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Tous les autras axamplairss originaux sont film^s an commandant par la premiere page qui comporte una empreinte dlmpression ou d'illustration et en terminant par la derniAre page qui comporte une telle empreinte. Un des symboles suivants apparaitra sur la demiAre irr>age de chaque microfiche, selon le caa: le symbole — ^ signifie "A SUIVRE". le symbola V signifie "FIN". Las cartas, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre filmte A des taux de rMuction diff^rents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour *tre reproduit en un seul ciich*, il est film* i partir de Tangle supArieur gauche, de gauche A droite, et de haut en bas, on prnnant le nombre d'Images n*cassaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m*thode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 .X )11NL'TI-S, REI'OIIT?, ISV-UWS, &C., OF THK mmm of tse QORPORiTioii OF THE UNITED COUNTIES (•F Leeds axid GrexiTrille. 1 SEgOlTD XdEETINQ FOE 1372. liROC h'V r LL K, ./rXJJ, 187.!. BKOCKVII.LE: rRlNTEl) AT THE " RECORDEH" OFFICE, BUELL STIIEET. ^ / MINUTES OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE UNITED COUNTIES OF LEEDS AND GRENVILLE, SECOND mSETZNa. Brockville, 17th June, 1872. The Council met at two o'clock p.m. The Warden in the cliaix-. <-. n i Members present— Messrs. Beecher, Carley, ComAvall, Gallagher, Hicock, Ilourigan, Keeler, Kernahan, McLean, McBratuey, McCrea, McNish, Millar, Murphy, Rathwell, Read, Shaver, Sheffield, Stafford, Taplin, Whelan and Wilson John S. McLean filed his certificate as Reeve of Front of Yonge, and took his seat at thejtable. The Warden laid on the table, 1. Report of the Auditors on the Treasurer's accounts, with detail- ed statement of the receipts and expenditure, general abstract and statement of assets and liabilities for 1871. 2. Letter of Clerk of the County of Curleton respecting toll-roads. 3. Letters of Provincial Secretary respecting the Johnstown property. 4. Letter of Deputy Reeve of the town of Napanee respecting toll- roads. 5. Letter of Inspector of Asylums, Prisons, &c., respecting the Ontario Institution for the Education of the Blind. 6. Apportionment of Legislative Grant for Schools for 1872. 7. Letter of Charles B. Crysler, Esq., with his account. 8. Letter of the Hon. Billa Flint, for aid to Marchmont House. Mr. Hicock moved, seconded by Mr. Wilson, that all papers and documents now in the Clerk's hands, or that may come into his hands during the present session of the Council, be referred to the several • committees to which they respectively belong. Carried. Mr. McBratuey moved, seconded by Mr. Millar, that the Council do now adjourn until ten o'clock to-morrow morning. Carried. The Council adjourned. i I I TrKSDAY, lf<TH Jink. lf^7J. The Cnunoil nift ivt ten cVlock a.m. TlK. War<l(-u in th.- cl.air (-....uwall, Gallagher, V, helan iiud Wilson. , M.-. McLean brought up th. petition o th. .n.-n.luM> of th. (.nunc of Front of Yon -e resp.rting Von-o Muls l.n.l-.'. The \Vav.U-u Uiiil on the tahl^>, .;..;„ ,.„m,eotion Letter ..f Wm. lUc-hanls,m respecting oerta.n monie. m co.mcctioA with School Circuit No. 5 at Fa.mersvie i.,.ught up The Chuinnan of the staixhng entniMittcc on i in.uu. their tirst ivport. i»,.,vher that the tirst report Mr Keeler moved, s.'con.le.lhv Mi. '" *^""' ^'.'\,J, .- .i.^. .vhole of the Finance Committee he refern.! to a committee ot th. Council forthwith. Carnetl. The Council i;i couniiittee. Mr Keeler in the chair. S::^;;'."::;:!. .^t .1. c„,„n,itt,.c .,.,.1 n^ .^-m--- ceitain resolutions. SrMUrilr'ed, »ocoua„i ..y «,-. WH^ou. that tlu, ,M ,vs..l„tio„s ho concurred in separately. Carried. .f,ii..w<»-- The resolutions were r^ad and concurred m as folou .- Kesolved that the tir.st item in the report he adop.e.l Reso vl; that the second item of tl.> report he adopted. ^1,W. inoved, se.ond.n. M. Mcl..^^^^^^^ „.e ';vci.ttv„ctiou of ti,o Hi,u s^''-' Kr";^;.:!: '", i.t ' report to tho Council. Lost The ori-iual motion was then adopuMl. M^ MUlar moved, seconded hv M, T„.:n, f^^ t^K^ ^--^t roD oftlu, several municipalities in these ^<-';^-^:\ ^^j^ ^o, • fernd to the standing committee .u Asse.sn.ent. fo. (.pia-uat. (Jarried. Mr. Huiirigau moved, secou'led by ^fr. RatliMoll, that the Couuoii do now adjourix until two o'clock p.ia. Carrif?<l. The (.'oiincil adjouriifd. Tlu' Cuiincil iin,'t at t%so oVhjck p.iu. Tito (!liairinan of tla* staiidiir,' committee on Finance In-ought uj) their second rifjtort. Mr. llicock uiov(!d, .sceondt d I.y Mr. Erratt, tliat tlie .second report of the Conunittee on Financ : be ivferred to a committee of the whole (.'oiincil. Can'ied. The Council in couuiii'.,tee. Mr. Hicock in the clinir. 