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Les diagrammes suivants iilustrant la mAthode. 1 2 3 4 5 6 s>: i J 'i [■. I 1 ^ •pe;* B Y E . L A \V 3 K E G I I A T I N S OF TUB BROCK DISTEiCT MUTiAL FIRE INSURANCE SOMPANY, WOODSTOCK, UPPER CANADA, AS APPROVED Bf I THI BOARD or DIRECTORS, WlTB TB^Hirr or zHSim^AXvoA INCOBPOftATBU BT ACT 07 PAtLtAXBHT. WOODSTOCK: MBNZIB'^ & WALBSB, PBINTXftS 18 4 0* I ; M mmm WHm OffFlCERS Of TBI € o til pftny, For the Year ending June, 1841. DIRECTORS. xHE HON. P. B. de BLAQUIERE, Prwidbnt. R. RIDDELL. JOHN ARNOLD, JAMES INGERSOLL, ELIJAH NELLIS. HENRY FINKLR, JOHN GREIG. H* C. BARWICK, Smetaryand Trmunr. ..sU ii t>. : ¥ a; 4 Hwa mmmm ■■an CYE-LAWS or THE BROCK DISTRICT MJmjAL FIRE msURANCE COMPAKf, WOODSTOCK, UPPER CANADA. ARTICLE I. ^a^mh^Tha tnnual meeting of tho Company ijr the electiott of Directors, and when the affalra of the Com- pany will be submitted, shall be held on the first Monday m June, the day appointed by law, at ten o'clock, A M at such place in Woodstock as the Directors for the time being may order 5 notice of which shall be given bv ih« Secretary, or, on his failure, by the President, stating iho Jw ilT' ^""^ ® •'^? ?^ ?^** '"^^'^"g' ^y publicltioa three weeks successivsly in the newspapers printed within the District, the last of which publications sliaU be nt lewi tea days provioiw l(? the time of holding said meeting. Sect. 2.--Whenever, in the opinion of a majority of the who e board of Direciors, the interest of the cLpany than require it, or when thirty or more members of the «aid Company shall apply to the Directors, setting forth, fa writing, left with the Secretary, the purposes for which a meeting is desired, especial meeting of the Company may be called, to be holden al Woodstock, and notlHRd in ine manner aforsesaidt 1 ] V il I 1 1 I Secf 3 -At efery meeting of tlie Company, the Pr^ T.t Thi eTe°l on 'of Dire ore shall be by ballot, a. - 1 lot reJSfre All o°her questions may bo ly vo^g in such way w Iho majority present may thmk . proper. ARTICLE II. Sect 1 -Noliee of asseMmonta shall be given by the District three weeki successively, the »»*.P"1"T' ,; "* wtoTshaM not be less than .'»" V'JheCeU°p per a^ fixed for theit payment, and. n such »'''" "S^ The the Directors may deem "^cessarx ot exped'ent. in nirectors may also cause such nouc* Jo be P"""'"'" "" Smc 2— I« order that Aero way not be mote than .=.mAni in anv vear, and that such assessment may Tpa ; rarK";rof the Company, the^Di^c. tors are authorized, in case of any loss or damage by fire,- lo borrow such sum or sum. of money as may be requif- ?d to meet such loss or damage , and io makmg the att- ^ual assessment the i.;terest accrmng on m^nfy ^'^ «>«f*> Md abo all incidental expenses, shall be mcludedm iuch Mte«n»o.. j^RTICLBIIL San 1 —The Company will make InsHtance for the torm of three years; and the amount of the premium note or "urn to be d^osited for the insurance of any building Shall be according to the hazard of such building, or the Sanger to vvhich It may be exposed to loss or injury »; fire • taking into consideration the materials of which it « composed" the manner of iu construction, the purposes for which it is used, its situation as W other buildings, and all other circumstances affecting its tuk. Sect. 3._In8urances shall not be XMdo to a 8«*'«' amraount than £1,500, on any one risk. V I tiy, the Pre senior Direc-- chairman be I by ballot, aa iG determined nt may think - I given by the printed in the publication of ioT to the time Qewspapera •• pedient. The )e published in may direct, . be more than ssessmenl may any, the Direc* lamage by fir©*- may be require making the an- loney borrowcd» iacluded in auch Mttrance for the le premium note of any building building, or the )ss or injury ly i\a of which it ia fn, the purposes er buildings, and ide toa grfi^tei i^eet. 5.— Tn eases \vhen no perwanent lien can be created, as on household furniture merchandize, &c., the Directors may require an indemnity in lieu thercoff by^an approved surety oa the premium note. Sect. 4.— Not more than two- thirds of the estimated yalue of any building shall be insured by this Company. BYE-LAWS OF THE DIRECTORS. ARTICLE L Seet 1.