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Un das symboias suh/ants apparattra sur la darnlAra imaga da chaqua microficha, salon la cas: la symbols -^ signifia "A 8UIVRE", la aymboia ▼ signifia "FIN". IMaps, platas, charts, ate. may ba filmad at diffarant raduction ratios. Thoaa too iarga to ba antlraly included in ona axposura ara filmad baglnning in tha uppar laft hand comar, laft to right and top to bottom, as many framas as raquirad. Tha following diagrama illustrata tha mathod: Las cartas, planchas. tabiaaux, ate. pauvant Atra filmte A das taux da reduction diffirants. Lorsqus la documant ast trop grand pour Atra raproduit an un saul ciichA, II ast filmA A partir da I'angia supAriaur gaucha, da gaucha A droita, at da haut an baa. an pranant la nombra d'imagas nAcassaira. Las diagrammas sulvants illustrant la mAthoda. irrata to palura, n A D 32X 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 W/' / INCORPORATED CHURCH SOCIETY Of TBI :.;) DIOCESE OF TOEONTO. mi REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDING 30th APRIL, 1864. TORONTO: PRINTED BY HENRY- ROWSELL, rO» Tni CHVROH SOOIITT or TBI I^IOOMI or TORONTO MBCCCLXIT, .*^^•^ J*'- n^l 4 .5 ij«-rv >./.' ^■i'^l ' '., •^-J.: / ^^t .* -il ■V^i! f THE TWENTY-SECOND ANNUAL REPORT or TBB INCORPORATED CHUECH SOCIETY <^ ' - ' ' ', c, 4 ii 01 TBB \mm «{ ii«v0tit«, FOR THE TEAR ENDING ON THE SOth APRIL, 1864. K ■': :i'7m '.y.ri ESTABLISHED THE 28th OF APRIL, 1842. ■ ' ' INCORPORATED BY ACT OF PARLL^ENT, 7 VIC, CAP. 68. -•*^^ TORONTO: PRINTED BY HENRY ROWSELL, rOK THB OHVBOH 80CISIT OF THB DI00E8B Ot TORONTO. ' 1864. The Depository and the Office of the Church Society of ths Diooisi ot ToBOMTO is at No. 8, Wellington Buildings, King Street, Toronto. Benefactions from any persons, ^rhether members or not, towards the Society's general objects, or to any particular branch of them, and all payments on the Society's account will be received by remittance?, or by payments at the Society's office, or by the Secretary or Treasurer of any of the District Branches. The Quarterly Collections for the Church Society are appointed to be taken up at the following terms : July, Mission Fund ; October, Widows and Orphans' Fund ; January, Mission Fund; April, Student's Fund. The collections should be remitted to the parent society prior to the close of the months. It is requested that the Annual Accounts of the District Branches, and a list of all members in their respective districts, may be transmitted by or before the last day of March in each year. Forms of conveyances for securing the title of lands to the Bishop, the Church Society of the Diocese of Toronto, or the Incumbent or Hector of any particular liTing, may be obtained at the Society's offlce. :vv:: 3v r-r-^'-^v-w .yx ; ^'t.nj! ■:;;,f »■ »* 'i«i'"f. J' ;;v',|i!r': ^, (Vv .J-t-i OFFICERS ■;' ;•:* op the .1 .^:uJ f'. tS 41 -•1 1 ('■>; |.-";.-; :i-i> ='i'i''"*^ff. CUMBERLAND, Esq., F. FABNCOMB, Esq. ^ * mc Fn vli Sioi Tht Book ant €raet Zommxtttt: Biv. Db. BEAVEN, " Pbovost WHITAEEB, " S. GIVINS, « A. SANSON, Bkv. F. O'MEARA, " Db. FULLEB, '« A. PALMER. H. BOWSELL, Esq., Foi «. « FiF! Xtttttat\t0 : Biv. S. GIVINS, Hoh't Sbcbetaet. | J. W. BBENT, Lay Sbomtae*. €rea«ur(r0 : Bit. H. J. GBASETT, C. J. CAMPBELL, Esq., E. H. BUIHEBFOBD, Esq. Jlutitort : W. GAMBLE AND F. ABMSTBONG, Esqs. fkirl em eve CONSTITUTION VrlV Of TBI Cgurcg Sonets of i\t fiottse of Toronto ; INCORPORATED BY THE STATUTE OF CANADA, 7 VICTORIA, CAP. 68, FOR PROMOTING THE FOLLOWING OBJECTS: y :iir <'',■ FiBBT. — For the enoouragemeat and support of Missionaries and Clergymen of the United Church of England and Ireland within the Diocese of Toronto, and for creating a tani towards the augmentation of the stipends of poor Clergymen, and towards malcing provision for those who may be incapacitated by age or Infirmity, and for the Widows and Orphans of the Clergy of the said Church in the said Diocese. SiooNDiiT.— For the encouragement of Education, and for the support of Day-schools and Sunday-schools in the said Diocese, in conformity with the principles of the Bald Church. ;, f -^ >{.(;;>.>: li HI ! Thirdly. — For granting assistance, where it may be necessary, to those who may ^ be preparing for the Ministry of the Gospel in the aid Church, within the said Diocese. FouBTHLT. — For circulating in the said Diocese the Holy Scriptures, the Book of Common Prayer of the said Church, and such other books and tracts as shall 1'- be approved by the Central Board or Managing Committee of the said Association. c FiVTBLT. — For obtaining and granting aid towards the erection, endowment, and maintenance of Churches, according to the establishment of the said Church, in the said Diocese ; the erection and maintenance of Parsonage houses ; the " setting apart of Burial-grounds and Church-yards ; the endowment and support of Parsonages and Rectories, according to the same establishment, and the ' management of all matters relating to such endowment. ,M- i I. That before the Society shall enter upon any business at any of its meetingB, the following prayers shall be said : — " Prevent us, Lord, in all our doings, with thy most gracious favor, and farther us with Thy continual help ; that in all our works, begun, continued, and ended in Thee, we may glorify Thy Holy Name, and finally by Thy mercy obtain eyerlastini; life, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amtn. M fi. CONSTITUTION. " OoD. from whom nil holy doniros, all good oonnieli, and all works of pUty and oharitj do proceed, we besicccli Thee to visit with Thj favor our Sovereign Queen Victoria, nnd lo rule her hourt, tliat iihe may in nli things teelc Thy honor and glory. Prosper with Thy blessing the designs of this Society. Comfort with Thy grace those bunefuotors who contribute to its support. Bless the ministry of Thy servants, the Clergy ; the endeavors of nil who are engaged in spreading the knowledge of true religion in this I'rovince, and the labors of those Missionaries who are promoting the same in foreign parts. And may Thy Holy Spirit direct all our consultations to the advancement of Thy glory, and the good of Thy Church, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen, " MERciroi. OoD, who hast made all men, and hatest nothing that Thou hast made, nor wouldst the death of a sinner, but rather that he should be converted and live, have mercy on all Jews, Turlis, infidols, and heretic!> and also upon all those heathen nations upon which the light of Thy glorious Qospel hath not yet shone ; especially the Indians of this continent. Bless the means used for their civilizatioB and conversion, and take from them all ignorance, hardness of heart, and contempt of Thy Word: and so fetch them home, blessed Lord, to Thy flocic, that they may be saved among the remnant of the true Israelites, and be made one fold under one Shepherd, Jesus Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit, one God, world without end. Amen. " Oca Father, which art in heaven, hallowed bo Thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will bo done on earth as it is heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive them that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation ; but deliver us from evil ; for thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen. AND WHEN BUSINESS IS ENDED. '-''1 That minutes of all the proceedings of the Society be taken, and that at eaeh meeting of the Society the minutes of the preceding meeting be read by the Secre- tary, and signed by the Chairman. XVI. That the accounts of the Societ]^ be closed on the 80th day of April ia «teh year, and that the same be audited within one month from that date. ^ -', !) i < CONSTITUTION. itf. « « xvir. That the Secretnry conduct the correspondence of the Society, talce minutes of the proceedings pf the General Meetings and Committees, and prepare the Annual Report of the Society in connection with the Standing Committee. XVIII. • ' In connection and correspondence with the Society, District Associations shall be established, comprising one or more Districts, (us shall be approved by the Presi- dent,) the same to be composed of the Clergy resident within tlic bounds of the dis- trict, and all other members who shall contribute in aid of the Society's Funds ; the Archdeacon, or Senior Clergyman resident within its bounds, shall ex oj^eio be chairman of such District Branch Association, with whom shall be associated, aa composing a Committee of Management, all Clergymen in the District and two Lay- men from each congregation which observes the constitution, rules and regulations of the Society, and from none others; the lay members to be elected at the annual meeting of the Porochial Association. A general meeting of the Branch Distririt Associations shall be held in each year, at any time ai d place which may be agreed upon at a previous Quarterly Meeting of the Committee of Management ; and Quarterly Meetings of the Committee of Management — not less than five to form a quorum — shall be held for the transaction of the ordinary business ol each Branch Association. In order to more fully carry out the objects of the Society, a general Public Meeting shall bo held annunliy in each parish, at which the objects and claims of the Society shall be set forth, and persons shall be invited to become members by contributing to its funds, such contribu'ors to form a Parochial Association of the Church Society. The members of the Association shall elect annually four among their own number as a committee, which, through its Chairman, (the Clergyman,) shall be in correspondence with the District Branch Associations, and may be denominated the Parochial Comviitleit of the Church Society. The Committee shall meet so often, and at such periods as they shall themselves decide to be most con- venient, inviting the co-operation of all the parishioners in their deliberations and designs. They shall collect subscriptions and donations from the members of the Church, in such manner as they shall deem most effective, and endeavour by every means in their power to augment the resources of the Society. All moneys raired to be transmitted to the Treasurer of the District Association, who shall, on or before the 80th of April in each year transmit the same to the Treasurer of the Society at Toronto, without any deduction. The District Associations, through their respective Secretaries, shall communicate to the Secretary of the Parent Society at Toronto a minute statement of all receipts and expenditures within the sphere of their operations, embodied in the form uf a report, once in each year, so soon as convenient after the General Annual iMeetine^ of such District Branch Associations. ' ' ' '"' ■' ■ ■««• ' " " "*s) That four sermons be preached annually, and collections made in every churojb/ chapel, or station in which an established Sunday service is performed, provided that in case of stations where Sunday service cannot be performed more than once in a month, it shall be discretionary with the Clergyman serving such stations to omit the said collection, if he shall think proper. That the collections be made for the objects specified on the days following, or not later than two Sundays subsequently : r. .,; ' . . i 1. For Missions, on the first Sunday in January. 2. For Widows and Orphans' Fund, on the first Sunday in October. - i u.;;^.,/? 8. For Missions, on first Sunday in July. 4. For Students in Theology, on the first Sunday in April. That, as it is expedient that the fuuds annually raised in aid of Theological Students should be appropriated to the mainteuaaoe of exhtbition$ for the same in .^i': i J, CONSTITUTION. Trinity College, it be proTided that the several District Associations of the Church Society, may, through their central boards, nominate one or more persons as holders of such exhibitions. Provided, that any district, thus nominating, shall undertake to remit annually to the Church Society a sum which shall cover the afmount of the exhibition or exhibi- tions to which a nomination is made. That any district, entering into such engagements, shall be entitled to appropriate to the maintenance of the exhibition or exhibitions the proceeds of the annual col- lection made within the District for the Divinity Students' Fund. That any surplus, remaining to any district, after providing for its exhibition or exhibitions, shall be paid over to the Church Society, to be put to the credit of that district towards a provision for an additional exhibition. The Committee further recommend that persons thus nominated to exhibitions shall enjoy them, subject, with only one exception, to no other conditions than those which are prescribed for every candidate for admission into Trinity College. These conditions are : 1. That he shall produce testimonials of good conduct. . 2. That he shall pass the Matriculation Examination. 8. That he shall have entered on his sixteenth year. The exception mentioned above respects this third condition of age. It will probably be thought desirable that every Divinity Exhibitioner shall have entered on his 19th year, in order that his course of study may not be completed too long before the time at which he can receive Holy Orders. That the minimum value of the exhibitions shall be £30 per annum. That the exUbition shall be tenable for three years. XX. That no application for a grant, loan, or other assistance, be entertained from any Rectory, Incumbency, or Mission, in which there shall not have been established a *' Parochial Committee" of this Society, under the provisions of the article of the Constitution thereof, reporting to and in communication with the Parent Society, and in which all the requirements of said Constitution shall not have been complied vith, unless upon the omission of such requirement a special written dispensation shall have been obtained within three months of the date thereof ; and further, that accompanying such application there be a distinct accurate discription of the object towards which aid is sought, together with a detailed account of the sum of money collected in the locality or elsewhere towards the same object, and how applied ; provided, nevertheless, that it shall be at all times competent.for the President to recommend to the Standing Committee any case which, in his Lordship's opinion, may require special consideration : and should the Standing Committee report favourably thereon, that the Society may in such case grant the stssistance so sought, or any portion thereof ; and further, that no application be entertained from the Widow or Orphan or the guardian of the Orphan of any deceased Clergy- man of this Diocese who shall not have conformed to the provisions and require- ments of a certain By-law, entitled a "By-law, for the due administration and improving the Widows and Orphans' Fund of the Church Society of the Diocese of Toronto," and also of any amendments to the said By-law, which may be enacted from time to time according to the provisions of the Constitution of the said Society, unless upon the omission of any of the said requirements a special written dispensa- tion had been granted by his Lordship the President, and forwarded to the Secretary for registration within three months after the date thereof. Provided, nevertheless, that it shall be at all times competent for the President to recommend to the Standing Committee any case which, in his Lordship's opinion, may require special consideration, and should the Standing Committee report favourably thereon, that then the Society may grant such proportion of any annuity as to the said Society may seem^ fit ; and that it be the duty of th3 Secretary, after each Annual Meeting of the Society, to notify to each Clergyman whether he have or have not complied mth the reqoireaients which would entitle his Widow and Orphans to a Pension. ^ f \ ( i CONSTITUTION. XI. > ♦ XXI. That every Lay Delegate of the Synod of the Diocese shall be an incorporated member of the Church Society on the payment of the annual sum of five shillinga, so long as he shall continue to be such delegate, and make such payment, notwith< standing anything contained in ^clauses 2, 3, 4 and 6 of the constitution of said Society. ^ That any By-law that shall be passed by the Society relating to the Commuta- tion or Clergy Trust Fund, the Mission Fund, or the Widows and Orphans' Fund, or in any way affecting the charges on or management of those funds, or either of them, shall be laid before the Synod of the Diocese at the first meeting of the Synod next after such By-law shall have been passed, and if at such meeting of the Synod any resolution shall be agreed to disapproving of such By-law, either in the whole or in part, and setting forth the reasons for such disapproval, the operation of such By-ltiw shall be suspended as soon as such resolutions and reasons are received by the Secretary of the Society, until t.he next quarterly meeting of the Society ; and unless at such next quarterly meeting such by-law be sustained by the vote of two- thirds of the members present at such meeting, such By-1 < 77, or the part thereof so disapproved of, shall cease and be of no effect. Provided ilways, that nothing here- in contained shall prevent the members at such last mentioned meeting altering or amending the said By-law in accordance with the regulations or reasons that shall be transmitted by the Synod. That the Secretary of the Society shall transmit copies of any such By-laws, as in the second section mentioned, to the Secretaries of the Synod as soon as the same are passed, with a view to the same being laid before the Executive Committee of the Synod, that a synopsis thereof may be stated with the other business prepared for the Synod. XXII. That the Charter and these By-laws do together form the Constitution of the Church Society of the Diocese of Toronto, and that nothing which is contained in the Constitution of the Society establishedon the 28th day of April, 1842, or in any By-law, Rule \ft«'!Ilegulation, amending or tltering the same, shall apply to, or be in force in respect to, the Incorporated Church Society of tha Diocese of Toronto, ex- cept such provisions thereof as are above continued in force. \ !.:.:;' il'::r^fi ;;(':■■■. TWENTY-SECOND ANNUAL REPORT Of ♦ 4 Mt |n0V)r0;aM (JS^buvtli ^omti^ or THB » DIOCESE OF TORONTO, «i t PRESENTED AT THE ANNUAL MEETING AT TORONTO, HELD ON TUESDAY, JUNE 7th, 1864. 6 i The Church Society assembles again on this its twenty-second annual convention, for the purpose of rendering an account of its stewardship, and to bring before the notice of the Church her very great and increasing wants. Many circumstances of deep and abiding importance have occurred since we last met together, but too surely calculated to arouse the attention of even the most apathetic ; and facts accumulate suggestive of grave and solemn thoughts to those, who, under God's enlightening grace, feel that, in all thj storms and conflicts of this life, there "sleeps one," who ' can command both the winds and the sea, and they obey Him. Now, as when in the ship asleep, the influence of His power may seem to be withdrawn ; now, as when He walked with His disciples after His resurrection. His presence may not be recognized ; but when conflict commences, when error and wickedness contend with truth, when heartij touched by the awakening influence of His grace prevail, then docs man learn, that no human device has saved him, nor has this world's wisdom brought to the tempest-tossed soul peace. It surely is not improbable that our Almighty Father per- mits disturbances and hindrances to arise to interrupt the course of 14 REPORT. 1^' the wisest and best laid schemes, in order •to keep before our minds a knowledge of His ever present grace, and perhaps we do not take an erroneous view of failures when we habitually recognize in them either warning or correction for the future. Our Society furnishes no exception to the rule, which implies weakness and error in the conduct of an institution consisting even of Christian men. We have, through our own short-sightedness, passed through seasons of trial which a wholesome vigilance would have averted ; but sad as our failures may have been, nevertheless there is abundant cause for rejoicing, seeing that our efforts have not been wholly unproductive, for our disasters serve but to convince us that even the very little fruit which our labour has brought forth is the result of a provi- dential oversight. The changes which have been made in the organization of the Society, by which a clerical and a lay secretary were appointed in the place and stead of but one secretary, promises practically to work well. The appointment of three members to the office of treasurer was a very excellent arrangement, and will be productive of much good. A few simple arrangements for rendering the oflSce more effective have been suggested and adopted. So far then as the mere work- ing, of the Society is concerned, we may safely congratulate the members on the success which has resulted from their deliberations of the past year. But, in presenting our Annual Report, we feel that we must take a range less circumscribed than that which embraces but the narrow limits of our own operations — we are but the commissariat of the Church — the guardians of those material intersts by which we must seek to sustain her in her labour of love ; yet we cannot be insensible to all that relates to the spiritual welfare of a mother, in whose interests our souls are embarked. The comparatively small force assembled here but imperfectly represents that large flock who have been led to the font of the Church and have been sealed in the all Holy Name. We are hardly alive to the import- ance of the position which we assume in becoming incorporated members of the Society ; for surely if we would but put to ourselves the question, "Whose work am I by this membership engaged in?" reflection on the nature of the answer which must be given would inform us of the work to be done for One who has not yet ceased to work for us and with us. Much has been accomplished for the Church during the existence of the Society, which is nearly contemporaneous with the Episcopate of our Venerable Father in God, whose presence on this occasion we hail with affectionate respect. The extensive clearing in this country, must to-day contrast strangely with the wild and forest REPORT. 15 state in which he, as one of the earliest missionaries of the Cross to these western wilds, found it, when more than half a century ago the hark canoe was the conveyance, and the waters of our extensive lakes the highway of the future bishop of near two hundred thousand souls. The realization of hopes and the successful accomplishment of long-looked for desires must teach us to feel, as happily in his Lordship's case — so will it be in our own — that toil has its reward, and that the honest industry of summer almost surely gathers in fruit in the autumn of life. But to us, who have yet to be cheered by the rewards of labour, there seems to be a fast accumulating work to be grappled with, so vast a waste has to be cultivated, that we are naturally filled with anxiety for the future, and the more so as we feel the difficulty of sustaining the burden which at present rests upon us. We must, indeed, adjust our machinery so as practically to meet and amply provide for our pressing wants. We may be very well pleased to know, that, since the organization of our Society, the number of missionaries has largly increased. It is certainly gratifying to learn that three dioceses now occupy the field but a short time since under the pastoral care of a single bishop ; but this does not in any way affect the fact that, at this very moment, missions are continually falling vacant, and that the candidates for the sacred orders of the ministry are becoming fewer and fewer each year. We really have at once to deal with a most momentous question, and to delay its consideration or to refuse at once to deal with it, will be greatly to aggravate the possibility of a successful effort towards the remedy of an evil which all will admit to be a great one. We presume that it is not the wish either of this Society, nor of the Church at large, to see the mission ground of the Church narrowed ; on the contrary, we know that it must give great pain to any to think that any necessity would overtake us such as would imply the drying up of the river of God's truth in this land. But if we would avert the realization of so terrible a visitation, we must recollect that " He who preaches the gospel must live of the gospel ;*' that such an one has quite enough to do for human strength if he diligently performs the duties of his office, and that in return for anxious toil he asks not wealth — he asks not ease — but he does ask for bread enough to enable him to ac- complish his daily duty conscientiously, ^ow, to put this matter before our brethren in a plain simple way, we give the number of all the clergy now labouring in the diocese : — Priests, 120 ; Dea- cons, 3. The income derived from the commutation fund realizes $35,523 05 ; this is at present restricted to the maintenance of the older clergy, and will in future, in all probability, be assigned to the augmentation of the livings of those of the senior clergy whose incomes are not over $000 a year. We therefore have 16 REPORT. absolutely no fund on which we may certainly rely for the support of those of the ministry who cannot be supported by this fund, and our younger missionaries can only be sent into new and unbroken fields when the Mission Board shall be provided with funds for the purpose. Notwithstanding, therefore, the provisions accruing from the clergy trust commutation fund, and which, under the most favorable circumstances, will yield only $40,000 per annum, there is still the necessity for raising nearly as much more throughout the diocese for the payment of an equal number of clergy not on the commutation list ; and taking the requirements of the Church for the future, and calculating that twelve missions only will need to be provided in each year, then we have annually to increase our income S5000, to pay the salaries of new missionaries alone. Your committee do earnestly press these facts on the attention of the Church, because they feel that there is ho one subject which de- mands more serious deliberations than the extension, and even the very maintenance of our Church, and unless proper means are taken to secure to the clergy the certain payments of their stipends, disaster must result. There is now no excuse on the ground of defective machinery for discharging this duty. The Church Society, in conjunction with the Synod, instituted a Board of Missions for the express purpose of receiving the contributions of the parishes, so as to have in a central treasury, funds from which missionaries should receive their promised stipends, and we cannot too strongly urge on the Society the duty of heartily supporting the Mission Board, with the view to its successful performance of the duties assigned to it. The more settled parishes would benefit as well from the operations of the Board, since all alike are recommended to have their monetary contributions forwarded to the parent insti- tution, for it certainly would be a much more satisfactory arrange- ment for the missionary to be paid by a properly constituted Board than to continue a system which leaves him to the caprice of a fickle, and it may be wayward, congregation. If, therefore, the Society desires to see the Church maintain a respectable position in the country, it must devise means to enable us to support the clergy with something like certainty. That a very great deal depends on the efficient co-operation of all may be seen from the success which has already attended the zealous efforts of the Gore and Wellington District Branch Association, and we cannot do better than borrow the language of the report of the Newcastle District : — " To ' be fellow helpers in the propagation of the truth ' is a privilege extended to every member of Christ's mystical body ; and in this light, rather than as a duty, it should be viewed. The Church has her recognized associations for forwarding the work. Our District Associations, of which the Society is formed, may REPORl'. 