'I'hi; Council resuiued. The chaiiinan rcpoi tci that the conunittee hr.d li.stMi nnd adoiite<l certain resolutions. lie{)Oi't receive<l. 3Ir. Hicock moved, .seconded by Mr. Murphy, that the sai.l resolutions lie concurred in sej>ariitely. C'urried. The resolutions wer^■ read and concurred in as follows : — l{es(dved, that the Hist item in the rejtoit be adopted. Resolved, that the secoiid item in the report be ad(>]>ted. Resolved, that the thiKl item in the report be adopted. ResoK-ed, that t!ie fourth item in the rejiort l)e adopted. The report of the .special cojiiTiiittee on the Caol and Jtegistry Office Wiis presented by Mr. Kernahan. Mr. hi"^<fti moved, seconded by Mr. Stafford, that the report of the coinmittee ap[> linted to superintoud the buihlinc^of the Registry Office and Gaol, be referred to a committee of the whole (juuncil forthwith. Carried. The (Jouncil in conmnttee. Mr. Leg^i,fe in the chair. • The Couuf.il resumed. The Chairman reported that the committee bad risen and adopted the re])ort. Ri'po)t received. Mr. Hict>ck moved, .seconded l\v Mr. Stafford, that the report of the committee of the whole l)e concuned in by the t.'ouncil. Carried. Mr. Mi.ri»hy moved, seconded by Mr. LVg.ge, that the Council do adjourn till ten o'clock to-iiiorrow morning. Carried. The Council adjourned. Wedxksdav, r.»iii JuxK, \><~'2. The Council met at 10 o'clock a.m. The WardiMi in the ciiair. • Members ]>resent — Messrs. hJeech-v, C.trley, Coinwall. Eri-att. Gallagher, Hicock. Houriann. Kepler, Keniahan, f/'ggo. McLean, ilcBratney, McCrea, McNisli, jSlillar, Murphy. Rath well, Re;.d, Shaver, Slietlield, Stafford, T.'.plin, Whehin and Wolfe. ^„^ minutes of yesterday wei The Warden laid on the tiiMe, 6 read aiul api..'oved. ImiMint- of the Resi»t,y Office ; »1«.> the lettei- uf the Treusurc. .,,.*»« the financhil .ffain. of the to„nt,e. _^^__^^.^^ Mr. Hicck ■""-■-•.«"™'f J. ,^''Ke£ W^^^^^ MeBn.tney, and ::^:t Se^r, of L:;:!H.T»:i:.'w-.-, .au, op.uo„ to he '" nf slfave~i, »eco„.l«. hy Mr. Kevnahan, that the Couueil do adjourn till two o'clock. Carried. The Council adjourned. The Council met at two o'clock ixm. .^ ^^^ Mr. LefiL'e moved, seconded l.y M\. n.iinwcii, ui ^ now adjourn until to-morrow at ten o clock a.m. The Council iodjourned. Carried. Thursday, 20th June, 1872. The Council met at ten o'clock a.m. Si:^l'S;iS:^,^;i;"^Sr.^fStSrs^^v:;:'JJ:L,,; Taplin, Wheian and Wolfe. •The minutes of y^^sterday were read and approved. The Srman o/the standing comndttee on Asse.ssment brought up their report on the equalization of the assessments. The chairman of the standing committee on Roads and Budges '^^^lllfinlr ^rS:::ding committee on Education brought up "^tl^^^o^ the standing committee on Fixiance brought up ^'^he^S^of tne special committee on By-laws Nos. 380 and 38^ brouLl t up the opinion of the County Solicitor thereom Mr McBratncy moved, seconded by Mr. Read, tha he first repoit of the stlmUn, coUitte; on Assessments be referred to a committee of the whole Council forthwith. Carried. The Council in committee. Mr Wheian in the chair. ♦ ?l;:?hrXTrL that the coo^ittee had risen and .lopted the report without amendment. Report i-eceived. Mr. Millar moveil, seconded by Mr. McBratiioy, tlmt the re\H3i-t be concurred in. Camed. Mr. Beecher moved, secondecl by Mr. Taplin, that the fii-st i-ei»ort of tho standing' comniitteo on Education be reft-rred to u conmiittee of the whole Council forthwith, (-'allied. The Council in committee. Mr. Beecher in the chair. The Council resumed. The chairman reported that the coiamittoc had risen and adopted certain resolutions. Rejiort received. Mr. Wolfe moved, seconded by Mr. Erratt, that th'- said resolutions be concurred in separately by the Council. Carrietl. The re.solutions were read and concurred in as follows : — Resolved, that the tirst clause in the report be adopted. Resolved, that the second item of the report be adopted. Resolved, that the third clause of the report be adopted. IVIr. Wolfe moved, seconded by Mr. H.)uri<,'an, that the first rejKtrt of the standing committee on Roads and Bndges be referred to a com- mittee of the whole Council forthwith. Carried. The Council in committee. Mr. Wolfe in the chair. The Council resumed. The chairman reported that the committee had risen and adopted the report without amendment. Report received. Mr. Beecher moved, seconded by Mr. Millar, that the report be concurred in by the Council. Carried. Mr. Keeler moved, seconded by Mr. Mnrphy, that the third report of the standing committee on Finance be referred to a committee of the whole Council forthwith. Carried. The Council in committee. Mr. Keeler in the chair. .,, The Council resumed. The chairman reported that the committee had risen and adopted certain resolutions. Repoi-t received. Mr. Legge moved, seconded by Mr. Stafford, that the said resolutions be concurred in separately by the Council. Carried. -i The first resolution was read as follows : — Resolved, that the first item in the report be not adopted, but that Mr. Joblin be paid for his services at the rate of $3 per day. The Council divided as follows : — Yeas — Messrs. Beecher, Comett, Gallagher, Hourigan, Legge, McBratney, McNish, O'Brien, Rath well, Read, Sheffield, Stafford and Whelan. 8 • Nays— MeHsi-.i. (!urley. Canoy.iU. Knatt, Hicock. Keoler, Kermi1i:u:, Milliir, Miu-pliy, Sli;iv»ran.l Wolfr. R«5solutiou ninied by i\ iiiiijoiity of •"*• , i * i Resolved, that the H»oniu\ itsMii iti tlie nport W ». .)j>tp< . 3 Rpsolve.l, th=it th.' thii.l chniH.' in x\m> r.-i.,.it be iKloptp. . 4 Uesolve,!, that the fourth itr.ii in thr ivport b,> adoi.t.'.l. Mr. McBrat„ey move.l, s-coiuLmI by Mr. Whehiu. tluit the ( onnc.l do now adjourn until two o'clock i».tn. <*:ivn<'d. The CouiK-ii iidjourued. The Council ni.