— Fife per cent, of the preminm note shall be paid and endorsed thereon at the time of eflecting the insurance; 5s. for the survey, 5s. for each policy and 8f. 6d. for each renewal of the same. Seei^ 2.<— If insurance be wanted < on more than one building in the same policy, the amount on each must be named ; also the amount on furnituret goodij grain, dsc. ' 4ee. muat be separately named. ARTICLE IL Sect 1.— Every person wishing to become a mfember of this Company, shall previous to being intured, deposit his application and premium note with the Secretary of aaid Company, and if approved by the Directors, as afore- said, the policy shall bear date on that day, and take effect at noon, unless directed by the applicant to be dated on another day. ARTICLE in. »vwuj/j i — a;. isnMii E?c illc uuiy vt iiic JLicasuicI iw ivwCiTC and keep for the use of the Company, the premium noleg and all monies which may be paid into his hands, and pay ou. U.= ^«7„^>; - ^^li'^.pofu^ duties onus onkc. >vriling. And beloro euicia.fe irj-innf) to ihc satisiac- 1,0 shall give Bonds *" ' ^Xec o1 and h sUll m.ko tion of Iho ma only of '''° ^'V''f,°'i! "" „,„ at each an- rcpott in writing f J^e s Wre ortl, any toe when re- flua meeting, and 1° "i" M t ,i • „ f^r lii? sorvioej lirod therefo by them, and shall receive for his service, such sum aa the Directors shall direct Seel 2— It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep faiffnVcorrect records of^athe^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ vcd, and shall make and preserve »" "= ' , ^^ and transfers, which are or ">ay '^."^^^'^"y 'j 'ier7or,a and preserved in ^js o<B-, and also to do a d^ perfo ^ ^ al! other acts required ot him b> ^>""« vprpivo 6uch incorporation and By-Laws and shaU -ce.v.^.^_^ sum or sums for his services as me ^^^ ,,^,, rectors shall appomt, and shall before ^^o^"';'-. ' .^^^ ^ duties of his office give Bonds in the sum ot i.lOUU, tu tl.u satisfaction of tho Directors. ARTICLE IV. .^,ct 1 -..\pplicatIon for Insurance on at least £25,000 .hal be received examined and approved by a majon ty of the Direc^rs, before they .hall allow any policy to b. issued, S.o(. 2.. -Each <!e?osit note shall be "'^^-^^y ''^'J Treasurer thirty days after the expiration of the term oi ^rraace namJd in\i>e policy for which it was g.ver.,^nj until the amount of all losses and f P'^^f^^^':'''"^'^.,"'^ have accruea during said term shall havo been asccrtamta Ktid paid. • r y-< ▼ T^ Aii i i^-i-*^ * • a,rt. 1,-Whenever any member of this Company sMJ alienate or .ell any house or building insured, he n>»y I 1 1 Directorn, Tti 8ofhi3oiricC| I ihc satisiac- \Q shall make y at each air ime when ro* ir his sorviccj eiary to keep dings of tkR file and keep to be preser- Is, surrenders, •y to be made and perform of the Act of receive such dent and loi- ters upon thf! of i:iooo, tu least £25,000 by a majority y policy to be stained by the of the term of was given, and 3S which may 3en ascertained [Company shall" jured, he may surrender his policy to the Secretary, with a request aignod by him to have tiic'samo cancelled, together with a certificate of the Town Clerk, or of the agent oC the said Company in his vicinity, or of some other per- son knowing the fact, and the Secretary shall enter the same on record as cancelled, to take efTect the day the same slmll bo received by him ; pnd in case one build, ing only is alienated or sold, whero others are contained in the same policy, siaid policy may bo surrendered aa to that building only, and to take effect on the day it shall be received by the Secretary, and the amount of prem- ium on the said building so sold, shall be endorsed after thirty days from the date of surrender, on said member's premiuQfi note, or such portion thereof as shall not have been paid or expended. Provided farther^ That whenever the grantee or alienee shall procure an assignment and transfer of a policy, when ho shall have purchased the whole property insureJ, and shall within thirty days from the day he purchases the $ame, forward the said Policy and Assignment to the Secretary, he may have the same confirmed and ratified to him ; and when said Assignment shall be approved by the Directors, as aforesaid, the Secretary shall record the same, and the confirmation thereof by