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Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at diffferent reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: . Lea cartas, planches, tableaux; etc.. peuvent Atre filmfo A das taux da rAduction diff Arents. Lorsque la document est trop grand pour Atre reproduit en un seul clichA. il est filmA A partir de I'angia supArieur gauche, de gauche A droite. et de heut en bas. an prenant la nombre d'images nAcessaira. Las diagrammes suivants illustrent la mAthode. 1 2 3 32X 1 2 3 4 5 6 tut ^MowMmti ^lmanat« roB T>ir. VEAR OF oun toB:& 1848 : BEING rUA? YEAlt AND THE ELEVENTH TEAft OP HER majbsty's reign. COMPILEr) BY VUVAV tOCaUE. OO.VTENTS. Eclipses - » - . - Royal Family - - - - Her Majesty's Ministers Ahnar.ac - - - - - Kwx,»»iiig Sovereigns of J'jurope .->... Ditto of England from Conquest - - . . tjOCAL GoVEnNME:fT: Ci^-il Department - - Customs - - . - . Larr department ... Clergy ,-.... Military Kav»l ...,,- Page 3 4 5 to 17 18 ft 19 19 20 20 & 21 21 22 to 24 24 & 2o 25 Post-office . - , - - Transatlantic Steam ^'a- vigatiou, - - - - - Commissioners of Public Boards . - - - . Rates of Pilotage - . Light Houses - - - - Officers in the several Electoral districts - - Charitable and other In- stitutions - - - - 37 to 39 New6papers,Statistics&c. 39 Governors of Newfound, land, aiidothet coloaic3 iC & 47 Pagr 23 2o to 27 27 & 28 27 23 23 to 37 &i\ JOHN'S, NEWFOUNBLAJJD : BENRY WINfON, Public Archives of Nova Scotia HALIFAX. N. S. ^ ,. b ',fjl |f« uMtw ; V . . . . ' "fi* A. i •8«MeB if lutobto . . . . ^> JBpibt ...... . '^fi^ Anad Hlliidi . . . . 6,861 [^tttagMinui Satiday f^b< 20 Ash mdnesday AMMngMn Bsgr (H^ >Wttlt BMMMQf' ... . « • ■ • dood'Fiiday .... . . April 21 EMterDay -^'il23 Queen's Birthday . . Hay 24 llar< a 'calo ly near Ip aHrpraelloaL purpMes ';ijji k. In the^ronolomoal Gaien a . ^ , r i v vjt f)ie OompUer ^n tomplat es g e tting ««t 4he Alwn a e -amrt fear bewiderslood as jeeal 7| ^^ u i i wi^ file Compiler ^n tomplat es g e tting ^ttt 4he Alan a n a e -awrt in a suptti^r atyb, and i^bra^^g nisW^iid iifte^tHgtealter, ■ ' '" '— ■' ' ■ ' £CIiEPSBS. ih Iniihe yehr>B48,^elw^aite six Be1ipRSi«^<4biur»0filie^8te<^i^ the^aitern 4iH«ion >iyf%Piu^^s|§ln*$!^^i^ tenninithig en ake%eltei>n divisioli of lim^»perT&Bb.^rWi8y«iiil U IStelipse (BfiooB^ ffi«ttet^ i) l^Midn|hfl?Bi«^e|it Rinbf ^ ^g^ (Fi^«ti«odtfo|iiiiihpeitaBp^ . . . '«4 nShutaipil' S^^Mi; t i Ditto 4itto with *h«do# .... «*; ** .J «vi. UKo tbtil iBiiii«rsion in ihadow . . (40 " -.4: **. <: Bddlepfecijpaf; r .,,;/._ . . • 40 « | J Lust ^tal-inunendoii^ shadow . . Si tHtto contact Snth shadow . . . . '^ tetto ^tW tli^i «ihhih\>i% , . . .Jit ** u tt' 'M !■! " NoTB.— As lite Mop^^iirt ▼wthiia^ bn. m^^^^smm 37» N., whentfato^mUMe b^,itbl^&'ftfiNA^ thehoriaon, andcom^iietiiv^i^ft^i^^tile^but as onr satellita |lbtethit^itfilitftbb^riik^6(^1i^^ ikKpsed, win present a retfairkabll^^ifiyiM^ . llMiMondXiiiitr JSelipM (tliototil) oociirt on the iiigki of I^MMlty, tho 12tb^'i^pitelMr/ 280 44' HT Westerly. THE RCfY^ FAMILY OF GREAT BRITAIN. THE QUEEN. Alexandrina Victoria, bom Mav 24, 1819; married to Prince AU)cct Fraheis Augustus Charles Emanuel, of Saxe Coburg and 430tha, February lOj 1840, and has issue: 1st. Victoria Adelaide Maria Louisa, Prineess Royal of Bnglandj bom 2l8t November^ 2040; 2d. Albert Edwird, Prince of Wales and Puke of Cornwall, bom 9th November 1841 ; 3rd. Princess Alice Maude Mary, born flBth April 1843 ; 4th. Alfred Ernest Albert, born 6th August^ 1844; 5th. Prhicesa Helena, bom 25th May, 1846. TBE QUEEN DOWAOEB. Adelaide Amelia Louisa Teiesa Caroline, widow of King William IV., sister of the reigning Duke of Saxe Meiningen. born August IBi 1792. e -# o ROYAL PBIN0E8 AND PRINCESSES. Sniect Augustus (King of Hanover) Duke of ,Oamberland» bom lone 5^ 1771; m»riedMay 29, 1S15, to Frederioa Carolina Sophia, daughter of the Duke of MedUenburgh Strelita^ and wijdow of Frederiek WiUiam, Prince of Solms Braunfels, born March 2, 1778 — issue, Oeorge Frederick, bom May 27, 1819. Adblphus Frederick, Duke of Cambridge,' bom Febraary 24, 1774; married May 7i 181 8^ to Augusta Wilhelmina Louisa, daughter of the Land«ave of He«ierbora July 25, 1797 ; issue George WiUiam, bom March 26, 18l9; August^ Giroline, bora July 19, 1822; married May 1843, H.g.H. the l)uke of Mecklen- l^urghStrebti; Mary AdeUiide, November 27, 1833. ^;,|i8>ry Duchess ^yfGloi^cester, bom April 26, i7J6. -^ ^ ^ HER MAJI»TT*S MOTHER. Victoria Maria Louisa, (Princess t)owa^r of Leinengen) Duchm ^Knit, widow of Edward Duke ofiKent, and aiater of the K;ing o| me Belgians, born August Hi 1786^ :t) - 6 Wm MAJBBT^ mlnfttBBS. Fint Lord of tht T^roMury. . . . BlglitHoB. Lord Johni Lord Oliancellor — Lord Cottingbain. Chaneellor of the Exchequer . . Bight Hon. Charlei Wood. President of the Council Marquis of Lansdowne. Privy Seal ..... Eitl of MiMiiL ' fHome — Sir George Orey. Forei^ . . IpscQont Falmenton. Colonies . . Earl Qrey. First Lord of the Admiralty. .. Lord AuoUand. Master General oi the Ordnance Marquis of Anglesey. Bresident of Board of Controul Sir John Hobhouse. President of the Board of Trade Earl of Clarendon. S«w»tary at War Bight Hon. Fox Maule. Field Marshal Com. the Forces. Duke of Wellington. £2^ above form ^ Oabimtol Postmaster General Marquis of Ckmrioaido. Chancellor of theDuchyofLan-) t j /^ v « caster J ^'^ Campbell. Woods and Forests ..;;*'.;;.. Viscount Morpeth. Vice-presulent of theBoardof ) « „., ^.. ' Trade ..... I *"• MUner Gibson* Master of the'Mhit* V '.' '.'. '.'... Bight Son. B. L. ^hlu. , Secretary of the AdmiraUy .... G. B. Ward, Eso. Joint Secretaries of Treasury .; ( Henry TuffneUj Esq. _, ■ ^ „ (John Parker, Esq. Home Undersecretary Sir W. SomervUle? . « Fomw ditto. Bight Hon. E. J. Stanley. - q^lonial ditto Mr. B. Hawes. . '„ Attorney General Johnjertis,:^,^^'''* * Solicitor General David bundas, &q. Jtidge Advocate General Charles BuUer, Esq. Lord Advocate of Scotland .... Bight Hon. A. Butheifofd. TEE QUSSN'S H0U8EB0LD. MSiteess of^the Bobes ........ Duchess pf Snthttknd. Lwd Chambwlam , . . . Earl Sponcer. LprdStewwd............. ... EarlKrtescue. Master of the Hoiae Duke of Norfolk. Lord Lieutenant of Lreknd . . . : Earl of Besboveiudi^ v J^ M w« il'L^** v°®?°^ • ; • ' • • »•»»»* Hon- lOnTdy. • - a€ ^wretary for Ireland ,.... R%ht Hon. H. ^.aboidwwL m ."Rfr • '?^'r * ■ •' 'r^^ /» ^ j^ ' Tffii MflOirS CHAN0E8. Kew Moon. .... .i . .; 0^ dj^y, 36 i^QtitBf paitS moniliig. FintQuartar • . •&{ », fck.x.j. 15 FnUMoon. 9Qtlt <* 8fr iMt Quarter.......... |8th** 27 u f H M 8 •^i> tste^ Sa. «. M. Tu. W. Til P. 8a. m. M. Tu. W. Th. P. 9a. m. M. tu. W. Th. F. Sa. ». If. Tu. W. Tb. P. 8a. 1 2 8 4 5 e 7 8 9 10^ 11 12 13 14 16 18 17 18 19 20 21 22 28 24 28 26 87 2» 29 II 1 . 1 1 1 Cireumoiuon 2d Sunday aft Jbttta ■""ti'» ..I i ^ • EpiphanjfP^^wn l"*?!*^ •^W] ,l'-i! tn .-.Aiir. n. '-.r. . 2d 8f^ aft^lfij^^ I ■ I* 8d Sun. aft. 4aiSmh.«ftiJE;i^^ q!i9=iar=a«i B V;V * 23. 2.22 2ft.67.1<8 61.47 46.49 39.24 321.82 ^ ■ -■ ■> ;^ ■ ■ :\ ■ 9.16 0.8^ 21.61.38 82.10 2L60 11. 6 20.69:68 48:26 36.29, 24. 9: 11.27 19U13.22 44.64 8i. 6 16.64 28:21 18.47:29 82.16 16.42i 0.48 lX44.3fi^ 28.6A t Ut Zoe«U LegitlO' iurt met 1833. 2. Sw^^Qnsrim^ 7. Cldek {JMUf. Sun 0^ ■2V*. ■ ., ,.' 8. $iiii^ i^Th^ 4$|i^, 11. Suii %eU Vi, 24ni; 15. C.^Po»^174i)^ 16. Battjft^ g^n, lialBlQ,, ' 40" i pi.,i,'ni9» 21 Siin Hfieg 7h.44m. 23 W. Pitt d. 1806 24 Frfd. Gt "^* NewMoon 4th^,H «ta^i«itlftaftl|ntiif FisUQ IsMtOtMurtw. .frth « 49 •• 4 « jDay<. Sundays and\ Me" Sunlit Deelint^ion* Cluronologietti -iw" Tii, 1 W. 2 Tb. 3 Purifibation. F. Sft. S^. M. To. 8 W. 9 Th. 10. P. 11 8a. 12 Wu 13 M. 14 T.U. 15 11^. 10 Th. 17 P: M Sa. 19 U'. 20 »1 ?il Tu. 22 R 28f fti; 29 i3t. Agsitha. dthS^iui.4it^pipha? [ay The Qliaen & Pi^Qce 6th SUi^, aft. Epij^h. [ft. Yal&ntine, Si^pti)i»g4^|i{pa j^Hp. ^♦. S. 17ill.l6 16.64. 7 36.41 18.67 0.67 1642.40, 24. g 6.19 14.^16 26.66 7:23 13^7.36 27.34 7.20 12.^63 26.14 11.44129 23. 7 ,1.43 IO.jtO, 8 18.24 9,66.31. 8.49.8r ^7.31 4.67 w. 1 Sun riMt 7h, Sim. 2 Candlnmaa 4ty* 8 lt|itYQtt««iitf fieoti 6«Arf. 1687. t^ ^ 10 Sqin sets 6l^1[m. I2 14dy JaB9f Qm 14 ^.Ccidlj:i7 BattW oil CiM I Vincrrtl797ir 16ao«k6«/su|^^_. 16 jbR m«j.7l^^«ii.r| WJBtoill £l«^ *' 1646 , .; V,-. .,'-f 19SanM«»6kjerii4t 212br^C%Nti|4 1841., Iw^i^^ 8P0, MARCH, 31 DATft THE MOON'S CHANGES. New Moon 6th day, 46 minutes past 9 morning* Kwt Quarter 12th " la « 1 " Full Moon. 19th " 39 ** 6 afternoon. Last Quarter 27th « 47 " 9 M Pajft. Sundays and i?e- Sun's Chronological Ca- markahle Days. Declination* lendar. W. 1 St. David. S. 7.42.1(8 1. Spect. comm.1711 Th. 2 19.28 2. Sun rises 6h.39m. F. 8 6.66.33 3. Clock hef. sun 12* Sa. 4 33.33 14". ?