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' 1 2 3 1 — 1 i ■ i "" . i • 4 5 6 ■ ' ■ • ., mm am i - ■^1 • « i .• ■' » ;! i 1 it 4 ( i Kt i Gl > i - ^ * >' ^ <' f •J • 1 ! i i * • - 1 I 1 , \ i i •■, h ? ' .■■: -.•■'•- ■ • • ■ ^ ■■ 1 ' 4 ^.JUI rtlifi — " * CONSTITUTION TOR THE OOVKRNHfNT OK U>D0K8 KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS HiniflRDINATK TO AND WORKING U.NDKR TUB r GRAND LODGE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA ! t - « j \ • •^ i 1 ^ftopttll at finmft Jpnbfle ^rl^iou, ^laij lOtK, 'iOlh >inl) 2Ut. ISOl. • i ) (• t p ^^^\ ' 1 * *f^« \ri 1 X'w'J> , -. \ w fV iTjjxyS^^^ Cm '/ V ;■ -T i i \^^^/ « :'■ ' > i » • DAILY TKLKORAM P^WNT, VANCOUVEK, B. C. 1 ■ \ K - -^ \ ' ♦ ' ■ ■;"■- V ». a ' CONSTITUTION KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS, ARTICLE I.— LoixiEs. NAME. ►!Skp. 1. Each Lodge shall he known and designated hy the name and nund)er conttiined in its charter or disiiensatiou, which name and number shall not Iw ciianged without a regu- lar dispensation from the Grand Lodge, ot the Grand Glian- cellor during recess. MEMUKR-Smr AND DURATION. vSkc. 2. A Lodge shall never consist -of less than ton menihcrs of the Knight Rank, including one (iuahtic»l to 1 .reside, and whenever the memhership of o, Lodge is reduced to less than that number, it shall be the duty of the Ghau- cellor Commander and other- ineinl)er8 of such Lo«lge to surrender to the (Jrand Ciiancellor, or his Deputy, the charter, paraphernalia, and records, and all proi>erty and etVccts of the Lodge. Also they sltall liossess all the powers and privileges of a Sidmrdinate Lodge within tlio jurisdiction of the (iraiul Lo<lgo of Knights of I^ythia s of Bri tish Colmnbia, liiVdcr wTioiro ftulMrity it iliaireJflHt lo lan^ na it nct« m «tm- foniiity with its cliartcr, and comi.lies with, tlio laws of tlie Order as promulgated by the (irand Lo<lge. II 11 II III I ipi 4 — HK(;rL.\R MKETINf.S. Skc. 3. Each Lod^e sliall hold stated meetings at hiaat once ji week, at such hour as may from time to time he deter- luiiifd \i|)()n ; ])i'<)\ ided, tliat the fJrand Lodge, or the (iraiid Chaiircllor <huiiig recess, may, hy a regular dispensation, aUow a Lodge to meet at longer intervals, to be tlierein spcutied. SI'KCIAI. mj:ktin(js. Skc. 4.^ S|K(ia] meetings may he held at such times as the hu^iness of tlie Loilge may refjuire. Such meetings may l)e talh'il hy tiie C'lianccllor Connnandor at liis own discretion, and he must call a special meeting whenever re(juested to do HO, ill writing, hy live memljcrsof the Lodge in good' standing; such special meetings may also he provide<l for hy a vote of the Lodge at any ])revions meeting. The call or resolution |)rovi(ling for such special meeting must specify the lousiness to he considered, which may include the proper conferring of ranks, and the Lodge sliall he confined to. that biiainess alone, at such yieeting. QUORUM. Skc. .1. Not less than seven mend)er8 of a Lodge shall constitute a (|Uorum for the transaction of business, including one i|ualitied to ])reside, and if seven members only bo j)resent, no appropriation of money shall 1)0 made, unless it be by un- aidiiH»us consent. OTKNINfJ. Skc. (5. Every Lodge shall bo opened promptly at the time appointed, and in the absence of the Cliancellor Com- mander, the Vice-Chancellor shall preside; and in the absence of both, the Senior I'ast Chancellor shall preside; and if no Past Chancellor be present, a Knight may be called to the chair by a majority or the memlwrs of the Lodge then present. TRANSACTION OF BUSINESS. Skc, 7. The Lodge shall transact jvU its buaii^ssin the l\mght kafilt; except wHen conTeFnng tlio ranlt of Page or I<^s.juire, and when proceeding with the trial of a Page or Es(|uire, upon charges preferred. ■*r ". I liX. ■MMMMHtoMM.* meetings at l(;a8t to tiino ln> (letcr- Igc, or the (Jiinitl iLar (liapeiisiition, Is, to be tlierein at sucli times as icli meetings may is own discretion, sr retjucstoil to do in good' standing; I for by a vote of call or resohition ecify the Imsiness )per conferring of ftt biisim^ss alone. of a Lodge shall iisinoss, including s only bo present, iiless it be by un- promi)tly at the Chancellor Com- uul in the absence resifle ; and if no ^ be called to the •dge then present. ts buaiiiess in the rank of Page f»r •iul of a Page or ARTICLE IL— Okkickrs. ^ Ei.KCTivK okfi<;i:ks. Sko 1. The officers of a Lo.lge shall be as provided in the Ritual of the Order. The elective ollirers shall be the Chancellor Connnander, Vice-Chancellor I'rela e and Mastci- at-Arms, who shall be elected senu-annm| the laststated convention in May and November ; and tjie Keeper of Recon s and Seal, Master of Finance, and Mastd^ of Lxche.iuei, \v lio sliall be electc.1 annually at the last Itate.l convention m, an<l 'Jran.l Lodge Repre4l;ntatives as herein provi.lcd for. The Chance Ur Connnander shall assume the station of Past Chancellor. 1 APrOINTIVE OKKK^KI Skc 2. The appointive officers sljafe be the Inner and Outer (luards, wlu. sluill be ai)pointe(i fy the newly elected Chancellor Commander on the night of |iii|itallation WHO ARK KF.Kiinr.K TO SKr. :i. Any Knight in goo.l stanllig who has served one full term in any elective office sliaW be eligible to tlie office of Chancellor Commander or Vice^'llancellor; jn'oruKU, hou'.n r, that if all (jua,litied decline to Hiii-\h, any member who shall have attained the Knight Rank, sliial be eligible. (JHANO LODtJK KKI'KESKNtAtIVKS. Skc. 4. A Subordinate Lo<lge shall l|c entitled to such representation in the (Jrand Lodge as slial| be prescribed by .the (; rand Lo<lge Constitution. Past Cllii|iioellors only sliall be eligible to the office of Representative t(| the (Jrand Lotlg^ except in the case of a newly formed Lodge The nominatHjf and election of RcpresenUtives shall be Icoiulucted in tli! manner prescribe*! for the nomination and election of Sub- ordinatt! Lodge officers, and the election shall be held at tlie . first stated convention in the month of danuary of each year. A majority of all votes cast shall be neces.sary to elect. 1 lie tqrm 'of office of said ReprcsenUtive shall continue for tw<) "veitTH from ttw^tete Tif 4nH -eleotiott. 1 1 uuieuiatcly i-utci ' i"— Election, it shall be the^duty of the Chancellor Commandor and Keeper of Records and Seal to issue a credential certiti- original to tl.c (Jn . f Kc pt :;f"t^'' T^ Wanlint^ the 'Hxt annual election o(&t ,V"'';^' *"^^ •^^•'^'v At the Suhonlinat. Uxlgos slu 11 e ;ct as n^rlv ^^"■"'"''^'^^■"^''' '^»»-' ti.e niunhor to u",ich tl ev .nav 1 "^^'^ y,,^,'"'-^}' l»o, one half two yea.^ an,l the o Lr Inl Ji^r n' '"''^'"''•, ^"'' ''''« ^™ of I-pre«entative.s shall be elated foVu ^T"' ^''f ^'=^fter (;rand ''II the place of the retSt,Tr^^^^ 'i'st. convention in .Jan -'^ ^"'''^•hI Represent^atives at the f'ovickvl, .so that ha of t^.e (Van 1 ^f' '^^ ''^''-ei.U.efore ''ohl over for (,ne vea At 1 Hepresentative.s n,ay '^1 Knights in goorat n<ut' Ire eZiESl "' l!."-;'--^^-^ Hepresentative and all Wfge offiees. '''^"' ^^ *'''""^ • ALTKKNATK GKAn5 BEPREsENTATJVKS. the same manner >y.\tevult ^l:. ^^ ontitle.1 to like c;Jd^nt Js am?Tn'''i'^''w''' ^'''" «'"^" '>« Lodge, with all the Ss and n-.- I ''^'^'^^'"» to the (Jrand i'> case the regular ^fepres"^^^^^^^^ tend the (iran.lLodge. '^ "'^ ^""^ ''"^ ^'^"«^' ^'Vl to at^ PAST CFIANCKLLOR. in ^od sL,/^y!;i7g'SS ^^'^r ^'!r' ^^"^ '-"^'^^ tl>e outgoing Chancel! r r^, , ^ ChancoUor ; afterward of I'aHt''cha1..ellor and u?rrp"f '? ri^- "^^"^ ^ I'^^'^'i"" '^« Chancellor Comma er7«.nrHw'*^^^ ^^ ^""^ successor i'ast Chancellor. 3 hS'serv^^ '^'^r.'"''^ ^""^ ^'^'^ ^^ ti»e Lodge for th'e ensut;^ term !'"« ^*'' Chancellor of NOMINATION^. on Se' n(J'^::^i^t^ t''"^-^ P^^^^ '"'^3^ ^ "-!« oxcepttoglUvac^ncy.