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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m^thode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 LxKv C-R ■ \9^0 MSGILL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY pgm not Aoc ',h ■•■\: "i^n* C? , v'^'^ ^ «HIUIII|llllll||||||||HIIII|llllll||||||HII||niUnill»IIIIIIHIHIIIIIIIIIHIIIinilllllHIIIIIIIUIIIUIKIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIII|P GRADUATES OF M^GiLL University, MONTREAL. CORRECTED TO JANUARY 1800. Ml ^■i\ I In Patttre»l: PPJNTED FOR THE UNIVERSITV, Br JoiiN LovELL & Son, 1890 iiiiiiiiMHniiMiniiiiMiMiiiiiiiiiNiinniHiniiinHniiiinniniiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiuiiiiMiiunNnNiMMunng M GRADUATES OP M^GiLL University, MONTREAL CORRECTED TO JANUARY 189 O. Montreal: PRINTED FOR THE UNIVERSITY, By John Lovell & Son, 189C {Corrected to 1890,) DOCTORS OF DIVINITY. •Bethune, Rev. John (ad euniem) 1843. *Falloon, Rev. Daniel (Hon).. . . 1844 DOCTORS OF LAWS AND OF CIVIL LAW. •Abbott, Christopher, B.C.L. CD-CL. in course) .c/:, Abbott, Hon. J. J. C, B.C.F.. (D.C.L. in course) .VMoVtre.iro X67 •Adamson, Rev. Wm. A. (D.C.L. hon) '''""t'^''^'' ^- 567 Anderson, Alexander (LL.D. hon) uJ^ Archibald, Jno. .S M. A. BC.L. (D.C.L. in course) .:;::;:: Mo>;tr;;i;Q. ,887 •liadgley, Hon, Wm. (D.C.L. hon) ^ \fj •Bancroft, Rev. C, D.D. (LL.D. hon) .■.".* ,v'° Blackwood, Right Hon. Frederick Temple Hamilton,* Earl 'of "buffeVin I LL.D. hon) „ ^ Blanford, William Thomas (LL.D. hon)'.'.'."..".'." Ixk Bnn.'!* "^R ^''^t/ '^^^V^--' V- (^^•"- hon)*'"'--''.".'.'.'M"o"n"t;;a'r,'Q." 870 Bonney Rev. Thomas George, D.Sc. (LL.D. hon). . . .ss, Brannvell, Sir hrederick Joseph (LL.D. hon)..., ,x« Butl.r, Thomas P., B.C.L. (D.CL in course) ''.'.\\\ M^.'u'real ' ( ) " 18S r Cainpl,ell, Right Hon. Sir John Douglass Sutherland, Marquis of Lorne (LL.D. hon „„ •Campbell, Geo. W., M.A., M.D. (LL.D. hon).".".','.';;.'.*.* Stc Chamberlin B.,M.A. B.C.L (D.C.L. in course) ". . .Ot't.;;;; '6'. 1867 Chapman, Rev. Chas.,M. A. (LL.D, in course) go; Chauveau, Hon. Pierre J. O. (LL.D. hon) '.'.'.'.'Mon'tre'i'l' '6" iXc- Cordner, Rev. John (LL.D. hon) Montreal, g. 85, Cornish, Rev, George, M A. (LL.D in course) .,.'. .".'Mon't'real', '<")' 18-2 •Gushing, Lemuel, M.A. (LL.D. in. course)... ' "" cl^ Darey, Pierre J M A„ B^C.L. (LL.D. hon) W. :Mont*r;;i','Q. iS^I Lavuson, Charles Peers, M.A., B.C.L. (D.C.L. in course). . .Montreal (J 187^ Davidson, Leomdas H., MA B.C. L. (D.C.L. in course). . . Montreal Q. ,887 •Davies, Rev. Benjamin, Ph. D. (LL.D. hon) ^ ,w°J Dawson, Sir J. William M.A. (LL.D. hon), LL.D. Edio. .'.Mon't^eal'.'Q. ,857 •DeSola, Rev. A. (LL.D. hon) '^ °Jl Douglas, Rev. Geo, (LL.D. hon) ■.';; .' ' ' M'o'n'treil' 'o 8-^ •Doitre, GonEalve, B.C.L. (D.C.L. in course)...... '^^ontreal, Q. 8,0 ^f'uZ' ^'-i^'^bald M A. (LL.D. in course) . .Bradford," Voiksh'i^e'.'En'g. iSST Llls,Robert, M.A. (LL.D. in course) Ottawi O rXx, •Falloon, Rev, D , D.D. (LL.D. hon) ...... •;.^"^'''"' °- ^^7 Frankland, Edward, M.D., D.C.L., Ph. D. (LL.D. hon) , . ,8sT Fream, William, B.Sc. (LL.D. hon) ".'.',.".!'." 1888 4 Frechette, Louis II. (M D. bon) Montreal, Q. i88 (.alton, I)ou(-lasC. H., D.C.I.. (I, I..I). lion) '^ ,«« *(jaiitliifr, /.^phiun, li.C.L. (D.C.I., in course) .'..".'.'..".'. (...inmn, Francis !■:., M.A., H.C.L. (I.L.D. in course) MomrJal' V) (.irouard, D<Ssir<;, li.C.L. (D.C.L. in course) Montreal' Q •Oray, Asa, LL.D. (LL.D. hon), Hall, [anics (LL.D. lion), I 884 1 883 1877 1874 18S4 1884 Kirliy, James, M.A., H.C.L. (D.C.L, Krans, Rev. Edward IL, .M.A. (LL.D. in course). ..71 Irving Place N V iSS Lallamme, Hon. R. (i., H.C.L. (D.C.L. in course) Montreal 'o iX- Law.on. G., I'h. D, (LL.D. hon) ^' \l^ •Lafrenaye, P. R,, li.C.L. (D.C.L. in course) ,§- Lareau, I'ldniond, li.C.L. (D.C.L. in course) .".*.' MoiitVealVo. 18S *Leach, Rev. Wm. T., M.A. (D.C.L. hon), (LL. ) hon. Haicourt, Augustus ticorfje Vernon, M.A. (LL,D. hon) . . '...'. ,}J8? •lltad, Right Hon. Sir Edmund W., liaronet, M.A. (LL.D. hon). 1862 Hemming, Edward J., li.C.L. (D.C.L. in coui.se) Arthabaska.'o 1871 Hcncker, Richard VV H.C.L. (LL.D. hon) Sheibrooke. Q.' 1888 ♦lUdmes, Andrew I-., Ml), (LL.D. hon) .s.u *llowanl, R. P., M.D. (LL.D. Ii(m) .'.".*.*.'.*.' i886 Howe, Henry Aspinwall, M.A. (LL.D. hon) V.", .V.Montre.il "o 1870 \\^'^Ur.^i.ny,M.Aa.UlyUon^ ' MontreS IJ! i^s I-Iu chinson, Matthew, H.C.L. (D.C L. in course) Montreal, Q. 1887 Jenkins. Rev. John (D.D. Univ.. N.Y.) (LL.D, hon) iX-o •Kerr, William 11. (D.C.L. in course) ,^'^, course) (LL.D. m cour.se) .Montreal, Q. 1874 1887 «73 862 S73 8S7 1849 I.efroy, .Mr John I leniy, C.R„ K,C,M,(J.' (LL.d' hon)'.'.'.'.'." ".'.'. ml •l.og.in, .Sir William E., Kt. (LL.D. hon) '/ ,{^.5 *Lun'ly, Rev. Er.ancis (D.C.L. hon) ,«,- Lyall, Rev. \V.(LL.D. hon) '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. 1864 Macdonald, .Sir John .Alexander. K.CB., D.C.L. (LL.D. 'hon) .'ott'a'wa'o 1884 Machren,; J., H.C.L. (D.C.L. in course) Toroiito,0.' 188S McC.i-egor, J.ime.s, M.A. (LL.D. in cour.-;e) Victori.i, B.C. 1S80 MacVicar, Rev. D H. (LL.D. hon) Montreal,Q. 1870 Meredith, Edmuml A., H.C.L. (LL.D. hon) ,«'- Miles, Hy. II., M.A. (LL.D. hon) '.'.'.'.'.'.'. 1866 Morris, Hon. Alexander, M.A., li.C.L. (O.C.L. in couise)'.V.'Toron"to"o 1862 .Mornsson, Kev. Ja.s. D., M.A. (DD. Union College N.V.) (LL.D. in course .............. Ogdensburg, N. Y. 1880 Mosley, Henry Nottidge. M.A. (LL.D. hon) 7 jgg. NicholThomas, M.D.. H.C.L. (D.C.L. in course) "... Montreal 'o 1887 Omnnaiey, Sir Erasmus (LL. 1/. hon.) jj^yg Parkman, Fitincis (M.A. Harvard) (LL. 1). hon) '*. .'.'.'.".".'.'.""" 18-0 Petty-Eitzmaurice, Henry Charles Keith, Marquis of LanJdowne'("LL D 1>')") '1884 Playfair, Sir Lyon, K.C.H., Ph.D., LL.D. (LL.D. hon) .,.!...','..' 1884 Rol.idoux, J. Emery, B.CL. (D.C.L in course) Montreal", "q. 1887 R.hins, Sampson P.nul, M.A. (LED. in course) Montreal, Q. ,880 Rollitt, Albert K. (LL.D. London University) (LL.D. ad eun) 1871 Roscoe, Sir Henry Enlield, PhD., LL.D. (LL.D. hon) '.'.'.'.."" 1884 Roy, Rev. James, M.A. (ad eun) (LL.D. in course) ".".".'.'(Joburg "6" 1883 treal, Q. i88i 1884 1S83 a-al, Q. 1877 Ireal, Q. 1874 18S4 1S84 1884 1S62 aska, Q. 1871 okc, Q. 1S88 1858 1886 real, (^. 1870 ;real, <^. 1865 treal, Q. 18S7 1^79 i«73 course) real, Q. 1874 e, N.V. 1887 real, Q. 1873 1862 1873 real, Q. 1887 1849 1857 1884 1S56 1843 18O4 awa, O. 18S4 )mo,0, 1888 a, B.C. 1S80 realjQ. 1870 1857 1866 nto, O. 1862 .L.D. in :,N.Y. 18S0 18S4 ■eal.Q. 1887 ...... 18S6 '879 (LL.D. 1S84 1884 eal,Q. 1887 eal, Q. 1880 1871 1884 irg, O. 1883 Rehvyn, Alfred R C, F.R.S. (LL.D. hon) Ottawa, O. Sliaw, Rev. Wni. J., M.A. (LL.D. in course) Montreal, (). •Smallwood, Charles, M.I). (LL.U. lion) "; •Smith, William Stuart (LL.D. lion.) Stewart, George, D.CL. (LL.D. lion) *.'.'.'. Strutt, John William, Lord Kayleiyh, M.A., D.C.I,. (LL.D. hon) Temple, Sir Richard, Hart., D.C.L., LL.D. (LL.D. hon) Thomson, Sir William, M.A., LL.D., D.CL. (LL.D. hon) Trenholme, Norman W.,M.A., ILC.L. (I) C.L. in course). ... Montreal, O. Tylor, Ldwaid liurnett, D.C.L., LL.D. (LL.D. hon) •Valli^iesde St. Real, Hon. J. R. (D.CL. hon) ' Wickes, Rev. Henry (LL.D. hon) ," Wicksteed, Richard J., M.A. (LL.D. in course) Ottawa, O •Wilkes, Rev. Henry M.A., D.D. (LL.D. hon) Wilson, Sir Daniel, LL.D. (LL.D. hon) "..',..!'. Wurtele, Hon. J. S, C, B.C.L. (D.CL. in course) Montreal, Q. •Deceased. DOCTORS OF MEDICINE. Abom, W. H., St. Paul, Minn. Addison, Jas. L., St. Geor^re, O. •Adhctts, John, Alexander, Robert A., Grimsby, O. Alguire, Duncan O., Connvall, O. AUard, Henry, lielceil, q. jAllan, Hamilton, Tacoma, Wash. Ter., U.S. Allan,J. H. li., M. R. C.S. Eng., L. R. S. P., London -Montreal Allen, C. E., Swanton, Vt. Alloway, Thomas Johnson, L. R. C. S., L.R. C P.,Edin Montreal Anderson, Alex., Med. Dept. Indian Army, •Anderson, John C, Archer Thos Wandsworth, Eng. Ardagh, Johnson, Orillia, O. Armitage, J. H,, , Waterloo, O. Armstrong, Geo. E., Montreal •Arnoldi, Daniel (Hon.), Arthur, R. H Chapleau, O. Atkinson, Robert, Ault, Alexander , . Ochkosh, Wis. Ault, Charles, ... Montreal. *Ault, James F., Ault, Edwin D., Aultsville, O. Austin, Fred. John, Sherbrooke, Q. Ayer, N., M.A., West River Hebert, NS. Aylen,John, Aylmer, Q. Aylen, James Aylmer, Q. Aylen, P., Battleford N.W.T. Aylen, Walter W , Avlmer,Q. Backhouse, J. B Braidwood, III., U.S. Baer, D. C, Summerfield, 111. Bain, D. S. E., Staff Surgeon Major. iRSi 1887 1S56 1858 1889 1884 1 8 84 1884 1887 1S84 1844 i8uS 1879 1870 1884 1882 18S7 1884 1866 187I 1873 1866 1872 1885 1883 1868 1866 1865 1869 1869 1880 1S77 1847 1885 1862 i860 1855 18.5 1868 1862 1880 1857 1863 1886 1889 1870 1888 1868 I 6 "aIn'Sera:;::;;;;::.;:;;--. pnnce a,^... Ma. .874 l!:;l^!n^^lS;:;;:;:;;::;::•: lWisl,,^evonE. ,sj •liar„s,..M,Ja„,e; [..leu,,]... .....■.:::; la.klnll.O. .870 l!arrc.t,J.)s. A,, ;.* j-'" '°50 baynes, "l )„nal,l. M, A ' ' ^ , ' ' ' v^i Ik'altv I) i' Monlaal 1869 bemulette," XlV;;,!',".'. ". ". '. ! V. R'ch.non.l, Carlt. Co., O. 1862 •Hfau.liv, l.ouis 1!., ". '°^S lk-ckstn',1 Vt i*."'^* ,* '°7' THcii: jaL .::;. ^'^'°" ^^"'^''' '''■ ^^'^^ ■ srr ""'-^ ''■'« BtH. J. 11., H A, Montiea 1S77 •15 11. John, M. A.. .'.'.;;.■ Montreal 1888 Bell, Kohert, H ,A .Sc... ...■;■..'.■■■.; " • ' ' • ' '^^^ Bf 11, Robert W .' . . . .Olt.awa. 1878 Belle.iu, Alfred, IeU-rbc,ro O. 1873 •Bergeron, [oseph, ^"'^''«<^' '^62 Be) Kin, 1 )arl)y, • ,; ' • ■ '°"0 Berrv I A Cornwall, O. 1847 Berry R 1>' Seeiey 's Hay, O. 1887 Lesse;, William K.;:;::."; i.i.KKy,o. ms iSSru::: ■•■•V//:v;.:^Boyi;^on-s;,HS:n:^2:;^§ •Bihaud, Jean G.,........;. ■;..": Chatham, NH. 1875 tliirkett, JI. S BUk.ider, Alex. 1)., Ii.A.,M.R.C. S. E, e m , \ «**^ Blackader, E. H. P IJ.A. . m*"'"'' 'tl ' Blacklock, John J., .... y.{ ' ;■ '^^"""'i^' '^S? •Blanche!, J. ti , Cheslerville, O. 1851 Blair, Robert C, ^1 " ' " n- ;.' ^^^^ •I'ligh, John \V.[ ; : ^'"■*^^ '^'^*-'"' Q- '865 Bogart, Irvine D„ V. ' " " "A" 'f "^^ •Bumberry, G^o, E.,...M .','.. rarrsooro, N.S. 1886 Bonesteel, S. A ',''<"\ 1: V „"5 Boone S W HA <-olumbus, Neb. 1881 BoolMohlri.f. .':. Fredericton, N.B, ,887 Boulter, Geortje II., . .".V.'. c .^""''^al 1889 Bouen, W., B. A., ;.•••• '^.V, "!F' °- '^52 Bo«-er.J.C, Knoxv.lle, lenn. 1S87 Boyd,Jay,.. .K.ngs- r.N.B. 1883 •Boyer. Lmiis ■.■;.'.■.■.■. Ispmn.ng, Mich. .887 *Boylan, Andrt ■' A., .'. '^"t^ Boyle, Albert D A' •, •••; '°S7 •Howmnn, William E Carbonear, Nfld. 1877 Bower, .Silas J., \{/ W- " y ' " *; '^^o •Bradley, W.lbam, Waddmgton, N.Y. 1865 Bradley, \V. I., B.A , r" u" "r.\ " " ^- '^^9 ' ' •' Carlton Place, O. 1888 t, Man. 1874 lani, (). IiSyo ■, Mich. I.S-8S n, Ln^'. 1848 hill, O. 1S70 1856 , Iowa. 18S4 ver, U. 1861 n, Kng. 1876 Dntical 1S69 Lo., O. 1862 1865 ...... 187, ., N.Y. 1878 ontreal 1877 ontreal 1888 1866 Jllawa. 1878 iro, O. 1873 >iiebec. 1862 1870 all, O. 1S47 iay, O. 1887 iay, O. 1888 itn, O. 1863 , Mass. 1865 , N.U. 1875 1843 jntreal 1886 )ntreal 1871 'iitieal 1S87 lie, O. 185 ( 8631 ;rs, Q. 1865 1865 ne. O. 1859 , N.S. 1886 1875 Neb. 1 88 1 N.Ii. 18S7 ntreal 1S89 ig, O. 1S52 I'enn. 1S87 N.Ii. 1S83 Mich. 1887 1842 1857 Nfld. 1877 ..... 1S60 N.Y. 1865 .... 1869 e, 0. 1888 •Praithwaite, Francis II., . Brandon. John Ancaster.'o Hreslin, William 1 46th I<ij;Mnenl Uriyham, Josiah S .' Phillip^lniiv, Q. IMs-ette, Hinri R., Lowell, Ma.is. •Hristol, Amos S., Urodeur, Alphonse Roxton Kails, (^ IJrodie, Jol.n, Honolulu, Sdwh. Islands Hrooks, Samuel T., St. Johnslniry, Vt. •IJrouse, UilJism II Brouse, Jacob K., Brockviil'oVo. Brossard, J. B. J., .'.aprairie, 'j. Brown, 'Ihomrs L., Melbourne, Q, Brown,;. L., Plattsville, O. Brown. I'eter E., Montreal, i). Brown, Harry, 405 VV. Washington St., Chicafjo. Brown, Chs. O Brome, Q. Brown, George A Mont.eal Browne, Arthur A., B.A Montreal Bruneau, Adolphe, Sort' ' ). •Bruneau, Olivier T. (Hon.), ". •Bruneau, On^sime, Bryson, William G., Fenelon Falis,'o. Bucke, Richard Maurice London, O •Bucke, Edward II., •Buckle, John M. C Buckley, William P., Prescoit.'o. Bull, George J., New York •Bullen, Charles F Buller, Frank, Montreal Burgess, J. A., Listowel, O. Burch, B. F., Walla Walla, Wash, Ter. *Burland, John H., ,, Burland, Samuel C. Chester, i'enn". Burland, William B., Montreal Burland, William H., Wilshton, Fla. Burland, Benj. W., Mineville, N Y. Burrows, F. N., Burrows, Philip P Lindsay, O. *Burnham, Robert Wilkins, , *Burns, Alfred J., Burritt, Horatio C Toronto, O. Burwash, Hy. J 12 18 Milwankee Ave, Chicago. •Butler, George C, Butler, BillaF., .Stirling, O. * Buxton, John N., Cahalan, James, Wyandotte, Mich. tCameron, Chas. E., Montreal Cameron, D. A., Alpena, Mich. Cameron, Paul, Alexandria, O. Cameron, Du' .can H., Portland, Ore. Cameron, James C Montreal 18^3 1867 1847 1848 1871 1850 1863 1877 1851 1847 1861 1875 1881 1879 1S63 '873 1882 1889 1872 '853 1843 1851 1867 1862 1852 1869 1870 1869 1864 1879 1868 1866 i863 1877 1872 1875 1882 1885 1 866 1869 1854 1863 1879 1865 1879 1849 1880 1883 1885 1 88 1 1877 1874 8 Cameron, John D Cameron, J. J., ..',.*.*.'! !' Norway, Mich. 1878 Cameron, K., B.A.,... Lancaster, O. i888 •Campbell, Donald Peter, Montreal 1887 Campbell, Francis Wayland, i860 Campbell, Georfje G., B.Sc. Montreal i86o Campbell, G. VV., M.A. fad eun^ Montreal 1889 Campbell,;., '' •• • 1843 Campbell. Samuel ^onte Pond, Australia 1876 Campbell, John, .". 1866 Campbell, Lome, ... Seaforth, O. 1860 Campbell A. W,, '.'"'.'". Montreal 1882 Cannon, Gilbert, Montreal 1886 Carmicliael, D, A,,..',.'. m " u Almonte, O. 1877 Carey, Augur D. L. (ad eu'n),". '"■' "°'P- S"^- Cairo, 111. ,873 Carman, Phillip E.,... 