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SBBATA. v!-« a—No 2M81— For relstiye value, tU^. re»a »ii.w. ?rb JU !f ul calc^l^ -lue. i. ^ven in Bulletin 184. p. 8. but nu, be «. peatrdheie:- ^.-t. Nitrogen. In .dt. of «nmonia. or nitrate., a. well a. in com- ^^ • Orga^^nif^^n gr;uni U;; i;b;bi<;oi-o;-t.nk'^^ 16 Phoapho . " - 6 Sol - -«r «»nt citric acid aolution. . • • • • ** Sanlt.. -n Thoma. phosphate powder, bone and f«r- ^^ ♦ili?«r9 generally 5 been given the value H cM»ta per lb. (8d) A. MoGHX. Chief Analyst. IJiBORATORY or ras INLAND REVENUE DEPARTMENT OTTAWA, CANADA BULLETIN No. 189 FEBTILIZEBB AS BOLD 1907. Ottawa. Joly 35. 1907. W. J. Oehald, Ek}., Deputy Minuter of InUnd Bewnu*. »^'''^*''^^"^^'*!;ii™1S^^7i n S^S;"g with mt«nty the «nple OrcHt difficulty him •Iwsyi been louna in "^"'jL ■ ., _._jy,'i, frequently .old. with the corriponding •^><i« " /""SSS*^ Sf J^^n.u^^^ ignorMt of the registered «»«™^JJ« » '^^ JS " Fine Ground Bone ' with which n..y be regUtered « •B««J»««'. j.^^^J'Stt J^Sout..ti.f«!tory proof of or withotit oth" «»»V«8«;;^ *°^^ i th iSui^ceTtrinformity oHSe We Sr;SnJ.r"Tr^CS"g"lE?c:t!fn'5 the --.pie. now reported, i. offen.1 subject to limiUtions juet mentioned. FuUy identified and up to guarantee.. JJ '^P'"" DoubtfuUy identified and up to guarantee *» ^^ •• » and below " * ,, Apparently not registered • 107 The samples classified as ' below guarantee,' are the foUowing :- Xo S0,371-Boru Meal, manufactured .y W. Harris & Co., Toronto. worthy however, that no explicit guaranMeacTOj»u Department, ~"^% TtS^Fertiil^r: M^ U if'^^nJSt^, fJr a stanSTLnple « required by the FertJuers^Act^^^^ ^^^ guaranteed by ^e «»•»«■ Lt^fi^ " S^^ -'^ '^^'^ -^'^ to ««h the value po.«-d by the 4600— 1 J BMttfMtnrw'i Mvplc d^MMitad, wovid raralt in ooodMaMtiaa ol a run Urge pOTc«nUM of kll fertiliMra kM. Nor woald it be juat to thv imnufMturtr, who Mik OB the bMia of • pfatinly winted ftwrutM, which mmj bo comidor- ftbir boiow aotiuU ralae, •nd all the par^^iaor hae any right to dn^ ia to rM|«iiu hia to five ap to thia gnaraatee. The (aalt, in the praMBt eaae, i* the Miling without inch explicit gaaraatee ; a faalt, howevmr, whieh oannot be held to juatify ut in rabatitatiag for aueh gvaraatee, the aUndard aatnple depoaited here, and requiring the mannfac^tnrer to live np to auoh atandard. The difftcultj met here ariae* out of imperfectiooa in uar FertiHaer Act ; and it would not, I oonoeiTe, be juat to praaa the eaae againat the manafaetww of Na 90371. Ifo. J»4^—Uigh Oradt /'otaaA— American Agriealtural k Chemieal Co., Bnflhia Thia brand ia guaranteed tu contain 10 per cent of potaah. The aample analjaed contained only 4-44 per cent. The atandard aanple dmoaited here contained 10-34 per cent i.f potaah. Thia aample waa regiatared aa Bigh Oradt PokuK Compound, Na 1946. Sample 32446 ia aold aa ffigk Oradt PoUuk, without the word 'Com- pound.' The name of the manufacturer, would probably he held tu aufldently