MKapcorr ifSQuiiioN tist chait .(ANSI and ISO TEST CHART No. 2) .;: 'f. y:--. \m^ 1.0 !^ia la^ ■ •■.-. Ilk,, ■■ ,". ■'^'^^^^ -:^i::'-::-- :-■■ ^l''■■:*^ VIPPLI^Q |(S/MC5E Inc ' 1653 Cost Main Street - 5j*!»»'«^- X» Torti 14809 USA (718) 482 - 0300 ^ Phon.^ "^ (716) JBa-59eji-Fo» « * * » t I I 4 1^^ « ^Uti V'/ fiOUSDULE OF Post Offices. I— HAY. 2- UODUERVILLE. ' 3- HEN8ALL. 4— KlPi'BN. &->HlLL80K££N. A^ZUKll'U. 7— BLAKE. 8-DRYrtDALB. 9-.H)HN80N'a MILLS.,, 10-BRBW£rrSfi. n— D^snv\ooD. liS-EXEIEK. IS-CAVALIUR D. K. > 14^BERNK, SwitKTlanil. . > . .-. . ■\ "■.,■■■' .'■'».'- \ ■ ■ ■ ■ ."".'' - '■'^- , " ► • ■ *-" ,. '■■-■;j-^:- '■-■.■■' -'? .■■■' ■ -.y. • \ ■ t ■■ ' .;/■<.:- : V .■■■ /.; . ■"■ ' ■ -^v ' ■ *^ ■. . ' ' ■■■* " -. . ■ - ^. ... .. •' ■■■ ■■■y-'k'-- '', ':■:'■ 'i '■: ■ ■■:- '■' ■ ■■" : ■■■' '.'./ ■■■■"':-;.■■ ■'.:.■■ - >. • '•/ ' ' - " ■ ■ V ■ ■' ' ■■■'■■"■:- S ' ' ^■' ■ . '-y -* — :- ■■■■.■.. . '. ■■; I .. ,•/■■■. ^V^ -'^i VOTERS' LIST— 1884 n f ■:■■■ H- :■■'■' • •■••' »«*.'t4f*««(< »-t« ••■• ^•■•' • P0U>^TY OF HURON. I » t ••#•<• tj^i • ^ •'• ••i".* •;• ••'f •••••• f *••*••%■•••• • ^i-t • •'■» •••.»•• t;^* • •-• • vV* '**• " ,"' the WiunidipaUty of the TbiivJtship ol Hajrr having certified under his hand, that no complaint respecting the List of Voters for the said Mtinicipality, for thjB year 1884, had been received by him within Thirty Days after the first posting up of the same; and on application of the said Clerks i... ...... ......... '•»*•••••«• »••••••#•••■•*'•• .•• t. • • ff • *^ . .< » ................ ..Judge of the County Court of the County of Huron, in pursuance of the provisiqns of ♦•The /Voters' List Act of 1876," certify»that the within priijted List 6f Voters* being one ot the copies re- ceived by me from the said Clerk under Section iz of the said Act,, is the Revised List of Voters for the said Municipality for the year 1884. Given under my hand and se^l, at Gpderich, in the said county, this • #«« •••>«ijA' ...... of AugustMi884. a ...«V». ••-.^•4« ».•.«•.•.•. . .. •.. ••••... • •• •• ...••• . '-:-- '-X- ■■ i.-^-" 11 « t t I t «- »■ ' ■■■);.>■■ ; I. •».:: . t' '■/ .;A\'i!; . ■ ; ■'V \fW - .t' ■ if ■' , ■ r^' ■ r- . '•* ' '-;. ■■■:■"'.■'" ' '■''■'■■ ' -'■ .♦ ;,;•;,■ ■; •■; ■,; /' :^' : ■■''■■ ■'•■ ■'■'■ ■ .;' -■■. ■ .■■ ■ -■\ ■ . .^...■.;. ■•, • , ■ ■ ■■ •■ ■ - ■ _ « ■■ • ■■ '■■* ■. -■»■',. ,■•.■• ., :";-/; ■ '■• . • ,'"' ••■ ■• ."' ' ' I ■'; ■'■ ■ ■ ■. :/ / ■ . ■ . * ' .■ '■" ■ ■ ./. . VOTERS' LIST-1884. - ' V I • • • #*«»•♦• M « »^i «rTV»'« • t •*• • • • • • • • • • * "••••*• '•• • • •*^**«> ■ 'j^jU^-Vv* t-f«'«*«^»'»V» fci« ••>.••••».•■•-.•,••••••■••■••••>• I ••• /»• •,!• • t« ••♦ • •• t »••«•••'•••#• *fi«i.i;»*«i'(»»'Jll,QKC 'of t|iie County Cpwrt of the Comity or Huron/ pursuant td the flight Section of "f he Voters' tist Act of 1876," do hereby certify that th« within 18 a catx^t\xA copy of the List of Voters for the year 1884, received by me Irpm •" < the C^lerk of the Municipality of the Xownship of |Iay, a^ordingr topny - > > * ' ■ ^< ■;•■. , \ \i ^ revision and correction thereof, pursuant to the provision ot^the ^id Act^ fj ' , r ' • ', Datedat the of « iu the said Cotfnty, tbi? day of. 18^4^ ^M ,..^* •\ ;^^ ":'> / / "7 .. J ■w . \ 4, ■•w». * ' » » :2:w:\ * . ■• • '■^ *. ;,» ' '. -r ' . ■■§ ■ .< ■■ ■*. . ' ' ■. * ■"•4 ■• , • ■ «. '■ -■ ♦■ ' t '. ' ■ « ■ »" '*.'.,■ ■'■ • • ■.7N. Lisi of Voters for the Townshiprof, «-?*■■«*<>• -r-' Polling aub-Diviaioit No 1. Comprising th« lut, fith nn.l 7lh <'onow.ion- from Mouth '««»""'"y ,V.!*in-' -^outh Hown.Ury U)U from » U. i:« ».n»»i molu«l».<. Vaw «)«ii.^Liiit or (.Araonii iintltliHl to ir<>t« m hoth MunicipM Rl«ot»onii tioni tolhe buKlativn AmifirjJtIy inoiudtng \M \x. Mtld Rn«t Klflo- P aoS)t NAME. ■ rai w 130 131 Idtf 5t| l()4 143 IM 13(1 « 103 Ulo 21 > 119 Itti ftft 50 571 I'i : 97i oo«;, . :45 4.6 126 IHf) 69 70 (i part I'i I2i«nl3 lahd2 and 2 4 3 ■ ■■■ SB SB ■■ : 2 2 4- ■ iind and and S B B Ownitr, 5 Trinant g, or Q oonu'nt B Owni>rt y .OwnJMrJ ? Uwnur i a rftn»nt| 8 Dfrn«r [12 l>nant' 2 Owii^r 3 Owner 3 (,mn«r * Owner F Hon Owner Owner Owner Tfiiant « jwner Own'T F Son FSon Owner F Sor. ''eiuint owner Ownei- F Son Owner F S<»n Owner Ownvr Owner Owner (.)wner Ownrr Owner % I 3 l^ A 'i 3' 1 ] I 1 I 2 2 12 t2 12 12 3 1^ ■ ■■/' . -J ■■'■■-- i^t ■■<^:' '■^■: v/^ \s ■^' '$>^.i a < Ci « r o r o H b 9 «. Si o I- O «5: cx> Co Ob O r Si. bi Go ^■■. !'■ I Co o 5! m Ill I . I II I l l« f^. iti^-'l r\- ■«*•.■. : ■ ^^I'i4 . ! ■■■■■ «V .v.. o ?■■ > ^ «. Si. ■,?*•■ & I ^ O >--;■ ■06 "■•-< ■ c« \:»: *' ,^l 'A > ' *. ■«.*- ^ > b Li.,,i ■ r^H^BIIPHPWI^ ¥ • ( > 2: • 8. ■ 9 • L • • 'S ex. ?♦. 4 3. r 9 •^ '■ « Ooi * k > 5 1 : , 3n< 1 * 1 i ' ' , t>' ■*< • ' • • * . i • 12{ • ? f . ^ / r- a» V S / % ^ • PC ■ / §! ~" , if • / ' » s21 ■. • " / / r. r 143 • 105 loe ., ' ' r • :?"■- 107 • 136 \{)4 \ 1 I I • 784 ' • 141 I4S ^ , 51- " 44 ^ •• i &• " . 75 10« , ^ * - ■» «^ 69 " • lOS \ * *- 1 CI. 9 ■^ 761 ' \ \ . 785 774 i:A.' ■ ' •^ ■5* : • 794 . 804 00 a t • • 793 781 * i-^y;-.i :.■'■[ '-. ■;■■ -^ ■"■■::';.;':' ' ' ■ .;.