_s « , •> ^:* « i Ki' ^'^, i . i I 1'. t I K^ MMUinoN mr (ANSI dnd l$0 TEST CHART No. 2) 1.0 1.1 A las I2£ ■ 02 [M'^ |4X) |22 2.0 1.8 1-25 i u Hnla ' t. >!P5LED_IMHGEInc" 1653 Eon IMnl^ ~ T'^"' ^«*frtw. Nm York I4a0» uSA {716) 4«2- 0300 -Phon« (716)»^.SMB-r«„ ' « ■ •"■ r..; ■ I Lii •r I I t . *4 i I 1 ■ r. LIST ^ V C-'*. FOK THE TOWNSHIP OF Fdil THE YEAK l: IB SE'JTION 4 UF SKCTIOS,-^, ^F TIIE ;T to CONSOIJDATE mD AMK.Sl) THE LAW KESP1C'JT^'G VuTERS' LIStSv Sim AC post office. 4. The Sheriff shttU iinmediatly upon reideipt of bia copies cause one (>f them tu t>epnitecl up in a conspicuous place in the_ Court House : ^e Clerk of the Peace, upon receipt of his copies 8h»ll cause one of them/to }>« 'posted in » conspicuous place in hia office,; every l^ublic or Se,<- parate School Head Master or Mistreaa^ ishafi in like manner post <ip one on th^ door of ^hejimool-honae ; and every Post-master shall post up on0m\ his ct>pies in his ■% 37 V. c. 4, •. 3. ■■ ■ ASHFiELD.- -\' HJ -[/■':■. Printed at the Skntinbl Job Office. Lu cknw. J .. f. /i. »-dii ':::^^P^^\:f'f^-§^xp3^S^ f. FOU THE •#< TOWNSHIP OF FOK THE TCAK 1 ^UB SE'JTION 4 UF SKCTIOST/^, i)F TlIE ACT :ro coNsoiJDATE m\j amfSi) THE LAW KESPIC'J'I^'C; VuTERS' LIST» post office. 4. The Sheriff ehuU iuunediatly upon rex^ipt of biii copies cause one of them tu be ported up in a conspicuous place in the Court House : the Clerk of the Peace, upon receipt of his copies 8h»ll cause one of them/to be 'poMted inu. conspieuous place in his office.; every public or Se.<- par ate School Head Master or Mistreo^ ishall in like manner post up one on the duor of ^hejimool-honae ; and every Post-master shall post up ontftfTT hill copies in his % 37 V ASHFIELD. \. Printed at the SkntIKSL Job Office. Lu cknw. ' :" ■ . ■-■ ' ■■■■ ■ ■ .■- ;• • ''1^'-: ■ . ■' . , : „.,,,, , ,„.,.M ... ^.. _,..,.,... ,,. ,.,.,. J , ,._.. ^ y y, ■.'■■'■■ : ■■ ■. : •. ; ' '•, ■ f '=■';' "■ ■-•■- • 1 • ; . ■ ■ . ■ ..'".• ... • ■. 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Haimiet O'U'lwy WftltoT • .w ■ . i- ' ••■' PircThoinii Ptfniland Uolxsit Polly Thomai Puntlund Samuel P«oniiit«kf* BamnulK pt 5 an A23 540 O^A iKMt 471 497 002 fill 6;;8 fi39 0t8 SinarioD George ^?t*' 8|Hid«r.-w>n Jamei H K pt I E pt W pt 2 1 !• 1 1 1 4 I 1 4 1 i 8 nt ft 81 82 CrawHford fl 4 t .onth UP pt< m M t. , Dr " 'ranno i K ft 11 . S. X N Pt7 . ; 2 Rum«l Mathew A««d Abijab Rob.in«an (/harlet* KuQciuian .fubn Byan Jac-)h Ryan Riobard Ryan WUIiain Et:,8pt2 apt 7 Ep'iS 10 Ni.il3 • 8 pt 12 N pt 8 pt 12 1 6 4 A .4 9 2 2 ■/■: 4S7 Shaver W. H. 498 Sloan W. J. 517 Shepard Matbew 520 Smith J<Mleph 528 STotbierj William 6?4 Smith Hamilton 533 Swift Dean 562 Smiley Thiiman 562 Shielda Alexander 