identify the brand, aa aoM, with the brand, aa n^atered ; but aa thi-< ia only probtAU, I am inclined U> use thin eaae rather aa an argument for improving our machinery of identifl- eati<», than aa a eaae for proaeoutioB. Jfo. 296X1— Thoma$ John, N.B. I'kotphatt Pofvthr—Tht AnKlo-Canadian Chemical Ca, Ht. The guarantee ia 17-80 per cent Phoaphoric acid, while the aample oontaina but tO-OSper cent. Here again, however, there ia decided uncertainty in identifioaticm. The lample regiatered aa 2039 ia named Ohiendorff'a Ground Baaic Slag. Nothing can be clearer than that efficient fertiliaer inapeotion ia <mly poaaible when aaanred identifloatiou of every aample aold makea reference to, and compariaon with a regiatered atandard eaay and certain. Thia involvea the affixing of a tag or label to every package aold. Such tag or label ahould carry a printed guarantee, together with the name of the brand, and of the manufacturer. It would further aimplify identifica- tion if eac) brand were designated by a regiatered number. There aeema no reaaon why taga or labela of the kind deacribed, should not be fumiahed by the Inland Rever.ue Department to manufaeturera of fertiliaera, on regia- tration, and at a fixed price. The income ao derived would oooatitute a fund to meet the expenaea of carrying out the Fertiliaer Act. Not only would the question of iden- tification be eolved in thia way, but the other difficulty of knowing whether a fertilizer were reKiHtered or not, would be met at the same time. *hich .lo tiot »pp«ir to b« refi«t««l m rv Jirwl by »*• Ao* S.H Nmb*. MMufaotantr. VMMlor. »M«LMMlR«ek R. C Ma*t, Sf.o. .■miftFkMtor. Hot taowB MUK^iu. !S^'TJ2sJ'«£te'' oS:f.BiaidOu.lSftk.».B. \j. A. Bnca, HamiltMk liUwnywtiUMr. HVana Md OmiWii wTumoky Oa, ViMorU. B.a KMMMth MoUowOf OtUi». ColtwriNi. Iii«l« *• A* C0IKMH.J uiKlw Ui« Act. K. J. Utwwr. VaMMa. & L. Tsylof, Hnw»P««i. W. A. r r ii»t « .H«g'Hni^_ W». tevSTiOa, Torato giMla BHin* * Co., Turmtn. Ptrk BlM)kwi>U Oa. ' *«»o^. . W«Mwn rertiUaar Ca, Tbniirto. . , snn TMkat*. tMtnl " . aV9UMiwaL . m?r^JSat;.:::.::ijr?wi.q.o;.. . „_, gS«^iwrr«4r«tau« ..iw.i^ 38»lo|o«iwia Fi«»iii"r •• , Co.. Um'Hmi. SiMi* Brim. O05. HMiiltaM. .1 ,. (UImMTS) «"*^ ^2S^"»;^ S5d3SrL»- wff do not «i«oe lor cr^ be the «m. bnjnd.). it .. T^f/JL^T^T^ ta« tact of their put on the market « chemid '•'•™!J^'™3 f«^J*trictivefe"l wtion. Lm-regUtmtion, would »ppa^ to »» "f»~* «2J«t£ ^.id « <evW»g «d S^^i^'S^^^^^^^^ 5.«i«*io- of tbU «^ with aooompenying tobies •« BuHetin No. 139. I bftve the honoar to be, Sir, Yoar obedient Mrrftnt, A. McOILL, Acting Chief Attalfftt. RECORD OF SAMPLES OF •I •8 iwt7. May 14 .■ 14 .< 14 .. 14 .. 16 .. 15 M 16 • > 16 K If DeBignation. a i Name and AddteiM of M«nufactur»r. Name and AddrpM of V'jndor. Dintrict of Ifom Scotia. — K. J. Waui/k, I»$ptetor, Victor (iuano ! 273li6l Provincial Ct mieal Co., J. H. Lonfnnire * Sons, I ! St. John, N.b. ~ ■ " ~ Potato Fertilizer. ! 