■ :_r'\^i ^;\ :; '-■•■■:-^a ' :' ~ : «Q 8:i;i r.i;\,' i '■.■■■.:■'.■:;':■■ ■■'.,. ■■/'■;• ';•'■■.'' -■.;;■".-■"■.■ ,-'";v Ori ^ • 823 1 \ - • ..•< ^ , 79( \ 0- 804 '\ ^ -^ ^ 1 « » 114 > - & - . 157 \ , 1 i 186 \ •1' • jr^ ' ' ' . ..' as f 204 \ - - - -^Hn I - ' - 55 • 203 I . 563 •■ i < » ^ - 1 , 564 • 807 : , 8i»3 78« • 7H7 ' -n i\ 1 ;^ • • Oo 5J ^ ^ c >• • , 81( 1 • •* 761 ^ ^ ^ I . u I -I ■■»■■ -■, i"-. •'r "': »■■ .' ». . • .'■■», ■ or *^ won THHJ J-L-tv -iV^ - i;,:; -. ' \ ■ FOR THB YEAR 1884. NOTICE is hereby given that the electors of the Town- ship oi Hay are hereby required to examine the List of- Voterstor the said Township for the year 1884, and if any errors or omissions are found therein, to take such steps as the la\v dir3cts; to have such errors or omissions corrected. If no complaint is made within 'thirty days from the 25th of 'u!y (inclusive)' the satid List will be fyled as the correct 'oters' List for the Township of Hay tor the year 1884, • / Samuel Foster, Township Clerk. ^. Jta those itfhmn thetieJAatit are seni:,y"i SicTioN'6,— TheShenff sh^K immedutely upon the ftceipit of his ^o|ii$i8, cause one of them to bej)o«ted up in a conspicuous pl^ce in the Court House ; the Clerk of the Peace, upon receipt of his copies, shall csusBone of them to be posted up in a conspicuous place in his office; eveiy Public or Sepaiate £(choo|4iead Master or Mistress shall in like tnanner post up one of his or &«■' copies dto the door oTthiB School-house, *M every PcMtmaster shallpoat up one of hia copies in the Pest-office.— Chap:-9^R. S.O., 39 Vic, Chap. ii,Sec. 3. RBPLBCTOR CHEAP BOOK AND JOB PRINT. ■SI '■'\' ': 1' . ■■ ■ . ' ■ ■ ^'^ .'■• ♦ . ;—- ''\r ■'■■'? -:','•'■ ;' ',:•;,': ^"^ 2J e o ' •36 . " .■ ■. - .. ■■ > ' ■ o • ' o ^ £:• • p ' ■'■■'.■■■' ■*.■-■■ ■■■.-. . « ' > . - ■ 1 " *"•'■ ■■ .V r-- ■'-■ '.\:i^': ■' .•■ $: 2S" '^ * — % ■■■:.;,■■_■/■"■ ■■>■■. ' - 74 21 21 i 1 tr ','._;<;■■.'■ 4 > • 29 30 i ' iv;;;f;-::|-^; 1 1 i ^ .' ' , 21( • ,■■ ■--■. ■■• ' : '' ' ■ f .;';.'"■ * ^m. ^ a ■ *. W ' ■ ■ ■'■' ' '■■ '■'-■' ■',: ' ■' ;•-"' •M «*. 6S^ * .','■ ■ '■ •■ j:;-'- ''";• • .v< ".-'i^ir •__. «3^ a ' 68^ r .'■.'-,-■'■'' h ' S^ 5*4 ft a- 68t • 68^ ■-■■ ■":■■;■■ •'..;;■■ . .'r" . .' ■ '.- ? /,^ 1 ,•• ■ ' ' :'■■'..■ -t,., ' ■ •. • ■ r ' I - i 27( 27( ' ■■.■"'■-■■'- ■ .f^ *(< ^ \ 1 '■ ■ * ■"■■ - -."■■ ■■' ;. y ' ■■ ' - ■■■ v^*- " ■ - ■ f ■ ■ ■ . *' /" ' r . 301 321 - 1 4 ". .' ■■'"'■-■■ .'V ^ .•■ ■, - "•^ r o '2&J 253 73S 1 ■ *-■ "V." -• -V ^ '■■ .•■ ' • • 'a. • 698 227 ■■ ^^^^ -' ■ ■-'■i^- '- - -t^lj " / It--- . ■ _ ... ■ ■ ■. r ■ ■ ■" . - - ■ .* ^ 1 233 f ■ '.-■ . •"■ ■ ■ ' ■ ■ ■ ■1- r. . • , 251 .sv-'v;-:..';-^::: ■-■■;■"•. - 296 266 % . y"--. ./■/■■■■■:y*>.^-: '■^■■•- 5* : 310 \ 311 0*^ ^ - • ^ 692 ■ ■ ' " ■-. ;'•■ ■•' ''■'.: '.■■■-■' CJ ?:: * . 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Hftnnif Hamuel UryiioMa Uioltiinl Koynoldii H»nry ....i,.,, i»oliartt<>r iietirv ,., UoliiHin (Jonnrd Siuigfon Thomni. ...... ■Spiirka Jftinc* Mt« S(4i....... B6ott John 8 oneniftn WilJimn. nr,.. Uohoflliig.lohii (i.. ,...,., ."^clueflV-r EdWHrd,...,.. I'llAlllptOti U'lVKl . Thompiion Bernard. ... IVinMifr'Al^xander ... I'iininpanii Hforgf ^r... rhnmpitnn (ii'orgrwr ... IhoinpHon Kolierl,. Th<«mpMnn .>Hinu«'l ...... Troy^T .-Wph»>n. .,.,..... : I'royep Kdtiiuinl 'I'royer .larii^B E.. ....... . Troyrr Chiirlft.. ,. TroyiT John ;..,. Triggfrsoii leier Urquart Dbitidd ......... WilKMti William... ....... WilHoii .st«p)i(>n ....,;... WllBon Williiim. .>....... WliiiemHii .Allied....,., Whiieman (!hHrt4>M..:... WHUgh William n'i'rmiiii». ' jnujjj" No. of Lot Pan of |>»(. IV 8 64 I'S I Ai2M N PMIS4 264*266 ('onoaaalot • or SirMi. ^_J»..— M.. If .. Tananl •> N K oorii«>r nl Sd / WIihIIIV'JU N Hall 24 .s half 26 N hall 26 26 - y : - 27 T^^~~ KiiMt pan id.~ .'. . ParU2 I'N 14 1 6 M S22fl Pnrt 21 I'H 17 20 44 67 82 tin of II >. P 8 84 83 PS 32 33 78 80 H B part 27 N W part 27 N hall N W purl 'Jn A hall 26 W *26 27',-. ■•■..; 26 ■- ■-:. ■:...■ ■ N piirt 21 s pan 2(S N pan 22 Pnn II Fart II PS 140 141 Part N A 21 .\ J 22 23 P S 21 to 40 N 422 23 Ac. W A21 »na22 EiK jl6 1* .S floiner part 7 M 8 E i 22;> Hii.l 260 lliiainiller Duviil N E ur ol 30 Zeller Jacob .J. N ^ 1 3 I PART TWO Liatol persona entitled Ut to(e at .Munioioal Eteotiom Mclntyro Ralph .P8 48 49 >■ flenenll Luker William P 8 65 Henaall Mines (ieorg- W 8 34 Hnn«all I lli'ttaall - 7 N H H«r Owner Owner j 8 OwiM-r I 6 Owner | 6 Ownt-r Own»r OWiirr Uwiier Owiiwr >* 8pn Owner I enani OWn«'r Tenant r«niint Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner SrW — Mte v e n -son W i lliam Part o l II 4J06 WiNon JHmes W S Part 21 PART raUEE - List of peraons entitled to rote lemhly only— None. only. Owner 3 OwnejL--3 er 3 Ownt>r 3 ~S~B ^.^' ■ Owner 5 Hensatr Of^iur 3 .Elections to the LegislMiivc . As- • t m/;^;■■^■V;';:.^^';./;■;•;^/>^'.^> '<'• 1 ^^::-:D:;:;;-:'::.::rs:X:Yf^:i^ , ;'■■'■"••,>■'■ / ■ ■; ■^■ ^ * ^ » 2: 9 . .'■ •'■■'■" * A w • », 1 1"' ■ -■'■'.. .'"'f ''' '•■ / *■ ■ ^- '■ - ■^/^:"' ' ■ ^•■ •'.'v^:- ■''■'■■':.■■■' ^ * • ^ —— 271 • • . 744 , . 29>' 2: ^ 318 ■'■■■ • ' ■ * "/. .:!'