17 be viewed as committees established for the purpose of collecting funds to enable the Church to occupy a large missionary field, and not, as in time past, distinct organizations having their own work to perform, and connected to the parent institution by assisting its designs in a feeble manner and to a limited extent — gathering funds in its name, yet disposing of the greater portion without any close relation to the objects it seeks to promote. This system, now happily abolished, tended to starve out the missionary spirit as well as missionary enterprise. Now, both are fostered and en- couraged. Effectual means are taken to diffuse full information respecting the working, designs, resources, and wants of the Society. Special deputations, appointed by the Lord Bishop, to visit every parish and mission within the diocese, to advocate its claims, have performed the work assigned to them with ability, earnestiess and zeal. And though the result of such labors may not be im- mediately apparent, yet that they will eventually redound to the glory of God and the good of his Church, none can doubt. In closing this portion of our report we cannot refrain from directing attention to the valuable bequest of £1,000 to our Society by the late much respected pastor of Chippawa, the Rev. Mr. Leeming, who, having served his Master zealously to the best of his ability while living, on his death bed left a tangible testimony of his love for His Church by making provision for the endowment of a mission, and which your Society has apportioned to tho sup- port of . a missionary at Muskoka ; and we may also remi: d the Society that our venerated friend had been an annual contributor of $50 per annum for 21 years before his death : Lastly, on this point, we append a document compiled with great care, and which is full of suggestions, in the notice of members. The attention of the friends of Missions is earnestly invited to the spiritual destitution of this Diocese. The Church Society established to relieve it, has now been laboring with considerable success for twenty-three years. During the last ten, though the Diocese has been reduced to one-third of its original extent, by setting off those of Huron and Ontario, the annual income has ranged between $16,000 and $20,000. It now contains about 8,000 square miles of more or less settled country, in addition to which, there are large cerritories on the shores of Lake Huron and Superior, and in tlie direction of the Ottawa, opening for settlement. The settled townships contain a church population of 138,000 souls, and of the 150 townships in- cluded in the census, about one-third of the number are destitute of the ministrations of the church. There are also thousands of our Red brethren in the territories alluded to, victims of the white man's aggressions, heathen darkness, who need the bread of life. 8 and still in I 18 BEPORT. The Church has no resources, by which to meet these claims, but the voluntary contributions of her members. The necessity there- fore for supporting a Society, organized to collect funds and apply them judiciously, must be evident to all. ^ Although the Society is empowered to hold trusts, &c., for the general benefit of the Church, yet its chief aim is to plant and fos- ter Missions in destitute places. It devotes more than three-fourths of its disposable income to that object. In addition to grants, to aid the erection of Churches and Parson- ages, — to Sunday Schou'.i, — Pensions to ten widows and four orphan children of Clergymen, the Society at present supports, in whole or in part, 26 Missionaries (one Indian) and one school-muster to the Indians, while at least 20 additional Missionaries are required. Several Churches are now closed, for want of Missionaries, Clergy- men are to be obtained, if aid could be extended to the settlers in supporting them. The following are the wants of the serveral Districts, viz., Home, 5 Missionaries ; Siracoe, 3 ; Gore and Wellington, 2 ; Niagara, 2 ; Newcastle, 4 ; besides Missionaries are greatly needed at the Sault St. Marie and Bruce Mines ; and two exclusively for the Indian Settlements at Michipicoton and Nimbewong, on Lake Superior.'' Having thus directed attention to the more pressing wants of our large and populous Diocese, the Society is invited to consider the necessity for bestowing increased care on another important object which lately attracted a share of notice not hitherto bestowed on it, we refer to the circulation of books and tracts by the committee established for that purpose. In the usual current of human events certain things rise in importance in proportion to their immediate influence on our welfare. The circulation of the Holy Bible, the sacred Word of the living Gorl to man, and such essays, tracts and books as have special reference to the sacredness of the inspired volume and illustraLl\ e of the divine character of a book in which alone we discover the charter of our salvation is a very present necessity. The lamentable defection from the truth which a so called intellectual age has induced, seems but to sharpen the energy and to nerve the heart of God-fearing and God-assisted men to up- hold the reality and purity of a faith once for all delivered to the saints, and it is clearly the duty of a Church Society like ours and at a time like the present, to take care that as the enemies of our souls sow the poison which would destroy us, they too will, with not inferior energy, drop broadcast the antidote which shall neutralize the evil work. REPORT OP THE LAND AND INVESTMENT COMMITTEE. The Land and Investment Committee, in discharging the impor; * ♦ ! i ■11 REPORT. 19 tant duties intrusted to them, have invariably acted upon the rule of allowing no business connected with their department of the Society's operations to be transacted without beinjj submitted to them by the Secretary of the Society. When assembled in the board room, the Secretary submits any business that ho may have for the committee ; the matter is discussed (if necessary) and is disposed of according to the judgment of the majority present ; and the decision of the committee is entered in the minute book. Until this is done, the Secretary is not authorised to accept any offer for the lease or pur- chase of land or to invest any monies belonging to the Society. In consequen "^e of the impossibility of managing the lands with the land books they found in the office, they have employed a com- petent person to open a new set of books, with the full sanction of the Society. They have also taken steps to have the large number of unrecorded deeds which they discovered put on record. By this course it is hoped that in a short time the land matters will be in an intelligible condition. Feeling that the taxes on the lands belonging to the Society, and the largo quantity held in trust for different objects, are a heavy burden on the resources of the Society, absorbing means col- lected for other purposes, and which the great mission work and other leading objects of the Society imperatively demanded, the committee urged upon the Church Society, at its quarterly meeting in May, the necessity for asking power from the Legislature to dispose of all wild lands held in trust, with the consent of the donors of the lands (if alive), ihe Bishop of the diocese, and the in- cumbents and churchwardens of the parishes interested, to be invested in provincial or county debentures, for the benefit of the objects for which the trusts were created. That suggest in was acted upon — the memorial for that purpose presented by the committee was unanimously adopted and petitions to the three branches of the Legislature immediately forwarded. During the last year 600 acres of land have been sold. No lands have been leased, under the hope that the legislature will grant to the Society the privilege of disposing in fee simple of lands held in trust, where they could be sold to much better advantage if not previously leased. There has been invested the sum of $4000, paid over by the executors of the late Rev. William Looming, Rec- tor of Chippawa, in the debentures of the counties of Middlesex and Ontario, which amount to $4,340, which will yield an income of $254 40 per annum. THE RECENT JUDGMENT OF THE PiMVY COUNCIL. We desire to make some reference to matters of general interest affecting the condition of the Church in the mother country. At the present moment,- though there is little to en- 20 REPORT. courage in a general survey of this nature) there is much that may serve to warn us of our duty and to stimulate us to increased action. Wo have been taught how little real support the cause of truth and righteousness can expect to derive from the civil power : how exclusively wc ought to depend on Divine assist- ance, while we earnestly seek and covet those gifts and graces of the spirit of God, the possession of which is at once a proof that God's help is vouchsafed and a pledge of its further continuance. The recent decision of the judicial committee of the Privy Council has excited great alarm, inasmuch as it has reversed a sentence which was felt to have been substantially most just, and has restored to the enjoyment of their appointment in the Church, men who have shown themselves to be dangerous enemies to the Church's teaching. It is, however, a satisfaction to know that the causes which led to the pronouncing of a judgment which has given so much pain to religious minds, have been for the most part of a technical character, and that it is not improbable that if the whole case had been before court in its original form a contrary decision would have been given. The evil, also, which might have been anticipated from the legal impunity which the authors of these new and strange doctrines have been permitted to enjoy, and from the countenance which has been given to those doctrines themselves by their being pronounced, even under the limitation above referred to, to be contradictory to the formularies of our Church, has been to a great extent neutralized by the excellent pastoral of His Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury, and also by the declaration which has been signed by so large a body of the clergy at home. We may he thankful that at this crisis the Primate of all England has been found to utter no uncertain sound respecting the great truths which have been called in question ; and we may also be grateful that they who feared that the Church of England, or who exulted in the disgrace which appeared to be cleaving to her, have received practical proof that the vast majority of those Avhom she has commissioned to instruct her people, believe and teach as the Church has ever believed and taught. The signatures attached to the declaration are said to amount to at least 12,000, and some thousands more of the clergy have intimated that they agree in the substance of the declaration, while they hesitated to sign it only by reason of its form or circumstance. One important lesson to be drawn from the recent assaults on fundamental truths, is the danger of a barren orthodoxy ; the little cause we have to expect that it will please Almighty God to keep us steadfast in the true faith, unless we shew by our lives that this faith is really in us— dear to us — and make it our great endeavor to be filled with the fruits of righteousness, which are, by Jesus Christ, to the Glory and praise of God. RBPOET. 21 » ♦ tt t MINISTERIAL IND LAY AOENOT. Your committee would hero advert to a topic which is alwajs a source of interest, and not the less so, hecnuse at this juncture the Church everywhere sends forth her lamentations and cries to the Lord of the harvest, that lie may send laborers into His vineyard, for the harvest is, indeed, plenteous, but the laborers are becoming fewer and fewer. We, therefore, most sincerely call upon the Church of England and Ireland to take up the matter of the increase of the ministry, and to devise such means as may supplement ministerial work, by the employment of lay agents. In crowded and poorer districts m the larger cities and towns of Great Britain, absolute necessity is forcing on the Church the duty of employing Christian men and women in the performance of those works of true benevolence and goodness which tend not only to alleviate present distscss, but permanently to join in the bands of Christian love those whose social position have hitherto been widely severed. Without particularizing those institutions which have grown up in England within the last few years, and sanctioned by the good and devout of all shades of thought, we may ask that some combination may be brought about here, which, like the Bible Women of London, or the Young Men's Christian Association in the United States, might be productive of immense and ever- widening benefits. We are glad to find that institutions of the latter description have been happily commenced in the neighboring Cana- dian dioceses, and that there has been one for some time in connection with the congregation of the Church of St. James in this city. The benefits of these institutions would, if known, commend themselves to the attention of every parish in the diocese. For surely it must be apparent to all, that interchange of acts of Christian kindness between the different classes of society is the only practicable mode of perpetuating and truly exhibiting our union as a body, and more especially as the Lord's corporate body of faithful people. Once a month ' the institution established by our blessed Lord recalls forcibly to our minds that visible communion which he intended us to perpetuate forever, and certainly Christian charity is not satis- fied if we cease to administer personal help, and cease to mete out personal attention to the sick, the aged, the needy and the fallen, and devote ourselves to the service of the members of Christ's body, the Church. An active, energizing work, such as is contem- plated, would bring to this Society, and to the Church in every parish, busy hands and sympathizing hearts, which accomplish for religion more than we can possibly imagine ; letus but copy the Christian acts of Christian England and work for the sake of Christ's poor ones ; in our humble way let us do, as the Churchmen of London are doing, who, when their Bishop asks them for a million of pounds, stagger not at the nagnitude of the sum demanded to REPORT. ameliorate religious destitution, but set to work through all their various organizations to collect the amount. Parochial Societies for Christian advancement would not only ensure individual advance- ment to the members actually enrolled, but would in a short time shower blessed influences on the members in the parish. The habit of meeting for social religious conversation and improvement would beget a love for the Church, and cause us to realize the value of her organization, and to feel that a work was being done for our Great Head. Your committee feel that, in times like the present, when difficuliies and dangers beset us, they are not overstepping their duty, when, as the executive of this Society, they throw out these suggestions. It is for the parochial clergy to take steps for carrying them into effective operation. STATISTICAL REPORTS. Your committee would suggest to the clergy generally the ex- pediency of furnishing practical reports and statistics, that some idea may be formed of the progress of the Church from year to year. We would remind the missionaries connected with the mission board, that these reports would be specially required ; and if all would comply with the rule, as in other dioceses, we are persuaded the result would be highly satisfactory to the Church at large. It shows conclusively the steady progress of those parishes and missions in which the ministrations have been effectively main- tained ; thus realizing the truth of that promise, "He that soweth little shall reap little, and he that soweth plenteously shall reap plenteously ;" for no doubt the harvest in spiritual things is just in proportion to the means and labor bestowed on the cultivation of our heritage. Your committee cannot conclude without uniting their thanks to those of the Church generally for the success with which God is blessing her operations throughout the world. The reports of the venerable societies in our fatherland are as encouraging as ever ; while those we have received from the sister societies on this con- tinent, viz: Nova Scotia, Quebec, Newfoundland, New Brunswick, Montreal, Huron and Ontario, prove that the members of the Church throughout the British North American Dioceses are becoming more alive to their duty, and that she is, under the Divine blessing, indeed lengthening her cords and strengthening her stakes. Finally, we would affectionately remind our members that it is allotted us to labor in a period, when there are great diversities of opinion on religious matters. But whatever be the nature of these differences, or the evils to which they lead, we must all agree that as Christians — members of Christ — we are bound to maintain and extend, as far as in us lies, the blessings we ourselves enjoy. Among Churchmen, both in England and the United States, the feeling is growing stronger and more general, that it is high time REPORT. 28 to lay party feelings aside, and, as the peculiar people purchased by the blood of a Common Saviour, to show forth by united works of love, the praises of Him who "hath called us out of darkness into His marvellous light." The work for which this Society solicits the oflferings, labors and prayers of her members, may most of all lead to this desirable result amongst ourselves. That great spiritual destitution exists, not only in more remote settlements, but everywhere around us, is notorious. Let a sense of their misery and danger come home to every heart, and there will be found but little time and less inclination for anything but what may conduce to the salvation of those whose spiritual wants call upon us for relief. In doing this the distant members of the Church will look towards us with hope ; many now living as heathens will bo led to our communion, and all will see, from what the Church is doing, what they will never be led to believe by any other means, that " the Lord of Hosts is with us, that the God of Jacob is our refuge." FINANCIAL STATEMENT. Those acquainted with the actual state of this colony will not be surprised to learn that, notwithstanding our earnest eiforts on behalf of the Society during the past year, we have to report a slight falling off in its income. It is generally admitted to have been a year of unusual depression, arising partly from the failure of the crops and partly from the injury to our commercial intercourse with the neighbouring republic, owing to the unhappy war still raging therein. Your committee feel, however, persuaded that though the returns of the Society have been affected by these causes, it is only for the time, and that there is no real cause for despondency. During the year the Society, under the Divine blessing, has been enabled to sustain its missionary engagements, and meet the ordinary incidental demands on its funds, while the zeal manifested in its welfare and the arrangements made to insure its prosperity, leave little cause of anxiety for the future. INCOME. The income for the past year has been received from the following sources, viz. : — From Mission Fund and Guarantees $10142 38 «' General Purpose Fund 2488 69 " Widows and Orphans' Fund 1897 85 «' Students' Fund 64148 " Book and Tract Fund 77 39 Total .$15247 69 In addition to this, as the accounts will shew, a large sum has been received from the various Trusts and Investments, which have 24 REPORT. been credited to their several accounts, but none of this can be considered a part of the annual income of the Society except the fore- going, which is the product of the various subscriptions, collections, and donations, sent to the Society during the past year. EXPENDITURE. The expenditure for the same period has been as follows: — On account of Mission Fund and Guarantees $10057 21 " General Purpose Fund 247106 M Widows and Orphans' Fund 2432 77 «• Students' Fund 870 10 (* Book and Tract Fund 169 75 I Total $iuOOO 89 The other items which appear in the disbursements, have been paid out on account of the various grants, and have been charged to their several accounts. Note. — Though it appears that the expenditure is in excess of the actual income during the past year by the sum of $753 20, the Society was nevertjieless enabled to meet its engagments by means of the balances that were over from the previous year. FUNDS ON HAND. The ^mount of cash on hand and in the bank, is $7263 41, from which deduct amount borrowed from Commercial Bank, $4500, leaves a balance of $2762 41, of available means on haod the 1st of May, 1864. INVESTMENT ACCOUNT. The total amount of this account is, as per list of the securities, lodged in the Commercial Bank, $25191 94, viz. : — On acoount of Widows and Orphans' Fund $12417 44 •« Mission Fund 3200 00 t* Various Trust Funds 9574 50 Total $25191 94 This is the amount remaining to this Diocese after transferring the following securities to the Diocese of Ontario. From Widows and Orphans' Fund, four Shares British America Insurance Stock $90 00 Three Shares Bank of Upper Canada Stock 90 00 Six Shares Commercial Bank Stock 600 00 Debentures, St. Catherines 1600 00 Debenture, City of Toronto 800 00 Proportion of Rowsell's Bond 660 42 " Burnside Bequest 1153 84 Mortgage, Grange 1000 00 " Low 500 00 $6494 26 From Cornwall Parochial Sohool^Bank Stock $990 00 REPORT. 