^ ""^ the night of the election. . ' KLKC?riON8. ofliS^i^a^Il b?immedllew'/^^°*^^^ unmediately succeeded by the election for the »■•■■ s; o1 ni m V Cf C tl a I re ni cii in an '^1 til an nif ho nij Mil th< Olli far Lo his the res W len: wri *:■ lupHcatc, ;,'iving the and forwarding the •dsaml .Seal, At the Representatives, 'the y as may l)o, c»ne half itled, for the term of !ar, thereafter (irand term of two years, to jpresentatives at the 'ear as hereinbefore lepresentativcs may tion of a new Lodge, o the office of (Jnuui TATJVKS. Jcted, as intlie fore- »anie meeting and in tives, w'lio sh.tll he ^\o\\ to the (Jrand >f a Representative, ny cause fail to at- Lodge, any Knight neellor ; afterward I take tlte j)08ition ion of his successor 10 rank and title of Past Chancellor of Bees may be mjule i of the election, >mination for each le election for the — 7 — same, and before the nomination and election for the next ofhce. Ofhcers shall be elected by written ballots A majority of the votes cast shall constitute a choice'-^ PTvorv member present in good, standing shall be entitled to vote Votes tor any but non-iinees and blank ballots shall not be counted ; vy,,xy member siiall vote unless excused l)y the Uiancellor Commander. The name of the nominee re^eivin-r the lowest number of votes in any ballot, when more than two are m nomination, shall be withdrawn beforeHhe ballotinsr is renewed. . ° INSTALLATION. Skc. 8. Officers shall be installed at the first ie<'ular niectnig in the months of January, and July, if unfoi^stH'u circumstances do not prevent. x\o officer shall be inalallc.l unless he has fully paid to his Lo.lge the amount of all dues .uul claims of whatsoever nature then accrued against him • 11^- shall any officer retain his seat if he is in arrears in a sum' ^ lual to tlie amount of five months' dues ; nor shall any officer elect l,e installed until he has proven, to the satisfaction of uie installing officer that he is in possession of the ritualistic an.l secret work, and qualified to convey it in an intelligent nianner. ° HONOFW OF OFFICE. Sk.\ n. Xo officer shall receive or l^e entitled to tlie iiors of his office unless he has served a majority of the "'feiits ot the term, or the portion of the term for wiiicli he ti: f 1 f *"'• 'r 'Wointed. The last ilight of his service to be o lln. fi 'V^ '^ "^, ^^^"^ ^*''''"- i'^ovidexl, ho,trn'r, that any f.mii I \, ,'"*y ''^ absent by reason of sickness of self or f'lniily shall be inarked-as present. VACATIN(J . OFFICE. Io.iln\^^f" ^^^'«"ever anplfeer absents himself from the IdsSoo "'".'"'T';"^'''^ n!lcft,ingswitliout leave of alwence, e n^mlw'"'^ be declared vacant V a vote of two-thir<ls o r -so t on"*^ •! ^^ '^^ Lo^ge present ; p-orided, /^o.rerer, tliat a W™^i^' J^"#^^^ im^t first -. least^S^ ,1 *r^ ^"^ee, m open meeting, and lie over at '»i"»i„ given to such officer by the Keeper of Records and L t^- oliice a(l(lr.««.s. ••^'^«««^''^ to Iv.n at Tus last "reoonle,! post "'•'ginal sel,.ctioi, was ,na< e thP nffi t'^V'"''""^'' <''>^t the '•e^iUue of the term anr nffi' "'''"' ^" ''''"«^" to serve the • the honors o{ tTootC! """' '^^-rvrug sljall I,e entitled to Chancellor or his (]ej,uty ' ^'^^ "^stalled by the (irand ' . ■ ) ' x^UJIhS OK OFFIOKR.S. /'AST ClIANCJifcLOK. -'• tlie By-Laws of the Slge ^^ ^''" ^'^''^^ ''^ ^''^' ^'-'ler, ''-<^i^'««'of 'the Lodr"",fr"'T''"' ^'r'' I'--'l^"at' all t'-M-ein, t., deci.lo all^n.esti m? of o'^ "'■''''; '""' '^--■•»"' f''.n, h4s decision to tl^ L L .^ *^''''*^'"'. '^"^^J*-^' t„ aj.peal ^^>'li--«'-H and thejchairnan and^ni- ^'^^'""i^ '^^^ appoil/tivo »nle«3oth.rwisel,rclS y tie Sh/o '^ "^ "" conunittoes, j"«^ night hut. ,,ne of the tennf "^^'"'"^ "" "'" ^'''' l^ooks and account* of the various offi.""""^; ^" '^"'''*^ ^^'^' mse of the teninorary absence or ?-^'^ ' appon.tothocrs in f 'gn.all order, L th% uT.ZZ' tT.^^'^''^'^^^^ -J -^y "^cer; L ai tl ni U( •SIl th til hil an th ass dei to *pei nia on] oth law sc'Vc by, Bign all order, {,„ h^ C teTo/Sr"^'*^''^ "' '^-^-V "^"'''^ ;y the Lodge, and aU o herplt^^S l>er8, except in the electTon of ^^ " ^^"^1 ^'^^^•^'"» "^ '"^"^ ' eiection of officers and apiw^als /ron. his just iiiak the Kt.c( tion the cliar Ohm of d all , A "11 il I . - - . .... ^•. ' I ■ I 1 1 . 9 ' given peisona'lly of- l,y t Jua last 'recorded jwst sed hy death, removal n.ay l,o fJHed .4 the occurs, or is offici.tlly >8equent meeting tiiejre n the -inanher that the *8o chosen to aerye the ing shall l)e entitled to ected or appointed to nstalled by tlie (irand . ) OFFICKR.S. )n shall perforin such ' Ritual of the Order; KR. r rihall prcsi.joat all order and decorum r, subject, to aj)pea] •oint {^1 a])pV)iiitivo • of all cominittees, appoint on the last nniittec to audit the ; appoinfothccrs in cation of arty ofHcer; r, whicJi are ordered equire hi^ signature »H qiiegtiolis bcforo "^ u division of mem . „ -•- "-..w. v-nti-T on tnc iii»<>L- itrwj- fi id api^als/rom his '^" --l-'ded an<I rednstated "nSlr^^-^'ll^^r";;;;:^^^ d Mu.s,on,,and inspect all l,aHots and 'i-oport thereoi, to the L d;,.e; enforcethe constitution an.l la^vsif-the (!ra*"t ,ie a dtn. various charges^toget'her With the un^vritte^^. ^hf the Oner, and prevent innovations in the Lod^e 1 1 si. "^venallow the Lodge to be opene.l. unless L- rsa'isHc'l t h Z^^l prcscu.t but qualiiied 1 Mothers ; am shS ^^1 f^^ . ■sucl. other d,K.,es as may be required of him by the I I i? o has Wn pa-iptTt^l^li^L^rt^ (S\^-;J ^J'?.i^S:" S^^:^l.t|^^f^^^^ VKJK-CIIANCKI.bOR. " -• ^^ assi!!ru,e'(!h',,tfi!?p'''' ''"1^ "^^''^' Vice-chancellor to •lec..ruml„ t ; LoW.-^^yV^^'^'^'^^^ "\ P'-««erving order and tr. w.. ."/"/"•, t^o«lge; aid him m com net ul' the ceiein'ouic^ ^S.'o": h/s,^ 1' "'"""r^f '''' ^^'>''"-?^-- ^onm'nd"" mi ma. le . ' ^^^^^^ "f the Cluuicellor Com- ordcre]\3C;\:''''^^'"''r-''/ all committees not otlierwise - other dutie^V'-rw Z;^^^^^^ '^ ''' 1 ^'f^^'' ^^ '" '^^''•^"•■'" «"->> I'KKLATK/ V ■ ^vv^llviuuJ^!^^^'''^^^'' «l>all assist in\hc ceremonies of the • ^ '•^'''''^'''•'•li OK RKOtJUDs A,ND SK.VL.' jusr:u;d'trur':^&^[ "^ ^^'^"■^^^ ">;' «-l«l'an l-cp a m.k.- nnf ''"^ .'^^'^J*' "I all tlie proceedings of tlie Lod-c-' ""■ susncM sio, . d L T:''^'">t-s for membership, and of dod " •;"*f:."".V'« ^^'"^"k IJook the I'lames of ' ; y • -^ ^\, lasMa ' —10 — '•-[dilation of oS.ff."«;'|rS «-•'». ""' '•'•'■*"• ^- ^''<^ ^'-I'f. may nw,uire, for wJud, t i rv! T t""*;'' '''^ ^''»^ <"'''^"<l '''^^"'<«. an.i hcit of / , ^^«"'«" ^vili furnish i'*''- cuj,ita tax (if the slZ 1 T ^'""P*"' ^''nant Un- the 1-forc the ecuen.oi.y ,>f the ta^ Ktinn^ 'v« '"^^'^Hing oHicer ! tax to the (Man.l Keepir of R,' !"'"',''> <'^^' P'"' ^'Mxta i onli.iate Lcl.e • de v tr P i''-^'' ^''^ pmvi.le,! 1 y tl^e Suh }>or^>nnsnoh\>therduK:rCv'^^^^^^^ '" the Lod^^e : an.i ^o-i.e o. the ,a.s of the Or^j;:^ t ;i-z:i;;!f '[j;^ ,^,^ : MANTER OK KIXANCK. j i'< Y-n the ii;U- ^u^rit:'.!;:;" "r ^'"f ^^''* ^''^^ -^--ta ^- go an.I dehv^r the an fo ^-7' 'f'"' '''" '^"•"""♦•'' "^ the ^■•^ lo,l, re.vne an.I re -ei t op^'m' '" '"^ successor, wl«n in- '■"•"l'U<r, taking his .^e H ^ r'""" ^" ''''^ ^''^«tcr of |?x- '''^•'•'- «t'^n.iin/at levsi two t ^'''i V"^'^^' ^" "^*'"'l'o>-« of •;:'•'''; iH, shall at tV^'en ofrtchV"^''? '^'' ^"'"'^ '>^ --'' ;'/ ' a.Hl Seal V i t of al r'"'"' "'■"'''' "'^' '^•'*'l'«'- ;-''kc, an.l n.ake out at tho "ul « » ^" '""^' '" "'" ^ '''''"'' tl'e KcqHir of Reeonis a ul il ^^^^''^O"" an.l present to P'««„nih.r rZrt to ..« r'^ "i ««"''-»»n»'^» 'ij^Mt, ami f the en«„inK tonr^Up l'' ,1 ^''^Vt, '^'? '''"'^^ ••''"mention ^"'- H"ch tern.; it h1 allCthe .lit o/'n "'^^"" "^ ^''« '"'-^''^ -Jucl. such Lodge n^vr'tHhl ^?^i!'?r-"^ I^"k U> c f. a ii n r. V S e; ai tf t( St I.. Ol Ik i; t)i ai ("■ f..i 111 th u -iou ...„■:.,,; .r.r;Hwt:i:;=;:jrT;n ii„^ •III 1^. ii.. ■ . ■*^- rijf nlJi, ■'**^**^-— *'^-*^- t n fB 1^ ^fc ifa ^Lt^tM^^ >; tlie keeper of Roconls •raiul Juii8(liction, and <J prefjeut to tlie [.odge Cerm, au,l ,„.io,. ^^ ^j,,; I, * semi annual mport '" "planner as the (iran.l •and Lod^'., will fun.iHi, icli report an<l loturns proper warrant for tlic ready \n'.,-n paid U, the to tlie installing odicer ' " ; or, he inay wend tlve ^.8 ami tho per capita i iind-Seal I. y post olfico ter, and keep a copy of ^ provided by the Suh- oessor, when instaHed 'g to the Lodge ; and' ><linred of l.ini by the i liy-Lawaof the Lo<lge, K. i all keep the accounts >d tiie accounts of the 18 successor, wlWn in- I y'H paid to the r.o<lge, I f> the Master of Kx- j «»tify all niend.ers of ore the end of each , lurnish tlie Keej>er 'lent niend»ers, and a to soiits in the (Jrand term and j)reHent to »-annnal report, and tliQ first convention lation of the <.fficei-H ■ Mastor of Kinanw - 11 — all n.cikJ.e.s snsj)ei,d(id from incmbership m such Lo.b^e for any eause ;a...l perform such other .luties as n.ay be re.r.ur..d of hnn by the Lodg(y,-^or the laws of the Onler, or the l.v- L.iwa of the .LodL'e. He shall give such bonds as the Lod^e ('lutes''"*'"""''' ''""*''^'""^'* ^"'^ ^''P f'"thful performan<(;e of his MASTEIC OK KXCIIKQl'KJl. .. U^T , '; '''■'V)''''-''^''''' ^:f.l''>^<'lH'quer shall receive all monc'ya collected by the Master of iMnance an.I give his receipt the.c- tor; keep an exact an.I true account of all moneys so received and of a 1 (lislMirscinents by the Lodge, which shall be entere.l n a book furnished by ti.e Lo.lge, for that purpose: he shall make no disbursements unless authorized so to .lo by the l^odge, un.ler a proper warrant signe.l by the Chancellor (onwnander, and attested by the Keeper of Records an.I ■Va , u„d un.ler the seal of the Lojk.e; he shall, at the en.l of ..