V .,■ i> * .,. « .<• ' "^ V t - ', • ■ • • , . * ■ '"08 - ■ - . i'^ . " * ■* , V ■ \ 'k \ ' r * -v •4 , • ( < ■' ^ - J&] -\ >, Wi^ ''i. >.>!> .« i^ A r v^ i» — ^ ■,:^-}^ ,j# ( IMAGE EVALUATlbt^ TEST TARGET (MT-3) ** «.■■.■■ . • / 1.0 1.1 lii US !!! HA 25 2.2 us 140 1.4 1.6 ■V /. ^. ■m 4^ <^ ^. f<\ Fbotographic ^;i)denoes (jprporation aa WMT MA IM iTWIT WnSTIR,H.Y. 14StO (716)173^903 '^^^2* ^^^ •?^ ^^^ V CIHI\ Micr Serk (Morii Canadian Instituta for Hisi ■. ■/ \v- I- CIHM Microfiche Series (■Monographs) / ^ * ICMH Collection do microfiches (monographies) ? Canadian Instituta for Historical IMicroraproductiona / Institut Canadian da microraproductions historiquaa . i. t,«^f 4^ ^ Ttchnieal and Wbliofrapliic NotM / ^otM ttdioMli*^ •* MMiotifPhiquM The Inttitu^hM iHtmptad to obtain tht bast orifinal coipy availabia for f ilmiiii. 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' w 'i^ i «o^ fNfn«d h«r« hit bMn N»godJi c t< tliinkt y^ ttM f n»f — Hy of '7- Library of tiMNatiOMi ArehlMi of jCjmm^b' Th« ImagM ippe a rlwa iMra ar* th* PPMiM# COfMNMnn^ tn# OOfKHtlOII of tlw orlflMl eopv and In k n plng quality toflMIHy X ■_oy MnpffM* Air «nv MBi pa^ wnnji pnmaa Of slOfi« Of tno Mok oovof wliaii otliof ofiflnal oaplaa ava fNiiiad flrat pafa wHh a primad or HhMtiiiad aion. ano anoiiif afi tlia iaat or Nkiatratad liwpraaalao. Tho Iaat ra c arda d frama on aach mierofleho ahall aontaln tha tymbol -i^ (moaning "CON- TINUIO"!. or tho^•ymkql ▼ (moarilo9 "END"). Mapa. plataa. rtiana. aia.. may ba fNmad at dlffarant raduotian ratlaa. Thaaa tao larga to ba antiraly kwkidad In ono axpoaura ara fNmad ■afplnnlng In tha uppwr laft hand oomor, loft to right and top to bottom, aa many framaa aa raqulradrTha faNowrfng dla«rama Nluatrata tha Vaxamplaira f Hm^ fut raprodult grtea A la •AnOroalti da: f -'\. . u MwiotMciiM OM AiohlvM MtioMlM du Canada imagaa Mihrantaa ont *tA raproduitat avac la plua grand toln. eompta tanu da la condition at da la nattata do loMamplaka film*, at an . ^ aonformhO avoe laa eondMona du eontrat da Laa aaamplilraa ortginaux dont la eouvortura an papiar aat Imprlmaa aont fllmda an eomman^nt por la pranHar plat at an tdrmtaiant salt par ia damMra paga qui eamporta unaipprainta dimpraaalon oo^dlNuatratlan. salt par la sacond plat, aalan la aaa. Taua iaa autraa axamplairaa ' arlglnatM aant fNmda an eamntan^ant par la P^«wl*»« poflo qui aomporto uno ampraf nta dimpraaalon ou dlNuatratlan at an tarminant par ladamMrapagaquieomportaunotalla ' ampralntav Un day aymbalaa sulvanta apparattri tur la damlAra imaga da chaqua mierofleba. talon la eaa: la aymbola -^ aignifia "A SUIVRE". la ayAibola ▼ aignlfia "FIN". Laa aartaa. iManchaak taMaaux. ate., pauvant film4a A daa taux da rMuctlon diff aranta. Uraqoa la documont aat trap grand pour Atra raproduft an un aaul aNcha. 