• e ShrpTo Sunday. 10.28 6. Sun sets 6h. COm. M. 6 6.47.17 7. Ld Collingwooa d Tu. 7 24. 1 1810. tr. 8 Ash Wednesday. 0.41 9. Rizzio assas. 1566. Th. 9 4.37.17 10. Mail Coaches es. F. 10 13.53 1784. 8. 11 3.50.19 12. Chelsea Hospital 8. 12 Ist Sunday in Lent 26.45 founded 1682. M. 13 3. 9 14. Adm. Byng shot Tu. 14 2.39.31 1757. W. 16 15.51 16, Lord Berners d Th. 16 1.62.10 1532. F. 17 St Patrick. 28.28 18. SirB.Walpole d^ 8a. 18 4.44 1745. fk 19 2ad Sunday in Lent 0.42 20. Sir L Newton d M. 20 S 17.20 1727. Tu., 21 N 6.21 22. Sun rises 6h.0m. W. 22 Th. 23 30. 2 Equal day & night. 24. Q. Eliz.<;i603. 63.42 F. 24 , 1.17.20 25. Lady Day. 26. Vanbruffhrfl726, 27. Peace of Amieha Sa. 26 Ann. B. V. Mary. 40.35 S. 26 P. George of Cam- 2. 4 29 M. 27 [bridge b 1819. 27.69 1802. Tu. 28 » w 61.27 29. Clk.6tf/.8un4'69*^' W. 29 3.14.61 31. AlliedSovereigns Th. 30 38.11 enter Paris 1814.8U?u F. 81 4. 1.28 m«» 6h. 61m.. APRIL, 30 DATS. THE MOON'S CHAlJGiS. New Moon 3rd day 32 minutes past 7 afternoon; First Quarter lOth « 18 « "11 morning. Full Moon .... 18th " 60 « « 10 " Last Quarter 26th" 49 ." " 10 « Days. Sundays and Re- Sun's Chronological Ca^ markable Days. Declination. lendar. Sa. 1 N. 4.24.39 2 Battle Copenhagen 1801. Bishop Heber 8. 2 4th Sun. in Lent. 47.46 M. 3 5.10.48 rfl826. » Tu. 4 33.45 4 Clock bef. sun 3' 9* W. 6 66.36 5 Sun rises 5h. 3m. Th. 6 6.19.20 6 1st abd. Bonaparte F. 7 41.59 1814. (Sa. 8 7. 4.30 9 Lord Bacon d 1626 S. 9 dth Sum in Lent 26.55 10 Svin sets 6h. 39m. M. 10 49.11 11 G. Canning 6 1770?: Tu. 11 8.11.21 13 K. C. Eman. 1829 W. 12 33.22 14 Clock &e/sun0*29'' Th. 13 55.14 15 Sun W50« 5h. 14m. F. 14 t 9.16.58 16 Battle of Cttlloden Sa. 15 38.32 1747. 8. 16 Palm Sunday. 69.57 18 Percussion powder M. 17 10.21.12 inv. 1803. Tu. 18 42.17 19 LordBponill824. W. 19 11. 3.11 20 Spanish fleet des. Th. 20 23.54 by Blake, 1567. F. 21 Good Friday. 44.26 2l BiBh.Heber6178d Sa; 22 w 12. 4.46 22 Sun ssts 6h. 65mi 8. 23 St.Georpe, East. Sun. ;24.54 23 Shakspeareftl664 M. 24 Easter Monday. 44.50 d 1616. Tu. 25 13. 4.34 24 Jnv. Printing 1414 25 Princess AUce b W. 26 24. 4 I'h. 27 43.21 1843. F. 28 14. 2.25 27 Clocka/K8un0'27'' 2d Jiish.F0ildcon9m Sa. 29 21.15 '%. 30 Low Sunday. S9.61 1844. THE MOON'S CHANGES. New Moon. 3rd day 43 minutes past 3 morninj^. "First Quarter Sth " 25 " « 11 aft if uU Moon 18th « 10 « " 3 morning. Last Quarter .25th « 15 « "8 aft. Doffs. Sundays and jRe- Sun's Chronological Car- markalie Days. Declination. lendar. M. 1 StPhilip& St. James N 14.68.12 1 Union of England Tu. 2 15.16.18 and Scotland 1707. W. S 34.10 2 D. of WeUington i Th. 4 51.46 1769. 3?. 5 16. 9. 6 3 Foundation Stone Sa. e 26.11 of the new Ctistotn ». 7 2d Sunday aift. ^ter 42.69 House laid. M. 8 59.31 4 Sun rises 4h. 43m. Tu. 9 1 17.16.49 5 Clk. aft. sun. 3' 27* Napoleon d 1821. W. 10 31.43 Th. 11 47.23 8 Sun sets 7h. i6m. !P. 12 18. 2.46 9 Corporation & Test Sa. 13 17.49 Acts rep. 1828. m. 14 3d Sttndifyafi JSaster 32.36 11 Earl of Chatham M. 15 47. 2 d 1778. S. Percival T|i. 16 19. 1.10 assas. 1812. W 17 14.58 13 Sunmcs4h.29m; Th. 18 \ 28.27 16 Clocko/i5. sun. a(' ip. 19 St. Dunst&ta. 41.37 54^' -^ 6a. "20 64.26 18 Sun sets 7h. 29m. S. 21 4th Sund. aft. !^a^ter 20. 6.55 19 Anne BoleVn heh. !M. 22 19. 3 1636. Tu. 23 - 30.51 22 Alex. Pope 6 1688 24 Foundation 'Stone W. 1^4 H.M.Bitthday. 42.17 Th. 26 53.22 of new Colonial JSuilding laid. k 26 2(1. 4. 6 Ba. 27 • 14.28 27 Sunri««9 4h. 15m. M. "29 Rogation 'SundiBiy. Ohas.II. restored. 24.27 28 Clock aft. sun 3* 34. 5 7". W.Pitt 6 1760 Tu. 3a 43.20 30 Qenl. Peace 1814. W, 31 • .i •. • ."•■ ■../■ 52.13 31 6km ^«» 7h. 43iti/ ■'fM H JUNE, 30 CAYS. THE MOON'S CHANGES. New Moon Ist day 8 minutes past first Quarter 8th « 44 « «« FuUMoon Ifith « 2'7 ** " Last Quarter 24th « Z6 « " New Moon 30th « 47 " " 11 morning.' 1 aliemoon. 6 «« 2 morning. 6 afternoon. Days. Sundays and Sun*s Chronological Remarkable Days. Declination^ Calendar, Th. 1 Ascen. Holy Thurs- "S 22. 0.43 1 LordHowe'stMtnSO! F. 2 Day. 8.49 2 Sun f*tMs 4h. 11m. ^r Sa. 3 16.33 4 W. Wyndham rfl8ia H. 4 Qun. aft, Ascension. 23.54 5 Clock aft sun 2' 8*V M. 5 K. of Hanover born. 30.51 6 Sun «c<« 7h. 47m. Tu. 6 37.24 7 Ut Lord Dp. of I^, W. 7 43.34 arrive J, 1839. Th. 8 49.20 8 £d.B.Prinee<7137e F. 9 54.42 9 Totcn of St. John'9 Sa. 10 59.40 dest. by Fire, 1846. ». 11 Whit Sunday. 23. 4.13 10 New London Bridge M. 12 8.22 com. 1824. Tu. 13 12. 7 11 Roger Bacon J 1294 13 Sun rises 4h. 6m. W. 14 15.27 Th. 15 18.23 1^5 Equa. of time 0*0**. 17 John Wbsley b 1703 F. 18 20.54 Sa. 17 23. 1 18 Otaheite dis. 1763. S. 16 Trinity Sunday. 24.42 Ba tie of Water. 1815 M. 19 25.69 19 Mag. Charta signed Tu. 20 26.51 i216. W. 21 Queen's Accession. 27.19 21 Sun sets 7h. 56m. Th. 22 27.21 Lon|3:est dav. F. 23 Sa. 24 Midsummer Day. 26.59 26.12 24 AW. F. 30 V 12.51 30 Sun Hts 7h. 61bi^ '^ m JVLY, ai DATS. THE MOON'S CHANGES. Jlrtt Quarter 8th day, 59 minutes past 5 morning. FuU Moon .16th" 62 « 5 « Last Quarter 23rd "65 « 7 «* New Moon 29th "54 « 3 " Days. Sundayi* and Re- marwAle Days, SurCs Declination. Chronological kndar. Ca- ^ 1 N. 23. 9.12 ». 2 2d Sun. aft. Trinity. 5. 8 M. 3 Dog days begin. 0.40 Tu. 4 22.55.48 W. 5 50.32 Th. 6 ■ 44.52 P. 7 Thomas & Becket. 38.48 Sa. 8 32.21 m. 9 3d Sun. aft. Trin. 25.31 M. JO ■ ' 18.17 Tu. 11 ' 10.40 W. 12 2.40 Th. 13 21.64.17 F. 14 45.32 Sa. 15 St. Swithin. 86.25 9* 16 4th Sun. aft. Trin. 26.55 M. 17 17.14 s*- 18 6.51 m- 19 20.56.17 Tb. 20 St Margaret 45.21 F. 21 34. 4 Sa. 22 Mary Magdalene, dth Sun. aft. Trin. 22.27 8. 23 10.30 M. 24 19.58.12 Tu. 25 St James. ' 45.34 W. 26 32.36 Th. 27 19.19 ^. 28 5.43 8a. 29 18.61.47 8. - '80 6th Sun. aft. Trin. 37.34 M. 9V '■■••.; •• ' . , 23. 1 2 Abp.Cranm.5148) St. PauV$ Church Harhor Grace, eon. 1840. 4 C^ck be. sun 3' 6A^ Lord Sp. Field ar. 1844. 7 R. B. Sheridan d 1816. 9 Bourbon Dynasty rc«n815. 10 London Bridge ht, 1212. 12 Erasmus d 1536. 14 Mrs. Siddons b 1755. 16 Clk.5^.sun6'40'' St. John^a a Free Por< 1828. • 18 Sun mes 4h. 26m. Hampden k 1643. 21 Union of England and Scotland 1906. Burns <; 1796. 22 BaitleofSalamanca 1812. 23 Gibraltar taken 1704. 28 Sun «0^« 7h. 34in. 29 aock W. Bttil 6* lO** it AUGUST, 81 DJLT& THE MOON'S CHANGES. taken y First Quarter 6th day, 25 minutes past 11 afternoon. FuU Mbdn 14th « 45 « « 4 « Last Quarter. 21st. « 36 « « 12 « NeWMorti 28lh " 30 « " 3 •• Dayfi, /Stouftny* oni^ JSe- SunU Chronological Ob* morAso^fe 2)ay«. . Declination* lenaar. Tu. 1 ... N. 18. 8.11 1 Battle of the Nils w. a 17.63. 2 1798. Th. a ■\ ■ ■ • 37.36 3 Sun rises 4h^ 46m^. R 4 21.53 4 Lord HoW^i^ 179^ 8a; 6 6.63 5 Jonas Haniray .<{ m. 6 7th Sun. aft. Trio. 16.49.36 1786. M. 7 33. 2 7 George Cataing d TU^ 8 i-' 16.13 1827. W. 9 ■ 16.59. 7 9 John Dryden .h Th. 10 41.47 1631. F, 11 Bog days end. 24.11 12 Marquis of Loit^ s. n vi?-. r. 6.20 donderry(;i822 15 Admiral Blake h 8. 13 Dow. Q. Adelaide h 14.48.13 Iff; 14 [1792. 29.56 1699. Na^bleoar Tb* 16 Assumjltion. 11.23 b 1769. . f W. 16 ■" 13.52.36 Ad.Blake<;i657F »hv 17 Dachen of Kent b 33.37 18 Fireatm 8 King of France^ 1773. Hisvisiito Queen Victorif^ 1844. - 9 EiJdystone Light- house eoxap^ ^*^ America wi ^ ( f^ *v j THE MOON'S CHANGES. .va-inom ''■ . ^int Quarter 4th day, SX aunutes past 2^ monungk. Full Moon . . lOth " 4 " 10 i^toraooii. .I^tQHarler. 17Hi " U " 8 " ^ New-Moon.. ^v-.-vr.v*. 23rd « 68 " 5 «---- .'.ni- . Sundays and R^- marhable Jt>ay8. Chtortblojfical Calendar. W7^ Th. 2 .6 1 Sir. M. Hale 6 16^ 3 Clocka/2suhl6'17^ 4 Chief J, Nmon 4t» 1844. 5 Sun rM0« 6^1 55m,' 6 Prinpess Clii^rlott^ tf 181 7i 7 JFYro a« SU Johnit 1817. ^ 4 8 Cortez entejr^4 M». 1519. 10 Martin Luther i 1433, ■ -^ 12 Caftniel thr^reaf^ 1036. ' 14 Source of l^fie d^^ 1779. • . 16 dockaftiHAW^ 17 Lord Eni^ne d 1826, -^^ 20 Ldrd Hk^Ws v^. 1759. 2itd gr^ fire at Sih:Joms 1817. Jfarftotfr Crace Zif^ .fiotMe o»«ne({ 1687. 28 Dft WattfTrflTtd. ^ Cardr^ai W^Ue^ 1630. ■•. 30 Sun rtM« !*%. 30m. Ttf; r W. 8 Th. 9 F. 10 «i». IX «; 12 *l»h; 16 F. 17 Sa. 18 li. 19 W. 20 Ti!,.'^ 21 W, 22] ^h: 2^ Sb. ' 28 SI- 2t I ■ . ; ttf. m All Souls. Gunpowder plot 1606 Prince of Waleft^ [1841. St. Martin. ^Ist Sun. aft. TVin. :l 22nd Sun. aft. Triiy. St. I^ldn^un^i Prihc^B^T. 61840 3t. Cath^Vew ' {S^d:j?iiii. a^.i:Vi|i. S. 14.20.10 39.23 68.22 15.17. 6 35.35 63.49 16.1 1.4T 29.28 46.63 17. 4. 1 20.61 37.24 63.38 18. 9.33 26. 