25 V • The proportion of five-thirteenths, $1066 34, of the Burnside Bequest of $3200 to the Mission Fund, was awarded by the com- mittee for the division of the funds between the two dioceses, to the Diocese of Ontario, and was subsequently giveu up to the Diocese of Toronto in liquidation of the sum of $1095 89, advanced by this diocese to pay the missionaries of the Diocese of Ontario after that diocese had ceased to send in its collections to this Society, the balance, ^29 55, to be paid to this diocese in cash. The investments returned and sales of land, have been as follows, viz. : .... ! , . ■■ Elora Parsonage $43 72 Bath Rectory 300 00 Sale of Timber off land 80 00 Sale of lands 1155 00 Total $1578 72 WIDOWS AND ORPHANS' FUND. The sums received for the Widows and Orphans' Fund during the year, from all sources, including investments, is $2321 57. The pensions paid to ten widows and four orphans for the year, amounts to $2180 00, and taxes on lands, ac, $252 77, which, deducted from the sum received, including transfer entries of the Darlington glebe account, and the balance on hand from last year, leaves to the credit of this fund $648 56. The state of this fund, and the increasing demands upon it, call for the serious consideration of the Society. An efficient committee has been appointed, and it is hoped their earnest efforts to enable the Society to meet all claims on it to the extent of $200 for each widow will be successful. MISSION FUND. The balance to the credit of the Mission Fund last year was $1695 76, and in addition to this there has been received for the support of this fund during the year $9086 38 ; after deducting the stipends of the missionaries, Indian missions, and other dis- bursements, amounting to $9419 21, there remains to the credit of the fund $1392 48, to commence the current year. ' ' In the receipts is included a handsome donation of $100 from H. A. Joseph. Esq. An earnest desire has been manifested by the Mission Board to meet the wants of the waste places in the diocese; but owing to want of funds they have reen compelled to postpone relief to many localities where the calls havQ been painfully urgent, and where the 4 26 BBPORT. people are willing to contribute to the support of a clergyman to the utmost of their ability. Under these circumstances, it is felt that a revision of the mission list is called for ; and it is hoped a saving may be effected in some of the older missions for the benefit of new settlements. The sum paid out for missionaries' stipends has been $7950 00, as follows : To Eight missionaries in the Home District $1800 00 Five " " Simcoe District 1570 00 Three " ** Niagara District 940 00 Four " " Gore and Wellington Districts... 2425 00 Four " " Newcastle District 975 00 One " " Indian MisttioQ 240 00 Total. « $7960 60 SERMONS. The proceeds of the Quarterly Sermons received, and which are included under the heading Income, amounts to ^4185 15. Mission Fund — July, January and TbanltsgiviDg collections, 478... $2620 19 \ ' "Widows and Orphans' 162... 923 98 .. Students'. 166... 64148 •' Total.. $4185 65 ! GENERAL PURPOSE FUND. The chief source from whence this fund derives its income, is the one-fourth of the parochial collections, amounting during the past year to $1776 84. ., , , NoTB. — After deducting the necessary expenses of the Society chargeable on this fund, and the sum of $1155 00 from the sale of lands to be re-invusted, by reference to the statement of this fund, it will be readily seen, that there is a very small amount kft from which to make grants to churches and parsonages. Looking back to former operations of the Society, it will be found that the January collections were taken up for this fund, thereby enabling it to make grants to churches and parsonages to a much greater extent than it is in a position to do at present. Subsequently, it appears, it was determined that the January collections should be taken up for the Mission Fund, and not for the General Purpose Fund ; in consequence, the power to make grants to churches and parsonages became restricted, and when applications for grants have been made, they have been allowed only on the condition that the fund should be in a position to meet the requirements. The result is simply this, that the Mission Fund having appropriated the chief source from whence the grants were formerly made to churches and parsonages, there is at present no fund from whence these essential aids to the prosperity and extension of the church can be taken. The following suggests itself as a remedy for this evil t — That in view of the requirements of the Church, her members throughout the Diocese do bestir and exert themselves to increase the parochial branch collections by the sum of $1600, and that one-third instead of one-fourth of the whole amount of collections be carried to the credit of the General Purpose Fund. This would add nearly $400 more to the credit of the the Mission Fand, and at the same time would enable grants to be made from the General Purpose Fund to the extent of about $1000 and upwards during the year. :;J I '' BBPORT. BOOK AND TRACT FUND. 2T The balance against this fund, as appears by tie firancial state- ment, is $81 25, which is covered by stock of books and tracts on hand, amounting to $396 ti6. Mr. Rowsell's returns, made up after the accounts were closed, give the amount of sales, including grants, $151 11, in addition to those already entered in the accounts, and leaving a balance in favor of the fund of $25 16. The value of the stock handed over to Mr. Bowsell was $421 82, including grant from the Yen. S. P. G. $250. Stock of books and tracts remitted for and to arrive is, $174 74. REPORT OF COMMITTEE, i : ,. - , The Book and Tract Committee beg leave to report, that the arrangement approved of at the last annual meeting, for establish- ing a more accessible depository, has been carried out by Mr. Rowsell appropriating a portion of his shop for the exhibition of specimens of all the Bibles, Testaments, Prayer Books, and other books and tracts which the Society has for sale, and by his employ- ing his salesman to attend to the Society's customers. For this accommodation the Society pays ten per cenc. on the sales ; other plans were suggested and discussed, but this appeared on the whole the best. There is likewise a permanent notice in Mr. ilowseirs window, for the information of the public, and a lable in the shop itself, indicating the case which is appropriated to the Society^ publications. The committee expended the sum of $100, voted by the Society, together with $74 74, arising from subscriptions and sales, in the purchase of books adapted to the use of Sunday School libraries, of books and tracts suitable for parochial distribu- tion, and of Prayer Books of various kinds, selected from the catalogue of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. This addition to their stock they trust will be found acceptable. The subscriptions received during the year amount to $40. The sum received for the sale ef books, and before arrange- ment with Mr. Rowsell 86 89 Since that arrangement 151 11 Total $187'60 Accompanying this report will be found tho treasurer's account with the committee, shewing a balance of $81 25 against them ; and Mr. Rowsell's account of sales, remittances, etc., shewing a belance of $107 41 in their favour. By examining the items of receipts and expenditure in both accounts, it will be seen that the subscriptions and sales cover all expenses, together with the advance of $100 from the Society^ excepting a sum of $13 74. 28 BEPOBT. The sales, since the new arrangements, have been, 179 Bibles, 116 Testaments, 154 Prayer Books, 1977 other books and tracts. The stock on hand consists of — 214 Bibles, value at members' prices $123 92 821 Testaments 38 36 635 Prayer Books 79 48 667 Books, including small reward books 80 98 4814 Tracts, average $1 50 per 10 > 74 00 Total $896 66 The committee have not yet found occasion to expend any portion of the grant for replenishing the stock of Bibles and Testaments ; but they will no doubt require to draw upon it in the course of next year. They desire, however, to remind the Society of another want, of which they made mention some time since, viz., books for the formation and replenishing of Lending Libraries for adults. The need of books for the reading of our laity, which shall be in accordance with the principles of the Church, is very great. The committee were desirous of recommending an appropriation of a sum for that purpose, but having understood that the Society cannot at present afford the outlay, they will defer the subject to a more favourable time. , .,, ;.:i The committee would, in conclusion, call attention to the very small amount of subscriptions to this department of the Society's operations, and suggest that so long as these subscriptions amount to no larger a sum than $40, it is impossible that such a variety of books and tracts should be provided as the wants of the diocese require. ., . ■ EPISCOPAL ENDOWMENT FUND. " , In accordance with the desire of the Synod at the last session, a commencement has been made. At the request of the Endowment Committee, the Lord Bishop appointed the Rev. Dr. Read a depu- tation for visiting the several districts in the Diocese. The rev- erend gentleman has entered on his work, having visited the prin- cipal cures in the Niagara district, and the parishes of St. James', St. George's, and St. Stephen's in Toronto, and the result has been thus far satisfactory. Visits have been favourably received, and he is encouraged with every prospect of success. j." >Mh i>; fci^•^ -J H'lM'f »;i.'' J /,■'•; -■'■'.' --i'' .vv.ii •'•- .-^ ]i- » 4 M * REPORT. 29 STATEMENT OF AMOUNTS SECURED TO THE EPISCOPAL ENDOWMENT FUND. • i » 4 Cbippawa & Drummond- ville Wellard and Fonthill Fort Erie & Port Colb'ne. Dunville. &c. Promises. Notes. Cash. Total. Niagara Districl - $ cts. 20 00 16 00 45 00 5 00 10 00 4 00 100 00 $ cts. 125 00 140 00 75 00 180 00 133 00 40 00 $ cts. 812 50 67 00 120 00 150 50 160 00 22 00 100 00 $ cts. 957 50 212 00 240 00 335 50 York, Caledonia, &c Jarvis Two Thorold Subscribers Niagara District Totals. St. James's Church St. George's " St. Stephen's '« Toronto City Totals.... Clark Rectory 303 00 66 00 200 00 199 00 693 00 1422 00 2314 00 City of Toronto.. ■ 70 00 300 00 50 00 395 00 270 00 740 00 1405 00 840 00 95 00 40 00 2105 00 665 00 830 00 . - 1220 00 975 00 3600 00 Newcastle Dist.. ■! 64 00 136 00 199 00 199 00 1220 00 565 00 290 00 79 00 25 00 708 00 Darlington Rectory Newcastle Dis. Totals. Niagara District " Toronto City «' Total obtained... 450 00 ... \ ■ 1 855 00 693 00 1405 00 104 00 1422 00 975 00 11.58 00 •2314 00 3600 00 1618 00 2953 00 2501 00 7072 00 The above figures shew what has been so far secured to the fund in each place, but are not to be taken as representing the com- plete contributions of any ; further subscriptions have been promised in all, and to a considerable airount in some places ; $600 more may safely be counted upon from those places in the Niagara District already visited, and of the three city churches a very imperfect canvas has yet been made. - ■ All of which is respectfully submitted. ^ - •"- ■■ NOTICE. :.\:r:'\::;4''::r:::;:- ^ The Quarterly Collections for the Church Society are appointed to be taken up as follows: October..... Widows and Orphans' Fund. January Mission Fund. April , Students' Fund. July MissionFund. - ' " ^'• All moneys to appear in the Annual Report should be sent in by the 30th of April, otherwise they cannot appear in the accounts until the following year's report. m EXTRACTS FROM DISTRICT REPORTS. u U, GORE AND WELLINGTON DISTRICT. REPORT OF THE MANAGING COMMITTEE. The Annual Meeting of this Association was hold in Christ's Church, Hamilton, on Wednesday, the 6th April. A large and elevated platform had been erected in the body of the new portion of the church, on which were scattered a goodly array of clerical and lay speakers, the Rev. Arthur Palmer, Rural Dean, occupying the chair. The old portion of the church, including the galleries, was filled with a numerous and attentive audience, and the choirs of the several churches, viz., Christ's Church, Church of Ascension, St. Thomas' and St. John's, were in attendance, and varied as well as enlivened the proceedings by introducing occasionally, between the speeches, well-chosen pieces of music, which were executed in a decidedly creditable manner. Altogether, this was one of the pleasantest Church Society meetings ever held in Hamilton, and we feel convinced that in future these annual gatherings will be looked forward to with much interest by the several Church of England congregations in town. Your Committee have much satisfaction in reporting that the collections in the whole from the various parishes exhibit an increase over those of the preceding year of nearly fifty dollars. The total amount received is upwards of $2000. The parishes from which it has been received will appear from the following extract from the Treasurer's statement : — Guelph $381 00 Christ Church, Hamilton 350 00 Milton, Omagh and Hornby , 163 18 Waterdown and Lowville 166 00 Church of Ascension, Hamilton 133 00 Arthur, N. Arthur, Mt. Forest 123 19 Oaiiville and Palermo 121 00 Elora and Fergus 86 97 Barton and Glanford 84 31 Beverley, Rockton and Strabane '. 75 00 ' Nelson and Wellington Square 74 00 Dundas and West Flamboro' 69 80 Saltfleet, Ontario and Stony Creek , 34 60 S'. Thomas', Hamilton 16 32 Puslinch , 14 17 Georgetown, Stewardtown, Nerval 48 06 York and Caledonia 40 00 Rockwood*. 34 50 ' ( • -' • nr. Total $2pp4 99 - i ._'■>>; ; ...' , ' :f?, TMr'^' ' ", ■ '.-',- ■; '!f<." BXPOBT. 81 Since the formation of the Church Society in these united districts, prohably no less than twenty churches have been built, and as many congregations permanently established. Many of these are now contributing, under their improved circumstances, to send the blessings of the Gospel ministry to reL.ote parts ; thus giving the best evidence that ^he seed sown by means of this Association has taken root, and is ^ringing forth fruit, in greater or less abundance, to the glory of God, the increase and prosperity of his church, and the salvation of immortal souls. Such is the interesting and important work in which this Society is engaged. With such evidences of its usefulness, it appeals to the members of tlie Church of England for help. It impresses upon them the absolute necessity for unwearied exertions to supply the spiritual wants of those who, far away in the backwoods of this country, are toiling to subdue the forest, and to obtain a hard- earned livelihood for themselves and their families. They came forth from Ci^iristian England to seek a home in the wilderness — there they were blessed with rich abundance of spiritual blessings, churches and Sunday schools and faithful pastors, and Christian men and women labouring for their moral and religious culture — now they are the victims of spiritual destitution ; they are as sheep without a shepherd, and their souls are in danger of perishing from lack of knowledge and of the public means of grace. As members of our own household of faith, they have the strongest claims upon our Christian sympathy and help. In conclusion, your committee commend to the cordial sympathy and support of the members of the Church of England generally this great and good work, with the prayers that they may realize the blessedness which the prophet speaks of — " They that be wise shall shine in the firmament, and they that turn many to righteous- ness as the stars for ever and ever." " !'^ . . J. GAMBLE GEDDES, Secretary^ 0: W. D. B. 0. S. NIAGARA DISTRICT. In presenting this, their tw^enty-second report, your committee have to record their deep sense of the loss this " District Branch Association of the Church Society " has sustained in the lamented death of their late chairman, the Rev. W. Leeming, in June, 1863. For nearly forty-four years Mr. Leeming was the zealous rector of the whole township of Stamford. He well sustained the cause of this society in this district from its first establishment in 1842, being chairman thereof from that time. Under the good providence 82 REPORT. of God, he was permitted to preside at all but one of its meetings. He is now, we trust, removed to the abode of the blessed, awaiting a joyful resurrection. *' His works do follow him." He left to the Church Society by will $4000, which the society intend to con- stitute a fund for the support of a Leeming Mission. Immedi- ately upon the death of the late rector of Chippawa, T. C. Street, Esq., generously came forward and endowed Trinity Church in that village with $8000, thus enabling the bishop to divide the former parish and form two, now called the parish of Stamford and the parish of Chippawa ; to the latter his lordship, upon the nomi- nation of Mr. Street, presented your late active missionary the Rev. D. J. F. MacLeod, M.A., who took charge thereof in October last, thus leaving the mission field. The Rev. J. Creighton was then appointed as the missionary at Welland, Marshville, Fonthill, and the parts adjacent. Since that period Mr. C. has been zealously engaged in feeding the scattered lambs of Christ's fold. It may not bo out of place here to take a brief review of the extent of the labours of our missionaries for some years past. Your present secretary was the missionary of the society in this district seventeen years ago. He then extended his labours over no less than nine townships, holding occasional services at eleven stations and bringing within the fold the lambs of the flock. The missionary that succeeded him, the Rev. W. C. Clarke Preatcn, found it neces- sary and advisable somewhat to curtail his distances, and thus give more attention to a field smaller in siperficial area, but larger in the number of adherents to our pure and holy church. The Rev. J. Godfrey, who succeeded him carried on the same work. The Rev. J. Stannage, who flollowed, concentrated his labours still more, as far as his actual public Sunday services were concerned, and the Rev. D. J. McLeod carried on the same work, and the result has shewn the wisdom of such a course. In the place of only very occasional services and no churches, we have now stated weekly services at Welland, Marshville, and Fonthill, three churches, and the prospects of others at Port Colborne and Stonebridge, which formerly were part of the mission field, but of late years were united with the parish of Fort Erie. By the change about being affected, by the appoiniment of the Rev. H. Holland to the rectory of St. Catharines, another sub-division may be effected, and our late extensive travelling mission, the committee trust, will be formed into two parishes, requiring, it is true, our assistance for some few years longer to assist in maintaining their resident pastors. For this purpose your committee at their late meeting in February pro- mised aid to the amount of $100 to the mission at Port Colborne and Marshville. Your committee now hope that the time is not far distant when they may be able to send another missionary into those REPORT. 88 * I f \ other townships which have been without the labours of a missionary, the work having increased upon our hands. At their meeting in February Inst, your committee, at the earnest petition of the'parish of (iranthnm, promised assistance to the amount of ^200 for one year, to aid in supporting their resident pastor, provided they raised ^400 more among themselves. The committee have also continued their support, by means of the annual quarterly collection in April, to an exhibitioner now studying at college for holy orders. The amount expected to be raised in the district is $130 at least. In answer to a resolution passed at a meeting of the District Committee in September last, the Lord Bishop appointed a deputa- tion to visit our several parishes in behalf of the objects of the society. Our parochial meetings were therefore held in February last to meet the deputation. The Rev. H. B. Osier, kindly consented to act, and at some inconvenience left his own parish to further the interests of the society in our midst. We would desire thus publicly to acknowledge the pleasure and profit we derived from his visit, and hope that the present returns will not be taken as the only evidence of the benefit derived, but that the said service " will be found after many days." The annual parochial returns are as follows : The parish of Niagara reports the sum of. $77 87 The parish of Stamford, including DrummondTille, reports 67 73 The committee would with pleasure mention, that at the annual parochial meetings the sum of $10 31 was collected in Stamford, (including $2 60 from the Sunday School,) and $11 98, (including $5 97 from the Sunday School,) at All Saints', DrummonTille. This will raise the whole amount to $80 02, and all this in addition to several extra subscriptions and collections for parochial and Church Society purposes, which calls were on the whole well responded to. This parish is now engaged in making an effort to put up a memorial window in St. John's Church to the memory of our late rector. The parish of St. Catharines reports the sum of 184 60 which, together with the amount raised at the quarterly collections for Church Society purposes, will make the whole for Church Society during the year, $369 10. The parish of Duvnville reports the sum of. 30 00 There were two causes which operated sadly in rendering the amount so small : the lateness of the parochial meetings and the Episcopal En« dowment Fund. The parish of Fort Erie, with Port Colborne, reports 78 79 Fort Erie, collected by Mrs. Holland and Mrs. W. Warren $82 40 Bertie, collected by Miss Hann 10 62 Stonebridge, collected by Mrs. Harvey and Miss Crowder 9 87 Port Colborne, collected by Mrs Corry and Miss Docker 6 60 Rev. H. Holland, amount subscriptions : M. F., $10 ; W. & 0. F. $5; D. S. F., $2 50; B. & T. F., $2 50 20 00 ' ' The parish of Chippawa. Since the meeting of the parochial branch of the Church Society, which was held on the 24th ef February last, the annual . . collections have been made. Miss Burton, and Miss M. L. Maoklin, who kindly volunteered their services, succeeded in raising 118 42^ including the clergyman's subBcription. On the day of meeting a oollec- 6 84 REPORT. tion WK* tnVtn up in ohnroh, and the nroount of $2? 28 remitted to Toronto, whlnh will mnVe tlic wliule Htnoiint $141 701. Since November Initt, UiP following sums hnve been raised for the society! — ThnnlfgWinn diiy 10 45 jHnunry collections, M. F 17 67 Result of mpctiiig 141 70J April collection, S. F 18 00 $184 82} The Mission of Welland .' $87 00 Fonthill ." 25 60 Murshville 10 75 78 25 Pnrish of Louth, no report The pnrish of Thorold, St. John's Church, Thorold $41 80 St. PmuI'h Port Hobinson 20 00 Mrs. Oeatty's subscription for lust year 4 00 65 80 Rents of Crowland Glebes, on account 116 88 The whole amount yet reported being $802 74 * Various causes are assigned for the contributions not being larger, but it is sad to think of the number of appeals for help, which aro quarterly sent to the society, being laid aside, and the answer re- turn, "There are no funds." The number of missionaries sup- ported in whole or in part by the society is 28, which are not half of even the present requirements of the diocese. The day is fast approaching when we slitill all have to render an account of our stewardship, may it be done with joy and not with grief. Lift up your eyes, behold, the fields are already white unto the harvest, oh, pray the Lord of the harvest that he would send forth labourers into His harvest. And as we know God does not ordinarily work with- out us in spreading the knowledge of His sacred Truth, let all see that they render into the treasury of the Lord a due portion of the talents committed to them, and thus aid in the great and glorious ■woik of hastening that happy time, when the "earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea." ^ All of which is respectfully submitted. CHAS. LEYCESTER INGLES, Drummondville, April, 1864. Secretary/ ^ Treamrer. SIMCOE DISTRICT. In this county during the month of January, and the first week of the month of February, twenty-seven meetings were held. In addition to the gentlemen in the vicinity who addressed the meeting at Bond Head, Tecumseth, there were present the Revs. Messrs. Givins an4 Darling, from Toronto, who having specially come for that purpose, in a forcible and eloquent manner advocated the various ohjects of the Society. *- ; »•;>.- ^^ ^ t L REPORT. 86 9 The sums rcoeivod from the soven parishes, as far as can be ascertained, including collections at miHHloniiry meetings, arc as follows .-—Collingwood, ^80; Orillin, ^V)A^; Mono, $47.