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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mithode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 mmffmt^^r^^"^ '■ tf-: ■ -'f. ^^^fr!^ PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINQTON BULLETIN VOL. XIII, pp. 123-162 ALASKA AS IT WAS AND IS 1865-1895 BT WILLIAM HEALEY DALL Annual Prihioential Address dbmverkd before the PniLosoWitCAL SociETV OK Washixotos, December 6, 1895 WASHINGTON PUBLISHED BY THE SOCIETY December, 1895 •^ •'*««■■ ■-^^'^ k^f i'^-„-'^'-r-"r:,'>f' •■ ''f:i^"«- U<^.3^- c HH ALASKA AS IT WAS AND IS 1865-1895. BY William Healey Dall. [The annual presidential address, delivered before the Philosophical Society of Washinj^ton, December 6, 1895.] In 1864 the apparent hopelessness of the attempts to establish a workable transatlantic telegraph cable led those interested in telegraphic commuuicatiou with Europe to consider other means of attaining that end. It was thought that a short cable across Bering strait might be made to work, and no doubt was entertained of the possibility of maintaining the enormously extended land lines which should connect the ends of this cable with the systems already in operation in Europe and the United States. A company was formed for this purpose, and an expedition to undertake the explorations necessary to determine the route was organized. The cooperation of the Russian and Ameri- can governments was secured and the necessary funds sub- scribed. Searching for properly qualified explorers, the promoters of the enterprise consulted the Smithsonian insti- tution and were brought into communication with Robert Kennicott, of Chicago, a young and enthusiastic naturalist, who had already made some remarkable journeys in the Hudson Bay territories in the interest of science. His ex- plorations had taken him to the most remote of the Hudson Bay posts — Fort Yukon, on the river of the same name — regardless of every kind of hardship, privation, and isola- tion. His ardor was so contagious that before returning to civilization he bad communicated it to almost every one o» 18-Bull. Phil. Soc, Wash., Vol. 13. (123) P^cinc N, W. History Dc^pt PROVINCIAL LIBRARY VICTORIA, B. C, MMikm 124 DAI.L. the hard-headed fur traders in that remote and inhospitable region, and for years afterward bird skins, eggs, ethnological specimens, and collections in every branch of natural his- tory poured from the frozen nortli into the Wmithsoniau Museum by hundreds and thousands. When Kennicott, after traveling for months on snow- shoes, sledges, or bateaux, stood at last on the steep bluff at Fort Yukon, he saw the yellow flood of the great river surg- ing by the most remote outpost of civilization and disap- pearing to the v.estward in a vast and unknown region. An uninhabited gap of hundreds of miles lay between him and the nearest known native settlement to the west. Far in the north the midnight sun lighted up the snowy peaks of the Ilomanzoff mountains, whose further slope it was be- lieved gave on the Polar sea. No one knew where the Yukon met the ocean. On most maps of that day a large river called the Coivile, found by Simpson on the Arctic coast as he journeyed toward Point Barrow, was indicated as the outlet of the Yukon watershed. South of the Ronian- zoff mountains for an unknown distance vast tundras, scantily wooded with larch and spruce, the breeding grounds of multitudes of water fowl, intersected by many streams, but level as a prairie, extended to the west. The native population of this region, as far as known, had always been scanty, and an epidemic of scaj'let fever, introduced some years before through contact with other tribes trading to the coast, had swept them absolutely out of existence. Not an individual was left, and the nomad.c natives who reached Fort Yukon from the east and south- east hesitated to approach the hunting grounds, where the mysterious pestilence might linger still. Obliged to terminate his explorations here, Kennicott returned, after months of weary travel, to the United States, but cherished the hope of some day penetrating the terra incognita on whose borders he had been obliged to pause and turn away. The dream of his life was thereafter the exploration of Russian America, the discovery of its fauna. ALASKA AS IT WAS AND IS. 125 ; and tho determination of its relations to the fauna of Siberia and Japan. Tho group of young zoologists which ^'nthered about him at the Chicago Academy of Sciences, an institu- tion of which Kcnnicott was practically the creator, was frequently roused to enthusiasm by impromptu lectures on the problems to be solved, the specimens to be collected, and the advenv. res to be anticipated in that virgin territory. The need of the telegraph company for one familiar with life and conditions in the north brought him the long sought opportunity, and he undertook to lead the exploration, pro- vided he wrs permitted to utilize it for science to the fullest extent commensurate with the attainment of the objects of the expedition. IIo stipulated that he should be permitted to select a party of six persons who should be qualified to make scientific observations and collections in the intervals of other work, but who should hold themselves ready to do any work required by the promoters of the enterprise, even to digging post-holes for the line if called upon. His terms were accepted, and the scientific corps of the expedition organized and started for San Francisco. Here two of the members were detailed to join the party engaged in exploring the route through British Columbia ; the others, of whom the speaker was one, accompanied Kennicott to the north. In July, 18G5,tlie expedition entered thebay of Sitka and our acquaintance with Russian America began. Sitka was then a stockaded' town of about 2000 inhab- itants, with a village of more than 1500 Indians outside the walls. The settlement contained a Greek church, a Lutheran chapel, shipyards, warehouses, barracks, a club- house for the officers, a sawmill, a foundry where brass, copper, and iron castings of moderate size were made, beside numerous dwellings. All the buildings were log structures, their outer walls washed with yellow ochre, the roofs chiefly of metal painted red. High above the rest, on an elevated rock, rose a large building, in which the governor of the Russian colonies had his residence. This, known to visitors litm 12G DALL. r& . as the " castle," was built of squared logs, with two stories and a cupola and was defeuded by a battery. Tiio warm colors of the buildings, above which rose tlio pale green spire and bulbous domes of the Greek church, seen against steep, snow- tipped mountains densely clothed with sombre forests of spruce, produced a picturesque effect unique among Ameri- can settlements. Outside the walls, along the beach, was a long row of largo Indian houses, low and wide, without windows, built of im- mense planks painfull}' hewn out of single logs with stone adzes, whose marks could still be distinctly seen. Tiiey were entered by small, low doors, rounded above, so that he who came in must bend to an attitude ill suited to defense. The front of each house was painted with totemic emblems in red ochre. Their dimensions wore sometimes as much as 40 by GO feet, and the area within formed one large room, with the rafters visible overhead, the middle portion floored only with bare earth, on which the fire was built, the smoke escaping through a large square hole in the roof. On either side were raised platforms with small partitioned retreats like state- rooms, each sheltering a single family. As many as one hundred people sometimes dwelt in one of these houses. The only ornaments were totemic carvings, generally against the wall opposite the entrance; overiiead hung nets,. lines, and other personal property drying in the smoke along with strips of meat or fish and fir branches covered with the spawn of herring. On the bank, which rose behind the houses, densely cov- ered with herbage of a vivid green, were seen curious box- like tombs, often painted in gay colors or ornamented with totemic carvings or wooden effigies. These tombs sheltered the ashes of their cremated dead. On the beach in front of the houses lay numerous canoes whose graceful shape and admirable workmanship extorted praises from the earliest as well as the later explorers of the coast. When not in use these were always sheltered from the sun by branches of spruce and hemlock or tarpaulins of refuse skins. Among ALASKA AS IT WAS AND IS. 127 the canoes innumerable wolfish dogs snarled, fought, or played the scavenger. The natives still retained to some extent thoir original style of dress, modified now and then by a Russian kerchief or a woolen shirt. As a rule, they were barefooted, stolid, sturdy, uncompromising savages, who looked upon the white man with a defiance but slightly tempered by fear and a desire to trade. The mission church of that day was built into the stockade, with doors entering it both from the In- dian and the Russian town. When services were held the outer door was opened, the town door closed and stoutly barred. Once these fierce clansmen had endeavored to rush into and take the settlement whet: the door leading inward had been left unfastened. From the time when the first white men to touch these shores, OhirikofF's boat's crew in 1741, were without provocation massacred, these natives had not failed to maintain their reputation for courage, greed, treachery, and intelligence. These conditions outside the settlement necessitated a military