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Lorsqua la document ast trop grand pour 6tre raproduit an un saul clichd. il ast filmd d partir da I'angla supiriaur gaucha. da gaucha d droite, at da haut an baa. an prenant la nombra d'imagas n«cassaira. Las diagrammas suivants lliustrant la mAthoda. 2 3 I 5 6 1 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST '"HART (ANSI and ISO TEST CHART No. !) ^ ill M IS m 1 4.0 2.2 2£ 1.8 A /APPLIED IIVMGE Inc ^r\; 1653 East Main Street ~-a Rochester, New York 14609 USA '■^g (716) 482 - 0300 - Phone =S (716) 288 - 5989 -Fox 1^ (o^Z.^^ N ^72 H c. ma ms^gm ^^^m^mm r K I. h;^ ^M O ,\ K 775. 4 >,£,:, CATy\LOQU L I ' • (%s U ^i*ni. s^. -♦Vr' D H OK — T IlJMIi Newport, CATERER m CONfECIIONEfi 219 KING ST. EAST Hamilton ©NTARI0. V. K. Whipple, Printer. i,..i"JaLTDW FUBLID LIBRAB' y\NNOUNCEMENT, Sn presentinp +[)is Cataloaue and r rice bSist to \\)Q public we tabe advantaae of \\)e opportunity to tl^anb our nunnerous patrons for tbe liberal pat- ronaae alven us dunna ]\)e past eiaijt years, and trust tl^ot t|?e contents nnay be of service to tl^em in nnakina ti^eir selections for dinner and supper menus, etc , as well as in tijeir nniscellaneous pur- cbases. yt l^as ever been -'ir aim to beep only THE> BEST in eacf) department, and t^e success wbici? we bave achieved tjas been conclusive proof ti^at our efforts bave been appreciated. We are constantly securing novslties, so as to be able to satisfy t^e desire of t^e public for new and orlainol desians in table arranaements. We aaain tfjanb you for your patronaae, and bope in tbe future to see you often at ■JEWPORT'S, O^R SPECiy\LTIES, W^rfdin^ fete and Wedding Cafe Goods ■ ; WE r.ATcrr, , ' LUNCHES PPrt^ ^^^QUEts, ^' ^^(^^PT/OJVS, ETC. Fine /• "°"^"^^'^-™ — rine Linen, Gla^, r/ ■ LTIES. ate Goods, ETC. ^t^are. Cut- (ices, ICE BREAMS, ETC. ICE CREAMS. Vanilla Vanilla, with Bean Seeds - Chocolate Raspberry - Strawberry Pine Apple Pistache French Neapolitan in Bricks Tutti Frutti in Moulds Tutti PVutti in Packers Banana in Packers Coffee Orange I-emon, Plain Lemon, with Fr'-nch Cherries FROZEN FRUITS. Per Qt. $o 65 PerCal. $2 00 05 2 00 65 2 00 6s 2 00 65 2 00 65 2 00 80 2 50 65 2 00 75 3 C'O » 25 5 00 \ 25 5 ou 65 2 50 65 2 00 65 2 00 65 2 00 80 •? 00 Pine Apple Strawberry Raspberry Peach Cherry Apricot Pear Apple ventilSeH^ ^'''°'' "^V^^" ^'S^'^d ^"^ thoroughly ventilated by means of a patent revolving fan makmg the temperature cool and pleasant in ' the hottest weather. OUR ICE CREAMS. 9 ( K^^rr Sits r 'i^'cri?; -£ r S All our Ice Cream ,s put up in Porcelain Lined Packers, SAMS. ICE CREAMS, F/rC-CoNTixuEli. WATER /C, S. /', ,• 1^)/. /'crCnl Tea . -$o 75 $2 OO Coffee . 75 2 OO IjCmon - - 75 2 OO Orange . 1 75 2 OO Apricot - ■| 75 2 OO Quince - 1 75 2 OO Pineapjjle . - 75 2 OO Ras])berry . 75 2 CO Strawberry . 75 2 OO Peach . 