(. term, make out and presen* the Keeper of ! n \ <'^«*'"i'-a'mual report, ailTpresent a simdar report I " ,^'n' i'^ ^''« fi'-«t meeting of the ensuing term prior to the installation of the oMicers for such term; .„, the in- ■suillation <.f 1„H auccq,ssor he shall .leliver to him all nu.neys, 'ookaa... ac.;()unt8. in \m possession, i,elonging to the Lo.lge •mh^rlus contro; and perform such othe? duties as 1.^; •<^i. .|mre.l o bin, by the Lo,lge, or laws of the Or.ler, or the jy ..f the I^Mlge. He shall give a bon.l in such sum as ■ L.'(T^ T\^ '■^'M""^. conditioned for the faithlul i>erf.,rm- ante ot his duties. MASTKH-AT-AKMS. •^K<". S. T-Jie Master-at-Arms, shall have charge of the .1 h 7'T'^ F»araphernaira.>f the Lo.lge, an.I be responsible m 11 7!.7-'^^'J""H tl»ereof ; an.I perf.,rm the .luti.-s hti.l .l.,wn the .„;"'/.'"'. *"-'''' ''^^'''^ ''"*''*'« '^« ""^y '»« re.iuire.1 by, JMc^j..».lge, or the laws of tho Onler, or the By-Uvws of the INNER AND OtJTBR fJlTAKI). *r <&v«ry suiiii-nTrnnat 7 f^rxr. <iS^ 'IxticHaHnlT^^ Tuner nn. Ch.tor (;«ard« shall perform such '^XeorU. ^'""■'';^''y ^''« ^^'^"'^' «^ the Onler. or by the •'I**- or the law8 of the Onlor^or the Hy-Laws of the L^dge. mlowinent Ilank to full list of names of ATTENDAN'TS. '->■, of ti,„ ,„,,.,, „,. ,,„ ,i;:ij^:is:JiZ'"""' '"' "" <;H.\NJ> KorxjK RKPRKSKNTATIVKS. *>'•''-•. or Vhe l;y Laws of jl ",^'" f '"' t'"; '-- of the ARTICLK IV._TKn»T«,s. KI,K<?Tr()N. i'^'''t;;„:p':i; 1;;; :!;;•- ''>'-^^^^ "'0 Lodge. '.^'•'•"•"''^'- i.. Vuck ye^ f.i t , ;-■ '"■'' ■'"'"'"' «-"ventio„ ii. Sk( 111 fOWKIW. -'"' of the u.veHt.nent o ?^„f, ^ ^1^^ "^ ^'^ '-<'K0. 'W'trt for that ,>ur,>oHo. an " ha] ,, ! " ^^" f" '^'^ ""^y »>« ^t-t ""^""er aa ...ay le preneVihe 'l hy U.o I^:;^':. ''"-" ^'^"'^' "' »»«'' KKJ'OKT. wh;.";e^l.eyWep;::;ft:;i^o ''''^^^'-^'-'-^ ^'^ <■'- J^'x'r the l^xlge i,, ill niatters «.; ^ *"''J''^'*' <o the will of tl.o,^^ «f tirLl,;7"'^^""'"8 ^ ^»'0 L<.,lgo fu,uls. ^ nONDH. aixl t 11 o s f. '•; SJl K ht lir; an I..J thi ill he iiii file vr .>l uIsi Jll'l Met iii.r 'It -CI 't' 4' --^i .Skc. -). Tl. - J3 — F.LUHHILITV C'liaiiccllor erfonnsud,.l„tie.sasare. «kc ". Ti ... „ ■ ' - NTATIV^X •ese.itativ,.s sj.all recx'ive Uithfally io,,r,.„,.„t i^,, M-fonn suoli otl,,.,- duties '0( go (,r tl.c I.iwM of the In. case ot' „ ViUMiicy a •ellor elec1,.,l tc. HII t],e itiouof his |,ro.lecessor ARTIVLK V.-M.o,HKusH,P .VN,> K.mcs. Ttyt^IS UK. '.STKKS. •ustees of the Lclge, n(ii<-eiH, \vh,,se, form of 'Icctcd to lill a vacancy. Ht stattMl cniiveiition in ' so arraiiu,.,! ^^.^^ (^j,^, » annual clodtion. the title t^,, and the •operty of t)„, f^„|ge, '^•xIk'J as may he set 'VK« the same in such 'go- report to the LiMlgc •iiw tho fnnil8 of the uliject to the will oi lio L<Mlgo fiuuls, and Tuties of the office. [0 may reciuiie, con I their duticH. "f good n.o :Il hi ' ';^ "*'''^', ""'V'"'^-- lu. is a white .nal. f". not less iKu 8 V Z ■'•' '""'"'"'.' '^' ''''■'^ J"',tioM •■••^tion fornie Lhtn^^e^^^^^^^^^ ^"T '" ^''^'''^te of his appli- '•y oa,d, ,n winch :!:^^ ^^^1". e^ruV'' '^ '""V""^ ^"''''"^ ^-■iry.andhavinL'son.eviwil I ^ '"'' '"•»"tl>« i« ik-ccs- '-•■I' '-■■■'«-^i;.>in;ra\:::' r , '■«;;,:':;t" "'t'"" ■" """ '■ •su'ni pi (,,„,,. . ,„.„vidp,l l.,.V ^'^* " 'i"k at Huch a .sum us may '">'■ l''«.s thanl,.. ]> n <'> '''•''"•« ♦'"• theVank of I'a.,. H'Hl Knight <*** ''""'^'"^ ^'^^•'' ^"'- t''« '•■^"ks of l.:s,,„n.J An-IJCATIONS KOU IMTfATlON. '''«rHtat^g id:^;j;':Si'"' ^"V"''^''"" '"'"'^ '- '" -'" ^''^- 'M.niicant ,n X.\^"^ -'d .K-cupation, and s.^ned hv """'•« for inve.stit^S* n ^''^ J»«<''t'"" 'cferrcd to a con.- """"K upon ,|^\ Xr S t"" '" "' '"^'"'^ '"'^"y '^"d n, ■'[ ^''^' "ox-t reg Ir ; ; r^^^^^^^^^^ M-'ahhcation of (he applicant ';>- '- sent h>M e Kee, 'r^ P """? "^ ,''? '^'P'^Mtiol. shall ^-^-Ik" of the OrdeMn'tl " '^*'<'"''.'"'""J '^^"'^1. to every other 111...-,. I . 1 "loor It) ti io game eit^ «»•• «... 1- . ii i orr t ^> ,4^ 'Wt ty or taau wi^u-^ uv^r .^t- ^^-'1-tod for hy«««^, u,diot:'a;;i if appnned "J upphcant Hhall then, aftc-r two "•'y oe iwlniittod ah " i- ■— ■■•'v, (um u ap '''"""M«"'i«<l hy th^ nitlllifi^^^^^ for n.endH)rHh,p n.uHt lie / »«»t.ation feo, and al«o hy a certiJicato of ■" ■«ato. ,s,,. , , "•'•!■"■"■".« .on „,.,,, "y tJie necfssai^' fee Si:f "'t<'.l l.v L J"*\"^t" c4«„ll^ ^f-"r n,e,,„ ' :' '^'i.wicelJor or j,ig ^■1 ..., •ii- i-i..-«.dK..^., ^<i>i~^i . certifying (,. t),o ^ I'-'^nx any <.o„,(,-. .|'«P;-e.seM.e.Uoa,' ^«""ty or district "Cil CISC H CMtifi- str'i otJ ct, •^''»i^ruti »er /.(„|,r,, "g ''eLo.lg,.. ,vi| "'e necciisa ry foe •et-on fen 0,1 at •7; J>PO\i,|,.,|, ^"sation.s aro "celJor or liig ■'»10inl><M\s|,in ^ro„tJ„. /i,.„t »»lt if i„||y ■'4'f>li(«iLif)n, two fH' iiK)re '*« <IeeJarc>(l «we for tl,o — 15 — (^ONKKKRINO HANKS. t WUUlf)t <»♦• Skc 6. One uock must elapse between the (;onferriii" of tlio ranks in all cases, excci)t thq first four meetings of a ne-K' ^; excei)t wlien dispensations are granted by the (iraiid bo.lgo or (he (Jrand Chancellor or his Deputy. H„t in every instance two weeks must elapse between the ajjplication and llic conferring of the rank. of. Page, in cities or towns whore two or more Lodges exist, and in cities of towns wiiere only one I.o( g,- j.xists one week must elapse l)etween the apDJica- tioii and the conferring of the rank of I'age. Al'l'I.K'ATION i»V CAiii). Skc. T. •Icsii'oiis of fiJiplicaUMii Any l)rother of the ()j-der in good standiii", b<ooniing a member of a Lodge, siiall make ii.s ui the case of an uninitiated person, and •^^^-•""'l"^''> Iho s,unc with his with.lrawal car.l from the ^o(ge ot which he was last a member, .or the card granted )y the (.rand Lodge in lieu there(»f, together wifli a fee to be "xe.l l»y the Lollgc, by a proper My- Law, i)n)vided, that such a tee shall not b- less tlian two (2) dollars; which application Hiiall he icfcrnMl to a Committee of three, whose duty it shall 1)0 to report as to thesUmding and (pialiHcation of the appli- *unt at the second regular convention, and the Keeper of Kecords and Seal .»f the Lo<lge receiving such applicaUon Must also communicate, under seal of the Lodge, from wlm-h llie card is issued as to the character of the applicant, as well as tv notify all other Uxlgcs in cities or towns when; two or «»ore lx)dges exist of the aj)plication. The api)licatiou shall a HO he ac(;oin|)anie(l by a |)hysician'8 certiticate, as in U.e case "' iin apidication for membership by initiation. The brother 811'iJl then be ballote<l for by seeret l)allot, as in the caije of an-initiat^, and witli like result; and , if apjiroved he shalh J'gn the Roster of the Lodge, ami Imjcoiuo a mombor tiiereof 'lom the date of his acceptance. * , I'A.ST RANK. ai'other jurisdiction, and affiliating with a Lodge in this Jill iH<licti(m, shall file with the "Keepor of iWords and Seal a ^j^'rliticate of I'ast Rank or a lUnk Credential, slMiwing tiie <«ale when ■ucli rank was atUinod, whioli oortiHcato hIuiU .S,,. „ ^ ^'"""^"^"►■'"•■•i..C.VT.„.v, . <;,.,, ^'''^J' i'e rctunu.,! to hin, ami '^"/'"^ '»'« appl,. I. Skc. any rani toe j)ai( l)along I sent hiu within t from th( tlie elect plete hia Sec. whatevei for. >Skc. f^Qhally, 'ipplicati AR' Skc. Uiat (lues ■ Skc. 1 •nontli in '>e prior commence first of th r slmll he cl ^Per of Records ^" the honors of ' ►erly filed. shall be with- er it has hoen ' fen-ed shall 1,,. j ee, whether it "fe' in a (Jraiid P''oj)08iti(„i is '" coiiseiif „f '"• No r.iMlv 'Klent of (he •'g«, witli,,„t ^ which iho 8 electioji ,,,. ^' 'lis up|»h sent to (h(. ion, as u-,j1| notice shall ' ■'■Ke, (vnd '■«<! in the 3 unavoid- sJiip or to 2 within a fi of such Cf's'iip, as 'ly be re- mtnfttion"^ ?ti"g his f -.17- KOKKKITUKE OF ELKCTIOX. Shp 1.3 No person elected to membership, or to receive iuiy rank shall, in any event, be en^tled to the return of the ee paid tliercfor, l.ut the «une shall be retained by and l.'ilong to the Lodge, and in case the applicant fails to pre- sent himself to receive the rank or complete his mcml,ershin within the time })rescribed in Sec. 12 of this article, one year rem the date of notice of ids election, the Lodge may declare the election void, and his right to receive the rank or com- plete his inembersliip forfeited. I'AYMENT. wi.''