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 If l£|[ 
 ^ |3j6 
 M iU 
 dSu: i*^^ Eost Main Street ' " ■ - 
 aaas (71 6) 288 - 598*;- Fox 
 FOUNDED^*iN 1856. 
 inoorporated by Act of lh«. ProTincial Legislature. 
 51, 14 & 14 Vlc.'cli«p. 2»' 18 Vic. chap. lid. 
 For the purpbUVfaiMittidgthe Members thereof 
 iii tne acqui^tion of freehold or leasehold 
 ^pert^ ip^ (he removal of Inciimbtaaces 
 or Liabifitfes upon property already held 
 by them ;AnA to enable them to receire the 
 amount«,of )lieir shares in adviince vpoa 
 furnishii^^ood mortgage security. 
 PrINTISD BY C^ ^^ tX^y^^ 
 No. -29, Buade Street, Upper Town, 
 ■,■,:.; QUEBEC.:. ■■:• :-^:-,::v ,^,-'-.,:::,:; 
• •• • 
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 ■ .' ■. ■■■■■■ OP TH» .'.,': 
 \ ^ Quebeo Permanent , 
 Incorporated by Act of PaJrliamaQt^' 
 12 Vlot. Chap, 57;;;;^ 
 • ■■'■■'■. 
 . .__ ••••• 
 ^■«i»i n ■■w— ««. m ill ■ « ■ ■ ■!> ■ ■.iig.j,!. .1 tfM »yyy»0 
 Shares,. ••.••••.. £100. *••* ; 
 Half-Shares,..,...... 60. ... * 
 Entrance fee, 2k.*^d* per Share 01 
 ••••h^fc Share.- "^ 
 Monthly Subscription,. ... <10s: per Share. 
 ** « •SSt'per half-Share. 
 Transfer fee,. . • • • • • • • • • • f2fi,'6d. per Share or 
 ' > I \. /half-Share. 
 Joseph Morrin, Esquire, M. D., President 
 Olivier Robitaille, f. « Vice-President. 
 * Directors. 
 Eugene Chinic, Esquire. 
 Alex. LeMoine, " 
 J. W. Leaycraft, " 
 Gasp. Garneau,. -i:: <» J 
 Mr. Frs. V6zipa, Secretary'Tteasurer, 
 Chfl. Alkyn, Est^uire, 
 - j U. J. TcMier, 
 I ' E. B. Lindsay 
 J. B, Pnineau, 
 M. M. David Diissnult, 
 Tho?. Fahey, 
 Bank.— Uank of Upper Canada. 
 '■■■■,' ■ . • 
 Office, 6t, ^eifge Street, Grand Battery, Tipper 
 > Attomiet, 
 > Inspectors, 
 ' In drawiiwi'fc attention of the public to the Quebec 
 Perihanent puiWing Society, the directors consider it 
 to be their dftlJilWefly to give the leason that have 
 induced theni^ organize a new Society, and to adopt 
 the system ofjl^rtnanence instead of that which has 
 been followed fritherto in Lower Canada, and they/ are 
 convinced by 'th^. experience of other Societies of the 
 aame nature MtaWshed in Europe and in IJpper Ca- 
 nada, that thj&'new system will better answer the 
 wants ^nd exiflbiia^s o/the District of Quebec and its 
 ymnity. / 
 Withiw the laiit eighteen tnontiis <ir two yearJ the 
 value ofthe shafts .of the Quebec Building Society 
 have been increasing rapidly, and t^ie impossibility of 
 procuring the same was felt every day more and more. 
 ^ In March, 1855, the Society acgfuired, by a change 
 in the Act of Incorporation, and by a regulation passed 
 ftt a General Meeting of the Shar^Jholders, the right of 
 buying in its shares. Since then it has been almogt 
 Jmpossible for persons desirous of joining the Sbciety," 
 or to Shareholders who wished to augment the number 
 of their shares, to get stock, on account, of the Society 
 buying in all shares offered for sale. 
 Consequently the want of a new Society was felt. 
 Nevertheless the Directors did not think that it was 
 urgent to form, a new one this year, until a petition 
 signed by a great nunjb^ of Shareholders of the 
 f ' tilt . 
 . U 
 1 .. > ■ i 
 e Quetbec 
 insider it 
 lat have 
 to adopt 
 hich has 
 t her are 
 >«is of the 
 pper Ca- 
 iwer the 
 and its 
 fears the 
 ibility of 
 id more. 
 L change 
 n passed 
 right of 
 1 almost 
 ras felt. 
 it was 
 of the 
 Quebec Building Society and others was addressed to 
 the Directors of that Society, asking that means \t 
 taken to organize a new Society. \ 
 ITnder these circumstances it was expedient to coin- 
 ply with the wishes of the petitioners, and the Direc* 
 tors, in taking the resolution of forming a new Society, 
 considered' it their duty as before mentioned, to adopt 
 a new system. « 
 According to that principle the Rectors, huve the 
 right of opening new classes of meimroryi each of which 
 shall continue during the whole time dfeterminod upon 
 "Ut its commencement. As the Board tft J^irectors can 
 prolong the Society's operations to an JAsSffinite i^eriod, 
 it may be properly called permanent infcdf^tradistinction 
 to Societies previously established, w^jeh: finish diffe- 
 rently, after having attained the ^n^S^ required by 
 their regulations. .••*.• 
 Another imjiortant change is, in pwVlding that the 
 instalments be made for & certain niimber of years 
 instead of an unlimited time as at \f^^pf^\ } ^he borrower 
 will thus be able to calculate exactly* th^ extent of his 
 engagements, whilst, should lie ^esire at any future 
 . time to redeem his mortgage, the .ttrpctbrs would be 
 able to estdblish the' exact sum he wpuldlhs^ve to pay. 
 Under the system hitherto adopted; 4he last mentioned 
 calculation was always based on Ihtf probable duration 
 of the Society, on account of the uncjBrtaiiily of its ter^ 
 mination. -•/ • '\ V i 
 The term of 'ten years has been chosen for the dura- 
 tion of each class, the opening of each being made 
 every month. By this means every personlwishing \o/ 
 join thd Society, or any member thereof desirous of 
 augmenting tiii'e number of his shares, can do so at will, 
 without havyig to pay any arrears whatever. In that 
 time one hundred pounds per share may he depended 
 upon and n^ore, should the demand for m^ney wtove 
 active and ^continued. ^^S< , 
 Interest at the rate of six per ceht will be i^lowed 
 on payments made in ad vance*^^ / 
 . ? 
 I i 
 W, 1 
 It can be easily understood that if the classes are 
 open for a limited time, the operations of the society 
 must be based on calculations, without which the ins- 
 titution would not be safe and could not establish its 
 profits in a positive manner ; likewise, in order to put 
 all the borrowers on the same footing, and not allow 
 one part of them to benefit tO/the dietriment of othersi, 
 it is necesiary that the Direotors should have the powers 
 of fixing the bonus on the loan of the monies in the 
 difierent clafl^' Nevertoeless, for the advantage of 
 those who wpiild wish to borrow by way of ordinary 
 loans, the Society can^dvance them the amount of a 
 whole share (ttM*hali one, to be re-paid in a given 
 time and accordii^ to the following scale/ calculated 
 in proportion ta Uie regulated bonus. 
 The Sobiety^will therefore make advances of one 
 htindred poundqrpehshare, or fifty jpounds per half share, 
 for periods frpm^Ohe to ten years to be paid back by 
 monthly pay|ixie^|8*aa follow? : 
 • •. 
 ■ • /, •?•" « 
 -.•■'■■■:-.■:•-...:-' '■ ' 
 One Share 
 One 1 share 
 ■ '' ^i-' -■•■;.*.•••,■'■, '"^■• 
 of £50 
 1 Year Monthly;*' £ 
 2 *' ■■ ■ '«' 
 3 *< «« r 
 4 ■ « ■■ ■ ".■■..; «*■■-■-" 
 ,5 -- ** -:: tl ■ ■ . 
 ■6 "' ■ " ■•. ■ t 
 7 «» ■' '«■■'. 
 8 ■. - •« "■. M--.. 
 9 '« ■■ rt- ■■•^ ;■..:;■■ :: 
 10 *« t 
 ■■'.." " ■ • " ♦ . . . 
 It shall also be lawful for every shareholder to bor- 
 r ow firbm the Society by way of bonus, regulated a 25 
 p er cent In this case the borrower will have to pay 
 - i. 
 rA*,"^-^t-^* J?-a,»i^J^J(!.ti.-fc:*'t*$^i* 

 an additional sum of ten shillings monthly per share, 
 or five shilling monthly for each half share, during 
 the whole period of the class to which he belongs, or 
 according to the following scale fbr any other period : — 
 1 Year, Monthly 
 ^ 4. .- « ■-, 
 6 -./** 
 6 " 
 7. " 
 8 « 
 9 « 
 10 « 
 One Share. 
 One i Share 
 t V 
 In either case the borrower will be* entitled^ at the 
 end of each class, to the surplus profit in ~the shiipe of 
 6onus, equally divided between him and the lender, 
 according to the time ahd aihount, ^ soon as it shall 
 appear that the profits are more ^an Sufficient to 
 realise the amount of the shares. - 
 ' The money shall be advanced in the order of the 
 applications made. No member can be called upon to 
 pay for a longer period than that fixed by the Society, 
 or that chosen by himself. 
 A bbrrowercan, if he chooses, change his security 
 or sell his property subject to the mortgage, or can 
 again redeem or commute his mortgage, although he 
 had borrowed for a fixed tinje. As a general rule, 
 - borrowers will prefer the new Jsystem, wliich demands 
 a smaller deduction on the coslt of the shares, furnishes 
 him with greater facilities in paying back a loan, that 
 he can always efiect at very reasonable rates, and pro- 
 a2 / 
 portionate to the market imtiie of the money in this 
 locality, and on the same footing of equality with the 
 other, borrowers of the Society. 
 This preference by the borrowers t>e)ng admitted, 
 the investers are called upon to place their mOhey 
 where it commands the greatest competition, and the 
 right of withdrawing from an old society Vjth a share 
 of the realized profits, allows them to make this change . 
 at will. 
 Th« Directors would suggest to the stockholders of 
 the Quebec Building Sofciety the advantage of disposing 
 (Kftheir shares in that Society, and of placing the 
 Whole amount realized into the new society. 