*34 ; Gookstown, $59; Pcnetanguishone, $22.25; West Gwillimhury, $118.87; Mulmur, $G0.50; Tociunseih, $185.0.'); Baric, G7.8.»; Essa, $43.17; Innisfil, $71.12; Shunty Bay, $23.10; amounting in all to $777.37. During the past year a commodious and church-Iiko edifice has been erected, neatly painted, provided with scats, reading desk and pulpit, and stained chancel window, in the TownHliin of Nottawasaga. The Churchwardens at Thornton, Township of Essa, have been oroused to a sense of duty, and are now renovating and completing their Church, which for many years had remained in an unfinished condition. St. Paul's, Innisfil, was found quite in- sufiicient in dimensions for the numbers that flocked thither to hear the word of God, and to join in the heart-stirring strains of our sublime and beautiful liturgy; the congregation have, therefore, constructed a largo gallery, and thus made room for those who desire to enter the temple of the Lord. St. John's Church, Cookstown, has likewise been enlarged to about double its former capacity ; transepts, chancel and vestry having been addod. Ac ive steps have been taken at Barrie also; the building committee there have given the contract for the erection of a large and beautiful brick church, to contain 600 people ; a building somewhat suited in dimensions and architectural style to the importance of that place as county town. Measures are now being adopted in Brad- ford for the purpose of enlarging Trinity church, ns it is quite too small for the rapidly increasing congregation. Two additional lots have been secured to render this desirable object the more con- veniently accomplished. The churchmen of Shanty Bay have not only increased the accommodation in their church, but have also purchased an excellent bell, at an outlay of about four hundred dollars. Thus the sound of the '* church- going bell, " from old and happy asso- ciations of bye-gone years, rendered dear to the hearts of those from the fatherland, is heard o'er hill and dale, w^arning all of the flight of time, and cheering the aged and weary, as they wend their way to the house of prayer, there to partake of that solace which in this vale of sorrow we all so much need. Considering the facts that so much has been expended on local objects : that so many portions of the county are deprived of the Church's ministrations; that in others her ministers are seen only occasionally; that the financial depression is seyerly felc by the mass of our people, we cannot but be thankful that so much has been accomplished. We trust, however, that ere another year shall have passed away, the circumstances of an adverse character 86 BEPOBT. above noted, shall have ceased to exist, and consequently increased results attained on behalf of our holy cause. " The fields are white to the harvest," but where are the labourers. They are not found. This, doubtless to a great extent, may be traced to this cause, viz., adequate provision is not made for their support. It is clear, then, inasmuch as God works by the use of means, that until we, aa a people, practically recognise the duty of con- tributing as God hath prospered us, to the furtherance of his great designs, giving all diligence likewise to our other duties as Christians, we cannot expect the Church to prosper. God's ancient people the Jews were blessed as long as they obeyed their heavenly King's commmands, but when they robbed hira of his "tithes and offerings " they were "cursed with a curse." We are now, under God, thrown upon our own resources; cast upon the voluntary system. As an individual, severed from the source whence his wants were hitherto supplied, puts forth his energies to make amends for the loss he has sustained, so we, as a body, humbly looking to Divine Providence for a blessing, must now put our bands to the plough, press forward manfully to the great work which now seem insuperable shall soon morning mist disappears before the before us, and difficulties the pass away, even as piercing rays of the sun. ARTHUR J. FIDLER, Secretary 8. B. C. S. REPORT OF THE NEWCASTLE DISTRICT. To this district, comprising the Counties of Northumberland and Peterboro*, Durham and Victoria, the Rev. Dr. Fuller, Incumbent of St. George's Church, Toronto, was appointed the special depu- tation. That gentleman devoted nearly three weeks iu fulfilling the engagements made for him by the district committee. His earnest and practical appeals were everywhere received with marked attention, and will, no doubt, be productive of much good. He was assisted in the two former counties by the Venerable the Arch- deacon of Toronto, the Rev. J. W. R. Beck, and J. M. Grover, tjq. ; and in the two latter by the Ven. the Archdeacon, the Rev. enry Brent, and the Hon. G. S. Boulton. Meetings were held in Bowmanville, Eninskillen, Cartwright, Manvers, Newcastle, Perrytown, Millbrook, Cavan, Omemee, Lindsay, Peterboro', Lake- field, Otonabee, Norwood, Hastings, Seymour, Brighton, Colborne, Grafton, Rice Lake, Elizabethville and Port Hope. The attend- ance, as a general rule, was satisfactory, and a good hope is enter- tained that the appeals made by the several deputations, received REPORT. 37 as they vrere with earnest attention and evident pleasure, will be met by a heartfelt and substantial response. A pleasing incident occurred at the meeting held in the town of Port Hope, showing how far youthful zeal may be fostered and controlled, and which your committee venture to mention here, in the hope that it will not only prove interesting, but perchance lead others to follow so good an example. The sum of thirty dollars was laid on the table, as the proceeds of the missionary box, which circulates every Sunday to receive the free-will offerings of Sunday-school scholars and teachers. Thus easily and with important results may be trained up to exercise the high duty and privilege of missionary benevolence. Your committee have to report the resignation of the Rev. John Wood, late travelling missionary in the County of Northumberland, and his acceptance of the curacy of Ottawa, in the Diocese of Ontario. His successor, the Rev. John Middleton, is actively en- gaged in the same arduous field. Also, the removal from his charge at Perrytown of the Rev. S. Birtch ; the vacancy having been filled up by the appointment of the Rev. E. N. Davies, late assistant minister in the Rectory of Cavan. They have further to report that the District Divinity Exhibiton was, at the quarterly meeting in December last, awarded to Mr. John Austen, an under-graduate of Trinity College. The time intervening between the parochial meeting and the annual district meeting being this year shorter than usual, on account of an early Easter, has prevented full returns being made by the local committees. From these, however, already received, it seems more than probable that the amount realized will largely exceed that of last year. HENRY BRENT, Sec. N. D. B. C. S. HOME DISTRICT. The committee regret that they are not able to report any in- crease in the collections of the Home District for the year ending the 30th of April, 1864 ; the collections of 1863 having amounted to 31789 11, while those of 1864 are $1772 53, the decrease being $16 58. The difference is not great, and may be accounted for by the non-receipt of the customary collections from the vacant mis- sion of Pickering, which would have more than made up the de- ficiency. In the accompanying detailed statement the parishes and their respective amounts are given in the same order as on page twenty-three of last year's report, and a comparison of the two lists will shew where, and to what extent^ there has been an improvement or falling off. 8d REPORT. The departure of the Rev. W. M. Ross from the diocese, and the transfer of the Rev. W. Grant, to Streetsville, have left the mis- sions of Pickering and Uxbridge vacant, and a large section of the country in the eastern part of the Home District unsupplied with the ministrations of the Church. It is trusted that the vacancies will soon be filled up. The parish of Thornhill, during the absence of the Rev. R. Shanklin in England, is under the charge of the Rev. J. Carry, who has been succeeded in the incumbency of Tulla- more by the Rev. — . Middleton, formerly of Dungannon, in the diocese of Huron. By the exertions of the Rev. R. Arnold and his parishioners, a commodious parsonage, with grounds attached, has been secured at Brampton, and is now occupied by the incumbent. In conclusion, the committee would express their hope that the urgent and increasing missionary wants of the district, especially in the new settlements forming in its north-east section, will stimu- late the members of the Church to such an increase of liberality as will enable the committee to shew in their next report an amount of contributions more proportionate to the crying necessities of the ■ Church, as well as more in character with our Christian privileges and profession. COLLECTIONS OP PAROCHIAL ASSOCIATIONS IN THE HOME DISTRICT. *St. James', Toronto *8t George's '« *St. Paul's " *St. Stephen's " .... St. John's " Holy Trinity " *St. Anne's " Trinity " Cemetery C'h " Etobicoke Thornhill andHichmond Hill.. Lloydtovn St. Jamea' Bolton Woodbridge ^Vaughan , *Tallamore and Gore Streetsville Springfield $5! 84 180 00 103 91 91 86 20 20 84 20 15 42 90 85 80 76 96 69 52 14 26 40 34 74 53 89 88 60 50 00 11 96 Sydenham 26 32 Brampton.-. , 50 79 Georgina 22 09 *Ea8t Brock 14 00 ♦West Brock 80 25 ♦Holland Landing 11 00 ♦Newmarket 25 00 ♦Markham 66 84 ♦Whitby 58 00 ♦Scarborough 128 00 ♦York Mills 64 75 Berkley 17 00 Chester 26 00 ♦Weston 7f' 46 Aurora 23 97 Oakridges 80 45 King 19 65 $1772 53 *PuUtae8 in which the ooUectioiu hkTe increai ed. H. C. COOPER, Steretarjf Homt Diitriet Brmuh REPORT. 39 MISSIONARY.— REV. PETER JACOB'S REPORT. Manitowaning, March Slst, 1864. Rev. and Dear Sir, — I again sit down to write to you about what has been done and what has taken place in the mission since last June, We have sustained a great loss in the death of Captain Ironside, who was superintendent of Indian affairs in this part of Canada. He died of heart disease, in July, at Sault Ste. Marie, to which place he had gone, thinking that a little travelling and change of air would do him good. I am told that he died in peace, and that he was quite prepared to meet his God. The day before his death he was visited by the Rev. James Chance, the missionary at Garden River, who administered to him the Holy Communion. He was always very kind to me, and[ was ever ready to assist me in my work. He attended church regularly, and was one of my commu- nicants. His family left this place in October, and are now re- siding at Sault Ste. Marie. C. T. Dupont, Esq., is our new super- intendent ; he is a member of our church, and takes a deep interest in church matters. He has promised to read prayers in church on the Sundays that I am absent. I will give you an account of our Christmas service, and the church decorations. Nearly all the church-going people in the village attended church. As there were both whites and Indians, I read a part of the service in English, and a part in Indian, and I preached in both languages. We chanted the Venite, the Gloria Patri at the end of the Psalms, the Te Deum, and the Jubilate Deo. We sang the Christmas Hymn, St. Werbergh's, and the anthem, " I'll wash my hands in innocency." The singing was very good, the parts being well sustained. After I had read the second lesson, I bap- tised an adult Indian of the name of Pahahmesa, and an Indian child. Pahahmesa was at one time a bigoted heathen. When I first came to the mission he attended church very seldom. Eor the last three years he has attended regularly. A collection was taken up after the sermon. $9 84 were given in money ; promissory papers amounted to $1 10 ; two reed mats and a sweet hay basket was given besides. Fourteen persons partook of the Koly Com- munion. The church was neatly decorated by the Indians with evergreens. There were wreaths in front of the reading-desk, pulpit, communion rails, and over the windows and doors. There was a tree on the north side of the communion table in the corner, and another on the south side. The word " Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will towards men." appeared on the walls of the chancel facing the main door. A flag was hung over the porch door. You have been already informed about the burning of the miBsiQ^ bouse ftt the Little Current. 40 REPORT. The survey of a portion of the Manitoulin Island commenced last fall. Three townships have been already surveyed ; the survey of two more is in process. It is supposed that not more than half of the land is good. The land will be sold to >hites either this fall or next spring. The superintendent wishes the Indians of this place, the Little Current and Shegwaindah, to live all together at Shegwaindah, where there is a large tract of good land, and where there is good fishing. I do noi know whether all the Indians will agree to this arrangement. If they all lived together, their village would be quite large, and their spiritual interests could be better looked after. A church and a schoolhouse would have to be built for them. The Indians of Wegnamekoong, a Roman Catholic village on the island, have at various times caused disturbances, and given trouble to the government. They di*^ not consent to the giving up of the island to the goverment. When therefore the treaty was made, that portion of the island east of Heywood Sound and Mani- toulin Gulf was reserved for them, and the rest was ceded. Soon after that they forcibly removed three Indian families from their village to this side of the island, and threatened to punish them severely if they i ^turned to their former place of residence. They did this because the heads of the families had given their consent to the treaty. The same fall, I believe, they removed two French Canadians with their families to the mainland, because these had been favourable to the settlement of the island by whites. Last summer they compelled these two families to leave Lonely Island, which is about twenty miles south from Wegnamekoong, although they had obtained a license to fish there from the Overseer of Fisheries. For these outrages they were not punished. When an attempt was made by Mr. Gibbard and about twenty constables to arrest these who had been concerned in the last disturbance, such a show of opposition was made by the Indians of Wegnamekoong, that it was not deemed advisable to make any arrests. When the surveyors commenced their work last fall, a deputation of the Wegnamekoong Indian went to each of their camps, and told them to stop their work, saying that the land was theirs, and that they had not ceded it. The surveyors paid no attention to this but went on with their survey. It was thought at the time that violent mea- sures would have been adopted by the Indians. Their priests, I am sorry to say, have encouraged them in what they have have done. The Protestant Indians, who live in the ceded portion of the island, have, I am glad to say, lived quietly, and have been and are still obedient to the government. Although many attempts have been made to induce them to support the measures of their disloyal and troublesome friends on the other side, they have remained loyal. Two missionary meetings have been held in the mission, one at • • I REPORT. 41 Manitowaninsr, and one at the Little Current. Both were attended very well. The whites here subscribed $42, and the Indians ^3. Most of this money will be used to pay the expenses of the repairs of the church, which we wish to effect. The whites and Indians at the Little Current subscribed about $20. With my best wishes for the prosperity of the society, I remain, Rev. and dear Sir, Your humble and obedient servant, PETER JACOBS. Garden River, Lake Huron, March 30vas quite a babe. When I made reference to her leaving them behind, she listened to me with the utmost composure and said, '' I do not feel any distress of mind on their account, I have already committed them to the care of Him who gave them to me, and who is now about to take me from them to Himself, and I am fully assured that He will take care of them." Soon after this she sweetly fell asleep in Jesus. In a short time after this event another brother died, somewhat suddenly. He was about 21 years of age; and* the death of their son, on whom old Wahbuhnoosa was dependent for support, affected the old man deeply. He had borne the other bereavements with Christian fortitude, but now being poor and helpless, and suddenly deprived of him who had been his chief earthlj support and staff, he was disposed to say, like Jacob, "All these things are against me." In a short time, however, his faith triumphed, and he con- fessed with sorrow his murmuring disposition against his faithful God and Saviour. Wahbuhnoosa lingered until the beginning of this year. He suffered very much, but he bore his sufferings with remarkable patience. He was almost entirely dependent upon us for the supply of bodily wants, and i never saw an Indian so grateful as he was for our aid. (I wonder if our Christian friends have any idea of* the many demands of a similar nature which are made on our slender pecuniary means.) At Christmas I adminis- tered to him the holy communion, which was the means of much spiritual refreshment to his soul. When expressing regret that he could not as usual attend church on Christmas day, he looked at me very earnestly, and then raising his extended arm he pointed towards heaven and said, " There is the church in which I hope soon to worship, and why should I regret my absence in this earthly temple." I had very many exceedingly interesting inte- views with Wahbuhnoosa, but I cannot attempt now to repeat our conversations. If I had time I am sure they would bo interesting to the numerous readers of the Chronicle. On my first visit to the Sault this year I remained all night un- der the hospitable roof of a very generous friend, who, during the evening, expressed his regret that I should be spending the best years of my life among Indians, " for," he added, " from what 1 know of them they are incapable of appreciating your labours, &c." I begged leave to differ from my kind host, and argued the point » « » • REPORT. 43 < with him, and related at some length my experience among the Indians, and finally referred to the case of old Wahbuhnoosa — his poverty, his great bereavements and sufferings, his Christian patience and triumphant faith, his joy and peace in believing — and when I looked at " mine host" for his opinion, his eyes were wet ^"ith tears ; his hands had been thrust into his pocket for a bank bill, which he gave me, and with much emotion he said, "will you be kind enough to give that to your old friend." But while my very kind host and I were talking over the subject of Indian Missions, the redeemed and purified spirit of Wahbuhnoosa had taken its ever- lasting flight to the glorious inheritance of the saints of light, where there is no death, neither sorrow, no crying, nor any more pain. — Rev. 21, 4. When I returned home from the Sault with my good friend's donation, it was too late — Wahbuhnoosa had departed. My labours this winter have been somewhat arduous — nmong white people as well as Indians ; but I have been very much stimu- lated to increased exertion by cheering prospects of usefulness. Let mo mention my duties last Sunday (Easter), which have been the same every Sunday except the administration of the holy sacra- ments. I had morning service here and preached in Ojibcway and English ; then administered the holy sacrament to 42 communicants, some of whom, I am happy to sny, partook of it for the first time, and three of these I had received into the Church from that of Rome. I had afternoon service here, and administered the sacrament of baptism. I then drove 12 miles to the Sault, were I performed divine service, baptized two children, preached, and finally ad- ministered the holy sacrament of the Lord's Supper to 14 persons. I cannot say that I was not fatigued, but I felt happy and thankful for the manifest proofs which I had witnessed of God's blessing upon my labours. At my next service at the Sault a collection will be made for the mission of the Church Society, and I trust it will be a good one. I sincerely hope that the Society will be able to carry out their noble object in sending one missionary at least to those regions this summer. We had our annual missionary meeting at Garden River, on Monday evening last. The weather was most unfavourable, but the attendance was very good, and some admirable speeches were delivered by chief Anfiista Shingwankoons, (Little Pine,) Chief Putquindzenene (Wild Man), Churchwarden Wahbe- maraa(a Dove), and churchwarden Nawuhkezhik.(Middleof the Sky,) and the collection amounted to upwards of $60. I am sorry that I cannot now send an abstract of the speeches, and of the whole pro- ceedings, but I may accomplish this at some future time, if desirable, to the Chronicle. I remain, yours very truly, To the Rev. S. Givins, JAMES CHANCE. Hon. Secretary ^ APPENDIX. CASH ACCOUNT FOR THE YEAR ENDING APRIL 80th, 1864. Received on account of: Balance brought from last year's account $7384 82 INOOHK. Mission Fund $9049 38 Guarantees 1093 00 ' General Purpose Fund 2488 69 Widows and Orphans' Fund , 1897 86 Students' Fund 64148 Book and Tract Fund 77 89 16247 69 RETURNS. ' ' Widows and Orphans' Fund, Elora Parsonage 48 72 ' > " " Bath Rectory 300 00 343 72 SALES OF LAND, AC. Widows and Orphans' Fund, sale of Timber off Land 80 00 General Purpose Fund, Lands 1165 00 1235 00 TRUSTS. Synod of Toronto 426 75 ' Travelling Missionary, Midland District 200 00 .' Cathedral Establishment 30 00 ■''■■'«■' See of Toronto 60 00 MarkhamGlebe 3497 10 Diocese of Ontario 66 40 Trinity Church, Toronto 106 00 ,,* Nottawasaga Endowment 91 62 Kent Testimonial Endowment 82 4L> . '' Cornwall Parochial School 68 20 ChippawA Endowment 240 00 Indian Mission r 29 64 Weston Endowment oO 00 . ... ,.,,,., 4867 97 " •.!':•: r ■. ,' ;■ /. "-.'■." . r;'^' ) > , » . - ■ ■'..-!.. . ■ \ '■: ;'■;:' :,•- ' ': ,■■ ■' - , .; 7: ''^->'>--\''jS''c- ■ n t $29028 70 Examined and found correct. • •• - W. GAMBLE, 1 J ... , T, , FRED'K ARMSTRONG, i"*"*"'"'*" % APPENDIX. 45 "« ♦ CASH ACCOUNT FOR THE YEAR ENDING APRIL 30th, 1804. » . II Paid on account of: XXPEMDITVBE. MisBion Fund $9007 21 Guarantees 1060 00 General Purpose Fund 2471 06 Widows and Orphans' Fund 2482 77 Students' Fund 870 10 Book and Tract Fund 169 75 $16000 89 TRUSTS. Synod of Toronto 146 08 i,. Travelling Mission, M. D't 6 00 Cathedral Establishment 11 16 See of Toronto 37 38 Markham Glebe 8497 90 '; Diocese of Ontario 65 87 ' Trinity Church, Toronto 367 60 ' Nottawasaga Endowment 91 52 Kent Testimonial Endowment 135 12 ■'^^ ' '' Cornwall Parochial School 68 40 Chippawa Endowment 240 00 * Darlington Rectory 400 00 -* '.- '■ '^--^ Christ's Church, Seymour... 10 81 *'"*■" ^'> Shanty Bay Endowment 31 24 '^' Atherly 20 57 ' Lindsay Lot 76 80 Church at Warsaw 12 69 Duffin's Creek 8 00 Belmont Endowment .....'. 88 82 ' '. ' $5264 40 COMMERCIAL BANK. Returned on account of loan of $5000 COO 00 Balance carried to next year^a account < 7268 41 ' $29028 70 J. W. BRENT, Secretary. 46 APPENDIX. Dr, BALANCE ACCOUNT, SOin APRIL, 1864. BalanooB at the debit of the following : XMTESTHHMT AOOOUMT. For the several Securities lodged in the Commeroial Bank, (see pages 48 and 49,) amounting to $25191 94 FCMDS. Book and Tract Fund. 81 26 TRUSTS. See of Toronto $16 15 Church at Seymour 10 31 Darlington Rectory 2475 62 Shanty Bay Markbam Glebe Atherley , , Clergy Trust Lindsay Lot Church at Warsaw Belmont Endowment Diocese of Ontario 31 24 74 20 57 21 34 76 80 12" 69 88 82 39 02 iv- , '.■ '.u.i^.r 2743 20 CASH. For the balance on hand, see Cash Accoiint, pages 44 and 45 7263 41 Examined and found correct, W. GAMBLE, $10087 86 ftt'-jB 'a V!,il!,Si FRED'K ARMSTRONG, } ^»'^»''"'*- •■ij*. J- ;ii»i-. ti ^y^.^^'^^x-- APPENDIX. 41 k 1 )4 25 r. ' 20 1 B6 Cr, BALANCE ACCOUNT, aOia APKIL, 1801. Balance at the credit of the followlDg : INVE8TMKNT8. Widows and Orphans' Fund 12417 44 Mission Fund.. 8200 00 Kent Testimonial Fund GOT 50 Blake Testimonial Fund 267 00 Leeming Mission Fund 3000 00 Morkham Rectory ... 6700 00 • .. , $25191 94 \ FUNDS. • . 1 Mission Fund 1745 48 Guarantees, Orillia 65 00 ^General Purpose Fund 1334 97 *Widows and Orphans' Fund 648 50 Students' Fund 830 96 4624 97 TRUSTS. • • •^' • Synod of Toronto 280 67 Travelling Missionary, Midland District 195 00 Cathedral Establishment.. 891 68 Weston Endowment 45 00 Duffin's Creek Endowment 1 00 Fenelon Endowment 20 00 '"'' • Indian Mission 29 54 ,, , , ., . .. -. 962 89 OOMMERCIAL BANK. ' ' * ' ' ' For balance due on loan from the Bank 4600 00 $10087 86 J. W. BRENT, Secretary. Note. — The above cash credit balances belon^r to the several Funds, Trusts, and the Cotiiratrcial Blink, making in the aggregate $10087 86; of this amount it will be feeu that there is $72IJo 41 on hand in cash ; and the remainder, amounting to $2824 4'), has been advancedUo the Darlington Rectory and other Trusts $2743 20, and to Book and Tract Fund $81 25. The withdrawal of the amount of $2824 46 for these advances, and the balance of the Mission Fund being largely against it nearly throughout the whole year until the Parochial Branch collections came in during the month of April, will account for the necessity of the loan from the Commercial Bank. • * These balances include sales of land and returns — see Cash Account. 4S APPENDIX. INVESTMENT ACCOUNT— AS PER SECURITIES LODGED IN THE COMMERCIAL BANK. WIDOWS ANn orphans' fund. Certificate— 18 shares Bank of Upper Canada Stock Debenture— County of Simooe H City of Toronto •< Grand Trunk Telegraph Compa')y, Wilson ifllOOO 00 « •* •• Downes 676 00 Bond— H. Rowsell $1960 42 Less due Diocese of Ontario 6G0 42 $640 00 1000 00 1200 00 1575 00 *' Elora Parsonage Burnside Bequest — Assignment of Mortgage, T. & 0. Pazton and Crandell, $3400 00. Less proportion of Paxton Mortgage belonging to Diocese of Ontario $1163 84 , : Assignment of Mortgage — Hutchinson to Rutherford, valued at Mortgage — Thomas Pyne " A. Dixon Loan to Clarke Parsonage 1800 00 166 28 2246 16 16I»0 00 1600 00 iCoo 00 200 00 $12417 44 MISSION FUND. Burnside Bequest — Mortgage — Richard French.. $3200 00 ' - RENT TESTIMONIAL FUND. Certificate— 18 Shares Bank of Upper Canada Stock ... $640 00 3 " British America Insurance Stock. 67 60 $607 60 BLAKE TESTIMONIAL FUND. Bond— D. £., L., and Anne M. Blake $267 00 LEEHlNa MISSION FUND. 2 Debentures— County of Middlesex, $800 each $1600 00 1 " •« «« ; 600 00 2 «« " Ontario, $400 each 800 00 ^. Li V •-! ; . $3000 00 'vs-^.:'l. .k-*-.; ]■..-, APPENDIX. 