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Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent §tre filmds d des taux de reduction diffdrents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul ciich6, il est filmd d partir de Tangle sup6rieur gauche, de gauche d droite. et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images ndcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. 1 2 3 32X 1 2 3 4 5 6 /) CcuTLc^t' . l^.inu^ C^ I ii^ om A MANUAL OF THE LAW OF Registration of Titles TO REAL ESTATE IN Manitoba and the North-West Territories. BY LOUIS WILLIAM COUTLEE., Barrister-at-Law. TORONTO : CARSWELL & Co., LAW PUBLISHERS. 1890. Entered according to Act of the Parliament of Canada, in the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety, by Cabswell & Co., in the office of the Minister of Agriculture. PBINTED BT Thoj. Moobe & Co., Law Printers 22 & 24 Adelaide St. East, TORONTO. PREFACE. ouBand [inister THIS manual of the Eeal Property Acts of Manitoba and the North- West Territories is intended to present the Laws in a form more convenient for reference than that in which they appear in the statute books ; to which have been added an analytical index, tariffs, forms, and some notes on the Provisions of the Statute in relation to the Land Titles OflBces in Manitoba based on the practical experience of the author during the time he was Kegistrar- General for the Province under the Real Property Act of 1885 and its amendments. But few cases of any import- ance relating to these Acts have been decided, and fewer still have been reported, so that as yet we cannot be said to have any settled jurisprudence on the subject. Such cases as have been decided are referred to after the sections to which they particularly relate, and notes from a few Australian cases have been also introduced ; but no attempt has been made to apply the decisions of other colonial courts to these statutes, the author considering it best to abstain as far as possible from making suggestions regarding interpretation, except where our Canadian courts or the practice of our Land Titles Offices have decided as to construction. An Introductory Analyiis of the Act has been given, con- sidering under their pioper heads the different subjects treated of in dispersed portions of the Acts, which it is hoped may assist in the examination and application of the pro- visions of the new laws that have so revolutionized gen- erally accepted ideas of conveyancing. In the compilation of this treatise the author has freely availed himself of much useful matter contained in Mr. IV PREFACE. Thomas a'Beckett's work on the Transfer of Land Statute of Victoria, and Mr. Herhert G. Jones* work on the "Torrens' System " of Transfer of Land in Canada. To both these gentlemen this acknowledgment is due, and reference must still be had to their works for much valuable material which it has not been considered advisable to include in this manual, designed rather as a handy book of the Statutes than a dissertation upon their principles. The author has not deemed it useful to enter into a discussion upon the merits and advantages of the system of registration of titles considered with reference to the in- dexing and transfer of real property. The merits of the new system have been admitted in Canada when it was practi- cally applied by the Legislatures of British Columbia, Manitoba and Ontario, as well as by the Dominion Parlia- ment, through the enactment of statutes dealing with the subject in these Provinces and the North-West Territories. Similar systems are in operation in parts of Great Britain and Ireland and in most of the British Colonies and possessions in the Pacific ; also in Turkey in Europe, in Prussia, in Hesse-Darmstadt and Zurich, and especially in the last-mentioned communities have the highest com- mendation from juridical writers. The author can but add his humble appreciation of the system, as being much preferable to mere registration of deeds. The Torrens' sys- tem is the most important of all modern land reforms, and, as was said by an eminent English writer, in the Fortnightbf Review, April, 1885 (referring to Lord Cairns' Act, 1862), it deals a death blow to the old doctrine which depended on the theory that land was not to be dealt with freely, and renders real estate as negotiable as any other property. Those desiring to become better informed on the subject of land transfer and registration by title are referred to the following list of magazine articles and publications in addition to that above referred to : \ in \ PREFACE. V Land Reformera, by the Duke of Argyle, in The Contem- jiorary Review of April, 1885 ; Question of Land, Rt. Hon. G. Shaw Lefevre, Nineteenth Century, October, 1885 ; Transfer of Land, Howard W. Elphinstone, Law Quarterly Jlevieiv, January, 1886 ; An American View of the English Land Problem, John Swanu, National lUvieiv, January, 1886 ; The Laws Relating to Land, Sir J. F. Stephen, National Review, February, 1886 ; Free Land, Rt. Hon. Lord Hobhouse, Contemporary lienew, Part L, February, and Part IL, March, 1886 ; Registration of Title to Land, Thos. Kay, Law Quarterly Bevietv, July, 1886 ; Registration of Title to Lard, editorial Westminster Review, July, 1886. British Parlimentary Reports : Second Report of the Real Property Commissioners, 1832 ; Report of the Registration and Conveyancing Com- missioners of 1850 ; Report of the Commissioners appointed to consider the subject of Registration of Title with reference to the Sale and Transfer of Land of 1857 ; Report of Special Committee of the House of Com- mons on Land Titles and Transfer of 1878-9. Handy Book on the Registration of Title and Transfer of Land, F. Hoare Colt, London. Remarks on the Land Transfer Question (1873) and Supplementary Suggestions (1885), F. Hoare Colt. Lord Cairns' Land Transfer Act of 1875 ; The Reform in the English Land System, Hon. G. C. Broderick, London, 1883 ; Chapter X. on Classification of Property, from " Early Law and Custom," Henry Sumner Maine, London, 1883. f Ti PREFACE. Article on " Registration," Encyclop Bringing Land under the Act H Registered Titles 12 Transfers 17 Transmissions by Death or Insolvency 20 Leases 21 Easements 23 Mortgages and Charges 23 Powers of Attorney 27 Jurisdiction of the Court of Queen's Bemh 2H Caveats 31 Rights of Creditors against Registered iNTKUi^is .... 33 Remedies for Loss of Rights 34 The Territorial Act 30 PART IL The Real Property Act of 1889 ; (Manitoba Statute, 52 Victoria, cap. 16) with Notes thekeon and Forms 39 I J TABLE OF CONTENTS. PART III. PAGE. The Territories Eeal Property Act ; (Hevised Statutes of Canada, cap. 51) as amended up to 31st December, 1889, with Notes thereon and References to the Manitoba Real Property Act of 1889 211 APPENDIX. Manitoba Statute 53 Victoria, cap. 5, being An Act to Amend " The Real Property Act of 1889," WITH Notes thekeon and References to the Amended Statute 291 Index 305 TABLE OF CASES. Andrews v. Bonnin, 197. Archer v. Fitzgerald, 174. Archibald v. Archibald, 185. Archer v. Fotheringham, 198, 201. Atty.-Gen. v. Hoggan, 185. Aylwin, ex parte, 186. Aynard v. Belmonte, 194. Austral ip.n Dep. & Mtg. Co. v. Lord, 132, Bannerman, re, 73, 79, 93, 94, 168. Baird v. Morrice, 181. Badgley v. McCarthy, 194, 195, 301. Belmonte v. Aynard, 194. Benny v. Holmes, 53. Berryman v. Kenwick, 123, 126, 297. Bissell, ex parte, 43, 186, 192. Biggs, re- 178. " V. Waterhouse, 178. Bond, ex parte, 175, 177. Bowman, ex parte, 175. Bonneau fe Wishart, 195. Bonnin v. Andrews, 197. Brady v. Brady, 199. Brown, ex parte, 182. " V. Stoughton, 107. Bucknall v. Keid, 109, 205. Burt V. Clarke, 105. Butcher v. Henderson, 55. Campbell v. Janet, 178. Capper v. Chisholm, 107. Chisholm v. Capper, 107. Clarke v. Burt, 105. Clarke v. Scott, 195. Com. Col. Co. of Man. & M. & N. W. By,, d2. Conklin v. Farmers, etc., 123, 126, 297. Colonial Bk. of Australasia v. Pie, 136. Colonial Bank v. Eoach, 159. " " & Hassett, 197. Cunningham, ex parte, 43. (Rep. p. 402, Jones' Torrens System.) Cuthbertson v. Swan, 103, 110. Daugherty, ex parte, 174. Delaney v. Hyde, 108. Farmers, etc., v. Conklin, 123, 126, 297 Fitzgerald v. Archer, 174. Fleming & Howard, 71, 216. Folk, ex parte, 174, 176. Fotheringham v. Archer, 198, 201. Furlong v. Latch, 158. Gait V. Kelly, 127. Gerraghty v. Russell, 186. Gibson & Massey, 101. " & Herbert, 103, 120, 298. Girard & Lejour, 51. Gibbs & Oakden, 200. Glass & McArfhur, 187. Green & Shore, 206, 229, 244, 247, 298. Grave v. Wharton, 107. Greig v. Watson, 147. Grant v. Hunter, 301. Gurney E. & C. Co. in re, 82. Gunn V. Harvey, 178. " ex parte, 186,192. Hand-in-Hand, etc., Co. & Nat. Bk. of Australasia, 103, 147, 154, 158, 159. Harvey v. Inglis, 155. Xll TABLE OP CASES. iii! Hassall, ex parte, 158. Hayes & London Chartered Bank, 113, 145, 159. Harvey & Gunn, 178. Hammill & Wiggins, 209. Hamilton & Stockdale, 185. " ex 2}iirte, 18&. Hassett v. Colonial Bank, 197, 198. Herbert & Gibson, 103, 120, 298. Henderson & Butcher, 55. Hitchcock V. Way, 55. Hoggan & Attorney-General, 185. Hodgson V. Hunter, 181, 18G, 192. Holmes & Benny, 53. Hunter & Hodgson, 181, 186, 192. Howard * Fleming, 71, 21(5. Henty & McCahill, 103. Hunter & Grant, 301. Hyde v. Delaney, 108. Inglis & Harvey, 155. Irish, re, 70, 77, 78, 86, 130, 205, 242. Jackson & McPherson, 107, 182. Janet v. Campbell, 178. Johnson, ex parte, 42, 131. Johnson, R. v., 182. Jones v. Park, 43. Jones v. Richards, 113. Joyce v. Scarry, 127, 181. Kelly & Gait, 127. Kieth & Robertson, 108, 136. Kickham v. The Queen, 159. Lange v. Rudwalt, 103. Latch v. Furlong, 158. Lejour & Girard, 51. Lewis, re, 71, 73, 75, 94, 168, 169. London, etc., & Restall, 55. London Chartered Bank v, Hayes, 113, 145, 159. Lord V. Australian Dep. & Mortg. Co., 132. Maddison v. McCarthy, 136. Man. & N. W. Ry. & Com. Col. Co., 82. Mannsell & Patchell, 145. Massey Mfg. Co. & Gibson, 101. " " re, 82. Murchison, re, 293. Mitchell V. Murphy, 108. Morrice v. Baird, 181. Moss v. Williamson, 178. (Hep. p. 407, Jones' Torrens System. Mundy v. Prowse, 251. Murphy v. Mitchell, 108. McArthur v. Glass, 187. McCahill v. Henty, 103. McCarthy v. Badgley, 194, 195, 301. McCarthys Maddison, 13(i. McCooey, K. v., 182. McDonald v. Rowe, 154. McKenny v. Spence, 53. i McPherson A Jackson, 107, 182. McPhillips & Wolf, 195. National Bank v. United Hand-in-Hand, etc., 103, 147, 154, 158, 159. Nathan, re, 113. Nixon V. Scott, 108. Oakden v. Gibbs, 200. Park V. Jones, 48. Patchell V. Mannsell, 145. Patterson, ex parte, 88, 174, 176, 177, 179. Pennington, ex parte, 174. Pie & Colonial Bank, 136. Prowse & Mundy, 251. R. V. Kickham, 159. R. V. McCooey, 182. R. V. Johnson, 182. Renwick v. Berryman, 123, 126, 297. Reid & Bucknall, 109, 205. Restall v. London, etc., 55. Richards v. Jones, 113. Roach & Colonial Bank, 159. Rob Rob Ro\ Rue Rus Sau Sea: Scoi Sha Sho: Sms Spei Stoii Star Stoc Swa TABLE OF CASES. Xlll Robs v. Victorian Per. Bldg. Socy, 157. Robertson v. Kieth, 108, 136. Rowe & McDonald, 154. Rudwalt & Lange, 103. Russell & Gerraghty, 186. Saunders & Wadham, 109, '248. Scarry v. Joyce, 127, 181. Scott V. Nixon, 108. " & Shaw, 138. " & Clarke, 195. Shaw V. Scott, 138. Shore v. Green, 200, 229, 241, 247, 298. Smart, ex parte, 173. Spence & McKinney, 53. Stoughton V. Brown, 107. Starke, ex parte, 177. Stockdale v. Hamilton, 185. Swan V. Cuthbertson, 103, 110. Thompson, re, 217, 218, 238, 244. United Hand-in-Hand Co. & Nationa Bank, 103. Vermette, re, 51. Victorian Per. Bldg Society & Roach, 157. WadhamJA Saunders, 109, 248. Waring|v. Ward, 132. Waterhouse & Biggs, 178. Watson & Greig, 147. Way & Hitchcock, 55. Wharton & Grave, 107. Wiggins & Hammill, 209. Williamson & Moss, 178. {Eep. p. 407, Jones' Torrenx Si/ stem. Wishartjv. Bonneau, 195. Wolf V. McPhillips, 195. m ADDITIONS AND COEKECTIONS. Note references to Appendix at each m:tion of the R. P. Act of 1889 amended hij Cap. 5 of 53 Vict. (Man.) Page viii -Insert the word " in " b3tween the words " useful " and "prac- tice in the laat line of Preface. ■1j -Sixth line, for " section " read " subsection." 40 --Note after sub-sections 22 and 2G references to the "Queens- lana Act of 1861, where corresponding provisions appear." (54 -Make clause 3 of the form of affidavit agree with the third clause of second form on page 81. 70 -After section 27 note reference to "49 Vict. cap. la." ^^~;V*^oo^?" "^' "°*^ i-eference to "sec. 52 post and 46 and 47 Vict. Cap, Jo, 73 -Note after second paragraph that "53 Vict. cap. 19, wh'ch came into force 31st March, 1890, made provision for the appointment of an 'Official Administrator'." '^''~^lll ^\' ^^""^f ':^fer.en°es to sees. 2, 18, and 152 (repealing clauses), and their effect as to the creation of estates tail "'^'^~the"wOTd'" -^"^-^ ^"" ^*°^ ^^'^"^ " ^°^^°^«'^-" »"^ capital " I " for ^^"~fm,rtl7line "°*^ ^^^^^«"°« " («) " i» t^e fifth line to the end of 12r.-Side note, sec. 23, for "power of attorney" substitute "copies." ^^^ "r^elT " devfsesT™* '^''' " "^''''^' "= ^'''' ^^' ^^' " ^^^^^'^ " 131 -Line 25, for " Victorian. No " read " Victoria, no." " 1(57 -Line 15, for " Offi3er " read " Office." 172— Line for " financiary " read " fiduciary." 241 -Line 11, for " confine " read " confirm." Pre ticj wai in the and use the titk inn; Thii (the ting "01 Cert by 1 auth regis title clisp( («) INTRODUCTORY ANALYSIS OF TIIK "NEW SYSTEM" OF TITLE REGISTRATION. When the Manitoba Legislature enacted " The Real Property Act of 1885," of which the Act of 1889 is prac- tically a consolidation, the preamble recited that the Act was passed " to j^ive certainty to th^ title to estates in land in the Province of Manitoba, and to facilitate the proof thereof, and also to render dealinfjs with land more simple and less expensive." These are the same words as were used in the preamble of theVictorian Act, and, as in that Act, the objects aimed at are two-fold. Firstly, certainty of title and facility of proof ; and, secondly, simplicity in deal- ing with land brought under the operation of the statute. This first result is obtained under the " New System " (the term used in the Real Property Act of 1889 to dis- tinguish the system of registration by title from the "Old System"' of registration by deed) by issuing a Certificate of Title, which is a special document provided by the Act that has the eijfect of declaring by statutory authority that the person therein mentioned as being the registered owner of the specified estate, ha& an indefeasible title thereto as against all the world, (a) and consequently dispensing with the series of documents theretofore neces- (a) Sees. 64-67, 85, 133, 142, 143 and 147. 2 MATTKKS OF TITLK. sary as evidence of title shewing the changes in owner- ship from the original grant, and at each change giving rise to enquiry as to the validity of the conveyance, the expense and professional skill heing of necessity increased with every link in the chain of title. Under the old system an unwilling purchaser might in most cases indefinitely multiply technical ohjections and eventually, after much tedious delay, have a perfectly safe-holding title rejected as unmarketahle ; and even if he failed in doing so, the inves- tigation made on his hehalf was never conclusive, and the same expense and annoyance might be repeated with addi- tions on the occasion of every transaction respecting the land, going repeatedly over the same ground and causing much delay, for each solicitor called in to pass the title had to test every link in the chain of title for himself and assume the responsibility of passing it. Under the " new system " the Examiners of title in the Land Titles Office make one investigation final and conclusive, (h) and have special powers to facilitate their examination (f) into matters of title which greatly diminish the expense of an ordinary solicitor's investigation, and have also the great advantage under special provisions of the Act that although there may be technical defects in the title which would otherwise render it unmarketable, yet if the applicant can shew such a title as would secure him from ejectment, or what is known among lawyers as a " safeholding " title, (d) the defects are cured by the issue of a certificate of title, unless personal fraud or misrepresentation, in which the person named as registered owner in the existing certificate has knowingly participated, can be distinctly established, (e) In cases where titles have become clouded or affected by claims or liens of a doubtful or irregular character, these can be at very small expense removed by estoppel (b) Sees. 43 and 44. (c) Sees. 49-57 and 108. {d) Sch. S, R. 3, 8. 26. (e) Sees. G4 and 85. [:i'i ALIKNATION. 8 giving? notices specially provided by tlio Act, (/*) which may ho served on adverse claimants and their interests suiuniarilv and inexpensively dispensed of. The second aim of the Statute, simplicity in dealing with lands when once they have been made subject to its operation, is ensured by an essential uniformity enforced by the Statute, in all instruments of a similar class (ft) according to short forms prescribed, but which may be modi- fied by express stip .lation (//) of the parties; and by the statutory provision suspending all change of proprietorship until registration has been effected. (?) Every regular instrument intended to atTect lands, subject to the new system, when signed by tlio proprietor, and duly attested, is made effective as a direction to the registrar to make the necessary transfer or change, ( J ) but until duly regis- tered no effect is given to the instrument in so far as the lands are concerned, it merely gives rise to rights between the parties, but no estate in the lands passes until regis- tration has been duly effectef^ by the proper ))ublic officer (/i), and he can act only according to the provisions of the Statute. The title to the lands mentioned in the cer- tificate being guaranteed as indefeasible by the Government, the warrantor is thus given the right of being made cogniz- ant of every act by which, in any way, it is intended to be modified or affected. (/) As a consequence of this necessary restriction placed upon the alienation of lands under the operation of the new system, the entry of any memorial respecting trusts is forbidden to be made in the register (m), and except in the case of personal fraud, no one can be affected by notice (/)Sec9. 52andS7. dl) Sec. 77. (/() Sec. 144. (0 Sec. 74. U ) Sec. 81 (A-) Sec. 74. (I) Sch. S. r. IG, s. 2G, and sees. 08 (5) 7G and 77. (m) Sec. 8G. TUL'HTH. of any trust or unregiHtored interest respeetinf^ Hiich lands (»), and the knowledge of any hucIi truHt or interest shall not of itself he inipiiled as fraud, (o) Trusts, how- ever, are not aholi.shed under the new system, they may exist as hetween the parties, and the trust deed may he deposited in the Land Titles OfVice for safe custody and reference, hut the responsihility of enquiring,' as to trusts is shifted from the purchaser, and it now rests upon the heneficiary to take means to protect his interests aj^'ainst improper dealings hy lodging a caveat, or hy taking proceedings for the removal of the trustee. {}>) The system under which trusts are enforced hy Courts of Pjquity has not heen disturhed [q) nor has an attempt heen made to prevent the enforcement of claims against actual or constructive trustees, hut under the new system a person does not hecome a trustee merely hecnuse he holds trust property. The ohligation has heen made personal to the trustee himself, and the />o/ Iiinds iilTrcitod worn Hituatod, to l)o thereafter (U'alt witli as if they hu lughts- inun and clorku iipi)oiiitiMl for oiurh district. (./) Every district Il('«,'istriir or deputy ilistrict Uej^iHtrar under tlio new system must lie (dtlier a barrister or an attorney in the Courts of the Province of NIanitoha. (//) Thoro is also an " Inspector" for the Province, (/<) which olVice is at present coinhined with that of the District Registrar for tlie Land Titles District of Winnipeg. In the Territories (/) the Governor General of Canada in Council h'.is tiu) estahlislnneiit of a LandTith.'s Ollice within each district, and the niipointment of the *' Registrar " to conchict tlu! husinoHS of the oflice with such assistants and clerks as are necessary, and as the Governor in Council from time to tim(> api)oints, including a dejiuty to act in case of the death, illness, or absence from his olVice of tlie registrar. The iiualilication recpiired of a Registrar is that he shall he a barrister or advocate of at least three years, standing in one of the provinces of Canada. The oflicials both in Manitoi)a and the Territories are required to give security for the faithful performance of tlieir duties, (/) they are prohibited from practicing as con- veyancers, etc., and are indemnified for acts done in the discharge of the duties of their otlice. (A:) The Land Titles OlHces in Manitoba are open to the public from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. ; (l) those in the Territories from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. (in) The Manitoba offices are directed to open ai:d close by standard time. (/) The Lieutenant-Governor in Council has the power to make rules, etc., under the Manitoba Act, («) while the Governor General in Council exercises similar powers in the Territories, (o) (f) Sees, 6. 7 and 15. {q) Sees. 5 and 7. (/i) Sec. 6. (i) T. sees. 21-23. (j) M. sec. 8 . T. Bees. 26 and 27. (k) M, Sees. 20 and 23 ; T. Beci. 31 and 32. (/) Sec. 24. (m) T. sec. 33. (k) Sec. 26. (o) T. sec. 132. 8 BRINGING LAND UNDER THE ACT. Upon tlie introduction of these Eeal Property Acts in Manitoba and the Territories it appears to have been con- sidered necessary to embody amon<;8t their provisions certain amendments of the general law respecting lands whether they were or were not subject to the new system of registration, (p) Practical experience has shewn that it might have been better to have made these provisions the subject of a special statute, and they have been and still are matters of considerable differences of opinion. These alterations of the law are noticed under the sections of the statute by which they have been effected ; on reference to the notes some of the difficulties which they have created will become apparent. I BRINGING LAND UNDER THE ACT. The manner of bringing lands under the operation of the Act in Manitoba is similar to that provided by the Act of 1885, except that there is now no necessity of registering a certificate of the filing of the application to close any other office against registrations aifecting the land sought to be made subject to the new system, both systems being combined under the same administration. The District Registrar upon receipt of the application simply notes the filing upon the Abstract Book kept by him under the system of registration of deeds, and the filing of the application has at once the effect of preventing any fur- ther registrations under the old system affecting the lands therein mentioned, {a) No lands become subject to the new system until such an application has been filed, and no (p) Man. sees. 27-3i, and T. sees. (a) Sec. 42. 5-17, A\ BRINOINd LAND [TNI>RU THK ACT J Acts in been con- •ro vision 8 ng lands kV system r'n that it iions the anil still ;. These ns of the erenoe to e created )n of the e Act of jistering ose any 1 soucrht as heing )lication hy him filing of my fur- e lands the new and no \1 application can be filed for lands not included within the limits of some one of the Land Titles Districts, (o) All applications must, except in special cases, he in writing and sgned by the owner of the estate or interest in the land or his duly constituted agent or attorney, (c) and should request the District liegistrar to register the title under the rew system. The nature of the estate or interest, its value, the description of the property, the deeds held hy applicant, and the encumbrances, if any, which affect the land should be clearly stated, as well as adverse claims through occupa- tion or otherwise if there are any of which the applicant may be aware. The substantial correctness of all the alle- gations in the application is also required to l)e proved ( Tiriil.H. the HiniKi lu'imlty, in tlio event of any diHolx-diencc, hh HuhpcrniiH of Huoli ('oiirt. (0 hoiihtful nifitti^iHof liiw or fact njiiy bo I'ofcntMl by thc^ Dintriet Hcf^iHtiar for tbo opinion of the (lourl, or ii .liidtrc, [ii) and uncortain or dilVuMilt quoHtioiiH of aibniniHtriiition can Ixi roforrcd by biin to a Judf:;iHlration of title the deeds, inHtninuMilH and eviibMice of title I'lled jire r(;tained in the liand Titles Olliee, bnt where deculw relate to other property than that l)roiight nnder the new HyHteui, thoy may in the disercition of the Dintrict Kef^istrar be returned ui)on olVice eo[)ie8 i)eing made to roniain of record with tho application. KECilSTKKKD TITLKS. A Oortihcate of Title dates from the time of re;j;istra- tion, that is, so soon as it has been enfj;rossod in tl'o register and the oriienioriMl of the last regist(U-ed vMcumbrance becomes the date [h) of the cortilicate ; the certificate must be in the form prescribed by the Act, and sealed with the •oHicial seal, and tho duplicate in the register must be pre- served by the District Registrar for reference in his olilice. (c) As the proprietor's interest is altered by dealings or other registrations affecting the land, memorials are made upon tho duplicate, (d) which always shews the exact nature of the title of the registered owner, except in so far as it (/) Sees. G8 (1). ('2), (3) and 124. (m) Sec. 119. (f) Sec. 120. (a) Soc. 58. (h) Soc. 01. (c) Sees. (iOand 147. (d) Sec. r)8aii(l Uule9l3-17, Sell. S. sec. 2(5. m UF.(»lKTKKi;i» TITf.KS. la iiinvl)'' iilTrctcil I»y t^ciicral lioiiH rcHiiItiiii^ from tli(! rr^i^intra- tioii of jmlj^MicJitH, M(:(ili(iMicH |ji(;nn and Hf) forth, (a) or <;\(M'uti()Msr()}^iHt(;r(Ml and krjtt in forcouncUfr tlio AdininiHtra- iioM of JiiHti('(! Act. (_/') I'Wory ownor Ih (iuiitlcid toliavoliirt cHtiiif! or int ii im'.h. 0(>V|MMiilions ; M. ('(irliJiciHcM iHHiicd tm ImmI iririHl-riilinn jniil oIliiMH (icrivt'il llnouf'ji |1h> npitliciinl owiicf. im> void IIH a^MinsI (111' n;;lilM(>r ixisonw jnlvcisclv niDcdiiil nc(Mi|)ii ti(Ui. MHil rudllcil li> the l;n\tl or iiny \v.\r\ ol' il ;il llit> diiic <>!' siicli lirsl n';;isli!iii«Mi. iMoviilcd such ticfiiinil loii jm still oonlinuni;; mI llic (imr of llic i 'smc id' Ihc miiI»mi'(|ii('mI (■cilili- Tlic (•(M{Hii'!\ir is^uctl tit (he proprietor iiml tlinl inrscrvcd in lli<^ r(\ij;is((M' mvc hoili oti;;iniil doi'MincntH. luii Die oik' l\('pt hv tilt' Pistiict HcojislrMi' lionnd up in llic IJci^^inlcr HooK is cnllcil jlic diiidit'fitc. [n'^ 'V\\o (M'rtilicMic is con- clusive evident'e ii\ evcrv couil of luw or cipnty UimI. tlu^ re;:;is((M'ed owner li;is m vnlid till(^ foi- (li(> estiit.e or int(M"esl, e for speeilie )>ei'l'i>rM\!nie(' M^niiiHl, w, pt'rHon wlio ni!iy bnve oonlraeli^l for (lie purcliMHi^ of (lie Ifind. (<•) His (i(le (o (111' es(:\(e or interest is pMnnnonnt. (suvin}^ in (be ense oii fraud and of (he iin|ilied certi(ica((' is an absolute bar and eslojipel (o any ac(ion of ejectment, or ioY ll'.c rec(>very oi tbe land a.i^ainst tbo rej^istered own(3r except under special circumstances, sucb as tbe exceplions jusl mentioned or in a case of default as mortgagor or lessee. (<]) The projn-ietor may be reijuircHi to sii:;n a, receipt for bis certiticate ov otherwise to furnish the district Re};istrar ■rft {?«) Sec. f>'\ (v) 8cv.(iO, Rnlo 0, Sell. S. soc. 26. (o) Sees. t)G and 147, (j))Soc9. ()1, S.'), i;$:<, ll'J, 113 aud lit). (q) ^ocs. 61, 8>j, 1015-107. UKUIHTKIII I' III t>K'^. 15 i'}^iH(,nilion r. lire void III (M'('ll|l|), il lli(> iliil(< ion in Mlill rill ccrlili- l»r('S('iV(Mi il Die oii(< ' |{('}^iHl(M' Ic is coii- piily iliiii csliiic or to ('n(il.l(> r a ix'iHoii n land. ((») il (snviiifj; lilii-.'itioiiH • clMiminf^ flirouj^li wlicrti by ore liiiul \('(>|)li()n icillicr a ilu'iilc ia iiKMit, or d owMor iN^ptioiis ;j;!i^t)r or )t for his i(^{;istriir •J, 113aud widi liiM HijMifil.iin' MM a niciiiiH of |ir('V('iiliii;; (i (iiid, (/ ) iind ill curt' of Ions II I tro vision II I (m r( ilir'iifc of title iiiii y Ik- issiK d in Hiihstil.niioii r»f llic one Mint is iiiissiii;^. in} A |»id|iri land. (/) On a siilo id' |)art, of \,\\r land ii nnniorial of the fraiiHicr is endorsed on the ceifilieafe ciiiiccdlin;^ it mh t,o the |iiiri H(dd, or it may he caiKwdled in full iind a new eerfil'i- calc for the unsold portion issued to the owner, iind in ea(di case a new cerlilicate of title is iHsiieil to t,lie piircluiKer. Where all the laml \h transferred tin! old ceitilicate is whrdly cancelled itnd a new one issued to the piiridiiiser who heconies re}^i.^terell owner. ('0 On tliC! loss of a certificate heinj^ satiH- factorily accoinited for its prcxhiction may hodiHpeiiHed with hy the Distrii^t Uej^iHtrar on makin;^ ii, tran.sfer ; (/•) juid if it is held hy ii. mortf^a^ee or other iter.son intercsstfid in th(; huid he c;in comptd its production for tint piirpoHi; of allowing niomorialH to he made, {ir) iinddr the penalties imposcid hy tho Act. (.r) Old certiltcateH may he cancollod and n(!W onos Hiihstituted for tinuii (//) when they havo hocomo ilhif^ihh; from accid(Mit or other caiiHtt. CertilicatcH of titlo aro iidver Hij^ou'd diirinf^ tin; time tho Ijand Titl(!H OHuujh aro opon for tlio rof^'istration of instrii- mcntH, (.:) nor until a linal searcdi lias hdon niado for liens or c]iarf^(>H a^'ainst tho lands to ho rc^'istorod aftor tin; ('losino,. C.S (7). (.,) Sir,. 1 j;i. (0 Hull! 21, Sell. S. scr. '2(1. (,/) R,,!,, 2H, h<:c. 20. (u) Kiiii'H IC, 17 ami 2'J, Soli. S. {z) Sec. L'4. Bco. 20. and hoc. 73. (,,) KuIc 2'J, Kch. S. sec. 2G. (r) See. 08 (0). M 16 ItKOlHTItAnONH. h M in:(iisi'i;\ri(>\ or ih:\mn(;s wrni i.anh. Mi>il}!;nj^i'M or rMt'iimlniinci'M inny Itf vcifiMlcrt'il tiller ii|i|ili- t'Mli»>n nntl |r lo (lie isimii' ol' llic ci rlilitiilt' ol lillc. («i) mill nil msli inncnl ■< lor vcnislnilion inuler llio new M\n|('m. «'\(M'pl tiiiWMlcr^ lunv 1m' in ilii|tli('!ili'. TIk v uiiihI cDiilMiii llic lull niuiit's iiiiil [i.lililitMiM ol (lir |Mirli('H. iiiiil Willi lilt' (>\('('plion of s»'\(M;il Hpri'ilicil oHiiMiil (Jociiiiii'nlH, Ilii'V iiiiiwl. !>(' si«:n('ii hclorc n wihicss. who sIimII Ncnrv llicir rvcciilioii in llie uiiinntv V('i|inreil I'ov llio prool of inMlninit'iilM lor voiMsli Ml ion iiinlcv llio old wNslcni. Tliiv iivo rciMMlcicd in llu^ oitln of iinii' in wIih'Ii lln-y iiit' iircscnloil lor Mini |un pos(\ ;inil I;iK(' )MioiiJy Mccordinoly. l'"^ Tlicy iiiiihI suhslMnfii\ll\ coniplv willi tlic lonns ;',i\rn in lln' Stnliilc. on jviin o\' vrjoclion. !is unlil I'or vcciMlration. (<) In^lvunuMU'^ in iiccovdMnte willi |li(> lonns in nsc, or snllii-itMil 1o |Kiss i\]\ os(iil(> in l.indM nol snliict'i lo llio now sysloin, ni;i\ ho ndmiltcd lor rcj^islrnlion l>y order of llie ins]>e(Moi-. in wliieli »';ise lh(\v sIimII l>e held lo conlMin nil sui'h otntMiiinls ms ;ire iniiihed in inslnnnenlM of :i like niiluvc' nnd(M' lli(^ new syslein : !«nd lor Ihe piiri^ose of i;nl(> (■>r fore(li'>suv(^ undiM' uny ni(>it!:;!ii:e so rej^islered proceedini^H limy ho Inken ms if the kinds were nol suhjeet, lo llie new syst(Mn. at tlu^ option (>f th(> in»n"li;'n,U'ee. ( endorsinfj; a eertilicjito tlint ho has hoo]] satislu>d hy \nooi adduced of its diu> oxiHmtitm. [<^ Sluniki s(WiM'al instrumiMU.s sij^ncd hy tlio san\o pi'VSim purporline; to atVoet tlu^ sanu^ (^slate or intercHl, bo prosontod at Iho samo limo for tlio purpose of ro;.;;is- tralion. that instnmumt shall ho rof:!istorod wliioli is ])r(>- sontod by the person produoing the eertiticato or other evidence of title. { f) (a) Spo. Ori. (<-) Soc. 77. (<•) Hoc. 75. (h) Kulo IS. Soh.S. »oc.'2C> and soo. 74, (d) Soc. 77. (/) Hoc. 78. lll'llllHTIIMInN or I>|;AMN(1H Willi I.ANIi I II \ NHd KIlH. 17 \Nli. t'l' M|)|>li llllc . (.1) H\ hIi'III, i-iuiliiiii Willi III!' |;'V IIHIhI. 'sccnlioM U'IiIm Inl hI(M'(> new witncHH vincc. it liitiraic its diu' by the intiM'ost 1 is \no- 01" other iCC. /i). ^00. 78. |{('/^iHliiilinii iH i'MVi'IpiI l»y ciKlnrHJii^i on cvi'iy (■(•rlijiciitp III' iiiHlriiiiiiMit (>viiiy Honli." (//i hikI lel'cn ill); In llic iiiiiiilMr ni- syiiiliol (liHl.mi^iiiHliiiij^; Mic iimtni- iiiciit \ln Wlii'ii ' n D'iriHii'i'cil ilin itiKtriiMii'iit. Ix'coiinM |i)M°t iiihI imrccl n( llir rcjru.lcf fur tlic |»iir|i(»n('H dl' Ihc Act. (i) ll< Hole I llir |ii'iiii'i|iiil (IiUViciki' m the cfTr'cMvo mitiiri' of iiiMlriiiiiciilM miller Mi(> new Hystcm, wliidi dd nol, Imm'oiiu' ii|wriiliv<' iiiilil rrifistriitiun ; it ik rmly iiflir Miiy Miicli iiislniiiiciil liiiH Itcrii so r(iimlrii(li\cly niiliodiid i;i Ilic rcfdMlcr, illiil HllMii|i('t| llic s(;i| (if |,|ic hisliict, llc^iHtfiir, lliiili il ciTiilcs. Iiiiiisl'cr^, siiiiciidcrK or dis- I'li.'ir^cH Mic cstnlcor iiilricKl. Ilinwin incidioiicd. (/) No iiiMliiim('iitnM|iiiriiiiM'ndorHciiM'iit on tiifccilijicdlc 01,11 he iTccivrd or rcfrisii iimI ijidcHS till' cf'lf ilicfitc JH piodlicrd oi' il^^ |irodii(dioii diH|i('iiH('d, (/. 1 niid with cvciy fiiiiiHlVr or iiiorlj^iijM" [trrsridcd for n^iHtriitioii u. ('crtilicfih (roiri i\w IrciiMiirtr of the iiiiiiii('i|»!i.lily witliiii whiidi the hiiidH !i.lT('(d.(Ml iirc Hitiiiitcd iiiiisl, \)(' produced, (/) Hhowiiij; l,hn,t the Ifiiids iiitciidcd to he dcnJt with luivn not hcin sold for iirrctirH of tuxes under the proviHioiiH of the Miinicif»al AH. TKANSI-'KIIS. 'rnMisfers of cHtates or intiirests in land under tli(! new HyHtein may Ik! iiiadf.' iiy thi; rej^dstercni owner hy endorne- niciit on tliecertificate, mnr\,^o., encumhrance or lease, in) (H) Hiili« 10, ricli. S. Kcc. 2C.. (A) Hull! 17, Sc.h. S. kcc. -Ji; and (//) Hiilc II, Sell. S. sc(\ lii; iiiwl HccH. .".7 (,/). iiiifl (iH (i;^. ««'". 7<'- (/) Mull' \'.), Hch. S. Hcr. -JC. ((■) Hoc. 71. (,() Sci;s. 7-', '.IH. (7) S.'c. 71. MAN. I, .A. 2 18 TUAN8FEU8. or by a separate inatruraont, (h) which can not be received in duplicate. (<•) Uegintration is effected by memorial on tiie certificate in the manner provided for the registration of instruments ; {(I) the existinj^certiticateand the (hipHcnte in the register are cancelled wholly or partially according as the transfer is of the whole or of part only of the interest of the transferror, (c) a new certificate is made registering the transferee as owner of the land transferred, and the old certificate, if wholly cancelled, is retained by the District Registrar with the memorandum of transfer. If the certi- ficate is only partially cancelled it may be returned to the owner after the memorial has been entered upon it, or if requested or expedient a new certificate for the unsold portion or any part thereof may be issued to him. (/) It is the Statute and not the instrument of transfer that effects the alienation ; the legal estate does not pass until registra- tion, ({i) No seal is required on the transfer and words of limitation are not necessary ; {h) no covenants need be expressed, but unless otherwise specified, (i) there is a covenant by the transferee implied as to the payment of subsisting charges on the land, (y) Until registered any in- etrument signed by a registered owner or others claiming through or under him purporting to pass an interest or estate in land, confers on the transferee or assignee and others claiming through or under him a right to be registered as owners of such estate or interest, and for the purpose of Becuring such registration in cases of difficulty the District Registrar is given power, on summary application, to make orders and cause notices to be served to the end that the person properly entitled thereto may be registered as owner, (b) Sec. 72, Sch. B. see. 98, Sch. F. (c) Sec. 74. (d) Rule 14, Sch. S. sec. 26 and sec. 76. (e) Sec. 73. (/) Rules 16 and 22, Sch. S. sec. 26. (g) Sees. 74, 99. (h) Sec. 28. (t) Sec. 144. (;) Sec. 80. -■■=Jt. TRANBFRI18. 19 ) received norinl on ^istration (liiplicnte ordiuf^as nterest of ipiiHtcring , and the le District the certi- led to the •n it, or if le unsold (0 It is lat effects I registra- words of need be lere is a ,yment of id any in- claiming t or estate lid others istered as urpose of e District , to make 1 that the as owner, S. sec. 26. due regard being had to tlie preservation of all rights ac- quired by priority of registration under the new system, (k) Upon rogistratioii of a transfia* all th(3 transferror's estate or interest, as well as his rights and obiigatiouH, are transmitted to the transferee, and if it bo of a mortgage or charge, the powers and right to sue pass to the tninsferce. (/) Persons acquiring estates or interests should be particular to obtain the production of the certificate of title and other instru- ments necessary to be endorsed with memorials of tlio regis- tration and the alteration of interest thereby effected, {m) Husband and wife may validly make transfers to each other, (h) The transferror may exclude survivorship amongst joint trustees by inserting the words " No survivorship " in the transfer; and joint owners themselves may require the District Registrar to enter these words on their certificate of title. The effect in either case is to prevent any dealings with the lands unless all the joint proprietors are parties, or unless the sanction of the Court or a Judge be first obtained, (o) Before any directions are given, public notice may be required to be advertised, (p) after which the proper order may be made if necessary for the protection of those beneficially interested, {q) This inconvenient method of holding joint proprietorship will not likely be adopted except for the protection of cestui que trusts and for the tenure of land dedicated to public uses. Special proceed- ings are necessary to give effect to the transfer of lands sold for arrears of taxes after the period of redemption has expired, (r) (fc) Sec. 81. (o) Sec. 82. (/) Sees. 28, 74, 99 and 145. {p) Sec. 83. (m) Rules 13, 14 and 17, Sch. 8. {q) Sec. 117. sec. 26 and sec. 715. (r) Sec. 57. . j/roprietor. (e) Where trust estates were held hy a deceased owner jointly with other persons under the condition of " No Survivorshi])" the sanc- tion of the Court is required hefore the register can he altered, (/) and when the personal representative is regis- tered in the place of the deceased in such cases he holds subject to the same trusts and equities upon which the deceased held the same, but is deemed an absolute proprietor for the pur- pose of registrations under the new system while his name remains as owner on the Register. Upon cause shewn a (a) Sees. 27, 29 and 113. {b) Sec. 2'». (r) Sec. 113. ((/) Sec, 2U. (e) Sec. 117. (/) Sees. 82, 83. TRANSMIHHIONR — Lf'.ASKS. 21 NCY. v.ill {) In matters of caveat special powers are given to the Court and Judges for the summary disposal of contested claims. (<•) In matters relating to trusts the Court or a Judge has authority to make summary orders for the removal of trustees and assignees, and the appointment of other persons in their stead. {(\) The Court of Queen's 15ench may enforce a summons of the District Registrar ;(«) and a Judge of the Court of Queen's Bench in Chambers may by summons or warrant enforce the production and surrender of instruments (./') required by the District Itegis- trar for alteration or cancellation ; {(j) and may make orders respecting them, and for the commitment of persons refusing or neglecting to produce or surrender such instru- ments, (//) x\ Judge in Chambers may on summons order the production of documents for inspection at the Land Titles Office ; (/) and in the hearing of any matter arising under the Eeal Property Act the Court or a Judge in Chambers may summon persons as vvitnesses or to be made parties to the cause, and in disposing of the matter may award costs. (./) The Court or a Judge may give opinions on doubtful matters of law or fact, on reference from the District («) Sec. 129. % Sec. 12.S. (c) Sec. 130. {d) Sec. 117. (e) Sec. (58. (0 Sec. 121, ((f) Sec. 08. (//) Sec. 122. (/) Sec. 124. (j) Sec. 125. II 80 JURISDICTION OF THE COURT. Registrar ; (k) and a Judge in Chambers has power to decide or make orders respecting uncertain or difficult matters of administration referred to liim in a simihir manner. (/) Upon the hearing of any matter, all interested persons and the Attorney-General for Manitoba may appear and be heard by the Court or Judge, (m) An appeal lies to a Judge in Chambers against any act or order of the District Registrar, and such order may thereupon be made as the circumstances may require as to the matter of the appeal and as to costs, (n) The same rules of procedure apply in actions and proceedings under the Act as are in force respecting actions and proceedings of a similar nature in the Court in which such action or proceeding may be tried or taken, but they are not rendered invalid by technical irregularities, (o) New rules, regula- tions and forms of proceedings may be made by the Court in regard to matters arising under the Act. (p) The fees •on proceedings are such as are fixed by the Court, or payable on proceedings of a similar nature in Court, {q) All decisions of a Judge or Court, whether on the first hearing or on an appeal, are subject to appeal in the same manner as other appeals are taken from such Court, (r) While any suit or proceeding in Court is pending a cer- tificate of lis pendens may be filed in the Land Titles ■Oflice, (s) which, until discharged, prevents dealings which might prejudice the rights of the person claiming interest in the suit, but no lis pendens can be filed without the order •of a Judge, after a caveat relating to the same matter lias lapsed or been withdrawn or discharged, (t) (k) Sec. 119. (0 Sec. 120. (in) Sec. 125. (n) Sec. 118. io) Sees. 130 (12). 142. (p) Sec. 127. (q) Sec. 128. (r) Sec. 126. («) Sees. 108. 131. (/) Sec. 130 (14). M ;« 1^ il'; CAVEATS. 81 power to JY difficult a similar 3cl persona ear and be ist any act )rder may require aa The same ngs under roceedings I action or b rendered !S, regula- the Court The fees ourt, or lirt. iq) the first the same ourt. (r) J a cer- d Titles bs which interest |he order matter CAVEATS. Caveats are notices to the District llegistrar of rights <'laimed in land subject to the new system, and cautioning him and the public generally against dealings which might be to the prejudice ot the claimant; they are analgousto ex jxirtt; interiui injunctions in restraint of dealings with estates or interests in land. Caveats may be lodged by order of the Court or a Judge, {a) or by the District liegistrar, to protect the rights of the Crown or persons under legal disability, or for the purpose of preventing fraud or improper dealings, {h) Caveats of this description and those lodged by or on behalf of benefi- ciaries under a will or settlement, {(■) are continuing caveats and do not lapse by mere effluxion of time, unless so stated in the order for its filing ; (d) but must be disposed of by withdrawal or by order of the Court. («) Every other caveat must state the names and additions of the person on whose behalf it is filed, and mention some place within Manitoba where notices and proceedings respecting it may be served ;(/") it must be signed by the caveator, his attorney or agent, and supported by an affidavit or statutory declara- tion setting out the nature of the claim and the good faith of the claimant. (//) Caveats are entered in a special register and notice of the filing of the caveat is at once given to the applicant for registration or the registered owner as the <5ase may be. (h) A caveat lodged before the title has been registered forbids such registration and suspends all investi- gation and proceedings in the Land Titles Office until it has (a) Sec. 130 a3), (14), and Rule 11, Sch. li. (h) Sees. 68 (5), 86 and 117. (c) Sec. 130(5). (d) Sec. 130 (14) ; Rule 23. Sch. S.. S.26. (e) Sec. 130 (7) (13) (15). (/) Rule 14. Sch. R., sec. 130. (g) Sec. 130 (8), and Sch.Q., sec. 130. (h) Sec. 130 (1) and (4) ; Rule 8, Sch. S., sec. 26. 82 CAVKAT8. i'l been withdniwn or lapses, or is (liscliiir^cd liy tho Court or a Judgo in chambers, (/) it remains in force for one calendar montli from tho day it is filed, after which it lapses as a matter of course ;(,/) and upon an entry (/.) to that eifect it ceases to luivo any force unless within the month pro- ceedings have been taken to establish tho cavator's rights, and a copy of tlu! petition (/) with proof of such proceedings liave been tiled in the Jjand Titles Otlice, (m) or an order obtained extending the time for such proceedings. (//) A caveat lodged after the issue of a certiticate of title [)re- vents the registration of dealings so long as it remains in force, except subject to the claim of the caveator ;(o) it lapses upon notice being given that the proprietor intends to regis- ter dealings, unless within fourteen days from tlie service of such notice on the caveator, he takes i)roceedings in tho manner above mentioned, (/») or obtains nn o'\Ier restraining registrations which may be granted upon indemnity being given against any loss resulting from delay, (7) oi- u]wn such conditions as the Court or Judge may impose, (/•) otherwise, upon an entry by the J)istrict liegistrar, it ceases to have etiect. (s) All caveats may be withdrawn (t) subject, in ordinary cases, to the payment of damages and costs incurred in consequence of its tiling, («) and in every case caveats may be discharged with or without costs by order of the Court or a Jiulge. (/■) After a caveat has lapsed or been witljdrawn or discharged (/•) Kec. 1:50 (!)), (11), (12). (q) Sec. IHO (1) (5), (,y) Kec. 180 (2). (r) Sec 180 (l(i). (k) Sec. 180 (7), (18). (.s^) Sec. 180 (7) (18). (?) Rules land 2, Sch. H., sec. 180; (0 Sec. 180 ;7) (0) (18). Rule 28, Sch. S., sec. 2(), (,,) ^q^.. 180 (',)) (10) and Rule 10, (m) Sec. 180 (11). Sch. H. (n) Sec. 180 (1()). (v) Sec. 180 (12) (ir>) and Rules 5 (o) Sec. 180 '■) (0). 10, 12, 18 Sch. I{. ip) Sec. 180 (11) and Rules 1 and 2, Sch. R. ; Rule 28, Sch. S. sec. 2('.. CLAIMB AGAINST RKOISTEUED INTKUR8TS. 33 3 Court or calendar pscs aH a .liat (illVct on til pro- r's rights, 0(;oL'(lin;j;3 • an order H. (//) "title |>ic'- Muains m 1 it lapses ! to rcgis- serviee of ?s in tljo Htrainiuf? ity beinj; or upon ipose, (r) it ceases subject, nd costs ery case by order charged Rule 10. Rules 5 IK) lix 'pendens or cavnat relatinf? to the same matter can bo liled, except by the District Registrar or by order of tbo Court or a Judf^e. (/r) The procedure in matters of caveat is summary, but orders liave tbo effect of judj^inents of tliG Court and must bo oiicyed by the J)istrict llcRistrar ; {r) like all other orders and decrees they are subject to appeal, (?/) and if a certificate of title is ordered to issue it must a])poar that the person to be registered as owner has a safeholding title, {z) RIGHTS OF CREDITOIIS AGAINST REGISTERED INTERESTS. The plaintiff or any person interested in a suit affecting lands may file a certificate of lis pendens, which has the effect from the time of its tiling of preventing registrations being made except subject to the rights or interest claimed in the suit, {a) After a caveat has lapsed or been withdrawn or discharged, a Us ptendens under any proceeding in relation to the same matter cannot be filed without the authority of a Judge, (/>) but the vacating of a certificate of lis pendens would not interfere with the subsequent filing of a caveat. Certificates of judgments, decrees or orders for the payment of money against a registered owner, both at common law and in equity, may be registered under the new system, and entered in the caveat book, and if they contain a specific description of lands, an entry is also made against them in the register, (f) From the time of registration tliey charge the lands of the judgment debtor, with a lien (w) Sec. 130 (M) ; Sec. l.'Jl. (x) Sec. IHO (7) (13) and Rules 8 and 12 Sch. R. (//) Sec. 12(5. (z) Sec. 123. MAN.L.A ((() Sec. 108, 131. (b) Sec. 130 (14). (c) Rules 8 and 13, Sch S. sec. 20 ; sees. 74 and 76. j-iMfc. 34 REMEDIES FOR LOSS OF RIQIITS. which may be enforced by tlic Court ; and mechanics' liens may be registered and enforced in a similar manner (f/) IJoncliciaries may have summary relief by the remova. of a trustee or assignee, (e) and generally all rights may be protected by caveat (/) and enforced by the Court. It , UKMEDIES FOU LOSS 01' lUGHTS. An Assurance Fund is formed l)y the payment of a fee of from one-tenth to one-fourth the valuu (d) of lands on the tirst re;^Mstration of title under the new system, and upon each suhseiiuent transmission by death or insolvency, (h) This fund is managed by the Provincial (lovernment, (c) and is intended to assist (J) in the payment of damages, which may be recovered by any person sustaining loss or damage through any of the following causes : (c) 1. Omissions, mistakes or misfeasances of officers acting under the provisions of the Act applicable to the new system. (./') 2. Being deprived of an estate ov interest in land through the bringing of the same under the new system, or the registration of some other person as owner. 3. Errors, omissions or misdescriptions in any certificate of title, or in any entry or memorial in the register, or in any certificate of charges. 4. Being by the provisions of the Act barred from bringing an action of ejectment or other action for the recovery of the land, estate or interest, or of damages. I (d) Sec. 63. {e) Sec. 117. (/) Sees, (is (5), and 130. (a) Sec. 71. (6) Sec. 140. (c) Sec. 141. (d) Sec. 135 (a). (<) Sec. 135. (/) Sec. 135. UEMEDIKH FOU LOHS OF lUOHTS. b5 anica' lions inamu'r.((i) removal of ita may be lurt. S. of a fee of lids on the , and upon )lvL'ncy. (/>) I'nment, (c) f damages, ing loss oi- lers acting the new id through m, or the certificate ;t;r, or in bringing icovery of /). When the person liable for damages is dead or cannot bo found within the Province, (if) The plaintilT in any such action has to pay full costs of defence if non-suited ; (A) and the; action is subject to a limitation of six years,(/) with the usual proviso in cases of legal disability. No such action can be nuiintaiiuid in favor of any person who, after notice (/) or becoming aware of the api)lication for the registi'ation of title, neglected to file or proceed under a caveat. The assuranct! fund is not liable for losses arising from the bi'each of any trust. (/.) nor where the land has been includ(Hl in more than one grant from the Crown, or where it bus been included by misdescription in a wrong certificate of title, unless the [)ersou liable for damages is dead or has absconded. (/) Any person dcpi IvcmI ot land or of any instate or interest therein through fraud, or ti;. registration of title under the new system, or the registration of another as owner, or through any error or misdescri[)tion in a certificate of title, or in any entry or memorial in the register, may recover daniiiges in an action at law against the person through whose fraud, error, omission, misrei)resentation, misdes- cription or wrongful act, the erroneous registration was made or title acquired to the land, '.state or interest, of which he has been so de[)rived ; (in) tue bringing of such action does not prejudice his right of action agiiinst the District Registrar on Oat of the Attorney-General ; {}i) or against the assuranci .id where the person liable for damages is dead or has aosconded, or for such amount as the sheriff may be unable to recover on execution against the person (g) Sec. i:U. (h) Sec. 180. (/) Sec. 137. (./■) Sec. 52. (A-) Sec. 139. (/) Seos. ()4, 132, 133, 134, 139. (Hi) Sees. ()1, 132. (h) Sec. 132. 86 THK TERRITORIAL ACT. 80 liablo. (o) But he cannot recover damages unless such person has been guilty of fraud, misstatement or wrongful acts, nor is a bona Jide purchaser or mortgagee liable to €Jectment or damages on the ground of fraud or error upon the part of another person, [p) The Provincial Treasurer may, b}' summary process, recover any amount paid out of the fund, {q) The ordinary limitations apply to actions of ejectment. The foregoing are the remedies shortly stated as specially provided by the statute, but the subject is one full of com- plication and difiiculty, and these notes are therefore to be regarded as a mere outline of the proceedings likely to be adopted in the simplest cases only ; it must be constantly borne in mind that although the statutuaims at giving the character of authenticity and incontestability to official instruments, memorials and entries, (/•) yet the jurisdiction of competent courts has not been affected or taken away ; through them relief can always be obtained on the ground of fraud ; and they still have the same authority as hereto- fore in matters of contract for the sale or other disposition of lands, and over equitable interests therein ; (s) and all rights may still be bound by estoppel, {t) THE TERKITORIAL ACT. In the North West Territories the administration of the Act is controlled by the Government of Canada, and the provisions of the Territorial Act are, as a rule, similar to those of the Act which has been already discussed ; at (o) Sees. 134, 139. (p) Sees. C4, 07, 133. (3) Sec. 138. (r) Sees. (i4, fiC, G7, 74, 109, 133 and 147. (s) Sees. 123, 129, 146. \t) Sees. 52, 137. THE TERRITORIAL ACT. 37 nless such ' wrongful B liable to iiTor upon y process, ectment. 3 specially ill of com- ifore to be kely to be constantly giving the to official irisd-iction ;en away ; le ground is liereto- sposition s) and all )n of the and the milar to sed ; at 109, 1J3 least, the effect of their provisions so generally coincides as to leave but little room for separate comment. As the Territorial Act is administered by the Dominion Government, who also hold all public lands in the Terri- tories, the certificate of title is made to take the place of uhe Crown grant (a) in the case of lands alienated since the Act went into force on the first of January, 1987, (b) and the remedy for loss of an estate or interest would perhaps be restricted to that provided by the Dominion Lands Act, or in damages in an action prosecuted against such person as a Judge might appoint, (c) Titles which are defective, or which are clouded or Gncurabered, or respecting which any matter arises requir- ing special investigation, must be referred to a Judge, {d) who is required to examine all titles submitted to him and has special powers of a nature similar to those given to the District liegistrars in Manitoba, (e) and also the power to adjudicate upon adverse claims (f) after notice has been given by advertisement. Executions may be registered to bind and afifect lands in the Territories, (//) and all instruments must be executed, according to the forms given in the Act, in order to be effectual, {h) Transfers may be executed in duplicate, when they are not made by endorsement, (i) Mortgages or encumbrances may be discharged on proof of payment by order of a Judge, (./) and in case of absentees a discharge may be effected by the payment of the mort- (a) T. sec. 4t. (h) T. sec. 2. (f) T. sec. 104. (H ol' tlio Act. wliicli cUVot Die r('|)(>!il Ironi tlic r)ili of MmvcIi, 1HH!(. of lli(> I'onucr Afls o\' IMSr). ISWi), 1HH7 iind IHMH, liiii in tlic l,i)hl Titlfx ()///(■(• (it ir/;/>///)('(/. liciii}^ (lie (tHit'iiil (IcHi^nii- liiHi ;i)>|ili(Hi 111 jlic oni('(> csliiMiHlicd I'or llic whole rroviiicc uutlcr (lie Act of ISSr), flic vi'iiciil o\' ilicsc AcIh wmh hiih- ]hmii1(m1 so lonji !is it, conlimu'd, mihI (lie lu'^iHirar-dcMicrtil iiiul all llic otVu'crs apiiointcd uiidci' i\\r v '\H",\\vi\ AcIh \V(>r(' roipiiic'il to !U'f under (licin nntil ilie olVice wnH jiliolislicd liy order o\' {\\o I ,i(>ni('njint-(iov(>rnor-in-('onn(Ml : tlie ])ro- visions of (li(> new Act are in nearly all cascH identical with the Acts which have htn-n consolidated, and the scH'ond clanse of this section «;aAe the ni^j^istrar-deneral anthoi-ily tous(>an_v nmv powcn's conferred u})on IHstrict He^istrars as auxiliarv to thos(> conferred npon iiiui nnd(>r the old Acts so long as he continned in ollico. Sec note to sec. t. Tntkuvuktation. ',1, In lliis Act. aiui in all inHtrunicntu purporiinf^ to 1)0 niadi' or cX(H'utO(l tliorcundor. iinlcss the context otlu>r\visc rtvpiiroH : (\) The (Expressions " Land" ami " Lands" shall extend to mean and ;uid inchide lands, niessuat^es. toiicnionta and lioroditaincntH, corporeal and incorporeal, of every kind and description, \vhati>ver tho estate or interest therein may be, and whether Ic^al or equitable, tof,'ether with all ]iaths, passai^es. ways, watercourses, liberties, pnvilef^es, easeini'Uts, mines, minerals and (juarries appertainiuj^ thereto, and all trees and timber thereon and thereunder lying or beiu},', unless uny such are epecially excepted ; See note to sec. 40 poi^t. Easenionts in gross would not be included. A'.r parte Joluison 5 W. W. and A. 13. (L.) 65. The meaning of " land " as defined here is more extensive than in the fourth section of the Victorian Transfer of Land := ii ■tf "N-- INIi;iU'ltK'l'A'l'l()N. i:i Moil f'if^litpcii II cxcrciHo nil n clilllHCH of nivli, 1HH!», , 1)mI, ill t)i(> ill (l('Hi}j;iiii,- Ic rroviiicc H WIIH HUH- Mr-dciu'riil I y\<*lH were )()lisli(<(l Ity fpllC JIIO- nlical with Llic second 1 Miitliorily '^n'slrai'H jih ic old Acts !)o nmdc oi' 1 iiu'ii!) ami , corporeal O I'Htdto OV K'r Willi all oiiHiMucnts, triH's iiiul y audi are A'.r jxirte extensive of Land StMintc, wliicdi is iis follows: "Tim word ' huid ' slnill iiKdiidc ni(iSHna;4('S, tciKMiu'iitH and licriditiiiiients, (ror|)or('al or incorporoal, and in (>vcry eertilicatc (A' title, transfer and lease niiide under tliis Act siadi word sliall also iiKdndc all eiiscnients nnd !i|)|uirteiianc('S ii|)|)erta.iniii<^ to tlie land tliercin descrilird, ur rrputcd to he jiMrt thereof or appii''- Icnaiit thereto." I'nder this section it was held that an ea,s((nieni a.|)|)ni"te- niint- over land not under the statute eoiiM not he shewn <»n the certilicat(! of title to tli(^ domiiiiint tenement: I'lr l>(irtc ('iiiniiiiiihinii, '.\ V. L. I!, (h.) I!)!). Nor could nn ciise- nieiili MpiMiitciiant ove)- liind under the stiitute where; the owner ohie{d,e(l : Ivr [xtrlr liiKXfl, r> V. h. 1'. (L.) 5;$; nIthon<4h the coiitniry nniy \)r implied from the holdinj^ in .IniicH V. /'(irl,\ 5 V. \i. Iv. (Ij.) 1(57. It was cjueried in /v/- /tdiir ('iiiiiiiitiihain, iihi >tiii)r(i,whvi\n'i' an iiicor|)oreal lieridi- tanieiit could he the suhjcset ot a ('(irtilicale of title. The decision of the Supreme; Cowvt /'',.f p'li If /// jian hecn ignored hy the Ot'liee of Titles in Victoria for reasons referred t(» hy the ('ominissioner of Titles {ride, (i iieckcA'a 'I'ruHnfi'r of Lmul, p. 7(i). See also lumt sees. 5J), (12, (13 and 84. (2) Tlio ('X))r(iHMi()ii " owuor ■' Hliall extend to, mean and include any "Owner luTson or body corporate entitled to any free'iold or otlnir entate or interest in land, at law or in equity, in poHHeHnion, in futurity or expectancy ; (:^) The expression "Transfer" shall mean and include tlie passin^^ of finy estate or interest in land under this Act, whetiier for valuable onsidoratioii or otherwise ; See note to sec. 74 post. (\) The expression " Muitj^age" shall mean and include any cliarge on land created for Becurinj,' a debt or loan ; (5) The expression " Mortt,'a>^ee " shall mean and include the owner of a mortna^e or the lender of money upon the security of any estate or interest in land ; " TraiiH- for." " Mort- gaKe." " Mortga- Koe." 44 I >l ■ 1 1 •' Mort- K(M;or." " Enciim- brancu," " Eiicnin- braiicor." " Enciiui- brancee." INTERPRETATION. (fi) The cxpresHion " Mort^ja^or" Hhall mean and include tlio owner of land or of any oatato or intorost in land ploil^jed aH Becnrity for a debt ; (7) The exprcHHJon " Encumbrance '" shall mean and include any char^je or lion on land ?• It would include a mortgaKe or a lease where the context required. "lO^'O^ (H) The oxpresHion " Kncumbrancor " Hliall mean and include the owner of any land or of any estate or interest in land subject to any encumbrance ; (il) The expression " Encumbrancee " shall mean and incdude the owner of an encumbrance ; See note to Hub-sec. (7) ante. "Lunatic." (10) The expression "Lunatic" shall moan and inchide any person found by any competent tribunal or commission tie lutidtico inquirendo to be lunatic ; Compare C. S. M. cap. 43, sec. 2. i lilt 'I " I'CI-HOII of uii»oiuid mind." "Instru- nieiit." (11) Tlie expression " Person of unsound mind " shall mean and include any jjorson not an infant, who, not havinf^ h(;en found to be a lunatic, has been found on like enquiry, to be incapable, from infirmity of mind, of nianu^int^ his own affairs ; See note to precedhig sub-section. (12) Tlie expression " Instrument" sluvll mean and include any plan or document in writin<.; relatiuf^ to the transfer or ofciier dealinj^ with land or evidencing title thereto, or a dui)licate tliereof ; Under C. S. M. cap. (K), sec. 1, '* i)lan " was not included in the meaninf' of the word " instrument." I 1 ■ :ii' "Mem- orial.' "Valun. tor." (13) The expi'cssion " Memcn-ial '' shall mean and include a duplicate of any instrument as well as a memorial thereof ; (14) The expression " Valuator " shall mean and include any person appointed by the Lieutenant-Governor-in-Council to value land under this Act ; See sec. 71 j^ost. 'Court." (15) The expression " Court " shall mean and include any Superior Court established in the Province of Manitoba ; INTKUI'KKTATION. 45 ! the owner of for a debt ; include any the context ! include the iibject to any inc^hide the any person CO inquirendo 11 mean and found to be om infirmity de any plan jloaling with included a duplicate any person land under Superior That is, "llor Maji'Hty'w Court of Queen's Bcncli for Manitoba." IB Vic. cai). IT). (10) Tlio oxproHHion "Judj^o" wliali mean and iiicliido tlu! Cliiof ' .ludf^o." Justict! and any judf^o of any Superior Court establiHliod in the I'rovinco of Manitolni ; Sou note to preceding section. (17) Tlic oxprossian " TransmisHioii," shall apply to cliant^e of owner- " Trans- ship conHUfjuont upon lunacy, levy under execution, order of court or •other act of law, or in viittn! of any sctlleinfuit, dijvise, or any le^;al succoHHion in case of intestacy ; See note to hcc. <)3 post, as to,//, /a. and sec. iiO post as to duty chargeable on transmissions by will or intestacy or in bankruptcy. Compare sees. 123, 129 post and C. S. M. cap. 43. (IH) Tlio expression "Grant" shall mean and include any f,'rant of "Clrant. Orown land, wlietlicr direct fi-om Her Majesty or pursuant to the provisions of any statute ; (1!>) Wherever the word " Patent " or " (Jrown patent " occurs in this " I'at<^iit " Act tho same sliall include a memorial, exemplification or certilied copy patont" thereof from the J)e[)artinent of the Intei'ior of (laiiada, or an ofhcial thereof, or of the Government o( Canada, and such memorial, exomi)lili- cation or certilied copy purportinj^ to be so j^iven shall in all cases be accepted and be of the same effect as if tho patent itself had been produced or deposited, and the production of such memorial, exemplifi- cation or certified copy shall be priuui J'dcie evidence of its execution. Compare 49 Vic. cap. 35, sec. 21, as to certified coj^ies of instruments which make proof in Court. The latter part of this sub-section is declaratory as to what shall be evidence of a grant in proceedings under this Act, and would apply to proceedings in Court under any of its provisions as well as to making proof on the investigation of a title. For the general provisions as to evidence of title refer to see. 5G. See also sees. 37, 38 and 39 ])ost. 1 111 INIMHI'llKTATION. 'IikI. Hion " iii"-i.'i'Hij (•'(M 'l'li(< I'Npri'fiMioii " liiiloiHi'il " mIiiiII mean ninl iticlinlr niivlliirn; wnltci' '.|iiiii iniy iiiMtrMmcii) ov nllicf ilnciimiMit. or in ||ii> niiir tlllTlMlf. Ol lt( tll(> l(ll>( llHTcof . I'lH C'l) Mn' ('\|ir('^''> irntM Mini llii> l<\'«ilil'< llicn'i'f ; ( 'oiniiinc s<>('s. d.'. (»7 pioif . '■'''''''',"' C-'lJ) 'I'lic lii'Mci iliiiii; MUX I'oiM.'ii iiM proiii it'l >r, t imiHfrn oi . I nniHlcirri', lnlM■|(^•l^io^•. niort>,'i\t;i'(\ incmuliriiiii'i'V. ciH'umlnn'i ', IcHtnt nr I ("u(i'(\ iir i»H tnisti'i-. or i)H H('i^t>(l of or iiitviiit; any cuditi', ot inlfirsl in nnv lnnd, sl\i\ll be ilccmi'd to inchnli" tiic .u'icH, cxccnloi », inlininiHtnilorH ami a^'-ii!;nw of mirli nci '^oiih ; ('onip;ii(> with M'c. SI), whii'li pri'liiliils (lie ciiLrv ol' iiiiy uotirc o\' " 1i ists." S('t> :lls(> sec. 2S ;iiul sees. I HM 17. I I t'ci tin> Mil' In i'ovi'i>i 11 lion 1.1 ni ('liuii> sill' "Old s\s li'in." t«Mn ■ Mcnnnii; iiiiii I'lVcrl of WOl.i'. ['2:\] l'.\(M\ oorlil'u'Mtc or oilier inHlniiiicMil issued lo or inailo in favor .>f a eorporatioii, auMV'^'iit'" '"' »o\t\ slinli lie deeineil lo extend to and iiiihide the suct'essors of siieli eor|iorat ion ; ('Jit riie (>\preHsioii " Old Syslein " wliall mean the HyHleni of re;;iHtra tiiiu pnn i>led liy Cliapler Si\t \ of t he Consolidated Slaliilrs of Alanildlia and amendnuMils ; ('.'•"■^ Tile (>\iir(>ssion ■ New System ' shall mean the system of rt'i^iH- tration |>io\ided by this Aet ; fjii^ And L;enerallv, unless the I'ontrary shall a|i|ieai from the eoiiie\l, every word imi>ortmi^ tlu' sinijiilar uumher only shall evlend to si.\eial piM'stins or tliiiif^s, and (>V(M\v word import in;,' the pliiial niimlier slmll ajiply t(i one p(>rson or thiii^. aiul e\ery word imi'oiliii'' ihe male sis only shall extend to a female, and shall inelinK> a hody eorporale, and wluMKntM* a form m the sehediil(< lierett* is direeted to he used, sueli diroetiiin shall iipply initially to any form to the liUe el'feet . or whieli for the sumo pur)iO!-e may he aulhorizod under tli(> |n'o\ isioiis of this Act, and any \ariation friim sueh fornr-. not beiii;,' a variation in matter or snbstanoo. shall not atYeet their validity or reenlarity, hut they may l)e used with such alterations aa tlio elianioter of the parties or theeirciim- stanoes of the ease may reiulor niH'essary. Tlio Schedules are printed foUowiiio; tho sections in which the}' are referred to. See sec, '25 pout. a-i — - - See notes to sees. 77 and 141 poi^t as to the Uhc of forms. II iiiU' nnvlliitti; I llii< Miiiri;iii iKiiui I'liiiiiniii; rciilH iiml tlix II , 1 1 iniMlrl rri'. >i cir l(")t<('4>, (If (. ill liny liinil, liHtialnrK mill iilrv ol' luiy niuilc ill fnvnr CXlt'lld ti' th(> oircnni- H'iioiis in of forms. I.ANU TITI.KH OKFIUKH- IHHTIirOT llK(»rHTnAUH 47 TliiH cliMiHc (liH'rt not. pi-dvciit tlid fippliciiiioM of i\w f^rn<>nil iiil.(*rpn'l,M.t,ioii cliuirin, ('. H. M. cup. I.hcc. 7, toMiis Act or to iiiHl.nimciitH cxcciiii d iiiidcr it ; ''..'/., hiiI»-c1iuiho 10 of tlu! j^f'JicniJ iiifriprctfitioii cIiuikch in tlio (!onHoli|'I.V '" »H '""^''^ whore they are not iiicouipiitilile with thin section. IjANK 'I'lrl.lH OlIM'l.i hlBIIIM I I!' ..tKTIIAItH. ,|. 'I'lic Lii'iitciiiiiit. (!ovi rnor in Cnmii'il iiiiiv conHliliiti' micli ikh' l.oi ri'ihiM tioiiH of |,lii> I'l'ovinci' of Miinitoliii, iiH niiiy siM'tn in-opcr into lifuiil I if leu (liHtri(;tH. In oiicli of Hiicli ilintrictH, at mnli iijjicc im Mm^ Liciitcnanl- (Ifivi-rnor in (' iiiiiy ii,|i|ioint,, flicri! hIiiiII Ik^ tin oilier to Ici culled Till' Iiiiml Titles OITici! for {in^fil Iwrr Ihv nnnir of llir ilixtriil.) See Hcc. IK. On 2r)th -luly, iHHiJ, un ()i-der-iii-(!oini(Ml cainc into force constilu(iii[,' tli(( (!onnty of Uiitndon a, liiind 'I'itleH histrict under this Act hy the name of " TIk! Land Titles District for Ilraiidon," with nii ol'licuin the city of l>randon to l)e called ■' 'l'h(! hand Titles Oriico for Urandon," and on lUst Octohcr, IHH!), the municipality of North (!ypr(!HH was added lo the Brandon i)iKtrict. On Isi Aui^ust, 18H!), an Order-in-Co.nicil camo into force conslitntiii}:; " T'ho Land Titles for I'orta^'o La Praij'ie whicdi, comprisod on that dato only the County of Portafj;o La Prairie, but to wliicli,on L'jth Auj^nist, 1H8!), the County of Westboiirne was added— the oflico l^ciiif^at the town of Portage La Prairie and caU(;d ''The Land Titles Ollicj for Portage La I'rairie. Subsequent Orders-in-Council have provided : 1. Tliat on and aft<;r the IHli day of October, 1889, the County of J3eautiful Plains should be added to the Land Titles District for Portage La Prairie. \_ ^ M' 48 LAND TITLK8 OFFICF.H. I 2. That on luid iiltur tlu; 2:ii(l day of OctoluT, 18H1), tlio Coiniti(>s of MiiiiicdoHii iitid Kidiii}^' Moiiiituiti hIiouUI he added to the Lund TitlcH Distrii-t lor I'oilii'^o La rrairio. J5. That on and alter tho IJlHt (hiy of Octohcr, IHH!), the Connty of Fairford and th(( mnnicii)alitit'H of Nortli Norfolk, J^clcomt and Woo Ihind.s should ho achlod to tlic Ijand Titles DiHtrict for l'ortaor, IHHl), tlio n hIiouUI 1)0 Ija rniirio. HI-, 1HH\), the ortli Norfolk, Liiiul Titles hvv, lHH9,the 11(1 Titlt'8 DiH- A'imiipos was inipctj; oit'C'tod of \Viiinii)i'g, r, South Nor- forco on 14tli DiHtric't, com- jiikc, uitli its rnor-in-Council No person bIuiH |r or attorney in Kuch cxaminera Ivibablo for each who Bhall luivo toliini or tlicm other persona pleasure of the a person to act Act, and bucIi I the absence or lofticcr, until a shall have all rrovided that the Deputy of any olllcer mint lnivt> the iiMalKic.ationH provided for by thiH Alt for Huch ot'licir. Comparo sec. 15 iumf. H. I'verv Dintrii-t Ile^lHtrar, before he enters upon tlie execution of ontli <.f liJH olTice, Hhall take the oath of ollice and t^ive necnrity to th(! Hatirtfaetion of tlie Iduutenant-(iovernor-in-C!ouii(!il, under tho Act of tluH IjeniHlatnre passed in tlie Kith an,'n, chapter?, and be subject to said Act. H''(' AinciKluioiits by '> 1 Vic. c 1), iiiul 5'2 Vic. c. 3, hh. 4, 5. f). Ilach DistrietHej^istrar KJiall hiivc a seal of ollice approved i)y the St-nl of Lieutenant (lovernor-in-tounci I. See note to hcc. 74 as to scaliii^ of InstrunuMitH beiiif^ iiocessiiry to <^iv(! tlicni etlVi'tivi' foivr. Flo(,'lHtrar- (}(3iu^istrar-(ieneriil or his successor appointed under thi! Heal Property Act of IHH"). shall, when so directed by tiie liieuteiumt- (fOVeriior-in-('oun(ul, cause to Ims furnished to eacii of tlu! District- Uej,'istrars, ajipointod under tiiis Act, the ori^jinal or copies of all re^jis- ters or entries of any inHtrunieiits in the [)vesent Land Titles Oilice at Winnipeg,' af'fectinti any lands in the district of such District-Registrars respectively, of indexes of names, and of all other books and also of all the documents or instruments atfectin;^ the said lands which may be on file in said odice, (d) and the District-lle^^istrars shall keep the same in their respective oltices, and deal with them as if they were made or ret,'istered under this Act. (h) {<{) See sec. 35, post. (b) Lands registered under the Act of 1885 and amend- ments would, upon the formation of a new district, in which they were included, become subject to the provisions of this Act, although the certificate of title was issued under the Act of 1885. See sec. IG and notes in pcde, 11. At such times and in such manner as the Lieutenant-Governor- Transfer of in-Council may direct, all books, records, documents, plans and other f'rom'i{o''(,'fB- papers now in the possession of liej^'istrars appointed under the provisions '^'y otfices of Chapter sixty of the Consolidated Statutes of Manitoba for the ref,'is- Titles" tration divisions included in each of the said districts constituted under '''^*''"'" the provisions of Section four of this Act, shall be transferred from the MAN.L.A. 4 60 11. n. co\. himivi;y. ,1 ' I 1)1 i I 11 I ! |)OHH(>Hsi(ii\ of siKili lu'L;intfiU'M iind froiii llic IJc^^islrv ()rri('('s in wliicli ilioy two. now (K'poHilcd to tin- liiiildiiiL; creeled or |irovided foi- llie liiiiid 'liUcH OlVioo for Hueli distriet. II.H. Co. liiviul Ko^!