1864 *Carroll, Rol)ert W. W., Detroit, Mich. 1870 Carruthers,Geo., ;.":;.';::; 1859 carson, J. H., ,88^ *Car.son, Augustus, Lake Park, Minn. 1881 Carter, L. H ' ,84, Carter, Samuel A,, Picton, O. 1888 Case, W, Hermanus, ... Meadow Vale, O. 1859 Cassidy, David M. , " * * \\La ' c,,* " "A":':'; Hamilton, O. 1870 Cassidy, Geo. A.,.:...;.,'^^^'^' ^"P'" C°"n'y Asylum, Lancaster, Eng. 186? Cassidy, John F.,.. ' Coldstone, O. i88c Castleman, A. L., • Goderich, O. i86e Ca.sgrain, Char.es E. Hon.', ^^^* Williamsburg, O. 1888 Cattanach, Andrew J., . ..„ Windsor, O. 1851 Cattanach, Angus M.,.'.' Denver, Col. 1871 Cattanach, W. S., ' Dalhousie Mills, O. 1882 Cbagnon, Vincelaus G. B., ".".". ^'*^" Water, O. 1886 ChUiner, Francis, f'all River, Ma.ss. 1861 Chalmers, W. W., B. A., .! ! 1849 Cherry, William, ; ••Magog, Q. 1888 Uiesley, George Ashbold, , Toledo, Ohio 1869 Chevalier, Gustave 1862 Chevalier, Napoleon E., . . ". Bedford, Q. i86o Chipinan,C. J. H., B.A.,...'.V. Iberville, Q. ,873 Chisholm, Alex., Ottawa, O. 186& Chisholm, Murdoch, . 1878 Christie, George H.,... Bay Roberts, Nfld. 1879 Christie, John B., ' •;•, Lachute, Q. 1872 Christie, Thomas, ^alaluma, Sonora Co., Cal. i86« Christie, John H., B.A.. ;,; Lachute, O. 1848 Christie, Edmund,.. 333 W. 22nd St., Chicago, 111. ,87c Christie, Willir;,n, B.A.V.V. Chicago, III. 1882 Church, Charles H Lachute, Q. 1887 Church, Clarence R.,... 1862 Church, Coller M., *.'.'. Ottawa, O. 1868 Church, F. W.,. . Aylnier, Q. i^ce ChurchJohnR.,.,. .;;;;;;;; Aylmer, Q. ,880 Aylmer,Q. igj^ "vay, Mich. 1878 ancaster, O. i888 ...Montreal 1887 i860 ..Montreal i860 ..Montreal i88g 1843 i, Australia 1876 1866 ieaforth, O. 1869 ..Montreal 1882 . Montreal 1886 Imonte, O. 1877 Cairo, 111. 1873 1864 roit, Mich. 1879 '859 1883 irk, Minn. 1881 1843 Picton, O. 1888 V Vale, O. 1859 miUon, O. 1879 'ster, Eng. 1867 dstone, O. 1885 derich, O. 1865 'sbii'g, O, 1888 incisor, O. 1851 iver, Col. 187 X Mills, O. 1882 kVater, O. 1886 er, Ma.ss. 1861 ; •• 1849 •'igog, Q. 1888 do, Ohio 1869 ■• 1862 dford, Q. 1860 "Ville, Q. 1873 tawa, O. i86& 1878 ts, Nfld. 1879 ■hute, Q. 1873 "o.,Cal. 1865 liute, Q. 1848 ago, 111. 1875 ago. 111. 1882 hute, Q. 1887 1862 awa, O. 1868 mer, Q, 1855 mer, Q. 1880 mer, Q. 1884 g Church, Mills K., Merrickv.lle O ii<f,i •Church, Peter H., ' ^i^rnckvUle, U. 1864 Clarke, Hy, J., w" '■" "W " 'j^ Clarke I lenrv T \\ innipeg, Man. 1881 ua. ke, llen.y J •,• • • • Pembina, Dak. 1884 rl ^' ?v rr"' p ^■' 3857 Vincennes St., Chicago, 111. .870 Clarke, Wallace, B.«., Uticat N.Y. 1871 Clarke, Richard A., ' „;( Clarke, F. G. B., F^rd'wVch Rd\'kH'bJrV,'LmK^^^^^^^^ 1876 L-aiKe J. U Waterloo, Q. 1886 Clemesha, John W p„., u ri .0^ ^, ^ tV . . ' rort Hope, O. 1867 Clement, V ictor A c, r'„Mi„. „ r> .o^i: »4.( i:„ T u 1^ ij A at. (jrUillaume, Q. 1866 "Ttiine John U., B.A ' '^ o Clouston,!. R m'"-"i"A" ol'^ r>i T^ -1 Howick, O. 1884 Cluness, Daniel,. ... , m^„„- n A o^ <-„,, .If , ' IVanaimo, B.C 1870 Siii'ati;; w.:.-;:.-;: ^-'i-^' ^^- ^i^ Comeau,John B ct r^"''j"A' o P f P ^'' L'avid, Q. 1870 i^onroy, c. -_•,•••.. Martintown, O. 1888 Cook, Guy R., B.A Louisville, N.Y. 1876 Cook, Hermon L Napanee O i8?4 Cook, Sheldon E^, Holdredge, Neb., U.:^! i88j ronU '^H ?•• ...Toronto, O. ,866 Sofe-U^'Z r.-.V. Hull, Q. .869 Corbett, William H., Brig. Surg! A^; Med iie'nt'. 185^ Corhs.Josmh St. Thomas, O. J9 Cormack, Wm., Morristown O. i88l '^Corson. John, ' „ , Coi^on, Douglas, '-'.''^ ''.'■''.'.'.'.::' l!: [[[l !:: :Mome^. 1885 Cousins W'C Cowansville, Q. 187/ cousins, WG Ottawa, O. 1882 ^r"'^; T^ '••••i;;V Vancouver, BC. 1887 *Cowley, Thomas McJ., ,0 ' ?-i7'D;K ::::::;::::::::::::::::6Vk;b;;Q; ;So Cox Frank,... Charlottetovvn. P.EJ. 1869 Coyle. Henry W., Montreal, Q. ,876 Craig, Thornton, /-o„„„ r- 1 .o\= rrniir M A Capay, Cal. 1876 r f'^u'l Capay, Cal. 1886 Cra.k, Robert Montreal, Q. ,854 Cram, Daniel C, '^ j,-'^ 'Crawford, James (ad eun), jo^^ Creasor.John A., B.A., .■.■..■.■.*.*.' i." '. ::.'N.To;on;oVo. 1889 r w"w r i.-A- Sonora,Cal. 1865 r i ' w ir ^•^•' Fredericton, N.B. 1886 Crohers,\\iiliam, Stanbridge, Q. ,876 'Culvers, Joseph B., s > h. /" •Cunninghame, W. C. Tliurlow ".'.'.'.". '.V.'.'.^V.".]'.'.'.'.','.'.'. '.['.'..[['. 1858 10 Cutter, Frederick A.,..,. l>aly, Guy IJ. F., \ Sutton, Q. 1873 Daly, Walter S. 'A' V \ I«68 *l>nnsereau, Charles, . . Ogdensln.rg, N.V., U. S. 1885 IXlnsereau, Charles, ' 1842 *Uaiisi.reau. Pierre, .... 1S60 Parey,j. II., 15.A 1835 Davies. Thomas H., (.ranger, Minn. 1885 Davigtion, F. F., ." Chelsea, (^. 1884 Dawson, R., M.A.,. ..", ".'.'. Leadville, Col. 1871 Dazd. Hfnri '" l.ondon, Eng. 1882 Deardon, C;. A., '. Montreal 1885 *Dease, Peter Warren, Victoria, B.C. 1882 DeHonald, C S., * 1847 DePoiiclierville. Charles B Berthier en haiit, Q. 1862 DeCow, 1). McG., ", (,)iiebec 1843 De(;rosl)ois, T. B., Montreal 1886 Delaney, William J., ..','. '.*.'. Hoxlon Falls, Q. 1868 Deniorest, li.G.G Peterboro', U. 1889 Derby, W.J Sirling, O. 1852 *Desaulniers, Antoine A., I'lantagenet, Q. 1882 Desmond, F.J 1863 *Decelles, Charles D.,.. Newcastle, N.B. 1888 Dew.ar,C. P., 1841 ibblee, (i. O., Ottawa, O. 1888 *Dice, George,... Moor's Mills, N.B. i88o ;i>ick, James R.,. .. .V.V. ■.■.■.■."■. V.; i.' .' '864 ^IJickmson, James S., 1842 Dickinson, George, . . 1846 Dickson, William W. ,..'.'. i868 Dickson.J. A., B.A., Pembroke, O. 1863 Digby, F. Winniett, Hemniingford, ( ), 1887 •Dodd, John, Brantford, O. 1 86^ Doherty, W. W.,. . . , .■.' • 1864 Donnelly, C. H., Campbellton, N.B. 1885 •Dorion. Severe,. Waresville, Texas i860 •Doriand, Enoch G.,::::::;::;:: ;;;;;; 1843 Dorland, James, 1850 Dougan, Wni., Mdwaiikee, Wis. 1875 Doughss, James fHon,)i '.'.*." .*.'.'.' ''"'• ^''^'h^rines, O. 1867 Dowling, John F 1847 •Drake, Joseph M.', *.'.'.'. ^gan.sville, O. 1871; Dubiic, Charlemagne,....' 1861 •Ducket, Stephen Momreal 1864 Duckett, William A.,....'. 18157 Dufort, Thadee A Montreal 1859 Duhamel, Louis, St. Sebastien, Q. 1865 Duncan, George, • • • • Hull, Q. i860 Duncan, Gedeon M. i^areham, Hants, Eng. 1866 Duncan, George C, '.*. Bathurst, N.B. 1871 Duncan, James S. ,..'.'.'.'. London, Eng. 1875 •Duncan, John,...."".','.'.'. Surg. Maj. Army 1858 1871 11 . Siilton, Q. 1873 1868 N.V., U.S. 188s 1842 1869 183s ifji'i-, Minn. 1885 .'lielsea, (,). 1884 Iville, Col. 1871 iiilnn, Entj. 1882 ..Montreal 1885 tona, li.C. 1882 ••, '847 :n liaiit, Q, 1862 • ..(^'uthec 1843 • Montreal 1886 1 I'ails, (). 1868 rboro', U. 1S89 •ii-ling, O. 1852 igenet, O. 1882 1863 stie, N.B. 1888 1841 >itawa, O. 1888 nils, N.B. 1880 1864 1842 1846 1868 broke, O. 1863 '«ft'i<l, q. 1887 itford, O. 1863 1864 on, N.B. 1885 le, Texas i860 1843 . ■■ .. 1850 :ee, Wis. 1875 rines, O. 1867 1847 iville, O. 1875 i86i klontreal 1864 X853 lontreal 1859 tien, q. 1865 lull, Q. i860 ts, Eng. 1866 St, N.B. 1871 in, Eng. 1875 i. Army 1858 1871 Duncan, John A., Moose Jaw, N.W.T. 1884 Duncnn, W.T., l''er;;us Falls, Minn. 1882 Dunlop, H. A., Crookston, Minn. 1882 *bunn, William Oscar, 1 843 Diinsmore, John M., Stratford, O. 1870 iJiipuis, Joseph B. Clarenceville, (). 1856 Easton, John, Brockville, O. 1852 Easton, C. L., Smith's Falls, O. 1887 Eberle, Harry A., Kansas City, Mo. 1876 Eberts,D. W., Victoria, B.C 1885 Eii^'ar. C.J., Sherbrooke, (2. 1887 Eilward, Eliphalet G., 1855 Edwards, J. S., London, O. l88o Edwards, Oliver C. Qu'Appelle, N.W.T. 1873 Elder, John., B.A., Huntingdon, Q. 1885 F'ldeikin, Edwin J., 1884 Elkington, A. G., Sur. Mnj. Gren. Guards 1862 Ellis, W.E St. Catharines, O. 1887 Ellison, S. R., 266 W. 43rd St., N.Y. 1873 Emery, Gordon J., Minneapolis, Minn. 1857 Flngland, William S Dunham, '.). 1889 •English, T. F., ; 1858 •Erskine, John, i860 Esson, Frank G St. John, N.B. 1889 Ethier, Calixte, St. Eugene, Q. 1867 Evans, Griffith, Vet. Dept. Army, Woolwich, Eng. 1864 fEvans, E. J., Lacrosse, Wis. 1887 Ewing, Wni., Hawkesbury, O. 1873 Falkner, Alex., .Lancaster, O. 1866 Falls, Samuel K, , Chicago, 111. 1875 Farewell, G. McGill 1872 Farewell, W. G., Oshawa, O. 1868 Farley, James T., Freemont Centre, Mich. 1877 Farley, John J., Belleville, O. 1873 Faulkner, George W Stirling, O. 187 1 F'aulkner, U. W., Foxboro, O. 1878 Feader, H. C, Chicago, 111. i88r Feilde, E. C Prescott, O. i88i Fenwick, George E Montreal 1847 Fergusson, Alex. R., Dalhousie Mills, O. 1866 tFerguson, Wm. A., B. A., Rochester, U.S. 1884 Ferguson, W. D. T., Cumberland, O. 1888 Fillmore, E. W., Spencer's Isl., N.B. 1887 Finlay, F. G., Montreal 1885 *h inlayson, John, 1834 Finnic, John T., L. R. C. S- Eden Montreal 1869 •Fisher, John 1847 •Fitzgerald, James 1865 Flagg, J. D., 125 Eagle St., Buffalo, N.Y. 1887 Fortune, Lewis M., Huntingdon, Q. 1873 Fortin, Pierre, Montreal 1845 •Fo.'ster, Stephen Sewell, 1846 12 Fraleigh, William S., „ Fraser, Alex. C, Oananoque. O. 1S69 Fraser, Donald,. ..,,.'" ". Manitowoc, Wis, 1877 Fraser, Dcmaid M.,!'. Cliica(,'o, 111. jS68 Fraser, H. D.,. Stratford, O. 1S69 Fraser, J. M ,. ...'.'. I'erth, O. 1881 Fraser, J. R., '. I-akefield, O. 1887 *Fraser, William,' '. Lakefield, O. 1878 Fraser, William H.,.".",'. >Si6 Fritz, H. D., B.A.,.. Lasalle, 111. 1867 Freeman, C. M., ' ■'^t- John, N B. 1S88 Fuller, W., . . ^ape .Sahle Isl., N S. 1S7 1 duller, H. LeRoyjiB'.A Grand Rapids, Mich. 1866 Fulton, James H,.. ' Sweetsburj,r, Q. 1870 Gale, Hugh, . . Montreal 1S63 •Garvey, Joseph,. ..'." ! '*.'.' ' ^'^y ^'ty, Mich. 1S82 Gardner, A. W.,. . .. ,, 185a Gardner, H. H., ; Montreal 1887 Gardner, John J., . '.'.*.'.'. ^"" Francisco, Cal. 1878 Gardner, Matthew! Montreal 1883 Gardner, Wm., *.'.'.*, Sacramento, Cal. 187 1 Gairdner, T. M.,' • '^'ontreal 1867 Garrow, Alex. e!,.. ...'." '. ^°'''*> ^'^^b. 1886 •Gascoigne, Geo. E.', ..,".,' Ottawa 1S89 Gaviller, Edwin A.,'.. Vl ^^(>i •Gauvreau, Elz^ar '.". Hamdton, O. 1873 •Gauvreau, I^wis H^,. ..'..'....' '. '855 Gemmill, Ernest W , 1836 Gend 1, Thomas. ..'.'. ' • • -Almonte, O. 18S9 Gernon, George W,, ...!*.*'. '. Raymond, Q. 1866 •Gibb, George U.,.'... ..... ... , '^7^ Gibson, John B.,.. • 1846 Gibson, W. B., CowansviUe, Q. 18,5 *Gibson, EdwardB Burlington, Vt. 1878 Gibson, J. H., . 1864 •Gilbert, Henry L.*, Burlmgton, Vt. 1886 Gillis, John A, F.,",'.V.V. c ', '^75 Gillies, John, Summerside, P E.I. 1877 Gilmour, Angus A.' ".■.'.' .' ■." p:,V V/ ' c" ' ' -Teeswater, O. 1S67 •Giroux, Philippe,. !....]]...'.'.'.'. ' ^""^ Francisco, Cal. 1S68 Girdwood, Gilbert P., M.R C ' S Fn^ ; '^59 Gladman, G. T , ' ' "^•' • Montreal 1869 Glen, C. W. E, ' ^^** Syracuse, N.Y. 1886 Godfrey, Robert,".'.'.'. Chambly, Q. 1858 Godfrey, Abraham C. ' 'v ," Montreal J844 •Goodhu'e, P J . ' Freemantle, Southampton, Eng. ,865 Goforth, Fi.anklin,. . ..■■".■ " p • • • '875 Gooding, Chs. E., a; • ^"'1^°"'' ^^^'^^'' Eng. 1863 Goodwin, W W St. Phihp, Barbadoes, W.I. 1884 Gordon, C. M., " Bale Veite, N.B. 1888 Gordon, Robert, .'. Aylwir,, O. 1881 *Gordon, W. W Arlington, 111. 1868 1863 WW|R«IM^^'«UNNnMWI«Wt«HWBj Gananoque. O. 1S69 initowoc, Wis. 1S77 • •Chicago, JU. 1S68 .Stratford, O. 1S69 ■ •••I'erth, O. 1881 • Lakcfield, O. 1XS7 • Lakefield, O. 1878 18^6 . .Lasalle, 111, 1867 <t. John, N B. 18S8 Mt hi, NS. 1 87 1 Kapids, Mich. 1866 rtettsburg, Q. 1870 .. ..Montreal 1863 y City, Mich. 1882 1852 Montreal 1887 rancisco, Cal. 1878 ....Montreal 1883 ■amento, Cal. 1871 ■ . .Montreal 1867 • York, Neb. 1886 Ottawa 1S89 1861 lamilton, O. 1873 i8SS 1836 Almonte, O. 18S9 Raymond, Q. 1866 1872 1846 ansville, Q. 18^5 rlington, Vt. 1878 1864 ■lington, Vt. 1886 1875 side, P E.I. 1877 ieswater, O. 1867 incisco, Cal. 1868 1859 . . Montreal 1869 acuse, N.Y. 1886 hambly, Q. 1858 ..Montreal 1844 ipton, Eng. 1865 187s lester, Eng. 1863 idocs, W.I. 1884 'erte, N.B. 1 888 Aylwin, O. 1881 ington, 111. 1868 1863 13 Graham, Charles E., Hull, O. i86e Graham, George A - ,j^jj3 *(.raham, Henry, ^^^^ Graham, Kenneth D. '" Ottawa 187? Graham J., . Westme.nth, O. 1886 Grant, Donald J., Woodbridge, O. 186-! (jrant. Sir James A., . Ott.iwa 1854 Grant, las. A., jun., li.A., Ottawa 1882 Grant, )Vni.,.. I'erth, O. 1867 Gram, J H. v., Butlalo, N.Y. 1S86 Gray, John S. Winnipeg, Man. 1876 Gray, Ihomas, .St. Mary.s, O. 1879 Gray, James, Minneapolis, Minn. 1883 Gray, W.L...... Pembroke, O. 1881 Greaves, I enry C. Barbadoes 1877 Green^vood, I-. .S., Ht. Catharines, O. 1878 Greer, 1. A., c.SS. Minia, Halifax, N.S, 1876 •Grenier L. P.A ,8^ Groves, George II., t; O. 1879 Groves, W........ Carp, O. 1S86 Guerm, [amesj E., Montre.il 1878 Guest, 1 homas h. St Mary's, O. 1873 Gunn, Jannes Durham, Gray Co., O. 1861 tGunn.. !S U ,,,, y^ Mary's,©. 1888 Gurd, David I< ., L. R. C. P. London Montreal 1S79 Gustin, Smith,.... Bay City, Mich. 1885 *<.'istin, Wni. Claud ' ,^^5^ Ilaentschel, C. W., ■.■■..■.*■.■.*.■.■.'.■.■.■.■ ■.Montreal 1S88 I ag.nrtv, Dad. M J., Portage la Prauie, Man. 1866 llaldimand A. W, Pembina, Dak. i888 II.1II, Archibald (ad eun), jj..jj *Hall, James B., '.'.'.".".'.',".'.'.".".'.!'.,,'! 1866 :";yy,^^-' ::":::: Xt T , A V ' Ormstown, Q. 1S87 i , ' ,; • 'A Walkerton, O. 1887 Ha llett.E O., Truro, NS. 1885 Haljiday James T.,. Peterboro, O. 1865 Hamilton, Andrew W ., jg.q Ilamillon, Charles S,, '.'.'.'.'.'.'. DemorestviYle.'o. 1868 Hamilton, John R Stratford, O. 187 1 tlamilton, Rufus F., _ jjjgj IL-imel, Jo,seph A '.'..'"' 'I'.'.'.'^^'.lAmr^y Bay 'q. i8c6 *Hanior, A. L., igo Hammond, J. H , ."..."'.!!.'.!.",'..'.'!!.'.'!!" 1869 Hanna, A. E Perth, O^ 1885 Hanna, Franklm, I -nsdowne, O. 1879 Hanover, William Seaforth, O. 1875 1 anvey, C. H. B., 1331 Vanbuerin St., Chicago, 111. 188^ I arkin, }■ .^ McD., Vankleek Hill, O. 1885 Hart, !■ . W St. Maitinville, I^. 1358 S"''"'J„M -■'■•• "a 575 1st St., Troy, N.Y ,881 Harvey, W iluarn A. Harriston, 0. 1874 14 •Harding, F. W., Harkin, Henry * ,•*•••■ '^^^ •Haikin, WiUiim, , . . .V.".; *.'..".!;;'..'; Liverpool, Lng. 1867 Hardness, John 'r!;'\ ■" 'Vr^ V '^5*^ Harkness And/e^ .. . ! . :.* i i ! ^''"^n fn^""," '' o" M^' Harrison, I Javid 11...... ^^'' Lancaster, O. 1 869 Harrison, H. T Manitol.a 1864 Hart, George c', '. Moulinelte, O . 1883 Hannington, E. B. C .'. ...