49 MARKIIAM UIOTOKT. "* ^' 10 Debenturea— City of Toronto, $400 each $4000 00 1 •• •• 600 00 1 " '• 200 00 2 " County of R«Dfr«w, 500 aaoh 1000 00 ■ I ,- tSTOo'oO tlOAPlTtrtATIOlt. Widowaand Orphana' Fund $12417 44 Mission Fund 8200 00 Kent Testimonial 607 60 Blulce Testimonial 267 00 Lceming Mission Fund 8000 00 Marliham Rectory ~ 6700 00 Total as per Ledger ..$2619194 Examined and found correct, W. GAMBLE. \ .„ ...^„ J. W. BRENT. FRED'K ARMSTRONG, / ^"«''<'"- Secretary. Note Thn baUoce of the late Rev. Mr. Leeming*! lagtoy, $1340, hu bMB InTtatad tlnoe tbt 80th of April, 1804. STATEMENTS OF THE FUNDS OF THE CHURCH SOCIETY OF THE DIOCESE OF TORONTO. ,, - . Dr, MISSION FUND. Cr. To balance carried to credit of next year's aocooat, page 47, $1746 48 ByBalanceatcredit, page 49.. $1892 48 •• Cookatown (bond) 858 00 $1746 48 •-..•» -«aVMi« JVttA O 0\rfWUU XOif^ «0 $10399 69 uy kuia aiocese; leas the proportion of the Burnside bequeat be- longing to the Diocese of Ontario, 106684.... 29 66f $10899 69 *NoTi The Income, $9086 39, of this Fund, as referred to at page 25, Includes $300 00 reeeired for Guarantees, and the Expenditure, $9410 21, includes $412 paid fbr Ouarantaw, both which amonntr appear separately with tbe other Qaarant«es<— See gtatenuit, pig^ 60. f See page 20. 7 1 48 APPENDIX. INVESTMENT ACCOUNT— AS PER SECURITIES LODGED IN THE COMMERCIAL BANK. WIDOWS AND OEPHANS' FUND. ' i '" ' J ' • ' Certificate— 18 shares Bank of Upper Canada Stock $540 00 Debenture— County of Simcoe 1000 00 " City of Toronto 1200 00 " Grand Trunk Telegraph Company, Wilson $1000 00 " " " Downes 575 00 1575 00 Bond— H. Rowsell $1960 42 Less due Diocese of Ontario 660 42 . 1300 00 «• ''.lora Parsonage 156 28 Burnside Bequest — Assignment of Mortgage, T. & G. Paxton and Crandell, $3400 00. Less proportion of Paxton Mortgage belonging to Diocese of Ontario $1163 84 : 2246 16 Assignment of Mortgage— Hutchinson to Rutherford, valued at... 161)0 00 Mortgage— Thomas Pyne. 1600 00 " A. Dixon 1000 00 Loan to Clarke Parsonage 200 00 A. Burnside Bequest — & Certificate— 18 Shan u 3 « :?; t-i-:: 'jy.m ^oi^hiy '!•» ".il.**?f- _•} J -, . <.i. 1 ^> 1. ;*->■«.. *^ Bond— D. E., L., ant 2 Debentures — County oi Miuaiesex, ipdvn; eauu ', ;.. 2 1 '• '• «« 1 600 00 2 " " Ontario, $400 each 800 00 - * ' " ' ^ $3000 00 • ■■■",-.- ■ * - ■ ■ . ^ — — — —^ Mndtalvin^ APPENDIX. 49 MAEKHAM BKCTOET. * 10 Debentures— City of Toronto, $400 each $4000 00 1 " " , 500 00 1 «\ " 200 00 2 « County of Renfrew, 600 each 1000 00 "$5700'00 BEOAPITULATION. Widows and Orphans' Fund $12417 44 Mission Fund 3200 00 Kent Testimonial 607 60 Blake Testimonial ^ 267 00 Leeming Mission Fund..... 3000 00 Markham Bectory ~ 6700 00 Total as per Ledger t. $26191 94 Examined and found correct, W. GAMBLE. I .,. J. W. BRENT, FRED'K ARMSTRONG, / ^«'="«'"^»- Seeretartf. Note The balance of the late Bev. Mr. Leeming's legacy, $1240, baa 1>een inTeitod ainoe the 80th of April, 1864. STATEMENTS OF THE FUNDS OF THE CHURCH SOCIETY OP THE DIOCESE OF TORONTO. Dr. Mission Fund.* Cr. $ cts. $ cts. To paid Missionaries' Salaries 7960 00 By balance from last year — «' Bev. J. Chance's Tra- $1696 76. Deduct guar- Tclling expenses.... 68 00 antees paid, $412 00; '♦ Indian Missionary... 27 00 less $390 00 received.. 1678 76 *' Salary school master " Parochial Branch collec- at Little Current.... 300 00 tions three-fourths 6679 46 «» Travelling expenses of Deputations " Interest on loan from " Collections 2620 19 68 72 " Donations 120 00 By cash from Crowland Commercial Bank... 304 75 Glebes 116 87 " Discount on Silver.. 13 74 " Interest on Mortgages .. 266 00 " Draft of Rev. J. Har- " R. N. Disbrow 4 87 ris, mislaid in 1865. 200 00 By carried to the debit of •• Grant to Rev. J. the Diocese of Ontario Stuart 76 00 $1096 89 for its mis- sionaries' stipends paid Balance carried to credit of next year's account 1392 48 by this diocese ; less the proportion of the Burnside bequest be- longing to the Diocese i ^ -■' of Ontario, 106ft 84.... i 29 66t $10399 69 ^10899 60 'NoTi The Income, $91186 38, of this Fund, as refsrred to at page 25, includes $300 00 received for Oaarantees, and the Expenditure, $941b 21, includes $412 paid for QuarantwM, both which amountr appear separately with the other QuanHtteei.r-3e« Statenwnt, page, 60. f Sm page 26. 5Q Dr. APPENDIX. OlTABANTEES. Cf. To paid brillia $241 00 <• Muhnur 71 00 " PenetanKuishene. 100 00 $412 00* •• Orillia 105 00 «« Mulraur 213 00 •• Penetanguishene. 200 00 " Bradford 120 00 638 00 $1050 00 Balance to next year's credit of Orillia 65 00 $1115 00 By rec'd from Orillia... $220 00 '« «« ... 20 00 <• Mulmur 50 00 <' Penetanguishene. 100 00 •« Orillia 170 00 «' Mulraur 213 00 « Penetanguishene. 200 00 «' Bradford 120 00 Received from last year, Mulmur 21 00 Orillia 1 00 $390 00* 703 00 $1093 00 22 00 $1116 00 Dr. * Amount* refeired to in note at foot of MiBsion Fund. Gemebal Purpose Fund. ■m-. fTo paid Grnnts «• Salaries — Lay Secre- tary on account from 11th Feb, 1863, at "^■xi '■ ' $800 per an.$866 56 • Bookkeep- er's bal- ance of Salary.... 150 02 '%., OflBce Rents and Taxes «« Postflge, travelling ex- penses, and discount on Silver, &c «« Clerical Secretary on ac- count of allowance from 11th of Feb., 1863, at $200 per annum •« ^^ Auditors " Hall for public meeting «« Home District Ex- penses <* Law Costs " Diocese of Huron...... *' Taxes on Lands " Registry of Deeds « Canada Gazette '* ^Grants of Books " Advertising «• Fuel Temporary Investment to close this account Balance carried to credit of next years' account $210 00 1016 67 220 00 182 08 170 08 50 00 12 60 20 00 359 12 16 98 120 24 13 14 27 50 15 54 9 97 27 44 1999 00 1334 97 $6805 23 By balance from last year.... $241 84 " Cash from Parochial Branch collections, one- fourth 1776 84 " Subscriptions 392 00 «» Donations 32 69 " Sale of Report 16 00 " Rent of Lands 170 60 " Interest en sale of Lands. 110 40 " Sale of Lands 1165 00 " Carried to the debit of Darlington Glebe, for cash paid at sundry timestoRev.Dr.McNab 1909 96 i*V w • ■ «■■ $6805 28 tSM BOte, page 26, X See page 27. it Dr. APPENDIX. Widows and Orphans' Fund. 51 Qf> To paid Pensions " 1 axes CD Lands " Taxes and Insurance on Adelaide street property " Law Costs •* Discount on Cheque,. " Carried to the credit of Darlington Qlebe for cash received from this account, a r^. c carried to credit of T :^. year's account % cts. 2180 00 28 8o 115 05 108 62 00 26 837 84 648 56 $3919 17 By Balance from last year, $2264 62, less interest, $1007 02, on Crnndell's and Hutchinson's mort- gages By Cash from Collections .... Subscriptions Interest and Dividends... Bents Sale of Timber Mrs. Cox refunded Elora Parsonage Bath Rectory Carried to the debit of Darlington Glebe, for cash paid on its account in 1860 $ cts. 1197 60 923 98 120 00 658 42 245 45 80 00 60 00 43 72 800 00 N: 400 00 $3919 17 Dr. Students' Fund. Ct. % cts. To paid Students at Trinity College 870 00 •« Discount on Silver.... 00 10 Balance carried to credit of next year's account 830 96 -'■ • $1701 00 % cts. By balance from last year... 1059 58 •• Cash from Collections.... 641 48 $1701 06 Dr. Book and Tract Fund. Cr. ' " -' ■'^' / '•' % cts. To paid Purchase of Books and TractB 169 75 f $169 75 ' , ! $ cts. By balance from last year 11 11 '• Cash from Sales and Sub- scriptions 77 89 f" Balance carried to debit of next year's account 81 26 $169 75 t See ptge 27. ^ i I 52 APFEEDIX. o ^ O P3 O E-i P^ O o u ->1 H P U O 25 . o • o 00 too ;0 ■ »o •* (N (NOJ • :©0»ONrH ^•i e^ >o 7 B |1£ <5 O O coo rH ■g o »o CO o t^ OOOOONOOtI as OrHOO-»*«! t:e(fc, i2 o o i o ■^ o o : o c 00 ■■* ,S'te'« w o o 1 o T»( OO _ OO 03 ^00 ■S|g .-( 00 . eo 1-, t>. o : to o eo : eo .sll €& o rt* : 1-1 rH ri :(N eo : ^5 1 «2 <=> « W O O Ci -OeOOOOrH ^ fc ^ o o r-t •^ o -^ : o to CO I- M 9 1^ o ,«<»'-' lO t-h-os :oi>.eoiHN 1 ^ CI (M t m ■ ■ • S' S □ I I »—* \ 1 So "2 "* -i -* 00 O lO • • _ (N .^ • • O ! Si th eo eo >-i 35 00 : : (M c-i ! o i o » «) o • • <<< \C \ . :. :-«l t* O^*^© 'A : «Sp i.S. : : xi^ 09 i .J.Grasett, B. Baldwin, M. Cartwright,M B. Fuller, D. ; 4- , Scadding, D . S. Darling... G.T. Carruthers, A. J.Brougball, J. H. Plowman, J. S. Boddy Professor Wbita S. Givins, R.D.. A. Williams, B.i J, Beaven, D.D J.H. McCollum, tepqd&H-Jln'tt^ >...>..,.>... ^<««*u*««*.«,«M^ «*■'""'•'•■• **»: ; s ; = 5 3 s : 3 : = s •2'2Sil S ^ HHWO ^\ I- p APPENDIX. 53 O to O O OS Cl ig :n * lO lO o o CO CO O CO CO • to iH eOi-irHO ioo oeo e^ CO CO oa 03 i-l OO © © © 1— I C5 i-t N N © C^l •*! 00 eo i-i i-H CO t- i-i 00 lO O lO b- CO u3TJ(r-i (M © © (M ©© lO : © : o . © : © ^ "5 © ©(M © r-ieo ■*■* CO O-^ : CO • : '^ rH CO(MpH© t>- © 00 00 CO O CO c^c^co © O t^ >0 'ijt i-i eo <-i CO IC © © © N OS © © (N wioei lO lO © lO CO >* iC ^. ; © rlS^ .00 00 © »a© i^ i- \a eo© IN • U3 lO : _ CO (N :>o© J © IM TH tH •eo (M © CO e la OS © C^ rl © •^ 00 © CO eo co © eo iM © 1-- «■! lO 03 O © : »o © CO »o tH •^ lo : >-< © C^ . 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O O >.'S lO "3 O !■» 1^ CO eo th to • oeo : MO o o >o © T i-l rH : OS eoifi «&-• ;0 > CO .0 © o o ; 10 © © o> I us lo CO ko ?9 lO 'f © O IN 00 l>- © U3 O l-> 6 : 91 j£© M u © © «0 »0 IN r- or- ■ i ffl t>. 10 ^ rH pH CO 94 CO M » r-t . © ^ ; » : © 10 >o iiN : © e^ ?< iH rH .CO ; lOTtt"* N Cl © (N (Xi CO o OS w5 r» p-i © (N ©O ©a»c4 1-1 o ^< 2©© "■<*<© 10 M lO © O >« l-l© © 10 © © C• CO 00 © OINCN'* © CO •a rH U3 CO m - bO o ^ mm bC o u o OJ tf g o n a a .oo 2 aa . _ 4) 3 2 m « ^ a ^.2 C *J *J *a ? i .« — J 4) a HO- 2 JS n o ^ <5 1^' 0) fe:' a a CQ EH H 03 l-H CQ fa So •01 - o - 03 H ^ 4) ** ' I S o .2 OS 5 n£^ ot h n S ' >■» APPENDIX. 55 S m • (NO • ^ CC I O O M • ^ »0 i o I- CO : o i- : o o ' o o O (M O CO O CI © oo< lA O < O CO 03 94 r-« M O «0'* 3 CO 00 U3 ^ O W iH ^ ^ O O ; o m o o o O) : oi 00 o o o r-t : O O I-H r-ITt< : IN oo , o o 1-trH to© oo o o © © • oo o< : CO © la < toco u3 pH Seoeoweo o»o C4© ; 00 «5 U? 00 05 CO iffl • t~ t>. (N © >* 00 O I©© ,oo «S 1-t JNCOi-HM©©© : iM CD IM i.O CO (M (M Tfl lO ; rH ©© 00 OS eo 00 ©©©©©00 O i« lO lO O I— o ©eo ^^OOM CO © to us Cll-H i©i-r^h- ; (M Tjt o i-o ;©© ;o© I IM' © © o : Tti iffl ©>o ;© to ; to © '^T-t : © eo © © © to © © © iffl «3 i^ eo © ua eo ■^ 1-1 IM W5 © »» CO ©© M 00© «o © •U3 If :u5©© ;IM © O : IM © 00 : O © r-i © 00 IN eo eo eo 00 :0 :© :© 00 n M j= S ^ j: -w iJ J3 CO _ c^ "Si C5 o J m O Its •< i-i «i1 pi c^ > ^ : a JS rz ID i ^1 o Pi Pi a bo; « tj c s s bC O O O •< > PMU S O S U 's^ ^. w en Eh o t— I Pi H O H O !z! t-i es A «5 P^ Pi O O W S en a .iJ EmP^OUV «. APPENDIX. o 00 O M H g O «} P t=> OQ O p QQ 09 H -i D ■3 t? 3 •; >^ S -2 •a ^ 2 5-0 j5 'oQ (C S * 2 u O fltt I* § :o oj • oooo : o o -J I- : r^ : o u5 o 1-1 • eo «o O t>. : IN i>. IN CO I CI C. to < W I I U3 1 b- co CO CO s H on S5 o o o o 3 • O O 0 00 pH lO 00 CO o o o 1-H CO Tjl 1-1 O Cq rl tH pH O ; «5 l-O ■ OOO ! t IM IN : 5j &y 01 -f e-i *> O O CO tl iOS>(5OC0<-i'')0 ■^ CO i» rHOI •©©lC'NC0C5l^©'tl i2 LO O I- rl rl 00 05 I- TtH " M U3 •* * ■* rH 6& iO©©'-'05t-'*©0 ?1CO©1'.ININ©CO'«*I IN CJ CO rl C^ IN i-H CO O ■* O kO CO © (N©1 in |0 ;u3 : M © © ; © lO © , CO o © ■ O 00 ^ il'- TJI Ol :0 ;© ;© : o ;§ ;oo .©©©'* I © i^ o t" I f— 1 © ^ ^ : ao • CO : Si <^2 PQOQ u o -a ei (4 n "-■ 00 a. 5 02 i3 '/) V) a : ■^ *-" s. ^. o. a. 1 can - -^ - •« o : S cj 3; o >>•- ^ J li .5 5 a 3J V d ^ a o o < c;-!q L APPENDIX. 57 S |i28 8 13 ss :S^r;ssssso e^r-l : U3 03 lO t« CO <0 iH iH CO g! too d gs: ggg •^ CO rHd :co 8S ISSSS^SS ' CO N •* Q lO jj «D '9" rH N to h. r^ CO 0) U3 lA CO o> CO Oko o :od 5 t 8 o toco :o :o^ao(c 94 t^«oo i-< CO ;co :«ooco^coe4coe4 coo o 'koio ot^oo : too O .r*M oeo^ ! 1-1 lo :i-O0>O CO rH CDOCOe^ to i-f* CO O^OOOi-l h- 00 94 O 9 t« i-i U3 ^ 94 '^^ e« to •-• I-) 8io CO ;Oo oeoooi-t ;0»o 00 o jtoo >!5coi-it» 'Oo »-ii-i 04 :pHio cooi-io !coe4 » • t t ■ o o 00 it^to :c4iH^e4ioe>i>:;i04^i-i^ iH : CO : f-4 m 8 I S 8 iii : to ^ ito 00 : to :0 so : to ' »H I'. :oq :n 00 r> i-l to n a 5 ao o. u CQ (A CQ •* 3^ n • O O EH to EH H ' I - 3 5 s s «B Hi 9" » APFKNDIX. i I m n CQ /i- JsS : I :88 i • ! • • 8 S : :8 D , >o 5c4 11 § ««. i ; : "^ — 1 i • • • • M N ; : CI ^ 1 ««■* ^a*- «9. I ! • • • • : : : m 9 9 s kS S S 1^ to jS SIoSc 000 ; lO iffl iffl 1 »»* lO 05 •00 : CO «* «0 I- 1-H >-< jiO ■^ -J «» : : CO CO : 7; ? •0^ •< cSi. ■ ^ $S>o • o>ooio :o :>fflO>o © i-i eo t- • 10 : 1- I- s§ Its "« eo wo ! «» : oeoiNM •* :iM :eoc^i-i : : • 00 la TJ a ^ h-kOiOO e<5 ® tr OOOO'M 000 -OOO oc0 M : CO <-i <-l CO 00 «e> CO IM ; "^ •^.■ 00 :2 i - lO . IT! : : : lo © fM -^ CO 1' 5 :o " :o CO : • 00 : . 1 OV CI (TJ 00 ; eO : ; c-i 1- © ro : F- 00 l^ CO 00 » :m : : f i^ : CO • : : 00 T)< CO eo : Ttio • • ■ • • • '• : : : i i in : 3 ; • • • • • : s : : 1 • • I • ? : : - 3 : • • • a 2 " c 4 : • : i 1 • ■ ** "1 ! • ** • * ^^ ^ ffl A <3 : b ! a ja ** • »; •2 "•S-I . : : PS : : H '-9'-s(i,H.g : •-sO 1 S i ?5 : : w : a : 4J 4J -iJ «» ^ ; 03 CO It : : s • • c "1 Ii II LE AND VICTORIA I Arch. Bethune, D.D. G. J.S. Bethune, Ast. W. C. Clarke Preston J. Shortt, D.D... ... T. W. Allen, Rector. II II E. R.Davies (= < < ■J is 1 i I 4 1 3 t 5 K • d > 5 » 8) ; ::>:::sss .• «• tf M v^^ >L?S __ Ctf A\ ^ |1 : 4) g ! : 1 • ^ . : : P4 :'^ 13 i| 1 5 5 a-s j : 55 . a I : ii § •:g b g.5 _» - 1 S* « :"? -^ d g^'^ > 8 9 41 ire's Li Rice L irt Hop van.... izabeth illbrook rrytow 9 (SiS^ :|(S a w (^uS? SSjS P c 3 4 • • * It APPENDIX. ■4 » H • « 8§? 00 : >0o f- c^ o • ec to to (^ : t i-i fH : r^ «c ■* 00 irt 'J* cs . • . o 1-1 CO I- M o 00 ; . o © 1(3 00 © "^ © 00 ■* lO i- © ■^»< r» SM ^ lO — eo i>- •* ffi M © OS O lO oo CO CO OS © eo ^©00 IS : US'* IM 1-1 * CI CJ I"* : rllM UD OS : :©© S : • © Riddel, Lieut. R. A. Ruttan, Mr. SheriflF, V.P. Rosamund, J. Scadding, Rev.H., D.D. ■ < Strachnn, J. M. Seager, Edmund. Spragge, J. G., Vice-Chancellor, V.P Stratford, S. J., M.D, -^ n ; Spragge, Mrs. W. Toronto, Lord Bishop of Townley, Rev. A., D.D. Townley, Mrs. 3 Thomson, Rev. C. E., M. A. '' Tett, B. ; - Widder, R, V.P. - ^ 64 APPPBNDIX. INCORPOBATED MEMBERS. Ardagh, Rtv. 8. B., M.A.Barrie. Atkinton, Rtv.A.F.,T).C.li.^t. Catharines. Alexander, Rev. J. L...Binbroke. Allen, Rev. T. W Cavan. Armour, Robert Darlington. Ambery, Rev. J., M.A.. Toronto. Armstrong, J. R Toronto. Arnold, Rev, R Brampton. Anderson, G. E Credit. Allen, G. A Barron, F. W., M.A Cobourg. Betley, M Toronto. Beaven, Rev. J., D.D,, F'./'.Toronto. Birchall, T. W. Toronto. Boswwell, G. M., Judge. ..Cobourg. BoawellfJ. V Cobourg. Boulton, D. E Cobourg. Boyle, Andrew St. Catharines. Brent, Rev. H,, B.A Clarice. Brent, J. W Toronto. Brooke, L. F. Darlington. Brown, Edward Hamilton. Bitrnham, A. A Cobourg. Boulton, W. H Toronto. Beatty, Thos., M.D Islington. Brown, J. H Toronto. Baldwin, Rev. E., M.A.. Toronto. Beck, Rev. J. W., M.A.Peterboro'. Boyd, F Toronto. Brown, W. M Hamilton. Baldwin, Admiral Yorkville. Belt, Rev. W Scarborough. Bull, Rev. G. A Barton. Boulton, H. J., Jr Humberford. Burnham, Rev. M Peterboro'. Bo veil, James, M.D Toronto. Ball, H. B Hamilton. Broughall, Rev.A.J.,M.A.Toronto. Beresford, Col Newmarket. Baldwin, R Toronto. Brunskill, J....^ Thornhill. Brown, J. F Toronto, Bell, Thomas Hamilton Covert, Henry Cobourg. Campbell, Major ...Cobourg. Clarke, Dr. Yorkville. Corrigal, W. Cobourg. Crawford, John Toronto. Cummings, James .. .Chippawa. Cameron, Allan Toronto. Cooper, Rev. U. C, B.A...Etobicoke. Carruthers, Rev, G, T... Toronto. Coate, F. W Toronto. Campbell, C. J Toronto. Coclirane, J York Township. Carry, Rev. J,, B.D Tullamore. Cumberland, F. W Iconto, dementi. Rev. V Peterboro'. Checkly, Rev. W,, M.A.Toronto. Cayley, Rev. J. D Whitby. Cartwright, Rev. C Toronto, Cooper, Rev. W.E.,M.A St. Catharines. Chance, Rev. J.. Garden Riyer. Cameron, Archibald ....Hamilton. ChaflFee, J. M Thornville. Creighton, Rev, J Orillia. Cooper, Rev. H. D Rockton. Darling, Rev. W. S Toronto. Dixon, Rev. A., B.A Port Dalhousie. Dixon, T. C Niagara. Donaldson, C. .' Grantham. Duggan, G Toronto. Davidson, Rev. J Woodbridge. Dickson, W, H Niagara. Duggan, John Toronto. Durand, George Toronto. Denison, R. L Toronto. Drinkwater, Rev. C,H... Hamilton. Freeman, S. B Hamilton. Fuller, Rev. T. B., D.C.L,foronto. Fletcher, Rev, J.,A,B...Oakville. Flood, Rev. J Dunnville. Farmer, W Barton. Fidler, Rev. A. J Cookstown. Foot, R. J. M... Toronto. Forster, G. J Hamilton. Farncomb, F Newcastle. Gamble, W. Toronto. Garrett, Rev. R Osnabruok. Geddes, James Mount Forest. Geddes, Rev. J. G., M.A, ..Hamilton. Oeddes, W. A Hamilton. L APPENDIX. Dship. ines. yer. pusie. e. ft • It. Givina, Rev, S Toruuto. Goalie, J. D Colbujne. Gladman, George Port Uo^e. Grange, Sheriff. Guelpb. Gratelt, Rev. II. J., B.D... Toronto. Gravely, Wm Cobourg. Goldsmith, £ Toronto. Gooderbam, Wm Toronto. Gowan, Judge Barrie. Green, Rev. T., LL.D...Port Nelson. Groves, Rev. F. J. S... Seymour. Gavillier, A Tecumseth. Gates, F. W Hamilton. Geddes, A Elorn. Gait, Tbomas Toronto. Grant, R Hamilton. Grant, Rev. W Streetsville. Gordon, Hon. J Toronto. Greenham, Rev. N......rort Erie. Ilamillon, R. J Hamilton. Ilallen, Rev. George, B.A..Penet'guishene. Harris, T. D Toronto. IIaU,J. Hamilton. Ueclor, John Toronto Henderson, James Toronto. Hm, Rev. B. C, A.M York. Hill, Rev. G. S. J,., Markhnm. Hebden, Rev. J., M. A. ..Hamilton. Heath, Charles Toronto. Holland, Rev, II St. Catharines. Hamilton, George Toronto. Hodgins, J. G Toronto. Hodgins, Thos Toronto. Hobson, E Toronto. Hilton, Rev. John Toronto. Hodge, Rev. T. P Springfield. Higginson, Rev. G. N...\Vaterdown. Haenscl, Rev. G. L. F.Hamilton. Flelliwell, J :....St. Catharines. Hope, Rev. H Toronto. Houston, Rev. 8 Arthur. Harris, Rev. R. H Craighurst. Henderson, Rev. Alox...Orangeville. Ingles, Rev. C. L„ A.B Drummond'-Mle. Imlacb, AV. J Port Maitland. Ince, W Toronto. Jusen, R Hamilton. Johnson, Rev. W.A Weston. Joseph, H. A Toronto. Joseph, F. J Toronto. Kingsmill, Col .....Guelpb. Kingston, Professor Toronto. Lee, W. n Quebec. Lecming, Rev. R Dundas. Lodor, Job Ancaster. Logan, Rev. W Cartwright. Lundy, Rev.F.J., D.C.LGrimshy. Lally, E Barrie. Langtry,Rev.Jobn,M.A.Collingwood. McCaid, Rev. iJr Toronto. Macklem, 0. T Chippawa. McCormick, Thomas Niagara. Mackenzie,Rev.J.G.D.,^l.K..Un.xa\\iQn. Marsh, L. B Hamilton. Mercer, A Toronto. Mewburn, Dr Stamford. Mills, lion. S Hamilton. Murray, Alexander ., Yorkville. MacNab,Rev.Alex., D.D.Darlington. McGrath, Charles Toronto. McMurray, Re V.W., D.D.Niagara. Morris, Dr. B Toronto. McLeod, Rev. N Thorold. Morgan, Rev. E., A.M.. Barrie. McCollum,Rev.J.H., A.M. Aurora. Magrath, James Springfield. Merritt, Rev. R. N Jersey, U.S. Middleton, Rev. J Tullamore. Magrath, W Credit. Moberly, Geo Toronto. Miller, C. A Peterboro'. McMurray, J. S Toronto. McLeod, James Bowmanville. Mcol, Dr Toronto. Nation, Dr Uxbridge. O'Reilly, Miles Hamilton. Osier, Rev. U. B Lloydtown. Osier, Rev. F. L., M. A.. ..Dundas. O'Meara, Rev. Dr Georgetown. O'Reilly, H. R Waterdown. Palmer, Rev. A., M.A Guelpb. Parsons, W. ThornhilL Ration, Hon. J Toronto. Perkins, Fred. „ Toronto, 66 APPENDIX. Petlil, A Grimsby. Prtiton, T. J. Toronto. Plowman, J\'ev. J. H Toronto. Pfoudfoot, W. V.P Toronto. Pentland, Rev. J., A.B.Oshawa. Pettit, Rev. C. B Richmond. Pliillips, Rev. H. N Grantham. Papps, H. S Hamilton. Palmer, George Guelph. Phillips. Rev. T.D., M.A.St. Catharines. Parsons, W Thornhill. Powis, W Hamilton. Eacy, Thomait. Milton. Read, Rev. T. B., D.D Toronto. Ridout, G. P Toronto. Robinson, Hon W. B Toronto. Rowaell, Ilenr;/ Toronto, Ranney, J. L St. Catharines. Ramsey, Rev. S.F. M.A.Newmarket. Robarts, T. P Quebec. Ruttan, Rev. Charles... Bradford. Rutherford, E. H Toronto. Ritchie, Rev. W Georgina. Robarts, Rev.T.T.,M. A.St. Catharines. Read, D. B Toronto. Robarts, J. W Toronto. Ridley, Dr Hamilton. Robinson, Isaac Peterborough. Rogers, H Peterborough. Robson, J. J Newcastle. Shorlt, Rev. J.,D.D Port Hope. Simpton, John Niagara. Stanton, Robert Toronto. Street, R. P. Hamilton Street, T. C. V.P Chippawa. Shanklin, Rev. R Thornhill. Stcnnett. Rev. W. M.A.Keswick. Spratt, Robert Toronto. Smithurst, Rev. John...Minto. Stewart, E. M., M.A... Guelph. Strong, Rev. S. S., D.D.Tecumseth. Stewart, Rev. A Orillia. Shotter, L. L Erin. Smith, J. W Toronto. Smith, Hon. S Peterborough. Thompson, S Toronto. Tremayne, Jr., Rev. F.. Milton. Thompson, W Hamilton. Thomas, George Toronto. ' Vankoughnet, Hon. P.^... Toronto. Vankoughnet, M. R Toronto. VanLinge, Rev. J Queenston. Webster, Joseph Dundas. Westmacotl, W. M Toronto. Wyatt, Henry Wellington Sq'r Whitaker, Rev. Provost, M. A., Trinity Coll Toronto. Williams, Joseph, F.P.. Tecumseth. Woods, W. B Ancaster. Wood, S. J ..Toronto. Wallis, James Peterborough. Wilmot, S Newcastle. Wilkinson, R. T.. Newcastle. Those in italics are original members. m m ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS AND DONATIONS TO TUB CHURCH SOCIETY, DIOCESE OF TORONTO. ;h. ^ » ; ' Sq'r gh. • -II; I TORONTO. St. Stephen^s Church. (Collected by James McMillan.) Mm. C. Foster $2 0U C. C. Footer 1 00 J. L. Foster I'O Mrs. Lifter 1 00 JoRhua .Vletzker 1 00 Mrs. Hind 75 James Crooks 5ii James Curran 50 Mrs. Smith 50 Mrs. llibbard 50 William AiH 50 William Aird, jr 50 James .McVlillan SU Daniel Shebvy 50 Mrs. Nitlum 40 James Irwin 40 Joseph T. Uolph 40 A Friend 25 Mrs. Preston 25 Mrs. Constable 26 Mra. Uitcbie 25 Mrs. Dracott 25 Mrs. Johnston 25 A Friend 25 Mrs. Aird 25 Mrs. McMillan 25 Mrs. Uigham 25 Alexander (ialloway 25 James I'billips U 25 Michael Friend '25 A Friend 25 A Friend 25 James Xhornton 5 25 John Lister 25 Richard Lawrence \) 25 JohniNewell 25 George .M. Abbott 25 GeorgeQraham 25 William Uuyus 25 Edward Turner 25 A Friend 25 John Walker 25 Walter Uallowuy 25 ManinGormund (' 25 Smaller sums 1 80 (Collected by Mrs. Hime.) Mr Bucklaod 6 00 MrCoato S 00 Mr Cumberland $5 00 Mrs A VVilFon 4 CO Mrs i\ini;ston 2 00 Mrs Menzies 1 00 Mrs llime 1 UO .VirsSenison 1 UO (Collected by Mrs. G. and Miss Morrison ) ■Tohn Morrison 1 CO Miss Morrison 1 00 Miss Reynolds 1 00 CAW Walker 60 Mifg Sbaw 25 A Friend 25 A Friend 26 Miss Farnham 25 A Friend 25 Miss Cunningham 25 U Cluxton 25 .1 Burgess 25 Miss Mishaw 25 Smallersums 2 00 (Collected by Mrs. Billing.) H Leadlay & Sons 1 00 Mrs Gzuwski 60 D Earles 51) Henry Brock 50 Mrs Morris 50 W Johnson 50 J Billing 50 Mrs Nevell 60 iViTS Striuger 60 D ConstHble 40 Mrs Awdu 25 B Bierfivs 25 iMrs Uaggess 25 Mrs Williams 25 .Miss Bright .ib Smaller sums 1 u5 (Collected by Sarah Robinson. O R Gowan 1 00 .Mrs Cameron 50 Small sums 140 (Collected by Miss Abbott.) Mr Sproatt 1 00 N K Abbott 1 CO A K Abbott 100 Mrs Cook 48 Mr Cipkins 25 Mr Winless $0 26 Smaller sums 1 tO (CoUected by Mio Brcughali.) G T Kingston 6 00 J Wortbinjiton 6 00 Kev A J Brov.gha!) 5 00 " " B. & T. FuLd. 2 50 Mr Sheppard 1 00 T Joy 1 05 Mr Kinzinger 25 YORKVILLE. (Collected by Miss MoKinny.) Mrs James Young 6 00 MrsJCnnnovun 2 00 .Mrs McUchllBd 50 F Caruthcrs 1 00 MrsJUrown 100 MrsTelfer 100 Miss McKenny 1 00 .Mrs Russell .' 1 00 Geo Durand 100 Mrs W II Taylor 50 Mrs II Cameron 50 Mrs Scott 60 Mrs Jarvia 1 00 iViiss.larvis .? 1 CO Mrs Kvans 1 00 WB Evans 6(1 G White 60 Rev S Givins 6 00 r»Ir» Sewell 2 00 Mrs Browne 70 Mrs C Jones 6 011 Mrs Jonas Jones 6 00 W A Phipps 09 Wm J R 10 W Coles 20 .MrsDunster 26 Mr8"ifkcni> 010 A Friend 10 Mrs Iloskins 20 Mrs K Fitzgerald 2 00 Mrs T Uddgins 1 00 MrsBidout 25 MissBevan 60 A poor man 0l6 Mrs Trivers 16 Mrs Cherriman 1 00 Mrs Snellinu; 100 .Mrs John Macnab 1 00 68 MmO Morphy $060 Mrs and Mia* Uostwick.... 3 00 Mrs Robertson 100 MriWhltlcer 02& Mrs P D Campbell S 00 Mm PortriilBi! 10 MriBlchads 3 00 Mn Ilomer Sixon 2 00 Mrs Crawford , 6 00 WBPhlpps 100 JOinty 100 Mrs MifchMl 100 AMcKlnlay ICO Sin J A Torrance C5 Annie TowDoend 25 Mrs Summers 25 (Collected by Miss Henderson and Miss Ilirscbfclder. J Henderson 10 00 J Ilcnaerson, jr 4 00 K Henderson 1 00 EGardinir 100 Mrs Woodman 1 00 Mrs Hague 50 Mrs Barret 1 00 Mrs MaePberson 4 00 A Friend 100 , MrsClewes 50 MrCumlnes 50 A Friend 10 Miss Price 60 Mrs Hoote 60 Mrs Brondgeest 50 Mrs Davis 50 Mrs Pavis, scnr 30 Mra Forbes 60 A Friend 25 Mrs Godwin 010 Mrs Milton 010 B Slater 20 BWGossage 2 00 J S Dennis 2 00 E Jewells 50 Mrs Croft 100 Mrs J Howard 1 00 J Worthy 26 Mrs Kutchum 1 00 Mr Gardiner 2 00 Prof Hirschfelder 100 M. Warnford 50 MissKnowlton U 25 (Collected by Miss Draper.; DrHall 1 «0 MrsDelmage*: 25 Mrs Mclican 5 00 Mr 0«owski 5 00 Mrs W. Dickson, jr 1 00 Mrs Sullivan 100 Miss T Sanders 1 UO Mrs Sim? 22 Mrs Richards 1 00 Mrs Chewett 2 00 Mrs Grant 25 MrsDraper 2 00 Hiss Draper 60 Mrs Taylor 5 00 Chief Justice Draper 2 00 B Cooper 50 , Mrs Hector 50 Mrs MoCutcbon. 50 MissFDiakson 28 (Collected by Miss Carrathers.; . A Member 6 00 Illegible 50 Mrs Ueward 1 00 Mrs Heron 60 MnBostwick 1 00 Mrt Parker 2 00 COLLECTIONS. A Friend $010 James Gnny 20 Mrs Dean 10 K Hewett 50 FBcck 05 Mrs Wells 60 Mrs Baldwin 1 00 Mrs Lewis bb Mrs UcyUen 120 Mr Barwick 1 00 •f OAKRIDQGS. St. John's Church. (Collected by Mrs. Norman Macleod.) Mrs. MacleoU 2 00 Dr Hosteller 60 Mrs. Bernard I CO H. A. Uernitrd 1 00 Mrs. G. Bernard 100 Mrs. Bruuskili 40 Mrs. Paige 1 00 Mrs. Williamson 50 Mrs, Braekin 30 Mrs. Wootten 20 Mrs. iMortson 60 Matthew Mortson 010 Mrs. KUiott 30 Mrs. Jefferson 25 Mrs. Gale 25 Mrs. Bull 25 Miss Fry 60 Mr. Norman Macleod 5 00 Mrs. Newberg 50 Mr. Brown 25 Mrs. Campbell 60 (Collected by Miss Korsnell.) Giles Kernsnell 2 00 T Uoblnsou 1 00 Mrs Hart 60 Mrs Castor 25 (Collected by Miss Thompson.) Mrs Thompson 100 George Bean, U 20 Griffith Williams 85 A Friend 1 (;0 Miss M Thompson 50 A little Friend 10 A little Friend 10 Mrs Wyer 60 iVir Douglas 2 00 Mrs Douglas 2 00 F Suttle 60 F Kelly o 25 W Brantars 25 Mrs Johns 26 Mr Curtis 25 Mr Harper 25 Mr Biggins 60 James Legge 26 Thomas Legge 25 AURORA. Trinity Church. (CoIIeeted by Miss Robinson.) RevJ McCoUum 5 00 Miss Gurnett 60 CaptninStupart 1 00 Mrs MoUou 25 Mrs Harri') 25 Mrs Uolladay 5U .Mrs Bosanko 25 Miss Arnold 2S Jacob Balfry 25 A Friend |o 25 Bobert Mosiey 26 WmMosley i oo Mrs Lepper 2 00 Mr Keigley q 50 A Friend 26 J U Bond 25 Mr Logan 25 Mrs .Mackell 100 Mrs Fields 1 00 D Monro 26 Doan 60 Goodo 26 Mrs Doan 1 oo Mrs Lang 25 Mrs Hillary 1 00 Robert Campbell 25 Wm Campbell 60 Mrs Lee 60 Miss Lee 026 Mrs Douglas 25 Major Fry 25 Mrs Barr 26 Mrs Pcul 2 00 Miss Nickel u 50 Mrs Normand 1 00 Mrs Vunostern 1 00 A Friend 017 Mrs Harrison 1 00 Mrs Jupp 1 00 A Friend .