9 40.26 56.22 19. 9.68 24.14 38. 8 61.42 20. 4.63 17.42 30. 9 42.13 63.64 21. 5111 16. 6^ 26.34 36.39 IT .:♦«!: BBCMBEB, «L BAIS* THE MOON'S CHANGES. 'Bint Quarter . . ». 3rd day 34 mintttei past 6 afternoon. Pull Moon lOth " 12 " ** S morning. Last Quarter 17th •* 42 " ** ^ •" ' ^ ** 12 af'ternoon. New Moon 25th II 50 II Ddyt, Sktndityt. and JRemarhwfte Days, Chnmohtgioal Ok- F. Fa. S. M. Tu. W. Th. F, Sa. 8. M. Tu. W. 'Jh. F. Sa. 1^. M. Tu. W. Th. F. Sa. 8. M. Tu, W. Th. F. Sa. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 19 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 A^ent Sunday. Nicholas. Conception B. V, 2nd Sun. in Adyep^ 3rd Sun. in Adren'. St. Thomas.Shortest [day. 4th Sun. in Advent. Christmas Day. St. Stephen. St. John Evangelist, .[li^nocents. Ut Sun. aft. Christ. 21.46.20 55.36 22. 4.35 12.50 20.48 28.21 85.28 42. 7 48.21 54. 7 59.26 23. 4.17 8.42 12.38 16.7 19. 8 21.41 23.46 25.22 26.31 27.11 27.23 27. 6 26.22 25. 9 23^7 21.18 18.40 15.34 12. 1 7.59 1 Pope Leo. X 1^1521 2 B.ofAnsterlitziaOl^ 3 Clock fij^. sun liO'f' St An. Churtfi op<^.1843. 5 Sun rises 7h. 39m. ' 7 Ney shot 1815. 8 MaryQ. of Scpt^^ 1642. 10 Sun sets4h, i^r 11 ChsR. XII. A; niS. 12 Lord tiood,^ 1724. 13 t)r. Johnson if 1784 14 M.M.Bruni^ 1^126 15 IsaacVValton (21683 16 Clocka^8un4' 17^ Crom well (/iSclaiwJ Protector 1653. 19 Tycho^rahe^]54<& 20 Thos. Gray d 1784. 21 Shortest day. 23 James IL fled from Rochester 1688. 24 Peace withU.Staites 1814. 25 Sir I. Newton 5 1642. Sir il. Hale rfl676. 28 Boyle d 1706. 30 Sun risss 7h. 56m. 31. W-Gifocd 4 isi^. IS REIONtNQ SOVEREIGNS OF BUBOPEL ABBANQBD ACOORDINO TO THE DATE OF THBIB fiUCCESRlOIf. 3Je at time of Aeeeuion.' Sovere^nt* •¥-^ I^teqf iSueeeiiion, I George William, Prince of Lippe-> Schambuiv 5 9 Leopold, rrinee of Lippd Detmofd 3 Bernard, Dutte of Saie Meiningen 4 Ounther, Prince of Sehwarti- 1 burgh-RudoIstadt ) 6 George, Prince oi Waldeck 6 Maria Louisa, Duchesg of Parma . . 7 Francis VI., Ddke of Modena 8 William^ King of Wuitembtirg . . 9 George, Grand Duke of of Meek- ) lenliurgh Strelitz j K> Leopold, Duke of AnhauR-Dessau I I Henry, Prince of Reuss-ScHTeiz 12 Wm. Kl., Elector of Hesse-Cassel 13 Henry, Prince of Reuss-Ebers- ) dor^Lobenstein ) 14 Charles Louis, Duke of Lucca . . 15 Leopold n.. Grand Duke of Tusc. 16 Louis, King at Bavaria 17 Nicholas I., Emrteror of Russia . . 18 Maritf H., dii Gloria, Queen of Portum* 19 Charles Frederick, Grand Duke of Baxe Weimar. . 20 Augustus, Grand Duke of 01- denburglv 21 Leopold, Grand Duke of Baden . 22 Louis II., Grand Duke of Hesse > Darmstadt J 23 Louis Philip, King 6i the French 24 Henry, Duke of Anhalt-^oethen 25 Ferdinand IL, King of the Two > Sicilies J 26 Pone Gregory XVI 27 William, Dul^e of Brunswick 28 Charles Albert, King of Sardinia 29 Leopold, King of Belgium 80 Anthony Frederic,Prince of Ho-) heniollerA Sigmarigen | 81 Otho, King of Greece 32 Isabella 11., Queen of Spain .... 787 Feb. 13 802 April 4 803 Dec. 24 807 April 28 813 Sept. 9 814 May 30 8l'& June 8 816 Oct. 30 816 Nov. 6 817 Aug. , 9 818 April 7 821 Feb. 27 822 July 824 Mar. 824 Jutto 825 Oct. 826 mc. 12 13 8 13 1 826 May 2 828 lune 14 829 May 21 830 Mar. 30 830 April 6 830 Aug. 9 830 Aug. 23 830 Nov. 8 88fl Feb. 2 8 il April 25 831 April 27 831 July 21 831 Oi-t. 17 832 Oct. 6 833 Sept. 29 2, Yean. 5 •« 3 13 23 22 35 35 37 2 32 43 25 25 26 39 29 6 45 46 40 53 57 52 21 65 25 42 41 46 17 a M M M 41 «i !(' If M M II II' II' ir ii: II II II II . II "^ II. If II II II II II II II ♦r 19 ubioniko SQy£{f,Ei0;f8 qf ^uhqije-continubi): Sovertigna, Date qfSuooestioni' Age (U time of Aceemon* 33 Alesander, Duke of A. Bernburgh. 34 Joseph, Duke of Saxe-Alt|ei^b»rgP- . 35 Ferdinand I., Empeiror of 4^i)stjniEi. . 36 Qunthur I|., J^nn^e pf 8|Sfti;ony ... 39 Henry XAf> Brio999rjleu«B-Gr*?i» 40 Paul Preflejri<;k> P> ,9f Mef^k. ^Q^wer, 41 Victoria, Queen of Q^ei^t Qrit^iiji . .. 42 Ernest, King of nanoTer 43 Frederick, P. Hohenz. Heckihgen. . 44 Philip, "Lahgrave Hesse-Homburgh 45 Abdui MedjidKhan, Sultan Turkey 46 Adolphus, Duke of Nassau 47 Christian Vllil., King of: Denmark . 48 Frederick William IV, King Prussia 49 William II., King of theNeUieriands 50 , Duke of Saxe Cobourg Ootba 51 Oscar II., King of S\(^den 1834 1^34 1835 im J836 183$ 18^ 18317 1837 1838 1839 1839 1838 1639 1840 1840 1844 1844 Mar. 24 Sept. 29 Mar. 2 29 Years. 45 *« 42 « Aug. 19 April 20 Jwnp 6 Jwv9 20 June 20 Sept. 12 Jan. 19 July Aug4 Dec. June Oct, Jan. March 8 1 20 3 •7. T 34 40 39 #2 36 18 66 37 60 17 22 «8 45 48 51 M 41 << , U M 4t <( «i H M i< KINGS AND auBENIS o? ENGMND fro?^ t;pb : , • .•■■It, ' i . Jolm . , — 119^ Silay i^ 27 Chaa,I. .;.. 1649 Jan. 30 Henrylil 121,6 Q«t 28 toresti^ratioa • . ' Edward 1 127? mn ■^' i vt)f Chmiea II. ' , Edward It . . 13ft7 *ttJy 8 GharlesH .. 1660 Maj 20 E^w^rdlll.. 1327 ^in. 25 Jamei II . . i . 168fl Feb. 6 Ric^sd il ■.. . 1377 June 22 WiUiftrom& f • Henry IV 1399 Sept. 30 Mary II...... m9 Feb.^ J^ Henry V 1413 March 21 -William alone 1694 Henry VI.... im S0pt. 1 Anne .. ITIQB Mar. 8 Ed^r^ IV . . 1461 Mwch 4 OQorgel 1714 Aug. 1 Edward V .. 1483 Apiil 9 Qeorgell. . . . 1727 Jijoe 11 Richard m.. Henry VII .. 1483 iiTune 26 'George m . . 1260 Ofib 25 1485 Awg. 22 Gepi^elV .. 11820 Jan, 29 HepryVlil.. 15Q9 April 22 WaiiamlV.. 1880. Jupe 26 Edward VI . . 1547 Jan. 28 Victoria 1837 June 20 D so OFFICERS OF THE CIVIL GOYERNMENL JUDGES, CLERGY. &c. Oovernor, Vioe-Admiral, and Comroandor-in-Cbief: Sir JOHN GASPAKD LE MARCHANT. Private Secretary : , EDWABD £. RUSHWORTH. Colonial Secretary and Clerk of Council : Hon. James Cbowdt. Colonial Secretary's OflBce: Clerks — Christopher Atri, Joseph W. Crowoy. Office^ Keeper—VALENTIME Born. Messenger— J. HowsoN. Colonial Treasurer^Hon. Patrick Morris. Surteyor-General — ^Hon. J. Noad. HER MAJESTY'S EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. The Hon. James Crowdt, Colonial Secretary. Hon. William Thomas. Hon. Patrick Morris, (Colonial Treasurer). Hon. Wm. Bickford Row, (Q.C.) Hon. J. Noad, (Surveyor Gene- ral). Honi B. Robinson, (Q.C.) Hon. Thomas Bennett. Hon.- R. Job. Hon. T. Ridley. Hon. L. O'Brien. Hon. W. Grieve. Hon. the Attorney General. OFFICERS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. Usher of the Black Rod— (vacant) ; Clerk— R. R Wakeham } Assistant Clerk, R. Holden. Solicitor, H. W. Hoyles. Sereeant- at-Arms, E. Rxndell. Boor-keeper, G. Anderson. Under- dittoi P. Brown. Messenger, V. Born. Under-ditto, — Power. CUSTOMS' DEPABTMENT. Collector, Hon. James M. Spearman. Landing and Tide Sur- veyor, Geo. J. Hayward. Waiters and Searchers, Ist vacant (James Bayly acting). 2nd, GaWen Mellersh. Ist Clerk and Warehouse-keeper, James Bayly (P. Hindmarsh acting). 2nd Clerk, Peroival Hindmarsh (G. Bennett acting). 3rd Clerks George Bennett (J. R. Mullins acting). 4th Clerk, J. R. MuLUNS. Lockers, R. Furneaux, P. M'Kie. D. P. Marett, Authorized Broker. SUB-COLLECTORS AT THE OUTPORTS. Twillingate, — Samuel Prowse. Trinity, — Robert Bayly. Carbonear, — Donald Bethune. Harbour Grace, (sub-collector and teatehouae-keeperj — ^E. E. Brown. Brigus, — Joshua Green,- Ferryland, — Robert Carter. Placentia, — W. G. Bradshawv Burin,— T. BiRkett. Little Bay,— T. E. Gaden. £1 OFFICERS OF THE COLONIAL REVENUE. St John%— -Landing WaiUr^ Jons CANNING} Tide Surveyor, E. L. Moore ; Chrk to Cr, Jambu J. Hayward. Fogo, — Sub-collector, James M- WiNTtX. Oreenspond, — DiUo, Lorenzo Moore. La Poile,— i>ri^o, Thomas Read. Lamaline, — Ditto, James Winter. QaltoiB,-- Ditto, Thomas Winter. Bay Bulls,— Preventive OjjUcer, JonnL.WKlE. St. Mary's,— D/Wo, H. MURCH. LAW DEPARTMENT. SUPREME COURT. Chief Juatice,—^on. Francis Bradt ; Asaistant Judgee,-^ Honorables A. W. DesBarres, and James Simms. Attorney General, — ^TheHon.E. M. ARCHIBALD ; Solicitor Oene' ral,—Kon, H. A. Emerson ; Qwen*8 Couimo/,— Hon. W. B. Row, Hon. B. Robinson ; Chief Clerk and Regietrar of Supreme and Central Circuit Court,— J. H. Dawson ; Ditto ditto Northern Cir- cuit Court, — John Stark ; Ditto ditto Southern Circuit Court,-' Qeorqe Simms ; Crier of Supreme Court and Tipstaff, John Hatse. BARRISTERS OF THE SUPREME COURT. St. John' 8,— "Hon, Attorney Qenbral, Hon. Solicitor Ge- neral, Hon. W. B. Row, Q. C, Hon. B. Robinson, Q. C, C.SiMMs, R.R. Wakeham,G. H. Emerson, Theophilus Stewart, H. W.Hoyles, F. B. T.Carter, J. S. Stephens, James SimmSi Jr. R. R. W. Lilly, P. F. Little, Harcourt Mooney. Harbor Grace,— X. Mayne, R. Anderson, J. Hayward. SHERIFFS. Central District, — Benjamin G. Garrett ; Northern District, —Garland C. Gaden ; Southern Distriot,-'Joss Stevenson. MASTERS IN CHANCERY. Hon. B. Robinson, Q. C, G. H. Emerson, C. Simms. VICE ADMIRALTY COURT. Judge,— -The Chief Justice for the time being ; Begistrari-* P. W. Carter ; Jlfar«Aa/,— Christopher Ayre. NOTARIES PUBLIC. St John's,— C. Simms, M. C, Hon. W. B. Row, Q. C, Robert Roberts Wakeham, John Boyd, Hon. Bryan Robinson, Q. C, G. H. Emerson, Hugh W. Hoyles, Theophilus Stewart, R. Prowse, G. F. Bown, H. Devereux, F. B. Carter, P. Roger- son, W. J. Ward, James Simms, Jr., R. R. W. Lilly, S. J. Da- niel, K. McLea, Jr., E. Morris, H. C. Watts, G. J. Hogsett. S2 notahies public— continued. Outsorts. — Harbor Grttce, — A. Drtsdale, J. Hayward. , Car- honear^—T: Newell. FerryJand, — RoBE^T CarTEH. TtbiUingate, —Thomas M. .Lyte, JoftN Peyton. Mutiny— WtLtim. lioopER. Placeniihf^'W, G. B^dshaw. CLEEGY.