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I GREW VIIjLE Teachers' Association . ■\.- • ■ "■'■■';■'■■..-■ ■ ■ /■ '■"■; ■'■■;■ .«:'-' i4 . J. \V\ ASDiiKSON, I'RIN 1 Kk, ''TKLKriRAPH " OKFICK. ■\ ' , .^1 f * o t • OBJECT. I'he uhjctl (if ihi.s .As-sof i.itiou is to adviince the iiUcrcMs or ICdiK alKMJ. - OONSTITTU"tlON. ■-■■■. ■'■, NAM-K. ' ' . ' '■ ,■■: ',.'■:■■ . Ak'II*-!-!'- 1. 'I'his Assocj.'ilioii s.hall be styled ThS (-(>ant\ of Urcnvillc Teachers' Associalioit. . , \v[f() i:i,i';ii{i.i; if)KMi:MHKKs. ■ <. Aki'-.j r. _\ ; Any i^ei'sun shall be eHgible for Mciii'ier^'v''', .'!i(r>>ii;iil bv' cnritled to- the |)rivile[;es. '.)! ii^'^ ..\-vs(i''i;K:;on u|)on pavini^ the (irescribed fee. V ■ llnNORARN MKAtllKI-LS. . ■• ■''■,'<■■■": Aki i\ i.K 3. I |H)n the retoiiimeiulatioiv (.)f the Doard f Dirertoi-s, any |)ersoii who iiiay ba\e been (b.U'n;j,\iished as an educator may be elected an f ionorary Meinlier by a majority of the Mem: bers present, and as suc.li shall liave allthe ]»nviTeges of a regniar"»M ember, except those of v()thi;-!, and hohHng- offuv. , ■ ■ ■ ■■.;'■"'■''■,..■; ;'*•?': . . ■'■'■'.■■■■■ ■ v;.:. ;;• "' ;■' ANNfAt, ,i-:kk. .;'..'■ .;'^ AkrKf,K4. The, annual fee for ineml)ershi|) shall be 50 cents for gentlemen and 25 cents for ladies, payable at the tirst regular meeting pf the v4nr./ '■' -.m-:.' ■ '''^■' ■■ ': ^ ■ . . / '•■■I ■y IV: . . / lie , /, ■ ■: ■/:■ ^ ■ ■ ■ "»-/ / -: ■^ ' ^■ .■7 ■ ■ ■ ' 1 -• n i.n'i.Mi.Miu.k,s. V I Aktu KK 5. Any person cligil)lc for Mfinr)er thi)) may bt'conie a UtV MeiulWr by luniivg ."^5 to the 'rrcasurer. ^ OKKR KRS ANI» lioAKh ()|- IMKI.CIOKS. ■■' -. ■'■ . ... I* ' \ '■■ ^ ■■;■ ■. . .' '-- \' ' Akiici.K 6. :'l'lie Otiicers of this Assoriation shall ("onsist of a Presiiknt, two \'i(c Presklcnls. ^ a Secretary- rreasurcr, ;r.Hi t^ight ( 'oiineillors, xine - for each Mimicipahty in th\ County, who sliall ronstitute the Boa n I of Directors, and sliall l)e ele "^ AiMM'TIOX (il? HV-LAW8. - AH'nci.K K.--Bv/Laws^ not incwiSfkteiir^% this Constitution.yriay be adopted l)y a two-thirds vote of the Asso^ation, \v AMKNDMKNTS T(rTHK VONSTlTl TION. ■■ : ■ -■ ■■■*.■■ ■ ". _/.'■' -^ ' ' ■ ,' ■ AiiTK'i.K 1». —This Constitution niav be altered >«r.w' A d <>r.iincn(lctl.,t .rn> rcKiiliir nu'ctii.K <'• \hv '\ssn •i;!li<)n, l.v thr uu;miin.,ii; v,,tr o( thr Mcink'is l"s:,r ;n-r..iVKc-nK-nts for its nKvtinu>:: 1^1 and [umnv^ihh- lnsiii„ii,,n. Tlu' ^io.rd ..I f>UV.tor. >h.,ll |,..ld ll.r.r r.i;ular hkv: nus ,.'> ,HU ronvc.,,..,,, „n,.. •[..■fi.rr.thcasscinl.lin.nr lH-.\».Mn,i,nn. :.lsu;a..„.rasr<,n mav .vnrn.v «nnn^,.c.nH-c,n,, .,VrlH.Asson,ti<,,v\m^^^^^ iKliaidv ,l,c.- ,ne adiourninu.^ sanu-. nu.v .^,1,, .|jl l)!rcrtors shall lur.n a v . -^""■^''"<"';;'-'nr.s. TlK.l'.Vs,dcm shalNuivo 17^^^:':'<' '•'" :' spcnal MKvlinKnf the- -Hoard .vvlK'iKu^N iiK- . „vu-rrsts^ of: die ■ ss,,, iatio.r' niav 'XTIKs n • |'(fKsi|)|;;x|- -• .TU'lMvsHiciH shall pivsidc-al all ,ncvn,,!^sr IK- . SMMaat.onaMd(>rdu-.