-JO James Mosley 1 00 Mr Nichel 60 — >L KING STATION. jT I All Saints'. I (Collected by Mrs Garden and Mn Kowe.) George L Easden 60 J Uhowe 100 Dr LangstafT 1 00 James Gaze 1 ou John Langstaff 50 The Misses Brown 70 Mrs Brown 15 OL K'.lnee 30 George Garran 50 Samuel Mitchell 25 F Weeks 25 Mrs P Crossley 20 Whitting Crossley 25 Jonatliau Folliott 26 Mrs Nixon 15 Levi Crossley Ola (Collected by Rliss Armstrong.) Mr A Mrs Armstrong 2 00 Isaac Hamilton 60 Neil Malloy 30 T Moore 25 John Harris &u John N Harvy 60 Noah Biooy 25 Thomas Chapman 60 Mrs Stob 25 O P I'iowman 1 00 Andrew Hamilton 60 Thomas Watson 1 00 Mrs McGee 40 Mr Henderson 1 Ou Mr Promp 50 Mrs Garden , iiu Mr Lund 50 Mr Malloy 26 Mr Jackson 26 A Cameron 3U John Htephcnson 5 (lu !1 V BTOBICOKK. ' (Collected by Mrs. Cooper and Mias Cooper.) ReT. H. C. Cooper $5 00 OrUeatty iO 00 FHowUnd a UO PHowland 1 <0 W Main 150 Mrs Main 60 J Uockeray 1 00 Mr Colling 24 Mr Black 25 Mm Darche 25 W Dawfion 60 Mr Williams 25 Mr Ireland 25 Mr tlRrwood 24 Mr Cluyton 1 25 Mr Bell 2U Mr Knopp 1 00 Mr Ware 25 MrFunaom 25 Alice Chambers 35 Mr Howard 10 Mr Harris U 2U Mr Somerset 1 60 MrKogers UO Mr Schiller 50 HGracey 100 D Murdock 25 Mr Smith DO Mrs McClinchy 24 A McClinchy 2() Mrs I'hillips 25 MrSiddal 40 MrsKinxdom 07 Mrs Creech 10 Mr Dower 30 Mrs Wilson 25 JMcClincby 25 Mrs Warden 1 00 Mrs Chambers 48 Mr Atkinson 50 K McLennan 25 Sundaay School 162 (Collected by Misses Wood and Smith.) John Moore 1 00 Mrs Thistle '^5 Mrs A Thompson 2 Oi* Arch Thompson 48 Mrs Davis 60 J Young 60 J Peeler 25 Mrs Ide 50 Jldo 60 H Lord 24 Mrs Lord 24 S Musson 1 00 J Varey 25 Mr Johnson 48 Mrs Johnson 24 Friend 20 Mr Wilson 60 R Wilson 25 S Wilson 24 Miss Wilson 25 Miss E Wilson U6 N McLeod 40 ETler 50 JMcUonoll 1)10 Jame Miu Tbco OliO Mra Hull 1 UO Mrs Murray U 25 Mr Fittton 010 Mr llorwoud 26 Mrs Wootten U U Mr Beckett U 25 Mrs PutteraoD 25 Mrs Markwull 27 Mrs Currle 26 Mrs Luach 2J Mr Leuch 5U T Cooper 6i) Mrs llopkiDK U 25 Mr. Uarvuy 50 Mrs MoDckman 25 Mr Metcalfe 2 uu Mrs CalUwull U SO Mrs Wbitney 25 Mrs KoHS U no J Lukes 50 Mrs Uray 20 Mrs Keodal 20 MrsXilLsou 20 Mrs Jackson 50 Friends 88 More, £8q UO (Collected by Miss jJales^^d Miss Powell.) Mrs Bales 1 00 Miss Bales U 5U Mrs Morgan 50 Mrs Powell 1 00 Mrs Armstrong 50 Miss Catbcart 25 Mrs Stevenson 25 (Collected by Miss Scott.) Miss Scott 1 00 Mr Nigbtingale 1 00 Mrs Mghtiugale 50 Mrs Taylor 1 00 Mrs McDonald 50 Mrs Playtair 50 N Verse, jr 1 00 Mr Car.y 24 A Mctarland 20 Mrs Jioyds 49 Mr Mackenzie 20 Mr Colts 5U rrieuds 2 10 (Collected by Mrs. Hose. ) Mrs Jobn McCormack 50 David Lynn 50 Jobn Leu 1 00 B Joslin 25 Mary A MuCrea 25 Elizabeth Uuse 50 Jobn AicOormack 25 A I'riend 24 and Fish, Mm $0 I ^ THORNHILL. (Collected by the Misses Parsons.) Arnold, .Mrs A 50 Bruntikill, Mrs 1 UO Carr, Thomas 1 25 Urown, a oO Draper, Airs 1 UO Ellston, .Misa 50 £Uston, Mr 50 Kii-h, Miss. OAU Friend .'.0 Friend 3S Featherstone, Mrs S'.O Fry, Mrs 1 00 Foot, Mr 1(10 UalenouKh, Mrs 1 00 Iloldsworth. Mrs nO Johnston, Mrs 20 Lemon, |{ 1 00 Lano. Miss 25 Leonard, K 50 I.«lliott, Mrs 30 Medd. Mra 60 Morpan, Mrs 1 00 .MunNhaw, W 50 IVxton, .Mrs 100 I'atprson, .Mrs 00 Purkiss, J 1 00 Parsons, Mrs ,100 Parsons, J 6 00 Parxoiis, Miss 1 00 Parsons, Mips E 1 00 Snowden, Mrs 50 Soles, Mra 20 Starks, Mrs 50 Wiles, Mrs 1 00 Wiles, R 1 00 Williams, Mrs 60 ^ RICHMONDHILL. (Collected by Miss E Arnold ) Arnold, R .1 4 00 Adiington, Mrs 8i> Brown, Kbv O M 50 Brunxkill, James ., 100 Blake, Mrs 1 50 Cook, John 25 Cogswell, Mr 50 Cliiipman, Mrs 1 oO Davidson, Mr 50 Friend, A o 20 Friend, A 50 Friend, A 25 Kirkpatrkk. W 60 Lano, \\m 1 OO Lumley, Mrs o 10 .Vlunsbaw, .Mr 20 McDougall, Mrs 1 00 Parsons, Samuels 50 Pearson, Mr 025 Richarls, Mr 1 (10 Reid, Henry 50 Reid, J 60 Shanklin. Rev R 6 00 steel, Mr 25 Teisdalc, Mr 1 00 Wilkie, Mrs 50 (Collected by Mies Seagcr.) Cook, Mrs 25 Dore, E A 05 Langstaii; Mrs J 1 00 Lawrence, A 60 Lawrence, C E 2 00 Lawrence, Mr« W U 1 00 Mun.fhaw, W 20 Newton. Mrs 60 Pickering, Mrs 18 .Seager, Edmund 100 Sealer, Mrs o 50 Seager, Mi8.« 60 Seager, Miss A 50 Seagcr, Misa iMary 25 Short, Mrs 50 Seager, W o 25 Stephenson, A 20 Stephenson, Miss 16 (Collected by Misa Liofoot.) Barnard, MrsQ $0 60 Cooper, Sirs o 25 Crosby. Mr 25 Campbell, C 1 uo Friend, A U 20 Friend, A 60 Friend, A 16 Ilnll, Mr , U 12| Hart, Mra 50 Hodge, \V 60 Keller, Mrs 26 Linfoot, Mrs 60 Morden, .Mrs 26 Palmer, Mrs 60 Palmer, Mrs 1 00 Sanderson, Mrs 26 Sedmen Mr 60 Trench, .Mrs 26 (Collected by Mrs J R Arnold. Arnold, Mrs J. R 2 60 Bridgeford, .Mr U 26 loughlin, Thomas 26 Connel. Mr 10 Davidson, Mr 26 Friend, A 010 Hall. K 60 Hopkins, .Mrs 26 Harris, Mrs 26 Leo, R 26 Langf>talT. 60 Myers, W 60 • Midciilf, R 26 Mattbie, M 26 Powell, Mr 50 Patter.-on, Mrs 100 Raymond, R 60 Riley, T 10 Ramsou 20 t^hepberd, E 60 Scott. Alexander 20 Thomas, Mrs 60 Waterhouse, J 26 ^ LLOYDTOWN. St. Mary Magdalene. (Collected by Misses M Osier, T Eastwood, A Gilbert, £ East- wood, E Pinkerton, R Irwin, V Osier, and J Sprowle.) Lieut-Col Armstrong 4 00 A Armstrong, Jr 2 00 R Lodge 2 00 Miss titead 1 00 MJ Reynolds., 50 J Anderson 060 .Mr and Mrs Eastwood 10 (10 Miss Eastwood 1 00 Mrs Ellis 1 00 .Mr and .Mrs Smith 2 00 M Wood 1 00 J Brown 60 Dr Scliolfield 2 00 W Tyson 60 W McKinley 100 J McKinley 100 W Thompson 1 00 .Mrs Beatson 60 T Jennings 50 Mrs Edwards 75 Mr and Mrs Street 1 00 Mrs Uinters 60 Rev 11 B Osier 6 00 .Mrs Osier and family 7 60 8 Pinkerton 60 A Sloan 60 J Ray loo I Boisii oeo I COLLECTIONS. 71 Mr Calhoun $0 60 Mr and Mrs Lawrence 2 00 R.rs 11 IVrry 60 Mr and Mm Gamblu 2 00 Mlsfi Sprowlo 1 no Mr J Perry 1 00 Mr Leonard 100 T Perry 50 Mr ana Mrp Mooro 7 00 Dr Playtcr 2 00 £ \t'llliam8 1 00 Pl!dgO.) John nHllinirer 4 00 Mrs Samuel Burton 25 Mrs Jami's Arnott 35 VVlUinm Tisdale 60 Mrs Susan McAulay 25 Mrs Henry Arnold 50 John Fraz-T 1 00 Jami^s nr>ppor 25 Joseph I'olby 25 Mrn M iii);ram. jr 25 Mrs M Ini;ram, ecn 60 William Foster 50 John Atcheson 60 John Rogerson 25 WElliott 50 Mrs W Elliott 50 Fliillie 100 George Parby 1 00 MrSutHff 60 HGooderham 50 Mrs Darby - 1 00 John Darby 100 ROooderhnm 60 John Barnbill 25 MrsCRutledee 50 Mr* W McClintoc 25 Robert Ramsay 1 00 Mrs R Rami>ay 50 William Herron 25 John Maddon 60 John Cavil 1 00 Daniel McGi'l 2 00 Mrs Adam Cook 40 Miss Qriirgs 25 Mrs John Abbott n 25 John Abbott 25 Mrs D MaFon 10 Miss Ballinger 50 George Birdsall 50 Col W Birdsall 50 Mrs FO Birdsall 30 Mr Creen 100 William Stephens |0 60 Mrs Joseph Uiltledgo 60 W Hutlcilp. 25 / nilKDIT. i (Cellcctod by MrThomasand Miss Ilammond.) Jnmi's Mngrath 5 00 \V Clarkwnn 1 00 Mr'' lU'iimeron 25 Mls.M Ouglitred 25 F I'ollard 25 y\t» (Muipman 25 Miss .«hnok 25 Wm Lockhiirt 20 T Mcliill 26 H 1' Read 100 Mtk C Ailiimson 60 Hammond 2 00 Xrs llannnrind 1 00 I ThMmna Iliiminond 1 (10 I MisH llammond 1 (10 I FForster 100 (Collected by th» Mioses Harris.) Captain Jas B Harris 4 00 Mrs Harris 2 00 Miss A Harris 1 Oil Miss M Harris 100 Miss I, Harris 1 00 A B Harris 100 MrsM Urown 2* .Mis8( iiirkson 100 'roUccted by B Anderson.) E Anderson 20 R Anderson 25 WR Forster , 2 00 A Adamson 100 (Collected by Miss Conover.) C A Conover 25 F Conover 50 Mrs Shepherd 20 Mrs Stafford 2) Christnpher Boyec 25 D Camernn 1 00 Charles Canvron 1 26 Mi.«s M Anderson 25 MI-sK Anderson 25 Mis'O Anderson 25 Miss L Andeisou 25 R;Bell loo (Collected by Mrs Flodge.) Rev T H Hfdge 6 00 Mrs Hodge 1 00 Kmily Hodge 40 Huroert Hodge 40 Mrs E Taylor 1 00 M Murphy 75 John Higgins 25 Charlotte Blair 50 Mary Patch-t 50 MrsH McGill 100 Mr Wilson 40 Mr Ellis 50 Mrs Hunt 25 Wm Magrath 00 Miss Magratb .'i 00 Misa Alley 3 00 John Quin 100 H McGill 100 Thomas King 100 Henry Shook 25 ^*'BII.\M1T0N. (Collected by Miss Higley and Miss CoK.) BoT R Arnold 5 00 J Smith tOM R Woodcocic 1 00 Wm Hughes 1 00 Gen. Creel 4 00 R Trotter SO John Coyne 1 CO J A Thistle 2 00 Wm Golding 1 00 Mr Whitehead 60 Mrs Whitehead 35 Miss Sutherland 26 A Friend 100 J Dddds 100 Mrs Matthers 100 Mrs Cox 1 00 Mrs Ellis 60 A Stranger 1 00 Wm Pnilg 1 00 Mrs Huglies 1 00 Mrs McDonald 1 0(1 W U Graham 1 00 R Chisholm 1 00 John Lynch 100 W Stark 1 00 Wm I,aidlaw 1 00 MrClifton 1 00 100 Mrs Cummins 2 00 Miss Grant 100 Mr Alderson 1 00 Mr Hurst o 50 Mrs Shenick 60 Jacob Clark 60 John Sncll 60 A Patriarch 6ft Mm Elliott 50 C Stork 60 Edward Bannister 60 A Friend 26 Marv MeCloskio 25 Mr Wriirht 25 MrsNel-on 26 MrsHoll 20 I' Hartley 25 Mrs Clark 60 J Truby 25 (Collected by Miss Willis and Miss Fletcher, Richard Willis 100 Edward Fletcher 100 .lohn Willis 60 Thomas Willis o 50 A Friend 25 Oscar Smith 60 WmBly 016 Edward Fletcher. 60 Mrs McClelland 96 A Friend 10 Richard Mortimer 60 Dugald McClelland 50 Robert Fletcher 2 00 Alexander McKay 26 Wm Fletcher 60 Mrs Scott 1 00 A Friend 29 (Collected by Miss Livingston.) Robert Livingston 1 00 Martin Morrison 30 James Hamilton 50 Richard Hamilton 40 John Sinclair 1 00 ^' qeOroina. Ritchie, Rev Wm 6 00 (Collected by Miss Donnell.) Dnnnell, Jno sen'r 60 D \r 1 (in HIcli. 11 U 50 'froloar, Hrnry 60 StuVBtlFOU, J R I 00 (Collected by JIlss Trent.) A Frli-nl 10 AndtTKon. .M A 25 Aiidnrsoti, Sirs 1 (10 Itourelii.T, Mr 50 romer. Mix" 2i) llowurd. Mr 2 00 Ilnyt's, Mr 16 on, Mrd 1 25 Earl, Mr 25 Mornn, .iiio 26 -N'oblo, MrH 26 Trent, Mr 1 00 Parks, Mr 05 Paddy U 05 (Colluctcd by Miss A. Thornber. ) Falrbalrn, Mrs 05 Evans, Qcorgo 1 OO Kny. Joseph 50 Kay. John 100 Thornber, Mrs 60 Parks' i^cboolbouso U 24 "^^NEWMARKET. Rov S F Ramsay 6 00 Msjor Estun 2 50 WmRoo 2 50 Alfred Boultbee 1 Oil N Allan linmble x ^0 8 W Uallon 160 J C Hotfaboom 1(0 Nelfon Oorhnm 1 50 Thomas llurton 1 00 Wm Trent 1 00 Hodge & Brother 50 Wm Simpson 50 Wm MoMastcr, jr 00 Miss MaRuirtf 50 Walter Dudley 50 Alfrtd Rum 60 C II Graham 60 Mrs Mulock 50 D Sutherland 60 James Niekson 5^; Wm DaWHOn 50 Carroll & Brother 50 y HOLLAND LANDISa. John Shcppard 60 T Cbapmani 60 Thomas Selby 50 Wm tfelby o'.i Mrs Toby 1 00 James McClure 1 00 Thomas Lane 100 10 It Dncon (1 00 KJ Thornu 3 00 Wm lIThorno 2 00 MARKHAM. St. I'hillip'a Church. (Collected by AIlss E. Pintle.) John Ro1iinf>on 2 CO Amelia I'InKle 60 Jo.ieph K I'lnglo 60 Jnvio Kakiii 'J6 Mrs Drown 50 Jacob rinpfli! 100 (loorKo I'InKin 60 Kninia Rawls 20 Marcella I'lnglo 26 Allco I'lnglo 25 Wm Pinglo 25 Samuel .Moorby 100 Wm Davidson 25 (loorgo Kolilnsun 40 Wm Hdrnlcy 1 00 John Williiimdon 100 John I'Ingle J 00 Mrs (if'oruH Pinglo, son'r, 48 Mary Stiver 20 (Collected by Geo. L. DaTldton.) Oeoru'' M Davidson 1 00 Mrs G Davidson 100 Jno D.^Vi'lsou 26 i;ilen Martin 25 (J \. Davidson 25 Ambrose llarnott 2 23 Thomna Reviss 20 A friend 25 P DKekardt 010 Wm Eakin 015 Mrs Keller 010 John Stevenson 40 Kuphomia Eckardt 60 Wm Davidson 25 Mrs lieid 25 Annie jitflmen 12J^ Anne Davey 20 Anthony Size 24 Mr^j Lahy 20 M M Braithwalte USO Thomas 11 urfter 40 Thomas Lownsborough... 1 00 Saruh Lownsborough 50 Hannah Lownsborough... 60 Mrs Cotter 48 Mary Jauu Duncan 013 Mr Joyce 60 A Friend 24 Andrew Nicholson 013 II P Crosby 25 KevGco Hill 61)0 Grace Church. (Collected by Miss Tane.) William Barnes 2 00 Henry Tane 2 00 ACrowle 25 J Dobson 60 C 8 Barnes 25 Mr Browning 20 J Armstrong 1 00 11 Speight OSP Geo Mortimer 24 PR Miller 50 J Mansfield 50 Wm Armstrong 2 00 Mrs Reynoldson 25 Mrs luglis 48 Jno Re«ior 100 % Hon David Raeior $3 M David Wilson 100 Donald McKay 100 ( v)(| Lapp 90 .1. (Irahamo • 4S ■los Henderson 1 00 A Willis 60 Mr Mllrhell 24 Miss McLean 1 00 DCash 80 Mrs Jtnes 20 (Collected by MIis BylTMtor.) Mr»TJD8mlth 2 00 ' Mrs 8 Milne 100 Mrs Atkinson 2 00 II Sylvester 1 00 Mrs Robinson 1 0riip<.r ; Mw NlrhoIJi J l*n Mr* llnrper .'," Wrt D«»|.t W Dr.v.B nri Brown a," 5™ Till ;; Mr.WTa>r A U«l»i{iit.r Mm , f/ii Wb "iid.br ■■■■ MriDMHcJonelJ.::;, COIntka .... MmVTvritl..'." MwMc'jiian...:;.;:" A FrIvDd wnicoir«ii. .,.;.;;; Wm CsmpWl ■.'.,' Ura Campbulj •A Wfocl..... ..,.,. ',..'..' II 00 I 00 80 ...... 0«0 25 W 3fl 24 ooa 2« 20 28 3A 'a • ... 2a oao 40 .... 2a .... 8,) .... 60 .... 60 ... 28 ... 28 ... 28 " 28 ... 28 .. Of.O .. 28 • 20 '. 28 . 80 . 28 . 6U . 28 23 loo 28 80 28 loo 60 60 60 60 38 2.^ 60 J Men Ho-«Johinton.'.'.V.".". ■K FrxDoli » a A B yoNunn...;;.'.;"" Henry Adami... "7" Ax-'ew A frl.'nd .... Jnkkay HMjrjr AJann...;""" M QroM WDM ftnoh.:;."".'" VmTill Mm OIIdij Wm AndHMon. r.'.;;,". Mr Mawley nitliam Lots ,^ • O60 John Woodhouie MmTlncombe..! Mrs Barker.. MniKoolc I".'."; Wm Qlboon... John Blow... ThoDftH coady.' John Uwreuoe..,..".' Wra Kennedy w Tnow Mw Jacknon. ...."' John Wlllij.. Mr* J Wauon.'."' WM A Cimeroo. ...".■ Wra W Wai-reQ,...; *JM Southwell.. MraCorrtl ■■ --« Thomaa Lawlor 5 '^ MJfmlth:.. "60 AMTinoomb^ 23 "a'tmmnpa-:::::.:: SIS COLIEOTIO.VS. JJlT'^ n»i«teD I Ur .Natlnn. , ' •'"•"■ge A N.iion";."";;.v"" )''•"?"« , A < onun .... •' " 'ro^by ...■.■.'.'.'.' ' A ''hnmiiioq..."" " A I'lauk. ••WHIanli ..' ' «Moor» " A Mliman ..." " w'Tn.uton, :.•;;;; « " Thompson.... " "jhoinp^^on:,:.: •;:;:::::-• ; f Pmpo " jl'iivmfoid.;:;:; J' JIm Button 2; )'«« »UtfrHth.... °' .'ohn M (joM ... Mllllum McQulro."." •-"nimoner MrM'opUnd ..■'.'.'.. HobertOlp Mrc UaKDian... •'«mi'» Nation... Mr* Mbelur ,. ■• u !iA (Collected by,»ll-^.^Natlon * »„„ Wm MeRtaarKart Andrew Oraliam Sarah ."iiHrlnir I'fttrlukUibbn.,..' .Inmej Vronman .,;;.■.';"■ A H Chanib«r« ... M«ry tni.ihary... Saroncl Umnhry .'an)«(i Umiihry 'uclnd.1 Umphry," 60 .. «60 .•100 •• 25 .. 25 • 26 . 20 . 025 > 25 26 028 2.') 013 60 60 25 50 028 015 MiM Cellcr A Friend " A Frlond "["■ A Frleiid /|] J 'I'hoDipBon','.'.'" "r Hmitii.... ■■ Mri<.«'inltb .'."" A Friend . . 'M' "nmllton",".'.;;" ■I Morn Mra Finch. .".!!!.".'.'." J DIcHey .""" "•'ynolda... Mr* VioChail W Wllot... J A Be bee....;;;; Mr Olelland. !jiTa Stewart....;;;; J llooper — chadwick;;;;.";' Mr Aeul .. 20 .. 30 . 2,1 . 25 .. 28 .* 30 •I 25 25 60 0:J5 60 26 26 60 20 25 60 28 80 ' 60 60 060 60 60 2 10 60 60 28 38 1 110 1 00 28 88 Reynolds,) 1 00 80 60 35 80 .... 28 ... 60 .... 26 ... OfiO .-. 3U ... 25 .. 10 ... 25 .. 25 .. 25 .. 10 . 60 .. OBO • 10 . 50 .„ . ' V 00 DrnX'r"""'^'^"""''^'> "'•" loo Amos St. .Tohn... William Hodgson.. X^^ •'*^«'' Vrooman ;; ^|» .'ames Rvan "^'^ OhWrtopherSwi'tj;, S 5? H McKinnon . .;;; "SO ;'oshua Bacon 26 JWShaw " 26 lakoDobie.;;;;;;;;;;;; ** ** WCKERlNO. (Collected by Isabella Boddy) Mrs Warren "^l! MrsOeddes ^"0 Mra Lazenty;;;;;;; 0^2* Mra Law ' « 25 iVmHann'n; ? 40 *^^V Warren ^"0 Charles A Wa'rren 26 WAlcCuno„g"h L2» Mra Green... ? 60 J Mitchell. ^00 50 COLLECTIONS. 76 Frtdarirk Mmd piU Mr noddy U 2A .(ohn UoUdy SA (Collectva by QcoriilDK Sterling.) Ocnrglna Htvrllnn 'JA •Inhn l.ipnuy 'JS Jiiillth Milling 26 A KrlviKl I) \!) C 8t.rllii({ 0(13 W hiiirliiiK 0U& KlixttU'th Miirteu U 10 Mm Kt'iuly 10 A FrUna 10 A Kloml OU'J .1 Wilkon UU5 U8H OW HCinrk 0ft U lluntor oua (i HiirkiT 10 John Klliot 10 Mm A .McKnv 3U Druniuii Tato U06 DDiiDi'l 60 MrsMdiiH 2ft Margurut SUIuy lift (Collectt'd by Mlirci K Sterling A A lluyd.) Elizabeth Bturllng :!0 A Friend 1 00 II Crawford. OM Dr WodUruir SS iMra OruKiud ftO O M Law 20 Andrew Andurnnn OS A FrlenJ 02 Mrs .lulin Kauey 012^ Annlolloyd « iiO MmUlbHon. U5 A Friend li» MrsdideM U Jumi'R Drown 26 A FriPDd 010 A Friend OIL, U'Jate 6(r Mrs Coats 25 Mr Elliot 25 MrsU I'ost 20 Charles Hood 25 LuwU Urnnt 50 Mi«» lAiavens lU Mrs Wliltm-re 20 WmCuthlwrt 50 George Burns 50 1) Bunting U60 Mrs Mathews 20 Mrs Varty 50 Miss Varty 25 Mr. Ueuumont 12t Mr T Bolion 1 UO JLIpsey 100 Mrs llalney 25 W Whiteridu.....'. lUO OAppelbee » 25 J Hill 25 A French 30 M Muir 10 Alexniider Kunnpdy 100 Vim Dunbar 1 00 Jamei) Baxter 50 Sr Bowman 50 MUs Head 50 Mrs Fuz 100 (Collected by Mioses Uowden and Bowles.) Mr nowden 100 Mr Hawkens 100 Mr Lumeden 1 00 WBudd 26 Marirarat llowdan $0 36 KIISHbttth Drown 36 A Friend U lU Jhuii's I'lle U 60 Wni I'varron II 50 Mr iMetrair U 1,0 .lou Itoliliison U15 I'linc DIri'hnI 25 Ali'MHnder Drown 0*6 )<(ilM!rt lI'Mlx^on II 50 MrnO Spcii'er fto John Ilxwdun 60 MiMUbltesuiltb 2ft W Hill 26 A Friend 13 I' HodKiin (125 Mrs Ayirs 2/> \V KuMiell 25 UTeillnKbRm 25 Mrs II epence 6U Mr i Dronden 26 Mrs BreckMU 50 Mrs. I West 20 virC Swallow !45 .lames Moylti 60 A BMoyle 25 Samuel Moon 25 Mrs Xhos Mason 20 (Colleot«d by MIsB M Myors.) I Myers 100 Mrs Myers 1 OU .1 I'erkins 2U J Uayuor 26 \ m Lanton 60 J Long 100 W toiiR 60 Thos Long 26 M J Lon« 25 Qeirgc brury 26 MrsDrurv 60 Kichard limry 20 A Friend 10 Mrs Bell 100 .tno Brock 26 ,Ino Duncan 60 W Duncan 60 Mrs Duncan 60 MraCamracr fOM Mrs Harris OM Geo fct%n M Wm Meran U » M Hrran OM .Mrs I' K\ nor II 30 G H Dmiirernw 1 00 .lolin .'lierwood 48 .1(1 eph ^hl'llpllrd Ii 10 K t>lieppaiu 010 (Collected by MUs M A KmII.) W Mi.(.n 3 00 Mrs Mimon 100 Frunels iMnson 60 Mrs FMsstm 60 liRvId MjiM)n 50 Alfred N'uson A Churchman 3 00 l>r Ardagh 2 00 HJ Oliver 1 UO Mrs Bowers 1 00 Clifford Thompson 1 00 Mrs Wilson 1 00 JQuinii 1 00 Albert FowUe 1 00 W Grant 1 00 Miss Atkinson 1 00 Miss Wilson 100 Thomas Elliott 1 00 DL Sanson 100 McMuUen 1 1)0 Frank Evens 1 (lO Mr Nick 1 (10 George Booth 1 00 Sarah Boolh 1 00 L K O'Brien 1 00 James Beard 100 Mrs White 1 00 iVIis.i Darling 1 00 Mrs Rawson 60 Miss Kowe 0.50 J B Horton 60 A McVIulIen 50 T Wainwright 50 SLps George King, 50 'niomas Atkinson ''O B Wheeler, sr 50 B Wheeler, jr 50 Mrs Kir 50 5Ir8 Udiikins 50 John Beard 50 John Severs (150 Mrs Hipwell 50 Miss flipwell 50 Mr Overend 5U Charles Jnrratt So In small amounts, und col- lections at moutings... 6 55 (Collected by Mrs G Mctlanus.) George McManus 2 00 Charles Carson 100 Junics Darraugh 1 00 Joseph Darraugh 1 00 Charles LeJ 60 J R MoAdams 50 Itobcrt Wills .50 George Kidd. Adjala 1 00 Mrs (J .McAdams :... 100 John F Connor 100 (Collected by the Misses Mary and Martha Perry.) John Perry .50 Mrs John Perry 50 Abraham Martin 1 00 H Carson, sr 50 Joseph Carson 50 Mrs G Martin 50 John Mitchell 60 In small amounts 010 COLLliCTIOJJS. 77 (Collected by the Misres L Hutch- inson and E McCoppin.) JoHeph Hadock $0 50 John Alexander. 50 Jameg Bower CO MarkDraku 1 25 In small amounts 10 S3 (Collected by Mrs J Spcnso and Miss Mary Coonoy, at Laurel.) Township of Aramantha.. &^0 Collected at meeting 7 0J COOKSTOWN .^' U- (Collected by Miss Maria Kelley.) Rev A J Fidler 5 00 Dr Lund 75 Andrew Ferguson 100 Mrs Isaac Ferguson 50 Wm D.xon 50 James Uook 50 William Armstrong 50 Miss Hipwell 50 MrsFawcett 50 Charles Banting 50 A Friend 50 In small amounts 4 93 (Collected by the Misses II and ' I'atterson.) Mrs Fidler 100 SamuHl Patcrson 1 00 Matthew Goodwin 50 Mrs Patterson and famUy 1 00 C Cooke 50 In small amounts i 35 Cdlcctod by Miss A. J. Fisher 2 42 Do. by Miss Mary Unit. 1 00 (Collected by Miss M A Coleman.) William Coleman, sr 100 Jeremiah Ferguson 50 In small amounts 135 Collected by Misses Fettis and Nicholson 4 57 (Collected by Misses E Wilkinson and Sarah J Chapman.) SF Chapin 140 Arthur Wilkinson 1 00 Henry Morris 50 Robinson Whiteside OoO Mrs Whiteside 50 John Nicol 50 John Mather 50 John Whiteside 50 Henry Whiteside 050 In small amounts 8 30 Collectt-d oy Miss Ilanscy and Mi^s Wilkinson 6 00 Collected at meeting 00 Additional 93 ■^ MULMUB. St. Luke's. (Collected by Aliss Marparct Mor- rison, Mulmur,and Mrs M Mor- rison, Rosemont.) John Morrison 1 no J M Armstrong, M.D 100 John McNabb 100 John Little 1 00 Robert Murphy 1 00 Mn McOleary 100 Mrs Henderson |0 50 Samuel Moore ... 60 Mrs Mitchell .W Mrs Little 50 Kdward Little ,^0 Jnmcs Little 50 Willam Wripht 50 f'amuel Henderson 51) Williiim Ewetis 50 Small amounts 9 04 ^Collected by .Miss Sarah J. Hare.) .Tames Little 1 M) Richard Brett 1 00 Mrs Ilnre 60 Sarah Jane Hare t 50 Arthur Morrifon 'lO .lohn Lawson M Henry Haddock ™ 5(, Richard Irwin 50 I Mathew Boles 50 I George McCleary 6(1 I In small amounts IG SO AUJALA. Iloh/ Trinity. (Collected by Miss MnrRaretHocy and Miss Margaret Ucaslip) .Toseph Guyius 2 00 David llocy 1 50 Samuel Haeslip 100 Robert Thompson 1 00 ■lohn La wry 100 Mrs McCutcheon 1 00 Mrs McCluary 100 Miss Mary Ann Hoey .'lO David Hopy 0.")) Kdward Aiitin ."iO William Brown 60 John llopy 50 .lohn Qui^ly oO Malcom .McUreggor 4" James Little 48 Charles Uawkes 48 Mrs Long 4S Mrs vShcppard 48 .Fames Lyon 48 John McMulkin 43 Samuel llaeslip 4S In small aniv/unts 8 82 TECUMSETH. (Collected by Miss Sarah S. Ham- mell and Miss Mary Ann Hill.) 100 16^J/2 2 00 100 CM) 50 50 50 5f. 60 1 00 50 Mrs Henry Hammell Mrs Mary Hammel &fam. Mrs Wm Hammell Mrs Mary Hammell .lames Hammell Wm Henry Hammell Margaret Ann Hammell., Jane & Montes Hammell. Kobort Hill Elizabeth & Mary A Hill.. Montas Hammell .'amesand Margt Ilcams. Robert, Alexander, and Mary Lilly Mrs Wm Mc.Adams Edward Morris Sarah Morris Richard Morris Humphrey T Hipwell Mrs Elizabeth Delano 0 Sutherland and Stewart... Vv Mi.ss Rebecca Fletcher, and .Miss Walker.) J Goodwin 50 MrsJnhnptnn 50 In small amounts 5 15 THOUKTON. St. Jude's (Collected by Miss ITnmilton and Miss F. Clendennlng.) Mrs. Gray 50 George Wright 1 00 Andrew Hamilton 50 Mrs It Cunningham b-i In small amounts 4 44 (Cullected by Miss M McCartney.) James Armson 1 00 Thomas l.oughced 50 William Brooks 60 Thomas M Banting 1 00 Wm McCartney 50 George Willoughby 50 In small amounts 2 i!0 Missionary collections 4 42 / 79 Ritchie, E C $2 00 Storror, Wm 60 Thompson, W 4 00 WebMt«r, Leonara 25 (Collected by Mrs. Geo. Mills and Mrs. Kdwin O'Reilly.) Bruce. Miss 100 Battcrsbell, Mrs 25 t;rp.nfleld, Mrs 59 b'lavers, J OOS .Mewburn 33 Mills, Mrs W 100 Mills, Mrs 60 Mills, Miss 60 Mills, Miss A 50 Mills. Mrs Geo 1 00 O'Keilly, Kdwin 1 00 O'Reilly, Mrs E 1 00 O'Keilly, Miss 26 Squire, Mrs 60 Warren. Mary 12 Wliitaker, Mrs 25 80 (Collecied by Mrs. C, D. Grasett and Miss Browne.) .\nonymous 25>- Barnard, Mrs 50 ' Fotheringham. J 25 Grasett. Mrs C D 1 00 Leary. Miss 07 Simpson, Miss 1 00 Talemaii. E H 75 AVhitc, Mrs 1 00 ^^» HAMILTON. / Christ's Church. (Collected by Mrs. H. B. Bull, and Miss Kurr. ) Ansley. J C 1 00 Bull. H B 5 00 Cahill. Mrs 2 00 Cape. Mi.«s 1 OD Cruch, Wm 100 Kerr, R W 5 00 Thomas, W II 2 00 (Collected by Mrs Ridley.) A donation for Mission P. 15 00 Blacbford, J 1 00 Crosswoll, Ralph 1 00 Clark. Benjamin 50 .loncs, D 1 00 Macrae, J 4 00 Macabe, Thos 100 Pnwis, Wm.jr 5 00 Ridley, H 5 00 Ridley, CM 2 00 (Collected ' :. 'irs. Thos. and ."si ■*. Hariiker, Ancnywovi I Anonymcu' Brown, Margaret Bcasley B , John C'l uiibers, D 'K'c'l.ri, L Jolinson. Mrs ■lud^l, John Kellong, G Knott, Mrs Kennedy, Mrs Macabe," Thos McAllister, H Mills, J W .Macabe, James Stacy, Mrs Steinson, Mrs Spencer. Geo B Townsend, J W Walker, Mrs G Walker, Mrs Thomas Walker ) 25 25 10 25 100 25 25 2d 100 25 60 100 100 60 100 60 25 25 1 00 100 35 100 2a (Collected by Mrs. Ward and Miss Geddes. Attwood, Wm 100 Bethune, R 5 00 Buscard, R 60 Cook, Mrs 1 00 Cooper 1 00 Fearraan, F W 50 Luxton 50 .Morton, Mrs 2 00 Morris, J 25 Russell, Lady Alexander.. 10 00 Smith, Mrs 60 iCoUectedby Mrs. Wild.) Anonymous 50 Do 60 Do 60 Do 50 Do 25 COLLECTIONS. ( 3 i 1 1 J ] I ) J J ■ • 1 ( r 1. r I 3 3 i 1 3 1 J» J» E A J( J A W w Af a; Ml Anonymous $0 10 Do 25 Do 26 Do 50 Do 25 Birkett, Wm 2 (10 Bruce. J C 50 Kvans, Ft ~ 50 Fuller, K U 60 Hardiker 25 Jeffery, Mrs 50 Irvine, Wm 50 Lethbridge 60 JMillB, Mrs Joseph 1 nO Muir, E (loO Morton, Mrs 38 Morton, Mrs 2 00 Macknae. Colin 1 00 Peacock, J 50 Powell, Mrs 25 Piewon, Wm 50 Papps, Ilonry S 6 00 Taylor, Mrs 1 00 AVyld, Frederick 2 nO Well wisher 25 100 (Collected by Mrs Miles O'Reilly.) Anonymous 1 00 Anonymous 50 Best, Thos N 100 Best, Mrs 1 00 Bu!:combc, Mrs 1 00 Billings, iVIrs » 2 00 Boyce, B 60 Gregory, Mrs S E 1 00 Gregory, Helen E 25 Hodland, K 50 Jarvis, Miles V R 25 Kerby,EU 25 Kidner, .Inmes F 1 00 McAdam, K P W 25 Murray, Clias 50 Morgan, CJi 25 Mason, J ■) 1 fio Macher, James 1 00 O'Keilly, Miles 2 50 O'Ueilly, Mrs 2 00 O'Reilly, Miles, jr 1 00 Patterson, Mrs 1 00 Ruthven, Mrs 1 00 Ritchie, James C 100 Ritchie, FG 1 CO Ritchie, Edmund 1 UO RM P 50 Strathmore, U X 1 00 Sago, Tom 1 00 Shuttlevrorth, Wm 25 Shuttleworth, Wm., jr... 25 Wilkina.II A 50 (Collect<.'d l)y Mrs Gregory and • MissSSGcddes.) Anonymous 25 Do 015 Chyntleburgh, Mrs 25 Dallas, Mrs 50 Graham, Mrs 25 Lyons, .Mrs 1 00 Lister, Mrs 60 McKinstry, A 1 00 Nigh ;. 25 Prire, Mrs li ,".0 Smith, Susan 10 Wagslaff 25 (Collected by Mrs Villiers and Mrs Stow.) Anonymous 50 A 8 25 AmbridgA, Miss 100 Ambridge, Mary $0 25 Banner 50 C J L 25 Eagan 30 Truman, Mrs 25 Green. Alfred 0-50 H V V 25 JC 25 .Morrison, W II 60 Uogers 1 'lO Snow, Mrs 50 Villiers, .Mrs 1 00 Winer, Mrs 2 00 Weeler, Mrs 100 Wright. Mrs 100 (Collected by Mrs T Walker.) Mavre, John 60 Young, John 2 00 (Collected by Mrs Bird.) Anonymous 25 1)0 01 Hitss, A 1 00 Birss, EC 1 00 lientty, Mrs 50 Butler, Mrs 13 Beaver, Miss 12 Cameron, Mrs 10 Vueny, Mrs 13 Johnson, G 50 Lodson, Mrs 06 McCoy, Mrs 1 00 Mapplebak, J 17 Wetlierall, Joseph 1 00 (Collectid by Mrs E Browne and Mrs G O'Reilly.; Anonymous 1 00 Atkinson, .Mrs 75 Askin, Mrs loo Browne, Kdward 5 O'j liirkitt, .Mrs i oi» Bowen, Mrs 50 Blytbo, Thomas A 2 00 Cameron, Archibald 6 00 Carroll, Peter 4 00 Counsell, Sirs C 1 00 L'uggan. .Mrs 1 OO Fisher, Mrs 2 00 Griffin. .Mrs 100 Grant, Peter 5 lO Hill Mrs 100 Jamie>^ci: .Mrs 2 00 Land, Colonel 4 00 Law, R N .' 