 An investing member shall be required to pay ten 
 shillings per month per share, and a proportionate sum • 
 for a half share ; his siibscription beginning at the time 
 of his entrance and continumg fbr ten years, When he 
 will have the right of receiving the amount pai^ ii^ by 
 him, with the accumulated profits. He. may also at 
 any time withdraw from the Society by giving one 
 month's notice ; and after the first twelv§ months ho 
 will be entitled to receive, in addition to the amount 
 paid on his instalments, the interest of 6 per cent, or 
 more, if the Directors deem it proper. 
 'The idea of a Society formed on this principle de- , 
 serves the special attention of^ the public ; for, on the 
 one hand, it affords to the industrious classes an oppor- 
 tunity of putting by, periodicallyi from their incomes, 
 small or large sums, which are invested for them by 
 the society, and at the end of a certain time, are repaid 
 to them in the shape of a large accumulation, without 
 their having themselves the trouble of seeking for sui- 
 table investments ; while on the other hand, the'money 
 subsmbed being advanced to gome of the Other Mem- 
 bers, enables them to buy houses or similar property,^ 
 and to repay the loan by small periodical instalments 
 in ia certain number of years. 
 Charitable institutions. Benevolent Societies, Parish 
 Trustees, Church Wardens, that have debts, to meet, 
N '{.^ 
 Y in this 
 with the 
 r mbhey 
 and the 
 I a share 
 is change 
 olders of 
 cing the 
 pay ten 
 hate sum 
 the time 
 When he 
 lai^ in^ by 
 l also at 
 ving one 
 lonths he 
 i amount 
 !7 cent, or 
 ciple de- >''! 
 r, on the Ir 
 an oppor- J I 
 ' incomes, J | 
 them by A 
 are repaid v 
 1, without- ' . 
 g forsui- I 
 Ser Mem- 
 es, Parish 
 I, to meet, 
 or any other body lequiting a reserve fund, will find a 
 decided advantage to any other investment, by jpining 
 a well-cofiducted Permiinent Building Society. 
 In like manner, mechanicg, domestic servants, tra- 
 desmen's assistants, the professional man, and gen- 
 tlemen of moderately independent fortune may all 
 largely benefit by these institutions ; they will thus 
 save money by its gradual accumulation, at com- 
 pound interest, and with the utmost safety. 
 It is frequently said that it would be unwise on the 
 part of business men, to join a Building Society when^ 
 they can get a larger amount of interest in tlieir busi^ 
 ness for every pound invested therein ; but there must 
 be a lirnit, and in nine cases out of ten it will be found 
 that an accumulation of cash from time to time, by the 
 opportunity given in these Societies, would evantually 
 be more productive. In trade it will be found anvan- 
 tageous to be able to economize a. little, rgither than 
 spend it foolishly in small amounts 
 It cannot be said that the payment of small perio- 
 dical amounts of this kind can be likely to interfere 
 with trade capital, rior even that these small amounts 
 can be in trade of any advantage ; but on the contrary 
 it would be a means of raising capital from time to 
 time, for trade purposes, as the invester has the greatest 
 advantage of withdrawing his money at any time 
 whenever it is likely to prove most useful elsewhere, 
 and he ciyn then take new shares and begin to save 
 ;' again. '■.-..:^\^, ':•'•■' 
 It must be then concededi that these institutions 
 deserve the support and encourageinent which they 
 have hitherto received, and that they are calculated to 
 be a salutary means of encouraging those who are na- 
 turally inclined to save, as well as those who wish to 
 borraw money, by inducing the former to persevere in 
 their ecbnomical and provident habits, and by enabling 
 the latter to realize those objects in a convenient and 
 i if : 
 t :£». 
 '1/ : 
 easy maniiBr, the attainment of whieh Would o1_ 
 be difficult I for them, if ^ot altogether impossible] 
 The first instalment ^ill be payable on or berore the 
 21st of April instant, fhe Secretary is now prepared 
 to receive applications for loani. 

 ■■■■■■; ■■^•■■■/ ■■ 
 •«■ • ■ 
 FOUNDED IN 1866. 
 Incorporated by Act of the Provincial Legidatare. 
 n Vic. chap. 57. 14 & 15 Vic el 
 iiktep. 23. 
 18 Vic chap. 110. 
 For the purpose of assiitingflie Members thereof 
 in the acquisition of freehold or leasehold 
 property, in tiie' removal of Incumbrancea 
 or LiahUities upon property already held 
 by them; and to enable uiem to receive tiie 
 amount of theirf shares in advance upon 
 furnishing good mortgage securii^. 
 /■■■ v^■:^:r■;^. " ■■■- ■' V •;■■■ •/■ ■:"■-■■.■:■..■ ■■.■■■■ 
 Printed B^ 
 B U RE A U & M A R J T E , 
 Np^29jBuade Street, Upgper Town, ^^^ 
 t » 
n- ■ 
 •....■. ^ 
■ 14 
 1* ■■ 
 ■ w ■ 
 CAP. LVll, 
 To orcovnAOE the KflTAni.isuMENT or ulii.dino • 
 ^.:- .': V V; .. ' l^bthAprU, IS^y'*' <■■'"':■./ 
 'HERE AS an Act was passed in the ninth preamble, 
 year of Her Majesty's Reign, for the' 
 purpose of encouraging the establishment of . 
 Building Societies in Upper-Canada, and it is 
 expedient to encourage the formation of limilar 
 ^ocietie8 in Lower-Canada, whenever the In* 
 habitants of anf particular locality may be de. 
 sirous of avttiling themselves of the provisions of 
 this Act : Be it therefore enacted by ihe Queen's 
 Most Excellent MajeHty, by pnd wtth.the advice 
 and consent of the Legislative Council and of the 
 Legifllative Assembly of the Provin(|^, of Canada, 
 ronstiiuted and assembled by virtue^of and under \, 
 the authority of an Act passed in the Parliament 
 of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and 
 Ireland, intituled : jin jict to re-unite the 
 Prwincea of Upper and Lonrer- Canada, and y 
 Jar ifte Government of Canadat and it is 
 hereby enacted by the authority of the same, 
 That when and so soon as any twenty persons 
 or upwards in any part of Lower.Canada shall 
 have agreed to constitute themselves a Building 
 iStociety, and shall have signed and executed, un. 
 der their respective hands and seals, a declara- 
 tion of their wish and intentian so to constitute 
 tl^iselves such Building Society, and shall have 
 dMvited the sam&|With the Clerk or Prothono- 
 •ta^ofthe Court wNQueen's Bench of the Div 
 "TncT jn1reretn~such~Bui]ding""Sociely^ is" to~be uts. 
 When U\ rut I' 
 persons ^h.il! 
 agree to con- 
 stitute a BuiM- 
 ing Society ; 
 they shall be a 
 tor that ptu- 
 pose, after 
 having corn- 
 plied with cer^ 
 taia funcaii 
 » CSAMULIJ JM | m.U| H 
 foinieii, and to have itn principal Office or placo 
 of Business, (who for receiving such deposit 
 shall bo entitled to receive a fee of two Aliillingii 
 and lix. pence) such persons and such other per- 
 sons as may afterwards become members of 
 such Society, and their several and respective 
 hnir^ cx(*cutor8, curators, administrators, suc- 
 cessors, and a»Rigns, shall l)e ordained, consti- 
 tuted and declared to Ijc, and shall be a Corpo- 
 ration, body corporate and politic, by such name 
 and style as a Building Society, as by «uch de- 
 claration so deposited as aforesaid shall have been 
 declared to be the name by which the persons <io 
 **xecuting the same, desire such Society to be 
 known, for the purpose of raising by monthly oi' 
 other periodical subscriptions of the several mem- 
 bers of tbe said Society, and in shares not ex- 
 ceeding the value of one hundred pounds for each 
 share, (such, subscriptions not to exceed twenty 
 ehillinga per month for each share,) a stock or 
 fund for the purpose of ena1>ling each member 
 thereof to receive out of the lundi of the said So- 
 ciety the .amount of value of his share or shares 
 therein, to erect or purchase one or more dwel- 
 ling house or houses, or other freehold or lease- 
 hold estate,«and to l)e secured by way of mort- 
 gage or otherwise to the said Sociejy until the 
 amount or value of his share or shares shall have 
 been fuUy^paid to the said Society, with the in- 
 terest theripn, and with all Tmcs or liabilities in. 
 curred in rfespect thereof; and that it shall and 
 mar be lawful «o and lor the several members 
 of such Society, from time to time, to assemble 
 ^gether, and to make, ordain and constitute such 
 pi^per and wholesonue Rules and Regulations 
 foi^e government and guidance of the same, as 
 the ft^ajor part of the members thereof so assem. 
 bled ^getber shall deem meet, so as such 
 Rules shall riot be repugnant to the express pro- 
 visions ol\tUis Act, •r to the general laws of this 
 ■ C 
 , i^^i-^le^^^i 
 e or plaof* 
 h deposit 
 > uliillings 
 other per- 
 »inbert of 
 tors, luc- 
 d, consti- 
 a Corpo- 
 iich name 
 ^ such de- 
 Ivave been 
 i)erson8 so 
 icty to he 
 lonthly oi ' 
 *ral rntm- 
 I not ex. 
 B for each 
 fd twenty 
 . stock or 
 1 member 
 said So. 
 or shares 
 ore d we I - 
 or lease- 
 ' of mort" 
 until the 
 hall have 
 h the in- 
 tilities in. 
 shall and 
 tute such 
 same, as 
 io assem. 
 as such 
 ress pro- 
 rs of this 
 Fioviiieo or of Lower. Cunniia ; and to i in po^'e^t'^ >;"•»! *^»« 
 and indivt such rcauoiittbio Ijiies, peniilli«» fj'""' JJ*. ""'"'' 
 and for lei I ores upon tho Heveral mcml>ers oJjho ^' ' ''. 
 Kaid Society who shall offend ngainst nny niich 
 rules, as the majority of the nxMiihers uiny think 
 fit, to he respectively paid to such u«es for ilip .' 
 tienefit of the said S<iciety,a« the J»nid Soriety by ' 
 such Kulos shall direct ; and also from time to , 
 time to amend and alter stu'h rules as occasion 
 may require, or annul or repeal the saute, and to 
 make new rules in lieu thereof, under such re. 
 stric.tions as arc in this Act contained ; Provided, Provirii an to 
 that n«) nienilior shall receive or bo. entitled U» l''vuteinli,\c. 
 receive from the funds of such Society any in» 
 terciit or dividend by way of annual or other « 
 periodical profit upon any t-hare or shares in the 
 said Society until the amount or value of his 
 share or shares shall have been rjcalized ; except 
 on the withdrawal of such member according lo 
 the rules of the said Society then in force. 