^IJ(rardor Dircruns. ^I'l-liall l'^;>(<.nnsu(h<,»lR.rdnta-.asln Vush.ni cltvohcupcna iMvsidin- ..llhvr : and 'shall he i^'. ini»ci> bst.iit sIkiII ini;>;. u>v tl ol' * ngs; I 111 IV iin inir. •Ill Vi; ■ • .. . ' • ■ ,.,^' '■ -• . '•''#''/'' ill.'lul.iM- ,.| ^dl ( onilMMtr.c-s. In Ills ,1, M-n..v oov ,.r tin- \i.c--PrfsiIkiII la- a|.|.()iiHc.l ..n Homing Uoi). fho^Sf, ii-iary i.iiitiii- the ipiisncm. . IMTIKS MJ- s|:(|{|.:TAMyTUi:xsl|{|:i(._ TIk' Sc(rc-iary-'lrc;isiiri'r>hall kcLj. a lulk and ..I'lM ivcnrd ,,f tlu' |.nMiv(i;ii-s of Ww Assnriaiiui/ anUot thv iVvinUr f)..-...f„rs ; dull -i v.- \u.w r /l.tnc nicrtini^rs ,.,f tin- Asson.m,,!, ;,,>,[ nl ilu- iMKirdi)! Dircrfors ; shajj ,on.lii< i mm li i„nvs !><»n,lciKv as ihc- Dm-. tor>: niav a^M'^n •'';^' ^/^•'" ''^l^/' Kis rtu,,n[> |.,vsrm ".,, .1)1 Muvtinus (»f thv .\s>()<-|ali(.ii and /.f du- ll.nrd - <)l Dn-r.tors.^ HcM.all iv< civr and Ih.fd in ^;,t> - • ''^l'''^' i'i<'iH'ysi>aid to rhc- AsxM laiinn :. slvall nuc^Mlvj.os'i. T)r vAiKiid ihc'saiiiv .is die Wnwf "I [)irrrt„rs shall (,rder speak in^ • shall ' •,-*^J"^ '': fi at nnrc tnki- hh svM. Tht' poim ol order sh'all then Ik- si.ttid-t;) tlic Mcinbfr uljjfclinj^'. and tlu* t'lia 'an slutltr without fiirilu-r ilcbalc (lv< idc tluTcu,)()ii./A't.itiii.!4 the- rule ajtpln a'»lo to tlu- caso vvitliout ar^linuMit or <()innu'ni. 2. Tlir ■( 'liaiviiiiiii hUjiII not Ik? i'«MHiii- ]; .|.', ..k . .,. 'i ! ":i"»-«'. i;H not, a I"!' :;- '■ I u • VII cil)'^, >urnont tlu; pcnnisnion .. .h <• (.'liuiiuiiin. r». A nH>tion to udjonrn 8hall take piveudt'iUH' of ;i]i iii"t''»ns :ni ic.-"i(ltsl in tin' niinut* s, .vj in talU'd for by five .MVuiIh'I's, 7. N\ lit'n a nuMiibcr i'-tiiids to Mpiak or nnlnn't a iViotiov 1h> slialliiso in liis plarc, an«l n'Hpcctfnlly addri'H tlic <'liiiV, .-fintiidn*^ liinpilf-to tlio (pu'stion, ;iiid avoirlfn'.^pcrHonalitios ■■'"*'- H.- SliouM nioii' than one 3^.enil;t'r riHo to Mpeak at the Hanie time, the C/hAinnan Hhall at once, with- out a|>peai, determine who |s entitled to tlie Hoor. {♦. INFemiKjrs shall Hpeak hut <.nce on any iiuustiitn inclndinJ,^ amendments, without the consent of the Association. . . ' 10. The previous question nhalt he put in this finnu. *' Shall the |tH«»ii. 1*4. A iiH'tinii to jidjoimi Niiii|t|y -ImH uIvvuvm In- ill i>i>l»T. t'X«'('|»t Imt. \vlu'ii a .Njrmlu'r in in piMs 'H^ion of tin- ffii*Hoi): 4th. wlu'ji it li.H Im'ch rlt'iMdcd that thf |»r»;vioiiH * |iUHtl<^ shall Itf put. \'\/ A riili' ot onh'i' may !»»' Mii^iiirmlrd at aiiv tijL»4'liim of tlif A.s-otiutioiu hy ii tA" thin.U v ►ti-. 14. TlifHi' Knli's of OiiUr Hhiill also, iih fai U"* |»o-fh', .■i,'|''y to ( 'oiiiinii tT of tht' \vh 'Ic. • \ ORDER OF BUSINESS. • ' ■ Tlu' follovviiiii shall !»«• the Ui'iU'i* <»f HMsilw.'.SM at tin- nuM'tiiijis of tlii' Association : r "'^- ■•■■-■■ Ist .UollofOtHcrrstalhMl. " - . 2ii(l lit'.ttliii}.; t!u' iiiiinit^'s .'h'd Kcadiiij^ of ( 'oiimiunirations, ■«& " 4th Ki'jMiit of lioard of Dirrctois. r»th hi'criviiijjf l>«'h'i^a.tt'««. - r>th 'riii' ImsiiK^ss t»f tlic nuM'tiiiu'.if* a(iiionii(-(.d in tlu'Ciivnljir. 