-t at two oV-lork |..ni. ., . ., ri ». Mr. Hicm-k moved, second-.l by Mr. MoT.an, that the Comity Solicitor's oj.inion on Hy-law. Nos. 3S.» and :\s-> be referred to u cum^ niitteeof the t'ouucilfurthwlth. Uurned. The Council iu committee. Mr. Hico<-k in tho chair. The Council 'e.sumed. , , . i i * i The chairman reported that the cominitt.^e had risen au<l adopted a certain resolution. Report receive*!. „ , , , ,, • i Mr Mcl^,ratnev moved, seconded by Mr. Read, that the -aid reso- lution be concurred in by the Council. Carried. Mr McBratnev moved, se.on.lod by Mr. Read that leave be give,, to inti.dr.ce a By-law to amend By-law numbered three hnmlred aim eighty. Carried. The Bv-law was rea.l a first time. • , t> i Mr. Read moved, seconded by Mr. .McBratney, that the .said By-law be reatl a second time forthwith. Carried. The By-law was read a second time. . , t, i Mr. JklcCrea moved, seconded by ^Nlr. Legge, that the said By-law be now referred to a committee of the whole Council, tarried. ■ The Council in committee. Mr. Erratt in the chair. • The Council resumed. ", , • j a +«! The chairman reported that the committee had risen and adopte,l the By-law with a certain amendment. , . Report received. . > Mr. McBratnev moved, seconded by Mr. Legge, that the report ot the committee of the whole upon the said By-law as amended be con- curred in by the Council. Carried. Mr McCrea moved, secon.led by Mr. Hourigfui, that the said By- law be engrossed and read a third time to-morroW. Camed. ' The chairman of the special committee appointed to examine and enquire into the claims of the Township of Front of Leeds and Lans- downe aid other townships, brought up their report. The chairman of the standing committee on Finance brought up their fourth report. Mr. Keoler moved, 3«con led by Mr. Stafford, that the tourth n^iiort of the Htiindin;? Committoe on Finance, l)e referred to a committee of tlie -.viiole Council foitliwitli. Carried. The Council in Comn.ittfe. Mr. Rathwell in the Chair. The Council reHV.ned. The Chairman reported that the Cummirtee had risen and adopteil the report. Report received. Mr. Beocher moved, seconded by Mr Cornwall, tha> the fourth report of the standing Committee on Finance, bo atlopted by the Co'uicil. Carried. Mr. Whelan nn^ved, seconded by Mr. Rathwell, that th«^ Council do now adjourn until to-morrow at ten o'clock a.m. Carried. The Council adjourned. U V Fkiday, 21st Junk, 1872. The Council met at 10 o'clock a.m. The Warden in the C^air. ^[embe»s present — Messrs Beeclipr, Carliy, Cornett, Cornwall, Gallagher, Hicock, Hourigan, Kernidiun, Le^ge, McEratney, McCrea, McNish, Mui7)hv, O'Brien. Rathwell, Read. Shaver, Sheffield, Taplin, Whelan, AVilson' and Wolfe. The Minutes of yesterday were read and approved. The Chairman of the standing Committee on County Property, brought up their firat report. Mr. Cornett moved, seconded by Mr. O'Brien, that the report, of the special committee to inquire into the claims of the Municipalities that have not been benefited by the Toll Roads, be laid before the Com- mittee of the whole forthwith. Can-ied. The (Council in Committee. Mr. Carley in the Chair. The Council resumed. The Chairman reported that the Committee had risen and adopted a certain resolution. Report received. Mr. Wilson moved, seconded by Mr. Taplin, that the said resolution be concurred in by the Council. Carried. The resolution was read and concu.n-ed in as follows : — Resolved, that the blank in the report remain blank, and that the report be not adopted. Mr. Wolfe moved, seconded by Mr. Whelan, that the first report of the Committee on County Property be refen-ed to a Committee of the whole. Carried. The Council in Committee. 10 T^Tr O'Bi-ien in the CI i air. S: CwLr::;:td .l^t *o Co^nuUee ..,1 ™en and n.a,le some ,u-o-ress, and asked leave to sit again. ^^^^..^recdvea, aiul leave g-jted^ ^^^S;^;; ^;f^^,^ eouiicU do Mx'. Murphv moved, seconded by -Mi ivcelei, urn now adjourn to two o'cloek p.m. (arru^. The Council adjourned. Tlic Council met at 2 o'clock p.m standing The Council again iii Clommittee on the faist leport Committee on County Property. Mr O'Brien in the Chair. . S cSt7::;:td tL.t the Cmnuttee 1>ad risen and adopted certain resolutions. MrLe'rilotd, ,..oo.ded V,y Mr. E.ad tl.at tl,e said resolutions be incu ?e°d in sopa'vately by tl.e CounC. ^'amed^ &c., which was read by the (.leik jy^^^],^^ that the resolution ?o apply to tl;e,C^yernmeut of Or^» o fa a u^^^^^^ ^J^,,^ „^ „f r,rs;ii^:tsfp;^^^^^^^^^ &^S:..eS> tt B:^:XfX;irPoint. .e ..ind^. Cai'vicd. ■ 1 J u , A.T.. T?oor1 +lvit the engrossed By- read a third time forthwith. Ciirried. Mr"■■ll:™:^^h^<^;vrS "/ns ^cto^of Wsons be haude<i Mr. If "?■>>"".»'