75 i 2 OO Cherry and Black Currant - 75 ' 2 OO FROZEN PUNCHES. Champagne Rum or Roman Kirchwasser Maraschino Benedictine Chartreuse Absynthe Curacoa Per Qt. $4 00 I 5° I 50 I 50 I 50 I 50 I 50 I 50 tation for the excell- ideavor to maintain n, it is necessary in leavy, sweet cream; ials should be pure t cleanliness should manufacture. The sentials are always Crearris. lain Lined Packers, FRO/.EN PUDDINGS. Nesselrode, with Matrons - - -I Nesselrode, with Marrons and Maraschine Sauce Egg Nog . - - - . Cardinal . - - - - Macaroon and Ratifia - - - - Bisc\uit Glace . . - - Vaiious other Frozen Puddings rer Qt. \ Per Gal. $1 25 I 50 I 50 $5 00 ' 25 3 50 I 25 4 50 1 25 2 00 i OUR LUNSH ROOMS, OYSTERS. CHOPS, STEAKS. ETC — _ — -aciies find Nvwur^nT^'r. for a light lunch when out Ih^pp'inJ^ """''"''"' ROOMS, BEVERAGES. Lemonade Frappe Coffee, with Whip Cream Frappe Claret Punch Frappe Rum Punch Frappe Maraschino Punch Frappe Maraschino Cream Punch Frappe rerCat - $1 25 - ' 25 . 2 25 2 50 - 2 SO ; 3 00 1 MERINGUES. "^or a clown -town iptly. ed, fried, scal- ETC. ks, Lamb and •*y convenient Chocolate Meringues, filled -Peach Meringues, filled - . . Apricot Meringues, filled Pine Apple Meringues, filled Ice Cream Meringues, filled .. . . . Swiss Cream Meringues, filled Belgian Strawberries in Cream -Empty Meringue Shells, Halves Meringue Creams, in Pyramids Mermgue Creams, in Different Forms, to Order, such as Baskets, Horns, etc. Prices according to size etc. " ' I Unfilled Meringue Cascs, from 15c. to 30c. per dozen, i Chocolate ■ " •..''■., 'Vanilla " Lemon " French «' Swiss «« Coffee " German " Unfilled English " PerDoz $1 00 ! 00 ' 50 1 25 I 00 1 00 2 50 50 Each. I 30 ro FANCY FORMS OF CREAMS AND ICES, -Strawberries an,| Crcan, i„ season. ->'^l ^MS AND ICES, a 1"^ yan,„is fancy Urns will he turntd out of '«y 10 he inii an the and must fashionahle iicacivs. Tceiain Pack t-Ts, any 'ANCY I-ORMS OK Cl-ll'AMS AND ICHS, Irmt I'Vuit Maskft, filled witli sma i'riiit Haskc'l, small Hen and Chickens in Spun Sugar Xcsts Melon, with slire out - . Melon Slice - - . . (londola Hor.«e.shoe - - - . l-ancy Brick Forms, Neapolitan Ices. IUkIi. - $2 50 2 00 - 3 5'^ ' 50 ' 50 50 <|ls. I I 00 ^^'c are constantly adding the newest and prettiest designs in large and small forms for Ices as fast as they come out, IcK Carving during the Winter months to order. We were the first to introduce this new and elegant form of 'I able I )ecoration. It is one of the prettiest innovations. INDIVIDUAL CREAMS AND ICES Small Fruits, assorted flavors Small Flowers, assorted flavors - Small Vegetables and Fishes Small Animals and Birds Small Novelties, Assorted Small Fancy Figures Small Chickens in Spun Sugar Nests Small Empty Spun Sugar Nests, from l)ecorated Fancy Fruit Surprises N'essels for Roman and other Punches, Swans, Hats, Boats, Vegetables, ' .,.,,^,,, Orange, Pear and Peach Shells, F-ancy Orange Baskets, m Spun Sugar, and others too numer ous to mention. Prices on application Acorns, l^askets, Ver Dos. $1 50 50 50 50 50 50 00 I 00 3 50 (/I D c« rt > ta 0UR BiNiNG Parlor. Our Dfning Parlor is large and commodious c.p.ble of seating 12c; m,esN T^ ;. 1 -i.- , "'"";>, capable 0/ ^ ^ ^^ ^"''''- ^^ '« bnll.antly illuminated by electric I'ght, and thoroughly ventilated by means of . . ! fan. ^ "^ °^ '^ patent exhaust evidenced by the brge number held here every „,„,er. as ii ARLOR. 