!'^^" ''*• J^'' 'V^ ^^'•''" ^'^ conferred, under any pretens^ whatever, unless the same shall have been previously paid NOTKJE, HOW (JIVEX. a^^'^n^' ''*■, ^^^'^^^^ herein provided for may be given per- •iQhaliy, or by mail, to the post office address named in thc^ •plication. V ARTICLE VL— Dues, Fines, and Assessments. , DUES. f }„.? T' ^' ', ^^f^^^ ^"''^'*' ^''"'.^' regulate its own dues; provided, that dues sliall not be charged a^/ainst Pages or Esquires. 1^ when to OOAIMENCE. m ^n'- ^' P^^^^ *'*'^^' commence from the first day of the month in which the member attains the Knight Ituik. IT it oe prior to the lAtli of the month, otherwise they shall commence on tW first day'of the following month. WHEN I'AVABLE. Seo. 3, Dues for each month shall be i^ayable on the nrst ot the month, Avhen not so paid they become delinquent. FINES. «l u^'' 1" ^^^ ^"^^ imposed upon a meml)cr for any cause snail be charged against him as (lues, and shall be considered ,(.■ >- IS- \ Cf i.-o. - ■ ' tlie Lo(i ASSKSSAIKNTS. '^JiouM the funds of tJ.erod.ol '^y,hy a Uvo-iUinh voto of f. '"^'^'I'^ exhauste.l Unci o.vccpt at a re^ailar sL'fn 1 "^'''" ^^ '"'-^^'c. or entr, •^|J ■such assessments s?, . i i ^ *' convention of tliP r ,. i susDoiision r.,. . • '"' niattera rel;ifiiwr t- '., ^'^'^^^ '>e l>on'e/i r"'' ..e.ust..ten,ont of n,en ho •« "f J^ ''_« «^»''i"K, susneiisionn,. . • ' '"^ niattera relafin,r f Vi ""'^'^ ''^' ^ Of SICK MEMBEIW. it .sir.ll 1. ;. . 'It'han-ed from hnnofir ' "^^ ^^- assess- OK SUJSPKNOKD MEMUKRS ^''^VAIK.VT OK I I I suspension or > benefits. "10 exhausied ibera Plt'SOllt, ?e to provide ual necessury sition tf) levy ^iiigatwJii,.i, i<Ie, oreiitci- the L<)(lu(, . J-nd sli.iU ))e' UKI Sll.ll] |,t; le stauiliiii', eir riglit to ' ^fom Jiia ' or. asses.s- it aceoiint. 'be amount 111) to keep tber tbdii »mist pay I such su«- [ 'uspendt'd I ade, and I tile c.i,.s- ( drait 01 X express ' 'ball 1,.; [ oxproHs er f o!^dr;// Tf"sVn^ f 'P'"'"'' "' "r" '•'" '^'^^^ «^ tbe money or.le DELINQUENCY, (uJZ' ^' ^\^'»'o''»t indebted to his Lodge for dues fines be Hy-Llv o tl,o''l o? P'-t^''?'"'^'T J'*^'-'"'^ l>'-o«cribe.l in AUTJCL]<] VII.— Susi •KNSIONS. Wiri:N AND HOW. fordlirs fin..s^'';!'T"'^'' *'' '"^'^l'^"- i« i" arrears to his L.-.lgo Chanrf. u V ' "' /''.^.'' ''e declared suspended l)y the J9^ ^ONy iC TIQJi Of f£M»?r^ Ciiatcello; (i "''r '^^""1^ ''"'"^ ^« ^'>« knowledge of the 1ms eo[ <^,?"""'^"<'«'- "/ a Lodge that any me.nber thereof "Hs been finally eonv.ctc.l of any felony, it shall be his duty lo ai oiu'r pruniio ;iii(l j)ri'.sful Id lliu L'xlge a certified copy vt ll.c lliial jii.lgiui'iit of siu;li couvictiori, whereupon the name t'f SI, oil iiu;iiil)ci- shall jjc at ou^'o .sfriUeii from the Roster of the L.>il;,'c, and his inoiul)crsliip in the Ortler shall cease, and his connection' witli sucli Lo.Igc torniinate as of the date of siuh conviction; and noticjj of such action shall be given forthuilh l)y tlic Keeper of Kceords and Seal and the Kcejjci's of ivc,c:oid.s and Seal of the' other Lodges in this (•I'and dui-isdict ion, to such convictod ineniher, and also Iransniiiied to the (Jrand Keeper of Records and Seal, as in the » iWic of sUfi])ension. NOTICKS, Skc. 3. All nf)tice3 re(|uired l)y this Article to be sent to the niei)d)er, sliall be sulheient if de})osited in the "post office, Willi tiie po,sta;:c prei)aid thereon, addressed to the niend)er at his last recorded 2>ost oliice address. AiniCLK Vlir — RK-I^^sTA%^IKNT. WITIIIX ONK YEAK. ^ Skc. 1. A member suspended for n(ni-})ayn\ent of dues desiring to he re-instated at any time witliin one year from the date of ins suspension, sliall make ai)plication, therefor in writing, and j)ay to the 'Lo<lge the amount of all dues, lines and assessments charged against him ji,t the time of his suspension, and if two-tliirds of the members jjresent vote in 'favor of his reinstatement, lie shall forthwith be declared re-instated, and shall again become a member of the Lodge from that date. If m<n-e tlitm one third of the mejubers j)resent vote against him, he shall be declared rejected, and the nu)ney acconijiiinying his apjdication shall be returned to him, and no fjirther applicati(m from him shall be considered for six months thereafter. AFTKR ONE VEA^l. ^^ Sw;. 2. A niend»':;r suspended for non-payment of dues desiring to be re-instated at any time after one year from the date of his suspension, shall make application in writing, and jiayall dues, fiues an<l assessments charged against him at the tiirio eTlus suspensiori, and liis application aliall be occoni- v^ 'm mmmmntm'mi'mimmf , — 21 - • ■ ■ . ■ ])| l,y n oortiticatc of the Medical Kx-.uulnw of tl.r 1 ...1 r . and If noMnore than thr^e l.laok halln ap^fear'^' ha I ' ' r;:;;rr'''' ''■-ri'i'"?-'''* »i'"ii li ret,:-,," to i ' no niithc^ ani) u'lition frojn Iiim «l>..ll i>« , j"^ '"ni, .iiui Bi.lo,.e.l,f„,. ti;„'.(„„„ of alx';:„' tll/the'caftJ""'"'' "■■ ■=""• . Skc. -a. f>tlior than FOR CAUSK. r I'KUMISSION KOK. I>'i3' Skc. 4. 1 crinnual luvs'^of^Lr!"''r '*"'^I*«";1^'^ f«'" violation of the ■exee f hv ^^^ . ,'''""'***' ''*^ '-einstated at any time Srj eiSinrre^^^^^^ ^'^ «^ ^'^ ^'-"^ > Dreson fnt^I ? f" a -^ "'" ^"'''' P"»-pose, ihe^nieniher ^Sh• annlTl n ^odijelus application for re-in«tateinent, or g3 Lod^" V"" H^' forwarded to the (irand Chaneello cLanee lor (Ifnlnf ^^^^^^ 'V^'^ * state.nent signed by the iWdland S^ ?'' T^ Z'^''^*'^^^ ^^^ the^Keei^er of forH? li ^''h ''"'^ ""*^^'' tl'e seal of-^he Lodiie Lttin- wi-iH^,l«"^«'-^ -^"re and character of the IblSLt^ which tim m«;r»Ko^^ ' cnaractex- ol tiic oilence for ■ » J xf 1^ -it ^H>i'<'.u-, i.e.siuiriH'n;i v^ """■« ^^^'-^^ three ri,:*' ARTICLE rv u.. «0( % '<I'''es,'ri2ief In? ^^'"'^''"^ '''''« ^« >'"t imlehterl ^. I • r \ t^X^rtnumn of '^«««««".ients, or oitJier in « "^ '"' ^'^^'^ .t i. •Ml,. ■ <* --fc< I ii i U... ,.^. A-di. 'M- 'MMUMyMtoMMMI ' ■ . ■ By- Lawn .if t,lu3 Lodge maiy sjiecify; provided, that sucli disiil.ility is nol the result of iurtjioral or criminal conduct, or oT soni« <liseaKe or constitutional inftfnuly wld(;)j existed at the time of his admission to the Lodge, and which was then known to iiim and purposely concealed from the Lotlge and the examining physician. • • , ABSKNTKKS. J'v cases of the disability of any memher aljscnt ^tlt*J||Tris(Ii.;tion of the Lodge, or who camiot for any I^-^m' ^-^ Visite<l l.y the Visiting Committee, a statement -of liiSp&iKlition and the nature, extent and duration of his dis- ability, si^qicd l)y a Chancellor Commander of a Lodge of tiie .Order, who lias knowledge.of the facts, or by any reputal)le ph^tfician, shall be prima facie evidence of tiie facts therein stated, and in the absence of any other evidence or informa- tion, Mill l»e sullicient to entitle tiie member to weekly ])ene- tits, if il sliovvs that -his disability, i? sufficient to prevent him from ;iLt ending to iii^ visual business or otiier occupation, or otherwise earning a livelihoo<l ;• provided he 'is not h\ arrears, as li,ereiid)efore provided, and is otherwise in good standing, and made application for his l)enefits within three months after tlu; commencement of his (lisabllity,, either oyer his o#n signature or through someone authorized to represent him. , PAYMENT. Skc. 4. Payment of weekly benefits may bo made to the mend)cr, or to his wife in his lifetime, and after his death to his widow, if there be one, and if there be no widow, then tlie payment may be niatle to the heirs of the deceased member, and tiie receipt of any such person shall be a full and complete discharge and acquittance of the Lodge of all claims an°d demands a^inst it on account thereof! KEPOBTING SICK. ^ f^*%EC. 5. It shall be the duty of every brother on ascer- taliiing^ that a mcinlTOr ir sick of in distress, W report l,lVe^ same to some member of the Visiting Committee", or to ihe. I^dge at the next regular convention thereafter. S9! !,T^!trfUfif .::af ' ii p i j ^i ) ■ •^■. Jl M "-• ^'I'^ITIM; go.MMITTKE. . ^^^5- ''n^x!:t;:.