^ '''^s'^o'I. ^^ ■*^79 Hawkins, A, C,.... . ^.IT/'"' ^t^' '^'^ Hayes, jimes.. ::::,. Hahfax. N.S. 1885 Haythorne, T. T , B. A. r^'ri" '^'""^p'?' V" '^^^ Heard, C. DeW. ? Charlottetown, I'.E I. 1886 Hebert, P. Zotique '.'.■.'.'.■.'. ^^ ^' ^"^' '^!^° tHendersoii. Alex. A., .,..*..'.'*,* ','.■ A '*^73 •Henderson, E. G.,... .".'.*..".'". Ottawa 1870 *Henderson, I'eter., A. m!,* '.'.*.!.".'.*.*.!."."* "..j '^"'* Henderson, Andrew, v/ "■*' "A' \"^.'."' '^'^'^ *Henry, Walter [Il^n.]",". ^^'"'^"^ ^'''^' '^^'""- '««« •Henry, Walter J., '^53 Henry, \Vm. G., ^- '• :''••:■■ '^S^ Henwood, Alfred J., . .. ." ". ^Tf' ^^'n ' 'f ^ •Hervey, Jonas J.,.. B.antford, O. 1879 Hetherington, Harry W; '*^^6 Hewitt,!.,.... ^ Hatley, Q. ,872 Heyd H F ...Quebec 1888 Hicke'y, Charles" e' ■.■.'.■.'.■.*.'.■ :/^"""^''' ^"i- 'SS' Hickey, Samuel A , B.A. . ! i . ;.;: ^^^"^'T n' 'f^ Higgmson, H. A...... • ■ Aultsvdle, O. 1874 Hint, Joseph,... . -.^Ninnipeg, Man. i88i Hockridge, Thos. G., . .' ! ! • Strathroy O. 1888 *Holden,Rufus........ London, Eng. 1874 Holwell,John nWiV'i ; '^'''^ Holmes, Arthur D , '. . ^^^ Harbour, Jamaica 1S68 •Holmes, Andrew F. (ad e;.;)! ! ! .' V ^'"■""' ^^''''^- '^9 Hopkins, Alfred T r-"*,","" •" '^43 Hopkms,Fred.A, .... , Cooksh.re, Q. ,883 Hopkins, H.J., Cookstne, Q. 1889 Houston, D. \V, ... tookshire, Q, 1S8S Howard, James '. ', Cohoes, N.Y. 1881 •How.ird, Robert, ...'.'.[ Lachine, Q. 1867 •Howard, R. Palmer, LL.D. f Hon 1* '.'.■.'.! '^^2 ^Howard, R.J. B.,B.A . t" ' " V ' V " '• '^^S Howden, Robert f... ..London, Lng. .882 Howley/W.H...... ^^ mmpeg, Man. 1857 Howitt, Wm H ■ Jsonhliay,0. 1878 Howland, Francis L., •• Toronto, O. i8;o Hubbard, O. H., Huntsville, O. 1867 Hul,ert, Philip T., . . . : : •^: T ' V/''^'"' ^ •"■ '^^^ Hughes, P.H., ' Harbor Breton. ^ fid. .889 '^ ' ' 1S86 15 i868 Liverpool, Eng. 1S67 1858 on's Corners, O. 1S62 w Lancaster, O. 1869 Manitoba 1864 Moiilinette, O. 1883 ...Prescott, O. 1879 • Victoria, BC. 1875 ..Halifax. N.S, 1S85 . ...Sinicoe, O, 1866 ttetown, I'.E 1. 1886 .Kt-elby, Eng. 1880 • 'S73 Ottawa 1870 i«74 184S .m Park, Minn. 1880 1S53 1S56 Detroit, Mich. 1883 . Brantford, O. 1879 1S66 ...Ilatley, Q. 1872 Quebec 1888 .Buffalo N.Y. 18S1 Morrisburg, O, 1866 .Aultsville, O. 1874 k'innipeg, Man. i88i lonsocket, R.L 1873 .... Montreal 1851 .Strathroy, O. i888 London, Eng. 1874 1844 rbour, Jamaica 1868 Detroit, Mich. 1889 1843 Cookshire, Q. 1883 Cookshire, Q. 1889 Cookshire, Q, 1S88 . Cohoes, N.Y. 1881 . .Lachine, Q. 1867 1872 1848 -.ondon, Eng. 1882 innipeg, Man. 1857 ;orth Bay, O. 1878 . .Toronio, O. i8;o Iiintsville, O. 1867 Gilsam, N.H. 1888 Breton, Nfld. 1889 1 886 Hurlbert E.Augustus, Brooklyn. N.Y. i860 Hume, William L., I^e.k ( > ,«^ •Hunt, J. J., ;;•;.;.•. u«is,n, .s;, Snnl'/'ir' To;;,;;;';; ,876 Hunt, J. H., Sur. Maj. Army Med. Dep. 1869 Hunt Lewis G ., U.A., Sheffield. Eng. , 87? lurd, Ed "., . Ne wburyport, Ma.ss. ,865 Huriburt. Georg^ Nv^ . . .v.'." '.v;.'.;-.v;.v.;: V." v.v;;. Th^S^r ; 1^: lurlburt, Richard W., Mitclu-li O. .873 Huchmson.JohnA., M^„^;^_^, 7> ljuic!i.sc,n James A., ^,„„„^,1 .g? fT;. tVV- Detroit, Mch. 1879 Inksetter, D. G Costa Kica. 1880 ;',■;:' [T Liverpool, E.g. ,866 T " 't , ' Watkins, .\,V. 1885 T ^''"' \v u- ■■••-,•- 2°5 l^^st Ohio St.. Chicago 1879 Irwin \,ll,am I., Pembroke, O. 1889 ijacki^:'rT:,v.'.:::-.v.::: coaticooke, c>. ,863 Jackson, wm.Ei^d., i! i^ ! ! :: i! i:!: ! i ' " ! ! ! ! ::B;;;kwii;- o. 11^3 Jackson. Joseph A. Manchester, N.H. 1879 •Jamieson, Alex., B.A., , ' ^J^ Jamie-son, Thomas A ' jo' ^ Jamieson Chas. J.,.. V.V.;! .\\' i;]; :;\vinnip;g;M;n. i8?9 Johnson, CH., Muslin, Minn. ,884 Johnson, II. D., Charlottetown, P E L ,885 Johnson, James B., London, Eng, 1876 Johnson, J. C., Surg. Maj. Army 1867 Johnson, J. R Spring Valley, Minn^ 1883 Johnson, J W.,.. !'Gananoque.O. ,887 Johnson, IhomasG., Sainia. O. 1871 Johnston W.G Montreal 1884 Jones, Charles R Hatley, Q. 187! Jones, George N . Burlington, Iowa 187J •Jones, Thomas \V., (ad eun) ,g^T •Jones, Jonathan C, jgg* Jones, wm. Justus, .'. :;::::; :i>re^i;o, ,85! Jones, H.J. Jontgomery, M.A Wabash Av., Chicago 187-1 Josephs, GE Pembroke, O. 1881 ST%\ •^•",V\ i-'- Mariposa, Cal. 1875 Keeler, 1 homas, ^^ tKelly, Clinton Wayne, "i i^^ !! ^il" ! ! ! L^ub^i' V, K^. ,867 h?' {' ^T,';'^ ^ •' Rochester, Minn. 1884 •Kelly, Wilham jg ? If^|'y'/h"'T' ^'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.V.V.W.bmahaVNe'. 1873 t V\Ar'^ Omaha; Ne. 1887 Kempt William, Lindsay, O. 1864 Kennedy, J H Guelph O. .888 ^Kennedy, Richard A., . . . . 1864 16 Kennedy. R. A., B.A., Kenney, F. L., B.A.,. Js-err, James, Kerr, Norman, Killery, St. John, Kincaid, K, M., , King, Wm. M. h!,'.*';, King, Reginald, A.D., . King, Ricliard, . . . Kinioch, j.A ;;;; Kiikpatrick, A., Kirkpatrick, E.A., New A • .Rockland, O • St. John, N IJ, .A., Kirk|)atrick, R. C., IJ Kiitson, Kdnuind G., *K.iiUon, John G., , Klock, Robert H.. Kiock, w. H....... '.*;;;; •Knovvles, James A., '. .' .'.' ' *Kollmyer, Alex. H.,....' Laberge, Ed Lafferty, A. M., ..".'.'.'.",'. " LaflLiir, Henri A., B.A... Landor, Thomas H., ...*'.. Lane, John A., '.'..'." Lang, C. L., \''" ' Lang, W. A *Ung, Thomas D., Lang, W. M. .■.".■■._' Langlois, O. X., •Langrell, Richard T.,'.'... Larocque, A. B., Lathern, J. ,S., . Laurin, Edgar J. Law, 1->.W.C.,.' .'."." ■..■.■.■;.■ Law, William K. ,...".".'. ',' tLawford, John B,,. .". ." '.', •Lawrence, Henry J. H '" Leavitt, Julius, .''".". Leclerc, George, ..."'. Leclair, Napoleon,... *Ixe, James C, '// Lee, John Rolph, Leftbvre, John M Legault, D., ■///' Lemoine, C Lepailleur, Leonard^ ! .'.'.*.'.* * Leprohon, J ,hnL., A. M ' ' Levi, Reuben Lindsay, Heriot .*;;;; Lister. James, *Llovd, H. W.,.. •Locke, C. F. A.,.'.. msterdam Eye and • ^I'lwaukee Av.', Chicago, Vu". • : • ■''"'■g- Maj. Army Highgate Centre, Vt. "■ • yt- Hylvestre, Q. Compion, Q. I'eterboro', O. Montreal Ear Hospital, New' York City Montreal Hamilton, O. Bryson, Q. Ottawa, 6. St. Philomene, Q, • Johns Hopkins Ho^VitaliBaitimo.;; Md. • .. .Kalamazoo, Mich. •New Richland, Minn. St. Mary's, O. Anilierstburg, O. Montreal Halifax, N S. ■ . • . Deer Lodge, Mtm. I^ond Head, O. Coleraine, Irel. London, Eng. • . Melbourne, Q. Montreal . . . Lancaster, O. ' '••;•/ Granville, B c" . ..balaberry de Valleyfield, Q St. Pierre, Isle d'Orleans Montreal New York, US. •• ••••«« i886 1888 1858 1889 1862 1888 i«S9 1868 1867 i886 1856 1888 1886 •873 1869 1882 1885 1866 1856 1856 1S87 1887 1884 1877 1S76 iS8r 1866 1888 i«7S 1875 1 847 1883 1881 1863 1877 1879 1862 1866 1851 1861 1858 .J49 1879 1866 1850 1848 1843 1870 1861 1862 1879 1872 1 I ... Rockland, O. 1886 .St. John, N 1{. 1888 1858 ^v., Chicago, 111. 1889 iii-g. Maj. Army 1862 gate Cenliu, Vt. 1888 't. Sylvestre, Q. 1859 ...Compion,Q. 1868 . I'eterboio', O. 1867 Montreal 1886 •• 1856 ^ew York City 1S88 Montreal 18S6 ..Hamilton, O. 1873 ••••• 1869 ...Bryson. Q. 1882 ...Ottawa, O. 1885 1866 •••• ■ .... 1856 Philomene, Q. 1856 ,- 1S87 lialtimore, Md. 1887 1884 1877 amazoo, Mich. 1S76 chland, Minn. 1881 ; 1866 St. Mary's, O. i888 nherstburg, O. 1875 1875 Montreal 1847 Halifax, >.' S. 1883 ■ L'idge, Mon. iS8i ond Head, O. 1863 oleraine, Irel. 1877 London, Eng. 1879 ••;• i«62 Melbourne, Q. 1866 . ... Montreal 185 1 Lancaster, O. i86i 1858 '049 ranville, ii C. 1879 alleyfield, Q. 1866 sled'Orleans 1850 •••• 1848 ...Montreal 1843 ^York, US. 1870 i86i 1862 1879 1872 17 •Logan, David D., jg Logan, Robert , lon^.'MlVh. 1880 *I.ogan, William j.^ •I^ng, Alexander ...".*.., i«"'^ Long, C. H...... v.'.".".'" '.v.!! Chicago,' ill. 1888 Longley, Ldmund, ,g Longpr^, Pierre F ^g g Loring, J. Brown, 674 Lake Stl.'chic.igo,"!!!*. 1883 ii!^up:;.!^:!d.^,;v.;v.;;v.-.v.v.:v.-.:.;-.v.: stimng, o. .88 iC;r;!!:"fcn,:.::'.-.v,;;;;: v.-;.- bttk;^:^, o. ,8^0 Lovett, William V.'. V. '. A;rVo. isje low, Dav.d, j^„„j^^^, ,g^ rLucas, 1 . D Arcy, ^ jg^^ Lunam, IL, B. A ; .'.'.'.'campbelitonV N B. i88i \(^Jr\'r ^"'e- ^^aj- Army 1862 Lyford Chas. C, Minneapolis, Minn. 1870 Lyon, Arthur Shawville, Q. 1861 Mass,IudolphJ Chicago, 111. ,880 MacCallum, Duncan C, Montreal 1850 MacDiarmid, John D g^ *lf ^,^"'''\'' Angus,. . ; ;; ;; ■■.■.■.'.■.■ .".St'.'Paui,' Minn. 1863 MacDonald, Colin, g -^ MacDonakl, R. T. E., .......,!!! '.' " "SuttonQ 1881 MacUonald, Roderick /Eneas, Stoney Mountain, Man! 1871 MacDonald, A. D., Carleton, N H. 188? MacDonell /linear,. Ottawa 1849 M..cDonnell, R. L.,H.A Montreal 1876 MacDougall D.S., Ri«sell, O. ,888 MacFarane, Wm., Almonte, O. i86g Macfie, James, Fort Covington, NY. i86q Macintosh, Robert, R^pid City, NWT. 186^ *M I ''%"'"n ' Amherstburg, O. 1866 *Macklem, Samuel S., ,g^5 Maclean Archibald, ■.■.'.'..■.'.■.■.■.'. ■.■.■.■.' '. Samia.o". 1867 Macnabb, r rancis A. L. , .0 ' Macneil , Alex , . . ■.■.:;■.■.;: KensingtonV p'k'l i 88*? McAr hur, Robert D., C-hicago, 111. ,867 Mc.\rthur, John A., Po^ Elgin, O. 1879 ^•^A^'l^":'/- Winnipeg, Man. 1885 McLam.John,. Martintown, O. 187J McCann, J. J., B. A. , Hopkinton, Mass. 1878 McCarthy, JO., Sorel, Q. .888 ^J'^^Jarthy, W., ,7, blue Island avenue, Chicago, 111. 1867 McClure, \V m B. A. , (jhi^^ 1884 McCollum, E P Ellsworth, Kan. 1886 McConkey, 1. C, ,g ^vf.^'"!,''^'^"'"?.'^-' MomrVal ,87, McCord,JohnD jgi^ McCorkill, K.K.C .\. .V.\\\\V."" ■.■.'.■. EastFarnhamVQ. 1882 B J8 McCorninck, N., , , McCormick, An.la-w ( ;. • . Kenfievv, O. 1885 McCiimiUdn, Donald A., Kichinoml, Q, 1874 McCrimmon, J„I,n Lutknow, O. i86,j McCiimm.Mi, Milton, M.^I'ls" "(int iMncar.line, (). 187S •McCuliouKl.. Michael Lllcn. J, .". / ; •-'"" ^'^ ^^^'i'' ^- ^»7') McCulJy, Oscar J., M.A., ,;•.••,•. :;;• '^43 McCuuly, riiomas, <- liatiuini, N It. 1S66 McI )ei mill, Wni .....'. Oinistown, Q. iSSy Mgl)iarini<l, Donald, ..'..." Dunvtj;an, O. 1S75 McI)iainiid,JanK"i, . Ailiol, O. i8'67 McDonald, Alex. Ilcn'-all, O. 1873 McDonald, Alex., ■■■■■. i\\\^k-y, O. 1.SS5 McDonaM, llii-liiV. Vanklcek Hill, O. 1889 McDonald, II. f.,. ' '-U'enn, O, iSSf> •hMcDonald.Jolni A. ,.'".'.'. Alexandria, O. 18K5 McDonald, ( ;eor{ie, . Montreal iSSo McDonald, Jos D. A Renfrew, (). 18S9 McDonal.l, I'airick A.', 'V;'"" ^' ''''■■> *.'• '8/3 McDonald, R. C, Alexandiia, O. i8,S(» \MeDonald, Roderick", S] encer, Iowa 1880 McDonald, Alex. R... .'. . , '^U McDonald, A.I,. '''">''• ^^'i^' 1882 McDonald, D. D.,' V ' ' •^'e'^^i'i'lnn, O. 18S7 McDonnell, A. K. ] 'u"\ >-onli Lancaster, O. 18S7 McDonnell, Alex. R.' " '' Muni>lnirg, O. 188S McDonnell, Angus c'." Alexandria, O. 1874 McDougall, I'eterA.," Monlieal 1852 'McDoiigall, IVter A.,'..".. Ottawa, O. 1864 McEachran, \Vm ' :, •.: '^47 McEs\en, lintllav, ■r\ """pet,'. M^m. 1880 McEwen, Ilu-di.' Caileton IM.nce, O. 1870 McFarlane, M. A., . ". ." Caileton Mace, O. iSS.> McGannon, E. A.,' Arnjjiior, O. 1S8S McGannon, M. ( ■,,'.'. liiockville, O. j88i McCIannon, T. ,'..*....'.'.'..' Urockville, O. 1885 McGarry, James, .' . , ..'.".' lowell, Mass. 1885 McGeachy, William.... ''"^S? •McGill, William,, '. ..'.''.■. ^«»a> O. 1867 •McCJilliviay, Donald, ....,..,, '^A^ McGowan, I lenry W ' 1^6 1 McGratli, Thomas, .. .'.'.".'.'.".'.".'.".'. '■'''^ ^''''''"i Q- '^^67 'McGregor, Duncan, ... 1841) McGiiigan, W. J., •• 1861 •McGuire, Bernard J)., ."..'." '.■"■ Vancouver, I] C. 1879 Mcllmoyl, Henry A.... •, '873 Mclnerney, James 1' -layton, N Y. 1876 Mclnnes, Waiter J., ' ^*- J''''". ^' J^. 18S4 Mcintosh, James, , Victoria, O. 1S65 Vankleek Hill, O. 1859 II .1; k I ....Renfrew, O. 1885 . .Kicinnond, Q, 1874 ...Lutkiiow, (), 186,^ . .Kinciidine, (). 187S ....r.ilcrni(), O. 1S7S • •. I'cniyn, Cal. 1SS6 It St. .Mao's, O. 1879 ••, 1843 ''.lie Vcitf, x\ li. iK7(, Cliatliam, N |{. iS66 . .Oinisi.nvn, Q. 1SS9 ..I'mivif;an, O. 1S75 Atliol, (). 1867 ....ircn^all, O. 1S7J ....l'ai>lev, O. 1885 nklfek Mill, O. iSSij ■ .■.l.aggaii, O, iSS(> .Alexandria, O. 18S5 Montreal 1880 . .. Renfaw, (_), 1S89 Attoii Vale, (), 1873 Aiexandiia, O. i88i» ■S] eiicer, Iowa 1880 18,4 . . . Uowl, Win. i,sS2 Alexandria, 0. 1887 1 Lancaster, O. 18S7 Murri>l)urg, O. 1S8S Alexandria, O. 1874 Moiilrcal 1S52 ...Ottawa, O. 1864 .: ••. 1S47 iiinipet;, Man. 1S80 cton Place, O. 1870 eton Place, O. iSS,> . Arnprior, O. iSSS lirockville, O. 1881 lirockville, O. 1885 Lowell, Mass. iSSt'> ; '«57 lona, O. 1867 1S4S 1861 ■ebe Plain, Q. 1867 1849 i86r ncouver, U C. 1S79 1873 'Jkiyton, N Y. 1S76 t. John, N n. 1884 .Victoria, O. 1865 leek Hill, 0. 1859 19 Mcintosh, Donald J., Vankleek Ilill.O. Mcintosh, Duncan H , I'akenham, O. Mclntyre, Peter A., Souris, P E I McK.iy,John . . .Woudville.O McK.ay, J. M. , W allace, N .S. McKay, Waller Courtl.ind, O. McKek.an, George Lloyn llamilion, O. McKenzie, J. T., Pl.iinfield, O, McKen/.ie, U. K., H.A Kingston Road, Toronio, O. McKenzie, K. A. J., Portland, Oregon McKercher, Hugh, l-o,i Edward, O McKinley,Jolin K., Hristol, f>. McKmnon, G. \V Sunnysicie, 1' E I. McKmnon, H., Ashland, Wis, McKinnon, Thomas H., I.oekpoit, NS McLaren, Peter, lirudenell, P E l'. McLaren, Peter, IV;, ij,j.^ q McLaren, I'eter Ornistown, ( ) . McLaren, D. C, 1!. A ,\ 'McI/can, Alexander McLean, J. W p*JiI,t 'l 'lastings," N S. McLean, Thomas N., Fergus Palis, .Minn. McLean, J. .M., n.A., McLellan, Angus A., Indian River,' 1' E I*. McLellan, James H , 'rignish, P EI. McLennan, D., Dunvei;ai;, O ♦McLeod, Arch., B.A., ' McLeod, James, C'harlottetown, P eY. McMariin, D. R., Toronio, O. McMeekin, J. W Otler Lake, .Mich. McMicking, George, Godench, O. McMillan, /Eneas J., * Mc^•illan, D. L., ". . . AlexaiidriaVo. McMillan, Louis J. A., Mansonville, O. McMillan, John, Pictou. N S. McMurray, Samuel 'McNaughton, E. P., ^ McNee, .Stewart, Ripley,* is* V. McNeece, James Point St Charles, Montreal., McNeil, Erne.t, Vernon River, P E I McNulty, M,, Brashers Falls, N V. McQuillen, James, NLirquette, Mich, *McRae, CJecrge, McTaggart, Alexander, London, "6". •McVean, John M , , Madill, John, ". AUiVlon'o. Maher, J. J . E., Ne^v York Major, George W„ U.A., Montreal Malcolm, John Rolph, Scotland, O. •Malhiot, Alfred, Malloch, Edward C. , ,* . .Jersey,' En'c •Malloch, William B., 87(1 8S9 807 869 880 S54 860 SS4 880 8S1 SS9 878 8S,S ,S87 88.) 