•_ ^ g^^,,iff „t these Counties. Camed^ 't. ffio^k n ovr"e=o«de<l by Mr. BeeeLer, tj.at a s,«,a Gran of ttee hundred dollars (S3(«) be given to each of the G.ammar Schools in these United Counties. Carried. f^8^^ 11 The Chainnan of the standing Committee on Finance, brought up their fifth report. Mr. Wilson moved, seconded by Mr. Kernahan, that the fifth report of the standing Committee on Finance be referred to a Com- mittee of th(^ whole Council foi-tlnvith. Carried. The Council in Committee. Mr. Millar in the Chair. The Council resumed. The Chairman reported that the Committee had risen and adopted certain resolutions. Keport received, JNIr. Wilson moved, seconded by 3Ir. Erratt, that the resolutions of the Committee of the whole be concurred in separately by the Council. Carried. The resolutions were read and concurred in as follow.s : — Resolved, that the first clause in the report be adojited. Resolved, that the second clause in the report be adopted. Resolved, that the third clause in the report be adopted. • Resolved, that the fourth clause in the report be adopted. Mr. Cornett moved, seconded by McNish, that the Council do now adjourn to ten of the clock to-morrow morning. Carried. The Council adjourued. I V 4 ll Saturday, 22nd June, 18T2. The Council mec at 10 o'clock a.m. The Warden in the Chair. Members present— Messrs Beecher, Carley, Cornett, Cornwall, Erratt, Gallagher, Hicock, Houragan, Kernahan, Legge, McLean, McBratney, McCrea, ]VlcNish, Millar, IMurphy, Rathwell, Read, Shaver, Shetfield, Stafford, Whelan, Wilson and Wolfe. The Minutes of yesterday were read and approved. The Tender of John Gordon for certain woi-k around the Registry Office was read by the Clerk. Mr. Millar moved, seconded by Mr. Wilson, that leave be given to introduce a By-law to grant a sum of money to each of the High Schools. Carried. The By-law was read a first time. Mr. Erratt moved, seconded by lli: Millar, that the said By-law be read a second time foithwith. Cam-ied. The By-law was read a second time. Mr. Millar moved, seconded by Mr. McBratney, that the said By- law be now referred to a committee of the whole Council. Carried. The Council in committee. Mr. Millar in the chair. The Council resumed. . 12 +.1 *^^'^t the committee had risen and adopted The chairman reported that tlie comiui the By-law with certain amendments. Report recei'^ed. "R nth well that the report of the Ml' Erratt moved, seconded by IVIi 1^^^'^^^^'' ^ eoncurred in by the comnnttee of the whole npon the said By-Uv. be Council. Carried. , v ,, at,. Keeler that the said By-law as Mr. Millar moved, seconded by Mi .ivetertn amended be read a third time oi'thvvith. tamed. The By-law was read a ^1^"-^^/°^,% .^^^^^ that the said By-law Mr. Beecher moved, ^ecouded b> Mi. ^^ ilson ^^^^ ^^ ^^ do now pass and be intituled By-L Grenville for the year A.D. 18/2. Cairiea. The By-law was read a nj'^*; Y"^«- ^^. ^^^ ^hat the said By-law be Mr. Millar moved, s-conded bj Mi . NN olte, in read a second time forthwith. arncd. The By-law was read a ^^co^^} t^^«;. ^hat the sai.l By-law Mr. Keeler moved, «---\- ^^ 7,.^'^^^ J^.^eil forthwith. Carried, be referred to a committee ot tnt, wuoif v The Council in committee. Mr. Wolfe in the chair. The Council resumed. committee had risen and adopted The chairman reported tliat the commu the By-law Ns-ilhout amendment. Report received. , , v^ Tvr,. Whelan, that the report of the Council. Carried. Wilson, that the said By-law Mr. Millar moved, seconded by Mr. w nsun, be read a third time forthwith^ Carried. The By-law was read a third time^ ^^^^ ^^.^ ^^.^^^^ Mr. Keeler 77^ ' ^led "Bv^aw ^ -se'ss the United Cou .ties do now pass and be intitulert ay i«v „ Carried. „f Leeds'^and Grenville '^^r^X'^^^^Li Clerk. The By-law was passed '™\ '"•"""' V^i^,. that iwe be given to in^^r^Bxno»s;:Ser•:.^«^^ Carried. , /. i. *• „ law be read a second time forthwith. Carried. The By-law was read a second time^ ^^.^ Mr. McBratney moved, «-^^";^^^ ^^^ ^ ;,^^r^^^^^ Carried- law be now referred to a committee of the wLoi 13 TliO Council in committee. ]Mr. Read in the chair. The Couu'-il rc'sunuMl. The chairman v.'porU-.l that the committee had risen and adoptid the By-law with <;ertain amendments. Roiiort received. Mv. Cornwall moved, SLConded hy ]Mr. IMcLean, tliat the lepoi-t of the committee of the whole upon tlu said By-law be concurred in as amended by the Council. Carried. Mr. Wc;lf.' mov.'d, seconded by I*Ir. ]MeBiatney, that the said By- law as amende.! be ivad a third time forthwith. Carried. The By-law was read a third time. ^h: Miliar moved, seconded by ]Mr. Shaver, that the said By-law do now pass and be intituled " By-law to authorize the payment of certain sums of money." Carried. The By-law was passed and signed by the Warder, and Clerk. Mr. Erratt moved, seconded by Mr. Wilson, that the commissioners appointed tc superintend the bui'lding of the Gaol and Registry Otfice oive a statement to this Council of the amount due them for services rendered siiice the last sitting of t^is Counc-il to the present. Carried. :\rr. I.egge moved, sc^coude.l by :>Tr. Wh.'Ian. Iliat inasmuch as tlie committee^'appointed by the Council to sui)erinteud the building of the Re'^istrv Office; have ^lisregarded the w( ll-exprcsse<l wishes of this Covnieif that they should engage some competent person, (other than themselves) to overs,H^ the work, be it therefore resolved that the Council will resist the payment of more than l.