 II. And be it enacted, That it shall and may society may 
 lie lawful to and for every such Society to have receive ino,iiry 
 and receive from any member or members, %uch by wayof'/w- 
 sum or sums of money by way of Honun on any ""f ^' p°v![ 
 share or shares, for the privilege of receiving the \^^!^^f x\te 
 name in advance prior to thd same being realised, Usury Laws, 
 besides interest for the share or shares so re- 
 ceived Or any part (hereof, without being subject 
 or liable on account thereof to any of the for- . '\ 
 feitures or penalties imposed by any -Act or Acta ■ 
 ofParliaitient or by any Laws in forcein Lower- A' 
 Canada relating to Usury. ' 
 in. And beitenacted, Thateack such Society Society to 
 shall and may from time to time, elect and appoint ^.'^ct imm 
 any number of the members of the said Society to Jj 'Joard'of '""^ 
 be a Board of Directors, (who shall choose a Pre- Directors, 
 sident and Vice-President,) the number apd quali- 
 fication thereof to be declared in the Rules of such 
 Society; and shall and may delegate to such Certain pow- 
 Directora all or anv of the powers given bv thi a *^ . " "i?y b^ .a'" 
 Act to be wecuted j and such Directors being so jy^j^ 
 signed to the 
 - lililillWiliiiiilM'iJSiJiifii 

 . \ 
 •Iflegated to Uieni, 
 ri»«ly«ed to writing, 
 'ProviBo : 
 KocorJ of 
 traiiMvciions to 
 bo k«|)t, &c. 
 itlct to (!c*> 
 clare purposes 
 for which So- 
 ciety is esfii- 
 hluhed, &c. 
 end entered iii %bo».k By the Sefr»«ary or I lerk 
 of llie said Society; and a ni.tjority of tile 
 iiunifier or*iiich Directors, present at any 
 meeting thereof, kIioII at all time* lie neccasary 
 to concur in any act «f84icli Directors, and tliey 
 ehall in all tilings ddegated to them, act ftir and 
 ill the name df suih Society ; and afl actn and 
 «rJci»of«uch Direct»»r«, , under th§ powers dele- 
 gatetl t> them, ehull have the like force and ef. 
 •led as the acts and orders of such Society at 
 any General Meeting thereof could or might 
 have had in pursuance of this Act; Provided 
 always, that the transactions of such Director* 
 shall be entered in a book belonging to such So^ 
 cietf, and shall from time io time and at all 
 times be subject and liable to the review, allow* 
 ance and disallowance, of such Society, in such 
 manner and form ^h such Society shall by their 
 ^^ISiLAl'S? *"*^® directed and appointed, or 
 ■P[^p.'it«naffl!l; That every such So- 
 cietyso established as aforesaid shall in or by 
 one or more of their said Rules declare ali and 
 every the interests and purposed for Which such 
 Society is intended to be established ; and shall 
 also ip and by such Rules direct all and evaff • 
 the uses and purposes to which the money 
 which shall from time to time be subscribed, 
 paid or given to or for the use or benefit of the 
 said Society, or which shall arise therefrom or irt 
 any wise shall belong to the said Society, shall 
 -««-^ .«. -_j-_ . . ., shares 
 — ' ^T — or 
 and under what circumstances, 
 ' '■ ■ 
 *^ » 
act Cui' 
 jjntt'd by 
 f iiiich 
 lie laiil 
 • liliall bu 
 e ptiM'eri 
 ) wriiiiig, 
 or Clerk 
 |r of the 
 at any 
 ind they 
 t for and 
 actM and 
 'era dele- 
 9 and ef- 
 locicty at 
 >r might 
 luch Su-> 
 nd at all 
 Vf allow* 
 , in fuch 
 by their 
 »intedi or 
 > ' ■ *' . 
 luch So- 
 n or by 
 i all and 
 ich BiicK 
 ind shall 
 nd evary- 
 ! monejr 
 fit of the 
 om or in 
 sty^ shall 
 It iharea 
 interesta or |)urporri ... , ,„ 
 them to lie declared an alorefaid ; and aliiurh f) '"' 
 Kniea during the continnanre ..f the fame vhall *""***' **^ 
 be complied with and enforced ; and the nioncya 
 -to Bubacrilicd, paid or piven, ^ bo arii»in(f to or . 
 for the \mi or iK-nefit of ibe m'lA Soriety or be. t^ 
 longing iherelo, sJmll no? be tlivertcd or misap- 
 plied either by the TroaNiircr orFlircctiiri, or any 
 • .titer oflTHcr f>r iiiembor of bucIi Siwiely entruuied 
 . Ihercvvith, iiiuly'r i*ucli ptihulty or lorfeitute aa 
 riich Society ^hail by any Rule ewforce and in- 
 flict for BiH-li olVeiice. 
 ■ - r 
 V: And be it enacted, That the Rule* for the HuUs t.. ... 
 manapcmeitt of every fucb Society shall be en: ■"'•'^'^''•'^ »" »• 
 tercd and recorded in a book to be iept for that !','*",'' *'*'*' '"' 
 purpose, which book jd.all be open H all season- a,*d ./junT' 
 able times for the ^nupection of the Membera ofnu'rubeit.. 
 »uch Society, but nevertheless iH»tliin§ contaiii^d 
 herein tthall extend to prevent any altemtion in or 
 amendment of any such Rulcif; in tht| whole (^r - 
 ^j in part, or making any new Rules foftheman- 
 '; rgcnient of 5uch Society, in such inaiifier aa by 
 the Rules of the said Society nhall I'luia time to 
 Vnie be |)rovtded. ^ 
 iV'I. And be it enacted, That all Rules Oom RaCs to l,e ?^ 
 tirtie to tin»e made and in force for the manage- buithutr. on 
 rrient of snrb Society and entered and jfconled^'^^*""^"''^ i*n<i 
 ;.s aforetaid, shall be binding on the several c^'''.^'*'^'* "^ 
 irierabern an<l officers of the Raid Society, aiad the '"*^*^"^*^* 
 teveral contributora thereto, and their repreaehta- 
 «;fef, all of whom shaH be deemed and taken to 
 "have full notice t^teroof by euch en'ry and record 
 As cforeaaid; and the entry of s urli rulea in the 
 t^ok or bocka of tiie s ni^ SJcit tv tiS ofiyresaidi T>r 
 ft tnie cof.y of t!ie Banne, examined with the ori- 
 gjncl and proved u be a true copy, ehall here. 
 oeivetl as evidence of such Rules reipectively; iii' 
 all cases. . • ; ' 
 ttnles to bel Vtl. And be it enacted, That no Rule en- 
 altered, &c., tered as aforesaid shall be altered, rescinded or 
 M^Srinix, repealed, unless at a General Meeting of the 
 -**^"'^'°"'^- Members of suqh Society, convened by-pubjic 
 nqtioo written or printed, signed by the Secretary 
 or President of the said Society in pursuance of a 
 requisition for that purpose by not less than 
 fifteen of the Memt^rs of such Society, which 
 requisition shall state the objects for which the 
 '' meeting is called, and shall be adressed to the 
 '■*■- President an^' Directors; whereupon each mem. 
 her shall be notified of th6 proposed alterations 
 through the Post Office, within fifteen days ; such 
 meeting to consist of not less than onc.third of 
 : the ^shareholders, three-fourths of which i^iBeting 
 must concur in Bueh alterations or repeal. 
 •RnlfiMo&pc- Yllt. And be it enacted. That the Rules of 
 mLSm!" ^"^'y *"*^'* Society shall specify the place or 
 places at which it is intended that the said So- 
 ciety shall hold its meetings, and shall contain 
 [irovisions with respect to the powers and duties 
 .^ of the members at large, and of such officers as 
 niay be appointed for the management of the af. 
 iairs of the ^aid Society. 
 JX. And be it enacted, That the Directors of 
 every such Society shall and may from time to 
 time at any of their usual meetings, elect and ap. 
 , point such person or persons to be Officers of the 
 ^83 id Society as ihey shall tliink proper, and grant ^^ 
 >^8uch salaries and emoluments as they may deem * 
 - fit, and pay ' Such necessary expenses attending 
 the .iianagement of the said Society as may be 
 incurred ; and shall and may from time to time, 
 . . elect, when it shall be deemed necessary to . 
 carry into execution the purposes of the said So. 
 oiety V for such space t)f time and for Flich pur. 
 posies as shall be fi.Ked and established by the 
 Directors to 
 appoint Offi 
 sers of So- 
 or e 
 ^;^ ^ -^ 
 ;"i? be, 1 
 • . 5 
 ectiveiy; ip' 
 ) Rule en- 
 iscinded or 
 ing of the 
 by "public, 
 e Secretary 
 sua nee of a 
 less than 
 iety, which 
 ' which the 
 ised to the 
 }ach mem. 
 lays; such 
 >nc.third of 
 :h i^eeting 
 e Rules of 
 B place or 
 le said So. 
 all contain 
 and duties 
 officers as 
 t of the af- 
 ►irectors of 
 >m time to 
 ct and ap. 
 cere of the 
 , and grant , 
 may deem 
 S; may be 
 « to time, 
 ;essary to 
 le said So. 
 puch pur. 
 id by the ' 
 'Rules of the said Sociely, ana ma^y frorii time to • f 
 'time discharge *uch person or persons, and elect 
 and appoint others in the room of those who shall 
 .vacate or die or be so discharged; and all and Offlcsrs to 
 .every such officer Yor other person whatsoever*'*'® wcunty. 
 who shall be iippointed to anl)r office In any wise 
 touching or concerning the receipt, management 
 or expenditure of any sum of money collected 
 for the purposes of the said Society, before he 
 shall be admitted to take upon him the execu- 
 tion of apy such office or trust, shall become 
 bound in a bond in such form and for such 
 amount as the Directors may determine, with 
 two sufficient sureties, for the just and faithful 
 execution of such office of trust, and for render- 
 ing a j ust and true account according to the 
 Rules of the said Society, and in all matters 
 lawful, to pay obedience to the same. 