86,, 861 87J SSu 8()o 8Sj 8S2 S84 8S4 88S 873 88,s 8S5 851 874 88, 8C0 857 841 8.U 879 86^ 870 S80 874 8; (3 Sto 865 867 883 87 1 801 846 863 867 20 Mallory, Adi' It F,, Marceaii, l^.uis 'J'., Warkw ortli, O. l8-j Markfll, Richard S. . ^'npit-rville, O. isfj •Marr, Isiad I'. ". " ^ l^vciilale, Cal. i86;' Mrttrr, Walter II., w""[ 'Sj'i Miff '*w, Alon/o \V • •^•''''' '^'i ^'«w ^'ork rSsc, Marston, Jolin J '..".'. Hull, (). j8;i Martfl, Uvide ' '/_", t'lioytniie, W y. iHC, j Martin, John M...... ■'^t' '''lul, Mim,. j^.s") MAM.n.J. I,., M. A ,... ■.■.■.■,■;. • • . • . Monla-nc, I' I' I ,8.s,', M.itliieson.CliailesS '"•'"l^roui, Derl.y, 1 „g ,^^., IMathiesoM.Joiinll.,','.".' llarrin<;i<)n, i' Kl. ,;;>,, •Matliifson, Neil, ..'.1". St. Mary's, O. 1871 Mattice, Kicliard ],,. . . l8;o May rand, William,.,. Omaha, U S. 1871; .Mcahan.J. f S>. Andrews, (,). 1847 i<I«niie. lohn "' i" a ■ "''"'"""■'^f. N 11. 18S4 Mt-ik, Jiimes A ' " ' ' ti, .* u' * '1 '"'' '*''"'«• M^ij. A rniv iHfm vMeis's. Mah.lnViV.;:::::: "" ^^'"J^-'""-'^e,404 w. S7,hst., Ww Yo-k Is"^ >Ii.n/.ies, J.,1 n |! •. i8(."c 'Meredith, 'Ih'iinns L. I; ^ort Gratiot, Mich. 187,} Merritt, I). I',. |j.a '..■.;.■ JiTuvUVr;" 'V'.A '^42 WHcalfe, F. T.,..,. . ^^ " *■" <-''"'"'> i't,. Elmira, N.V., 1884 Metcalfe, Henry ].,..'.'..'.',',', lUiflaio, \ V. ,888 Mew burn, F .II.,'. ,,, ,• Thurso, O. 1876 MiKnatdt, Huiri a','.'.".' *'''''' ''^'"'ifs, N W t. 188 1 Mi«i.ault, L. 1), J!..\'.!.".."',''. .'.' ■'''■ J^<^i>is> (>. iSCo •Miller, K c,,,' ' 'v"\v' \; ,"r>".' ^f<>ntreal 1880 .M.lls;T„oni.ns W.;m;a ' ^^ " •^'''""'^'' 'I'^l'ce, liattleford, N W /. .I'o Miner, ^ ,ank L.,.. ' ^"^'^ •^'- Anioine, Montreal 187S 'Mines, William \V., Abercorn, {). 1S77 Mitchell, Fred 11., " '' 1874 MotTatt, John EiUvanl, , . , London, O. 187 1 Moffatt, R, I )., ; ■ ■ '; ;- ■■■■ -""tatl Surg. Army 1861 Moffatt, Walter, .' •'5° ' anmnient .St.. Ton nto, O. 188S Molson, Wm. A \\\ IVnsacola, Fla. 1852 Mongenais, L. Napoleon!.'.' Montreal 1874 Monk, Ceorge II., Hig.uid, Q. 1865 Muore, C harles S., ' .' 1875 .Moore, fehiel T., '\ ...London, O. 1874 Moore, Joseph Tilsonburg, O. 1874 .Moore, Kicharu,..,! .,. JS52 Moore, Robert C '. ,• 1853 .Moore, W illiam ^t- ^-tjI, Minn, i860 .Morehouse, O^car E." ! ". Algonac, Mich. 1881 Morg.in, V, II ' 'ibson, N.IJ. 1889 '.Morin, Jos, L. (Hon, ...". Aultsville, O. 1887 '.Morrison, David R 1859 Morrison, John, M„A.... // • 1869 Morrow, C Ogdensburg, N.y, 1872 Mount, John W. ..'.'.'" .".'. Vernon, O. 1888 Mowat, Malcolm M. ■' Montreal 1851 Williamstown, O. J889 Ulunro, Al Munro, J; Muckcy, I Muirhead, •Murray, 1 Murray, I Murray, 1 Musgrove, Neilson, > Ivclles, I. Nelles, jol •Nelson, 1 •Nelson, Nelson, W Nelson, W Nesbitt, J,i Nicol, Wi •Nicholls, Norman, Norton, 'I Oakley, W OMirien, 1 O'Brien, 1 O'Brien, O'Brien, ' O'Brien, ' O'Callaghi O'Callaghi *0'Garr, *0'Connoi O'Dea, J: Odell, W O'Keefe, Ogden, H O'Leary, O'Leary, Oliver, Ja O'Reilly, Orr, A. E Orr, J. E Orton, T. Osborne, Osier, Wr Palmer, G Palmer, L •Padfield, Painchaud, Pallen, Mc 'Paquin, J 'I'aradis, •Paradis, •Park, Ge I ■ "■*i|IWl»>ii|iifc 21 . . Warkworlh, O. i8-j . .Napieiville, n. m'-] • Clovmlale, Cnl. 1867 ';■••••• 1840 (1 St,, New York 185., ••:••.. Hull. n. ,8j., ■Uleyciine, \Vy. 1865 •■'^t. I'aiil, Ntiiiii, 188"! ■'ontn-ne, 1' T ( ,8s,, 'I'l. I'erljy. r,,g ,}i, , ..St. Marys, O. 1871 •••• 1870 • ..Omnha, U s. 187c •>'. Andrens, (,), ,847 . Itathiirst, N II. ,884 iiry, Mnj. Army i86g St., New York 1875 I86s t Gratiot, Midi. 1879 ••v. '«42 . LImira, K.\., ,884 ..Uufialo, NY. 188S . ...'J'liur.so, O. 1876 Mines, N W'l', 1S8, ..St, Denis, (J. 1S60 Montreal iSSo leford, N W .'. 1870 oini", Mom real 187S ..\bcrcorn, (J. 1S77 ■". 1874 . .. London, O. 187 1 iff Surg. Army 1861 t.: 'I'on nto, O. 188S 'ensacola, Kla. 1852 Montreal 1874 . ..Kig.uid, O. 1865 187s ..London, O. 1874 'ilsonburg, O. 1874 1852 1853 • Paul, Minn, i860 Ifionac, Mich. i88t ''bson, N.H. 1889 Uiltsville, O. 1887 '859 1869 n.sbmg, N.Y. 1872 • Vernon, O. 1888 ...Montreal 1851 amstown, O. 3889 lUuno, Alexander 1.. K r p. Edin ^,^,„,,,,,, Mm.ro, J^jme. 1 M-nxwell, O. Muckey,KS... S,. Paul, Minn. Mmrhead Uamel A. . ^arlei.;!. Place, y. •Murr.iy, Charles H., U.A ^ jl"^'^y' \\ / '• • •'•*•'. v.'.'.". ; ■■.■.'. c.-»mpi;eii'io„; n'.iv. Murray. Duncan A ,„,,(, Mea.lows, N.S. Musgrove, W.J Drayton Dak S:.ri'M^ Win„ii;eg,'M.nn: V 'i 1 A Canton, 111. Nelles,John A London.O. iNelson, lliirace •Nelson, Wolfred (Ilon.i •...1..,....".".'.".".'." .".'.",' Nelson, Woified D. E.. . A' 1 " Nelson, W. M. 1' »« . 1 XT , ■.. I . Montreal Ncsb.tt, Jas. A y^,,, 1 _^,^^ (.. ,, ^Vtln n v. W..tkins N.Y. Nicholls, Chs, K ' Norman, T. J {■' ' ' '-V T.. . ' ,,,, ■' ^-ing, O. Norton, 1 hos <■, ,, ^ ,, Oakley, ^Vnl. D j^f ■,,' r. O'lirien, Thos. B.I' C \ h; a J r\ii> ■ n i_ . r^ -^'K- -^'^J. Army O Hncn, Robert S xT O'Brien, David O'lirien, T. J. V. no, B.e Re>,r,ew,0. Kans.is (. !y, Mo. o> I) ' n-' .L Kans.is (. !y, Mo. O Br.en, 1 nnothy . . . . . . Urude, ell, O. OCallaghan, Cornelius M cmiiaghan T. A„ li A :!:: i:] :::::: .'.^f^orcc^^; Mas;, O Garr, Peter .Stapleton, Staten Island NY. *0'Connor, Daniel A. O'Dea, James J Odell, William OKeeA; Flenry.. ■.■.■.■.■.■.■.■:: .■.■.■:;;Minio,'l uk. Ogden, H v., B, A Milwaukee A ,s Uary, James ^^ ,.^^^;, OLeary Patrick ^^ ,^ Olwer, James W C'ifton > O'Reilly, Charles i.'.-.Toi, ■. X'^' i^' r Cookshire, ' . ^7 J„^'- Montre,' S'°"' 1- "•• Hamilton, O S^"""?J. A- « •• Hamilton O OS ei , Wm..^ Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Mu Palmer, G. F i „ 1 /-, „ ■ ' . - London, O. 1 aimer, Loran L t «. <-> •Padfield, Charles W,;...: Toronto, O. Painchaud, Edw. S L ," . .' .'.V ; ; ,' ;Va;;nnes;Q; alien, Montrose A New York I'aqu m, Jean M * I'aradis, Henri *Paradis, Pierre E 'Park, George A .....!.,.. 1874 1872 1883 1 889 187ft 1 886 1889 1 88 J 1S78 '875 1850 1851 1-48 1872 1884 18O8 1872 1862 1887 1874 1877 1862 •873 '87.5 1882 1884 '854 1880 '857 1867 '859 1849 1882 1882 1866 •859 1868 1867 1 888 1888 1 886 1886 1872 '8^5 i86«» (868 1848 1864 •84.^ 1S46 I S67 1277 22 Tark, r. C Parke, Charles H ..... ...,.'. Milveiton, O. iSScS Parker, Rufiis S. . . . '''' \,: ' i '• l866 'Patterson. James M. ■,■.■.■.■.■.'. "' "^ ash.ngton St., Boston, Mass. 1866 Paterson, James 1855 'Pattee, (ieorge ^^ mnipeg, M.an. 1864 Pattee, Richard I' 1858 *Patton, lidwavd K I'l.inlngtnet, O. 1874 Pearman, II. V 1867 J'egg, Austin T Halifax, N S. 1S8S Pegg, Charles II Ossian, Iowa 1872 Perks, W. C Ossian, Iowa 1S67 Perraiilt, Victor '.'. ^Vood^tock, O. 1S81 Perrier, John ^'' Pustache, O. i8i;2 Perrigo, jnmes, M. ,\. ^f.'k"c" S Fna Clewland, Ohio i86S I'erry, II. R ' ' "^"^ Montreal iS;9 Phelan, C. J. 1^ Montreal 1S75 Phelan, James 1! Waterloo 1865 •Phelan, Jo.seph 1'.. ..." Chicago, III. 1874 Philip, David I 1854 Philp, William .S lirantford, O. i86^ Phippen, R. S. C Montreal 1880 •Picault, Charles. ... Owosso, Mich. 188? Pickup, John W ' .'_ 1857 Pinsonneault, B P'rockville, O. 1867 *Pinet, Alexis Chicago, 111 . 18S0 Pinet, Alex. R ; 1840 I'omeroy, L. E. Mc, B.A,. . ;'^^- Laurent, Q. 1864 Poole. Alfred Rochester, N.V. 1886 J'ooie, II. K ;;;;•_ isse Porteous, Wm Kossie, N.Y, 1880 Porter, J. A., B.A.. '.*."'. Montreal 1884 Pothier, J . C ■ KemptvilJe 1878 Potts, J. Mc " oonsocket, R . I. 1887 Poussette, A. Coiiithorpe Montreal 18S8 Powel'i, F. H Sarnia, O, i860 Powell, Israel Wood. Ottawa, O. 1885 Powell, Newton W Victoria, B.C. i860 tPowell, Robert W V ' ' n', t:obourg, O. i8co Powers, Geo. W '99 Ruleau St., Ottawa, O. 1S76 Powers, Lafontaine B, ^''^'°" Comers, Q. 1S61 Pringle, George P"'' Hope, O. 1867 Piingle, A.F Cornwall,0. iScc Pringle, W. R .' ." ," Northfield, Minn. 1880 Prosser, W, O ; Schreiber, O. 1886 Proudfoot, John S. . ^^ ^^''''' ^''^ ^'°' ^'^'"'^ '§74 Proudfoot, Alex ' .' .' Suspension Bridge, O. 1868 I'roulx, Phileas Montreal 1869 •Prevost, E. Gilbert Montreal 1844 Pulford, F. W ■.; 1859 •Quarry, fames J Stonewall, Man. 1880 'QuesneJ, Jules M .'.'.'.'.'..'. 1868 '849 ' TnCT j i i ninramB i riaiiiiiittw mi i mi i K 'wmii 2;j ••Milverti.M, O. iSSS ••• 1866 •, l>oston, Mass. 1S66 ••••. 1855 \innipeg, Ma„. ,gc^ •• 1858 I lantngeiiet, O. 1874 •■••: '867 ..Halifax, NS. 1S8S ..Ossiaii, Iowa 1872 ■ •Ossian, Iowa 1S67 \\.'0(laock,0. 1S81 ■ I'.ustache, O. ,8t;2 leviIaiKi, Oliio 186S Montreal ifi-g Montreal 187^ Waterloo 1865 •••-liicago, 111. 1874 '•• 1854 .I'rantford.O. 186^ .....Montreal 1889 Jwosso, Midi. 1883 • 1857 I'lockville, O. 1867 •Chicago, 111. 18S0 . Laurent, Q. 1S64 uchester, N.Y. 1886 •••••. 18S6 ■ Kossie, N.Y. 1880 .... Montreal 1884 ..Keniptville 1878 ■socket, R. I, ,887 ....Montreal 1888 ...Sarnia, O. i860 ..Ottawa, O. 1885 'ctoria, B.C. i860 Cobourg, O. 1850 ., Ottawa, O. 1S76 1 Corners, Q. 1S61 art Hope, O, 1867 -ornwall, O. 1855 ifiekl, Minn. 1880 >clireiber, Q. 1886 ly Co., Iowa 1874 n I3ri(lge, O. 1868 ...Montreal 1869 ...Montreal 1844 1859 t'wall, Man. 1880 1868 '849 t^uirk, E. L Aylmer, (). Uae, J. Hamilton (Hon.) London, Eng. * R.iinville, Pierre Kambault, .T iJqi. Insp. Gen. Army *Kattray, Charles J i^attray, James C (.'olxlen, O. Raymond, Olivier Montreal Kaymond, Alf Marcus, Iowa Raymond, G. II., li. A Su>.sex, Kings Co., N. 15. Read, Herbert II Halifax, N.S. Reavely, E I'oit Robinson, O Redner, Horace I' Lonsdale, O. Reddick, Robert West Wincliester, O. Reddy, Herbert L., 13. A., L. R. S. K . I,. R. C I'., London Montreal "Rcddy, John (ad eun) Reed, Thomas D Montreal Reed, Jolm A Sault Ste. Marie, O. Reid, Alex. I'eter Ilalifa.K, N.S. * R.eid, Kenneth ' Renner, \V. Scott liuffalo, N.Y. Reynolds, T. \V Asylum for Insane, Hamilton, O. Reynolds, Robert T ISerlin, O. ' Reynolds, Tiiomas Richard, Marcel Manchester. N.II. Richardson, G. C Richmond, O. Richmond, P. E Ridley, Henry Thomas Hamilton, O. 'Rielle, Etienne R. E Riley, Oscar H Moer's Forks, CLnton Co , NY. Rinfret, Ferdinand R , , Quebec •'i'iintoul, David M Richcirdson, J. R .^rclier av.. Chicago Riordon, 15. 1 Toronto, O. Ritchie, A. F'.. B.A Duluth, Minn. Ritchie, John 1 Army Med. Dept. * Roberts, Edward T Roberts, John E., 15. A .Montague, Jam., W.I . Robertson, A, G Iroquois, Q. Robertson, A. M X'ictoria. 15. C. Robertson, James E Montague, I'.E.I. Robertson, David Milton Co., Halton, O. Robertson, David T Lenno.wille, Q. Robertson, Patrick St. Andiews, (j. Robertson, F. D., B.A St. Albans, Vt. Robillard, Adol|)he Ottawa .Robinson, Stephen J Brantford, O. Robinson, Wesley Maikham, O. Robitaille, Louis New Carlisle, Q. Kobitaille, L. T., I lonble Quebec jRoddick, Thomas G Montreal Rodger, Thomas A Montreal Kogers, E.J. A Denver, Col 1S88 1853 1863 1859 1S7. 1874 1850 1 886 1SS6 1861 1SS7 1S64 1874 1876 1856 1871 1S71 i»5S 1S64 1884 18S1 1S38 1842 1864 1S87 1873 1852 1857 1879 !86S i8s^ 1805 1880 1876 1874 1859 1867 1888 1885 1S65 1S64 1857 1867 1886 i8eo 1867 1877 1866 1858 1868 1869 18S1 J I 24 Rogers, Amos Rooney, R. F. . Ross, 1). L .....V tRcss, Cleoige, M. A... .. .". Ross, G. ']■ *Ross, Henry... .......'.'" +Koss, James, B.A.. '. Ross, J. W ■'■ Ross L. D Ross, L. F., n. A... '.'.'. WW Ross, Thomas Ross, William G *Ross, \Vm. D . Ross, W. K Rowatt, W. M \[ Rowell, G. 1} Rugg, Henry C....'.*. *Rumsey, William ' ' Rutherford, M. C Riitherford, Clarendon, M 'a Kiitledge, And. J Ruttan, Allan '. Ruttaii, A. M Ruitan, R. F *Sabourin, Moise Sampson, James (Hon.). .'. " ' Sanderson, George W.. Savage, Thos. V *Savage, Alex, C. ..,". 'Sawyer, James H *Schmi(lt, Samuel li....', ," Schmidt, A. F Schmidt, A.J 'Schofield, David T. Scott, John G Scott, Stephen A •Scott, William E. Scott, Wm. F Scott, W. McE Scott, J. M "..'.".'.'.'.'.' *Scriven George AugiistiiV.V.'. ' Scully, D. J _ Seager, Francis R . . . . *. Secord, Levi Seery, F. J " ' Setree, Edward W. . . '. S^guin, Andr^ Senkler, A. E Serviss, T. W Seymour, M. M.". *^^^7,"' ■'Stephen C. (adVun)".'.'.' Sewell, Colin (ad eun) .Ham ■■;■,■ • • Ottawa 1S7A •Auburn, Placer Co., Cal. 1870 >"->w Decatur, Ala. 1887 Montreal 1866 Montreal 18S0 1872 iJimdas, O. 188 1 Cohoes, N.Y. 1881 I»i"t Ldward, O. 1886 ^Voodland, Cal. i86j Ashhurt, New Z. 1871 ilton A.sylum", 'lYamilton.'o. Issf ; Granby, Q. 1886 -Los Angele.s, Cal. 1S84 I'erth, O. 1865 • KSCQ R ■'•I. ester, N.Y. 1879 Chicago 18S2 188} Napanee, O. 1852 New York iSfy Montreal 1884 1^49 • 1847 ••; Toronto, O. 1850 iJiistletown, O. 1854 iSC6 1863 1847 • Montreal i886 I'aribault, Minn. 18S6 • . Ilazeldaen, Carl. Co. 1879 '«S4 J844 .•••;••""". Q- 1H75 ....... I reljerne, Man. 1883 ■ • • ■ i hiladelphia, Tenn. 1887 • '^4^> Ros\vell,Col. 1887 liiigden, O. 1870 ■••••...... l^right, O. 1876 I' redericton, N.B. 18S6 ....lleuvelion, N. Y. 1878 ...Rigaud, Q. 1848 St. Paul, Minn. 1863 Ovoville, Cal. 1883 Wmnipeg,Man. i87(> 1843 Quebec i,86("^ J '»U^1|m^. 25 • ■ Ottawa 1S74 urn, Placer Co, Cal. 1870 .^ew Decatur, Ala. iSS; Montreal i86() Montreal 18S0 1872 Dundas, O. 1881 Cohoes, N.Y. 1 881 •••■••••• 1884 ..loint Ldward, O. 1 886 .... Woodland, Cal. 1865 • ■Ashhurt, New Z. 1871 •, 187c ylum, Hamilton, O. 1883 •; Cranhy, Q. 1886 . Los Angeles, Cal. 1884 I'erih, O. 1865 •■', 1850 ... J> -Lester, N.Y. 1879 Chicago 18S2 188: Napanee, O. 1852 New York i8tQ Montreal 1884 1^49 1847 • •••• Toronto, O. 18 so • • lliistletown, O. 1854 iS66 1863 1S47 Montreal 1886 .I'aribault, Minn. 18S6 eldaen, Carl. Co. 1879 '854 1844 .......Hull, Q. ,875 . Ireljerne, Man. 188 1 "ilndelphia, Tenn. 1887 •• • 1846 . • . Koswell, Col. 18S7 •.