discipline within it. Sentries regularly paced the walks by day and night, the sullen Indians were systematic- ally watched, and the little batteries kept in readiness for use. The needs of the business of the compan_, made Sitka a lively manufacturing town, in spite of the multitudinous Russian holidays. Society there was like a bit of old Russia, with the manners, vices, and sturdy qualities of sailor, peas- ant, and courtier fully exemplified within its narrow limits. A fishery at Deep lake, a few miles away, furnished fresh salmon in abundance, which was freely dist:'ibutcd to all comers twice or thrice a week during the season. The com- pany furnished each employe with certain stated rations of flour, sugar, tea, etc., at fixed prices; the harbor, within a few yards of the stockade, contained abundance of seafish, and the Indians' price for a deer, skinned and dressed, was a silver dollar or a glass of vodka. The primeval forest came close to the town ; the demand for firewood and timber had made little impression upon it. White settlements in the ^ 128 DALL. Alexatulor archipelago were confined to a few small fortified trading posts. Fort Wrangoll and Fort Tongass alone could be regarded as approximately permanent. The parties sent out to trade or hunt worked from a temporary camp or an armed vessel as a base, and, owing to the ill-feeling which existed between the natives and Russians, smuggling and illicit trading were rife. Missionary effort did not exist out- side of Sitka, and oven there amounted to little more than the bribery of some greedy savage to pc-form for a consid- eration some rites which he did not understand. Tiie law of Russia which prevented a permanent severance of a subject from his native soil (except for crime) operated to encourage temporary unions of the company's servants with native women. Marriages were not allowed between full-blooded Russians and natives, as at the expiration of his term of service the Russian must return to his own parish in Russia, and the native could iiot be carried away from the place of her nativity. After the transfer of Alaska to the United States many of tiiese Russians elected to remain in the country and were married to the mothers of their cliil- dren ; but at the time of our first visit the most surprising social fact to us was the perfect equality which appeared to subsist between these irregular partners and the married women who had come from Russia. So far as we could per- ceive, both classes behaved with equal propriety and were treated with equal respect by the community, and the only restriction which the authorities insisted upon was that no Russian should take to himself a partner who had not been duly baptized. The issue of these unions, being of Alaskan birth, were free to marry in the country, and with their de- scendants constituted the class to which the Russians gave the name of "Creoles." Some of them rose to eminence in the service, and one at least became governor of the colonies. At tlie time of our visit the business of the colony was ex- clusively the development of the fur trade. Agriculture was confined to a trifling amount of gardening very imperfectly performed. The fisheries were utilized only to supply food i ALASKA AS IT WAS AND IS. 129 for tho people in the company's employ, or to insure sub- .sisteiico for the natives whose time was devoted to hunting the sea otter or preparing skins for the autliorities. The fur trade of southeastern Alaska was not very produetive. The natives were disposed to trade with tho Hudson Bay Com- pany or illicit traders rather than with tlie Russians, partly because they obtained better prices for their skins and partly because tho Russians refused to trade intoxicating liquors, wliile the outsiders were not troubled with ai; v 'cruples in such matters. The furs were divided by the Russians into two classes — the precious furs, such as the ." 'X, se i otter, and sable, which were strictly reserved for the company, a ertain propoi Liun being imperial perquisites of the Russian court, ind the clieaper sorts, which might be used by the com- pany's employes for winter clothing, and were sold at a fixed price to tiiem for this purpose. This included the muskrat, mink, Parry's marmot or ivrashka, the fur seal, and some others. Dry skins of the fur seal were sold at the company's warehouse for 12^ cents apiece, the modern plucking and dyeing of the fur, invented by an American, Raymond, of Albany, not having reached a perfection sufficient to attract the fashionable world. The European trading goods and supplies were mainly brought by ship from Hamburg, tlic same vessel taking tlio annual load of skins to China, where an excliange was made for tea and silk, wliich were carried back to Europe. Flour was imported latterly from California and some goods were brought from Aian and oth'er ports on the Okhotsk sea in the early days of the business, but in 1865 this trade had come to a standstill or nearly so. In mineral resources al- most nothing was done ; a little coal was taken out at Cook's inlet for local uses, and the exp«. "tation of ice from Ivadiak to California was carried on under a lease by an American company. The presence of gold, iron, aui graphite was known to the authorities, but prospecting was not encour- aged, as it was supposed the development of mineral re- sources might react unfavorably on the fur trade. n#4a>wMm*'-*>0"^ SBHR i ' 130 DALL. The first codfisherinan visited the Shumagin islands in 1865. The whale fishery was wholly in the hands of Ameri- cans and other foreigners, uncontrolled by the Russians, and the timber was used only for local purposes. The main business of the company was done at its conti- nental trading posts in the northern part of the territory and in the Aleutian chain ; its authority in the territory was as absolute as the presence of the uncivilized tribes would admit. Under the guns of the trading posts the company was master; out of their range every man was a law unto himself. Aftc transacting its business at Sitka the expedition touched at the island of Unga to examine a coal mine, at Unalashka,the Pribiloff islands, and at Saint Michael's, Nor. ton sound, where Kennicott and the explorers for the Yukon were landed. The speaker was put in charge of the scien- tific work of the expedition and remained with the fleet, visiting Bering strait, where landing places for tlio cable were searched for; and Petropavlovsk, the capital of Kam- chatka, where the Siberian parties were provided for ; and then the vessels returned to San Francisco. The following year, on returning to Saint Michael's, we were met by the news of Kennicott's death from heart disease, brought on by over-exertion and anxiety. The Yukon ex- ploration was still incomplete, though information received made it certain that the Kwikhpak of the Russians and the Yukon and Pelly of the English were one and the same river. It remained to emphasize this information by a con- tinuous exploration whicii should cover the unmapped por- tion of tliis mighty stream. The scientific work in zoology projected by Kennicott had been left by his premature deatli unrealized. The speaker determined to carry out these plans and was authorized to remain in the country for that pur- pose. As soon as sufficient snow had fallen to render sledging practicable a portage from Norton sound to the Yukon river was traversed, a small boat transported on a sledge for use i ■'.If i I ■| i 'I I ■A ■i: I ALASKA AS IT WAS AND IS. 131 during the followiug summer, and the Yukon ascended on the ice to the trading post at Nulato, a distance of some three hundred miles. Here the party of five wintered and in March divided into two parts — one, under Frank Ketchum, taking sledges with the intention of traversing the unknown region on the ice and after reaching Fort Yukon to ascend further in canoes; the other to await the break-up of the ice in May and follow in the skin canoe, so as to rescue the first party should they have failed to carry out their plans. Both projects were successfully carried out and the two parties re united at Fort Yukon on the 29th of June, 1867. They returned by the whole length of the river and reached Saint Michael's on the 25th of July. Here astonishing news awaited us : The Atlantic cable was a triumphant success, tha United States were in negotiation for the purchase of Russian America, our costly enterprise was abandoned, and all hands were to take ship for California. The collections and observations had been but half com- pleted. The natural history of the Upper Yukon and the borders of Norton sound had been pretty well examined, but the vast delta of the Yukon, with its wonderful fauna of fishes and water birds, its almost unknown native tribes and geographic features, remained practically untouched. I immediately determined to remain and devote the follow- ing year to the unfinished work. An arrangement with the Russians was made and this plan carried out. In the autumn of 18G8 I left Norton sound for California on a trading vessel and returned to civilization. At the time our explorations of the Yukon began this immense region was occupied by two or three thousand In- dians, ra-.my of whom had never seen a white man. The Russian establishments on the Yukon were only three in number, hundreds of miles apart, and chiefly manned by Creole servants of tiio company, not over a dozen at each post. An inefficient priest, vvith a few alleged converts, con- ducted as a mission of the Greek church the only religious establishment in the whole Yukon valley. The iudnstrios of 19-Bull. Phil. Soc. Wash., Vol.13. '| i |MI.».Wl»|ltj|tu X .,... .. 