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Lea cartaa. pianchaa. tablaeux. etc.. peuvent Atre filmto i dee taux de rMuction diff«rents. Lorsque le document est trop grsnd pour itre reproduit sn un seul clich*. il est film* A parti- da I'angia supirieur gauche, de gauche k droite. et do haut mn baa. an pranent le nombre d'Imagee A^censaira. Las diagrammea suivants llluatrent la m*thoda. n 32 X 1 2 3 4 5 6 ONTARIO AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE Tot-onto, atfiy IS, IH03. f^ULLETlN LXXXIX. ANALYSIS OF FODDER CORN. A K. SHUmKWOUrH. ».^ 8c- . PROKK830K OK .HBv.STHV .T . experiments^VduSw IK^^^ °f the twelve mental Union durinir 1890 Tn;!Ti'"'"*'^°™'»itteeof theExperi every farmer expressing a wish to ^n "! K T*'*' ™'^"'^ «*«»PleB to out of the nuS^ber fent n ful ieturn^*/?.'"'"^'^'- T-^^t^ Secretary. By this arrangement thl ' .-^ *^^ ''^^^'ts to the great many different seSrnf .*"^''®' ^^''^ tested in a counties a/d districts .- H^ on BrLrSi!:^' '"j'"^l"8 ''^^ ^o»o-in« Elgin, Middlesex. Norfolk dS'^^^',^"'"^'^"' ^rey, ivent Dundas. Prince Edwa< WonJef^'p ^'' 'n ^^"*"^' ^'"^o^n, Muskokft and Parry SoupI At thX ?.''^°r'"«' Northumberland tested, and the samples groin here wer«°". ''''i*'"'' "*"«t>«« ^er^ relative feeding va.u^ ^Follow^^rheT^^^^^^^^^ Varieties, Average yield j'^"e'p5i Experiment Station" I per acre of 20 . 1 : j Qntari o returns. ^''eld. Maturity. S!!"'""i'l^''"t''ern Sweet (dent) I ^^u ^^'•~ ( Thorovghbred White Fiint*'" lH 22.0 Late True Learning (dent) .. . Jf'o i»-8 '' Mammotn Cuhnn /f>on*v I'-S ifl « t ^ Wisconsin Sest Whil.: n' " / * ' 1«-1 191 wi?- '"^'"'»- a JofTh? ;:it i: jT^^^z^v^t^^^^^^^^^ th.n the av.; according to yield; bo7h\reirThrsIm?//"*T"« '^' ^«"«ties however, does not necesstrfira^reetTthfh"'- /'?" "'ative yield, per acre of the crops. This isSr J ^ ?® '■*^*"^« ^««di°g value Definitions. Ash is the part of the fodder which remains uncon- sumed by burning to whiteness at the lowest possible red heat. Crude Protein is the muscle formers collectively. CnuU Fat is a mixture of oils, wax, coloring matters, etc. Linseed oil is a common example. Crude Fibre is the woody portion of fodder. Nitrogen-free Extract is a mixture of substances commonly called carbo hydrates ; starch and sugar are examples. Nutrient is any substance that nourishes. Fat, protein, starch etc, are nutrients. Varieties. Table of Composition. In Fresh Material. Mammoth ) I Southern W I... Sweet. . . ) Av'ge. Thoro'bred \l White III.... Flint.... j Av'ge. Wilson's True Tjeaming ; Av ge, i!r:: /Av'i •JAv', I" •Ui;: •J Av'i U V 80.70 00 84.16 80.67 Mammoth Cuban . . , » , loi in J Av'ge. 181.10 Wisconsin Earliest White r V. Dent....j^^K«- Compton Early. 81.89 *126 )Ma.>c.. American > Min . . Analyses, j Av'ge. 73.67 602 93. 51 60 79.33 .80 .79 .79 .64 .65 .64 .78 .76 .77 .68 .67 .67 .64 .66 .65 .91 .96 .93 1^ I" 3> 2 o .75 .73 .74 .69 .69 .69 .91 .89 .90 .91 .91 .91 .89 .88 .89 1.16 1.19 1.17 .58 4.03 0.550.54 1.1611.82 5.13 6.13| 6.13|12.i3 4.07 4.06 4.06 4.40 4.50 4.45 4.38 4.66 4.47 3.94 4.21 4.08 5.00 11.40 1.90 4.98 10.22 12.78 12.48 12.11 18.94 36.31 3.01 12.17 * fa £ .52 .50 .51 .26 .21 .23 .41 .46 .43| .331 .42 .371 .38 Calculated to Water-free Substances. .38 .30 .29 .29 .59 .08 .54 < 4.15 4.13, 4.14| 4.03 4.14 4.08 4.04 3.97 4.01 3.62 3.56 3.59 3.53 3.64 3.58 3.46 3.65 3.55 o 3.92 3.81 3.86 S .a ■c e II fa I 13.8 18.2 2.9 2.8 5.6 I 8.8 .5M .. . .611. . , .58 62.77 I .66 .66 . 