| per cent, on the out- lay as compensation to be allowed said committee, such percentage to pay all work done on Gaol as well as Registry Office since the first day of February, 1872. Carried. Mr. Wilson moved, seconded by Mr. INIillar, that the Slier'ff is hereby authorized and empowered to purchase the .sv^veral art'cles re- commended by the Counties' Property Committee for the iise of the Gaol, and the Treasurer is hereby instructed to pay the Sheriff for the costs thereof, an.l that the Sheriff shall be furnished with a copy of this resolution. Carried. Mr. Wolfe moved, seconded by Mr. Sheffiehl, that the committee appointed to oversee the building of the Registry Office are hereby authorized to enter into a contract wUh any responsi])le parties willing to do the draining and flagging around and in front of the Registry Office, using their own discretion in the interest <u these Counties. Mr. Whelan, in amendment moved, seconded by Mr. McBratney, that the present commissioners be authorized to make contract for the work required around the Registry Office by Inspector of Priso...', and that they be paid at the rate of 2^ per cent, for same. Cari-ied. Mr. En-att moved, seconded by Mi-. :\Iillar, that the amendment passed in reference to the building of drain around the Regi-stry Office h it 14 ,« ,.«.in,led, and iU, Mr. Wolfe's motion be ado^ted^I^^^^^ TVTv ATf.'Rr'itnev moved, secomled by JMi- Miliar, iii.ib lik:: " of fhiB 54?M,™cLdi„s» v/c now ■,..1, und if found cov>«t l« concun-ed in. Carried. Tl.e uunutes were read an< W^^^^; ^^^^ Mr. Wilson moved, seconded by Mi. ivceicr, uuii^ now adjourn. Carried. The Council ^ovmu-d. .^^^j.^ PRESTON, TIW«n. (feigned,; ^^^^^^^^ JESSUP, Clerk. .-'? AFFEIVDIX TO JUNE MEETING, 1872. The standing committee on Finance beg leave to make this their h IS respec (Signed,) ANDREW WILSON, Chairman' JAMES KEELER, I'HILO illCOCK, WILLIAM STAFFORD. Committee Room, Brockville, June 17, 1872. The standing committee on Finance beg leave to make their "^^^j'yoCUmmiUerhave had before them a petition from the (( (i 16 Iloti. Billa Flint, of Bolleville, solicting ivid for Miss MacphcrsonV new Marchinont Homo, located at the town of Belleville, in tho county of Hastings; your committee deeply sympathizing with Miss Macpherson's exertions, would recommend a grant of ^oO to be paid to the above natned institution, 2nd. Your committe? have :ilso had before them the account of IT. S. I»<IcDonald, for sundry services as Counties' Solicitor, extend- ino- from July, 1871, to November 21st, last past, amounting to the sum of $5G.50, and which your committee would recommend to be 3rd. Your committee have also had before them the report of the Auditors for 1871, stating that they have found the books of the Counties' Treasurer in a very satisfactory state. , . ., „ •ith. Also tlu! statement of receipts and expenditure, in detail, ot the Counties' Treasurer in quarterly accounts, which they have ex- amined and found correct. All of which is respectfully submitted. (Sioncd,) ANDREW WILSON, Chairman- PITILO HICOCK, E. ERliATT, WILLIAM STAFFORD. Committee Room, Brockville, June 1«, 1872. The special committee api^ointod under By-law No. 370, and dated 23d June, 1871, to superintend certain alterations to the Gaol and to build a new Registry Office, beg leave to present this their third report. ALTERATIONS TO THE GAOL. Your committee beg to report that the contractor has now com- pleted the work on tiie building, uith the exception of the board fence to be erected, outside the Gaol yard, which he will have done in the course of the present week. The unusually severe winter entailed upon the contractor much extra expense in warming the room to plaster the walls and ceilln<'-s, delaying the work somewhat longer than was anticipated. The amount paid to the contractor during the execution of the work has been $5000, leaving a balance due to hira of $500 upon the contract price. The contractor also claims payment of the sum of 8320 for alter- ations and additions to the work, principally arising from errors in the plan, and partly from necessitous work in the connection of ihe new wing with the main building not ])rovided for in the specific- ation. This amount of $320 your committee recommend should be paid. The committee beg leavi to bear testimony to the very substantial and workmanlike manner in which Mr. John Gordon has executed the work. :/^;f;^|r; 9^^9i V .■ I w 16 ,. o,.e,-in, the aUoration ,.f so^o or t^^^^ of Prisons overlooUe.l tac ^'^^^ '\^';' , ,^ ^;^/,ii;tv is atfoi-.l.-l for the wi.ulows to the (4aol ;^-^^;.;V> ca^only uo/he renu-aicl hy the escape of i).-isor.ors, an- nn '''« «^" ^"J ^,,,. ,,s,.nt v/.»ll. As buildi,u^ sn.all stone a.urle ^^^ /^ !.'J,,- i^ Alteratic.ns m:v.!e, fi>r the sum of ^'^o. Lan"inuir, the Government Your con^nuttee are ^^^^^'^^^'^^^^l^;^;:^ vis t to the a-hlition Inspector of Pnsm,s.ra.le ^^' ^^^ , • ,^ of Friday, the Uth an.l alterations ot tlie ^:i. 1 on t ic m , su.licient instant, in company wUh f-^J^;^':^'':;:XhelioA 1-^ would do :!;- ^^;:::;:^! T:::::nt!^ ;^f:ah;;\^ the cour. of this weeu. REvUSTRY OFFICE. to 1,0 able to report Us conu;let..m ^ I'";'';! ,„.!,,; ,„„1 a co„- Tho causes olMelav were ■'7;'*™ "fLnu-r 1: vh," been siippUe.! tinuance „f „et »ea, ,er, o » ' ^^ ^^'^ ^-^^ ^ W„.,M".sbe.l o,,\vitl> :tf :nfth;tra;;r'!4«ct:telp.ete t,>e^b!u,„i„g in three "it aZu^^Sto contractor n, tclate on aceonnt of contract '-^!;rSS^^:;nent inspector of Ue,U,.;.;)l«e.^ r^S:;>o''inr;;;st;;nrSe,;"ian,ining U >„ over,, par. ""^t''l^fo:.:r'L:n%l that t'^eh,nce of sue Uy^the^^^ sriir r;oS:rHrr:;a rtiseTn ov,oct.n to us acceptance. ^^ Inspector certain in- yj,ur conmmtee P^^"f ^^^^^.^"^ ...^tent iti thi Government plan, accuracic>s in the specified ' f ^^^^'^^^^^ .f^,,,,, ot the ironwork with- and the difficulty experienced in ^t^^ ^^^ ^^.