^^ vice ChanceHo.., ''«/I■■>^^•s Hn.l c.ston.s of he o'Sf "l ""^'^^^^^ therewith as "^V of th,. ineitiiK. of tl... I ol """"'^ ' , "^ sliall visit upon tlicr ^ '^' 'I'^y l>'Vc..lin.Tan,l t .,■ fr '"'/ 5 '« ,^'^-e-Chancil]or o^ -fterthenK.e,u,>r;>f U.e l:;,,^^;;-^^-"^ Exchequer on the cL.; KI'NKU.M, ItKNKKITS. of a Lo.1;.,. ,.,,,,.i,,^. j [^ ''"•«« such 8un. as the liyJlwa ■■^'-' -'.V '•-..lue^re.nai, , '■ f : ' ^^''^''^''^^ «"^'I' hum. (an.l ;'xp<>>.s,.., wl.,,. t|„,. Lo.lJe , ,l' i l'"y'^"»t of the funeral ''H> iHTsonJ,,,,,,,. (he law '" ^? '"" "'*»"'' d.ihlron or y -'<iou- or .Minor iM^'\;::;'f "» ^''-". '^"«i if then ^ '-'■'.Vl-l-.lent on hi n f "s L',h' ^^i ^'/ T"" "'.""''«'• "^ '''^ fOIt WJKK OK MKMIJMt. '« no( obligatory ujK,n the [^1^0.^'^^= '>»t tlu, provision - ttmm 25 '•LAS.SIFICATION OF IlKNEriTS. Skc. !I. Tlic Lodge may classify its benefits ahovc the n.inimmn nite.H li..roia specified, i)re8cril)e the prohationarv period d.,nng v Inch miniinuin benefits only shall be paid an<l fix the tunc when full M-eekly benefits shall connnence l^.veiy .nenil)er of a I^dge upon attaining the rank of Kniyht 18 entitled to the minimum benefit. FATLURE T6 RECKIVE BENEFITS. i>.i-'r. 10. • A member claiming benefits and failing U) receive the same, shall within four weeks appeal to the l^()<igc ror thein, when a committee of tWe shall be appointe.l U) investigate the matter, tliree to be appointed by tiic Clian- cellor Lommander and two by the Vice-Chancellor, none of whom shall Ik^ members of the Relief Committee. This L.omniittee shall be ai)poiiite.l at the session when the ai>iK>al 18 ma< shidl report at the next regular session, at whicR time action by the Ix)dge shall be taken upon the report OOOD STANDIN'O. Sec. 1 1 A member shall bo in good stuiding who is not in arrejirs for dues, fines, assessments or funeral Uix, or under charges or su.sp.'iision. ARTICLK X;,-*Withdrawal Card. application for. '"^i;"'. I. Application for withdrawal iwrds shall be made peiHOMally or in writing to the I.odgo, and a card thereupon shall he grante.l; provided, the brother is clear of the book.s, tree from diarges made or pending, and there be no otluir valid objection. If objecti(m be ofFercd, the objection shall l)e at once staUxl, and if not susUined by a majority vote of the members pit sent, the card sliall Ix) granted ulilesa formal charges l>e pi oferred. i i; c EFFRCT OF. ShX'. 2. the connection When a withdrawal card is granted, i »n of the applicant with the'Lodtto^ whc it severs diothor the )■■ -26 ; ■'" ' . ''-'n ..]■ iK.t; hut Llie apj)licant Uking his card shall >r(l for the term, and th cpired term in which^tlie KFA'OCATION OK. <- 1 T...!,.^':.; ',^; y^.^*' ;";:f'-«<' ^--^ed l,y the prcJper 1"*'1»''- citatH.u.s in this co L.. ) . /^^f"^''^' ^^o comply with ■ KKNKWAL. OP'. ^'^- ■ ^--^-^^^:^^^^t:^^:X2.--^^^ FEE FOR. o . i»iovuie,l, that ,t shall not ho less than one dollar ARTICLE XI._Thave,.lin« 8,„KLa now TO OIJTAIN, "hield Sec. I Si, Uu' L.„i tin y CO Travelling shields shall ho applied for i» «, 1-s ho ,>ai<, for the full t'i!„o s J"te.l 'In 't'h;. ^'KE FOR. • -. The fee for tlio travellinu shield nhall iv» « j i ^mtT^^^^ tttasr WH, mwrmsftim HOITh) loss than 4 3 card sliall nil, aiul^tlio 1 H'liieh tlie )ke(I by a tlie proper 1 for cause f impeach lin l>ecoiiio far as con- '»i>ly with coiitemj)t, . XI r., or ovided in if loat or a(Ulii<i(! J ! termini;. fixefl hy 10 doUar. in Op«'ll 1 in tlw fixed l)y )88 tlmn -27- A.ri',C.K XII.-K.. .., ,,,,, ,, ,^^ LOIXJKS. *' WHEN TO BE MADE. «i-ii pay to tiH. (Jnuid rrig:?^:,^^^^^^^^^^^ f-^a- lias attaino.l il.o rank of K^i^U i' "^'"-'''^ menduT who """'l'<"'- of nu-MdJs ll.JI /^^'••ts. annual session; tl„. "'«tatn,u.ut, and the T e "f ,7.1 V''^'*'"' ^'^ '"''^ ""«' •^^' ti.ose ,ej,.cted. the nuXr s soin ', '" T'"" '"^'^ '"""'-'• "^" tot,.tInund)oriK.rlastrtCrt f, ' i^^ T'"^*^ ^''^''^^^o^ tl>o n.unlH.,- of dclnsed and' teir .k 7}u ''""'^ = ^'"^ "•'^'"•^ '^'"' of a<hl,ti.,ns and deduc ion« ', ' ''''^"« '^ complete report J'^Ms nnd their rank w ' ^^'^ '"« I"-^'««»t numher of ,nen,- -"I..r an<l Past nn;nl i:;':;;;iV' ?"-•'' ''-^ <'--I ^'l'a;> I^od,v. Th.. uum e^o ,ro r' '' T'"^^ '" ^''^ <'''^""I -;nent ..^Lse., an,? re n^U J,? ^"'r' '-noli t«. general ftinounta rec. ived for inJtinf; / ''^>^ ^'"^'' 'i'''^" «ive tlie i"ves(n,ent,,uakiui:af 11 L? '» '««t,e<i, and the source of con.l.tion of the lit ll" '""' """'i'^«^« ''«I>"'t of the lii.ancial ^!k.'. 2 o i'KK CAPITA TAX. I.r..viou« to tlu/ce into LK T'^'^ 1^.' "'""^ '•^' •'••'^^^" f-o-lge Hludl 1,0 Higncd Ctmr 'm ' ''« '-^'PortH of the attested by M,, Keener cd^ U ^ "^"^'f "'• C' and R>'-ordH nnd Seal, on nr bJ^!; j Jl'.V'; A:: ?""^ '^•l*n»^liL /- '"' t: .'e 8 $ ' gfLJ'_ -28 — r^ ARTICLE xiir._s^^. . , ''><K OF. "" ' -•■00. wHiJir' 'ill , 'Ye" ,;V,S„tf '' -"■, witl, -^^^^-h ';, p;^;;^;;;-'^;-: Violas any of the ohJigatio,.^ •Ii.sclfwunr (1,,. ^,.,. ' . '"^''t-sot tJic Constitution ()i- liv T >thor ''ysr..i,,vs.ntati.,n ^•/ls^ "^^^^^^ '"•'•"^' ">• '^betting a„y ,^"'>^'^'.'tn,:, i„,„„ „«i^, ,; ',. /*"'^'« "'Hler the in/luonoc 6f ,, • . '">;'>i,L; to uJKv the i)r«<si n , ^ ^'^ ''^ ''''*'' ^^xlKe or re ■^'-I l>e suhject. upon co^^l. ^,/^' <-'>'"'«ellor Conunan.l er^ /;«'•■ "f I'loeeduru;" „rovi,i. i' '^ceonlance with the ^ ^li "ot an,,Iy to o.;ses' "f S nr^''''' V'"' '^'' ^^^^ •'OXTKMIT. N I seal with witJidrawal , emanating le authority >e deposited ?eal. •')iigationa, tile Order, ' liy Limh; "Iging tlie t'orably on ; feigning •tting any guilty of tJ con(hict ncc 6f in- ■ language isturhing «:e, or re- ', in nny '■ liaving • inander, lifilinieut ^vith the 3 article > dollai »y dutj I Order, ftrticle. 'dgo, or •Vttding — 29 — ' • lf^''^"<l, shall he reported to tl'r ■■^^^«"<l''^»ce. until, ro- «l.all forthwith he not ?^d in wHh''^'^"'- ""' '"^'^ '"^'"''^■'• 0-1 or CWnnaH<ler, an a t' Te7{ v If "T''^ '^>' ^''^' ^'J"^"- '^"•l Seal, and the «e.a o t^ett I" V'^^^"'' "^ ^^^^-^'-l-^ should not' ),c punished fn ^''/'fe'^' <'^^ «'''^w cause why he -gular meeting ^;het^i,^:^Xn-;r' T^ '' ''' ^'^ -« present a goo(l an<l suffic en .v ' !'^' •^•'' ""^ ■'^I'lH'ar, or prevented ly srckness t tm.^oS ^•^"•'^'^•M"nio.. present) he may, hy a two hir ? '^l>f"ce, from Ix-ing punishe.I hy such hue S t)Z *^*'»tempt. and may i,e '-no; pro4led. that To a ^ if fin'"! ^r^'^ ""^>' *^'^-- (lollars. ^"^" ""« «Jiall exceed ten (10) DISPUTES, ETC, -omhL'of Ih:'t:?io'':^:^^^;r ' '''''r «r — '—en' Chancx-Ilor Con.n>an.fer, Z L?/'r f'"^ H "'■'^'"^' ^' ''- connn.ttee of three n.emhers o t L r " i''"' .""^"^''- <'<> '^ 'J'.'ty it shall he to ex mi fe tl. '"°''^ ^^'■^"'^■' ^^'"^-^o witnesses, fairly and hnZ l, '" ^'V''''' '''*^' I"-""^-^ '^'"1 V>''i". to he.connnun X '^L'n r'''"'"S '^'"'' ''— "" •lissHtisfiu-tion rontinue t o n ^ r ''"' y'"^"' "'"'"''l t'-o P'osent the whole n atter o UoTf" ^•V""Hander .shall • two-tJ.irdH vote of al tl^! i '^'"'^'''' ''''"oJ> "'ay, l,y a of ^.J ^nm Ut^"' oT ^""''^?^' ^'^''^ 'h>''v' prefer charges ^igainst e .'en 1 e '"''", "'" ','""l'l'^i"ant to tho entire nuuten ViovidvdUo^^^^^^^ < <"• 'Ii.^">i.. '^ <l'Hpnte, di(Hculty or grii^^, Z ' ^^?' '^ "'*-'"'''^"'' '^'^^'Ki-'g oannot he suhsUvntiated^or ' ,,V'^'""''' '";«tl'«'-.'^".I which >'''vy hepunishcl hy ino^rsus inl^n^'''"''^" ^'^^'*^ ''' "'■•^Jioions. a^t^r a trial ,.d, ion'duSTS",!^" ::"!:![^^-V" ^'--^ the Code of IWdnr^r-^aiaturher of the pe „. , j»-«Jt;uur harmony of the Lodge.^ ARTICLE XV. rules and Sko. -e i^i«e. .n.epe';r';;™i:£-i7£"n .■: \ \ 30 - i-nil.ition.s, slwill he ivduciMl to writing, and distinctly st,it. H' .inisc, nil .,j- about tiu; time and place of occurrence, sii (iiarp's ,uid conipliunts lo l)e presented to the Lodge at .1 ix' se^um tiiercof, road, "received, and laid over to il.,' nc.xinuvl^n-ot the Lodge; and tlic Keeper of Records and ..->«'.U, 1; p.,.s>il)le, shall ju'r-sonally serve the accused with .. copy ;iu>ivot,->,ihenwisea service at his- last known place of ivshU.i.cT shai! -be suUicient, and also with notice that the "latirr ui,I Ik; taken uj) at the next session of the Lodge i.-;i\ ihg (lay and date), wljen a committee of five niend)ers in * ,..<..i ^lanui.ig shall be appointed, a Chancellor Connnandor, >>■■■ \ i<v-C,..i.un.l or, protening charges shall not be qualiliud "' app,,ini i.iu his portion of tlie connnittee shall bp select.'d oy taf ..udgi^; neither siiall any, member preferring charges MTVc upon a conuMittre of trial, nor shall any member of su.