-CHITKCH OF ENGLAND. Lord Bishop of Newfoundland {moluding the Bermudas) — The Right Rev. Edward Fbild, D.D., late Fellow of Queen's College, Oxford ; Bishop's Commissary and Vicar General — Rev. T. F. H. Bridge, M.A. ; Bishop's Megistrar—^ev. C. Blackman, M.A. ; Bishio]^8 t!h»plaim—B.ey, T. F. H. Bridge, ReV. O. Blaokman. DEANERY OF AVALON. ; town of St John.-^VLey. T. F. ti. Bridge, M.A. {Sector and iturat l)ean,)—Re^. C. Bldckman, M. A., (St, 7%dma,s*8 Church,) —Rev. H. Taekwdl, liSod^A-^iVfo.) 0^'hdrbottrs of St. John. — Rev. T. T. Jones, M. A., (Pettt/ Harh&r and Torhay.) — ^Itev. T. W. iTremlett, {Portugal Cove, ^c.,) — ^Rev. S. Addington, {Pouch Cove.) Ferrylandt &v., — Rev. H. H. Hamilton, B. A. Stntth Shore of Conception Bay, — Rev. B. Fleet. DEANERY OF CONCEPTION BAY. Harbor Grace, — Rev. J. Chapman, {B,ural Dean.) Cdrbonear, —Rev. J. C. Harvey. Hearts Content, lie, ^6., Ri^Va. Messrs J. Fomstal, O'DonneU, K. Wawh. Portugal Cove, —Rev. T. O'Conner. District of Brigtis,'-Yerv Rev. D. Mackin, V. G., Rev. E. O'Keefe, (Hfirbor Main.) District <^ Harbor Gfrace and Carbonear, — Very Rev. C. Dailtoh, Rev. Messrs J. Cummingy James Gleeson. District of Northern Bay, — Rev. B. Diifiy. Dis- trict ofKing^s Cove, — ^Rev. Messrs T. Wald,ron, J. Scanlan. Dis- trict of Tilton Harbor,— -Key. "P. Ward. District of Bay Bulls, — Rev. P. Cleary. District of Feirykind,—B:ev.J. Murphy (Fer- meuse,) Rev. P. Burke, (Ferryland.) District of Trepassey,~-^v. J.O'Neil. District of 8LMary*8,'-ikey. J. 'Ryan. District ofPla- centia, — Rev. Messrs P. Nowla^n, "Sfif. Foristal. District ^ Mera- «Afe(en,^-ReV. J. Walsh; Distridi of Burin,— Tiey. Messrs M. Birnie> M. CuUeft. 2>w^^M?«#/ ro»^%,— Rev. E: Troy. CHURCH OF SCOTLAND). I^t Andrew's Church, iSt; JbAn'«,— Rev. ALEX. SINCLAIR. Minister of the CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, at St. John's, Rev. D. D. EVANS. u WESLEYAN MISSIONARIES. Bev. R. Williams, St John's, (Chairman of the Newfoundland Dutrict.) Rev. J. Brewster, (Assistant to ditto.) A. Night- ingale, (Grand Bank.) W. Faulkner, (Harbor Grace.) J. Snow- hall, (Carbonear.) T. Anguin, (Trin'ty.) James Norris, (Island Cove.) G. Ellidge, (Port-de-Grave.) J. S. Addy, (Brigus.) J. Ingham, (Bonavista.) S. W. Sprague, (Burin.) J. England, (Blacks head.) J. S. Peach, (Twillingate and Green Bay^) LAYMEN LICENSED TO CELEBRATE MARRIAGE. [Under Colonial Act Z, Wm. 4. cap. 10.] W. G. Bradshaw, J. P., (Placentia.) W. Sweetland, J. P., (Bonavista.) J. Tilly, J. P., (Hants Harbor.) T. E. Gaden, J. P., (Harbor Britain.) J. Peyton, J. P., (Twillingate.) John (Walton, (Port-aux-Basque,) MILITARY ESTABLISHMENT. Commandant, P. W. Lieut-Col. R. LAW, K. H., Commanding Royal Newfoundland Companies. Fort-Major, — Lieutenant Jenkins, R. N. C. Assistant Commissary General, — T. C. Weir. Deputy Assistant Commissary General,— William Hewetson. ROYAL ARTILLERY. Captain^ — G. R. Kennedy. Lieutenants, — R. W. Brettingham, G. Rotton. ROYAL ENGINEERS, p. Lieut-Col. Commanding, A. W. Robe. Lieut., C. R. Binney. ROYAL NEWFOUNDLAND COMPANIES. P. IV* Lieutenant>Colonel Commanding, Robert Law, K. H. Captains, — R. Saunders, H. B. Chambers, one vacant Lieutenants, — J. Nichols, W. Jenkins, J. Gillespie, W. S. Bold, H. C. Mairiot, Alan Menzies. Ensigns, — ^W. C. Coen, tM. Petrie, C. H. Martin. Acting Paymaster,r-Lieutenant W. S. Bold. Adjutant, and Act- ing Quarter-Master, Lieutenant Gillespie. Surgeon,— C. C. H. Grant, Assistant ditto, J. C. Martin. Agent, — ^Sir J. Kirkland, Knt, 80, Pall Mall, London. Note. — P. denotes Peninsula ; "W^. Waterloo. CIVIL DEPARTMENTS OF THE ARMY. Garrison Chaplain,— Rev. C. Blackman, A. M. Deputy Ordnance Btorekeeper and Barrack Master,— T. U.Tunbridge. Ordnance Clerk,— Noel Hanmer. Clerk of the Works,— J. Baker. Respect tive Officers of the Ordnance, — Commanding Royal Engineer; Commanding Officer of Royal Artillery ; Deputy Ordnance Store-* keeper. Commissariat Issuer,— J. Stickley, Ditto Conductor, — J. Thompson. COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF OF HER MAJESTY'S FLEET, on the West India and NorthAmerican Station, Vice-Admiral> Sir F. W. Austen, K;C.B. Commodore at Jamaica, — Captain Daniel Pring. MISCELLANEOUS. POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT^ Deputy Post Master General,— William L. Solomon. Clerk, — E. Wmton. N:EW MAIL CONTRACT. A nevr contract was entered into on the 1st Jiily, 1847, between the Lords C'^mmissioners of the Admiralty and Messrs Cunard, Bums, and Mclver, for the conveyance of Her Majesty's Mails be- tween England and North America. The contractors are to provide '^ vessel to proceed every Saturday during April and the seven follow- ing montns, and every fourth Saturday during the months of Decem- ber, Januar}', February and March, i'rom Liverpool to Halifax and Boston, vice versa, on every alternate Saturday during May and the seven following months, and on every fourth Saturday during the other four months, from Boston, via Halifax, to Liverpool, and that similar voyages alternately with the former are to be made to and from Liverpool and New York. With a view to the commencement from both sides of the Atlantic of the inci eased service from and after the 1st of January 1848, the contractors have obtained permission of the Ad- miralty to dispatch one of their vessels fiom Liverpool to Hiilifax and Boston on Saturday the 18th of December. A mail will there- fore leave Liverpool on that day, and mails will leave Liverpool for New York, and New York for Liverpool on Saturday the Ist, and Saturday the 29th January, and so on ; while on the Boston route, the mails will leave Liverpool for Boston, and Boston for Liverpool on Saturday the 15th Januar}', and Saturday the I'ith February next, and so on, until the commencement of the summer service. Oh each voyage out and home, the Packets will touch at Halifax un- til further orders. Tbei KewfodhdlaAci Maiis are conveyed to and firom Halifa* hf the Kojal Mail Steain-pa^ki^t ^^^i^prn, Captain M^OHER, (except in the menihs of January^ Februaryi and iliaicih, when they may be conveyed in 9 sailing vessel.) The Steamer leaves Halifax for St. John's immediatioly aifter the arrival of the homeward bound Mail (from Boston), and i^fter rem&i^ipg ther^. s^fventy-two hours from the tipie of a^yali proceeds bask- toH9^f().x i^ith the return. Mails,' calling at Sydney, C^B. On the average the passage is performed in about d| days. TRANSATLANTIC STEAM NAVIGATION. The following calculations (copied.frotig? the laperpool Siai(iflardf and believed to be accurately worked) of 'the comparative distances bet^reen New York and Bristol, and New York and Liverpool ; and also between Boston and Liverpodl, via Halifax, may be valuable ta such persons as may be des^ous of cqmparing the length of the pas- sages respectively out and home,' of tne transatlantic steam-ships running between those |)Qrts. FROM BOSTON TO HALIFAX. MILES. From Boston Wharf to Cape Ann 36 " Cape Ann to Cape Sable (course N. 78 deg. E.) .222 " Cape Sable to Sambro Light (N. 55 deg. E.) Ill " Sambro to Halifax 18 387 FHOM HALIFAX TO LITEKtOOL.^ From Halifax Wharf to Sambro 18 " Sambro to Cape Clear j(N. 79 deg. E.) 2207 " Cape Clear to Tuskar 136 « Tuskar to Holyhead 9» " Uolyhead to Liverpool 74 -2524 Total from Boston to Liverpool, via Halifax 291 1» tROM NEW YORK TO BRISTOL. From New York to Cape Clear (N. 79 deg. 30 min. E.) . . 2764 " .Cape Clear to Lnndy Island (S. 85 deg. E.) .... 