132 DALL. the region comprised trapping, hunting.and fishing ; the first for revenue, the others for subsistence. The means of navi- gation were birch-bark canoes and small skin-boats. Once a year the clumsy barkass of the Russians, loaded with tea, flour, and trading goods, was laboriously forced upstream to the Nulato post, returning with a load of furs. The tribes of Eskimo extraction occupied the lower river banks from the sea to the Shageluk slough, above which they were re- placed by Indians of the Tiuneh stock. These were to be found in scattered villages at various points on the river or its tributaries, where the abundance of fish offered means of subsistence. The extreme limit of population was to be found at the junction with the Yukon of the large river Tanand, where the island of Nuklukayet was recognized as neutral ground, where delegations from all the tribes met in the spring for their annual market of furs. Here our party had the interesting experience of meeting the delegation of Tanana Indians in full native costume of pointed shirts and trousers of dressed deerskin adorned with black and white beads, the nasal septum pierced to carry an ornament of dentalium shell, their long hair formed into a bundle of locks, stiff with tallow, wound with beads, dusted with pow- dered hematite and the chopped down of swans. The ranks of frail birch canoes were accurately aligned, and their pad- dles rose and fell with military precision. When they rounded the point of the island and approached the beach, where stood the first white men they had ever seen, they were met by a complimentary salvo from the guns of the Indians already on shore, and responded by wild yells and graceful waving of their paddles. The waters of the Tanana had never known an explorer and its geography was wholly unknown. Never again will it be possible for an ethnologist to see upon the Yukon such a body of absolutely primitive Indians untarnished by the least breath of civilization. Above Nuklukayet the Yukon enters a cailon, known as the Lower Ramparts, above which the depopulated area already '4-: ALASKA AS IT WAS AND IS. 133 alluded to extends to the site of Fort Yukon, near the British boundary on the Arctic circle. The noble stream I have described extends, including windings, about 1,600 miles from Fort Yukon to the sea. The valley is sometimes wide and low, sometimes narrow and contracted by low, wooded mountains. Everywhere until the delta is approached the banks are wooded. There are many tributaries, none of which were then explored, and on either side of the main artery the laud stretched unex- plored for hundreds of miles. Not another person speaking auy European tongue except the Russian was resident in all this territory during the second year of my sojourn. Outside of the three trading posts, not a native had ever bought a pound of flour or an ounce of tea. The use of woolen cloth- ing had hardly begun, and soap was a rare and costl}^ luxury. I made the first candles ever molded on the Yukon, and but for the lack of hardwood ashes to furnish alkali would have tried my hand at soap. People lived on game and fish. Tlie caribou was plentiful in the absence of rifles ; the moose was not yet exterminated ; the warm days of spring brought incalculable multitudes of ducks and geese, to say nothing of other water fowl ; the Arctic rabbit and the ptar- migan were a constant resource, and the rivers and lakes in many places teemed with fish. Clothing was made of deer- skin and sewed with sinew ; the ornaments were fringes from the gray wolf or wolverine. Undergarments were occasion- ally made of cotton bought from the traders, but more usually from the skins of fawns. At one village during the season for taking them I saw 4300 fawn skins hanging up to dry. Such reckless destruction has since borne its natural fruit. It was only at certain localities even then that deer were plentiful. The main staple of subsistence was fish. During the summer the river was studded wnth traps for salmon; in winter the traps were set in the ice, and under favorable conditions furnished a steady supply of white-fish, burbot, pike, grayling, and the great red sucker. The salmon were cleaned, split into three parts connected at the tail, MUM 134 DALL. and dried in the open air by millions ; they furnished food for man and dog, and when well cured were not unpalatable. Vegetable food was almost unknown, except in the form of berries. The green flower stalks of Rumex and Archangelka were occasionally eaten, and the dwellers by the sea some- times gathered dulse, but for practical purposes the diet was meat and fish. It was known that gold existed in the sands of the river, but the inexperienced fur traders looked for it in the bars of the main river and not in the side canons of small streams, where it has since been found in such abundance. Tlie real riches of the Yukon valley then lay in its furs. In a garret at Fort Yukon the post trader showed me with par. donable pride 300 silver fox skins of the finst quality. Beau- tiful in themselves and for what they represented — gold, praises, and promotion in the service — one might almost forget that some of the company's servants at this post had not tasted bread or butter, sugar or tea for seven long years. The region of the delta was and is still remarkable as being the breeding place of myriads of water fowl, some of which are peculiar to the Alaskan region. Nearly one hun- dred species gather there, and one of them comes all the way from north Australia, by the coasts of Cliina and Japan, to lay its eggs and rear its young in the Yukon delta. It is also remarkable for the abundance of the great king salmon, sometimes reaching a weight of 130 pounds, a fish less plentiful further up and whicli does not ascend to the headwaters of the river. All this immense territory has since been penetrated by traders and prospectors. Stern-wheel steamers have defied the current, and ply regularly on the river during the sea- son of open water. Missioi' schools are numerous and rein- deer scarce. Tiio fur trade wanes, wiiilo many thousands of dollars in gold dust have been laboriously extracted from the gravels. The natives buy tea and flour and dress in woolen clothing. With the miners whisky has reached the wilderness, and the sound of the American language is / ALASKA AS IT WAS AND IS. 135 heard in the land. Tame reindeer have been imported from Siberia with a view to their domestication by the Eskimo of the Arctic coast, who are on the verge of starvation at frequent intervals, owing to the destruction of tlieir food supply by the whalers and walrus-hunters and the intro- duction of Winchester rifles for killing the wild deer. With the alternative of starvation as a stimulus, the chances of success ought to be good. In carrying out the plans which Kennicott had medi- tated, but which death had stayed, I had succeeded in gath- ering rather abundant material for my friends, the orni- thologists, botanists, ethnologists, and so on, but to do it I had to put aside the work in the department in which I person- allv was most interested. The shores of Norton sound and ft/ the tundra of the Yukon valley offered little in the way of raollusks or other invertebrates. The desire to extend our knowledge of the geographical distribution of the sea fauna led me to propose a further exploration of the coasts of the territory, especially of the Aleutian chain, under the aus- pices of the United States Coast Survey. A geographical rcconnai.ssance was undertaken and carried on during five years, investigating magnetism and hydrology, making charts, tidal observations, meteorological and hypsometric notes. In all this I was ably seconded by my companions, Mark W. Harrington and Marcus Baker, wlio need no in- troduction to this audience. At the same time and without interfering with the regular work the dredge was kept con- stantly busy, and on my return from field-work the material for the studies I had so long looked forward to was actually gathered. The region which includes the Aleutian chain and other islands west of Kadiak presents a striking contrast to the densely wooded mountains and shining glaciers of the Sit- kan region to the east and the rolling tundra cut by myriad rivers in tho north. Approached by sea, the AleuMan islands seem gloomy and inhospitable. Omnipresent fog wreaths hang about steep cliffs of dark volcanic rock. An angry 136 DALL. " II < surf vibrates to and fro amid outstanding pinnacles, where innumerable sea birds wheel and cry. The angular hills and long slopes of talus are not softened by any arboreseeufc veil. The infrequent villages nestle behind sheltering bluffs, and are rarely visible from without the harbors. In winter all the heights are wrapped in snow, and storms of terrific violence drive commerce from the sea about them. Once pass within the harbors during summer and the repel- lent features of the landscape seem to vanish. The moun- tain sides are clothed with soft yet vivid green and brilliant with many flowers. The perfume of the spring blossoms is often heavy on the air. The lowlands are shoulder high with herbage, and the total absence of trees gives to the land- scape an individuality all its own. No more fascinating prospect do I know than a view of the harbor of Unalashka from a hilltop on a sunny day, with the curiously irregular, verdant islands set in a sea of celestial blue, the shorelines marked by creamy surf, the ravines by brooks and