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Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent Atre filmAs A des taux de reduction diffArents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour Atre reproduit en un seul cliche, il est filmA A partir de I'angle sup6rieur gauche, de gauche A droite. et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images nicessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mithode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 8 6 (k7 Av ,r, ai IT- ANNO REGNI G E O R G 1 1 III. ■■•'♦■ *- REGIS Magna Britannia^ Francia^ 9f Hiberma^ DECIMO SEXTO. if) At tfee Parliament begun and holden at Wtftminfiert the Twenty-ninth Day of November, Anno Domini 1774* in the Fifteenth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord GEORGE the Third, by the Grace of God» of Great Britain, Fi ice, and Ireland, King, Defender of the Fsdth, &c. And from thence continued, by fcveral Prorogations, to the Twenty- fixth Day of Oifoier, 1775-, being the Second Seflion of the Fourteenth Parlianient of Great Britain. LONDON: Printed by Charles Eyre and William Strahan, Printers to the King's mod Excellent Majefty. 1776. !i -*atf T.. >A ./-'if i. 'i-rfr hnn ( . r* i; r-ir^;: ' ■ U iiiii V ,( •:-'»fivr^mf-^ff^: ^ t t > A-' w .t.fir:3 cyifs.- '("•247' } •■'^^•:0;:v:a. .^ ^ l^% ►;JA.3^? sv:!;vii%ii r^:^ f«* ^afiS^i^'. i;^t i' '(' w* 1 ^ I ANNO DICIMO SBXTO >E-1 Oeorgii n ■\j. .,«>*.i'.-^-j*j', •JK . v» ; -(.111 U.i>\'4 t^ mnf^ thxf^ 1r. r~'*~7^- frr,- ^< ,fi)iiif.fi> »i i?j< ' ftj ;r»a,ia> : ^i < ' li ,k ■:u1'T; Tt- 1^ A^ fl^^^vjni i>a?3J^^ Reward mo fitdi( , i^frl^fi^,^ i?j^r(^«4 Jb through Hud/Mt'* 9jfre^th to jitie Weilerti lUid Southern Oceo^ of Jmtric^ t) gf^ iilil«(pra(ii;nMy)e^^ent^ie«( botii t? <|Qaime(Cf en» #€ience mas <» il<& t^HRftiBQ ixm %t PiMevB of 8|% (.■.,4 ■,T 24^ ANNO REGNI DECIMO SEXTO Cap. 6. If any Ship belonging to His Miijf Ky, itc. (hall fail between the Jtlant'tc and Pacific Oceiins beyond thcfid Degree, Com* mander, etc. Ihali receive! Reward of •0,000 /. «r fliall ap- proach to within One Decree of the NorthernPole, Aall receive a Reward of jl«0«/. i^0|tt)em parage foi ^eflfeliei bg ftes, bettoeen tfie At- lantic antr Pacific £Dcean0 : 60as it tderefo^e pleafe ^our Q^ajeiitg ttat it ma^ be enafteo $ ano be it enafteb bg tbe i&ing'0 moft Crcellent Q^aieCtg, bp anb toitb tbe abbice anb Content of tbe !Lo|b0 li^piritual anb Cempoia(» onti CommonjBi, in tbtet piefent jpadiament afiTembleb, aitb bg tbe 9utbo}its of tbe fame, Cbat if anp ^ip 0| lt!ef< fei, ^bipiet o| (Qeifeliet, belonging to ang of )t>i0 ^aieO^'iet l&ubjeft0, o| to l!)ije( C^ajeftg, Qiall Snb out anb fail tb^ugb ^ #i()PBge be Sea, bettoeem tbe Atlantic anb PaciEc HDceaniei, in an^ DiteSion 0| Parallel of tbe l9oi' tberQ ll)emifpbet;e to tbe i^o^tbtoatb of tbe jrift^^fetonb 2>eg(C0of J0o|ti)em Istitube, tbe iDbiner 0| ;9>tohet«bC fiicb '^bip oi I6^0f ^ixM t\ (Selfettt if befonging td an^ of 1^ ^ojeOs'tf S^ubfeCto, o^ tbe Commanbet oi Commanber0, Dfficet0 anb S>eamen of fucb 9bip 0| QeSirt, %bip0 0| ([Iefel0,,if belonging to f^ ^jeft^, Q^aH receibe 80 a Betoatb fo{ (ticb IDilicobere tbe f&um of Cbjent^ tboufanb ]po(iub0. Zr(^ toberea0 tbeCibipsremplbs^botb in tbe Spitz- l^rgen 4&ea0, anb in DaviVs Streights, babe frequent Dppoitunitieid pt app{oacbiiiS( tbe l!