6AKES IN QCNQRAL modious, capable of iiinated by electric of a patent exhaust Society Dinners, as verj' winter. Standard Mixed Cakes, Small Dundee - Madiera VValnut Honey AFaple Hick(jry I<.'ed Found Cake Lunch Savoy - . . (Jenoa Iced Sponge Neapolitan J'Vuit IcL'd Cake - Fruit l^)und Cake, Iced Citron (Jake Silver Cake Cold Ciake I-ady Delicate Cake Coffee Cake, Parisian Kout Cake Victoria Lady Fingers, or Naples Hiscuits S(iuare Sponge Cakes, Small - Shape Sponge Cakes, various sizes New York Pound Ginger ]5read Carraway JiChocolate, Iced - Lemon, Iced Jelly Cake Sandwiches Angel Cake, Plain Ic-d An^.el Cake, Iced and Ornamented. Angel Cake, Iced and Ornamented," Neaiiolitan Chocolate Cakes Wine Cakes, large Wine Cake, small Briar Cake small large r ll) Per do/. I'rom - Each Per lb. Each. Per lb. $0 20 '25 25 -5 -5 40 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 ^5 25 25 40 20 50 10 20 25 25 25 20 30 SO 75 75 30 10 20 M ,&f JjOLIDAY QOODS, a VI ''''-**^-*-^a/*v>-^ lai .—rX'^^eOMlNlON, par., ,o .^ ,„ „„,„„„„, ^^^^^^ ^J' SL2iJSL12AYj;RApE '*'' ""'*' " 'P'"'l'y 'f impcrting FANCY «^. BASKETS, BONBOmEHES nf^CUjl /.T ' ROSE/AKS Ett r ' "^^^^^^^ JAJi.S. '""" '"""'■S your HolUay pr,u„,s. Newport s, BrocI Led Scotc (!hoc Coco, Wain Maph I A- mo 'Tistac Glace Cocoa Corn Spanii Hanbi I'hilad Brand Newpc Cresce Hone) We great v j* Fresh i «5 QOODS, CAKKS -C"VTINUKD. OLIMPORTED aneyfcflds '"'■'! in En)>latid, ' all times pre- * second to Prices, TRADE ^ANCY BOXES 'SCUIT JARS, ^mne the goods resents. I'aviliuiis Snow I )rops Lemon Drops Apccs, or A. R Cakes Qiiccn Cakes and Droiis Shrewsbury Cake Vanilla Cream Rolls • E'luir'b Chocolate V'tnilla " I.emon Strawberry Brochettes I< td Kingcrs Scotch Wafers Chocolate Cake, 3 Layers "2 jCocoanui " JValnut " .Maple Cream" '"" " II xmon " 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 II 11 II 11 II . $0 25 ( " *■ ^? '5 40 10 30 20 20 20 20 60 50 75 5° 25 SO '5 50 as so as SO as 7S 7S 20 20 20 30 20 30 50 20 10 i6 WEDDING 6AKES, ''"lit: rt'putatioii of ouy W'cddin.r r' i ihese,-akc..shavoo„.-celd.n.tcciAl,.,o„d In„, -t<., lor ornamentation, all prices. Wedding Cakes shipped to al] parts of th. Dn • • Order your \Vedding Cake from Newport. Criimi) '7 AKES, C'AKKS — CdNIINUKD. ?rf)(lH'ttes Iced l'"ingers Scotch Wafers y-T ih. - $0 (lQ 50 I 00 1 FANCY LKIHT CAKES. "^ DECORA TED. , Sponge Drojjs Koll Waters - - . . _ Wafer Kisses Fine Kisses, Assorted - - . . Cocoamit Steeples Fine Juml)les Vanilla Biscuits imported Wafers, from 60 cts. to $1.25 per Box. Cakes is world-widi- '^^^ and shajjcs, and )iirchaser. They can l>ti(:orate(l and weigh from ten fini^iied they cost a Crystallized Violets Rose Leaves /^alted and Roasted Almond piince Meat, over 10 lbs. %Iince Meat, under 10 lbs. Per oz. (< Per 11). WKDDINC. ClAKKS. HUNS. dmond Icing. Its with Hou(|uets oi IS, Cord.s, Ribbons. >f the Dominion, se '1 perfect condition, wport. 