- istov, ))liiiis niul Hur- -voya. Vi, 'I'll eo|) I'll .of Siii'v<'y of I, lie Hudson's Hiiy ('oni))nny, lUU refi I the <'o|)V of llie l{e;4isler iSooU of (lie liiidsoirH l>iiy ( 'onipiuiy , I t< erred to in 'rlie Hudson K Hay ("onipiiny liimd lvef^i«t<'i" Act," hImiII I'eniain for safe Ui u-pinj^ in tlu' Lanil Titles ( )Hice, at. \\inni|)eL;, and Hinill lu'reafli-i- he under Hie eharf^e and eoiilrol of the I )isl riel -Kej^istnir, iiH p.'irt of tlu> oHu'ial hitoivs and iiist ruineids of liie L;ind '''it les Ofiiee at Wiiniipej;. The copy of pltins of survry, if vwv ni!ul(> nndci' the Hudson Biiy Co. Land Ho^istcr Act, liavo hccii jii)))!U'ontly misltiid jind no nroporly {Uitlicntioilcd cH^py jj.ppciirs to Imvo ovir been on iilo in tlio registry ofticcs for \Viiniii)crt, both inclusively ; and westward alonjj; tlie Assinniboino from its junction with tlie lied to near the western limit of the parish of St. Francois Xavior. The holdings were survey.'d in narrow strips hiiving uauiiUy a frontajj;e on the rivers and a dei)th of about two miles. The copy of the re*;ister is on file in the Land Titles Ortice at Winnipc^^j. It purports to be a register of lands allotted, sold or leased by the Hudson Bay Co. on both sides of the Red River from Lake Winnipeg southwards to about lots 53 and 208, as shewn on Plans of the Dominion Government Survey of the Parish of St. Norbort, and on both sides of the Assinniboine River from its confluence with the Red to the western limit of the Parish of St. Francois Xavier. The following extract from an official report to the Department of the Literior by the late Chief Justice Wood on a case submitted to him under the Dominion Land's n. 1!. CO. I.AN'D UKiUSTKIl. 51 I in wliicli limy he l/iiiid 'litlcH Uiiy Coiiipimy, >ny ( '()iti|iiiiiy , .Un- Act.," Hluill ijii'L;, iiiiil hIiiiII t-Ui>f^isti'iir, iiH I'itlcs OHicc at > under tlio .'ll)l)!U(Mltly viiYH to liavo iiiiix';^ or for riic Hudson up tlio lied 208, and on [)rl)(>rt, both iuo from its f tho parish ■jps having If about two Land Titles |er of binds ]o. on both ithwards to Dominion )rt, and on confluence ish of St. kt to the jtice Wood m Land's Act,, may prove iutcrcHtin^; and of souk* use in determining tb(; vahi(\ as evidence, of entries in the Jludson Jiay Co. li(^gist('r : — "The lii'sl, objection to the cbiim of fj. is tliat the sahi and tiaiisfcr by A. V. lo J'.. li. is not evid(!nced l)y writing un. Jj. in the lands, for it was accompanied by a change of poss(!Ssion, and of tli(! position of the pjirties in respect of the lands to such an extent tiiat (Mpiity would intervene and declare tin; contract though verbal, valid and binding, and would order its sp(!ciiic perform .nee; and what nui}' ])edone equity looks upon as having been done, and uiuhir the Ih'st and rational i)rinci[)le lying at the foundation of this procedure, I think in the i)r(!sent case I must look upon the verbal •contract between A. V. and 13. L. as comi)letely executed and that the estat(; and inter(;st of V. in the lands passed to L. as fully as if a formal deed had been executed between the parties." " The second objection is that no entry of this sale or trans- fer was made in tbe Land liegister of the Hudson liay Co. under the number of this lot, in that Register 538 ; but that according to that Kegister A. V., at the time G. bought and took a transfer of the one chain in width part of lot 5Ji8, stood in the Kegister as the owner of the lot, and therefore, giving the proper effect to the entries in the liegister, A. V. must be considered as at that time owning the lot, as having a disposing power over the saiue, especially in so far as purchaL^ers in good faitli and without notice are con- cerned." " This entire proposition is a mistake in all its parts. The Register of the Hudson liay Co. may be valuable as a source Bm r 52 II. n. CO. LAND REGISTER. '! I 1 I!' of evidence relating to the transactions in respect of lands in the Red River settlement, but it cannot be relied on as giving a claim of title to lands, much less ay declaring who at any given time was the true owner of any lands. If it were assumed to have such force and effect, no man's lands in the Red River settlement would be safe. As to tracing ownership in connection with the history of actual posses- sion it may be, and sometimes is of service, but the entries were so irregularly made, and with such brevity, and in such general terms, and so frequently omitted to be made altogether, that it is not over-stating the fact when I say that, as containing a connected history of the changes and transfer of land, it is wholly unreliable, and to give it any such effect or construction would work disastrous conse- quences to land owners in the Red River Settlement, and would prove a * snare and a delusion.' Fortunately the Legislature has never given to that Register the effect and potency contended for in the foregoing objection, and in my judgment it would be a great mistake for it ever to do so, and until the Legislature imposes upon me that necessity, I shall not put such a construction upon the Land Register of the Hudson Bay Co." " In the present case the Register shews P. V., a witness in this investigation, and brother to A. V., to be the first or original owner, a grantee of the H. B. Co., of lot 538, the same as lot 117 (St. Norbert), and A. V. as his assignee or grantee (see Ex. D.) Whether or not there were inter- mediate owners between the brothers, I know not, the form of expression in the evidence of P. V. is open to suspicion that there were intermediate owners ; however, as that fact was and is immaterial in the present case, it is of no con- sequence, as both parties claim under A. V., who, for the purposes of this investigation, must be considered as having been the true owner, at least at the time he made the sale and transfer to B. L., and gave him possession in 1808, it of lands 3lied on as laring who nds. If it lan's lands to tracing .ml posses- tlie entries ty, and in he made vhen I say anges and ;ive it any 3US conse- ment, and nately the effect and and in my r to do so, necessity, d Eegister a witness |he first or 538, the siffnee or ire inter- the form |suspicion that fact no con- ), for the LS having the sale lin 1808, n. It. CO. LAND REGISTER. whoever may have heen the prior owners, and the e.idence of P. v., not the Eegister, is conclusive of this fact." " The misconception of the effect of entries in the Eegister as to priority of estate of assignees, and grantees and bargainees of lands, was probahly the ground of G. taking the conveyance he did of the one chain in question, for he must be assumed to have had notice of the claim of B. L., who was at the time and long prior thereto in actual pos- Hession and occupancy — living and dwelling with his family in the house and on the premises, which was an ever-speak- ing notice to all the woi Id, and jjriina facie declaration that he was the owner of the lands, but who, notwithstanding this notice given by actual possession, took a conveyance from a person out of possession, relying no doubt upon the effect of the register of the H. B. Co. as securing him in the transaction. It has no such effect. Mr. G. must be taken to have purchased with notice of the estate and interest of B. L., who was in actual possession of the lands at the time of purchase, and such possession without actual notice, or even actual notice of possession, is in law held to be good and effectual notice {Holmes cO Benny, 8 BeG. M. & G. 580)' The same result would be reached were we to apply the well known maxim Qui prior est tempore, 2)()tior est Jure.'' " B. L.'s purchase and transfer, which, though by verbal contract was made effectual by his executing the same and going into actual possession and occupancy, was, in point of time, prior to that of G. ; and, assuming that G. bought in good faith and without actual notice, constructive notice he certainly had, which in such a case as this is as effective as actual notice, and that the equities of the parties were equal, still the title of B. L. must prevail over that of G., for it is prior in point of time." As to the manner in which these entries were usually made and the object for which the Eegister was designed see McKenny v. Spence, Man. Eep. Temp. Wood, 11. 68 ii! ''I' I i I •I, III i ili I I 'l; 54 lUiililitif'P. When (louiity Uefjisti-nrs to cense to act. Subse- quent registra- tions, how I, AND TITM'.S Ol'IICKS. lit. Til t'lii'li of sfiiil l>is(ri(!ts, at tlic pliicc aijpoiiitcil as in-ovidc^d in R(H'tinii four licrcof. tlu> Ijicuti'iiMiit-l iovcnior-iit-Coiiiicil iiiitv procure ii. siU- iind CHUsc a suitiihlc lire proof l)uililiii^,' to In- I'l'i-ctcil tlicrcou or may purcluiHo or rent a buildiu^i to lu; used an tlio Tjiud TitloH ()nio(>, and pro])erIy funiisli tho Mamo. Thv inoiu\v iioccHHary to hi- expended in tlio purcluiHc of siti'H aiid.tlio croctioii and furiiisliiiif,' of such l)uildiii),'s kIuiII be jirovidt'd out of tilt' ("oiisolidatod HuviMiiu^ l''uiid, but tlie Haiiic sball be repaid by the inuuiiMpalitieH included in such districts rcHpcctivcly to the (iovernuu'ut. in ten etpial annual iiistalnuMits. Interest at tlio rate of live i)er cciituni per aiinuni on all uniiaid principal, to be (>t tlio rent if a building' is rented. 1-1. On an;] after the date iiamt d in the Order-iii-Council provideii for in section four hereof, iil' Rej^istrars appointed under the provisions of said Chapter sixty, or acting under the provisions of said chapter for counties or other tlivisions, included in any such Ijiind Tithes J)istrict so constituted, and all dciiuties tliercof, shall cease to act as such and tliere- after shall be relieved from all their duties under siiid Act, and such ot'lice sluiU from and after tlie date so named be abolislied, jirovided that notliinti in this Act contained sjiall have the effect of re'iievin<4 any sucli rej.;istrar or his sureties from liability for acts done up to such date. The ol'ticos so far abolished are the Ite<];istry Ol'iice for the County of J^raiulon, from '2;")tli July, 188!), the !{o,tj;istry Office for the County of Portage La Prairie^, from Ist Aug- nst, 1881), and the Westbourne Peoistry ollice, from IHth Anoust, 1881) ; ]?eautiful Plains ('ounty IJe ]\rarquette, Selkirk, "Winnipep; and Norfolk offices from 80tli October, 1889, and the Pussell office on 5th November, 1889. The Registry Offices for the County of DuiTerin and Pock Lake will cease to exist on 14th January 1890. Hi. On and after the said date so named, all ref^tistrations under tho provisions of said Chapter sixty shall be made with the District-Kcgisti-a-r OKOANI/ATION. 55 iiH |irovi(l«'(I in iiMv procure ii Iicri'oii or may ill's OfVicc, and 'cpciidcd ill tlio liiiildiii^'H sliaH Ah>. Haiiio KlialJ roHpectivcIy to cut at tlic rato • bo (;aI(MiIato(l fixod I)y tin: 3h iiiHtalmeiit. shall 1k> (li't(>r- iKT tliat other I'ho Municipal nt to iiioet tlie f a building is incil provided tlu> provisions id chapter for les J)istrict so leh and there- ct, and sueli irovidcd that .•in^' any siioh cli date. lice for tlio |(! !le,t,nstrv 1 1st Au}j;iHlriiii()n of, HJiy, ti. (Ma'til'icato of jiid^Mionl, (luriiifj; tli(> iiivoMtit^ntion niidcr nn iipplicntiou. I'y. l'',X('(>pt KM lii'r(M)) iitlicrwise prnvidcil IhcHnid Iiisl.ricri lU'<4iHlrarH toiu'T'nM" Hliiill conlii ii(> to ivcl, !in rc^JHtriirH inuici- miid rlmptrr nixty "■"<' anioiid- niiMils. ail I sliall cju'ry mil (lie |it ovisitiim of smIiI cliapl-cr ni\tv and aiucndiHcnls. Uiidor lluH scH'lioii iha D'stricl. lU'i^iHtrai' Iuim Hiicciu'dcd to till' olVu'o of tho " /H7//.s'fr(jr," who merely censed to net under aei!. 14 (nitc, but whose ihities are still to 1)(> perfonned undiH' the dual systoni of refjjistnitioii nr(>vjiiliujj; in the Land Tilles ()lVu'(> for the district in which the aholished refj;istra- tioi. division may have Ixmmi situat«Ml. Qiiticrc wheth(>r he should use the olVicial seals of tlu> old IJej^istry ollices. when authenticatih",' otVicial inHtrumentH under tl)(> Lands IJej^istration Act of Majiitoha, IN. Tlic Ucf^istrar-doncral and all otl\«'r oHicorH appointed umlcr ilic ■ provisions of dto Uon] I't-opcrty Act of IHM;") and anuMidnnMils, shall ('(intinnc 1o act nnd(M' said A(^t until a date to l)c named ni an order iii- ("ouncil. inclialiiif^ Ili(> Citv of Winnipci,', passed under section four liefcof, but on and aftcf such date so named such Het^istfar-(!(>neral and other otVicers so a])p(iinted shall cease all their fuu-.^tious and such otl'iccs shall, on and after said dat(> so named h(> aholislu'd. SiH' note to s<>c. '2. The l^e^istrav (ieneral tind otlxu' olllcers as well as the Land Titles OtVice, under the Act of LSH") were aholished on 30th October, ISSi). See note to sec. 4. 10. The said IMstrict-Rot^istrars, Clerks and oHicers shall commenco their respective duties on the day luimed in the OrdorH-in-Council respec- tively, passed under the ])rovisions of section four lieroof. See note to sec. 4. Onicors under 1\, 1 A., is\\ Com- moiico- niont of new sys- tem. Dis. K.,etc.. *10. No Diatrict-Re^istrar, Examiner t)f Titles, OfViceror Clerk in any office under this Act shall, directly or indirectly, act aa the agent of any corporation, society, company, person or persons investing money, and taking securities on real estate within his registration division ; nor shall such District-Registrar, Examiner of Titles, Officer or Clork, advise, for not to act as agent. convey- ancer, attorney. etc. TAIUI'K Ol' I K.IOH. 57 cortificato of pplicfitioii. ilrici llof^JHtnirH xly iiikI iimoiid. l)it'r HJxty 11,11(1 IIS HU('(UU'(I('(I I'cjiscd to jKtl, lie pcrl'onmMl in ili(> Land led rc^^iHtra- iIk of the) old iiiHtnimoiits iiiitlci' tli(> iiilrii(, any hiiHiiic'SH or occnpalion whatever other llniii liin diitieH nmler thiw Act ; nor Hhall siieli 1 )iMt,riet Hi'i^iHtrar. I'lxaniiner of 'I'itleH. Ollieer or CU-vk. jinicfice iiM a liarrinter, aftorney or Holieifor, upon |iaiii of dinnnHHal from oCtice for anv offence ri,'iiinsl, thin ilaime. "it. All fees for HcrviceH under this Act. or in (loiinection with it other Kcim, than for Hiich v-erviccH tn relate Holely to tin? old HyHtc^m of retjiMtratioii and in no way H'h-Av to the ni'W Hyntein, or the hrint^iii"^ of land under the new Hystcin. shall he settled i)y tariff neide hy the lii(!iiti!nant- 'I iii,i;s ( )ikici;s. I'\)r each iipplicii tioii when the applicant is the ori^^iiial (grantee, and no transaction alf(!(!tin;^ the laml, excepting; niort^aees or leases, has hiien rei,'istered SI ()') The like when the title is of any otiier descriiition, and the value exceeds #;{,()l)() 1.") (10 'i'he like when the value exceeds IJ'J, ()()(). and (h)es not exceed 1i.:i,0()(» 10 00 The lik(^ when tlie valiuu'xceeds Ifl, '.()(), and does not exceed »'2,()U() 7 00 The lik(^ when tlie value exceeds 'if>l,0()i), iind does not exceed 1>1,."<00 ', 00 The hk(! when the value exceeds ^',m, and does not exceed 1^1,000. . .'i 00 The like when the value does notex(!eed *.".(»() ii 00 For every Certificwite of 'J'itle issued under an application to hrin^,' lands nnder tlie Act, wliicdi application shall only comprise lands in the same rej^istration division, and shall not, (^xcept as liereinafter provided, comprise more than one (h'own Section or other snh-division, contif^nous country lands iir)t exceeding' alto<,'etlior 2,000 acres a road not to he considered a hreak in the conti^iiiity — and any nnmber of lots under the same plan of subdivision may he included in tlie same appli- cation, hut in no case shall a ("ertificatciof Title issue for more than fifty lots, according,' to any jilaii of Hubdivision. If the value of the land comprised therein does not exceed ^500. ... 1 00 The like if the value of the land exceeds ^500, but does not exceed »1,000 1 r,o il , .:'| 1 1: ri i \ i ' 58 TAHIFK OF FKKH. The like if llio viiliio of the hind exceeds ff 1,000, but does not exceed »'i,00i> «2 00 The like if tiio value of tiio land I'xctrds .'j'.'J.dOO, but duos not exceed «.<,000 -5 00 The like if the vahie of tlie land exceeds «:i,00(l 4 00 For every Certifica/e of title not otherwise [Jiovided for 1 50 For re .iste. iii<^ a transfer or a discharj,'e of niortj^ii;^o, or cliar;,'e, \ iu.lly > V i)artially, or a satisfaction of an annuity, or a sur- idoi o) a lease 1 00 ]''>!■ ■ Terin<,' a lease, niort^^a^'e or cliarj,'e, or a transfer thereof 2 00 Winn any '■. ' "'unient purports to deal with or affects land in more than one ^laut or certificate, for each memorial after the lirst 50 For re^^isterin^' pi-(i[)rietor of any freehold estate or interest on a transmission 4 00 For every caveat '2 00 For every power of attorney 2 00 For every entry in the rej^ister, for which no other fee is piovided ') "jO For withdraw-al of caveat 1 00 For entry of foreclosure 4 00 For every search . . 2") For every j^eni'i'al search 1 00 For every map deposited 1 00 For deposiliui,' document declaratory of trusts 2 00 For ref^isturinj,;' recovery of possession by le^^al procciidin.Ljs, or ret^isterin^' the lessor as surrendei'ee 2 00 For vestiui,' of lease in mortf^aj^ee on refusal of assi<4iiec to accept the same 2 00 For entering,' notice; of marriai;e or deatli 2 00 For entering' notice of writ of /(. /' 60O .. ;«.lo ('..(K) 700 ,l.i>0 ... tl'J.". 800 :i.:iii ((.;■)() 900 ... :i.ii» (i.7"i 1000 .. .•t,r>(i 7 (H) 1100 .... .J. 10 ',17.-, 1200 4.'_'0 lOIK) 1300 ^:M W.-lh 1400 .J. 10 1(1. .M) 1500 \.M 10.7.". I''i;ks. Fl'r.M. \ Al.l 1;. ()i i^iniil Nnt Ori«. tiriintrt!. (Iniiiloiv leoo T*\.m ... .->i;i.iK) 1700 .|,7() 1.1 -J.-, 1800 ... I.HO \:\:*) leoo 4.!M) 1:1.75 2000 .... r>,()() .. .. 1 2 100 ... (i.lO IS'.i 2200 ... (•..'Jii \h:a) 230O ... ... . ii.:«) is.7r. 2400 (Mil I'.MMI 2500 .. . (l.TMl iii.j,-. aeoo ... (i.lKI I'.I.V) 2700 ... (i.70 HIT.-, 2800. . . (l.Kl 'J(),(M) 2000 (I.IKI i!().-r. nni IK liiiil.ltnl. jliminiM !()<' ikilil •<:«■. Tlio total foos on oiii-ii Morti^ii^t! are $2, mid 011 fiuili traimfer, |'2.r)0. Sovoral pairc^ls may l)o iiu'liidcd in oiu- traiiHfcr, but if moiv tliaii 0110 new crrtilioatu of iitlo is nocossary, 1fl.")() i^ cliar^^cd for cacii e.xti'a ccrtilicato. JCxtra memorials at ')0c, eacli are cliar^cd win re e.\tra entries are required to lie made in the re^'ister upon tlie re<^istration of mort;,'a}^ees or transfers affectin;^ lands in separate eertificates. The TJcgibtratiou Fees under the old system, where not spechiUy provided for in the Statutes, are as foHows : Taiuff ok Fkks ExiiiiiiM': unuku tiik Lanhs KiuiisruATioN Act ok Manitoiia. I'or re^isterinti every instrument not otherwise specially provided for, not e.Kceedin;^ 800 words, and not ineludinjj more tlian 10 lota or distinct [)arcels of land .$'2 00 For every additional 100 words or fractional part tliereof lu For each additional lot over 10 and up to 100 0") For each lot over 100 02 When the lands in any instrument are situated in different munici- palities in the same County, the entry of such instrument for each distinct municipality to be considered a distinct resi},'nation. The registration of deeds of right of way, etc., to railway companies is usually provided for in the Company's charter, and is generally fixed at one dollar, including certificates. For each certificate of discharge or partial discharge of mortgaj^e, and every other certificate, including lia penden>^, when there are only 10 lots or distinct parcels of land mentioned or des- cribed, not exceeding '250 words ftl 00 i M I' v\ i 1' (UHTUATIllN OK <• I''i;i',H. ml Not Ori^. uo. (traiiloo. SDI.IK) i;i.'j.-, (I i:iri<) i:i.75 «t 11.00 IH.'.T. lit is.riO ») iH.Tr. HI lll.OO ^) v.i.-2'> Kl lO.IO I1I.75 iJOJH) ill tJo.'-':> li)>' ikdd ■•:,!•. tniiiHfer, t'2.r>0. mori! timn ono for ciicli oxtni *itra entries are II of inort;,'a;ieoH 11, where not lows : i.vrioN Aci' OK I)i'ovi(le(l )ro tlian $2 00 15 0') 02 fcrent munici- U'ut for each n. ay companies enerally fixed irtga,^o, 1 tliere lor (los- .. . n 00 ■i TAIIII F OF FKE8. For cacli additioinil tflO wordt* or fractional partH thereof Kor cacli additional lot I'or rc'j^iHtration of any orit^inal plan where the number of lotH does not exceed 100 For each additional lot lor re},'iHtrati(m of any amcndcMl plan when tiie number of lots docH not exceed '>0 I''or each additional lot lor rct^JHtration of any snbdiviHion of lot or lotH on any ori^;inal plan or amendment tiiereof, where the nnndjcr of IoIh dooH not ex(;eed 10 I'or cuch additional lot l'"or ri't^iHtration of each certified copy of resolution for issuiuf^ debentures For registration of each certified copy of by-law For rej^istration of return as in Schedule A. of Act respecting' 2 / registration of debentures § ^For refiistration of nanu! of holder or transferee of debentures Gl l! I »o ir> ()'2 10 00 0'2 r, 00 .(•2 2 00 Of) 1 00 2 00 no 50 75 00 50 50 50 50 50 50 00 not exceedinj,' 5 Over 5 and not exceeding' 15 Over 15 and not exceedin<^ HO Upwards of HO I'or re^^istration of (tertificate of naturalization For rej^istration of certificate of .ludf^ment from County Court . . For filinj^ jjrants from the Crown For filing; each mechanic's lien For filinf^ each dischar^^e of lien I'\)r filinf» and rocordinj^ every certificate of partnershin ........ SeaIICHEH ANU AllSTIlACTS. For every search on any lot of land as patented, or as afterwards subdivided on a registered plan, not exceedinf^ four references For every additional four references Not to exceed on any particular lot and for a {,'eneral search. . For exhibiting; in the oflico each original registered instrument, including seai'ch for same For search for evei'y certificate of naturalization und certified copy thereof For search of copy of by-law or resolution filed under llegistra- tion of Debentures Act For every abstract of title — for the first 100 words For every 100 words additional, or fraction thereof And see proviso in Act as to any section or portion of a section owned by and registered in the name of one and the same person. 25 25 2 00 20 25 '>0 50 25 ..^^ H') \ u.n I o\ \ \ \ u. I '» t » \» I. \< )i '1 \M> \ 'hi H V'lM f<\i\\ i'i'«<\l\r>ti- C»• «!'.>« \,\ »0 ll ■<. > I vf ( iiiT* lii'i>< \ ii 1 t\l. .1 l>\ U\iln(> r,'<\\)> (Mii'ii, 111 lit , r 1 VI r M ,>\1\\ D, 1 Ai'll 'U^^.ii^X U rlliii >i\\r'UUI»; <nl\ !-.|l I 1^ T« ».■ »)>> 1 1\,- V'^iw^ )nnM I. MUM .'>1 >'< iV'^'^i A Vci'iMVi .i U\ ImIM IU>.\i'I IIm'I \r( i>ll.< nililol I'llH^'li'l •ll^1\ i>l (Itr ^"'** » \'n«.,>1\,^>ii',^ fM-^ i>< >rnu1i»lv< !»ii.\ «ii>i'ii. t^i^iiii" 10 llii' Vi-o\ nii'ii\ ViN'rtfliiiT) i»1 '-iii'li mill"! h\\\,\ III mii'li iu>iiini>i i(.i n<'tn'iiM>> .M ivi«nnv> ihivit N.> i>(\>• ••.V,:^;; Ino r>'>l\t!is^ li'' i>>1'>ii> 1'i»< 1n«s ivx- rtii\ Vi'io i>( -uw Uiiii< « li'il'^oi'i i i '»NN>>\\'i-.1 I'oi ^^^M■^ i^.Mvo 1*1 1l^^^>l^^^•ul.|ii,< m roiiiii'i'lioii viilli -i 1 •^'■.> Vifl<'"> ^^^'Ai'o VIm' \»i'n-^lf,\ I'l^i riiM \ lol'UiiMi I'i ilii't I'I'iii II' iiIimII l>i< ii\«l111«c^l 1l\M^> iMMi'i' Vi-t .M 0| V ",> ',<> ,, ) UiV.i'^> '.li.^l; iiiM lli^l "Vrtll -liw pol ni>ii rti'Iniii llllili'l ^/^nrt */f< ' '^ iv,il'>,>\\1\ , nniioi ill-.'* ViM oi nni^M rtiix ii oi io"ii'"i'»l ml'" iiinili' m )Mii"rtU rtn\ «lll^■t^ of 'iiii'li iM)\i i-i . I'o ImMo i.' «r,\ (^ >*V ^*>NSVi>h^>>; f.>1 i*> in ll'n^ViS-t o( :ioM«^ ii\ Iho r»\o<>'i«<< oi «in'po':t'i\ i^xn ovio of ilio ('omi-io j>"NV'> ^> iV* V« 1 oi :^>^^ «*i'.^ov, >m1ooi i-.M;\r,rtiioii uvi, {\\\y\ S(\'>i \1J' i;HV I Knit*. ♦ I. l'>v>v> • 1 ^^^.^ Vi<\->« ^^rt\^^' " *\\a\\ ts« )\oyt o^^oll on nil liiMi «>m'.<|'( )rtC*', V,.>',.^i\\«, <'iv>n> l1v lior.v of <.>n »•> <''i«><'K in tlio fol■^'llo.^n until tliioo oVKvK \« th^ *'(VwiNM> «^\.v)^t\nn SrtlittN^rtN •> until ono oolo.K in (lio sftV'i'n.NNn ITw lMi-,i- t<» N' Kn\<^vH^\ <«lirtU ls> •>»rtiivt:n.\ tiiiio l'\oop> >ft"1>!Ui ll-y M^.^ ^^^n\•< n>'> iv\s;i»1i'ntion «1i!»U bo otTooto.l 1"^.A\ . .\"ii J\»".r.t s I'^.-^N, \hc \\\\\\\i\\'\\\i\{v i\>ni'op(i»M\. m\»l ,^n> .^.Ay j^pjsv.r.ttM l\v ^MNvl.'n !\s ;) fivi\oi;\l Fast o\ ThAr.V>!,px ing. 0. S. M c^jv \. soo. 7. ■K III! IM Ml I in I 1 1( |i' r.ii I hiiiii> ..,!.. ,>. \\' iini"!. ttit " \o .-.0 \\ of nil "uini'i l'< M»> < \ I't 1 111 •tl\itlt •) 'liUV'i' "I\mII I'i' •>!'( n^i! nuili'i nil' \MHili- iH l«ii hnl.l.- (,• ■ ■,■ iloiiti ,,) ( 111' | MlMUl 1' iXi'i'|>( \\\\{\\ tl\l,'l' •livU U\ ll\i' I'Xi'l'pt 1 V'i^st i>i- ^ I'llM |Mi"»Mill' "I ill' I'IMI " 'I'IIpImiI litll" " ft'l tl'l- 'I ll'lli ^^,,,||,| It,' |ii'l l|i| |i'l illl < I |>t 1 I • i>l til' l'"tilil\ v\liii" Illl' iillirc i'l "iImmIi'I . Ill' 'iMiccM 1 1,1 ,iii"Ii'>mI I III' I'l M\ illl I' M|M'ii II ml I III' I li 1 whtil IK I; ti'isVM ,n iiiijiii'iij I mil"! tin ' I I liliiii i;liitii|iii il liiiic" *9\. n>" Xi'lli lull' I III Mill \i'l fllKJ nil llil'lilliMI'i Mll'l fllM"Mi|lll< IiIm Mf'liri' ill, 1 , I,' In ic'illi'i iii'i'li' In 111. I liiil. M'lhl MMcriiiil III rMiiiicll, Mltnll '"' p,',, j ,,/ A^t ,|. , ,,,1 .1 I 1 I"' . Illli'i'lii 'I il I ) ' I I '1 li'lll mI llii" \> I I'lll' I 11 III illlIc I !llr |ilill|i| Im||m\J||(i Mic 'M'ImKI'I ill y\ lui II Illl \ 'III' I I'll I I I'll III I il f 'ICC !l I M'l I null • *0. Ill" I illl I ill 'I III I Illl ii ii'H ill • iiiliii il I'lin II li'i M |iii\Vf>l f I Mill I iiiic 11 M 1(1 ' I.I liiiii' (.1 iilli'i iHM "I I'll' liiiiii'i III lie '^1 111 liilci' 111 Hii'i All, Il pirnviild „,,(,, „|,|(,,„ .MM irl.liliiilli.l I..I1II1 lllll III H I.I. ill... I l|."H"i'IIV Mll'l III 'ill'i (|„. "'Ill '""N" mil"! mill I i'(iiiliil liMi't ml fiiilli III iii-ltii|i(li'i II Mll'l |! Ill Miin A''f, nii'l Id inn 111 > Hiii'li I nil "I mil i iniil'i I imii h'i iii'i \ Im ilciiiiiil mi i uii i i,' m '■i' |ii"l ii'iil. f,.i 111 \ inn 1 II. .'1 I 1 I lii'i \ il in I "I'll .11 i|ii|ii Ml i'li'l flit . iM ' 111 'lni(i I'l iLi I riif inli'nl mill pm |i.i".' Ilii(i Mi'l"^! '.',11 llllij .',.1 illlli. IlrllMJllJi' It. lnll'iWM t;«ic. |i'(j /'I'.lf. '^I'llI'MI'l I" M Illl I'l 111 I'lMi' I III' lull I ilV'li I I M I 1 ( If I'll I II. I fill fill ii'i n |i|il Illl Illl' Illl-. |i| uv i'lim II lit Illl' iicvi'lil II iici linn nf lli». fnlfrci''' I iili'l |«i I'Inl inn Nil III l\l .mil Illlli . iiinl nf llii' llili'l .iiilinii nf llinl A'l, ,,p Vfaiii nu.lnf Illl' \miiil|it null 'ii'il iiinu nf llic miiil iii'i'l inlMI 'llillll lie iip|)li(''l td'"'"* I III' I'lill'il I lli'l inn I if I I II "II. I llli'.i. S(i(> iinlcii III ficc !l illlli' . '' l'',\i'i\ n|i|ilii' 1 1 inn fill lii'il I I'CJ'il I !i I inn iiinl'i Illl' new HV>'.l."rti •;Iim II A ii[ili''«. Ill' in \vi il ill;;, ill Hm |ii lilmil fniin.nnil llic nl hIcimi'mI.m rriii'lo in Lli'' i,, .^vriMntf. mHilii'itl inn iiIimII 111' \ I'l illi'il li\ I III' II riiiln vil. nf I lie II |i|i|i((i n|. (Il I lie iicrn'iii inlmii in lii'j nnnin m nii liii li.'liiilf , Iml hiiiIi (i.ffiilavil. inii.y, in llin 'li^ I'li'linn I'l" llii> liiMlrii'l. lli'inul i iii , In' (li»|ii'nn('(l willi, nr miiv !>'' rnfi'l'- l>y Hiiniiinlli |i|ir.inn iinil.ninl nf I Im ii |i|ili"i nl.. ni |iiiillv liy 'ni" (I'THdn »iri') pirllv In inllii'i, itl. Mio i|im>iclinii nf Ihn I »iM|,ric.l. Uo(/iHf.rn,r, ari'l in Hiii'li I'lV'ii' Illl' nlHiliivil. nf iilllriimlinii nlin.ll lin ni'iililic'l (i'',f'.'irf|irii;l y . S('(> HiM'M. 10, 17 Illlli 57 n.tiil iKiliim lili(>ril,'i juml. •' 'rii(> i»|i|ilii'an|. hIihII fmniuli I lin fnllnwini' nvidfincn : ,. , , , (I) \1! (ini'iiq ill IiIm iiiujm")i4iiiM!' t.lin Id'nl Id (ni'"ri. '''!'",/ f ppli';*nk III. Bi iiii n ' I I •! I ,; \^ ■ t %.' lliliiil *><''* ., ,i' 64 RULES OF PRACTICE. (2) Proof of facts necessary or required by the District-Eegistrar to make out a t^ood safe holdiiif^ title. See sees. 44 and 47, and notes thereto, post. Where i. Where in the aiiplication for first rej^istration there is a request or appUcatioii direction that the certificate of title should issue in the name of some must be person other than the applicant, the application shall be duly attested and verified by the subscribing witness. See sec. 45 7^05^ Affidavit by Witness unuku Kl'lk of Practice No. 1 and Beg. 45, wheue Ceutikicate of Title is to issue to a Person other than Aitlicant. Manitoba, County of To Wit :) I, of tlie in the County of of make oath and say : 1, That I was personally present, and did see the within Application duly signed, sealed and executed by the part thereto. 2. That the said Application was executed at '6. That I know the said part 4. That I am a subscribing witness to the Application. Sworn before me at in the County of this day of in the year of our Lord 18 A Ccvimixni over for ttihiini Affidavits in etc. What ap- 5. Every application should state the names, residence and the pro- state. '°" °fession, trade or occupation of the applicant, the estate claimed and description of the lands ; it should also state the value of the lands, all documents or evidence of title in the possession or control of the applicant and all mortgages or encumbrances affecting the lands, the names and addition of all occupants of the land and of the lands contiguous thereto, How to be and, except in tlit cise provided for by statute, siiould be signed by the before applicant or his duly constituted attorney, before the District-Eegistrar, whom. .^ Notary Public, a Justice of the Peace, or a Commissioner for receiving affidavits in B.E., if executed within Manitoba, or if executed abroad, before a Judge of a Court of Eecord, a Notary Public under his official seal, or a Commissioner for receiving affidavits to be used in Manitoba. A Schedule should be annexed containing a list of documents referred RULES OF PKACTICK 65 t-Eegistrar to IS a request or name of some duly attested 3EC. 45, WIIEltE ArrLiCANT. t'l, cacli instrument beiuf,' numbered and its nature, date and parties tlitreto stated. See sees. 40 and 41 and 57 po-'it. 0. Applications shall not, except as hereinafter provided, comprise ^^''''tlniHl more than one Crown section or lots comprised in more than one plan, luay cou- C'onti.L;uous country lands, not exceeding altogether 2,000 acres, a road *""'"■ not to be considered a break in the contiguity, and any number of lots under the same plan of sub-division may be included in the same application, but in no case shall a certilicato of title issue for more than fifty lots. See Land Titles Tariff, 8th item, sec. 21, supra. mth and say : n Application thereto. 7. Where lands applied to be brought under the operation of the new I 'roof ro- aystem are claimed by the applicant as or through the heir or devisee of where ap- a person deceased, the applicant shall produce letters of administration j''^'^.'''"^ or copy of probate with his evidence of title. devisee. 8. The "Caveat Book" shall be hereafter known as the " Caveat -('avi'at Book and General Register," and in it shall be entered certificates of "" judgment and attachments which may be filed in the Land Titles Offue, as well as caveats and mechanics' liens. See sees. 63 (e), 130 and 131. "ill etc. nd the pro- aimed and le lands, all le applicant names and lous thereto, gned by the t-Registrar, or receiving ted abroad, his official Manitoba, ts I'cferred ■4 % !). The District-Registrar shall keep a book or books, to be called "The ; riie Ke«- liegister." and shall bind up therein duplicates of all certificates of ' titles to be issued as hereinafter provided for ; and each certificate of title shall constitute a separate folium of such book, and the District- Registrar shall record therein the particulars of all instruments, dealings and other matters by this Act required to be registered or entered in the Register and affecting the land included under each certificate of title. Compare sees. 44, 58, 60, 68 (7), 74 and 130 (7) post, and Hales 10, 13, 14, 16 and 18 post, 10. The District-Registrar shall also keep a book or books to be called " The Day " The Day Book," in which shall be entered, by a short description, every instrument which is registei'ed with the day, hour and minute of tiling; and fjr the purpose of priority between mortgagees, tranferees and others, the time of filing shall be taken as the time of registration. The District-Registrar in entering memorials upon the certificates of titles embodied in the Register, and endorsing a memorial upon an 5 \ 'I' 66 rimis. mi.KS OV rUACTlCK instrunuMit tii bo issucil, uliall tnkc tlic time I'lmn the Ihiy Hodk us tlu time of rci^ist ration. Stui socs. 71. 7(5 iiiui 7H. 11. Till' Pistrict Ui't^istriir shall keep a (ilaii luvik, and all rofcrcnco t(v plans shall l)i> mido hy plan niinil)i>r and not, by rot^'islratiion nunibiu'. Soo Sees. ()8 (SI. (li) iUK I 70. 1^; MiMnorial of ohargo to bo on- liovsod on I'oititU'uto Puiilii'iito i'_>_ .\( {]]^^ (imo of tho (li'i)ositi of any pl;in of snbdivision of lands as a town plot, a dnplicato of such plan, sii^nt'd and ccrtitii'd in the sani(> inannor as tlu> orii;inal is iviinirod to bo sij^nod and ccrtitiod, shall 1)1- dopositod tluMvwith, and audi diiplioaic plan so dopositod shall be kopi for iiso of the publii" makiiii; soari-lics and for I'cfcriMict" in tlio Laud Titlos Otr.oo. See Sflunlulo T, soc. iW). i;?. Tho nistrict-llo^istrar shall t>iidors(> upon tlu> oortilioalo of titlo a nioniorial of ovory inoit,i,'a<^o, ononnibraiioo, loaso, ront oliar^,'o, torm of yoars, or othor di'aliii}; at'footin^ tho laiui, and snob nioinorial shall be endorsod upon tho dnplioalo in the possossion of tho owner, if any, as woll as upon tlu> duplioato whioh is in tho Hoi^istor. ^Vhat 11. Kvcrv memorial entered in the Resistor shall state the nature of nioniorial ., . . " , , ,■■,-, , , i, . , t • . » ,. Ill Ko^istor tbe instrument to which it relates, the day, hour and minute of tho pre- to stato. sentation, of snob iiistrumont for ro<^istratioii, and the names of the parties thereto, and shall refer by number or symbol to sucli instru- ment, and shall be si^^nod by the District-Ilof^istrar. See Sec. 7(). l'^. Every rcsisterod owucr of any land or interest therein and every applicant to brin}^ land under tho new system, shall deliver to the District-llof^istrar a memorandum in writing,' of some post-office address (within the Province of INI' nitoba), to which it shall be sufficient to mail all notices that, under this Act, may be roipiired to bo sent to such re^'istered proprietor, and every registered proprietor or transferee of any registered interest shall, if rer. f IiUuIh IlK II n the name 10(1, slmll be hull lu' kept 11 tlu> lillllll ■to of titli' 11 ■f,'<\ torm of ial sliall he r, if any, an e nature of of the pre- nos of the ic.h iiistrii- aml every 'cr to tlio |ce address fnt to mail t to such !ree of any so to do, sfor in hia with his (1) (4). s K'l l'',vcry rc'^iHtratinn ol ownersliip hIiiiII he iimde on a si^parate Modd of m- • . , . . _ 1 ■ ii • i i^iHlinlioii. folium of tlie |{i'};inter, and upon any transfer of ownership tlie nij^istcr of the traiisf<'i-riir's title siiali he (•aii<-!li'(l, and tlie title of the traiisf(T(^e shall thereupon he eiitereil upon a new I'dliiini ; and the Distrie.t- lii't^istiar shall note upon tli(< Re^^ist(!r of tlw! title of the transfernir the niiinher of the roi^isU^r of \\n\ traiisf(>re"'s title, and upon that of the Iraiisrerce I he niiniher of renist<'rof tin? transferror, so that refi^renee can he riiulilv iiiiide from one lo tin' ollirr as occasion may reipiire. Sec Sees. 7 l-7('), iDi, 117 :tU(l 12:?. 17. No ill triiinenl of a luiliire to reipiirc caiK'ellation of a certilicii.tii limliu- I ,1 I i I I II I I I iiicnl- re- el' title or an eiidorsenicnt to he in;ii|c IJirrcnii shiill he reeeiveil and |||,i,.j,|(, re^iKtered in the Land Titles Ol'lice, nor any entry thereof made in Mii. 'lon'clln.- hooUs of said oHice, until the eertiliciite of title to th(^ lands cnliiUnil.ti . 1 ■ I IP 1 . Ill- 1 • '•<••' t" 'a! tlierehy allecti'il is proihicnl htr ciKloisi'inciit or eiiiiecllii.tioii, as tno easi^ rtiuiHteroil inav he ■ unless the prodiietioii thereof he dispensed with hy the District- '"''il ciirti- ■ ' . . ' Urate pre- Kej^istrar under the pros isioiis of thi^ Act. diarod or ilispi^iiHcil Src, 1 l:M17 iind I'i:}, UhIoh 5,7 and H, ScJi.whi.. 11. sec. I'M). Is. All traiisfi'rs, mort^ii,^i's and iiist rniiieiits to he ri^;.;istered in the liiHtni- , ,,,., ,1,1 ., -1 I II-,- , IIIOIllH to Ijand litles Ollice should show tlic na,iii(!S, residc'iice and additions oi„i„,^ the parties tlusriito. ""'i"i""'„,.„ u i>,,i 1 r , < and addi- I'.l. Transfer and mort^a^e shall he aecompaniod hy a certifuiato from "ax ccrtifl- the ))ro[)er olTieers of tlu^ inunicijiality wherein the property is situate that the land has not been sold for ta.xcis, and is not then advertised for sale oil account of arrears of ta.\(!S. The word "every" liits (jvidtMitly hcv.n accidentally omitted at the hef^inuiiij^ of this rule. See ^[an. ^[iinicipal Act 188(5, nee. OliU, as amended by 50 Vic. ca[i. 10, sec. 15. 20. I'ivery District Registrar shall, wIkmi recpiircd, and upon tho payment of the le-^al fees, furnish, attested hy (he seiil of iiis ofliee, exemplifications and certified copies of any jiiistriuniints affectiii}^ land which may he deposited. fil(>d, ki'pt or registered in his of'licc!, and such exemplilication or certilied copy shall, [H'ovidcd it is audi an instrument as may alfeet land in his district, he received, r^'^,'istered or filed, as the case may require!, hy any otlier Dis'i'letUegistrar in the same iniinncr 68 )U \.K;t OV V\\\yy\\V. •.\y\t\ w \\h fh<~ «rti >( til.' i\i' 1 'iT.v't (f <1 \r ovii;\nnl w i('< ( \ih Mil )' iiUiivi^ i>( "iiioh l^wtnot Kom«t\!n ^00 SOO w: } 1<1.S( SinRlo >>(M nifl\ \-suo VM \"i\vi ihi^ !X)'')>ho!>t\<>n of luu owniM- ov o( :n\\ yi'v- ii\(i. l>(\~<>nio rtii i^w iii'v <>( lun.l'i lioM u'i.Iim- ■■..')v\v;<1i- i-im ntu-di"') iM i \t li*. im iiuiiri no (■•orlilV'Hto of t\(li\ Mill! ll\(- .it'h\iM\n'; ni> of 'uu M(il\i':H, 'til *ti^'- of ml.' >t ••]\:\\] he ]-\\\ f\il for \hr Pisln.'l Ko.-.i'ili m (. 1o .;n. )>vo)>i loior rt >»in!;lo oi 'Vt\lV'i\lo of t \llo o1 1 'ni> \\ holo of 'in I'll litnii") or i'orli1ii\'i1i's «■ :ioh ooiit.'niun-; ;» j'ovlion of Mt\11.'M(. >f i\ poi'tioii of tlio l;»ii.i lUi'lihlisl \\\ .'nw «ni'l\ ooi ( Uloiilo of iillo, \i\ ui'i'oii|:mi'c' Willi siiv'h ai>i>liO'(1iv'>)l MU.l M'^ fin- ;\>> the siinii' mi \ ho ili>no oowM'^dMillv Willi i\n\ vi^:;al;U ion for tlii^ linio Ivin.; in fovi'o viw|>,'i'iin!', th(> jvnoi'l'; of l-ni.l thai ni:i\ bo int'^i m oiio oivtili.'iiio of litlo; xxuA \i|ioi\ i^mnii!; rtn\ snoli oovlUioMtt'' of lillo. tli<'' Pisiiu'f Ucvnstiar shuU ouloi on (In- new oortilioafo of litlo all tlio nit'nioi'ials 1<> wluoh Iho pu^-o of laiiil im al tho linio siil\in a nioniovan.lnni sodm.; fonh tho oi'i-a'uon of snoh oanoollalion an.i ri^fonm!; lo thi^ oov1i1ii';ito of tillo wo is'iucii. f Ooiiifioatt '2'2 Tho Pistfi.'l l^i\'_;is1rav >i|>.>u .vniooUin;; an\ oortilii'ato of tide, o.thov wholh ov partialh. pnvsuanf fo any trnnsfov, shall inMlvo ont (o 1 ho transftToo a oi^'litioalt' .^f lith^ lo thi'' laiul niiMilioui'il in snob ini'ino raniimn of transfov. an.l ininv sn.'h oovtilioali^ of titlo hIihII rofor. if ]M'«OtioaMo. fo Iho inslniin.Mit of tiansfm-. an>i Iho Pinlrio* l\0f;i!<1 lav shall rotain in-(M'y inomoraii.iniii of transfov, aiui oano('ll(>il o(>r1ili<'alo .if titlo. an.1 in tho oaso of a partially oniooUt^l oortitioato of titlo uliall rotnvn tho .Injilioato to lh<^ !;raiitor aftin- tlu^ inonioratiiluin pavlially oaii oolliiii; tho samo has boon ontorod Iboroupon. or n\a\ , wIumiovit roijuiroil thoroto by tho ovvnor of an unsohl portion iif laiut iiioluiloil in any Huoh partially oanooUo.l oortitioato of litlo. or whoro suoh a oonrso may a)ipoar moro ox^Viiiont, rotain snob pavtiftUy oiinoolloil ooitilioalo .aiiil iiiaUo out, to suoh ownor a oortitU^ato of litlo for suoh porti»>ii ov any puvt thoi'(>of. of whioh ho roniaius tho ownor. '!?>. In tho oomputation of timo. nnloss c^thorwiso spooially inonlionod. tho samo shall bo rookonod oxolusivoly of Iho day fnun wliioli Mu> oomputation is mado. but iuolnsivoly of tho day on whioh tho Aot or proooodinc undor thoso rulos or nndov any n.^lioo }:;ivon und(M' thi> yvo visions of tlio " Koal Troporty Aot of ISSii." is to bo doiio or lakoii. vli>aii '! of I'l) Whoro notice of sorvioo is roquirod to bo mado, a oorliiiii nuinlxM- At leftsi; ^f days boforo tho day on whioh soinolhinj,' is to bo dono. wnollior t!ii> words •• at " are used or not. tho day of sorvioo or of ^ivin^; nolico Time i i» 1 illiiMH proof I \i\ iM iniiii'i ■Ho ol I'd )\ i'iiic to 'inoli N OC 'lOX ovmI (i('lo:ito of n Hi'ooii|;mi'o 'on^iulondv o jvirool-; of pi'n I'winu!; oi\ |l\i> n<'\v lui iM lit the innt io Hiiolt i>lu.'r.'.i lip. OOi'lC^lOll of lll, i.'iIm' out to noil nii'ino lofor. if l\0!;i^,| any siu'li »> itpp<>!n iiuiKo out I llior(>(^f. iciUioiKni. liu'h till" 10 Act or tli(> pro KOU. 1 iuiinl>or Mlior t!ii> iii; itoti(V» f as ■5 m'M'H OK I'lMfiicin. on bIiiiII 1>o I'oinpnti'il ifi ono of mti'li iIuvm. IhiI. (Iio iIhv "m wliirli mirli Miini; M to III' ili'lio 'iliull lii> oM'llliliil floMI (III' roiilplllill inn 'M In nil niiilli'iM mill proi'i'i'iliiicM in n I ,iiiii| 'I'll loMt Hlli'i', In mm fur iim ll'InHnlilo I" ''"''''''"' till' Miiiiio I'lin i-oii'ii'ili'iit Iv III' iloiii', )'ipilfiilili> priiii'ipli'ii iiimI rtili'it, mm |,, „,,,,|^. cwliilili'ilii'il li\ ooinl'i of I'ipiilv. iiiiM III' iiiviiUoil, itclcil iipini iiihI Mpplicil ''.'l, A 'lI'Mll'll for I'll \ I'lll '1. I'VC'l'llf illll'l, Mini jlllljl,llll'll|ll llllllll III' I'Mllnilll't ImI Mi'MIC'Im"! luiil I'liii I ''.I'll ii'i ono Mi'iiii'li , lull •■.c'fii I'lio'i ill llio iiii'liivi"! fur nllii'i iImtii nii'lH '1 'illilll III' I'oii'iiili'i I'll Mini I'Inil "III MM II Mnpil I lllo HI'M I I'll fur I'Vi'lV 'ilM'li ilorililiolll Mi'tUii. sr.'iirli liM"* !in' iml ii(i',v rliii rjM'd wlit'li himiiIim liHU'i iii'i' niMili'. ■'I'l t tii till' llliiii; of M I'rii'i'ipi' Mini I'viili'iioo (n llw MMlinriirt imi nf I lir llniii'ivii I of I 'I'll rii'l lii'i'.i"! I iir t liiil niiv ooi I idiiilo of jiiil|',iui'iir I him mil' Ih'iu i iii' w i\ i ii),.,iii< nf ,1V lo I oi'.i'itii I'll 111 I 111' mil 111 11 '1 pi Mviilril liy III w, III' iiiM V I'li'i'r fi. i in 'inn mm I i'niiMiii'iit ii'li'ii'iiiii', till' 111 I II I'l of till' i I III I'l in '1 1 1 ill '111 111 I lii'ii'fi iiiii, Mini f In '11 '11 f III ':in li linli'.itli'iil 'iliiill 111' ili'i'iiii'il to lni\i' I'l'iiMoil III 111' lijinliiii' III M Inn npnii iiUi'li ImihIm. ",". On piiiiif III Ilio "il I ifiirl mil nf till. Hiqlrii'l l!i'i;iMfrMr lin'f pn ■'•"\ n"nn.vMl i,l lii|i'-i"l lUi'/i 111 ciiloii'i' M iiiii'liii iiio'ii lii'ii liM\i' mil. Iii'i'ii jinil jlnlii'il willini f'n fmn' i,ii.i'liiiiilc'ii II 111! I I'l I li\ I ill' A of 1 ri"ipi'rl iii.iMiii'rIni iiir'n linni In' iini v I'lif' r ii, iiU'iiniMii I rrli'i'ini'; flio liiinl'i ii.lloi'fi'i I f jn'i i'li, -HirKi'l. liofoii' iii(;ninn midi ccrl iliciil,!' ainl iiffrr flii' climm'. ul tJin kH'k; o.i n i.' liA'.V AMKNPl'.D. AMKNinilNf (11' liWV Fii;si'|'.Cl'lN(l 1,AN l>S. Doscoiit of »|7. Ijauil ill tlu< Proviiuu> sluiU i^o to tlii' ihm'mou.'iI rcinvsciitiitivi' of liiiuls Ol'S. ili'i'Oiisi'il owiii'vs tluTeol' ill till" s!iiiu> iiiaiiiiiT iis personal I'stato ;; Sot soc's. '2|), ',)',] and 'A I juist. When the Tirst Ri-jil Troperty Act was jtassed in ISSn, th(> 21st section provided that : " AI'tiT the coninience- nieiit of this Aet (/.('. 1st Jul//, /NX)) all lands in the Pro- vince of Manitoba wliich, /'// the ciniiiihni l<(ii\ are rt^j^ardi'd us real estate, sIkiII he lu'ld to hi rlnttlcls real, nm\ shall ^'o to the executor or aihninistrsitor of any person or p(>rsonH dyin*];, seized or possessed thereof, as other personal estate now passes to the piM'sona! representatives." The nieanin<^ of this section was very dilllcult lo arrive at. and it seemed doubtful to ni vny wliether r( ;t.l property liad been divested of its character as " realty," ar,d converted into "' chattels real : "' 1 ere again appeared another incon- izruity, for the deluiition ji;iven in the interpretation clauses to the word " lands " could hardlv bo reconciled in (wery case with the apparent intention of this section, and tlu^ peculiar distinction made as to those rij^hts and interests in land which, by the common hiw, were rejj;arded as real estate. In re Irish, 2 M. L. R 861, it was lield that lands became chattels real for the purpose of devolution, but were not subject to seizure under //./'<'. -Ic hoiiia. Again, it was asKed did this change aflfoct the *' seizin " of lands? did it atTect those facilities fiu'nished for the conveyance of lands under the operation of the Statute of Uses '? And what about the Statute of Mortmain ? These ([uestions may possibly require to be decided in cases which may have been afifected by the peculiar pro- visions of the x\ct which remained in force from 1st July, 1885, to 28th May, 1886, when the words " ^ hal! be l.eld to be chattels real" were struck out. (See 41) Vic. c. 28 sec. 5). ' ■ii si'iitiitivf i)f i to (^Ol's. ill 1M85, 1 >ninio!iec- '■ tlie Pro- ro«!ii-(l('(l 1 sliiill jj;<) r persons % uil estate ■* U) iirrivo 1 j)r()jH'rty • onverted ■r incou- i clauses in (H'ei'v and tlic nterests as reni it liinds »ut vv'oro seizni for the itute of i(le(i in ar pro- f July, M to sec. o). LAND I, AW AMKNOKD. 71 With tliis alteration ilio old section remained in force, and Mliere a niort^ii}i;or died intestat(> and his administrators reltiiiscd the (>quity of redeini»tion to tlu; niort'^n^^ce before the lands had been re}j;istered nnder tlu( Act, it was held (Taylor, C.J., Hr fjciris, 5 Man. L. I{. 4J) that the admin- istrator had no [)o\ver to release tiie ecjiiity of re(h'mi)tion, because the projuu'ty had not theretofori^ been broui^dit under tlie provisions of the Vet. At the time of th(! first amendment the word "other" was left standin<^, and thus added furtluir diniculty in arriving at a conclusion as to what the section int(fnded. Section 28 of the Act of 1885, which was amended by 51 Vic. cap. 21, sec. 1, exempted <;ertain lands froui the optsration of the statute, while it forbid dealin;.;s with other lands except under its provisions. The lands alfected in tlie case lastlv cited were of the exempted cdass, and this fact ma_ i'we inlluencod the decision. In an unreported case, FlvmitiCY- SOllill reifoson- tativc. LAND LAW AMKNUKl). The Viotorian Land Transfor Statuti', (aoc. (55) roiiuircM words of inluritanoo or auci'ossion to ho iinpliiul. Soo fioos. i)!5, JV4 and 114 pout. Thia sootion applioa to all lands in tlio Provinco. Conipiuv siv's. '2'2. '27 and i;^S of tli(> Act of ISSf) ; and sot's. (i nnd 1'2 of tlu' Torritorial Act, />(». estate in lands under the operation ot the \\. V. Ael. thi> intention nnist lie spcHMally i^xpressed it; the instrument hy whii'h the transfer is to be elYected : hut if lands are suhjiH't to the " old sysrttiMn "' of rt\i:;istration it is submitted that, in the ahscMuu' of words of limitation, only a life estate would jiass, for lhi> omission of the necessary words o( limitation to elVect a conv(>yaiice in fee, would, of itself, ho aii e\i)ression oi I'ontrary intiMi tion on the part of the grantor. Uf>. No ilo\iso shall ho ViiliJ ov olToi'lunl as imainst t.lio pcrsouiil rcprosont.'itivo of tho testator until 11u> iaiivl allix-lcil thcroby is coiui-vimI to ti.o lU'visoo tluMVof by tiio lUTsoiial ri'iu'osi'iitativc of liio dcvisur, saviiij; aini oxceptinf; siu'h ilcvisos as aro mado by tl\o testator (o lii« personal ropivscntativo, oithov in his roproscntativo capacity or for his own use. See sec. '27 (intc and sees. 33 and 'M pot^t. This section applies to all lands in Manitoba. Vide sees. 113-117 as to the transmission of estates. The personal representative must cause himself to be regis- tered as owner before he can transfer the lands. As to duty payable on transmission see sec. liO post. I.ANP liAW AMKNDKl). 78 ) rcMjuircM SM5 : Mil. I 'prcliition I'lyto (li.> tliti Very ly Ito sniil ) 1)0 con lor. l''()r ill lands 1 must lie ' (raiisCrr syMttMii ■' of words Huission vt^yiiiicc V intcn I'l-rsiiiiiil Icvisor, >r foe liirt CHtate.s. ro/^'is- )()8t. Tlio cxociitor nuiHt provo tlic will in tlio Hnrr()^.vtto ('oiirt hcforo (loaling with ilio proix-rfcy, lie liinnicniKni, 2 Man. li. H. dcaliiv; with ilni laiidn, lir I^cicin, Miin. \i. I{. IH. In cHHo of intcHtaoy the adniiiiiHtrator in 111 tiic Hanic ,)()siti()ii as ilio cM'ciil.or under a will. \\y tliis alt(>»;a(.ioii in llic law rcdaiiiit^ to tlic dcvoluLioit ol" ('sfiii(\s, it will in every caHt^ liappen tliat between tlie time of tile deiiMi (»f tlie owner and llie proviiij^ of tlie will or ijrant of adminiHl ration tliero will bo a period durin;^ wliioli there" would b(> no oiu! seized of tla; lands, nnd no person liavine; authority to deal with Iheiii. The remedies of creditorH a,n(l adverse elaimapiits would remsviii the, and could bo (^xeroisod without intiUTiiption ; ( \'i(l(: hocs. (»I{ (r), \'1'.\ !Mid 12!> pout), exo(>pt in some ejises where, the action iiii^ht re(piir(> to Ik! l)roue;lit !i|;ainst the personal re|)roHent- Miivo. SjxH'ijil provision is niiido (se(\ |:M jxisl) for eoni|iens)i- tioii to [x-rsoiiH deprived of linids i"e;^istered uiid(>rtliiH Act. Hut it may bo doubted whether daiiuij^es could be; r(;c,overod in ciiso poHHossioii wiis lost by nil jidverse occiipiiiit. ent( r- \]\<^ durinjj; the vacant ])erio«i and holding; it, until ;i stiitu- lory title wii.s ac.phred. See \{\\- 17 Vic. c.'ip. li<», sec. r> (2). '10. No widow, wlios(! ]ninl)ii,iii| ilicil on or nt' l]\v i\rn\, day of .Inly, AI>'>litioii A.I). ISS,-), or hcmii'tiT dies hIdiII he rid,ill(.il to. lower in Mio real property "'' 'l"^''"' of her docoasuil liUHbiiUil, hut uliall have Mio n:nie' I'l^lit, in mieli n^al pro perty as if it wore pcrHoiial property. I'idc Hocs. 33 and 31 pout. Tills s(!ction a[)plieH to all lands in Afanitoba,. Compare former Acts, 31 Wc. c!i,[). 2, hoc. 38, cap. 0, sees. 2, 3 and II ; and cap. K ; 38 Vic. (1874) cap. 12, hoc. 1 ; and cap. 18 ; C. S. M. cap. 46 ; 48 Vic. cap. 28, sec. 24. I'rior to tho 15th July, 1870, tliero do not appoar to have been any estates of inheritance in possession in Manitoba. i it it I V ' ■ II . ill!! !:i ii: 74 LAND LAW AMENDED. At least in the writer's Gxpericnce, which has hcen consider- ahle, ho has not seen or lieard of any evidence to justify the conchision that prior to that date any of the Selkirk settlers were seized of heritable estattis in land, and in the absence of such seisin no widow would be entitled to dower at connnon law. Up to tlic coming into force of cap. 12 of HHth Vic. on the 22nd July, 1874, rights of dower were governed l)y the laws of England as they existed at the time of the passing of 1 ^' 2, (leo. IV. cap. GC). The Intestacy Act of 1871, dealt only with such lands as the husband had not disposed of in his lifetime or by will, the eleventh section guarding the widow's right of dower in other lands. By the enact- ment of the Queen's Bench Act, cap. 12 of 38 Vic, the laws relating to dower in England as amended by 3 it 4, Will. IV. c. 105, were to govern in determining matters relative to property and civil rights in Manitoba. At the time the Consolidated Statutes of .Manitoba came into force, sec. 11 of 34 Vic. cap. 6, became repealed. It had really become effete so far as the widow was con- cerned as after 22nd July, 1874, the dower of women married since 1st January, 1834, was completely within the power of their husbands in case they thought fit to dispose of their lands absolutely during their lives or by will; and in case of intestacy, the widow being an heir would have her right to dower satisfied by the inheritance of at least an equal portion in fee simple. Abolition 31. No husband, whose wife died on or after the first day of July, bVcurt^sv ^'^'^' ^^^^' °^ hereafter dies shall be entitled to any estate by the curtesy in the real estate of his deceased wife, but shall have the same right in such real estate as a wife has in the personal estate of her deceased husband. Vide sees. 33 and 34 jiost. This section applies to all lands in Manitoba. LAND LAW AMKNDKD. Coujpare former Acts. 84 Vic. cap. C, sec. 11 ; 38 Vic. U87r>) cap. '2>i)t sees. 4 and 13; C. S. ^^. cap. (J5, sec. IG ; It Vic. cap. 11, sec. 73. iVI. A man may maku a valid conveyance or traiiHfer of liia real estate to his wife, and a v/oimin nniy make a valid conveyance or transfer of liiT real estate to her liusbaml, williuiit in cither case tiie intervention of a triiHteo. These sections, 27 to 32, apply to all lands in Manitoba, wliL'tlior broiiglt under the operation of the " new system " or still reniainin{Tsiil)ject totho "old system "of registration. Vide sees. 33 and 34 nost. 75 Husliaiid may eoii- \oy towlfo ami I'ici' ivc.vri. ;{:t. It ia hereby declared that sections twenty-seven to tiiirty-two, Ain)li(;a- both inclusive, were intended to extend, and the provisions of S'lid ij; to ;j'2. sections shall be held to have extended from and after the lirst day of July, A.l). IHSf), and shall hereafter extend to all land in the Province of ^lanitoba and to every estate and interest therein. See sec. 34 iiifni. This section was added by 51 Vic. cap. 22 sec. 3 to remove doubts as to the construction of Part 111 of the lieal Pro- perty Act of 1885, and a further amendment was made by 52 Vic. cap. 4, sec. 2. A similar clause was enacted appli- cable to the Territorial Act, sees. 5-17, by 51 Vic. Can. cap. 20, sec. 4. The clauses of the Act of 1885 abolishing estates tail are omitted in this Act. In re Lewis, 5 M. L. Ei. 44, it was held by Taylor, C.J., that under the 21st section of the Act of 1885, as amended by 49 Vic. cap. 28 sec. 5, the administrator of a mortgagor who died in 1886, could not convey the mortgaged lands, as they were not registered under the Act at the time of the death of the mortgagor, and consequently did not vest in his personal representative. 31, Notwithstanding^ anythinj^ contained in this Act all conveyances Exceptions and leases made by the heir or heirs of any dpceased owner of lands, or tain trans- of any estate or interest therein, and all proceedings taken by way of actions, foreclosure or sale or notice of sale under mortgage or by way of adminis- I I m m : , 1 : ' i ,; ■ I' ':■ i I : I ' ■^. ^Jv^ "^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) I 10 I.I •^ 1^ III 2.2 i;a 1.8 1.25 u ||||i/s .4 6" ► ^ V] ? Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 C^ II h \ I i i I i I i 'I 76 UcKistra- tlous to be luado in L. T. O., Winnipeg, until I'ro- vince di- vided. LAND LAW AMENDED. tration or partition in Equity by or against heirs of any such deceased owner before the fourth day of September, A.D. 18Stt, shall be good and valid, and shall be as e£fectual to pass tho title to such lands as if such conveyances and releases had been executed or such proceedings taken by or against tlie personal representatives of such deceased owner, and all such proceedings so begun may be continued and carried to a conclusion with the same effect in all respects as to title and otherwise as if they had been taken by or against duch personal representative. This provision became necessary owing to want of uni- formity in the interpretation of the clauses of Part III, sees. 21-27 of the Act of 1885, and the Legislature having declared (sec. 33) the true intention to be different from the con- struction placed by the Court, and by the bar, upon these sections, taken with section 28 of the Act of 1885. A volume might easily be written on sections 27-34, composing, with a few changes, Part III of the Act of 1885. They have already caused much confusion and no doubt will continue to lead to difficulties of construction, as they form part of a statute to which they are by no means essential, and give rise to complications where simplicity was aimed at. When such changes in the general laws relating to real estate were deemed advisable, it would have cleared the present Act respecting resist ration of the greatest difficulty that has presented itself in its practical operation, had they been made the subject of a separate Act. Manneu of BiiixoiNci Lands Undkr Nkw Systkm. 35. Until the abolition of the present Land Titles Otllice at Winnipeg as provided by Section eighteen hereof, applications to bring lands under the new system may be received by the Registrar-General affect- ing lands in any part of the Province («), but after such abolition, no District-Registrar shall receive any application affecting any lands not situate in the Land Titles District for which he acts, {b) In case before such abolition any portion of the Province is constituted Land Titles District under Section four hereof then all applications to bring lands situate in such District under the new system shall be made to the District-Kegistrar for such district, [c) II' APPLICATIONS. 77 uch deceased be good and ida as if such ings taken by wner, and all I a conclusion ise as if they Jiis 27-34, the Act of on and no ruction, as no means simplicity leral laws ould have le greatest operation, it Winnipeg,' brin<{ lands leral affect- bolition, no y lands not case before and Titles bring lands ade to the (a) By sec. 18 ante the Registrar General was directed to act under the Heal Property Act of 1885, and amendments, until such abolition. (/)) Sec. 10 ante provides that instruments, etc., affecting lands in the now lands titles districts, shall, when transmitted, be kept and k\ilt with as if they had been made or regis- tered under this Act. ((•) Sec notes to sec. 4 ante as to districts and dates when constituted. JJO. After such abolition as aforesaid all lands under the new system Lands un- cr for which an application to brin^; under the new system has been roinahi iu made in the Land Titles Office at Winuipej^ shall continue to be dealt WinuiiioK with by the Land Titles Office of which the City of Winnipeg forms a now dis- part, except where such lands are at any time included in any other Land cimUnK Titles District. hu.ihI'' "■l'- pointed. See notes to sec. 14 ante. 37. The District-Registrar shall not, except as hereinafter provided, Lauds for wliicli brhig under the new system any lands for which the patent from the crown Crown has not been granted. This section shall only apply to such lands 1"^^®"* ""•" UH require to be originally granted by patent from the Crown. See sees. 38 and 39. Compare re Irish, 2 M. L. R. 361, as to lands unpatented. This section would not apply to the regular sections granted to the Hudson Bay Co. under sec. 22 of the Domin- ion Lands Act, nor to the lands surrounding the Company's Forts, nor to the lands of settlers reserved at the time Rupert's Land was transferred to Canada. Nor would it apply to the lands or interests mentioned in the first four sub-sections of the 32nd section of 33 Vic. Can., cap. 3, commonly called the " Manitoba Act," and validated by Imperial Act 34-35 Vic, cap. 28. Nor would this section apply in cases where lands have vested in virtue of a statute, a>5 for instance some of the lands granted as bonus to the Canadian Pacific Railway. i ' i I r 78 APPLICATIONS. Swamp lands acquired by the Provincial Goveniineiit under the terms of aiiiii, add other than as follows, mui sfl the smiii fnrlli). r». That the said land is ocou|)ied (li ocruinril, tidd hij irlunii, mnl .^liilc his iKiiiii', reside net', tr(id(\ prol'issioit or ocrii}is at Melbourne, afford plain and simple instructions rendering it easier for appli- cants to avail themselves of the advantages conferred l\v the Statute, and in ordinary cases to take proceedings in person and supply the information necessary to obtain a certificate of title under the provisions of tne Act : — 1. The applicant may obtain at the Land Titles Otlice or from any law stationer a " Foum ov Application," and after perusing it and the marginal notes, fill up the blanks carefully and in a legible manner. 2. Any number of contiguous pieces of land in the same district may be included in one application, subject to the regulations as to consolidation (Rule 6, Sch. S, sec. 26, (tntc), but when the title is passed, if separate certificates are to be required, it is proiier to value separately every parcel for which a sej)arate certificate is to issue, as fees are payable on each additional Certificate of Title. 3. An owner who has sub-divided land, and in whom are vested the sites of any roads or ways not clearly and noto- riously dedicated to the public use, should include such sites in his application. He will then be in a position to grant rights of user to future purchasers. 4. If the application is made by the agent of a corpora- tion, or by the guardian of an infant, or by the committee of the estate of a lunatic, such alterations may be made in I I , \ I I 11 \ If if i 1 1' 94 Al'I'LIlATIONS. the form as the clinnirter of tliu parlicH or tlie cireum- stances of the case may render necessary. 5. Where phms of Kiibdivision arc referred to, it is well to obtain and lile the plan or a copy of it with the applica- tion, and to refer to it in the schedule of documents. 6. Applicants need not, in the first instance, l)e at the trouble or expense of ascertainiuf? whether any refjistered charges or liens alTect the property. After the application and papers have been lodged at the Land Titles Office proper searches will be made by the officers, and if any such incumbrance be found, the necessary consent, satisfac- tion or discharge can be afterwards obtained. 7. No abstract of title need be filed. The abstract books are themselves consulted, and the deeds perused according to the custom of ancient conveyancers. The applicant merely pays the fee on application and files it, duly signed, verified and attested, with the documents of title specified in the schedule ; and should take the precaution of obtain- ing a receipt for the latter, which will be supplied by the District Registrar on request. 8. Lands for which an application has been made may be dealt with bef«»re the certificate of title has issued, and when granted the Certificate is made to meet the inter- vening circumstances. Mortgages for instance may be filed as provided by section 95 post, if the applicant desires to raise money on the land after lodging his application. 9. The applicant can obtain one certificate of title repre- senting the whole land (subject to lUile G, Sch. S., sec. 26 ante,) or any number of certificates representing dift'erent portions of it, as the title to each portion is completed ; and either in his own name, or in the name of such persons as he may appoint. See notes to sec. 4u post. AI'PLIIATIONS. 86 circum- /ll. TIk- fiitlier, or if tlic fiitlior Ix; (load, tlin mother or other guardian Applica- (if liny iiifiiiil, or the comiiuttoo or tiuivnliaii of any luiiutio or perHoii of (^if ,,f j,,. imsnund niiiid, may apply to brin^ lands under thin Act on l)ohalf of Huch fii»t, liina- ' ' • • tic, Otr. iiifiiiit, hniiitic or person of unHonnd mind, and a juTHon holdinj^ a power iif attorney autl\orizin;,' tlie sale of a frenliold or otiier estate in any land may apply in renpect of such lands in the name and on behalf of tlio pro- prietor, uidc83 Hiich power of attorney expressly prohibitH him from doin^i HO. Soo sec. 5!) as to special mention of tlio infant's a^e or nature of disability to bo made in the certificate of title. Sco sees. 110-112 as to Powers of Attorney. 1*2. T'pon tlic lilini; of sucli apj)lioMtion, such lands shall become Htib- Kffoctof jcct to the new systi'm, and no ri.';4ist rations undi-r the old system shall l)e nation. inaiK^ as to snch laiii>nf. DtitioBof 43. Tliereiiiioii it hIuvII 1)o tlic duty of tin: DiHlrict-He^^irttrar, foilli- titlcH"^" " with to cause to bo oxiiiniiiwl all title's which muy 1)0 siiimiittuil to liim, Hiul to os^ 'la. Any person applying to bring lands under the new system may in his application, or upon special request in writing addressed to the Dis- trict-Registrar prior to the drafting of the certificate of title, direct the certificate of title for such land, or any part thereof, to bo issued in the name of some other person, and such direction as aforesaid whether comprised in an application or in a special request, shall from the time of its filing with the District-Registrar, have the effect of conveying and transferring to such person as regards such land, all the estate or interest, whether legal or e(iuitable, which the applicant is applying to have registered under tlie said new system as fully and effectually as if IJirection til issue title to otliiT than api'liuatit. I'.lToct of such direc- tion. m •1'.; ' j!' ill H i ■i'l 88 DIRECTIONS. i'r\ SiRnature such estate were transferred by deccl.((j) The 8if,'nature to such applica- fleij. tion or request must be verified by the aflidavit of the subscribing wit- ness in the manner provided under the old system. (^) This section ahall be considered to have been in full force and effect since the first day of July, A.U. 1885.(c) ((() This statutory conveyance is not accompanied by' any covenants, and would amount to a quit claim deed from the applicant to the directee. See sees. 4G and 48 as. to the effect of such direction in cases withdrawn or rejected. The operation of the conveyance is suspended until the lilinj:; of the written instrument, whether applica- tion or recpiest, in the Land Titles Office. It is only the ap[)lioant who has power to convey in this manner, the directee is not authorized to execute a subsequent direction in favor of another person with a siuiihir effect under the Statute. It mi<^ht be in the discretion of the ])istrict Kegistrar under sec. 44 supra to require notices to be served on persons benelicially interested, where such a direction is made by an applicant who holds in a fiduciary capacity. (7>) See llule 4, sch. S, Sec. 2G, and forms given after notes to sec. 40 ante. (c) The retro active effect is given to cover cases prior tO' 60 Vict. c. 11, sec. 11. A direction, to be acted on, must be lodged before the cer- tificate of title is drafted, as from the time the certificate has reached the "Engrossing Eoom " directions must be disregarded. In re Pdtersoii it was held by the Eegistrar- General (March, 1888) that a direction vested in the directee only what estate the applicant had at the time of the filing of the direction, and that an unregistered mort- gage previously executed had priority as against the con- veyance by direction. On a sale of land the following practice may be adopted : DIRECTIONS. 89 1. If all the purchase money has becMi paid, the veiulor may become the appHcant and direct the certilicate of title to issue to the purchaser, or tr the purchaser as lo the part of the land sold, and to himself (the vendor) as to the residue. 2. If the purchase money has not all been paid, and the vendor is willing to give, and the purchaser to accept, a title subject to a lien or charge for the unpaid purchase money, the vendor may become the applicant and direct the certificate of title to issue in the name of the purchaser " subject to a charge on the land in favor of [insert vendor's names and (tdditions) for dollars, the amount of pur- chase raonej' for the said land now remaining unpaid with interest thereon, etc., etc." But in such a case the vendor could only enforce his rights by a suit in Court in case of default. Under such circumstances the vendor might apply to have the certificate registered in his own name subject to the agreement for sale filed as a charge upon his title, and subsequently execute a transfer under the Act, which would operate as a merger of the agreement. 3. An intending purchaser may agree to buy the land at a certain price conditionally upon the vendor obtaining a certificate cf title under the Statute clear of encumbrancep, within a certain specified time ; and when the title is approved by the Examiner of Titles a direction mjiy be filed vesting the property in the purchaser. The certificate of title will then issue directly to him. This system of Directions will be found useful in eft'ect- ing partitions of property held between dirt'erent owners. They should apply together to bring the whole land under the Statute, and direct the certificate of title to issue as to one particular part to one of the applicants exclusively, and so on with the other parts, and thus the expense of manifoldeii partition deed? may be avoided. ■; . t !i 90 WITHDKAWAL OF Al'l'IilCATION«. 'U % Apjilina- tidii timy bo v.-illi-' (Irawii as to wlioli- or iiart of laiiils. Coiisoiit ill certain oasos rc- «]iiiroil. Proviso as to costs of caveator. Cortificato to bo ro- gisteroil 40* An ivpplidiint tmiy witlidrivvv lus a|)i)Iic!vtioii as to tlio whole or any part of tlio laiuls conipriwod tliorcin at any time prior to tlu> ro^is tration of tho ccrtilicato of titlo,((j) but in case tlio cortificato \h directed by the applicant to issue in the name of sonio other porHon, tho applicant nhall not be allowed to withdraw his application mitil ho produce the written consent duly verified of Huch person to such withdrawal ; (//) and tho I)istrict-He;,'iatrar shall in such cases, as well as in cases wherein he shall reject tho application, return to tlie a)>pli(;ant, or to tho person appeariu}^ to him to bi> tntitled thereto, ail eviih'iu'o of title l')d^t'd in support of tho application as to tho |)art withdrawn, to;,'ether with the balance ol fees properly returnable to him. (r) Provided always that in all such cast>s if a caveator shall iiave b.'en |)ut to expense without HUtriciont cause by reason of sucii applicatimi. ho shall ho entitled to receive from the aiiplican' such compensation as a judge on a summons in Chambers may order, and on the withdrawal or rejection of such application the District- llej^istrar sliall forthwitli issue a certificate of the withdrawal or rejection thereof, in tho prescribi^d form and under tho seal of his otViee, and shall, at tho expense of the orij,'inal applicant, cause the same to be reijistered at once under the old system, and upon the ro^Mstration of such certificate of withdrawal or rejection, the land thereby affected shall cease to bo' subject to the provisions of tho now system, and thereafter any furtlier instruments dealin;^ with or affootin^ said l.inil may be iiroperly rej^istcred mider tlio old system. ((/) {(I) A foe of ^1.00 is payable on lilin;2; a withdrawal (set' Taritn, and the followinj]; form niiiy be nsed : — FORM OF WITHDRAWAL. TuK Ri:.