 3 Should coming days be cold and dark We need not cease our singing ; That perfect rest naugiit can molest. Where golden harps are ringing. 4 Let sorrow's rudest tempest blow, Eacli chord on earth to sever ; Our King says Come, and there's our home, Forever, forever. 62 Wanderer from Jesus. - " Return unto me. and I will return unto you."— Jfoi. 3:7. Rev. J B ATcnmsoN E. S. Lorbnz. m 3 $ ^ ^ T 1. Wan • (ler - er from Je - sus, wea • ry, sad and lone, Hear him ger.t - ly 2. He will love you free - ly, your back - slid ■ ings heal ; He will turn your 8. Wan • der • er from Je - sus, why not now re • turn ? Why in sin and £ -*—•—* — • • # • 0—*~h h h ^ J9— ' — )/ i/ ^ ^ r" M c ^m^M --0-T-' ]^=^ call - ing now for darkness in - to darkness long ■ er thee; day; stay ? »f* ^ ^ •# — # ^ Hear his precious pro - mise to the err • ing one. Plea - sant paths of peace the Spir - it will re - veal, Hast - en to the feet of Je - sus, there to learn " I will love you Ho will lead you All a • bout the ± free - ly'; come to me." We are com • ing, in the King's highway. Life, the Truth, the Way. We are coming. lov - ing 8av - iour, sg Idv - intf s s Sav ■ iour, We are com ■ ing in our wretched - ness and ■X :r-T --i—i-^tr iS:^^ m woe; in our woe ; Oh, re • ceive si^^^^ U8 1 Oh, re- Oh, re - ceive U8 1 ^- :i^ HMHflMgl 3. S. LORBNZ. ^EEl a gent • ly turn j'our sin and ^ t=f^ fm rr - ing one, 11 re - veal, ihere to learn s lov ■ ing aing, I ^ ^ ness and :t:= =:^: m Oh, re- ! • Wanderer from Jeaus— Continued. f /!li lym^ -N- '-«»- lieve us I Do the full - ness of thy grace on us be • stow. Oh, relieve us! ^ ■);f, ffff:tf^^ ^-:-rr]rj]\ v" — ^ — ^ — ^ — 1> — ^ r Since I've Trusted Him. F. A. BUOKHKB. s ^ N N a BKg^ ^g 1. Once I tho't I walked with Jesus, Yet such chanpreful feelings had ; 2. But he called ne closer to hiiii, Bade my doubting, fearing, cease ; 3. Now I'm trusting ev'ry moment, Nothing less can be e - nough ; mmm ^m LM-U : ¥—¥- :?=*: ^ ^EIEi n ^tdLU_Z-4- Sometimes trusting, sometimes doubting, Sometimes joyful, sometimes sad. And when I hadful-ly yielded. Filled my soul with perfect peace. And the Saviour bears me gently O'er those places once so rough. f g — g ^^ 5=P=P- h — H — f- V-V-v— > p CHORUS. k^— 1 — N \ K- ^^BEBEi^i ^ -Or- -r^ ^mmm Oh, the jwaco the Saviour gives, Peace I nov • er knew be • fore ; ^i^im^^i^ And my way has brighter grown, Since I've learned to trust bim more. "^ 64 Fix your Eyes upon Jesus. " Look unto me and be ye saved."— /«a. 45 : 22. W. W. D. Jas. McOkakahan. ■m^^i^^^^^^ ■^ ^ -^ ^ ' ' vy 1. Would you lose your load of siu ? Fix your eyes up - on 2. Would you calmly walk the wave? Fix your eyes up - on 3. Would you have your cares grow light? Fix your eyes upon 4. Griev - ing, would you comfort know ? Fix your eyes upon 5. Would you strength ill weakness have? Fix your eyes upon i^ Je Je Je Je Je BUB SUB BUS sua; sub: > > • » fct 4==*: ^ fct I i i ^gi^ 5 ^m^ 9-r ^ Would you know God's peace within? Would you know his pow'r to save ? Would you songs have in the night? Hum - ble be when blessings flow? See a light beyond the grave? Fix your Fix your Fix your Fix your Fix your eyes up - on eyes up • on eyes up - on eyes up - on eyes up - on Je Je Je J« Je m-^—'-- -^: ■-f- X- T 'X^ ^^^ BUS* bus; sub; sub; bub; CHORUS. m^^^^^^^^M r^ Je - sus who on the cross did die, Jesus who Uvea and reigns on high, ElE^Efe^ He a - lone can jus - ti - fy; Fix your eyes up - on Je - hub. cGranahan. ESd ■=t -0-T- Je - BUB* Je - bus; Je - sub; J% - sub; Je - sub; 6 1^ s on high, e - HUB. £ ^ 65 The Orphan's Prayer. (QUARTETTB.) With tenderness and feeling. IS "*T I 1. I love 2. I love 1 m 3 1^^ W^ % ^^ to to stay where my moth kneel on the green er aleepH, And turf there, A - S*5 ?--*- f tl f ■4S- t JS- -iS- -h 1> ores. ores. ^ gaze on each far from the -s~|t star scene as of it my twink - ling peeps Through that bend • ing dai - ly care, And breathe to my I 1= ^f^=^ t s ^ fiw I ir dim. ■+- i^^i^^-ilEtEi^^ -»t wil • low which lone - ly weeps Sav - iour my even • ing prayer O'er O'er ^ ^=g±^-tf my moth - er's my moth - er's f ^ t f -f—^- T t: t y ores. $ ^^ SEE f- P f: grave, grave. O'or my moth O'er my moth er's grave. Through er's grave, etc. that bend • ing 2=1 :^=: T^ f Lfe i^j .fii I r I. -#-T — 4 4- - gl M -^ U -to I willow O'er n>y moth - er's grave. ^ - - -J J- S^iitt*! f 3 I still remember how oft she led, And knelt me by her, as with Ood she plead Tliat I might l)e his wlieii the clod was spread O'er my mother's grave. O'er my mother's grave, etc. 4 I love to think how 'neath the ground, She slumbers in deatli as a captive bound, She'll slumber no more when the trump shall O'er my mother's grave. [sound O'er my mother's grave, etc. 1 % I I 66 A Shelter in the Time of Storm. Words Arr. 'My God is the rook of my refuge."— P«. 94 : 22, Arr. Ira D. Samkey. 1. The Lord's our Rock, in him we hide, A shel - ter in the time of storm; 2. A shade by day, defence by night, A shel - ter in the time of storm ; 3. The raging storm may round us beat, A shel - ter in the time of storm ; 4. Rock di - vine, Re - f uge dear, A shel - ter in the time of storm ; ^ s ^, r f -r-^fi^-f^-f - r'.r r f A m « * _« — m — i — m M — i — m 1— w— -i/- t±=t^ i -»' ^1^^ p ^ Se - cure what • ev - er ill be - tide, A shel - ter in the time of storm. No fears a - larm, no foes affright, A shel - ter in the time of storm We'll never leave our safe retreat, A shel - ter in the time of storm Be thou our helper ev - er near, A shel - ter in the time of storm ? — p — ^ — ^T -* — f » f- J^ n m CHORUS. '^ .^ f d — • — \ — s. J I J — hn n 1 1 — I ij=i«=:«:zri: ziizt=i:=3t- d=:i= j — i^~- Oh, Jesus is a Rook in a weary land, A weary land, a weary land, Oh, V ^ ^ 5J — a — •-T— 1- 9 — • — •-i- " i ^ ^r^^ ? i-t- ■f^B 1^ fc ^itr^ k. d: S££ -m :Mr Btei^^J i 5 Je sus is a Rock in a weary land, A shelter in the time of storm - — p_!_p — ^_i_p — ft — ^ ' ' .0 . #j.t;# f-'f- f -—^ • nT~ n'^~tr^^ IZ=i=iZZi~E m T of storm ; of storm ; of storm ; of storm ; w ~|g^'''.J of storm, of storm of storm of storm le m - land, Oh, =^ of storm. m ?• I 67 "There shalljDe Showers of Blessing." \Ezek. U : 26.) Jamrs McGranahait. 1. "There shall be showers of blessing:" This is the pro - mise of love ; 2. "There shall be showers of blessing" — Precions re - viv - ing a - gain ; 3. " There shall be showers of blessing : " Send them upon us, Lord I 4. "There shall be showers of blessing:" Oh, that to-day they might fall, ^ Mj \,^ f ^. ^ Sr|^^:5=±zifctE^ P -t=t P-^~ fc v-v- i ^m ¥T S-r ^ N ^ h # ^m ^ There shall be sea - sons re - fresh - ing, Sent from the Saviour a - bove. O - ver the hills and the val - leys, Sound of a - bun - dance of rain. Grant to us now a re • fresh - ing, Come and now honor thy Word. Now as to God we're confess - ing. Now as on Je - sus we call ! ^ CHORUS. Show - i^ ers of bless - ing, S ^- ^ m ^ ^^ ^ Show - ers, show - ers of bless - ing, Showers of blessing we need ; Sfc ^r-r-r-tT gg=Eg r — ;-;— g-r 'rr"+''-;~; **: ill' r, f,r,i,iij,;jji i i ' iij II Mercy drops round us are fall • ing. But for the show • ers we plead. 68 Tune— Dunbar. Rrv. E. UorrMAS, E. B. Smitr. ^^^^^^^m 1. Je - BUS is calling aucl bids you return, Why will you longer his 2. Boundless in mer - oy, in - vit - ing he stands, Bearing a par - don with- 3. Of - ten re - ject - ed ho comes yet again. When will you love and ac- 4. Why not accept him M'hose love is so great, Ere you shall find it for- m^ ± iii i fe CHORUS. «-T- (T-T- * ^ 5 mer - cy spurn? in his hands, cept him, when? ever too late ? 't Je - sus is wait - ing, wait - ing, wait - ing, ^h-mM -?9- f=M=l: ^ i m- * — > ^ * ^^^^^^m h K *-4 * • #- Christians are fer - vent - ly praying for you, While yet the door of sweet #- #■ ^ ^ ^ ] 'zii: ^-?^^^H-H-<: £ * P^ ^^ i i^-l i ^-r :i=i: t f=» mer - cy is op - en, Brother, oh, what are you go - ing to do ? I ii=^=^ =pM^F M"^-p^:^=#^ i I B. Smith. i ;er his Ion with- e and ac- it for- 69 I'm Believing and Receiving. Words and Music by H. H. Boorn. S BT ^ 3 Tt^ I 1. Sins of years are washed away, Blackest stains become as 2. Doubts and fears are borne along, On the cur - rent's ceaseless 3. Ease and wealth become as dross, Worthless earth's delight and 4. Sel - fish - ness is lost in love, Love for him whose love you 5. Fight - ing is a great delight, Nev - er will you fear the Bt I V I g3E=±^EEtt r: --N mg. P^^ i— 5 i » i of sweet ^ I ? xi s 5 St * snow; Darkest night is changed to day. When you to the ri - ver go. flow ; Sorrow changes in - to song, When you to the ri - ver go. show; All your boast is in the Cross, When you to the ri - ver go. know; All your treasure is above. When you to the ri - ver go. foe ; Armed by King Jehovah's might, When you to the ri • ver go. CHORUS. M i ^ 9?fe^ m I'm be - liev - ing and re - ceiving. While I to the ri - ver 1/ f I 5 ^S^^ rr i^ do? i m te it a ^ i^^p go; And my heart its waves are cleansing. Whiter than the driven snow. m w i! \ I I i« 70 Going Home Begoicing. Fannt J. Crosby. Jno. R. Swkinbt. ^^^^^mmm ± t. Wo are (jo • iiig home re-jolc-lng, Where our Father's dwelling standa, We are 2. We are go - iiig in a vcs-aelThat we know is firm and strong : 'TIa the 3. We are go - ing home re-Joic-ing; Praise the Lord, we're going home! Wherefor- J^t^ ^_^ ^ [y 4~j= Jl J -]-T=#^^-^ ^ UMm^^^^ ^ 1 ^ * i *=p m r go • ing home re-Joic-ing, To a house not made with hands; We are good old ship of Zi • on That has stood the storm so long ; Countless ev • er and (or • ev - er, With the Sav-iour we shall roam ; Clad in Sf 4-A g E g g 1^ tB=;S: « h^ -IS— j-. ^ ^ i t t 3 ^ "te go - ing home mil-lions it robea that he to Je • sus. Who redeemed us with his blood, Hal • le has anchored, And will anchor mil • lions more, In the has brought us,— Precious garments of his grace,— We shall ^ ^^^Mm^4^- m :^=t. £ f lu • Jaht hal port of life see him in le e his lu ter glo h^-h 1131 t Jahl nal, ry, t: =i^==# Soon we'll cross the swell ■ ing On the bright, ce • les - tisJ And behold him face to flood. shore. face. m^ m > — ^-^-]> — w — u i> - - vm. nz: f iSi: f: ^ 1" CHORUS. i^ i^^ ^ 'O^^ S=5** T-'r Soon we'll cross the swelling flood of the Jordan, And the happy, happy. . SWUNIT. i i .ndg, We are »ng: Tlsthe i! Where (or- -j^-V i ^ We are Countless Clad in E ?0- , Hal • le In the -Wenball M nr flood. iaJ shore, to face. ^ 5^ = happy, Going Home Rejoicing— Con > > ^^ Jor • dan, We shall gather, J — J-T— # -^J # — i-v-l 5=i^=U we shall gath - er -^ J^^ 4t -+-;- ?: by il- -4-. ^ and b}'. -^ i 71 Sweet Rest in Jesus. " Come unto me, all ye that labor, and are heavy laden, and I will give j'ou teat."— Matt. 11 ; 28. J. H. LssiiiB. J. H. Lbslie. | g #t^ ^^^^|l^p^ 1. When sore oppressed with grief and care, And ai ■ ninst read - y to de» - pair, 2. When sad and lonely, tilled with fear. When gent - ly falls the precious tear, 8. When we are numbered with the dead. And all the scenes of earth have fled, /7\ f^=P^^ i ^=^^ ^ Fitie. We We We'll ^^^trPTr^^ ^ p^ f: lift our hearts to Ood in prayer. And find sweet rest in Je look a - way from earth so drear. To find sweet rest in Jo go by ho - ly an • gels led. To ev - or rest with Je -m '^- ! ^—■ sua. sus. BUS. £ 41 -#-!