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K ) /•/,..(.. i„t\ l.Vti'W'- Hdiianlg. I III II MMiiii i; V r I —y iM \i i.T. Naval Bases of thf Empire: \ i;S(.)ll.\IAII/l' AMI HALIFAX. r>v ('. hi; 'riiiKniiv 1 ,^>(,>ll.MAri;r. tlic k.>y nl' ilic Nnitli irrciii Xii\iil I'liiscs of tlic Kiiijiirc. Si-iiiir tliat it is tlic cfcutiDii nl' tin' piist tW'iity vcarv. it li:is im liislniy. iiikI liriiisli ('••luiiiliia. iif wliiiii il is tiic siiiliiiil. is a iH-w coiuitiv iici|iiin'(l liy iiciicil'ii! ilc- v<-l"l'inciit. Sii rciiKitc was it Irdiii ilic «<.rl,iiil(' |i(liticiaiis and .i"iiri;alists iifjrcd it to iK'tMinu^ so as sjicidily as i«»s(siM<'. Fdrtnnatciy for tlic Hritisji Kinpirc. tlic Domiiiioirs \ic\vs were wider and her vision dearer. Otiierwisc the divani of tlic Hci'iililic since its inceiition wmild liavc lufii realised, and Canada included in the rnion. Kveii so late as |S(;;i. her minister, at a imlilic lian(|Uet in FiiirlMnd. referre I |o' ." or, in other Words, to >hiit Hii'.'land out from the North I'acitic. I'.ut the jreiiiiis of Sir .lolm .Macdonald |>nive<| nmre than a match for lie- diplomacy of .Si. 1'eterslmr.r and \\'asii- iic'ton. With the Confederation of iJritish -Noiih Aiiicricji. and tlie creation of the iron road, which is its materia! exjiression, the |ilan to drive Knirland from the Western llcmisjiheie c-.iiiie to nothini:. On the oilier hand, she had i-iioi-moiisly streiMjthened her position in the M'caii of tlic future. For K.«|iiiniaiilt is the fortified Lrateway of the only teiritory linwetn Cape Horn and liehrini.' Siiii arinss llic Norili riicilic. j.'ivcs sliips siiiliiii: I'lnin ilic I'm' Must t(i VicKiriii nil inl'.aiilM'jc nl I'dri v-i'i'_'lil lidurs ii\cr slii|i> siiiliii'j 1(1 San T'laiiciscd. Kill- ilicsc anil ullicr icasmis. llic rnrincr is (Icslilicil Ki Jihiy ji LTcal |iall in llic dcvc- |(i|iiiiciii iif iiailc uiili llic (•lii'iil l\v way lA llic I'acilic. |!y iiicans nl' il.Caiiaila is alilc t(i Imlil mil line liainl in Aii>i lala-ia. ainl llic nllicr til l-)iii_'lanil. Ii i^ iliiis mic nf llic iiKisl viiiil links in mir liiijicrial wnrM- t'liain. {•!si|iiiiiiaiili. uliicli ijiiaril- ii. i^ >iiiialcil ai tlic iniwl Miiillicrly |iari nl' N'aiiciin ci- Islainl. 1 III % Mini just wiiliiii tlic Strait nf Sin .Iiiaii ilc l-'rica. wliicli is Aincricaii mi one siilc. Caiia- iliaii nil tlic ntlicr. it is iliiticil with licaiiti- fiil islamls. Wdiiilcil to the water's eil'.'c as lire its liiilil anil lucky slmrcs. In the distance i isc ii|i tlie sii(i\v-(M|i|iei| (llviniiiaii Jlmintains. Tlie liarlimir nf Ksiiiiiniaiili is wnrtliy nf such a line Mitiiii:. Ii i^ laml- Inekcil. mlily |irn|inrt iiincil. ami sn sale lliat it can he cnicrnl at any limir nf ||ii> ilav m- lliulil. OuillLMn the ieliacimis lillle day nf its Imiinin, >hi|is tiinl excellent aiichnraec. while its averaov i|i']ii'i nf fmty-livc feet llnats the le\iaihans of ihc liritish Naw. riilike any mher forti'css-st^itinii mi the irreal traile muies nf ihe