order of the said Director, when the said grantee or alienee, shall have given satisfactory security for the payment of tiie residue of the prenuum note given for the said policy. Sect. 2. — Whenever any member of this Company, who has an insurance on goods or other personal property only, shall bona fide alienate or sell out said goods or other property, he may have the same privilege of surren- dering his policy, and under the same regulations as if his policy was on buildings, and have the same cancelled ; and when goods, or other personal property, are insured with buildings, and goods, or part are sold, said policy may Lc canccllou as to that purt only, uuuCF the Saine iq^ gulations as mentioned in the preceding section. Sect. 3 — VVh&never any alterations, or additions, or change of occupants, shall be made to any building inaur- ^0 :^arrS':;Mforw«d the ..e a^_ , ■B «atement of said applicant, by »>"" «'g"«^^' *» '"If,?^. ,,*y,wt.osh«l.sabmit^he.ametoth^ tlh'prove.l i or said application may be ™*"* " " , , n di the Secretary, and when approved, the S^c'etary sM *Merdn record of said policy, ']''>"*'^.'nf„ hereof -bSt Wered, and rettirh to the insured a "^''S^f ^ '''.^'^ue"! Tft titisc the Agent or Secretary, shall J."f g« ™»'f «'J Xll ^tto-ris or adaifions, do increase the risk, then they shall Wy ho* much, & take an additional note for sBch .ncieased .r!^,.S«d v/hei approved by the Directors, as aforesaid %* Secretary shall entdr a minute thereof, oi. 'h« «=» ^ of said^ policy, and fonvard to the insured a certificaie iheieof. 1 ^JSec(. 4-Whehevir any one, hereafter ™»;«^'j''"'^ alienWB conditionally, by morigage, his .Pol'°y^ha ' be S.dntess he shall mike a representation thereof in 'WW he to the Directors, stating the amount and to whom ■hioSd, who shall have power to give their assent to SdSage. « to cancel said policy, as they shall judge proper on examination of the same. ^ '''SfC*. 5.— When buildings are mortgaged at the time ^HheVare insured, the mortiagee may have the policy a^ signed to him on his signing the premium note, or givmg t^urity for the payment of the same. ^ ^Sect 6.— Iti» hereby provided, that in ease nny build- ,4„r4ood, or other property insured by said Company SlebBned or dm{,agrd, the Dit^'^t-'/l. ^y '*.';™''',f rnXiottal Kcurit, for^he payment of the dap"^' n»te Xen for the insurance of said property, by the insured oriewisitinK with the Treasurer the amount that shall te ■ Sunltia on said note, which deposit shall consist of a :SX insujancemoney.due said. nsured,^ tote «^ 7^ glicy, 'wheTth; rrrd^htrhrve t-he-right to - ae-Sinffreceive such part of the said sum depositod ™ not been expended in losses and assessments ; and I * « ihi sii nc af lo th si ir bi a! it ia the town or whether the same •d the same, and ed, to the Secre- lirectors for their de to a Director, B Secretary shall me is not endan- cate thereof; but ye that said alter- ^ then they shall or sttch increased }rs, as aforesaid, lof, oii the record ured a certificate er insured, shall is policy shall be taiion thereof in ount and to whom ive their assent to IS they shall judge raged at the time iave the policy as- nm note, or giving in case nny build- by said Company itors, may demand of the deposit note ty, by the insured lount that shall re- it shall consist of a | 1 insured, to be re- :.^i:rxn r\r thf^ term I have the right to said sum deposited I assessments ; and t 'it shall be the duly of the Treasurer to ^^ay t^^m^ aftef tkir t J day s from tho expiration of his said ppl^y.. Sea 7 -All persons insured by thfs Gpmpany, f\)?^ sustinin lofs or'damage by ^re, arejarth^^^^^^ ^ „ntifP thereof to the Company, and, witmn iniriy nays ^fter said P s, to deliver in a particular account of w* o^s or daXge, signed by their o-^^^^^^ Kx/ their okahor affirmation; and also, it Wirea, 07 all claim, by virtue of his pohcy. ... -:■■.> -^ ^ - ARTICLE Vr. ■ " ■ ' ^.rf 1 -There shall bo a regular meeting ofthe pirec- Jst the Se^etary's Office^ on tl. Firat Saturday ot Ue^y month, at 10 of the clock, A. M. «..; 2 — Anv two of the Directcra may direct the siretarv to call^ a special meeting of the B9"d_; and m hfrabsJIcl: may notify the other Directors of sa.d special meeting. Sect 3 -The sum of 7s. Cd. per day shall be allowed tofa^ Director, attending at th^ hour^a^pomted, and 4d. per mile for travel each way. I Sect 4.