.''■ '"•'.- > Si. "^ ^ • * 320 i- t- ■ ■•> '^■.r'-'/"''-^ r ■^-- ",■■■■■■''■- • 1 n2 r.. ^v V' ;' . . ;v-'. ■':;:::■ . '^ Co • » 272 f^-S:--:^l-:i'^:.:^;" 1^ • " 247 . « ^ 268 27.-) ■ ' -,-.. ! " .:• ••"■■■■ ■ • ' ' t '■ . ^ 1 •'."•-• ■■ . '.■'"■•■ .■ ' '■ ■'.-'■''■■■ '*' ■'•■'■■'''■.' 1 '^ ^v- _2-- — -?- . *)U^ ■;,■;,. *;■ .— ' ^ . . ^ 282 281 « *- ' 297 1:MP-:''M^::^^^ «. . t 74« t -. *.' •'■■ >' r - , 684 • », 28S ■""*■-' .•"■■ ■'''"■ :\' ., ' ■)■ ■',■'■■■■■"■■■'■ ■■'"'■'' ■ ' ■;*'■ 27fc r ']]: ■■'\r'- '■ ^i ■\- '■''.-.'' 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Ueaoli John i)ftrU Jadob ..2fl s pnit IS '•\f pan IS N hall 2& N hnlt'2ft 24 HiKl |)arl nl 25 ±N pail Otis ^ 368 Ruby .lobn ..„.. »69' I Kuby .luoob 841' R«*.i.)ohn ^ 333 Uesttnhver Eafneiii 596 J Keith John 3461 347' 343 J 3611 J 3531 I I Surerua Daniel Surrrus JoMAph •Sureriia Menno Sobwar tien true ber bohwarlientrueljer S98| I iTbonuon John 331) 331 332 334 3361 33r)l 8S2i/ 366 348 349 374 'Wnlper Louis ar Walper Louia jr AVi^pcrCa-per... Walper Henry,,. Wing George NVing William.... Wilson UharU'8.. Walpef William ,ia ■la lis 118 13 15 Hmi N part 14 16 S hair 19 27 N hall 25 18 18 8 11 25 19 ana N hiilf l<) 19 and N hull lO .17 U... Part ot i» i Mr84 N £ corner of 24 9 9 10 12 and Mpartol 13 N part of 13 N part ot 1 a 21 22 23 and or part S half 10 ^'^. 13 \'18 I! IJ3 18 12..- [12 'nb 12 an^ IS" \l9iMfl 13 jl2 ^ 1» 12 N B 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 and 13 13 11 Volland Uehrysr i 20 Volltind Heniy jr ,20 Vinient Daniel i...VV bait 6 / 12 12 18 OwnfrJy i'r«nant *• I "•■ li 'r iPUon KNon />wn««r /jOwner v'Owrter ' 'Owner lOwntr 'Tenant 6 6 h t 6 « FSon Owner Owner Owner OWuwr Owner IPSon Tenant Owner Owner Owner jOwner iTenant Owner [Owner ITenant lOwiMr Owner Owner |Own«r FSon 'Tenant' 6 6 6 6 7 6 6 6 II rr 7 6 A 6 7 6 II 11 11 11 6 6 6 6 6 6 PABT TWU-Listoi persdtia entitled to vote atjifunioipal Bieotiona only iembSUriSjoI^'" °' i>«r.oa» entitled to rot. at Blectioo. to tbe Le,wlaiir.> Ap. ■I ■^■IMW«— ^——^^ thist of Voters for the Towriship of Hay ♦ Polling 8ub-Divi8loD ^o 4- Compruing the 12i bund 13th Conoeaiiona from Lota H to 28 tnoluaivf, aikI North Boundnry Lota from 22 to 2fi inoluaiv*. Part ONI — List of^'peraona entitled to vot« «t hoth Municipal filAotiona and Eleo- / tiona to the L-nialative Aaaemhly Owner, o Tenant ^ or ^ poount ? o § • fi89 86() 36fi 687 590 376 382 368 385 386 329 592 379 342 351 35 i 35U 358 586 594 589 384 378 344 345 359 377 337 588 373 NAME. [ ii No, ot Lot or Part or Lot. Agnrw Wilham. Beohler John Hecker John Wf... Becker William y. Bender l*et«r J .(.'oloaky John. Part 01 24 N part 27 8 part 28 9 Pun 24 and 23 N £ corner 24 -34. 340| 3671 Dieta Henry A >....126 Diller Joaeph Ijg Darrovr John ,.Bs Dariow Henry Extein Henry Edighotter Adntn. Ueiger Moaea.., Geiger John B. Juigei Daniel.. Oelger Owen... (ieiger Jacob.., GeiKer Peter... lioctifltettler David, Holtz Henry... ..'. Irwin Williuui Johnston 'Villiam. Juize L'nristian Kaerohi-r Jacob.... Kuercher Aaron .. KroptCbriitian.... Klopp Wi.lifiiii Lehman .Abraham Leslie John Merner Qotli«b. M e lliofe JuBtic e . N £ corner ol 24 23 17 • 21 22 23 cor purt 1 1 21 22 23 13 I2ttn H'enant 6 Tenant 7 reniint 7 t>wner ll Owner 7 Owner 6 Owner 6 Owner (i F Son 6 FSon 6 Owner 6 Owner 7 Owner 7 Owner 7 Owner 7 Owner 6 Owner 6 leuant 6 Owner 7 Owner , 6 Owner , 6 Owi)er < 7 Owoer ! 6 Owner i t ocoup't 6 FSon ' 6 iMellick John. 'laildi'ewJohn. --^' ' . • ■ • ■ » ■, ■■ ■» ■■'»■ ■■, ■ ' ''I . ■■ ■,•.; ■.:'• ■ /■■.. '■*.r**'»'"^ iM" i ' ' . -' "v*-^*^' ^ '-'■■•'-Trr'^ '^■'"' ■*-.' /---•—»•"•■«' ^'•i"'^~'S*7'i^''?V II :)»'■■■ -__. -- ■■-~^:.':i.~- NAME. No.oiint , or Fftrt ol tiOW i : CbnocMion: or .Street. lUwpflr, o 'Tenant ^ •or . ooount Djink>UiU>eri.. ,..., Doig PbuI. ,...»..;.. iJoig Robert..,..,.. I>iii<>r8 Henry Ml ., i aivr» H»'n>y jr.,, I iittTii Edwiirci . Datei'B Fr«i»eHck PigOHii KoMH ..U.; DiifiiKt) vvarren,.,, Diok \i'lii)iim|i..,«..; «'••••*•■ lRi>ini ...... liutigiHs VVjIliniii R., Iloi-n ileory .\....... ;■^^^^■^:■. v: ■ ■■■■.-:;■;;■■ ■ jMvifsonJVjIli in .' :. im -'^ ;.■•'. ■■■■•:■■"-■■■■... Whairai, PS 18 43 IS ■:■■ • [\i^.:.y''' '■'■.: '-■:'' ■.;■..' 2.k;-^ ■"-■■^'■■■■v ;;■: ^ . o. ■: .'--:■.■■■" I'S 192. 1^3 ;25' •■■■■^ .•.■:.■•■ :,:27-'. •-■/ ■■■.■•• ■■ iVii-^'-^--.:' ■■■;.■■;"■■■ ■i-9 ■ -:■ ■';- V :■- ■ .:,\ ■. ■.■■ ir2E i l;{ 'p > 52.. PS 19 VV S48 , » VH\.V2 133 !•- 1% 197 : • ran i)| II ; 2 :: ■•'^■''- /' '- M .-• ^^22269 > S Iialr24- • ■■■ ;';-"^ " , 2»'' '^ ■■"- ■' -' ' -v ..,- 26 N half 25 7 . .M 8274,275 2i6.2r71'!sp7 . M .S27 m i 7 PSp7 . MS274.275,2l6,2)7F.Sp7 .,26 iN Imll j!5 ' .■.Sbali25. ." .6 ■ >■.■:■.■:■.;- .|PSVV paiit 10 B pt 223 6, ■:■'■■ -.■■■■■ 7- ':■/ 7.' ■ ':''^!--- ■■■■ --.v Hensair 1 anirl 1l«>n«iil.i 4 ^ ■ -. 6 ...- ■■..-■.■ .-•-•..^::-., 6 7- .■■■.■■ 7 :■.■■":■■; ['■:-■■',■'-. Hensall , i'.. "■.;■ "■■ ' ■ N \i :■'■. :V-.:- NIV- • N^B.;. ■..■/■.;■;:. .-v:---; llensHll / ' . llrnHtil ll<*ni■■ 6 and 7 , Hensail / HensatI Hensitll 6-,and 7;,.;/^,, _■.':. r-. 2 .■-■ ■'■ :::■:.