umlil. i>i|iiiniaiili is litlh; iiiDic jhaii a \ illiiije. wliicli is il 111 its roi'cnt niiirin lliuii In its |iiisitinn in nlaiioii In Vicinria. tlic capital nf liritish riiliiinliia. ffniii wliicii it is (lislaiitdiily three miles. ill lime, tin ilmihi, they will he iiicnr|inraleil. I'.ctwccti tlictii and Vaii- iniivcf City, nil the iiiuiiiliiiid. is the Siiaii nf (Icdfi.'iii. at this point Kcvfiity-six miles w idc. The destinies nf these thfi Illpi^ls (if the hniiiiiiinn arc inseparalily linkcil. '\\\i, nf lllclii arc the creatiiili nf the irnn inad lliiii;r iicfiiss the Nnrili Aiiicricaii Cciitiin in liy Canada, and the third can trace miicli nf ii< |ii'nspci'ity In the same smircc. Befniv l>;:'»ii. iiiitisli Cnhiniliia was cnl ell' fmin the roi nf llic \Miilil liy the imjiassalile liaiiir III ihe l.'niky .Mniintaiiis and the vast wildei- ncss heymal |{y sea il was distant f r 11 III (jt II c he c I I'l . •! n II miles. tra\'cr.-ed mily hy Siiiliiiu' -ships ; hy land, :!,iMiii miles. ti'iiNt'fscd fill' the ijrcatcr part mily liy ilie Indian and the tra]i| er. When the lasi spike nf the ('a n a d i a ii i'acific li'ailway was dri\cii inin the Llfnlind. instead nf lieiii;r the iiKist rellinle. it Was (llic II f V. n i;-la lid 's iicari rCnlniiics. In I r II I h t h e d i s • en\ery nf <.'nld ill the valley nf the l'"iaser. and i|iiiek cnmmnnical inn. were the inakiii'j- nf liritish Cnli'inhia. Ii- dcvclnpnieiit was ]ihciiiinicnal. Aiiliin llic short space nf (wciiiy-tive ywirs it was a I'nr Cmintrv. a C|',,wii Cnlniiy. n scll'-ynverniiiL; Cnlmiy! and a I'rnvincc nf ilie Itominion. In iNli'. \'i'inria was fminded as a tfadiiiir-pnsi. In IN.^T. Vaiicniivcr had im cxisleiiec. I'lsipiiniaiili. until lately, was little ninrelhaii a safe alii-liofaec I'nr the ships nf war ilia! pairnlled th' .Nnrlh i'acitic. 'I'n-ihiv. iln lirst isa lhri\ i;i'.;- jinrl with lM.H'i''^ inhahiiaiii.v The M'Cnlid is nllly scenlld II) the lilst. with a pnpnlaiimi nf l'M'iis. The third is as vital 1(1 liritish pnwer in the I'acilic as I'ml Ariliiir was In IJiissia licfiifc tile war. ilsipiiniaiilt is cniinectcd hy rail with tin |.V,r,7/. /■;././,,./. S I III II VI ki.lliil Ml. lie less (•(ial-n;ines n f N inainin. It lia.s a line di,' I III % iKISllKlll III II U( Itl'itisll lit (UllV llllIT llCV will ]ir anil \';iii- is lllr Slliiil ity->i\ mill's li||l|li >IS (if iikcil, T»ii II' iron rii:iil III Ci lllilK III IH'C llllli'll 111' fee. IJi'l'iiri' I IT I'i'Klll till' ■^iiliii' Imirii'i' • viisi wilili'i- K'VlPllll. \'t\ was ilislaiit I () II (' ll (' !■ INI III i 1 I'S . sell (Hily liv :-slii|is ; liy :l.iiiio miles, St'll I'lil' lill' r |iiii( Hilly ' liiiliaii Mini i]i|i'r. Wlii'ii ISI spikr iif (' II II M ll i II II ir li'lliluiiy ivi'ii iiiiii ilic I. illSli'Mll III' I III' must ', ii was dill' ill j; I II II (Ts Cnliiiiics, III 1 ( ll I' ll i s- iif irnlil ill li'y III' till' , ami ijiiiik iiiiii'iil i'lii. i'liiliia. ll'- \Villlill lllr I was a I'lir H'-^oVC'lllili'J iiiiiiiiin. Ill ra(linir-l"'si. ) ('\istl'lirr. !i' imii'i' than of war lliiii I'li-ilay. ill' iiilialiilaiilv tiist. willi 11 I is as vital I'liii Anliiir ail willi till a tiiK' 'li^- iliirk. wliii'li ailiiiil^ lill' larizi'Si ships allnal. a iiiiMil liiisjiiial. an arsenal, siui'es, ami a ii'liaiiiiiL'-sliiiii. ll is slriiiii:ly t'lTtilieil. anil iraiiisiiiieil iiy ('aiiailiaii Iniiips. 