27367 i Provincial Cliemical Ca, I ! St. John, N.B. Potato Manure \ 273(i8iSwift Lowell Fertilizer Co., I Boiiton, Maaa. Animal Brand i 27369i Swift Lowell Fertilizer Co., I BoKton, Mass. XXX Fish and Potaxh 27370:Rui«8ia CementCo., Glo « I Brand. ; Market Garden and Po- 27371 tato Brand. | Six per cent Fertilizer. . . ; 27372 PoUto Manure.. 27373 Orchard Brand I 27874 H 17 StockbridRe Manure... 27376 .. 20 » 20 .. 20 April 17 n 18 .. 19 M 20 Bridgetown, N. S. j! H. Longmire & Son*, Bridgetown, N.S N. E. Chute, Bridgetown, N.S I N. E. Chute, Bridgetown,! G. N. Ray", Middietowii, N.S G. N. Ray, Middletown, N.S G. F. Roy, Kentville, N.S Swift'a Lowell Fertilizer G. F. Roy, Kentville, Co., Boston. Mass. ' N.S Pidgeon Fertilizer Co., Capt. C. O. Allen, Kent- Wndwr, N.S. viUe, N.S. ter, MasM, Russia Cement Co., Glocea- ter, Mam. Bowker, Boston, Mass. 1986. 1985. 1966. 1965. 1893. 1894. 1922. 1956. Bowker Fertilizer Co., Boa F. W. Woodman, Wolf- ton, Maaa. ville, N.S 1930. Square Brand 27370! Bowker Fertilizer Co., Bos- F. ton. Main. 'Swift's Animal Brand' i jr all crupH. P< tato iSpecial W. Woodman, Wolf- ville, N.S 1917. Swift's Lowell B<ine Fer- tilizer for Com & Grain 27377iSwift's Lowell FertilizeriR. E. Harris & Son, Wolf- I Co., Boston, Mass. \ ville, N.S 1955. 27378'American Agricultural E. M. Walker, Dart- I Chemical Co., New York, i mouth, N.S 2033.. iDistriet of Prince Edvard. I Inland.— T. Moort. • Iiitpector. I 81121 Swift Lowell Fertilizer Co., Pool & Thom|i8on, Monta-' Boston, Mass. j gue Bridge, P.E.I 1932.. Ceres Superphoonhate. a 31122 Nova Scotia Fertilizer Co., ^R. E. Mutch, Cluvlotte- Complete Fertilizer. i Halifax, N.S. i town, P. E. 1 1980.. Bone and Potash 31123|Nova Scotia Fertilizer Co., R. E. Mutch, Charlotte- Halifax, N.S. , town,P.K.I 198a.. Potato and r i»phate. Swift's Potato Manure. iDitlrictoflfew BruHgwirk,— I J. C. Feryuton, I)i»i>eetor. Vegetable 24361 Bowker Fertilizer Co., Bos-'D. J.Seely &Son, St. John, ton, Mass. N.B 24362 Swift's Lowell FertilizerlP. Naaeft Son, St. John, j Ca, Boston, Mass. I N.B 1966... 1915. Reid's Suiierphosphate.. . 24363 Thos. Reid, St. John, N.B. IThos. Reid, St. John, N.; I i B 1990. Special Potato Phosphate 24364iThe Provincial Chemical I The Provincial Chemical Fertilizer Co., Ltd., St.! Fertilizer Co., Ltd., St. John Co., (East) N.B. .Tohn, Co. (Eaat)N.B....| 1986.. FERTILIZERS AS SOLD C«nnot be identified with any of the 5 brands registered by the Pidgeon Fertibrar Co. NotregUteted. . Uptoga»nuit«>.No.l980i» i^- i.tCTed H -StockbridBC SpcW Complete Manure. Hence identification ia uncertain. Up to guarantee. Uptoguai»ntee.N*a^" reg- ' ° ,tSS^ -Standard Special for Potatoes' Hwioe idmti- fioation is uncertain. Up to guarantee, but idenfato- tion uncertain; No. 1988 is reg- Utered without tJ* word! for , own and grain.' 21 9»lUp to guarantee. 30 99|8tandard 198S. » ,«^*f^ ""J ' der thename. 'Blood, Bone and Potaah.' li up to thia. guaran- tee; but identification « uncer- tain. Up to guarantee. 