\L PuopiniTV Act or 188t). Land Titles District of Application No. In the matter of {here dt'scrihe lands to be icithdrntoi.). I, of {tjire jioKt o[Jice addres.t and dddition hk in npiilieution), the applicant in the above numbered application hereby withdraw the said application in so far as it affects tho above described lands, subject, how- ever, to the conditions as to the consent of interested parties and the pay- ment of fees, costs and damages imposed by the provisions of the said Act. Dated at this dav of A.D. 18!) Signed in presence of (Witness to sijin here) (Siiniiitiire of Applirmit). Wri'FlDltAWAl, OK AI'I'IilCATIitNH. NoTK. — Tlio execution of ii withdrawal must be attested and verified by the alVnbivit ol' the siibseribinj; witiiesH in the Kinne manner as othi-r instninients |>resented lor rej^is- tration. See note to Hec. 71 jx'nf as to form. {h) Tlio consent of any interested party must bo verified ill the same niininer ;is other instrinnrnts. KOllM OF (!(>NSKNT '!'( » WITIIDUAWAI.. ( ('(iiiniirnci'iiifiil Kiniii' us irillnlriiiral.) I, of ( //OS/ ()///fV' mldirss tnul tuldilioii), the person in wliosc niiiiie tlu' ('crtiticiitc of title for the al)oV(' descrih.Ml lands was dircftccl to issiii', lici'i'hy ('(/nscnt to tlio witiidrawiil of said applicatiun in so far us it ivItVcts tlu! said lands. I>ato(lat tliis day of A.D. 18 Sif»nod in the iJH'sence of I ,,,.., , {Si(iniitiiri'.\ ( Fur Fiirin nj Ajliilitrit x/'c iidlr In xrr. it, piml.) (c) The fee on returnine; ])a[)ers is $1.00 (see Tariff), and the rebate of fees in ordinary cases returnabh) to the applicant would bo the amount of commission paid towards the " Assurance Fund " plus the fees paid for unissued certificates, less the fees on withdrawal or rejection, and registeriu}^' same under old system ; and if any instru- ments are re(juired to i)C returned, the fees charfj;eable for return of do(nimonts. In cases where more than ten instru- ments liave been perused in the examination of title, a fee of 20 ccmts per instrument is chargeable, and would have to be paid by the applicant or deducted from the rebate. (./I FORM OF CFUTIFICATE OF WITIIDUVWAL OR REJECTION OF AN APPLICATION. "Thk Rkal I'lioi'KKTY Act of 1889. I certify tliat Ap[)li(Mtioii No. , wliereby (Insert apidK-nnVs udinrs ^luil adtlitions us id (ipidicdtioii) applied to brinj^ the followiufl hinds under " The Real Property .Vet of IHS;)" (Here ilesrrihc the lauds irliirh are with- i, or resjH'rtiiKj irhich the appliention is tii be rejeetcd] has been this day i'^icithdraini"' or " rejeeted"' as the (viw may he) and this certificate is 1)1 ti|i •, P i i I joci iip- pliriitiiiii Ml wlinlo or imrt if (iroof of titlf not lu-otliU'od ill n'lisoii- ivblo tiiiio. Kvidi'iici's of title to bo ro- turiii'd Certificate of with- drawal or rejection where dir- ectioti tiled Direction not notice of title WrrilDHAWALS AM> liKJIXniONS. isHHod for rof,'istriition midt-r tlio I-hikIh Hcf^iHtration Act iKtrict llfiiistrar. Sec. 21 ante providt-s tlmt all fooH must be paid before tlie certificate can issue to permit of rejJiistration under tbe old system. • 17. 'I'lie Distrii't-Ucf'istrar may in all cases reject the application as to the whole or any part of the laiuls therein comprised if llie applicant fail witiiin a reasonable time, to produce the evidence and proof of facts nect-ssary or rccpiircd ti> make out a <,'ooii safe holdini,' title, nnless said applicant shall aildnce satisfactory' proof that he is procecdinj^ without unnecessary delay iii removiiif,' defects and coiiipl>in,L' with the recpiisi- tions made in the title, and in case the iipiilication is rejei'ted as aforesaid, the District -Hej^istrar shall return to the aitplicant, or the person entitled thereto, all evidences of title lod.Ljed in su))port of the application as to the ])art rejiH'ted, toi^'-ther with the balance of fees to which he may be properly entitled, after deductinj,' tiie amount recpiired to rej,'ister the certilicate of ri-jection under the old system as herein iirovided, and such registration shall have tli(> el'fect of withdrawing^ the land thereby affected from the provisions of the new system and of briiif^ing them aj^'ain under the old system. See notes to sec, 4(5 su}>r((. But he must in cases wlicrt; a direction has been filed obtain the consent of the directoe or cause notice to be given as required by sec. 48 post. 4S. In case of the withdrawal or rejection in whole or in part of any application to briuf^ land under the provisions of the new system, under which a direction or request has been filed with the District- Hej^istrar .that the certilicate of title shall issue to some other person, (d) the certifi- cate of withdrawal or rejection, so soon as signed by the District-Regis- trar, shall have the effect of revesting the lands as to which such with- drawal or rejection shall have taken place in the person in whom, had no such direction or request been tiled, they would have remained vested as fully and effectually as if no such direction or request had been filed as aforesaid. (/*) and no person shall have notice, (c) from such direction or request having been tiled, of any right to such lands that juay exist wniinilAWALH AND UKJKOTIONB. 1J3 Taiiit()l)a iiiii] to •il livnil iiiiiy be (lay of ict liciiinlrrtr. \nin\ before 11 uiulor the application as f the applicant 1 proof of fat'tsi tic. unless saiil i'C(liii!4 without til tlio rc(piisi- c(l as aforesaid, person entitled )plicatioii as to icli he may be [to rolN«)H l>0 Nor AHAI'K ON 1»KATII, in Ml r hi M. I<. i;.:i 1 1 Mixl »•<• l.i'ii-in, r> M. I(. li. IM : s('<' i\Iho HCCH. :i. \\'.\, it s, '/■. / uist . Ollli'll Mil. I ri'(;wliii Hon n.'iu)l 1'.'- tWi'Cli :i)i plli'illliMl illui l-.--Ui> of .-ro\ isions ol' this Ad . .^<>, In tusi- nil* n)i|ili<'iin( or ii-oi'^lcrril owner 'ilinll dio nflrr oxocnlin; !\n\ ui'-tt nnicnl mI'IocI hi l:nnl .1 I. iro rc'isl I Ml ion I licroor. ( ho toi;i. Iviilion iif '-nol) mstiuinoni ni;i\ nt'\ itI liolo^s lio lunooodoil \ulli ni i\ii ordiuh i> w itii 111 is Vol . ;ini| •^Imll lio valid nntwitlistumlinf^ hiioIi ilmlli ('ompdi'i' sees. SI nnJ 1 1:5. i)lii'nn( or I lio porsun to wlioni lio or I lio porHon ii|i|il\ 111;; 111 111'; nanio |./i iiiav iiavo iliro il 1 ill llio iiilor\al liolwooii tlio dale ol (ho a |iplioat ion and llio ismiii ■lod I' till n ocrtiliralo lo ln' is'iiiod shall clii .1' III corl ilioalo, II in llio naiiio o Ml ilii'alo shall ho issiiod in llionainoor I ho a|)|ili('inil or f Iho poison lo whom il shall liavo lioon so diroclod In ho Ncitioo t(i bo s('ivP(i on Miivoi!-o oluiiiiniit. issuod. as (ho cuso may roipiiro, and (lio land slmli dovolvo in liUo nmniior !\s if llio ooililioalo had boon issued prior In lli(> doalli nl' llio appiioiinl or of siioh poison. (/)) (ii) il (lo('s not ;ip]u'i(r tiuifc clciiv mm to how iuiy per- son can apply in llio iinino of ;mol,iu'r .'ind j^'ivo siicli ji (linnMion ns could ]\i\\o the ctVoct ol' convcyinjj; tlic liind. (h'^ In llic c\c\\\ of tlu^ (li\'illi of the np|)li('!i.nt or tlio diroc'ttH> botwiHMi llio lime wlion llio ImiuIs IxM'iuno siihjoct. to tlio new system ami tlu' issiu> of a, lUM'tilicate of title the provisions of see. \\',\ woiiM apply to the liimls in (h;alin;4 willi HuMn. St'{^ iilso Re Haiincnmiiu '-^ M. Ij- li- 1177; ami /;,' T) M. L. IJ. 18. 5*2. In case (lio l")is(rii't-ni\i,'istriir shall fmd (liaf some pcfHoii ollior tlian tho a[)plii'ant or ivj,'islorod owiur of any iIimI Id re II .lllil!'i> rti'f I'MM'iit III); I'ol". t lie rt'f^iH •lied will) III J4 Hlll'll lll'lllll lii'l'snli il|i|il\ iihmI sIiiiII iIii' (> isHiii' i»r t iii> ' i\|i|ili('iiii( nr ilii'i'i'Icil to lii> I lilu> niiiiiMiT ' ii|>|ilic'iiMt tir k' iiiiy ])( r- vc such M. liiiid. lit or tlie l\V Hul)j(3('t )f titlo tli(> in (Iciiliiij^ ;i77 ; ami Imiili'il nr li('f(ir»> Mip Imhih' nf midi ri-rtilicnlc micli |ii'iHmi linviii)^ (ir iv|i|ii'iinii|^ Im liiivr Niii'li iiilvi'iH)' cliiini mImiII, if lii< Iiiim Iutm |M'r>^i>iHilly 'icrvcil Willi Miirli imtiiT, lie fnfcvcr ckIhiiikiiI iiihI ilflmirt'il fruiii HcMiii^; up iviiy rliiiiii tour in rcMpi'il nf sin li liiml |/i). ((») (loiiipiirt! HticH. ni, nn, IllOiind \M. S(>(i iiIho HccH. r»'i 1111(1 T)?, HH to notice ill cnHcH of |,ii\ (IcimIh Ix-iii;; scivctl HiiliHti liitioiiiill.y. '/') I'poM tlu^ service |teiN(Hiiill y '>! hik-Ii noticM? iiii eHl(i|i |M'I wolllil work oiltHide IlieStiitllte. See note lo Hee. II niilc. iiH lo !i|)))eiil ii|;iiinst iiniie(v;HHiiry i'e(|iiiHilioMH. OniiHHion to l(M||.;e n. ciiveiil, or permittiiii.; a (wivfiit to liipse. nuiy Im> (^i-(iiinliiiiitiiT,iiH he would \n\ rerpiired to do if he filed the necossiiry ctiveiit to [ireserve his ri|.^hts. Sco Kiile (), Sell. I{, sec. i;{(). I'OUM ()!•' NOTICI'; 'I'm-. i{K,\r, I'lidi'KKi V A( r im- |sh;). I ! I't. /// «r a|)|ili('at/ii)ii N<> II tJic liASi. 'I' OnKi: for Mk- I)int,iic,t lltTSOU otlllT iiv'^o liasi, or ill ([iii'stidii k) may canMt' Ic.ati' of title LlU'll pDl'SOII Vi limitod by Itriofc-Ui't^is- l)f title, ami llie time so {Insrii opiiliniulK niniic iiiitl titlditidiiK ax in (iji/ilicfitlon) liii, iipplicd U> hriiif^ t.lic laiiil (IcHcrihcd at tlu^ font hereof under tlie uliove Stiiliite; and! DiKtriet l{(';^iHtrn.r lias nireeted notice! of the iipiilieat.ion to Ix^ Hecved on yon, and Iiiih ap[)ointed dayw from siicli Mcrviee, n.fter whieh time, indcKH a caveat han heen lodf^ed forhiddin^ the HariKs th", land will be brought under the opirration of Kai(| Act by iHHiiin^,' a eertiOcate of title to l\\v. applicant or to whom be may appoint, and yon will theniafter be for- ever eHt()i)i)ed and debarred from Kettiiif^ up any claim to rir in res^xet of Haid landH. NoTK — 1. The l()(lf,'inf^ of caveat HiiKpends all further action until cfiveat bo withdrawn, or lapseH, or until dei^inion (jbtuined from the Coiirt or a •!l 1 HI 'I 1)6 'I i Substitu- tional cer- vioo. KSTOI'PF.I, NirnrKs. «J»I<1^;«>. 'J. Anv jvi'soM l(>ilj^iiiu cavcut wrnn^^fiillv iniil withniit r is lii»l)li> tn luiiKc (i> uiiy piM'snu wild mii\ liavc Hiislniiicd ilimmj;i' tli<>i'(>li\ , sui'h t'oiupiMisatiiiii lis tli(< Cidirl nr n .liid^'o ina\ lici'iiic. '.\. I''ni- pruct i<'(' i\s 111 ("ax cats sci' him". |;1() nf I In- aini\ c Art , t lir siili hcmM Iciiih tin 'I'd if iVliil rules ill Srlii'iliilc 1{. 1. Aii\ |it'fson lnil;;\ii^ a raxcal iiiiisl j^ivc an Uiliivi'ss in the l'i'i)\ itii'c at wliii'li iiotici's atiil prnri'ciliiiLls iiia\ lie scivcil I, AMI i!Kn:iiiui> 111 iliinrrt ilrsr) iptiiu} i>'' Itiuih iIK in ii/i;i//.ii/(ii»i.) Patoil at tlu' l.aiiil Titles OlVu'.' at tliis of A.|). IM niftnri Iti'iiislriir. (Soal) N.n. Wlicio ajiplioant oliiims iiiulcr a lax ilccil, a special icfcrciicc sluiulil h<< tiiado tti tlio fact in the iKJticf, as for iiiHtain i> : " .(/i/i/icinif I'ltiiiiis titli' throiidli (I tii.r .cc<'(lin(4 upon any |)erson pro vidcil for in s(>ction fifty seven the District-Hcjiislrar in a propci- case may ordiM" tliat siu'li notii'i' may be servi'd snlistitntionally, and siicli sniisti tutioital s(M-vicc shall have the same «>lTi'cl as pcM'soiial service of the notice or proi'0i>ilin!4 upon the person intended to he alTected tlierehy. Sucli suhstitutioniil sorviou.s can only be ponnittod in cases where title is ehiiiued thr()n<:;h tiix sale deeds. Notiiees served substitntionallv htive etTeet oulv in virtue of tlic Statute under which substitutional service is authorized. See sees. 52, 57 iind 187. An order for substitutional service can not issue until the District Registrar has been satisfied by alii davits that the person to be notified is absent from the Province and that after diligent search his residence can not Ix^ discovered. The terms of the order are settled in each case by the District Registrar. ,1 rcfiTciici" Unint i7iM»i.i )iiiil>iilily ill' HIOIIVHK OK N(»ii(!|;h, ivr«' I'Oini oi' (nn)i;i{, 'I'm; l{i;\i, I'lion niv Act uii' |HH'.». I'liiN iiiiM- (if Miiuitiili;! I II I lie iiialtrr of ii|i|ilii'iil inn in lilr Ni |,iiiiil 'I'itlcH DiHlricl' mid (//«(■«■ iliKiiilir tlir hillils). II I ' ji'iii llii> ii|i|ilii'iitiiiii iiT III lilrcl lll.l:iVll 111' I' Hllllj ll|l|llll'Mlllr IIIkI II|I linij of tlii'; nrdrr ill t'nvi'lii|ii'M, |iimlii;^i' |iii|i!iii|, iniilrrHHi'd an fiilinwH : iind mIhii ji'mlin:; ii|i ii ('ii|iy nf Miiid nnliri' imd of liu'^ nn li r in tlii'i nllici And I dn fni't liiT III diT lliii I llirsiiid |iiirlii'idn liMVi' fniin lull niiiilin;^ oi' |)iiHtin:4 iiiul fc'iiii IIk' Iki^I n|' ^,ltili |iiililii'MlinnH witliin iliirli In lilc II rnvi'Mt licirin. |)iili'd at till' liiind 'I'illchi OtliiT iiL A.l). IH tlnH diiv nf !>islni I- l!i'!iintnir. (Sciil) lou 97 NdiK. 'I'lii- I'"oiiM III-' Niii'ii'i'; (n('(i. r»'J, iiiilc) I'dit lir nniril jur inthlicut III/ iiiiiitliiiii ^'ll^'.1 /, ;,', .'I iiiid /■ ((//(/ ii'lcniiKj lo till' oiilvr IIkiI xriricc xhauUI III' I'llrrli'd III/ jntlilifiiliiiii in ii »i('ir.s/)(//»«'»'. •II. All untie I'M iind prncccdinj's iilfcctinf^ liunln iiiiiy Ix' s< rvcd in the HcrviwH to , . , .... , '. , . . . Ill) MIIkU! UK wmic niiinniT and niion tlio Haino piTHonH, ollicciH.and InnctinnanoH aH m |„ „(,it,H, HiiitH and prococ'dinj'H in tlio Court of Quocu'h Jlencli or under tlie AdniiniHtration of Jimtico Act. Soo tho Court of QiUicn's JVmicIi Act 1885, soch. 41-44, and tlio AdiuiniHtration of JuHtico Act 1885, hoc. 8, and 4'.l Vic, cap. 85, sec. !3'J. Ha. NoticoH and procecdinj^H affecting or intondinf^ to affect corpora- Kt^rvico on tionH, whetlior donicHtio or foroi^in, or any unincorporated company, ','|','Jj','''^"'' [KirtucrHhip, linn, or person, wliose chief place of husincHH or head oflice im-rtiiwr- is without this Provinci, may be servcid upon any linn, person, company or corporation who, within this J'rovince, transacts or carries on any business as the f^eneral af,'ent, for any such person, partnership, firm, company or corporation, and service upon such af.;ent of any such notice or proceedinf,' shall have the same elt'cct. and shall be treated as personal service upon sucli person, partnership, liini, company or cnrpoiation. RtAN.T,..A. 7 If: I I III I i 08 IM LIS OV KMl>KNi"ll. II \\ Imt I'vi- title Hi.iy l>i' ili'Ir.l'lliC - AoVuow- (>f 1>H\ llll'llt ill ilccil. rofjisttM-i'il Proof l>v niMilnvit of roiupMH' l() A 17 Vic . Clips. MM, Ml», hik) 1M Vic. .-Mp. IT), Ht'C. V,\ iTli(> Coiirl of (,)titM'irM n<i o nr iiHi'I- l;inii|;IiI iiuiIi'I I lie ihw u\ .triii. in:i\ rori'ixo mill lilt ii)«iii iiii\ cv iilciu'o wliuli i'< rri-i'iMililc in iiii\ rmiil ill I Ills I'l'iiv iiiro. mill I'l'i'i'iNo II II' I II I' I II I II II I iilViiliiN il'i mill Kill I III I ir\ ilnlm ntli'lls tiillrlillii; nr iilTi'cl ill); mu i|iii"iliii|i nf lillr; iiiiiliiiii\ ii I'm i mix p Hllii lli'l llpiill miV I'V lili'lliT wllirll llli' |iriirlli'i< III' l'',ll;;ll)ill I'nllV i'\ illiriT 1 iuillii>ri.0H III III' ri'i'civi'il in nr in\i"t( ii;iil imi «if ii lillcoiil nf rniirl.iin.j mi\ olliiT i'\ iili'iui', wlii'tliiT till- 'ill mo I'l or \» iinl I'itcin nlilc nr millicii'iil in pnmt nf '.lliil liiw nl iii'inrilliii; In t ho |iriirl no nf l'',ni;ll'o taUon In lio siilVioioiil oviili'iioo nf llio (rutli of siioli faol't, n>ii1tor« aiul il«>soriptiniis. ['2) Wlioro II r< in any other miimior nr form that mulor tho oiroumstanoi's of tho oiiso is satisfactory to tiic Distriot-Uoi^istrar in ro},'anl to tho matters to whieh the same reliiti'. (5) Tho DistriotRofjistrar ami tho M\aminors of Titles may receive and administer oaths. afVidavits and atlirmations toucliiiij^ or alTectiiij; aiiy matter or question i>f title. Compare 46 i^- 47 Vic, cap. 28, and 40 Vic, cap. 35, sec. 21. Sub-sec. 19 of sec 3 declares what may be received as prima facie proof of Crown Grants. See Rules 2 and 3 Sch. S. sec. 26 ante. The power to administer oaths, etc, would be strictly con- fined to matters and questions of title under the Statute. y. (Ml, ill jiivritti . new uS-^li'lll, . Ill ini\ I'l'iii I Illl.H \ (li'< lill 1\ |ll' prnvi'il (i> l>r l»f Hlll'll fllft'*. Mii> ori^^iii"' "f (>cliiriitioii t>i" icr miiinicr or fiu'tor.v to tlu' 1110 ri'liiti". H may ivccivi' j^ or atTcrtiiiK I \X HAI.K TIII,r,H. Tli(> olliccrH niriilintiril would 111)1, Ih> I'liiH'tiniiMricH ciipiiltlc of rcn'iviiii; (IcfliiiiilioiiH iimlir tlm Aft rt'M|M'cl,iii;^ r\l,ni |iiiliciiil oiiIIh. m. III till' I'li'ii' III' lii\ Miili' ili'i'ilu, III!' hi'ilinl Iti'/'iMi'iir iilijilj Mill liiKi iinl iri> iif luiy li'i'liiiiriilil \ , III II ri'^inliinl V in Mii> lax Hiilr, ur in miy of I In iiiiii lini;H irliil 111)4 llin I'lii, II ml il mImiII iml lii< iiiTCHiinry In liiivx l.lii I ll If III I ll<> lllMil lIl'Hi'l'ili 'i| III Mlli'li i| I I'Mlliillii'il |i|'|nl' 1)1 HIK'll Hlllf, (/() Iml II. n-rl illi'iili' Il oMi I III' I ii'ii'iini'i' III tin' iiiiiiin i|iii III \ wliiili Iiiin inMiinl • .mil ili'i'il ^iliiill III' riiriii'ilii'ij III llii' I'lli'il Hull llii'iT wt'ii' liixcM Ml iiirriii'^ mill line fur wlinli iiiirli IiiihI'i rmilil |irii|ii'ily liuvi' lu'in muM fur lnxi'i nl Kiirli mill', (I'l mill llic hiHtriil Kc^iril iiir iiIimII umII'iI'v Ihiiihi'II' llmi llic mill' wim fairly ami npi'iily I'lHiiiiirlril, (i/) ami lir nlmll iilmi rmi).!' In Im Mi'i'vi'il iipnii all pi'i'KiiiiM ap|i<'m'iii)4 In lii< Mic piTHniiM wlm wmilil Imvi' liri'ii itilcrcMli'il in mih'Ii ImihIh. I'xri'pl, fiir hiicIi lux ilrril, a iiiil.ii'c I'l'ipiinii)^ llli'lll W llllill I ln' lillic lilllili'il liy ulli'll linlji'c In riilil,i"') JM> \|i|inrn. lliiii'i III riMiii (if III » miiIimIdiiiIk Wliiit |iri".r lii'rt'HMiirv District Kc^'.iHtrai-, on mi application of Uir pciHon ciiMMi'il nmli'r llic tux (It'i'il may (liHpcnHr with tlm ciiHl-omary proilmtiiui of tlic (icrtiliratc of ((() In caHc of IiuiiIh iimlcr tlic new HyHtcin Itcin/^ hoIiI for Imxch, tlic wIhto laiiil iimlrr iii'W Hyf lllll Holll for t fi xi'^' lillc, (/) ami caiu'cl tlu^ Haim< in full nr partially, iih tla^ ciihi' may Im, Ity iiriiiliii't.jon iiH'inoriai nii the ('('rtilicatd of titio in tli(! lU^j^iHtcr Hook, and may '"""•' 'i J., i',',"!'!, new cortilicatc of titlo to the pciHoii cntitlctl iiiahir tlm tax docil iih rcLliH- |niii'«il Willi ti'rcd owner of said IiuiiIh. 'I'hc provinioiiH of tliM Hc^etion hIiiiII apply to siii-li apiilication tlii^ Hamo an if tlu; application wore iih to ianilH not already iindi^r the new HyHtem. (//) (/>) An examiiiatioii is iilwayH iioccHHary to mm what por- HutiH have Huch iiitiu'eHt in the latidH uh ini(^lit entitle them to notice of the proceed ingH being taken in the Land Titlew Office ; also to ascertain in the case of "Manitoba Act" Grants whether the lands were exempt Irom taxation bv reason of tile half-breed grantee being under the age of 18 years and still owner of the lands when the taxes were imposed. See ^fanitoba Municipal Acts as to exemptions. 4 ■■il ,t 1 1 (! t ! i li ' i'l If 'i ■': 1 m 100 TAX HVI.r, lITIiliS. ('•) The Trciisui'L'r'H ciTtiliciitc oiij^lit to lu' in tlm form of an atlidiivit or (ItcliiniUoii, iiml hIioiiM hIuivv tlu! years for wliicli tiixcM were owiiij^ iiiid imiiiiid iit tlic time of the salo. I. IdltM or AlCTloNKKIl H (KKTI I'FfATK. {i'liriiiiil iiiiili siimr i/s iiidi'r sec. 'I'.i iiiilt'). (iiiixi'rt iiiuiirs mill nililllinii'i nf tlir niHcrr) miiko imtli iniil say: 1. 'I'liat my iiaiiU'H and It'^iil iidditiiiiis Mini llic miii'iiil ('ii|)ii('it> in which I arli'il in tliis nialtor mi' al)ovc corrcclly set fnitli. 2. That by virtiiu of a wariMiit isHiti'il iiniliT l\\v .Maiiildha Miitiiciiiiil Act, IHHi;, and Auu'ndin;^ Actw (or in>^ the time and place niuiitiuMLMl in huuIi advcrtiHunicnt, Hcll by public auction the landu above dcHcril)cd to^ctliur with otlu r lands, nicntioniul in said warrant and advi'i'tisctiu'iit. ;{. That tlie said Halo was couductcil by nu! in a fair, oirmi and proper manner and according to the beHt of my Hkill and judgment. Sworn, etc. - (t')' See Form given at see. 52. It is proper in notices given under this section to add a special memo., giving shortly the particulars of the tax deed under which title is claimed. Mortgagees, eneumhrancees and lien holders ought to be notified as well as owners, hut it is doubtful whether execu- tion creditors are entitled to notice ; it would seem prudent in some cases that they should be notified. See sec. 52 and notes ; ajso as to substitutional services, see sec. 63 and notes. (/) The production of the certificate could not be dis- pensed with until after 30 days' notice, published as pro- vided by sub-sec. 6 of sec. 68, but the proofs of non-deposit, etc., would not be necessary in such a case. It is in the discretion of the District Registrar to require a certificate to be produced even in the case of a transfer under a tax deed, and he has power within his district, under sec. 68,. 11 notices IIKCJIHTKUKD OWNKUH. fliih-acc. 1, to compfil iiny pcrHoii ImviiiR it in liin posspssion to product! tlu! ('('rtHicate for the piU'poHc of cancclliition. Tilt' ^funicipiil Act rcciuircH tlio rt'j^MHtnition of nil tux doo(ln to 1k! niiiil(! within nix nionthn from tlu! cxpinition of the time for rrdt'inption in or(h!r to Hocuro priority over HuhseqiKint pnrchuHorH and mortgagees for vakiahK' con- Hideration without actual notice. (fl) Thin proviso rerjuireH notices to he served on all the piirties interested in the lands in the same manner as if the tax purchaser wim'o an applicant for lirst registration of the title. Sei- sec. .')*2 and notes l !li(> Mimm'V Ml'ii;. ('<>.. o\\ \\v,\X diiy rc^iHtcrcd M writ ol' execution Oiev hiul iwHiied n^niiiHt liini, nietilion \Ufy these Iniuls in tlie scIkmImK' nniiexeil to Hie writ. On the iHt Mnv. ISMM, n, triin^ter ol' the hind f'-oni (1. to II.. (hited L';hil l''ehrn;nv. ISMM. Wiis IiI(mI iind rei^lHtered, ;ind Ihecenpon il eer( ilit'Mte ot tille wmm issneil |o II., i»nt snhjeci tin ' (. AtVidiivits were ihen liled. shewinj that the transfer hail heen cxeeuled on tlie day of ii.H dale, and the money paid within a lew days al'teiwaidM. and on the strength ot this proof application w;is made to have tlnv /■'. ih. vtMuoved from the l!(> of title as an encnmhrance alVectm;^; the landH. The Jh'^iHlrar (iiMUMal vefiis(Ml the application, and. at the re(piesli of tho parties, snhniittiMl \]\o (piestion to th(^ Court, whether under the cir« umstanci^s the )'efj;istration of the execution n<:;ainHt (r. hound th(^ lands as ai:;ainst II. Tlu^ case was fully ar>;U(>tl h(>fore !\Ir. Justice Hain in ('hamhers : \V. II. ('ulvia-, () C, for the Coy., and C. P. Wilson for H., tho rt^s^istcM-ed owner. asUin<^ to have the //. /(/. rtMUin'od. His Lordship hold that apart from tho Ko.-il Property Act tho land would not ho hound by tho oxocuti*.:'. ; hut lookiiif; at tho provisions of tho Act tho unrej^isterod transfer would not avail to prc^vent tho execution hindinjT tho land. Tho whole ohj(H't and policy of tho .\ct is for all purpos(>s, and ai^ainstall tho world to vi>st tho houolicial ownership of tluv land in tho person nanuni in the certilicaio of titl(>. This, ownership, which is tlu^ cri>ation of tho Statute, is chan^oii only by tho roi^istration of a transfer which has boon oxe- cutod in accordance with tho Act. A properly executed transfer skives tho transfiM'oo a rif:;ht to have tlu* land ro<;is- tered in his name, [a) but. as regards tho land itself, until (d) Soo soo. 81 post. nKfllMTKTlKI) OWNKIIH. 108 it JH rc^MHtcriMl it liaH no t'IT<'(^!, vvliiitt^vtM', (u\(l tlin Inrid Htill icmjiiiiH IIm) property of tin; traimferror, the r('j.MHtor()(l (iwiicr. Tlic llcj^isiriir (icncritl wmh rij^lit in iHHiiinf^ the (•rrtHicntc of title I" II. Hiil)j('('t to the execntion, and in rcl'iiHin^ the iipplicfition for itH reniovnl. iSinee «^oin^ to press tliiH case hail heen reporteil ; lliihcrl <( (/ihitoii, (5 M. h. 11. I!M.; Mr. A'lJecket. in liis work on the 'I'l'itinfrv nf I .mid Sliiliilf ( N'ietoria), cites the roljowini^' oises int ; 7 S. A. li. 11. I, (liscuHHed in CiillihrrlHnii V. Sirtiii, II S. A. L. I;. 102. Coinpjtre "SnlnJirhl'.H I'mrlirc," H2, HH. H\}, Till" owiK'i" (") "f liiiiil lie iinv '"^t'litcM or intcicMf, tlicrciii, under Owitt on- titlfvl to fdrtificftte. lie ()|ii'nit,ioii of tlin iinw HyHl.cin hIii iititlcd to ri^coivo ii rsfTtifiofito (if title to tile HM.iiii'; (h) and if any i'''it.irK'iit,(i l)(i iHHiuid to a minor, Iriria- lic or pciMon of MiiHonnd mind or to a pci'Mon under any ottier dinal)ility, In caHo of (lisii(>ility Rftme to be the DiMtrii't IJe^iHtrar Hlnill K),at,e in hii;',Ii eertilieale of title the a^^f! of Htated. Hiicli minor, or tlio nature of tin; diwitliility ho far an known to liim. ((() So(! (Oitr HVA',. ;{ (2) fiH to interpretation of tlio word " owner." ih) See sec. 10 and notes (infc. It wonid he in the dis- cretion of the District Kegistrar whether tlie trnstee for the ^ale, etc., of land Hhoiild r()(!e.ive a (lertificate of titl ill! [xtrsons interested liad consented to the ap[)lication. 'riu! District lUi^istrtir is directed hy the Act to make no entry in the lleifiHter of any notice of trust. See notes to see. 80 y' m niess :| 00« All certitieMten of title to i>" L^riint'"! l)y the I)istriot-Tle<^iHtrar Form of cci tif'uatei of titlo. hIiiiU 1).! in the proHcu'ihed form (Seiielnlc A) and shall bo Mit^ned l)y the I hist riet-Ue^lHtrar ivndHhall beHealcl with the seal of his ofliee, {'i) and a du[ilicate therot)f Hhall Ik- preserved anri re;^iHtered by the District- Hogistrar in his ol'liiuj, ;n ii book to l>c kept for that {inrpoHo. (//) i i f! KM iu'iUmu'Ijio tn\ n)'H-^. M ti III I fi . -' ■■^t (il^ No i'iMlirh';»l(' ol (idc i';in lu' sl.Mlril illilill;' llli' H nit' the (>lVh'r 1^; opiM) I'.m |Mn posi>^ ^^\ \v^\\i\y\\\ \o\\. Sir liiili' \'|l, Sell. S, s(>('. \l[\ " lu'.'jsliM-," s.v liuli> !». Sell. S. siv •'('. (r>;tr. (".Niu|vn<> sit. (IS (7^ /l'-./, wIhii- tli,> cimI ilii'M {.■ Inninil SClll'lM I I' \. \ n of ^ '; ■••(' (i)v,-) ( 'loi in iiM I i>i I'l 1 i,|f , 7 .?(■>•(•)•//)//. Ill III),? ii' \-irtiu~-,it,' I, II ■•If |U( i\.r' llliU/ h,-\ , tr-iiis'ii- ii'Ur}Yil ti^, iu'iiit wi miir,iji,li(iii lU tni i\\\ t'slnti^ [hr>y sfiiti ir'iith,' in h, v/dim/,' , «iu'1\ ("'UMiinlMMnc "4, l\(>n'- i\i\.l inloii";!'! ii'j ino nolillril li\ inon\.>v:ni,hini un.l.i w i il tiMi ^," iMiilorsi-,! Iin o^nn, i>f (l\i\l |'n nimiirl of l;\u,l Know M or .li>'s.>v\li -.1 ,i^ follow 's : In w iiu";'^ wlicrr.if 1 ii:i\ o hoii'unlo 'O'lni.l n\\ ninuo iinil i\l'\, \oi| ni\ m.-iiI \h n\ ol n.^t! i.t 1\. :isll I..M. Sioii,\1 in till' |>vo'^oni •f ^ il;\\ ot I 'n'M"t lio (l\i> iliHi IHloof «l. 'Vlio ,1m1.- of Iho .•,>\(iri.-;<1(' of tillo ^HmII m nil ortithV ' «ri'*<''^i''"!^ "1 ''''' '^>''<1^ Ihoroof. or )li,' ,ino ..I' ii-'j'.t ii\ I \on of tlic l;iil ononnibr;ini'«^ iw l\(Mli(M- cm^-I in'; or ili'^i-linr^ o,h )-(-.:c.(oi o,i nmlcr iho new svstom Mn.i (M>.ioi so.l ,i'\ tli.' Ivi.K of 1 lio oi'it iHomI.- of hi lo, w hnhcv or '.h.ill bo tho I'ttor piM'soMs ••iro culitliNi ii - t(-ii;\n(' •oniiiion 1o ;»n cslalt^ i>f froi'lu>M in mn aiiii snoh )ior' *^^l^^'\'t',Tv' •'"■' •■'^•titiortlo f.M- Ibo ontnvtx or c^nh iii;t\ Vih-imm' ;t srpm'Mlo t'crtiliciUi >r hi> nii.liN uUvl si As to joint ti'iiinits s(^(^ sch". S'i ju'xt. Ki ri-i T ov Ki insriivnoN or Tin. v. Implio.l ttJI, Tlio land moiitii->no.l in ;\ii\ f(M'li!'u';\lr of titlo t;r.»nt>',l un.ltM' lliis tions A.I . shull, !•'> impluwlion, rtiut jiin sivh'ku montion m tlu> ci-r St.' h'lil,. ',>|i lii'lHr I'lMMiil I'll }i,ll ." iiiirsiiiiiif ^l ,11)1/ Hiiw hi'J/imI of ' ■ ■(■.(■ iii,n/ li,'\. Mci'i' HI pii I ri'l I li'' I l\i' i|:lti' 1 .'I (!,,■ Ill.;l lillT ( 111' Mc'U lilicxrr '.ll.ill (i'iii\nf'< in ni:i\ i('('ci\i' iin.icr (his i'.i (lio 0(>i'- IMII,!!:!' (JPAIJI'ICAI KiNH. (illiMili' I'f lilli', iiiili'iM llii' >Miil|iii \' 111. cv |ii ciiU 'Icclii I I'll III- ili'i'ini'ij III III' 1 illiircl III : |.l| \m\ llllll'liMl illfi I I'MIM \ II I illMM Clllll 'I illlll ill llic lltl|;illlll I'llllll (if illlid l'»""' i(»: liiinl liniii I III' < 'lin^ II . ( I I M'lti I'llllll (/i| \ii\ iiilllilrl|iii I iliii I i'i"i. lull. I'. Ill iiM'ii'M.imi'lil.i III till' 'lull, of nilcli ''nil' '. I'l' '|.t I iliiii li., Ill uliiill lllii'i 111. I lli'li M f III ilii|iii':i.i| MM f'||. niinl ImikI, III \|l|rll l|.|\l' llll'll Inl.lll' Ill'i'M llll)iii'il.l| fill lurill llll|ll llVI'llll'llf'l lll|l| i-V 1 1 1 1 ll III' Mi'l I Ih'Ii iliii' II ml I'll \ Illlll' , ( 'I |r I \ii\ Milli'ii'iliii)! lii'Jil iif \Mis III iilIni |.ii.ii.|ii(iil., liiiWMiiCvi''- ''''i'''"i'''i' llllllll, ll\ I'l III III I i.i|ii'il iif M'l III III ml , (:'.) [il) \ n \ Illlll. Ml III)'. I I'M'll. Ill II Ml I'l'llll'll I fill II jl'IIMI. f III II (III I'll! II I ,,,,1, I, Ml '1. II'. I i' \.t. I '■ II i i I \ r » f^ ? ' 106 vo-vo«n'Mt»Mo»l Ix'fioc Ist Nov(Mnl»<>r. 1MH7, wmh viiliil. aiul oou M 1 ic rnf(M('(Ml ill ('() Miitv Siiicr 'i'.Mli April, IMMI. ii(» )M(Miiiiiiii iiitic or uinlcrdiKiii^ iindiM- llic Miiiiilohii Miiliiiil l''iii' liisnriiiHM' ('oni|tiini('H Afl. tMTdJos !i li(Mi upon llliui} IT \ if., cup. W 1. SIT. 7 Kulos 'i(> Miitl '.'7, Si'li. S. w('('. 'J(» .j»W<'. pioviilr I'or (li(> nMiuniil o\ I;i)>sri1 j\iilf;iuiMils iniil mi'i'liMiiicM' Ikmim. Til.' S.M'.l (inini Morlojijv.' \.'l of |M7('> iC S. M..>!ip. iHi. IS still ill I.U('(\ ;lliii siicli -:;i;' w.Mil.l 1 .'iiiMin 111 nil biii.lni.; rllVcl. allli.MioJi ;mv iikmiIi.mi llnrc.>l nii.;lil Im' oniiH(Ml from \\\o t-crlili.'Ml.' ol hll.\ ln'rinisc llic n.'Jils ol tll(^ ('v.nMi .■;inii.>l llms W itilcilrrcl willi. A pcrsmi l.'ii.l int.> (MT.M' l\v siicli omis-ii mifjil li;i\(> r.'c.Mirsc umiIcv llu' provisii^iis (^f sl'('l^^lls WVl 1 11 /• -.s/. A li(Mi iiiMV bi' s ollicc ol' llic (Mci l< ol' Uu' (\MlUt V ('(Mill. S(H' iV2 V ('.•in. 1«). S(M' V V( IV l)*MS(Ml t \i\\\ inu m Inn. Is slK.iiltl hclorc foiit lii.l MUI tlu^ 1r;\nsiuMii>u. stilisl'y liiinscH'Ms lo .avo.'ils. piMKUiiij; himIm. jnd^inuMils. hens. ch\ ^scc sees. lOS, ;:U), 1:11 mikI |{ii1(> .'^. Si'li. S, soo. '2(1 .n(/('\ by n sciircli :i< tlio proper l/iuul Titles Ollieo. !\s even where tlio liimls alVeeltMl hiive lieen speiMlieaily menli(nie(l. the nioviiorial miiy not nppenr on the v M'ti'icMle o{ {'\{\o whieh niivy not have Ixhmi prodiu'ed in lh(> Land Titlos (>tVu'e sinei^ the lilinir of tlu^ caveat ox cli!»ri:;e. Al th(* same time it mij^ht he aske.l whether tliere is a c)\!\nc(> ol a pr un" ci rtiticale havinij issuetl wliich would atViu't tiie Ortiftoa <»i">iiolnsivo titlo titlt- under the e\c(>[)tions inade by section <>l /)(».s/. to dt. V.v.M-y ocrtifio'Uo .^f title i:rnnt<\t iin.ior this \.'t. wlicn .luly n-f^JH- f toivil. shall ((^\0(^i>1 in i"i\!' ononnihraiK vogist-iTod o\v;u' M' fri\ii(t wh.M'.Mii th(> r.^uistiM.'.l .nvncf or sliMll ha\<'' |virlu'i) V iir '0( .\\ \\ ov mllu.lcd ;vnil ivs u^innst siu h \ so 1 oni; as the sum.- rcinams in for. aiiii unoaiu'clltnl un.l.n' this \ot. ho .-onolnsivc rviii.-n.'c at law mi.l in equity as av'ainst llor !\lajosty, as voiiros.Mito.I hy the (lovornnicnt of tho Trovinoo of Manitoha. and all poisons whomstHncr. that th<> jv-rson viiliil, (iti() inlcrlnKiii^ timi(>H A»'i, . ( . Ii' I'm llic IM. Lt'Mp. IMI. Mil) III lull lUlf^lll lie nj'Jils (i| ri'Moii Iniil niiil«>i' I lii> ll'CS l)\ i\ CI k oC tln> [MU'Illtlitlir iij!; HiiitH, Uiilc M. I.I TlllcH ciTn'Mlly 'i'(.i*icM((^ 10 liMllil ,\l tlio VlH't tll(> Inly rcf^JH- 'iwiicM' or nist siu'li iw mill in cut of tlu' he ))(>rnoii iiiiiiii'i rinuTincATKH (II' iirr.r. I in mull ri'i I iOi'iili' Im intilli'ij In ||m> ImihI iiii'liiih'il in hiicIi (crli 107 liiiili'. I'm I III- i'mIhI'' Ml iuIi'Ii'mI Hum I'iii 'Jiiccilli'ij, hmIijccI )ii Mic (•xi'(>|illfinn iiimI I I'liiMil iiiMM iii'mI imii'il ill '111 inn ';ivl\ lliii'c, i"(r('|il MM r('i;iiii|n imv n.iili"iiiln lll> IIM'llllll'l I illMlirli ri'l I ihi'il li', vvlii'li llic liiijijil III' Mllili I I I t ilicii l( lllli.| II |illl rllilMi'l III <\\iit \ii,i\l[i-i' (il) fur \iillli'. nil! Ill'' I I II linrcrcc nf II .III ' liii'ii'i Ml nil li;ii iV'i' I'm \ M liii\ ( /i| II ml IM cpl MM llnllillMt Mil IV iii'i'ion I'.'ii'i' I Imiu I liiiniiii!! iniiji'i M"v |iiiiii ni I ilicnlc nf tilli' (^iiiiilii! iniili'i- Hum A'I in ii:|Mi( iif III!' Minii' liinij. Mini fni llii' |iiir|iimi> nf (Imm nfclinn lliiif |p' l'^llll'iljlii' i|i'i'iiii'i| (ni'liiiiii iinili'l M |i: mr cMliliiiili' wlm i'l ImMi r \\h,ll|. I'llinn I'l ill'livi'il, llill'l'lU nl illljil crl l\ , finlll llll' |ilM;ri|l wlin WMM till IimMi'I nf I III' III I Ih'uI I'l; lilirii Ii' (_!iii nl'''l. ii'iI u it IikIii iii|jii|_| mull i ■ i I i 111 ill' Mill \ liM \ I' I II I '11 iitn 1 1 III III I'll II III I II iii'w ('('1 1 1 licM 1 1' urn nil" I ii|inii ii n v II mi':!'!'!' I'l iliii linii. (1(1 Till' " Al(»rl|niiv'<' " i'h ikiI. mmil iniifil in llii' c'iiicm- |iiiii(liiiir sccliiiii (il llic \ irliiritm Acli. (/.I Si'c HccM. Htt, ]'.\:\ Mini I i:; im^t. H-'i, \li\ ri'l I ilii' ill' nf lilli' i'lLlii'il li|iiin llll' lii'il lilili(!lii(.; nf In ml Wlicii i it I.I r II i I iw . r i-ii lilil'' iniiji I llll' |iri'\iMinm< nl In \v n\ hIciii, ii ml cmtv ml iIhmIc of fill" void «« t.n inlvcinc llCCIII'llllt. '4'Jiiril ill ri"^t|ii'i'l nf till' Miinii' liinil, nr nny |iiiil llii'iinf, In liny I'lrtnii ■liiiinin^; nr ili'ii\inu litlc ninli'i' nr llirniijili llic ii |i|ilii'ii nl nwin-r, mIimII In n'nl M'i ii(Miiiml till' lillc nf ii n v pi'iMnn ml vcr^i'ly in mcIiimI nri'ii|in.t.inii of, iinl iij;litly cnfilli'il In hiicIi linnl nr iiny |iiiii. Ilifri'nr, mI. IIii> t,iinn wlicn 4iirli liiml WMH Mil liinii^lil iimli'i' llll' iii'W HyHli'in, iiinl runt iniiiiif! in micli iri'ii|iitliiiii mI. Mh' liiiii' nf liny hiiIimi'iiiiciiI. (•('rliliciilc of (il.jc hiinti iKMMcd III n'uni'i I nf llic Mllill JMllll. S(M! HCC. .'{ Cil), JIH to Wimi " pOHHCHHioM " ilicl llii MiIh Hllhject, find ilH to wli.'it coiiHt itilteH '^ddiciHc /in.s'.s'c.s'.s/o//," see A'I'ecket's 'I'rdii.ff'cf of /,iiiiil Sinliilc (Vic- toria), ]). lOH ((i), ciiscH till re cited ; CliiHlifihn v. Cii/i/irr, (> W. W. A- A' Pi. ( L.) 225 ; N. C. 22. HO, 00; Sh(ii;ilihni v. /{nun,, 1 V. I,. |[. (L.) 150, ir>l>, Uy,\ ; (imrr v. Whorlnn, 5 V. Ii. Ii. lOH Clin II ir\ ri'» ov ini.i; ■ ' • : ' J,^;tr. Iu^h,){s,.i, \ l\,Uli,\ \ \{ [V:\ II; I A .1. li. II :in.l Miirphu v. }t>J,,l, I \\ . \\ . A A']!. (1,.^ IM. \\). Sr, ils(< .Ion('< /■ uriK.s'' Sjisttni, PI M, {\; :o inni '.V.VA II 11 » ♦ •» ll llii< |it TmvIoi. in IIh' inh mliirl mn In In; \\.>i 1\ (M> I lie (Juii'l m>'. Til li"< \i'l . mi \ M " I'lir |>ii .MrH'iioii nl llir |M.<)<.\t\ mill no( inrvrlv llii' |Mi|>ir hllc slnnilil lie 1111)1111 <'.| lUlit f^.MU' Willi 111.' tiilc. s;il I'^Imi'Ioi \ I'vi.lcn 'I' llic ri'iiiinn «':nnio( s;ilrl\ hr «lis|>i'ii'.ril Willi In N. .'//\. Aji.";.:l Pr.A Win l(^">, I, mil SI I M'.Miiir.ri V< inUvKs " llinl ;| rliMV |itli\ Mild Jir^t il'i M ; /*,;)/.'// I , /;,/iii .v. ;l(»!» ; I'.nihn'a \ ; HiiIdii o)i I > niil.ithnin. HMD. //?/./■ \ . P,:.n>i,ni, (> .liiv. I r.'. ^NMtirti'rtlo 0\\ uiM of inw Inn.l snl'ii'it lo 1 l\i' new 'iv 'it,>ni M);:mi'<( m |ii>i hou « Im iii:i\ h!«\i> I'lMil v.d'io.i to pm i'b,)«(' "Ui'h iii'l li!i\ iii>; ukI ii-i' of nii\ I'imuiI )1 iMV.'UtUsl :»\ii'r^< W l\U'li, Mi'ioi liin-; (i> tlii- |i| m\ I'nnU'i nf llil'i \i'l, WiMll.l •^'^^\'\ lli<> n>;li( i>l' \h<- mmi.Iov, (he .'I'll ilW'idi' kI' IiIIc nf ';iirli ii'!;w lOVCii .n\n.-\- sIimU be lu'lii 111 1 \ iV\ .'iMiiIoI l.iw oiiiiilllx I n lie i niiiill'MXc o\ii)i~n<"i^ thsU sih'li r<'>;i>:t I<> (111' l;in.i aUii lov till' t'^iliUi" or \nlrVi-'-( tluMiMU iin'iil loiu'il oi ili" sUi'li f('f;i'-t(-ri'.l •h I'oiitiaoi . ^\^ liri t o :\ iliTl i toi llu' H|> ■llir pi'il'm iii;i iii'i' I'l MH^ S(*\ 1 17 ;>.>..> i)'/r,. ;\nvt st t-s •>. \',V,\, 1 \:\, ;|ll,l I l(') /i.i.s'/. Thr iioolion ]M(\huUs l(\'hnii'al (^lijocliiMis l>v jin unwilliiij; luii oli;\st V scH^kinj:; to osi'Mi^^ from his coiilriu'l. Kio'f-iiont tt?. No notion of ojivtinont or otliov Motion for llio rooovcry of iniv in.wi.iin J I nr,.1or tlio now sxstoin slinll lio or In- sust!\inoii ii!;iuiist llio roiiiMtoroij ownov for llio o>t:Uo >n- iiitiMvst m rospoot to wliioli lio is so ro^;ist,ori'il. o\oo]it ir. tlio t'olUnvmc oiX'^os. tliiit is to si\> : I'lllrdiiii In III ; ' |'i>';M('Hmi(|| |i| ItM tun ollirc ^^f//.|;;,■<. ;iM|l I'I'I MMll W llil II, 'ii'>'' '>r II iMMi i|iii,i(iiM MM Mffiiiiini II iM'ii I Mi|(iit III iiiriiiiii \m Mill (| 111' II |iil 'lull ili'jil I \ 1 i| nf n 1 1 ', In ml Ir; f i n ml n ■! n |'n i l.'il Ijiii l"i n Uilii liii I III Vlljllll lirl'iiH ll'i inli'li'il M'l iiuiHi III 'iiii ll Inml lli|iiii|>li iin ii I'li i iml M („ ry | •I l\ iliii III lii'l \vi'"' I III! II n'l II I I t 111 ll 1 1 !■ /miiii) /;,/, fill vilill'', f I 'illi or rv iKiii'i ti'f Cd llll Mllc'll !l Mil ■lilM Mil I in'hili'l I'll llll iiii|ili ll M ml , (/i| |.i| 'I'Im' III I' II I ii'l '!M|I ill jill \ I'll I.I 111 I In I litlli(( nil',' In III 1 Mil 1 1 II ll 1 1 III Ml'ilf I f i|i iin\ I'ln III Ml III lllinili' 111' lilli III' I. llll I I'iml ll 11 Ml II 111 ll r i;M.'Ii I |iin 1,1 1 1,. I III ml III 1 1 ii III III mill I II '1 I Ml II I in 1 1 1'' I I ln' i • |i| ;l i 1 1 i| n ■, m i nl' iiiicli i il liii' I, Mill mil liii||ii; ll I I II iimI'i'I I I' III' i!i|i ll 111 III I iniiijiii i|i ii . iii|! fl niii ni lliliiil[(li ,1 1 1 iiii'ili'l I'M I llll I'liT 'iii'M "I'l llll '.nlm';(/i) (I'll I III r M I i'(i|iili'i I'll iiwiiMi llll i mini' iMi'li I llll irii'l riiiiii nl 'if Cri'ir in llljl' |iliii| ill iIiiIm iif I I'lm.l I II I Hill IIIhIi'I llll' |il ii\ I'limi'l 111 llllH A' I, 111 MtriiiiK'iif iiii\ in' I' III \\ llli'll I All III 1 1 llll I' |i I II 11 1 I. Ill I 'XI Mil iiini ii ' ''I I I ll' n ll ii (if llll ll' n i;i n III ii ii'l ii iil I i lii'ii Im nf I il Im iimi s' Iim i ''((i'lli'i '''I iinil' i I ln' |ii'ivi'ii'iii ij' llii'i /\i'l ill ri'ii|iiii'l 111 IliM uniiii' IiiihI ; l/i) (('I I'lii ri^jliln 11 ri'ijiij; 111 |in 1 1 ly Mii«iii|! iirii'i' Ur .Inlii'if ( hn ii 1 1 ili'n 1^ I'inlii'niti if Mill' iiiiiliT wliirli IliM iMjiiHli'ii'il iiwiicr cidiriiM ; ('-ij l''iir iIcIiIm lllinili); MiimiiOi iiuwiii'Mni'in ; ic) ('.l| \iii| ill MiiS' niAti' iitliMl' lliiiii ii't 11 fill I'Hn ill, llic |ii 'iilm t I'lii iif t,li( (n nil '.tliiT '1'"|1M iiM-/ nrlHiiii' t'lipiitHoliin. ii'l '■(I i-^ /crli i'tlrii'il rri I ilii'iilM iif lil.l(>, mIiiiII Iim lidil in c viy '''iiiil. 'if I'l-w 'ir <''|ii it.y f,, „ ,,, ,,f |,ii III' nil ii.liHiiliil.i' liiir mill chIiiiiiicI iif iiiiy mihIi it'li'iii ('/) iii/iiinsli tlif. |i' 1'' ii'i«'» ii'iMini iiiiiiiMil in liiii'li iiM;l I iliiiclil MM ';' i/('i| nf, nr' n-; ii'Mi'ilcrfl 'iwikt 'ir luC', |iiHi;iMi iif IliM Inml lliiii'in Icii ilii'il . iiny iiili' nf Inw nr '''(iiily f'l llic coiitiin V niilwitliMliunlinj;. f>lt,\ III.'! Kill liiT nfl'ioiis. I srclioiis (i| I'incry of nin I 111' r(M;isl(Mi'i| wo ri'iiislciiMJ. ((() TliiH |iiir(i|;i)i|»li \h widc! (moii^li t,o cdvcr drfiuilt. in liny (■(Mi(lilii(iii iiim.(I(( liy llic Ichkcc, vvlicilK r implied under s(M'. H!) (2) jioHl, or cxprcHHcd in tlir contniel.. Mr. A'Ttccludi, iMiddr t.lir f-orrcHpondinj^ hccHou (]W) of ilic Viclioriiui '.('ll, rofcrH lo SiiitmlriH v. ll'iidhnin, 4 S. A. fj. n T.\\ liitrhnall v. l{riiit it would not 1)(! Ml l)(ir to a. Hiiit to (!riforc(! fui cqiiitablo claim. S(H> HtH'H. 121} and 121) jiont. In tliiH connection rcferf iiff; ii i h Ji Mt no H fi llo\\ mi' )vii\\ I 1 '1 m i\AA\ liiMi 1i> othi'tx ri>n1'('ni'ii unli'i tlii'i Vi't ; " (1^ 11(MiiiV\ n^inivr till' >>v\ i\i ) I'l iMi>iii,'n|JTi>, oi i>l1ii'» )M I 'ii>n iuli ) I "(i .1 in Mii\ \f\\\i\ in Vi-<>p(-<') i\\ \\h\i-h iin\ 1 vilii'H'cl , 1i'')".i', inni t ivmh', M\rnn\ hvrinri' in otiifv ili'nlnn;, in vi'lciv^i' fiinn 'iiw n\i>i trui'i" in I'UinnnUi iinio ril>.n>t )i' It 1 r:\n'.rr\ \-< i1 in 1 1'lln'OiiiKi'il m in ii ■-,)iiii 1 .n wlwrh Mn\ ti;in fi'i iM tiMU'-niiwvuon m !ibi>u( 1ii In- Vi>ma1ini'ii. m mux miihI kC iinv nii l\ ow nee. nii>v1i;.'Vi^i'<> ov i>1 Inn )>i->'.ini or iin\ (vn-on lijivinii n\\ lu'ilnnnini in lii'> )'><>««o'i'>ion m :in\ fii^i'ir\t\ li^ )nl^ll^l> nnx unrli n\' iimmt in In p.i'Jwixj'.ion Ol \\\)(>v/. S('0 fiMlU ni''i\} ^\\h Mil' ',\. TllO (^'^noi )l^l;min\i>\ ;li < 'i>iuniissii>u on llio liinl rto|imI(n1 MS follows 1o rMvhunuMU m IMi',). StM> Ivr l^MJ. i^a;;*' lo : - " Th<^ o\Ifnl\ H^olinod. \\ <^ llimK llml il sIiimiM (^vtouil lo rcipm lU'i. tni.l, il n(''o<^ss;nv. oonipollnij: Jho |Mo.lnrlion ol :im\ .lo.umcn' ivlHtinj;. ov puipovhiiji io rol;i(<\ to l;in<1 \intlrv tlio |ivo\i si(">ns .>!' llu^ \r1s whu'h il is in lu^ intl;>\ii(Mi< nct'OssMi v or dosirahlo lo h.-nt^ iM-oiiin^^i ; an.i lli;\l li<^ slioni.l ho !\ii xafr aoowvWy, unloss lh»\v watcli tlio nowspapors puhlishoii or oircnlatin}}; in iho noi}j;h bonrlioot^ of tho lantis for advoviisomonts of an int oertificatfi. Ifj MI'lMlMnNH In WIIMI^HInH. M imno. .,11.1, "lofumciii (( I|m ttlltV •illimiliill UU\ Mlll'll |ll>tiliih MM llftiti'Mldrl, III' flllV |i"(MMtl Wm»|(|(i»iM« ,. ||M "r I V lili III I' lllii|inlllnl|i| In iin' (illilli'l In I lie ((..••/ (.ii I, mil .if l.liii'in'.i Mmi'li , mil \ li.. mifni ciil liv 'iiicli ( nili I Inliln. iniiiiiiM .III, I |i\ llii' lil'i. |ii ...•.•i-.|in|M .in. I • illi II III'. I I null , .!•■ 'ulii 'iini.' nf .;l|rli < '.Hill Mi'f 'If I- ru /ii"»' I Mini Ml i;ii|ii(|,NA. I'lir IliM, I I'llin ivir n|. !\l \-!l HUM Till' liiilnl Tillin I •i'ill ill III I'lii I || IV i\i i n|- iMIl'i III l.lic iniildi ..f .. |.|iln (1,1 i..M III N. ( III 1 1 ili-i I ilir llir liliiil:f I inliliniinil \iil|. Mini I'Mili nf ,.iil, lliiil nil I iiin ri'.-iii II ii'l I viii^i,^ ill Mil iiilnliM III I III. f iiifi'l \\ IimImiii'V I'l i'iM'iin(i. \ nil ij.i M |i|iin I |ii.| innii II V lufni.. Ilii. |»n;liillll,ll.i<'H |ilnvii|i'il liy III!' MiiKJ A't.. WiliicHM I. Ill' liiiinl Mii'l nll'iriii,! m.ii,l nf l.lm I >iiil,ri''.l, (!< i;iyl.r,i r fnr Ui'i lillllil 'I'iUliH DIhIiI int. nf 1.1, llliH (JM V nf A.f). I'd .SK*f, ll'lAlrill '',11)1*1 TUT . \V1 «(tinii;« TIdNH ANI> TAVKATH. ^4 IMI I 1 ;! ilii r I i " LUL r.>i MM'ti.m , II II,. iniu , iipuM Miii'lt <'\ iil( um mii\ a|>i»iir In liitn Miilllciriil in tlinl .'I ( rvKVM III , ' .11 ii'iiil\ lit'iinlf, HO fur ii'< |inii'l icmIiIc, willmiil iirrjiiiliciii!; the ij;;li('i iniift'in'tl III «<«,«' !• ,,|„„, inni'.IVirc". fill Miliir, ciinril criori m ici I ilii mIi'. nj' iilli' iif III ihc K<'!;i''(<'i' "I' III n('i( inii wnH inmli' nr niti \ .-ii|i|ili. il with lii't iiiiliiiht, mill r\i'r\ I'i'i I ilinitc kI t iI Ir ho ciin ri I nj , miil i \rr\ i iil r\ nn I'lirii'cti'il or Hiipplii'il, sIimII liiiM' till' IiIm' \ iliijily mill I lli'i't ,i;if mkIi ciiur li!ii| imt bt'iMl iu l>rli;ill' of licr Miiji'slv nr oil lu'llillf of an\ pri'.iiii who iiiiix lir iiiiilrr liic ili'-iiliilil \ of iiifiiiH's, luiiiH'v, or uiisoimdiu'HM of I II nil I, or iilisciu'i' from I lie rroviiu'i'. lo proliilnl tiic t I'miih- f<>r or ili'iilin),' willi atiy hiini l)i'loni,'iiij', or siippoMcil to licioiif^, to flin Crown or to mi\ siii'h pi'i-son a^ lu'rcinlu'loro iikmiIioikmI, ami alno Id [iro- hilut tlu> il( in wliii'li it hIijiII appear to liiin that an eri'or lias ln'cii l>y niMclrsrripl ion of any such land or otliiMwisi., in liny ccrtiticatc of titli'or olUi'r instniini'iit, or for tlio pre- vtMition of any fiauil or improper ilealinj;. It would not !ii>]U'iir nci't'ssiirv tliiit lliis i-uvcat slioiiM comply with tiny of tlic forms given under sec. li{(). nor ho snbjoi't lo iiny of the rnli's respiH'ting ciivoiitH or procodtirc^ in mattcM's of ciivetit. A simj>le ciuition iigainst ri'{;i.strii- tration is all that is riMinirod. Ahsonce fr- ni the Province wonld probably bo insuflicicnt ground fm' a cti -wt after ton years from tlio dtitc of tho instrument conferring title. See sec. 5(5 (1) ante. See A'Becket's note to sec. 121, sub-sec. III., of tho Vic- torian Act. May (li;;- (t>) Tlio Di.striet-Hej^istnir. in case he shall see reasonable cause for ho in-odii Vioii ^^^^'"f^' "^'^.^' 'lisp*-'"*"? with the proihictioii of any ccrtiticatc of title, lease of oeniii- or other instrument, for the purpose of entering tho endorsement by this Act reijuired to be entered upon the deiilini^ with land ; and upon the registration of such dealing the District-Registrar shall note in the entry of the memorial in the Register that no entry of such memorial has been ;i|! MtHI' CKIITiriCATKH. II!) iHii'iciil III lliaf ;lil'i iiiiifcircil tlll>' nr III III,. liny iiii'iiini itil in or iHMHil(.i) ■ll 111 111' inilllr ; I Ik' hIi.'iII linl II li\ Hie liiilr III lii'i mil iiiiti, III rnriri'tt'il n|- I'lior liMil iiiii on lii'Imlf of k, inniicy, or il'it tile tiaiiH. '••Iunj4, (() ijio (I iiIho to pro. iill ii|i|iciir (() Niii'li ImiiiI or f for file pri>- init< Ip on I III' 1 1 II I ll "III I' )^riiiil or nl Iiit in'il riniiiiil, iuhI miicIi ili'iilini • MM nil. tlicri'iipi III, 111 III' Ml viiliil unil I'lri'i'liiMl iiM if ninli nii'iiiuriiil liml Iktii ho rnlm-il ; I'lovnli'il iilwavH, Miiid lM ii'^iHti'rin^' hihIi (Iciilin^, Ui« MIh- liirl KriM'^l I'lir mIiiiII, in niirli i'iimc, i'i'i|tiirn iJic |iiirty ili'iiliiiii to niii,k(< iiii nlliiliisil Uwii Hiicli );niiil. Ill' iiiHl.rniiM'nt Iiiim mil, liccn (li'imtnli il liy wiiy of jini or MM fii 'cmilV lor iinv Imili, nml tin I l';l'iirlii|li v In inioiiiit to llic I IiM- MmmI nr I'liitil fill linll iirii I ililfllnn mill (;iv(i V) III' mil li'< Irjcl Iti'i!!'*! I'll)' li'i' it''' *>'>'i |iroiiiil ('('jtilioild can iUko ho oMiiiiicd, if ihiccih- Hiiry, iiiitlnr sec. 7 /»>«/. Since tlic cnnctnuMit of sec. I(>1> friHl, Huh Hcc^tion can only iiplily io l<»Ht or (hiHlroycd (M'rl,ilicM,l,()H. TIk! proofn of Jo.MH or (IcHiiMK^IioM hIiouM !»(' l»y arH. Notice! in InTcliy /^ivcn Miat, on or nftcr the (lay of A.I). IH iiiilcHH caiiHc to iiio conirary lie kIicwii, T will (liHpciiKf! with the proiliictidii of tlic ( 'ci'tilic.iit.i' of Title fnv (lirir ilfm'rihi' Imnln) iHsiiisd nil i\\v )f A.I). IK lo {nisfrt iKiiiirK find (iihlilioiis of rciiiKlcri'il inniii) for tiic^ purpose of ciKlorKinj^ iliereon the iiieiiiorial of ll (Icaliiit^ iil'fecliiif,' Hnid lands presented for ret;istrati()ii hy thrmiid ri'ijit- liTt'd iiinit'r (or In/ A. J!, ii iiii>i'l(i 1 1 ! 1 1 : !' i i ! IVJ' btl. Ill I'KOVISIONAI, CI'.UTII ICATI'.H. I rovlBl.uml I, I 111 th,. r\,ii( ol ii i^iuiil ( liiinl, toj^ftlu'r willi otlirr iiirHoiiH, if my, liiiMii)! l^llt)\vll•ll^;^' I'f (In- liiiiimNdmiTM, iiiny imiiIm> u sdiliitory il«'Hiro>i'.l (li'clivruliKM Htiiliiij' tlic fMi'tn nf tin' rn'tr, tlio iiiimc't inul di'm rint jmiH of tile rr;;isli'r( il dwiirrM. inul tlir prirliciiliiixnr nil mm (>^U)^i'H, ('Ucii.mIh iiikth llllii I'llnr limlli'l' alli'i'l lll|^ siiill l;lliil iilnl llic llllr llirri'tn, In llic In '.| cil win II 111 ii;i' mil IiikI III' 'riiirly ilii\s prior nnlii'i' to Kivon. tlic ill I'liirant'H kiinwii'ili'c ami luiii I', ami llic !>istrii't Kc^iHlrai'. if NutiH (It'll i>f the triitli (if siii'li lici'lMnil iiMi ami llu' Imiiii lid'S of tlio Irai.Hai'liiin. max Issue 111 tlio owiior of siicli lamia prnviHional t'crlilii'iitc of titloof Kiiili laml. wliii'li jifoN imoiial I'i'rtilii iilo mIhiH coiiliuiM an osai I ropy of llir ori;;imil t;r:iiil {a) or ccii ilii'Mti' of title lioiiml up in llie lu'!.;ister, ami of e\rr> iiieiiioramliiiu Mini emlorseiiieiil I hereon, ami shall also eoiitaiii ii stati'inent whs smli piovisiniiMJ rerl iliiiile i« insiied ; ami Hie l>e,lri('l He^^istrar shall nt thesatm' lime enter in the itet^ister, not lee of tlu' isHiiinn of siii'li pro\isi(iiial eerti Ileal e ami the diite theri'of ami why it wan iMsinvl, mill Hiicli provisional ceil ilieate shall he a\ iiilahle for all purposes iiml iihch for w hiih I he ^raiil , ((/) or eeiliru'ali' of title so lost or desl rii\ eil would have lieeii a\Milali|e, and an valid to all intents as siieh lost ^;raiit or ecr t ilieate ; I'roN ided al\va\s. that the l>istriet |{e;iistrHr, hefore issiiiii;' siicli !,,> provisional eertilieale. shall t^ive at least, thirty days' notice (//) of his intention so to do, in soim' newspaper piihlished in the .liidicial l>istri<'l in which siieli land is situate, or if there he no such newspaper, tl .n liy fiivini; such pnhlic notice as the Pistrict licf^istrar iiiuy deem expedient. Tl le iimnher o >f ii isertions in such newspaper shall he settled hy „l lu District- Hi'fiistnir, ((• (d) The word "orant "' lu>n' luis cvidontly boon inserted throuoli iii!idv('it(Mi('i', iis will he kccmi i)y tli(! context. Comparo hoc. (>() <»///(■, wliii ', ri'f'cr.s to thu ccitilu-ato l)0und up in tlio " iu'i^isLor " its ji " diiplicdli'.'" (h) FORM OF NOTICF FOR PUHLICATION. Tin; Ukai, PiioPKurv Acr ok IHH',1. Notice is lierobv ;'iveii that on or after the dav of A.n. IS a provisimial Ccrtilicate of Title will he issued to [insert iiavirs uiiil (i 111' licl Ci'llV llf till' <'(;iHl('i', ami nf mIhi) I'liiiliiiii a 1 (hr |)i.,lrici I' nf t III' i'isiiiiif; k' it SMIS issllivl, |ll>V.|'S II llll IIHI'S ■strnyiMl won III it t;niiit or i'it r(< iwHiiiii;; hiicIi )tici> (/') of luM iliiiiil Distriil |m|ii'r, tl','11 liy rill cxju'ilifnt. H'tt it'll liy Jio (»•) WIhtc tin- itrodiK'linii of ii (MTliliciitn Iiiih lu'ciii diH- pciist'il with oil II (nitiMfcr oT nil tlir land, ii proviHioiml ct'iliru'iitc would Ix' iiMiicrcHHiiiy. A rr^^istcri'd propricior of Hcvcnil adjoining' iillotinciitH uiid«'r Hrpiiniio (•citiriciilcH of liiiviiit^ IohI, tliciii iipplicd under llu' coiToHpoiidiiif^ Hcclion of ilm Victorian Stiiliitc for a t'oMsolidiitcd H|)<'ci'il ccrtilicalr, Itiit, liiH applii'Mlioii wiih rofiiscd, it Ix'iii;; coiiHidcrcd llitit i\ Hpccinl ('cililicatc Hlioiild bi" iHSiictI in respect of each allotnieiit : Si-ilijr/iclil'H " I'nic- lice of Ihi' (\lJUr of TiHen " [ ViniMlrirl. l{('i;iHt,rar miiv i'i'i|iiiir llir nwin'r of niiy IiiihI, hIIki' Mmv rn tliiiii town iilotM, williiii liiM liistrirl ili'siiiii'' to iTiuiHfri' or <)l||l■rwi^.'• to 'i"l'''' !',''*'• ■ 1(1 IlK llll'll (li'iil with till' HiuiM' niiiirr tlir provi'^ioiM of fliiH Act, to i|i>|ioKit a |iliiii of mi ri>ll Hiirli liiiiil nif^ni'il liy tlii" owiiiT, or lii^i iiroprrly aiit.liori/dil iil.loriify, with til IIW- iiit; Hi^alim. II' Hi'Vi'i'iil iiH'iiHiii riiiriitj* iiiiil lii'iuiii'''^ iiiiirki'il lliiri'on, aii>l rrrlid i.v I'roviiiciiil liiiiil siirvi'N'or, ami sii'li jiliiii sliall Iw n|ioii oiir of the [iilluwiii!.; Hriili'i (i() If till' liiiiil, or the portion tlu'irof propoHi'il to lir I nimifrrrril or ir Ii'hh tlin 'iiKi iirrii dt'iilb witli, Ih of li'MM art'ii. tlniii oncarri', I Ih'Ii siirli plan slinll lie on a KcaU: of not nioi'i' tlian two cliaiiiM to one iiiili. (/') If sncli laiiil, or tlw portion tlirrrof pioposi'd to hi' trioiHfi'rrcil or Ovit oim (li'iiit with, is of )4riiilrr ari'ii than one arrc, lait not c.M'iTilini^ (Ivc acriH, ,,,,,,.,, timii tlii'ii such plan shall lir on a si'iilr not inori> Ihiin lisr (tliains to oiu" inrli. ''^"' (r| If such laml, or tlii^ portion thrrcof pioposnl to lir transfcrrcil or Ovit flvo dealt with, in of >,'rt'ati'r area than livo iutch, hut not cxcci'ilinj,' «'itihty "|''„.,'."y„j„ acri's, then siudi plan Hlnill he on a scale not niorc than tin chains to one 'itJhly. inch. ((/) if such laiiii, or tlu! portion thereof proposed to lie tninsf {iiixcrt iiiivics liovo Act for repiacc the on tlio been lost or veil or Ovnr i«lity. ■Ixeoi-ilrnr. dealt with, is of ^'renter ari^ii th!'.n eij^hty acres, then such plan sliaii be on a scaii- of not nioro tlian twenty chains to one inch. (rl if such proprietor neglects or refuses to comply with siuh require- \o(,'ioct to nieiitH as aforoHiiid, it hIiiiII not be incnmbent on tlic District-lti'f^JHtrar to ''*^'"*' ^" proceed with tlio rcf^iHtriition of such transfer or di'iiiin^'. ('.I| Where parts of different le;,'al siili-divisions or parish lots are PartH of included in the name transfer, tlie plan sluill represent tlie wlioic' of siicli ,|iy'|Bi^n8? legal sub-divisions or parisb lots, and shall indicate the location of the I *2^ : ■ \ 116 PLANS. Proviso. tfi ' I i'' 11 ]' I .'Jr Ui' I- V i! t, i Ownor sub- diviiliiiL; liiiul sliall doiiDsit I)laii. D. 1{. may require uow ■.ilaii to be tiled. lands to bo traiisforrod ; Provided always, that this sliall not bo necessary in tlio case of lots in a city, town, or villaj^o, the plan of which has been I'o^isterod. See sec. (>{) and 70 potit. 0?>. Any owner snb dividinj^ land for th(> pnrixjse of soiling the same in allotments sliail deposit witli th(> District l{(>!^istrar a plan in (iii|)licato of sucli sub-division on a scnle of not nioi'i; tlian four chains to one inch, provided tiiu ' sucii plan shall exliibit distinctly all roads, strei>ts, passa,L;es, thoroMjilifares, scpiares or reserves appropriated or set a[)art for public use, havin!4 tiic nioasurenionts marked thereon, and also all allotmenta into wiiich the said land is divided niarkoil witli distinct numbers or letters, and such plan shall sliow distinctly a sufficient nunbi'r of astro- nomic bearings and measurements from which can be deduced the bear- ings vnd dimensions of each and all tlie allotments into which said land is divided, and shall also show the original section or lot lines according to the survey thereof by the Dominion Ciovornment, or a sui'licient nnm- ber of said lines to show the location and connection of sucli sub-division therewith, and shall be signed by tlie owner or his agent and certified as accurate by a Provincial land surveyor — nnder oath in the form in Schedul(> T hereto. ((j) The District-Registrar may recpiiro the owner of any land desiring to deal with the same under the now system and which has heretofore been sub-divided, or which is comprised within the limits of any city, town or village, and tlie location of wlucli in his opinion, is not suOiciently well or accurately defined upon any existing registered plan, to file a plan of the same in accordance with the provisions of the foregi^ing section. See sec. G8, sub-sees. 8 ami 9 ante. But qiuere whether it is not the foregoinr/ subsection that is intended to be referred to. SCHEDULE T. FORM OF SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE. I, (name of snrreyor) of the (place of residence), Provincial Land Sur- veyor, make oath and say tliat I was present at and did personally superintend the survey represented by this plan and that the survey and plan are correct. Sworn before me this | day of A.D. 18 J. P. or Com. in B. R., etc. VALUATIONS. 117 Ml railwiiv or otlicr corponitioiis Hliall hereafter deposit with the Hallways .. • i ' 1 r ii ■ • 1 1. r I i. i- 11 ti> (lepoHit Distru't Uef4istriir, pI'iiiH of tlieir ri}«lit of way, andHtation t^routuls, hIiow- ,,i,i„ „f i-i(,'ht of 70. tri the area taken frcin eaeli ((iiarter se(;tioii or parish lot as the case may ''' w II y t Provision as to these plans will be found in the General Kailway Acts, and in each coui[)any's special act of incor- poration. 71. For the purpose of payment of any fees fixed by tiiis Act or by V^hio of tariff of tlie uieiiteiiant-Govenior-in-doiincil, tiie value of land ^'llall be ascor- ascertained by the oath or solemn al'lirmation of tlie applicant, owner or '^"■'""'*' person aiMjuirin;^ land, (i 118 TRANSFEUS. I tniiisfcrrcd or created, and a inoinorandum of all leases, niortgaj^es and other encumbrances, to which the same may be subject ; and sncli trans- fer, if it be endorsed on the instrument evidencing the title of the trans- feror may be m the following form ; Form of J, tlie within named A. 11., in consideration of transfer endorscil dollars paiil to me by C.J)., transfer to said CD. (here Ktate the e,i>ieinent, on certifl- ^^,^^,,^, ^,^, ,-,j,,,,.,,^,( intended to be transferrfd). cate. Dated fchia Witness : day of A.B 18 1' 1 ' ^ 1 ! 1 1 i I 1 li .' i j! ' P' '• ' li i H 1 J I i As to land tax sale transfers see sec. 57 (a) (intc, which must he registered within six months. As to iniiJied covenants, see sees. 80, 98, and 99 post. A transfer is effective only upon registration (sec. 7-1 post), hut it confers upon the transferee a right to he regis- tered IS ow'ner (sec. 81 pout). As CO transmissions see 113 <:t scq. poxt. SCHEDULE B. MeMOUANDUM of TllANSKI'.n. I, A. B., being registered owner of an estate {tftate the nature of estate), subject, however, to stich encumbrances, liens, and interests as are notified by memorandum underwritten {or endorsed hereon), in all that land con- taining [as the f(/.st' 111(11/ be ). ( Here state riiilitx of «•.s7. 7'i; If the momorandnm of transfer purports to tninsfcr tlic wliole or part of tlio transfoiror's iiitiTcst in the land mi'ntionod in any c(!rtiii- cato '.A title, tlio transfi'i i-or siiall dolivor up tiic oertilicateof title of said land, and tiie J^istrict-Rcf^i-iti'ar siiall, when ref,'isterinfi the tiansfei-, enter in tiie rej^ister and on the dupli(!ato certificate of title a ineinfjrandum cancelling the same, either wholly or partially, accordinf^ as the inenio- randuin of transfer purports to transfer tiie whole or part only of the interest of the transferror in the land mentioned in such certificate of title, and setting forth t'.ie particulars of tlie transfer. Comi3are llule 22, Sch. S, s. 20 ante. Purchasers should assure themselves that there are no unpaid rates affecting the land and that it has not been sold for taxes since the date of the vendor's certificate of Title. See also Note (4) sec. 63 ante, and Eule 11), Sch. S, sec. 26 ante. If there are unpaid arrears, he should either obtain the amount from the vendor or require; a certificate that they have been discharged. He should also arrange to have the certiiicate of title produced at the proper Land Titles Oflice for the purpose of having the transfer registered. He should also search the Gene- ral Kegister as to caveats and general charges, and assure himself that there are no rights subsisting under any adverse possession of any part of the land; and also that there are no rights of way, rights to light, or other ease- ments acquired by user, or subsisting over, or upon, or affecting the land ; and where the possession is not adverse the interest, of any tenant of the land should be ascer- tained. 111> m > El 'rl Tf transfor in (if wliole iir part of liiiid nioii- tioned in tlioeortifl- catu. i 1 ! I K a. 1 120 ( Si I I 1 } \"' ! ^1 t'' i ^ ; ; ■ ''I 1 i ii Every in- Btnniicut except transfer may be in duplicate Affldiivit of execution. Priority accordinf,' to time of ref,'istra- tion. EFFECT OF REGISTRATION. 71. Except as hereinafter otherwise proviclecl, every instrument pre- sented for registration under the new systein may be in duplicate except a transfer and shall, unless a Crown grant, Order-in-Council, instrinnent under the seal of any corporation, or certificate of judicial proceedings, be attested by a witness who shall prove the execution thereof in the manner required by said chapter Sixty of the Consolidated Statutes of Manitoba and amendments thei'eto, and shall be registered in the order of time in which tlie same is presented for that purpose ; and instruments registered in respect of or affecting the same estate or interest, shall, notwithstanding any express, implied, or constructive notice, be entitled to priority according to the time of registration, and the District-Regis- trar, upon registration thereof, shall file the same, or a duplicate thereof, in his office ; and so soon as registei'ed every instrument shall, for the purposes of this Act, be deemed and be taken to be embodied in the Register as part and parcel tliercof, and such instrument, when so con- structively embodied, and stamped with the seal of the District- Registrar, shall thereupon create, transfer, surrender or discharge, as the case may be, tlie estate or interest therein mentioned in the lands mentioned in the said instrument. Compare sees. 69-72, chap. 7, of the Consolidated Statutes of Manitoba. Soundness of mind is necessary on the part of a witness, and that he understands the nature of an oath and is nut a party to the instrument. Compare sees. 58, 77, 78, 81, 99, and notes. In the discretion of the Inspector old system forms may be ordered to be registered and are then given effect by sec. 77 post. Persons dealing with lands should satisfy themselves that no objections will be taken to the form of instruments before closing. See sec 3 (12), as to meaning of the word " instrument." Also Herbert v. Gibson, 6 M. L. E. 192. Registration dates from the time of filing. Rule 10, Sell. S. sec. 26 ante. Instruments unfit for registration may be rejected by the registrar and no instrument may be registered to affect land under the new system except in the manner provided by this Act. Instruments substantially in conformity with WHAT MAY BE REGISTERED. 121 lonsolidated the Act may be received, but in order to pass an estate it must be executed and registered in accordance with the new system. Under the statute instruments are inoperative as affecting lands or interests in lands until registered, saving however the rights of the parties to unregistered docu- ments as between themselves. See sees. 77 and 81 post, and notes under sec. 58 ante. The affidavit may be according to the last form given under sec. 40 ante. See note to sec. 100 post as to essential form of discharge's of mortgages or encumbrances, for the purpose of enregis- tration and release of the lands affected. C. S. M. Cap. 60, sec. 35, Consolidated Statutes of Mani- toba, as amended, provides as follows : 35. All ilcecls of lands sold niider process issued from the court of Lands boIcI Queen's Beach in Manitoba, and all certificates of sales of land for taxes cess'to'llo' given under the hand of the treasurer of a municipality or other autho- reKistered " I ./ within SIX rized person, shall be ref^istered within six months after the sale of such months. lands or after the date hereof, {See provisiom as to the reijintnition of tax deeds in the Manitoba Manieipal Acts), otherwise the parties respectively -15 Vic, cap. claiming under any of such sales shall not be deemed to have preserved ' their priority as against a purchaser in good faith, who may have I'egis- ^^V- ^• tered his deed prior to the registration of such deed from the sheriff, treasurer, warden, or other officer; provided that de^ds of land hereto- -15 ^'c, cap. ^ .13, sec. 7. fore sold for school taxes shall be deemed to have preserved their priority if the same be registered within six months after the expiration of the time allowed by the law to redeem. The provisions of the " Lands Registration Act of Mani- toba " as amended, relating to the proof of the execution of instruments produced for registration under the " old system " are as follows : — 15. Grants from the crown may be registered by the production thereof Cap. 60. to the registrar, with a true copy sworn to by any person who may have compared the same with the original — such copy to befiled with the regis- How regis- trar — and all other instruments, excepting wills, shall be registered by the deposit of the original instrument, or by the deposit of a duplicate or other original part thereof, with all the necessary affidavits. 'M V. c. l.~!, 8. <). ■qjl Ke^y^n 1 ? 1-22 ATTKHTATION OF INSTIU'MKNTS. t ! Will to bo rouixtiToil at full luiigtii. 45 Vicciip, 13, Bee. 1. Clip. ()(). When ri'- quirod lo swoar to. Allidavit to be miiile on instru- ment. Sepnvato executions to bo sworn to seim- ratelv. InsuflBcient description of witnos.s or clerical error not to invali- date regis- tration ot instru- ment. Retrospec- tive appli- cation. 1(1. ]''.vory will sliiill bo rcj^istorod at full lcnf»tli by tlioproiluctiDiiof tlie orit^iiiiil will, and tlio iK'posit of a copy thereof with an atlldavit sworn to by oiii' oi till! witiiesHGH to the will, ])rovinj^ tlu- due execution thereof by the testator, or by the produetioii of ))rol)ato or li'tters of administration with the will anne-xed, or anexemplilicution thereof, undi.'r the seal of any court in this Province, or in (Ireat Hritian or Ireland, or in any Urilisii province, colony, or possession havinj^ jurisdiction therein, and by Mio lU'iJOsit of a copy of such probate, or letters of administration, with an allidavit verifying,' such copy. 17. In the case of an instrument other than a will, n subscribing^ wit- ness to such inBtrnment, shall in an allidavit sottinj^ forth in full hia name, i)lace of residence and addition or calling in full, swear lo tiio foll()win<4 facts : (1) To the execution of the ori.ginal and duplicate, if any there be; ('2) To the place of execution ; (;<) That he knew the parties to sucl instrument, if such be the fact; or tliat he knew such one or more of them, according to the fact ; ( 1) That he is a subscribing witness thereto. IS. The said allidavit shall be made on the said instruitient, or securely attac lied thereto; and such instrument and allidavit shall be copied at full length in the registry book. li). When any instrument is executed by one or more grantors, but not by all of them in presence of the same witness or witnesses, or by one or more of the other parties thereto in presence of another witness or oilier witnesses, then in such case the witness or one of the witnesses, whether the same be so executed in the same or in different places, shall make an aflidavit, in accordance with the seventeenth section of this Act, as to each separate and distinct execution of the instrument before the s:ime shall be registered. ( ') No registration under this Act of any instrument shall be deemed or adjudged voiil or defective by reason of the name, place of residence, addition, occupation, or calling of the subscribing witness thereto, not being set forth in full, or being improperly or insufiiciently given or des- cribed in the affidavits mentioned in and required by section seventeen, nor by reason of any clerical error or omission of a merely formal or technical character, in such afitidavit, but, nevertheless, it shall continue to be the duty of every registrar not to register any instrument except on such proof as is required by this Act. ('() The preceding sub-section shall apply retrospectively in all cases except those in respect of which litigation has already been commenced. 45 Vic. cap. 13, sec. 3. iproiluctioiiof the allldiivit awoni to JlltioU tluMVof l)y )f ii(liiiiiiist,riitii)ii vv tlic sciii of liny >!• ill any Uritisli iviii, and l)y tlie ^n wit- Province, any person who is or claims to bo interested in the registration ,,i- out of of the instrument, may make proof before the judge of any court in ''"'viiico, Manitoba, 'or before the Judge of any Superior Court of Record in any tcrcstod otlier Province of the Dominion or any portion of the British Empire of j,|.,,of. the execution of such instrument, and upon a certificate endorsed on sucli u; ami 17 instrument and signed by such judge, that the judge is satisfied by the sfc.'ifi!^'^' '' proof adduced of the duo execution of the instrument, the registrar shall Cap. 60. register such instrument and certificate. Compare sec. 75 post. 2G. The seal of any court affixed to any instrument in writing of itself, Boal ot and the seal of any corporation affixed to any such instrument, wit;h the yQ|.',{ p" J^^' sicnature of the secretary presiding, or other authorized officer thereof fi"»'l'<>''»'ti' " ^ 1 ■- hody to be and in case of certificates of tax sale the signature of the Treasurer of snnicient the municipality or other officer, authorized thereunto, shall be sufiicient Jjxocution evidence of the due execution of the instrument by the judge, registrar clerk, treasurer of municipality or other authorized officer of the court Substi- signiiig the same, or by the corporation respectively, for all purposes ^"0^26 of^ respecting the registration thereof and no further evidence or verification ""■P- *^- of such execution shall bo required for the purpose of a registration. 45 Vic, cap. 13, sec. 6. 27. When any instrument is registered, the i-ogistrar (a) shall deliver ReRistrar a certified copy or copies of such instrument, certified under his hand eopi'es of and seal of oflice, as may be required of him, and of all documents con- powers of nected with or relating to the same ; in which certificate he shall declare and substi- the time, place, and other particulars of registration as in other cases ^1"''!^°. under this Act; and ho shall also declare that the copy which he so delivers is a true copy of the instrument and of all the other documents connected with or relating to the same of which they respectively purport to be copies, and that the originals have been duly deposited in hia office according to the statute in that behalf. (a) That is, the registrar of deeds under the " old system." 28. Every copy of an instrument so certified as aforesaid, may be Certified registered in any other registry office ( diiplicnto cortilicate, or otliur inntrunu;nt ovidoncinK titio to tlio lan-ini- iHUnely : nit nts that ,. «~i i J ii 11 111 "111 V Im ve- il) Grants from tiie crown, deeds, ennveyances, asHurancoH, bonds and j^istmod. iiyrei'uients for the sale or jiurchaHij of land, and all otlier instruments, iihiliidin^,' HheriCfs, deedn of land sold by virtue of their ol'tiee, certifkiatos or deeds for llii' h de of hui'; for taxes, or any inslrninents in anywise iif'fectiiij,', in law, or in equity, lands in Manitoba ; {'2) Powers of attorney under which . y deed, conveyanci', assurance, discharge of niortj.;a;,'o or other instrument has been or may be executed; (3) Wills and devices of or affecting,' any lands ; (4) Certificates of decrees of foreclosure, and all other decrees of pro- ■!