3L Bath lUms Chelsea - Boston Floats Cerman Coffee Www Cloffee Rolls New iMigland Doughnuts Berlin Pancakes New York Tea Biscuit - Scotch Scons Breakfast Rolls - Sally fAuis Mutlins - ^Crumpets Per doz. (1 - Each. II I'er doz. II <• II (I >i II II ii 50 I 00 I 00 I 00 I 00 60 60 [ 00 25 25 75 20 25 SO 20 «5 10 10 10 10 IS 10 TO 10 20 20 15 i3 II I ^^ arc Justly celcirated for tkc excellaue ana greal variety of our buns. •~-'-'«f^°{o<^2/11,-»_j WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF S\v( Air CCK Ital Fre Spa Fru En^ Spi( Hoi Pin( Haz frui App Che> Pres Bost Fane Crea ftins, Breakfast % Dinner Rollsl F'resh Dailv. — ^S^»4»-e*iB^— . '"""•'™";rp„^j-»s---»v„3, rai Pyrai Pyrai Pyrar Pyrai Oranj Noug Cham Decoi Merir Wine Tipsy High High t9 MACAROONS AND PASTRIES. Swedish Macaroons Almond Cocoanut Italienne French Spanish - Fruit Enghsh - " the excellence ana Spile tir buns. Horseshoe Pine Apple Hazelnut TY OF Fruit Tarts Apple Turnovers Cheese Cakes Presidents Boston Cream Puffs Fancy Piped Pastry Cream Rolls Fancy Ornamental Dishes, V. : KINDS MADE BY US, Pyramids, Cocoanut Candy Pyramids, Macaroon - Pyramids, Meringue Pyramids, Orange Quarters Pyramids, Crystal ized Rings Orange Pyramids, Built, Small - BASKETS (OF VARIOUS KINDS,) SPUN SUGAR, ^. Handsomely Decorated and Filled, Consisting of pJougat, Horns of Pbntv - fChantilly Baskets - ' - nDecorated Spun Sugar ;' Meringue, with Handles '-Wine Trifles, with Spun Sugar - Tipsy Cakes, Almonds and Sauces - High Pyramids of Sponge Coke High Pyramids of Sponge Cake, Iced and Decorated From $1.50 ! i\-\ ih. $0 75 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 Per doz. 20 20 20 30 30 40 30 $3 00 3 00 00 00 50 50 2 50 2 00 2 50 2 00 2 50 2 00 2 Oi) 2 50 26 'III I ill Sliced Cold JV^eats. t'Clare pound or jcnt, such as Ham, Tonoue, Sp:ck. L^ Corned Beef, Etc fnr inn.K o • • ^^'^^d BEEh, . -"^Tc, for hinches, p.cnics, or family use. These meats are cooked by our n^n ^y wMC .Key .e.,i„ .he ,„.e a„: l:". Tr. "'°^^'' Bavar Indiv Charl Charl( Chant Noug; 91 EATS, i***i^#fti JELLIES, CREAMS. RUSSES, 'old Meats by the UE, Spiced Beef, s, or family use. wn perfect proress "■ to a far greate^ methods. /N MOULDS. Wine and Calves' Feet Jellies. Claret - . . . _ Port - . . . • _ " ' Sherry - . . . _ Chani]iagne - - . . _ Native, Red .... Native, Dark ■ . . . _ Native, Clear - . Rum , . . _ Maraschino Benedictine Curacoa - . . . _ Calf's Foot, especially for Invalids Orange Jelly Quarters - . p^r ^j^^ Orange Baskets, Filled - . « ' Macedoin Jelly - . . . _ CREAMS. Bavarian and Italienne Creams, all flavors - I RUSSES. Individual Charlotte Russe - Charlotte Russe, quart moulds decorated Charlotte Russe Baskets, Filled • Chantilly Baskets ■ Nougat Baskets, Cream-Filled Per doz. Per qt. $1 00 I 00 I CO I 50 I 00 1 00 I 00 I 00 25 25 25 25 3 00 3 00 I 50 I 00 50 1 00 2 25 2 25 2 75 i2 i 1§ -mouR^^ ^ «« # «s e. «> • A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF ALL THE VARIOUS K.'NDS OF FRPMo^ ...„ . VARIOUS JDS OF FRENCH AND AMERICAN Candies, Bon Bons, Taffies, Etc. " °"" °~ — ■ •"■». -.., m „„, «^ «» «i ^ ss IVe guarantee them free from all .eleteru tngredients or colorin ertous ^g matters. * « » &i # S> H*NO MADE MRAMEtS. FRESH OAliy. »3 P SOUPS, ETC. 7- THE VARIOUS MERICAN 'aflj'es, Ek 'T IN STOCK. «// deleterious ^tatters. Mock Turtle, Clear Mock Turtle, Thick Green Turtle Beef Bouillon Palestine Julienne Macaroni Tapioca Vegetable Scotch Broth Cream of Green Turtle Terrapin, Dark - Cream