-#- F=F=F=^ i £ a D.S. I! If pi ill '■ I m V i 72 I Will Tell Jesus. JcuA H. Johnston. LUCT J. RtDBR. ^m^^^i^^f^ =; 4: l.'I've a dear Saviour, readji to listen, Bending to hear me from on high, 2. When I am joyous in the glad sunelune, I will tell Him who loves me f.o, 3. When I'm in danger, when I'm in darkness/rempted to thinkno Helper near, 4. Trou-ble and sorrow drive nie to Jesus, "Whom t)e8ideHim,oneartn,haveI? 5. If I am tempted. If I distrust Him, If I for - get and go a-stray, mi 4- I \ri'r n c i Lp SD-^ f» f»-^p f-^^—^^^ T iE F^ -ff- :|5: Ev - en the humblest, Jesus will welcome, Ev'ry low whisperfinds him nigh. Surely my Saviour waiteth to hear it, Ev'rjr sweet secret He shall know. Still I'll run to Him, tell Him the story. Ask Him to keep from hann and fear. Others may love me, Je - sus can save me, Jesus will hear me when I cry. Still I'll return and tell it to Je - sus. Ask Him to keep me ev'ry day. t*: S E^EEI^ f ^5 P CHORUS. i i ^^^^^^^1 sn: I will tell Je- sus, I will tell Je-sus, Ho i8myfr;end,mySaviour,King, a^ s f ^| ti= ^y^|:b=^:|:E=^ }^ s * ^l^^^^t^^^^^^ I will tell Je-sus, I will tell Je-sus, I will tell Je-bus ev- ry thing ! i I es"^ ^ — ^ W r 73 Just fl:om the Fountain. Fannt J. Crosby. " The washing of regeneration."— Tit. 3 : 5. m ^ ^^^UM R. LOWBT. ^ t=^f^^^ 1. Just from the fountain— and now we can sing, Happy, O Iiapp}' in 2. Jnst from the fountain— 'twas sweet to be there. Saved through the merits of 8. Just from the fountain of mercy are we, Uappy, O happy in ^M^' rj=^z gj^ -P* H-f- -f^jt fe^ -r^ ^w- ■-> — t/ — t^ — ^-f mi^^^^^^m T Ti' m Je • susi Jo • sus; • Jt> • sus I P * « * Just from the Ask • iiig the Bin • ner, the brink of aid of foun • tain m the His is m life ■ Spir flow • m giv • it ing • ing spring, in prayer, for thee, m m % ^& b * 5 • r \ . 1 1 1 1 W W' 1 r 1 III -^ \j 1 1 « <• ^ ^ ^ - " [^ 1 1 . • ' p- r F i" r r r ' V ^ ^ > ,/ U b V u r p ^ -t 3 REFRAIN. m iusuu i ^ Hep • py, O hap • ^>y in Jo Hold • ing com • mun • ion with Je Come and be hap - py in Je BUS I BUS. Gone is our bur - den, He SUS. fcrA=^ P^^ ^ f m -^^ i b^-h S ^^ ^ -jtzzMz rolled it a ■ wa^' - pened our eyes to the light of the day; f- r f —t. — ^^ — - ^^^^ f=t^ ±^.v-^-± t f P ^^^E^- -J ^ ^ dv ^ ^ UM : J^ ribiit ^— * =if=3=^ ^-T I ^ Now In the fullness of Joy we can say, Happy, O happy in Je • bus, 4/^=^ ^4^ V-^ 74 The Blessed Feast. FANN7 J. Crosby. " Come, for all things are now ready."— Luke 14 17. W. H. DCANB. 1. Come, poor sinner, to the blessed, blessed feast, heai the call — thy 2. Art thou weary, would'st thou lay thy weight aside? Then rest thee here, the 3. Como to Jesus, and thy burden He will bear, The feast is spread, lift ^^4=^ ^e:se^e5^; . f &M ^ V — 1/ — i/- ilZl ^ P isr^ fe ^^ ^^ ^pi Saviour's call ; Huste to meet him he will welcome thee his guest, cross is near ; See where Je - sua thy Redeemer bled and died, up thy head ; Come, and rest thee in the Saviour's gentle care, 4- ■#■ -f5>^# m ^^- t f: :e=r D.S. Come to Je • s«,s. he is waiting, waiting now ; \Ut. E^ i= REFRAIN. Fine. i^ U=^- i^pg^ rejoice, there's room for all. Conio antl taste his mer - cy here. By his lovo thou shalt be fed. Who - so - cv - er will in that m =f C'oww, come, there'a room Jor aU ^^^^m^^^i feast may share, In our Father's house tiiero is bread to spare ; H. DCANB. m call— thy se here, the pread, lift ■ ^ 1 1 J- his nd de -f- cuest, died, care, — # -•- __j ~*j." » ng now ; N ~\ -'^ in that =1, > \^ — ^.^^ 75 The Be£icon Light. "A sure word of prophecy ; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a lipht that shineth in a dark place."— 2 Pet. 1 : 19. BASS SOLO. Mrs. E. C Ellsworth. j^ H. A. /^rwis. 3zl2^E^ -jf-_i_ V-- -«_i. 5E^ izz^-zsi: 1. Where art thou steering, brother, While sailing o'er life's sea? 2. Oh, man - y barks have stranded, Where quick-sands hidden lie ! 3. For ves - sels large and no - ble, Up - on the rocks will break ! yH" ._!•_ ■*■ ■*• ■^ ■# PS3--=^ -^' ±: -■^ -«- -&- ±11 §^. FF=t aiT-*: s — Q»-j-^ 1 Be - fore thee are the breakers. And dan - ger there may be. Then keep with - in the chan - nel, The Light be - fore thine eye. And oft the strongest natures Be - fore temp - ta - tions shai^e. sES h-9- t -^— T i^^^i -:X hS- -^:;^-«- /zq: i^ CHORUS B: ^ p^: ^ PES -^L | -^ The Light, the Light, my brother It stands on yonder height. *_f i. g^^gs^ : 1?=i: -K- ^^S^ 7)..9. N- _ |h= ^ ,o 1 ^pare ; F^ -a.. -■- ""■ L »*■• EE :i f-^ nV. 9S Christ marks the path of dan - ger, His word the Beacon Light J W. :fc ±-~^z J i_u<. 76 There's Light Over There. " For the Lord God giveth them nght."—Rev. 20 : 6. Mrs. E. W. Ciiapma!t. J. H. T. ^^mm^^ 1. When the way seems long and drea • ry, And thy limbs are weak and 2. Wlien the hours seem dark and lone • ly, Flll'd with grief and sor • row 3. Ev - er in his love a • bid • ing, Strong in faith and hope con- ■^ -^ -^ -i ^^^p ^ ■-N— P tit wea - ry, Still pur - sue the path of right, on - ly. Then the watchword keep in s'ght, fld - ing, Keep in view the mansions bright f I it si F3 £=£ g^j -jg g=zfizzg= > -f [__* "At evening time it shall be light.' " At evening time it shall be light.' " At evening time it shall be light. ■^ m t t±t ^■ i;-^— 5/-y- -i CHORUS. § ^^ ^^ -+- J — d J ^ ' ' J ^ There's light ov • er there, ov - er there. There's light ov - er ov ■ er there, ov - er there. There's 9^1=^4=^ :«?=f ?— f--> f ^¥= — ' ^^^—^ — ?■ ^ S5 ■y-«' r- fed^ Jff there. The bliss of that beautiful place- Will * all light ov ■ er there. The bliss of that beau - ti • ful m *=iti*=e £ : — f — r~f ~f ~^ — " ^^^^^^^ m £ =f^ -1/^- :| W Js- thoughts of thy sor ■ row ef - face, There's light ov - er there, ov - er place Will all thoughts of thy sorrow efface, There's ^m I f= itqtjt p^ ^=T I J. H. T. ^ lak and jr • row ope con- I m There's Light Over There— Continued. There's light ov • er there, ov . er there. ^^ 5M^ -■!==i there. There's light ov - er there, there's light ov • er there, ov • er there, T > 'i 1 light ov - er there. J-/. ov - er there, ov - er there. I I ^ I >e light,' >o light.' le light. ^ ^ -^ Pi J_^ ^-T-; — it ov - «r 'here's ' ._ _ m 1 -155- if^ »^ill all ti - ful 3^ I, ov - er There's • 77 I Have Work for Thee. ALniBD J. Bbobis. CHAS. HlRAtD. Q J> i I 1 r 1 JLhU^ J ^ 1 »» ^ i • ^ ' fnv P 4 S " 4 1 ~ 1 J V XSVf •• 41 • . 5 J i J m J 1. At 2. At 8. On 4. By i ^ the feet of the feet of the breast of the cross of -# m ^-- Je Je Je Je 1 — s — -r • • • M • 8U8, freed from Sa • - sus, weep • ing would • sus, I would lay sus, sure • ly I — ^-^ . ^ • "^ • tan's chain, I stand. my head, may stay, --• 1 :Mr~. 1 r:, > 4 i-T- ■ ■■ 1 1 -A— — F-w- _j f— -f- ^ : rf- -^ I li;l ( 1 ^ « • ^ L u [ \ ■^ ' |?4 I-. 1 »- * r r I ^ 1 1 ^ ■^ ^ T- ^ Day Pour But StUl # « and night ing pre the sav the plead imo i ?^ EE 2zz ^i re - jc cious uint iour whis ing Spir ing, fain ment with pers, "Do it sura — #• a would a • my mens ^^ I re ■ dor - ing work in - me a • mam, hand ; stead," way. ^fe ^^ --1 r^i-f—t m fE: But my Lord " Go," the Man Sin - nors' hearts Tell man kind for - bids ter an - are aeli he loves m t±=t dt. * ^ it, "I have work for thee," swers, " Make the fee - ble strong, ing, pil • grinis' feet are sore, them, spread the sto • ry wide, t^^ r^ £ ^ Seek the groan i^ide the wea ' ilest whm time Till to reign 3^^ ing cap - tives bid them ry wan • d'rcr, cheer the is end • ed, re » for in glo • ry coniua the l=:g: ^ «-T- S^^^^e^ ±± come to sad with ev • er Cru - cl I 'a «- I me. ■ song." more. * fled. ? ^ rfi 78 Moderato, JS HN— N- Why I Love Jesus. 0. E. S. 1^$=^ ^ -#—#—*- i ^^y=i^:^B 1. Would you know why I love Jesus? Why be is so dear to me? 'Tis be- 2. Would you know why I love Jesus ? Why he is so dear to me ? 'Tis be- 3. Would you know why 1 love Jesus ? Why he is so dear to me ? 'Tis be- 4. Would you know why I love Jesus? Why he is so dear to me? Tis be- w^m m F «_#. 4t=ff--=E V*^*' / ¥ W- ^ I k f f ^ ft 5 W^ -Kt I cause my bless - ed Je - bus, From my sins has ransomed me. cause the blood of Je - bus, Ful • ly saves and cleanses me. cause a - mid tempta - tions, He supports and comforts me. cause my Friend and Sav - iour, He will ev - er, ev - er be. w £ ^^ £ ^ CHORUS. ^ This is why, I love my Saviour, This is why, I love him this is why, this is why. V— J/ :^-f-fi=t v-v-v-t^- ^ piifi=te =|E \/ '*> V. I M ««' m 1 t :45=|: ^ Ht. 3 i so. He died on Calvary that I might be free, He wash'd me white as snow. s — I -?5- V— ■#• g^^^ f r f- p I -«-T me. me. me. be. -(5L 1 1 ■zmz: P snow. 79 The Judgment. Arranged by I ^ teS^ J. H. Hathawat. ^ Ef ^^ -«= 1. When Je - sus shall gath • er 2. Shall we hear from the lips 3. He will smile wheu he looks 4. Then, let us be watching 1^ 4-i-i-t m iS ^. the Da - tions, Be - fore him at lost to ap- of our Saviour These words— Faithful servant, well on his children, And sees on his ranaom'd his and pray ■ ing, Our lamps burning steady and 2^E -f—f- r-<2. r f-fff t/- --^^^^^ J^Hi^'.J iU-itl^^P pear, Then, O how will you stand in the Judgment, When summoned your sentence to hear? done ; Or else, trembling with fear and with anguish, Be banisiied away from his throne? seal ; He will clothe them with heavenly beau - ty. As low at his footstool they knee', bright ; When the Bridegroom shall call to his wedding. Our spirits made ready for flight. S i U s t t t ^^ -«— «- :??=!? t^-V- 42- ^=M=F CHORUS. f flt wUl -^T i33E t. 1 gath • er the wheat in his gar • tier. But the chaff he will scat* -I? ' J > - # ^ A 4t- -^ f ^ ' ^i? |_S _l =7 6 g :*; i i -f- ter m$mm ■^ fr=f-f-<-Tf: way ; Then, O how will you stand in the judg - ment, On the .'N— ^— » m f " — m t' . n P P * iscz:?: :?=?: -^-^ t=t: ^^^f=R=? ^fp reo tion day. 5 Then, livinu; with hearts fixed on Jesus, With patience we'll wait for the time When, blessed in the arms of our Saviour, We'll bask in his presence divine. 6 Then, glory to Qod in the highest, Our spirits are evermore free ; We will share in his glory forever. In tlio great resurrection day. ')i 80 We've Sighted the Golden Gate! (Suggested on seeing the "Golden Oate,"— San Francisco Harbour.) El Nathan. Solo or Qtuirtet i i g^ Chorus. Jahed McGranaham. ^^ T^ « 1F~^ gold - en gate 1 gold • en gate 1 gold • en gate 1 gold - en gate I 1. Our hearts are filled with joy to - day : We've sighted 2. They've signalled us from off the land : We've sighted 8. How light the tri - als that have come : We've sighted 4. Our God, with grate • ful hearts to thee : We've sighted S <•==! the the the the f^=fe:t^M=^ I i^Wrv r i SoU) or Quartet. Chorus. i ■M € #- -^ ^-i — at- ^ 1 :t=i s ^ S : #=J g Its light is beaming o'er our way: We've sighted Our friends are gath' • ring on the strand : We've sighted For - got • ten now in sight of home[: We've sighted Once lost on life's tern • pes • tuous sea : We've sighted £ ^ the the the the gold • en gate 1 gold ' en gatel gold - en gate t gold • en gate! PH-h ±3 f ■ U .