2.69 2.62 2.65 4.42 25 4 36 25 4 39 25.66 64.13 1.74 1 63 11.86 4.72 4.60 4.66 I. 4.67 23 4.67 24 4.67 23 4.71 4.67 4.69 4.42 4.54 4.48 .71] 2.11 .7l! 2.27 .24 65.90 2.19 .2o| ;1.76 •111. .2.21 65 6<). 11 1.98 21, 23. 22, 19. 18. 19. 39 2 11.2 2t.l 67.14 2.11 1.14 1.11 1 12 71.84 72.9 39.4 68.9 6.7 0.6 2.6 * Including a great many varieties. Every variety was planted May 28th and cut September 17th. It would, therefore, follow that the late maturers, as Mammoth Sorthern Sweet and Thoroughbred White Flint, had not reached the aame degree of maturity at the time of cutting as Compton's Early, an early maturing variety; and since the proportion of water decreases with maturity, a higher per cent, of water would be expected in the later than in the early maturers. Comptou's Early contain water. the sam occur t ties intt water. good em able; bi good de/ The i great dil .29, the moth Sc dryer an While the varii moth So the form( 'a ter, ac Oompt protein tl Thorough the fresh It is i regular ii and sugar Mammoth f^ Thdroughbn True Leaiiiii Mammoth C Wisconsin Ii Compton's E This tab tained in t numbers ai It is not ti"o nutrit tneir {H>wei compared s< the nutritiv .11 3 contained 73.67 and Thoroughbred White Plinf «i in water. Early inafcuriev nnrl » i« .. "' ^*-^^ P®** cent, of the same variety whe kte J.T P/°P°'\t>°'iof ^«ter are found in o=cur together Pviin.j "*t""ty and a high per cent, of water ties interaUte if Xify ^Tals^in^e^rtj 'r^'' ''""'^ ^"•«- water. These facts alone ndicate that ^^Tf '*^' . '"• ^^' *^"°*- ^^ good ensilaire corn For «n^ia *'' ^""^^ maturing corn is a able ; but t^omTe sweet nulrT ^^'^T' ^"*"^ yielder8%re desir- good degree of mturltv in^nJ l'-'7''T' r*"«*'«« t****^ reach a The fiinrp; in *V ^ j""^ particular locality must be grown grelrdi&ceTn'tTroLrr^'r'r/^"^ -ateriafsTow a .29 the averageTn Oom^rn'r^iHrl iT^^^^^ ^^T"""^ moth Southern Sweet tL hLkI: /'. *°^ '^^^ *"e average m Mam- dryer and earlfer^rtL^n^ vSL"^' P"""**«^« "'' found in the the^attTrrtV^^^^^^^^ moth Southern Swpp^ vLZ^) lu \°"P<«ns Early and Mam .he f„r.e, an™ tblttu^rrdeSn ^ 'fLtS t^'^'^t' I. ter, ,ccountfor the high ,«r cent, of fib™ «'°'^"' '" "■" *horouKhbrV Wh'te FH„r!~ Mrrf S""*"™ Sweet and .he f4„ateH?'rd ^Xre r^lfnt "•"' '" ''"'''°' "»"" '" and sugar) ,ith the di^Tl7Jty "^""-^"^ "«"«' ('""-oh Nutrients OabiiUted to pounds per Acre. Varieties. Mammoth Southern Sweet Thdroiighbred White Flint '. " ' Irue Learning Mammoth Cuban ..... Wisconsin Earliest White Dent Compton's Early . . Protein. Fibre. 3.S4.48 273.24 353.70 347.02 31«.84 322.92 2,318.76 1,607.76 1,748.85 1,707.54 1,452.48 1,380.00 Nitrogen- ^ free Extract. Fat. 5,482.70 4,047.12 5,022.54 4,767.36 4,.311.16 5,227.54 230.52 91.08 168.99 141.34 135.28 80 04 .4^So'lr,X""oTte1c^?^r^tsz^!a^^^ numbers are calculated from the tables of compSraTd y eld ,K.wer to prSuce i^. tie"nt^i?^cTaC oHoodf " "T compared sciontiQcally. Baa