8 Up to guarMtee. ^ot ^^a*" ■ fionuncertam-NaUMtore^ i^tned aa ' Swift"* LoweU ro- (sto Manure.' . _, I NcmIt up to ytiof ol rtandMa ed. Ijp to llo««»»*^;. „»ii,_ i Up to «»««♦«• *"'*,±^^ 1 Son uncertain. NokUM »«r SSred .imply a. 'Potato Phoa. _1 ^_ » M RECORD OF SAMPLES Of if •i I 1907. M 23 ■I 23 M«y 9 .. 9 .. 14 ~ 16 .. U M»7 U Apnl26 DmiCiMtioB. N*ine and Addraw of Manufactarw. •8 New England Pe«rl«w Fartiliaer. Farm and Garden Phoa- phatai Climax Pboaphate. ... Bradley'! XL Superphoa- phate ol Lime. Potato Manure. April 19 » 19 •• 19 • 19 .. 19 .• 19 •• 19 May 3 TVniaa Phoapiiate Pow. der. ColoobiaB Potato. PoUto PlMaphate. Pacific Potitto Special. . . .. IS .. 17 I May 1 'Victor' , 'PboaphateNal.'.. . "Thomaa Phosphate Powder.' - Victor Sure Crop 6per cent Po- tato FdrtiBaer SnreCropBowker'ae per cent Potato FertUiaer. Sure Crop 24366 24368 2K19 Dittriet o/Jfew Brumwiek— Con. 243R6|New England Fertiliser Co. Boaton, MaML' Bowker Fertiliser Co., Boa- ton, Man. The Amerioan ApioaltanU Chemical Ca. New YoriL 7he American Anicultnnl Chemical Co., New York. lie American Acricullaral Cbemioa] Co., New York. 38880 The American . 3M81 The An|M3MMdiMi Chem- ical CS., St. John, N.B. 38683 The C6L Mortinnr Ca, New York. 29623 The Nova Scotia Fertiliaer Ca, Halifax, N.S. 24367 Amerioaa Agriealtaral Ca, New York. DiitrM of Quebec— E, MiUutd, Imfeetor. 38830 Capleton OhemiieBl Fertil iaerOa 36334 Nidiob Chemical Ca, Cap- 86236|H. O. 'e. 'Albert, Londan, England. Nicboia Chemical Ca, Cap- Corn Fertiliier. 7|6 per cent Potaah . Victor Ooano. Earliana Geoenl Fertil- iaer. * Sore Crop Phoephate '. . P(^ and Vegetable Phosphate. aasw 484 486 486 487 Name and AddieM of Vendor. P. N«M, MMait,8tJohn, W. ■&■ Meiujr iCo.; SuMx. N.B.: F. McMnrohie, SkStephen, N.B , Hr E. Hill, St. Stephen, Solancn Perky, Woodttoek, N.B J. W. Jamea, Andover, leton, P.O. Bowker ft Oa, New York Dittriet »f St. BgaeiMke— J. O. ibntteiK, tntpeelor. Bowker Fertiliser Ca, New York. Provindal Chemical Fertil iter Ca. St. John, N.B. T. St Jaoqnei 480 Bowker Fertilixer Ca, New York 481 Gea F. Baird Oa, Ltd., Perth, N.B DeWitt and Heiferman, Perth, N.& Toomba k Son, Monoton, N.R CkiTii Merciea', St. Beance. Gea OagBon, St. B ea uee . Gea OagBon, St Beauee^ Geo. Gagnon, St B oa u ce. Gea Beaudoin,St Beauoe. J. B<«tiiiaunw, St Beaoca. J. Berthiaume, St Beaoee. Blarie, Marie, Marie, Marie, Elaear, Elae«i\ Elxear, D. E. Taylor, Kingdey Road, Kohmond. A. J. BrowB, Lawience- ville. Cha«. Raeicot, St Hya- cinthe. Phannade St Hyaeinthe, St HyMiinthe. G. N. SaHrimry, AbboU Comer. G. N. Baliafawr, Abbou Comer. < 1949. 1919. 9087.. 3007 2003.. 1962 3083 1994 1992 19n 1994 1928 1988 1980 1916 lan 196ft 1980 FSRTivaixaa as sold. Haouirin. MaBtTptoriMHitee. un 19 W 16 71 Ut on U« to ■MMOtMs hot i*Btifl«»- U M wm vaoartMB. No. WST wieR- kterad ■■ 'QMiwipiM Climax , PhoqihMe, far aU eropa.' UUUptoriMMitM. IB W »-»Up tofOMnMM- No-MSung- 19 90 Mend ■■ •BtoiidArdSpeei^for lorPatataH.' Btaoe idMitifle»- (ioB is aaaartain. BdownutMitM: but idMtafiM- tioa u nnoartain. Na apWu tagiitarcd ■•'OUcadorff's jraoad biMO ■!