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Maps, plataa. charts, ate., may be fllmad at different reduetion retioe. Th, .^ ^* '«vy >^-^^. '*v«i#^.. f<^A ^'^^^ o ti 4 * , ?* • >K 'jk -»! .5> f wii- i^^m * •'^. .*- ^ " •*i' ^-» 94. ,7 I A *-• -■'t- -^ X / 4t ^ :t : ' ^ H i "v^ -Ji n i", '"^ ^'?H;»2^-: ?^. ■ni vVifS^ "'.jA4i^«i»S?^-,= S?^ ^ '"^Ift'-*' tv ■•Jrait . V -0. ■1- ERRATA. »AGE 10, Line lo injl*ad »f no^jly rgad bravely. P. II. L. 3. »V- «/ "='■ ^'"''^ highcft. P. I a Un. ao. iV- «/ "'^^^y* to.8.iV.'/i''»»''''**^*'"*P*^' furely. P. 17- 1- "•. 7* "-' and Ua. /»>?. •/ ^^o^^*** '' r nobleft, r. "• fureft. chcft. P. >8' % ../' »J*<'^ ^ "mmtm ii>i II I. m i !><■<; o A N D c. I N. -^ TWO PARTS, HUMBLY INSCRIB'D TO THE RIGHT HONOURABLE WILLIAM PITT. ■■ppi yincit Amor Patria. V I R G. ^^ LONDON, Printed for Ac A U T H O R, fold by John Hart» in Popping s Court, Fleet-Jlreet, MDCCLX. -\ \ ft .a , i .:-l i- rU" -U*? ,-"^ -n I • Y tv-l i«4- J On whofe deep Bafe the billowy Surges beat, With many a loud, and many a dreadful Shock, Rebellowing as the boift'rous Waves retreat, Britannia fat, with forr'wing Mind, Supinely, on her Shield reclin'd, ' Whilft from her Eyes a pearly Torrent fell; And thus the neighbMng Shepherds tell, ^ - As flow fhe rais'd her drooping Head, ^ And all the boundlefs Main furvey'dj The Goddefs Silence broke: B 2 ■-4. And, 8 ODE. And, in fuch fweetly plaintive Strains As melted all the lifl'ning Swains^ In thefc fad Sounds her heart-^felt Anguifli fpoke* t " Great Ocean ! once my nobleft Boaft, " And circling Safe -guard of my Coaft, *^ When my brave Sons, by Heav'n infpir*d> ** By Love of Fame and Freedom fir'd, " Bade Britain s Fleet fublimely ride, '' The Glory of thy wondVing Tide i ** Whilft evVy hoftile Veffel fled, " Or inilant drop^d tha captive Head. Kings /aw me Miftrefs of thy Waves, And Tyrants trembled with their Slaves. " Secure my ftately Bulwarks roTe, '* The Terrour of approaching Foes. ** But now thefe Foes my Forts deftroy,, '* Now Britifh Fleets have learn'd to fly : , " Minorca feels the fatal Stroke, *« And yields to haughty Galiia 6 Yoke. ^ r (( C( Diflionour thus her tortured Bofom flung,. And Gallia^ Yoke fl^ill iaulter*d oa her Tongue > '/■• ^ When ^ a D E. When o'er the gloomy Waves below, Sudden Beams of Radiance glow. With Wonder feix'd, and wild Surprize, The Goddefi lifts her languid Eyes; When lo 1 a glorious Scene appears, And Sounds celeflial ftrike her Ears : The cheating Strains her dying Hopes recall. The ftarting Tear forgets to fall; Whilft the bright Vifion charms* her captive Eye, And pleas'd Attention ftills the rifing Sigh. High thron*d on mingling Beams of Light Whofe glorious Luftre glads her Sight, A Form celcftial fhe behol-is; His Limbs a fnowy Robe infolds;, His azure Hair majeftick flows; His Harbingers, in ihining Rows^ Before their Prince exulting fly. And paint with Gold the parting Sky;. The Goddefs fat, with anxious View,, Thinking the lovely Youth flic knew.. Sufpence a while her Heart beguiles,, i •' Till laboring Doubt; diflblves in Smiles^ fs^ 1 *' :<». Her M0 ^ 10 ODE. Her guardian Genius foon is known. As neai-er moves his floating Throne. Al laft he makes the rocky Strand, And, lighting, leaves his airy Band; Who, as their Sovereign gains the Ground, Again their Silver Trumpets found. Then liften, as, with graceful Mein, He, fmihng,, thus falutes the Sea-born Queen : ■I II! ■+ f ** Arife, Britannia^ check that Tide of Tears, ** And nobly banifh thy infeebling Fears; *' No more thy finking State deplore, *' Lament thy fading Fame no more, *' Thy flying Fleets, and falling Towers, " Or haughty Foes' united Powers. «< To Thee the conquer'd Kingdoms yet (hall bow, *' And radiant Laurels dignify thy Brow. | <* As late I wander'd thro' the Fields of Air, , ' *' Thy Woes my Grief, thy future Fate my Care, ''By kind Permiflion I was fhown ; *^ ; , <* The rifing Glory of thy Throne ; « Which, Spite of Galliay ftill fhall ftand, ** The Dread of each revering Land. «A :..