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Hniuersita of IttcStU ColUge. LA^W FJ^CTJUF^. SYLLABUS OF LECTURES ON TEE CIVIL LAW. Text Boos : Justiniani Institutiones — see marginal references. " TJie Law qf Ecme has the distinguished honour of vindicating to itself tJie exclusive Title 70 XXVIII.- 1. Em-plio Venditio. , 2. Zoct tio Conductio (4) Consensual ■I 3. Emphyteusis. 4. Societas. \ Tit. 23-27. 5. Mandatum. J XXIX.— II, Obligations (^wasi ea; Contractu, or (^wan Contracts : Tit. 28, 20. 1. JVegotiorum Gestorum. 2. T^a^e/a. 3. AW Communis Administratio. 4. Hcereditatis Administratio. 5. Ilcereditatis Aditio. 6. Indehiti Solutio. ^^^•— The Obligations from Contracts and Quasi Contracts Tit. 30. being again dissolved by ways ; 1. Common to all contracts. (1) Solution cr Payment. (2) Compensation. (3) Confusion. (4) Oblation and Consignation. (5) Novation. 2. Peculiar to some only ; as (1) Acceptilation. (2) Mutual consent. XXXI.— HI. Obligations ex Dolicto, or from Offences {delicto) mA.'iit.Wr. properly so called : ri. Conceptum. XXXII.— 1. Furtum. Four kinds. . . . J ^- <^^^«^.«^^^- XXXIII. — 2. Rapina. o 3. Prohibitum. 4. Non-exhibitum. ^1. Lex Aquilia. XXXIV.— 3. Damnum, or Damage . % * M rS 2. Nunciatio Novi Operis. 3. Cautio de Dam- >■ Tit. 1. Tit, 2. •• Tit. 3. U [ no Infecto. XXXV.-4. Injuria. Two kinds i J' J^^al. ) ( 2. Verbal, f ^"- *• SDecemviral Law. Praetorian Law. Cornelian Law. < • '■»,'' ■>-^^- XXXVI.— IV. Oblij^ationa Quasi ex Delicto, or from Offences Tit. 5. Improper, {Quasi-Delicta). 1. Erroneous sentence. 2. Things throw 1 or poured f;om aliouse. 3. Things liung or placed so as to be dangerous. 4. Things stolen in a ship or inn. III. Actions. pr. In which are considered, I. Their kinds : viz. XXXVII. — 1. Keal or Vindicationes ; fcMnded upon^wm in re: 'l.Rci Vindicatio. 2. Confessoria. 3. Negatoria. 4. Publiciana. Kinds ■{ 5. Rescissoria. 6. Pauliana. 7. Serviana. 8. Quasi Serviana. 9. Actiones Prwjudiciales. 1. De Lihertate. are ^ 2. De Ingenuitate. 3. De Partv, Agnoscendo. Tit. 6. Actiones ) Prcejudiciales J integrum. 2. Personal ; founded upon jura ad rem : 1. From Law : Condictiones ex lege. 2. From Equity.' i'^'''. «^. ^'^^^^.^ridum ^ •' (2. Restitutionesini 3. From Contracts. Hrr^'T^^- ( lyommate. Innominate. . . -j ^'i"" ^n factum or^ ( Prcescnptts verbis. Nominate, viz. '1. Mutuum, From the Real Contracts \l' ^^mmodatum, 3. Depositum, ^ 4. PignuSf Arose the following Actions : 1. Condictio certi ex mutuo. 1/ 6 2. Commodati, directa et contraria. 3. Depositi, directa et contraria. 4. Pif/noratitia, directa et contraria. From tlie Verbai Contracts. . . . P' ^^Jp^'l'ition, ( 2. iMdejussion, Arose the following Actions • 1. Actio certi ex stipulatu : incerti ex stipulatu. 2. Beneficia divisionis : ordinis: cedendarum actionum. From Literal Contracts came the Action Condictio ex chirographo. 'I. Emptiovenditio, t;, ^, ^ , ^ 2. Locatio cojiductio, ±rom the Consensual Contracts. ^ 3. Emphyteusis I 4. Societas, [^5. Mandatum^ Arose the following Actions : 1. Empti^ : venditi : redhibitoria : quanti minoris. 2. Locati : conducti. 3. Empki/teuticaria, directa et contraria. 4. Pro socio. 5. Mandati, directa et contraria. 1. Negotiorum aestio, 2. Tutela, 3. Rei cojnmunis adminis- From the Qtiasi Contracts } i^atio, 4. Hwreditatis adminis- tratio, 5. Haireditatis aditio, ^ 6. Indebiti soluiio, Arose the Actions : 1 . Ner/otiorum (/estorum, directa et contraria. 2. Tutela;, directa et contraria. 3. Communi dividundo. 4. Familim crciscundce. 5. Ex Testamento. 