573 SimpHon I'homv^ 598 Soalea Harria 609 Saunby 8. B, ie& Stewart Tbomii4 585 Stothenw Samuel 5C3 TigeitJohn * 564 Ti^rt Joseph 4''5 Whitley Edmmid 4V5 Whitley John 488 Willis Joshua 507 West Richard ' 516 Wiggins Robeit 522 Wannaoott Jolm' 532 WiOLhThomwi 66t WatewJoho ' 8ptWpt4 1 8 pt 4 5 nransfaid 80 Ept5W:l4i Eptr 8E J'V 5 6 pt 12; \, 5 8ptl2 5 3 nnuthanipton nt DuncMHiU^ 6 " — • S pt a pt 12 4 , wpt8- "i . ' pt« .-. ■^■'■■ -2 .. . 8ptl •■■ ■ 8;--t ■;■.,..■^■■ Ept4 ,■■ ■■■I ■t-J'--'-'^- S w pt 11^ ^ ■ '.■•: '-2 "-^ '1 Wpt4 :■■"' ■ W: Jptl.--., ■.,..■•.$ _ ,. ,.;, , ^8-owf .^ "4^ ■'■:;"•/•■■■'''-■ ■a|r^^.,^;4,:;':^.;,..;:-^ Wpt^ ^4- ; Wpt3 4 ■ 6 4 10 5 Npta2 6 ptl2 4 NptSptl24 ■I ) KoO ; • . V '■ ■ '. ' ■' ; 08 •■ • ( -, 9 %' i^ «( ■ ^ i^^ ■ • ■ : T .. C) :.:A:^ • H--. •'/ur..- • ■ ••Ov ^ 'iXi^--- *' ■ ' •:.ti.-; \m-^ " "/■ ■ J-'i » ■ » -. ,F: > , •■ *■ :.'8't ■ . * ■ ' . ^ 0''-*' a<.:. -■- ■■ ■■..••4^. A • m "■i I .;/ /?•. I thanks L'fxMnnlair* fnm4 fut riproduirgriea i la QAnAroaiti da: /., Archtvl^ of Ontario Toronto , •«^,'S'' lalhy ibility I filhiad on mpr«i« AU on tha rintad ■ay- la ION' 10"). m' ■ ■t toba Id ifttb I tha Laa Imagaa auivantaa oht 4t* raprodultaa avac la plua grand soin. eompta tahu da la condition at da la nattatd da I'axampiaira film*, at an oonfortnitA avac laa eondltiona du eontrat da IHniaga' . ; V '. '■ .■.■.•..■;■ • .• •■'■,- '..'■'■ Laa axiamplairaa orlginaux dont la coiivartura on papiar aat lmpHm4a aont fflnv 4^ on eommanoant par la pramiar plat at an tartninOnt sorft par la darfilAra paga c|ul fioinporta una pmprainta dlmpipiaion ou dIUuatratlon, toit par la aacond plat, salon la cm. Toua loa autroa oxamplairaa oriiBinaux sont fHmia an eomman^antf par la pramMra paga qui oomporta una amprainta dnmpraaalon ou dlllMatration at anytanninant par la damiAra/paoa qui oomporta unsrtaila lin darsymlHilaa suivants apparaltra sur la daml#ra imaga da chaqua microfieha, saionji symbola — »- signifia "A ^UIVRE". la ibolo ▼ signlfia "HN". ■+11 /,»• «i«.^. i.....*..^. tsMaaux. atiB.. pauvant Atra .^filniAa i daa taux da r*ducdion diffArants. ' torsqiia la documsnt aat trap grand pour itra ■■ raprOduK an un saut eiie^. il ast filmi A partir da I'angia iMipMaur ^auoha. da gaueha A drbita. atda haut an liaa, an pranant la nombra 4lmagaa nicassairayLaa diagrammas suMonts illustrsnt la mAthc ny, •■ < ^ f:^ r m (UwUyTIm.uim Kpta 4SH (Uwl«y Hugh wpfi 2H0 (lowitfil .luDiM • pt a 'iUB llAckMtt JiMunh • '' w pt 10 aitf ii»U W. .1. ^ptlO •t21 Harriftiiik llolwrt u w |it 7. •Mu lUuiHii Imkim} « I' U 4U2 Hobi^M .Imiiivh ■ |> n p 6 41M H»v« Kdwartl n w 1-4 1 4'M Huriy Johu . ■ wpt'i : m JluM«y TbomM n « {l 2fld trwin WiiliMD • pt 10 MO Irwin .Toliti w pt U .m Irwin