1 00 Leggo, Mrs a «0 Lethbridge, Mrs 100 Wilcholl, Mrs 2 00 .Martin .Mrs E 2 00 .Mundie, Mrs 50 Mills. Samuel 5 (iO O'Keilly, .MrsG 2 00 Start, J E 1 00 Stiuson, Mrs E 2 00 Walker, A E 1 UO (ColleetL'd by Master G ?.IcT:«nzie.% Crombie, Henrietta 1 00 Chiilleo, AH 50 Cottle, Percy o 25 Cottle, Kdward 25 Fauquierc, A E 50 F.iuquiere, Charles 25 Oillar,Jane 35 Gojrly, It 50 Leith. AH 50 McKenzie, Itev J G D 6 00 McKenzie, Mrs 2 0) McKenzio, Emma 50 McKeuzie, Kate 25 McKenzie, Mary $0 25 McKenzie, George A 60 McKenzit, JB 25 McKenzie, E C 26 Mills. Charley 26 .McCombs. W M 60 Marsh, Herbert 50 Woods, W A 25 (Collected by Thomw BelL) Bell, Thomas 4 00 Beattv,H 1 00 Beatty,G 60 Bingham, J 100 Coldham.C 60 Forsyth, George 1 00 Gunn, J 100 Smith, E 1 00 Ward, J A 100 Wallace, II 100 (Collected by Captain Harr"nj,'ton, and Lieutenant Somerset, P. 0. 0. Rifle Brigade. Allaize, Lieutenant 2 00 Buller, Lieutenant 100 Cavendish, Lieut l.ord E.. 2 00 Do Moleyns, Capt, K A.... 2 00 Dillon, Ensign 50 Fitzgerald, Ensign 50 Fairfield, Lieutenant 50 Harrington, Captain 2 00 Higgins, W 1 00 Johnstone, J J Hope 60 Montgomery, Ensign 5i) Palmer, Lieutenant 1 CO Parr, Lieutenant 3 76 Somerset, Lieut 2 00 Somerville, Hon Mr 1 00 Tufiiell, Ensign 1 00 Walpole, Ensiun 100 Whalley, Captain 2 iiO Warren, Alajor 1 00 Walters, John 2 00 (Collected by Rey J Q Qeddes.) Burial Certificate 1 00 Geddes, Rev JG 6 00 OeucJes, Mrs 2 00 Geddes, Miss 1 00 Oeddes, S Steward 1 00 Geddes, Mary Allan 1 00 Geddes, J G, jr 1 00 Oeddus, G W AlLin 100 Locker, J 60 Locker, Mrs 60 Sharp, Mr 100 Sharp, Mrs 100 Neville, E 5 00 (Collected by W Powis, jr.) Anonymous 18 Do 25 Do 75 Armstrong, James 1 00 Broadbent, Mrs U 60 Tiy, John 100 Geui'"S, Wm Allen 6 00 Grist. John A 100 Graham, Elleu 25 Me.sselt, Henry 25 Piper, K J 100 Park, W 25 Royer, Sarah 12 Keed, Mrs 1 00 St. Thomas' Church. Rev C II Drinkwatur 5 00 Collection 2 37 John Stinsou 1 00 Wm Gordon 100 f COLLECTIONS. 81 2 00 100 2 00 2 00 50 80 50 2 00 100 O&O 511 , lt;o , 3 76 . 2 00 . 100 . 100 100 2«0 100 2 00 Gcddes.) 100 5 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 100 1 00 1 00 50 50 100 100 5 00 18 25 75 100 50 100 5 00 100 25 25 100 25 12 100 Church. r .... 5 00 2!»7 100 100 (Collected tiy MIsB Campbell.) VV'M.'iikeug $0 60 C S Cliittundon 1 00 Cii«h 012i U F McKcclinn 25 Cash SO A Friond 60 MrH Jatic Williums 2.5 Miss Smith 25 Mrs Ot'o Land« 25 A Friend. ..« 10 iVIr.s Fuller 25 A Friend 010 A Friend 25 Caph 50 A Friond 12i Thomas Smith 60 A Friend 25 A Friond 25 Agues Hurhanan 2u0 .1 K Oreeuwootl 1 00 Mury Morrison 25 (Collected by Mr.- W C Cross.)J WC Cross 100 11 White 101) Church of the Ascension. Adam Brown 10 00 Major Bradley 2 01) Mrs Itradlty 2 00 J Y Belts 2 00 Alex Bruce 2 00 J .M BucUun 100 FA Ball 100 Mrs Booker 1 00 Mrs Burrowos 2 00 W Clnringbolo 2 00 F Cresswell 1 00 W CassoU 6 00 T Corson 2 00 Goorv;e DyetC 4 00 SB Freeman 2 50 Mrs Fothergill 1 00 A F ForlHjs 100 A Friend 100 F \V Oates 10 UO Kcv .7ohn Ilobden 5 00 Kev C L F Ilaensel 5 00 J Ilarte 1 00 W Irvine 100 Mrs JK Irving 2 (;0 Richard Juson 20 00 Mrs Logan 1 00 R A Lucas 2 00 Donald Mclnnes 10 00 Alex Mclnnes 200 Ilugh Mclnnes 2 00 L R Marsh 5 00 \V V Murray 2 00 James Meikle 1 00 U M Mooro 2 00 W I'owis 100 J n :'ringle 100 JS I'urk 100 Geo Lowe Reid 5 00 A Ramsay 2 50 Henry Rouih 2 00 R I> Street 2 00 Ooo Thonipsou 4 00 Miss Wurry 100 BAKTON. St. Peter's Church. (Collected by Miss V Ryckman.) Almas, Fred and family... 2 00 IX Almas, Mrs Samuel $1 00 Bluudbll, Ann 25 Bond, Mrs Silas 1 00 Bull, Rev Q A 6 00 Bull, Mrs 6 00 Cook, Mrs 1 00 Darkei James 50 Filman, Jacob 2 00 Flock. D 1 00 Gourley, Col 2 00 Hubbard, A 1 00 Kern, Samuel 2 00 Lawry, Thomas 1 DO McKeown, Mrs 50 Muirhead, W 100 Offerings at sick CommU' nions 1 00 Rennie, Alex 2 00 Rennic, Mrs 2 00 Ryckman, Mrs O M 100 Ryckman, Jennie 017 Tillman, Mrs 1 00 Whytc, Mrs (Barton L'ge) 2 00 Young, Alex 100 GI-ANFORD. St. Paul's Church. Annual meeting 3 41 Gage, John and .Mrs 2 00 Mcke'.t, Samuel 1 00 (Miss Kramer, collector, north.) Tait, George, 50 Tydd, John 1 00 Tydd, Mrs 50 Tydd, Benjamin 50 TydJ, Henry fiO Kramer, Jacob 100 Kramer, Mrs 60 Kramer, Margaret 60 Kramer, Jane 50 Drayton, William.. 60 Drayton, George... 60 Ramsdeu. H 60 Skinner, George 60 Skinner, Mrs 50 Ryckman. Mrs Sr 50 French, Augustine ,.. 1 00 MacDougall, Mrs 75 Blair, James 50 Grey, Charles 50 Braybrook, Mrs 10 Riddle, Mrs 10 Kern, David 1 00 McKee,l!; 12J Heslop, Geo 50 Heslop, Mrs 50 Brigham, William 100 Brigham, Thomas 'J5 Brigham, William O'/o Terrvberry, Jacob 60 Allison, Wm 50 Allison, mary 40 Perkins, Sarah 50 Yeager, GmmaJaue 25 Wallico, William 25 McKee, Henry 60 Willson, SG 100 Hiles, S R 25 Goodale, John 25 Bates, David 50 Gage, William 60 Gage, Mrs 25 Fye, .Margaret 25 Mcl'hilemy, Fanny 25 Wallace, John 25 Tydd, Joanna 75 B&t(»s, James 1 00 ( MiM Mulhol tend, collector, Mttth.) Mulholland, Wm $1 OO Webber, T 1 00 Webber, Miss 26 Betbune, Dr..., 2 00 Smith, Amos 1 00 Smith, Mrs 1 00 Smith, Phoebe 50 Smith Rebecca 60 French, Thomas 1 00 Looming, Wm 100 Leeming, B 1 00 Lucming, Mrs 1 00 Young, William 100 Kern, Chr'stopher 1 00 Mulholland Miss 50 Mulholland, Elizabeth 25 Palmer. Mrs 25 Miller, W A 26 Smith, C 25 Hibbard, Jacob 050 McKee, Mrs 26 Brierley,Wm 25 Ellis, Henry 60 Coon, J 60 Cook. Jonathan 25 Blacklock, Mrs 25 Martin, T A 60 Fink, Mrs W 60 McKco, Philip 60 McKee, Ussher 50 Morrow, Mrs " "^ riurns, Alex 75 Mason, David 75 V — y^ 8ALTF1EET. (Collected by Miss Taylor and Miss Meddlar.) Mrs Tweodle 100 Richard Tweedle... 100 Miss Taylor 100 Miss J B Taylor 60 A Friend 25 James .Meddlar 25 Mrs J Beadle 25 A Tweedle 25 John Gollan 25 Marv Ann Taylor 012^ Henry Williams 012^ (Collected by Miss GoUan.) Mrs J Teneyokj 50 Dr .McKay 100 S Soules 25 S Harris 26 Mrs A Land 50 Abel Land 50 Martin Teneyoke SO William Pettit 80 J Pettit 80 George Dewitt 25 Mrs BeckersoD 25 F Folkman 25 J Scott 25 T Nicholson 012^ Catharine King 25 W WKing 25 X STONEY CKBEK. (Collected by .Vliss Miller ami Miss F Wilson.) A Friend 25 A Friend 25 Ira Utter 25 Mrs Forbes 25 W Hopkins 50 Mr U Hull Om i i 1 i 82 A Friend (0 25 Dr McKelcan 1 00 Mr McDonald 25 AnotherFrlond 60 Howard tipaleg 60 Mrs Sharp 25 Mw Nnsh 026 MrSpora 25 Mrs Alexandor 50 Ker J Ii Alay: nilor, hiu annual fnbsc' 'ion to Widow tt Otph" , T F'd... 6 00 (Collected by >'■:■■ yrawford.) Mrs Martin 1 OO Mra'-Voo.Un.n 25 MrsG-li 25 P Depe \ 25 Mrs H C> i.: Uwalte 12^ Mrs Wilier 25 B Young 25 WHarriH 50 PCrawford 30 Mrs Lottridge 25 J Perry 10 Mr« P Vanwagner 50 R Cumberland 45 George Secord 50 Mr Peacock 25 Mrs G Waller 26 G Mahony 25 Mrs Hopkins 121 Mrs Cameron 50 J Gage 60 H Lutz 60 Mrliurkbolder 25 (Collccteti by Miss Barnes.) MJOImstfad 100 Mrs M Barnes 60 A Ftit-nd 60 George B Grey 25 MrstJ I'otiruff 26 Mrs Eliza Thurston 26 Thomas Davis 100 Mrs vtary Felkir 26 Mrs Jane Spera 26 ONTABIO. 4- (Collected by Miss Chambers and Miss Smith.) JBPettft 100 J Footer U 50 Mrs Foster U 26 D Nixon 1 00 J Carpenter, 50 WBN 60 AR 50 HE Nelles 1 UO MrsWolTerton 25 Amos Chambers 1 00 Mrs J W Willson 50 ANCA8TER. (Collected by MIm Bubh.) John Aikman _ 1 00 Mr Ely ™ 50 Mr Whitcomb 1 00 Mr t^cboeiiier 60 Crooks Aikman 60 Mr i^hlkman 7!^ Dr Orton 2 Oj Mr Hush 2 00 Mr Farmer 6 00 (Collected by MUs Gable.) H Ggliston 100 ▲ £gUstoiie 100 COLLECTIONS. Frank Eglistone $0 60 Mr Ilammlll 1 00 Mr Postans 60 JFinlay 60 MrLndor 1 UO Mrs E Clarke 60 MrsGurnett 50 J A Gurnett U25 Mrs IlalFon 26 Mrs J Ilammlll 60 MrsThuTlson 60 Mr Byrns 60 Mr Crane 60 A Friend 50 Mrs R Irwin 25 C Nedecin 26 J H Rousseau 60 Friend 10 Mr Edison 25 Rev F L Osier 5 00 St John's Sunday school children 2 80 k OAKVILLE. (Collected by Mias Chisholm and Miss Fletcher.) Bretbour, Mrs 2 00 Cantly, Mrs 2 00 Cbifholm, MrsG K 1 00 Fli'tcher, Rev John 5 00 Holland. C 3 00 Holland, Mrs 1 00 Langtry, Wm 75 McKnight, Mrs 50 Smith, Mrs John 1 00 Smith, Robert 3 00 Smith, R W 6 00 (Collected by Miss E. Champion.) Biggar, T 60 Champion, J C 100 Evans, Rey Geo 2 00 Foote.Capt 1 !)U Friend, A ^ 50 Lewis, George ^ ^ 00 Merigold, D '. ■, Thompson, W o 25 TllBon, J 25 Upham, Mrs 60 Widow's mite 25 (Collected by Miss Pettit and Miss E. Pettit.) Biggar.JL 100 Biggar, Mrs Col 6 00 Coyne, A 2 00 Freeman, Mrs J L 2 00 Gavin, Agnes 20 Hanna, Hugh 1 00 Hughson, l^li8s 50 Pettit, W Y 7 00 Pettit, Mrs 5 00 Pettit, Miss 1 oO Ppttlt, M II 1 00 Pettit, J 2 00 (Collected by Miss C. Melbourne.) Arnold. Edith 25 Appelbo, R 8.. 1 (lO Appelbe, James 100 Armsti'nnv, Christopher... 25 Brett, James 100 Baker, U J 60 Brown, Mr 60 Baker, Mrs 25 Barry, Bat 26 Brown, M A 26 Cbisholm, Mrs Joha 2 00 Chisholm, Uii Q B 1 00 Crooks, Mrs $0 50 Caruthcrs, Tom 25 I>(4amort, Miss 60 Dcccon, C 25 David. F 25 Ford, Mr 1 00 Ford, Wm 100 Ferrah, Mr 60 Friends. Six 176 GulU-dtre, Henry 60 Geary, Geo U 60 aermain,C 26 Gariiiuer, 25 Hillmer, Mr 100 Hubner, John 60 Hagaman,G 60 Harrifion, Isaac 50 Herder. CH 25 Holmes, Mrs 25 Jones, Mr 2 00 Jones, Mrs 50 Jail, Mrs 25 ■lohnston, T G 25 Julien 25 LuRk, Mr 25 Melbourne, J., & family.. 6 00 Moore, C II 100 McOrath, Wm 25 M acre, Alex 25 Mills, MA 25 Marshall, Andrew 25 McCftbe, John 26 Ogden.Dr 1 00 Ogden, Mrs 1 00 Otto, George 50 Oliver, Wm OSO Pollard, C S 25 Ratdboy, Peter 25 Reynolds, Mrs 25 Regan, B 25 Steele, .Mrs 50 Shinquin, J 25 Ward, Wm 25 Williams, J W & family... 5 00 Williams, J A 50 Woodley, James 50 Woodley, Samuel 60 -■ ;f~>PALERMO. v' (CoD'xted by Miss Switzer and Miss Wilkinson.) Biggar, Mr 60 Bitgar, Mrs 60 Biggar, J 25 Carrique, Mr 25 Dolmoge, Mr I 00 Harrison, Mrs ."iO Harrison, Miss 20 Harrison, b 26 Sanderson, F 60 Stuart, Mr 100 Smith, -Mrs 3 00 Smith, Mr 100 Wilkinson, F 100 (Collected by Miss Peacock and Miss Langtry.) Emerson, Mv & Mrs 100 Fryer, Edward 26 Fryer. Mrs 25 Goney, James 10 Laniitry, Mi»s M 80 Langtry, George 60 I'eacuck, Mr and Mrs 1 00 Peacock, Geoige 26 Shaw. Mr 26 Speers. M 25 Wtlggs, Mr 100 60 5U 25 25 loo OAO 20 25 60 100 1 00 100 too 100 U25 25 10 60 50 1(J0 25 25 25 100 jii m 'ii (Collected by Ming Switzor.) AikinRD, Alexunuur |ii 50 Abb§. Mr 25 Buck, .1 25 Buck, R 25 Buck. A 60 Bowman Mr o «0 Courtney 25 Hunter, Rev n 8 50 Howell, Mrs W 25 llageD, Wm 50 Harrison, llonry 60 Ki-nny, Mios 25 Kennedy. Mrs 15 LawrHiice. Mrs ,1 2f> Maydi'Wfll, John 25 Palton, VIra 20 Robinson, Mrs J 25 fihi'Hdiin, Mrs 25 Smllh Mr 25 Switzer, U M 2 00 Street, Mrs .John 25 Street, Mrs Joseph 25 Street. G 0^5 Spt.ers, Mr 25 Wilson, John 50 Winchell, Miss A L 25 GEORCETOWN. (Collected by Mrs. Denroche,) Rev V A U'Mcara 5 00 T Bustnn 1 00 A Burnsido 1 00 G Parker 60 J McLean 60 R Churcliworth 50 Mrs Patriarche 1 00 MrsS Baily 60 Mrs Walker 50 Mrs Jnbbett 25 W r Denroche 6u Mrs Chase 25 Mrs Wilcox 25 Dr Rannay 50 (Collected by Miss E. Braddy and Miss Ransom.; .TB Wripht ; 25 B Thompson 1 00 Miss Thnrnpson 60 Edith Phi'lipa 60 Mrs Treeman 1 00 R Barber 60 Mrs JYouufi 1 00 Miss F Wright 80 SStrnttram 50 S I'haiips 1 00 WW Roe ■» 00 Mrs Page 4 50 St. George's Church. GeorpoW StBll 50 .John Cook 50 Richanl Baycndale 25 J dwis StuU 25 Mrs John Aikert 50 .Tohn Lindin 25 Samuel Uovell 25 John Price 25 Mrs W i^tull ys ^' r TloBooby 2 ii- C'.lleetifi i at meeiinj; '• uv' I'EIV .*'.!" 3 c' y-.y A. S8 Thouipson and M' iSlandish.) (CviHc; "iXf & M"-" Thompson 1 50 COLLECTIONS. A Friend $0 20 J Halner 36 MrsStandish 1 00 J Berry 50 MrsJStandlsh 25 J Murray 1 lO A Ryan 25 Mr McKay 25 I) Cross 60 J Holland 25 Tllell 40 W Yound 26 D McGibbon 60 Mrs Kow 25 Mrs Millar 35 Sarah 25 Mm Thompson 26 John Johnston 60 AKriend 60 Kobert liobiuson 25 Mr-i Campbell 26 D Qrahnni 60 Airs Thompson 50 Mr Kobinson 25 S Standish 50 Robert Malath o 12* SStandish 25 Anne lleuton 25 Mrs J Thompson U 25 NOKVAL. (Collected by Miss Pexton.) Wm Pexton 1 00 Mr Peck 25 Mr Watson 5i> Mr Ross 50 Mr Little 60 MrClKy 50 MrNicholl 60 Mr Pette^rew 50 Mr Hewson 30 Ellen Walker 25 ^ GDKLPH. (Collected by the Misses Palmer.) Alexander, Miss 50 Angliu), J 1 00 Brock, L \ 00 Houlter, II 25 Outhbert, Robert 1 00 ■;ard, >Mss 1 00 Cunningham, MrsTJ... 50 Corbet. Mrs 60 Carthew. Mr 2 00 Card, Marianne 25 KUiott, Geo (M F) 8 00 Klliott, Geo ^G P V) 2 00 Ewing, Wm 50 Friend , 2 00 Karr, Miss 25 Greet, R 2 00 Grange, Q J lu 0) Gray, Mrs J 60 Ilorsman', John 1 50 llorsman. Mrs J 160 Uigglnbotham.N 1 00 Ilewer, Mrs John 50 Hewer, Mrs 1 00 Hinds, Mrs o "^ Hooper, Mrs 25 Keating, .Mrg 2 00 Kurr. F 'i 00 Kingsmill, Col W 5 00 Kingumill, J J n 00 Kennedy, Dr 4 00 Keller, Mrs , 1 00 ' King, Mrs Jos 26 88 Lewli, J L Lemon, A Mackeniie, Mrs J McWilliBma, Miss McWilliamH, Cbas McWilliBms, Cha«., Jr..... McKee, Mrs Moore, R M Mardonald, Judgu,(M V). Murton, Geo Morris, Mrs Newton, virs OliTer, Mrs II Oliver, Sarah Parker, Mrs Dr Peterson, II W Palmer. Rev A Rust, a n Rolins, Mrs RilUy, Mrs Sayers, Tbos SMjers Walter Swlnford. Mr Tumor, Mrs Tracey, Mlsa Thorp. Miss Thorp, Mra J Underbill, Mrs Wilson, Mrs Oeo Wilson, Wm Wilkington, Mrs White, Mrs Uobt White, H B White, Mrs U B Wh.te, Miss Wales, Mrs Friend $1 00 1 00 60 00 00 00 30 00 10 00 2 00 U 26 1 00 60 25 1 00 1 00 20 00 2 00 60 60 2 OU 60 200 1 00 1 00 25 26 060 2(10 200 1 00 1 00 1 00 60 60 12 60 (Cellected by Miss Parker.) Alloway, II j qO Atkinson, Mrs 1 00 Atkinson, J 2 00 Atkinson, Oeo i OO Atkinson, Joseph 26 Atkinson, Mrs J 26 Bilby, Mrs ,, i otf BIlby, Wm 60 Hillings, Geo o 25 Card, Tsn'r i oO Jard, T jr i oO Coy, Mrs 26 Colerige, W o 50 Dickson. Mrs o 60 Davis, W 60 Davis, Mrs 5 60 Davis, T 60 Edwards, Silas..,,,.,,, o 60 Friend g gfi French, Mrs g ;» Mongol, Wm 25 Hinds, J 2S ••nugo, Arthur 4 00 Hottge, Mrs 4 oO Hogge, A B 1 00 Uarland, E 1 oO Harland, Mrs E 1 00 Harland, S ] oO Harvey, Mrs , \ 00 Harvey, R „ j qO Husband, Mrs 1 oO Hill, A 25 Isaacson, 8 J 60 Jones, Mrs 26 Jones, E 20 Joues, Mrs „ 25 Joue.s, Miss 25 Jackson, Mrs J 25 Jones, Mrs A 60 Undsay, T 60 I Light, W 25 'Light, Mri 25 f 84 COLLECTIONS. I Lennoi,Mr§ $0 25 MelliBta, Mm 2 00 Martin, Ld B 2 00 Murion. W 50 Murton, II 60 Murton, 30 Murton, Geo 60 Orr, Mrs 60 Talmer, Ooo 6 00 Parsons,'!! 1 00 Parsons, H K 1 OU Parsons, Mrs UK 1 00 Parsons, A 1 00 I'arsons, Miss 60 I'arlter, W II 1 60 Parlcer, Mrs 1 0(1 Parller, Miss 1 00 Parker, Miss FJ 50 Parker, Miss II A H 1 00 Parker, Miss A 50 Parker, Miss II 60 Parker, Miss A II 20 Parker. R D 50 Kydal, J 1 00 Sunderson, Mrs 25 Tolton, Mr 1 00 Tolton, J 2 00 Thring, B 1 00 Thring, Mrs 50 Watson, Mrs 1 60 WaUon, Miss 50 W*t«on, W 60 Worsfold, Mrs 100 Knowles. K 25 Bllby. Mr 1 00 Jackson, Mrs 25 (Collected by Mrs. Chadwick.) Barber, Samuel 60 Chadwick. .1 6 00 Chsdwick, FJ 2 00 Chadwick, Mrs F J 2 00 Chadwick, Louisa 1 00 Humphrey, Anne 1 OU Jackson, Kichard 2 00 Sorby, Mr 6 00 Sorby, Mrs 3 00 Steele, Jno 17 (Collected by Miss A. Cain.) Alden, Mrs 25 Bard, Mrs 25 Cash 50 Cooper, Mrs 1 00 Cain, J 1 00 Emery, Mrs 25 Friend 10 Grand, E 50 Halladay, Mr & Mrs 2 01) Howes, Mrs 50 Howltt, Mrs 2 GO Jones, Mr 1 00 Jones, Mrs 25 Lamprey, J A 2 00 Lamprey, Miss 1 00 Lamproy, Miss A 1 00 Meadows, Mrs 15 Molten, Mrs 26 NeeTO, J 6 00 Oakes,Mr8 35 Pooley, G 4 00 Romain. C E 2 00 Stone, F W 4 family 10 00 Sweetman, M 5 00 Smile", W 50 Shaw, Mr 50 Taggart, J 1 00 Whetstone, Mr 40 (Collected by Theo. Tale.) Oibaon, Mr 26 nurd, H $2 00 Hurd, Mrs 1 00 Ilewat, Mrs A 1 00 Norris, Mrs 37 Kicbardscn. Mrs t 00 Vale, Capt 1 00 Watson, Thos 1 00 (Collected by Miss Thurtell.) Bell, Wm 1 00 Hcadon, John 2 01) CnrJ,John 50 Cnrd, Mrs J 50 ("a.'ter, Mrs 60 DaT.'e,James 4 OU Hum, Joseph 25 Jackson, J 60 Jackson, Thomas 50 Jenkinson, Wm 50 Jackson, Dan 50 Kench, Thos 50 Marsh, Mrs D 1 00 Marsh, Mrs 1 00 Marsh, WHjr ' 50 Marsh. J F 25 Mitchells, Miss 50 Mays, James 50 Porter, Wm 101) Thurtell, Mrs 2 00 Thurtell, Miss 1 OU Thurtell, SD 1 OU Turner, Wm 60 Turner, Ipanc 50 Turner, Miss M. 50 Trotter, Thos 1 00 Wilson, Wm 1 00 (Collected by Miss Pipe.) Arklc, Mr&Mrs 101 Baker, A A 2 UO Baker, Mrs A A 2 00 Brown, W J 2 00 Evat, F 2 00 Friend 25 Friend 25 Harvey, Mrs 2 00 Hewal, Col 1 00 Hitiginbotham, Mrs 60 Murton, Mrs Ed 100 Neevo, Mrs W 2 00 Pipe, Mr 2 00 Rou, Mr 1 00 Smith, Mrs F 51) Smith, F J 1 00 Strowger, A 1 00 [Tilton,Geo 50 Tracev, Miss F 25 Wood", Jno A 1 00 (Sent from Ireland by Miss Stewart.) Hon. Mrs. A 2 00 Miss C A 40 MissO 50 MissBC ] 00 H L 20 J B A 50 US 2 00 Mrs G 1 00 Rey II S 2 00 Mrs H S 1 00 MrsW J 4 00 Wm McW S 1 00 US 1 00 Mrs C 50 Mrs J « 50 Rev J A S 4 00 Mr B LS 2 00 Kev J B 1 00 Mrs J B 60 MiM M 6U Misic js %2 ro RevOMS 6 00 Rev H W S 1 00 Mrs II W8 1 00 CM 20 MrsF 1 00 PU8LINCH. (Collected by John Oulton and James Hewer.) Corkcll, Thos 2 OO Bell, Jos 1 00 Bright, Henry 25 Birges, Jnmes 25 Carter, Thos & family 1 00 Clay, Mrs O 13 Couling, Jesse 26 Caulfleld, James 1 00 Decker, Mrs II 50 Hiitton, Jno 12 Hewer, Jas & wife 1 00 Haines, Henry 1 00 lies, Jno. 1 flO Oulton, Jno q 65 Oulton, Rachaol 50 Nichols, Geo 1 00 Starkey, John 25 Smith, Ed 25 Wood, Wm & Sarah 25 Winyard, James 25 Winyard. Mrs 25 Wakefield, Geo 26 Wakefield, Mrs 35 Wakefield, Esther. 12 Wakefield, Geo jr 25 Wardley & wife 60 ROCKWOOD, Collected by Mrs. Myles and Mrs. Strange IG 60 (Collected by Mrs. Sockett.) Bcnhi;rn. J jr ., 60 Cove, Jlias C 25 Duflleld, Henry 50 DuHicld, Henry jr 25 Nichol. Mr 26 McWilliams, Richard 25 Sockott, Mrs 1 oO Sockett, Thomas 50 Sockett, Misses 50 Sockett. Goo 2» Worsfold, Mrs 25 (Collected by Mr John McCree.) Bolton, John 1 00 Bailey, Robt 25 Clare, Mrs U 50 Clare, Josiah 25 Clare. Jas R 25 Clark, Thos fiO Gibson, Mrs 25 Luttrell, Wm 50 Luttrcll, Jno Alex 25 Luttrell, Sam Alex 25 Lush. Wm 1 00 McCree, John ] 00 McCree, Mr8..„ 25 McCree, E 25 Maikins, Mrs (I 25 Nichol, Johnjr !A) Pricr, John 25 McCreo, John, jr 25 Collected at meeting 5 50 % » > i f SIORA. (Collected by thu Miiiii)>ii Nicklin, Qralii, ywan, aud Foator.; Anonymoug $0 25 AhU>II, John U no Heal, Mm Ml Bliriro, (i()or|r« 'J6 llUnpo, Mm Oeo '.'S lIMncn, Mrn Wm 1 00 llllnro, MrH '2 no Colllim, Mrs 25 Diiiby, Mm '25 Drowcry, Mrs '2b KIkRrton, Diivid U Ml KIkerton, VVlllimn 1 00 KIkurtoa, It 10 KiirHtiT. Mm 4 family.... a do UcyiioldN, MiiiN I (Ni Ui-ynoIdH, V 5ii Slilnldii. Unlit J.'- 8wan MfH ' • Tliacker, Mrs (Colli'rti'dby thu Million III-; ..ilii» ■■ AnnnymouD 1 no Carter, Win 1 00 Chlnnect. Kdbt o 5ii Clarke, Charles 1 dO Dalby, Robert 1 no Farrow, A 25 Farrow, Mm « UTJ^ Farrow, Thos 25 Farrow, Mrs T 26 Farrow, Carrie K 12} Friund, A 25 Gllkiijon, Grant 1 00 llele. J W 1 00 Martin, Thop. 60 MarHhall, Miss 25 McNeal, John 25 Newman, K H 1 00 Kollitt, Chas 60 IShepiiard, MrsW 25 Slicppard, Jacob '2b Sbeppard, Mrs Goo 100 Shieldx. Alexander 60 Still a friend to the C>h... 1 00 (Collected by Miss Klrkcndall and Miss Fraser. Coxhead, Caesar 60 iMognirc, Mrs I'J^ Parsons, Mrc 25 Kobinson, Win 60 Roberts, Hugh .50 Short, lx!onai'd GO Short, Maria 50 (Collected by the Misses Crossmon and Hele.) Armitage, Mr & Mrs 50 Bain, John, scu'r 00 COLLBOXIONS. niKKflr, John $0 25 Finlayson,.lohn Or 100 Fraser. Mrs 25 Fraiior, Miss U 25 tleddes, A I (10 Oediles, MIhs 1 00 Hamilton, .Mrs Jamet 100 Hamilton, Margaret 25 Jones, Mrs 26 KIrkendall, Josephs 1 00 Kirkendnll, Mary M 60 Lapeiiostiere, Mr & Mrs... 1 00 I'aget, A H lir 2 00 I'restrin, Isabella 25 Smith, MisH 25 Thiimpsiin, Itev C K 5 00 Thompson, .Mrs 50 Tliompsnn. Adelaide K ... 25 Thompson, Charles F.... 12^ Tliompsou, Henry All... 12} -^ FKIUU'S. (Cnlerted by Mailnmes drain and (Irtoii. and the .Misses Uos« and Muiiifonl.) Anrell, Mr* 25 llUik. Mrs M> llrown, Mrs 1 00 lltirhiin, Mrs 25 (NiiiImiu, .Mr 2 no • 'nl^iiton, J A 5 0) llrywiale. A 1 00 Kerrler, A I) 1 oo Kordyce, A I) 1 00 llrii'v. '.V 1 00 A W 1 00 .1, Mrs 1 00 Imin, T(l I 00 (lrov»-s, A 25 Hiileblnson, .Mrs .50 lriin>i«le, J (> 50 Kenlinu'. Mrs M \\rnl\ug, Mrs Jiuiick 1 00 l\in«, I' _ 50 Larter, Mrs - 25 I.lngwood, K 2 00 l.inKWOtsI, W 50 .Mae(|Ueen, .Miss K 25 MeXillaii, J A 50 Miimfcircl, M 60 .Mnmford, Herbert 50 Muteh, Mrs 60 Orton. (1 T Dr 1 00 lloss, Mr 1 00 UosB. J C 60 Taylor, Mrs 26 Thorp, Mrs 25 White, Mrs 25 Wilson, Mr 1 00 Wvllie, J n 1 00 Walker, .lohn 25 Wilson, Mrs 25 ARTHUa. Grace Church. (Mrs .Tas. <1. Clarke and Miss Tiernan oolloetorF.) Rev S Houston 6 00 John Mcintosh 25 Mrs T Smith 2a MrsC Smith, jr 10 John Ogden 25 Mrs John Ogden 25 Alexander J Ogden 25 MaryOgden 25 ticoigo gmitli, Bcu'r 60 85 Mrs George Smith $0 25 Mrs Edward Ogdon 26 William Smith 25 MrKlllott 50 Mrs Hunter 25 Oregory Ternan, son'r.... 1 00 Gregory Ternan,jr 60 Henry Ternan 1 00 Mrs G Ternan 25 Miss Ternan 25 Joseph Clarke 25 llernard .Murphy 25 Henry Ternan, jr 25 Mrs G Cavanagb 121.^ A Friend 2a J Smith Pattlson 25 Mrs (ohn (lilmoru 50 .\lrs Joseph Gllmoro 25 George Kidney 1 00 MrsUezell 25 Mrs Rafter 50 John Smith 50 Robert Smith 60 Mrs Jami'S Hamilton 26 W illlam .Mahon 2 00 Martha Davidson 26 James Davidson 60 Mrs Robert Uobson 25 Mrs Rajri; 12J4 Mrs Uunston 1 00 Caroline liunston 26 Mrs hass 25 Mary MrCullough 25 George Church 25 lieorgu Moore 25 Wlllinm Knglish IS Susan n.i Moore 05 Mrs llassard 25 Thomas Rafter U 60 Jnhn Knglish 60 John Rafter 26 VIrs Wm Ternan 20 Waller T((rnun 25 MraW Ternan 25 II WhiU>tleld Toman 06 William Norris 25 John Boyd 25 James Henderson 25 Wm Henderson 25 Thomas llleakeley 25 Mrs Tb'is RIeakeley 25 Amarllla RIeakeley 25 Joseph K RIeakeley 25 Robert Knglish 1 W) William Shaw 25 Rob.-rt York 60 Joseph Lennon 25 Wellington Patterson 25 Mrs Jas G Clarke 26 WmJasClarke 25 (Miss Clarke and Miss Fuller collectors.) .Miss Deborah Uenry U 25 Isaac Coyne 50 Rachel Rrown 25 Thos Campbell .50 Mrs Coyne 60 Anno K Coyno 10 James H Coyno 10 Mary E Coyne 10 Hannah Ida Coyne 10 Jessy A Coyne 10 Mrs J Small 25 Mrs John Uuschliu 60 Miss Rolston 25 Charles Auirt 9A Adam Balentine 26 James Farrel 25 Kdward Gainer 26 Mrs Green 60 r 86 iMBO Orcen $0 25 MmOcoritoCliurch '> M Tlininnii Martin t) 16 Inniiili Uroi'n 'Jft Mrn .1 Oriipor 'iit Win K Dnipcr 25 Henry 'iVriiaii ') 5l> Mm Ibcrtunn " '-•> Robert Mitclicll ' JO Wllllnm Whlto n 50 MiH Wlilto ') 50 Wiillnco White » 25 William Chiireli I) 50 CharlHton F Allen .",() Mm Temple •' «" Maria Tein|ilo 25 Wm Wanilck 25 Marxiiret '^ilentlno 25 MrH .la. ksnii 25 Mr« .l"liM (huroh 25 John ( l.inoh d 2) UeiirKu llryans 25 Alexandi'r Mcintosh 25 William laekKon 00 11 Klly Fuller 25 Albert I'rdntor 25 AJolalile Clarke I' 25 FrienJH :)') (The Misses Slooro cnllectors.) Willliim Ilryuna 50 MlHsliilus 25 Mrs Wm llryans 50 G Monro and family 2 00 Jos Draper 60 Mrs '.V MitrlKll 25 Rkhurilson 2u Small 1 00 ^i 'lcl'li«rson 25 I'eter Bu«chlin J5 Mrs David Henry 25 Quorge llnllini^ur 25 James libbs 60 Mrs \\oods 25 Mrs Root 25 Mr Bristow 25 Mrs Gill 25 W Green 25 Mrs R Farmer 50 CalhiKhan 25 Stephen Farrell 25 MOUNT FORREST. St. Paul's. (Mrs Bradley and Mrs T Q Smith collectors.) Thos O Smith 2 00 A (J Gillies 50 Samuel Dunbar, M.D... 1 00 J Colclcugh 60 Mrs Lowell ao Mrs J Kennedy 3il Amos Vissell 25 Georifo Bdrns 1 00 L Yeomaus 25 Ii H Yeomans 25 W Wood 50 Wm Hewitt 25 COLLECTIONS. HuRh Wilson. P li S $0 25 .lohn Kenneily 25 MrsGniire •.'.'> Wm Hishop 50 R Lund 60 Mrs Ross » 25 John McLaren 50 Mis S a Du.ibar 60 •fobn Mason 25 .I'.lin Kihiion 'j5 A l.illtuilinarlan R K IJowanloek J6 Charles K Smith 26 K II Millar 60 Thos Ainley 26 Robert Kikour 6l) Tho'O l)e» 25 Robert Clarke 25 Robert Orrj 76 Tlioiiiiis Wilson 25 Mrs Jelly 1 110 Mrs Ilnuilev 60 Wm 8 Smith 25 Oeoriie Clarkn % 25 Wm Sheppard 25 Wm Marshall 10 Mrs Kd«ar 10 Oeorjtn Sutton 1 00 .JolKi Rn!)in!-on 25 Wm li"iii',!i'on (I '.'5 I'MoDu-i 3 35 (Miss Smith ,ind Miss Ryan coUectc^is.; Sidney Smith 5 00 John Woodmancey 60 A B Wilson 25 Petor McDermid 25 Duncan TurniT 25 James Anderson 1 00 James Lamont 25 Ani;us ' 'Mnont 25 John Tu. er 30 Thomas Ryan 1 '> Mrs Howard >'> Mrs Whalen 1 00 Thomas Wbito 60 Samuel Smith 25 Joseph Orr 60 Thos Smith 50 Mr Woods 50 Frances Gardiner 60 Isabella Crozier 121^ H Davis 60 Mrs Hall 25 James Wilkes 1 (lO RoU'rt Clarke 25 Robert Ryan 25 H VI14 .lohn B Ashley 1 00 Robert Smith 1 00 (Miss Bell collector.) F W Stevenson 60 Albert Wallace ol William Wallace 25 Jane Rogers 03 Horatio Stevenson 1 00 William Caulflcld 60 Robert Boyd 25 AC Bell 25 NORTH ARTHUR, Trimly Church. (Mrs. John Shaw and Miss Rooney collectors.) John Shaw 1 00 George Alien 1 00 Johnston Shaw |1 00 Robirt Weir 60 Jnn Craven Chadwick, jr. 2 00 Miss i:ilen SeanlAD 76 Arch Frii/.ir 1 00 Miehael ^> ,/,or 26 .lames ( irko &■! Alex Allen 50 Siiinuel Wyalt 60 Thomas Stephenson 60 Mrs MeKay 25 RobiM't Morrison, scn'r... 1 00 Sarah Morrison 26 Samuel Wyatt, Jr 26 Mrs McGwire 25 Robert Harper 00 (Mrs Robert Rnonev and Miss .Munns collectors.) Robert Rnoney 50 Miirijiiret J Uonney \2i John Jimi's Rooney 124 Morris u Kooney 12l Mariraret Munns 12} Robert Mums 60 William Munns 26 .Inne Munns '...6 Maritaret Ann Munns... 12^ Isaac Smiih 26 Jano Smith 20 John Allen CO Ann Shaw 10 Robert Christie 30 K B Morrison 25 Mrs R B .Morrison 26 Sarah J Morrison 10 Irwin Morrison 05 .lames Morrison II 25 Wm Hell, jr 26 Miss Ann Reid 26 Robert Keid 26 Miss Jane Reid 26 Richard Morrison 25 Joseph Reid 25 Matiiiia Rooney 10 (Miss Margery Allen and Miss Eliza iVIorrison collectors.) William Allen 26 John Alleu 20 Mrs Allen 25 James .Morrison 25 Mrs James Morrison. .... 2a Richard .Morrison 25 John Morrison 25 .Mis J .Morrison 25 John Shaw 26 .Matthew Shaw 12i Matthew Cruig 26 Wm Shaw 26 Sarah J Craig 121 John CtMg > James Munns 26 Annie Munns 12J Hugh Morrison 15 Hugh Craig 20 John Craig 25 Mrs Craig... . 