() and I7 (•(■edin) See see. 145])()st, as to obligation of an owner to allow the use of his name in suits. A similar covenant would be implied in equity on t!ie conveyance of any similar estate. {Wariiui v. Ward 7 Ves., 036, 337.) In AKSfnilian Deposit and Mortfiafic Co. w Lord,2iY.h. 11. (L) 31, the meaning of implied covenants is discussed, and it was held that the object of the Act was not to create a new liability, but to make the transferee liable to covenants running with the land, and that the transferee did not become personally' liable. The Act of 1885, by sec. 90, which has been omitted in the present Statute provided an implied covenant on the part of the mortgagor, that he would keep buildings and improvements in repair, and that the mortgagee might enter at all reasonable times to view and inspect the state of repair. SI. JCvery instrument signed by a proprietor or others claiming through or under him, purporting to pass an estate, or interest in land, for the regis- tration of which provision is made by this Act, shall, until registered, be deemed to confer upon the person intended to take under sucli instrument, or others claiming through or under him, a right or claim to the registra- tion of such estate or interest; and the District- Registrar, upon application made for that purpose by any person other than the person immediately claiming under or in respect of the instrument signed by a proprietor, may either reject such application altogether, or nuiy direct the applicant to be registered as proprietor of the land, estate or interest forthwith, or at the expiration of some defined period of time, and may further direct iT 1m ii at, KQUITIKS MAY BE ENFORCP^D. 135 erein contained sucli other entries to be made in the llej^ister Book and such notices to bf served as may be, in his opinion, necessary ; Provided always, that on ref^i' - rroviso. turiiiK any such applicant the District- He^'istrar shall, so far as possi'/le, enter tlie Hke memorial of every iiwtrument produced by the applicant wliicli may confer the rij^ht or claim aforesaid, as if such instrument had been duly presented for rej^istration in its proper order of time, and the du[)licate certiiicate of title shall bt delivered up, and the like memorials, or otlier entries made tliei'eon ; and ))rovided also, that no such '•ei^'istra- tioii sluill be made if it would interfere with the right of any person claim- ing under any instrument previously registered under the new system. See South Australian " Torrens' Act " (1885) ecc. 258 ; ' Queensland Ileal Property Act of 1877, sec. 48, See also sees. 74 and 77 'inte. Mr. Gawlor, who settled the South Australian Consolida- ting Bill in 1885, states that this provision was first con- tained in his aroending Act in the year 1878, and was rendered necessary on account of the Supreme Court having decided that neither contracts nor equities could be enforced against a person who had entered into or created such contracts or equities, even although the land still remained in his name as registered owner ; and as no estate or into**.. :t passes except upon registration, power was given to register as owner a person who derived title through unregistered instruments, which ought to have been filed in regular order, but which were never actually so registered. For instance, without this provision, if the registered owner executed a transfer, and the transferee died before having had it placed on the register, his repre- sentatives would take nothing, as the transferee could only take the estate upon becoming its registered owner, and therefore had nothing to transmit. See Jones' Torrens' Siisteni, 279. i i lii II!' i I S!8. Upon the transfer of any land, estate or interest, under the new Transfer to system, to two or more persons as joint owners to be held by them as^j*^"gfga8 trustees, it sliall be lawful for the transferror to insert in the memorandum trustees, of transfer or other instrument tlie words " no survivorship " ; and the "Nosurvi- District-liegistrar shall in sucli case include such words in the memorial^" ''" KM'Vl^n t &. I' I' 1 ;' i in Less num- ber not to deal with court or judge. 134 JOINT TKNANCY. of audi instrument to be entered by him in the Register Book as herein- before directed ; and sliall also enter the said words upon any certificate of title issued to such joint owners pursuant to such memorandum of transfer ; and any two or more persons registered as joint owners of any land, estate or interest, under the new system, held by them as trustees, may, by wi'iting under their hand, authorize the District-Registrar to enter the words " no survivorship" upon the certificate of title, or other instrument evidencing their title to such estate or interest, and also upon the duplicate of such instrument in the Register Book or filed in his office, and after such entry has been made and signed by the District- Registrar in either such case as aforesaid, it shall not be lawful for any less number of joint proprietors than the number then registered to inr^order of **^"'"^^®'' °^ otherwise deal with the said land, estate or intertst, without obtaining the sanction of the court or a judge thereof by an order on motion or petition. Compare 46 and 47 Vic. cap. 25. As to tenants in common, see'sec. 62 ante. The insertion of these words is a precaution for the pro- tection of cestui que trusts, as it is probable that none but trustees will be required to hold lands under joint proprietor- ship. 83. Before making any such order as aforesaid, the court or a judge thereof shall, if it seems requisite, cause notice of intention so to do to be properly advertised, ((j) and shall appoint a period of time within which it flhall be lawful for any person interested to show cause why such order should not be issued ; and thereupon it shall be lawful for the said court or judge in such order to give directions for the transfer of such land, estate or interest to any new owner or owners, solely or jointly, with or in the place of any existing ov/ner or owners, or to make such order in the premises as the court or judge thinks just for the protection of the persons beneficially interested in such land estate or interest, or in the proceeds thereof ; and upon such order being deposited with the District-Registrar he shall make such entries, and upon such entries being made, the executors or adminstrators, or the curator (/;) of intestate estates, as the case may be, shall be deemed to be the registered owner or owners of such mortgage, encumbrance or lease ; and the District-Registrar shall note the fact of such registration by memorandum under his hand on the letters of admin- istration, probate, or other instrument as aforesaid. <3ourt or judge may cause notice to be adver- tised. Effect of order. (a) Vide C. S. M. cap. 7 sec. 73. (b) This office does not exist in Manitoba. TRUSTS AND NOIICK. 135 Book as herein - I any certificate leniorandum of t owners of any lem as trustees, ict-Registrar to >f title, or other t, and also upon or filed in his )y the District- ! lawful for any II registered to itertst, without by an order on for the pro- at none but i proprietor- irt or a judge so to do to be ithin which it ly such order he said court of such land, y, with or in order in the the persons the proceeds ict-Kegistrar he executors he case may h mortgage, the fact of s of admin- §4. Whenever in any grant or instrument under this Act, any mines Exception or minerals are excepted from the grant or transfer, the District-Registrar, erals. on issuing a certificate of title, shall therein insert the words so used in the grant or instrument. See sec. 63 (a) ante. 85, Except in the case of fraud, no person contracting or dealing with, or taking or proposing to take a transfer from the registered owner of any registered estate or interest, shall be required or in any manner concerned to inquire into or ascertain the circumstances in or the consideration for which such registered owner or any previous registered owner of the estate or interest, in question is or was registered, or to see to the application of the purchase money, or of any part thereof, or shall be affected by notice, direct, implied or constructive, of any trust or unregistered interest, any rule of law or equity to the contrary notwithstanding ; and the knowledge that any trust of unregistered interest is in existence shall not of itself be imputed as fraud. The words " trust of " in the last line but one of this section are evidently intended for the words " trust or." See sees. 64, 65, and notes ante, and the following sec. 86. §G. The District-Registrar shall not make any entry in the Register of any notice of trusts, whether expressed, implied or constructive, but trusts may be declared by any instrument or deed, which instrument or deed may include as well, land under the provisions of the new system as lands which are not under the provisions thereof, provided that the des- criptions of the several parcels of the land contained in such instrument or deed shall sufficiently distinguish the land which is under the provisions of the new system from tha land which is not under the provisions there- of ; and a duplicate or an attested copy of such instrument may be deposi- ted with the District-Registrar for safe custody and reference, but shall not be registered, See sec. 68 (5) ante, and sees. 117, 23, 129 post. Compare 49 Vic. cap. 13. Most of the provisions as to express trusts apply equally to implied trusts, but a person dealing with a trustee without actual notice could not be deprived of any acquired rights except on account of positive dishonesty ; it would not be Except in case of fraud per- Ron dealing with regiH- tered own- er not effected l>y trusts. Applica- tion of money. Notice. Notlco of trusts not registered. May de- clare trusts. Trust in- strument deposited but not re- gistered. .II^G WS' '!i I ii Hi': I :■:! ;! iMi |[i :; 1 .:! ■I 13<) TRU8TKKS. suiricient that he was merely conHurahly inclifl'orent to tlie rifj;ht8 of others, (a) Trusts and contracts may he eiilnrciHl aj^ainst the rc^'is- tered owner as formerly, and he may he wholly or })iir- tially deprived of his interests hy a Court of Kijuity, or compelled to apply the proceeds as justice may reciuiro. (M In Queensland the lloyal Commission of hujuiry rcspec- tinf]; the workinc; of the Jieal Property Acts 1801-1877, made the foll()win«j; comments at pii<:;e 11 of their report presented to hotli houses of Parliament in 1871). "29. We think that the system of t.ic ileiil Property Acts with respect to property held hy trustees is unsatis- factory and danj];erous. It not only does not impose, hut practically forhids the imposition of, any safeguards against fraud. Two methods of dealing with this matter appear to he practicahle." " (1) To provide for the lodging hy a cenfiii ([iic trust of a perpetual caveat against any dealing with the land by the trustee ; (2) To state the trusts on the face of the instrument of titles, and (3) To notify hy memorandum endorsed upoii it the existence of trusts. The first of these methods, which has very lately been adojited in New South Wales, appears to us unsatisfactory. The second and third are, no doubt, open to the objection that on any dealing with land by a trustee, the lvegistrar-(ieneral or Master of Titles would be charged with the duty of S(>eing that the dealing was within his powers. This duty, how- ever, he performs at present in every case in which land which has been settled upon trust is sought to be brought under the Act, and in many cases of transmission of title by will, and we can see no reason why he should not (ti) Rohfrtsoiiv. Keith, 1 Vict. Hops. Ei{. 11; Colonial BimkoJ Amtrulasia V. /'/('. (1 V. L. R. (Eq.) 1S(). {b) Muddison V. MrCartlnj, (> Wy. W A- A'B. llq. 1")1. ifferent to tlie iij AiiKtra/d^ia TIUIHTEKH. 137 exercise the same function in all cawes of trusts. Wo think that this change in the law, while it would efroctually prevent frauds by trustees, would not unduly Increase the lal)0ur8 of the Master of Titles beyond those wiiicli we think ouj^ht to be performed by him under the existing law, and we reconmied that it he a(h)pt(!d." Mr. Harding moved, that after the word " trusts," in line 11, the following words be inserted : — " If the method thirdly mentioned bu adopted, it would be necessary to rei)(>al such parts of 'The Ileal Property Acts ' as allow trustees to receive certificates of title, and deal with the land as if they were its beneficial owners, and to provide that all certificates of title issued to trustees should be distin- ■ guished by memorandum endorsed tliereon (for example: " The registered proprietor is a trustee. The trusts are declared by an instrument dated made between and and numbered "), and that all persons dealing with a proprietor holding a certificate so distinguished, should be deemed to have notice of the contents of the instrument declaring the trusts, and that the llegistrar-General on receiving for registration any instrument purporting to deal with such land, should, before registering it, refer to the instrument declaring the trust ; and if such dealing should not be authorized thereby, he should forthwith enter up a caveat in the names of the beneficiaries forbid- ding the registration of such instrument, which caveat should have precedence of tlie application to register such instrument." 87, Wlien any land luu't^r tlic; new systL'Ui is intended to be leased or Form of demised for a life oc livss, or for any term of years exceedinf^ one year, [^^ Jx- the owner shall execute a lease in the form contained in Schedule ]•; to«eediii« this Act, and every such instrument shall, for descrii)tion of the land intended to be dealt wi'li, refer to the certificate of title of the land, or Hi . i t\ e 7 ',n .1 ' 1 1 ft! !: M IBH Covenant to pur- chase by lessee. Proviso as tolaudpcii cumbered. LEASKS. h1\ii11 iiive hucIi otlier doscriptiou as imvy be nocessary to identify hucIi land; and a right for, or covenant by tlie lessee, to pnrehase the liiiid therein described may be stipulated in suoh instrument, and in case the lessee pays the purchase money stipulated, and otlierwise observes lijs covenants expressed and implied in such instrument, the lessor shall be bound to execute a memorandum of transfer to such lessee of the said land, and to perform all necessary acts, by this Act prescribed, for the purpose of transferrin^^ land to the j)nrchaser : Provided always, that no lease of land, subject to any prior ret,'iHterer lui'ilrli llf I'DM'll lllllH. I.I'.ASKH. IcHHiM". <>i' Iciivc III lii>< lii-'tt (ir iiMiiiil place (if iiliixli', or upiiii tlu' i|i'iiiim.| pri'mi'M"), II 111)1 ii'c in \vri( \\\\\ of miy ilcfcct , ri'ipiiriii>; Inni wil.lmi ii ri'iiMou. Illilc Imiiv 111 Itc llli'icill lili'lll iniii'il In li'pnil' Mil' Hiimi'. ('^1 riiiil in I ii!<(' lln' icnl (ir iniy pitil lluTrcil' va in m-rcur fur llic «<|iiiir .f I' ili-ii(l III' Mtuni IU4, or in ci iMi> ili'l'iiiiil hIimI! Iii< nmili- in IIk'TiiII ■inriil of uM\- ciucniuil . w lirl her i>\pri"\ wiicli notice iim nforcHaiil Mlutlj not liii\(« lieeii conipl 'leij williin llie lime llieiein Hpecilied, hiicIi Ii^.;i,| iun\ iMiter nnon iin I I: onc^Mion of Hiicli (leiniMeil preniiHt Sf(> SCfS. JM). '.)|, Ml ,111(1 I I I /'■ n/, iiiul MolcH. A |)('rs()iiiil r('|>r('S(-Kl;iliv(' iniisi he rcj^istcfctl hm nwi icr 1)(>I\ (MO pr()i'(MMlm«j; lo r\( •I'lSi; any powiTH vchUmI in tin li'ssor iiiu l.-i- 1.1 lis SCH'tioi!. nnlyef P. V-. in ciisi' el re (Mil r\ . As In ri>|);iirs ,^('(' 17 \'ii'. oap. '^'.>, ainl l(» iV 17 Vic. (';i|i '2S, MS ti) "; tititjicl. 1M>. Ill .inv -iiii'li cane tlie Pistrict WeeiMl riir. upon proof to iiin wiiit; fiu'tion of liiuliil re ciilrv tiini recovery i nolo I lie -^aiiie liy ciilry into i>/i in siicli hvn|, \Vlieiicvi>r ill any lease or morlLjM^e rcL;inlercd under the new U':is(< ill- '" f^y^^teiii. i»ii\ of the forms of words in column one of the form coiitiiiiinl merf .:ii!,'o ji, Schedule N to this Act and disi iiciiislicd hv anv iiumbcr thciein arc uiiiiorAct. • .. , used, siu'li lease or morl^^aue shall he taken to have the sanu' eticct iiiul be conHtrued as if there hud been inserted therein the form of words ooutaiiuvl ill coliimii two of the satin- Scliedulo and distinf^iiinlu'd by tlic same number ; and every siu-h form shall be deemed a cuveiiaiit by llu' covenantor with the coveinutccs ;iiid his I raiisfcrees. biiidin.e the former and his heirs, executors, administrators and transferees, but it sliall not bo necessary in an\ siicli lcasi> to insert any such number. There may be introduced into or annexed to any of the forma in tlio first column any expressed oxcoptioiis from or expressed (piaiiticatioiia tliercof respectively, and the like exceptions or ipialitii-ations shall be taken to be made from, or in the correspond iiiL; forms in the sccoiid column. , . II III Ten !■ fur III,. , |,,,,,. (> iiiiiil)' ill |||(. riillill it'll, ill Hiicli IciiKc. on Hpiiionr hIx I'lU.'iiiliii il'C IIM lir(l|r4||i,| ,j|,|,|| ^IH'Cllil'cl, Hlll'll ||.s.;,,| I IHlMlliHCH, iHturcil tiH dwiici' •« vi'Htcil ill (li(, il \' 17 Vic. ciin. I pro'if l() hJH HiitJK. Ill, by a IcHKor, hIiuII n cHt.attMif the IcHHcc I n'lriiMiii;^ Ihr Irswc iiiiiil, ill micli IciiH,, I'tUH'l'l Hllcll IcilKC 'ciuuits' Act," prciiiiscs miller (lir iii'w I' ronil CDIltMilll'll mbrr (lii'iiiii nrr ^ Htiiiic c'l'lcct mid (■ form of words Mii)4iiislic(| by the covi'iiant by the iiliiif^ llu' foriiii'r , bill it sliall not ber. Tliore may firMt coimmi iiiiy rcof rospi'ctively, to bu miido from, HMOIIT I'OIIM CnVI'.NANTS. ('iim|»iirc (!. S. M. cii|>. 'il, Schedule 11; iiml MJ iiikI 17 Vic CII)). '2H, MM to cHloppcl, Sir HCCH. HO, HH itlid H!» ,iiil<\ iiml sec. 1 I \ jtoHl. (Jihitr, if ilio ImhI. cliiMHo of Hi'c. I II /in.s'/, UK to implied coveimidK liciiji^ severnl, could iiilltieiice the coiistriictioii ol' tli" I'olJow iiif^ Hcliodiilc; find iih to iieceKHity ol' hciiIk; S(lli;iiil,i, N. I. 'Ilic Htiiil (•(iM'iiiPiilor coMiiiiiitK I. 'I'lic coviiiiinlor, Ills cxii'iitorH, witli IhcHiiiil (iovfiiiti'ti'i'. MilmiiiiHtrntorH. or (numfcrcfH, will not, (jiiriiii; llic miid Icriii, I iii iisfir, {Si'lillilf : 'I'liilt If II ill mil (I, so/// MHHifii, or sublet- tlic jiliMiiscH ,ir :*.\ Whenever any lease or demise which is re |iiired to be ref^istered under the new syHtem in intended to be siirrendei'ed, and the surrender I I Kurreiulfir v.nvc.UA olhorwise 1 1 , ir^i^/1 ii i! !i 1 3 HI' i iiiiii "i 142 llian liy oiiomtion of law. Proviso. Assifin- rnoiit of loHsou for benefit of creditors wlicre land not siiliject to etieiuii- braiico. ABHigu- inent by lessee for benefit of creditorH wliere land subject to encum- brance. HrHUKNDKIlH, AH8I0NMKNTH. tliorcof is t'ffcctcd otlierwiHo tiiaii tliroiiuli tlio operation of a Hnrrt'iultr in law, or than undor tlui proviHionn of any law rolatinjj to hankrnpt cstiitc^, tlicro hIuvII h(^ cndorHod npon wnch Itano or counterpart thereof tlie won! "Hurrendered," with the date of such Hurrender, and Huch endorHenient slnill he Hit,'ni'd hy the lesMet! and the lesHor aH evidence of the acceptaiici' thereof, and hIuiII ho attcHted by a witneHH and the Dirttrict-Ket^lHtrur shall thereupon enter in the Ilej^ister a memorial recordinj,' tiie ditto df Much Hurreiidcr, and bIuiII likewise endorue upon the lease a niemorandiiiii rccordint,' the fact of such entry having,' been so made in the i;ef»iHtir.un(| upon such entry havin^j been ho made, the estate or interest of the \vhwv in such land sluill vest in the lesBor or in the person in whom, havint; rc^'ard to intervening^ circumstances, if any, the said land would have vested if no such lease iuid ever been executed, and the production of such lease or counterpart beurinf^ such endorsed memorandum, shall bt sulVicient evidence that such lease has been so surrendered : Provided that no lease subject to mort^aj^e or encumbrance shall be surrendered without the consent of the mortj^aj^eu or encumbrancee. Compare see. 87 untf, nn to consent. See sec. HI anti', as to intermediate dealings. OS. upon any assi-^nment beinj^ made by any lessee for the benefit of his creditors, the l)istrict-Ke{.;istrar, unless the land be subject to a mort- t,'at;e or encumbrance under the provisions of this Act, shall, npon the application in writing; of the lessor, accompanied hy a statement in writ- ing si^^ned by tlie assif^nte or trustee muler such assij^nment, certifyiiifi liis refusal to accept such lease, or shall, upon the order of the court on the application of the lessor, enter in the lieLfist'ir a note of such refusal or order, and sncli entry sliall operate as a surrender of such lease. See sec. 87 and wotes or other encumbrance created by any party rij^ht- fnlly in possession of lands prior to the issue of the certificate of title may bo filed in the office of the District-Ue^istrar, who shall endorse in r( tlie certificate of titlt! and dujdicate thereof a memorandum of such encumbrance, and when so entered and endorsed the said mortf^aj^e or encumbrance shall be as fully valid as if niadeHubseijuent to the issue of the certificate of title ; and should more than onemort>,'af^e or encum- brance be tiled, they shall be re^^istered in the order of time in which tlicy have been filed in the office. Soe sees. 74, 7i\, 77 and 78 aiitr, miuI notes. This is almost identical with sec. 18!) of the Aet revi-sed and consolidated with an extended ap[)lication adding greatly to its usefulness in facilitatiufj; dealin<,'s. Such instruments may he in tlie statutory short forms, or in any form sufficient to pass an estate or interest under tlie old system, hut, as the forms given in this Act are only oper- ative under the statute, they cannot he used under this section or have their statutory effect or meaning until the title to the lands has heen registered under the new system ; but see sec. 81 (oitc, as to their effect. Apparently a suh-mortgage or an assignment of a mort- gage could not he filed or registered under this section. As to the effect of a lease as an encumhrancesee note to sec. 87 (Uitc. 96. Whenever any land or estate, or interest in land, under the new Koims of system is intended to be charged or made security in favor of any mort- "ui'jencum- j?aj,'ee, the mortga<;or shall execute a memorandum of morti^uge in the brances. form contained in Schedule (' to this Act, or to the like effect; and wiienever any such land is intended to be char^'ed witii or ma the same. the parties to ions see 46 and iter pr eta tion of re. whether the to sec. 144 post. a, transferee of 3 sees. 103-106 109 post as to J, sec. 91 nnle. il see 46 & 47 e consented to e registration, can be surren- ages may be tion preferred e mortgagee's (sec. 99). As the equitable bst. 16 old system and 81 a)ite ; for endorse- Ira as a first ftgage as an Equitable mortgages may be effected by depositing the certificate of title where it lias not been impounded under sec, 109, and could be protected if necessary by caveat (sec. 130 post). London Cluirtered Bank v. Hayes, 2 V. R. (E.) 104 ; 2 A. J. R. 60 ; Patchell v. Mannsell, 7 V. L. R. (E.) G ; and if the caveat is allowed to lapse, notice of the equitable mortgage would not secure the equitable mortgagee if the Registrar chooses to dispense with the production of the certificate of title. See notes to sec. 68 (1) ante. SCHEDULE C. Memorandum of Mortgage. I, A. B., bein?; rej^istered as owner of an estate (here state )tatitre of interest), subject, however, to such encumbrances, liens and interests as are by memorandum underwritten (or endorsed hereon , of that piece of land (7. Ivrortf;af,'e and encumbrance under the new system shall have Mort^aKe effect as security, but shall not operate as a transfer of the land thereby hiaiioe not 1 ,„,i to operate dm-geil. ^a transfer. There is no " Grant " effected by this instrument called a " Mortgage " it is actually a hypothec. Section 77 allows instruments in the forms under the old system to be regis- tered in the discretion of the inspector, but so far as its operation affects lands under the new system, it is still merely a hypothec, and the " Grant " passes no estate. No bill for foreclosure could be filed upon a mortgage in the new form, as the legal title is not in the mortgagee, the procedure in the Act alone can be resorted to in case of default. GrcAri v. Watson, 7 Y. L. K. (E) 79 ; National Bank of Australasia v. Hand in Hand, etc., Co'y, 4 App. Cases, P. C. 391, 405. itnte : see also 9S. Mort;,'at^c>s, encumbrances and leases may be transferred by a transfer executed in the form contained in Schedule G to this Act or by a separate transfer. The transfer must be registered in the manner hereinbefore set forth, and transferees shall have priority accordinj^ to the date and time of re^^istration. And any mortgagee may transfer a part of the sum secured by the mortgage by a transfer executed in the form of Schedule 11 to this Act or by a separate transfer (Schedule F) ; and tlie part so transferred shall continue to be secured by the mortgage and may be given priority over the remaining part or may be deferred or may continue to rank equally with it under the security of the original mortgage, as may be stated in the instrument of transfer ; and the District-Registrar shall enter on the certificate of title a memorial of the amount of the mortgage so transferred, the name of the transferee, and how the sum so transferred is to rank, and shall notify the mortgagor of the facts. See 49 Vic. cap. 18, as to transfers by personal repre- . ntatives ; cap. 35, sec. 31, as to the seizure and sale of mortgages under execution. SCHEDULE F. ' FOUM OF TliANSIEU OF A LlCASE, MoRTOAOK OR ClIAIlQE. I, of being registered as the owner of a lease {or mortgage or charge, as the case may be, numbered of (or upon) the land hereafter described subject to the encum- Transfcr of onciini- lirances and leases. Mortf,'af,'ee may trans- fur part. n no. 1 iliiii':; .^1 lie, n . i If ii I n I I :l 1 i ; I .'ii 5 ■;:|! ■ ■ , i 1 .: i 1 ' -i I ! '11 : II 1 ' 111 ' 1 i' 148 MORTGAOKS AND ENCLMIHIANCES. brances notified hoveuiuler in consideration of tlio sum of l)iii(l to mu by C. 1)., of do licriby transfer to tlie sixid ('.]). all my estate and interest as such rej^isteied owner in all that piece of land beinf4 (or otherwise acmrdin^ to the description in the lease, niortf.;aj,'c or charf^'e) (or hereby transferred to the said (J.J). S of tlie mort^aj^'e or encumbrance as tlie case nniy be, dated to^'ether with all my rights, powers, title and interest therein — and the sum so transferred shall be i)referred or deferred, or rank equally, as tlie case nuiy be, to the renuiining sum secured by the niortj,'age.) Sit,'ncd by the said \ in the ))resence of ' Sif^ned by the said CD. in the presence of I Encumbrances referred to. Memo : See note to Schedule J), sec. 72 ante. SCHEDULE G. {Endorse memorandum of mort.ii ref,'ifl- brance or lease, the estate or interest of the transferror, as set fortli in tiJt,, ,,f such instruments, witli all rij«hts, powers, and privileges thereto belonf*- ^|''",Y'®''"f ini,' or appert lining, sliall pass to the transferee, and such transferee to ti-ans- sliall tli:;reu[)on become subject to and liable for all and e\ery the same requirements and liabilities to wliich he wonld have been subject and liable if named in sucli instrument originally as mortgagee, encum- brancee or lessee of such land, estate, or interest. Tlie transfer is efiVctive only upon registration, see sec. 7i U)ltC. Upon transmission on death or insolvency the personal representative or assignee would require to be registered as owner. See sees. 114 and 115 j)osf. As to implied covenants, see sees. 80, 88, 89 and 91 ante. Compare also sec. 89 of the Real Property Act of 1885, which has been omitted in the present Act. It made ;'ro- vision as to suits by transferees. ■Ill' <( I ,11^ ^Z2^ 150 DISCHARGES. ('!• .^I:' - I « :|.' : n\ ! i liefiiHtra- 100« Upon the production of any memorandiun of niort^ayo or charge. encumbrance, having thereon an endorsement 8if,'ne(l by the mortgat^te or encumbrancee, and attepted by a witness, («) or of any separate memorandum of dischar^^e of mortt,'a<^e, duly executed, discharj^in^ tlie land from the wliole or part of the principal sum or annuity, secured, or discharfjing any part of the land comprised in such instrument from the whole of such principal sum or annuity, the District-Registrar Hlmll make an entry in the Register, noting tliat such mortgage or encum- brance is discharged wholly or partially or that part of the land is discharged as aforesaid, as the case may retjuire : and upon such entry being so made, ( /) the land or the estate or interest in, or the portion of the land mentioned or referred to in such endorsement or memorandum of discliarge as aforesaid, shall cease to be subject to or liable for such l)rincipal sum or annuity, or («« the aixe nun/ he), for the part thei'eof noted in «nch entry as discharged. (/)) (a) See sec. 74 ante, as to manner of attestation and when it becomes effective by registration. (/>) See sees. 1'23 and 129 as to jurisdiction of the court to order a discharge. Compare -19 Vic. cap. 13, sees. 5-7, and cap. 22, f-ecs, 8-5. The provisions of the Lands Ikegistration Act of Mani- toba as to discharges arc as follows : — Cap. 60. ;-J(). When any I'egistered mortgage shall have been satislied, the Registrar, on receiving a certificate executed by the mortgagee, or if the mortgage has been assigned and such assignment registered, then executed by such assignee, or by such other person as may be entitled by law to receive the money and to discharge such mortgage, in the form D to this Act, or to the like effect, executed in the presence of one witness, and duly proven by the oath of the subscribing witness thereto, in the same manner as herein provided for the proof of otlier instruments affecting Certiflciite lands, shall register the same and every affidavit attached thereto or charge of endorsed thereon, at full length in its proper order, in the Registry Rook, mortKaKo ^^^^ numbering it in like manner as other instruments are reciuired to be to be regis- " '■ tared. registered and numbered, and also by writing in the margin of the Register wlierein the said mortgage has been registered, words to the following effect : ' see certificate purporting to be discharge, signed by , {iiaminn the person who lias executed the suniey and "see registry number of such certificate, book {statiiip the same arconliiin to the j'tirt} " and to which marginal entry the l^egistrar or his deputy shall aftix his name, and the same shall be deemed a discharge of sucli mortgage ; and such certificate so registered shall be DISCHARQES. 151 ^station and of the court valid and effectual in law aa a release of such mortgage, and as a convey- ttuce to the mortgagor, his heirs, or assigns, or any person lawfully claiming by, through or under him or them, of the original estate of the mortgage. FORM D. {Ser. 30, rap. 60, C. S. M.) To the Registrar of the county of I^ , of the , do certify that liath satisfied all money due on, or to grow due on {ur hath satisfied the sum ot'$ mentioned in) a certain mortgage made by of to which mortgage bears date tii« day of 18 , and was registered in 1 le registry office for the county of on day of 18 , at minutes past o'clock of the noon, in Liber as No. {here viention the day and date of rcjiintratiun of each asuiynment thereof, and the names of the partiei, or mention that sitrh mort,'a;^eo, or bin assi^^noc, liis hiirs, executors, administratorH or asHitins. or any one of them, at wliat^-never time given, and whether before or after tlie time limited by tlie mort^^ii^e for payment or performance, hIuvII be valid, if in conformity with tliiii Act to all intents and purposes whatsoever as herein mentioned. Compare sec. 8^ Real Property Act, 1885, as to proof of payment bein<:^ sufficient to authorize discharge. It does not now appear to be within the power of the District-Tie^^istrar to enter a discharge of mortgiigci unless ui] fc i.iMiioa are comphed with, as to execution, attes- tutioiu i'tr,, nor could the Inspector allow it to be received nn' 'V u am'^unted to a "release" of the lands, as sec. 77 ante only au.i.orizes him to use tliis discretion wlioi'e the instrument is sufficient to pass an estate. 101. If any mort,i,'aj,'or becomes entitled to ])!iy off the mort.i,'tioe money, and the registered mortt,'a<,'ee is absent from tliis i'rovince, and there is no person authorized by registered power of attorney to give a receipt to the mortgagor for the mortgage money after the date appointed for the redemption of any mortgage, it sliall be lawful for the 'rreasuroi of this Province to receive such mortgage money with all arrears of interest then due tiiereon, in trust for the mortgagee or other person entitled thereto, and thci-eupon the interest upon such mortgage shall cease to run or accrue, and the Distriet-He.uistrar sluvll, upon i)reseuta- tion of the receipt of the said Treasurer, for the amount of tiie said mort- gage money and interest, and u|)on pioot' being miide to his siitisfaclion that such payment satisfies ail nu)neys due and owing ui)on such mort- gage, cause an entry to be nuide in tlie Register discharging such nuirt- gage, stating the day and hour on which such entry is made and such entry shall be a valid discharge for sucli mortgage and shall have the same force aiifl effect as is hereinbefore gi\en to a like entry when made upon the production of a discharge of mortgage;, and the J)istrict-lit'gis- trar shall endorse on the certifictite of title or othei- instrument as afore- said, (ii) and also on the memorandum of moi'tgage, wlienever tliose ii'istrumcnts shall be brought to him for that i)urpose, the several partic- ulars hereinbefore directed to be eiulorsed u[)on each of such instruments respectively. Such moneys so paid to the Provincial Treasurer shall be paid over by him to the person or persons entitled thereto (//) on applica- tion. {(i) Sec. 109 post, provides for tiie impounding of the certificate to have it available for such endorsements. '"i DISCHAHQKS. 153 isi^'neo, liis lairs, ni, at \vliiit-.(i<'vor I by the iiu)i't;^aj^e ormity witli this entioiied. ns to proof of rge. power of the )rt<];;ik'(! unless cution, attes- to be received ids, as sec. 77 on whore the If tlio inort^'itge is I'l'iiviiicL", luid tonioy to i^ivo a V (late iippoiiitoj >r the 'ri'c'iisuroi 1 all arrears of or other person iiioit^'a.i^e slml] uiioii preseiita- f the said inort- his satisfaction loii siicli iiiort- iij,' siieli iiiort- laiU' and siicli sliall liave tlio ry wlien made >istrict-Ile^'is- aeiit as afore- leiievei- those scviTai partic- iiistrmiients siuer siiall be /') on apph'ca- ling of the lenta. (h) To the mortgagee or the Irausfuree or personal representative of the mortgagee [h. 9!)). occiirrenee of tho event or cirennistance upon whieii, in ac cordanei witli (1 Q*l, l'[)()n pi'oof of the deatii (<() of tile annuitant, {hi or of the Ooatli of aniuiitiiijt iir cussa- tion of I'llCUlll- if luonev thereby secured sluiU (x-ase to bo i)avable, and iijjon ])roof that ln-ance. tlio provisions of any nienioiamluni of encumbrance, tlie annuity or sui f tho said annuity and interest or nioni'y liave been paid, nil arrears u satislied or disclnir^'ed, tlu' 1 )istrict-Hc>^istrar shall nnike an entr\ in tho I'.iitry in Ui^iister, notni^^ that such annuity or sum ol money is satislied and dischar^jed.aud sluill cancel such instrument ; and upon such entry beiun irade, tlic land sluill cease to l)e subject to or liaide for such annuity or Kiiiu of nioiiev, and the 1 )istrict-liej4istrar shall, in aiiv or either such I> K's diity ill the pre- mises. disc i.^vci as aforesaid endorse on the cei'tilicateof title, orotl cvideiieinL; the titK' of the mortj^a.^or or encumbrancer to ■ inslriinient l^au'ei il or encumbereil a metnorandiini of the date on whieji s;ic ifon ■esaid was made bv iiim in the lle^'ister, whenever s ii en mort- itry aa ;ate of title, or other instrument is presented to him for that -• -'pi ". [(() In this case the hinds are released by tlu .act of the death of the annuitant or the occurrence " !]>'» event or circumstance, and registration is only for „iiu pur[)ose of clearing the llegister, after the lands have ceated to be Ijound. {h\ Annuitant is the term used in Victorit!, when refer- ring V) an encuin\)rancee. IO!t. In case default be nnide in the payment of the priiu'ipal sum, Kirilits of ■ <- » -i i. 1 , , ' 1. il c II • iii(irtt,'at!ee, interest, aiiiiuity or rent ehai't^e, ('0 or any part tliereot sicured l)y or in etc.. in case the (ihservanco of any (■oveimnt e.\|)ressed in aii\' inortijaei o di' eneuni- "* '''•'''^"'*- braiice re^'istered under the new system, or that is herein declared to be implied ill such instrument, ((() and such di'fault be coiuintied for the space of one calcmhir month, (jr for such IniiLjer ]n'rio) the mort^'a^'ee or eiiciim- braiicee may forthwith, after ^'i\iii:4 writtc ii notice, (c) a copy of which shall be tiled in the Land Titles Office, ((/) to the said moi'tj^'a^'or or eiiciniibrauci'r, his executors, administrators or assii^ns, and ever>- other person appearin-,' at the time of filinj^ such notici; in the Land Titles Oflice to have any estate, ri^ht or interest in or to the lands subsequent to such mort.L;a^'e or encuml)rance, of his intention in that behalf, with- out any further consent or concurrence, upon his or their jiart ente>r into possession of the lands and receive and take the rents, issues and profits thereof, and whetlier in or out of posses^non tliereof to make any lease fe^prra^. h I It ' ■''■'. 154 KNTIIY ANH NOTICK UY MOUTOAOKRH, ETC. of the Hiiinu or iiiiy piirt thereof us he may Ht-e fit, and may alno in hiicIi notice rei'oiii iiii'iitionuil, on tliu laiuU nbove dvHuribi' default luiviii^^ lu'i-ii iiukIc in i»;iymt'iit of tlio Miruix-d Ijv Miiid iiiort>iii;4i' o>>' in tlir nhsi'rrditri' ni' tlif forrnduts therein lu tliv ciim' )//,;» hi) for tlio Hpiui' of ovt'r one ciir "lur moiitli. Ami tiiko iiotiv coiu'iirriMico on your piirt, or of unv {ii'rsoii (•iiiiiniii;4 tiirciu^h or uink'r you sul)S('(|iii'utly to Mirh iiioi t;^ie^i., luid without liny further notice to you tooiilcr into posHcsHion of tliesaid inortu'ivf^od liuids und premises, and to receivo and tiiko tliu rt'iits, Ihsikm and protits thereof ; and wiieliier in or out of poMHOMaitni of tiii' same, to inalu' (\nv leas.' or leases o .f th e same, as the said shall see lit, and that all I't'inodics coniiieienl sneh default hi' reniediod. .\ml after sueh default in jiayment continuint,' for the further space of will l)e resorted to mil one month as afori'said the said { iiii>rt(i(i(iri-, fiii'iinihriuicic. iir i' sAi.i;. 1/57 'U iil)()v« (liNcribcl HL'ciui'd Ijv ii't^,'ii>,'e iiioiii'V mill <'iilcii:liir tile Hiiiil '// /"■) -vill iiniciM'(l !■ part, or of .my to hiic'li luorfj^ii^v, IHOHHion of tllcsiliil M tilt' rnils, issiii's >ii of till' same, til till' said iiH'iliis i.'oiii|i( tciii, O flirtluT M|);i('(. of '. riiriniihnincr,', nr tj,'llf,'r(l or I'liiliiil. 'sl liicrciii (if t!ir limy think Act of issii. ziiif{ fiurficii'iit ti) vitli till- c.\|i('iisfii iliviincct', or (/.< //(,• for Bix iiKiiitlH miikc ail iipplj. )r forcc'loMiiu. A.l). is irtijiiiifc case iHuii III']. iic'cof cDVc'iKintH 'roiii the (lute of t'o ((/) is lifrcby or I'lU'iiiiiln'rc'cl, therein of tlie lersoiis referrt'il or ill l(jts, by odes of H.'ile (/)) out heiiiu' liiiblo 'Xecute all siicli iiistriiiiiriitH as shall hi' iicicHsury for the --ale or iiipunuiit thereof, mill nil I'f wliieh Hiik'M, coiiiraetH, imitleiH niid thiiiviH hen 1)\ aiilhoii/eil hIkiII lie iiM valiil and I'ffecttiiiil hm if ih- iiioi t .ajor or iiieiiiiiliraneer and other iiersoiiH aw aforesaid had made, ibiiif or executed the Haiii< I and the reeei|>t ill writiiit^ (d' tiie incirtt;at.'i e or t neiinihraiic»t> IU«cpiiit (or inirolinhe iiKiiivy. KJiiill he a rtlltlieii'lit diseiiiiri^e to (hi irehaser of such iand, estate o iiit' It >t. or of any |iortioii thenof, for '•o mneh nf his piirehase mone>' as iiKi\ III' tliereliy e\)ireHHed to lie I'l ei'i vid ; and no siii'li purehaser shall III' iiiswerahle for the Iohh, iiiisiipplieatioii or non-a)i|dieation, or ho ohli^'i"! til >>'!' Ill the iipplieat inn nf the plll'eha^■e im my hy him paid, nor shall lie he iihlitied to iiic|iiire as to the fact of any default or iintiee ha\ in^; ill ell made or ^^iveii as afori said, cr liow tie pinch at- e moiu y to arise from the sale of any hiicIi land, estate' or interest shall he applied : 1/ | hut siieii |iinrh;isi' money Hlnill he applied : lirstly, in payment of the expenHes oeeii- simiril hv such sale; seeondly, in payment nu'nt Piiri'liahcr not lidiniil til Hce t(i ii|i)ilii'iiti(iii iif piir- cIlllHO iii\ shall he paid to the nnirt;;a<4or or eiieiin bniiK'er. as the case may he. (fi) ((/I Till' notice served as reqiiirt'd liy the iireccdin Kcftioii lUJiy tilso 1)1' }.,MV{Mi 1)}' tlie ro^^istiTi'd peixniiil rcpre- scutiitivt', iis.sioiu'L' or triiiisferce; see notes to sic 10:3 tintc. [h) A Hiilu undt r this power is had if tlie Ifind ho sohl tof^'t'ther with other hmdH in niort^!ifj;e from the sjinu; iiinrti^iiuor under the old nysteni by one (rontriut iindatone prici'. lioss V. The VictorifOi I'l'rntion'iit IhiUd'uKj Sorittif, 8V. L. li. (E.) 'io'l ; and sciiihlc on ii saU) hy one niort^ti^'ee of several niortgaj^es from one mort<.,'a<;()r. till inider the Act separate and distinct sales would also he necessary. See sec. 77 (tiitc as to proceedings on inforiuiil instru- ments. It seems necessary in most cases to sell hy imhlic auction ' order to have the market valiu! estiihlished hy a sale or fa, lure to sell for an upset price after sutlicicnt notice and 'uihlication. It must also he home in mind that it is a condition precedent to foreclosure in sec. 100 jmt, that the land he put up for sale hy a licensed auctioneer iit puhlic auction. ■ 11 ■>-J iC F "^ 2.^ Ify: i: r llilfi 'i:ii 158 POWER OF SALE. {(') Unusual or harsh conditions should not he required. (d) The mortgagee or encumbrancee selling under power of sale is liahle to all the ohligations as to prudent admin- istration imposed on executors and trustees. Latcli v. Fur- hncj, 12 Gr. 303. {(>) The form of transfer ** Schedule B " (sec. 72) maybe varied to suit the circumstances. It should recite that the sale is made hy the mortgagee under power of sale and omit the words "registered owner." In Victoria the Office of Titles hefore registering a trans- fer under power of sale requires proof of demand, where the money is payable on demand, of default having happened and continued as recommended in Ex parte Hassan, c. 10, S. C. R. (L) 292, 299, by the Supreme Court of New South Wales; of service of notice, as approved by the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council, in lie Nationnl Bank of Australasia v. Hand in Hand Co., App. Cases 891. The happening and continuance of default should be proved by the affidavit or statutory declaration of tbe mortgagee or of some person having knowledge of the facts, stating his means of knowledge. Where notice has been given by letter, the post office registration receipt ought to be produced. All these proofs could be dispensed with on production ot a written waiver of notice or consent from the mortgagor or owner of the land to the transfer. Such waiver or con- sent may be given by the official assignee or personal repre- sentative of the mortgagor or owner for the time being when registered as proprietor. (/') See sees. 64 and 85 ajite, and sees. 133 and 143 j'ost. ig) Compare sees. 85 and 86 Victorian Land Transfer Statute, and sec. 57, Queensland Act. A purchaser at a mortgage sale under powers should ascertain the interest of any tenant in possession of the FORECLOSURE. loO land, for tlie mortgagor might, after mortgaging, have crcatetl a tenancy in the land not binding on the mortgagee, (see sec. 87 (()it<') but diminishing its annual value ; and the effect of the new certiiicate may be to legalize the tenancy as against the purchaser. In such a case the mortgagee should be required to obtain the actual occupa- tion, or to compel the tenant to accept a holding beneficial to the ])urchaser. Compare Colonial Bank v. Roach, 1 V. E. (L) 105 ; 1 A. J. R. 186. IO.>. I'lion the re^'istratiim of any iiu'iuoriindum or instrument of transfer execvited by a niortt^af^ee or cncnnibrancee, for tlie purpose of sucli «iilo. as aforesaid, tlie estate or interest of tlie inortfi;af^or or encuin- braiicer and all subsequent encumbrances therein described as to be con- veyed, shall pass to and vest in the purchaser, freed and discharged from all hability on account of such mortgage or encumbrance, or of any mort- jjiiijo or encumbrance registered subsequent thereto, and the purchaser sliall be entitled to receive a certificate for the same. As to Form see note («/), sec. 104 ante. No interest passes to the purchaser until registration. See sees. 74 and 77 and notes atite; sec. 144 jMst. Compare sees. 42, 53, 58, 87 and 106, Victorian Land Transfer Statute. See also National Bank of Anstralami v. Hand in Hand, etc., 4 App. Cases 391, 407; London Chartered Bank of Australasia v. Hayes, 2 V. R. (E) 104; 2 A. J. R. 60 ; Kickham v. The Queen, 8 V. L. R. (E) 1,250. Kegiatrn- tion to vest ostntc ill liurcliiisci-. lOO. Whenever default has been made in payment of the principal or Foreclo- iuterest moneys secured by a mortgage registered under the new system, ",','n^f?,!,,,. and such default shall be continued for six months after the time for pay- ment mentioned in the :.iortgage, the mortgagee or his transferee may make application in writing to the District-Registrar for an order for foreclosure and such application shall state tiiui, such default has been made and has continued for the jieriod aforesaid, and that the land mort- gaged has been offered for sale by public auction by a licensed auctioneer after a notice of sale served as hereinbefore provided, and that the amount of tlie highest bid at such sale was not suthcient to satisfy the moneys siicured by such mortgage together with the expenses occasioned by such ^aie, and that such notice or a subse(]ueiit notice served upon the same r,~ixrt(i) uidessin the interval a sutlicieiit amount has been obtained by the sale of such lands or paid by or oil belialf of such mortgagor or encumbrancer or other person as afore- said, to satisfy the principal and interest moneys secured, and all expenses occasioned by such sale and proceedings ; and every such order for fore- Or li-r of closure under the hand of the District-Registrar when entered (c) in the guyo Register Book shall have the effect of vesting in the mortgagee or his tninsfei-ec *he land mentioned in such order, free from all right and ecpiity of redemption on the part of the mortgagor or encumbrancer or of any person claiming through or under him subsequently to the mortgage or encumbrance, and such mortgagee, encumbrancee or transfertc shall upon sucli entry being made (c) bo deemed a transferee of the land, and become t'.ie proprietor thereof, and be entitled to receive a certificate of title to the same. ((/) {(i) The application in \vriting required by the foregoing section should he filed as early as may be, in order to allow the necessary time to elapse before the foreclosure order can be made. {})) The order may be as follows : Form of Foreclosure Order. (Formal inirt same as in application for foreclosure). Upon the application of A. B., the mortgagee, (or as the case may he) of said lands under the said mortgage by C. D. the mortgagor therein, to the MAN.L.A. 11 P:rT!i^ - I'-I'L ii' It in. r I I I i> * u ' I. ii: 'I i' I t II :• :l 1 1! ■ < ! 162 FORECLOSURE. said mortgagee (or an tlie caxe moij he) and upon reading the affidavits anj papers filed ; and wliereas it appears to me that the proceedings required by the said Act have been regularly and properly taken, and that default has been made in payment of the moneys secured by the said mortj,'ai^e' and that such default has continued for a period of more than six mouths after the time for payment mentioned in the mortgage and still con- tinues, and that the moneys secured by said mortgage and the expenses, occasioned by such default are all still due, owing and unpaid. It is iieukdy ordkred under the provisions of said Act that the said C. D. do stand absolutely debarred and foreclosed from all estate, right, title and equity of redemption in and to the said above described lands and premises. Issued under my hand and seal of office at the Land Titles Oflice at this day of A.D. 18 [Seal.] District-lteyiatnir, (c) The foreclosure order, like any other instrument of transfer, has its operative effect suspended until the entry of the foreclosure and the registration of the mortgagee, etc., as owner. (d) See Rule 17, Sch. S, sec. 26 ante. The certificate of title if mortgaged since 5th of March, 1889, would be impounded in the proper Land Titles Office under sec. 109 post; if not it must either he produced or its production dispensed with hy the District- Registrar, as provided by sec. 88 (6) aiite. No procedure is provided in this Act by which an encum- brancee can obtain such an order of foreclosure. See note to sec. 106 ante. In Queensland the Amending Act of 1877, (sec. 19) pro- vided that in the case of the purchase of lands charged by a mortgage lien or encumbrance by the person entitled to such charge, he should be entitled to a certificate of title discharged therefrom. Under this Act the charge would ipso facto be merged and extinguished, unless an intention to prevent a merger has been expressed in the instrument .■ml: -Im ■ iiiti.i.: CERTIFICATES OF CHARGES. 163 the affidavits anj seedings required , and that default he said morti,'a},'e' e than six months 'j,e and still con- and the expenses, npaid, A.ct that the said I all estate, right, I described lands. 1 Titles Office at D. 18 itrict-lii'rjititnir. instrument of ntil the entry :ie mortgagee^ i certificate of ^9, would be mder sec. 10& s production provided by ;h an encum- ire. See note sec. 19) pro- s charged by n entitled to icate of title harge would an intention 3 instrument of transfer or may be implied from the circumstances of the case. 10§. i''or the purpose of this Act the District-Rej^istrar, lixaminer of Lin PendonH Titles, or other officers of the Land Titles Office, shall not have notice of. ^ nwtt- or 1)0 bound by. any proceedings taken by any mortgagee or encumbrancee gagee. under his mortgage security or encumbrance for the purpose of foreclosing, selling or otherwise realizing upon his said security or encumbrance unless such mortgagee or encumbrancee shall have liled aL/s Pendens or in case of proceedings under Power of Sale a notice of such proceedings in tlie Land Titles Office for the District in which the land is situated. See sees. 103 ante and 131 jmst. 109. In every case where a mortgage or other encumbrance (except a lease), under the hand of the holder of the certificate of title, is presented to the District-Registrar for registration, the certificate of title shall be deposited with the District-Registrar, who shall retain the same on behalf of all the persons interested in the lands mentioned in such cer- tificate. The District-Registrar shall, if desired, (a) furnish to the owner of Siicli land a certified copy of the certificate of title and to the encum- brancee or his assignee a certificate of charge and before any subsequent dealings with said land by the owner or before discharges of all existing encumbrances are registered, said certified copy shall be delivered up to the District-Registrar to be cancelled and before any dealing with or dis- charge of said encumbrance is registered, except in the case provided by section one hundred and one, (h) said certificate of charge shall be deliv- ered up to the District-Registrar to be cancelled. Provided, however, tliat the District-Registrar may dispense with such production upon satis- factory evidence being produced of the loss or destruction of any such certificate or certified copy, (c) {a) A pra3cipe must he filed for every such y or certifi- cate of charge. (I)) Where payment is made to the Provint lal Treasurer. (c) As provided by sec 08 (G) ante. Form of Certificate of Char es. Land Titles Office, District of ( 'ertijicKte of Charges. MortgaRed or encum- bered cer- tificates ol title im- pounded. Certilicate of charges. I ! H Application No. Cert, of Title No. Mortgage No, Assignment No. This is to certify that a mortgage {or encumbrance, or as the case may be), made by (descrihe moi-liun.inr, encumbrancer, v, .'.s the case muif rt-'z-^L. i « I' I ■ I :• i \ 164 Attorney i..ay be ap poiiitod. Form of in strunieut. Registra- tion. POWERS OF ATTOHNEY. be), to {describe mortrfnacc, I'c, and rt'ritt' ii>isi(iii)iieiit.i, etc., it untj), for the sum of Dollars affecting,' ((Icm-rilie hindx), was duly re{,'istereil in the Liunl TitlcH Oi'lice at , on the day of A.D. 18 , at o'clock in tlie noon, and that no registered m!)rt;^a;,'es or encumbrances al'fectini; the said lands are entitleil to priority over the said mortgage (or t/s the cane man ^"')> except the following, that is to say : {here set forth prmr charnea). Dated at the Land Titles Office at Winnipeg, this day of A.D. IH [Seal.] District Renistnir. POWEUS OF A'rrOKNKY. IIO. The registered proprietor of any land, estate or interest under the new system may authorize and appoint any person to act for him or on his behalf in respectof the transfer oi' other dealing with such land, estate or interest in accordance with the provisions of this .\ct, by executing a power oC attorney in any form heretofore in n^c for the like purpose, or ■ in the f(n'm contained in Schedule K to this Act or as near thereto as circumstances will permit, ami a duplicate or attested copy thereof shall be deposited with the Distriet-llegistrar, who shall entor the same in a register kept for that purpose, and if the land therein referred to is speci- fically and properly describnd he sliall also enter in the Register a memo- randum of tlie particular • .Inrein contained and the date and hour and minute it is deposited with hin\. Sec sec. 41 ante as to applications by an attorney. SCHEDULE K. FouM OF Power of Attouney. I, A. B., being registered as owner of an estate (here state nature of the estate or interest) subject, iiowever, to such encumbrances, liens and interests as are notified by memorandum underwritten {or endorsed here- on) in {Iiere refer to scliedule for dei^criptionand contents of the several pareeh of land intended to be alf'ected, whicli schedule ninst contain reference to rlie existing certificate of title or lea;-e of such parcel) do hereby appoint C. D. attorney on my behalf to {here state the nature and extent of the poicers intended to be conferred, as whether to sell, lease, inortrjaf/e, etc.) the lands in the said schedule desciibed,, and to execute all such instruments, and do all such acts, matters and things as may be necessary for carrying out the powers hereby given, and for the recovery of a1* rents and sums of money that may become or are now due or owing tc. me in respect of tlie said lands, and for the enforcement of all contracts, oov-enancs or condi- tions binding upon any lessee or occupier of the lands, or upon any I If 11 -., it (imj), for the affectiiij^ (dr.irrihe , oil o'clock ill tl:o ibraiices affecting' >ort>4a;,'o (or «.■ Hw ere «(,'( forth priur cla\- inlrict lu'ijUtrar. or interest under to act for him or hsucli land, estate ct, by executing a liicG purpose, or 5 near tliereto as opy thot-oof sliall r.r tlie same in a ferred to is speci- .{e,f,'istor a memo- ite and hour and turntn'. \r fate narurc of tiie noes, liens and endorsed liere- //(' several parcelii reference to the y appoint C. D. lit of the poiren tc.j the lands in unients, and do or carrying' out ts and sums of n respect of the nan dh or condi- 3, or upon any POWERS OF ATTORNF.Y other person in respect of the same, and for the takinf? and maintaining possession of tlio said lauds, and for protecting the same from waste, damage or trespass. In witness whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name this day of Signed by tlie above named" A. B.. tliis day of in the presence of X. Y. 165 (An to i^edl nee note to nee. 1 H.) 111. A power of attorney given '\v a person before as well as after be. coming an owner of any land or of any lease, mortgage or charge, or given before, as wcdl as after, such land sliall In; under the new system. shall be deemed to be within the meaning of said section one hundred and ten, and every power of attorney heretofore given or which shall here- after be given, or a copy thereof attested or certified in the same manner as instruments may be attested or certified under the Lands liegistration Act of ^laiiitoba and amendments thereto, when deposited with the District-liegistrar shall, while continuing in force, be valid and available within the scope and to the extent of the powers and authorities given or to be given by such power concerning the lan(''-, u nements and chattels real generally of the jn-incipa! for similar or cti. ponding dealings with any land under the operation of the new system, 'jv with any lease, mortgau'e. or charge thereon ; and all powers of attorney deposited with the District-lle^dstrar under this section shall be duly executed, attested and verified by an affidavit of the subscriljing witness, and may be in any form heretofore in use or in the form in schedule L to this Act. Compare notes referring to rJidttels nuil, sec. 27 atite. See Form of Attestation sec. 74 aiuc. SCHEDULK L. Foioi OF Gk\i;.'{,vl Powkk oy Attoknky. I, A. B., (iiixcrt (iildiiioii) do hereby ap[)oiut C. L). {insert addition) my attorney to sell to any person all or any laiids, leases, mortgages or charges, whether now belongins* to me, or which shall hereafter belong to me under or by virtue of the "Real Property Act of ISSU," or of which I am now or shall hereafter be the owner under the said Act. Also to mort- gage all or any such lands or leases for any sum at any rate of interest. Also to charge the same witli any annuity of any amount. Also to lease all or any such lands at any rent. Also to surrenderor obtain or acccjjt the surrende:: of any lease in which I am or nniy be interested. Also to Wliat pow- iTs of attor- ney vaHd. Aflklavit of e.xecutiou. Kf^"^ 166 REVOCATIONS. ti » i i! u\m I 1' li' ' li; ill h exercise and execute all powers wliicli now are or slmll hereafter bo vostoii in or conferred on me as losaor, inort^'a},'oe or assistant under tiif said Act {or otherwise, according,' to the nature and extent of the powers intended to be conferred). And for me and in my name to si).;n all such transfers and other instruments, and do all such acts, matters and tlun;^s as may be necessary or expedient for carryinf,' out the powers hereby j^iveii and for recovering,' all sums of money that are now or may become due or owin^ to me in respect of the premises, and for enforcing' or varyintj luiy contracts, covenants or conditions bindin^^ upon any lessee, tenant or occu- pier of the said lands, or upon any other person in respect of the same, and for recoveriuf,' and maintainint^ possession of the said lands and for protectinfj the same from waste, (iama<^e or ti'espass. And also for me, and in my name and on my btihalf, to deal with any land, lease, mort- gage or charge of whicli I am now or shall or may at any time or times hereafter be the registered [jroprietor, eitlier solely or jointly with auy other person or persons, as effectually as I could do in all respects, and to sign any instruments: necessary to give effect to any such dealing. Dated this dav of A. I), IH Signed, scaled and deliA'ered I in the presence of * (Si'dliii;! seems itecesstirii bij the attestation.) Revocation 1I2. Any such power of i ttorncy may bo revoked by a revocation attorney, in the form contained in Schedule M to this Act, or in a form to tlie like effect, or in a form heretofore in use for a like purpose, and after the registration of any revocation of a power the District- Registrar shall not give effect to any transfer or other instrument signed pursuant to such power unless it ap[)ears upon any certificate granted previous to sucli registration and outstanding at the time, but no power of attorney shall be deemed revokeil by act of the party or by death until a revo- cation thereof shall have been registered with or notice of death given or become known to tlie District-llegistrar with whom the power of attorney or any certified copy thereof is registered. The exception evidently refers to transfers by endorse- ment on an outstanding certificate, sec. 72 ante. An instrument signed before registration of a revocation but produced afterwards will not be registered. Sedgwick, Practice of the Land Titles Office at Victoria. Registration is necessary to give effect to the revoca- tion. See sees. 74 and 77 ante. TRANSMISSIONS BY DEATFI. 167 / the (ittcKtiiti SCHEDULE M. Form of Revocation of Poweu. 1. A. B., of hereby rovoko the power of attorney jRiven by mo to diitod the day of 111 witiioas whereof I have liorennto subscribed my minio this day of Sigiiud by tlie iiforosaiil A. U. on the day of ill tlie presonc>i of J [\^ B.J III all oase? it may bo noted that a seal would probably the necessary in order to give the attorney authority to «nter into covenants and specialty contracts. See note to sec. 90 ante, and sec. 14:4 post. The following clause in Powers of Attorney is recom- mended by the Officer of Titles in Victoria, to facilitate the passhig of instruments signed by attorney : — " And also for me and in my name, and on my behalf, to deal with any Ian I, lease, mjrtj^a<,'j, or charge of which 1 now am or sliall or may at .any time or times hereafter be the registered proprietor, either solely or Jointly with any other person or persons as el'fectiially as I could do in all respects, and to sii,'n any instruments necessary to <^ive effect to any ;8iich ilealings." TllAN'SMISSIOXS. Hit, Whenever the owner of any lands subject to tlie new system •dies, the executor or a Iniinistrator (u) shall, before dealing with the lands, {!)) mak'i applicitiou in writing (r) to the District-Registrar to be registered as owner, and shall produce to the District-Registrar the pro- bate of the will of the deceased owner, or letters of administration or the •order of tlie court authorizing him to adininistsr the estate of the deceased owner, or an office copy of the said probate letters of adminis- tration or order, as the case may be, (d) and such further evidence as the District-Registrar may require ; (6') and thereupon the District-Registrar ishall enter in the Rogister a memorial of the date ot the will and of the probate, or of the letters of administration or order of the court as aforesaid, the date, hour and minute of the production of the {same to him. the date of the death of such o'vner when the same can be ascer- tained, with such other particulars as he may deem necessary, and upon such entry being made the executor or administrator, as the case may h2, shall ba deemed to be tlie owner of such lands (/) and the District- I'ersonal leprosen- tatives of fleceaseii owner to make ap- lilication. Proof re- quired. Pai . ■ julars to be en- tered. '^~«. Ill n :i i 168 Titlo to vc- liito lllKtk to (luatli. TfiANSMrssroNs iiY ni;.\Tii. Re^^istrar hIiiiII note the fact of hmcIi ri-niHtratioii liy mcinoraniluin iinilir luH hand on ilin pniVjato of the will, litters of iidiiiiniHtration, ordi i' ur otlior instrniMcnt an aforesaid; (;/) I'rovided aiwiiys, tliiit tlii' title of tlie executor or administrator to sucdi land shall relate hack smd take elfcct as from the date of tlm death of the deceased owner ; (/() Providecl tlmt the duplicate certilieate of title granted to tiie ileceased owner hIiuII be delivered lip to l)e cancelled, (/) and tlu; District- Uej^istrar shall issue to the executor or administrator a fresh certiticitu of title statiuj^ tlitreiii the fact that the new rewiHterod owner Ih the executor or administrator. ( /) ((() See set;. 8 (1) and (17) <''(/<', as to what is incliidtd ill the word " lands " and as to the ('X[)ression "transmis- sion "which woiUd hu inchided in the term " transfer,'" see. 8 (3) (iiitc, where tlie context permitted. This section only !n)[)lies to hinds after an application has heen filed (sec. 42 (iittc), but api)lies to such lands even where deceased held them in a fiduciary capacity, see sec. 117 2><>sf- The death of the owner does not stay proceedinf^s in flic Land Titles Ol'lice, (sees. 49, 50, 51 and 81, fmte), but on (l(;alinf;s, the sanction of the Court would be required in ease of joint proprietors, where under sees. 82 and 88 aut>\ the entry " no survivorship " has been made. As to the descent of lands, see sees. 27 and 29 and notes. ante. See also the Wills Act of Manitoba, 45 Vic. cap. '2, and Surrogate Acts cited at note {d) infra. (b) An executor must prove the will before he can apply for registration of the testator's land ; {re Ba)inerinaii, 2: Man. L. R. 877) ; see also Itule 7, Sch. S, sec. '•IGante ; and of necessity prol)ate must be made and letters of adminis- ration must be granted before the intestate's lands vest in the personal representatives. Compare remarks of Taylor, C.J., Re Lea-is, 5 Man. L. R. 48, and see note (/),, infra. (c) The application should be by petition to the Registrar, setting out the circumstances of the transmission. i^ ■ I TRANSMISSIONS BY DEATH. (J) St'O Acts iirfi'C'tiii^' the Surro^ato Court, 41 Vic. cap. 2H, iimi'iiik'd by 40 & 47 Vic. cap. I, hcch. !)'i-10'2; and 4!i Vic. cap. 5 ; also 48 Vic. cap. 21 ; 4i) Vic. ca)). 13 ; 51 Vic. cap. 20, sec. 512 ; and 52 Vic. cap. 22. ((■) Tlio production of Probate or Letters of Administra- liou can not be received as sul'ticient evidence of death or intestacy, lie LnciM, 5 ]\l!in. L. l\. 44. These facts must ho proved in the usual manner, and the i)roduction of a tax rertillcato is required by lUilc 11), Sch. S, s. 2(1 ante. A fee is exi!::;il)le on the entry of transmission (see tariff sec. 21 ((iitr) and commission is payable as reciuired by sec. 110 p'l^t, whicii nniy I'ender a valuation of the lands neces- sary, (see sec. 71 nutc). (/■) The lands do not pass until the repiistration has been made (sees. 74 and 77 ante), and before the entry of trans- mission can be made in the Begister all proceedings must be completed if any were pending at the time of the owner's decease. See sees. 41), 50, 51 and 81 ante. ((j) See sees. 74 and 7G, and Rules 7, and 14-19, Sch. S, sec. 20 ante. ill) The title of the personal representative would be subject to all encumbrances, liens and tliarges registered ill the meantime, (see notes to sec. 29 ante, also sees. 68, (i4 and 65 ante), and semhle, that he should take possession HI fact of all lands which have passed to him, for during the time between the death of the deceased owner and the transmission there was nothing to prevent another entering and holding possession of any vacant or unoccupied lands. (/) See sec. 73 and Rules 17 and 22, Sch. S, sec. 26 ante. The District Registrar may dispense with the production of the certificate of title in a proper case, as provided by sec. 68 (6) ante, but a provisional certificate [sec. 68 (7) luite] could not be issued in the place of one lost or 169' IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) k A {./ ^ „V4fe. ■6r ,.v 9^ 4fe y. %$ % 1.0 ^ia I I.I 2.5 ' IS 110 .. .,. I 11.25 1 1.4 2,2 1.6 Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 V iV ^^ 6^ ^. '^ <^ ■^ i '^>^>.^^ ^M^ W % O^ li f .1 I 1 t 1^^ 1 1 J. 170 Transmis- fiiou of mortfjaKe, encum- brance or lease. Particulars to be eii- tererl. Kxecutor or aiiiniii- iKtrator deemed tn be owuer. Assi^ju- ment of owner for benefit of creditors. MORTGAGES, ETC. —ASSIGNMENTS. (lestroj'ed, as there is as yet no * owner ' to whom it can be issued. ( ;■ ) The new registered owner takes subject to all trusts and equities upon which the deceased held the estate as well as those to which he may be bound in his fiduciary capacity. See sees. 29, G8 (5), 80, 86 and 117. 114. Whenever any niort^jivj^o, encnnibrance or lease affectnitj land registered under the new system is transmitted in consequence of the will or intestacy of the owner thereof, probate or an office copy of the will of the deceased owner, or letters of administration, or the order of the court authorizing a person as aforesaid to administer the estate of the deceased owner, accompanied by an application in writing from tlie executor or administrator, clainring to be registered as owner in respect of such estate or interest, and such futher evidence as the District- Registrar may require, shall be produced to the District-Registrar, who shall thereupon enter in the Register and on the instrument evidencing' title to the mortgage, encumbrance or lease transmitted, the date of tlie will and of the probate, or of the letters of admi aistration or order of the court as aforesaid, the date and hour of the production of the same to him. the date of the death of such owner, when the same can be ascertain id, with such other particulars as he may deem necessary, and upon sujli entry being made the t.xecutor or administrator, as tiie case may be, shall be deemed to be the owner of such mortgage, encumbrance or lease, and the District-Registrar shall note the fact of such registration by memorandum under his hand on the letters of administration, probate. or other instrument as aforesaid. See 45 Vic. cap. '2, sec. 30. See notes to sec. IIB (infc. See also sees. 80, 98-100 aiitti, and notes. 11J5. Upon any assignment being made by the registered owner of any land, mortgage or encumbrance for the benefit of his creditors, the assignee or trustee of such person shall be entitled to be registered as owner in reapect of the same, and the District- Registrar, upon registra- tion of the instrument transferring such land, mortgage or encumbrance to such assignee or trustee, shall enter in the Register a memorandum notifying the appointment of such assignee or trustee, and upon such entry being made such assignee or trustee shall be deemed and taken to be the owner of such land and a certificate of title shall issue in his favor. Compare with sections 113 and 114 and notes ; see sec. 117 l)U8t. TRUSTS IMPLIED. 171 As to coramisrfion, see sec. 140 post, and sec. 71 ante as to valuation. 