of Terrapin - Mutton Broth Chicken Broth Windsor Mullagatawney Fish Soups Chicken au Riz Oyster Consommes Puree of Green Peas Puree of Beans |. Puree of Chicken Puree of Game in season I'er Qt. $o 75 75 I GO 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 I oo I 5° Per Cat. $2 50 2 50 3 2 2 2 50 50 50 50 2..50 2 50 2 50 2 50 •3 50 4 5° - I 50 4 50 75 2 SO - 75 2 SO 75 2 5° - 75 2 SO 75 2 50 - 75 2 SO 75 2 50 - 75 2 50 75 2 50 - 75 2 SO 75 2 50 I 00 3 50 iiiy. ^Meat and Poultry Bouillons and Broths Are condensed by boiling down, and are not artificially thickened; consequently they are not only whole- some and nutritious, but very convenient for invalids. A single trial will convince you of their excellence. H Menus TMe. o . '.^'""' -'"l-'-nv.i.e and Cmlery. Waiters included, J^INNERS, BANQUETS 'Tf^'' ^^^^■^^■^^ WEDnmo BI^EAKEASTS, ETC ' 219 King St. East, - HAMILTON. •'ate, furnished on app •tainment, with use of /erware and Cutlery. it, Flowers and ed, A.M1LTON Quenelles Quenelles i Quenelles i (^)uenolles i (Quenelles ^ Quenelles i Quenelles Quenelles Quenelles i Quenelles ( Quenelles < Quenellea i Quenelles Patties, all Croquettes Sweetbread Fish Entrei Chicken, s( Lobster Oyster Game Fish as ENTREES. HOT AND COLD, COI.n ENTREES (Quenelles of Chicken, in Moulds, with Truftlc-s (Quenelles of (lame, " " (^)iienelles of '.I'urkey, " " (^)iienelles of Sweetbread " *' (}uenelles of Veal - - . . (,)iienelles of Egg and I-obster Quenelles of Fish, Salmon Quenelles of P'ish, Cod - Quenelles of White P'ish Quenelles of Trout, in season Quenelles of Eels, " Quenelles of Frogs' Legs " Quenelles of Smelts, " - Etc., etc. HOT ENTREES OF Al.l. k'lNDS. Patties, all kinds - - From 6oc. to Croquettes, all kinds .... Sweetbread, Poultry, Game, etc. Fish Entrees - Average, $2.00 jier doz. VOL AU VENTS. Chicken, serves 10 persons Lobster Oyster Game Fish /V»- dos. $2 GO 2 00 2 00 •7 50 2 00 I 50 2 (10 2 00 I 75 I 75 2 00 2 00 2 50 2 00 1 00 I 75 ' 25 1 25 2 00 I 25 36 0RRQmBn.q;Qu Os^iiBg. Pyramids, Baskets, and all classes of Xouj^at and Spun Sugar Work, Ornamental Piping and Decorative Work receive our careful attention. # m ^lit o** ^o w-t 71«« ICE CARVINGS for Claret Cup, etc. We were the first to introduce this beautiful style of table orna- mentation into Canada. These ornaments are chiselled by hand out ot the solid block, and retain their original color and transparency, ^liBS. ii Standa'id Mhats and PouitrY, !EI I IHD AM) orilENW ISE. of Nougat and and Decorative tc. We were of table orna- are chiselled their original 3 TurkovN, jellied and Sliced, in I'yratnid Form 2 'I'urkeys, in Jelly, Moulded I Tongue, in Mould, Jollied 1 'longue, riain 2 Chickens, in Mould i rJucks, in Mould 2 Prairie Fowl as per season 2 Partridges, in Mould as per season. Raised (lame Pies I'atte de Fois (Iras in Jelly, (^)t. Ind Patte de Fois (Jras, in Jelly, with 'I'ruffles, (^t Hams, Plain, Boiled and Decorated Hams, Moiled in Port Wirte u $7 SO 5 oo 65 (cllied. From $3.50 to I 5 00 3 50 7 50 SALADS. SERVES FROM /j 10 30 PERSONS. Chicken Salmon Lobster Potato Shrimp Celery Sweetbread - The above in Individual Dishes Russian - Italienne ... Per