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Lorsque le document est trop grsnd pour 6tre reproduit en un seul ciich*. il est film* A partir de Tangle supArieur gauche, de gauche A droits, et de haut en bes. en prenant la nombre d'imeges n^cessaira. Las diagrammes suivants illustrent la mithode. H 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 ■ - .■ V No.!. -^ .>^vW^-' 'To His ExcELL^xci'f the C^f^WfroA of Quebec ^ J^w-Tdrkt yune 4//b, 1783. The Cf^ndltion (^ His Majefty's faithful fub-' jecls who have been driven from^their^Miis, anci havfi^ffered evei-^ otV^^qoAveniertOp ftn ac- count of. their loyalty ahdKi-vices, demands the most benevolent confideration Many thoufands of thofc, have b6en already induced to fcek an affyluni in Novafcoti^,, where grants ot lands d\ e V) be made tt\erti. without quitrents j as 1 hope, and hav^ recommended, on future expences of uny km 1 toge| with othd^ .Kceffary'*aids, affi pmccbon and affi,U,.ce we Jn give tm. ^* and moll humble lervant. (bjgned) GUYCARLETON. , (IJn c-aed ro t !,e car« of Amns AmUy.) ' rn^'ly'^^fi''""''''' "'■^'^^' '^''^' thejoregoing is a true Zlt •" '"^'''"'^ ^'"'' '^ VGi.«.r r (oigKcd) Emanuel Ellerbeck. Gi'(JRG£ GaLLxUVAY. of N" 1 II '^^ fE^rellenry, the right honorable Guy Lord D»r^ ^"Jf" , t,ov.rnor an.! Commander /« Chief in and ^"'ot'ri'"r^'^: :■'"-■ '■""'^rit'-rs, reprefentative, ex -end r f"'"^p -'"^ °*">= New Sett'ement* ex.ending fe„„, p.„„t Aubodeit, to (lie Bay ul bell ilf of themfelves and conftitueuts c,>I» J'.V;'''!"''''"^'"""'' '"^ ronfrimity to a ciiv u m e niR of the refpeaivc townfliip to which !.ey beionR, elefted by a majority of votes to re preie.t that towi.fhip. for thi purpofe of renort" 89C4n ^'^ •C3 )•:: Ijettipf,.attenipttoftareto y'^iir LoitlHiip all fuch matters, and rthers, who ng loyalifta ion of the - pleafed to lis to nom- ' under as ■f> ready to jefty and in natters will ir lordfliip, Empy^ f Kajfleman ice, & Weaver^ T/Iey. rch, 1787. 5 ) N°- IV. To his Excellency the ri;;ht honorable Guy Lord DorcheileT, Governor and Commander .n CMef in and over his Mijtfty's Coloniefc of Qu. bee, New-Brurfwick and jNova Scotia, &c. &c &c. WE the fubfcribers, the repr.-fentatives of the loydiills fettled from Point Aubodett, to the upper end of the Bay ot Qumte ; beg leave to reprelent to your lordfhip, that the t'-iftrelfes and coniplainiu of 'he inhabitants of the d 11 * L •\ \ i«^ i (Signed) ^oel Adams, />/.;,;, n, N°V. Ck»t.h„!T-^'> ^"' ^' "^""^ '*' '9'/.. .787. ?n our l«!;l"sTo dXfrlrnh 'PPn^r^" '" g° To R^lTrs. y^TO, j1„,i Jj. , >*« Maclntyre. i inade brMr cS Ve^'f^y 'o 'he furvey •n^U. and o? ou'fc ItdTfiat'''^ "" "'"'P™^'- *Ac ruinca . that, on account of ' Shavoutf ^ifs KafiUmatt, n Wulter. ^ MaeNiff. inted to go Jloney, hUj. )ns of us the 'f the Nev<^ forwarded art. if he is you are t6 'A to Lord nt f>f Weaver^ • Atkins, J furvey I stre al- liiprove. :ouot of (T ) Mr. M'tcan's conduft, wc have been very much diicouraged in improving our land. Amus Ansley^ Conrad Orbell, (Signed) Aran Brower, John Cannon^ John Ferris^ Robert Tindall, jfo ton Moji, John Warner, » * To the Honorable Judges, CotnmiJJioners appointed by Law, to examine all Titles of Land. THE MEMORIAL of the Subfcribers, Inhabit- ants of Kingston, Humbly