WiUiMu N pt I'i 20n Joluuit«mHMinu«l cpteptS 'J70 Jobiirton lluiiry ■ pt n pt 7 2tK( jAtDVii'tuhii nptnpt3 19 to 7 10 d M« Rub d no 4 , * 332 308 300 368 3tl0 234 326 327 328 330 876 333 306 :»7 364 :8«7 401 .4U 417 028 MO 300 367 371 388 3U4 403 407 .408 :i2i 766 398 Ktllv 'Tohn ^pt2 K««ftfr WiUiani n « pt 2 Kiokly WUHabi « pt KUpatack WUliam 11 « iO e pt RUpftiriok JtNwph • pi 7 Lane Jmum LaononThoniM Laanon WiUiam l^nun Jameii 'Lmuioo Juhn LowHe Alexander 8 10 » a 86 8 8 • _ Hpti* «pt4 » pt H pt3 opt nptj) u pt 4 : N C 8 MurphT Juhii SaUoutfk John Ihroy Boger Moriui William Mallpugh J«NM)pli Mao««rv Tiwmiaii ^^. lif itrohuon Murdoobs pt 1 MiUerD. S. ' pt 1 Mailougb JamM w pt 12> MoMilkit MalcuImAk pt MoLa^hlin Patrick Q pt 1 • pt 1 w pt I ri^e^liitt^ w pt ft wpt8 to pt a pt 6 MoNifl John ttoKayThoma* MoN«vin Donald MoQnoid WiUiam Moiuonftid James SoOrory William oGrory Robert^ MdGinty Hugh MoAuley John MoQuoid James « w ^ 6 .Wpt8 wptU • P^ 8 • • p w pt i^ e p 3 ■ pt B n pt 4 420 O'NMlJoha npt 1 eJ7 e pt 8 ■ Pt 1 Jtd_ _LL .\ n ■■•■|' '.■'■-■■ > . • r Division No. 2. NAME. LOT. CuN. 8t. ti.oMT. 803 aoe ail 307 381 382 899 t«l ^__, DnTJamM Alton VtUeutln* Avar John AngiwJoha- Alton DimUl "Fpt K |it N ptIlS Bpt 12 8|)tl2 Andanon TliomM H pt 12 AndenonT.ChmlonK pt 13 A3l«n ThonuM W pt 7 Aihlcy Imm h B pt B 7 W pt 8 10 in *7r Kptll 10 M« tub div no 3 O 28t 288 319 372 425 Baldwin Sohu Bright ThoniM BUiike Wim»m BlnksRobOTt BlakeThunM Npt 8 pflbd Kpt I EDtii £pt:i •8 i T « ( 8 290 324 334 337 364 383 377 V7 378 379 30S 389 88r 401 481 m ITT 401 418 419 431 278 2791 988 287 823 Goartn«y Mioluial Gnuutoa Robort ' OnuMton Jow^nn Cook Henry Culbfirt Oeonro Ourran Gorntmxui CidnRotf«i^ ; OUraMfohMl CUf Patrick CookS. 0. J. Cook BamiMl > Ckmiy JTMm Onuuton Imum 0«MrOhMrlM Cmmt Samael 0«iiur Henry Oitftwrii^t John OtminRhnm NaUi. Cuningbnm FruioIsK pt Doyle Patrick Sptl BougUM Robert E^S DenMi Dnniek N|l I • Ditlten Daniel Nptl Dennrad JeremiahN pt w pt 2 FeidThoiiUM Eptl Fraeer Robert wpt2 Fergnaoa Jameo w pt 6 Jindlny William Eptft nidigr Thomaa E. N pt 6 ItUaSr TImbmui ' w pt 5 10 7 7 7 7 wC 10 10 9 9 ■eeittbdiTno. 4. WO O EDO ::..-\\''- * O V o ♦ o o o j»if '880 408 , 418 4:i8 ; 7(4 234 326 I I 327 L 328 h 330 'L 878 L 333 a 306 Sft7 t 364 a 397 M 401 411 U 417 M 028 M 906 AMI M 393 GMbion John Olasier ChtiflbiJolui Si>t7 Bpt 10 w^3 10 8 « fJ-V .. .I.rj. Li'i 2',?.''' Division No. 1. . ' V l-:-. 