-A11 orders on the Treasurer for such sums as .hall be allowed by the Directors, shall be signed by the ite dent or Chairman ofthe Board, and countersigned ir the Secretary ; and the Treasurer is directed to pay all such orders. i ARTICLE VII. Sect. l.-No furniture, usually denominated fixtures, marhinerv or other legal or constructed immoveables, macninery, or "i»«\ /. 6 u.uu^ u^\a *<^ h« insured, or contained in any i^^'ia^^S' ^"^ u"'' ""C^Lrnn^wiv buid- as accessary to the same ; and the insurance on my &ui a It iog ibatt &ot be held to include eny thmg outttde there oft tuch at galleriesi |iorches> Apparatus^ sheds, or other buildings, except the same be specially valued in the oolicy,.but to extend to verandahs around dwelling houaet.' Sect. 2.— If any buildings, or other propefty, insured al this ofiice shall be described in the application of the at* sured as being less hazardous than they really are, such in* aurance shall be void and of no effect, whether said build- ings or property may have been visited by any member*. oiScer, or servant of this Company or not. Sect, 3. — ^The following to be eonsidercJ aa hazardous* and doubly hazardous riaksi viz* :— Jici^iardovs. — Apothecaries, blacksmiths, boat builders, brewers, booksellers' stock, dyers, druggistt, earthenware, china, and glassware, in packages, groceries, jewellers, oil, pitch, printing-offices, sail makers, spirtluous liquors, saltpetre,, sulphur, tar, and turpentine. Doubly Hazardous.-^k<\\infotii9t other, bams, bake* houbos, coach-makers, cabinet-makers, carpenters, chair« makers, coopers, chemists, ship and tallow chandlers^ charcoal, distilleries, earthen and glassware retailers, founders, fodder, flax, grain unthreshed, gunpowder, hay, hemp, joiners, lime unslacked, an.d other articles becom* ing spontaneously ignited or combustible, musical instru- ment makers, oil mills and machinery, and all manufac- tories which contain furnaces, ovens, coakles, kilos, stoves, or otherwise using fire-heat, malt-houses» potash works, rope-makers, stables, straw, steamboats, ships, or vessels, in harbour, or building, sugar refiners, tobaceo manufactures, theatres, and all trades or occupations using or occasioning lire*beat, shavings, or combustibles. Sect, 4. — Goods not hazardous are such as are us- ually kept in hardware and dry goods stores ; cotton in bales, coffee, clothing, jlour, household luriniure, indigo, potash, rice, sugar, and all other articles which are not combustible. otttttde thereoft sheds, or other I valued in the i rouad dwelHng I terty, insured fit j ation of the &•• 1 illy are, such in^ | ither eaid build- »y any member*. ^Jasha^ardous* s, boat buildere, te, earthenware, eries, jewellers, triiuous liquors, r, bams, bake* irpenters, chair* illow chand!«rei sware retatiera, junpowder, fiay, ' articles becom- musical instru- nd ail manufac- coakles, kilos, lt>bou3es» potash Tiboats, ships, or cfiners, tobaceo or occupations or combustibles. sueh as arc us- tores ; Gouon io iurtiiiure, indigo, 8 which are not i 13 Sect* S.<— Goods held in trust or on commiasioo, must be insured as such, otherwise this policy will not cover such property. Sect, 6«— Jewels, medals, plate, plaled-ware, pictures, family paintings, sculpture, or musical iostrument^, are not included in any insurance, uoless such articles are specified in the policy. Sect. 7.— Books of accoiinf, manuscripts written se- curities, bills, bonds, tallies and gunpowder, are not to be held insured by any policy granted by this Company. Sect, 8^— No claim will be allowed for loss or damage by fire, occasioned by the invasion of a foreign enemy, insurrection or civil commotion, or any military or usurped power, nor the damage done by fire occasioned by the burning of the forest woods, or by the clearing of lands in the country ; nor will the Company be answerable for any loss, or damage by fire that may happen to any hay, corn, seed, or other properly by natural heating ; but the Company will make j^ood losses on property burned by lightning. Sect.* 9.