Shtweth : — That your Petivoneis fettled and improved agreeable to l Survey made by Mr. Collins, in the year 17^4 j that in 1787,3 difcovery was made, that the lines were not North, as was expefted, but were to the Wellwardj that on a complaint, mad^ to Lord Dorchefter, Mr. Collins and Lawyer Powel- were feat from Quebec, to hold a Court of Enquiry, And in redrefs of faid complaint, ihc annexed Certificate was obtained. Your Petitioners liumbly pray that your Hon- ers will take fuch meafures as to provide that the courfes mentioned in the Dcds fhall agree with the Purvey that we firft fettles L y, & have improved agreeably thereto this fourteen years, and your Petitioners, as in duty bound, will ever pray. -mos Anj^ey, Solomon Or/er, (Signed) yobn Cannon, Daniel Ferris, Thomas Burnett, "John Ferris » John Burt.ett, Kingston, Sept. 17th, 1798. N«- IX. I DO CEttTIFY, that the Road lying between the Lots No. 17 and i8,intihefirft townlhip above Cataraque frnntlncrnn T ul-e '^)r.»^r5« "n-ir : \ • 1 > i /; ■■ V. •. v, ■ t .t«.'l?Tottiif.r°ltA .rue copy. ,..,.„ , «" &.„;f.JX ^,.J„^y ■';^. Amos Ass.kv.] A MOS AKSLEr. StR, YORK, 20th Oct. i3oo. >nv laid. urua?eP^f„";'^l '?•»"■"« ""Bin- tioiK was totrv thern.,7- r u ""K'"^' '"ten- and whatevJ7h« nnn, ^, '^''l* conceffi.n line, cr's Inihur/nt^tn make ,.««' ''^ «'^-,. Su'veyl "gnt andes, from Se lin^f vT''' "S'^ « Townlhip. 'ihe var al„"f I.*?,"^'' S"irfes the I am, Sir, ' '* your obt. Servant. To Mr. AM03 Aks.„.°' '^"«' ^ S. G. " Kingston. ■ iiti ACT io a/certain nnit/iahlifh nn ^ p^rv^nveKi f^ot- iiiX, the Bau-i^hn f the d.jj'um iuw)lh\n 9/ ' f /^ c-n-w. '' ' W. 11' R FAS ir h expedient and nccelTMy, to a| c'vtu.n anj elKibliih upon fome p -ina- rent principle, f he !)<)UTul:iTy J'dcs cf' t'c towritjips'vithin This Province, and diilirhSfv lo ref-M'j !hem w'l-n fo allcrtained rind cfiahl.i'hal, iie It c-.a.^o.'! by thr k"in.;;'s moft excellent M; je.stv * \>y and rvith tl.o j'Mcc .md f niii^nr of the \rx,\\\x. '.'ve (Council and A(leml,ly of the rioviucc of'li'p- per Canada, cor.iiitutt.l and alFeuibled by virtue o(, and under the authoiity of an act piHcd in 1 he Ru ham mt ot Great Britain, entithd, nr. a.t ^ lo rcpcai certain p,ins of an actpafud in the fo -r- vi C tccnth yeir of His Majefty'g reign, cntiiled. " an ''^V -ct for mal .n^ more dfeftual provifion for tl»c ^ r>overnment of the Province of Quebec, in Nuith ^ ^\mcrica,and tomike further provifion for the "4v .^^•nTTninent of the faid province/' and by the au. vi^ n.ontyofthefaaie. That ftone monuments, or ^ rurnuments of other durable materials, ihall be '^ r^...ed at the IcVeral corners, Rovernihg points, or ofl fet.s c)f every towndiip that harh been furveved or may hereafter be lurveyed ; and alfo, at Lli V^ end of the Several concefllop lines of iuch tour- ^ erSd ^'' 'Y ''T '"''"^ '"^^ monumenrr ^ 0>* ^ ereOcd, or to be eTe<5ted, be taken and tonfidcred vf ^ as r he pei'manent boundary lines of fuchtounCiins ^^ and conceflions refpedlvely. >*ii^i»ps ^V^ r^\ri^i^V'f'''''''''"'^'^h*f^e authority afore. V\* >^,1 hat the nionulnenrs above direaedVo be \> ^^ placed as aforenicntioned, (hall be placed u.cier tic ^ ^^ ill. Md be it further inched dy the mhrity afm- ^ <^^ ¥^M^^<%, Mry=^ / ;j \ MO ) . AA-Z, Thnttl^e courfes and cliH-^rrcs ot the lava I.K.undaiy in es fo afcertrjiKd ana eliabiilhed, fliall on al. occaiirns be, and be t;,kcn to be, the tr-e cour/es 3rd diUances of the boundary lines of the i|Ud r(nv!:iliTi)sand concelllons, whaher the flime do or do not, on actual Uicafurement, coincide ^ViJ! ihec .uifesani didances in any letterj, patent , «)t.E:.aut,or orher inilrnment in rdpccl of luch boundary hne-. mcnti(;ned and exprefied. 