 .^ X. And be it enacted, That it shall and may 
 "j? be lawful for every such Society to take and 
 hold any real estatej or securities thereon, bona 
 fide mortgaged, assigned or hypothecated to the 
 said Society, either to secure the payment of the 
 shares subscribed for by its niembers, or to 
 secure the payment of any loans or advances 
 made by, or debts due to such Society, and may 
 also proceed on such mortgages, assignments or 
 other securitiies, (or the recovery of the moneys 
 thereby secured, either at law or in equity or 
 otherwise,^iind that such Society shall have the 
 power pffn vesting in the names of the President 
 and Treasurer for the time being, any surplus 
 funds in the stocks of any of the Chartered ' / 
 Banks or other public securities of the Province, 
 and that, all dividends, interest and proceeds 
 arising therefrom shall be brought to account and 
 . applied to arid for the use of/ the said Society ac- 
 cording to the Rules thereof^ 
 XI. And be it enacted^ That if any person ^I'^'e of P^'*- 
 appointed to any office, by such Society, and ^'■'^'^'"S '''''^^' 
 Society may 
 take and hold 
 real estate, 
 &o., mortga- 
 ged to Society, 
 to secure pay-* 
 ment of shares. 
 Investment of 
 an Officer of 
 the Society 
 shall Uie or be 
 curijie in&ul- 
 vent. » 
 Propprty of 
 the Society 
 vested in tho/ 
 President and 
 Treasurer for 
 the time 
 being entrustJ-a with and having in his han.ls or 
 .possession, by virtue of his said office, any 
 monies or^flects belonging to such Society, or 
 any deeds or securities relating to the Bame, 
 shall die or become bankrupt or insolvent, his 
 heirs, executors, curators, administrators or as- 
 signs, or other person having a legal right, shall, 
 within fifteen days after demand made by the 
 order of the Directors of such Society or the 
 rnajor part of them, agsembled at any meeting 
 thereof, deliver over ajljjing^ belonging to the 
 said Society, to sucJj'-i^pns as the said Direc- 
 tors shall appoint^^i^fjall pay out of the es- 
 tates, assets or efi?f^feiH)f such persons, all sun^s 
 of money remaining due vvhich such person 
 received by virtue of his said office, before any of 
 his other debts are paid or satisfied, and all such 
 assets, estates and effects shall be bound to the 
 payment and discharge thereof accordingly; 
 Provided alvVays, that the same be not paid or 
 satisfied to the prejudice of mortgages or privi- 
 leges on real estate, or of liens or privileges on 
 personal estate only, duly eseculed previous to 
 the appoihtineni of such officers. 
 XII. And be it enacted. That all real and 
 heritable properly, moneys, goods, chattels and 
 effects whatever, and all titles, securities for 
 money or other obligatory instruments ^nd evi- 
 dences or muriiments, and all other effects what- 
 ever, and all rights and claims belonging^o or 
 had by such Society, shall be vested In the 
 President and Treasurer of the said So;i^ty foe 
 the time being^for the use and benefit ofthe said 
 Society and the respective members thereof, their 
 respective heirs, executors, curators/administra- 
 tors of assigns, according to their respective 
 claims ^nd interestSj and after thfe death or re- 
 moval of any President or TreasiuSer, shall vest in 
 the succeeding President and Tl-easurer for the 
 same estate and interest as th/former President 
 and Treajaur^r had therein, ^id suhject to 
 i M 
han.ls or 
 Fice, any 
 ociety, or , 
 he same, 
 Ivent, his 
 rs or as- 
 ght, shati, 
 ie by the 
 y or the 
 y meeting ' 
 ng to the 
 id Direc- 
 of the es- 
 , all sun^s 
 h person 
 re any of ' 
 J all such 
 nd to the 
 Dt paid or 
 or pVivi- 
 M leges on 
 eviouB to 
 real and 
 Jttels and/ 
 ritiea (qf 
 and evi- 
 cts what- ; 
 ;ing/to or 
 i/ii the 
 xciety foe 
 eof, their 
 ith or re- 
 11 vest in 
 ir for th& 
 t to %e 
 aarpc trusts, without iny »s»ignment or iconvey-' . 
 ance whatever ; and also ahatl fui^ all purposeB of 
 actjon or suit, as well criminal as civil, in law a9 
 in equity, in any wise touching or concerning the 
 titimdf be deemed and taken to be, and shall in 
 every* such proceeding (when necessary) b0 
 stated to be, the property of the persons api. And shall be 
 pointed to the offices of President and Treasurer deemed their 
 of the said Society for the time being, in th6 P^JP^J^^^ ;°; 
 proper names of such Preisident and Tre,a8urer, pog^g, 
 vrithout further descripti.oiV, and such persons 
 shall,'and they are hereby authorised to bring or 
 defend or cause to be brought or defended any 
 action, suit or prosecution, criminal asvvell aa 
 civil, in law or in equity, touching or concerning 
 the property, right or claim aforesaid, of or be- 
 longing to or had by the said Society, and in all 
 cases concerning the property, right or claim 
 aforesaid of the said Societa, inay sue and be President and 
 sued, plead and be* impleadCTTin their proper 'I'feasurer^ 
 names as President and Treasurer of the said So3i^,"y ,.""5 
 . » , ' ... , 1 actions, «c. 
 ciety, without other description, and no such 
 suit, action or prosecution shall be discontined 
 or abated by the death of such persons or their 
 removal from the offices of President or Trea- 
 surer, but shall continue in thcf proper name of 
 the persons commencing the same, any law, 
 usage or custom to the conirary notwithstanding; 
 , and the succeeding President and Treasurer shall 
 have the same rights and liabilities, and shall pay 
 or receive like costs aa 1/ thfe action or sOH or ^^ ^" *heir 
 prosecution had bedn commenced in their nanies, successors.. 
 for the benefit of or to be satisfied out of the funds 
 of the said Society. ; :t •• 
 Xlll. And be it enactecl, That in all such 
 actions, suits land prosecutions as aforesaid, the 
 Secretary of such Society shall be a competent Secretary, a 
 witness, notwithstanding he may also be Trea- corrtpetent 
 surer of the said Society, .and that his name tnay w^^''*^** 
 have been used iif such actionj suit or prosecu- 
 tion as such Treasurer. 
 • M 
 ' w 
 /bl'the Presi 
 V dent, &c. 
 Treasurer lo 
 prepare yearly 
 a statement 
 the funds oT 
 the Society. 
 XIV. And be ii enacted, That ifie President, 
 Vice-President and Directers of every auch So- 
 ciety shall in their private capacity be exonerated 
 from all respohsibility in relation to the iMibilities 
 of such Society. /■■■■,• /■■>'•* • \-:''j\.."' 
 XV. And bg it enacted, That the Rules of 
 repare yearly ^^'''•y »«ch/ Society shall provide that the Trea- 
 a statement of surer or Other rinncipal Officer thereof shall once 
 thefundsoT at-teMt in^«^ery year prepare or cause to be 
 prepai^d a general statement of the funds and 
 eflects of and belctnging to the said Society 
 . specifying in whose Custody or possession the 
 said funds or effects shall then be remaining to. 
 getherwilh an account of all and every the 'va* 
 Particwlara, ''ouy 8«m8 of money received and expended by 
 or on account of the said Society since the publi- 
 cation of the preceding periodical statement j and 
 every such periodical statement shltll be attested 
 , two "or more membeis of the said Society 
 ppointed Auditors for that puipose, who shall 
 ot be Directors, and shall be countersigned' by 
 the Secretary or Clerk of the said Society.lnd 
 every men^ber shall be entitled to receive /frorn 
 the said Society a copy of such periodicalZ/tate- 
 vientwtthout chai^ge. 
 XVI. And be it enacted, that nothing^ereiir 
 contained shall affect or be construed to affect or 
 interfere with any of the rights or privilegfeg coh- 
 >ciety.andof ''^7^ "f*^"^**!^ *« Montreal Building Sogiety," 
 the Act 8 V. Wilder the Act passed in the eighth ye4r^f Her 
 "' Majesty's Reign, and intituled, .^n ^^/o;. /^ 
 incorporation of certain indimduah kinder the 
 name and style of » ITte MonireJ BuUding 
 hocuity," nor in any wise to affect the said Act. 
 XVII. And be it enacted, That the words 
 "Lower- Canada" in this Act shall be undel^tood 
 to mean that part of the Province which formerly 
 constituted the Province of Lower^Canada ; the 
 words "Upper-Caiiada'* that part of the said 
 Tioymcc vvhich formerly opnstitiitcd the Province 
 <^f ^'pper-CanarJa ; ;«nd th*' won! *' Society" shall 
 Saving of the 
 rights of the 
 Building So- 
 c. m. 
 ich bo- 
 tules of 
 le Trea- 
 all once 
 ife to be 
 nds and 
 Society j; 
 lion the 
 ning, to. 
 the va- 
 nded by 
 nt; and 
 10 shall 
 re I from 
 lifect or 
 lbs COR- 
 'of Her 
 for f he 
 lid Act. 
 la; the 
 he said 
 be understood to include and to mean Building 
 Societies and Institutions established under the 
 provisions and authority of this Act ; the word 
 "Rules" to include Rules, Orders, By-Laws 
 and Regulations; every word inaporting the sin- 
 gular number shall extend and be appHed to 
 several persons or things as well as' one person 
 or thing, and bodies corpomte as well a^indi- 
 yidualsj andevery word importing the plural 
 number shall extend and be a|)plied to one 
 person or thing as well as- several persons or 
 things; and every word importing the mascu- 
 une gender only, shall extend and be applied 
 to a, female as well as a male ; the words" Real 
 Estate" shall extend and apply to imnioveable 
 estate and property generally; and the word 
 "Sucurities'V shall extend and apply to privi- 
 leges, naortgages, (equitable as* well as legal,) 
 hypotheques w[idi incu|nbrances upon real and 
 immoveable estate, as well as to other rights 
 and privileges upon personal estate and prbper- 
 rtj; That this Act shall extend to aliens, de- 
 nizens and females, both to make them subject 
 thereto and to entitle them to all the benefits 
 given thereby ; and that this Act shall be con- . 
 strued in the most beneficial manner for promo-' ' 
 ting the ends thereby intended. 