water- falls, the occasional depressions by small lakes shining in the sun. The sea abounds with fish ; the offshore rocks are the re- sort of sea-lions and formerly of sea-otters ; tlie streams afford the trout-fisher abundant sport, and about their mouths the red salmon leap and play. In October the hillsides offer store of berries, and in all this land there is not a poisonous reptile or dangerous wild animal of any sort. The iniiabitants of these islands arc an interesting and peculiar race. Their characteristics have been well de- scribed by Veniaminoff, who knew and loved them. By the testimony of their language, physique, and culture they are sliown to be a branch of the Eskimo stock, driven from the continent, as the shell-heaps reveal, at a very ancient date and isolated since from contact with any other native race, specialized and developed by their peculiar environment to a remarkable degree. Conquered by the Russian hunters of the eighteenth century, practically enslaved for a century, their ancient religion frankly abandoned for the rites of the 1 ALASKA AS IT WAS AND IS. 137 Greek church, an apathetic reticeuco replaced the rollicking good nature characteristic of the Eskimo people. In 18G5 they were supported hy the company; the men shipped off in hunting parties in search of tiie sea-otter were separated from their families sometimes for many months and re- warded according to their success; but, while the company provided food for all who needed it, the time of the Aleut was not his own. I have already mentioned that the fur- seal at that time had very little commercial value. The fishery on the Pribiloff islands was conducted by Aleuts under supervision, and the skins were mostly shipped to China or Europe. It has been noted as surprising that the value of the fur-seal fishery is so little referred to in the argu- ments urging the acquisition of the territory in 18G7. This was not an oversight; the seal fisheries at that time were not especially lucrative, and the millions which the industry has since produced could not have been predicted in 1867. At the time of my first visit and until very recently the sole productive industry of the Aleut people consisted in the sea-otto" hunting and the fur-seal fishery. Much of their subsistence was anu is obtained from the natural products of the region — fish, wild fowl, and the flesii of marine mam- mals. The custom of preparing clothing from the skins of birds and animals has long been abandoned. The Aleut and his family now dress in clothing of wool or cotton, burn kerosene in an American lamp, and cook their food on an iron stove. The barabora or native hut, built of sod and stones, has been generally replaced by a frame cottage, and the means for supplying these artificial wants has been ob- tained from the income derived from the seal and sea-otter. Now that these animals are approaching extinction, at least from a commercial standpoint, the question of how to pro- vide oven the modest income needed for these people is a serious one. While it is not yet settled that the half-starved Eskimo of the northern coast will adopt the new mode of life necessiated by the care and maintenance of large herds of tame reindeer, and the success of that experiment is still 1' 138 DALL. questionable, there is no doubt in my mind that the intro- duction of the deer into the Aleutian chain is not only per- fectly practicable, but that it offers the only solution of the problem of providing for the Aleuts which seems to possess the elements necessary for success. There are no predacious animals to molest the doer, like the wolves of the mainland; there is an abundant supply of forage, and the climate and conditions are those that the animal is known to thrive in. A herd introduced a few years ago into Bering island, on the Russian coast, and simply let alone and protected from dogs, has increased very much in number and will soon afford skins and tallow for export. There is no obvious rea- son why on most of the Aleutian islands equally good re- sults should not be obtained. Some few deer were intro- duced upon the island of Amaknak, in the bay of Unalashka, a lew years since, but they were the property of whites, not natives, were not protected from the numerous dogs of an adJAcent settlement, and have not thriven. When the time comes, and it seems not far away, when the natives realize that they must depend on the deer to re- place the vanishing fur animals as a source of income, and when they can acquire property in deer, I believe the result will be all that could be wished. In closing this summary of early conditions in the Terri- tory and of the events which enabled them to be observed, it may not be out of place to summarize also the results of the scientific work of those years. • Of course, only the more important points can be alluded to. As the Western Union Telegraph Expedition ended by a withdrawal from the country, and was the occasion of a large expenditure of money with no return to its promoters, no general report was ever officially prepared, and the work of tiie scientific corps was made known piecemeal in various technical jour- nals. The published results were associated in the minds of students with the individual authors rather than with the expedition as a whole. The subsequent work under the auspices of the Coast Survey, which in fact grew out of the ALASKA AS IT WAS AND IS. 139 work (lone or attempted in the earlier exploration, has been, so far as it was geographical, regarded very naturally as in- cidental to the usual work of tliat bureau, and so far as it has been of other sorts has not been connected in the public mind with any organization in particular. The fact that" the Revenue Marine, tlie Army and Navy, the Signal Serv- ice, and several unofficial organizations or individuals have carried out praiseworthy explorations with most excellent results has led to the further obscuration of the earlier work ns a connected whole. I believe no one of those engaged in it has yet attempted to enumerate the results, either general or scientific, directly or indirectly consequent upon the expe- dition. The present summary may therefore serve a useful purpose. The most important result which indirectly came about from the ex{)lorations by our parties was tiie acfjuisition of Alaska by the United States. Wiiile the transfer might have been proposed and the question discussed if there never had been any Telegraph expedition, yet I believe, in view of the opposition which existed in Congress and tiie cheap ridicule of part of the daily press, that if it had not been for the in- terest excited by the expedition and the information which its members were able to furnish to the friends of the pur- cljase the proposition would have failed to win approval. But, leaving such questions apart and considering merely the scientific results, the expedition made weiglity additions to geographical knowledge. To it we owe the first mapping of the Yukon from actual exploration, adding to the list of American rivers one of the largest known. Old maps of North America made the Rocky mountains extend in nearly a straight line northward to tlie Polar sea. Our explora- tions showed that the mountains curved to the westward, leaving a gaj) to the nortiiward through which the Canadian fauna reached to the sliores of the Pacific and Bering sea. The general faunal distribution of life at this end of the con- tinent in its broader sense was settled then and there. A general knowledge of tiie country, till then practically un- 20-Bull. Phil. Soc, Wash., Vol. 13. Stif-' I { ' m 140 DALL. m (I 1! , IcDowu except to a few fur traders, was obtained and made public. To the Coast Survey work of 1871-74 wo owe some forty charts, a large proportion of which are of harbors or passages never previously surveyed. In preparing a Coast Pilot of southeastern Alaska, while that part of it useful to navigators was in the nature of things rapidly superseded, yet the work, being conscientious and thorough in the matter of names, practically settled the geographic nomen- clature of that region for all time. The myth of a branch of the Kuro Siwo or Japanese warm current running north through Bering sea and strait and producing open water in the Polar sea still lingers in some dark corners of geographic literature; but our researches, covering actual observation, the whole literature, and scores of old manuscript logbooks, conclusively show that there is no such current as that referred to, and thnt the currents which do exist have no connection whatever with the Japanese stream. Meteoro- logical observations were kept up in all those years, and afterward a complete synopsis of all the recorded meteoro- logical data for that region was prepared and issued by the Coast Survey with abundant illustrations. One of the re- sults of the magnetic observations made by our party, in the endeavor to correct the discrepancies between the variation of the compass needle as shown on the charts of Bering sea and strait and those observed by present navigators, was the discovery that the needle had reached its easternmost elon- gation and had for some time been receding in the amount of its variation. In gathering confirmatory data during 1874 and 1880 more than forty stations in all parts of the territory were occupied. As in the case of the meteorology, the literature and all practicable sources were ransacked for magnetic records,* and tiiese, with our own ob.scrvations, were utilized in the excellent discussions of Alaskan mag- netism by Dr. C. A. Schott. In