-.I^iigden, O. 1870 -....Bright, O. 1876 redencton, N.B. 18S6 leuvelion, N. Y. 1878 • ...Rigaud, Q. 1848. St. Paul, Minn. 1863 ..Ovovilie, Cal. 1883 Winnipeg, Man. i87<> 1843 Quebec i<86c"j, Shanks, Albert I Montreal .S8<i Shanks J. C j,,„,,i,k, O. i88t Sharp, J C Marvville, N.M. 18H: CK '■'' ^'"- ■ •> ^'^"l'' ''''^'l«'o. 01''" 187^ ^, ' ,^ ",'J"'''^'" Waterlown, Dak. 1882 S''"'' P '■■ ;; V 1 Bracchndge, O. 187,, Shaver, eter Kolph Stratford, O. 1854 ^S,r:n.::;:v.::v.;::.;:;- •;•.•■: Madd.a, Minn. .8 3 Shibley, J. L., B. A. V^„, AH/.' .858 Shepherd, !• rancis J Montreal 1873 Sherk George Cheapside, O. .865 Shoebottorn, Henry p^.t i [^.o,,, Mi,|,. ,^5^ t^^^^^^^'^y^-^^ 250 W. nth St.. N. York KS8. S,hler,G.A.. Simcoe, O. 1883 Simard, Amable jg^ Simp.son, Thomas ■■'.■.■.■.■.'.■.'.■. 1 ! Montreal .854 Smela.r. Coll... Aylmer.O. .874 Sine air Duncan Robertson Pembina, 1 )akota 1884 Small, H. H ni,^,,n,es *Smallwood, John R ,j.fj>^ Smellie, T. S. J., M.A '.'.Port Arthur 's La'ndi'n'g','o. 187- Smiley, J.S.. Portsmouth, Iowa 1880 Smith, Daniel D jj-^^^vj «"*•!!'' i?'"!^'^ '..'.''''.'.'.;;:".;;;waikerton,'o. 187s c ■ , ' T'-' I, ^700 Wenlworth Ave., Chicago i88s Smith h II. . Fullarton, Neb. iSSi •Smith, Edward W ' j^ Smith, John .... ■.'.'.'.'.■.'.'.'.'.'p'orU'a'nd.'oregon 1879 Smi h, Norman A Frelighsburg,\). ,8^0 Smith, NVm. . t-ichute (). .8 6 Smith, Edu^^rd W A. B West Meriden, C^nn. .8S2 Smith, W. A. de W Westminster, B.C. 1884 Smy h, H. L Marlborough, Mass. 188^ Smythe, /. W Colonel tooth Rgt., Dover, Eng. 184H Snider, Frederick S ^ Teeteiville, O. 1876 Sparham, lerence Biockville O. 1841 Sparham, E. R ' jg^. Spear, Andrew M '.'.■.'.'.'.■.■.'.'.■.'.'.■.'.■.'. 'mn^i'lie,'/). 1874 '^P'^."'^^' ^' ■ • Bran.lon, Man. 1879 Springle,J. A ^j^.^^^^j ,3^^ 'Squire, Wm. Wood, M. A .xr,. Stafiord, Fied. J : : ! '. ^.'^Twiuing^te; Nfld. Js'" Stanton, George ^i„^ q ,g^g Sta k, George A Milwaukee, Wis. 1872 Staunton, Andrew ,0'^ •Stephen, William oi , Stephens, G. C Jo^' Stephens, Alex. D. '.:'.'.'.:'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. ;;V. iSu^hamrQ: 85J Sevenson, Charles N Coaticook,Q. 1876 Stevenson, Hans Wakefield Q. 1880 Stevenson, J. M Bryanston, O. 1856 2(3 •Stevenson, John L Sievenson, John A .' '. '^55 Stevenson, Robert A. , ', '§73 Stewart, Alexander . ..Toronto, O. 1871 Stewart, Andrew ' alnierston, O. 1872 Stewart, A. D. 1884 'Stewart, John Alexander .'.■.■.■.■.'.'. Kichmond, Q. 1888 Stewart, Janus '^62 Stewart, \V. G , IJ A. Montreal 1869 Stewart, J. O Montreal 1888 Stephenson, James Cazaville, g. i88o Stimpson, Alfred 0. . . ri','^ /. ,• •'■'oquois, O. 1850 St. John, Leonard ''om^.son, Susquehanna Co, Pa. 1868 Storrs, A : ; ' ', Chicago, 111. 1872 \Strobridge. JameV Go.'don .' Me.xborough, York, Eng. 1876 Struther:j, A. ] ) 1826 Siruthers, K.h •••;•• I>"n^ld, U. C 1881 S;roud, C. S. . . .' .' ^'''"'' ^''^ ^'a'ie, O. 1883 ■ Sutherland, IVed' Dunbar.' .'.'.", Montreal 1876 Sutherland, AVnlter '864 *Sutlierland, Wni.. . .'.'. Ormstown, O. 1871 ■'Sutherland. \\m ... '83<J Sutherland, ' Wni. R '8"0 Switzer, Kgerfun R Montreal 1879 Tabb, Silas E., Ai A Salina, Ks. 1865 ;Tait, Henry Thomas '.'.'.'.'.'.'.[ Sherbrooke, Q. 1868 Taylor, Wm. I!.. 1 R C s i-,i,„ x'- '860 Taylor. .Sullivan A . ' Nmgara Falls, Sou-.,0. ,858 Tew, II. s.. •;•• Edmonton, N. II. 1870 'J'emple, James A. '. • \Vakefield, York, Eng. 1864 'iliayer, Limis 6. . . . . . .'. Toronto. 1865 riierir.ult, 1'. 1). .'.'.'.'. ■ Montreal 1859 Therrien, Honore '863 'J'homas, \V R. . '. •.• ■ • 1863 'Jhomjison. J. H ''^''"^' ^^e, Man. 18S6 "Thompson, Tames.',".'!.'.'; Gananoque, O. 1888 Thompson, Robert ;, '842 'i hompson, \Vm. E. l-rantford, O. 1852 Thornton, Hastwell \Y iV A ;; " " '^I^"'t°"> Man. 1882 'I'racy, A.W. ' .^^"' Kichmond, Q. 1882 Trapnell U. £■ ^^^'^' Meriden, Conn. 1873 Trenholme, Ed'ward 'Heniv Trovidence, R. I. 1887 *Trudel, Eugene H Montreal 1862 'J'rueman, J. E 1844 *Turgeon," Louis 'g. .,..'. Macan, N. S. 1881 Turnbull. A R i860 '•"uzo, Henry A.' .'.'.".'." ^^°°^ .f^"' ^^'- '^^'- T- '886 *Tunstall, Simon'j.','B.A". V-' ' \ '^53 Ussb^^r, Henry ....... Kamloops, B. C. 1875 Yannorman, J. M Walkerton, O. 1861 "Vercoe, Henry 'l.'. Detroit, Mich. 1850 ■* Vicat, John R. . . ' '865 1867 27 '8SS 1873 Toronto, O. 1871 ....I'almerston, O. 1872 18S4 Kichmond, Q. 1S88 1862 Monlieal 1869 Montreal 1888 Cazaville, Q. i88o Iroquois, O. 1850 sciuehanna Co., Pa. 1S68 Chicago, 111. 1872 Jioiigli, York, Eng. 1876 1826 Donald, li.C. 18S1 mlt Ste Marie, O. 1883 Montreal 1S7O 1864 . . ..Ormstown, Q. 1871 1836 1870 Montreal 1879 Salina, Ks. 1865 . . .Sherbrooke, Q. 186S i860 ra I<alls, Sou''.,0. 1858 Gilnuniton, N.H. ig^o (■field, York, Eng. 1864 Toronto. 1865 Montreal 1859 1S63 1863 Shoal Lake, Man. 1886 . .(iananoque, O. 1SS8 1842 . . . Branlford, O. 1852 ..Manitou, Man. 1882 Jw Kichmond, Q. 1882 t Meriden, Conn. 1S73 'rovidence, R. I. 1887 Montreal 1862 1844 . ..Macan, N. S. 1S81 i860 ; Jaw, N. \V. T. 1886 ; 1853 vamloops, B. C. 1875 .Walkerton, 0. 1861 ..Detroit, Mich. 1850 1865 1867 viZ ;r ^Al ?r "^- ^ '^^'l' St New York 1878 W™ '( c"" Cornwall, O. .87I nvSo:-, XX-mVlI .:. Tacoma.NVash.Terr. 1881 AVnkeman, William A" ' ; " ' ^fj Wales, H^njnmin X •,,• V- ^""'^'^^ 1*^^ nValker, Robert Kob.nson, Q. 1874 ,<• , , ,. , , , , MnioM, O. 1874 Wal^^li, Ldniimd C m 1 , m ,. „/? ,.■ ,, ,, ^ .Madrid, N. \. 1866 Walton, Ceorge O p.,1.,1 wr r o nVanless, John R barba<lues, W . I. ,873 Wn h' S''!'"",' Jp • .'.■ '.'NiornslownyMi^n: 1873 W.n'r 1 P .P M-"ireal 185 Warnefon , P. U v . ,. ,, ,'-> Warren, Fr.ank ; -Y^T,^-!^- '^«7 "Warren, Ilenrv broukhn, O. 1872 Waugh, William "i" ' ■,' ' ' "A' o Wearant A A ■,••,• London, O. 1872 wSan!; C A.; v.-. '"^'^'"-"'^ Landing, O. 1888 - Webb, James T. S. . . . '. l ". V.'.: '.V. ! V/.V. ! '. ^ollon, Cal. 1879 Webster, Arthur I> i.'i';'i' ' 'i ' i' ' ',' ' '! 'o i Weilbienner, Ren,i ...;•.■. Ldinburgh, Scot and. 1878 nVeir, RiclLard I ortneuf, Q. 185I Westley, R . A '.". ; ••■•;; '°52 Wennore, F. H Lancaste,^ () 1888 Whceeler Claud L., P.A. .;.• i i i ; ! ""'■>\'"' f " " '^o^J nVherry. John Montreal 1889 White F [ '^^2 White; nv.^w;:m; a:; ::;::: s^'T'^u- T. Whitcomb, Jo'siah C ■^'. J" ">' ^f 'f^ nVhiteford, James W.. *^'""''"' ^^•-"''' '^^S Whiteford, Richard -j. 'i' 'Z ' ' A' '.• 'o^3 whitvveii, w. P. o. . . . ;;, '"'";'^'' o';'" 'p7 Whyte, John J I'hd.p.burg, Q .860 Wigle, } uram ' .' V,:. • • '|7° nVidmer, Christopher [Hon ^ '"'''°"' ^- 'i^S nVilcox, Marshall li. . . . . . '§47 Wilkins, George (ad eun) m" ' i ' " '. !ce^ Wlk:ns,H. P.^. .^ ..Montreal 1886 Williams, J u r :','^- 'l^J NVill.ams J. F A '^°^'°"' ^^%- '^^f Wdliarxis E. P Gravenhurst, O 18S6 Wdliston 11. v., M.A. '. ; ^- • • • • •.? v'n' 'f 7 ^V.llson,J.A. K Newcastle, N.n. 1879 Wilson. Penjamin .S '. «'fr°n ' R' 'cfl *Wilsr..i, Robert M...... Belleville, O. 1866 •Wilson, William '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. '0^° Wilson, .'Jamuil F VfillVH-l.,'.!,' V-: ' ' ^' ' ' V- ' ".,' oo^ W.lson C. W. Millst.eam, Kings Co., N. B. 1884 Buckingham, Q. 1886 28 *VVilscani, John Wilhrod Wishart, D, T. (; • ', '846 ^^•o!velton, Algernon, m'.a'. • 1 oronto, 0. 1885 tWood, K dwin ■ CJeorVe: '° ^' ^''^ ^'•' ^'- ,^^"'' i\"""' '««3 Wood, George C . . .'. '. Mitchell, O. 18S5 Wood, George t!-' '-I " "," ' w-' ' ' '^"^S Wood, Hann.hal W.. I-anbault Minn. 1S63 Woodruff, T \ ■• • •:^n"\vUon, q. 18O5 Woods, David ;.• •^'; l^athannes, O. 1888 Woods, Jno J i'- ^^ Surgeon Army i860 Woodfid, Sam. Pratt ^ ^>lmer, Q. 1875 Woolway, C J Surgeon Maj. 1864 •Workman, IjJnjamhi ...■.■.■..■.■.■.';.'. ^'' ^''"'' '^''""' '^"5 Workman, loseph V,,' '^53 Worthington, A.N. " .'i' S"™"'"' O- 1835 Worthington, Ldwaid [ad 'eun j. '. '. c f/ """l^'^' '{ '^^J^ Wright, John W., li A Sherbrooke, Q. 1S68 Wrijrht, Henry V * "^'°"' ^- '87S Wright, Rev. William '.■.■.; Vt^'""'''! '^' ^ Wright, Stephen. Montreal 1848 Wye, John H. ^a i.- ' ' •' *"*""" ^ '^59 Wylde, Charles ]• ^^ tarnngton sq., London 186S Voun;r, I'hilin K . : •.; Halifax N. S. 18S9 Young, Robert L Llarenceville, Q. 1870 Young, A. A.. Kidgetown, O. 1873 Young, n, E., n.A Harton, Vt. 1887 Youker, William. . .'. '. ',. ,^'''''"f ' ^' ^^^^ • Deceased. Helleville, O. 1870 + Medalist. Allworth, Rev. John, 1 Amaron, Rev, Calvin E MASTERS OF ARTS. . A. H. D. (I'res. Coll.) Ami, Henry Mark, B A.T' '^" ^''"' ^^^"'^'^ P;'^^^' '."'Vf' ^P"' g '^W- Archibald, John S.', bIa. D.C.l;;. ;; Geological Survey Ottawa ^Bancroft, Rev. Charles (ad eun) Bancroft, Rev. C, B. A Barlo\r, . Montreal Alfred E., BA. Baynes, Donald, B.A., MI) Geological Survey Ottawa O. Bethiine, Meredith Blenkarne, B. A l^ondon, Eng "Bothwell, John A., B.A Montreal Bowen, Wm. M. (Hon ) Boyd, John, B.A "Butler, Rev. John (Hon.).'.,'..'.' Ciitieron, Rev. James, B. A. B. D. (Pres. Coll.).;;;;."; ; 'Mil'lbr;;!,' o' Carmichael, Rev. J. B., B.A . . ^ miiiuiook, u Chamberlin, Browne, B.C.L. (ad eun)'.'. Norwood O. Chandler,GeorgeH.,B.A.. m ""^ ClX'vv'-f" ^«'^'\,H\^'' ^°"^""'U"ive;s'ity''(;d Clarke, Wadace, B.A., M.D ,; ,,.Utica, NY. 187^ 18.' o 1885 1877 1856 1870 18S9 1867 1869 1 868 1859 1864. 1852 1874 1871 '857 1879 1872 1872 ■ .,'LjS^., 29 1846 'loronto, 0. 1885 . ..Hamilton, O. 1S6S , St. Paul, Minn. 1883 • . . . Mitchell, O. 1SS5 1845 I'aiibault, Minn. iS6j . ..Knowlton, Q. 1805 St. Catharines, O. 1888 fi" Surgeon Army 1800 Aylmer, Q. 1S75 , .. Surgeon Maj. 1864 . St. Paul, Minn. 1875 1853 loronto, O. 1855 . Sherbrooke, (^). 1886 . Sherhrooke, Q. 1868 I'icton, O. 1878 Ottawa 1872 Montreal 1848 Ottawa 1S59 ;ton sq., London 1868 ..Halifax, N. S. 1889 JIarenceville, Q. 187O .Ridgetown, O. 1873 Harton, Vt. 1887 ...Napanee, O. 18S8 ..Belleville, O. 1870 ■ 187; oil., Sprirgleld. 18.' o Survey, Ottawa 18S5 Montreal 1877 ■ 1856 1870 iivey Ottawa O. 18S9 ..London, Eng. 1867 Montreal 1869 ■ 1868 1859 1864 1852 .Milibrook, O. 1S74 ..Norwood, O. 187 1 Ottawa 1857 Montreal 1879 ) 1872 ...Utica, NY. 1872 C lov\-e, Joiin 1) , H.A 1874 Cornish, Rev. Oeorge, B.A Montreal 1863 Craig, James A, H.A 1 incinnati, Oiiio 1S83 Crothers, Rev. \Vm. J., B.A Ottawa, O. 1875 Cunningham, Rev. Thomas E., B.A Aylmer, (). 1883 ■'Cushing, Lemuel, B.A., B.CL 1867 Dait, \\m. J., B.A I.apmirie, Q, 1S74 Darey, J. Herbert, B.A. , M.D Montreal 1865 1 ).widson. Rev. fames, B.A I S66 Davidson, Charles P., B.A., B.CL .Montreal 1867 liavidson, Leonidas H., B.A Montreal 1S67 i )awson, Raiikine, B.A., M.D .Montreal 1882 Dawson, Wm. B., B.A Montreal 1879 Dey, Rev. William J., B.A Sinicoe, O. 1875 1 )ewey. Rev. Finley McN., B.A Montreal 1882 DeWitt, Caleb S., B.A 1864 Dickson, George, M.A., Victoria College (ad eun) 1879 Donald, James T., B.A Moiitieal 1882 Dougall, John Redpaih, B.A Montreal 1867 DufljRev. Archibald, ]}.A Bradfoul, York^hi^e, Eng. 1867 Duncan, Alexander E., B. A., B.CL Montreal 1875 Kils, Robert, B.A Ottawa 1875 Empson, Rev. John, B.A ..Montreal 1879 I'orneret, Rev. Ceorge A., B.A Hamilton, Ont., 1880 *Gibb, George D., M.U. (Hon.) 1856 Gibson, Thomas A. (Hon.) Montreal 1856 Gilman, Francis E., B.A Montreal 1865 Gould, Rev. Edwin, B.A Montreal i860 Graham, John H. (Hon.) 1859 (jreen, Joseph, B.A 600 West 5th St., Cincinnati, Ohio. 1864 *Haight, Fred. S., M A. (ad eun) Williams, Col. 1882 Hall, Rev. William, B.A Frinc. Fr. Melh. Inst. Cote St Antoine, Montreal 1867 Hart, Lewis A., B.A Montreal 1869 niicks, Frank W., B.A 1870 llindley. Rev. John, B.A ( iranby, Q. 1873 Howe, Henry Asjiinwall (Hon.) Montreal 1855 Jones, H. J. Montgomery, B.A.,M.D Chicago, 111. 1873 Kahler, Frederick A., B.A Buffalo, N.Y. 1872 Keays, diaries H., B.A Oskaloosa, Iowa, U.S. 1883 *Kemp, Rev. Alex. F. (Hon ) 1863 Kennedy, George T., B. A., King's College Windsor, N.S. 1872 Kennedy, Rev. John, B.A i860 Kirby, James, B.A., B.C.I Montreal 1862 Krans, Rev. Edward IL, B.A 71 Irving Place, New York 1875 Lafleur, Paul T., B.A Montreal 1887 Laing. Rev. Robert. B.A Halifax, N.S. 1877 *Leach, Robert A., B.A,, B.CL 1869 Lighthall, Wm. Douw,, B.A. , B.CL. Montreal 1885 Lyman, A. Clarence, B.A Montreal 188 1 Lyman, Henry H., B,A Montreal 1880 Macfarlane, Rev. James A., B.A Pontiac, Q. i888 MacFee, Kutusoff N., B.A Winnipejr. M.in. 1888 30 McCor.l, David R., B.A., H.CJ. McCJoiin, Arch., H.A., BC.L Montreal 1S67 Met; regor, Re v . 1 hmcan ,li. A. '.'.'. ; ; '^l^'""'"'! I SS9 McGregor, James, li. A • ;. Ouelj.h, O. 1874 *McImush. John, ]!.A ,■.■.'. ^ "='°'''''' ^^ •^- '^^^^ McLaren, Joliii R., B.A '• '87S McLennan, Rev. lnincann,,H a". ' .....Montreal 1868 *Ma,kgraf, Cliarles F. A. (Hon ) , . . . .*. Alexandria, O. 1875 Mason, Janus L., 15 . A '^^S Mattice, G.rydon J,, B A ' '^^8 Morin, Rev. Joseph L, B A Cornwall, O. 1862 Morris, Alex., B.A., B C "l V- ''^'"""■eal J8S6 Morrison, Rev. James IJ., B A ' A,"" V"'"""''. ^' '^52 Morrisson.Jol-n, B.A '.".',"."..".'. Ogdcn.sbiirg, ^.Y. i8t.S Miinio, Rev. Giistaviis, B..\ .'.,'. :.■•, '^/O Naylor, W. H., B.A " ''"'l^'o. O. 1S74 Newnham, Rev. Jarvo.s A., B. A .".'.■.■. Cote' si ' VnVn u '"' ^^■ 'P5 Patter.son, \Vm., B A <-t^tc .St. Antome, Montreal 18S3 'Perkins, John, B.A .. .'.'.'.*.'.".'.'.','.'.'. Montreal i88y Berrigo, James, B. A., m'u .'.'.'. '.*'. •, ', '^62 'Blimsoll, Reginald J., B A Montreal 1869 "Ramsay, Robert A., B. A., B.'c!l.'.* ',". '^''^7 Robins, .Sampson Paul, B A . . V, '^^^ "Rodger, David (lion.) '.'.". Montreal 1868 Ross, George. B.A., M D V. '^5^ Roy, Rev. Jan.es, M.A , ViVtoria Collc'ge (.;dVunV iV/°''^'''n '!^^ ".Stewart, Rev. Colin Campbell, B A ' Montreal iSSo Sweeney; Key. James F B.A., D. 1). (Dilce;;;; Coll.);: ::::'r;;onto" 'o \sl", labb, Silas Lverett, B.A [_', ', "^"^o, u. i&j>i '1-aylor, Rev. Ernest M , B A V^''^' ^'■"'^,'''^' ^ ■ '^69 Thompson, Rev. Geor"e \ A jV V "i"; 'rV;,'.;. '• ; " 'n V ;; ' • <-''";"isvd,e, n. 1882 Thorburn,Jolm (Hon.) .!:.:/;;;;'.. •.^.^.'.'."- ^""'^ "'-^'t'O'' ^'nee, .\fld. ,888 Trenholme, Norman \V., B.A , b"c'i" W ', '^^' Torrance, Rev. Edward E., B.A •... .Montreal 1878 Wallace, Rev. R. W., B A eferboro', O. 1874 Ward, George B., B. A ,...'.'.'.'.'.". ".