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The following diagrams illustrate the method: L'exemplaire film^ fut reproduit grdce ^ la gin^rositi de: Department of Rare Books and Special Collections, McGill University, Montreal. Les imagen suivantes ont iti reproduites avec le plus gran(i soin, compte tenu de la condition at de la nettet* de l'exemplaire fUmi. at en conformity avec lea conditions du contrat de filmage. Las exemplairas originaux dont la couverture en papier est imprimte sont fiimis en commenpant par lo premier plat at en terminant soit par la derniire page qui comporte une ampreinte d'impression ou d'illustration, soit par le second Piat. salon le cas. Tous les autres axemplaires originaux sont fiim^s en commenqant par la premiere page qui comporte une ampreinte d'impression ou d'illustration at en terminant par la dernidre page qui comporte une telle empreinte. Un das symboles suivants apparaitra sur la demiire image de cheque microfiche, seion le caa: le symbole — ^ signifie "A SUIVRE", le symbols V signifie 'FIN ". Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre filmte A dee taux de rMuction diffirents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour etre reproduit en un seul clichA, il est filmd i partir de Tangle supirieur gauche, de gauche d droita, et do haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images n^cessaire. Las diagrammes suivants illustrant la m^thode. 32 X 1 2 3 4 5 6 STATEMENT REFERRED TO IN THE FOREGOING REPORT. "n the ro-o,-ganis.tion of McVAU Iniversity under its Amcnckv! Charter, i, becntiie npi-vtn t.,.^t without i,K-feased fcvenues it could not hope to enter on .. cn.-eer of p,-,.c- cal useA,h>ess. ts ,„co„,e was insufficient to support the requisite numl,e.- of Chairs. Us a.,ls ro„, he l-rovnc,.-,! (JovernnuMU were very s.uall, an,l its real estate could not be rendere,! pnxlucttve, except gradually. In .S56,, a„ appeal was ma,le ,0 the i m/ens of Montreal to sustatn it l.y subscriptions and pertnanent endowments I o tins appeal a most hearty an.l liberal response was n,a-i-les contributions to the .vneral fund, and to hel.,acul,ty of Applied Science, the endown,ent of the IVter kedpath. l.o.^an and .N.n iTOthtnghan, Chairs, the erection of the X\ ill,a,„ MoKon Hall and o„..r bu „s the endowment of many Scholars:„ps, Medals and I'ri/es. ' ISy these and the careful administration of the estate of the founder, the as.,,. of the Lmyersity have been raised Hom a very stnall an,„u„t to ov.r $600,000. an.l us atmua tnconte fro.n all .n.rees to a smu of about $30,000. I, has thu. been enabled, by hmumg its expenditures to the u.ore essential re.|uire,ne,U. of educational work, to attain a positi.m second to that ,„ no Cni^erMty n, ihe l.,,n,nion. an,l io develop .ts means of instruction in the Facdty of .\rts and the Professional i-aculties on a scale not provuuisly attetnpted in this country, an,l with the most encoura.^in.r re' su ts m respect to Us tmn.ber of student, and ^raduafs and the educational ^enelits actually conf^^tred. It has also been enabled to promote the cstabli.hnteut and further the success of IheoloRical Colleges, which are of the utmost value to the leadin. I'rotes. tarn .lenommation. of this Provitice. I, has obtained h.r^e donation, .'.f bo„l . specmcms and apparatus for the use of ,1,, pubhc, an,l latterly, through the munih- ce.tce of Mr. Peter Kedpath. it has been enable.l to associate v, ith itself ,he\nea. Museum .Inch bears his natne, and wnich will be to all ,i,ne one of the n.ost .Attractive and uselul ol the educati.mal and economic institutions of the city. It is to be observcl. lu.wever, that the revenue of the Un'ive.Mtv has at no time beet, more than barely sulticient for its mainlenauee, and that the mo.i ,i^,i,l ceonomv has been necessary in .uder to enable the stalT ami appliances rec|uired for us actual wor|- 10 I.e supported. It has hence arisen, that through the for improvement in educa.tonal fu-dutes, along the necessity within a {.. years pas, of „,akmg certain large capital payments connected with the estate an.l its burdens, the ( iovenmrs have found that a deheil uhich has appeared in the publishd aecumts of the two past yeirs Intt which they had hopd would have been effaee.l by new sources of income, thre:nens' owmg to the recent and heavy fall in the rate of interest receivable ,m all investments' 1- ntcrease to such an, that it has l^cconte a .erious ,|uestion uhelher thev will W -M: M-% M •■J justified in impairing the capital h\ tiie continuance of educational work on its present scale. As to the prociit position of tlie University fiuids, it may be stated shortly, that while the assets stand at about $600,000, of this sum about $200,000 represents the amounts on the books (below the real values), at which stand the Buildings, Library, Specimens, Apparatus, and other items which do not yielil revenue, and that about $400,000 is the amount of revenue-producing investments. As to the revenue, it cannot at present be estimated at more than $37,000, composed as follows :— about $25,500 interest from investments, about $5,000 from (lovernment and other grants, while the remainder is re- ceivable from annual subscriptions, fees, and other minor sources. This revenue would involve, on the recent scale of expenditure, a deficit for the coming year of over $6,500. After much anxious deliijcration, and weigliing carefully the resources of the Uni- versity, and the loss of usefulness and prestige certain to result from any diminution of the staff of instructors or their salaries, the Governors have resolved to retrench all ex- penditures that can be diminished witiiout serious loss of efficiency, though by so doing they cannot avoid somewhat lessening the attractiveness of the University to students, ])ut to postpone for one year any more serious retrenchments, in the hope that as here- tofore the friends of education may come to their aid. They feel that they are the more justified in this course by the fact that the demand for higher education and for extension rather than diminution of the facilities offered, was never so great as at jiresent, and that any recession from the position occupied by McCiill University, could not fail to place It at a disadvantage in relation to other institutions,' and to have an effect detrimental to the interests of this city, and of the Protestant population of the I'rovince. For these reasons they have decided to bring the claims of the University again under the notice of the public, and to ask, with a view of jilacing it in a secure position, and of enabling it to sustain its present usefulness, a further endowment of not less than $150,000. Failing this, they will he oiiligcd, however reluctantly, to enter on a course of severe retrenchment and of diminution of the courses of study offered by the University. liefore calling personally on the fuends of education, they desire to place before them this statement, in th'i hope that it may prove elfectual in securing the desired aid, and they would venture to suggest the following methods in which such aid may be most advantageously given. 1. J5y endowment of any Professorship at present existing and not endowed, to the extent of not less than $2,000 per annum. Chairs so endowed will bear the names of the founders, or such other names as they may designate. 2. By contributions of sums to be invested for the general maintenance of the Uni- versity. F"or each such donation of not less than $1,000, the donor may obtain the per- petual presentation to a free tuition in the faculty of Arts. F"or smaller donations, free tuitions for periods corresponding to the amounts, may l)e obtained, if