182 " Lundy Island to Anchorage, King's -road 74 3010 FROM NEW YORK TO LIVERPOOL. From Nflw York to Cape Clear ;;2764 " Cape Clear to Liverpool, as above 299 3063 fROM HALIFAX TO LIVfiRPOOL, tJia ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND. , From Halifax to Cape Race (N. 75 E.) 5i3 " Cape Race to St. John's 65 « St. John's to St. David's Head (N. 82 E.) 1860 « St. David's Head to Liverpool 200. Total from Halifax to Liverpool, via St. John's - — 2628^ St. John's to Sydney, C. B. 354 Sydney to Halifax 236 \> ^7 . Taking therefore, the direct course in each case, as by the caleti- lations given, we have the following results : — The voyage from New York to Liverpool is 43 miles longer than from New York to Bristol. From New York to Liverpool is longed than from Halifax to the same port by 529 miles. Frovix New York io King's-road, near Bristol, where the Great Western anchors, is 99 miles further than from Boston, t>ta Halifax, to Liverpool ; and jtbat the voyage from Liverpool to Halifax, via St. John's, is only 10:& miles longer than the direct passage. COMMISSIONERS OF PUBLIC BOABDS. COLONIAL BUILDING. Hon. J. Crowdy, Chairman. — Honorables T. Bennett, W.Thomas, W. B. Row, P. Morris, R. Job, L. O'Brien ; T. Glen, P. McBride ; Clerk, J. W. Crowdy. Architect, James Purcell. Inspector^ P^ Kough. ST. JOHNS ACADEMY— [CASTLB rennie.] , Visitor, His Etcellenoy the Governor. Directors: — Hon. thh Chief Justice, Honorables J. Crowdy, W. Thomas, P^ Morris, T. Bennett, R. Job, J. Kent, J. Stuart ; and J. Bochford, M. D. Senior. Master, C. D. Newman. Junior ditto, J. V. Nugent. Secre- tary, Harcourt Mooney. FOR SUPERINTENDING REPAIRS OF GOVERNMENT HOUSE, &c. Honorables J. Crowdy, M.E.C., W. Thomas, M.E.d., L. O'Brien^ M. E. C, aBd R. Carter, Esq. PILOTS. J. B. Bulleyi Hon. P. Morris, Hon. L. O'Brien, T. Williams j N. Stabb. TABLES OF BAXtS OF PILOTAGE IN AND OUT OF THE PORT OF ST. John's. On Merchant Shipping i Vessels under iSO tons new, to 100 tons old £i 6 d Ditto from 80 to 130 new, or 100 to 150 old 2 10 6 Ditto from 130 to 180 new, or 150 to 200 old 3 J)itto from 180 to 230 new, or 200 to 250 old 3 6 mitto from 230 to 300 new, or 250 to 300 old 3 10 Pitto from 300 liew, to 300 old, or upwards 4 Coasting vessels half the above in proportion to tonnage. EJbr Majestya Ships of War. Under 6th Rate £2. 10 6 4tlw 6th, and 6th Rates 3 10 iBhipi of the Line, Ist, 2nd, and 3rd Rates ft 9 £ m fiO>AHt) OF CONTROL— OP HbADS, &e. tton, T. Bennett, Chairman ; J. B. Bailey, Secretary ; HL Vj Thomas, Thomas How, iiichard Ilowley. Surveyor and Inlspector/ W.Ma^ill. RELIEF OF THE? POOn. Hev. Messrs T. F. H. Bridge, D. D. iJvaAs, R. WaHaflis^ John J^orrlstal. Commissioners of light houses. Won. T. Bennett, Chairman ; H P. Thomas, Hon. T. Ridley^ £[on. P. Morris, N. Stabb, A Shea, Secretary. EEKPERS : = Cap6 Spear, T. Cantw^ll. Fort Amherst, P. Roche. Harbor Grice Island, R. Oke. Cape Bonavista, J. White. TABLE OF LIGHT DUES. Three pence per Ton on all vessels entering any Port or Harbor of the Colony, except Coasting and sealing Vessels i but not to be Sevied more than twice in any crae year. eOASTINQ AND SEALING VESSELS. Of 90 Tons and upwards £1 per annum. Of 60, and under 90 Tons 15 « " Uuder 60 Tons. 10 " « DESCRIPTION OF THE LIGHTS. fhrt Amherst. — This is a Stationary Light, on the Southern! head of the entrance of St. John's Harbour. Cape Spear. — This is a powerful Revolving Light, burning at art elevation of 216 feet above the level of the .^ea, and showing a bril- ,](iant flash at intervals of one minute. In clear weather it may be seen from sea, in any direction, at the distance of thirty-five miles. Harbor Grace. — This is a powerful Fixed Li«^ht, situate on " Harbour Grace Island," in Conceptiou Bay, extending Eastwardly or seaward, in a direction by Compass from'North to South West. I(onamsta. — This Light revolves every two minutes, showing a red and white flash alternately ; and it is elevated 150 feet above the level of the sea. ■• St. Peter's. — A Light Hotise has b6en erected by the French Go- vernment on " Galantry Head,*V near Cape Noir. The Light is a fixed one. It burns at an elevation of about 210 feet above the level of the sea. It may be seen (in passing by the S.) from W.N. W. to N.N.E. at the distance of 18 or 20 miles in clear weather. In passing by the N., it is shut in by high land from N.N.E. to •W.lf.'^. - It is in contemplation to erect a Light House on Cape Race, Irith • FogBfll. ' * ■■■ ' • , OFFICERS OF THE SEVERAL ELECTORAL DISTRICTS. STIPENDIARY MAGISTRATES. St John's,—?. W. Carter, C. Simms, P. Doyle. Bay Bulls,— J. L.McKie. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. * Hon. T. Bennett, Hon. R. Job, N. Gill, R. Carter, (R.N.,) Peter McBride, Hon. Walter Grieve, T. B. Job, Hon. L. O'Brien. Clerk or the Peace and Coroner, A. Hogsett. Coroner (Bay Bulls), M. Williams. High Constable, J. Finlay. Gaoler, James Fergus. M^'Hsal Attendant on Gaol, E.Kielley. Inspectors of Pickled Fish.—T, Williams, W. Magill, J. Pitts, A. Graham, D. Dwyre, W. McPherson, J. Curtis, Jr., (Portugdi Cove.) Assayey of Weights and Measures, J. Finlay. District Surgeon, Pr. Carson. General Supervisor of Streets, Lieut. R. Carter, K.I!f. BOARD OF ROAD COMMISSIONERS. James Douglas, Chairman ; Honorables Patrick Morris, Jose]^ Koad, C.F.Bennett, John Kent, Bryan Robinson, Robert Job, Lawrence O'Brien, Walter Grieve ; Messrs Nicholas Gill, Thomas Glen, Charles Simms, John Harding, Patrick Kougb, Simon Morrifl, Patrick Mulluwney, John O'Mara, Patrick L. Power, Davi^l^id. Purveyor, T. ByrUe. Inspector, Edward 'i'obin* BOARDS OF EDUCATION. Protestant.— The Rev. T. F. H. Bridge, Rev, Richard Williams, Rev. D. D. Evans ; Hon. W. B. Row, H. P. Thomas. Roman Catholic. — ^The Rev. John Forristal j Honorables P. Morris, John Kent, L. O'Brien ; J. Dillon, Patrick Kough, R, Howley. DIRECTORS OF StTjOHN'S HOSPITAL. Chairman, Vice-President. Hononbles T. Bennett, W. Grieve, John Stuart, L. O'Brien; Messrs N. Stabb, B. Scott, J. Barron, P. McBride, R. Howley, W. Warren, /Jr^ Thomas Bow, Thomas Alien. Surgeon, E. Kielley. Seci;etaiy» A. Shea. _ LUNATIC ASYLUM. Physician, H. H. Stabb. Manager, J. Stairs. Matron, Mrs. Stairs. • The Members of Her Majesty's Council, and the Judgefl,of,|he Supreme Court, arc alt in the CommissiioQ of the Peace fux the Oent^ait Jf^orthem, and Southtm Dis^jricts of the Island, . . TRUSTEES OF BOTANIC GAHDENS. ^oh, "Vr. Thomas, Hon. John Stuart. BOARD OF APPRAISERS. B. Scott, J. aift, F. R. Rennie, R. Ferchard,T. Glen. Seoretary, ^ohn M. Brine. DISTKICT OF CONCEPTION BAY. STIPENDIARY MAGISTRATES. Harbor Grace, — T. Danson, R. PInsent. Carbonear,-^o8epl| Ryan. Brigus, — C. Cozens. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. W. Stirling, J.Green, R. Pack, R.Rankin, T. Hatchings, J. Stark, R. Brown, John Munn, Nicholas Molloy, Wm. S. Green, James Cormack. Clerks of the Peace. — Harbor Grace, A. Mayne. Brigus, W. T, fitentaford. Coroners. — Harbor Grace, J. Stark. Brigus, J. Green. Wc«!;tern Bay, John Curtis. I'l ;h Constable, A. Webber. Gaoler, Richard Brace. Medical Atteiidant on Gaol, W. Stirling. Deputy Surveyor of Crown Lands, J. Green, (Brigus.) Customs. — Harbor Grace, Sub-collector and Acting Warehouse- keeper, E. £. Brown. Brigus, Sub-collector, J. Green. Carbonear, ditto, D. Bethune, Inspectors of Pickled Fish. — Harbor Grace, H. Stowe. Carbo- near, Simon Levi. Brigus, G. Bursell. BOARDS OF ROAD COMMISSIONERS. Harbour Main (from Holyrood to Salmon Cove Bridge.) — John Murphy, C, (Holyrood) ; Peter Ezekiel, Patrick Strapp, James Woodford, John Byrne. Brigus (Salmon Cove Bridge to Spaniard's Bay Gut Bridge.) — John Leamon, C, Nathaniel Munden, James Heam, James lleep- Ing, James Cormack. ^arbour Grace. — Andrew Drj'sdale, C, D. Green, R. Hanrahan, 'F. Lynch, M. Gobs; Harvey Street: — J. L. Prendergast, R. J. Pinsen!, W. Stirling. Carbonear (South Side Main Road to Spout Cove.) — Thomas Gamble, C, W. W. Bemister, John McCarthy, John Rorke, William Brown, John Casey, G. Forward. Western Bay (Spout Cove to Main Brook.) — William Bennett, Cy Pavid Bransfield, James Penny, Ixichard Rankin, Henry Thompsqn. • Main-Brook to Bay^de-Verds. — ^Thomas Hutchin|;8y C., — O'Nf f|| •-^-— Moore, Richard Rankin. y -. jt y BOARDS OF EDUCATION. J?rt7ti».