6. Condictio indebiti. From Quasi Contracts were also the Actions ; 1. De Constitutd peciinid, 2. De Peculio. 3. De Jurejurando voluntario. V f " I I ' 1. Fnrtum, From the Oflences. i 2- ^"^"'°' 3. Damnum, ^ 4. Injuria, Arose the Actions : 1. Farti ; cnndidio furtiva. 2. Dc vi bomrum raptorum. 3. Ex lege Aquilid. 4. Injuriarum : Decemvirulis : Prceto- ria ex lege Cornelid. From Offences were also the Actions : 1. De albo corrupto. 2. De in jus vocando. d.Deinjusvocatononeximcndo. 4. De servo corrtipto. 5. De calumniatoribus. From Quasi Offences was the Actio in Factum, or Prce- scrijitis Verbis. 3. Mixt Actions were : 1. Ilccreditatis peiitio. 2. Communi dividundo. 3. Famihce ercisctindce. 4. Finium regundorum. XXXYIII. — 4. Actions arising from the contract of others were : Tit, 7. 1. Quod jussu, 2. Exercitoria. 3. Institoria. 4. Tributoria. 5. De in rem verso. G De Peculio. 5 . Noxal Actions were : Tit. 8, 9. XXXIX. 1. De pauperie. 2. De pastu pecortim. 3. Ex cdicto uEdilitio. C. Of tlie Parties to Actions, or of the actor and Tit. 10, 11. retis, and the proctors of each ; i^ 8 Under which of tlio follow ing Socunties or Cautions : 1. Judicatum solvi. 2. Dejudicio sisti. 3. Ue rato. XL. — 7. 1'erpotual. 8. Temporary . 9. Descending.... i^''^.®^'''-. ( Against heirs. XLL-10. Exceptions i F'3reniptory. * ( Dilatory. Tit. 12. y Tit. 13. 11. Replications, Duplications, Tripllcatious, Quadrupli- Tit. 14. cations. XLTL- -12. Interdicts: (1. Prohibitory. Three kinds.. J 2. Restoratory. ( 3. Exhibitory. Interdicts to gain possession were called ; 1. Quorum oonorum. 2. Quod Lcgatorum. 3. Salvianum. Interdicts to retain possession were called : 1. Uti possidetis. 2. Utruhi. Interdict to recover possession was called : Unde vi. XLIII. — Litigation was restrained by : 1. The oath of culumny. 2. A pecuniary mulct. 3. Legal Infamy. XLIV. — The validity of actions was tried ; 1. As to matter of law, by the magistrate. 2. As to raatfyr of faci, by the judge. XLV.-Of thejform of Private Judgment, or the course of pro- ceedings in Civil causes ; under which oi: Tit. 16. \ . Tit. Ifi. Tit. 17. ■/ * . ^^ \ . i. The persons necessary to a Court, viz. 1. Actor. 2. Reus. 3. Judex. 4. Advocates, 5. Proctors. C. N'otaries, 7. Apparitors. 2. Vocatlo in jus, 3. Postulatio et cditio actionis. 4. Vadimonium. 5. Intentio actionis. 6. Krceptio rei. 7. Datio judicis. 8. Satisdationes actoris et rei. 9. Contesiatio litis. 10. Oaths of the Judge and Lltig.mts. 11. Proofs: Plena. S end-plena. 1. Confession. 2. Presumptions. Had from ..\ 3. Witnesses. I 4. Instruments. [5. Oaths. Of which Presumptions are ] 2 O^ M ^' Instruments are \l' J".^'^^' ( r , Private. Oaths ;ire Two kinds Decisory oaths are. . . . j 1. Promissory. \ 2. Decisory. 1. Vohmtary. 2. Judicial. 3. Necessary. Necessary oaths are. ... | ^- ?»'-2ratory. Suppletory, 12. Disceptatio causce ; under which of; 1. Conjectio catcsce. 2. Peroratio, m 13. Sentences, which were : 1. Interlocutory. 2. Definitive. 14. Execution. 15. Appeal. XL VI.-— Public Judgments, answering to Crown Prosecutions Tit. i8. in English Law : 1. Lese Majesty, or Treason; of which two kinds : 1. Crimen per duellionis. 2. Crimen Lcesce Majestatis in specie, 2. Lex Julia de Adulteriis ; under which of: 1. Adultery. 2. Crime against nature. 3. Incest. 4. Stuprum. 3. Lex Cornelia de Sicariis ; under which of: 1. Homicide. 2. Veneficium. 4. Lex Pompeia de Parricidiis ; under which of: Parricide. b. Lex Cornelia de Falsis ; VindL.(iV •^\x\(^i oi'. Crimen Falsi. 6. Lex Julia de vi piihlicd et privatd. 