<h • •"laiiiitLee l)e i)ernutted to act as a witness. EXAMINATIONS, KVIDENCK, KTO. f ^T' ?' n'^''^ L'onnuittee to whom a charge has been iv- terrcd^, sliall hohl a meeting 'as soon as possible thereaff.i and organj/e by selecting a chairman and secreUiry; wh.n the eoimmttee sliall issue notices to the accused and acetiscr giving tliem at least five days notice of time and place-oi nieetiMg such committee of trial, w1.on the accused and accuser shall l)ej)resent and have the privilege of being repre- sented by a of the Order in good standing (having the Lank of Knight), to act as Counsel, :wh«n the char-'cs shall 1,0 read, and the accused recpiired to I'ilwid to the same. Miould the accuse<l plea.l guilty, the connnittee shall report as liereinafter direcCed. Skould tiie plea be not guilty the committee shall immediately proceed to hear the evidence in' t k; case. .No otluy person other than the above named an<l the witnesses giviiig evidence, shall he allowed tp l)e present during any ineetin/g of the committee. The committee shall keepa correct journal of the proceedings, reduce the testi- mony receive.! to writing, and have it signed by the witness la the order it was received. After having received all the evidence and proofs presented, a written report of the iind- nigs as to the guilt, or innocence of the accused, together with J.e recommendations o^ the committee in the a»ae, the jo urnal ^^nmr proeeedtngs, and tlie lOTtimoiiyrecelVea shall be pre^" / • *• ^ 11 I ■.i-ii i | ip n ipi i|i;i , [^ liatinctly slit'' -•currence, s li le Lodge iit .1. .id over to tlic f Reeord-s ami censed with ii iiown place of r)tice that the of the Lod^'o e nieiid)ers in ■ Counnander, 't l)e qnalilied all hp select<'(l irring clinrgcs ember of snch 3 has l)een }■>■■ lie thereat fir, retiiry ; wlun and acfrtscr, and place" of aeensed and f being repre- iiding (havijjg 1 the eharircH 1 to the same. i sliall report )t gnilty, Lhe 10 evi<lence in c named and to 1)6 present nmittee sliall ice the testi- y the witness reived all tlie t of the lind- /Ogether with i, the jo urnal / shall be pro- — 31 - '"->'l.vtic.„a i„ thocaS. ' *" ""'" '"'''"". «<<■'> tl.eir'™:,"; '-f-eti,c<.„,„,,,,J,--!i!,!;-,,c,,,,,p„,^,, ,„ „^,, ^^^^ r./) r* , , ''^"'"1'^''' imnntos of Loduos ''^^ /H'n)iiiu,l to testifv Ti "■'^*' "'^ ^''*^ ^ecwsed cu S <;' lurpu-ry. Tl.e exx-eptions so [ak. *'?' n " ^^^''^^Ption hy ^onu.nuo,- upon its minntes ^'" '^"''^'^ "^^ »"t«'l hy the l-^ ^-|''';^;;;:,^i!lJl-«Vft -der their obbg. the ..l.unuan of the eon nit tee 'i^ ^ ''« ■•^''""■'i^ten.d «jIKs,gn the form as well as t e .Mf "'^''''' ^''^ ^^'''"•'''^^ tetany alteration and. eorrol ''^■'^''"•'"y as taken, .sul>ie<'t -y -ill I>o u. confornd^':^ n."^r"-y- ^'^ witness ^3^ ^'--"" -Uuned, upon^.:^:;.;;;,^-^^<^^of the f^.ts i •-j!.oj;;:S'';;;r^^;-;:; -^---i.^ri>e procure.^ i;-"!'--, «ubjeet to ol,^Uo;' vS"'"'"'^^' '" '^^^ ^>iJ<-i ' • '-y tl.o eonunittee. ^ " ''^ ^'^''^'' l^^'ty. to be determined ordeAmdmiJ';;',,;;;:;^;^ J^^;;--'"!-^ thereof, when t««tnnony inar.y proee^^Lg ^.j^^^lfX' •^",^'""',^-' t'' i"trod., ee ^^i witness whose personal m- ''•''«"*^' to Like the testimony t.-jbunal trying tlJcl^^^C^Z'''''--^ ''V"^*' '^^--Vl . f ollnvmginannerr-Th/n'.rfr/j ^^^^^^^ maybe taken in the «lwUlhle with the Jumper or/ V''"^' \'' ^'^"^ thedepo.sit , ^ the accused is a^'nemlerH'":"^ ""'''^ «^ ^'>« ' -'i- uuniiig them. TheTCeener of r ^^^tjietw or "-i..^wiy ,„nv„r „. curio t'^ster'L;''r,;' "'"'" ""■ ^ r ^"vt-ieo, U) tile opposite * .J," *' " > — .32 -* IKirty a copy of the inteiTogatorics. The latter party, within one week from such service, may file counter interrogatories V iLh llie Kec})er of Records and Seal, if he or tliey think I'loper. At the exj)irati()u of the week, or sooner if coulite'r- iiiternpitoiK's he sooner tiled, tlie Keeper of Records and .Seal siiall twrlhwith forward them to the Chancellor Com- manut !• <>; n Lodge, neai- the witness, with a communication roiucMiiig hiin to take the deposition of the witness or witihsso!, named, or to have the same done by some coin- iK-iciil inciiilu'r of tlu^ Oi-dcr, after obligating the witness i'v-'i'liii- ;„ "Form !'," tlie witness will sign the same, h^' \.ill every interrogatory to l)e propounded to tlie \ .liu'ss, and the answer to (!ach reduced to writing in thr :.!v.seme of tlie witness, and when the deposition is cii,. ,'!<'ted, cause the witness to sign the same ; he shall alsn 1„. ■ c.i.icsted to eeilify v, tiie same iiaving been duly taken .nfying sueli certiHcaie by the seal of the Lodge. A .Ic' .;.>s,i„,n thus taken and certified, may be read in evidence m liic cause (o whieli it relates. Wiiile in otiter jurisdictions the request to take a deposi- tion can and sliould only be asked as a knightly courtesy in t K!.(;rand dunsdietion of British Columbia, it is the duly of tiio ( 'hanccllor Connnander of any Lodge to whom such rc<iuest lotakea .1. position may come, cheerfully to perform the labor with pi()iiipi,ness and dispatch, and return at once the depo- sition so taken to the Lodge from which the recjuest issued. 4. party I'iie attendance of witnesses must be procured by the desiring to call them. '•"). Any member of the Order refusing or neglecting to give evKUnice or produce documentary evi(rence in his posses sioii upon tlie applicati(m of the party requiring his testimony shall then be recpured l)y the committee to give such evidence, and if he still refuses, after being so required by the com- luittee to give or produce such evidence, he shall be reiKnted to Ins Lodge, wliicli ^.odge shall take such action as they may deem neees8<u-y to compel the production of such evidence. ' DKCI.SION OF THE LODGE. t^^ -^ Atr-tbfr aexfc^ regular moetiHg , of i>he^ iiodire the=^^ report ot the Committee shall bo considered, and none but ,^ *-*" — L,. )arty, witliiii torrogjitories r ihvy think r if couiitcr- Ilecords anrl icellor Coin- iiimmication ! witness or / some oom- the witnef<s /he same, h>' nded to Lhc iting in tlir iion is fun I hall alsii he duly takdii, ilge. A i\y'- evidenri- m ke a dej)ot;i- courtcsy, in the duly of ?uoii re<[Ui;Ht rni the lalior :e the dopo- 3st issued. ured by the Jglecting to I Ins'.s is testininny ihevideiici", )y the com- be rejKMlcd 18 they may 3vidence. d none but - 33 - »ioiid)(.'r,s of I he 7 J o"ii'' oi innocence of Mio „ fe'^ vr t/ie coninuttec la < ^'"n,.g J,i,s tr,a,l. ^ '''" "«^ ^"''tinue to fill hi; pSt/on .| ... SDSPExsiu.,, neither be agreed to, a aecOn!] \tmt»,.-V9HK \l I'llC ' . — :u — KINK. : '"' "' '■'''''■'■ '■■'•^<'. '>f «lo., i ' f ^'" ^"""' ''^ suspension ; V"' V"' '"' ^"^'.-"-i-n, a a fv^ ? a,„ount of fine or fixing <K'c-i.le.- '"^^"^ '"^''^''^rb. present shall • ). "f •suspension r.r «.,., r.- , . ' :■ 'T''^''', a,n,l ui c:J Vu n.. ^"~- "•'"''* -'« order > 'deeper of Reno'jJ .i;'!,/T^^^^'-^J«'I J^T^^e ovrfthe >(Ci;ii.s(j(! '.V liu.' '«t.',d S.;al nn,l«.. .. /^^t']'^.*' to l.y^ie Keeper -of <i ■^iirh tile ( '•'''• ""'^«'- tJ.o Heal of the Lod^. itKi'unrANi). " ■' " ' i'.^L '''"^ ^ha^qllor appoiuted ♦'OM-Kssro.v OK ouir.T. \" " 'l>''^nnM,„ tl,o e^t,,„t „, u,/ , I ' * !''<», <>' fc">'lty, M well to •'^I'H.SKVCK.VT TRIALS ,' ■■■'l.i ;.....v iluu, once for lTI'uoJ"«P''''''' "g^'n't a 7 !!555!^' ??'****"'* *«»<w» ted thereto, th6 Lodge spensio'n is ■ fiJie, tlie >« •iinount iispension ; 10 or fixing 'sent shall ^lie ocflor fixed«the caHeddij, ;imiic^|jor :d bj^tfthe deeper "of Jriinand, Klge by Ppoiated charges ^I. The well to 1, as to of the Eiinst a ma not plaint, led. % 0. A Loi ''''''"'^" ''^^-^""'mK^. .; ^ ^lence. mitigaiif/cS. 7'''' ^^'« •iiscovei'-v «f ' '-- .^ven iUi:ri:i^ -edc^ previou;n::t.:;; t-;^-^ be sp terniiii- 7 % 10 A V. ^K-I'^ST^rKMKNT. «ted, ".shall 'l^"'''"'' ^^'^'^^^ ^ nginating his snsponsion.r ^ ''*' ^'"tiMed to 11 . , . , ''!'5^-4'''^«T i-nociL appointed to h vpt?"""^ ^'^ di.s,nis.e<l Af.o,- '■^ported the d : ■!^'''^^^-- f'^'"Pi-'>t lai L .;, ^""""■t'c-f '^"*J ^^^''er snc "" ^" ''^"^•'' ^-o,W Vv-rt ' •. V^'"''"'"'''"' "1"^" '"-"•y - ^i' V^r :r!^^'«'-'. t^o^ : ^i^r; -r'" '''"" <^'"st<,f oonyi,, \^f,f ' ''^ Records and Seal , "' ' '"'" ^'^' ti'e IvrcH.r ? V '''"«""t to at cunnn/- .'''^ estimate the thereafle ,,'' '^^.^^'^''^Is and Seal sin n '^'•^?- ^^'^'ereuj.on *^n the tosH"""'"^^ to the Gram! In ' ''''^'"' ^^'^'^Y < .'^ '""'"■■^ ' vs o ;'7/ ' '">^ tlie Gra^l^^l,^'^^^^-S^ taken ^ftmr accordinrr fn f i^ • ^^«chnical errors i.. .