1 V.^ Ardhe it further eyuidcd by the authoriiy afrre- ,hii>U 1 hat if any perfon or peiions (huJl ki;ovN ino-. lyorwiUully pull down, deface, alter, or reuiove auy iuch HiOMUuient fo erected as aforcfaid, he, fhe ;;' ; ''y;,^'";^ ^'\ adjudged guilty of felony, and liiail iulicr death without benefit of clergy. "^^^ 'ind be it further enacted by the 'avthoritv nf^rcfnd. That it Ihall uot be iieceilary for the siirveyf>r jve^eral to proceed to carry the provis- ions ot thib act inro execution, until an applicaiion lor that purpofefliall have been made to the Go- verno! , Lieuienant Governor, or perfon adminis- tering the Government, by the Magiftrates of any Jjiitncl, or County, not being a part of a Diflridt, m Qu irter SclTions aflembied, fignifying that the ticctingof fuch monuments, and afc«rtainingfuch boundaries as aforefaid, is rccelfary and expedient for fome particular townfliip or townfhips within fuch Diftrict or county. VI.^ And be it further enabled by tke authority afore- fuid^ That when, and fo often, as application fhall be n)ade to the Juthces of the Peace, in, and for any Diilrict, in *|uarter feflions aflembied, by thir- ty Freeholders of any townfiiip within fuch dif- tria, to have monuments creeled conformably to the intention of this ;ict,it fhall and may he law^ ful for the faid juilices, and they are hereby au- K. ^'v -^ • - -c ?ir^ rs Of ihc laia abiilhed, fJiiUl > be, the true y lines of the :Iier the hma ent, coincide ' letterfa j[jati;rit fped of luch fied. QUlboriily ofrve^ luil ksJOv^ ine- (" ) thori^cd and rcqn'rcd to form an cftlmatc of the fum of money, which, in their judgfuciit aiid dif- crclion, (hall fccm rcquifuc to defray the charges of ereftinc; fuch monu.iie;it,and to lay an eijiial ail 'fl'nent (proponioiiab'e thereto) upon each arnl every acre of land within fuch towiilhi;) ; wliich allcirinent thcyfhall ciufeto be mi fed and C"lic:5l- e i by a Warrant* under the hands and fe;i!s of any two or morcof iheiri, directed to the Collec- tors offucii townfliip, and requiring th--ni to raifo and collecl the faid ailclT'nenfs, i inch mannci , and by fuch means .iS in other fuch cuics by la-A' directed and required, and to pay the fame vh^u fo collected, into the hands of ihc Treifuier or the Dilbicl, to anfwer tiie charges to be incurred by creeling fuch monuuicnts. VII. And hs It further enr. fled by the authority a- fnref.iid. That when any peifon li;ible to pay' his proportion and ra'e of fuck aff'iTir.ent, fnall be ai)- lent fiom the rownlhip, and ihall not have t^ik n meins to anfwer the ixme to the fdid coiledors within one year from, and after, the dare of the warrant f>)r collecling the fame, t;;e hnd of f^c'i ablcncee ihail be held liable and ai fwe.abie fo^ the payment of fuch rate, with the l.nvful intoreft a- riiinef thereon : and when the fame fliail amount to twenty iliillinf^s, or up»vards, upon each lur ;>i' one hnndred acres of hnd, and fo in pripoii on for any number of acres, more or iel" , it fliali a; d may be lawful for the treafurer of the dillrict ia which fuch lands (liull lie a.