 XVin. And be i^ enacted, That this Act 
 ^hallbedeemed a Public Act, and shall extend 
 • to aU Courts of LaW or Equity io this Province, 
 and be judicially taken notice of as such by all 
 ^tidges. Justices and other persons whatsoever 
 without th^ same being specially shown or 
 ] pleaded. / 
 Public A 

 13 Vice. 67. 
 1/ ■ 
 ..|6 ^ 
 14 & 15 Tiotoria, Cap, 28. 
 V'-; An ACT ';,-■;■../' 
 7!o amend an Act to encourage the esiabliihment 
 of Building Societies in Lower Canada, 
 ' - r ■ [2nd August, 1851^ 
 Whereas in the tenth Section of the Act 
 passed in the Session held in the twelfth year 
 of Her Majesty's Reign, and intituled, jin act 
 to encourage the establishment of Building 
 Societies in Lower Canada, it is amongst other 
 things provided, ** That it shall and may be 
 •* la wfal for every such Society to take and 
 •*f hold'iMiy real estate or securities thereon, 
 '^ 6<m4^rfe mortgaged, assigned or hypothe- 
 «* cated'to the said Sopiety, either to secure 
 w the payment df the shares subscribed for by 
 ** its^ members, or to secure the payment of 
 «< any loans or advances made by .or debts due 
 V to such Sooie^^and may «^so proceed-on 
 <* such mo0gc(ges, assignments px other secu- 
 " rities^ the recovery of the monies thereby 
 M Secured, either at law or in equity, or other- 
 « wise }" And whereas, owing to the forms of 
 procedure in the Courts in that part of the 
 Province, known as Lower Canada, and Mm 
 the want of proper means to carry out the 
 provisions of the said clause, difficulties mjw 
 ' occur ;;and it is also expedient that no doubt 
 should exist with respect to the poww i^nd 
 legality of carrying into force the stipulations 
 of the shareholders among themselves, or as to 
 the power of every such Society to loan money , 
 on property actually belonging to fOiy member 
 thereof, before and at the time at which any 
 monies may be advanced, as well, as for the 
 the Act 
 fth year 
 An act 
 St other 
 may be 
 ke and 
 i for by 
 aent of 
 >bt8 due 
 r secu- 
 r other* 
 brms of 
 of the 
 ad Arom 
 [)at the 
 9S m^y 
 y doubt 
 « and 
 or as to 
 money , 
 sh any 
 for the 
 actual purchase of such prbperty and erection 
 of building thereon : Be it therefore enacted by 
 the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty, by and 
 with the advice and consent of the Legislative 
 CkMincil and of the Legislative Assembly of the 
 Province of .Canada, constituted and assembled 
 by virtue of and under the authority of ah Act 
 passed in the Parliament of the United King- 
 dom of Great Britain and Ireland, and intituled, 
 An act to re-unite the Province* of Upper and 
 Lower Canada, and for the Government of Ca- 
 nada, 9.nd itiB hereby enacted by the autho* 
 rity of the same, That from and after the par- 
 sing of this Act, whenever any such Society 
 shall have received from any shareholder a 
 mortgage or hypothec, or an assignment or 
 transfer of any real estate beldnging to him or 
 her, to secure the payment of any advances, 
 and containing an authority to the said Society 
 to sell such real estate in case of non-payment 
 of any stipulated number of instalments or 
 sums of money (as every such Society is hereby 
 and by the said Act was authorized to do,) and 
 containing also authority and power to the 
 sai4:Sijciety to apply the proceeds of such sale 
 to the payment of the advances, interest and aU 
 other charges due to the said Societies, and 
 after perfect payment theseof and of all costs 
 and expenses incident thereto, to pay over the 
 balance to the owner of such estate^ such stipu- 
 lations aud agreement shall be valid and eflfec- 
 tualandbindinif to all intents and purposes 
 whatsoever, and it shall be lawful for every 
 such Society to cause the sayne to be enforced 
 and executed by an action or proceeding in 
 the usual, course in any Court of Law within 
 tiiat part of this Province called Lower Cana- 
 da, having competent jurisdiction, aitd suck 
 action i^ay be brought in the corporate name 
 for the sale of 
 property hy 
 potnecated to 
 any Building 
 Society, decla- 
 red valid. 
 Action to 
 enforce tiie 
 What it 
 shall be suffi 
 ▼ed to main' 
 tain such 
 of any such Society, or in the names of the 
 Fresideot and Treasurer of any such Society, 
 describing them to l^ such President and 
 II. And be it enacted, that in any action or 
 proceeding to be instituted by any such Society 
 Ti MT .wh*' ^"^ *^® P"'J^«« °f realizing or bringing to salo 
 action. *"y property or estate hypothecated, mortga- 
 ged or assigned to the said Society, by any 
 person or. persons as aforesaid, it shall not be 
 necessary to set forth the special matter in the 
 What only <|eclaration, but it shall be sufficient to allege 
 need be pro- tj^at the defendant hypothecated, mortgaged or 
 assigned (as the case may be) the oreal estate, 
 describing the same, to the said Society, and 
 that the amount, or sufficient part of the 
 amount stipulated by such jtirty to be paid, to 
 has becoitae and remains due and owing, whe- 
 reby by virtue of this Act and of the Act 
 hereby amended, an action hath accrued to 
 the said Society, to have the said' estate and 
 property sold ; and in order to maintain such 
 action, it shall be sufficient, in addition to tho 
 customary evidence of the hypothec, mortgage 
 or assignment of such property or estate, to 
 ment and sale prove by any one witness, whether in the em- 
 otthe proper- pioy^ent of, or a shareholder in siich Society 
 /' or not, or by any other means, that the defen- 
 dant is 111 arrear and indebted to the said 
 Society in or exceeding a suna on the accruing 
 >, • of which, by the terms., 0f such hypothec, 
 mortgagej assignment or agreement, the said 
 Society may have the right to have the said 
 .property or estate soldi and thereupon the 
 Court shall give judgment for the said amount, 
 and by such judgment order the property to 
 bf/fi?fliH3y the Sheriff of the District wherein 
 ;V it may be, after three insertions in the course 
 of four montfasin the Canada Gazette j and it 
 Certain [vo* 
 shall not be necessary for the Sheriff to go 
 through any formalities in seizing the said 
 lands or otherwise ; but all the laws of that 
 part of the Province called Lower Canada, with 
 respect to the protection of immoveable pro- . 
 perty under seizure, and with respect to the 
 filing of oppositions to, and after the sale of 
 lands or immoveable property, to the payment, 
 return and distribtition of the money, to the 
 re-sale of such immoveable property at the 
 folle enchere of any purchaser, and to the ob- . 
 taining possession of any such immoveable pro- 
 perty after sale, shall be applicable to the pro- 
 ceedings authorized by this Act; and the ^«..„.„i^„ 
 provisions of all laws and ordinances of Lower vWom exten 
 Canada, or of this Province, regulating the sale ^^*^ ^^ 
 of real estate, and the judicial proceedings i;X'?ii?r 
 relative thereto, are, in so fur as applicable and Act 
 not otherwise provided for by this Act, hereby 
 extended to all proceedings to be had under 
 this Act; and if it be not otherwise herein ' 
 directed, all such proceedings, in so far as may * 
 be, shall be conducted in like manner as pro- 
 ceedings under ordinary Writs of Execution ; 
 and the deed to be given by the Sheriff shall -^ 
 have the lik^ effect as a deed given under an W 
 ordinary Writ of Execution ; Provided always, Proviso; 
 that the Sheriff of the District shall, in addition ^*^*'"^» P"""" 
 to his disbursements, be entitled to deduct only ^^®* 
 One per centum commission from the gross pro- 
 ceedsofsale. , .: - 
 III. And be it enacted, That every such So- 
 ciety shall have power to forfeit and declare 
 forfeited to the said Society, the shares of any 
 member who may neglect or be in arrear to 
 pay such number of instalments as may be or Forfeitwe 
 are fixed by any stipulations/or by law ; and^v^J^* ?f, 
 that every such Society may pursue the samemeiuirellit 
 course, exercise the same power, and use the paid. 
The said 
 doubts remo- 
 ■ame remedies to enforce fhe payment pf any 
 dcbtorderpand due to such Society, as any 
 ' person or persons, body corporate or politic, 
 may now by law take or use for such purtwse. 
 dePslJif-'T J^' ^"** whereas, doubts have arisen as to 
 and 10 of the '^ /construction of*the first and tenth Sectiont 
 amended Act o/^ne Act hereby iAtnended,; with respects tq 
 the right of any ^h Society to loan and ad- 
 vance money ori-tp^KJjperty and estate, actually 
 belonging to and ftSquircd by the borrowers, at 
 the time of such borrowing and advance, and 
 it is expedient to remdve such doubt? ; Be it 
 therefore enacted and declared, and it is there- 
 fore, declared to have been and to Lie the inten- 
 tion of^jjje said Act, That every such Society 
 -. should Ijptve the power to advance, and every 
 such Socreit^r is hereby authorized to advance 
 in the usual manner, monies or any real estate 
 whatsoever of any me|hber of the said Society, 
 as well for the actual purchase of the same and 
 for the erection of buildings thereon, as gene- 
 rally upon the security of any real estate be- 
 ^ longing to any such member at the time of his 
 borrowing such moneys, and to take and re- 
 ceive a mortgage, hypothec or assignmentof 
 all Such real estate whatsoever in security for 
 such advances on the same conditions and with 
 the same privileges in all respects as any other 
 real estate by the said Act, and by this Act 
 authorized aud required to be mortgaged , hypo- 
 thecated or assigned ; and ftirther, that all secu- 
 rities heretofore, taken for monies advanced in 
 the manner above mentioned, shall be valid 
 and binding on the parties to all intents and 
 purposes whatsoever, and in the same manner 
 as if taken under this Act ) and that all dr any 
 Any person person or persons whatsoever, whether capi- 
 or corporation talists or otherwise, shall be at liberty to 
 meiber of ^®°°^® "^^^^^'s of any such society; and 
" tnat copartners and cor|)Orate bodies may hold anv faeh lo- 
 ■hares therein, in same manner as single indi- ciety. 
 . .Tiduals. • - 
 \ V. And be it enacted, That this Act shall be Public Act. 
 a^ public Act, and sueh be judicially taken 
 DijHicc of by all Judges and Justices, and other 
 persons whomsocveri \vithout being specially 
 pleaded. * 
 18 Victoria, Cap. lie. 
 To amend the Act for the encouragement of 
 Building Societies in Lower Canada,. 