■«.' ^(ot NRHtond. Up to gnanntee. 19 84 Up to gnanuitoe. 19-78 19 » 17 W 10 48 Up to onuMtee. No. 1,990 m " i«giiWNdM •Bojrtwr-.Sure (^Phavhato.' HenoaideB- titcatiOB UDOWtMB. Up to mmamttB. Now 1,91« i* ^irtSHTIi 'Bowkw^ Cora rCoiphatCb' Hmmb identifi- 18 » Up to 17 09 _ No.l,9Bis .„__ Bowkw** 6 p .0. Potato FcrMliaw.' HeoM iden- tiCoatioa. Qnccrtaiii. n 91 Up to ipiaTaatM. NatNfittwad. Uptogiianrte«i l-WI 10 li '< RKCORD OF SAMPLES OF .1 6 I TVfiignation. 1 i 1907. May 1 ' Tuoker'a ImprovedBone: Phciapbate ' for all crop*: Ai>ril 30 Celery and Vegetable . . . II 80 Sure Growth .. 30 Potato Manure 1 I I. SO Tobacco Manure 11 30 Royal Canadian \ 1 .. 30\'ictor ! i .. .■» Eureka 1 .. 30'Xo. 1 1 May 10 Vermont .. 14 Com Phosphate i .1 14 Sure Crop .. . 14' Bradley's B' ', Nanie and Addrew of Manufacturer. Nam* and Addrem of Vendor. H. H. Miner, Dunham. . . Wm. Kwing Ca, Montreal. Dittriet of St. Hyaetntkt —Con. 482!Anierioan Agricultural Chemical Co., N Y. DiUritt of Montrtat—J. J. CoUigan, Itupeetor. SXmyf. A. Freeman & Co., Hamilton. 82808: „ .... 32S0»| .. .... 32M0| II II .. 32511 C»i«lton Chemicai Ca . . . . R. .J. Latimer A Co., 21 St „^.J^ •.• „ _ ' Antoini- St., Montreal. 32512 Fertilizer Co., BuckingfaamjR. .T. Latimer k Co., 21 St. -_,.; Antoine St., Montreal W18 .. „ . . R. .1. Latimer ft Co., 21 St. --,, I Antoine St., Montreal. 82514 ,. „ . . IB. J. Latimer ft Co., 21 St o<».<n . ^ ., ^ Antoine St, Montreal. 32d16 Bowker Fertilixer Co r Chevalier, Joliette, P.Q. 32516: .. iThoe. Cogland, Hurdman*, i PQ. jEhos. Cogland, Hurdmana, ! P Q. Wm. Anderaon, Hurdmans, P.Q 32517: May 31 Royal Fertilizer. . . . .1 31 Victor Fertilizer. . .. i .. 81 Bradley's Sea Fowl . . .1 81 Potato Fertilizer. .. . .• 31 Complete Manure •Tune 4 Market (rardenertSpecial Fertiliiei April 22' Potato &Ianure , II 23 Land Rock .32518 American Agricultural Chemical (Xt Dittriet of Ottawa— S. BflitU, General Intpeetor. I 32243 Standard Fertilizer and • Chemical Co., Smith's ! ■ FalU. 82245 Capelton Chemical and Fertilizer Co., Bucking- ham, Que. 82246 American Agricultural Chemical Co., Buffalo, N.Y. 82247 32248 Manufacturers A. £. Cameron, Brockville, :A. Bnnvn ft Sons, Brock' ' ville. 82439 The Nichols Chemical Co., Capelton, P.Q. Dittnet of KingUon—Jat. Hogan, Impettor. W. A. Freeman, Hamilton. R. C. Mosher, N.B Kenneth McDonald, Mar- ket Square, Ottawa, Ont. W. C. Peters, Brock St., Kingston. Chase Brm., Colbome. . . . 2031 1»33 1931 1985 1937 1993 1994 1992 19\3 1916 1^ 1943 2001 1994 1943 3083 1M6 1935 I 11 KEKKIUZER8 AS SOLD. 1 Bematka. 19 901 Up to goMMitee. Na 1021 ii registend ■« 'Bowker'i Pot- •lA Bone Pboiphate.' Hence idcntMotion unoerUin. Up to giunntce. Not registered. Up to guaranCee. 16 44 13 92 19 87iUp to fpianntoe. Na 1943 u 18 aoi registered as 'Bradley'd B.D. 8ea Fowl Guana' Hence identification ia uncertain. Up to guarantee. 