'I'lie nisi III' iiiainliiliiii',:' il lias heeii linriie hy the |)ii||i;lliii|| liiiViTlilllilll silire last year. \'ie|iiri,i is the lioliie ]i ilt nf tliesealilljr Heel, ami its shiires an liiieil with the wliar\ IS 111' L;reii slii|i]iiiiir emiijiaiiies, wliieli, il nillSt lie relllelllliel'eil, ll'aile unlv ill tile I'aeilie ( »r these lliemusi i jiij ii ii |:inl is the Caiiailiaii I'lieilie .\a\ iiratimi < 'iiiii|iaiiy, wliiise line steaineis h,-|\e ilniie sii liilli'll 111 ile\i|ii|i ill'' |)iiiiiiiiiiin"s felaliiiiis with the |-"ar Mast. In war time iheyian iic llirileil ililn iTIlisel'S fnr llle ilril i>li .\'a\y. There is als niiiiiiiiieaunii with Australia. Iillt sii far it has lieeii lialllpered hy eifclim- slaiiee. Now that I he success i if tile I'aeilie Cahle is assiiicil. Imwi'Vef, ami the imiierial /'/|..'|l /y a iiHiiiniiu'iil in t'lniil ol' St. .Mary's ("ailicilral. ami Sainm.'l ("iitianl. lliL' i'liiinilcr 111' tlic first slratiislii|) srrvicc across the Allaiilii-. .Vs l'!siiiiiiiiaiill is siiitatiMl on tliat jiart of Noitli Aimrii'a wliii'li lii'iuls niii lowanls .\sia. so llalil'a.x is sitiiati'il on lliat |iart ol' tlir coast wliicli licml.s out liiwanls l'liirii]ic. It is iiiiill nil a pciiinsiila t'oriiKMl liy till' .Nnrili West .\riii, a rivcr-likc iiilil 111' llic sea. ami lU'ilt'nrd I'.asiii. a lakf-likc c.\|iati.sc of water, tell si|iiare miles in e.Meiit. in iialiiral stieiii. \\\\.\ I yatftttiuf, hllllttrt'. AMI I.I l.lll. Ilcirsl., MAI.II AX. shoals, and a iiiiilnrni depth froiii tell to twelve fallioiiis. It, is. /'/..,(., I.!l\ II M II \\ \ II u l.ip I i:ini IlKiri'iiVCI'. niilivr |u l,iVi||iiM.| li\ nllr 111 IWu (lays lIimii Miiy 111 lirr ('.iiiiiili;iii m' Aiiirrir.iii Iiurt. mill, unlike .Miiiiirciii iiml (.hirhn', is ici-l'iiT )irariiiMlly llu' yciir niiiiul. This iiiililf iiiiriiiiiir is, liiri'irnri'. ilic clii.'l' wiiili'i' |iiiri 111' iIh' liniiiiiiii'ii. li isriiiiiiiTH'il wiili .Miiiiireii! liy llu- liiicrniloiiial railuay. 7."iii liiiirs liili'j-, ainl as lliis i-iiiiiii-fts willi llir Caiia'iiaii I'aritir Uailuav. lialirav is in iliiiTi rdiiiniuniiMtiiiii wiiii tin' rest uf liir Ctilllinrlll. Il is alsu a ralilc ci-lllrr, lilirs railiatiiii; tn ili'iiain, licrinmla. ami lIu' West liiilics, ari'iiss Caiiaila. aiiil, iiliinialrly, aci'nss llic I'acilir til Aiistr.ilasia. lis I'acililiis fur riialinu arr cxci'llcni. (Inml liiinkiT mal, allnal ainl in lim-ks. is alunys av.iilalilr lo nm 111! In piers ami eliiilcs iirnviileil fur tlu; |iiir|iusr. lirsiilcs fiiur iiiariiir railways, (MlialiK; uf liMiilini;' \i'ssrls iiiiiler ".'.niMi tmis liiinlcn. is a lari;!' '/rav iii'.'