■ ■; ' Hensall Owner Owiiei- • Jwnir Owner 6 6 6 6 6 l>;iiani: 8' V'wtteV ^ OWiier 4 (iwiier .5 Owrier 5 iOwi>«r 5 K.^Nin 5 OWiier 3;* • >wh«r 3 Owiier 6 'owner 4 Owner .5 ! Owner > Owheir iJ ■Owner ;| , lOwinT ,3 lOWii^V 3 i Owner' 3 Owiiftr ' 5 ." ■■ . I . (JwO' r I 4 Ow0I 81 82 174 773 799 798 797 812 77 78 JM J J JT J J J J J Louttit PHtr......;.. ..., Lukur JutiD.. ....... ,.i,.. Lov« Ai»Mrt 22 28 W P P W ,S46 47 Pint 61 23 S |..irt 22 PS 177 178- tt N H H-linall l.]«>niinll IIoIishII i«'niall llctixall I-' . I ■■■: I ,.i2(s<'esuh:.■:::■■:': Ms llenaall '4 ... ■■•■■■■■ M H H^nsali^. •^ A NB llenMHll Heiisa.'l H»>nMitll P s Henanll 6 Hnnsall P S HensAll 6- ■ lleiiMHil Hensall Hnnsiill HenHtill P 8 HensMll Owner Tenant or oeount Ownt«r Owner K Moil ^\ Owner OwiM-r Ownt-r Owner F Son Owiifr Owner Owner owner Owner owner Own»'r Owner Own^-r itw,ier Owner ( »wn«'r , Owner IVnant Tenant OwiH-r Owner V Hon Owner Ownt-r F rt.ih uwner Uwii-tr I'ennnt Owner Owner Tenant FSon Own«*r Tenant I'ennnt reliant iVnant lowncr Owner Owner Own«*r Owner Owner Owner Owner 8 3 3 3 3 6 3 4 3 8 3 3 3 4 3 3 8 3 3 8 6 5 5 5 6 6 4 3 8 3 ;i\ 5 3 4 4 4 6 3 3 i 3 3 3 3 161 167 201 J Redmond Charles. 3 jUelobart Henry,... ■Reichart Henry.... 23 28 S W corner 8 8425 ll and N B 7 Owner Owner Owner ^ * • 4 * • •;■'>■■,-' • ■. • • ■. •-" I- ■ ■■ -'t w. ■■■■■ • ■■■■ • ■. ■ • ,-' •1," .'.- v"' • 1 f ':-{'■■■ ■ *"■ ■'■■'- ; •»■■'■'■,...■ • - ■".. r': Vv.' •■--', « - : • ". H ■ :, '"f ■ ■■■/,.■.■ «i "• -'■-■■'■^'.»'' . . ... "»..' ■■■.■- -^ * ' ■ '•;;:;■-•:■■ .».■■."■ * ■' ■■ ' .< .»■.'■..■■ ■>*• ■ ■*■ ■ . i*Mi i5>'*>i.fciS*«< • •f-' i « « < •(• 1 •!• •f •h ^f • .#■ ' -■« ' -1 •1 ■ « ■♦■■,■■•'■ \ '■■ • 4 ll ^ t t a fli o 4 List o^ Voters for the Township m Hay . ^ ^ ^ ^^ J ^--^ :,•■ ■:■■ ' lee^^, .•'.■:■:■•' ■ : ■: .. ., , Pollingr Siub-Division No. 6 ^"TJPr'iL"* *?• '*'*•• '*»h '«»»• •«"« «7il. «;onoM.,on. from Ut H to 'M inolutlii, L. H K ^.J W«.i (;ono«Mlon. rrom UH I io 24 iMolu.ue, »od N. i. l2u from »! 'l.. Si ■ ml I iii U P*«T OM..-Uit Of ,.«rj^. .„Ut|^ io\„U .t lK,th Munlo.p.1 El«oUon. .nd Kl.e. tlOtu toth« L»-|iiUtiv« AMMinhly 9!B-*" ^fAIHt " ■'t^ 82; Robert.. ...,.....;, Albriolii A.I«oi.,^.;..,. ;. Uroderlok VVi.Uaut...... Buwiimn Siiianuel ...... BrowDina HV«*r Pet«i jr.......... Bmlour 8imon ir ..,...,. / Bailey KiuhHhl , iiadouiv.Jo,eph....... llillierJoMph J tiuHieiibttrr> Ueniy..., Bailey .loMpb. BriM|.»uEuw»rd......... Bris««Hu Z«reok , ... Mi'iVtie •Ulver..,. CdiiroTue Joseph . , Coiiiine P«*ler.. ...... Cook Henry.... CoiiiovcAt Pe4«r,.V,' ".^ ir.oWey Redgu»^..,.. Dinomey^ >iiez«ndAr . Duobitriue Jaiims. .... D*wi((»nJoHepli. ....... Duoberme Mmtin , ^uohitruie Oioar ...... piiiumey L»»uiB. ....... l>uoharuie Eli......... . Duoiiurme Jacou.. ... l»inOineyGeori(e '..] DinoQiey Norbed v\ DucliarmH Uavid.... Dinpniey George.,.. J Piiramore John..:.. No. otLat. Firl or libi. N|27 S part 8 W f? 8 8 1 18 Ni-'3' K part 19 Bpart le N Ji U2i «iT , KMO i6 O omiie tot Hti^i. • •■# Cfl ■••••«. if v^half 8 itall A W »iaH>haU8 N half 5 12Hiid 12 mmitofNbaitV 6 03 | Duiai i ia Peter. KichlerChriatiaft....;.... JBiohf^ fjEenry JSdighotter Oedrge". . .... 8 half 3 Parts 5 and 6 E hall 7 8 Nb.lfT $ hail N half 8 8 half iN hail H ParU 8 and 9 N haifi .sh'«ii s) Shall 4 .^; Haifa ; » rpan 9 N halflii - a liali 27 W hall W hall 29 N half 14 ^ 22 21 N halM2 ^"^^~7T NB 14 LUW L R W 14 14 >a LRW« LRW L ft W RE L R E LRW LRE LKS . LRB • LRE LRW L UEand W LRE LRW LRE \ LRW LRrB Lre LRE |L,Ri-y ■ :, LRW ^i/Rm.;..-- ■LR-w^' .■:••:• iL RW NB •naf 7 >wn^^ « [wner 9 iv^ner tt ,l«<.ianl li jUwner tt rl'enant 6 jOwnir 8 jUwner V OfifDer 8 0«fber 8 'reiiiiiit 8 FHoB 8 bwAer 8 F8oo 8 Owner 8 OW^er ' V tenant 8 Owner 8 Owner 8 Owner 8 Owner 8 FtSon Owner Owner ( >wner Owner Owner 8 Owner ; 9 Owner 9 Own ei i 7 8 8 H 8 8 8 IN B 14- 0|»ner ( 8 U Owner ' 6 P'"wner : ft wn^r ; 6 .-^> : i .- i.SL,i:-:%f Lpt of Votors for the Township of Hay f^olling Bub-Division N*|H 1. .§ l/iin 14 In 21 UjoIu«iv.« tilt INorth lkM«it(JiiryJ| ' "^iW^ I'art <»»«.-. 1,1,1 of ),«iwift« fniillWl to vot* «i koth Mu^||[^l MmqUom ■ .J. No <>i Ut or Furl »r l4>i. OohmmhI A«r t'>MMibli..,^;.;.;jFs ift m , Biioliiumii .inoi'di),,.. Br<>iinriolt (iuor^v «r U<ri(ik .loMph.... ilroilertok Itohert,... BAtUer Wlumm....... Hemier 1 1 firman ,,,... Biiur ll«iiry „ ,.„ iicohler't'hriitian.... Bfluhler MiM)no Blooti iluiiry, . ;Bu«wttil Uobert. ...... iBoueiibftry lOdifiird, |Beo))ler UliriMiian jr 'Becker LoQib.. ,.,..... iBrill Cfiarlea..., .1 V jl'pok lli-iiry.... icobi-r 8oioinot». » I 14 W iMirt 2:> iM«i-i VlliiK 411 J 7 'Own*r. y IVii*ni ^ I or -oenum |0»n«r A 681 m 226 6V1 t:6 580 SBl ASA 7i» 235 23A TOO J 228 J ._it.Vrk Williauj B Demutb Fi-»deriok iieoki'i- Lorana „..,. ^'ecli<»r Joim Br.,,.; 'J)t)6ker John ji ...... jDeichaM Nicholas.. jDtMcliart John...... , iDinHinore -iohn ; ni L>tt i2l 122 123 124 Bill II imit 13 14 iarkU 44 45 « . t> Anil 10 8 lu II a ,011 II Zurttili Zurlili II 10 S Zuricli Zurich » iMt*Mr: t |U«rn«>r A jOwnir tt I'lVnant «l Ownt HU 'Owner lb div 5)()vvner « )Wfler jpiii-iuiore Jainea J Lnugiuuu Alexander. IDuaiert Henry j.'V'enir. piwt 6 7 ...