geology we were tutored before sailing in 1865 by Pro- fessor Agassiz and carried with us a written schedule of ob- *This work was almost entirely done by Mr. Mm reus Baker. ALASKA AS IT WAS AND IS. 141 servatlons to be made on the glaciers. Our explorations showed that north of the Alaskan mountains, as in some parts of Siberia, there are no glaciers, and there has been no glaciution in t!ie ordinary sense, but that in its stead we have the singular phenomenon of the Ground-ice formation, a state of affairs in wiiich ice plays the part of a more or less regularly interstratified rock, above which are the clays con- taining remains of the mammoth and other animals, show- ing that they became extinct not because of the refrigeration of the region, but coincideutly with the coming of a warmer climate. In anthropology, in addition to large collections obtained from the living tribes, vocabularies, etc., the names and boundaries of all the tribes were obtained for the first time, the Eskimo were .shown to exist on the Asiatic coast as im- migrants driven by war from America, and a very anf;ient confusion of these people with the Asiatic Chukchi was defi- nitely cleared up. The data obtained in regard to the various branches of the Eskimo stock brought welcome confirmation to the theory of Rink on the origin of this people — a theor}' which would probably have been by this time more widely known if it had been more sensational and loss scientific. The patient exannnation of many village sites, shell-heaps, and middens throughout the Aleutian chain resulted in the discovery that the successive strata, judged by the imple- ments found in them, showed a gradual progress in culture from that of the lowest, a crude Eskimo type, to that of the up[)ermost stratum, which contained the evidences of Aleut culture of the type immodiately before their subjugation by the Russians. This was, I believe, at that time the first in- stance in which the paleontologic method, if I may call it so, had been applied to the study of American shell-heaps. In biology, the first object of the work planned by Ken- nicott had been the determination of what constituted the fauna and flora, and from that knowledge the determination of the relations between the Asiatic and American assem- blies. This was accomplished in essentials, though it need ^^1^ H2 DALL. uot be said that the details will still supply an opportunity for study for many a year to come. The enumeration of the greater part of the population of mammals, birds, and fishes has been accomplished and the plants have been fairly well collected, so that we know that the fauna and flora, deduc- tion being madeof circumboreal species, is essentially Ameri- can and uot tinctured to any marked extent with Asiatic in- gredients. Among the lower animals the brachiopods, hydroid zoophytes and corallines; part of the sjwnges ; the limpets, chitons, and nudibranchs among the mollusks ; have been monographically studied. The Crustacea, insects, and a large part of the mollusks yet remain to bo worked up in a similar manner. To close the record of achievement, I may mer )n the bibliography of A1..3kan literature prepared by ^i Baker and myself, which, up to May, 1879, when it went to press, comprised 3,832 titles in eleven languages. Since it was published by the Coast Survey nearly as many more have been accumulated, and the list probably will continue to increase from year to year. Since my field-work closed, in 1880, Alaskans have not been idle. The prospector has invaded the recesses of the land, and surveys, explorations, and mountaineering have been almost constantly carried on. The tourist has discov- ered the country and written books which, although they have the resemblance of one ])ea to another, have neverthe- less carried tidings of Alaska to most corners of the Union. Alaska in one sense is no longer unknown, and she is even beginning to be somewhat understood and appreciated. The missionary has been up and down in the land, and has done much good in many ways, not without occasional mistakes. It was, therefore, with curiosity as well as interest that I returned to the territory last May, after an absence of fifteen years. In looking back on the summer's experiences, a com- parison between the Alaska of 18G5 and that of 1805 natur- ally suggests itself. I was rasli enough twenty-five years ago to indulge in prophecy as to the future of tlic territory. ^•i.^ %, t ■ m< in *r m t M mm* ALASKA AS IT WAS AND IS. 143 I did not count on the inertia of Congress or tKj stupidity of oflicitils, ns I might now. Nevertheless progress has been made, and a summary of present conditions, perhaps even a peep into the future, is not inappropriate at this time. Since 18G5 tlio fur-seal fishery has risen, produced its mil- lions, and declined to a point where its close in a connnercial sense may almost be predicted. The first fisherman sought the cod in that year, and a modest fieet has kept the busi- ness going ever since, with more or less fluctuation in the catch. The salmon caniior was then unknown, but has since invaded nearly every important fishing site. The placer miner has developed and exhausted the gold of the Stikine region, and pushed on to the headwaters of the Yukon and its afilucnts. The clink of the drill and the monotonous beat of the stamp-mill are familiar sounds on the quartz ledges, which in 1805 lay peacefully under their blankets of m jss. The whaling fieet has laid its bones on the sandy bars -f the Arctic coast, while the innovating steam whaler has pushed its way past Point Barrow into the very fastness of the ice at llerschel island, to find, in its turn, its occupa- tion gradually passing away. The imperial sea-otter is on the way to becoming a memory, and the Aleuts, his perse- cutors, are not unlikely to follow him. As regards the inhabitants of the territory, a complete change is conspicuous. Some thousands of white fishermen, hunters, minors, and {)rospectors are now scattered along the coast and rivers, on the whole a hard-working, orderly set, with here and there a rascally whisky smuggler or a stranded gentleman. Apart from a few mining camps, the parasites who live by the vices of others are few. A country where he who would live must work is not attractive to them. Cut off from direct contact with the rest of the United States, Alaska is really a colony and not a frontier territory in the sense usually understood. As such, its needs should have been the subject of study and appropriate legislation, the neglect of which by Congress so far is bitterly and justly resented by the entire population. Into political matters I 144 BALL. I 1 shall not enter, but must observe that among the numerous ill-paid officials few are well prepared to handle all the difii- cult questions presenled in such a community, and the ex- ecutive, such as it is, is without the legal authority' or the proper facilities for governing or even visiting the greater part of the region it is supposed to control. Tlie state of the law is uncertain, the seat of authority obscure, divided ille- gitimately between naval officers, the revenue-cutter service, and a powerless governor, who, whatever his wishes and intentions, is not permitted by the law to control anything. If it were not for the orderly character and good sense of the white population, the territory might easily become a pandemonium. This condition of things is disgraceful, and reform is urgently needed. The change in the native population of southeastern Alaska is very marked. In a general way a similar ciiange has taken place all over the territory. The primitive con- dition of the natives has almost wholly disappeared. The turf-covered hut has given way to frame shanties ; log houses are rarely buiU; the native dress has disappeared, replaced by cheap ready-made clothing; native manufactures, uten- sils, weapons, curios, all are gone, or made only in coarse facsimile for sale to tourists; the native buys flour and tea, cooks his salmon in a frying-pan, and catches his cod or halibut with a Birmingham hook and a Gloucester line. In the whole of southern Alaska, thanks to the schools, the children and mauy young people speak fairly good English. If the pres?nt influences continue, another generation will see the use of English universal and the native languages chiefly obsolete. The day of the ethnological collector is past. Southeastern Alaska is swept clean of relics; hardly a shaman's grave remains inviolate. In other parts of the territory the same is more or less true. The native population is focusing about the commer- cial centers. The people gather whore work and trade aff'ord opportu.iities, and I have seen more than oue pretentious church standing empty among the abandoned houses of a I ,'1 i ALASKA AS IT WAS AND IS. 145 formerly prosperous village. There is some admixture of blood iu marriages between the often attractive " Creole " women and the incoming settlers. 