463 490 610 '516 609- 686 587 603 334 541 642 660 683 684 680 :»9r ^AMIL Lot CoNi «T. O 66rt»Enn"3ff»bBr ■' ' 1 i»t tt 494 f<akerH.k M Baker n. 0, , D4 B»kur Pet«r 19 Black- A.atbuii> ^ 44 BuntiiiK Walter [>1 Black John K9 Brfndly John Mi Burnet Tho^ni n Brown VViiliiutt Jli BennetJuhii IN) Bennet Richard Da Benuut AndMw U BurrowB Ge'»rffe 119 Behtiet Juon ; 87 Cesar Henry • J2 Cooke John r3 CumeliuM 'rhomaM M MlwffThoman )4 Oluff William )6 Cluff Honyy 12 Cartwriuht .tohn Si Curry Willjam ii Carey Chorletf N pt 7 aud 8 N pt 7 and 8 y pt 7 and h Sptl2 Ni»tl» Wptll • Epta ' KptWptft ftpta W pt2 S pt 1 wpep'Jep wp6 W pt IS pt ft Ept3 WhKh6 1 E. p. 4 . 4 • i :. » * 3 5/ 1 1 1 1 t T T O X O 00 O .t W pt Jl 4 2. M2 i)tu 'i)t9 E pt 9 E pt II \V pt8 a w pt 6 5 «e«i Mubd no 2 5 O 6UunuahQoqi 6 4' 2 ^e aub d T O O. O no 2 O O Clei)J«nniDKRob«rt5 A 9 8onthampti>i» St. I)»ingann«)n (> Doheety Irwin Dreany Andrew . Ditiher Thotnaif DavidHun Uobert Doak Henry Dunbar Joseph Dogherty William Donelly John DoRberty Jamep Wptl eAo S w pt li 8pt 12 W pt W pt 5 Ept2N £ pt Sotl 1 vyTpt-a 2 NEptft 1 5 ft 5 5- £. 1>. E.D. 539 Elliott John 672 Fielder John 597 Foster Irwin Glenn Jawea Girvin David Girvin Goorley WUUam Graham James Gmibain Jam!M N. GUMFThomaa GtAbamRididsl 3 pt 12 Wpt2 liptWpt4 5iiptNl*tl2 Wptll EptU 9 N pt N pt I Sjut Nttt 1 Wi»tBFpt2 E | &2 a 2 1 3 2 ft 3 1 I 1 E D T O O O O O U O dO 8 t O o o 8 Q O- ■< ■ X-' ■'/ U HS8ft--GfllaBrJSiSilNr W pt» o > ,^ ,/ Division No. 1. ,' ( 463 MO 516 /S60 086 087 sm m 934 541 642 560 683 684 680 ^583^ :namil tori Con, 81. rAJdUln^fJS Maker H.*'. Baker a, 0, Baker Petwr Black- A.iitbun;( Bunting Walter Black Jqhu Brindly John Burnet Tho^rR Brown VVilliaia Bennet John Bennet Riohard Bennet Andrew Burrows Ge^rff e Bennet Juon Oesar H< Cooke ^^ ComelifllEttiiuinaM muff Tho , Oluff William Cluff Henry Cartwtiirht John Ouwy William Carey Cliarlert EpTtt N pt 7 and 8 N pt 7 and M y pt 7 and x HptV2 fivti* W pt 11 • Ept8 K pt W pt 5 H pt a W pt2"^T~^ 8 pt ] wpep'JepwpA W pt E pt ft E pt 3 WhKh5 N pt W pt Ji E 3-4 2 . E>4 2 Wpty Wi>tO E pt 9 Eptn VV pt* S w pt 6 iSK 4 4 4 a » 3 » 1 I 1 i lb. T T T O T O O o tee Mubd no 2 5 O 5 Ihinjjanutiu 5 & 4 5 3 2 4«e sub d T O O, (i no 2 O O ClenienningRobertft A. » Sontbamptoii St l>«;ingann«)n (J Doherty Irwin Df<eany AudreV Diflher Thomai^ Davidson Uobert Doak Henry Dunbar Joseph -. . hugh«rty William S pt 1 Doneily John W ^»t 2 Doghefty Jamef N^ E pt A Wptl E3^4 6 8 w pt li 8ptl2 W pt W pt 5 £pt2NE pt 5 5 5 5- E. 1^. '-3 2 E.D. 639 Elliott John Vielder John Foster Irwin Oldnn James Girvin David Girvin Gottrley WilUwa Graham James / Grqjiiam Jamjes N. GUaiiitflioma* Graham Kiadal dptl2 WT»t2 NptWpt4 «ptNpfcl2 VyTptU EptU N pt N pt I 8j»tNpt 1 Wptlfpt2 Et^2 TV O o 4) O o o t o 2 1 3 2 3 3 1 1 1 ^1^ E D t 8 o "XT -H!i8»-~Gialiiin^m*i W pt » ;/ 'V' 4M 476 477 480 482 im 4i8 409 000 001 COS foa 014 ■, I . ■. ■ 401 WAh-tm Thomifi 602 O-AhunWilUn-ii 6:»8 OinrinHugli' , V.:,. Btaley llobcrit H«gAn Jaiii«a