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JTimft I Tim* t it puHf npidlf ; How Cut <b« momintt fljr, H«* vety guleam it Ih* UMNick% A yeu** ibMt to dU. And yat liiiw peaeafol aa4 Imw ealti^ '■''' No gtMn M m «t ilbock ; And y«t tU« yatf w* Iwar of twain By e«t ofi sfies etoek. BtM' I mint thiok of my addicM, to-morrow'i Now Tvtrt Dkj^ I •! No,IwmwtfelttiU'6a ' (My 6iM4) <iM pMttd awiy. It mikc* m* Md to Iom • fiioiid, My ektekt willi touf an w«l~ 4i>d for a poekat-haDdkanhiaf I'U BM an oU OoMtf (. TwalvajkilMa, and 'M*! no man^- And 'M ia h^ca — So I had l)attei(,{ekaBga my tmv, To weliHNM fta gijad N« w Tear. Oar Pviitieltna ehanga thair eoatot Without a pang or ^|h, And if luch men far|»t thali (Amit, Why to can ooi Uka I, In fast thia woiid ia nonght but ehaaga, Friaada maat and paia away— ^vfrbiaath'd by fritmb bi^t yattaiday Mm akaagad toAata lo-day. T. Dai^MUy, avrMiiaf in daya of yei«i It now luiuiing a diflaiant Miiaioa } And in UibaagHip mm chiap iltn Hat takaa, ia trada, a fanMf poa^^an. And btra I>n aay (bat aat ahwd) What— parhafa aoiu of yon know, Ha anat bata bodi'd— not boagbt--Ma Hatalktaawfiiliow. So at thia world It naoghl bat eiiaoie And all have piartd it trna And u yaa all hava Ml • ahai|« rdlikafoCMliam^lig^ tWhat hat •taa^iNd iii>4< OfitlnMdnati^CB^ Yoa know >t all, at |nit yon thooM, I>«a trid yon a»«y waak. • TkalJbiia lAo hm figorad too, { Ttlli all by nama yon know ; Qavaitad, Oon|^, and I myttlf, Kaatath and Mit* Slowe. Yon're hoard abovt tha wu batwMo Tba Twkay and tha Baar; ' Ifnot-IMItallyoubowitl^ * AndyoataUifittfai. Vw' Hia% Tha VmpwM of RaNia t A mortal Wtakad ilnnar, Be tiMria lab a nioat, and ttaal A Torkay, for hit dinner^ ik (Birt tba (dd bird waa wid^lWaha) III |Dt bit Angara bit— Am hsw ha'ajiqtta ta war ha fiadt' ^ The Una old TBrkay>a grit " Bat 1 mmt atop— long live oar Qaeei. In' health, wealth, peace and joy, Ton all will cry amen to that With i.a, tilt CABRISR BOY. And now I with yon, eveiy ooa Good limea, ipiod Friendt, good eheer, Onod health i and all and eveiy one Aba^f good Ntm Ytor. 9«( Ok* iMdMk Te yon t know not wha( ti> lay , 8o/W yon I ahall have to ptayw ^ j s 3« liatav to By praf^ . May a«ar yon be blitke and gay At hq^y M yen teem to day, And ever hwk aa fain Jfajr ataaa nooim m> i|Ta b« itrewn, I While patting throagh ' it$ world of jpleaigi , And may y «r leva piatc inw. Hay an your F .eada b* fMaadt indeed,' Bat fkieadi, i hepe ywt'n nerer aead,^ For fHndi in need an few> mm- \ iUt »Miiin M«tUI?. urn* 'U:')^*^ 1^ _:w.- ,- , *,r I --f* I2p^^