'hese marriages are often very fruitful, but the pure-blooded natives seem to be diminishing. The Aleuto, whose census is accurately made annually by the Greek church, are distinctly losing ground, and will doubtless pass away v a few generations. The same is probably true of the Tliukit people. As we ap- proach the Arctic region, changes of ".ll sorts are less marked and civilization has had less effL^oc. Here the subsistence of the natives presents serious and increasing difficulties. Their natural food supply has been practically destroyed by the whites and by repeating firearms, of which the natives have many. The whales are almost extinct, and the whaling fleet itself is nearly so. The walrus preceded the whale, and the hair seal has never been sufficiently abundant in this region for a sole resource. The chief salmon streanis are or soon will be monopolized by the whites near the sea, and the natives of the upper Yukon will go hungry. The present law allows unrestricted fish- ing to the natives and a close time of one day a week for the whites. The latter hire the natives to fish during the prohibited day, and so the salmon have no close time. Where a salmon stream is monopolized by one firm, they do not usually cut their own throats by taking all the sahvion, but wiiere there are several competing firms there is little respite for the fish. The cod fishery was for some years carried on by two competing firms, who have now composed their differences. They had salting stations on shore, and bought fish at so much a thousand from fishermen, who used small sailing vessels or dories and fished near shore. Now it is found cheaper and, for other reasons, preferable to return to the older system of fishing in the open sea from a sea-going vessel, as on the banks at the east. The preparation of the Alaska fish has often been hasty, careless, and inferior to that done in the east; so Alaska codfish, originally of equal ai \U 14b •**^ ■^^ iffi *ii DALL. quality, are less esteemed commercially than the eastern cod. For some reason I do not understand the Pacific ocean at best offers but a small market for fish under pres- ent conditions, and so I look to see the codfishing industry develop slowly and perhaps be the last as it is, in my opin- ion, the most substantial and important of the resources of the territory. At present the salmon are commercially more important, but unless more effectively supervised and regulated they will meet with the same fate as the fisheries of C;^liforuia and the Columbia river. There should be a resident inspector at every important fishery, and as the business is carried on for at most two or three months in the year, a vigilant inspection by a cutter or fisheries vessel told off for this especial work would counteract any tendency to bribe the resident inspector. 1 hive seen 3,500,000 pounds of canned salmon taken in one season from one small stream, representing at least 5,000,000 pounds of eat- able fish, and it seems that an annual supply of the best fish food like that is worth preserving; but if the work is to be put into the hands of the lowest class of political appointees instead of intelligent experts, making the offices will not save the fish. In the matter of furs we may regard the fur-seal fishery as doomed. It is probable that few of the pelagic sealers will pay expenses after this season, and two or three years are likely to see the end of the brjiness. It is costing us much more than the catch is worth now, and the most sensible way of ending the matter is generally felt to be the destruction at one fell swoop of all the seals remaining on the islands and the abandonment of the business. The continental furs, owing to competition between traders, are now selling for nearly their full market value, and little profit can be expected from them. They are also growing more and more scarce, as the high prices stimulate trapping. The natural and satisfactory offs?t to this would be the estab- lishment of preserves, such as the " fox farms," of which men- tion has been frequently made in the daily press. Many of ALASKA AS IT WAS AND IS. 147 these have been started, and the multitudinous ishmds offer opportunities for many more; but the business is hazardous, since there is no protection against poachers, and a very ill- judged attempt has been made by the Treasury, I am in- formed, to impose, in addition to the annual sum for vvliich the island is leased, a "tax" of $5 on each fox killed over twenty from each " farm." It is doubtful if the Treasury is entitled to tax anybody without the explicit authority of Congress, and a tax of 50 per cent, on the gross value of the product not only is oppressive and exorbitant, but will put a stop to a business which should be encouraged. The timber of Alaska, though by no means insignificant, is not likely to be much sought for, except for local purposes, for many years. I may point out, however, that there are millions of acres here densely covered with the spruce best suited for wood pulp, and plenty of water power for pulp- mills, so that this resource is not without a future. A forthcoming report of the United States Geological Survey will treat of the existiug and prospective mining industries. To sum up, it may be said that the whaling and sealing industries of Alaska are practically exhausted, the fur trade is in its decadence, the salmon canning in the full tide of prosperity, but conducted in a wasteful and destructive man- ner which cannot long be continued with impunity. The cod and herring fisheries are imperfectly developed, but have a substantial future with proper treatment. Mineral resources and timber have hardly been touched. No busi- ness-like ox[)eriment with sheep or cattle on the islands has been tried by competent hands, while the introduction of reindeer, though promising well, is still in the experimental stage. Socially, the territory is in a transition state, the industries of the unexploited wilderness are passing away, while the time of steady, business-like dovelopment of the more latent resources has not yet arrived. The magnificent scenery, glaciers, and ', olcanoes make it certain that Alaska will in the future be to the rest of the United States what Nor- !1 21 -Uull. Phil. Soe. Wash., Vol. 1.3. 148 CALL. ■.!l "I ,sl lit : I way is to western Europe — the goal of tourists, hunters, and fishermen. Agriculture will be restricted to gardening and the culture of quick-growing and hardy vegetables for local use. The prosecution of most Alaskan industries being in untrained hands, failures and disappointment will uo doubt be frequent, but when the pressure of population enforces more sensible methods the territory will support in rea- sonable comfort a fair number of hardy and industrious inhabitants. List of Sciendjic Pablications based on the ivork of the Scien- tific Corps of the Western Union Telccjraph Expedition to /l/as^a(1865-'68), and on the United States Coast Survey ex- plorations (^1871-'80), undei' the direction of W. II. Dall, in the same region. The following list is intended to comprise the titles, in brief, of the more important publications which have arisen directly from the work of the Scientific Corps of the Western Union Telegraph Expedition, and of the supplemental ex- plorations by parties under my direction, in connection with the work of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, in the endeavor to complete the interrupted plans of the earlier expedition. For a more complete Alaskan bibliography, to 1879, reference may be had to the publication on that topic hereunder cited. The present list is brought to date, but publications relating only to Siberia are not included ; it does comprise, in addition to articles printed by memljcrs of the expedition, others by specialists in various departments based on collections brought back for study. Considerations of space forbid an attempt to make this list complete, but, such as it is, it is hoped that it may give a better idea of the additions to knowledge which resulted from the labors of Kennicott and his associates and serve to illustrate a not un- interesting chapter in the exploration of Northwest America. It should, however, be clearly understood that a considerable amount of exploration, growing out of subsequent events not Id Id a in It IS ALASKA AS IT WAS AND IS. 149 connected with the Telegraph expedition, has produced a re- 8} ectable body of literature which finds no place in the pres- ent list as above limited. The members of the Scientific corps in 18G5 were Robert Kennicott, H. M. Bannister, F. Bischoff, W. H. Dall, H. W. Elliott, Charles Pease, and J. T. Rothrock. In the scientific work done under the auspices of the Coast Survey (1871-'85) I was joined by Mark W. Harrington and Marcus Baker, of the Survey, and in 1880 by T. H. Bean, of the United States National Museum. Publications by Bush, Dall, Elliott, Ken nan, and others on material not connected with the explorations previously enumerated or relating wholly to Siberia are not included in the list. GEOGRAPHY AND EXPLORATION. (See also under Meteorology and Geology.) Baker (Marcus). Boundary line between Alaska and Siberia. Bull. Phil. Soc. of Wash., iv, pp. 123-133, 1881, with maps. Dall (William Hoaley). Report on the operations of the Scientific Corps of the Western Union Telegraph Expedition during the season of 18G5. Proc. Chicago Academy of Sciences, i, pp. 31, 32. 186(3. Explorations in Ruiisian America. American Journal of Science, xlv, pp. 96-99. Jan., 1868. Expioiation of tiie interior of Rus-sian America. ^lining and Scientific Press, San Fti acisco, Oct. 3 and 10, 18(58. Retiiarks on Ala ;a. Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., iv. pp. 30-37, 268, 293, 294. 1808. Die telegraphen expedition auf dem Jukon in Alaska. Peterinann's Geogr. Mittlieil., xv, pp. 361-365, with map. Oct., 1869. , Alaska and its resources. Lee Si Shepard, Boston, 8°, xii, 628 pp., 15 pi., 1 map. 1S70. Survey of Alaska. House Reps. Exec. Doc. No. 255, 41st Congr., 2d sess., 8°, Washington, Gov't Printing Office, May 11, 1870. 150 BALL. 1. .Ji Ill I Dall (William Healey). On exploration in Russian America. Proc. Am. Acad. Arts and Sci., viii, pp. 297, 298. 