-^In case the buildings, or other property here- in mentioned, have been already, or shall be hereaher in-^ sured by any policy from this office, or by any other In- surance Company, or by any private insurance, such other insurance, must be made known to the Company,, and mentioned in, or endorsed on the policy, otherwise the policy to be void. Sect, 10;— That all policies bebngin(» to members who shall neglect or refuse payment of their annual asses^ sments or dividends, at the time prescribed by law, and the bye-laws of the Company, and after notification shall have been given to that ellect by the Treasurer, accord- ing to said bye-laws, shall be suspended, and shall uo of DO valiM to such member, or members, who shali be de- prived of all the privileges granted by virtue of tiie sauir^ until sueh time as such assessment or dividend to cie« dared shall have been paid, either voluntarily on llr; on M «f the atsessei, w by the eemnio* couMe of law, and 8u?h^nS. shall 7ot be indemnified for any loss ih.t fhey mavhave suffered daring 'he »a«pension of wch oSfcv bit all Mch members shall be boimd and held to ffibute to the payment of all losses suffered oy other members of the Company, the same as though said su.- pension of said policy had not taken place, until tk« ex- piration of the same* SecL 11.- When property insured !• only F^';'**"^ dJimatedJnoabandonm^^^^^ of the same shall be allowed tZtly consent of the Company or its agenU and ,a ca e of the removal of property, to escape conflagration, fhTcompany ^vill lateably'contribme to ihe low and W pense attending such acts of salvage. Sect 1^— When loss or damage upon any wal proper- ty insured bv this office shall have been sustained, it wiM IVcptionalVith the Company to pay or make good such loss or damage, either in money according to the sum nsurfed, or by rebuilding such real property, and rem- Itatine the assumed therein, or by repairing the same, aceordiDK to the circumstances of the case, and with all due di i4nce, without being held to make any compen. oon-enjoyraent in the premi«es* i '. •» ', «. I »» '^ i u- ...,■'« 5 ■. ■ * ' TARIFF f !&w, and y loss th»t on of such ind held to d by other h said 8Ut» Qtil Uie ex* 1y partmlly be allowed ent ^ and in onflagratioOy toM And M* wal proper* iined, it will ke good such to the sum :y, and rein* g the «amey. and with all any coinpen- for reot| or ot xtATSS OP xnrsimANOB fOftTRK BROCK I>I STRICT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, WOODSTOCK. UPPER CANADA, FOa THRB8 YEAKS. '^ 'i :« FIRST CLASS. M. !•— BuiWingaof stone or brick, «u>piil| with metal | tio hazardous trade or Oe* cupation, or hazardous goods allowed theiein; isolated and out of danger fn>m all o4her buildings, and not having lM»odcB porches or covered galleriea connected with ottwr buildings; or when not so situated, securely protec- ted by iron doors and shutters, so as (O be equally isolated, (Sz in other respeett protected from external danger; and where neither fire nor lights -are used. No, 2.— The same kind of buildings where fire or lights used.-... •• ••••••• tected as above, but distant from wood- en buildings, so as not to be endanger- ed by th^m ••■•••••••••••••*••••• P€T Cent. 3 H Per CtnL No, 4. — When in uDfavourallo situations, or endangered by wooden buildings, or in very Darrswstreets*... •••••• ••«••• 5 to 7 SECOND CLASS. JS% 1.— Buildings of stone or brick, covert with wood ; no hazardous trade or oc- cupation allowed therein ; isolated from all other buildings, and not having wooden porches or covered galleries connected with other buildings....... 5^ ^0, 2, The same when they adjoin first class buildings...... P. 6 2Va. 3— The same when they adjoin second class buildings... ••••••••. •.••.... 64 jVo. 4— The same endangered by wooden buildings, or porches, or covered gal- leries connected with other buildings •• 7 to 10 THIRD CLASS. JVb. 1.— Buildings partly of stone, and partly of wood, plastered inside and out, cov- ered with metal, isolated, no hazard'* ous trade or occupation, or hazardous goods allowed therein. ••.••• •.••••• 5 JS'o. 2.— The same covered with wood..^««« 5| iVa. 3.— The same in unfavourable situations* covered with metal, gable walls of stone or brick. ••.••••••. ••.•••••■ ^ to 7 No. 4,— The same in unfavourable situations, covered with wood, gable walls of stono orbrick.... •* 8 to 10 FOURTH CLASS. No, 1.