^ ^'^^ ^"f ^a\^^ -w\i^i^t^;ian prepared and adopted !h t::?laS r:T^e^:::e^ V,uildi4 p^evented hein, adopted. . . , ^ 5^ ^|g of the internal fittings he 17 Tiio Iiisi»ccloi- exprcssc'l Inniself very much pleast'il with the re- fiiilt of his iiisin'ction, iiiul ijr;»tiiiocl to fiml the material ami work- inaiislii)) of hO KUitt'vior a quality. The IiispLH'tor recoinineiitls, iVoin tlie peculiar jiosilion of the site, the absolute necessity of ;i '_;oo<l efticl*. nt ilrain at the e;ist end atnl on thu south side of the .juililin<4 with shi])iiig banks thereto, be made, lliat the risk of dan)j» nuiy be avoided in the inside of vault. Also that the present board fence be removed further from the Imilding. All of which is respectfully submitted. (Sione.l,) KOBKIIT KERXAHAy. CITArvLES CHAPMAN. Committee Room, Brockville, June 18, 1B72, Tlie 8taiKlinp;cominitteo on Assessment beg leave to report tluit thoy have cnrefiiUy t'xamim'd the asso^i.-fuient rolls of lUoditt'orunt townships and villaged in tiiese Counties for the year l»7i, f.)r the i)ur[)oso of equalizini^ tlie valuation of propenv made by tlie Assessors therein, ko that it v.'iil bear a just relation lo the valuation in al"l the townships and villa^'es, and your committee eubmit the followintr as the e(iuaii/,ation made by theui in the said townships and villages in these Counties: MUNICIPALITIES. ;Xumber|Nuinbcr Total value Total value Tot. val. f f Amounts as Acres I Anres' , of Real of l'ei?onalIleal .t Per. I-Iqualized 'Assess'd cleared.! Property. Property. Property, by Council- Eli/.ab'thtown j 7G,7;!4 Bastard aiv' Harijjeasj 5r),U-t Front Y( ^'e&Escott' iJl.srO Front of .Longe ; ;>0.11'3i Front Leeds & Lans'(!; 55,740, Hear Leeds & Lans'e 4't.4:15 Kitley 1 48Si);V North Crosbv 44,:323 South Crosby ;J5,y0i) Elmsley 1 21.1M!) Front of Ebcott....| 2{>,2.'>:y (iauanoque l.'-'OU, 4-3 .4911 25.0501 la.aoo; 12,500 20,017' 14.240: 37.574 12,077 ll.OSO 12,080 il,:n7 1,21)0 45:5,545 302,158: 157,875! 201,881' 217,;!'.)0i 323.320; 137,778 210,530 100,803' 82,041; 137,370: .s I 124,317! 29,500' •18, 783 i 11,314 25,400i 10,0-JO 59,025; 1,400' 13.350; 17,300' 9.048, 13.400 873, 087 1 4^^3.0451 350.941 109,189; 287,281' 333,416! 382,245! 139,178' 228,8701 118,162: 91,0.S9 150,770; 1 ,248,540 792,056 461,195 4"8,996 662.490 562,490 678,337 277,524 373,723 228,794 209 880 300,000 Totals Co. Leeds. . 475,902 211,782 3,139.050: 507,917; 3,507,873 6,124,034 Augusta I 74,738 Edvvardsburffh ' 70 291; Oxfor<l Wolf..rd South (iower. Kemptville. . . Slerrickville. .. 59,099 35,180 29,393! 27,963, 45,763 15,418! 31,038, 394 753! 7,540 356 356 607,795; 889.565 1 678,967! 2r9,413 135,380! 82,652, 121.295 31,325: 54,000 27,500! 40,400; 8,070i 15,900; 6,500; 639,120, 944,165: 706 ,467 1 325,812; 143,450 98.552 127,795; 1,120,860 902,398 776,784 498,860 278,851 97,000 130,000 Tot'l Co. Grenville:373,376 115,849 2,?95,006: 190,295! 2,985,301 3,804.753 County of Leeds. . . . 475,902 211 ,78 J 8,139,656! County of Grenville 273,276 115,849| 3,795,060| Totals United Co'8!749.178'327,63li 5,934.7231 558,313! 6,493,234 9.988,777 367,917; •^,507,8731 6,134,034 190,295 ^,985.3611 3,864,753 \ '..i^^-L.:-'m 18 All of which is -pcctfuUy BubmUt^V («'«?"'•> Iamesmiu-au, J. T{. READ. Council Chamber, BrockviUe, June 20, 1 872. The standing committee on Koads and Bridges beg leave to naaUe this their first repovt. petition of the mcmbern ot 1st. They haye had ^.^[*?^^^;^^^^^^^^^^ Front of Yonge, praymg the munieii>al Cowm-d of the Tmvn.h p^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^ You,^e Mdls, for assistance to l)uil»l a mnigc »»vci rommittee consider it unntct^saij " °° AU of which is respectfully 7l;j""^^oi^pE, CMrman. J \MES GALLAGHER, SAMUEL McNISIT MICHAEL nOURIGAN, Committee Room, June 19, 1872. I The standing committee on Eduction heg to make this their first ''?:r-They have had hofore thorn the^pp...ion^ '=""" !^''lrJn aXrcomr'tee recommend that an equal amounting to $o042, ana yum . ^ schools, amount iTc ,aised by ^^^^f^^^^^ .^.^^f" WH iam Richardson, Chair- 2nd. We have betore us the l«"^^^' J^,^^,^ for Circuit No. 5 at man of the Public School B^^^^^^f^f^^^'^^.'i^'o.der to the Secretary Farmersville letting us know tha^ he ga can ^^^^ _^^^^^^ ^^^^ of the Board to ^^^'^^.f^ ^^."o^^hJse whom the money was due Secretary has never paid ^^ ^^^^ ""^^^f "^^ ,,,^ount on the order ot ^S^^^^i^S^ -^et ^'t^ereibre decline having any- specting the institution ^^^^^^^^^^^f^We cannot recommend any information of mumcipu. Councils, grant of money from the Council. -^^^^ I 19 All of which is respectfully submitted. (Signed,) ROBT. KERNAIIAN, Chairman. " S. A. TAPLIX, " N. II. BEECH KR, *» JOSHUA LEGGE, Jk., " P. O'BRIEN. Council Room, June 19, 1872. ^ The standinn committee on Finance bei' leave to make this their third re])ort. 1st. They have had before them the petition of E. Joblin, claim- ing pay for nine days' services for overseeing the building of the Registry OlKce; your committee could not recommend the pay- ment oV sai<l claim, is the petitioner did not furnish a certificate troiu building committee that such services were rendered. 2n(l. They have had before them an abstract statement from the County Treasurer of the receipts and expenses of the Counties up to 1st June, inst. : Balance on the 1st January, 1872, to the credit of Counties, as per Auditors' Report 811,124.79 Amount received since 1 1 ,283. 