■■■';*■ •w- ■■^ ^^ ' *'■ D E. II " A Patriot Minister thy Helm ftiall guide, ** Nor fway'd by fordid Wealth, nor dup'd by Pride 5 *' Thy Good his Glory ; and. his nobleft Aim "To build his own on thy fuperiour Fame. '' Thy Senate^ freed from Party Rage, '* Thro' him ftiall awe the wond'ring Age: ^ " His Wifdom, Truth, and fteady Zeal " Shall nobly guard thy publick Weal : ** His Eloquence, in one commanding Flow, " Shall roufe^ thy Sons againft their common Foe, '* Shall the dire Spleen of civil Difcord charm, " And nerve with Vengeance one * refiftlefs Arm» ** Then fliall proud Gaul repent too late (( when in thy Sword ftie fees her Fate> '* And hears thy martial Thunders roar, *' The Terrour of her trembling Shore : ** Shall, forrVing, then, her own Ambition blame, ** When ftie beholds her harbour'd Fleets in Flame ; •' And, groaning, feels on her defencelefs Coaft " The juft Refentment of a Britifi Hoft. ^ •How nobly is this Predidi^n vcrif *i in the glorious Ardour of thole Conftituiional Troops who, animated by Leaders of the firft Diftindion and Property, compofe one mighty Phalanx of Patriot Stpencth, in Defence of all that ia dear and valuable in thefe happy Kir\gdoms T ~ ■ n *^Thus WilWjUUBBBUjiUji.'UiM lusiSW- i 12 ODE. •t 1 =: ** llius Gallia^ punifh'd for her Crimes, *' Shall fink, the Scorn of future Times : »' Thus Britain s Fleet the World (hall awe, *' And give the vanquifli'd Nations Law. " Thy native Ocean thou fhalt yet command, " And rule the fliining Waves from Strand to Strand j •* Majeftick ftill, thy naval Honours claim, " And Ipread on diftant Shores thy awful Name, " The Sun through all his circling Reign *' Shall wond'ring view thy vaft Domain, " Shall on thy growing Greatnefs fhine, " And light thy Sons to Glory's Shrine. ** Where ardent India drinks his rifing Beams, " And glowing Ganges rowles in facred * Streams, " Refiftkfs Clive fhall force his glorious Way, ** And fpread through trembling Realms thy boundlefs Sway. . ^ * ^^^,.- / . ; .^ : -. " Whtre Sol his radiant Journey ends, " And bath'd in weftern Waves defcends, ** SwC Amherst and Boscawen glow, "And nobly aim the mighty Blow: *?i' ** For they, unaw'd, whilft brazen Thunders roar, '* Shall bravely Breton % inmoil Gulf explore, ♦ Alluding to the religious Veneration in whicli this River is held by the ImUans. "Her ^mt ODE. 13 << Her Harbours feizc, her proudeft Towers deftroy, <* And raifc Britannia s flreaming Flag on high. ** Hence fliall thy crowded Ports with Commerce fmile, *« And foreign Plenty feed thy favour'd Ifle : ** Fair Freedom on thy happy Coaft fliall dwell, ** And rifing Arts thy rifing Grandeur fwell : <* Whilft gentle Peace wfth all her blifsful Train, <* Confents to fix with Thee her lafting Reign. He faid then fpread his Stole, and inftant rofe. His hov'ring Guards their Monarch foon inclofe : The wondVing Goddefs mark'd their airy Way, Till, wrapt in radiant Clouds, they mingle with the Day. i-.. c ODE ii if o (14) D PA R T II. E AN D fee the promis'd JEra. dawn ! Behold fair Honour's radiant Morn ! Obferve her beaming Splendour rife. And brighten o'er Britannia % Skies; Till all the wide extended Rays Burft forth in one unbounded Blaze One Blaze of Glory, and Renown, Which all Pitt's patriot Labours crown To fcourge by him her haughty Foes, And heal her injur'd Children's Woes ; Begirt with Courage, fraught with Zeal, Ardent for her publick Weal, Behold her grafp the Sword ; Whilft all around are heard From gath'ring Millions loud Alarms, Arife Britannia^ rife to Arms! AfTert thy ancient Sway, ' t/ Teach Tyrants to obey, ,^, No ODE. No longer let thy Sons complain ; AlTert thy ancient Sway, the Empire of the Mam ! Excited thus, by ev*ry Charm, To fire the Heart, and nerve the Arm, Spirit, and Council by her Side, Who all her mighty Anions guide, And fhielded by thofe facred Laws Which nobly aid her righteous Caufe, Behold Her clad in Triumph*s Regal Robe, Guiding the Car of Conqueft round the Globe : Whilft Giant Terrour ftrides before^ And bears her dreaded Name from Shore to Shore. IS But chief, where Lawrence with * impetuous Tides The + boundlefs Weftern Continent divides, On Canada^ enfanguin'd Plain, Her