 {Assented to 19th May, 1856] 
 HERE AS the great mimber of Share- 
 holders in Building Societies often renders it , 
 difficult to obtain a meeting of one^third of 
 such Shareholders ; And whereas inconvenience 
 arises from the manner in which such Societies 
 are required to sue and be sued ; and it is there- 
 fore expedient to amend the Act passed in the 12 Vic. c. 57. 
 twelfth year of Her Majesty's Eeign, intituled, 
 An Act to encourage the establishment of l^uil~ 
 ding Societies in Lower Canada: Be it therefore 
 enacted by the Queen's Most E^xcellent Majesty, 
 by and with the advice and consent of the 
 Legislative Council and of the Legislative 
 Assembly of the Province of Canada, constituted 
 and assembled by virtue of and urider the au- 
 thority of an Act passed in the Parliament of 
 the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ire- 
' ^ 
 Part 7 of sect 
 How any 
 (linH Society 
 may bv rt']>cn- 
 ied or amen- 
 Societies may 
 sue by the 
 name taken in 
 their decla- 
 ration under 
 •ecL 1 of 12 
 t- '■'■■■. ' ■ ■ '' • . •■■. "•'■.' . ■ ■ '. 
 land, and intituled. An Act to n-uniU the Pro. 
 tuncet of Upper ami Lower Canada, and for the 
 Gov^rnmenl of Canada, and it isheref.v enacted 
 by the authority of the same, as follows : 
 1. Ho much of the seventh section of the said 
 Act asnrovides that no rule shall be altered. 
 tfrinl"' ''^t^' ""'*'•« ^' « general meli 
 ting of the members of such S^KJiety, such/ 
 meenng to consist «f not loss than one thinl o7 
 "ealedr -^"'l**^*^^ ""^ is hereby re- 
 h3'JT'^''^f'^''V'* ^^''} '^ 'nofe than one 
 half of the number of membcfs of a Wuildinjr 
 Nociety shall sign a requisition callinga ge? 
 neral meeting of the Shareholders, anlrecom- 
 mending a modifica^tion, recission or repeal of 
 he rules of the said Society, and specifyiC ho 
 terms thereof, the sqid meeting, without lmi! 
 hnn"l "' '«;^V"'"u*'^' of Shareholders .rf^n 
 shall be and is hereby authorized to make and 
 ~al "^"^""^^ amendment, region 
 tra^rf^'^''*^*;"^*''8:an3r'th}ng fo the c^. 
 Tnl V^J^^ Act or in any other Act amen- 
 section of the said Act, such Society, shall 
 hereafter sue and be sued by the name and 
 li^^A^^'^r'^^ '^' declara^on mei ■ 
 t oned m the first section pf the said Act m 
 that under which such So4ty sha??]^J«^ 
 ■ r 
 f npoi 
 ■ ■:../.., .■■■' 
 ■ -■ ■.■■.^. ■....X-. ■: r. 
 28 . 
 •/ :■ - ^ 
 7.;.' • 
 ^>^. >> 
 .%,. ' • 
 ■ r 
 J, ', 
 1.— Tfi* Soeiety is constituted HuJer the 
 name of the Quebec Fermanent Buildinff So- 
 ciety^ "--^^ ^ ■•:;--■■■ ■■ 'V ^ ■ : 
 2.— The intents and purpoees of the Society ^"*«'"* *;** 
 are, to assist the members thereof in the acqiu-jJJ^'PsMiVtl. 
 sition of freehold qr leasehold property :— arid 
 in the removal of incumbrances or liabilities 
 npon property already held by them ; and to 
 enable them to receive the amount of thei^ 
 ■hares in advance, upon furnishing good mort- 
 gage security; and to provide for those who do 
 not require such advances a safe and renume- 
 lative method of '•investing small sum#. of 
 3. — All monies which shall from time »<» .^ 
 time be subscribed, paid, 6t given to or for the cript>»«Jf t«»>e 
 use or benefit of the Society, or which shall in •PP'°P"«»^'*- 
 any wise belong to the Society, shall be appro- .. ; /' 
 priated and applied, in the first place,, in loans * , ^ 
 or advances to the several mempers, towards / 
 the necessary expenses of the Society, in the /« 
 purchase of the Shares of those members wha / 
 desire to withdraw, from the 5»ociety, as 
 hereinaftej^ provided, and in the payment, at * 
 the expiration of the term of each successive 
 class, of the full valueof such shares therein as 
 may reinain unadvanced, but no member shall 
 - l)e entitled to receive^^by wiy^of loan 
 How sabf 
 , be allowed 
 upon deposits 
 ■ ■■; ■:■■!'/. 
 each Shares. 
 -■•■/-, ■■ .- ..■ ; 
 /■ -. ^ ■.-. • . 
 / Classes of 
 when opened 
 and for what 
 their ^uomm; 
 President and 
 ^nce, inore than the amount of his share or 
 shalres subscribed for. If not taken up among the 
 menibers, any funds may be otherwise invested 
 for the benefit of the Society, at the discreUon. 
 or the directors, of which members may, never- 
 theless, avail themselves.' 
 4 —Shareholders who may be desirous of 
 making an immediate deposit of money, Yat 
 the rate of not less than £6 per share for each 
 unborowed share and of ^12 for each borrowed 
 share, the half shares in proportion) for the pur- 
 pose of meeting in advance their monthly dues 
 shall be allowed interest upon; the amount so 
 dejTosited atthe mte of six per cent calculated 
 monthly. , 
 5.— The number of shares shall be Unlimited 
 and of the value of jBlOO each, the half share* 
 ofjfi50 each payable by monthly instalment of 
 1^-, per share, and 6s. per half-share, on the 
 third Monday of each month, commencing oa 
 the third Monday in the month of April, 1856- 
 and for the full term of ten yeais, or, when the 
 thurd Monday fellrfon a holiday, then On the 
 day iblloviring. 
 6.^In order to a£R)rd a frequent opportumtr 
 for subscription without the payment of heavy 
 arrears, and a premium corresponding to the 
 past profits of the Society, the Directors shaU 
 be authorized to open, from time to time, a di». 
 ti«<it class or list of membersj each of whi<^ 
 classes shall-continue for the term of 10 yean 
 or l^Oinstalments^ nnless the member mar 
 previously withdraw under the rules here^ 
 aiter provided, and the interval between each 
 class, shall be, for the present time, of eoe 
 month, from the day of paymentv ' "^\ 
 ''^•-^The afiaiirs of the Society shall be under 
 the control and iBanagement of a Board of 
 seyen Directors (of whom four shall be a quo- 
 ffim) and who shall choose fmm among them- Vice-Preil. 
 iselves a President and Vice-President. Each dent hoW to 
 Director shall hold not less than five shares, be chuten. : 
 and no Director shall hold the office of Trea- 
 surer, Surveyor or Solicitor, Notary or Auditor ' 
 " •■/ ' of the Society. ■" :'■..-. .'■\'^\-]i^- 
 ' 8.— In the ahsenoe of both President and J^^^^ ^^, 
 Vice-President the Directors present at any Ji"^(°ffigg„* 
 in<^ting of the hoard shall have power to a (^airman, 
 appoint a Chairman protem and with such protem, maj 
 chairman shall be competent to transact the °« appointed, 
 business of the Society on board days. 
 9.— The election of Directors shall be by Election by 
 ballot, and at such election members prsonally JJJ;°| ■***^' *»' 
 present ot duly represented by another member 
 as attorney, shall be entitled to vote upon the 
 following scale, viz :t; . / J ^ 
 1 Share or less;. . . . .... • • • 1 vote. 
 2 or 3 shares. ........ . .2 votes. 
 D .... . . ..... »i) 
 • . a ■ . • . . . a .0 
 • '....•••. . . < 
 do. 4 or 
 do, 6 or 7 
 do. 8 or 9 
 do. IP or U 
 do: 12 or 13 
 do. 14, 15 or 
 do. 17, 18 or 19 
 ' -^ " do. 20 shares and iipwards. . . . 10 
 But no member shall be entitled to more 
 L than ten votes. 
 10.«^The Directors elected .at the formation Dnration of 
 of the Society, or hereaHer to be elected, shall o^^ "^ Di- 
 continue in office till the election of their sue- "'«°»- 
 , cessors, unless in case of disqualification or re- ^ 
 iignation '.—and the Directors shall, sevemlly, -^ 
 take one week's turn of duty, in rotation, in ^ - 
 Jsupervisiug the general affairs of the Society. 
 f il.-^The Directors may make such arran- Djreeton 
 /gements with any of the chartered banks doing maj make 
 with any 
 Bauk in Que* 
 bee. ; 
 Death, resi 
 KDatioh and 
 cy of a 0ire£- 
 . <}eneral an- 
 nuel Meeting 
 for the Elec- 
 tion'of Direc 
 tors. The Tre- 
 asurer to pre- 
 pareian annual 
 report and 
 statemeut of 
 Extra ge- 
 neral mee- 
 v: ;•■■■.-, ■-::■-: f-^.-. ' '26 ■ / ■' ■ ■■,■'-'">■.■".■"■'■ ^•:.^-;..-.' 
 bnsiness in the City of Quebec, for the deposit 
 of monies and securities belonging to the So- 
 ciety, and for conducUng other fipancial con- 
 cerns, as they sliaJl from time to time deem 
 l^^cessary. " 
 • - *2.— Itany Birestor shall die, or resign or. 
 become incapable to act as Director, or be 
 come bankrupt, or insolvent, or compound 
 with his creditors, or cease to hold the required 
 number of shares, or be removed from his office 
 by a resohition of a special general meeting of 
 the members, he shall thereupon cease to be 
 a^Directorofthe Society: and in each of the 
 above cases> the President may convene a spe- 
 cial meeting of the Directors, at which said 
 special meeting they shall appoint another 
 inettiber of the Society to be a Director in place 
 of the one who shall have ceased to be a Direc- 
 tor as^aforesaid. Should any Director, for three 
 months successively, be absent from the mee- 
 tings of the board, the Directors shall replace 
 him if they think it proper, 
 V ^3-^ A general annuel mee^ng of the mem- 
 bers shall be held at the Society's office, or 
 such other place as the board may appoint, on 
 the l^t Monday of May, yearly, commencing 
 in 1857, (and when that day falls on aholiday " 
 then ou the day following; fpr the pttriwse of 
 electing Directors for the ensuing year, and 
 for all other general purposes relating to the 
 management of the Society: find at each of the 
 said general meetings shall be submitted a full 
 and clear statement of the afl^rs of that Soci- 
 ety Tor the previous tw^elve months, and each 
 of the said periodical reports shall be attested 
 by two auditprs appointed by the Directors 
 14.— Extra general meeting of the Society- 
 may be called by the board of Directors, upon 
 the members being notified of such meeting ' 
 .;;;:;^^<.■ :;;■,,;:..■". .-:vaif 
 ■ •, • -.'•.■■ ■ ■''■■■-.' » 
 through the Post, Office, or otherwise, at the 
 discretion of the Board. * »,_,*« ^ 
 16.— Ail questions at the annual or other Majority o» 
 •general meeting of the Society (except the J»^«^^^^^^ 
 election of Directors as before mentioned) shall questions; ex- 
 be decided by a majority of members present cepiion €hair- 
 the chairman having a casting vote in addition man to have a 
 to his vote a^ a member. castmgTote. 