-ilurk uf stuiie, CiUii feel ill Irll'^lll. As lllr lijiisl iiniiurl;ill( Naval Siiiimi in ilir Wrsirrn ilrinisiilieri', il is liilly ri|iii|iiinl. ami sii furiniilalilr arc its furiiliraiiiiiis ilial il is iirai'tirally iiniircunahle fruiii (lie sea. At tliu cntraniT of I. lie iiariiiiiir arc Yurk Kciluiilit, (•"urt O^'ilvic, ami l''iiri Clarence ; in inid-chaiiiiel are tile islainls uf Si. (ieurn-i' iiml .McXali, lirisllini; with all the laiesi. engines uf war. At iillier siraleeical puii'ts. |iarticiilurly in ilic park, piiwei'fiil eiiiis arc niunnteil, su that in itienipiiiii,'' 111 Ciller llii' haiiiuiir an eiieiiiy's ship wuiilil iif ex|iuscil lu a iiniriliM'uiis cruss- tire. Tile inusi sirikiiiiT f'aliire uf Halifax is ihe Cilailel. wiiicli cmwiis a iiill risiiiu' ireiilly ffum tlio water's edgo. Tiic massive walls I VillfiiHiir, IHnuli; ilcfv assaiill , llic iiarracks vviihiii are Iminii- pruiif. i;iiMs uf the latest patierii swee|i city ami liarliiiiir. The urieinal Cilailel vvurks Were lie'.'iin liy the Diike uf Kent. Iiiil siiico his tiim; einlless fiiaiiu(.'s ami adiliiiuns have lieeii inaile, iiiiiil it is iiuw a fortress wnrlhy 111 lie nieiiiiuiicil in the sanas lireath uilli Ciiiraltar ami .Malta. In the vicinity arc Ailiniralty iliiiisc, Wellinyiun Uarracks. and the railway statimi. I'ntil liie mitltrcak uf the Suiith .Vfrican war. Halifax was the mily city in (he Duniiniuii in which the red I'uat uf the I'.riiish siildier was a familiar siLdil. Sir Wilfred l,aiirier l.hcii ull'crcd to raise a e-arrisun uf Canadians, liierehy rclcasiiii; an l'iiii;iish rciriineiit fur the fnnil. Liist year liiis ai'rai|i_'eiiicnt was iiiade periiianeiit. Fruin the Citadel the view is siiporh. lichiml full mil fertile irreeii plains, dutlcd wiih wiiitc ciiita'^es and liiiiiiidcd hy iindiilatin;,: raniresuf hills. I)ire<'lly uppusiie is Dartinuiitli, a small luwii iiictiiicsi|iiely situated at the iiase uf verdant, well-w led hills, and leiiL'tliciicd sliurewards with liie villa residences uf Halifax merchants. I5eluw are tile ships uf 11 is .Majesty's Xavy riding' al anchur. and liic ships of tiie twenty lines ul steamers which reu;iilarly Irade wilh the purt. And evervwherc water is a feature i>i the landsca|ie. In tiic dislaiicu is the hcaviii^^ Atlantic, nearer :il hand is the liarhoiir ninninir tu a point called the .Narrows, iieyuiid which il iipeiis uiil intu Bediord ii.isin, siirruiiniled liy lofty pine-idad hills. From another iioiiit of view spreads out the most heanlifnl park mi the North Aineiicaii Cuntiiaiit. At the extremity uf ilie peninsula \\aler mi allcmpi ci.iirely II iles of wmiderfii pii'k lia\ llliiiple i|i iiuuk> as Inarl of I llic pine I jrliinpscs the straii hallei'V, II a furl.' .\ iiiiii'h uf Ciiluiiial fu|Mci I hi sa\. il wa ami the I were v\i' li'uyal .\i ; suldicls, ll I frmit uf u sialf ulli sailui's wii I'llll since and tile t Canadian the del'elic tin's is her The lii^ CXI reinely I'luclainai Acadiaiis I exiles, a ; '■ l']\an;;eli I'riirate .