Doz. SALAD AND DRESSING. # Mayonaisse, with Cream Mayonaise, best Imported, with Pure Olive Oil. Mayonalse, French $2 00 2 00 I 50 I 50 2 00 I 50 2 5° 3 00 2 25 2 00 iS Entrees and Broquqttes READY FOR THE RANGE. \\'e make :i sprcialtv of scmlinu out I'".ntrees and ( "rociuclles L'|)arc'il ready l<>r the raiiti,c, so tliat ladies can add any ot' lliese dishes to iheir regular (hnnei witliout llir lroid)le oC jiiepiiiini; liiein. We i)rint a h'si of the various liit Kntiees and , ^o lliat ladies icniilai dinner We print a list to liirnish on ClMckcn . I.ohstiT Shrinij) Salmon . Rice . I'otato , Sweetbread with Trnffles . 'I'urkev, with rniffles . Cral), with Iriinies - ^ % /',; , /,... $2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 I 50 1 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 PATTIES. '^^U'^^J^'-^^^Ul!: ■-'^V/) rHORO UGHLY WEI. I. HIiA'IFJ) IN OVEN RE FORE SERVING. ^ ui)i)iN(;s Rkai)\ n add anythinu L' been an ordi Chicken Salmon Lobster Mushroom Sweetbread Shrimp (lame Turkey r.reen Turtle Veal Tongue Oysters Empty Pattie Cases Per doz. - $0 80 80 - 80 - I 00 - 1 00 - 80 - I 00 - 80 • I 00 - 80 - 80 - 6oto 80 - 40 il MUI I>I Mi ;»»TBW "^ -"■' 3° MiSeELLANEOUS, THE UXDERMENTlONKn GOODS ARE ALWAYS : : : E\ S'J'OCK : : : M ^'f, ^*i, ^w, !Saii **"' ■*!'' "^'Z' v>^ 'w' v^ viv ''"' ''^ Costume Cosaques. Fan< y Bon Honiers. Favors for the Cicrman. Stakes for Progressive Euchre. Mottoes and Cake Laces' Paper, Kntree Cases. ■Gelatine and Silk Flags and Banners. Paper Nai)kins, Jajjanese. Paper Mats, in Fancy Colors. Paper Cases, I'unch Cups. Paper Ham, Chicken and Beef Frills. Menu Cards — Name Cards. Dinner Souvenirs. Charlotte Paper and Wafer Cases. Silk and Board Boxes. Christmas Tree Ornaments. Wicker and Cold Baskets. Easter Eggs and Novelties. All kinds of French Fruits ( Daces. FRENCH AND_AMERICAN CANDIES AND HON SONS Made daily on the premises by exjierts, as good as the imported, and at half the money. Elegant Glass, China and Silver, Centerpieces, Epergnes, Candelabra, kept on hire. Fine Linen. Vi 3' Sandwiches, .-/Af/;-/ F.V Boniers. rt'ssive Euchre. tree Cases. lers, I Fancy Colors. 'rills. er Souvenirs. 1 Board Boxes, "lold Baskets. es. '; BON^ BONS ,s good as the ieces, Epergnes, 15read nnd Butter Brown Bicad and l>ultcr Brown Bread and Butter, Rolled Chopped Meat, Assorted Sliced Chicken (iame, Chop])ed Came, Sliced Ham, Chicken and Tunguc Sardine . . Anchovy Paste Shrimp Paste Patte de Fois Cras Chopped Sweetbread Sliced 'I'urkey Truffles Chopped Turkey Sliced Ham Chopped and Minced Ham Tongue, Chopped Tongue, Sliced Spiced Beef Minced Goose Afinced Meat Cress and Lettuce Stilton Cheese and Creens ^!& &fe. ^!<: :?'«. ^r^ •^it* •>»*• •?(«• ^j^ ^ji^ /'(■»• I 00 I 00 I 00 60 60 60 75 75 75 60 30 30 60 60 30 75 75 75 80 We make and sell a superior article of Mince AFeat. I Send for small trial order, and you will want more. Rolled Chicken Salad Sandwich. Don't forget that we send out Pui.dinc. bagged, I ready for the pot, CROgt/EXTKs ready for the range, Soups jready for heating and serving. 