|N i 7-> pari H pan 5 ... N J 7 .Sprtdt 8 pail 5 ... K .SEparJfll 12 ...KS3> 34 3136 .. 17 " ...2i K ^ I'aik t; Zuri,ch 8 '• U and 18 U anil 13 Zurich 'L( JSurich ' NB NB M H Zurich ^ -24r 269 270 Eibfttbacb George S iU W pai-l 15 [Eisenbaoh Fri-derick... S i 14 W purl 15 Ehiie« AugUHt K S pnrt of Mill prop Foster 8amuel N part tf l't*r»ter John .. i',„.u of .7 18 i^aUHon James., .N purt 17 Fisohei thriatopher... . \V half 18 « and tt ^ - Kan.i9 '• Zurioh 9 Owner 6 Owner i Owner I 6 Owner 6 Owijer I 6 Owner | 6 Owner i 6 FSon I 6 Owner I 7 Owner 6 Owner Tenant Owner Owner A/ 9 10 10 Own^r 6 Owner 6 lOwnnr 6 V ^-\ \ -w \ , \«l / r > a < «» r ^ k 05 Cti cc ?s. r Sh ^ ^ «M. Sn ^ S2 ^ Oo ;q « m m It .*■ ■ ■ 5 ■ . • ■ - "''*.' \. h r NAME. "2TO 25ft 2.W i\i l^ippipl Dfirinl >ohwaltn ^^ illlam. ^.. Surerut Ikano "^obmiiH Joieph SoliuniHober (Jharles SlireruB Andr#»w ScbniiHt J cnh S Thiel Louia : Trui-miKT John .luat. "Tiueninei VViiliam.... Truemner Henry ^^Tru'iininer 'luatioe yollanri Con rad Vol land John Waltz "^faoob J Wiimei (jiporge ... Willert Henry J Wi« Jt.. Wagn«*r Peter... jWilJi»iniirJobn.. dL.Walppr Simon.. Weislbh Jobu... .^.. ,<■: :Zettt«* Jo8eph Z(^ller Danifl Ziinnieniian Christian . iZinimernian Henry... . IZiiiimerinan August..., jZent William t. iZeller Michael V84 16 16 6 and *TN«. of Ix)t or Part of I^t. Cono«ition or Street S half 22 N part 2! N half 23 18 25 N Ec'>rner20 18 B8I ' 10 9 anrt 10 II II NB II Zurich Zurich 8 4' 2) S £ cr 8 ^ 2(1 S hair8 half 19 N halt 28 " N47 8 15 Part of "1 Ni 19 n| 19 .S419 N . 13 part 25 9" V S .) and 6 V S 1 W A and M A 21 E8 86 B 8 Park 1 K -> payt pai k C K8 72 K8 part 16 K 8 W part 12 Part ot M P K 8 84 86 ESW part 15 22 KS69 13 W part 21 V s 7 B83 . KS77"and78 Owner, 8 Tenant •• or < o«'ou nt Owner 6 Owner 6 Owner <> O^ner tt Owner 7 Tenant 6 Owner 6 V Owner 6 'owner 6 F8on 6 K Son e Owni r 6 < )wner 6 Owner 6 Owner 6 Owner 6 Owner 6 Ownei ^6 ■Owner K\ Owner 6 'owner 6 [Owner 6 ' V ^dn 6 jOwner ()wner 6 Owner 6 Ownjsr 13 Owner 6 'Tenant 6 Tenant 6 Owner 6 . Owner 6- Owner ^f) Owner 6 Owner 6 Owner 6 Owner 6 'Owner 6 Owner 6 Owner/' f 6 Ownei^j 6 'Owner/ 6 Tenant 6 Ownen' 6 PART TWO ^Listol persons entitled to vote at VCuniciual Eieotlons only 699 Bradley Peter K S 67 Zurich V «>wn^r 6 280 l-assold Qeorgt; Part 24 ' 10 Own^r 6 Part T^REE - List of persons entitled to Toto at Eieotlons to the Leaialativ Ab- aenibly only —None. ' . - * ,' / •i l-it p 8 I V 613 63 64 66i l()2 101 153 129 155 ' NAMfi. EsBery Thonaiu. .....,, Eaorett Krohird lEAorett ChriBtopbor . Ehontt Robert EdwardH Elisha KduardK Millar KIder Wifliatn Essay J'bomAs . 171 172 • .. 12? f. 87 • 192 . 127 2U 13 • -4 85 8 • 6 • H8 Wl 80 • 61 , 612 62 2 6()9 ' 1 r^i . F^irbairn Klliot Follick Enoob Fori Albeft Fitigerald Jobn *. Fdlliok John , Follick David Nq, of Lot: ■■or ■. . Part of IM. Ooiioeuioc or Htreei. £110 S A 13 N I 13 n|13 ftil7 N iir N 414 14 Oould Jobn ^lOulii'JamcB... Oraing«>r,John Holding John.., Harrison Oharlfs. Hawkins .li^nrge.. Hawkins Ri(^hard . Hawkins Mpnry J . Hollnn-I Anilidny. Howard Robert. ., Howard Jamfls, ., Hunter IjeonHr'i.., 91 92 J 47 J 48 132 133 170 100 100 128 25 58 -5t Ingram Alexander sr. Ingram Alexander jr. Isaac Henry I ngi am 'George. ... N ! W i 16 Part N il 1 9 and W i M N'iolSil4 Pai^tnri5 Part ot Ift 8 8 E i E A 15 13 Part J 3 » , ■: a: N 18 6 '-. ' ■ 3 Part oi 4 B i E'l 5 5 i S 4 9 avi[iinning Solomon IE ^'E J 5 Munn Pfier rr.'16 and S 4 14 Munn Alexander '6 and S 4 14 Murray Samuel S 4 14 Morrison Peter 6 ^ McCoH Dougald U 3 4 1 1 McColl DAniel ;... 11 S A 11 1 anif^2 I and 2 SB I, ami 2 1 8B^ 4 and 5 4 and 5" 6 3 and 4 3 and 4 4 RodgTville 2 and 5 Gi*ner. Tenant or ooou'nt 2 and 5 Owner Owner Owner F Son Owner Owner Owner I Owner Owner < )wner Owner 'Jwrn-r Ownei Owner Owner I'enan t Owner Tenant Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner F Son Owner K Son Owner Owner I'ennnt t i 12 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 12 12 3 5 5 12 12 5 3 2 12 1 1 1 1 12 3 3 1 3 1 12 12 occu nt I Owner I Owner I F Son 1 Owner 3 F Son 3 Owner 12 Owner 3 Owner 3 Owner | 3 Owner | 2 I occu'nt' 2 Owner I 2' l ^ «3 ^<. 5: ^1 9 Ss ^ ^ 09 1; t ^ $4* (S. ^ o- «i» r » •^ •^ ^. $j w. c& §^; t tM ?^. Co >?+. «M. 5S ^ o ^ C«M ">. ^ ' «Q oq 5S • ©- 1 b 1 . Co j 1 ?N. I o I «s 1 \ ^ ^\ o o e g !«• ^nxmb. l{ MoCnllum^John 128, iMoDonaldJamet 72 J Mo£w«*n Alezan(i«r.. 21 83 A3 84 S6 1 8.S 89 9() 12'> 823 MoLeodOeoige'. MoMaliOD John. I A t MoTnggert Alfied. 27 28 147 17 49 124 14 67 149 5 19 168 3 96 93 94 «»5 I2() 9 53 16 26 ' 24 147 lU 811 J Norlhoott '^ illiiim i Northoott John. 3 Norlhcott Roilger . . J Bri-n William J 1) Brien Patnok . O Biieii Jamet... i 0'Bri«'ii George . 'Penbale John ar... iPcnhafe Johnjr... 