116t Under the precedinj; provisions as to a bankrupt lessee, no entry Actions on of tlie ft^sif^nee's or trustee's refusal to accept shall optinite to prejudice g,^ved on any action or cause of action which shall have previously been com- assjunnient menced or h;.. - accrued in respect of any breach or non-observance of any covenants is sucli lease. See sees. !)8 and 94 duti'. Compare note (//) to sec. 104 otes ; see sec. 117. Any parson re;4istered in place of a deceased person or bankrupt rersoual proprietor, shall hold the land in respect of which he is registered upon tat'iv-e'aiul the trusts and for tlie purposes to which the same is applicable by this ai*si«neeof undi Ki 11 1'l Act or by law, and subject to any trusts and equities upon which the to li'>l(l deceised or bankrupt proprietor held the same, but, for the purpose of "'"'" any registered dealings with such land, he shall be deemed to be the absolute nroi^rietor tliereof. (a) Provided always that the i)erson or i)er- Proviso for ,, . , . , , 1 ' • rt'uiovnl of sons beneficially interested in any such lands or any estate or interest trustee or therein, may apply to a court or judge having jurisdiction to have the "*'*''^'"'^'*'' same taken out of the hands of the assignee or trustee having charge by law of such bankrupt (s/c) property, and transferred to some other person or persons, and the court or judge, upon reasonable cause being shown, sliall name some suitable person or persons as proprietor of the lands, or the estate or interest in question, as the case may be, and upon the pjrson or parsons so named accepting the proprietorship and giving the necessary security for the due fulfillment of the trusts, the court or judge shall make an order directing the District-Registrar to cancel the certifi- cate to the assignee or trustee, and to make a new certificate to the person or persons so named ; (b) and the District-Registrar, upon the production of such order, shall cancel the certificate to the assignee or trustee, and shall enter in the Register a memorandum of the appointment by order of the court of such otiier proprietor or proprietors in trust, (c) and a cer- tificate of title shall be issued to him or them. The " property " referred to in the eleventh line consists of the lands, estate or interest of a deceased person or bankrupt proprietor, and evidently the word " bankrupt " is a typographical error. Compare cap. 13 of 49 Vic, " An Act respecting Trustees and Executors, and the Administration of Estates." ■\M !:< ^ I t i < I 172 sheriff's rales. {(i) The beneficiaries may protect themselves by lilin,r caveats, or if proceedings in Court are taken by fiUng Us pcitdena (sees. 130 and 181 pi)st). The District llei^istrar may prevent fraud or improper deaHngs by liHng a caution [sec. 68 (5) ante] . In Victoria the practice of the Title's Olfice is to dis- tinji;uish by the letters S. 0., denotinf^ " Special Owner, ship," the title of every registered proprietor, whether of land, lease or mortgage known to hold in a financiavy capacity. INFr. A'Becket comments on this practice, {Tr) See sec. 123 jwst. Qmere as to certificate with Judge's order required by the proviso. The District Registrar can enforce the production of tlie certificate of title, sec. 08 (1) a)ite, and sees. 121 and 124 post, or its production may in a proper case be dispensed with, sec. 68 (6). (c) This direction of the Court would not authorize mention of the trust in the Register, which should show- merely a memorial that another person has been appointed bv the Court to be the registered owner of the estate. See sec. 86 ante, and note citing report of the Queensland Royal Commission. (See sec. 33, Act of 1890, in Appendix.) Sheriff's Sales. The clauses of the Real Property Act of 1885, 102-lOG, as amended by oO Vic. cap. 11, sees. 32-35 and 51 Vic. cap. 32, sees. 19 and 20, have not been consolidated in this Act, and If APPEALS. 173 Jmselves by filjujr taken by filincr //^ tlu'V have been affected by the repealing? clnusea section 2 aiiti- and section 152 post. See also notes to section 1(5 tuitc, and compare 52 Vic. can. 8G, sees. 13, 14 and 15. See note to section 77 (inte as the llegistration of SheritTs' Deeds. JrUISDICTION OF TIIK CofllT. UN. If f^'iy pei'son is dissatisfied with any act, omission, rcfnsal, Appeal vl ■ci^^ sucli question, to direct Huch parti(!ular form of entry to be maile on tlif llej^ister or cerlilicate of title as under the circumstances appears to W jnst. Where the Commissioner of Titles, instead of asking' the opinion of the Court under section 128 of the Victorian Trnusfi'r of Land Statute, decided that the words " iuiy writ " in the section (100) of that statute, referring to sales under //. fa., decree or order of the Supreme Court, meant an original, and not an alias or pluries writ, and in conse- quence of that decision registration was refuseil, the Court being of a different opinion, ordered the registration to be made and allowed etich party to bear his own costs. Kx parte Paterson, 3 V. 11. (L.) 128 ; 3 A. J. 11. 92. The Registrar is not bound to act on an opinion obtained under the Statute of Trusts, which does not conclude the rights of the parties amongst themselves, or protect the assurance fund. Ex jmrte Folk, 6 V. L. R. (L.) 405. Compare 49 Vic. cap. 13. The ruling of the Court or Judge under either of these sections (119 and 120) would be appealable, as would also the decision of the Court of Appeal, see sec. 126 j^ost. Caveats ordered to be entered by the Court may be set aside by the Court or a Judge, or a Judge in Chambers. See sec. 130 (15) post. rANCRLLINO CRRTIFICATE8. 177 Ri>t,'istor or cortificute or iiitLTost stilted, ,,r loiiipoU'iit for lijii, t„ (1 the reiiHoiiH for lijj H iiitcrcstod HO far as lie Court of (^)iK.i.irs lu-tios iutorcHtiii, aii,i biifort) liiiii, 1111,1 iiiiiv HL'iiiri'liUioii thcrc'tii; rL't^anl to tliu purties tiestioii. luisliHllliave ititutcd for Hint jnir. ■itliout (li'ciiliiij; Slid, to bu iimdu on tlie tances appoars to be ead of askini,' the of the Victorian the words "jiny referring to sales me Court, meant ■it, and in conse- jfiiseil, the Court gistration to be own costs. AV . 92. opinion obtained ot conchide the or protect the (L.) 405. either of these , as would also 126 2)ost. )urt may be set in Chambers. Whore cor- tiflciitx iNNIIdd ill error, «'tc., I). It. limy Kiliniiinii linldiir to (Iflivcr up. Ill oiisoof I'ufUHIl) limy apply to judKu. ArroHt oil further ro- fiiHal. I'il. Tf it ap)»oarH to tlu' satisfaction of tho OiHtrict-Rcgistrnr that aiiv ii'rtifWiatt' of titU-, or other instrumont has hocMi issued in error, {(t) i,r contains any niisdcscnptioii of hmd, or of boiuularicH, or that any eiitrv or endorsement han been made in error on ony certificate of title or oilier instriinieiit, or that any such certificate, instrmnent, entry, or tiidorsfmont has boen frauilulcntly or wronf«fnlly obtained, or that any such certificate or instrument is fraudulently or wronj^fully retained, he iiuiv KUinnion tho person to whom such certificate or instrument has been so issued, or by whom it has beiMi so obtained or is retained, to deliver up the same for tlif purpose of bein;{ cancelled or corrected as tho case may riiiiuire, {h) an I in case such person refuses or nefslects to comply with such summons, or cannot be found, the District-Registrar may apply to a jnd;^e of the ('ourt of Queen's Hench in Chambers to issue a summons for such person to ajipear before a jud<,'e thereof, and show cause why such uraiit, certificate or other instrument should not be delivered up to be (iiiicelled or corrected as aforesaid, (c) and if such person, when served witli such summons, nej^lects or refuses to attend before the jndj;e, at the time therein appointed, it shall bo lawful for the jud(,'e to issue a warrant aiithorizinj? and directing tlio person so summoned to be apprehended and bioii^lit before the jud^'e for exainination. ((/) An error is not only a mistake of fact, hut also an error ill law. Per Stawell, C.J., in Kx parte Jiond, 6 V. L. R. (Li 4.58, 463. Anything improperly done or omitted to be done is an error under this section, ^aa JtJ.v parte Patterson, i A. J. R. 26 ; 5 A, J. R. 128, and L. R. 2 App. Cases, 110. {})) See sec. 123 pofst, and sec. 135 Vict. Act. A person entitled to be registered could upon a summons or by mandamus compel the Registrar to exercise this power in case he refuses to do so. Ex parte Patterson, 4 A. J. R. 26; Kx parte Stark, 4 A. J. R. 114. ((•) See sees. 64 and 68 (4) ante, and notes, and notes to next following section. 13S. Upon the appearance before the judj?e of any person summoned .rmisdic- or brougiit up by virtue of a warrant as aforesaid, it shall be lawful for j,',"i!je^ tiie said judge to examine such person upon oath, and, in case it appears rii^iit so to do, to order such person to deliver up such certificate of title or other instrument, as aforesaid ; and upon refusal or neglect by such person to deliver up the same, pursuant to such order, to commit such person to the common gaol of any judicial district for any period not MAN.L.A. 12 T. i ;l ii I I ' 111 i i < I i: 178 CANCKIiMNO I KimilCATES. 'Xrci'iliiij,' hi\ iiiniitliM, unless siirli ccrtitifiitc <>f titU'. nf instriimcui hp sooner (leliveri'd np. ami in Hiieli (riiHc. or in ciiMe hucIi pcrHon li;is iil)Hcon(le(l. HO tlmf HiinimonH c'lnnot be Herved upon him iis liei'eiiili(.f,ir,. ilirortfd, tlie said judj.;*^ nmy direct tlie l)iHtrii:t-!{»*;iiHtrar to rinird or correct iiny c 'rtilicnte of title or other instrument, or iinv entrvor memoriiil in the lie^^'ister rehitin<{ to sucii hind, and to sul)stitiitc itnil isHijo Huch certillciite of titUt or otlier instrumont or nnikc siicli entry us tlu! ciroumstiinceH of tlie case nniy reipiire, and tlu! District I{ei4istriu shall obey such order. Tlic procedure under tltis tmd tlit; pre(!(Mlln«; section would be the siimc tin the rides of proeedure tind practice in I'orpe in the Court of (i)ueen's Bench, See Hide*2], Sch. H, H. 2() (tiiti', imd sec. 1'27 post. Compiire section 112 of the 11. V. Act of 1HH5. DcM'isions under correspondin;4 provisions (sees. 182 iind \i)iV) of the Victorian Statute have l)een rendered in (riiini v. Harvey, 1 V. L. R. (E) 111; and Camphcll v. Jdiiet, 7 V. Tj. K. (E) 187. Where cortificates were impeached for fraud, it wns hehl that tho Court had no jurisdiction to correct or cancel them, and that the proper course was to direct the parties to execute the necessary tninsfors. Where a voluntary settlement was defeated by a subse- quent mortj^af];e, the Court did not order the mortgagee to be registered as absolute proprietor, but directed the trustee of the settlement to execute a mortgage. Moss v. ]l'Hli(uii- son, 3 V. L. U. (E)221; AV Bifif/s, 11 S. A. L. R. 13; Bimis v. Wata-hoKsa, 12 S. A. L. 11. 75, 86 ; but tiiis section (122 Man. Act) appears wider than the 132n(l section of the Victorian Statute. The 123rd section of the Manitoba Act ])ost has also a general application which appears to have been doubted in the above cited cases in applying the corresponding section 131) of the Victorian Statute. A person properly entitled to land included by error, fraud or any misdescription of lands or boundaries in any certificate of title may obtain relief by an action of eject- C'ANCKLLINO CKIITI I'lCATKH. 179 itif. Ill- iiisfriimriit be ISC such pcrsiiii i|„, I III 111 HH,. -|{('j4iHtnir to iiiiicel lent, or iiiiy entry or ml to substitute iin,| • iiiiikc Hiicli entry as 111! DiHtn'ct HcyistrHi- •roccdiiij,' section lire iuid practice Sc'(( U 11 hi 21. Sell. I' 1HH5. lis (sees. 182 jiiul i(lei-o(\ in (iinni \, phcll V. Jdiirt, 7 •e impeacliod for o jurisdiction to er course was to ?ssary tnuisfers. itcd by a subse- le mortgagee to •ected tb(^ trustee Joss V. inilidin- A. L. R. 13; 86; but this lan the 132n(l 123rd section ral application ]e above cited on 139 of the uded b}' error, andaries in any action of eject- ment ii^^iiinst the person rej^istered as owner throuf^h such fraud, error or misdescription, without having* recourse to the proceeding,' provided by these two sections, and likewise ill tlie ease of a fraudulent or voluntary transferee or owner hoMiiiK » pi'ioi' certificate of title, or where two or more cortilicates of title liave been re<^istered under this Act in respect of the same bind. See sec. ()7 ante. Where the Court decided that a certificate of title had been issued in error and ordered a new certificate to issue in the name of another person, proceedings were taken under the corresponding sections of the Victorian Statute to have the lirst certificate of title delivered up ; the Court refused to make any order until a person with whom it had been deposited by way of equitable mortgage had been repaid iiis mortgage debt. h\i: pitrtc Pdtemon, A A. J. 11. 110. I!i!l. In any procoe(linf» nispoctint,' liiiulor in respect of any tranHattion or coiitriicl roltitin;^ tiiereto, or in respect of any instrunu'iit, caveat, i!ieini)riiil, or otlier entry affectin^^ land, it shall be lawful for a judKc in cimnibers, by decree or order, to direct the District-Uefjistrar to caiicol, correct, substitute, or issue any certificate of title, or make any ineinorial or entry in the Uet^ister, or otherwise to do every such act or make every such entry as may be necessary to j^ive effect to the judgment, or decree, or order of the court. Provided that no certilicate of title shall be cancelled or set'aside save in tlie cases specially excepted in Section sixty-four of this Act, and pro- vid(!d further that tlie District-Ret,'istrar shalTnot issue any certificate of title by order of the court unless in such order it is certified that the title of the person to whom the certificate of title is to issue has been found upon investif^ation to be af,'ood safe-lioldint,' title, or unless such has been determined to be the case by the District- l{ef,'istrar. This proviso would also apply to an order or decree by a Judge in Chambers, See Appendix, new caveat rides. Compare sec. 139 of the Victorian Land Transfer Statute and sec. 113 of the R. P. Act of 1885 as amended by 51 Vic. cap. 22, sec. 10, and see notes to the foregoing sectioa See sees. 117 ante and 129 post. .ludRe may ordc^r I). R. to ciiticel certiflcate Caiicol- liitioii allowed ill cases ex- cel "ted. Ccrtiflcato not to isBinj unlesB title certified. 180 APPKAF.H, KTr. 't Juilt^n niiiy oritui pro lllll'lloll llf llOCIIIIKMltH. Ju np poivliiMi'. I!ll. After III) appliciitioii Iiiih Imtii iiini|i< to liiiv<< iiiiy IuihI lnnii^lit iiiiilci till' ii|M>riitii)ii of tint ni>w HyHtt'in, ii jini^)* in i'liiinil))>rH miiy mpiini ull iM'i'MoiiH liiivtnt! ill tlii'ir poHHi'KHinn or niHioily iiny till- Hiunc ill till' l/iiiiil 'I'illrH ( )|11i-i< to till' DiHiiict UcHiHtrur or to any I'.xiiniiiii'r of Titli'H for Iiih iuMpcclion, iipun hh,), tcrniH mill Hiilijnt to hihIi coiiilitionH iiml for siicli i-liiir^e or fie un thi' jiiil^e milking the onler hIihII tliiiik jmhI mnl hIuiII I'ix: nil iipplieiiliuiiM to III' iiiiiile to II jiiil^'e miller tliin Heetion iiiny lie innle liy hiiiiiiiioih Jn eliiiiiii>erH liy tlie iippliciint , owiii'r or liy the permni to wlioiii lie nmy IllVVe ilirei'teil ii eertilleille of title to l«« iMMlieil. Si'u HOC. ()H iinfc. romparc f)!) Vic. ciip. II, hcc. 10. Ii2ttt Hpon the hearing; of any matter arising iimler thin Aot, n jiii1^i< ill ohaniheiM or the niiirt iiiivy hiiiiiiiioii any perHon to appear, eillur to >«ivi' i'viileii(H\ or ln' niiule a party in the eaiise, ami any peiHoii inleriMiiij iiiiil the Atlorney-licneral for the I'lovince of iMnnitoha may appeur iiini l)i> luaril liefore hiicIi jiid^'e or court, or any eoiirt of appeul to wliidi siii'h cause or mailer may he taken, ami such jmlj^e or coiirl may ilispimc of the matter, ami awiiiil cohIh to any of the partien in hiii-Ii miimier uh the saiil jiiil;^e or eoiirl may think proper. See Itulo '21, Si-li. S, kcc. '20 ante, notes to sees. 121 and \'H\, and soc. 47, Act of 1H!)0 in AppcMtdix. ItSO. Any onler made hy wiich jml^^cor court or court of appeal itiunv mailer arisine umler this Act, hIiiiII be Hiihject to appeal in the same manner as any other onler tuaile hy Hiich jud^'e or court, and all pinticH to the cause, mid the Attorney-tii'ni'rtil of the Province of Mmiitoinv hIiiiH have the ri^^ht to appeal. See note to noxt follo\vin iiH thr X : nil ii|i|ili(NiliiiiiH 1(1 (lie liy HiiintiiiiiM in III to wllnlii ||(i limy 11, HOC. .10. ilcr lliiH Act, II jii(l^;(. Ill iv|i|iriir, cillicr to ny |llTHnil ililc IcmIcI ,iil)ii limy ii|i|pinr iiinl (if ii|i|ii'al tci uliicli ir ciiiirt limy iIih|iiiho H ill siicli iiiiuiiii'i' as to sccH. 121 and iiirt of iipiical ill iiMv a|iiu'fil ill tlic siiiMc ntii't. niKJ 111! |iiii'tic'H i'(> (if i\Iiiiiiti)l>ii Hlinll post. iliii(«H providoii for pi'iil, and tlu> Kiiniu orco or exist for the (if (iKiiniliar iiiiliire tried or takoii.iind iter rul'jH and ri'f,'u- [H, and from tiiiif to re{«ulati<)n8, and to igH for tho practice ;l> inuy arise under Al'I'KAr,, IHt.KH, VKV.H, KIT. l8l Coriipiiri' Hi'c. Ill of \l. I'. Act iHHf), iind hcc. Ifi'i of the Vicloriiiii Stiitntc, iitnlor wliicli it whh intiiiiatcd {Unth/Hun V. Ilitiil('iliiiKs in tiiattorK of citvcut, hriiiKinK the |iiii'ti('s licfort! tliu (Joiirt, iirid putting; NfaJi. L. Ii. 211. Upon a referonco hy the lie^dw- trar-deneral no material other than the caso Huhmitted, t()},'cther with any documents transmitted, can ho con- .sid(;red : ./o//cc v. Srdrrij, (5 Man. L. 11. 2H1. I!SH> 'I'Ih' loiirt hIihII Imv!' the pDWiT to (i\ and rct^uliite from tinif to Fooh pa> - tiiiii' tlic fi'cH |iayal)!i! Upon ail pidceedin^H Ix-fore the court, and until tlic r,,'ii'rt"i"r<>- Haiil CDiirt sliall otlicrwiHc order, the fees payahle Hhail b(! aciMirdiii^ to <:«i; post. t ( -' m i6'> Who nin> <'iiveat Form (if. Appliciint to lie iioti- ttnd. i'aveat to lapse iu out! month luilesH pro- <'(!OlliUf,'K taken. CAVEATS. The effect of tliis section is not so limited or rcHtricted as that of the correKpoiHlinf; chiiiso o{ the \'ict()rian Statute, thi efft'ci of which was (hsciisscd in /*'. v. MrdDoci/, mid //. V. Johiifioii, 5 V. 1.. 1{. (Ij.) ;}S. (].\vi:.\'is .\i'ri:i; Aii in\ is mauk mo i:i;i.\(i IjAND rMniii iiii Niw lOM. NoTK. — The followin.Lf pi-ovisions rrsiiectinj]; favcnts iiro practically tliosc of section 107 ol' the K. P. Act of l.S.s,") as {iniended by 4!) Vic. ciip. 28, sec. 15 ; 50 Vic. ciip. 11, sec. 31; and 51 Vic. cap. 22, sec. 18; oniittinj;, however, the provisions of these Acts as to the filing of caveats before any application has been made to bring lands under the " ne\v system." ISO* Any person cliiiniing any estate or interest in the land describwl in Mie application to brinj,' the same under the new system may, at any time before the rej^istration of the certificate of title, lodge or have lodj^- ed on his ht'lmlf a caveat with the District-Ke^'strar in the form in SchiMJulc O (d) to this Act, forbidding the bringing of such land under tlie new system. (1) The District- Registrar upon receipt of such caveat shall notify the applicant or his solicitor or agent of the same and shall not brini; the land under tlie new system until such caveat shall liave been withdrawn or shall have lapsed, as hereinafter provided, or until an order shall have bee., obtained from a court of competent jurisdiction or a judfje thereof sitting in chambers, discliisrging the same (/>). (•2) After the expiration of one month from the receipt thereof, such caveat shall be deemed to have lapsed, uidess the person by whom or on whose behalf the same was lodged shall within that time have taken pro- ceedings under the i-nlea in Schedule K to this Act, to establisli his title to the land or his right as set out in such caveat, (c) (a) See also sub-sec. 8 2)ost. See note to sec. (i5 ante, re Jackson d MacPhvrson where the Registrar-General excused an adverse occupant from the necessity of filing a caveat. In ex parte Broun, 5 V. L. R. (L.) 5, it was held that a caveator in possession and basing his title on adverse possession could not get a restraining order to delay registration under provisions similar to sub. sec. 5 infra. CAVEATS. 183 M> rNiPiiit 1111 Niw •liii^' caveats iirc L\ Act of IKsr, as \li) For form of notice see note to sub-sec. 4. See sec. 40 p('ii(}lv. sciir.Dn-i; o. ,)i:\r III- ('avi:\i' I'-okimihim; ■nii; I..\ni> to hi-; iMna'cnr rNui;!; •nil'. S\sii;.M Ai ri;u Ai'Tmcmtos- i,\s |'.;;i:n maiuc ici; ■i'ii\: ri-|;r(isK. N i;\v 'I'u tlir l»i'.tr;ct-l!c;4istnu-,-- Tiiki' imlicc tlial 1. lin-'O'rt inniif und mlilituni) claiiii (iiiirtii'iiliiii:i' llir i\ r ml B ■ 1 ' .« w h- ( t 184 CAVKATfl. (f/) Soo sul)-Hi'e. H. (»') /Vn 0(iuitiiltlo niortgii<^iM> luif^lit thus protect Im'h ri'^lits Soo liulo 17, Sell. S, HeeH. M and 117 <(iilc, and notes id HOC. (58 aiul to see. 12*2 diife. SCIIKDUI,!'; p. ('Avi:\r FotimiunN'd Ki'.tiiMiitvrioN or .\ni> Chamih in ()\v\?;i(hiiii' mi a- \ l)i:,\i.iNii wnii I'lsi'Mi; undkii iiii', Nkw Hyhtkm. 'Vo iho OiHtrict Uo^^istrar, Tivkc '.lotioc tlmt I, (iiixryt iniiiir iiiul ii) rlii'uu {Kpiu-ifij lli,- ,st,itr or iiitiTisI i-ldiiiird) ill ((|(>sn'ril)ii land) Htandiiit; in tlu> Kc^iwU'r linok in tlx' iiani(> of 11,1(1 I fm- i>i(l tlic ri't^iHtfatnm of any person avt traiiHfcrt'c or owner of or of uny inHtriiincnt aUVctin;^ the said ostato or intorcst, altMoliitcIy (or until iiltir noti<"(> of any intcnilcd roitiatratioii or rcj^iHtiTcd dcviliiij^ Ix' ^ivi'ii to me ;it tlio addfcsH licroinaflcr montionod, or nnlcss hucIi insti'iiinont he cxiircKSfil to l)o suhjcclto my clMim an tli<> (^jihc may rciinirc). I appoint, as llu' pliici' at wliicli noti<'i"< and procccdin^'i rclntin^ t > this cavcMt may he srrvod. Dated this day of one thousand ei-^lil hiiiidreil and Si^^ned ill proseiiee i)f ) ) I>. It. to I5IO. (1) Upon thi> receipt of such (^aveat tlie District- Ue^jistrai- sliiill notofmie |„.,i^i> n memorandum tliereon of the date, lionrand mimito of tlie receipt of roccipt ' ami iMtify tIu'ri>of, and shall enter a nuMnorandum thereof in the He^ister IJook ami snail forthwith send a notice of sucli caveat throu^'li the postofticc or otherwise to tlie ju'rson against whoso titli) such caveat has been lodi,'i'(l ; Con]p;ire see. ?(), and Hules S, <), 10, 18, 14, and 1(5, S, see. '2(5 (////('. FoiiM Ol' N'OIHK TO CVVKATKK. (77/(' ii!niiiil lii'iidiiiii.) To A. H. of {iiililition^ (is /)/ tin- i-rrtiiiratf) roj^istered owner of tlic aliove lands ((>/■ niortiitiiH'i', ''tr. us tlw riim' iniiij /n') You are hereby notilied that on the day of A. D. IS at . o'clock a caveat was tiled by (". 1). of, etc. ((i.< iu !• icimO forbidding; ro<,'istrations affectiuf,' your estate or interests in the said lands, exci'pt subject to his claim as set fortli in said '^\4 owner of tlio iihove CAVKATB. 185 cRVOfit niul tlioiinidivvifc verifying! tlio Hiunc ; and you iirc; further iiotifioil tliiit till' Hiiid (J. I). liiiH M'Vf'ii ill tlif county of in I\Iiinitol)ii iih liiw ii'MrcHH or pliicf' iit which notices iind pro- coiiihnf^M reliitint^ to nuc,ii c.iivcat nitiy bo Hervcd. Dutod (it tlio Land TitloH Onicn, at thin „f IB ItiKlrifl-lti'jiiKtrnr. I!I0. (■"') I'Jxcopt in thocaHeof a caveat lod^fid hy or on h(!half of a henf;- Siif;li I II . ,1 . 1 ii I .■ 1 • . II ciivcnt to liciiirv clainnn'^' inider any will or settlement r)r hy the l>iMtrict-lie{^iH |(i|m(. after tnvr,(/) every caveat lo(Jt,'ed aj^ainstn i owner of land, niortt;ai,'e or encnni- ''| [■".■^*l, hrance inider lln' new HyHtejn HJiall Ik; (U;(!ined to liave Jajised upon tln^ (^avoator expiration of fonrteen days after rioticf; f,'iven to tln^ caveator that Hurdi ,.„rtain owner lian appiitMl for the; retjiHtration of a tratiHfer or othfT df^aiinf,', f//j «i«eB. mdcsshefore the e.\piratif)n of tliesaid period of fonrtf^en (hiyw the caveator or Ills a}.;ent iippcMirH heforo the (;ont t or a .jndf,'e, or a judt^e in cliarrdiern, luid j^iveHHUch unch'rtakinf^ or Hecnrity or iodt^'cH siicli Huni in court as such court or jud;^(! may consider sufficient to indemnify every person atjainst any damatjo that may h{! sustained hy reason of any dispoHitif)n of the property hein^; delayed, or t!iv(^^ such security or lodj^es Kuch sum in court as HMcli court or judt^e may consider Huf'(ici(;nt to answer tlie (tost of the Court or I 1 14 1 I 1 ill .l"'ll!'' rrid V cavc!i,t(M: m such proce{!(|in;^s as nniy he taken nmler such f;M,veat, then fjx torrri< and in such case such (;ourt or jud<^e may hy order direct the I)if(trict- "" ,^''''-'" Uet;iKtrar to delay re(4ist(U'int,' any dealin{4 with tin; land, rriortj^at^e or continue encund)ranc(! f(U' a further [leriod to be Hjiecified in such order, r)r may '/[,',," JJ}' " "■" direct the caveator to take i)roceedin<^s urifler the rules in Schedule II ''^^eator hereunder or nuiy make such otlier order as nuiy he just. (,/') CaveatH onterod by order of th(; Court or }>y the District-Kegistrar iindor Huh-sco. 5 of h(!C. OH atite, may be set aside by the Court or a Jud^e on a Hpeeial application (8iil)-Hec. lliinfrn). An order setting' any other caveat aside may be obtained under Hub-Hec. 12 infra. The Crown may have rif^'hts decreed on the ground of escheat and an injunction against dealings being registered : Altorneii-General v. Jlofi^ian, !i V. L. K. fK.) J 11; an injunction against registrations issued in Arrhihnld v. Arrhiliald, 5 V. L. K. (E.) 180 ; and in Australia there appear to be many cases in which the Courts have heard suits and granted restraining orders and injunctions : ^tockdak v. Hamilton, 4 S. C. II. Jil!^ ; 5 H. C. K. 180 ; Ex 11 -'i: IH II 1 ' I ;: i I 186 CAVKATH. partr If,v)iilto}i,',\ S. C. \\. WW (Ncnv Sciitli WjiIoh) ; /;,, luirti' liinscl, 5 V. \j. 1{. (|j.) 551; H(uI laml under llie Act : Imt hw ,sub-sec. 14 infill. Ah to liiMiH. et ('., sei? see 1 17 and notes (tnh n.K. 1, onf (>v lioiil joct to cavoalor's riijlits, [(j) This notice may be in a form simibir to the esloppcl. Notice ntuler sec. H'J diili' ; it maybe fi[iven oHicially by the Histrict Uegistrar or by the caveat(M? personally- If niiiy be serv(Ml as provided l)y S(>cs. HM-nT) diift', or an older for substitutional service may be obtained under Hule M, Sdi. 1{, int'rii. See Hub^s 1. '2. U and IH. Sell. |{, iiil'ni. ' IttO. (<>) So Ions; US iiiiv ciivcivt i-cnuiiiiH ill forcf |)roliil)iliiif^tli(' trivimfcr l"jl',V or otlicv (Icjiliiii; witli Jiiiv lainl. Tiiortt^at^c or ('iiciiinhniiicc, l.lic ninlrict oiivont in Ucifisliar sliivU not iMilor in tl\o Ivi^jiisti-r Hooli aiiv iiicmoriiiiclimi of Inuiw foroo un , '^ *^ . • loss sub- fir or otlior iuHtruniciit purportiiij^ to li-iiiisfcr or otliorwiwc dciil with or iilT(vl tlioliiiiil, iiiort^a<,'(' or (Miciiinl)riiii(M<, in rcsiu'ct to wliicli hiioIi ciivuftt IS lo(l^(^l, unl witlulrawal, lapse, or rcMiioval of any cavoat or of any order made hy iho court, (i) (i) This entry is made on the suggestion of the party interested in having the caveat removed and the rogistni- tion of dealings resumed. See sub-sees. 4 (Uite and 13 infra. A fee of 50c. is payable before such entry. Cavf.ats Gi;nku,\MiY. l;lO. (H) Kvorv caveat filed with the DiBtrict-llof^istrar shall state tiio name and additiou of the person by whom or on whode behalf the aanie ia K II Ivy of lan'-o, oto. Cavoats what to .•ttatt) CAVKATB. 187 lili'il iiimI (('Xo<'|iI. in tlic fHiHc of ii ciivciit- (ilcil hy nrdci of Mid cnint nr hy Ihii lii^trif'l IN'^'IhItiu ) (./') hIiiiII br Hij^mil liy Uic ('(ivcator. IiIm (ittiiriicy or ''''» '" ni'riil (/iliiiul hIhiH wtiil.c Home iidilrcHM or pliicc witliin the I'loviridf of Miiiiitiiltii 111 wliicli iintj''<"< mill |iroc(.c(|iiic.!H rclatiiiK' l'> midi cavfiit iimy 1)1' Hcivi'il iiinl hImiII III' wil|i|i'irlcil liy an atriilavil or- slalnt'ny ilcclaralinn AOiiUvit or ,..1.1,1 1 1 1 ■ 1 I ■ I I 1 1 1 'Iccliiriitioti .»liitiiitj llir natiiii- nl Mm' I ill'' ") nmliT wlmli lln' I'liiini !•< nui'lc, and Miat, i,, Hi,p,,„rt. Ill till' lii'lit'f of I'll'' ili'l'iini'iil till' iKTHiiii liy wliniri nr mi wlnmr- In lialf Uic iMVi'iil i^ lili'il lll•'^ II t,'oo(| ami viili'l rlaiin n|iiin tlif waiil lamh or ii|iiiii tlm iKiiiti', Mili'ii'wl uiiIi'Ul;!' infi'liilcil in lie alfcctcil liy tlw HUirii iili'l tliat the c;iM III i 4 iMit lili'il fill' IIk' |im|ioHc of ilcjiiylnt! or crnliarrasKiiit,' the a|i|ili I lilt 11? ri'i'i'^ti'rc'l iiuiirr or an V in ikom cIh iiniii!.', t In oiij^'h liiiii, wliiili a Mi l''iriri iH),'fiilly coiiipt'ii coiuiMMiKivtioii tnaiiv prrmm wlm inns lisivc siiHtiiitMMl iliiinai'll(llV4>- ats (l(Miil('i' as licrciii provided, luil if pi'oc.iM'diiit^s liavi- Imk'ii taken iiv tlu' cavt'iitco tlicM such compcunatioii hIuiII bcdccidcd l)y llic court n|•j^|(|[^^, hufoni wlioui procc(>) siiall be deemed to liave lapsed aftei' the expinitinn of the time limited by this Hei'tioii. ( /») in such case for proceed iii>^ tlwrp- under, unless the person by whom or on whose behalf the saiiic wan lodf^ed shall witliin tlnit time ( /)) have taken tlu^ prescribed i)roc('t'ilii:t;s to establish his title to tlu' land, niortj,'af4(Mii' eiicMmbran(!e, or his ri>;lit as set out in such caveat, and shall have tiled with the District- Uonistnir evidence to his satisfaction, of such (jroceedin^s having' been taken. (7) {(>) See sub-sees. 15 aiul 10 i)ifni. (jj) See sub-8ec8. 2 and 5 (tntc. But the time may \w extended by order of a Judfj;c, sub-sec. 1(1 in I'm. iq) See llules 2 and 13, Sch. U iiifni. The practice of tlie Land Titles OlHces is to require tlie petition filed under Rule 2 to bo certified iis to filing by the prothonotary or clerk of the Court, or the filing i)roved by affidavit when the petition is produced for registration, and this filing is received as suflicient proof of proceedings having been taken. Applicant (12) In the case of any c-avoat filed (except a caveat liled by the District- may apply Kej^istrar or by an oi'dor of the court) (r) the applicant or re^'istered to have owner niav, atanv time within the time limited by this section (.<) fertile caveat dis- . ' . j < / liharfjod. caveator to take proceedinj^s thereunder, apply to the court, or a jud.ue, or a judge in chambers, for a summons callin<» upon the caveator to show cause why such caveat should not bo withdrawn or discharged, and upon the return of such summons the said court or judge, upon proof that sucii Procedure. Caveator has been duly served with such summons and upon such evi- dence as the said court or judge may require, may, in the absence of sucii caveator or otherwise, make such order in the premises and as to costs a? VI I CAVKAIH. VM luiglit 1)(' si'ivid Inilj^iim or I'lMiliniiiii^. hIiiiII !)(' liiililr In Miaki' I (llinm>^(! tluTcliy, iiikI I lit law if tlic riivi'iiinr ill Imvc lii'cii tiikcii liy H Imvi' 1hm«h tiilicii liv il l>y tlic cnint nfjiiil^",. Kt-i'ii't -Kc^iHtriir een werved with an order of the court or of ii jndj^t! or jud^{e in chamberH, wtayin^^ until pro- rcedilij^H. (/•) Sc(! Hub-Hce. 15 '■•»/'■"• [h] SeeHub-secH. '2 and 5 nnprn. it) See HOC. Vll and noU'Mnute. l») See sul)-8ec. 7 mprn. The practice of the Land Titles Oirwres is to require the lapse or \vith(h'!i\viil to l)e entere-d across tlie memorial of ctiveat on the a[)[)lieation before proceeding with tlie inves- tij^'ation of title ; and in cast's where the ctirtificate of title has been issued, ii similar entry is rerpiired in the register before dealings can be registered, ex(;ept subject to the caveat. (»SVr A}>p<'niUx, ace. /f>), Art of IH'.K).) After ilJM- pOHitlnll rif caveiil O It, inn; pro (•(•oil. (14) After a ('aveat kIkiII have lapsed or been witlidrawn, or discharf^od cxct'iit MS in this si:ction nientioiu:d, it shall not bt^ lawful for the same lirrsoii, or for any one on bis behalf to lodti(! a further caveat, or file a Us jifwlois (r) under any prticeedin^ in court in rtdatioii to tliti same matter, but iiothiiiji bertiin contained shall i)rejiidice the ri(,'lil of the District- Kct^istrar to enter any caveat under the powers vest(!d in liim by this Act, iw) and a jiidfje or judj,'e in cliambers may, if bethinks j)ro[)er, upon application made to birn for that [)i]ri)ose, and ujit)!! such terms as to cnsts, or otherwise as lit; may consider just, order that a new caveat be tiled, and such order shall fix a time within which tlie caveator must proceed upon such caveat under tlie rules in schedule R to this Act. (x) {(•) As to lis peiKhna see sec. V6i yost. There is no provision prohibiting the filing of a caveat after a certificate of lis pendens has been discharged. {w) See sec 68 (5) ante. (x) A caveat filed by order of a .Judge under this sub- .section would lapse as a matter of course on the expiration Seconil riavoot not to l)f) fll(!(l oxcopt liy O. It. or by order of JU(1(,'0. •:fi 11)2 CAVKATH. ': : Kxtoiisinn of tiiim for proceed in;,' oil ciiveat. of tho time limited, umIchh an onlor undor siib-Hco. 10 (///;•„ 1)0 obtained oxtcndiiifj; tho time fixod by tlio firHt order per. mittiuR a Hocond cavoat lobe iilcd. Compare sub-aecs. '2, 5, 7, 8 and 11 mipni, and tlio iu>xt foUowiiiK sub-Hoction. (IT)) III the ciiHO of a cavoai (ilod by tho DiHtrict-Uoyintmr or hy nrdtr of court, thd ivppliciint or n';4inti'r«il ownor may, if ho ho doHiros, a|)plv to tlie court or jml^^o or a .jinl^ji) in cluimhiirn for a smninouM ciillin;^ iipiin tlic pcdrtoii on whoMo Ixihalf Hiujh (Mivcat lias hccii Cilcd to hIiow caiisu \vli\ Buch (nivcat Hhoiild not hi' withdrawn or dirtclnvrj^cd, and in caHo tlie person on whoso hclialf Huch caveat has been lUcd is an infant, hniatic, or person of nnsonnd niind, without j,'iiardian or conimittco, tlio nm] court or jndj^o nniy dinuit in hucIi suninions tliat it ho sorved on tlio oHi. cial tiuardian of tho court or hoiuo other porson to bo named therein, aiKJ may impose upon the a|)i)Iicant such terms as to tho costs of such i,Miiir- dian or otlier person appointed by such order as may seem just, and upon tlio return of such summons, if tho same shall appear to have hscii dulv served upon tho proper persons, such court or jud>,'o may make hiicIi or(h>r in the premises either as to dismissiiifj such summons diHc,liiirj,'c- iiiji or withdrawiiiji such cavoat, or directinj' any of tho partii-s to com- mence proceediiif^ under the rules of Schedule U to this Act, us to tlio said court or jud^^e may soem just and proper. (Id) At any time before the expiration of tho time limited for proceod. inq upon a caveat {y) upon application on behalf of tho caveator after notice to the caveatoe, the court or a judge tliereof for sullicieiit cause hIiowii. and subject to sucli conditions as may seem proper, may extend the time for proceeilinli served. Diatrict-l'ev^istrar.and a copy with notice of the time appointed for hear- ''fittleilaiid son iiifi siiall he served, three days at least btsfore tlie time appointed for the hearing of the said petition, on the caveatee. ;i On the day of lieariii'^, the caveatee is personally or by counsel to Hearintt. show cause, and if necessary by affidavit, why tlie piayer of such petition should not be .t^ranted. 4. If thecaveate(! shall not appear on tlie day appointed for the hear- Order may ing, the court may, upon due proof of the service of such petition, make afjj.nce of 8uch order in the absence of the caveatee, either for the establishment of caveatee. the right of the caveator or, as the nature and circumstances of the case may require, as to the court may seem meet. n. Upon the hearing of the petition and upon reading the affidavits, if any filed in support thereof, and any documents produced to the court and hearing what may be alleged on behalf of tlie caveatee and caveator, the court may, if it shall think fit, dismiss the petition ; or may make an order establishing the right of the caveator or directing any inquiries to MAN.L.A. 13 ;ii 1^ .' I 1 1 194 CiVVKAT PUOCEDURR. be madu or other procoudiii^K taken for the purpono of aNCGrtaiiiiii)< th« ri^jlitH of tlio particH and for that pnipoHc may adjourn tlu> licariiit,' and order the petition to be Hervud on any other perHon or perHonH tlie court may conHidor neceHmiry, and every perHon so Herved Hhall attend ut the adjourned hearing of tlie petition, and he Hubjected to Huch further order as the court may cauHe to be nuide. See llule 14 infra as to HubHtittitioiial Horvice. Whatiiider 0. Tlie court may, if it niiall tliinit fit, direct any cpiestion of fact uiaile. hrou^^lit before it to bo decideil before a jud>^e tliereof, and for tluit jmr- porte may direct an iHHue to be tried wlierein the caveator HJiall he iiluin. tiff and tlio caveatee defenchmt. And tlie Haid court Hhall direct wiu n itnd 8ee Kix'. 37, where the trial of hucIi iHsue hIuiU take place ; and the court nmy also Act of 1H90, direct all i)artieH to produce all deedw, books, papers and writing's in tlieir t)r in either of their cuHtody or power, on oath before the District- lUffJs. trar or prothonotary, or auch other otticerH of the court as the court may direct, on a day to be named, and each party shall have liberty to inspect the same and take copies thereof at his own expense and such of tluni as cither party shall ^^ive notice to bo produced at the trial shall be produced accordingly, and the issue nnvy bo in the form following : — "In the Queen's Bench. "The day of in the year of our Lord IH "Wheueas a. B., alfirms and C D. denies (here state the questions of fad to be tried,) and it has been orden d by (the C. J. or other judge, as the case may be) that the saiil questions shall bo tried by a judge). "Therefore let the same bo tried accordingly." And in case the parties differ upon the questions to be tried, the court may either settle the same or refer them to the master. Where a certificate of title was applied for a caveat was filed and an issue ordered to be tried with the caveator as plaintiff and the caveatee as defendant. The caveatee (applicant for registration of title) applied for security for costs as the caveator resided in Ontario, and the summons was dismissed, Taylor, C.J., holding that the applicant for registration of title was in reality the plaintifif and could not obtain security for costs : McCarthy v. Badgley, 6 Man. L. R. 270. On the analogy of interpleader proceedings com- pare Belmontc v. Aynard, 4 C. P. D. 221, 352, and Mc- Form of issue. 'M; .litoba, ) "To Wit : i ill CAVKAT PROCEnilRB. 195 any quostioti of fuct rt'of, and for that pur- iivoator Hliall he plain. rtHliall direct wluiiiiiid lul the court may also •H and \vritinf,'H in their oro the DiHtrii't-Hti^ia. 3ourt as till) court may have liberty to iiinpect so and Huch of tluMu as trial Hliall bo produced awiny : — I'hillipH V. Wolf, 4 Man. L. 11. 800, which latter cases were followed in McCarthy v. liiKhfhnj. Hee Rule 10, infra. A (IJHputed question of fact will notbe tried upon alVidavit, hut ail iHsue directed ; Clarko. v. n^cntt, 5 Man. L. 11. '281 ; ill tliiH case the form of iwHuo was given. 7. If llio c;oiirt shall find that the caveator iH entitled to all or Honieof May de- llie niirf claimed by him, the onler of tiie court Hhall declare what Ih the ,,Ktateof t'Htate. intercHt, lien, or claim to wliich the caveator in entitled, and the »'"«ator. (iiiirt may make wuch order aw the circuinHtunceH may reciuire. and HJiall have power to afford the caveator tiie mime relief aHinan ordinary action. H. J'lvery order of the court made under theHo rules Bhall have the name Onler to .1 i. i*i.i i.' 1- »• lia\t)ofToct effect as a jiul^'ment or order of the court jjivon or made m any action : ,,f jujy. Mild the DiHtriet-HejjiHtrar Hhall make hucIi entricH in the l{ej,' of such petition, it sliall appear to the court that Min order for the purpose of justice itisneccsHary or expecnent tiiat an action slioiild inoiiylit, lie brouf^lit, the court may order such action to be brouf^ht accordintjly, subject to such terms as to the costs or otherwise as may be thought proper. 10. In all proceedings of the court, either by the caveator or caveatee, Costs, the court may nuike such order as to tho coats of the proceedings in the court and incidental to tiling the caveat as the court shall see lit. No costs of appeal will be allowed where the case is dis- posed of on a point which has not been argued; Clarke v. Scott, 5 Man. L. R. 281. As to charging order see Wishart V. Bonneau, 5 Man. L. R. 132. See note to Rule G, re McCarthy v. Bathjley, as to securty for costs, ubi supra. 11. The court, or a judge thereof, may, without prejudice to t\ie exer- May stay ciae of any other power of the court upon the application of any person }'jjgg_ *^ interested in any land, make an order restraining for a time or until the ' occurrence of an event to be named in such order, or generally until fur- tlier order, the registration of any dealing with land and may impose any terms and conditions upon making such order. 12. The court, or a judge thereof, may discharge any such order with or May dis- without costs and generally act in the premises in such a manner as grdsf* the justice of the case requires; and the District-Kegistrar, without being a party to the proceedings, upon being served with any order or copy there- of, shall obey the same. I' ! 1 . 1m. New rules addeil in Appendix. Note : The Lieutenant-Governoi* in Council has power to alter the rules, and to make rules in eases left unprovided for by the Act. Vidf sec. 2(5 (Hite. Lis J'l'iKlfim. Lit {.c/idi-ii*. l!tl. Any party to a suit, or his solicitor, or any person claiming to be interested in such suit may, except as iiereinbefore provided, L±e with tlie District- Registru,v m '/'.< ^n'wi/rH.-artecting lands, mortgage or encumbrance, subject to the new system, and from and after the filing of such //x pen- dens with the District-Registrar the same shall operate as a caveat against the transfer of the land, mortgage or encumbrance mentioned in such lis pendens, and no transfer or other dealings with such land, mort- gage or encumbrance shall be made except subject to the right or interest of such party or person claiming to be interested in such suit as aforesaid, unless said lis pendenn shall have been previously discharged, or the bill of complaint or other proceeding in court dismissed by an order of tiie court or judge thereof and duly filed with the District-Registrar. A certificate of Us pendens cannot be tiled after a caveat shall have lapsed or been withdrawn or discharged except upon an order of a Judge made on special application as provided by sub-sec. 14 of sec. 130 ante. There is no pro- vision prohibiting the filing of a caveat after the termina- tion of a suit respecting which a lis pendens has been registered, nor the filing of any number of such certifi- Effect of tiling. lit! 'I ASSURANCE FUND. 197 <;ates referring to successive suits in relation to the same matter. This clause was not in the R. P. Act of 1885, hut was introduced hy sec. 38 of the amending Act of 1887. Abscuanck Fund. 133« Any person deprived («) of land or of any estate or interest in land in consequence of fraud or misrepresentation in brinj^ing of such land under the new system, or in the registration of any other person as proprietor of sucli land, estate or interest, or in conse(iuence of any error, omission or misdescription of (b) any certificate of title or in any entry or jnemorial in the Register, (c) may bring and prosecute nn action at law for tlie recovery of damages against the person by whose fraud, error, omission, misrepresentation, misdescription or wrongful act such person has been deprived of his land or of his estate or interest therein. (<0 ^'^^ bringing or prosecuting of an action as aforesaid shall not prevent pro- ceedings being taken against the District-Registrar in respect of any loss or damage not recovered in such action ; provided that no action shall in such case be brought against the District-Registrar without first proceed- ing as above provided, unless antliorized by the fiat of the Attorney-Gen- eral. ((.') {(i) As to what constitutes a deprival, see Bonnin v. Andrews, 12 S. A. L. R. 153. {b) No doubt intended for " in any certificate of title.'' (c) Qucere, whether errors, omissions, etc., in a certificate ■of charges, or a certified copy or a provisional certificate, would entitle to compensation a person to whom loss or deprivation of property occurred in consequence, of such error, etc. ; see sees. 66, 68 (7), 109, and Rule 20 Sch. S, sec. 26 ante ; also sees. 146 and 147 post ; or would the recourse be against the fund only as provided in sec. 135 2)ost ? {(l) As to the effect of improperly lodging liens, etc., •compare decision as to fi. fa. and sheriff's deed lodged under Victorian Statute in Hassett v. Colonial Bank of Australasia, 7 V. L. R. (L) 380. It does not appear to be •essential that the person against whom action is brought Compen- sation of party de- firived of and by fraud, error, etc. Brinfiing of action not to preju- dice rifilit of party. 1 198 ASSURANCE FUND. ■!:| has been registered as proprietor. Fotheringham v. Archer, 5 W. W. and A'B. (L) 95. Nor does it seem that fraudu- lent misrepresentation is necessary. Per Higginbotham, J., in Hassett v. Col. Bank of Australasia, 7 V. L. R. (L) 388, (e) Sec. 23 ante indemnifies officers against liability for bona fide acts or omissions in the exercise or supposed exercise of powers under the Act. See Appendix. Section 185 'post provides for actions against the District- Registrar as nominal defendant in cases of omissions, mistakes or misfeasances by him or any of his officers or clerks {i.e., officials apjwinted to the Land Titles Offices, m'l' sees, o, 6 and 7 ante) made in a similar bona fide maniiei'. The case of fraud or collusion by officials does not appear to have been clearly provided for. All such actions may be bound by limitations or by estoppel, see sec. 52 ante and 137 post. Purcbasers, mortgagees and occupants in good faith, and for valuable consideration are protected by sees. 64, 65 and 67 ante and 133 pont ; and k.iowledge of a trust or unregistered interest is not of itself to be imputed as fraud ; see sec. 85 ante. As to when the assurance fund is liable and the extent to which it is liable, see sees. 134 and 139 post. There is no proviso as to what damages shall be recoverable as in the Victorian Land Transfer Statute, sec. 144 ; consequently actual damages would be assessed under this section. ! 1' Purchasers 133. Nothing in this Act contained shall be so interpreted as to gagees pro- leave, subject to action for recovery of damaj^es as aforesaid, or to action tected in ^^ ejectment, or to deprivation of the estate, or interest in respect to wliich he is registered as owner, any purcliaser or mortgagee honafulf for valuable consideration of land under the new system, on the plea that his vendor or mortgagor may have been registered as proprietor, througli fraud or error, or may have derived from or through a person registered as owner through fraud or error, and this whether such fraud or error shall ASSURANCE FUND. 199 Ingham v. Archer, eem that fraudu- ligginbotham, J., V. L. R. (L) 388. inst liability for iise or supposed pendix. inst the District- es of omissions, )f his officers or Titles Offices, iv,- na fide manner. I does not appear nitations or by } good faith, and sees. 64, 65 and of a trust or puted as fraud ; lid the extent to There is no rable as in the consequently is section. interpreted as to resaid, or to action rest in respect to tgagee honajUle for n the plea that liis roprietor, tlirougli person registered raud or error shall consist in wrong description of the boundaries or of the parcels of any and or otherwise howsoever. Compare sees. 64, 65, 67, 77 and 85 ante, and sec. 143 •post. The effect of the corresponding section in the Victorian Statute, (sec. 145) is commented on per Gwynne, J., in Brady v. Bradij, 8 S. A. L. R. 219, 230. 134> In case the person against whom such action for damages is directed to be brought as aforesaid shall be dead, or cannot be found within the Province, then in such case it shall be lawful to bring such action for damages against the District-Registrar as nominal defendant; for the purpose of recovering the amount of the said damages and costs against the Assurance Fund, and in any such case, if final judgment be recovered, and also in any case in which damages may be awarded in any action, as aforesaid, and the sheriff shall make a return of nulla bona, or shall certify that the full amount, with costs awarded, cannot be recovered from such person, the Provincial Treasurer, upon receipt of a certificate of Lie court before which said action was tried, shall pay the amount of such dam- ages and costs as may be awarded, or the unrecovered balance thereof, as the case may be, and charge the same to the account of the Assurance Fund. As to limitation of actions, see sec. 138 iiost. As to liability of assurance fund, see 139 i)ost. See note {e) to sec. 132 ante. I!t5« Any person sustaining loss or damage {a) through any omission, mistake or misfeance of the District-Registrar, or any of his officers or clerks in the execution of their respective duties, under the provisions of tliis Act, (so far as applicable to the new system) and any person deprived of any land or of any estate or interest in land through the bringing of the same under the provisions of the new system or by the registration of any other person as owner of such land, or by any error, omission or misdes- cription in any certificate of title, or in any entry or memorial in the Register Book, and who by the provisions of this Act is barred from bringing action of ejectment or other action for the recovery of such land,(/*) estate or interest, may, in any case in which the remedy by action for recovery of damages as hereinbefore provided is barred, (c) or when any damage has been sustained through any omission, mistake, or mis- feasance of the District-Registrar in the granting of a certificate of charges provided for in Section one hundred and nine (109), (d) br'ng an If regis- tered owner dead or cannot be foiiud action against D.R. as noniinal defendant Action for daniiities against D. K. as uomiual defendant in certain cases. i ! !i ,1 ,:i t T ! ;i'^ i«i. 200 ASSURANCE FUND. action against the District-Rej^iHtrar as nominal defendant for recovery of damages; and in case the pUiintiff recovers final judgment against such nominal defendant, then the court or judge before whom such action may be tried, shall certify to the Provincial Treasurer the fact of such judgment and the amount of damages and costs recovered and the said Treasurer thereupon shall pay the amount of the said damages and costs to the person recovering the same, and shall charge the same to the account of the Assurance Fund. Provided always, that notice in writing of every such action, and of the cause thereof {e) sliall be served upon the Attorney-General of the Province and also upon the District-Registrar one calender month at least before the commencement of such action.( /) I'ro. Treas. («) The Provincial Treasurer shall pay the amount of any judgment anioimt of obtained payable out of the Assurance Fund, notwithstanding that there jud^'inent. may not be a sufficient sum to the credit of the Assurance Fund. (/;) (a) In Victoria it has been held that notwithstanding the substitution of the words " sustaining loss" for the words " deprived of land" (see sec. 132 ante) the meaning is the same, and they apply solely to the deprivation of an interest previously possessed. Where an owner was registered under the Act and the Registrar omitted to endorse the title deeds as required by the Victorian Land Transfer Statute, (compare sees. 76 and 114 of the Manitoba Statute anta) the owner getting back the deeds wls by this omission enabled fraudulently to conceal the fact that the land had been transferred to a purchaser under the statute and borrowed money on the security of the worthless deed'-. The lenders sued the Eegistrar under the corresponding section (sec. 146) of the Victorian Statute, and it was held by the Chief Justice and Holroyd, J. (Higginbotham J. dissentieuU) that as the lenders took no interest in the land under the worth- less security, they had not been deprived of an interest, and had therefore sustained no loss within the meaning of the section. Oakden v. Gibhs, 8 V. L. R. (L.) 380. The effect of sections dealing with the liability of the assurance fund is discussed in this case. (/') See sec. 67 ante as to ejectments. ASSURANCE FUND. 201 judant for recovery ,1 judfjment a^^aiiist •0 whom snch action rer the fact of such overeil and the said I dama>»ee and costs ?e the same to the t notice in writing of 1 be served npon the ! District-llej^'istrar t of such action. (/') lit of any judj^nient istandiiif? that tliere ranee Fnncl. (/;) vithstanding the ; " for the words 1 meaning is the on of an interest was registered icndorse the title ansfer Statute, Statute anta) the mission enabled and had been and borrowed The lenders ng section (sec. 1 by the Chief issentiaiite) that nder the worih- of an interest, the meaning of ;80. The effect ssuranee fund (c) The word used in the Victorian Statute is ** inappli- cable.^' See sees. 132-134 ante as to these remedies. An action should not be brought against the Registrar where one will lie against any other person. Fothcriufiham v. Archer, 5 W. W. & A'13. (L.) 95. {(l) Compare sec. 132 and note (c) in pedc. {e) As to fiat of the Attorney-General see sec. 132 ante. { f) See note (e) to sec. 132 ante. ig) As to formation of the fund see sees. 140 and 141 post. As to recovery of money paid see sec. 138 post. 130> If in any such action jndf^ment be given in favor of the nominal When defendant, or the plaintiff discontinue or become non-suit, the plaintiff pn'^"o'sts, shall be liable to pay the full costs of defending.' such action, and the same when taxed shall be levied in the name of the nominal defendant by the like process or execution as in other actions on the caxe. 137> No action for recovery of damajjes sustained through deprivation Limitfttioii of land, or of any estate or interest in land as hereinbefore described (a) action, shall lie or be sustained af^ainst the District-llegistrar, or against the Assurance Fund, or against the person by whose fraud, error, omission, misrepresentation, misdescription or wrongful act, the person entitled to the land or some estate or interest therein has been deprived thereof, unless such action be commenced within the period of six years from the date of such deprivation : Provided, nevertheless, that any person being Proviso in under the disability of infancy, or unsoundness of mind at the time of nljility. such deprivation, may bring such action within six years from the date on which sucii disability shall iiave ceased ; (h) and the plaintiff in any such action, at whatever time it may be brought, or the plaintiff in an action for the recovery of land, shall be non-suited in any case in which the deprivation complained of may have been occasioned through the bring- ing of such land under the new system, if it be made to appear to the satisfaction of the court before which such action shall be tried that such .\s to per- plaintiff or the person through or undei whom lie claims title liad notice, iuj/ notice, by personal service or otherwise, (c) or was aware that application had been made to bring such land under the provisions of this Act, and had wilfully or coUusively omitted to lodge a caveat forbidding the same or had allowed such caveat to lapse. ( le Province, aiul ivince, it ahall be ^plication of tlie ito 8it,'ned by tlie en paid in aat s- nominal defend- linat such person ista of the appli- like manner as a suit and execu- ot have left real lisfy the amount it shall be lawful the unrecovered ver and in such 890, sec. 34. stances, be liable jcasioned by the iress, implied or may have been 11 the Assurance n has been occa- title with other els of any land, person liable for the sheriff shall lount and costs and the said •iff shall fail to As to actions against the Assurance Fund the Queens- land Royal Commission in 1879 reported as follows : — " 32. Our attention ^sas directed to the difficulties which at present stand in the way of any person seeking recourse to the Assurance Fund. No claim has yet been established against that fund, nor, while the law remains unaltered, is it probable that any will be established, inasmuch as the right of redress is limited to cases in which a man is deprived of land, and all right of recourse is barred after the expiration of six years from the deprivation — a period which is likely to elapse before the error or fraud is dis- covered. We think that the right of recourse to this fund should be extended to all cases in which a man has sustained loss by reason of any entry made in the Register Book, by which he has been prejudiced, or by reliance on which he has been misled, and that the time for bringing a claim against it should be extendi 1 to that now allowed by law for bringing actions of ejectment." 140< Upon the first brinf»ing of land under the new system and also Comniis- upon the refiistration of the title to an estate of freehold in possession of ^j^j'^ ^^^' laud under the new system, derived throu<^h the will or intestacy of a land, previous owner, or under any settlement or as8i<»nment in bankruptcy, there shall be paid one-tenth of one per cent, in case of an original gran- tee where no transaction or instrument affecting the lands has been regis- tered except mortgages or leases ; but in other cases one-quarter of one per cent, of the value thereof. In the Land Titles Offices this section is construed as permitting the lower rate of commission to be charged after registrations appear upon the abstract only in cases where no more than one mortgage or one lease has been regis- tered. 141. All sums of money so received as in last section mentioned shall Moneys to be paid to the Provincial Treasurer, who shall from time to time invest funii. such sums, together with all interest and profits which may have accrued thereon, in such securities as may from time to time be approved of ! ; i . *201 :•■(•■ rt 'Vf ' I : Informal I ty not ti) invalidiite. I'urclmst'i , e moiliMed. Action on audi cove- nants. (JKNEIUI, PROVISIONS. by tlic liieiitciiaiit (iovcrnnr-iii-('()iiiiciI, tj conHtitiitoan AHHumnco Fuml for Hio imrpoHCH herein providtMl, llofor to HocH. 11 imd 15 of tlic Act of IHliO in Appendix. lMlSi'i:i.I,ANi:()l'S I'lloVlSIONS. I 1*2. Ni) petition, order, nnidavit, eertilieate, ref,;iHtration orothor pro. ceediii}^ under tliis Act hIuvII h(' invalid by reason of any inforniuiity or teilmieai irr(>t,'idarity therein or of any iniHtake not affectiiif^ the siibstan tial justice of the proceedint^. This results from the policy of the Act. Compare the pr(>ambK' to 11. I'. Act of 1885, referred to at pafj;e 1 antr. I 1st. A ))iu'(-haser or enenniliranuea for vahiablu conHideration hhiill not be al'fected l>y the omisHion lo send any notieo by this Act directed to be ^jiven or by tiu' non-ri-ceipt tliereof. (Compare sees. 5'2, 57, DM, 108, 10(5, 107, 108,'.130, (4) (!)) iVl) (15) and (H)) llU, and 185. 1 11. I'' very covenant and power declared to bo implied in any instni- nuMit l)y virtue of tins Act nniy be ne^jatived or modified by exj)ress declaration in the instrument or en an AHHin'HMCu Ftiml i'JO in Appondix. itriitiou orothor pro. ' any inforniiility or fft'ctinn the HuhHtivii t. Compare the at piifJ^e 1 ) which was not re{j;i8tered or filed in the Land Titles Office ; and afterwards conveyed the land to X by a conveyance in which he made no mention of the lease ; it was held by the full Court in an action by the lessee upon the covenant for (|uiot enjoyment, after ouster by X, that the covenant in the lease could be sued upon : Shore v. Green, Man. L. R. 82*2, and ])er Killam, J. 1. The instrument was substantially in conformity with the form j^iven in tlio 11. P. Act, and could have been rej^istered. 2. Not having been registered it could not take effect as a lease (c). 8. riVGn without registration the covenant could be sued ui)()n. 4. The neglect of the lessee to register his lease was not, but the transfer by the lessor without mention of the lease was the proximate cause of the damage to the plaintiff. Bain, J., doubted wliether the lease was one which could have been registered under the Ileal Property Act. jh 0'"nor bo and to allow use of name iu suits, etc. Indemnity in such cases. 14''S. The owner of any land or of any lease, mortgage or chart^o shall, on tlie application of any beneficiary or person interested therein, be bound to allow his name to be used by such beneficiary or person in any action, suit or proceedinf,' which it may bo necessary or proper to bring or institute in the name of such owner concerning such land, lease, mortgaRe or charge, or for the protection or benefit of the title vested in such owner, or of the interest of any such beneficiary person ; but nevertheless such owner shall in any case be entitled to be indemnified in like manner as if, being a trustee, he would, before the passing of this Act, have been en- titled to be indemnified in a similiar case of his name being used in any such action, suit or proceeding by his cestui que trust. How pur- 146. Whenever in any action, suit, or other proceeding affecting the value may title to land, or any estate or interest therein, subject to the new system, taned^*^ it becomes necessary to determine the fact whether the transferee, mort- gagee, encumbrancee or lessee is a purchaser or transferee for valuable consideration or not, any person who is a party to such action, suit, or (b) Probably on an Ontario form ; the Manitoba Short Forms Act is cited as " An Act respecting Short Forms of Indentures." (c) Compare sec. 74 ante. GUARDIANS AD LITEM. '207 3ct to the new rm purportinj,' f Short Fonns c(l in tlu! Land land to X by a f the leiiKe ; it lio leHHeo upon • hv X, that the 'ihore V. Green, he instrument m given in tlio 2. Not havin;^ as a lease (r). could be sued er his lease was mention of the to the plaintiff. Ine which could y Act. igeor chart^o bIhiII, rested therein, be or person in any- proper to brin{^ or id, lease, niortgiifie ^tod in such owner, nevertheless such like manner as if, Lot, have been en- |being used in any ling affecting the the new system, I transferee, niort- Iferee for valuable [h action, suit, or lort Forma Act is r.rtincato iif titlu, etc., to be <)vi(li)iic(i without jiroof of Hi;;iiiitiii'u. nthor prooooding may give in ovidiMioo any trauHfor, mortgage, oncum- bninco, loaso or otlior inHtruinont atTocting the title to such land, eHtatc lit- interuHt in disptito, altlioiigh the samo may not bu r«forre|)y of any itiHtniiui'iit dnpoHitod, tiled, kopt or i-(;4iKtorod in any Land TitloH Ollico, togntiier with all inemoninda and ('iiilorHi'inentH tlierooti, shall bo received aw evidence in any court of law or ((|iiity in this TroviiKio in the same manner and with th.' ""nie effect as if tli(\ original williin bin olTico was produced without proof of the signature (If Hcal of ollice of siicli District- llegistrar. See llnle 20 Sch. S, s. 2G, and sees. G6, 182 and 1135 onte. Vide note p. 45 ante. im. In case any person who, if iiot'under disability might have made fliianliaii ..... . ■, . ■ , . . Ill- ooiuiiiit- atiy apphcatioti, given any consent, or dune any act, or been party to any too may do proceeding under this Act, is a minor, ati idiot, or a lunatic, the guardian ac^ts that of the minor, or committee of the estate of the idiot or lunatic, may make hueu dono such ai)plication, give such consent, do such act and bu party to such pro- mJlruHt. cecdingH as such person might, if free from disability, have made, given, done, or been party to, and shall otherwise represent such person for the purposes of this Act. If the minor has no guardian, or the idiot or If no ptnar- r . • .ji IP 1 • , i , , . . , 1 diaii or lunatic no committee of his estate, or persons yet unborn are interested, ccnniiuttoe the official guardian ad litem, or such other person as may bo appointed ^.'.'''i'l'u,, for that purpose by the District- Registrar, may act with like power ior ad litem to such minor, idiot, lunatic or person yet unborn, and any notices or pro- ceedings which may be required by the District-Registrar to bo served on a person under any such disability may be served on the guardian ad litem, or other person so appointed by the District-Registrar for such per- Bon under disability, and such service shall be considered as good service and as effectual and binding upon such person under disability as if personally served upon him while under no disability. This clause was introduced by section 29 of the amend- ing Act of 1887. The proper course is to apply by petition supported by affidavits as to the circumstances and the propriety of appointing the guardian, etc., as in a proceeding in equity. The effect of service upon guardians, etc., appointed under this section would be to work a statutory estoppel only. See sees. 52, 53, 57 and 137 ante. II; •20H IKNAI.TIKH. A I Till' followin}^ foi'iM niii l)0 viuicil to suit the Hpcciiil circnmMtiiiu'cs of ciicli cusc : Tin; ItKxi. I'iiori'.inv An ok iHH'.t. \|i|tlii'iiliiiii Ni). Ill till' iMuttiT III till' A|i|)lii'i)tiiiii iif (.l/i/i/dvn*/.'*' niiiiiin mill iiililitioiiH.) til lll'illt^ lllliliT the ii|)i'IMtioii nf till- iiliiivr Ai't. ( /'ciiT/Zk' IiIIIiIh.) r|i>ill llii' ii|i|i|iriit lull III' illlil ll|iiiM rnlilil!)^ llli< illliilitvil uT , 1 ilii litTi'liy ill |iiiiMiiiiii('t' (if Mi'ctiiiii I |H (if " 'I'lic Iti'iil I'ni|H'rlv Alt of IHH',1 " n|i|ioiiit of tlio of in till' rr<>\iiiri' iif ^iiiirdiivii of iiifiint cliilil of mill d asnl, ii|)iim wiiii'ii III! |iii|ii'r'4 ci'iiiiiriiij^ si'r\ ice ii|iiiii miiil iiifiuilH iiiiili>r llii< naiil Kciil I'lopcrtv Art of ISS'J in tlli^^ iiuittiT iimy 1"' ^^iivcil, mul j;cimriilly to ivd. on licliiilf of Hiiiii iiifiiiib^ ill lliiH mimIIim-, iih |irovii|cil liy mi\iiI Kcctioii IIN until fmtlici' order of tlic DiHlrict-Ui'^^iHtnir or of tlu» Court. Puti'd Hi l-ivnd TitlcKOIIici'. thin dny of A. 1). IH si:m. Ifixtiiit I'l-i/intriir. I'iCNM.riKM. rtMinltit'K. I I1>. If iiny ikmj^oii wilfully imiiKcm any fivlw Htalicmcnt or dcclariition ill liny dciiliiifi in land under tliix Act, or sii[i|)reMneHor coikhihIh, or iiHHiHtH or joiiiH ill, or in privy to the HuppreHHin>^. witlilioldiii^' or ('.(iiKU'iiliii),' from tlie Distriet-llcLiistrur any material docuinent, fact oi' matter of informa- tion, or wilfully inakeHiiny false diMilarationri'ijuirod under tlieantliority or made in pursuance of tliiH A(!t. or u any pernon fraiidiihMitly prociircH or in privy to the fraudulent jiroiniremeii ' any eertitlcat(M)f title or iuHtrii- niont, or of any entry in the Uej^ii ler, or of any eraHiire or alteration in any entry in the He^iHtcr, or if ninm re(]uiHition inado by tlio District- Rei^istrar any person refuses or wilfully iie^^lects to produce any instrn- nient or allow the sanio to be iiispectud, or rofuHos or wilfully ne^^Icets to f»ivo any information or explanation which ho is by tliis Act roiiuired to fjive, or knowinf,'ly misleads or deceives any person hereinbefore autho- rized to re(iiiiro explanation or information in respect to any land, or the title to any land or in respect to wliicli any dealing,' or transmission is pro- posed to be ref^istered, or is a party to or privy to any fraudulent act what- ever in any matter connected with tlie workinjj of this Act; such person shall Fine ami for each such offence be liable to a, penalty of not less than fifty dollars imprison- jj^j. p^ore than five hundred dollars, and in default of payment imiiriKon- ment for not less than one niontli nor more than six months. =i I'llOHKCHTIONH. 2()!> the Hpcciiil liiiiih.) [ till' iilluliivil iiT H,.f "'I'lu- H.'iil Of I (ll'<'('lim' by tlic DiKtrict- Iiico any iuHtni- jfully lU'^^lcetH to Act rc(iuire(l to iiiboforo autlio- iiiiy land, or the smiHsion is pro- llulent act wlmt- uchperHoiiHlmll |ian fifty dollarK ment inipriHou- liths. Sec Hces. CiH, Til iiiid I2'2 tinlf, ami conipiirc hcc. 151$ \icl(»iiiiii liiiml TniMHrcr Statute, which Ih iiiori! coinpru- hriiHivt! ill its lu'oviHioiiH. Sec HccH. (M, nr,, I 17, l'2:i and lli!» >iiilr. There iiiiiHt he a IraiKhileiit iiitetitinii and Hiiiihlr thei'(t hhoiild liiHt h(! a cimvictioii lor ihe criniinal ((IVeiice l)ef<»r() liny <*ivil proceeding iw (h'termiiKid : \\'iii>iiiiH v. lliutimill, { V. li. K. (li.) (;:i. In (;anada the Criminal Law and pnxM'diiro in criminal matterH are snhject to the exchiHivo legiHJative autiiority of the Dominion i'nrliament. Se(! IJ. N. A. Act hoc. 01. Where a j)laintin' had applied for re^^iHtration of title, iille^'iii}^ that the land and adjaccint ground were unoccu- pied, it wiiH ludd that, without a guilty intention, tiiiH did not make the certilieate void ; and smihlc, there hIiouUI ho lirst a conviction for a criminal oH'onco, tho cliar«^e nhould not ho determined in a civil procoodiii',' : \Vi(iiiinH v. Iliuiniiill, l V. L. H. (Tj.) OJ]. It muHt ho noted that hoc. 15!Joftlio Vicrtorian /jtiiid 'rnom/'cr SfaliUf providoH that certain frauduh^nt acttH and falnc; (hsclarationH in procoed- iiij^H thereunder hIuiII la; deemed nuHdcsmeanorH. In Canada the criminal lawH are excluHively within the jurisdiotion of I'arliamcint, and Provincial JjCf^MHlaturcH (ran only impose l)uniHhment for the pur[)OHo of enforcing' thoir Ia\v8 enacted res|)ectin^ limitod elasHOH of suhjectH : ride " The liritish S'orth AmeriniH Art, I8(i7 " (Imperial, 30 and 81 Vic, cap. 8, sees. 1)1 and 1)2). Compare proviHion an to penalty in sec. 122 ante. IfSO. All proBocutioiiB tor penalties under thin Act rnay be brouf,'lit ProHocti- boforc! a I'olice Maf^iHtratc or any two JiiHticeHof tlie I'eace, and "'11 ponaltl'*^ penaltieH when collected Hliall be paid over to the Provincial Treasurer. Procedure would be regulated by the Summary Convic- tiouH Act, R. S. C. cap. 178. MAN.T,.A. 14 (it ■- ;i: 210 48 vie, cap. 8, sec. 4, amended. *l is Bepealed statutes. Saving clause. 11 M i! I REPEAL. 151. Section four of forty-eight Victoria, chapter eight, is hereby amended by adding at the end thereof the following words " Land Titles Offices." This section has the effect of adding Land Titles Offices to departments inci ded in the Civil Service of Manitoba and subject to the provisions of '* The Manitoba Civil Service Act." At present the Land Titles Offices are administered under the supervision of the Attorney- General. im. Except as herein before provided Forty-eight Victoria, chapter twenty-eight, forty-nine Victoria, chapter twenty-eight, fifty Victoria, chapter eleven, fifty-one Victoria, chapters twenty-one and twenty-two, fifty-two Victoria, chapter four, and any otlier Act v hich may be passed this present session amending any of said Acts, are hereby repealed, but the Acts repealed by any of said Acts shall X'emain repealed, and all things lawfully done and all rights acquired or liabilities ipc"rred under them or any of them shall remain valid and may be enforced. See sees. 2, 14, 16, 18, 35, and 36 and notes ante. THE END OF PART IL r eight, is hereby ords " Laud Titlea I Titles Offices ce of Manitoba Vlanitoba Civil les Offices are the Attorney- t Victoria, cliapter ight, fifty Victoria, 18 aud twenty-two, lich may be passed ereby repealed, but 1 repealed, and ail ilea ipc'irred under nforced. PART III E 1 THE TERRITORIES REAL PROPERTY ACT. ^n pH Note. — The side noten are not printed as they appear in the authorized edition of the Statuten. ■ i \ THE TERRITORIES REAL PROPERTY ACT As Amended with References and Notes ; Being Revised Statutes of Canada. H CHAPTER .-,1. An Act respecting Eeal Property in the Territoi'ies. Ell Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and A.D. 1886. House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows : — 40 V c "lence- Act. Shout Title. 1. This Act may be cited as " Tiie Territories Real Propertij Act,'' 49 V., Short title. c. 26, 3. 