-d be fituate, and he U hereby requred to give notice of the fame for fix months in the Upper ^lanada Gazc-ie. :md if after the expiraiion of that time the fame fiiill not oe piid, it fliall and may be lawful for hhn tf) fell fo much thereof, after nuhlirlv a'lvrr:iv;iTj.r du- i,ni,- :%. n aR may be neCefTiry thenecefiiiryexyen ( 1'3 ^o (at!, fy the AM arrca: and to and tor the ufc of "th CGStnciirredbythcpuKeeui receive the mor.icj. anfinrr Vrom iutii i'^'l e townfiii'i and COUNCIL CHA,\1RF.R, Additional Ruh QUCBLC, 25lh.\ivnft, 178- del WHCRE,/\Sth ^^ and Re^nlaU'.na for th Cond. ^ anA-Office Dcp.ntmcnt. I. a of the ^ys and abuferi h re 13 reaion to a J^n- department, en account of the dill dux veyor General's o/lice f pprehend that ^11 ^'^''-",1", theLind-grant- ance of the uty Surveyor*, in var 'orn Its agents or Dcp, and ih,u feme of the faid S lous parts of the provuKej vers inftances, at urveyors have, in d hi.Mds of Hie CVown, without tempted to difpofe of the wafte c..t of executing the King', i„arucS to '^^ e" "n ■ ,r. ™ ^'"''f''."T'P'- '"'' ""<<" other colors 2i e ' d L ■./^■^ ""='■-"'« hereby ordered and cuet.ul, that al] Surveyors employed by the Go- vernment, ,„:der iniiruclions from the Surveyor General so3K:e for making Surveys and X! n ems of the wafle lands of tlTe Cirowf,, in any par, Land-boards for the rcfpeftive Diftrifls, of all a! h. ments made by them (the faid Survc^'o,)"e themfoK^rr'^'"?-''' •^''"*^''^"*. 'conceivin? a.piucd of the error. And the Boards arc to keep a v,g,la„t eye over al: encroachments by in- du.duals upon the wafte lands of the Crown un- ot'e-'^f-"' "' '"'■'? "."--''o-if^d loc^don "r ot..c.wiL; communicamgfuch full information "^s^it^ ^'icl arrears, and the prtKeeoiiigs, :rom iutJi iltlc, lo Ai!y;ufl, 1789. th:j Conduct oj the -:nt. apprehend that the Lmd.grant- c tliiiance of the i agents or Dcp- 'f the province, ors have, in di- 'fe of the wafte ^rity, under pre- ruclfors to the ts of landd to be der other colors :by ordered and M by the Go- 11 the Surveyor /eys and allot- wn, in any part reports to the iricls, of all ai- Jrveyors) peci- rils, conceiving of fuch unau- ioned, may be Boards are to hments by in- lie Crown, un- i locations or II information ( 13 ) ^smiy bercqivfi'f. for difcriminating the cafe of deceive i and ik luiious fettlcis from odier intru-. ders, th.u tiiofe who may rc^fonably expect the fa- v;»rut Goverii'.j^cat, may receive luch indulgeur cies, as their cafes may be found to require. II. No allotments whatever fhall iienceforth be made by any o^ the faid Surveyors, except by writ- ten authority, directions or certificate of the ref- pcctive Boards. And as often as fuch certificate or authority of the Board Ihall come to the hands of the Surveyor, to whom the fame is directed, it ihail be his duty to locate the tract therein men- tioned, and gie his certificate of location to the intended grantee, at the toot, or on the back of the authority of the Board accordingly. Arid as often