• Duet or Quartet. Tossed on the sea we've sighed for home, O'er oceans wide for this we've come, That |we of en - trance should not fail. We an - swered to tha pi • lot's hail, The storms and clouds will soon be past. Then sheltered from the storm • y blast, Our Lord and Sav • iour, soon at home, The grace that saved we'll glad • ly own ; P^i^ mktfj^^mim ? i Chorus. ^^^^E ^L ^ J|J. | ^:z* ^-# The voy - age now ia With him Oi? board we With sails all furled and 'Twas all of grace pnd al - most dune : We've sighted the gold - en gate 1 safe - ly sail : We've sighted the gold • en gate I an - chor cast : We've sighted the gold - en gate 1 that a - lone : We've sighted the gold - en gate t 'r j]fjf;^;^^^^^^H=t^ • 515 ^ I ^ m gate I gate! gate I gate I m We've Sighted the Golden Osite-Continued. CHORUS. Then sing, gai • lor, sing I Let Joy, . . each heart e - late! Then sing, Then sing, sing, O sai • lor, Blng ! Let joy, * Joy each heart e • late ! O sai - lor, sing I Let Joy, .... each heart e - late ! ,/^- V^ IZ TZ = m -f" ■t- -f" — — •*- f- i=& I T Then sing, sing, O sai - lor, sing I Let Joy, Joy each heart e - late! «J-* far4=^ pEE^j^ej J > J m The light has come, we're al • most home, We've sighted the gold • en gate ! J -fh ^' ^ ^ ♦ ^ H 4L 4L' ^ ^ I > ! F"T"r ^ m ]^ i -rr SEE I 81 The Garden of the Lord. Mrs. C. L. Sbaoslocr. I). B. TOWNIR. ^ ^^^ -J-J-J- ^^^ 1. Are you working, are you working, 2. Are you growing, are you growing, 8. Are you watching, are you watching, 4. When the trump of God is sounding. In the gar • den In the gar • den In the gar • den And the gates are g :^ of of of the Lord? the Lord ? the Lord I pened wide. 3— b — i- * ^^^^^^^ -+>— V ^if^iW When he com • eth at the set • ing of the day? Will he find a golden Are you step • ping ev • er heavenward on ine way ? In the knowledge of the Like the li • ly, are your garments pure and white. Like the love - ly rose of All the glad • ness of the bless • ed you shall know. If with - in the Master's m^ m t in The Garden of the "Lord—Continueci. — ^ S -_J=— -_^i-# — d — T-,^— ^ # — ^ ^-^ PI har - vest. Will you reap a rich re • ward, For the faith - ful toil and Sav • iour, In the rich - ness of his word, Are you gain • ing grace and Sha • ron, is your heart in swoet ac - cord? Does it turn with joy and vine - yard, From the morn till o • ven - tide, You have been a faith • ful ^— + K;, -.0Z m ^ ■5 — ^ i CHORUS. ^mw^^ '^m ser • vice you wis - dora ev glad - nesg to work • er here mg in the 7^-^— Jt have done ? Are you worlc ..... • 'ry day? the light? be ■ low. Are you working, are you working in the ^m n ± ■V- ^ *.= j=j=^;:i£=^^-^-i^-^=>-^- 5 - t—t— t=t- s gar . . . gar . den .... den, When he com • eth at the set • ting of the of the Lord, ^ I U — b=^— f .. f r I -^ — «-*—*■ 'f itJ^ti — w — >— -V- -> — ^- -^ — ^ ^ ft=^-=H-"PN Bun, ,Will he find a golden har - vest, Will you Are you working, A- ^ n ^ ^ t: ■^ ••• -P- 3^ "P- #■ • ■f_p_izr|c=i=^z=^: -> U U U U U =g t ^^ t I I: f^ tr * :£ n'tard. ^* ^Sl 3^^5^*f! # — #^^*-4^— .^# ■r^m reap a rich re - ward, For the faith • ful toil and ser • vice you have done? ^ 4 ^— g : S^^^^^^E^B^ BAND MUSIC BOOK. m -0 — : the -h — done? II 82 IR L., 57. MY Father is rich in houses and lands ; He holdeth the wealth of the world in His hands ; Of rubies and diamonds, of silver and gold, His coffers are full. He lias riches untold. Clio. — I'm the child of a King, the child of a King, With Jesus, my Saviour, I'm the child of a King. , 2 My Father's own Son, the Saviour of men, Once wandered on earth as the jjoorest of men ; But now He is reigning forever on high. And will give us a home in heaven by- and-by. 3 I once was an outcast, a stranger on earth, A sinner by choice and an alien by birth ; But I've been adopted, my name's written down. An heir to a mansion, a robe and a crown. 4 A tent or a cottage, why should I care ? They're building a palace for me over there ; Tho' exiled from home, yet still may I sing All glory to God, I'm the child of a King ! 5 Would you 'scape the awful sentence ? From destruction flee ? Seek the Lord by true repentance, Haste to Calvary. 84 I'm at thk Fountain Drinkino. OF Him who did salvation bring, I'm at the fountain drinking ; With all my heart I love to sing, I'm on my journey Home. Glory to (Jod, I'm at the fountain drinking. Glory to God, I'm on my journey Home. 2 Ask but His grace, and lo ! 'tis given ; Ask, and He turns your hell to heaven. 3 Though sin and sorrow hurt my soul, Jesus, Thy balm has made me whole. 4 Let all the world come here and know What saving love our God will show. 5 Where'er I am, where'er I move, I meet the object of my love. 83 Tune— Annib Lislr. SINNERS, whither will you wander, Whither will you stray ? remember, life is slender, 'Tis but a short day. Death is coming, coming, coming, And the Judgment Day, Heuiten, sinner ! Hasten, sinner ! Seek the narrow way. 2 Satan has resolved to have you For his lawful prey ; Jesus Christ has died to save you. Haste, haste away ! 3 Listen to the invitation, While He's crying "Come !" If you miss the great salvation, Hell will be your doom. 4 Soon you'll see the Lord descending, On His great white throne ; Saints and sinners all attending. To receive their doom. 85 IG. H. &S. S., 145. rrO the work ! to the work ! we are servants i of God. Lot us follow the path that our Master has trod ; With the balm of His counsel our strength to renew. Let us do with our might what our hands tind to do, Clio. — Toiling on, toiling on. Toiling on, toiling on, Lot us hope, let us watch, And labor till the Master comes. 2 To the work ! to the work ! lot the hungry bo fed ; To the fountain of life let tho weary bo led ; In the cross and its banner our glory shall be, Whil« we herald tho tiding.s, "Salvation is free ! " 3 To the work ! to the work ! there is labor for all ; For the kingdom of darkness and error shall fall; And the name of Jchovali exalted shall l)e, In the loud swelling chorus, "Salvation is free!" rr ,%.. ^7-T- IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) /. 4> #? ^ >/ •^ 1.0 I.I If 1^ R^ 2.2 us !r lio 2.0 1.8 1.25 1.4 1^ ■• 6" — ► V] /a OW/A y^ ? Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 l^CST MAtN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) Sr 2-4503 A t/j l\ <> BAND MXTSIC BOOK. |4 ';*»'•'" ''I; 4 To the work ! to the work ! pressing on to the end, For the harvest shall come and the reapers descend ; And the home of the ransomed our dwelling will he, And our chorus forever, "Salvation is free!" 86 [O. q. S., 107. DOWN at the Cross where ray Saviour died, Down, where for cleansing from sin I cried, Tliere to my heart was the hlood applied, Glory to His name ! Cho. — Glory to His name ! Glory to His name ! There to my heart was the blood applied. Glory to His name ! 2 I am so woudrously saved from sin, Jesus so sweetly abides within ; There at the Gross where He took me in, Glory to His name ! 3 precious fountain, that saves from sin, I am so glad I have entered in ; There Jesus saves me and keeps me clean. Glory to His name ! 4 Come to this fountain, so full and sweet ; Cast thy poor soul at the Saviour's feet ; Plunge in to-day and be made complete. Glory to His name ! 34. 5 Take my will and make it Thine, It shall be n? longer mine ; Take my heart, it is Thine own, It shall be Thy royal throne. 6 Take my love, my God, I pour At Thy feet its treasured store ; Take myself, and I will be Ever, only, all for Thee. 88 Tune— G. H. & S. S., 33. 87 [O. G. S , TAKE my life and let it be Consecrated, Lord, to Thee ; Take my moments and my days, Let them flow in ceaseless praise. Chorus. Wash me in the Saviour's precious bloodi Cleanse me in its purifying flood. 2 Take my feet and let them be Swift and beaiitiful for Thee ; Take my voice and let me sing Always — only — for my King. 3 Take my lips and let them be BMU'd with messages for Thee ; Take my silver and my gold, Not a mite would I withhold. 4 Take my moments and my days, Let them flow in endless praise ; Take my intellect and use Ev'ry pow'r as Thou shalt choose. WE'VE a band that shall conquer the foe, If we fight in the strength of our King ; With the Sword of the Spirit, we know. We shall sinners to Calvary bring. Cho. — I believe we shall win, we shall win, If we fight in the strength of our King. 2 We have conquered in times that are past, And we've scattered the foe from the field ; Then we'll fight for the King till the last, And the Sword of the Spirit we'll wield, 3 Our foe may be mighty and brave, And the fighting be hard and severe ; But the King is the mighty to save. And in conflict He always is near. 4 4 In the name of the King we will fight. With our banners unfurled to the breeze ; We will battle for God and the right. And the kingdom of Satan we'll seize. 89 I HEARD of a Saviour whose love was so great. That He laid down His life on a tree ; The thorns they wore pierced in His beauti- ful brow, To pardon a rebel like me, Cho. — He pardoned a rebel like me, like me, He pardoned a rebel like me ; The thorns they were pierced in His beauti- ful brow. To pardon a rebel like me. 2 They toll me Ho wept over sinners one day, Plying, "Oh, that they knew what I do ; How oft would I gather you under my wing. And pardon poor rebels like you I" B it Thine, ine ; line own, [irone. , I pour id store ; Ibe ,33. conquer the foe, ?th of our King ; it, we know, iry bring. we shall win, jth of our King. s that are past, 16 foe from the ig till the last, irit we'll wield. brave, and severe ; to save, i is near. will fight, d to the breeze ; the right, n we'll seize. ose love was so e on a tree ; d in His beauti- cc me, like me, ko mc ; 1 in His beauti- lie. inners one day, new what I do ; iiuler my wing, io you I" BAND MUSIC BOOK. 3 that love so amazing, it broke my hard heart, And brought me, dear Jesus, to Thei> ; And I knew when I came He would not cast me out. But He'd pardon a rebel like me. 4 'tis true, for poor sinners of all kinds He saves, And you He will not cast away ; He waits in His mercy sweet peace to bestow. So come to the fountain to-day. 90 MY Saviour suffered on the tree ; Glory to the bleeding Lamb ! come and praise the Lamb with me ; Glory to the bleeding Lamb ; Cho. — The Lamb, the Lamb, the bleeding Lamb, I love the sound of Jesus' name ; It sets my spirit in a fiame ; Glory to the bleeding Lamb ! 2 He bore my sins, and curse, and shame, And I am saved thro' Jesus' name. 3 I know my sins are all forgiven, And I am on my way to Heaven. 4 And when the fighting here is o'er, I'll sing upon a happier shore. 