1. Commence JiKNT. S> This Act shall commence and take effect from and after the lirst Corn- day of January, one thousand eif^ht hundred and eighty-seven. 2G, s. 2. Interpretation. 3. In this Act, and in all instruments purporting to be made or Interpreta- executed thereunder, unless the context otherwise requires, — (a) The expression "land" means lands, messuaf,'es, tenements and"^**^'*-" hereditaments, corporeal and incorporeal, of every nature and descrip- tion, whatever the estate or interest therein is, and whether such estate or interest is legal or equitable, together with all paths, passages, ways, water courses, liberties, privileges, easements^ mines, minerals and quarries appertaining thereto, and all trees and timber thereon and there- under lying or being, unless any such are specially excepted. This paragraph was substituted by 51 Vic. cap. 20, sec. 2, for the formei clause which read as follows : (d) The expression "Land" means land, messuages, tenements and hereditaments, corporeal and incorporeal, of every kind and description, whatever the estato or interest therein is, together with all paths, passages, wt^^, .., water-courses, liberties, privileges, easements, mines. im^M 211 INTERPRETATION. i!i;i minerals and quarries appertaining thereto, and all trees and timber thereon and thereunder lyinf^ or being, unless any such are specially excepted ; See Stats. Man. 48 Vic. cap. 28, sec. 3 (1) ; 51 Vic. cap. 22, sec. 1, and 52 Vic. cap. 16, sec. 3 (1). Compare with sec. 4 of the Victorian Transfer of Land Statute. "Owner. " (h) The expression " Owner" means any person or body corporate en- titled to any freehold or other estate or interest in land, at law or in equity, in possession, in futurity or expectancy ; "Tmusfer." (c) The expression "Transfer" means the passing of any festatc or interest, in land under this Act, wlielher for valuable consideration or otherwise; ((/) The expression "Mortgage" means any charge on land created merely for securing a debt ; The Man. Stat, (page 43 ante) has the words "or loan," and now, as amended, includes suh-mortKa^es. " I\I(irt- Ka^e." " Mortga- (.;ost. As to the meaning and effect of " Subject to the pro- visions " compare sees. 44, 45, 47 and G4, and see notes by Messrs. McCaul and Bowii, 9 Can. L. T. 26, referred to after Mr. Justice McGuire's judgment, sec. 59 post. Descent Coweyanci:, ktc, of Rkal Puoi'kuty. St Land in the Territories shall go to the personal representatives of the deceased owner thereof in the same manner as personal estate now goes. Compare sees. 27 and 33 of the Manitoba Statute, pages 70 and 75 ante ; also Manitoba Statutes 48 Vic. cap. 28, sec. 21 ; 49 Vic. cap. 28, sec. 4 ; 51 Vic. cap. 21, sec. 1, and cap. 22, sub-sees. 2 and 3, also 52 Vic. cap. 4. This section was substituted by 51 Vic. cap. 20, sec. 3, for the former section, which was as follows : " 5. All lands in the Territories which, by common law, are regarded as real estate, shall be held to be chattels real, and shall go to the executor or administrator of any person or persons dying seized or possessed there- of, as personal estate now passes to the personal representatives." 4!) V., c. 2(3, s. 5. The section in this form remained in force until 2'2nd May, 1888. Eefer to Fleminfj v. Hoirard, p. 71 atite. 6. Hereafter no words of limitation shall be necessary in any convey- ance of any land in order to convey all or any title therein, but every deed or instrument conveying land shall operate as an absolute conveyance of all such right and title as the grantor has therein at the time of its execu- tion, unless a contrary intention is expressed in sucli conveyance ; but nothing herein contained shall preclude any conveyance from operatini^ by way of estoppel ; and hereafter the introduction of any words of limita- tion into any conveyance or devise of any land, shall have the like forci* and meaning, as the same words of limitation would have if used by way of limitation of any personal estate, and no other. 49 V., c. 2(), s. (5. Compare sec. 28 of the Manitoba Statute page 72 (intc, and section 121 of this Act post. Observe the use of limiting words in sec. 74 post. The reference to conveyances in this section would necessarily l.::'ll::i LAND LAW AMENDED. 217 18, which will t to the pro- [ see notes hy ), referred to ) post. UTY. epreseiitativea of sonal estate now Statute, pages Vie. cap. 28, 21, sec. l,and [. ap. 20, sec. 3, V, are ref^ardecl as io to the executor r possessed there- iitatives." 4',)V., ce until 2'2n(l 71 ante. in any convey- n, but every deed tc conveyance of inie of its execu- conveyance ; but from operatini; words of limita- ve the like force e if used by way , C. 2(), 8. (). page 72 (Uitc, r4 post. The Id necessarily include '* Transfers " of property registered under the new system. This section is cited hy ^fr. Justice ^IcGuire in rr Tliompson, 10 Can. L. T. 48 (see notes to sec. 50 ])ost) as defining what shall he conveyed l)y a " deed." 7, No devise sliall be valid or effectual as aj^ainst the personal rcpro- Doviseo to sentative of the testator, until tlio laud affected thereby is conveyed to the i-orsonal devises thei'eof, by the personal representative of the devisor, savinjf and ''«P*'e8«Hta- cxcepting such devises as are made by the testator to his personal repre- sentative, either in his represt.-t"*''-" ?-.:pacity or for his own use. I'.l V., c. "it), s. 7. See Man. Stat. sec. 29. §, No widow whose husband dies on or after the first day of January, Dower one thousand eight hundred and eighty-seven, shall be entitled to dower in the real iiropertv of her deceased husband : but she shall have the same Widow'3 right ni such real property as if it were personal property. 4!) V., c. 2b, s. M. See Man. Stat. sec. 30. O. No husband whose wife dies on or after the first day of January, one (^urtesy thousand eight hundred and eighty-seven, shall be entitled to any estate"' ° "* ''^ ' by the curtesy in the real property of his deceased wife ; but he shall have Husband's the same right therein as a wife has in the personal property of her deceased husband. 4D V., c. 20, s. 9. See Man. Stat. cap. 31. 10. Whenever land is conveyed to a man and his wife the grantees Land con- shall take according to the tenor of the deed, and they shall not take by ^,^',i,^ and entireties unless it is so expressed in the conveyance or transfer. 4',) V., wife. c. 2(3, s. 10. 11. A man may make a valid conveyance or transfer of his real estate convey- to his wife, and a woman may make a valid conveyance or transfer of ^("^I'lanj to her real estate to her husband, witliout in either case, the intervention wife or t 4. .. in \' .1,. 11 "^'^^ vena. of a trustee. 49 v., c. 2(), s. 11. Man. Stat., sec. 32. 19. Any grant, devise or limitation, which heretofore would have Estate tail created an estate tail, shall be construed to carry an estate in fee simple, "■ '" '^ or the greatest estate the grantor or devisor had in the land granted or conveyed ; and no estate in fee simple shall be changed into any limited 'If I I ■'. km ' '1 218 Foo simple iiotchaiiKC- alilo into limited estatt". Married woman's landM. Forfeiture by wife for adultery. And by husband. Cliildi-eu inliorit from uiotlier. And mother from child. Applica- tion of sec- tions 5 to 17. '.:! Registra- tion dis- tricts- LAND LAW AMKNDED. fee or fLC-tail.but the land, whatever form of words is used in any instru- ment of transfer or transmission or dealing;, sliall, except as liereiniifter otherwise provided, bo and remain an absohite estate in tlie owner for the time beiuf,'. l'.» V., c. 'H't., s. 12. This provision docs not appear in the present ^fanitoba Statute, but see repealed act of 1885, sees. 27 and 188. 13. A married woman sliali, in respect of land acquired by iier after tlie coming' into force of this Act, have all the ri<^ht8 and be subject to all the liabilities of fcnic solf, and may alienate and, by will or otliei'wise, deal with land as if she were unmarried. Ill V., c. 2V>, s. 13. 14> If a wife has left her husband, and lias lived in adulter^' after leaviiif,' him, she shall take no part of the estate of her husband. 4'.i V. c. '2(), s. 14. Hi, If a husband has left his wife, and has lived in adultery after leaviiij^ her, he shall take no jiart of her estate. 4!) V., c. '20, s. 14. 16. Illegitimate children shall inherit from the mother as if tliey were legitimate, and tlirouj^h the mother it dead, any property or estate which she would, if liviiif^, have taken by purchase, >;ift, devise, or descent from any other person. 4!) V., c. 'id, s. Ki. 17. When an illegitimate child dies intestate, without issue, the mother of such child shall inherit. 4i» V., c. 2(), s. 17. With reference to the foregoing sections 5 to 17 the follow- ing provision has been made by 51 Vic. cap. 20, sec. 4. " It is hereby declared that sections five to seventeen of the said Act, both inclusive, were intended to extend and the provisions of the said sections shall be held to have extended from the date upon which the said Act came into force to all land in the Territories and to every estate and interest therein." Compare sec. 4 ante, and sec. 33 of the Manitoba Statute page 75 ante. Mr. Justice McGuire in re TJiompi^ou, 10 Can. L. T. 47, says " Sections 5 to 17, both inclusive, form a part of the Act distinct from the rest and took effect from the 1st Jan- uary, 1887." See notes to sec. 51) post. Registration Distuicts. 18. The provisional districts of Assiniboia and Alberta, as delined by an order of the Queen's Privy Council for Canada, dated the eighth day of May, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-two, shall, for the pur- RKGISTHATION DISTRICTS. •219 issue, the motlier itoba Statute poses of this Act, be hiiul re^^'intnition districts, to be known respectively lis the AsHJuiboiii Land Ket^istnition District and the Alberta Lund Kej^is- tration District ; and that jmrtion of tlie provisional district of Saskat- cliewan lyinj^ eastward of the third principal meridian sluvH be a land registration district, to be known as tlie " Kast Saskatciiewan Land Uei^istration Disti'ict ; " and tliat portion of the said Saskatciiewan pro- visional district iyin^,' westward of tlie said nu-ridian shall also be a rei^istration district, to be known as the "West Saskatchewan Land Ue^'istratioii District. " til V., c. '20, s. 18. With reforencu to these districts aniendiiients to settle boiinchiries with greater precision were made by the Act 50-51 Vic., cap. 30, wliich came into force on 23rd June, 1887, and are as follows : — "Whereas by tiie Act I'ortv-ninth Victoria, chapter twenty-six, iuti- '';^>i.'"1".'''f» "tuled '.1)1 Art rcsprrtni'i lliuil rropirtij in tlw Territories, the l'ro\ isional alteruil. " District of Alberta was constituted one land re^^istration district, and "the rrt)visional District of Saskatchewan was dividetl into two rej^istra- "tion districts, the dividing line between the said districts beiii;^ tlie third " principal meridian in tiie system of Dominion land surveys ; wiiereas it " was found necessary in tlie public interest and for the public convenience "to divide the said Provisional District of Alberta into two separate " rej^istration districts, and to alter the boundary line between the two " re^'istration districts into which the said Provisional District of Saskat- "chewan was by thesaitl Act diviiled ; and whereas it is expedient that the "division and alteration so made and all rejjistrations of deeds and instru- " nieiits effected in consequence should be ratified and confirmed, and that "certain other amendments should be made to the said Act : Therefore " Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and " House of Commons of Canada, declares and enacts as follows : — "1. Notwithstanding anything contained in section eighteen of ' 77((' Vl'iorta " Territ- t,'istratioiis, transfers, etc. Further transfer authorizeil. ReKistva- tions not invali- dated. New regis- tration ilis tricts. IlKGIHTRATION DISTRICTS. from tlio iiiiitli ilivy of Miiy in tlu! prosuiit Vfiir one tliousniid ('1)4111 liiiiidrcsd mill I'l^^lity-HuviMi, dividi^d iiitu two Hi'piinite liiiid ruf^iHtnvtinii districts, dt'si^'imtod mid hnmuU'd as follows : — '' {'/) The Hast Hiiskntcliowmi livtid roj'istriitlon district sliall consist of so iiuicli of till' said Provisional District of Saskatcliowaii as lies to tlio cast of the di\idiiiji line between tlie tenth and eleventh ranj^es of towii- ' ships west of the third principal meridian in the system of Doniinimi ■ land surveys ; " (/') The West Saskatchewan Land Uci^istration district shall consist of so nuich of the said Provisional Disti'ict of Saskatchewan us lies to the ' west of the said dividinj^ line between the tenth and eleventh ranj^es of townships west of tlie third principal meridian aforesaid." * « « « « " I. .Vll vej^iHtrations effected and all acts done previous to tlie paspin;^ ' of this Act ill anticipation of the ratification and conlirniation by Parlia- ' meiit of the division of the said Provisional District of .Vlberta into two ' rei^istration districts, and of the alteration of the boundaries of the two • ref^istration districts into which the Provisional District of Saskatche- ' wan was so divided, are hereby ratified and confirmed, and the transfer ' by the rej^istrar of the West Saskatchewan rej^istr>' .ion district to tlie ■ ref^istrar of the East Saskatchewan rej^istration district of any deeds, ' instruments or documents rej^isteretl previous to the said ninth day of ' May and relating,' to lands by this Act detached from the former and ' attached to the latter re^^istration district is alsoliereby ratified and con- ' firmed, and the said Ref,'istrar of West Saskatchewan is authorized and ' empowered to make any further transfer to the rej^istrar of Kast Saskat- ' chewan of any such deeds, instruments or documents as such alteration ' in tlie boundaries of the two districts renders necessary."' " .'5, No registration of titles effected under the provisions of either of tlie Acts hereinbefore cited shall be deemed to be invalid or defective in consequence of such ref,'istration having' been made by a registrar previously to his haviiii; taken the oath of otiice or entered into the bond required by the said Acts, nor in consequence of any person having acted as deputy registrar witliout having been formally appointed and without liaving taken tlie prescribed oath and entered into a bond as required by the said Acts." 19. The Governor in Council may, from time to time, by proclama- tion, as the settlement of the country and the exigencies of the public service require, constitute any other portion of the Territories a land registration district, and declare by what local name the same shall be known and designated. 41) V., c. ;10, s. 1!). Man. Stat., sec. 4. LAND TITLES OFFICEH. 221 ilO. As Hooii iiftor the piiHsinn of tliin Act as practicable, and wlienevi-r, OtHcos at any siihHoiiuiiit ix'iiod, a new roniHtratii)n ili«trict in eHtabliHhed, the piciviiiiii. (Invei'Mor in (JoiUK'il nniy provide in eacii rt'^^istration (Ustrict, at tlie public expense, and tiiereafter nmintiiin in a proper wtate of re[)aii', a huildin^ of stone or briok, to serve as the olVice of tlie IJe^jislrar, and as the place of deposit and preservation of the rej^isters, duplicateH, instrn- .nentH and docnnients connec^ted with the re^^istration of titles, and shall til up the naid ot'tice witli such (ire-proof safes and other secure places as are necessary. 4',l V., c. '2(», s. 20. Man. Stat., s. 13. 31. In each such rej^istration district, at such place as the (iovernor hmul titlcH, in Council doterniines, there shall be an office, to be called the " Land aupj^^^lit. Titles Ot'tice" : and the business of sncli oftice siiall be conducted by an nu'iitof ' I'l 'Liist ritrn oflicer to be called the rej^istrar, appointed by the Clovernor in Council, msistants' with such assistants and clerks as are necessary, and as the Covernor in "" ''''-''^''^' Council, from time to time, appoints, ti) V., c. 2(1, s. 21. Man. Stat., sees. 5 and 0. "i'i. The Governor in Council may, from time to time, appoint a Doimty re- deputy to any of the re^^istrars aforesaid, to act in case of the death, powers^an'l illness or absence from his ottice of the registrar to whom he is deputy ; iliuiea. and every deputy, during,' the time he so acts, shall have all the powers and privilej^es, and perform all the duties and be subject to all the responsibilities of the oflicer to whom he is deputy. 4!) V., c. 2(1, s. 22. Man. Stat., sec. 7. The appointment of an Inspector has heen provided for by 51 Vic. cap 20, section 5, follows : — "5. The Governor in Council may, from time to time, ap})oint an insiiector. Inspector of Land Titles Oflices, whose duty shall be, under instructions P,"^ii^^'jJ. from the jVIinister of the Interior, to inspect the books and records of the tion. several Land Titles Offices, and to perform such other duties as are directed by the Minister of the Interior to be done from time to time, and the said Inspector may, in the discretion of such Minister, be directed to perform any duty which any Re istrar is empowered by the said Act to perform ; but no person shall be appointed Inspector of Land Titles Offices unless he is a barrister or advocate of at least three years stand- ing in one of the Pi-ovinces or Territories of Canada." Man. Stat., sees. 6 and 77. *ili. Every registrar of deeds appointed and acting in the Territories Existint; wlien this Act comes into force, shall upon taking the oath and giving the reyistrars. \l 222 Al'l'OINTMKNT OF OFf'ICKIia. Sf. ,i^ 1^1 J 9imllflca- Hecnrity li«'roinaftor mcntioiicd, Im« c.r o/ffc/o ii rcniHtrar umlor tliiH Act, and hIihII liold otVico during' ploiiHiirc ; but tlioreiiftor no \wrmn\ hIiuU bu fiiturt' a|>- l>ointi't's. 8alaric«. Oath of oiUce. Form. appointed a rcj^intrar uiiU'hh he ia a barrint,or or advocate, of at ast tliroo yearn' Htandiii>^ ir. one of tlio Provinces of Canada. 41) V., c. JO, H. '2:\. Man. Stat., sees. 5 and 7. See sees. 25 and 20 ]>()st, as to oath and security. il4« Tlio HiilarieH of tlio IiiHpector of Land TitleH Oftices, and of re).>iHtrarH, depnty n't^JHtrarH, and otlior iieceHHary oHicerH, and siicli incidental cxpenwes of carryinfj thiH Act into effect aH are Hiinctioned by the Governor in Council, HJiall bo paid out of moneys provided by I'arlia nient for that purpose. 49 Vic. cap. 20, sec. 24, as amended by 51 Vic. cap. 20, sec. 6. tS.I, lOvery Inspector of Land Titles Offices, registrar and deputy registrar, before ho enters upon the e.\ecution of his office, shall take, before some jud;,'o or stipendiary ma^'istrato in the Territories, the oatii of office in the form A in the schedule to this Act. 49 Vic. cap. 26, sec. 25, as amended by 51 Vic. cap. 20, sec. 7. See sec. 23 ante, and 26 post. See Man. Stat., sec. 8. FORM A. Form of Keoistrar's or Deputy Registrar's Oath of Office. Territories of Canada, ] I {name and describe deponent), having been District of appointed to the office of registrar (or deputy To Wit : ) registrar) in and for the (name of refiistrdtivn district, (£■€.), do swear (or as the case may be) that I will well, truly and faithfully perform and execute all duties required of me, relating to the said office, so long as I continue therein, and that I have not given, directly or indirectly, nor authorized any person to give, any mone\, gratuity or reward whatsoever for procurin ' -e said office for me. Sworn before me at , the \ day of ,A. D. 18 . | I (Signature of Registrar or J. P., in and for the said District Deputy Registrar.) 49 V. cap. 26, sch. form A. SRCUUITY n\ OFFICKUS. 223 iin«lor thin Act, IH'iHon hIiiiH bu ■ate, of lit »Bt la. 4'.) v., c itl, n-ity. Oft'iccH, anil of iicci'H, ami Hiicli ro Hanctioned by 3vi(lod by Parlia- . Vic. cap. 20, 40« Before any ref^istrar or deputy rc^iHtrar appointed under tliirt Act is sworn into ofllco, ho, and two or more Hutllcient Hur»!tieH, Hhall enter into 11 joint and Heveral l)ond in duplicate under tlieir liandn and m'als to Her Majesty, in a [lenal Huni to i)o ti\(>(| at nnt less tiianone tlioUHand doliarH, for tilt' true and faitliful pfrfurnmnce by tiio said rej^iHlrar or deputy revjintrar, of hiH duty in roHpect of all tiiinnH directed to be doiui by or required of bim by thin Act or any law in tliat l)eiialf, and HUidi bond sluiU be in tlie form H in tlie Hchedule to tliis Act, or lo tlie like el'feet : •J. Tiio obli>,'ation to the lil'o effect of any (Inarantee Company approved of by tho Governor in Council may bo Hubstitutod for Huch bond : 3. Sueb bond or fjuarantee hImiII bo Hubjoct to tbe approval of tho Ciovernor in Council. 4'.l V., c. 'iti, h. '2(i. For Form see sec. 27 pout. Sec ^lan. Stat., sec. 8. Hociirlty bond. Conclition and form. (iiianuitoo Co. 1)011(1. trar and deputy Qflice, 8ball take, rritories, the oatii 1 Vic. cap. 20, (tat., sec. 8. OF Office. \eut), having been kstrar (or deputy Ime of renistrtitioii 111 well, truly ami ]e, relating to the have not given, nve, any mone\ , ice for me. of Registrar legiitrar.) tIT. The Buretioa in such bond and duplicate shall justify under oatii Custody o ill the form C in the schedule to this Act, and the execution by tlie registrar, or deputy registrar, and bis suretioa shall bo verified by afHi- (lavit of a subscribing witness in the form J) in tlie schedule to this .\ct, taken before a justice of ilie peace ; and one of such duplicates, with tho affidavit appended, shall be forthwith transmitted to tho Hecretary of State to be filed in his oflice and ti; other shall bo tiled in tho office of the Lieutenant-Governor of the Territories. 4'J V., c. 20, a. 27. FORM B. Form of Bond of REoisTUAn or Deputy Rroistrar. Territories of Canada, | Know all men by these presents that I, Form. District of - (insert name and addition of principal), oi tho To Wit : | of , in the Territories of the Dominion of Can .da, hei-einafter called "the principal" and we (insert naniea and additionn of the sureties) of tho of , in the of and , of the of , in tho hereinafter called "the sureties," are respectively held and firmly bound unto our Sovereign Lady the Queen, her heirs and successors, in the respective penal sums following, that is to say : " The principal " in the sum of dollars of lawful money of Canadn , and each of " the sureties " in a sum of dollars, of like lawful money, to be paid to our said Sovereign Lady the Queen, her heirs and successors ; for which said respective payments, well and faithfully to be made, we jointly and severally, each for the other, — bind ourselves and our respec- ji jj J ::t : :i! i , I J! ■MH I I 224 SURETY BONDS. tive heirs, executors and administrators, firmly by these presents, scaled with onr respective seals. Dated this day of in the year of Our Loi'd one thousand eight hundred and , and in the year of Her Majesty's reign. Whereas " the principal " having been appointed to the office or employment of is required by law to give security to the Crown for the due performance of the duties appertaining thereto ; and " the sureties " have consented to become his sureties for such his performance of 'tlie said duties ; and this bond is given in pursuance of " The I'erritoricK Real Property Act.'''' Now the condition of this obligation is, that if " the principal " faith- fully discharges the duties of the said office and duly accounts for all moneys and property wliich may come into his custody by virtue of the said office, this obligation shall be void, otherwise the same shall remain in full force and eifect. Signed, sealed and delivered in j the presence of r 49 V. cap. 26, scli. form B. (SicfiKifiires and SeaU.) FORM C. Affidavit of Justification' by a Surety. Territories of Canada, ] I, one of the sureties District of in the foregoing bond named, make oath {or To Wit: j affirm, as the. case may he) and say as follows : 1. I am seized and possessed to my own use of real (or real and per- sonal) estate, in die of in Canada, of the actual value of dollars, over and above all charges upon or encumbrances affecting the same. 2. My post office adciress is as follows : {insert it.) of . Sworn before me at the in the of this day of , A.D. one thousand eight eight hundred and ninety J. P. for the said 49 V. cap. 26, sch. form C. {Signature.) V i SECURITY BY OFFICERS. 225 le presents, sealed FORM D. Affidavit of AttestatiOi: ) L I, of the the of m of Territories of Canada, District of To Wit : on the of make oath and say, that I was personally present, and did see (one of or as the case may be) the obligors in the above bond or writing obligatory named, duly execute the said instrument by signing, sealing, and, as (liis act and deed or their respective acts and deeds, as the case may be), delivering the same ; and that I am a subscribing witness to such execution. Sworn before me, at the of , in the of , this day of A.D. 18 J. P. for the said (Signature.) J A separate affidavit in this form will be made by a witness to the execution by each obliyator, if the same person does not witness the execution by all of them. 49 V. cap. 26, seh. form D. 28. The registrar or deputy registrar shall, when required by the New Secretary of State, execute a new bond in the form and to the effect pro- quired.*^ vided in section twenty-six of this Act, or furnish such other security as is deemed expedient. 49 V., c. 26, s. 28. 29. Each registrar shall have a seal of office, approved by the Governor Seal of in Council, with which he shall seal all certificates of title and stamp all °™''^- instruments which are presented to him for registration. 40 V., c. 26, s. 29. Man. Stat., sec. 9. l! n( 30. Each registrar shall, when required, and upon the payment of Copies 'f the legal fees, furnish, attested by the seal of his office, exemplifications, "elledin- copies and abstracts of any uncancelled instrument affecting land, which strumeiits is deposited, tiled, kept or registered in his office, and every such dence. exemplification or certified copy shall be received as evidence in the same manner and with the same effect as if the original was produced. 49 v., c. 26, s. 30. Man. Stat. sec. 147. MAN.L.A. 15 Hi: 220 OFFICK UULFH. I fi>r hona I'nle ftcts llGKistrars, \\\, No ri'^istriir, iloiiuty n't;iHtriii- or clerk in luiy liuul titles ot'lic,(> net 1X8 uiuler this Act nlmll, direi^tly or iiidircH'tly.iict as tlie a^jont of any |)i'rH(»ii stjouta, otc. juvostinti inoiicy and taUinj^' Heei.riticH on real oHtate within liin rej^iHtrii- tion districl', nor shall Hueh ri>L;istrar. deinity i-e^^isirar or clerk adviHe, for any fee or reward or otherwise, npon titles of land, nor [d'aetiiM' as a eonveyancer, nor sh.all h(> carry on or transuct, within the re^^istry oHice, any business or ociuipation whatever, otiier than his ilaties as sncli re^^istrar, deputy or clerk. I'.t V., o. '2(i, s. ."U. Man. Stat., soc. 20. Itiilcnniity 'iXI, Tlie rej^istrar shall not, nor shall any deputy rej^istrar or any triiisl^eVc.. P''rson actini,' under authority of the re^^istrar. he liable to any action or proceeding for or in ri'spect of any act hoiui lidr done or omitted to Im done in the I'xercise or snpi)os(>d exercise of the powers ^ivon by this Act, ov any order ov ^enei'al rule made in pursuance of this Act. 41) \'., c, 'Jll, s. :!•_•. ^[an. Stilt., sees. *23 aiid 185. Sit. The land titles olTice slniU be kept open on all days except Sun- days and le^al holidays, between the hours of ten in the forenoon and four in tlie afternoon, durin-^ which time either the registrar or his deputy shall be in attendance. Ill V., c. U(>, 8. ;}3. See Man. Stat., sec. 24. In t)ie Territories the word "holiday" inchides New Year's Day, Epiphany, the Annun- ciation, Good Friday, Ascension Day, Corpus Christi, St. Tetor and St. Paul, All Saints' Day, Conception Day, Ash Wednesday, Easter Monday, Christmas Day, the birthday of tne reigning Sovereign, and any general fast or thanksgiving, 11. S. C. cap. 1 sec. 7 (2G). Office liuurs. Ki'.disTU.vriox. Form of in- Jll. The rej^istrar shall not rej.;ister any instrument purporting,' to sinnnciits jimu^f^.j- (,r otherwise to deal with or affect any land under the provisions for regis- j l trutiou. of this Act, except in the nninner herein provided, nor unless such instru- ment is in accordance with the provisions hereof ; but any instrument substantially in conformity with the forms in the schedule to this Act, or an instrument of like nature, shall be sulhcient : Provided, that tlio rc'^istrar shall have power to reject any instrument appearinj,' to be unfit for rej^istration. 4'.) V., c. 20, s. M. Man. Stat., sec. 77. See also sees. 59 and 64 post. IlKdIHTIlATIONH. 227 ,■ land titles olVioo i^otit i)f any pcisDii vitliin liiH rcj^islrii ir or clerk ikIvImc, I, nor practiiu" uh a the rc^iwti'V oH'icc, liH (liiticH aH siKsli y rcf^istrar oi' any bio to any action or >o or oniittcil lo lio •H ^ivon by tiiiw Act, H Act. ■!'.) V.,c.L'll, II (lays except Sun- 1 the forenoon and ho rc^iistrar or his torioB the word [iny, the Aiinim- pu8 Christi, 8t. oncoptioii Day, uias Day, the ny general fast font purportin;^ to iidei' the provisions unloHSSuch instru- lut any ius*rnnieid. Jdiile to this Act, or '.'rovided, that tlio [pearing to be unfit Id 64 post. See sees. 41, 5!) and 04 })<)Ht an to tlio necessity of regis- tration to render inHtrunientn operative. Ah to meaning of " itiidcr the j)rt« 'I'lie n^^^intrar uliall not nnd V., c. "id, H. :»',. Man. Stat., K(.'e. 80; and hvc. 28 of Appendix. ;t((. 'I'he re/,iHtrar may recpiire the owner of any land within hiti I'liiriH of re^^intration diHtrict ch-Hirin}^ to transferor otherwiHc to deal with the ',|iv'injr,ii. sanie under proviHions of thlH A(d, to deposit with the re;^istrar a ina[) or i)lan of Siioh land, with the several ineasnreinents niark(,'d thereon, certified by a licensed surveyor, and up(jn onc! of the followinf^ scales: — ■ ((() If the land, or the portion thereof j)roposeil to be tr'anst'erred or Sciilo. dealt with, is of h^ss area than oni^ acre, tlu:n such nniii or plan sliall be If Iohs than I .1 ,1 ■ 1 I . 1 • Olio aero, on a scaler not less than onc^ nich to two clianis; (/)) If such land, or the portion thereof jJropoHed to he transferred orOvorono dealt with, is of greater an^a than one acre, but not exceedint^ live acres, then such map or plan shall be on a sciale not less than one inch to five cliains ; {(■) If such land, or the [)ortion thereof proposed to be transferred or Over (Ivo dealt with, is of i -'^vter area than five acres, but not exceeding,' eighty "■'''^^'"" ai'rcs, then such map or plan shall be on a scale not less than one inch to tun chains ; ('/) If such land, or the portion tiiereof proposeil to be transferred or HxcoodiiiK dealt with, is of greater area than eighty acres, tiieu such nnip or plan acros, aliall be on a scale of one incli to twenty chains ; '2. Such owner sliall sign the said plan and dechire the accuracy of the Ownor to , , ., . , • i- r i-i attest plan, same before the registrar or a justice of the peace : '\. If such owner neglects or refuses to comply with such requirements On default, as aforesaid, it shall not bo incumbent on the registrar to proceed with the registration of sucli transfer or dealing : I. Subsequent sub-divisions of the same land may be delineated upon Subso- a duplicate of the map or plan of the same so deposited, if such niai) is JionH ui)()n a sufilicient scale, in accordance vitli the provisions herein contained ; and the correctness of tlie delineation of each such sub-division sliall be acknowledged in the manner prescribed for tlie case of the deposit of an original nnip : 0. Where parts of different legal sub-divisions are included in the same Parts of transfer, the map shall represent the whole of such legal subdivisions, divisions'. li iilh r 228 RKOISTHATIONS. Proviso. ;iii(I sliitll indicati' tlu' lociitiou of tlio lainls to bo tniiisfeired : rinviilcij ulwiiys. that tin's shall not- he lu'ct'ssary in tlic oaso of lots in a city, town or villa;^i\ tlio iilaii of wliicli has Ikoii ri>j,'istfro(l. I'.l V., c. •J. I'he re-jistrar shall also keep a biuikor books which shall bo called the " ilay-book," and in which shall be entered by a short description every instrtiment which is j^iven in for ri\i,'istrati()n, with the day, hour and miinite of tiliu.!,'; and for purpose of ])riority between inortj.;aj,'ees, transferees and others, the time of tiiini^ shall be taken as the time of ref*istration ; atid the re.tjistrar, in euterinj^ memorials tipon the j^ranls and certificates of titles embodied in the ret;ister, and in endoraiiif,' a memorial itpon an instrument to be issited, shall take the time from the day-book as the time of rejjistration. lU \'., c. "Jtl, s. 'M. Man. Stat., Rule 10, Seh. S, sec. 20 and sec. 7-1, and notes to sec. 58 pp. 101-103 ante. lO. I'.very j^n-ant shall be deemed and taken to be re,i,'istered under the provisions and f(n' the pur[)oses of this Act, so soon as the same has been marked by the re<^istrar with the folio and volume on and in which it is, embodied in the register : and every transfer and other instrument pur- porting to transfer, or in any way to affect land under the provisions of this Act, shall be deemed to be so rej^istcred as soon as a memorial thereof, as hereinafter described, has been entered in the ref^tister upon the folio constituted l)y the existins^ j^rant or certificate of title of such land. 4'.) V., c. '2\\, s. 40. Man. Stat., sees. 58 and 7-1. See notes to sees. 4'J and G4 pi'st. UKOISTRATIONS. 229 ferrod : I'vi. sided »ts in a city, town ., c. -JC, H. m. viiy artiriniitii)ii "V / law to allinn or I'll sliall 1)L' called all cortiticatt'fl nf ■ach certificate of the ref^istrar sluill :aliii;^s and otlier •ed in the register, of title. 1 Vic. cap. 20, lich shall be called short description itli the day, hour tweeu niortgaj^ees. ■n as the time of s upon the grants u in endorsing a the time from the I'- ll see. 74, and Listered under the the same has been land in which it is- instrument pur- Ithc provisions of \\ as a memorial Ithe register upon le of title of such h sees. 49 and II. I'iXCupt as hert'inafter ot'i'Twis • provide 1, every instrument pre- AttoHtatiou scnted for registration siiiill, unless a Crown grant, b.j attested i)y a wit- incuts for ness, and shall bj registered in the onler of time in which it is presented {j',';,',^'''"'' for that purpose; and instruments reglstiired in respect of or affecting the same estate or interest shall, notwitlistandin.; any express, implied or constructive notice, be entitled to priority the one ovr the otiu'r, ai^cord- Order of iug to the time of registration and not according to the date of execution , " and the registrar, upon registration thereof, shall lik- the same in his ol'lice ; and so soon as registered, c'Very instrument in conformity with the provisions of this Act shall, for the purposes of this Act, bo deemed and taken to be embodied in tlie register as part and jiarcel thereof, and such instrument, when so constructively embodied and stam[ied with the seal of the registrar, sliall ther.'ujjon create, transfer, surrender or dis- F.IToct of cliarge, as the case may be, the estate or interest therein mentioned in tidii. tile lands mentioned in the said instrument. 1!) V., c. 'Jfi, s. U. ^^a^. Milt., sees. 58 and 74. See notes to sec. 5!) and sec. (54 post. By the twoprecediu,^ sections, the priority of instnnnoits is iixed absolutely accordiiif^ to the order of re^^istration, as shewn by the "Day Book." The instrument does not become effective as to the land until by registration it has been " constructively embodied in tlie liegister," and the ol'licial seal impressed upon it ; Shore v. (irevn, G Man. L. U. 328. Compare sec. 34 ante and Gl pout, and notes by ^lessrs. McCaul and Bown, \) Can. L. T. 30. ins. Every memorial entered in the rc^gister shall state the nature of Momorials. the instrument to which it relates, the day, hour, and minute of the pre- sentation of such instrument for registration, and the names of the parties thereto, and shall refer by number or symbol to such instrument, and shall be signed by the registrar. 4'.) V., c. 'JD, s. 12. !\[an. Stat., Rule M, Sch. S, sjc. 2(1. IJl. Whenever a numofial of any instrument has been entered in the iMemorial register, the registrar sliall, except in the case of transfer or other (.nt_,,i,ij,tj.u. dealing endorsed upon any certificate or other instrument as herein nioiits. provided, record the like memorial on the duplicate certificate or other instrument evidencing title to the land intended to be dealt with or pantry in any way affected ; and the registrar shall endorse on every instru- "' ''"a^ "^ nuMit so registered a certificate of the dav, hour and minute at which ti(jti. 8 * « f ii IjlEtM? JHkb|- 'Hvffll iS^ B ' ttf i ffi 1 ; : ■ 1 '280 KvlillMli'O. i>omi,l oil iMinvii t;viuit. Huilsoii Hay Vo)\\ \inu\ iMiiil I'liOWN tJlJAMS. tho 8i\iil iuHtniiucnt \V!\« primcntcil (o In- rccintiM'c.I, ami hIimII lUillicnt i cixio iMVi'li wMi'h rcrlilii'iilt' by Ni!;nin>; 1im uiuui' mul iillivni!; \\\» Hial thoi'oto, iiMil sui'li ('orliru'iitc mIiuII lie vt'i'iMvcil in nil I'niiil'^ i>t' liiw mm ooih'hisivc I'viilciu'i' thai 'iiii'li inulninicul liU't Ihmh iliilv rcci^ili'ri'.l. I'.i \ . 0. 'Jli. M. (;t. M;m. Still,, st'i". 7(> miuI Kulcs \',\ l(». p. ()7 iinti-. II. \\ lu'ut'v i-r :m\ luiiil isjjrMiilril in iIh' Tci rilnricu I>\ IIic Crown, the letters putiiit therefor, wlieii is!Uieil, rth.'tll hi> I'orwiiriled I'loin the otiiee wlieuee the same .'ire issiieil lo llu' ri'ciHlrnr of llie reoJMl riil ion ilistnel in whieh iheliiiiii so jji-.Tileil is miI ii;i toil, ainl I ho rii r sliiill retain the li>ttors |>.'ileiil in hisoll'u'oaiul hniil Ihesmni' : ami a eerliliraio of title, with aii\ iieeessaix iiualirual ions, sii.iii ho oiaiiteil to llio patentee : StM> sec. T)? /'<'.'«'/. Tliis pnu'tici' of l)iiiiliii;;; the (>i'i;;iii;il f^rants is in iU'oorilancc with tlii> iMis|,i)in ol" the Ansti'iiliait I'dloiiios. Soo nolos to sec. .'>!) p,'sl. '2. SiU'li t'ertilieate shall he issiu-J to the patontoe friri' art> no re;;isli>reil t>m'iniiliraiiees alfeeliii!', >.iieli laml ; .'!. The not it'ieation to the Hudson Hav t'ompanv hy the Aliiiistcr I'f , the Interior, under the provisiims of snh seet ion seven of sei-tioii t weni y two of ' I'hi' />ii))i/;//ii;( l.iiihh Art,' ol the survey iliid eonliniialion of Ilie snr\(>y of jiny township or pari of a township, shall he aiil to. and dealt with hy him in all respeels in the sanu' nianiuM' as if tlit> said notilieat ion were let ters patent in fa\dnif the said eompany, L;iantiiu; to the said ('onipany in fee simple llie seelioiis ov thive-(piart(M- parts of s(\'tions to whieh llie\- .are entitled in siieli tow n sliips or parts of townships under the provisions of ' I'lir limiiiiilt'ii l.,iu,ls .i,-t :' Tludson Kay Coui liaiiy laiuls I A n\ swell notilieat ions wliie hav e alreadv neen issi led til. hv the (. ompaiiy wi tin le re;'i strar of the district within whieh the lands CiMiailiaii Paoiiu' and rnilway laiuls. atfeett>d therehy are situated, and, for the future, siieli notilieations shall he issiKvl in diiplii'.ite, ont> to he s(>nt to the said ( 'ompany and one to I he roi;istrar of tlu> proper district : o. A notitication \o the re^ fri>m the ^Minister of the Iiil.iior. that the lands descrihed therein have hcen ,!,rant(Hl to the ('aiiiiiliaii racit'ic Railway Company or to any railway company entitled to Dominion Lands under the authority of an .Vcti of the i'arliainent of Canada, shall ho accepted hy the ret^istrar, and dealt with hy him in nil respects as if tlu' same weri- letteis patent in favor of such company ; the notitication shall state whether the j^rant be in foe simple or foi' years. M AI'PMCMIONH. 'I'M (I Mli.tll iiiillicnli l(-!;mti'n'il. I'.i \ ,, CH liy lli<> Clown. WHIilrd I'rnm (lie I' llu- ri':',i')(rMliM\i 111' ri'!',in(riir sl\!ill ; MUil M lM>llllir;lli' ' f^nuiU'il to lli«' o tilt' oi'ij^inal the .\iistriili;iM 'llM' l>f nil llll- fi'I'v) f (lie ismu' I'f '-urli \\>.[ siicli limil ; y tlu> IMiniHtci' I'l' of M(>('tiii el' the ic iicn-|iti'il li\ till' ill n's|u'('t-< 111 llir (Mil ill I'm vori't' tlit> pic 111!' sciiiniis ov lli'il in siicli towu- Ihillllllicll l.illhls ih'd inii\ 111' lilc'il wliicli the liuuis nlilicuti'.ins simll liiv luui oi )t' the Indrior. io tlu> Caiiniliiiii liny I'lit it It'll to (> ritrliuiut'iit of itli by liiiii i" I'll |cli coiinmuN ; lilt' ppk' or for yi'ivis. iiml uliiill nlmi M|Hi or oioii'Iiii'iiIm wliicli mo (>\ci'|>li'il from Mn< (jniiit,. Il> \'i('. ciij:. H't, Mcc. ll.iiM iiiMcr.di'il by r» I \'ic. citp. 'M), ('ompiirc H(M'M. :17 HI* ill llir Miuiil.iildi, Sttiliitc. A "('rnwii j^niiil " iM ii.ii " liiMlriiiii(>iil., (hcc. 11 (/) untr); sec Mccs. ;il, II. r»'.», (11. MM Io iiccrHHil.y of n')fiy|.nilioM ; iiIho Molcs liy McMHi-M. McCiuil ami I'.nwti. '.) Cau. h. '!'. '.\{)-\\l. tH, 'rii(< o\vnii| in miy Imnl, wlii'Micr li<|',ii,| nr IihiuIm n.l- (■i|iiilnlili', li'Mi'i'i pill. I'll! for wliii'li liii vo iilronily iimiii'ij fiiun Mm' < 'town, .,|',|',,|||,,|| iiiavMppK liiliiiAc lii'i f il Ic io,",iii|('ri>i| iiinlir llio pruviniuii'i nf lliiiiAit. I'.t v., 0. "t'l, It. I.'l. 'i. If, III ilu' liiiii' nf llii' inHiii' of llii' (M'i't.i(l('M,l.(' of l.illc, Mii'io iiri' no l''i'<i'n tiliall lio piiyiililo Miriffoc iindi'i' Mm proviHionn of Mxccplldii. mill (ii'riioii I wo of ni'rfiiin one lininlii'il ii.iiil lliirl.y Miri'i' of Miin Act.. TIiIm still Hcctioii wuh jMJilcd l»y r» I Vi(\ cii,!). tiO, hoc. 10. Sec l''(iriii \\ |). 'I'M poHt. ('(HM|)!in' sccH. 10 lUKJ ni) MlUl. Sl,Il.ti. See lioicH io Hcc. I I diih', iillii hcc. 5!) jiohI. 10. Till' iipplii'itl. ion l.liori'for mIuiI! Iio iiiiulr in wi'>; in Mio foiin I''. Ajip in till' Hclicilnli' l.o l.liin ,\('t., l,o tlic ri'i^iMfnir of Ilir ic|',iHt,ni,l,ioii ili'il.ricl, ii wliii'li till" liiiiil Ih Hil.iiiit.i'il, ii.nd nliii.ll lie vcrilii'd liy Mic iiHidii,vil; of t.iii' applidiint., or Hoinc ono on lii't lii'liii.lf, iicroinpanicd liv t.i'iii h'l' ri' cIhIj .1 1 inn. ((() ,\ll di'i'dvt in poHMi'SHJon of llic iipiiliciinl., if any ; (li) A I'l' Hliowin^; ii.ll cci^inlriiMoiiH alfcclin;.', Mn^ MMi', down t,o t,lic tinic wliiui Hiii'li II pplicafion in rdcd, witli copicH of any rctjintiTcil docii mcnt.n. Mil" ori^;iii:i,lw or diiplicn.l.rM wlii'i"of Ik^ in nniililr, l,o prodnco ; (<•) A I'crt.itirat.r from tlic HliriilT nhowiiu; Miii.t. Micro in no execution in liin liaiidH a^aiiiHt Mic applicant.. I'.l \'., c. lid, h. Ki. {(I) A ccrtilicatc from Mic treasurer of the municipality wlie.rein the IiiiiiIh li(!, or olJiei' prope. oHicc^r, Hliowinj^ that at tiic date of the (ijin^,' of the appliciitioii Hiicli 1 imh are not char;^cal)le with any arrearH of friuni- cipal (;liar;4cH, ratitH or iisH(!Hnm(^ntn. 51 Vic. cap. 2(.\Hoc. II. IViii.f:i re()imc(l with il.. iMiiiii<'i|iiii chartjiH. k^.'^^-miS^fai ' ^; irinf i I ! I I ill "i 232 AITLICATIONH. Unt,'iHtoind Hut ill no cam' hIkvII it he iKvcsxarv for aiiv aniilicaiit to prodnco licit he pro- copit'H of any ivt^iKtorcd lioiMinu'iits iintlcr tlu> fort'Hoin^,' proviHioiiH of IImh Uiiiioii. Bcction, if till' orit^inaJH of hucIi (lociiiii(>iitn aro of ivi'onl at tlic time wlion tlio application ik iiiadf, in the ollicc of tlu> roj^iHtrar to wlioin the apjilication is nuulf. 50-51 Vic. cup. 'M, HGc. 5J. See Rules 2, 3, 5, (I jiiid 7, Sell. S, sec. M Man, Slat. I'OHM JO. Ari'I.K'ATION TO lIllINd LaNH INPKli I'lIK Ol'K.UATION UK " TllK TKlUUTdlUllH l{r,Ai, ruDi'icurY Act." To tlio rof^iHtrar of ro^'iHtratioii diHtrict : I (iiiKi'rt iitnitc mill (ulilitioii), lion'by apply to liavo tlu' land lii!roiiiaft(!r deBcribod broUf,'lit nndcr tlio oiieration of "Tin' TfrrilDriis Ucal I'miicihi Act." And 1 declare : 1. That 1 am the owner {or iif^tnt for , tiie owner) of an estate in fee Hiniple in poHHUHHion (or of an estate of freehold in possession for my \ik\or olluririnf (ts tlir niKf mmj rcqiiii-i') in ai,i, that piece of land, beinj^ (heir (/ocn/x///! Iniid). 2. That such land, incliuliii}^ r.ll l)uildiii{4s and other improveineiitH thereon, is of the value of ilollars, and no more. \i. That there are no documents oi' I'vidt'iices of title alTectiiif,' such land in my possession, or under my control, other than those included in the schedule hereto. 4. That 1 am not aware of any niort^'iif^e or encumbrance affecting,' the eaid land, or that any other person hath any estate or interest therein at law or in equity, in possession, remainder, reversion or e.xpi'ctancy (if there he anij add : other than as follows, and set the .^a me forth.) 5. That ti?e said land is now occupieil (//' iinoeciipieil, prefi.r (uii) to occu- pied; //' oeeuiiied, add hi/ irhoiii, mid Ktnte the iiiime mid addition of llw oeeiipaiit and ti'e nature of his oeeiijimiei/). ('). That the ni;,meB and addresses, so far as known to me of the occu- pants of all lands contif^uous to the said land, are as follows : — 7. That the name;* and addresses, so far as known to me, of the owners of all lands contii^uous to the saitl land, are as follows ; — {If the eertijieale of title /s not to issue to the apjdieaiit, add) : And i direct the certificate of title to be issued in the name of (insert name of , A.I). IS /. {Si,i,intiirr.) .1.1'. for tlic Hiiid 17. Upon the Hi iicli II ppliiatioii, if till' applii'iint is tin; original CUmr titlcH ron'M** ''•'•I j^raidi'r of tliu (!ro\vn of tlir land and no di'id, mort^^a^^c or other Mic.inii- f,,rtliwitli briinci', or iiiHtrnnicnt, or caveat iiffectin^ tlie title ajipearH to have been registered; or if not sneh ori^'inal grantee, all the orit^iiial title deeds iiro produced and no pi^rson other than the applicant is in actual occupation of the land in question, and no caveat has heeii re;,'iHtered, and if, in every ease whore any other person is admitted to he interested in the land, wlietlier as iiiort).;a;{ee or otliei'svise, such pc^rson is a (^oiiHentinj^ party to such a[)plii!ation, the re^^istrar, if he entertains no doiiht as to the title f)f the applicant. ill. payment of the fees jirescrihed, re;^ister the said land under this ;\ct. I'.i V., c. '2i\, s. 47. See sec. 57 j'ost as lo niitiiiier of re^'istration. Compare hocs, -18 and 4-4 of the I\Iatiitol)a Statute, find notes \)i). 80 and H7 'nitc 2. If there is any mortj^'a^^e or (!ncund)runcc outstandiii},' a<,'ainHt the Mort«at,'o land at the date of the said a|)plicatioii, the lilinj^ with the rej^istrarof the (,„ recemt ori^rinal m()i't''a''o or instrumenl creatiu'' the encumbrance, or a ci)i)y "' "'ort- ... . «tiMeo tluTeof havin;^ indorsid thereon or attacdied thereto a recoi[)t or ucknow- tliorcou. led.Linient of the amount thereby secured, si^^Mied by the niort^a^^ee or encunibiancec and proved by the altidavit of an attestinj^ witness, sliall operate aw a discharge of such mortf,'a^;e or encumbrance, and as a recon- veyance of the land to the mort^aj^or oi' encumbrancer or the person claiming the land throu^di such mort^a^or or encumbrancer. .'i. Such receipt or acknowledj^ment may be in the form I\I. 1, ajipended Kurin of rc- to this Act. 51 Vie. cap. 20. sec. 12. ccipt. •2}M INVKHTKIATIONS. iiii If title not (•li>nv nji- liliciltioii SIMl' to jlldi-f. ■ Mlil^'i'tocv niiiiiic titles. Powers of .ina«o. All verse cliiiiiis. l'"()l!M M 1. lliu'ili'i' oil .\iKNo\vi,iiiiiMi',M' oi' 1'umi;ni' ok iMiiKi'inuK on oniiiii I'Imiimmuvnci;. I. ('. I>., tilt' iinirl^a^i'c, (((l. Ill witiicHs wliiM'c )!' I have lu-romito siihsiirilxMl my name lliin (lay of , IH . Si^^iicil l>y till' ali( Ai- uiiiikmI ('. {),, j tliis (lay ol' I, A. I',, IS , 111 the iircsciKT of X. V. 51 Vu. cap. 20, sec. 2 I. ■In, If, upon Mic aiiplicatioii hoiiii^ mado hm aforcaaid, it appi ars that, any person otlu'r Mi ii the applicant in iiiteresti'd in tliii naid laiidn, whctihor iiH inortt^aijiH! or otiicrwinc, wlio is not a jwirty to tlio application, or in cane any person oilier than the applicant is in jiosHeHHion of the lands ill ipiestioii. or in case a ca\i'at has been registered ai^ainst' (^hesaicl lands, or the re^ entc'rl-ains any dmiht as to tlu^ title of the appli- cant, he shall forthwitii, liaviii;,' •^ivun tJic applicant a certilicate of the tiling of such aiiplication, transmit the application, with all I'videnco supplied, to the jndLje, to !)>' dealt with as hereinafter montioiuvl. !'.( \^, c. -JC, s. tS. Compare aoe. Ill) ^[anitoba Statute, page 175 mitc See sec. Ill and Form S jiont as to referred cases tifter refj;istration of title. Ii). The jnd^e shall examine, witlunit delay, all titles which are snh- mittcHl to him, and fov such purpose shall hear all persons interested, or claiming; to be interested, and shall hear and einisider tlio claims as a^'ainst the ai)plicant, of any person who is in possession of tlio lands ; and he shall have .and exercise all tli(> [lowers for comi)ellin^' the attend- ance of persons and the production of documonts, which usually apper- tain to courts of civil justice and the jud},'os thereof in civil actions brou.t^ht therein. 411 V., c. "Jll, s. 4!». Man. Stat. sees. 4:3, U, 08 and 121. •1»0. Any person having' an adverse claim or a claim not recognized in the application for rej^istration may, at any time before the judj^e has approved of the applicant's title, file with the re^jistrar a short statement ADVKIIHK CLAIMS. 285 (IMIK Oil lillll'll (' lis lllf tUISl' 111(11/ or to ln'coiilt' due IS III' riisr mil II hr) of IiIh (iliiiiu, vdiilii'il by aHidiivit, iiml slmll Ht>rve a copy llioruof on tlic ii|i|>licaiit, or liiH Holii^itor or a^cnt. V.) V., c, 'id, h. 'iO. 'I'liis proviHioii wiih rcinovod in Miuiitoba by ">() Vic. ciip. -il, HOC. IH, wliioli r(![U!iiluil hcch. M iukI ol of the; Act of IHMr>, {M Vic. ciq) tiH.) •II. If any advi-rnc claim in lilcil, |,li(- jnd;^!' slmll iirocccil to c.xainiiu' into ami ailjiidicati' iJicri'on, and no (MM'tilicatc of titli' hIihII Ik; i^raiitcd .Illill^o to di'cidi'. until Hiicli advorHn claim lian liccn di^poscc d of. I'.t V )1. id, it mipi .irs tliiit II ilic said lands, to tlu> iiinilication, |)()SHcsHion of the 'd ai^aiiist tho said title of tlio ajipli- b oortificati' of the with all evidence loiitionc'd, VJ V., 175 <(litr. red cases iifter !i*i. In any case heforcr him, the jiiclj^u nliall, if any person other Ihiu that iioti(Hi of the ii|iplication 1m? piihlished in Home, in^wspaper or news- i;ul>ll(ii- thc aitplicaiit appears to hi' int.i'i'estiMl, and in any other case, may direct ik iic(iiif aplilica- tinll, piipern in such form and for such period as the .iiid^,'(! thinks expedicMit, and no order for rei^tistral ion shall ho ^^raiitiMl hy hi.ii until iiftor tlio expiration of at h-ast four wcks from thelirst i<'..)iicatioii of such notice, if he has diredi'd the saiiKj to ho piihlished. 1',) V'., c. "ifi, s. ."rj. (!()iiil)iir() sec. 52 of the Man. Stat, as to tluj service of cst(>i)i)ol notices, \)\). !)4 and !)5 oiite. an, 'I'lie jiid^e, if satisfied with the applicant's title, shall Ihcrenpon iiiak(! an order ilirc^ctiii;^ the re;^istrar, after l\u'. expiration of four weeks m the (lute thereof, iinli'ss in the meantime siioh order is appniled fn ItCL.'i'itra tiMii c.r tille litter fiiur from, to ru^;iHtei' tho same and issiio to tho applicant a (;orti(icate of title Aiipoals. under this Act, whi(;h order, to^^'etlu^r with all documents and [)roofssiil)- iniiled ill the case, shall be tra,iismitted to ami rutiiined by the registrar ill his custody, i'.t \'., c. 2('), s. '>',i. Man. Stat., sees. V>i iind 17. i'1 I i s which are siil)- ioiis intorcstcd, or er tlu) claims as ion of tho lands ; 'Wiu'^ tho atteiid- jch usually apper- n civil actions Inot recoj'ni/.cd in |)ro the jud^e has short statement >'i I. After registration, on appli('atiou by tho person entitled thereto, and payment of the proscribed foos, a cortilicate of title shall be j^ranted by the rot^istrar in the form V in tho schedule to this Act si^'iied by him, and sealed with tho seal of his ollice, and a copy thereof shall bo jnx-- Horvod i)y the roi^istrar in his office, in the re^^ister ; and tho rej^istrar Hliall indorse uiion tho certificate of title a memorial of every mortj^at^e ; encumbrance, lease, rent char^^o, term of years, or other deal int,' affecting; tho land, and such memorial shall be indorsed upon the duplicate in the possession of tho owner, as well as upon the duplicate v Inch is in the rof^ister. 41) V., c. 'J(l, s. '>\. Form F., as amended by Statute.-, of 1887 and 1888, follows sec. 57 j^ost, p. 237. I'l'i'titicale of title. Alciiim-ials "11 ('crtitl- cate. K' .:l|: I I I ! lill 2H(; Hnlisc l in the ori<^inal f^'rant from tlie (Jrown. See ^hln. Stat., see. (10. '"i'l, I 'poll any Hiilm(iit tnumfiM' of tlic liiiiil nuMitioiiod in any hu(;Ii ...1 :rtil\calt'. Provisii. l'',voiv ri'- tjistnitioM to lio oil a poiiiiratc folio. I . . ..,,...,...,,, _, r,...,.. ciTtillcati', tli(> (•(Mtilii'iitc (if title to 1h' isHUcd tii tlic triiiiHfcrrc HJiiiil Ixi inMiicd liy tlic rf},'iHtmr of tin- n'^^iHlnitioii ilintridt wlmrii llif land is Hitiiat(>, ill till' prcMciibi'd form. V.) \ ., c. ■_'(>. h. rif). Man. Stat., sees 51), (>l, and (»2, HI, and lliilos Hi and 22, Sch. S, sec. 2(1. mi. I'.vcry roj^iMtiTcd owner or iimrtf^'ii^^ee of any land or iiilereHl tlieii'in hIiiiII deliver to tiie rej,'istnir a nienioraiidiiiii in \vriti11j4 of Moine post otViee address williiii tlie I'eiritorieH, to wliiidi it sliall be Hnllieit^nt to iiiail all notices under tliis .\et are reipiired to he sent to sneli re^is tered owner or inorl^.ii^ee and e\ery registered owner or niorti^aeee shall, from time to time, in like nianner, notify tlie rej^'istrar of any (diaii^^o in his post olliee addn-ss ; and I'very reoistered owiuir or transfeiTe of any re,t,Mstereil interest shall, if reipiired by the re^^istrar so t(i do, bid'ore the ilelivery of any eertilicateof title, si^ii a reiH'ipt therefor in his own hand writing;, or otlierwis(> furnish the rej^istrar with his si^^natiire, ho as to prevent personation as far as possible' Provided, that the leoistrar may proceed without such ineiinnMiidiiin of addri'ss. t!) Vie. cap. 211, s. i)i\, as iinionded hy HI \'i('. cap. 20, sec. i;J. Man. Stat., lUiles 15, Sch. S, sec. 2(5. tiT' l''very registration of ownership shall be made on a separate folio of the rej^istor. and upon any transfor of ownership the rej^ister of tiu! transferrer's title shall hi' caneelli'd, and tin- title of the transferee shall thereupon be enteri'd u|)on a now folio; and the roj^'istrar shall note mioii the folio of the title of tlio transferrer the number of the folio of the transferee's title, and upon that of the transferee the number of the re},'is- ter of the transferrer, so that reference can be readily made from one to the othi'r. as occasion re(]uireH. 1',,' V., c. 'Jii, s. ')7. ]\[an. Stat., sec. 58, and llules D and 10, Sch. S, sec. 20. IlKdlHTKtlKI) OWNKUHIMP. 287 |)r()vi(l('v ,li( (U»(l 'I'l, ,■ laiiil i>r intcrcHl II writing! of miiiu* liiill l)(' HiilTicifiit to Hi'iit to Hiirli rt'^is )V iiiorti^an<'i' Hliall, • of lUiy cliaii;;!' in tniUHfcrcc of any 1 to (111, Ix'forc tlu) )!' ill iiisDWii liaiiil ■^i^iiatiiii', HO iiH to the ifj-istnir may Vic. cap. '10, loll a si'piivato folio llic ri'j^istor of tlii' Ic tniiisfrroe sliali jar sliall note upon If till" folio of till! nibcr of tho rof^iw- luulo from oiio to fell. S, see. 2G. I'OUM I'. I .(« iimi'uiU'il. CiitriKicMK r»r OwNKimiiri y.iiiadii Tci ritoiifM, Ui!t{iHtmti()n l)iMtri(!t. TiiiH \^ l.inTlify tliut A. H., of IM MOW till' owmr of Jill I'orin V cHtnti' {ilrxirilir llir I'^hilr) of iiinl in {ilrsrriln' llir iiinfifrlii), Mxh'^wX to Hit! rni'nnilii'ani'i H, liciiH ami intiTi-Ht-i iiotiriiil liy nirinorial mKlcrwrittcii or iiiiIoihlmI linoon, or wliicli iiniy li('ri'iifl(.'r hi- rccoidL'd in tlio rcnislcr of title. Ill witiU'HH wliorunf I liavr< iH'ntiinlo hiiIihiwiIiiiI my niiiiui iiinI iilfixoil my will tliJH ilay of , A.I). IH //' tlir lillr in paiiHi'HHiirii, xiiji : Tliii titlo of A. M. in Hiihjcct to tlin (diiiinH (if any) wliicli can lie (•iif(/ri'('il to tlh' Hiiiil liLiiil by roiinon of any dofcct in tlm tillr of (iinmr nf llic jiist irtiiKti'i'i'il iiinirr). And ii Hiihjirl til ^a;^c, dated tlic ilav .f iiiadtt by A. H. to W. U,, to Hcciire (//itc ulalr ilii' (Uiuuinl si'riiri'il, thf nilr i>l inti' /iit mil. jirr (iiininii, inn I tin ri'niiri'tirr liiitrn j'rum irhirli till' priiiriiml ninl iiitrrfnt urv m'nirfil ) piiyahlo hh tliereiii inoiitioiied, (If imirtijiiiie in dinrluinjiul, mnj ): UiHciiarj^tid by certiliciatc! (//ere ntnU Hit; ilisliiiijuinUiiKj Iflti'r Of niiiiihrr nf thr miisU'r miil tlir niniihi'r o/' fhr fnlio llirrrin). And if .iiiliji'i't to . No instrument, until rof,'istore(l under this Act, shall be effectua,! to pass liny estate or interest in any land (e.xcept a leasehold interest for three years or for a less period), or render such land liable as security for the payment of money ; but upon the registration of any instrument in mau'ier hereinbefore prescribed, the estate or interest specified in such instrument shall pass, or, as the case may be, the land shall become liable as security, in manner and subject to the covenants, conditions and con- tingencies set forth and specified in such instrument or by this Act declared to be implied in instruments of a like nature; and if two or more instruments e.xecuted by the same owner, and purporting to transfer or encumber the same estate or interest in any land, are presented at the same time to the registrar for registration and indorsement, he shall register and indorse tluvt instrument under which that person claims pro- perty, who presents to him the certificate of title of such land for that purpose. 4'J V., c. 2(5, s. 59. See sec. 41 ante. Compare sec. 74 of the Manitoba Statute. See notes pages 101-103 and 206 ante. In re Thompson, 10 Can. L. T. 44, referred by the Inspector and the liegiskar of the East Saskatchewan District under sec. 114 2^o,t, the following facts were stated. The land had been sold by the patentees to one F., who on 8th March, 1887, sold it to T., giving him a deed in fee simple. This deed was not filed or registered until after an execution issued against F. had been placed in the Sheriff's hands and charged upon the land by the filing of a copy and memorandum on 8th June, 1888. On 4th March, 1889, T. applied to have his title registered, producing the above deed, and in the certificate of title issued to him, reference was made to the execution against F. as a charge upon the lands. The question submitted was whether the Registrar was right in ibsuing the certificate subject to the execution. RE THOMPSON. 230 iturc. 4'.) v., c. 20. id 144. See It was contended that the effect of this section was that F. was still to be deemed the owner when the execution against hitn was filed i)y the Sheriff, as no title or interest was passed to T. for want of registration, and consequently that the lands were charged by the writ, and contra that this section did not apply to lands patented prior to 1st ■lanuary, 1887, (as in this case) until after application for registration of title had been made, that the title passed to T. on delivery of the deed and the land was not bound by the execution. Mr. Justice McGuire said that at first sight section 4, ante would seem to indicate that on and after the 1st January, 1887, the various provisions of the Act were intended to apply to all lands and all dealings therewith, but in subse- ([uent sections beginning with sec. 34, (uite the word " land " is qualified by the uniform phrase " under the pro- visions of this Act." Now if the words " subject to the provisions of this Act " in section 4 have the wide meaning they appear to have, all lands would be < by said A. B., in the presence |- (Siini'itiire.) (rf (i.A. -19 Vic. cap. 2r>, sch. form G. 06« Wiienever any easenu;nt or any incorporeal riglit in or over any Uefiistra- ' land under the provisions of this Act, is created for the [jurposoof being IJ^JI," ease- aimexed to or used and enjoyed tt)gether with other land under the pro- visions of this Act, the registrar shall also enter a memorial of the instrument creating such i^asement or incorporeal right upon the folio of tlie register book constituted by the existing certificate of title of such other land. 1'.) V., c. 2(), s. tW). Man. Stat., sec. 7!>. 67. If the memorandum of transfer purports to transfer the trans- ferrer's interest in the whole or part of the land mentioned in any grant o.' cartificate of title, the transferrer shall deliver r.p the certilicite of title of the said land, and the registrar shall, on payment of the prescribed fee. enter in the register and on the duplicate certificate of title, a mem- orandum cancelling the same, eitiier wholly or partially, according as the memorandum of transfer purports to transfer the whole or part only of the interest of the transferrer in the land mantioned in such certificate of title, and setting forth the particulars of the transfer. 4S> V., c. '2(i, s. (J7. Man. Stat., sec. 73, and Rule 17, Sch. S. sec. 26. On transfer ttie whc'.ti or part of the ci-rtifl- cate oaii- celleil. ^ *(*! n \U\\ \ It \N(»VI'U'I. t,\ti.inn \\liol1\ i>i |M\H:>llx. pii\iH'n\1 I.I 'WW Miiih li^ni'ili'i. nuil i p.'i'lr In.' (Ii,. '"''''"'■ JN»i>o,-nl*oJ(i'i"<, .>1\.0) t.« \\\<- n •tH'ilrt ci^ n ril I lllr.
  • U,-,i «h!>U >i'i>«\ioi 'Hiilnm of 1i •uciIim i\nil rniii'lli'il ,<\ p'ti (liilh i"ni «iitrtM\.',1 i'i>lli>ii i'i>i»U(i'i»1i'0l tiili', MHil m Ih ci.' iif 11 |v.ii U.ill\ .'•ntri'lli'il .tH lUivH.. i>f f\(li> -h'*!' (.'(mw thi' .ln)>l\,'\(.' 1.' ill.' iiitni (Ill llir niiniKHiii.lnui (v>Hv''U\no llif 'I'lnii- )»■< > I'l'i'n rnliii'.l t lii'i iin)iiin. hi hi'm v\hiMii>\.>i (I'.pntt'.l tlii-»i'li< )>\ I'l'' I'WMi'i i>l i>n nn wOil |i.iilinn nf lnul M\rbii\ivl \' tin" iiii'h ('MImUv . 'I n. i'IIi-.| vt'M\l i>i I'l'i I illi"i 1 1' hI lilli. m I lli'l 1 .l| IM *>!> Willi ft'iixv ot *r>< 11111 ^l* .1 11 r !• 1 !< 1 .Mil •>!> Ilppi"11 '1 IlliM I' 1' \ pi'illi'lll MI'l 111' mil ( II 'Ml. Il iMl lll'l .1 '1 tll^i'U.' i>l ml.' I.M 'nii'li |>,M I 1 U .11 'IIM |"l I I I lll'l I'll !•« 1'** 'V\ lll'l iM 1 1 1 ll'lli'l I'l' Itp.'M III,. .Ii'll il II I. "I II' I'll I I ii\ll I 'rXlli'oUi'i^ i>i'l til i1 mil' I'll! \i' 1 I'lH'll I '11 , ( i» !<.' I'llli'l'lli ll Mil. I I I I I V.> N •tti ., i\-t Thi'i so.'hiMt \ ■• |MnUi'ii ;\') :\n\i'nilii| lt\ iil \ ic ciiii. '.'.0. TiU* :nniMhluii'\U (Oii'^i'Mril in 'iliiKnif, imH IIii- vamiiIm " !>n,l .-\.M\ iU.'h «'i>\ ( l(\i';Hi' 1*1 llllr i\\\\\\ Irlrl ll |>l llrl ii'fll'li' " l 'Mich \:\\\>K miil li> lln' iii'