^tb Pole, t!^U(^ tbe? bttbi not Cime» butingtbe tfcobe«| of a Communication between tbe Atlantic anb Pa^c )aDcean0, a0 toell a0 be attenbeb toitb man^ Zx^n- tage0 botb to Commerce anb ^icnce, be it tberefOje enafteb bg tbe autboiit^ afoiefaib, Cbat if an^ %1dii'^ oi Oeffel, ^biP0 0| Oe(rel0, iQiall app^oacb to biitbin Dne Degree of tbe i^o^tbem pole, tbe £)ttner 0| £Db)ner0 of fucb dbip 0| aefiTel, 9bip0 0| Cleflefe, if belonging to an^ of $)i0 $^ajeGp'0 ^ubjeCNt, o^ tbe Commonber t^ Commahber0, £Dffl[cer0 anb %eamen, of fiicb 9bW 0| ^elTel, %bip0 0| QlelTefo, if belonging to !Di0 C^^ajeO^ ' To 6rft apptoacbing to toitbin iflDne ^Degree of tbe i^oi- tbem pole, %\» oi tbeir CrecutO20, abmini&ratoi0, o^ W%x\$, Qiall be entitleb to receibe, anb Qiall receibe, a0 a SebMib foi fucb 6tft appioacb tob)arb0 tbe i^o^tbern pole, tbe ®um of JTibe ^oufanb pounb0* ^ < 8 _ i anb ■;^ :;.?' ,t, Cap. 6. GEORGII III. REGIS. 249 I I are irn- poweietl to call Ibi' Jour* nals, iio3K>y lie. anil in ojOer to aftmafn tofio are ttje fifrft Diftotjerew fr!TiTn."a of fte fatt» iJoitljetn JpaOage into tfte Pacific fljcean, J:',,:,^;.:;'";'"' anD toto are tfte 8rft appjoacl)er« to toitftin flDne E^egree £,"^1;'. '^"^ of tlie j0O|t|)em pole, and to t»i)om tte Betoartuer b^ tW 0S tef^etioeig gitien do belong ; tie it furtfjer cnaftetr b^ t6rauti)0|ite a(i(»|efaiO, Cbat tbeCommiffioner^ appoAtteti fb| tde IHirpoCMt of tt)e faiO aft of tte Cigbteenti) of Geofge tfie AeconO, and alfo fuct otber PttUnxa a0 foi ^e Cime being are Commifllonertf fb| tbe Difcoberg of t^e ILongituOe at S^ea» be, and tbeg are brreb^ appointeb Coinmi0ioneni tO| tbe jpurpofesr of tbtiei p^efent aft ; and «ho . are (etebs auttotifeti and impotoered to cafl foi ttje xt- Qieft&e 3[oumal 0{ Sfoumalief, 'Book 0{ Xttdlutt and ]pa« peof, bept on Xoard tbe reQieftibe S>btp 0% S^i^a* UtU fd ot ^KeffeljBi of tbe Claimant O} Claimantiet re^eftibei^, and aifi) to eramine» upon Da^, all fuc|) ]^erfonje( aiK tfies tbe fHid CommiCKoner^ Qiail tbinb proper toitb regard to ans Claim 0| Claimier, m toed a0 an^ jperfon 0| per« tbnjtf produced bg tbe reQieftibe Claimant 0% Ciaimantier of tbereQieftibe BetoardjS giben ta afo^efaid bg tbi0 aft; (tDbici) €)atb tbe did Commiaionerier, o; an^ Cbiee o| mo|e Of tfiem, are bereb^ impotoered and required to ad^ minifter) : and tbe faid CommilKonerjef, 0| tbe majo? part commffion. of tboft tbat ftatt meet (fucb maj'oi Part, nebertbeJeftf, '^'„\'^S,' at all Cimeier confifting of Cbirteen CommilKoner0 at tbe ;;{;;;," ^1:''^^^. leaft, of bibicb tbe Eojd J^igb admiral, 01 jFiril Commif= "»'?'y° "'• iloner foi erecuting tbe OBGIce of lo^d ^igb admiral of Great Britain fo| tbe Cime being, and ^e Bopl aftro- lumier of Greenwich fo{ tbe ^ittit being, (ball