as an order of the Governor in Council iffues for a grant of lands to be made, the: Clerk of the Council fliall tranfinit a copy thereof to the Board of the Dillrict in which the lands to be granted are fituated, to enable the B^ard to give the authority before directed, for the tract being located by the Surveyor. III. The Boards are to take care, that the orders contained in the tenth article of the Rules and Re- gulations for the conduct of the Land-office de- partment, of the 17th of February laft, relative to thedimenfions. and fubdivifion of Townftiips be duly executed by the different Surveyors : And for this purpofe, the faid orders are here infered at length for the information and guidance of the Boircis, viz. The dimenfions of every inland Townfliip fhall be ten miles fquare, and luch as are fituated upon a navigable liver or water, (hall have a front of nine jmles, and be twelve miies in depth. Tae Town Plot in every Townlhip ftiall be one \ IT II A ce,,t, e ot tl,e f .ont borciering „po„ th. river or la. ^^^Every Town-lot fhall contain one acre more or .r,j;treoffouracres, irore or lefs shill HoibhXll'c ' '""^"^" ^"^>'"'£ &''-"^' sh !lM I ^^i:!'''^^"F«^^ ^cres each,n.ore or lefs, shall be relcrved for Market-placcs,at the four at ,quil d-lhnces from the four corners center f'^ P'',!'?,P'^ ^^'^^'' ^^^'^^i"P; l»-^'ni the AM .K *^"f ^' '^''^ ''^ ninety-fix iet wide. All other ftreets shall be fixty feet wide. 1 the^^fquares shall be open al ti.e angles or Aa area of half a mile, more or Icfs, in depth ' G B C I)E \ ^^tii>( ere more or I K ( ir> ) furrounrlinp; the To'.vn, ^hall be rcfcrved for works of ilcicace if nccelT.iiy, or iuch other difpoil'.ions s shall be thought proper at a fu- ture per ocl. The 'I'own parks shall iidioin and farround the area jufl mejitioned, and shall be two hun- dred and eighty ciuht in inmiber in every in- land Township, and two hundred and ei^^li. teen in number in every Township lituated upon a navip:;ahle river or water. One Tovn-park shall be refervcd for a Mi- r.ifter, and one for a Schoolrh.ifter, adj(/ii.irg e.ich other. The remainder of the Township shall be laid out in Farm lots, the nnmbtr of vvhicii in every inland Township, is to betvvo hundred atjd iifty two, and in every Township firua- ted on a navigable river or water, three hun- dred. Two farm lots shall be reserved for a Min- iftef, and one for a Schoohnailer fituateci be- hind the Town-parks, to be referred for them refpcciively, and in that d^vifion of Fairr.-io s which is neareft to the Town. In each of ihc four corners of every inland Tnwnehip, eight farm lots a;l)i,iurug each other shall be rcferved in the hands of the Crown. In ejch of the four corners of every town, ship, fituated upon a navi^^able river or water, ten farm lots, adjoining each odier, ^had be rcferved ia the hands of the Crown. i^The Letters in the Margin nfiV to the plans ahoveinefitioncd. r ( 16 ) And all ftrects and roads are to fnterfi-ct e,»S orhcr a, r.ghf angle.,, at ,h. dittances-, and Lie in t. e Council office.arcording to the na, e ^ch of the Boards tor their n.ore an.ple intorma" IV. Andinasirm-has local circumftances mav fomcfmes render a deviation from thcforXXl orders, the fcite of the lown, a 'd l.f d. ect.ons of the