  • :\v.• soi"^ ,*:^. r<» mill I\m1i> 'V',. Sell y^, Mi'i- '^(1 ill llip M;n\Ui>lv< S(;»hi(i' tmv'i'^l rtO. 1'' i'\oi\ ii\'-l I inui'iil 1 1 iivifri 1 luii !iii I'll'il.' ii| in(i'ii"il in linl niiii.'i m'>i.»iv> i>f iliii V. ( . 'luliii'i'l (o iiiin l'|!ini> m inii'imilii mii i . th> -ilir^U lii> mnilioii tlii> fill li'vx 111". I'.'v I'll uH Im (111- ti mi'ifin I'll, ( liiit in In !«:»\ YhAi illi'll tlrtHifoi-.'o will p'»\ llli' iilli'l i"il . illiimill HI li'iil I'llUli'i' .1 ll 'h 111.M t.iMijro iM I'lii'iiinl'i iiii'i', nlii'i llii' . nl i' miil nl llu'liii »)>iv ,l\isl in fill' in' 'iiinii' mul will iuili'iiim'x nn.l Ki^^p l\rtvniU"!« '«}ii'v'l «^( iin\ iif Ihi' i'ii\vn.'iii( '1 Ih.'ii'iii r.iiil niin'il m iiiul.i ihis v.'t iiiii>^<~'i. «^n ♦''«' r-'" '*f ''''" i> >'>"fi'' <>'' t" ^ . 1' ''". •' ''" nuii S(sv S(» SS /'ii.s,'. \ll im|>lii'.hlii\i : ,ji/( soi*. I'M /'i'nT M;ui. Sl;\|., sov .. SO. \H'k •>".> au.l 1 I I. £i 1 ■<\«vo>- ;.^, 1 1 V';t 1 •|>, \\ liiMi ;»u\ I'lii.l iin.ii'i til.' |>ii>\ I''i I'f Ihi'i \rl i'l inti'iiili'il I.I ll ^-^so.t M l\\«'M. <>i tor ;« trnu of (liicc or ini>ir \ i'f»i' \l\ i.lnAHiiiH. A1 ..I i\in.' n... II. "- I" lU.I I l(i> 1 i'i'ImII'M i>l |i I I ( I'l II \ i"MI irrll,'.! .'It nillMlli' hi' ini'inut multiiii 'III'l'M. .'I Mt't \ p, ill'il I llllli'l.i HIMV '.'id ol ill.' III. 'Ii.ill III. II III. 1. 11 Ml II III III.' .1. III. . Int.. l(. Ilij.i A< I, «li.| I'M'M "II. 1 1 Ill'il I iiui.'iil .ili.i II fill 1 1 I l|.| I..II .if I lie III ml llil.('l|i|l',! jlii'll MM Id ;',! II I- iMIi.l'^i'lM, M.ll'l Hiit>. !(!l ;IimW mm III MIlli'M IIIhIcI |II'i('I'KM. lll'l' llltli'M I I ,'.7mIi' V (Jill II, |l|l. -'lOCi llllll '^,(1 illllr. ('nMt|illlli Mi'i'M III, II, ft!*, <') I Illllr, M'l I.'' IK'CMMHil.y llf I I't'iHli III iiiii mlMli"il ill l^ll''! Ml I'ni'MinlM mil. . "tfl'l I'M, I IllU i'l I.' Ml I Mill I'll'll I" ' mill III III" I iMi" I iiiili'iniii' \ mill M mi'i|iii I 'llllll "I mill n(;niii'il 'ill iliiini'ii Ml iiHili I . 'II, .1 r.!» uiMli'il riniM illlMllllMll I M 111' >l> iM IIIMII' \ I'ftI 'J. IMIIM II I. V II , IimIiim imiiImImimiI iiii iuviimi , iiiilii""!,, ImwMVMr, l.'i mi"li mor l.(Jn.j{<'i nil. I MiH'iiiiilii llllll"! M'l Ml" ihiMIImiI \ty immih'H iiii'liirri iiii'iMr wril/t'ifi ("» mimIih .iM.I lll'l "iiiil, III IImiI |ii""" llf lmi(| lilr'ii lilir il), jim.i li illl,firil'ilnll'^, fu iiiiiil'i, II llllll, iiiliii In In irri/i'il iiliiiiii ii'ilh llif hniil, mill if Ihr Ininl iliiill irilh rniiliii ii-i iill iiiiliiilril III Ihr miiiiiiiil iiimil m i vi I i j'n nh' nj lilh iii liiiui', li'Iri llh'irlii liif ilriri iiiliiill illlil ilinillinil, iil lii'i ifi^if ml Imlli Ihehiillil iliuii'n I'll iiiih'n llllll liiiiiiiih) (In Ik'ImIiv Immm"I,(i I'',. I'' , (if (lirif iiinvrl ilfHiriji /mil), nil l.liM Miiiil ImikI'i, 1.(1 !i" Ik'M Im/ liiiii, Mi" 'uiid I'l. I'',, »m f.Mnant, f'lr MiM (i|iiiMM llf v"iii". fi'iiM I lll'l I" I'liiif Ihf iliitr mill li'rin), al. Mi" VMMily iMiiliil llf tt , |iii,yii III" f/icic iiim'il Irnilii ul ii'ii/mrnl nf renli, MiiliJMi'l. Ill III" r(i\ ciimil '1 mill |i(iw(in iiii|iliii(| (nUii nrl fnilli miy tpfiinl viivriiiililH III iiii>ililliiiliiiiif> III iinjihiil i i.Kfumil •■■). I |'"i, I'' , llf (//.'i(' iil-'i'il ilnui ijil mil), i\i. licM'liy ii,(;(,('(if, Miiy |(ii-;i'()f'" yr,'!^ m 248 i«,-. |i|;! m^ ' ^11 (SiiiiKiliin' III' l.rsxar.) (Siiiiuiturc (if I.CKKCf.) Implied covenants by leHseu. Bent and taxes. To repiiir. Powers of lessor. liKASKH. abovo (IcRoribod IiiikIh, to he licld by mt- as tcniint, ami milijopt to tlid conditjoim, rcHtrictioiiw and covt'imiitH iihovc sot. foi'tli. I)at('d thih day of Sij^ncd li\ abovcd-namod A. \\.,\ UH Icssdf, and ]']. v., as Icsstio, tluH day of , IHH , ill pri'Hcnco of X.Y„ (Ihre iiiiK'rt mvtuornuihnn of inortiiiiih'^ (iinl riirinnhrdiirrK.) 41) Vie. c«p. 2(), Hcb. form II. Sec sees. 71, 7"2 and 74 post Ji8 to im))li('(l covonants, and set*. 121 post as to inodi- lications, etc. Compare Sell. E, t "T. 87 Man Stat, and notes pp. 138, 20(5 and 244 ante. 71. Ill (iVory momorandr.m of loasp, iiuloss a contrary iiitontion appearH tlicroin, tliore aliall bo iinplind the followiiif{ covonantH by tlio li'ssce, that is to say : — {(i) Tliat hi' will pay tlie rout thureby rosurved at tho tiiiii's tlierein niontioiR'd, and all ratus and taxes which maybe ))ayable in ri.'spectof tlie demised property dining,' tlie continuance of the lease; (/*) That he will, at all times during the continuance of the said lease, keep and, at the termination thereof, yield up the demised pro))frty in tjood and tenantable repair, accidents and dainaf^e to biiildin;^s from fire, storm and tempest or other casualty, and rcasonivble wear anil tear excepted. 1!) V,, c. 20, s. 71. Man. Stat., sec. 88. See note last section. The words are " or other casuality " do not appear in the Manitoba or Victorian Statutes, and it is not clear how casualities are to be distinguished from accidents. In South Au.stralia the Supreme Court held that a ri^ht of re-entry did not arise in consequence of a breacli of a covenant not to sublet, as this is not a covenant in respect of which default could be continued : SaiDidcrs v. Wadhani, 4 S. A. L. R. 73. See note to Form I jiont. 7S« In every memorandum of lease, unless a different intention appears tlierein, there shall also be implied the following powers in the lessor, that is to say : — I.KAHKH. 21!) 11(1 Hlll)jl'Ct, lo tilt) To vitiw ■•ruinlMOH. notos pp. 1H8, 'I'd re tiritiT (III ik>t'ii.iilt, «tu. (ii) Tlitil III' may l)y liiiiiHi'lf ni' his iij^t'iil-, I'lilcc ii|i()ii tin; (U-miHL'd pro |) rty ami vi(^\v tlio Htiit-.- nf n-puir tlurcMt', luiit miiy Horvo ii|)r the spacii of two calemlar niontlis, or in case defaiilt is made in the fiiiliiment of any e.ovenant, wliellier exiiressed or implieil m siicji h'ase, on tlie part of tho loHHeis, and is (unitiiiiieil for t lie space of two calindar months, or in {!ii-io the repairs reipiired hy siicji iiotico an aforesaid, iir«' not completed within the timi^ therein sp'eilied, such lessor may enter U|)oii and take possession of Hucli demised premises. Ill \ „ c. 2(1, h. 7-. C'oinpiiro AIiiii. Stat., sec. Hit. 7tl. In any siKih case tli(M'et;iHtrar, upon proof to his satisfaction of lit^nKd can- . 11 1 r I I I I' CUll(!iitry. sill. II mik(^ an entry of the same in the re^jister, and the estatu of the lessee in such land shall thei'eiipon determin(\ but without releaHiiif{ tlic liMsoe from his liability in respetst of the breach of any (M)venant in such l(>ase lixprossiul or implieil ; and the re^^istrar shall chancel such lease, if ileiivered u[> to him for lliat purpose. I'.l \'., e. •Jti, s. ~:i. Man. Stat., sec DO. Vlll-ii:(l. 71. Whenever, in any li'ase or mort;^a^e made under this Act, tlu; Htuirt form forms of words in coliiinii one of the Form 1 in the said schedule to this f,"^*;,'''';",'! Ill It ilHt3 cir Act, and distinj^iiiHhed l)y any number therein, are used, such lease or iiH>rtHii«o. mort^af,'e shall he taken to have the aameef'fect, and bo t;()r!strued as if there liiid been mserted therein the form of words cortaiiied in culiimn two of the said form and distiiitiuished by the sanu' number; an 1 every such fi>rm shall be deemed a covenant by the covenantor with the covenantee and his transferees, bindiiif^ the former and his heirs, e.xecutors, adminis- trators and transferees ; but it shall not be necessary in any such lease to May Im insert any such number ; and there may hi' introduced into or annexed I 1 aiiy of tile forms in the lirst coliinui any expressed exceptions from the same or expressed qualitications thereof respectively, and the like excep- tions or (jualifications shall be taken to be madefriun or in correspDiidiiij^ foriiis in the scconii column. I'.i \'., c. 'H'>. s. 74. Observe the use of the word heirs in both Acts, and com- pare sec. G and notes ante and notes p. 72 ante; also ForinH H and I and see. 71. Man. Stat., sees. 91 and 144. i t t ' i . ! . . 1 ^ '< ": i ■ '' Stilt ntory Hllcirt COM- lllllltH. SllOIir I'OUM COVKNANTS. Altlionf^li tlio covtMUints {^ivcii in Fdi'iu I iiro rofcrrt'd to RH poniiiHHiihlf ill niortf^iij^i'H, it will l)t' Hcon tlnit tlicy luc coiiHtriU'd ill tli(> Horoii^ coliiinii in ii iniuiiicr only iippii- ciibh^ to liiiscs, 'Vhv lu'iuli. " of the form contaiiiH tlio word " Imi'MKd," iinil Ih iiiiHlfudin . I'oini I. KiAi'fioiiY CovKwsis Imii,ii;ii IN liF.vsi; oil !\Iciiii(i\nK, <'i. Will not carry <>ii otTinsivi trade. liny liviiii^ timber or timber like treo Htaiidiii^ and brin;; upon tbo Haid laiiil, without llir (toiiMcnt in writiiif* of tilt' said It'HKdi' or liin traiiHfereoH. .">. 'I'lif fovfiiiiiitiir, Ins fXfi'iitoiH, admiiiistnitois nr tranHfei-ffs will imt, at aiiv tinif during; the saitl term, use, exeicim", or carry on, or permit or suffer tt) bt" used, ext^rcistd tir carriiil on, in or upon the saiil premises, or aiiy part thereof any mtxitiiis, ntiisoni'j or orfeiiHive art. tradf. biisint'SH, oeeii pation or eiillin;^ ; and lit) act, matttM- or thinji wbatsocver shall, at any tiiiif tliirin^' the said term, bt! dnni! in or upon tilt! sii'il preinises, .ir any pint tlu'ri!of, wliicli sliallor may bt! t)r ;^row to theauiioyantf. nuisance, ^{rievanee, ilama^je tir any ilislurbiiiict! of tlif ot'cupiers or owners of the adjoiiiiii!^ lantls anil properties. 41) Vic. cap. 2(5, sch. form I. Compare Man. Stat. Sell. N, see. !>1 and notes page 141 ante. These covenants are also made bindinfj; on the heirs (see note to sec. 74), but it is not clear that they could be com- pelled to their performance, riile see. 6 ante. An injunction issued in Victoria restraiiiinj^ a lessee from committing a breach of an implied covenant : Mundij V. Proicxc, 4 V. L. R. (E.) 101. See notes to sec. 71 ante. TUt Whenever any lease or tleinise which is reijuired to be rej^istered by this Act is intondctl to be surrendered, and the surrender thereof is effect'"' otherwise than throu;,'h the operation of a surrender in law, there s, ill be intlorseil upon such lease or counterpart thereof the word "surrendered," with the date of such surrender, and such indorsement shall be si|.'ned by the lessee and the lessor as evidence of the acceptance thereof, ami shall be attested by a witness ; and the registrar slial! there- upon enter in the rej^ister a memorial recordiuf^ the tlate of such Kurreii- der, anil shall likewise indorse upon the lease a memorandun; cecordinj^ the fact of such entry having,' been so made in the re^'ister ; ad upon Siirroiiilnr of louse by It'Kseo. ^^enlorlln- tlaiii of surrentier. WtW' W ' Itil ' ' '■' SIS i'^l _ j ■ 1 V'4 1 I '' 1 1 1 Wmm ■ il f A lliii 11 252 MORTGAGES AND ENCUMBUANCES. such entry liaviuj^ hei-n st) iimdi', tlio estiite or ink-rest of tlic losseo in such hiiul sluill vest in the lessor or in the person in whom, havin'4 rej^anl to intervening cireunistances, if an\', the said land would have vested if no such lease liail ever bjen executed ; and production of such lease or counter[)art bearing such indorsed nienioranduni shall be sulticient Proviso. evidence that such lease lias i)een so surrendered : Provided, that no lease Consent of , . , ,, , , , ■ , , mortgagee, i^^'ibject to mortj,'a4e or encumbrance shall be surrendered without the consent of tlie mortf^'a.i^ee or encunibrancee. 4!( \'., c. '2{'i, s. 7*"). See sec. 70 (intc ; leases for less than three years need not be in Form H and under sec. 01 unte would be implied encumbrances although not registered. Any estate or interest in land may be the subject of a mortgage or encumbrance. Mde sec. 70 post. Compare Man. Stat., sees. 92, 93 and 94. Mortgages andeucuin brances. Estate or interest affected must be stated. Form J. MoitTOAOKS .\NI) E.NX'UMUKANCKS. 70. Whenever any land or estate, or interest in land, subject to tiie provisions of this Act, is intemled to be chai'ged or made security in favor of any mortga-^ee, the mortgagor shall execute a memorandum of mortgage in tiie form J in the schedule to this Act, or to the like effect ; and whenever any such land is intended to be charged with or made security for tiie jiayment of an annuity, rent charge, or sum of money, in favor of any encunibrancee, the encumbrancer shall execute a memor- andum of encumbrance in the form K in the schedule to this Act, or to the like effect ; and every such instrument shall contain an accurate statement of the estate or interest inteiuled to be mortgaged or encum- bered, and shall, for description of the land intended to be dealt with, refer to the certificate of title on wiiicii such estate or interest is held, or shall give such other desi;riptioii as is necessary to identify such land, togetiier with all mortgages or encumbrances affecting the same, if any. 4'.t v., c. 20, i-,. 70. Compare sees. 8-1, -41, .59, 04, ante, as to necessity of registration. Man. Stat., sees. 80, 91 and 90, and notes pages 144 and 145 ant I'. FORM J. Mi:.MOU.\.\l)UM OF MOUTCIAUK. 1, A. B., being registered as owner of an estate (here fitcae tiature of iiiltre.-il), subject, however, to sucli encumbmuces, liens and interests an MORTGAGES AND ENCUMBRANCES. '253 are iidtiftod by niemoraiulnm underwritten (or indorsed lu-roon), of that piece of land, {(Icxn-ijitioii), part of section , township , riinf^o , containiuf^ acres, be tlic same more or less {lirre stdtc riiilitu o/ irnii, iirivilcjii's, ftismwiilx, if tO . net to Ivnii'-fci •state. rowiMs on ilcfniilt by iiior!j;iiK"'' Notice. PowiT of sale. Mdii I'dMlKH ANI» llNCt'MnHANCKR foilh the h(:r>-iiil an hij ii didiinnti). liliil ili'fiir iiii; to fi'iiiliT llic snid liiml iivii ilii,l)l(' I'of (lie |iiii|Min(' cil' hcciiimij^'. In mid fill' till" liiMidil cil' (', !>., of (ih'srn iilidli) (li(i {mnii of iiuiiiij/, iiitiiinli/ or mil i-lhty.ii) liiMcmii rirr iiiciil ioiicil : dn liclcliy i'iiriiml)i'f I lie s:iid liiiid lor tli(> IxMlclil 111' I lie H.iid ( '. I '.. Willi llic \siiiii. ii II II III III or mil iliiinir) iif . In lii> piliil III llic lillli"t lUliI ill till' niiiiiiirr rnlln\viii<;, t'lllll, is (n Hny : (Ihrr stiilr llw tiiin's iijii>oiiiti'ii for llir ihiijiiiiiiI of Hir kiiiii, niiiiinhi or mil ihiiriji' iiitciuhd to he ncciired, llir iiitiri kI, if iiiiij, i- rilll rhiir^w t-lnill lu-ioiiir ■nul I'liisr lo lir jiiiiiiihlr, iilso iiini spi't'iiil i-iinniiiiits iir jioinrs, iiinl miii iiioiliiirnlioii ol Ihr /loinrK or miirilii-s iiiri'ii to iiu iiiriiiiiliriiih-i- hij thin .1(7) .• And. siilijrcli iin afdi'i'Hiiid, tln's.iid (". I'. hIuiII 1)1 tilled 111 nil |inwriM Mild rciiicilidH ^ivcii to an (Mi('Viiiilil'i\iii'(-(' li\ " rill' Ti rriloriis Hiiil I'Topcrli/ .tri." Ill \vilii('-is whcrcnl' 1 liu\<' licriMiiitn sii;ii(nl iiiN niuiic t hi'; , , ' tSiiiiiiitiirr of I'.ih'iiiiiliriiiirfr.) d;iy (>l , 111 prcst'iH'f ' nf {Iiisirt iiii'iiioriniiliini i>f iiiort Mini. Slut. Sell. D. ])ii^i> 1 l() iiiiti'. i;0 V"" ''- " »'li!irj;('(l." 77, ^Int|;;;i;;i' iiiid iMiiMiiiiliraiu'r under tliis Acl. slmll elTerti as xeciirity, Init slmll iint npeniie hh m triinnfef of tlic lii.inl tiiereby ciiar^^cd ; iiiiil if defitiilt is made in |)Mym(>nl of the prineipiil Hiiiii, interest, aimiiity or rent eliurj,'!'. or any part therenf Iherchy secured, or in the ohscirviiiice i>f any en\enaiit expressed in any nieinoran''iiiii of niortf^'ii'^e or eiicimi hrance roLiistered under tliis Ai-t, or that is iierein declared to he iiii|)heii in such inslriiinent. and sucli default is continued for llie space of oiio calendar inoiith, or f,ir such lcin'^(>r period of time as is e.xpresHly limited for that purpose in such instriinieiit, the iiiorlLlRt^ee or enciinihraiicic ma\ ejve to the nuirtua^or oi' iMiciimhrancer notice in writing to pay, witliin a time to he specilied in such i;otic(>, the money then due orowiiii; lUi such morfL;aL;(> or cncumbranci'. or to observe the covi'iiants therein expressed or implieii. as the case may bo, iiitd that all rif^hts and powers will be I'csortcd to iinliiss such default is remedied, or whero the morlLiai^or or encumbrancer cannot be found, may {^ive Bucb notice in that belialf to the mortt^a-^m- or encumbrancer in such manner hh the jud}40, on summary appiicatioii i\v /kicN', directs. I'.l \ ., c. '2(1, s. 77. Compare Man. Sttit., sues. 97, 103 and pronao 10(5. TS. AftiM- such di>fault in |)aymeiit or in tlu> observance of cnvenaiitu continuiui^ for the turther sptice of lUie calendar month from the servico Ix MOiri'dAClI'lM ANli KNCIMIMiANCKH. 255 iiiiiniiii). Mini dcKir 1)1' HCMMinii)^; to mill II ji, iiiniiiitii or iriii ic t;ii id liiiid fur tlic ilidiiir) iif HIT I'lilliiwili;:. tliiit- III fill' Sinn, iiiiiiiiilii II. iiiiil llii' rrriit:< on (•( i/M III III' l>illlilhli\ inn nl llii' I'iiiiiIH or iliji'i'l itw iifnrcsMid, nicilirn [i.ivrii to iiii f' l'.nriniili)iiiii-er.) iriiiirr-1.) I. Stilt. Sell. I>. |k1iii,11 liavc crfcct iik t.lnM-i'l)y cliarj^iMl ; iiiti'it'st, annuity ill tlic iihscrvanco lorti^a^c or nicmii nrcd to !)(' impiicil till' wpaco of Olio is t'xprosHly liiiiilcd or I'licMiuliraiiccc ill writing to pay, then diii^ orowiiin covi'iiiuits tlicrciii II coiniii'toiit rif^hts 'iiu'ilicd, -or wlioro ay t^ive Huc.h notice ■iiudi mannor as the ., c. liC), H. 77. ■oriso 10(). ancc of c'dvcnaiitfl ith from tlu' Horvice uf mi(di iiotirc, or for Hiidi period ii.h to llic jiidi;c hcciiih in«'('t, hiicIi niort i;,it{cc oi' ciicmiiliniiM'ci' in lirri'liy luiMiori/.i'd and cnipowcrc.l to hcII tlir hind HO nioi tf^ii;;cd or ('iiriiiiilp''rril, or imy pint Ijicrcor, mid nil tlic cHtat.i' or intcrcMt tlicrciii of tlin Miorli',ii};or or ciicuiidprmicir, mid, citlicr alto Kctlicror in lots, by piiMic auction or \>\ private conlract, or liy liotlimieli inodeH of Hale, and Hiiliiect to siirh c iiidilioiiH iih lie tliinkH litr, and to liiiy III and re sell the Kiime, willioiil Imiiii; liiihle for any io^iHes oi'caHioned tliereliy, and to niiike iind eNceiile all micli iiiHtrunient.H iih are nc^ceHHury for elTectin^ the Hiilelhereot; and all sindi hiiIi'h, (lontnictH, niattern inid tliiii;4H herehy ii,iiMiiiri/,ed hIiiiII he iih viilid mid elTectiiii.l iih if the niort ;;:i:;or or eiieii'iitiraiieer Inid iiiaile, done or eM'ciited t.lie smiie : and the |;rcf.i|j|i( receipt or receiptn in wiilin;^ of t,he iiiort(^aeee or enciiinhrancee hIiiiII he |,'|" 1^'^'^" ;i iiilhcienlr diHcliiir^^e t,o the piirchiiHer of hiicIi land, eHtate, or intercHt, or (iioney, el' miy port ion thereof, for ho niiicii of iiis piirclmse money iih in ther(d)V evprcHHeil l,o he received ; mid no y(iic|| purchaser Hliall he anHwerahhi for I'lircliimur the loHH, iniHapplicalrion or iion ii p|iliiii,tion, or !)(• ohlit^t'd to wa: to tlni ['''|!, ,,'",",',' application of the purchase nionev hy liini paid, nor nliall he h(! con "I'I'liciitiori 11 , ■ I I- . !• . !■ 1 1 ■ 1 I , ■ "' I'ln-ciiiiHn ccineil to iiupiire iih In the tact, o) any delimit, liavinj; heen niad(' or notice nioncy. h,i\iii)4 heen (^ivi'ii an aforesaid; and the purchase money to aris ■ from the sale of luiy such In nd, eHl,ii.te, or interest hIiiiII he ap|ilie(l: first, in Aiiplicii,- ni\meiitiof the exneiiHeH occasioned hy Hiich Hale; secondlv, in pavuietit ,"" ' '""' of lilie nioiievH which are then ijiie or ovviiij^ to t,lie mortf^a;^(^(^ or Miniicy. ciiciiinhrii.ncee ; thirdly. In pii.yinent of Hiihseipieut inort^'ai^^cK or enciiin- lirmiccH, if any, in the order of their priority; and the HUrpliiH, if any sliiill he paid to the iiioit ;4a.j^or or eiiciimhraiicer, as the (lase may be. I'.l v., <;. 2(;, s. 7H. (loinparo Man. SLitt., sees. 101 and lOt). As to priority sou socs. 'J!), 41, OO Jtiid ()1 (inlc. 7f>. I'poii the re^^'int I'ation of any meiiioranduin or instrunHiiit of ({enistra- tiuisfer executed hy a niort;ja;i(!(! or (, for tli(! piirpoHo of '',|,' .'"''". ^""'' Mich sal(^ as aforesaid, the estate or inter(^st of tln^ morti^acor or enciirn- iHircliii.Hor. hrancer therein described as (;oiiv(!yed, shall pass to and vest in tluj pur- clias(\r, freed and disc.hari^ed from all lialiility on account of hucIi mnrt- ^a;4e. or ciuMimhraiKMMjrof any niort;.ia;„'eor eni'umbranoe rej^istered siibHc- (|ii(jiit thereto ; and the iiiirchiiHer shall Ix; (Mititlcd to receive a (;ortih- ( (iri.'ticiiLo cate for the same. I'.) \'., c. '2ii, s. 7'.(. (lonipiiru sec.4, 31, U, 5!J, Gl, (intc, as to necessity of r(f.fistration. Man. Stat. 105, and Kiilo 17, Sell. S. see. 2(). wo. When default for si.x cahsadar monllis has been made in the i)ay- M'>'"tf;n«(!o ' •' may liiivo ineiil of the interest or principal sum secured by mcinoraiidum of mort- eidor of lorticlo- sure. !l kS f t ' 'I Foicclo- fiuro pro- Cfduro. CcitilK'ntc iiixl pidofs rociuircil. Noti('<' by jud^'o olTcr iii^' iiinil for salt-. Order for foreclo- sure. Kntry of foreolo- Bure. Registra- tion of (lis- cliarge. Entry of discharge FOUECLOSITRE. fjaj^c, a rojjiatorod iiiortniit in writinj4 of the intention of such mort- t^a^ce to make such application has heen j^iven to the mortf,'a^'or, eitlu r personally or i)y leaviii'^ the same with nn adult at his usual or last known [)laee of abode; and sueh a])i)lii'ation shall be accompanied by a certiti cate of t.he licensed iiuctioiieer by wliom such land was put up for sale, and by sucli other proof of the matter stated by the application as the judf'e recpiires ; and the statements made in such application shall bo veriliod by tlie oath of the applicant. I'.l V., c. 'iti, s. HO. Compare ]\[iin. Stilt., sec. lOfi. Wl. Ujion reci'ivin^ such application the judj^e shall cause notice to be published once in each of three successive weeks in a newspaper likely to ^ive the beat notice, ot'feriut^ such land for sale, and shall, in such case, limit and appoint a time, not less than one month from the date of the last advertisement of such notice in such paiier, upon or after which the jud^e may issue to sut'li applicant an order for foreclosure, unless, in the interval, a sufticient amount has been loalized by the sale of such land to satisfy the principal and interest moneys due and all expenses occasioned by such sale and {jroceedinj^s ; and i-very such order for foreclosure, under the hand of the judf^e and eiiteied in the register, shall have the ei'fect of vesting:! in the inorti,'a^'ee all the estate and interest of the mort- i^aj^or in the land mentioned in such order, free from all rif^ht and ecjuity of redemption on the part 4 witness, dischar^in^^ the land specified or any part of the land com[)rised in such instrument, from the whole or any part of the ))rincipal sum or annuity secured thereby, or upon proof beinii made to the satisfaction of a judf^e of the payment of all moneys due on anj' mortj^aj^e or encumbrance and the production to the rej^istrar of a certiticate sif^ned by the judge to that effect, the registrar shall there- uiton make an entry in the register, noting that such mortgage or encumbrance is discharged, wholly or partially, or that part of the land DISCIIAIKIES. 257 11 writini^ to tlic 1 sliall state tliat 10 laiiil, estate Di- ction after proper led, and that tlie ent to satisfy tiie peuses occasioned on of sncJi niort- niortj^a'^or. eith( r sual or last known lanied by a certiti as pnt up for sale, ipplieation as tlio )plication shall bo 0. I cause notice to be newspaper likely to sliall, in such case, •oni the date of the or after which the )sure, unless, in the sale of such land to xpenses occasioned Icr for foreclosure, ter, shall have the ti'rest of the mort- ill right and eciuity y person claiming of mortgage or hereto a receipt or rancec, and proved le land specitied or from the whole or reby, or upon proof Inent of all moneys lion to the registrar gistrar shall theve- Isuch mortgage or It part of the land i- discharged as aforesaid, as the case refpiiros; and u))on such entry Eittict of hiiiig so made, the land, or tlie estate or interes'. in the land, or the por- ^'""'y- tion of the land mentioned or referred tf) in sucli indorsement as afore- said, shall cease to 1)(> subject to or liabli' for such principal sum or iiiinuitv, or, as the easi> may be, foi' tin; part thereof noted in such entry as disi. larged. lit Vic. cup. 2(5, sec. 82, as iuncnded by 51 Vic. cap. 20, sic, 15 try. Compare sec. 100 of tlie ]\Ianitoba Statute, and notes to sec. 7-1, p. 121 (iiifr. sit. Upon proof of tlie death of the annuitant, (U- of the occurrence of Dcntli of tlie .vent or circumstance upon which, in accordance with the j)rovisions ',',"'",'^J:'^'''' (if aM\' iiii'morandum of eiicunibrance, the iinnuity or sum of iiiouev '"'" "• tliereliy secured eeasi's to be payable, and upon jiroof tlutt all arrears of luaucu. the ;~iiid amuiity and interest or nn)ney liave lieeii paid, satisfied or dis- ci iUgi'd, tlie registrar shuU, upon the oi'der of llie judge, make an entry i:iiti ill the register book, noting that such annuity or sum of money is satisfied and discharged, and shall cancel such instrument; and upon sucli entry itselToct being made, the land shall cease to b(> subject to or liable for such annuity or -iim of money, and the registrar shall, in any or either siieii case as at'or^'said, indorse; on tlie grant, certificate of title, or other instrument cviiKiicing the title of the mortgag(jr or encumbrancer to the land i.iort- gai^' il ' him in the I'egister book, whenever such grant, ' " ^' cvrtiJicate of title or other instnimeiit is presented to him foi- that pur- po-^-. t'.> v., c, '2(;, s. s;}. Man. Stat., sec. 102. si. If any mortgagcu' becomes entitled to jiay off the mortgage money, I'liyincnt ar.d till' registered mortgagee is absent from the Ten-it' s and there is i'lil'J,} (i,'|,'{,)< no ]Ht-son authorized by registered power of attoi-m ' :^ive a receipt '■ i"; l>cr- to the mortgagor for the mortgage money after the date pointed for the 'I'cn-itoi-io; redemption of any mortgage, the judge, on applicatioi him and P^'oof [J* "',"^J,^^i of the facts and of the amoimt due for principal and " tercst upon such niortuage, may direct the payment into a chartered ba k iiaving a branch or agency in the district, or if not in the district, ie the Territories, of such mortgage money, witli all arrears of interest . n due the>-e'— t \ the credit of the mortgagee or other person entitle. i thereto; a. i I'lere- upoii the intei'cst upon sucli mortgage shall cease to ran or accr ,.j : 2. The registrar shall, upon presentation of the ju'ige's order and of i'.ntry of tlie receipt of the nninager or agent of such bank for the amount of the ' '^^ "^ ^^ tf''- Ic.ov other instru- lortgaj^e, whenever , tlie several parti- f such instruments cy and interest, the .>r sum in icspect of S. HI. iransferreii by a this-: Act, and the ore set forth ; aiui il time of resist ra- il cured by the mort- le to this Act, and the mortgage, and lay be deferred, or ity ot tlie original the registrar sliall he amount of the nd how ihe sura so f the facts. 4'.) V„ \n, 60, 64 and P'orni— , the receipt Of i;-X. FORM L, (litdorxc nwuiiiniitihiiii of tnniyffr at' mnrt(i(i(ic or I'ltcitmhriiiwe or Icaxf.) TlUNSl' OK MOUTC.MIK, J'^N'CUMlUtAN'CK OK LkASK liY InUOHSKMKNT. I, the within mentioned C D., in consideration of ft Form L. this day paid to me hy X. Y., of , the receipt of which sum I do hereby acknowledge, hereby transfer to him the mort- gage (encumbrance or lease, ax the I'dni' iikiij hi-) within written, together with all my rights, powers, title, and interest therein. In witness whereof, I ha\e hereunto subscribed my name this day of ,18. C. D., Tmmferrcr. Accepted, X. Y., Tranxferee. 49 Vic, cap. 2(5, sell, form L. Compare Sell. G, Man. Act, p. 148 (tntf. FORM M. TliAXSFKIl 01' PaUT of MoUTClAOK 01! ENCUMIiUAXCK I)Y INDORSEMKNT. I, tile within mentioned C!. D., in consideration of $ this day paid to me by X. Y., of which sum I do hereby acknowledge, hereby '■; ?isfer to him ft of the mortgage {or encumbrance, an the . ■>. ,«((// he) within written, together with all my riglits, powers, title, and int( est therein, and the sum so transferred shall be preferred {or deferred or rank equally, as the cane tiimj he) to th.e remaining sum secured by the mortgage. In witness whereof, 1 have hereunto subscribed my name this day of , 18 . C. D., Transferrer. Accepted, X. Y., 'Transferee, 49 Vic. cap. 26, scb. form M. Compare Sch. H, Man. Stat., p. 149 ante. HO. Upon the registration of any transfer of any mortgage, encum- ElTect of brance or lease, the citate or interest of the transferrer, as set forth in ti^'^,'f „^^ such instrument, with all rights, powers and privileges thereto belon<^ing transfers or appertaining, shall pass to the transferee, and sucli transferee shall tliereupon become subject to and liable for all and every the same require- nients and liabilities to which he would have been subject and liable if named in such instrument. 4i) V., c. '2(5, s. 8(). Man. Stat., sec. 99. H7m By virtue of every such transfer the right to sue upon any mort- lliRbts of 4age or other instrument, and to recover any debt, sum of money, annuity transferee. 260 POWEFIS OF ATTOUNF.Y. Proviso : un to trusts. Ini))lic(l covoiiimt by inortt;a- Kor ill iios- sessioii. Powers ol' altoniev. Ret;istrH- tioii. Power of owner sus- lieiided ui) '.il revoca- tion. I'orm N. or damiit^e tliereuiulur (iiotwithstiiiuling tlie smno imvy be decnit'd or held to constitute a clvose inaction), and all intcroHt at the time of such transfer in any such debt, sum of money, annuity or dama^'es, sliall be transferred so as to vest the same in law in tlie transferee tliereof : Provided always, that nothinj^ herein contained shall prevent any court of comiielent juris- diction from givinf4 effect to any trusts affectiuj,' the said debt, sum of money, annuity or danui^es, in case the said transferee shall hold the same as trustee for any otiier person. 4!) V., c. 'iU, s, H7. Se(3 note to Arun. Stat., hl-c. i)9. This section corres- ponds with sec. yj of the ^[an. IL 1'. Act 1885. NW. In every memorandum of mortj,'a<,'e there sliull be im])lied against tlie mortf,'ai^i)r renuiinini,' in possession, a covenant that he will repair and keei) in repair all liuildinj^s or other iniprosements erected and made upon the land, and that tne mort;^'at,'ee may. at all convenient times, until such moi't{^aj.,'e is red"emed, be at liberty, with or without surveyors or others, to enter into or upon such land to view and inspect the state of repair of such building;- or improvements. 4',) V.. e. 'JO. s. HH. Compare R. P. Act (Man.) 1885, sec. 90; see note, p. 13-2 (tiitr. l*ow;;iis OK Aitokntv. W9. The I'egistered p/opr.etor of an\- land, estate or interest, may authorize and ap[)oint any person to act for him or on his behalf in respect of the transfer or other dealiuv,' with such, estate, nr interest in accord- ance with the provisions of this Act, by executing a power of attin'ney in any form heretofore in use for the like purpose, or in the form N in the schedule to this Act, or as near thereto as circumstances permit, and a duplicate or attested copy thereof shall be ileposited with the registrar, who shall enlfr in the register a memorandum of the particulars therein Contained and the date, hour and minute it is deposited with him ; and until such power of attorney is re\:ainst Lt be will vepair rected ami made lient times, mitil out surveyors or npect the state of s. 8H. ; see note, p. or interest, may bubalf in respect nterest in accord- [ver of attorney in le form N in the ■es permit, and a itli the registrar, larticulara therein il with him ; and r provi'^ed by the ,o effect a transfer liall be suspended. to necessity of Uliite tin' iiaturi' i>f Irauces, liens and interests as are notirted by memorandum underwritten (or endorsed lu;reon), in (hcrr rfi'fr hi scln'ilnh' fur ili:i(-rii>tiiin it\id ri)iitriit>i itf tlif Ki'venil (Ktrci-ls di' hind inti'iidid tn lie iiil'crtt'd, wliirli si-hnliili' coiitnin ri'fert'itci' to till' crisliiii/ iwrtniriiif III' titir nr huisi- (if tuicli pa reel i do hereby appoint C. D. attorney on my behalf to (herf xtiite the nuture dud e.rtcnt of till' /((uccrs intciidfd to hi' ronj'i'rri'd, n.^ to sidl, li'tt.ii\ inortiiniip, etc.,) the lands in the said schedule described, and to execute all such instruments, and do all such acts, matters and thin^js as may bo necessary for carrying out the powers hereby «iveu and for the rtcoyfry of all rents and sums of money tlui' may be(;()in(' or are unw due, or owin;^ t(j me in respect of the said lands, and for the enforcement of all contracts, covenants or conditions binding,' upon any lessee or occupier of the said lands, or upon any other jvrson in re-ipect of the sam'.>, and for the takiii}^ and maiii- tainini^ ^iossession of the said lauds, and for protectiu;4 the same from waste, dannii^e oi' trespass. In witness whercijf, I ha\e hereunto sub-scribed my name this day of , is Signed l)y ihe aljove name I .\. l^. thi> I day of {Siiiiiiitiirr.) in the presencj of X. V. | 4!» v., c. '2C\ sell, form N. Man. Stat. Sclis. K and L, pp. 1(J4 and 1()5 aiitc. As to sealing see notes, p. 1()7 '////'*. OOf Any such jtower of attiu'ney maybe revoked by a revocation order r;<-voca- in the form C) in the schedule to this Act ; and after the rej^istration of ei'j-'eeted. any revocation of a power the rei,'istrar shall not i^ive effect to any transfer or other instrument sijjned pursuant to such power, unless under any rej^'istration abstract outstandini; at the time. -1'.) V., c. 'id, s. !)il. Mail. Sat., sec. ll'i. F()1!M o. Rkvocation oi' PowKu 01-' Attokney. I, A. 15., of , liereby revoke the power of attorney given bv Form of me to , dated the day of In witness whei'eof, 1 have hereunto subscribed my name this day of , 18 (Siijnaturi' of Constituent.) 49 v., c. 26, sch. for in 0. Compare Man. Stat., Scli. M.. p. 167 dute. iifiii I^;| ' 262 TRAN8MI8SIONH. TllANSMISSIoN. Laiul c>f de- euaHcd owner. Porgoiial repreHcii- tativtt to \>o regi^^to^o(l aH owner. Memorial. pjstate l)as8es upon re- gistration. Title to re- late back to doatli, Cortitlcate to 1h! can- celled. in. Wlienover thii uwnor of any liuiil dies, hucIi land shiill, siihjcc't to the provisions of tliis Act, vest in the personal roprescntativo of tiie deceased owner, who siiall, before dealint^ witli sucli hinds, make applica- tion in writing,' to ilic ri'^ to he registered as owner, and sliall produce to till' ret^ist-rar tlie prohiiteof the will of the deceased owner, or letters of adniiniatration, or the order of the court authorizing him to administer the estate of the deceased ownt^r, or an oHice copy of the said i)rohate, letters of administration or ordei', as the case may he ; and tliereiii>on the rct,'istrar shall enter in the re^^ister a memorial of the date of the wdl and of the probate or of the letters of administration or order of the court us aforesaid, the date, hour and minute of the production of the same to him, the date of the death of sniii owner, when the same can be ascer- tained, with such other particulars as he deems necessary : 2. IIi)on such entry beinj^ made, the executor or administrator, as the case may be, shall be deemed to bo the owner of such lands; and the re^'istrar shall note the fact of such rej^istration by memorandum under his hand on the probate of the will, letters of administration, order or other instrument as aforesaid : '■>. The title of the executor or administrator to such land shall relate buck anil take effect as from the date of the death of the deceased owner : 1. The duplicate certificate of title j^'ranted to the deceased owner shall be delivered up to be cancelled or proved to have been lost, and the reyristrar shall issue to the executor or administrator a fresh certificate of title, statin;^' therein the fact that the new rej^istered owner is the executor or administrator. 1!) V., c. 2(!, s. lU. Man. Stat , see. 113. As to ellect of registration compare sees. 59 and (54 ante. MortRage, etc., trans- mitted by will or in- testacy. Kot!istre,- tion of per- sonal I'epre- sentative. f)*2. Whenever any mortj*aj,'c, encumbrance or lease at'fectin;; land registered under this Act is transmitted in consequence of the will or intestacy of the owner thereof, the probate of the will of the deceased owner, or letters of administration, or the order of the court authorizing a person as aforesaid to administer the estate of the ileceased owner, accompanied by an application in writinu' from tlie executor or adminis- trator, or such other person as aforesaid, claiming to be registered as owner in respect of such estate or interest, shall be i)roduced to the registrar, who shall thereupon enter in the register and on the instru- ment evidencing title to the mortgage, encumbrance or lease transmitted, when the same can be produced, the date of tlie will and of the probate, or of the letters of administration, or order of the court as aforesaid, the date, hour and minute of the production of the same to liim, the date of llCjf. TIIANSMI8MION8. 2(53 chilli, Hubji'ct t(» leiitativo of tlio H, rnaki' in)[)li('a- ml hIihU produco ner, or letters o( m to ivdniitiiHter he Hiiid probate, 11(1 tliereujion the *- be registered as )roduced to the 1 on the instru- ase transmitted, of the probate, as aforesaid, the him, the date of llie death of such owner, when the same can be ascertained, with such other particnlars ivs he deems necessary : 2. Upon such entry being made, tlie exi-cutor or administrator, or such RIYcct other person, as the case may be, shall be ileeined to be thi; owner of sucli tnaioii*' mortgage, encumbrance or lease, and the registrar shall note tlie fact of such registration by memorandum undor his hand on tlie letters of administration, probate or order as aforesaid. Id V.. c. "iti, s. "CJ. Man. 8tat., sees. Ill, lirj, 11(5. 1):l. Any ])erson registered in place of a decreased owiu'r, sliall hold the I.iuids df land in iesi)ect of which he is ii'gistered upon the trusts and for the pur- Jn'stil'' '^" poses to wlii-h the same is ap|ilicai)h' l)y this Act or by law, and subject to any trusts and eipiities upon which the deceased owner held the same, but, for the puriiose of any registered dealings witii such laml, he shall be deemed to be the absolute owner thereof : ■-'. Any person benelicially interested in any such Iain's or any estate or licnciicnil interest therein, may apply to a court or judge having jurisdiction, to J",\*7*i','j,'^'* have the same taken out of the hands of the trustee having char'je bv law '•'''*"■ ^^■'"' \>y the of such property, and transferred to some other person or persons; and c'luiit or the court or judge, upon reasonable cause being shown, sliall iianie some'''"'"''*' .suitable person or persons as owner of the lands, or the estate or interest in (juestion, as the case may be ; and upon the [lerson or persons named accepting the ownership and giving approved security for the due fulfil- ment of the trusts, the court or judge may order the registrar to cancel the certificate to the trustee, and to grant a new certificate to the person or persons so named : 3. The registrar, upon the production of such order, shall cancel the Coitiiicate certificate to the trustee, and shall enter in the register a iiiemorandum ^.„]l^,,^',^„^l of the appointment by order of the court o. judge of s-Aicli person or '_'^^^ ""5^ persons as owner in trust, and a certificate of title shall be issued to him or them. 4'.» V., c. •_'(), s. '.t:i. Man. Stat., sec. 117. * 94. Every sheriff or other officer charged with the execution thereof, Proct^ss sliall, after the delivery to him of any writ or process affecting land, or i.{',„i j", i,g lien, mortgage or encumbrance, or other interest therein, deliver a copy '','•'''. I'y of every such writ or process so in his hands or that may thereafter be delivered to him, certified under his hand, together with a luemoraiiduni in writing of the lands intended to be ' barged thereby to the registrar within whose district such lands are situate, and no land shall be bound by any such writ or other process, until such copy and memorandum have been so delivered : and the registrar shall thereupon, if the title has Entry by , . -, , , , , • i 1 -, , registrar, been registered, or so soon as the title has been registered under the pro- ,.«>a. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) /. %.V^ 1.0 I.I l-M^ 12.5 'i ^ 1^ hiUi. Ill 1-8 1.25 1.4 1.6 -^ 6" — ► vj V) c> ei ^'^/yy. ■ 0% />i ^ ,>' ''^ /(^ Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, NY. 14S80 (716) 873-4503 »5. Upon production and delivery to the rej^istrar of a oertiMcate by the sheriff (under his seal of oHice) or other ofticer, of the satisfaction of or withdrawal from his hands of any such writ or process as aforesail. he shall enter a memorandum to that effect on the let^ister, and from thenceforth such writ or process shall be deemed to be satisfied. l!i \'.. c. 20, s. *MJ. As to Man. Stat, see note to sec. 94 mipra. 00. No sale by a sheriff or other ofhcer as aforesaid, under process fif law, of any land, shall be of any effect until the samehasbeen confirmed by a jud^e; and upon the production to the ret^istrar of a duly executed :he register ; at\(t t or other prof■eJ^ crate as a caveat I in such nieinor- fer sliall he made t to such writ ir L Vic. cap. 2(1, ic. 10'2, ct scq, under sec. 01 necessity of ion thereof, sliall. atfectiuf; himl. or in, (leHver a copy may tliereafter be li a nienioranduni to the registrar 11(1 shall be lionnd nioranduiii liave •npy of any sucli tile same shall )f the land ineii- liierrin : ami no t tliereiii c.m rpt le if a certificate by e satisfaction of ss as aforesai 1. lister, and from satisfied. !'.' V.. under process of ,s been contirmed a dulv executed SIIKUIFK S SALKS, KTC. transfer of any 'and so sold, if an order of conlirniation of sucli sale is indorsed on such transfer, tlie purchaser at such sale shall he entitled to be registered as the owner of the interest ixirchased hy him at sucli saU'. and to a certilicate c^ title to the same, t'.l V., c. '_'tl. s. W. As to Man. St;il. ser note t.) sec. !)4 HKprn. 07. 'I'h application fur the cDUlirmation of a sale made inuUr any process of law, may he niadi' by the sherilf or other onii-er niakiii<; sucii sale, or by any [n-rsoii interested in such sale, on notice to the owiu r. unless the judi^e to whom such'ation is made, dispenses with siuii notice; and if the sale is contirmed the costs of coiilirmation sliall he borne and paid out of the purchase-money, or as the judge directs; but in case sucii sale is not contirmed, the purchase money jiaid hy him shall be refunded to the jmrcliaser ; and the jiid-je m;iy make such or irr as to the costs of 1)11 parties to the sale and of the ap[)lication for its contirma- lion as he thinks just, lit V'.. c •JH. s. ',I7. As to Mill). see note to sec. '.)l aiipru. f>W. When any land is sold iukUt process of hiw. the registrar shall. upon the production to him of the trausfe;' of the same in the form 1' in the schedule to this Ai!t. with proof of the due execution thereuf, and tlie order of contirmation of such sale, cause a notice to he maik'il to the proper post oftice address of the person whose interest in such land has been sold, and after the expiration of four weeks from the mailing of such notice shall register the jiurchaser as the owner of the intcrot in the said land so sold, and sliall issue to him a certiticate in the pre--riil»'d form and do all other things necessary for the registration of the vendee as registered owner of the intere-t in the land piiii'liasiMl hy him. unless such registration is in the meantime stayed hy the order of somecnurt or judge having jurisdiction, -and in such case the registration shall not be made nor the certiticate issued, except accordii.g to the order ami direc- tion of such court or judge. 41( V.. c. "it'i. s. ',*m. As to Man. Stut. see note to sec. !(4 snpni. FORM I' 1. '265 Ai'plic I- ! ;ims fur iDMMniiii- 1 I' I!] (if -iii'iiil'ij >m1os. ('l)StS, It imt cou- liriiRMl. Notice of ilileri'le.l rt'L'i^tiH- tioM of sli.iitr- sil.r. etc. Kiuji-^tra- tioii. PiMvi-o. I, TUANSKKll OK liANli I'SDI U I'llOCKSs OK LaW. ,0f tile S!n ritfs, ... ... etc , deuils. person appointed to execute the process hereinatter nuiitioned, in pursu- ance of a writ dated the day of , one thousand eight hundred and . and issued out of (///.v. rf wtme of rourt), a court of competent jurisdiction, in an action \>'hereiii is the plaintiff, and the SfJf) sfieriff's sales, etc. (K'fiiKliiiit. wliicli Hivid is ivfjisttM'ed as the owner of tlie liuul lier<>iiiafter described, subject to tlio iiiorti;a'4es ami eucuinbninceH notified liereunder, do lioreby, in coiiHidera- tioM of tlie sum of paid to me, as aforesaid, by 10. V. {iiisiTt iiililitiini) 'I'isanskki! to the said l). V. all that piece of land (/(. /■(' iiiifrt ii .■oiilii-ii'iit ilf^i-rijitiiiii III' till' liiml, mid n-i'rr to tlie ilfhtitr'n ri'rtljl- (•(//■ (;/' ////(■ or iiriiiit). dav of one thousand Dated tiie eiLilit inindred and {!i;u PiiocKss OF Law. Form V -2. I, , of , the person appointed to execute the writ hereinafter mentioned (or otlierwisi', us tlie case maij he), ill pursuance of a writ of jieri /-.iriiLi, tested the day of one tliousand eif.'lit liundred and , and issued out of (iiixert iiuiiie of eoiirt) a court of competent jurisdiction, in an action wherein is the plaintiff and the defendant, wliich said is rej^istered as the owner of a lease (mortj^age or encumbrance, an tlie case may lie) numbered of {or upon) the land hereinafter described, subject to the mort^a^es or encumbrances notified hereunder, do hereby, in consideration of the sum of paid to me as aforesaid, by E. F. (insert ailditioii) tiiansfeu to the said E. F. the lease (mortgage or encumbrance) j^rai^ted by to and in favor of , dated the day of , to. in and over (here deseribe the Iniid aerordiiiii to the description in the lease, inortiiaije or eneiiiiihraiice, and refer to the reijistered instrument). Dated the day of , one thousai d eigiit hundred and (Siiinature of OiJicer.) Mortgages and encumbrances referred to. (State tliem.) 49 Vic. cap. 26, sch. form P 2. SHERIFF 8 SALES, ETC. 267 d, Hubject toll 10 ly, in coiiHidera- aforoaaul, at piece of hind (' (/('/)f ()/•'.< fi'i'tijl- one tiioiiHand lire of Officer.) lot shewn as r forms. FOHM V :$. Ti(.vNM-i:i! OK Lam) tm-kk Dr.ciiKi: ok Oiiuki! oi a ("onir oi Cumi-kiknt JnilSliK 1 KIN. I (insert iKitiii'), in pnrsniince of a decree (nr unlrr) of {iiisfrl immr c/'i.'orni P :t. cmirt), a court of competent jurisdiction, diited tlie day cf one tliousiind eij^lit hundred iiiul , and entered in the rof,'iKter, vol. , fol. , herehy tiianhif.ii to !•',. l'\ (///.«( ct (((/(//ni)»), subject to the niort;^;if,'es and encinnhrances notified liereunder, all that pieco of land l)einj,' tlicrf insert n suitieiciit dexeriiitidii m' the IhikI ami refer to the eertii'ienle if title or iiriiiit). Dated the day of , one thousand eii^ht hundred and {Xi(niiitnri' m 'I'miisterrer. Mort;{ages and encumbrances referred to. (Sttite them.) 49 Vic. cap. 2('), sell, tonii P 3. ?noci'.ss ov TiAW. on appointed to he cdKe maij he), day of and issued out 5n, in an action the defendant, ease (niort^^age of (or upon) r encumbrances of litioil) Tr.AXSKEll I'' ted by to and in favor » scriptio)t in the . The registrar, upon the production of theregisteror other sufficient Marriage proof of the marriage of a female owner of any land, estate or interest, ownertobe accompanied by 'A statement in writing, signed bv lier, shall enter on the entered by ^ ' n> r^ . ' registrar. register and also upon the certificate of title or other instrument evidenc- ing the title of such fenuxle owner, when produced to him for that purpose, 'f 1! 'H 208 C'AVKATS. tlu" imnic iiiiil (Ifscriptimi of Iht liiishiMnl. tlic ilato of tli(Mniirriiii;c imd wluTi' sdlfiniii/A'il, anil tlic diitc. Iioiir lunl miiintf nf tlit- proiliu'tinii to liim of tlic ri'j^isti'i' or other siit'licii'iit fviiK'Uce of sucli nmrriaye; iiiul tlie ii'ow'rortiti- ''^'^''^^""'' "•"'" "■•'l'"""''''"" '^" '•''"''^ I'tlVct. and surri'iidcr of tlio existirii,' <;ato. cortilictiti' of tit Ic, sliall di'livi-r a iirw ci-rtiticatf of title, ami lu-rfonii sucli acts as, ill aceoi'dauee witli tlii' iirovisioiis of tiiis Act, are iiuot'HHiirv for tile purpose ol t^iviiit^ effect thereto. l'.( V., c. "JC'. s. it'.t. As to Man. Stat, sec note to sec. '.>4 siipnt. ('.\vi;\Ts. Ci)nii)are >ran. Stat., sec. IMO, ami Rules in Sell, that section. It) Who may lodKO cavo- at. Form. Notice on receipt of caveat. Kffeet of caveat. lOO. .^n>' person claiiiiiii!.; to he iulen-ted under any will, settlenunt or trust deed, or any iiistriiniciit of transfer or transinission. or under any iiiireijisti'i'ed iiistrnnieiil, or otlii'rwise liowsoover, in any land, may lodiie a caveat witli tlie rcLiistrar to the eti'ect tliat no dis|)OHition of sucli land lie made eitlier ahsolntely. or in su<'li manner and to such extent )iily as in such caveat is I'.vpressed. or until notice lias been served on the caveator, or unless the instrument of tlisposition he expressed to he sub- ject to the claim of the caveator, as claimed in such caveat, or to any lawful I'oiiditions I'xpressed therein : "2. A cavi'at may he in the form () in the schedule to this Act. and slr.ill be verilied hy the o;ith of the caveator or Ins a,i,'ent, and shall contain an address within the vi'i^istratiun ilistriet at wiiicli notices may he served: Man. Stat., see. l;)0. Sell. 0, and 130 (3) pp. 182 and 183 ante ; also sec. 130(8) and Sell. <,), i)p. 186-18!) ante; see also sec, -13 of Aniendinj^; Act 1890 (ride Aj>pfitdiv.) As to Oath see sec. 37 diitr. ;{. Upon the receipt of a caveat, the registrar shall make a memoran- dum thereon of the date, hour and minute of the receipt thereof, and shall enter a memorandum thereof in the rejiister and shall forthwith send a notice of such caveat thron^^h the post office or otherwise to the person a},'ainst whose title such caveat has been lodjied : As to P.O. address see sec. 5(1 mite. Compare sees. 130 (1), p. 182 and 130 (4\ p. 18u ant,'. 1. So lonf4 as any caveat remains in force the rej^istrar shall not enter in the re^jister any memorandum of transfer or other instrument pnr- CAVEATS. 2(59 tlu? niiirriat^i' tind tlu' proiluctinti to iiiiirriime ; ;iiiil tlu' ilT of till' t'Xi'Stillii , ami perfunn sutii art' iifcessiir\ for s in Sch. 11. to portiiv^ to truiisfcr or otlnTuisc doivl '^vitli or nt't'i'ct tliu land in ronpoct to wliicli ■^uili ciivi'at is i(idt,'id : Coiiipciri' siH'. 180 (I I iin.l l:}0 (('>) pp. iS-i uiul iHd ante. ."). The owner or other person elaiminji the land nuiy, by siunmouH, call Setting upon tlie caveator to attend before a court of conii)eteiit jurisdiction or "j'^y.Ilit. a judt,'e theri'of, to siiow cause why the said caveat slionld not hi- witli- drawn : and the said court nr judijc may, upon )>roof that such lust men- tioned jierson lias been summoni'd, and upon such evidence as the court or judi^e reijuires, nuike such order in the premises either i-r ixirtc or otherwise as to the said court or jud^e seems lit : \'i(l<' SIT. 1:50 {•!) pp. 11)0 iiuil 1111 (iiitr. Str iioU- to fc>ll()\vinu siili-division. ny will, sottlenunt smission. or under , in any land, may disposition of such md to such extent 1 been served on tiie ^pressed to be sub- 1 caveat, or to any I this Act. and shall shall contain an nniv be served : nnike a memoran- ceipt thereof, and I shall forthwith yv otherwise to the imive sees. 130 ar sliall not enter instrument pur- t). After the expiration of one month from the receipt thereof, such Cm lai to caveat sliall lapse, unless, witliiu that time proceediiit^s in a court of com- ,i',, ',?',,, ',",ti, pitMit jurisdiction have been taken to establish the caveator's title to the ""''"•'' I""- . . , . , .... ciccliliys estate or interest specilied 111 the caveat, and an injunction or onler has tiilon. been ^ranteil, restraining the registrar from issuin.u a certilicate of title or otherwise dealing with the said land : \'i. lltli 'iiitr. illli Tlu' exceptions iis to heiieticiiirios maJe in the Mtinitoba Stiitule do not pre\:iil in the Territories. Schedule II of ihi Man. Stat, as amended by the Act of 181MI, sees. 37 and 38 [ridr Ajiinnili.r] contains Uules of Practice in nnittt'rs of (.'aveat. No rules under either sees, 132 or 138 post have as yet lieen pronnilgatcd in the Ter- ritories. Cases on pi'aclice in Manitoba are referred to on pj). 1S2, 187, 191. 193, 194 and V.)r>,tnti Til e caveator mav, bv notice m wrilim: to tlii' reiiistrar. witlidra\v' Willi (Irawnl of caveat. I'.is caveat at any time; but notwithslandin.L; such withdrawal the court or judu'e may order the payment by the caveator of the costs of the caveatee incurred prior to such withdrawal : !'/-/'• sec. 130 {li; p. 189 r mi; ''II V oil t. -7iiiui" |i 'I'HMM or fnr mu mii' mi Iiim In ImiII !<> loiitjc II fiM tlicr I 'II M "I I III I'd II I mil In I lie miiiir iiiuttiM' : S(. l!M itr '.I. .\m\ iMT^nii liiilf^iiii; III' t'oiit iiiiiiiio !iii\ CI vriH wiuii^fiill v ii nil willi (till i'i'i\'4i i'iiiHi<, mIiiiII I)(> I ill III) ■ III iiiiiki' <'(iiii|i<4iiti m imis lie n'«'n\i'rc(l 1)\ prtii'mliii'^s ul liiw if tin- cuvi'iilnr lum w illnlruw n i^iii'li ciivi III mill nil |i|'iI('C('iIiii!;h Iium' Iici'Ii 1,'iKrii liv llic ciiscutcc iih liiTfiii ino. vitli'tl ; lint if |it'i)('i'cilint;s Iuim' Imtii lukni liy |lii> cavi'iitoc, llicii hiiiIi (>(tin|i(\ 10. Tilt' jilil:^!'. nil H|i|ilii':il inn fur I liiit |ilir|ii<^r, nil lirliillf nf iin\ iiiM'miiii wlin is iiiiilcr llir ili'i.'iliilil \ nf infiiiicy, liiiiury, iinsnniiiliit'HM nf niiiiij nr nl>s('iu't' frniii 111!" 'I'crnlnrics, nmy. Iiy niijcr ilircclcil tn llic rc^^islrur, |)rnliiliii tli(> iriiimfcr nr itniiiii^ willi any liiiiil liclnnoin^ in uny wucji IHTsun, iiiiii Ili(> (Icaliii;: Willi mii\ liiinl in any cist' in wliicli il a|i|ii'iir-4 In liini that an (MTiir lias lirtMi niiilc liy iniml(>Mcri|ilinii nf hiicIi laml nr nllicrwisc in any I'fil ilicilc nf titli' nr nllicr inMlriiincnl. or fnr llic pre M'lilinn nf any nllicr iin|ii'n|ii'r ilcaliic;. I',l \ .. c. "Jli, m. KM). ]'i,l(' sec. ()S (T)) p. Il'i c. l:{() (f)), (Hi, (lOi, (\2). ^l;^. il n and (IT)), pp. l.S2-l*.>-J (Oili' ; and Hult-Hrc. H sKprii. (Jiiorc, wlu'tlicr Hiih-scc. H siipni iifTocts (lie powcrH o\' a .jiid,!j:t' iiiulci" (he last suh-soction. .luili;<> limy iirnliiliit ilciiliims.oii l.cliiill of mliiiils.ctc. lillii I m • '?: ■ ', 5 ' m J: i vomi Q. ln|;\| HI CvVIM l''niUlIli|iINtl I{K(1IHTIUT1i>\ nl! I )i: \l,l.\il Wiril I,\MiS Tn tlic Hcmstiar nf District : Take iinliee lliat I, A. H., nf (/»><';■/ iltiitii), ciaiiiiiiie (/(,•/•,' ytuli' tlir lliitiirr of till' I'stiit,' nr iilti'lU'st rliiinuil, dihl Ihf iirniiiiils i//iii;i whirli siirli I'liiiiii is hiiniili'il) in (hi'iy ili'scrihr Idiiil iiiid r
    ,' is suhject to t he claim of the caveator, or until after the iaiisc o{ twcntv-onc ilavs frnin the date of the service of nntictjnii the caveator at the followiiii^ addi ress ; [Insirt it.) Hated this d:i\ nf [Siiiiiiiliiri- nf Ciiri'iitor or liin .tijctil.) . IS ATTKHTATION. '27 I III) Imm Ik liitll l< ifiillv itii'l with 111 to niH piTHnll i'4iiii )n iniiy hi* williilnivvti «in li I'c HH licrriii |im I'llllM', tltf'll Mil" li m« arliiin ill llw iilf of ini> |»T^iiii ncHH (if miiiil IT to lilt- rr^^i'^tvnr, ;iii^^ 111 iiiiv «ni'li it'll it u|)|iiMr-< to of Hiicli liuiij ur it. or fof tlic |iii' ItHI. (5), [H), (lot, ,11(1 HUl»-Ht'('. H ts tlio powers 1. 11 K II IdlVl' M mill I A. 11. • '. I» . lu; lit for till' ali.iM' A. |( | nf ii,-.!- jiii"^ (hrif ^/<(^' till' iijii'ii irliii'h Mil// \it or (•rrtitii'4iiii who shuil iittisl tie' iiiNlriinieiil III the iihiihI le^al form of iitlcstiitiiin ; and thi'WitiiesH soOiitlinf attest mil; the Hint I'll nieiil shall a|i|ieii r he fori ■ I he ii",;iHt rar. i|i'|)iily resist lar or a jiii|ei>, >4ti|iciiiliary iiiai^iHlral.e, nr nut iry iniliiii- m- a jiistiee of the jieaee in or for the 'rrrritniieM. ami maki' an alliy Home |iersoii wlioein write, ami who shall make an allidavit in the form K in the schediile to this .Vet hefore one of tliu followin;^ persoiiH : - (ii) if made in any I'rovinei! of ('anadii, b ifon? a jiidi^t; of any e.oiirt of IiiCanadii. record, any eomniinsioiier aiitliori/.ed to laki' aHidavits in siicli I'rovince for use in any court of riM-ord in the 'l"erritorit;s, or before any notary public, under bis olVieial seal ; or - {!>) If made in the linitt!, H. 1(I"J, iiH iiiiu'iidi'd l)y ."il Vii\, cap. 'JO, we. |K. StH' notes to si'i'. 71 ol tlu' Miiiiifoliii Stiilultf, pp. 120 rj'J I'Oini i;. Al-KIhVMI 111' A 11 KSIMIHN uK AN 1 Ns I IICMIINI'. I, A. II., of , ill till' , iiiiilu' iind say : — 1. T Wils |M'l'»oiiiilly pri'sctit iliul diil sec iiuiiiimI ill till' (within <>/ aiim-M'di iiiHtriiiiii'iil. who it* ixTHoiiiilly known tonif to he the jxisiMi iiiuiu'd thi'iviii, duly niaw iinil f.U'cuti' thu niinic for tlir piir|ios('-i niinicil tlicrrin; ■_'. 'I'hiit the siunc WHS cM'ciiti'd on the day of the diito thereof, at tlus . ill till' , and that I am tlie snhscrihiiit^ witiii'ss thereto; .'!. 'I'iiMt I. , Knuw tlie snid Sworn hefore ine, at . in tiuM . tliis day of .\.I). is . I Si(iiiatiiie. .\iniens ,.f eiootliu'iit. MertLiii'-;.'!- er I'licuii'.- liriiiii'cr i>r h'ssi (■ in ilt'lauh : Fraiul . tiou ; I'.i Vic. flip. '2{\, sell. f(»nn II. Coinpiiri' scciiiid t'orui on p. HI untr rr-fciTcd t.(> tmdcr st'c, 7 I Ml p. I'il iiiitr. l'!.ii:crMi:Nr .Vssniwi r, I''rNi', ktc. IOJ{. No action of ejectineiit or other action for tlie recovery of any liiid siiall lie or hi- sustained a';ainst the registered owner, under this Act, for the estate or interest in respect to which he is so rcLiistcrcd, ex(;ept in any of the followiiij,' eases, lliat is to say,- I /■ The case of a inoi'ti,'iii,'ee as .against a inorti^ii'^or in default ; ( ) Tiie I'asu of an encumhrancec as ai^aiiisl an enciiinhrancer in dc fault ; III The case of a lessor as a-.'ainst a lessee in default ; (./i The case of a jierson depriveil of any land by fraud as aijainst the pv T-on re.uistered as owner of such land throiitjh fraud, or as a^'aiiist a pi rson deriviiij,' otherwist' than as a transferee l>i)ii,i lidr for saliie, from or through a person rejjistered throu^^h fraud; (i) The case of a person deprived of or claiming' any land included in any grant or certiticate of title of other land by niisdescription of such DAMAOKS -AHHIUANCK IM'NI). •) '273 miilu- iiivtii iind !f. •yvi\ to under olIi.T liiiiil or iif ilH boiiinlurii's, lis ii;^.iiiisl tlir rcnislcrcil dwikt of hiicIi otiici- liind ; {1) 'I'lic (iiiHc of a ri';;iHtcr((l nwiii r chiiiiiiii;^ iiii'Icr lui iiiHtniinciit of litl(» prior ill tluto of rct^iHtriition ninltr Miin Act, in iiiiy ciiw in two or iiiorc ^^riuitrt, or two or niorr (•crlillcaii'H of title, or u t^nml lunl a ccr- tilicatc of title, are re^^iHtereil nmler Huh \rA. in reHpect to tlicHaiiie land: '2. In liny eiiHe, otlier llian in h foresaid, the prodiietioii of tlie (rertilieate of titli! hIihII lie an absolute Imr and estoppel to any Hiieli aetion at-aiiiHt tlie perHon named in sikiIi iiiHtrnnient iih seized of, or as renintered owner or lessee of the land llierein descrilied. |',( \'., c. 'Jti, s. lOH. ||miiIiIi> rt>- ri^ti'iitinii ; 111 '"lliev iiltciite to I'e ali^4i>lutli I Mir to lie- toll. Coiupjiro Man. Stiit., kcc. (»7. 10 !• Any porHou deprived of land oi- of any estate of intoroHt in land ('"iiiihmihh in ow (•onHed as to leave I'urcliascrs subject to action for recovery of dainai^us an aforesaid, or to action f>f j^,iu'cts nro- ojectinont, or to deprivation of the (estate or interest, in respect to which it^^t-teil. lie is rcf^istored as owner, any purohasiM* or mort;.;aj,'ce hoiui Jidf for valu- able consideration of land tmder this .Vet, on the plea that his vendor or mortf,'at^or has been rej^istered as owner throii{«li fraud or error, or has derived from or throuf^h a pui>,on re^^istered as owner tliroii^li fraud or MAN.L.A. 18 ' flic si ' Clil-ilii- ' I ij I ii !:jr '271 AHHUIlANCr. 1 MM). I'.xcoj'ti""- error, pxrcpt in tin- chhc nf iniMdcHcriiitioii, iih iiitiitinMcd in Hcction nnc liundrcil aini tiirci-. I'.t V., c. •Jtl, h. 1().'». Compare "Sinn. Stat., Hfc. lllH. A-^Hin'Miicc fMiiil: liow riii'nicil. 1041. 'I'lic liimi ll'^^llnlll(;(' fund m1i;i1I hi' t'.irm".! hv tlic .MiniHtcr nf I''iniiiii'(' unci Kci'cJM'r (icnt rui, liy liciliul iii;^ fioni llic yinss fccH rt'liiihtd ami piiiil in to liini i)y tin- n^'istnus, twenty iirr cent, of tlu- fi'i - ho rtri'ivcil for tin« piirpoHfrt of Hum Act, iiml invcwtin^ tint hiuih', tn^'ctlicr witii all interest uml pnilits a(!crin'cl tluTcnn I'runi tinir to tinn in Canadian (Jovcrnuicnt Hi'i'in'itirH. HI V., v. 'JH, h. 1(H'>, imrt. Comparo ^raii. Slat., sec 1 II. If (Icfoii- I07< If till' pornon a^^ain'Ht wIiomj such action for daina;,'cH in diroctcd llimt lloilil, . , 1 1 . c -111 . 1 r 1 'il • .1 ivi'tiiin to lu' lironclit as aforesaid, is dead, or cannot i)e found witlun the Territories, iin ac^tion foi' daniiis,'eH niiiy lie l>roimiit a^'aiust tlie re^^ist nir an nominal di'fendant, loi- the pur|)ose of recoverini: tue ninoiint of the said dama^'i's and costs a'^ainsi the assurance fund ; ami in any such case, if final jud;,'niiMit is recovered, and also in any case in which dannit,'es are awarded in any action as aforesaid, and tlie slieriff nuikt s u I'cturn of //////(/ hdiiii, or certilics that any portion lliereof, with costs awardeil, cannot he rci;overed from such pirson. the Minister of l''inance and Ki'coiver (ieneral, upon recei^jt of a eertiticate of tlie I'ourt hefore Vro'n'iassm-^ ^^''''■^' the said action was tried, shall pay the amount of such damaties aiH'c iiuiil, and costs as are awarded, or tlie unrecovercd halanco thereof an the case may he, and shall charge the same to tiie account of tlie assuranci! fund hereinhefore nan\ed. Hi V'., c. '2(i, s. 107. Compare ^[iin. Sttit., sec. 131. ai^iuimt rc' nistnir as Momuiiil llcfciKlllIlt IJci'ovcrv lOH. Any person sustaining,' loss or damaj,'e throuf^li any omission, mistake or misfeasance of the reL;istrar, or any of his oHicers or clerks, in the execution of their respective duties under the provisions of tins Actinii for (laiim.'cs iMiiy lii^ l)r(>"nnht aL'aiust rc- (•iKtvaras Act, and any person deprived of any land or of any estate or interest in ilefeiiaant. J*^"'^' ^V ^^^*^ ref^istration of any other person as owner of sucli land, or hy any error, omission or misdescription in any certificate of title, or in any entry or memorial in the re<,'i9ter, and who, by the provisions of tiiis Act, is barred from brin^int,' an action of ejectment or other action for the recovery of such land, estate or interest, may, in any case in which the remedy by action for recovery of damages, as hereinbefore provideil, is barred, brint,' an action against the rcj^istrar as nominal defendant, for recovery of damafjes ; and if the plaintiff recovers final judt,'ment ajjainst such nominal defendant, the court or jud^^e before whom such action is tried, shall certify to the fact of such judj^ment and the amount of such damages and costs recovered, and the Minister of Finance and Receiver General shall pay the amount thereof to the person entitled on produc- Pftyment out of as- surance fund. AHSI'UANcr, ICN'I). 275 1 ill wctioii nlio tlii> MiiiiHtrr of [iHM fct's rt'liiniiil ;. of till' fi'<^ w) ' rtiimi', toj^itluT iiiii' to tiiiK ill art. iiiiLjcs iM (lii'octi'il iiiml uitliiii the iiist the ri'tiistiar (' lUllolllit ot the iiiitl ill liny siicii / caso ill vvliicli (' slier iff imilci s u iTCof. witll l'.(>s\A iiistiT of l'"iiiaiie'i' the coiii't lit-'fiTc of siii'li (isiina^i'H u'l'i'of as Uio ra^i' f assiiraiioi; fuiul L'h any oniission, )fl'u'erM or fk'ri\s>, hrovisions of this i;iti' or intin-fst in •iiicli laiul, or by lof title, or 111 any rovisions of this other action for iiy case in which [ibefore providoil, lal defendant, for iudt^nient a<,'ainst |m Buch action is amount of such iice and Receiver itled on produc- tion of an oxcmplifh atioii or crrtilhil copy of the judgment rpiidi-nd : Provided ahvayM, that notice in writinu of every Hiieh iictinii, ami the Nr.tii'c of caiiMi- thereof, HJiall he nerved ii|iiiii the Attorney (Jeiienil of ( aiiiuhi, and '"'"""■ aJHo iijioii the roj^iHtrai. three ealendnr luniitiis at leant before the ton i- incnceinent of Hiich action. V.) \ ., c. •Jd, h, lOH. Coinimrc ^[1111. Stat., sec. ]\)'t ; and 8pc«. HI of Anu'iuliii}; Act of IHIK): (liilr njtjninlir.) I01>. If, in liny mich nctinn, jiid;jiiieiit is eiveii in favor of the noniinal ( evt- et defendant, or the plaint iff irscdiitimieH or liecoines nonsuited, the plain- ,'|'i,'u.'„',|',i'„t. tiff shall lie liaiile to |)ay the full costs of d- '•■ndint; such action : and the same, when taxed, shall he levied in tiie naiiie of the noniinal defiiulant, liy the liUo procesH of execution as in ordinary civil cases, I'.i V., c. '2i'>, s. ID'.I. Compare ^[au. Stat., sc:;. \'M't, a.s amciult il liy sec. iJf) of tile Act of iHtIO ; (riilc itpjuiuVn-.) IKk. No action for recovery of diinm<,'eH sustained thr(Hi;:h depriva- l.iinitntiMij tion of land, or of any estate or interest in land, shall lie or he siistaiiu d ' '" '"""*' a^jainst the rei^istrar, or acainst tin n^siirance fund, unless the same is commenced within the pi-riod of six years from the date of such depriva- tion : Provided nevertheless, that tiny person under the disahility of i',,.viso; in infancy, lunacy or niisonndiicss of mind, may liriii;; siicii action within ",'^^|'["', '''**" six years from the dati' cm whicii such (lisui)ility cc;ises ; and tlu' |iliiiiitif'f in any such action within six years from liie date on wliicli siuh dis- I'ersoiis ability ceased, and the plainti'l in any siudi action at whati'Ver time it is , ",,, ,[[^1,. hrouejit, and the |)Iaiiitil'f in any action for the recovery of land, shall be "''leil. non-suited in any case in which it aiipears to the satisfaction of the judt^o before whom siicli action is tried, that such plaintiff or the person throntjh or under whom he claims title had imtice by personal service, or otherwise was aware of such delay, and wilfully or coUusively omitted to lod^e a caveat or allowed such caveat to lapse. 11) V., c. 2(), s. 110. Compare Man. Stat., sec. 137. 111. Whenever any amount has ])een paid out of the assurance fund liecdvcry on account of any person, such amount may be recovered from him, or if I'niliu'iuof dead, from the estate of such person, by action against his personal a^'^innncc representatives, in the name of the rej^istrar; and a certificate signed by the Minister of Fiminco and Receiver CJeneral of such payment out of the assurance fund, sliall be sufHcieut proof of such debt; and whenever any if imrty amount has been paid out of the assurance fund on account of any person oTTeri-i-"'^ who has absconded, or who cannot be found within the Territories, and has torius. left any real or personal estate within the same, the judge, upon the 276 Jii(l«iiicnt to III! IIS fiiiiil l>y dut'ault. If no )ii-o- porty to satisfy claim. Assiiriiiic'o filial noi, lial)lo ill ciis(!S of trusts, (itc. Appeal af-'ainst act oroiriisHion ofre!,'i«''''ar. ASSURANCK FUND. application of tiie re^^istnir, and njKjn tlio prodnction of a ccrtificato signed by the IMinistor of Finance and Receiver General that the amount has been paid in satisfaction of a judjinieiit af^ainst the registrar aw nominal defendant, may allow tlie re^^istrar to sif^n judf,'ment ai,'ainBt such person forthwith for tiie anionnt so paid out of the assurance fund, tot,'etlier with the costs of tiio application ; and such judf,'ment shall be final, subject oidy to such rij^lit to have such judj^ment opened up, as may be provided in relation to ordinary proc(' V.,c. '2(i, Compare Man. Stat., sec. 118. 111. Wliencvor a question arises witli re^^ard to tlie performance of Ucuistrar any duty, or the exercise of any function hy tliis Vet conferred or imposed (lo'n'^ittui uiion tlie rejiistrar, — or wlienev(,'r, in tiie exercise of any duty of tiie |"'i'"« t" rej^istrar, a (|uestu)n arises as to tlie true construction or lej^al validity or effect of any instrument, or as to the p(!rsf)ns entitled, or as to tlie extent or nature of the estate, ri^^lit or interest, power or autiiority of any [x^rson or class f)f i)ersons, or as to the mode in which any entry ouj'iit to he '"'"''"i o' ''o- fureucc. made on the rej^ister or certificate of title, or as to any doubtful or uncer- tain ri;^ht or intt;rest stated, or claimed to he dealt with hy the rej^istrar, he may refer the same in tlie form S in the schedule to this Act, to the ju(lj,'e, who may allow any of the parties interested to appear before him and suimnon any others of such persons toapi)earand show cause, either personally or by counsel or attorney, in relation thereto ; and the jud^^e, I'roceed- haviuf,' regard to the persons appearing,' l)efore him, whether summoned judKo. or not, shall decide the (jucstion, or direct any proceedinj^s to be insti- tuted for that purpose, and direct such partici 'ar form of entry to be made on the register or certificate of title as under the circumstances appears to be just. 11) V., c. 2f'(, h. Hi. See sec. 48 (inle, and Man. Stat., sec. 120. Rkkkuknck isy l{i:(iisritAU to a JriioK. {hot,'.) In the matter of the registration of transfer (or '/s llic cusc iiuiij he) A.B. to CD. The registrar under section one Inmdred and fourteen of " The Ti'rri- torit'K llcdl J'roperti/ Act," hereby humbly refers tlie following matter to the court, to wit: (Here ulati' liricjlij the diljirultii irhirli Ihih urn^eit.) The parties interested, so far as the registrar knows or has been informed, are : (Hare (live tlie namex ) (Siiiudtiiri'.) Registrar of Titles. X.S.] 40 Vic. cap. 26, sell, form S. 11.1. If it appears to the satisfaction of tlie registrar that any grant, certificate of title, or other instrument has been issued in error, or con- tains any misdescription of land, or boundaries, — or that any entry or In case of fraud, error, etc., iiiKtrnment may 1)0 cancelled. ''^'^m^iiii^^ammmmmmi^mmti »•*>»!».'»..... U - I 278 FHAl'n — OANrKI.l.ATIONS. iiiilc^rHomput Iihh boon mmlo in oiTor on any ^,'riiuli, corlilioalc of tilloor otlior iiiHinnuoiit, — or tliat. any hiicIi j^iaiit, i^ortilicato, inHtiiinunt, entry or indorniMnonti lias boon framlnlontly or wroni^fiilly ol)(a,in(Ml, or tliat any mioli ^^rant, (■ortilii-at)', or in.-itinnni'nt. in fraiKliiloMtly or \vron>ifully rotainod, l\o may, liy writdon (loMiand, rcMjiiiro tlio poiHoii to whom ^{raiit, (vrtilitvito or iiiMtrnmont lum 1)i>om ho jshiioiI, or l)v whom it has boon ho oblniiuMl or in rctaintMi, to lidivor ii|> the Kanic, Jmlm' or top (li,> pnrpoHO of b(>iii^ caiici'llcd or corrci'tod, an (ho caso rcMiiiiroH ; ami conit iiiMv , ,.,,.,. onfou'o m cMHo snob i)orHi)M rciMMi'H oi' iioi^loctH ti) coiiiply with siicii rr(|MiHi(ion, V'miViii'iV " '*' '■■'""'"' ''^' found, (lie roj^islrar may apply to Iho court or JihIl',!' to isHUr a summons for snob person (o apjicar l)oforo him and hIiow causi* why Huch ,L;rant, i'oi'(ilicat(> or otlior insti iimcut nbonld not 1)0 dolivorod up to bo oancollod or corrootoil an afoicsaid and if snoli pornon, wlion Hoi'vod with such summons, uoijlocl.s oi' rciuscs to attend hcforo such coiii't or judi^o at tbo tinio tlu-rom a:>poinl"d, tlu^ court or jnd<^o may issue a wairant authorizing^ and direct inj^ the jiorHou so sinnnKUiod to bo ap))ro- liondoii .and brouL;ht before the said court or jnd'^e for oxaniiuation. r.t v., c. -jr.. H. 11.".. ('():iip;iro Mtiiu Stilt., siH'. I'il. ■| . i :' l-'.\:oiliii,i liiiii of )i. r Bi>ns ln'iori juiluo. Power ti> connnit. Caucolln- tien lit cev tltii':U.' li> orilcr el .iud):o. Court or .indue nii\\ order omu- oellatioii, etc. Il<». I'pon th(> a|ipearance b 'fore the courti or jiidLje of any jterson snmmi>ued or i)ron,L;!it up liy vii-tue of a warrant as aforesaid, such court- or .iudLie nnvv t^xamino sncli person upon oath, and iu case it appears rij^bt so to do, may ord(>r sucli person to deliver up such ^r.inti, certilicat.o of title or other instrument as aforesaid; .and upon refusal or ue^'h'ct by Mich person to deliver up tlio same, pursuant to such order, or to i)e put under oath, or to be examined, or to answer atiy (piestion toiichine the matter after boiiii^ sw(U'n, may commit such person to the nearest, com ii\on Liaol fiU" any (KM'iod not exceediiiL,' six months, unless such tyrant, certit'icate of title or ot her instrmnent is sonner delivered up, or sn flic ion t explanation is made why tlie same cannot bi^ done, and in sia-h case, oi" in case such person has abscondeil so that siimmoiis cannot be served upon him as hereiubel'ore directed, such court or jiidee may direct, t he registrar ti> i-ancel or correct any certilieate of title or otlu-r instrinnont, or any entry or memorial in tin- register relatine to sucii laud, and to sulistituto and issue such certilieate of title or otboi' instrument or maUo such iMitry as the cir.'nmstaiices of the case reipiiro, and the rei^istrar shall obey such order. 111 V,, c. L'C.. s. I l(i. rompiiro ^[;in. Stat., sees. 122, 1'2-1-127. I IT In any proceeding rospectin^' land or in respect of any trans- action or contract rolatinj4 thereto, or in respect of any iustrumont, caveat, memorial or other entry affeotiiiL; land, the coin't or jud^^e, by decree or order, may direct the re^'istrur to cancel, cori'ect, aiibstitute or UKNKAVtNCi CKUTIFFtJATKH. 279 ionic of tit!(> Of ,(', iiistriimciit, My nl)tiiiM(Ml, ^ fnuitliilfiilly lire liln< lu'i'Hdii H)ll HO isHiicil, >!• lip Mk' Hiiinc, > (•('(|niii'M ; anil icli ri'iiiiiHiUoii, V jllll^C tl) iHHlIC low caiiHC wliv lolivcrcd lip t'' 11, wluMi Hcrvcil • siicli coiirl (11- H' limy issue a (-(1 to bo iip)ii'f- r c'xainiimtion. of any pcr^jon ^iiiil, siicli court I appears rijLjliI' cortilu'jite of or ncj^leet by •, or fo be put tou(!biiij^ tlie iieiu'esl, eoin- ss siii'li ^rant, I. or stilVicient such casi', or mot lie scI'vimI ii.'iy tlirect; tile r iusi ruiiieiit, ImuiI, anil to iiu'iit or iiialvo the registrar of any traiis- y instniinent, •t or juilj^i', hy ;, Hiibstituto or Kd^lKtnir may ciiiicel sr|iiiral(! (•erllllcaft'H to KaiiM) jicisoii and IHHIKt Olio ciirtidoalo tor wholo land. isHiie any (M-rtilicate of title, or make any meiuorial or entry in tlio rcj^in- ter, anil otIierwiHn to do evi^ry siieb act or make every hiicIi entry nocos- Hary to j^jve effeet to siicli ilecree or onler. l!) V., r,. 'id, h. 117, C()mi)iu-i' Mail. Stat., sec. 12IJ and notoH. (llAI'IIVt, rKOVISIONH. lis. I 'poll tile iipplication of any owner of liinds iielil under sep'i.rate V ililicates of title, or under one eertilieate of titl(!, and the deliveriiif,' up of siKjli eertilieate or cert ilieiiteH of title, tlii^ re^^istrar may issue t,o such proprietor a sinuli- certiticate of tith for tlii^ whole of such Imd, or sevenil rertilicatcs, each applyine lo a portion of such lands, in ae(j(udance with Huch application, and a-* far as tho Haiiie may be done GouslHtently with any ru^Miiation for the time heiiii^ in force respectiii;^ the parcolw of land that may be includfMl in one eertilifiato of title; and, iiiioii iHsiiin;^ any Hiich certilicat.! of title, tho ro^istrar Hhall outer on the new certilieato of title all the memorials to which the jiieiu) of land \^ at the time Hiihject, an 1 shall ciuicel the previous (•(^rtilicate of title of such l.r.i 1 so doliver ■ I up, iin I shall e i lor^e thereupon a memoraiidimi, settiiii,' forth tile Mccisioii (if such c.iiicclliitioii and roferriiif^ to tho certificato uf titlo Ho issued. I'.) v., c. 'J<1, s. \\x. C()iii[)ai'c I\[!tn. Stitt., J!iil(i2i, Sell. S., sec. 20. I11K In tlm I'vent of a certiticate of title of landheini^ lost or destroyed I'roviHioii the owner of Hiwdi land, together with other pi rsons, if any, haviii<4 know- j"„H"i'i','.,'|j!|^. ledi^e of tlKM'irennistances, mav make a declaration, statin^ the facts of ♦ruclion of ,, ,, 111- e i\ 11 I it ccrtilicatf. the cas(', the names and doHcriptions ol the re;4isti^r(ul owners, and tho particulars of all iiiort^a^^es, eiKMimbrances and oilier matters af'fi'ctinf^ such land and tho title thereto, to the best of declarant's knowledee and iielief ; anil the ret,'istrar, if s;itis(ieil of tlu^ truth of such declaration and the /)ii/i'/ jidrs of the applic'i tion, iniiy issui; to the owner of such land a provisional certiticate of I it le of siiiih land, which provisional cei titicate I'roviHional shall contain an exact copy of the oii;^inal cerlilicale of tii.le hound up in '^^'^ ' *^''' "' the rej^iste •, and of e\ei y nnnioiaiidum and indorsement thereon, and shall also contiiiii a statement why such [irovisional certiliiuite is issued; and the re^^istrar shall, at the same time, enter in the re;.'ister notice of the Entry in issuiiit^ of such provisional ci;tiiicate and the date thereof, and why it '^^^ ' wivH issued ; and hucIi provisional ccrtiiicato shall bo available for all puriioses and uses for which the ^raiit or certilieato of titlo ho lost or destroyed would have been available, and as valid, to all intents, as such lost certiticate: Prosiileil alwtvs, that the i-e;^istrar, before issuing such Notice to I i-f I 1 II • 1 1 . .1 • . I 1 <■ ,; 1 • ■ i lio tjiveli by provisional oortiticato, shall ene at least; thirty days notice ot his mten- ^.yy,mfa,.-. tion so to do, in some newspapi'r imblislied in tho rocistration district, if ''•«P«it#93 f if I i! ii n -. !?H 280 MAPS AND rr.ANS. Mnps of HUll- li\ i- sioii <>i' liviul. rurtiiMiIiir slloWll. there i^ diie, iiiid l)y poHtiiii^ siK'li Motice upon the iloor -if the re^istr\ ol'liee, and in soiui- other piihlie, place. lU \'., e. '2^\, h. ll'.l. Conii)ar(' ]\ran. Stat., sec. (18 (7) ; and sec fonii of notice, |). 1 It iinlc. l!!£tK Any ovvnt-r snl)iliviiii'i^' Imid for tlie pnrpose of selhn^ tlie Hiiine In iillotinients, as a town plot, sin II (h'posit with 1,1 le rej^'strnr a map (if Mueh town plot, which map shall lie on a scale of not less Ihim one inidi to four chains, and shall show the Uiuuher of the section, townshi)) and raii^i\ or tlu> niinibtu' of the river lot, or the naino of the district or re«ervatit>n. as th(> case may he, in which the land hes ; also the nundic r of the nieridiaii west of whicdi tlu- said raiiLje, river loi, district or rest r- vation is sitnated, as well as all hoinidars' lines of the section or sections, river lot, district or reservation, within the linuts of the land shown on the Haid map, and hhall also oxhihit distinctly all roads, streets, passaj^'os, 1 thoi'otif^hfares, s(piares or reservntions, appropriated or set apai't fni' public use, with the courses and widths thereof I'espt ctively, the h-nylli and width of all lots, and the courses of all division lines between the respective lots within ihe same; and such lois shall be marked with distinct numbers or symbols ; and such nia|) shall further show tho cours(>s of all sti'eams or waters within the limits of the land included in such nuip; and every such map shall bi^ signed by the owner or his aj^ent, and certified, in tho form 'J' in tho sched(de to this Aot by a Dominion land surveyor, under and in ac(;ordance with tho provisions of sectit)ns one hundred and one and one hundred anr rIko till' iimiilxi- district nr rc^i r- jtion or sccti, f 1890 {ri,lc or, do solemidy which the land le, and tinit the of " Tlic Terri- ed Statutes of 18 (ind Siirrcijor. in any instru- tied by express nFrr,iF':n covknants. 