34 Total amount cash on 1st June, 1872 322,408. 13 Amount expended up to 1st June 16,778.84 Balance on hand on Ist June, 1872 8 5,629.29 3rd. They have also had before them a letter from J. L. Schofield, Esq., County Treasurer, in reference to his late illness, and of his trip to the Old Country for the benefit of his health (by leave of His Honor the Warden and some of the Councillors,) and also a caution to the Council as to making large grants of money, the balance on hand being very small. 4th. They have also had before them a letter from the Treasurer relating to the sinking fund, which has heietofore been deposited in the savings bank bearing interest at the rate of five per cent. The law having been changed governing that in.stitution, will not allow them to receive in deposit from any one source a larger amount thar $1000, in consequence thereof the sum of $2000 has been deposited in the Bank of Montreal, drawing interest at four per cent, the further sum of $6000 previously deposited in the savings bank, and Ecill remaining drawing interest at five per cent. All of which is respectfully submitted. (Signed,) JAS. KEELER, Chairman pro. tern, PHH.O HICOCK, « E. ERRATT. Council Room, June 19, 1872. 20 e Jms cVthe ;^--^'ll!^;; ^^l^f, t h vc ---ed no U.m :;t of of Escott, an. otlM-r /'' V h Cou i -, Inu-U-ave to n-port thut we iho inaculanuxn '-^^'^'*^; [^ l'*' • ^ 'VoVurLius, ..ul fnul tUo Front have examinoa tlHy^ccouut. ot ■ a^^^^^^ r.vhuiUliM^ s.i.l .-oua. the sum of Leeds and Lausdowi.o I^^n - l^^^^l/ -^,,^, ^ .^ >,05, leavu.^r of *12,935.02, and l'-^^^^'/'^ \. „iTf V^soott has paid $:5,tsO.OO, a kdance or*0,on.e,;2; that the. .ontot^ ^ ^^^^^.^^ of s:!,l72.( 0; anfl received l»y smnal ^'-^"V^^^ff^ji^j.; .--^n.i roeeived hy spoeial ihat the Front ot;^ -":^ J;;;; [^ ^1;/; '; ,nV^nd that the Townslup grants §400. leavm.^ a !^j\^; .," f,, ',,„i has receive 1 A-0 leavn.- Sf South Gowev has paid. '>^;'^^.;^^' ;\' ;; ^j^, Council should pay to V^''-'% '1^.::;;:; 'a^>ov "m^nl^on:^ a p.-r cent, of n. pro- the several lownsinps .u u> T( %vr.; np. portion to the amounts 1';' ;\.^ , ^"^ ^.V ^ AllofwhichisrespectluU) suhmittca. (Signed,) u SAMUEL McNTSU, TIIOMA;^ SHEFFIELD, p. o'liKlEN, GOKDOX SH.WEll, THOMAS COUNETT. Council lloom, June 20, 1ST2. The stanaing co,„,„Uu.,. ''^^^ :±^'^ [r^/nZt' U.u 1st. Your coniimttfc have "I'f .;.•'", J :,,,,„t year, un.l he- tc. for the County ot J^^;^*|f; ...p^hUe School, to make uj) an amount 2nd. The sumo $n,642 Im I "^'"^^^'.^j.^^^.j hv the Chief Super- equal to the TfP^l'n^^^^'^;;!^;; y^ vn^.ips-in these Counties intendent of Education to ^•^^/^'^ ,^^, .^^^ ^^ the debentures issued 3rd. Asumsufr.cK-nttopa^^hcut.i^^to^^^^^ ^^ .,^^ undc" the l>»•oy^^\^"^ "\,^,^. Hn.r uid for the redemption of the S^^^^K^r- ^--^'rU^^ whole rateable property as (Signed ) JAMES KEELER, Chamnan, (Signed,) EUUATT, « WILLL\.M STAFFOUD, « rillLO HICOCK. - Council Room, June 20, 18'72. 21 Tlie standiii!^ committee on CoiuUy Pioi»eity bog to make thi^ tlieir first iT|jort. 1st. Your c».minittc(' have lia.l In-fore them a letter from Peter (ii.w, Es(iuire, Prov'mehil Seervtiuy, in reply to an ai-i-lioatioii from the Conneil of these Uiiiled Counties respc-eting the sale or *lisposal of property in .Johnstown, which we would recommend the Council in conunitlee of the whole to dispose of, as they have the right to call for pt .sons or papers in order to get the information icquired. f; '2nd. Tlcit the} have exauiiiK'.l the' Oaol, found it clean and in good order, and consider tliat the inivrovements will have a very beneficial etleet; they found twelve prisoners confined therein, nine males and .hreu teinales, all servin-j; their terms uf sentence. :^rd. Your eommiltee have also had before tlwrn a letter from the Sheriff, recjuirinir several articles for the use of the Gaol and Gaol premises, all of which we would recommend to be procured, as IVoni statement in said letter. 4th. Your committee would also recommend that the wall at the west corner of (iaol yard be properly plastered or fixed so as to pre- vent the escape of i)risoners. All of which is respectfully submitted. (Si^Mied,) AND. HATllWKLL, Chairman. IIIIIAM McCKKxV, CHARLES MUUPHY, " THOMAS SHEFFIELD, " THOMAS CORXETT. The standing committee on Finance beg to make their fifth report. 1st. Your committee have had before them the account of Mc- Mullen & Co., for stationery furnisliL-d the Clerk's Office, amount- inir to §10.U8, Which your committee would recommend to be i)aid. Also a further account of }.Ic.\Iullen & Co., for stationery furnish- ed th(> Chairman of School IJoards No. 5 and No. 2, amounting to !»(14.23, which your committee recommend not to be paid. L'nd. Your committee have had before them the account of Wm. Fitzsimmons tor furniture and repairs for the oflice of the Deputy Cierk of the Crown, amounting to *lo.90, as per account, which your committee recommeml to be })aid. ;^rd. We have also had before us the account of John Gordon for fencing and gates in front of Gaoler's residence, amounting to $09, whichyour committee recommend to be paid. 4tli. 