'i And this my ceaseless song shall be. That Jesus tasted death for me. 91 Christ for Mk. MY heart is fixed, eternal God, Fixed on Thee ; And my immortal choice is made, Christ for me. He is my Prophet, Priest, and King, Who did for me salvation bring ; And while I've breath I mean to sing, Christ for me. 2 Let others boast of heaps of gold : Christ for me. His riclies never can be told : Christ for me. Your gold will waste and wear away. Your honors perish in a day ; My portion never can decay : Christ for me. 3 In pining sickness or in health, Christ for me ; In deepest poverty or wealth, Christ for me ; And in that all-important day, When I the summons must obey. And pass from this dark world away, Christ for me. 4 At home, abroad, by night and day, Christ for me ; Whene'er I speak, or sing, or pray, Christ for me ; Him first and last, Him all day long, My hope, my solace, and my song : Convince me if you think I'm wrong, Christ for me. 5 Now, who can sing my song and say, Christ for me ? My life and truth, my light and way, Christ for me ? Then here's my heart, and here's my hand, We'll form a happy sinV, just a word for Jesus, Your dearest friend so true ; Come, cheer our hearts and tell us What He has done for you. Ref. — Now, just a word for Jesus — 'Twill help us on our way ; One little word for Jesus, speak, or sing, or pray. 2 Now, just a word for Jesus ; Let not the time be lost ; The heart's neglected duty Brings sorrow to its coat. 123 [Wave, 184. WHEN we get home to that beautiful land, With its beautiful city of gold ; When we have passed o'er the river of death, And are safe in the heavenly fold : Wearisome toil, tribulation, and care. That burden our spirits to-day, Like as a dream or a .shadow shall pass — Shall pass, imreturning, away. CUORVS, When we get home, how sweet 'twill be !, When we get home, how sweet 'twill be ! 2 When we get home from our wandering here To that clime where they wander no more ; When, with the loved that liave passed into rest, We shall stand with our harps on the shore ; Sorrow and strife, and our ]n'oneness to err, The pain and the sickness we bear, Like as a dream or a shadow shall pass. And ne'er shall they trouble us there, 3 When we get home (and it will not be long Till we finish our journey below) ; When we shall lose every cumbering weigi^.. And the sin that dotli hinder us so : Tears that we shed in these sorro .vful hours, The fears and the doubts that molest. Like as a dream >r a shadow shall pass. And reach not the home of the blest. From death to life divine, "" From darkness into light, He speaks the word, and it is done. The soul receives its sight. Cho. —Come in, my Lord, come in. And make my heart Thy home ; Come in and cleanse my soul from sin, And dwell with me alone ; v^ome in, come in, And dwell with me alone. 2 A life of holy joy, In union with the Lord, Whose praise doth now our tongues employ. Delighting in His word. His grace, so freely given In every time of need. Doth help us on our way to Heaven, To scatter precious seed. 3 A life of faith and prayer That God will save the world. And will to all His arm make bare, His precious truths unfold. His love so great and true, Freely bestowed on all ; His mercies, night and morning new. To all who on Him call. 4 A life of constant war Against the powers of hell. Against the sins we now abhor, Though once we loved them well. With Gospel armor on. And filled with power divine, Still greater victories may be won. Still greater triumphs shine. l: U 124 A LIFE at peace with God, With Jesus in the soul ; A heart within cleansed in the blood, By Him made fully whole. 125 [s. s. 5. WE are toiling up the way. Narrow way, narrow way ; We have journey 'd many a day Toward the kingdom ; Toward the distant shining land, Golden land, golden land, Where the heav'nly harpers stand In the kingdom. Cho. — Still we sing, Christ, our King, Walks with us the weary way, And the shining angels wait. Angels wait, angels M'ait, To unbar the golden gate Of the kingdom. 2 . 3 . 4 . BAND MUSIC BOOK. I done, iin, f home ; )ul from Bin, e; igues employ, Heaven, .rid, e bare, img new. or, m well. ine, e won, le. [S. S. 5. way; a, day g land, rs stand ir King, eary way, wait, vait, te Tho' the journey may be long, Hard and long, hard and long, We will cheer it with a song Of the kingdom ; We shall enter by the Cross, Blessed Cross, blessed Cross, Gaining gold that hath no dross In the kingdom. 126 (G. G. S., 110. VjOW the chains of sin are broken, IN I am free, I'm free ; Christ the word of power has spoken, Unto me, to me. Cho. — Hallelujah ! hallelujah ! Jesus died for me ; Hallelujah ! hallelujah ! I am free, I'm free. 2 Soon as I by faith received Him, Fled the night, the night ; In the moment I believed Him, Came the light, the light. 3 All the fetters that opp.'.ssed me. Now are riven, are riv'n : With His precious love He blessed me, This to me is heav'u. 4 I will tell the wondrous story Of His grace and love ; He has filled my soul with glory. Praise the Lord above ! 127 OFOR a heart to praise my God, A heart from sin set free ! A heart that always feels Thy blood So freely spilt for me ! 2 A heart resigned, submissive, meek, My great Redeemer's throne, Where only Christ is heard to speak, Where Jesus reigns alone ; 3 A humble, lowly, contrite heart, Believing, true, and clean ; Which neither life nor death can part From Him that dwells within -, 4 A heart in every thought renewed, And full of love divine ; Perfect, and right, and pure, and good, A copy, Lord, of Thine ! Thy tender heart is still the same, And melts at human woe; Jesus, for Thee distressed I am, I want Thy love to know. 128 " Whosoever will, let him take the water of lite freely." Rev. xxii. 17. I ONCE was far in sin. But Jesus took me in, Down where the living waters flow. 'Twas there He gave me sight, And let me see the light, Down where the living waters flow. Cho. — Down where the living waters flow, Down where the living waters flow, I'm living in the light, For Jesus now I fight, Down where the living waters flow. 2 With Jesus at my side, I need no other guide, Down where the living waters flow. He is my hope and stay. He keeps me all the day, Down "" - liere the living waters flow. ! .3 When the fighting here is o'er, I'll rest for evermore, Down where the living waters flow. I'll join the blood-washed throng, And sing the angels' song, Down where the living waters flow. 129 REMEMBER Calvary, And set my spirit liee. 2 The blood of Jesus cleanseth me The moment I believe. 3 I the chief of sinners am, But Jesus died for me. 4 Friend of sinners, spotless Lamb, Thy blood was shed for me. 5 Turn and look upon me, Lord, And break my heart of st-ne. 6 Tell me now in love divine That Thou hast pardcned nie. 7 Yes, I can, I do believe That Thou dost pardon me, 8 Thou art ours, and we "re Thine, Through all eternity. BAND MUSIC BOOK. 130 WAITmO FOR TUB FiRK. MY body, soul, and spirit, Jesus, I give to Thee, A consecrated ofiTring, Thi:>.' evermore to be. Cho. — My all is on the altar, I'm waiting for the fire : Waiting, waiting, waiting, I'm waiting for tMe fire. 2 Jesus, mighty Saviour, I trust in Thy great Name, I look for Thy salvation, Thy promise now I claim. 3 0, let the fire descending Just now upon my soul. Consume my humble oflFering, And cleanse and make me whole. 4 I'm Thine, blessed Jesus, Wash'd by Thy precious blood, Now seal me by Thy spirit A sacrifice to God. 131 [S. S., 27. |i-' l\ IORD, I care not for riches, J Neither silver nor gold ; I would make sure of heaven, I would enter the fold. In the book of Thy kingdom. With its pages so fair. Tell me, Jesus, my Saviour, Is my name written there ? Cho. — Is my name written there, On the page white and fair ? In the book of Thy kingdom, Is my name written there ? 2 Lord, my sins they are many, Like the sands of the sea. But Thy blood, O my Saviour, Is sufficient for me ; For Thy promise is written, In bright letters that glow, "Though your sins be as scarlet, I will make them like snow." 3 that beautiful city, With its mansions of light, With its glorified beings. In pure garments of white ; Where no evil thing cometh To despoil what is fair ; Where the angels are watching — Is my name written there ? 132 [O. H. & 8. S., 169. LORD Jesus, I long to be perfectly whole, I want Thee forever to live in my soul ; Break down every idol, cat.*: out every foe— Now wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. Cho. — Whiter than snow, yes, whiter than snow ; Now wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. . ^ 2 Lord Jesus, let nothing unholy remain. Apply Thine own blood and extract every stain ; To get this blest cleansing I all things forego — Now wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. 3 Lord Jesus, look down from Thy throne in the skies. And help me to make a complete sacrifice ; I give up myself, and whatever I know — Now wash me, and I shall be w hiter than snow. 4 Lord Jesus, for this I most humbly entreat; I wait, blessed Lord , at Thy crucified feet ; By faith, for my cleansing I see Thy blood flow — Now wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. 5 Lord Jesus, Thou seest I patiently wait ; Come now, and within me a new heart create. To those who have sought Thee Thou never saidst No — Now wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. 133 [G. H. &S. S.,311. ARE you coming home, ye wand'rers, Whom Jesus died to win. All foot-sore, lame, and weary. Your garments stained with sin ? Will you seek the blood of Jesus To wash your garments white ? Will you trust His precious promise ? Are you coming home to night ? Cho. — Are you coming home to-night? 2 Are you coming home, ye lost ones ? Behold, your Lord doth wait; Come, then, no longer linger. Come, ere it be too late ; H. & S. S., 169. srfectly whole, ive in my soul ; 3ut every foe— be whiter than I, whiter than hall be whiter loly remain, I extract every ; I all things oe whiter than m Thy throne plete sacrifice ; 5ver I know — je whiter than iimbly entreat; crucified feet ; see Thy blood )e whiter than tiently wait ; a new heart t Thee Thou e whiter than EI. &S. S.,311. wand'rers, in, ry, th ain? ^esus hite ? promise ? liglit ? ime to-night? 3t ones ? ait; BAND MUSIC BOOK. Will you come and let Hi* save you ? trust His love and might ; Will you come while He is calling ? Are you coming home to-night ? Are you coming home, ye guilty. Who bear the load of bin ? Outside you've long been standing,' Come now and venture in. Will you heed the Saviour's promise. And dare to trust Him quite ? " Come unto Me," saith Jesus ; Are you coming home to-night ? ' I 134 [0. H. & S. S., 138. AM Thine, O Lord, I have heard Thy voice. And it told Thy love to me ; But I long to rise in the arms of faith. And be closer drawn to Thee. Cho. — Draw me nearer, nearer, nearer, blessed Lord, To the cross where, Tliou hast died ; Draw mc nearer, nearer, nearer, bles.sed Lord, To Thy precious bleeding side. 2 Consecrate me now to Thy service, Lord, By the power of grace divine ; Let my soul look up with a steadfast hope, And my will be lost in Thine. 3 the pure delight of a single hour That before Thy throne I spend, When I kneel in prayer and with Thee, my God, I converse as friend with friend. 4 There are depths of love that I cannot know Till I cross the narrow sea, There are heights of joy that I gannot reach Till I rest in peace with Thee. 135 [G. H. & S. S , 279. WHERE is my wand'ring boy to-night, The boy of my tenderest care. The boy that was once my joy and light. The child of my love and prayer ? Cno. — where is my boy to-night? O where is my boy to-night ? My heart o'erflows, for I love him he knows, where is my boy to-night? 2 Once he was pure as morning dew. As he knelt at his mother's knee ; No face was so bright, no heart more true. And none was so sweet as he. 3 O could I see you now, my boy. As fair as in olden time. When prattle and smile made home a joy. And life was a merry chime. 