32 Wedding Breakfasts Served in first-class style with all necessary table eciuip- ments, Flowers, Fine Linen, conii)etent Waiters. Prices on application. Wedding (Jakes, 50c. per lb. » ^ ^ DIJ^JMERS o c? * At so much per plate according to menu ser\ed, in our own rooms, or at private houses if required. J'i ■& & ^ BALL SUPPERS, ^ ^ With first-class Menu for any number of guests, supplied to any part of the Dominion. Send for prices. Unde i 33 STS tabic c(iuii)- rs. Prices on served, in our guests, supplied ices. GLASS, CHINA AND PLATED WARE KOR HIRK. Silver Entree Dishes. Silver Oval Jelly Dishes. Centres for Fruit and Flowers. Epergnes, Silver and Glass for Banquets. Silver Fruit .Stands and Dishes Candelabra, Large. Candelabra, Small. Claret Jugs. Punch Howls. Fairy Lam])s and Fights. Coffee and Bouillon Cu|)s, Tea Sets. Specimen Classes. Silver Cruets. Silver Ornaments, Palm IVees, Etc. (ilass Epergnes, for Flowers only. Cake Baskets, Glass Branches. Tea and Coffee Sets, Silver Plated. Glass Jugs, I'lain and Colored. Handsome Dinner and Tea China Sets. Ivory Carvers and Forks. Ivory '["able Knives. Plated Knive.s. piated Forks. Tea Spoons. Dessert Spoons. Fine Linen Tabling, Fine Linen Napkins, Under Cloths, thick Canton Flannel. Wine, Champagne and Lemonade Glasse.«!, etc. 34 Our PRIVy\TE PARLOf^S, i^sST^ -^s^o^^Hg*^ IN ADDITION TO OUR ICE CREAM PARLOF^ AND DIJNJIJMG ROOjyiS. % WE HAVE PF^IVATE Py\RLOKS, ^!l^%' I'J^Kt^''- At the disposal of the public for small entertain- ments, such as Card Parties, Private Sup- pers, etc. , 7i II for Hysler Supper. Oysters. Soup. Oysters, Raw. Kiilli and IJiiUlt. K\ 'longue. Afixffl I'icklcs. \\'(jrcestcrshire Sauce. (x'lcry. (Jheesf. Charlott Russc. Ice Cream. .Assorted Cakes. Pastry. Nut.s. Oranges. Raisins. Apples. Coffee. V\'e have attained a celebrity second to none m the Dominion, in the manufacture of Buns, of which we always keep in stock more than a dozen varieties. See price list. 40 Menu fur Ball Supper. O O # • ^^ v.* «f V>» O'olong 'J'ea. French Coffee. Chocolate. Chicken and I'ate de Fois (iras Sandwiches. Brown Bread and Butter Rolled. Shrimp Salad. Sweetbread Salad. Champagne Jelly. Charlotte Russe Vanilla. Fancy [.ight Mixed Cakes. Layer Cakes. Macaroons. Meringues. Lady Fingers. Strawberry Ice Cream. and Orange Water Ice, In Individual Forms, Shapes or Bricks. Lemonade l'Vai)pe. Fine Cllass. Fine Linen. Fruits. Flowers. We always keep the largest and most varied stock of con- fectionery in the city. We wish to call special atten- tion to the goods of our own manufacture. Patrons can rely upon getting confectionery made from pure sugar and free from all deleterious ingredents, and where coloring matter is used, harmless vegetable (olor-,. 43 Menu for Lunch. A': i'.'i A': ^Ml ■>". ,-/, */, ■>!.• w -A- ^^ w v.' W F*1 Bouillon "I'oiigue. Sandwiches. Chicken. Ham. Siirinip. Rolled Bread and Butter. Trifle. Chicken Salad. Walnut Cake. Chocolate Cake. I'ancy IVench Mixed Cakes. Lady Fingers. Macaroons. Vanilla Ice Cream. Coffee. Lemonade. Our stock of Holiday Goods always contains the Latest novelties from the, l-rench and (lerman Afarkets. At this season of the year we show an elegant assortment of fancy goods which » is a pleasure to see. Come in and insDf'ct tliem.