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Meps, plates, cherts, etc.. may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre filmAs A des taux de reduction diffirents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul clich6, il est fitmi A partir de I'angle supArieur gauche, de gauche A droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images nAcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mithode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 Cf.' -'; y ^ritisl^ Columbia gotanital |.ss0tiati0n; Sir, I am instructed by the Commi'ITEE of the AssocfATiOK to transmit a copy of Rosolutioiis acluptc'd at a meeting held on 14th May current. The Committee regret to state that out of 43 different kinds of Seeds enumerated in the oiu'losed list, a very few oidy show any signs of vitality, — the box in which they were trans- mitted having bei'ii saturated with watei'. They trust that the box on its way, and now expected, may arrive in a better condition. Under these circumstances, the Committee have directed that such Seeds as do not appear to have lost their vitality should be sown, under the direction of the Secretary, with a view to the ultimate distribution among the Subscribers by lot, according to the shares held l)y them, of any plants which nuiy spring up. The Committee have announced to Mr 1>K0WX, the Collector, that his further services are to be dispensed with. J am. Sin, Vour most obedient servant. I. ANDKUSON-HENKY, ^cnj. Hay Lodue, Tkinity, 31«< May IStifJ, \(htr. , ) ,..;., .:ih-.-: > .-;?v.., (■.:,;c:Urvl?»*lJii'^k:/^ A AWi)^ At a ^^K^;TINO of the t!0MMlTTKK ut'the Hiurisii CnLi .mhia I'.otamcai, Assoni.vriuN, held within the Hkubauutm Haix, at the llowi Hotanic (iAiiiiKN, Ki)iNHUl«in,oii \Vednes(Uiy Itth May IStjii, to oxaniiiK^ Contfints of I>nx, No. 4. — Pffxcitf — Profossur I'.ai.i'oi.h, Mr (iouiiiK, for 1'. Lawwoii mikI Sdii. Mr M'Nah, Trcasiirfr, Mr, ( 'Icrk, iiiid ^Ir Anoeuhon-IIknrv. Sciiviurv. 'nil' ('(luiniittfc ciifcfully cxainiiiiMl xrri'itim tlic piwvcls ainl i»a('ki'ts nf Seeds rt'ccivcd fmiH the Collector ill that box, emlnwiu!,' from Nos. -';31 to 27.'? inclusive; and it was a matter of deep rej^'ret to Hud, tliat from wet jiaviiif,' tj,dt into tliu hox, the Seeds, with only one or two very doubtful exee])- tions, were rotten, or their ve<,'etativ(! power dostroyeii. The exceptions referred to are Xos. 23"), 23S, 2-tO, 241, 2(59, and 270, of the catalogue of the contents of the box, which had been previ' Funrn'r" uews))aper. and slips (now in proof) ordered for such trnnsmission. The meeting think it would be unnecessary to send any of the seeds of other packages tiian ibosc of the Xos. above excepted, and tlierefore suggest, for the consideration of another meeting to be iield in town before the date of despatch of the next mail to California (IGth inst.), that the distribution should be restricted to these packets. Mfktixo of Committke of the British ('(DLu.miua Botanical Assuciation, hehl at (>4 I'kincks Street, Edinbur},di, on ^Foaday 14t1i ^fay lSi)H— I'ri'ftiiit— .Mr i'.viToN, in the Chair, Frofes.sor l>Ar.F0L'u. Mr Hon, Ncwliston, Mr 'liuKiK for Mv Lawson, and ^^r .\i'XAn, Treasurer. Resolved unanimously, that the servi(U's of Mr IIkdwn be di.scontinued, ami that Mr Hknhv lie requested to write to him accordingly. Resolved unanimously, that from the state of the Seeds in box No. 4, it is im^xpediont to make any distrilnition of them among the Snl)scril)ers, and that AFr Kknuy be recpiested to take idiarge of tlie sowing of the seeds (^Fr (iouuiK giving his assistance), with a view to the ultimate distrilmtion by lot ol any that may come up. That a circular be prepared, stilting the general destruction of the seeds by wet. and intimating tlie resolution previously come to. / X. >v>. ^-r. ll '^ a fa: "b tcv cleatli -i.f tei 1 nd, no,li: of J(i of V inc lead undel 3vj o\.; / / / / IT /-I .nic'.l Aococi ;ion The Irof."'L'-l our raentionad is Oohn "utton Iv-l oMVff^tl^er of Sir Isr),ac .i3i\yley 13,; Isaac i\nderson-''"enry v/a.s rresident,rot,3oc.of . '.dinbii.rch I'^'oV-B istsi'^-io -•-rapjii i.'.l Index of: :U''itish and IriDh -Jot :'.L'ov;n , ':c)0'..jrt (l 42-95) t'oorn Oar.ixvsteriO'Aitjiness, Surrey , 20 Oct $ 1^95 . Z 'cud i ad at .^h, Leyden y Oo^..: ivesj' "arch , 1 34 P. ; d . l tr ec env^ en. "^L. 3. 1873. :h.D.:ostock, Visited Jan reyen,S;jitzber':en arid ^-reenland 1361.;^.otanist of "■rifc.Golu-noi;/. -x, voition, 13^):^-6. In '::;reenlr.nd 1367, '"^lorula :oiBcoana' Trans, ^ot.Soc.'. dm, ix. , o, 'y^.nual of -'otany 1974.Leoio-3.:- '.22i^- ^ri .na riTi ■t-t XnH^Bay (Si>roab L. ;''"enderson 1. and 3uttles ^ ere ' y'^u.ttle i-as a i;ie":iber of the sxpeditiou and aft; o\;n . ) i V e n ' ' y ih e ab o v e • Jo "ii i ;r". .rds led ojie of .'lis sell / n| G u V i ■\ / ocliof ield tJieir ''orl: ; llov.-ay in the ^ibliof^raijh "vb the "be::^!!!!!!!! list L,h'3 folio- inp; publioationB of iohort of vol.1 of 'rovn*- Goal fields of i'T.Fcicii'io Gop-st/ .dinbur,'3h|l?69. j?Oj.*..iLi.tion of fjords >3fMiyous, e oc, ioy.'"reo^;.oOo..7oum,l''-39 Vancouver Isi-nd ..xploration, /ictori.?. 1134, S^'noi.Bis of birJ.G of Y,I.rbis,l'^o8,Yol,4. Q,UQen Chcirlotte Islands. Jovr. loy. 'eoc.Goc.pp. "^81-392. / ThiB :veport of the not re:.i8iiber s^ein c:-talo;:ue of :5,G.itoms /.l.e;:peuition vaiist oe &. very asare item, I do a copy,:.nd clthoi-.'-: for nany y;=ars I ;::ept a -.rd appearin ■ in "boolcsellers( oatalocues I have ecord of itit pr/oably issued as an unbound parax-hiet-abou-c no the most ^ eris ible fonn of ublic tion por,sible, Ye^-rs aftex'^'a do :oro^-n edited a coraj.jendiui.i oi tr'vels .^nd ex- ijlorataon ir. 5 o:;- b -quarto volur;ies,and I believe he repri^xLed his V.I, expedition iii t/;.is,I h ve seen it bi- >. do not reuiember ■.iiuch about iy and do uo g huve a cop^'' of th3 rork.