11 aat fihn« i partir da I'angiraupdriaur gaucha. da gaucha i droita at da haut an baa. an pranant la nombro d'Imagaa ndcaaaalra. Laa dlagramnlaa aulvanta Hkiatrant la mOthodo. t " 2 3 -%' :'% J ^ ._.„:,| J. T amm^'^*^- {[ JANUARY laf. 1888. *' PRWEUST LEATHU BElTim -\( KlBgle. i' :! I inch *o 07 per it 1 13 inch ij '• o 10 '• ' 16 •' i 3i 4 4i 5 (> 7- B 'J II li 13 i O li o u 6 !' o iS o .5 " .15 n 40 " 45. <" d5 u 05 o 75 ^5 Q5 1 '■»: 1 ?o : -i It It •I '/ 1 1?> ! io j.ii ; -:2 i ^ 2(1 2,- ; i!' 30 ;« 3*' 40 4i ♦■» 4M *t 5f^ per i 07 ■' 4 ,*0 " ft. flight IK»hM«. - '-■- -«y« — ■J'z *' 3' 43 60 73 8b >5 23 00 00 -3 3M, R 1 111 I .' -■4 1^: ' ' u .7 K) 34 u 40 u 4ft 53 6u 1 1" iO ililiOrit fti-lN ir.-. . *..l t-n Co III pm'!-< Ki ii :•' W- H)ti!t(M| HI (i. .'Ki-v imi-'V<. Htivy J^Miibk' Bfilfs twi'ft the nricp ». :i'ri''|f li fl i ioc ^ ROUND BEVTS /•/.V, OUMS (,)VOriip OA A Pl'LIC Allies. BCLTINO- 8 TAMP. r"--' ^^^* N " ""*^^ •% ■•^ ■ *v LEATHER HOSE. 'V-.- ■■■■*■ i '^ ■ ■ •: * For Mill purpores and gc/iifcrai j3.dc uf pure Bai*)-; ; ( Tanjied L-.j'hei, r.:id )^j-.c our Beltiiig, \ [; is made onyiv fro:. ihe solid butt part < j' ofthe hide. . ij It is all tested before leaving the j Factory. * \\ inch » * ♦ PRidE PER a'JNN'NG FOOT - - ' H') Sp jI 2A inch - - - - - o .fX) i J " - ,- - I 25 I 'V J Light - Metlnjrr'i In msking our Standard Baiting we cut th« i«ath«)r Unvth wi«« of the hide, and long laps are avoided. -" ^ ..n LACE LEATHER ' I ■ l^Ieay V - - ; Kxtrn H(?avy 1 HKR UOZ. ^^ » p^rec LIST OF CUT lacings ^- 5i 00 per 100 , " I 25 r ' \ -' - 2 00 •' " ■ - • ' 2 75 * " • ,-:. 3 25 . '•;^-"- '■\ '•v. SAI>^^ Ufgl ^4fr \ The STAAiGid- unes of the Hide as mark- ed INTHE FOlf QWIflO DIAGRAM SHOW THE PORTION OF iHE Hide used in the Manu- facture of our STANDARD BELTIHG. ;Ai*is«i!ii?"at»«iiL:^ „':-:-. ' RoUXD SiCmTINGiMD Scrap IXMTHER FOR Boot AND SHdEMANurAcnnicii8-AL80 SioiriL INGDRESSEDTOOflDEit „^ _^^^ . \ . ,i Y V i -'•^ ■ % It ■- , ,. • * f >'■ — , • % / •/ • y'' • r ' 1 \ X 7. r 1 \.- 1 ! ^ ^^ ' V, 'V. J 4 1 r \ ■ ^: ■ ^ K — «* ^^H ^^^^^^^^^ \ \ \ \ ^ f r * .» IT', "'■■^ -^ \ ''' ^^^^^^^^^Kr ^ •■ • H ' ' • . ■ • y ' \ Wr- — \ * * \ .'■.'■■ ■ ^^^ \' ■ ' . -♦ _ ■-■..- ■-. - ■ ' \ :•■ ■ ^ .J '. ;V ■ " .- •■ V ■ ■»»'. /--"7-— -:. ■ . • 1 ■ , . . -t i %■/ / ^*''>,