^ *^ ^^^ 'ts of the Gra c?j'"/j^" ''^^^'^s in the matter \y n ^T'"^'"^-'' ' ©, S^lWBKftS • i-'./.;<-.'.iivi(j|/>-...' ■ 1 '• .30 - ^^''7' '^^''^l"^'''l'''l or dissolved ■7oi"L.T// T "^ »<^ces.s,-u-y ''"'•■^^eorliran.l Louyv unap "^^^^^^^^ "f the .Sul.or- tj'e N„,„,,,, Lodge shal eE'h i 71"^ °'; "" ^^<^&nout in -^^'^ thereafter resort to the^^l vll'^lll^il ^J; l^llj;;;'^^-^'- Notice ok svsvessws t'^cVen.u'laivJ shS'/;^ Jl^e suspension of a brother un.ler .i^''-i-Iiction,orto te rrir^r;"'""'^ '^ ^-'^^ Lodges i he ^"•til after U.e tiniefor -t ! Lai T^'' ^^^^^-''^J^ -"<! S..! '-JPI-al is taken no sucrnot' ^8], riroT''"'' "'*' "''«''« '^» ^"I">.U shall have l.een ins.od , i transmitted until the ^'"^ <'""""ittce on A, ei s ' 'P"" ^'^ '^'^ ^'^''^^ Lo<lge or L.^^v.s or ihe Grand Lodge. ^''^^'''^' ^« provided by the Hy Kl'FKCT OF CIIARGKS. ''-i-ivnegef^^;;;:;;;;,:;:;!^-'-^^ ;•""! oxoept the right to a w hd,!. ?\ "^ ^lohling „|}ieo ' '"^"^'yllor, he shall not d r J t^io L."'** ^"' «" "'' <''-'^""l '"'ve the right to vote, nor s all 1 « 1* ?''/ ""^ ^'^« '^l'P'''^l "'''>••'. ;uid if he bo a Past ChLnl^} ^^, ^"^ election to any • ^/ "i^'^th or disability durin.r thp r>o 7 ^(^gc, and in <;ase "-M>P<-1, iie shall m'tSiveanrb^^^^^^^^ ^'^''^'•?«« '>' ti'c ;U,o„nt of Jds beUfits Tf 'fv T^^'^"^"^«"^ :;- .^n.ount thereof, les,, i T n leh^^^^^^^^^ f^^^' ^Wsmissed ;''OLo<lge,slKdIbe,)ai,lUridmo^^^^^^^ '^"^ ^''^"^ ^"'» to '•"t lu ease he is fin/uiy emi Sdd o^f^T "'^"^^"^^ ^^^^^''^to; punishment of suspensU^thfalunt of ^ ^H^ ''"'^ '""''^■'' tJie VVorl.l, f,ro-. ''t l)e nocess,iry Jiaviiig suitcikI- 3 aiul property, t of the .SuNor- «- jiKlginent in . and no Ijrotlior t remedy. brother, iiiKlcr Lodges in tiic ords and Seal, and where an litfced until the rand Lodge or i"g i-ecess, and 3tl hy tJio Hy. '"titled to all holding ,,|ii^.Q i" oaseanxini- •<Jgeor (iraiid if the a))peal to the Hi'Mii- Jction to any )t be eligible e, and in case e charges or ' in such case )Iaccd to his ps (Uamissed 'rom him to bled thereto; r and suffer enefits shali— / 37- ^Skc, 7. ™WW AND AppE^vL, , J^onn of removal oTc"se?o'"""'r'' ^^^^g«- J onn of return of resii? fro^"^!^"^^' ^^'V- I*orm of reouest flf • " ^'''"^t Lodife Order. '""""'"7"--not»,t"„be,.of.,., ^'ORRr A. KxrOKTS OK PVTHIAS. •WRLSDrCTIOX OF... , /-I, Castle Hall of r B. C. I). K. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M ^. O. ■t;a,a^^fAS:tE-fa; inipeacJiment. v. .v,xi,>wing e following articles °of _ 38 — ' SiKiciticiktion 1. In tliis, tliat on or about the day "t A.l). 18<». ., and of the Pythian Period the . 4ii^(city or town) l^rovinco oi . . . . . ! the" said (name of accused) (fm (lu re stiilo exact item of coinphUnt). . . A.l). 189. ., and of the Pythian (SiL,rnatuj»L' of accuser) Perio*! of yoHM li. Kmiuits of Pythias. JURl.Sl)l("riOX OK iLiodge, No .... A.D., 189.. ■* And of the Pythian Period the. . . . 'I'o , Vou l)ciMg a party interested in the case of (name of accuiscr) against (name of aceuiied) are hereby notified to iil)lKMr at (i)lace of meeting) No Street, in (city or town) on (day or week) the day of A.l)., 1S9. , and of the Pythian Period, the at o'eh)clv in ti)e noon, at wliich time and place (here sta'te forViiat jiurpose). Hereof fail n«t. [i-.s.] (Signature of proper otlicer) FOK.M ('. Kniciits ok Pythias, ■htri.sdiction ok Lodge, No . . . A.I)., 189.. And of tlie J^thian Period the. . . Sir and Brothcr^It is my duty to notify you of your appointment as a member of d Conunittee on Trial in the case of . . , . against , Associated with you on this Committee are Brothers: Tour attention Is called to Code of Procedure. [I-S-] K. of R. and S. MMmp mmfv'mim^lfffiff i t m w i ■±. • 'liiy od the ..... of uccusotl) the Pythian , No ... . 189. . 1 the i (name of notified to )et, ill (city .at ^ (hero stale No ... . 89. the •u of your 'rial in the thors: '.. and S. KORIVI I). - .39 - Km(;HT.S ok PVTIIIA.S. JURISDICTION OK .... pWT|M-»-l MP'MMH' To - Lmlge, No .... m.ttee'orTM"l'"'\^' "'%^ ^^ '^PP^^^'" '^^^orq us, the Co,,,- inittce of 1 rial, at (name of plao^ of nieeljwir) No street, in (city or town) on (day of week) the ,lay of ^, ■ ■ •'^- V ,' 'f *. • • ■' •■""J "f l-'ie IVthian Period, the an«upr f Vr ■ •r^"'''^''' 'V ^^'^ V • ■ ""^"' ''''^'^ '^'"1 there to hr?n:^.:^',;^':c^Sr"' ^Bcchoations pi.eferre<l against you Fail not of appearance at your peril Coinmkh'rof"''!^"-'?"'*' !" '",' T'' ''^'"^> of saui bo nnuttee of Trial, and seal of said Lodtre • No at (city or town) this the ,lay of A 1) ivjo" ' and of the Pythian Period, the ^- • • , i>^.r .. . . lietuni of Service of foregoing ciUition. Recorder. , ■ •. ..A.I). 189 and ofthe Pythian Period, llio lo the Conunittee of Trial-I have cited the wiUun named ^■cused to appear and answer as directe.l, by serving 0,?!' thoor,„v>al, of which the within is a true coov mail) Said Service was made (here sUte whether in person or l>y Kocorder. . KOKM K. Knkjiits of Pvtmiia.s. .lUHKSDKmoN OK To. Lodge, No We comman.l you (name r.f witness) that you appear hefo.v us. the Cominittoe of Trial, at (name of hall, if any) No ,,;„ .Street^ in (city or tiown) on (day of the week) \lZ-y ,. • • -^^y «^- A.J). 189 . ami of the Pythui, llTh.^^V ,-''^ "'«^1«H'1<. in the noon, .uul Umu 44vy to dny, wrtfriTiBchargGit, TtlBlT OTutTlun^, T^TImT^ cvi.lencc of what you know in the case of (name of a,ouM«r) against (name of accusod). ippt* Jiiiil i i iMlii^iMi^^ mtsa - 40 - IltTooi fiiil iioi ;it your peril. of Tn d 'Tn.l H'''''''''r ;'\'^^» 'V'^"'!) Chairman of Co.mnittee '>r i I, .111(1 the seal of the said Lodao No at Iln.s Die ,lay of A I) I«Q ' ' i <".'ne iVLhi.u. l^erio,!, the. ..^ ^•^^- ^^^ ' ' ' *"'^ Recorder. Ketuni .)f MTvice of foregoing suininoiis. , , , A.D. 189.. 'f ,1 /' ,„'^'"' or » lie I'yt'Jjift" Period, the.. !«MH;(<.iiu.itteeof Trial- I have summoned the with n ;;"<"i wuiie.s. to appear aud give evidence, by servh^ o Juiii a true copy of tins suimnous. ** Recorder. I'UKM K. KXKlMT.s OK PVTIIIA.S. (iiaine ol nUISDHTIO.N OK witnesH), a ineml^er and a, Lodge, No. , . . • in Raiik, in good () a..., ........ .AHMMuuiion i.y. llu> autliority before whom MOW about tu te,stify are^ue in elleet, free fron. prejmlico or ].er.soual fe.. hug. and prou.pte.l only fnnn a desiri to see evil coriected, abuM..s ren.e.lied, the lawn carried out, an n»«til.c <l<>uo: o all ol which I adirm on ^ny Honor aa a K^ m ^ under L he penallie. of the laWH. and my obliKatioL as a e n i>er of the Or.ler of Knights of Pythias '"*^''"'""' ** * '"«'"■ (Signature of witnesa) *_ KXI.JirTH OK PVTHIAH. JlIHlHDICrrON OK To Lodge, No.... Ulianeellor Cfemmandor Lodue No Greeting ; <M^ — 41 — to he Jed\ TLil ^')^ '^'^ Deposition of (name of accuser) aSn t^ame of/'"^^'','f '" ^"'' ^O'^g^'. ^'^ tune, to be by you appointed to / ''^^"f^'^ ' '^'"l '^t a certkin l^e/ore you, an/carefTlIv exa.'n n. ^"'"^ "'" <leponent to con.e rogatories hereunto a eVediTr^';" >n answer to the int.,- cause the same ^o be mSfMn l'^'' ^^'"^ examination, or from °'lro",e;\°eri'n;'rf''''" '" " '"'"'^ "'P'-'to ""'l »I»n. "•ul »ucl, <n»iiitorM,«l ™,2 '''° "'"l"'"""' ""'I y<.ni.s„I,-. point, u, awist you in rcluci J H? ^l' ""'^ ""'"'' 'i' '" "I' tori,,, to tL ,le,l",l" ,"1';"T*"'""^ '"'''- '=™»-"'t--""K^^ *c next, «„,] not re" 1 ii (h?l '■'^' '"''"'■" Pr"c»<.''lini- to t:,r"-^F--=S=""" I'eriod, the. -'^•U 189. ., and of the Pythian fi>.s. ) • • • ;_:_^ K. of R. and S. rOKM II. Knights ok Pythias, jurisdiction of "y ' • Lod^o^o ' " r. . . . r . .... . . .A TJ* Tso To '^^^^^ ^^>e Pythian Perio«l, the ....'.'.. It is my ,Iuty to notify you of the roHnIf nf iK^ ♦ • i • the oa«, „, „hi.b you wei^'liofenA wTich il'I'^o,^™!'/" W«,««M»T».„ * t If - 42 — •\"-ii-..n,.n I.St (),.M-.MULc. result). •■'.ul\ adjudi'ed <'i^''-^'giv(3 penalty iu''tull). ..K. of R. anfl S. i-i. Km<;i(t,s of Pvthias. JL-IIISDICTION OK "- '"Hou.,^. Krounll" '""^"''"^' "'"^ "^'^^^ '"y appeal urH„; *"'■'•" ■^'■'t.fulU.ea.snn for app'eal.') (•Signature of appellant ' I '■'., >i ), K.NJt.HTS OK PVTIIIAS. .H'KISOH^TION OK. . ''' ■ _ ■ ■ ■ : Lodge, No. . . . l">";U., l,vtlu. LoJg.^,J::^ ','»•'"'.''"«" r^Kuhrly a,,. I"i I" llio cisi. of („iTri... ,.f ""'"f° of Tnnl or cminsol) there ;-l ".- legally • uS Vl'^ l*^ J''-' ("»..» of „„L,„„, • (^oiiiuiittoe. '^i'rtsent tins Lo<lgo before you i- .--^i:;:';;n>rs's;d::;:^;;rsr^T:i ^'^r«"- ^- ■'^^•"* "" "''-^ the. . ■ Ta; of S««jl thereof, at (city or ' i..S.] ■'■■ ■ "x __^_-' ' • •'.!