 * 16.-^A Treasurer shall be appointed who a Secretary- 
 shall also perform the duties of Secretary, and Treasurer to 
 who before entering upon his office shall f"!" ^J^Ju fe" 
 liish security for the due performance of his j^^j, security, 
 duties, ifthe Directors think it proper. 
 17.— The Secretary-Treasurer shall ^ em- Secreuwy- 
 powered to receive and pay all monies for and ^^^^.^^ ^^^^ 
 on behalf of the Society, and his receipt shall pay all mo- 
 iji all cases be a sufficient discharge. He shall neys ; cjwh- 
 >also keep a cash book, where all monies re- J««^*«^^«< , 
 ceived and payments mad»,are to be regularly JJPy ^gp^/ 
 and correctly entered, and he shall deposit with g^gj, 
 the Bank all such money as he shall receive 
 when \t amounts to the siiin of £Z5. ^ - Monpvshow ^ 
 I8.-N0 money shall be drawn from the to^eTmwn 
 Bank without the signature of the President frpmihe' 
 (or in case of his absence, or illiness, of the Bank. 
 Vice-President,) and of the Treasurer. 
 19.— Books shaim opened for keeping the-„d AccSIiirt 
 accounts, minutes, ancKother proceedings and ^^^^ ^^^^ 
 transactions of the Society. / kept 
 20. -The proceedings of the Society shall be Procedings 
 entered in a minute book, in detail, in such of Society to 
 manner as the Board of Directors jnay, from "'J^J^;^ 
 time to tiirie, direct: such entries to be signed ^^q^ 
 by the Pr^sidenti Vice-President, or Chairman, 
 ' as well as by the Secretary and Treasurer. 
 21.-^^he name and place of abode of each Registry Book 
 sliareliolder shall be entered in a registry-book to be kept 
 ng ' ; ^ 
 >t6 be 
 kept f( 
 Dr th«t purpose. 
 . \. ■ 
 '— " • 
 ■ . ■ !,'■* ' 
 ■■ J' 
 ttient and 
 dutiM of the 
 attorniei of 
 the Society. 
 and duties of 
 the Notaries 
 of the Society 
 One or more 
 Inspectors to 
 be appoint- 
 ted. . 
 Members to 
 pay an en- ' 
 tAince fee/. ' 
 22.^-One or more attornies shall be appointed 
 (who shall hold not less than 3 shares) who 
 shall transact such necessary business as tW 
 Directors may require. He shall investigate |h« 
 title to any property offered as security to th» 
 Society and all other documents relating them* 
 to, and shall in all cases render a^ report, ia 
 writing, whether such title be deemed by him 
 -good and sufficient for the purposes of the 
 Society. The* Directors ipay dispense the 
 borrower with such investigation aiid report if 
 they think it proper. The attorney shall v»* 
 ceive such fees as the Directors shall ttiink 
 reasonable.* ' 
 23.^-One or more Notaries shall be appointed 
 (who shall hold hot less than 3 shares) who 
 shall prepare all >deeds Of mortgage and 
 other necessary documents in favour of the S<h 
 ciety. He shall be sufficiently acqua^ted with 
 frcinch and english Jang^iages s* as to prepare 
 and execute the deeds of mortgage ^ a^d:!"other 
 instruments of the Society, in t^h l%nguag^/ 
 if required. He shall receive such feesaslho 
 Directors shall think reasonable and fair. -~^:! 
 24,— One or more inspectors shall be ap> 
 pointed (who shall hold not less than 2 shares) 
 who shall survey and examine the property 
 offered to the Society>' He shall in all .casei 
 render to theDirectors a report in writing, of 
 the'_ value and statd of such property :; provided 
 that in special cases the Directors may disr 
 penSe with such exanlination and ieport. The 
 Inspectors fees shall be fixed % the Director 
 anci .the Attornies, Notaries and Inspectors fees* 
 shall, in all cases, be jjaid by the borrower! ? 
 ' 25,-^Every person be coming a member.of 
 the Society, (except as legatee, 'or legal repre- 
 sentative,) shajl pay an ;entrance fee of 2s. |ld; 
 per share or half-share. : * 
 X. , 
. of 
 " 26.— All persons upon taking s^wes in the Ruksto be 
 Sc^ktysholUign the rules in'k book t« be ^^-^ / 
 kept for that purjpose. ,» V. v 
 ^ i7 ^Every member in default for his mon- 
 thly subscriptions when due, shaU^pay in the 
 common funds of the Society a fihe of , 
 3d per share, 2d per half share 5>r\the 1st m. 
 6d " *d " for the2na m. 
 Is « 8d " * for the 3rd m. 
 doubling the fine for each succeeding Jfuonlh, 
 till the expirationof the first six months, and 
 after that time,if the arrears Jpf^wn^upai^ 
 .ttie Share or sh^Ws shall ^e forfeited: t^js^to 
 say, the member shall recent ba«k (j)»^thPWt . 
 interest) the net amount of his monthjy sub*- .. 
 criptions p^ up, deducting any fines, in^erMt. ^ 
 ur forfeitiJres that may be-due, and^lapa^f^ • r 
 feiture Qf20s per-share or 10s per half share, 
 and he shall cedse to be a member . Over the 
 term of six months, the borrower shall pay Ji 
 fine of 6d in the pound per month, on, ^he 
 ; amount of arrears, until the leg^ "^""^StA t^ : 
 28j— Any member desirous pf witharawuig Members 
 from the Society, may on giving one calehdar may with- „ 
 - month's notice in writing to th^ Secretary, be ^y. Wl | 
 ^Uo4d to do so ; and he may receiv^i^^ 
 netamotint of his mdnthly instalments already P" 
 paid, deducting any fines or^fbrfeitures that v 
 maV be due;. provided that if twelve instal-^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^,^^^ 
 ments have been received, the Directors are • 
 hereby empowered to pay to any such -with- ,, 
 drawing inember the interest <^6^pc'^9«»t ^^ 
 the amdunt paid in, and more »f the Directors 
 think it proper. The Directors shall .have the 
 poW^r todetermine the ri^t of priority beU . 
 vsreen members desiring to withdrawn. « 
 29.— Each tnember changing his residency change of 
 shall, within one iCalendar month thereafter, .wddence to 
 give notice in writing to the Sep^etary of such be notified to 
 'V I 
 ■b. t 
 *! • 
 14 • 
 Da ji to he 
 fixed 'for the 
 disposal of 
 to make A 
 liimits in 
 which proper- 
 ty given as 
 security shall, 
 Mortgage or 
 transfer of 
 property to be 
 -made to the 
 When the > 
 borrower shall 
 receive the 
 amount bor- 
 change, and4f4ii« new place Qf abode and^ 
 addres^i or in defauH thereof be fined 28. bd. . 
 30,— TKe Board of Directors may from timf 
 to time, fix one or more days for the disposal 
 of such funds as the Society may have to lend 
 or advance, of wh\ch d«e notice shall be given. 
 The mode of dispoispl shall be detennmed by . 
 the Board. ^^ V * ' r t.^ 
 3 1 .—Each purchaser, or borrower, unless^ ne 
 woduces, within iiiteen days, security satisfac- 
 tory to the Board, or has their permission to 
 extent the time, shall be liable to a fine of 10a 
 for each share, or 5s for each half share borro- 
 wed or adA-anced, and he shall .deposit when 
 registering his name as applipant, a siim of 15 
 slullingsfbrl&wcopts . i *^ 
 32.— In ordinary cases, no property situate 
 beyond the limits of the District of Quebec, 
 shall be accepted as security for loans ^or^ ad- 
 vances to Members of 'the Society ; but m 
 Board of Directors may, at their discretion, and 
 upon special application, accept -^ security cm 
 property situatgcTany. where within the limilp 
 of Lower Canada'. -. ^' 
 33.— After inspection of the property propo- 
 sed, the purchdser shall, if the security be 
 approved, execute a mortgage or transfer t^ 
 the satisfaction of the Directors, and at his 
 own expense, to secure the monies advanced, 
 with interest, and also the due payment of the 
 ordinary monthly^ subscriptions, and any fines 
 or forfeitures that may be incurred, and shall 
 also bear the cost of enregistretjfon. . . 