BatfM) Albert Ragan Hamu«l Hagan Rob«rt Harlow Jawua Harris Ovorgt^ HarriiWilLaui HawkinpJuhn < Harris Thomni Hait^ohn , Hanna John J Hanoa John Jr Hamilton John Holland H«rrv Holland W. H. Holland Jaraea 'Holland Jamw Buir Jowph Hendemon David N Kpt 8 pt *«: Npti \ 8 i)t H\itt 4 I VVTpti " J (Jraanfitrd 1, 2pt 8pt7/l^8 Xpt7 •Ni^t8 it 8 m '": 046 047 00/ f08 063 464 478 47» 0^3 006 057 694 619 008 480 4£1 007 806 462 474 003 093 \e28 «30 068 614 6liS J««rellThoinpv Johnson Th)naa<i Jordan Joseph . Jordan Joseph Jr Joaea Owt n Johston David Johnstcn Thomas ^Johnston 8a «uel .. y,. , JadananWawanoshN ptspt K^y Josenh W. E ptO *^ Livingston Lev 'ns " Leigh Martin Lewis Sapo^el 610 Mailough J'ohn Maiie WiUiam Maire John Haise Janies Maize JemeflJr Mallongh William Mf longh Joseph Monrish John May George Mathews Samuel Maw EUsha Mathews William Bh 4 Wptl EptS Wpt3 Wptn 8 pt 7 . Wpt7 apt 7 Npt4 Wpt7 NEH Ept8 Wptl E pt 2 • Wpt9 Wpt9 Nptia Spt6 8 Eptll , SeiNp6 Spt 12 Sfl2 t 3 4 4 4 4 8 2 1 3 i 1 .4,. e pt 4 >n St., 37 pt subdiv jQo. 2 EDO n I L---- nngannca ptl9 3 U 0::7 ^ eu8 ,089 ' 4S7' 493 017 020 020 0?6 033 002 1 062 I 073 I 098 I 009 i i!60 I '030 I 0C3 064 ' ro 4V0 - 488 ' 007 ' 016 ^ 022 032 06t ^ r,/^ '« V CIHM ( Microfiche Seriejk <IM9nograplis) h- l*^ .!.«' , ■ t ■•^'%-: 1h^\''.^ ICillH Collection de microfiches (monographies) « * .■ - ■' ■ 'rf * ■,-■'"■ ■* ■■'■'■■■ J . ' ~ '" .. . „'* \ ' ■ ■. ' Caradian Iratituta for Historical IMicroraproductions /iiiatitut Canadian da microraproductiona historiquaa /- ■'. \ ' Tl" ' ^ j__ ^;.^ - . •■ . * •/ J ,- _ .• ' % H u V * .r. (j^ I* '•t J ii" '^ V ,iini *■!!#■;..» V7a?. ttvt! .il;!; .<!' i:h>.' f »h n^il »^'.jki.5M*^*; fw 'b*'/ I ;r^-*.' 'i>U>'';)" '»*|ii>^f iJ#»«J« •^ ;*-> 1 " ■ ■$ •"■ •...:... .../:•*.: , ■- J #"'■.■■': • ■'•v-' t' ■ ■■.■: . -■ - • .^- ._. ' ■ ■' ' , ■ ■ ■»■.■."■ , ,. 'l ■>■■ - . f... ■■•;■•■> ■; •^ - . t\'-:i .^T?' Ehl' SS T^&SSST l^t' It Ir U WDaM rtiy tb.t til. whhto iwl i»^^^ b, th. 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M'- ■ wPtSft "Ti;^-v •■■'.■ 5 IS ■•i>. . 14 U I» 18 U U o a w «» M ff w T Q ' O o o o ■<?. 7» S^SMmJ •Pfc41 Ir fS 8likld»F«l« • ii«P46f(irP17 o o o > o i o 9 u 6 « a d o 'O .0 o 'I- o .0 f o o o ■;•■■ o 9 ■■0^ no T T U 1ft fli o o 1 fft4 ^ fffii •obb •nd ■\ ■: ■ ^i i <i '» ■,■»■ V. \b ,**' .^t is ofTMt j««|5> SH OffMilWl Ilwd « u u o o •o 60 \ ■ ' tf u n '««■' .■5'';' ,.1'^ feu isf* o o ,o o o s - IB IS 1^ i. , 19 lt»tb«H>nAlb^Mid'ffie^^|{ u /. o u o ^^ fi7 164 it It 5 m^^'i^'^if o b u P o UWD S iiSSSad Aii»^ ;;^ "ie i*^ 1 ««2&St3S^P ~ • 'wy • O ■ .f. /. 'S '7 4> t If • i ,•'; tM /, . 1 >i il ^^ 4^ -J I'. yg i g;L!i4%^^iiiife' ■Bs^/^MU ;m»£S ...Liii^^^^^ ■f ,«.''■■ 'i'.