1870. Die aufnahme der Aleuten und die untersuchung der Behring See. In Hydrogr. Mittli. Berlin, 1873, pp. 316, 317. Dec, 1873. Forscluingen in den Aleutischen Inseln, 1873. Peterraanu's Mitth., xx, pp. 151, 152. March, 1874. Explorations in the Aleutian islands and their vicinity. Journ. Am. Geogr. Soc, v, pp. 243-245. 1874. Harbors of Alaska and the tides and currents in their vicinity. U. S. Coast Survey report for 1872, App. 10, pp. 177-212. 1875. Arbeiten der Kiistenaufnahme von Alaska in jahre 1874. Peterraanu's Mitth., xxi, pp. 155, 156. May, 1875. Report of explorations on the coast of Alaska. U. S. Coast Survey report for 1873, App. 11, pp. lU-l 22. 1875. Report on Mount St. Elias, with map and view. In same for 1875, App. 10, pp. 157-188; extras, Xov., 1875. Scientific results of the exploration of Alaska by the parties under the charge of W. II. Dali, during the years 1865-1874. Washington, W. II. Dall, 1876-1880, 8°, pp. ^-276, with 36 plates. [A uniformly paged reprint of papers by Dall and others on various topics. The pai)ers will be referred to separately here.] Neuere Forschungen auf den Aleuten. Deutsche Geogr. Blatt., Bremen, ii, pp. 38-43 and 84-101, with map, Jan. to April, 1878. Alaska forschungen im Sommer 1880. Petermann's Geogr. Mitth. 1881. pp. 46, 47. Fel)., 1881. U. S. Coast Survey operations in the vicinity of Bering strait. Proc. Royal Geogr. Soc, London, Jan., 1881, pp. 47-49. Pacific Coast Pilot. Coast and islands of Alaska. Dixon entrance to Yakutat bay with the Inland passage. Washington, U. S. Coast Survey, 1883. Royal 8°, pp. x, 333, 16 maps and 13 plates. The appendices include: lj.«t of charts useful for navigation in the region. Isogonic chart of Alaska and adjac^ent region. ALASKA AS IT WAS AND IS. 151 List of astronomical positions and magnetic declinations. Table of distancoa. Table of routes. Note on pronunciation of native and Russian names. Meteorological tables. Index to the work. Indices to geographical authorities used in compiling the work and nol iwlcml in tlu' orujbwl, comprising Beechey, killings, Cook and King, Dixon, LangsdorfT, La Perousc, Lisianski, Liitke, ^Sleares, Portlock, Vancouver, and the voyage of the Sutil and Mexicana ( Alcala Galiano). Dall (William Ilealey). Alaska. American Cyclopedia, New York, Appleton, 1883, with map. On the position of Mt. St. Elias and the Schwatka expedition to Alaska. Proc. Royal Geogr. Soc, x, No. 7, pp. 444, 445. July, 1887. Alaska revisited. I-VI. The Nation, New York, 1895, vol. 61, No. lofiG, pp. 6, 7, July 4 ; No. 1507, p. 24, July 11; No. 1572, p. UP, Aug. 15; No. o<3. pp. 131, 132, Aug. 22; No. 157(5, p. 183, Sept. 12; ^'>;^•';8, p '>-^0 Sept 20. Also in the New York Evennig Post of Jufy 4, n , Aug. 19, 22, and Sept. 21 , 28, 1895. Rothrock (Joseph Trimble). Northwestern North America ; its resources and inhabitants. . Joum. Am. Geogr. Soc, iv, pp. 393-415. New York, 1374. Whymper (Frederick). A journey from Norton sound. Bering sea, to FortYoukon. ... om o^- io«q Journ. Roy. Geogr. Soc, Tx)ndon,xxxvm, pp. 219-20/. 1868. METEOROLOGYAND HYDROLOGY. Bannister (Henry Martyn). Meteorological correspondence. Smithsonian Report for 1800, pp. 411, 4 12. 18b<. Dall (W. H.) Coast Pilot of Alaska. Appendix I, Meteorology and Bib- liography. 376 pp., 13 pi., 28 maps, 4°, U. S. Coast Survey, 1^.0. Uebcr das Klima von Alaska. Zeitscbr. der Oesterreichischen Ges. fiir Meteorologie, xvu, pp. 443, 444. Nov., 1882. 8°. , Hvdrologie .les Boring-Meeres und der benachbarten gewiisser. Petermann's Mitth., pp. 301-380, with nxap and sections, and pp. 44iM48. Oct. to Nov., 188). !i : 152 DALL. Dall (W. H.) Tlie currents and teinperntures of Bering sea ami the ad- jacent waters. U. S. Coast Survey Report for 1880, A pp. No. Ifi, sejiarately printed, 4°, pp. 46, maps and section. March, 1882. ]M.\GNETISM. Schott (Charles A.) U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey. Methods and re- sults. Terrestrial magnetism. Collection of results for declina- tion, dip, and intensity (etc.). U. S. Coast Survey Report for ISSl, Ajip. No. 9 (separately issued), (37 pp.. 4°, 1882; cf. pj). 5-7, :{7-;5i). On the secular variation of the magnetic declination in the United States (etc.). In the same. Report for 1882, Appendices 12, 13, pp. 211-328 ; also separately ; cf pp. 243, 246-241), 285, and isogonic chart of Alaska. The magnetic observations made on Bering's first voyage (etc.). U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Bull. No. 20, vol. i, pp. 211-214. 181H. HISTORY, BIBLIOGRArilY, AND ECONOMICS. Dall (W. H.) Robert Kennicott. Trans. Chicago Acad. Sci., i, part 2, pp. 133-226, with por- trait. 1869. A biographical sketch prepared by a committee of the Academy apiiointed at the meeting of Nov. 13, 1866. Dall's contribution occupies pp. 216-224. Is .\laaka a paying investment? Harper's Monthly Magazine, xliv, Jan., 1872, pp. 252-257. Abstract of the population of the native tribes of Alaska. U. S. Comm'r Indian AlFuirs, Rep. for 1874, pp. 11)8-201. 1875. Documents relating to the Alaskan boundary question. Senate Ex. Doc. No. 146, 50th Congr., 2d sess. Washington, Govt. I'rinting Office, 1889, 8°, pp. 1-40, charts 10-17. A critical review of Bering's fii-st expedition, 1725-1730, together with a translation of his original report upon it, with a map. Nat. Geogr. Mag., ii, No. 2, June, 1890, pp. 1-57. Geographical explorations. Early ex[Mjditions to the region of Bering sea and strait. From the reports and journals of Vitus ALASKA AS IT WAS AND IS. 153 Ivanovidi Bering, translated by Will iatn Ilealey Dall. Wasli- in}.'ton, GovernnH'nt Printin};^ Ortioe, 18!)l. U. S. Coast Survey, Report for 1S(»0, Appendix 19, pp. 750- 774, 4°, with two mapH. March, lSi)l. TliiH i)aiMM-, t-eparately printed as above with title pafje and rover, appears in the annual volume with the following heading: "Notes on an original manuscript chart of Bering's expedi- tion of 172.")-! 7;?0, and on an original manuscript chart of his second expedition, together with a summary of a journal of the Hrst expedition kept by Peter Chaplin and now first rendered into English from Bergh's Russian version." Dall (\V. H.) and Baker (Marcus). Partial list of charts, maps, and pub- lications relating to Alaska and the adjacent region. U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey,. Pacific Coast Pilot, Alaska, .«econd series, Appendix 1, pp. i()3-:375, 4°, Washington, 1S79 ; also separately. GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY. ' (See also Bottmy.) Dall (W. H.) Observations on the geology of Alaska. U. S. Coiust Survey, Coast Pilot of Alaska, part 1, pp. 193-202. ]8()9. 1 ' Notes on Alaska and the vicinity of Bering strait. Am. .Tourn. Science, thirdseries, xxi, pp. 104-111, with maps. Feb., 1881. Note on Alaska Tertiary deposits. Am. Journ. Science, third series, xxiv, pp. G7, 08, July, 1882. Glaciation in Alaska. Proc. I'liil. Soc. of Washington, 1883, vol. vi, pp. 33-30. ,\ new volcanic island in Alaska. Science, iii, No. 51, Jan. 25, 1884, pp. 89-93. Further notes on Bogoslotr island. Science, v, No. 101, Jan. 9, 1885, pp. 32, 33. . Bulletin of the IT. S. Geological Survey, No.84. Correlation Papers. Neocene, by William Ilealey Dall and Gilhert Dennison Harris ; Wasliington, (Jovernment Printing OlKce, 1892, 8°, 349 pp., with, many illustrations and ;> maps. Geology of Alaska, pp. 232-208, with nuvp. PI ifer 154 DALL. White (Cliarles A.) On a small collection of Mcsozoio fossilH obtained in AlaHka by Mr. W. H. Dall (etc.). U. S. (iRol. Survey, Hnlletin No. 4, \Va.Hhin>rton, the Survey, 1884, pp. lO-lT), pi. vi. FAUNAL DISTKIBUTION. Dall (W. H.) On the trend of the Rocky ^Mountain ranpre north of lati- tude (50°, and its intluence on fauna! distribution. Proc. Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci., xviii, p. 247. Aur., 181)9. On the marine faunal regiouH of the North Pacific (etc.). Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., 1876, pp. 205-208 ; Sci. Results, pp. 1-4. Dec, 187(5. Faunal regions. Distribution of plants and animals. Charts xxvii and xxviii. In Coast Pilot of Alaska, App. I, Meteorology. Washingt(jn, U. S. Coast Survey, 1879. ANTHROPOLOGY. Dall (W. H.) On the distribution of the native tribes of Alaska. Proc. Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 18th (Salem) meeting, 18(59, xviii, pp. 2G3-273, 1870. Synopsis in Am. Nat. Oct., 18(59. On prehistoric remains in the Aleutian islands. Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., iv, pp. 283-287. Nov., 1872. On further examinations of the Amaknak cave. Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., v, pp. 19(5-200. 