4 Go for my wand'ring boy to-night ; Go, search for him where you will ; But bring him to me with all his blight. And tell him I love him still. 136 [O. H. & S. S., 240. WHY do you wait, dear brother ? O why do you tarry so long ? Your Saviour is waiting to give you A place in His sanctified throng. Cho. —Why not? Why not? Why not come to Him now ? Why not? Why not? Why not come to Him now ? 2 What do you hope, dear brother, To gain by a further delay ? There's no one to save you but Jesus, 'i here's no other way but His way. 3 Do you not feel, dear brother, His Spirit now striving within ? why not accept His salvation. And throw off thy burden of sin ? 4 Why do you wait, dear brother ? The harvest is passing away ; Your Saviour is longing to bless you, There's danger and death in delay. 137 COME, sinners, will you meet us On Canaan's happy shore ? 2 By the help of God I'll meet you. 3 It will be a happy meeting. 4 Our Jesus there will greet you. i) Glory, glory. Hallelujah ! 6 Say, comrades, will you meet us ? 7 Come, sisters, will you meet us? 8 Come, brothers, will you meet us? BAND MUSIC BOOK. 138 [G. G. S., 107. ONCE I was wretched with doubts and fears, Oft would my pillow be bathed in tears, But when I trusted, in spite of fears, Jesus gave me rest. Cho. — Jesus gave me rest, Jesus gave me rest. Just when I trusted His power to save, Jesus gave me rest. 2 Long have I striven from sin to flee, Wishing my Saviour would set me free ; When I was willing to trust, not see, Jesus gave me rest. 3 I am so happy from day to day, Often my path is a thorny way : But close to my Saviour's side I stay, Jesus gave me rest. 4 "Glory to Jesus" my song shall be. Now and through all eternity. When I was longing to be set free, Jesus gave me rest. 5 You who are tired of doubts and fears, You who have wept o'er your sins for years, Come to the Saviour who dried my tears ; He will give you rest. 140 139 \17ITH a sorrow for sin let repentance iV begin, Then conversion, of course, will draw nigh; But till washed in the blood of a crucified Lord, We shall never be ready to die. 2 And that you may succeed, come along with all speed To a Saviour who will not deny; Tell Him plainly, in brief, that for sin you feel grief, And you long to be ready to die. 8 We've His word and His oath, and His blood seals them both, And we're sure the Almighty can't lie, If you do not delay, but repent while you may, He will soon make you ready to die. 4 When the fight we have done and the victory won, We to mansions of glory shall fly ; There eternally praise the blest Ancient of Days, For His love made as ready to die. BEHOLD ! behold the Lamb of God, On the cross ; For us He shed His precious blood. On the cross. hear His all-important cry, "Why perish, blood-bought sinner — why? Draw near and see your Saviour die, On the cross." Behold His arms extended wide, On the cross ; Behold His bleeding hands and side, On the cross. The sun withholds his rays of light. The heavens are clothed in shades of night, While Jesus doth with devils fight, On the cross. i Come, sinners, see Him lifted up, On the cross ; He drinks for you the bitter cup, On the cross. The rocks do rend, the mountains quake, While Jesus doth atonement make — While Jesus sufiFers for our sake, On the cross. : And now the mighty deed is done. On the cross ; The battle's fought, the victory's won. On the cross. To Heaven He turns His dying eyes ; '"Tis finished," now the Conqueror cries; Then bows His sacred head and dies, On the cross. ; Where'er I go I'll tell the story *' Of the cross ; In nothing else my soul shall glory, Save the cross. Yes, this my constant theme shall '. . , Through time and in eternity. That Jesus tasted death for me, On the cross. ' 141 IQ. H. &S. S.,257. WHAT tho' clouds are hov'ring o'er me, And I seem to walk alone, Longing, 'mid my cares and crosses. For the joys that now are flown : If I've Jesus, "Jesus only," Then my sky will have a gem ; He's a sun of brightest splendor, ' And the Star of Bethlehem. 14 ^juteiHUi MMMijiiiiBi mb of God, 8 blood, t sinner — why? viour die, wide, and side, of light, hades of night, ils fight, ;ed up, r cup, intains quake, it make — sake, is done, story's won, j^ingeyes; )nqueror cries ; 1 and dies, tory -11 glory, le shall '. . , fcy. ' me, H. &S. S.,257. k^'ring o'er me, lone, crosses, ! flown: gem; iidor, sm. BAND MUSIC BOOK. 2 What tho' all my earthly journey Bringeth nought but weary hours, And, in grasping for life's roses. Thorns I find instead of flow'rs: If I've Jesus, "Jesus only," I possess a cluster rare ; He's the "Lily of the Valley," And the "Rose of Sharon" fair. 3 What tho' all my heart is yearning For the loved of long ago. Bitter lessons sadly learning From the shadowy page of woe : If I've Jesus, "Jesus only," He'll be with me to the end ; And, unseen by mortal vision. Angel bands will o'er me bend. 4 When I soar to realms of glory, And an entrance I await. If I whisper "Jesus only," Wide will ope the pearly gate ; When I join the heavenly chorus, - And the angel hosts I see, Precious Jesus, "Jesus only," Will my theme of rapture be. 142 [G. H. & S. S., 229. I WILL sing of my Redeemer And His wondrous love to me ; On the cruel cross He suffered, From the curse to set me free. Cue. — Sing, O sing of my Redeemer, With His blood He purchased me. On the cross He sealed my pardon. Paid the debt and made me free. 2 I will tell the wondrous story. How, my lost estate to save. In His boundless love and mercy, He the ransom freely gave. 3 I will praise my dear Redeemer, His triumphant pow'r I'll tell, How the victorj' He giveth Over sin, and death, and hell. 4 I will sing of my Redeemer, And His heav'nly love to me ; He from death to life hath brought me, Son of God, with Him to be. 143 Cho. — The cleansing stream, I see, I see! I plunge, and 0, it cleanseth me ! praise the Lord, it cleanseth me ! It cleansoth me, yes, cleanseth me. 2 I see the new creation rise, I hear the speaking blood ; It speaks, polluted nature dies, Sinks 'neath the cleansing flood. 3 I rise to walk in Hearen's own light. Above the world and sin. With heart made pure and garments white, And Christ enthroned within. 4 Amazing grace ! 'tis Heaven below To feel the blood applied; And Jesus, only Jesus knows. My Jesus crucified. [R. L., 126. ONOW I see the crimson wave, The fountain deep and wide ; Jesus, my Lord, mighty to save, Points to His wounded side. 144 [G. H. & S. S., 158. STANDING by a purpose true. Heeding God's command, Honor them, the faithful few ! All hail to Daniel's band ! Chorus. Dare to be a Daniel, dai'e to stand alone ! Dare to have a purpose firm, dare to make it known ! 2 Many mighty men are lost. Daring not to stand, W^ho for God had been a host By joining Daniel's band. 3 Many giants, great and tall. Stalking through the land, Headlong to the earth would fall If met b}' Daniel's baud. 4: Hold the gospel banner high ; On to victory grand ! Satan and his host defy, And shout for Daniel's band ! 145 ''''"'' '^'o" *'*' Jl''OA"- COME, sinners, to Jesus, no longer delay ; _ A free, full salvation is offered to-dr.y ! Arise, all ye bond slaves, awake from your dream ; [t "ream. Believe, and the light and the glory shiU Chorhs. For the Lion of Judah shall break every chain. And give us the vict'ry again and agaui. BAND MUSIC BOOK. If 2 The world will oppose you, and Satan will rage; To hinder your coming they both will en- gage ; But Jesus, your Saviour, has conquered for you, And He will assist you to conquer them, too, 3 Though tough be the fighting, and troubles arise, There are mansions of glory prepared in the skies ; A crown and a kingdom you shortly shall view — The laurels of vict'ry ai'e waiting for you. 4 Wlien death's shady valley Christ calls you to tread, A halo of glory around you He'll shed ; His presence shall cheer you as faintly you pray. And angels to glory shall bear you away. 146 Thk Cros8 Now Covers My Sins. I ST AND all bewildered with wonder. And gaze on the ocean of love, And over its waves to my spirit Comes peace like a heavenly dove. Cho. — The cross now covers my sins. The past is under the blood ; I'm trusting in Jesus for all, My will is the will of my ftod. 2 I struggled and wrestled to win it, The blessing that setteth me free ; But when I had ceased from my struggles. His peace Jesus gave unto me. 3 He laid His hand on me, and heal'd me, And bade me be every whit whole ; I touched the hem of His garment. And glory came, thrilling my soul. 4 The Prince of my peace is now passing. The light of His face is on me ; And listen, beloved, He speaketh — " My peace I will give unto thee." 147 Wave, 25. LO ! a fountain, full and free. Overflowing ever ; Fainting heart, it is for thee, Overflowing ever ; Gushing, sparkling, never still, Taste its sweetness, drink thy fill. Cho. — Overflowing, overflowing ever. Overflowing, flowing now for thee. 2 List the murmur that it speaks, Overflowing ever ; On the soul in song it breaks. Overflowing ever ; Singing, soothing, souls to ease, Music of all melodies. 3 Blessed fount ! the purest known. Overflowing ever ; Streams of light from out God's throne. Overflowing ever ; Sacred blood for sinners spilt. This can cleanse away thy guilt. 148 [R. L,, 79. TESUS, my Lord, to Thee I cry— f j Unless Thou help me I must die ; bring Thy free salvation nigh, And take as I am. Cho. — Take me as I am, take me as T. am; "0 bring Thy free salvation nigh, And take me as I am. 2 Helpless I am and full of guilt. But yet for me Thy blood was spilt ; And Thou canst make me what Thou wilt, But take me as I am. 3 I bow before Thy mercy-seat, Behold me, Saviour, at Thy feet ; Thy work begin, Thy work complete, And take me as I am. 4 If Thou hast work for me to do. Inspire my will, my heart renew, And work both in and by rae, too, And take me as I am. 5 And when at last the work is done, The battle fought, the victory won. Still, still my cry shall be alone, take me as I am. p. 4. 149 " Spiritual 8on(?8. WHOEVER receiveth the Crucified One, W Whoever believeth on God's only Son, A free and a perfect salvation shall have. For He is abundantly able to save. BAND MUSIC BOOK. lowing ever, ng now for thee. ipeaks, , laks, o ease, t known, God's throne, spilt, ^ guilt. [R. L., 79. ee I cry — I must die ; n nigh, ;ake me as T am ; lalvation nigh, I am. guilt, [ was spilt ; what Thou wilt, jeat, hy feet ; rk complete, I to do, i renew, me, too, k is done, itory won, ! alone, ■p. 4. 18 Crucified One, 1 God's only Son, tion shall have, e to save. Cho. — My brother, the Master is calling for thee ; His grace and His mercy are won- drously free ; His blood as a ransom for sinners He gave, And He is abundantly able to save. 2 Whoever receiveth the message of God, And trusts in the pow'r of the soul-cleans- ing blood, A full and eternal redemption shall have, For He is both able and willing to save. 3 Whoever repents and forsakes every sin, And opens His heart for the Lord to come in, A present and perfect salvation shall have, For Jesus is ready this moment to save. 150 Jesus is a Rock. T WANDERED long and could not find i Shelter in the time of storm, Till Jesus eased my troubled mind,. Shelter in the time of storm, Cho. — O Jesus is a Rock in a weary land, A shelter in the time of storm. 