— Protestantj—Rev. J. Cunningham, Rtr. JT." 3." AMj, Robert Brown, John Leamon, W. S. Mills, Joshua Green, — Wells, Roman Catholic,--Very llcv. D. Mackin, Dr. Molloy, R. Mackey, John Murphy, Patrick Stn;pp, R. Mandeville, Rev. E. O'Keet'e. Harbour Grace. — Piotestant, Rev. John Chapman, Rev. W. Faulkner, Hon. T. Ridley, William Sterling, R. Anderson, Alfred Mayne. Roman Catholic, Very Rev. C. Dalton, Daniel Qreen, Rodgei Hanvahan, William Cormack, Aithur Thomey, Patrick Devereux, F. Lynch. Carhonear. — Protestant, Rev. J. C. Harvey, Rev. J. Snowball, Rev. W. H. Hamilton, Rev. James England, W. W. Bemister, John Rorke, Edward Pike. Roman CathoHo, Rev. B, Duffy, Edward Hanrahan, James Power, John McCarthy, Dr. Weight, Rev. James Gleeson, William Brown. COMMISSIONERS OF GRAMMAR SCHOOLS. Harhour Grace. — Hon. Thomas Ridley, John Munn, J. L. Pren- den^ast, W. Sttilinj', Alfred Mayne, Daniel Green, W. Donnelly. Professor, J. T. Roddick. Carhonear. — Edwaid Hanrahan, James Power, John McCarthy, W. W. Bemister, Dr. Wright, John Rorke, Thomas Gamble. Pro» fessor, A. O'Donavan. JDISTRICT OF TRINITY BAY. STIPENDIARY MAGISTRATE. B. Sweetland. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE, W. Kelson, J. Regan, J. Quintz, J. Tilly, J. Mew, R. Ollerhead, A. Hacket, F. K. Hepburn, A. Bi cmaer, AV. R. GilU Clerk of the Peace R. Bayly. Coroner, B. Sweetland. Gaoler, C. Granger. Deputy Surveyor of Crown Lands, B. Sweetland. JSub-collector of Customs, R. Bayly. Inspectors of Pickled Fish.— -Trinity, J. Hart. Hant's Harbour, M. Tilly. Heart's Content, J. Wiseman. . ^ BOARD OF ROAD COMMISSIONERS. Old Peilican (from Grates Cove to Hants Harbour.) — Stephen |Harch, (?., John Collins, Thomas Cooper, S. Rendell. Heart's Content (from Hants Harbour to Heart's Delight.)— Robert Overhead, C, Richard Underhay, Moses Moores, John Hopkins. George Ayre, John Bemister, John Kelland. Trinity Bay Nortii,— W. Stoneman, C, W. Gill, F. K. Hepbiim« Robert Bayly, W^illiam Penny. Road from New Harbour to Dildo CoTe,~Gbarlfi Ntwbook, Andrew Hackett, - r y^f JWAKDS OP EDUCATIOJJ. -.IVbiUgr Biy.Nonh,-^rotMtoDt, Rey. T.^nsuioi F. K. Utphvtrn, A. Brtmner, W. Ktlson, B. 8 weeUand, R. Bayly. Roman Catholic, Rev. J. Soanlan, M. Brine, John li^urphy, Py Murphy, Jbhn Eagan, John Power. TriBlty Bay Weat^—Protestant, Rev. H. Lind, R, Ollerhead, J, Sopkins, R. Underhay, C. NewhookrJ. Wiseman, John Bemister. Trinity Bay South,— Protestant, Rev. H. Lind, Rev. i. Norrii, JStvphtn March, William Meadows, George Ayre, John Tilly. .^ STIPElfDIARY MAGISTRATE, William Sweetland. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. 8. Mifflin, N. Smith, J. Cox, J. T. Oakley. W. Brown, J. Skelton, J. Winter, M. D., T. Wells, Lorenzo Moore, Joseph Shears, J, Stewart, D. Candow. Clerk of the Peace, John Lawrence. Coroner, Dr. J. Winter, (Greefaspond.) Deputy Surveyor of Crown Lands, W. Sweetland. Bub-colleetor of Colonial Revenue, L, Moore, (Gieenspond.) Inspectors of Pickled Fish, N. Smith, Greenspond; J. Connors, %iag*a Cove. Keeper of Light House on Cape Bona vista, J. White, ' BOARDS OF ROAD COMMISSIONERS. Bonavista to Catalina,— William Sweetland, C, Joseph Shears, Archibald Amott, Alexander Bremner, Bonavista to King's Cove,— Archibald Amott, C.,W. Sweetland, Joseph Shears, James Stewart, William Brown. In and through King's Cove,— James Stewart, William Brown, James Lawton. Keels to Broad Cove,— Thomas Walley, James Connors, John Hurphy. ' ^ Oreenspond,— J. Winter, M. D., T. Wills, Nathaniel Smith, Salvage, — James Oldiord, T. Baggs. Tickle Cove to Main Line from King's Cove,— D. Candow, J, Skeffington. . ^ ' Tieke Cove to Open Hall,— D. Candow, J. SkeflBngton,T. Fewer, Tidte Cove,— D. Candow, J. Skeffington. BOARDS OF ROAD COMMISSIONJiRS. Cape Freels to Cobbler's Island,— J. Ridout,W. Hands, R.Vincent Flower Island and Fool's Island,— J. Spurrell, W. Kane. Swain's Island,— T. Bishop, J. Winser, W, TiUer. Deer Island,T-J. Pickett, C.Feltham, i?'lat Island,— J. Pike, J. Sanson, ilttttrw^'l^bour and towaxda Salvage,— Wm» Lang, Wm. Doyle, .ii k » WiUj(. u «" firoad Cove to lying's Cove, Larkin, — Ryiii* Plate Cove to Trinity Bayi— D. Candow, J. Skeffington, w^ i^almer. BOARDS OF EDUCATION. Bonavisth Bay North,— Protestant, Rev. J. GilcliHst, John Win- ter M.D., Thomas Wills, Nathaniel Smith, J. T. Oakley, Wil^art Dyer, Archibald Campbell. ;. .. Bonavista Bay South,— Protestant, Rev. T. M.Wood, Rev. J. Ingham, Joseph Shears, Archibald Arnott, James Saint, JMiiB* Stewart, David Candow. Roman Catholic, Rev. T. Waldron, Williata Hartcry, Jawts Connors, Michael Murphy, John Ryan, John Mui'phy, John Suir' livan. > DISTRICT OF FOGO. STIPENDIARY MAGISTRATE, J. Peyton, (Twillingate.) JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. S. Lawler, J. Martin, J. Bell, S.ProWse^ Clerk of the Peace, A. A. Pearce. Coroner, William Sterling; ^r., M.D. Sub-collector of Customs, S. Prowse. (TwiUiigftte.) Collector of Colonial Revenue, J. M. Winter, (Fogo.) Deputy Surveyor of Ciown Lands, John Peyton. Inspectors of Pickled Fish,— J. Ludlbw, Fogd, J: Hodder, Twilliogate. BOARDS OF ROAD COMMISSIONERS* Twillingate, — S. Prowse, John Pearce . • Fogo, — Stephen Lawler, J. M. Winter, P. Butke* BOARDS OF EDUCATION. . Protestant,— Rev. Thomas Boone, Rev. J. SlB^abh^'Jdlin^F^ytO^, J. Colborne, Samuel Prowse, J. Young. Roman Catholic, — ^Rev. P. Ward, John Brine, John Burke, Fa- trick Burke, Patrick Dwyer, J. Fitzgeraldj K Fltisgerald. Fogo» — Protestant, — Rev. W. J. Hoyles, Stephen Lgwivrp^cMfe M. Winter, Thomas Humphreys, John Btonett,. J«ho:i^tfiyt»^llta<^ Ceorgo E. Ridout. 84 District of ferrylanC, ^''^ liTIPENDIAKY MAGISTRATE, Robert Carter. . » a JUSTICES OF THE PEACE, K Winatr, J. W. Saanders, A. Goodridge, M. Morry. Clerk of fhe Peace, H. O. Clow. Coroner, (vacant.) Gaohr/ r. GiMry. Bub-epIlertorofCustoinii,R. Carter. De|)ut:y Surveyor of Crown Lands, It Carter. • BOARDS OF ROAD COMMISSIONERS. day BdIU to La Manche^— Michael Coady, C, Michael Brine, Sen., Thomas DrisooU, Thomas Avery, James Carew. Fenryland (La Manche to Renews), — M. Morry, C, James II. Carter, — Norris, M. Brazil, E. Power. Renews to Trepassey, — J. W. Saunders, d A. Goodridge ,Owen OWeilL Trepaiiey to Renews, — 6. Simms, C, G. Dutton, J. Dcvereut. BOARDS OF EDUCATION. Protestant, Rev. H. H. Hamilton, Robert Carter, Matthew Morry, J. H. Clurter, J. W. Saunders, A. Goodridge, P. P. LeMes^urier. Roman Catholic, Rev. J. Murphv, Michael Dsvereux, J. Doyle, J. Cashin, £. Condon, H. O'Neal, P^hilip Jackman. Bay Bulls— Roman Cathohe, Rev. P. Clearv, M. Williams, M. Coady, W. Denn, Michael Driscoll, J. Blackler,' T. Driscoll. DISTRICT OF PLACEMIA ANdTt. MARTS. STIPENDIARY MAGISTRATES. F.L. Bradshaw, Placentia. H. Murch, St. Mary's. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. G. Simms, J. Murphy, ; R, F. Sweetman, W. G. Bradshaw, A. Chambeis, W. Lush, Patrick Hogan. Clerk of the Peace, L. Collins. Coroner, (vacant.) Gaoler, L. CoUins. Sub-collector of Customs, W. G. Bradshaw. Preventive Officer of Customs, H. Murch, St. Mary's. Inspectors of Pickled I^ish.-«T. Walsh, Placentia, G. LeMes- Srieiylsle of Valien, M. Shea, Little Placentia, E. Hennessey, eratheeh, James Murphy, Placentia. BOARDS OF ROAD COMMISSIONERS. Barren Island,— Alexander Chambers, C, Nicholas Coady, Rich-* ■foKaekay. lltkiihifBr*-A^ Chambers^ C, John MoTelie, E. Hentiessey. %^ ^ntque to QUvfr*! CoTe,— A. Chamborf, C, J. MMten^T. Lm* hard. . • ■'' ■■■■' » ' ■'•- ''■ '" t.. ; ' Isle of Vallen,— 'A. Chambers, C, 0. LeMeasurier, P. Lennaid. Great to Little Paradise,-— Johta Power, Josepli Ooldsworthr. Woody Island,— A. Ohambers, C.t Levi Andrews, R. Walan. Oderin,— Thomas CoUins, Nelson Bailey. Ontit Plaoentia to IHstress CoTe,~^1ittke Collins, C, W. 0« Bradshaw, Patrick Hofs .1,1. Rielle7,(HelTiBff Bay.) > - Great to Little Plaoentia and Pond Head,*— James Murphy, Joha Rielley, Alexander Burke. St Mary's Harbour (Holyrood and Point La Haye),— Williaii Lush, Robert Kent, William Fewer. Harbour Beauffitt, — James Butler, Thomas E. Collett. Marry Cove Point, and Path from Limber Ofa»» to Harry Cwo$% — G. Curtis, Michael Denn, BdWard Uuigley, and James Whealea,. To open a road from Branch to Dietreaa OoVy — Bratuhr^H Nash, N. Power, J. English. Distress Cove,—i . Duffy, W. Walsh, J. Conway. " BOARDS OF EDUCATION. Ptocen^m,— -Protestant; Rev. W. K. White, F. L. Bradshaw, W. 0. Bradshaw, William Taylor, Thomas E. Collett, Alex. Chambers, O. LeMessurier. Roman Catholic, Rev. Pelagius Nowlan, Rot. W« Forristal, John Rielley, James Furlong, Patrick Hogan, Anthony Whelan, John Rielley, (Herring Bay.) « St, Jfar/a,— Roman Catholic, Rev. K. Walsh, John Walsh, Thomas Phelan, James Fagan, William Burke^ Michael Fagao, Michael Murray. TRUSTEES OF COMMERCIAL SCHOOL AT GREAT ■■^"- •'■' •' ■ -PLACENTIA. . '=^is > . 'J-hr.