1873. Notes on some Aleut munmiies. Proc. -Cal. Acad. Sci., V, pp. 399, 400. Oct., 1874. Alaskan mummies. Am. Naturalist, ix, pp. 433-440. Aug., 1875. Triljos of the extreme Northwest. Art. I. On the distribution and nomenclature of the native tribes of Alaska and the adjacent territory, with a map, pp. 7-40. Art. II. On succession in the shell heaps of the Aleutian ' islands, pp. 41-91. Art. III. Remarks on the origin of the Inmiit, pp. 93-100. Terms of relationship used by the Innuit, pp. 117-119. Table showing relationship of tribes of Puget sound, etc., p. 241. In Contr. to Am. Ethnology, i, 4°, Washington, Gov't Print- ing Office, July, 1877 ; extras. May, 1877. ALASKA AS IT WAS AND IS. 155 Dull (W. II.) Social lifo amonK our aboriKinoH. Am. NaturaliHt, xii, pp. 1-10. Jan., 1878. On the reiiiainH of later preliistorlo man ohUiincd from wives in the Catharina archipeliij,'o, AluHka Territory (etc.). SmithHonianContr.toKno\vle.lgc,.')18,4°, pp. 10, 10 pi. 1878. The Chiikohos and their neighbors in the northeastern extremity of Siberia. Proo. Roy. Geogr. Soc., London, Sept., 1881, pp. 5(38-570. On the so-called Chukchi and Namollo people of Eastern Siberia. Am. Naturalist, xv, 857-808. Nov., 1881. On masks, labrets, and certain aboriginal customs, with an en(iuiry into the bearing of their geograi)hical dintribution. U. S. Bureau of Kthn., Annual Hep. for 1882, Washington, 1884, 8°, pp. 07-200, pi. v-xxix ; alno sepn.rately. The native tribes of Alaska : An address before the Section of Anthropology of the American Association for the Advance- ment of Science, at Ann Arbor, August, 188.5, by William II. Dall, vice-president. Proc. A. A. A. S., xxxiv, 1885, pp. (1-19) 303-379. Otis (George A.) List of the specimens of the anatomical section of the U. S. Army Medical Museum. Washington, Army Med. Museum, 1880, 8°, pp. viii. 104; cf. pp. 35-39, 54-50, 100, 107, for description and measure- ments of crania. Wyman (Jeflries). Observations on crania. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., xi, pp. 440-402, 1808, 8°, cuts; also separately. ZOOLOGY. Mammals. Bannister (Henry Martyn). The Esquimaux dog. Am. Naturalist, iii, No. 10, Dec, 1809, pp. 522-530. Coues (Elliott) On the Murida?. Philadelphia, Collins, 1874 [N. W. Boundary Survey], 8°, pp, 28. Based partly on Alaskan material. Dall (W. H.) List of the mammalia of Alaska. Alaska and its Resources, pp. 570-578. 1870. 22-Bull. Phil. Sop., Wash., Vol. i;j. 156 DALL. I r ^i Dull (W. H.) Catalogue of the Cetncea of the north Pacific ocean, with osteological notes, etc. In Scanmion's Marine Maniinalia of the Nortiiwost Coast of North America, 4°, Sun Franoiwo, 1874; Appendix, pp. JJ78-;]07. Se])arately printeii, 187;3. True (Frederick W. ) On the sijcleton of Plioca (Histriophoca) fasciata, Zin)inernian. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vi, 1883, pp. 417-420, pi. xi-xiv. 1884. On a new 8i)ecies of porpoise, Phociena Dalli, from Alaska. The same, viii, 1885, pp. 95-98, pi. ii-v. Birds. Buird (Spencer F.) On additions to the bird fauna of North America made by the Scientific Corps of the Unsso- American Telejiniph Expedition. Trans. Chicago Acad. Sci., i, pp. ;]ll-;525, pi. 27-;J4. 18(59. Bean (Tarlcton H.) Our unique spoon-billed sandpiper. Forest and Stream, xvi. No. 12, p. 225. April 21, 1881. Notes on birds collected during the suifimer of 18so in Alaska. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1882, pp. 144-17.3. 1882. Cabanis (J.) Ueber Pyrrl 'ila cassini und P. cineracea aus Siberien. Jour, fiir Ornitii., ' '' "'8; 1872, pp. 315, Slti; 1873, pp. 314, 315. Ball (W. H.) and Bannister (II. M.) List of the birds of Ala.ska, with biographical notes. Trans. Chicago Acad. Sci., i, d]). 2()7-310, j)l. xxvii-xxxiv. 1869. Dull (W. H.) Birds of Alaska. Alaska and its resources, p],. . :.',-58G. 1870. Notes on the avifauna of the Aleutian islands from Unalashka eastward. Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., v, pp. 25-35. Feb., 1873. Notes on the avifauna of the Aleutian islands, especially those west of Unalashk.t. Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., v, pp. 270-281. March, 1874. Newton (Alfred). Notes on the birds of the Yukon region. The Ibis, 2d series, vi, p. 521. 1870. Tristram (II. B.) Notes on some passerine birds, chiefly palearctic. The Ibis, 3d series, i. No. 2, pp. 231-234. 1871. ^■ y*' ". '! i m i^H'i th of V- ^, I. ALASKA AS IT WAS AND 18. Fish and Fisheries. 157 Bean (Tarlcton II.) Description of a new ftah from Alaalca (etc.). rroc. U.S. Nat. Mu.s., ii, pp. 212-218. 1879. Descriptions of some new genera and species of Alasltan finlies. The same, pp. 35:5-359. 1880. Descriptions of new flslies from Alaska and Siberia. The same, iv, pp. 144-159. 1881. A preliminary catalogue of the fishes of Alaskan an, pi. i-v. Report on the mollusca of tlie ('ommandor islands, Bering sea, collected l)y Leonard Stejncger in 18S2 and 188:!. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1884, pp. 340-349, pi. ii. 1884. ALASKA AS IT WAS AND IS. 159 he of le . Dall (W. H.) New or specially interesting shells of the Point Barrow expedition. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mug. 1884, pp. 523-526, pi. ii. 1884. Report on Bering island mollusca. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1886, pp. 209-219. 1886. Supplementary notes on some species of moUusks of the Bering sea and vicinity. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1880, pp. 297-309, pi. iii, iv. Oct., 1886. Report on the mollusks. In Report of the International Polar Expedition to Point Barrow, Washington, Gov't, 1885, 4^ pp. 177-184, with plate. On the genus Corolla (Dall). The Nautilus, iii, No. 3, July, 1889, pp. 30, 31. Notes on some recent brachiopods. Proc. Acad. Na.. Sci., Phila. for 1891, pp. 172-175, pi. iv. On some new or interesting west American shells (etc.). Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., xiv, pp. 173-191. 1891. bee also the same, xvii, pp. 70(3-733, pi. xxv-xxxii. 1895. Lea (Isaac). Description of five new species of Unionid^e (etc.). Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., xix, p. 81. 1867. Crustacea. Benedict ( Jamr. E.) Preliminary descriptions of thirty-seven new species of hermit crabs of the genus Eupagurus. Proc IT. S. Nat. Mus., xv, pp. 1-26, 1892. Corvstoid crabs of the genera Telmessus and Erimacrus. ProcU.S. Nat. Mus., XV, pp. 223-230, pi. xxv-xxvu. 189L. . DeHcriptions of n-nv geuenv and species of crabs of the family LithoiUda', etc. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., xvii, pp. 479-488. 1894. Ball (Win Descriptions of three new species of Crustacea, parasitic on V ■ the cetacea of the northwest coa.st of America. Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., iv. pp. 2S1-283. Nov., 1872. _ On the parasites of the cetaceans of the northwest coast of America, with descriptions of new forms. Tn same, iv. pp. 299-301. Dec, 1872. On new parasitic crastacea from the northwest coa.st of America. In same, v, pp. 254, 255. March, 18/4. ;■*.'- *'*\»»v,„ iifiMfiHBillIMM 160 BALL. Liitken (Christian Frederick). Tillseg til Bidrag til kundskab om Arterne af Slsegten Cyamus Latreille (etc.). Vid. Selsk. Skr. 6 Rrekke, iv, pp. 317-32? and pi., also sep-a- rately. Rathbun (Mary J.) Catalogue of the crabs of the family Maiidaj (etc.). Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., xvi, pp. 63-103, pi. iii-viii. 1893. Descriptions of new genera and species of c-abs from the west coast of North America. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XVI, pp. 223-260. 1893. Notes on the crabs of the family Inachidte (etc.). Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., xvii, pp. 43-75. 1894. Insects. Hagen (Herman). List of neuroptera of Alaska. Alaska and its Resources, pp. 588, 589. 1870. Packard (Alpheus S., Jr.) List of nocturnal lepidoptora of Alaska. Alaska and its Resources, p. 587. 1870. List of hymenoptera of Alaska. The same, pp. 587, 588. 1870. Notice of hymenoptera and nocturnal lepidoptera collected in Alaska by W. H. Dall, director of the Scientific Corps of tlio Western Union Telegraph E.xpcdition, with a list of neuroptera by P. R. Uhler and Dr. H. Hagon. Trans. Chicago Acad. Sci., vol. ii, pp. , with a plate. Chicago, 1870. This report was printed, but nearly all tlio copies woic destroyed in the great fire at Chicago, and it cannot be considered as efl'octively published. Scudder (Samuel Hubbard). List of diurnal lepidoptera of Alaska. Alaska and its Resources, pp. 588, 589. 1870. Report on a collection of diurnal lepidoptera made in Alaska by the Scientific Corps of the R-isso-Ainerican Telegraph Expedi- tion under the direction of Lieut. W. II. Dall. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., v, pp. 404-408. 1869. Also in Entomological Notes, ii, pp. 42-46. 1869. Ccelentci ate». Clark, (Samuel Fessenden). Report on the bydroids collected on the coast of Alaska l)y W. H. Dall, U. S. Coast Survey, and party, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Piiila., for 1.S76, pp. 209-2,'!S, i . vii-j:vi, 1877. Sci. Results Expl. Alaska, i>p. 5-34, pi. i- x. % ..4 -^ ALASKA AS IT WAS AKD IS. 101 Dall (W. H.) On some hydrocorallinje from Alaska (etc.). Proc. Biol. See. of Wash., ii, pp. 111-115. April, 1884. Porifera. Lambe (Lawrence M. ) Sponges from the western coast of North America. Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, 1894, sec. iv, pp. 113-138, pi. ii-iv. 1895. BOTANY. 1 I Dall (W. H.) Report on the agricultural resources of Alaska. U. S. Com'r .Agriculture, Report for 1868, pp. 172-189. 1869. List of useful plants indigenous in the Territory of Alaska. Alaska and its Resources, pp. 589-594. 1870. Arctic marine vegetation. Nature, July 1, 1875, p. 166. Kuowlton (F. II.) A review of the fossil Hora of Alaska, with descrip- tions of new species. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mas. 1894, pp. 207-240, pi. ix. See also Bull. Geol. Soc. Am., V, pp. 573-590. 1893. Lesquereux (Leo). Contributions to the Miocene flora of Alaska. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1882, pp. 443-449, pi. vi-x. 1883. Mann (Horace, Jr.) Sketch of the flora of Alaska. Lichenes. Smithsonian Report for 1867, pp. 462, 463. 1868. Rothrock (Jcseph Trimble). Sketch of the flora of Alaska. Smithsonian Report for 1867, pp. 433-461. 1868. List of and notes upon the lichens collected by Dr. T. II. Bean in Alaska and the adjacent region in 1880. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1884, pp. 1-9, 1884. ■n m