> ■' ■ iJ'' OS iMMrdDMital — St- '—- - • pk (^It 7M ^ iOtt iSft 041 O O t?0 271 . 9 P l-w* ^^ o 6 ^ >i'^*«^' -f. ■ ./ 'V *c* AMmAht n«22 -^ Bodtortokg tfMUNr IV If U Ir U nwpM »,» Bwp»#w p U ,. up 24 / J» O' u u u u u «• u 'O t. O ' 6 o 9 .0 *»t 5wd , 7«d_ . J.i O o o o '^tl -»Tmzj^::&^ir^ Iv Ir 4t iil Fi«ro»JohB ^ ,Ma jUcbMdMm ^ ttioliMdtcn Bkg» Join ^ < ^>^^'13r J«k£'^ri t ;a.p»sI»Wl>i'^' 9W9 o o o o <( o ".p o » o I o o D .? ^ (*>; ■< w:'- ^ C I ->■' . ^Mtnlmrton W. L Mi Mip9WiI}iMB 810 BiUiMSHnilel , 812 PhiUp»Al«xiMiid«r 818 FbiUpkBugb .820 Philiptf Auxaiidar 374 FhittpB Henry 802 ^entlimd l%niiuM( ' 806 Ph«U&FtdUp 400 Pi«i«eWiUiMn 4l2 Plen>« ThooMf 418 Piera* SMnuel 414 PieMeNatlwniel Bogcn fidward - Bundnum BATid BecdPfttd BomKWQUmd Biddle John . ; M«d«Tdlui Beed JaUM SboM FruMSiB Sp««M JoMDh fitotlienJran Skeorwodd wUliam 314 300 880 276 287 801 818 8B4 878 ^09 404 406 406 410 378 817 366 873 800 801 400 006 n e pt 12 ptlS . 10 ed 10 (308198) i.ptl2 ept 11* -«'■>' ►■:f---'''i'' ' , -■' wptll / ■•■■.: 8 ■■.,■'**■■■-'■ wptO^ ' 9 wptAb7 8 8 ■ pt9 ;•■- .8 ■■•■■":/• whlO ■ 6-.,;-:v/ \' npt8 . ■ ■! ..■■■.■-'■■■■. ««i8 ■. 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HAH^ liT, Con, ^T., 0. orX l80 180 180 186 77 180 81 8S m m J82 83 09 85 25 i2 95 «5 09 26 21 32 34 69 26 66 73 74 79 39- ^OMliuiig JRobMi w pt 4 12 ed Aimwkrony John. ^ npt 7 1'2 «d Anniidtvng WillUuDM e pt 7 12 • d AndiMoii X>»vid ni pt ti pt 9 & la 13 AUdrrw Edmund irpll 12 ed Andratr John F/ • 1 11 n ji 12 ^12 AgbOfr JuMph Ajmtw Jmum iA| Benjamin, AJtpn Vftlantin* BeUfOMph BMnof John Baniiu^^ Thoman GolimdJ»mM Bardett Thomas BMUbon Au5roa Jr. Bm^oa Angua Sir. BaikwaUKiohard Ba]^ Jamaa <rpt4wpt6 12 «pt4 wpt6 12 • ptt 14 « pt 8 ' 14 iwptUwptfill «pt 3 ISwd wptept2l2wd «pt,«ptei2wd • ptl 12 wd wpt5 13 ed «wl 4 14 ed n w |4 Wed 6 14 ed ^p8 14 ed ^ 5^|ber John a W pt a pt 12 11 e d lUaddfJldlui :^...: Bowlar Patridc Bowler Jdm* CnrxMi William 'CamiiMl John OaniHMll Kometh .d^liarl James OaiktweU Patrick CnllNr#liom»Jr Cnrtt Peter CiilbertThomaa OttdiiDflrtsQn John Oonrtkiey John PofleWilUam Hatria BobeH DaTla.Bobert -Sirfdcja Oenutd IHekaon Thomaa rpt do ' do : do • ptepll 12 *M »el>tl 11 ed wpt2 11 wd aptn pt4l2wd .1 • otS ei7 w^7 « ptlft wptU • pl neptl' 13 wd lawd 12 ed 12 » .V.12.V' 13* 18« 14' !!• 97 En»«B. a 87 ;F<»4 Dennis , ^glUbore James Oi OoOdW./. LQ2 aoodJ. 108 Good Geoige nwil I4wd - - 'Mrptai214ed ^^ • pt^ 14] ed i^ «i»wptnp4l4 ed '-* n piail w d sewub dlY No. nwil2 Med ' w.irt.r:-.u><i-L,.;r 'i^L: spt343 ed >wpt4 13kd ' s'wpt4 13mi. set 4 ■■'■■■■ ■■'■,0 ■ ■•. ■■■::;■■'. <>, Meaubd n<^ '■pi:. b b o 6 9 ,0 » o b b :b; ■■-0-- .lb!* o O b b o b T ft. O o o o o !