\iiiericaii J'/wtti Oil .V.I IMA /;iv/;,s' (ir Till.: i:,\u'iiii:. Wi , IHniitir I iil'i' Imiiili- 1 s\V('C|i rily liiilcl wiifks I, lull siiici" I lilillMS liiivc I I'css wnriliy lirciitli uiili \iciiiity iH'i' ;irfiii'l^- lails init til'' h .Viiicrii'aii LV of llii: |iriiiiisiilii mi wliii'li ll.'ilila\ is Imiii, it iiiis waicr "11 lliicc siili's, and ihniiiili llicrc is iin alli'Mi|il al clllliviiliiill, till' all nl' liiali is I'l.iii'i'ly ill liai'iimiiy with .Naliiri'. Simm II ili'S III' I'liad.s lia\i' Iiitii JMid mil willi ui'iidi'il'iil tasli', llic m'i<4'iiiai lii'aillii's nj' liic |i.ii'k liaviiii;- liccii I in 'SI TN I'd tn an aliiiosl iiiiii|iU' dt'_'i(i'. \\'iiiid|iallis wind ll)iiaii.'ii Miiiiks as wild as any in ln' I'miiid in ilir lii'iii'l of ilii' nimiiilains, and lini' and ilicri' llir |iiiic li'cfs lia\c lict'ii ('111 away In |ii'niiii L'liiii|'Si'S 1)1' tliL' Water. .\l liiiics. Iiiiur\cr. llir slraii'ii'i' is stai'lli'd In ciiiiir ii|iiiii a liaiiri'v, III' III liiid liiniscir iindi'i' the walls nf a lull. .\nd licrcin. iiiilil a IVw yiMfs ii'.'ii, lay inlirli (if till' rhal'lii of Halifax. It was a Ciilmiial liiwn in uliirh mir cmild ih'MT fiii'ict the niiirlii nf K;iL'laiid. That is io .say. it was a (■ninliinalimi nf liic |irn\ iiicial and llir liii]irrial. 'I'lir .•\' rrspiinsiliiliiy fnr till' dcl'i'iKTS nf i'lsi|iiiiiiaiill and Halifax, all this is liccniiiinu' n ihini^r nf llir [lasi. Tlic liisinrica! assnrialimis nf Halil'aN arr rMrriijcly inici'csiiiiir. Hi'i'f was siu'iH'd iIh' j'riK'lainatiun wiiidi drn\r ih- iclullimis .Vcadians frmii tlicir limiii's as waiidfrcrs and cxikfS. a sinry iilcalisrd liy Lmiirl't'llnw in '• l'l\ani:cliiii'."' 'I'n this |im't sailed llie Kritisli friirate S/iiiiniii/i, |irniidly imviiii; ilie .\iiierii'aii friL'ale ('/ces(i/irii/,i\ wliieli was inalllled liy the linesl el'eW I lie ^'linkees e\ci' nillSlel'ed. .Mnliy; iIh' slmles III' liedrnld itiLsili rise up tlie eaiN|is. Imsjiilal. and a I'einetery (if tile i'Vi lieli .Xlinada de>|ialelied ill ITIti In •• ('(ill(|ller llle .Nnl'lll .\llieliiall enasi fl'nin New fmilidlaiid In \'ii'.jiiiia." Il was (lis|ii'rse(|. imi liy i.riiisli \alniir. Iml liy lerrilic slni'ins. mdv iwn ineii-nf-war and a few ti'aiis|inrls reaeliinir Halifax. 'i'lie .\dniii'al died nf a limkeii lieart, ids siieei ssnr eniiiniitted suicide slimtly afterwards, and a llimisalld nf their niell died nf disease. .\ seenlld l''lee| wllicll Sel In Sea willl llle sallie nlijeet was sealtel'ed \i\ a lllll liealle. Saturday is the iri'eal market-day nf Halifax, and il i> llie day wiieli tile life nf till' eiiy is seen in its iiinst |ii('tiii'esi|iie and \aried as|iee|. Alnmifi' llie sellel'S llle niiisi sliikinir are ilie im ".'ines. llie .Miciiiae Indians. and llle .