'Patteraon Roberr . PHttera3nJ>i))n. .. PiokanlJamea .... RoBK Gnvin iRusBflll William .. HusaeH Da- id Scult Kobnrt Hhirrn Nichol Simaon .lohn iSwenerton Jamea. SwanThoina^ Sweet Thomas i Truemner .Xmlrew J I'rodfl.Gi'orge jTHylor John 8r J Taylor John jr Tavlor Duncan , No. ot Lot or Part of Lot. ■••■•■•a I Part of 1 Hi9 18 HA 19 V ft 4 10 ^ 7 3 5 7 9 ^- S part 10 " N illMI NAN 13 12 Ifi Ift '\ 12 and 13 4 E^ lU 9 , WII4 15EAI617 W, 17 W'i6 1 Part oi 13 W 4 or £ i ofS 1 N A ot £ 1 ot 1 13 12 12 12 ' i Wirren William ......... 15 46 Wnlper Abel 4 J jWanless Wi liam ,'> J .VVhitefonl Adam 11 9 White Jamea 14 J White George 9 ' Werry rhomaa,...., Part ot 5 J Willi^ John.....'. 5 J WilhonTbomna.l...! ll 12 13 14 Conceaaion or S(r#>«*t. 4 2 Rodgerville 3 >. I 2 and 4 3 3 3 - - 3 a 1 MB \ 1 2 and 4 5 I I 6 1 3 8 3 8 4 1 2 il il Hodtferville 5 il 6 (see aub div 2) Owner, y'l'enatu or Oi'ou'nt Owner Owner .( >wnpr Tenant Owner .Owner Qwner ' 1 Owner 1 Owner 1 .Owner -| 1^ lOwner 1 Own»«r 1 Owner 1 Own«T 1 Owner \ 1 Owner' 2 Owner 'Owner Owner Ownej- Tenant 2 12 2 2 2 1 3 3 I 2 Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner oWiier -12 Owrter Tenar ( >wner 3 F .Son 3 F Sou 3 Ant "3 !ew.ier _ Owi|prf1l2 Tenant 1 Owner 3 PART TWi t Liatol persona entitled to vote at Alunioiual Eleotiona only ' 7 Bolton George Part o I | .» | .^ ; Owner... 1 Part T&RBE List o f pera op g e n ntlftt t* vo te ^ Eleotiona to the Legialative A s- aemhly only-^JTooe. -5. I r, A. ! '^^ Co O 555 — List of Voters for the Township of Hay. 1884. / , ^_«L ^ -- .. ^- .p-J - Polling Sub-Division No 2 ('omprining the Ut, 6th and 7th 0onc»>M8ionH Irom liOti 16 lo 128 inolumvc thfl 2ivi 3ni 4lh Rjnil 5th Concossiant from Lota lU to 28 lnplu^lV(^ and North fioun'lary LotD irOm 2 to 13 inoiuaive Fart Umr.-^ List ot ; ersons rntitied to vote >tt hoth Muniuipnl Eleotiong and Klflo- tione to the L< i^islntrve AaBcmhIy o ? NAMK. 1 No. of Lot Or ""Tari nf Lot. (joiujesaioi: or Street ^21 143 1U5 106 107 136 104 784 141 145 44 75 iU8i 1091 J 156 760 785 774 7tt4 804 H 81 J 793 781 S-U 823 790 804 114 157 186 _02 2U4 203 563 564 807 81)3 786 -48? I Ad^jna Edwnrd ... Bell Hobert Belt TauI'D iBell Robi'rl iBell .tohti JBell Dniiiel .... IBell .John ... . 'B«>ek Joaepli il .., Berry lumes R Berry John jBlair (ienrji*'^es , Buchanan William Buchanan WilliaDi Black veil 1 homts Bon hroii Roheri... BeCK William Bl itcliiord E'luncm Blatchtonl John sr Biatrtitoid \rthur BlalclWoi'd ohn Brown George Bi-intnell Irueinan Beek Jacob R *'aili8ie John Carrol John . . Conim Willi im ... Carlisle Robert C/U< N halt 24 .Ip9 20 E halt 22 £ A .19 / .. P S 66 67 .24 .N A27 , .*» E corner 30- ..22 21 ..21 . 21 • . Ei^E i :2l .. I' S s . N i 18 M s 213, 214 . P .S 176 176 17ft 176 M N 23 1 235 .. M S230 I .> 216 275 . P ^ 126 HenHall |4 I and 3 1 and 3 I and 3 17 14 and 5 iHen^^ftll 4 ' i3 3 5 llensati 5 Hpiisall Hen sal I liensall 'Ipnaall Hensalf Kenaall Hensall 19 - * {I ' VVS37 38 'Hensall W S 50 Hensall NMmlf24 8ha,f 25 3 Si 8N i i7 NEcr205 . 25 P .S 16 17.) . .S halt 26 . 27 N halt 26 . N halt 26 27 7 .N part 8 » 7 N |.ari « . PS 12 13 M Spt 225 . 123 124 .'P .S 71 72 E part 70 . P S tf 5 . 56 v6 and Hensall 7 N 15 IN B -^ Hensall iP S.llensall Hensall Owner, Tenant or ot'cu'nl Owner i Owner , ( )wner ' K Son ; F Soif Owni-rj Owner'i I'enanti Owner i Owner Owner Ownur I occu nt| Owner I Tenant] Qocu'ntI I tenant' Owner i Own»'r Owner 'Owner uwner Owiit-r Owner /?♦ s A 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ,Oifner jOwner 'Owner Owner owner 5 jOwner 5 F .Son iFSort [Owner |Owner Owner 11 email Hensall P S Hensall O^ner jOwner .Own e r 810 761 Cook Wilum 'P S 138 139 Co will William 9 tOwner I Tenant >\ ;-«Y. -^m- NAMK, J-:' mil 'ii II ■ii ii I Ulft, 0<*n«r«ion . or *t f» 46li, Oi'Igfi' Oeorg#,..„.., ... Oniho Ji.hii. ........ ..... iciiiiiho J«»M|»h..,.,..., . „ (iftHllO All itm*i^„,„r,,^ O'iger DavKt B UrMVfll liOUi*.,...,.^^... limiK .loliu.... .'.,,.. liailnoHo Hifnon ........ Ilnrliiiun tU-nry .;„..., ilM4«br)«Dnry ll<>yr<)oU (''>initl««)..,, llownMJohh...... ,,.i. HoWfklit BitrtholomfW fittM 506 Mi t .lohtiiitoo Tliopnns ilMOobe Holnmnn , .lenniHon Kohi'rt.';...,... .Irniimoii William....... •lolii)'oii llenry'^....,. KrugiT John.....,; KA««roh«r > 8 hair 9 S hair S half 9 W half s half 9 — Hh.iH I NhfllfT NhHif 19 H hall 19 E part 14 I. U W K KK a ' 14 14 14 14 ,14 I lift r. RK Ift I'' . '. 15 L K K I. H E L l{ E L l{ VV . Lirw NB 15 Wb L It E 19 I. \i h and W 19l< R E and W LR W Owni»r, Tenant or o*flun( Owiwr Owner Uwiie» Owner Owner I M 6 6 A (Iwner Ownei- F Nj^n Tenant r « e.tanii '^ Teniint fl lO»ner j< Jwner .Owner 'Owner (Jwneiv I' Hon Owner < ►wner Maidin-kei- St«ven ...„. N half 19 8 half 20 .viurray .\ngu«....,.i.....:N halt of 3 . Owner K .Son Owner F" Son wiier Owner Ownei Owiu't 12 No. ot Lot/ or Part- of Loft. 276 NeuBohirnnv'Ci Ji hn 277 1 NeuBchwanger John 302, 321 1 '262, 2531 733| 698j 227j, 233' Otto Henry.,.. OfBoli filenno. Pfali Henry... Pfatt' William. Prang John..., Ranitall Henry. Beiet Joel Rannie Srfmucil. KS1234567AO. 5 W corner 12 W hail 16 6 and 8 6 and 8 N half h; N part 9 W 1 10 * part 9 ' Park lot 6 20 141 154 KK 10 S part 7 IB427 l^"- Bothdemei Peter. ... Bagier Jacob Br Kagit-r Jacob jr Kummel llermaD Kunimel Frederick... Roedding Justice Roese Henry. ....