 34.— After such mortgage, or transfer^ shall 
 haVe been executed, together with such poli- 
 cies of insurance and other securities ^s the, 
 Directors may require the mortgager^ shall at 
 once deceive the amount of share or .shares lyr- 
 rowed, pu rchased, or advanced, eitftr ili lull 
 ••^or with deduction of the bonus agreed to_ be 
 paid thereon as per propdsal. Then, he shall 
 continue to jpay each' month until the end ot 
 Jfefe class he belongs to, an additional sum of 
 %6s per share pnd 5s per half share sp borro- 
 wed, if the advance is made by way of Bonus, 
 and for a period of ten years ; or according to a 
 scat^ proportionate to the Bonus, if the advance 
 is made for the full amount : and if ^ne or inore 
 buildings be in progress of erection, such 
 amount shall be advanced upon one or more 
 certiicates, from the Inspectors, and from time 
 to time, as the Directors shall determme, ac- 
 cording to the progress of the work, Cr ^ ■: 
 35.— The Directors shall have powet to j^y 
 the ground rents of all premises mort^ged tP ™;y„ J^^^^ 
 the Society, which payments may be made amount to b* 
 out of the funds of the Society as such rents be charged to 
 pome due, and shall be charged to the mort- Mortgager; 
 gager, and repaid by him when the following pen^l 
 mommy suuaMiipMVH* »•*•» - — » , « • 4 ^ 
 whereof a forfeiture shall accrue to the Society^ 
 of 20 per cent, upon the amount so paid. , y ■,:- 
 36— If any member shaU desire to have his Discharge 
 •prop^rtydischa^edfrom^^ mortgag^^to^l^ 
 Society, before the expiration of Jhefultenn ^^, 
 for Which it has been taken, he shall be allowed 
 todbkoou payment of all repayments, and 
 anv fines, fees and other sums due in respect ^ 
 thweofciip to the time of the redemption of ^ r 
 such mortgage, and of the j^es^t^ jalue of . v 
 the futiire repayments, calculated to the end ot r 
 the tefm, and at such rate of ^ interest and on^ ■ 
 such terms at'the Directors may determine^ 
 37— It sh^l be lawful for any niember Substitution 
 having executed a mortgage in fevor of ^he jfa^^er 
 Society, to substitute, at his own expense, and P ^^ 
 subject to the approval of th^ Directors, any 
 ,^.^je4M^««A 4>> 
 Caie when 
 * » borrower 
 - may neU his 
 joining after 
 ment of each 
 class^to pay 
 airean, &c. 
 which snail 
 be receiyed 
 from Insu- 
 rance com- 
 panies how 
 other property, as security to" the Society^ liu^ 
 lien of the property originally rnortgaged. ,' > 
 38. — ^If any member who shall have VlTxe- 
 cuted a mortgage to the Society, shall desire to 
 sell the mortgaged property, subject to the 
 mortgage, he shall be at liberty so to do; with 
 the consent of the Directors, upon first duly 
 transferring the shares secured by such mort-,, 
 gage, to the intended purchaser as provided by 
 theseirules; aiid upon such transfer being com- 
 pleted, and all arrears due to the Society, from 
 the mortgager, being paid, and the conveyances 
 to the purchaser executed, such purchaser 
 shall thenceforth enjoy all the rights'and privi- 
 ledges of the mortgager, and shall become liabld 
 to pay all re-payments payable in respect of 
 such shares ; and the Directors may grant to 
 the original mortgager, and at his cost and 
 charges, a release from all future liability in 
 respect thereof, towards the Society. • 
 39. — Any person entering the Society after 
 the cominencement or formation, of a class 
 (except asi'transferee, legatee, or legal rej^resen- 
 tative,) shall pay the full amount of subscrip- 
 tions, which shall have been paid by the ori- 
 ginal Shareholders from the date of such 
 commenceii^ntMV''''^v '■' '^-'v- '•■"^''^^' ^ ' ■'^'''■'■^■■ 
 40^--The B>irectors shall, at their discretion, 
 either lay out the money which shall be recei-g 
 yed from^v Insurance office as aforesaid, oiV 
 any part thei^oi^ in repairing the damage done 
 to the premises, or retain and apply the same, 
 or such ptfrt thereof^ a^r^liey shall think fit, in 
 or towards payihent ana^sat^action of the, 
 amount which shall be due frosHhe mortgager 
 to the Society, and pay the surplus^if any, to 
 the mort^ger, or to such other person as he 
 shall (by- writing) direct to receive the same. 
 41 Slfmore than one half of the number of Meaing to 
 member/of the Society shall BJ» ^ Se-'T-^^i^^^ 
 sitioncalHnKa general '^^^^^"K ^^^^^.^^ ru&. -, 
 holders, and recommanding a modificatioi^ > 
 wcision, or repeal of one or more rules of the ^, ; 
 sSS^be said general meeting, wittat ;• 
 Suonas tp th{'««mber of^ar^iders 
 present, shall bie authorized to make and pa^ 
 Juch modificatibn, amendinent, rescisicm or v , , 
 '^^ll-Any S&mr ^ J^ ^ 
 share or shares by y"s»ng an entry of such ^^^^^^f^/^^d, 
 transfer to be made ift the books of the feociety. ^,,^^€1. 
 in such manner as the Directt^rs may appoint 
 and upon payment of the sum of 2s. bU. lor 
 each sW si transferred and of allarrearsthcn 
 due; and thereupon the transferee^ (after s^^^^ . 
 ning the rules) shall be entitled to Ml the Pri- 
 vileees of the original shareholder. - member 
 43.-In case of the death of any member, the ^ j^ ^^X 
 lecatee or legal representative. of such deceasea ^f proceeding 
 member, shall, before becoming entitled to the for a legatee 
 pri&ofan original shareholder, prociueorj^^^^^^ 
 C plaie qf abode, and the T^rt^cnlars of his -^ame^to^be 
 title, to be registered in the books ot the^ feo-i^older. . 
 eS?^:and shin at the same ^r/'^^^^ i - 
 wilier probate thereof; or grant oTletters^^ ^ 
 administration (as th^^case W beKfor th^ , 
 Inspection ahd'sati^feetioir of th^ ^"^"^ i 
 anfray for suc^ registry the sum of 2s. 6d. » . 
 ^44^he1)irectors elected at the formatioii -DirjK^ 
 of t ^e^ - well as th.se her^^^^t*!:;^ 
 electa shall be indemnified out of the funds of ^^^.^^^^ 
 tL^iety, or otherwise, from all expenses m tht. Society.. 
 I^rence to the formation, conijuct. and . ^ 
 management of the Society. _ . „♦ h«^*.ta 
 ""^.iir it shall app^r ta tlw Bffi^*,^ gJ^aTi.- 
 any time, that the profito of tha Sporty y/MW 
 :-s • 
 of the property 
 beJonging to 
 the borrowers. 
 jrertaiicas... Sfs «Wn ti '* ""?^ -Pecified, such surplus 
 Im^^htn^r^^'T't^'^ ^y '*»« Directors 
 equitably, and equally between the investing 
 and borrowing members, by way of, bonus iS 
 ^o.«-o. in ™t±^y.,^^" ^^*k^^'» "^-'"bers 
 the^cUv ?n i\^ ^'^^'^"tageand well being of 
 me ^oclety to set apart one-third or Ip« nf 
 ^v| the power to do so, and the same^ha l' 
 %n| a part of the general ifunds oi the Societv 
 rer^vmffTI''^^^"""Sto the Society the 
 £1^ 7 " ^} ^^^ l'""^ °^ ^'^^ execution of 
 h^i^fr'^^^^ (""^«« ^^«^^e^ otherwise 
 by a special resolution of the Directors Vin«ir« 
 against accidents byfire at one ^ ^Se insT 
 mn|^ompanies in qjuebec, to the ^lUtnount 
 erected on the land and pl'emises mortgaffed to 
 the Society for security of the. payment of th« 
 sanje^ he shaU thereafter unKl£^ 
 shall be fully paid and satisfied, keep the Sfe 
 £frtr?^^^ as^resaid, aid h^^S 
 Provito ^1 ' ^°?f ^^'ne endorse over the policy or 
 n-ovito. poueje^ of insurance to the Sotjiety. And i?the^ 
 ^id borrower omit to effect or r^e^o ^T 
 / I uf }h "^°"^' aforesaid then the Dn^ 
 / °^tf ^" *»^^«^heTight^ffectingandr7neW 
 ' ' Jtl ^^^f '"^. ?' of insurilag the rights andante 
 rest ofthe said Society in 'the laSds and nre- 
 • ^^ mortgaged as aforesaid ou t of the geng^^ 
 • '""■■■■■•■"■■■■ M ' ■ ■■•--■":?;■■■ -■'■■':'•.■■."■■ 
 ■ ' ■ ■ ■ ■ » .-..'».■ ■ ■ ,■•■..■,■■ > 
 flind of the Society, and the borrower shall on > ■ 
 demand pay and reimburse unto the Society - 
 the amount of such premiums with interest 
 thereon at the rate of six per cent per annum, 
 and a fine of twenty per cent upon the amount 
 •^4^i^If the Directors shall be enable ^^^^^ J^^ 
 pose of the money mhand and ?*/*»tv. V„ ofln ceiSin 
 rates, they may if they consider it for the m- ^^ 
 terests of the Society call a snecial meeting ol 
 the members, and announce the fact >o mem, 
 and the proportion of the profits which they » 
 consider it just, and proper to pay to jnembers 
 withdrawing ; and if the money on hand shall;^ . . 
 not then be taken up voluntarily, ^ther m ^ . 
 loans at the usual rates, or by^ ^^^^t7v,°S :^ 
 the terms proposed by the Directors, they shall 
 in the prcTOupe of the members attending SUCH- 
 meeting proceed by ballot in such form, a«^ 
 shall be prescribed by the Directors, to dispose 
 of so many sh&res, sepamtely, and one share a| 
 a time, af the money in hand will warmnt 
 amongst such of the members, as shall not 
 previously .have received their shares in ad* ^ . 
 vance, or the entire number of shares, tor 
 which they shall have respectively s«*^scribed. 
 and the person or persons whom the ballot 
 shall determine to take the share or shares so ^ 
 ballot for, shall within ten days be obhgedto 
 withdraw or borrow ftom the Society, to the 
 extent of the share or shares, so balloted on 
 him on the ttrms previously determined on tyy 
 ,^he Directors. v. a^. Duration of 
 48.— Whereas circumstaniies may be'eatter ^^^^^ ^j^^j^ 
 ' render it expedient to change the duration, oi gj^t^nt. 
 ten years provided, by these rules for every 
 class of ihember: . , V "^ • 
 /Tlie Directors shall be authorized, when 
 • opAping an y new clas s' or classes, to select such 
■^b™"j-v"'t»i|^!W»» . 
 .' *■». 
 ..ft duration as thev *»«» ♦u- n V v^ "* 
 . ^-^'''niw tLZu^J J^':^,m», *nd to 
 fif'd to attain ZZ<,TT)l^ t'""'"* '- 
 'J'ng to ,uflh duration .nS .t '" *"'« ""eo'- 
 • "Wn <Jm. the end o/the ™ ™ nf .t^ . '' *" ««™«ate .t • 
 they shall be emZreL ,' ''"'?«' «'«"■ •"'<« ii 
 "ombAs/to the e^rt.! 'f*""'«''l. to retiring 
 Prietory or unmir? .k. "' ""* """>*•' of prt^ 
 equitably increasing n^..P!i""' "?<« «t m 
 •quitafcly increarirnS'.P*r"' ">«> »» «» 
 / « 
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