— Buildings wholly of wood; no hazar- dous trade or occupation, or hazardous goods allowed therein ; completely i>olated, »Bd distant from all builciinga •J Per Crnt, & to 7 H 6 64 7 to 10 »• • 5 .• ;6 to 7 18, » 8 to 10 ir- us 'ly 6« i i 17 JPrr CfTtt. likely to endanger them CO feet at Ici9t •■••••*••••••••***•***'***"* ]Vi,. 2.— In favourable situations, but exposed to risk from first or second class build- ings •• ^* Mo. 3.— Detached, but within from 40 to 60 feet of wooden buildings * No. 4.— Detached, but within from 25 to 40 feet of wooden buildings. •• •.• *s JV«7. 5.— Adjoining wooden buildinjjs on ono side, and within a short distance from the other VV»**"'"V ® No. 6.— Adjoining and surrounded by wood- en buildings • ^ ^^ IC EXTRA RATES. Over and above the foregoing ordinary Pr^miuma, Firsihj,^When hazardous goods are deposlK cd in the building, (wholesale establish- ments alone excepted where no goods are retailed,) such as pitch, tar, tur- pentine, rosm, tallow, oils, spirituous liquors, brimstone, sulphur, saltpetre— upon the buildings and contents. . . . . - i fifecond/y.— When extra or doubly hazardous- goods are deposited in the buildings, earthenware, china, or glassware, or packages, hemp, flax, uponbuildmg and contents >••••■••"••••• rAird/y.— When the goods insured consist of the stock of retail dealers in earthen- ware, china, glassware, watchmakers gold, or silversmiths', (jewellers' stock not included which is special,) apothc- caries^ druggist*', upn gOQd$ on^y .. fA % 11 1« U to 2 FwMr</i/i^.— When the goods insured consist of ihe slock of retail dealers in oil, tallow, ship chandlers, u^on the luilding and conie^Uj ••••••••••••••••••••••"• • Fifthbj.'^y^hQa the following trades or cccu* pations are carried on, on building and contents : 1. All retail ehopa, not before enumera- ted, and boarding houses, also dyo houses V.*",' 2. Sail makers, (no tar to be heated m inc premises,) printing ofiices, hotels and taverns, bakers,blacksmiths, tinsmiths, armourers, and other smiths, .-• S. Confectioners, cayniisls, hat manufac- tories, rope-makers, (the tar house to be out of danger and not insured,).. •• 4. Stables and barns .••....••••••••• 5. Carpenters, joiners, cabinet makers, cooper?, musical instrument makerSf and all other workers in wood, at their wovkshop or manufactories •••••••• 6. Houses and buildings under repair, or building where any wood work oc- casioning chip, and shavings is made m Iho buildings, or in any other way by which it is endangered '••'•:• 7 Buildings of stone or brick, having the partitions and ceilings of wood, to be considered as an isolated wooden build- ing, No. l,and pay accordingly .,.. 8. Jewellers* stock special. 9, Churches, lowest rates of their respec- tive classes, excepting when havn.g gpires, and unprotected with metallic Ter CenU n to ^ 2 to 3^ I i 3 2 to to 4 3 5 to 10 to 15 5 to 6 I tL lightning conductors oi suflicient etU- cacy, when the extra charge will be. . 10. For every additional tenant under liie 'gamo roof in first and second class building»i«««« ■••••! •••■••••'•■••• 1 to ^ I 19 Ter CenU of w, ind ... U to 2 md ;ra- dyo .. n to ^ the and tbs, • •• 2 to Zk if&c- 8 to .... 3 to 4 ... 2 to 3 levs, kers, Iheir .... 5 to 10 pair» i oc- tde in y by .... n to 15 ^ g iha ^0 be build* .,.. 5 to C I Per Cent: Do. Every additional tenant under the same roof, in third and fourth claw buildings, •••••••••••••••••••••"•• ^ 11. When adjoining buildings are ex- tra hazardous, an extra rate to be paid, according to the situation of such buildings, at the discretion of the Di- rectors •••••••••••••••■•■■■****'* * SPECIAL RATEa Grist mills worked by water.. ...••••••••• l^Jo ^^ Saw mills, «<>• Carding mills, oil mills, kilns, malt houses, clothers' works, paper mills, •• • 1* to 30 Nail factories worked by water, • 10 to 25 Tobacco manufactories and India rubber do... do. Breweries, (second class buildings one quarter more than stone) • • 10 to 20 Distilleries, }5 ^ 2a Soap and candle manufactories .........••• 10 to 20 Tanneries, (second class buildings, one quar- ter more than stone,), ••••■•••• 10 to 20 Founderies .•..••...—..•.•.•«»• 10 to 20 espec- iavii.^ stall ic; It efi4- i be*, er til© class to 2 !.«•••