^ Rupp Henry Ruedding John H iSchneil Henry ISippeJ Phlilip jSqhaetter Frederick.. J 'Sdhmidt VHndalia... . '.Schmidt AdHQ). ....... Schroeder Chriatiah . . Sohuettlt'f Fred J Steinback Daniel 8croeder William , ,^ureru8 Jacob Schluchter Dayid Sch:uchter Jacob Q. . J Sobwftim William Schwalm Henry K S 9 Paft r^ half 22 , E halt' 6 W4VV 468*7 W i W i 6 8 i 7 Spirt 17 > part 17 / E > 25 28 31 38 tart of 17 ; W part 26 .S J S J 27 Voll S 141 IM 14 44- '^ ConoeMioE or HtrMt. Owner Tenant or oeount Zurich 8 8 in lu II 8 8 2|frich 3f a V S Zurich 2urich 7 '<^ 1 10 * W bair 16 B part 28 S A 23 .S ^ 28 S ] 23 N 1 28 VollS 1(»K.S70 71 K S 70 71 N part 8 6 12 12 I artB 5 and M SI 240 41 267 PS 54 N part 27 H» W All li) W 4 21 W|21 ' Voll S 107 108 K.S6I 62 K8 83 BS2 ■-' / 11 II 9 ami 10 I 9 and 10 n l^urich / Zurich 9 7 8 and 9 ileiiBall Zurich Owner 14 Owner ! 6 Owner I 6 Owner | 6 I^8on Owner 6 6 I Owner I 6 Owner !' 6 iant| Tenant Tenant 6 6 6 6 Owner 6 Owner 6 Owner 11 Owner 6 Own«-r 6 Owner 6 Owner .6 Owner 6 FSon 6 Owner 6 Tenant 6 Owner 6 Owner 6 mit ^ /' i '1 Sippel Henry .>| 318 J 320' 676', r*2, •272'-^ 247i J 268! 27/) «:i83 3 2821 281 ' 297 74d 684 289 278 267 823 /ill 230 222| 229 579 735 742 743 747 731 694 695 248 713 724 718 '2451 Fuu Henry Fiiust Menry (), . Fau-t AdamS Fe« Walii r F«e George FauBi DnnieUS..,. Forster NioIioIhb. FuHH Coniail Ueiger Abrntn Goilsohalk Louis (lies B2rnar Gi*** i»eury ....t-t^wtt Galltnun Jncob ., ,. Gailpaati John Gtiigrich Ijafob O GhUut Hor/etiiiB Grebe il«»iiry Gray William Gulster Jubit GottHChalk Samuel, Grebe I'ttarles Hey Henry Il«y Anhn8U)n Edward ' llohi^iBton Andrew Johiiston riiomHB .lubnsion Kobert U. No. ot Lot or Part of Lot. B halt 19 B .- 7 8 9 7 N i 2) 26 27 W 4 27 V82 K rt 89 90 91 92 Silt) 23 N ) 18 • 16' PartH 24 and 25 WiSi26 W part 24 W part 24 11 B > Park 4 V .S 17 18 19 20 K E corner 6 . ri part ol 21 16 B8 I th V\ cr 12 10 I W half 6 W halt II W halt 16 KS 13 14 i5 BS56 B84 . ES II V611S13« K K W. halt SPMR 24 13 14 105 Voll S 1 17 pail 21 16 CM' .23 >24 . C KM B S part of C M / Conoasilop / or .' »tf««i - Koch John .'. Parts ot 17 and 18 Koebler Henry 12 ^ half 12 Koehlet Henry S hJB Zutnsh Zurich Zurioh Zuri<-)^ Zurich Siunch Zurioh 9 ' V A Zurich V S Zilkric^^ Zurich Zurich ] I " II ^ Zurich Zurich 10 and 1 1 11 II 11 • > ZuricH Zurich Owner, 2 I'lenanl •* I e'liant Owner P^on i0W0«r ,0|PA«r FH«n Owner 6 Owner 6 pirner <> Owner 6 OfTiier 6 Owner 1 6 owner ' 6 «^wner ' 5 Owner 1 6 Owner H lOwner 6 JFSon , 6 'owner ^ 6 Owner 6 .Owner 6 , 'Owner 1 1 lOwner ' 6 iOwner ^ 5 Owner ' 6 Owner ^ 6 Owner 6 Owner 6 Owner | 6 Owner j 6 (piin^r j 6 i^'r i « TeMntj 6 Ott ner 6 Owner 6 Owner Owner Owner l Owne r Owner 'I'enant Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner. Tenftnt <,*' ti Co W. 14 )W I! «4AM£. «22i 663 61ii J 474 392 ..9fi 431 1 634 250 052 671 644) {Keliv ThoiDH Kehl (/'hariM Klflinstiver Abel. iKMtle Chkrlea.... i MiUer tienry Miller Christoptifr. Miller ConrMii Mueller cbrMtian... lliller Uharles Messner Paul .wiujhell Joliu MoDuiialtJ Willmm.. MoCallum Dunonn., 10 N4». or Lot or P»rt of Lot. 6561 Nadigyer .Jodlried. 635 556 564 656 473 670 389 628 26.) 39 6.0 669 621 :^19 28'» 323 430 432 516 6(9 629 624 625 626 633 1)61 666 857 433 522 518 619 520 ^21 Ofiiohlt* Jacob.,. Polliok John itr. PolliolrJohn jr.. Plaircotinid I'latt Henjry..^.;.. Paine joliu X^uandt HfrmKn RaUiermel Immaiiuel iKoeder Jnoob uealcitu«yei^ bouu |Ufyno(d8 H^-nry ....... RhU Valentine iHoynoliia Wiliiatu •*•••• 'Sohat'tt'er i>aniel,../.. iSiiXi' DMnici •Sclirqeder I'redertck Sohartfe if'redeiiQk. Soiiumaober Jobn „ Scbada Philip l>mUb John..,. , Siaubua Conrad Shitlnr Wilhaiu , Siifli William , Sn»tli^Jobu 8(ih^rtte Frederick , Soiiroeder .^ujrust Scbrueder Jacub ar.., . '8«tbr0e>tei- Jacob Jr KKbuaiaeber • taartea ,., Taylor Jobn 3C„... ...^. I'l urnbull Oeorgo 'i'urnbull Tboibas Turnbull Robert. Part2U 8 1 9 2(1 15 W half 6 s i 6 N part 7$ part 8 Part 28 5 K8I ^ 3«i \ PMi;t 23 Ei27 -^ ^ ^^ i S 4 3 part 23 3.^ 'i 31 I / 25. I ./ 5 W part 3(5 .S44(/ Part 2$ 3 and 4 N |4 Partaf20 17 Wbairw bairSS £ h«,f 17 .3 .4 ha,f f hail 4 / Tuijobuli William 26 I9< PiM-t2S 2lj . 22 ^ . . Pii«t23 W halt 2)» WiWi308|31 |W i W }3USA31 N47 32 W part 28 ' 29 £ part 21 29 £ part 28 31 ConooMlon or MtriMt SB SB H' H Diiahwood HB 16 1 14 '14 (Meaub-divSV il5 ^ SB ^ / 10 / ■ Daabwood / tin fib KB 13 SK LK W LRW SB 16 8fi 14 / 0«rn«r, Tenant or occu'nt 'Owner Owner / Owner / Owner {Tenant, |< iwner lOwner Own««r Owner Owni-r 'Ownei ■Owner IVnant i 11 11 11 H 11 II 11 11 II 11 li li> II ietiamt i> Ow4^r 111 8B lu 14 S-fl ' ' -B 8B 9 U 12 15 16 LRE SB f^B SB SB 8B SB 8B SB SB 16 LRE LHB LRE LRJ;; LRS^ ^^.: 0*rn«'r FSon* Owner Owner Owner ipwner ""--"•'Oirner jOivner Owner iVnant Owner Owner owner Owner Own^r Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner {Owner IF Sun I Owner |Own«r Owner Tenant Tunahi Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner 10 li) H 11 10 I 11 II li 11 11 lU 11 11 U 11 li It' 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 n IT 11 6 10 iU 10 10 10 NAMB. 21. No. oi Lot or Part or Loi. Voelk^r demy 5 Voelker Johi 5 Voelker William., F 8 22 23 Willet Henry ,,... W half 27 iVeber Jacob sr. 6 Weher Jacob jr .