^. Rev. P. Nowlan, F. L. Bradshaw, Patrick Hogan. Muter, M4 Kellyi Average number of Scholars, 50*' DISTRICT OE BURIN. STIPENDIARY MAGISTRATES. W. fiooper) Burin, J. ?' ackburn, Grand Bank, S. 0. Pack, La<<^ inalinci .. ;rUSTlCLS OF THE PEACE; s O.Benning, J. Thorn,. James Moraiij » A . rf ■• , Clerk of the Peace, Edward Morris. Coroner, (vaottati) GboUv^ E. Glynn. Sub-collector, of Customs, T. Birkett. Sub-ccHleetpr of Colonial Revenue at Lamaline, J. Winter, Deputy Surveyor of Crown Lands, W. Hooper. . - i ..^^,- ; Inspectors of Pickled Fish.— T. Darby, Burin, I. iL, iiom^B^ Lawyencej G. H. EvaiMi,- Grand Bank; * ^ - v s- -. . -i . , .: . ,ii,. feOABD OF ROAD COMMISSlONEill§. JSwrm, — Edward Morris, C, Clement Banning, Thomai "Daxiay'i John Marshall, John Power, Joshua Falle. Grand Bank and neighbourhood, — Ed. Evans, C, George Lake^ John Patten, James Hickman. -St. Lawrence to Zamaline, and from Great to Little St, LaW' rmice, — John Thorn, Henry Slaney. Lamaline, — J. Pitman, B. Cake. .',*. COMMISSIONERS FOR THE ERECTION OF A BREAK-i WATER. At Fortune, — ^George Lake, John Snook, Thomas Rogers, James Handlen, John Keating, John Spence. Grand Sank, — John Pat- ten, John Hickman, sen., James Hickman, George Forsey, sen., Wm. Evans, (planter), Henry Nicollet BOARDS OF EDUCATION. Protestant. — ^Thomas Darby, Phillip HoUett, Williani Hooper^ William Evans, Richard Falle, James Moran. . Roman Catholic. — Rev. Michael Berney, Clement Benning^ Bdward Morris, John Power, Patrick Morris^ Henry Slaney^ ifattliew MarshalL DISTRICT OF FORTUNE BAY. STIPENDIARY MAGISTRATE. Thomas E. Gaden. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE* J. Nicholle, T. Read, (Ita Poile,) R. Anthoine, F. Anthoinej J. B; Cox, Jr., (Burged Islands^) Thomas Renouf, (La Poile.) Clerk of the Peace, ?i Tocque. Coroner, T. E. Gaden. Sub- collector of Customs, T. E. Gaden. Sub-collector of Colonial Re- Tenue, (La Poile,) T. Read. Inspectors of Pickled Fish. — ^J. Trood, (HarborBritain.) D.Hardy^ (Jersey Harbour.) H. Bagg, (La Poile.) J. Cluitt, (Belloram^) J. g>( ids. B.Cox, senr., (Hurgeo Islands,) Matthew Row, (ditto.) BOARD OF ROAD COMMISSIONERS; Harbour Britain to Connaigre Bay *and Hermitage Cove.'-~ Andrew Ellis, C; John Chapman, William Gallop, Thomas E^ Gaden, John Trood. Belhram to ^t. Jdcquea.—'R'^Y, Thomas B. Polden, John Clewitt^ John Grandy, Jr., Robert Lee« Burgeo. — Rev< M. Blackmore, J. B. Cox, Jr., W. HendenoB, Een., W. Mathewsi BOARD OF EDUCATION. . ProUstant—'R.&K. G. J. Mountain, Thomas E. Gaden, John Chapman, William Gallop, Andrew Ellis, John Marshal, ThomiM Stetens. ^ !► JZoman Ca^Ao/tc— Rev. M. Bernev, H$v. M. Cull«n, P. Burke* W. 3urke, F. Burke, Jr., T. Kinskela, P. H««ni. CHARITABLEJNSTITUTiONS, BENEVOLENT IRISH SOCIETY. ^Founded in 1806.] Patron, His Excellency Sir John Gaspard Le Marchant. Presi- •ident, Hon. L. O'Brien. Vice President, P. Kough. First Assist- ant, Edward Morris. Second Assistant, P. F. lattle. Treasurer, R. Howley. Secretary, J. Kavanagh. Chairman of Review, O. Hogsett. Chairman of Charity, W. Walsh. Chairman O. A. School P. Brazil. Secretary O. A. School, Randall dtQea^— -[Elected 1847. DORCAS SOCIETY. Treasurer, Mrs. T. Job. Secretary, Mrs. Rogerson. Dispenser, Mrs. C. Winton, MECHANICS' SOCIETY. President, V. Merchant. Vice Prresident, E Kennedy. First Assistant, John White. Second Assistant, Thomas Rvan. First Treasurer, T. Maher. Second Treasurer, John Coaay. Thir4 Treasurer, A. Quirk. Secretary, E. Delaney. BRITISH SOCIETY. President, Edward Warren. Vice-President, G. R McCoubrey. Treasurer, C.Rankin. Secretary, Henry Emmett. Medictd At- tendant, Dr. Carson. NATIVES' SOCIETY. President, A. Shea. First Vice-President, H. W. Hoyles. Second Vice-President, James S. Clift. Treasurer, T. G. Morry. Chairman of Charity, P. Duggan. Chairman of Review and Correspondence^ H. B. Thomas. Secretary, P. H. Carter, Assistant Secretary, N. Gill, Zt,— [Elected June, 1847.] • CARBONEAR NATIVES' SOCIETY. President, John Bemister, Treasurer, Edward Pike. Secretary, Moses Wiltshear. ST. GEORGE'S SOCIETY. President, R. Prowse. Vice Presidents, Hon. J. Noad, J. Bayly, Treasurer, Hon. W. Thomas. Secretary, G. Clapp. Chairman of Committee of Charity, J. B. BuUey. Secretary and Treasurer, J. C. Withers. ST. ANDREWS SOCIETY. President, Hon. John Stuart, Vice-President, John MoWilUam, Treasurer, David Steel. Secretary, John Crawford. Medica^ Attendant, Dr. Carson. Chairman of Committee of Chanty, AUw Fraier. m A0MCraTUBAL SbCTETYt Patron, His Ezoellenoy Sir J. Qaspard lie Marohant President^ Charles Simms, Vice Presidents, Hon. B. Robinson, J. Douglas, Hon. Judee Des Barres, P. Kough. Treasurer, Thomas B. Job, Secretary, f*. Templeman. Curator of Museum, E. L. Moore. FARMERS' MILL COMPANY. ^ Patron, His Excellency Sir John Gaspard LeMarchant. Provi-^ nonal Trustees, Hon, James Crowdy, Charles Simms, P. Kough. ST. JOHN'S AND NEWFOUNDLAND AUXILLVRY BIBLE SOCIETY. Patron, His Excellency Sir John Gaspard LeMarchant. President* Hon. W. Thomas. Vice Presidents, Hon. Jud^e Des Barres, Hon, James Crowdy, Hon. W. B. Row, Hon. R. Job, Hon. W. Grieve, Treasurer, N. Stabb. Secretaries, Rev. D. D. Evans, J. B. Bulley. TRINITY BENEFIT CLUB.— [Jm^^w^^rf 1838.] President, F. K. Hepburn. Treasurer, W. Kelson. Secretary, R, Bayley. Stewards, S. A. Gent, P. Murphy. Total Number of Members, 100. LAW SOCIETY, Hon. Attorney General, Hon. Solicitor General, Hon. W. B. Row, Q. C., C* Simms, R. R. Wakeham^ Hon. B. Robinson, Q. C.« G.: H. Emerson, H. W. Hoyles, F. B. T. Carter, J. Hayward, J. S. Stevens, J. Simms, 'Jr., R. R. W- Lilly, W. Green, (of Halifax, N. S.,)P. F, Little, H. Mooney. * ' CHAMBER OF COMMERCE—ST. JOHN'S. [Elected August, 1847.] President, Hon. W. Grieve, Vice Presidents, Hon, W, B. Row, N. Stabb. Treasurer and Secretary, R. Prowse. Honorables T. Bennett, J. Stuait, W, Thomas, W, B. Row, W. Grievf, 7.. O'Brien ; Messrs P. McBride, T. B. Job, G. T. Brooking, N. Stabb, K. McLea, RProwse, T, Row. FOREIGN CONSULS RESIDENT tN THE COLONY. Spain, — A. Hogsett, (V. C.) Prt<««ia, — B. Scott United States, — S. G. Archibald, (Consular Agent.) CONCEPTION BAY. A»ain,— William C. St. John, {Y. C.) United States,— WiOiam C. St. John, (Consular Agent.) ASSOCIATION OF UNDERWRITERS— ST. JOIN'S. | Chairman and Treasurer^Hcm. W. Grieve. - Committee,— Hon,' Ji, O'Bi'ien, R. Prowse, W, Warren, Jr., Hon. Wj. Thomas, N. Subb, 3^, McBride, R. Howley, T. Job, G.H.Brookinej^ J. B. Huttoii, Agent, John Bovd. Commissioners, It. Howley, R. Pro^a^ Sur- veyor, J. B. Bulfey. Assessors, Hon. L. O'Brien, W. Warren, J^., f, McBride, --^/\ '' 4 ^ -^\ I BRANCH BAkK oi riUlTIiSH n6rTH AMERICA, [Opened for Business February* 1887.] ' «* ■ > ; • Local Directors : — Hon. R. Job, P. McBride, O. T!i tirobldbg, Manager, A. Milroy. Accountant, W. Lasb. Teller, W. B. Dryer. Clerk and Messenger, Samuel Cowan. SAVINGS BANK. [E8tabli8hedl834,.by Act4, W. 4. c. 10.] GoverBOTs. — ^The Members of Her Majesty's Executive Council, and an equal number of the Members of the General Assembly, in- cluding the Speaker. Cashier, Hon. P. Morris. Clerk, E. litoriis, ST. JOHN'S GAS LIGHT COMPANY. [Incorporated by Act of Legislature, 1844,] Directors. — ^President, the Attorney Generah Vice President, C. Ayre. Hon. W. Grieve, Hon. L. O'Brien, R. O'Dwyer, , Hon. James Crowdy, John OMara. Treasurer and Secretary, John M. Brine. Manager, Andrew Thomson.. ST. JOHN'S wlrik COMPANY, [Incorporated by Act of the Legislature, 1846.] Directors. — ^President, Hon. W. Thomas. Vice Presidents, Hon. C. F. F?nnett, Hon. W. Grievo, Hon John Kent; Peter Mc&fde, T. B. Job, G. T. Brooking. Treasurer, A. Milroy. Secretary, W. J. Ward. Engineer and Superintendant, Robert Minto. ST. JOHN'S LIBRARY AND READING ROOM, a jPresident, Kenneth McLea. Vice Presidents, W. Lash,C. Brown. Treasurer, T. McConnan. Secretary, AUen Frazer. ST. JOHN -S PHOENIX VOLUNTEER FIRE COMPANY, First Director, Samuel Loveys. Second Director, William Coyle* JSecretary, R. Hamlin. McCOUBREY BROTHERS' READING ROOM, Secretary, R.E. McCoubrey. NEWSPAPERS PUBLISHED IN THE COLONY, WITH DATS OF FUBUCATION. ^oyal Gazette f Tuesday. . . . . . PMic Zet^er, Tuesday and Friday. - - _. Times and General Cormnercifil Ga^tte, Wedneaday juid Saturday, Netofounwi« , CONCEPTION BAY. '. Weekly fferald and Conception Bay Advertiser, Wedntsdlty. TABLE OF COLONIAL DUTIES. jnaffttftit M ChxkU and M«rehimdi*» Imported into Newfoundland eftear and above the Imperial VtUiea payable thereon. (By Act 9 Vict, eap l.J ▲vtiel«s Ii^ported. . Rate of Duty. WinM — (iu bottles) 2 6 per gallon. All other Wines 1 6 « Brandy and Gin 2 6 " ' Rvm and Whiskey 6 " Apples 1 6 per barrel. Salt Meat 1 6 per cwt. Bread 3 " Batter 2 « Coals 1 per ton. Bastard Sugar 5 per cwt. Flour 1 6 per barrel. Oatmeal 6 « Molasses 1| per gallon. Salt, Im|il../ments and Materials for the FisheriM, Coin and Bullion, Horses & \ Cattle, JSheep and Pigs, Com & Seeds, \ "Ftep. Vegetables, Manures, Books, Unrefi- j ned Sugar, Cofiee Lumber 2 6 per mille* Ton Timber and Scantling 16 per ton. Shingles 1 per mille. Tea 3 per lb. Refined Sugar .... 