28 lOiUp to guarantee. No. S0S3 ia IV 90 I'cgirtered as * StandardSpecial I for Potatoes.' Hence identi- I fitttion uncertain. Up to guarantee. No. 1906 is regUtered as ' A. A. C. Co., Aroostook Complete Mant^re.' Henoe identification uncertain. Not registered* Up to guarantee. Not registered. This substanc<> is uot technically a diemical fertiltaer and should not have bem purchased. 12 RECORD OF SAMPLES OP I s •8 1907. Dvniffiuttion. a4|Poteto MMiure . 24 Sure Growth . . . 34 34 24 26 Lawn Fertiliwr. BonePoUsh...; . . PiMter High Grade PoUah.. M»T 11 11 Lawn Fertiliier H Finn and Gardan. It 11 Freenran's " 13 'Cone Tankage' » 13 'Tankage' (t 18 IS 13 jj tt 'General' M Bone and Potash II H ' Tankage FertUixer'... It 23i Flower Food FertUixer. June 18: Lawn Fertilizer 18|PUatFood. ISiBore Meal. 30|Bone and Potaah Fer- tiliier. 30,General Fertiiiier May 8 Bone Flour. . . . 9:FertUiier (Harria H). i .\anie and Addreu of Manufacturer. 33441 32443 3344S 82444 33445 89446 31367 aU68 DiHriet uf XingilOH—Coa. W. A. Frreman, Hamilton. Name and Addr of Vendor. Not known American Agricolturmi and Cbemieal Ca, Buffalo, N.Y. IHttrict of Toronto— H. J, IK,gtr, Iniptetor. Wm. Rennie k Ca, To- rontuL Wm. A. Freeman, Hamil ton. Wm. Daviea & Co., To- ronta O. S. ThompioB, Cobourg. E. A. Duncan, Cobouig. G. Mathewi, Trenton . . . Wm. Rennie ft Ca, To- ronto. 3^70 38371 3S373Park, Blackwell Co., To- ronto. 33273We»tem Fertiliier Ca, ! Toronto. S8374I. Steel, Brigga k Ca, Toroo- ta Wm. Daviea Oa, Toronto. 88276 Fowler's Canadian Hamilton. SS276lWm. A. Freeman, >tamil ton. Ca, 88277 Wm. Rannie, Toronto, Ont 332781 W. A. Freeman, Hamilton. Ont. Weetem Fertiliser Ca, Toronto, Unt. 33380 Park, Blackwell Co., To- ronta Weatem Fertilizer Co., Toronta Fowler'i Canadian Ca, Hamilton. Steel, Brigga Ca, HamU ton. T. L. Taylw, Brampton, Ont. C. Stork & Son, Brampton, Ont. Dale EsUte, Brampton, Oat. Western Fertiliaer Ca, To- ronta Ditlrict of London— T. Kidd, Intptttor. 80361 W. A. Freeman, Hamilton, Ontaria Jaa. Anson k Son, Guelph, Ont. 30864W Harris* Co., Danford.T. A. Simmons, Toronto, Road, near Toronto, Ont. fir.t. 1«8.% mn 1!'32 I'JMi 18dl l'j:J8 1988 1997 m 13 FERTILIZERS AS HOLD. RmdmIm. $ eU Ski 06i Up to guanuitcr. low Not KgMtwed. Up to guusntee. See note to Not rnristerad. S24W. 23 81 Bebm ituarmntee in potaah »31 U 39!Not rvKi«t«rad. Not ivf(>*t^i^ or incorrectly named by the vendor. 41 92 Up to guarantee. Na 1891 i« 42 14| registered a« Toronto B.' i Hence Hientificttion uncer- tain. 35 48iNot regiitered ■••' iuauflicientiy definM bv the vendor. 34 06; Not legistered. Pow u eee u uu value to jnntify it* being sold a« s chemical fertilixer. Not regis tt red. Up to guarantee. Not registered. Has no value to warrant its bong sold as a chemical fertiliier. Not registered. IdentifleatioD uncertain. Na 1988 is regintered as 'F- >man's Pure Bone Meal,. Up to standard. Up to standard sample. Analysis of standard sampe is quoted. Up to guarantee. 