\eadians. deseelidallls (if llie l''l'iliell. wlln wandered liai'k In llle nld llnllie. Tile "(li'een .Market." wllicll is densest Hear llle I'nst Ollice. is also Ilnvcl nil accnlint nf llie ImriU'd caitle liaiiiessed in carls in wliicli many nf tlie cniintry |ien|ile cany ilieir |irniluce. I''iniii all early Imiir in llie mnrii- ill'j- llle fnn||iilllis al'e lined nil eilliel' side nf llie mad willl wllilealld cnlmired pi n|i|e. wlln travel many a weary mile wiili liaskets, fancy wm'k. \ci:'elali|es. friiil. and llnwers. .Men. wmiieii and cliildreii sit nr sipiat iieside llieir lillle stalls, while the '.:■ I people nf Halifax Imy in the .sinie leisurely way. .\s liecmnes a Inwii with a Iradilinii a '^lowlli nf a eeiitniy and a iialf. and a future, it is iimre diiznilied than liiirriid. 'I'Ik' climate nf the I'mvince is severe 111 winter, llelice llle nl'i'.dll nf llle liickliaille of a .\n\a Scoiiaii is '• iiliie-nose." The summer I'holi, Ijij] [ Vahntiiif, Utnitlep, UAI.IIAX VM.UI 1 iiiiM I in; w'Ksr. (ion Tin: wiMi.soi; M.\(i.\/.i\i: is iiu wiiriiHT ilmii ii is ill KiiL'l:iiiii I fn^s l"iris "f tlic |).>iiiiiiioii. As a Niiviil pI SiMlinii. " The Crciiisiaili of Aiiii'ricii." ii 1ms nmii. 'I'lif niiisi (Irliiiiiiliil sriisnii n llic vi'iir is ilic iiiitiiiiiii. "Ih'Ii lilt' ilitys hit lll'i' ruin III! riviil ill till' W'i'sii'i'ii ilciiiisiilicic, I' (ir Kiifi iiiiil liiiliii). mill tlif iii'.'lits ( I jimi ill iiilililiiiii til lis oilitT iHlviiiiiiiiiis 11 ciiii ffii'Tiinl. The iiiii'lis Mini uiinliiis iiml ilmw mi iiiiliiiiitcil sii|i|ilii's u|' cxi'dlnit slcaii Will 111 s ai'c llii'ii I'lii'uiniis ill iiissil ;iiiil I. As ill (III' N.irili I'ai'iii (■ Sll III llic MMII' l.'l ami iri'l'l, iiikI llif sunsets aiv ai Nmili Ailaiiiir. Hn>rlaiiil is |.ni\ iilcij witli llirir tini'si. 'I'lii' AinciiiMiis imI! this iilcal a wiinlnw ami rmiicss. Mi'UM'iii tlii'iii tinii' till' liiil iaii snintmr. ami nnwlii'ii' is till' iiiiisl MilniTalili' li'iiilii'i' III' till' Itrilisli t inui'r I'lili'aiicinjrlv liiM'lv ihaii in N'nva Kiniiin'. llic Indian rioiitiii' aluiii' cxri'iilcil. ScDiia. l''"i' i'"* ili'lriiri'. liiiwi'M'T, till' hiPiiiiniun is Wlii'ihi'i' nr mil Halifax lii'i'oims llir ri'sjinnsililc. ami as siii' was I'lpial In tiif task tiTininns of a fast Aliaiiiir sitn in', its in |Hli' II, sn slio will Ipc airaiii slum" cxti'iisiM' ai'ci till lillL'lll II Its wall fi'iiiilai:!'. its railway ami tflri'ia|iliii' I'lii'ililit its Mia'_'liili''i'lil liallinlir. its sliah 'jiral iH'rasimi ai'isr. Knr what Anslialasia is |i the Siilllll I'arilir slli' is In tht' Ninth I'arilii ami ihr NiM'lli Allanlir. ('iifiilliinalilv sin |iiisitiiin. ami ai'ci'ssi liililv till' vi'ar I'lmml, has uiii' of tin' (inal l'o.M'r> hiT Hank. ill alwavs irivi' it a hi'ih phu'c' aiiioiiir the iii'iici' tho sifcin^ili of Halifax. .li'i.i:'-' ' i-Ni.i.AMt ^ uK.M.ni. liv i:i>\\ IN rMM cr .\s. u/ the larije jiltiU^ i>J' Hit .i .uhtinherif mm- Jl'i". II lliis |i'<|ilMTl'. lor |iii:i's it, can li'iil. Htciiiri X" ill (lie |>m'iiiiiiiiiii JH I'l till' task iiiii sliciiiM •iiliisiii is III mil I' lll'lllC |iui,'ili'lv slii: lirr Ilk. '» nnur- I ;?*H J t u < f i K ! * I i i .m^r WiWir, l> hh«,