*. 9 JWalper August '. 3 Wagner Juitioe '8 bart 7 Conceuioc or Street, I Own^r. J IVnani •• oo«unt " VViegand Loreiits...'^ VTildrong Daniel Wild Alexander .: „. , ^, |WJHert ifi part 26 Willet John •r.,.„.„„.tE hall 29 Nhalf3 8haU4 16 .. Part 24 Willet John jr.. Wei tin £!d ward. VV pact2ti PS4 12 12 SB SB l|2 {12 ll*S 15 < SB ,SB SB Sir — Pat^iibd ^ lEB^^^'^-^^P-^^^^^^^^ iOwner Owner Owner OwniT Own» I' F Son Own«r Owner Ot»ner Owner Own»«r Own«r Owif«»r Owner Tenant II :i 11 f u 11 11 11 11 1: 'u 11 11 11 11 11 Brenner Alice, •..FS22 • no»i,'»: ' 1 Owner (0, Owner Owner Ownrr li 11 11 .\8- CRil0A.:E»IXXJ^!A.TI0'3Sr ■ i. 11! Polling SabDivisioo No. 1 122' * " ' '• 2 ^-...'i84 ; '- •• 3 179 " •' " " 67 ' « II (I u 5. 6. Total. .13^ .lOM .787 Part 3r .'Ju'rora U Vj U 71 '% 29 35 31 '319 Oa33=^XinO-A.XE - ^^^o'^l^^^^i^^ZSS^U^^^^^^ ^^'-ty or Hur-* Hat Tor the jLtAfid ^lll^et^onuann^LL^lh^ "' Jonat tate^ a cofrect the Mid muWalUy, i» i'S ^rieiament K«ii <;»• tiye Asaeubly, and thai maUOn^d rioi^Htii^u^^ for member* or the Legi,ia- all peiaoh. aJ^e-Vmg by^S^«^ ■aid iqaDiotpality. 7 ^^ "'▼oie at Munioipai electioiw'iit And 1 hereby call upon all eleotors to 'isamme tbe aaid li«t imi ir .^-„ 4(rrpr» 4iorreote«l according to iaw^ Patedtiua 24tb daj of July, 1884. To^naiiip pierj^ Zurich P.O. :> I--.- JCMH Collection de microfiches - (monographies) ■■^r *•„ - . ''■ Car .-.; ■■ , -''Si-'; ^n InstituM W Hlltorical MIcrb^imKluctlons /Inititut caiui*^ <»• rtilcrora^toductlons hJttorlqufs y. "<, -* N 3 ll 647 4iy 471 6(0- 39V' 438 439 47r>i J 476 526| 6()4,J 477' 421 425 502 601, J 595 J 18 T' "'Jt- No. ot Lot or Part of I«ot. Conoeaition OP Nireei .Oirner, ? rren«nt •• ! .or: ui'ou qt OBrieii RosWell |h |8 Oeaoti Jncnb 26 lOesch Joiteph N hnli 27 Ovfrholt .)am<'« « IihII 13 iPliile Benjamin ||() Phil** llonry sr..., Phile Ueniy jr...., PoUii-k Jam» 8. ., ,Poliiuk WilliHDa. P.ipiiieiiu .lohopb. Pullick Samu«l,.. li'oliuck G«M>rj»e.. |HainBeyi-iv.Jobii,, iKunaaeyer J(>»epri jKegttn hranuiH.,., KuHh Wtlliam U ith Joiiii iRoefle Henry, [■'helby Ueniy ••••••••k* ISteinbuQk Hnnry... iSwazv Samuel Schnell John II.... Slittiz Jacob ,... Sobuouii ChriBtlan Soldan Jpbn H tichniiiJt Andoew... Sleljk demy Spe-noer David..,,.. SurfruH David....... Sf liars Alexander.. Stevens W iliiam ... Surerua Benjamin.. Taylor Robert Taylor James Trettry Samuel I'ltntZf Daniel InimnTr Wieganti Trimner I onrnd .. jTiuel Henry 4i5 418, *'M 426^' 441 446 44S 469, 472. 497 504' 50) J 527 405< 550 549 501 470 4I1| 449' 450 464' 396 J iVidour John N half 8 S iiiiU I -2 £ part 1 1 halt 12 £ )>art 11 3 ^halt'N hall 2 S hull 31) 3 Part 26 .S hall 27 W pan 13 15 £ halt W hall 29 N hall 30 and 25 N iiail 23 ^ hall 23 24 Part 25 28 13 1^ W pnit 16 Centre part 17 N hill I 26 , Paitsol Hand II Parts 15 and 1(^ 21 S hall 2 IJ 21 22 21 22 N halt' 14 REandW B B (see^fiub dtv 4 14 14 Id 15 I.-. 15 15 L K K & L K W LRK <5wti# I Ownwr Owner Owner Owner lUwiier lOwner ,0»»ner IF Son joivUflr lOwher If Son |0«ner Owner Owner Owner O^rner Owner Owner j Owner Tenant, Owtier I Owner ( ''Owner I Owner Owner ■ Owner ; Ownef ' Owncif Owner W hall 20 18 IS Wi20' I'hiel Andrew Centre part 20 136 508 5iO 514 516 545 548 405' WamboltAbram 10 Wright I'eter 20, f W|jTiamB Richard w'halt 22 Woods Henry D |25 491 489_ 499 Wilson Williams Wilson David 'Vmegarden Daniel... Widmer Charles,. 17 1 I? L RE 5 il4 15 ,15 115 116 L R E . LRE \l. RE- |LRE&^W |LRE& W ,LRW I^RE. I 6 6 9 6 6 ti 8 8 8 8- 8 6 6 9 fi... 8 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 tr 6 9 d Ovirner Owiier Qwner owjier Owner Owner K.Son renatn Ie.»ant f [Tenant Owtaer iTenant 'Owner {Owner If Son Owner Ownt'P 6 9 9 6 6 6 6 6 6 . 17 20 PAHTTwvv r •;••;— ^^P**"^'.^*!"^* '^"*- - ^wi T> J 1 wo -List 01 persons entitjed to vote at Cviunipiual Elections only Bender John J) Pari N H*ft 11 I, R J Owner « Shiriat Peter I'art of9^ LRE oZZ 8 lleyrock Oswald Part 12 l£e > UwneJ 9 •emily on'lf-No^oe ^*" °' ''*"°"" ***"**** *" *°'*'' Elections to tbe LeK.*lative A.. ■:i' >A' riS.,»«*SiS.i»rfci6tSiCTi ■..• '\ ■•....■■ ^ .',■.■•■■.■■'.' ■',' ■'■■''■'■'■■'■',■ ■-■■/!•■■ '-'^ .■..■■■■.." ■'■;'■ •.■■ ■ .;■ ' ■■ .■'./:■■■■;;.. «..,;-, _ . *** • ; .' ■■' ■ . ■ ■ ...■■■ T" ^ ■ ■■ ■ ■'." . ■•■■!. i « : Colourad ink (i.a.'othar than bhia or Maefcr/ Encra da coulaur e de depart de la livraison □ MastI Gene Masthead/ Generique (periodiques) de la livraison a Additional comments:/ Commentairas supplementaires: Leaf 19 is missing^ ^ This Item is filmed at the reduction ratio checked below/ Ce document est |ilme au'taux de rMuction indiqu* ci-dessous. 10X 14X " 18X sy 26 X 30X ^ 12X 16X 20X 24X 28X 32 X ■;:--A!-/.; ^mv;'- Th« e«py nim«d h«r« h«i bMn rtprpduoMl ththlia to tfHi gtncroahy of : •■ ■ ■■■ . ■■■'-■■■''::' './■ .. ,.;■»•;■- . ■ .; .■ ^■^■•v^ArchlvHofblrt«lo;^.:;.v:*■ ■..' 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