14 RFXTORDt) OF SAUPLI'IS Or 1907. Dmignation. ■i I i N«in«' •nd Addrm* of Manufacturer. Itinlrict III' Z,on>/un— Con. May 10 Xure Growth iM>361 Wiu. A. Frteman, HamU- um, Ont. .. 15 Bone Meal i 3U371AV. HanU & Co., iHmfnrd { I Koad, nxar Toronto, Ont. .. i:« Blood and Bone 3(B72| W. Harri. * Co., Danford I I I Koad, near Toronto, Ont lHBoneDu»t aOSTsLVnieiican AirriculturalCo., ! Buffak^ X.Y. Name and Addreu of Vendor. Steel, Briggii & Ca, Tor- 1"J31 onto, Ont. ' W. Harrii & Co., Danford 199(1 Road, near Toronto, Ont. W. Harrii k Co., banford 1997 Road, near Toronto, Oat.: Ifi Bone Meal. Jno. A. Bruce, Hamilton,; Ont. 22 Blood, Bone and Tank- l3 Nitrate of Soda. 10874 30375 drill, Ont. Dtttrirl of Brituh Columbia — E, B. fnrkinion. Imp. I The Victoria Chemical Co., Victoria, B.C. 13B*ineMeal | 32087 Sylvetter Feed Co., Vic toria, B.C. W. A. Freeman, Hamilton, W. .\. Freeman, Hamilton,! Ont. I Ont. ; Canadian Packing Co., Lon- Canadian Packing Co.,Lion-| 13j ' A • 13 'B' Fertilixer. I 32088 The Victoria Chemical Ca, '■ ! Victona, B.C. 32089 The Victoria Chemical Co., Vict<iria, B C. ISiMuriate of Potash. 32090 13 Nitrate of .Soda. ! 32091 18; 'B' Fertilizer j 32092 14 Fish Guano I 33093 14 'B" Fertilizer. 'B' 'C Superphosphate Sulphate of Potash. Muriate of Potash. . Bone Meal 320M The VictorU Chemical Co., Victoria, B.C. The Victoria Chemical "- , Victoria, B.C. The Victoria Chemical Co., Victoria, B.C. Fraser River Oil and Guano Co., Fraser River, B.C The Victoria Chemical Co., Victoria, B C. S2096lThe Victoria Chemi- 'Co., I Victoria, B.C. S2096!The Victoria Cheroiuai Co., I Victoria, B.C. 32097 The Victoria Chemical Ca, ! Victoria, B.C. 32098 The Vict<iria Chemical Co., j Victoria. B.C. 32099{The Victoria Chemical Co., i Victoria, B.C. 32100 P. Bums Ca, Vancouver, B.C. don, Ont. Wm. Rennie Co., Hast- ings St., Victoria, B.C. Wm. Rennie Co., Hast-i ings St., Victoria, B.C. | Wm. Rennie Co., Hast. ings St, Vietoria, B.C. Wm. Rennie Co., Hast inn St., Vietcnia, B.C. ' W. J. Henry, Weatminsteri Road, Vancouver, B.C. '■ W. J. Henry, Westmnisteri Road, Vancouver, B.C. M. J. Henry, Vancouver,: B.C. i Brackman & Kerr Milling Ca, Vancouver, B.C. Biackman & Kerr Milling Co., Vancouver, B.C. i Brown Braa., Vancouver,! B.C. Brown Bros., Vancouver, B.C. Brown Bros., Vancouver, RO. Brown Bros., Vancouver, B.C. Brown Bros., Vancouver. B.C. Brackman & Kerr Milling Ca, Vancouver, B.C. 1U38 2046 187(t 204O 2041 2048 2045 2041 1884 2041 2041 2042 2044 2047 2048 1883 15 KERTIUZERS AS SOLD. Niraoun PnCmrt. 111,' Rmolt or Aralthm. PRCMfMoiuo Acid— Pin Ciorr. Si I I Hi 3-«l 430; 1'90 2 8S 8 80 3 37 40eTrace. 4 70 5 84 6 38 7 82 714 017 S'4fi 4-l» 0» 06 4'M &'56 2 47 SCO 6 56 7-9lTr««», 4 12 "9'«4 1504 787 6 30 427 8.85 i 15 95 19-37 16 00 ... .' 2 24 2 72Tr«oe 3 88 4-65 1 3U 3 80 3'40{ 900 4 00 3 36 4 08| 5 40 3 fiO... 1609 19 63 16 00.. sm 4-76 3-SO . 