••. K. of R. and 8. I'oii.M K. KnjouTS ok PYTlUAi JURISDK'TION OF. . }. I ri r~ .-Lodge, Wo: r~ '•'^■'* "-tliin ■'"• t .. f R. aufl s L]); 18}). decision of iser) Hgiiinst tions as sci. appeal upon , No.... >f Trial or ularly aj) >8ol) then" f accifho(l), ' efore your llor Con: t (city or wid of tJio and S. ^oTTTT — 4.3 — ^ "III- (' -iiiiiiitteo of Tr'^1 I '•'••KM J,. KN„;nT,s OK PVTMIA.S •'IfRI.SDic-r,,,^ ^,P - 'II .'"- '-.>;]...,./' J'-i'-'W'<l K'fe^vl s.nn,..oMs l.avin. i>e.n s , ' '.' of the sunu.ions. ^ contempt evi„cv,l r . Ix%e?'.N^ '^"'- '•'-' '-Uhe Seal of --'"^the-pythi;Xiod:the;^:'^-^«^^-- ■ •■ K. of R. a,„j;^ C.C. ''OHM M. KMOifTS OK PVTHUS Jt?Rl8DtCTloy oy. To.. * '""^^'"■«''»'-ge, acopyof «opy of >vhich acco,„,« 44 — .-Ills I-icMU:.s;, h; ,•-:-. ..avuig been preferred against Brother ••^i".T ..r ini.s Lodge, It i.spur wish for the followi ■'. iJie aforesaid accused l^rotht^ »" ujc case i-Tcl.y iv.iuest that in our Uii.alf you \vilV take ch"-mr'p''nf.r [r.. s. .\Uo.-,t : ' iidtioii. T \^'''"xr^^ *^"'' '^''*"f' a^fl the Seal of Lodge, No...., affixed at t'"ftho day of ..... ^ Af)iso and of the Pythkin Period, the. . " . ' " "", C.C. lie * , K. of R. and 8. ■ above request is •.. .approved. ••■••••...■. ...A.D. 189.'. , aii.i (,f the Pythian Pcrit)d, the,. ,0.0. I'OH.M N. Kni(;iit.s of Pythias. JlUtlSDICTION OF, . . i o. Lodge, No. (; rect iiiLT Loclge, No. •>uchi,i^, ^],^, niiuttef of the case of. date y appoint- ,, partial hearinc Uf)ws : - * (Here state result.) (Here st^ite rtsult.) ;^-e ":;:' !';;•'"■ ^^^^-'f "-• ^^^^ your requt,;^, i^nng- M uu,.se<I thr ucou.sed to a))pear before ou^ rejrukr^^ iin- U..SUU le.iclieil was a.s toUows • - < liargt' 1st. (H, Npecificiktion Ist, n>atter..luiy7ttested. are^ewithU'raS^'^^^ ^ ^'* Witn(!88 our hand and the seal of - '., «i Jf.'lg«. No...., affixed dt J- S.J this the day of.. An'iao' Attcn . """^ °^ ^^-" ^y^^^^° Perio;iVfh; ^•''- '**^- — crtT-jr^irrsrrT^ , K. of R. and S. C.C. Ci'iri* -i iiiiiiriifi'iiiiniir'ggai mtmmmmt 45 FORM O. Knkjuts ok P.vthias. JURISDICTION OF. To. Lodge, No. . . ... .A.l). ISO. and of the Pythian Period, the A ccitiuii aiieusation having been preferred against a iiK'nilMT of tljia Lodge, and which is now being invesligaLeil, anO it itaviii- been shown to the Commit te^M)f Trial thai yonr «>vi<lt'ii ■«■ Will Ito of importance to the case, we respectfully . reipnisi' that von will appeaf before ua, the Connnittee of Trial (name of hfilll, No . Street, in (city or town) on, (day of tiie week) the .day of , A.l). 18!). ., at o'clock in the noon, and then and there to com- ,,municate anj' facts bearing upon the case that may l)e within your knowledge. [I. 8.] , , Recorder. Chairman Committee. ARTICLE XVI.— Genkral Provisions. BY-LAWS. Sko. 1. Each Subordinate Lodge shall have power to establish sncli Uy-Laws as it may deem necessary for its own government, provided they do not conilict? with the Constitu- tion of the Supreme Ijodge, the Oonstituticm or By-Liiws of the Grand Lodge of British Columbia, or this Constitutrion. DUTY OF LOIX^ES. Skc. 2. AH Lodges shall enforce a strict adherence to the work of the Order, according to the forma furnished b^ the Supreme and Grand Lodges, and they shall neither adopt nor use any other other charges, lectures, degrees, forms of ui- Btalation, ceremonies or regalia, than those prescribed in the RIWhI^mU Law* <»{ the Supr e me Lodge, aatt p rov ide d by the Grand Lodge ; and no Ixnlge shall permit any political or religious mscussion in the Lodge at any time. 4(i >i -- ri:\ -^K .\ l.iw .^ ill ; II' KOK A l.o\(;Kii PKiiioi) TIJ.AN ONK YKAR. - • A inoinhor sus.H.nde.l for a criminal violation of tlie -, -- ; or or a l.,n...,. iKu-iod than one year for the ••' .n sof .urQnler,^cannot he re-inst,ated except ;>-.. ofthe( I^nlge or the (Jrand Chancellor >V.::^.;,;.\', :,'.,' I?' "i'l*';^''^^"'" ««tting forth U.o cau«e CM- -'-■>-,,„ u.urhthe lunnlM-r was suspended, toL'cther with u'i u ; u \; "■:?' ^ -....(.ed to I,y tin, odicers of the Lo.Ige ^^nu u lu u... a nienilHT, with the .eal of the Lodge aHixqI. I'KiNTlNi; CONSTITCITION. til ■^iv. 4. In order to avoid errorsanH to obtain unif^nnitv .e o u n \v , 1 : "I i'"'^'"' ^' '^ ^""venient sixe and style to (',..,. ."^ I'y-Liws, and cert led as correct hv th,« • .; " oVlT''V ',' ^^^.^-•<^\-""' -^-1 ; -"1 I'e shall f^'rnish e nitloo uh .1, f -^1 ^'"'fe'*'' "'' ^''« l^^xecutive Com- tw.:,'u;',',^!, 1:,;^: "°'- -"• »'>-- "- '-tuaicost A.MKNDMKNTS. 1.0 nlTd.'*'. ''^" '^Iterations, amendments or additions shall l,o nk s. .'V""'V'r'''"l^' '''^''' f'-^'"- t''i« Constitution! io u ■ r'l r' to the (;rand Lodge at an annual ses- p.v;.; ■ '' 1 , ^^.^ ^'<'te of a majority of the members .■ do L ; ; > h'' i' i '"': r''^"«^-«'- «"«J^ amemhnent is So 1 ; ''^\^ '« "I'^^y "t the (irand Keeper of Records 8 conv , ^'"";«\^lH-'nte. copy thereof, ceVtified by hijn urn hi, Tf' ""^ ^''f ^^•" ««« '" ^he Jurisdiction, and t •CO 1 ■ "''' '^"'' '''''^' munbers thereof as may l,e lujuued, upon i«tyment of the price fixed therefor C adtop V •^■i^MliitailiB MlMtateaMMaiMMlfaArifta^lMI^ ' A 'H CoiiHidered in ('ommiltcc of 44ujfc\\ lioh;, a{)i)r()vi(l and J V- " C. L. liKHXSKX, (i.e. ;f ' ' JAS. CROSSAX, (i.K.'of U. & S. Vancouver, B.C., May'ilst, ISOl. wimmmmmmmmm^ iUrn^ ^"T—yJ DUKS, ] I)u. Genera ^ Good S t LOEKJES ! Nai •i ; Mkmhei ; Ter ■I««l »i> <!■ ■» I / XISTIDES: c <r liKNKKITS — A) inimuni— Weekly Benefits — Absentees - Piiyniciit " "7 ] - -I<ciu)iting8ick— VisitingConnnittee— Kunenil Be^iielits — For Wife of ISleniber— Classication of UeiicliW -- Failure to Receive lienefits — fiood '"Standing Pages '>1; 2.S, 24 and 2."> DrKs, FiVks and Ashrssmknts — Dues, Wiien to Commence — Wlien Payable — Finos — Assessments- -Of Sick Members— ^Of .Susi)end- ed Membv IS— Payment of — ^Delincjuency Pages 17, 18 and I«) GkNKRAL PuoViaJONH — liy-Laws — Imty of Lodges — Suspension for a longer period than one year — Printing Constitutions — Amendirients Pages 45 ^nd 4(1 Goon Standing Page 2."> LOIXJES — Name of, — Membership and ,l)ur<ation — Regular Meetings of — Special Meetings of - Quorum- Opening — Transaction of Business of. . Pages 3 and 4 Mkmtjership and Ranks — Terms of — Application for Initiation— Application for Ranks— Application to lie over— Balloting — Confa^ing Ranks — Application by Card— Past » Rgnk-^tt^tlidrawal o^ Applituytion— Xoii^Resj- dent Applicant— Notice of Bivllot — Time for Ajipearance — Forfeiture of Election —Payment —Notice, how given. . , Pages 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17 ^ ._ 50 — i Oi-k;:v,.,:s --- ^ \\ iu; nc— Contempt-Disputes, etc. . . . Pages 28 aihl 2!> Kl-'iive-Appointive-WJioiue Eligihle to Ofiice— ( Lodge I Jcpreseiitativos— Alternate (Jnin.l Lodge Re])i-esentatives-l'ast Clianeelloi -Xoi Illations— Kloclions — Installation — Honors l)f . Oliu-e — \ acatiiig Ofiice —Vacancies — luHtallii- tiou ^or V ,vcanoi«3 . . . .' Pages 5, (i, 7 and S • (^m.i::is, Ditiks ok Pages 8, 9, ,10, II and 12 'H K- 1 NSTATK.M KNTS — Witiiiii one year— After one year— For Qiuse— Per- """■"'""' ^"^' Pages 20, 21 and 22 KktIUNs \.m, DfkS ok SriJOKDINATE LOD<JES— Whc;. lo be made -Pt* Cajnta Tax Page 27 ^'■'' Page 28 'SrsrKNsroNs — . .When and how— For Conviction of Felony— Notices 1 KA\ hl.LIX(; SniKT.D — How to f)I)tain— Fee for . . .■ Pa„e 20 Tl;lALS AM) Ari'KAUS — ^'"'""fR;""''^'' ^^"^ ^^^"'■'^ Provisions— Examinations, iXrjl^'nce, etc. ik Evidence and Witnesses— J)eci- :'ion of the Lodge— Punishment — Expulsion— Nisuension— Fine— Communicating Decision— Kepnmand - Confession of Guilt— Subsequent 1 n ; da — Removmg iJisabilities^ Rfiinstateniftn t, — rrial must I'roceecl — Appeal — Notice of •NKspension— EfTect of Charges— Construction of tJie Laws Pages 29, 30,31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36 and 37 ■ikiilMMMa^ mitmmtimmmm^ 28 ami 2<> 11 and 12 Per- 1 and 22 Page 27 Page 2.S Trials and ArrKAi-s— Fdiiiis ((» 1)0 used in the same Pagu8 37, 3S, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44 and 45 Tltt STICKS - i'^lec'tion — Pn\Ver8 — Report — Bonds — Kliuil)ility .... Pages r2iuid 13 Visitim; ('o.MMi'iTKE Wv'c 24 WlTIIDKAWAL CaKDS — Application for — Effect of — Re vocation of — Renewals of— Fee for ^: . Pagea 25 and 21) i ices ) and 'f.O Page 20 )ns, eci- n — n — ent of I of and 3*; s« ON i.i.'S? «? ^ ^_; ■ ^ ' * . . .^ ■■■■__, " V. ^ ' . :,