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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m6thode. rata lelure. 1 32X 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 .*4^' •"l^i* '.M'i-'" n ■ f^ifr^0^"'ik. . *dialuj pMMi*; '""■j^ff- ■ IW\1|| ■ c:,,' llsSili" ''£• f ni--:" • ^■^' X w,J^' -1 ^i\*)i \ iAi.>.* >' ** i k ^ 'V. ^i ♦ t^'«;;^f '^i^C KSS^fv 5i«ti^-., w ^ s > ^ I- ? #.!>i > V''*^ ^ PicturesGjue PUces tl^|-ough the Und nr^ele Fg^iTK)us by Liondfel- low, tl^ MoiT|e of the /"Aaiel ETvcAri^eline. Ye^pmouth g^ n el Weymouth, prettv Wsiterind PicAceoS. Di^by, tl^ S^re^toga of NovaScotisi, -T-lncienfj^nnapoHs Rovc^nI, Wolfville and th^ Dikes .^t ferc^nd Pfe a\nd Windsor. ^ Publisher, V/. G. MACFARLANE, Saturday Night Building. Tor onto. ,,JiUiii"»l*»i.l!; HS I'hoto: K. I', Guesl. Vaimoulli Harbor from tlie Grand II otel. CM-aiui Hotel, \',irmoulh, Uie Leading Siiniiiiei- Hotel in \ova Scotia '::^- I [c:9 By |HTni;>s,\in of U. l\ cJucm I'lie C'hiiif), N'.innoiul I "1 Kig/S^ ItttM ::j I Yaiiiioiilli, the daleway of \ova Scoli.i *^ >i A Typical KesicleiUial Street in Yarmouth Oil llie Calm Waters ol N'amioulli Ilailior. ■'iiiiL^ bt) it, tt I be it X I >i be be ffi be (/) Oigby I'ier and D. A. U, Steamer Prince Rupert. ^ Water Stiett, I'igby, and I'osl Otiice. Digby fVoni Across tlic Ba.sit nigby, tlie (.'lierry Town. I'oint I'rim and Lighthouse, Higby. ..■«-Kfgw»tiaa,i UfUr Twii L'olU■^■|1li^nl^ ol llu' Mai 1 I".\.uij;i'1uk'. iti % it) it) ai Annapolis, Two (enhiri« i^iahP^ ^^ i <iallyPortat Old Port -Annapolisi Jhe [ookoff l(entvilie.''N6 i 1 f I Scenes in llie Clatilen ot Nova Scotia, i^ •f l.tpe lilomiiloii. W««^^^ 0/^m ■//,// f/h/u/P/r I In tlie Land of Evangeline. Fereaux River, with Hlomidon in Distance. 1 DON I Hy the Sliores ol the Basin of Miiias. View from the Look Off, Tlie Look Off is on llie suiimiit of Xoitli Moimtaiii, a two liniiis' drive fii-m Wolfville, aiul afFoids one of llie Orchards and Farm Lands, tlio blue wators.Of the Minas Basin, and the Historic upon. 'for its naliir;il charm and the mspiralion most Clrar of ii ,ook Off, one of llie le Historic itispirnlion Overlookiiii^ i'lvc CmIntil.■^. most majfiiilu ■111 Panoiamii Amorira. The \alley s of Five .Rivers aie seen willi their sniilini Clrand I're Dyke I anas. Il is a :,ceiu- Hiat on of its iiiistorif aiul i^oinantii- Associations. e iniglit cross a Continent to lo olt Hloiiiidou and Ailiia!, Ua^iii lioiii Woltvillf '^^' ,,^.,.,^-^-^'' :---.'^^l<-V- .->-.. (ia^pereaux N'llley, a I'ictiiie of Pastoral Siiii|iliiit\ . ♦ * Aiiiiil the Apple Hlossums of Kvangfeline Land.