8 66 10 M 8 84 10-18 808 3-74 3-60 . 306 8-74 8 SO 1 12! 1 86| 11 80 'TombIbI trace.! 1680 10 43 7-30 997 3-80 2'96 6-96 14 86 10-59 10-80 13' 15 1901 7 81 630 10 50 30 00 1-82 13'X) 7 80 o'w o'oo 'o'oo Tnoe. 4 70 Tnioe. 4 20: 510 8 06 3 70 871; 4-60 Tnoe. 6-96 660 4 15 100 '3-00 8-91 10-48 0-60 U-80 Tnuse. 40'Tno*. 0-40 TiMe. 18-80 15 32 11 17 1000 10-00 12 30 900 10-30 9-50 16-72: 16-39 800 9-00 680 6-56 900 9001 9-40 9-00 11-80 nso 16 70 16-00 19-70 29-00 22 07 s I I 4-881 10 861 6 02! 2 »» . .. 8-00' 3'00l 9-49 19-181 9-M 06j 6-89 21-48 15'(M .. . Rrawrk*. 34 4-6B 10 3 81 '672 436 t 464 8 36 0-10 039 0-06!. 10 10 7 00 12 00 U OOj 84 80| 50 001 12 30j 11 70 U-00 11-70 11 001 10 80 1100 11 68 51-00 50-00 68 00 60-00 3n '5-80 30 94 18-401 3-08 l-M "9-86 11 00 6-83 19-86 19-60 23-60 19-00 0-96 '4-27 48 8-78 300 7 00 • eu. 33 81 Up U) guMTMitfle. 24 30 Not up to atsndard ••mjile. Ab- 88 m >IyiM of itMidard wunple u quoted. 29 87 May be ' Fertili«er H,' No. 1997 38 60 —but cannot identify with cerUintv. If lo i» up to •tandani. 4-84i 30 60 Am. Ajr. Co.. BuflalcN r*ifi»t«r 10 brands, but no tirand bear* the name ' Bone I)u»t'-under which thii lanipte ia aold. 6 97j 27 74 U|> to guarantee. 600' 33 27 Not registered. 64 23 Up to guarantee. M 40 17 or sens 30 72 34 98 Identi6catinn of thi> uniple ia uncertain. Apparently below Htandard, but may be un- regiatered. Up to guarantee. 64 80 60 00 64 71 64 40 84 68 Up to guarantee. Up to guarantee. Up to guarantee. Up (o guarantee. 84 lejUp to guarantee. 82 97 88 41 27 69 20 00 61 00 80 00 68 00 80 00 27 51 38 41 Up to guarantee. Up to guarantee. Up to guarantee. Up to guarantee. Up to guarantee. Up to guarantee. Not up to guarantee, but practi- cally identical with atandard MDiple, of which the analyaia ia quoted. It ■wp'API^V'B'll s l-s i \ \ \ \ \ \ \ eeeeeeeee o o o • ss^sbssa sirs ^ % « -" « ! 6 4 I I i_i iL-Z ^Se --"fi Si* B-» i ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ I- - ' -' -^ - 5 - ' " ■ ■ •« i I i I 1 1 ^ * I i i ^ • * ' ^ I i : 1 1 1 .9 T ^ 3 e 4 4 •a|dui«6 JO oM ^ 3 o i8 a ai «< >j o ta H g ^ ■"5< 5i C» N « W Si o "~S « 5" 1 = m 14 I' 1 i i i I i 1 1 i H 1 1 I l±ilJiLLlAlllI boob — o — do ft « 8 i S b iTTT — e ■g~r b b — MS f i ll Ml I* :-i i 2 1 4 1 ^.|i III I^^S^S^^^^^ ?ir>M — MWC^'N'N — I I I I HI ^ FT N fr» frj S3 s s '^ 1 * =' .^ I aj "ii ^ si gi I S a e S3 S3 •i * Ji 5". S3 S3 S3 ^ «gogeQe®o.gosJ:S8 888 tt 12 . . . .1 . . S S S £ I I S I I I I 1 I I J J J I J 8 8 d SSSgSSSS «M ^4 O pi CO le n o i ^ a I'f.,^ pa i ^ II ^^ ffi » s H » M i^ M ^ i I a o S |5|«|5|l|;.|| « ^. 23 1 • ■ fi « « 1 1 jjilj-i ^-^-^-g-g-l-l-ffi-B- S S R~i^2 6 Sgsssssa^' - 2 s~2~?i a •l- 24 9 9 I I J I J I I I g S {3 S 3 S !? S S M o o o o o s ^ -"■6 s; S8 g :: M U3 eo -" ^H « CO ^1 lis s s HiU I I I I I ill'S^, 1 1 1 1 1 ^^^^ S i i i i S E) s a> i £ e e e e e I. 1^ c OS o. r 1 = 3 1 o a ^ ^ ^ |l alii i 11^:1 iQ CD l> SS S CO CC CO 2 2 2 8 ^ 26 liX-i "SB a" 5i> S p~T?r 1 ^1^ if