■ London, O. 1875 Whillans, Rev. Robert, B A A '^^3 White, Wm. J. B.A., B.C.L ..Ottawa 18S3 Wicksteed, Richard J., B V li C L -Montreal 1886 *Wilkie, D.iniel (Hon) Ottawa 1866 Wilson, John, B.A .....'.".'.■■ ■ '869 Wotherspoon, Iv.an TolkeinVlV. A .",'." 1 !! j;";'*: '<?J'^ * Deceased. Montreal 1S69 MASIERS OF KNGINEERING. awsor, Willkam B., M.A., B.A.Sc... nr . 1 00 McLeo<S Clement H., B . A So Montreal iSSo Sproule, W.J., B.A..Sc... '. Montreal 1878 Waddel', J. A. L„ B . A.Sc. (.ad eun\ v -Montreal 1887 ■' ' .ov-. ^lu eun; Kansas City, Mo. 1882 .-'^V-. 31 Montreal 1867 Montreal 1889 (Juelph, O. 1874 ....Victoria, H.C. 1868 1S78 •• Montreal 1868 . . . Alexandria, O. 1875 1865 1868 • ■ ..Cornwall, O. 1862 .Montreal 18S6 Toronto, O. 1852 Og(kr..sburg, N.Y. 18&8 1870 Knibro, O. 1S74 ...Shawville, Q. 1885 Vntoiiie, Montreal 1883 Montreal i88y 1863 Montreal 1869 1867 1866 Montreal i86S 1856 Montreal 1866 . .. .Cobourg, O. 1879 -Montreal 1S84 Montreal j88o 1S70 ....Toronto, O. 1S81 .Sheibrooke, Q. 1S69 .Cowansvil.'e, (J. 1882 ■bor Grace, Afl.J. 1888 1S61 ■ Montreal 1878 . . I'eterboro', O. 1874 London, O. 1875 1S83 Ottawa 18S3 .Montreal 18S6 Ottawa 1866 1869 1870 Montreal 1869 G. Montreal iSSo Montreal 1878 Montreal 1SS7 ansas City, Mo. 1882 MASTER.S OF APPLIED SCIKNCK. Adams, l'"rank, 13. A. Sc .Montreal 18.S4; Thompson, Wm. T., B.A. Sc (Ju'Apiielle, N. VV.T. 18S2 Wardrop, Norval, H.A. Sc I'etroit, Midi. 18S4 BACHELORS OF CIVIL LAW. * Abbott, Christopher C .\bbott, Harry .MuiiUeal .\bbott, John J. C Montreal .■\bbott, John B Muntreal .\dani, IosL]ih .Mcjnlieal Adams," Abel Montieal Allan, Irvine \)lnKr, (^. .Mguire. J. C Cornwall, <J. *Archibal(l, John Sprott, M..\ Montreal .\rchambault, Henri .\iclianibault, Jos. L. C Montieal Armstrong, Louis Mcintreal .\scher, Isidore C .Muntreal *.\t\Vater, Albert W Montreal .\iistin, Joseph E .\)len, Jo! n, M.I) \ylmer, ij. .\ylcn, i'eter, B A .\ylnicr, (J .\ylnier, Henry, Hon., Jiin Melbourne, i). 'Badgley, Frank H Bagg, Robert Stanley Clark Montreal I>ani[)ton, George E Montreal liaril, Joseph Montreal Barnard, Arch . E Montreal Barnard, Chas. Austin Mi;nt:eal Barnston , J ohn G Barry, 1 Ion Denis Mont real Baynes, Edward Alfred Mont- eal Baynes, O'llara .Montreal Beaudin, Simeon , Montreal Beauchanip, Joseph Montreal Beaudet, Omer Lotbiniere, (J. Bergeron, Horace Beaul.arnois, i). 'Benjamin, Lewis N Montreal Beaubien, Nap. II Vaniaclrche, Q. Beauregard, Henri A St. Ilyacinthe, O. lierthelot, Louis II Mon'real Berlhelot, Jos. B . , Montreal *Bethune, Meredith B., M.A Montreal Birny, Jean B. S Bisaillon, Krangois Joseph Montreal Bissonnette, Louis A •JBothwell, John A,, B.A 850 87S 'S54 •S:4 87S 867 S82 8S0 8 70 874 861 863 880 880 861 881 87 1 879 884 882 8Sf) S72 867 874 878 878 882 «77 86 -> «77 887 8-8 880 869 880 876 878 869 ,,di 32 i^oiilhillier. Cliailfs I Jioyd, John, li.A,... ii.'i. '.■.■.'.'.' Montreal 1867 JJowie, Duncan J .'.'.'....'.". Toronto, 0, 1864 J!rakcnri(l!,'t', James \v'.". i i i .' Montreal 1873 i'rancliaii.l, Atlmnase. .'.'.'. Montreal 1880 Jirooke, C. J '.....',...".' Montreal 1862 llrooke, Cieorye 11. A.'. .'."'." Montreal 1878 thrown, -^H'ert J., J!,.\'.\V.'.'. .". Kiclimond, Q. 1882 iUidian, Jolin S." .','.',, Montreal 1886 Hudden, llanburv A., li.A,' Montreal 1884 Mullock, \Vm. K., I! .\ Montreal 1888 linrrouf^hs. Win. H., .".'.'. 1863 liuie. Hector [[[' Montreal 1887 Uiis eed, K, 1! ..."..'.'.'.' Montreal 1887 I'.iiter, Thomas I' '..!.". Montreal 1879 t'ameron. Jolm 1)., li',A ' Montreal 1865 Capsey, <'eo!j,'o ......",.]' | UewitMlile, (_), igg^ *<-'alder, John .".'.".'.*.'.".'. Ceuiord, y. 1877 farden, Henry. .....' 187 1 Caron, Sir Adoliijic {'",'/ .'.".".'.".' l86o ■Carter, Christopher H Quebec 1865 •Carter, Kduanl, (,) . C . .". , Montreal 1866 Carter, Geo. F,' .^.. .".'.'.'.".'.".'.■. 1864 ■Chamberlin, lii own '..'.".".".'.. '879 Chamberlain, John, jun .!.'!!,".!!' Ottawa 1850 Chambers, A. Husteed,.' 1S67 Chftrland, Alfred '.*.".'.'. Napanee, O. 1875 <^'harette, I'ierre 1' ....*!'.',.". ^ 1863 Chauret, AniLilde .'...,., Montreal 1877 Chauveau, Alexandre. .*.*.'. Montreal 1873 Choqiiet, Frs. X '.".'.'.'.".".'.'. Quebec 1867 Choquet, Ambroise J874 Claxton, Albert G. h . . .'.'.'.' . ." Montreal 1865 tClerk, Ronzo IleathcoVe'.V. ] ' Montreal 1885 Cloran, Henry Josejih. . ...'," Montreal 1889 <.'onroy, Robert Hughes'.'.' ". Montreal 1882 Cooke, Josepi, P Aylmer, Q 1869 <-'ooke, Geo. F., ]5 \ Montreal 1880 Cornell, Z. E V. 1884 C'ouillard, Etlouard „ 1879 Couillard, Jean P, ate. Martina, Q. 1875 Coutlee, Lewis \V .'.*''. p" * ■." " W ' " " ; »866 Cowan, Robert C '.'.[ l^Lgistrar General, Winnipeg, Man. 1873 Crankshaw, James. ,'.'.'. Montreal 1862 Creighton, J. G Montreal 1882 •Crimmon, W. J . , .".'.'.* Ay 1 win, Ottawa 1880 Cross, Alex. Selkirk'/jlA 1878 Cross, A. G., B A Montreal 1878 Cross, \Vm. ileter . , .'. *.*.'.'.' Montreal i88i Crothers, Robert A., B. A Montreal 1882 Cruikshank, \Vm. G . . .'* . * '.*.* l^edford, Q. 1878 Cullen, James '..*,.',', Montreal 1872 " Montreal 1884 'I ii ■'I 33 Montrenl 1 86a Curran, Joseph J ".'.*.'..'... Montreal 1869 <:ushing,chs..... ..••••••; I86« •Cush.ng, Lemuel, jun., M.A • • ,858 Ualy,J.C..... ;;: 186S Dan.sereau, Arthur Montreal 1877 Uansereau, Clement .'.'..'.'.'."." Waterloo 1870 Darby, Uaniel *'' Montrea' 1868 Darey, Pierre J , M.A ,".'.'. Montreal 1882 Davkl, Alplionse • "*' Montreal 1863 Davidson, Clias. P., ^■^••"V Montreal 1864 Davidson, Leonidas Heber, M.A '.'.'.'.'.'..".". Montreal 1863 Day, Edmund T ' ' * * '' Montreal 1 880 DeUeaumont, Alfred L '...",'.,'. Montreal 1879 Decary, Alderic '* Montreal 1883 Demers.Jean Bapliste '•* _[ Montreal 1880 DeMarti|;ny, Charles L. Montieal 1881 DeMaitigny, Alphonse I .'.'!!!". '^^I Desaulniers, Alexis L _ ' Montreal 1864 Desaulniers, Henri Lesieur • •••' ,8-5 Desaulniers, Dionis .'.'..'.'...St. Hyacinthe, f^. 1876 Desmarais, Odilon Montreal 1875 DesKivi^res, Rodolphe •"••• 1863 Desrocliers, Jean L. B .'./.*.'. V.V Montrer' 1873 Desrosiers, Jo!;eph ....Montreal 1883 Dickson, VV.E Coaticook, Q. 1863 Doak, George O *■ '' Montreal 1876 JDoherty, Chs.J Montreal 1863 Doherty, Thomas J ' Montreal 1863 Dorion, Adelard A. L .'.'.'.'.'.'. Montreal 1877 Dorion, Louis C. W .'.*.'.'.....'... Laprairie, Q. 1^80 Dort.PierreJ 1861 •Doutre, Gonzalve ,858 Doutre, Pierre Montieal 1861 Driscoll, Nelterville H ,867 •Drummond, \Vm. D ' ; * * ,869 Dubuc, Joseph •' Keauce, Q 1866 Duchesnay, Henry J. T '•• Montreal 1884 JDuclos, Charles A., B.A ''^ Megantic, Q. 1885 Duffett, Henry ].,li-^ Sweetsburg, Q. 1878 Duffy, Henry T., B.A Quebec 1882 Duhig.JohnT V.V.'.V.'.' '880 Dugas, Francois O.... •••• Montreal 1876 Duncan, Alexander t-., B.A Montreal 1869 Dunlop.John Montreal 1888 Dunton, Kotert A ;; ,866 Dupras, Pierre N ..,, Montreal 1864 Durand, Nephtalie |"" Montreal 1886 •Elliot, Raleigh J '\ Montreal 1879 Ethier, L6andre '" Montreal 1877 Ethier, Marc Momreal 1883 Fair, John, jun..... Montreal 1884 Falconer, Alex., B.A ;••■• 84 Faribault, Joseph i:; L'Assomption, Q. 1878 Farmer, Win. O '866 Fay, Jolin 1'. Knowlton, (^. ""-" Feri-uson, John -^l- Anicct, O. Fisher, Koswcll C Montreal Fisk, JohnJ Coaticooke Fleet, Chas. J , H.A Montreal Foran, 'llumias I' Forget, A<lelar<l Montreal Forster, Joseph I Montreal Foster, Geoii;e ti Montreal Franks, All>eit W • Fry, Henry Montreal 878 1888 18 186: 1879 1870 1877 1881 1881 1871 1888 .Orillia, O. 864 187s 1883 1878 1881 1859 1879 1868 1868 1865 1882 i860 1877 1876 1862 •Gairdner, \Vm. F.... I856 Galarneau Joseph Antoine... Galbiaith, \Vin Garon, Alplionse H Gaudel, O.car Montreal Gauthier, Antoine N Sault au Kecollet, (^. Gauthier, I). Z ^"rd. <^. Gelinas, A Manitoba GeofTrion, Christopher A Montreal Gibh, James R Montreal Gilnian, Francis E., MA Montreal Girard, Alfred C Marievdle, Q. Girouard, lJ6>ire Montreal Glass James M / Montreal JGoldslein, Maxwell Montreal JGordon, Asa Aylmei, Q. Gossclin.Jean Quebec 1877 $Goodhue, Henry S. W IJuenos-Ayres, Invadavio 1877 Goyette, Henri A Beauharnois, Q. l88o Grahame, Duyald Montreal 1883 JGreenshields, James N Montreal 1876 Greenshields, Robert A. E.,B.A Montreal 1885 Grenier, Amed^e L. W 1863 Guertin, Alfred L..., Montreal 1882 Guerin Edmund W. P., B.A Montreal l88l Ilackett, Michael F Stanstead, O. 1874 Haaue, Frederick Montreal 1883 Hayue, Henry J., B.A Montreal 1885 Hall, Johns., B.A Montreal 1875 ♦Hall, William A '863 ' "' "" 1880 1870 1869 •855 1874 1856 1863 1869 1865 Hammond, Henry R _ Harnett, Wni . de Courcy Montreal Hart, Lewis A., M.A Montreal Hemminjr, Edward J Arthabaska JHodge, David W.R., B.A • Hollon, Edw Montreal •Houghton, John G. K Howard, Rice M Winnipeg Houlislon, Alexander Three Rivers, Q. , , ,, ...••• Hunter, Herbert S Hunter, Walter.... ■...•• •• •Huntingion, Russ W ooU . . Hulchius, Horace A JUutchin-ion, Matthew .... Ingalls, Allen G... Jackson, Samuel W Jenkins, George E Jodoin, Isaie Johnson, Edwin R Jolliffe, William J Jolly, James O........ •• Jones, Richard A. A., B. A Joseph, Joseph O Kavanayhi H.J. Keller, Francis J •Kelly, John...... Kempt, Edson, B.A Kenny, Wm. R... Kirby, James, MA.. Kittson, Geo. R. W ■ Klock, Robert A Knapp, Frederick A Labadie, M. T. Adolphe Labadie, V. A. Odilon Ucoste, Arthur.....; Laflamme, Hon. R. G • laflamme, Leopold.. Lafleur, Eugene, B.A Lambe, William B •••• Lanctot, Husmer Lanctol, M6d6ric Lane, C, B.A... Laplante, Jean Bte.. .." • ••• •Lareau, Edmond (ad eun) . . . . Larivi^re, Joseph Larose, T6lesphore Lasalle, Lucien.... Laviolette, I'ierre B-- Launer, Hon. Wilfred •Lay, Warren Amos Lawlor, Richard S Leach, Davids ••••;•••■•• •Leach, Robert A., M.A.... Leboenf, Louis C Leblanc, Albert Ledieu, L6on. ; • • • ♦Lefebvre, Rev. Tou',saint L Lefebvre, Frederic .••• Lebourveau, Steadman .\.. 35 . • • « • • • • • < • • • • • • • • • • •••• •••••• I • • • • • • • • • • Montreal 1880 '.. .Hamilton, O. 1S83 ; 1875 ....Montreal 1H83 *.*.'.*..... Montreal 187 J ^-»^^^^S '..' i«74 •••'••; i85» .".'."."."Stanstead, »j. »8<;6 Stanstead, Q. i»8» ' . Rockburn, Q. 1885 ■■'_ Montreal i8<>4 " . . .... Montnal 1864 .....Montreal 187* New Vork 1869 ••■■ 1863 ' . . ..Montreal 1859 ■""..Aylmer, Q. •St'S Moi.treal 1867 ■'■* Montreal 1867 ..Aylmer, Q- 1882 ;;■;..... \^n " ,, Montreal 1874 ...Montreal 1874 ". Montreal 1869 i ... ...Montreal 1856 ..Montreal 1869 ".".'..Montreal 1880 ••••■ 1856 St*. Vincent de Paul 1887 Montreal 1850 '" \ Montreal 1878 '.'.'.' .'...Montreal i860 " \\ ,, Montreal 1881 "".... St. Stanislas 1880 ..Montreal 1874 1874 •■■; i860 ".V. . .Montreal 1877 ..Montreal 1878 "...Ottawa, O. 1864 1867 '.!'.".".".'.'.". "86$ ..Montreal 1861 i860 .'.', ..Montreal 1873 ...Montreal 1879 V.St." Henri, Montreal 1879 loo2 .". ..Montreal 1863 '.."..... i^-Montreal 1876 36 Leet, Selh P Montreal 1879 Leet, Lynn Tell Montreal 1883 Lighthall, W. D., B.A , Montreal 1881 Lighthall, George R Montreal 1882 Levy, J. C. E Montreal 1878 Lonergan, James Montreal 1873 Lonergan, Michael L. S Montreal 1871 Loranger, Louis George 1863 Lyman, Albert, B.A Montreal i88i Lyman, Elisha Stiles 1865 Lyman, Frederick S., B.A Montreal 1869 JLynch, Hon. Wm. W Montreal 1868 Mackay, Frs. S . . . . Papineauvllle, Q. 1886 Mackenzie, Fred Montreal 1861 Mackie, John F Montreal 1886 Macpherson, Kenneth R., B.A Montreal 1884 Madore, Caniille 1880 JMajor, David , Montreal 1875 Major, Edw. Jas. Montreal 1871 JMarler, Wm. DeM., B.A Montreal 1872 JMartin, John E Sweetsburg, Q. 1883 Martineau, Paul G Montreal 1879 Matheson, Roderick D Charlottetown, P.E.L 1884 McConnell, Arthur Hull, Q. 1883 McCord, David Ross, M.A Montreal 1867 McCorkill, John C. G. S , Cowansville, P.Q. 1877 McCormick, Duncan L Montreal 1871 McDonald, Frank H 1873 Mel )onald, John S 1876 McDougall, John M Aylmer, Q. 1877 McFee, KutusoffN., B.A Winnipeg 1880 •McGee, Thomas d'Arcy i86i McGibbon, R. D., B.A Montreal 1879 McGoun, Archibald, B.A Montreal 1878 ♦Mcintosh, John, B.A 1868 McKenzie, Peter S. G Melbourne, Q. 1883 McKercher, John Montreal 1880 McKinnon, Edmund 1878 McLaren, John Robert, M. A Montreal 1859 McLaren, John J Toronto 1808 *McLaurin, John Rice 1867 McLean, B. C Montreal 1879 McLennan, William Montreal 1880 McLennan, Francis, B.A Montreal 1884 McLennan, Farquhar S Montreal 1884 McMahon, Edward M Montreal l88l tMcMaster, Donald Montreal 1871 *McNaughton, Peter J , . 1879 Merry, John Westley Sherbrooke, Q. 1870 Messier, Damase Montreal 1875 Messier, Joseph S St. Johns, Q. 1868 Mignault, Pierre B Montreal 1878 Mitchell, Albert Ed Molson, Alexander Monk, A •• •Monk, Ed. Cornv^alhs Monk, Frederick D Morgan, Edward A. U Morin, Pierre A...... ••^:•■• Morris, Hon. Alexander, M.A . Morris, John L Morrison, Adelard..... IMurchison, Roderick L •Murray, J. Ralph. B.A •Nagle, Sarsfield B . . .••••••• tNicholls, Armine D., B.A . Nichol, Thomas, M.D., LL.«. Nutting, Charles A O'Halloran. George f Ouimet, Adolphe P JOughtred, Allan R Painchaud, Joseph Palliser, Joseph.. Panel, Edouard A Paiiineau, Joseph G .....•• • Pariseault, Charles Ambroise Pelletier, Louis C Perras, F. X Perry, Joseph..... •••• •Perkins, John A., M.A Perodeau, Narcisse Pich6, Aristide Pillet,J.Henri........-.--- *PUmsoll, Reginald J., M.A . Polette, Wm. A Polette, L. T Poutre, Felix E . . ... • Power, Alexander W. A Prefontaine, Raymond Purcell, John U RamviUe, Henri Benj ... ... • •Ramsay, Robert A, M.A... Raynes, Charles, B.A Reddv, John F Reddy, Wm. B. S • . • • •Redpath.Wm.W B.A... Ricard, DamaseF. J... Rielle, Norman T., B.A ... . Richard, Emery M Richard, Edward E . . « . Ritchie, Wm. F., B.A Rexford, Wm. Ha^-'-ms.... Robertson, David E Robidoux, J.Emery -- 37 Sweetsburg, Q. Montreal ..'!.!! Montreal ,,,,, •*', Montieal : ;::::'. .'.Toronto. 6. V Montreal Napierville, Q. .::.'.'. Montreal ,.••• ••••• ••••"• « ...... 1867 1851 1886 1870 1877 i88» 1878 1850 1859 18,9 1887 1886 1862 1879 1875 1872 188S 1861 188 1 1880 1877 i«74. 1869 1859 1877 1878 1869 i860 1876 1868 1879 1861 ' , Montreal ..Montreal '.'