■ ■((^•ir""?! .'S,; ■>■■*■ 13lD ;.v'i'^ali^i» ;/ r » 10 8lllP«dJ)4 i.' ;■<*.*■ ^ too rpiflwJ J««f» B^i2 ,;'0 ,'S tn •■■ fi d Diyilfion No 4 -' JJAME. :'.''l^/'' Coi^'S^-' f;;otl\; i tS Awitfugicluili*,M:nP 7S9 Atfrtin HofgMi J np kit i.' . Jokiv t \np** sn SSdrtk Jobtt \Q pt n Pk » * YJ 201 B«mtorJolm if ^S 7 ttwA .\* '>.' 1 o o o o ,00 •0 (' 1 '• ' \l"l *i 6 ■'■■'■■O :■ . - ■ vt r- " ■ f •■:'': A- ny-i' -■■"■*•■" ■■* . ■ f '^>-. . .■ ■■ b ■■.■:'■■ b^ ■ o .o -o- fjSSK n p k ft 9 eon 8- > •»! 20 L r « WI> p# ' WI» o wd » 4*«"«'^»"'^ % 7 to 12 east 7 toU^d-igr' o t **■ **''^"^ 1,1- ■',' ' , ',\ ' ;■■; ...M, *.^ >i/'":'- ■-■ f - Ot ■ ■ * . u^ •■ MM .j,. jofill !^ TUO IMltoa OUrlee . /OS D*LMnMu)|uMl «8AjlN*ba )!•»«• ^ 6wd fpklS ■t7tol2eIrl2 11 It ir Ir ' It . ir o o u « U A- Hi -« 10 wd kwr' i »'«:l V ,;*► ^A^ O A. i:' ^Jn Jons ' " I : t '.» b % SSSSi WilUimi 1 - pt^V 39 VViyd „ 30 l««k . * .. . lot4on»Strg.t»wof Irw wenlta»..ofKlto1Jtrrt ;2toWjMi^y«>8A« B ;?12»Mitlfilrpkl4wwrt ^' *^ 40ri|rot.»yw** ^«-» 7 . .. .^ wof lTpWlWep«w<rf«?"f 7 toiae«r]MLjuw»«*7^W ♦,» (586 QoodDonftld , MO O^ham Bubert 1I7» ;€tiXik»]^l»<>o^3r 700 ( tit«i*I>«Mad 4ltt 'Heppta»J»»« •?«*! ^ ' 6wd jg^jjs:M*«*» s:2iiirpai7^ o '** o * ;b " O (. o N K, V ■ t»T'.JBu»5«i W. ^^<' — " gtsievw i . ' ,1 <v;v y. V juSaK pt a 13> 6 vi 3 lawd Wh VArthiai,,fptl, _j00Wi«hym~#>wp6 HeDMagh Jolin • b a d d MflCitoin Patrick t h th M«KAyl>unAa9 ^n w p 4 BsIUy Muid .fhl » '^ P/ : Mei^naie l*«t«r w p; 3 in •^M<A«iisie John cpt3 i8 Sdbitoi^.^^m4B! I»^P^ ^ i m m 174 13 tt 18 wd 18 • d' ISid laad 12ld 12nl 12id I2wl; 12id 12id ep»,12sd 14 w4 14wd W 14KD 14n>' 14i9> 188 ^KhKmJolni >^. 808 JTixoii <}eorg« Y I6(fw*y H«my ■• ptU UiBd Vldkering BolXicI , n fit 3 ~' * ' *^- «ptv> npt4 V fiokwing 3«M '< J3M 14 wd Uwd 9|jjiO tiCialiuk Daniel , n pV3 \ 11 e d ^T(( BMP David /laH BawdBobert m^BobbCharlw ^ .B««d;H«nr7 aui iieptt3 la w U 8p»p9l018ed eplfi 13*0 ■ pfcT^ 14BD ndptlOv 14ld ■ pk^^ U*d npt4 .^ HID #V»lil llvrA- i^^lil '' Uwd n 111 184 ' ^Sart Ai«asai^w J n . J»8 BtvoadJamot .^ «tptl< 18ft* BMBMrrlltel J«|9Bf« :^ • \uxS!Ai29i}&m§^, m&^^ spawn iniU«to»)C<ln SitVMHon. TftPM^n _ , BliVMUMtt Janaa npt v<^ o o oe o o. oe o o o e o J., ./ o o. 9 a o tf o o Om 9 o o o o o o I o o ®.. o a o. o o o o o; o~ O' o V- 7 C o. o oT ;e.:: oil nc"^!V}G ^^~-- ,'% 1 i^ li-J, >v. 8 '■^.•. '■■ 107 ti^WmiMB IQS GftaJuiin Audvew 137 GittdiiierW. T. 129 ^•4tt«r WiUltaa 190 OardnfrJ.H. 181 Gardner J. B. 199 ^^uat'WJUiam 89 HMcani^A'riok , 91 S»^etiW»lter M HMrSn IVilliaiik 112 HeTeml^dmat lie fiunttf Robert; j 117 HdfiwIimJohD .; 117 cRubibr WilliMai 128 , Ktinte^ ThflvnlM 128 ^Hunter J. J(Km«pi 168 'Himtw Kennflih 210^M3kettAljex 211 JuoketcJosefiK 224 Bog»njohn . 