2 Where none was strong enough to save, His life for me He freely gave. 3 When I resolved to give up sin, His love a.'l mercy took me in. 4 Though storms may come and tempests I'm safe in Jesus evermore. [roar, 151 [G. H. & S. S., 305. I'VE reached the land of corn and wine, And all its riches freely mine ; Here shines undimmed one blissful day, For all my night has passed away. (Jho. — O Beulab land, sweet Beulah land. As on thy highest mount I stand, I look away across the sea, Where mansions are prepared for me, And view the shining glory shore, My Heaven, my home, for evermore ! 2 My Saviour comes and walks with me, And sweet communion here have we ; He gently leads me with His hand. For this is Heaven 'g border land. 8 A sweet perfume upon the breeze. Is borne from ever-vernal trees ; And flowers that never-fading grow, Where streams of life forever flow. 4 The zephyrs seem to float to me Sweet sounds of Heaven's melody, As angels, in the white-robed throng. Join in the sweet redemption song. 152 [G. H. & S. a, 309. OWORD, of words the sweetest, O word, in which there lies All promise, all fulfilment, And end of mystery : Lamenting or rejoicing, With doubt or terror nigh, I hear the " Come " of Jesus, ' \, And to His cross I fly. Ref.— ||:Come, come to Me, Come, O come to Me ; Weary, heavy laden, Come, come to Me.:|I •2 soul ! why should'st thou wander From such a loving Friend ? Cling closer, closer to Him, Stay with Him to the end. Alas ! I am so helpless, '"• So very full of sin, For I am ever wand'ring, ' And coming back again. .3 each time draw me nearer, Then soon the "Come " may be Naught but a gentle whisper. To one close, close to Thee ; Then, over sea and mountain. Far from, or near my home, " I'll take Thy hand and follow, At that sweet whisper, " Come !" 153 Tune— SwBBT Bklue Maiionk. WHEN you come to death's cold flood, What will you do ? You who noM' reject your (iod, What will you do ? ' That will be a solemn day ! When the soul is forced away, It will be too late to pray, • What will you do ? You who laugh, and scoi'n, and sneer, What will you do ? When the call of death you hear, W hat will you do ? Can you then your terrors brave ? Say you have no soul to save t When you sink beneath the wave ! What will you do ? BAND MUSIC BOOK. You who have been turned aside, What will you do? Whither will you flee to hide ? What will you do ? Conscience will in terror rise, And the worm that never dies ; When to God your spirit flies, What will you do? Comrade, now, I'll turn to thee, What wilt thou do ? When thou dost the river see, What wilt thou do? To the cross I then will cling. Shout, O death, where is thy sting ? Victory ! Victory ! I will sing. That's what I'll do ! 154 [G. G. S., 25. ROOM at the Cross for a trembling soul, Room at the Cross for you ; Where the sin-laden may be made whole, Room at the Cross for you. Ref. — Room, room, room at the Cross, Room at the Cross for you ; Room, room, room at the Cross, Room at the Cross for you. 2 Room at the Cross for a breaking heart. Room at the Cross for you ; Choose, then, like Mary, the better part, Room at the Cross for you. 3 Room at the Cross for earth's weary and worn. Room at the Cross for you ; Come, then, oh ! come, then, ye souls who mourn. Room at the Cross for you. 155 W HO is He in yonder stall. At whose feet the shepherds fall? Ref. — 'Tis the Lord ! O wondrous story ! 'Tis the Lord, the King of Glory ! At His feet we humbly fall — Crown Him ! crown Him Lord of all. 2 Who is He in deep distress, Fasting in the wilderness ? 3 Who is He the people bless For His words of gentleness ? 4 Who is He to whom they bring ' All the sick and sorrowing ? 5 Who is He that stands and weeps At the grave where Lazarus sleeps ? 6 Lo ! at midnight who is He Prays in dark Gethsemane ? 7 Who is He on yonder tree ^ . Dies in grief and agony . 8 Who is He who from the grave Comes to succor, help, and save ? 156 [G. H. &S. S.,237. A RULER onr 6 came unto Jesus by night, To ask Him the way of salvation and light ; The Master made answer, in words true and plain, "Ye must be born again." 2 Ye children of men, attend to the word So solemnly uttered by Jesus the Lord, And let not this message to you be in vain, " Ye must be born again." 3 ye who would enter this glorious rest, And sing with the ransomed the song of the blest, The life everlasting if you would obtain, "Ye must be born again." 157 [G. H. &S. S.,197. COME, ye disconsolate, where'er you lan- guish. Come to the mercy-seat, fervently kneel ; Here bring your wounded hearts, here tell your anguish — Earth has no sorrow that Heaven cannot heal. 2 Joy of the desolate ! Light of the straying ' Hope of the penitent, fadeless and pure ! Here speaks the Comforter, tenderly saying, Earth has no sorrow that Heaven cPiinot cure. 158 I FEEL like singing all the time, My tears are wiped away ; For Jesus is a Friend of mine, I'll serve Him every day. 2 When on the cross my Lord I saw, Nailed there by sins of mine ; Fast fell the burning tears ; but now I'm singing all the time. 3 When fierce temptations try my heart I'll sing "Jesus is mine ;'* And so, though tears at times may start, I'm singing all the time. He le? !e grave id save ? G. H. &S. S.,237. to Jesus by night, of salvation and in words true and gain." id to the word esus the Lord, to you be in vain, ?ain." s glorious rest, ed the song of the a would obtain, G. H. &S. S.,197. where'er you lan- ;, fervently kneel ; i hearts, here tell at Heaven cannot it of the straying ! adeless and pure ! r, tenderly saying, at Heaven cpanot the time, iway ; mine, ay. iord I saw, I mine ; xs ; but now le. I try my heart times may start, ne. BAND MUSIC BOOK. 159 WoNDBotTs Cross. WHEN I survey the wondrous cross On which the Prince of Glory died, My richest gain I count but loss, And pour contempt on all my pride. 2 Forbid it, Lord, that I should boast, Save in the death of Christ my God ; All the vain things that charm me most, I sacrifice th^m to His blood. 3 See ! from His head, His hands. His feet, Sorrow and love flow mingled down ! Did e'er such love and sorrow meet. Or thorns compose so rich a crown ? 4 Were the whole realm of nature mine. That were an offering far too small ; Love so amazing, so divine, Demands my soul, my life, my all. 160 BEHOLD the Saviour of mankind Nailed to the shameful tree ; How vast the love that Him inclined To bleed and die for thee ! 2 Hark, how He groans! while nature shakes, And earth's strong pillars bend ; The temple's veil in sunder breaks. The solid marbles rend. 3 'Tis done ! the precious ransom's paid ! "Receive My soul!" He cries; See where He bows His sacred head : He bows His head, and dies ! 4 But soon He'll break death's envious chain, And in full glory shine ; Lamb of God ! was ever pain. Was ever love, like Thine ? 161 MUST Jtvsus bear the cross alone. And all the world go free ? No ; there's a cross for every one, And there's a cross for me. 2 How happy are the eaints above, Who once went sorrowing here I But now they taste unmingled love, And joy without a tear. 3 The consecrated cross I'll bear Till death shall set me free, And then go home, my crown to wear, For there's a crown for me. 162 [G. H. &S. S.,304. OLAND of rest, for thee I sigh. When will the moment come When I shall lay my armour by. And dwell in peace at home ? Cho. — We'll work till Jesus comes, We'll work till Jesus comes. We'll work till Jesus comes. And we'll be gathered home. 2 No tranquil joys on earth I know. No peaceful, sheltering dome. This world's a wilderness of woe, This world is not my home. 3 To Jesus Christ I fled for rest ; He bade me cease to roam, And lean for succour on His breast. Till He conducts me home. 4 I sought at once my Saviour's side. No more my steps shall roam ; With Him I'll brave death's chilling tide, And reach my heavenly home. 163 99. M [G. G. S, Y heavenly home is bright and fair. Nor pain, nor death can enter there ; Its glittering towers the sun outshine ; That heavenly mansion shall be mine. Cho. — Oh, angels, guide me home ! Angels, guide me home, Angels, guide me home, I long to be there ! 2 My Father's house is built on high. Far, far above the starry sky ; When fiom this earthly prison free. That heavenly mansion mine shall be. 3 Let others seek a home below. Which flames devour, or waves o'erflow, Be mine a happier lot to own A heavenly mansion near the throne. 4 Then fail this earth, let stars decline, And sun and moon refuse to shine. All nature sink and cease to be. That heavenly mansion stands for me. w BAND MUSIC BOOK. ^ \ s 164 COME, shout and sing, make heaven ring With praises to our King, Who bled and died, was crucified, That He might pardon bring. His blood doth save the soul, doth cleanse and make it whole. The blood of Jesus cleanses white as snow. Chorus. The blood of Jesus cleanses white as snow ; 1 bless that happy day, He washed my sins away ; The blood of Jesus cleanses white as snow. 2 Come join our band and make a stand, To drive sui from our land ; To do or die is our battle-cry, We fight at God's command. With banner wide unfurled, we tell to all the world, The blood of Jesus cleanses white as snow. 3 At trumpet's sound, we stand our ground, And tell to those around, Who have been long with shackles strong, By sin and Satan bound. Salvation God has sent for all who will repent ; The blood of Jesus cleanses white as snow. .4 The Lord is near when foes appear, H" bids us not to fear. But tight the fight for God and right, He'll keep the pathway clear. Then when we come to die we'll shout our battle-cry, "The blood of Jesus cleanses white as snow !" th m 165 [G. G. S., 9. ARE you weary, are you heavy-hearted ? Tell it to Jesus, tell it to Jesus ; Are you grieving over joys departed ? Tell it to Jesus alone. Cho. — Tell it to Jesus, tell it to Jesus ; He is a Friend well known ; You have no other such a friend or brother. Tell it to Jesus alone. 2 Do the tears flow down thy cheeks unbid- den? Tell it to Jesus, tell it to Jesus ; Have you sins that to man's eye are hid- den? Tell it to Jesus alone. 3 Do you fear the gathering cloud of sorrow ? Tell it to Jesus, tell it to Jesus ; Are you anxious what shall be to-morrow ? Tell it to Jesus alone. 4 Are you troubled at the thought of dying ? Tell it to Jesus, tell it to Jesus ; « For Christ's coming kingdom are you sighing ? Tell it to Jesus alone. 166 Jesus is Strono to Dbiiver. WHY are you doubting and fearing ? Why are you still under sin? Have you not found His grace does abound ? He is "mighty to save " — let Him in. Cho. — Jesus is strong to deliver ; Mighty to save, mighty to save ; Jesus is strong to deliver, I know He is mighty to save. 2 You say you are weak and you're helpless, You've tried again and again ; Well, that may be true, but it's not what you do, 'Tis Jesus who's mighty to save. 3 When in my sorrow He found me, Found me and bade me behold ; Turned all my night into heavenly light, And from me my burden did roll. 4 When in the tempest He hides me. When in tlie storm He is near, All the way 'long He does carry me on, Now I have nothing to fear. 167 [s. s., 41. JESUS, my Saviour, to Bethlehem came, Born in a manger to sorrow and shame ; Oh, it was wonderful, blest be His name. Seeking for me, for me. (Repeat.) 