n,ore eligible fbr the -ene r.l convenience of tne fet.lers, the Boards Z C I^authorded to direct fuch devia.ions the f',™ require, But the Surveyors shall, on no nretf-rp whatever, make any deviation from the « ner d oroers, ,n thefe, or any other refpec^, but by the written authority of the Boards "^ "y u.c tvl"f '' r''^" ^^ "" ''"'y °* "he Boards, in eve. ty foch eafetto repoat the reafon for iher acl ,0 the Governor or Commander in Chief for the time being with all convenient fpeed ° V. For theexercife of due caurion in .he order- ^g of any fuch deviations from .he general mo. dels the Of To«.i,s, ard th- direc icn.sofroa.s,as may be au.horiled bv ,he B^ard," under the preceding ar.icle,it shall be th du y „? the Boards, as Often a, one or more new T,Ln ships are to belaid ou,, to call in the Mngiiir Te" the officers of the n.iiii.i,, and other intelligent' pl mters of the vicini, y thereof, or the Ul i f " >rge.a«,heimpo,tarce,,f the cafe may equ-re toaffift i„ their deliberaiions refpecting'^^he 21 ;,e' faid particulars ; tbc majority of whom, and of ( hall be ihty nterfect e:ieh and in tJie plans, fi'ed >reKoing rar- inlmittcd to pie infoima- rtances may e forej^r'ing ^n, and the or the trene- ■r, and noi according to the foregoing regula- tions, (many o^ which Townships are now con- fidcrably advanced in their fettiements) the Boards are neverthekfs to deliberate and fix upon the pro- per fcites for Town.'«,Town-parks,glebe3 for a Min- iftcr & Schooliua.iter, & the directions oi the rtuds in the manner directed in the precediiig article. If the choice (hall fall upon lands already located in due form, the con{cnt < f iheoccuparits or right- fulclaimants muft firll be obtain<'d, by. an agree- ment between them, and the inhabitants ot the T.»wnfhip in general ; to facil tate which, the B irdsase heieby authorifeo to give tlivm, lever- illy, ccrtili ate> directed to one of the Acting Sur- veyors of their Dittrift, for as many acres ot the vacant lands of the Crown, in that or any other Towrliiip/as tiiey fliail have relintiu.i^ed their churn to, by the ai; rteiner t fo made. VI. As « ften a.-> the cdrni lete exccut'.on of the dirfeclions. contained in the third aiticle of thele rct'.uhiiions, (hall l)e prevented, by realon of the BcceiTary fpace for that pivrpofebein;;- already u:;- dcr pronuies oi' Grants toiKciividiiaN, who u ,iy !e unwilling to relinquiih their ciaiK.s to the lame, the Boards "ne to cblerve tiic fallowing ( ruoi in provi.ijng fp;icc.s foj the of ihs lov/nihip. vlis. !? ( 18 ) «c Wp"ofGTd"^''"°''P'^^«f°f 'he pub. 3' One Kirfoiuge houfc 4- A conim„„ school houfe. 5- A 1 own park for one Minifter. '"or. toihe ZJ':'' ^"*- °"« Schoolmaftcr. com. 7. A Glebe for one Minifter. thciot '''' ^"' ""^ Schoolmafter, common to t.'ie opinion of the BmrH , ^ ■•"^^•■""^'^d, in fonage and School tuft" tt'lf''"';'''' *"- order the Surveyor to lav om ,h ; ""'1 '"^ "> number the fame • afie.ri V ^ '""'" '■■"^ ""d receive appHcaXminH"''.''''^ ^°"''» are to )hechara?rerr„'d";;e:'r^^fr,,^,^;-'-."-on of T^'wn lot and one Town D^rt nf ? ' "/ "^'^ crestoffethtr tn i-K^r ^ "^ twenty four a- yimA ♦ J^u^ ' i i 5ir«i 'light forward iiHtrrujting "even inlult- ted wiih the i will r irain ill be obliged vant, [I SMl'lIT.