'Also the account of R. \V. Grant for two Economizers, amounting to s? each, total 'i^T 4, which your committee recommend to be paid. All of which is resiuH-tfully submitted. (Si<'ned,) ANDREW WILSON, Chai E. ERR ATT. .ta:^ies keeler, rillLO HICOCK, WILLIAM STAFFORD, Committee Room, Brockvilh-, June 21, 1S72. irmun. u u <( B,,a. to a..na ^.'^---'^^ '^'^ ^;;::,,':;^^r^^^ :3:2. Whereas, it i. expodWut to anjena By^-^--'-^^ j';;::^ Ir 'umsana eiffl.t and 8ov.M.ty-lwo and i" ,'^ ,^ ■,.„„;;',i ,,,. ,he Council of tluj Cori-oi;. High Scho<.l District •• B-' 'V' Srand UrV-mi U-. and it is hereby enacted, ation of the United Lountu h '/ «; f .^" ;. .[ ;\,,,,,.;d,.a rs follows — that the .aid By-law be '^''•'/^'^;,\" \^ ^'^n Lan.(l..wne. Front of Escott, 1. That the TownslnyR of Front ^f ' '« f";;,; , ,,,,n«,iowne be d. ach- Elizabetbtown. Front of \on«o. and lour of UeclB an ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^,^^^ .d from and ntruck out ' '*<[> -t;^ Xuict^^^^^^^ l,a«8inK of this By-law '^''^^^^^ j;;7^^j;\'^ ^^^^^ hereby amended t. 'Ue the Village of (Jaimuo'iue, anything in tno saui u> outrary n.>twith*»tanding , . Biirtie^s. South Cr..sby. North Ciosby. 2. Thatthc'.'ownsnpHofBaM nr.lnni«urM^ ^ High ScUool District Kitley and Fhnsley. l)e (k'tach.^d f'"'" '^^^f, '''mViuIv hat the .aid Dhtrict number two. , and ^f'^-'^^l'^-nrtt" n n .rn^rit^-d JJuaVeof FarmersviUe luunber two ehall conni.-^ onl> /»;'\'^,,! !"'^^^^^^ ..f u.-ar of Yon^e and Escott. Gower.andtl.e viUage of ^'^'^'^^.^^'^^^S' ^-rtl e ^^^^^^^^^^^ High School District nnmber tl"*^''. a«d att.T U(^ j a ^ K,.n.i.tville, ,,e^auiDi.tnct number tl.^^^^^^^ . anything m the said ^y '^J""^ '^ HICIIARD PUESTON, War<^en. (S.gned.) j^^^^^^ JESSUP, Clerk. l1^-*=0 . No. 38« ,y,a. to ,ran. a ... of rnon.j to -^^^/J;J^^: ,,,,. Be it enacted by the Council of the ^'^J^ Umt'^il'suS^inhi^^^S::^ Leeds and Grenville, and it is hereby l^^^^^jf j;\\'^,^,^'cVu^^^^^ for the present j:^?-:^f S? l^^^S^^:ir:^<^^ that the pupils attend. Lg the Mid schcls be admitted free of tuiUon .e.s ^^^^^^^ ^^ ^,^^ :;;^SLlriS^S^?^?:i:^;r;;r:iilSi^tuchers to the Treasurer for """t That"the High Schools of BrockviUe and Prescott re not included in this By-iaw. RICHARD PUESTON. Warden. (Signed,) j^^jj^y JESSUP, Clerk. ll'-o-l 28 levied ujmn tlu; wIioIp rateable property in tlid Bfiiil Tuited Countien, for tlio ».ri-.-eut year, tliR sum of .t22,()00, to dnfray tin- onlinary nnd current oxiu-nses tliereof, niul ili<i iiirther sum of .SoOti to pny tlif Kalurios of li-gally qiialifi<'<l IMil>lic Bfliool trpclierH, aixl tlio turthcr Hiun of .iilJ.IJ^'i.lH uh a Hjiecial rato autliorizf'l to b(« raitmd.li'vi-cl and c illected upon ilie naid jJropiTty in tin; said T'nit<'d Counties^, under «'.e provlMions of liy-Iaw No. HIO, paHsod on llie twtuty-fiftli day of Fi-'nuary, A. D. 18f;8, and intituled "By-law to contract a loan of U'oney hy the issue of d<'l"'nturHS for tho purpoHe therein niention-Hl," and that the paid several sums of money nhali be apportioned to the several municii>alif lea of iho said United Counties in the following manner, vivs. : — MUNICIPALITIES. Ell/abethtown Biistanl and Flurgess I'eiir of Yonge au<l Escott Front of Yop'.'o Front of Let.'d.i and F^insdov.'Ue . Rear of Leeds and L!in9<lo\vno . Kitley North Cro.shy South Crosby Ehnsley I'Vont of Escott Ctanano((Ue Au>^usta Edwardsburgh ()x'><r4. Wol'onl S'U' n (V.unty-jPub..ohool|?P''';\'^'V''**' Hat/ I Rate. ''T.. By-lav, S C. 2,^.) 8 01 Keniptville . Merrickville. 48 1,73:). 31 l,0ir>.'2f. !»tr).'jr> 1,4.')!). 70 1,'.'3'J.41 1,494.0(5 011..->.3 8-J3.40 504.10 4(;'2.4r) 410.09 2,409.(51 2.1'J0.r)0 1,711.59 1,099.22 014.4(5 2i:].7.'5 280.47 Totals 1.S 22,000.00 No. 310 8 C. 001.00 430.00 204.00 20."'. 00 4(52.00 290.00 344.00 202.00 2r)3.00 loH.OO 171.00 171. OOi 03."). 00' 0.14.00! 482.00 Jil4.00| 12(5. 00 1 120.001 120.00 410. 18 204.01 15.3.73 142.99 220.83 184.10 22(). 1 1 92.50 '24..'-)7 7(5.20 09.90 6u.(J0 373.(52 320.79 258.92 100.28 92.95 32.33 43.33 5.(542.00; 3,320.18 3. That the said several suuis of money liereiubefoie directed to be raided and levied in the «aid niunicii-alitie?, respectively, sliidl bo placed on the '"ol- lectors' rolls by tht* Clerks thereof, in separate co'nnins, and be collected in like manner as all other rates and assessments are !)y law directed to be col- lected, and that every Collector shall, on or before the fourteenth day of December next returr- his roll to the Treas'-rer of the mv-nicipality, and pay over to such Treasurer the hums of money hereby directeJ to be raised, levied and collected in iiis municipalitv. (Signed,) RKTIAKD PRESTON, Wardeti. [L.S.] " JAMES JKSSUP, Clerk. Xo. 3S8. By-law to Authorize the Payment of certain nuins of Money. PASSED JU? . 22, \%Ti. Be it enacted by the Council of the Corporation of the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville, and it is boreby enacted, that the several sums of money hereinafter mentioned shall be paid by the Treasurer to tLe parties respective- -:^s-a Iv entitled to the same P— •■ , .„,„„.«v. dears ...d fifty ceniB « David Wylic, balance 5. The sum of fift> "B^^^^oi countu-s. , ^_^,_,^^ . .^^ ^avV ia- of unjut '■'■■ -„ • Hollars iiuu "'".' ,4cSV,Xn rS;S*'a'!;r...y...- „e„. to McMuUen . Co.,., 7. The sum of ten aoi.'.'y", ^_ ^.fi„^ .. ^.._.: „a L). lue su 1 " f^v ctntionerv f„S.S.o°7ue Gao. _^„^ ,,,,^ ^„„,o Jaa. Eiacaid, for .tatioaer, [L.S.]