2 Jesus, my Saviour, on Calvary's tree Paid the great debt, and my soul He set free; Oh, it was wonderful, how could it be ? Dying for me, for me. BAND MUSIC BOOK. -let Him in. 3 Jesus, my Savoiur, the same as of old, While I did wander afar from the fold, Gently and long he hath pled with my Calling for me, for me. [soul, 4 Jesus, my Saviour, shall come from on hi§h. Sweet 18 the promise as weary years fly ; Oh, I shall see Him descending the sky, ComiLg for me, for me. 168 [G. G. S., 78. WE'RE a happy pilgrim band. Sailing to the goodly land ; With a swelling sail we onward sweep ; Though the tempest rages long. There is One among the throng Who will guide the sailor o'er the deep. Cho. — We are sailing o'er the sea, We are sailing o'er the sea. We are drifting toward the lea, • We are drifting toward the lea. 2 When the mighty billows swell. With the saved it shall be well, Though the breakers roll upon the lea ; Rolling waves shall not o'erwhelm. For we've Jesus at the helm, And He'll guide us safely o'er the sea. 3 Tho' for many ages past She has braved the stormy blast, She's the old ship of Zion as of yore ; Safe amid the rocks and shoals, She has landed many souls. Safe at home on Canaan's happy shore, 4 Ho ! ye sinners, hear to-day. There is danger in your way. By the cl: art of folly you a*re led ; There is danger underneath, And above a storm of wrath. And the rocks of destruction just ahead. Jesus will answer' prayer ; Jesus can never fail ; Christ Jesus saves me now. jould it be ? 169 [s. s., 9. WOULD you know why I love Jesus ? Why He is so dear to me ? 'Tis because my blessed Jesus From my sins has ransomed me. Cho. — This is why I love my Jesus, This is why I love Him so ; He atoned for my transgressions, He has washed me white as snow. 8 2 Would you know why I love Jesus ? Why He is so dear to me ? 'Tis because the blood of Jesus Fully saves and cleanses me. 3 Would you know why I love Jesus ? Why He is so dear to me ? 'Tis because, amid temptation, He supports and strengthens me. 4 Would you know why I love Jesus ? Why He is so dear to me ? 'Tis because, in every conflict, Jesus gives me victory. 5 Would you know why I love Jesus ? Why He is so dear to me ? 'Tis because, my Friend and Saviour, He will ever, ever be. 170 TuNK— •• Gospel Praise Book," p. 19. SAVED ! saved ! saved ! saved by the blood of the Lamb ! Yielding at last to the soul-saving word. Owning that Jesus is Saviour and Lord, Trusting alone in His name. Cho. — Angels rejoice o'er the dead made alive. Swelling the chorus in praise of His name. Sing, my soul, for now thou art free, Saved by the blood of the Lamb ! 2 Saved ! saved ! saved ! ransomed from death and the grave ! Strong was the arm that redeemed me from sin, Precious the Lord that has made my soul clean. Great was the grace that forgave. 3 Saved ! saved ! saved ! numbered with those who believe ; Written my name in the Lamb's book of life. Armed and equipped for the war and the strife. Daily His grace I receive. 4 Saved ! saved ! saved ! never from Christ will I roam ; Death with its fetters cannot bind me fast. Mansions of glory await me at last, Angels will welcome me home. .• If BAND MUSIC BOOK. \>Jl TuNB— G. H. & S. S., 24. ALL ye that pass by, To Jesus draw nigh : To you is it nothing that Jesus should die? Cho. — Hallelujah ! thine the glory, etc. 2 Your ransom and peace, Your Saviour He is ; Come, see if there ever was sorrow like His. 3 He suffered for all ; O come at His call, And low at His cross with astonishment fall. 4 My pardon I claim ; For a sinner I am, A sinner believing in Jesus's name. 5 His death is my plea ; My Advocate see, [for me. And hear the blood speak that hath answer'd 6 My ransom He was, When He bled on the Cross ; And by losing His life He hath carried my cause. , * 172 [S. S., n. JESUS now is my salvation. He has saved me from all sin ; Through His blood I have redemption. And I rest complete within. ! the joy of full salvation ! How it thrills my inmost soul ! Spread the news to every nation, Jesus' blood has made me whole ! Cho.— Why don't you come to Jesus? Why don't you come to Jesus ? Why don't you come to Jesus and be saved ! 2 By His royal proclamation. Sin's dominion now is o'er. And in conscious, full salvation, I may sing for evermore. » 3 Oh, the love of my Redeemer ! Oh, the wonders of His grace ! I will praise His name forever, And rejoice before His face. 173 Tune- " Gospel Praise Book," 16. WALK in the light the Lord hath given Tfi guide thy steps aright. His Holy (Spirit sent from heaven Can cheer the darkest night. Cho. — Walk in the light, Walk in the light, Walk in the light. The light of God. 2 Walk in the light of Gospel truth That shines from God's own Word ; A light to guide in early youth The faithful of the Lord. 3 Walk in the light and thou shalt know The love of God to thee ; The fellowship so sweet below In Heaven will sweeter be. 174 [S. S., 78. WHAT can wash away my stain? Nothing but the blood of Jesus ; What can make me whole again ? Nothing but the blood of Jesus. Cho. — Oh, precious is the flow, That makes me white as snow ; No other fount I know. Nothing but the blood of Jesus. 2 For my cleansing this I see. Nothing, etc. For my pardon this my plea, etc. 3 Nothing can for sin atone, etc. Naught of good that I have done, etc. 4 This is all my hope and peace, etc. This is all my righteousness, etc. 5 Novv, by this I'll overcome, etc. Now, by this I'll reach my home, etc. 6 Glory, glory, this I sing, etc. All my praise for this I bring, etc. 175 Tune— "Songs of Beulah," No. 9. 'nniS the very same power _ X That they had at Pentfcost, 'Tis the power Jesus promised should come down. 2 'Twas while they all were praying, And believing it would come, Came, etc. 3 Three thousand wei'e converted, And were added to the Church, By, etc 4 Our fathers had this power, And we must have it too, Send, etc. * i •-'v^i^JiftjiV.^-Ji'b'jaL'MJmlii BAND MUSIC BOOK. 17Q B. L. 151-21. MY hope is built on nothing less Than Jesus' blood and righteousness ; I dare not touch the sweetest frame, But wholly lean on Jesus' name. Cho. — On Christ, the Solid Rock, I stand ; All other ground is sinking sand. All other ground is sinking sand. 2 When darkness seems to veil His face, I rest on His unchanging grace ; In every high and stormy gale. My anchor holds within the veil. 3 His oath, His covenant, and blood, Support me in the whelming flood ; When all around my soul gives way, He then is all my hope and stay. 177 IN God I have found a retreat, Where I can securely abide ; No refuge nor rest so complete : And here I intend to reside. Cho. — Oh, what comfort it brings, As my soul sweetly sings : I am safe from all danger While under His wings ! 2 I dread not tlie terror by night, No arrow can harm me by day ; His shadow has covered me quite, My fears He has driven away. 3 The pestilence walking about, When darkness has settled abroad, Can never compel me to doubt The presence and power of God. 4 The wasting destruction at noon No fearful foreboding will bring : With Jesus my soul doth commune, His perfect salvation I sing. 5 A thousand may fall at my side, And ten thousand at my right hand. Above me His wings are spread wide, Beneath them in safety I stand. 178 B. L., 48. TAKE the world, but give me Jesus, — All its joys are but a name ; But His love abideth ever, Through eternal years the same. Cho. — O the heights and depths of mercy, the length and breadth of love ; the fulness of redemption, Pledge of endless life above. 2 Take the world, but give me Jesus, Sweetest comfort of my soul ; With my Saviour watching o'er me, I can sing, though billows roll. 3 Take the world, but give me Jesus, Let me view His constant smile ; Then throughout my pilgrim journey Light will cheer me all the while. 4 Take the world, but give me Jesus ; In His cross my trust shall be, Till, with clearer, brighter vision, Face to face my Lord I see. 170 G. G. S., 28. FLOODS of mercy break around us, Jesus comes, comes to save ! Fetters fall that long have bound us, Jesus comes, comes to save ! Cho. — Hallelujah ! joyful story, Jesus comes, the King of glory ! Hallelujah ! hallelujah ! Je%us comes, comes to save ! 2 While like rain our tears are falling, Jesus comes, comes to save ! While these souls for help are calling, Jesus comes, comes to save ! 3 Glorious light is dawning o'er us, Jesus comes, comes to save ! And the way grows bright before us, Jesus comes, comes to save ! 4 Hallelujah, saints are singing, Jesus comes, comes to save ! Heaven with joyous song is ringing Jesus comes, comes to save ! 180 Tune—" Harp," 52. FADE, fade each earthly joy ! Jesus is mine ! Break every tender tie ; Jesus is mine ! Dark is the wilderness ; earth iias no resting place ! Jesus alone can bless ; Jesus is mine ! Farewell, mortality ; Jesus is mine ! Welcome, eternity ; Jesus is mine ! Welcome, O loved and blest ! welcome, sweet scenes of rest ; Welcome, my Saviour's breast ; Jesus is mine ! 181 BAND MUSIC BOOK. [Harp, 52. » I'M but a stranger here, Heaven is my home ; Earth is a desert drear, Heaven is my home. Daneer and sorrow stand round me on every hand ; Heaven is my fatherland ; Heaven is my home. 2 What tlio' the tempest rage. Heaven is my home ; Short is my pilgrimage ; Heaven is my home. Time's cold and wintry blast soon will be overpast ; I shall reach liome at last ; Heaven is my home. 3 There at my Saviour's side, Heaven is my home ; I shall be glorified ; Heaven is my home. There are the good and blest; those 1 loved most and best ; There, too, I soon shall rest ; Heaven is my home. 182 Tune-G. H. & S. S. No. 199. SHALL we meet beyond the river, Where the surges cease to roll ? Where, in all the bright "forever," Sorrow ne'er shall press the soul. Cho.— Shall we meet? Shall we meet? Shall we meet beyond the river ? Shall we meet beyond the river, Where the surges cease to roll ? 2 Shall we meet in that blest harbor, When the voyage of life is o'er ? Shall we meet and cast the anchor By the fair celestial shore ? 3 Shall we meet in yonder city, W^here the towers of crystal shine ; Where the walls are all of jasper. Built by workmanship divine ? 4 Shall we meet with many a loved one That was torn from our embrace ? Shall we listen to their voices, And behold them face to face ? 6 Shall we meet with Christ our Saviour, W^hen He comes to claim His own ? Shall we know His blessed favor. And sit down upon His throne ? 183 Tune— G. H. & S. 8., 200. WHEN peace, like a river, attendeth my way, When sorrows, like sea-billows, roll ; Whatever my lot. Thou hast taught me to say. "It is well, it is well with my soul." Cho. —It is well . . . with my soul . . . It is well, it is well with my soul. 2 Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come, Let this blest assurance control, That Christ hath regarded my helpless estate, And hath shed His ownbloodformy soul. 3 My sin— oh, the bliss of this glorious thought ! My sin — not in part, but the whole. Is nailed to His cross : and I bear it no more : [soul ! Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my 4 For me, be it Christ, be it Christ, hence to live! If Jordan above me shall roll. No pang shall be mine, for in death as in life. Thou wilt whisper Thy peace to my soul. 5 But, Lord, 'tis for Thee, for Thy coming we wait. The sky, not the grave, is our goal ; Oh, trump of the angel ! oh, voice of the Lord! Blessed hope ! blessed rest of my soul ; 184 [R. L., 19. SHOULD the summons, quickly flying, On the slumbering nations fall, — " Lo ! the Heavenly Bridegroom cometh !" Would the sound your souls appal ? Cho. — Are you ready ? Are you ready, — Should you hear the midnight call ? 2 W^hat if now the startling mandate Should the sleeping virgins hear, — ' ' Are your lamps all trimmed and burning, Should the Bridegroom now appear ? " Cho. — Are you ready ? Are you ready. Now to see your Lord appear ? . -a.. ly :i.nv„-fr-«<^,-AA.*;ii attendeth my Hows, roll ; taught me to my soul. " r soul . . . h my soul. though triala >ntrol, my helpless od for my soul. this glorious the whole, I bear it no [soul ! le Lord, my hrist, hence to roll, in death as in ace to my soul. r Thy coming 3 our goal ; 1, voice of the it of my soul ; [R. L., 19. [uickly flying, ons fall, — roomcometh!" uls appal ? i you ready, — midnight call ? aandate ns hear, — d and burning, low appear ? " ire you ready, •d appear ? BAND MUSIC BOOK. 3 la there oil in all your vessels? Are your garments pure and white ? Are you washed in the cleansing Fountain, Fit to stand in Jesus' sight ? Cho. — Are you ready ? Are you ready. Are your lamps all clear and bright ? 4 Rise ! ye virgins — sleep no Longer — Lest the call your souls surprise ! Lest ye fail to meet the Bridegroom, When he cometh from the skies. Cho. 186 -Oh, be ready ! Oh, be ready ! When He cometh from the skies. Bktuksda. BETHESDA is open, the angel has come, The Spirit is calling for thee ; The waters are troubled, behold, there is room ; Salvation through Jesus is free. C>) —Salvation is free, salvation is free. Salvation through J esus is free ; The waters are troubled, behold, there is room, Bethesda is open for thee. 2 Come press to the waters while mercy is here. Accept of a cleansing complete ; O, hear the entreaty, dism'-^sing your fear ; • Lo, judgment and mercy now meet, 3 The house of Bethesda for sinners was built, The pool is a fountain of love ; The waters are troubled for cancelling guilt. And still for our healing they move. 4 Then come to the fountain, ye needy and lost. Come now while the Saviour is nigh ; This grace has been purchased at infinite *. cost, And they that reject it must die. Cho. — The half has never yet been told, Of love so full and free ; The half has never yet been told, Tlie blood— it cleanseth me. 2 I know that Thou art nearer still Than any earthly throng, And sweeter is the thought of Thee Than any lovely song. 3 Thou hast put gladness in my heart ; Then well may I be glad ! Without the secret of Thy love I could not but be sad. 4 O, Saviour, precious Saviour mine ! What will Thy presence be If such a life of joy can crown Our walk on earth with Thee. 187 Tune— B. L. 85. 186 [G. G. S., 1. KNOW I love Thee better. Lord, I _ Than any earthly joy. For Thou hast given me a peace Which nothing can destroy. WE have heard a joyful sound, Jesus saves, Jesus saves ; Spread the gladness all around, Jesus saves, Jesus saves ; Bear the news to every land. Climb the steeps and cross the waves, Onward, 'tis our Lord's command, Jesus saves, Jesus saves. Waft it on the rolling tide, Jesus saves, Jesus saves ; Tell to sinners far and wide, Jesus saves, Jesus saves ; Sing, ye islands of the sea. Echo back, ye ocean caves. Earth shall keep her jubilee, Jesus saves, Jesus saves. Sing above the battle's strife, Jesus saves, Jesus saves ; By his death and endless life, Jesus saves, Jesus saves ; Sing it softly through the gloom. When the heart for mercy craves. Sing ill triumph o'er the tomb, Jesus saves, Jesus saves. Give the winds a mighty voice, Jesus saves, Jesus saves ; Let the nations now rejoice, Jesus saves, Jesus saves ; Shout salvation full and free, Highest hills and deepest caves, This our song of victory, Jesus saves, Jesus saves. BAND MUSIC BOOK. 188 Christmas Carol. Tune— Wave, p. 137. ti' < HARK, the Christmas bells are ringing, Angels voices join the lay ; Peace on earth, good-will forever, Christ the Saviour, born to-day. Come to the manger, come and worship, Christ the Saviour, born to-day ; Come with the shepherds, come and worship, Star of Bethlehem guide our way. 2 Hark, the Christmas bells are ringing, Hail with joy the auspicious day ; Sorrow, pain, and grief are banished, Falling tears are wiped away. 3 Hark, the Christmas bells are ringing, Prince of Peace, Emmanuel reigns ; King and Saviour, Christ, Redeemer, Evermore His right maintains. 4 Hark, the Christmas bells are ringing, Precious gifts let all prepare ; Richer far than gold or jewels. Gifts of holy praise and prayer. 189 ^'^ Arms, ye Soldiers. Tune -Wave, p. SO. TO arms ! to arms ! ye soldiers. The trumpet call obey ! Arise from dreary slumbers To watch and fight and pray. Ref. — To arms ! to arms ! ye soldiers. The trumpet oall obey ! With Jesus as our Leader We're sure to win the day. 2 'Tis not to rest or banquet, Or proud "parade we go ; The fight of faith is fiercer, Than worldly warriors know. 3 Against the powers of darkness With fearful craft and rage. Our heavenly Captain calls us Incessant war to wage. 4 We'll bless Thee for the battle, We'll glory in the strife ; We'll shout at call of trumpet. We'll win eternal life. « r i.:j.,'JtXiWJi.i'd:^f. '!*WVl»««(fi*n'R*^'"SFW« CONTENTS. A better day is coining 112 A charge to keep I have 95 A life at peace with God 124 A little talk with Jesus 120 All ye that pass by i 171 Angels are gathering home 32 Are you coining home to-night? 183 Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb Ill A ruler once came unto Jesus by night 156 A shout in the camp 44 A shelter in the time of storm 66 At the cross, at the cross 121 Behold ! behold the Lamb of God 140 Behold the Saviour of mankind 160 Beneath the cross 104 Bethesda is open 46 Bethesda is open 185 Beulahland 161 Calling for you 58 Christforme 91 Come, sinners 187 Come, ye disconsolate 157 Consecration 35 Do what you can 31 Down at th>^ cross 86 Down where the living waters flow 128 Ere the sun goes down 52 Fade, fade each earthly joy 180 Farewelll 16 Fix j'our eyes upon Jesus 64 Floods of mercy break around us 179 Follow t follow ! 92 For you and for me 22 Gather them in 4 Glory to the bleeding Lamb 90 Going' home by and by 18 Going homo rejoicing 70 Hark ! there comes a whisper 11 Hcrk, the Chilstinas bella are ring'' g 188 Hasten to Calvary's mountain 51 Have you any room for Jesus 109 He pardoned a rebel like me 89 He took me in 105 Howeptforme 26 I am thine O Lord 134 I (eel like singing all the time 168 I have been at the founta n 17 I have taken up the cross 37 I have work tor thee 77 I know I love thee better, Lorl 186 I long to be there 10 I'll tell it 61 I'm at the fountain drinking 84 I'm believing and receiving 69 I'm but a stranger here mi I'm free, I'm free 126 In all my Lord's appointed ways 99 In God I have found a retreat 177 In the cross 13 Is it there, written there? 49 I saw one 43 I want to be a worker 28 1 will sing of my Redeemer 142 I will tell Jesus 72 Jesus pave me rest 188 Jesus IS a rook 160 Jesus is calling you now 6 Jesus is callng 68 Jesus is strong to deliver 166 Jesus, my Lord, to thee I cry 148 Jesus my Saviour to Bethlehem came 167 Jesus now is my salvation 178 Jesus will give you rest 34 Joy in heaven 48 Just from the fountain 73 Let the muster in 40 Let the Saviour in ! 89 Lo ! a fountain, full Mud free 147 Lord, I care not for riches 181 Must I go, and empty handed 101 Must Jesus bear the cross alone 161 My boy is on the street to-night 38 My heavenly home is bright and fair 163 My hope is built on nothing less 176 My Je^us I love Thee 114 My iflother is praying for me 9 Mytelegram 97 None but Jesus 59 No room in heaven 36 Not far from the kingdom 68 Nothing but the blood of Jesus 174 Not my own 102 Now just a word for Jesus 122 O for a heart to praise my God 127 Oh 1 sinners won't you 96 Oh, the bitter pain and sorrow 108 Oh, the joy that awaits me ! 14 Oh, 'tis wonderful ! 8 One thing thou lackest 56 Onward, Christian soldiers 117 O now I Gee the crimson wave 143 O remember Calvary 129 O word, of words the sweetest 162 Precious Jesus 116 Rest, joyful rest, over Jordan 42 Room at the cross 154 uwii CONTENTS. Saved by the blood of the Lamb 170 Shall we meet beyond the river 182 Should the summons, quickly Qying 184 Since I've trusted him 63 Sing them over again to me 107 Singing all the day 47 Sinner, will you not relent? 50 Sinners, whither will you 83 Standing by a purpose true 144 Sweet rest in Jesus 71 Take my life 87 Take the world, but give me Jesus 178 Tell it to Jesus 165 Tell it with joy • 27 Tell it again 57 That awful day 20 The banner of the cross 5 The beacon light 75 The blessed feast 74 The blood of Jesus cleanses white as snow 164 The child of a king 82 The cleansing blood 80 The cross now covers my sins 146 The door of God's mercy is open 23 The Eden above 110 The foundation-stone 21 The garden of the Lord 81 The gospel ship 106 The great salvation 3 The glorious morning 46 The Judgment 79 The Judgment Day is coming 118 The lion of Judah 145 "The new song." 7 The orphan's prayer 65 The pleading voice 29 The rock that is higher than I 26 The song of heaven 54 " There shall be showers of blessing," 67 There's light over there 70 "There is sweet rest in heaven 94 They are coming to the Saviour 56 They chanted a new song^ > 60 "Tis the very same power 175 To arms, ye soldiers 189 Tothework! 85 To wear a starry crown 98 Vale of Beulah 15 Walk in the light 173 Waiting for the fire 130 Wanderer from Jesus « 62 We will sing our Saviour's love 119 We are out on the ocean sailing 100 We shall see the Judge descending 113 We have heard a joyful sound 187 We are toiling up the way 125 We're a happy pilgrim band 168 We'll work till Jesus comes 162 Welcome home 93 Welcome ! wanderer, welcome 1 2 We'll meet again 41 We've sighted the golden gate 80 We've a band that shall conquer S8 What tho' clouds are hov'ring o'er me 141 When Jesus comes 108 When you come to death's cold flood 163 When I survey the wondrous cross 159 When we get home 123 When the harvest is past 12 Where is thy refuge ? 19 Whosoever believeth 1 What a reaping there will be 24 When peace, like a river 183 Where is my wandering boy to-night? 135 Whoever receiveth the crucified one 149 Who is he in yonder stall 155 Whiter than sno-v 132 Why I love Jesus 78 Why do you wait, dear brother? 136 Will you go 115 With a sorrow for sin 139 Would you know why I love Jesus 169 Your pilot's at the wheel 33 ; 175 189 85 98 15 173 130 62 i 110 g 100 ding 113 187 1?5 168 162 93 ! 2 41 80 er S8 o'er me 141 108 i flood 163 sross 159 123 12 19 1 ... 24 183 i-night? 135 done 149 155 132 78 P? 136 115 139 38U8 169 33