Sons the faircft Laurels gain : Exulting fcize the bright aufpicious Hour, y^^d on unfhakcn Bafis build Britannia^ Povv'r. • The known Rapidity and (lupendous Catarads by which the Navigation of the River 6V. Laivrence is interrupted, juftify this Epithet. f Though the River St La-wrence does not divide the whole Continent of 4merica^ the immenfe Trift tl.rougU v/hich it flows will be a fufficknt Apology (gr the Licence of the Expreflion. C 2 Whilft i6 ODE. i[f Whilft thus their Thoughts with rifing Greatnefs glow, A fudden and lamented Blow The Stroke of Vidory arrefts, And wounds, with mighty Pangs, a thoufand gen'rous Breads : Before ^ebeck^ that God-like Man Whofe vvond*rous and heroic Plan Subdues, at laft, her yielding Walls, Juft in the Arms of Triumph, falls. In dumb Concern his heart-flung Vet'rans (land, And ftern Bcllona drops her flack*ning Hand : An univerfal Groan fucceeds : Firm Courage flands aghaft, and Conqueft bleeds : Whilft Sorrow rifes wrapt in fable Clouds, And, in one fullen Gloom, the Dawn of Glory fhrowds. So fell of old the famous Theban Chief, Whelming vidlorious Troops in noble Grief: Like his Wolfe's Fate; like his, Wolfe's deathlefs Name Swells the loud Trump of cverlafting Fame. Nor fhould the glorious Wound which fuddenly interrupted his Command, deprive the heroick General Monckton of the Pralfe fo juftly due to his noble Behaviour. "Was the Author equal to the Attempt, he might appear inexcufable in omitting an honourable Mention of the vidtorious Johnson, Hawke, Saunders, Moore, &c. &c. But he muft leave a particular Pa- negyrick on this matchlefs Lift of Britijh Worthies to an abler Pen ; and content himfclf with a more general and humble Sketch of this glorious ^ra. ,,,..5',^^ , * Brave O D E. 17 Brave Townshend now the fallen Truncheon takes, Swift flies Sufpence, and flumb*ring Vengeance wakes : Fir'd with frefh Rage the fierce Battalions clofe. And prefs witii double Force their flying Foes. Their Hero's Fall, and Country's Wrongs unite To brace their conquering Arms with double Might ; In Streams of Blood they mark their dreadful Way, Till their great End compleated crowns the Day ; The ftubborn Tow'rs to Britijh Valour bend, And Britijh Shouts the vaulted Welkin rend ; Triumphant Enfigns awe the fubjed Plains, And o'er unbounded Realms Britannia % Monarch reigns. A Thought fo int'refting arifes here, In which fuch AVeight, fuch great Effeds appear, And fraught with fuch ineffable Reward, As claims the Royal Favour and Regard. Behold, Dread So v'reign! in thefe wide Domains The vafl: Extent your growing Empire gains, And let the Voice of Heav'n your Pow'r perfuade For favage Millions, who implore your Aid ; Your Subjeifts now, who, in this View demand The nobleft Blefling of your bounteous Hand \ They i8 ODE. m. M 1 1 I They aflc Inftru£tion*s animating Ray, That brighteft Sunfhine of your glorious Sway ; To thaw the Ignorance, which deep controuls The frozen Currents of their fetter'd Souls. Thus Errour fhall imbibe the opening Day^ Thus Knowledge light Religion on her Wa^^ : ' Religion I from whofe PowV, and facred Train The Throne it*s nobleft Permanence will gain, Since all thofe Virtues on her Steps attend Which form the King, the Subjed, and the Friend^ And in the Mind thofe Principles create Which bed will ferve the nobleft Ends of State. But, above all, the Christian Scheme explain. By which poor Sons of Earth immortal Glory gain. When, cTown*d with Age and Honour, You fhall rife To thofe exalted and unfading Joys,. Admiring Seraph (hall with Rapture gaze. And own, an Adl like this, exceeds all Praife, Which, to His awful Throne, a Tribute brings MoR pkafing to the gracious King of Kings^ This Tiibutc will to Heav'n and Earth impart ;^,' * The geii'rous Fire that warms your Roya) Hearty And beft your ficred Gratitude explain For ;ill the Glories of your profp'rous Reign : % Whilft l>':. w ODE. i§ Whilft to your Britain it infures that Aid Nor Time can wafte, nor envious Foes invade, Securely fixing in this happy Ifle Pow'r*8 earthly Throne, and Heav'n*s eternal Smile* . ii' The END.