25 Ja3 Craig .. 25 George iMeQmn 26 James Morrison 26 Wm Craig 25 John Morrison. 25 Jane Morrison . 26 BEVKELEY AND ROCKTON. (Collected by Miss Edwards.) Atkins, W 60 Atkins, Mrs W 60 OOLLECTIONS. tr h. ^ I ' Atklnn, Oco $0 10 BnlUiy.Thoi •.>& Durk. Mich M Cnnndon, Uco R '.'.'i Crofc), ir'A tl 26 Doyol. I'ut 25 KilwunlN, Ui'o ] 00 K'lwunU, Mm U 6i) KdWHrdK, yUnii U I'O KUwarilx, Kred TiO Kllcrton, Tlioa Tii Henry, Win and wlfu I tio Henry, M 20 IIoi^iiii. John 25 llonnlico, ,luhn U 2r) Ilnwiird Henry 26 Hunter, Mr 26 Lttdlc, John 25 Ladle, Miss 25 McAvoy 25 McMuckinK, 1' 26 Milld. John 26 IlobiPHon, Mrs 20 Smith, Matt 60 Smith, J T 26 Smith, Mrs J T 50 Smitli. Janica 26 Stockwell, U 20 Stubbs, T 10 Thompson, Aliss 25 (CoUectod by Mrc. Kcrnlghan.) Armstrong. A 25 AruiHtrong, Mrs W 26 Barlow, Mrs 10 CarrutherA, John 1 (lU CarrutherH, David 1 00 Clement, John 1 00 Cornell, Mrs 25 fry. Mrg 25 Ilnmmill, Mrs 25 Howard, Mrs II 25 Hunter, Mm 25 Kernighan, A 1 00 Kernij!han. Mrs S 25 McComb. Mrs 25 McOroker, Mrs 25 McDonald, Wallace 75 NIroll, Mr 60 Blddlo, 11 26 BobinFon, Itichard 1 00 Shannon. Jane 25 Youni:, W 25 Young, Mrs S5 (Collected by Miss Taylor.) Arnold, J 10 Arnold, Jnmes 10 Mann, John 05 MoNeiUy. K 25 Boherts, R 26 Taylor, W 26 Taylor, Miss 10 Yutes. R 25 Coll«cted at meeting 3 87 SIIEFEIELK. (Collected by Miss Cooper and Miss VanKvcry.) Abel, F 25 Armntrong, Mr 25 BarringtOM, Mr 25 Barron, Mrs 1 00 Beamer, Mr 25 Bond. Mr 26 Clinton. Mr 5u Coriy, P 1 00 Coriy, Mrs F 50 Cooper, Hot U. D., B.A... 5 UO Conpor, M\m $2 00 Cruwriinl, J « 25 Chiipniiin, (Jeo U 26 IhivlH, >ir o •-'■) ' Dykeman, Mr n KniiiH, Jolin <> KvuMH, Janu'X Kaulkner, A W ■ Kiiulkner, Mrs A W i o tinrriek, .'^aridyii Ourrirk. .Mrn (Irurton, Mrs > '^ , Hanilecck, Mrrt U '.'> Ilnmmill. Mrs 26 Knox, Mr 50 Knox, Mrs 25 Knox, I'arnh A 37^ Knox, ThoM 121 K< I'h, Hiinm 25 K Mr 20 Liimb,C II ;>0 lianih, MrH 60 Lnnib, den 1 OO Imnih. Hob-rt 25 l,nmb. .lohn 12i Lamb, C 1 12i Lanib, .le.s.w 121 hamb, Jnmus 12^ l.amb, Henry 50 Uoyd, Mrs 25 Llovd. Mi,-H 25 liUiuly. J li., MD 1 00 Main, Mrs K 25 Main, Mrs 1) 25 MolTat, Mrs Mel'iiersnn, Jane I'eri'jjrinu, Mrs UieliardM. Mifs Smith, Geo Tlunnpson, 1) Tindale, MrH Ilamllton, Mm Wm $0 11 lliirper, Jame* 25 Hl.'^iuii, John itft '"wry. Ueo St6 Axtteyu 10 MiKiirlaiie, Mrs U\.i 25 (1 26 26 25 60 25 25 VanKvery, A A 1 50 VanKvery, Mrs 1 00 VanlCvery, Miss 1 00 VanKvery, Margaret 50 VanKvery, Helena A 50 VanKvery, Ueo 8 37' VanKvery. W 37^ VanKvery, J 25 White Mrs ."35 Whetham, Mrs 25 Whethum, Kiss 12^4 STUABANE. (Collected by Miss Brennan, Miss Caldur, and Miss Kmmins.) Addison, Mrs 12J Allen, M 25 Amcf, Mr ."iO llain, Mrs U JiO Halison, Mrs ]2i Brennan, John 50 llrcnnan, Mil's 25 Bronson, Mrs 26 Burns, Mrs 12i Calder, Mrs 26 Campl)ell. Mrs J 25 Carson. Jnmes 25 Connell, Xbos 25 Crok. Oeo 25 Fleming, Uobert 50 Fieol. Mrs 25 Friend, A 10 Gartly, A 25 Gartly. K 25 Gilbraith, Mr 26 Uilbraith. Alex 25 Grery. Mrs 12J^ UamUton, Mrs 25 { Mrl rinne. W 10 ^' Ah Mis I' 15 «h, Jan 25 n. Mrs 20 rell, Mrs 60 Moi .V ^lr»8 10 Murniv, Itolwrt 15 Murray, Mrs 25 Niehdl, Mrs 10 Nixon, MjH 25 Noble, Ilobt 60 I'littoii, .Mrs 25 I'eeblcM, M 50 I'eebles. Mrs M 10 INW. Mrs 20 l'hilll|is, Mrs 25 Itedman, H 25 UoU'rl-'on, Mrs 23 Reynolds, Kd 25 Rus.'^ell, Mrs 20 Wardrobe, Jlrs 25 (Ciill.eted by .Miss Johnston.) Ames, Charles 60 Conhlan, Stephen 25 I'onneli, W 25 Tonnell, John 121 Dawson. C 20 Dickson, Tliomas 25 Hamilton, I'at 15 Johnston, Alex 60 Jonhston, W 50 Lothian, Mrs 25 Reid, \lex 121 Reid, II 121 Seay, Miss 25 Seny, W 50 Warren, Geo 121 Wretcher, Frank 121 Collected at meeting 1 63 -nC waterdown. ' Grace Church. (Collected by Mi.«s M. Iligginson and Miss Anderson.) Rev Q N Higiiinson, M.A. 5 00 Mary Iligginson 2 60 Mary Barbara White 60 II R O'Reilley 5 00 Miss H O'Reilly 2 00 Luke Mulnck 2 00 Mrs Mulock 1 00 A^n(•s .Muloek 1 00 Henry R Wilson 50 Samuel Booth 50 Robert Brunton 60 Wm McDonald 50 .Mrs Hugh 50 Mrs Colyer 60 Thomas Stock 25 George A Stock 60 Mrs Webbe 50 Mrs Bell 60 Airs Andrews 25 (Collected by Mrs W Sealey and Miss Qraut.) Thomas Gain 1 00 Wm Sealey 60 Mrs W .-iealey 50 Mrs M Gain 60 Christine Grant 75 iMrsLogan 621 ^ \^ ^. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) w^% 1.0 1.1 M 12.0 12.2 18 — ""J4 IIIIIM V] <^ ^/ '■9J>> '/ Hiotographic Sciences Corporation ^.>" 23 WEST MAIN STRETtT WEBSTER, N.Y. MS80 (716)872-4503 4^ r^ ^ 88 COLLEOTIOirS. Dr Skinner $1 00 Mrs Dr Skinner 60 Helen M Skinner 1 00 Margaret A Skinner 60 Henry Skinner 60 Frederick U Skinner 60 Willie K Skinner „ 60 Walter Evana 60 John B Garvin 1 00 MrMcGeo 1 00 Wm Bronn 1 00 Wm Stuart 1 00 James McMorria, jr.' 60 Boulton McManua 25 B O'Connor 25 JoKptaC Eager 1 00 i)anie8 Eager 1 00 Mrs Sykea 1 00 Wm Asbbury 60 Mr Dawson 50 MrsOrr 25 MUa Orr 2ft Mrs Stuart 60 James Boyle 50 Mrs Olascott 60 Jobn Gloscott 60 D Dayis 25 Mary Iluyward 25 Isaac Smoke 60 Mr iiarnes 6U Ed Parsons 50 John Gain 50 Mrs Jobn Gain 50 Edward Gain 50 (Collected by Miss S. Applugarth.) C Applegarth 1 00 Jobn Itosie 1 UO S Brown 1 25 Mr Oliver 25 Mr ^bouldice 25 Mrs Welsh 10 A Friend 26 MrsSmokfl SO 8 L Williams 25 M J Hamilton 25 Mrs JetEamine U 25 Mrs Fratt 50 Mr Emery 60 WProudfoot 100 F Wyatt 25 B Crickmore 65 MrsTyrwartha 30 Mrs Forger i2| Miss Patriarcbe 25 Miss Applegarth 26 Miss 8 Applegarth 25 Miss M Applegarth 25 (Collected by Mrs H. R. O'Reilly.) Captain Fcilde 2 00 Mrs Feilde 1 00 Edmund Feilde 100 Mrs E Feilde 1 00 Miss Feilde 1 00 Miss L Feilde 100 Mrs J Smith 100 Thomas Olappison 60 Dennis Mehony 60 Mrs Pettinger 50 Martha Pettinger 12} Mr Cooper 36 (Collected by Miss E. Fentherstone and Miss E. Sprck.) S Speck 50 Mrs Speck 25 Elizabeth Speck 25 Mary Ann Speck 26 Wm Featberstone 26 Mrs W Feathergtone 26 EliMbetb Featberstone... |0 25 Jane Featberstone 26 Mary Featberstone 20 ' Mrs X Featberstone 26 Ralph Featberstone 12i^ Mrs Little 50 Mrs Brown 25 Jobn liaw 25 Mrs Law 26 James Law 26 Mrs James Law 25 Alexander Kerr 60 John Kerr 25 Donald Stewart 25 Mrsfilagdon 30 Mrs Stephenson 25 Mary Stephenson 10 James Stephenson 12^/^ James Weatbcrall 26 (Collected by Mrs W Attrldge, jr.) Samuel OallAgbcr 100 SJ Gallagher 1 00 .lohn Gallagher 75 Daniel Gallagher 60 William Gallin 50 Jobn Gallin 25 Mrs John Nicholson 25 Wm Nicholson 50 Geo Nicliolson 25 Orrin Thompson 25 Wm Attridge, sen'r 50 Richard Attridge 50 Thos U Attridge 50 Wm Attridge 60 Wm Harris 25 Widow Nicholson V5 James Painter 50 Cbnrles E Parsons 25 ■ Abuer Parsons 25 (Collected by Ann Alderson.) Mr Alderson 50 Ann Alderson U 115 Xbos A Alderson 15 Christopher Alderson 50 Wm Redmond 1 OO Alexander McCull 50 Geo McColl 26 ThosMcColl 25 Wm Edgar 37i Thos Campbell 25 V Freeman 60 John Burns 25 James Bowman 50 Collcctioa at meeting 10 UO LOWVILLB. St. George's Church. (Collected by Mrs. Stoakcs and Miss Erwin.) Benjamin Eager 1 UO Cbas Sharpe 1 00 Alfred Sharpe 1 00 Wm Erwin 60 MrsKrwin 60 Margaret Erwin 60 Bonus Addison 2S Margaret Addison 25 Mr. Edgar 2u C Robbins 25 Miss R Bobbins 26 Mrs Fret-man 26 e A Freeman 25 C Freeman 25 .MrsDarrngh 25 Mrs Baker hO W E Olds 60 GeoRoyoe 60 Wm BpencA fO 60 Henry Foster 60 Mrs Urown 76 H Fleming 26 Mrs R Thomson 60 MrsDoran 25 Mrs Blessington 26 J TurnbuU 26 Mrs Grant 25 W Young 26 Mr Stoakes 60 Mrs Stoukes 60 JAgnew 26 A friend of Mrs Stoakes and Mist) Erwin .tO Mrs Simpson 26 Mrs Lilly 25 MrsPurdy 26 Mrs Hetherington .-. 25 Mrs Montgomery 25 Wm Calder 26 Mrs Field 25 Kirs Agnew 25 Hamilton Carser 50 Cbas Freeman 25 A Friend 25 John Greenlees 60 J Denbigh 26 Mrs Hirst 25 (Collected b.v Mrs. Hesse.) George Cowley 1 00 Mrs Oowley 50 J Riciiardson, sen'r 1 00 Henry Richardson 1 00 J Naisbit 50 Selina Naisbit 25 Anna Deen 26 D Plewes 50 Alfred Plewes 25 M A Pickett 25 N Dent 1 00 Mrs Dent 50 Jas Winskill 1 00 Wm Gilmore 37^ A Friend 60 Richard Frayne 25 Jobn Pembroke 25 Thos Whilley 6« Allan Simpson 12^ Wm Rumple 26 James Bruagge 25 Mrs Geo Foster 26 Mrs Butts 25 Mrs Kirby 12| Sarah Heissa 1 00 (Collected by Miss M. A. Arm- strong, and MissCoulaon.) J Bicbardson, junr 1 00 P. J.. Jones 1 00 Wm Armstong 1 00 MrsWm Armstrong. 60 Mary Ann Armstrong 26 Margaret Armstrong 26 •Tnbn Armstrong 25 Wm ArmFtrong, junr 25 Tsaac Armstrong 60 Henry McDaid 60 Robert Pollock 25 Captain Hurst 60 John Enstorbrook 50 OforgcCurry 20 Stuart Robertson 25 Peter Horneck 12^ Thomas Shields 30 Mrs J Dice 25 John H. Bradley 60 John Ai;new 25 S A Agnew 25 Mrs W Harris 25 AFriend 26 COLLECTIONS. 89 Thomas Ooulaon, mm $U 25 Mr* J Coulaon 60 J '2!^ Mrs T Atkinson 25 MrBlanchard 1 00 MrBreckon 50 RBreckon 25 Mr Partingale 25 Mr Uumby 25 J Colter 25 Mr Crosby 25 Mrs J Dynes 60 Mr Fothergill 50 A Friend ;. 10 A Friend 25 Mr Graham 40 Mr Hopkins 25 Mrs Lucas 26 Miss R Lucas 25 A Lucas 25 Mixs McIiRren 50 llunnab Munn .'. SO Mrs Mat*^^hewmao 26 MrPhelan 25 Mr Powell 25 Mrs Simpson 25 Mr Wharton 50 Mrs Williamson 25 (Collected by Miss Hamilton.) Mrs J Alton 50 Miss Bray 12 Air Barron 25 Mrs Campbell 25 MrEmmerson 25 Mr. Hamilton 60 Mrs Hamilton 25 Miss Hamilton. 25 Mr ntckiDf. $0 SI Miss Harrison 17 Miss Johnston 36 Mr Joyce 25 Mrs Ireland 30 D McLaren 10 Mr .McLaren 30 Mr McKarlie 20 Mrs ) McKarlie 20 Mr Mngill 26 Mrs Nolles 60 MrOgg 26 Mr Pitcher 26 Mr Shepphard 20 .Mrs Walker 20 Mr M'aldie 30 MrsWaldie SO (Collected by Mr. R. Spence, and Mr. McQiliicuddy) 60 MrDnlton 1 00 -Mr McGillicuddy 1 60 Mr Orr 60 Mr Perkins 20 Mr Spence 2 00 K Spence 60 Miss Shermam 60 ALMA. IJobj Trinity. (Collected by Miss Wilton and Miss Ncsbitt.) Wm Baylcy 1 00 AVm Wilton 20 John Wilton 20 .Mrs Anne Wilton 12^ Wm Clements 20 Tlios Lniiey 20 David Loney 20 John Alexander 20 Mrs McKerlip 13i John Archibald 20 Jnmcs Lions 20 Wm Lothanl 80 Mi'S Downing 20 Joseph Nesbitt 60 John Allan 60 Hannah Gonston 36 Robert Munson 60 Thos Claxton i^O Kd Allan 60 Thos Rose 86 GttO U Lewis 20 Kleanor Hoy 20 Susan Hoy 20 Mrs Snyder 10 James Day 20 John Eagerty 20 David Loney 26 Samuel Holt i26 Samuel McKee...t. 0' 10 Mrs ML'ler 0^ Sundries 10 (Collected by Miss CuUen Miss Loney.) John Cullen Mrs Smith Mrs Brown Mrs Davidson Mrs MIMer Isaac Miller James McGague Mrs McCague Thos Lyons MrsWm Miller Hugh McConnel Edward Man Wm Cross and 90 COLLECTIONS. A M*iid 10 35 Thw Oulleo 26 Mr* IhM Cullan 35 Mn Rlackwell 36 J AlazAnd«r 60 David Loner 25 ChftrlN Loner 25 Pator Oannighan 16 Mra Orofton Oullen 10 Mr* Darld Lottoy 26 Robtirt MeUonnell 26 lrt Warren Keynotes .... 25 Mr Moore U 25 William Reynolds 25 (Collected by Miss Smithtn.) Richard Smithf^on 6il MrK ;:>mithMon U 60 .Mrs Nurse 25 Mrs Smith 60 Mrs Kerr 26 lUi'hard .Moyse 25 Mixs iMorrriion 25 Jns'ph Cbrke 25 Mr Waterman AO Mrs Wiiter lan 60 ' Mrs W Nimmo (I 25 John Kerr 26 Mrs Kerr l'6 Edward Kerr 25 Henry Poller. 25 IVIr McKain 26 .Mrs Turnbuli 25 'Collected by Miss Brown and Miss Armstrong.) William Brown 60 .MrsBrnwn 25 Anne Brown 25 Mrs Mary Irwin 26 Samuel Wood 26 VVillinm Fnir 50 Mrs W Fair 25 Uobert Fair 12* Geo h Fair 12i lohn DeKinzy 25 MrsDeKiiizy 25 Uearr Cru-stey 25 John Gordon 26 .Margaret Berry 26 Andrew Ko.vd 26 Joseph Aruiiitrong. 60 liobert A Armstrong 26 William Armstrong 25 Frances Armstrong 25 Mrs A Lang 26 Mrs McNeil 25 John Fair 26 (Collected by Miss Parker.) Martin Parker 1 00 Miss Parker 25 Richard Parker 25 James Fitzg-rald 60 GeorgM Guillet 60 Jobs Pacy 26 George Pacy 25 Mrs John Fitzgerald 26 William Northcut 60 (Collected by Miss Fair.) John Thorn 60 Mr Edgar 25 Mrs J Thorn 25 Mr Thorndyke 25 William White 25 Francis Reynolds 20 Kichard White 26 James Fair 60 Mrs Fair 20 Mrs Kd-ar 26 Thomas McKtnstry 60 Henry Piles 26 Mr Johnston 15 John J Mulligan U 31 Iticbard Nesbit 3$ Mrs Lunny , Q 29 Thomas Lunny ,„. 2S MnlLunoy 012i Robert MeOam 01 |0 80 Thomas McCamus. 60 Moses Kejnolds ,, 10 James \>ood N MrH V\ ood 25 Mifs Wood 18| Willinn' Wood 12| John '.'uir 12| Wn-. McVlullan U 124 John Crown 12t >li^B Fair 14| John Haslip U 2ft iUobard Nesbit 3S St. John's Church. (Collected by Mi'» Thexton.) Robert Thezton 1 00 George Foster 60 I Spntten 60 George Wilson 60 A Spotten 2S Mrs J RatclifTe 26 William Foster 2S Jihn Foster 60 Hilliam Longhjr. 1 00 J Middteton 50 J Vance 26 J Lowe 25 W Thorn 60 Small sums 10 (Collected by Mr F Mulligan.) F Mullignn and family.... 1 60 Josh Mulligan and family 100 Jamt'S .McNeil 60 Charles McNeil 1 00 John Clarke II 26 Henry Fee and family 1 00 (Collected by Mlij Ella Dawson.) George Lough 2 00 William Dawson 2 OQ .Mr Newton., 1 00 MrsTSya 25 Mrs George Sya. 1 00 John Morton 26 .Mrs Robert Wilkinson.... U 76 Mrs Lamb 25 B L 1 00 (Collected by Misses Bogg and Iticlndoo. Matthew Mclndoo 100 - Thomxs Weir 60 John Walker 60 Hufth Mahary 25 George McBain 26 William Johnston 25 John Lang 26 William Morrow 25 , ThomiM Morrow 25 „i Alexander Boggs 26 '' (Collected by Hiss Anne lee.) William Stuart U 60 C J'Stinson 60 Edward Anderson 60 Thomas Goggius 60 John Oott 25 Mrs Fallis 26 Mrs Mulligan 26 John Dunkin 66 John Nelson 60 Mrs J Lee 26 Mary Anne Hannah 26 James Murdy !ft MmJitmesLee 26 (Collected by Missel Vance and Lowe.) Mr Sutton 6a^ 92 COLLECTIONS. JobnEUlott $0 25 grins *> ^ QMrge Klliott 60 Mn KNutwood 60 MnRHowdon 60 Mri Story 26 Urn rerKU'on 23 JameKFoxtvr 60 BobertYnnce 100 Jchn Vmicf 50 Matthew OardiDcr 50 DaTld Sharp 25 Bunrjri'barp 50 John lirowa 26 Caleb Lowe 1 00 Libbie A Lowe 50 Edward Sutton 25 Mr Middleton 25 (Collected by Misg Rowan and Sootberan.) MiHHannab 1 00 Mr* Lannin 25 Mm Jameii Thompson 60 Hn Gordon 25 MrGraham 50 Jcbn Dnvy 50 Oeorge Manning 23 MrCorneil 25 John I'ritchard 2') MiMGrandy 25 T Grandy 25 DrKowan 100 Mrs W Fee 25 Va Fee 25 Mrs John Iliitchison 25 Pel^rDouKlaa 15 Thomas Fee 23 Mrs Rowan.. 25 Thomas licatty 25 J W Sootberan 60 DABLINGTOK. (Collected by Mrs Henry Iteid and Mrs Cooke ) Rer Dr Mocnab 6 00 Captain Usshur 1 00 Mrs John Huric 2 00 Robert T Manning 1 00 Mrs R Bird 1 25 DrBird 1 00 8 Scoble 1 00 J F McLeod 6 00 LF Brooke 1 00 J Banting 1 OO A Hinds 1 00 A Dixon 2 OO E Morris 1 50 HJBoswell 100 James Wilmot 1 00 Mrs W Armour 1 00 U Banning 2 50 MiM Mitchell 1 00 W » Gore 1 oO Vf R Brock 1 00 Mrs Foreman 50 Miss Heal ....: o 50 Mrs Uitads o 60 Mil Cooke 60 Mrs Haynard o 60 William Freeman 50 J Mason 50 F F McArtbur o 60 Collard & Brother 60 A Friend o 60 Mrs 8 MIm Kmma BIdwell j.5 WOBldwcIl 60 MrsBiiiwell 60 N M Clou«t«n 1 00 Mi88 J Clousten 2j Daniel UrnUa 1 HO ChristophtT Jacques 1 00 John Jucqiips 1 50 Mrs W M nullock 00 OS Burrell 1 00 Mrs Burrell 1 (lO Miss E M nurroU ."iO Miss M a D Hurrell 51) iMiRS T K B Burrell (k ."iO MIsH Reed 1 00 William I'urcell 50 David Bradd 1 OU OMEMEE. (Collected by Mios Knowlson and Mies Uisbrow.) Knowlson 100 J R McNcely 50 Miss Reed 50 WCurry 1 00 David Thornton 60 WN Mars 25 Mrs Halo 26 Mrs Stephenson 1 00 A Friend 25 .John McNiuklo fiO ' R Orandy 1 00 Miss Knowlson 60 Chas Cornclle 1 00 Mrs W CoUinKhnm 1 00 Mrs BlHckwell 50 Dr Black 1 CO A Faulkner 1 00 F Adams II 60 Mrs Davidson 60 Mrs Kobin^pn 50 Mrs Morton 22 PETERBOROVOH. (Collected by Mrs. McCormick.) Isaac Robinson 10 00 Q W Yurker 2 00 DO'Ualton 2 00 Xichard White 2 00 F Ilannon 1 00 G Crawford 2 00 Kev M Burnham 100 John Burnbam 100 Charles Burnham 25 Dr Burnham 5 00 H Loucks 1 CO Mrs Hague 2 00 Jas Best 1 00 Mrs Fawcett 25 Miss Hilton 1 00 J Davidson 60 Thos Poole 1 00 Wm Gilbert U 25 Mrs Perry 1 Oi» Mrs Smith 2 UO Miss Bennett 1 00 Hon S Smith 6 00 Mrs Forbes 1 00 Mrs Wallis 100 Mrs Forsyth U 66 Rebecca 1 00 Rev M Oolwell 1 00 J M Hall |3 00 Henry Borers 6 00 W S Conger 1 00 H M Ilo>wcIl 2 00 T E Burnham 1 50 Jiunes Knglit^h 25 Mrs Stiiplitou 50 Jiimi'H Wnllis 6 00 Kev W Biek 5 00 Mr» Wallis 2 00 Mr Hall o 50 fCollceted Ity Miss Rogers.) II Caleiitt 3 110 It l!o;r<'rn 2 00 D McO lingers 1 00 •(Grant 1 ou Mrs Grant o 60 U ,Mor;:an 60 J Simpson 50 R .Moure Q lo (Collected by Mrs. Hnmilton and Mrs Crawford ) S White 1 00 K Hamil'on 1 00 Mr Kimhle 1 00 Mrs Helens 1 00 Mrs Carson 1 00 Wm Kastlnnd 1 00 KCh^imberluin 1 00 C Learj 1 00 Mm Itleteher 1 00 J J Hall 3 00 J Duller 1 00 W J Fowler 1 00 R M Boucher 1 00 J Howilen 1 00 G Mitchell 1 00 Wm Snider 1 00 V dementi 50 J M Burns 80 Wm Beally 50 J English 50 A Weller 6 00 Wm Weller 80 Wm Armstrong 50 Wm Green 50 W J Conper 100 Wm Campbell 60 Donation Q 25 Wm T Deatty 60 (Collected by Miss Wrighton and iAliss Parry.) Henry Bennett 100 Mr Ritchie 26 A Ingraham 1 00 — Curtis 1 25 Mrs Deacon 50 MrsCiittins 4 00 Mrs Billington 1 00 Mr Uewett 1 00 CARLETON. All Sainli. (Collected by Mrs. W. Jones.) An'l meeting collection.. 87 Donald Campbell 2 00 Mrs Vernon 2 00 A Murphy 1 00 J Mcllugh 1 00 J King I 00 L Bullock 1 00 K Martin 1 00 Mrs Jones, sen'r 1 OU Willis .Tones 1 00 Jas Webb 60 94 COLLECTIONS. W M PUU..\ $0 60 Edward Uayilurd 60 M McDonald 60 AOoleman 26 (CQlleetod by MIm Keller.) JGIIley 1 00 A Yarn .'. 25 MrtUummInK 25 Maitar Pugh 05 (Collected by MIm Polly.) Hobert Polly 1 10 Mw I'olly 80 Amy Borland 1 00 MrsSDorlAiid 50 Joaoph ilopklDfi 1 00 Mr!) Hopkins 30 ThomaH LnTe 25 Jobn Green 1 W Mra Qreen 1 00 John Viencb 1 00 8 French 60 T Brewster 25 Mrn Brewster 25 Thalhert Brewster 25 Nelson Daly 2S Mrs Daly 26 Annie Brulbury 25 Jobn Finlay 60 (Collected by Mrs. Duncan.) Mrs Duncan... 60 P MoLoughl n 60 Mrs Coleman 30 'il BRTQIITON. St. Paul's Church. (Collected by Miss Barker.) Collection at meeting $S 60 W M Platte. 2 00 Mr» Platle X 00 Charles S Platte 50 Julia Platte 60 Mary E Platte 60 James Taylor 60 Peter Shaver 60 H Pbippen 25 Mrs J B Young 60 Thomas Wiusor. 25 L A Purdy 25 Mrs Prieur. 25 £ H Squier 60 ACailary 25 P W Becker 60 W W Smith 20 M H Lorkwood 25 AC Webb 25 A Reistfr 25 John Hunter 25 Willinm Brown 25 William Wicks 25 WC Proctor 50 Mrs M R Lockwood 60 Miss Barker 50 Mrs J K Lockwood 25 William T Barker 25 JTurvor o 60 David WilFon 60 John Butler 25 Friend 16 (Collected by Miss Flajler.) Mrs Flajler 1 00 Mn Vanhorne 25 I J B Toung $0 12t Thomas Winsor 10 M K Lockwood 26 Blllll 60 Thomas Hewitt 60 A Friend 60 (Collected by Mrs Bottes.) RevJ Middleton 6 00 iMrs Deacnn 60 Thomas Webb 60 a F Webb 60 .1 B Young. 26 J U Lockwoud 60 Mrs .1 K Lockwood 26 A F Webb 86 Thomas Windsor 26 lasper Tohey 26 Dr Cook 55 .M K Lockwood 26 Mrs W W Webb. 26 L Crozier. 60 Mrs tiutberland 60 ^ 0> O ei CO U3 O eo US i-t »o o» M rt _ _ 00 © JO w ^ CO ^ © © «0 ffl "3 © o CO h- u? CO CO lO O ©1 •-• *■• ir» CO >56 ■^ APPENDIX. LANDS, w The following deeds of sites for ChurcliCH, Parsonages, and Burial- grounds have been mudo out| since last reported, in trust to the Ohurch Society : Thomas R. Ferguson — Village plot on south half of lot No. 1 , first concession of Innisfil, for site of Church and Burial-groupd. Joseph Martin and wife — Town of Milton, township of Trafalgar, part of east half of lot No. 14, second concession, for site of a Church, three-fourths of an acre. John Cowin to the Lord Bishop — Part of lot No. 15, ninth concession Trafalgar, for site of Church and Burial-ground, one acre. John Stannage and wife — Lot No. 247, and part of tlie adjacent broken fiont, in the township of Thorold, for a Parsonage, three acres. Ethelbert Servos to the Lord Bishoj) — Part of soutii-east jmrt of lot No. 3, eighth concession of the township of Barton, for the use of a Church. Thomas McDonald and wife — Part of lot No. 19, eighth concession of the township of Essa, county of Sinicoe, for the site of a Church, one acre. > Henry Charles and wife — Part of lot No. 1, west side of the Orillia and Ci)ldwater road, in the village of Coldwater, for the site of a Church, eleven perches. R. B. Denison and wife — Parts of Park lot No. 17, City of Toronto, for site of St. Stephen's Church, &c. Thomas Need — Lot No. 7, east half third range, village of Bobcaygeon, for Church and Parsonage ;. also lots Nos. 7 and 8, west and east halves, fourth range, village of Bobcaygeon, for a glebe for the benefit of the Incumbent, altoget^ver two and a ha,]f acres. Hemy Fowlds — Quarter acre, lot Ino. 1, Block letter E, part of lot " No. 15, twelfth concession of Percy, county of Northumberland, ibr Church site. Angus Grant and wife — One acre -^j^q, part of east half of lot No. 93, first concession, west of the Penetanguishene road, township of Tiny, for Church site and Burial-ground. Robert Hark and wife — One acre, north- west corner of lot No. 13, sixteenth concession of the township of Tiuy, lor Church site and Burial-ground. Ht^nry H. Tin mpson and wife — One acre, part of lot No. 39, 6i>?t concession township of Tiny, for Church site and Burial-ground. ERRATA. Foi" Gi*ants, I'ead Trusts, page 24, line fourteen. For Balance, read^^a^once^, page 47, line three. Weston collection list, page 94, should have been on page 69. 13 I [ RI80LUTI0N8. RESOLUTIONS PASSED AT THE TWENTY-SECOND GENERAL MEBTINa. HELD ON THE 7tb JUNE, 1864. Moved by the Rev. Dr. Shortt, seconded by Johw Dugoak, Esq., •• That the report now read be adopted, and printed for oircuUtion." The Rev. Mr. Wall then moved, seconded by the Rev. Mr. Obler,, <• That thia meeting desirea thankfully to acknowledge the suoceaa whioh the Great Head of the Church has been pleased to Touohsafe to the work undertaken by the Booiety during the past year." The Rev. Dr. Neville moved, '< That it is incumbent upon us, as upon erery true branch of the Church of Christ, to be CTcr seeking to extend the knowledge of the Lord Jesus and his Gospel ; and that this Society, recognising this duty, is desirous of multiplying her missions and enlarging her sphere of action, both among the settlers of our country and the Indian races, and calls upon uU members of the communion to assist her in this her most laudable design." Mr. Groveb seconded the resoluticm. The Rev. Mr. Ritchie then moved the following resolution : '* That while we fully appreciate the efforts hitherto made by the Church in this country, we cannot but deplore the spiritual destitution which still exists, and which, particularly in the remoter districts of the diocese, call loudly for immediate relief." Mr. Fbankland seconded the resolution, which was carried unani- mously. • The Rev. Mr. Oivins then moved, seconded by the Rev. H. Brent, *' That the thanks of the Society are due, and are hereby tendered to the officers, oolleoton, and gentlemen of the Beveral committees, for their services during the past ywr." The motion being put to the meeting, was carried unanimously. I TABLE OF CONTENTS. \ eat I of >el; one the tbii Notion and DlrefltioM r il Offieorsofthe Sooioty ill Conititntion of tho Sooiety t Ripomr for 1868-4 , 18 Inoome 28 Expendltare 24 Fund* on Hand 24 InTeatment Aooount... 24 Widow* and Orphans' Fund 26 MUaion Fund 26 Quarterly Sermons 26 General Purpose Fund 26 Book and Traot Fund » .... 27 Episcopal Endowment Fund 28 DiSTBiOT Branohib : Oore and Wellington 80 Niagara 31 Simcoe 84 Newcastle 86 Home 87 Ihdiah Missions: Rot. Mr. Jacob's Report 89 ReT. Mr. Chance's Report 41 this icb, sf." ni- irs, aft f Afpindix : Finaneial Statement: Cash Account ; 44, 46 Balance Account 46, 47 Investment Account- 48 Mission Fund Account and Guarantees ". 49, 60 General Purpose Fund Account 60 Widows and Orphans' Fund Account 61 Students' Fund Account 61° Boolc and Tract Fund Account 61 Summary of Collections 62 District Treasurers' Accounts 60, 62, 96 Cash received after closing Books 62 List of Life and Incorporated Members 68 Subscription Lists 67 Subscriptions received by Parent Sooiety 96 Lots given for sites of Churches, &c • 97 Errata 97 Resolutions passed at the Twenty-ieoond Annual Meeting. ^ 98 A' . .-V t. ■■ill .fctiiH"; III., Jii '■■>'f r '.!,!'. ■ i-tn d: v.;(- ..!!■ •• .• i ; ;tr: ?: k!'(.>U"'^G>sJ ■^ > . «1^( f.A'%' '.'Sj ■v^"^ mg^h ■'??• Vr'» ^r ?75>r^ ;'■.*' '■^3^ »Jt.; ••^ O t- '"C*-^ -4^. ^^V'*'-' ^^^ r /'. 1 *^ >*• '^ v»,. fU '<<" - -./f,*!!* I /a-1 'iV 'fW" ".^••'S^*'* ^-^i-***^''''- ■s'fi^ ■ «. *■ , 1 4- U,f>;^i J'ik ^,.^^ ll:l%. ,te' ^ -4 ,1* % f^jKf-^.;?^i r »; <'>«'- 4ft^\ s; pt. ' T-^ w^^ ^ ■ t •<<■'.». '■V " 4.V.* '■ \"/t" '*"' '^^ .<( '\l s^ ^ ^xvi^ ,6 ^ ^ *-W3«i4!fe^;5~i BIBLES, TESTAMENTS, PRAYER BOOKS, AND OTHKK RFJJGIOTJS BOOKS AND TRACTS. HKM- \ The Book and Tract Committee of the Chxirch Society lias now open a depository in Toronto, fipr the sale of Bibles, Prayer Books, (fee, on a larger sca'e than formerly. It is in the Book- store of Mr. How.sell, King Street East, where .specimens of all the Books on sale may be seen, M'hich Mr. Rowsell's .salesmen are engaged to sell to the Society's customer.s. The Bibles, »kc., are the best that can be obtained for their price, }>eing from the Venerable Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge in London, England. Amongst tlie Tracts arc some in French and German, the latter of which may bo obtained by any Clergyman of the Church applying for tlicTn. There are likewi.se German Bibles. The sales, since the depository was made public, by placing it in Mr. Kowsell's Store in July last, have greatly increased. The amount disposed of at the end of October, has been 105 Bibles, li)0 Testaments, lol Prayer Books, 4-14 other Books, principally for Sunday Schools, and 1 0o2 Tracts, including grants to varioas Missions made by the Church Society. This has nearly exhausted the su2)ply of Prayer Books and Sunday School Books, but a fresh supply will be speedily ordered. Sub.scribei*s of $2.50 ai'e entitled to a liberal reduction oi the low [)rices charged to the public, and Clergymen making coik^c,- tions for the purpose are entitled to procure the Books, &c., t> subscriber's prices. m f it. & :/ ii,A..y*- V