.'..Waterloo, Q. Cow^nsviUe, Q Montreal . . Montreal ....Montreal ■ .'.'.Montreal .'.'.'.'.Montreal ''\\ Montreal " " 'ncw Orleans "\ ..Montreal " ".".'.V.'.V.'.V.V.*. Court House, Montreal '..iThree Rivers _, .... .'.'.Montreal '.v.:. Ottawa, O. ....Montreal '.'.'.... Montreal .Montreal , Montreal .,'.'!... Montreal ".'.'..'.'.Montreal iSso ' ... Montreal 1884. : : .'Ba'ttieford, N.W .T. 1867 • 1868 "..Montreal 1879 's^ 'Francisco, Cal. 1865 :. .Lennoxville.Q. 1883 Montreal 1866 1881 1886 1875 1868 1873 1877 1873 1866 1881 1888 1880 18S1 ■•■M 38 Robillard, Emile 1874 Iv'obillard, Ovide Montreal 1886 Rochon, Charles A Montreal 1S61 •Rogers, John Henry, B.A Montreal 1884 Rose, Wm London, England 1866 Ross, Walter Lord Montreal 1879 Rutherford, Alex. C Ottawa, O. 1881 Sabourin, Ernest 1863 Santoire, Camille 1863 Sarasin, Ferdinand Leon Montreal 187 1 Scallon, Wm 1876 Sexton, James Ponsonby Montreal i860 Sharp, W. Prescott Montreal 1880 Short, Robert Montreal 1867 Sjorstrom, Paul R. D Sherbvooke, Q. i88l Smith, Arthur, B.A Montreal 1885 Smith, Robert C Montreal 1881 Shortiss, James W Fort Mackinac, Mich. i88l Scotte, V. B Cadastre Office, Montreal 1862 Snowdon, H. L Montreal 1856 Spong, JohnJ. R 1874 St. Jean, Edmund R Montreal 1879 Stephens, Charles Henry ...... c Montreal 1875 Stephens, George W Montreal 1863 Stephens, Romeo H Chambly Canton 1850 Stephens, Chailes O 1864 tStruthers, Irving E Phillipsbuig, Q. 1885 Tach6. I'ascal Montreal 1876 Tait, Melbourne Montreal .162 Taschereau, Arthur Quebec 1864 Taylor, A. Dunbar, B.A Montreal 1878 Taylor, Reid Montreal 1869 Terrill, Joseph Lee Stanstead, Q. 1865 Topp, Francis, B.A Montreal 1889 •Torrance, Fred. W., M.A Montreal 1856 JTrenholme. Norman W., M.A Montreal 1865 Trenholme, Edward H., M.D Montreal 1865 Trudel, Bouthillier J Montreal 1879 Tucker, Henry Montreal 1883 Vandal, Philippe Montreal 1881 Vilbon, Charles A Montreal 1863 Walker, Wm. S Montreal 1874 •Walsh, Ihomas Joseph i860 Watts, Wm. I., B.A Drummondville. Q. 1869 Weir, Robert's Montreal 1880 Weir, Wm. A Montreal l88l Weir, Frank Montreal 1882 •Wei h, Alfred 1864 White, Wm. J Montreal 1882 Wicksteed, Richard J., M.A Ottawa, O. 1868 Wight, JamesH 1868 Wood, Frank Ogilvie 1870 39 Wotherspoon, Ivan T. (Laval) {ad «"")• -•;;;;;;;;;.•. Wrijjht, George C......-- Wright, Wm. Mackay, B.A • • • •; Wuriele, Charles J. C.. Wurtele, Jor^athar. S.^C^--. • - ' '^^^^ Torrance Medal . . . Montreal ....lUill, O. ...Hull. O. ,.Sorel, P.Q- Mom real, Q. 1868 1886 1863 1863 1870 BACHELORS OF ARTS (+E) (E ) Allan, Rev.James G Allan, John(N) Allen, Frank A All worth, John...... •■ Amaron, Rev. Calvin E Ami, Henry ^^f^V w'.i riK' Anderson, Jacob de W.ti (tC) . - Anderson, Rev. James A Archibald, John bprott (tl") Atwater, Albert W Aylen, Peter, B.C.L •...•• v; Bancroft, Rev. Charles, junior Barlow, Alfred E(N). Barnston, Alexander (t) Barron, Rev. Thomas J ■■ Bayne, Rev. George D Baynes, Donald Beckett, Wm. Henry Bell, JohnH Bennett, James .......••• ' ' " V^ ' Bethune, Meredith Blenkarne (tN).- Black, Chs Black, James R • • • • — ,' Blackader.Alex. p^(N)...^ Blackader, Edward H.P..M.D Blair, Geo. A. ,......••• Blakely , Rev. Malcolm D Bland, Salem G. (Morr.n) Bland, Rev Charles E. (tC) Bockus, Charles E •Bothwell, John A. (IN) Bourne, Rev. N. A. F Boyd, John (N2) Bracq,JohnC. (P2)_. Braithwaite, E. E. (P) Brewster, Wm. (to. ^. - Brooks, Charlie H. (tN) • • •; • • •: • ' ' Browne, Arthur Adderley (E), M.U.. Brown, Thomas Brown.S.R .•••• Brown, A.J. (t)(Morrin) Brooklyn. N.Y. '..Kinnear's Mills, Q. .St. Armand, W.,Q. 1873 1874 1880 1871 •• •"•'%;'. Three" RWers, Q. i877 B.D. (Pres. Coll.)....-. \''^f A, ' q. 1882 . Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, U. ^^^^ GodViich, 6. 1877 .Montreal 1867 ..Montreal 1876 ;;;Aylmer,Q. 1850 "....Sutton, Q. 1866 ;;;;;; :::::Geo'logicaVsurvey, Otiawa.O. 1883 '.'..'■Lachut"e, Q- 1882 V'..V..Morrisburg, O. 1880 ..London, Eng. 1004 1866 • •••• •••• ,«•••• •••••• • •• •••••• v:::.":::.Kavs,o 1886 . ..Montreal looo ".'...Montreal 1866 ..Granby, Q. 1881 ••■• 1874 _*", Montreal 1870 ,. Montreal 1884 '.V.V.'.Manotick. 0. 1886 . Forester's Falls, O 1878 Kingston, O, i877 .Montreal 1803 1852 ,".V.V.'.V.'.". Montreal 1864 Thome, Q. 1887 ::;.'phiVadelp'hia;"Pa. 1881 UnionviUe, O. 1886 V.CoiisVa^Unop'le.'TuVkey .868 , Montreal 1866 1853 ;.V."Georgeville,Q. 1887 .... Montreal, Q. 1883 40 Bryan, An.lreW C. (St. Francis College) Richmond, O. Bryson, Alfred P Montreal, Q. Budden, Hanbury A,, B.CL. . , . , ,.,,.. Montreal Bull, Harcourt J, (+P) .16 Exchange Place, New York Bullock, Wm. E. (tP) Calder, Geo, F Ottawa/o. Cameron, Rev, James, M-A, itM), B,D. (Pres, Coll,), . , . Millbrook. O, Cameron, John D, (tP) 138 St, James St,, Montreal j Q, Cameron, Donald Tiverton , O. Cameron, Kenneth, M,D, (fN) , Montreal Cameron, Wellington A, (P) Barrie, O, Campbell, Henry (Morrin) Dunham, Q. Carmichael, Rev, James .Norwood, O. 1888 1888 1885 1880 i860 1885 1871 1S83 1885 1884 1887 1885 867 Cassels, Hnmilton (Mori in) Manning Arcade, Toronto, O, 1873 Cassels, Robert (Morrin) (P) Ottawa 1866 Chalmers, Wm. W Huntingdon, Q, 1886 Chandler. George H. (tM) 32 Lome av., Montreal 1875 Chipman, Clarence , Prescott, O. 1866 Chubb, Sydney C. (N2) Brooklyn, N. Y. 1877 Christie, John H Lachute 1872 Christie, William Lachute 1884 Clarke, Wallace (tE) Utica, N. Y. 1869 Clay, Wm. L. (f) p.^.I ,88; Clements, Benjamin Berthier en haut, Q. 1886 Clerk, Ronzo H. . B.C.L Montreal 1886 •Cline, John D. (+C) 1871 Clowe, John D ,863 Cockfield, Henry M !..'!'..* Montreal 1882 Colby, Chas. W. (tE), (Harvard University) Cambridge, Mass. 1887 Colquhoun, A. H. Urquhart (E) Assistant Editor Empire, Toronto, O. 1885 Cook, Archibald H. (Morrin) Quebec 1869 Cornish, Rev. Geo., B. A., London University (ad eun) Montreal 1856 Cox, Jacob W Noel, Hants Co., N.S. Craig, James A. (P2).... Cincinnati, Ohio Cr&ig, James Renfrew, O. Cross, Alexander Selkirk (fP), B.C.L , Montreal Cross, Eliza C '. . Lachine, Q. Crothers,W.J.(P2) Ottawa, O. 1876 1880 1874 1879 1888 1872 Crothers, Robert A. (fC) Bedford,' Q. 1876 Coussirat, Rev. Adrian D. (ad eun), officier d'Acad^mie Montreal 1871 Cunningham, Rev. Thos. E. (P2) Aylmer 1880 Currie, Rev. Alex Widder, O. 1885 Currie, Rev. Dougald (R , B.D. (Pres. Coll.) Glencoe, Ont. 1880 Currie, W . T Toronto, O. 188? •Cubhing, Lemuel (C) 1863 Dalpe, W. H Roxton Pond, o", i886 Darey, J. Herbert (fC), M.D Philadelphia 1880 Dart, W.J Laprairie 1868 Davidson, Charles Peers Montreal 1863 Davidson, Rev. James (ad eun) Montreal 1863 Davidson, Leonid.is Heber Montreal 1863 Dawson, William 1'.. (fN) Montreal 1874 4V' r I 41 1 I Dawson, Rankine (P2) Montreal 1878 Day, John L. (fC) Montreal 1888 Deeks, William K. (tN) North Williamsburg, O. 1889 Dewey, Rev. Kinlay McN. (P2) Montreal 1874 Dey, Rev. William J. (fN) Hamilton, O. 1871 DeWitt, Cal.bS Lockport, 111. i86l Dickson, James A , M.D Hemminglord, Q. '883 Dixon, Wellmgton (fE) Montreal 1883 Donald, James T. (tN) Montreal 1878 Dougall, Duncan Windsor, O. i860 Dougall, John Redpatli Montreal i860 Drummond. Chas. G. B. (N) Montreal 1862 Duclos, Charles A. (Morrin) Quebec 1881 Duff, Rev. Archibald (fM) Bradford, Yorkshire, Eng. 1 864 Duffett, Henry J 1883 Duffey, Henry T. (E2). Bedford 1876 Duncan, Alex. E > Montreal 1867 Eadie, Robert (fC) Oakland, O. 1879 Elder, John (fP) Huntingdon, Q. 1881 Ells, Robert (fN) Ottawa 1872 Enipson, Rev. John 71 University St., Montreal 1874 England, George P Montreal 1888 England, Luther M < N) Knowlton, Q. 1883 Evans, Cora Bbnche B. (N) Montreal 1888 Evans, W. Herbert Montreal 1886 Ewing, Wm 1878 Fairbairn, Thomns (P2) 1863 Falconer, Alex. (fE), h.C.L Montreal 1881 Ferguson, James D. (Morrin) Quebec 1880 Ferguson, John A. (Morrin) Quebec 1885 Ferguson, John S Montreal 1861 Ferguson, Wm. A. (fM) Richibucto, N.B. 1881 *Ferrier, Robert W 1857 Fessenden, Rev. Elisha Jos The Rectory, Chippewa, O. 1863 Fleet, Charles J. (E) Montreal 1872 Forneret, Rev. Geo. E Hamilton, O. 1877 Fortin, Rev. Octave (ad cun) Winnipeg, Man. 1 867 Fowler, William (N) 1865 Fowler, AH^ert 1868 Eraser, John (Morrin) 1869 Fraser, William Dundee, Q. 1883 Fyles, Rev. Wm. A. (fC) South Quebec 1886 Gamble, Rev. Robert Billing's Bridge, O. 1881 Garth, William H Montreal, Q. 1889 Gerrie, Andrew W Fergus, O. 1887 Gerrie, John P Stratford, O. 1884 Gibb, Charles Abbotsford, Q. 1865 Gibson, W^illiam D. (fC) Montreal 1889 Giles, William J. (N) Farmersville, O. 1888 Gilman, Francis Edward Montreal 1862 Gore, Frederick 1861 Gould, Charles H. (fC) Montreal 1877 42 GouW, Rev. Edwin , Montreal 1856 Gralium, John (tE) Williamstown, O. 1876 Graham, Rev. John H... ...... Walford, O. 1878 Grandy. John ,866 Grant, Rev. Andrew S., H.D. (Pres. Coll.) I^a Guerre, Q. 1885 Gray, Wm Union Theological Seminary, New v'oi-"k 1876 Green. Joseph (tC) 600 West 5th St , C:incinnati, Ohio, U.S. 1861 Green, Lonsdal.. 118 Leadenhall Sl.-eet, London, EC, Eiig. Green.shields, Kht. A. (t), H.C.L Montreal, Q. Greenshiekis. Edward B. (fP) Montreal * Greenshiolds, Samuel Montreal Gregor, I^igh K. (P2) !!!.' Montreal Guerin, Edmund W. P. (fE) Montreal Guignard, J. A., B. A. (Un. Fr.) adeun,... Ottawa, O. Hasue, Henry J. (fC) , Montreal Hall, fohn S Montreal Hall, Rev. Wm Cote St. Antoine, Montreal Hargrave, Kev. Isaac L , High BluliT, Man. Hart, Lewis A Montreal Harrington, Bernard J. (jN) Montreal Harvey, Alfred St. John's, Newfoimdl'd Harvey, Charles J St. John's, Ntld. Haythorne, Thos Charlottetown, P. K i. Hemming. Henry (Morrin) Toronto, O. Henderson, Robert B. (P2) Montreal Hibhard, Fred. W '.'.Montreal *Hicks, Frank W ,864 Hij-gins, Rev. Joseph H '. . . .BrucefieTdi'o*. 1885 Huidley, Rev. John Granby, Q. ' " Hodge, D. W. R. (tE) Sherbrooke, Q. Holden, Donald B Montreal, Q. Holden, Edgar De F St. Armand Centre, Q. Holiday, Caleb S Huntingdon, Q. Home, W. A. (Morrin) Quebec Howard, Robt. J. B. (tN), M. D Montreal Howitt, Rev. William Wesleyan Theo. College, Montreal Hunter, Georgina (tE) Montreal Hunter, Walter, B.C.L Hamilton, O. Jamieson, Walter L Montreal, Q. Jones, H. J. Montgomery, M.D Chicago Johnson, Alex. R. (tM) Pembroke College, Cambridge, Eng. Johnston, Rev. Jas. A. (tP) Rutland, Vt. Johnston, Robt. (t) Kincardine, Q. Joseph, Montefiore (N> Quebec Kahler, Frederick A. (tC) Buffalo, N.Y. Keays, Chas. H Oskaloosa, Iowa, U.S. Kelley, Frederick W. (tE) Montreal Kemp, Edson Montreal Kennedy, Geo. T. (N) King's College, Windsor, N.S. Kennedy, Robert Alex Ottawa O •Kershaw, Phillip G Kingston, Chas. B ' .'Montreal 1864 1883 1869 1874 1882 1878 1883 1882 1874 1861 1886 1 866 1869 1874 1874 1884 1880 1887 1886 1868 1872 1889 1886 1870 1885 1879 1888 1888 1883 1889 1869 1887 1870 1887 1870 1869 1880 1871 1859 1868 1884 1867 1887 1^ 43 Megnntic, Q. 1883 Kinrear, George.... ...-..• ' w'jf"; s\;'tVGeneraV Hospital, Montreal 1884 Kirkpatrick, Rotert C, M.D. .Medical supi. -jc _,...... Montreal 1859 Kirby, James (t). B.CL ,*,'.,. .Aylmer, Q. Klock, Kobert A . . ••••,■ i^^in'g Place, New York Krans, Rev. Ldward H. (fB) ' ^ Montreal Lafleur, Eugene, B.C.L. (fP) Montreal \^ Kri^^S^D: (VN): John H;^in;Un^v;.;ty;;f^i;r^e. MH^ Laing, Rev. Robert (fP) " ' * p^gf c;t., Montreal Lane, Campbell ^^ Rockburn, Q. Langton, Rev. J. t j^^ Hyacinthe, Q. l,arivi&re, Rev. Vitalien Montreal, Q. Larivi^re, Rev. Dolard Halifax, N.S. Larkin, F. W Laurie, Arch. (Morrin) ' jgjy •Leach. Robert A "i ■.■.".'. Sherbrooke, Q. 1883 Lee, Rev. Arch. (C) • • *," *■ "" ' 'r'^Ur' qtia^se lo^ Germany 1888 LeRossignol, James E. (fN) Le.ps.c. Lohr. St. ass^e^JO ^^jej^ ^y ^g^ Lewis, Albert R. (tE), ^i' ^ Montreal 1879 L.ghthall, Wm. D. OE) j^^^' Richmond, Q. 1888 Lindsay, Norman (P2) • •£/ V • y^^^ pi.ee, New York 1886 Livmgslone, Colin H. (t) 3 ^'^'"S. _ _ Listowell, O. i88s Lochhead, Wm. (N) Montreal 1878 Lyman, A. ^^l^""?"";.^;^-^ '.'.'.'.'.'. Montreal 1876 Lyman, Henry H.(tN)...... Montreal 1863 Lyman, Frederick Stiles, B.C.L Montreal 1881 Lyman, Walter E(ML2) ■■■ '{^'^^,^^55, Q. '«8^ Mabon, James (tP) ' "... St. Elmo, Q. i88o 1865 1877 1880 1882 1868 1879 1887 1880 1884 1888 1887 Macallum, Fred. K. W .■.■.'.Halifax, N.S. Mackie, John F (t) (Morrin) • • -Quebec, Q. MacLeod, Euphemia (Morrin) ■.;...,. Montreal 1889 1870 1884 1868 Major, George W * * W'Nkpierville, Q Marceau James ... . . .^ Montreal Marler, Wm. de M. (tM), B.C.L jgg^ Martin, Alfred W.... "Montreal 1888 Martin, Charles F. (E) !'..'.'!!.. Dundee, Q. 1885 Martin, ReV.J.C (E) ;, . ,888 Mason, Horace E. C *.'.... 1859 Mason, James L | /Grande LignV, q'. 1888 M*^«^ A'';^^"''-.-" :;;:;... Grande Eigne, Q. Massd, Godefroi (t) Martintown, O. Matheson Rev. John ...Cornwall, O. Mattice, Corydon J '.! . ...L'Orignal, O. Maxwell, John (N) Granby, Q. Mc Arthur, Arch ' China SS;^Rii!^^(&)-.v.: '.v.: :: : : : • "^-^ogi^'^-^s McCord, David Ross, B.C.L .•••••• ;„ -.^g^bury, O. 1889 ScSS. H^;c::::;"v;:;:.:::::::::....chariouetown, p.e.!. i88. 1884 1876 1859 1879 1887 1879 1879 1863 44 McDonnell. Richard L.. (tCJM D M.-,clY, Alexander rL;.;; Mctrr>;nl!^^-^-sA.te;; McFadyen, Allanl. WcPee, Janet D. fP) McFee Kut,,,ofl.j^ |pYB■.■c•L•'' McC.,bl,on, Kol,ert D.; B.c L McGonn, Archibald (fP) b'c L ' ' ' " McGregor, Archibald F ••• " McGregor, James (C J. McGregor, Rev. Duncan M Intash, JohnCtM). Mcntyre, Hector A. McKenzie,John(Momn);; McKenze, Robert (P)-* McKenz.e, Rev. \Vm. A Vc'^ McK.bbin. Rev. Wm.M^^ McK, .bin, Rev. Robert McK. op, Roland.... McKiIIop, Peter C . McLaren, David C . McLarenJohnR.,B;c.L Mclaren, Harry (+) McLennan,JohnS. (P) McLennan, H. S. (tML) McLennan, George A ^ McLennan, Rev. Malcolm McLeod, Arch., McLeod, Duncan cVVtii) McLeod, Hugh ^^^^ McLeod, Findlay T McLeod, Murdoch t' McNabb, Rev. Robt . ^ •McOuat, Walter (N) McOuat.John W .. MacPhail, J A McRae, Duncan a'. McWilliams,Rev.X-ndrVw:: MacPherson Kenneth R. (mV MacVicar, J. Harvey. . ^'^ Meighen, Frank S .. Mercer, Walter D Merritt, David Pre'swtV;. Molson, Chas. A nja) Moore, Francis X Morin, Rev. Joseph L. "( tML) .".