281 declaration in th(! iiHtriimcnt or inilorscd liicrcon ; and in anv action for tjativol nr a HUpi)(»sed breach of any such covenant, tlie covenant aiic^^cd to |„, """'""''■ l)roi \'., c. '2(i, s. I'Jl. Compare ^rtiii. Sttit., sec. 114 and notes; also li. S. C. cap. 1, sec. 7 ('11). As to the elfect of deeds, transfers, etc., see sees. (5-17 ante. An estate in fee cannot, since the 1st January, 1887, l)c chancjed into a fee-tail, or limited ; sec. 12 ftiifc. See sees. 84, 59 and 01 as to necessity of registration. Sec. 85 prohibits the entry of trusts express, implied or constructive. Implied covenants, etc., are provided for by sections (51, 61), 71, 72, 74, 77, 78, 80, 80, 87, 88 and 98 of this Act. ttS!3« The owner of any land or of any lease, mort;,'aj,'e or char;^e, shall, Owner to on the application of any Ixnieliciai'y or person interested therein, he ),j„„n,,^j. j,j bound to allow his mime to be used by such beneliciary or person in any *^uits. action, suit or proceeding', which it may be necessary or proper to brin<^' or institute in the name of such owner, concerning,' such land, lease, mort- gaf^e or charge, or for the protection or benefit of tlu^ title vested in such owner, or of the interest of any such beneficiary or person ; but neverthe- H"t on- less such owner shall, in any case, be entitled to be indemnitied in like juumity. manner as, if being a trustee, he would, before the passing of this Act, have been entitled to be indemnified in a similar case of his name being used in any such action, suit or in-oceeding by his ccitiii ipii- trtt^t. 4!l V., c. 2(;, s. 122. Compare Man. Stat., sec. 145. fiuardlan 133. Whenever any person, who, if not under disabilitv, might bave or conniiit- .... . "i i tee may act made any application, given any consent, done any act, or been party to (or lursoii any proceeding under this Act, is a minor, idiot or lunatic, the guardian ^{J[if(\.'^"*' S! il II ' ■ f\ 1 1 ; *2H'l (ll'AHniANH, VMT. ov rominitico i>f I l)i< i>Mlitti<, r('M|ii'r( ivi'ly, of wncli piM'Huii inny iimKc hiii'Ii n)>l>lirntiiin, i;i\tMm'nl. hmcIi pd'Hoii fur Mio pnc pi>Ht'« (if tlii't Act ; Ml III wlii'iicMT t licrc \H III! (^nni'iliiui ni- rniiiiiiil)i'i< (if I |ii> <\inv( i>v ('4):i((> of inn hiicIi pciMon nfntimniil liciii); infiint, iilinl or Innntic.or wIh'h ,|Uili:i' iiitiN ' n)i|'i>mi I'V rr iinv pctMiin, I lii-riinnnit Ire of \\ no'io t'^( nl r if ho \\ oio iiliol . oi- Innnl ic, vi"'i!!ni'i'ii'i'i'' ^^''"''' '*'' iiiilhori/cil to no( for ninl ropioMoiil micli pcryon iniilcr lliin Art, is of nu'^inind inniil nnil incnpnlilo of iiiimii!;iH(; lii^ MlfinrM. Iml Inm no| boon fiHiUil MU iiiiol o>' Innnlii' iinilor mipiMition. iniy roiii) of coiiipi'trnl juriHilit'l i(>n or n iuclj;!' I lirn'of, niM \ nppoml ii i'.iinrilmn of midi poiMoii foi' Mio ]>nrpom> of nii\ pror Im;;s mulor tliiM Art, iiml from liinc to timi' ('limiL;(> '^iii'li oiinrihun \i\il w licnox cr miicIi roiii t or ii jinli;!' Ilicrcof uit^ NoM friontl lit . il or ho iMi \ iippiMul :i pi'r.oiiti< ;\i'l ii'< llic next frioml of ii mil rrnil wi'iiuiM WiMnan fi^r the pnrpo>!(' of mii\ pro ilm;; mnlcr tlii'* Ai'l. iniil from lime ii'i titiK" rc'm(>\o or rlinnri' siiili iiovl Irioiiil. I'.l \' , c "il, m, p'.'t, Comiiinc Mint. S(;il.. stM'. 1 IS mikI I'dnii j'iNcn on |i:ijm' Ht>\v)Mn. 1*21, WluMU'V iiit ov ithiT prncoodiiij; nifri'l iiiu I lie xiilniiMi' t it lo to l;niil or ol lii-r o^;l ;i I o or inlorc^t I hriiMli, siilijcrt lojlic pro\isioii4 <-.i-<'oini"-i ni'i'cs'.nrv to ilolcrmino tlio furt wln'l licr 1 lie I innn- 1't' n'^i'iM'. trroi', niorti;Ms;c-<> or cnriiml'iMiii'i'o, or los'it'c, is i' piirclin^i'r or I rnnsfrrci' for \ m1iiu1>1o •'on'-iiitMiil ion or not, nnv person who is m pint y In siiih i\('lion, snil oi' ot lior iirorco.hni;. mny f;iv(' in (niilcnco iniy I ni nsfer, mort s:rt,>:(\ tMunrnhnuH'i". li'iisi' or ot her nislrumciit ii iTci'l in;^ Ilic title In such liniit. (>'-tiU(' or interesi m ili'.piile, iilt hoii.;h tiie smne is not referieil to in the eertilienti- of t itle. or hus l>een eivncelled h\ tlie re,:4istrMr. lit \ .. e. 'Jli, s. 1'24. C\n\\p:\ro Mini. !St:ii., sec. IK). F.niMini- l'2.^. An\ niort,>:iV!;e or ollie\' eneiimlinniee ereiit(>il liy any piviiy riiilit l>rior)e fullx in |><>ssossion of linid jirior to tlio issue of llie L;ri\nt, nin\ he liii il in ^rinit niMv j],,, ot1\e(> of llie r(v;istri\r. wi\o shull, t^w reuisli-ruu; sneh L',riint. enter in he |\1(M. .- .^ . tl\e ri>L;ister und tMulorse npini the eei-t ilieiite of the t it le hefore issuing; the same to the applieant owner t her(>of a memornmlnm of sneh nicntf^nj^e or onenmhranoe; and when so entered and indorsed, the said niorteiiue ov tMie\in\hrani''> sliall h(^ as valid as if inad(> siihs(-ipienl to I he issue of the i:rant ; and if mor(> than one minti;a,no ov enenmhranee afe tiled, the\ shall b(^ ve,i:isten^l in the order of tinu' in which th(>y ha\e heen liUnl in the (MViee. I'.l V.. c. '2u. s. VJ."), CcMuptiro ]\l;in. Shit., socs. SI and 11."), ami anieniling Act of IS'.K), soo. ±)[iiih' iipiuiuii.r). HIMilCII'K! I'KIIKOUMANCK 283 I limy iiitiKi' Miii'li \ III yiirli priH'cc'il lllllll'. I'.'VCII, (llllll. I'l'MOII I'nr lllC |illl ' ciimiiiit !('(> nf t 111' ' llllllll ii', nr ullili i> iilinl . nf llllllll ir, >ll llllilrr I llin Arl , III MM. lull llll't IImI illft of cnliiiii'lnil II ol" Hllcli pcrmili I'i'iiin I illic In lilllr jllilj^i' I III Irnl' 'j.'i'H iiMiil nT II iiiiiri'ii'il rl . Mini I'miii I iiiic •>, M. I'j:t. j;iv('ii oil |)ii^(' ilili;; iilTrrl iii;^ t in- lilt III' |>rii\ iwinim ^ lii'l lirr I 111' I iiiiiM. ivKcr nr I niiiMrcri'i' II imrly In mnh IrilllHriT, llinit lie lillr In Miirji nl ri'l'i'lTi'ii In ill nr. lit V.,c. 2t;, my |i;irly ri;;lit limy 111' lili il 111 I'.riiiil , ciilrr ill 'I'nri' ismiiii!.; llir iii'li mnrl);ii);i' nr Hiiiil iiinrl<,'iiL;i' In 111!' isHlli' nl' ;•!' lire lilcil, (lii'\ \i' hiH'ii lik'il ill iiKMi(liii}j: Act I'iO. r,\i'i'|>l ill llii' iiiMi' nf fniinl, iin pi'i'iMii, cniilriii I iii(< nr ili'iiliiij; I'liii'liii'iiT Mill (lITt'Ct- IV Willi nl liiKill|i nr |irn|in'nii!; In liil'.i' II Inui'tri'l llnm Mil' ri'ijiMlrliij nwili'lcd I nf ini\ ii'i'.iMlii I'll cm! Ill I' nr inli'ii'Hi, sliiill Im' In mi ml nr cniu'criicii In i Ml I II in- "''[•'•'• '"'• ' ii'|it III riiHo illln nr MHi'i'l III ill llu' riri'llliml MlircM ill, nl'llii' rnimiilciiit inn fni' wllii'll nf llllllll. Hllrll ri'C.iMli'l I'll nutii'l. n|- liny |i|i'\ inll'i M'^iMl clii I nWIKT nf till' CHilllc nl inli'ii'Ml in ijiii'd inn i'l m wim i i'i;i'tlii nl, nr In ^ic In I lie ii|i|ili('iiti(iii nf III" I'lii rliiiHi' nmniy ni nl' iiii\ ,iiirl llH'iml', iin|- ullili! Ill' III' iilTi'i'lii! Iiy iintiri', iliiril. iin|iliii| nr iiiiihI mil is i', nl' liny Irii'il nr nnicj^islcri'il inliri'il. liny riilr nf liiw nr iijiiitv In ihi' innliMis mil williHtiinilliit^ ; nil I llii' Kiinu li'iliii' Mint liny ltii'. Sdc Hi'i'. !ir> . lar. I n iMiv '41 III fni- i!)i'i'ilir |)i'i rnrnni iH'i' liiMiivlil l)\- a ri'tii'li'icil -IiiUm fn: iii'i' ni' tins liimi iimlrr I lii'i \rl . iii'iiiii'^li a |M'i'Hnn wlin Iimh rmil t'iii'ti'< •ipi'i'illi' jM-rl'iirm- In |iiirrlm'ii' niii'li hiiii|, iml liii \ iin; mil ni- nf iinyfrmiil nr nlln'r rimini '"i''"' slilliri'H ullirll, iirrnrilill!'. In llii'' Ai'(,, W'lllil ilU'i'cl. Illi' lii'lit nl' llii' vrinlnl', I 111' ri'll iliivi |i' nl lllli' 111' snrll II ;;iMl I'l i 1 1 nwili'l' 'tliil II li" lii'M iniirlimis'n ('\ iilclli'i' 1 1 III I Hllrll ri'ili'ili'l'i'il n vvni'l' IliiH II, ((nnil il nil Villiil I illi' In I lie In l|i|, fnr llic chIiiIi' nr inli'ii'MJ, llii'irin, ini'iitiniii'il nr ili'iiriliril, iimi kIiiiII ('111 II |l' Mlil'll I i.iri,-i||.|,.i| iiwiii'i' In II ilrrri'i' I'nr I III' s| ii'i' I lir | n'rl'iiriniini'i' nf wilrh I'll iilrinl,. Ill v., I'. 'Jll. H. Ii;7 Si'd Hi'CM. ;K) iMiil I 111 '////(■ iis (,() coiiicK of inHLriiinoiitH, iiinl |iroviHioii!il (■('rlilicMlcs. CoillpiUT MjUI. Sllll.., MI'C (iCt. liiS. l'|inll I 111' I III ll'^l'i'l' nl' II nv llUI'l, cnlllll' nr i n I I'll")!, 11 l|i li'f till' | iln I iisiTl ioll visnnim II t' llli'i Art, In l\'vii nr ni'iii' |irl>inim IIS jninl, nsvni'rn. In lir lnM liy if \viir'l« Mil sinviv- llii'iiiiiM Irnsli'i"!, il sinill li" ImwIiiI I'nr llic triiiisfi'rri'r In insi'rl. in Uic <'islii|i, nii'iiiiiiMiiilnin nf I liiii'-ifrr nr nlln'r iiisl rnini'iif llii'wnnls " iin siirvivnr- ini : mill I hn I'l'^j-^ inriiinriii I II sliiill. in smli cmki', iiiilii'li' kihIi whi'iIh in Mii^ r snrji III';! 11 1 nil III , In li • rnli ri'ij liv III in in Mii' rr 'iHtcr ii.s licrn- inlii'fnrn ilirci'lril ; iiinl lilmll iilsn cnlcr llic sniil wnnls ii|iiiii an y I'l'i'lilicatn nf titli' isHiK'il tn Kiii'li jninl. nwiiriH |iiirsiiant III siirli inciiinramlimi (if I ninsfi'r ; aiul nii v I wn nr nmri' |i"rnniis rci^iKlcrcd ii.h jninl. nwncrH nf any .Inliit ImiiiI, cslalc nr inlcicKl., iiinlci- lliiM Act, lu'ld liy iliciii iih l.nistccM, iniiy, l»y I'miy' w riliiiL; iimlrr llirir liaml, aiil.linri/.n llic rciiiKti'iir tn enter the wnnls " iin nntliorizo " . entry. f;iiiviviirnlii|i " iipnii tliccertilieale nf title nr ntlicr iiiHtniiiient eviilencinj^ llieir lille til such eslntc i^v inlercsl, iiml iilsn ii|inii tlic lil|ilic,ii,tc nf Mlicli iiistriiineiit in the rci/istcr nr liie.l in iiisnriice; ami after such cntrv has l^ircctdf entry in iiceii iiiiiilt> ami sicned ny the reeistnir in either such case as afnresanl, it ri'KiHtcr. sliiill lint lie lawful fnr fiiiy less nninlier nf joint |irn|irietni-s tliitii the iniiiilier then reeislereij tn triiiishT nr ntlierwisc deal with the Hiiid land, h i ii illlf ) \' i i^ ] i\ m I'l 'i ilH I " NO HI liVIMHlHIIII'." • 'Minic or inlri't'Mt, willimit^ nlilnjitini; tlio Hiiiu'lidii nf n niiirt nr m |ii. Hi'l'iHc iiitiKiii); iiiiv Hiii'li iiriliM' mm iifMrcMniil, Mic cnm f, nr inrli'o full' iir,li'v , ,, ,. I '- .i| r.iin I ,11- Ml 111 1 1, it 1 1 Mi'Clil't |c'i|lll(illi', i','lll'«> lint h'c III I III I'll I Inn nn tniln |n lin |i|'n|ii'|'ly ■'"' '■'" hiIm'iI iMi'il,(.() Miiil III Mile 1 1 I'li'ti"! II 1 1| mill I III |ii'r|ni| nf 1 1 mi' wjl lijn wliicji nnv lUTMiiM ilitrrcHli'cl Miiiy 'ilinw nni'ii' \\li\ mirli nriji'r MJiniiJil nnl lir iiniiji' , mill Mi('r(Mi|inii till' Miiiiji'iiml nr )iiilj',i' iiiii\ nnliT llu' Inni'tfi'i- nf mnli IiiimI, ('mIhIi> nr iiuiTi'Ml tn II iiy new nwiuT nr nwiu'i •<, Mnjriy nr jniiil ly Willi nf in I 111- |)liiri' nf liny ('\i' prcillim-H iiH llii" cnlirti lllinkH JIU'I, I'nr llin pmlrctinll nf Mil" prl-'iiili'i lii'iiclii'iiilly iiilcrcHlcil in hiu'Ii iainl, i'mIiiIi' nr inlcii'Hf, or in llic pini'iiiln Pi'po'^it of ihrrcnf ; iiiiil iipnn hiicIi onlcr Iti'iiii; ilrpuMilfii willi I lie rcinul riir, lir hIimI! oiili'V mill "I i'iiti\ iiimKc mii'li ciiliy, Mini iipnii niicIi ciilry liiMii;; iiimii', Ilic pirmin nr pi'imiii'i "'"'" ■ iiuiikmI in hiicIi niilcr mIiiiII Im i'i>i;isliiri'il um nwin'r nr nwiii'iH nf hihIi Innil. osdilcnr iiili'icHl. Ill \'., c. 'J(», h. l'J',1. ('oinpurc Mini. Sttit., hcc. H'A. ((f) Tlicro is no ^ciu'riil provision mh fo liow tioticrH mic to 1)(' ii(lv(>r(iH('(I, ('ompiirc dircctioMH mh Io noiiccH rcipiind In- sccM. r)'J, SI, JIM and l\\) ,intr. Sec. (Ill oiilc hiivcm tlir rifj;lii.s of hoiht Juh' pnrclinscrH M}j;ainHt impciiolinu'iit I'oi- want of notii'o. See hIho 11. S. ('. cup. I!i!>, kcc 7. l!IO. Nnlliino rniiliiiiK-il in lliin Act hIimII liiivi- iiwuy nr iillVrl llin .tini'Mlii' lii>ii <>l . , . . , oouvi'- iisio ,|iiris(lic(inn nl iiiiy cninpclcnl I'niirl nil I lie <;riiimil nf act nil I friiinl, or nver tViilM ini!!' ''""''■'"'•^ f^'^i" "'<' i^ii'<' <"■ oIIht liispnwilidii of Iiiiid, or over cipiilalilc! oiliiiiiil'l.i intcrcsl thcn-in. Ill V.. c. '2('>. s. i;t(l. iiitcn'sivi. ('onipnro Man. Stat., soc. Vl\). I'.\('riiiiiiii-i IIH. Whenever, in anv L'ranI , nr iiiHtrmneiit. niiiler iliiH Act. any niiiiort MS to mini's, . ' • or nunerals are exeepletl Innii the oraiit nr IriiiiHfer. llie re^^iHlrar, on issiiiiif^ a eertilieatenf title, shall liierein inserti the woi-iIh ho iiwd i". Ilie tyrant nr instrninent. Ill V., e. 'Jll, h. IMI. ConipaiH^ Afan. Stat., sec. H4. Sec also hoc. 54 j^nl!itioiis as are necessary to earry the provisions nf this Act into elTei^t ; and may iuiiKi' such rules and regulations as to hiui appear necessary for giving effect to this Act, in I IKKH ANI» COMMIHHlftN. '1h: I cnml (ir II jl|i|!;r ('., M. I'2W, Mic< I'diii t. Ill' |iiil!;i> mill III Itc |irii|ii'rly ' Willi ill uliiili iniy iiiilil mil III' iiiiiiji' . Iiufrr iif mull In Mil, r jniiit Iv wil li iir ill I' Hlli'll iM'ilrl' III till' III of llic |ii'lsn||M or ill Mil' |ir nln ' n'fiislnir, lie mIimII 1 |icrHiill nf prrHiiii^ VIH'IH of Hllrll liiinl. low iioLicrs iiic lolict'H rn|iiin'(l (llllc HMVCH (lir pcnc.lunciit lor sec. 7. wny iir al'lVi'l tlm liiiii rriiinl. (ir hmt ir (ivcr ('i|uiliili|i' Piin Act, any iiiiiici tlui I'c^iHtnir, nii i-iIh ho lined i-' tli(> |tim(\ proviiii' llu' foniiH lui (liH'iim |ic(H'HHary to carry such ruloH anil let to tliiH Act, in li'i| fur, iKciiriliiit; In iIm Iiiii> intcnl himI |iiir|,i,4i'. I'.t V., (• •.'fi, M. i;i2. ( 'Miii|»iiiti Miui. Slur., Hj'c. iir». So I'lir no nilcH iiinl ir<;iil(i,l,ioiiH liuvo lucn proniiilj^'iifcd imdcr (liJH Hcctioii. I!l!l. Tin- (iovcninr ill ('oiiiicij may, from lime to lime, hcIIIi' l>y r«'<-< till ill IIh' fiTM lo lii« |iaii| iiiiiIki' Mic piovisuiim of tin 4 Ad, <,r in i on met ion liii'ii'willi : 'J. Kxii'pt MM lii'iriii iilii( fccM iiiidfi- l.liiK Act vvliicli iiii>, from time to limi', lixi'd l»y tlir '""" (lovrriior ill Coiiiicil, one lift, of one ptr cent, on the viiliic of tlie real property rettiMtered, if hiicIi value amoiinlii to or iw Ichh than live thoimaiid (lollarH, and one leiith of one per cent, on the fidditioiiai value, when hiicIi VII I lie exceed H live I hoi I Hill id dolliUH : ;t. The value Hliall he (iHcertii ined hy I lie oath or Hojemn 11 Hirmation of Ihiw vnliio the iipplicaiit, owner or pMiHon ii.c.piiriii}^ Hindi land ; ami if the re^^iHtrar ,',";, |'t'ii||',IIi'.' in not HatiHlled an to the coirectncHH of the valiin Hr» anirmtid or Hwoni to, he may reipiire Hindi applieant, owimr or perHoii aeipiiriiit? hik h land to produce a certilicnte of hiicIi value, under the hand of a hwoiii valuator, iippiinled l>ya jiid;e, wliitdi certilicat^ whall he received an conelnHivo evidence of Hiich vii.liie for th(! piirpoHc iiforeHiiid. 4U Vi(\ (!iip. '2(J, Hcc. 1 :5;{, iiH (iiriondod by 51 Vic. cap. 20, (M)in|)iir(! Man. Stat., hocs. 21, 71 and MO. 'r\lllir OK I'l'.EA IS \i\\\> 'i'lllillH ()lllC|-,H IN I UK 'I (JiiVKii\.Mi-,\r lIorKK, (>rr\w\, r.iiiiirniiii'.H. Tariff. I''i;ni\v, "^lird day of N'ovemher, \HHH. I'iii:hkn!' : Ilin I'l.xceiieiKiy t)ie (lovernor (ieueral in (loiincil. I )n the recommendation of the Mininterof tlit; Interior, and under the piMviHioiiH of the l:t:ir(l Section of (!liapter .Ol, of tlir: lleviHtid StatiitcH of CiiiiMda, intituliMl; " /\ii A(!t renpoctiii^ Ileal J'ropertieH in tlii; 'I'erri- torieH." Jlin i']xc,(!liciic.y tiio (iovernor (ieiieral lian heon pleased to rjrder, and it Ih heriihy ordered, that the " Tariff of Feen " fixed und Hotthid l)y Order in Council of the I "illi .January, 1HS7, an the foen which nliall Ijo demandod hy, paid to, and rt'ceived hy the Hcveral llej^iHtrarH of lifind I'e;4iHtration i>iHtriotH in the North TeiritorieH, )«; and the same are iierehy ahoiiHJicd upon the expiration of the 'Mnt Doccrnbcr, lSHH,an(l tlio follow- ing Tariff of FocBHubstitutod in lieu tliereof f>n and after tlie Ist .Jaiinary, IHHI). ^ i Ki W fr 28G TARIFF. Taiiiff ok I''ki;h. 1. Kaclj cc'i'tiflcato of ownorHliip for liiuds j^mntod siiico tho 1st Jiiiiniirv, I'^HT. hIuiII boiHsiied iiiul (U'livrrcd or niiiilod to tliu porHoii ciitith^d tluTcto, t'ri'i! of t:liar;^(', f at tin? tiiiio of tlio Ihsuo of siuli cortilicato tlu' patent, or tliu iiotillcation niontionod in Koction !) of "il Viiiloria, (Hniiiti'r '_'(), is the only instrument in the hands of tiie Kof^istrar al'lectin;^ tlie land. 2. Kach eertilicate of ownersliip isi-med in aecordaneo witli an iipplication made under tiie provisions of Section 1') of (Chapter '>\ of tlie Revised Statutes of Canada, whiM-e at tlie t ime of the issue of sucli certificate tlie patent is tiie only instrument in the hands of the Ret,'istrar affectiii)^ the land, shall be issued and delivered or mailed to the person entitled thereto, for a fee of ^1 00 8. For each certificate of ownersliip wliich does not fall within one of the two classes above mentioned 2 00 And in addition to the fee of §2. 00 for the certificate in such cases the percentaj,'e fee provided by Section 'JO of ";1 Victoria, (./hai)ter 20, and cthi'r necessary fees for registrations, abstracts, etc., wliich are provided for by this Tariff, must also be jMiid. 4. For filin;^ and rej^isterint,' any transfer, mortj^aj^e, encum- brance cliuri^e or surrender, or any assignment or discharj^e, wholly or partially, of a mort;,'a^,'e, encund)rance, or charge, or a satisfac- tion of an annuity, or any other instrument alfeetint,' land other than those hereafter particularly specified 1 00 5. For each memorial endorsed on a certificate of ownersliii). ... ilO (J. For re^'isterin<^ proprietor of any freeiiold estate on a trans- mission 2 00 7. For each rej^istration abstract, inchidinj^ all charf^es for searches and certificates, from 1 to o entries inclusive uO And for each additional entry over five 10 8. For filin>^ each caveat, and for preparing and mailinf; from 1 to 4 notices in connection therewith 2 00 And for each additional notice over four 2") 9. For entering withdrawal of caveat 1 00 10. For entry of foi'eclosure 1 00 11. For each search 25 12. For each map deposited 1 00 13. For registering recovery of possession by legal proceedings or registering a lessor as surrenderee 2 00 14. For vesting of lease in mortgagee on refusal of assignee to accept the same 2 00 15. For entering notice of marriage or death 50 16. For entering notice of writ of Ji. J'a., or of any order, certifi- cate, or decree of a court or judge 1 OO wc.o 'ho IhI tllO piTHdll *ilo of surli icotion '.) of alula of tlio CO with iVM (Mmptor f'll if tho issiiu 1 tlie hixiids iluliverod or full within SI 0(> •2 00 ito in Bucii U Victoria, 3, abstracts, paid. if^e, cncuin- iirj^e, wholly ir a satisfac- laud other 1 00 norsliip. . . . oO on a trans- 2 00 ;har^es for r>o 10 llinj; from 1 '2 00 2.') 1 00 1 00 '25 1 00 )roceeding3 2 00 (Ssif^nee to 2 00 50 er, certifi- 1 00 TARIFF. 287 17. For ('ntcrin-,' Hatisfuction of any writ, or pntorini; noticL- Hotting artidu writ, onUn-, cfrtilicalu, or docrco $0 .'lO IH. For production of oacli inHtnunont, filed r)r rejjiHtertnl, except such iiiHtrunuMit iH r(M|nired in connection with an apidication for a certilicato of ownership, in which cawe it is to ho produced fri'e of ciuvrt^o 10 10. For roturnini; tho docuniontH of title deposited in support of an application for withdrawal or rejection of any application for certilicato of ownership 1 oo 20. For inspecting,' each material instrument of title to land for which certilicato of ownorship is asked to bo tjranted 10 21. For copy of or extract from any rof^istered inHtrmnent, or instrument otherwise in tho custody of tho Ue),»istrar. pi'r folio of one hundred words 10 22. (ti) For copy of every map or tracinji attached to or endorsed on any document 2 00 (h) For copy of each map or plan deposited in oflice, for eaiMi lot l)lotted thereon up to and inclusive of 100 lots (i;t And for each additional lot over 100 02 (<•) And for copy or tracing slu'wing one block of lots or of one or more lots in one l)lock on any such map or plan 2 00 2H. For each certificate that copy or extract is correct, signed by llegistrar, and authenticated l)y his official seal 2") 24. For taking each affidavit or statutory declaration 'JO 25. For each special counnission issued by a Court or .Judge. ... ;} dO 2(). For each suramous 50 27. For examination theretmdcr, per hour 1 00 28. For entering executor, administrator, curator or guardian, or any assignee of any insolvent, as ti'ansfcree or proprietor 1 00 ;?9. For entering husband as joint proprietor 1 00 30. For entering survivor, or other person as proprietor in tlie case of a joint proprietorship 1 00 M. For each certificate to Court 2 00 H2. For filing and entering adverse claim vith statement and afTidavit 2 00 :i3. For a new certificate issued to replace worn out, filled up, destroyed, or lost certificate 2 00 34. For consolidating two or more certificates 2 00 134. The registrar shall demand and receive the several fees so settled, Fees to be and perform the duties for which fees are specified in this Act on pay- reglbtrar. ment thereof. 49 V., c. 26, s. 134. See Man. Stat., sec. 21. I' 4 V •288 AI'l'KAliS. Accduiit of Ulil. The ri'f,'iMtriir , hull loop ii correct uccDiint of nil huihh of money iiiiyiiii'iit to rt'ci'ivi'tl hy him in iicciinliinci' with the pro\ i^ionH of this Act, iind hIihII KiH'i'iviT- pay the Miinic to till' Minister of i''iinint'(( iiml {{irciviT ticnenil, iit sneh tiineMivnil in hucIi nitmuer iih ui')< { or HUHpond- in>,' the proceodinjis, upon tlio application of luiy perxon intort'Hted, as under the circumstances he thinks just, and nniy for nuch purpose riMjuiro the production of hucIi evidence, and sucli notices to be^iven as he thinks necessary, li* V., c. 'it), s. liJII. Compare ^lau. Stat., sees. 49, 50, 51 ami ll:{. Dociiiiii'iits |;17. No petition, order, afVidavit, certificate, re;^istruti«in or other not invalid ,. , .1 • . .. i h . • f 1 1 c ■ .• i-^ for iiifnr- proceediiifi Hnil«'r this Act Hliall he invalid by reason ot aii\ uitoi'nnility nmlity. or technical irreuularity therein, or of any mistake not affecting the sub- stantial justice of the proceedinj^s. 4!( V., c. "ifl, s, I'.iT, Compare ^Nlan. Stat., hccs. 77 and 142. Appeal. Coniiiosi- tioii nf Cmirt (if Apin'iil. Sittings. Powers to make ruler .hul^iuient tiual. Ills. Any Djrson wlio feels aj,'>,'rieved by any judj^ment or decision of the court ur judtjo and also the Inspector of Land Titles Ol'ticcs and any Registrar or Deputy Ue^istrar, may appeal from any judj^ment or decision to the ("ourt of Appeal ; and fur tiie purjjoses of this Act the several jud^'es of tiie Supreme Court of the North-West Territories sittinj^ to„'ether are hereby constituted the Court of Appeal, and a majority of such jud>,'es shall form a cpiorum. Such Court of Appeal shall be presided over by the senior jud^'e present, and shall sit at least once in each year at tlie seat of governmenl of the North-West Terri- tories for the purpose of heariu},' appeals from any sucli judgment or decision as aforesaid; and such court shall have power, by rules and ' orders, to regulate the sittings of the court, the practice and proceedings on appeal and before it, including costs and payment thereof, and the enforcement of judgments of such court; and such judgment shall be certified by the presiding judge, and shall be final in all cases. 40 Vic. cap. 20, sec. 188;— 49 Vic. cap. 25, sec. 30, as amended by 51 Vic. cap. 20, sec. 21. This section was recast in 1887 by section six of chapter thirty of the Statutes of that year (50-51 Vic), but in the I'tlNALTIK.H. 289 I HiiiUH of inoiioy is Act, aiul hIiiiII (Iciu'riil, lit Huch riior ill Council. 1)0 HUHpendcd by ly Hucli event the uiiiU or HtiH|)eii(l- on intorcHtud, ivs ih purpoHo reipiiro (iven iiH liu tliiiiks 113. Htmti'>n or other f liny infornuility affecting tlio snb- nu'iit or decision Titii's Ot'lici'H and in uny jiulj^nu'nt s of this Act the West Territories ' Appeal, and a Court of Appeal 1 shall sit at least orth-Wcst Terri- ueli judj^'ineiit or er, by rules and and proceedings thereof, and the id^nient shall be cases. 25, sec. 30, as six of cliapter c), but in tbe Statute (rhaptcr 20) of IHHH tlio forcKoiiirr was 8ul)Htituti'il as Hcctiou 1!}H of tlii.s Act. Coiiipiiro see. 12(> of tlir Manitolia Statute. I'knamiks. 1«I1I« Kvery piiHcn who. I'UtliHil- (a) Wilfully makes any false Htateinont or declaration in any deulinn {'."rHoi'i'^ in land under this Ail, or - iiiiikiii« xvlMiilly (/() Suppresses or concealK, rr assists or joins in, or is privy to tlu* sun- ''^''*" *» or transmission is proposed to be registered, or — {/) Is a party to or privy to any fraudulent act whatever in any matter connected with the working,' of this Act, — Bhall, on conviction before a jiidj^e or stipendiary nuif^istrate, without a jury, be liable to a penalty not exceeding; live hundred dollars or to imprisonment, with or without hard labor, for any period less than two years. 41) V., c. '2('>, s. lli'.t. Iiitive tore- uiHtrutiou. Compare Man. Stat., sees. Ill) and 150. END OF PAUT III. MAN.L.A. 19 1. m A'\ iU' WB ! I illl |l !!■ 1 fii^ f 1 I' 1 ■ ' t i 1 ■ ■ 1 1 ,' i APPENDIX. CHAPTER 5 OF THE STATUTES OF MANITOliA. 63 VICTOrJA. AN ACT TO AMEND CliAl'TKI^ SIXTKKN OF FIFTY-TWO VICTORIA, BEING "AN ACT KEHFECTING REAL PRO- PERTY IN THE PROVINCE OF MANITOBA." H {Asscutftl to ;U!), sec. 17 and sec. 29 pout. Sec 3, ss. 18 5, Sub-section 18 of said section 3 is amended by ad. Sub-section li of section ('>H of said Act is amended by striking out the word " prescribed " in the second line thereof, and by adding after the word " form " in the same line the words " of Schedule U.' See section 42 post. 30. Sub-section of said section 08 is amended by striking out the word " grant " where it occurs in the eiglitli and thirteenth lines, and by substituting therefor in each case the words " certificate of title." 31. Sub-section 7 of said section 08 is amended by striking out the words "grant oi " where thoy occur in the lirst, thirteenth, twentieth and twenty-second lines of said Pub-soctiou. 33. Sub-section 8 of said section 08 is amended by inserting after the work " surveyor " in the seventh line thereof the words " under oath in the form in Schedule T to this Act." See note to section 24 post. 23. Section G'J of said Act is amended by adding after the word "hereto," at the end of said section, the words "and where the land APPENDIX. 297 affected is in a town or city, having a town or city engineer all plana City Hur- presented for ref«istration shall bo approved of and Hi<,'ned by such KlJ^fl'inI'oi- engineer before the saiu" can bo roLiistc'ed," and by insoi tiiu' after the '" "^l,'l"'"VO word " has ui tlio tiiird line of sab section (a) tin; words "or has not," and by strikint,' out the wmds " thi; forc^'oiui,'," whero they occur together in the seventh line and substituting therefor the word "this." See note to in'xt s( clion. thei'eto the fol- date of the certi- under oath in 34. Section 70 of snid Act is anieiulrd by addini^ at the end thereof the words "and certili.'d to be accurate by a provincial land surveyor under oath in the form in s,;hodule T to tliis Act." This and tho two prceodinc; sections cK'ixr away the con- fusion in the reft-rcm-o to the rules ns to phms cKistiuf,' in the Act of 188U, p. 110 ante, and render plans of tlie ri^ht of way and station prrouuds of railway companies suhject to the same regulations, for registration purposes, as town plots. fi!i. Section 7i of said Act is amended by adding thereto the following sub-sections : (1) Notwithstanding any defect in the proof or form of execution of any instrument presented for registration under the new system, the district registrar may, in his di icretion, upon being satisfied of the due execution of such instrument, reg'ster tho same, and such rei^istration shall be valid and effectual for all puiposes, notwithstanding any such defect. (2) In all cases, unless tho district registrar shall dispense with it, there shall be annexed to every inslrument ilcaliug witli land under the new system an at'iidavit, staiut) y declaration or otlier evidence proving to the satisfaction of the district registrar that the party dealing witli tlie land is of the full ago of twenly one years. Compare amendment to sec. 77 of the K. P. Act 1880 by sec. 27 infra. See notes la re Fur mors, etc. Co. v. Gonklin, and Iloiicick V. Bcrryinan, p. I'M) ante. The proof as to ago does not appear to be required except in the case of dealings under the " New System." Comphance with the requirements of the amended sec- tion 20 of cap. 60, C. S. Man., p. 123 ante, is still necessary, Section 70 aniLiuled. Inntvu- niuiits re- gistered, tli()UL;li execution irre^iiarly liroved. Transfers, etc., t(i CDii- tiiiii ulllda- vil as to ivj,v. of tiituHfer- ror.etc. - ;i; Bub-section : amended. (1) Any assignment, or mortgage, of any such mortgage or encum- AshIku- brance, whether such assignment or sub-mortgage be made before or ^',',^1, (,„. after the issue of the certificate of title, may be made according to the cuniljrance forms in use under the old system, and may be registered under the mw niHtored. system in the same manner and with the same effect as the original mortgage or encumbrance was registered under this section. See sees. 3 and 4 supra. 30« Section i)9 of said Act is amended by adding thereto the following Section 99 , ,. amended, sub-sections : (1) IJy virtue of every such transfer the right to sue upon any mortgage Effect of ,, . . , , 1.1. t -i. as8i(,'in»ient or other instrument, and to recover any c.ebt, sum of money, annuity, or ^j ,i,ort- damago thereunder (notwithstanding the same may be deemed or held n'^R"' to constitute a chose in action), and ail interest at the time of sucli trans- fer in any such debt, sum of money, annuity, or daniiges, shall be trans- ferred so as to vest the same in law in the transferee thereof ; provided always that nothing herein contained shall prevent the court from giving effect to iiiiy trusts affecting the said debt, sum of money, annuity or damage>j, in case the said transferee shall hold the same as trustee for any other person. Compare sec. 89 of the R. P. Act of 1885 and 48 Vic. cap. 17, sec. 125 et seq. as to H"" "Assignment of choses in action. ill. Section 10!) of said Act is amended by inserting after the word section 109 *' where" in the first line the words " land is subject to," and by striking Toapply to out all the words from and including the word " holder " in the second ^y|,gre'land line down to and including the word " registration " in the fourth line encum- bered. ! ;l' '!: ': ^ : 1 i \\ :- r ^inith'iii ji ^ : i' liil i hijj:. aiiiL'iiilcil. To inoliido (It'CtMlhlld person. Loss to as- Klll'llIlCC mill to lie iniid willi- mit iicHdii ill ClTtuill casew. Section VMi auieiiduil. Schedule X auieiidtid. APPKNDIX. tlu'fcof, and HiibKlitiitini,' ilicK-fiir tln! words " owiirr or any fortncr owmr of tli(( l.ind, wiiclli'i- siicli I'liciimlnMiico is cri'iilL'd be I'd re or aftor hucIi liiinl is liron lit iindt r tin,' mivv systoni." ll'i. S( el on II ') of s;,id Act is aniciiilcd by addin;^ at llir end tin rcnf till' I'ollowin;! woids "but hIuiII not n for tbertin to tlie fact tliat tin; new rr-istiTcd owni ris siudi asdi^ni'o or trustee or tliiil lie holds siicli liind for any oiln r tli:ui his own absulnte nsi;."' C()ini»;ii'(' sec. 'is siii))\i iis to ciiiry el" iiolicc of tnisLs. Hit. Section 117 of s:iid Act is anicndt.l by adding after the word " th(^r< of " in tlio (•i;;litli litu! tiie words "exeeiit in the easi! of nn execnlor, or iidiniiiislriitor Witii the will annexed, wlio niipears lo b(^ dciiiiij.; \\ itli the land in a niann' r conti ary U> the terms ol liie will, in w h.eli ease, and in whieh v.a-.c only, it sliall be the duty of tiie district re;^istrar to enijuire wlu^ther :in< Ii d, ;i.lin^' is jiroper or necessary in order to carry out the true inl'. lit luid m anil,.; of the will, ' and by slriUiiit,' onL the word " bank- rnjit" in tiic txMtlftli lino !iiid by inserlin;? iifter the word " property " in the thirleentli lino the Words "of a deceased pi i>ion or banl\ru[it pru- prieter.'' CoiDj'iii! iiiiuiutliii! Ill as lo ciilering notice of trusts, sec. m. Ill any ease where it ajipears that the assurance fund is clearly liah'e f;)!' !iiiy loss or dainiu.'e ti) ai y person iii'ler any of tli' )ir()vision8 of this Act, iind wh( re it ap))r;irs that the chiini for loss or (laniao(^ is a fair jid reasonable one, the I'lovincial Treasurer may, witlioiitan action l)ein,L! I"' t broil ,'ht, ])ay tin.' anioiiut of any t-iic h claim ; [iiovided that no such claim shall bo paid nnh ss and nntil the i'rovinciai 'J'rcasurer shall be anthorizc:d to do so by the reiorts, advism;,' such payment, of the Attorney-deneral of the Pi()vini(\ the Inspector of land titles ollices and the district re.i.;istrar of the ilihtriet in wliieli the land which is the subject of such claim lies. This section is an atldilional proviso to sec. 135 of tlie 1^. r. Act, ]880. •8."5. Ki el ion ]:!(■) is amende'd V)y sttikiiiL! out the words " on the case," wliere they occur in the sixth line. IJO. 'I'ho left band column of schedule N to said Act is amended by addiiii;, after the word " covenantee, '' the followinj^ words "that lie will not assi,;;n or sub-let witliout leave." This (3vid(;ut omission has aheady been noted in the form sec. 91 H. P. Act 1889, p. 141 ante. Al'PKNDIX. 801 my former owner fore or iiftcr hucIi ti the t'lld tllcri'of I'licL tlmt tlic iK'W jIUh hucIi liuiil t'ur ' of tnislH. '4 lifter llu; Wind ■ic ol' an fXciMitor, ) b(; (Iciliii^; w itli II wliicli ciiHO, antl ^istnvr tooiKiuire •iirry out tin; true tlio word " biiiik- ■il " iHoii' rty " ill u' b;iiil\riiiil [)rij- of ti lists, sec. final is clearly til' jiiovisioiis S8 or (lam age is a ivitlioiil an action provided tiiat no 'J'reasurer sliall ia\ ineiii, of tlio lid tillcH otiices lid wliicli is the c. 135 of the s "on tlie case," is amended by (Is "that he will tiotcd in the JI7. S(di('(Inl(( It of said Act ia ami'iidf-d — (a) My add mi;.;, after the word " defend iiit ' ill the fourth line of the ■Iml^o may sixth rule, the words " hut ii|)oir proper came shewn, a .liidjjeor .Jiidj^e in Cliamhers may dire(!t lliat the is uie he tr tiff, and the ca.(!atiir, as defenilant," ill reel ciivo- Mice li> liu led Willi the cavoalue, as plain- l'l'"iiti ir. (h) And by addnij,' lli lu additioieil riiliH. the fc iwiiig : — ir>. On the liiiiil decision of a'ly m itter, iiikIm' tliese rulen, all llie pro- I'rothonr ce(idiin;M, exliihits and instrmneiit-i liled, and all ordeiH made, touching; or lni?,Hn*iit affoctiiii,' any (pieslion of title to the Ian. Is or interest thiireiii, shall forth- I'lipi-i-s. with h' transmitted by the prothonotary to the proper districit royislrar under si ill, and sliall bo liled and kept in the land titles ollice as (/art of the records thereof. lt». WluMi a district re'^isirar is onh^red to issue a certirK^ate of title, .TikIko tho order H'lall declare that the title in the l.uids of the person to when tl ilirt'cMii? ISSIUi of (••■iliticiltes ol' tlllc must ('IT- titv titl(3. le certilicate ot titl(> is to issue has been found, iiinii investi^jation, to lu^ a j^ood safe lioldiii>{ title. Those rules appijarcd in the 11. V. Act of IBSf) as amended by sec. 14, eap. 22 of 51 Vie., hut wore omitted in the R P. Act of I8H1). See note to the following section. In GntHi V. lfaiih'i\ 1 Wcisteni Fjaw '1 imes ;{(>, KiUam J. statiiil that theCliicif .liistice did not intend to lay down as an ahs'.)lule riili; in M<-(]iirl}ni v, IhnhiU-fi, (l>a;j;n \\)iaiile) that every applicant ninsl he iak(in to occui)y the position of a |)la.intiir towa,rils tho (^aveatiif in respeot of i.ssiies unchjf ])(d,itionH for tlje enforcu'tneiil, of tho c.ive it ; and liold lha,t the r(da,tive [losition of the p.irties must (h'pend npon tlie cifcumstances of each case, and the nature of the issue directed. l\H, Schedule 11 is further amended by adding thereto tho following Kiilo l.'j T ... . , , addoii to additional rule : SclioduleR. 1"). No failure to comply with any of the rules in this Act made as to Or(1(!r to any petition shall in tin; first instance be coiisidtfred Buflici(ait to dismiss ^,, i„. i„ntjo or set aside such petition, but a motion may at any time Ik- made to !" *'""''*■ ' •' ■> instance, dismiss such petition for want of j)rose(;utii)n or non coni[)liance with said rules, and upon the return the judge or judge in chambera may make an order that Buch matter be proceeded with or such non-compliance amended or remedied, within a time to be specilied in the order, and that in default thereof such caveat or petition or any proceeding thereunder 1 V ■I 802 APl'KNDIX. (In stand diHmiHMcd. and such jud^e may, upon such return, mako such order an to coHts as ho may Hce tit. This rule has been given the Bame number an the first rule in the foregoing section ; cross-references should be made to avoid confusion. M i I \l |{ulel5of HctieduluH auiuiidud. P. O. ad- druHH and naiiio of a^cnt to bo Bivoii. Schedule S, rule ly, (luiended. Affidavits not to bo swum bo- fore part- ner, etc. •to. liulo IT) of Hclicdiilo H to Raid Act is amended by insortinf,' after the word "proprietor" in the sixth line tljoreof, tlie words " and at or near which lie may hu Horvod with any notice or proceeding; under this Act, and if hucIi applicant or owner in not a reHi(U!nt of tiilH I'rovince, ho Hhall also deliver to the district rej^intrar tlie name and powt of'lico address of Home a>,'ent within this Province, upon whom any such notice or pro- ceedinj" nuiy he served in lieu of Hcrvice upon himself iiersonally, and if sucii applicant or owner do not ho deliver his post oHice adtU'CHs or name and address of an a^'ent, and if suci> appHcant or owner cannot be found at or near sucii place in order to effect such service, then upon applica- tion tlie District l{ef,'istrar may nnvke an order that he may he served by postiu}^ up a copy of such notice or proceeding in tlu' land titles office for the district in which the land in (piestion is situate." Compare sections 5B, 54 and 55, pages 1)6 and 97 (i7ite. Such notices as are required by the 11. P. Act 1889, sec- tions 44, 48, 49, 52, 57, 89, 105}, 10(5, 120, 121, 130, 137, 143 and 148 may now be effected as provided by this amended rule. See also section 11 sujna. 40. Rule 19 of schedule S to said Act is amended byaddinj; at the end thereof the words " unless the district re^'istrar is satisfied that the land has not been so sold. ' 41. Said schedule S is further amended by ft*, -.if? thereto the follow- ing rule ; 30. Affidavits or statutory declarations in proof of any matter under this Act shall not be sworn or declared before the attorney, solicitor or agent of any applicant for registration, or before the partner, clerk or agent of such attorney, solicitor, agent or applicant. 4S. The following additional schedule is added to said Act : 1 i AITKNDIX. 808 irn, mako such aH the firBt 9 should be inBortin({ after rds "and at or lin^; under this liH Province, lio (t ol'fico addrcHH I notice or pro- rHonally, iiiid if ddriiHH or ntvnio iinnot be found I upon aiiplica- iiy be Hcived by 1 titles office for ind *J7 unte. [it 1889, sec- 130, 137, 143 his amended Idin^ at the end i\ that the land ireto the follow- lattcr under this olicitor or agent jlerk or agent of Act: SCHEDULE U. (See. €8, Subue. 8.) TiiK Rial Puopkutt Act or ISH'J. Provinoe of Manitoba. The Land titles District of ^ No. To Wit : In the matter of application tile Form of and {Here deierihe the ImuU.) To You are hereby commanded, and each of you, that, all otlicr businosB ftnd excuses whatsoever ceasing, you do appear personally before the district registrar for tlio Land Titles District of , in Manitoba, in the Land Titles OH'ice at , in the Province of Manitoba, on the day of next, A.D. IH , at o'clock in the noon, and so from day today until the matter herein montionod bodisposed of,and also that you bring with you and produce at the time and place aforesaid (here describe the instrunn'iit, etc., to bo produced), then and there to testify and show all and singular those things which y()n,or eitiier of yon, know, or the said deed , instrument , record , document or writing doth import, of and concerning this matter, on behalf of the applicant; and this you or either of you, sliall by no means omit, under a penalty of Five Hundred Dollars, and all other penalties provided by the said Act. Witness the hand and official seal of the district registrar for the Land Titles District of at this day of A.D. 18 , in the year of our Reign. [seal.] See sec. 19 supra. Dittrict Itegittrar. 4tl. Notwithstanding anything in the said chapter 16 and amendment! Lodfiine contained, a petition under a caveat may be lodged at any time before the issue of a certificate of title. Compare sec. 130, (2), (5), (7). (11), pages 182-190 ante. 44. Any person who, prior to the coming into force of this Act, was Actions v. entitled to bring an action against the Registrar General, may bring such gaved. action against the District Registrar within whose jurisdiction the matter complained of took place, and any notice which should have been given to the Registrar General may be given to such District Registrar. jil fu. I r.; Actions I'. D. K. Section V.i amended. APPENDIX. The next section provides that the action shall be broufjjht against the District-licigistrar by his name of office. It should appear that the cause of complaint arose under the repealed Acts. See sec. 1B5, p. 109 (nitc. 4fl. All actions a^'ainst a District Rof'istrar shall be bronf^ht against him by his namo of othcc, and shall not abate or be in any way affected by any vacancy occurring in the said office or by any change of officer. Compare sections 50 and 51, page 94 ante. This section and the ])receding one should find their places properly as sub-sections of section 135 of the R. P. Act 1889, p. 199 ante. 40. Section Mi of said chapter 16 is hereby amended by striking out all the words therein after the word "same" in the sixth line tliereof. D. R. not 47. No District Registrar shall be compellable to attend ont of his office o,^i;.w„V,'„ as a witness for exaininiition under m\y subpaina, order or snninions as witness, issued from any court of this Province, whether such subpaaia, order or summons be directed to him personally or in his official capacity, but any such District Registrar may be examined under a commission or otherwise in his office. Compare sections 125 and 147, R. P. Act 1889, pp. 180 and 207 ante. This section can only apply to cases afTecting property and civil rights and matl-ers properly within the Provincial jurisdiction: {B. N. A. Act 1867, sees. 91 and 92). Act in 48. This Act shall come into force on being assented to. f OfCG Observe the retroactive effect of sections 1-5 inclusive, and sections 8, 9, 10, 11, 18, 30, 38 and 43 supra. shall be le of office, •ose under INDEX. Diij:,'lit against way affected e of officer. (T) refers to the Territorial Act. find their I the E. P. J striking out 18 tliereof. lit of liis office or siiniiTiong juna, order or capacity, but ammission or B9, pp. 180 g property Provincial !). » inclusive, a. A. Abatement of proceedings, Judge's order, (Tj, 288. Abstracts of title not required, 84. Absence from Province, caveat, 112. of witness, 127. of mortgagee, payment in, 152. Acts consolidated and repealed, 41. Actions against officers burred, 02 Acknowledgments in deeds, 98. Actions of ejectment, 108. against D. R. in tiom. off., 199, 201. on implied covenants, 204. against Assurance Fund, 197-203. Administration of " New System," 5, 30. Letters of, 05, 108. not proof of death, 109. suits validated, 70. of Justice Act applies as to services, 97. of oaths, 98. Administrator to register, 73, 75, 149, 154, 155, 107, 109. not seized of Equity, 71. inckided in description of parties, 40. liable for trusts, 170, 171. costs against, 127. powers under lease, 140. power of sale, 154, 157. Addresses of " registered owners," 00, (T.), 230. Advice to applicants, 83. Additions of parties to be shewn, 04, 07. Adverse prior title, 107, 109, 182. occupant protected, 107, 109, 119, 182. claims (T.), 235. MAN.L.A. 20 80() INDKX. nu iii», I' i 1 ij .^:.H H Advertieint^ lost certificates, IIH, 114. re joint tenants, 134. /•(' foreclosure, Kil. Adultery forfeits inheritance (T.),21S. Affidavits on application, ()3,'(j4, 81, (T.), 'iiJiJ. directions, 87. withdrawal, ',)]. used as proofs, 98. of circumstances, 102. proving execution, 120-127. on caveats, 187-189. not invalid for informality, 201, (T.), 'JHS. not to be sworn before attorney, etc., 302. by surety (T.), 223, 224. Agency, proof required in Victoria, 79, 189. Agent may notify mortgagor, 154. Agents of corporations, service on, 97. Alberta district defined 'T ), 219. Amendment of certificate s, 177-17tt. Ancient documents as evidence, 97. Annuity, discharge of, 153. Annuitant, death, cessatior of charge, (T), 257. Application for foreclosure, 1(10. for registration (T.), 231, 232. advertised (T.), 235. as to undivided interests, 295. Applications under " new system,"' 8, 78, 79, 83. to be written and verified, 63. on tax sale titles, 99. with " directions," (>4, 87. by infants, lunatics, etc., 85, 207. particulars in, ()4, omission of encumbrance nut fatil, 173. signatures to, (i4. lands limited, ()5. may be witlidrawn, 90, 91. rejected, 91, 92. in " unorganized districts," 77. effect of filing, 85. to remove memorials, 102. Applicant in position of plaintiff, 19', 301. Apprehension for disobeying summons, 177. Appeals from Judge or Court, 180, 181. against requisitions, 87. U INDEX. 807 Appeals from decisions of D. R., 173. in nature of mandamus, 144. costs of, 195. Court (T.), 215. against acts, etc., of Registrar, (T.), 276. Courts constituted, (T.), 288. Appendix (Man. Stat, of 1890), 291. Assurance fund, 34, 38, 117, 169, 197, 204. commission, 203. actions against, 197-203. when not liable, 202. damages for loss of rights, 273, 274. formation of, 274. suits against nonJnal defendant, 274, 275. limitation of actionu against, 275. recovery of amounts paid out, 275. not liable in cases of trusts, 9,76. commission payable to, 285. payments before action in certain cases, 300. actions against nominal defendant, 304. Assessments, a charge to be implied, 105. Assiniboia, laws of, 73, 74. district defined, (T.) 219. Assigns, included in description of party, 46. Assignee, power of sale, 154, 157. liable for trusts, 171. to be registered, 149, 154, 170. removal of, 171. Assignments by insolvent lessee, 144. of encumbrances, leases, etc., 149 et seq., 171. of mortgages prior to registration of title, 143. for benefit of creditors, 170. (See TRANSFERS.) Attorney-General may be heard, 30, 180. General of Canada, notice of suits against assurance fund, (T.), 276. notice of suits, 197, 200. departmental head, 210. Attorney (see Power of).' "At Least," meaning of, (Rule 23), 68. Attestation of instruments. 120 ci. seq., 150, (T.) 229. of surety bond, (T ) 225. Auction sale, necessity of, 157. Auctioneer's certificate r". tI. Criminal oiYiMicos, 200, (T.), 280. Croditors" rij^lits a^'aiiisl ri'j,'isk>rtHl intoivsts, H;t, 7M. Crown patont, intorprotation of term, I't. iniplioil rosorvations, 10"), Vi't, ri^'hts, decrees and injnnotioiis. IH'>. not prejudiced, lOO, 112. j^rants, (see ^'rants) 212. grant must preceile re{,Mstration, 77. proof for rcf^istration iinrposos, OH. 120. 121, 120. ^'rants, certificates free, (T.), 2H0. coiistrueil as instruments, (T.), 2 11, 21! 1 Curtesy abolished, 71, (T.), 217. Cypreas north in Brandon district, 17. south " Winnipef^ ilistrict, 18. .1 '' i D. iil^ If ih: Damaf;cs against assurance fund, 107. (T.), 273. for wront^fully lod^in^; caveat, 100. Date of ccrtiticate of title, 104. registrations, 120. " Day-book " to be kept, 65. entries to settle priority, (1;"), form and use, (T.), 228. Death, transmissions by, 11, 20, 107 et .sc./., (T.), 202, 20;?. probate, etc., not prima far ic evidence of, 109. of owner, actions against D. 11., 100. proceedings continued after, 0;i-01. (T.),288. title of personal representative relates back to, 108. or absence of attesting witness, 12r)-127. of annuitant releases rent charge, liliJ. Declaration as to tax sale proceedings, 100. execution proved by, 124. of trusts, 135. INDKX. 3ia Declaration, Htatiitory may niako c^viili'iuu', !»H. i.ot to ho rcct'ivod by oflicialH, '.l'.». Docret'H. iinpliod cliart^f, 'ii;{. ('l<'.., implied aH liens, MYA, may l)e rej^iHtered, l'2".l. for Hpe. iJefanIt by lessee, t,'r()nnd for ejectmont, 10!». proof of, ITiK. rights of mort^a-^'ee, etc., 1'.:}, ir,i, loC, 1;V.». Deferral, rank ^'ivon to cliar^^e or mortf.jat.!e, 117, 1 1'.t. Defiintion of terms — (See Interpretation), 12. J)epriva:,ion of land, compensation for, (T.), 27."{. J)eHtroyed or lost certilicates, 112-111. Description— (See Mis-descriptions, Maps, Plans). in leases, l.Hil. of land, 18;i. Disability, effect on limitations, 201. on the part of owner to be stated, lO.i. Districts, land titles, 47. in Territories, 210, '2'20. District Kej^istrars, appointment and (lualification, 4H. commencement of duties, '>',). deputy under new system, 18. (jualifications, 4!). old system, ;")"). not compelled to attend us witness, .'iOl. indemnity for bona jldc acts, ()2. seal of oliice, 49. to t,'ive security, 40. supplied witb books, 49. Jjj^J^ 314 INDKX. District Kegistrara to act under old Hvstem, />(), not to act aa conveyancera, etc, ')(>. to sif^ii momorials, M. to note rt'^jJHtratioiiH, tl7. to furnish copies, etc., <)7. may release jud^jnieiits or liens, (i',). nuiy renew iile^'ible certiticateM, (IK. may refuse applications, 7H. Direction by api)lieant. 10, K7-8it. in application to bo attested, 154. not notice after withdrawal, etc., 02, Discharf^es, entry of, 129, IfiO, l.")2. forms. 121, 148, I'.O ft seq. of mortgaj^es, (T.), 2HH. or incumbrances, (T.), 2-')()-2')H. Discretion of Inspector as to informal instruments, 120, 12H, 12!). Kejjistrar in case of trustees, etc., 108. Dismissals of bills affecting land may be registered, 12'.*. Dispensation, production of certificate, 100, 112, 114, 128. Documents — (See Instruments). order for production, 110, 180. registration of, 129. to be returned, 'J2. Doubts removed as to land laws, 7-">. Dower, abolished, 73, (T.), 217. introduction of English law, 74. Duces Tecum, form of subpoena. 111, WA. Dufferin County in Morden Dist., 48, 54. Duplicate of instruments allowed (except transfers), '20, 121. in Territories. 228. 220. of certiticates, 103, 114. plans, 00, 110, 117. ■li E. Easement, creation and registration of , 23, 42, 43, 8)5, 105, 131. endorsement of, 173. included in term " land," (T.), 213. implied lien, (T.), 243. registration of, (T.), 245. Effect, of instruments depends on registration, 120, lli>. ..'jO 238, 203. !i' INDEX. {115 Ejectment, action againHt registered owner, 108, 198. bona fide purcliaHer protected, litH. ref,MHtere(l owner protected a^jainflt, 27'i, 273. Encumbered certificatcH impounded, ICiH. eBtates, assi^^nment of, 142, 114. "Encumbrance," "Encumbrancer," " Encumbrancee," defined, 44. in Territories, 214. Encumbrances and mortfia^^es, 1 IH I't .w/. effect of lease as, I'M, 143. foreclosure of, 27. form, M(i. may be transferred, 147. forms of transfer, 147, 148, 140. impiled covenants, 24. omission of, ITii. operates as hypothec, 147. Encumbrancee, cannot foreclose, 1()2. selling under power liable as trustee, 158. Endorsement on certificates, (Rules 13, 14, Ki), (iO, 07. ijiKvre, if an instrument, 14'J. transfers by, 118. Entry, by lessor, memorial, 140. covenants implied in leases, 139, 140. of discharge, 150. Equitable claims enforced, 109. estate affected by mort^^agees' application, 82. jurisdiction of Court saved, 181, (T.), 284. mortgages, 110, 113, 145, 179, 184. principles observed, 09, 133. Equity of redemption, application by owner, 79. Error, in aftidavit not to invalidate registration, 122. may be corrected, etc., 177. relief in cases of, 178. remedy for deprivation of lands, 35. Escheats, injunction to^irotect rights of Crown, 185. Estates, mortgaged, etc., to be accurately stated, 144. of Selkirk settlers not of inheritance, 74. tail, abolished, (T.), 217. clauses omitted, 75. when passed, created, etc., 120, 149, 150, 159, 107, 109, (T.), 238, Estoppel by certificate of title, 14, 109. deed, 71, 138. notice, 94 et seq. service on guardian, etc., 207. 293. 1 h ■ ' i 'ir ■ ! '1m: ',■• ifl' a 10 INDI'X. Eviilence by copies, (i7. «)H, IH\, 127, (T.), 'i'i'), 230. funiishetl by applicant, t/), (W. (i4, (15, (T.), '2M. of cavttiitor'H titli', 107 ft Keq. probate or adiuiiilHtration, ti'). litli' coiicluHivc ii[inii ri'^lHtration, 100, 207. for Bpecitlc perforinunce, lOH. to bo ri'turiifd, \)'l. wbat receivable, !»H, '.)!». Examineraof titlea, appointment, -18. bound l)y lis peiidenn, 103. Examination of titleH, HO. in Territories, 231. Execution registered implied cliarj^e, 243. Executions in Manitoba, 10r», 117. Territories, 37. of instruments, proof, 120 et xcq. seals, 120, 125. separately proved, 122. witness dead or absent, proof of before .Judj^e, 127. Executors, covenants with, 141. executing transfer of cbarf,'es, 147. included in description of person, 40, 141. take subject to cluirj^es, trusts, etc., 10!», 171. to be registered as owners, 140, 154, 155, 107-172. to produce probate, etc., 05, 70, lOH. Exemplifications to be furnished by 1). K., 07. Exprojjriation, implied ^'.i. additional by Governor-in-Council, (T.),284. allidavit by surety, (T,), 224. on bond, (T.), 225. application for first ret,'istration, 7!l. foreclosure, 1(10. rej^istration, (T.), 232. appointment of },'uardian, 208. auctioneer's certificate, tax sale, 100. bond, (T.), 223. caveat, "O," 183, " P," 184, certificate of title, 103-104, cluir},'es, 103, ownershi-,, (T.), 237. discharge, entry of, 150. of mortgage, 151. estoppel notice to adverse claimant, 05. foreclosure order, 101. incumbrance, 140. in Territories, 37. Manitoba, may be varied, 40, 03. issue on caveat, 104-195. lease, 138. mortgage, 145. notice of exercising powers, 155. lost certificate, 113. provisional certificate, 114. i I 1l ,, . I II I'll ■ iUA I ! i. li . 'ii'. 318 INDEX. r I I ! m. • i: •m: li i liHi Forms, notice to caveatec, 184. oath of office, (T.), 222. of instruments^for registration, (T.), 22 old system, use of, 120. power of attorney, 104, IGo. revocation, 1(57. receipt on morl^'age, 234. referred case, 175, (T.), 277. short covenants, 141. substitutional service order, 97. summons to witness, 111-303. surveyor's certificate, 116. to be in accordance with Act, (T.), 244. substantially as in Act, 205, 20G, transfer of land, 118, 119. lease or charge, 147. by endorsement, 148. partial, 149. withdrawal, consent thereto, etc., 90, 91. Fraud, by registered owner, etc., 135. cancellation of certificate, 177-178. ejectment in cases of, 272. ground for action against assurance fund, 197, 198, '200. jurisdiction of Court saved, (T.), 284. remedies against, 35. suggestions by Queensland Commission, 13(). vitiates title, (T.), 242, 243. Fraudulent transferee subject to ejectment, 109. Functionaries, service of process on, 97. who may receive declarations, 99. G. Generpl agent served for company, 97. Kegister and caveat book (Rule 8), 65. Grant, certificate as to, 78. from Crown, exceptions, reservations, etc., 105, 135, (T.), 242, 284. may be registered, 121. to be bound, (T.), 230. to precede registration, 77. of estate not required by mortgage, 147. in Territories replaced by certificate of title, 37. interpretation of term, 45, 215. INDEX. Grasshopper mortgages, 106. Great Britain, affidavits in, 12;J. Guardian, order appointing, 207-208. or committee, to persons under disability, (T.), 281, 282. proceedings by and against, 207. Guarantee Company bonds, (T.), 223. 319 H. Half-breed allotments, taxation, 99. Hearing on caveats, 193. Heirs, conveyances validated, 7.5. included in description of person, 4(5, Highways, implied exception, lOo, (T.), 243. Holidays, Manitoba, 02. N. W. T., 220. Homestead and pre-emptions, certificates as to, 78. Hours, Manitoba offices, 02. Husband, adultery by, 218. and wife, conveyances between, 19, 75, (T.), 217. estate by courtesy abolished, (Man.), 74, (T.), 217. Hudson's Bay Company, lands, (Man.), 77, (T.), 231. land register and plan of survey, 50. Idiots, guardians, 207. Idiot— (See Lunatic). Illegible certificates renewed, 09. Implied, actions upon, 204. construed jointly, 132, 204. covenants in informal instruments, 128. leases, 21, 109, 138, 139. mortgages, 109, 132, 149, 153, 150, 159. transfers, 118, 131, 14!t. transfer of encumbered estates, 131, 144, further assurances, (T.), 237, may be modified, 132, 204, (T.), 280. qualifications affecting registered lands, 13, 104, words of limitation, 40. Imprisonment— (See Penalties). 24' 24;;. I' ■i> i '; !il''^. ! : ■il , 1 M' :i\ l ■< i n I ' \ 'W '■'^ I,. riHi. 320 INDEX. Indemnity of officers, (Man.), 62, (T.), 22G. Indorsed — (See Er.dorseniont). meaning of, (Man.), 46, (T.), 215. Incumbrances — (See Mortgages), 252. India, affidavits in, 123. Infants, applications by, 85. guardians, 207. to act for, (T.), 281, 282. limitation of actions, 201, (T.), 275. Informations — (See Prosecutions), 209. Inheritance, estates under laws of Assiniboia, 74. laws of, (T.), 216-218. Injunctions, to protect rights of Crown, frequently granted in Australia, 185. restraining breach of implied covenants, (T.), 251. Inspector, appointment of, 7, 48. powers, re informal instruments, 120, 128, 130, 152. in Territories, 221. Instruments, attestation of, (T.), 271-272. conferring rights as between the parties thereto, 132. copies of, pnmn facie proof, 126. registered, 125. declaring trusts, 135. form of, (T.), 226. includes copy of writ, 298. irregular registrations validated, 297. not invalid for informality, (T.), 288. meaning of, (Man.), 44. (T.), 214. priority between, (T.), 228, 238. of registration, 65, 109, 120, 131. registration and effect when informal, 128. registered in order of time, 133. required form and registration, (T.), 244, 298. to comply substantially with forms, 128. verification of parties' age, 297. which may be registered, 128, 129. when deemed registered, 101, Insolvency, change of ownership, 149. transmissions by, 20. Insurance — (See Assurance), Interpretation, act of Manitoba applies, 47, 63. clauses, (T.), 213, 215. of terms, (Man). "At Least," (Rule 23), 63. INDEX. 321 i in Australia, 185. 251. :52. to, 132. Interpretation of " Court," 44. " Crown patent," etc., 45. " Encunvbrance," " Encumbrancer," "Encumbrancee,' " Grant," 45. " Indorsed," 40. "Instrument," 44, 120. "Judge," 45. "Land," 42. "Lunatic," 4i. "Memorial," 44. " Mortj4a-e," " Mortaa«ee," " Mortgagor," 43, 44 " New Sys'cem," 40. " Old System," 40. "Owner," 43, "Patent." 45. "Person of unsound mind," 44. " Possession," 40. " Standard time," 03. "Transfer," 4;j. " Transmission," 45. " Valuator," 44. Intestacy, laws of Manitoba, 74, m".7.173. Intestate estates, order changin,? vg^stered owner, 134 Investigation of title, 80, (T.), 234. ordered by Court, 173, 174. Ireland, affidavits in, 123. Issue on caveat. Form of, 194. 44. J. Joint Ownership, Court orders, 134, 108. "no survivorship," 133. Judge, interpretation of term, (Man.), 45, (T.), 215. jurisdiction of, 28, 173-181. may order caveat, 185, 187, I'JO, 191. Judgment, certificate lapsing, (\9. registration of, 80. registered becomes lien, 105. implied charge, (T.), 243. under both systems, 298. MAN.L.A. 21 322 INDEX. i' Jurisdiction, affidavit out of, I'iH, 127. Court of Q. B., 28, ITIMBl, 11)2, 1!>;{. dependent on statute, 1H7. of Court, re caveats, I'.KMDd. Keewatin, affidavits in, 124. K. L. !< t fill Land, assurance fund, 34, 88. meaning' of term, (Man.), 42, (T.), 218. Provincial and swamp, patent required, 7H. register of H. B. Co., 50. titles, offices and districts, (Man.), 47, (T.), 221. ungranted not registered, 77. Lapse of caveats, 182, 185, 18(1, 190. Leases, 21. assignment, 142, 171. determined by re-entry, 104. effect as encumbrance, 138. encumbered lands, 138, 144. forms of transfer, 147-141). implied covenants, 188-141, 171. in H. B. Co., register, 50-53. " Lease," " Lessee," includes sub-lease and sub-lessee, 292. less than three years, implied qualification, (T.), 248. may be transferred, 138, 147. of encumbered lands, (T.), 247-252. over one year, Form of, 137, 138. three years a lien on land, 105. three years, (T.), 247. short form covenants, (T.), 249. statutory short form, 138, 143, 206. surrender of, 141, (T.), 251. Lessee, covenants to purchase, 138. implied covenants by, (T.),248. in insolvency, 142. right to purchase, 247. Lessor, implied powers reserved, 109, 139, 140, 171. powers reserved in lease, (T.), 249. Letters patent, binding of, (T.), 230. INDEX. I-ieiis, holderfi, notice of tax Hnlo deeds, 100. implied as to ref,MHteml lands, 104-10(1. improperly lodj^ed, 1">, (T.), 221. indemnity for bona tide acts, 02. to j^ive secuity, 7, 1!*, 5-1. under K. P. Act, IM'y, continued, ;j('). " Old System," 146. Omission, dama{,'es on account of, 1!)7, 198. not affectin<,' l/oiKt J'nlc purchaser, (T.), _'01. to lodge caveat, ground for non-suit, '.)'). Order, appointing guardian, 20H. constituting liens, 105, 12!). for substitutional service of notice, form, !I7. on foreclosure, 160. of foreclosure, 159, 161. must be registered, 162. of Judge or Court appealable, IHO. restraining proceedings — (See Caveats), 18-2, IS."), l',)l-l '.)'». Overholdiug tenant, re-entry by lessor, 140. Owner, address required, 66, (T.), 286. may have certificates consolidated or divided, 68. meaning of term, 4H, (T.), 214. of Equity of Redemption, application by, 79. to allow use of names in suits, '206, (T.), 281. under prior title, 107, 109. Ownership, absolute against ejectments, 109. mode of registering, 67, 128, liJ^. special S. O., 172. P. Partitions, validated in certain cases, 75. Partnership, service of notice on, 97. "Patent," letters binding of, (T.), 230. meaning of term, 45. necessax'y before registration, 77-78. INDEX. 327 rayment, acknowleflMinciit in deed, evidence, !»H. of mortgages to Provincial Treasurer, 152. Penalties, r,7, (12. 177. '208, (T.), 28'». PfTKon (if unsound mind, meaning' of term. 11. Personal representative ({(■aiiu'^ contrary to terms of will, MO. devises ineffectual as a<,'aiu9t, 72. jnd.t^nient for costs, 127. liable for trusts, etc., 171, (T.), 203. must prove will, etc., H'lH. must rejjister as owner, 72, 1(57-172. notice by, lol. 157. to be re},'i jtere(i as owner. 202, 2(;;{. to take estates, 70, 133, 107-172, (T,), 21(i el sen. service of estoppel notices, '.14, !»5. Petitions, orders dismissin<,'. 301. not invalid for informality, 204, 288. to enforce caveats, 12. office abolished, 5(5. Registrars for districts, powers and duties, 110, et. seq. not to act as agents, etc., 5(; (T.), 22(j. qualifications, 48 (T.), 222, Registration, application of owner, (T.), '2iil. clear titles, (T.), 2m. Crown grants, (T.), 228. date when effective, 101, 120. districts defined, 47, 48, (T.), 219, 220. each on separate folio, (T.), 2m. effect of, (T.), 229, 238. encumbered estates, (T.), 234 et seq. form of instruments, (T.), 220. ineffectual if in validly made under old system, 126. manner of, 119-122. necessary to pass intereit, 102, 118, 120, 130, 140, 159, (T.), 214. on transmission by death, 109, (T.), 202, not void for informality under new system, 204. of dealings under new system, 10, 07, 101, 104, 110, 12S. of trusts prohibited, 135. mo INDKX. Pi I I ii '. llt'Kistration, priority Hcttlod, ti'), IHO, liU, '2W. rif^ht of, Hcciiri'd by iiiHtriimoutH, V.i'2. tiiiK! iiinilcil to Hociin; |)riority in curtain ciiMeH, lol, I'il uiult'r DJil wyHtc'iii, ^)■^^'^^'l. livnititiivod lnHtriimontH, copiofl iiHeviileiice, V2't, rjf'p. titloH. I'i, 101. Kcf^intry otl'iccrt ahollHlied, (>, til, T)!. Rujoction of applications, 10, Hti, ;)0-'.)'2. Ht'lease of char^^es, ir)'2-ir>:{. lU-niedicH for Iohh of ri;^lits, ;M. Kenioval of judj^niuntH, lions, etc., 01). trustee, etc., 1H4. lienewal of ille^'ible certiticatcH, (111. Rents, issnes and prodtHtaiten by inortj,'at,'ot!, IM. l{i'pairs covenant by niortj^af^or and leasee, 182, IH!), (T.), '2iH. lessor may view state of, liJ!>. Kepealinf^ clauses, 41, 42, ">"). Representations not fraudulent do not void instriuiK'nts, 20!). Representatives, personal, take estate, 70-70, 127, lii3, 154, 157, 107. ( Reservations in ('rown j,'rants, 10."), 18.'). Residence, etc., of owners and parties to instruments, 00,07. of attesting witness to appear, 120. Retroactive effect of statute. 7'), HH. Retrospective effect of ref^istration of personal representative, lOH. Revocation of power of attorney, 28, 10(i, 107. Ridiu",' Mountain and Russell in Portage la Prairie district, 48, i>4. Right of way, implied lien, 105, (T.), 248. Rock Lake Co. in Morden dist., 48, 54. Rules and regulations made by Gov.-in-Council, (T. , 284, 285. of practice, etc., (Man.), 7, 08-01), l'JH-190, 302. (T.), 217. s. Sales and foreclosure, 128, 150, et. xeq. by public auction, 157, 15!). contracts, equitable jurisdiction saved, Isl. entered in H. B. Co. land regr., 50-53. of land for taxes, 99, 118. under legal process, 121. under power validated in certain cases, 75. Safe holding, title may be registered, 04, 87. INDEX. HrtHkiitclicwiiM DJHt. divided (T.). •il'.l, 22(1. Sclifdiil.'H, pint of Act, limy hv altori'd, Ki, (lit. Hfciirity by otficoi-n, 7. lit. "it, (T.), 22;}, 22.".. for coHtH, IDi, !!(■,, 'JOO, KliiTiff'H HiiliiH iiiul (lirdH, 121, I2i», l;t() 172. (T,l, 2(;;»-2(17. Short form, Htittiitoi y loasr or iiiort>,'ii«c. ('I'.), 2.-)(), 2.111. Htiitiitory frrii), (Miiu,), 120, 12.s, i;iH, IJI, i'i;j^ 147, title, H. 1'. Act, INH'.I, aineiKlcd, 2!)1. Heiil of oflico. Jl), 120 (T.), 22.'), court or ('orponition, proof of cxcciitioii, 125. on deeds, covoriiuitH, etc., 144, Kw. power of Htloriicv . 1('.,',-|(;7. Sealing' cxemplKicatioii copicH, etc., (i7. iieceHsary to effective re^ihtration, loi, 144. Scarcli final Ix.fore ni^inun «'rtificates, J'.. ride of pi-actice aw to, f.ii. Heed ;^raiii iiiort«a;ies, JOC. .Sei/in interrupted by death, 7;{. under new law, 70. Selkirk fJo. in Winnipeg J)ist., 4K, ,'■,4. Service of notices, etc., H(;, <)(;, !I7. of proccedinjjH on caveat, I'l.S, V.H). '^ Singular" and " plural " conHtr.ied, 4(i. Special owiiershii), S. <)., 172. Specific performance, certilicate of title conclusive, lOH, (T ) -'H'J '' Standard time," used in Man., 7, 02, (Hi. Stay of proceedinf,'H on caveat, lur,. St. Francois Xavier in Winnipeg' District, 48. Substitutional service of notices, !)(i, loo, lOQ. Sub-mortf,'af,'es, 2;">, 2!»1. Sub-Division plans, IK',. (T.), 227. Sublease, rej,'istration of, 12!). Subpoena, form of. 111, H03. Successors included in descrii.tion of corporation, if), 72. Summons to witness, 11, Hi, I7r>, 177, ;jo;^. produce instruments, etc., 175, 177, 308. Surveyor's certilicate on plans, llC, (T.), 2H0. Survivorship amon^' joint tenants or trustees, 1!), 133, (T.,) -JSM Swamp lands, patents required, 78. lilU T. Tail estates abolished (T.), 217. Tariff, new system, 57-60. Old system, 60-62. 832 INDKX. I f I ■ i Tariff of fees in Tcrrit'^rics, 285-287. Ta? certificateH required, V>7. (UhhI, iiicliidt's vostiii!4 ccrtilicato, 2!l.'), L'lW'i. sales of lands for ai rears, 11',). time forrei^'isteriiii,', 101. Taxes imidied as a lien, 10."), (T.), 212. Tenants in eonimou, separati; certilicates, 104. jointly, no survivorsliip, l.'i;{. Territoriiil l!eal Property Acts, 7, ;<('), 2i;{. Time, conipiitiiLion of, (IS. of detanlt in i.ior*',ni.,yes, ctc.,l.')t. standard used in Man., ()2, CiH. Transfers of land, 17, ;i7, 117. US, ll!>, 12S (T.). 2-W. Transfer, meaninj^ of term, }:{ ('!'.), 211. between luisband and wife, 75. hy dii-eetion, ISS. deed under pnjcess, 121. endorsement, llH, 1-lS, lH). old system conveyances, 12S, l.'iO. pi'rsonal re[)resentalive, 1 17. effective only by i-ej^istratinn, 120, 12'.l. in 11. J'>. Co. rei^ister, oO-'i:!. implied covenants res[)ectini4 cliar^^'ets, l.'Jl, i;}2, 14',l. of rei^'isters, old to new oi'tici s. 111. of cluirj^es, etc., 1 17, ct scq. priority settled, 120, IIJI. seals not necessary. 111*. si^'ued by owner confers rif,'lit of registration, 1;{2, to joint tenants, no survivorsliip, i:};{. under [)ower of sale, l.")S. verified by attesting witness, 120. 127 Transfers and deeds distinj,'uisiied, (T.), 241. of encumbered estates, imjilied covenants, (T.), 2 HI. land, (T.), 244,24,i,24(;. nu)rti4aj,'es, enciunbrances or leases, (T.), 2.")S, 251). Transferee, implied covenants by. 240, 2()0. rij^lit to re{^istration, 1IJ2. rif^lits vested in 21)1). suits by, 14'J. to assume cbar^'es, 1151. Transferor may exclude survivorsliip amon^' joint trustees, 11), 18.'5. Trt'nsmissiou by death or insolvency, 20, 72, 142, 141), 107-172. includes ta.\ sales anc^ assif^nments, 21)2. meaning of term, 45, (T.), 215. INDEX. Treasurer, Provincial dischai-fjiiif,' ninrt^'aj^'es, ir)2. payments assurance fiiiifl, 200, '202. 20;{,300. Trusts, declarations not to be rej^istered, Ki.'t, 2!tH, 2!)i>, .'500. knowledf,'e no presumption of fraud, V,i'). may l)o enforced in Equity, 1, l.'iO. not affected by transmission, 171. not to affect bona jUli- dealers, 115. system discussed, "Queensland Commission," 130. Trustees, heirs, etc., included in term, IC. jointly, no survivorship, \m, (T.), 283. powers under settlement, 17-1. removable by order of Court, 171, (T.), 203, 284. title absolute, -4. 833 U. Uncertain cases referred to Court, 17-5, (T.), 234. Under tenant— (See Sub-lease). Unregistered liens, 105. Uses, statute affected, 70. Vacant period, transmission by death, 73. Vacatinj,', I'm pentlenx, 30, 33. " Valuator," meaniuf,' of, 44. Valuation of lands, 117, (T.), 285. Varennes County, Winnipeg District, 48. Nesting leases in mortgagee, 142. of estate by power of sale, 15i). orders— (See Sheriff's deeds), 12'.), 130, 172. Verification of application, ()3. instruments by witness, 120-127, (T.), 271. w. Waiver of notice, etc., by owner, etc., 158. Westbourne County, Portage la Prairie, 47, 54. Winnipeg District establislied, 48, 54. ollice retains records, of unorganizd divisions, 74, 70. 334 INDEX. [l ■ Wife may convey to husband, li), 75. dower abolished, 73, (T.), 217. ri^'hts in estate on intestacy, 73, (T.), '217. adultery, disinherits, (T.), '21H. Withdrawal of application, effect of, 10, !)2. consent and forms, !)0, 1)1. undivided shares, 2',)'). caveats, 18!), 1!)1. Witness, attostinj^ death or absence, 12r>, 127. instruments, 120, 122, <'t. srq. names set forth, 122, 12G. form of summons provided, 20(5, 303. none to transfer of mort<^af,'e, 148. to application, when required, 04. to prove execution of instrument, 121, (T.), 271. Woodlands in Portaj^e la Prairie, transferred to Winnipeg,', 4i-!. *p'W