7tli -Ni'w Hnsiiu'.ss. / Hth Kh'ctJon of Othrfis (lit Hist /r«'unliir nii'i-tin;,' for the ycar/i'Xcrpf in cumo of drutli orr«'si<.(nation,) Dtli. (Mosiiiu; Knsincss Tinic aiid phu't' of iu'X.t nu't'tinj^. _. loth? Atljoniimu'nt. REiaULATIONS. I. Tlic A.'*H(K;iation I'luy.at anyijlnie, by a major- ity of votrs, altxT the Onh'i" of linsinoss. A H 'y- r ■ . .^ r-4 2.-'-Tlu! Evciiiiig StHsioiis sliall Iw devpted to the huarjuj; of Esnays and Hoadiii«ijs by the Members and Let'inres from Honorary and Noii -Members. 4. '-r-iitny Member of_ thtLjAssociati* >n may ])ro|)08ie a subject for discussion, which, if approved' of by the Board of Directors, shall be brought forward 4t the next meeting, with the understanding that the proposer shall open the discnssion. '''''' 4. E»ch Membei of the Associaticai shall be fur- nislii,ed with a copy of the Constitution, i5y-Laws, Rules and Regulations. 5.— All questions proj>osed • for debate shall be in accordance with the declared objects of the Assf»cia- tionyand shall be delivered to the Secretary in wr!it- ing/f<»r the approval of the Board of Directors 0. -~ Theological tiuestions of ju sectarian nature shall not be introduced or discussed at' any meeting. 7 . —Each speaker in a debate shall be allowed- ten minutes ; the niover shall be allowed five minutes at the close for a reply ; twenty minutes shall be al- lowed for each reading, and thirty i^iinutes for an essay, . 8.— The (tuestions debated at each meeting shall be decided by n majority of the Members j»resent. 9.— The Lecturers for each public meeting shall be appointed by tb«' Board (»f Directors. "t '^^ ^"jji ^:y' ■J:w-' ■■'■ ■■ ■ ''M^' ' ■* '•' - "■!■ -,'l.- ":',..: . '• y . "1 • ■ .•' .V - ' . ■ ■■ '■']'■■ ■' * , * * ' • • ' ■' ' '■ .•»..-•.■ ■' i ' ■ '.'■'. ■ ''' ' . " . '.:■■■■■' ■ , ,t; :■:'■- c ■» .'■'-■ ■■ 'l • '''"■-^''^\ •'.■'■■■■. " ■ _" . '■", ■ . t - ■ ^ •■ ' • V- . ■ : 1 ..." ' '' ' ' , ' ■ ' • ■ > ' ; . :. "•■.■ "•■;(■ ■ ■■ ' ^" :/ ^^H 1 ^L^ - 1 . ■■ ' ."A ■' ■ • " . . ■ ^^^H « % .: : ^■J: ■. • .■.-.'.?■.:;;;.■.. . :• ' .".■■■■■;;■■. ■•■. ■ ■ -i..'), :.!j ■. fi. .• ■■::■:,■■■■ ,\ 'I '■"•■'■■.' '. ■ ■ ■ ■ \. : '■■■^' ■•.■'■*■■ \ ■' ■ • ■*■ B ' ■ " .♦■■'■■ . :,--' > ■, . ' , .^ " ■ ; ■;■ >.■ .'■; ■■'..' •■ : . ■ • . ■ -*• . ■ --■■■ ■'• ■ '■ . ' ./-'.■ ,!"'." •■■' ■•■■'.■ ■■■#,■ . . - ' '■-"■-. "•■■■■ ■ ■'■ ^ " ■ r ■■■■ *^''-" ■ • ■ ■' ' '''■'' '■ -' .- -^,. ' ^ ■ . , ■ ; .. "■-■.. _ . . . ■ .« ■ - " ■ ' ■. . '■ t ' ' ■ " . '■ . ". . ' .. ' • ■■';•■■■ ' \ .■'•'■. '.' - ■ .• *_< •.''•. : ... ■.', : , . '■';■;- • ■>■ - -- .-.-^ ' ■■ .'" >'• .. '■■' '. " HHI |HI WtM ■ ■ ■■1 ^^IHi ■■f'"-: ■ ■ ■ 1 ■ ■ ^^1 F^-^- ■ ■ ■ I ■ ■ V r;; ::;;-: ■ 'SS'i' ■■■ 1 . ";-i 1 ' \ . A ■ ^■' ■'] S-'m},/ •I'' ■ "■■-.; « A 1 i ^-.-^T^':.--. 9 f • ' . > ■ * >■ i m P r ■::;;^i b d i f r ■ ■.! ■ . 't ^ i /:; t -l)^,- 1 1 • - w *• *» r ' « » • / , - ' r * ^ J - y / 1 ! A" 1 /; ' • ' ^ ■i^