5 per cwt. Cigars 10 per mille. Tobacco 2 per lb. Stems of ditto » — 2 per cwt. AlOf Porter, &c 10 per cent, Househeld Furniture 10 " Non*enumerated Articles 5 ** CONCEPTION-BAY PACKETS. Harbour Grace and Portugal Cove, — ^The *' Express," and the **Victobia" sail alternately on the mornings of Monday, Wednes* day, and Friday. The ** Lotus" and "Native Lass" ply alternately, on the same mornings, between Carbonear and Portu^ gal Cove. The " Rapid " leaves Portugal Cove for Brigus on thf Bomings of Tuesdayt^Thursday, and Saturday. ^'vV • 4 ^^-\ (SL ^ -■'' ■i^ • Jt; (k '' «1 lENGTH OF SESSIONS OP THE GENERA! ASSEMBLY OF NEWFOUNDLAND. >;* TEAlU FROM. TO DATS IN SESSION. BEMARKS^ 1833!; January 1 July 9 1 240 (Includes an ail- July 12 August 1 ^ jouxnment of 3S 1834 1 January 29 June 12 J 161 days from May SO August 26 Sept. 20 115 to July 9.) 1835 January 8 May 12 111 <\ 1836 January 7 May 6 Jl 1 A 1.^9 1837 July 3 Nov. 18 } 122 149 118 116 1838 1 June 20 August 13 August 20 October 25 ■* y 1839 May 17 October 12 1840 January 3 April 29 ;1841 January 2 April 26 A.XM 1842 Nil. 126 111 1843 January 17 May 22 5 1 1844 January 10 April 29 09 . ;' 1845 January 15 April 23 104 1846 January 15 April 28 AW >* , ■ ■ Do. Special June 16 August 4 \ 60 ACTS PASSED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY IN 1847. €ap. 1. St. John's Streets — (amendment.) " 2. Loah — (for general improvement of Colony*) *' 3. Sherifis — (appointment of.) " 4. Lunatic Asylum. ** b. Revenue — (continuation.) " 6. Registration of Deeds— (amendment.) " 7. Interest upon Loan — (repeal.) " 8. Supply. ** 9. Legislative Contingencies. /J ^-. 4|!|fRA0T bF lilB xpAPE QF TOR ISLAm dBEWXKO TH^ TONKAGE &C. EMPLOYED, AND THE RELATIVE ■~mt?E OF THE Imports, distinguishino Foreign Goods iBOM Goods of BItmsH Produce and Manufactures. (Year ended 6th Ja*Uuiry, 1BA6.} INWARDS. •""'-* CountrtM ftom YXIBSELS. Impobts. tt/ndjw which the Ves- eels entered. - Value in Pounds stg. No, 1 fonrtage. British \ Foreign \ Tate^. United ) British kingdom) Foreign 179 25134 338728 1«872 358600 2 518 te.t} ""•^'' 5 63$ 7877 350 8227 Gibraltar.... " Malta " Zante « ." France Foreign «p«» I tz 92 14634 8^74 8374 ,26 '3162 Portugal. . . .British 56 •7220 8818 PS18 Egj'pt « Naples .... " 2 256 235 235 Sardinia .... " 1 147 113 113 Hour States " ^V^^y {Foreign I 136 1028 1028 Denmark . . British 21 3280 28440 28440 Belgium . . " 1 214 • 34 84 Hamburg |p^^ Port^g'ese | British colonies Foreign 46 1 7065 107 66973 656 66973 656 1 149 218 218 British N. British America Foreign 487 43094 75263 20064 95327 - British W \ -r^u' i. Indies \^^'^^^ 10 1079 851 14 865 V. State* " 104 il944 137426 137426 ditto Foreign t>,. •!. British Bmils ! Foreign 19 2869 27344 27344 1 173 • 4 4 ciTerJ^--8n 39 1 841 20 32 32 Spanish Wj British Indies ) Foreign 15 2052 1630St 16302 19 2286 10034 10034 Danish W ) ^ ... , Indies 1 ^"*"^ 1 116 966 966[ A) vr\ ill V T©tal8...... 11130] 127129 | 422719 | d47297 i 770019 iil < 4.) vrv X t U AfesmACt OF THfe TItADl|: OP OTtt' iSLA]_ SSEWtNO i^flK T0NNAQ3 ftOV-'BHPtOTED; ^^ Value dv xhe fexppRT.^, - ph^indwiumxq J^oRwoa i y ooui teoM Goods op J^BirfSH I^bopuce a^d Mi&i;^^i;3fbyHty< 4—4- Talne in Pannd'9 iit7. V ' w . ' 11 l i I I i ^ pritiUhtForUyn {- lUal^A ^ 4« fi- ll II . Britiab Hi^biurg j If it- Pott*g*e8e •Colonies Br2ti8li;N .Atnerica. British W- Indies U. I States ditto . BraziU SVinch N. , Amerioan Xi^lpnieH ^p^nish W Indie* DahishW. Indies ^ yordjgh rBritish \:F0reign >^&riti«h /.Foreign JBritUh l '* ^ J Foreign g British: jL Foreign •BritisK. - Foreign ^ British:^ J Foieign tBriti^ 119 8^ 1' $ 5V 3^ 16 I 10: 6 6 513 16 62 2d 3a I 66 1 2 \ 1 15787 200 142 318 6dl6 ^690 1027^^ 68 1285 ' y^\' 1^2 050 566 5347^ 2233 83^7 583 5869 232 1244 20 300" 148 , .i t: ,- , -. , .til'?,'.;. — 5r4-i. ;»75144 ^034 lld04 Htm 54217 02240' I29^n mz 1376833 17831 : i.'j.i.- 1.6158 550 t'j Tirr 54228 005H 7974 542 47610 1600 207C 47 5674 1000 TotiiU .:....! 1045 I X10099 j 878890 7420 772 22 ''■4 30^ 24d| 17^4 n542U 5224^ 129071 m nm 148^ 99^2 61o8 WJ 6ia t .4 61637 170283 i 7974 ■ •" if? i '476{o 1500 : 2070 47 6G74 luo;) WSSi 44 Cattl#. HqrHes. 1 * . Hav aiiU Poclcler. i & 2 > OatR ahd Jthergrain. • 1 Potatoes. ^ Arrw orLdndin Cultivation. * No. of Fishing Boats. Jfo.of SealihgVesselt), ""N oTof Sdioo ls. Xo. DwelKng'tiouseR. Ciiapfls. HomanCathoIic;! Mecting^hoiises. Dissenter A. ChurchfH. E])iscopalians. lnfcrt;H!»e per cent. Females* ^ Males. 6C O b^ Females. Males. ~ 5r ^ ® •" ihi« ;< , ci^ (ft o :•« 4C ^ <■ o »o o ;o S ^ CI o »0 r- I- »4d wV .; w6 vj f-' I. ■• >.i -n 00 CI f to O •5 O «0 34 CO >0 30 d O) o ec 00 1« »ii CI C4 .-. CI O 00 00 »-i d .-H c; ■;s'K3 ci c« <.-» io a o I- — »-» o ^ « C o-* o 3S ^ »H 1-t — « c- 1 - as CI r-1 CI '3 -■■ W -r 3« 1-- QC 00 OO p^ O l;- © v'J t< O 00 f- 1 1— 1 — CO I- "n '-.J -T <«p< w >i» !>• CO CO CI CI •

'^^ 1— ii; 7 « >0 lO ^J -^ «— < ->' .-^ — . c> © «j ;r.' C5 X' ti .- O ?o f O 00 00 »-• .-1 ^5 o Oi i~» C 131 <:■ . CO 05 CO CI «3 ^ c< •:>< C3 Ci Ci CI go X oc o c .-« as 4 1-^ 3578 2485 Ci ::> CI iJ Op *-4 00. t'- »0 00 ^ 00 3 CO o CI »-i i^ QO.O CO CI d -iM 2057 1365 Cl d I-- lO 0^9 ^ P9 lit wi&g th« number of Registered Vesnels thAtf ttt)pt^ IftSineav^^ at the Port of St John's, distinguishing thj[^ Countries lilrom or for which they Entered or Cleared, in eaclt y|9M d^""^S ^'^ *^ yen rfl ending 1844. '•> l COUKTllIES. United Kingdom . . . British Colonies . . . . Foreisrn Europe . . . . •• " AVeat Indies United Stales Coast- ways ........ Totah 1839 186 603 292 75 65 1482 26GS 184(^1841 238 665 263 56 140 1515 2877 22e 646 268 71 102 1571 2886 1842(18431 J 790 282 61 119 1521 209 23(i 70^ 294 7C 135 154C 184^ 203 871" 'I 1583 2982 307013147 ^5 OUTFIT FOR THE SEAL FISFIERY IN 1847. St. John'i Harbor Grace . Moiquitto Spaniards Bay Carbonenr BnguR, Cuhita, & Port de Grave Trinity & Catalina New Perlican & Hants Harbor. . Greenspond, &c., (no return.) . . Totals YiiS&.BLS, TONS. 95 9353 49 4937 1 72 4 35-i 37 3054 66 5950 42 3901 27 2159 — - — 321 29800 MciN. I 3216 14U7 '23 131 906 1963 1361 740 8751 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT, Of the Total Colonial Revenue and Expenditure in the years 1844-(lf. 1844. £5375 19 S 1845. 2,173,074 ^224 •^«5i 3i2U6^8a 2»e7U,ii574 2.!|S2;r)31 3.U1,312 3ijSQ.%868 1,000^33 2,21^,301 £ 249.428 2l5.2fS9 30a497 . 206.832 233,813 335^74 3115,690 243,616 375,361 437,001 631,385 .4l7»l.l.a 344,^83. 6^>l,370 6a<>,530. 352,202 30474 4ai336 3a,4oa 29,9fcl 23;20() 40,4^7 39,648 40,123 .4,40& vm- 3,042 4,715 4,058 3,753 3.545 £ 13,310 M^i I24JI39 12.302 13,678 12,216 11,945 12,794 15,27«--^ 20;808( . ,9,960} 13,6;: 9 I 9,64a) 13,410^ 20,90^ . £ 10,723 13.840 - 9,030. 6,361 7,110- ' 4;,670* 6^6^^ < ii}'2aftt SHIPS QW^jBD ANP K^GISTI5REp■IN,H^E, WI?0^)^.? On Sdst DeetiinAicr, 1844. iu' • . ....?., •844. Qn 31si Dfl^oiber, 1846. 9811 I ,., ! ".n J . ^— L^^. I,, ,, I lif l I OOVBUNOKS OF NEWFOUNDLAND, fEOM THE AA^tnWT rtSRlOD OP WHICH THRRK Allfe ANT A^ 1749 i$66^2.... Jinkte; 1753-94.:... Bopfoy. 1|65^«.,. DorriU., I||d7f69,'.;, l?d)r»rdfk li|60f . i . . . W^\4^, ;: 1,^61. 6 J I.;. Graves. i264.68.... 1T6J>:71^,., 1122^14^... m6.78.... i7T9-84.... 17 ■is J • pAJliseje.. Hdiv^ J.Bjrron. S^iuldbam. •DijfiV >•■■ i.-'- MoniAgu. EdwaJT ds. ; ^ C^mphtul- ' Elliott.; 1792-93. 1794-96:. 1797-99.. 19004... 19Q2t3 . J804r6. . 1807r9 .. 1810-12.. 181315.. 1816 17.: ^81,8-25..,, 1825-34... IStH'^J... 1 ,.#••• King. Sir J. Wallace. Hon. W. WaldegraTft GaiQb{erJ> : • ; .,/ Sir E.fOdwer. ' HotiowaV* ui>y\ \. Sir J, Duckworth. Sir K. 0. Keatt, Picknaore. Sir C. Hamiltoh. Sir i\ Co€bmBfi«^- Pi'tijAcatt. Sir John Harvey. SlrJ.GJLeMATclii^^V Public Archives of Nova Scotia HALIFAX* N. S« A ' '-f' 41 47 ^BBSEirr QOVKBNOW OF THE OTB8B NOBTB AMERICAN jCpLONIEj^ CAKAl jQoT6nior-G«9,i the Rt Hon. the Eirl of Elgin end VjnoAxammr NOVA 8CmA. l^iieotrOoveraor— Lieut-Gen. Sir A^ Habyet, K.CB. & K.C.Q, NEW BRtljbWICK. ^ut-QoTernor— Lieut.-0et.6ir W. M. O. CotSBBOosfe. PBINCE EDlWltt)*S ISLAND. ^otf-GoTemor— Sif Donald Campbill, \^ im FMNTBD l|B2f BY WtNTON AND fOU, ST. f '•# WaWtoUNDLlND.