190 Ibripriii John 212 Irwin Jmuw : 284 Jobnatone Jfne» '285 Jaini«w>iiJ<umL 286 JolmRtoD 'John 287 Johnston Jnojr ■- 221 222, 74 76 87 96 122 187 138 130 130 160 168 164 165 170: m 201 ■ wi>t6 Bwpt6 e pt eh 9 • ptlO • pt 10 nptlO ', n wpttl tt^l n^ptl i«hll • pte «pt7 •ipt7 wpt8 • ptO ; ■ pt9 nwpt3 eptO ; wptO . Wpt;2 eplO l8tD 18ID V2pi>' 12«l> 12bd 12IID lHwd. 12 ed , ISlD ISlDi lOCD . 13u» 12n> 13bd ISkd . Xkm llw> llip llUP 11«D ■» v^.^ ./. i7',^ Q ■ O : ■? , , o ♦ ■'-.» •».||0 o .0 o o . p' > o p «iC II 14lD Ktao epfe«pi$ :if ptkptit ■Vpt4; ■■;■ llpt4v. P o :. ir . , .,ir.d..ij, il set mib div no*.fti llwd, <• o 12wd li ^ '. P KiikSunu«a , i. -n A <il 14 wd Une WmiMn ^Lanie Jphn ep3 e-pt3 li eid llwd 4," MafehMon Kenn^ w pt 3 Hatheson I>ug^d w pt 2 MniddaoH, Doftald e pt 1 68 9IatheB0& Joh^ MatheaanBiigfia Miirdoch Alex Morriibn Patri^ Manser James ; Hnrdofsh John ^ M<»riMn Angns MmjragrJphn j m MuRarWmiain MurtayDonaldH ' itnrrair John ii Itwrdoch WiHiam Jlanea >b»t- wTi2 wh2 \ n pt 4 lehehS »|»tl2 - ■ t*12 itfptnpSS fspiijplSa 8 pt a npt2 . ' n^pt 2 + '■] eql ' i pt IS 12 wd 12 wd ISWD 12 ed 12BD 13m>. 12BD : 12ID 13ed 13be ' 13lD 14wd Uwd 14wd I4wd Uwd 14wd. llKd :4Mt HnlUnAn^w vi > " % ■.% MoKenaiiB AIqs. L. W pt 4 IfoHlnnia John n e q4 tttthUlllP P P d o a o o o X> p p p p p o P p d a * HIkd 18wd 18wd 4 PO 7 ,.-A ..^ A**^' / ^IfT TMdnicil and BiWMrppiite NoIm / No«m tMhniHUM cl MbMofrajphiqiiM TlM Imtitut* hM amm^tid to obtain tha bMt o^ifinil eopv.MailaMa for f ilmina. Faaturat of this eof^ wrtikh may ba MMiofraphkallv uniqua. vrtiich may alW of Hm imaiat in ttia ^aproduetion, or whidi n|(ay ii«nif icantiy ctianfa tiia ummI niathod of f iiniiiif . ara chacfcad balow. QColourad eovars/ CouvtrtHra da c<Nilaur QCovart damagad/ Couwartiifa andpmi □ Covart rattorad and/plr laniimMiMi/ Cduvartura rattai^fto «^ou pai(licurte Q Co«ar titia mininf/ I.* titra da counartura m □ CokNwad mapa/ Carlit fiographiquai an □ Coloorad ink n.a. Eiicra da epulaur (i^a. 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Toua laa autroa oxamplairaa origlnoiut sont film(Aa an commonpant par la pramMra paga qui eomporto uno amprointo dlmproaaloH ou dllluattation ot onytarminant par la daml4ro/pago qui comfMrta unytalla syrobolos suhrants spp«raltra sur Ui Imaga daithaquo mieroficho. salonJ« symbdo -i»> signifio "A 8UIVRE". lo bolo ▼ signlflo "FIN". ' ■^'-■^^iy.:: 'W{' eartosr planchaa. tiblaaaic. ate., pauvant Atrsi fUmis i daa taux do rMuetidn dlffAranta. torsquo lo doeumont ost trap grand pour itro : roprodult on Un soul olldM. II ost filmi i partir da I'angia supMaur ^aueha. da gaucho * droito. ot do haut an baa, an pranant la nombro , (llmagaa nAeasssira. LSs diagrammas suivsnts lilustrant la m*thodo, • • *