*.*; ! .■.'; " Montreal Ilonan, China [[ p"VrV:''°"''ac, a /• • ^"'■' <-ovingion, N.Y, ,• • Montreal .v. Winnipeg, Man. . _" ■ Montreal Montreal -/-istowell, O. victoria. B.C. /■ Guelph, O [ Manilla, 6. M",;:";-^^''"'^''^'"e! a M.llbank, Perth Co., O. Oil Springs. Ont. ' Inverness, Q. •S'SSherbrooke St., Montreal ••••67Mansfield St. Montreal Montreal 18', 1886 1 866 1S85 1882 1878 1888 1874 1877 1876 1877 . 1864 1871 1870 i88i 1867 1869 1881 1875 1879 1878 1878 1856 Alexandria, O Sydney, C.B. N.s" 1; ■•••Montreal V/ •^"''"„^°«i. O. St. Elmo P. o., O /.•••.••0''well, pIe.L ^narlottetown, P.E.L Valleyfieid.p.E.L Brompton Gore, Q. Woodville,' o! • • •••••, — • Lachute, Q. . Orwell, P.E.L •••Apple Hill, b.' Ulster, O. Montreal " ••• China Montreal Montreal ^"te City, Montana * • Montreal 1858 1869 1869 1871 1874 1885 188? 1887 1881 i8;3 1866 1872 1887 1883 1881 1865 1886 1888 1886 1884 1881 1885 1889 1880 1863 1880 1868 1882 I 45 Morison, John A Ormstown, Q. 1888 Morison, Rev. David W. (E) The Manse, Ormsiown, (.). 1870 *Morris, William Montreal 1859 Morris, Hon. Alexander Toronto, O. 1849 Morrison, John 18'. 6 Morrison, Rev. Jas. D. (N) Oydensburg, N.V. 1865 Miiir, Andrew C Georyelown, Q. 1880 Muir, John F 1864 *Muir, Rev. E. P. (ad eun) 1865 Munro, Rev. Gustavus , Lmhro, O 1871 Munro, Murdoch 1872 Murphy, Martha C Montreal 1888 Murray, Alice T Montreal 1888 ♦Murray, Charles H. (fN) 1873 •Murray, J. Ralph (tM) 1883 Murray, Alfred V Montreal 1887 Naismith, James (P-i) Montreal 1887 Naismith, Peter L., B. A.Sc Pembroke, O. i888 Naylor. Rev. W. H. (fP) Shawville, g. 1872 Newnham, Rev. Jarvois A Cote St. Antoine, Montreal 1878 Nichols, Wm. A 1887 Nicholson, John A Eldon, P.E.I. 1887 O'Halloran, G. F Cowansville, Q. 1883 OSuUivan, Rev. R, Benj St. Andrews, Q. 1886 Ogilvie, Archibald N Georgetown, (^. 1880 Oliver, Theophilus H. (Morrin) (P2) 1866 Palmer, Jane V Ottawa, O. 1888 Parent, Manasseh B. (t) St. Pie, Q. 1884 Parsons, Simeon H., B. A. (Univ. New Brunswick) (ad eun) Montreal 188 1 Patterson, Wm. (C) Montreal i886 Patton, Hugh M. (ML) Montreal 1887 Pease, Geo. H. (t(J) 120 Broadway, New Yoik 1864 Pedley, Hdton (fN) Cobourg, O. 1888 Pedley, Hugh Cobourg, O. 1875 Pedley, Charles S. (P) Port Perry, O. 1878 Pedley, James W Cobourg, O. 1884 Pedley, Francis (P) Cobourg, O. 1886 Perrigo, James (N), MD Montreal 1866 *Perkins, John A 1858 Petit, Rev. Charles P 1850 Phillips, Charles W 1852 Pillsbury, Carroll E Augusta, Me., U.S. 1880 Plimsoll, Reginald J 1858 Porter, Jas. A. (tN), M.D Powassan Station, O. 1883 Pritchard, John C. (Morrin) ijuebec 1881 •Ramsay, R. Anstruther (fN), B.C.L 1862 Raynes, Charles, B.C.L Montreal 1880 Read, Francis W Montreal 1889 •Redpath, George D 1857 •Redpath, William W 1879 Reddy, Herbert L. (E), M.D Montreal 1873 Reid, Helen B. (fML) Montreal 1889 46 Reid, Rev. James (P2) - vxford Rev. Elson I. (P) !'..'.* SecV'lVen;" nf iVur ' 'J^*''''' Moi.nioin, O. i88r H'tclne, Arthur F. c JS ^S^l^^r^SjK^ •.•::::::::::::::.':::::^r--'^-;« Ktm^:.^/^?:;::::. ••-D..ci,e;.;-s^.:^;:S:^;«^9 Rotenson. James (P) Garafraxa Z 88? Robertson, Kohx:rt (P) . . Waddington, NY ,sSo RoK..rtson, Philip m'^^;.v;.; ........; lln j<obiiis, Sampson I'aul (fM) Montreal i88e Ro±' k' '\'^'- ^- <tc) . . . . :;;;;;;. Mo„.reai .'sel .,?f "' ^^^„^eorge (N2) Momreal 1887 iS?si„;!.™'.-- •••••:::.•:::: ::::::::::::::'''<'•■"' ;i Ross,Geo-ge(tC), M.D..... Danville, Q. issl Ross, James (tP) i:::;:::;;;: •.•••.. MomVeTils'^ Rutherford, Alex, b'c.l.V.V.:". BHsIoiVq. 88? Sanders^Rev. VVm Ottawa O i88i bcott, Henry C. (Morrin) (P) Lachute, O. 1887 Scott, Rev. Matthew H. (fN Montreal 866 i"."^Ker. Alex, (f) V;™ ; ;; Bristol, Q 877 Scnver, Charles W V. '^ Cialt O. jtsl Shearer, Rev. W. K Hemmingford, Q. ,88? She.nll Alvan F. (fN) . . . .W^ VV V ' ' " • ^'^elstan, O. ,88^ lib' ^^'^''* J- ("^""in) . . ^'"'•ha, Nebraska, U.S. islj back, George /, Danville, Q. ,88c Sloane, Edith J. (Morrin) ,8fiS s2h,ArthurV(N),'fc.L::::::: (?uei;;c,-Q. S' Sqmre,MaudM.(N) .V;;;.-. Stafford ^. ,||| fS':nti,z%'' ••"■v;;;.:v.v;:v;.v;;;;--^--';f9 Stevenson, sa„,u;ic:::::::: '::::::.:::: ]^ South Dummer, O. 1889 47 1 882 1867 i8;8 1885 Stewart, Rev. Robert .; Uchute. Q. •Stewart, Rev. Colin Campbell (tN) •; • • • • ; • ; '''':,V'\ Stewart, VVm. S. (fC) ^''"''""" vi',' t'ell Stewart! VVm.(l.(tN), Ml) _=^_'""";'^' '/g^^ •Stirlinij, Kobeit ,' " " ', ' ' ,d,, S uart.Gu^tavus (i (tP) M \ .l\ „ vvi i«8fi c .,,1 iu„.- /i-K\ Char oltetown, 1 b.l l»»o Swabey, Chas. (tN) Montreal 1888 Sweeny. George K . ....... .. •;;:••;,•;• \ T,„„nto, O. .8,8 ' 869 874 878 87s 874 Sweeney. RevT James F., DD. (iJio. Coll.) ••• <-iomo, ^. ; Tabb, Silas Ever. .t (P) ^''"'"Mon'ireii ' Taylor, ArchibVul D. (O), U.C.L • • • • • • ; " ^ "' ^ Taylor Edw. T • • • • • • I't=«hawa bengal InCa Taylor Rev. Ernesi M., Schl. Insp. Hrome ^ Miss.squoi, Cowansv.l e, ^ Ihomas, Henry \\ ( E) .....London O. 1882 Thomas, b . Wolferstan G • • ' ; ' , ^n 1 ,00- Thon,p-on. Rev. G. J. A., lU). (Pres. Coll.) Harbor Grace N fl.l. 885 Thornton. Rev. R. McA , Toronto (ad eun) • L,""d"n. Lng 872 Thornton Hastwell W. (N) pVI^.Tk.! l" ' s' 888 TK„ 1 . II M Phdadelphia, I'a., b.S. ions Thurloy.H.^M.^....... ...... ...Montreal 1886 rancis (tM), U.C . L • • • • '"" „ e. Rev. Edward F. (P2) l}^'!^" ku' WA Brandon, Man. 1870 New York, N.Y.. U.S. 1872 ..Montreal 1868 Topp, F Torrance Torrance, Frederick W Torrance, John Eraser, H.A. So Trenholme, Normnn \Vm. (P), D.C.L.,Q.C "on rea »oo Trenholme, Chas. W (N), B. A.Sc ...... • .;;Mont .^1 ,88 i::"^'':\^:7^^•tS ••••::::::::•;;:;; :;;;:Hi;h school, Montreal .88, Tucker.John'W. (tC) "'6^ „ , _ ,. ,, ,0,, Sr; {;x.';.*&;.v.-. : ; v.-.-. .■.•.■..•;.■.•.■.•.■ n^, v„ju ,,h Unsworth. R. v. Jos. K. (fE) w ".V * "; " " " N V Vl ^ Walker, R. . . (George F Waddmijton, N .\ U .S. Wallace. Xev.Roht.W.(P) "^"Monue^^^^ waiiac wn,^E ;.• i;;;;.- ;;:;;: "j: ;;:::: ;.o;msiown, Q. .'i;. : M Ormstown, Q Thos. N .884 1882 1872 1886 1887 889 ^]\ '//,',, ',',', Quebec, Q. 1885 Wals' Wa- .eX Albert H . ( Morrin) yuc^:., v. -""^ W .rd, George ^M tC) • . . . • • " " • :;■.;•.'.■.■.■.■. Mm'u'rVal .8?? y.arrmer, Rev^Wm. H. (fE) . . .Montreal 1885 Watson, Rev. Murr.iy jg g •Watson Aiindus J ::::::;: ;::;ummmond;iiiV, "q. .866 W I'; Wm^A^^ ;■::.. ..Charlottetown,P.E.I. .881 w*"?, ■ ^T; V i;;;;; M Minnedosa, Man, 1878 Wellwood, Rev. James M jg ™;ans,Rev.Geo.ge(P2) i.':::.". i.'.'.V:: .'.Ouawa .8 2 Wh.Uans^Rev. Robe t ;. . Montreal .881 White, Wni. J., D (- L • 1^ J x iRKf White Walker W , B. A., Univ. New Brunswick (ad eun) .... .... ...... i»»S r.s:;i»„M.,Mo;H„, ^•rr.'.Su^i.'i? Why te, C W • • Qjj^^^j^ ,g6 48 Wilson, John (P) ,ggg \Voo<l, 1 rank (J H.C.L Montreal 1869 \A 00. , lulion II Uirniint;hain, ( onn. 1879 \V OU.I, I lion.as b Montreal i860 W oilarspoon, Ivan T. (Morrin) (P), U.C.L Montreal 1866 Wright, t'to'tie C., H.C.I Hull, (). 1884 \Vn;ilu, \\ m. McKay, li C.L Ottawa 1861 Wiilker.Jolin (Morrin 1880 Walker, Thomas, H. A. Sc 1 860 Yates, Kev. Nelson 1*. (P) Diocesan'rheo.' Coli.",' M.mtreai 1886 Pi ML] First Rank Honniirsi in Clussics, do do do in Kn({lish I.iternture, etc. <io do do in Mallifniatics and Physics, do do do in Natural Science. du do do do do du in Menial and Moral Philosophy, in Mciilern Languages. \'.. Second Kank do 1'. du do M.. do do S. ' do do I'.l do do Ml. ^] do do or. t Indicites the Gold Medallist for the Mibjcct denoted by the letter to wlii.h It is prefixed I staiulMiK alone, for best general standing. For the title's ol the (luld Med .Is, assii-ned'to the .several subjects since 1804, see J VI. of Faculty of Arts University Calendars. on '" Jf '';■ '^A?' '^5?. the Chapinnn Medal was awarded for the best general standing ; i860, 1861, i86z, lor Classics ; 1863 '"r Mental and Moral Philosophy ; ih64 for Natural Science. In iHfia, the Prince of Wales Medal was awarded for Natural Science. 1863 for Matheinatic* and I'hysics ; 1864 for Classics, ^ • Deceased, BACHELORS OF APPLIED SCIENCE. In Civil and Mechanical Engineering, Addie, George K Sherbrooke, Q. 1889 Antl'f . /"•'""•• Montreal 1889 Archibald, Hy. A Hydrographic Survey, Florida, U.S.A. 1881 Bali, John P Charlottetown, P.E.I. 1887 Batcheller, Alvan A Hedford Q 187s Bell, Robt. (N), M.D Geological "survev, Ottawa i86i Boswcll, St. George J.. Assistant Engineer Harbor Improvement's, ()uebec 1874 Boulden, Llias. M Milleisbuig, Ky., U.S. 1878 Brodie, Robert; Smiths Kails. O. i8n Ch.lds, Arthui- L Lon.ion, E,ig. 1888 Chipman, Willis (N) Brockville, O. 1876 Collms.JohnJ Ott^^^ ,8^^ Cowie, \ red. W Assist. En^ir. Dept. Public Work , Sorei, g. 1886 Davis, Allan R Adolphustown, O. 1884 Dawson, Geo. H Vancouver, H.C. 1886 Dawson, W. Bell, M.A C.P.R., Montieal 187? Dowling, Donaldson Bogart (J) Geological Survey, Ottawa i88^ Drummond, Arthur L. ( J) Montieal 1888 Drummond, I hos Government Railway, A'ewfoundlnnd 1882 •Duddendge, James Uchute, Q. 1880 Eneas, Aubrey G 1888 Forneret, V. F. W '.'.'.*.'.". Bertiiier" en'haut*. "o. 1887 Forlong, Gordon C.P.Ry., Montreal 1884 Fortier, >am Ogden City Water Works, Ogden, Utah i88e Foster, Philip L Longueuil, Q. 1882 49 i866 onticnl 1869 < onii, 1879 mtrenl 1869 )ntrfnl 1866 •ill, (,). 1884 Jtiawa 1 861 1880 i860 ntieal 1886 unci Kaiilc do, lu dij do o do o do u do prefixed J or, Is, assiyiied to ;ir!.. Hiding ; i860, Science. Mathci iitic« e,Q. nreal S.A. ,E.I. 1, Q. tawa lebfc U.S. s. O. Eiig. ;, O. tawa l,y. ,,0. h.C. tieal tawa Ileal Hand . Q. treal Utah i.Q. 1889 1889 1881 1887 .875 1861 1874 1878 1873 1888 1876 1882 1886 1884 1886 1875 1883 1888 1882 1880 1888 1887 1884 1885 1882 'I'rotliiinjl.ani, John J (irahnni, \Vni Kt 'i>l,'„\ "\r" ' ol^ uretn, I ms. 1 ' ■ ■ • • ■ Dominion Lands omce, Ottawa. 1882 Harvey, I has. J,, B. A c, i,.i'.. V,,, C awlcy, Davu !■ . , . N„„;f (_.„^„;,,. , 74 He lerinBton !• ledenck Santa Kee, Arcentine Ke),ul,!ic-. S.A. 18-6 Ha 1, K,c hard Kat Vorint;.., ( ), ,878 I I' • '^'- ";"■ ^r New \Vestmin>t..r^ U.C. ihI. loi.k.ns Marshall W ^^^ .,;^^ ^ «^4 Jones, Ihomas H . . city Engineer. H?antf<,rd O 8-7 iS?[^y!iK^::'^^^^ McDonaici. John ^ ■ ^ ^ :::':.'::::::: .v : I :: ron:^^;: s'^ \lll McLvoy, James . Geological Survey. Otta;a, (), 88; SnT\ m"^ Almonte O, ,889 ^otcl:iJ^U.::::.: Argentine K.,.Mic .88? i:!ct:nnan!'M;.^,Vj::;;::;:^--' --■«'•-- McMillan, 1 )avid E ^^'l;""'^l^\^"' O' '««9 Miller, Erederick V. (t). ..';.',■ O. 1 .K. . Lhieago ,SS4 Moffatt James \V.,. Chief Engineer, Wyoming; Sauk Lake' & Cal.Ry ' '' salt Lake City. Utah oc Naisniith. I'eter L., 15.A. . i,' ' \" \" VV '"*'* O'Dwyer, John S. (t) . ....:. ,' I'emhroke, O. ,889 Ogilvy, David n"i" 'x' 1 ' 00 OiilvJ Robert r / ; ^'" l^' ^'^ 'B^ »Page, Jolr ^;;.. ..!..■■■.■. .■;.■.■,'.■.■.■.■.■.■;: ^""tieal 188S RelrWrn M *^'''' ^'''y''^"e"i"eer', vict^.'ia, "k C IsS? Robertsoi. Geo E...: : : ^ :[ ^ : ! ^ ; ^ i:^::!^;-^:^ £ S ^- \f.i Uoss, Phillip D t'-viV ■ ■ r • ^ ^, ''i'!''' "• '^"5 Routhier.JudeJ. T..,. '-d'tor Journal, Ottawa 1878 Saunders, Bryce J .'; ^ V.'"''^'' '^75 Skaife, Wilfred T Farmersv.lle, O. .886 Smith, Richard F ' "' ' Montreal 1880 Smith, Cecil Brunswick (l).:.Cha;i;;to;; Ci,;. ^:chic;gV R^'c^ uS' '^^^ fc^*5:^^;:v---- ••••■■■••••••- Swan, John ;•, '8S9 Taylor, Daniel ,'.', AL-^^°"''^l' '^^^ Thompson. Wm. T. (N). ... •,•,';. .•.•.■.•.•^.■.V.V.W.Qi'App;^^^^^^.!^}: |^^J »«V«7raW*««tt7,^ 60 Thompson, ITeciley Vicars (J) r B & O Rv rKi„ .00 Tremblay, Alfred J kt hZ^^a ^y-'^^'^^SO '88 Truemar,, Herman .. ^'^ ^°'^ ^^1^"'"^%Q- """ Tuplin, James P h" " i^^'^^^' ^^l' Warldell Roliert W^ New Annan, P.E.I. WadSdi; J 1^^"! C. E ''SO Grant Av. , Denver. Col. Walbank, Wm. McL '. ™/^ <^''y Wardrop. Norval V^ V ' ^"."i^ef ' Wicksteed, Henry K p fA°''i.^"'> ^Vilson, Robert A . . . . X- "^ ''•'";; °- ' Winnipeg, Man. /« Mining and Assaying. Brown, Chas. P. (N2) S!/^'wait^?%f?^r"v--- '•••••" Howard W^^^^^ N??: -^-^ ^'^ Bn,nswick,N.J 1888 1886 1889 1881 1882 1877 1877 «873 >87S Low, Albert P Macnutt, Charles Pueblo, Colo. H '{'viVs Geological Survey, Ottawa, O. f, • ;;S^ Asnpn. Tnln C. (N) '.(N) |}?u!L': J°^^P^/^ ••-•-• Dominion Blanket Co., Montreal Macy, Ernest McC. (N) .'! V. M^!f ^"' ^°]?' Mathewson. Ed. P fK^^ Melbourne, Q, Col. Montreal Peterborough, O. E^- p- (Ny v ...v.-.-.v.;;:-.;'.:'.v.:;;-.:p;ebi;: Robertson, William F. (N2) Rogers, Richard B Roy, Frangois Xavier A. (S." B.', 'Laval) . . . . Trenholme, Chas. Wm.(tB).... JVew Yoik, U.S. Wicksteed, Henry K ... .7. p ' '/i^u"""!^^ wiikins, Dan. f! h. (B.A.. Ton); VnV.:::'.v ;:;: ! ;::Mr:„%^o';rS: g'. In Practical Chemistry. Bur^d.^e'ff'eJ H^'(N.^'=^"" °" ''''''''^^' ^'^^'^ University Montreal Edwards, George M. aNV.*/;. ^^T'''^{ Hamilton, William J. ....;;:: p'm"^^ Hersey, Milton L .. . Pueblo, Col Wallers, Charles L Montrea Weir, Arthur (J) Montrea Voung, Andrew. r"; •^^v * ' aI""""^^' '• Bute City, Montana 1886 1887 1887 1883 1882 1888 1885 1885 1884 1880 1878 1888 1874 1873 1885 1874 1875 1878 1882 1889 1886 1884 1888 1889 1888 1886 1889 GRADUATES IN CIVIL ENGINEERING. Barnston, A lexander, B. A » Crawford, Rotert ".'.'.','.'.[', '."", 'o^^ EdUmds, Sg; Winnipeg, Man. 186? Sn^M^ice;;;;:;.'" •••••••••••'•••••• '-^^ *Gooding, Oliver '863 Gould, James H ".'' '858 1862 "W. minu»Mv«i<iimMI3im 51 Kivby, Charles H 58 Crescent St., Montreal i86o McLennan, Christopher 1859 Reid, John Lestock Prince Albert, Man. 1863 Rixford, Gulian Pickering 1864 Ross, Arthur Montreal i860 *Savage, Joseph , 1860 Walker, Thomas, B.A i860 (N) First Rank Honours Natural Science. (Na) Second Ranl< Honours Natural Science. X Gov.-General's Medal for highest general standine in Examinations for Bachelor of Applied Science ; Q. B) British Association Gold Medal, • Deceased.