1, Lex Julia de Peculatu : Peculatus. Sacrile^re. 8. Lex Fahia de Plagiariis ; or of Plagium. 9. Lex Julia Repetundaruvi ; de Ambitu ; de Annona ; de Rcsiduis. In which the course of proceeding was by : 1. Vocatio in jus. 2. Postulata facultas deferendi nomen. 3. Dclatio et recepitio nominis, 4. Citatio rei. 5. Sortitio judicum, 6. Actio prima. 1. Proofs. Two branches •U: 8. Defensio et laudatio rei. 9. Actio secunda. 10. Missio judicum. 11. Sentence. 12. Execution. And sometimes in judgments of the People, by : 1. Diei dictio. 2. Citatio rei. 3. Accusatio. 4t. Promulgatio. 6. Defensio rei. 6. Populi vel plebis sufragia. SELECT AUTHORS ON THE ROMAN CIVIL LAW CLASS A. 1.— Corpus Juris Civilis. 2.— Justiniani Institutiones, (comprised in the Corpus,) the Text-book of the CourBe. 3.— Gail Institutioues. CLASS B. HISTORY OF THE ROMAN LAW. I.— Ortolan: Hi8toire de la Legislation Romaine. 3mc ifidition, Paris, 1851. 1 vol. 2. — Giraud : Histoire du Droit Remain. Paris, 1847. 1 vol 3. — Hugo : Histoire du Droit Romain, traduite de L'Allemand. Paris. 2 vols. 4. — Berriat St. Prix : Histoire du Droit Romain euivie de I'histoire de Cujas. Paris 1821. 1 vol. in 8. 6. — Guerard : Essai sur I'histoire du Droit Priv. des Romaine, Paris, 1841. 1 vol. in 8. 6. — Dupin : Precis Historique du Droit Romain. Paris, 1820. 1 vol 7. — Savigny: Histoire du Droit Romain au moyen age, traduite par Guenonx. Paris, 1839. 8. — Irving : Introduction to the Study of the Civil Law, by David Irviug, L. L. D. 4th Edition. London, Edinburgh and Dubhn, 1837. 9. — Laferriere: Histoire du Droit Civil de Rome et du Droit Frangais. 1846. Not yet finished ; four volumes have appeared. 10. Ferriire: Histoire du Droit Remain. Paris. 1vol. 11. Lermiuier: Introduction geucrale i I'histoire du Droit 2Dde Edition, Paris, 1836. 2 volumes. 12 CLASS C. COMMENTARIES ON THE INSTITUTES. 1— Ducaurroy : Institutes de Justinien, traduites et expliqu^es. 8me Edition Paris 1851. 2 vols. ■ ' 2.-Ortolan: Explication Historique des Institutes de L'Empereur Justinien, avec h texte, la traduction en regard, et lea explications sous chaque para- graphe, precedee d'une generalisation du Droit Romain. Paris 1847. 2 vols. 4eme Edition. ' 3.-Ferri6re: Traduction dcs Institutes de Justinien, avec commentaire. Paris. 6 vols, in 12. 4.-Lagrange: Manuel de Droit Romain, ou explication des Institutes de Justinien, par demandes et reponses, prec^d^ d'une Introduction Historique' Paris, 1853. 6me Editioa 5.--Virmiu3: In quatuor libros institutiomim Justinian!, commentarius academicus et forensis. Amstelodami, 1092. 1 vol, quarto. CLASS D. (general.) l.-Maekeldey: Manuel de Droit Romain, traduit de I'AUemand. Bruxelles. 3me Edition. 1846. 2.-MarezoU: Precis d'un Cours sur I'ensemble du Droit Priv6 des Romains, traduit de L'Allemand. 2nde Edition. Paris, 1852. 3.-Blondeau: Chrcstomathie, ou Cboix de Textes pour un Cours Elementaire du Droit Priv' des Romains. Paris, 1843. 1 vol. 4.-Savigny : Trait6 do Droit Romain, traduit de L'Allemand. 8 vols. Paris. 6.— Cujaci us: Opera omnia. 6.-— Despeisse^, (Ant.) Les (Euvres. v.— Domat : Les Loix Civiles. Paris. 1 vol. folio. CLASS E. (special.) L-Bonjean ; Traits des Actions, ou exposition histcriqne de lorganization Judicia^e, 2ndo Edition. Paris, et de la procedure Civile chez les Romain' 1845. 2 vols. 2.~Le Bastard Delisle: Precis de I'administration de la Justice G.iminelle chez les Romains. Valogues, 1841, in 8. The above arc by no means exhaustive of the subject. They are simply suggested a» the most useful and available to the Law-Student of Lower Canada.