be Cbio) being fUlis fati06ed, upon Cramination and J^oof, tbat (Ucb J0O{tbem palTage b^ ®ea into tbe Pacific €)cean in efeftuallg difcobered, and failed tbiougb 00 afo^efaio, and ^at fucb app^oacb totoard^ tbe Ji^o^tbern pole, ag afoiedid, bais been tben firft aftuall? made b? feea, 0^ ttat eitber tbe one 0{ tbe otber ba0 been full^ accom« pliQiCb iDitbin tbe i^deaning of tbi0 aft, 00 tbe Cafe mag be, are |)erebs autbotifed and required to grant a Cer« tiQcate o|Certi6cate0acco|dinglp, under tbeir )^and0 and fteabi, to fucb Perldn o; per(dn0 00 tbe^ iball judge are intitUd to tbe fame rel^efttbelg; Maibit^ CerttGicate ci 3 R Certificated «50 on producing whereofjCom* millioneri uf the Trrafury to pay the Re- ward. ANNO REGNI DECIMO SEXtO, Cfr. Cap. «. Certificates QitU be pfoOuceD to tl^Hot^ 1^ €tr9tattr, 01 an^ ct)7ee oi moje of tU CoinmilBonesti of tbe ^m' furs A| tbe Cime being, ono tbe f€io ^mof fPoum^ tboufano pounti0, ano ^e faib S)um of M^ i^tnuinltt jpounlijGf, 0% tbe one oi tbe otfier, an t))e Cair ma^ br, IbaU be reljiieftibele paib to fucb JPerCon o| jp^cvdiMt «{( aie nameb in tbe CftiO Certificate oj Certifieatetf t«Qieiibel|, bij8, ber, o| tbeir Crecuto^^, aominiOmaiet, oi a(S^» out of ang tbe atbs( oi ^ujpplies bsbicb llmU be |«|ih^ in ]parliament to W ^ajeft^^ pin Wtf^ H ft«Q$iff> fo^isi, after tbe faib Difcoberg of tbe faiD ssuf^f^n jp# Cage into tbe Pacific Dcean* anb t^ (aio ^MHoacb -10 tDitbin One iDegree of tbe i3o{tbern poU, 0| tbe one^ tbe otber, a0 tbe Cafe mag be» diaK be mabe, flEeftuate^ anb pjobeb, anD tbe faib Certificate pjobueeb am afOf|ff< falb. an All Claimn to the Kewaids to be made w'thin Six Months after Arrival at any I'oit in Great Britain or friUuid. Ffovifo. j^lobtOeb altaasiei, anb be it fUrtler enaSeb b^ tbe aiu tbo^itg afo^efaibt Cbat tbe reQ»aibe Claim ot CMmi on bebalf of ang S)f)ip 0| ®bip)i(, Qlefiiel oi OefleliBr, untf tbe ]^et9arb0 giben b^ tbis dft, 0| eitber of tbenii 4a(( be mabe reCpeftibel^, anb entereb biitb* oi be bg iLettn fignifieb to« tbe ^ecretarg of tbe £o|b }^gb aomiral) o{ jFtrft Commiflloner foi erecuting tbe Mice of Lo^b t^gi aomirai of Great Britain fo^ tbe Cime beings at tbo 2^ miraltg CifiBce in London, biitbin f^iir (J^tbief ftm tbil Cime tbat fucb ®bip 0| CHel&I, i^biPfli 0^ <^effe(jBf, Ml babe artibeb at ang PO|t of Great Britain 0| Irelamli otbertoi(e tbe reQie^iibe Claimant 0| Claimantu $aH not be intitleb to receibe, noi ^^l receibe, ei^r of tbe fisili Beboarbiei; an^ Cbing in tbitf 2Sk contalnib t$ tbe tmn trarg notbjitbftanbing* ]^;obiOeb aifo, anb tie it further enalteb bf tbt aittbb« rttg aCoiefaib, Cbat if tbe faib SlebiarOjtf, o; eitibrv of tbem, Qiall be claimeb bg anb abjubgeb to tbe ComnraAn bero^ CommanDers, iIDiicer)8 anb Seamen ofanf Slb^ 0| ^eOei, S)bip0 oi C^Oelm, belongings to "S^ 9^mtSk6i tbe fame Qiali be biQiofeO in fabour of, anb bi(ftt»buteli among fucb Commanber oi Commanbers, jaiiee«$ anl^ teamen, in fucb Proportions as IbaU be bir«fteb b^ ^ Itj^ajeGg in Councii» anb in no otber ^anwBTt ,, . FINIS.